#rita skeleton
hildamystery45687 · 7 months
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maidoftheday · 1 year
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Today’s Maid of the Day: Rita Farren from Skeleton Knight in Another World
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fallingleaves-fl · 1 year
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renkorama · 1 year
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(with a nod to serge gainsbourg) 
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: Dad Jokes
Stephen King: so i was down at the bookstore and they were throwing my books around Dean Koontz: oh no! why were they doing that? King: well dean Koontz: they could damage the books! King: well dean Koontz: or hurt someone! King: well dean Koontz: or King: let me finish dean
King: i was all 'what's going on?' and then IT hit me Koontz: why were they doing it? King: well IT hit me Koontz: King: see, IT is the title of one of my King: oh for pete's sake King: the rest of you got it didn't you?
King: the rest of you got it, right? Barker: yeah we got it Barker: it just wasn't funny King: King: oh come on clive i mean i thought it was a little funny Poe: it was very amusing steve Barker: don't encourage him edgar Barker: he's only going to get worse
Stephen King: well, don't worry, i got plenty more! Joe Hill: dad, please, i'm tired King: hi tired, i'm dad Barker: hahaha Barker: ok now THAT ONE was funny Poe: really? "hi tired i'm dad?" that's the one that does it for you? Barker: it was all in the delivery haha
King: IT hit me? get it? IT? King: oh never mind, please yourself then Elon Musk: [rising from bushes] eyyy stephano king King: oh no Musk: itsa funny joke no? Musk: i lika da jokes eyyy!
King: well, elon, i guess we finally have something in common King: no one likes either of our jokes Musk: eyyyy whatsamatta for you, stephano king? everybody lovesa my jokes! Musk: i maka da joka, alla my fans applaud, they clappa da hands! Musk: they say "masterful gambit sir"
King: sigh, i guess i'm just not cut out for comedy Poe: don't feel bad, steve, we can't all be kim newman Kim Newman: [bowtie spinning] good evening ladies and germs, i was on my way to this campfire when this guy told me he hadn't had a bite all week
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thisblogisaboutabook · 7 months
Cowboy Like Me - Part 6
Azriel x Reader
Reader and Elain are forced to spend a little one on one time together. Mor whisks reader out for a night on the town. Azriel loses his shit during an incident at Rita’s and comforts reader afterward. A new boundary is crossed between Azriel and reader.
A/n: We’re coming into the home stretch with this story! It will only have a couple more chapters.
Part 5
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Warnings: Alcohol, Language, mild violence, seizure, poisoning, mention (kind of) of drugging via alcohol
Elain’s garden was lovely. A labor of love that only countless hours of tending and getting hands dirty could cultivate. Her tension eased slightly as she shared details of the various flora blooming throughout.
Truthfully, I had no interest in gardening and most of the plant names went in one of my ears and out the other but her passion was captivating. There was something about listening to someone speak of their interests that I couldn’t get enough of.
As if she were a demure flower that came into bloom when she entered her space, she went from uncomfortable with me to genuine. I could see why Azriel had interest in her.
As we finished her tour of the garden, nobody had come to collect us and the awkwardness once returned.
Finally Elain looked to her feet and then back to me. “You and Azriel are a lovely pair.”
I started. “Oh no, we’re not together. It’s just an assignment.”
Elain thought for a moment beginning to say something but holding herself back.
And because I was nothing if not incurably nosey I blurted out. “It’s okay. You can say whatever it is you’re holding back. It won’t hurt me, Elain.”
“It’s not like that.” She spoke softly. “Just be careful. Not with him, he is a good, honorable male. But I am a seer. It was one of the powers thrust upon me by the cauldron and I’ve seen something that I don’t understand. A mangled skeleton in a tunnel with you…. And threads of gold flowing from the opposite direction.”
I paled. What an ominous thing to say. “My visions are strange and I don’t understand how to decipher them just yet. I don’t want to alarm you. Please,” she took my hand earnestly, “just be careful.”
I squeezed her hand in return. Who was I to make the female before me feel uncomfortable for sharing something she clearly still struggled to speak about. She had no reason to be kind to me. I was a stranger, a spy, in close proximity to someone she had or perhaps still did have feelings for. And yet, I could feel she was being genuine. So I met her eyes sincerely, “Thank you, Elain. I’m happy to have met you.”
We chatted for a few more minutes, nothing of substance, just contented small talk.
Eventually Rhysand came to the garden, Azriel behind him looking uncomfortable. “Thank you for your patience, ladies. Amren can get rather cranky when she hasn’t had her nap. Please excuse her…. brazen ways. It makes her a great second, but an occasional pain in the ass at dinner.”
He gestured to the female beside me, “Thank you for showing our guest your garden, Elain.” before turning to me. “Y/N, please join Azriel, Cassian, and I in my office.”
Rhysand turned back toward the house, Azriel lingering behind to wait for me. I felt his gaze as we wandered through a corridor of the massive estate. I felt awkward after the earlier encounter, not quite sure what to say. It was Azriel who broke the silence as he slowed his pace. “Y/N…”
I looked up to the male towering over me. His wings were tucked in tightly behind him as his shadows whirled around our feet. “You look so much more than nice. You’re resplendent.”
My face heated in a blush and a flicker sparked in those hazel eyes. Oh, he knew that effected me and was proud of recovering from his earlier stumble.
“Thank you, Azriel.” I reached toward his tunic. “You clean up quite well yourself.”
It was his turn to blush now. I jerked my head toward the High Lord now several yards ahead of us. “We best catch up with him.”
“Yes, of course.” He extended his arm as I looped mine through it.
Rhysand’s office was less of an office and more of a library. In fact, I am pretty sure that I’ve seen smaller libraries in my travels to the Day Court. “What an impressive collection” I marveled at the grand room surrounding us that was both warm and elegant. A lovely painting of the High Lady hung behind his desk. I wondered if she painted it.
“She did.” Rhys spoke into my head. “Lovely, isn’t she?”
“The loveliest” I mused wistfully. She truly was. “Hey, now get out of my head.”
He held his hands up in a show of innocence before mentally replying “No mind reading here. It was easy enough to read on your face, little spy. Nice to know all I need to break a spy is my beautiful mate.”
I only giggled in return. I liked him. I had heard rumors that he was a much more benevolent ruler than he let the world see but hearing it versus experiencing were two totally different things.
Azriel’s low voice interrupted and brought me back to reality “I’d love to be included in whatever you two are going on about.”
Whoops. Busted.
“Yeah, guys.” Cassian’s booming voice came from the doorway. “Secrets don’t make friends.”
“They do keep my pockets lined though.” I replied without thinking. Probably not in my best interest to make such jokes after Amren’s display at dinner.
To both my surprise and lack of it, Cassian laughed. “Touché, little spy.”
Rhys placed his palms on the desk, eyes fixating on a letter before lifting his head back to us. “We have new information on the infiltrated shipments. A trace amount of the same poison that had laced the spices imported to the Summer Court were detected in one of Beron’s vaults. Not enough to damn him but enough to suggest we are looking in the right direction.”
“Who relayed this intel?” Azriel asked.
“Who do you think?” Cassian goaded, earning an eye roll from his brother.
I cut in “It was Eris, right? Are you sure he can be trusted?”
“I trust him far more than Beron and he hasn’t led us astray yet.” Rhys replied. “I see no reason not to believe him at this point in time.”
“Now,” Rhys continued. “Here’s where things get interesting. Beron will be attending the ball next week. Eris will be there as well and I’ve contacted Lucien. He was hesitant to show given his history with his father but with Elain in attendance he plans to join.”
Azriel gave no response, physical or verbal, to the mention of Elain. He only continued listening intently. “Lucien was concerned about Elain given Beron being there but she has made it abundantly clear to Feyre and I that it is her choice to go.”
“Is it necessary for her to attend?” Cassian asked.
“Once again, it is her choice. She had a vision leading me to believe Beron has something planned and that was before Eris confirmed that Beron is attending the ball and of the traces of poison he had discovered.”
“Shit.” Cassian muttered.
“Azriel, I need you and Y/N to stay here in the event that anything urgent comes up. Y/N, would you be comfortable staying in Velaris for the time being? You can stay at the House of Wind with Nesta, Cassian, and Azriel and train with Nesta in the mornings.”
As if I would be sad to stay in a gorgeous city and not in a giant palace in the middle of nowhere with only one grumpy Shadowsinger for company. Okay, the last part wasn’t so bad. He wasn’t that grumpy… and he was rather pleasant to look at it.
Rhys waited patiently for an answer. “I am at your disposal, High Lord.”
Upon reentering the main living area, I was greeted by an eager Mor. “What would an evening together be without a little Amren drama?” She clung to my arm guiding me toward a liquor cart, pouring us each a glass of Cognac served neat. “Cheers to surviving your first family dinner!”
Azriel only huffed. “We should get to the House of Wind. It’s late and we have to train in the morning.”
“Oh no you don’t.” Mor gripped my arm tightly.
“Don’t even think about it, Mor.” Azriel warned.
“My gift is truth. And the truth is that Y/N has not experienced Velaris until she’s had a night out at Rita’s.”
Azriel kept his stance. “Well she’ll be here for at least a week longer. We’re going to stay at the House of Wind until the ball.”
Mor squealed. “Oh, we are going to have so much fun!”
“She’s still here for work, Mor.” He reprimanded
Her brows knit together “And? What does that have to do with anything? There’s plenty of time for work. Now, let’s play.”
I wasn’t about to get into this battle of wills between Mor and Az but the idea of a night out was appealing. I’ve never had a night out for just fun. It was always for work, always. I wanted to feel music and lose my myself for a bit, but… Azriel did have a point. It was getting late and we did have to train tomorrow.
The blonde waived a hand dismissively. “Azriel. You work too hard. You’ve been wound tight for months now. You need this just as much.”
He scoffed. “My idea of an enjoyable night out isn’t babysitting my belligerent best friend and one of my spies.”
“Excuse me?” I chimed in. “One: you don’t have to babysit me. Two: I’m a spy for hire, not one of your spies.”
And with that, I could have sworn hurt flickered across his stoic features before regaining his composure. “Do what you want then. I’m not going out.”
“Fine.” I stated. “I’m going with Mor.”
“For fucks sake.” He muttered under his breath.
Mor again squealed. “Come on! Let’s change.”
I wasn’t sure why Mor insisted on changing when the dress I had been wearing was perfectly suitable for a night out, but who was I to fight the determined female? I saw how far it got Azriel who had known her for 500 years. There was no way that I would win that battle with her.
So, I found myself at Rita’s a lively bar with even livelier music in a much too short, skin tight dress, high heels, and an obscene amount of cleavage.
Cassian and Nesta came along as Nesta loved the music though she did not drink.
And Az thought he would have to babysit when Nesta was right there?
I would obey any command the silver eyed female gave me. Any command. Cassian was a very lucky male.
Rita’s was far more lively than I anticipated, nothing like the taverns I had frequented where a sole piano collected dust until a passing bard came through to warm the keys for tips. No, this bar had a stage dedicated for instrumentals and singers with sultry voices. The drinks were far from the stale and shitty varieties of ale I was used to. While there were plenty of bottom shelf options, Mor ordered everything from the top, and I gladly indulged.
We did several rounds of shots before Mor pulled me onto the dance floor. Nesta following with Cassian in tow. Round of drinks were served to us in between sets and I completely lost myself to the music. I took turns writhing against Mor and Nesta, which Cassian did not mind ogling in the slightest. Nesta only gave him a sultry smirk before losing herself to the music again.
A few males tried getting close to us but Cassian’s big scary “Lord of Bloodshed” face drove them off. Fortunately for them.
I had a feeling that if they slipped past his harrowing gaze, Nesta would happily eat them alive. Just to reiterate, Cassian is a very lucky male.
The liquor continued flowing and my head felt light in the best of ways. A lightness I’d experienced so few times over the years. I knew I was a sight, we all were. Nesta’s curves were stunning in anything, and Mor and I… well we had enough on display for anyone to appreciate.
Eventually Rhys and Feyre came into the bar, seemingly having left Nyx with Elain for the rest of the night. They were a sight together, the moon and stars, so effortlessly captivating.
Feyre joined us out on the dance floor as tendrils of darkness swirled around the booth Rhysand sat at, his white teeth shining through as an amused grin crossed his face.
Maybe if I’d looked closer I would have noticed that those weren’t tendrils of darkness at all but shadow that surrounded the booth.
Mor was drawn into dance with a beautiful female as Cassian took reprieve to visit Rhys in his booth and Nesta and Feyre took to chatting with eachother in a corner. The perfect moment to sneak away and indulge in one more drink.
I approached the bar, fighting through a crowd of bystanders to place another order. After three attempts to catch the bartenders attention, a pretty male appeared next to me with that classic High Fae beauty and he was so, so tall. “What do you want?” He asked. “I’ve got you.” And in a normal circumstances would have insisted I am a strong, independent female perfectly calable to order my own drink but honestly…. My inhibitions were low enough that I was happy to accept the feat of a beautiful male buying me a drink.
I yelled my drink order to him over the crowd to which he raised an eyebrow then threw a long arm up in the air with two fingers and a gold mark. Ah, money, great attention getter. It was only a moment before the bartender made his way over to take his order. The bartender opened a new bottle of the liquor from the shelf. Not a high end liquor but not totally bottom of the barrel either. Something that said I’m a classy lady but also considerate of the fact that someone else is paying for my drink.
The bartender slid the drinks over to which the male handed me mine, gave a cheers, and invited me for a dance.
One dance wouldn’t hurt.
He stayed close to me but remained respectful. His hands not drifting anywhere above or below mid-waist and keeping a few centimeters of space between our bodies.
As I became more comfortable with the stranger and the music became a bit more seductive, I leaned back into his warm chest. It was nice, comfortable, but my eyes began to grow heavy and my limbs a bit more lucid. My motions became slower and I felt myself slumping a bit. The male noticed too because he peered around me. “Hey. Hey, are you-“ and suddenly shadows surrounded us and a low, gravely voice spoke. “Step away from my lady.”
I heard the male gasp beginning to speak, letting go of me as Azriel’s large, strong hands caught me, not letting go until I steadied. “Wait, I wasn’t-“ he didn’t finish the sentence before Azriel’s fist met the males face, hard.
“Fuck!” The male shouted as Azriel shoved him further away from me and it was then that I fell to the floor, darkness overtaking me.
When I came to it, I was in an unfamiliar bed. A warm fire glowed in a large stone fireplace before me and a few stars still interés in the sky outside. Pain radiated through me shooting from my stomach and throughout the rest of my body. I tried to sit up but immediately needed to throw up.
Suddenly a scarred hand passed a bucket to me. “Here, here take this.” I gripped my hands onto it and heaved. A warm hand helped keep me sitting upright, thumb running soft strokes over my back as another held my hair back.
“Holy shit.” I gasped before heaving again. “I’m never drinking again.”
“Not a bad idea.” Azriel spoke, no hint of amusement in his voice. “But drinking wasn’t the sole factor.”
Pain radiated through my skull. “What do you mean?”
Then a flashback ran through my mind of shadow and Azriel’s fist meeting a males face.
Fuck, how could I have been so stupid! “That male. He…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. “Did he-?”
Azriel looked down to his feet before taking the bucket back and handing me a cup of ginger tea.
“Look, I…” shame darkened his features. “My shadows sensed something was wrong. I saw you slumping in his arms and I acted before realizing.”
My brows furrowed, lips drawing into a straight line. “I still don’t understand. What do you mean, Azriel?”
“No, he didn’t do anything wrong. For what it’s worth, he seems like a decent male. But after you fell, I ran to you. I shouldn’t have stepped away from you in the first place. You began seizing, Y/N. It fucking terrified me. Cassian apprehended him before the same thing happened to the male. He lost his steadiness, fell to the ground, and began seizing as well.
I immediately took you to Madja who examined you, induced vomiting and provided tonics to counteract the symptoms. “What happened to me?”
Rage. Icy rage crossed his features. “You were poisoned. Mor came and stayed by your side while Madja worked on you. Rhys, Cassian, and I were able to question several people at Rita’s. It turns out that soon after you fell ill, a few others came down with the same symptoms. It was the liquor that had been poisoned. We spoke with the owner of Rita’s who checked their logs and the bottle of liquor you were last served from had been imported around the time that the rogue shipment landed in the summer court.”
“Fuuuck.” I whispered. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I overreacted. I thought he hurt you. And when i considered his intentions….”
His hands flexed and a light hint of silver lined his eyes. “Fuck, I just lost it.”
“Is he okay?” I asked. “Yes, once the tonic took effect for him. I was able to apologize and he was forgiving. Very decent of him given that if the roles were reversed… I didn’t deserve the forgiveness.”
“What about the other patrons who were poisoned?” I asked. “Is everyone okay?”
Azriel’s shadows whirred angrily. “Fortunately. Madja and her staff were quick and everyone will recover.”
His hazel eyes met mine sympathetically, “but it may take a full day for the effects to fully clear from your system. It won’t be a pleasant process.”
Given the pain and nausea within me, I was dreading the next several hours. Looking down, I saw that I’d been changed into an oversized t-shirt and men’s boxer briefs. I looked to Azriel with a raised eyebrow. “Your doing?”
The male blushed, blushed for the second time in less than twelve hours, and I couldn’t repress the small grin that came to my lips. “Nesta helped you into these. Your dress was covered in vomit. And Nesta may dress somewhat modestly in public but she has preferences in her nightly attire so it was either my clothes or a night gown that left very little to the imagination.
Mor is going to bring you some of the clothes you bought yesterday and some of hers after she gets a few hours of sleep. I’ll retrieve clothes from the Moonstone Palace once you’re better.”
Had he forgotten that I was only wearing clothes from the guest armoire there? “I know they aren’t yours but they suited you. Night Court attire suits you.”
I remembered the cobalt blue outfits I wore around the palace. Cobalt blue like…. Oh my gods, his siphons.
