#robert manion x reader
companionjones · 2 years
Ghost Story (2/2)
Pairing: Ethan Green x Reader
Fandoms: StarKid, Hatchetfield
Summary: Ethan follows you as you look for ghostly evidence inside of Hawthorne Manor.
Warnings: Ghosts, Skeletons
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    “Y/n, be quiet!”
    “I know what I’m doing!” You took out your video camera and started recording. “This is Hawthorne Manor on Friday, March 13 at 2:10pm. It is the middle of the day, but there have been many reports of things happening even--”
    A loud and threatening knock sounded on the wall beside the staircase.
    You barely had the door shut behind you, but you dived away from the door and toward the sound.
    “What are you doing?!” Ethan whisper-yelled after you.
    “Hold the camera. I have a theory.” You started throwing yourself at the wall. Because the house was so old, it caved in easily.
    Ethan was beyond confused with your actions. “Y/n!” The camera’s light caught what was hidden in the wall, and Ethan saw it before you. “Oh my god, what the fuck?!” He turned away from the scene to prevent himself from throwing up.
    “What happened to being quiet?” you teased. “Give me back the camera.” You took from him so you could see what was in the wall. “Yep. There’s Sarah Jacobs.” You guessed it was her bones in the wall because no one had ever found her body. You only wondered who (or what) put her in the wall.
    “Y/n, this is really fucked up,” Ethan commented.
    “Go if you want. I’m staying,” you informed.
    True to his words from underneath the willow tree, Ethan stayed.
    The skeleton came alive, and started to climb at you!
    You and Ethan screamed and scrambled toward the front door. It slammed shut before you could get to it.
    “What do we do--” You saw that Sarah Jacobs’ skeleton was blocking your way to the back door. “We could go upstairs or d--”
    “Don’t go upstairs. That’s what I did.”
    You and Ethan looked to your right, and there was the full-body apparition of Randy Jenkoi. Both you and Ethan screamed, and headed for the basement.
    “We-we-we can head for the storm doors,” Ethan stuttered as the two of you barrelled down the basement stairs.
    You were first to reach the basement, but you broke away from Ethan to wind up behind him. The two of you headed for the storm doors, but a little girl’s apparition appeared and screamed to scare you and Ethan. The two of you were backed into a corner by the small ghost.
    She spoke, “I’ll be happy to add two more to my collection. I’ll finally have new friends to play with.”
    “Ethan?” you called out to the boy next to you.
    He grabbed your hand. “I’m right here. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
    “No, it’s not that,” you explained, “You’ve been so amazing to me for so long...Me, the freak of Hatchetfield High.” You laughed mirthlessly.
    Ethan squeezed your hand. “Come on, don’t talk about yourself like that--especially not now.”
    “I have to tell you something, Ethan,” you let slip.
    The little girl, Valerie Hawthorne, clearly didn’t like the little side-bar you were having. “Pay attention to me!” On the last word, Valerie’s voice went monstrous.
    However, right after, a light flashed, distracting Valerie.
    You took the opportunities of the ghost not looking at you, and of Ethan holding your hand, to drag him with you as you ran out of the basement. Just as you reached the top of the storm door stairs, the three ghosts grabbed you and Ethan and tried to keep the two of you with them. But you and Ethan fought back, and pulled yourselves free. The two of you fell onto your backs outside the house, and the storm doors slammed shut behind you.
    Things were quiet for a long time between you and Ethan; the only sounds filling the air being your breaths. You two had yet to let go of each other’s hands.
    “What was that?” Ethan finally asked, “What was that light?”
    “The camera,” you informed.
    Ethan quickly sat up. “What?! That camera’s the only proof we have of all we saw! We have to go get it.” He tried to get to his feet, but you pulled him back.
    “Ethan, no,” you argued, “Just leave it. It’s not worth it.”
    He furrowed his brow. “But you wanted to show Zoey and her friends--”
    “It’s not worth losing you,” you admitted.
    Green only got more confused. “Not worth it? But I’m not--”
    You pulled him toward you. You kissed him.
    The kiss was not over quickly. It was actually more of a make-out than a kiss.
    When Ethan parted from you, he gazed at you through half-lidded eyes. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that. Thank you for having the balls to do it first.”
    “Thank you for protecting me at school day after day,” you returned, “Thank you for sticking by my side even when I charge, head-first, into a condemned haunted house.”
    Ethan smiled, “Hey, if I get kissed like that, I’ll do stuff that dangerous all the time.”
    “You don’t need to do dangerous stuff to kiss me.” You rolled your eyes.
    “Then can I do it again?” he smirked.
    You chuckled at his teasing, then leaned in.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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megastarkidfan · 4 years
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Sorry for all the Homecoming posts but I mean, come on. Just look at Jeff. You expect me not to post about how gorgeous he is?
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starkid-fanfics · 5 years
tgwdlm characters as parents headcanons? other than bill lol
paul would be such a sweet father omg
at first when he found out that his s/o was pregnant he’d be SUPER nervous
but then he would be really happy oh my god
his whole would light up and he would start you laugh, throwing his arms around his s/o in a hug
he would cry and whisper “I’m gonna be a father!” while hugging them
when the baby is actually born and he sees it for the first time he would cry again
that’s something that he created… it’s like a mini version of him and his s/o and that just warms his heart so much.
when the child has gotten old enough for school, he would always say like “don’t worry about it, I’ll drop them off! I’ve got to go to work anyway” because he didn’t want to put more stuff on your shoulders even if you barely had anything
he’s really just so sweet and amazing aghh
emma emma emma
when she found out she was pregnant she probably didn’t believe it at first
she would buy AT LEAST 5 more pregnancy tests and if they all said positive then she would finally believe it
she would smile and give a silent cheer.
but then she remember jane and how good of a mother she was and she would become scared that she wasn’t going to be as a mother as jane
but once the baby is born all her worries are thrown out the window
one look at that cute little baby’s face and she’s like AHHHHHHHHH
literally “i’ve only had (baby’s name) for one minute but if anything happened to them i would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
having a kid while in community college would probably be really hard and would have to scrape up enough money to get her own house instead of a dorm because that would cause so much chaos 
but in the end it would all be worth it, because she loves her child so much and would literally protect it with her life
ok charlotte already acts like a mom anyway so it’s pretty easy to tell that she would be a good mom
oh my god what if the baby was ted’s holy- i surprise myself sometimes
ok back to the actual stuff lmao, when she found out she was pregnant this woman would be SOOOOOOOOOOO excited
“sam, sam sweetie!  we’re having a BABY!  a baby!” is exactly what she would say when telling him and no matter how he reacted she would still be so stoked
she would tell everyone at the office, and they would all be so happy for her (except for ted oop)
she pretty much is the office mom so they all knew that she was going to do just fine as a mother
she would do the most planning during her actual pregnancy, like not even a month after she found out she was pregnant she would have a whole nursery ready and already be fully stocked up on diapers and other things
when the baby was born she would cry SO many tears of joy, like she can’t even say anything or function, just cry and hold it close
this women has so much love in her heart and finally has someone to share it with ugh i’d be so happy for her
surprisingly ted would be a decent father
when his s/o tells him that they’re pregnant he would be like “HAhahHahAHAHhahahaH GREAT JOKE HAHA”
but then’d he realize it was not a joke and would be incredibly shocked, literally frozen in place.
he would act like everything was good on the inside but he is in PANIC MODE on the inside, seriously someone help him he can and will explode
he’s one of those types of people who will make a bet about the gender of the kid, he said “if it’s a boy you give me five dollars and if it’s a girl i’ll give you five”
would be very stressed when the baby is almost due, because this asshole can’t comprehend the fact that he’s gonna have responsibilities
when the baby is born he’d be happy but also still super stressed for like the first year after the kid is born
but he would actually work harder at work because he wants to be able to provide for his family and children
he isn’t the best dad but he’s pretty good
this man is like 60 and has no kids yet so when he found out his s/o is pregnant he would be absolutely ecstatic
like he would actually jump around and probably play some happy tunes on the piano
he cannot contain his emotions and it’s so goddamn adorable I swear
henry literally cannot sleep because of how excited he is oh my goddd I cannot stress that enough
his s/o would be getting so much love and attention
it’s always “I’ll make you some dinner!” “No don’t get up, I’ll get that for you!” “Just relax, darling.”
I’m not kidding he will not let them do ANYTHING
he’s also that husband or boyfriend that will like kiss the others belly and it’s mega cute
when the baby is born he will shower the baby with love and affection
like he always wants to be holding it and cradling it
also he goes “COOOO” to the baby don’t @ me
he definitely baby talks
best parent probably
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silver-greedling · 5 years
Bad Timing
Robert Manion x Reader (wowie i love starkid now, ive watched, like, FIVE musicals in a week. small question, anyone know where i can find, like, vids or stuff of them just chilling? i wanna get a better feel for their personalities, tendencies, and relationships with one another before i write a whole lot about them. any help is needed and appreciated! sorry if this one is short!!! also, should i start putting a little “read more” thing after a paragraph or two? im fine with or without, so tell me what you guys would prefer)
My roommate, best friend, and crush, Robert Manion, was leaving for the airport in about six hours. I was busy preparing a hearty meal that would keep him filled up on the flight, so he wouldn’t go hungry or have to buy airplane food.
