#reverse bucket list
taiyaki-o · 6 months
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This is where I post silly things about my silly interests. And I write. Enjoy your stay!
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1. MDNI! I can’t control it if you do but I will block you on sight
2. May not be spoiler free for some fandoms! I’ll put warnings but please be aware of that.
3. I will write smut, but nothing extreme or dark (non-con, water sports, abuse, incest, etc)
4. Don’t be an asshole in the comments or if you reblog. I’m just going to block you.
5. DMs are open and I’m happy to chat, but don’t be fucking weird alr (common sense very applicable here)
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Requests: OPEN
Currently writing for:
Jujutsu Kaisen
Genshin Impact
Reverse 1999
Resident Evil
One Piece
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Zom 100
Tears of Themis
LEGO Monkie Kid
Dungeon Meshi
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ms-moonlight-inn · 1 year
*New Fic*
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My silly brain likes to reread things when there are so many new things to read! But I haven't reread my favorite play in the entire universe in years and it is calling to me!!!! Today seems like a good day to get comfy and give it a read :)
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jorongbak · 9 months
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I can't believe how just two months ago I was drawing Reversed GT AU with kid Vegeta, thinking maybe we'll be able to get young vegeta in 2099 with Dragon Ball: Still making money or whatever, and just two days ago Toriyma dropped Daima with Vegeta literally being a manchild again. It was like getting an early Christmas present..
I'm checking "Baby Vegeta" off my bucket list.. It'll take some time for me to stop obsessing over DB: Daima trailer
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ghoststyles · 2 months
Meet Me In Augusta
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A quick little check-in for Fairway to Heaven ❤️ inspired by my beefy hunky man at the Masters 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
SMUT. FLUFF. That’s all.
When Briar and Harry first got together, she thought she’d won the lottery. A doting, strong boyfriend who puts her needs above his own. He cares for her dog as much as she does, gets along with her family members, and donates to charity regularly. It’s like the heavens handmade him. And yes, the reverse is true on Harry’s part. She’s his dream girl, and the bloody best thing to ever happen to him. But, where he’d truly won the lottery differs slightly:
He won tickets to the Masters.
It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend one of the four major golf tournaments, and when Harry entered his name in the lottery system the year before, he never thought he’d see the day where his bucket list item would be checked off.
Briar is lounging on Harry’s couch, watching old episodes of Real Housewives (NY, obviously) with Gus at her feet and a bowl of popcorn and M&Ms beside her when she hears a completely manly and dignified shriek from Harry’s office. Sitting up in alarm, she opens her mouth to yell back to him, to make sure he’s okay, just as the heavy oak double doors swing open. Shirtless and in his Calvin Klein boxer briefs and socks, Harry sprints down the hall, phone in hand as he leaps over the back of the sofa to stand beside her.
“What on Earth! Harry, you’re scaring me! Is there a mouse? Where are your clothes?” Briar screams, jumping up to crouch on the sofa and cocooning herself in her blanket in case there’s a spider clinging to him.
Harry is laughing maniacally, and every so often an oh my god leaving his mouth. He nods to whomever he’s talking to on the phone as if they can see him before thanking them and hanging up.
He drops the phone, eyes wide and meeting hers. Grabbing her shoulders, he all but tackles her back to the sofa, signaling Gus to bark at him for hurting his mom. They’re on the settee part of the sofa, Harry’s arms wrapped around her, preventing her from moving, even if she wanted to.
“Harry! Tell me what’s going on right now!” Briar’s shrill voice finally brings him back to Earth.
He peppers kisses on her neck before shouting in her ear, “I’M GOING TO THE MASTERS!”
She doesn’t respond, not because she’s not supportive of his enthusiasm, but because she has no idea what that is. Feigning a smile, she replies, “wow, baby, that’s great!”
Craning his neck, his brows furrow when he meets her gaze, a clear indicator she’s confused.
“Birdie, do you know what the Masters is?”
“Mmmm, is it like MasterChef?”
Harry squawks out a laugh, shaking his head, “No, my love. The Masters is one of the big four golf tournaments for the PGA. When you win, you earn a green jacket and become a member of Augusta National in Georgia. And then you get to plan a celebration dinner. Plus, you win like, $3,000,000.”
“Ohhhh, okay, yes. Uncle Patrick has gone to that, I think. He didn’t win, though.”
Harry’s brows furrow even more, a bewildered look gracing his features, “We’ll come back to that later. I have a lot of questions. But, you enter a lottery to win tickets and I won! Otherwise, tickets are almost a million dollars.”
“A million dollars!? The course better be made of solid gold. I can’t even believe the stuff people spend their money on sometimes.”
“Tiger Woods will be there. He hasn’t played in a few years because of injuries. Baby, I could be near Tiger!” he smacks her ass, eliciting a yelp.
He hops up from his spot on the sofa as he looks outside with the biggest smile on his face, running his hands through his not-so-there curls on his head. He’d shaved it a few months ago impulsively; that was a crisis Briar never thought she’d see the other side of. But his peach fuzzy head grew on her.
“When is it?”
“Second weekend in April. Are you doing anything?”
“Me? Why wouldn’t you take Niall?”
“He and Lydia already have a wedding that weekend back in Ireland. I already asked him.”
“So, I’m your second choice!?” Briar smacks the sofa cushion beside her, faking offense.
Harry rolls his eyes, “You didn’t even know what it was five minutes ago, brat.”
She parrots his eye rolling, leaning down to snuggle Gus. They’re quiet for a moment, letting Harry soak in the news.
