#rewatching it till I pass out challenge
milaisreading · 6 months
🌱🩷: 2nd story for my Blue Lock Christmas special. Hope u like it🩷
Pairings: Gin Gagamaru x Manager!Yn
Warnings: Reader uses she/her
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
🎄Dec 11th🎄
"Secret... Santa? What's that?" (Y/n) asked as an excited Anri held a bowl filled with different pieces of paper in front of her. The woman smiled as she pushed the bowl towards her, Ego kept quiet to himself as he rewatched some of the plays.
"It's a game. When you pull out someone's name, you buy them a gift for Christmas."
"So it's a blind game?" (Y/n) wondered as Anri nodded her head.
"If you want to call it that, sure."
(Y/n) looked a few times between Anri and the bowl, wondering if she should really participate in it. While she was pretty much familiar and close with the Blue Lock team, buying any of them a gift would be quite a challenge. But, on the other hand, the game sounded really interesting.
"Ok, it sounds like a fun thing to do." (Y/n) nodded and grabbed a random paper in the bowl. Anri nodded as the girl took the paper and went to put it on the table as the girl unfolded the paper.
'Who did I get? Who did I get?' She chanted as she went to read the name.
'Gagamaru! I am surprised he took part in it.' (Y/n) thought, not seeing him as someone who found fun in these things.
'This will be pretty hard. Gagamaru is more silent on his wants than the rest.' (Y/n) pouted and closed her eyes, trying to think of something, not noticing Anri and Ego staring at her in interest.
"So, who did you get? Do you have any idea on what you will buy?"
The girl jumped at Anri's question and looked at her with a sheepish smile.
"Ah! I will think of something. I need to go and finish something now." (Y/n) said quickly and ran out of the room.
'I have exactly 7 days till Christmas... what would be a good gift to a guy like Gagamaru?' (Y/n) wondered as she silently ate her dinner, watching the said boy eat his a few tables away from her.
'Maybe gloves... no, that's stupid. A scarf? Too basic... hmm...' (Y/n) sighed, solemnly eating her rice as Hiori and Kurona joined her.
"What's with the long face?" Hiori raised his eyebrow.
"Are you tired? You should take some rest." Kurona said in worry as (Y/n) smiled at the duo.
"I am fine, just this Secret Santa thing is worrying me a little."
"Oh! That thing? Yeah, it's a challenge to think of gifts for others." Kurona said, understanding her struggle.
'Especially when you were cursed to find a gift to Reo... he is a billionaire, what could I possibly get him?' The boy silently groaned as Hiori smiled at them apologetically.
"It will be alright. Don't worry, you two."
'At least I got Isagi and not someone random.'
'6 days till Christmas... and still no idea what to get him!' (Y/n) groaned as she silently watched Gagamaru train with one of the robots. It was another busy day at the Blue Lock building. Part of the team was in the practice area, while the other part was at the gym. And while (Y/n) was planning on foing her part today, the Secret Santa was still nagging her. She really wanted the gift to be good, and she didn't have much time left either. Anri said she would take her to the city in 2 days to buy something.
"Think, think, think, idiot." (Y/n) muttered to herself, not noticing the goalkeeper walking towards her.
"Hey, (Y/n), can I have one of the towels?" Gagamaru asked as the girl looked at him in surprise for a moment.
"Oh, sure!" She smiled and quickly went to get one for him.
"Good practice, your reflexes are getting much better the more time passes." Gagamaru blushed at the compliment and gave her a small nod.
"Thanks. I try my best to keep up with the rest. I am happy the progress is being noticed."
The girl's heart melted a little at his words and smile he gave shortly after. Gagamaru wasn't as expressive as the rest, so she cherished things like this.
"Mhm! Trust me, it's not just me who noticed it. But that's besides the point. Take a small break for now." Gagamaru nodded his head and sat down on the ground as (Y/n) went to get him a water bottle.
'Food, maybe? Gagamaru likes to eat, as far as I know. And everyone likes food.' (Y/n) thought as she walked back to the boy.
"Huh? Gagamaru, what happened to your ear?" (Y/n) asked in worry, noticing a scar behind it.
"What do you mean?" The boy blinked in confusion as he took the water bottle from the girl.
"The scar behind your ear. Where did that come from? Nobody told me you got injured." She said. Gagamaru kept silent for a moment.
"That's just from a bear I found in the forest once. Nothing to worry about."
"A bear? You got thus from a bear?!" (Y/n) asked in bewilderment. On one hand, she was worried, but on the other she was impressed he survived a bear attack.
"Yeah. I like being in nature amd around animals, especially bears. I like them, a lot." The boy admitted, blushing a little as (Y/n) silently looked at him.
"That's... that's quite impressive, actually." The girl spoke up, surprising Gagamaru.
"Yeah, surviving a bear attack is quite something. I knew you were strong, but this is beyond anything I could have imagined."
Gagamaru felt his whole face turn a bright red a the compliment and looked away. (Y/n) finally realized what she had said and blushed as well, trying to apologize but Gagamaru cut her off.
"Thank you... it means a lot." The boy said with a soft smile as (Y/n) stared at him for the moment.
'He has a really pretty smile.' She thought as her heart beat quickened.
'And... I think I figured what I could buy him...'
The next 2 days (Y/n) spent in running errands for Ego as well as preparing everything for Gagamaru's gift. The plan was pretty easy. She knew that a local mall in Shibuya had a store where she could costumize stuffed animals,so she made a sketch on what she wanted on the the bear and how it should look.
"I just hope they will have the skin I need..." She muttered to herself, staring down at her final plan.
"I will pick you up in 3 hours, is that ok with you?" Anri asked as she stopped her car. (Y/n) nodded her head and took off her seat belt. She was pretty anxious about the gift, even if she wasn't showing it to anyone.
"Sure! I will wait for you outside the mall then."
"Mhm. Have fun and good luck." Anri sent her an encouraging smile as the girl left the car, and then drove off. Taking in a deep breath, (Y/n) looked up at the building.
"Ok, time to do this." She said to herself and went to the entrance.
After a short while of searching for the store, (Y/n) finally found it. Much to the girl's relief, it wasn't really crowded. It gave her hope that she will maybe be able to get what she planned.
Once inside, the girl was greeted with Christmas music, decorations, and displays of seasonal plushies.
'So cute!!' The girl thought as she noticed a pink cat plushie, but quickly shook herself out of that state.
'No no no, we are here for Gagamaru. Let's look for that skin... or something that resembles my idea.' (Y/n) scolded herself as she went to look among the pile of different skins. It was a real variety of both colors and animals, but none of them were what she was looking for. Finally, after 10 minutes of searching, (Y/n) silently cheered to herself as she found a gray bear. It was similar to the idea she had!
"Thank God... seems like you were the last one in this pile, too." (Y/n) sighed in relief then went to get the clothes before it got stuffed.
'What could be better than a football themed bear!' She smiled to herself, looking for something resembling a football uniform.
Eventually, after an hour of searching for everything and setting up the bear, (Y/n) walked put of the store. She was quite happy with how everything turned out and she liked the cute Christmas packaging she got.
'I just hope Gagamaru likes it...' (Y/n) thought back on the boy. Sure, he was more silent than the rest and peculiar as well, but it sort of added to his charm. Sitting down near a food court, (Y/n) blushed as she thought back om the small conversations they had.
'He is really nice and kind... also, he causes the least amount of trouble, too. Gagamaru also seems very genuine when he talks, I am still confused how he never had a girlfriend before.' The girl felt her heart race again.
'And he also has the cutest smile.' She smiled to herself.
'I hope I can see it again one day...'
The next few days were filled with awkward and rushed interactions between the duo. As much as she tried, (Y/n) felt always felt like her heart was about to escape out of her chest when Gagamaru talked, and she tried her best to not say something stupid. (Y/n) wasn't stupid, she knew she fell for the goalkeeper, but that didn't mean she didn't feel any less awkward around him. Especially after she promised to herself not to fall for any of the players.
'Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.' She sighed, plopping onto her bed, sending a short glance at the present. It was the night before they were supposed to give their gifts, and the girl felt her mind race through every possible scenario.
"Gagamaru... will he like it even? I hope he will." She smiled nervously.
'He deserved a better gift... he is always so nice and considerate of me.' She thought.
"I wonder... would he ever like me the way I like him?" (Y/n) thought, her cheeks flaring up at the thought.
'Stupid, there is no way he would like me. He just sees me as his manager and friend. I should be fine with that.' She bit her lower lip, trying to ignore the slight pain in her chest.
'But... the idea does hurt a little...'
Unbeknownst to (Y/n), the said goalkeeper was laying on his bed as well, staring at the present wrapped in nice, (f/c) paper. The boy had returned from Tokyo a few hours prior, and he was quite happy with the gift. It was nothing big, just a pair of earrings Anri had helped him pick out.
'Will she like them? She did say to Teieri-san that this color was her favorite, and that she was eyeing them for a few months. Hope her mind didn't change.' Gagamaru sighed, feeling the same nervousness come back. The same one he felt ever since he realized his own feelings for the girl.
'Should I confess? I mean, would she ever think of me like that? I am nothing special compared to the rest, is there even anything she would like about me?' Gagamaru thought nervously.
'I don't want to ruin the friendshiwe built... but I also don't think I can handle all these emotions for long.'
The next day...
"Gagamaru! Thank God I found you!" The black/white haired boy jumped in surprise and looked back at the girl, who was running down the hallway to where he was.
"(Y/n)..." The boy felt all the heat rush up to his cheeks again as he watched the girl stop in front of him, taking a few deep breaths.
"Thank... God...I found you. Here, marry... marry Christmas. I hope you like it." (Y/n) smiled nervously at the boy, presenting the box to him. Surprised, Gagamaru stared at it for a moment and then looked back at (Y/n).
"You... you got me?"
"Y-yes..." The girl answered, hoping he wasn't disappointed by it.
'Maybe he didn't want a gift from me!' She gulped. But, jer nervousness went away as soon as Gagamaru chuckled softly, presenting a smaller box in front of her.
"What a coincidence, I got you. Marry Christmas, (Y/n)." The boy smiled. (Y/n)'s eyes widened for a moment and she held back a squeal as they exchanged the boxes.
"Thank... thank you. Can I open it now?" She asked nervously.
"Sure, can I open mine now?"
"Of-of course."
Still blushing, the two quietly started unwrapping their gifts. With an uncontrollable heartbeat, Gagamaru opened his. The boy's eyes widened as he saw a gray bear staring back at him, wearing a uniform closely resembling his goalkeeper one.
'It's a bear... it's adorable! Just like her.' Gagamaru thought, nervously watching (Y/n) open hers. The girl gasped a little as she saw a pair of heart-shaped, (f/c) and gold earrings. The same ones she was talking about for months.
'They...they are even more beautiful up close. He really got them for me?' The girl thought, looking up at Gagamaru.
"Thank you... they are beautiful!" She smiled brightly as Gagamaru let out a sigh.
"I am happy you like them. The bear is really adorable, I will keep it close with me from now on." The goalkeeper said, hugging the plush toy tightly.
"Mhm. I like it... and I like you too." Gagamaru blurted out the last part, surprising both himself and (Y/n). The girl stared at him in shock for a good minute... the longest minute in Gagamaru's life.
'Idiot! Why did you say that?! She will feel awkward now-'
"I... I like you,too." (Y/n)'s words interrupted the boy's thoughts as he looked back at her in shock.
"You... you do? You really do?" Gagamaru gulped as (Y/n) moved closer to him with a bright smile.
"I am... glad, then." Gagamaru said back, moving closer as well. It felt nice to get those words off of his chest.
"Told you it will work." Anri silently snickered as both her and Ego were watching the couple from their hiding spot down the hallway.
"Anri, you literally gave them bowls filled with just their names. Of course it worked-"
"Shush! That's not what you said a week ago." Anri sent the man a side-glare, the man only rolling his eyes at her.
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fudgelling-away · 6 months
Sans, tail me your secret
sfw, 1000 words
An innocent slice of life. You and Sans get to know each other better in the early stages of relationship.
Warnings: Intimacy (but no outright suggestive themes, nothing happens besides obvious attraction, that’s not the focus of this text) A few curse words Some tears, some drama (but it ends well, you both will be alright)
As always, your writing and drawings are more than welcome! You can write a different ending, or change how the whole scene would play out, I'd love to see it.
.... What a nice evening, you thought.
You two got ready to binge-watch the tenth season of Ancient Aliens. Almost 10 years have passed since the monsters came to the surface and Sans has been busy with going through all the old shows. It gave you an opportunity to rewatch some old classics or discover something you have previously missed.
Surrounded with snacks and blankets, you got comfortable and he was now sitting close to you on the couch. Not really paying attention to NASA's Secret Agenda, you were discreetly observing his face. So relaxed, lively. Happy.
In a sudden surge of courage and affection you coaxed him to move onto your lap.
He followed your lead seemingly without a second thought while his eyelights remained glued to the TV. You almost missed the twitch of the corner of his smile as he tried to keep a poker face, but you were getting really good at reading him those days. As he nestled in your lap, leaning with his back against your chest, an eerie feeling crept up on you. Even though his bones were thicker than your own, he seemed so fragile. It was... wrong. He was too exposed and you didn't like that at all. You embraced him gently, closing your eyes and wishing that your body could become his shield. What a nice evening.
The living room was pleasantly warm, contrasting with the snow that was faintly visible outside the windows. Fire crackling in the fireplace, the smell of burning pine wood, tea with orange slices and cloves.... What a nice–
Your eyes opened wide. With him sitting flush against you the crests of his ischium dug into your thighs – it felt insanely intimate, but you kept your composure until something poked against your abdomen. ... The fuck was that? You froze. Both his hands were in your view. He was still sitting calmly, though you could see droplets of sweat forming on his skull. When he leaned forward to reach for a cookie, something the size of a finger brushed against your belly, and suddenly all you could see was an image of a big fat rat crawling under his shorts, or a spider, or....
You jumped up with a yelp, throwing Sans off your lap, trying to catch him with your left hand and falling with him on the carpet, cookies flying through the air, crumbs everywhere. You managed to break the fall with your right forearm, still awkwardly squishing Sans to your left side.
Only the dramatic clatter of the tin bowl against the wooden floor.
He scrambled away from you with such pain in his wide-open eyesockets that you thought he was about to cry, but there was no chance to console him. He shortcutted out of the room. He just wanted a fucking chocolate cookie. You felt a wave of dread surging through your body in a sickening way. You felt like the worst trash on earth. Calm down. At least one of you can't freak out. You are going to laugh about it later, it's okay. Breathe. You climbed the stairs on shaky legs and quietly knocked on his door.
“Sans? Are you there?”
No response.
“Knock, knock?” you whined miserably. “Babe, I'm so sorry, please let me explain.”
You began to wonder if he had teleported to his room at all, and not somewhere else. You sat down by the door and took out your phone. Your hands were shaking so much that writing a message was a real challenge.
Sans. I am extremely sorry. My reaction was involuntary, caused by surprise and nothing more. I am so disappointed in myself for hurting you like this. Your expression will haunt me till the day I die. Rest assured I am punished. I was simply surprised because…
dont tell him about the rat
...because I still have no idea what you touched me with. I don't know your body that well yet. I'm sorry that my reaction was so spectacular. Read. You sighed with relief and waited.
heh it was quite spectacular wasn't it
I'm so sorry Will you come back and talk?
Sans: and risk being yeeted across the floor? fat chance, buddy
You: I'm so sorry... After a bit of back and forth, some more grovelling and some heartfelt promises, Sans opened the door. You sat up hopefully, but slouched again when you saw his serious expression. His usual grin looked more like an uneasy grimace.
“it's my tail” he grumbled so quietly you almost didn't catch that.
“Your... tail? Your tail moves?”
“i move it. it doesn’t have a mind of its own.”
“Why did you move it?” You asked stupidly and mentally slapped yourself in the face.
Exasperation flashed through his face briefly as he rolled his eyelights.
“i didn't– buddy, pal, it’s short but it’s still a tail and functions like one. when i bend or reach, it reacts to balance me, however ridiculous that sounds.”
He remained silent for a moment and you dared not to speak. His eyesockets narrowed slightly.
“yours doesn't, huh?”
“No! I don't really have one, mine is just a couple of fused vertebrae.”
“mine isn't fused.”
You wanted to ask if you could see it, but even though you bit your tongue Sans read your face like an open book.
“tsch. you've got some nerve.”
You groaned, curling up on the floor in front of him.
“I am so sorry...”
“i will remember to let myself react wildly the moment your body surprises me,” You heard his ominous voice above you. He hummed thoughtfully and a smirk slowly crept on his face. “yeah. i will flail and scream. heh.”
“now, my tea’s getting cold” he walked past you calmly, his voice finally relaxed again. “and i believe you’ve got crumbs to sweep up. c'mon.”
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koinvyokan · 2 years
what technoblade means to me
this still feels so surreal. its so strange to know that one of the most impactful content creators, and people in general to me has passed away.
i only joined the dream smp/mcyt fandom a year a ago. lore was really daunting to get into, and one of the only reasons i kept up watching old lore was definitely technoblade. watching his doomsday streams and daring escapes from the butcher army made me feel like i was truly watching something cinematic and dramatic in a way that no other lore did. he's the reason i stuck around at first. he's the reason i have this blog and have been able to meet so many great people.
he became the most interesting character and cc to me quickly, his sense of humour just perfectly fit with mine. i binged all his skywars, skyblock, and potato war videos. like i got home from school and only watched techno videos till i went to sleep it was actually a problem to my schoolwork at a point. i watched his old smp earth vods and minecraft monday tournaments. i was so consumed that a non mcyt irl knew enough about techno to buy me a pig plushie for christmas (of course named techno). here's some techno plush content to hopefully make you smile
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my mental health took a big dive from it's already kinda shit starting point around november 2021 and up until recently. one day, the one year anniversary of my friend's suicide, the only thing that made me smile a little bit and took my mind off of things was rewatching techno's potato war videos. i will always remember that. i suffered from a lot of insomnia in that period, and for a very long time the only way i could reliably go to sleep was putting on a long techno stream and waiting. it always worked. he was my healthy coping mechanism. it sounds like a joke or something, saying 'i watched technoblade just to feel something' but yeah, i did and i still do. i know that his videos or streams will make me laugh, or put me in awe and appreciation of his skill and dedication, or that i will be transported to a story where this decked out giant pig guy singlehandedly takes on the world and always wins. his content has served as such an important escape for me, i would have been so much more miserable without him. im so so thankful. i hope he understood even a fraction of the impact he had. techno accompanied me through my darkest times, he was joy for me.
the passion that this man had for everything he did was immense, his dedication inspires me to this day. his skill was unmatched because of that, and i will always consider him the greatest of all time at the craft. he displayed such kindness towards his friends and fans alike, i try to treat my friends how he treated his. his wit and humour brought life to everything he did. he managed to make hundreds of bedwars and skywars rounds each be interesting and memorable thanks to the strength of his personality. also he murdered orphans. an all around great guy.
god when i saw that notification. i saw 'so long nerds' and immediately my mind was jumping to conclusions. oh, so he was taking a break from youtube. maybe he had to go through with the amputation after all and couldn't continue with minecraft. i didnt even consider the reality as an option. when his dad started to speak my heart dropped to the floor. my love is going out to his family and his friends, what theyre going through is just horrible and it must be exacerbated by having to go through it so publicly. techno deserved a long and happy life, but it gives me comfort and i hope it does for everyone that he said he would choose to be technoblade all over again.
i really dont know if there is anything after this life, but i believe that the people we love stay with us and it is our duty to keep them alive in our memory. i also know that it is necessary for a while, but unhealthy to wallow in the grief. this is sad. this is terrible. but techno brought so much joy, and i just want to remember that. its gonna be a challenge to get to that point, but he deserves to be remembered like that. for you the world, techno.