He was packing bags and scouring the apartment for anything else he may need on the trip. He was so messy; His clothes could be found scattered in almost every room, save the (tiny) kitchen and (tinier) living room. Even then, I wouldn’t be shocked if I found a long-lost shirt of his had somehow ended up under the couch or in a cabinet in the kitchen.
At last, the pan of eggs was done! All that was left was a few more pieces of bacon, which were done not long after. Multitasking two foods on the same stove that needed to be checked often was proving difficult, but I managed.
“Breakfast!” I half-yelled, knowing Robert was just a room over. I placed both pans, very carefully, on the small coffee table in the living room, where I had already set up two plates and forks. I returned to the kitchen for two glasses of milk, walking back to the living room to find Robert (somewhat) patiently awaiting my return.
I placed a glass in front of him, then put mine by my own plate, before plopping next to him on the floor. “Shall we?”
He nodded eagerly. If there was anything I knew about him, it was that he seemed to find my cooking amazing. One way or another, he found himself asking me to make every meal I could. When I pushed a joke of “women’s work”, he got embarrassed and told me the truth, that he liked my food. Since then, I’d been making every meal I could manage to, just to see him smile when I said our food would be homemade.
The smile on his face, as he took in a few bites of food, made the hard work of handling two hot pans over the stove completely worth it. I felt myself smile as I dug into my own plate of food. I had to admit, knowing he enjoyed it so much made me as happy as he was to eat it.
“Amazing, as always,” he said after, very quickly, finishing up his plate. He took a drink from his milk, then sighed. “I won’t have another one of these meals for over four months.”
“Awe, don’t make me sad,” I said over the rim of my own cup. “I’d make one for you to take, but airport security, man.”
He laughed. “Well, if I call asking for how you make your food, don’t be surprised. I will miss it.” He sighed again.
I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I stood, taking our plates and the pans back to the kitchen and setting them in the sink. Washing dishes could come later. My time with Robert was at five hours, not including the twenty minute drive to the airport.
“Let’s play some games, or watch a movie,” I suggested, sitting down on the couch. “We still have time to kill before you leave.”
Robert stood. “Yeah, pick out a movie. I’m going to make sure I have everything packed that I need.”
He padded off toward his room, and, as I picked out a movie (Grown Ups), I  thought about my history with Robert.
I had been working with Team Starkid for almost five months when Robert came in. We hit it off almost instantly. When I realized he had been living in a hotel room for almost a week, I offered to clear out a room that was, at the time, an office and storage space. He tried to decline, but I persuaded him. Now, he’s been staying here almost seven years, albeit traveling back and forth between here and Australia.
I wasn’t able to reminisce any longer, because Robert was coming back into the room, one suitcase, looking a touch overpacked, in hand. He placed it beside the couch, then plopped next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. Leaning against him, I picked up the remote and turned on the TV. The movie had already been put in what served as our DVD player (but was really my PS3). Robert tilted his head at the title screen.
“I haven’t seen this one,” he noted. “What is it?”
“Just watch,” I replied with a grin on my face.
His arm pulled me a touch closer, and I leaned against him almost completely as the movie began.
By the end of it, we were both almost in tears from laughter. Just under two hours of our time had gone by, leaving us at about three. “Wanna watch the second one?” I offered.
“Can we handle a second one?” he asked jokingly, but agreed.
When that was done, we were at about an hour and a half, but my eyes were getting a little droopy. Although it was around midday, I was extremely tired from staying up through the night making sure Robert’s stuff, or, at the least, the stuff I thought he needed, was in his room.
Before I knew it, I was being shaken awake. Five minutes until we had to leave.
I sat up from where I had fallen asleep on his shoulder, turning my head away to yawn loudly. “Sorry,” I muttered tiredly.
He shook his head. “It’s fine,” he assured me. “We just have to leave soon.”
With another yawn, I stood and stretched my arms, before turning to him. “I’ll get shoes, then I’ll be good to go.”
I padded over to the doorway, where we kept our shoes lined up. Robert offered my sleepy self an arm to lean on while I slipped into my shoes, which I was grateful for. When sleepy, I tended o have bad balance. He knew this, probably from hearing me, a million times, trip in the middle of the night, on my way to the bathroom or kitchen.
“I’ll drive us there so you can wake up a little bit,” he said, and I agreed. We clambered into my car, a crappy Civic that probably needed to be checked soon. I sat myself in the passenger side while Robert got in the driver’s side and started the car. In half a minute, we were buckled in and on the road.
The drive was quiet, mostly somber. It usually felt that way when he was leaving. I always knew that, for however long he was away, my life would change. I would make meals for one. I would do laundry half as much. I would watch movies and play games alone.
The airport parking lot came way too soon. We had arrive ten minutes early. Robert noticed this, I guess, as he stayed in the car a little while.
“Hey, Robert,” I spoke, not entirely sure of what I was doing. “Can you stay a minute longer?”
“I’ve got time,” he said, removing his seatbelt and turning to me. “What’s up?”
“Well...” I fiddled with my fingers, keeping my eyes on them. “I know that this is really bad timing, but...I don’t know, I’ve liked you for a really long time, now, and I just got the courage to say it. I know I should’ve probably said it sooner, but I-”
His hand reached over to grab mine, and I met his gaze. He grabbed both of my hands in his.
“Do you mean that?” he asked me, seriousness etched into his features. I nodded, and a smile broke across his face. “You should’ve said it sooner!”
His hands moved forward to grab my shoulders, and, before I knew it, he was moving closer. He met my eyes before getting too far. When I nodded, he put a hand on my cheek and kissed me.
It felt like flying. When I put my hands on his shoulders, he put his on my waist, trying to pull me closer, although the console between the seats sort of got in the way.
He released after a long time, and I struggled to find air. His hand was still on my face, the thumb gently caressing my cheek.
“I...” He started to talk, but trailed off. “Damn it. I have to go.”
I nodded. “I know. I wish you didn’t.”
“Right now, I do, too.”
I looked up, trying to give him a smile. “If you don’t find any pretty girls in Australia, I’ll be waiting for you when you come back.”
A wide grin took over his face. “I will not find a girl like you in Australia. I will come back to you, and I’m going to ask you out the minute I see you again.”
“I’ll say yes.”
His smile got even bigger as he kissed me again. Slowly, reluctantly, he got out of the car, retrieving his bag from the trunk. I exited, as well, catching him in a hug when he came my way.
“I’ll see you soon,” he promised me. With one more kiss, he was walking into the airport, glancing back to me every few steps. When he got inside, I sighed and walked to the driver’s side, sitting in the seat. He’d left the keys in the ignition, thank God. I remembered, once, he had taken the keys with him, earning him an earful over the phone as I hailed a cab and prayed someone wouldn’t steal my shit car from the airport parking lot.
The whole drive home, I thought about him, and everything he said to me. I couldn’t wait for four months to pass.
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a-pitifulchild · 6 years
Wow - Robert Manion x reader
Request: Hi, so my idea for the Robert Manion x reader thing is...Okay, so let's pretend that TGWDLM just got out onto YouTube and Lauren is throwing this party where everyone in the cast can come and they all watch it together. Y/n has been dating Robert since Twisted and when you guys and the rest of the cast watch it for the first time he only looks at y/n on the screen and talking about how talented y/n is and all that jazz. (Even though I love Mariah let's pretend y/n has Mariah's parts instead) @taylor-manion
A/n: so i tried, but it has been such a long time since the last time i wrote! Hopefully it's good and not shitty idk. Also like. My english is not perfect, since it not my native language.
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You sat on the couch, waiting for Robert to get out of the bathroom. “Lucky wee?” You asked him as he reached to his coat and keys. He rolled his eyes and smiled, “i have you, so it's clearly working”. Now it was your turn to roll your eyes, though you couldn't but smile as well. Robert tossed you your coat. You let out a small sigh and got up, putting on your coat. You loved your Starkid family, but you loved the couch at the flat you shared with Robert just as much.
You've been dating Robert for the past five years. You met him through Twisted - you helped them with the costume change, mostly because being on the actual stage frightened you. Of course you got stuck with Robert and had to help him with his costume change, and ever since then you were together. When Rob heard you sing for the first time he was shocked. You never mentioned your secret dream of performing in musicals, but he wouldn't leave you alone after finding out how talented you were. He looked for any excuse to hear you sing, act and dance, if it was a Starkid sing along, rehearsing lines with you or asking for help with the choreography he had to get done. With his compliments, your confidence grew and although you were still kind of scared from the stage, you were more willing to actually perform. So of caurse, when Starkid reached out to him for “The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals”, he got you an audition as well, and next thing you know you were a part of the show.
