#rest in peace my darling anne
izzy140105 · 4 months
On this day in 1536, this beautiful woman finally found peace 🤍
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
For the requests: Steve has a good relationship with his parents & when they come back from wherever & someone (Nancy/Robin) tells them about the UD & his parents react by calling out every single adult involved. Maybe he got badly hurt, & they were called in & upon finding out they call out Joyce, Hop, Owens & Murray for the way no adult inthese kids lives had any clue about what their kids were going through. Nor were their parents given notice esp bc having underaged kids sign NDAs is not legal nor legally binfing (Maybe all the parents of the party kids are there and get all the info just like the Harrington's)
MY DARLING! LIGHT OF MY LIFE! HONESTLY this one hit different. You know how much I love making Steve suffer and when he has good parents, a lot of his suffering disappears. But it was nice to branch out a bit. Also finally some common sense! KIDS SHOULD NEVER BE SIGNING AN NDA THEMS THE FACTS! Steve's parents are here to fight for everyone so WELCOME TO THE CHAOS OF STEVE'S OVERPROTECTIVE LAWYER PARENTS! - Mickala ❤️
Steve Harrington had managed to avoid the hospital for years. Not because he shouldn’t have gone, but because he refused to go.
But this time, he was unconscious, which means he didn’t have a choice.
And now, staring at his parents’ shocked and appalled faces next to his bed, he realized he wished he’d just died, actually.
“This happens…often?” Anne Harrington asked Dr. Owens, who looked like he wished he was also dead.
“It does happen more often than we like. But it appears to be fixed now! Steven has been a wonderful asset to us, which is why we want to make sure he is comfortable and all his medical expenses are paid.”
He handled that well, Steve thought.
“And this is the first time anyone has bothered to call us?” Richard Harrington asked much too quietly.
That was his ‘I’m about to lose my shit’ voice and Steve didn’t have the energy to deal with it.
“I do apologize, we had to deal with enough NDAs as it is,” Dr. Owens replied, not realizing that he was speaking to two lawyers who were about to ruin his life.
Steve let his head rest against the pillow of the hospital bed, sighing.
“At what age did Steve sign his first NDA?”
“I believe he was 16.”
“And did he have a lawyer present?” Anne didn’t wait for a response before continuing. “I can tell you he didn’t. We’re his lawyers and we were not even called. Are you the one in charge of this shitshow?”
It wasn’t often Anne Harrington said a curse word. Steve only ever heard it a handful of times, usually after hanging up with a client who would lose their case.
“I am one of the people who is tasked with this, yes. But if you don’t mind, I need to check in with a few people before I can truly devote time to this conversation.”
“Oh, please. Continue on with your day. Don’t mind us sitting next to our son in the hospital.”
Dr. Owens sighed, knowing this fight was barely even starting, and left the room.
Steve’s parents turned to him.
“How many concussions have you had?”
“Why didn’t you call us?”
“Who else knows about this?”
“Will this happen again?”
The questions were too much, and Steve’s head was pounding. He couldn’t do this right now.
“Jim Hopper? I thought he died.”
Admittedly, his parents had been out of town for a while. They didn’t know Hopper was back as of a few months ago, and probably didn’t realize he’d taken over as chief again.
“He didn’t. He’s around here somewhere.”
“He knew about all this?”
“Mom, I love you, but my head is splitting down the middle. I need to stop talking.”
Anne slowly brushed her hand through his hair, planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Of course, honey. We’ll be back soon. Do not sign anything without us here, okay?”
His dad briefly touched his shoulder before they both left the room.
Finally, some peace and quiet.
Until he was woken up by yelling.
Not just any yelling. Richard Harrington yelling.
If he wasn’t chained to the bed by an IV and blood transfusion bag, he would be up and in the hallway.
Apparently, he didn’t need to worry, though.
His mom came into the room, leaving the door open to the hallway so he could hear everything.
“I’m glad you’re awake, honey. We have a lot to talk about.”
“Who is he yelling at?”
“Every adult who didn’t bother to take care of you the way they should. Not just you, but all of these kids,” she said, tone more annoyed by the second.
“I don’t understand.”
“Honey, you’ve been protecting these kids in ways you never should have had to. All these adults who were involved never told any of us what was going on. They let you keep standing in the line of fire, getting hurt, seeing things you shouldn’t have to and never even bothered to call us. You signed NDAs with the government without parents or lawyers present. That alone is illegal, do you understand that?”
“So I’m in trouble?”
“Oh, honey, no. You’re not in trouble. Your dad’s having a few words with the chief and Dr. Owens.”
Steve tuned in to what was being said in the hall.
“I cannot fathom what you’ve done. Expecting these children to save this town, the world, and not even have their own parents know? Who are they supposed to turn to? You? And what have you done to help them? As far as I’m concerned, you should be arrested and imprisoned. If I have anything to say about it, you will!”
“Mom, can you please get him to stop? I know he’s upset, but Hop really protected us a lot, okay? And Dr. Owens was just doing his job.”
“A lot of people have just been doing their jobs instead of considering that maybe children shouldn’t be responsible for defeating actual monsters.”
Well. Yeah, she did have a point there.
“Where is everyone?”
Anne sat on the edge of his bed, holding his hand, running her thumb along the back of it.
“The Munson boy is in the room next door, he’ll be okay. Robin is home with her parents. Most of the kids are now with their parents, but that Sinclair boy is still being watched for concussion symptoms.”
Steve sighed with relief.
No one was lost. Everyone had pretty minor injuries. Maybe he was able to protect everyone.
“That Dustin boy is relentless,” Anne said with a smile. “He really looks up to you.”
“Yeah, he’s like a brother to me.”
“His mom didn’t know about any of this either, did she?”
Steve thought about it.
Honestly, she probably had some idea. Maybe not of the real details, but she had to know Dustin was involved in something he couldn’t talk about. Same with most of the parents.
But Steve’s parents were gone a lot. Their main office was in Boston, and they would often have to travel around the country for their clients. He was used to not seeing them, only getting to talk to them on the phone once or twice a week.
It’s easy to hide shit over the phone, and when they did manage to make it home, the Upside Down monsters were safely tucked away underground.
They had no way of knowing anything was wrong. He did it on purpose, just like all of the kids did.
Even without signing the NDAs, he’s pretty sure they wouldn’t have told their parents.
“I think we just thought we were protecting you guys.”
“Honey, it’s not your job to protect us. It’s our job to protect you.”
She looked so sad.
Steve didn’t want her to be sad.
“Mom, you couldn’t have done anything. And we’re all safe.”
His dad walked in the room, face red. He closed the door behind him and ran his hand over his face.
“Doctor said Steve can go when the nurse comes to disconnect him from everything soon,” he said, coming to sit in the chair by his bed.
“That’s good news. We’ll get you home and settled. We canceled our flight out so we can stick around for a while and make sure you’re okay,” Anne said with a smile.
“You guys don’t have to cancel your trip. Your clients need you.”
“Not as much as you need us, son,” Richard said, giving him a soft smile.
“I’ve handled it before, though.”
“And you shouldn’t have. Trust me, this town, the government, they’ve got a shit storm coming and I’m leading it,” his dad huffed.
A knock interrupted Steve’s response, the door opening slightly before they answered.
“Steve? You okay?”
Steve’s parents looked at the door, then back at Steve, who was doing his best to hide the fond smile on his face.
It wasn’t working though, not when he saw the way Eddie was trying to take inventory of his injuries from across the room.
“You can come in, Eds.”
“Who’s this, honey?” Anne asked.
“This is Eddie.”
“Oh! You poor thing. I heard all about what you’ve been through. Let me just say, if we had caught wind of it earlier and knew you were Steve’s friend, we would’ve been representing you in court,” Anne rushed to say, her hands fluttering over Eddie’s when he got next to the bed.
Eddie’s wide eyes would have been amusing if Steve didn’t worry that he might run for the hills at the care his parents showed.
“Uh. Thank you?”
“Do you need anything right now? Do your parents need anything?” Richard asked, sitting forward in his chair, business face on.
“Um, just me and my uncle, but no. I’m heading home, but wanted to check on Steve before I go.”
“Of course! You guys are close friends?”
It was an innocent question. His parents just liked to know who was in his life, that’s all. But Eddie looked at him with panic written all over his face.
Steve gave him a small smile, then turned to his parents.
“Actually, he’s my boyfriend.”
They were quiet for a moment, which Steve expected. No matter how well he thought they’d take it, he knew it would be a shock.
But his parents didn’t let him down.
“How long have you been together, Steve?”
“Since March. Four months?” He watched as Eddie started to back away, probably expecting the worst.
Anne smacked Steve’s arm, forgetting for a moment that he was in the hospital for a reason.
“Sorry,” she said before crossing her arms. “You’ve had a boyfriend for four months and didn’t tell us? We could have come back and arranged dinner to meet him. I’m so sorry our son is rude, Eddie. He wasn’t raised that way, I assure you.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped.
“Um. What’s happening right now?”
“We’ll be home for a while to make sure Steve is alright. We’d love to have you over for dinner soon. With your uncle if you’d like,” Richard added as Eddie just stared between them.
“What do you like? I just got a new cookbook that has so many European dishes I want to try. Are you a fan of Polish food? You know what, no, what about Greek? We haven’t had good Greek food in so long.”
Steve was laughing, he couldn’t help it.
“Steve, what the hell is going on here?”
“Eddie, that’s my mom, Anne, and my dad, Richard. They’re kind of the best, and apparently they want you and Wayne to come for dinner. Think you can find time in your schedule?”
“Oh dear. Do you have a concussion? They should monitor you kids better,” Anne worried, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks and look in his eyes. “Should I get a nurse?”
“No, mom, he’s okay. He just expected you two to freak out.”
“About what?”
“The fact he’s a man.”
“Oh! I do suppose that’s a reasonable concern.”
“Eddie, let me ask you this: do you make Steve happy?” Richard asked.
“I think so.”
“And he makes you happy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then it sounds like we have no reason to be upset. Now, dinner? Maybe tomorrow night?”
Steve laughed loudly.
“Eds, come here,” Steve gestured for him to come closer.
Eddie moved next to the bed, his arm bandaged, and a new cut with stitches in it on his forehead.
Eddie leaned in.
Steve leaned up and kissed his lips. Just a quick peck, just enough to get the point across that this was really okay and really happening.
“Tomorrow at 6?” Steve asked before he pulled away completely.
Eddie nodded.
“And please bring your uncle, we need to discuss our plan for a lawsuit on behalf of all of you,” Richard spoke up from his chair.
“Oh. Yes, sir.” Eddie pulled away from the bed, nervously playing with his rings.
“Richard is fine, son.”
Eddie was blushing, which Steve was absolutely going to make fun of him for later.
“See you tomorrow, then?” Eddie asked awkwardly.
“Love you, Eds.”
“Oh. Uh. Yep. Love you too, Stevie.”
He raced out of the room, leaving Steve and Anne laughing quietly.
“Poor boy. Didn’t know what to do, did he?”
“No, I think he isn’t used to a positive reaction when people find out about him.”
“His uncle knows about you two, though, right?”
“Yeah, Wayne’s been great.”
“Good. Well, I’m going to find a nurse so we can go home. You should be comfortable in your own bed.”
“And I am going to make a quick call to my buddy in Chicago to see if he can pull some information on this Owens guy. We have a lot of work to do.”
Steve was used to this. For some kids, maybe this wasn’t good parenting. Maybe his parents being gone for a lot of his life had a negative impact.
But Steve never doubted how much they loved him. They still came home for every birthday, every Christmas. They still managed to take a family vacation every year. They gave him everything he needed and most of what he wanted. They supported him through everything, the proof right here in front of him now.
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sebsallowapologist · 1 year
The Older Sallow
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC 
Rated: 18+
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: cursing, mentions of death/murder, at first this was going to be a fun little Sebastian jealousy fit but then it got angsty, oops,
Sebastian’s older brother comes back to reconnect with his brother after the death of their Uncle Solomon. Sebastian tries to make peace but it seems his brother can’t help but flirt with his girlfriend.
(Older Sallow brother inspired by this from @deathlysallows​ - the whole post is seriously amazing.)
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When Sebastian was young he used to worship the ground his brother walked on. Six years older than him and Anne, Henry was everything Sebastian wanted to be, until their parents died. 
Before they passed Sebastian had worshipped the ground Henry walked on. He was cool, knew how to talk to girls, and was one hell of a quidditch player. But after the Professors died, and the kids were moved into Solomon’s home in Feldcroft Henry become more distant. Never coming home from school for the holidays. Spending summer breaks working with friends - always an excuse to not come home. Henry dropped out of school his sixth year, and after that wouldn't even respond to Sebastian or Anne’s owls. Suddenly Sebastian was invisible. He felt like he’d lost his parents and his brother in one swoop.
He was 10 when Sebastian stopped hearing from his brother, until one morning at his sixth year, a letter was dropped off next to his plate one autumn morning.   
The name above the return address in the upper left corner made him freeze. 
H. Sallow.
“Right Sebastian?” His girlfriend asks. “Sebastian?”
“I’m sorry darling, what was that?” He asks, not taking his eyes off of the cream envelope in his hands. “I said it’s quite cold today - are you alright?” 
“Yeah uh- I just remembered that I left my charms book in my room. I’ll meet you there, yeah?” He says, hopping up from his seat and giving her a quick peck. 
Ominis furrows his eyebrows. “Sebastian?” 
“I’ll see you there!” Sebastian reiterates, waving behind him as he walks out of the great hall. 
He makes it down the hallway and ducks behind a statue, ripping the letter open now that he has a semblance of privacy. 
I’m going to be in Hogsmeade next week, I have to visit for work and I thought we should get together. Catch up as brothers and all. I’ll be staying at the Hog’s Head Inn. 
Let’s meet on Friday for a drink. Anne tells me you have quite the pretty girlfriend, she’s of course welcome as well. 
Anne? Henry had been in contact with Anne? 
Sebastian stuffs his note in the inside pocket of his robe and turns, making his way to class before his head starts to spin. 
Later that night Sebastian and MC are relaxing in the Slytherin Common room, MC resting most of her body on Sebastian’s as she reads from her novel, and he thumbs through his ancient runes notes. 