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enhas-bestie · 2 years
My finals actually did go well but yes, at the same time exam time is a bitch - leaves you feeling like a zombie (atleast in my case 💀)
TOO MUCH CREDIT???? nah tay (can I call u that? I assume that's what u go by from ur blog description?) I have been a fan of ur smaus since that heeseung one (+ the Jay enemies to lovers kinda fic - can't forget that 👌) and till now I haven't been disappointed 💅🏽
Ohhh and I have been checking out some series too. The recent one I think was alchemy of souls - I'm still waiting for new episodes + I have been rewatching bridgerton s2 and still crying out how they did kathony dirty(absolute shit promo) (made them a subplot in their own season hello ✋😭 I have been coming on Tumblr n writing essays on it bcoz it's the only thing I can do 🚶🏾‍♀️)
Also yes I will have to finally leave home to study after the admissions are done (which is after all the results are announced). This will also be the first time leaving home for me so as excited I'm for the future, it's also somewhat daunting - I just know I'll be homesick after a week at most lol (but I'll have to move on and do my best to fit in 😅)
Oh really?? I'm so glad for you! To be honest, I'm not really sure how mine went, but I didn't get an email telling me to write supplementary exams so ig I either passed or I failed so badly that I didn't even qualify for it💀 I get my results next week so ig I'll find out soon🤪
And yes ofc you can call me Tay! Pls I'm genuinely glad you liked my stuff so far (hope I don't disappoint in the future🤧) . And my Jay ff😭 Pls I'm genuinely still planning on doing little dabbles for that one!
I'm not really a big series watcher rn,, though I do know which ones ur talking about! But idk plot wise😭I always SAY I'm gonna watch them, but I never end up doing it. I was literally watching business proposal a few weeks ago but I stoppes on like episode 8 and never looked back😔 but Alchemy of souls you say? My friend mentioned it as well! Is it any good? Cause I might give it a watch. I think the 2nd lead from extraordinary you is in it right?
Also, on leaving home for the first time💔 It's probably inevitable that you will get homesick, but hopefully wherever you're going will treat you well🤍 I know it would be super challenging for me. Especially bc I don't think I'm able to make new friends easily, but at some point we all gotta leave our safety net😭 Time flies tho, so hopefully once you get into the swing of things you'll be able to adjust and not miss home so much🤧 But those are worries for later, right?
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snowpiercer-recaps · 2 years
Season 1, episode 8: You're a Filthy Liar
Spoiler alert!!! This is a rewatch recap of Snowpiercer s1e8: These Are His Revolutions. Naturally, it is full of spoilers for that episode. However, it also contains spoilers for some other episodes of season 1 and season 2. You have been warned!
Ruth polishes silverware and gushes over how brilliant Mr. Wilford is in this episode’s opening monologue. She can’t understand why any passengers would challenge him! Oh, Ruth. Sweetie, you’re in for a rough few days. 
When Ruth pauses, we cut to Miles wandering around the engine in pyjamas (which don’t have trains all over them this time - boo!). He presses a button that turns the lights on and off in at least eight carriages. Subtle! LJ sees the flashing lights from her window. But, most importantly, my favourite guest star has returned! Snowpeter even gets a line this episode, which he delivers perfectly (purrfectly). Where was his Emmy nomination?
This scene also gives us some more clues about the train’s geography: the Folgers’ car is far enough away from the engine to be able to see the front of the train when it’s coming around a curve. At least forty cars, I’d guess? I’d be willing to bet Lilah was NOT pleased to find out Martin’s family’s car was so much higher up than hers.
Miles lets LJ into the engine. Because she’s LJ, she immediately discards all instructions and heads straight for the driver’s seat. Javi is at the helm, out of uniform, listening to music and reading a book. There’s some very tense music in the soundtrack, but LJ doesn’t get caught. When they finally get back on track (train pun!), Miles shows LJ around his new bedroom. LJ steals a picture from Miles’ fifty-year-old roommate (totally normal! do all the apprentices share bunk beds with mentors older than their parents??), and then leaves. 
On her way home, LJ passes Ruth in the corridor, so that Ruth can finish up her opening monologue.
After the opening credits, a new character walks through the Chains to deliver a note to Clay. A new person introduced in episode eight? And the word ‘revolution’ is in the episode title? Well, we know they’re gonna die.
Clay takes the note to a revolution planning meeting, where Layton, Till, Audrey, Jakes and a bunch of others are poring over blueprints of the train. They make some kind of battle plan, but the most important part of this scene is Miss Audrey’s revolution outfit.
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It’s been a year and a half since this episode came out, and I have still not recovered.
Till puts on a deep voice (which I’m not complaining about - just confused!) to tell Layton that she’s still not sure which side the Brakemen will take. Layton responds by ominously telling her that there will be casualties. Oh shit! That reminds her! Till pops home to tell her wife to stay home today, safely away from the secret war where she might die. Jinju and Till then establish they’ve both been lying to each other for the entire ten minutes they’ve been married. When Till tells Jinju that Melanie tortured someone to death yesterday, Jinju practically admits to knowing about it by replying, “Please don’t make me choose between you and the train.” 
I have never rooted harder for fictional queer characters to break up.
Up in the Folgers’ car, the whole family plus Commander Grey have invited Ruth over. LJ thinks they’re going to blow Ruth’s mind, and Snowpeter thinks everyone should please shut the fuck up at nap time! They tell Ruth that Wilford hasn’t been seen since departure, and there’s evidence that Melanie is in charge. Ruth desperately doesn’t want to believe it. She’s been in love with Wilford for almost seven years, and she’s not ready to consider the implications of all that flirting with Melanie if it turns out Melanie is also the man she’s obsessed with.
Up in the engine, Melanie is teaching Miles lesson #1 in the class How to Drive While Distracted by the Crushing Responsibility of Keeping Three Thousand People Alive. After class, he casually asks Melanie how her daughter died. WOW! Shockingly, Alex died the same way as Miles’ whole family and almost every other person on earth at the time. After they’ve covered that, Miles tells Melanie that he has his Tail mom, Josie. Ha! Not any more, kid! Luckily, Bennett drags Melanie away before she starts to feel too guilty. She’s needed in First.
Oh shit, here it comes! Ruth tells Melanie there’s been a report that Wilford isn’t on the train. Melanie bluffs that she met Wilford last night, but Lilah and Grey demand to see him in person. She asks whether they'd prehaps prefer a phone call to Bennett, instead? But no, they wouldn't. They know she’s running the train. They even have an eyewitness account… from LJ.
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Melanie immediately points out that LJ isn’t exactly the most reliable witness. Martin agrees, causing a stir among the First class passengers. But LJ has proof! A picture of Melanie and baby Alex, to be exact. I'd argue all it proves is LJ was able to get a picture - from literally anywhere on the train. But apparently it’s all the proof the firsties (including at least one highly successful lawyer!) need to finally believe Mr. Wilford doesn't exist. 
Melanie lunges for LJ, but unfortunately some Jackboots grab her and hold her back. Very disappointing - that could have been a fun fight!
Scared of missing out, some of the First class bodyguards decide to have their own little fight. One of them even pulls a gun and fires!? I'm really not sure why! When that’s all under control, Grey gives the order to bring all available Jackboots uptrain. Melanie tries to tell him that it’s a stupid idea given the whole brewing revolution, but Grey doesn’t take orders from Melanie any more! He’s not about to let her prevent him from falling into Layton’s very obvious trap!
Downtrain, Jackboot Jefferson (the one who got smashed into a gate by Till in ep 2) receives Grey’s orders. He’s doing his part for timeline detectives by standing under a massive clock. For anyone who cares, it’s 10:18.
Next, we’re treated to the return of another outstanding guest star: Roche’s lunchbox! Roche and Osweiller are enjoying some father-son bonding time in the lockup room, when they’re interrupted by Jackboots running uptrain. They don’t know what’s going on, so they peer around the door together like Looney Tunes characters. No wonder these guys needed Layton’s help for detective work.
The Jackboots also run through the Nightcar, and Miss Audrey is delighted that the rebels’ plan is working.
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She tells Clay to, “Do it” (whatever “it” is), then heads behind the bar to tell Till and Layton they're free to move. 
Usually, when Audrey watches someone get handcuffed in the Nightcar, it’s not like this. Layton offers his hands to Till, and she prepares to fake-escort the “prisoner” back to the Tail. 
The rebels begin to send out their signals: little strips of red are hung in windows and from pipes, and one is even delivered to the Tail. Mama Grande announces the revolution.
Up in First, Grey sends everyone to their quarters until further notice. Martin points out that they’re grown ups and Grey can’t just send everyone to their rooms! Grey tells him, “Shut your mouth, boyo.” This guy’s lines! Ridiculous! 
Melanie tries to warn Grey and Ruth that they’re making a mistake, as she’s led away by a Jackboot. Ruth is suddenly very worried that the mutiny she joined might be a mutiny, so Grey suggests that they go and double check that there really is no Wilford. It is absolutely fucking ridiculous that they've gone this far on nothing except a hunch and LJ’s word! Imagine if they stormed into the engine and just found Wilford there, having a bath!
Downtrain, Astrid brings some Halloween costumes for the sanitation crew - today consisting of Lights, Murray, and Big John. Murray complains that feels like a wanker in his Jackboot costume, and I’m not sure whether any of his American counterparts have a clue what he means. Astrid begins to introduce the Tailies to their new buddies up in Third. John is paired up with tunnelman Jakes, Astrid is going to take Lights somewhere else, and Murray is going with Miss Audrey. Strewth!
Melanie has been taken to the torturey hospitality room (which, luckily for her, has been thoroughly defrosted since her last visit). Instead of immediately cuffing Melanie to the table, Jackboot Tyson lets Melanie fetch a photo of her daughter. But really, Melanie just wants to push a button that sets off a lockdown alarm in the engine.
Javi immediately accuses Miles of causing the lockdown, and gives us more timeline information: Miles has been in the engine for two days. “Two days” could just mean last night and this morning (i.e. less than 24 hours), or it could mean there was a whole day between episodes seven and eight. Miles’ change of pyjamas probably suggests the latter, but it’s hard to be sure in this show.
As the engineers rapidly lock down, Jackboots try to open the door to the engine car. Javi is feeling a little dramatic today!
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Bennett and Javi scream in each other’s faces about what to do, then completely ignore what each other just said and do whatever they want anyway! Javi lets Grey and Ruth into the engine car, so Bennett responds by punching Javi’s glasses off and shutting him out of the engine room. Grey and Ruth are on Javi within seconds, demanding to know where Wilford is. Javi tells Ruth that Wilford is dead, and her heart breaks.
Ruth wanders around Melanie’s bedroom in shock, and has a little cry. In another demonstration of just how much the idea of Wilford meant to her, Ruth asks Grey, “What will people hold on to, now?” Crushing! Then, upset Ruth gives way to vengeful Ruth. She wants Melanie to pay.
Downtrain, Astrid takes Lights to Walter The Papermaker. He is apparently also Walter The Electrician. Okay then! Lights uses Josie’s friendship bracelet to break into an electrical room. She argues with Walter about which wires are the communication lines, then decides, “I don’t have time for this, I’m just gonna pull!” It’s a highly questionable plan on many levels; I definitely wouldn’t be randomly pulling wires on the only vessel sustaining the last life on Earth. But, luckily for Lights, it works!
Meanwhile, Till takes Layton to the Tail. Jackboot Jefferson’s big clock reads 12:40. That means it’s Layton-punching time! JJ tries to make a call to confirm that Layton is really supposed to return home, but Lights has taken the lines down just in time. As soon as she’s sure he can’t call for backup, Till beats Jefferson up. She definitely enjoys it, and to be honest, so do I. Layton spits on the Jackboot, for good measure. Then, they head into the Tail.
Layton is welcomed home, and Till hangs around awkwardly in the doorway until Layton remembers oh, yeah, he should probably tell his friends not to kill his new little sister! Till’s one of them, now. Layton makes a speech to get everyone pumped and ready to march. He name-checks Josie, Suzanne and Old Ivan. The Tailies have saved something red for Layton to wear: Josie’s invisibility bandana from episode 1. Cute! Then, they begin move out. 
One Train!
Walter and Lights leave the electrical room, and run straight into four Brakemen. Walter apparently attends the same acting class as Till, Miss Gillies and Zarah. Even Osweiller can detect something’s wrong, and quickly recognises Lights from the Tail. Osweiller orders one of the other Brakemen (sidenote: why the fuck is Osweiller in charge!?) to call up to Commander Grey. But the phone line is dead. The Brakeman has to run all the way up to First to relay the message. Lights and Walter are arrested.
Next, we catch up with Audrey and Murray. They’re visiting Creepy Klimpt, who is apparently with the revolution now! It doesn’t make much sense why Audrey (rather than any other rebel) had to deliver Murray to the drawers room, but I’m fine with it because it gives us the opportunity to see her revolution outfit in good lighting.
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Up in the Folgers’ car, Snowpeter is chilling with LJ while the others are planning how to take power. The messenger Brakeman bursts into the car to tell Grey that comms are down and there are Tailies running around Third. Grey finally realises that bringing his entire army uptrain while there was a fugitive revolutionary on the loose in Third may not have been his best idea ever. He sends all the Jackboots back downtrain, via the tunnels.
Meanwhile, Ruth visits Melanie in the torturey hospitality room. She asks Melanie not to talk. Naturally, Melanie immediately talks! But when Ruth asks again, Melanie is quiet. Ruth is doubting seven years of tight knit co-working, friendship, and daily flirting rituals. She’s crying by the time she mentions the personal commendation she got from Mr. Wilford. I don’t know how the fuck the show managed to make me feel sorry for Ruth after all her callous classism and de-arming, but I really do! Well done, Alison Wright! Someone needs to give Ruth a hug, please!
Ruth asks whether Melanie killed Wilford, and Melanie dodges the question. She tells Ruth that Wilford was a fraud. He didn’t build the engine - Melanie did. Wilford was just the ticket salesman. He didn’t care about saving humanity: he just wanted to party for as long as possible! And that’s why Melanie pirated the train. She’s sorry for lying, but she’s not sorry for trying to keep everyone alive. 
Ruth decides to get herself cancelled by the fandom.
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She’s right, and she should say it!
Before she leaves, Ruth reminds Melanie that her execution is tomorrow. Then, she simply bids her goodbye. DAMN. Take note, everyone: do not lie to Ruth Wardell.
Back at the revolutionary front line, let’s take a moment to appreciate the second-best revolution outfit: Till has removed her uniform jacket and tie, but kept the waistcoat. Y E S. Let's also appreciate that Mama Grande is the first person in line behind Till and Layton! I love that for her! The new character from the opening scene informs Layton that the Jackboots are on their way back downtrain, and that the Brakemen are forming in the Chains.
We immediately get a look at the aforementioned Brakemen. Osweiller is, as expected, shitting himself. He doesn’t want to face an army of tailies - especially not after the way he’s treated them over the years. Roche tells his son employee to get his big boy pants on. That’s not a joke this time - Roche literally says that line! Incredible!
Till and Layton come to negotiate with the Brakemen. It’s a good job they were at the front of the army! Till is brandishing an axe, which begs the question: is she the true originator of the conversation axe? Or is a negotiation axe different from a conversation axe? Anyway, Brakeman Roche tells his daughter employee that she’s a great disappointment to him (again, not a joke! Roche literally says these lines!). Till, in true queer tradition, seems pretty proud of disappointing her parent.
Roche doesn’t want to let the Tailies pass, because he thinks they’ll tear the train apart. And he doesn’t believe that Wilford is dead, either. Till tries to convince him, and makes at least a bit of progress. Layton addresses Third, stating that Third and the Tail need to stop First from taking power. Then, Layton tries to flatter Roche into letting them pass by calling him a “good cop”, and Till plays her trump card: she makes Roche think of his family.
Osweiller’s nerves finally get the better of him. He quits as gracefully as you’d expect: he declares, “Balls to this, man,” and pushes past his colleagues. Then, Roche caves. He believes Till. He orders the Brakemen to stand aside, and let the rebels through.
Up in the drawers car, Strong Boy is awake. And speaking! He’s used his six-ish weeks in the drawers to learn Mandarin! What did you achieve between episodes two and eight?
Meanwhile, Layton and Till are teaching rebel school in a Thirdie classroom. “L is for Layton, M is for Melanie, N is for knife...”
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Down below, Jackboots are running through the tunnels. But John and Tunnelman Jakes have set up Big John’s Big Spike Launcher, and it works better than they had hoped! They take out multiple Jackboots on the first attempt, quickly reload, then take out more. Grey (who STILL isn't wearing his fucking helmet!!) is shitting it, and decides to go up and over rather than staying in the tunnels.
