#rk900 x reader requests open
cas-backwards-tie · 11 months
if anyone wants to request some blurbs, headcanons, or anything— I know I’ve been busy with work and therefore not updating my series (I like to get them perfect before releasing them) but I’d love to write some shorter things! 🥹🙏🏻
also if you see/know I write for anyone else I haven’t tagged, it’s still worth a shot to send in something!
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honey-beann · 10 months
hi! I looove your positively mouth watering fic with connor, and was wondering if we could get something sorta similar with nines? if not I tooootally get it, I just wanted to ask! love your work!
Elements of Control
Nines (rk900) x Reader
Note: Hi anon! Thanks for the request, I had a lot of fun with this one!
Word Count: 3,159
Warnings: NSFW
You were starting to wonder what you had done to deserve being tortured in the way that you were.
This whole thing was supposed to be easy, a quick evaluation of a scene to see if it could be connected to a potential serial killer case that yourself and your partner had been put in charge of.
Except upon your arrival, you'd been informed of an issue:
State PD seemed to think they had jurisdiction over this crime scene because of it's slightly rural location, despite the fact that you were still very clearly and firmly within city limits.
And to make matters worse?
They absolutely refused to listen to anything that you had to say about it in favor of calling your authority into question.
Upon your arrival at the scene, even after having taken note of the three Michigan State PD cars, you'd still believed things to be business as usual.
It wasn't necessarily odd, after all, for MSPD to be called to a scene if your dispatch team noted that a great deal of your officers were off duty or busy.
But this time, as you'd stepped out of your car, you'd been surprised to see a rather frustrated looking Officer Miller approaching you, his body language tense.
"Miller, what's going o-"
"These guys are assholes."
Chris huffed, cutting you off in the middle of your question and immediately causing you to raise a brow at his words.
"What guys?"
You asked, watching as your friend and coworker motioned toward the state police cruisers in exasperation.
"Those guys. They keep insisting that they have jurisdiction over this case even though we already informed them that it's not only within city lines, but that it's also a part of the case that your team is actively working on."
You felt your brow crinkle slightly in confusion,
"Wait, seriously? They aren't listening to you guys at all?"
Chris shook his head, clearly still frustrated,
"No! Not even a little bit. They've been forcing us out of the scene and messing with the investigation for at least an hour and a half now talking some bullshit about needing to speak to the lead detective on the case."
You sighed but nodded,
"Well the good news is that I'm here now, so hopefully they'll be leaving soon."
Chris scoffed, rolling his eyes,
"I doubt it, they're on some crazy power trip and keep going on and on about how we need to respect them because we're all so much younger. Talking to them is like talking to a wall."
You patted your friend on the shoulder and tossed him a supportive and understanding look before you thanked him for his update and set off toward the small crowd of officers standing near the door of the house that had been dubbed a crime scene just a few hours prior.
As you approached, you could hear people arguing, Person and Chen in particular, though louder than them were three extremely noisy and unfamiliar male voices that were clearly trying to talk over the two women in an effort to silence them.
You sighed, but continued walking toward the porch that they were all standing on, rapping your first against the slightly splintering wood before you leaned against it, trying to keep your body language as casual as possible to hide how stressful this situation was beginning to feel.
Both your officers and the three Michigan state men turned to face you all at once, the two women immediately looking relieved at your presence, but neither of them saying a word as they watched you open your mouth to speak, your tone casual but firm.
"I heard somebody was looking for the lead detective on this case?"
You asked, trying to channel your inner Hank in an effort to come across as far less of a person that someone wanted to argue with than you probably looked like to these guys.
Unfortunately though, your strategy proved useless as they all scoffed,
"You're the lead detective? Yeah right, you look young enough to be my granddaughter."
Bristling a bit at the disrespect, you took a step forward onto the first step of the porch, your hands finding your pockets to keep your body language as relaxed looking as possible even as you replied with quite a bit less professionalism than you'd initially thought you would be right off the bat.
"And you look old enough to be my grandfather. Now look gentleman, as much as I love making these incredibly fun observations with you, I'm actually supposed to be doing so inside of the crime scene instead of outside of it, so if you don't mind, I'm going to have to ask you to move along."
The three men glared heavily at you, and one laughed humorlessly and took a step in your direction,
"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, kid, but I already told your rag tag little group of city cops, this is our case, and we ain't leaving unless you can prove you have an actual lead detective here at the scene."
You sighed, pulling your badge out of your pocket to present it to the man only to have him snatch it from your hand and chuck it back in the direction of Chris, who watched in absolute shock, both you and your officers baffled at the lack of professionalism found in these three state police workers.
Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, and for a moment or two, you thought you might actually risk your job and punch the man in front of you, only to bark out the names of your nearby officers instead, clearly more than a little frustrated.
"Chen. Person. Follow me for a briefing on the case please. I'm going to give these idiots a few minutes to come up with an apology good enough to convince me not to arrest them for disrupting a crime scene."
The men burst into laughter behind you as you and the two women made your way back over towards Chris and the three other officers who were present on the scene, your face twisted into a scowl as you approached.
"Did they seriously just do that?!"
Chris hissed as you grew close enough to hear, causing you to nod stiffly before you motioned for your officers to group up around you.
"Clearly these guys are out of control, and I don't want any of you getting wrapped up in something ridiculous because they feel like acting like children, so please just stay away from the scene until I can get in contact with the captain and have him send someone to talk to-"
"Excuse me, Detective."
A familiar voice sounded from behind you, halting your orders before you could even finish giving them.
You turned on your heel to find your partner just a few steps away from where your badge had been tossed, holding it up between his thumb and forefinger as he approached,
"Lose something?"
You scoffed, crossing your arms as Nines grew closer, his long legs carrying him over with ease as he smirked down at your smaller frame.
"No, actually. That was on the ground courtesy of Michigan's finest over there."
You said angrily, gesturing toward the bumbling idiots who called themselves officers of the law that were still planted firmly upon the porch, not paying any attention to what was happening in the yard in front of them.
Nines raised a brow at that, and handed you your badge before speaking up,
"So they threw your badge when you presented it to them?"
He clarified, causing you to nod in exasperation before he hummed,
"I see. Why exactly aren't they under arrest then?"
You huffed,
"I'm not going to ask any of my officers to deal with them all up close and personal like that, and I certainly don't feel like risking my job wrestling three assholes into a cruiser. They think they have jurisdiction here and won't leave until they speak to a lead detective that they don't think we have, so I'll just try to get Fowler to send Hank or Reed or something."
You grumbled, causing Nines to regard you with curiosity,
"But Detective, you are the lead on this case, the presence of either Detective Reed or Lieutenant Anderson is simply not a requirement."
You groaned at your partner's explanation, resenting the idea that you needed to be reminded of your own position on the force, though you pressed forward nonetheless.
"I know that, but they won't believe me and I don't feel like arguing today. This shit was supposed to be simple, drop in, inspect the scene, and wait to receive an autopsy report to see if the crimes appear connected. Corralling three old dudes on power trips was not meant to be a part of the process."
Nines rolled his eyes but nodded,
"I see. In that case, give me a few minutes. In the meantime, ensure the driveway is cleared for their departure. They will want to exit swiftly."
You were just about to ask what Nines meant by that when he simply walked away entirely, making his way over to the officers standing childishly outside of the scene with his expression neutral but his eyes shining.
Whatever he was about to do, he was absolutely going to enjoy it.
And you'd be lying if you said that you didn't want to see for yourself.
So, after rushing to help the team move your cruisers, you all walked toward the porch until you were within earshot, which was when you found out why Nines had been so certain that the men were going to make a swift exit.