“My brother send me a letter.” He brings up quietly, breaking the peaceful silence. MC’s head shoots up to look at her boyfriend, locking eyes with the brunet. “Brother? You have a brother?”
“I do. Henry, he’s six older than me.” 
“How do I not know you have a brother?” 
Sebastian shrugs, trying to wave off the history he has with his older sibling. He never liked talking about his brother, keeping his mind from wandering on where he was, or if he was alright. Ominis was the only one he’s ever really spoken to about Henry. He rarely even brought up the subject with Anne.
“He moved out a while ago, we’ve grown apart.” He says casually. “But he’s uh- spoken to Anne and I want to see if, maybe, he says something that could help us be... normal again.”
“That’s great, Seb.” She smiles, patting him on the chest. “It’ll be nice to talk to family.”
“Yeah.” He mutters, not really believing the chat will be all that nice. “Would you come with me? It’s at Hog’s Head on Friday.”
MC grabs his hand and squeezes, “I’d love to go with you.” 
Sebastian squeezes her hand back, kissing her knuckles before he returns to his notes. 
On Friday MC follows her boyfriend into the run down pub in the Hog’s Head Inn, scanning the room for whoever could be Sebastian’s mystery brother. She spent the last week trying to wrap her head around the fact that he boyfriend had a while sibling she didn’t know about. She knew how much Sebastian missed his sister, maybe reconnecting with an estranged brother could help heal that hole in his heart a bit. 
MC was thrown. The man in front of her looked just like Sebastian, but he was just.. older. More mature, he was just Sebastian but... filled out. Well cared for stubble graced the man’s chin, making him look just the right amount of rugged. Familiar warm brown eyes met hers and a smile made the freckles on his cheeks dance. He was dressed well, keeping up with the most up to date fashion trends, wearing nothing that would be sold in Hogsmeade. 
“Sebastian!” The man says standing up from his seat at a table next to the big window. Sebastian drop’s MC’s hand to hug his brother, clapping his hand on the man’s back. 
It’s like all the nerves had melted off of Sebastian as they hugged, like the time wore on both of them. 
They pull apart and his brother turns his eyes on MC. “Merlin, Anne was right she really is a beauty.” MC blushes, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Anne’s very sweet.” 
“Henry. Henry Sallow.” the man says, pulling MC into a hug. “Oh!” She says, surprised at the contact with the borderline stranger. He’s practically holding her up in his arms, her toes were the only part of her touching the ground anymore. 
She chokes out her name as an introduction and Sebastian puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder, signaling him it was time to let go. He lets MC down, but his hand lingers on her lower back. Despite the warm greeting, Sebastian has the urge to cut his brother’s hand off at the wrist. 
“Sit! Sit! I have some fire whiskeys coming for us.” Henry says, sitting back down in his chair. He turns his attention toward MC, angling his body to face her. “So tell me about yourself, you’re a Slytherin?” 
“Uhm.” MC says, she wasn’t expecting to be the one in the line of questioning. Looking at Sebastian she tries to catch his eyes, but he’s looking off at the wall, studying a picture like it’s his favorite book. An intensity in his eyes she’d never quite seen before.
“Yes, I’m a Slytherin. It’s how I met Sebastian. It’s so nice you reached out so you two can connect.” She smiles, trying to kick the conversation onto the reason they’re all here. Sebastian looks back at his brother, waiting for him to say something. 
“I was a Gryffindor back in the day. I was actually quite shocked when Anne and Sebastian were both Slytherin. They must take after our parents more that I.” 
“Ah. Okay.” MC says, sitting back in her chair. Okay, Handsome? Yes. Smart? Maybe not. She feel’s Sebastian’s leg bouncing under the table and she puts a hand on his knee. 
The contact snaps Sebastian out of whatever disassociation he was swimming in and he locks eyes with his brother. “Why are you here, Henry?” 
“I told you, I’m here for work.” 
“No. Why are you here as in why are you here, inviting me for a drink like we haven’t seen each other in six years!” 
“A man can’t want to catch up with his only brother? You’ve grown!” 
“Be serious, Henry. You don’t disappear for six years and then talk to me like nothing’s happened.” Any good feelings had ended at that hug. 
Henry’s face fell, no longer trying to be charming about any of this. He leans his forearms on the table. “Anne told me what happened last spring, what happened to Solomon.” 
Sebastian jumped back in his seat like Henry had slapped him. 
“No. No.” Henry says, putting his hand on Sebastian’s forearm. “I just- Anne found me looking for family. She’s alright? I have her staying with me in London.”
“London?” MC can practically see Sebastian’s wheels start turning on how he’s going to get to London to see his sister. 
“I think you did the right thing.” Henry tells him, and Sebastian stills. He pulls his arm away from Henry’s embrace. 
“What are you talking about?” Sebastian asks and MC coughs, catching the waitress come around with the fire whiskey. “Sh!” She says and the boys stop, sitting up straight in their seats. 
As soon as the drinks are down the two of them take the small glass in their hand and knock back the drink, putting the glasses back down on the table at the same time. Merlin, as tense as this all was it was like seeing the same man six years apart. 
“Anne is upset now, but she’ll get over it. You know how dramatic she always was.” Henry says, shaking his head with a smile on his face like he was recalling a lifetimes worth of memories with Anne. 
“How are you so unserious about this?” MC whispers, sitting back in her chair and taking her fire whiskey in one go as well. 
Henry opens his mouth but Sebastian’s cutting him off. “Are you bloody kidding me? I did- what I did was horrible. I have nightmares about it, I feel- so much guilt and it’s nothing to you?” 
“I’m just not surprised. You know how Solomon was.” Henry says defensively. 
“And don’t tell me Anne is being dramatic, she has every right to hate me.” Sebastian’s hands were shaking. “You show up here, after not talking to me for ages, flirt with my girlfriend, and then tell me the thing thats been keeping me up at night isn’t a big deal?” 
“Go fuck yourself.” Sebastian spits, standing up at the table and turning on his heel, grabbing MC’s hand in the process. 
“I’m your brother!” Henry shouts. 
“I don’t have a brother.” Sebastian answers, his voice unwavering. 
His holds onto her hand tightly, walking them quickly out of the Inn and to the nearest Floo Flame, taking them both to the room of requirement in silence. 
Once they’re there MC just stares at her boyfriend. She doesn’t know what to say, she can’t even tell how he’s feeling, he’s looking behind her, his hands in fists at his side. “Sometimes.” MC mutters. “It just helps me to scream-” 
She can’t even finish her sentence before Sebastian is letting out an earth shattering scream. She clamps her hands over her ears and waits for him to be done before wrapping her arms around his middle. 
“I’m sorry your brother is a prick.” She mumbles into his sweater. 
“Me too.” He sighs, resting his cheek on the top of her head. They’re quite for a few moments. “Did I see you looking all Doe eyed at him?” 
MC blushes. “No.” 
“Liar.” he mumbles. 
“Well, I just thought that maybe you could grow one of those little beards?” She mumbles and Sebastian chuckles.
“Even if he’s handsome he’s a right git.” She tells him, and gets on her tip toes to give him a kiss. 
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m-jelly · 2 years
I don’t know if you’ve seen the TikTok or not, but it’s basically a women sitting on her couch recording her husband walking into the house and when he does she starts laughing because behind the door is like a baby cow looking at him and he is like in shock but smiles and pets it. So imagine Levi x Reader living in a farm and she’s always bringing animals home either for foster care or to actually own so one day as Levi comes home from doing something in town or in the city. He walks into you laughing your absolute ass off like tears in your eyes looking at something and when he turns to see what it is, it’s a whole baby cow just staring into his soul. (They do have a farm to put it on btw I think it’s sad when people don’t have the right conditions for any animals)
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Baby cow
Pairing: Ranch owner!Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, fluff, romance, cute, married, ranch/farming life.
Concept: You and Levi own a ranch which looks after rescued animals, as well as welcomes children and families to spend time with the animals. You both specialise in raising horses for kids to ride, which means Levi is often dressed like a cowboy. Levi comes home to the ranch after settling a few business things in the city. When he comes home he sees a baby cow in his living room and you dress it up.
Taglist: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @li-anne @nyxiieluna @youre-ackermine @nbinairyn @thebobaprincess @notgoodforlife @galactict3a @demonsimp6
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Levi drove his truck down the dirt path as exhaustion clung to him. He just wanted to get home to you and be wrapped up in your loving arms. He wanted to rest and not think for a while. He had to hand over a lot of paperwork and approve a few things for the ranch. Everything was all perfectly set up and he'd never have to go to the city again.
Now, it was just you, him and the animals. Maybe kids in the future.
He pulled up into his parking spot and smiled at the lovely wooden home you shared. He felt his heart flutter as he gazed at it and admired your loving touch on it to make it appear cosy. It looked so peaceful nestled in a large field with views of the mountains and lake.
He slipped out of his truck and entered his home. He smiled softly at the wonderful smell of baked goods and home-cooked meals. He knew you'd probably been busy cooking and baking while he was gone for three days.
Levi stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted you putting a bow onto a baby cow's head. "What in the world is going on?"
You gasped and looked up at Levi. "Levi! You're home!" You squealed and ran over to him. "I missed you so much!"
Levi caught you when you jumped into his arms. He chuckled and stumbled back. He squeezed you tightly as he let out a deep moan. "Mm, darling I have missed you."
You showered Levi's face in kisses. "Welcome home, my love."
"I'm glad to be home." He put you on your feet. "But answer me one thing, okay?"
You giggled. "You can ask me anything."
He kissed you and then looked over at the baby cow. "Why is there a baby cow in our living room?"
You blushed a little and stepped back from your husband. "Well, she has nowhere to go and her momma died. So, I thought we could take care of her." You pouted a little as you played with your dress. "It's okay, right?"
He let out a long sigh and looked over at the cow. "You named her already, didn't you?"
You looked away from him as you blushed more. "Peaches."
Levi walked over to the cow and petted it. "Hello, Peaches, welcome to your new home."
He chuckled and ushered her along. "I'll get her to a nice little home."
You hurried after Levi. "I'll come too!"
Levi led the cow to the stables and hummed in thought. "I know just the momma cow to look after this little one." He walked into the pen and moved the cow along to the big mother cow. "Hello momma who lost a lot of babies, I have a sweet baby for you to raise."
You welled up when you watched Levi introduce the cows and the two connecting with each other. You felt touched that the two had what they were searching for. You clapped your hands and grinned at Levi when he came back over to you.
Levi leaned down and kissed you. "Howdy there ma'am. You here by your lonesome?"
You giggled at Levi being playful with you. "I sure am. I'm wondering if a handsome cowboy might keep me company."
Levi lept over the fence and landed in front of you. "Well, I can help you out."
You squealed when Levi scooped you up into his arms. "Levi."
He purred at you. "I love you so much."
"I love you too."
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contreparry · 7 months
happy friday ann! for the dadwc: “Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—”
Absolutely! Here's some f!Hawke/Isabela for @dadrunkwriting!
She has a pull on her, something fierce and powerful and unrelenting. She was like the tide, something that was impossible to ignore or combat. Or perhaps Marian was like the sea and Isabela the moon, drawing her ever onward, forwards and back for the rest of her days. Dramatic, maybe, but that was how she felt.
Charisma, Marian thought as she watched Isabela carefully explain all of the cards in her wicked grace deck to Merrill. Merrill listened attentively; her wide green eyes bright with curiosity as she analyzed every card. And Isabela- Marian bit her lip to keep herself from sighing like a love-drunk fool. A lock of Isabela's curly hair fell out of her blue kerchief and brushed against the curve of her cheek like a kiss. Merrill asked Isabela a question, and Isabela flung her head back and roared with laughter. That laugh- unrepentant and loud- drew eyes from all across the tavern. Isabela had charisma, and it pulled Marian in until she couldn't escape- and she didn't want to. Not now. Not ever.
"You could talk to her," Fenris suggested, a sly note coloring his normally even, composed tone. "She does like to talk."
"What would I do without you to advise me, Fenris?" Marian asked, and she was only being a little sarcastic. Fenris was prickly and angry and brilliant and terribly considerate when he wanted to be- and he was far wiser than anyone gave him credit for. Perhaps he was a little cynical, but after the life he led... well, who wouldn't be?
The point was this: Fenris often had a good idea about things and people. If he thought that she ought to speak her mind to Isabela he was probably right. Marian just wished speaking wasn't so difficult. She had what she wanted to say all plotted out (worked on it for months, in fact). I enjoy our time together. This means more to me than simple fun. I like your company as a person, not just for- but then Isabela would say something with her wicked sharp tongue, or she'd smile and there would be crow's feet at the corners of her amber brown eyes, or she'd drop her head to Marian's shoulder and the words would fly out of Marian's head like a flock of pigeons launching themselves of a Chantry roof.
"Hmm," Fenris hummed, his green eyes dancing with a cat-like amusement as he leaned back against the wall and watched the tavern from his seat. "You'll forget which knife you use for fish versus meat, most likely. Go talk to Isabela."
"Bossy," Marian teased, but she pulled herself out of her seat.
"Go. Or else I shall have no peace from the moonstruck calf's eyes you make at her," Fenris said, and he dismissed her with a wave of his hand as if he were a prince.
Marian made her way around the other patrons in The Hanged Man, dodging elbows and tables of rowdy drunks until she stood by Isabela's side at the table. Isabela, for her part, easily made room for her and wrapped one strong arm around her waist.
"And how is our broody darling elf in the corner?" Isabela asked, her voice bubbling with barely restrained laughter. By the Maker, that laugh was one of Marian's favorite sounds!
"Content. He has a bottle of wine and dropped sage advice, he's going to be a smug little shite for the rest of the evening," Marian sighed. "How are the card lessons progressing?"
"Merrill's a fast study, though she has a few too many tells," Isabela replied. "But we all knew she'd take to this like a fish to water." She sounded proud, so proud, and Marian shared in that pride. There was a certain joy in seeing a friend grow skilled at something, and Merrill's growth from guppy to card shark was a delight.
"Isabela says I tap my foot when my hand's good," Merrill sighed. "Maybe I'll strap weights to my ankles so I can win a game."
"Against Varric and Isabela? Impossible," Marian said sympathetically. "But you have more than a fair chance against Fenris. And I know you'll beat Sebastian if we convince him to play a round."