“Wait, why don’t you have clothes on?”
“Oh, I stripped them off as they were telling me I got the tickets. I was just too excited,” he responds casually, as if the answer is obvious.
So the pair is in Augusta, Georgia, watching Harry’s childhood dream come true. The problem? No phones allowed.
To maintain their traditional values, Augusta National banned the use of cellphones. Briar’s lovely boyfriend failed to remind her of this fact until they were in the back of an Uber heading to the course.
“No phones!? I wanted to document this whole experience for you!” She whines, gently squeezing his wrist.
“Thanks for wanting to do that, Birdie, but it’s okay. My generation isn’t addicted to their phones. We like to live in the moment.”
“Oh my god,” she snorts, punching him lightly. If anyone is on their phone too much, it’s Harry. His entire day is determined by solving the New York Times Connections puzzle. What do you MEAN the theme was ice cream flavors without the last letter?
“What if we get separated? How will I find you?”
“Did you pack your leash?” Harry smirks, waiting for her to smack him again.
“H! Quiet,” she snarls, trying not to look if the driver is listening. “Fine. Do they collect the phones or do they just kick you out if they see it?”
“I think they kick you out and you’re not allowed back, ever. There’s also no running. It’s hilarious. When everyone is trying to follow around the big names, it turns into a speed walking competition to try and beat them to the hole.”
She hums, looking out the window at the gorgeous scenery. She hasn’t spent much time down south, but this trip has changed her opinion of this part of the country. They’ve had beautiful dinners at night on patios and taken walks on historic grounds.
“Good news is, the food and drinks are super cheap, and I think you have some French 75’s calling your name.”
The Uber turns, the beautiful gates to the course opening as they pull in. The white building before them is gorgeous and neatly kept, embodying the prestige of the entire event. For a moment, she thinks Harry is tearing up. Harry snaps a photo of the two of them in front of the building to send to Niall and Patrick.
He grabs her hand and squeezes gently as he flashes their credentials to the security guard.
“Lead the way, baby,” Briar whispers, linking her arm with his as they stand outside the car, taking it all in.
Like a kid in a candy store, Harry drags her by the wrist, slaloming through the crowds of people as they all try to make it to the entrance.
Harry looks fucking good today. He’s donning a navy blue sweater on top of a cobalt blue golf shirt. His taupe pinstripe pants are pressed perfectly. His fingers are decked out in rings of all different finishes, and his Prada sunglasses fit his scruffy face perfectly.
The finishing touch, his shoes, are what has Briar giggling to herself. His black Hoka sneakers are throwing off the whole vibe. She tried to change his mind as they packed, but we’ll be walking a lot, and I don’t want my plantar fasciitis to come back!
To make the occasion even more special, Briar let Harry pick out her outfits. She knew he’d pick out her lavender sports dress, a classic piece she whips out when they play on weekends so he’s frustrated and thrown off his game. She’s 3 for 4 on this strategy.
Harry loves the way it cuts at Briar’s strong thighs, and shows a little bit of her back. To elevate the look, she tied a white Hermes scarf around her neck just like Daphne! Her shoes are white Vince Camuto sneakers with no support. She knows she can’t whine later if her feet hurt, in fear of hearing a relentless, I told you so!
Before examining his choices in her suitcase, she zeros in on the lack of underwear and bras. She knows he also picked her floor length, black bodycon dress. He’s really pushing the limits of voyeurism with these picks.
They finally make it past security, thankful they didn’t confiscate her purse, a gift from Harry that is just a smidgen too large for their rules. He leads them to the main clubhouse to grab their first drinks of the day, and maybe even a breakfast sandwich.
They start off with mimosas to ease into the day drinking, because Harry is too fucking old for daydrinking and Briar is a menace when she drinks when the sun is up. By their third round, Harry is full on fangirling as all the players buzz around him. He’s allowed to fangirl all he wants, but when she wants to gush about One Direction for a minute, he covers his ears. Eyeroll.
Briar snaps out of her brattiness, deciding she needs some food in her stomach. As they’re gathered on the 8th hole, she starts to “koala” him, as he so lovingly calls it. She wraps her arms around him from behind, laying her chin on his bicep.
“What’s wrong, Birdie? Hungry?”
Briar lightly bites his arm, looking up to meet his sideways gaze. Part of her hates how well he knows her. She slides her hands in his front pockets, making him wiggle uncomfortably.
“Be good,” he says lowly so only they can hear.
“Okay, Daddy,” she says sweetly, smiling up at him. “But yes, I’m hungry.”
Briar can feel him hesitate, clearly conflicted in what to do next.
“Okay, baby, but,” he pauses. “Tiger is at this hole next, and I’d really like to see it.”
Briar slumps, making a slight hmmph sound. She knows better, and knows how important this is to him, so she shakes it off.
“It’s alright, I can go back to the clubhouse by myself. Will you stay here so I don’t lose you?”
“Of course,” he leans down to gently peck her lips, before his head whips around as Tiger arrives at the tee box just a few feet from them, sending the crowd into a chaotic roar. She reluctantly lets go of his waist, crossing her arms over herself as she walks away.
The crowd has only increased as they arrived, and she’s honestly overwhelmed. A staff member nearby can sense her unsettled demeanor, so he asks if she’d like a ride back to the building.
She smiles at him, “Yes, that’d be lovely! Thank you so much.”
Trey, the worker, doesn't say much, but Briar isn’t one for awkward silences. She tells him about Harry, Wynnewood, and how this is a lifelong dream for him to be here. He nods along, visibly recoiling after finding out Briar isn’t single. She hops off the cart as they approach the doors, and waves a friendly goodbye.
