#revenge masterlist
Revenge Masterlist
Annoying Neighbors - amazingdanielhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil get revenge on their noisy neighbors.
Beautiful Liar (ao3) - withawhimper
Summary: A devastating revelation from a cute stranger sitting in the bar where Dan is supposed to be meeting his boyfriend rocks Dan's world- but it turns out that might not be such a bad thing
Criminal - botanistlester
Summary: Medieval AU. Daniel Howell is a nonviolent sweetheart who adores his mother and sister, living peacefully until the day the Marcella Kingdom guards show up in his home, telling him he has murdered a citizen. His penalty? Death. But that is interrupted by a supposedly extinct creature, leading the infamous criminal, Philip Lester, to save him.
Don’t Sext In Class - mairieuxes
Summary: Some boredom there and then some revenge here. Basically, Phil reads Dan’s sexts to him in front of his class.
False Hope - placingglaciers
Summary: In which Dan is determined to find a wanted outlaw to bring back honor to his father’s business; Phil, a wanted outlaw, steals from Dan’s father’s business to pay off a debt; the mess of revenge that comes along with it; and why each side of the story matters. (Taken place in 1860 America, if you don’t mind.)
Festive AF (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Phil is turned on by Dan in his pink "Festive AF" shirt. He also gets his revenge for Dan tricking him into buying the elf.
I've Got A Dark Alley (ao3) - drxpdead
Summary: Dan and Phil are strangers who meet while trashing their ex-boyfriend's car - who cheated on them with each other
Live show revenge (ao3) - ALeeHolmes
Summary: Dan gets revenge on Phil during a live show and ends up outing them ;)
ludus (ao3) - hamartiawrites
Summary: Dan won't stop teasing Phil about his baby videos, and Phil's determined to get his revenge. (Or the fic where Dan does have existing baby videos, except the only family member who remembers has given them to Phil.)
Protective Punk (ao3) - WordsAblaze
Summary: Dan and Phil are on the run when Dan’s rival shows up to get revenge, through Phil… A Pastel!Phil and Punk!Dan phan oneshot.
Purple Hair and Revenge - daniactuallysnuffledthatpopcorn
Summary: Dan chalks Phil’s hair when Phil attempts to wash it out.
Revenge Is Sweet (ao3) - danteasers
Summary: Phil’s girlfriend breaks up with him, and to make her jealous Dan and Phil go to some extremes that make them question their feelings about each other.
Revenge Is The Sweetest Thing (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan finds out his boyfriend PJ is cheating on him with a guy called Phil Lester, after getting in contact with Phil he finds out about two other men that his boyfriend is cheating on him with, Ben and Andy. The four of them meet and plan to get revenge on PJ for what he has done, by embarrassing him in many different ways, filming it and uploading it to YouTube. But what happens then if Dan and Phil fall in love along the way?
The Nut Fic (ao3) - Cougar88
Summary: Dan teaches Phil never to eat his Crunchy Nut again.
The Weird Neighbour (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan has just moved into a new flat when he has an odd and awkward exchange with his new neighbour who then makes a YouTube video about it. Dan's friend finds the video and sends it to Dan who vows to get his revenge by being the weirdest, strangest neighbour that this Phil guy would ever meet. Turns out he got more than revenge.
This Isn’t You (ao3) - furryphil
Summary: Phil just wants to know who Dan really is. He isn’t like the rest of the football team, who bully people and harass girls. He’s hiding something from everyone, something that maybe isn’t as bad as he thinks it is. But Dan doesn’t know how to stand up for himself and the memory of how painfully lonely he was keeps him on the team.a series of unfortunate events (that slowly turn into fortunate ones) may change that, however.
Too Bad You Love Me (ao3) - doodlelester
Summary: After a relationship gone wrong, Dan Howell seeks revenge, and it’s going to be bloody.
Until Dawn (ao3) - CorinBlue
Summary: Killer!AU After a tragic event leaves Dan unable to function in society, he starts killing to exact his revenge. Then he meets Phil, a government assassin with the same target as him. Will they be able to end their target before they’re caught or will their distrust of each other tear them apart?
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themculibrary · 1 year
Revenge Masterlist
Add It Up (ao3) - leftennant darcy/loki, jane/thor, pepper/tony E, 125k
Summary: Loki and Darcy have been dancing around each other ever since they were paired up as a team at S.H.I.E.L.D. by Nick Fury. When they both end up up in his apartment after saving the world, things finally hit the boiling point.
Before He Cheats (ao3) - Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) bucky/tony T, 2k
Summary: Imagine a non-powers AU where Bucky, finally fed-up with his cheating, slimy (now ex)boyfriend's behavior decides to take it out on said ex's car, a la Carrie Underwood in 'Before He Cheats'. The bad news is the car turns out not to be his ex's. The good news is the rich guy whose car he just trashed (of course, Tony) not only finds the whole situation amusing, but is also very hot - and is just Bucky's type.
As soon as he laid eyes on the shiny, expensive Lamborghini, Bucky broke out in a grin, and picked up his pace, all but running up to the car in order to smash one of the headlights with the baseball bat.
Fat Cat (ao3) - AnonEhouse G, 2k
Summary: Tony goes over the note Rogers sent him, trying to figure out what it means.
And what he should do in response.
Fortuitous Revenge (ao3) - Shi_Toyu loki/tony M, 53k
Summary: For Tony, it had started out as a way to get back at Clint for bringing his father up in front of Cap...he's not sure what made Loki agree to it.
Ghosts Love Elevators (ao3) - thecommodore_squid (orphan_account) steve/bucky M, 32k
Summary: An AU in which Bucky is a highly conditioned assassin and Steve is his next target.