"We have every confidence in you, Merrill," Isabela declared. "And when have either of us steered you wrong- with cards, that is."
"Always with the qualifiers," Merrill teased. "It's as if you're afraid of what I might say!"
"Afraid? Never, kitten," Isabela laughed before turning the full force of her bright eyes onto Marian. "Now, whatever was it that sent you to our corner tonight, Hawke?"
This was it, Marian thought. This was the moment. All she had to do was ask Isabela for a private conversation, take her somewhere less crowded, less noisy, and tell her that she mattered, that she was precious, that she made life in Kirkwall not just bearable but worth all the shite she put up with every day. All she had to do was unstick her tongue from the roof of her mouth and spill her heart out, and that wasn't a frightening prospect at all, was it? If there was anyone she'd trust to keep her heart safe it was Isabela. She didn't have to be afraid. She didn't want to be afraid! She wouldn't be afraid!
"Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that?" Marian blurted out instead of the speech she planned to make, and she could sense Fenris shaking his head and turning to his wine in frustration. "Here, lemme just-" Marian reached out, carefully grasped the errant curl, and pushed it away until it was tucked behind Isabela's ear.
"Ah, my hero," Isabela teased, and she drew up to her toes and pecked Marian's cheek before leaning in and whispering in her ear.
"Whatever did I do to fluster you, sweet thing?" she asked coyly, and she squeezed Marian's hip in her hand just once before letting go to flop down in the chair and resume card lessons with Merrill. Marian, the heat in her face so fierce that she thought her head might be on fire, followed suit and sat across from them at the table. Isabela smiled, a wicked gleam in her eye, and blew her a kiss. Marian returned the gesture, blushing like a foolish maiden at her first dance.
So perhaps she couldn't say the right words tonight. But there would be a tomorrow, and more beyond that. She'd get it out- and get it right- another time.
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awhorrerstory · 1 year
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Part 2 to the female titan, Hitch is the female titan lol
Warnings: probably inaccurate, smut?, angst if you squint
Part 2
I go to the crystal and once again look at the girl I’ve been in love with for 6 years. She looks so peaceful and unwavering, “I miss you Hitch, I’m sorry for not treasuring you like you should’ve been.” Ever since I ate Bertholdt my love for Hitch only grew, most likely due to his crush on her but nonetheless it only made me miss her more. I hear the door open and steps coming up from behind, “Annie, it’s time.” Armin says placing a hand on my shoulder, “okay just…give me a minute.” I say to Armin quietly. He leaves me with hitch and I stare at her crystallized and peaceful form, “we’re going to help Eren in Marley today with the new thunder spears, I’ll miss you when I’m gone Hitch.” I say placing my hand on the material. “No touching.” A stern voice said behind me causing me to roll my eyes and remove my hand, “I’ll see You soon.” I say to her before I leave the room. I go to the blimp and get ready with the new odm gear, Armin helping me with the confusing mechanisms. I sit with the others and we talk about Eren and come up with theories of his plans. As everyone talked I thought about Hitch. I thought about how she used to tease me, pull me out of my comfort zone and bring me on new adventures.
I think about how she’d almost sleep through the days and how I’d have to wake her up from her sleep causing her to groan and save her hand dismissively at my direction. I smile to myself at the memories but then remember the horrors she’s created. The death of Amin’s friends and comrades, the deaths of innocents, betraying everyone, betraying me… “hey, it’s okay.” Armin says smiling softly at me, his ocean eyes sparkling at me as he rubs away a tear I didn’t even notice was falling down my cheek. I blush and look away annoyed that my recent cold exterior was broken. Armin takes my hand gently in his and gives it a gentle reassuring squeeze. I lean on his shoulder sighing as we approached the shores of Liberio.
~everything happens and they’re back at Paradis~
I head back to Hitch’s chamber and just chill there for a while thinking about everything that just happened. “Sasha was just killed.” I say unsure of what else to say, “She was killed by a Marleynean girl, just some random stupid 12 year old.” I say stiffly clenching my fists, “it’s not fair Hitch.” I state turning to the wall and punching it, uncaring if it hurt. I leave and go to meet the rest of the scouts for the trial.
So many titans. Most being my comrades, thanks to Zeke and Eren they became Titans. After a brief psa and the walls collapsing Armin turns to me, “Annie, all the hardening has been undone.” My eyes widen as I realize what he meant. I get on a horse and set out to Hitch’s resting place. Please be okay you stubborn bitch. I think as I gallop through the rubble and fallen citizens. I open the door and see wet footsteps going towards a closed door. Hitch. I go to the door and open it stepping inside and feel arms wrap around me, “good evening darling.” Hitch’s warm but recently raspy, voice says from behind me as her hand covered my mouth and grazed a cold and sharp object against my throat. I grab her arm and body slam her pinning her to the ground, “never been a good fighter Hitch.” I say holding her arms behind her back. She struggles but she’s to weak to fight back, “everything okay Leonhardt?” A guard says from outside the door. I curse under my breath as I glance up at the door and then back at beautiful girl I had pinned to the ground, “Please Anne…” she mouths causing me to bite my lip; “everything’s fine!” I say calmly, “okay, I’m going to search for Dreyse!” The guard says. I don’t respond but hear him leave. Hitch looks up at me gratefully and smiles causing me to roll my eyes. We get up and I grab her hand pulling her past different rooms until we reached my horse. I helped her on then got on in front of her allowing us to ride away. “Where are we going?” Hitch asks as her arms tighten around my waist causing me to blush slightly, “I’m going to bring you to my room, you need new clothes Hitch you stink.” I say smirking at myself. Hitch scoffs and says whatever before leaning her head on my back on top Of the scouts symbol. When we get to my barracks and go to my room Hitch follows me to my drawers and I hand her a t shirt and new pants, “I don’t know if my underwear will fit you but…” “it’s okay, I’ll wash mine.” Hitch says with a shrug. I nod and hand her the other clothes and she goes to the showers. I wait for her and as I do I decide that I need to get food for her cause she must be starving. I look through my closet and find some noodles and go to the dining room down the hall to cook them. Once they’re done I go back to the room and see Hitch naked causing me to blush, “take a picture it’ll last longer.” She says causing me to blush harder, “whatever, I got you some food.” I say placing the bowl on my desk before going to sit on my bed.
Hitch finishes getting dressed and grabs the bowl sitting next to me. “Thank you for helping me Annie.” Hitch says after a few minutes. I nod as I get up and pace anxiously, “I’m sorry for everything, I truly have feelings for you Annie but I have to protect my dad and sister, I can’t let them die.” She says looking sadly at her food. I sigh in uncertainty, “I get it Hitch, I just wish there was another way.” I say looking at her. She sighs as she gets up walking up to me and wrapping her arms around my waist pulling against her causing me to blush but give in to the warm embrace of my crush. “I heard what you’ve said Annie, about your feelings…” I tense at her words but Hitch pulls away from me slightly to bring me into a kiss. It was gentle and loving and my instincts told me to kiss back so I do. I feel Hitch stroke my sides before cupping my face in her hands, “I’ve always loved you Annie, always.” She says softly leaning her forehead against mine. I hug her and cry against her shirt, “I’m so sorry Annie.” She says softly stroking my hair. I sob and nuzzle into the crook of her neck even though I felt embarrassed for letting her see me like this. Once I’ve finished I bring her into another passionate kiss and she moans from the sudden impact. I gently push her towards the bed and she sits on it looking at me with a slightly confused and surprised look. I take off the straps on my bust and thighs keeping eye contact with a very shook Hitch as I did, “should I do everything by myself?” I ask her with a smirk and chuckle when I see her face redden even more. She pulls me over to her by my waist and looks up to kiss me, her hands shakily removing my already undone scout coat and then my sweatshirt as I took off my boots leaving me in my pants and crop top. “Annie…” Hitch breathed out slowly glancing over my flushed face, “yes?” I ask cocking my head with a smirk. Hitch’s face turns cocky and she stood up surprising me and causing me to back into a wall where Hitch pinned me. I moan as her hands wrap around my wrists and kept them above my head as she began to kiss along my jaw slowly down past it and down my neck, “You’re so cute being submissive for me Annie.” Hitch says letting her hands gently run down my arms to my breasts, squeezing them causing me to moan at the newly acquired pressure between my legs, “such a sweet noise from such a quiet girl.” Hitch says against the pulse point on my neck before sucking and nibbling on it causing me to moan again and place my newly freed hands on her shoulders. I feel hitch’s hands touch my exposed abs, gently exploring them before slipping under my shirt rubbing my full breasts, “Hitch,” I moan my hands slipping into her slightly longer hair tugging gently as her hands squeezed and prodded. I pull off my shirt and Hitch bites her lip, “we can stop if you want…” I say to Hitch gently touching her nape causing her to softly whimper, “n-no Annie I’ve-I’ve been fantasizing about you for years…” She admits blushing and looking away shyly causing me to smirk at her cuteness. “Your turn babe.” I say tugging at her shirt. She takes it off and I bite my lip as I see her slightly larger breasts. I look at Hitch nervously, “what do I do?” I ask her worriedly, “ever masturbate?” She asks kissing my neck gently. I nod, “do whatever you do to yourself.” She says her lips turning to mine for a quick peck, “I trust you Annie.” She says giving me a gentle smile. I cup her breasts and begin to squeeze and pinch her nipples. “Ah~” Hitch moans biting down on my neck causing me to moan back, “Did I hurt you?” I ask her worriedly, “no just didn’t expect it.” She says giving me a gentle smile. I smile back and we begin to kiss more and more as our hands explored our bodies until I got tired of the teasing and flipped us so Hitch was against the wall. I begin to kiss down her body, my lips attacking her breasts as my hands pulled down her panties causing Hitch to gasp and place her hand in my disheveled hair. I place my fingers along her folds and rub slowly to tease her, “Annie, please…”
Hitch whimpers causing me to smirk at my whiny girlfriend. I continue to tease her causing her to whimper and move to try to gain some friction causing me to slap her ass, “be a good slut for mommy hmm?” I say to her as I get on my knees and kiss Hitch’s stomach and light outline of abs leading to where I knew she needed me, “I’m sorry mommy, I’ll be good…” Hitch says desperately. I smirk and rub her folds once again, my fingers sinking in closer to her clit as I kiss down her body. Just when my lips were hovering over her clit is when I began to rub it causing Hitch to let out a breath, “Annie,” she moans her hand gently gripping at my hair as she closes her eyes in pleasure.
I continue giving her cunt small kisses as I rub her clit but when I know she’s worked up I pull away causing her to whine until I replace my fingers with my mouth, “oh-Annie!” She moans as I suck on her swollen clit and she moans under me, “yes, please Annie oh my god!” She moans her head being thrown back as she watches me. Soon I add my fingers into her neglected pussy causing Hitch to moan, “Please Annie…” she begs as I begin to move my fingers slowly. I watch as she whimpers and moans as I fuck her, “Annie, please Annie I need to cum.” Hitch says desperately. I smirk at her humming on her clit which was her last straw causing her to moan out and cum on my fingers, “oh, Annie…” she whimpers her eyes closing and her body relaxes. “You’re so amazing Hitch.” I say to her kissing her lovingly. I feel Hitch lean into me and I pull her to the bed and we lay together, “I want to repay you Annie…” Hitch says breathlessly, “I know but you’re tired, go to sleep Hitch.” I say causing hitch to mumble incoherent things as She nuzzled into me. I stroked her hair gently as she fell asleep in my arms. I admire my sleeping girlfriend in my arms and smile softly at her as I feel my own eyes flutter shut uncontrollably.
-next day-
I meet up with Hitch bringing the plate of doughnuts with me, sitting next to her with a smile, “your favorite.” She says softly smiling back at me. I smiled shyly, “well you did get me into them…” I say rubbing the back of my neck and blushing as I sat down next to her, “you’re too much Anne.” She says giggling. I smile at her happy to see her here after all this time. I hear someone say hitch’s name causing me to look over to see Armin and Connie on my left, “Armin?”
-at the port-
I go to slice one of the Yeagarists when I feel multiple bullets hit me causing me to look at my stomach and see blood pouring from my abdomen and seeping into my now red stained sweatshirt, “Annie!” I hear the scream of Hitch from behind me causing me to look towards her as I feel a sharp pain shoot through my head causing me to collapse.
I transform into the female titan using all my anger and sorrow against the people who killed my girlfriend. Reiner watched me annihilate anyone in my tracks and soon transformed to help me. When the yeagarists were dead I deteansformed to go to Annie. I run to her and place a hand on her head where the killing bullet was and I begin to hold her close and sob into her chest, “no Annie please…” I say holding her limp body. Her eyes open slowly and I hug her tightly, slightly confused on how she was alive but grateful anyway. I see the steam coming from her wounds causing my eyes to widen. Her eyes slowly lift open and I see icy blue staring back at me, “Hitch,” she mumbles softly as I cry against her, “You fucking idiot.” I say against her chest as I hold her tightly. I feel her thumb stroke my cheek and she pulls me into a kiss. “I thought I lost you Annie.” I say to her hugging her tightly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask her slipping my hand into hers. “I forgot.” She says with a shrug. I hold her close as I help her up, her arms wrapped around me as I help her to the others. I bring her to the room where the scientists are hiding and where all of us were meeting, “let’s get going, we don’t have long before the titans get to Marley.” Hange says causing us to nod in agreement and get on the flying boat. Hitch takes my hand and pulls me to a more private area of the plane, “Listen Annie, I don’t know if either of us will survive this but…I want to tell you this before we begin to fight. I just…I really love you Annie, I have since you began to open up and I still do. I know you might not feel the same but-“ I stop her with a kiss and she kisses me back but soon I pull away, “I love you too Hitch, and I have since you started to push me, I always loved that about you, how hard you tried.” I say, my eyes never leaving hers. Hitch gives me one more kiss and tells me everything will be okay as we join the others.