But that’s what the rebels were banking on! They're waiting in the Nightcar. The Jackboots arrive to find that the music and lights for the usual mid-afternoon rave are in full swing. However, the Nightcar is suspiciously empty. There's also a suspicious cardboard box in the middle of the floor. How did the rebels know the Jackboots love to steal unattended Amazon packages? The Jackboots cautiously approach the box - they've seen enough YouTube videos to know that it could just be a glitter-based trap. Commander Grey takes a peek inside, and finds Jefferson’s decapitated head. At least it wasn't a glitter bomb!
Then, the music pauses. From the First class balcony, Layton calls out to Grey, then orders the rebels to attack.
Most rebels fight Jackboots on the ground, but there are also a few archers firing from the balcony. Till and Layton guard the stairs, protecting the archers. With all the flashing lights it’s difficult to follow the fight, but there are brief glimpses of various recognisable Tailies and Thirdies. There's plenty of blood and death, but I think Patterson is the only named character killed in the battle. His death is followed by a slow-motion montage of Commander Grey screaming and Till and Layton axing a lot of Jackboots.
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Then, Grey calls retreat. He grabs a hostage - it’s the Thirdie from the start! They're finally gonna die! Layton tries to get to Grey, but Grey slits the hostage’s throat and pushes them down the stairs into Layton. Meanwhile, the surviving rebels cheer - they did it! The Jackboots have retreated!
Down in the tunnels, Big John is out of ammo. He orders his squad to take the weapon back to the next barricade, and buys them some time. The Jackboots launch themselves through the barricade, one at a time. It looks like John takes out a total of five Jackboots, all by himself!? It’s very impressive, and leaves me wondering whether these Jackboots ever had any training? No shade to John, but one sick man shouldn’t be that difficult for a team of professional soldiers to handle!
Back in the Nightcar, the floor is covered in blood and bodies. Survivors (including Till, Pelton and Audrey) are tending to the wounded. Santiago closes Patterson’s eyes. Layton tells Santiago to keep pressing on the Jackboots, and Santiago begins to gather a group of rebels, including Clay. They move towards the bar, while Till calls out the order to gather weapons from the fallen Jackboots. But then, the retreated Jackboots return. They throw gas grenades off the balcony. Many of the surviving rebels escape back to Third, but those closer to the bar - and presumably many of the wounded, too - succumb to the gas. The Nightcar is already lost.
The escaped rebels retreat, then weld shut the doors behind them. In better news, Jakes informs Layton that the tunnel barricades are holding.
There’s a quick scene showing Melanie, alone, cuffed to the table in the torturey hospitality room while the sun sets behind her. Then, we catch up with Murray and Klimpt in the drawers car. They’re still waiting for the rebels to turn up. They have no idea that their comrades have just welded themselves into Third. Not knowing what else to do, Klimpt and Murray continue waking up the prisoners. Murray says they’ll wake Pike next. It doesn’t make much sense that they didn’t start waking him earlier, until we discover that it’s for dramatic effect: Murray opens Pike’s drawer, and discovers it’s empty.
Pike is up in First, enjoying chocolate-covered chocolate cake and hot chocolate. After seven years eating nothing but bug bars and human flesh, I can hardly blame him. Grey (who has the time to sit around and watch Pike eat, but hasn’t bothered to give his blood-drenched face a quick wash) asks for information on Layton. Pike tells Grey how he and Layton used to date:
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And he promises he’ll give his ex up for another piece of cake.
In the final scene, Layton wanders through cars of injured rebels in slow motion. He’s covered in as much blood as Grey. Audrey and Till (both also bloody) make eye contact with Layton as he walks. Zarah is also covered in blood - presumably from tending the wounded, rather than fighting - and passes in front of Layton wearing a haunted expression. Meanwhile, Pike’s conversation with Grey plays as a voiceover. Layton doesn’t handle failure well. Grey just needs to keep pushing, and Layton will crumble.
For someone who promised “never again” re. cannibalism, Layton sure has a lot of human blood on his mouth!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
I'm rewatching help wanted again and kinda thought that 60 with freddy would be quite fitting (although that might end up a bit angsty...)
60) “We finish the same way we started, together.”
“Push buttons..survive till 6 AM. Seems easy enough.” You sighed as you began one of the games in the Virtual Experience.
It was a recreation of the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria back in the 90s, where several employees took the nightshift and were stalked by the animatronics who roamed after hours. 
Among them was you..a survivor of that hellish week.
You still have scars from your third and final night--where you were (quite literally) saved by the bell just as Freddy was dragging you to Parts & Services to stuff you into a suit.
Normally, anyone would go to great lengths to forget those horrible things. But not you. You wanted to use this recreation as way of making peace with your past--as strange circumstances got you laid off from your job before you had the chance to do so.
Eventually, you came to understand the animatronics’ motives. They didn’t attack you out of malice...they thought they had their killer cornered, only being able to remember them as an security guard.
“Hello? Hello, hello?”
The sound of “Phone Guy”’s automated message snapped you back to the present, and you prepared yourself for the challenges ahead.
For the most part, you passed the first two nights easily, although Bonnie’s and Chica’s movement patterns were scarily accurate to how they were in real life.
But as night three finally began, that’s when you heard it:
The eerie, familiar, echoing laughter of Freddy Fazbear.
Just like before, he tried blending in with the shadows of the virtual pizzeria, taking advantage of his bandmates’ presence in the dining room to distract you. 
It’s almost like he remembered how he taunted you.
He was smart, but you were smarter.
Soon enough he appeared at the east corner hall, and you turned away from the cameras, heart racing as you listened to the thumping footsteps as he drew nearer...
Peeking out of the office was a no-go, since you almost lost to Foxy as he rushed out of his cove the instant you looked down the west hall.
And so you waited.
Until finally...Freddy arrived.
You looked at him for a moment, watching him stand there in the doorway. The darkness obscured him greatly, though his tiny white dots still shined brightly.
He could’ve charged right in, broke the door controls, and attacked...but he didn’t.
“So...you remember me, huh?” You couldn’t help but chuckle. Even if it wasn’t really him anymore, and just strings of code scanned into the game, you couldn’t shake the feeling he remembered you.
“It’s good to see you again, old pal.” Holding up your arm, you showed him the imprints of the mechanical parts that were compressed against your skin all those years ago. "Just know..I forgive you for this.”
The bear only tilted his head in response, twitching as he grasped the microphone in his hand tighter.
“Now..we finish the same way we started, together.”
Right as Freddy was about to lunge inside the office, you quickly slammed the door shut on his face, waiting a few long moments before opening it again. He was gone, having made it back to the dining room.
Yep, just like old times.
But this time..you were gonna survive all five nights.
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maggyoutthere · 3 years
It's funny how I'm actually putting effort on this. I'm putting actual effort on a shitpost.
Anyways I said I'd write a bad sonic creepypasta so here it is. Here's the catch: I like how its turning out so imma make it a 2-pary story. This is the first part. It doesn't have any scary shit but it has the basics for a shitty creepypasta: someone gets a old pirated/unreleased/defective game and tries them out despite getting warned that bad shit might happen.
Again I'm not a fluent English speaker so expect some grammar error and stuff like that ._.,
So ladies, gentlemen and non-bis, I present to you-
Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood (Part 1)
Synopsis: Teen gets nostalgic mid-quarentine and starts playing old Sonic games. She asks for some cheat codes and shit happens.
So for context; I'm a 17 year old girl stuck home because of quarantine.
It had been 4 or 5 months since the virus sent everyone home. Students were playing Animal Crossing and DOOM all day to fill in the summer hours since no one could go outside. I never liked going to the beach so I was never really bothered by it.
Like many people, I found myself going back in time to easier phases of my life. I was rewatching old cartoon shows from my childhood, getting into MCR and P!ATD and just living in pure nostalgia. I also started getting into gaming again, even going to the point of setting up my Wii again just to play Epic Mickey, but I didn't exactly grow up with the Wii. I was more of a Playstation kid, so much that me and my bro got a Playstation 2 from our cousin when he eventually bought the 3rd one for himself.
My cousin was older than us; I remember him being 16 or 17 when I was like 12, so he was kind of our gaming hero. If there was a level in Crash Bandicoot we couldn't beat, we'd call my cousin and he'd do it in 15 minutes. He knew all the cheat codes, all the secret levels and extra content for the games he had; he was like a genius to me and my lil bro, so when he gave us his old Playstation 2 and games me and my sibling knew we were in for a treat.
We got this Sonic Gems Collection for the Playstation 2 from him. It's like a port of various older Sonic games like Sonic CD, Sonic The Fighters, Sonic R and so on. I grew up playing that game, especially Sonic The Fighters since I wasn't very good at the racing games.
I still had a working controller and a lot of free time so I asked my bro for help setting up the console. The thing was so dusty I was actually scared it wasn't going to work. We clicked the power button and the light on the console turned on. Me and my brother held our breaths as we put the DVD in the console and crossed our fingers. As the screen lit up with the SEGA logo and music started playing, I just hugged him and cheered. He set up the console in my room so I could play without having to go to his room (he was the one keeping all the electronic stuff) and told me to have fun.
I didn't even know where to start. There was so much I wanted to play now that I actually knew what I was doing. I thought about starting with my favourite one out of the bunch: Sonic CD. I'm a sucker for the retro 2D pixel games so that was a must. It was better than what I remembered; the music was so catchy and the art style was vibrant and it stood out from a lot of games nowadays that go for a washed out "hyper realistic" look.
As I kept playing, I eventually reached the level where Amy tags along with Sonic for a while before Metal Sonic bursts through a wall and kidnaps her. Oh yeah, Metal Sonic was a thing. I remembered him from Sonic R and Sonic The Fighters - and the fact he was in the fucking cover art of the DVD case. I absolutely loved the fucker in the games though. He had a cool design, and the idea of the villain being a copy of the hero gone wrong was so interesting to me at the time.
I ended up passing the level and even making it to Stardust Speedway. I was sweating since I'd never come this far at any game. My bro was there cheering me as I tried not falling on spikes or getting hit by Metal Sonic's attacks. I ended up making it till the end on top, but it was kinda sad seeing Metal crash face-first against the door like that.
I was done with that for a while, so I went ahead and played Sonic R and Sonic The Fighters for nostalgia. Again, the fucker was there, either as a boss or as an unlockable character. I ended up noticing how there were a bunch of games missing. There were empty grayed slots with question marks instead of the game titles. I couldn't understand if the game was broken or if there was something I was supposed to do, so I called my cousin in hope he would somewhat tell me what to do. He ended up explaining how the game made you complete all the other games to unlock new ones. I thought that was kinda stupid so I asked him if he had any cheat codes or something to make the whole thing available. He told me he was going to dig up his old stuff and ring me again if he found anything.
A few hours later, he sent me a message telling me he'd found something that should work. He told me he did have a cheat code but he thought it was best if I didn't do it. Here's the transcript from his message.
"There's something that might work but it's kinda weird. I got this memory card from a friend of mine and he said this should unlock all the hidden contents within the disc, but when I tried it some weird shit started happening. Most of the sonic games were unplayable no matter how many times I restarted the console or cleaned the disc. There should be an extra game slot but that's just a glitch. Something about the system trying to make up storage for the extra code. Just don't click on anything that looks like a glitch and you should be golden"
Well that was a bit discouraging, but we agreed to meet that afternoon so he could give me the memory card.
When I got home and plugged the cartridge into the slot on the console, I was kinda scared. What if the thing exploded or something? I gave it a try and the thing actually worked! As I clicked on the games section, everything was there! There were some vectorman games but I didn't know who that was at the time so I didn't really care about them. What I was more interested in was the museum. There were a bunch of unlockable promotional art and illustrations there that I never got to see as a kid, so you could imagine how joyful I was when I saw the museum section filled with pages upon pages of illustrations and renderings of the games. Some of them weren't even on the Gems Collection like some screenshots of Sonic Heroes.
I went back on the game menu and was surprised to see another game entry below all the vectorman ones. It was called "Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood". What the hell was this? It surely wasn't in the cover art and a quick google search turned up nothing. Was it a glitch? It couldn't be; it looked too clean and intentionally made to be a glitch, not to mention that whole game titles don't just appear out of thin air. Game or not, something was programmed in there. I concluded it was probably someone's fan project that was in the memory card my cousin gave me. Why hadn't he mentioned it though?
I was too curious to turn down a mystery like this one, so I got up first to make a cup of coffee since it was already getting late. As I returned from the kitchen, I remembered to look at the synopsis of the game. I can't remember exactly what it said but it was something along the lines of:
"In this sequel to the famous Sonic CD, step in the shoes of Sonic's friends as they face their biggest challenge yet. Control Amy Rose and Miles "Tails" Prower and fight against the metallic faker himself, Metal Sonic, and stop him before he puts his plan to become the only Sonic in action"
Woah, that sounded exciting; I wasted no time. I got all cozy, kept my cup of coffee next to me
And pressed START.
To be continued in part 2
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
► ‘our songs’ audition.
date(s): 20 july 2020 mentions of: jiah, ash, andy & sooyeon (all briefly namedropped) word count: 1617 warnings: n/a details: jaewon decides to audition for ‘our songs’ and somehow, manages to already stress himself out before the show has even begun. he also covers ‘q’ by onewe (note: the original version of the song features hwasa but this stage was my main reference point for this)
it’s not that jaewon has been putting this off but that’s exactly what he has been doing. which, truly, is stupid. he’s the one that decided he wanted to sign himself up from this, it’s one of the very few things in his idol schedule that he gets to weigh in on.
unlike his own music these days.
oh right, that’s why he’s been so stressed about this. dimensions entertainment had kickstarted his 2020 with a big fuck you and the announcement that they’d be taking away his creative freedom for something that would hopefully be more… lucrative than his own work. and their strategy had been proven effective, the sheer commercial success of fiancé has been a thorn in his side, a constant mocking reminder that maybe, jaewon doesn’t know shit about making music after all.
it has also only solidified dimensions position meaning that truly, jaewon could write any creative freedom apart from the odd co-writing jobs for unity and songs he featured on goodbye.
until our songs came along.
sure, the company hasn’t said it in that many words, nowhere has jaewon actually gotten the confirmation that maybe, if he does well on this, they’ll consider letting him weigh in on his own solo work again. but hey, there surely is no harm in taking some initiative right?
which circles right back to where jaewon is right now, in the home studio of his and soo’s apartment at some awfully late hour at night -because apparently his brain does not function during common office hours- to sit down and record this video for once and for all.
(for the 5th time this week but really, who is keeping count).
jaewon is glad he’s in a space so familiar to him as his own home, it takes away just a little bit of the stress and if he tries hard enough, he might even be able to forget just how much he has riding on this already, a pressure that for some forsaken reason he’s put on this all by himself.
he turns on the camera before leaning back into the office chair. it might look relaxed almost but anyone that knows jaewon also knows that the pen he’s twirling in his left hand is to keep the nerves at bay. luckily enough he can pass it off as a means of concentration for now.
the questions are displayed on the monitor of his computer in such way that jaewon can read them without having to make an obvious effort to lean forward. he has no answers written down but truly, he has mulled over these questions for so long by now that there is no need for that anyway. jaewon knows what he wants to say and he knows himself well enough that he can’t truly rehearse those words without sounding stiff and insincere.
“what inspires me to write songs?” he allows a brief silence to settle, a light frown on his face. “i’m not the best with words, not when i have to say them at least. i’ve always had struggles communicating, i just kinda… froze up. writing has helped a lot with that, it’s made it easier for me to put my feelings into words and to get messages across i wouldn’t have been able to get past my lips otherwise. i’ve written songs about difficult subjects in the past and hearing back from people that those resonate with them has really been keeping me motivated to keep pushing the bar further for myself, even if it’s a little hard sometimes.”
“what is my favorite song that i worked on... that’s kinda impossible to answer. i’ve been very fortunate to release quite some music already and to work with a lot of really talented artists. they’re all very different songs too so it’s hard to compare them so i don’t think there is really one ultimate favorite. if i had to name a few though-” he let his voice trail off for a second. “i collab earlier this year on we don’t talk together, i really enjoyed that song and working on that, i think it turned out well. oh and i got to feature and work on jiah-sunbaenim’s easy which has been released recently. i don’t get to take too much credit for that one though, taeyong-sunbaenim worked on that too.” his free hand moved to rest under his chin. “if i’m thinking about my solo work though i’d probably have to say am 4.44 and rebirth, both from my biorhythm album.” jaewon didn’t know if it was necessary to name what album they were from, especially since he hadn’t gotten to write a single word on love language but it would have to do for now. “i think those two are kinda a package deal for me? am 4.44 is about a pretty low point in my life, just mentally and all and rebirth is kind of the process of recovery from that.”
“songwriters i look up to? i worked with a lot of people and they all brought their own strengths to the table, all of those experiences have been very useful and incredibly pleasant.” he nods absent-mindedly. “i’d say i look up andy-sunbaenim, i got to work with him twice, on both bermuda triangle and on his latest album, i really like his style, i feel like it’s a bit different from my own but i do think they go well together. i also admire sooyeon from wish a lot, she’s very talented at a very young age. she balances both wish’ style and her own very well i think, i have a lot of respect for that.”
“my goals as a songwriter? i think to continue to grow till i can hold my ground by myself amongst other songwriters. i’ve learned a lot from all the people i already worked like i said before but i don’t think i’m near their level yet. i want to reach the point where i can continuously put out high-quality songs for other artists. like, i know my own sound and songs that work well for me but i think the real skill is being able to write well for someone other people. i want to be able to do that someday.”
