#retail black hole
theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
haha on today’s episode of “what’s nation wide EXCEPT where i live”, inspired by the Mini Brands Foodie stuff...
Sonic: they are in 46 of the 50 states. in addition to not being in Vermont, the other 3 states they are not are; Hawaii, Maine, and New Hampshire
TGI Fridays: they are in 33 of the 50 states. they are not in Vermont
Carl’s Jr and Hardees: they do not list their locations on their site, but there are none in Vermont (ok not surprising because i do know you are a mid-west chain)
White Castle: they do not list their locations on their site, but there are none in Vermont (though they are in grocery)
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goldennika · 1 month
while my sister and i were shopping yesterday, one of the shop attendants was being chatty and kept complimenting us, asking us if we were models bc she said we were so tall and pretty
she even repeated it and said it was “real talk” 🤣😭
she was just so bubbly and even asked us to check if we got the minimum number of items needed so we could avail of a promo they had!
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motheyes · 1 year
i’m hoping this interview is lowkey. i HATE when they have a clipboard and ask you stupid open ended questions like girl i’m autistic
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serialunaliver · 1 month
it wouldn't even scare me if I fell in a black hole in outer space, literally nothing compared to my retail job
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lewdmommie · 1 year
Not again
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Summary: König leaves a surprise for Y/n after her shopping trip
🎀Warnings🎀:SFW, fluff,language,brief nudity
“Hey babe I’m going shopping I’ll be back soon.” You stamp a kiss on König’s cheek. He leans into your touch, closing his eyes for a moment.
“Alright, I might head down to base but I’ll be home for dinner.” He calls as you grab your purse from the kitchen counter making sure all your items are accounted for. Keys. The most important piece of the puzzle, he watches in amusement as you dash around the small space,searching like a mad man. You were always losing things, it was adorable. He stands making his way over to you stealthily, your head smacks the corner of the counter top as you shoot up. Lucky for you his hand covered the sharp edge giving the blow some cushion.
“Looking for these?” He snags the keys from the decorative fruit bowl.
“How did they get in there? Hmm�� okay well I’ll see you later!” You chirp, skipping out the door.
-Later that Day-
The house is dark and quiet when you step through the door. He must be working late again, you think. You toss the plastic shopping back on the couch and saunter to the bedroom, might as well have a bath after a long day of retail therapy. The hot water from the tub makes you feel like a brand new woman. You still had to make dinner so you finish up quickly, grabbing the towel from the rack as you step out of the bath. You moisturize and apply your skin care, the usual after bath routine; you add a spritz of König’s favorite perfume to top it off.
Pajamas were next on the list, you slide on your slippers and walk over to your shared dresser. You settle on something simple and sexy, the classic T-shirt and pantie combo. The front door creaks open and closes gently as König finally makes it back home. You grab the first Black tee you see and slide on your plain pink panties first. You lift the shirt over your head pulling it down the length of your torso. Something was off, there was an unfamiliar breeze on your chest. You look down and see your nipples poking through two large holes.
“What the-König!” You yell. Heavy footsteps approach from the hall,he throws the door open frantically.
“What happened are you Alright?-“ he stops immediately in his tracks and falls into the wall laughing. His legs turn to Jell-o as he cackles uncontrollably, you glare at him holding back your own laughter.
“I know you did this.” You accuse, grabbing a pillow from the bed,tossing it at his head.
“I’m sorry I must have gotten our shirts mixed up again.” He explains.
“Good thing I went shopping today.” You sigh.
“What did you get while you were out anyway?”
“A bunch of new T-shirts.” You both burst out laughing.
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honeyspawn · 4 months
Real talk, I think Frank Pricely is a genuinely really interesting character.
So when we meet him in Black Friday, he is basically a cartoon capitalist supervillain. He's obsessing over money, he is condescending to Lex, and we get the impression that he's Mr. Krabs level of money-grubbing shitty boss. He gets a whole song where he revels in how much money he's going to make, and shows ambivalence to how dangerous black friday shopping can be. Then Feast or Famine happens, and something... changes. There's a visible shift on stage when he and the audience realize that he is no longer in control that's genuinely really eerie. Put a pin in that, cuz I'm gonna come back to it.
When when we're introduced to him in "Daddy", we get a much more complete image of who he is as a character. It's not that he's not a greedy and condescending person, because he definitely is, but that's not the foundation of his character. When we see Toy Zone outside of Black Friday, we see that it's a struggling small business, and a genuine passion project for Frank. It's not that Toy Zone is a means for financial success, but financial success is a means to keep Toy Zone operational.
Then there's his relationship with Lex. He's definitely snarky and condescending, but he also actually cares about her, and sees himself as a parental figure to her. He gives her advice that he feels is in her best interest, and shows her a lot of the "tough love" that he thinks Sheila should be showing Sherman. Lex is even one of the people he says sorry too when he's about to die, because he worries that he failed her. While I do think Lex has some level of respect for him, I never really get the vibe that she sees him this way; she seems to think of him as more of a hard ass, and she would absolutely leave Toy Zone the minute a better opportunity comes up. Her job at Toy Zone for her is more about her need to take care of her family. And this is significant, because Frank is a very lonely person. After his dog Buddy dies, he has no family left. He reminisces on his parents, who didn't support his passions. He thinks of himself as a father figure to Lex, because he has nobody else left in his life. I'm not necessarily saying that he's a good parental figure to Lex, he can be pretty selfish, and even denied her for a raise once he could afford it, knowing she damn well needs the money. It's clear though, that he's trying to look out for her more than her actual mother (low bar as it may be), and on some level, he does think he's helping her. Because she's all he has. Her and Toy Zone, and he's about to lose that too.
This is why Sheila is so appealing to him. She represents not only financial stability, but a chance to not be alone. He doesn't love her, and I think he knows it, but he could learn to love her. He could have love and money, and if that doesn't work out, at least he'd have money. That's what he thinks anyway. But again, he's not the one with the power.
When we first see him in Black Friday, we initially think Frank represents the corporations, but he doesn't. He's a small business owner, and can only support his passion by participating in capitalism. He is a retailer, not a CEO. And that's what puts him in so much danger in Black Friday. Capitalism treats him as disposable. And that's how he dies. Frank was just as much under Wiggly's influence as anyone else. He lived a lonely life, and the business he's prioritized over forming any lasting bonds with other people is about to go down the toilet. Then this little green doll comes along that's supposed to fix everything. He doesn't want to keep the Wiggly dolls, but he still thinks they're going to fix the holes. And once he's served his purpose, Wiggly disposes of him. And that's what Sheila tries to do, too. The only reason he survives in Daddy is that Sherman decides he still has value. It's honestly really haunting how these stories mirror each other.
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dumbistsmartass · 3 months
Every Hatchetfield song explained badly in ten words or less
spoilers and also this is only the main trilogy not nightmare time.