The two of you arrived to Lauren's house. She was hosting a kind-of-party to celebrate the release of “The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals”. You were going to watch the musical, all the cast together. You got to be in the one they did for Twisted as Robert's date, but this time you were a part of the cast. It was exciting. Robert  grabbed your hand, and the two of you walked up the stairs and toward the door. “Are you nervous?” Robert asked. You nodded, blushing, “kind of” you admitted. “Well don't, you are amazing, and insanely photogenic, so i'm sure you're great” Robert said, moving his hand across your waist. You stopped in the Middle of the hall, and he pulled you into a hug. He kissed the top of your head and you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling yourself up to kiss him. “You are the sweetest boyfriend ever, ya'know?” You said, and he gave you a knowing smirk. “oh, I know” he said, “but thank you”. You laughed, and grabbed his hand, dragging him toward the familiar dark brown wooden door. You reached your hand to knock, but the door opened before you had the chance. Lauren smiled at the two of you, “Hey guys!” She smiled, hugging you first and then Robert. “How did you-” you wandered loud, then realised she probably heard a guy with an australian accent and immediately knew it's Robert and you. She confirmed your suspect as the three of you got inside the apartment.
After about half an hour of talking and laughing, everyone got there, and you gathered in front of the tv. Lauren pressed play, and the musical started. Everyone started singing along with the video.
30 seconds in, and you saw yourself. Robert, who obviously set next to you with his hand wrapped around your shoulder seemed more excited than you were. He looked at you, smiling, and mouthed the words “look! it's you!”. You smiled back and rested your head on his shoulder. Then it was Robert's turn to be on screen, and you couldn't help but smile seeing your talented boyfriend doing what he loves. Then your first solo came. “Sh!” Robert said, and everyone went quiet  to hear your beautiful singing, even though it was not the most impressive vocals you had during the show. Everyone joined back in for “should we kill him?”, And then hysterically laughed, which led to the end of the sing along.your next solo came along, and even though it was just two lines, Robert tightened his hand around your shoulder, happy to see you perform, finally sharing your talent with the world and having a blast. “You are literally so amazing like, what the fuck? How?” he whispered. “Look who's talking” you replied, pointing at the screen with your chin and looking at Robert on the screen, who's solo was right after yours.
Then the part when you, or should you say Melissa, asks Paul if he'll come the Company trip came. “Man, (y/n), you really got that 'totally crushing’ look down” Jeff said. Robert looked anywhere but the screen. like Jeff said, you looked like your crushing on Paul, and he hated seeing you look at another man like that. “If i didn't know you and Robert are dating, i'd think-” Jeff kept talking, but stopped once he saw the death glare you gave him. You noticed what Jeff said made him uncomfortable. “Same way i looked at you during Twisted” you said, leaning into Robert's shoulder. You felt his hand stroking your hair. “And the way i look at you to this day” he said and kissed your head. “Shut up, love birds, we are trying to watch a musical here” Joey said. Everyone laughed, and the rest of the musical passed by pretty much quietly, up until “La-Dee-Da-Da-Day”.
Rob loved how you performed it, although the moment you grab jon's hand and the one you danced with Jeff made him kind of jealous since he only got to dance with you for a short time on “show me your hands”.
“Yes, hit that note, (y/n)!”Jon called after the line “on this la-dee-da-da-day“. He sat next to Jeff, who sat next to you, so he high-fived you over Jeff's head (which was kinda hard considering the fact Jeff is taller then you, but he bent down a little). “Your voice is so goddam good, have i ever told you that?” he added . He couldn't show his appreciation to your vocals on stage, so he took the opportunity to do it now. Robert smiled as you belted amazingly
“I am so proud of you, (n/n)” Robert said and took your hand with the hand that wasn't wrapped around your shoulder. He kissed your hand and held it close to his chest. He turned his head to you, leaning his forehead on yours and giving you a quick kiss as you sang “la-dee-da-da, la-dee-da-da, la-dee-da-da-day” in the background. “You know, Jon is right. Your voice is amazing, and you are an incredible performer” Robert said, “and i am the luckiest guy in the world for dating you”. he kept going with the compliments during the song, sometimes loud and proud of his girlfriend and sometimes he just whispered “wow”, so only you heard him.
Some Laughing, “wow”s from Robert every time you appeared on screen and one “literally the most talented human ever is my girlfriend!” after “Cup Of Poisoned Coffee” later, your solo song arrived. Sure, you sang most of “La-Dee-Da-Da-Day”, you did an amazing job at it and stole the show, but in “Not Your Seed” you sang all of it, and it was your time to shine. It was obvious it was your favorite part of the show - the song had everything: different emotions, fun riffs and belting - plus a great choreography. You loved this song so much, and you performed it amazingly as well. If anyone still had doubts regarding how talented is the new girl, that song made those vanish.
As you started singing, Robert's eyes went back and forth between you on-screen and the you next to him. It's like he couldn't believe someone as talented as you is dating him. You didn't even notice the way he looked at you, so proud and happy. He loved you so much, and having you there, at his side, both of you happy and doing what you love just made him feel such pure happiness.
“Love, you are so good at everything” he whispered at the end of the song. You smiled at his words. He rarely ever used these type of nicknames - “love”, “babe”, “honey”. They were “too jenerick” according to him. He wanted something special for you, but sometimes no other word could describe better what you are to him. “Thank you, Rob, love” you replied, wrapping your hands around him. He hugged you back, pulling you closer and kissing you.
“is this even legal??” Joey said. You stuck your tongue at his reaction. It was a joke by this point, ever since you and Robert kissed before a show, already in your first costumes, which belonged to characters with quite the age gap. Joey had to make a reference to the infamous vine, which then led to recreating it and making that joke way too often.
Everyone clapped as Lauren screamed her lungs out. “Amazing! Each and every one of you is lure talent, and I had so much fun working with you guys!” Brian said after he got up from his spot on the couch. Everyone clapped at the short speech, that was somehow moving. “Well, Brian, may i-?” Corey asked, and after Brian nodded, he got up and stood in front of us. “Well, this is the end of a great production, and i've prepared a little something for the occasion” he said, trying to impersonate Rob's Professor Hidgens voice. Everyone laughed and clapped at the reference. “Damn, you should have played the role!” Robert called. “Well, i doubt i can do it better than you Robert” Corey said as he plugged a usb to the computer. Few seconds later, a video from behind the scenes was played. The vine recreation was one of the many iconic things that were a part of the video.
The time passed by, and eventually you and Robert went back home. You were so relieved to finally take the makeup off and get into more comfortable clothes. Finally, you were in bed next to your one and only. He wrapped his hands around you, pulling you into the cuddle you waited for ever since the two of you got home. “I love you, (y/n), more than anything. You are literally amazing, and so talented, i honestly wonder how come you never did anything like that before. You are so, so gifted it's just-” he said softly, tightening his hug and kissing the back of your head. “I love you too,  you talented... human” you said, closing your eyes. You heard his quiet laugh. “Goodnight, (n/n)” he said, but you were already asleep. “I'm gonna marry someday, i swear” he whispered. “Goodnight, love” you muttered. Apparently you were not as asleep as he thought.
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Hey Guys!! So I am wanting to get into writing more things!!
So here are the people and characters I write for!! (I am not limiting you guys to just these people!! These are just the people I normally write for. You can request different fandoms but I may or may not know them)
Joey Richter
Jon Matteson
Jeff Blim
Robert Manion
Any Character From any Show
Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Peeta Melark
MCU (You can either request actor or character)
Tom Holland/Peter Parker
Chris Evans/ Steve Rodgers
Chris Pratt/Peter Quill
Chris Hemsworth/ Thor
RDJ/ Tony Stark
Finn Hudson
Noah Puckerman
Artie Abrams
Sam Evans
Noah Grossman
Ian Hecox
Shayne Topp
Taron Egerton
Andrew Siwicki (Shane Dawson’s Cameraman)
So send in requests!! I’m excited to see what you guys send in!!
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hollywillows · 4 years
my inbox is open if anyone has requests!
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters and their fave musicals
pretty much an hc’s for funsies type of thing. which characters are absolute nerds for musicals and which ones couldn’t care less? i know not everyone likes musicals but if this is your thing, feel free to read! 
Hinata: he’s one of those people who watched Shrek the Musical unironically and ended up getting really hooked on it but no way is he going to tell anyone
Kageyama: thinks that the Shrek trilogy are counted as movie musicals because ‘the characters sing and everything’. will fall asleep in a theatre so don’t bring him you’ll be disappointed
Tsukishima: loves Avenue Q and The Producers because the humor is right up his alley. also has tASTE and his fave is probs something like Hadestown because it is the best musical. loves to break down the lyrics and listens to an album non-stop when he’s obsessed
Yamaguchi: he tried to watch Grease but ended up throwing popcorn at the tv-screen because of the blatant sexism. yams is not About That. gets his recommendations from Tsukki and has never looked back
Tanaka: likes anything with awesome choreography and really cool special-effects like Hamilton or Be More Chill. when you ask him about the story though he’s like ???