It was my turn to blush.
“You should get some more rest, Y/N.”
“Fine.” I sighed. A fevered chill running through me that even the warm bed and fire couldn’t suppress.
He started as he saw the shivers overtake me, goosebumps appearing on my arms.
“Yes?” He asked cautiously.
“Will you lay with me? I’m cold.”
And that was the first night I slept in the arms of the Shadowsinger.
He sat beside her bed for hours, heart lurching at any stir in her sleep. Had he just gone out with them in the first place, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe it would have been him holding her against his chest on the dance floor, maybe she wouldn’t have wandered off for that last drink.
When she seized on the floor, he felt his soul leave his body. He’d never known such panic in his life, not when his brothers held fire to his hands, not when he saw Mor in that field, not even when Elain had been captured by Hybern. He was always able to master himself in times of distress. But he knew that this time was different and if it weren’t for the adrenaline rush that overtook his senses in rushing her to Madja, he would have been hyperventilating on the floor next to her, he was certain of it.
So when she finally awoke and asked meekly if he’d sleep with her, there was no other option. She felt so right in his arms. As her breathing evened out, sleep once again overtaking her, he quietly whispered into the night, to himself, to her sleeping form, to the gods, anyone who would listen. “Never again.”
His shadows hummed in agreement.
Never again would he leave her when he knew she wanted his company. No, she didn’t say it out loud, but he felt it somewhere deep within his chest. Never again would he let someone bring harm to her, and if they did, he wouldn’t let them get away with it. Never again would his little spy feel alone in this world.
With that he softly brushed his lips across her temple. A seal of a vow. A silent show of adoration.
And he could have sworn he felt a little flutter in his chest as her lip quirked upward in her dream state.
Tags: @fxckmiup @saltedcoffeescotch @minnieoo @dr4g0ngirl @thebeautifulmysteriesoflife
Sorry for the delay with this chapter!
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idol kashi gyraf
of botanical wallpaper & mules for door handles
the manuscript spoke a second ago
so much brass
merzbach love affair
escher concrete essay
concrete comma
complete naegeli
skeleton cuckoo on the shoulder
on the villa of your shoulder
geese cliches
& conifers don’t mean so much
when you arrive home
the rucola won’t taste the same
in seven hours
take the medication
strap an airline friendly pillow to your giraffe neck
think of deep sea fish
think of the chasms they come from
think of parmesan from parma
wrapped in cotton
wrapped in your suitcase with nebbiolo & all of its nom de plumes
things are different on ober level
even the lauris nobilis
hedged into an over zealous moon
what beats inside of the tropical palm house
& the grumpy hedge of shonbrunn palace
hovers over the danube
waiting for the bells
the two of clubs is missing
usurped by the rita taxi business card
two worlds are missing in your jet lag
you write a letter home
wherever that is
catch up
come back to me when the ache for lecco is less overwhelming
the glimmer from the lake is on video loop
not beta
lost in the heyday of the eighties
still it hangs on to mtv’s
set in italy
set in vienna
alban berg sculpture sings to the skull of karlskirche
a song in the comb
decorated by a soldier passing time in the trenches
forsaken by such delicate things
last night he dreamt of idrija lace
& the carniolan honey bee
©️david sichler
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ofbeautsandbeasts · 6 months
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Holy boops, I received my birthday gifts from @jennyfair7 yesterday (also known as Boop Day)!!! 😆🔴🟡🔵🟣🐸
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OMG, I love the frog & mushroom stuff!!! That keychain is so froggin' cute! My frog plush feels the need for a mushroom cap now (to complete the picture) 😂 Fun Gus thinks the stickers and notepad are extra groovy! 🍄
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These boba stickers are the most adorable EVER! My animal boba plushies are HERE for that representation 😂😍
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Yum...maple leaf candies! 🍁 So pretty 🤩
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Unfortunately Moldy Barry Bones (my only skeleton plush) is in the basement at the moment, so I gathered a few other Halloween plushies to accompany these spoopy socks! Who doesn't love some skeleton yoga? 🤣
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(Here's a pic of someone else's Barry for reference 😉)
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Can't go wrong with a cactus card! 🌵 The weather was pretty rainy...but I still had a pleasant dinner at BJ's (I had a white peach boba-rita for the first time!) The strawberry shortcake pizookie was the best part of my meal 🍓🍕🍪🍨
Thank you SO MUCH for these wonderful gifts, Jenn!!! 💕😊 You always choose the neatest things 🤗
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melis-writes · 2 years
Moth to Flame (Part II) [Michael Corleone x Reader Series, 18+ Smut] Chapter 40 – Legacies.
Read on AO3 / Read Chapter 39 / Chapter Masterlist. / Fic Playlist.
18+, explicit smut read.
"I promised her if she ever provoked my family again, I would help her bandmates search for her body." / “You’re a Corleone and you will behave like a Corleone."
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and with a steady eagerness to rid the Corleone family of Fredo's legacy a year after his death, neither you nor Michael have any regrets. Provoking you means provoking both the Corleone and Ferrari families and you've merely added Rita Duvall's timely death as another skeleton in your closet. Leaving legacies behind but not the past, Michael reminds Sonny who the head of the family is and where his trust is misplaced in his older brother. There is no longer any room for mistakes in the Corleone family, but bloodsheds and secret are welcome.
[WARNINGS]: Mentions and depictions of death, violence & blood / Oral sex / Heavy smut -> unprotected sex, creampie / Mentions and themes of sex & nudity.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE]: The next chapter is here and ready to explore the cunning side of Mrs. Victoria Corleone. 🥴 Since Part II is action, angst, smut and fluff packed, I'm making a habit of keeping chapters short (but not too short!) to explore one theme/plot at a time. ❤️ We get to see the before, after, and everything in between! Ahem and yes, that includes some quality time spent with Michael on that plush, king sized hotel bed... 😌 We can ignore the atrocities for the smut. 😂💀
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1956. Your name is Victoria Ferrari Corleone, and you’re the wife of the most powerful mobster in North America–Michael Corleone. A lifestyle of crime and secrecy is all you've known and ever wanted to know, complimenting the cruelty of Michael Corleone's influence in the United States. With your enemies fallen before you and all loose ends tied up, you continue your life and marriage with the Corleone family while refusing to look back on your past. Yet it's the skeletons in your closet that a shine a light on revealing you're a true mafiosa. Ensnared in the shadows just as much as Michael is, you find yourself betrayed by the unexpected with all of your secrets ready to spill–especially ones you've hidden from Michael. With more than one pair of eyes watching your every move, you find yourself trapped amidst potential scandals and a familiar, lovesick secret admirer adamant on removing Michael out of the picture to have you all to himself. Like a moth to a flame, you've reached the point of no return and the light that breaks down the darkness threatens to take you next.
Despite being almost notorious for her slyness, attitude, and promiscuous talk, Rita never imagined like some of her coworkers did that her mouth would ever lead her to any serious trouble, let alone her death.
With the split-second feel of a cold, razor-sharp blade against her throat, every passing moment from the very minute thick, crimson blood began to spew from Rita’s neck that reminded her she was alive despite being on the verge of inevitable death, were just gifts you gave her. 
Every breath Rita took to brag about planning to blackmail you was another gift you gave her’ provoked and already sealed Rita’s fate in the back of your mind.
Rita was hopeless from the beginning but helpless as soon as her body hit the ground. Holding her hand to her neck, Rita knew it wouldn’t help her or prevent her death which came just a minute after bleeding out to death on the floor.
The last voice and words Rita heard were yours, and you were also the last person she’d ever see again. 
You stare down at Rita with disappointment and disgust over your expression, remaining still. For a moment, you neither move nor take your eyes off Rita’s motionless body, ensuring to yourself that she’s actually dead.
“You should thank me, sweetheart,” you murmur down to Rita’s corpse. “Had I not put you out of your misery just now, a mafiosi would have. This befits you.” You glance at the blade in your hand, still firmly holding it but carefully so that your fingers are over the top of the fabric of your coat so as not to leave any prints behind.
With one swift movement, you flick the blade toward Rita’s face—watching the last bits of blood dripping from the blade splatter over her face.  
Just on time as you planned, you hear a soft knock come from the door behind you.
“Come in,” you answer casually, expecting someone.
The door slowly and quietly opens, revealing your bodyguard Ritchie who slips in and is quick to shut the door behind him immediately. “Mrs. Corleone.” Ritchie clasps his gloved hands in front of him, waiting for further orders.
Of course, your bodyguard naturally followed you since you left the hotel, but your orders were for Ritchie to take an alternative route so he could keep an eye on you but not be seen by anyone else or come too close to raise suspicion. 
Ritchie didn’t need to ask questions or assume your motives; he’s a made mafioso and has accompanied Clemenza as a bodyguard in the past—seeing him enter buildings silently and leave a corpse behind one too many times.
Ritchie’s job now remains the same; he’s to protect you, support you and conceal you regardless of the circumstances.
“She’s dead,” you point out, taking a step back from Rita’s body.
Ritchie’s eyes gaze over Rita’s slit throat and her dead eyes wide open, frozen in time. He simply gives a nod, understanding. “Would you like me to make it look like an accident or suicide?”
“No, that won’t be necessary,” you carefully hand Ritchie the blade between your fingers. “I made Miss Duvall a promise once,” you glance back at Rita’s body over your shoulder—first at her face, then her abdomen. “I promised her if she ever provoked my family again, I would help her bandmates search for her body and I intend to keep my word.” You gesture to Rita’s corpse, “she loved the company of the Tattaglias and Barzinis for years now. Word of a prostitute like her winding up dead doesn’t make the news, especially one who prefers to seduce married mafiosi. We’ll give her the Barzini and Tattaglia treatment she loved so much. You know how they liked to send their messages, don’t you?”
“Yes, Mrs. Corleone,” Ritchie nods.
“Good,” you brush off your hands on your jacket. “The swamp will handle the rest.”
A common tactic used to depose bodies by many mafiosi families such as the Barzinis but particularly the Tattaglias sends a clear enough message to those willing to search for the “missing” unlucky individual. 
Thrown into the swamp to let the alligators and nature destroy and decay evidence away, full remains are almost never found, and the ones that are become extremely difficult to identify or link to the actual killer. 
The thick, muddy, and murky waters of the swamp do away with washing off the skin and evidence on it if there is any, and only mafiosi acquainted with the body disposal tactic know the clear message it gives. 
Nobody can possibly trace Rita’s murder back to you under these circumstances, let alone pin the murder on you, the Ferraris, or the Corleones who have rarely ever used such a tactic.
Rita’s bandmates and the police can search wherever they believe Rita often visits and is found, but searching at the bottom of a muddy swamp will never come to mind, let alone to fruition. 
‘I warned you, Rita Duvall.’ As if it has any importance, to begin with, March 4th, 1956 marks the death of Vegas showgirl, prostitute, and singer Rita Duvall by your hands.
“I’ll make it back to the hotel on my own,” you move to exit without another glance back or word said.
There’s no need to repeat or clarify instructions to Ritchie, let alone tell him to be quiet and discreet. 
More than merely competent as both a bodyguard and mafioso himself, Ritchie stares down at the body of Rita as you exit out of her room, envisioning how he’ll stuff her body into a garbage bag first. 
Calm, collected, and relaxed, you make your way down the hallway of the brothel toward the exit as if you own it.
You can’t possibly care less about who or what is around you, let alone if anyone else is here to see you.
Even when you pass by the same prostitute you saw and asked where Rita was when you got to the brothel, you come to notice she’s resting against the wall smoking a half-burnt cigarette while nodding off on some high with her eyes closed.
Smoothening out your jacket, you walk out of the brothel’s back entrance and continue towards the hotel as if nothing had happened.
In the meantime, Ritchie opens up a garbage bag and sets it by Rita’s feet before he begins to pull at her thighs and drag her towards the garbage bag.
Shoving Rita’s body inside the garbage bag in a fetus-like position without any care of broken bones or how the shape appears over the bag, Ritchie proceeds to triple wrap Rita in two more black garbage bags to prevent any smell or blood leaking from it.
As you make it to the hotel’s entrance, Ritchie’s already hauling Rita’s body out the side entrance—conveniently remaining completely secluded.
The car Ritchie brought over is parked just a few feet from the side entrance and with a fake license plate so as not to be traced.
Ritchie opens up the trunk of his vehicle and tosses Rita’s body into it before locking up the trunk and getting into his car.
Going past reception in the hotel and taking the elevator, you unbutton your jacket and hum quietly to yourself, thinking now it won’t be long until Michael returns and that you’ve returned to the hotel suite before he has without a doubt.
As you unlock the door to your suite and take a step inside, you can practically feel the sense of relaxation wash over you again.
With your mind on nothing but getting cozy and waiting for Michael to return for the night, you shut the door behind you and notice nothing out of the ordinary in the suite and certainly no signs of Michael’s return yet.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a tray placed over the top of one of the dressers by the door holding a bottle of chilled champagne in a bucket of ice, and a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries with a card that reads “for room service over it”.
A pleased smile breaks out on your lips as you pop one of the chocolate-covered strawberries in your mouth, welcoming the taste of sweet milk chocolate over your tongue. 
Hanging up your jacket on the coat rack and taking off your shoes, you certainly don’t have any intention of telling Michael what you did, let alone that you left the suite room. 
Picking up the tray and setting it over the nightstand instead, you strip back into your silky nightgown and let out a deep sigh of relief, getting ready to truly enjoy your night.
You move towards the television, adjusting it to put on a film for background noise when you peek your head up to hear the suite door opening. 
Michael steps into the suite, spotting you first thing and causing you to blush instantly.
“Hi, baby,” you greet, rising to your feet.
“Hello, darling,” Michael shuts and locks the suite door behind him. “Did I keep you waiting too long?”
“Just a little,” you tease, turning down the television volume and beginning to approach your husband. “How was everything? All in order?”
“Fine,” Michael lets out a sigh of annoyance, taking off his shoes. “As I mentioned before, we could have dealt with this much earlier but at least now all the paperwork is in order. Neither of us will need to waste any more time here than we already have.”
“Mmhmm,” you wrap your arms lovingly around your husband’s shoulders. “Thankfully too. I think we’re both homesick as is from all of this but you didn’t leave here so tense, baby.” You begin to tenderly massage Michael’s shoulder muscles.
“I suppose not, darling,” Michael pecks your lips sweetly as you step behind him, taking his suit jacket off. 
“You intended on relaxing after your shower, right baby? You can do so,” you gesture to the tray of champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries. “Courtesy of room service.”
“I appreciate it, sweetheart,” Michael loosens his tie, pulling it over his head. “Even if somebody’s dying, I’m not dealing with anything Fredo caused further this evening.”
“Fair,” you smile back, kneeling on the bed.
Approaching the nightstand, Michael eyes the bottle of champagne, then looks back at you as you sit on the bed expectantly.
“Join me?” You offer.
Michael moves over to caress your face lovingly, admiring your smile and using his free hand to unbutton his dress shirt. “Absolutely. Give me a moment here, baby.”
Just as Michael pulls back and turns around to hang up his clothes, you sit cross-legged on the center of the bed and eagerly watch your husband begin to undress before you.
Just the sight of Michael’s back and shoulder muscles creasing as he pulls off his dress shirt is more than enough to pump arousal through you.
Shirtless and only in a pair of black trousers, Michael runs a hand through his hair and grabs a hanger for his dress shirt, but you don’t waste any time waiting for Michael to turn back to you either.
You slip down the straps of your nightgown and let the fabric fall off your shoulders, exposing your breasts as you patiently wait for Michael.
“So,” Michael speaks up, about to ask how you spent your time or if you’re comfortable and enjoying the hotel, but the moment he turns around, Michael meets your passionate gaze and an inviting scene before him.
“So?” You ask, softening your tone down to a whisper.
Michael’s gaze lingers over you, moving down to your breasts and noticing the teasing, insistent look in your eyes and provocative body language emanating from you. 
“I missed you,” you lick your lips, pressing your breasts together. “Can you blame me?”
“Not at all,” Michael murmurs, tugging off his leather belt. “You were looking forward to this, weren’t you?”
“Were you?” You smirk, leaning up and letting the nightgown slip further down your chest as your breasts jiggle from the movement.
Michael’s eyes still remain over you, unable to get enough of the seductive, sexy sight of your teasing let alone how your breasts are still plump and swollen with breast milk—having gone up two more cup sizes since you had the twins.
“You know I was,” Michael lets his belt fall to the floor as he leans over you on the bed, placing his hands over your nightgown loosely remaining by your hips.
“Good,” you breathe before an erotic silence befalls the two of you.
Michael tugs off your nightgown and slips it off your thighs, tossing it over the bedpost.
Completely naked underneath without even a pair of panties, you eagerly spread your legs in front of Michael and let your hands rest over the duvet.
Keeping his eyes locked on yours, Michael moves down closer towards you and cups your inner thighs—massaging them before letting his hands wander further between your legs.
“Eat,” you whisper out, tugging on Michael’s silky, dark hair. 
“As you wish, darling.” Michael’s hands immediately come down to cup your ass before he leans in, positioning his face between your legs. 
Resting your ankles over Michael’s shoulders, you let out a tiny whimper feeling his breath directly over your clit and his lips only a few centimeters away from your pussy.
Michael’s eyes meet yours once more before he pulls you down closer to his face by your thighs, squeezing your ass and burying his face into your pussy in an instant.
“M-Michael, ohhhh…!” You let out a soft whine, eagerly spreading your legs open as wide as you possibly can.
Breathy whimpers escape your lips as you watch the tip of Michael’s Roman nose trailing up and down your clit at an agonizingly slow pace—causing you to buck your hips towards Michael’s face in response.
Michael’s hands cup over your ass harshly, squeezing it now and again as he continues burying his tongue between the folds of your pussy while focusing on your clit.
“Ooh! OH!” Your moans grow louder as you feel Michael’s tongue parting open your pussy lips.