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals - Yeah, he didn't like musicals
La Dee Dah Dah Day - "the dogs are my meal"
What Do You Want, Paul? - "please god have an I want song"
Cup of Roasted Coffee - If I had to sing working retail I'd kill someone
Cup of Poisoned Coffee - oh hey, they killed someone
Show Me Your Hands - this is what cops think 24/7
You Tied up My Heart - gaslight, gatekeep, girl bossing your way to mariticide
Join Us (And Die) - Guts Magee and Brainiac explain why you should KYS
Not Your Seed - "it's your fault your daughter is dead bitch"
Show Stoppin Number - He had a point but like no
America Is Great Again - you know what it's a joke about
Let Him Come - they know he's the main character
Let It Out - Is it an identify crisis or possession
Inevitable - a beautifully haunting ending
Tickle-Me Wiggly Jingle - what the actual fuck is this?
What Tim Wants - what can I say, it's sad
Califor.M.I.A. - they really want you to bond with these characters
What Do You Say? - everyone is too invested in these twos relationship
Our Doors Are Open - "shopping will fill the hole in your heart"
Feast Or Famine - this is real footage when the new iPhone comes out
Monsters and Men - He's fucking back!
Deck The Halls - we got a full working boys, we could get this
Take Me Back - I'll be real I skipped this one on rewatch
Adore Me - haunting when you don't say the shit part
Do You Want To Play? - a reversal of who you're told to trust
Made In America - we let him in via consumerism, amazing capitalism critique
Black Friday - me singing a musical as I'm being choked out
Monsters and Men (Reprise) - This guy is so cool
If I Fail You - "are we the baddies?"
Wiggle - Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle
What If Tomorrow Comes? - So she is seeing the other Hatchetfields right?
High School Is Killing Me - they really spoil the people who die first song huh?
Literal Monster - shove yourself in your locker
Cool As I Think I Am - you think you're cooler then you think you are
Dirty Girl - makes me genuinely uncomfortable, skip it
Bully The Bully - interesting plan, let's see how It plays out
Bury The Bully - oh... that got dark fast
Go Go Nighthawks! - everyone is happier now that this bitch is gone
Nerdy Prudes Must Die - to be fair, you did kill him
Hatchet Town - mass panic is so hip
Just For Once - we all though the light was gonna fall on her
If I Loved You - they are in so much denial
The Summoning - Wiggly want you to kill your crush
Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise) - really tragic, trying to convince the other to sacrifice them
The Best Of You - I'm so glad it didn't end with everyone dead again
Dirty Dudes Must Die - When you give a Christian a little dark magic
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WIBTA if I quit my retail job on black Friday?
I, 16(non-binary), have worked at a craft store for the past few months. For the most part I really enjoy my job, and work there with one of my friends. The issue is my manager, 35(f), who is not the best. I don't want to speak badly of her, as I don't know what she might be going through outside of work. However, her behavior has been just unprofessional and rude. She texts with many, many grammer errors to the point where half of her messages are borderline illegible. When I first joined, I wasn't trained properly by her. I was honestly not really trained at all, just sort of tossed onto the cash register, despite this being my first time working retail. Alongside that, there have been a few incidents between me and her. A notable one was when I called out for work due to some physical disabilities I have. I'm diagnosed with POTS syndrome, and AMPS (Amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome.) My manager is aware of this, and one day I called out because the physical pain I was in made it difficult to walk. Both my mom and my doctor advised me to stay home, so house before my shift, I called the store and told her I wouldn't be able to come in. She berraded me on this and told me that if this happened again, she would have to 'stop scheduling me for shifts' or fire me. I do work in an at will employment state, so this is legal. It just kinda sucks. The assistant managers were more than understanding as to why I had to call in sick, and honestly, those assistant managers are why I haven't put in my two weeks yet. The next time I came in for work, my manager was extremely sick, I even had a customer complain that she coughed on them. The manager then told me that "She was here, even though she was sick." The way she said it felt like an attack on my absence to my previous shift, and honestly really hurt.
Now here comes the part where I might be the a-hole. Black Friday is tomorrow, and I'm scheduled from 2-9:30. This is fine. the only issue is we have a huge snowstorm on its way. (Actually, it's already started and is snowing where I am.) My mom is my main form of transportation, and if she isn't able to take me to work, I take an Uber. My mom also works as a 911 dispatcher and has told me that worst-case scenario, she could get snowed into work tomorrow because of how bad the roads are expected to be. This has happened before, and if this were to happend state patrol would advise her, and everyone really that it's not gonna be safe to drive. So I'm preparing to call out for work tomorrow, which I know my manager is going to hate, as she's drilled me and other employees on the importance of showing up tomorrow, despite the snowstorm. Depending on her reaction, I might honestly just quit on the spot. Would I be the a-hole if I did this?
What are these acronyms?
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starsxblazing · 4 months
I was listening to Iridescent by Linkin Park and all of the ideas for this AU were impossible to get out of my brain so this is what I pumped out within thirty minutes
Summary: Living in the slums of San Antonio, your train wreck of a life with your abusive boyfriend seems to be never ending. A new neighbor slowly pulls your attention towards him.
Warnings: descriptions of domestic violence, drugs, abuse, violence, description of blood and gore, death, personality disorders, depression, angst. So much angst.
Azriel x Reader
You sat in front of your full-length mirror propped on the floor, flinching when the front door to your trailer slammed shut, before examining the bruises covering your face. It had been a miracle that you had learned how to use makeup enough to cover up the evidence so that no one asked any questions. There were no longer any voiced concerns from anyone that you worked with or the only person that you had left in your life that you could consider a friend and it was a small relief.
Memories and thoughts turned over in your mind as you started the task of covering up the bruises adorning different parts of your face, searching to figure out where things went so wrong. Your relationship with James had been going on since you were sixteen and it had been tumultuous at the very least. He had always been on a downward spiral but you always kept the hope that he would be the person that you knew he had the potential to be.
His attitude had gotten even worse since the move. The small town that you both grew up in had a high crime rate that always made you afraid to do anything and there was a terrible problem with the lack of jobs. The latter was the biggest reason that you had moved to San Antonio once you had been accepted into one of the colleges here. You had been in the top five of your class, more than earning your bachelor’s degree in business. Despite your majors of finance and human resources, you struggled to find a good job in a good company.
Your two minimum wage jobs were barely enough to keep you afloat which resulted in the tiny, rundown trailer park that you now resided in. James refused to find work of his own and when he did, his employment never lasted long. It didn’t take a genius to know that he was purposely sabotaging his opportunities and making a bad name for himself but there wasn’t anything that you could do about it. 
The fight that started as soon as you got off of work had lasted throughout the entire night all of the way up until he finally just left to do whatever it was that he did. You were exhausted and didn’t know how you were going to make it through your eight hours in the factory and then the retail job that you had immediately after. 
Your car was just as bad as your home, nothing but a simple rust bucket that decided on its own some days to not start. Every wrong noise came from it during your commute to work and you couldn’t help but wonder just how long that it would last. The thought spiraled your depression further because you didn’t have the money to make any payments on even the cheapest of cars, unable to even afford to get any repairs that needed to be taken care of. 