“what do i hope to achieve by participating on this show?” to tell dimensions to go fuck themselves, jaewon thinks bitterly. but he can’t say that, not now he’s supposed to be all camera friendly. “i want to prove myself. towards other people on the one hand of course, you know, get my name out there and show everything i’ve learned up until this point, show that i know what i’m doing.” and yes, of course, other people in this case could just as easily be replaced with dimensions entertainment but there was no hard evidence for that. not like anyone was aware of jaewon challenging his label, not even dimensions itself. “but also to prove myself towards me. i’ve been writing for a while now, mostly when i felt like it or when i had an idea stuck in my head. i want to push those boundaries, to write specific themes within specific timeframes instead of just on a whim. i think that’s an important step i have to take for myself.” jaewon nods firmly. if he didn’t know himself so well he could believe it looks confident even.
after he pauses the recording, the first thing jaewon does is roll his shoulders and let out a deep sigh. he’s definitely not an interview person he can’t help but think to himself, at least the worst part is over now.he takes a sip from the water bottle on his desk, letting his eyes fall shut for a second as he leans against his seat. just a brief moment of recovery before he forces himself back into action.
the interview might have been the worst part but he still has a cover to record.
first he gets up to retrieve the electric guitar they keep in their home studio, getting it plugged in and getting the microphone all set up, before pulling up the audio file from his desktop and hitting record on his camera.
there are some changes to the original song. after all, onewe is a band and q is not a rap song but jaewon toyed around with audio some, emphasizing on electronics of the backing track rather than the instruments. he has taken some liberties on expanding on the rap parts in the verses and together with the monotone, repetitive chorus it makes it sound so much more like a laidback hiphop song rather than the band song it was before.
another big change is made to the bridge. jaewon has taken out the vocals at the beginning of the instead opting to extend the guitar solo that follows. which is where the electric guitar on his lap comes in. admittedly, it’s a risky choice because while jaewon doesn’t have to worry about hitting notes he can’t reach, he also isn’t as gifted of a guitar player as he pretends to be.  it works though, maybe it’s because he’s been practicing this particular riff until he could barely move his fingers and he has to admit, it sounds pretty good.
he finishes recording, switching the camera off nearly immediately after and then spends another hour rewatching both videos -the interview and the song cover- fixated on finding a fatal flaw, any reason to tank this whole idea and just not send in his audition for the show.
he doesn’t find it.
so instead he sends it in before finally calling it a night.
 here goes nothing.
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sigmadecay · 5 years
ok so if you had to choose what plants/flowers/etc the members of r+ would be what would they be
I genuinely cannot express how much I fucking love this question. Because I have a hardcore adoration for plants. So thank you. ❤️🌱
Till: creeping thyme—and this is an unconventional answer, so I want you to hear me out here. Creeping thyme is a ground cover. It’s an edger. But it was genuinely one of my favorite plants there. I loved it for its subtlety. Little leaves on little branches with these bright pink or white flowers. It’s very low-growing and maybe hard to notice at first, but it brings definite color and personality to the garden, and given the right conditions, it will spread very nicely.
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RZK: whereas back in the Mutter era I might have pegged him a peony, (I don’t like peonies very much. Too much flower for the stem, and they’re excellent at blooming for about a day and then wilting and turning brown. How metaphorical.) I’m proud to label him a rhododendron! Very delicate, beautiful pink flowers, but they grow in these enormous shrubs. Pretty, but substantial.
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(Now imagine this, but a shrub ten feet high. They can get gigantic.)
Flake: his came to me immediately, and I think he would be a mock orange. Deep green leaves with medium-sized, paper white blooms. This was another one of my favorites at the plant shop, and it was passed over a criminal amount. (Just like Flake is passed over a criminal amount.) Very beautiful, in a humble and dignified kind of way.
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(I love white flowers. So underrated.)
Oliver: I thought of hydrangeas for him. Another relatively unpopular one, and for the life of me I couldn’t tell you why. I think they get the reputation for being “common” plants (and isn’t Olli good at blending into the background?) but I challenge you to tell me these flowers aren’t spectacular.
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(I’d venture to say they’re common for a reason.)
Paul: sweet pea. Despite the name, these plants can really be little bastards. They’re vines, and with the right structural support they can grow very high. Thing is, they take maintenance. They have these little plant tendrils that curl around whatever structure they’re growing on to help it move upward, but that also means they grab onto anything and everything—even other plants if they’re close enough. They can be stubborn and annoying, but when you’ve gotten past all that, and the plants have grown a little more, it’s worth it. They’re really, really beautiful plants.
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Schneider: by far the hardest to place. At first I thought he was a vine, and then I thought of orchids, then phlox, then finally I figured it out: the bearded iris. There is something about this flower that I find incredibly fascinating. It grows to be 1-2 feet high, with a thick stem and incredibly sturdy leaves. Frilly and brightly colored, it can appear a bit feminine, but I believe this is an androgynous flower. This is a flower you can bring home to your mother, but it’s still goofy enough to go out for drinks with the gang. This flower is ready to roll up to a black tie event, or stay in at home and rewatch Bojack Horseman (again). This flower is like an ogre: this flower has layers.
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Thank u to @exosbaeks for tagging me!! this was so cute! i discovered that like.....i did not bold many of these 😂😂 i felt terrible some of these only have 1 or 2!!! how!! but anyway i gave it a good go
i’m not gonna tag anyone tonight but if anyone wants to do this it’s a cute challenge lol and madeleine i liked going through our answers and seeing which were the same and different :D
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | diy-ing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants| likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
cinanamon - steph
gold jewelry, slowdancing in the kitchen with a lover, sun on skin, red-tinted lip balm, lazy mornings, getting lost in foreign cities, scent of bakeries, high-waisted jeans, kissing someone’s neck, writing reminders on your wrist, sleeping in braids to have waves in the morning, growing an herb garden, gentle touches, sketches tucked between pages, flushed cheeks, tandem bikes, floating in a pool, vintage gold hand-mirror, deer grazing, softly singing while doing chores
jaesmintea - dia
oversized everything | painted nails | fairy lights | dozing off in the middle of class | tying hair up into a ponytail | round glasses | laughing so hard you can’t breathe | late night study sessions | tender hand holding | impromptu photoshoots | drowning in moondust | bathing in the light of the sunset | strawberry flavored lollipops | polaroid pictures | eagerly tugging someone down the street | handwritten love letters | smell of coffee | living with reckless abandon | crinkled pages of a journal | replaying the same part in a song over and over
naptimetea - helena
everything black | rewearing your favorite outfit | drawing late into the night | rewatching favorite shows | the bread isle | minty lip balm | falling asleep anywhere and everywhere | making green tea | useless questions when it’s 2 am | forehead kisses | sleeping in till the afternoon | love of pink | staying up to watch the sunrise | dancing in the bathroom | messy handwriting | pile of sketchbooks | talking for hours about interest | old sentimental stuff animals | hanging out on the bed and doing nothing | thick fluffy blankets
the thrill of leaning your body way over a balcony’s edge | the suffocating feeling when the strong wind blows down your lungs | tip-toeing barefoot | hair ruffling and cheek pinching | hugging a body pillow at night | facing the sky with closed eyes | the whimsical silence when it’s past midnight and you’re the only person awake | when you can physically feel your eyes soften when you look at someone | dancing alone with only an oversized shirt | when your sweater falls over your thighs as you stand up | humming scary but memorable lullabies | vivid imagination | w-sitting with a mini skirt and thigh high socks | heated laptop on your lap | cereal at 3 am | gliding your fingers across your thighs | bittersweet melancholy | withdrawn and distant eyes | very tight belts | wanting love but not believing in it | not cruel but not kind
listening to a song and remembering the times you used to listen to it on repeat | imagining yourself living in any other life than the one you have now | crop tops and high waisted jeans | forgetting to smile but not actually being upset | nuzzling your face in the crook of their neck | back hugs when you’re stressed | turning in assignments 1 minute before they’re due | wanting a relationship but getting scared the moment you’re in one | pretending that you don’t care when inside you’re burning with doubts and fears | the sound of the evening waves as you lie on the sand | lying in your bed listening to your sad playlist | exhaustion but you can’t sleep | singing loudly when you’re the only one home | feeling safe and comfortable with that person in your life | knee high suede black boots with your black winter coat | comfort over appearance | writing essays at 2 am | creative peak from 1 am to 4 am | the one that always ends up walking in the back of a friend group
hyunsracha - sav!
split-dye hair | female rappers | staying up until 6am and sleeping until 1pm | taking notes on an ipad | middle school emo music | mini skirts | late night drives | rain on the ocean | flirting with people when you’re bored | doc martens | eating ramen in the pot | afraid of being looked at | fishnets | getting joy out of making people laugh | small tattoos | crying yourself to sleep | peppermint everything | desperate for freedom | chipped black nail polish
well-worn converse | ginger ice cream | farmers’ markets | amaretto in coffee | the sound of pen on paper | empty mountain trails | black and white photographs | vintage bicycles | roads trips with no destination | overfilled bookcases | a shoebox full of ticket stubs | granny smith apples | orange gerbera daisies | cardigan sweaters | games that tell a story | red wine in a mason jar | succulent gardens | tattoos of birds | fresh-baked muffins | a favorite pair of jeans
dnceracha - sydni
black chelsea boots | chapped lips | browline glasses | losing yourself in video games | impressionist art | pink peonies | writing down anything you need to remember | the smell of gasoline | business goth style | dangly earrings | florals | ballet flats | cuffed jeans | liking the villain | a stack of journals | generous amounts of highlighter | knives | rain on a tin roof | heavy footsteps | small-town diners |
large mug collections | making playlists for every mood and occasion | the color and the scent of lavender | every shade of blue | red wine and chocolate | dark red lipstick | people watching from a café terrasse | a stack of half-read books by the bed | early morning flights | passport stamps | the french language | leather jackets | eucalyptus-scented candles | séyès ruled paper and fountain pens | boxes filled with mementos | 80s music | wanting to learn every language | sweater weather | big winter coats | hot drinks and warm blankets on cold rainy days
joohoneyonehunnit (leila)
meticulously detailed nail art | everything is purple | repeating a joke to death til its not funny | piles of clean laundry in the basket | treasured keepsakes displayed on your desk | heavy sleeper | baby powder scent | many alarms to wake up | pastel wardrobe | nutella on toast | hair bows and baubles | high waisted shorts | rows of stuffed animals | 5 emergency bags of candy | holding your cat in your arms | fanny packs and cross-body bags | detailed daydream stories | unused journals and planners | watching the ocean on the deck of a ferry
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starbuck09256 · 5 years
A picture in the sand
Episode Fic
Pictures in the Sand
Author: @starbuck09256
For: Kasey Slippin Mickeys
Rating: Teen (I did use the f word not sorry)
First a huge Shot Out to @gaycrouton for putting this goodie together. Girl you are fantastic. I can’t wait to read your fic and everyone else's! 
My prompt was Unruhe and that it should take place in Traverse City with another woman goes missing. I followed it mostly. I rewatched the episode about 9 times, which isn’t bad I like the ep anyway. Here is my angsty (as requested) interpretation.
Not gonna lie, I’m really terrible at procrastinating so this is very much not Beta’d I apologize for spelling and grammar errors. Just happy to barely make the deadline. 
6am Dana Scully's Apartment
She wheels her suitcase next to the end table. Not paying attention she swings it to far and the picture frame on top falls and shatters to the newly stained wood flooring. “Shit” Scully mutters before moving her suitcase to find all the shards of broken glass. She picks up the frame staring at a picture of her and Melissa at a family picnic at the beach from a few years ago. Melissa’s glowing smile staring back at her, she traces the pattern of Melissa’s dress remembering Melissa spinning them around in the sand, letting the tiny pebbles crush against their toes. Like they used to do in San Diego.  Melissa had been galavanting around the world and had just gotten back her smile to be with family, the lightest Dana had seen her in the last few years.  Scully thought it was just because Melissa had finally gone to all the places she talked about endlessly in the dark confines of their shared room. Scully sighs, she remembers that dress Melissa wore in a different context too, one where she is helping their mom pack it away in a donation bin. Melissa so much taller than Scully, it didn’t make sense for Scully to keep it in the back of her closet as a reminder of the women who embodied the bright color and flowy design. The picture inside the jagged frame not scratched and torn right on the side of Melissa dress. The irony isn’t lost as she sits there on the floor where Melissa bled out in between the wood slates a bullet meant for Scully, a life meant for Melissa. She can’t help feeling that the last two years have been so unfair, she is no closer to justice for her sister, no closer to finding the answers of where Duane Berry took her. Now as the nightmares have increased she thinks of the women in Allentown all dying slowly, she wonders if she is next in line. If this picture of her and her sister will find its home on her moms mantle along with catholic candles that flicker in and out of all the lives tragically cut short by senseless violence. Scully presses the picture into the front pouch of her suitcase. Vowing to find a new frame to hold the precious photo right when she gets back from their new case in Michigan. 
She’s only been to Michigan a couple of times. The only real fact about the state that she loved is no matter where you are you are within 7 miles of water. The water calls to her, always has, from years of watching her father navigate it’s depths to summers spent at camps with giant lakes that at night made you feel like you might as well be in the middle of the ocean.  She remembers briefly staying once and seeing the shores of the great lake as it extended out for miles. From her seat at the window she looks out to the expanse of trees and meadows the clouds just above the horizon. Mulder shifts against her. His head resting in her lap on his coat. It’s been a weird few months between bounty hunters and his moms stroke he is more restless than normal. The case brought to them because of the weird photo of a girl seemingly screaming into the camera. Mulder ever elusive with his information he likes to dangle clues and hints to her but never the full story. It use to be fun, this game they play him trying to get her to open her mind to the fantastic to make connections and leaps with scraps of information. Now though it just gets on her nerves. Why not just tell her the facts? Does he think she is so closed minded that she will refuse to go? She wants to refuse. Start standing up for herself more, part of her is tired of seeing these women taken, beaten, lives destroyed in the end does it even matter the how? Is the why so important? What about stopping it? Lately she feels like they are only there for the aftermath, taken to a point so far outside of plausible. She’s getting tired of being taken herself. He mumbles in his sleep and shifts closer to her. That’s the real problem she thinks, how close they are and yet not at all. While they spend endless hours together, eating, sleeping in crappy motel rooms, driving miles and miles of road and for what? to be put in danger constantly?
The larger part of her though finds it still so thrilling. The challenge the way his eyes light up when he gets a new case and they go back and forth it's why he dangles clues and hints. He loves seeing her mind work, and in truth she loves the challenge.  She looks at the photo again, the edging is distorted the colors blending together. She isn’t sure how you would capture an image like this, how the abductor took such a photo. She presses her finger down on the edge looking at the long lines on the side, a face to the far right what is that? A reflection? She wonders what the image is trying to say. She thinks of the photos of her and Melissa torn and stuffed into her roller bag under the seat. She thinks back to all the photos she has taken over the years the others that grace her mantel in tiny rows. Her brothers photo with his new wife how he blames her openly for Melissa's death. As if she didn't already blame herself. She thinks of those women in Allentown how they said they are all dying, the photos they showed her of others like them that have passed on. She has an appointment in 3 months for more scans. She joined the mufon group and has been getting emails of members passing away one by one. Leaving children and husbands behind. She would only leave behind sad plants and half finished articles for medical journals and Mulder. How would he do with a new partner, she thinks back to Jerry whom he just described as a colleague. Is that all she would be to him in the end? A colleague a good friend? There have been moments when she thought they would be more. Melissa certainly thought they would be. Melissa's’ constant insistence that Mulder was the compliment to Scully's stubborn soul. Scully wonders if this is going to be the end will he be her last? She's never missed having a lover. But lately she wishes her bed wasn't so lonely. Now as Melissa has pointed out she has in fact put everything and everyone on hold for this search of theirs, to find answers for him and now for her. In the past she has found men who are obsessed with things it seems. The latest one resting in her lap. She swallows hard, sleeping with Mulder would be a terrible idea, but if there weren't consequences because she would be gone in a few months? She tries to clear her conscience about it all, her recent scans were fine but the emails of more and more members with the same type of cancer in exactly the same spot are more than scaring her. Mulder is scared too, she now stops mentioning when another one has been laid to rest. She’s seen his fear shining into her eyes when she gets even a cold. Imagine what cancer from a lover would do to the man?  She would never do that to him. If the dedication he has for his annoyingly little sister is anything. The rabbit hole he would fall down if they were more and she was taken by the disease from her abduction would kill him. 
She thinks about her mother and father, how after his death the strong capable of anything Margaret Scully faltered. At first her mom said she could pretend for a few minutes in the morning that he was still at sea, that his smile would grace her eyes soon as he would sweep her into a deep hug that warmed her bones. Then she would remember, remember that time was short. Missy's death certainly didn't help. Losing a child is something that no parent should ever bare. She had asked Dana to give her antidepressants, and while it scared Scully to the core it renewed her mother's faith in God. That that was the only way she could keep going, knowing that her Ahab would be there waiting for a life eternal and her sweet daughter's spirit would be free. But Melissa's death had done the opposite for Scully, she has scene so much injustice so many things that make her doubt God's word that now she has become skeptical and even cynical  in so many ways. Mulder has seen it in her and while she wears her cross everyday part of it is just because it reminds her of Melissa. It reminds her to try and fight. She will fight till the bitter end. Even if that is sooner than she wants to believe. Mulder shifts slightly again and she moves the picture through her fingers. Tries to put that skepticalness to the side. Tries to think like Mulder would. Why would the killer leave it at the scene? How did he get it beforehand? Was he stalking her? She taps on the photo again and moves back to the case file, shifting just slightly careful to not disturb Mulder. 
She reads the report over and over until her eyes want to water at the dry dead air of the cabin. The sun is seeping through the light onto Mulders hair now, his features almost boyish in sleep. She is usually the one sleeping against him even if flying isn’t her favorite thing. She squirms in her seat a bit wishing secretly that Mulder would wake up so she can lay against his shoulder and catch a few minutes of sleep herself. She moves her hand, fingers brushing through his hair. She knows he doesn’t mind, though he still teases her a little when she does it in doctor mode. She sees his small smile and he starts to move. She gives him a soft smile back as he rubs his eyes looking at her with the translucent clouds shading the sun as it shines dimly on her hair. He reaches up and touches her cheek to sweep a stray strand off her face. “Your turn” it’s almost a whisper. She smiles gratefully as he moves and positions his jacket against his shoulder for her to rest against. She sighs as she snuggles into the warm fabric. Mulder pulls the shade down against the morning dawn as they continue to soar through the air. 
2 hours later
She wakes dimly to the voice of the captain letting them know they are starting their dissent into Grand Rapids. Traverse city looms another 2 hours away along the lake coast. It’s interesting the rules they have made through the years. They never discuss a case on a flight and so that time has been devoted to them reading books sometimes playing cards. Arguing over which mythical creature is the most likely to exist. Or more often than not it’s like this morning's flight snuggled against each other asleep. She hears Mulders soft snores against her head. The last few months she has been more worried about his sleeping habits especially after she told him what she found in Allentown. More often he comes in with dark circles and the extra coffee through the day has not gone unnoticed. She can’t complain though, because despite all of this he still is there in the morning to greet her, with a steaming cup to chase away her own night terrors. Places like planes offer a few moments of peace that the other one is safe, and that they are together. She tries not to analyze it too much. Tries to rationalize the fact that they have been through some truly horrible things and are bound to have some strong ptsd and codependency issues. She doesn’t want to love him that way. She likes them just being friends. She wants a bit more out of life, especially if there is less available to her, seeing all of these things over the years she is wondering what she is really fighting for anymore if not for Melissa maybe she would have already left. Is it to be flying off to save women from abductions? Is she trying to find validity in her choice to prove to herself that giving up medicine to become an FBI agent was really the best decision? Is she now leading herself down a path to have another Jack or even worse another Daniel? 