Enthralled in a wave of intense pleasure constantly washing back and forth over you, you roll your eyes back and curl your toes as you feel Michael’s hot, warm tongue licking up your clit.
“Oh my G-God, Michael… Michael…” It’s as if Michael’s memorized every sweet, weak spot in your body and he’s eager to please, keeping up a perfect and steady pace to build your orgasm.
Sloppily eating your pussy, the sounds alone cause your knees to tingle in numbness and you can no longer keep quiet even if you tried.
Strands of Michael’s hair begin to cling to his forehead as he only presses his tongue down further over your clit, making sure to greedily lick up the wetness trickling out of you.
“Yes, yes, yes!” You squeal, tugging on Michael’s silky hair and pushing his face further between your legs. “L-like that, like that! Just like that, mm!”
Michael doesn’t relent and the sensation of an intense orgasm deeply building in your gut begins to grow—threatening to release every time Michael’s nose or stubble grazes against your clit again.
“Eat, eat it, yeah, baby, yeah…” Your breath hitches as you watch Michael through lazy eyes, seeing him lap up your clit and angle his chin upwards.
Michael keeps the same pressure and rhythm over your clit as you struggle to force back and edge out your orgasm, but you can only hold out for so long before your body gives in.
Moving one hand down, Michael’s quick to tug off his trousers with his briefs—no longer able to ignore his own insistent arousal as droplets of precum ooze down his shaft.
“Oh my God, yes! Mmm, p-please, please, please!” You groan, writhing over the bed as you feel Michael slowly begin to slick a finger inside of your pussy before curling it.
Michael purposefully begins to grind his face against your clit, keeping you pinned down on the bed with his other hand moving up from your ass and to your hips to keep you in place.
With each time Michael thrusts his finger out of your pussy, more juices trickle out and Michael helps himself by licking up the mess and letting his tongue dart into your entrance. 
“Mmm…” You can hear Michael quietly hum against your pussy, spitting directly over your clit and smearing it around with his tongue.
Moan after moan, you feel your pussy beginning to contract as you grind your hips up over Michael’s mouth just to feel the rhythm of his tongue drooling and suckling over your clit again.
Michael’s ability to build your orgasm up with ease and shows no signs of stopping—paying complete attention to your clit with his lips and tongue. 
Every nerve of your clit feels satisfied and stimulated, only causing your thighs to shake uncontrollably over and over again as your orgasm reaches its tipping point. 
Your knuckles strain white from how tightly you clench at the bedsheets and Michael’s all the most amused seeing how desperate you are to cum in his mouth and give in already. 
“Ohhhh! B-baby! I’m cumming! I’m—Ah!” You throw your head back, letting out a shriek as your orgasm releases through you—rocking a feeling of ecstasy over your body.
Your clit pulsates in response as the heavenly orgasm buzzes through you, taking over all your senses from head to toe momentarily as your muscles tense up. 
Toes curled and thighs quivering around Michael’s head, you force yourself to clasp a hand over your mouth and muffle out your moans.
Michael keeps his mouth pressed against your pussy, gazing up at you with nothing but lust darkening in his eyes.
Catching your breath, you hardly have the energy to sit up on the bed; panting and clutching onto the bedsheets for strength after such an incredible orgasm. 
Michael grazes his finger in between your inner thighs and pussy lips before licking over your cum and wetness off of it—refusing to take his eyes off of you.
“M-Michael… My God,” you breathe out, attempting to sit up as your thighs quiver like jelly over Michael’s shoulders. 
Stroking his cock almost completely lubricated in his own precum, Michael locks eyes with you and kneels on the bed—embracing your body against his. “Come here, baby.”
“Oh, please—” 
Wrapping your thighs around Michael again, your lips crush over his in a needy, hungry kiss as your husband’s hands roam over your tender, supple breasts.
“I w-want you so bad—so much—” you breathe in between the feverish kisses you two share.
Michael gives your ass a light smack before rubbing over it, whispering against your lips as he speaks. “I want to make love to you, darling.”
“Yes, yes, please—” blushing furiously, you nod insistently before kissing Michael’s lips again—letting him lay you back down on the bed. 
“Mm—” Michael breaks the wet kiss, hovering over top of you and nuzzling your neck as both of his hands move down your hips. “Turn around for me, baby.”
Licking your lips to taste Michael again, you do as he says and flip around on your stomach—arching your back to get into a doggy-style position.
“’ Atta girl,” Michael’s voice is low and husky as he speaks to you, squeezing your ass and positioning himself in between your legs.
Resting the side of your face over a pillow, you breathe softly as you gaze up to Michael who taps his cock against your ass before spreading it open slowly.
The soft whimpers that continue to come out of you do nothing but arouse Michael further as he slicks his shaft up and down between your ass before swiftly pushing his hips in and penetrating your pussy.
“Ooh—” Michael hisses, entering your tight, soaked heat.
“Ahhh yes, yes…!” You push your hips back against Michael’s, wanting to take every inch of his thick cock inside of you already.
“I’m gonna make my night here worthwhile with you, baby,” Michael whispers over your shoulder blade before kissing over it—letting his warm lips linger over your skin. “I’m gonna make you feel so good and I—” Michael tilts your chin up, leaving a wet kiss on the side of your neck, “want to hear you say my name again and again.”
“Oh God, please,” you whine out in response, laying flat down on your stomach with Michael’s cock buried into your pussy. “Please baby, please…”
“Victoria, mm—” With a low grunt, Michael bucks his hips towards you—his hot skin pressing against yours with each thrust. 
You clench the pillow you rest your face upon, letting out moan after moan as Michael’s body meets yours again and again.
Michael pushes back a curtain of your hair away from your neck, leaning in and moaning over your shoulder. “I want you…so badly…”
“Take me—more, more—” You arch your back against Michael’s chest, letting every pleasurable sensation he brings you rush over your body.
Soft and breathy moans from the both of you fill the room coupled with the sound of skin slapping against skin from each deep thrust.
Hearing Michael’s velvety voice moaning out over your shoulder only amplifies your arousal further, bringing a tingling weakness to your knees.
“M-Michael, Michael,” your bottom lip trembles from the buildup of another orgasm approaching you.
“Louder…” Michael grips your throat with one firm hand, tilting your chin up to continue leaving a trail of wet, harshening kisses over your neck.
The slightest touch from Michael, his every moan, the way he teases you and his dirty talk have you submitting to him already—craving and desiring more of this man.
“You feel how wet you are for me, baby?” Michael’s free hand roams down your side, caressing up your back. “You feel so fucking good.”
“O-oh my—God—” you whine out, again and again, in between the sounds of your pussy sloppily gushing back against Michael’s cock with each thrust. 
“Music to my ears,” Michael breathes over the nape of your neck, sliding his hand underneath your chest to squeeze at your breasts.
“Oh, baby—you’re gonna make me cum again. Again—” You muffle out your moan against the pillow, squirming underneath Michael.
“Already, baby?” Michael chuckles breathily against your back, watching as you grip the bedpost with all your strength. “I want you to cum with me… Be a good girl and hold it in.”
“You t-tease,” your voice quivers as you feel Michael’s hands squeezing over your breasts; his fingers moving up to toy with your nipples.
“You want me to tease you? Is that it?” Michael places his arms underneath yours, gripping one hand over the bedpost with you. 
“N-no—oh! Ohhh, right there!” You gasp out, angling and pushing your hips back toward Michael’s. 
“Fuck,” you hear Michael mutter under his breath, inhaling sharply. “You’re clenching against me—so fucking tight.”
“MICHAEL!” You shriek, feeling his hips slamming against your ass. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yes…” Michael groans against your skin, smacking your ass again. “Found your sweet spot—”
“I’m gonna cum—you’re gonna make me—” You gasp out as Michael pulls out of you entirely only to fully thrust back in.
“You deserve it, don’t you?” Michael grips his hands over your hips, pushing his cock in and out of you as slowly as he can.
All that comes out of your mouth is another filthy moan—unable to form a coherent sentence with Michael purposefully coming close to your G-Spot but avoiding it at an angle that hits a completely different sweet spot inside of you.
The scent of sex fills the room and you feel almost intoxicated by the pace of Michael’s deep thrusting, feeling as if he’s rearranging your insides.
Your eyes tear up from pleasure as you keep your back arched and ass up, almost in a trance from how you repeatedly begin to feel the same way you would with your orgasm about to release, but without climax.
“Give into me, baby,” Michael pants, ensuring his hips fully meet yours and you take in every inch of him again and again. “You love it—you fucking love it… Shit—” Michael’s cock abruptly slicks out of you.
“In—in—” You whine, reaching your hand back towards Michael. “Fuck me—”
“Impatient.” A smirk crosses Michael’s lips as he angles his cock back into your pussy, entering you again and seeing how your thighs shake like jelly from the impact. 
“Don’t stop!” You squeeze your eyes shut, squeezing the metal bars of the bedpost with all your might. “Oh God, don’t stop! Fuck—fuck!”
“You feel how close you are, baby?” Michael leans back down, resting his chest against your back. “Edging yourself, holding back… All I have to do is—”
“Mm!” Your eyes snap open as you gasp out through a half-scream, half-moan to feel Michael hit your G-Spot, instantly unraveling your second orgasm.
“Ahhh, perfect, baby. Cum for me,” Michael’s eyes flutter shut as he inhales sharply, letting his own climax unwind inside of you.
Attempting to steady your breathing, you let the mind-numbing orgasm flow through you and only intensify the sensation of Michael’s hot cum spurting inside of you.
Michael keeps his cock inside of you, refusing to spill a single drop as you turn your head weakly to make eye contact with him—still in Michael’s grasp.
“I love it when you cum on my cock like that,” Michael leans down to steal a wet, full-mouthed kiss from you.
You kiss back hungrily, still feeling your body trembling from the heightened sensitivity of your orgasm. “G-God…”
“Look at you, baby,” Michael slowly pulls his cock out of you, watching your pussy convulse and begin to ooze out his sticky cum.
“Oh my God,” you reach your hand back underneath you, spreading open your pussy lips. “Feels so full.”
Michael lets his cum drip down and smear onto his shaft before he thrusts right back into your pussy again, lacing both hands with yours tightly.
“Ah—” Your eyes widen in surprise as you make eye contact with Michael, unable to hold back neither your excitement nor arousal for how badly you crave him for a third round to fuck you into bliss again.
“Tonight’s just about you and I,” Michael kisses alongside the outline of your jawline, “and I intend to please you until you can’t take it anymore. How do you want me, baby? Tell me.”
“Make love to me,” you whisper back, gently nibbling over Michael’s bottom lip and pulling it towards you.
“I love you,” Michael speaks against your lips, gently turning you over and raising your legs over his shoulders. 
You moan back into his mouth as all eight inches of Michael’s cock fill you up again—eager to satisfy all your sinful fantasies again.
[ August 1949 ]
If it’s one thing you always come to remember when you think and reminisce of when you and Michael first got married, it’s the shyness you had with your budding romance coupled with the thrill of being just married.
Michael and you married in August of 1949 after only being engaged for a few weeks.
Although the concept of a Ferrari marrying a Corleone was mutually agreed upon by your father and Vito Corleone, both men knew it highly depended on compatibility, attraction, and love which all had to be mutually met on both you and Michael’s end.
Had you never married Michael for whatever reason—whether he and you simply couldn’t get along or outright refused, the Ferraris and Corleones would still be allies, but there’d be nothing in-between to guarantee that for long.
Of course, the two families may be allies with no hostility or competition in business for many years to come—perhaps even for a lifetime—but there’d still be suspicion and some lack of trust without guarantees of any kind.
 In many ways, the Ferraris and Corleones killed two birds with one stone when it came to your marriage to Michael.
Now both families would be intertwined, related to one another, and closer than ever on a personal bond whereas it was almost strictly business beforehand, with the exception of Vito and Giuseppe Ferrari’s personal friendship from Sicily.
Your marriage to Michael practically guarantees no civil fallout between the families and completely destroys the concept of a war between the Ferraris and Corleones—both have a son and daughter as well as the family they’ll make at stake and family always comes first.
In truth, you didn’t know much about the Corleones before you personally meet them at the Corleone Estate in the summer of 1949.
You had briefly heard of Santino Corleone only on grounds that he would be heir to Don Corleone as his eldest son, and of course, it was also impossible to ignore Sonny’s bravado once the news that Don Tattaglia’s son had been assassinated on Sonny’s orders as payback for targeting Vito.
You had also heard the Corleone family’s consigliere was not Sicilian or Italian, to begin with, but these were all things you merely heard through discussion and conversation once.
You didn’t have the slightest idea that Don Corleone had more children, let alone Connie—a daughter or that their youngest son was at Dartmouth around the same time as you and enlisted in the Second World War.
All you could confirm for yourself was that the Corleones were a big family, came from Corleone where you and your brothers except for Dante were born, and that your father personally knew Vito Corleone before either of them was Don of their families.
It’s true that your family would prefer you to marry into another mafiosi family, or at least a wealthy Sicilian family with a reputation because of your status, and you—unlike Michael—weren’t eager to do the opposite.
Whereas Michael began his relationship with an American woman, Kay Adams, you believed it was in your best interest to marry a mafioso because you knew you’d never escape your life and background as a mafiosa yourself, nor did you want to. 
You believed it would be unfair to pull someone else—Italian, Sicilian, or otherwise—into such a lifestyle without having them end up dead, ratting to the feds, or becoming a pompous, power-obsessed asshole like Carlo Rizzi.
Because the stakes were so high for you as the only Ferrari daughter when it came to marriage prospects, it only dulled your outlook on relationships further.
Your education was the highest priority, and you didn’t feel “lonely” with your family, friends, and colleagues by your side.
You simply weren’t seeking a relationship or long-term commitment during such a crucial part of your life where your studies meant everything and took up most of your time.
However, that didn’t mean you didn’t have love interests or flings here and there. The only difference was that you strayed away or confirmed to stay friends when you felt you were getting too close or towards commitment. 
Maybe the men you worked with and attended law school with wished they could go on a date with you or get to know you further, but you knew you were doing them a favor.
Anyone who got too close to a mafiosi without being one themselves would always get burned. You knew this then too.
The only time you ever came close to a full-fledged relationship was with a young man named Salvatore Romano whom you attended law school with.
You knew you wanted to be a criminal prosecutor whereas Salvatore was determined to become a criminal attorney. 
From the similarity of being criminal lawyers but the difference in prosecution and defense, the two of you got along very well and spent many late nights studying for exams and motivating one another to pass the Bar.
From looks alone yes, you couldn’t deny that Salvatore was attractive and his kind demeanor sparked your interest, but you knew you had no interest in a relationship and that applied to any man you met during university.
You didn’t mean to get as close to Salvatore as you did, but the two of you found each other constantly spending time with one another naturally—without the expectation of a relationship to begin with.
You could tell Salvatore was attracted and interested in you in every way possible, and he never made unwanted advances towards you or made you uncomfortable.
Perhaps what you had with Salvatore throughout most of law school was almost a relationship without the official title, but it could never come close to comparing with your relationship and love towards Michael even in the slightest.
One of the last few times you heard about the Corleone family being mentioned—especially Michael as the subject matter—was when you were already a full-fledged lawyer working at the city courthouse. 
It was impossible to ignore. Your father and brothers were discussing the fact that “Don Corleone’s youngest son” who was a “civilian” and surprisingly to you uninvolved in the “family business” killed a police captain and Virgil Solozzo. 
Your father knew and did business with Solozzo, and was already preparing to get into the narcotic trade with Solozzo, but the news didn’t spark his temper or any sense of betrayal—it sparked his interest especially because Michael was the one who killed both men.
Nonetheless, for weeks on end, all your father and brothers discussed was the narcotics smuggling trade, distribution, hold on the docks, and taking over where Solozzo ended.
The mention tensions began to rise up shortly after, as Vito wasn’t sure how the Ferraris would act now that Michael had killed one of their business partners and that the matter was over narcotics.
None of the other families let alone during the meetings at the Commission could dare utter any protest towards what Giuseppe was doing.
The Ferraris were simply too powerful and too influential with the police and judges in their pockets for anyone to judge or challenge their role in the narcotics trade. There was no room for competition either.
When your father came home from the Commission meeting as tensions were cooling off between the Barzinis and Tattaglias versus the Corleones, the Corleone family was guaranteed by your family that if the Barzinis or Tattaglias struck again or tried to team up on the Corleones, the Ferraris would directly intervene and happily cause all the necessary bloodshed.
“You ever visit Don Corleone for a cup of coffee outside business, Pop?” Alessio set down his newspaper after reading the old article about Solozzo and McClusky’s death. 
Giuseppe chuckled, putting down his cigar. “I think about it every now and then. Hard to do when all eyes are on both of you, waiting to make a move.”
“That’s all they can do,” Lorenzo took a drag from his cigarette. “Watch and stare. Barzini and Tattaglia know they can’t make a move on you or Don Corleone now.”
“Perhaps not,” Giuseppe smiled back at his son. “But Don Corleone has other troubles to deal with, ones we cannot get involved in.”
“Such as?” You spoke up, curious about the subject matter.
“Such as the fact if Don Corleone’s son Michael shows his face too soon, he could raise the FBI’s suspicions and get arrested for Solozzo and McClusky’s death. Don Corleone must maintain his son’s innocence.”
“How will he do that if not through the courts?” You furrowed your brows, knowing of course even though the vast majority of judges were on your father’s payroll, even they couldn’t get involved in Corleone business to defend Michael.
“Well, he already has,” your father nodded. “Don Corleone has sent his son to Sicily, an exile of sorts if you’ll call it that. Once tensions have cooled down here, I’m sure he’ll come to reunite with his family. For now, this is the best course of action.”
“Sounds grim enough,” Leonardo commented. “Shame, hmm? Victoria could have defended Don Corleone’s kid pretty well in court if she wasn’t the one prosecuting them all behind bars.”
“Ha, ha.” You let out a fake, forced laugh. “You flatter me, Leo.”