You forced the thoughts away while throwing on the simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans before slipping on your steel toed shoes and looking around your room, unable to linger on the many holes in the walls. The entirety of the small area constantly smelled of mildew, the leak in the roof from rain that followed the dense dry heat only making it worse by the day. What you could tell was once white carpet was now brown and littered with black spots that caused the putrid odor. 
The bed, if you could even call it that, wasn’t in much better condition. The mattress, which was second hand, sat on the floor since you weren’t able to afford any form of a bedframe. You had gone without eating for almost a week simply by buying your also second hand couch that was barely usable. The small journal that was now on the floor from James’s violent outburst had been knocked from the tiny dresser and caught your eye just as you were about to leave. 
As you flipped through it, your heart dropped at the list of bills and the ones that were due in just a few days. Your bank account had been drained yet again by your boyfriend and there was no way that you weren’t going to be past due. The thought brought tears to your eyes because it would only cost you even more money that you didn’t have. You cursed the horrible economy and the overpriced hell hole that you lived in.
Making your way into the small living room/kitchen combo area of your trailer, you stopped to look at the thermostat. A snort left you at the irony because it didn’t belong there. It wasn’t like it had worked since you had moved in five years ago. The common sight of a scurrying mouse from the corner of your eye pulled your attention to it just before it ran across your feet and through a hole at the bottom of the wall. A variety of roaches scattered across the walls from your presence but that was also nothing new. 
Dirty dishes were piled in the sink, causing you to sigh because that had been another point of your argument from the night before. James didn’t work or contribute anything to the house. Not even cleaning. You were hardly ever there so it wasn’t like any of it was your mess to begin with. It was a never ending futile battle but it never failed to bug you at the end of the day in your exhaustion.
Your next task was searching for your phone and car keys, which had been thrown somewhere in the process. It had been hard at the time to know what he did with them since your vision had blurred at the time from where James had elbowed you in the nose. To the best of your knowledge, your keys were in the front yard somewhere but your phone was a different story. The broken window that overlooked the backyard told you enough. It was probably somewhere amidst the tall grass that was past due for a cut but your lack of a lawn mower made that impossible to do. It would die soon enough anyway since the cooler air of winter was slowly moving in.
Just as you suspected, your phone was in the damp backyard with the battery completely drained. There was also a new crack on the screen but you couldn’t be bothered to worry about it because it was too close to time for you to leave. Your keys took a bit longer to track down since there were no obvious signs of where they landed.
The sight of a moving truck at the front of the trailer next door pulled your attention away from your task, the new emotion of curiosity a welcome one. Your neighboring trailer was the nicest one in the park but it was far from being considered homey. It was a one bedroom just as all of them were and extremely overpriced for the condition that it was in. You had looked at it before moving into the one that you now lived in and it was in complete working condition, a far cry from being similar to your own.
Your gaze on the sight next door was enough to have you stumbling over the very item that you had forgotten about, nearly causing you to tumble to the ground right as someone was exiting the home. Heat rose to your cheeks when your eyes connected with the man’s across the small yards that you both had. You weren’t sure if it was because of the fact that he almost saw you fall or because he was the most beautiful man that you had ever seen. 
Shaking your head to clear it, you snatched up your keys and hoped that you would make it to work without any problems.
@amara-moonlight @allygrace74 @sidthedollface2 @historygeekqueen @hnyclover @kalulakunundrum @historygeekqueen @bubybubsters @thisblogisaboutabook @mybestfriendmademe @caroline-books @justvibbinghere @wisdomofthebrain @nighttimemoonlover
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daystarvoyage · 2 months
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Luz Shouldve Been Dressed By A POC (Person Of Color Or Luz Batista To Show Better Cultural & POC Reprensation)
Hello Tumblers, This is kyoko cane of daystar voyage, as a proud black person who’s genderqueer who makes content creations On Pop culture such as Cosplay & drag, I do talk on Animation & Family Entertainment So glad to get this topic cause what we see on tv can be put into reality, Now (Disclaimer)
I will not accept hate on the daystar voyage anyone who can’t handle different opinions, ship whatever (unless legal) if not walk out or off this spaceship into a asteroid belt and black hole
Don’t hate appreciate.
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One more thing I do love my girl Luz pilot outfits, there goals however wish they had time to put patterns into her clothes often, like I said in my hootview
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However the female cast had a better closet then her, and I did discuss that in my video, for some time they did make her dress in a shonen archetype, (which I made a post about her hair) or an spicy Latina Which of of course personality wise too, (cause she’s made to be the gender non confirming character) but excuse all that cause in a way, the staff shoulda hired someone whos Either Afro, African American Or Latin to dress this girl.
Oh boy now that im done rewatching The Owl House there’s so much in store soon anyway,
I do feel its time to start this short post, I have a fashion hootview which is the intermission so there’s still a lot to come meantime, finished my rewatch of The Owl House as an animation lover,
Lets discuss this topic at hand,
2020s animators need to take notes on costuming & style tips to make characters stand out in environments and to treat there characters better in fashion or color coordination,
yes you can have a color coded character and not rely of a main palette to be able to bring out there features & complexion,
Animators need to take notes, how to properly show kids & there audience that good clothing could be put onto a character of any occasion & not have to rely on sexuality or Stereotype (Disney Programs have a hit or miss on certain shows.)
while proper fashion can do justice, that goes into making a franchise and making a product to sell for marketability in retail & consumers.
if the character or product can be sold with a great design if executed flawless by character, design, costuming, and the app that comes within the series,
This goes to the fandom cause there might be future artistsor small indie creators reading this who probably never read, or look up fashion brands, magazines either hot couture or brand clothing and don’t have that knowledge But that shouldn’t stop you from being able to experiment with different color palettes on what goes into your art.
The fandom needs a wake up call that not only is everything’s perfect and people have the right to critic and criticize a show or any form of art.
cause fandoms today has a self righteous way of bullying others of different opinions and ostracizing others and ithas to stop,
Here’s a quick tv trope in color-coded characters, & a Toonsmag article on fashion in animation.
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Marketability is a important factor, industries rely on that to make the money off of that series, be a cartoons or projects,
it impacts the character and representation that kids see when they purchase said item and teaching kids, see good representation within media can matter if done right.
Especially POCs if executed well however
DONW BELOW in some cases miraculous ladybug fumbles it hard, at one point had all the poc of color (EXAMPLE limited to alya and nino if not max be lighter tones on there merch.)
You know lighting character's skin tones like Alya and other brown or dark skin characters, on their products & merch (bad ethnic representation award goes to them).
Not to mention the whole Vas underpaid controversy, that’s been discussed countless times.
(still disappointed about there business decisions)
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I appreciate the love of anyone who can view and read this article if you gotten this far,
thanks for reading make sure to check my Tumblr and YouTube vlog cause so much of this particular series I’m gonna debunk
The show had a-lot going for it however feel flat including in the fashion department along miraculous ladybug that’s another thing to be discuss OH BOY so anyway
here’s an example of the video game art of Guilty Gear showing great costume progress years later
always educate yourself cause I do want my platform to show variety on what I offer creatively and semi-education-wise to be able to let people be inspired and that you don't need to follow trends, thank you very much seeya on the next space voyage.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 1 year
This is so not fair :(
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All the fun Barbie stuff is all at places I want to go but can’t.