It's a Love-Hate Relationship (ao3) - Shi_Toyu bucky/tony T, 1k
Summary: Bucky Barnes has heard a lot about Tony Stark. (It would be impossible not to, with how often Steve won't shut up about the guy.) Mostly, he's heard enough to decide he absolutely, 100% hates him. Selfish, arrogant, rude, he can't understand what Steve sees in him. And he's definitely not pleased to find out they're having dinner together.
Karma's A Fake Orgasm (ao3) - daisymondays steve/bucky E, 51k
Summary: There’s another abandoned mug, festering with mould in the living room — Steve offically has the world's worst roommates. And complains about them. Often. Bucky, tired of his lack of action, decides it’s time to avenge Steve's sleepless nights and unsanitary conditions once and for all. They’ll pretend to be the world’s most annoying couple: excessive PDA, loud fake sex, and general repugnance. The plan sounds easy enough; it will be strictly platonic. Or will it?
New Tricks (ao3) - OddityBoddity steve/bucky M, 18k
Summary: The one where Bucky busts up a dog-fighting ring.
Nobody Puts Dummy in the Corner (ao3) - Frea_O clint/natasha G, 4k
Summary: Natasha is the last Avenger to move into the Tower. For Tony's sanity, that's probably a good thing.
Oh, My King for a Kingdom (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony T, 14k
Summary: The blood and betrayal of an Afghanistan cave formed Iron Man. The blood and betrayal of a Siberian bunker formed something else.
Pirate's Heart (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/steve/tony E, 267k
Summary: The 1700s, the Golden Age of Piracy, and Captain Steve Rogers has all he wants: a ship, a loyal crew, Bucky at his side, and the horizon offering a new adventure everyday. But an impulsive kiss gone wrong leads to a marriage between Steve and Tony Stark, and now Steve doesn't know what to do about ANYTHING. Steve loves Bucky, but something about Tony draws him in. Tony is too innocent for this life, but he picks up a sword anyway. Bucky is Steve's, but when he offers his hand to Tony and now the three of them are something new. When the truth about Steve's mission to ruin the Stark name comes out, Tony runs away, leaving Steve and Bucky behind in search of answers to the secrets hidden from him his whole life-- about his company, about Uncle Obie, about his parents death.
Steve and Bucky cant abandon their mission against Stane and Tony cant deal with the answers he finds in New York. Is this the end? Is Tony gone forever? Or will he leave his old life and return to the sea and the Pirates that hold his heart?
Simply indispensable (ao3) - spockside T, 4k
Summary: In which bullies from Darcy's school days take up where they left off, unaware of the team that now has her back.
The Art of Publicity (ao3) - xmypandabear pepper/tony T, 43k
Summary: After everything with the Accords, Tony Stark's reputation is in the toilet. Fortunately, he's got Spider-Man to make it better.
(AKA Five times Peter and Tony's relationship made the internet implode a little)
The Murder Ballads (ao3) - BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) steve/bucky M, 78k
Summary: Something wicked is coming for Steve Rogers. Luckily for him, something even more wicked stands in its way: the unrepentant, unbroken Bucky Barnes.
A murder-mystery/action thriller with violence, magic, and several big MCU guest stars.
those yesterdays bleeding through (ao3) - wnnbdarklord M, 9k
Summary: Loki dies on the desolate plains of Svartalfheim, Thor's howls of grief ringing in his ears. He wakes up on his bed in his cell, where there is no sign of destruction.
-- A time loop fic where Loki gets the chance to fix things on the day the Dark Elves attack Asgard. And another. And another.
You Got the Devil in Your Eyes (ao3) - quicksylver28 bucky/tony T, 12k
Summary: The Rogue Avengers were fond of calling Tony Stark the #ActualDevil. Always making him the villain of the piece.
They never imagined how right they were.
Your Latest Trick (ao3) - ChortlesOfDoom loki/tony, pepper/tony E, 273k
Summary: Following a violent, masterfully feigned death aboard the Statesman, Thor believes Loki's gone for good; more importantly, so does Thanos. Exhausted and hungry for revenge, Loki returns to Earth, but as he bides his strength, anonymously supplying the Avengers with inside knowledge between his own preparations, he begins to see the true cost of holding on.
You've got a friend in me (ao3) - boleyn13 loki/tony, clint/natasha, pepper/tony M, 412k
Summary: After faking his death in the Dark World Loki is free to do what he wants. Instead of leaving everything behind Loki is driven by his thirst for revenge and won't find peace before he destroyed every single one of the Avengers. This time though he won't use violence, but the weapons of the God of Mischief: trickery, deceit and illusion. Loki decides to befriend the Avengers. However they won't know it's him. Not until he is close enough to strike. Unfortunately Loki didn't consider the possibility that he might get too close.
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yup-thats-me · 4 months
"let's see kids who can hug mamma the first!" Your husband told or rather commanded your twin boys as the three came back from their grocery run.
Your two sons giggled as they ran towards the house and the thirty-something-old kid (your husband) too ran with them. The only visible difference being was that he was taller and was carrying three to four bags with him. He, same as his kids, had that stupid little smile on his face.
When the door barged in and her kids ran to your side, Y/n couldn't help the smile that made its way to her lips. Putting down the cup of coffee she was holding, she stumbled back a little by the force as the two little humans hugged their mother like their lives depended on it.
Smiling, Y/n was caressing her two boys lovingly. What she did not expect was to see her husband as well to join in on the group hug and forcibly make his way into the middle making the kids grumble in dissatisfaction.
"That's not fair, dad! we came first!" Your kids whined.
The man gave them a smug grin. "You think? You little seaweeds wouldn't be here if I did not come first, you know." He blew raspberries at the kids. "Also, did you not know your mother loves me the best?"