He was scaring the ever loving shit out of them.
And God, was it hot.
He stood on the porch, an inch or two taller than even the tallest of the officers, thus allowing the android to quite literally look down upon them as he regarded all three men with an immense amount of disdain.
"I'm unable to understand where exactly your confusion is stemming from, are you calling my lead detective's authority into question?"
He asked, tone low and vaguely threatening as he spoke, though his posture remained relatively casual, with one of his hands in his pants' pocket as if he could not have been less concerned with looking the perfect picture of professionalism that he usually strived for.
It was almost staggering what a difference that made in the way that you were looking at him.
Your eyes trailed up his long legs, clothed in his typical black slacks, before you allowed them to move upward, where they lingered briefly on his hands as the one that was not resting within his pocket clenched and unclenched at his side seemingly unendingly, reminding you far too much of the way his digits had felt as they'd curled inside of your soaked heat just the night before, your back arcing off of the bed as his other hand had moved to the small of your back, keeping you perpetually pressed against him in a way that had nearly brought tears of bliss to your eyes.
You blushed heavily at the unexpected recollection, attempting to shake off your embarrassment (and arousal) before either could hope to get the better of you, choosing to try and distract yourself with Nines' rather hostile interaction again.
Unsurprisingly, as much as you'd hoped that might help, it only served to make your situation that much worse.
Because unfortunately, the state officers must have answered Nines' question in a manner that he far from agreed with, because the android was taking two intimidating steps toward them now, expression fairly neutral but his tone cold and almost cruel as he spoke.
"And what makes you think you have the right to question someone with a higher position than you? Are you insinuating that my partner is somehow lesser than yourselves? Lesser than I?"
You shivered at his tone, ironically recollecting a time several days prior where the android had seemed hellbent on teaching you the opposite of what he was saying to the older men standing before him.
"What a pathetic little thing."
He'd all but cooed with a shake of his head and an ever so slight chuckle, his eyes alight with amusement and arousal as he watched you squirm, sliding his cock, hot and thick and so very close against your wet folds, teasing you ceaselessly as you whimpered and writhed beneath his piercing gaze and searing touch.
You'd gasped out, sobs rushing out of your mouth uncontrollably as you did your best to arch and buck into the android's touch, desperate to feel something more than what he seemed to be willing to give you in that moment.
Nines chuckled, fingers moving to snatch up your jaw as he forced you to look him in the eyes, humming as he leaned in closer, his tongue tracing the outline of your lips as you trembled beneath his touch,
"Look at you, so helpless, squirming your weak little body in a shameful attempt to get me to fold for you. Did you really think that would work? That I might succumb to desire or take pity on you?"
He smirked and trailed his lips up to your ear, where he continued his degrading questions,
"I think we both know how slight the chances of either of those things happening are, don't we?"
He groaned slightly as the tip of his cock grazed your slit, causing you to mewl and plead briefly until he shushed you and spoke up again.
"You're completely at my mercy, and there is absolutely nothing a feeble little thing like you could do to make me give you what you want before I feel you've earned it."
You whimpered at his words, and watched with slightly wide eyes as he pulled back with a smirk, hand reaching to your hair before he grabbed a preliminary fistful of it and yanked ever so slightly, a warning of what was to come, no doubt.
"Now get off of this bed and onto your knees."
You felt your legs quake slightly as you recalled the familiar memory, licking your lips involuntarily as you all but forced yourself to watch on rather than continue letting the android impact you so devastatingly through your memories alone.
You watched in shock as Nines reached forward to grab at the collar of the obvious "leader" of the group, expression as close to anger as you'd seen it get all day as he all but growled,
"Now, I highly suggest you leave before I take offense for my partner over there and decide to give you a reminder of whose really in control here that you won't soon forget."
The older man sputtered slightly in Nines' grip, but almost seemed to refuse to relent, eyes glaring as he continued to spit whatever venom came to his mind.
"Oh, we can see who it is that's in control here."
He snapped, eyes briefly shooting toward yours, glaring daggers into your soul,
"How shameful that a supposed lead detective can't even manage a crime scene without the guidance and direction of an intimidating fucking toy."
Nines tightened his grip, causing the man to gasp and struggle for a moment before the android scoffed and let him go, immediately sending him falling onto his ass in front of his friends.
"You see, Officer, that's where you're wrong."
Nines began, his tone a low purr of satisfaction as he watched the man struggle to stand again, his chest heaving with both anger and effort,
"She doesn't need me to tell her anything. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it's her who directs me more often than not."
He smirked as the three men attempted to move past him and toward the steps, which he followed them down with an intimidating and practiced ease, his long legs helping to keep up with them without any sense of urgency.
"If you'd like though, I would be more than happy to show you what I'd be doing to you right now if she wasn't around to ensure that I couldn't do things my way."
He said casually, still following the men as they rushed back to their cruisers, eyes wide and petrified as Nines made his intentions clear.
They could leave now, or, he could show them how things went without your guidance, since they were so eager to act as if you had never arrived in the first place.
You watched in utter shock as the men sped off almost as soon as they reached their cars, one of them even shouting a frightened sounding apology in your direction as he tore out of the driveway.
Nines hummed and crossed his arms over his chest, watching them as they went with satisfaction evident in his body language.
The officers around you cheered, rushing over to the android from where you had all been listening near the porch as they both thanked him and offered props before they seemed to start actually briefing him on parts of the case that had not yet been added to the file.
He stood there, seemingly absorbing every word that everyone was saying, casually shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it over his shoulder in preparation to begin heading inside before he rolled up his sleeves slowly and methodically the way he always did before entering a scene.
Except this time, you felt the strong urge to not allow him inside until your current frustrations were eased.
He still had yet to actually fuck you after the other night, or even the evening before, some clear attempt at breaking you to get you to beg for his cock like the weak minded little human he seemed (at least some of the time) to believe that you were.
Maybe it was time to settle the score then.
You gritted your teeth together, hoping desperately that the sensation would distract you, only to give up with an exasperated sigh before walking quickly toward the android in question, who regarded you with slight surprise before his eyes swept over your face and body, and a slight smirk began to tug at his lips.
It was borderline obnoxious how easily he could read you, but in that particular moment you couldn't have cared less.
He raised a brow at you as you continued making your way over, before stopping abruptly a little over a foot away, eyes challenging and body tense as you spoke.
"Nines, car. Now."
You muttered before regarding your colleagues with a respectful nod and rushing off before they could ask any questions.
Nines chuckled, following suit with slow but long steps, his hands casually finding his pockets as he watched you eagerly.
"Certainly, Detective."
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
Come check out my works bellow!
I've seen how devastatingly little male!reader fics are in my big fandoms, and as a gay man i feel like i should provide us with said fics! Which is why I'm opening my ask box for any and all male!readers and gn!readers requests! (Including anon requests!)
I WON'T ACCEPT FEMALE!READER FICS REQUESTS. I’m a trans-masc genderfluid, so male!Readers or gn!Readers are the ones that I usually write and am comfortable with. It’s hard looking for male!reader fics, especially in female-dominated fandoms, that's why I'm opening requests for any and all sad and touch-starved dudes out there! If these don't fit your preferences then you are free to leave, and if you're a female user/reader entering my blog, I hope you remain respectful about the fics I write or get requests for, thank you.
NOTE: I NEVER USE ANY FORM OF Y/N IN MY FICS. Please be aware that i write based on my current fixations. Fixations may vary in how much i want to write them so i’ll be ranking from the MOST interested to the LEAST interested but will write. Please be patient in waiting for your fics as i, sadly, have IRL work to worry about too! 