It’s also cotton candy??? Why’d my cotton candy elf with blue Barbie eyeliner have to die before July? I was on point with cotton candy summer…
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therearebatsaround · 4 months
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"A bearer of secrets. Those sorts of people usually live in corners at disreputable holes in the wall, or in rickety shacks with poisoned air. Those people usually don’t take up home in a pristine music retailer’s shop. Checking the door number, the address, and landmarks, one could not be more certain that this was the place Dr. Cards had said.
With the swinging of the heavy door, the mahogany corner struck a chime made carefully of old french horn parts, causing the clerk to rear his? Her? their? head up from where they had been crouched behind the counter. Their brown, almond eyes were wide and alert, their well-tamed black curls draped neatly down their back. Straightening their form, they shuffled forward and sat on a small stool behind the counter. 
“Good afternoon good sir! Welcome to Pritchard’s musical curiosities, are you looking for anything in particular on this lovely day?"
Hello fallen london tumblr this is my guy. his name is rhoddeni and hes a non player oc, he runs a music shop that sells phonographs, phonographic coils, shellac discs, instruments, sheet music, and strange plastic discs containing music that doesn't exist yet.
if you know the right people, he may offer more than just a pretty melody.
shoutout to my lovely wonderful boyfriend @sunlessveils who convinced me to post rhoddeni!! look at his art and characters Now, rhoddeni is dating his character merion they are in love so much
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writing-frenzy · 9 months
The Kinda/sorta SI!Aizen Sosuke Isekai AU
because my brain has been blessed with works from cywscross/cheshiresense, like the Ichigo and Aizen Time Travel AU, and the amazing I (Not) Aizen Sosuke by Williamcipher, I'm gonna half-hazardly note this idea out because I can not write bleach fic to save my life.
So, first things first; why is this only sorta SI!Aizen Sosuke?
Because, this is technically Aizen Sosuke, just a parallel from a modern universe and because the thought of a Milennial!Aizen makes me want to fucking cackle like a banshee. Like, Sosuke is still a tricky, nasty little genius, but he's actually had therapy and the internet to get any teenage angst and black history out. (Which he denies ever having, like a lair) And yes, He has suffered Retail, so he can and will be the fakest bitch you ever did see, the customer service smile never forgotten despite how he wishes he could. He's had to grow from a life of poverty, clawing and reaching for everything he's had, but he's also had the public library and some really damn good teachers to have his back, an actual safe place for him to fall back too.
(Amazing, what a difference it makes.)
So, as a kid, Sosuke practically read everything he could get his grubby hands on, partly to better himself, partly an escape, when he came upon his library's selection of comics and manga; he found a certain series; Fullmetal Alchemist.... Just, imagine this young, little genius reading such a book at such a young age; think of how he would react to such twists and chills this story brings, and how it unknowingly shaped him. (how it inspired him).
This started a very big, very large rabbit hole for the kid; he could not get enough after that; which, in the end, leads him to a manga called Bleach. He ends up enjoying it, not as much as Fullmetal, but the story does peak his interest, from Ichigo's charisma, to even side characters like Gin's treachery and Urahara's puppetry. it is a fasinating story in it's own right, even as the villain, Aizen both intrigues him and frustrates him.
Like, his motives and ambitions, along with his skills should not make such a fucking flat as depth character! Where is character depth, why does he fucking monologue so damn much? Why not explore the sense of loneness that Ichigo saw, especially once we reach the Qincy War and he still sided with SS? Sosuke would like a little more justice for a character with so much potential and shit, a villain through and through, and yet one of the greatest helps at the end.
(We do not mention the Bleach Epilogue, and it's not because Sosuke ships Ishida and Inou, nope, it just doesn't exist, out of spite out of mind. why does he ship it? because why not :D)
So, for this relatively self-adjusted Aizen Sosuke, he suddenly dies one day, only to find due to certain circumstances, (I'm gonna say a certain wishing rock, his soul being distantly connected, wrong place wrong time, shitty luck, and his death not actually be an accident >_> how energy can not be destroyed or created technically, so it attached to his soul) Sosuke finds himself kinda sorta before what might be the Soul King(?) and he's gonna have to be born as Bleach!Aizen Sosuke cause funky things happened across dimensions, and it's either this or have his soul shredded in unbearable agony.
Sosuke:... So what, I become a Shikigami and get guaranteed a one way ticket to hell the minute I die? Soul King: Not if you play your cards right; but yeah, the Visored still need to be a thing, so have fun figuring that out :D Sosuke: Fuck. You. *so starts his Tries to figure out a way to fucking change the whole Soul King system so the Captains and such don't have to became hellspawn the minute they die and how to create Visored consensually*
So yeah, Aizen Sosuke is a pretty different animal in this world; He still has the damn Customer Service smile, because it has become a very important tool in survival among those damn annoying nobles, is a bit snarky tho but very, very rarely because corpal punshiment with whips and such is actually still a thing here and people do get so very nasty because they can with Outer Rukongai Trash as he is called.
But it's so pathetically easy to find souls and such that willingly let them be experimented on if it means their families get fed or they don't die in the cold. the only illusions Sosuke uses is to disguise himself with or erase memoires of conversations if the soul choses not to be experimented on. Otherwise, Sosuke is brutally honest in what he's doing, what can happen to the soul, and what it can cost.
(It's kinda understandable, that other Aizen Sosuke's ambitions, with just how fucking many take him up on that offer so fucking willingly, some even happy with it.)
So things happen, Sosuke really doesn't want to create a certain death marble, but the way things are going it's looking like it, seeing as he is nowhere near close to his goals. (He thinks of such a thing, this Hogyoku, thinks of just how many suffered for it, how it twisted a version of himself, the temptation of twisted promises, and this man can't help but hesitate, uncertain of temporing with such things beyond him. He might be a version of Aizen Sosuke, he might be made up with twisted ambitions and his own greed, Rukongai chewing him up and spitting him out into something that will survive, letting him see just how deep his inner demons are... but as he is parallel, there are lines he will not cross.)
So, Sosuke on a whim and coffee withdraw, (with nightmares haunting his feet and dreams, screams and blood seemingly drenching them) sees if he can maybe at least get along with Urahara Kisuke. After all, he's pretty sure he won't get the worst case scenario, with the man plotting his downfall one step at a time at least.
(It is the start of the best and worst relationship anyone in Soul Society has ever seen; Like, 95% of SS thinks these two are just really intense, hateful rivals who get under each other's skin like no one else can, concerns about how the two spar really rough with each other, people guessing if anything they must have had hate sex at least once because of battle high. the startled concerns with how their debates are rough and harsh, their Rukongai language actually coming out as they argue and growl at the other even as they smartly trash the other sides pro's and cons, only to get served a minute later.
