#rog phone 3
jhonews · 2 years
Review ASUS ROG Phone 3
Review Asus ROG Phone 3 Indonesia - Asus ROG Phone 3 adalah ponsel yang fantastis, dengan spesifikasi dan fasilitas kelas atas yang bahkan akan disukai oleh non-gamer, seperti baterai 6.000mAh dan layar 144Hz yang mulus. Fitur uniknya, seperti AirTriggers dan aksesori clip-on, dapat meningkatkan permainan siapa pun, meskipun mereka harus mengutak-atik perangkat lunak untuk mengaktifkannya. Di sisi lain, perangkat lunak dan tampilannya yang berfokus pada gamer tidak akan menarik bagi semua orang, dan kameranya meninggalkan sesuatu yang diinginkan. Ini adalah ponsel gamer paling utama yang akan dirilis sebentar lagi, tetapi konsumen biasa mungkin lebih menghargai fotografi daripada waktu bermain. Namun, untuk para gamer di luar sana, tidak ada mesin yang lebih baik. ROG Phone 3 Sangat Bagus Digunakan Bermain GameAsus ROG 3 adalah salah satu ponsel gaming paling canggih yang pernah dirilis, jika bukan yang paling canggih. Perpaduan antara fitur perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang berfokus pada game membenarkan keberadaannya di lapangan yang ramai, dan gamer yang bersedia menghabiskan lebih banyak dapat benar-benar mendapatkan keunggulan dengan ROG 3. Hal yang sama dapat dikatakan tentang pendahulunya, Asus ROG II – Anda pasti akan memiliki keuntungan dalam hal kinerja berkat spesifikasi tingkat atas dan kontrol yang lebih ketat melalui pengontrol permainan bermerek ROG. Asus ROG 3 adalah Asus ROG II, tetapi lebih baik. Perbedaan antara kedua ponsel ini patut ditunjukkan. Ini adalah smartphone pertama dengan chipset Snapdragon 865 Plus, dan itu mengungguli hampir semua ponsel lain yang kami uji di Geekbench. Dan tampilan ROG 3 adalah yang paling utama: daripada garis dan sudut seperti Decepticon dari Telepon ROG asli, handset baru ini memiliki punggung datar yang ramping dengan hanya jendela plastik bening yang mengintip bagian dalam yang mengisyaratkan seri telepon. asal gamer chic. Eksekutif Asus mengklaim bahwa supercar mengilhami perubahan desain ini, tetapi sulit untuk tidak melihat transisi sebagai konsesi ke tampilan smartphone yang lebih mainstream, untuk menarik konsumen yang tidak menyukai garis agresif dan perhiasan RGB. Memamerkannya tidak akan membuat Anda mendapatkan banyak kepercayaan di kalangan gamer, tetapi orang normal akan dapat mengeluarkannya di depan umum tanpa terlalu banyak mengangkat alis. Sebagai gantinya, semua kemajuan ada di dalam: selain Snapdragon 865 Plus yang disebutkan di atas, ROG 3 meningkatkan RAM hingga 16GB (dan memilih DDR5) sementara layar telah ditingkatkan menjadi kecepatan refresh 144Hz dan pengambilan sampel sentuh 270Hz. Asus mengklaim ini menghasilkan separuh latensi sentuh menjadi 25 ms dibandingkan dengan ROG II – dan sementara perbedaan seperti itu tidak akan terlihat oleh sebagian besar pengguna, Asus tahu bahwa peningkatan marjinal semacam itu akan menarik bagi basis inti yang terobsesi dengan kinerja. Sementara para pengguna yang kuat itu mungkin kesal dengan desain ulang visual, dalam banyak hal lain ROG 3 adalah surat cinta untuk mereka. Perangkat lunak Armory Crate khas Asus memiliki lebih banyak pengaturan bagi pemilik untuk mengotak-atik, mulai dari kecepatan refresh CPU dan GPU hingga kontrol suhu internal dan preferensi jaringan. AirTriggers, yang beroperasi seperti tombol bahu sentuh saat ponsel dipegang dalam orientasi lanskap, telah disempurnakan untuk melacak jari yang membuat gerakan yang tidak dapat dilacak oleh ponsel ROG sebelumnya untuk kontrol yang lebih terbatas. Asus ingin melakukan semua ini sambil mempertahankan bentuk dan berat umum ROG II, agar tetap kompatibel dengan periferal sebelumnya, tetapi memasang modem 5G eksternal berarti ada sesuatu yang harus dilakukan, dan ROG 3 membuang jack 3.5mm yang disukai; namun ada salah satu kipas clip-on AeroActive Cooler 3 (yang disertakan dalam kotak), jadi ini bukan akhir dunia. Kipas AeroActive Cooler 3 telah ditingkatkan, demikian juga dengan periferal khas ROG 3 versi terbaru. Gamepad Kunai 3 yang disempurnakan, misalnya, kehilangan tampilan sudutnya, membuatnya lebih mirip dengan Switch Joy-Cons daripada pengontrol ROG II. Di luar game, ponsel ini mencentang sebagian besar kotak, dengan susunan tiga kamera belakang yang terdiri dari penembak utama 64MP, ultra-lebar, dan makro – yang baik-baik saja, meskipun kurangnya kemampuan zoom yang serius terlihat. Dan beberapa fitur ponsel yang berpusat pada permainan juga merupakan keuntungan bagi pengguna biasa, dengan layar 144Hz membuat penjelajahan web dan navigasi antarmuka menjadi pengalaman yang mulus, sementara baterai 6.000 mAh berguna untuk menjaga ponsel Anda bertahan lebih dari satu hari. Secara keseluruhan, Asus ROG 3 adalah ponsel tangguh yang menawarkan kinerja fantastis, layar mulus, baterai kolosal, dan desain yang lebih ramah arus utama – dan di atas kertas, semua fitur game membuat ponsel ini tampak seperti pesaing serius melawan arus. pangkasan ponsel unggulan, yang berfokus pada game, atau lainnya. Tetapi fasilitas game yang berfokus pada perangkat lunak memerlukan beberapa penyelesaian khusus, dan tidak akan menguntungkan pengguna biasa, sementara rangkaian kameranya tidak sekuat ponsel lain pada titik harganya. Asus ROG 3 adalah ponsel gaming yang hebat, tetapi belum cukup untuk semua orang. Sumber : Review ASUS ROG Phone 3
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writeforfandoms · 11 months
Born for Greatness 3
Find the series masterlist
The aftermath of being attacked, and some familiar faces from a previous assignment. 