She knows that Mulder is in love with her. She knows that he has become just as dependent on her as she has on him. She doesn’t want that, she doesn’t want a world where the two of them can only exist with the other. She has become consumed by this quest of his and paid so dearly, and now here they are chasing a lead on a case they really have no business on. She knows that it’s about the picture. He sees something or knows something she doesn’t. She’ll have to wait for the drive into town to find out.
As they reach the drugstore she is lost in the sea that is the investigation, while she looks at expired film heating beneath it parts of the edging make sense, if the film is expired and the heat has distorted the edges. But the screaming that is odd, when she points these things out to Mulder he finally explains his theory. She sees a photo booth in the drugstore small and yet she wonders if the film has been tampered here too. Mulder must think something similar as he grabs her hand just as she finishes her questions to the owner.  “This film shouldn’t have the same distortion if my theory is correct.” he mutters pulling her into the small intimate photo booth. She sighs “Mulder,” she starts but he pulls her down and she is sitting right next to him and he’s smiling and pointing to the camera. She gives him the look, the one that shows she is not amused, but he wraps his arm around her leans forward to start the series of 5 photographs of them. He tries to do bunny ears and the camera catches her laughing at it. She sticks out her tongue in the next and so does he.  The third picture is just them stern and serious. The fourth a soft smile from both of them. The fifth begins to click and he makes a kissy face and her grin lights up the tiny booth. Its short lived and while she thinks the exercise is pointless the film proves to be unaffected. She waits for Mulder to throw the pictures away but he doesn’t he pulls out his wallet and tucks them in with a 20 dollar bill and 2 ones. She shakes her head, he asks the owner if they can take a few more photos with the same film. “I think the picture is the key to this Scully,” he leaves and she follows him out. 
They drive to the girls house, pictures on the fridge of a normal couple. Lost in moments together, traveling, and laughing. She wonders if they will find this girl alive, if these will be the last time she smiles. She thinks of moments when her and Mulder where sure that it was the end. She thinks of the pictures of them in his wallet. What a stranger would think. What she thinks of this closeness that has grown between them. 
He takes the camera “Watch out scully it’s loaded,” and he points it right at her but the picture that comes out is of the girl distorted again and she looks up at him confused. He starts to tell her more about his growing theory, how these pictures are the key  Psychic photography. She hates this, she hates looking at cases and having him come up with something so crazy she has to try and wrap her mind around it. She always gives him the benefit of the doubt listens to his theories, but sometimes she just wants a simple explanation. Maybe she is just burned out. It happens to everyone with all the things that have happened to them she hasn’t had a chance to take a break. She wants to talk about this more but as always he is already getting ready to leave. “He was here I think he stalked her.” As they step out into the bright sunshine her phone starts to ring, letting them know that Mary has been found wandering and disoriented.  
At the hospital Scully is faced with looking in the hollow eyes of the woman on the fridge, one that won’t be smiling again as pain and inevitable death beacon her near. The scans don’t lie, Mary is facing a very difficult road of recovery if that is even possible. As Scully stares at the scans as Mulder goes to grab them something resembling coffee she thinks of Betsy in Allentown, about those women with tumors at the same spot as Marys unfortunate lobotomy. Mulder has sense Scully's distance and luckily has chosen to back off, leaving her with the time she needs to figure things out. Scully is deep in thought when Mulder returns he sets down the coffee letting the steam rise up and wafted into her nose. It’s a beautiful smell coffee, seems the fine people of Traverse City understand its importance. Mulder touches her shoulder gently a sad smile across his lips as he stars at the scans once more. Just as the uniform officer comes in and tells them another woman has been taken. Anger boils through Scully, whomever this guy is he has no idea what he is doing and unless they find him soon she is afraid of another poor woman facing the same fate. Mulder throws the rental keys to her knowing that right now he needs time to look over the details from the officer, starting working up a profile right away. Precious time is ticking fast as she presses her foot down on the pedal. This is her strength driving fast and a little more reckless than Mulder ever has. It annoys him, how much she speeds and whips into places. It’s why he drives most of the time in reality. Because she got tired of hearing him complain about her going to fast, but time is of the essence.  They are following a patrol car the blue and red lights flash into the fading sun. As they race around the corner. Mulder finally looks up at her his voice catches in his throat. “Mary will never be the same will she?” Scully shakes her head in sadness. “We need to find this person, and fast” She nods and throws the car into park, throwing her seatbelt off dashing to the scene. They need a clue, a hint, and hopefully something more than a screaming girl in a fucking polariod.  
Just as they get there they realize that the rush wasn’t necessary, Scully needs to review the file as Mulder heads right inside to assist.  Another man dead another woman taken and nothing to go on. Mulder doesn’t find any cameras or film, in the car as he was thinking through the profile he wonders about the word Unruhe, a place? A thing? A person? It sounds like it’s a word. He asks one of the officers to use the computer quickly typing the word into a search box as he continues shuffling through 1040s and spreadsheets. Scully walks in the file in her hand, a killer like this she thinks might have been there might have been at the scene. As they argue again over the photograph she feels the frustration of the day, of the inevitable failure that might await them if they can’t find something quickly.  Mulder is ready to head back to Washington, to find the clues that have eluded them so that she can save the next victim. Both of them know that time is limited and Alice doesn’t have long, while she thinks him going back to Washington is a mistake, it’s really not that long of a flight and the bureau does have some fantastic resources. She sighs hangs her head and works her connection. It seems that for them, when they go their separate ways they form a complete picture in the end. 
 She watches as he races out leaving her the keys to the rental car as he hitches a ride back again. She works through the evening and well into the night in a small motel with a view of Grand Traverse Bay on Lake Michigan. She opens the window and listens to the water softly kissing the sand while the moonlight shines off the lakes black opals and into the darkness. Mulder calls her lets her know his planes has landed and he has been able to get a forensic photographer to help him first thing in the morning. She lets him know that Mary Lefont died and she fears that the same will be true for Alice if the construction owner has hired men off the books. Mulder sighs, “You caught that Scully, you found us a tangible lead as soon as I find something out with this photo I’ll call you it should help you refine it” She hums in response right now she is looking at a list of 300 people in the apartments next to the latest abduction. She sighs and says she is tired before hanging up. She knows that sleep will be hard fought tonight, it’s already almost 3am. She walks out of the hotel towards the Bay listens to the waves as they crash against the shore with a dullness. While the stars shine brightly out beyond the black depths of the lake she thinks of Mary, about those pictures of her smiling in those photos on the fridge. Her toes are in the rough sand from the lake, not like the sand that she and Melissa danced to in the photo. She wonders of Alice's family will have similar photos on their mantel of another woman taken in her 30s. She hopes that the station can pull up something on the construction workers, they need this lead. Regardless of the success Mulder thinks he will find she needs the tangible investigative skills of the mortal realm. She walks back to her room, letting the moonlight chase her form across the soft swirls of the water. She falling into a lifeless deep sleep while the dull ticking of Alice's life lingers in the background. 
In the morning after she wrestles Gerry to the ground. She thinks back about the pictures she has of Ahab of the two of them at her medical school graduation, her white coat and his proud smile. She wonders after all the terrible things that have happened to her would he still be so proud? Or would his smile have dimmed like that glossy paper it was printed on. Would her own eyes shine as brightly as they did that day ever again? Or had the 3 months she missed, the sister she mourned be evident through the lense. She knew the risks was aware of the horror she would face. Lately she feels as if she is facing a far more looming nightmare. Another birthday another lonely night with no prospects of changing. Mulder and her might be pushing that line in the sand between acceptable partnerly behavior but it’s a not a road she is ready to take, nor is she sure she wants too. She loves him, she knows this after so many dangerous situations, hours and days spent together how could she not. She thinks of the other pictures she knows he keeps in his wallet. The one of him and Sam, sometimes she thinks she still sees that young innocent kid staring back at her. His devilish grin when he shows her the fantastic. The way his face lights up just a little when she pulls out his favorite sunflower seeds when he was sure they were out. Does he see it in her? Does he see the young agent who was new to the field but prepared for the boys club? Does he see the same smile and young ambition she once was so consumed with that she let the rest of her life slip away? She’s getting older her birthday just passing and she thinks about the fact that now she is as old as Melissa was when she died. She thinks about the pictures they won’t take, about the people now missing from the Christmas dinners, the Sunday brunch, the nephews birthday parties. Her phone rings and it’s Mulder he booked the first flight back and is already on his way to the precinct. She wants to know where Alice Bryant is she wants them to win one for once. Mulder wants her to wait until they can interrogate Gerry together. They are so good together, she knows. The two of them play off each other so well with suspects. Mulder seems crazy and she seems scary and she loves it. She loves the power it gives her. She loves seeing justice and fear mingle together in the room. She hopes they are scared, hopes that the suspects feel even the small degree of fear that they cause their victims to feel. It is that feeling that has kept her with the FBI, she loves being the one to find the evidence and then confront the suspect with her findings. Mulder is in a way the perfect partner for her. He steps back lets her take the lead, knows that if anyone will find something tangible to hang a case on it’ll be her. 
Gerry gives them a location, and as they race to find her, she can’t help but be angry at Gerry seeing her as troubled. She isn’t troubled is she? Conflicted? Scared? Maybe. She doesn’t want to overthink a psychopaths words. She learned long ago from Mulders profiles how they use words and gestures to gain trust. Luther Lee Boggs being a prime example for them both. 
Scully races up the hill hoping and praying that they can find Alice alive, and hopefully not as damaged as Mary, but as she makes it to the top, Alices still form crushes her thoughts. She touches Alices’ cold skin, her cheeks. Watches as the CS tech starts to take photos of the scene. More photos, more death, and now another body. At least Gerry is in custody. At least they saved the future woman that he might have tortured and killed.  Mulder meets her at the car, her anger rolls off her in waves like the lake shore. Maybe tonight she will sit on the shore and cry, no one would be able to hear her sobs over the water. She wants to leave to go home and fix her broken frame try to not think of photos and sand and lives that could have been. She can’t drive and though she wanted to be in control she hands the keys to Mulder so they can drive back to their hotel and clean up. She needs to wash the failure she feels down the drain. It doesn’t work that way, Gerry shot the police officer that was processing him, they put out an APB but her mind can only race about possible new victims he already might be on his way to take. 
They look at the photo of the officer on the paperwork, Mulder is right the photos are probably the key. God who else did Gerry take a photo of? Who else is going to deal with a madman telling them they are troubled and killing them to fix it? 
Apparently the benefit of Traverse City being smaller than most major metropolitan areas is when you need to steal something you pick the same drugstore you stalked your victims. Gerry has assaulted the owner and taken more film. They walk through the drugstore one more time, she thinks of the apartment complexes on each side and tells Mulder as such as he once again puts money into the photo machine. She looks at him in curiosity, last time they went in this time he is letting it roll without them. HIs theory has developed and isn’t ready to share just yet, she knows he will explain in the car. She wants to get going, he tosses her the keys and she walks out into the bright sun. 
She doesn’t remember much she remembers her foot hurting from the injection remembers the struggle as she tries to get her gun. She wakes strapped to a chair with Gerry in the dark corner as her eyes try to adjust to the light. Her arms taped down roughly the large sheetrock tool on the shiny metal table. She wants to plead in a responsible way. Gerry knows that this is the end, she can’t let him think that she will be part of his prize. She doesn’t remember much of her German important phrases and it takes her a few moments to come up with what to say to him. Especially since conversational german was the only class she ever got a B in. Luckily the words are there, as if her mind knows to channel the knowledge buried so deep. Gerry gets up to grab the camera, she sees her chance if she can get the tray she can cut her restraints and take him out. She needs to stall, she needs Mulder to have time to find her. She wants to give him time, She asks Gerry about his own Howlers about the trouble with his father. She channels Mulder and knows what brothers will do for sisters. Her own brother would do for her and Melissa. Gerry pulls the tray away and takes the camera to take her picture once more. She struggles with thinking that the photos she took with Mulder in that small cramped little booth won’t be the last ones he sees of her. He will see her on the floor of the padded room in a weird distorted photo that will filter into his dreams for years to come. But luck is on her side and she is able to convince Gerry to take a photo of himself. The camera flash is almost blinding, she knows he is sick she just needs to show him that this has always been about him and not anyone else. The photos come out in a small series of flashes, they wait for the polarization to show the image. She feels vindicated when they show him dead, show him his fate. That justice is finally with her. She just hopes it doesn’t plan on taking her with him. Gerry flips through the photos over and over. Questioning the images, like Mulder did. What do they mean? She hopes they mean that her life will be hers again, that she will be able to see the waves and shore once more. But Gerry thinks it’s about time, that his time is ending and he must hurry. Fear runs through her body a surge of adrenaline as she tugs and struggles against the restraints. She thinks about the time she almost drowned, how it felt struggling in the water, wondering why something so beautiful and peaceful would try to take her life. How she would gasp and flail her arms in sheer panic, like now as she hears Mulder calling her name. God Mulder please please prove that picture true and he does. Thank god he does. She feels him release her final bonds reach out his hand to take hers. She feels the storm calming inside of her, like Mulder is a life preserve her around her waist pulling her up against the tide. She walks out of the dark trailer, walks past the paramedics straight to the lakeshore. She takes off her heels, the prick of the injection still stings but the sand and the wind and the waves cradle her in their embrace. She takes a deep breath, lets the air of the misty water fill her lungs up. She takes a moment to look down at her feet in the sand and as she looks up she almost swears she sees Melissa in the distance dancing on a distant shore. 
tagging @today-in-fic @gaycrouton @xfilesfanficexchange @improlificinsarcasm
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ptw30 · 6 years
VLD Season 7 Reactions: Part 2
Hi, @dreamworksanimation and @voltron! Hope you had a great holiday weekend. I received more asks since the last time I sent you a post. Please give these a read, as these are the reviews sent to me from the fandom. Best - ptw30
Anonymous said: Voltron is all build up and no follow up. They teased us with a very cool premise and then slowly went away from it till they finally went to "nope don't remember didn't happen". And the EPs even seem proud of that. I wonder if they ever watched the show :(
The EPs lack the ability to bring a resolution or closure. We never find out Haggar’s motivation or reasoning about Operation Kuron. We never find out who the “other one” was in the pilot. We never find out Shiro’s bayard form. Lance’s insecurities are never resolved. We never find out the limitations of Allura’s powers - she can transfer souls but can’t find the Black Lion galaxies away? There’s just so much left out of the story. 
Anonymous said: Sometimes I think about all of voltron’s loose threads and how this next season is the last and am then transported back to my high school days of putting off projects until the last second, throwing something together, aiming for at least a passing grade. 
The EPs failed a long time ago, if that’s the case. When they decided to kill off one of the main characters without allowing the team to grieve, forced the most popular paladin off the team, demoted the leader of the team to a soldier, and abandoned its own lore, including breaking the strongest paladin-lion bond without any explanation - they failed to give the viewers any satisfying conclusion to this story. No matter what the next 13 episodes include, it won’t make up for the middle 39 episodes that literally brought tragedy after tragedy, especially to the team’s only LGBTQ+, multiple-minority character. 
@sweet-rabbit​ said: You know, if the EPs wanted us to not like, nay, LOVE AND ADORE Shiro as much as we do, it was probably a huge misstep on their or whoever's part that they hired a man who voiced a freakin' DISNEY RENAISSANCE CHARACTER to voice Shiro. The blasted fools, the lot of them!
Josh Keaton is a consummate professional, and no doubt, Andrea Romano nailed it when working with him and the team. If there is one thing that is absolutely, without a doubt, above reproach with this show - it’s the voice acting. It is outstanding.
@safeautistickeith said: Damsel Shiro aaaaalways felt Suspect ™ for me. Like. Keith can say, ”we saved each other” (whoever wrote that bless them) But, lbr Shiro’s sidelining was a slowburn that started from his damsel-dom. S1: S and K each got a Big Save. K saved S when he came back to Earth. S saved K when K went after Zarkon (Shiro voice: I’ve got you, buddy) S2: K saved S in Across the Universe. S saved K in Marmora. Equals? Yes. Truly. Then s3 comes along and it’s not longer this beautiful, mutual thing, but Shiro becomes a Damsel in Distress. Which Yikes ™ Asian man demoted to damsel? Unfortunate implications. He’s arc has been about leading up until then? Unfortunate implications. He’s a gay male( the reveal planned in s2??) un for tu nate implications. There’s a line between, ”you can be masc and also need help” and just making him a damsel. Big Yikes. 
Voltron originally broke tropes, which was awesome. Allura wasn’t a princess locked away in a castle-ship but a knock-out, drag-out warrior who wasn’t afraid to get into the fray. Shiro, the strong-willed leader, wasn’t afraid to accept help. Keith, the loner, felt perhaps the most for his team. “Loverboy” Lance was actually the heart of the team, rather than a female character playing that part. Hunk, too, was strong but scared, and Pidge was not the stereotypical girl figure. 
In Season 3, the story began to fall into the traps of the tropes it had broken, and it’s been a demoralizing and disappointing journey ever since.
@melissa18999 said:The lack of characters being challenged emotionally is why everything after season 2 bothers me. Kuron’s arc didn’t test the characters on an emotional level given how after the arc is over everyone just moves on. It’s there only to write actual shiro out of the show for a bit rather than seriously affect the cast. Same thing with Keith’s [crap] and every other character. Nothing tests them emotionally. (Maybe Allura with Lotor)
VLD misses a lot of emotional beats. One of the biggest failures was not showing when the team learned about Keith’s Galran heritage. Then we never see the emotional fallout with the clone, other than the team referring to him as “evil.” The clone fought alongside with the team, perhaps longer than Shiro, and the team never mourned him. Sendak and Shiro’s fight? Shiro never says a word, and then Keith kills Sendak, taking away Shiro’s right to fight back against his one-time captors. 