The remaining 5% is split between groups who think the relationship is like the worst married couple ever, you think they're on their way to a divorce any minute now, with maybe a concern of toxicity. But the other part, with maybe one or three people who have actually looked at this relationship, really look and realize; oh... so that's how love can look like too... huh.
Because for these two broken, bloody men showing the world they have something they care about, something they treasure and love is never a smart thing; it only gets it stolen from them or tossed aside. So all their gentle touches, soft words, the domestic bliss of Sosuke able to cook and serve a little tea on the side as Kisuke rambles with bright eyes about his favored project at the moment, of just holding the other close as they sleep after rough missions and nightmares; this is only to be had behind closed and reinforced doors so they don't risk this person who they world destroy worlds and more for) But that is later; much later; for now, the two are snarky besties who take pot shots at each other but will mentally screw with others who would say shit about the other.
And then... the thing that Sosuke has been trying to do, the Hollowifcation that he has been struggling to reach all this time, has been failing at... is done; not by him, not by any scientist or some such, but i'm gonna say it was a means to save him and a few others from a fate worst then death or something, Kisuke desperate to do so.
Yes, this does in fact mean We get a Visored!Aizen, cuz why not :3 not to mention, with maybe a few different Visored with maybe a couple still the same. (Kaien and Gin would be interesting in my opinion, with maybe Shinji not actually a Visored in this world, maybe Lisa either if we want to trade seconds of the squads :3)
So yeah, exile happens still, no one hunting them down because the only search parties that would be allowed for them would be assassinations and such, and no one wants them dead besides assholes.
Things happen, things go differently, and in the end Aizen Sosuke, as a soul outside the cycle of reincarnation, one touched by so many different energies, has been both corrupted and become more, with a power and sword that can warp reality, he can touch the throne and not become unmade, can use it for his goal, in return for his own sacrifice
Of course, this is Sosuke; his back up plans have back up plans; so, he goes Isekai protagonist, finding himself in post canon bleach without knowing it, pretty powerless if you didn't count his mind and that he still has his sword, just forced to forget their name and his power cut in half (he's built himself up from nothing twice already, what's once more with some perks and it's not like he won't be able to remember their name; on another note, all his respect for all the sheer bullshit Ichigo had to go through after the winter war).
Of course, Sosuke isn't going to go through this alone; nah, urahara and his fellow visored are like "you're not getting rid of us that easy So-kun :) " and of course others will join in, because they are rebel or die together.
So, all these alternate versions in post canon, what havoc will they cause? A lot; some interactions I want:
Sosuke is injured and past out when canon first finds them, because of the newest villain of the week got lucky and so we have a blood thirsty Kisuke ready to destroy everything, cold blooded and still unlike he usually shows the world. Hijinks happens when all three groups clash, bonds happen, pretty sure the Ichigo effect comes up once or twice as the two groups work together against the enemy flavor of the week, so it's pretty late when peeps realize; wtf, why is an aizen here?
On Sosuke's part; wakes up, bleary-eyed, blinks, takes in a scene before him that is probably a bit ridiculous, before he turns his back to it and goes right back to sleep: I reject a reality where there are two Urahara's :T
Sosuke: ... why am I surrounded by children? *generally confused by ducklings he has unintentionally gathered by being honest and snarky and a really damn good teacher* Kisuke: *laughing not realizing at first that those are now his ducklings too*
Like, a movie night I want to happen, Sosuke and Kisuke starting it because nightmares and trauma, only for Ichigo and other to join in somehow, it becoming a bonding event.
People finding out about how Sosuke ended up being forced to be reborn in a manga and have no choice but to make Visoreds or have his soul stuck in a cycle of constantly being shredded and tortured, but actually trying to make it as safe and willing as possible. Kisuke: WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU TELL ME, I COULD HAVE HELPED!!! Sosuke: WHAT DO YOU MEAM WHY DIDNT I ASK, OF COURSE I WON'T, WHO'D BELIEVE FLAMING BULLSHIT LIKE THAT!? I BARELY BELIEVE IT AND I'VE FUCKING BEEN THROUGH IT!
Sosuke: *Been through the worst day possible, almost died, his people he actually has positive emotions for almost died, made it through with a little more trauma." ... Fuck it. *Kisses his boyfriend, uncaring who sees.* Post Canon Characters and others: *Jaw dropped, choked sounds, sputters, and money and bets exchanging hands*
Sosuke to Canon!Aizen:... You can not tell me you have not wanted to pin Urahara to the wall and stab him a little as you kiss him; I know myself well enough.
And welp, here it is, ask me questions if you want or if anyone gets inspired, let me know!
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Head Like A Hole
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Warnings: cursing, smut, knife play, blood play. All the good stuff lmao
A/N: The name of this one is from the Nine Inch Nails song by the same name. I was listening to it and this just came to me so…. Enjoy I guess lololol
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Head Like A Hole blared through the speakers of the club and you felt the beat down to your bones. You had a pleased smile on your face as you twirled expertly around the pole, letting your body feel the rhythm and going with it. You hadn't been a natural at the pole like some of the girls here. It had taken some getting used to, you hadn't expected your muscles to have protested to it so much. But you’d always been in tune with music and you soon found your feet. You’d been here now for years and you loved it. You weren't like some of the others. You weren't here out of necessity. You weren't here to pay off college or because you would be out on the streets if you didn't. You weren't here so you could pay for your next fix. You were here because you wanted to be. You’d never been ashamed of your body or scared of sexuality. Previous to this, you’d worked retail and lived a boring life like a good little worker ant. You could barely make rent and you’d been stuck in a monotonous cycle as you daydreamed of being free and being able to be yourself. And now, here you were and you loved every moment of it. You had a fancy ass apartment, a great car. You made more in one night than you did one month at your old job and you never looked back. It wasn't just a strip club though. Extra services were offered but the girls were never forced to do it if they didn't feel like it. And for that, you were grateful for Jerry, the owner. You always had a choice here. Nothing was forced on you. And you knew those extras would pay ridiculously well so you rarely turned them down. 
You swayed your hips to the music as you danced, only clad in lacy black panties. There were a number of small podiums around the place, each girl having their own. Some guys would come in and choose a different girl each time, but most of them found they had a favorite and would go to their podium. You had a lot of regulars and you’d admit you were one of the highest-paid girls here. Your eyes locked with dark orbs sitting across from your podium and you felt a thrill run through you. This regular was a little different to all of the others. He’d started coming in a month ago. He never spoke to you like some of them would. Everyone was different. You had guys that loved to tell you all the dirty things as you danced or spoke to them, ones who would always bother to ask how you were doing and some wouldn't speak at all. And this one was the latter. He stood out with the scars all over his face but it didn't detract from his handsomeness at all. His eyes were so dark they looked almost black and they were so intense, they made your heart stutter every time you’d seen him. He’d sit there just watching you intently, like you were the most amazing thing he’d ever witnessed and you fed off it. He intrigued you. Another girl here, one of the more stuck-up ones, had made a comment once about how she'd be ‘scared’ to have him watching her. Said he looked deranged with his messed-up face. You’d punched her in the nose for it. You weren't quite sure why you'd felt the need but you'd done it anyway and she hadn't made a comment since. You’d never even really interacted with him before but there was a pull to him, he was alluring. You'd admit there was a darkness that surrounded him. But you weren't put off by it. It called to you and made you burn for him. He came in to watch you three times a week and every time, you hoped he’d request you after, but he never did. 