Michael’s feat with Solozzo and McClusky greatly impressed your father and such an impression withstood the test of time.
Although your father didn’t share it with you or any of your brothers, he became aware after a year or so from Michael’s return from Sicily that he was now getting directly involved in “family business” affairs. 
From all looks of it, Giuseppe saw Michael officially as a “made man” in the mafia and he was exactly the kind of man Giuseppe would let his daughter marry.
That was before anyone ever heard from Don Corleone himself that he was no longer considering Sonny to be his successor as Don instead, but Michael.
When you and Michael married in August of 1949, Michael was not yet Don, but still preparing for his role of successor under his father. 
It couldn’t have been a more perfect time for Michael to do so. As just the son of a Don but not the Don himself, Michael had much more free time on his hands outside of active business and naturally, since your wedding, Vito wanted his son to spend as much time with his new bride at home as possible.
It wasn’t just Vito’s wish, but Michael’s too. Michael’s not the kind of man to ever feel the need to appease anyone or do something because he’s “obliged to”. Michael wanted to.
Michael wanted to get to know everything and anything about you that he could over time, through conversations and quality time spent together.
Michael knew he’d never be able to do it all in one day, but he didn’t ever have the need or intentions to rush his relationship with you.
Michael spent any and all of his free time with you. It didn’t just have to be during dates, sex, or conversations even, as your presence was enough for him.
For the first time in Michael’s life as a changed and hardened man involved in the family business, he felt comfort from his lover’s presence.
Michael never felt questioned, untrusted, or feared by you, but rather respected and loved unconditionally.
There was and is simply no need for Michael to change himself in any way or lie to get to you. You both loved and accepted one another as you were and are to this day.
Time passes by like nothing when the two of you spend a day together, even if it’s nothing more than an ordinary day at home.
You and Michael quickly discovered early on in your marriage how compatible the two of you were just from the endless hours you could both spend talking to one another about anything.
Even over five years on in your marriage, one thing that never changed and never will is the yearning the two of you have for one another—just to see and be with each other.
Emotional chemistry and compatibility aside, your physical chemistry with Michael was nothing but fiery passion.
Just as craving one another never changed, neither did the lust and arousal you two have for each other. 
The immensely passionate attraction you both mutually have for each other manifested easily into lust and sex four to five times a week for the next three months straight.
All the two of you wanted to do was ravish one another again and again, night after night—simply unable to get enough.
“Off,” Michael murmured against the side of your neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses leading up to your jawline.
“Michael,” blushing furiously, you couldn’t help but let out a little moan to the pleasurable sensations racking over your body at once; Michael’s one hand up your satin nightgown, pulling at the waistband of your panties and the other cupping a breast while slowly grazing his thumbs over your hardened nipple.
If Michael had business and work with his father for the day, you’d eagerly wait for him on the bed naked or in lingerie, sometimes in the late of night underneath the duvet with nothing on, or you’d strip down and give Michael a little show in person first.
The intimacy, love, bond, trust, and respect you two gave one another unconditionally and without doubt or hesitation was one only shared by you and Michael—it could never be given and shared with another soul. It eternally belongs to you and him.
Just the way Michael believed and still believes in his very core that his eyes are for you and you’re only for him, the mere concept of another man lusting and desiring you does nothing but make Michael’s blood boil in jealousy.
Both you and Michael are well aware as to just who the two of you are, especially in the public eye, so while common sense tells you two that attraction to either one of you from anyone else is normal, it’s a fatal sin in Michael’s world to see another man making his attraction directly obvious to you.
Despite who he is, Michael’s not exempt from having the classical Italian male jealousy clicking in, only unlike his brothers Sonny and Fredo, Michael never let jealousy control him or his actions.
Michael may raise a brow or ask you where you’re going in a little black dress, but he’s never been one to lecture or deny you over your clothing or where you’re headed. Michael trusts you completely and you trust him. It’s as simple as that.
You glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner of the bedroom, noting that you’d have approximately thirty minutes to make the commute to the courthouse for work today after getting dressed.
Although you sensed Michael’s presence just by the sound and familiarity of his footsteps down the corridor, you were distracted by zipping up the back of your dress.
Pushing open the ajar bedroom door, Michael’s eyes immediately landed on the sight of you still dressing—your back completely exposed with a peek of your panties as you attempted to get the zipper up from your lower waist.
As you glanced up in the mirror in front of you, you noticed Michael’s reflection as he began to approach you from behind.
Blushing, you paused your movements and kept your hand on the zipper of your dress as Michael’s eyes greedily darted up and down your figure.
“What time do you have to be at work?” Michael asked, his voice soft and velvety.
“At twelve—” You let out a soft gasp as you quickly realized when Michael placed his hands over yours that he wasn’t about to help out with the zipper of your dress.
Instead, Michael tugged the dress off of your waist completely and grabbed your hips immediately after, pulling you towards the bed.
“Michael!” You squealed and clutched onto your husband’s embrace.
“I’ll drive you there myself,” Michael’s hands squeezed over your ass as he pinned you down on the bed gently. “The world can wait a little longer.”
Your sex life with Michael since the very beginning but especially during the first few months of your marriage was nothing short of incredible.
More often than not, you and Michael went over three rounds in one night and met with toe-curling, eye-rolling, intense orgasms, and screams filling the bedroom. 
Sexual intimacy aside, the love and passion you share with Michael never ends there. 
The warmth, love, and safety you feel holding hands with your lover, going on walks together, appreciating every detail of one another like how Michael’s smile forms, the sound of your laughter to the silent intimacy of cuddling with one another on the couch while enjoying a film.
Everything from embracing Michael and feeling at home to ironing his dress shirts and still picking up on the scent of Michael’s cologne from his clothes was and is love and intimacy to the both of you.
Never leaving the “honeymoon phase” as others call it, all of your friends and family have been easily able to tell time and time again how the two of you genuinely love, respect, and care for one another.
“These two are meant for each other,” Carmela whispered to Vito as she watched her son kiss the back of your hand, leading you further down the fruit orchard in Corleone. 
In the very beginning, you may have felt just a little embarrassed to be so shy around and with Michael, but in truth, you can’t blame yourself.
A man as smolderingly attractive as Michael Corleone giving you butterflies, making your heart skip a beat, skin heat up and blood rush had to make any woman shy.
Engrossed in a casual business discussion at lunch held in the courtyard of you and Michael’s New York estate, you were the only one who could pull Michael’s attention off of anything.
Still in the middle of discussions, Michael’s world came to a pause when he spotted you just by the garden—holding babbling little baby Niccolò in your arms as you made your way inside the estate.
You were always all Michael could want. He could never not be in love with you. He could never get his eyes off of you. Michael would never want to.
[ + 2 Hours, 11:04 PM ]
The dim glow of the lamp on Michael’s night table and the television playing a film across from the bed illuminate the suite as you snuggle up in Michael’s warm embrace.
A tender ache pulsates between your legs, leaving a reminder of the two rounds of steamy lovemaking from half an hour ago.
Michael wraps one arm around your waist as you curl up to his side with your hand over Michael’s bare chest; the two of you are still naked under the duvet.
The television’s volume is turned down low mostly to serve as background noise while the two of you enjoy the rest of your evening before bed.
Fighting off a wave of deep, inviting sleep, you’re the most comfortable you can be in your lover’s embrace under the soft, plush duvet and blankets.
Whether you have business to tend to as soon as you land or not, plane rides always tire you out one way or another, and more often than not, you find yourself utterly exhausted at the end of the day.
Tonight’s as comfortable as you can possibly be in your husband’s arms, knowing when the two of you return back home to Lake Tahoe tomorrow you’ll truly feel cozy and rest with your family by your side.
Barely able to focus on the film from sleepiness, you gaze at the television with lazy eyes—trailing little circles over Michael’s chest with your fingertip.
Michael rests his back against two pillows, sitting up in bed and smoking a cigarette with his free hand; his hair is a sexy, tousled mess with most of his attention over you.
Michael gently rubs up and down your hips, only soothing you further towards falling asleep.
Feeling Michael’s soft, supple skin and his chest hair between your fingers, you slow the tracing movements over his chest as you shut your eyes just to rest them for a moment, but find yourself falling asleep already.
Noticing first, Michael leans down towards you and plants a gentle kiss over your forehead in the hopes it won’t stir you from sleep.
“Mm..” Keeping your eyes closed, you lean up after feeling the kiss and peck a kiss over Michael’s lips in return.
“Falling asleep already, sweetheart?” Michael whispers to you quietly.
“Am…not,” you murmur, snuggling as close as you can to Michael’s chest. “I didn’t even know I was this…exhausted.”
Michael takes a drag of his cigarette, blowing out the smoke away from your direction. “Are you comfortable, baby?”
“Mhmm,” you nod slowly against Michael’s chest. “Very, very…”
“Sleep well, baby,” Michael gently strokes your hair. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” is the last thing you mumble out before dozing off into deep sleep.
In the morning, Michael and you both awaken at 6AM and have no further intentions of spending any more time at the hotel let alone Las Vegas than either of you need to.
Despite familiarity in Las Vegas and the luxuries the hotel provides, neither you nor Michael feel at home and are scarcely happy to be here in the first place thanks to Fredo.
Ritchie and Al Neri carry out you, Michael, and Sonny’s luggage to the car the moment you and Michael exit the hotel, choosing to skip breakfast here and dine on the private jet back home instead.
The eye contact Ritchie makes with you first thing in the morning confirms everything’s fine and taken care of, just as expected.
“Seriously though, Mike? What—this was your idea, wasn’t it?” Sonny grumbles, looking at the banana in his hand—the only thing he was able to grab from the hotel for breakfast. “We could have grabbed a plate to go, at least.”
“You’ll be fine,” Michael ignores Sonny’s antics as the car begins to take off. “We were here for business and our business is concluded. Las Vegas doesn’t need our presence anymore.”
“I agree,” you cover your mouth as you yawn. 
“Right,” Sonny rolls his eyes, beginning to peel his banana.
Despite it being a normal morning of sorts, neither you nor Michael comes to notice right away that Sonny specifically refuses to glance in your direction or even speak with you since he stepped out of the hotel and the same applies on board the private jet.
All you can focus on and think of for now is getting home safe and sound, seeing the children and baby Vincent again while knowing you never have to look back at Vegas and the legacy it left for your family again.
With a wool throw over you, you spend the majority of the flight snuggled up on the couch-shaped seat on the private plane next to Michael, sleeping away.
Sitting just next to you, Michael sips his black coffee while reading through a newspaper to relax through the flight.
Naturally, with no witty remarks being heard from Sonny or much of anything from him at all, Michael notes to himself that Sonny’s being unusually quiet and keeping to himself this morning.
Quietly scarfing down his breakfast, Sonny sits opposite the two of you as he did when flying into Vegas, but appears all the more impatient to get home than you and Michael combined.
Seeming like all the Vegas flair is off of Sonny now, Michael refuses to question it simply because he doesn’t care. 
It’s only when Michael’s occupied reading an article that Sonny glances up just once throughout the entire flight to gaze upon you sleeping soundly.
“You should be ashamed of yourself. You’re a deadbeat husband. You’re simply not able to see the bigger picture. Do better, Sonny. Your wife and children are counting on you for it.”
Sonny lets out a quiet, drawn-out sigh to himself, still feeling bitter about the slap but it’s more of a bruise on his ego than anything else.
Perhaps if it was Sandra, Connie, or even his own mother lecturing him on morality, promiscuity, and marriage, it’d just go in one ear and out the other for Sonny.
Sonny would never listen let alone care; after all, he’s heard the same scolding from his family since he was a teenager and it has even less importance to Sonny now despite being married with children because his sex life with Sandra is practically non-existent.
“You’re a disappointment for trying to justify that alone.”
Still, those words coming from you because you care about Sonny’s family and Sandra’s feelings were heard by Sonny who never expected anything like that from you of all people.
“Why do you even care so much?”
Because of that alone, Sonny can’t get your words out of his head from last night but whether he’d actually listen and change what seems now to be in his nature is another matter altogether.
Turning his head away, Sonny chooses to push aside those thoughts and indulge himself in a glass of whiskey, bidding Las Vegas goodbye for now.
[ Lake Tahoe Compound ]
“Almost there…” Snuggling onto Michael’s arm, you peek out the car window and already feel soothed at the sight of Lake Tahoe up ahead; being on the familiar path home.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you this eager to get back home before,” Michael comments, gazing down at you. “Can’t say I blame you either, darling.”
“Nuh-uh, don’t think of me as ungrateful,” you giggle quietly, lacing your hand with Michael’s. “I know how rare it is for us to go on a business trip together. I loved every moment I got to spend with you and you only. I like to think of it that way.”
“As will I,” a faint smile grows over Michael’s lips. “Aside from our investments and hotels, Vegas offers nothing for us.”
Both you and Michael practically expect some sort of response from Sonny who sits in the front passenger seat of the car by now, but he remains silent.
“I agree,” you nod back. “And you know, of course…” You can’t help but smile at the thought, “even just being away for a little while doesn’t matter. I miss our babies so much.”
“As do I, although I have enough reason to believe Esther will be the happiest to see you,” Michael points out.
You burst out laughing, nodding back. “Well, let’s hope Vincent wasn’t too fussy while we were away.”
“We’ll have to see about that,” Michael raises your hand up to his lips, kissing them softly.
Blushing, you smile up at your husband and already feel your heart and spirit at ease, approaching the gates of your home.
Michael’s security spots the two black Cadillacs you all arrive in, confirming the license plate and vehicle make to themselves before beginning to pull open the grand gates leading into the compound.
The chauffeurs slow the vehicles, driving carefully inside the compound and towards the estates to drop you three off first.
From the moment the cars come to a stop and you all begin to step out, Sonny smoothens out his waistcoat and lets out a huff—wasting no time in popping open the trunk of the car to grab out his belongings.
Ritchie frowns, taking a step back from the trunk as Sonny grabs his luggage for himself and walks off down the opposite way to his estate with Sandra and the children without another word.
Michael steps out of the vehicle first, taking your hand and helping you get out after him before he wraps an arm around your waist.
The two of you neither notice Sonny’s absence nor question it; turning around to face your estate just up ahead greeted by the twins standing next to the babysitter Esther holding baby Vincent in her arms—all waving at you two.
“Oh my goodness, my babies!” You beam, giddily rushing up to greet your family as Michael follows you.
“Mama! Daddy!” Verona jumps up and down, rushing to approach you with Niccolo.
“Welcome back, mama! Daddy!” Niccolo grins happily.
“Hi, honey!” You lean down to kiss both Verona and Niccolo’s cheeks. “Mwah, mwah—gosh, I missed the two of you.”
“Behaved, I hope?” Michael rubs both Niccolo and Verona’s back as they hug him next.
“Of course!” Verona claps her hands together.
“Always, daddy,” Niccolo giggles, giving his father a big hug.
“Ehhhh…” Vincent stirs, squirming a bit in Esther’s arms but the moment Esther snaps her finger and points at you to grab his attention, Vincent calms down.
“Welcome home, Mr. and Mrs. Corleone,” Esther greets you and Michael with Vincent in her arms. “See, little buddy? I told you they’d be back today.”
“Mio bambino!” (My baby!) You gently scoop up Vincent from Esther’s arms, hugging him. “Hi, baby. Hi, little guy!”
“Gahhhhh…” Vincent’s eyes are wide and in awe of the two of you as he reaches his tiny little hand towards Michael.
“Hello, we’re back,” Michael lets Vincent grab his thumb. “How much trouble did you give Esther?”
“Oh, think nothing of it, please,” Esther chuckles before letting out a sigh of relief.
You cover your mouth to hold back your laughter, shaking your head. “So that means a lot. Not to worry though, little man. Mama and daddy are back, yeah?” You kiss both of Vincent’s little hands. “We’re back, yes we are.”
“How’s my boy, hmm?” Michael gives his baby son a kiss on the cheek. “He’s quiet now, definitely missed his mother.”
“Not just me, don’t you see the way he’s looking at you?” You giggle as Vincent hugs your chest, staring up at his father curiously.
“I know that look, he’ll be after my tie soon,” Michael gives his black, silk tie a little tug, seeing how Vincent’s eyes immediately light up.
“Come on, you two!” You gesture to the twins, “let’s get inside!”
“Your mother and I are exhausted from the trip, so let’s use our indoor voices, yes?” Michael heads inside with you and the twins.
“Okay!” The twins lower their voices to a whisper.
“I don’t think I have time to be exhausted,” you laugh softly, carrying Vincent inside. “Little Vincent here has all my attention.” You glance back at Michael who stops by the corridor near his office. “Niccolo, Verona, with me, please. Daddy’s got a little bit of business to tend to before he joins us for supper. Is grandma cooking?”
“Mhmm,” Verona skips down the hallway next to you with her hands behind her back. “Grandma and Auntie Sandra are!”
“Don’t take too long, daddy,” Vincent looks back at his father. “We missed you.”
“I won’t, buddy,” Michael reassures, nodding. “Get ready for supper with your mother, alright? I’ll be back soon.”
Completely ignoring Sandra’s presence inside his estate as she unpacks Sonny’s belongings, Sonny makes his way towards you and Michael’s estate as soon as he’s no longer able to hear you and the children’s voices.
Sonny grumbles quietly to himself, walking across to your estate with his hands shoved into the pockets of his trousers and an unavoidable irritated expression upon his face.
Knowing Michael will be in his office first thing, Sonny refuses to let the matter from Vegas wait any longer and goes to seize the opportunity to speak with his brother in private.
You and the twins enter the nursery upstairs together to give Vincent a change of clothes for supper and to see if he’s hungry enough to be breastfed, leaving the hallway and living room of your estate completely empty.
As if it’s his own home, Sonny walks into the estate and directly makes his way towards Michael’s office—picking up on the sound of Tom handling paperwork for Michael in the study and making sure he’s unseen to avoid any further conversation.