Noya: doesn’t get the concept of musicals. ‘she’s singing about the guy but he’s right there??? doesn’t he hear everything????’ ‘WHY ARE THEY SINGING JUST FIGHT ALREADY’
Ennoshita: also has Taste. watches pretty much anything and loves to keep track of new productions and new casting. if you ask him about his favorite musical he’ll probably specifically mention the cast and where it was performed
Asahi: y’all are gonna hate me y’all are gonna hate me but JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR haha jk. one hundred percent a Dear Evan Hansen kinda guy because he relates to the main guy’s personality. has waving through a window on repeat
Sugawara: LOVES the classics: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon. knows every song and movement by heart. sings them everywhere. would not listen to anything else. also Moulin Rouge because he’s one Classy Bitch
Daichi: appreciates any good musical recommended to him but the kind of person who presses ‘shuffle’ when listening to the recording and all the fans around him die inside. does this more than once just for that reaction
Kiyoko: loves anything with awesome female roles, particularly Legally Blonde and Six the Musical. raises an eyebrow at you if you say you like Grease and you land on her list of people she would barely talk to
 Yachi: practically raised on disney movie musicals. loves to watch and re-watch videos from Broadway Princess Party a lot. is basically a disney princess herself and loves to put some songs on when she cleans the house. 
Kuroo: one of those people who got really into Hamilton back in the day. would sing the vocals, the back-up vocals, the chorus parts, and hum the intros. says he’s a musical fan but that’s the only one he’s watched/listened to.
Kenma: someone recommended Be More Chill to him (probably tsukki) and he ended up actually liking it. once in a while you’ll hear him humming ‘christiiiiIIiine’ under his breath. likes to listen to michael in the bathroom at 2 am
Yaku:  hates musicals ever since Nekoma had a movie night and then decided to watch Lion King and lev dead-ass lifted him up over his head like what rafiki did to simba in That Scene. 
Lev: another one who likes disney musicals but like, the basic ones (frozen, tangled, beauty and the beast). mostly because they’re his sister’s favorites tho. has more than once did the whole ‘do you want to build a snowman’ thing with alisa and probably his teammates
Oikawa: thinks that liking Heathers makes him edgy it doesn’t. practically paid hanamaki and matsukawa to sing Candy Store with him and using iwa as veronica. absolutely vibes to the Mean Girls musical
Iwaizumi: a hard High School Musical stan, now and forever. thinks that Ryan and Chad are definitely gay. one time oikawa was giving them a pep talk and said ‘what team?’ and iwa yelled ‘WILDCATS’ and then everybody looked at him because they KNEW they KNEW HE NEVER GOT OVER THAT PHASE-- 
Matsukawa: Cats. The Movie.* wrote a long-ass thread on twitter about why the female cats should be given six boob and tagged Tom Hooper. was blocked.
Hanamaki: *see above. probably had his sexual awakening when he saw Idris Elba as a sexy cat. there’s nothing gendered about a sexy cat
Kyoutani: likes the leather jacket aesthetic in Grease. looked up the lyrics to ‘Greased Lightning’ once and shut off his laptop when he saw the innuendos. may have tried to replicate the choreography at one point but fell off a table
Yahaba: a romantic at heart. has a copy of the West Side Story DvD and loves to sing ‘Maria’ and ‘One Hand, One Heart.’ he and Oikawa love to duet ‘I Feel Pretty.’ also tried to copy the choreography and sUCCEEDED
Ushijima: you’ve taken him to see an array of musicals, from the much-loved classics to the inventive modern musicals. every time, you glance at him hoping for any reaction. he always leaves the theater saying ‘it was good.’ only one musical has managed to make him crack a smile: The Muppets (the movie ver.)
Tendou: another boy with Quality Taste. is a hardcore stan of any musical by Team Starkid (also loves that they’re all on Youtube). makes so many references to them but nobody else understands. will yell ‘TIGERFUCKER TIGERFUCKER’ out of the blue
Shirabu: thinks that La La Land is Peak Taste. got angry when tendou showed him a video of ryan gosling scenes in the movie but it’s all replaced by barry, the bee from Bee Movie. now La La Land is ruined because he keeps on remembering ‘you like jazz?’ in barry’s voice 
Semi: tells you that he just doesn’t watch musicals but he secretly had such a Les Miz phase. writes enjolras x reader fanfics and his longest one was 200k words. if he hears anything that vaguely sounds like ‘do you hear the people sing’, a tear will fall out of the corner of his eye
Goshiki: was looking for slime tutorials one and stumbled on ‘not hamilton just a 2 hr slime tutorial’ y’all kno what i’m talking about and watched the whole thing. was disappointed that there weren’t any slimes but is now into hamilton
Akaashi: knows and understands the peak performance quality and biblical philosophy of Jesus Christ Superstar. doesn’t tell anyone about it though because they all assume its all church music. ‘it’s not’, he sobs. ‘it’s more.’
Bokuto: akaashi recommended Jesus Christ Superstar to him and he watched it, thinking that he’d see jesus playing an electric guitar. he was very disappointed and sulked about it for a week. LOVES disney musicals though
Atsumu: was one of those kids who would look up the Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos on youtube and stumbled in to A Very Potter Musical. ever since jk rowling’s snake side came out he began accepting that fan musical as canon. likes to piss rowling off by posting screenshots of the musical and saying its from the movie
Osamu: the Disney fan but with Quality Taste. loves Hunchback of Notre Dame, Princess and the Frog, Prince of Egypt, and Anastasia (the last two aren’t disney but animated musicals). cries at the sound of Phil Collins’ sultry voice. 
Kita: is in love with Phantom of the Opera because his grandmother loves listening to it. he’d sing THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK pretty much every day until his teammates catch him singing in the locker rooms while they were changing AND NAILING ALL OF CHRISTINE’S HIGH NOTES LIKE ITS NOTHING
Terushima: doesn’t like musicals so his friend recommended that he watch The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals by Team Starkid because of the crackhead humor. watched Robert Manion perform and ending up going on google and searching ‘does watching men move their hips real nice make me bi?’
Koganegawa:  y’all are gonna be surprised but this one’s a hardcore Wicked fan. has watched all of the different castings of it. he loves to imitate Elphaba’s iconic ‘FIEEEEROOOOOOO’ line in the showers and records it, just to see if he’s close to how it sounds onstage. has Idina Menzel’s autograph
Futakuchi: bitch does nothing but roast everyone else’s musical tastes. hamilton? ‘wow, mainstream much?’ dear evan hansen? ‘psshh, basic.’ be more chill? ‘think you’re edgy or something?’ the greatest show? ‘what are you? five?’ his favorite musical is actually Cats
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ethan---green · 5 years
Me, scrolling through the Robert Manion tag: :)
Me: *sees Robert x Reader fanfiction*
Me: :(
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megastarkidfan · 4 years
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Here's some appreciation for the pit orchestra! All of these guys are hella talented and they are what complete a show!
This photo is from a StarKid Homecoming rehearsal taken by Annie Lesser!
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nincompoopydoo · 5 years
I know your requests are based of a prompt list but I was wondering if you do headcanons? I was wondering if I could get a general ‘what it would be like to date Robert Manion headcanon’ if that is ok. It’s fine if you don’t write them tho :)
Pairing: Robert Manion x reader
Note: I've never wrote a headcanon before so this is all very new and I don't know whether I'm doing this right? Plus, I wrote this very quickly on the train :)
Dating Robert Manion would include:
Hugs. Alot of hugs
And really tight ones
Rob is also like a foot taller than you so you're practically squished against his chest
You don't mind because you love the way he smells
He gives you gentle kisses on your forehead and cheek
He loves the way your cheeks turn red every time he does so
Robert tends to pinch your cheeks all the time because your reaction is cute all the time
He often hums or sometimes sings softly to any random Broadway tune
Especially when the both of you are just sitting on the couch, cuddling while he plays with your hair
You would sometimes fall asleep because of this
Free tickets to Starkid shows although you old him many times you are willing to pay for it yet he insists
He makes it a point to wave at you or leave a wink at your direction during curtain call.
Everyone in Starkid teases the both of you
Jaimie ships the two of you the most
You avoid stealing his shirts and jumpers (although you want to) but Rob would sometimes ask you to wear them
Because he loves how good look in them
Last minute road trips on weekends
But you're the one driving
Carpool karaoke all the way
You would sometimes let Robert sing alone because you just love his singing
He too loves your voice although you insist you can't sing
His Australian accent is extra thick in the morning but you find it so adorable
Like how is this perfect man dating you?