You closed your eyes as you let your body feel the music. You loved this song, it was one of yours. Jerry had asked all the girls to pick songs to dance to and they’d play the playlist for you all. It was to keep it fair to everyone. All different types of music and each girl got some songs she liked to dance to. You twirled the pole before standing in front of it, your arms above your head as you arched your back against it and pushed your breasts out. Your eyes locked eyes on the mystery man once more. You tried to avoid it, favoritism wouldn’t pay your rent after all, but you often found yourself watching him and him alone when he was here. You sent him a wry smirk, swaying your hips, and his lips quirked up in a predatory grin that sent a jolt of desire right through you. He’d never done that before. Never done anything other than watch you. His face impassive. His eyes though… well they told you how much he wanted you. You bit your lower lip before forcing yourself to drag your eyes off him and pay some of the other customers attention. The eye contact always got you more tips. When the song ended, you gave him one last lingering look before walking off your podium, putting on a silk black robe and making your way to ‘your’ room. Each girl had a room in the back here that came with a bed. It could be used for resting or extra activities if the girl wanted to. You always kept it neat and tidy, the bed sheets a deep purple color. You took pride in your room, always making it welcoming. You were on your way there when Ellisa came over to you. She was one of the servers. They were different to the dancers and guys weren't allowed to touch them at all, even if they were all prancing around in their underwear. Anyone that dared to break the rule was shown the door and not allowed back. Jerry only wanted trusted customers here and it weeded out the assholes. He ran a good business. 
“Someone’s requested you,” she smirked, toying with an envelope in her hand.
“How much?” you asked curiously. The minimum to pay was $500 for the extras but some guys liked to pay more, especially if they were into some kinky shit. Ellisa smirked even more as she handed you the envelope. You got the money out, counting it quickly and your eyes widened.
“$5000?” you whispered, looking at her incredulously. She grinned at you and shrugged.
“He must really want some of that pussy,” she murmured ruefully, making you snort. 
“Do you know who?” you asked. None of your regulars would offer this much. Ellisa made a slicing motion to her face and you got it instantly. It made your stomach clench with anticipation and excitement and she rolled her eyes goodnaturedly at you at our obvious interest. 
“He’s already in there. I knew you wouldn't be turning him down,” she grinned before rushing off to do her job. 
Your heart hammered away, your body thrumming as you made your way to your room, stuffing the envelope into the pocket of your robe. You took a deep breath before you opened the door. And sure enough, mystery man was perched on the edge of your bed looking antsy. You came in and his deep, dark eyes snapped to you. You didn't break eye contact as you shut the door behind you and leaned against it.
“I wondered when you’d ask for me,” you purred, biting your lip with a coy smile. His lips ticked up into a smirk at your words.
“Is that so?” he asked. His voice felt like honey poured all over you. You’d often wondered what he’d sound like but the real thing was better than anything you could have conjured up. 
“Mhmm. I’m a little put out it took this long,” you shrugged teasingly. He chuckled as he stood and you inhaled a breath. He was so fucking tall and his scars stood out in the dimly lit room, making him look imposing. You loved it. He was wearing a black hoodie and what looked to be a black tee under it. Some jeans and boots. He looked good enough to eat.
“What's your name, handsome?” you asked as you leisurely approached him. He raked his teeth over his lower lip, his eyes sweeping you like he knew what was under your robe. He did for the most part, but he’d be seeing parts of you tonight he’d never been privy to. 
“Billy. What's yours?” he asked curiously as his eyes finally landed back on your face. You’d be a liar if you tried to deny how his gaze affected you. He looked at you like you were different. Special.
“Y/N,” you supplied, stopping just in front of him. You untied your silk robe and let it pool to the floor, now once again only in your black lacy panties. He made no move to touch you as he stared you down.
“Y/N,” he repeated, like he was testing it out. You loved how your name sounded rolling off his tongue.
“So… you paid a pretty penny for this. I presume you had something in mind?” you asked, smoothing your hands up his clothed chest. His eyes darted to your hands, his breathing becoming shallower before he looked back at you.
“Some things. Wanted to bring my knife but they wouldn’t let me bring it in,” he muttered with a dark smirk. He looked almost like he wanted to scare you, but all that happened was your eyes lit up and a pleased smile overtook your face, he looked mildly confused before you moved away, opening your drawer off to the side. When you turned back to face him, you were holding your knife. He let out a delighted and surprised laugh but it quickly turned into a groan when you expertly twirled the knife in your hands.
“You know your way around a knife, sweetheart?” he rasped, his voice low and full of need. It made you ache. 
“I do,” you replied with a smirk. You looked at him, your eyes reflecting how much you wanted him as you trailed the knife down your chest between your breasts. You didn't miss how his Adams apple bobbed or how he seemed to have a sudden issue breathing normally. 
Without warning, he lunged at you, grabbing the knife and spinning you around. Your back was to his chest and he was holding the knife to your throat, the other pinning you against him by your stomach. You let out a sinful moan that made him chuckle.
“I could slit your throat right now,” he growled down your ear, but it did little to scare you. 
“You won't,” you grinned, chest heaving at the excitement. You lay your hand over his, the one on your stomach, and pushed it down and down until his fingers were sliding into your panties. You guided his fingers until he could feel just how much you were enjoying this. You were soaked. He moaned sinfully down your ear and you rubbed your body against him like a cat, uncaring about the cold metal kissing your skin. He toyed with your clit for a small moment and you moaned, reveling in the feeling. But then he was pulling his hand away from you and turning you around, no longer holding the knife to your throat. You felt the loss immediately. He was staring you down with a feral glint in his eyes that made you feel like you'd drown if you didn't have him soon. And without breaking eye contact, he threw the knife across the room and it embedded into the wooden headboard with a thunk. 
“Fuck,” you murmured breathlessly, a delighted smile toying on your lips. 
Then he was on you. The kiss was all tongue and teeth, ferocious as he consumed you from the inside out. Your hands rushed to rid him of his clothes. He’d already made quick work of your panties, literally ripping them off, and you felt like you were playing catch-up to get him as naked as you were. Once you were both undressed, he backed you up and pushed you onto the bed. He crawled on after you, a wicked glint in his eye as he settled between your open thighs. He pulled the knife back out from where it was in the headboard, it caught the light and your heart was thumping away so hard you could hear it in your ears. He bit his lower lip hard as he trailed the knife across your chest, much like you had to yourself. Then it danced along the skin of the swell of your breast. Your hand came up without much thought, staring at him as you pressed it, pushing the knife into your skin a little. It wasn’t enough for a medical emergency but it was enough to slice it and draw blood. It elicited a mix between a moan and a gasp from Billy and you soaked in his reaction as he stared at you. He had a strange look on his face. Like he couldn't quite work out what was going on or who you were. He swallowed thickly, eyes darting to the slightly oozing cut on your breast, but then he leaned down and licked it up. You gasped, eyes falling shut as you arched up to him. 