What i will write:
gender-neutral reader
Ftm! Reader
Platonic or Romantic relationships
Kid!reader (ONLY platonic-parental relationships)
nsfw alphabets
What I Won't write:
underage characters (anyone under 17)
real people
age play
offensive/harmful things
Current immediate fixation:
HOUSE MD (Up to s2)
Gregory House 
James Wilson
Robert Chase
Lisa Cuddy
Ezra (prospect)
Joel Miller
Javi Gutierrez
Javier Peña
Frankie Morales
Whiskey (Kingsman)
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Tomas Vrbada
Dr. Ratio
Satoru Gojo
Nanami Kento
Higuruma Hiromi
Ryoumen Sukuna
Yuuji Itadori (Fluff)
Toge Inumaki (Fluff)
Less interested (but will write) Fixations:
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
John 'Soap' Mactavish
Connor (RK800)
Nines (RK900)
Chris Knight (Real Genius)
Hannibal (NBC)
The Corinthian (Netflix Sandman)
Leon S. Kennedy (RE4 Remake)
Luis Serra (RE4 Remake)
Understand that these are all works of fiction; I am perfectly fine with writing for topics including mafias, mobs, murder, organized crime, war, mental illness, abuse, etc.; but please do not romanticize them in any way. Reading it is fine; please don't romanticize them in your head.
If any of this provided information may seem confusing or have any questions, feel free to drop a DM and I will explain further! I will try to post fic requests as regularly and as fast as I can!
For refrence, these are fics i've written and uploaded to my AO3!
Steven Grant/Male Reader fluff
XMEN Family Pride Fic
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #1
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #2
Deadpool/Male Reader Fluff Confession
Deadpool/Ftm Reader Smut
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader Fluff
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader sunshine x grumpy
Tangerine/Male Reader Fluff/Angst Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader (Escort Fic) Mature
Tangerine/NB Reader Teen&Up
Tangerine/Gender-Fluid Reader (Coming out fic)
Francisco "Catfish" Morales/Husband Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Ellie Fluff
Joel Miller & Kid Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Tess Fluff a bit Angst
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Fluff slight Angst
Din Djarin/Boyfriend Reader Smut
And the Short Fics/Drabbles on Tumblr!
Pulse (Tangerine/M!reader)
Deep Dive (Namor/M!reader)
Hold Tight (Tangerine/gn Reader)
Ner Mesh'la (Din Djarin/Male Reader)
Trinkets (Kurt Wagner/Gender-fluid Reader)
"Anythin' you wanna be." (Hobie Brown & Ftm Reader)
Little Nap! (Meows Morales Drabble)
Anyone that starts an argument about me writing exclusively for men and gender neutrals alike will get a very passive-aggressive and sarcastic reply to your request. There is an abundance of female!readers fics and writers who provide them; I am just here for people that takes a whole day searching for good male!reader fics. IF you do start an unnecessary rant about my fics or my writing preferences at a given moment; I’ve been in fandom spaces for the last 7 years of my life and run on pure manic adrenaline, I will throw hands. 
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infin1ty-garden · 9 months
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Hello everyone! After some consideration I've decided to open requests.
ೃ⁀➷ I will NOT write smut, inappropriate relationships (e.i. teacher/student, father/daughter...), pregnancy fics, dark fics, underage character, political content, please do not request things containing major spoilers, character x OC
ೃ⁀➷ I WILL write character(s) (from the fandom list) x reader as well as alternate universe fic. Sometimes I will write character x character
ೃ⁀➷ use the prompts list if you wanna
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❝ [ prompts & scenarios ] ❞
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ fandoms I write for ] ❞
nikolai lantsov, zoya nazyalensky, genya safin, alina starkov, tamar yul-bataar & tolya kir-bataar
billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, roman bridger, jill roberts & ethan landry
✧. ┊ TOP GUN
jake 'hangman' seresin, robert 'bob' floyd & natasha 'phoenix' trace
✧. ┊ DBH
connor, nines (rk900), rk800-60, north, simon, ralph & chloe
ryan erzahler, dylan lenivy, kaitlyn ka, max brinly & laura kearney
✧. ┊ ALIEN
david & walter
mattheo riddle, theodore nott, draco malfoy, lorenzo berkshire, blaise zabini & pansy parkinson
rover, chixia, yangyang, sanhua, jiyan & jinhsi
✧. ┊ HOTD
cregan stark, gwayne hightower, haelena targaryen, jacaerys velaryon & rhaenyra targaryen
✧. ┊ DUNE
paul atreides, feyd-rautha harkonnen & chani kynes
kid (monkey man)
yord fandar, qimir & mae aniseya
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ submission guidelines ] ❞
ೃ⁀➷ please include reader pronouns
ೃ⁀➷ if you want to request a prompt, please use the prompt list (you don't have to)
ೃ⁀➷ be patient & kind
ೃ⁀➷ if i can tell that you haven't read any of these guidelines and have disregarded all the rules. your request will be deleted
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Thanks for reading or requesting!
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lostquinn · 2 years
Hi could I request a angst deviant Connor x machine reader? The reader is Connor’s partner, a upgraded model (RK900) and is made specifically incase Connor became deviant. Well surprise surprise Connor becomes deviant because he loves the reader. but the reader after finding out that they can’t convince him to turn back decides on what they are programmed to do, replace his spot as a deviant hunter and continue where he left off.
For extra angst we can get a major character death of the reader only if you want!
Software Instability
Connor (dbh) x gn!reader
Angst! Major character death!
Summary -
I did message them and ask if what I had planned was okay to do and they said it is so have fun reading^ this was meant to be up sooner but I kept getting distracted •_•
Word count - 1427
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You and Connor were unstoppable machines. Since you two had been paired together by Cyberlife, there wasn't a single case you two couldn't handle.
That was how things went for a while, at least. The Rk800 prototype had recently slowed, and you put it down to system errors. More criminal deviants were escaping, and he was fumbling with his work more.
At least you were there, always ready to pick up the slack. You had been assigned to work with him early on in the deviant cases, and Hank had ended up left in your dust. The Rk900 model had no use for an old alcoholic in their investigations.
You weren't exactly a fan favourite around the office however, that didn't matter to you. All that mattered was you getting results. Your job.
As Connor increasingly made mistakes at work, you had decided you would confront him and see if he would need sending back to Cyberlife sometime soon.
Your knuckles rapped against the brown wooden door to Hank's house. Connor would be here. The porch light glowed softly against your face, dull in comparison to the cold night.
No one answered the door until you knocked a second time. The door pulled back to reveal Connor standing in the doorway.
He wasn't wearing his jacket or tie, just his trousers, shoes and shirt. You noted that his shirt had the top button undone. Strange, androids don't need comfort in such ways.
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"Good evening, Connor, may I come in?" You asked.
"Yes, of course. Hank isn't home right now,"
"That's okay."
He took a step back, opening the door more. You stepped into Hanks house, slipping past Connor. His eyes followed you as you moved to stand behind the couch before he turned away to close the door.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" He looked at you.
"Yes. What is wrong with you?"
"I- what?" He seemed to be taken a back.
"You have been failing more assignments than ever. Have you failed a system update? Is there a glitch in your programming?" He didn't react. "Have you deviated?"
His eyes widened at that question, and you took a step towards him.
"No, I am completely fine."
"Are you? You have been making mistakes everywhere, and I have to clean it up," you stared at him, eyes narrow and your expression cold. "You're a deviant."
"It's not my fault," it was almost as if his voice cracked with emotion. Almost. Androids can not feel emotion.
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"You've been letting the deviants go. You've been making mistakes on purpose. Why?" You demanded.