AKA I couldn’t resist sneaking a couple more people into this fic. :D 
Warnings: Swearing, mild possessive behavior, mention of bruises and head injury, more world building. 
Eventual John Price x f!reader
Word count: 2.8k
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By the time Gaz knocked on your door, you were ready. Still sore as hell, but ready.
“Morning,” you murmured, picking up both bags.
“You alright?” Gaz looked you over quickly. “Didn’t see you at dinner.”
“I was nauseous,” you told him truthfully. “Didn’t want to risk it. I’m fine, sleep helped.” Sleep had also helped the bruises form, but. You weren’t going to tell him that. 
“Still.” His jaw clenched for a moment. “You’re a guest and you were injured.”
“Already told off your Alpha for this,” you huffed. “You are not to blame for this. I didn’t expect any violence, and things escalated quickly. It happens. Definitely not the worst I’ve been hurt on the job.”
The look Gaz shot you very clearly said that was not as reassuring as you hoped. But he nodded once, either accepting that or at least not fighting you on it, and walked you out to the air strip. There was a small military plane there waiting for the pack, and you stifled a sigh. Lovely. 
“Here, I’ll load these for you.” Gaz took your bags and whisked them away before you had a chance to protest. 
Leaving you standing off to the side watching the bustle, unsure what to do with yourself.
This time, Price approached you from the front, rather than sneaking up on you. You were grateful for that - you didn’t think your head would thank you for any jump-scares today. 
���Feelin’ alright?” he asked, doing the same visual sweep Gaz had. 
“Better,” you agreed with an easy smile. “I have to admit I’m not used to protocol with military transport, so you’ll have to tell me if there’s anywhere I shouldn’t sit.” 
“Doesn’t matter,” Price said with a low, amused rumble. “Sit anywhere.” 
You nodded and hid a wince at the throb of pain that inspired. Right. No more moving your head today. The flight was definitely going to be super good for your head.
Somehow, it took no time to get everyone on board, and you picked a spot where you hoped you’d be out of the way. 
So of course Soap dropped down next to you with an easy grin, soothingly warm in the chilly interior of the plane. 
“Didja bring a book?” he asked, pulling his phone out. 
“Yup.” But you had no idea if you’d be able to focus on it, not with the way your head felt. 
“Good. Won’t be too long in the air, but long enough to get bored.” 
“Not everyone has the attention span of a pup,” Gaz called, teasing. 
“Oi! Rich comin’ from you.” 
Price sighed and looked up as if asking for patience, and you stifled laughter under your hand. “Soap, make sure she’s in tight.” 
“Rog.” Soap paused before he touched you though.
“You’re good,” you murmured, granting him a pleased smile. 
He returned the smile easily before he checked that you were securely in your seat and gave his Alpha a thumbs up. 
After that, it wasn’t long until the plane was in the air, and you leaned back, closing your eyes. Your head ached and you were still tired. 
“Alright there?” Soap leaned in close to ask you, his hand touching yours briefly.
“Head hurts,” you admitted, though you hated to do it. 
He hummed, and one gentle hand tipped your head forward carefully. “Got a bit of a goose egg there.”
“From yesterday,” you agreed, keeping your eyes closed. “I’m fine, it just hurts.”
“Be better to rest your head on me than on the plane,” he offered easily, already gently guiding your head down to his shoulder.
“You don’t mind?” you checked, not fighting him. You did shift in your seat to make it easier to lean on him, his warmth comforting. 
“Not a bit.” His hand left your skin slowly, as if making sure you weren’t going to move. You weren’t even tempted - his shoulder was definitely more comfortable than the plane, and you sighed slowly before relaxing fully. 
Gentle nudging was pulling you from the warm comfortable space you’d made for yourself, and you groaned your protest. “Few more minutes,” you mumbled, barely lucid. 
“We’re landing,” Soap said, humor clear in his voice. “Gotta get up now.”
