#right so my entire reasoning for giving her the 50s style dress is her whole thing from SA2 with shadow where they have their Moment
phantompeaches · 2 years
Tumblr exclusive drawing because I have no followers here and don't know how I feel about it. Amy Rose Gijinka ♡ ill redraw it better at some point prommie
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bookofmirth · 3 years
Am I the only one who kind of doesn’t want Eris to turn into a Rhysand 2.0? One of the things I really liked about Eris is, him being portrayed as this morally grey character in ACOWAR. He brought some nuance into the series, because so far, all of SJM’s villains have always been very one dimensional and not fleshed out enough. Now with Eris, she could give us a character whom readers are conflicted about, who does unredeemable things as well as good things, like for example be a support for Lucien. I don’t want him to turn into this guy, who all this time hid his true personality behind a mask, hence excusing his past behaviour.
Also, I realised that readers in this fandom are generally very quick to judge a character based on one scene. Apparently, it only takes Eris telling Cassian, he doesn’t know the whole story (about him and Mor) and Cassian telling Eris he isn’t a monster, for people to come to the conclusion, that Mor is the guilty party, bash on her even more and praise Eris. Don’t get me wrong, I love Eris and I know that some people have loved him before ACOSF, but I kind of wish that the fandom would sometimes look at things from a wider spectrum and not take things just as they are. This is probably because of SJM’s writing style and her habit of telling not showing, but it really bothers me.
Hope you're having a lovely sunny day!
MEEEEEE okay I'm gonna rant about how much I dislike him, and how much I hate the fandom reaction to him right now.
I know this is a popular take right now, that Eris is just Misunderstood™️ but honestly?
idgaf about Eris. He can choke.
Eris didn't have an entire court to protect. He didn't have to sleep with Amarantha against his will for 50 years to protect his reputation, thereby allowing him to act evil but actually help people under the radar (e.g. making sure Clare Beddor didn't feel anything). He didn't have to leave Mor the way that he did, without telling anyone what was happening. I hate the comparison between him and Rhys, if only for the simple fact that Rhys had way, way more responsibility on his shoulders than Eris has ever dreamed of.
Cassian was right to say that Eris is a coward. He's a bargain basement Walmart generic brand Rhysand. Lucia @aelin-godkiller made a great post about Eris here, and yeah it came out just after acofas was published, and yes we've had acosf since then, but honestly???
Eris saying "you don't know the whole story" is... not enough reason for me to give a shit about someone who makes traumatized, queer character feel fear. Him actually slut-shaming her in a circumstance that in NO WAY called for it is... not okay??? Like even if there was more to the story when they were betrothed, him saying that she "still dresses like a slut" 500 years later is not called for 😂If he does know that she is queer, which was heavily implied, then maybe making digs at her sexuality is... a complete asshole move!!!! And an intentional one!!!!
Honestly, I hate Eris, I hate how the fandom is so eager to believe the slightest word from him, but it doesn't surprise me given how eager people are to believe that Azriel is also secretly a soft boi who is just being harmed by Mor being Not Into Him. If sjm is knowingly constructing this narrative wherein a queer victim of abuse is questioned for their truthfulness when speaking about that abuse and homophobia, and wherein a queer character's queerness is most important for how it affects the straight people around them, then I will burn my books istg.
EDIT okay sorry I went off on your ask, especially since you said that you like Eris haha.
I just have very strong feelings about him. And I have very strong feelings about how the fandom reacts to him and Mor, because I think that it reveals more internalized misogyny than reactions to Elain ever have. SJM really does tell and not show, but people insist on looking for what she is showing. It’s just honestly not that deep, and the fact that she has potentially constructed this narrative of “queer hurt woman is likely lying about her trauma” just makes me ill. I hope that’s not where sjm is going with this, I really hope. But we will see.
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flufffysocks · 3 years
let's talk about andi mack's worldbuilding
sorry this took forever to make! i've been pretty busy with school stuff and i kind of lost my inspiration for a bit, but i ultimately really enjoyed writing it! i wish i could've included more pics (tumblr has a max of 10 per post), and it kinda turned from less of a mini analysis to more of an extremely long rant... but i hope it's still a fun read!
i've been rewatching the show over the past few weeks (thanks again to @disneymack for the link!), and i’ve been noticing a lot that i never did the first time around. this is really the first time i’ve watched the show from start to finish since it aired, and it honestly feels so different this time - probably a combination of the fact that i’m not as focused on plot and can appreciate the show as a whole, and also that the fandom is much, much smaller now, so there’s a lot less noise. so the way i’m consuming this show feels super different than it did the first time, but the show itself doesn’t - it’s just as warm and comforting to me as it was the first time around, if not more so.
i think a lot of that can be attributed to andi mack’s “worldbuilding”. i’m not quite sure that this is the right word in this context, to be honest, because i mostly see it used in reference to fantasy and sci-fi universes, but it just sort of feels right to me for andi mack, because you can really tell how much love and care went into constructing this universe. for clarity, worldbuilding is “the process of creating an imaginary world” in its simplest sense. there’s two main types: hard worldbuilding, which involves inventing entire universes, languages, people, cultures, places, foods, etc. from scratch (think “lord of the rings” or “dune”), and soft worldbuilding, in which the creators don’t explicitly state or explain much about the fictional universe, but rather let it’s nature reveal itself as the story progresses (think studio ghibli films). andi mack to me falls in the soft worldbuilding category. even though it takes place in a realistic fiction universe, there’s a lot of aspects to it that are inexplicably novel in really subtle ways.
so watching the show now, i’ve noticed that the worldbuilding comes primarily from two things - setting and props, and oftentimes the both of them in tandem (because a big part of setting in filmmaking does depend on the props placed in it!).
one of the most obvious examples is the spoon. it really is a sort of quintessential, tropic setting in that it's the main gang's "spot", which automatically gives it a warm and homey feel to it. and its set design only amplifies this:
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the choice to make it a very traditional 50s-style diner creates a very nostalgic, retro feel to it, which is something that's really consistent throughout the show, as you'll see. from the round stools at the bar, to the booths, to the staff uniforms, this is very obvious. the thing that i found especially interesting about it though is the choice of color. the typical 50s diner is outfitted with metallic surfaces and red accented furnishings, but the spoon is very distinctly not this.
instead, it's dressed in vibrant teal and orange, giving it a very fresh and modern take on a classic look. so it still maintains that feeling of being funky and retro, but that doesn't retract from the fact that the show is set distinctly in modern times.
of course, this could just be a one-off quirky set piece, but this idea of modernizing and novelizing "retro" things is a really common motif throughout the show. take red rooster records. i mean, it's a record shop - need i say more? it's obviously a very prominent store in shadyside, at least for the main characters, but there's no apparent reason why it is (until season 2 when bowie starts working there, and jonah starts performing there). a lot of the time, though, it functions solely as a record shop. vinyl obviously isn't the most practical or convenient way of listening to music, but it's had its resurgence in pop culture even in the real world, mostly due to its aesthetic value, so it's safe to say that it serves the same purpose in the andi mack universe.
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the fringe seems to be nostalgic of a different era, specifically the Y2K/early 2000s period (because it's meant to be bex's territory and symbolic of who she used to be, and its later transformation into cloud 10 is representative of her character arc, but that's beside the point). to be honest, exactly what this store was supposed to be always confused me. it was kind of a combination party store/clothing store/makeup store/beauty parlor? i think that's sort of the point of it though, it's supposed to feel very grunge-y and chaotic (within the confines of a relatively mellow-toned show, of course), and it's supposed to act as a sort of treasure chest of little curios that both make the place interesting and allow the characters to interact with it.
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and, of course, there's andi shack. this is really the cherry on top of all of andi mack's sets, just because it's so distinctly andi. it serves such amazing narrative purpose for her (ex. the storyline where cece and ham were going to move - i really loved this because it highlights its place in the andi mack universe so well, and i'm a sucker for the paper cranes shot + i'm still salty that sadie's cranes didn't make it into the finale) and it's the perfect reflection of andi's character development because of how dynamic it is (the crafts and art supplies can get moved around or switched out, and there's always new creations visible).
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going back to the nostalgia motif though, the "shack" aspect of it always struck me as very treehouse-like. personally, whenever i think of treehouses, there's this very golden sheen of childhood about it, if that makes sense. i've always seen treehouses in media as a sort of shelter for characters' youthful innocence and idealistic memories. for example, the episode "up a tree" from good luck charlie, the episode "treehouse" from modern family, and "to all the boys 2" all use a treehouse setting as a device to explore the character's desire to hold onto their perfect image of their childhood (side note: this exact theme is actually explored in andi mack in the episode "perfect day 2.0"!). andi shack is no exception to this, but it harnesses this childhood idealism in the same way that it captures the nostalgia of the 50s in the spoon, or the early 2000s in the fringe. it's not some image of a distant past being reflected through that setting; it's very present, and very alive, because it reflects andi as she is in the given moment.
some honorable mentions of more one-off settings include the ferris wheel (from "the snorpion"), the alley art gallery (from "a walker to remember"), SAVA, the color factory (from "it's a dilemna"), and my personal favorite, the cake shop (from "that syncing feeling").
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[every time i watch this episode i want to eat those cakes so bad]
these settings have less of a distinctly nostalgic feel (especially the color factory, which is a very late 2010s, instagram era setting), but they all definitely have an aura of perfection about them. andi mack is all about bright, colorful visuals, and these settings really play to that, making the andi mack universe seem really fun and inviting, and frankly very instagrammable (literally so, when it comes to the color factory!).
props, on the other hand, are probably a much less obvious tool of worldbuilding. they definitely take up less space in the frame and are generally not as noticeable (i'm sure i'll have missed a bunch that will be great examples, but i'm kind of coming up with all of this off the top of my head), but they really tie everything together.
for example, bex's box, bex's polaroid, and the old tv at the mack apartment (the tv is usually only visible in the periphery of some shots, so you might not catch it at first glance) all complement that very retro aesthetic established through the settings (especially the polaroid and the tv, because there's really no good reason that the characters would otherwise be using these).
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besides this, andi's artistic nature provides the perfect excuse for plenty of colorful, crafty props to amplify the visuals and the tone. obviously, as i discussed before, andi shack is the best example of this because it's filled with interesting props. but you also see bits of andi's (and other people's) crafts popping up throughout the show (ex. the tape on the fridge in the mack apartment, andi's and libby's headbands in "the new girls", walker's shoes, andi's phone case, and of course, the bracelet). not only does doing this really solidify this talent as an essential tenet of andi's character, but it also just makes the entirety of shadyside feel like an extension of andi shack. the whole town is a canvas for her crafts (or art, depending on how you want to look at it. i say it's both), and it immensely adds to shadyside's idealism. because who wouldn't want to live in a world made of andi mack's creations?
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and, while it's not exactly a prop, the characters' wardrobe is undoubtedly a major influence on the show's worldbuilding. true to it's nature as a disney channel show, all of the characters are always dressed in exceptionally curated outfits of whatever the current trends are, making the show that much more visually appealing. i won't elaborate too much on this, because i could honestly write a whole other analysis on andi mack's fashion (my favorites are andi's and bex's outfits! and kudos to the costume designer(s) for creating such wonderful and in-character wardrobes!). but, i think it's a really really important aspect of how the show's universe is perceived, so it had to be touched upon.
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[^ some of my favorite outfits from the show! i am so obsessed with andi's jacket in the finale, and i aspire to be at bex's level of being a leather jacket bisexual]
and lastly, phones. this is a bit of an interesting case (pun intended), because the way they're used fluctuates a bit throughout the show, but i definitely noticed that at least in the first season terri minsky tried to avoid using them altogether. these efforts at distancing from modern tech really grounds the show in it's idealist, nostalgia-heavy roots, so even when the characters start using their phones more later in the show, they don't alter the viewer's impression of the andi mack universe very much.
so, what does all of this have to do with worldbuilding? in andi mack's case, because it's set in a realistic universe and not a fantasy one, a lot of what sets it apart from the real world comes down to tone. because, as much as this world is based on our own, it really does feel separate from it, like an alternate reality that's just slightly more perfect than ours, which makes all the difference. it's the idealism in color and composition in andi mack's settings that makes it so unmistakably andi mack. even the weather is always sunny and perfect (which is incredibly ironic because the town is called shadyside - yes, i am very proud of that observation).
the andi mack universe resides somewhere in this perfect medium that makes it feel like a small town in the middle of nowhere (almost like hill valley in 1955 from "back to the future"), but at the same time like an enclave within a big city (because of its proximity to so many modern, unique, and honestly very classy looking establishments). it is, essentially, an unattainable dream land that tricks you into believing it is attainable because it's just real enough.
all this to say, andi mack does an amazing job of creating of polished, perfect world for its characters. this is pretty common among disney channel and nickelodeon shows, but because most other shows tend to be filmed in a studio with three-wall sets, andi mack is really set apart from them in that it automatically feels more real and tangible. it has its quintessential recurring locations, but it has far more of them (most disney/nick shows usually only have 3-4 recurring settings), and it has a lot more one-off locations. it's also a lot more considerate when it comes to its props, so rather than the show just looking garish and aggressively trendy, it has a distinctive style that's actually appropriate to the characters and the story. overall this creates the effect of expanding the universe, making shadyside feel like it really is a part of a wider world, rather than an artificial bubble. it's idealism is, first and foremost, grounded in reality, and that provides a basis for its brilliant, creative, and relatable storytelling.
tl;dr: andi mack's sets and props give it a very retro and nostalgic tone which makes its whole universe seem super perfect and i want to live there so bad!!
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 11 first part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Goodness)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Okay! This episode is a real slice of healthy family dynamics, not triggering in any way. [Uh if this is your first Restless Rewatch: that is sarcasm, dear readers]
Goodbye to You, Goodbye to Everything We Knew
Nie Huaisang asks why Meng Yao has to leave and Meng Yao says "I killed a guy without permission, so your brother fired me." 
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Ha ha ha ha no he doesn't. But he does give Nie Huaisang a sweet, sad smile; he seems touched by NHS's distress. 
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Meng Yao carefully removes Nie Huaisang's hands from his shoulders and bows to him, wordlessly signaling the change in their relationship from intimate friends to formal strangers, while Nie Huaisang looks crushed. 
They will return to intimate friendship in the future, but falsely. Meng Yao believes that truly loving a person can include destroying their family and using them as an instrument in your murder plots as long as you don't directly harm them.  Nie Huaisang eventually learns to use people just as brutally, but he doesn't lie to himself about what he's doing. This farewell may be the last harmless moment between these friends. 
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Jiang Cheng is distressed by what's going on, while Wei Wuxian crosses his arms and watches, fully in Sherlock Holmes mode, instead of his more usual concerned-for-my-friend mode. This may signal mistrust of Meng Yao, who refused his initial attempt at friendship, and not in a sexy, slice-your-face-off way.  Or it may mean that he's reserving judgement on a complicated family situation. He maintains his uncharacteristic reserve through the entire encounter. 
(more behind the cut!)
Nie Huaisang runs in and asks his brother WTF happened. Nie Mingjue says "he killed my subordinate without permission, when he knows perfectly well power must flow from the ruler; it's like he didn't even read that Foucault book I gave him."
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Ha ha ha actually he just yells at his brother, as if NHS doesn’t have his own relationship with Meng Yao after being wonder twink powers with him for probably a couple of years now. NHS has to sit and process his loss and confusion in silence.
As a younger sibling who would make friends with my older siblings' girlfriends and then lose those friends if they broke up, for reasons having nothing to do with why I liked their girlfriends, I super feel Nie Huaisang's pain here.
OTOH, older siblings are entitled to have break ups and not explain themselves to anyone besides their lover because that's the nature of intimacy. The moral is, uhh...don't have a family curse that makes you unreasonably angry. 
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Jiang Cheng steps up to advocate for Meng Yao, because Meng Yao is injured, and because Jiang Cheng is actually a born leader who knows better than to throw away a useful subordinate. For example, even when Wei Wuxian is at his drunkest and most defiant, Jiang Cheng tries to reform him, not kick him out, only drawing the line at having unpopular zombie friends.
Wei Wuxian continues to keep his mouth shut, waiting for Nie Mingjue to calm down, and speaking only about the tactical situation. He clearly knows there's more to this story but he's pretty good at keeping his head down in a family ruckus, and we're about to learn why.
Yunmeng Town
The Yunmeng bros go home to Lotus Pier, where they are greeted in town with bows, smiles, and free stuff.
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We've mostly been seeing them in their roles within the cultivation community, where Jiang Cheng is grumpy and anxious, and Wei Wuxian is sassy and iconoclastic. Here among common people, they are both charming, friendly, and polite, like the imaginary good kind of gentry.
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They hear the news from a local lotus seller that the small clans are coming to the Jiang Clan for shelter, but that otherwise everything's ok, which doesn't sound like everything is ok at all. He gives Wei Wuxian a giant bag of lotuses for his sister to make soup from.
Home to Lotus Pier
All the disciples practicing in the courtyard at Lotus Pier are excited to see them, and one girl goes running to tell Jiang Yanli. Thanks to the admittedly beautiful design of Lotus Pier, she is running for a long time.
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A long, long time. Getting around on all these insane walkways must be a real drag if you're not the flying sort of cultivator.
Discipline and Punish
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian immediately go and kneel while they wait for their official punishment. Jiang Cheng is kinda worried about the punishment and Wei Wuxian is like, I'm good at being punished, just let me do it. 
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Much later, and for a really long fucking time
He also tries to get Jiang Cheng to stop being mad, even giving him skritches while he says they should be brothers after they die.
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Which they will, as it happens, although Jiang Cheng after the Wen torture is only mostly golden-core dead, while WWX dies for real.
When Jiang Fengmian shows up Jiang Cheng starts to explain that they were with Lan Wangji, but Wei Wuxian hushes him; he is still keeping the secret of the Yin Iron. Although he's keeping it in exactly the manner that a teenager keeps their weed stash secret: immediately tell literally every teen friend about it, but keep it extra secret from everybody's parents. 
Happy Families Are All Alike
Now we get to meet Yu Ziyuan, who is generally styled Madame Yu but who I'm going to call by her name just as if she was a male character. More on that concept in a minute. She rolls up looking, smelling, feeling like a million yuan, with her two murder bitches in tow.
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Her marriage is an unhappy one, and her husband does his best to avoid her and avoid conflict, lying to the kids that she's tired and then sending her away later with the same line about being tired, which is a particularly gendered kind of gaslighting. She is obviously not tired, other than being tired of Jiang Fengmian's shit.
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I'm not going to say she's the worst mother ever, because parenthood in a feudal society entails a wide range of skills, many of which she has in abundance. She starts off with a relatively tender greeting to Jiang Cheng, tuning up his always-amazing sartorial style, which is exactly like her own. They are all ready for the mommy & me fashion show.
That said, she dishes out hellacious verbal abuse to everyone in her family. She targets each one in turn, making Wei Wuxian the focus of most of her ire, but without ever directly speaking to him. He is not, in her view, part of her family. 
The Stages of Family Dinner
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1. Try to fix it and defuse the situation
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2. Yeah no
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3. Just keep your head down and be glad it’s not your turn in the hot seat
This family meal hammers home how much Wei Wuxian is not, actually, part of the family. Jiang Fengmian adopted him into the clan, and told A-Cheng and A-Yi to treat him as a sibling, but he didn't give him the Jiang name, and he didn't get his wife's approval. He also doesn’t expect him to dress like any other clan member, apparently. 
Compare this to how Lan Wangji, actual good parent, fully integrates his own adopted son into his clan and family, starting with giving him the Lan surname.  
The hits just keep coming as she goes after Jiang Cheng for being less gifted than Wei Wuxian, Yanli for performing labor for Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Fengmian for possibly begetting Wei Wuxian.
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On first watching this scene I took her question "Is this how you raise someone else's son?" to mean that she thought Jiang Fengmian was being too nice to a kid who was actually an outsider, taking resources away from the real kids. But on rewatching, it's pretty clear that she's saying his favoring Wei Wuxian is evidence that Wei Wuxian is NOT someone else's son; that he's Jiang Fengmian's bastard. 
Jiang Fengmian doesn't say a thing to this, or to her mentioning WWX’s mother. This shit is why WWX is running around in the world desperate for any crumb of info he can get about his Mom; he hears about her all the goddamn time at home, but only as insults to her character.  
A Bitch is Not Wrong
Here's the thing, though; a lot of what Yu Ziyuan says is correct. 
Jiang Fengmian should be a lot more concerned about the danger to the children, and should not leave it up to the kids to decide who's going to bear that danger.
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Yanli does a lot of food=love, which is ok in the right doses, but causes her to pretty extremely lose face during the whole "soup for Jin Zixuan" debacle. And her doting on Wei Wuxian is...kinda excessive. I mean, yeah, she’s more like a mom than a sister to him, but still. Running out onto an active battlefield to look for him, frex, will be a skosh too much. 
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I have a dictionary too, mom
Jiang Cheng, as the future clan leader, shouldn't let his attachments affect his decision making, and should let Wei Wuxian, who's the superior cultivator, fend for himself more often. We love Jiang Cheng for those moments where he puts himself in harm's way to protect his loved ones, but it's not a good strategy. He constantly yells at Wei Wuxian for the exact same thing he does all the time himself; he just limits who he does it for.
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After she roasts the shit out of everyone for these failings, she leaves, and everyone sits around being miserable and not talking about what just happened. 
Not to be gender studies-y on main but: the awful things she says to her children are really not very different from the things that Jiang Cheng says to Jin Ling, although her targeting is more adept. JC also says a lot of mean things to WWX when he’s angry. When a man says cruel or insulting things, it's often presented as real love hidden under a rough exterior. When a woman does it, she's a monster.
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If you enjoy this sort of interaction you should definitely have a look at Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and the plays of Eugene O'Neill.
Road Runner
Oh thank god, moving on
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Lan Wangji is headed back to Cloud Recesses, and gets ambushed by the roadside with the most ridiculous trap this side of Wile E. Coyote.
Wen Chao thinks the "rug over a hole" trap is a good idea for someone who can literally fly.
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Lan Wangji doesn't faff about with sword riding, he just fucking goes up in the air and stays there until he is good goddamn ready to come down. A hole in the sidewalk is really not going to be a problem for him. 
Wen Zhuliu does get in one kick before Lan Wanji yeets backwards away from him, in a moment that's scarier on rewatching, now that I know what Wen Zhuliu is capable of.
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Wen Chao talks some smack to Lan Wangji, hilariously complaining about "your patronizing tone" to a man who has literally never spoken a word to him, IIRC, and certainly isn't speaking now. Maybe it's a mistranslation and should be "attitude," or maybe Wen Chao is just that dumb.
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Apparently Wei Wuxian made a stack of talismans for Lan Wangji to take on the road with him. This talisman is a twin to the one Lan Wangji brings out way, way later in Yunping, when Wei Wuxian says "you even have kept it until now." Missing scene alert! What else did he make for him?
In Yunping this talisman is used to distract some random harmless street bullies. Here it is used against a seven-man murder squad.
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This works.
Assault on Cloud Recesses
Forgettable disciple #1, Su She, comes rushing in to tell Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen that Cloud Recesses is under attack.
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I'm pretty sure these dudes already know it, because they are meditating extra hard with a buttload of incense, and Lan Qiren is about to cough up some blood. So I think they're trying to hold the ward, rather than just, like, chilling while their disciples get stabbed.
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Cloud Recesses is super on fire, you guys; it's going to totally burn to the ground; look at that conflagration, oh the humanity, etc.
Lan Qiren Rises to the Occasion
Ok, I like to rag on Failmaster Qiren and he is definitely an authoritarian dick a whole lot of the time, but in this scene he is fucking amazing.
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He starts off worrying about Lan Wangji, not just out of affection but out of strategic planning, probably in equal parts. All three of these Lans take their clan responsibilities extremely seriously.
Then he calmly assesses the situation while imperturbable Lan Xichen freaks the fuck out. 
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Lan Xichen is right to be alarmed, because he knows his uncle, he knows one of them is likely to die, and he knows that Lan Qiren will choose to take the hit.
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I love, love, love Lan Qiren's physicality here; how centered and assured he is, as he holds his nephew steady and explains what is required of both of them.
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Lan Xichen knows Lan Qiren is right. He is utterly fucking devastated, and all he can do to show his love...
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...is to obey. 
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This whole scene just. kills me.
Su She and forgettable disciple #2 are in the room for this whole conversation, and they join Lan Xichen in this deep bow. Note: I will be reminding everyone of this fact in Part 2.
Whew. This episode is a LOT. Part 2 Coming Soon!
Writing Prompt: What other goodies did Wei Wuxian put in Lan Wangji's care package before Lan Wangji hit the road without saying goodbye?