Let me know what you think ;)
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starkid-fanfics · 5 years
Could I get tgwdlm characters with a reader who hums/sings a lot of 70s and 80s?
ok this reader is literally me so thank you for the request wow
so here’s the thing with our boy paul
AT FIRST,  he would probably find it a little annoying
like he wouldn’t say anything to you and it wouldn’t be a big thing, but like he would be a little irritated 
but overtime he would start to hum along and try to sing along to the words because he doesn’t know them
he’d probably come to actually like them
paul would ask you what the names of the songs were and then he would listen to them and they would always be stuck in his head because 70s-80s music is hella catchy
his favourite 70s-80s singer/band would be led zeppelin, because they have a variety of types of songs and whatever mood he was in they would have a song to fit it, like there’s heavy rock and there’s soft ballads
he would also like some of the more poppy stuff though, those are the kinds of songs he would dance a little bit too
congratulations you’ve converted paul from not liking older music to loving it
ok so emma probably already liked that kind of music anyway, for sure the songs from the 80s
and she’s with someone who also likes it?  she’s found the one
she probably wouldn’t sing along with you, because zoey and nora had to go and ruin singing for her
but she would happily hum and bop along with you, it’s like an escape from how terrible her life actually is
equally likes all of the music, so she’d be able to hum any type of song with you
but seriously though, if it was a really good song she would sing along with you.  there are some songs she can’t resist belting at the top of her lungs.
she also loves to watch you sing and dance, she finds it so goddamn adorable (or hot, depends on the song you know hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and could watch it and listen fOREVERR 
just please b o o g i e with her
in the words of sam, god she was young once and when she was she would rock out so hard to some good good 70s and 80s music
she doesn’t like to say it, because now she is more reserved, but if it’s brought up, oh boy you’re in for a ride!
when she was younger, she was probably a party girl with big hair who loved rock songs and madonna, but got it together when she realized that she was actually going to have to get a job and be able to buy things like a house and supplies for living, or at least I think she was
hearing those songs being sung by you would bring her back to the good old days, and she would dance and sing like nobody’s watching
she’s able to let go and really be herself, distracting herself from her sadness and filling a void with madonna
oh my god just imagine her YELLING songs and dancing with you that thought has such good energy
holy moly does he love a good 80s tune
you know how there’s that cliche where dads listen to old music and bop along and say “when I was your age this song was such a hit”?… yeah that’s literally him I’m not even going to lie to you
could listen to 70s-80s songs for hours on end and never get bored they are his JAM
doesn’t care what songs you like, he gladly will dance really badly with you while Alice cringes to any song
tries his best to get Alice to dance with the two of you, he says if he’s dating you there’s a possibility you might become her new parent and this is a bonding experience!!
eventually she would get into it with you guys because who can resist bill when he’s so sweet
BEFORE BEING INFECTED I feel like he would suck at singing every song expect for 80s ones, like you’re so surprised when all of a sudden he busts out these wonderful vocals
just loves this type of music and you
when you first started dating him he had literally no idea what you were singing and humming so he was very confused
he’s the type of person to say “who’s Queen? I’ve never heard one of their songs” when he obviously has but he’s just stupid
listens to modern music only, but hey if you like it he might as well try to listen to it
still kinda confused
this is quite different than the stuff that he listens too… but it’s kinda good
he would come to like older rap music, because he’s stunned to hear some of it is better than what is done now… revolutionary!
doesn’t usually sing or hum along with you though
so the first time he does you are STUNNEDDDDDD
did you just hear 80s lyrics? come out of TED’S mouth??? on THIS day? at THIS time?
and honestly? he’s just as shocked as you are, it was just a reflex he didn’t even try to start singing it just happened
doesn’t like to sing along though, because if at this point he did it would be a big thing, but will smile and hum along with you
he doesn’t usually hear people singing that stuff anymore so when he hears his significant other singing it? HE IS THE HAPPIEST MAN ALIVEEEEEEEEE
if he was a dog his eyes would perk up and his tail would start wagging, weird explanation but you get it
immediately starts to sing along, like the millisecond he hears a note of one of those songs come out of your mouth, he knows.
after he hears it the first time, henry will always ask you to sing for him because he absolutely loves your voice, even if it’s bad, hearing it makes him so happy
knows the tunes you sing on the piano, so he would play while you would sing and it would be a grand ol’ time
god, please just never stop singing with him
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silver-greedling · 5 years
Party Time
Robert Manion x Reader
"Robert, for the last time, I'll be perfectly fine staying here," I sighed. "I love the others, but I do not want to attend the Christmas gathering, okay?"
"I know you don't want to," Robert combatted, taking my hand and meeting my eyes, "but I really want you to go, and so does everyone else. You're a part of the crew, alright? That makes you a part of the family, and families are supposed to have Christmas together."
I rolled my eyes. "It's not like I'm that important," I scoffed. "I mean, what do I do? I carry props and costumes around, that's pretty much it. I'm just a tech person, so it's not like you guys will be missing all that much if I don't go. With or without me, this Christmas is going to go perfectly fine."
"No, it won't."
"Robert, please, I-"
"Please, listen to me for a minute."
At the soft, almost pleading tone of his voice, I complied. I let my shoulders relax a little bit, and Robert took both of my hands into his own. With a sigh, he dropped my hands and hugged me tight. Even though I told myself to stand strong, I felt my body deny that order and sink into his arms.
"I know you think you don't do much for everyone," he started, one hand rubbing up and down my back soothingly. "You think that, since you're not onstage and not playing music, that what you do doesn't matter, right?"
He didn't give me a chance to respond. "Well, I can tell you that you do a lot more than just 'carry props and costumes around'." A little laugh escaped him. "Crazy as it may sound, every time I see you backstage, I get this surge of adrenaline. Just seeing you back there fills me with so much energy, I just know that I'll be able to get through the show. And don't get me started on how cute you are whenever a show ends!"
I tried to protest, a little "I'm not cute!" passing through my lips, before Robert cut me off.
"No, you're absolutely adorable! You have this big, goofy smile, and you practically run over to hug me and congratulate me." He sighed wistfully. "I don't think you have any idea how much it means to me that you're back there. If not for you, I don't know if I'd be able to finish a show without losing my mind."
He finally pulled back from the hug, and I saw a sweet smile gracing his lips. "So, please, know that what you do is very important," he finished, "and please, please, please come with me to our Christmas party."
I almost had to physically hold back from rolling my eyes. "I think that's the sappiest thing I've ever heard you say," I teased, trying to collect my thoughts.
Robert shrugged. "Sappy, but true."
This time, I couldn't contain the eye roll. "Well, I guess....if it means so much to you, I can make it to this one party."
He grinned hugely, hugging me so tight, I felt that my bones might break. "Thank you so much! I'm sure everyone will be so happy to see you!"
"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be great," I dead-panned. "I guess we should get ready, then."
"Not so fast." He grabbed my arm, keeping me from walking into my bedroom. "You know I love you, right?"
I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, and I love you, too."
He smiled, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. "Good. That's all I needed. You go change, now, and I'll wait here."
With one final roll of my eyes, I padded into my room to change clothes.
“Did you remember to grab your Secret Santa gift?” I asked Robert as he started the car.
“Shit, one second,” he sighed, hopping back out of the car to run into the small house we shared. I shook my head. He’d forget his dick if it wasn’t physically attached to his body.
I thought, briefly, about the gift that was sitting in my purse. Of course, Robert had told everyone that I’d attend before I ever agreed to do so, and, thanks to that, Jeff had added me to the Secret Santa list. Luckily enough for me, my gift was for Jaime, and I knew she’d enjoy it. It was some vintage or other wine bottle that I’d gotten as a gift for y last birthday, but I was never big on drinking. I figured she’d get more enjoyment out of it than I would.
The driver’s side door opened, and Robert slid into his spot. “Ready to go,” he stated, holding up a small, wrapped box, as if to prove to me that he’d bough a gift.
“Let’s get moving before we’re late,” I suggested, and he nodded, pulling out of the driveway and onto the road.
"Okay, who decided to let you pick the music?"
Only ten minutes into our two hour drive, and I was getting tired of his selection. I reached over to change the radio to a better station, but Robert playfully swiped my hand away.
"Driver picks the music," he said, reaching and turning up the volume. "That's how these things work."
I tilted my head. "Um, person who owns the car picks the music," I returned, changing the station. "Besides, I thought you loved classical music."
He laughed. "This is NOT classical music, this is classic rock!"
"Same difference. It's better than your 'pop music' bullshit."
"Well, it's called 'popular music' for a reason, and there's a reason that none of you classic rock crap is on this station."
"Yeah, the reason is that there are too many tone deaf people in this world, like you."
He rolled his eyes. "I'd rather be tone deaf than somehow genuinely enjoy listening to your crap station."
The entire time we argued, we had been changing the stations back a forth, and I thought that my radio might just have a heart attack if we kept going. Even if the argument was playful and good-natured, any longer and my radio could give out on me.
"Tell you what," I began, "let's play 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' for it. Whoever wins picks the music for now, and the loser picks on the way home. Fair?"
He nodded, one hand leaving the steering wheel as we came to stop at a red light. "Alright, here goes."
Of course he would win. The universe hated me.
Robert smiled, his rock destroying my scissors. "I'll just change this, thank you." The same hand that had bested me at my own bet put the radio back on his music, and I sighed.
"It's gonna be a long drive."
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pxter-parkerr · 6 years
Why are there no Robert Manion x reader fanfics out there?! Someone please make on and tag me if you love me, thanks!