You cracked open one eye and huffed, displeased. But you sat up carefully. Your head definitely hurt less now, which was good, and you felt less tired. You blinked a few times, carefully not looking at his packmates. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”
“You needed it.” His smile was easy and he patted your knee. “‘Sides, can’t get bored while you’re asleep. Figure you had the right idea there.”
You laughed quietly and stretched your shoulders. “You make a good pillow.”
Interestingly, that caused him to blush a little, cheeks going pink. Aw. That was adorable. 
You did wince when the plane set down, but quickly smoothed out your expression again. Soap hopped up and offered you a hand up, which you took. Gaz had already stolen one of your bags and you grabbed the other, which ended up being the blanket. Aka the lighter bag. 
You stepped out of the plane into sunshine and moved out of the way, looking around. This… looked familiar. Very familiar, actually.
“Oh.” You blinked as you turned towards the barracks, shading your eyes. If you were right… Yes, that window was the pack room, and the curtains twitched. You couldn’t hide your grin.
“Oh what?” Price asked, coming to a halt next to you. 
“I’ve been here before,” you said. “For this pack.”
The door to the barracks burst open and a giant stepped out. Easily inches taller even than Ghost, König was quite distinctive. 
And then he was barreling towards you.
Seeing the potential disaster before it happened, you jogged a half dozen steps forward so you wouldn’t be right next to the Alpha when König got to you.
And then you were swept up into a tight hug, literally lifted off your feet as König rumbled at you. 
“Hi, big guy,” you said, laughing a little, patting the top of his head over his hood. “Where’s your Alpha?”
“Waiting.” He squeezed you so carefully, always aware of his strength. “I could not wait.” 
“It’s good to see you too.” You stiffened at the low growl behind you. Oh shit. Right. The other pack. “Put me down, please.”
König frowned at you, you could tell, but he set you down. You patted his arm and then took a step back, holding up one hand to ask him to wait. 
“Alpha Price,” you said, turning to find the other three clustered behind their Alpha. Closing ranks. Well, this was off to a great start. “This is König, of the local pack. I worked here before, thus the enthusiastic greeting.” 
König grumbled behind you, a distinct noise demanding your attention. You flapped your hand at him. 
“Alpha Horangi will undoubtedly be here momentarily.” You finally spared a glance back at König, one eyebrow raised.
König very innocently pointed off to the side, and you sighed. 
“Horangi, please, for the love of me, don’t do this to me today.” 
“You are no fun.” Horangi slunk out of nowhere, mask and sunglasses in place. 
You sighed and looked up at the sky. You couldn’t murder Horangi, he’d murder you first. 
Horangi stopped a couple feet away from you, head tipped as he surveyed the other pack. For a long moment there was tense silence. 
Then Horangi stuck out one hand. “Be welcome on my territory,” he rumbled, the greeting traditional. 
Price took his hand, shaking firmly. “We appreciate the welcome.” 
“This way.” Horangi led the way to the barracks. König grumbled again and reached for you, and you swatted his hands. 
“No,” you said sternly. “My head hurts.” 
“You are injured?” Instantly you had a very concerned shifter leaning down over you, protective and worried.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, shooing him ahead of you. “I swear to you we will catch up later, but I have to help them first.” 
König narrowed his eyes a little, displeased, but nodded once. He looked behind you to the current pack with a soft rumble before he turned, jogging after Horangi to catch up with his Alpha. 
“There are days,” you said to no one in particular, “that I wonder about my sanity.”
“Aye, me too,” Soap agreed, fingers light on your elbow. “Head still bothering you?” 
“Some.” You grimaced. 
“I’ll check once we’re inside.” Price’s voice left no room for argument, and you were too tired anyway. 
“Sorry,” you murmured carefully. “I honestly did not expect König to react like that.” 
Price shook his head. “Not your fault,” he murmured back. He glanced back at you over his shoulder, a quick flash of teeth betraying his amusement. “Didn’t you just berate me about this?” 
You laughed, leaning a little into Soap. “More or less,” you agreed. The sunlight was quickly becoming too much, making you grateful when you stepped into the barracks. König had vanished, but Horangi had waited. 
He didn’t say a word, just silently turned down a corridor, going to the very end and pushing open a door. 
“This should be sufficient for your pack,” Horangi offered, stepping out of the way. But his gaze snagged on you, which you only knew because of the smirk you could hear in his voice. “Your room is still open from last time.” 
“Ah.” Well. That was… somewhat problematic. “I’ll–”
“She’ll stay with us.” Price stopped behind you - you could feel the warmth of him bleeding through your clothes, sending a shiver up your spine.
Horangi tensed, just a little, hands twitching at his sides. But he nodded, curt and silent, and strode away again. 
“I can handle him,” you said on a sigh, looking back at Price. 
Price just grunted, his hand gentle but firm around your elbow as he led you into the room.
Well. Suite of rooms, really. Clearly this was meant for either visitors or someone higher up, because the sitting room area was decent, with a kitchenette. Through an open doorway you could see a bathroom, and you guessed the other two were bedrooms. 
Price deposited you in a chair, and you eased back carefully. Your bruises were reasserting themselves now - just what you needed on top of your head aching. Big fingers tipped your head down, just a little too close to the bump, and you hissed. Price froze for a heartbeat before he continued, much more carefully. 