The door to Michael’s office remains half open and rather than standing in front of the door, Al Neri leans against the wall just across from it.
Sonny and Neri make brief eye contact as Neri gives him an acknowledging nod and Sonny enters Michael’s office.
Neri shuts the door behind Sonny for the sake of privacy and to signal to Michael that he has a “guest” here to see him.
Michael remains standing by one of the half-opened windows of his office, smoking a cigarette and gazing outside.
Upon hearing the sound of his office door shut, all Michael does is glance over his shoulder to look upon who entered; seeing Sonny but not the least bit surprised, curious or even caring his older brother is here and visibly frustrated.
“You know, that wife of yours has just as much of a good right hook as you do,” Sonny comments, approaching Michael.
“I’m not surprised,” Michael turns his head back to look out the window again. “Did you underestimate her all this time?”
“More like I didn’t expect her,” Sonny stares at Michael, growing all the more irritated that his brother barely pays attention to him and won’t even look him in the eye while talking despite the conversation being about you.
“Is there a problem, Santino?” Michael blows smoke out towards the window, completely relaxed and calm in his demeanor. “If so,” Michael slowly turns his head to face Sonny directly, “be forward and state your point.”
“You shouldn’t have brought Victoria to Vegas with us,” Sonny states firmly.
Michael flicks the ashes of his cigarette out the window. “And who are you to tell me that I should or shouldn’t take my wife somewhere?”
“I’m your older brother,” Sonny affirms, standing his ground.
“That has no meaning to me,” Michael replies plainly. “I certainly hope you aren’t assuming I brought Victoria along because you’re under the belief I may think you’re incompetent.”
“No, I’m not,” Sonny scoffs, looking around Michael’s office. “You know me. I’m not fuckin’ stupid to go around thinking that. I don’t think Victoria had any business being there. That was between you, me, Fredo, and Tom. It would have made more sense if you brought your own damn consigliere along.” 
“Sonny,” Michael takes a long drag of his cigarette, “I know you’re not concerned for Victoria’s safety just as I know you don’t care if she is or isn’t involved with Fredo’s brothels.”
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“I’m saying this for your own good,” Sonny narrows his eyes. “You brought Victoria to a place that clearly bothers her—makes her uncomfortable. You know she didn’t wanna be there.”
“Neither did I,” Michael points out. “But we did what was necessary. I didn’t make Victoria ‘go’ anywhere.” Michael looks Sonny in the eye, “she came along with me of her own free will.”
“You wanted her there,” Sonny rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. 
“Of course, I wanted her with me. She’s my wife,” Michael blows out another puff of smoke. “I intend to take my wife with me anywhere that I possibly can. She’s no stranger to this business, Sonny. You know that much.”
“Why didn’t you bring Tom then?” Sonny furrows his brows.
“Because when I’m away from the compound, Tom is the Don,” Michael tells him. “He’s in charge of my home and family. That’s his place.”
“Right, right,” Sonny grumbles to himself. “Uh-huh.”
“Don’t ask me to justify my reasons as to why I do what I do, Santino,” Michael maintains a calm, quiet tone as he speaks. “I don’t have to explain anything to you whatsoever. You were overjoyed being in Vegas yourself if I recall correctly. Don’t stall me for whatever you’re holding back. We both know this behavior is unlike you.”
“For fuck’s sake, Mike,” Sonny grits his teeth, “you brought your wife right up in the domain of a woman she hates. Don’t you get that?”
“Victoria doesn’t hate anyone,” Michael rests his cigarette between the corner of his lips. 
It’s the truth. You’d never care that much let alone put such energy into hating someone—especially someone like Rita Duvall. 
“Really?” Sonny stares at Michael in disbelief. “Is that why Victoria lectured me on and on about one of the girls working there? Gave me the whole ‘be a faithful husband and quit sleeping around’ talk, all that ‘I’m so disappointed in you’ bullshit. That was uncalled for, huh?”
“Was it?” Michael raises a brow. “Do you hear yourself? It appears she hasn’t said anything wrong to you.”
“I don’t like being told what to do,” Sonny grimaces. “I’m a grown fucking man—”
“And yet I can hear the guilt in your voice loud and clear,” Michael leans off the wall, taking the cigarette out of his mouth. “What Victoria may have said to you in Las Vegas is something your own mother has been telling you for years. Father too.”
“You’re gonna lecture and scold me too now, huh?” Sonny glares at Michael—his frustration mounting. 
“If you’re saying Victoria stepped out of her place, you’re wrong,” Michael stands in front of Sonny, gazing at him. 
“Slapping me wasn’t wrong, huh? Are you fucking kidding me?” Sonny hisses.
“Calm yourself,” Michael replies, unphased. “I would consider my next words carefully if I was you. I’m only getting the impression that you’re here to tell me you’ve grown upset because Victoria told you to behave. Don’t you think I would guess by now that you must have done something to upset her if she hit you, Santino?”
“She didn’t tell you, huh?” Sonny lets out a deep huff. “Of course, she didn’t.”
“She doesn’t have to,” Michael points out. “Because I know you deserved it.”
Sonny’s eyes widen in surprise as he makes eye contact with his brother, stunned.
“This is a tumultuous time for our family, Santino, in case you needed reminding. Fredo’s legacy hasn’t left a good reputation on our family name as of late and despite Victoria, Tom, and I working to rid ourselves of it, you’re enjoying Fredo’s mistakes, his indulgences—the embarrassment he’s caused us for years. What does that say about not only you but the Corleone family as well? If you were anyone else, I could care less, but you’re a nobody.” Michael takes a step closer toward Sonny, putting out his cigarette on the ashtray next to him without diverting his attention from Sonny. “You’re a Corleone and you will behave like a Corleone. If you can’t control your sexual tendencies, you will relieve yourself in private, not public with women who know your name and reputation and you certainly will not do so in the shadow of Fredo’s legacy. You will stop embarrassing me and this family immediately.”
“Think you forgot what I just told you, Mike,” Sonny’s expression twists into a scowl, “I didn’t come here to be fucking lectured. You’re not Pop, you’re not my third fucking parent.”
“I didn’t send you to New York to seduce my wife either, did I?” Michael snaps back.
Immediately growing quiet, Sonny’s tone and expression cool as a tedious silence fills the office.
Michael nods slowly at Sonny, seeing he’s clearly gotten the point. “You thought I would forget so easily, did you?”
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“Just as you knew better them, you know better now, don’t you?” Michael closes off the space between him and Sonny, staring directly into his brother’s eyes with a venomous glare. “I remember, Sonny. I haven’t forgotten anything.”
“Mike, seriously,” Sonny mumbles to himself, raking a hand through his curls. “That was a whole year ago and we talked about this. Everyone’s over—”
“I’m not,” Michael cuts in sharply. “I’m not ‘over it’, Santino. You don’t speak for me just as you don’t speak for Victoria over anything. When it came to Fredo, I didn’t trust him in business but I trusted him personally. Then you saw what he did to our family, didn’t you? Victoria’s mother is dead because of Fredo, but you? I don’t trust you personally. I trust you with business and your role in the family but after going to take an advance on my wife instead of checking in on her well-being and security with my children, you broke every bit of trust I ever had for you. You knew that Sonny,” Michael lowers his tone to a whisper—only heard between him and Sonny. “I don’t like when you mention Victoria and I don’t like when you talk about Victoria. You lost your right to do that from that very moment on. I don’t want you near my wife alone, I don’t want you to console her or give her advice for anything. For your sake, stay away from every woman but the one you’ve married, and stop embarrassing this family. Do you understand me?”
Sonny stares back at Michael for a moment, pressing his lips down firmly. 
Seeing as Michael doesn’t back down and the “tough guy” act he sees from Sonny has zero effect on him whatsoever, Sonny refuses to talk back.
Instead, Sonny takes a step back, turns away, and exits Michael’s office calmly without another word.
The door shuts quietly behind Sonny as Michael adjusts his tie, staring back at the door as if he can see through it—still hearing every footstep Sonny takes down the hallway and out of his estate.
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Michael neither needs a reply nor confirmation from Sonny. This is his first and last warning. If Sonny didn’t know before, he knows now and Michael’s cruel streak of refusing to forgive or forget is officially at its peak.
Pushing everything else aside, Michael’s only focus and commitment is to his family tonight and he can’t possibly care less about Sonny’s woes towards you or anything that occurred in Las Vegas.
The first thing Michael sees when he steps into the dining room is you—his wife, and his children helping set the table as you keep little baby Vincent entertained in your arms.
“Aaaaa…” Vincent cooes, extending his little hand towards Michael.
“Hi, honey,” a beaming smile forms over your lips as you wave too. 
Mama Corleone looks up at her son and smiles warmly, helping set the table with Verona while Tom and Niccolo’s voices can be heard back in the kitchen, laughing over a joke.
“Hello, sweetheart,” Michael places a hand over your waist before kissing you sweetly, then planting a little kiss over Vincent’s chubby cheek.
That sense of relaxation, serenity, and familiarity surrounds the two of you well—home safe and sound without care to look or think back.
Tensions have relieved themselves of you for other reasons too, of course. 
You didn’t kill Rita Duvall out of pettiness, hate, mere jealousy, or even because you simply could. 
Until Rita and you were face to face with one another again, you hardly remembered her existence; it’s not as if the thought of her kept you up or frustrated you any other time. 
Perhaps it was because Rita knew you refused to pay any mind to her or her antics coupled with her own jealousy and envy of your lifestyle, marriage, influence, and wealth that did nothing but motivate her to become a splinter under your skin.
Even if you walked into Rita’s room and saw her and Sonny having sex right then and there, you wouldn’t have done or said anything, but Rita’s lies about pregnancy would directly provoke the family and create scandal.
Rita may want money and attention from Sonny seeing she can’t get it one way or another from Michael, and that simply could not happen.
Sonny’s frustration towards you may as well be ill-placed. After all, you did him and his marriage as well as the entire family a favor by silencing Rita’s loud mouth once and for all.  
Emotions such as sudden anger in the heat of things or spiking jealousy are beyond a woman like you; just another two things you’ve learned and been taught to tame and ignore as a mafiosa.
Still, as a mafiosa and the wife of a Don, anyone provoking you directly provokes both sides of your family too. 
Whether Rita Duvall knew better or did not doesn’t concern you whatsoever. All you know when it comes to Rita Duvall is that she deserved everything that she got; no remorse or mercy in your heart whatsoever when it comes to doing what is necessary for the family.
Michael thought and felt exactly the same when he put a bullet in Sollozzo and McClusky’s heads too.
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tgyverse · 4 months
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¡Muy buenos días a todes! El día de hoy venimos con un anuncio importante. Cómo se hablo en anteriores publicaciones, hemos estado reflexionando respecto al desarrollo de varios personajes y como esto afecta a quienes les llevan, por lo cual hemos decidido que estaremos limitando algunos personajes. ¿Cómo funcionará esto? Bien, hay un cierto grupo de personajes que no será posible tomar de momento (aún no estamos segura si los liberaremos más adelante, estaremos platicando en los días consecuentes) porque son personajes que tienen ya desarrollo a lo largo del rol o que requieren mucho contexto del rol para ser escritos. Esto no tiene que ver de ninguna forma con cómo los lleva cada quien, simplemente hemos notado que puede llegar a presionar a personas nuevas todo el desarrollo que ya tenga un personaje. Esta sugerencia fue dada por une usuarie nueve, a quien agradecemos la idea. Personalmente hemos llegado a la conclusión que quizá sea mejor para quienes apenas se nos unen que lleven personajes originales o personajes sin mucho contexto o desarrollo, todo para que ustedes se sientan cómodes y no tengan presión al respecto (algo que nos comentaron antes). Saben que aquí todo personaje original será aceptado y estaremos vigilando mucho que se creen conexiones y tramas para personajes originales porque queremos que se adapten, así que no tengan miedo de traer cualquier personaje original, desde la administración vamos a estar muy atentas al respecto. Dicho esto, esta sería la lista de personajes limitados: Albert Runcorn, Angela Finnigan, Bellatrix Lestrange, Cassia Clearwater, Charlie Mulciber, Dane Higgs, Gilderoy Lockhart, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Nirvana Dawlish, Rodolphus Lestrange, Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew, Rita Skeeter, Tiberius McLaggen, Victoria Fawley, Walden MacNair y Wen Chang. Los personajes que creemos no tienen desarrollo o no requieren de contexto, y ya existen dentro del universo del rol, serían: Alec Selwyn, Emilia Wilson, Natasha Selwyn, Reginald Cattermole y Septima Vector. Además, los skeletons libres también están disponibles para ser tomados, ya que son personajes nueves a pesar de tener contexto. En verdad no nos encanta tomar esta decisión porque hay muchos personajes que quisiéramos ver por aquí, pero también queremos cuidar mucho la comodidad de nuestres usuaries y en especial ayudarles a sentirse parte del verse sin presión alguna. Esperemos que puedan entenderlo y cualquier duda estamos para ayudarles. ¡Bonita semana!
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hildamystery45687 · 30 days
LEGO RITA SKELETON by hildamam45611 on @DeviantArt
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sugarsnappeases · 10 months
speaking of fun thoughts i have some (a lot) about rita skeeter…
rita who almost got sorted into ravenclaw, with her endless thirst for knowledge, her burning need to know everything about everyone
rita who became a slytherin because of what she wanted to do with that knowledge, that aching ambition, her burning need to be in control of everything
rita who barely slept for her obsessive research, digging into pureblood family trees, unearthing the skeletons (both literal and metaphorical) that they had kept hidden for years
rita who was quiet, unnervingly quiet, sitting in the corners of rooms and just listening, fading into the background until no one noticed that she was there, and people talk about such interesting things when they think no one else is there
rita who slowly but surely sunk her claws into everyone and everything she encountered, gently, silently, wrapping them up in the threads of information she had about them and then, when the time was right, pulling those threads tight, so they became like puppets on a string, under her control
rita who wasn't cool, or popular, or spectacular, who was actually quite off-putting, disturbing in her single-minded devotion to knowledge, to secrets, alarming in the way she sharpened those secrets into weapons, quietly formidable in the way she wielded them
but this was the rita skeeter who caught the interest of bellatrix black
the girl who moved like a wraith, constant dark bruises beneath her eyes to accompany the constant feverish hunger within them, silent and dangerous and fascinating in the way she surreptitiously pulled the strings of the school, everything under her control, dancing to her tune
bellatrix was under her control too, drawn in towards her like something magnetic that she couldn't stop even if she wanted to, so captivated by those sharp edges that she didn't even notice when she started to bleed out on them
or maybe she did notice, she just didn't care, maybe she just moved even closer, blades and secrets digging into her bones until she had nothing, no blood left to give, the entirety of her being splashed across the front page of the daily prophet
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lordkingsmith · 8 months
Tommy Oliver Canon and Oc Children and grandchildren
My god this man has so many. Why did he have chemistry with everyone he met. This list is going to be long. Very very long. A cut is necessary this is going to be a wall. I'm also just doing all the ones off the top of my head, but if there's any i miss you wanna see, just request and I'll add them to the list. My only hard no's are Rita, Rito, and Zedd. not for any super specific reason other than I don't really feel like trying to think of how a kid would work given how much Tommy deeply hates and fears these three. Kim and Kat I could reason through, even if I didn't like the ships, same with Bulk and Skull. I...just cannot come up with good ones for Tommy for those three, sorry.
but! I am so so SO glad you guys are taking this opportunity to make your own kids. That was my intent and I love seeing them! I can’t wait to see even more 😁😁 if anyone wants to cover the ones I don’t/won’t, feel free too~
Canon children:
Katherine Hillard;
JJ Oliver. He seems to be in his early to mid 20’s in comics, and is child aged in tv show. Personality wise we know he’s got a chip on his shoulder, he has a misplaced sense of danger and is perfectly happy sassing someone while they’re threatening to kill him. Seems to be messy and enjoys outdoor activities such as cross country biking and competitions and fighting and is in karate competitions. His relationship to his dad is Rocky. Unfortunately unknown how he gets on with his mom. Possibly good since she’s the one attending his competitions and Tommy is. Not. Personally I actually like JJ, but more because he’s got some interesting groundwork. Do I think he should be green? -cackles- nooooo. He’d be a more interesting Pink. We’ll see if I like his alternate reality half sister more lol. JJ is the SPD green as well as green dragon mighty Morphin ranger.
Kimberly Hart;
Olivia Hart, seems to be in her 20’s, more information will be added later
Canon Grandchildren:
Grandchildren by Katherine Hillard;
While I have made an au version of Tommy and Kat's grandsons, and will animate them, I will include the canon two. Nameless kids at the end of a Christmas special for zeo. One of them is a zeo red ranger. Technically the first canon legacy ranger, but he’s nameless and seems preoccupied. Seems on good enough terms with his grandparents and baby brother so that’s good. Their parents are unknown but their dad is probably JJ. I named the older one Ethan, too bad he was never given a canon consideration. Both these two and JJ are blank slates. This is a good and bad thing. But I like thinking this canon version is in a world where Zordon is still alive and the little red Zeo ranger doesn’t know his grandparents are the first zeo rangers. Yet.
Alternate universe grandchildren:
JJ Oliver;
Two sons. One was a red ranger, and then became a blue. He’s dating the purple ranger of his current team, a troll named Milo. Ethan is mute due to an injury and fluent in ASL. His best friend is Chloe Bulkmeier-Hart, who is the pink ranger of his current (and previous-girl is just an absolute pink through and through) team. He misses his younger half brother a lot. Ethan was born by accident while JJ was undercover. He loves his stem mom Anara, however. He knows when Milo meets her he will, too. He was Red of the team Fable Force and is currently Blue if the team Hellion Squad. He’s Hellion Blue, and his element is blue fire. He’s 21 and has been at the mercy of Rito Revolto while being presumed dead for the last two years. He used to babysit Pepper Skullovitch with Chloe, and had an antagonistic relationship with both Iva Song and Max Irons. He finds it funny that the two former comedy duo are both rangers, now. Manages to break mind control because of his brother attacking Rito Revolto.