His comment earned him a smack on the head from his beloved wife. The man held his head in feigned hurt and looked at Y/n like she just betrayed him in the worst ways.
The boys laughed at their father but were quick to ask, "Do you really love Dad more than us, mama?"
Smiling she pecked the two on their cheek, and her husband too to make him stop pouting. "Well...it may be partially true."
It was the kids turn to look betrayed. "But mom!"
Y/n giggled. "I do love you boys. I love you two so much. How can I not when you are literally a part of me? I love you two." She caressed their cheek.
"But as much as it's true that you two are a part of me," she continued, "I wouldn't be able to have you with just myself. It is thanks to your father that I am given such a beautiful gift." she smiled, her eyes shining with a sadness that is not melancholic. It was the realization that her kids would someday leave her. Of course they would, they are bound to. And when they do, she'd be thankful to her husband who stayed.
Her husband smiled at her and gave his kids a nod. Upon the command, the three hugged Y/n out of the blue and greeted, "Happy mother's day momma!"
Y/n was brought back to the present, she smiled, a few tears pricking her eyes. "Thank you, boys," she kissed their cheek. "We have brought you some food as well! We'll go bring it!" The two got up and ran to the kitchen to bring whatever they brought as a gift for their mother.
In the meantime, Y/n's husband snaked a hand around her waist, pulling her close. "Thank you, baby, for being the mother of my children. Really, thank you." And this time, her husband was speaking from the bottom of his heart
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Sweeter Than Revenge Masterlist
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Summary: A surprise visit to see your brother turns sour real quick when he doesn't share your hopes of mending your strained relationship. Rudely dismissed by Scott, you seek to give your brother the biggest possible middle finger by joining forces with his rival. Yet the more time you spend with Tyler, the more you begin to discover that there are some things sweeter than revenge.
TW: Romance (potential eventual smut), Fake Dating Becomes Real, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Language, Family Drama, Strained Family Relationship, Reader is Scott's Younger Sister, Tyler Picks Up Reader, Brief Description of Reader's Clothing, f!reader, more to come/specific's listed on each part
Status: On-Going
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight (coming 9/30)
More to come!
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leahrintarou · 1 day
ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖𓉸ִֶָྀི ִֶָ་ 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐇'𝐒 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑
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Author's Note: hello! welcome to my third year of doing kinktober. for now, this is what i have planned when it comes to kinks paired with characters. however, i may or may not change things up later on. i won't be posting EVERYDAY because of my busy schedule, so we're sticking to posting every other day lol. blogs and reposts are appreciated. leave a comment if you want to be on the kinktober 2024 taglist!
Content Warning: afab!reader , MALExFEM & FEMxFEM, soft dom and hard dom characters, reader's role can range between sub and dom as well, she/her is used, pet names are used. individual and detailed warnings will be in each chapter as well.
2022 & 2023 KINKTOBER HERE!
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WEEK 1; oct 1, oct 3, oct 5, oct 6
oct 1st: Suna Rintarou | Phone Sex
oct 3rd: Dabi/Touya Todoroki | Caught
oct 5th: Toji Fushiguro | Voice Kink
oct 6th: Ran Haitani | Mirror Sex
WEEK 2; oct 8, oct 10, oct 12, oct 13
oct 8th: Rindou Haitani | Fingering
oct 10th: Hawks/Keigo Takami | Sexually Frustrated
oct 12th: Osamu Miya | Breeding Kink
oct 13th: Kazutora Hanemiya | Cunnilingus
WEEK 3; oct 15, oct 17, oct 19, oct 20
oct 15th: Gojo Satoru | Blindfolded
oct 17th: Yuki Tsukumo | Biting Kink
oct 19th: Kuroo Tetsuro | Angry Sex
oct 20th: Mikey/Manjiro Sano | Morning sex
WEEK 4; oct 22, oct 24, oct 26, oct 27
oct 22nd: Katsuki Bakugou | Brat Taming
oct 24th: Suguru Geto | Face Fucking
oct 26th: Maki Zenin | Hair Pulling
oct 27th: Mitsuya Takashi | Praising kink
WEEK 5; oct 28, oct 29, oct 30, oct 31
oct 28th: Kento Nanami | Choking
oct 29th: Shoko Leiri | Thigh Riding
oct 30th: Izuku Midoriya | Massaging
oct 31st: Kozume Kenma | Dacryphilia
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all works written belong to © leahrintarou
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darylsfavoritegirl · 23 days
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ᥫ᭡ date nights with logan
⭑pictures are from pinterest
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metranart · 6 months
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Helloooo, I'm Metranart! I write smut with plot/fanfiction and draw spicy art for my own stories. You can find me on the next plataforms:
✅ Patreon: patreon.com/Metranart
✅ Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/metranart
✅ Twitter: https://twitter.com/metranart
✅ Subscribestar: https://subscribestar.adult/metranart
✅ Email: [email protected]
A couple of my faves are: jjk, tokyo revengers, my hero academia, demon slayer, Naruto, one piece, genshin impact, among others. Tumblr doesn't let me put my naughty stuff here (since they already shadow banned me once lol) so you'll have to go to my Patreon for a more fulfilling experience, there you will find complete stories with nsfw art and animations (like this one). If you got some extra cash that you can spare, I promise you won't be disappointed ♡
I love getting comments on my content and I highly appreciate every single reblog (those make my day!)
So don't be shy and reblog your ass out lol By the way if you are a minor do not interact with my blog, I don't allow minors since the stuff I write its pretty much, adult content.