“Might have a concussion,” he murmured, hand sliding down to cup the nape of your neck, soothing you. 
“Only a mild one.” You closed your eyes with a little sigh. 
Price rumbled a displeased noise, but his hand didn’t move. “You didn’t mention the concussion yesterday.”
“I was keeping an eye on it,” you grumbled back. “I know what a bad concussion feels like.” 
He huffed, and a moment later his free hand was tugging up your sleeve to check your arm where Keyes had grabbed you. That had bruised, and you didn't need to see it again, so you just stayed put. 
"It's not bad," Gaz murmured, though he sounded upset. Probably still unhappy that you'd been hurt in the first place. 
"It's fine," you assured him with a sigh. "Just bruising, it'll heal." 
Price let your sleeve fall back into place, though he kept his other hand on the back of your neck. "You'll be able to rest while we're gone." 
"When do you have to go?" You leaned back a little into his hand. It was soothing, that was all. 
"Briefing in an hour, not sure when wheels up is." Price leaned closer to you, not quite looming or hovering but some other third thing. 
"Got it." You snorted softly. "Turns out you don't need me here anyway, this base is well trained." 
Price merely hummed. "You'll stay here while we're briefing, so I don't have to find you." 
"You could ask a question, you know," you grumbled, finally tipping your head back to glower at him. "I might even say yes." 
Price huffed while Soap and Gaz snickered quietly. "Please." It was flat, absolutely no question to it. 
"I'll think about it." You smirked.
Price shook his head, though he couldn't entirely hide his amusement. He released you, and you blinked at the flash of disappointment before forcing your gaze away. 
You stayed quiet while they did whatever they did to get ready, mostly quiet. 
But you were surprised when Soap and then Gaz grabbed you in one-armed hugs before they left. 
You weren't sure if those were meant as comfort, claiming, or both. Whatever the intention, they left you warm and skittish and a little anxious. 
It was your job to get personal. To understand their needs and anticipate them. With some packs it was simpler than others. 
And, sure, there had been some packs before where you maybe could have stayed, could have deepened the bonds and made it work… 
But that niggling anxiety wouldn't let you. Because they'd get tired of you eventually. 
People always did. 
Breathing a little unsteady, you shook yourself out. Clearly this mild concussion was just messing with you, and you just needed to walk it off. 
But you did leave a note for the pack telling them you'd gone on a walk, at least. 
The base was the same as the last time you'd seen it, still bustling with activity. But this time most of the soldiers already knew you, nodded to you in recognition. 
You weren’t entirely sure how long you'd been wandering when Horangi fell into step next to you, easy as anything. 
"So that's your new pack." 
"You say that like any of the packs I work with are mine and not just work." 
Horangi hummed quietly, keeping pace with you. "Not a great showing for them, bringing you here injured." 
"It's sometimes part of the job," you reminded him. "Not like I left here completely unscathed, either." 
Horangi shrugged. "König is happy to see you." 
You slanted a look at him, amused. "I'm happy to see him, too." That went for both of them, but you were used to Horangi hiding his own emotions behind the bigger man. 
"Should be three days or so," Horangi told you, and you blinked, caught off guard. "If all goes well." 
"When do things ever go well?" You asked, mostly habitually. 
His chuckle was low and rough, not unlike the chuffing of his other form. "Good question." 
You laughed quietly, shaking your head, but you did finally start to head back toward the barracks. "Leaving tonight or tomorrow?"
"Tonight. Timeline got pushed." Horangi shrugged. "You'll be on your own after dinner." 
Something, some soft part of you, ached at being left alone again. You hid it well - that little part of you had refused to die, but you refused to acknowledge it. "Got it." 
Horangi nudged you ahead, and when you blinked back at him, he merely motioned for you to keep going. You shrugged but kept walking, figuring he wanted some alone time or something. 
Then you spotted Price standing outside the barracks, arms crossed.
“I didn’t mean to be out for that long,” you said as you approached, eyeing him carefully.
Price shrugged once. “Wheels up after dinner,” he said, pulling open the door and waiting for you to enter. “You’ll sit and eat with us?” 
At least he managed to make it a question this time. “Sure,” you agreed after a moment of thought. Actually, food sounded good. 
Price nodded and opened the door to the suite again, ushering you in first. You side-eyed him, unsure where this was coming from, but you didn’t object. 
The rest of the pack was working quietly to get packed up, moving around each other easily. You stayed out of the way, jotting down things you could do over the next few days to keep yourself busy. 
Gaz nudged you when the others were done. “Ready to go eat?”
“Sure.” You tucked your phone away again, surprised when Gaz stuck next to you. The pack even sat you between them at dinner. Why, you couldn’t say for certain. It was mostly endearing. 
And you tried not to think too much of it when Gaz and Soap grabbed you for hugs again before they took off. Ghost nodded once to you, following the two sergeants, and Price paused in front of you. For a moment, you thought he’d say something, but he ended up just patting your shoulder and leaving. 
Leaving you confused and staring after them.