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i-c-u-p · 5 years
not to be mean or anything but i was scrolling down the tgwdlm tag and saw a robert manion x reader fan fic and started fake(ish) crying and sobbing
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companionjones · 3 years
Santa Claus Is Going To High School With Ethan and Y/n
Fandoms: StarKid, Black Friday, Santa Claus Is Going To High School
Pairings: Ethan Green x Reader, Chris Kringle x Reader
Summary: In the beginning, you were just a loner in high school who had a huge crush on one Ethan Green. You’re a big fan of escapism, and a certain kids movie brings you lots of serotonin. The teenage version of Santa Claus is more attractive than one might think. What happens when you and Ethan get sucked into the kids movie you’ve grown to love, and Chris Kringle starts vying for your attention? Will Ethan actually get jealous?
Warnings: This is long, cursing, speaking of cursed, I AM SO SORRY I MADE THIS
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    Ethan Green would have rather been at home, smoking weed. Instead, he was at Lakeside Mall with some kid he was babysitting. He took the job because he needed the money for his jalopy that was in the shop. He didn’t mind the kid all that much. The boy, a nine-year-old named Tim, was nice enough. The only problem was that Tim wanted to see a very annoying-looking kids movie in theaters called Santa Claus Is Going To High School.
    “Thirty bucks for two tickets? Are you kiddin’?” Ethan griped as he stood outside of the Cineplex. “Fine. But I want a refund if the kid doesn’t like the movie.”
    The half-asleep cashier responded detachedly, “We don’t do refunds here, sir.”
    Ethan groaned, “Yeah, whatever,” and pulled the kid inside.
    In Theater 4, the previews were still playing. All the seats were empty save for one. Ethan recognized the girl in it. He knew her from the hallways at school. It was you.
    Silently, you were thankful no one else was in the theater with you. That way, you couldn’t be judged as a teenager seeing a kids movie...for the fifth time. Yes, you were kind of obsessed with Santa Claus Is Going To High School. So what? That was your business, no one else’s. Or, at least, it was until--
    “What the hell are you doing, seeing this movie alone?” Ethan Green, the last person in Hatchetfield you wanted to sit next to you in that moment, decided to take a seat.
    At a loss for words, you were trying too hard to think of something to say. “Ethan! I...Um...I--”
    He chucked, “Relax. I’m not gonna make fun of you or anything. Just because something isn’t my style, that doesn’t mean you can’t like it.”
    Completely in shock that someone your age wasn’t going to judge you, you just gaped at him.
    Ethan didn’t notice. “Plus, it kinda rocks that you’re here. I thought I was gonna have to watch this movie with just Tiny Tim here. But it doesn’t seem so bad now with you at my side.”
    You cursed yourself for giggling. It was always like that with Ethan. You two would get paired together on a school project or something, and he would casually flirt with you like it was nothing. You would fall for it, you two would get really close, then the project would be turned in. After that, whenever you would go up to Ethan in the halls, it would be like the two of you had never spoken before. You hated it, especially after you developed a huge crush on him.
    And it was all starting again.
    When the movie began, you watched out the corner of your eye as Ethan fought to stay awake. He lasted ten minutes into the movie. Honestly, you were exhausted, too. You were just getting out of a double shift of waiting on tables. You thought you could get through the movie before crashing at home. You fell asleep not three seconds after the leather-clad boy.
    Ethan was woken up by a school bell ringing. He found himself sitting in a desk. Disoriented, he looked to his right to find you staring at him in alarm.
    “What the hell...” Ethan was able to mumble before the teacher called out to him and you to not be late for your next classes.
    He and you stumbled out into the hallway.
    Once out there, you whispered to Ethan in distress, “We’re in the movie. We’re in the fucking movie!”
    “No. Fuck. No,” Ethan adamantly disagreed, “We’re dreaming. This is impossible. This can’t be real--” Ethan immediately went to help you up when you ran into one of the other students.
    The boy you ran into beat Ethan to it, however.
    “Oh my god...” you voiced, completely in shock, as the stranger helped you to your feet.
    Right in front of you, holding your hand was the reason you came back to watch the kids movie over and over again. There was your #1 comfort character, your biggest crush since Ethan.
    He smiled warmly at you. “Hi there. Sorry about bumping into you...Say, you must be new here. What’s your name? I’m Chris Kringle.”
    “I know,” you blurted. Upon seeing Chris’ slight confusion, you backtracked, “I mean...You’re all people talk about around here. You must be the most popular kid in school, and you’re almost as new as I am.”
    Chris responded charmingly, “Well, that just means that you have a chance at becoming just as popular as I am, and probably even more so because you seem like you’re at the top of the nice list.”
    You felt your moth fall open and cheeks heat up from the flattery.
    Ethan cleared his throat in an attempt to get Chris’ attention off of you. He didn’t particularly like that Chris Kringle thought it was appropriate to be that friendly with you upon only just meeting you. Chris was also yet to let go of your hand.
    He didn’t let go when Ethan got his attention, either.
    Ethan had also gotten your attention. “Um, I’m Y/n, and this is my friend, Ethan. This is our, uh, first day.”
    “Oh, well you two probably need some friends around here, huh? You’re both welcome to come sledding with us. We’re heading off now,” Chris cheerfully invited.
    Ethan answered, “Uh, we actually have something--”
    “We’d love to!” you interrupted.
    Chris beamed, “Great! Let’s go! Oh, and don’t worry, people always bring extra sleds.”
    “What the hell are you thinking, Y/n?” chastised Ethan. “If this isn’t a dream, which I don’t think it is anymore, ‘cause you seem pretty self aware to me, then we gotta figure a way outta here!”
    “I don’t think we can get out of this until the plot of the movie plays out to the end, which is this Friday at the championship game against South Heights. I think all we can do is wait it out.”
    Ethan blanched, “Friday?! But I left Tim alone in that theater!”
    “Haven’t you ever seen a movie like this?” you questioned, “Jumanji? Teen Beach Movie? I’m almost positive no time will have passed once we get out of this.”
    “So what? You just want to go sledding with Chris Kringle until the game on Friday?” Ethan questioned.
    Lamely, you answered, “...Yes.”
    Ethan was rendered defeated by your hopeful eyes. He huffed out, “Fine.”
    Happiness overtook your face. “Thank you!” you celebrated.
    Ethan avoided your gaze due to how adorable he thought that was. Then, a new idea caused him to smirk, “Wait, how do you know how the movie’s going to play out?”
    “I...might’ve seen the movie more than once,” you explained. It was your turn to avoid your friend’s gaze. “...Four times, not including this one.”
    Ethan’s eyebrows shot up, “Four times?! Why the hell do you like this movie that much?” Just then, he followed your gaze to Chris Kringle. It clicked in his head. “Oh...”
    Your gaze dropped to the ground. You bit your lip, embarrassed.
    Both you and Ethan followed Chis to a large hill where a bunch of students had gathered to go sledding. You were able to borrow two extra sleds from a couple of students. After the first few trips down the hell, you and Ethan finally got used to the fact that the two of you were sledding in a Christmas movie with Santa Claus. Or maybe, you two had finally given into the insanity.
    You were standing at the top of the hill, waiting your turn with Chris when he asked you, “So, what’s the deal with you and Ethan?”
    “Me and Ethan?” You were shocked that someone besides yourself could see you and the Green boy like that. “Oh, no. We’re just friends.”
    Chris wondered, “Is there a chance at something more?”
    “Definitely not. Sorry. I guess I fucked up my Christmas wish, huh Santa?” Fuck. You did not mean to say that.
    Kringle panicked, “Wait, you know I’m Santa?!”
    “I, uh--Yes. I do, but you didn’t tell me, so Father Christmas’ spell is still intact. Tell Jingle and Jangle that before they freak out.”
    “NO! No, I can’t!” you assured, trying not to stress out Chris anymore.
    He furrowed his brow, still breathing heavy. “Then, how’d you know I’m...”
    “I...just got that vibe from you?” you lied, cringing because you couldn’t think of a better explanation than that.
    Somehow, Chris bought that, but he still had another question. “Then, how’d you know about Jingle and Jangle?”
    “Well, I see you talking to them all the time.” That actually wasn’t that much of a lie. Chris was pretty bad at talking his elves on the downlow all throughout the movie.
    Chris bit his lip. “Oh. Um, you won’t tell anyone about my secret, will you?”
    He had stepped closer, and your heart had sped up in response. You gazed into his eyes, a smile tugging at your lips. “Of course I won’t, Chris.”
    “Are you two going to actually sled, or just stand up here talking?” Ethan asked as he approached you and Chris.
    Chris, oblivious to the pissed off look on Ethan’s face, laughed and answered, “Sled.” He hopped on his sled and flew down the hill.
    “What the hell was that for?” You angrily questioned Ethan.
    He played dumb. “What are you talking about?”
    “Interrupting us like that? We were...in the middle of something, Ethan.” You were glad you stopped yourself from saying ‘We were having a moment.’ That would’ve been embarrassing.
    Green argued, “Didn’t you say the plot of the movie’s supposed to play out?”
    “Yeah. So what?”
    He wondered, “Doesn’t Chris have a love interest somewhere?”