Perusing the snack bar, her eyes are bigger than her stomach. She grabs grapes, potato chips, a turkey sandwich, and even a pudding cup. A nice man helps her condense her items into a cardboard box for carrying. She grabs a fresh squeezed lemonade to finish off her deliciously simple lunch.
Slightly tipsy and overly giddy, she finds a bench to start eating. It’s amazing the different walks of life at this event; the die-hards who don’t care about the glamor of it all, and the ones that are here only as a status symbol. It’s honestly nice not having her phone; she’s a little more in touch with her surroundings.
Taking small bites of her sandwich, she’s startled when another man approaches her on the bench.
“Pardon me, miss. Are you Miss Barlowe?”
Taken back, she nods as she swallows her bite, “Yes, can I help you?”
“Mr. Styles is on the line over there,” he points to the hilariously old fashioned phone stand, where 3 mossy green phones hang on the wooden stand. “He just wanted to make sure you were doing alright.”
Briar smiles, patting her mouth with her napkin and rising to her feet, “Thank you so much. Do I have to do anything to connect to the call?”
“Just press # and it should connect. I’ll be right over there if you have trouble.”
She laughs to herself as she approaches and presses the ‘#’ just as he said, “Hello?”
“What are you wearing right now?”
“Who is this?” She plays along.
“Your handsome, charming boyfriend,” he muses.
“I have a few of those, so you’re going to have to narrow it down,” she fakes a sultry tone.
“Briar – come on, you know I don’t like those jokes,” he mutters.
She laughs, twirling the curly phone cord around in her hand, “I feel like Carrie Bradshaw with this phone, talking to one of my boyfriends.”
“Are you insinuating I’m Mr. Big? I’m Aidan at the very least. The good guy.”
“Of course you’re Aidan. But instead, we get married.”
“Yeah, y’wanna marry me?” Harry can’t contain his grin as he looks around to see if anyone can hear him. “I won’t say yes until you come back here and get down on one knee, Briar.”
“In your dreams, Styles. Why’d ya call anyway? I’m just sitting here eating my sandwich.”
“Just missed you. Tiger got a birdie on this hole, so it made me think of you.”
“Aw, you’re cute. You’re the first place boyfriend today. You were in third yesterday, for reference.”
“Glad to hear that. Finish up your lunch and come find me. I’m gonna go to the 17th hole to try and catch Justin Rose. He’s an old friend from home.”
“Okay, I’ll come find you. Love.”
Briar hangs up the phone, the butterflies in her stomach buzzing. Since returning home from California, she’s never felt so secure in their relationship. He’s balancing fatherhood, work and their everyday life with ease.
Readjusting her skirt, she walks back over to the bench, mouthing a thank you to the worker who let her know Harry was calling. She sips on her lemonade, the ice rattling as she finishes the cup. Tossing the remnants of her meal in the trash, she spots the beverage cart girl. Briar smiles as she approaches her, requesting another French 75 and a Casamigos on the rocks for her lover.
The 17th hole is a hell of a lot closer to the clubhouse, but swarmed with people. It’s going to be a needle in a haystack to find him. Briar scrunches her brows, scanning all the kinda old white men with brown hair. Where is her old man?
Panic sets in for a moment, until she feels two hands on her waist, lifting her off the ground slightly and kissing her neck where it meets her shoulder.. She squeals, reaching for her skirt to make sure nothing is showing. He didn’t pack her any underwear, after all!
“There y’are, Birdie. Wish I brought your leash to drag my cute puppy around. Make everyone jealous.”
“They’d think you need to be sent to jail, actually. Were you able to focus in my absence?”
“Yeah, but I missed your hundred questions and commentary. Is that for me?” he asks, pointing to his drink.
“Yes, but you made me spill it on my shirt,” she frowns, her gaze traveling down to the beads of liquid wicking off the fabric on her chest.
Without a second thought, Harry leans down, pressing his mouth to just over Briar’s nipple to suck up the dribbled liquid. Her eyes widened, in disbelief he just did that. She grips the back of his hair, pulling him out of her bosom.
“H! What the hell are you doing? We’re in public!”
“Mm, I know. I’m so hard right now. And thirsty. Saw an opportunity,” he smirks, his grip now around the back of her neck. “Wanna take you to the clubhouse and fuck you dumb.”
“Harryyy,” Briar whines again. Little does he know all he has to do is slip her skort to the side to reveal her soaking wet pussy. She does her best to drag her six foot tall boyfriend to the treeline, hiding themselves from prying eyes.
“Let’s go. We’ll find somewhere safe. Daddy needs you to do a favor for him,” he says low in her ear, his tongue touching her earlobe. “Did I tell you how happy I am that you came with me?”
“I’m happy you invited me,” she places a gentle kiss on his lips. “Love seeing you happy.”
The lovey dovey talk is how Briar got HOODWINKED into sucking her boyfriend’s cock in an administrator’s office at Augusta National Golf Course at the biggest event of the year. The door locked, thankfully, but the amount of foot traffic outside the door has Briar’s head spinning, even more than when his tip touches the back of her throat.
Harry lets out a guttural moan, “Oh my – fuck! Such a good fucking girl.”
Briar is pulling out her signature moves; cupping his balls with one hand, tweaking his shaft with the other when her mouth doesn’t cover it, and swirling her tongue along the ridge of his bright red, plump cockhead.