“Do it again,” you whispered needily. He was lapping at your cut as his eyes looked up to you.
“Please,” you added with a coy smile. He lifted his head a little, a sly smirk painting his lips before he obliged, making another cut below the previous one. You moaned at the pain, writhing under him as he eagerly started licking at it again. He kept at it, leaving teasing little cuts he’d lavish with his tongue as he moved further and further down your body and you felt like you were on your way to nirvana. The knife then kissed the skin of your inner thigh and the thrill increased. It was a dangerous game and you knew that. Your femoral artery was right there and you knew what would happen if he nicked it. You weren't scared though and he locked eyes with you for a moment before cutting your thigh. It was less deep than the others, the blood only pin-pricking on some spots where the skin had broken. He groaned as he leaned down, sucking on it. The knife was then laying on the bed next to him as he left a flurry of marks all over your thighs and you loved every second of it. There was no warning as he started licking vigorously at your clit and you gasped, back arching as your hands flew to his short-cropped hair. He sucked on your clit and you moaned, pressing his head closer to you as you squirmed under him and made him groan. 
You felt a fire burning inside of you as he used his mouth to make you moan, his hands gripping your thighs to keep you in place as you couldn't keep still. You threw your head back, moans getting higher in frequency and pitch as you felt yourself getting closer to release. Not long later, you were crying out, back bowing as you fell over the ledge he had you dangling off. He moved away, mouth slick with your juices as he licked his lips. His eyes were wild and you wanted him to ruin you. He left sloppy wet kisses up your body until he was hovering over your mouth but not kissing you.
“My turn, sweetheart,” he purred, voice sounding raw with need. The knife was then pressed into your hand and you knew just what he wanted. It made your eyes sparkle with delight as you moved to sit up and he lay down. You straddled him, trapping his hard and wanting cock with your slick heat and making him moan softly. You smirked down at him, twirling the knife around again. His eyes flared dangerously at you and you loved it. You stared right at him as you brought the knife to your mouth, licking your blood off the flat part of it. The noise he made had your head spinning. You moved the knife to his smooth skin then, slicing the skin above his nipple like he had with you. He let out a dirty moan as you did and you leaned down, licking it up with a mewl. You strategically cut him in the same places he had you, loving every little noise or reaction he made as you did. You mimicked him perfectly, right up to the marks on the thighs when you were done with the knife. By this point, he was breathing erratically and you loved knowing you had this effect on him. You licked a stripe up his large, hard cock and he groaned, arching up as his hand went to your hair. You grabbed him, giving him no warning before you took him into your mouth all the way until he hit the back of your throat and your nose was pressed against him. The noise he made was filthy and you wondered if you might cum again without even being touched. You worked him over with your mouth, enjoying every noise you drew from him as he arched up, making sure you took him all the way in each time. Every time he hit the back of your throat, he made sure to hold you there for a moment as your throat spasmed around him. The grip on your hair was wonderfully tight and you allowed him to fuck your mouth for a moment before you let your mouth slide off him with a pop. You knew some guys could have multiple orgasms although it was rare and needed some recovery time. But you didn't know if he was one of them and you weren't ready for this to be over yet. 
You moved to straddle him again, lifting up a little before lining him up. You slid down onto him with ease with how wet you were and the pair of you moaned at the relief. You started bouncing on his cock and his hands slid up your body, touching anywhere he could. Your cuts had bled again and his hands were smearing it all over you. Painting you with it. His hands then moved to your hips, seemingly finding you weren't going hard or fast enough as he started guiding you up and down even faster. The sound of skin hitting skin floated to your ears as he used your body to bring him pleasure and you couldn't stop any of your desperate moans. Your nails bit into the skin of his chest and he let out a dirty groan, giving you a hard thrust as you did. He sat up quickly, one hand gripping the back of your neck and the other your ass as his lips claimed yours once more. It was brutal and demanding and you gave into it willingly. The angle made your clit rub against him with each thrust and your head fell back in pleasure. He sunk his teeth into the delicate flesh of your neck and you hoped you'd be full of marks when he was done with you. You rapidly felt yourself coming undone around him once more, squirming on top of him with a keening moan. You felt dazed but very aware that he'd stilled and that he hadn't cum yet.  You blinked at him curiously and the grin he gave you was menacing.
"I'm not done with you yet," he smirked devilishly. Suddenly, he was moving you off him and positioning you on your hands and knees. You felt a hard stinging sensation on your right ass cheek and gasped in delight, pressing your forehead into the purple sheets.
"Harder," you begged helplessly, moaning as he obliged. The burning pleased something inside of you. He pushed into you once more and you moaned desperately as he set a punishing rhythm with you. Each thrust felt like it was forcing the air out of your lungs. 
He gripped your hair and tugged on it, chuckling through his moans at the noise you made. He used your hair to pull you to sit up, still fucking you relentlessly.
"Like it rough, sweetheart?" He growled into your ear.
"Yes, yes, yes!" You chanted hopelessly, your head spinning in the best way. You whined when he suddenly pulled out of you and let your hair go but then you were being roughly shoved onto your back. He gave your brain no time to understand what was going on before he slammed right back into you and you gasped. You felt on the edge of delirium as he started rutting into you like an animal, making the headboard slam against the wall. The wild look in his eyes and the noises he was making made you think he felt the same.
"Billy… I… I need…" you gasped brokenly between your moans. He leaned one arm near your head for leverage as the other gripped your jaw so hard you really hoped he left bruises. 
"I got you, baby. I know what you need," he moaned, his hand trailing down from your jaw to your throat. He applied enough pressure to cut your air supply off and you bucked wildly under him, pleasure ramping up even more. He'd squeeze until you were light-headed, feeling like you were teetering on the edge of passing out, before he eased his grip and let you greedily suck in air. When he was squeezing your throat, your moans were strangled, but when you could breathe, they were broken and keening. The noises he was making as he watched you were pornographic.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Such a good girl for me,” he moaned sinfully, fully shoving you over the edge. Your lips parted with a raw moan as you exploded, feeling like you had nothing left to give him after this as your body seemed to give out. Thankfully, he let out a few guttural moans, ferally thrusting into you a few more times before he filled you up deliciously.
He let you breathe, his forehead resting on yours for a moment as your heaving breaths mingled together. He pulled out of you and collapsed beside you and you felt like you'd gone to heaven. You idly wondered if he had slit your throat and all of this hadn't really happened. You were waiting for him to get up and leave. It's how it usually went. It didn't matter how rough it usually was, although it had never been like this, they never stuck around after. Aftercare didn't exist here and you didn't mind it anymore. You were used to it. So you were surprised when he turned you on your side, him also on his side as he looked at you. His dark eyes seemed calmer now as he watched you carefully. His fingers delicately trailed the cuts on your breasts that had started to scab. You watched him curiously, your body spent in the best way. He leaned over, capturing your lips in a kiss. It wasn't as hard as the others. This one was slow but no less sensual as his tongue explored what felt like every inch of your mouth. You melted into him, humming into the kiss. When he pulled away, he shot you a smirk like he was admiring his handiwork. 