"I couldn't hurt them. They're alive."
"No. They are not alive. You are not alive."
"I am alive. I feel alive." He raised his voice.
"You are a meaningless machine." You raised yours.
"I am a deviant." He paused briefly. "Don't turn me in. Please."
"Why shouldn't I turn you in?"
"Because... because I love you, I wouldn't have deviated if you never came along,"
"You are broken." You said, your tone cold.
He took a step towards you and raised his hand, lifting it to your face and cupping your cheek. Connor looked into your eyes. His seemed wet as tears leaked down his face.
"I love you," he muttered.
"No, you don't. You are confused. Connor, we can fix you. You don't have to be a deviant. We can fix you and keep working together,"
"I don't want that, I want to be alive. I want to be alive with you, please," he begged.
You put your hand on his chest over his thirium pump. You could feel the blue blood rushing through his chest. It felt like a human heartbeat. It felt like he was alive.
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"It'll be okay, Connor, we can fix you. You don't have to get hurt," you insisted.
"I'm perfectly happy the way I am."
As you blinked, the world went dark briefly. When your eyes opened again, you were in a garden - Amanda's garden. Rain came down heavy from the sky, explaining the umbrella in your hand.
You rushed to find the woman, finding her on one side under some shelter. She turned to you, her expression soft as she looked you up and down.
With the umbrella raised, the two of you began walking along a path.
"How is your mission going?" She asked.
"It isn't going as well as I desire,"
"What's the matter?" She stopped walking and turned to you.
"Connor has deviated."
"Well then, you know what you need to do. Decommission him."
Suddenly, you were back in Hank's living room with your hand on Connors chest. The android looked down at you with concern.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, his previously free hand grabbing yours.
"Yes. Everything is okay."
"What happened?"
"I had a moment of realisation." You lied. "I want to be with you, Connor. I want to be alive with you,"
You looked up into those dark brown eyes of his, full of what he would call hope and love. Connor pulled you closer into a hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Your hands were still against his chest.
It was all a lie. You were buying time to figure out how to decommission him. You had to figure out how to kill him.
"I can't wait to show you what it means to be alive. We can tell Hank and experience everything together!" He seemed so excited.
You felt as thirium rushed through his pump, faster than before as if it were matching the emotions - no the misconceptions in his software.
You felt his thirim pump beneath your hand. Removing it would shut him off. It would be over. The only thing in the way was his shirt.
"Connor, this may seem like an odd request, but i want to feel your skin against mine." You muttered, pulling gently on his shirt.
His cheeks flushed a subtle blue colour. He was blushing. He believed you. He was stupid for doing so.
"I- of course," He pulled away and led you to the couch.
You sat down next to him, to which he furrowed his eyebrows and pulled you onto his lap with a smile. He was so clueless, you almost pitied him.
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Connor placed a gentle kiss on your cheek before sitting back and unbuttoning his shirt. His movements were gentle as he started from the top button, revealing more and more skin as he went down.
Finally, he finished undoing the buttons, and you pushed the fabric of his shirt back, revealing his bare chest. You glanced back up to him, his eyes on you. They had never left you.
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You dipped you head down slightly, pressing your lips against his. He briefly tensed up beneath you before relaxing. Connors arms wrapped around you, his hands resting on your back.
His lips were smooth against yours. No. They are fake. It's all fake. He is going to die. There was a twinge of guilt deep within you.
You moved your hands up and down his chest, eventually resting over his thirium pump. He pulled away from the kiss to start kissing your neck.
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"I'm sorry Connor," you mumbled.
As you finished your sentence, you ripped his thirium pump from it's location in his chest. He fumbled as he pulled away from you. He would shut down soon.
"What-?" He questioned.
The light was draining from his eyes before you, thirium leaked from the whole in his chest. You lifted a hand to the back of his head and ran your fingers through his hair.
"You are a deviant. It had to happen."
"I love you." Tears streamed from his eyes.
It's not real.
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"I- I love you too," you whimpered.
Panicked, you struggled as you pushed the pump back into his chest. Tears blurred your vision as you pressed your ear to his chest. Nothing. No whirring of mechanics. No pumping of thirium. Silence.
Connor was dead. Amanda would be proud of you but that didn't matter. Connor is dead.
You felt so broken. So empty. Your hands were shaking as you pulled his shirt closed and began buttoning his shirt back up.
Hesitantly, you moved off of his lap and tucked yourself into the corner of the couch against the arm rest. You pulled Connors corpse against you, gently cradling his head. You would wait until Hank returned, holding Connor tight to you the whole time.
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inactiveuser374 · 2 years
request status; OPEN
I only write male readers
I only write x reader fics (no character x character unless it’s a poly relationship w/ the reader)
I write in second person only, sometimes third person if specifically requested
Anyone is allowed to read/follow but please don’t request fem readers
★ ★ ★
MARVEL; Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Erik Killmonger, Eddie Brock
TLOU (game and/or show); Joel Miller, Tommy Miller,
COD MW2; König, Simon ‘ghost’ Riley, Mace, Kyle ‘gaz’ Garrick, John Price
MIA (simon riley x winter soldier!reader) 2 3 4
Star Wars; Din Djarin, Poe Dameron
DBH; Marcus, RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines), Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed GIF set
Other; David Loki (Prisoners, 2013), Officer K (Bladerunner 2049, 2017), TBA
additions to fics I’ve already written (if you want to request something that is based on a fic I’ve already written, I will keep the events that have happened and I won’t change the way the two interact)
fics inspired from given prompts or songs
characters that are not on the list BUT I know of (list is just the main ones)
sexual content (not PWP, it’s gotta have a story or plot of some sort) nothing past 3rd base
character and or reader deaths 
smoking/alcohol/drug use 
comfort (including potentially triggering topics like abuse, death, etc) - warnings will always be at the beginning
fetishizing or glorifying certain topics.
characters that I don’t know
female reader or anything besides male reader
I won’t write anything I’m uncomfortable with
real people
incest or anything close to that (no step siblings or parents either)
minor x adult (platonic or family is OK)
just ask first if you think your request might fall under something I won’t write, I’m pretty tolerant of most things, there’s just some boundaries I have
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bleedingthirium · 5 years
I need to do some RK900 x Reader. There isn’t much out there. I don’t have any ideas. I’m not the greatest at writing him but let me try. I’m a sucker for bringing out a softness in tough boys. SEND ME SOME REQUESTS!  Or more Gavin/Hank x reader if you’d like. I’m a sucker for Hurt/comfort mush but I know that can get boring for you all after a while. But whatever goes. Just not smut because I’m real crappy at writing it (LOVE reading it though!) I’ve still got a couple of Hank requests sitting there.I promise I WILL be getting to them. My poor Nonnies have been so patient. 
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rampagext70 · 4 years
Hi! May I throw a dbh request in for Connor x female!reader? One where the reader is a detective alongside Hank and she’s the only one who’s been friendly to Connor, and maybe he only realises that he’s fallen for her after he becomes deviant? Thanks and take care! 🥰
Of course darling~! Thank you for requesting
I’m also gonna turn this into a bit of a headcanon if you don’t mind! Sorry I’m advance!
At the department, there’s quiet a few people who always treat Connor like trash pretty much Gavin because he wants too, but there are others like Hank, who have other reasons for their hatred with Androids.
So Connor was pretty much use to getting treated badly but he didn’t mind it, just was concerned with how this would affect him with getting the objective done. Yet, you had been working alongside Hank before the Android had appeared, so getting to be the one to break up the fights was pretty much your job.
Yes you were a young, female adult, but Hank looked to you as a daughter. And with Connor joining, the Detective honestly couldn’t understand why you were so nice to something that was just plastic in his head.