Soundtrack: 1. Michelle Branch, Goodbye to You 2. Ludacris, Stand Up
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the196thbattalion · 4 years
star wars human! high school! au
i’ve seen so many headcanons circling throughout the star wars tumblr about high school au’s, so i wanted to share my bit with all of you :D
anakin skywalker
he doesn’t like riding the school bus because it makes him feel extremely claustrophobic, so he scrapped and scavenged up parts to make his own customized motorcycle, which he lovingly dubbed artoo.
the blue and silver detailing was the joint effort of ahsoka and obi-wan, because anakin doesn’t know how to paint.
if he can catch up to the bus, he’ll ride alongside it and flip off the students on it before revving on ahead of them. (the freshmen think it’s the funniest thing in the universe)
probably one of the most well-known juniors in the entirety of temple high school (mostly because of his shenanigans but partly because he’s dating padme fuckiNG AMIDALA, PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE DAMN SCHOOL)
he always wears this worn-down leather jacket his mom gave to him before she passed away, and refuses to take it off, even though it’s somehow “a violation of the dress code and should be outlawed.”
his hair alone has seduced eight different students (boys and girls)
sometimes during study hall, ahsoka or padme will get a hold of his hair and style it into little braids or make a super rad ponytail.
he really likes iced coffee with milk and sugar. he puts in the milk to make it nice and light (it’s aesthetically pleasing, obi-wan!), and then like eight tablespoons of sugar to make it actually taste good.
his favorite class is mechanics, taught by kit fisto.
anakin spent months on a mechanical arm project to replace his clunky plastic prosthetic, and he was so freaking happy when it was finished; he almost cried. (he did cry and ahsoka got it on video)
obi-wan kenobi
a mixture of the soft™, pretty™, hippie™, grunge™, vsco™ and nerd™ tropes.
he really likes peppermint tea with lots of honey but takes his coffee black.
he has had too much tea.
someone needs to stop him.
almost all of his classes are ap courses, and if cody hadn’t been watching when obi-wan was making his schedule, all of them would be.
him, cody and padme have ap english with mace windu, and cody knows how much his classes stress him out, so he lets obi-wan sleep during class and sends him the notes
the only ap class obi-wan doesn’t take is mechanics, and he shares that class with anakin.
anakin and obi-wan are super close with each other. kenobi was there when ahsoka was adopted, and anakin was there when kenobi got his cat. (they were like 5 okay)
“NAME IT C3PO OBI-WAN, OR I SWEAR TO FUCK-” “what kind of name is that, and why would i - anAKIN PUT HIM DOWN!?”.
mr. fisto constantly has to split them up for disrupting the class, but it’s almost like they can communicate telepathically, and the teachers have a running bet
mace windu literally bet $50 on these fucking nerds so you know it’s for realsies
in reality, they’ve just gotten super creative with passing notes.
kind of off topic, but he has these brown harry potter glasses that he uses (kinda for reading???? but mostly so he can do that anime pushing up glasses thing)
cody thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
whenever cody is feeling stressed, obi-wan just does the thing™ and BOOM! happiness.
people think he’s a goodie two shoes, and honestly, it’s really easy to think that. if the iconics are trying to do something stupid, he’s usually the voice of reason.
but parties?
you know what, just ask anakin for the video footage.
ahsoka tano
this hs!au ahsoka tano turned me bisexual confirmed ✔
okay before i go into her style, which is mainly what made me drool over my computer, can i just put skatergirl!ahsoka out there?
spray painting of the rebellion symbol all over the bottom of her board and on items in a couple of the places where she skates the most (like the back of an abandoned car yard)
her instagram is filled with these super cool vhs-tape recorded skate videos (u know)
lots crackhead 3am visits (starring anakin, rex, kenobi and barris) to a gas station to get slushies and grind the shit out of the curb connecting the store to the parking lot
trying to teach anakin how to skateboard but he just can’t figure it out? uh yes
okay okay okay i’m done
for now
anyway, her style???? is so???? fucking????? cool!!!!!
her genetics gave her a 80% of having vitiligo, so it really wasn’t a surprise when patches of her skin got lighter, but it still freaked her out a little bit.
basically, went like this: “DAD, I’M TURNING WHITE!” “???? oh my gosh ‘soka, no.”
she has long braided dreadlocks she dyed a super bright orange with various colored beads woven into them with the help of anakin and padme. she usually styles them into little space buns atop her head.
her entire clothing wardrobe consists of fishnets, neon bomber jackets, at least 11 bisexual beanies™, handmade patchy jeans, white tank tops, and light-up platform shoes.
she doesn’t give two flying fucks about the dress code, and – IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOST BUSY HALLWAY - punched principal sidious over whether or not she “could wear shorts that short” (anakin may or may not have cheered when she broke his nose).
the fetts (chuck have mercy)
*cracks le knuckles* i’ve put it off long enough
we have: fox (24), wolffe (19), cody (17), rex (17), echo (16), fives (16), boil (15), waxer (14), hardcase (13), jesse (12), longshot (8), kix (6), tup (3), gree (2) and boba (9mo)
wolffe is off at college - fox already graduated and moved out, that cheeky little fucking shit - but both still keep in good contact with the fam, and it’s a constant clamor between eleven of the siblings of who gets to talk to them first
fox majored in government/politics, bly is majoring in space/astronomy, and wolffe is majoring in police/law enforcement shit (i don’t know how college works, so sue me)
cody and rex are juniors, and despite their similar looks, the amount of schoolwork each of them completes drastically varies
cody is the honor roll student, valedictorian, whatever you want to call it
rex kinda just either does the work really well or 9/10 times gets distracted by anakin or ahsoka sending him some nice spicy memes
cody tried to tutor rex but it ended up almost landing tup in the hospital
“that’s really simple, actually. if you – vod? rex, are you okay? what are you oH NO TUP DON’T PUT THAT IN YOUR MOUTH-”
fetts on the varsity football team is like a right of passage in the family
right now, only the juniors of the fett family are on the team, but the coach has eyes on fives and echo for next years team
echo, fives and boil are the infamous sophomore trio that pulled the milk bucket prank on the gym teacher, pong krell.
they had to help the janitor (99) clean up afterwards, but they genuinely enjoyed 99’s company, because he’s rad as shit and knows all the secret school passageways.
to be honest, not one person (except maybe sidious) was complaining
that motherfucker makes everyone run like eight laps during gym class
even mr. windu gives them a small smile in the hallways after that
boil says he was blackmailed into it
waxer is a freshman (the poor dude, i’m so sorry), and he always looks out for the nervous freshies
if someone is having a bad day, he’ll give them a lollipop (he carries around a whole bag), a place to sit during lunch, and a shoulder to cry on
all you need to do to find waxer is to locate this long ass line of children
the school counselor, plo koon, sometimes brings his niece numa into school during the day because he can’t find a babysitter, and waxer. fucking. loves. her. PERIOD.
w+n pull these tiny little pranks on teachers, and the staff pretends not to notice, but numa always giggles and gives them away.
boil has a soft spot for numa too, and sneaks her rice krispies.
bonus shit i want to add in but can’t figure out where to put it (or i’m just gonna add it on and shit)
plo koon adopted anakin after his mother died (him and anakin’s mother were good friends), and found ahsoka on the side of the street, shivering like a maniac.
he doesn’t know where ahsoka came from, but he loves her so gOD DAMN MUCH.
he’s the school counselor, and still keeps in touch with a lot of students even after the graduated (he thinks that majoring in law enforcement/police is a bit dangerous for wolffe but he still supports his unofficial but basically son 100%)
yoda is the super old but radically rad english teacher.
his entire point of existence in my mind fic is to troll the shit out of palpatine.
a recent conversation starring yoda and palps: “did you give the students the mountain of extra work i assigned them?” “for the students, that was?” i’m sorry. my bad, that is.” “this is the seventh time, yoda.”
okay but for real
mace windu violently roots for the school football team.
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bthump · 3 years
What do you think about the point in the story we are at now? Would you say you like the direction Miura is going in or not? What are the things you dislike about Berserk as it is now?
lol this is hard to answer because it’s so heavily dependent on what happens next. I think we’re at a point where everything could start coming together in a way that really appeals to me or where everything could just fall apart and I’ll have to accept that this is no longer a story I’m particularly interested in.
Though I am slightly leaning towards the former right now, whether that’s based on real evidence or mostly blind optimism I’m not entirely sure lol.
Basically I think it’ll depend on a) whether Moonlight Boy becomes a major motivational plot point or turns out to be more of a red herring or brief inciting factor in the shift to a new arc, and b) whether Guts and the rpg group overcome the imminent challenge they’ll face thanks to their personal growth and friendship or whether it’ll fuck them up.
But the reasons I’m feeling tentatively optimistic right now are:
all the foreshadowing re Guts losing himself to the armour and wreaking some havok, which has to happen at some point lbr
fetus as the focal point of Casca’s traumatic memories and symbolizing her thorn-covered heart, which to me screams sacrifice material, which would be the only thing that could make it time sharing Griffith’s body interesting to me (ie what happens to Griffith if it’s sacrificed?)
I’m gonna link this post because I’m still mostly feeling the basics of this theory, ie Skull Knight and Elfhelm in cahoots plotting to use the behelit to entrap the godhand, at Guts and Casca’s expense. Plus another possible way for Moonlight Boy to come to nothing is if it’s a manipulation of Danann’s.
I think Guts is purposefully being written as emotionally distanced from the rpg group, which is a good sign for the power of friendship not saving him yet, and there are also aspects of Guts+rpg group that parallel Griffith+Hawks in the golden age (eg Farnese’s feelings for Guts being paralleled to Casca’s feelings for Griffith, Guts gaining followers who compare him to fire, etc) which also gives me hope that tragedy will strike.
Miura’s little bait and switch wrt Guts and Casca’s relationship that honestly felt like gentle mockery of people who wanted them to immediately get together lol. Yk Casca getting sent out in a pretty dress to meet Guts complete with romantic double page spread and having a breakdown, then changing into pants and cutting her hair and saying how much better it is, and not being able to look at Guts now.
Also more recently, Guts at a loss now that he’s brought Casca’s sanity back and it didn’t actually solve any of his issues. “The hell do I do now?” “You have reached the end of your journey. It is not always a happy thing.” I’ve been worried for a while that Guts’ complex issues have been dropped and we’re meant to see him taking Casca to Elfhelm as him genuinely growing past them, and that one moment was such a huge relief when I read it lol. It really suggests to me that this sidequest was always about Guts trying to find a distraction to avoid dealing with his actual issues (fear/trauma, insecurity, love/hate feelings for Griffith, regret, etc), and those are going to make a return sooner rather than later.
Miura implying in interviews that we’re not all that close to the end, so there’ll probably be at least one more arc after Elfhelm, which gives me more hope that this whole rpg arc will lead to some amount of narrative-shaking tragedy and we’ll get some interesting stuff after.
this parallel with the climax of the Millenium Falcon arc and my firm belief that it has to come full circle.
other stuff like complex apostle characters, the lost chapter worldbuilding, schierke suggesting that her elemental guardians are holy see angels alongside implications that holy see angels are the godhand. Basically my hopes for worldbuilding that doesn’t boil down to good spirit world vs evil spirit world.
all the little suggestions that NGriff isn’t as emotionless as he’d like to be that have nothing to do with a demon fetus giving a shit about its parents
So I guess my answer is that I do like the direction I hope Miura’s going in, but there’s also enough counter evidence that I may be wrong about that direction.
So some of the things I dislike about Berserk now are:
Moonlight Boy and the Fear that he will derail everything and the plot will soon revolve around, idk, Guts and Casca trying to free their kid’s soul bringing them closer together or some awful shit like that.
Moonlight Boy and the Fear that Miura is actually going to ignore the absolutely incredible foundation he wrote in the Golden Age to support the hints of Griffith’s current capacity for emotion in favour of pinning it all on a magic baby.
I have some lowkey fears that Guts “bleeding” for Casca is gonna be a thing, largely based on me recently re-reading the scene where Farnese gets upset about everything Guts has done for her while bathing her. Like yk, maybe Casca will remember Guts saving her and warm up to him... tho in all honesty I can’t actually think of an example of Guts being the one to save her post-Eclipse lmao, he fucks it up every time. Maybe when he first put on the armour and killed an apostle in front of her or w/e, yk. Some shit like that. Like I can come up with 50 counter arguments but those only work if you accept the basic premise that Berserk will be good, yk?
The fear that we are meant to understand that Guts has overcome most of his flaws throughout the Millenium Falcon/Fantasia arcs and will get a big moment to demonstrate that and overcome the armour or save Casca or whatever.
And less speculatively and more generally, like many people I’m not a fan of the current art style, I think the larger cast on Guts’ side is causing some poor writing and not helping the pacing issues (and tbh I think Berserk is paced fairly well up until the boat stuff), I don’t like the lighter more comedic tone right now bc I got into Berserk for the grimdark vibe and tragedy and characters succumbing to their fatal flaws and making huge mistakes and I miss that a lot. I’m not saying Berserk can’t be light and funny and campy but I prefer that Black Swordsman or Conviction Arc style where it’s offset by a lot of fucked up shit, or Golden Age style where there’s an underlying sense of dread bc we already know shit’s going to go wrong, yk? If shit does get dark soon I might end up being a lot less critical of the current tone on re-read tbf.
So basically to sum up:
hopes: tragedy, character flaws that haven’t been dealt with yet coming home to roost, Moonlight Boy becomes a non-issue.
fears: power of friendship staves off tragedy, slower gtsca romance, moonbaby affects plot and emotions, guts’ flaws get brushed under the rug instead of fucking him over
I can argue that the former makes a lot more sense than the latter, but I’ve been burned a lot in my life and I know a lot of fans would argue the latter makes more sense than the former so yk, everyone has their biases including me and idk how blinded I am by those biases lol.
Anyway ty for asking!
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Breathe ~ the Doctor (part 8)
A/n: So I tried to go lighter with this one and failed a bit not gonna lie? Just... bare with me I forgot that Mr. Connolly was like THAT and I absolutely had to address it. This one goes on a bit because of that, sorry.
Word Count: 12,000+
Warnings: Implied physical/mental abuse, past homophobia, backlash of PTSD (light), possibly upsetting memories, discussion of abuse
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"How does this look?" Y/n had changed out of what originally been planned for him this time. He didn't like layers like the Doctor did unless it was quite cold, and it wasn't, so he'd lessened the whole thing by ditching the blazer, looking overly casual like he usually did. The suit pants were blue, close to but just a bit nicer than the jeans he'd mostly been wearing up until now. He'd absolutely refused to do his hair like the Doctor had, so it was loose and messy instead - different than the way he did it every other day, but all he could manage after the gel had hardened the strands. Rose had tried to get Y/n to comply and it had failed for both of them. He felt too casual to be wearing dress pants, and his hair looked weird to him in the mirror. He was thinking about taking a quick shower and going for an entirely different look.
When he looked at Rose and the Doctor for input though, the two looked back at him with eyes widened, lips parted. Upon realizing they were staring, the Doctor looked away. Rose just smirked. Y/n went quite red. "You look fantastic," Rose complimented. "I didn't realize you could pull off messy so well."
"You pull off everything well," the Doctor followed up softly. It was unsure if he'd meant to keep it in his head and slipped, or had wanted to say it louder but didn't have the confidence. Y/n thanked him, but the Doctor just nodded dismissively, a blush of his own coloring his skin before he nodded to the TARDIS door. "You both ready?"
As always, Rose was first. She pulled the door open, popping outside to may her skirts swish. It was becoming quickly apparent she was in love with how her dress moved. "I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era. You know, the white flares and the-" she did a sort of growl, and Y/n raised an eyebrow but realized she'd been mocking rather than being genuine. He was going to say - if she was into that, she was out of luck with her current partners.
Like an echo of Y/n's thoughts, the Doctor leaned around the TARDIS door, his shoulder pressing against Y/n's chest. "You're kidding aren't you? If you want to see Elvis you go to the late '50's! The time before burgers!" He dipped back in and Y/n leaned against the doorway, keeping both of the other two in view. "When they called him "the Pelvis" and he still had a waist!" The Doctor continued from inside. "What's more, you see him in style!" Y/n saw it first from his vantage point in the doorway, and thankfully so because as the Doctor rolled out of the TARDIS in a fully functioning moped, Y/n would have been run over if he hadn't gotten out of the way quickly. He circled before stopping, looking at Rose with an amused smirk. "You going my way Doll?" He said in a low voice. It was a bad attempt at Elvis and made Y/n laugh.
Rose pulled out a pair of glasses that matched her dress. "Is there anyway to go, daddy o?" She shot back, her voice higher and more nasally. She approached the Doctor with an added, "Straight from the fridge, man!"
The Doctor grinned. "Hey, you speak the lingo!" He held out a helmet for her. Y/n was amused to see that it was pink, like her glasses, so it also matched her skirt. Y/n dipped inside as they continued their back and forth, looking around before he saw what he was looking for. A bike! It wouldn't be as fast as the moped mechanically but he was down to coast. Also he had a secret: he was a devil when it came to bicycling. Rose had refused to stop biking with him for a few years now; she could never keep up well enough and tired easily if she tried.
When Y/n rolled out on the bike, the Doctor rose an eyebrow. Y/n closed the TARDIS door behind him, grinning. "Don't give me that look," he dismissed. "Just lead the way. If you can keep up." Rose and Y/n laughed as he took off on the bike, surprising the Doctor with how fast he actually went. After a bit of joking, the Doctor did slow down a bit to keep pace with Y/n, the three chatting - or, the usual, which was that Rose and the Doctor chatted mostly and Y/n inputted every so often - on the way.
"Where we off to?" Rose asked at one point.
"Ed Sullivan TV studios," the Doctor yelled back in response, having to be loud over the sound of the motor. "Elvis did Hound Dog on one of the shows. There were loads of complaints. Bit of luck, we'll just catch it."
"And that would be the TV studios in, what, New York?" Rose inquired further.
Y/n immediately saw where she was going with that. The Doctor did not. "That's the one!"
The trio paused at a four-way stop as a bus passed. Rose laughed. Y/n smiled, soft and fond. "I don't think we're in New York, Doctor." And indeed it was anything but. All around them was small town views. The sky was clear and the buildings were all very similar: one story, brick, two windows, one door, colored red. There wasn't even much traffic.
"Well," the Doctor mumbled. "This could still be New York. I mean, this looks very New York to me."
Y/n rolled his eyes. "And you've memorized New York have you?" The Doctor shrugged, but before he could speak Y/n got to it first. "You forget how well I know you, Doctor. I know you have general ideas of how certain places on each planet work and that's why you usually end up in the general same place every time you come to Earth. You probably would think we were on a different planet if you went to... Australia, or France. Have you ever really been to America before?"
The Doctor glowered, but without any offense or anger. Just the cutest irritation a being called out. After all, you couldn't get mad at someone just because they were right. "I've got a lot going on in this head of mine."
A smirk rose to Y/n's face. "Is that why we always get lost?"
Rose cut in. "What are all the flags for?" And indeed, she had a point.
The first thing he noticed other than the very not-New York state of the very London town, were the flags hung above the streets. Y/n could appreciate pride for one's country, but there were flags EVERYWHERE he looked. It seemed a little odd that a town so small you could see it even in the way people talked to each other, would hang a bunch of flags around every inch of every place. What, was the Queen coming to visit?
They parked the bike and moped, going around to get a closer look and understand exactly what was going on. In their wanderings, they came across a man at the back of a truck, and boys next to him who seemed to be picking up and moving a TV. The older man said something. "There you go sir." Y/n noticed another man who was older than the boys but younger than the older gent. Maybe the father. "All wired up for the great occasion."
The Doctor approached. "Great occasion? What do you mean?"
"Where you've been living eh?" the older man asked as the boys and their father left with the TV. "Out in the colonies? The coronation of course."
Unfortunately, that didn't clear up much for the group. "And what coronation's that then?" the Doctor asked in favor of all of their cluelessness.
The older man stopped, looking at them like they were insane. Nervous, even. Skiddish. Y/n watched him, that familiar feeling twisting in his chest. Something was about to happen, and it wasn't good. "What do you mean?" the older man asked. "The Coronation."
"It's the Queen's," Rose realized. "Queen Elizabeth." Y/n felt silly then. Of course! He was getting as bad at the space man over there, so much other knowledge in his head making him forget how his own planet worked.
"Oh!" the Doctor exclaimed. "Is this 1953?"
"Last time I looked," the older man affirmed. "Time for a lovely bit of pomp and circumstance. What we do best."
Rose was looking around, her voice next distracting from the older man with his van. "Look at all the TV aerials. Looks like everyone's got one. Which is so weird, because my mum said tellies were so rare, they all had to pile into one house."
"Not round here, Love," the older man cheerily corrected. "Magpie's Marvelous Tellies." He pointed to the side of his truck, feigning proud. Pride that should have been real but so obviously wasn't. Pride that was, for some reason, very obviously strained when Y/n looked at him. Magpie - Y/n assumed that was the man's name, as the branding suggested - caught Y/n giving him an analyzing look and turned away. Hiding. "Only five quid a pop."
Before Y/n could push, the Doctor chirped, "Oh but this is a brilliant year! Classic! Technicolor! Everest climbed! Everything off the ration! A nation throwing off the shackles of war and looking forward to a happier, brighter future!" Rose laughed, and Y/n almost dismissed his weird feeling and grinned along.
Then there was screaming.
"Someone help me! Please!" The trio spun to the sound of the woman's voice. "Ted! Leave him alone, he's my husband!" The Doctor shot off, triggering Rose to follow close behind. Y/n stayed back, something eating at him. "PLEASE!" the woman begged as the other two got onto the scene where two men in black suits were pushing what seemed to be a man. It couldn't be sure because he had a blanket over his head, and he was rushed into a long black car, but the woman had called him Ted so...
"What's going on?" the Doctor demanded.
"Oi! What are you doing?" A young boy continued when the Doctor was ignored.
"Police business," was what they all got. "Get out of the way, sir." That was directed at the Doctor, who was scrambling to find some way to either intervene or understand. Y/n looked away though, his eyes drawn by some reason to Mr. Magpie, just in time to see the man's face wrought with regret and self hatred. He seemed intensely distressed, and nearly tripped over himself to leave the scene when he met Y/n's gaze. As Magpie peeled from the scene in one direction, Rose and the Doctor chasing the black car on the moped in the opposite direction, Y/n had two thoughts.
One, this happened a lot.
Two, this town was either very tight knit, which didn't seem to be the case as no one but the boy from before had tried to come to Tom's rescue. Even the boy had been pulled inside by his parents, who seemed eager to ignore the situation entirely. So if that wasn't the case, how upset he'd been only made sense if... he was somehow involved in what was going wrong with these people. Or knew something about it.
There was a scream coming from the house where the boy from earlier had disappeared into that caught Y/n's attention first. His instincts perked up, his defenses quickly activating. It had been muffled, like maybe a window was cracked and that alone was why he could hear the conversation inside, but it was enough to set him on edge. Before he could orient himself enough to go after Magpie, Rose and the Doctor pulled up and caught him up on losing the back car to a dead end, as well as their plan to ask around to the neighbors about what was happening.
When the Doctor noticed Y/n's gaze returning time and time again to the house the yelling had come from, he put a hand on Y/n's shoulder. "You okay?"
"There was yelling," Y/n explained softly. He switched gears upon hearing the frail note in his voice. "It was where the boy from earlier disappeared. I think we should look into them."
Unsure if the other two had caught onto the real reason Y/n was suddenly a little out of it, he followed along as the other two lead the way toward the house and inside. Something about how they were there in the name of the Queen, which seemed to work well enough. They were inside at least.
"Very nice," the Doctor complimented as the three filtered into the house. "Very well kept. I have to congratulate you, Mrs...?" Y/n was astonished at the Doctor's ability to slip in so easily and effortlessly, like he really was here for what he said he was here for.
The woman smiled warmly, flattered by the Doctor's praise. "Mrs. Connolly," she answered in response to his prompting question.
"Now then Rita," the man who'd answered the door dismissed. Y/n recognized his voice - he had been the one to yell. "I can handle this. These gentlemen are proper representatives." Y/n was instantly put off by the way he dismissed both of the women in the room - Rose and his wife. How he referred to the gentlemen, which would be Y/n and the Doctor, and not the woman who was with them. How he shut up his wife who was only responding to being directly spoken to. Y/n hated him immediately. "Don't mind the wife. She rattles on a bit." This he said to the Doctor, ignoring Y/n as he leaned into the back of the room and stayed quiet. That was even more annoying as it seemed he'd been trying to weed out the alpha male in the group since they walked in and address that person only. Rose was a woman and Y/n was quiet, so he addressed only the Doctor, as if he was the only stranger in the house right now.
"Well maybe she should rattle on a bit more," the Doctor responded quite easily. "I'm not convinced you're doing your patriotic duty. Those flags." His eyes fell to a box of flags on the ground. "Why are they not flying?"
Mr. Connolly, who'd looked horrified at the Doctor suggesting he wasn't being patriotic, now rushed to prove how good of a citizen he was and Y/n had to swallow a laugh to hide it. "There we are, Rita, I told you." Mrs. Connolly seemed to be suddenly upset, and Y/n felt a burning urge to step in between the two of them. He held his place only because the Doctor shot him a warning look. "Get them up. Queen and country."
"I'm sorry," Rita apologized to the Doctor.
Before she could continue, Mr. Connolly ordered, "Get it done. Do it now."
Y/n's hands tightened into fists but the Doctor was already stepping forward. "Hold on a minute." Mr. Connolly kept talking and the Doctor spoke again over him, repeating, "Hold on a minute. You've got hands, Mr. Connolly. Two big hands! Then why is that your wife's job?"
Mr. Connolly seemed derailed again, and Y/n and Rose exchanged thrilled expressions. "Well it's housework, isn't it?" It seemed like it was supposed to be expected. A simple question with an obvious answer. And, I suppose in a world where men were aggressive and angry and hard and women did what they were told and everyone else was ripped apart, it was a simple answer.
"And that's women's work?" The Doctor continued casually.
"Of course it is!" Mr. Connolly spat, astounded.
That seemed to be exactly what the Doctor wanted him to say. "Mr. Connolly, what gender is the Queen?"
Immediately Mr. Connolly was uncomfortable. "She's female."
"And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework?" A thick silence fell like cement into the room, and Y/n accidentally made eye contact with the boy from earlier. They shared two repressed smiles, and Y/n winked at him.
Finally, the Doctor's question was given an answer. "No!" Mr. Connolly gasped, incredulous. "Not at all!"
The Doctor reached down and scooped up one of the flag lines, handing it to Mr. Connolly. "Then get busy."
"Right, yes sir," the stupid man mumbled as he took the line, moving to the wall to hang it up. "You'll be proud of us sir. We'll have union jacks left, right and center."
Rose, who'd taken a seat at some point, now stood up again. "Excuse me Mr. Connoly. Hang on a minute. Union Jacks?"
Mr. Connolly froze, looking back at her with a stunned expression, taken far aback by her hot headedness and strong voice coming from a woman. "Yes, that's right, isn't it?"
"That's the Union flag," she continued. Her voice got angry and Y/n's eyes widened, his attraction to her sky rocketing. "It's the Union Jack only when it's flown at sea."
"Oh," Mr. Connolly nearly whimpered. "I'm sorry. I do apologize."
Y/n smirked, turning away from Mr. Connolly so he wouldn't see. Rose wasn't about to go easy on the man though, and Y/n appreciated that. "Well, don't get it wrong again. There's a good man. Now get to it!" She snapped the last bit, spinning around again when she'd finished with a satisfied smile on her face and moving back to the couch to sit down. Y/n stepped forward so he was leaning on the back of the couch, behind the pair.
"Right then," the Doctor continued with eyes wide and impressed. "Nice and comfy. At her majesty's leisure." When they were settled the Doctor turned to Rose with a very quiet whispered, "Union Flag?"
Rose was eager to explain. "Mum went out with a sailor."
The Doctor chuckled gleefully and Y/n shook his head, amused. "I bet she did." In a normal voice he turned to Mrs. Connolly. "Anyway, I'm the Doctor, then there's Rose and Y/n." He introduced them all to Mrs. Connolly, Rose and Y/n giving a nod or a wave respectively when they were mentioned. "And you are?" That he said to the kid.
"Tommy," the kid responded, looking at the trio like they were something amazing.
The Doctor and Rose pushed apart to make room for someone to sit between them. "Well, sit yourself down, Tommy." The Doctor pat the spot between them for Tommy, and then the chair next to the couch to encourage Mrs. Connolly to sit down as well. Y/n moved around to lean against the wall next to the fireplace, slipping his hands in his pockets and trying to seem as least threatening as possible. "Have a look at this," the Doctor continued when everyone was settled, turning attention to the TV. "I love telly, don't you?"
"Yeah, I think it's brilliant," Tommy agreed with a smile.