Lotor had Pidge’s dad and didn’t even try to make her a traitor to Team Voltron? Narti could control minds and not one of the paladins was ever brainwashed by her? Haggar did it to a clone, not even Shiro. 
Even Allura and Lotor’s relationship - Allura’s anger was the stereotypical  “woman scorned.”
So much potential, and it’s just wasted. 
Anonymous said: An ask or two doesn't have enough room to describe how much Shiro means to me, how much strength I draw from him, how many dark places he's helped me out of. But s6's treatment of kuron/shiro left me in tears and nearly dissociating for hours, and it's the only season I haven't rewatched. And here's the kicker: Everything I've read about s7 has made the thought of watching it feel identical to an urge to self harm. I want the EPs to think about that. I want them to think hard about people like me, because I doubt I'm the only one who's been affected like this. And I want them to really, really consider if this is the story they wanted to tell. If this is the effect they wanted their story to have.
Shiro is important to many people in terms of representation, and I’ve read many posts about people who identify with him. I’m glad he’s had an impact upon your life, and I hope you can still take comfort in the earlier seasons. Please take care. 
Anonymous said: I think I'd be okay with the "Shiro had a degenerative disease" if that was it alone. Like, it's a really good explanation of why everyone so readily accepted the pilot error thing despite Shiro being an absolute legend of a pilot. But it was tied together with his gay reveal and then the story he was shoved into and... I cannot like it, or accept it.
Shiro was revealed to be LGBTQ+, have a degenerative disease, and lose his place in Voltron - all in one season. The juxtaposition of the reveals is reprehensible, and it sends a horrible message to people who have mental and physical struggles, are LGBTQ+, and minorities. 
Anonymous said: So, here's why the "it's a show abt war so you have to suffer watching, bc there's only tragedy" excuse is weak: It’s a show about space robots, a space robot called voltron. It's not a show about drama, about people dying and it never was. It was supposed to be a show about teamwork (supposed bc that premise has left the building a long time ago) with war comes death? Yes, absolutely, but its not an excuse to kill all of the lgbt characters 
That’s the issue - it’s not an excuse to kill all the LGBTQ+ characters. A show about war that has death and handles appropriately is one thing. Mourning the clone, mourning Shiro, mourning Narti - all those things should have happened, and they didn’t. (These characters were also all with physical and mental disabilities, DreamWorks.)
Showing children closure, helping them to understand death - is a good lesson to learn. But excluding Shiro from his only family, killing his one-time SO in a “fringe” move, and then killing the other LGBTQ+ couple in the show - not to mention killing Shiro four times - that’s a message DreamWorks should not be sending children. 
Anonymous said: The one thing I wanted from Voltron Season 7: Shiro getting to reunite with the team, and work with them again as a part of the team - also, the one thing the Voltron EPs refuse to allow.
Not to be technical - but that’s actually two things. Shiro did reunite with the team, but unfortunately, he wasn’t a part of the team. In fact, he was excluded to the point of no longer even being called a paladin, according to “The Journey Within,” and I agree. I wanted that in Season 7 as well. 
Anonymous said: I'm still lowkey [mad] that Sincline, made of the same material as Voltron, was not sentient, but the MFE fighters and Atlas, which are reverse-engineered galtean tech and run off... idk what they run off, magic low-charge batteries maybe... are implied sentient.
I’m not sure, but I can say - I am sad that didn’t pan out, either. I wanted to see what Lotor and his generals could do in Sincline. I’m sad that Atlas, clearly built for Allura, didn’t talk to Allura first. Instead, she will always be Blue’s second choice, Lance Red’s second choice, and Keith left to Black because Shiro...didn’t not to fly Black anymore? I’m not quite sure why. The story never tells us. 
Rounding back - Sincline had so much more potential than was realized. 
Anonymous said: In not committing to a specific black paladin, or even a specific direction and endgame, the story failed to stay together. It fell apart in the same manner a soft cheese does when pressed to a fine-hole cheese grater.
There are a lot of things that failed to keep the story together. The first and foremost was - you need to keep the team together, or at the very least, not lose two of your main characters in one 26-episode batch, one character for 24 episodes, another for 12.  
Anonymous said: If the EP's have treated Shiro as an equal instead of a 'problem' they had to put up with, would VLD have not have gone downhill? It does feel like their dislike for one character and their stubbornness to stick to their original plan is what dragged the show down. It really does feel like what happened behind the scenes has become a cautionary tale on what you shouldn't do when writing a story and its characters.
I can’t say for sure, but what I can say is - the moment the EPs saw Shiro not as a character but as a plot device, is the moment the story began to unravel. 
cc: @netflix
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sweetness47 · 6 years
Psychos and such
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Pairing Sam x Reader
This is for Kari’s Supernatural Halloween challenge @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
Prompt: “Do they look like psychos? Is that what they look like? They were vampires! Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don’t give a fuck how crazy they are.” From Dusk till Dawn (1996)
Warnings: language, some smutty moments, some violence, angsty stuff? Scary moments
Summary: Not telling…
I was ten miles from the nearest town when my rad died painfully, or at least that’s what it felt like. I pulled over, praying I was wrong as I opened the hood. I wasn’t. And, of course, just to add to the joy of being stuck in the middle of Cell reception hell, a storm was rolling in pretty quick, and not a nice one from the look of those clouds. I’d walk to the town for help, but most likely die of pneumonia before I arrived. Unless a miracle happened, I was probably gonna end up bear food or worse.
Not five minutes into my self-pity party, the purr of a classic engine caught my attention, and I peeked from around my hood to see the most stunning ’67 Impala I’d ever laid eyes on. It’s occupants weren’t bad either I noted as they got out of the car and came toward me. My gut told me they were alright, so I relaxed my hold on my gun I had hidden and stood to greet the eye candy as they introduced themselves.
“Hey. I’m Sam, this is my brother Dean.” The taller one spoke first, and my insides turned to jelly. I was pretty sure at that moment he could get me to commit a felony if he asked. “Looks like you need some help.”
My hormones were doing the happy dance, and bonus points for those soft brown locks of hair and the hazel eyes. “I’m Y/N. Yeah, my rad is shot. Don’t suppose either of you gentlemen have a spare?”
My sense of humor did no go unanswered. Dean, without missing a beat, replied, “Nope, sorry. Just sold the last one.”
The three of us broke out into peals of laughter as thunder rumbled in the distance. We all looked up at the clouds, which had grown five shades darker in the last three minutes and was being joined by dark ominous fog and intense bouts of lightening. Sam looked at Dean, then back at me.
“Y/N, we can give you a ride to town. It’s gonna rain cats and dogs any minute, and cell reception sucks.” Sam glances at his phone as he says this to me. “We promise not to hurt you.”
Dean nodded. “Sammy’s right sweetheart. You’re safe with us. We’re the good guys.” He paused as he peered at the engine. “How did this beauty end up with such a shitty rad anyways?”
“This ‘beauty’ has a temp that my brother’s friend installed to get me to my new one. The real replacement had to be special ordered, and it was going to take a lot longer than I was willing to wait, so I figured I could save some time and money by picking it up. It seemed a good idea at the time but now…” I gestured toward my smoking car, “I’m kinda rethinking that.”
The wind picked up and thunder crashed again, closer this time. Rain pummelled down within seconds of the loud clap, and the three of us were scrambling to grab my stuff from the trunk and front seat and getting it to the Impala pronto! It was a relentless, unforgiving downpour, bringing visibility from awesome to Holy shit in 0.2 seconds. We were all drowned rats by the time we climbed into the sleek black car, with it’s vintage leather seats. Sam sat in back with me when he noticed how cold I was, digging out a blanket from under the seat and offering it to me after I took off my soaked jean jacket and light cardigan. He held me close, offering his body heat with the blanket’s warmth, and I wasn’t saying no. His scent was intoxicating to say the least.
We finally made it to town, and it was dark, no lights of any kind anywhere. No streetlights, house lights, or car lights for that matter, greeted us as we drove down the main drag. We found a mechanic shop, where we left a note, instructions that included the car’s location and a couple hundred bucks to tow it here, along with my phone number and name. Then we drove around till we found a motel, and with some help from some slightly soaked but still useful money, we got a room with two queen beds and a cot for the extra person, even though there was no power. I dug into my bag and retrieved some 3 pillar candles, placing them around the room and bringing out some flashlights. Yeah I got some strange looks from the guys, but I like to be prepared for anything. I shrugged.
I began shivering again, my body did not like being this wet and cold for this long, and it didn’t go unnoticed by either brother. “Y/N, you’re freezing. Get out of those wet clothes and into a hot shower before you die from hypothermia.”
Dean chipped in. “I’m gonna see what I can find for food, and some hot coffee if possible. Sam’s right, you gotta get warm.”
I turned to the older brother. “Tea, not coffee, but yeah that sounds great Dean.”
Dean shook his head and I giggled between teeth chattering as I went into the washroom. There wasn’t a lot of light, so I kept the door open slightly while I started the shower and got undressed. My fingers were stiff from the cold, and my whole body began to stiffen. The steam from the water wasn’t filling the room quick enough for me to finish undressing before I became a damn popsicle. Suddenly, Sam was there, helping me with the buttons on my shirt and getting the rest of my clothing off, and his as well. Then he picked me up and carried me into the scalding water, allowing it to cascade over my small frame, bringing back the blood flow and the desired warmth I sought.
It felt good. But Sam’s hands and skin felt better. Sam put me down and grabbed the soap from the holder. He worked up a lather and began washing my body, massaging warmth back into the limbs and muscles. My body temperature went through the roof as his lips replaced the soap, tracing kisses down my neck and shoulders, inciting a moan from me. Every spot he touched felt like it was on fire, spreading to my core like molten lava. He picked me up and held me against the wall, his eyes held a dark hunger, one I couldn’t ignore if I wanted to, which I didn’t. His mouth claimed mine, our tongues mating as he pressed against my small frame, wrapping my legs around his torso. But one very important note came back to mind as he began to press inside my heat, which was more than wet and ready. It just had never been done before. In other words, I was a virgin. His eyes looked into mine, momentarily confused, asking silently if this was what I wanted, and I nodded.
His lips crushed down on mine once again as he thrust inside, waiting while I adjusted to his size and length. The feeling was incredible, unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Then he began moving, slowly at first, and my body was singing the Hallelujah chorus. Every inch of my skin was sensitive to his touch, his kisses, his hands as they explored my body, my breasts, my nipples. His large fingers encircled my ass cheeks as he picked up his pace, holding my hips in place. My first orgasm hit like a fucking freight train, slamming into my hormone wall and sending pleasure through every single nerve in me. I screamed his name as his own release followed mine, riding out the aftershocks together as his thick cum filled me, completing me.
We finished cleaning up and quickly dressed, laying down on the bed together to wait for Dean. Sam glanced at his watch and frowned.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“This didn’t seem like an overly large town, right? So why hasn’t Dean come back yet.”
I bit my lip as I pondered this. He was right, it wasn’t a big place, and with the power out everywhere, he wouldn’t have had a lot of places to look for food. My gut was getting a bad feeling, telling me that the reason for the delay wasn’t a good one at all, and my gut was seldom wrong. A knock on the door interrupted our conversations, and Sam pulled a gun from under his pillow, racing off the bed to check the peekhole. As he checked the door, I pulled my Barretta from my bag, releasing the safety just in case.
A dark-haired man stood in the doorway, his beige trench coat seemingly unaffected by the weather, as was the rest of him. Sam seemed to know him, so I relaxed, putting the gun into the back waistband of my jeans, and listening as they talked.
“Dean’s in danger Sam. I can’t feel him. When did you see him last?” he asked.
Sam frowned. “Cas, he left about 45 minutes ago to try and find some food. We,” he gestured toward me, “were actually just wondering what happened to him as well.”
Cas turned to me, studying me as though I had three heads. “And you are?” His simple question almost sounded like an accusation.
“My name is Y/N, and judging from the accusation in your voice, you think I had something to do with this, but you’re wrong. I’m as much in the dark as you. You’re the angel, go on, tell me I’m lying.”
“What the…” Castiel glared at me. “How did you know what I was?” Before I could say anything else, he grabbed my arm, and his eyes went white as he searched for answers I didn’t have.
I saw everything he did as he searched my memories, my mother, my brother, my father, and another man I didn’t recognize. I saw the man I knew as my father kill the other man. I relived the horrifying night my parents died, leaving only my brother and I. Then I was forced to rewatch my brother’s murder. It was too much. I screamed, sending Cas flying across the room as I fought to regain control of my past nightmares.
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice was barely a whisper.
I sighed. “Please sit, I’ll tell you what I know as quick as I can. If what Feathers here says is true, then Dean is in a lot of danger, and so are we. I’ve had a bad feeling since we got into town.” I paused. “My mother was from Romania, raised in the old ways, born with gifts, ones that were passed to me. One of those gifts includes being able to see things others can’t, which was how I knew your friend was an Angel Sam.”
“My name is Castiel, or Cas for short.” He introduced himself as a peace offering. “How did you throw me across the room like that? That was not just any magic.”
I shook my head. “No, it wasn’t, and that’s part of the stuff I don’t know. The man that I called father was not my biological dad, and I believe that man I saw him murder in cold blood was. My ‘dad’ hardly came near me, like he was scared of me, rarely gave me the time of day, let alone love. It was my mother and brother that gave me that affection. My father took my mother away when I was 14, killing her and then hanging himself afterwards, the coward that he was.” Tears burned my eyes, clouding my vision as I remembered seeing her lying on the floor, cold and lifeless. Sam’s arms were around me immediately, comforting me as I continued. “My brother was awesome. He raised me, made sure I got my education, and taught me to protect myself. His friends all looked out for me like I was their sister as well. I never got bullied, or picked on, or hit on. Too many guard dogs as it were.”
“What happened to your brother?”
“He was murdered while I was out at a movie with friends. The police never found a suspect. That was almost a year ago.” I replied.
We were all startled as Dean suddenly burst through the door, slamming it shut and bolting it. “Hey Cas, Sammy, Y/N.” He swallowed thickly, looking like he’d just seen a ghost. He addressed Cas and Sam. “Guys, there’s a large group of…“ He paused, looking at me quickly, then back at the other two, “uh, psychos, terrorizing the town, taking full advantage of the darkness.”
“Psychos?” I was unconvinced at the terminology he’d used but didn’t argue. I knew something was out there, I just had a hard time believing it was a group of ‘psychos’.
Cas and Sam seemed to understand the term and told me to stay put and lock the doors. They went to the Impala, where they grabbed guns, machetes, and wooden stakes. I scoffed. Yeah right, psychos my ass. That just turned into the largest pile of bullshit I’d ever been told.
I grabbed my gun, wooden bullets and a slightly modified katana, and headed out into the dark after they left. I made my way through the pouring rain, bringing my water-proof jacket this time, I kept to the shadows, my senses on high alert. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, and I swung around to two vamps stalking me. In a matter of seconds, their heads were rolling on the ground, and my katana was being washed in the storm, then re-holstered. I shook my head again at Dean’s description as I continued my trek through the shadows.
Shouting and fighting drew me into the open, to the center intersection of town, where my new friends were up to their asses in bloodsuckers. I raised my already loaded gun, and shot off 15 rounds of wood bullets, each of them finding a target and incinerating it. I dispatched the empty clip and loaded another, taking out another round of vampires. But where 15 went down, another 20 took their place. There were simply too many to take out. We needed a miracle. I grabbed my katana and began slicing heads like hot knife through butter. If we made it out of this mess, Dean was going to be eating his bullshit for supper.
Even Cas was barely keeping up with the numbers. He could escape easily, but he refused to leave his friends behind. Loyalty would be his downfall unless Heaven smiled down on us and brought out some sunshine. Then it dawned on me, that man in my memories, the one I didn’t know. I quickly searched until I found clear memories of him and studied them. Holy shit! Now it made sense, all of it, but especially why the man that raised me was so afraid of me. I also knew then that he was my real father, the one who’s genes I have flowing through my veins.
Is that really what I was? But what things could I do? I also noticed something else. He wasn’t dead, my birth father, just the vessel he was using. Time slowed as I searched that man’s memories through my own. My eyes widened as all he was, all he had done since his creation, and all he could do rushed into my thoughts. I screamed as all the information crammed into my mind, it was brain overload times 5000, and suddenly the entire town glowed with pure angelic light as it poured from my body. The dark storm clouds parted, blue sky came back, and the sun shone bright, dusting every vamp in the entire vicinity.
The guys were speechless, watching me with wonder as I slowly stood and regained some semblance of control. I turned to Dean and gave him hell. “Psychos? Really Dean? Do they look like psychos? Is that what they look like? They were vampires! Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them. I don’t give a fuck how crazy they are!”
I laughed as his jaw dropped, and again I shrugged. “I’m a hunter guys, have been for a long time. My brother and his friends were all hunters too.”
Sam stepped forward, his eyes searching as his large hand took my small one and held it. it was a sign that he wasn’t scared of me, which was good, but he still had questions, as did the other two. I turned to face the three men in front of me.
“I searched the memory that Castiel had dug up from my brain, and studied it, or more specifically, studied the part with the man I didn’t know. He was my birth father, he was an angel or at least I think he was. That’s when I got all his memories flooding into mine, it overloaded my mind, and a defense mechanism kicked in, or at least that’s what I’m going with as my official story. I don’t even know how I triggered it.”
“Most likely adrenaline.” Cas suggested, which made sense.
Dean stepped in there. “Whoa, hold the damn phone. I ain’t never seen Cas do anything like what you just did. What the hell kind of angel was your dad?”
I shrugged. “No idea, but he is pretty old and powerful.”
Cas piped in. “Her father was an archangel. She is like Jack, sort of. Different father.”
“But who…?” Sam’s question was cut short as all four of us turned to the lone figure that had just come up behind our group and now stood there waiting to be acknowledged.
“I am.” He said.
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stacks-reviews · 6 years
New Releases 11/7/17
Happy New Release Day!
In Books --Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju Volume 4 by Haruko Kumota “After Sukeroku’s expulsion, Kikuhiko’s path to stardom seems clear, but the idea of inheriting the Yakumo name is a cold comfort. Sukeroku, disgraced, makes the heartbreaking decision to put his art aside and take responsibility for his new relationship with Miyokichi. As years pass and distance grows, Kikuhiko decides it’s up to him to bring his friend back to the theater. His determination takes him to the country, where Sukeroku now lives with his spirited young daughter. Kikuhiko is ready to stay as long as he needs to convince Sukeroku, but old wounds may come back to haunt them both.”