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sporadiceagleheart · 5 months
Rest in peace to stars that are now Angels in heaven
Mary Anissa Jones,Eleanor Cammack"Cammie"King, River Jude Phoenix, Niña Sophia Gabrielle "Sophie" Corullo, Judith Barsi, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Lucille Ricksen, Judy Garland, Margaret Hamilton, Clara Blandick, Terry, Shirley Temple Black 1928-2014, Baby Leroy, baby Peggy Montgomery, Peggy cartwright, Darla Jean Hood, Jean Darling, Peaches Jackson, Mary Ann Jackson, Dorothy DeBorba, Mary Kornman, Mildred Kornman, Carl Weathers, Carl Switzer, Billie Burke, Roberts Blossom, Jim Nabors, Frank Sutton, John Candy, Raymond Burr, Taruni Sachdev, Pauline Starke, Geraldine Jane Jacobi Russell, Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell, Geraldine Brooks, Katharine Hepburn, Margot Mosher Merrill, Ruth Elizabeth "Bette" Davis, Walt Disney, Roald Dahl, Olivia Newton-John, Susan Buckner, Lisa Loring, Betty Jane Bierce, better known by her stage name Jane "Poni" Adams, Mary Treen, Dorothy Dell, Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen, Aileen Pringle, Roscoe Conkling "Fatty" Arbuckle, Ida Kitaeva Raphael, Virginia Mayo, Edna Purviance, Vivien Leigh, Virginia Weidler, Jane Withers, Clarence Nash, Shirley Jean Rickert, Bridgette Andersen, Dominique Dunne, Samantha Reed Smith, Pal, Virginia Rappe, Katharina Schratt, Hattie McDaniel, George Burns, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson, Matthew Garber, Robbie Coltrane, Betty Tanner, Elizabeth Taylor, Peggy Maley, Peggy Ann Garner, Mary Margaret Peggy Wood, Dorothy McGuire, Peggy Mondo, Joanna Moore, Shirley Mills, Wayne Allwine, Charlie Chaplin, Virginia Karns , Stan Laurel, Hannah Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Jackie Coogan, Mildred Harris, Lita Grey, Paulette Goddard, Peggy Moran, Florence Lois Weber, Peggy Cass, Peggie Castle, Virginia Lee, Virginia Leith, Virginia Wood, Virginia Welles, Michael Lerner, June Marlowe, Carol Tevis, Jane Adams, Joan Crawford, Mary Ellen Trainor, Betty Ann Bruno, Anne Baxter, Greta Garbo, William Wyler, Robin Williams, May Robson, Mary Astor, Jane Darwell, Linda Darnell, Lloyd Berry, Pauline Newstone, Jean Hagen, Allison Hayes, Margaret Hayes, Anissa Jones, Sophie Firth, Edith Barrett, Eve Meyer, Taruni Sachdev my edit to those who passed away
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harrys-bf · 3 years
Fake social media | H.S x fem!reader (she/her)
A/N: Not proofread! As usual please send some feedback💌 so i know u liked it!! Also, you cannot take my work and put it in another platform, thanks <3
I only did this for fun tbh, so it might be shitty, still took me two hours to make but as long as i get to post more shit im fine 😭
Face claim: Ashley Moore!!
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liked by harrystyles, zendaya, and 2,468,762 others
@yourinstagram: He fell after this pic was taken 💀
view 23,687 comments
@yourinstagram: unfortunately I don’t but he fell so funny tbh, the poor man had a little cut on his hand and now he has a scar 😭😭
@harrystyles: No need to share my embarrassing and vulnerable moment.
@yourinstagram: ayee you mad🥱
@harrystyles: Can you like… not?
@youinstagram: I don’t think i know what youre talking about to be honest 🤨
y/nfan1: PLS Y/N ILYSM 😭���
@harryfan5: She’s so disrespectful, Harry just asked her not to post this kind of things and she doesn’t care🙄
@gemmastyles: This is just how they treat each other, this isn’t your relationship, mind your business
@yourinstagram: dang 😭
harry&y/nmyparents: PURR GEMMA💅💅💅
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liked by yourinstagram, gemmachan and 5,752,816 others
@harrystyles: my muse.
view 56,797 comments
@yourinstagram: i love you so much <3
@harrystyles: I love you more.
@1dfan: You guys warm my heart i swear 💖
@harryfan7: lindos mis papis <33 (translation: my parents are so cute)
@y/nfan: If I don’t have this kind of relationship, I don’t want anything 💔
harryfan8: fr
@taylorswift: You guys are so cute!!
( liked by harrystyles )
@yourinstagram: we love you tay!! 💞
harryfan3: I really love this kind of interactions, it warms my heart sm 😩
y/nfan1: ^^ FRR SAME
@gemmachan: I love you both so much!
( liked by harrystyles )
@youinstagram: AND WE LOVE YOU
@gemmastyles: When’s the wedding?
@y/nfan: who isnt waiting for the wedding? everyone at this point is rotting for them 😭
@yourinstagram: @harrystyles yo?? fr when’s the proposal? 🧐
( liked by harrystyles )
@pillowpersonpp: Awww💖💖
@yourinstagram: MWAH *kiss* 😚
@harryfan1: I love that y/n is always trying to reply to people in the commets and never leaves behind any kind of celebrity
@y/nfan5: ^^^^IKR
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liked by harrystyles, lilireinhart and 3,634 others
@yourinstagram: golden.
view 25,716,083 comments
@yourbestfriend: YOU LOOK AMAZINGGG!!!
@yourinstagram: ILYY
@y/nfan: MOMMY👹👹👹
harryfan9: Harry is so lucky to have her
( liked by harrystyles )
@harryfan2: Im not surprised, that man has been head over heels since he met her 😭
@annetwist: You look amazing darling!!
@yourinstagram: thank you so much anne!! ily
@annetwist: I love you too dear 💗
@harryfan1: i can rest in peace after this interaction 😩💞
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liked by harryfan6, potato.directioner and 12,824 others
@harryupdates: Harry with y/n yesterday at oregon!!
view 3,478 comments
@harryfan1: PLS why are they in oregon?
@harryupdates: i think theyre there for some type of photoshoot for y/n
@y/nfan5: aww and he went with her, how cute😩
@harryfan6: Me and my sister didn’t want to interrupt them so we didn’t come up to them and they seemed so grateful for that, im just happy I got to see them for a while <3
@harryfan3: How did they seem to you?
@harryfan6: They seemed pretty happy together and harry was in a way looking romantic tbh, he kept his hand at her waist or at the back of her neck playing with y/n’s hair, istg they were so cute, they were laughing all the time and the way he looked at her was absolutely amazing, i literally have never seen someone so in love 😭
@y/nfan8: they really do deserve each other 😭💔
@harryfan6: that’s so cute, im kinda jealous but y/n is bae so Im not really upset😩
@harryfan5: ^FR
@harryfan8: ^^IKR
@harryfan2: ^^^we all feel that way bestie 😭
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liked by harrystyles, hunterschafer, and 2,860,527 others
@yourinstagram: photo dump of the week!!
@harrystyles: pls you know you’re not supposed to post the last photo right?
@yourinstagram: damn, am i in trouble? @jefezoff
@jefezoff: damn it y/n
@yourinstagram: umm what do i do now? @harrystyles
@harrystyles: HAHAHAHAJ
@harry&ynfan4: PLS Y/N WHAT DID YOU DO
@adele: You look lovely my dear y/n!
@yourinstagram: i love you so much, thank you!! <33
@harrystyles: and I don’t look lovely too adele? why does it only have to be her? im on the post too.
@yourinstagram: you’re so dramatic, when YOU post a pic about YOURSELF in YOUR profile then everybody will tell you you look lovely, but that is until you post something so it will be in a couple of years 🙄
@harrystyles: she’s so wild.
@yourinstagram: and you’re still with me, i wonder why.
@harrystyles: i wonder why too
@harryfan6: I have no idea but im loving it 😭
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sunflowerryvol6 · 3 years
Cheat Day Part 2
I don't know what made me write this, but I hope this makes some sense. Dedicated to the sweetest @hstyleswomen @harrysficreblog
Warnings: Angst
WC: 2800
Six years later.
The first few years of the split were brutal. You both couldn't spend a moment in the room with each other without crying or fighting. There seemed to be no end to your suffering, it seemed. But like all wounds, time heals most. You just needed some time to get your head in the game. Luna was your priority, after all.
Harry and you had found a rhythm in co-parenting. He would have her on weekdays for half the month, and rest you would have her. You both would alternate on weekends. As years have gone by, you both have learned to spend more time together, for Moonie's sake. Last year, you went on a vacation too. You, Moonie, Harry and his girlfriend Lisa. You and Lisa didn't have a great start, but both of you decided to hash it out for the sake of your little girl. She loved Moonie as her own, and you couldn't be more grateful. Lisa and Moonie had a beautiful relationship; she was a friend you little moon needed. Whenever Harry and you had arguments, Lisa would take Moonie and excuse herself out of the crossfire. Spending time with Lisa has made Moonie realise that it's possible to have more than one parental figure, and you can love them all the same. You couldn't be happier. You had finally got the opportunity to dive back into work fully and have a support system. That's what Lisa and Harry had become to you. Your support system.
Lisa and Harry met two years after the split. She had always been very kind to you, but it took you some getting used to the idea of your ex-husband with somebody else. So, of course, there was friction at first, but over time once you got to know her a little bit, you both got on very well. It definitely has something to do with the way she treated your daughter.
Lisa was a widow. Her husband and the little boy died in a freak accident. She never told you the details of how it happened, but it was something she was dealing with on her own. Harry had supported her through her grieving process, and that's what brought them together. It can seem odd to people how they got together, but those who know them know they're great for each other. Harry had changed too, since meeting her. He had a newfound appreciation for his daughter and his ex-wife and the relationship they had. That's what pushed him to work through the differences he had with you. He had to find a way to make things work and still be in your daughter's life. It took a lot of fights and compromise. But in the end, you two decided to put your past behind and march on ahead as a family. Even though it's not what you had signed up for in this relationship, but that doesn't mean you're not grateful for it.
It was Friday night, and Harry and Lisa would be coming in with Moons anytime now. It was a tradition you three had started for your little girl. Anne was coming over too. She wasn't happy with what happened, but she made peace with the situation like her son. You had taken the home you and Harry had bought, and he'd moved into another house close by. You both decided you needed to be closer to Luna. Even though it had led to multiple fights, in the end, you knew it was the best decision to stay close by. A few years ago, when Luna's appendix burst, he was close by to drive you both to the hospital and took care of at the hospital. When you have to go on work trips, he is there to take her in. It's an unconventional set-up, but it works.
Harry walks into your house with a very smiley Lisa on his arm. "Why are you smiling so much?" You ask her. She shows you her hand coyly. "Harry proposed to me this afternoon." Anne looks up from her phone, surprised. She smiles wide and the couple "Oh honey! I'm so happy for you both!" She rushes to hug the couple. Luna runs up to Lisa and Harry to embrace them. "I'm so happy for Pa! and you too, Lise!" Harry reaches down to her level and kisses her on the cheek. You were just standing and watching this exchange, kind of stunned. You knew they were serious, but you didn't think he was going to propose. You quickly recover and walk over to Lisa, "I'm so happy for you, Lisa! Congratulations!" You hug her, and over her shoulder, you can see Harry looking at you, and you wipe your eyes quickly and pull away from the hug.
The night goes better than you'd expected. You all celebrated with a nice bottle of wine and stories of how they met, and she told stories of her first few times interacting with Moons. Overall it was a beautiful night of reminiscing. Too bad you disagreed. You'd had a little too much to drink and caught Harry looking over to you every time you refilled your glass. You knew better than to call him out on it. So you just sat in a corner and wished you'd disappear.
You wake by the incessant ringing coming from your phone. It's Harry. It's pretty late for him to be calling you, so you answer. "Harry, what's wrong?" You ask.
"Open your door; I'm outside." He speaks. You look at the time on your phone and get back on call. "What are you doing here? Why'd you call?" You ask again. "Just come out. I'll explain." You get out of bed and wear your robe and walk downstairs to your main door.
"Harry. What are you doing here? Are you drunk?" You look at him, confused.
He walks in. "I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have asked Lisa to marry me. I knew it when I broke the news to you today. I knew it was a bad call. I thought you wanted me to move on, but looking at your face today, I couldn't believe I had done that to you." He breathes out.
You look at him wide-eyed at his confession. "What the fuck? Did you just walk in here thinking you were going to make this stupid fucking argument and I was going to fall for it?" You say to him.
"Y/N, I know you love me."
"Of course, I love you, you bloody moron. I do, and I have for the last 15 years. But you cheated on me, remember? And you brought Lisa into our lives, whom I love very dearly, by the way. So what do you think was going to happen?"
"I can't stand being away from you. Living so close, yet you won't let me come near you. It's been killing me slowly each day." His lip was trembling as tears well in his eyes.
"Harry, you made this choice 4 years ago. You asked her to marry you. Why would you do this to me now?"
"I just need to kiss you once, please. Harry pleads.
"Think about Luna. Think about what you're ruining for her. We have already broken up our family. You can't break it anymore and cause her pain, please. I love you, I do. Very very much, and I can't stand here and watch you ruin yet another relationship, Harry."
"Please listen to what I'm saying. I love you, goddamnit! I need you to recognise that. I need you to tell me it will be okay, and we will be okay."
"We are okay, H. As okay as we can be. Please go back home to your fiancé, and don't bring this up again ever. For the sake of our daughter. Please." You're pleading with him now with tears streaming freely.
You turn around and walk back to your room. You laid back on your bed and cried quietly into your pillow.
You knew what you were going to do.
You stand outside the door of your ex's mother. You have no idea how you will tell her what you have done to her daughter-in-law to be. But you had no one to turn to. So, you ring the doorbell and wait for her to open the door.
"Hello, darling! What a wonderful surprise!" She beams at you. You give her a small smile and walk into the house. You get comfortable on the couch in the living area while she closes the door and comes up to where you're sitting. "Moonie didn't want to come along?" She asks as she goes back to folding the laundry you had caught her in the midst of. "No, it's just me today." You spoke. "Let me put on some tea, and we'll have a good ol' mother-daughter chat. What d'ya say?" She smiles. "Yes. That sounds like a great plan." You smiled.
You both sat at the kitchen island, sipping on peppermint tea and mindlessly talking about things and catching up. You had yet to tell her. "Darling, let's stop beating around the bush, shall we?" Anne says to you. You freeze. She couldn't have known, but she definitely knows what's up.