Briar bats her eyelashes and pulls off just as he gives his sign of completion; his left thigh muscle twitching. Harry’s eyes shoot open as he grips the desk to prevent himself from falling over. He was so, so close.
Before he can speak, Briar stands, pushing him to half lie on the desktop, opening his belt and pants wider. She climbs on the desk to straddle him, staring down at him deviously.
“Wanna ride you, Daddy,” she whispers in his ear. She sits back up, pulling her skort to the side to show him her pussy, spasming and begging to be touched. He reaches out to touch her, but she bats his hand away, instead placing her hand around his neck firmly. “Nope. No touching.”
Harry snorts, knowing anytime she’s tried to be in charge, she fails miserably. He knows she’ll be howling for his help in a few minutes. His smug look is wiped clean as she grips his cock again to line him up with her dripping hole. They moan in unison when he pushes through the tight opening as she squeezes him for good measure.
Briar bounces lightly, the skin of their thighs slapping together. She could listen to the sounds their bodies make for the rest of her life. He bottoms out a few times, puffs of air escaping his nose as he struggles to not cum immediately.
She starts to rub at her clit, her free hand coming up to tweak her nipple. His eyes are closed again, so she takes her middle and ring finger that are rubbing and sticks them past his lips. He moans, lapping up the wetness from her fingertips and choking on them a bit. She smiles before bringing the fingers back to her center and continuing to rub.
“Oh my god, baby. You taste so good,” Harry whines. “Want you to come. Then I’ll come in your little pussy. Don’t know how you’ll hold it all in there.”
Briar cries out, seconds away from tumbling over the edge. She leans forward, gripping the desk above his head. They’re making extreme eye contact now, the tension between them palpable.
“I’m cumming, Daddy. I’m cumming. Your cock feels so big in my pussy,” she cries out as Harry feels a tiniest bit of wetness expelled from where their bodies meet. She twitches, barely able to hold herself up. He sits up on the desk to support her and begins thrusting up into her with his hands wrapped delicately around her body, fingertips digging into the plushy skin of her ass and waist. He captures her lips in a deep kiss, her breath stuttering when he rams himself back into her.
The two remain intertwined, reality hitting them when Briar utters words he never thought he’d hear from her.
“Fuck me, Daddy. Fill me up. Make me yours. Wanna have your babies,” she fires off things he can’t even comprehend. “Want you to make me a mommy. Fuck – want it so bad. Fill me up, please!”
Harry’s breath is knocked out of him as he throttles upward, his tip colliding with her cervix every time. As he topples over the edge, he buries himself in her pussy – his eternal resting place, he’s decided he’ll request in his will – and releases his full load into her. He drops backwards, beginning her down to lie on top of him, his pants now hanging around his ankles.
“Oh my fucking GOD, baby. So fucking good for me,” he says into her ear, a shiver running down his spine.
“Love you, Daddy,” she says quietly, her ear pressed to his chest so she can hear his heartbeat racing.
“Love you so fucking much, Birdie,” Harry sighs, petting her back.
Harry smiles to himself. The diamond ring he has in his bag at the hotel is going to make an appearance even sooner than expected.
He’s sure of it.
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orangeocelotmartyn · 1 year
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found it. transcript under the cut
Impulse: Is the jellyfish the one where if you get stung you're supposed to pee on it or whatever. pee on your sting. Is that the one? Skizz: yeah....I’ve heard of that. I don't know how true that is, but-- Impulse: I don't think I would ask anybody to pee on me-- Skizz: I'll do it-- Impulse: --in any situation--y-you would?  Skizz: I’d pee on you Impulse: Oh yeah? Skizz: I mean you don't even need to ask-- Impulse: you don't want that in reverse-- Skizz: you don't even need to get stung Impulse, laughing: "I'll do it right now." Skizz: I don't-I don't-I don't want it in reverse but any chance to pee on you I’ll take it Impulse: great, now I know what's on your bucket list. Great, that's an odd thing to say.
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lesmaxieldo · 1 year
A little fic rec post because i often forget to like posts with fics on here and then have to perform a reverse engeneering serch to reblog them. So it's everything in my bookmarks from the start of the year and not in my fic recs tag.
wish i knew how to quit you by falling_flying - maxiel
heart of the wind by pipitass - lestappen
strike the balance by citydreaming - maxiel
damned if i do by anonymous - dando
proximity by grandprix - lestappen
do we fall in love (and fuck it up for good) by likelylarks - maxiel
one step closer and i'm real by whichisgolden - maxiel
baby, bang it up by anonymous - dando
a promise that we made but couldn't keep by peachbellini - dando
everything i know about love by caihongs - danchal
the bucket list by the cheshire kitty (stregatta) - lestappen
forevermore the apple of my eye by bloodmoonforme - maxiel
time of your life by citydreaming - maxiel
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angelprompts · 2 years
welcome to the holiday season!   ♡   feel free to change anything as needed.  happy writing ᵔᴗᵔ
"a snowball fight? seriously  -  are we twelve?”
“there’s a blizzard outside; i think you should stay here until it passes.”
“what’s on your wishlist this year?”
“come on! let’s cross something off of the winter bucket list. it can be anything you want.”
“someone gave me literal coal..?”
“do you want to go look at the lights and decorations with me?”
“i got us matching ugly christmas sweaters!”
“you don’t expect me to wear this ugly christmas sweater out, right..?”
“i hate this time of the year.”
“i’ve never made this recipe before. can you try it and let me know what you think?”
“do you have any holiday traditions?”
“are you cold? here  -  take my jacket.”