    “Her name is Noelle,” you answered.
    Ethan sighed, “Of course it is...Y/n,” he got your attention again. “Are you sure you want to get in the way of that?”
    Your mouth slammed shut and your jaw clenched.
    Chris got you to turn to him by shouting your name from the bottom of the hill. He motioned you to join him.
    Glancing between him and Ethan, you chose to ignore the latter for the moment. You sledded down the hill.
    You successfully steered clear of the leather-clad boy for the rest of the time you spent sledding.
    That annoyed Ethan, but he knew you couldn’t avoid him forever.
    When everybody headed back home late that night, you and Ethan didn’t have a home to return to. The two of you decided to head back to Northville High. You and Ethan got lucky. The window to the staff lounge was open. The two of you slid in, and the school was yours.
    “Okay, so we have to find a place that we can sleep in where nobody will accidentally find us tomorrow...” you thought out loud.
    Ethan was still hung up on your conversation earlier. “Are we not going to talk about--”
    “Can we just worry about where we’re sleeping tonight?” you urged.
    Ethan sighed, knowing that talking about it was also something you couldn’t avoid forever.
    Eventually, you and Ethan found the boiler room. Ethan agreed with you that it was secluded enough that no one would catch you. The two of you got lucky again when you found that there were enough sweaters and blankets in lost-and-found for makeshift beds.
    At one point, you asked Ethan, “You cold?”
    He was shivering. Ethan was probably the least prepared clothing-wise to spend hours sledding on a hill. He was feeling the effects of that then. Not that he’d ever tell you. “N-no. I’m g-g-g-good.”
    “Yeah, right.” You rolled your eyes before waling over to the boiler and turning it on.
    Ethan’s cheeks tinged in pink. “T-thanks.”
    “No problem, Ethan.” You approached your bed again and covered yourself in blankets. “You know, you’ve always had issues with asking for help.”
    “How the hell do you know that?” Ethan didn’t mean for that to sound as mean as it did.
    That didn’t seem to affect you though. “The school projects we worked on together,” you explained, “I always had to find all these covert ways to help you out ‘cause you wouldn’t let me do it directly.” A faint smile was playing at your lips, like you were remembering those things fondly.
    Ethan never noticed how much you’d helped him. He didn’t like to admit it, but he had a really tough time in school. As he thought about it, however, Ethan realized that when he did projects with you, the material he was learning didn’t seem as difficult as it normally was. You made things easier for Ethan to understand. That was really nice of you, he thought. He felt bad for never thanking you before for all you did. “...Thanks for turning on the boiler...” Ethan tried. He figured it was a start.
    “Any time, Green,” you smiled before turning away from him and settling into bed.
    The next morning, you and Ethan snuck into the halls when school started. Chris quickly found the both of you. He’d brought you both pumpkin spice hot chocolate.
    “Oh, wow,” you commented when Chris handed you the beverage. You were truly surprised and flattered. “Thank you so much, Chris! This is so nice!”
    He brushed it off. “It’s really no problem. I got them from the cafeteria. We’ve got pumpkin spice for days here at Northville High.”
    You actually giggled at that. Then, you promptly got lost in Chris’ eyes again. You would’ve been embarrassed if you were even paying attention.
    Well, apparently Ethan was. He scoffed, causing you to look at him, and he grumbled, “I guess I should leave you two to it. I...gotta get to class.” He practically stomped off.
    Your eyes followed Ethan as he went. You wondered what in the world was wrong with him.
    Chris got your notice again when he asked, “So, what’s your first period class? I’ll walk you to it.”
    “Um...what’s your first period class?” you asked quickly.
    He shrugged, “Statistics--”
    “No way! Me too!” you lied. “Let’s go,” you suggested before he could become suspicious.
    “So tonight, everyone figured we’d go ice skating. You wanna join us?” he offered, “Ethan can come too if he’d like.”
    “Uh...thanks! We’d love to go,” you smiled, cursing yourself in the back of your head for speaking for Ethan again. You bit your lip, knowing what you had to ask. You weren’t exactly looking forward to knowing the answer. “Is Noelle going to be there?”
    He furrowed his brow. “You know Noelle?”
    “Um, yeah,” you lied, “I’ve seen her...in the halls.”
    He believed it. “Oh.”
    “She’s um...pretty. Isn’t she?” You hated that you were talking up someone else to your crush, but you also knew that Chris was destined to end up with her.
    Chris’ eyes widened in slight realization. “Oh. I didn’t know you swung that way. Do you...like guys?”
    Huh. Santa’s an ally.
    “Um...” Shyly, you nodded. You felt your cheeks thinking about the implications of his question.
    He just smiled. “Good!”
    You spent the whole day following Chris to his classes. It was a dream. Chris kept freezing your desk with his powers and doodling little snowflakes and Christmas trees on it. It reminded you of Jack Frost in Rise of the Guardians. It was really cute too. The teacher had to tell you to quiet down several times because you were giggling too much.
    At the end of the school day, you ran into Ethan again.
    He’d spent the day mostly in the boiler room. He figured that he was spending enough time in regular school. He wasn’t about to spend more time in a fictional one.
    When he saw you again, and you awkwardly brought up that you had signed both you and him up to go ice skating, he said, “Whatever,” which meant he’d go. The main reason he agreed was because he preferred anything over the blank cement walls of the boiler room.
    He just didn’t consider one thing.
    “Ethan, do you know how to skate?” you wondered, skating over to the boy hugging the wall.
    “Psh, of course I do,” he lied shakily, tightening his grip on the solid, non-slippery surface. “I just, uh...like it better over here.”
    You laughed. “Come here.” You took his hand.
    Ethan panicked. “Whoa, whoa. What’re you doing?”
    “Relax. I’m not gonna let go of you,” you assured. “Just one foot after the other, like this.”
    Slowly, you started leading him around the rink.
    For a little while, Ethan felt like he was actually getting it. One bad step though, and he started to freak out again. “Whoa, whoa!” he shouted.
    “It’s alright, it’s alright!” you tried to say, but it was too late. You stayed true to your word, though. You didn’t let go of Ethan. You went down with him.
    He was mostly scared of the act of falling down, so after that part was over, he was mostly concerned with the pain in his backside.
    Ethan looked over to you to complain that you had let him fall, but he found you losing yourself in laughter. He forgot what he was going to say. Watching you, Ethan felt his heart speed up and a smile growing on his lips. Soon, both of you were laughing your asses off.
    Eventually, you and Ethan had gotten your shit together enough to stand up. The two of you went over to customer services at the rink to get ice packs for your fresh bruises.
    “Sorry, I guess I should’ve told you that I...uh...” Ethan trailed off.
    You finished for him, “You’ve never been ice skating before in your life?”
    “Yeah...” Ethan smiled because you started laughing again.
    “It’s fine,” you shrugged off. “I guess I should’ve asked you if you knew how to skate before volunteering you for something against your will...again.”
    Ethan was about to say he didn’t mind. He was about to say that the past couple days with you had been the most fun he’d had in a long time.
    But then, Chris approached the two of you. “There you guys are! I’ve been looking all over for you! Y/n, I was wondering if you’d like to skate, um...with me for a bit.”
    “Oh! Um...”
    There it was. Chris was going to come along, yet again, and sweep you off your feet. You were going to say yes to Santa Creep, and Ethan would be left alone for the rest of the--
    “Ethan and I are actually gonna head back home,” you replied to Chris, interrupting Ethan’s thoughts. “We’ve been skating for a while, and we’re both pretty tired. I’ll see you tomorrow though, okay?”
    Chris seemed a little disappointed by your words. Ethan tried not to become too happy from the look on Kringle’s face.
    “Oh...okay,” Chris replied, “I’ll see you tomorrow...”
    Back in the boiler room, Ethan was still stuck on what had occurred at the ice skating rink. “You know...you didn’t have to come back with me...”
    “Hmm?” You turned to Ethan and furrowed your brow.
    He went on, “You didn’t have to come back with me ‘cause I don’t know how to skate. I coulda come back by myself. You could’ve kept having fun at the rink...with Chris.” Ethan had to physically push those last two words out.
    “Nah, I didn’t really feel like it,” you answered with a shrug. “I’m probably not going to be skating for a while with these new bruises you gave me,” you teased, but your voice grew softer. “Plus, I wanted to spend more time with you.”
    Ethan’s heart stopped. He looked away from you in an attempt to hide the growing blush on his cheeks.
    “Goodnight, Ethan,” you bid before turning over in your makeshift bed, and laying down to rest.
    Ethan’s last thoughts as he fell asleep that night was how the four concrete walls of the boiler room didn’t seem that lifeless with you there.
    The following day was Friday. For the students of Northville High, it was the last day ‘til Winter Break, and the championship basketball game was that night. For you and Ethan, it was the last day of the movie. Santa Claus Is Going To High School was supposed to end after the big game against South Heights.
    You and Ethan ran into Chris in the cafeteria during breakfast. He had more pumpkin spice hot chocolate for the both of you. “Hey guys! I forgot to tell you last night, but since it’s the last day of school, there’s caroling in the halls today. Students who join don’t have to go to classes. Do you guys wanna carol with me?”