"Harry came to talk to me the night he proposed." You looked down at your cup shamefully. Anne reached out to place her palm on yours, "I know. He told me." She smiles sadly.
"Yeah, and I can't live here anymore knowing how he feels." You whisper. "Are you going to tell him?" Anne seems calm like she understands how this must feel. "No." You look up at her with tears welling up in your eyes.
She gets up from across the table and comes around to where you are seated. She reaches out to you, and you lean into her and hold her waist, silently crying.
"Everything will fall in place, my child."
You travelled a lot the following month, so it was easier to avoid Harry after that conversation you had. You had spent countless nights crying into your pillow. You knew you had to go back to therapy. You couldn't slip now. You had been doing so well.
Moonie was supposed to stay with you tonight. Harry would be dropping her off from ballet any moment now. You had been avoiding him ever since the incident between you too. You couldn't bear to look at him or Lisa. You just made up excuses most Fridays, some of which you were travelling, so it wasn't that big a deal. You were home to spend time with your girl and back to the office. Today, you'd just have to suck it up and face him. You didn't know what you'd say, but you couldn't avoid him forever. The thought alone had your stomach-churning. Suddenly the tacos you had for lunch didn't seem to be such a great idea. You walked into the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of cold water. You took an icepack from the fridge and carried both the items, and sat back on the couch with your head leaned back. You checked your phone for the time, and just in time, the bell rang. You got up from the sofa and walked up to the door. Opened the door to find Moonie, Harry and Lisa, all standing in front of you. You could see her ring glistening even in the porch light outside your home.
Suddenly you felt lightheaded and reached for the doorframe to steady yourself. Before you could think, you sunk down. But Harry was quick to catch you. Harry knelt beside you and laid your head on his lap, "It's okay, you're okay." He said softly. "Lisa! could you bring her some water, please". That's the last thing you heard before you passed out.
He was still standing behind you. "Are you feeling ill?" You rolled your eyes at him, you tried to sit up, and he helps you. "No, I think it's just the travelling." His eyes softened at your comment, "I've been calling you; you know? Why didn't you answer any of my calls?" He asks.
What were you supposed to say to that? I'm sorry that you want to leave your fiancé for me? Instead, you just shrugged. "I've been busy, Harry. Actually, I don't feel so good right now, so could we maybe talk about this later?" You turned to look at him. He moved backwards and out of your way to give you some room. "Yeah, sure. Can I get you something? I can stay with you for a few hours." He asked. "No. That won't be necessary, Harry. Please go home."
You walk into the living room and find Lisa making a cup of tea. "Hey, you feeling any better?" She smiles at you. She pours the tea into a cup and brings it over to you, "It always helped me, so I figured why not?" You thank her and take the cup from her.
"Yeah, I think it's just the stress from travelling so much. I'll be okay in a few days. I think I'm going to turn in." You asked. "Of course, darling. You just feel better, okay?" She smiles at you. "Honey, Let's head home and give this one some time to rest." She walks up to Harry and puts her arm around him, and sweetly pecks his cheek. He smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah, I'll just go say goodbye to her", And he walks towards your daughter's room.
Harry : I need to see you, please.
You: Come over after dinner today.
Harry: See you x
"Are we going to talk about what happened?" He raises an eyebrow at you. "I think we're past the stage of talking at this point." You sigh. "What do you mean?" He asks. He's furrowing his brows at you like he does when he's concerned about something.
"I'm leaving, Harry."
"Yeah, I have been planning it for 2 months now. I don't know how long I'll be gone."
"I came to tell you that I ended things with Lisa, and I wanted to give us a real shot. Give Moonie an actual shot at a family."
"I don't need to tell you anything, really. We can figure out the details of how we're going to manage custody later over text or call."
"So you're just going to leave your daughter go to god knows where?" He asks you.
"I can't be here anymore, Harry. This opportunity will bring countless more opportunities for Moonie and me. And I need to do this for myself. Now, if you will please." You show him the door.
That was the last time you'd see Harry for a long time. But that's something he didn't need to know.
You didn't know if you'd be able to go through with it. But it had to be done. If Harry were to leave Lisa or not, it had to be on his terms, not because he was in love with you.
A few months later
When you told Anne about your plan, she wasn't exactly on board. But she understood, and she loved you. So, of course, she brought you to her farmhouse for you to stay. You and Luna made an agreement that she wouldn't tell her Pa that you're camping out here. Anne would bring her down on weekends. You'd found a strange confidante in your daughter. Not that you'd go into the details of your relationship with Harry, but she understood many things that you didn't give her credit for. That's how you spent the past few months. Getting to know your daughter, who hadn't been a stranger to your problems with Harry, even though that's how you wanted it to be.
You were sipping your morning coffee as you check your emails for anything you had lined up for the day. The date was looming over you, and you just needed to be as distracted as to not think about the wedding happening right now. You need to occupy yourself with work. So, you open the email folder and find an email from Lisa. She has tried to reach out to your multiple times on call and via text, but you always make an excuse about work or being sick. With time she stopped reaching out so often, and you felt less guilty for moving away.
Dear Leyla,
I can't say I haven't missed you these past few months. Hope you're well. I'm getting married today, and you're not here. In a way, I get why you left. But I just wanted to let you know that I wanted you here, just as much Moonie and Harry. Especially him. But you already knew that, didn't you?
With time, I hope he loves me just as much you love him.
You couldn't stop crying now. You knew that she knew.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Ik someone else already asked for like a delivery part (and honestly, that would be amazing. Like imagine the girls reacting to Baby Mix casually dropping it in their chat). But, also imagine Tom and Y/N haven’t released anything to the public and Perrie (my loose-lipped queen) let’s it spill over a virtual interview or something, how chaotic would that be????
Anyway, I truly loved your Baby Mix stories. You’re combining two of my favourite things so effortlessly. Thank you💜💜💜
Hello my love! So sorry for the long wait, I hope you don’t mind! Thank you for requesting this and being so patient with me❤️ I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Little Mix reader! stories🥰 I haven’t written a delivery part yet but I already had an idea of how I wanted to write this so...here ya go! Happy reading🤎🧸
Meet Aunty Pez
She would be the best aunty in the world, ugh🥺 Also I’m so sorry I haven’t been active, school has been keeping me busy, but hopefully it’ll ease up soon! Sending all my love to all of you💞
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At 3:14am, on an early Monday morning, the bundle of joy that you and Tom have been waiting nine months for has finally arrived. After hours of enduring pain and labor, Amelia May Holland was born. Weighing at 7.5 lbs, she had the same bright chocolate colored eyes as her father, gorgeous brown hair, a mix of your and Tom’s nose, and thankfully she inherited your lips. She was a precious little thing, always cradled in the arms of either of her parents, since they both couldn’t believe she was finally in the real world with them.
The sun casted soft rays of light into the hospital room you and your little family occupied. The warm light added to the peaceful atmosphere you were all currently in. You were sat against the hospital bed, cradling Amelia in your arms, while you and Tom stared at her in fascination. You lean your head against Tom’s shoulder, eyes never leaving your baby girl, who’s nose momentarily scrunched up.
Softly chuckling, you glance at Tom, “Not even a day old and she’s already doing a habit of yours.” The gentle smile grows even wider on Tom’s lips, a sense of pride rushing through his veins.
“Well she’s definitely her father’s daughter.” He hums, his arm around your shoulder pulls you flush against his chest. Tom hides his face in the crook of your neck, placing feather light kisses onto your skin trailing down to your shoulder, where he rests his chin.
“I can’t believe we made her. Isn’t she the most gorgeous baby in the world?” He speaks in a hushed voice, cautious of startling his newborn daughter awake. He gazes at Amelia with a fond expression on his face, large fingers gingerly reaching out to softly stroke the back of his baby’s hand. She’s only been here a few hours and she’s already wrapped him around her dainty little fingers. He would go to extreme measures to do anything for her and to make sure she lived the best life she can. She was to be treated like a princess in his eyes; because she was his princess and you’ve been bumped up to be his queen.
“She’s all we’ve ever wanted.” You turn to face Tom over your shoulder. The whole morning, ever since you gave birth, the two of you spent most of the time admiring Amelia and would burst into tears at how proud you were of each other. Not only had you both just made the most precious baby in the world, but this was a new chapter in your lives. A new experience of life with a stronger bond, full of love, and years of memories that’ll be looked back on in the future.
Tom shifts his gaze to you, the look in his eyes changing to adoration. He tenderly kisses your lips, repeating the actions a few more times before speaking. “Thank you so much for this. Thank you for being an amazing wife and giving me a family. I love you so, so, so, so, much. You have no idea.” He brushes his nose against yours, shutting his eyes, to savor the meaningful moment.
“I wouldn’t be doing this with anyone else but you. You’re gonna be such an amazing dad.” You beam at him. Tom softly chuckles, leaning his forehead against your temple, “God, I hope.”
“You will, you’ll be the best one in her eyes. I already know it.” You reassure him, pecking the corner of his mouth. You turn your attention back to Amelia, who was still sleeping peacefully in your arms.
“So when should we tell everyone?” Tom asks, resting his chin on your shoulder again. You lean the back of your head against his shoulder, making yourself comfortable in his arms.
“I think we should tell our family and friends first. I’m not ready to share her to the public yet, I want her to only be ours for now.” You quietly explain. You feel Tom smile against your skin.
“Of course, darling. Whatever you’re most comfortable with, that’s what we’ll go with.”
(Y/n)🌻: sent a photo
We thought Amelia might want to pop in and say hello to her favorite aunties for the first time!❤️
Perrie🦋: oh my goodness! Congratulations🥳🥳 I’m over the moon for the both of you!!
Oh she’s precious! Look at those cheeks!! I can’t wait to meet her🥺
I’m so happy for you and Tom!! You guys are going to be the most amazing parents in the world!❤️
Leigh-Anne😻: Baby Amelia, you are the most adorable baby I’ve ever seen!!!😍 Babe, you and Tom have some really good genes👀
Congrats you two!! I’m so proud of you both❤️❤️❤️
Jesy💖: Thank god Amelia got (y/n)’s genes for her lips!!😂😂 I can’t imagine another loose-lipped Holland!
I’m so happy for you guys!! I can’t believe you’re already a mum, darling🥺 We love you so much and can’t wait to see you and Baby Amelia❤️
(Y/n)🌻: You guys🥺🥺 I can’t wait to see you all and get out of this hospital! This bed isn’t doing anything for my back😭
Perrie🦋: You must be so exhausted lovey, how are you doing? I hope everything went well during delivery!
(Y/n)🌻: Very painful, I felt like I was about to pass out omg😭 The doctor kept on telling me to push, I didn’t know if I was shitting myself or pushing the baby out😭
Tom’s been amazing the entire time. Bless him, I think I broke his hand while I was pushing :(
Jesy💖: Omg!! What was Tom’s reaction to childbirth?!!
(Y/n)🌻: If you thought he couldn’t get even paler, you thought wrong! He was as white as the walls in the room😭😭 He was a good sport through it all though!
Also, Amelia’s crying. I’ve got to go, I’ll talk to you girls soon!! And good luck with the interview today, you guys are gonna smash it xx
Perrie🦋: Don’t worry about us! You’re officially on maternity leave now! We’ll send your regards for the interviewer❤️
Leigh-Anne😻: Look at our baby mama! We love you❤️❤️❤️
Jade💜: Say hello to baby Amelia and that Aunty Jade loves her🥰
Jesy💖: ^Kiss ass, she’s not even a day old and the competition for best Aunty has already begun smh.
Bye darling, we’ll catch up with you soon❤️
You smiled at your screen before turning it off and placing it onto the table beside your bed. Tom was pacing the room, cradling Amelia against his chest. He was gently rocking her back and forth, alternating from shushing her to humming some sort of tune underneath his breath. You sat back and admired the curly headed boy that’s claimed your heart. Not only was he the love of your life but he was also the father of your child. Sure you guys were young, both in your late 20s, but the daddy role definitely fit Tom perfectly.
Tom must’ve felt your stare because he turned around and sent you a tired smile. He walked towards your bed and motioned for you to lay down. Using one had to cradle Amelia, he used the other to help you get comfy in the hospital bed. Still with one hand, he fixed your hair on the pillow so that it was away from your face. His large calloused hand cradled your jaw, “Get some sleep, darling. I know how tired you are.”
You pouted at him, “But what about Amelia?” He shook his head, his thumb stroking your cheek, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll try and get her to sleep. You just close your pretty eyes and get some rest in.”
“What if she’s hungry?”
“If she doesn’t fall asleep, then I’ll wake you up. Just please get some sleep, love. You haven’t taken a proper nap since this morning and I know you’re already close to knocking out.” He reasoned with pleading eyes. You sigh finally giving in, lazily nodding in response. Tom beams at you and leans down to place a tender kiss onto your lips.
“I love you both.” You mumble against his lips. He pecks your lips once more, “And we love you too, mummy.” The moment you closed your eyes, you were out like a light.
You managed to take a nap for about half an hour until you felt a few pats on your shoulder. You were immediately awake, turning your head to look for Amelia. You looked at the hospital bassinet, where you could see her sleeping peacefully.
“What’s wrong?” You ask Tom. He was sat beside your bed with his phone held in his hand watching something.
“I’m so sorry for waking you, but you should see this.” He apologized with a pitiful smile. He scoots closer to the bed so you can look at the screen. Your brows furrow together in question as you stare at Tom; it was the girls’ interview.
“Just watch.”
“Hello ladies! Thank you for joining me today!” The interviewer started. A round of “hellos” and waves were seen on the recorded Zoom session.
“Thank you for having us!” Leigh-Anne said.
“Yeah, it’s always a pleasure to be on your show, Zach.” Jade gushed. Zach made a show of flattery making them all laugh.
“I mean I guess I should start by asking how are all of you?”
Jesy was the first to answer, “I’d say we’re all doing pretty good, aren’t we girls? You know—just trying to get by especially with all that’s going on in the world.”
Perrie agreed, “Yeah, we’re lucky enough to be healthy and have the privilege to work. So I’d say we’re very blessed and making the best out of situation.”