“will you please go to my parents’ dinner and pretend to be my partner for the evening? i don’t know how much more i can take of them asking about my relationship status.”
“i think i waited to long to do my gift shopping again this year.”
“i can’t keep it a secret anymore! i have to tell you what i got you, okay?—”
“you didn’t have to get me anything!”
“i spiked the egg nog.”
action prompts:
include  ‘⮀’  to reverse who does the action
[ catch ]  for the sender to catch the receiver when they fall while ice skating
[ gingerbread ]  for our muses to build a gingerbread house together
[ homemade ]  for the sender to give the receiver a homemade gift (bonus if you specify what it is)
[ peak ]  for the receiver to catch the sender trying to peak at their gift(s)
[ mistletoe ]  for our muses to realize they’re standing under a mistletoe together
[ shopping ]  for our muses to go gift shopping together
[ ski resort ]  for our muses to take a trip to a ski resort
[ my angel ]  for the sender’s muse to put a picture of the receiver on top of their tree instead of a star / angel
[ snowball fight ]  for the sender to throw a snowball at the receiver and initiate a snowball fight
[ cancelled ]  for our muses’ flight to get cancelled due to the poor weather conditions and now have to entertain themselves while they wait
[ presents ]  for our muses to exchange and open presents
[ blanket ]  for the sender to wrap the receiver in a big, warm blanket
[ party ]  for our muses to attend a holiday party together
[ mess ]  for the sender to trip and accidentally spill egg nog on the receiver
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susartwork · 5 months
Underwizard alternative timelines:
Like 90% of these are angst timelines and the other 10% are self indulgent ones, sorry not sorry
Pacifist (the original one)
Future (the original but post barrier)
Neutrals I don't think we need a list of all of them, do we?
UWU Infection Never add a U to UW. This is a post barrier timeline where a UwU virus spreads terrorizing Ebott's Town. Frisk, as the monster's ambassador, will have a lot of work to do to ensure everyone's safety from the cute virus.
REDress Previously known as the "Amalgamate" timeline, now it was completely rewritten. The families of the amalgamates took revenge on Sans and Alphys, injecting them too with Determination, melting them into amalgams as well...
War Rewind Flowey and Sans mess with the resets, mistakenly send themselves back to the time of the war between humans and monsters. Flowey dies, but Sans, adopting baby Chara to save them from their fate, allows Asriel to survive in the future and become king. Now all humans who fall underground will be treated as friends. This timeline was fairly inspired by Timetale! And also by my chats with @ask-dcf :3
Hopeless Timeline Flowey grows bored, and decides to torture Sans with Save Files and Resets to see how far that would go.
Underground's Insanity Previously known as the "Hopeless Queen Alphys Timeline" (the name was too long). The genocide version of the Hopeless Timeline. It begins as a Queen Alphys neutral ending, to then take a Horrortale-like turn, with some angsty Salphys who has to face Frisk, the strongest hunter wizard to ever exist.
Stockholm Syndrome Another Hopeless timeline, but where Flowey is able to turn Sans by his side after years of torture.
The Roleplayed Timeline This isn't an actual timeline, it's just how I tag everything connected to my RPs as Hopeless UW!Sans. (See more on Underwizard MASTERPOST).
Playbackwizard Playbacktale x Underwizard Too spoilery to UW's story talk about it now 👀
Helioswizard Heliostale x Underwizard
Playerwizard Self insert Underplayer x Underwizard
Something Magical Something New (Killer!Sans) x Underwizard
GasterBlaster UW!Sans (planned redesign) BOTWOT x Underwizard
Fresh UW!Sans Fresh possessing UW!Sans
"What if...? OC" My UTMV OCs swap backstory with the UW crew. Basic - UW!Sans | Alphysis - UW!Alphys | Clone - UW!Frisk | etc.
Disbelief UW!Papyrus Disbelief Papyrus x Underwizard
Horrorwizard Horrortale x Underwizard
Axewizard Axetale x Underwizard
Dustwizard Dusttale x Underwizard
All of these above were made by @alittlegreenghost!
Underwizard alternative versions:
Wizardfell Underwizard x Underfell (planned redesign)
Wizardswap Underwizard x Underswap Deleted because the swaps make no sense
Overbeast All the events of Underwizard but reversed...? Hunter wizards -> beasts
UnderWoZArD The crappy version of Underẁ̶̙i̴͈̚z̸̼̾-̴̢̄-̷̨͗ ̶̹̂A̴̺͂L̵̥̽L̶̗͆ ̸̛̟H̶̝͛Ä̶͔Ḭ̷͗Ļ̸͝ ̵̛͈W̴̭̚O̴̺̍Z̷̺͝ ̷͕̊T̷̋͜Ḧ̵̨́Ẻ̷̠ ̶͉͑E̸͎͛M̸̮̕P̷͈̍Ḙ̷̎R̵̲̆Ŏ̴̯R̴͇̆
Inversowizard/Wizardinverso Inversotale x Underwizard
Tartaroswizard/Wizardtartaros Tartarostale x Underwizard
Wizardchess Underwizard x Chesstale Frisk and Flowey are stuck in a endless chess battle to decide the fate of the underground.
Zombieverse A mix of many AUs characters, such as Underwizard, living in a zombie apocalypse
Fluffywizard Fluffytale x Underwizard
A L I V E x Underwizard Idk what to call it. It's basically the UW crew but with the backstory of the ALIVE crew. Sorta. ALIVE's story is difficult to apply to UW.