I haven’t had a chance to pick up volume 3 yet because we did not get a copy in where I work. And I haven’t had a chance to order it yet either. 
--Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Edition When I first head about this illustrated edition I thought it was going to be of the movie Fantastic Beasts so I wasn’t very interested in this one. But it turns out it is for all of the creatures mentioned throughout the HP universe. Now I really want this one. Just not sure when I’ll be able to.
--My Hero Academia Volume 10 by Kohei Horikoshi “The League of Villains has kidnapped Bakugo, and the resulting negative publicity has thrown U.A. into a huge uproar. With the public’s trust in heroes threatened, the faculty convenes to figure out what to do. But Midoriya and the students of Class 1-A have plans of their own - an operation to rescue Bakugo that could get them thrown out of school.”
Picking up right where volume 9 ended. Midoriya and his crew try to take back Bakugo but fail. And a few pro heroes are lost in the conflict. After their recovery in the hospital some of Class 1-A devise a plan to legally (meaning without using their powers) to try and save Bakugo. Which sounds like a bad idea all around. 
It’s a really good volume that ends on an evil cliffhanger. I need volume 11 but that won’t be out till 2/6/18.
--Perfect Shadow by Brent Weeks “Gaelan Starfire is a careful, quiet, simple farmer. He’s also an immortal, peerless in the arts of war. Over the centuries, he’s worn many faces to hide his gift, but he is a man ill-fit for obscurity.
When Gaelan must take a job hunting down the world’s finest assassins for the beautiful courtesan and crime lord Gwinvere Kirena what he finds may destroy everything he’s ever believed in.”
I HAVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIS MOMENT. I love Brent Week’s Night Angel Trilogy so when I heard there was a prequel novella I was pretty excited. Until I noticed it was ebook only; after a brief limited printing run that I found out much later on. But after waiting and waiting, it is back in print. Right when I was about to break down and buy it digitally. I am ecstatic to finally have it to go with the others. Now I just wish I had the trilogy in hardcover. I just have them in the mass market paperback box set. 
It includes the novella Perfect Shadow and a Night Angel short called I, Night Angel. 
--Renegades by Marissa Meyer “The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies - humans with extraordinary abilities - who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew.Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice - and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both.“
From the author of the Lunar Chronicles series comes a new series. I really like the Lunar Chronicles. I recommend it a lot at work. Though I still need to finish it. Cress (book 3) has been sitting on my shelf for a little while but I’ve been trying to focus on the arcs I have. And have been failing. Anyway, I really like her other series and am excited to try out a new series by her.
--Twinkle Star Volume 4 by Natsuki Takaya “The second semester of school is starting, and Chihiro's kinder attitude toward Sakuya is making her heart race! When he recommends her a book to read, she's positively overjoyed. But on the way home from a night of stargazing with the Star Appreciation Club, Chihiro suddenly approaches her! What does he want to talk about...?”
After this just one more volume of this series should remain. I still haven’t had time to go past volume 1 of this series. I’ve had to put a lot of series on hold while I tried to cut back during the second half of this year. I will pick it back up again someday. Hopefully by next year.
In Movies/TV Shows --Cheer Boys “Catch an exciting new take on the high-flying team sport, inspired by a real all-male squad in Japan. When Haruki Bando and his friend Kazuma leave judo martial arts, no one would have guessed they would turn to cheerleading! Rocking the college campus with a killer routine, these amateurs manage to draw in a crowd and enough new members to compete in regionals.”
I started streaming this on Funimation during its season. I watched about half before I got into another gaming kick and haven’t picked it up again yet. I did like what I saw of it but it probably isn’t my favorite sports series. But I think it is still worth checking out. 
--Project Ito: Genocidal Organ “In Genocidal Organ, while developed countries rely on advanced surveillance to free them from the threat of terrorism, other nations are plagued by genocide within their own borders. Strangely, these massacres all link back to one American by the name of John Paul. Special agent Clavis Shepherd is sent to capture the target, but nothing can prepare this soldier—or the world—for the truth behind humanity’s darkness.”
The third and final Project Ito film. At least for now. I have been waiting on this one ever since the films were announced. I did watch Empire of Corpses and enjoyed it. Though I need to rewatch it soon because when I first watched it I was exhausted from work and kept having to rewind cause I kept nodding off for a few minutes at a time. I finally picked up Harmony a few months back but haven’t had time to start it yet.
--Revolutionary Girl Utena Set 2 “Utena and Anthy have become close during their time as roommates. So when Anthy casually mentions she has a brother, Utena can’t help but feel shocked. She thought she knew Anthy, but the longer she and Anthy are friends, the more she discovers she doesn’t know. What other secrets could Anthy be keeping? However, Utena won’t have time to dwell upon such matters. A new group of duelists has emerged from the shadows. These new challengers wear black rose signets and also seek revolution, but their methods are different than those of Ohtori’s Student Council. They don’t wish to possess Rose Bride. They are want kill her.”
Set 2 of the 20th Anniversary is now out. Contains episodes 13-24 of this great series. I have only seen it once all the way through. It is one of those series that you’ll have to watch over and over to get all the references and to catch all the imagery it contains. 
--Westworld S1 “Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, explore a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged without consequence.”
Season 1 of this series is out today. I don’t have the channel that it is on so I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. I’ve heard nothing but great things about so I can’t wait to try it out sometime. Though I would like to watch the movie it is based on before I try out the show. I have heard the soundtrack before because we used to have it as an in-store-play where I work. It is an awesome soundtrack. It was a staff favorite and we played it a lot.
--Your Name “Mitsuha and Taki are complete strangers living separate lives until they suddenly switch places. Mitsuha wakes up in Taki’s body, and he in hers. This occurrence happens randomly, and they must adjust their lives around each other. Yet, somehow, it works. They build a connection by leaving notes for one another until they wish to finally meet. But something stronger than distance may keep them apart.”
Was very disappointed when this came out in theaters because it never came anywhere close to where I live. I don’t think it played anywhere in my state for that matter. I did pick up a copy because I want to know if it really is worth the hype. I haven’t watched it yet because I decided to wait till my friend and I could get together to watch it together. 
There is a standard version (DVD and a combo pack) as well as an LE. The LE, “contains two-piece double-sided collectible chipboard box with rainbow holographic finish.” Like what they did for Death Parade’s LE. Which both are nice but makes me nervous that it would fall out if I picked it up wrong. It also comes with a 60 page art booklet, an art digipack, and a two disc OST. The second OST is shorter. It has five songs; if I remember correctly, that are sung in English by RADWIMPS.
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runtosleepdreamer · 7 years
Rewatching SPN 4x14
And yo that siren... obviously let’s talk about it for a long minute
And I wanna say, first time I saw this ep was a loooong while ago and I thought I wouldn’t like it so hadn’t seen it till then but now WHOOWEE another ep to prove me wrong and I ended up liking it!!!! But yeah because of that I totally forgot about how Sam got infected and was confused with the storyline but yay that meant it was like I got to watch the plot anew a bit!
So. The siren. Tall dude, supposed to be an epitome of perfection for whatever that meant in the Vic’s mind...
And for Dean... that meant a little brother, especially after just finding out that his own actual brother was still keeping in touch with Ruby, despite everything they’ve went through. So the siren comes blasting in, but more subtly, this dude with short hair that kinda looks like Dean’s (though real talk as much as Dean wants Sam to cut his hair, he’d probably feel really off and weird even if he didn’t say anything of Sam really did), appropriately being dazzled by Baby, knowing frigging everything about the classics to the point of adding something Dean forgets...
And blindly trusting him. Which was the deal sealing point.
Not to say that Sammy doesn’t... but the way Nick just gave in? Like ‘you know what you’re right, I have no idea what’s going on here but ima blindly follow your lead’... as if Dean’s so used to being questioned (especially after his recent spite with Sam about the hard facts and all and ooh cringe worthy moment guess Sam was right after all sorry buds - so maybe this was one of those moments that Dean being challenged was what he’d‘a needed) that actually having someone accept his word without question genuinely caught him off guard.
Fricking smart af that siren
Next real quick I wanna talk about their actual ‘discussion’ before it became physical. As brothers they’d know what to say that would actually hurt but damn was Sam not holding back... and you could see that he obviously hit Dean with the worst possible statement after statement (*sobs*) that instead of retorting... even under the siren’s spell Dean breaks. And starts fighting.
And wow either Dean really is a better fighter despite what people wanna say about Sam (he was under a spell and Dean still for the better of him - because they were both under the spell. Soulless Sam may have been ruthless, but if MoC Dean assassinated an entire like, family, then soulless Dean woulda been damn dangerous as well, more so than Sam... but take away one of the factors from one of them and leave the other as is? The ‘normal’ ones gonna hold back) or I could even say that that door must have really winded Sam. Which, hm. Just as easily coulda been Sam to Dean though.. in which case it would have been Sam holding the axe and
Woah. Okay. Yeah. Dean was actually gonna do it. Which OH right. He threw the friggin dagger like goddamn if Sam hadn’t dodged just in time, that dagger hurtled right where Sam’s head had been a split second prior. Like yooo damn trained hunters they are - and I will never. Get enough. Of Dean throwing daggers.
Which huh, have we ever seen Sammy do that?
Though we saw Bobby for which - Go Bobby!!!!!! Like yo hunters gotta be trained in throwing daggers and goddamn is that an awesome skill
And lastly... (*nervously checks time*)
That talk in the end. Bobby knew, Bobby frigging knew Dean was more affected than he let on, his scrutinizing stare centered solely on Dean, especially with his parting statement, that he shouldn’t let the fact that he be influenced by the siren hit them too hard. Not the center problem, but still, something that obviously would have been bothering Dean more, if it weren’t for the fact that the other problem involved his brother. So of course that took higher priority.
And that - Sam knew enough to know that what he said could have been hurtful... which anyone coulda known... but he apparently didn’t know enough about Dean at that moment specifically (and okay, yeah, maybe the writers had to pass the moment off for a later time because the episode was running out of time) to know that no, Dean was still hurt, so no. They weren’t okay. Things weren’t fine between them.
On a lighter note: Dean being annoyed that Bobby gave them soda instead of beer!!!!!
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miss-m-calling · 5 years
Fandom 5k letter
Adult Wednesday Addams -- Wednesday Addams
American Gods (TV) -- Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
Cabin Pressure -- Carolyn & Arthur & Martin & Douglas
Moonlighting (TV) -- David Addison/Maddie Hayes
Dear writer,
Hello and thank you for writing for me. I’m very excited to read whatever you come up with.
I do give more or more detailed prompts for some of these canons than for others – that’s not because I want some more than others, but only because for some I get lots of ideas, for others I’m more “waves arms all over the place give me more of XYZ I love in canon!!” I hope whatever I put down sparks your creativity, and feel free to reach out through the mods if you have any questions! My likes and DNWs are all the way on the bottom of the letter.
Without further ado…
Adult Wednesday Addams
Wednesday Addams
Genres: Action/adventure, Canon-style plot, Humor, Slice of life, Worldbuilding
I belatedly discovered this webseries, and it resurrected (see what I did there?) my love for Wednesday and how the Addams Family canon runs on the endless possibilities of this loving, happily eccentric family being 100% true to themselves and the world just having to deal with it. The show was everything I never knew I wanted till I watched it, the perfect blend of Addams-macabre and cozy slice of life with bonus Wednesday navigating the world alone, without always knowing her family will back her up, and it made me crave more of adult Wednesday’s mini adventures in LA. For this canon, I’m good with gen or, if you want to write that, more of Wednesday’s adventures in dating guys who really aren’t up to the challenge, and you can absolutely have Wednesday interact with OCs I haven’t listed as part of a pairing. I’m keeping the prompts pretty short, just to (hopefully) pique your creativity, as I expect I will love any way you make these or any similar scenarios play out:
-Wednesday goes to IKEA
-More of Wednesday’s interactions with the nice interns at her receptionist job. Maybe they invite her out to happy hour, or to the beach or a club. Or maybe we get to eavesdrop while they shoot the breeze on their lunch break, possibly over barbecue-chicken pizza from CPK.
-More of Wednesday’s gigs. She already babysits and walks other people’s dogs, what else might she do for extra cash that would be both really common and seemingly ill-suited to Wednesday, except she totally makes it work for her? Cat sitting (especially if the cat belongs to someone incredibly rich whose house is full of secrets – and expensive things for the cat to knock over), driving an Uber/Lyft, becoming an AirBnB host, catering/server, working the late shift in a New Age/occult supply store where none of the woo is real…?
-Or, alternately, Wednesday finds a career that is perfect for her, in which she can have success and respect. What ever could that be and still fit into the non-Addams world?
-Wednesday tries speed dating
-Or, she runs into Brian a.k.a. chains guy (I cackle with glee every time I rewatch the bit when he tries to kiss her at the pet store) a third time – how does it not go quite as he wanted or expected this time?
-Wednesday’s family comes out to sunny, plastic, image-conscious LA to visit her and make sure she’s doing alright. She gives them a tour of the city, and LA will never be the same again.
-Wednesday takes an evening class, or goes back to school part time, or enrolls in an online degree program
-Wednesday takes a road trip, alone or with her apartment mates/colleagues/Brian/strangers she met for carpooling purposes. Bonus points if you work in real roadside attractions, or tourist traps, or famous sites/landscapes.
-It’s Dia de Muertos, and Wednesday goes out to celebrate and soak up the atmosphere. It may or may not live up to her expectations.
-If you wanted to get a bit meta and/or enjoy playing around with different formatting, what does Wednesday’s Tumblr/Twitter/Facebook/Tindr look like? Or, Wednesday gets tasked with updating company social media at her receptionist job, and she does it with her own special flair.
American Gods (TV)
Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
Genres: Action/adventure, AU - canon divergence, Canon-style plot, Character development, Getting together, Smut, Worldbuilding
Let me preface this by saying how much I appreciate that you are willing to write for an ongoing canon! I love this pairing, and while most of my prompts are basically the same ones I’ve used in exchanges before S2 (which I am watching) started airing, let me assure you that I am 1000% fine with your fic getting jossed, or including a divergence from what we already know or how things happen in canon. You can work with the canon -- or as much of it as we have by the time you’re done writing -- or diverge in a way that works for your story. Really truly honestly it’s all fine since you are writing for an active canon, and I really truly honestly appreciate you wanting to tackle this! Canon divergences and canon-flavored-if-not-entirely-compliant stories are my jam, so please don’t feel anxious as the canon keeps unfolding, nor pressed to keep up with S2 if you can’t or don’t want to watch it right now. (I tried to keep S2 spoilers to a minimum in my prompts, but there are some spoilers.)
So *clears throat*
I ship it. Yes I do. They had me at “gimme-my-coin-dead-wife”-flicks-him-into-wall. The snarky road trip was the best thing I never knew I wanted until it happened, and I adored every second of it. They’re both such assholes and so fascinating, even if they start to mellow toward each other a bit toward the end of S1, and all the gods/magic/resurrection stuff swirling around them begs to be explored further. Also I love love love how their dynamic is about equal parts spikiness, pathos, and humor (they’re funny! and the canon doesn’t shy away from putting them in ludicrous situations), and it weaves seamlessly between those three. Plus she’s half his size yet can and does beat him up with literally one finger, and then there’s the angst of he having killed her, feeling really guilty about it, and then bringing her back.
Please give me either missing scenes from the road trip (if you can work in a divergence, that’s great - for example, I like Salim, but if you want to have him boot Sweeney and Laura to the curb and go off on his own, or Sweeney to boost his taxi before Salim catches them, or whatever else to have those two alone, go for it!), or a S1 divergence (instead of going to Ostara, they go where? to see whom? about getting Laura resurrected) or something about these two post-S1/during-S2:
-Laura discovers (how? you decide!) that Sweeney gave her back the coin after their accident – whatever happens next, some punching may be involved.
-Wednesday’s big war finally comes, and “don’t you dare die on me, you asshole” is a line either Sweeney or Laura (or both) might say to each other.
-Laura asked “What does Wednesday have to lose?” and the answer is…? (Yes, give me that sweet poetic justice. One possibility, though not remotely the only one, but as of S2E3 Laura is technically a god-killer...)
-On a similar note, Wednesday told that luckless cop that Sweeney had been against the big gods’ war from the start, and while Wednesday lies, Sweeney definitely seems to be participating out of a sense of obligation and lingering guilt over the war he ran from long ago, rather than lust for a good fight or even a dominant death wish. What if he decided to hell with Grimnir and his war and his having Sweeney kill random people? I’m guessing Sweeney too drank three glasses of mead so he can’t back out without dire consequence - but he does have a fierce, dead woman in his corner.
-They go to some as-yet-unnamed old god (feel free to bring in whatever mythology you want) in order to bring Laura back to life. Between Sweeney’s mouth and temper, and Laura’s mouth and temper, it doesn’t go well. Now one or both of them are in big magical trouble with a pissed-off deity and have to get themselves/each other out of it.
-Things happen and Laura finds herself in the position to throw Sweeney under the bus but also help/save him, and while he knows it’s only karma, he can still be pissed about it - how do they navigate this?
-Laura gets fully alive again, but traces of her (un)dead state remain – what are they, how does she cope, what price did she/he/they have to pay for her resurrection, and how does their relationship change? I’d especially be curious how it would work if they’re already a sorta-maybe-item and *then* she’s alive again and it’s weird in a new way.
-For reasons I’ll leave up to you, Sweeney and Laura have to stay put in a single place for a while and end up essentially cohabiting, regardless of what their relationship is at that point. Take “cohabiting” as literally or as creatively as you want -- in any case, I’m sure it will be marvelously disastrous and amazing.
-Slight or major AU from the opening of “The Ways of the Dead”: Laura has hitchhiked with Sweeney instead of going off in a huff with Wednesday, or she otherwise gets to New Orleans sooner, and she and Sweeney tear up the town together. Gimme bar fights, carnival shenanigans, backstage craziness with the Christian rock band (Sweeney seems to have a backstage pass on a lanyard around his neck when Laura finds him)… Maybe they even cross the paths of some loa and it doesn’t get all angsty (for what it’s worth, I think the reason the sex magic didn’t bring Laura back to life was because she couldn’t accept the truth(s) revealed during the astral-plain sex – see how she defaults straight to “this is all Wednesday’s evil plan” the morning after – not because the loa fucked them over as Sweeney said). They were actually getting along nicely in those first couple of scenes, only ribbing each other a little while still being their grouchy selves, before they got to Le Coq Noir. I wouldn’t have minded seeing some more of that.