"Good man," the Doctor complimented. After a beat he leaned back to add, "Keep working, Mr. C!" and then leaned forward to watch the black and white program. Or, that's what Y/n thought he was doing before the Doctor suddenly turned to Mrs. Connolly with a low, soft, quiet voice that Mr. Connolly wouldn't be able to hear. "Now, why don't you tell me what's wrong?" His voice wasn't forceful but comforting, and he looked at her with a soft concern. He was open and tender - ready to help and slow to disbelieve, dismiss, or judge.
Mrs. Connolly responded to it immediately. "Did you say you were a Doctor?"
Y/n felt his heart seize, knowing what it meant when the Doctor confirmed, "Yes I am."
"Can you help her?" Y/n noticed the desperation on the woman's face. The way her hair fell out of her hairdo, and her hands clasped together, stress and every line of her face. "Oh please. Can you hep her, Doctor?"
Like an unwanted Lego you step on while walking through your house, Mr. Connolly spoke up again. "Now Rita, I don't think the gentleman needs to know.
"Yes he does." It was the first thing Y/n had said the entire time, and when Mr. Connolly looked at him to argue, the look on Y/n's face shut him down immediately. "There's something going wrong, but the Doctor can help. He can fix whatever problem you have, because he's absolutely amazing like that." He turned to Mrs. Connolly with a softer expression. "Please, continue."
Mrs. Connolly suddenly broke, raising a hand to cover her mouth as she began to cry. Rose stood up to move to her side and comfort her. "It's all right," she eased. "It's all right, come here." She hugged Mrs. Connolly, keeping the older woman against her side. "Oh, it's okay. It's alright."
"Hold on a minute," Mr. Connolly seemed to realize, fiddling with the flags still in his hand. "Queen and country's one thing, but this is my house." His voice was rising and Y/n locked up immediately. "What the..." He looked at the flags in his hand before tossing them aside. "What the hell am I doing?" He locked eyes with the Doctor, who was almost smirking. The smug look was tainted with a threatening darkness in his eyes that seemed to be brewing. A storm about to hit hard. "Now you listen here Doctor," Mr. Connolly continued. This was a man who was never questioned or put in his place, and it made Y/n begin to come undone. "You may have fancy qualifications, but what goes on under my roof is my business."
"No it's not."
Mr. Connolly turned to face Y/n with a rage in his features, but Y/n wasn't having any of it. He'd lost something suddenly. The thing that kept him quiet when he was afraid. That made him step back and close his eyes and hide. The thing that had driven him to run every time he'd been chased by things he was afraid of when he was small. Because you know what, he wasn't small anymore and Mr. Connolly was not even semi close to the scariest thing he'd seen.
"You," Mr. Connolly seethed.
"Me," Y/n confirmed, stepping forward. He glared, his eyes burning with wild, hot fire. "Am I the type of man you like to be around? The type that's easy to push around and get what you want from? Is that why you've ignored me for so long, and turned to me so quickly, because the Doctor is scarier and bigger and you know that despite the fact you shouldn't be afraid of him, you are?" Y/n pushed off the wall, standing to his full height. "You act like because you live in this house it's your special little place where you're in control and nothing can stop you? Well let me tell you," Y/n sneered, stepping forward again, his eyes narrowing. "This might be your house, but it is not up to you to control everything in it, because your wife and your son are their own people and not objects for you to put into the places that you want them and you will learn that or your son will grow up hating you and your wife will wait for the day you die, and every day of your life will be spent playing pretend king and trying to ignore how absolutely miserable you are."
Mr. Connolly seemed to be stunned, seeing nothing but truth that terrified him when he looked into Y/n's eyes. "Who are you?"
Y/n finally calmed, becoming even more terrifying by doing so. "Your worst nightmare." All of the blood drained from Mr. Connolly's face as a shadow passed over Y/n's expression that sent a chill down Mr. Connolly's spine.
"Now-" the Doctor began, but he was interrupted by Mr. Connolly turning around weakly and demanding-
"Get out."
"Excuse me?" The Doctor hissed.
"Get out!" He sounded less angry and more terrified, but scared animals were always more volatile than angry ones.
"I'm trying to-"
Mr. Connolly snapped. "I am talking!"
The Doctor shot to his feet, getting into Mr. Connolly's face. "And I'm not listening!" Mr. Connolly finally shut up, eyes wide and hands shaking. "Now you Mr. Connolly, you've dismissed my friend over there but I'm about to tell you, you will absolutely not dismiss me. You are staring into a deep, dark pit of trouble if you don't let me help. Now I'm ordering you, sir-" he spit the word, mocking rather than respectful. "-Tell me what is going on!"
Before anyone could say anything or bounce back from the Doctor absolutely losing it on this idiotic man, there was suddenly a thumping sound over head. Like someone was banging a stick on the floor above them. The family in the room finally broke, even Mr. Connolly finally looking at the Doctor with fear in his eyes and saying, "She won't stop." The paused and the rhythmic thudding came again. Four slow thuds. "She never stops," Mr. Connolly added, shifting uncomfortably.
Tommy sat forward. "We started hearing stories all round the place," he began. The Doctor turned to face him, Rose only having to look over to move her attention to the boy. Y/n's eyes had shot to the stairs when the banging had started and had not moved away. "People who have changed. Families keeping it secret because they were scared. Then the police started finding out. We don't know how, no one does. They just turn up. They come to the door and take them. Any time of the day or night."
At some point Y/n had moved from his spot before o the bottom of the steps, and when he got there, he paused only a second before he took a step up, and then another, and then another. The Doctor told Tommy one thing: "Show me." But by the time the group moved to get the key and went up the stairs so the Doctor could see what was going on, Y/n was already standing in front of the door with a distant, glassy look on his face. "Y/n?" The Doctor's voice was soft, concerned.
Y/n didn't respond. He raised a hand and it hovered over the door. He almost touched it... there was something, almost calling to him. Drawing him in. Y/n forced himself to focus. Ripped himself away from the thing that was pulling his body around without his permission. The last time this had happened, he had felt the death of hundreds and hundreds of people all being so horrified and agonized that it killed them. He couldn't feel something like that again. So he stepped back, using his other hand to force the one reaching for the door to his chest. away from the wood. He leaned against the banister behind him, a grim expression on his face. Rose and the Doctor shared worried expressions before moving to the door to unlock it and see what was going on. It was always the first step to solving the problem.
The door opened with Tommy entering the room first. They'd all agreed it would be best if she saw someone she knew first, so he was the one who greeted her. "Gran? It's Tommy. It's alright Gran. I've brought help." The door opened wider, revealing a dark room light only by the moon outside coming in through the window. There was someone inside, but only her silhouette could be seen. She began to walk toward the group coming into the room, and Y/n felt his heart seize in his chest. He wanted to reach out and pull the Doctor and Rose back, but he couldn't move.
Tommy turned the light on.
The woman in the room was revealed, in pristine, perfect condition... except that her face was gone. She had no mouth or eyes or even a nose. There light dents where all those things should be, but weren't. She just stood there, as if looking at them. But she couldn't.
Rose and the Doctor moved to her after a second. The Doctor got very close, eyebrows creasing. "Her face is completely gone." He rose his screwdriver to scan her. "Scarcely an electrical impulse left," he told them. "Almost complete neural shutdown. It's just ticking over. It's like her brain's been..." He seemed to struggle for a second. "Wiped clean."
"What are we gonna do Doctor?" Tommy asked, desperation in his voice. That was what got Y/n to move. He stepped toward the boy, his hand reaching out to comfort Tommy. Before he got there, his shoulder brushed Mr. Connolly's and a realization hit him like a freight train. He spun to face the man as Tommy added, "We can't even feed her."
Y/n made eye contact with Mr. Connolly. The men were the only ones out of the room, and therefore no one heard him when he whispered, "This is your fault."
"What?" Mr. Connolly spit.
Just then, the door downstairs banged open, and heavy footsteps could be heard on the stairs. "We've got company," Rose nearly groaned, too upset by the faceless woman to be as sassy as she usually was.
"They've come for her!" Rita lamented, clinging to her son and looking at the Doctor with desperation.
The Doctor jumped into action. "What was she doing before this happened to her?" He demanded. When Rita and Tommy looked at him with stunned confusion, he snapped, "Tell me, quickly! Think!"
"I can't think!" Tommy snapped back. "She doesn't leave the house! She was just..." He reached out to his mother as she covered her face, his words fading as men in suits suddenly surged into the room.
Stepping between the men and the grandma, the Doctor held up his hands to stop this from happening. "Hold on! There are three important, brilliant and complicated reasons why you should listen to me. One-"
He was cut off before he could finish, by the man closest to him snagging him with a solid right hook. The Doctor went flying to the floor and Rose scrambled after him, screaming, "Doctor!" The men threw a blanket over the old woman's head and began to lead her out of the room.
Rita tried to stop them; bless the woman. "Leave her alone!" She demanded, pulling weakly on one of the men's arms. "You'll hurt her! Mum!" She was shoved off by one of the men and Tommy rushed to help her land safely and get back up again. Which left Y/n as the one standing. But he didn't do anything. He stood as Mr. Connolly guided the men out of the house, and he followed behind slowly. Rita and Tommy were after them much faster. "Don't hurt her!" Rita begged. She followed them all the way outside, Tommy right behind her. Once outside the commotion kept up, but Y/n at the top of the stairs didn't hear it. He did however jump into action upon hearing Rita begin to cry.
Whatever spell he was under shattered and he shoved past Mr. Connolly with force, running to the moped the Doctor had left behind to go into the house, kicking it into gear and revving the engine, watching the car with the old woman inside begin to pull away. He paused only to lock eyes with Mr. Connolly yet again, accusation set in his eyes with a cold tone that made the man step back into the house to hide from it. Unfortunately for him, Tommy saw the look as well.
The moment allowed the Doctor to catch up, slipping on the bike behind Y/n and pulling his feet up just in time for TY/n to surge forward, leaving them only a beat behind the car ahead. They chased the vehicle until it turned a corner... a corner that lead to what seemed to be a dead end. There was a closed gate and a cart in front of it. Even a boy swept the street in front of the cart, seeming as if the whole operation had been there for ages.
"Oh, very good," the Doctor congratulated the two men, smirking. The man sweeping smirked back. It clicked in Y/n's head immediately. "It was like this last time too," the Doctor explained anyway. "I chased it and ended up right here, on this street, in front of that gate, with those two people set up in front of it."
"Set up indeed," Y/n sighed, shaking his head.
They settled on a simple solution. They parked the moped and went around the back, walking around the enclosure to find any other entrances or weakened points on the gate. Of course, they found it. It was a door into the building. Something small, too small to be used by people as an entrance. Big enough to be used if one had to though, and no lock was scary enough to go against the sonic screwdriver. They were inside with no problem at all.
It seemed to be some sort of factory. There was the clattering of chains in the distance that they followed into a big room with a a gated enclosure in the middle. Inside the enclosure was dozens of people, all missing their faces. The clattering was coming from the men who had come to the house, who were now locking the grandma inside as well before locking the gate again. They waited for the men to leave before jogging up to the enclosure. The Doctor took out his screwdriver, busted the lock, and they were inside. It seemed a little more complex than it had from a distance though because after opening the first gate, there was a second one that lead to where everyone was actually held. Y/n wondered briefly why there were two gates as the Doctor opened the second and the pair moved into that room, pushing their way into the crowd gently to get a closer look at the faceless people.
They were dormant at first, but as the Doctor took out a torch and began to shine the light on them, their bodies began to twitch and move. Hands began to curl into claws, heads tilting threateningly. And they all turned to Y/n and the Doctor, closing in and pressing the two men against one of the gated walls. They crowded and pushed but didn't harm, and that surprised Y/n at first. Unfortunately, they did cause a commotion, which only occurred to the men when a huge light came on behind both of them, from outside the gate. They tried to see who had turned it on and saw only two silhouettes. A man's voice rung out, "Stay where you are."
They were pulled out of the enclosure and taken to two different rooms, sat in chairs, and faced with who seemed to be detectives. The man interrogating Y/n was rather calm and pleasant. "So who are you then?"
Y/n found himself sighing. "My name is Y/n."
The officer smiled, seeming pleased with Y/n's cooperative approach. "What are you doing here?"
"We're trying to figure out what's happening, so we can help and stop it," Y/n answered without hesitating. He said it with conviction, his body so relaxed but his eyes so full of honesty that there was simply no room to doubt him. He was telling the whole truth, and nothing else.
It was the best move to make, and it went over well. "What do you know?"
"Probably as much as you guys do. Bunch of people. Faces missing. What you might not know is that their brains are basically shut off. Like someone's taken their entire consciousness. A body with no person inside it, thinking and feeling and walking. It's a wisp of a ghost of humanity. No one's manning the controls." His shoulders dropped. "They're dormant."
Fairly enough, it was upsetting to the detective as well. "That's all you know?"
Y/n scoffed. "Maybe if you did less interrogating and tying me to chairs, I could be out there figuring out what's going on. My partner, where is he? We need to start working on this. Sitting around asking someone who knows barely more than you do is getting neither of us anywhere."
Sitting back, the officer gave a sort of amused smirk. "Down to business then. Alright, let the man go."
"But sir," one of the other men questioned. "Shouldn't we wait for the DI?"
The officer shook his head. "We need to find them and reunite these men who are here to help us. Come along, we've got work to do." And with that, Y/n was untied and they all headed to where the Doctor was being kept. A man who Y/n suspected was the DI was sat with the Doctor, looking non too far off from where the man who's been with Y/n had ended up - perplexed but trusting.
When they came into the room, the Doctor grinned upon seeing Y/n. "I can always count on you to get them to trust us, Y/n. Why do people listen to you so much better?"
"I'm approachable?" Y/n offered.
The Doctor nodded. "No that sounds about right."
Once the Doctor was untied as well, they all moved into the office where the DI began to catch up the other two men. "We started finding them about a month ago. Persons left 'sans visage'. Heads just... blank."
"Any sort of pattern?" The Doctor asked, eager to get down to business.
"It's spreading out from North London, all over the city. Men, women, kids, grannies. Only real lead is, there's been quite a large number in-"
The Doctor cut him off as he began to riffle through papers, finding the information himself. "-Florizel Street," he finished. His brow was creased in the way that it did when he was thinking and trying to understand. Looking at information and dissecting it. Taking it all in and organizing it to make sense of any kind of madness. It was a look Y/n had come to look on fondly.
There was a knock at the door to the office and Y/n went from admiring to in pain rather quickly.
"Found another one sir."
All eyes turned as the DI gave a half hearted, "Oh, good man, Crabtree. Here we are, Doctor. See what you can deduce." Y/n noticed that it was a woman immediately. There was a blanket over her head, but she was wearing a skirt. A pink skirt. A pink skirt that Y/n had seen recently, and could recognize almost immediately.
The one who had walked the woman into the room took the blanket off of her head, revealing-
"Rose," the Doctor lamented weakly.
Y/n's body went weak. He trailed after the Doctor, moving closer to her in order to reach out and touch her cheek. If she were normal, she would have leaned into it, a smile on her face. Maybe even winked at Y/n. But now... her face was blank, all features gone, leaving only shallow dents where they all should be.
"Do you two know her?" The DI asked.
"Know her? She..." The Doctor trailed off, a tension to his face as he struggled to voice what Y/n so often did. That she was his girlfriend, or companion, or maybe something else that explained what they all were better, in stronger words that painted the picture more clearly and drove home the feelings they shared. That he so much more than just knew her.
When he said nothing else, Y/n offered something. "She's out partner. We travel together." He wished he hadn't said anything. That he'd stopped as the Doctor had, because those words weren't sufficient, but he also knew he had no right to speak for the Doctor's feelings when he couldn't even admit them to himself. And... I mean, would these old fashioned people understand it anyway, when they couldn't even be okay with the Doctor and Y/n being together, let alone Rose as well?
To fill the sudden painful silence in the room, the man who'd brought Rose in began to fill in missing information. "They found her in the street apparently, down by Damascus Road. Just abandoned. That's unusual. That's the first one out in the open." He went to talk more, but Y/n was finished right there.
"I'm sorry say that again?"
"Sorry?" the DI offered, not sure as to what part Y/n had meant.
The Doctor spoke again. "Where did you say they left her?" He kept his eyes on Rose, his features being replaced with anger where the concentration and focus and puzzle piecing had been before. Gears turned now so much faster, the fire that drove him burning brighter. He was the sort of man that moved slower when angry, because every single move counted. It was when he was soft and slow that the Doctor was most dangerous.
The other men in the room seemed to sense that. "Just... in the street."
"In the street," the Doctor repeated, his face relaxing as he rose his eyebrows. "They left her in the street. They took her face and just chucked her out and left her in the street." His voice was dropping, the anger curling around his words as his body relaxed. All his hesitations that usually kept him so in line melted away and he was calmer than he ever was. "And as a result, that makes things..." He paused, eyes still trained on where Rose's face should be. "- Simple. Very, very simple. Do you know why?" He took his glasses off, finally looking away from Rose in favor of turning to face the others in the room.
"No," the DI answered, his nervousness plain.
"Because now, Detective Inspector Bishop" the Doctor seethed. "There is no power on this Earth that can stop me." He looked at Y/n. "You ready?"
Anger had a vastly different effect on Y/n. Unlike with the Doctor where anger calmed him, anger fueled Y/n. It drove him, energized him. I suppose it was because the Doctor was a man capable of great evil, and therefore a man who had many rules that usually held him back. These rules locked that potential up tight so he could channel it into good things. When he was angry, those rules flew out the window and let him loose so that he had no inhibitions or hesitations. His potential, either good or evil, was at full capacity and would be stopped by no one. Y/n was the exact opposite. He was always calm, always level headed. His mind was a machine, and it flowed smoothly. He never felt the need to lead, only to support and pop in when it was necessary. But when he was angry? Oh, when he was angry, it blinded him and clogged those gears so the machine was stopped. All the energy that usually went into keeping him calm and level headed went into charging his mind to think better and harder, and his body into working faster and going further.
Usually, the Doctor was a man of great power and goodness and when he slipped or needed help, Y/n was there to keep the peace and fill in holes the Doctor had missed and pick up the slack. The Doctor pulled the chariot and Y/n picked up the things that fell out.
Now, Y/n was unhinged and the Doctor was unleashed and neither were about to stop the other. There were only two men on the path of vengeance for someone who had hurt the woman they both loved, and nothing - NOTHING - was going to get in the way of them getting her back.
Y/n smiled. "Always."
So they were off.
They headed out, blazing a trail of fire behind them, headed right back where they'd come from. The sun was up, and Tommy Connolly opened the door to find Y/n and the Doctor. "Tommy," the Doctor said in a voice that left no room for negotiation. "Talk to me." Tommy threw a glance to the inside of the house before coming out, closing the door behind him. "I need to know exactly what happened inside your house."
It was then Mr. Connolly decided to intervene. "What the blazes do you think you're doing?" the pathetic man spat at his son.
"I wanna help, Dad!" Tommy begged weakly.
"Mr. Connolly-" the Doctor began.
And then Mr. Connolly made a huge error. He turned to the Doctor and sneered, "Shut your face, you."
Y/n reacted immediately. He surged forward, ramming Mr. Connolly against the wall of the house. Their noses almost touched, and Y/n practically growled, "I've had enough of you. You think you're bigger than you are and I've had enough of it. You're going to stop intervening and you're going to stop disrespecting your family and the Doctor and myself, and you're going to let your son be helpful like the decent human being he is and you're going to be grateful that Tommy didn't turn out anything like you did, do you understand me?"
There was something in Y/n's eyes. Something that made Mr. Connolly genuinely cower. The Doctor put a hand on Y/n's shoulder and the man backed down immediately, letting Mr. Connolly go. "You don't understand," Mr. Connolly groaned. "You two are ruining everything! I have a position to maintain. People around here respect me. You don't care what people think of you and that's fine, but those successful know that it matters what people think!"
"Is that why you did it, Dad?" All eyes turned to Tommy.
"Did what?" Mr. Connolly asked his voice tinged with panic. "You ratted on Gran," Tommy accused. "How else would the police know where to look? Unless a coward told them."
"How dare you," Mr. Connolly hissed quietly, still beaten down by Y/n's previous actions, but fueled again by Tommy's insult. "You think I fought a war just so a mouthy scum like you  could call me a coward?"
Tommy was having none of that though. "You don't get it do you? You fought against fascism, remember? People telling you how to live. Who you could be friends with. Who you could fall in love with. Who could live and who had to die. Don't you get it? You were fighting so that little twerps like me could do what we want. Say what we want. Now you've become just like them. You've been informing on everyone, haven't you? Even Gran. All to protect your precious reputation!"
"You'll learn, Mr. Connolly," Y/n said in a low voice. "It doesn't matter what OTHER people say or think about you. It matters what your friends and family think. It matters that you go to bed at night with a clear conscious and look at yourself in the mirror and see someone you like. Be honest. Have you been able to look yourself in the eye since you started tell the police where everyone was? Since you betrayed your own family, all so you could look good to what you think people wanted you to be? Cause I can tell you now, no one's going to like you for this. For taking away their family and ratting on them. For making everyone scared in their homes. On their own streets."
"Everyone who matters will appreciate what I did," Mr. Connolly spat defensively.
"So it's true then." The door opened, revealing Mrs. Connolly. Mr. Connolly reached out for her but she pulled away.
"I did it for us, Rita," Mr. Connolly explained, panicking at the betrayed look on the poor woman's face. "She was filthy! A filthy, disgusting thing!"
Y/n took a step back, and then another. He tripped on the second step as he hit the end of the concrete, but was thankfully far enough out of view that no one saw. But he saw. And what he saw... He wished he hadn’t.
"I wish people like that wouldn't go about. It's disgusting."
"Oh look away dear, it means nothing to you."
"It's just gross! Can't they do it somewhere else?"
"They're only holding hands."
"She kissed her cheek!"
"And it's not right. I'm trying to spend time with my family. Why can't they be normal? Look, even Y/n looks upset by it."
"Are you upset, Y/n? We can go."
Y/n looked at his parents, feeling small. He was small, but he had never felt small. He'd always quite big, actually. Too big to hide in the spaces he wished he'd fit better in. Too big to run as fast and as far as he wanted to. Too big to fade away and be gone from this moment. Too big, in the middle of a quart yard, feeling like every set of eyes that could see him did. That was how he usually felt. But now... now he felt so small that he was terrified of being stepped on. He looked into his father's eyes, soft but distant. Too far away to reach. Too dislodged to understand. Y/n looked at his mother next. The way she looked at the two women who had eventually felt her stare and looked back, leaving to escape the horrible feeling her nasty glare left under their skin. Y/n wished he could go with them. How could one person hate two people being happy so much that it made one's skin crawl? That it made people run, just with the power of the look in her eyes alone. Why did she feel the need to say anything at all? Why couldn't she be pleasant and far away like dad?
A hand rested on Y/n's shoulder and he was pulled into the present. He looked over at the Doctor, who had a very knowing expression on his face at that moment. They exchanged a look and Y/n nodded, both to recognize that they would talk about it later and that he would be okay until then. For now, they had much more important things to worry about.
With that clear, they both turned their attention back to Tommy and his parents. It seemed Y/n had missed something, as the door was now closed. With the way Mr. Connolly was yelling anguished cries for his wife to open the door, Y/n got the feeling that Mr. Connolly's world had just come crashing down.
"Tommy," the Doctor said, reaching out for the boy. Tommy moved closer to him, and those two, Y/n, and DI Bishop all left Mr. Connolly at the door. They had important business to get to, and Tommy had a lot to catch them up on. As they walked, the Doctor got to business. "Tell me about that night. The night she changed."
As they walked, Tommy watched his feet, trying to remember. "She was just watching the telly," he offered weakly, obviously feeling guilty as not giving what was being looked for. How wrong he was though.
"Rose said it," the Doctor realized. He spun around, eyes shooting to all the different antenna. Too many dishes for this year, this time. "She said it from the start. All these aeriels in one little street. How come?" He settled on looking at Tommy for an answer.
The boy delivered. "The bloke Mr. Magpie. He's selling them up the street?" The Doctor and Y/n looked at each other before taking off, Tommy and the DI pausing only a second before kicking into gear after the Doctor yelled at them. The four made it to Magpie's place, the Doctor breaking the window on the door to reach through and unlock it, pushing inside. The DI actually tried to stop him - which was fair since he was a cop and all -but the Doctor wasn't listening.
The second they were inside, the Doctor was at the desk in a flash, ringing the little desk bell heatedly. "If you're here, come out and talk to me!" the Doctor screamed. "MAGPIE!"
Y/n skipped the desk and went directly behind, searching the whole place for any signs of the man, vengeance in his eyes. Luckily for Magpie, he didn't appear to be in. "No one," Y/n announced as he went back to the front, in answer o the Doctor's heated, questioning gaze.
The Doctor went behind the desk as well, beginning to dig through the drawers for any hints of clues. He was successful as always. "Oh hello," he grumbled, pulling out a sort of portable television, from what it seemed to be. It was rectangular shaped, but almost like an etch-a-sketch, with dials below a blank, dark screen.
Moving to the Doctor's shoulders, Y/n squinted his eyes as he got a better look at the thing. "That's not supposed to be here." Y/n tilted his head. "Not on Earth. Not anywhere near humans. That's too advanced for hundreds of years from now, let alone 1970's or wherever."
In response, the Doctor licked the device. "Tastes like iron." He looked at Y/n. "Bakelite." He put the thing on the counter in front of him, pulling out his sonic screwdriver to scan it. "Put together by human hands, I'll give that. But you're right, the design itself..." The sonic sounded, following by the Doctor making a noise of appreciative surprise. "Oh, beautiful work. That is so simple."
"That's incredible," DI Bishop mused. "It's like a television, but portable. A portable television." Y/n almost smiled at the amazement in his voice. He briefly wondered how the man would react to Netflix.
The thought was derailed as the Doctor lifted the screwdriver to eye level, and tellies began to switch on around them in the room. Each screen was just filled with white static, but the fact that they'd reacted so strongly to the signal in the first place wasn't the greatest of signs. "That's not the only signal in this room," the Doctor told the others. Suddenly the static died and the screens cleared, the static falling away to reveal a bunch of faces. Just faces on dark screens, all sad or scared. Some screaming, some crying, some silently shaking as they looked into a void and tried to find a way out. It was only a few seconds, each clip, and it repeated, so that people were stuck in two or three seconds of utter fear.
Y/n launched forward, eyes scanning each screen frantically until he squatted down, pausing as his hands rested on either side of a screen with the face of a girl screaming one word over and over again. It was Rose, and she was calling for the Doctor. When Y/n felt a presence beside him he scooted over to let the Doctor squat beside him, both men looking at Rose call for help over and over and over again. She looked so afraid, and in the blackness of the screen around her was reflected two expressions. One, the Doctor, whose eyes were full of pain and whose face was lined with love and worry. It was a sad expression, easy and delicate and affectionate. The other face was Y/n's, which was curled in anger. Not like it had been before, where it was hot and unforgiving and hard and terrifying. No, this anger was painful to look at. Like he was about to cry. He reached out a hand and gently touched the screen, wishing he could touch Rose's face and tell her everything was going to be okay.