Wizardnovela Underwizard x Undernovela (Pls respect the original creator)
Planet Flash - by @yanair25 Fusion of a series whose name I forgot (sorry) and many other AUs, such as Underwizard
Hopeless UW!Sans x LN (Bucket) - @axmoth Hopeless in Little Nightmares
UW!Aine x LN (Breach) - @parniathedevil Aine in Little Nightmares
XWizard - by @parniathedevil Xtale x Underwizard
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taiyaki-o · 6 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen
gojo satoru
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co-reborn · 6 months
Happy New Year 2024
This will be the third year I'm spending my New Years with this community as a writer and as always, I'm grateful to everyone for their continuous support to me and my (limited) works this year.
My first fic this year was posted on 11 Feb, Hunger, a BT interlude, written with the encouragement of Locke. I was reversed uno'ed into writing it after trying to tempt him to write more Tzuyu.
I then wrote WYR-0525, with the encouragement of Prael, who also had to suffer from me writing in his DMs repeatedly. I took a few months break and while on holiday, I came up with the idea of creamandheonnie 2 (idk what to call it lol, the name's too long) Huh... I was writing so much "porn" fics.
Then came the post-concert drive (yes, I attended the Ready To Be concert with Sins and Digi) I squeezed out Bucket List Interlude—Workout Five.8 and Bucket List Interlude — Five.Six [Queen & Princess].
Finally, I ended the year with All Over You. Fun fact: It was meant to be a sequel to another draft, but in classic c.o fashion, it's not done nor will be done anytime soon. Fun fact 2: It was mostly written on a small notebook before being typed online.
In total, I have accumulated 5,526 notes on these fics, an average of 921 notes per fic. 4 of them have crossed the 900 notes mark, hopefully they'll eventually hit 1,000 notes. In addition, I have accumulated approximately 1,600 followers over the whole year, an average of 4.38 followers a day.
Milestones Timeline
As of 26 April, I have achieved my 4,000 followers mark, averaging about 5 followers a day from when I achieved 3,000 followers.
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Next, on 17 October, I got my first fic to hit the 1,000 notes mark. No surprise, it was Bust or Bust, my leading fic in terms of note count for quite a while.
On 1 December, I got my second fic to hit the 1,000 notes mark, which is Bucket List Interlude — Five.Six, my collab with Sins for over a year.
Finally, on 26 December, I crossed the 5,000 followers mark, averaging about 4 followers a day since April.
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I am grateful to every single one of you who have made these achievements possible. Hope we all have a fruitful 2024 ahead.
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amaranthhiding · 3 months
Indeana Jones and the Tear of Pele
My fic for the Dean/Cas Reverse Bang 2024 that I've been pouring my heart and soul into for the last few months.
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Art by Aggiedoll
Castiel POV
"So…," Dean bridged the gap of their sudden silence. "What's on your bucket list?"
"What?" Castiel asked, wondering what would happen if he simply gave in to his fingers' itching desire to reach out and slide over Dean's arm. Now that he'd gotten another brief taste of it, the urge to feel, to sense, to touch was so much harder to rein in, lighting up the nerves in fingertips that were his alone again after all the time he'd spent locked into his own mind without any control over this body.
"Not in general," Dean clarified nothing whatsoever. "I sure hope you ain't gonna kick the bucket any time soon. Or, like, at all. I just mean while we're here."
Castiel had to admit that standing so close to Dean really impacted his ability to focus, celestial being or not. He could only make half a sense out of this string of words. If he didn't know any better, he'd think Dean was covering some kind of nervousness with the way he kept interrupting himself by adding more sentences. Only that there was no discernible thing for him to be nervous about. There was nothing but them and the open sea.
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Dean POV
The frog chirped and hopped away with one long leap. Running on intuition more than any logical reasoning, Dean pushed aside the fern that the animal had disappeared behind, uncovering an opening in the ground. He pulled out his phone and activated the flashlight, shining down into what seemed to be a steep, narrow tunnel leading down into pitch black.
He hated narrow fucking tunnels. A small part of his brain still seemed to be functional enough to have his phone send Sam his coordinates with a brief 'Just in case'. Then he stowed the device back in his pocket and covered his face in his hands, dreading what came next.
Cas, he reminded himself. He was doing this to get Cas back.
Words: 32,679 Rating: Explicit Tags: Canon Universe, Post-Season 11, Beach Vacation, Fantasy Adventure, Humor, Angst with Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fallen Angel Castiel, Castiel's True Form, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Dean in Denial, Dean Makes Up Excuses for Touch, Castiel Uses Sarcasm, Slow Burn, Castiel Goes Missing, Castiel and Dean Save Each Other
Link to Fic Link to Art
Reblogs are much appreciated! <3
Taglist under the cut.
@samsrowena @suninjang @typicalrowena @jomybeloved @thefandomsinhalor @butch--dean @fanficlounge @cocklesdestielfiction @destielficbasket @romachebella
If you'd like to be added/removed from my taglist for Destiel and/or Samwena content, let me know in a reblog, reply, or personal message. :)
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tanadrin · 3 months
@lady-inkyrius wins the prize for suggesting a way to massively speed up this process that i managed to successfully implement: bucketing the Fibonacci points according to a grid, so that we're never searching more than a handful at a time for the closest point. it's not as elegant as the reverse point lookup, but I have no idea what i was doing wrong there--possibly failing to translate something from HLSL to C# correctly, or fucking up my 2x2 matrix math?
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there's still some messiness to refine near the poles, and i may want to alter the check for proximity slightly (shifting from "Strictly closest Fibonacci point" to a slightly modified definition of a Voronoi cell), but we're down from several minutes to generate a map of 1000 points to like 10 seconds.