    To prevent yourself from immediately responding “Yes!” you bit your lip. You looked to Ethan. You didn’t want to speak for him again.
    He glanced to you, and it looked like he was about to reject the offer, but then he thought about it for a second. “You said it gets us out of classes?” Ethan asked.
    Chris nodded.
    Ethan sighed, “Yeah...okay.”
    A smile broke out across your face. You couldn’t help but hug Ethan. “This is going to be so fun!” You felt Ethan’s body stiffen, and to it to mean that he thought it was weird that you were hugging him. You quickly separated from him.
    You dismissed the pink painting his cheeks as you seeing things.
    The actual singing part of caroling was pretty boring. The group of students you were with would just stop at random places in the hallway for a song or two. People in nearby classrooms would come out to watch you guys and get a little time off from class.
    What made caroling so much fun though were Chris and Ethan. Between stops, the three of you would mess around in an effort to make each other laugh. Well, while you were trying to make both Ethan and Chris laugh, it had turned into a bit of competition between the two of them to get you to laugh. Personally, you didn’t notice any malice between the two of them, but you were too busy laughing to notice much anyway.
    Throughout the day, everyone held their own books that had in them all the carols everyone was singing. Chris stole your book, and you had to go through the whole song and dance (no pun intended) of trying to get it back. Chris easily dodged you every time you went for the book.
    At one point, you tripped over your feet while going for your book. Chris caught you before you fell, and for a second he just gazed at you with wide eyes. Then, something insane happened.
    Chris Kringle kissed you. The boy, the fictional character you’d had a crush on since his movie came out, liked you enough to actually kiss you. You were frozen to your spot.
    Kringle must’ve taken that as a negative reaction. He parted from you.
    You heard a shocked voice behind you before you could say a word to Chris. You turned around and saw Ethan’s highly concerned face.
    Suddenly, the bell rang. It was signaling the end of the school day. The sound made you jump.
    “...I...I have to go, Y/n,” Chris told you. “Coach said he wants us in the gym as soon as the bell rings.”
    You were reminded of the championship basketball game. “Right. Go,” you encouraged.
    “Come to the game later. We can talk there,” he offered.
    “Okay,” you nodded.
    Chris left. You and Ethan were suddenly alone in the hallway.
    Ethan stated, “I can’t believe he just kissed you.”
    “I can’t believe he just kissed me either.” You exhaled for probably the first time since Chris’ lips were on yours. You couldn’t stop a small smile from forming.
    “You don’t want to kiss him again, do you?”
    The question made your smile vanish. You avoided Ethan’s gaze.
    “Y/n, you can’t want any of that. None of this is even real!”
    Your face started burning from embarrassment and anger, but you fought back anyway. “So what?” you shouted. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen?”
    Ethan clearly hadn’t expected your voice to raise as well.
    “Dammit, Ethan,” you really didn’t care anymore, “I’ve liked you for such a long time, but you never noticed me! The only reason you sat next to me in the theater was because I was the only person there. You had no other option. But Chris, he had all the options! And he chose me! Do you have any idea how that feels?”
    You had shocked Ethan into silence.
    “Look, I’m going to the gym to watch Chris practice. Come, don’t come, I don’t care.” It was true. You didn’t care. At that point, you didn’t care that the movie was supposed to play out a certain way. You left Ethan alone in the hallway and headed toward the gymnasium.
    It took Ethan about a minute to even move. So many thoughts were running though his head. He was right to be mad at you, right? The movie had to end a certain way, or else you and him ran the chance of never going home. But then, there was the revelation that you had just unloaded on Ethan. You liked him? Like, liked him, liked him? The more he thought about it, the more obvious your crush became to him, and worse he felt about how he treated you in the past.
    Ethan also started to realize that, maybe he liked you like that, too. Maybe he wasn’t just worried about the movie’s plot. Maybe he was so concerned about Chris’ behavior around you because he was jealous.
    And that brought Ethan back to how he had acted around you in the past. Had he really been so bad? Yes. He’d been so concerned about his bad boy image that he pushed you aside whenever the two of you were around other students. He couldn’t imagine doing that after all you two had gone through in that movie. Ethan didn’t want to be away from you at all anymore, and that included right in that moment as well.
    Ethan knew he was going to have to admit a lot of things to you to get a chance at getting you back. He only hoped it wasn’t too late. He glanced up at a clock in the hallway and realized he only had ten minutes ‘til the game started.
    Meanwhile, you were looking at the same time on a clock in a hallway outside the gym.
    “Y/n.” Chris came jogging up to you. “Thank you so much for meeting me here.”
    “Uh...Hey, Chris,” you swallowed, dread filling you. You’d had some time to think since your argument with Ethan. You were still very angry with the leather-clad boy, and you still cared about Chris a lot, but Ethan was right about one thing. The movie needed to play out a certain way. You had no choice but to get out of the way of that.
    Chris noticed your unease. “Are you alright, Y/n?”
    You took a deep breath, preparing to let Chris down easy. “Um, we need to talk, Chris--”
    “Wait,” he interrupted you, “I know what you’re going to say. Y/n, I’m sorry I kissed you. It was pretty naughty of me to get in the way of the movie.”
    You blinked. Completely disregarding that ‘naughty’ line, you asked, “How’d you know that?”
    At that, he just smiled, “I’m Santa Claus, remember? It’s also how I know it was your Christmas wish to start dating Ethan.”
    “Wait, you’ve known this whole time that we’re in a movie? Why didn’t you tell me?”
    He chuckled, seemingly embarrassed. “I was trying not to mess up the plot. Stay in character, you know? I guess I really fucked that up, kissing you.”
    “Wow, I never thought I’d hear Chris Kringle curse,” you laughed.
    “You just came out of no where, Y/n. Quite literally. I had no idea I’d...like you this much when I brought you here.”
    Eyes nearly popping out of your head, you almost yelled, “You brought us here?!”
    There was an echo. It was Ethan, who had just arrived on the scene. “Why the hell would you do that?” he frantically asked.
    Chris just smirked, “You two will find out soon enough.”
    The buzzer in the gym sounded, signaling the game was going to start soon.
    Chris turned to you. “Y/n, I want you to hang onto my jacket for me.” He handed you his letterman. “Don’t worry about the plot of the movie, I’ll take care of it. I’m...really going to miss you, Y/n. Ethan, you got very lucky with this gift. Be very nice to them.”
    He kissed you on the cheek and ran off before you could say something in return. You absentmindedly put on Chris’ letterman and turned to Ethan. Your plan was to try and explain away Chris’ leading last words to Ethan, but before you could:
    “I really like you, Y/n,” Ethan blurted.
    Your words got caught in your throat.
    Ethan quickly continued, “I’ve only really noticed how I feel in the past couple days in this movie, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t liked you for a long time. I’m sorry for acting like such an asshole. I really don’t know how you continued to be nice to me after all that...”
    He continued to ramble on, but some twinkling above your head caught your eye. You smiled when you looked up and saw it. “Hey, Ethan?”
    Your voice immediately shut him up as he gazed at you.
    “Look up,” you quietly prompted.
    Hanging above the two of you was a beautiful little mistletoe.
    “I...uh...” Ethan swallowed. “Does this mean you’ll forgive me?”
    You smirked, “Well, I guess that depends on whether or not you’re a good kisser.”
    Ethan’s face broke out in a grin as well. He hooked an arm around your waist and pulled you close enough where your heads barely had to move at all to kiss.
    You were woken up in the movie theater by the kid Ethan was babysitting—Tim, as Ethan had called him—cheering because Chris Kringle had successfully used the ‘Santa Swap’ to win the championship game against South Heights. At least, you thought Ethan had called him Tim. Did Ethan only say that while you and him were trapped in the movie? Was any of that real at all?
    Dread filled you when you started to think that Ethan had never actually kissed you, it had been a dream. That dread doubled when you realized that you had fallen asleep on Ethan’s shoulder.
    You slowly started to raise your head because you had a feeling that Ethan had fallen asleep too, and you thought maybe you could save yourself some embarrassment.
    However, as soon as he could, and at the same time Chris kissed Noelle in the movie, Ethan kissed you too. “I just had the most amazing dream,” he whispered to you once you parted.
    Several thoughts raced through your head. Was it a dream? Is it possible for two people to have the same dream? Yet, you quickly realized that it didn’t matter because Ethan had just kissed you. He liked you! You finally got your Christmas wish.
    As you and Ethan walked out of the theater hand-in-hand, Ethan asked Tim, “So, nothing seemed weird about that movie, kid?”
    Tim shrugged it off. “Nope.”
    “Huh,” Ethan turned to you, you guessed probably to ask you how much you remembered, but Ethan gasped when he saw what you were wearing. “Holy shit.”
    Following Ethan’s eyeline, you spotted what had freaked him out so much. “Holy shit,” you repeated.
    You were still wearing Chris’ letterman.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, I have more fics over on my page. You should check it out. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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