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dtrghost · 11 months
closeness and proximity part.3
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pairing: ghost x f!reader
synopsis: callsign is sunshine, because you're anything but. team 141 thought ghost was bad? at least they could crack a smile out of the guy from time to time, you? you were stone faced, all day, every day. until one day you're not, not with a certain someone anyway.
warnings: inaccurate military language and sequences, angst, allusions to mental illness (reader has sociopathic tendencies) you get the gist. Finally some fluff and emotional stuff between them so yaaayyy.
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
word count: 2.6k
The drive back was quiet. Price drove back with Gaz and had Soap drive Ghost and Y/N. He sat in the backseat next to her, growing genuinely concerned for her mental wellbeing. The more she thought about it, about the sudden flood of emotions from a small moment in a dirty, humid bar, the more she remembered. The quicker she'd sent herself back into that room to relive those moments again, the ones she never told a soul about.
Simon had to pull her out once more in the duration of the car ride, talking with Soap and forcing her into the conversation to take her mind off of it by asking her weird, off topic questions that she answered. They got back to base and she attempted to split away from the group to her room, only to be yanked back with a serious look from her comrade.
They sat her down at the dinner table, and she suddenly felt small. She felt like she was being interrogated with the eyes of 4 staring at her intently, waiting for her to say something. Yet she didn't, she stayed quiet for 3 minutes, glancing around the room and sighing irritatedly.
"Well. Are you going to tell us or not." Ghost pressed, leaning forward in his chair next to her. She scoffed, chuckling out of anger, the sound running shivers up their spines.
"What the hell is this. You're not my fucking therapists, so quit trying to act like it." She spat, her eyes full of fire and rage.
"You listen here muppet. It's one thing for you to be angry and violent out on missions, but it's a whole other when you lash out at us." Her eyes narrowed at him, watching the flames of determination and vexation dancing, growing. She was lost in them for a moment, the others completely confused about the sudden moment they were sharing. Simon couldn't describe the urge to help her, to get her to open up to them.
Maybe he was just too curious, but what about the slip up in the bar?
She had none, that he felt sure of. Sympathy maybe, a simple attempt to ground her, that's all it was.
He saw something as he read past her rage, it was small and fleeting, a light. A flicker of a candle, but this one wasn't out of anger, it was soft, gentle.
The phone rang, interrupting them as Price pulled out his phone.
"This is Price how copy?" He listened before his eyes landed on her, and just like that, the candlelight disappeared, blown out and left like it was a figment of his imagination. Now there was a void, a shell of human ready to serve and follow her orders. All of her anger dissipated as she rose from her seat. "Rog." He hung up and sighed, looking at her with a sorrowful look, one that she didn't register nor care for.
"You and Ghost have orders to be shipped out to a distribution hub in Amsterdam, you'll fly in a heli and drive the rest of the way. Your chopper will be here in 20 minutes."
"Affirm." She stormed out after that, pissed off by what had just occurred. She angrily threw her civilian mask off to the side and yanked on her work one, strapping on her vest and clipping her gear.
"This is Sunshine, Bravo 0-7 confirm channel." She spoke into her radio, adjusting her gear to her liking, making it tight and in hands reach.
"Bravo 0-7 confirmed." His voice echoed in her room, earning a sigh of irritation as she turned to look at him. He was geared up, making him look thicker than he already was with the extra padding. Instead of taking him she shoved past him, earning a 'tch' as he grabbed her arm, yanking her back to look at him.
"What the fuck is your problem?" She was angry at him. Not at the team, not at headquarters, at him. Why after all these years he suddenly cared. After all the missions they went on together, all the looks she didn't understand or the fleeting moments where she felt something more than anger or a void nothingness. He could see her confusion, making him sigh and put a hand on his hip as a hand lifted to try and sooth her down.
"I'm just trying to help-"
"I don't need your fucking help. So back off." He watched her stomp away.
"Bloody Americans." He muttered, falling into step with her. She remained silent the whole ride there, from when they landed, she was to carride. He watched her, watched as flickers of emotion passed through her gaze. 6 years of pent up feelings did something to people, he knew that better than anyone, and because of that he knew she was going to crack soon, and it was going to be his fault.
He would continue to push until one day she snapped, whether she'd cry or scream or throw a punch at him, he would be there, he had to be. He recalled the nights he'd spent with her in the last few years, where they barely talked but rather absorbed each other's presence as they cleaned their weapons or read through mission briefs. When they did talk it was meaningless, it served no benefit, no new information learned about each other, but it was comforting. He felt comfort in her coldness at the time, maybe because there was someone just as fucked up as he was.
She thought about it often too, the time they spent together on missions, how it ran smoother with him around. She didn't understand the sensations she'd get around him, the heat that burned in her chest, her face. How if she thought about him at night while he slept on the hard floor next to her, she'd press her legs together because of the heat that festered there too. She knew what desire was, she was aware of the need for pleasure, but she never indulged. What was the point if it were not with him? And in her mind she would never be with him, she wasn't good enough for that, she wasn't there, enough for something so intimate.
She knew that maybe she could live a more normal life if she had let him help her, but everything was so on and off. During the ride there she'd think, maybe she would let him help, that wouldn't be so bad. Then she'd snap out of it and be angry with herself for even allowing that thought to cross her mind. She watched a safe house appear from beyond the trees.