His half brother, (haven’t decided on name) is ten years old. Sarcastic little so and so, not afraid to kick magic skeletons in the knees. Is babysat by Pepper and Charlie. He wants his brother back and he loves power rangers.
Olivia Hart;
Although Tommy died long before he could really get to see his daughter grow up, she did and she’s thriving. She never got married, she did have two kids. One adopted one not, but the other parent doesn’t matter-at least, they’re not at the age that it matters yet and she’s not going to contend with the fact the baby may or may not be a demigod. Theo, aged twelve, and Clover, eight months, love their mom and grandma. At least Theo does. Clover’s just a baby and generally loves everyone who holds her. Adopted at two, Theo knows about power rangers, knows about his mom being one, knows his grandparents were. Doesn’t particularly care aside from the fact his family helps people. Theo reads a lot, and draws, and helps his mom take care of things. She’s trying to run a small business while also being a Green Ranger, and Theo when he’s home from school is used to juggling school work and babysitting. His only hard me time days are the weekends, when he’s got little league baseball or chess. Olivia supports and understands this, and so far she and Kim have attended every single game and tournament. Has bashed putties in their faces in defense of Clover, before. He got a cake for that one. Privately Olivia knows Tommy loves these two, if he’s watching. And she’s certain he is.
Neither Theo nor Clover are associated with a color. Nor do I see them ever being associated with a color.
Alternate universe oc children:
Billy Cranston;
After surviving the world of the coinless together, the two got very close. Tommy was the first person Billy came out to, Billy was the first guy Tommy went all the way with. They have one daughter. Her name is Amanda Oliver. Aged 19. Amanda is adopted, and completely spoiled by her dads. She wants for nothing, and she loves them back deeply. She's a karate instructor, and a power ranger mentor. She's got a really open relationship with her parents, and trusts them to trust her, and they do. A little bit of a heartbreaker, finds it difficult to lie, loves science and kids.
Eugene Skullovitch;
Tommy invited Skull to a carnival. After first being asked if Skull was a rebound-with a fast follow up to make sure Tommy wasn't taking him to something run entirely by putties-and then asking if he was sure sure Goldar and Skorpina wouldn't be there-Tommy decided he was going to make this a date. and the best one of Skull's life. The effort to help this guy have a proper, healthy, fair love life, meant it more or less accidentally lead to falling in love and while not marriage, they do live together. They have Spike, an adopted daughter Eliza, and a son together named Hunter. Rita thought it'd "bury the hatchet" and had the forethought to let them know she'd decided her first act of being nice would be something that would benefit them. Has not in fact, buried any negative feelings but the effort did mean something. Tommy's straight up told all three of his kids they're not allowed to go to Briarwood. Just in case.
Eliza "Lizzie" Oliver is 21, and wants to be a reporter. Thinks Tommy's worries are a little extreme when they directly affect his kids' lives, but she humors him even as an adult, because she loves him and wants to see him happy. A little selfish, but very smart. Good at picking up on subtext and helps explain things that go over her brothers' heads when she's with them. Tommy's too because he might be smart, but the man is kinda dumb. Not very organized, but somehow always has what she needs in her giant purse. Very resourceful, knows how to pick locks, and is capable of two types of martial arts.
Hunter Oliver-Skullovitch is 16. He's just trying to get through highschool guys, please let him get through highschool. He's been kidnapped twice, and he really just wants to be left alone. More of a punk than Tommy gets, but Tommy and Skull are supportive of his tastes and choices in life. Unfortunately everybody wants a piece of this kid, and while he's not associated with any color (by sheer force of will), this is not from lack of attempts. Hunter's just very very good at making himself too much of a nuisance to be worth taking. Like his siblings he knows two types of martial arts, can pick locks, knows how to get into vents, knows four ways to get out of ropes and other bindings, and can say "help me I've been kidnapped" in twelve languages. as well as "fire!" and "that's not a human!". He loves monster movies, because the monsters actually seem to pose a challenge. He and Tommy do have an understanding, and Tommy and Skull are both happy to let Hunter have a choice in becoming a ranger. He won't get forced into it, if he does he will do this fully with his eyes open and knowing what he's getting into. He will become a black ranger, when he's around 20, and it will be his choice.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Bulk had been mildly afraid of Tommy since day of the dumpster but after the first couple weeks, he mellowed out. A LOT. Unfortunately Tommy's walking eye candy and that entailed a lot of attention by a lot of pretty people. Bulk found it easier to simply antagonize him rather than directly compete with everyone else. They've had a fun flirtatious back and forth for years. Things got a lot more of a lot more when Bulk came back from Mirinoi, and Tommy of all people got him in a hug so tight he thought he was going to actually get a broken back. They reconnected and opened a small hotel together. It's nothing spectacular but it's consistently filled with people, some of whom even choose their hotel again for future vacations. A couple years after the 'this is going to flop' fear subsided, business partners became married partners. Tommy and Bulk chose to go the adoption and surrogate route. Adoption because Tommy wanted to give a good life to someone who needed it, much like he'd been given, and surrogate because a friend asked during New Years when they were gently shooing them out of the hotel a little after midnight so they could sleep and their kid could sleep. The question had stuck around, which lead to an awkward conversation, which lead to asking around if anyone was willing. The surrogacy via Trini lead to twins, much to everyone's surprise. David thought this was hilarious. Tommy apologized profusely to Trini, who had to remind him he didn't control that. And she was willing to help them prepare for twins if they were.
They have three kids. Beckett, adopted at nine and currently 21 and working at the hotel to save up for college, and the twins. Trinity and Leon, born when Beckett was twelve. Rambunctious, and taking after Tommy a lot. There is no brain cell between them. The hotel is their personal playground when they have to spend time at home, much to the chagrin of Tommy and Bulk, though they have managed to make this work in their favor, and many of the twins' games also double as their chores.
Beckett's the straight man type. He's very up front, responsible, and charming when he wants to be. He can switch from business to leisure at the drop of a dime, is good with money, and knows Angel Grove like the back of his hand. He is practically a walking tour, and has debated whether or not it'd be worth setting up a tour guide side business to help the hotel, and his wallet. Bulk respects the hustle. Tommy just wants him to be careful. Beckett's going into business management. He doesn't necessarily want to take over; it'd be fun to open up a rival place for a while just to see how he does. He's also prepared for any and every eventuality. Living with this family, he's got to be. Not that he minds, he used to wander Boston streets all day and go to the boy's home at night. Tommy ran into him on the street wandering back, and it was basically an immediate whirlwind of Beckett becoming Beckett Oliver and going to live with Bulk and Tommy.
Trinity is the older of the twins by four hours. She's also the go getter and more of the risk taker. She is dragging Leon along after for better or for worse, because no he's not going to let his sister do something dumb alone. That's lonely! They've had run ins with a lot of supernatural things, but that's par for the course so half of them Tommy and Bulk don't know about. Trinity is more likely to fight something twice her size. Also more likely to jump from the second story railing to see if she can fly (she nearly gave Bulk a heart attack and he caught her before she could begin her downward trend. Luckily he knew her by that point). Not currently a color but she's Tommy's. She's going to be a green ranger when she's older. Tommy and Bulk have the twins in judo classes.
Leon's the more careful of the two but that's not saying much. Still the one that decided to experiment with dishsoap in the laundromat. He was grounded for a month. He's also more of the curious one, in the book sense. If he doesn't know, he asks. It's less of a headache. More of a direct talker than his sister, very polite. Is not adverse to using his sister or brother as a distraction. Enjoys parkour, even at nine. He likes detective stories. Enjoys birdwatching. This isn't a calming activity for him; he walked onto a cliff to see if a bird was an eagle. It was. He nearly got very very hurt. Tommy, fortunately, knows him. general rule with the twins is if Beckett Tommy or Bulk is with them it's for everyone else's protection; not their own. Leon is not associated with a color, but he's Tommy's. He'll be a white ranger when he's older.
Although many adversaries did have their eyes on these kids for a time-absolutely not, it's too much trouble. Tommy and Bulk are at least a little self aware and their kids are fully prepared to turn the hotel into a massive booby trap. There's a protocol and everything.
in a tangential au, Beckett is a ranger and passes the Power to either Leon or Trinity as his chosen replacement, so depending he's either white or green.
Matthew Cook;
Tommy and Matt did not really like each other at the beginning. Matt blames Tommy for so so much, but can't do anything about it, and Tommy's missing Dragon Green something terrible and dealing with massive amounts of PTSD for related but different reasons than Matt. Rita trapped them together in a gladitorial area of the Dark Dimension, and Tommy and Matt managed to talk to each other and get into an understanding. When they started dating, it was actually Grace who saw an opportunity, not Rita. But it’d be three more years before she could enact the plan. She didn’t tell Terona, and she was intending to eventually get every coin as well, for a full set.
Verdun Cook is 24, he’s the green dragon ranger, and he’s never met his dads. He’s a top agent for protection of earth. He thinks his parents gave him up to Grace. They think he died in infancy, an unfortunate complication in how he was made. They also think the dragon dagger was destroyed as well, around the same time. When parents and son finally meet, Tommy and Matt are furious. Billy’s furious. Terona's furious. He got Verdun to Tommy and Matt when he found out, even. Everyone’s furious. Matt and Tommy have Verdun live with them to acclimate to civilian life, and get used to being a person. His entire life has been as a weapon; he’s trying to very rapidly learn how to be human. It’s not like he was a success in the program either; the plan was a whole team of legacy rangers in their parents Colors, and he was the only one they could get.
Currently the only people allowed to mess with Tommy and Matt’s DNA is Billy and the Aquitarans and, hilariously, Zedd. He only made a clone. He was very transparent about what he was intending for the clone. Tommy knows where the clone is. He DIDN’T know where his son was, that he was alive, what Grace was intending or what he was doing. He and Matt are in agreement; If they had to chose they’d choose Zedd with their DNA.
When they thought their biological son had died; they adopted. Ricky is fifteen, not associated with a color, and is trying to get used to this with along with their dads. Ricky really is trying to be nice as well, but his overenthusiasm and attempts at bonding are often coming off too strong and borderline antagonistic. He doesn't mean to be. But the bright side is Ricky’s got someone to hang out with. And better yet, Verdun knows nothing about video games, pop culture, or really anything. So. Who wants to watch Star Wars? Ricky's got mixed feelings about his brother, but they're ranging from sad to excited, there's nothing jealousy related. Their dads are awesome, and he's sad Verdun never got to grow up with their dads. And he's excited to be able to have fun with his brother. Ricky is very excitable, and works on the school newspaper. He does volleyball, and has goals to be valedictorian when he graduates. Friendly, upbeat, can sometimes take things too far, but he tries to make those moments right.
They’re all making up for lost time with Verdun. It’s long overdue. At least both kids get along.
Jason Lee Scott;
It started with a challenge, because for these two, it always starts with a challenge. Trying to out do the other in asking each other out, the date, and then the proposals. Because the one who can't top the last proposal has to say yes. because you can't one up a proposal if you're already married. So they've been engaged with no wedding date in sight for decades, going back and forth with proposals. Most everyone is amused, but their two kids are mostly Done with their dads. Travis Scott, aged 26, and Celeste Scott, aged 22, love their dads but cannot with either of them. Travis is a famous race car driver and a gold ranger, Celeste is going into mechanics with a focus on teaching, her goal being a shop teacher for highschool students and a red ranger, and they love their dads but everything is an eternal competition between Jason and Tommy, and it sometimes feel loving their kids is a competition, too.
Violet decided to help Jason and Tommy when they were looking at surrogacy, and was not amused by the fact they decided who the father would be with an arm wrestling match, best two out of three. Jason won. Violet insisted on naming the kid for them so it wouldn't turn into another contest. Jason and Tommy do love each other, but it's so hard for them to be anything but competitive. It's literally their love language. They do make a great team raising their kids, however, and Travis was a bit of a gearhead almost before he could walk, fascinated with cars and bikes and everything with wheels. His first (self chosen) halloween costume was the megazoid, made lovingly out of boxes, construction paper, paint, and paper mache. When he found out Tommy had been a race car driver when he and Jason were considering kids at all, well. His fate was sealed. He's got a rap sheet for illegal drag races, speeding, and a few other things. Jason had to take away the keys for a year while Tommy worked on getting Travis on board with the concept of "time and place" because while Tommy is dumb of ass and pure of heart, he does not fuck around with safety around mechanical objects. especially cars. Now, however, Travis is thriving. He is not on the same team as his sister, ironically while he hates how competitive his parents are, he and his sister are almost worse with their rival ranger teams. Travis is just like Tommy, but tends to have the same manner of dealing with feelings as Jason; bottling to the detriment of everyone around him. Intense, but well meaning. Strong willed and stubborn, but often gets into things on pure righteous fury, or out of a sense of competition or excitement. More than one person has asked him "how are you still alive".
Celeste was adopted in infancy a few years after Travis was born. Tommy has always liked the idea of adoption, and was always grateful for being adopted into the family he was. David threatened them both with their lives if they turned this into a competition, and watched them very very closely through every step. When she was two years old, Celeste stole Travis' toy car and he bopped her in the face to get it back. if you ask Jason, that's the moment the two became rivals. She's been a mild terror, taking apart most things she could get her hands on and later figuring out how to put them back together. The vacuum, the family car, she's just having fun. She also is a little bit of a know it all, especially over mechanical things, and will lecture to whoever listens, though the complexity tends to depend on who she's talking to. Her teammates? a good way to practice going over the subject with teenagers. Her parents? as indepth as she likes. Her brother? middle ground. He knows how cars work, but not how to fix in a pinch. She's become a red ranger because opportunity presented itself, and her brother's two towns over and she loves sending him selfies of her exploits. He's quickly gotten into it as well.
Rocky DeSantos;
Rocky and Tommy always had a rather amicable relationship, which lead to a very comfortable dating life. It wasn't a sparks fly insta love thing, but more like a very slow burn of embers. And after years and years of doing things and having each other's backs and being red and blue and white and red and all that this all entails...it got to the point they looked at each other and couldn't think of anyone else they'd want to be with. They have four kids; Dannica DeSantos, aged 26, Markus DeSantos, aged 24, Johanna DeSantos, aged 20, and Halen DeSantos, aged 17. Tommy and Rocky are currently taking a break (being teammates and lovers on several teams and effectively at each other's hips for decades will do that), but are doing it more to save their marriage than preparing to divorce. Halen's living with Tommy during this, as Rocky is the firefighter chief, and is only at the house three days every two weeks during fire season. Better to have a parent who can actually dedicate time to being a proper parent to the one kid that still needs it. All kids except Halen are scientifically mixed dna of Tommy and Rocky, through cashing on a favor of Billy and the Aquitans. Halen is adopted.
Dannica DeSantos is a racecar driver. She's been a speed demon since she learned how to ride a tricycle, and has been relatively unstoppable since. She has given her parents panic attacks. She's been in jail over the fact she used to do illegal drag races in her teens. Tommy had to put a stop to this by getting behind the steering wheel again and taking his own daughter on in a race. If he won, she waited till she was 18 to pursue this as a career-the legitimate way. If he lost, he'd give her the keys and say nothing. Tommy won, barely. She was pissed, but she honored her word. They had a few years of tenuous peace with warnings interspersed that yes, traffic is awful, but no you can't drive through a park to get to your job on time, Dannica, no.
Since starting her career, though, this has gone down quite a lot and she's been a lot better about being responsible off the racetrack. She refrains from using the name 'Oliver' to her advantage; she wants to do this the right way. She's insanely competitive, and has a very strong code of ethics. She doesn't cheat, she doesn't cut corners, and she's not going to start. The only way to do anything is the right way, and what does it say about everyone else who cheats who keeps losing to her, anyway? Loves her brothers and sister, but she doesn't really get along with her dads. She's the most intense parts of both of them, and while they love each other, it's better to love each other at a distance. She gets the fact they're currently separated; you just gotta take a break sometimes. Not associated with a color, and as she'd willingly drive a car into someone, this is perhaps a good thing.
Markus DeSantos is going to school to be a physical therapist. Probably the most easy going of the siblings, he's a lot like his dads. He's kind of wanted to do this since finding out about the accidents that wrecked Tommy and Rocky's backs for a long time (and even to a point up to now) and lead to them both finally retiring from ranger work. Tommy has to walk with a cane, and Rocky's dependent on painkillers. With excercise. Markus gets that because his dads are so vigorous with their exercise and a lot of luck they were able to skirt past anything worse, and he wants to help people get similar results where possible. So, physical therapist. He's a happy go lucky but take no shit kind of guy. He's nice about it, but nobody gets away with anything around him. And often find themselves doing what they should, under the impression it was their own idea, some hours after talking to him. He loves food, loves his siblings, though he generally gets along with Rocky better than Tommy. But, he manages to get Tommy to do what he's supposed to, because his dad is very much a stubborn idiot about things that are good for him. Checks in often with Halen and makes sure he's doing ok during everything. Keeps both his dads' fridges stocked. Not associated with a color, though he was offered black once. Kept this to himself, he doesn't want to deal with the inevitable "well why didn't you" if he says anything. He didn't because it'd get in the way of goals he already had, that's all. He did suggest someone else, and they're doing very very well, so there's that.
Johanna is assistant manager at the Juice Bar, and thriving. Everything is going well for her. She's got a famous sister, two famous parents, and likes cooking, coming up with new flavors to try on the blackboard, and generally being assistant manager. Does she want to go to school? Maybe. Does she know what for? Not yet, but if she ever figures it out she's willing to go. She's into competitive gaming as a side thing, but it's not her life. Her life is fairly full of other things. She lives with Markus in a rental home, and Halen whenever he needs a break from Tommy. She loves holidays and wears themed clothes every single holiday. She wears bunny ears without shame with extra fluffy skirts every easter, and she's highly embarrassing on Thanksgiving with her turky legwarmers. However, her siblings love her and wouldn't have her any other way. A good source of advice to anyone who needs it, though she tries to stay out of Markus and Dannica's way, because they both get into moods where no amount of advice no matter how gently given will ever be heeded. And she's not going to waste time on useless endeavors.