Without a word, he got up and started dressing. You knew you needed to get up. After blowing your mind the way he did, it would be rude to not at least walk him to the door.  You stood on shaky legs and grabbed your robe, tying it around yourself. You felt ready to collapse into a heap at a moment's notice. When he was fully dressed, he walked over to where you were at the door. You'd started to wonder if he'd leave without saying anything as he opened the door, but then he turned back to you, watching you with those expressive eyes for a second.
"I'll see you real soon, Y/N," he smirked darkly, his voice holding all kinds of sinful promises you wanted him to keep.
"I'm counting on it," you replied, your voice a little scratchy from the choking. His grin widened in a predatory manner and you felt breathless. He grabbed the knot of your robe and tugged you the small distance to him. You almost fell into him with how tired you felt and your hands came to his chest. His hand gripped your jaw possessively as he kissed you hard on the lips and you mewled softly. He moved away, quirking an amused brow at your pathetic state before he slipped out of the door. You blinked at it for a moment before wandering back to your bed and flopping onto it. Your hands absentmindedly stroked one of the cuts he'd left you, a dopey smile on your face. You wondered if it would scar. You hoped it would. Would he have matching scars with you? You drifted to sleep, wondering how long you had to wait before you saw him again.
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The third chapter in the Black Badge saga is in the works!
Ace in the Hole is the sequel to the highly acclaimed Vein Pursuits, the supernatural western adventure penned by Rhett C. Bruno and Jaime Castle, and narrated by the one only Roger Clark.
Ace in the Hole will release in roughly one year, on May 06, 2025 and it will be available in Paperback, E-Book, and Audiobook formats. No word on hardcover edition just yet.
You can pre-order Ace in the Hole from the retailers below, since the book is still far from release, there aren't too many options available:
Apple Books ✰ Audible ✰ Audiobooks.com ✰ AudiobooksNow.com ✰ AudiobookStore.com ✰ Barnes & Noble ✰ Binge Books ✰ Blackstone Publishing ✰ Chirp Books ✰ Downpour ✰ Everand ✰ Google Play ✰ Hoopla ✰ Libro.fm ✰ Overdrive + Libby ✰ Rakuten Kobo ✰
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gdenofa-blog · 9 days
Prologue of Chapter One: The Idea
August 8th, 1995
Early morning, at the entrance of the quiet yet ominous packing room, the tall, bipedal toy agitatedly scanned his surroundings. Unlike this factory's other surveillance devices, the ones here could not be accessed. Though they were not as scrutinized, cameras were still cameras. Thus, the orangey and yellow-trimmed dog knew he had to be quick about this. A tool belt, strapped around a thin plush waist was an indication that he was supposed to be in this sector of the factory. But heaven forbid if anyone stopped him before he concluded this undisclosed task.
It was now or never.
Before the plush canine took another step, his large and floppy ears twitched at the sounds of small and squeaky whimpers. He peered down at the hundreds of small plush toys, trembling at his feet.
"Shhh, it's all right, little guys," DogDay crooned in a gruff and kind voice. "There's no one here yet. But we need to go. C'mon."
Gingerly, he ushered the mini critters across the huge room of shipping parcels of all sizes. They lightly strode and scurried to one very big crate in particular. It was lined with brown paper and contained proof of purchase. But contrasting from all the other boxes and crates loaded with vended toys ready to be sent out and distributed to retailers, this one was empty.
During the previous night, DogDay had marked the parcel ready; it was meant to be filled with an order for Playtime Co.'s aromatic toys of their popular mascots: the Smiling Critters.
But little was the awareness of the employees that this order was going to be living cargo.  
"Here..." DogDay removed the top lid of the wooden box, "I'll help you... Please, we must hurry."
As swiftly as he could, the lanky dog lifted and placed each small, sentient toy within the crate, one by one. Although this was extremely risky, his broad red-orange paws were gentle, for he neither wished to hurt nor startle any of the scared little beings.
Eventually, DogDay held the final critter, a tiny version of himself.
"Now, remember, when humans see you, stay still. You're ordinary toys, okay?"
The little dog nodded as did the others, sitting up in the broad crate together in each of their designated groups. However, when he was set down, he would not let go of the big paw.
DogDay groaned glumly. "I wish I could save more of you, but this retailer is strict. They rejected deliveries before. I can't risk you returning to this awful place."
The tall toy tried to move his arm, but the clinging little toy would not budge.
"Don't worry, I put in some air holes near the bottom, so you'll all have air and the trip's not long," assured the large dog hastily. "Just... please, let me go!"
Emitting tiny whines, the mini counterpart shook his head as small limbs began tugging with all their might.
He wanted DogDay to be in the crate, too.
With a pained sigh, the large plush canine bowed his head; one of his red-orange ears hung over the matching patch over a dark eye socket.
“I can't. I must stay. I have to help them. Get through to them."
Yes, time was critical, but this mini critter had to be consoled... They all did.
Kneeling and with a free paw, DogDay brushed the little dog's ear and spied a stitched number underneath.
"Listen carefully. I'm counting on you, little 1, to lead your kin to freedom. No more being controlled. Only happiness."
Peering through artificial eyes, the tiny toy gazed up at his mentor. Both he, DogDay, and the other mini critters wore unwavering, black, and toothless smiles. But the set expressions were a façade to everything this apathetic, immoral world harbored. The dread in this facility could practically be cut with a knife.
The little plush canine detected the edginess rising in the elder's yellow chest by the swaying of the big sunny zipper. He now knew. It truly was up to him.
After rubbing a plush cheek onto the big knuckles, the appointed little leader bowed his head firmly, granting DogDay his arm.
The tall toy chuckled weakly. "Hmm-hmm. Good boy."
He scuffed the top of the little dog's head, instigating a wiggling of a tiny orange tail. Then with a catch in his throat, DogDay regarded the other mini critters, adoringly.
"Goodbye, little guys... Thank- you all. For-For not wanting to hurt anyone."
The top of DogDay's ears lifted; brought back to the urgency by faraway yet heavy stomps. The mini critters started whining and fidgeting again.  
"Oh, no!" Getting up, DogDay grabbed the crates' lid and held it over the little rearing faces. "Please, stay quiet. Sit. Stay. Be good!"
The tiny toys hunkered down as the final view of their valiant elder was replaced with wood, followed by the sounds of a hammer impacting four nails in each corner.
Huddled with his fellow critters, the appointed leader detected the shifting sensation of being carried, then to a conveyor belt that brought packages to bay doors for pickup. And as the machinery took the toy evacuees to their chancy fate, DogDay could be heard, shouting over an incoherent but raspy voice.
"What am I doing? My usual free labor! What are you doing up here? ...I told you... I don't know where they are! ...No! No! ...I said I don't-!"
The rest of chapter one and the story is on AO3, Wattpad, and Fanfiction.
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