"We're stopping here for the night. Intel says the shipment doesn't come until tomorrow." Their driver informed them. They filed out of their cars and distributed themselves to their assigned rooms, and lo and behold, she was forced to share with Ghost. Simon watched her sigh deeply and nod, following her to their shared room.
"Go shower first." He commanded, and she obeyed without a word. She was too exhausted to fight with him. She'd spent the whole way there trying to figure out her shit before it began to affect her performance, and it killed her. She was far off the mark, easily irritated, snappy. She hoped it would wash off in the shower, and she took deep breaths while staring at herself in the mirror, hoping to turn it all off like she did before.
But she couldn't, she'd look and see anger, or a foreign feeling she didn't have a name for. Sadness? No, she had nothing to be sad about. So she huffed, exiting the bathroom to see Simon waiting patiently on his cot. She didn't spare him a glance and laid down on hers, staring up at the ceiling as he analyzed her for a moment, getting no reaction to his intense stare.
He left for his shower, and she listened to his clothes drop, letting her mind wander to what he looked like underneath them.
It was a better distraction than negativity, it made her feel something more enticing, until she was left sexually frustrated. She listened to him shower. The way the water would hit the floor in ripples, imagining how his skin shined and dripped, the coolness of the substance and how they hit his scars. Yeah, this was a better thought. She stayed there, in that moment, even after he walked out.
He snapped his fingers in front of her face, earning a glare from her.
"What're you thinkin' about now then?" He questioned, grunting as his big frame hit his bed. She didn't respond, and he didn't expect her to, likely because she was still mad at him.
"You in the shower." His head turned to her slowly, flabbergasted by what he was hearing. He listened to the melody of her voice as her shoulders shook. For the first time since they met, she laughed, truly. She found his reaction hilarious, how wide his eyes got in horror and... hope? She found that funny too, so funny she doubled over the side, cackling like a mad woman.
"Jesus fuckin' christ." Simon sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose for a moment before laughing himself. He couldn't help it, she just had one of those laughs that forced you to laugh too, the wheeze, the gasps for air as she hit her stomach and fell onto the floor.
"Sunshine, you're gonna die of a heart attack at this rate." He spoke to her, watching her wipe the tears forming in her eyes as she took a deep breath, sitting on her floor.
"I hate you, ya know." She confessed suddenly, surprising him as he looked at her curiously.
"You piss me off, you fucked me up. Don't understand anything anymore. Spent the whole day trying to put myself back together and it's just-" She mimicked an explosion, her hands dropping heavily onto her lap. He sat up, sitting down on the floor in front of her with his knee facing up to rest in his arm on.
"Well if you tell me about it, maybe I can put some things into perspective for you." He offered. He watched her mental battle, the conflict blazing through her skull. He could practically see them floating around her head like a thunderstorm.
"Oh fuckin' hell, just say it. You're thinking too much." She huffed, letting her head fall back as she stared at the ceiling for a moment.
"I can't. I can't explain it. After I got out, I didn't understand much of anything, they tried to wipe me, break me in a way others couldn't by making me forget myself and replace it with what they wanted. But I was rescued before that could happen. I was thrown back in before I could fully recover, because I had a skill set others didn't."
"Things came back in fragments, pieces of my past came back to me, and I realized that maybe it was better that I didn't remember. That if I stayed a shell I wouldn't have anymore emotion burdens than I already did. But it was too late, and it all came back to me one night in shambles. From birth to that moment, everything. I couldn't handle it, so I turned it off, I reverted back to this technique I learned while I was kidnapped, and from then I could never turn it back on." He knew what she was referring to.
Autopilot, where your mind went blank and your body operated on it's own. You couldn't feel anything, you just did what you had to.
"Then I met you. And at first that was fine. You were just another soldier that I had to work with, and then we talked that one night, and talked some more the next. And feelings began to surface on their own. I don't know what it is, excitement maybe? All I knew was that I wanted to talk to you, I looked forward to it, I got these weird feelings in my gut whenever I did."
Was she confessing to a crush... on him? She didn't care. What she did or did not confess to wasn't a concern. He asked and he was receiving.
"And then you started caring, out of nowhere. Years went by and suddenly a few days ago, after I skinned someone alive and you found out some rough shit happened to me, you changed. It made me angry, because I hate feeling, especially things I can't understand."
He noticed that too, that he cared more.
"New information can change your approach, and you have to adapt and improvise." He explained vaguely. He saw something reaching out in her, even through this dump of emotion and information, he noticed the cry for help deep inside her. The part she buried underneath years of mistreatment and being used.
"Stop talking to me like a soldier." She snapped, earning a soft gaze from him that she hadn't received before. It made her chest feel weird, and he could tell by how she grabbed at the shirt covering it.
"You're pissing me off."
"No, I'm breaking you." They made eye contact. All the breath left her lungs in that moment, from his gentle tone and low volume to the look in his eyes that made her eyes water, it was too much. She couldn't take it. Her stomach lurched, and before another word could be uttered between them she scurried to the bathroom, emptying the contents in her abdomen into the toilet.
He was by her side in an instant, shushing her quietly and rubbing her back. His heart sank at the feeling of her shiver and the sound of her retching.
"I gotcha Y/N. Always have right?" She could feel her mind cracking, tears welling in her eyes from the pressure of the vomit and being an emotional wreck.