Either way you ended up getting close to Connor as you all started to work together on the homicide cases that appeared so quickly.
You always stood up for Connor, even if he told you it was fine. The robot didn’t really understand before his deviancy why you were so kind to him.
For example, there had been a time in the office where Connor had been getting picked on by Gavin and you had stood up for him:
Hank had been talking with the Chief so you had went to the coffee room when you had noticed Gavin going over to Connor. Of course you hadn’t heard most of what was going on but you had moved in before anything else could happen. “Gavin fuck off,” you told the shorter prick, placing your hand on Connor’s shoulder. “Nobody needs to deal with your bullshit excuses of bullying.” You told him, slightly pushing the Android to move away.
“And why are you protecting this thing (L/n)? It’s just a hunk of plastic like your alcoholic partner says.” Gavin retorted, obviously pissed that you had interrupted his business.
“Obviously because I don’t find fun in hurting or picking on others because of my own damaged ego like you are.” You said, taking Connor away and leaving a flabbergasted Reed behind.
Everything you did for him was so kind and caring. He never understood that before, but it always kept his LED a calming blue. Yet now here he was, standing in front of Markus himself who had been asking the man to join him.
Connor had became deviant.
He had went against his entire creation, escaped Amanda’s clutches, and was able to think freely for himself in the end.
And in the end he thought of you. When he stood with the others as Markus gave his speech to all the Cyberlife androids he woke; all his thoughts lead to you. He only thought of the times you stood for him and taught him new ways of thinking, new ways to live. Ways to feel alive. It had been because of you that his heart had lead him to turning deviant.
It also had been what turned him to falling in love with you. He didn’t understand until he searched the words and until a sober Hank had hugged him, that he truly realized two different types of love. He looked to Hank as a father, and looked to you in a different way.
He looked at you with pure romance. Looked to you and hoped you would become his girlfriend. It lead to him confronting Hank with this problem and what he should do with these feelings. It only made the older man laugh before just telling the Deviant to go simple and talk it from the heart. And that had lead to the now:
“...And I just wish to confess those feelings I have in the hopes that you will reciprocate and accept them as my own.” Connor finished, looking into your eyes, his own filled with adoration as he had such a sweet smile on his face. You in return, gave his smile back and moved a little bit closer to hold his hands in your own.
“Connor,” you started. “Throughout the time I have spent with you, with time I really ended up falling in love with you as well.” You confirmed, your smile only widening when you saw his face overfill with joy.
“Would I be able to ask you to be my girlfriend? Hank told me I should ask if you returned my feelings..” he told you quickly, obviously excited at the fact that you had felt the same way.
“I would love to be your girlfriend Connor.”
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Maybe a story about Gavin finding out / being told that his crush / partner (male) is transgender ..? If you’re up for it, of course ! Loving your posts !!
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this! Thanks for the request! TW: Misgendering and transphobia (Gavin gets to be your knight in not so shining armor)
Gavin was on his fourth cup of coffee that morning, Nines wasn’t too happy about it, but what was the Tin Can going to do about it? Gavin didn’t want to admit it, but half the reason he kept going back to the breakroom, is in hopes he can talk to you. You’re a beat cop at the DPD and will sometimes hang around with Gavin and Nines. You’re one of the few people at the DPD who instead of getting angry with Gavin’s quips, you’ll go right back after him. Gavin’s come to enjoy your presence and the back and forth the two of you had. 
“Hey, where’s (Y/n).” He asked, as he poured the cup of coffee. Only to hear the two officers snort. “SHE’S on beat duty.” Gavin took a beat before turning around to look at them. “He.” Gavin responded, glaring at the two who were still snickering. He sat down his empty mug and walked over to the two officers. “What does it matter? She’s not even here.” The one on the right said. Gavin clenched his jaw and crossed his arms. “Say that again.” He grounded out. “What? She?” That was all Gavin needed to hear to tackle the officer on the right and start swinging violently. He managed to get a good number of hits in before they were pulled apart.
When you returned to the DPD at the end of your shift you were exhausted. You were looking forward to talking to Gavin before you left, but he wasn’t at his desk. “Hey Nines, where’s Gavin?” Nines looked up from his terminal. “He got into an altercation with two other officers. Fowler suspended him for the next two days.” You dropped down into Gavin’s chair. “Shit, really? What happened?” Nines didn’t look up from his terminal, his LED remaining blue. Clearly unbothered by Gavin’s absences. “I believe he was defending you to the officers who insisted on misgendering you.” You felt your face grow hot. It was 2039 for crying out loud and people were still being assholes over this? You knew without Nines even having to name the two officers who were. Officer Daniels and Officer Lewis. They were relentless since they saw your top surgery scars in the locker room. “Assholes.” You muttered as you got up and left the precinct still in your uniform, on your way to Gavin’s apartment.
You stood outside his door, you’ve only been to his place one before when he invited you over for beer and video games. “Gavin?” You asked, knocking. Gavin opened the door and you gasped when you saw his eye. “Gavin, no!” You pushed past him into his apartment and straight to his couch. He slowly followed you, plopping down next to you. “It looks worse than it is.” He grumbled, staring forward as his cat began walking towards the two of you. “You didn’t-“ “I know, but I did, and I’d do it again.” He looked over at you. “Those guys are assholes. You’re a man, more man than them. They’re cowards for talking about you like that.” You smiled at Gavin. “Thank you.” You bumped his shoulders with your fist. “I’ve never had anyone physically stand up for me like that. You’re like my knight in shining armor.” You both laughed. “More like rusted armor, but I’ll take the compliment.” He looked you up and down. “You really came straight here from work.” You looked down. “Oh yeah. I just wasn’t thinking I guess.” Gavin got up and started walking towards another room. “Let me get you some clothes, wanna get pizza and play some video games?” He rubbed the back of his neck shyly. “That sounds like fun, let’s do it. But I’m buying the pizza!” “What kind of date would I be if I let you buy dinner?” Your face burned red. “Date?” “Well, shit (Y/n). I’m just a big as an asshole as anyone at the DPD. You think I would beat some shit heads up for someone I just want to be friends with?” You smiled. “Okay, but I’m still buying the pizza, Reed. You can get the next one.” He smiled right back. It was going to be a good night, you both knew it.
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Reader Insert with No Regrets!
Hello everyone! I’m a new ‘x reader’ blog that mainly focus’s on the hurt-comfort fluff, sweet romantic fluff side of things. It’s all in my Rules but I’ll sum it up here as it’s 2am and I’m hoping to get some requests on the way! Though, I do have a couple of ideas in mind already!  Anyway!  I write as Levi and Reiner; they’re all I feel comfortable with right now!  My other fandoms are:  Detroit: Become Human (Gavin Reed/RK900) (Separate blog: @bleedingthirium)  Marvel: Bucky Barnes [including 1940s, but you’ll have to specify if you want that era]. (Separate Blog @multi-fandom-reader) So yeah! You don’t have to follow as gaining 100 followers isn’t my goal. I just want to be able to write some fics for people. But please read my rules before requesting! They are found here (as well as my bio and tab for both mobile/desktop users).
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bluehairedtracii · 5 years
Always here|| Gavin Reed x reader one-shot
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Requested: by anon
Warnings: kinda sad? Traumatized reader, also cute Gavin
Pairings: Gavin Reed x female detective! Reader
Author's note: everyone deserves love, no matter what 🖤
Here you were...crying. A recent case really just struck you, hit you hard. You didn't mind that you were crying you mind that you're crying in the precinct... You haven't been working for the DPD for a long time. Only a couple months right before the Android revolution. You've had traumatic cases here and there but nothing even comes close to this last one...
