#revival spell
patchwork-crow-writes · 9 months
Golden ribbons of sacred light descend from the heavens, responding to your desperate plea for a miracle. They swirl and swoop through the air like birds of sparkling crystal, leaving shimmering trails in their wake. You watch, breath caught in your throat, as the light converges upon the body of your dearest friend, settling like effervescent dew upon their lifeless form. Like the merest whisper of a sigh, the light is drawn into them, imparting a soft glow upon their surroundings that moves you to tears. It's like coming home, and you feel in the deepest reaches of your immortal soul that everything is going to be okay.
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queeringclassiclit · 24 days
Enjolras & Grantaire
from Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
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gummi-ships · 11 months
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Kingdom Hearts - Phantom
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I be promoting hannibal with the level of enthusiasm only seen in multi-level marketing scheme workers
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star-lights-up · 8 days
okay so you know in xmfc where erik magnets charles to the plane while they're upside down?
so i watched it upside down last night (so everything was right side up) and had an epiphany
they had the actors just lay on the floor and scream, and then turned the shot upside-down.
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azrael08 · 6 months
Dean gets hit with a love spell during a case and looks at Cas first trope except him and Cas are already together, so Cas and Sam assume nothings gonna change. And nothing really does, except that Dean now openly holds Cas's hand when their out walking around and he holds onto Cas's waist from behind when their just standing and he lets Cas scratch and play with his hair without pulling away from embarrassment and worst of all is the kissing!
Sam will be explaining what they should do next to catch the monster and when he looks up he sees Dean staring softly at Cas and Cas staring softly back which is fine, that's what they do, they stare, so Sam turns away. But when he looks back for the second time he sees Dean start peppering little smooches all over the angels face, just quick kisses on his nose and cheeks and forehead and neck too, all while they both smile dumbly, which is also fine, its not like Sam hasn't seen this before, they were exactly like this in their honeymoon phase at the beginning of their relationship, so he turns away again trying to focus but then he has a question to ask Cas and he turns and- HOLY SHIT THEY'RE MAKING OUT! RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM THEY'RE USING TONGUE AND CAS'S HANDS ARE AROUND DEAN'S WAIST AND HIS HANDS ARE HIS CAS'S HAIR AND THEIR MOANING AND SAM NEEDS TO BEAT THEM OVER THE HEAD WITH A STICK-
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britcision · 3 months
So one thing I keep thinking about with the dungeon is the immortality spell
Here thar be spoilers
Cuz there’s this general assumption being made in and out of world that that’s just a thing that all the dungeons have (because that’s how dungeon crawler games work; you can save and come back and revive party members and things)
And from how the adventuring party culture is shown, it’s easy to assume that it’s just a general thing the demon sets up every time to keep adventurers coming back
After all, Chilchuck’s our only full time cast member who’s ever seen another dungeon, and he’s died a lot in his early career; makes sense he just got revived, all the dungeons work like that
And Marcille, who’s studied dungeons in general, gives us an overview of how it happens… but. She came to this dungeon specifically to study the immortality spell. For reasons
And Mr Tance gives us this description, which blatantly states that this dungeon is different
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Now, other dungeons might have different immortality spells, and the Canaries definitely talk about dying like it’s something they do on the job just, on the regular
Like when Lycion explains they’re just gonna kill Fleki and revive her because neurological damage is harder
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(Although somehow Mithrun’s fellow wardens are staying dead?)
So at the very least, there is something on some other dungeons that allows people to be revived, because the Canaries are at the Island for the first time in the 6 years since the dungeon existed
And yet, during the upheaval of the dungeon, Flamela says this
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And holy shit gang, this tells us a lotta things
1) like everything else, the dungeon lord gets to decide if people can be revived on a per dungeon basis
2) it can be turned off. If you die in the dungeon suddenly you die in real life too, on a dime. As in, you revive the tank before the mage, and suddenly the mage is just dead-dead. The dungeon lord decides you stay dead on Thursdays? You stay dead on Thursdays
3) You’ve just gotta accept that any time the dungeon lord changes they may or may not do a reset to factory settings and wipe the whole dungeon, which is already super dangerous and likely to kill a lotta people
4) this is a regular fucking concern for the Canaries, who explicitly go in to fuck around when the dungeon (and associated lord) are too powerful
5) Flamela’s probably seen this before, it’s been a while and she lays it out in a very matter of fact way (and she’s. Dramatic. Cranky even.)
6) if Mithrun didn’t purchase Dungeon Immortality Insurance that dead Canary buddy in his flashback is dead-dead… and we don’t know if a single other member made it out of his dungeon soooo
7) Thistle is even more extra than we thought, since generic immortality is common enough to be taken for granted, but he specifically made dying illegal, which Mr Tance says is weird and he’s been doing this long enough to be an expert advisor
8) there is at least one other way to make resurrection work within dungeons. He didn’t even have to be like this. But he’s been doing it 1000 years and the demon may have gotten the idea from him
9) there have DEFINITELY 100% been adventurers who were used to the resurrection dungeons who bulled head first into a non-resurrection dungeon and are dead
10) Kabru is so fucking lucky he ended up at the Island if he coulda stayed dead he wouldn’t have hit 21. Milsiril probably steered him here on purpose as a baby dungeon
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venussmilk · 6 months
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ancient magic🌱
(close ups under the cut)
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swampstew · 3 months
Did an unboxing video for my latest trinkets :) watch til the end for a pretty surprise!