"I can't." She muttered weakly, sitting against the shower door, grimacing as the air entering her lungs burned with the raw feeling in her throat.
"You can. In all my years being by your side, there's nothing you can't do love, you and I both know that more than anyone." Her eyes met his, seeing his seriousness and true belief in his words. His hand came up and brushed away her tears before her mask absorbed it, the rough pad of his thumbs leaving sparks in the areas he touched. She didn't say anything at first, taking his hand into hers and giving it a squeeze of reassurance, more for herself than for him.
"After our mission. Please." He couldn't say no to a plead like that, so with a curt nod he agreed and held out his other hand to her. He watched her hand envelope his, finding the size difference amusing as his basically swallowed them in his grasp.
"Let's get some sleep yeah. You've done enough for today." She let him bring her to bed, his arm secured around her shoulders, feeling her hand on his waist. He sat next to her until she fell asleep before laying on his own cot. He looked at her for most of the night, making sure she didn't wake up, pondering about what she could be dreaming about as her eyelids flickered ever so often.
He followed her steady breaths to lull him to sleep, praying that tomorrow would go by without too much of a struggle so he could have another moment as intimate as the previous with her, even if it was small.
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And that's part 3!! Finally some fluff and opening up, but I wouldn't get too comfortable with it just yet. I have some plans, not sure how I'll execute it but we're getting somewhere. Thank you so much for reading!!
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dylan-duke · 5 months
Ryleigh and Rut have a pregnancy scare.
ryleigh looks at her calendar again biting her lip,
"that can't be right," she mumbles to herself flipping through her calendar again.
its been four months since shes gotten her period, and sure she's had this happen before, but now she has a boyfriend. who of which she has consistent sex with.
immediately she panics, not knowing what to do. so she calls ellen,
"hey baby girl!" the hughes matriarch says, "how are you?" ryleigh cant help the tears that well in her eyes,
"mommy," she mumbles, "mommy i think i'm pregnant," the phone line goes silent for a moment before ellen takes a deep breath,
"ok baby," the mother of 4 says, "whats your plan?"
"i dont know mama, thats why-" ryleigh takes in a huge breath, "why i called you,"
"ok," ellen repeats, "well i'd start by telling rutger. then i'd go to the pharmacy and get 2/3 home tests, and if one of them comes back positive you need to go to the doctor ok?"
"ok," ryleigh mumbles before sighing, "mama im scared,"
"i know baby girl," ellen says softly, "it's going to be ok," the mother reassures, "i promise this will change nothing,"
once ryleigh and ellen finish there phone call, ryleigh takes some time to collect herself before asking rutger to come pick her up.
"hey babe!" rutger says as she slides into the passenger seat of his car,
"hey rog," she says softly, "uh do you mind stopping by walgreens?" rutger looks at her beaming but pauses when he notices her distant look,
"hey," he says grabbing her shakey hand, "whats going on?" ryleigh sighs,
"i have to get a few pregnancy tests," rutger nods biting his lip,
"ok," the jets draft pick then runs a hand through his hair, "ok thats ok. are you ok?" he asks squeezing her hand.
ryleigh shrugs,
"i dunno," rutger nods then pulls out of her driveway and heads towards the nearest walgreens.
30 minutes later the couple are waiting for ryleighs 2 minute timer to go off,
"ry," rutger says shakily,
"hm," she hums looking at her boyfriend nerves evident on her face,
"its going to be ok," he reassures grabbing her hand, "what ever happens it'll be ok," ryleigh nods,
"i know," she says softly, "I- uh- ellen wasn't mad. so that was what was super reassuring," rutger smiles and goes to open his mouth but ryleighs timer goes off, "well," she says looking at her boyfriend,
"moment of truth?" he asks, ryleigh smiles nodding,
"moment of truth," she then reaches out and flips the first test, "oh thank god," she breathes out then flips the second, third, and fourth. looking at rutger in relief, who just pulls her into his side and kisses her temple,
"someday but not today," he mumbles into her skin rubbing her arm,
"exactly," she says smiling turning to kiss him gently.
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ollieflopkins · 2 months
Writing patterns ✍️
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there is a pattern!
Thank you for tagging me @antspaul 💕
⭐️ All my fics are men’s football rpf. Also, I only have 8 fics under my newish ao3 handle selkathyouth, so for 9 and 10, I used the last two fics I wrote that used to be associated with the ao3 handle backfourteen, my former self hehe, that are now orphaned. ⭐️
1. “After the First Reading, let us sing the Psalm, with the people making the response.” (I felt you and I knew you loved me, dominik/trent catholic priest au, 2/7 chapters published)
2. “New Year’s Eve is corny.” (Licking his wounds, dominik/trent)
3. Manu likes to keep his feet on the ground. (From the depths I call on you, manuel ugarte/darwin nunez)
4. Almost old news, Trent saving the day. But it certainly never gets old. (Once, once only, dominik/trent)
5. Right after Bournemouth away, even before hitting the showers, everyone checks their phones. (Shove your sharpened heel, virgil/andy)
6. Andy is lying on his stomach, luxurious white bedspread rucked up around him and pillowing him as Virgil puts his entire weight on him from above. (Rejoicing at your table, virgil/andy & virgil/andy/trent/dominik)
7. Virgil’s mind has always functioned in a series of compartments. (Spilled the milk, virgil/andy and background dominik/trent)
8. Trent felt like he had something in his eye all summer. (More like a sea, dominik/trent)
9. “Cholo is fat.” (A boy, a man, diego simeone/fernando torres)
10. “It feels weird not to say ‘From the Embassy Row Studios in the crap part of SoHo, Men in Blazers world headquarters,’ Rog.” (The once and future mate, joe hart/james milner)
I don’t see too much of a pattern! I usually like to jump right into action without too much exposition so I’m surprised more of my fics don’t start with quotes! I think the More like a sea and the Spilled the milk first lines feel most similar, which makes sense because those were my first two fics after coming back to fic writing after 7-8 years!