GOJO X READER X GETO (My one and only wants you, so he’ll have you)
PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4 / PART 5 / PART 6 / PART 7 / PART 8 / PART 9 / PART 10
Jealous! Gojo Satoru
How would the JJK guys react to you getting their lips tattooed on you
Obsessed! Yuji and Sukuna
Obsessed! Nanami Kento
Yandere! Satoru Gojo x Suguru Geto
PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4 / PART 5 / PART 6 / PART 7 / PART 8 / PART 9 / PART 10 / PART 11 / PART 12 / PART 13 / PART 14
Things they say when in bed with you (Bakugou, Dabi, Hawks, Shigaraki)
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animehideout · 10 months
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JJK / Tokyo Revengers / Haikyuu / AOT / MHA, Men Types Of Kisses ( gender neutral reader )
Warning: MDNI 🔞
French kisses : Sukuna Ryomen / Geto Suguru / Draken / Sanzu Haruchio / Oikawa Tooru / Atsumu Miya / Levi Ackerman/ Reiner Braun / Katsuki Bakugo.
They would hold your face with some agression kissing you wildly.
Full of passion, whether it's out of love , desire or both.
Tracing each part of your lips and mouth with their tongue.
Your breaths mixing up, breathing each other in and out.
Hold your waist with their big hands as they pin you against the wall, or as you sit on their lap and your hands would be whether in their hair or around their neck pulling them closer, leaving no space. Unbearably hot.
Would speak between heavy breathing , moans or groans “I can't wait any longer.." .
Would 100% lead to you having sex.
Cheek kisses: Yuji Itadori / Toge Inumaki / Ino Takuma / Sano Manjiro / Chifuyu Matsuno / Sugawara Koushi/ Bokuto Koutarou / Jean Kristein / Porco Galliard / Denki Kaminari.
Those sweet random kisses.
They love your cheeks, would playfully bite them and then kiss them softly.
Would also squeeze your cheeks with their hands, if they're in a playful mood.
If you're sad or anxious they would also tenderly kiss your cheeks for comfort, letting you know that they love you and that they care for you.
Even though cheek kisses seem simple they do carry within them a pure form of love.
They would hold your face and give you a big ass kiss on your cheek, whispering a sweet “I love you”.
Neck kisses: Gojo Satoru / Toji Fushiguro / Mahito / Keisuke Baji / Rindo Haitani / Kuroo Tetsuroo/ Iwaizumi Hajime/ Eren Yeager/ Kirishima Eijiro.
They love teasing you.
Teasing you is basically their part time job.
Nothing is better than seeing you flustered and a blushing mess while they're nibbling, biting and sucking your neck soft spots.
They would start it by giving you a back hug (which is most likely).
Very sensual and intimate. Would also bite your earlobe while whispered teasing and dirty things to you.
Also, they would whisper against your skin, sending shivers down your spine and making you all tingly.
Would leave a hickey, most likely if they're jealous.
Their Hands wrapped around your throat.
They enjoy your moans when their soft lips hit the right spot.
“Oh you have no idea about the things I'm about to do to you”
Forehead kisses: Nanami Kento / Megumi Fushiguro / Choso / Ran Haitani / Mitsuya Takashi / Akaashi Keiji / Kageyama Tobio / Armin Arlert / Todoroki shoto.
They love those protective kisses.
It shows the respect they have for you.
Treating you like a princess/ prince.
Whisper words of affirmation and encouragement.
Would look at you with admiration, caress your cheeks and then press a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Would kiss you like this after an argument, when both of you are ignoring each other, but they approach you turning you by your waist and leaving a soft kiss there.
Also in moment of comfort, distress or when you're dealing with an anxiety or panic attack.
Would also pat your head.
“I'll protect you”
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Sweeter Than Revenge Masterlist
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Summary: A surprise visit to see your brother turns sour real quick when he doesn't share your hopes of mending your strained relationship. Rudely dismissed by Scott, you seek to give your brother the biggest possible middle finger by joining forces with his rival. Yet the more time you spend with Tyler, the more you begin to discover that there are some things sweeter than revenge.
TW: Romance (potential eventual smut), Fake Dating Becomes Real, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Language, Family Drama, Strained Family Relationship, Reader is Scott's Younger Sister, Tyler Picks Up Reader, Brief Description of Reader's Clothing, f!reader, more to come/specific's listed on each part
Status: On-Going
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part 8 (coming 9/30)
More to come!