Next to him, the Doctor reached out a hand too, to touch the other side of the screen that Y/n did. "We're coming," the Doctor promised.
The sound of beads being moved sounded. The same sound that had happened when Y/n had rushed into the back, searching for Magpie. Because there was a curtain of beads in the doorframe-
"What do you think you're doing?" Y/n and the Doctor looked at Magpie at the same time, pain being replaced with that anger from before. Merciless anger that could only be described as wrath.
The Doctor stood, marching toward Magpie with determination, every move fast and full of threat. "I want my friends restored and I think that's beyond a little back street electrician, so tell me, who's really in charge here?" Y/n backed him up, both of them leaning into Magpie who looked downright terrified.
Suddenly there was a voice. "Yoohoo!" It was such a shock because it was a woman's voice. A voice which shouldn't be possible as all men were in the room. Everyone turned to see a new woman on one of the screens. Except she wasn't just a face, she was hair and a body and a dress and arms as well. She sat on the telly as if she was a program, except her smile was too smug and her eyes were too cold. It probably was even more of a give away when she added, "That would probably be me," in what was definitely a response to the Doctor's question. A question she shouldn't be able to hear as she should have been a recording of something that had happened weeks ago. "Ooh," the woman hummed. "This one's smart as paint. And look at his little guard dog, ready to bite." She almost chuckled, the laugh sitting on her face even as the noise didn't come out.
"Is she talking to us?" DI Bishop asked.
"I'm sorry gentleman, I'm afraid you brought this on yourselves," Magpie apologized rather pathetically. "May I introduce you to my new-" he cut off, probably choking as he finished, "Friend." He swallowed and Y/n almost rolled his eyes.
"Truly nice to meet you," the woman on the screen greeted.
"Oh my god it's here," DI Bishop exclaimed. "That woman on the telly."
The Doctor's expression was dark. "No. It's just using her image."
"What?" Tommy asked, dumbfounded and confused. "What are you?" he asked the woman when neither the Doctor nor Y/n responded to his first question.
"I'm The Wire," the not-woman responded. "And I will gobble you up, pretty boy." On instinct Y/n pushed Tommy behind him; Tommy didn't resist. When Tommy was gone, the Wire's eyes moved up to look at Y/n instead. "Every last morsel. And when I have feasted, I shall regain the corporeal body, which my fellow kind denied me." As she spoke, the black and white screen suddenly filled with color, and Y/n realized she was showing off. Threatening and she flexed to show how much power she already had, just from the few people she'd fed off of. From Rose.
"Good lord." DI Bishop's eyes were wide. "Colour television!" Once again, Y/n had to try to not roll his eyes. To these people, that was a miracle.
The Doctor cut in on the moment. "So your own people tried to stop you."
"They executed me," the Wire spat. "But I escaped, in this form and fled across the stars."
"And now you're trapped in the television," the Doctor taunted. At his words, the color on the screen faded and it returned to black and white.
"Not for much longer." Despite her words, it gave Y/n hope to see her color fade. Her show of power had been quite temporary, which meant she was far, far weaker than she was trying to seem. That meant she would be much easy to defeat than she wanted to let on.
"This is what got my Gran?" Tommy asked, hands reaching out to tug on Y/n's sleeve.
Because Tommy was touching him, Y/n responded first. "Indeed. You don't know this yet I don't think, but people's minds work off of electricity. Little shocks all throughout the mind that send messages and information all around so it can power the rest of the body. She traps the minds and feeds off of them, and she does it by sapping away their faces. Ever heard, 'the eyes are the windows to the souls'? Well it's wrong, they're actually the doors, and once you open it it's very hard to close."
Feelings eyes on him, Y/n looked over to see the Doctor was surprised. It didn't last long though as the Doctor looked to Tommy, his anger coming back again as he added, "Problem is, it gorges itself like some great, over-fed pig." His eyes moved back to the Wire, spitting as he continued to get even angrier. "Taking people's faces, their essences, as it stuffs itself." The Wire looked very amused by that and Y/n was almost tempted to step forward and add some nasty words of his own, if Tommy hadn't still been holding onto him, keeping him back.
Probably for the best.
"And you let her do it, Magpie," the DI sneered at the electrician still cowering where the Doctor had left him before.
"I had to! She let me keep my face," Magpie whined. It was like a shark biting you then getting mad when you lashed out. It only made Y/n more angry. "She's promised to release me at the time of manifestation."
"What does that mean?" Tommy demanded.
"The appointed time," the Wire responded evenly. "My crowning glory."
That sentence set off the DI and Y/n at the same time. the DI shouted, "Doctor, the Coronation!" at the same time that Y/n lamented, "Oh my god the Coronation" as he rose a hand to cover his mouth, horrified as he began to realize the Wire's plan.
"For the first time in history, millions gathered round a television set," the Doctor confirmed. He turned smug as he took a step toward the screen. "But you're not strong enough yet, are you?" The Wire seemed to want to say something, but had nothing to throw back. The Doctor was right. "You can't do it all from here. That's why you need this!" He held up the screen from earlier, which Y/n only now realized he'd been carrying around the entire time. "You need something more powerful. This will turn a big transmitter into a big receiver."
"What a clever thing you are," the Wire sarcastically congratulated. "But why fret about it? Why not just relax? Kick off your shoes and enjoy the coronation. Believe me, you'll be glued to the screen."
"Well obviously we wouldn't-" But he didn't get to finish his sentence, because before Y/n could quip out a snarky response, suddenly there was a bright light and his whole body was beginning to ache. Slowly, starting at his fingers and toes, a sort of sharp numbness began to spread through his body. Began to eat at him, but by bit, until he was consumed. It never did get all of him, but even when the numbness faded and the world should have come back into view, that bright white light didn't go away. Y/n closed his eyes and felt a sort of fuzzy distance, but that white light didn't go anywhere. It was just muffled a little behind his eyelids.
For a while, Y/n didn't want to look. There was a fear in his heart that kept his eyes very closed. The white light wasn't too bright to look at or painful or consuming, it was just... terrifying. There was something that told him if he opened his eyes, he would see something terrible.
Unfortunately, Y/n was a companion of the Doctor. He maybe even had a little bit of what made the Doctor so wonderful and fantastic and brave inside of him, put there by experiences and memories that weren't his. Things that made people on such a deep level; mistakes and terrors. Things more terrible than some stupid white light could scare him with. So he opened his eyes, and he saw. And it was just as terrible as he thought it would be.
Suddenly he sucked in a breath and shot up into a sitting position, scrambling away from the wall of TV screens. He was breathing heavily, head spinning and heart racing. He looked around and saw DI Bishop, who was much more still but who seemed a little jarred himself. Though I suppose, no one was as upset by the experience just had as Y/n was. The Wire placated her victims, holding them in a cocoon of disconnection. Uncomfortable, but not upsetting. Not anything like what Y/n had just seen.
The door to Magpie's shop opened and the Doctor was there, eyes finding Y/n with an expression that was a mix of victory and worry. The worry grew as the Doctor realized Y/n seemed to be in a far more stable state than the Detective had been, which he didn't seem surprised about. Kneeling down, the Doctor placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder. "What happened?"
Y/n swallowed. "She took my face."
Even before the Doctor spoke, Y/n knew that was wrong though. "No, she didn't. You were fine. She was focused on the detective, and hadn't gotten to you, me, or Tommy yet. But when I got Tommy to wake up you just... lay there." He swallowed. "I thought you might have died."
At that, Y/n gave the only reassurance he could. "Well you and I both know that's not the case."
The Doctor nodded. "Right so. Stay here, I'll be back." He went and got Tommy, and then the four men - reunited again - all moved out of the shop. Shakily, as Y/n seemed to be having a hard time staying on his feet. Finally though, with a little help from Tommy, they managed to get Y/n out of the shop and down the street to head back to where all of the people who'd been taken were. If this was one of those happy endings, everyone would be back to normal. And considering Rose was one of them... well, they all had fingers crossed.
It didn't take long. They got far enough that Y/n only needed a little help from Tommy, and they moved a lot faster. They turned a corner, and saw a crowd of people surging out of the place where all the Wire's victims had been held. Y/n recognized a few body shapes and hair colors and outfits. Everyone was fine, just as they'd hoped. With the Wire gone, all consciousness had been returned to their bodies and people were in great condition. Well, good condition. Y/n was sure there might be some emotional damage. Disassociation was detrimental enough, without your very being being fed on.
But anyway, that wasn't the important thing. The important thing was that everyone was more or less completely fine. Which meant-
"Gran!" Tommy explained.
Tommy went to run, but paused as Y/n was still leaning on him. The man leaned away from the boy, waving him on. "I'll be fine. You go." With that, Tommy was gone. Y/n stayed where he was, leaning against the wall, afraid if he leaned off he might collapse. But then he saw Rose. He saw the Doctor surging toward her grinning face, and he felt his own body moving as well. Despite his worries about his current state of being, Y/n pushed off the wall and headed over as well. He was proud of himself for only limping a little bit.
Rose and the Doctor had the cutest reunion hug, and Y/n approached them as they parted. There was a grin on his face as he said, "All good now?"
"More than," Rose agreed. She hugged Y/n next, jumping in surprise as he groaned in pain. She leaned back much quickly, worry on her face as it had been on the Doctor's earlier, and was again. "Are you okay? You seem... hurt. What did you let happen to him?" She shot this at the Doctor, who was about to defend himself when Y/n did it for him.
"I just didn't handle the TV sucking my mind out of my body as well as you did," he tried to dismiss. "Really I'm fine. We fell after we got all zapped. I might have just landed wrong, really. Lots of different reasons, none of them anything you need to worry about." He reached up both hands, holding Rose's face. She was taken aback by the look in his eyes when he looked at her now. Like they hadn't seen each other in years, or he had believed he'd never see her again. To be fair, after the events of today, it was a fair look for one to have. "I love you. Have I said that recently?"
Rose cocked an eyebrow. "No partic-" Y/n kissed her, cutting her off. The kiss was hard and desperate and full of emotion that rocked her to her core. Rose felt her head rush and her heart race and her body shivered a bit before she registered the way he was holding her face. He was gripping it. Clinging to her like if she let go, she'd be gone forever. When they parted, she realized he was crying. "Y/n, are you sure you're okay?" She whispered, reaching a hand up to wipe the tear.
"Yeah." His voice cracked though, so it was quite unconvincing. "I'm just... I'm so glad you're okay, Rose. I really, really am." He stroked her cheek. "I'm never letting anything like that happen to you ever again."
She almost told him that he couldn't control what happened to her in this life of theirs, but Rose got the feeling that if she did, he might break down. So she just nodded and smiled and reassured, "Of course you will. You and the Doctor would never let anything really terrible happen to me. We're gonna be together forever, the three of us."
That seemed to be the wrong thing to say. "Right," Y/n weakly agreed. He turned away, collecting himself. "Forever." His eyes moved across the crowd. "I think we deserved a bit of celebration. Come on!" And suddenly he was perfectly fine. Every few steps he winced just a little, but his smile was wide and his eyes were cleared. Like he had never been upset or hurt at all. The Doctor had been silent and nervous, constantly looking at Y/n again and again, but eventually the celebration got to even him and they were all forgetting their troubles and having a great time. Together again and inseparable.
For now.
Amidst all the fun, they ran into Tommy again and the Doctor gave his scooter as a present. It was a nice moment, but quickly messed up by Tommy seeing his dad again. Mr. Connolly seemed to be packed and suited up. Going somewhere. Leaving. "Good riddance," Tommy mumbled, face torn with hate.
"Is that it then, Tommy?" The Doctor asked, turning to watch Mr. Connolly go as well. "New monarch, new age, new world. No room for a man like Eddie Connolly."
"That's right," Tommy confirmed solidly. "He deserves it."
Rose leaned closer to the young boy. "Tommy, go after him."
Y/n cut in right there. "Never ever feel pressure to forgive someone who has abused you." He looked right at Tommy, and the Doctor and Rose went silent. "You are never required to let that person back into your life and don't you let anyone say otherwise." Y/n cleared his throat, his voice softening. "You should forgive him. If you don't, that anger you feel right now? It'll stay there inside you forever, and it'll turn you into him one day. You can't let it. You're too good to let someone else's mistakes ruin your future like that. You deserve better. And... you can give him another chance if you want. You can. But understand something: losing a parent is terrible. It sucks and it hurts, and it leaves a hole in your life forever. But that hole will always stay the size it is when that person leaves your life. Letting someone like your dad back in cold just widen that hole. Make it worse. Hurt it more. I'm not saying he will make it worse or he hasn't learned better. You can go after him, and that's your choice, and you're allowed to do that." Y/n reached out, placing his hand on Tommy's shoulder. "But you can't save him Tommy. Not from himself. You can't save anyone from themselves. You have to prioritize yourself and keep yourself safe first. So if you go after him, go because you want to. Not because he'll be sad or lonely or you think he needs you. Okay?"
Tommy had a very soft look on his face. One full of relief. Y/n's words had lifted a large burden off of his shoulders, and he nodded, smiling. "Thank you, Y/n. I... God, thank you."
Y/n smiled. "You're very welcome." With that, Tommy left the group. He walked back to his house, hesitated, and then did go after his dad. Y/n smiled to himself. "What a good lad."
"Very good," Rose agreed. But when Y/n looked over, she was looking at him, not Tommy.
Looking at his hands, Y/n cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off I just-"
"No," Rose rushed to reassure. "You were right. I forget, sometimes... that not having a dad. It's not the worse thing that can happen to you. Sometimes it's better." She swallowed. "I was lucky to have a good dad. And an even better mum." At that, she pulled Y/n's chin so their eyes met. "I never properly apologized to you. For what happened in the parallel world. I pushed you to forgive her, and you knew from the beginning you shouldn't. She really hurt you and I pushed you to get there so she could."
Y/n shook his head and then wrapped his arm around her shoulder, tucking her into his side. Her arms went around his middle to hug him, her cheek resting against his chest. "It's not your fault, Rose. It's hers. Don't you dare blame yourself for that." The Doctor moved closer, using the table behind them and his body to block the view as he took Y/n's hand.
"All that matters if we're safe and together," the Doctor finalized.
And for now, that was true enough.
Story Tag List: @e-reads-fics​ @shoochi​
Male reader taglist: @sheepfather​
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
Reality Bites
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It's the last day of school in 1992 and Alex is finally going to tell Olivia how she feels...if only she can get five minutes alone with her. 
Previous chapters can be found here.
Chapter 6: The Race Was Long And, In The End, It Was Only With Herself
While standing outside of her seventh period classroom, Alex felt as if she was finally living the high school experience she had spent years longing for, but it pained her to think there was only one hour of it left. She had walked from the football field to their classroom hand-in-hand with Olivia. They had stopped to talk to some of Olivia’s friends along the way and there was the obligatory teasing about how Olivia had finally made her move. Olivia may have gotten teased by her friends, but their girlfriends were giving Alex hugs and telling her how happy they were for the two of them. These girls had seats at the “popular” table in the center of the lunchroom and, although Alex had never witnessed these particular girls giving anyone a hard time, she had held assumptions about them for a significant portion of her adolescence...but there they were welcoming her with open arms into their group because she was Olivia’s girl. They all started talking about summer plans for going to the Fourth of July carnival and beach trips to which Olivia responded by kissing her hand and asking ‘What do you think, babe?’ Internally she was melting into a puddle, but she kept her cool and said it sounded fun. It did sound fun, but Olivia had called her babe and because of that she would have agreed to just about anything. 
With one minute left until the bell rang, Alex was giving Olivia chaste kisses outside of their classroom. Throughout her entire high school existence, she had been annoyed with her peers who would kiss in front of others, but now she had found a girl that she never wanted to stop kissing and she wouldn’t have had Olivia’s friend Travis not whistled at them as he walked by.  
“I’m gonna smack him later,” Olivia told the now blushing Alex. “But right now I’m gonna hug you and then we should go inside. I’ll kiss you again in less than an hour.”
“You two are so cute,” they heard one of their classmates say in the midst of their hug. “Alex, everyone is still talking about how Olivia asked you out in fourth period.” 
Alex turned to the side to see Jackie Chavez, the girl she had considered her nemesis until last week, but would soon be her roommate at Harvard. At the senior awards banquet, the principal announced that Alex would be the valedictorian and Jackie would be the salutatorian-the only difference between their GPAs being Alex’s 4.5 in comparison to Jackie’s 4.499 because of a chemistry test that Jackie had gotten a couple of wrong answers on in the 11th grade. Alex wanted to forget the awards banquet-how she vomited in the girls bathroom before the announcement because of how nervous she was. Her older brother Harrison hugged her once she left the bathroom and tried to calm her down by reminding her that she had already gotten into Harvard and none of this would matter in three months.
Alex felt like that night could have been treated as a psychology study on parenting styles. Mr. and Mrs. Chavez were warm and affectionate and they told Jackie that they loved her no matter what the outcome while Mr. and Mrs. Cabot had sent Harrison to find Alex because neither of them wanted to deal with one of her anxiety attacks. When she returned to the auditorium, Alex looked over at Jackie. She smiled at Alex and Alex tried to smile in return. It pained her to see how radiant Jackie looked that night in her bright pink dress, flawless makeup, and long, dark wavy hair. Before the awards were given out, she mingled with the other award recipients and the teachers with ease. To Alex, it appeared as if Jackie didn’t have a care in the world and then she realized it was because she didn’t. Her entire life hadn’t been building up to this moment. Valedictorian and Salutatorian didn’t matter to her because Mr. and Mrs. Chavez would have been proud of her regardless. It dawned on Alex that their home lives couldn’t have been more different from each other. Whereas Mr. and Mrs. Chavez rewarded Jackie for her successes, success was the expectation for Alex and she was punished for coming in second place. It was Jackie that had gotten the lead in the kindergarten Christmas pageant instead of her and Jackie that was named their middle school valedictorian. Harvard was Jackie’s dream school and Alex’s expectation. For twelve years, Alex had been in an academic competition with Jackie. The race was long and, in the end, Alex learned that it was only with herself. Regardless of which one was valedictorian and salutatorian, they ended up at the same university and in the same dorm room and Alex lost out on years of potentially having a friend that was in all the same honors and AP classes as her.
“Olivia Benson, please report to the office,” they heard over the intercom. “Olivia Benson, please report to the office.”
Jackie smiled at Olivia and playfully touched her arm. “Let me guess, it’s for your next surprise for Alex.”
Olivia smirked. “I wish, but no. This time I’m actually in trouble. Excuse me.” She stole one last kiss from Alex before heading to the office to accept her fate.
“So you and Olivia,” Jackie said as she and Alex walked to their desks. “I think that’s awesome and I’m pretty sure our whole class was wondering when you two would finally get together.”
Just as their teacher’s penchant for alphabetical order placed Alex’s desk on the right side of Olivia’s, it also placed her on the left side of Jackie’s, so the two of them were able to continue their conversation even after they had sat down at their desks. “Why would our entire class assume Olivia and I had crushes on each other?”
Jackie stopped rummaging through her backpack and stared at Alex with a shocked expression on her face. “Really, Alex? You didn’t think you two were obvious?”
“Anyone in this class could see the eye sex going on between the two of you even if you both decided not to act on it earlier for some reason,” Steven Adams, their classmate whose desk was on the other side of Olivia’s, pointed out. “Smooth move not picking her for the poetry project last month, by the way. That would have probably given you an entire weekend alone with her.”
“This conversation doesn’t concern you, Steven,” Jackie said once she realized how embarrassed Alex had become. She grabbed a highlighter from the front pouch of her backpack and attempted to chuck it at Steven, but her aim was off and it landed at his feet instead. 
Their English teacher had yet to start class, instead giving her students extra time to settle in and even goof off during the last class period of their entire high school careers.
Olivia came in five minutes later and tried to be inconspicuous when she sat down at her desk, but the smile on her face let Alex know that Olivia had been up to something.
“Missed you,” Olivia told her.
“I missed you, too,” Alex responded.
Moments later, they heard an announcement over the loudspeaker. “This is for Alex from Olivia.” An old love song from the ‘50s started to play and Alex recognized it as ‘I Only Have Eyes For You,’ a song she’d heard on the radio while in the car with her parents when she was younger and first starting to be interested in girls. She imagined slow dancing to it with the girl of her dreams and, although Olivia looked and acted nothing like that girl she had imagined all those years ago, she knew Olivia was even better.
“That’s so cute!” Jackie told the now blushing Alex.
“Way to go,” Steve congratulated Olivia. “...even if you’ve now made everyone else look bad for not doing something similar for their girlfriends on the last day of school.”
Alex reached over to grab Olivia’s hand. “More connections?”
Olivia rubbed her thumb on Alex’s palm. “Kind of. Mrs. Anderson, who works in the office and does the announcements, has been my mom’s friend since high school. I lied about getting in trouble, but I swear that’s the only thing I’ve ever lied to you about.”
The remainder of the class period flew by until one of their classmates pointed out that there were only 15 seconds left. When those 15 seconds turned into 10 seconds, the entire class started counting down out loud. 
She looked over and smiled at Olivia who winked at her in return. 
Her heart began to race when Olivia squeezed her hand.
And just like that, her high school career was over and she was finally free to put four years of anxiety and sleepless nights over her grades behind her.
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rialynne · 5 years
Little Women Review
I’m feeling incredibly motivated to do this so here we go. To set it up, yes I read little women as a kid and I saw the 1994 version years ago prior to my first viewing. I watched the 1933 and 1949 versions and the 1994 version again before the second viewing. 
TLDR: Go watch this Movie I love it, imma buy this blu ray. To me despite structural changes this is the definitive movie adaptation of Little Women.
So initial personal reasons why I’ve always enjoyed this story is that it takes place in Mass; my cousins live in Concord, I grew up in New England and they definitely filmed in New England cause certain scenes. We still have old style buildings around like they have in the film and the landscape, especially for scenes in the fall were absolutely beautiful. Marmee even name drops my home state at one point so shout out there. 
Greta Gerwig did an absolutely fantastic job with the adapted screenplay of this movie and I am quite the fan of her decision to split up the structure of the novel and create more flash back sequences to emphasize different events that took place and how that impacted characters. I think the decision to film with a yellow warm tone in the past compared with a blue, cool tone in the adulthood scenes was a smart move as a visual way to explicitly indicate which timeline we are in. The fashion of the ladies and the hairstyles definitely did help with the timeline as well. I also love how they designed the girls hair style and clothing when they were younger to have a piece of Marmee’s style with them to signify a piece of Marmee is in each of her daughters. I also really loved the way that scenes played out, how they were shot, how when a bunch of them where showing conversations that could happen in real life. The dynamics of the march sisters remind me of my own family and there are a few scenes where there was like multiple conversations going on at once and I loved that. Also I love the sound track its on par with the 2005 Pride & Prejudice soundtrack.
For the more minor roles:
Meryl Streep did her thing as Aunt March and was quite hilarious, I loved how she was like no kisses plz and her whole you need to marry wealthy and I didn’t get married cause I’m rich bit. Mr. Lawrence has a beautiful character arc especially with Beth. He did so well with that small role and he really made you feel for the loss of his daughter. John Brook was the sweet respectful man for his wife. Friedrich Bhaer was good as well. Not as many scenes of him as I was previously expecting but I bought the connection he and Jo had and he definitely proved to be an intellectual match for him. 
Laura Dern was an excellent Marmee. She really brought the presence that she was the giving, calming presence for all her daughters, especially for Jo. I absolutely love the conversations she had with Jo about her always being angry and for talking to Jo about her not really being in love with Laurie. I felt like that conversation is a really important lesson for everyone to determine if they want to marry someone, to make sure they do marry some one cause they do truly love them and not cause they want to be loved. Mr. Dashwood, the new york city publisher was also a great addition to this story in terms of representing the way publishers were back in the day. 
I loved how connected they made all the March sisters feel. They really did make them all feel like one unit in their younger years, that it hurt much more when they are older when their apart. I really Loved watching Jo especially interact with all her sisters and seeing how the dynamics changed over the years. With Meg she relates to her being the oldest siblings and the scene where they talk about their different goals in life right before Meg gets married. Its a lovely scene indicating not one’s goals in life are better than another persons goals. I Love how she cares so much for Beth and looks out for her. The dynamics of Jo and Amy’s relationship was fascinating to watch cause it reminded me a lot of me and my sister and how we bickered a lot, but still deeply care for one another, and eventually were able to respect one another. 
I knew going into this movie that Saoirse Ronan was going to kill it as Jo, and she flipping delivered. I love her portrayal as Jo where she is not as too much as the 1933 and 1949 portrayals and yet was very ambitious and likable, very similar to the 1994 portrayal from Winona Ryder. I loved her speech with Marmee about how great women are and how she doesn’t have a life goal to get married but how she is very lonely. That hit hard. Her negotiating for her royalties to her book was a great addition to the end of the story. I feel as if she plays a certain type of character in her movies, but she does it sooo well and in a way that no one else can do justice for it. The relationship between Jo and Amy and Jo and Laurie were great to watch. Amy and Jo are so similar besides a few key differences, and those differences help make their tension believable and turns them into remarkable characters.        
I love the take on Beth in this adaptation. They still play her as a sweet and caring individual, one that ultimately leads to her getting sick and dying, but they give her a little more quirky traits and have her say some funny one liners. She has a lot of subtle moments with Jo and Amy especially that makes their reactions to her death feel so real. Emma Watson did a much better job than i expected and gave a surprising amount of depth to Meg. I did really enjoy the sub plot of her buying that fabric for a dress. $50 back then was like close to $1000, and really does show her struggle with wanting to have nice things once in a while. Her speech to Jo about her desires to be a wife and a mother is beautiful. Meg I feel is a difficult role to play due to her calm presence and lack of a super extroverted like personality and Emma made it her own.
Timothee Chalamet is a fantastic Laurie. He did well in balancing Laurie’s immature and lazy side to him while making him endearing. Seeing his love for the March family grow over time was beautiful. His relationship with Jo and Amy were awesome. With Jo, they are a great example of a platonic friendship, especially from when this book was published. I really loved the rejected proposal on the hill. You can see Jo still resisting adulthood still from her sister’s wedding, even when Laurie proposes I think she sees that as the end of childhood for her. Along with that she never had an interest to get married and expresses that she doesn’t love him like that and why they wouldn’t make a good match. The argument doesn’t feel like unrequited love but more like two best friends having a disagreement. His scenes with Amy also highlight his path to adulthood and him learning about love in the process. 