Actually I think I’m being dumb, this would have to be a grid projected from the sphere, not one on the flat map, which perhaps isn’t very helpful. There might be a looser way of doing it given that checking any subset of points would be better than all of them, but I’d need to think of the best way to make sure the closest point is actually inside that subset on an equirectangular projection.
the grid works great for getting the nearest points; the actual check for the closest point is done in 3D space, so we just have to be careful about the heuristic for which points we select. and to ensure the actual closest point is in the candidate list, all we need is a slightly more expensive heuristic near the poles.
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(image by way of illustration for the grid I was working off of). the way i generated the first image was to say that, if the point lay in the first or last row, to check all cells in the first two or last two rows. you can see in the example grid above, that's actually a similar number of points--between 10 and 20--either for nine cells in a square near the equator, or for two whole rows at the pole.
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sailtomarina · 1 year
I think we should get married
They had been talking about their last trip, the one where they had gone to the Blue Lagoon to experience the social media craze for themselves and investigate the source of the hot springs. Granger was excited to document the fire salamanders in person and Draco had to drag her away at the end of each day to soak in the waters.
“—but Draco, this is our chance to see the salamanders mating in their natural habitat, the literal reason these volcanic fields even exist the way that they do!”
“I. Do. Not. Care. We’ve seen them mate three times now! I want my mud mask.”
And now they were planning their next trip to a place Draco had never even given the slightest consideration but Hermione insisted was at the very least a bucket list sort of destination.
“There must be superior casinos in more exotic locations, love.”
“But it’s Vegas, the city of Lost Wages, of Second Chances, the ultimate Sin City. And that doesn’t even include the bloody Grand Canyon.”
Draco snorted into his tea mug, resulting in an unpleasant sensation in his aquiline nose. “As if a Malfoy could lose wages like that. And you’ve already given me the only second chance I need, and all the sins of my dreams.”
“Well, while we’re there, I think we should get married at a chapel, maybe even the Little White Chapel if we’re aiming for the full experience—”
This time, it was a full mouthful of Earl Grey sprayed across the table in a manner that would have had his mother falling into a dead faint.
“Excuse me, what?”
Hermione continued on uninterrupted as she shuffled through her stack of papers, lifting up different sheets for his viewing. “If that’s too gauche, then there are some perfectly lovely alternatives at the Bellagio, or outdoors at the Flamingo and Tropicana—”
“Wait a minute, stop.”
Her mouth hung open, eyes rounded at his raised palm.
“Chapels? Marriage? Did you just propose to me?”
Now she was smirking at him. Her, smirking at him, the one with the trademark Malfoy smirk.
“Oh, I’m sorry, should I have done things in a slightly more conventional manner? Or perhaps you’d like me down on one knee.” 
Before he could even reply, she swept up and around the table quickly before dropping down on a knee in front of him. She gazed upward still smiling that damn smile, all predatory teeth and crinkled eyes.
“Draco Malfoy, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
Liquid dripped off his chin onto their clasped hands. He could smell the bergamot mingling with the wisteria’s heavy scent from above them. If not for the bloody tea, their reversed positions, her damn chapels, this would have all the appearance of a romantic proposal, not too unlike his own intentions for the near future.
“If I say yes, what are the chances of a do over, or at the very least, a re-telling of this proposal where we swap places?”
She didn’t even bat an eyelash before responding. “Not on your life, Malfoy. And speaking of last names, I’m not taking yours, either. You may consider, however, taking mine.”
Draco Lucius…Granger.
He shuddered at the very thought of it, but perhaps it was one of…delight? To shed the Malfoy name, centuries of history, responsibility, pride, and now shame. He had originally planned on rising out of the ashes, bringing new meaning to the family name, but hadn’t even considered casting it aside completely.
“‘Draco Granger’ doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it?” The syllables rolled around his mouth awkwardly.
“‘Draco Malfoy Granger’ sounds lovely, and that way I can still call you ‘Malfoy’ when you irk me.”
“There’s no getting out of this now, is there?”
Standing up, she pecked him on the nose. “There really isn't. You also still haven’t given me an answer.”
She squealed as he quickly stood up, hoisted her up into his arms, and deposited her onto the table.
“Draco! Your tea is soaking into my dress!”
“I don’t care, and you deserve it. Yes, my answer is yes.”
If the wisteria could talk about what happened next, it would choose not to, for what other purpose could there be for a curtain of flowers than to keep secrets?
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sighonaraa · 6 months
🌹🌹🌹 roses for after finals - best of luck!
from a gift fic that i haven't talked about much yet: the Roy Kent Gets Sick and the Team Uno Reverses Him Emotionally special! in which the title is almost exactly what the fic is about: plotless sickfic & comfort & team bonding & popcorn fights & watching the princess diaries until everybody's sleeping except bumbercatch who takes the opportunity to sharpie everyone's faces!