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baby-tini · 2 months
Manjiro Sano Masterlist
"𝓐 𝓬𝓻𝔂𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓘 𝓼𝓮𝓮~"
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𝕄𝟜𝕊- M4S poly with a pregnant darling SFW, NSFW M4S NSFW M4S Teaser NSFWish
𝕋𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟\𝕆𝔾 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖!𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕣𝕠- Being with a gf that often loses weight NSFWish Non-compatible zodiac signs NSFW Toman!Mikey overstimulating his pretty baby NSFW OG!Mikey being fuck buddies with a single mom NSFW OG Mikey with a breeding kink NSFW In my sight NSFW OG!Mikeys kinks NSFW Cuddling NSFW Play-fighting SFW
𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕝𝕒!𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕣𝕠- Virginity NSFW Manila!Mikey ripping open your tights NSFW Being in Takemichis place under Manila!Mikey NSFW What would happen to reader after Manila!Mikeys death? NSFWish Giving Manila!Mikey head NSFW Manila!Mikeys punishments NSFW Manila!Mikeys opinion on you wearing a tiny skirt NSFW Pussyjob with Manila!Mikey NSFW Not his cock... but his gun NSFW Manila!Mikeys kinks NSFW Can you convince Yan Manila!Mikey to not kill you? NSFW Yandere Manila!Mikey Alphabet NSFW Dark Manila!Mikey HCs NSFW
𝕂𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠!𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕣𝕠- Virginity NSFW When you're sick SFW Non-compatible zodiac signs NSFW Kanto!Mikey with a chill kidnapped darling NSFWish Pussyjob with Kanto!Mikey NSFW Abusive Kanto!Mikey Abusive Kanto!Mikey part.2 NSFW Petals NSFW
𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟!𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕣𝕠- When you're sick SFW Non-compatible zodiac signs NSFW Yandere Bonten!Mikey with a kitty hybrid NSFW Bonten!Mikey with a s\o who says "I love you" often SFW SFW/fluff HCs Skincare with Bonten!Mikey SFW Bonten!Mikey with a manipulative darling NSFWish Princess Treatment NSFW Getting the Bonten tattoo NSFW Bonten!Mikey with a chill kidnapped darling NSFWish Princess Complex NSFW Cheater Bonten!Mikey Cheater Bonten!Mikey Part.2 NSFW Waking him up with a blowjob NSFW Bonten Mikey heavy petting NSFW
𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥 ℝ𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕣!𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕣𝕠- He's taken.. NSFWish Pussy-whipped NSFW Biggest Fan NSFW Princess Treatment NSFW Reunited SFW Street Racer Mikey hcs SFW, 1 TR SPOILER
ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕣𝕠- Poly!Mikey and Draken Imagine... NSFW Poly with Manjiro and Hanma NSFW
𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕤- Motorboating NSFW Give him whatever he wants on his special day NSFWish Manila!Mikey and Bonten!Mikey thirst NSFWish Flower Garden NSFWish Riding his abs NSFW nylon/stockings fetish NSFW Kanto!Mikeys babygirl.. or Manila!Mikeys brat? NSFWish Cheating dream NSFWish Their pretty girl calling for them in their sleep NSFW A kidnapped!darling that sleeps all day SFW Poly!Mikey and Draken NSFW Manjiro deserves better NSFWish Manila!Mikey and Bonten!Mikey idea SFW Manjiros Possessiveness NSFW Manila!Mikey edit NSFW AUDIO Manila!Mikey edit NSFW AUDIO Manjiro "____" Sano NSFW Manjiro is a menace NSFWish Racer!Manjiro and Anniversaries SFW Manjiro Brawl... winner? NSFWish Manjiro Brawl... thoughts? NSFWish Racer!Manjiro is the only non-toxic Manjiro.. SFW My favorite Manila!Mikey hc SFW Manjiro "____" Sano NSFW Mikey... NSFW OMG TAKEMICHI MOVE!!! IT'S MY TURN!!! NSFWish They ask you for a 4 sum, you in? Or are you in? NSFW I need Mikey so bad... NSFW Me and my girlfriend SFW Feelz SFW
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"𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓼𝓱𝓾𝓽 𝓾𝓹… 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓭𝓲𝓮"
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
●Texting your anime bf to show him your new nails! pt. 3🍧🍭💗💗
♡pt. 1
♡pt. 2
♡w/ manjiro "mikey" sano, wakasa imaushi, & taiju shiba!
♡crack/suggestive text fic!
tagging: @wakashawty @simpingfor-wakasa
(not my designs)
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Moriarty the Patriot
First Meetings {Sebastian Moran}
First Meetings {Sebastian Moran} pt 2
Jealousy {Mycroft Holmes}
Questions {Mycroft Holmes}
Scary Story {Louis James Moriarty}
I'll Invent It Just For You Though {Von Herder}
Apologies {Mycroft Holmes}
Precious {William James Moriarty}
Worried Sick {Mycroft Holmes}
Wedding Traditions {Albert James Moriarty}
Moving In Together Can Be Tough {Sherlock Holmes}
We Can Make This Work {William James Moriarty}
We Can Make This Work {William James Moriarty} (pt 2)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sunday Mornings {Gojo Satoru}
What We Didn't Know {Gojo Satoru}
Pleasure To Meet You {Gojo Satoru}
After Hours {Gojo Satoru}
Kabedon {Gojo Satoru}
Last Call {Nanami Kento}
Quite The Romantic {Gojo Satoru}
Misunderstandings Can Often Be Helpful {Gojo Satoru}
Day Off {Gojo Satoru}
Relationship Headcanons with Gojo and Nanami
Obey Me
Money Getter {Mammon}
Indulgence {Mammon}
Make A Wish {Mammon}
His Usual Tactics {Mammon}
Pride {Mammon}
The Millionaire Detective
I Live To Impress {Kambe Daisuke}
He Lives Alone? {Haru Kato}
Tokyo Revengers
A Not So Normal Marriage Proposal {Shinichiro Sano}
The Secrets Are Out {Shinichiro Sano}
Just A Regular Day {Shinichiro Sano}
What Will Happen Then? {Shinichiro Sano}
Comfort {Shinichiro Sano}
Better Than Expected {Kurokawa Izana}
Getting Married {Shinichiro Sano}
Period Problems {Shinichiro Sano}
Guitars Bring People Together {Kurokawa Izana}
And They Were Roommates {Mitsuya Takashi}
Touche {Mitsuya Takashi}
No Chance {Mitsuya Takashi}
Failed {Shinichiro Sano}
There For You {Shinichiro Sano}
Bad Is The New Soft {Shinichiro Sano}
Too Late {Shinichiro Sano}
After All This Time {Takashi Mitsuya}
Unexpected {Mitsuya Takashi}
Black Butler
Comfort {Sebastian Michaelis}
Boku No Hero Academia
Once Upon A January {Dabi}
And I Don't Care If I Am Forgiven {Dabi}
Nobody's Son, Nobody's Daughter {Dabi}
My Girl {Dabi}
My Girl {Dabi} (pt 2)
My Girl {Dabi} (pt 3)
Right Person, Not Enough Time {Dabi}
I Love You {Dabi}
Once Upon A Dream {Dabi}
Admiration {Kyoraku}
Attack On Titan
You Were More Than Just Somebody I Was Destined To Meet {Levi Ackerman}
Prefer It Like This {Levi Ackerman}