AMY MARCH FINALLY GOT HER DUE! About damn time she did. Amy is my favorite character from this adaptation and is the one that surprised me the most. Lord FLORENCE PUGH needs to get a damn nomination because she was fucking amazing. For me she was able to convincingly play a young and adult Amy so well. Amy is a woman who knows what she wants in life and is very determined to get them and work within the current societal circumstances she is in. She is able to push her ego aside to get what she wants. She is so cheeky and energetic when she is younger but becomes more refined and tactful when older. Her burning Jo’s book did indicate her jealousy of her sister and the immaturity of her emotions that over time she has a grip on more as an adult. Her relationship with Aunt March indicates the idea and pressure she has to take care of the rest of her family. When she has her economic proposition speech, you really see how this is adding so much pressure on her, pressure that does influence her choices and behavior later on. 
But, my absolute favorite part about Amy’s development over the movie was her relationship with Laurie. I’m so happy Greta really took the time to flush out this relationship. I really love these two together. They are both a really great example of love that evolves over time. The little tid bits in the past with the small moments of Amy and her small crush over Laurie: THE FOOT MOLD, the way young Amy looks at Laurie, her drawing of him at the beach while flirting with Fred Vaughn, talking about how hot he is as a half Italian. All of that was perfection. Everything in Paris with these too was also sooo fantastic. I love it that prim and proper 20 year old lady Amy turns into a kid again when she sees Laurie and just jumping and hugging him, and then Laurie is all like you’re beautiful. when she invites him to the ball and he kisses Aunt March. Her being all like “its Laurie!” and looking back at him with that damn smile, the things that make my heart melt. With Amy and Laurie knowing each other for so long, Amy is able to be real with him and call him out throughout their time in Paris, mainly at the ball when his drunken fuckboi ass waltz in. Also The PAINTING ROOM, lawrd. Amy still shitting on Laurie for his behavior, their conversation about love, Amy’s speech on economic proposition, THE UNBUTTONING OF THE PAINTING SMOCK (that absolutely rivals the Pride & Prejudice 2005 hand touch in terms of sexual tension), Amy being able to be her true self around Laurie, Laurie telling Amy “You look beautiful...you are beautiful” (SWOOON). Then when they at the park: Amy scolding him for being lazy and not taking charge and being responsible, Amy drawing him again and showing him the older picture, Laurie telling Amy not to marry Fred “don’t marry him. Why? you know why.”, Amy realizing what hes implying and being all like Naw don’t you dare fam I’ve always been second to Jo “I won’t do it. Not when I have spent my entire life loving you.”. Laurie finally grew a pair and went off to London to make something of himself and Amy turning down Fred’s proposal realizing she wants to marry for love. Them reuniting in Paris after Beth dies, and being alike i wont let you travel alone even if you despise me, which Amy says she doesn’t despise him. And she states she aint marrying Fred and then rambles on and LAURIE KISSES HER GOD BLESS HE DO LOVE HER. and wow. Their love story is one of the most satisfying love story arcs I’ve seen in a long time. 
Any ways that’s my long ass Review of Little Women 2019.  GO watch it in theaters if you can. I will buy it and stream it when it comes out of theaters. This is the definitive adaptation for me and I think it will hold up well as an amazing period drama for years to come. 
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Not Like In The Fairy Tales (But Just As Beautiful) (Crygi/Jankie) - Chaoticnachokitten
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27419959
A/N: Heyy:)) I wrote this a few months ago and completely forgot to post it lol. Thanks to @cryshillz for giving me the idea for it and @aqtanawrites for beta-ing<3
Summary: Crystal is just your average high school student, (well, maybe except her makeup and outfit choices), friendly, dreamy and fairly popular. All she wants are her friends, One Direction songs, and maybe a fairy tale esque relationship. Everything would be perfect if it wasn't for that one girl that keeps staring at her with an expression that could kill...
Literally just your typical enemies to lovers high school au:)
It was 6am on a rainy Monday morning. Crystal woke up to the sweet tunes of 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction. She had the habit of using a different One Direction song as her alarm clock every day.
Especially on Mondays she just needed a bit of extra motivation to get up and get ready for school, and that particular song never failed to make her smile, including today.
She slowly got out of bed, and walked up to her closet. It was a beautiful mess of almost offensively bright, colorful clothes. Crystal firmly believed that wearing as many colors as possible was helpful to stay positive all the time. 'Plain' or 'simple' clothing was something she liked to pretend didn't even exist.
Once she was done with picking out her outfit for the day, she went into her bathroom, preparing for her favorite part of her morning routine: her makeup. Firstly, she washed her face, and then applied some products that would hopefully protect her skin from what she was about to do to it. Then, she tried to find all of her needed makeup products. Unfortunately, she had a habit of trying out new looks constantly, and for some reason her products ended up being scattered in the entire bathroom. Her parents had given up on trying to keep the bathroom organized at this point.
After finding everything she needed, which were approximately 50 products, including tons of her beloved glitter, she started with her time consuming but fun painting, blasting her OD playlist to stay in a good mood. Her thoughts drifted around for a bit, eventually settling on the memories of how her high school had tried to get her to dress 'appropriately' and to stop her 'clown like' makeup. At first the teachers had assumed that she would get teased because of her looks, but they had been very wrong. Crystal had such a fun and loveable personality that no one really said anything negative about her, in fact, the only people who teased her about her makeup were her best friends, who obviously didn't mean it. Crystal was friends with just about everyone, except one person.
Crystal quickly tried to think of something else, she didn't want to ruin her morning by thinking about the only person she didn't like.
So, after the teachers had realized that no other student would tell her to stop with her makeup, they tried to threaten her by sending her to the principal's office multiple times. But, since she kept arguing about how she needed to express herself, and because her grades were good, the teachers gave up and her style was tolerated eventually. At least her art teacher loved her creativity.
Crystal checked herself out in the mirror one last time. Her long, curly hair was brushed nicely, it looked all shiny and soft like usual, she was wearing a full face of makeup, around three times the amount of what an average student would wear, and her outfit complemented her makeup nicely. Afterwards she went on her way to her high school, which happened to be just a few minutes away from her home. As always, she had her earphones in so she could continue to listen to her playlist, which she had named 'positive vibes'.
Before entering the big, old, dull building, she removed her earphones as electronic devices were strictly forbidden and had to be stored in the school bags, otherwise a teacher had the right to take them away. It was a stupid and annoying rule, but other than about her personal style, Crystal didn't like getting in trouble, so she just accepted it.
Crystal's morning had been pretty good so far, but of course, the first person she saw in the hallway was the one she didn't like. Her name was Gigi Goode, and, Crystal usually didn't like to swear, the only word that could be used to describe her was a complete bitch. Now, sadly, Gigi was gorgeous, everyone was jealous of her looks. Even after a long P.E lesson she still managed to look perfect, not even a single makeup particle out of place. Gigi exclusively wore expensive makeup and clothes, always looking like she was about to be on the cover of Vogue or something. Not only that, but she was smart too, a straight A student, nothing less ever. She regularly engaged in class, the teachers often used her as a good example. But beyond that, Gigi was also the most conceited person Crystal knew. She seemed to lack any kind of empathy or friendliness. The only thing she seemed to care about was herself and her reputation.
She wasn't really friends with anyone, everyone was intimidated by her. She didn't seem to care for friendships anyway. But Gigi just seemed to hate Crystal for no reason. Everytime Crystal was near Gigi she looked at the ground to avoid the look. Gigi liked to glare at Crystal like she was something unsightly, like a stain on her clothes or a disgusting bug or something along those lines. Nothing out of the ordinary, except today, if anything, Gigi looked at her with an even meaner expression than usual.
"Maybe her favorite brand of lipstick got discontinued,"  Crystal thought to herself as she searched for her friends, all she had to do was follow the sound. And sure enough, just a few meters away she spotted Jan and Jackie, who were talking about something. Jan seemed to be even more enthusiastic than usual, and Jackie looked slightly concerned.
"...it's a genius plan, I promise! And very easy to execute. We have to show them that they just belong together."
Jan was nearly screaming the last sentence, loud enough to hear clearly for Crystal who was just waiting for their conversation to end as she didn't want to interrupt them. But then, Jan saw Crystal and monitored for her to come.
"Genius plan? Jan, look, I love you very much, but the last time you said that, and canceled our movie night for it-"
"You're still mad about that?" Jan asked with a hint of amusement.
"Let me finish. Last time you had one of your 'genius ideas' you broke into the school with Nicky to save the frogs we were meant to dissect in biology."
"Well, obviously my plan worked because the frogs are now free, and we didn't have to dissect anything!"
Jackie sighed, fighting the smile caused by the adorableness of her girlfriend, and shook her head fondly.
"And I'm very happy about that. However, you and Nicky got detention for a whole month and only very narrowly avoided legal consequences. And you were grounded forever!"
Jan looked at Jackie with huge eyes.
"But..the frogs..they were worth all of that."
Jackie looked at Crystal who had just been listening to the fairly weird conversation. Though that kind of stuff wasn't uncommon for Jan and Jackie at all.
"Crystal, I'm dating an idiot."
Crystal just laughed and then shyly looked at Jan. The girl looked back at her with mock anger. Then she turned her attention back to Jackie.
"Oh, so I'm the idiot now? I would like to remind you of the time when I was still grounded, and you decided to do it like they do it in the movies and attempted to climb up my house to get into my room through the window, just because you wanted to see me..it's not like you see me at school literally every day."
"It was Saturday. And we spent some..quality time that day."
"That was after I quite literally had to pull you up myself after you almost fell down."
Jackie was about to respond when the bell rang as annoyingly as ever, announcing that the first class was about to start. Jan, Jackie, Crystal and, unfortunately for Crystal, Gigi were all in the same class. Jan attempted to leave, but she was pulled back by Jackie.
"No girl, no skipping classes anymore. You'll just get into trouble again."
"But..." Jan started.
"No buts. You're coming with us. Do you need a bit of..extra motivation?"
Jan smirked, getting the hint, and then nodding excitedly.
Jackie hugged her, and then placed a kiss on Jan's soft lips. A few seconds later they were full on making out.
Around a minute later the bell rang again, and the two of them broke apart. Jackie looked at Crystal, who was now staring at the ground, blushing, apologetically.
"Crys, oh my God, I'm so sorry you had to witness that."
"You're not sorry," Jan disagreed.
"It's fine, I'm used to it by now, I know how gross you guys are," Crystal smiled.
"Anyway, let's go, otherwise we'll be late for class," Jackie said in a slightly nervous tone. She hated being late.
Jan sighed.
"And I'm dating the teacher's pet."
Before Jan could try to run away again, Jackie grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her along.
On the way to class, Crystal couldn't help but feel jealous of her friends. Jan and Jackie were just such a cute couple. It wasn't like she was attracted to either of them, it was more that she had the desire to experience the same kind of love they had for each other. She wanted that kind of fairytale fantasy cute relationship, with the occasional playful teasing.
The three of them finally reached the classroom, just in time. Crystal sat down in her usual spot, and got out her needed school supplies. Since the teacher surprisingly wasn't there yet, she checked her phone, scrolling through her social media. Since there wasn't anything too interesting, she switched it off soon again and looked around for a bit. To her horror, she noticed that Gigi was looking at her. But something was weird about it. Crystal could have sworn that Gigi had looked at her with an almost friendly expression...probably as friendly as Gigi was able to, before using the look again. A few seconds later Gigi looked away again. Crystal missed that Gigi was blushing.
Crystal suddenly felt like she had invaded Gigi's personal space. It was stupid, but she felt her face heat up. To try and calm down, she ran a hand through her hair to fix it, even though nothing was wrong with it in the first place before opening her notepad, and started doodling tiny flowers and animals in it so she had something to focus on.
Just when she had calmed down enough to feel as comfortable as she could while being at school, the English teacher entered the room, greeting the students. Crystal looked up for a minute, listening to what the teacher was talking about, before going back to doodling. She was almost always more focused in class while drawing. It was accepted by most teachers, and a real blessing in art class.
Today was different. For some reason, she kept thinking about Gigi, and the way she had seen the unusual behavior of her today. It honestly wouldn't have been a big deal at all, but she had never seen Gigi without that I-accidentally-bit-into-a-lemon glance, and instead looked at Crystal like she was an actual person. Thinking about it caused Crystal to feel an odd, but definitely not unpleasant sensation spreading from her heart. Could it be..?
"No. No, definitely not, not her," she told herself before forcefully turning her attention back to the teacher.
"Okay, so today we'll start with a new topic: presentations. They are very important, you will have to do one in pretty regardless of where you want to work in your later life. Now, we'll work on your confidence first, therefore the topic of the presentation will be up to you. And because teamwork is very important as well, you'll work in groups of two."
The teacher noticed that Jan had raised her hand.
"Yes, Jan?"
"How about we get paired up randomly? Later on in our life we don't get to choose either who we'll have to work with, so this might be some good practice."
The teacher nodded, impressed by Jan's level of maturity, and surprised because the girl usually didn't participate that much.
The rest of the class seemed okay with that idea as all of them got along quite well. Jackie looked at Jan with a surprised look, Jan smiled at her before mouthing "all part of my plan, don't worry."
The teacher resumed.
"Great idea, actually, thanks Jan. Okay, everyone, please take out a piece of paper and write down your names. Then fold it and bring it to my desk."
Jan raised her hand again.
"Can I please read out the teams?"
"Yeah, sure."
The next few minutes were spent by people asking for paper and pens and then writing down all of the names. Jan hastily scribbled the three letters of her own name before turning her attention to Crystal. She was writing down her name on that obnoxious rainbow colored paper she adored, making the next step of Jan's plan easier.
Then she looked at Gigi. She was using some expensive art paper she usually used to draw gorgeous pictures on. It even felt expensive, so spotting it later on shouldn't be too hard either. Jan couldn't quite believe that her plan was going so smoothly.
Jackie was ready to bring her paper to the teacher's desk, but Jan stopped her before she could do so.
"Wait, I want to be paired up with you. Mark it with a smiley or something," Jan whispered.
Jackie smirked before doing so.
"Fine, miss we-should-work-with-different-people-to-gain-new-experience."
"You'll understand later."
After every piece of paper was on the desk, Jan mixed all of them up to keep up the illusion that every pair would be selected in a fair and completely random way..
Crystal felt someone looking at her. When she looked around, it was Gigi once again. This time she was sure she had seen Gigi's initial expression which had looked almost dreamy before she was back to looking mean again. When Crystal didn't look right away again, Gigi even looked insecure for a split second before hissing "what the hell are you looking at?" before looking away herself.
Crystal was shocked. Had she just seen the usually overly confident Gigi Goode looking...insecure?
She didn't even have time to process everything that had just happened as Jan, who had already paired up quite a few people, called her name.
"Okay so Crystal and.."
Jan tried to make it seem like she was just randomly picking out a piece of paper.
Crystal's jaw dropped. She didn't dare to look at Gigi. That was the worst team she had ever been in. She was shocked to the point of shivering. She felt her blood running both hot and cold at the same time. And just when she had tried to reason that she could just do her part of the assignment alone, and would just have to do the presentation with Gigi, the teacher spoke up again.
"To ensure you'll actually work together, you will get a grade as a team instead of individual ones. Before you can go, please note that you now have one week to prepare. Since I already wrote down the teams, please don't change them up again. Okay, that's it. Goodbye, see you all tomorrow."
Everyone except Crystal packed up and got ready to leave. Gigi, for once, looked unsettled and left as soon as she could in order to keep up her usual act and not show any emotions. Crystal, on the other hand, was too shocked to do anything other than staring off into space. This was officially the worst day in her life. There was no way she would survive working together with someone who looked like she was about to stab Crystal as soon as they were alone.
Jan pulled her out of her almost trance like state by waving her arms in front of Crystal.
"Hey, are you okay? You don't look good, you're so pale out of the sudden."
Crystal looked at Jan desperately.
"Okay?? No, I'm not 'okay' at all. In case you missed it, I have to work with Gigi out of all people and I can't switch partners...what am I going to do?"
Jan decided to act like she was sorry. In her opinion that drastic measure was necessary to make Crystal and Gigi talk for once, and hopefully that would be enough to make them see that they like each other. Jan had seen the way Gigi looked at Crystal when the latter wasn't aware of it, and she knew that Crystal had a hard time noticing and admitting that she liked someone, due to the fact that she once had her heart broken badly before, and it had taken lots of time and support from her friends to get over it. So, complaining about someone more often than usual was Crystal's way to try and suppress her feelings.
"I'm so sorry Crys, but I'm sure it's going to be fine. And if she's mean to you, I'll make her pay for it, I promise. In fact, I still have that weird hair dye that's supposed to dye your hair purple, but it turned mine green and it took an eternity to get it out again, remember that?"
Crystal forced herself to giggle. She did feel a bit better knowing that Jan would help her if things didn't go smoothly.
"Thanks, Janice, I appreciate it. And honestly, the green didn't look that bad. Besides, you obviously care about green frogs enough to risk legal consequences, so dyeing your hair to match them is just the natural next step."
"I probably shouldn't have told anyone that story, but I would have never thought that saving countless innocent lives would ever be used against me, at least not that frequently. But anyway, ready to leave now?"
Crystal sighed. She really didn't want to see Gigi anymore, at least today.
"What are the chances of Jackie killing you for skipping class one more time with me?"
Jan laughed.
"Unfortunately too high to risk it. Besides, you won't be able to avoid her all week, and if you don't want a bad grade you will have to work with her. Once again, I'm very sorry."
"Okay, fine. And don't apologize Jan, it's not your fault."
Jan had to suppress a smirk. If only she knew..
The rest of the school day surprisingly wasn't that terrible. Gigi didn't look at Crystal at all, not even once, instead she was fully concentrated on engaging as much as usual in each class. Crystal on the other hand didn't care about anything else that moment, she was trying and failing to come up with a way that would make working with Gigi okay. And she sure as hell wouldn't be the one to start the conversation. Since Gigi wasn't satisfied with anything less than an A, she probably would be the one to approach Crystal anyway. Hopefully.
When the school bell rang again, this time to indicate that the day was over, Crystal couldn't wait to get home, she carelessly stuffed her school supplies into her rainbow colored bag and nearly stormed out of the school without even saying goodbye to any of her friends. For once she didn't care about being nice and polite, she just wanted to go home, crawl into her bed, cry, listen to music, and ignore the world around her until she would feel better.
But today some higher force seemed to have something against her. Once she was back home, laying in her bed comfortably, surrounded by her plushies, she decided to check her phone before listening to music. It turned out to be a big mistake. She saw that she had received a message by an unknown number. Usually she would have just ignored and blocked it, but she couldn't. The number had a profile picture, and Crystal immediately recognized it. A pretty girl with perfect skin and shiny brunette hair. Gigi.
She decided that she deserved a break from everything that had happened today, so she turned on airplane mode so she wouldn't be disturbed by anyone anymore, put in her earphones once again, and then clicked on her playlist. She proceeded to close her eyes, trying not to think about anything, just listen to the music instead. She wasn't able to calm down though, even after 30 minutes of trying. The message she had refused to read out of fear earlier seemed to be haunting her. She decided to finally read it.
'Hey, it's Gigi.
It seems like we'll have to work together. I'm sure you're just as interested in a good grade as I am, so I think we should talk things out. Hating each other while trying to give a good presentation will probably not work out, plus we haven't even decided on a topic. So come to my place at 6pm, here is the address.'
Crystal checked the time. She had about an hour left. According to Google, getting to the location would take 45 minutes. She didn't want to make Gigi mad now that it seemed like they would maybe be able to finally work their problems out. She hastily jumped out of her bed, and ran into the bathroom to touch up her makeup as soon as possible.
Thankfully it wasn't terribly smudged or anything, so she was able to go on her way just a few minutes later. That way she would even have a bit of extra time in case she didn't find Gigi's house or if she needed some time to prepare herself mentally for actually ringing the doorbell, which was very likely going to be the case. Crystal had a pretty bad sense of orientation.
Meanwhile, Gigi was anxiously pacing around in her room, checking her makeup and outfit every time she passed a mirror. She had a lot of them in her room. Gigi knew that she was a mess on the inside right now, so it was even more important for her not to show it on the inside. She hoped that her facade that she had built up over the years was enough to hide her emotions from Crystal. The truth was, she wasn't as confident as she pretended to be. In fact, Gigi was a very insecure girl, afraid that someone would see right through her, able to tell just how weak she actually was on the inside. She was scared that people would make fun of her, so she just pushed everyone who tried to befriend her away. Being friends with people had never worked out in the past, instead she had been used and then she had been left with low self esteem and trust issues. Eventually she decided she wouldn't get hurt by people ever again, and that was when she started wearing expensive clothes to intimidate people and flawless makeup as it made her feel like a completely different person, beautiful and confident. Her makeup was like a mask for her as well, a constant reminder that she needed to keep up her facade to remain safe.
Gigi's thoughts were interrupted by the piercing sound of the doorbell. She checked her makeup for what seemed like the 100th time that day, and then went to open the door.
"Hey," Crystal greeted her, looking as nervous and anxious as Gigi felt. For some reason it made her feel better.
"Hey. Thanks for coming. Come in." Gigi managed to keep her usual cool tone despite the fact that she was extremely nervous.
Crystal did as she was told. Unexpectedly, Gigi's house was both huge, almost as big as a mansion, and the furniture looked extremely expensive and beautiful. But since Crystal was also a nervous mess, she wasn't able to focus on anything properly.
Gigi led her into her room (a gigantic one, beautiful and organized, girly but not at all kitschy) and monitored for Crystal to sit down on her bed. Crystal, again, did as she was told, it was her only option as she couldn't even think straight. Gigi carefully sat down next to her. She didn't look at Crystal because she felt like she would break if she did, and instead stared at her ceiling.
"Okay so, I guess I'll explain why I behave the way I do around you. The truth is, I don't hate you. I know you think I do, but I don't. In fact, I'm jealous of you."
Crystal couldn't believe her ears. First of all, Gigi talking about her feelings? And most importantly: How could Gigi Perfect Goode be jealous of her? Crystal bit her tongue to remain silent, the question was burning on her tongue, but she felt like talking wasn't a good idea right now.
"You're so lucky. You get to be yourself. You can wear and act however you want because you're so cute and loveable and everyone wants to be your friend."
Did Gigi just call me cute?
"You don't know what it means to constantly act like a bitch to keep people away from me. And all of that because I'm scared. I'm so scared of being judged. Of being used, of being hurt. I can't handle another person lowering my self esteem to the point where I can't leave the house anymore. It took me months to get where I am today. Why do you think I check my hair and makeup every few minutes? Why do you think I keep staring at you?"
Gigi was getting so emotional that she had to stop talking as her eyes were starting to get as glossy as her perfectly applied lip gloss. She tried taking deep breaths to calm down, but that just made everything worse.
"This is so stupid, I'm sorry…"
"Gigi, please don't call your emotions stupid. It's okay to express your feelings,you've been ignoring them for far too long already. I promise I won't tell anyone. And I know what being hurt feels like, believe me, and being able to talk about my feelings helped me a lot."
Perhaps it were Crystal's words, perhaps Gigi's feelings were too much for her to bottle up anymore, but just a minute later she found herself bawling her eyes out while Crystal had her arms wrapped around her in a protective and comforting way that Gigi actually felt like it was okay for her to cry and let out everything. It was weird, they didn't even really know each other, and surely she wouldn't have expected the meeting with Crystal to go like that at all, but strangely enough it felt so right.
After a solid ten minutes of crying, Gigi was finally starting to calm down. She decided that now, since she had told Crystal her secret already and she had also cried in Crystal's arms, which had probably ruined her pretty makeup/ facade, she had nothing to lose anymore. She freed herself from Crystal's grip, cupped the girl's face, and proceeded to kiss her like she had been wanting to for months. She was fast and aggressive, all of her emotions went into it.
Crystal didn't even think, the kiss felt more than right, so she kissed back just a second later with the same intensity to match Gigi's energy.
It wasn't like the start of her dream fairy tale beginning of a relationship, quite the opposite, actually. Gigi was still crying, Crystal's face was getting wet from the tears, but in that moment she could have cared less about the 'perfect' start of a relationship. What she had right here was just as perfect to her, if not more.
After what could have been seconds, minutes, or even days, both of them were blown away by the intensity of the moment that time didn't matter anymore, they slowly broke apart.
"Crystal I'm so sorry. I didn't know what came over me," Gigi started all of the sudden. She was breathing way too fast.
"Shh, calm down. My only question is, did you mean the kiss? Be honest."
Gigi nodded, looking away.
"I meant it too when I kissed you back."
Gigi looked like a weight had been lifted off of her. Then, she seemed to have an idea.
"I know this is incredibly early, but uhm..I'm alone and my parents won't come back until in a few days, do you maybe want to stay with me for the night? I just want to find out more about the girl I've been secretly admiring for the past few months."
Crystal smiled softly.
"Of course. I would love to know more about the girl that has been hiding every emotion for..I don't even know how long. Tell me what you're feeling, every single one, I want to know all about them. And please don't ever be afraid again to show people your vulnerable side. The world may be terrible, but not every single person is, I promise."
"You're the prime example of that," Gigi said quietly.
"You're still treating me like this even though I was such a terrible person to you...thank you so much Crystal."
With that, they intertwined their fingers, slowly getting closer until their lips touched again. This time it felt different, but just as amazing. It was all slow and tender, and neither of them wanted the moment to end. Maybe it was like in the kitschy fairy tales after all.
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homosociallyyours · 3 years
Nosy meme: 2, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 22, 29, 33, 47, 50. 💜
OMG thank you Brynn!! So many questions to answer :) I’m putting it under a cut bc I know it’s gonna get long...AND YES IT DID. 
2) What are you obsessed with right now? Below Deck, this ridiculous Bravo show that follows a charter yacht through an 8 week season of trips. It’s dramatic and full of wealthy people like most Bravo shows, BUT it’s also following the people who staff the boat, not the guests, so it’s more relatable than Real Housewives. I just wrote a one shot ficlet about 2 of the women on one of the more recent seasons yesterday. Ridiculous. 
6) Describe your dream home. I feel like I always have a slightly different answer for this. Right now: my ideal home would be pretty small, maybe 700-800 sq ft, with a single bedroom, painted a vibrant pink and accented with green and white (think climbing vines with tiny, bright white blooms) and a small alcove done in a pale blue that housed a murphy bed for guests. The kitchen would be ultra organized to optimize space (I would NOT be the one to do this) and would be equipped with an air fryer, slow cooker, instant pot, and microwave in addition to standard brand new appliances. There’s a fold down table that can seat up to 4 in the kitchen, though it’s usually just set up for me. The bathroom has a shower done with celadon green tile with a bench seat built in and glass doors. The living room is small and simple, but there’s a big comfortable grey couch and a tv. The whole house has hardwood floors, and the windows each have a bit of stained glass in them up top so the light is sometimes colored as it filters in. There’s a covered carport with a doggie bath area and a chest freezer, and in the fenced back yard there’s a hot tub and comfortable lounging furniture among all the greenery. The house doesn’t have a lawn tho, fuck that. You can’t hear sounds from the street-- it’s a quiet house. I live alone unless i want a visitor. It sounds so nice.  