“That’s great for you girls. AND speaking of making the best of the situation, thank you for giving us entertainment! I’ve been watching The Search and I’m absolutely obsessed.” Zach began, complimenting the show. He continued, “Although I did notice, that there’s only four of you at the moment, and in the show. How is it like to not have (y/n) around?”
Jesy pouted, the other girls having familiar reactions at the lack of your presence.
“As much as we miss her, it’s best for her and the baby to stay home and away from the public. When it comes to your career or family; family comes first, so it was totally understandable.” Jesy explained.
Jade chirped in, “Well, she’s not completely missing out. She’s had a few virtual appearances on the show and we’ve all been in contact, we always know what she’s up to.”
“How’s she doing? With the baby preparations and all?” Zach asked the girls. Their faces immediately brightened with joy, especially Perrie how squealed and clapped her hands in delight.
“Oh she’s doing wonderful, we were just texting her! She’s officially on maternity leave!” Perrie cheered. On the screen, Jesy eyed Perrie warily.
“Officially on maternity leave?”
Perrie smiled widely, “Yes, she is! She sent us a photo of the baby in our group chat and my goodness! Their baby is so cute, I just want to pinch her little cheeks!”
The three other girls’ eyes widened at the things coming out of Perrie’s mouth too stunned to say anything.
Zach squinted at Perrie, “Wait she’s already had the baby?”
“Yeah, today actually.” The blonde answered proudly.
Perrie stopped, looking at the three girls offendedly, “What?”
“Oh my god, she did not.” Leigh-Anne facepalmed herself. Jade’s jaw was slack and Jesy’s eyes were wide with horror.
“Babe, do you know what you just did?” Jesy questioned Perrie, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose in stress.
You paused the video, taking in what just happened.
Tom eyed you carefully, “Your phone’s been blowing up consistently. Pez even called me to apologize, she feels really bad (y/n).”
You frowned knowing that Perrie was most likely upset at herself. You’ve been friends with Perrie for years now. It was common knowledge amongst you and the girls that if something big and secretive were to happen, you were to never tell Perrie. Not that you all wanted to leave her out on propose, she just didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. When Perrie found things that made her happy or excited, she didn’t know how to contain her happiness. So it wasn’t completely a surprise to learn she’s told the world you and Tom were finally parents.
Tom noticed that you were still quiet, “Are you mad, darling?”
You shook your head, “No—no, I’m not mad at her. I know Perrie can get too excited sometimes.”
“So you’re okay with this?” Tom asked you, knowing that just an hour ago you said you wanted to keep Amelia away from the public. His hand reaches for yours, grasping it.
You tilted your head at the ceiling, “Yeah, I guess I am? I mean it’s not like she said Amelia’s name or anything. All she told them was that I gave birth already.” You paused and turned to look at Tom.
“Plus, I think she’s saved us the trouble of figuring out how to tell the world about Amelia.” You send him a smile. He reciprocates the action and brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “We don’t have to tell them anything more. All they have to know is that you’ve given birth and our little princess is healthy. Also that we’re very happy. The rest of the details will only be for us. For now.”
“For now.” You confirmed squeezing his hand. You glanced at your phone and motioned for Tom to give it to you. Scrolling through your contacts you clicked on Perrie’s name, “I guess we should call her and thank her.”
You clicked on the FaceTime icon and not even a second later, Perrie immediately answered the call.
“I am so sorry.” She apologized, hand covering her face. You chuckle at her and shake your head, “We’re actually calling you to thank you Pez.”
Her face contorts into confusion, “What do you mean thank me? I just exposed the two of you during a live interview.”
Tom poked his head into frame, “Well one, you’ve announced that Amelia’s here already, so that’s one thing off our list. And two, you just saved me months worth of relief during interviews. Now that everyone knows we have a baby, I don’t need to be scared of accidentally slipping it out when I have to do promos!”
The blonde looked between both you and Tom I’m disbelief, “Are you kidding me? If I knew you two would’ve responded this way I wouldn’t have been spending the last hour beating myself up for it.”
You laughed smiling at her. Perrie beamed at the both of you, “For just delivering a baby, you look gorgeous hun. You’re glowing.”
“Aw thank you, lovey.” You look at Amelia from the corner of your eye. “Do you wanna see her?” Perrie eagerly nods at the camera. Tom takes the camera and rounds your bed to the bassinet. Aiming the camera above Amelia he said, “Amelia, meet Aunty Pez.”
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73 like some kind of early morning situation
anon: 15 & 32 sorry I don’t have much of a plot idea. Dad Harry is also great if that helps. Sorry again for being so vague
73. Needy, Clingy Sex, 15. Breeding Kink, & 32. Dirty Talk 
Soft, early morning light seeps through the blinds of your bedroom windows, falling over the bed like little droplets of water. Harry’s arm is wrapped around your waist as you lie on your back, his face buried into the crook of your neck. His breathing is deep and steady, soothing in the way that you can almost feel the peace and serenity emitting from him.
You glance to the side to catch the glowing numbers on your bedside clock that read: 5:13 AM and you sigh. As parents, early mornings are the only bit of peace you’re able to get anymore. Once the clock strikes 7:30, your sweet, energetic little boy will come bounding through your bedroom door, begging for breakfast.
Of course, you wouldn’t trade him or those moments for the world, but sometimes you’d wished you had a calm child, one that still comes to your door every morning, but knocks gently instead of screaming at the top of their lungs. You blame Harry for his behavior, of course. As a child, you were virtually an angel, well behaved in every way, but from what Anne has explained to you about your husband, he was quite the opposite. He craved attention from his earliest days and constantly would be found making some sort of a nuisance just like your three-year-old son. 
The soft sound of a grunt coming from Harry pulls you from your thoughts and you glance down to find that he’s looking up at you, eyes puffy with sleep and hair falling over his face in unruly curls. 
“G’morning,” He croaks, lips pressed to your chin for a moment before he moves to press a quick peck to your lips. 
“Morning.” You smile, bringing your hand up to run your fingers through his curls in an attempt to untangle them and move them out of his face. 
“S’early,” He squints, squeezing his arms around you tighter. 
“Mhm,” You hum, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
He rolls you over, wedging himself between your legs as his arms rest by your head, caging you beneath him. His lips find yours within moments, drawing slow, sweet kisses from you while your hands cup his face and his stubble scratches your skin. 
“What were you thinkin’ about?” He mumbles between kisses, brushing his nose against yours when he pulls away. 
“A few things,” You hum in response, thumb gently massaging his cheekbone. 
“Mind sharing?”
You chuckle, dropping your hand to your chest. “Just thinking about… having another one,”
His eyebrows raise in realization. “Another…?” You nod to confirm his assumptions, biting back the smile creeping along your face. He nearly squeals with excitement, pressing kisses all over your face and neck as he wraps his arms around you. “Can we? Right now?” 
You shrug. “If you’re up for it,”
“Oh, I’m up for it.” He smirks, giggling devilishly at the double meaning. You roll your eyes when you feel him press his hips against you, rubbing his morning wood against the inside of your thigh. 
“Get on with it, then!” You demand with a chuckle, pulling at the waistband of his shorts and letting them snap against his skin. 
“Alright, alright, m’coming!” He scrambles to yank his shorts down his legs just enough for his cock to fall out, slapping against you heavily. His fingers curl beneath the waistband of your panties, hastily tugging them down your legs to reveal your glistening sex. Just thinking about having another baby with him has you soaked and you suddenly feel desperate to have him buried inside of you, filling you to the brim with his seed. 
He presses a searing kiss to your lips as he lines himself up to your entrance, pausing for a moment to adjust your legs, hooking them over his arms to lift your hips into a different position. Finally, he’s sliding into you completely bare for the first time in months and the sound that leaves you is a mix between a whimper and a groan as your fingernails dig into his shoulders. 
“Oh, fuck-” You murmer as he slides in completely, hips pressed flush against yours. 
“S’good, yeah? Like feelin’ me bare?”
You nod breathlessly, curling an arm around his neck to bring him in for another kiss. “Move, please,” 
He complies to your request, lifting his hips slowly before pushing back inside of you with a harsh thrust, quickly building his pace. 
“God, so fuckin’ good to me, darling. Love you so much,” He grunts, pushing in and out of you so that all you can hear is the wet sound of his hips slapping against yours. 
You’re clawing at his back desperately as he fucks you, one of your legs curling up around his waist to pull him closer. He pauses for a moment, sitting up slightly and grabbing both your legs so that he can hook them over his shoulders. The new angle is heavenly, making it so that his cock brushes directly against your g-spot and you’re trying in vain not to moan too loudly. 
“S’that the spot, hm? Right there?” He smirks as he thrusts again and again directly against that sensitive, spongy spot inside of you. 
“Yes, god- fuck, Harry,” You moan, dropping your hands to grip the sheets beneath you.
“Need me to fill you up? Want me to give you another baby?” He taunts, hands gliding from your thighs to your t-shirt covered chest, lifting the cloth to reveal your breasts bouncing with each thrust. His large hands grip your supple breasts, thumbs brushing over your sensitive nipples sends a shiver down your spine and you whimper, bottom lip slipping between your teeth. “Can already tell m’gonna cum so much.” 
“Please,” You gasp, lifting your hips in time with his thrusts. He leans forward, planting his hands on the mattress by your head before he begins to slam his hips into yours at over and over again, the head of his cock brushing directly against your g-spot every time. “Oh my god, don’t stop!” You yelp, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back against your pillow as he pounds into you. 
Harry groans. “You close? Y’gonna cum all over my cock?” 
You’re nodding frantically as he continues his brutal pace, reaching down to rub your clit and bring you to your orgasm. He thrusts particularly hard into you, unexpectedly sending you over the edge with a gasp from your lips. He’s smiling down at you as you cum, his pace unwavering so that he can reach his own orgasm. 
“Please cum for me, Harry,” You moan. “Need you to fill me up. Give me another baby, please.” And with that, he’s toppling over the cliff and into the familiar pool of utter bliss.
Once both of you have come down from your pleasure-filled highs, Harry pulls out of you, making sure to lift your hips so that his cum doesn’t seep out of you. 
He smirks up at you. “Think we did it?”
You chuckle. “Feels like we did.”
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Thurs 15 April ‘21
A proper OT5 day today, how are we doing? Well, #stressed, apparently, LOL! Oh darlings, don’t worry...
First up, Liam finished his Prince Phillip drawing and captioned it “rest in peace… small tribute to you and your service,” sighhh. As Louis put it “boss drawing and that but get your priorities straight”, I truly couldn’t have put it better! I mean Louis may not have been referring to his politics, he was following up a tweet demanding Liam’s attention (“I see you on Instagram lad, answer your phone!!!!!”), but still he hit the nail on the head. Anyway, maybe Louis wanted to chat to weigh in on Liam’s haircut! (‘WTF mate I thought we were growing it out YOU LOSE’, perhaps?) Yes, Liam’s lion mane got a shearing; he posted a picture looking handsome showing the change, and #jesusLiam trended in memory of the lost hair as fans mourned dramatically. Also there’s a little behind the scenes video of Liam making his BAFTAs performance avatar (last glimpse of the long hair, RIP)-- no footage of him making funny faces but it does feature the very tight suit and the even tighter mo-cap outfit.
And what else is Louis up to? Well he came back to say that yes, he did talk to Liam, and to ask, “how’s everyone doing?” Just saying it wasn’t enough, fans trended the answer for him; STRESSED. We’ll be all right, said Louis, “Faith in the future. Keep your head up.” Faith in the future again!! Nice. We hear you sir and are looking forward to knowing what this is the title of… Also, a geotagged photo of him that wasn’t meant to be shared, was; it shows that Louis flew into LA the other day after leaving Mexico (it’s him at LAX in the outfit he left Mexico in-- look at that hair!! FLIP FLIP FLIP.) Is he still in LA, no way of knowing, so even if the pic wasn’t supposed to go out at least there was a delay and his location remains unknown, as he likes it, though he doesn’t seem to be home to London yet. For some reason people are really stuck on the idea that Sergio (his new footie bestie) said he was going back to London but even aside from the fact that I doubt they got that deep into itineraries, I’m pretty sure he actually just said that when Louis was back in London they’d meet up; not the same thing.
Assuming Louis is still in LA that’ll be convenient for him to go punch Nick Kroll if he wants! Nick said that during DWD filming Harry fell in love with him and they ‘made an omlette’ together... oh wait, no need, he just said they literally made some eggs and fake meat and ate it one night (and obvs that he was joking about their love, but it can for sure be hard to tell Harry’s supposed love affairs from jokes, I get it if you were confused.) He also said Harry is “very good at making everyone around him feel very comfortable. He's just very grounded.” Gucci is having some kind of online fashion opening today and there was a rumor Harry would attend which, yeah, sounds legit, and there’s a Harry puzzle in a Gucci puzzle book. First clue to the Harry Styles Puzzle, “a fictitious narrative.” Timely! Yes indeed, he and Olivia “were spotted together” in London last night, oooh my the scrambling to try and come back from those legal documents is really ON! Really though, WERE THEY? The tabs claim to have interviewed multiple people who were dining there and saw them. Reaaally, okay tell me- how did this come about? Were these people so excited to see a celeb that they called the papers… but none of them took a single picture or posted to their social media about seeing them?! Pics or it didn’t happen guys, COME ON: this is very much in keeping with how unbelievably half-assed they’ve been from day one but still, pretty pathetic attempt. Then rumors went around that Harry was actually out with GEMMA which would be hilarious, but seems more likely to me that no one was actually out anywhere at all.
The To Begin Again video is out! It’s pretty and tearjerk-y and it’s got sweet laughing Zayn content, good times!! It’s mostly sweeping shots of New York City and people there, living and laughing and being quirky and stuff, big humans of NY vibe, and Ingrid and Zayn in their studios happily making music. Zayn’s studio of choice (in Pennsylvania) celebrated their star turn by posting a pic of a signed guitar Zayn gave them back when he recorded Icarus Falls there. The TBA video director says, “we filmed this video in one day- sunrise to sunset.” TBA merch is on sale today in Ingrid’s store.