She sometimes stands in for the karate classes when her girlfriend has to skip. Johanna knows she's dating the pink ranger, and Rose knows Johanna knows. Johanna doesn't mind filling in for Rose when fights edge into class times. Rose would do the same for her if their situations were switched.Johanna isn't associated with a color herself.
Halen DeSantos was adopted when he was six. He was adopted out of foster care, and remembers his last foster care parents. They were nice, but had eight other foster kids. Halen found it no less chaotic but somehow warmer when he got adopted by Rocky and Tommy. Their kids instantly swept him into their midst as sibling, and it was easy to slide into this as well. They squabbled and stepped on each other's toes and got on each other's nerves, but there was a deep love throughout. It is tough finishing high school while Tommy and Rocky don't live together-and Tommy is his biology teacher-but he's trying to remember it's not because they hate each other, it's just gotten a little much right now, and they do still love each other. His siblings always seem to know when he's feeling really low, however, and it's nice being able to get his mind off things. Kind of wants to go into paleontology, like Tommy, or firefighting, like Rocky. He hasn't decided yet, but he knows whatever he chooses, he's going to be supported in it.
Aisha Campbell;
While Aisha acknowledges Tommy as the leader, she doesn’t let him get away with shit. Uniquely while Kat and Kim and Trini didn’t either, Aisha and Tommy had just enough of a rivalry together that Tommy couldn’t quite dare to pull some things around Aisha. Aisha came after the whole “villain Tommy” and just knew him as the himbo dork who loved his friends and being a power ranger.
They never got married, but they do have kids together. Mostly they live with their lives revolving around each other and their kids, but never quite together together. Aisha didn’t think she could be whatever Tommy was looking for and Tommy knew he wasn’t that for Aisha either. But, they liked each other enough for kids, and they’re still good friends. It’s fairly amicable and flexible. They have twin daughters, Fillipa and Lucinda Campbell, aged sixteen.
Fillipa is older by eight hours. She’s into sword-dancing and gymnastics. Friendly to everyone, but doesn’t let anyone walk over her. Fillipa is the school class president, and helped set up a other species welcoming committee into the school. Other variations of humans, aliens, mutants, magical species, even androids, are welcomed and the committee helps incorporate them into the school into friend groups to encourage fellow classmates and teachers to treat these new classmates as normal people. It’s an uphill battle, but she thinks it’s worth it. Her running mate and best friend is a young Tenga queen named Clack, and both of them believe everyone could benefit from a friendship like theirs. It’s been bumpy but it’s somewhat working. At the very least it seems the current ranger team is made up of a wide range of species, and this makes Fillipa very very happy. Not associated with a color but if she were it’d be yellow.
Lucinda Campbell is a rodeo horseback rider, and does the Indian bareback racing and bronco riding. Aisha saw her daughter fall in love with mechanical bucking bronco rides at the mall, looked over at Tommy and went “if I see her as a red ranger later I’m blaming you.” Lucinda isn’t a red ranger.
She’s a green.
Hilariously neither Tommy nor Aisha seem to have realized this yet. Then again, the most green she wears is a green braided bracelet and socks. She loves her sister, and is grateful to her and Clack for being advocates for normalizing species integration, because she couldn’t possibly ask for a better team. They have each other’s backs, cover for each other, take part and enjoy each other’s hobbies, and she loves them all deeply. This is her team.
She’s not supposed to be doing anything with wild horses; she promised her parents not till she was in her 20’s. She’s also got such a skill with them now that if they saw her they’d instantly know she was a ranger. So, this is also a secret. At least good old uncle David’s willing to keep the secret. And offer advise to the team and his nieces when needed.
Adam Park;
They’d been friends since a bit before the transfer, and Tommy was Adam’s leader for years on three or four different ranger teams. There’s a level of trust there you don’t usually get, and they were both black and green rangers in their lives. After Tommy became Dino Thunder Black, and shortly after a divorce between him and Kat, Adam and Tommy started spending more time together. The getting together thing was an accident. Both of them at a Christmas party and then things going from one thing to the next, and Tommy says he’s never felt so at home waking up in someone’s arms.
They have one son together, Isaiah Park. Tommy cashed in on a favor owed by Grace, and soon enough JJ Oliver was trying to figure out where his baby half brother had come from. His opinion was Adam, because he was shorter. It wasn’t until several years later they were able to explain it in a way JJ would understand and accept. But they never let him live the cute story down, to his embarrassment. Given Tommy’s immunity to time fluctuations and manipulations by the Machine Empire, they found out they were living in the same town as Time Force. Tommy was able to complete a doctorate in, to Adam’s perception, a day. Tommy is a lead paleontologist due to this, and Adam works at the museum. However given Tommy being Tommy, there is currently a divorce. Tommy wears his trauma on his sleeve and Adam has given up trying to fix him.
Isaiah Park is sixteen. He’s quiet, thoughtful, and tends to think with his emotions rather than his mind. Lucky, charming, and a natural heartthrob to his school, though he doesn’t seem to notice. Loves music, especially classical, and reading. He hasn’t really thought about being a power ranger, though he wouldn’t say no if he was asked. He was babysat by the Dino Thunder team as a kid, and kidnapped by Mesogog once. All hell broke loose when this happened, and Isaiah’s unsure if he wants to be a ranger when this sort of danger could happen to any of his loved ones. Tommy and Adam are currently in the process of divorce, and Isaiah’s getting used to that idea as well, but it’s nice having JJ to talk to about it.
He has enough to deal with with his dads. They love telling the story of when he was three, they’d go “see you later alligator” and “after awhile Crocodile” and he’d respond, loudly and enthusiastically; “bye bye, froggie!” To this day he’s been unable to get them to stop telling this story to his friends, love interests, and any adult who’d listen. JJ feels the pain. Isaiah is not associated with any color. This is probably a good thing. However if he was, it’d be black.
Bobby (last name unknown);
The green candle was used on a group of bullies who’d recently joined Angel Grove as new students from another school by Zedd, and made the Mighty Morphin Dark Rangers. Dark mirrors to the Mighty Morphin team, except for Tommy. Bobby is the Blue Dark Ranger, and as you’d guess, Billy’s bully counterpart. Tommy was meant to be brainwashed and pulled back into the side of evil with the five mind controlled bullies, but didn’t. They freed the five, and the five became better people and stopped being bullies.
However in this version, instead of Justin Stewart becoming the Blue Turbo Ranger, it was Bobby. Bobby was able to convince Zordon not to recruit a child, and Rocky decided he’d rather have Bobby take his place than the eleven year old. Which was well and fine, and suited everyone a bit better given Bobby had some experience with being a ranger anyway.
He and Tommy bonded over their past stints as bullies turned evil rangers turned good people, and it led to sparks flying. Tommy and Kat broke up, and Kat got together with Kim while Tommy got together with Bobby. Twenty years later, Tommy is a professional race car driver and Bobby is his head mechanic. They have one daughter via adoption, Drew Oliver, aged 16.
Drew’s more of a wood working type of person, and prefers working in the wood shop classes at school. She’s interested in doing carpentry professionally, and Bobby and Tommy don’t see why not. It’s a stable job, good paying, and everyone needs a table, door, chair, and the like, and if you can do quality work you’re never going to go out of business. She also does how to’s on YouTube, and there’s a running joke about her dads, especially Tommy, helping or walking through in the background. Anytime someone brings Tommy up, she deflects with “nah, it’s his clone Tom” or “Tommy Oliver breaks cameras just by walking past him. Couldn’t possibly be” or “Tommy Oliver? :0 who’s that?” Tommy thinks this is hilarious, and he’s returned the joke in kind in interviews. Especially when Drew tags along. Not associated with a color.
Kristen (last name unknown);
Tommy’s fate seems to always revolve around pink rangers, and Kristen is no different. Instead of freeing the Dark Rangers, Tommy joined their ranks and quickly got into a relationship with Kristen. They now rule the galaxy with the Dark rangers by their side. They have two kids, a daughter, Katya, aged 24, and a son, Barrett, aged 16.
Katya is the heir apparent to the known universe and a rather spoiled and self confident little princess. In her opinion she is the center of the universe because of course she is. Everyone has always put her and Jaeris first, or died about it. She’s the current Pink Dark ranger and the leader of the team over her brother being the current red (they go through reds…rather quickly). She’s older, she’s smarter, she’s more clever and she’s the prettiest pink ever so of course she’s the leader. She and Spike Skullovitch have a very visceral love hate relationship. It’s explosive, literally. He’s trying to get his parents out of the extensive prisons, and she’s aware he’s a spy and resistance fighter. Her body guard is also actively trying to kill her. They’re very enemies to lovers. This girl considers blowing up meteors and planets a fun past time. Spike wants a raise. Her parents indulge whatever she wants to do because she’s effective at what she’s going to keep the family in control. Again, Spike wants a raise. A huge huge huge raise. At least her little brother seems okay, and he’s been gently working on making Barrett aware that this is very very wrong, and convince him to become better. Because Katya loves her brother. So, redeem the brother, redeem the sister. And maybe save the universe in the process. If Spike doesn’t get turned in by a bored Katya first.
Barrett isn’t really excited to be a red ranger. There’s been ten since Aster turned sixteen, and while he doubts she’d cause his death, she’s more protective of him than anyone else, it’s everyone else on the team he doesn’t trust. Bobby is the last member of the original team, and their parents’ advisor. He keeps everyone in check and Barrett somehow trusts him least. The first Red Dark Ranger was Bobby’s best friend and now he’s dead, after all. Or at the very least, presumed missing. Plus, Barrett likes his sister’s new babysitter body guard Spike and Spike’s really nice to him. Through Spike he realized he likes model space craft and building ships in bottles. Through Spike he was introduced to underground fighting (by accident), and found out about the darker aspects of the empire. Spike makes him question everything, but Barrett has to be careful. He’s a prince, sure, but he’s more expendable than his sister. He’s not the heir apparent, after all. He’s careful around his sister, but he knows she’s got his back. He just has to lead her to the obvious conclusion; overthrow their parents and Bobby.
Zack Taylor;
Tommy is an airhead, and very hard to convince he’s being flirted with. Kimberly, for months, tried to flirt with her new teammate, and eventually moved on because it just didn’t connect in Tommy’s head. He misunderstood Zack trying to explain it to him as Zack flirting, which made a little bit of a mess, but once it was sorted out Kimberly was dating someone else, and Tommy and Zack realized they did like each other. So they started dating, although there was some hurt feelings between themselves and Kim for a long while. Unfortunately, shortly after they successfully adopted a four year old, Tommy disappeared.
Eighteen years later, Landon Taylor works at Promethea as a systems programmer intern. It’s the closest to Tommy and Zack’s old work that Landon can get. Zack doesn’t want him any closer, and Billy, now CEO of Promethea, takes care of his old friends’ son. Landon admires Promethea and power rangers immensely. He wants to help them by any means he possibly can, and he does so to the best of his ability.
Nothing has come of years of searching for Tommy, and vice president Zack Taylor has proposed several amendments to help protect the teenagers that become rangers. He knows better than to make it illegal for teens and young adults to be rangers like some propose, but he also knows there needs to be suitable protective safety nets just in case. He’s proud of Landon, who’s helping program these safety nets, and he’s proud of the current rangers.
Trini Kwan;
During the incident where Zedd was twisting a neighbor girl of Trini’s into an evil princess on a magic island, Tommy went to help the girl, confident in Trini’s promise; she’d undo the spell on both of them and save them. When the spell took effect, Zedd was true to his word snd released the other teammates, and the evil duo of Green and Lavender debuted. “Prince Tommy” remembered little but the promise of Trini’s. He and the girl, Hallie, killed Drakkon and terraformed the planet into a nightmarish land of fairytale places. Treacherous mountains, terrifying forests, murderous deserts. Razing cities in their wake, making the planet in the image of Hallie’s twisted obsession. It’s not too different than it was, except that the different biomes don’t encourage cities very much. Each region now sentient to an extent. And willing to punish humanity for city building.
Trini and Tommy entered a strange adversarial relationship. Tommy’s obsession with Trini reaching a fever pitch after a few years. The promise and the hatred of fairytales he has twisting into an odd association with Trini. His saving grace, even if he can’t remember what from . They did have a few nights were no fights took place, and they have two kids, with “Prince Tommy” none the wiser that his “Huntress” often has their kids in tow. Bolin and Su are 16 and 14 respectively. Bolin knows who Tommy is to them, Su does not.
Bolin’s been raised his entire life with the resistance and the sole mission of finding the dumpster Rita’s still stuck in, or some other mystic who’d know how to undo the Venus Island spell. He learned about Tommy being his dad two years ago, after meeting David. It didn’t take a lot to put the pieces together with how much David looks like them and Bolin having never seen David’s brother without his helmet until Tommy confronted David and Trini, where he put Trini under a spell. Up till that point Trini co-parented them with Skull and Bulk, and Bolin likes Skull and Bulk as parents and mentors. An adept marksman with throwing knives. Skilled at potion making, and doesn’t know how to feel about Tommy and Hallie. Yes, it’s a spell, but…well. How many times can one take being nearly murdered by maddened tyrants. Considering joining the tyrant prince and princess’s ranks with Bulk to see if he can’t save them…if he can kill them. He’s not currently associated with a color, but he will be a Mastodon Knight, when he’s undercover. Bulk’s his captain and they’re both doing their best. Trini doesn’t approve when this happens, however when she becomes Tommy’s Power Huntress and right hand, it’s not really up to her.
Su is very much a product of her environment. She wasn’t born before nightmare fairytale world, and she can’t imagine anything else. Her logic hinges on magic, and people she knows. Bartering and being kind and clever and very very good with figuring out how to fight with limited space. She doesn’t get why her brother’s been so moody the last two years, and has been traveling with David and Billy to spread the word about Zack and Kim, who both died fighting Tommy, and try to figure out how to undo everything. She’s not sure if she wants to, this version of the world is all she knows but…it would be cool to meet Rita. A real live wicked witch? You don’t see one of those every day. She assumes Richie, who Tommy tortured and killed very early in hers and Bolin’s lives, is her dad. Is more and more motivated to get the curse on Tommy and Hallie broken in any case, just to get her mom, brother, and honorary uncle back. She misses them. Not associated with a color, nor is she going to be a knight of any sort. If she was, it’d be white.
Stan Skullovitch;
Tommy didn’t know Skull even had a brother till Tommy was well into his 20’s and working as a teacher at a high school. Stan had gotten a job as the school’s band teacher, and thought it was a bit hilarious, if annoying, when Tommy found out and wouldn’t stop freaking out. Tommy actually got a little bit shy once he realized, mostly due to his friendship and past with Skull.
Tommy’s ranger students and mentees were the group that set them up, much to Stan and Tommy’s general chagrin. It was on Valentine’s, too. To Stan’s annoyance and Skull’s glee, Tommy called him to double check this was fine. Stan has, over twenty years later, yet to live this down. Tommy and Stan have two kids, a daughter from a fling Stan had years ago. Her name is Kimmie, or K, and she’s 21. Their second kid is a mutant animal human hybrid Elsa decided to make to taunt Tommy at the expense Stan. Jurian is a flying squirrel human hybrid and he is seventeen.
K is too smart for her own good, and far too fascinated with the tech and old thwarted plans of Mesogog and Elsa. Tommy’s lowkey panicking and trying to keep her away from making a huge mistake. She’s going to go too far and he doesn’t know how to protect her from doing that. Stan’s more laidback; she’s gotten interested in dangerous ideas, explored through investigation and backed away from it on her own. He can tell this is similar, but Tommy’s panic is doing the opposite and making her more curious. She is however redirecting it to a different idea; research into possible ties to the aliens and magical creatures with hybrid like features. She is Dino Thunder purple.
Jurian is a little bit of a recluse-on earth-however, he goes to school in space, and usually is purposefully vague about his heritage, as it’s easier to let people assume he’s a human/alien hybrid of some kind rather than a science experiment made specifically to try to hurt his parents. He’s aware it backfired, he’s glad it backfired, he loves his parents but still. He only exists because of someone’s idea of revenge. It doesn’t help K is a little too interested in the concept and he knows she’s coming from a good place but it’s a bit hurtful.
He is active and does have friends, though they don’t know the full story about him. Has a possible boyfriend. Is not associated with a color.
Anton Mercer/Mesogog;
An incident with Mesogog resulted in a baby with their dna and the dna of the prehistoric chicken, Jianianhualong tengi. The kid is an odd and very intelligent twenty year old now. Tommy, during the incident, was also fused with raptor dna. Avian can’t get a straight answer if Tommy, who’s been trained to be a faithful mate of Mesogog, laid an egg. Avian knows it came from an egg but if this was made via science or physically laid, is unknown. And to be honest, Avian doesn’t really want to think too hard about it.
Avian Mercer is non-gender. Avian doesn’t feel like there’s a gender there at all. Avian’s presentation can be pretty broad as well. Feathered and scaled among their normal hair and skin, reptilian eyes, winglike arms with claws, it’s definitely a striking look. However it can vary from more feminine to masculine to indeterminate either way. While Tommy became reprogrammed to being Mesogog’s, he managed to convince Mesogog to free Anton and wait until Avian was a suitable age to conquer the world. Avian escaped at sixteen, and has been trying to head off the inevitable fully since.
Alternate au. Anton and Tommy had a thing going on before this all started, and it restarted after Tommy was able to trick Mesogog and save Anton. However this wasn’t before he became half dinosaur and Avian was born. Avian and Trent share a mild sibling rivalry, given there’s a sixteen year age difference between them. In a lot of ways Trent acts as a parental figure to his sibling, but is also fun big brother when it counts. Trent is an animator and has let Avian tag along to his job more than once to watch (with permission from his bosses). Avian is not associated with a color in any reality.