12) What’s one of your fantasies? Having my dream home as above, lol. But really my most typical fantasy is being able to afford a weekend away at a fancy airbnb by the ocean that allows dogs. It turns out the owner is fat butch dyke who loves dogs and we end up playing scrabble together sitting at a picnic table outside. She offers to cook me dinner; I put together a cheese plate while she grills steaks and broccoli, and we basically fall in love, turning my silly 2 day vacation into a lifetime of slow, sweet, happy love. ://////////
13) Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? I would, maybe? But also idk bc they’re extremely sensitive already and I don’t want them to lose sensation BUT i also don’t want them to be more sensitive bc that could cause legit problems. 
19) If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to? Nah, I like my name. Though if I were going to change it I think I would just go by a variation of my first name-- Dottie. 
20) What is something you’re obsessed with? Other than Below Deck? Yorkshire Gold tea. I bought it bc Louis Tomlinson drinks it and my whole life changed for the better. It’s SO FUCKING GOOD, ok? It rarely tastes bitter, even when you accidentally oversteep it, and the flavor and aroma are surprisingly complex for a simple black tea. I have been into teas since I was a teenager, and while I could never entirely give up some of my single origin black teas, Yorkshire Gold is my current (forever?) go to for a daily cuppa. 
22) Tag someone you think is hot. HELP I don’t experience attraction this way anymore :p Literally idk who to tag?? WAIT @mxaether!!! Kams is super hot in all the ways, I adore them so much. 
29) What’s the most overrated movie? In general anything directed or written by a white man who’s made lots of movies. I really try not to watch slogs like that anymore, but the last movie I watched that genuinely made me want to yell was The Dark Knight. Do I remember the plot? NO bc my ass was BORED BORED BORED and when I kinda thought it was about to be over NOPE! there was another hour of the movie left. Fuck that garbage. I haven’t seen it but I’m pretty sure I’d feel the same about that Snyder cut of Justice League. I read a long synopsis/breakdown of the movie (from someone who loved it!!!) and spent the whole time frowning with disgust bc it sounded like The Worst Thing I Could Ever Sit Through. 
33) If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? For the most part, not that different? I would have an endless supply of incredibly soft, comfy leggings with bright, eye-catching colors and patterns along with stretchy, form fitting dresses that were equally loud. Soft, loafer style slippers in a variety of colors. All my under things would be high end and custom made (also colorful! no white underpants! ever!) I would also have access to ultra fancy party clothes: stretchy, body con jumpsuits with plenty of sparkle (picture: a coppery jumpsuit that fits tight through the hips and ends with a high waist, the top slit in a deep V but draping softly with a bit of volume. The back has a light, diaphanous, cape of sorts), twirly dresses, etc. Everything is INCREDIBLY comfortable and easy to move in, but glam and fun and whimsically sexy?  
47) If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? None celebrity, left beef. :P Truthfully tho it’s Alex Guarnaschelli...she cooks for me, I serve her in any and every way she wants or needs. Would also say Lizzo but I worry that her partying days are still here and I know I wouldn’t be able to keep up. 
50) What’s your favorite kind of weather? Sunny but breezy, almost cool in the shade, for midday. In the evening the temperature drops enough that you’re grateful for a sweater but not so much that you’re ever actually chilled, and around 2am there’s a light but steady rain for an hour or two that’s barely noticeable by noon the next day. 
If anyone read all of these and for some reason wants to send me more, the asks are here
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love-msj · 3 years
You Sent Me Flying
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones & Samuel Evans TIME FRAME: Saturday, February 23rd, 2021 LOCATION: -: New York City, New York NOTES: Valentine’s Day. 
Mercedes eyed her phone as she typed out a response to her assistant, she tried to stay as still as possible as the woman before her completed her makeup for the night. She almost opted out of this event, for obvious reasons but at the last minute she chose to attend it. She was a highly requested guest, which wasn’t a shock, however she had caught wind and a usually invite for one turned into an invite for two. This would be their first public appearance as a supposed couple in the NYC high fashion nightlife. She was scared as hell even if she didn’t show it, her heart had been pounding her chest all day. However part of her felt that this would be a great practice run, right? Or they possible end up looking dumb ass hell in front of four maybe five hundred different notable celebrities and people alike. Exhaling softly she looked up at herself in the mirror and then towards the double doors that lead into another extended part of their Presidential Suite at the Pierre, Taj Hotel where Samuel occupied its space. 
Samuel sat awkwardly in the director’s chair. "Can we?" He said, turning the chair so he could see his profile in the mirror.  The barber worked effortlessly to shape his stringy mass of blond locks into something respectable. They wanted it all off. He wanted a half an inch trim.  They compromised and landed as something just to his broad shoulders. A win for both sides by his reckoning. Now he sat stiffly backed, as the stylist moussed his hair, placing it into a low man bun. Satisfied with his reflection. “Thank you.” He grinned kindly as he got to his feet, nervously rubbing his hand down his sides. "Umm.." He offered his hand to the stylist, a show of gratitude, wondering if a tip was in order.  "You're welcome the barber said with a flamboyant giggle.  Pointing Samuel to the bed, his clothes were neatly arranged for him. "Did you need anything else?" The barber asked, with a long thirsty look. Samuel shook his head no.  Moving over to the bed, he looked down at the suit, eyebrows raised. “This is mine? I mean for me-” He questioned as if there was a mistake.  The barber and his assistant's puzzled nods answered his question.  Without waiting for the audible confirmation, the blurted out another “Thank you.  Then waited on the room to clear so he could get dressed.
Mercedes looked away from the door, her eyes balls themselves the only thing moving as she looked back down at her phone. She hoped that watching the child wouldn’t prove to be too much for her assistant but so far so good. She trusted the woman, it was the child she feared. The thought made her smirk widely “sorry” she said quickly to the woman as she straightened up. Hopefully she didn’t give the young girl a run for her money, and with that she locked her phone and looked up again at her hairstylist began to style her hair, for them they chose something big. Loose curls and extremely full hair, which was a change from her usual silk straight hair styles she pushed for or even her usual bob. She looked at her nails, her eyes taking in the engagement ring that had finally come in. her hands were almost unrecognizable with it on, it left her feeling a series of emotions all the time and she didn’t know why. Maybe because it wasn’t real.
Samuel took his phone from his pocket and dropped down on the bed Facetiming his sister. He fingered the suit idly waiting for the girl to answer.  “Hey! Are you at least trying to behave yourself... “ He could tell she’d just put her fist on nonexistent hips.  “I’m always good. So you asking me that question is really about you.” Samuel snorted, beginning to wonder what the hell his sister's IQ was. “Whatever… but you know the drill.  Happy V-Day and don’t stay up all night.- Nope.. I said what I said.” He countered, before she could raise the objection.  “And I don’t care if tomorrow’s a school holiday.” He added, quickly. Addy sighed scowling at the man.  “Send me a picture of Mercedes. She’s going to be the prettiest woman there.” Addy said glowing. “Will do.”  Samuel said, looking towards the closed adjoining door. “I’m jealous.  You don’t want a picture of me?” Addy rolled her eyes, “No… boy’s clothes are boring” Samuel stood, turning the phone so she could see his outfit. “Woah... “ Addy exclaimed, eyes wide. “That suit is pretty.” Samuel turned the camera back around to face himself. “You like it?” he said shocked. “You have no style Sam. God.” She said, hanging up on her brother. 
Mercedes watched the woman lightly curl and tease the wig on her head and she shifted only slightly as the makeup artist applied the red lipstick on her lips. She had another assistant on standby always, life was easier that way. When the girl walked over and showed her the shoes she had picked out the three the woman offered her a thumbs up. “I like those” she said through her teeth before she asked for the time and when the girl gave it to her she said “thanks” softly. Her makeup was applied and naturally she looked herself over in the mirror she smiled a little making sure no lipstick was on her porcelain teeth. Her pearly whites glistened and she closed her mouth, making sure she liked the work she continued to look herself over. She stayed still as her makeup artist covered her face slightly with her hands and allowed the hairstylist to spray tons of hair spray. When she was finished she curled a few pieces in the back of the woman’s head, before she allowed Mercedes to stand. Mercedes did so and they all looked her over in the mirror. She turned around to check her hair out a bit, there she stood in a strapless bar, and one too many pairs of spanx. “I like it” she told the girl softly. 
Samuel was still chuckling as he stripped off his overpriced tee shirt and jeans.  Everything was new about him, but his soul. He could take comfort in that blackened stain still being intact.  Sliding into a suit that he knew cost more than his entire neighborhood shouldn’t be easy.  But it was.  "Roses?" He mumbled, shaking his head. "I am going to look like a walking flower." He stepped into the pants, toeing into the shoes as he did.  Then pulled the shirt over his lean rippled frame.  Not eating regularly had benefits, soon he would need to put in some gym time to maintain his slender yet muscular frame. He whistled with appreciation, as he picked up the red faced watch. Now this he liked. He fastened it to his arm, admiring himself in the full length mirror. One final adjustment to  the waistband of the pants, then put on the belt. He wasn’t sure who the man in the mirror was. It was certainly someone more worldly than he would ever be.  He shook off his doubts about this whole evening as he grabbed the matching jacket. "It will be fine." He told himself… then repeated it again “There is nothing to worry about.”  
Mercedes moved over towards the gown hanging up and with the help of the young girl she began to get ready, getting into the gown. Her assistant pulled it up over her hips and she allowed to rest off Mercedes’ shoulders as it should. She zipped it up for the woman, placing her hair in front of her shoulders as she did. Once she did, she bent down and rubbed the woman’s legs down with a combination of lotion and baby oil. After that, the girl helped Mercedes into her shoes, zipping them up and tying the ties of them eloquently. When the girl was finished, Mercedes walked in the shoes towards a full length mirror, the girls were pushed up far more than she activated but hey, what could she do? She looked herself over, before her assistant walked over with thousands of dollars in jewelry, the girl placed the 100+ thousand dollar necklace on her neck, her 50+ thousand dollar studs in her ear, the matching tennis bracelet, and her watch on her wrist. The woman was dripping in millions the girl thought as she looked at the woman in the mirror. “You look stunning Mrs. Jones” she complimented just taking her in fully. Mercedes looked at the girl and hid the happiness behind her lips and eyes. “As I should right?” she asked the girl brushing her off, she had to say stuff like that it came with the territory. “I just need our invitation to the after party of the party” she said with air quotes “and my phone in my clutch” she told the girl. She picked up the almost thousand dollar bottle of perfume and sprayed her neck and then her wrist, tapping both together. “What time is it?” she asked again, “I know a photographer wants to photograph me and Samuel” she told the young girl. “Yes he’s waiting near the water fountain, security is in that area. He’s going to snap a few photos and then you guys should proceed to the party. It’s 9:15” she told her thereafter. “Okay” she said “can you see if he’s ready” she asked the girl as she moved to the sitting area where a bottle of wine sat. She needed something to take the edge off a little. 
Samuel opted for the director’s chair. Feeling a bit like a kid trying not to get dirty before church. He licked his lips idly scrolling to his YouTube feed. There had to be something worth watching. Nothing stood out to him. He rubbed at his temples, trying to massage away the tension headache that was building behind his eyes. They had pulled their ruse off once. Mercedes was a lot more convincing them him, but he’d done a respectable job. Right? His eyes moved to the adjoining door as it slid open.  He rose slowly, “Is it time to go?” he asked, putting his iPhone in his pocket. 
Mercedes’ assistant looked at the man, she looked like a totally different person. He cleaned up far better than she expected, she shook her head looking away from him and nodded sheepishly. “She’s ready to go, um, they want to take photos of you two first” she said, tucking hair behind her ear as she looked back up at him longingly before she stepped away. She rested against a wall by the door as she waited for Mercedes to return from the next room. Mercedes poured a full glass of red wine, and she downed it no less. Never really taking a break once her lips touched the glass, thank God for matte lipstick. She fixed another glass full, this time taking it down a little slower before she sat the empty glass against the table trying to calm her nerves. Once she’d inhaled and exhaled a few times, closing her eyes and really settling down. She walked away from the glass and back into the room, she brushed her dress of a little in front idly as she reentered “okay, I am actually ready now” she spoke allowed as she looked at her shoes and the dresses skirt taking them both in, as she stuck her leg out through the split. 
Samuel eyebrows rose and fell at the woman’s odd behavior. “Okay…” He said, easily striding forward. He stepped over the threshold, still puzzled by the assistant's weird behavior. That was until he saw Mercedes. His mouth went completely dry and his stomach twisted into a knot.  Addy’s words ring too loudly in his ears. The red of the dress, hid and hinted, while in places completely told a story, he’d envy any man for reading. She was an absolute goddess. He felt awkward and unworthy to be in the same room with this woman.  At the same time he wanted her more than any person he’d ever laid eyes on.
Mercedes looked up and took Samuel in, damn, he looked really good. She didn’t know how the hair thing was going to work out but she didn’t hate it, which said a lot. She took in his suit that was tailored to perfection and then took in the watch resting against his wrist. Beauty, she thought to herself. She tried not to show an obvious smile as she said “good looking” a bit playfully for her. “Uh” she said awkwardly as she looked at the young girl “my clutch” she said clearing her throat a little. “Here you are,” the girl said, rushing to hand the rose sculpted bag to her. Mercedes nodded and grabbed the bag making sure it’s chain was actually on the inside of it, she simply wanted to hold the bag as is in her hand. “Okay” she said again, looking at Samuel and gesturing with her head towards the door as she picked up some dress material walking towards the door. “You can drop everything off to my home, we will leave the other party and go straight there” she said looking back at the girl quickly before she opened the door to walk out of it. 
Samuel stood stunned in the middle of the room. Mercedes had given him a compliment he did not really hear.  She then rushed off, moving on with things like the world could continue or should be normal. “Wait…” He said, shaking himself awake.  “You look..” He tossed around the average words in his mind that couldn't and won't ever be enough.  He recalled a word from his sister’s latest vocabulary test and said it without any further hesitation. “Exquisite. Like you stepped from a dream.”  hands gesturing openly to the woman still in awe of her.
Mercedes turned to the man and she nodded her head, a silent thank you. Again, he was just saying that, they all felt compelled to do so she wasn’t stupid. Did she think she was ugly? Heavens no. But compliments hardly reached her heart. She never knew a difference from people’s truths or lies when it came to her and this business. As she walked out into the hallway, she dropped the dress and allowed it to flow making her way towards the elevator so that they could meet the photographer. 
Samuel lowered his eyes, hand rubbing at the back of his neck.  He was not sad he’d said what he had. He meant it. But Mercedes' knowing dismissal meant something. This was business.  He cleared his throat and left the suite, getting to the elevator just in time. The doors opened and, as his custom, he moved to the side, holding the door back so she could enter.
Mercedes walked in as Samuel held the door open, she picked the dress up and made sure she was fully inside before she dropped it to the ground again. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, pressing the L button moving to the side. She looked down at her clutch as she gripped in her hands, long nails sparkling under the light. She shifted on her heels as they rode the elevator down and she touched her chest delicate, resting it against the many diamonds she was sporting. 
Samuel stepped into the elevator and stood beside the woman, hand clasped in front him.  She was distracting him. How the fuck? His mouth water, as her perfume found his nose. Jesus… He needed to get a handle on himself for the love of God. For the first time a simple truth came to mind, it had been weeks since he’d gotten laid and right now, his fiancé.. Boss… business partner… was a twelve course meal, and he could eat. 
Mercedes placed some hair over her shoulder as she waited for the doors to open, watching the numbers descend as they moved downward. She looked over at the man for a moment before she looked away and shifted on her heels gently. As the doors opened she picked her dress up gently and moved out of the elevator in the direction that her assistant told her to go, to meet the photographer. When she walked out the building towards the waterfall she said “hi” to the man as he approached with his hands stretched. 
Samuel nodded to the elevator attendant, swallowing hard.  He moved behind Mercedes exiting the elevator, slipping one hand into his pocket, and rested the other on his stomach. He kept his gate at a cool, casual, pace that easily matched the short woman’s purposeful stride. She seemed so professional to him despite the softness of her appearance.   He moved up beside her as they approached the photographer, nodding to the man. 
“Hi Ms. Jones, it is a pleasure. My name is Daniel” the photographer said “and you are a special guest tonight so I was just instructed to take a couple photos of you and you plus-one” he said thoughtfully. “I thought right over here before the waterfall would be amazing” he told her with a smile. “It couldn’t possibly compare to your beauty but it will be a nice background view” he said gesturing where he wanted them to stand. 
Mercedes nodded her head at the man, releasing the dress “of course” she said to him as she moved before the waterfall. She held the clutch with both hands and she looked towards the man. She wasn't one for photos, she actually hated taking them if you asked her. But they were necessary at certain points of time, this she knew, and unlike most photos taken of her around New York in this moment she couldn’t just ignore him and let him do his ‘work’ she must engage. 
Samuel shifted but understood what it meant.  A smirk came to his lips as he moved to stand near the waterfall.  The man was correct.  The backdrop didn’t compare to her beauty but just as before she didn’t even respond to his words, just agreed and moved to stand near him. He fidgeted, but moved in just over the woman’s shoulder awkwardly, like a boy at his first prom.  Truth be told. It was.  
The man looked at the two with a raised brow as they stood there, awkwardly. He ushered them to pose “maybe you could” he said gesturing to the other man as he held the camera up looking at the two through the lens. 
Mercedes offered the man a small smile as he held the camera up, she moved closer to Samuel upon the man’s suggestion. She dropped one of her hands, holding the clutch and looking directly into the lens. Adjusting her hair she looked to the man once more as snapped several pictures of them both. 
Samuel nodded, catching on to the looks they were really after.  As Mercedes moved in closer, had no choice but to place his arm around her waist. With that he tightened his grip, looking down on the woman. He wasn’t going for love.  That would come off as fake. He went with what was nature in this moment. Lust.  
Mercedes felt Samuel’s hand and she swallowed hard, she wanted to look at him but the heat rising on her cheeks wouldn’t let her. So instead, against her wishes she actually smiled brightly, showing off her pearly white teeth for a change. And when the man told them he was done, she looked up at Samuel innocently for a moment before she looked away. “Thanks” she told the man as she pulled away from Samuel and began to walk towards the direction she knew the party was being held. Walking past a multitude of bodies, that seemingly parted the red sea for her as she made way. 
In the last moments as the camera shot away, using lust died away for Samuel.  It happened the moment Mercedes smiled.  It was genuine and bright.  The look of her all a glow, gave him a directive for the evening, keeping that smile on her face. He grinned at the photographer as if he and the man were in on some private joke. He did not rush to catch Mercedes, her short steps could not take her far.  He took her arm as she moved, parting the crowd. He slid his long finger down her perfect skin and then intertwined her fingers in her. “Slow down.” His whispered leaning close to her ear. 
Looking at him she nodded her head “I didn’t realize” she said sheepishly to him, looking away as he laced their fingers. It felt so good to be touched by a man, even if it were just a touch of the hand she thought in her mind. Or was she desperate? Walking towards the entrance of the massive ballroom, she looked around at everyone and turned to the woman standing at the door that gave her a single rose. She offered the woman a small smile as she walked into the room further, a few people watched, others took in Samuel. She for the first time felt like a fish out of water, she any other day never even saw half these people in the room. They nothing more than ass lickers, but today they were in her shoes and she in theirs. 
Samuel chuckled lightly going back to his full height.  “Is tonight business or a kind of pleasure?” He asked, raising his eyebrow. He nodded to the rose lady.  His face fell a bit, as he noted the quick glances or in most cases open stares. “From the looks on everyone's faces, I’d assume you don’t often attend these kinds of shindigs.” He said, tugging at his suit jacket. 
“A little of both, some of these events I get paid to attend, while well it is a Valentine’s Day affair” she replied back to him still looking around. “No, I don’t. Especially not with a man” Mercedes replied through her teeth and she smiled at another Fashion Mogul as she passed them by. 
“A little of both…” Samuel mouthed, nodding his head. He chuckled, looking down at the woman. “Can you drink and dance at these things or not?” He asked curiously. The idea that you could get paid to party too much was unbelievable.  “ooOh… I see.” he said remembering their conversation from before.  Not bitterly but as a simple matter of truth.  “Well,” He grinned. Lifting her arm he brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. “Let’s give them something to talk about.” 
“Of course” Mercedes said looking at him “they expect me to be my normal self, though I guess my normal self doesn’t really dance with people that much” she said more so to herself. “People pay to ‘party’ in the same room with me” she shrugged. “Though mostly I have a few drinks then leave, I never stay longer than 15-30 minutes” she told him. As he lifted her hand and kissed it she looked up at him, trying to keep her shock and amusement at bay as she processed his statement. “How so?” she asked  curiously, as she swallowed hard. Though he’d proven his point considering the bright flashes from photographers nearby. 
Samuel eyebrows climbed as she matter of factly said, yes to his question.  Now that was some rich people shit. “Wow… Just to be in your presence.” He whistled low under his breath, gazing into her lovely hazel eyes.  He leaned in close to her ear an excuse to breathe her in, “By having a good time with your fiancé.” He stood back, and raised a challenging eyebrow at the woman. 
Mercedes smirked at him a bit, she didn’t think about it that way often she just knew people were opportunist however factually what he said was accurate. As he leaned his close she held her breath thinking he’d steal a kiss, he didn’t which she was left to decide if it felt her longing for one or happy he hadn’t. At his words she nodded slowly another smirk forming on her lips and she said “of course” back to him. She was going to need a drink or more, along with a cold shower before the night was over. 
Samuel  looked around the well dressed crowd, “Now where is the bar? Or are they bringing around drinks on trays like in the movies?” He asked, staring to move through the crowd again.  “So, My next question is can you dance or is it just a choice not to?” 
“I am sure there are servers somewhere” Mercedes replied back to him as she gazed across the way, seeing someone that was utterly revolting to her head for her and Samuel. “Choice, by choice always” she said quickly to him as she clutched his hand tightly. “Heather” she said before the woman could speak her name first, she looked her up and down and smirked. “So nice to see you out” she lied. 
Heather Radcliff approached the only woman on the planet she despised at this present time in her life. “Mercedes” she said in unison with the woman stepping in line, she chuckled a champagne glass in her hand. “I could say the same about you hermit” she said wickedly as her eyes left the woman and looked the man up and down. Taking him in “Heather Radcliff, Editor in Chief of Marie Claire magazine” she said formally introducing herself as she held her hand out “you must be Mercedes’ assistant?” she asked him next. 
Samuel grimaced in confusion, “Huh?” He asked, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.  As the woman came into frame, Samuel tensed. His face darkened at the set of insults that the woman managed to hurl in under five seconds. He gazed down, seizing Mercedes’ eyes with his own, while he let Heather’s hand linger in the air.  In a tone steep in southern charm, “If she asked me to be. That could be arranged.” He said,  thumb caressed the back of her hand again, and he was glad he’d chosen the one with the huge rock on it. After a moment, he reengaged the Heather woman. Smiling, he took her hand brushing a light kiss just above her knuckles. “I’m Samuel. Mercedes has graciously agreed to be my wife.” He said, letting the woman's hand fall away. 
Mercedes eyed the woman slightly as she threw a question at Samuel that made her nostrils flair and caused her to squint her eyes. When the man answered for them she loosened her grip on his hand a bit, calming down a little now though she wished to get away from the woman. Seeing a tray she took an opportunity and grabbed two glasses, offering him “here sweetie” she said lovingly with a smile before she looked back at Heather. “And your-”
“Husband is home, with our two beautiful children” Heather said without looking at the woman instead she examined Samuel a little more before she said. “Something you know nothing about” left her lips as she fixed the fabric on the woman’s shoulder before she walked off. “Enjoy your night” she said cutely as she moved towards another group of party guests. 
Samuel accepted the glass from Mercedes, with a mouthed, “thank you,” and a smile. His face dropped into an angry scowl as the woman said her last piece to Mercedes cuttingly, and walked away almost as quickly as she had arrived. “She’s a bitch.” He said, turning to look at the woman on his arm. “You okay?” He asked sincerely. 
Taking a sip from the glass in her hand Mercedes offered the woman a knowing smile, as she finished her sentence and threw another insult at her. Her eyes followed the woman as she left before she turned to Samuel “yes she is” she told him. “I’m fine, it’s nothing” she shrugged her shoulders lightly before she said “would you like to find a seat?” curiously. 
“So… Did you steal Heather’s man or something? She’s bitter.” Samuel grinned. Craning his neck a bit looking for an empty table. “Come on. I assume there are a pair of nifty little cards with your name on one of these tables.” He asked as they moved on further into the ballroom.
Mercedes chuckled, shaking her head, “hardly” she replied to him “just her job” she admitted. “I couldn’t help it, I am better at it than she is,” she told him. “She’s probably over there telling them I am lying about my engagement” she said looking back. At his words she nodded again taking another sip from her glass as she followed him. 
Samuel laughed out amused by her statement. “That’s what she gets.” He’d considered that. “No doubt.” He agreed, “It will be fine.” he offered, trying to be convincing in a way that would sound genuine.  He knew she was looking in the Heather woman's direction, it’s what all women did. He leaned over and kissed her lightly on her forehead. “We got this. “ 
As he kissed her forehead she smirked at him “okay” she said as they approached the tables, seeing a few seated guests she looked at them as they passed them by. “Mercedes!” a voice rang out happily behind the two. Mercedes turned to see the red head “hi, Pamela” she said to the woman as she approached she and Samuel. “Your seat is at my table, yours and your guest” she said looking over at Samuel taking him in. “Great” Mercedes said just playing the part at this point she found none of these people to be friends or even associates really. They all just shared the same industry. 
Samuel offered the woman a lopsided grin, raising his eyebrow in challenge to the less than believable ‘okay’. “Say it with your chest.” He said, doing a quick impressions of Kevin Hart. He covered his laughter as a new woman approached, taking a drink from the wine in his hand. The constant head to toe looks made the skin between his shoulder blades crawl.  He sighed deeply, lowering the glass, then  placed his hand in the small of Mercedes back guiding her towards their table. 
“You look amazing by the way” the woman said to Mercedes, it wasn’t a lie by any means it was the truth. “I would ask you who are you wearing, but I can just about guess that” she chuckled as she walked with the two. “Oh, pardon me, I am Pamela Nelson” she said to the tall fellow “and you are?” she asked him curiously. 
“Same as you,” Mercedes said, nodding her head at the woman though she was in fact wearing something from last season. That made Mercedes' skin crawl but she said nothing of course, that wasn’t her business after all. They made their way to the table and she smirked “Samuel Evans, my fiancé to answer your real question” she said taking a sip of wine. “Ladies, gentlemen” she said to the other people at the table as she stood before her assigned seat. “Oh please don’t stand up” she waved the people off. 