Reborn {Levi Ackerman}
Say That You Will {Levi Ackerman}
Providing Comfort {Levi Ackerman}
Bungo Stray Dogs
Figuring It Out {Dazai Osamu}
When You Know, You Know {Dazai Osamu}
Port Mafia Black {Dazai Osamu}
Bernadette {Dazai Osamu}
Waltz Suite No 2 {Dazai Osamu}
Trying To Forget {Dazai Osamu}
It Was A Mistake {Dazai Osamu}
Tokyo Ghoul
Kisses {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
Sorrows And Kisses {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
Play Pretend {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
In His Own Way {Sakata Gintoki}
The Way Of The Curls {Sakata Gintoki}
Getting Caught Making Out {Sakata Gintoki}
Kabedon {Sakata Gintoki}
Two Sides {Sakata Gintoki}
Overreacting {Sakata Gintoki}
Perfect Girlfriend {Sakata Gintoki}
Ghosts {Sakata Gintoki}
Missed You {Sakata Gintoki}
Pregnancy News {Sakata Gintoki}
Uramichi Onii-San
Relationship Headcanons {Uramichi}
Falling In Love & Jealousy Headcanons With Uramichi and Kumatani
Rainy Days Like This {Uramichi}
Chainsaw Man
No Commitments {Kishibe}
Lunch Break {Kishibe}
Kishibe With a Fiend!Reader
Baking With Kishibe
Father Figure {Kishibe}
Shyness Might Get You Far {Kishibe}
Forgetful {Kishibe}
Heaven Official's Blessing
Trouble {Mu Qing}
A Tiny Bit Of Jealousy {Mu Qing}
Lovely Little Thing {Mu Qing}
Call of Duty
Such a cute shirt {Simon "Ghost" Riley}
Relaxing Activities {Simon "Ghost" Riley}
It's Been A While {Kyle "Gaz" Garrick}
456 notes · View notes
m-ilkiee · 4 months
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Monsters: Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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“He ate my heart”
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Pairings: Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano x female reader, Izana Kurokawa x female reader
Series summary: Your grievous sin was Emma standing up for you to her brothers. And now you’re going to pay the heavy price for destroying their perfect family dynamic.
Content warning generally: DARK CONTENT, Tokyo revengers AU, female reader, virgin reader, heavy smut, polyamory, Dark Impulse Mikey, Manipulative Izana, inaccurate/inconsistent university terminology, heavy angst with little comfort, betrayal, misogyny and sexism, emotional, physical and mental abuse, mental break, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual harrassment, dubious consent, noncon, drug, alcohol and substance misuse/abuse, extreme violence, use of weapons, Torture, criminal activities, PTSD, paranoia, emotional incest, power imbalance, character death(s) (not reader), anal penetration, mention of self-harm, religious guilt and trauma, religious themes, Vouyeurism, gangbang, masochism, sadism, hard kinks, strangulation (non sexual), psychological horror (more warnings to be added soon)
main masterlist||taglist link||playlist
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Chapter 1: Warning Signals
chapter summary: Being friends with Emma Sano is nice, until you get on the wrong side of the Sano brothers.
cw: DARK CONTENT, NSFW, misogyny, alcohol/drug use, brief mention of violence, religious and purity culture themes, classism, slutshaming, p*rn mention, sexual assault, noncon, public initimacy, fingering (fem recieving), dacryphilia, gaslighting, manipulation, mention of vomitting, victim blaming.
wc: 10.1k
Chapter 2: Shots Fired
chapter summary: Izana Kurokawa demands your attention and he doesn’t take no for an answer. Not even when his demands are outrageous.
cw: DARK CONTENT, MISOGYNY, NSFW, r*pe mention, depictions of PTSD and CPTSD, emotional incest, incestuous assault (NOT THE SANOS), abandoment issues, violence, revenge porn, depression, filming without consent, drugging, domestic (physical and sexual) abuse, victim blaming, blackmailing, depictions of rape culture, manipulation, gaslighting, noncon, dry humping, mind break, psychological and sexual torture, use of firearms, attempted su*cides
wc: 11.6k
Chapter 3: The Lesser of Two Devils
chapter summary: Emma has a suspicion that both her brothers are into you when you all go shopping. She couldn’t be farther from the truth.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 4: The Calm
chapter summary: After your college professor tries to harass you for grades, you turn to the oldest Sano for help. But nothing comes for free, not even for Emma’s sweet friend.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 5: Act on Dark Impulses
chapter summary: You knew better than to trust Mikey and Izana. Yet you fall for their plan hook, line and sinker and live through the worst night of your life.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 6: The Closest you’ll ever get to being in Love
chapter summary: Things get sicker and twisted with the two brothers and Emma is none the wiser.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 7: Trials and Tribulations
chapter summary: You learn the hard way what happens when you refuse to be their stress relief because of your important exams.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 8: Divine Intervention
chapter summary: You are called home to bury your mother and learn that nothing has changed since you left.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 9: Lead me not into Temptation
chapter summary: Emma notices that something isn’t right with you when you come visit her in the Sano residence.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 10: Deliver Me from All Evil
chapter summary: You’ve finally broken the cycle, but at what cost?
cw: coming soon
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authors notes: updates are irregular, depending on when i have time. some chapters have been re-written to fit the original storyline. don't pressure me to update and please don't be rude to me. I do not condone any negative actions done on this fic. comments, reblogs and asks are very much appreciated. if you are a minor, please refrain from interracting with this series.
taglist (please turn on your mentions in 'settings' before filling the form.): @officiallyjaehyuns @haikyuusboringassmanager @ilybbg @merrymerrykiss @cockonoi @Rindou24689 @short-cxke @kokoch4n3l @GenAwi @ryuguji-sana @nuyoo @getonite @anxious-chick @reiners-milkbiddies @kiwixpi @gh0stgirl333 @brisssaaa009 @fushiqruo @kawaiikoalagarden @damidamimongalam @raven-nevra
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yup-thats-me · 3 months
My heart goes out to all the (anime) fathers!