And there were lots of pap pics of Niall and Anne Marie filming their video (which is not out yet) in Essex. Seems they were FILMING it on the 8th, the day of Niall’s “it’s happening” post. So what’s HAPPENING is not the actual release of it, just yet, okay then. When will it come out? Who knows! We’ll be able to tell though, Niall will come back online for non-golf posting when the time is nigh, you’ll see. Meanwhile, pics of Niall out at a pub with his friends (outdoors) last night were posted, because that’s a thing that happens when celebs go out for public outings and lots of people see them.
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m-jelly · 2 years
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Country living - Stargazing
Pairing: Sheriff!Levi x Fem!Levi
Genre and tags: Modern AU, romance, fluff, married, date night, sheriff Levi, country living.
Concept: Levi's been busy due to a large number of tourists coming to the quiet town you live in, so you two haven't had a chance to be romantic with each other in your first summer together as a married couple. Levi is determined to sweep you off your feet, so he plans a date.
Tag list: @ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @skittlelover69 @li-anne @nyxiieluna @nbinairyn @thebobaprincess @youre-ackermine @notgoodforlife @galactict3a @demonsimp6
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You sat in the window seat at home with the windows open, a book in hand with a lemonade resting on the small table with music lightly playing on the record player. You smiled at the warm breeze drifting into your home feeling like warm arms wrapping around you in a loving hold.
You turned a page before gazing out at the view of a field soaked in the light glow of the summer sun, swaying trees in a cooling breeze, a lake sparkling in the light and tall mountains in the distance. You smiled as you watched bees busy themselves and butterflies flutter by.
You put your book down and took a sip of your fresh lemonade. You felt so at ease and at peace in this moment. However, there was one thing you were missing and that was your darling husband. Levi had been so busy with tourists coming to your cosy town to marvel at the views, play in the lake and go hiking. Plus, you had incredible fruit and veg that grew here.
You smiled softly when you heard familiar boots walking on the path to the back of the house where you were. You gazed at the path to see your husband in his tanned sheriff uniform approaching you. You giggled as he took his hat off and raked back his soft raven hair and gazed at you through his aviators.
Levi leaned against the window frame and eyed you in your summer dress with your legs on show. "Good afternoon ma'am."
He tilted his head. "Got a report that a pretty lady was the new stunning view in town, so I had to come see for myself." He shook his head and hummed. "Mm, mm, mmmm. I must say, you are a delight for the eyes."
You giggled at his playful words. "Well, sheriff..." you turned in your seat and slung your legs our the window before reaching forwards and dragging his sunglasses off "I am more of a delight to touch."
Levi gazed at you with his perfect steel blue eyes. "Tch shit darling, you always know how to get my heart racing." He parted your legs and stood between them as he leaned up. "Kiss?"
You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled. "You can get as many as you like."
He purred at you as he leaned closer and captured your lips. "I have a plan."
"Mm?" You started doting his face in kisses.
Levi smiled at your affection. "Well, I haven't been home with my sweet sexy wife, so I was thinking we have a date."
You pulled back and looked down at Levi. "What? Really? Don't you have things to do?"
"I have put things in place so I'm not needed unless there's an emergency." He pushed his hands up your thighs and under your dress. "I'm all yours."
You launched yourself out the window and into your husband's strong arms as you both giggled. "YAY! You're all mine."
Levi stumbled away from the window and squeezed you. "I have a date planned."
"You do?"
He nodded as he spun around with you. "I'm going to make us a nice little picnic, we're going to take it to the bottom of our wonderful big garden and play some music as we eat and dance together."
"Mm, sounds like a dream." You played with his hair. "We staying there all evening?"
"Yes. We're going to do some stargazing."
You jumped down out of Levi's arms. "I'll get things together!"
Levi chuckled as you climbed through the window. "Cute."
He followed you and cleaned up your reading spot before joining you in the kitchen. He made a few things that you asked for and packed the basket. He grabbed the record player and picked up a few records to play as you enjoyed the sun setting. The last thing to do was for Levi to change into comfy date clothes.
Levi held your hand and walked with you down the garden to a nice little spot. He put out the blanket and sat down with you. He pulled you close against him and fed you your dinner as the sun slowly set. He nibbled your neck as music softly played on the record player.
When the sun was gone, you both lay back on the blanket and watched the stars slowly appear. You hugged Levi's arm as he pointed at constellations and told you about them. You turned your head and just gazed at Levi as your heart fluttered in your chest.
Levi turned his head and smiled at you. "I've lost your attention, haven't I?"
You blushed a little. "I'm sorry, you're just so smart and handsome. I love you so much."
Levi smirked before kissing you. "I love you too. You're the best thing to happen to me. You're incredible." He purred at you and yanked you onto him. "You're better than any star in the sky."
You tangled your fingers in Levi's hair and kissed him. "You are wonderful, Mr Ackerman."
He slapped his hands on your ass and gripped hard. "You make me wonderful, Mrs Ackerman."
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
Leaked - Harry Styles
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2.8k :) 
“Y/n?” His voice rings out a soft echo. The only noise in my room tonight. I simply answered so the incessant buzzing on my nightstand would finally cease. If only I had checked the contact, I wouldn’t be sitting up straight in bed, staring into the black of my room.
“Hello?” I answer back after a long enough pause for both of us to know that I have just woken up and I wasn’t fully aware of what I was answering.
“I’m sorry to wake you. I forgot what time it is there right now.” I can hear some shuffling on his end, it sounds like he’s getting up and walking around. He must be in London right now, not in his home only a ten minute drive from mine in Malibu. I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees, letting my comforter drop from my shoulders.
“What’s wrong Harry?” I ask, cutting to the chase. The slight nervous edge in his voice tells me that something is most definitely wrong. I can’t just sit in silence waiting for the world to stop, I need him to spit it out. Spit out whatever made him call me after nearly a year of no longer being together.
“I had a leak. Someone hacked my phone.”
I don’t know what I was expecting, but this was far from it. I let out a sigh, he’s okay. At least physically. I can feel a slight weight lift off my chest, but it’s far from light still.
“Okay?” I prompt for him to continue.
“It’s pictures of you, Y/n.”
And to think I was worried about him. His words make my ears ring for a few seconds. An eerie pitch fills the void between us, neither of us knowing the words to help this situation.
“Which pictures?”
I switch Harry to speaker and open twitter, ignoring the mass texts that are coming in right now. My manager and my publicist ranting on our group chat but the messages fade into the background as soon as my eyes cross the trending page.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” My hands start shaking as I look over the images shared with the entire world. Not even just one, multiple over the time we shared a relationship.
A picture I sent him on tour, standing in our mirror with not a thread of clothing. Bare as the day I was born. I remember taking this picture as a tease right before he had to take the stage at Madison Square Garden. Now more people than can fit in Madison Square Garden have seen that picture.
Next, is a picture of me in a rather compromising position on my knees looking up at him. It’s not hard to tell what was happening or about to happen. Harry took this one, It was already a hot night for us, and somehow him pulling out his phone snapping a quick picture made it even hotter. Now I need to worry about my family ever seeing this.
Finally, the most modest of the group, a picture of me in simple dark red lingerie thrown on the bed by Harry. Once again, a picture that Harry had snapped himself. I had just come home from tour and he answered our door and I dropped everything I had, including the clothes I had been wearing. He chased me up to our room, he finally caught me in our room and literally threw me on the bed. He pulled out his phone claiming he wanted to remember the sheer joy he was feeling in that moment. Now it’s bringing me dread.
Tweet after tweet sharing the same group of photos.
Harry doesn’t say a single word, knowing that I’ve seen exactly what he was trying to break down to me.
“Oh my god.” I shutter, refreshing as the tweets come in by the hundreds.
“Y/n I-”
I hang up before he can utter another word. I can’t speak with him right now, knowing exactly who’s to blame for putting me out there like that. We broke up nearly a year ago, if he had simply deleted the photos once the relationship was over, maybe we wouldn’t be here.
I read the thread of messages between Jordan my manager and Paula my publicist. Both are trying to diffuse the situation. I wonder how they found out, did they get a call at two in the morning from Jeff?
I simply reply that in the morning to meet at my house to get everything sorted out, there’s no point in stressing over what we can’t change and losing sleep over it. They both agree to be at my house bright and early at seven.
I put my phone back down and pull myself under the covers. At least for a few more hours this can’t be real. A few more hours I can hide under the covers and pretend that this isn’t happening.
I put coffee on, knowing that the girls will be here any moment, hopefully with a plan in hand on how we can diffuse the situation.
“Good morning.” Paula smiles cheerily followed by Jordan who just has a tight smile.
“Please tell me there’s something we can do.” I sit down on my touch, letting my hands warm on the mug.
“Yes, we-kind of!” Paula gushes.
I look to Jordan for a clear answer. Paula has always been a little nuttier, I love her to death, but right now I need serious and I need a plan. I need cold and honest.
“I talked with Jeff for a while last night and we both agree that we think it’s best for us to meet up together to discuss a course of action in person. We have a flight in an hour.”
“So you’re telling me that my nudes leak from his phone and now I have to hop on a plane to go see him?” My jaw must reach the floor by now.
“It’ll be better to get this all sorted out with both teams together. We have the same common goal here, we just want to make this look a little better.”
“Easy for you to say when it’s not your body trending on Twitter.”
“I wasn’t the one sending them.” She raises her brow, she’s told me a dozen times to never put myself in a position like this. That there can’t be any leaks when you don’t take anything private.
I climb upstairs to my room and grab a bag to start packing. I throw on a cute sweat suit and find a pair of dark tinted sunglasses. If anything, the airport is the last place I should be right now. The paparazzi are worse than they’ve ever been, even with Harry, I’ve never been bombarded like this. They throw question after question to me, hoping to get the first scoop on me the morning after it leaked. While it’s still hot and trending with every news outlet.
“Jesus.” Paula mutters, “Still got all your fingers and toes?”
I smile finally, “I’m fine, thank you.”
The flight is peaceful, thankfully. Jordan types a mile a minute on her laptop next to me. Surely, trying to work out a plan and get as many pictures taken down as possible. Not that it matters now, it’s out in the world forever now.
A sleek black car picks us up and drives the familiar route to Harry’s London home. We pull into the driveway and it knocks the air out of my lungs as soon as my feet hit the ground. There’s several cars that don’t belong to Harry, which means it’s a full house today.
I let Jordan walk in first, letting myself weakly trail behind. I haven’t seen Harry since the break up. Maybe once at an award show, but it was far away and we didn’t exchange words. I definitely didn’t think I would be stepping into his house again.
“Jordan.” Jeff greets, getting up from the dining table where it looks like people have set up camp. A whole crew of people making calls, scouring Twitter, and god knows what else.
“Hi, Jeff.” She smiles.
I look around a little, trying not to be obvious. The house looks the same, Hardly a single thing out of place in over a year. Not that I expect it too, I never fully lived here outside of a few weeks at a time. It’s not like our shared Malibu home that we sold in the break up. This place was always predominantly his.
Speaking of Harry, finally he looks up from his phone, he had been biting at his cuticles probably worrying, panicking. He tucks his phone in his back pocket and walks over to the rest of us. Paula instantly pulls him down for a hug, she always loved him.
“Harry!” She sighs.
He lets out a soft laugh and bends down to hug her short stature. We make eye contact a few times, but never say anything.
“I wish this was under different circumstances.” Paula whispers, even though we still all catch it.
“No hug? Harry teases Jordan. They were never close but at least he’s attempting to lighten the mood. Harry is probably the last person on this planet that she wants to hug.
“I’m not your biggest fan right now.” Jordan sighs, her steel cold gaze returns. I bite back a smirk over how protective she can be sometimes.
“Y/n, I-” Harry starts, finally turning his full attention to me.
“Y/n!” A louder voice cuts him off, I glance over his shoulder to see Gemma getting up from the couch in the living room, Anne close behind.
“Oh my god, I’ve missed you!” She pulls me in for a hug, her arms pulling me in tight, as if to make up for the months of nearly no contact.
“I’ve missed you too, Gem.” I tighten my grip around her.
Anne appears in my line of vision now, smiling softly. I release my grip on Gemma and she does the same, Anne taking her place.
“You’ll get through this, darling.” She whispers softly as she rubs her hand up and down my back. Her words bring tears to my eyes. I’ve tried to not let myself be sad about this. I’ve only felt anger, but hugging Anne has opened the floodgates. “You’re strong.”
“I need to freshen up.” I clear my throat, Anne pulls back and smiles.
No one says a word as I excuse myself to the closest guest bathroom. I wash my face with cold water and take a few deep breaths trying to prepare myself somewhat for what I have to go out there and face. I open the door and notice Harry leaning against the wall across from the door.
“Hi.” He picks his head up, no longer staring at the ground.”
“Hi.” I say back.
“Y/n I am so sorry. I had no clue any of this would happen. If I had known-”
“Why did you keep the pictures Harry?” I ask, I want answers not apologies. He’s still Harry and I know he’s feeling so much guilt right now.
“I don’t really know.” He shrugs, “I wasn’t being pervy with them, wasn’t keeping them for any indecent reason. They were just another memory that I didn’t want to lose. I didn’t delete any of the pictures.”
I can’t think of a response which is fine because Jeff calls for both of us to join them. We sit down at the table along with a few unfamiliar faces. As soon as we do they dive into the details, talking about how somehow Harry’s iCloud was hacked and that meant they had access to all photos.
“Well why are my pictures the only ones out there? It’s his phone that got hacked!” I yell.
“We don’t know.” Jordan answers, “We don’t know what else they got either. If they have more that they’re waiting to sell.”
“Fuck’s sake.” Harry mutters, rubbing over his eyes.
“Well Harry, got anything else I should worry about? Or any other girls you should warn?” I turn to look at him, a flash of red creeps up his neck and hangs around on his cheeks. It was a low blow, but it slips out before I can stop it.
“There’s no one else.” Harry answers, “And for other pictures I don’t know to be completely honest.
“Well, it might help for us to get an idea of what else could be out there. We should try and get an idea of what else the two of you have.” Jeff's words make me look to Anne, now it’s my turn to blush but she isn’t phased by any of it so far.
“Well it could be worse.” A man from Harry’s team states as he shuts his lap top, leaning in to join the conversation.
“How so?” Gemma prompts crossing her arms over her chest.