Samuel took the time as they moved to admire Mercedes. Smirking as the newcomer echoed his early comment. “Doesn’t she.” he added, taking down the rest of his wine in a final gulp.  Thinking movies were good trainers. He moved in behind Mercedes and pulled out her chair standing near it as he waited for her to take a seat. Now his nervous rose in the pit of his stomach. Short conversations in passing were one thing, but now they were cornered. Here goes nothing he thought swallowing his nerves. 
Pamela chuckled at Mercedes brushing her off “oh Mercedes you are such a jokester” she told her as she sat down next to her husband. “So, tell us everything! How did you two meet? I mean I didn’t know you were even dating you are so darn busy Miss” she said. 
Mercedes looked to the woman and smirked, though she wasn’t at all joking. She sat down and looked at Samuel with a smile “thanks” she said before she sat her glass on the table. “Well” she said with a chuckle, they’d talked about ideas but only one stuck. “A art gallery, Samuel is an artist” she said to them smoothly. 
Samuel nodded to Mercedes, unbuttoning his jacket as he moved to take his seat. He pulled at his collar lightly clearing his throat as Mercedes spoke his profession into existence.  Mechanic would have been a more truthful route but when in Rome. “I wanted to draw her, but she wouldn’t let me.” He said, with a chuckle. 
Vivian’s eyes glinted as the handsome pair approached. “Mercedes… What a pleasant surprise.” She greeted, in a voice husky and rich. “Down Pamela. Let her breathe a bit.  It’s clear she's been using her time…  Wisely.” She grinned giving Samuel a proper once over.  Even taking a moment to chuckle at his little joke. “You do look radiant Mercedes. I’ll attribute that to you. I suppose.” She said, all eyes on Samuel.  
At his words Mercedes looked at Samuel yet again chuckling him off, for the, she didn’t know how many times now tonight already. “He’s always joking” she said brushing hair over her shoulder as she looked across the table. “Yeah, well it is love day and it's all in the air” she gestured back to her. 
“That’s small talk” Pamela said back to Vivian, “when is the wedding, I mean. Where will it be? Milan? Paris?” she listed before she gasped “Hawaii?” she listed further. 
Samuel relaxed slightly as the table collectively laughed at his little joke. He sat back in his chair, tapping his foot under the table. 
“Everyone needs a little humor in their life.” Vivian said, rolling her eyes tiredly at Pamela.  She was interested in the answers to the woman's questions but thought a bit of tack was a better approach. “You’re an artist?  Has your work been displayed anywhere?  Mercedes has such impeccable taste. You must be wonderful.” 
Mercedes looked to Pamela and she took a sip from her glass before she sat it back down. “He haven’t decided yet,” she told her respectfully. She looked at Vivian again and smirked at her compliment as she wondered what answer he would give the woman. Did he even know enough about art to pull this off? Probably not and then they both will look like jackasses for sure. Great. 
Score one. Mercedes shut down the questions about when they were actually getting married.  Good thing too, because even he didn’t know the answers to those questions. His eyes shifted to Mercedes as he sat up clasping his hands in front of him.  “I hope my work impresses her. But sadly, not yet.  I’ve always been a great admirer of the works of Cecile Gray Bazelon and the late Joyce Pensato.  Right now I'm working with Harvey Dinnerstein.  He is preparing for a showing, hopefully I should be able to showcase one or two of my pieces. Hopefully.” 
Vivian rested her chin on the back of her hands, smirking at the young man.  Her eyebrows furrowed at the names he dropped.  Not her type of artist to be sure, but names she’d heard before.  “Impressive. You’ll have to let me know.  -Or we’ll have to schedule time to get together. Honestly, I thought you were a model.” She smiled, still admiring the man. “You should let him immortalize you, Mercedes. Let see how good he is good with his hand.”
Mercedes looked at Samuel and tilted her head “I am far too impressed with clothes I assume” she joked as she looked at him again. As he began to list off people she squinted slightly taken back Joyce maybe, the rest were actually out of her league. At his last words she plastered a smile and looked away from him, now that was a huge ass shoe to fill and gap to cover. “A mode” she repeated “he is amazing to look at isn’t he” she said looking at Samuel, that wasn’t a lie. Looking at Vivian “you know I am just so darn busy with Vogue… I am shocked we get as much time together as we do. Me sit still longer than an hour?” she chuckled. 
Pamela smirked eyes bouncing from person to person, “I know” she agreed with Mercedes. The lady schedule didn’t add room for much, they all assumed she’d be alone with her thousand dollar jewels and furs forever, or maybe she just thought that. “Wow, a marriage” she said shaking her head again “you know what comes next, a baby carriage” she sang out. “You a mother Mercedes, how iconic! A mini you strutting NYC, we have to see it” she said nodding her head. 
Samuel chuckled, biting his lip, “You said it not me. He told Mercedes, reaching over  he stroked  her bare arm lovingly, “However, I’ll  let it slide. At Vivian’s compliment he grinned, the tips of his ears to darkening. “You’re kind. I’m just a man who likes to work with his hands.” he told the group looking down at his finger.  “We’ll have to see.  Fingers crossed Cecil like me pieces. “Mercedes is going to be a great mother. When the time comes.  My sister already adores her.” He said reaching for the woman’s hand. Beaming as he told the absolute truth for the first time tonight.  
Vivian eyebrow rose. She’d actually been thinking escort. Mercedes was too driven to find anyone. It was the idle joke of everyone in the fashion industry.  ‘I never kind dear. I’m direct. If painting doesn’t work out.  I’d be glad to take some test shots of you. As a matter of fact.” she reached in her pocket and handed the man a card.  “I insist on it.  Not many men could pull off that suit.”  She exhaled, and uncrossed her legs, “I could see it.  Didn’t think our Ms. Jones wants it.  But one never knows.” she said, asking a question of Mercedes without saying the words. 
Mercedes looked at Pamela, “well you know” she said with a heavy sigh “I’ve already given birth to my career” she said to the woman matter-of-factly. “It was a hard push and pull,” she exclaimed. “However, yes we do have a tiny tot we take care of” she chuckled. “And one day who knows, I may have a child who knows” she shrugged “32 is up there….” she said, looking at Vivian. 
Samuel chuckled as Mercedes dismantled the small jabs of the other woman at the table with grace.  He only wished Mrs. Heather had been around.  Samuel reached the card, tucking it into his pocket. “I’ll think about it.” He told Vivian with no intentions of ever doing so. “She is joking.  I think adding at least two more kids would be great. I want a big family.” He interjected, watching Mercedes face for a reaction 
“Vivian, do you always keep business cards on you?” she asked slyly, before she looked at Samuel. She shook her head and chuckled “and wreck this figure?” she asked him jokingly. “I’m only kidding,” she added, looking to everyone else. “Once things are finalized and we really get to planning. Building our dream home” she said lying through her teeth. “We will, you know, venture into those neck of the woods…” 
Vivian grinned at Mercedes, then chuckled.  “For the right person… Of course.” She answered a wiry grin on her face.  “Mercedes, Mercedes… My, my I must applaud you.” She said raising her glass, “To the new Ms. Jones.” 
Samuel held Mercedes eyes, peeling back layer after layer for her clothes, “That could never be done.” He said, seriously. Then chuckled with the rest of the table, as Mercedes went on laying out a life of lies. He exhaled feeling guilty. She really did need a family. Better yet she deserved one. No matter what she thought.  
Pamela looked to the couple, oh the gossip she would tell from this conversation. By the end of the week all of NYC will know that Mercedes lucked up with a real man is actually going to marry him. Shocking. She raised her glass and smirked to herself before she took a sip. She still had plenty of questions however, but she guessed those could wait. 
Mercedes looked at Samuel, eyeing him another blush hidden behind a playful eye roll. “You mean to the same Ms. Jones, but future Mrs. Evans” she corrected with a smile. The bitch, what did she mean new Ms. Jones? Men didn’t make or break her, wouldn’t move or shake her. What the hell was wrong with these women? 
Samuel raised his glass, smirking at the expression he’d put on Mercedes' face.  “To Mercedes Jones.” He said in unison with the table. His eyes shifted to the woman beside him now she was laying it a little too thick.  There was no way in hell, she’d ever take his name. Even he thought  the idea was laughable. “Ladies if you’d excuse us.  Mercedes promised me a dance.” He said rising to his feet, he turned and offered the woman his hand. 
Mercedes sat her glass back down avoiding the actual sip, before she looked over at Samuel. At his words she smirked a little and said “excuse us” as she moved to stand up from the table. Leaving her clutch and rose behind on the table as she maneuvered with the gown. “Thank God, I was nearly sick of them….” 
Samuel nodded to the collective, smiling as he pulled Mercedes away from the table. “Wow… that was worse than meeting my first girlfriend's dad.” He said, weaving his way through the guests. At the edge of the white and black tile dance floor, Samuel turned the Mercedes and brought her flush against his form, wrapping his hand around her waist, beginning the waltz seamlessly.  “Jesus. I needed a timeout…” He breathed whispers in the woman’s ear.
“They are so annoying, judgmental pricks” she said as she looked back at the table. Mercedes followed the man’s lead and when they reached the dance floor, her breath hitched a bit as he pulled her to him. Feeling his hand on her waist she looked up into his eyes as he began to carry her, again following his lead she moved in time with him. Chuckling, she said “thanks for being a trooper” kindly. “Before you know this will all be over and you are free to do whatever your heart desires….” 
Samuel moved effortlessly around the floor.  His face fell when Mercedes spoke of the eventual end of their entanglement.  HIs eyes rose, finding different faces in the room. Heather, Pamela, Vivian. The thought of any of those women turned his stomach. “Who says I’m not doing what my heart desires right now.” He said, eyes going back to her. He smiles, spinning her out then pulling her back to him. 
Mercedes eyed him, looking over her shoulder before she looked at his face again curiously. At his statement, she squinted lightly at him before he spun her suddenly and pulled her back. She looked at him, she didn’t believe him at all, he was just saying that. Why she didn’t know however. Usually she would have had something witty to come back with but, right now, no. After a moment she finally spoke and said “because I know”.
Samuel chuckled, “You know nothing Ms. Jones.” He said, shaking his head.  “Aside from the interrogation.  I’m having a pretty okay time.” He said conversationally. “Come on. You were enjoying yourself just a little over there. Admit it.’ 
“I know all things Mr. Evans” she challenged a little, listening to him she glanced at a couple who passed by. “Is that so?” she asked him, “it’s not a bad night” she shrugged lightly. “I’ve been to better parties, but none involved a comedian like yourself Mr. Evans. Two kids?” she asked, brow furrowed a smirk on her face. 
Samuel bowed his head in conceit.  “If you say so.” He pursed his lips, “I am not sure.  You tell me.” He said, a twisted smile on his lips.  He stretched his eyes, “That wasn’t a lie.  I actually want two kids. Or more. Speaking of… Are you really going to take my name?” 
“Best of luck to that lucky lady” Mercedes replied without thought. At the question he posed she chuckled lightly “why wouldn’t I?” she asked before she corrected “why wouldn’t I take my future husband’s last name?” curiously. “Do you think I am that shallow… or self absorbed?” she asked him. “You know it’s every woman’s dream to find her Prince, marry him, and in turn become the Princess…” 
Samuel laughed, “That is cold. You don’t want to have my babies.” He said, a mock hurt on his face.  He shrugged, shaking his head. “I never said any of that. I just thought I’d take your name.” He chuckled. “Well, then that settles it. I have to take your name because God knows ain’t nothing prince or charming about me.” 
Shaking her head Mercedes licked her red painted lips, she hadn’t a clue why he had to joke around so much. There was no harm it however it could be tiring sometimes, but she assumed that was just his nature. “You are too much…” 
Samuel stared down at the woman turning his head. “I am.” He agreed.  But this was really him taking the liberty to be free. Something he rarely got to do. He bit his lips face going still, “I want you to accept something for me. Would you do that?” He asked her seriously. 
She continued to move in time with him before she asked her something that made her very uneasy. However, she brushed it off and said “okay, sure” a little hesitancy in her voice still. Despite herself Mercedes couldn’t help but to look into his eyes as she waited for his remark. 
Samuel rubbed his thumb over the bare skin of Mercedes back.  A personal gesture, but perfect for the eyes of the multitude of onlookers in the room. “For tonight stop blowing off complements. You really are the most stunning woman here tonight.” 
At his words she looked off before she looked back at him “okay” she said quietly, Mercedes really didn’t understand why he cared or why that bothered him so much. “That’s easy I guess…” 
Samuel looked down at the woman. She had everything, -was more than he’d ever be.  Yet, she was humble. Why? “Thank you.” He said holding her just a little closer as they glided peacefully into the next song.
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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Dear askrikkaiandhyotei,
The...entire cast!?
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Well, Turnabout Time Traveler happens to be favorite case anyway, so why not?
Our first guest is the crooked head servant, Mr. Dumas Gloomsbury.  (Might as well get him out of the way first.)
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Of course he isn’t.  He’s just a disgruntled servant of the Sprocket family who secretly hates them all for what they’ve done to his reputation, even to the point of being willing to murder someone who would become the newest addition to the family, as well as destroying a prized possession designed by her groom-to-be.
So..........yeah.  Very likable guy.  Thankfully, he’s only on the scene for a brief moment before the titular “time travel” occurs.
That brings us to our next guest, Ms. Ellen Wyatt, soon to be Mrs. Ellen Sprocket, except for the fact that she’s been accused of murder.  Like most defendants, she doesn’t seem like the type to kill someone -- she’s calm, mild-mannered, and well put together.  Well...usually.
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You didn’t expect 100% normalcy in a new character, did you?  Heck, we’re lucky to get 50% in this series.  Thankfully, the emotional Ms. Wyatt knows how to pull herself together in an instant.
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Quite the enviable skill to have, isn’t it?
This beautiful bride-to-be wants nothing more than to be proven innocent so that she can be married to the one and only Sorin Sprocket of Sprocket Aviation.  Instead of seeking help from the Wright Anything Agency on her own, however, she’s brought to them by someone else.
That brings us to an unexpected guest from yesteryear (and an uninvited one):
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Before getting to know Ellen, we’re abruptly introduced to a brand new Larry Butz with a brand new look!  ...And the same old smell, unfortunately.
He introduces “Elly” as his brand new fiance, much to Phoenix’s surprise (and everyone in the known universe’s), but it turns out to be another one of his usual romantic escapades.  What is true is that he helped his beloved Elly escape the room she was confined in, and even shook off the police for her.  Some might call this heroic...if they don’t know the Butz.  As someone who does know him, Phoenix delivers a line from his former mentor:
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On the plus side, Larry’s been doing more than chasing women since we last saw him -- he held onto the name he borrowed from his late mentor and became a picture book author.
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Not exactly what I’d expect someone in that field to look like, but progress is progress, I guess.
Moving back to “Elly,” she claims to be as clean and pure as her pure-white dress, as well as something else -- something that’s a bit harder to believe.
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Like I said, normalcy doesn’t seem to come naturally to new Ace Attorney characters, but her explanation of how she was almost killed, traveled back in time, and saw history rewritten takes the abnormal cake, especially coming from someone as sound-minded as Ellen.  Or is she really as sound-minded as she looks?
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We can only hope.
I love how she keeps everything she needs for housekeeping in one place, by the way, almost Mary Poppins-style.
Fast forwarding (no pun intended) through some re-introductions to Maya as our co-council and Edgeworth as the case’s prosecutor (something us long-time Ace Attorney fans can’t help but love), we’re eventually introduced to the master himself, Mr. Sorin Sprocket, who has his own personality quirks...or rather, a severe lack of personality.
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Like many genius inventors, he isn’t very social (his preferred method of communication being the paper airplane message), and always seems to be lost in his thoughts until someone pulls him back into reality.  Even stranger than that, he doesn’t seem the least bit worried about his fiance’s trial.  In Phoenix’s his words, he isn’t the easiest guy to wrap your head around.
On top of that, he has his own thing to say about time travel:
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He and Ellen apparently both believe in time travel, but apart from that, they don’t seem to have much in common.  In fact, having met the two of them, one might think they’re polar opposites of each other, and...well, they’d be right, but as we learn later on, there’s more to Sorin’s silence than just an obsession with his work.
And speaking of obsession...
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Our next guest, while also quite abnormal, is a bit more level-headed than the previous new characters.  He’s well-mannered, detail-oriented, shrewd, and takes the utmost care of Sorin.  Not to mention he's tech-savvy enough to fix a broken radio in a matter of seconds.
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I’m surprised Phoenix and Maya didn’t consider the possibility of him being a machine himself, like they did with Lisa Basil.
He happens to have one of my favorite pun names, by the way.  Besides being clever and describing him perfectly, it almost sounds like it could be a real person’s name.
While Mr. Nichody does a good job of being the least interesting character thus far, it turns out that he and his “expensive good luck charm” play one of the most important roles in this case.  Not to mention he gives the biggest piece of foreshadowing in the episode:
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Funny he should say that when there’s a spirit medium right in front of him, but I guess he doesn’t have time for unimportant details like that.
As the story goes on and the revelations start pouring in, we learn about Sorin’s older sister Selena, who was originally going to be the next president of Sprocket Aviation.  This, unfortunately, was not to be...
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The sudden loss of his sister provides an explanation for his closed-off attitude and interest in time machines, but the mysteries surrounding that tragic day are only beginning.
We also learn that Mr. Nichody believes Ellen is guilty of her alleged crime, and for that reason, he’s strongly opposed to letting her marry Sorin.  Could he be right in doubting her, or is there something else behind is disapproval?  Ellen doesn’t seem that bad, after all.  Just a little...what’s the term?
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There you go.
Then comes one of the bigger twists -- it turns out Sorin and his in-laws were responsible for Ellen’s supposed trip through time, which turned out to be an elaborate scheme to make her believe her near-death experience with Gloomsbury was only a dream.  Or so says Nichody, at least.
But once again, this is only the beginning.
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Even with the possibility of time travel ruled out, Ellen’s guilt hasn’t been disproved just yet.  The only hope Phoenix has is the person she claims she saw attacking Gloombury before losing consciousness.  Unfortunately, the only suspect he can come up with so far is her fiance, thus introducing the possibility of him having to take her place in prison.
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Considering every case up until now has had some form of happy ending, it’d be quite the unusual turn of events for this happy couple to have to be separated whether we win or lose the case...but is it impossible?
As tragic as that possibility might be, it sets up a scene that happens to be one of my favorite kinds -- one where someone is compelled to give up something, even if it’s his or her own life, purely out of love for someone else.
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Her words are touching, but soon after saying them, she’s forced to prove just how steadfast her love is for Sorin, even in a cruel twist of fate -- namely, his pointing the blame for Gloomsbury’s death in her direction.
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That face alone is enough to break anyone’s heart, but thankfully, that’s where the plot twists just begin.  The first one reveals that Sorin went to rescue his bride-to-be in the most bizarre way possible.
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Then it turns out he really didn’t, or so he says.  Then it turns out he was attacked by Gloomsbury along with Ellen.  Then comes one that turns everything he’s said so far upside-down:
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It turns out time travel is possible, but not in the way everyone was hoping, or in a way anyone would want -- due to his anterograde amnesia, Sorin “goes back in time” whenever he goes to sleep.  This revelation sheds a lot of light on his personality, his compulsive note-taking, and his feelings toward Ellen.  Not to mention, it turns out (sheesh, I keep saying that) he was responsible for the car crash that took his sister’s life.  But luckily, that's not all his condition reveals.
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Someone decided to take advantage of Sorin’s memory being dependent on what he writes in his notebook in order to paint him as Gloomsbury’s murder.  Who might that someone be?  Well, for anyone who’s read the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (or enough murder mysteries involving rich families), it should be pretty obvious -- the butler did it!
But what motive could a close friend and servant have for manipulating Sorin’s memories?  Well, like many an Ace Attorney culprit, he’s not as level-headed as he appears to be.
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The rogue butler in this case turns out to be the once-fiance of Sorin’s sister, as well as the one who operated on her after the car accident occurred...or, rather, who almost did.
After some impromptu x-rays and the testimony that wasn’t there, we finally learn the whole truth about Nichody, Gloomsbury, and the plot to exact their revenge on Sorin and his bride.  It turns out Sorin wasn’t the only one stuck in the past.
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In a beautiful yet tragic symbolism, Selena’s pocket watch stopped ticking on the same day her heart stopped beating, which, for Nichody, was the day time stopped.
This brings us to our final guest, one who could only be here in spirit -- Ms. Selena Sprocket.  In Ellen’s words, Selena would’ve said, “Leave this ill will behind.  Your time is yours to live.”  To an inconsolable time traveler, these words hold no meaning, but just then...
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Whether it’s a coincidence or a message from Selena from beyond (which might actually be believable in the Ace Attorney universe), Pierce is reminded that, sooner or later, time moves on.
And on that note, Ellen and Sorin are finally able to move on from this rough patch in their lives and experience their “First Startup of Love.”
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Speaking of the happy couple, the one thing that stuck with me about this episode more than Nichody’s epiphany is how devoted Ellen is to Sorin from beginning to end.
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With the knowledge that he might forget everything about her, himself, their wedding, and any other experiences they might share together, her devotion to him is ultimately proven to be the real deal.  His willingness to risk his life for her also proves that this devotion goes both ways.  In the end, there’s nothing, past, present, or future, that can keep them apart.  Why, you ask?
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And hey, even Larry found it in himself to move on!  How about that?
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Thus ends a beautiful story, a beautiful reunion of the original characters, and a beautiful finale(?) to the Ace Attorney series.  Sure, there was tragedy along the way, but after an ending like that, I’d like to see each of these characters, new and old, take a bow.
Just...don’t throw them any flowers.
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-The Co-Mod
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sincerelymarinette · 4 years
A Recorded Life (43/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 1900 (on the dot!) Summary: Today is the day of the Agreste Gala. Adrien and Marinette are excited, but a bit nervous. They have to seamlessly enact a plan that will prove Gabriel Agreste innocent or guilty- how will it all turn out? Author's Note: It's here!! The chapter we've ALL been waiting for!! The gala!! Sorry for the extra-long wait- I was perfecting the chapter ;) There's aboutta be some intense shiz.
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The Agreste Gala
With the new Jagged Stone album playing in the limo, Adrien and Marinette were nervous for the night. Gorilla picked them up from the bakery after they were ready and was just as excited to hear Jagged's new music. They sang along to a few songs,, and Marinette told Adrien about the conversation with Jagged she had earlier. The podcast and video were to come out at midnight, so at least she had a few hours before her fanbase went even crazier.
Marinette debated vlogging the Gala, but she eventually decided against it. She was extremely nervous, for more reasons than one, and didn't want to distract herself with a camera. She was also afraid she would scare off others by recording the whole thing. Besides, there would be press there; there were bound to be videos and pictures of the entire night.
Arriving at the Agreste Mansion, the world's new favorite couple was met with dozens of cameras and a red carpet to walk. Adrien got out of the limo first, in his Gabriel brand tuxedo with a green tie, holding his hand out for Marinette. Her hair was pulled up into a bun with curls on the side, styled by Alya, and makeup help from Chloé. Some people had already seen her dress from the videos and pictures online, but it was stunning in person.
The ball gown style dress reached all the way down to her feet, sparkling light pink with flower and lace accents ombre-ing from the bottom up. The lace and flowers became more sparse as the dress continued up into the top, which was only the sparkle light pink fabric with a sweetheart neckline. She wore a silver necklace and bracelet from the Gabriel accessories line to compliment the dress. Marinette had a small purse, matching her accessories and also from Gabriel, which held Tikki inside easily.
"Adrien Agreste!" The press called as they walked down the red carpet, stopping to pose for photos. "Marinette, look here!"
Marinette had never attended an event like this. Sure, she's been to a few fashion shows, and award shows for Jagged Stone, but she never got to walk the red carpet. Adrien was used to it, and comfortable, which helped Marinette be comfortable, too. She was able to play off him, and posing together made everything easier, and calm the nerves.
"Give us a kiss!" One shouted as flashes continued to go off. Adrien looked to Marinette with a small smile, and she nodded. They leaned in for a quick kiss, but long enough for pictures to be taken. As they continued their way down the rest carpet, they had a blast posing for different photographers and slightly bantering with each other, then finally got to walk inside the mansion.
"That was fun," Marinette said only loud enough so Adrien could hear it.
Adrien nodded. "Trust me; it's a lot more fun when you have someone with you. That was the most fun I've ever had on a red carpet."
"Really?" Marinette asked.
"Oh, one-hundred percent. And that's good, because it could easily be our last one for a while, too," He sighed. "Let's do some mingling; then we can head upstairs."
Marinette nodded, and they turned to get into the crowd. Before they could get far, though, they were stopped. "Adrien," Gabriel Agreste looked at the two of them. "And Miss Dupain-Cheng. I do hope you'll enjoy yourselves tonight."
"I'm sure we will!" Marinette replied, trying to act like everything was normal. "Thanks for letting Adrien bring a plus-one, I'm super excited."
"Of course," He said with no emotion. "I'll see you both later."
Adrien was clearly not happy when he saw his father. "I can't wait until we figure out if we're right," He said, and Marinette noticed his fist was clenched.
She grabbed his hand and smiled. "We will, I promise. But for right now, let's try to enjoy ourselves and talk to some people. Anyone you recognize?"
Adrien took a deep breath to calm down. "You're right. And yes, there are a few designers Gabriel Brand has worked with for lines, and I know the designers. Want to meet some?"
"Of course, I do!" Marinette nearly screamed.
"Ow, ow," Adrien flinched when Marinette squeezed his hand. She let go quickly with a sheepish smile and apologetic eyes. "Okay, I'll introduce you to as many people as I can."
As soon as Gabriel's speech about the Gala was over, Adrien and Marinette snuck off. Adrien knew the best way to get around the house, and he knew how easy it would be to sneak around the back and go up the back stairs. Even though his father didn't know, Adrien also knew the code to get into Gabriel's office when he locked it when there were events like this going on. Which, obviously,  made things easier.
Adrien quickly typed the code in, and the two of them ran into the room. "Okay, Plagg, you can come out," Adrien said as he held his jacket.
"Finally! I'm starving!" Plagg complained, but was satisfied when Adrien handed Plagg some cheese.
"You too, Tikki," Marinette said as she opened her purse. "What do we do first, Adrien?"
Adrien looked around the office before answering. "We were right outside where the butterfly thing showed up on camera. And right behind this painting of my mom is where I found that book about Miraculous a while ago," Adrien said. "Plagg had to open it from the inside."
"And I can do it again!" Plagg said, flew into the painting, and it opened up like a cabinet. "Just as easy as before," He said with a wink.