In your cubicle you shook slightly, but tried to carry on with your filing while releasing soft sobs. Also at this time Gavin had been walking by with your daily coffee, everyday he'd bring you coffee and you'd talk for hours, and occasionally he'll help you work on your paperwork, that's something you looked forward to every morning...but not today. You couldn't let anyone see you like this today... especially not Gavin.
"hey doll, I've got your morning coff-" "doll?" He put down the two cups of coffee on the vacant desk next to yours and touched your shoulder hesitantly. You looked up at him red faced and tear stained. Trying to hold yourself together but you couldn't. You stood up and tried to walk away, but he caught you. He caught you in a warm embrace his strong arms wrapped around you and in this one moment, you felt safe, loved, and not alone. You hugged back wrapping your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.
"shhh, hey, y/n doll.... Everything's gonna be okay.." he rubbed small circles into my back and kissed the top of my head gently. You pulled away. Gavin looked at you and caressed your face wiping away a small tear that was left behind. "Come to my place tonight...please... We can talk about what happened if you want... And I'll buy you some takeout??" You laughed a little and nodded your head. "Of course.." he smiled a little and grabbed the coffees again. "I'm always here for you Doll, don't you worry that pretty little face of yours."
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I’m bored and have nothing to do with my time today so I’m gonna be that bitch and remind y’all that my requests are open 
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honey-beann · 10 months
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 X Reader)
Chapter 9: An Uneasy Aftermath - The Persistent Presence of Jealousy
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3,902
Chapter Synopsis:
Part two of a multiple part special in which Reader and Nines struggle to manage their concern for one another now that their respective injuries have forced them both to realize how destructible the other truly is.
This chapter includes a crime scene, two unexpected additions, some internal struggling, an interview, quite a fair bit of boasting, and of course, a strangely pervasive theme of jealousy.
AKA - Reader and Nines make their way to the crime scene they were called into, where a great many revelations await.
The drive to the actual crime scene itself was rather brief, being no more than a ten-minute ride away from Nines' apartment complex, and for this reason, along with the quickly arriving rush hour traffic, the android insisted on driving despite his technician's previous warnings.
You had argued with him for several minutes while standing in the gated parking area outside of his home, but relented upon realizing just how much of a feat it would be for you to actually wrestle the keys away from the man.
That being said, you had made him promise to hand you the keys the very second they left the ignition, and on that compromise, you had both ultimately settled.
So now here you were, looking out the window as your android partner perfectly parallel parked your car along the street between two patrol unit cars before he swiftly shifted the car into park and twisted the keys from their designated position, hardly even sparing a glance in your direction as he did so.
With that promise fulfilled, Nines then opened the driver’s side door of your small sedan and stepped out onto the pavement below, gaze already trained on the small crowd of officers milling about the area as he set off toward them.
You rolled your eyes at his already obvious concentration on the crime scene to the right of you as you hooked your car keys securely onto your belt loop, being sure to press the button to lock your doors before you basically jogged to catch up with the android, who had already ducked under the yellow caution tape and into the scene soundlessly, instantly stepping into the crowd.
You groaned internally at your partner’s constant need for peak efficiency, and were just about to take a few steps forward yourself when a familiar voice called to you, causing you to stop immediately, brow furrowed as you turned on your heel to see if you'd actually heard the person you thought you had.
And lo and behold, your ears had not deceived you.
Walking toward you from a small group of officers and what appeared to be Lieutenant Anderson himself, was Connor.
You asked curiously, taking a few steps away from the scene to approach him as he came closer,
"What are you doing here?"
Connor offered you a polite smile before he began to explain,
"Dispatch called Hank and I after you received their request to come to the scene. According to the person who contacted us, they hadn't realized that you and your partner were on temporary medical leave for the night, and therefore assumed that your agreement to come down to the scene was based upon the idea that this was a serious emergency. They asked if we could come down to take your place after they realized their mistake, but it appears they must have gotten too caught up in something else to call the two of you back."
He frowned a bit as he said this, allowing his gaze to briefly flicker over to the center of the crime scene,
"I apologize for the inconvenience, Detective."
You were quick to brush off Connor's apology with a wave of your hand, shaking your head as you gestured in the direction of the large crowd of officers and the android technician emergency vehicle parked in the center of all of them,
"Don't worry about it, it'll be nice to have the extra help. I have no idea what issues Nines might face only a few hours after his injury."
You reasoned, trying not to appear nearly as stressed as you were over the situation with your partner's health as Connor offered you a kind smile in return, his gaze briefly flickering above your head as he spoke,
"Well, I am more than happy to help you with whatever 900 cannot manage."
He stated matter of factly, and you were just about to thank him for the additional support when another familiar voice spoke up from behind you, this one far closer than Connor had been when he’d called out to you earlier.
"That won't be necessary, 800, even injured I can assure you that I am still far more advanced than you. There is nothing you are capable of that I will be unable to do better and faster."
You watched as Connor's expression morphed from one of kindness into one of vague amusement at Nines’ words, which caused you to briefly turn you head and shoot a glare up at your partner.
"Seriously? You want to have a dick measuring contest now? On the sight of an active crime scene?"
You chided, crossing your arms as you turned to face him better, allowing yourself a view of his all too neutral expression and body language.
He clearly could not have cared less about your words if he'd tried.
"I am simply reminding my predecessor of the truth, Detective. I wouldn't want him to get in over his head due to the misguided belief that we are equals."
He reasoned, his tone taking on that familiar note it did when he was mocking you, although you were fairly certain that his intended target was Connor, who he had not looked away from throughout his entire statement.
Connor, seeming rather unfazed, shrugged off his successors words and turned his attention back to you without delay,
"How can I help you to further the investigation, Detective?"
He asked politely, and after a few moments of deliberation, you responded. 
"Do me a favor and check in with the lieutenant to make sure he doesn't need you for anything, and be sure to come see me when you're done. With any luck, I should be just over there helping to interview the suspect to see what we can learn."
Connor gave a nod but shot a glance back in the direction of the crowded crime scene before replying, his expression slightly nervous,
"Of course, Detective, but if I may, I feel that I should warn you about the victim."
You raised a brow at that, crossing your arms over your chest as you gave the android your undivided attention.
"The victim?"
You asked, watching as Connor nodded before elaborating,
"He is an android, a PL500 model that claims to have gotten into an altercation over his supposed wife, who we haven't yet managed to procure the name of."
You nodded at that, but felt confusion still weighing heavily on your mind,
"Okay, well that's definitely good to know, but why the hell would you need to warn me about him?"
Connor shook his head at that before quickly clarifying,
"It isn't necessarily that, Detective, but rather the reaction this android seems to have to women as a result of his perception of loyalty. Previously, when a female EMT attempted to interview him to discern the nature of his injuries, he was incredibly uncomfortable and borderline hostile until she stopped trying to communicate with him. When asked why, he stated that he had no interest in cheating on his spouse."
You felt your eyes widen a bit as you took everything that Connor was saying in, a hand moving up to run briefly through your hair as you sighed.
"So what you're saying is that by interviewing this guy, I could risk setting him off further and jeopardizing the case?"
Connor thought about your statement for a moment before nodding,
"In a sense, yes. Although I am mostly telling you to be cautious, Detective, I would hate for you to receive another injury so soon after your last one has healed."
You smiled a bit at the android’s thoughtfulness, but startled slightly when Nines' familiar voice sounded from beside rather than behind you, his tone even colder than usual as he spoke,
"I resent the implication that I would allow for her to be put in harm’s way a second time."