Tommy when he met Delphine properly again as an adult, immediately hit it off with her. Rocky took Tommy’s place as Red Zeo Ranger, and Billy was able to take his place as Blue Zeo Ranger as Tommy left to be with Delphine while remaining white ranger. He comes back often to help his friends, it’s like he’s barely gone, really.
Their child Nautilus is non-binary and 21 years old. They are Aquitar’s white ranger like their mom before them. Don’t spend a lot of time on earth but they do have a slight rebellious streak and are dating a mermaid pirate queen. She’s a great ally anyway, and a great source of information, although their team and friends fully tease them about the heavy heavy flirting between themself and pirate queen Sylvia. Out of the box thinker, extremely dramatic, clever, sarcastic and nice. They like doing their job but they will not do it within “proper parameters” malicious compliance with rules, and they’re having fun with it. Some people hate them, some adore them, but it doesn’t matter. They’re doing good.
They reconnected in Forever Red, and bonded. Aurico left Aquitar to be with Tommy, and they live in a harbor and beach town for Aurico. They’ve befriended the supernatural sea life over the years. They have a twelve year old adoptive amphibious humanoid son Wave. Aurico was trying to save a met family, and he could only save the small child. Tommy struggles a little with the needs of his partner and kid, but he’s doing his best and he loves them.
Wave’s been to Aquitar a few times, and thrives with his parents both in the sea town on earth and on Aquitar. Music enthusiast, his favorite singers are whales. He’s closer to Aurico than he is Tommy, but it’s fine. Tommy gets it. He can’t share some of Wave’s life, Aurico can. He can just be there on the pier at the end of the day to welcome them home. Wave is not associated with a color but if he were it would be black.
Tommy adopted Dulcea’s daughter Demelza. The woman had given up her human form to help them, and had given up her life to have a child. Tommy was given an infant by a dying Dulcea, and told she was joining the father in the afterlife but wanted to give the daughter a good life. She chose Tommy to be the best candidate. At the time Tommy was 25, single, no job, and dealing with the concept of having peaked at seventeen. But, he made a promise he’d give Demelza a good life, and as he’s a man of his word, proceeded to put in the work to make his life better so he could make hers the best possible.
Demelza is 22, an owl shifter like her mother, and is manager to a paint your own pottery place not far from where she and her dad currently live. Due to economy, she lives at home with him but she’s got a steady partner, and they love her, a job she enjoys, and friends and family she adores deeply. It’s not a grand life, but it’s a good life. Not associate with a color
Marleau Eskin;
Tommy didn’t meet the rangers first at school, he met Marleau. He fell into a highschool dating to married pipeline. He doesn’t hate his wife but he certainly doesn’t love her either. They have hobbies and jobs that keep them from spending more time than they need to together, but when they do it’s amicable. They have one daughter, Larissa. She is 16 and a little bit of an ice queen.
She’s rich, she knows it, she’s also got the smarts and skills to prove anyone who tries to claim she uses money to get her positions wrong. Larissa hasn’t got time for friends, or more accurately asskissers who like her money and familial influence, not her. A cheerleader, head of debate team, and slated to be the valedictorian of her graduating class. On top of all that she also donates and volunteers at the shelters and soup kitchens. This looks good on her resumes for colleges yes but she also genuinely enjoys it. Tommy’s trying to get her to loosen up and make some friends. He is at this point ready to throw her into a “will absolutely turn her into a power ranger” situation. It’ll at least give her a premade friend group to bond with. He’s like 95% sure she’s going to be some sort of red ranger. He’s not wrong. At 21 she’ll volunteer as a summer camp counselor and will end up with five other counselors as a power ranger, and yes, she is red. To her utter annoyance but it does give her a girlfriend, a yellow. She just hates admitting Tommy is right.
Trey of Triforia;
Tommy and Trey got very close very fast, with Tommy finding excuses to spend every second he could with Billy and Trey’s Id Ego and Superego in the command center. They started officially dating during a break with Kat. However, Trey died before he could be healed and although it took a few years to get to it, even though they’d discussed it, Tommy eventually used his and Trey’s DNA to have a son, Halsey. Halsey is currently aged 17 and currently living Triforia with his extended family.
He had to beg and plead for Tommy to let him, and after a very long time of thinking about it Tommy broke down and let Halsey go to Triforia. Halsey finds it very difficult to stay as one person, and often works in tandem with his id, ego, and super ego. It’s just easier for him. As such he typically exhibits three opinions and minds and feelings about any given thing, but his main overlying personality traits are; caution, curiosity, and an inherent distrust of authority. Also dramatics. Why walk when you can somersault type dramatics. As far as most humans are concerned he’s triplets; but his extended Triforan family are also concerned he has difficulty controlling it. He has a second cousin who is currently acting queen. And he enjoys spending time with her and talking to her about things. Also having the time of his life exploring the cities and culture. He does miss Earth, and is open to sharing aspects of it with the Triforan royal family. He does spend the holidays on earth, with Tommy. Although Halsey loves Tommy, and knows Tommy was just being protective, he feels like he’s missed out on a lot not having done this to begin with. It’s also weird knowing in the abstract his parent he never met was a prince and seeing what that means for himself. He’s not associated with a color. However, he is gold compatible and should his cousin need to, she’s named him as her heir for the throne and for zeo gold.
Tommy and Richie rarely saw eye to eye when they talked, in the rare times they interacted. Richie was more of a lawful pacifist with eyes for Trini and Tommy was of course a chaos magnet who was obsessed with Kim. Eventually it was revealed Richie was the white ranger, and Tommy was insanely jealous of him. And annoyed the “pacifist” was an incredibly skilled fighter. However when Richie was nearly killed and Tommy took over as white ranger…things got heated in a different way, and quickly. There was a lot of off and on dating, as intense as anything between two true opposites can be.
Richie owns Ernie’s now, and Tommy is a karate teacher there. They have one son, adopted, named Benji Oliver, and JJ. JJ was an accident between Tommy and Kat, a little before Tommy and Richie got together permanently.
Benji was adopted when JJ was four, and Benji was six. JJ is 27 now and Benji is 29. JJ is a recruit in SPD Academy, while Benji is currently…a lot less legal. And a white ranger. As usual, chaos and order are rivals with an intense relationship. However, this relationship is now sibling rather than romantic, and nobody likes getting between the two when they get into an argument; which is often.
Tommy and Richie have had to physically pull their sons apart more than once, and JJ would sometimes need to go stay with his mom to cool off when they were teenagers. It’s not that Benji and JJ don’t care about each other but it’s so easy to get lost in the wildly different ideals and debate to enragement.
Benji Oliver is a hacker and investigator. He isn’t afraid to call anyone and everyone out or expose them. He’s also stolen things from museums and given them back to the people whose culture it was stolen from. He’s not afraid to join villains to achieve noble ends, and that’s where he and JJ clash. The irony is everyone says JJ is more like Richie personality wise and Benji more like Tommy.
Parents plead the fifth; they have enough to deal with keeping the two from destroying the house on the holidays, please don’t make them think about who’s more like who. The only times of the year Benji is allowed in the country is the holidays. They just want some peace, please.
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starry-mist · 7 months
S5e17 thoughts:
Remember that case we hadn’t ever heard about until the previous two episodes and that was supposedly closed?
Yeah about that…
Hey look, Rita's back!
Charlie is sleeping on the couch because reasons? Anyway Bertrand Boyle calls him, and of course is promptly killed, but has a piece of paper in his hand with an address, which Charlie promptly goes to (alone.)
The emotion on Charlie's face when Rex digs up the doll and the skeleton: Excellent work, John.
I remember thinking that they found Alison a little too quickly.
I’m completely ignoring Charlie’s moustache.
Sarah offering to talk to Alison made a lot more sense than Charlie going alone. But this episode is very much about Lone Wolf Charlie refusing help because he's all-consumed by this case that didn't previously exist...but I digress.
Sarah “I’ve never seen Charlie like this.”
Me: …um...you definitely have, many times...
I actually forgot that Alan Doyle was in this one. They could have hit his role harder, given that the foundation Dalton was talking about is one of Alan’s IRL charity projects. Details.
The ending when Alison remembers her mom breaks me every time. Right in the feels.
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witchercommentcrawl · 2 years
Crawl Call 01: Autumn Fanworks
New to the Crawl? Check out our event guide! Our commenting window will last October 21st - October 30th. This is our community coming together at the same time to enjoy amazing fanworks, but you're welcome to comment whenever you have the time.
Here is your list for the first Witcher Comment Crawl! These are all fanworks that have few comments or are more than a year old and have not received many new comments in that time.
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Ard Skellig Village - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  by Isac Saleh (3:53). Guitar arrangement of the Witcher 3 soundtrack.
Apples - by coffee_mage (5:49). Podfic. Rated G. Geralt/Jaskier. Geralt is jealous of Roach. 
Autumn Hunting by mina_bloody. Ciri hunting in the woods. 
The Lodge of Sorceresses edited by Blue Crystal Works. (4:53). Cosplay Music Video featuring The Lodge of Sorceresses.
The White Wolf and the Swallow by Princess_jordan_hh. Carved pumpkin of The Witcher Netflix logo.
Jaskier and Geralt dolls by JBcrochetwizard. Jaskier and Geralt sitting in front of an autumn tree. 
Lambert's Halloween Mishap: Pumpkin by Saintly_Bovine. Lambert and wolf witchers at Kaer Morhen. 
Gaunter O'Dimm dancing with a skeleton by @eredins-a-king-aint-he.
Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer Stomping Grapes in Toussaint by @handwrittenhello.
Please, Tissaia?! art by  @sentientpinkfrosting and fic by: @little-merigold Yennefer/Tissaia necking (vampire AU).
Hansa Halloween Costume Idea by @abi-kamikakushi. The Hansa dress as Regis for Halloween!
Halloween Rita by @uselessfanboy. Margarita Laux-Antille dressed as a Halloween witch on a pumpkin.
Dettlaff in higher vampire bat form  by @northernolddragon. Fanart edit.
Geralt/Yen with pumpkins and sunflowers by @witcheringways Mod edit. 
Knocking on Forbidden Doors by Astrarian. 1309 words. Teen. Gen. Fringilla and Yen at Aretuza, hints of necromancy.
across and over the fire by galactic_roses. 1347 words. Teen. Eskel/Tomira meet at Saovine.
Festival by Flawney. 1710 words. Teen. Geralt/Dandelion celebrating harvest in Oxenfurt.
I shut my eyes and the whole world drops dead by WitcherSexual. 1803 words. Mature. Jaskier, Geralt & creepy child...
There Are Poppies Growing Over Where My Lover's Lying by Holliday_inn. 3953 words. Explicit. Margarita and ghost!Tissaia at Belletyn/Saovine.
Silence Lay Steadily by DolBlathanna. 17679 words. Gen. Geralt takes a contract for a wraith at Lady Breta’s estate. 
The Smell of Autumn - Jaskier's Ballad by RDH Development (1:29). Hexer fanvid to Jaskier's ballad 'The Smell of Autumn.' Features Geralt on the Path. [Lyrics translation - scroll to 'Episode 11 - Jaskier']
Tiny Witcher | Tilt Shift by Flurdeh (3:18). Mod edit. Witcher 3 game environments miniaturized.
Disturbia by @krystal280791 (2:40). Mature, physical trigger warning: flashing effects. Detlaff and Regis from Blood & Wine DLC.
Wordcount: 28,849
Audio: 9:42
Video: 12:20
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 19 TYRION III (pages 254-272)
Tyrion gets new job as Master of Coin while the Council divides their new lands, then Tywin vies for Westeros' Biggest Pile of Trash Disguised as a Father award, while Cersei and Tyrion learn of his plans to marry them off.
Tyrion had claimed Pycelle's old place by the foot, propped up by cushions so he could see. (...)The Grand Maester was a shambling skeleton, leaning heavily on a twisted cane and shaking as he walked, a few white hairs sprouting from his long chicken's neck in place of his once-luxuriant white beard. Tyrion gazed at him without remorse.
Good. Now push him down some stairs. A stolen chair is not enough.
Mace Tyrell spoke up. "Is there anything more pointless as a king without a kingdom? No, it's plain, the boy must abandon the riverlands, join his forces to Roose Bolton's once more, and throw all his strength against Moat Cailin. That's what I would do."
yes, well... we have (not so) conflicting reports on your intelligence, so excuse us if we don't rush.
(advance warning: I am Very mean today. I have a headache. get so many, at this point you could call me Rita Repulsa... pfff. Reader Repulsa XD)
... Mace Tyrell and Littelfinger, Shuttheduckup Challenge 2023.
"A Lannister?"Tyrion had a bad feeling about this.
*gasp* we're in a Star Wars!
"- Why should we pay for what he has given us for free? The best thing to do about our lord of Pyke is nothing, in my view. Granted enough time, a better option may well present itself. One that does not require the king to give up half his kingdom." Tyrion watched his father closely. There something he's not saying. He remembered those important letters Lord Tywin had been writing the night Tyrion had demanded Casterly Rock. What was it he said? Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens... He wondered who the "better option" was, and what sort of price he was demanding.
I hate Tywin. I think it might be worse that he's clever enough to shuffle plans like this.
The enmity had waned a bit after Dorne became part of the Seven Kingdoms... until the Dornish prince they called the Red Viper had crippled the young heir of Highgarden in a tourney.
"red viper"? isn't that the Mandalorian one... Oberyn? The one coming for the Seat? Ohhhhhh. >:3c I sense Drama.
The eunuch drew a parchment from his sleeve. "A kraken has been seen off the Fingers. (...) Not a Greyjoy, mind you, a true kraken. (...) Sailors from the Jade Sea report a three-headed dragon has hatched in Qarth, and is the wonder of the city-"
So the three-headed dragon is actually Dany's triplets, obviously, but are we sure 'true kraken' mean an actual tentacle waving, cephalopodal kraken and not, say, Euron. ... !!! Oh no! terrible thought: Euron with a pet kraken.
... Tyrion all like "let's not mutilate men, and send them to the penal colony instead because the folks there aren't completely awful and I said I'd send men," Tywin all like "No, they hurt my feelings, so now they will rue the day."
Tywin's death was so justified.
... Ah, so Petyr told the Lannisters about the Sansa/Willas plot. Do you think he knew that it would start the Sansa/Tyrion ship line? or did he just think they'd flat shut the Tyrells down on that one and keep Sansa nice and toasty for Petyr's convenience? (I just feel like it's a hidden theme, characters like Sam and Sansa being smarter than they give themselves credit for, while men like Petyr and Renly are less clever than they think they are.)
"So long as you remain unwed, you allow Stannis to spread his disgusting slander," Lord Tywin told his daughter. "You must have a new husband in your bed, to father children on you." "Three children is quite sufficient. I am Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, not a brood mare! I am Queen Regent!" "You are my daughter, and will do as I command."
Look. Cersei is a horrible person, but on this one... *Slams the steel chair into Tywin's head so hard his skull cracks like an egg with calcium deficiency.*
Urrgh! That's just like, the Whole Thing, though, isn't it? Cersei is the most powerful woman in the Seven Kingdoms (team Lannister edition) and it's still worthless next to Tywin. It's still not enough for her to be in control of her own life and choices. Cersei is Not a Good Person, but I can see so clearly how she got here, and I feel so sorry for her.
"His Grace the royal pustule has made Sansa's life a misery since the day her father died, and now that she is finally rid of Joffrey you propose to marry her to me. That seems singularly cruel. Even for you, Father." ... "She is no more than a child."
It's nice that you're aware. But I've heard that might not last very long, so I'll savour it while it's here.
Tywin: I keep trying to marry you off, but it turns out every lord in the Seven Kingdoms is as ableist as I am, so forced child bride who has no ability to refuse it is. She even comes with a castle of her own, sort of, so I don't have to give you mine.
"Tywin Lannister." That's a strange way to spell "abusive crapwad." This man is trash. complete trash, and not even the classy kind you're supposed to recycle.
... *bops Tyrion with the steel chair for his reaction about Lollys*
"- And the grandmother was some woman he'd brought back from the east. (...) no one could pronounce her name. -"
Because they were racist and didn't bother trying? Or because their accents garbled the pronunciation so bad she told them to stop trying?
(I actually read a story about a young woman in... a student exchange program I think it was, and she was in... America? One of the English (as the primary language) speaking countries and she took on a localised nickname right away, because she was aware they couldn't pronounce her name correctly, that they'd have trouble with the pronunciation. Except for this one boy, who was convinced he and he alone could pronounce her name correctly, so he harassed her until she told him what her birth name was, and then he confidently proceeded to call her by that instead of the nickname she asked to be called for months. And yes, he was saying her name wrong the entire time, refusing to listen when she said he wasn't and wanted him to use her nickname instead. And like, I know that doesn't sound like it should be all that annoying, people say words with accents all the time and it's either funny or sexy, but it is annoying, trust me. Having your name mispronounced repeatedly and confidently like it's no issue is so freaking frustrating. My irl name isn't even uncommon, I'm from Australia, so you can imagine how bland my name is, it's a generic western name, but I had this teacher once, who was from America, and she had the heaviest twang in her accent, and she would always, always, always stress the first vowel of my name as a hard vowel when it's a lazy vowel. And technically she was using my name, but that is not how you pronounce it and therefore that is not my name!! Stahp!!!)
"- Maegi they called her. (...) Half of Lannisport used to go to her for cures and love potions and the like."
Wonderful, bring even more doubt and concern into the Robb/Jeyne relationship. (Like I have no doubt Robb could have been seduced easily in his medicated and emotionally compromised state and then had his sense of honour drive him to marriage, but I guarantee this line has had a small handful of people go "it was love potions 100%, no other way such a Good Boy like Robb could have done something so silly." Despite the fact the series is all about people making dumb choices with the best intentions.)
... oh right, Tywin committed genocide against entire families and is the reason we had The Rains of Castamere.
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