“Coach Kent is potentially dying, Captain,” said Moe, casual-like. “Or else he’s got a life-threatening allergy to fungal spores. Coin toss, honestly.” “Roy does not have a life-threatening allergy to fungal spores, and he’s definitely not dying,” Sam said in the sort of exasperated tone which informed Isaac they’d had this conversation before. He turned his big doe eyes on Isaac, all grave solemnity, and jabbed a finger at the paper till it crinkled. “He sneezed, Isaac. Four and three-quarters times during this practice alone.” “…Okay,” said Isaac. “So?” “So,” said Sam, “he must be sick.” Isaac blinked. That didn’t…that didn’t compute. Roy Kent didn’t get sick. He couldn’t get sick. He was immune to practically everything in the recorded universe, including bullshit and germs. “What’s the three-quarters for?” he asked, to avoid coping with the gradual falling apart of all he knew to be true in this world. “Ain’t possible to do a three-quarters sneeze.” “Yes it is,” Moe said viciously—far more viciously, Isaac thought, than strictly necessary. “He almost let it out, but then he squeezed his whole face shut like this—” Sam demonstrated, and Isaac did his best not to laugh because Sam was a sweetheart and laughing at him was like laughing at a clumsy baby goat, “—and managed to keep it down. Except for the squeak. He couldn’t hide the squeak.” “I didn’t hear a squeak,” said Isaac. He was mildly disappointed. Hearing Roy Kent squeak surely ranked top ten on a bucket list somewhere.
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novankenn · 9 months
Reluctant Hero?
= Thirty-Three = (Chapter List)
Nora: So, to the bullhead station?
Jaune: And get on one of those death-traps? No way. We're taking the Delta.
Cardin: (From the back seat) Beacon is on the top of a cliff, how is this bucket of... (Nora shot him a glare over her shoulder, cutting him off)
Nora: So how are we getting back without a bullhead?
Jaune: (Guiding the Delta through Vale's traffic.) There's an old access road from Vale to Beacon. We're taking that.
Nora: An OLD road? Can we... even make it?
Jaune: The Classic can make it through anything, oh ye of little faith!
Cardin: How are you so sure?
Jaune: If this old gal could get me and my friends up to the... um... she just will, trust me. Nora, hit play if you please... we need some cruising music.
Nora gave Cardin a questioning look over her shoulder, only to get a shrug of his shoulders as a response. So she reached over and hit play on the old tape deck.
Jaune: Oh yeah, that's the stuff!
Nora and Cardin sat back, giving Jaune a similar look, as he started to tap the wheel with his cybernetic hand, while also singing along... very off-key.
Despite Cardin and Nora's reservations, the Delta 88, or as Jaune called it "the Classic" was easily handling the rutted and rough very unmaintained road that lead from Vale proper to Beacon. Though neither was appreciating Jaune's singing.
After the fifth repetition of the song, as apparently the tape was just the one song, Nora had had enough and reached over and ejected the tape.
Jaune: Hey! (Taking his eyes off the road and giving Nora a look) I was...
Cardin: LOOK OUT!
Jaune/Nora: SHIT!
The beowulf hit the front of the Delta, was flipped over the hood to slam into the windshield, causing it's head to burst in a spray of goo that coated the glass. A second impact caused Jaune to slam on the brakes.
Cardin: What the f...?
Nora: Where the FUCK did that come from?
Jaune: (Attempting to use the wipers to clear the windshield, so he could see) I have no... Crap baskets.
Nora: Jaune? (Looks out the smeared windshield, seeing the approaching forms of at least three more beowulf and two missing Beacon applicants.) Crap baskets.
Jaune: Well, we have a choice, Lady and Gent.
Cardin: And that would be?
Jaune: Do we get out and fight, or?
Nora: Or?
Jaune: Do I run them over?
Cardin: Are you serious?
Jaune: Ah yes, I am serious! What do you think I would joke about running people over? That's cold man, real cold.
Nora: They're getting closer!
Jaune didn't wait for any further conversation, as he put the Delta 88 into reverse and stepped on the gas.
Cardin: What are you doing?
Jaune: I need room to get up to speed!
Nora: (having rolled down her window and peeking past the goo covered windshield) I think they know what you're planning on doing!
Jaune: Too late now! (Jaune hit the brake, put the Delta into drive and stomped on the gas.)
Forty-One hundred pounds of steel met a few hundred pounds of flesh at about fifty-miles and hour. Cardin winced at the sounds of bodies being knocked aside, over and under the car. Jaune didn't even flinch as he kept the accelerator floored and the wipers going.
Cardin: Can you even...
Nora: Let go, you bitch!
Deadite Student: (Half climbing through Nora's open window. It's twisted claw like fingers tangled in Nora's hair.) I will swallow your soul!
Jaune: Cardin do something!
Cardin: You do something!
Jaune: I'm driving!
Nora: Get off me, cunt! Someone, just do something!
Deadite Student: You will all die! There is nothing you ca...
BOOM! The Delta swerved dangerously as everyone now coated in gore shook their heads trying to ease the ringing in their ears, thanks to Cardin firing his shotgun inside the cab of the car.
Jaune: WHAT?
Cardin: AHHH!!! MY EARS!!!!
Jaune: WHAT?
Thirty minutes later, the goo splattered trio exited the gore covered car. Glynda sighed as she looked them over. She knew she was supposed to ask, but she really didn't want to. Really, she did not want to know what those three menaces had gotten involved in. But it was her job to keep tabs on the trio.
Glynda: Would you mind explaining?
Jaune: WHAT?
Glynda: Why are you yelling?
Cardin: (His hands pressed to his ears) I'LL NEVER LOOK AT ROADKILL THE SAME WAY AGAIN!!
Glynda: Roadkill?
Nora stumbled away from her teammates making a bee-line for the fountain, and as shocked students and a dumbfounded Glynda watched she dunked her whole head in to the cool clear water. Jaune stumbled about to the rear of the Delta 88 and popped the trunk. Glynda's shoulder's dropped as she watched as the young man, pulled out a six-pack of beer and proceeded to walk over to a nearby bench.
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