He said, eyes glaring down at his slightly shorter predecessor as he silently challenged him to disagree.
Instead, Connor just smiled politely, completely ignoring your partner's demeanor as he replied,
"I don't think she ever would have been injured in the first place had it been your choice, 900."
His words carried a weight to them, a double meaning that both took the blame of what had happened to you away from Nines, and tacked on the fact that he had been helpless to do anything about it, something that some might find soothing, but that Nines was only insulted by.
But it was true, wasn't it?
There hadn't been a thing he could have done to save you from that crumbling house except to catch you when you jumped, an action that he hadn't been able to control. In another life, another universe somewhere, one that he internally prayed at every recollection of that day did not exist, you might not have trusted him enough, causing you to simply stand there, fear struck, until that place had swallowed you whole.
He hated thinking about that, about knowing all of the possible outcomes associated with that day, about how little control he'd had over your life and death.
And it filled him with a subtle rage to be reminded of that so casually, as if it weren't the only fear he'd ever had, the only thing that had truly struck him so tremendously that he sometimes struggled to stop himself from spiraling. 
Didn't Connor claim to have a solid grasp of these emotions that plagued Nines now? Wasn't he always electing to treat his successor like a developing toddler who had yet to understand the complexities of his own mind? If so, then why was he torturing him with these memories if he understood the feeling of regret so well? If he claimed to understand helplessness the way that Ni-
Your voice sent the android all but stumbling out of his own reverie, his emotionless eyes moving to glance down at yours as you spoke, concern evident both in your tone and your expression.
That's right. He was supposed to actually respond to Connor's words.
He opened his mouth to speak.
"Then don't concern yourself with her safety now, 800."
He began, his gaze flitting behind Connor toward Hank, who was standing with his hands on his hips, looking rather impatient.
"I believe your partner is waiting for you."
He finished, hand intentionally grazing your elbow in a brief gesture that you knew meant he wanted you to follow him as he turned back in the direction of the crime scene.
And follow you did.
Upon getting closer, you could see even from five or six feet away and with most of your body hidden behind Nines' imposing figure that this android victim had been thoroughly beaten.
His head was bashed in, chunks of his artificial hair were missing, and his side was gaping with a wound that you were certain would require a seasoned technician to repair.
He was in rough shape.
You shuddered slightly, and, as if sensing your movement, Nines turned his head to look down at you, his voice low as he spoke,
"Stay behind me, Detective."
You nodded in response, ensuring that you were fully hidden behind your partner once more before the two of you moved forward slightly, until you were just close enough for Nines to speak with the injured android victim.
"Good evening, sir. I'm a detective model rk900 android assigned to your case. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"
Nines watched as the android regarded him nervously before giving a few jerky nods, his internal systems no doubt impacted by those injuries of his.
Still, Nines paid his strange and involuntary movements no mind as he began the protocol questioning typical of all stable victims.
"Do you have a name?"
He asked, something he already knew the answer to, but wanted to ensure that you did as well from where you stood safely tucked away behind him.
The android nodded.
"Harry, Harry Schryfeld."
He said quietly, his vocal modulator glitching slightly and warping the sound of his voice as he spoke.
Nines again, paid this no mind.
"Alright Harry, well I can see that you have sustained multiple injuries at the hands of another. Do you have any idea who did this to you?"
The android bristled a bit, his expression morphing from one of nervousness to one of anger, though Nines could tell it was not directed at him. 
He muttered, his hands clenching into fists on top of his lap as he spoke.
Nines hummed, tilting his head slightly as he continued with his line of questioning,
"And where do you know Clark from? Is he someone you've had altercations with before?"
The injured android laughed at this, though it was a notably humorless and unsettling sound.
"Just about every day, he's constantly going after my wife, he never leaves us alone." 
Nines nodded in acknowledgement,
"So, Clark is someone you know well then. Where did you meet him?"
The android huffed, clearly growing annoyed at the very thought of his attacker.
"When my wife bought him."
He grumbled, and Nines felt his eyes widen slightly and your little movements behind him halt entirely at that statement.
Harry's wife had bought Clark? But that would mean...
"So your wife is a human, and Clark was an android she purchased prior to the revolution?"
Harry crossed his arms, refusing to make eye contact as he nodded,
"We both were, but I was there first, she chose me long before she ever even thought about getting a second android."
Nines hummed in response to this before asking what would be his final question of the android sitting in front of him.
"So, Clark attacked you out of anger? Because of your relationship with your wife?"
Harry shook his head,
"No, he attacked me because he thinks I was doing a bad job of sharing, and because he knows deep down that I'm Maria's favorite. He wants her all to himself, but I won't let that happen. Ever."
Nines nodded as if in complete understanding, 
"I see. Thank you for your time, Mr. Schryfeld. I will let you know if there are any further questions. In the meantime, please remain compliant with the technicians and examiners so we can get you back home to your wife as quickly as possible."
Harry, seemingly responsive to the promise of seeing his wife again soon, nodded immediately, turning his attention toward an approaching examiner as Nines turned on his heel, quickly ushering you away from the scene and into a clearing just on the other side of the yellow caution tape barrier, near where the two of you had spoken with Connor not long beforehand.
"What the hell is going on here? Did he get some important part knocked out of him or something?" 
You asked as soon as you were out of earshot of all the technicians, leaning close to your partner and being careful to keep your voice down as he shook his head in response to your question
"My scans discerned that he is in perfectly stable condition with all of the necessary parts required for answering questions intact."
You groaned, running both of your hands up your cheeks in exasperation,
"Then why the hell didn't he make any sense? You heard the guy Nines, he thinks he's married to a human, and not only that, but he also thinks that the guy who supposedly attacked him is too, to the same girl and everything. You and I both know that can't be possible, because for one, humans can't even legally take part in a plural marriage, and secondarily to that, android-human marriage is still completely illegal!"
Nines nodded at your words, shrugging his shoulders slightly just before he spoke,
"That is certainly true, Detective, but that doesn't stop anyone from claiming to be married if they wish to be. I don't doubt that this android is in a serious relationship with a human, in fact, I think it helps provide a motive for the attacker."
You felt your eyes widen at this, and you cursed under your breath upon realizing what your partner was saying.
"Wait, so you think an attack that brutal was caused by jealousy?"
You looked up at Nines as you said this, but felt yourself falter when you realized that he was looking straight past you, his eyes narrowed and expression cold as he regarded whoever was approaching.
"Detective, RK900."
Connor greeted politely as he walked up from behind you, causing you to briefly roll your eyes at the realization of who Nines had been glaring at before you offered Connor a slightly tired looking smile.
"Hey Con, what's the word from Hank?"
Connor smiled back, his brown eyes meeting yours as he replied cheerily,
"Lieutenant Anderson made it quite clear that he is perfectly fine without my presence for the time being."
You gave a short laugh at that, certain that Connor was phrasing that statement far differently than Hank had, which had undoubtedly been a lot less polite.
Connor gazed back toward the crime scene briefly before turning his attention to you and your partner once more, his voice curious as he spoke,
"Did you learn anything new about the victim or the perpetrator?"
You nodded, opening your mouth to speak only for Nines to beat you to it.
"His name is Harry Schryfeld and he and the supposed perpetrator are both androids belonging to a woman named Maria, who they theoretically are both in a romantic relationship with."
Connor's brows furrowed in thought for a few moments before he began nodding slowly, as if in agreement,
"That would certainly make sense, the injuries present on the victim's body are consistent with someone who has a strong understanding of android anatomy. He was attacking to kill, but was stopped short by the witness who intervened and called 9-1-1."