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radrage · 6 months
For those wondering if the new Fallout show is worth it, it VERY much is from the first episode. While there are a few plot holes, it’s incredibly interesting and Lucy (the main character) is so deep and dimensional.
PLUS, THE ATTENTION TO DETAIL!! They included things like the rads ticker, the Pip-boy clicks, and even minor things like Stimpak designs and the music choice is so incredibly realistic! Speaking of Stimpaks, it’s amazing to see how they’d work in the real world!
Overall, I highly recommend the show right now, but I’ll be sure to give updates as I watch :)
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skyarly · 7 months
Imagine if Gary and Ash like, talked about pokemon. Gary stopped being a trainer because he loved learning about pokemon, YOU KNOW WHO ELSE LOVES LEARNING ABOUT POKEMON??? ASH!!!!!!!!!!!! He's so giddy about basically anything pokemon, can you imagine if Gary told Ash about whatever he's studying Ash would be so captivated. And likewise!! Ash has seen so much, he might even know more than Gary does. That moment in journeys where they ask each other what they were up to and they somehow manage to mutually dodge the question NO !!!! THEY WOULD TALK FOR 5 HOURS ABOUT THEIR ADVENTURES AND LIKE IT !!!!!! and goh would just have to put up with that
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 12 hours
people always talk about edwin being an older ghost, and he technically is, but he doesn’t have any more experience being a ghost than charles. he was in hell from to moment he died to the night he met charles. he died at 16 and then did not get a chance to go through any growth or learn anything in hell other than torture—he lost those 70+ years. functionally, neither of their afterlives start until they meet, and they have to (get to) learn how to be ghosts and how to exist in this form on earth together every step of the way. anyway, what are you procrastinating right now? i’m procrastinating an essay that was due 4 days ago AND an essay that’s due tomorrow 🤠
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jt1674 · 1 month
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
Smoooooth Operatorrrrr
Listen up, Y'all, listen to mama
So. Y'all know about Captain Marvel and his patrons/gods that gifted him his powers through the living lighting via the Wizard Shazam, right? Of course you do, why else would you be reading a post about DC Captain Marvel by this weirdo typing it out right now at 1 AM? Anyways, his powers can do quite a lot, and when used in the right way can extend themselves to unique situations for a better outcome.
However. Billy Batson himself, the vessel for Captain Marvel, is like 10 years old. A small boy. So with that in mind, there's probably a lot of ways he can use the powers of the gods for other purposes without abusing them. As an education major, let me tell you, kids will find a way no matter what. Think they won't do something? They will. They will push the limits to human possibilities and audacity whenever they feel like it.
So imagine this lovely situation:
Billy Batson, young radio show host to Whiz Radio and known pretty well locally with some fame to his name, does a special Valentine's Day segment where he let's callers propose on the air to their partners and it's all so sweet. It's different from his usual program and schedule of talking about deep and complex conversations from the perspective of a child, but it's cute.
That is, until, a couple ends up getting into a fight on the air for everyone to hear, and Billy has to be the one to calm things down, unable to stop the broadcast for whatever reason.
Summoning up just a tiny portion of the Wisdom of Solomon, Billy does his best to get through the awkward situation. During the whole ordeal, Billy ends up getting through to the couple and talks to them about what's going on. He tries to mediate and pushes for a healthier method of communication between them instead of yelling. Despite being a child, Billy's in depth conversation with them about relationships and their dynamics have them stunned, and very apologetic in the end. The couple starts to understand each other better and their boundaries, while completely forgetting that the entire ordeal was aired live.
Word spreads like wildfire and soon Billy has a line of callers calling in for his legendary relationship advice, saying that he was so incredibly wise beyond his years. Little did they know that Billy was now snacking himself on the head for using the Wisdom of Solomon for dating advice!....oh well, he's just glad he didn't go to Zeus for help.
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self-spaghettification · 10 months
tiktok's banned in my country but ive heard the scene where aaravos cries is leaked if so is there a way for you to share it here because i really wanna see my husband cry like a pathetic bitch (im mentally unwell)
andd ahh sure !!!
i also am in the process of getting the unedited footage from someone off tiktok/twt maybe so i will rb with that if/when i do
in the meantime here are all the edits i could find on tiktok
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aylish91 · 3 months
📕 Any chance you have any more lovely daydreams?
Oh, I have soooooooooo many. hahaha!
One of the ones that keeps rotating in though is about a reader who lives in a world where virtual reality is super advanced and makes it feel as if you are actually part of the world (to an extent).
You, your brother, and his friends have completely mastered one of the most popular fantasy games that has ever been created for VR. All items are at full capacity, gold is not a problem, and level has been maxed.
However, a new dungeon and storyline had been made~
Using your angel-esk healer, you attempt to join up with everyone to tackle the new content... You are horrible with directions...
You end up finding a portal you think is the right one, but somehow end up getting sucked into a whole other reality. One where monsters and Monsters are not the same, and where the latter is at war with humans.
Saving a group of Monster soldiers and party from a particularly nasty monster, the captain tricks you, captures you, to join them.
You have lost the way back home, you have no contact with anyone of your group, and you can no longer "log out". Everything is now seemingly 100% reality... But at least you have everything that you had in the game!
Now you just need to convince the purpled-eyed skeletal captain that you are not the fated angel sent to save them all...
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