“Any publicity is good-”
“Don’t you fucking dare finish that sentence.” I cut off the man before he can continue. “You can’t talk. You can’t say any publicity is good publicity. Not until your body is trending on Twitter. Not until everyone with social media has seen your body, talked about it, and used it. Not until you have to call your parents and tell them you’re sorry and to stay away from phones for a while. Not until your body is no longer your body.”
The chair loudly scrapes against the floor as I stand up. I can’t sit here at the table and listen to them talk about it like it’s not as huge as it is. Because to them this is work, to me it’s my real life. I make my way towards the back porch. It’s always been one of my favorite spots. It’s got the best view of the garden.
I trust Jordan for decisions on this. She knows me well enough after all of these years together. They’ll run anything else past me, but I don’t need to be in there while they attempt damage control.
I sit down on the outdoor couch and pull my legs up to my chest. It’s peaceful for a few minutes and I just let myself bask in it. I could probably fall asleep if I tried, jet lag and all. It’s soft, but still loud enough for me to hear the door open. I turn to see Harry just standing there, trying not to invade my bubble while still giving me my space.
“C’mon.” I nod to the spot beside me. There’s no point in being mad anymore. What’s done is done. I will always love Harry more than the drama.
He shuffles over and takes a seat. A slow fog rolls in as it slowly gets darker.
“Do you ever miss it?” His voice quiet and steady. I don’t have to ask to know he’s talking about our relationship.
“Harry, we dated for three years, of course I’m going to miss that. Now what’s got you all sentimental? See those pictures and remember how good of a lay I am?” I tease bumping his shoulder with mine, with a smirk. He lets out an airy laugh, easing the tension.
“No, even before these past few days.” He finally looks over at me, tearing his eyes away from the yard, “I always miss you.”
“Harry.” I sigh. “We both agreed. We were both touring, we never even saw each other. And when we weren’t we were stuck in the studio. Different studios I might add.”
“Isn’t rarely seeing each other better than never?”
His question hangs in the air, both of us leaving it unanswered.
“I don’t know, Harry.” I answer after several minutes. The sun dips below the horizon, and my head dips down to his shoulder. “I don’t know.”
I don’t know how long we sit like that. The sun is gone now, and the breeze actually feels cold, but Harry’s arm is heavy and warm around my shoulder.
The door suddenly opens causing both of our heads to perk up. It’s Gemma with the smallest smile on her face.
“They’re asking for you guys in there.”
“Ready, love?” Harry stands, holding out a hand to pull me up with him.
“Well it’s now or never.”
part two? let me know what you guys think
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mihrsuri · 3 years
Sleep now, she pleads/You're not a coward 'cause you cower, you're brave because they broke you/Yet broken still you breathe, so breathe, breathe, just breathe. (Ruin, The Amazing Devil)
“You were so brave, my darling, my heart. So brave when you should never had to have been so - all your life you have been so brave. You can rest now, my sweetheart. Close your eyes and I will hold you.”
He already has, of course. She knows that, somewhere in her heart but Anne has put it aside because her Thomas, her Thomas who has always taken care of her, of their children, of their husband and she wants to let him know that he can rest, that he can go with the the lord with love, that he is not failing her, that he never has. 
“Go my raven and send my love to Henry - I know heaven will be there for you.” 
The sweet smile, still as shy as ever after all these years and then for a moment, just a moment his eyes open and she feels his hand in hers, just as it should be. 
Thomas Cromwell slips away in peace, his wife’s hand in his, his children having embraced him with all the love for a wonderful father and grandfather and opens his eyes to his husbands arms and his mothers smiles. 
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Wouldn’t It Be Nice
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Hello all!
It is an honor to say that I am participating in my very first Fic Challenge! @helladirections​ put together this AMAZING Summer Feeling Challenge with a list of a bunch of summer prompts for writers to chose from. For this fic, I chose the BBQ and Fireworks as my prompt.
So without further ado, I present a very fluffy college!Harry.
Warnings: Fluffy-fluff, mild drug and alcohol use.
Please keep an eye out for the other writers and fics involved in the Summer Feeling Challenge and spread some love and peace to those amazing writers as well.  
Harry had always looked forward to the summer; time off from school, getting back to work in the bakery and bugging Barbara. The thing he looks forward to the most is his time with his family at the lake house, and going to the lake house meant spending the summer with you.
Harry had a school boy crush on you since your family bought the lake house down the road. He was in awe of how fearless you were. You were always the first to grab at any creepy-crawly or amphibian, the first to dive into the lake, and the one to suggest scary stories in the middle of the night at the gazebo by the lake.
As time progressed, Harry’s crush turned into something more. He remembers the first summer of puberty when you filled in your bathing suit a little too well and how he is positive he was sporting a semi the whole summer. Damn hormones.
But now, on his drive to the lake house, he smiles thinking of how he will be reunited with his summertime buddies and the girl he can never get off his mind. He turns up the music, hearing “Summer of ‘69” to put him in the perfect mood for another great summer.
Harry drives past your house, seeing your car already parked there. He is half tempted to stop at your place first but realizes that you're probably down by the lake already. His mom is out front of their house talking to your mom when Harry pulls up, both women promptly giving him a hug when he steps out.
“God Harry, you got so big and handsome! And your hair!” Your mom praised Harry as he tried to detangle his hair from the wind of having the windows down, giving her a shy smile an a ‘thank you’.
“Y/N is down by the lake with Sarah and Mitch darling, she has been asking about you.” Anne gave him a wink and a tap on the bum, knowing his feelings for you, your mom giggled at Harry’s blush. As Harry was walking away, he could hear your mom mumble, “Always thought those two would be perfect together.” Harry’s shy smile turned beaming as he walked his bag to his room.
Harry walked out the back of the lake house and began his walk to the dock. He could hear The Beach Boys playing, becoming clearer the closer he got to the lake. He could see Sarah laying out next to Mitch, who was sitting in a chair with his guitar in his lap, lazily strumming along to “Good Vibrations”. He couldn’t see you until you breached the water, hiking yourself up onto the dock.
“Harry!” You quickly stood up and ran before you tumbled into his arms, still dripping from your swim and not grabbing a towel. He embraced you, giving you a tight squeeze, soaking his shirt. You giggled as he picked you up so that your feet were a few inches off the ground.
Sarah and Mitch quickly got up to give Harry a warm and welcoming embrace before all walking to where your towels were all laid out so you can all sit and talk. Everyone was talking about their year since they last saw each other. Well, accept Mitch and Sarah since they have been dating since last summer.
It was getting warm, so Harry took off his now dry shirt. You gasped when he did, seeing his skin exposed littered with new black ink. He had a few accumulating over the summers but there were so many new ones for your eyes to explore.
You propped yourself on your knees looking at all the ink in their details, Harry shivered as your fingers grazed his skin. He could see Sarah and Mitch begin to smirk and giggle just past your head but he quickly returned his gaze to you; skin glowing in the sun, hair frizzing from its air drying. You were more beautiful every summer. You smiled up at him as you talked about the new markings before the smell of the grill indicated it was time to head back to help set up for the barbeque.
The barbeque was being held at Harry’s house, his step-dad, Robin, wearing the fitting apron that says “Grill Master”. Your dad was helping Robin with grabbing the meat from the kitchen that he had helped prep to bring it out to the porch where the grill and it’s master were perched.
Anne had put on an Eagles playlist that was coming through an outdoor speaker, Robin and your dad singing into their tongs and spatulas. Anne was putting together a summer sangria on the porch when all of you came running up the back steps from the lake.
Mitch’s and Sarah’s parents started bringing out different dishes with salads and fruits, your mom following with plates and silverware. Harry promptly took the cutlery and plates from your mom and began to set the table, you were quick to help Harry, bumping his hip with yours. Mitch and Sarah were helping with chairs.
“One of These Nights” began to play through the speaker and you grabbed Harry’s hand to begin dancing and singing along, Sarah did the same with Mitch, your dad with Robin.
Anne was emitting bubbly laughs as she and your mom passed out a glass of sangria to everyone. Once Robin sang that his masterpieces were complete, everyone sat at the table.
Harry sat across from you, smirking at you throughout your meal, giggling when you had barbeque sauce on your cheeks. You quickly wiped it off and nudged his shin with your foot.
Conversation was light throughout the meal, everyone’s parents asking all the kids how school is, what their future plans are, how much longer until they graduate. Harry kept his eyes on you as you were telling Mitch’s dad your favorite classes and how you are starting to look at graduate programs.
The night had come to an end when the sun had set, all the families exchanging ‘good nights’ and hugs. You were the last one that Harry had embraced. You turned your head to his ear to whisper, “gazebo at midnight”, before pulling away and kissing his cheek. You ran off quickly to catch up with your parents as well as Sarah and her family, grabbing Sarah’s hand before turning to look back at Harry. You gave him a final smile and wave before turning back to talk with Sarah.
Harry should have known that it wouldn’t be just the two of you at the gazebo, it was tradition after all.
Sarah and Mitch were sitting on the banister as you were spreading out the blanket for you all to sit on. Mitch was packing a bowl while Sarah was sipping on the bottle of liquor she stole from her parents cabinet. You were all of age at this point but it was a sentimental gesture from all the years prior.
Harry gave a weak smile and a wave as he approached. You had brightened when he stepped foot in the gazebo, skipping to him to grab his hand to pull him to the blanket. Your eyes were glowing in the twinkling lights hung along the top of the shelter.
Sarah handed you the bottle as Mitch took his first hit, promptly handing it to Harry. As Harry was inhaling, you had grabbed the bag that you brought with snacks and your phone, putting on some music and opening up the bag of Doritos.
You popped a chip in your mouth as Harry passed the bowl to you. “So, do you have a boyfriend from school?” You smiled at him before taking a hit and holding your breath, shaking your head no as you exhaled.
“No, but I had a girlfriend last semester. Found out she was screwing our whole friend group so I ended that quickly.”
Harry choked on the liquor he just tipped back, coughing with a, “Sorry to hear that.”
You shrugged it off before asking Harry, “And you? Any boyfriend or girlfriend?” smirking as he blushed. This group of friends were the only people you all could truly be open to, both you and Harry had come out as bisexual last summer.
“No, no one for me.” He began to dig into the snacks as the booze and weed got passed around.
“That’s a shame, you're a catch.” Everyone looked straight at you with wide eyes. Sarah giggling out from either the liquor, the weed, or the fact that she knew you had a massive crush on Harry.
Harry was stunned by your comment, giving a shy ‘thank you’ as you passed the bowl back around to him. Sarah continued her giggles, falling into Mitch who was kissing the top of her head.
The night progressed with the passing of substances between the four of you and ended with all your heads in the middle of the blanket telling stories from college. You began to yawn, getting a shiver from the wind. Harry pulled off his green flannel and handed it to you for you to keep yourself warm.
After putting your arms in the sleeves, you rolled over to rest your head on Harry’s chest, falling asleep to the now talkative Mitch telling horror stories from his pizza delivery job. Harry wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you close to him.
The next morning, you all wake up to the sun rising, the lake reflecting the pink and orange sky. Harry woke up before you so he was able to take in your sleeping beauty. He moved the hair away from your face, flinching when Sarah talked.
“She really likes you, ya know? All she talks about is you whenever we are on the phone. Counted down the days until summer vacation.”
Harry began to smile looking back down at you, tickling your cheek with the tips of fingers causing you to rouse. You blink at him slowly and mumble a ‘morning’ before cuddling back into him.
After all fully waking up, you made your way to Sarah’s place where her parents were setting up a breakfast buffet on the porch. You promptly grab a plate and a mug of coffee before settling next to Harry and eating your breakfast, softly smiling as you both munched away.
You had spent all day on the boat with your parents, warming your skin in the sun and reading your book of the moment. You had watched Harry swimming and splashing around by the dock with Mitch.
“Are you excited for the fireworks sweetie?” Your mom had asked you as she added some more lotion to your shoulders so you don’t burn.
“There are fireworks tonight?”
“Mhm. The owners of the lake are putting on a show for the anniversary of when they opened it up.”
“I wonder if Harry knows. He hates fireworks.”
You dad looked over at you as he started the engine of the boat to head back to the dock, “What better way to spend your night than distracting Harry during fireworks.”
“Dad!” You were all laughing at what your dad was insinuating, approaching the dock to moor the boat. You hopped off to tie up the boat as Harry was swimming up to the dock boosting himself out of the water and grabbed his towel.
“Have a nice swim?” You stood up straight to see Harry was close behind.
“I did. Did you have a nice boat ride?” He was towel drying his hair before he started to wipe down his body.
“I did. Hey, do you want to hang out at the gazebo with me tonight? Just us?”
Harry stopped drying his legs and looked up at you with a slight shock. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that would be cool.”
You smiled with a nod, “Good, we can meet up after dinner.” You walked over to give Harry a kiss on his cheek before grabbing your stuff from the boat and running inside.
Harry was already at your meeting spot, sitting on the banister and looking out to the lake. He had his go to flannel on and a beanie covering his unruly curls.
You walked up behind him and gently tapped his shoulder that cause him to turn to you.
“Hey. Have you been here long?”
“Uh, no. Only a few probably. Did you have a good day?”
“I did, thank you. Did you?”
Right when Harry was about to respond, you hear the tell tale sign of a whistle followed by a loud pop that was the start of the firework show. Harry jumped mumbling a ‘fuck me’ as you rested your hands to cover his ears.
Harry looked up at you, blues, reds, and greens painting your skin from the sky. You looked down at Harry mouthing a ‘sorry’ and he quickly rested his hands on yours that were still covering his ears. He moved his hands down your forearms before gripping your waist, pulling you closer.
You were now settled standing between his knees, his fingers wiggling nervously on your hips. You continued to look down at him, gently brushing at his hair that your fingers can reach.
Harry couldn’t take it anymore, loudly asking, “Can I kiss you?” since his perception of sound was off due to you covering his ears. You let out light laugh, nodding as you lean down to slot your lips against his.
Harry hummed into the kiss, pulling you closer by your hips, moving his lips to have more of you. He pulled away to tell you louder than he anticipated that, “I have been waiting so long to do that!”
You let out another laugh, kissing the side of his mouth, pulling away to tell him ‘me too’ before kissing him again.
That night, Harry was no longer afraid of fireworks because whenever he kissed you, all he could see and feel were the bright bursts of colors against your lips.
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