-All the old gods hide their true appearance to an extent. A situation arises in which Laura sees Sweeney’s true, or at least old, self (I’m thinking of his surprise!poignant monologue about when he used to be a king, and the glimpse of him in full Celtic warrior mode in the S2 teaser). Or Wednesday’s war ends in victory, meaning the old gods again get belief, worship, and sacrifices. How does Laura, the ultimate skeptic even when she’s on the other side of the mirror, react? How does this new knowledge and new reality change her opinion of/attitude to Sweeney? Or to flip that around, if Sweeney were again relevant and believed-in, would that actually change his bad attitude and fix his issues (my guess is it would be complicated)?
-The power of names: for all his “dead wifeing,” there comes a time when Sweeney (has to) call her by her actual name, and that’s a tricky moment for them to navigate. Or, Mad Sweeney is almost certainly not his actual name, since true names have great magical power and so must be kept secret; Laura discovers or learns his name, from someone else or from himself; what does she do with that knowledge? Or, Sweeney gets to say “cunt” in a situation (sexual or otherwise) where, not only does Laura not peel his lips from his gums, but she finds that she can’t object, even though she knows that he knows that he’s getting away with it.
-So far in canon, it’s pretty clear that Sweeney has a lot of complicated but sincere feelings for Laura. But Laura is still pretty focused on Shadow (or rather her idealized vision of Shadow and what their relationship might yet be), whom she seems to equate with her own lost-maybe-to-be-regained life, although she’s starting to soften toward Sweeney as she realizes he’s doing things for her that are not all about getting his coin back (and her sparring match with Wednesday in “Muninn” may finally force her to accept that her relationship with Shadow died alongside her and Robbie on that road in Indiana). Tell me the story of how Laura stumbles her way to starting to feel more complex, maybe kinder or softer, really annoying for her blunt-force-trauma-personality things about Sweeney and about the notion that her dynamic with him is different from the way she tended to use men for her convenience without really letting them in in the past. Also I’m pretty sure that even if they felt the same – or sorta in the same ballpark – about each other, their relationship would still run on a lot of conflict, and I would so be here for it.
-On that note: in “Munnin” it also becomes clear that Laura has, without realizing it herself, started to rely on Sweeney. The “I trusted you” line made me think, whoa she’s too mad to catch herself doing it but this is huge for Laura, and the fact that she goes off with Wednesday (!) basically because she’s mad at Sweeney because she thinks he’s prioritizing his debt to Wednesday over her… Yeah, I would like to see that explored some more and/or to see Laura and Sweeney get to a point where they trust each other and rely on each other, and know it and accept it, however difficult the getting there and being there may be for them.
-And since I’m on the subject of Laura, you know how she’s not actually an abrasive bitch all the time to everyone? And when she is, the people on the receiving end of it sometimes richly deserve it, and anyway it’s refreshing to see a female character who doesn’t bother flirting and accommodating others for the sake of social harmony? As much as I enjoy watching her rip into people (ahem, Sweeney), I also love it when she acts differently, like her genuine interest in getting to know Salim and her joy in seeing him again in S2, or her running passive-aggressive battle of wills with Wednesday, or even her general disaffection and numbness in “Git Gone.” Her beginning to feel sympathy for Sweeney and her anger and disappointment when she feels let down by him are a part of that, and I’d love to see all that explored more. Nuance! Give me all the nuance and seeming contradictions in both Laura and Sweeney’s characters!
-My perfect AG spinoff would basically be Sweeney and Laura tooling around America, looking to get her resurrected (whether they succeed or not is up to you), stealing ever more ridiculous vehicles, arguing/fighting and having those pesky moments where vulnerability and genuineness creep in – and fucking. So yessiree I’d be down for porn, including “it’s technically necrophilia/zombiesex” porn.
-All the petty, ridiculous ways in which Sweeney’s bad luck manifests itself make me laugh (can’t help it, won’t even try), and I’m down for more variations on that theme.
-If you wanted to throw in some worldbuilding, maybe something exploring living death. Magical bargains. What kind of favor did Sweeney do for Ostara that would be worth her bringing someone back to life as repayment? What other powers might Sweeney have (he doesn’t seem on a par with someone like Wednesday and Ostara, nor is he really a god, more a mythological being/kinda-deified former-mortal)? How long can a dead wife keep going before she’s “soup”? What other superhuman abilities might dead!Laura have? Can the dead do magic? What even are the rules governing and the limits of different beings’ magical abilities?
If it helps your inspiration, you can find some of my meta and lots of tag-burbling about these two here. I have read the book though I remember it only in bits and pieces, and while I prefer the show characters and the fact that they get thrown together, you can use or riff on book material if you want. With reference to one of my DNWs, for this canon, describing Laura’s physical decay is totally fine. Also, Shadow/Laura don’t interest me except as a part of Laura’s backstory (so if your story wants to include Laura figuring out or having already figured out that pinning all her hopes on Shadow to make everything right is unrealistic, unfair, and not how it works – by all means, go for it!), and Shadow/Sweeney interest me not at all.
My one canon-specific, really strong DNW for this pairing is this: I’m not into Laura being Essie’s reincarnation/descendant or – as fanon suggests and canon hints she may be – some sort of reincarnation of Sweeney’s wife from back when he was a king in old Ireland. Reincarnation/“new love looks like old love”/“lost love found again” plots bore me, and I don’t enjoy ships that hinge on characters being somehow destined to be together. Characters having agency is my jam as much as canon divergences are. Or if your fic really needs to go there, please please please don’t dwell on the Laura-Essie-Sweeney’s-wife-of-old thing, a brief mention would be more than enough. I’m certain Laura would have neither time nor patience for the notion that Destiny Fate and All That Jazz threw her together with ginger minge, and even if it were technically true, she’d still want this relationship to work on her terms – and Sweeney obviously has a problem with Laura’s cheating, her relationship with Shadow, her personality (though he also recognizes they’re alike in many ways), and all that maps onto his anger and sadness over becoming irrelevant over time, so it’s not just about Laura. So yeah, let them be their own (grumpy, spiky, dysfunctional) people, and let Laura’s dynamic with Sweeney not be shaped solely by his past and his issues.
Cabin Pressure
Carolyn Knapp-Shappey & Arthur Shappey & Martin Crieff & Douglas Richardson
Genres: Action/adventure, Canon-style plot, Humor, Slice of life
I just want more canon-y stories with their loopy humor and their weird yet loving family dynamics among the crew. Shenanigans in mid-flight or in the tedium which precedes and the tiredness which follows them. Someone smuggles (knowingly or not) an exotic animal on-board, legal, security, medical and/or slapstick chaos ensues. A mechanical, passenger- or smuggled-goods-caused problem arises and is solved during a journey. More games played on board GERTI. Playing around with a specific destination, like in many episodes, would be a plus. If it helps inspire you, my favorite episodes in terms of tone and content are: Douz, Gdansk, Johannesburg, Limerick, Ottery St. Mary, Uskerty, and Xinzhou.
For this canon, I prefer gen with maybe, if you want to go there, some Douglas/Carolyn on the side. That’s a ship I always thought had potential – they understand each other very well and trust each other... some of the time, but they’re both also snark-masters, tend to look down on anyone not as smart or quick-witted as they (Arthur being the sole – occasional – exception), and are really good about keeping their defenses up against other people. But I requested the gen group, and I definitely want the gen group – please don’t feel pressed to write the ship, that’s just a wild suggestion I threw out there.
Moonlighting (TV)
David Addison/Maddie Hayes
Genres: Action/adventure, AU - canon divergence, Canon-style plot, Established relationship, Getting together, Humor, Mystery/procedural, Slice of life
I osmosed tons about this show over the years but didn’t get around to watching it myself till recently. And then I loved it much more than I thought I would! Yeah, sure, some of it’s dated, and some of it’s ropey in terms of how the characters interact ( all the casual sexism and battle of the sexes stuff are very 80s indeed), but the chemistry! the banter! the funny! the shiptease! Gimme!
I tried to come up with lots of prompts, but ended up with a list of stuff I love about the show – and would love to see in fic – with some prompts mixed in. Hope it helps! Basically, give me as much of the show’s “flavor” as you can, and I’ll be happy.
My two DNW requests for this canon would be: please ignore everything that happens post-S3 (so if you want to write Maddie/David in the aftermath of their resolving their UST, please go ahead with the canon divergence of your dreams, I bet it’ll be a million times better than canon), and please don’t have secondary characters (Agnes and Herbert, or Maddie and David’s relatives and exes) hijack the story. They can be in it, but I really do want a David/Maddie story, despite the canon sometimes sidelining them due to behind-the-scenes shenanigans.
-all the banter, wordplay, innuendo, puns, comic repetition
-arguments – those long, explosive, funny, overlapping, always hilarious fights they have
-breaking the fourth wall – yes, please. In canon, they often seem to know they’re fictional characters but ones that exist in the real world, with studio lots and such. Do they now know they’re characters in a fanfic of fictional characters that also exist in the real world, or something even more mind-screwy?
-David calling Maddie “blondie blond” – it just makes me laugh – and Maddie calling him “Addison” when angry but “David” when worried or when shit hits the fan
-random cultural nods – off the top of my head, canon referenced Spanish poetry, objectivism, American realist drama, Dr. Seuss, Shakespeare, of course all the Hollywood tropes and genres; go high or low culture, go famous or obscure, even if I don’t know the reference, I want it! Ditto if you decide on a plot that parodies and pays homage to a cultural landmark story (The Silence of the Lambs? Much Ado about Nothing? A Hitchcock movie? Something else?), I’d love it!
-speaking of: I love the pun-tastic episode titles referencing everything under the sun
-all the canon-era detail which both takes me back and jars me with how much things have changed: people smoking in public buildings, seeing someone off at the boarding gate, dial and push-button telephones, VHS rentals, no cellphones/internet, all the 80s fashion and permed hair… Throw it in just for kicks or weave it into the plot (e.g., they’re following someone and only have a paper map and their own faulty sense of direction to help them)
-casefic – I love the silly plots (and chases! All the chases!), which often combine really gruesome outcomes or real violence with slapstick. I’d be especially tickled if you wrote a plot that starts out silly and seemingly innocent (e.g., they get “hired” by a kid who lost their homework) but ends up deadly serious, or vice versa
-I also love the flashes of really dark humor, usually provided by David snarking about plot developments, though my favorite example remains the intro to S3E1, with David assuring his sick mother that they’ll sweep the Emmys, and then they lost big time and we see a title card saying that the mom died on Emmy night. What can I say but: ROFL
-Maddie and David are really pretty terrible detectives, but they always manage to solve the mystery – or a solution falls into their laps – and I’m here for it
-Blue Moon almost never seems to take on actual paying clients – what else might David and Maddie do for much-needed cash? Bodyguards, extras on a movie, professional consultants on a movie (probably a really shlocky, C-grade production being filmed in the middle of nowhere), dance marathon, talent contest…
-all the shippiness before the UST becomes RST – in canon they slow-danced in a bar, they slept side by side on a plane, he’s snuck into her house multiple times when he was in trouble, etc. etc. etc. The sky’s the limit!
-maybe they get together in a different way than in canon and/or they have a relationship that departs from canon? Or how about if they resolve the UST as they do in canon, but then find a way to be both partners and lovers, without getting so wrapped up in what they each think the other one should be that they spoil everything? Basically, could they be mature enough to have a relationship that works for them both, or be friends with benefits, or hell even break up but remain each other’s most important person (and maybe still have sex occasionally)?
-tropes – the canon plays with so many tropes, you could too! Some suggestions: there’s only one bed, undercover as lovers/married/client and bodyguard, waking up married, any variation on Lady and the Tramp you can think of (including David having to pretend he’s a class act while Maddie has to play the slob, for a case or because of a situation with their families or…), they get zapped by a mad scientist they’re surveilling and swap bodies, etc.
-road trip! Oh the possibilities...
-playing Twenty Questions or another game during a boring stakeout, and personal revelations come spilling out
-Maddie’s experience as a model proves key to cracking a case, whether you want to make the whole story a riff on the world of fashion (The Devil Wears Prada parody, anyone?) or use that as a surprise plot point
-they get tangled up (again) in international espionage and go on a globe-trotting adventure, either chasing a MacGuffin or being chased – basically, get them out of Los Angeles and their relative comfort zone, and send them Indiana Jones-ing all over the world
-the show often makes 80s-typical mean jokes about Russia and the Cold War – what if a case took Maddie and David to the Soviet Union in its last years? Give me all the culture clashes, David being obnoxious and Maddie trying to be diplomatic, all the vodka, chases down frozen streets and over the frozen Neva River, dodging the KGB, sneaking around behind the scenes at the Bolshoi or Kirov Ballet and winding up on stage…
-when they visit a “rough” dive bar in S1, there’s a whole scene of David teasing Maddie to show tough-girl attitude, and she quips that she can’t wait till he has to accompany her to a high-society event. Um, yes please!
-they attempt to date like a regular couple, and stuff keeps getting in the way – whether they go to the opera/ballet and a fancy restaurant, or a basketball game and out for beers, or they try a quiet dinner and a movie at home (or all of the above!), canon-like complications keep interrupting. But then again, the ridiculous way they work is what brought them together in the first place. Bonus points if the fish-out-of-water partner ends up getting into the other one’s date-activity of choice, while snarking all the way.
-David has been to Maddie’s house multiple times – including to sleep over, both platonically and not – and they’ve both crashed at the office, but what little we see of David’s place, it seems to be a bachelor pad/hovel with a large yet mysteriously unfurnished living room. Maddie visits David/comes to spend the night/hides out with him from villains, and shenanigans ensue.
-canon often resolves the clash between David’s opportunism, happy-go-luckiness, and cockiness, and Maddie’s gentle idealism, worrywartness, and romanticism, by having David “win.” That can be funny, but what if the plot gave Maddie the right a bit more?
-I’m honestly not that into smut for this pairing - a fade to black, something implied, something referenced, innuendo, maybe brief flashes (heh) of what the characters think about/imagine/remember work much better with the canon’s overall tone, I think.
I love pre-canon, canon, post-canon, canon-divergent, and missing-scene stories. I love character-driven and plot-driven stories equally, and I love fics which mix humor and angst/serious business when appropriate for the canon.
I love stories about characters at work and play, group dynamics, family dynamics (including constructed families), professional partnerships, friendships, alliances, rivalries, intimate couples (new lovers/first times as well as long-term/established couples), UST-ridden couples who are not just UST-ridden but connected in other ways too, etc.
I love irony, snark, humor as well as angst arising from the characters rather than the plot crowbaring it in, linear, non-linear, and 5+1 stories, hopeful endings, happy endings, bittersweet endings, worldbuilding, spiky characters who keep their jagged edges and spikiness in adversity as well as when their lives are going well, square-peg-in-round-hole characters, characters who are their own worst enemies as well as those who can get over themselves when the occasion calls for it, characters with conflicting values which may or may not be reconciled/resolved, characters who treat each other with respect and as equals even if they hate/annoy/can’t stand/love to dislike each other.
I especially love workplace stories (this can mean anything from an actual workplace/casefic/procedural setting to anything that revolves around the canon world in which the characters live) in which the characters are competent and dedicated to the job, and while they may not be exactly friends and they may well irritate one another, they still manage to rub along to get the job done and maybe even grow to care about one another (much to their surprise and sometimes reluctance/discomfort). Or, if they can’t get along, show me why not and what’s preventing them from finding common ground.
In terms of ship dynamics, I love (where it fits the characters) banter, competitiveness or antagonism shading into attraction (this tension need not be resolved), oh-god-why-did-it-have-to-be-you-what-did-I-do-to-deserve-this, bickering yet loving couples, faithfulness, characters who are serious about their romantic interests, characters who think they are much better at flirtation than they actually are, characters forced to work together only to prove much more compatible than they initially assumed, fics which mix an exploration of characters’ professional and everyday lives with shipping. A dynamic I cannot resist is shipping a couple who are incompatible in some important way (they are ideological enemies, cop and criminal, spies from opposite sides, one betrayed the other or they betrayed each other), and while they love and want each other they’re also not willing to change sides or surrender/compromise their identity for the other’s benefit, and how they might (or not) make their relationship work anyway.
I don’t have any very specific likes for smut, other than smut fitting the characters – show me how their canon dynamics spill over into the bedroom (or other place of congress). I also like sexual scenarios that subvert expectations a little and surprise the characters themselves (e.g., the person who’s usually quiet or more passive taking charge, the more aggressive person goes with it possibly snarking or commenting on it as long as they can). And I like sexual scenarios that contain an element of competition, antagonism, oh-god-this-is-a-bad-idea-but-we’re-going-for-it-hammer-and-tongs, not wanting to admit feelings or show vulnerability except oops it happens anyway, whether the characters acknowledge it or not, or just people getting way more into it or being more affected by it than they thought they would. When it fits the characters and their canon dynamic, you also can’t go wrong with we-both-wanted-this-for-forever-and-now-we-both-know-it-so-here-we-go-diving-in-headfirst. For het and/or slash, oral, vaginal, anal incl. pegging, manual (ifyouknowwhatImean) – it’s all good. You can go as veiled or as explicit as you like, but please avoid excessive medical jargon – I don’t find a lot of mention of “penis” or “clit” sexy.
MPREG, A/B/O, knotting, D/s, kinks, incest, underage, genderswap/genderbent characters, xeno, non-/dub-con, torture and abuse (this and non-/dub-con can be mentioned if the story needs it, but please don’t dwell on it in loving detail or subject any of my requested characters to it), dwelling on bodily fluids (mentions of gore/blood and come are fine), toilet humor, character bashing, issuefic, gender/sexuality/race/ethnicity/religion/ability/identity headcanons, unrequested ships, soulmates and soul marks, major character death (unless it’s canon), serious illness or injury, pregnancy and children, holiday or wedding setting/theme, secondary characters shipping the main pair like it’s their job, reference to RL current events, 1st/2nd person POV, AUs which have nothing to do with canonf
0 notes