"See, this is the book," Adrien bent down and pointed. Marinette grabbed it and started flipping through to skim it to make sure it was real.
Tikki gasped loudly, calling everyone's attention to her. "Marinette," She said, almost in disbelief. "This is...the missing peacock Miraculous."
Marinette took a deep breath and sighed. "Well, at least we know where it's been," She said and grabbed it, sticking it in her purse for safekeeping. "I don't know, he's got a lot of Miraculous related stuff, but where are the butterflies?"
Adrien didn't answer her question. Instead, he huffed and stepped back to look at the hidden bookcase as a whole. After a second, he almost fell over and yelped when he felt the floor move. "Adrien?" He heard Marinette shout, but he was no longer in the same room as her.
When the floor stopped moving, Adrien was crouched to the ground from the sudden change. When he stood up, he noticed it was much darker and there was a little light coming from a window...the main circular window from the mansion. He walked forward a bit to try to get a better look, but then he noticed there were random white things scattered on the ground. As he walked into the light, the white things began to fly. "Butterflies," Adrien sighed and held his hand out. One landed in the middle of his hand, and he felt his anger start to rise. Adrien walked back to the circle on the floor, and once he stepped on it, he was brought back to his father's office.
"Are you okay?" Marinette asked as soon as she saw him. "What happened?"
Adrien looked down at his hand. "You were right," He said quietly, and the butterfly flew off his hand towards the door.
"Ah, Ladybug and Chat Noir," The deep voice greeted at the door. The butterfly landed on Gabriel's shoulder. "I see I should have enacted my plan earlier. Well, I guess now is as good as time as ever," He shrugged and turned to walk away. Once Gabriel was out of the door, the security doors came down, locking the four of them in. It was a metal door that the heroes had encountered only once before when Adrien and Gabriel were being targeted a while ago.
Marinette and Adrien banged on the door to open it. "We're stuck," Marinette said, defeated.
Adrien stepped back and grabbed Marinette's hand to pull her away from the door. He reached into his pocket and held up some cheese. "Plagg, bring it down," He said.
"Are you sure?" Plagg asked.
"Yes. Cataclysm the door," He said, and Plagg obliged. As soon as the door was down, Plagg took the cheese, and Marinette and Adrien ran out of the door.
"Gabriel!" Marinette shouted as loud as she could when they rounded the corner and stood at the top of the main staircase. He was making his way through the crowd, trying to be as invisible as possible. When she shouted, she caught everyone's attention. Gabriel stopped and looked back at them, an unreadable smirk on his face. "Gabriel. Hand over the butterfly Miraculous," Marinette demanded, pointing at him.
It took the crowd a moment to realize, but soon after, there were gasps and murmurs throughout as Gabriel was still silent. The people near him shuffled away, but people were shocked. All the cameras, recording and photography, were pointed at the heroes as everyone waited for Gabriel to give in.
Gabriel turned to face them and chuckled, looking down at his feet and holding his hands in front of him. "We have proof, Gabriel. Hand it over before you make it any worse for you than it has to be," Marinette tried to reason.
He looked up at Marinette and pushed his glasses up his nose. "I do not know what you are talking about, Miss Dupain-Cheng."
Adrien groaned. "Fine, father, you want to do this the hard way?" He asked, and he and Marinette looked at each other, nodding one before speaking again, at the same time.
"Tikki, spots on!"
"Plagg, claws out!"
In front of all the cameras and everyone in the room, Marinette and Adrien transformed from their formal wear to their superhero outfits. By now, videos of the Gala and what was going on now was being broadcasted all over France and even other parts of the world. The crowd was speechless as they saw the flashes of pink and green, but Gabriel only shook his head and turned around.
"I tried warning you both," Gabriel said, just loud enough to be heard.
"They have the peacock Miraculous!" Nathalie ran around the corner and shouted.
Gabriel smirked. "I'm sure I'll see you all very soon. Everything is coming together, Miss Ladybug," He said, and started to walk away. Ladybug and Chat Noir walked slowly down the steps, making sure Gabriel would not make any rash decisions. "Oh, and do tell Miss Césaire and Mister Lahiffe I said hello, it's a shame they couldn't make it here tonight," He frowned.
Ladybug and Chat Noir looked to each other quickly and then back at Gabriel. Chat Noir opened his mouth to speak. "What? How-"
"Can't I have a few secrets, too?" He asked. As if on cue, Nathalie pushed past Chat Noir and Ladybug and stood next to Gabriel. He held his hand up and the lights shut off, and a second later, when they turned back on, Nathalie and Gabriel vanished.
"Lock the house down," Ladybug told Chat Noir, and he did as they said. Once the mansion went into lockdown mode, they called their backup and checked every room they could find.
They were gone.
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman @lilgaga98 @evufries  
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
title: super cool
pairings: roceit, analogical, qpr remy/remus
summary: roman, who is a giant nerd, is pining after the most popular guy at school. 
word count: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, anger, frustration, crying, a couple of sexual jokes (skip the tiny scene that starts with remy speaking), sympathetic deceit, remus, threats (as jokes), self-deprecation, lying, meddling with relationships, shame, brief humiliation, embarrassment, the briefest food mention, slight misunderstandings, awkward conversations, and possibly something else
a/n: this was commissioned by the wonderful, lovely @adultmorelikeadolt who suggested that i write this after complaining about not having any ideas on what to write. this definitely has room for a second part, so... maybe i’ll write another? idk. maybe if i get an idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also yes i know that there are a ridiculous amount of ace and aro people in this fic but guess what? idgaf!!!! ace!roman and aroace!pat, remus, and remy are all great and i’d be an idiot if i didn’t add them all in. not to mention a little bit of enby!logan!!!! i’m in love with them all so i get to make the rules
commission info (two slots for 50% off are still open!)
consider buying me a coffee
“Roman, stop being a fucking creep,” Virgil chided from his perch on Logan’s lap. He flicked an overcooked pea from his tray, which hit Roman square on the cheek.
“I am not being a creep,” Roman snapped, not taking his eyes off of the boy he was staring at. “I’m admiring.”
Logan quirked an eyebrow, shifting their gaze between Roman and the boy across the courtyard. “I’m almost certain that you’re being a creep.”
“You’re biased because you’re Virgil’s partner! That’s not fair at all,” Roman huffed. He turned to look at Patton. “I’m not being a creep, right?”
Roman gasped. He dramatically pressed the back of his hand to his forehead. “I can’t believe I’ve been betrayed by all of my friends! I thought you cared about me, but I was horribly mistaken!”
“Maybe if you didn’t awkwardly stare at Damien during lunch, we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” Virgil suggested.
“Well, it’s not as if I could talk to him!” Damien Taylor was easily the most popular guy at Sanders High. There was no chance in hell that Roman Fairfield, resident history nerd and drama geek, could so much as stand within five feet of him, let alone strike up a conversation.
Patton rolled his eyes. “It isn’t illegal to talk to him, you know. Just compliment him on his dress or something.”
“It isn’t that easy,” Roman griped. Damien was just so cool. He was suave and charming and unbelievably handsome, and he wore whatever he wanted with the confidence of a million superstars, regardless of the style or if it showed off his vitiligo. Nearly every boy, girl, and nonbinary person either wanted to date him, be him, or befriend him. He was practically irresistible, and despite the attention that he was given, Damien preferred his small friend group of Remy Xander and Remus Adams. Roman was simply another admirer. He wasn’t anything special like Damien obviously wanted.
“Stop doing that,” Virgil said, tearing Roman from his thoughts.
“Stop what?”
“The whole brooding thing.” Virgil vaguely waved his hands around. “I can practically hear the self-hatred from here.”
“Oh, whatever, Danger Days,” Roman hissed. He crossed his arms and turned away, more upset than angry. There was a bit of shuffling behind him, and within a few moments, Virgil’s arms had wrapped around his middle in a comforting hug. His resolve quickly crumbled, and he leaned into his friend’s side.
“We love and support you always, Ro,” Virgil whispered as he pressed a gentle kiss on the top of Roman’s head. “You are incredible.”
Despite Virgil’s sweet words at lunch, Roman felt anything but incredible. 
He had stayed after class for forty minutes to chat with his teacher, which was pretty standard, but when he’d tried to turn his car on afterward, the engine refused to turn on. He had half a mind to call one of his friends to drive him home, but Virgil and Logan had mentioned earlier that they were going on a date, and Patton’s sister would be less than pleased to have to turn around to pick up one of her brother’s “weird friends.” So Roman was stuck, and he felt pretty damn shitty about it.
“Stupid car,” he muttered as he kicked angrily at one of his tires. “Stupid old car that’s held together by duct tape and safety pins!”
“You look upset,” someone said behind him, and Roman whipped around to find Damien standing there with Remy and Remus a few feet behind him, holding hands.
Oh, shit.
“Um, yeah, I guess. My car broke down, and all of my friends have left already.” He awkwardly gestured at the mostly-empty parking lot.
“I can help.” Damien walked around to the front of the car, waving Remy to follow. Roman absolutely did not stare as Damien’s yellow dress swirled around his legs like liquid sunshine. “I’m good at finding the problem, and Remy is just fantastic at the actual fixing.”
“Oh, um, thank you.”
Remy slid his shades into his hair with a bored expression. “It’s no problem, doll. Can you pop the hood for me?”
Roman nodded and did as he was told. While Damien and Remy poked around the engine, he sat on the pavement beside his car to watch. Remus, who had been explicitly told by Remy to not touch anything, searched for bugs in the grassy area a few feet away, occasionally making random, lewd comments to his QPP. Remy would retaliate by rolling his eyes and giving Remus the finger, and Damien seemed completely unfazed by their antics.
“So good news,” Damien said fifteen minutes after they had started. “I figured out what’s wrong.”
“I can’t fix it,” Remy answered. He spouted off a bit of technical nonsense about how something had broken and would need to be replaced, which Roman didn’t get at all except for the underlying message that his car was still fucked up, and he still didn’t have a way to get home.
“Shit, okay.” Roman rubbed at his eyes in frustration. If he hadn’t been in the company of the three most popular kids at school, he probably would have started crying right then and there. “Okay. Thanks for trying to help.”
He heard the hood slam closed, followed by the retreating voices of Remus and Remy, but he still didn’t move. Hot tears started to well up in his eyes, and he internally kicked himself for feeling so upset. It wasn’t even that big of a deal that his car had broken down, yet he was crying like a baby. He sniffled and scrubbed harshly at his eyes. Thank god that Damien and his group had left already.
His momentary thankfulness, however, was shattered as crunching footsteps approached him. His eyes snapped open, and Damien was standing above him with his hand outstretched. Roman was caught between feeling shameful and confused.
“What are you doing?” he asked dumbly.
Damien rolled his eyes. “Attempting to help you up.”
“Do I seriously need a reason to lend you a hand?” Impatience was starting to grow in his mismatched eyes, and Roman reached up before Damien decided that it wasn’t worth his time.
“Sorry, I just thought that you’d left with your friends,” Roman said, shoving his hands into his pockets as soon as he was on his feet.
“No, they...” Damien trailed off, looking in the direction that Remus and Remy had gone. “They have plans.”
“Oh. Well, thanks again for trying to help.”
“It’s no problem.” Roman could have sworn that an uncomfortable expression flashed over Damien’s face for a split second, but he unfalteringly continued, “Would you like a ride home?”
Roman’s eyes widened in shock. Damien Taylor was offering to drive him home. “You don’t have to, really--”
“Let me rephrase that. Would it be okay if I took you home? I would rather you not be stuck here for god knows how long.”
“Uh, yeah, sure. That’s fine.”
“Great,” Damien said, smiling gently. “My car isn’t very far.”
They were silent for the whole twenty second walk to Damien’s car, but once they were sat down, Damien spoke up. “Why didn’t you call your friends to get you? I don’t know much about them, but I feel like they would have been happy to help.” He put odd emphasis on the word “friends,” but Roman brushed it off.
“Patton gets a ride from his sister, and I didn’t want to make her turn around to pick me up. Plus, I think she ‘blames’ me for Patton being aroace since I came out as ace to him, which led to him learning about that whole spectrum in the first place, so she probably would’ve been unpleasant about driving me home. I probably could’ve asked Logan no problem, but they said they were going on a date with Virgil this afternoon. I didn’t want to bother them.”
“Why would you be bothering them?”
Roman burst out laughing, but after a few seconds of Damien not joining in, he stopped. Damien’s brow was furrowed, and Roman realized that he was serious. “What do you mean? It’s a date.”
“Yeah. Aren’t you dating Logan and Virgil?”
“Oh,” Roman exhaled. “No, I definitely am not.”
“Oh,” Damien parroted. A dark blush appeared on his cheeks in clear embarrassment.
“It’s easy to make that mistake, though,” Roman rushed in an attempt to dispel the awkward feeling in the car. “I mean, Virgil is a very touchy-feely kind of guy, and Logan is obviously dating Virgil, so... It’s not a complete stretch to assume that I was dating them.”
Damien nodded mechanically. “Right, well... Where do you live?” 
Roman told him his address, and the entire ride there was silent.
“I really don’t know why you’re so upset about it,” Remy drawled. “He’s single. Didn’t you want that?”
“Yes, but I made a complete idiot out of myself!” Damien groaned, flopping onto Remy’s bed.
Remus sat down next to him with an evil smirk. “Dami, you shoulda seen the way he looked at you when you walked past him. It was like he just wanted to reach up your skirt and--”
“I suggest that you stop talking if you want your heart to continue to beat.”
Remy glared at Remus and said, “Seriously, though. The guy looked like he was about to faint when you offered to help. I’m no expert in romantic attraction, but I think he’s into you.”
“He was probably intimidated by me like everyone else at this stupid school is!” Damien rolled over and pressed his face into a pillow. “He’s just so fucking pretty.”
“Well,” Remus laughed. “At least now that you’ve seen his pretty face up close, you’ll have ‘shower-nozzle mastur--’”
“God, you’re such a buzzkill!”
Patton peeked around the corner of the hallway again. Damien was packing up his things, and neither Remy nor Remus were in sight, which was ideal for Patton’s plan. He waited until Damien pulled the zipper shut on his backpack to run over, using the acting skills that he had learned from Roman to look scared and upset.
“Damien, oh my goodness, I need your help!”
The boy in question looked up, surprised. “Uh, what’s wrong?”
“I was in a practice room, and a spider just came out from nowhere, and no one else is around, and I need you to get rid of it for me!” Patton rushed, clinging to Damien’s arm like it was a raft. In reality, the only thing in the practice room was Roman, who was under the assumption that Patton was going to show up to play piano for him, but what was a little bit of meddling between friends? 
Okay, so maybe Patton felt bad for meddling with Roman’s love life, but Roman had called him up the night before fretting over “messing everything up,” which was just absurd in Patton’s opinion. He shared a class with Damien, and the amount of times he’d caught glimpses of the popular boy doodling Roman’s name in his notebook was honestly bordering on an absurd number. Patton had two pining idiots on his hands, so since neither of them were going to make a move, Patton was simply going to... nudge them in the right direction.
“Oh, um, okay,” Damien said.
“Thank you so much!” Patton began to drag Damien to the practice room, talking the whole way there so he wouldn’t ask any questions. “It was so scary! I was just playing the piano, and this huge black spider started crawling on the top end keys! It just showed up out of nowhere like the big, scary, creepy-crawly death-dealer that it is! I’m so glad that you’re willing to help me, Damien. All of my stuff is in there--oh my gosh! What if it’s in my bag? That would be dreadful! Oh, here we are!”
They stood in front of the plain wooden door of the practice room. Patton grabbed Damien by the shoulders and gave him the most serious expression that he could muster. “Damien, I wish you the best of luck in your task. However, if you are taken by the spider, I will not help you.”
“Great! Thanks again!” Patton chirped as he flung the door open, pushed Damien inside, and pulled it shut again. He took out the keys that he had borrowed from the band teacher and locked the door, silently hoping that Roman would forgive him after everything.
Roman looked up, shocked to see Damien stumble through the door of the practice room, who looked equally surprised to see him. “Um, hello?”
“Why are you in here?”
Damien awkwardly looked back to the door. “Uh, your friend Patton told me that there was a spider that he needed me to kill in here.”
“He must have been mistaken. I’ve been in here since school let out, and he told me he was running late to meet here--” Roman cut himself off in realization. Oh, that son of a bitch! “Patton lied.”
Roman stood from the piano bench, striding to the door. He tried the knob, and like he had suspected, it didn’t budge. “He tricked us into the practice room!” He kicked the door in frustration.
Damien looked very confused and alarmed. “Why would he do that?”
“Because I have a crush on you, and that bastard is trying to get me to confess--” He clamped his hand over his mouth in horror as he realized what he was saying. To escape the disapproving glare that Damien was bound to give him, Roman turned away, hugging his arms round his waist. He could feel heat pricking at the corners of his eyes in the tell-tale sign that he was ready to bawl his eyes out. It would be super cool of him to cry in front of Damien twice. Not weird at all.
“You... have a crush on me?”
“Don’t,” Roman choked out. “Just forget I said anything.”
Damien shifted around behind him, and a hand gently landed on his shoulder. “Roman, will you please look at me?”
Slowly, he turned his head to look at the other boy, painfully aware of the redness of his eyes and nose and cheeks. There was a softness in Damien’s gaze, and Roman was only able to keep his mouth pressed into a firm line for the few moments that led up to Damien’s hand moving to cup his face.
“I, um... I actually have a crush on you, too.”
Roman felt like all of the air had been sucked out of his lungs. “Really?”
“Yeah. I really, really do.”
They smiled at each other for a few moments when the lock on the door clicked. Roman took Damien’s hand that wasn’t on his face and said, “How about we get out of here and talk about things over coffee?”
Damien grinned. “I think that sounds great.”
337 notes · View notes
newtshairdryer · 5 years
Thoughts on Descendants 3 as I watch it for the 8th time and pause to look at everybody all the time
- When Ben and Mal are walking out before the proposal, Audrey is slow clapping and it’s hilarious
-Chad seems genuinely happy to see them together but Audrey rains on his parade
-Please look at Chad’s face to the side after Ben gets on his knee his overdramatic gaping mouth is SENDING ME
-Why do they make Belle and the Beast kiss beside each other’s cheeks like a french greeting? For real though they’re Belle and the Beast...they should be kissing in celebration .-.
-Right after the Carlos/Beast chest bump there’s an extra in the background of Bal just having a blast popping bubbles
-Speaking of the bubbles I have no clue where they’re coming from
- Dude in the background when Audrey says ”What is wrong with you people?” bein shady AF to her
-That one girl in the wheelchair that has been in every single movie needs a name cause we all just refer to her as that one girl in the wheelchair lol
-Mal has her own purple fucking limo and she’s not even royalty yet
-Their money is so vibrantly coloured
-Those cards Celia fan out are definitely, well, a fan. They’re all attached- she’s not even holding onto some of them lol
-Mal resting her chin on Ben’s shoulder to watch him and Celia in the limo. soft
-The scenes in the limo make Ben look really big and awkward because they’re all shoved into a small space and he’s in the middle where the smallest person usually goes...but he’s the biggest person XD
-The barrier takes forever to close and there are a ton of people right there, why has no one attempted to just jump through it yet lol
-What if Hades put his hand through the barrier and it just like...cut it off LMFAO now THAT would have been entertaining 
-Hades literally makes himself roll one more time as he’s pushed back. Like there’s no more momentum and you can see he should stop but he makes himself do another somersault and it’s so obvious lol
-I know it’s been said before but the lack of security in the museum is just lazy AF writing. They didn’t even try to make it realistic it’s way too easy to just waltz in and take anything. Apparently the wand is the only thing worthy of an alarm
-Also why is there not even glass around the scepter to even attempt to discourage people from taking it? Even when the museum is OPEN someone could yank it out and start spelling shit up.
-Ben’s phone rings and he hangs it up less than a second after he picked it up- it doesn’t even show him barely looking at it. How on earth did he have time to see a message about the stolen items- let alone the fact it was a phone call ring...not a text ping
-Why are the former King and Queen of Auradon and the current reigning King turning to the not yet Queen for all the advice about evil like it’s her responsibility. They don’t even attempt to brainstorm the vast amount of other ideas. And why on earth can’t she just suggest uh...literal guards by the barrier when it opens for them? Like if they paid people on the isle to guard the barrier so other isle people didn’t try to get out it would help a ton. There are so many other solutions other than closing the barrier completely (and then getting rid of it completely??)
-Does anyone else notice that like...50% of Ben’s screen time is him staring in shock/disbelief at things with literally no other expression for entire scenes? Cause I noticed it the first time around
-My favourite outfit in this whole movie for Mal is this light purple dress she has on when talking about closing the barrier for the first time with Ben’s parents and Evie. She is SO GORGEOUS in it. I’m actually not a fan of the leather suit she wears for the rest of the movie cause I don’t feel it fits with her hairstyle- mainly once it starts to go blue
-I just realized Mal’s hair literally goes from pretty much just purple to lots of blue mixed in. I guess it’s cool cause it’s like she gets power from the ember but I honestly prefer her brighter purple hair. My favourite hairstyle was her bangs she looked like an actual goddess in the 2nd movie
-I think everyone was thinking Dude got into Jane’s cake (despite the very neatly cut corner)
-I honestly love Mal’s face when Audrey shows up with the crown and scepter and her whole new gettup like “What on earth is this chick doing”
-I reiterate “what on earth is this chick doing” as Audrey goes to...sniff? the scepter?
-I wAnT tO bE dAnGeRoUS
-Audrey through a cupcake on the ground. So evil
-Honestly I’m sorry but Audrey talking all angsty to the people at Jane’s party is really cringey. Her lines are just...hhhhhhhhh (you mindless little drones in particular just seems weird the way she says it)
-How on earth does Audrey not see Jane get in the lake...she’s literally right there in full view
-OK so not ALL magic doesn’t work on the Isle, according to Celia only evil magic doesn’t work- so yes Maleficent is still a lizard cause Mal’s spell wasn’t an evil one
-Even with her massive platform shoes Mal is so much shorter than Hades she is yelling at him but having to look way up she’s adorable
- Hades “LET’S DANCE” - proceeds to shake a tambourine, slap his butt with it and stick his tongue out. ok then
-Why did I never notice Mal shake the tambourine at him angrily and then throw it lmao
-WHERE IS THE WIND COMING FROM IN THIS SONG (I will touch back on random wind that shouldn’t be there later on too)
-Mal should say thank you for the ember...imo
-”If it gets wet it’s game over” thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s what she said
-Mal’s walking away from Haes up those stairs? That booty thicc (only thing I really like about that outfit) 
-Girl has a zipper down her butt. She can unzip her ass cheeks
-I’m glad the jewelry in this movie is no longer plastic like Ben’s ring and his burger king crown
-“You’ll what? Marry them?” OK I am not a big fan of the plot or Audrey’s temper tantrum but  if that isn’t the best fucking burn in this whole franchise then idk what is
-I deserve some compensation for my muscles...what does that even mean???
-Are we suppose to know who Hannah is?
-”Says you and that’s suppose to mean someth’n to me?” Ok maybe I’m just a flaming bisexual for Uma but why was that line delivery so smooth
-Audrey is abusing Chad. She threw a glass bowl at him and is literally shoving him around and yelling at him while accusing him of knowing things and not telling her. And it’s played for laughs. Descendants you have a lot of good things that are socially woke but this ain’t it man. Chad may have been a douche but he doesn’t deserve abuse. (rhyme oof)
- Why is Dude advertising that he gives great cuddles? Who is that directed at? Why is that line in there? Alright then
-How is Uma the only one that noticed the massive scratches on the wall and the literal painting slashed in half
-Mkay we get it Audrey you’re evil thanks for the random laugh
-The knight in front of them literally clanged as it moved and it’s RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM how did nobody but Harry see it move. This entire movie is me asking why something happened because honestly so much of it just doesn’t make sense but I still love the movie lmao
-Out numbered 1 to 50? How did this girl graduate lol
-I still say What The Fuck Is Happening every time Mal makes the Knights dance. It’s just the most random, out of the blue thing to do
-Mal literally licks her lip and gives Evie the most sultry look as Evie dips down and is singing the end of Night Falls. I’m not a Mevie shipper but it’s the most bedroom eyes I’ve ever seen
-Evie is an absolute ray of sunshine and deserves all the things
-Harry is genuinely flattered at Evie’s compliment about his accent he starts to smile. Dude acts like a complete player and then gets happy when someone gives him a genuine compliment lol
-Jay and Gil are adorable
-Gil is just adorable on his own
-Doug is in way too comfortable of a position to not have already been on the ground sleeping/resting. Which begs the question of why he was just on the ground sleeping like that
-Doug’s long hair and ponytail and complete lack of style are some of my biggest pet peeves in this movie. He doesn’t just look out of place next to Evie, but next to literally everyone else. He looked pretty good in the last two, why such a drastic change that literally nobody asked for or wanted lol
-I seriously can’t take Evie and Doug seriously in this movie just because of his hair. It’s just so unattractive I’m sorry not sorry
- I do enjoy the sense of urgency and time that the movie has as Mal tries to keep moving. Uma and her being like “just kiss him already” is fun
-They could have shot Audrey looking at them through the scepter in a different way...the way it’s just the same close up shot every time she’s looking at it with her hair blowing in the non-existent wind just adds to how cheesy her whole performance is (not her fault, director and writers fault)
-Mal should have kissed Ben when they reunited. 0 reason not to. She was super worried about him and finally reunited with him and she also LOOKED like she wanted to kiss him. Girl was super into that beard. 
-Leave some room for Jesus lmao 
-I’m just bitter cause the only kiss we get this whole movie is from kinda far away and is short. We’ve also never seen them share a sweet kiss in private- they’re always on display....maybe it’s a kink lol
-Ben and Mal holding hands while trying to sneak around <3
-Sophia’s acting when Evie is upset is on point. This whole scene is one of the only really good ones where everyone is rightfully upset with Mal. 
-Mal has had to sing about her feelings in every movie lmao
-Why...does the dragon look like it has a low frame rate? It looks choppy
-Audrey just, once again, doesn’t look menacing. She’s just like...waving a stick around and making mean faces
-”I owe you an apology” says everyone but...no one actually says “I’m sorry” lol
- Ben is just “aw yiss speak human rights to me baby” at Mal during the engagement party
- Beast: “We can’t do that.” I AGREE
-Taking the barrier down with no screening for the villains is a bad bad bad bad idea but it’s a happy disney universe so everything is fine - ugh
-UNSAFE BRIDGE!!1!!1 I’m waiting for someone to fall off- just once, please
-Mal and Uma jumping up and down when they kmeetis the cutest fucking thing on earth
-Ben needs a different thing to dance in, his suit is so stiff
-Harry and Audrey? Hmmmm I’m not opposed but I’m also not feelin it
-Were those people just...waiting there with an already built dragon?
-Ben likes to hip thrust in every movie, no lie
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