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Men who will one day come to you while you’re chopping up some vegetables for the meal, men with the guts to stare at you straight in the eyes and say, “Y/n…let’s get a divorce. I found someone much better than you.”
He asks for a divorce. You have a knife in your hand.
Without thinking, you rush after him. “Who’s the other woman, goddamn it! I swear to god I’ll kill you then I’d kill myself!” what else was your husband expecting after you spent eight years of your life together, not to mention you even have a five-year-old daughter for heaven’s sake!
“Mama, stop!” your daughter called out, her little eyes filled with tears. “You cannot kill my husband!”
Did she say “My husband’’?
Oh so that’s what made your husband say that. Looking back at the man, you almost killed him off with that stare. He had no choice but to shrug, gesturing to your daughter.
“Baby, can I ask why Daddy is now called ‘my husband’?” The little girl stayed silent, looking at her ‘husband’ who was instantly by her side and picked her up.
“Woman, I cannot have you make my lovely bride-to-be cry!” He would say while smirking.
Sighing, you soothe your daughter. “Baby, see this ring? Daddy has one on his finger too,” The girl’s eyes almost popped out at the revelation.
“That means Mama and Daddy are married. You cannot marry Daddy, baby.”
Loud wails filled the house. It took an ice-cream and a cookie to make her stop. When she did, the terrifying news was brought up again.
“That’s why, Daddy can’t marry you.”
“…then will I get my own ring too?”
Her question made one of you giggle while it made the other’s vein pop on his forehead. “Of course! My little princess will find a lover who will get on one knee and give the ring to her.” The little girl was relieved.
“NO! I won’t let it happen!” Your husband cried, making the girl cry again. He received a smack on the head and the laundry for a week.
tr: mikey, shinichiro, baji, chifuyu, kokonoi; kny: sanemi, zenitsu, tengen; jjk: gojo, yuji, inumaki, sukuna; bsd: ranpo, dazai, nikolai; windbreaker (aged up, ofc): umemiya, kiryu, sakura + your favs!
Men who wakes you up with coffee on bed. It’s no special day today but it was decided that the family of three would go out for a picnic, and the weather could not have been any better.
Men who would not even bother to ask you to make preparation of food and other requirements for the picnic. They would get up at dawn when it is still dark outside and silently begin the preparations for the day.
They would make countless dishes, each one better than the next, and pack them up so beautifully. When done with cooking, they would pack the blankets, wine, and juice for the kid(s), and get your favorite book packed and of course, he cannot miss out on his camera! He has to take many pictures of his family on their day out.
Men who would choose a quiet flower field away from the bustling city; perfect for a quite yet enjoyable trip. They would even lay out the food and help feed them to you.
They would lay in your lap while you read your book and your son close by, doing something with flowers. Your son would run up to the two of you, a flower crown in his hand and ask for your husband to sit up.
The little boy placed the crown on his father’s head, giggling all the while. “Daddy looks so pretty!’’
“Yeah, doesn’t he?” you agree with the boy. “But what about mommy?”
“I’ll make mommy a flower bouquet! Wait your turn!” The boy ran away again, skipping in his track.
Your husband’s lips found yours; soft and sweet. “I love you,” they would say softly. “And our soon,” with a chuckle.
“And I love you two, too.”
tr: draken, mitsuya, inupi, kazutora; kny: tanjiro, rengoku, muzan; jjk: NANAMI, geto, yuta; bsd: chuuya, akutagawa, fukuzawa, poe, atsushi, sigma, fyodor, kunikida; windbreaker: hayato, togame, hiragi + your favs!
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do not copy, steal, or translate my work on any other sites. all belong to yup-thats-me on tumblr
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spacebaby1 · 7 months
Reader Twitches in sleep
Right position
First time travelling
Law with autistic reader
Corazon birthday celebrations
Anywhere but home
Law taking care of you
The marks & meeting again
Keeping up with the heart pirate crew P1
Law is sick
My mama
Child!Law Trafalgar & Mom!Reader
Daily Routine
Walking inside the house after Ace's Death
Ace is in love with your laugh
Ace is soft for you
Back to you
Your Smile
Childhood sweetheart
The cake
Saving Ace
My Pirate Husband (SERIES):
Part 1
One chance to love you
Straw hat girl
Our miracle
Saving him
Rushed mornings
After you: SERIES
High school lover
Dad Satoru and Son Yuta
Far from home
Fathers day at the Gojos
Love sick gojo
His lips
The girl at the bakery
Sweet Tooth
Sukuna with a Reader who sleep walks
Anything For You
An Angel
Family (ft: Yuji)
Arrange marriage(Muslim reader)
The Gift
My Mistake
Sleeping in his arms
Gamer boyfriend
Sukuna's journal
Right Now (Series):
Part 1
Speaking your heart
Body swap
Dance with me
Not Your secret
Vampire suo
His sleepyhead girlfriend
To know him, to love him
Accident with the baton
Ran's type
Crybaby girlfriend
Ran had enough
Girl with long hair
Rindou Haitani's Girlfriend
Rindou Haitani type
New hair?