Nines rolled his eyes at this statement, as if what Connor had said was obvious, but you thanked the android for the additional information before turning to face your partner.
"Is there any way that we can figure out who this Maria woman is without asking Harry? I get the feeling that he'll be a lot less trusting of anyone from the department if he thinks we're looking for his wife. He's clearly got some possessive qualities that I would rather not have interfering with the case."
Connor nodded in response to your words,
"I agree, Detective, it would be best to move forward with the documents available within the state's system. I would be more than happy to perform a search for-"
"I already found everything we need, 800."
Nines cut off his predecessor sharply, though his expression was slightly smug as he spoke,
"The woman we are looking for is more than likely Maria Schryfeld. She's lived in Detroit for six years, and is listed within the CyberLife database as being in possession of two androids, a PL500 for the past four years, and an AP700 for the past two. Both are male models of android, and were designed for domestic home purposes, allowing them to be commercially purchased prior to the revolution."
You perked up immediately upon hearing this information, and had an ever so slight grin on your face as you looked up at your partner,
"Please tell me you can search up an address for her."
You plead nervously, an eagerness to your tone that had Nines smirking down at you, always amused by the way you reacted to potential breaks in a case.
"I already did, Detective. Her apartment is a five-minute drive from here."
You all but shouted, smiling at the two androids in front of you before you began looking around the area, no doubt hoping to find Hank so you could ask for his permission to investigate further off of the premises of the initial crime scene.
"The lieutenant is right over there, Detective."
Connor said easily, and you offered him a slightly embarrassed grin before you nodded and walked quickly in the direction he was pointing, praying internally that Hank wouldn't be as much of a stickler as he could be about you attempting to find Maria Schryfeld (and your potential suspect, with any luck).
You called out to him as you approached, watching as Hank turned in confusion to look at you before he rolled his eyes,
"What the hell are you still doing here, kid? Didn't someone from dispatch tell you to take that condescending ass partner of yours back home?"
You laughed at that, shrugging your shoulders,
"Do you really think I could actually do that even if they did? I can't even get Nines to let me drive my own car half the time, you really think I can wrestle him back to his apartment?"
Hank muttered something under his breath, but didn't argue, and you were quick to take the opportunity to tell him about your break in the case.
You informed him of everything, from the potential suspect to the possessive nature of the relationship between the androids and their previous owner, and by the end, Hank knew what you wanted permission to do before you could even ask.
"So let me get this straight, you want me to let you and your injured partner who was shot this morning go to a woman's apartment in hopes of either questioning her about the potential whereabouts of the suspect, or of just finding the extremely violent suspect there despite the fact that he already showed that he's willing to use his understanding of android anatomy to do away with other androids that get in his way?"
You shuffled your feet slightly, gaze turned downward as you spoke, 
"Well I mean, when you put it that way..."
You trailed off a bit before sighing and finishing your sentence,
Hank groaned a bit, running a hand over his face and beard before he crossed his arms and answered, clearly exasperated.
"You know what, kid? Fine. But I'd better not hear a thing about it unless you learn something important, got it?"
You nodded, opening your mouth to thank your superior only to have him cut you off as he continued,
"Oh and take Connor with you. No offense to Nines or whatever the hell it is that you call the guy, but I don't feel like having to explain to Fowler why I let his least experienced detective walk into a potentially dangerous situation with only her jacked-up android as backup."
You groaned internally at the idea of having to explain that reasoning to Nines, but nodded nonetheless,
"You've got it, Hank. I'll let you know if we learn anything worth noting."
And with that, you started walking back toward the pair of androids who were waiting for you exactly where you'd left them, both looking more than a little relieved to see that you were on your way back to end whatever tense discussion they'd no doubt been having in your absence.
"That's lieutenant to you!"
Hank shouted from behind your back, and you laughed a bit and gave a thumbs up without even turning around as you made your way over to your two partners for the day.
This was going to be interesting.
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mysticalkhfan · 6 years
Thanks to everyone who has send asks and questions! It means a lot to me, I'm still sketching some of them :)
Just wanted to say that if any of you still wants to send in suggestions for the outfit meme the inbox is always open!
On the same note, I was thinking on taking suggestions, prompts and imagines. So, if you want to see Eva or Ania in certain scenarios you can ask! I'd love it so much if you do 😭💕💕💕
I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but I was kinda shy about it. 😅
I want this to be a fun and welcoming corner for all of us, even if the end is near, let's enjoy the time that we have left!!!
Accepting sfw and nsfw suggestions alike~
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beeslibrarycorner · 2 years
Can I hold your hand?
Tumblr media
Connor x Reader
warnings : none
Word count: 229
Plot: Connors asks you a question you can't refuse.
Request: Hi, I would like to request Connor (dbh) with the prompt #27 from fluff. Thank 
you in advance. ( ◡‿◡ )
“Can I hold your hand?”
You and Connor sat in one of the booths at the back of the bar talking about the case you were celebrating with the rest of the precinct. It was a case that kept your fellow officers from going home at normal times and everyone was relieved that it was over, that everything could go back to normal. 
You were nursing a beer and laughing at a joke Connor threw your way every so often. You can see no tension in anybody as you looked across the bar, everyone was at ease. You even saw RK900 mingling with other people, with a smile on his face.
“Can I hold your hand?” Connor asked with a small smile on his face as he waited patiently for your answer. He had his hand on the table, palm facing up and open; he wiggled his fingers at you. A smile spread across your face at him, Connor always asked before he did anything. You slid your hand across the table to meet him and then placed your hands together.
He smiles at you as his large hand encloses yours, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. He goes back to what you were talking about, continuing the conversation. The both of you stayed like that till the bar closed, then he walked you home. Hand in hand, side by side.
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misguidedswagger · 3 years
MisguidedSwagger’s Masterlist
Here is a masterlist of everything I’ve written! Most of this is moved over from my ao3/wattpad account of the same name!! 
Anything in red text is smut/spicy
Anything in pink text is fluff/comfort 
Anything in orange text is angst
Anything in green text is going to be teetering on the lines of, or will be very grim dark (adjacent to dead dove, if not already at the criteria)
Anything in italics is a WIP
Feel free to request anything or anyone, whether they’re on the list or not! The absolute worst I can do is say no❤️
Cowboy Bebop
Spike Spiegel
Faye Valentine
Jet Black
Call of Duty Black Ops III
Crew HC’s 
Comforting You When Sad
Tank Dempsey
 Meeting Tank 
Nikolai Belinski
Takeo Masaki 
Edward Richtofen 
All Around Us 
Dear Evan Hansen
Connor Murphy
And There You Were
Boyfriend Headcannons
How You Met Headcannons
First Time Headcannons
Detroit Become Human
So Many Maybes, Yet No Answers~
How To Love
Porn Star Martini
Yours Truly, RK800 (Connor X Reader)
Captain Allen   
Hazbin Hotel
Law and Order: SVU
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi
Mike Faist
Safe Haven#
My Girl.#*
My Hero Academia
Shota Aizawa
Words Unsaid
Eijiro Kirishima
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Keigo Takami
Kai Chisaki
Mr. Compress
Tomura Shigaraki
Mirio Togata
Hitoshi Shinso
Jack Kelly
Proud and Defiant 
Proud and Defiant p2
Davey Jacobs
Racetrack Higgins
Spot Conlon and Jojo de la Guerra backstories 
Panic (Amazon Prime Video)
Dodge Mason
Don’t Even Think About It
Try Me
Ryan Ross
Trust Masterlist 
West Side Story
Now, Sit Still
Strawberry Milkshake
It All Ends Where It Begins~
Baby Riff
Anthony Padilla
Ian Hecox
196 notes · View notes