Rindou, if you're in pain?
Swimsuit shopping!
Miss a date
Moving in
Nap time
Sleep prank
Only Mine (Series)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
With isfp partner
Takemichi sister
Crocheting together?
Mine all mine
My boyfriend
1. Nanami kento
2. Haibara yu
3. Geto Suguru
4. Gojo Satoru
5. Choso
6. Sukuna
7. Higuruma hiromi
8. Yuta Okkotsu
9. Ino Takuma
10. Inumaki Toge
1. Corazon
2. Law Trafalgar
3. Sabo
4. Ace
5. Buggy
6. Kid Eustass
7. Sanji
1.Rengoku Kyojuro
1. Mikey Sano
2. Baji
3. Rin Haitani
4. Ran Haitani
5. Mitsuya
6. Inupi Seshui
7. Sanzu
8. Chifuyu
Kuroo Tetsurou
Oikawa Tooru
Miya twins
266 notes · View notes
kazutora-kurokawa · 7 months
Toman Headcanons
I forgot posts had link limits, so I'm breaking down my masterlist into smaller pieces (don't worry about any missing links, I'm just taking forever to add things lol)
*non-Toman Hanma headcanons are in the Tenjiku section*
New Years Resolutions (SFW)
Oral Headcanons (NSFW)
Kazutora Relationship Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Pah-Chin Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Breeding Headcanons (NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Takemichi Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Draken Relationship Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
TokRev x Shy!Kinky!Reader (NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Kisaki Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Baji Relationship Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Toman Captains + VCs x Short!Curvy!Reader (NSFW)
Horny!Corrupt Toman!Hanma x Reader (SFW->NSFW)
Rockstar!Draken Headcanons (NSFW)
Rockstar!Baji Headcanons (NSFW)
Horse Groomer!Baji x Farmer's Daughter!Reader (SFW)
Rockstar!Baji x Chubby!Reader (NSFW)
Poly Relationship w/ Baji, Chifuyu, and Kazutora (SFW)
Corrupt Toman!Kisaki x Chubby!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Poly Relationship w/ Baji, Chifuyu, and Kazutora pt. 2 (NSFW)
Timeout w/ Hanma (NSFW)
Poly Relationship w/ Mikey and Draken (SFW+NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Hanma x Dom!Reader (NSFW)
Pervy Boyfriend!Kazutora Headcanons (NSFW)
Kazutora x Tomboy!Reader (NSFW)
Hakkai x Black Cat!Reader (SFW)
Hakkai x Black Cat!Reader: First Time (NSFW)
Draken x Independent!Sick!Reader (SFW)
Period Comfort w/ TokRev Boys (SFW+some NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Kisaki x Friendly!Reader (SFW->NSFW)
Grumpy!Cuddly!Baji x Reader (SFW+suggestive)
TokRev x Reader Who Unknowingly Turns Them On (SFW->NSFW)
Boyfriend!Hanma x Reader: Psych Ward Shenanigans (SFW)
Baji x Reader w/ Humiliation Kink (NSFW)
Pah-Chin NSFW Headcanons (NSFW)
Being Friends w/ The Kawata Twins (SFW)
Idol!Hakkai Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Yandere!Baji Headcanons (NSFW)
Corrupt Toman!Kisaki x Zombie!Reader (SFW, violence)
Poly Relationship w/ Zombie!HanKisa (SFW, violence)
TokRev x Reader Who Matches Their Energy (SFW)
Pent Up!Model!Hakkai x Reader (NSFW)
Possessive!Kazutora x Reader (NSFW)
Draken x Shy!FoulMouthed!Reader (SFW)
Rockstar!Baji x Popstar!Reader (SFW)
Baji x Rockstar!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Baji x Cheater!Reader (SFW)
Pussy Drunk!Hakkai x Reader (NSFW)
Cocky!Model!Hakkai x Assistant!Reader (NSFW)
TokRev x Reader: Flashing Them During An Argument (NSFW)
Pah-Chin x Piercing Covered!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Nahoya x Reader: Sending Him Nudes While He's Working (NSFW)
TokRev x Straightforward!Reader (SFW+suggestive)
Cocky!Incubus!Hakkai x Reader (NSFW)
Jealous!Hakkai x Artistic!Reader (SFW)
Prince!Hakkai x Commoner!Reader (SFW)
Sub!Pah-Chin x Reader (NSFW)
Vampire!Baji x Vampire!Reader (SFW)
Baji x Reader: Wedding Bells (SFW)
Poly Relationship w/ Izana and Kakucho (SFW+NSFW)
Vampire!Hakkai x Human!Reader (SFW->NSFW)
Highschool!Hakkai x Manga Artist!Introvert!Reader (SFW)
Best Friend!Hakkai x Artist!Reader (SFW)
Vampire!Hakkai x Reader on Her Period (NSFW)
Magician!Hakkai x Assistant!Reader (NSFW)
Werewolf!Mikey x Vampire!Reader (SFW+suggestive)
Needy Dom!Hakkai x Reader (NSFW)
Perv!Hakkai w/ Reader Who Is Yuzuha's BFF (NSFW)
Model!Hakkai x Shy!Biggest Fan!Reader (SFW)
Mikey w/ A Mommy Kink (NSFW)
Bodyguard!Baji x Idol!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Tarzan!Baji x Jane!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Kazutora x Gamer!Reader (SFW+NSFW)
Boxer!Baji x Girlfriend!Reader (NSFW)
Yandere!Baji x Reckless!Reader (SFW)
Toxic!Boyfriend!Draken Headcanons (NSFW)
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