Tagging the other fic writers I know on here 😄: @kloppinthekop @trentxaa @immortaltale @erlingshaalands @azulera @curiousthyme @tl-trashtalk @valonia47 @stormoflina and obvi if I forgot you please still do it if you want!
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Friends Will Be Friends - Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader (Chapter Two)
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Summary: Roger and the reader are best friends, and friends must always be there for each other, even if stronger feelings come into play.
Warnings: subtle angst/sadness, hidden feelings, friends to lovers, emotional and sexual tension, smut, swearing, unprotected sex (p in v)
Word count: 3.2k
Read chapter one -> here
Enjoy <3
The sunlight burns your eyes as it pierces through the drapes. You weren't even hungover, but the light still pained your eyes. When you realize you're laying next to your best friend Roger, you get out of bed. You weren't drunk. You were not hungover. Your worst fear was hooking up with Roger and possibly compromising the entire friendship.
You've only stayed over for the night. Fortunately, nothing happened. Because Roger was still out cold, you leave his bedroom. You brewed a cup of coffee, sat on his couch, and sipped it slowly while watching television.
You cast a glance over at the embroidered pillow resting on the side of the couch. You recall Roger resting his head on it while you massage his scalp. You sigh at the memory, and a small pain rises in your chest as you recall his anguish. Speak of the Devil. You turn around to see Rogers' unkempt blonde mop around the corner. 
"Good morning, sleeping beauty," you jokingly say. Roger rubs his sleep from his eyes. "I'm sorry about last night," he apologizes. He wasn't as intoxicated as you thought.
"It's okay," you say. "And I'm sorry about you and Jo," Roger sighs and responds nonchalantly as he sits on the couch. "You didn't have to stay, you know," he says with a shrug.
You look him in the eyes, your hand gently resting atop his. "No way, Roger. I had no choice but to stay. I couldn't leave you alone," you explain, "because I can't stand seeing you cry."
Roger grasps your hand shakily. "Thank you, Y/N." As he holds your hand, your heart skips a beat. "Y/N, I need to tell you something," you quickly shut him down. "You don't have to," you say as you withdraw your hand. 
He gives you a puzzled look. "O-oh, okay." You finish your coffee quickly and place it on the table. "I should go home now," you say as you get up from the couch. "Please try to stay positive, okay? See you later," you say as you leave his flat.
Roger sits there silently watching you walk away. When he hears the door click shut, his lips tremble and he lets out quiet sobs. He had feelings for both you and Jo. But getting Jo back was now out of the question. And it appeared to him that you were uninterested in having a relationship with him. He dragged himself off the couch and walked lazily to the kitchen to obtain some alcoholic anesthesia.
You can't stop crying by the time you get to your car. You could feel everyone's gaze on you. Every driver, every bicyclist, and every mother walking her child. Roger was the only person you wanted to see you. When you were in such a vulnerable state, he was the only person you felt safe with. No matter what Roger wanted to tell you, you wouldn’t let him. He needed to heal and move on from Jo, and you weren't about to jeopardize his mental health for such petty and selfish reasons.
It's been five days since that incident, and you still haven't spoken to Roger. Of course, you called Freddie to check in on him from afar. "He refuses to talk to us about it. I've asked him numerous times, but I've given up on pressing him on it." Freddie explains. "It appears you're the only person he wants to talk to," he recalls over the phone because you wouldn't be caught dead with your best friend's bandmate when your friendship is going through a rough patch.
"Do you think I should call him?" you inquire, and Freddie paused before responding. "You can give it a shot. Aside from coming to practice and such, he's been pretty distant. He's also been drinking a lot more," he explains. You responded with a hum. “Okay. Thank you, Fred. See you later," you say. "Goodbye, dear. Good luck with Rog.” The phone clicks and the line goes dead. You dial Rogers' number, imagining his sad expression with each digit.
"What?" says the irritated voice on the other end of the line. “Roger? This is Y/N." Roger quickly stands up and clears his throat. “Oh, Y/N. Hi," he says, like a schoolboy. "We haven't spoken in over a week. It doesn't sit right with me." You ask, "Can I come over to talk?" He nods. "Yeah, sure," he replies. “See you soon,” you tell him. "Mhm," he says before hanging up. Roger gets right to work cleaning his flat. He hides the alcohol bottles and tries to fix his hair. He was fortunate not to have a girl over.
You arrive at his flat on time. As your hand ghosts the door, you hesitate to knock. You nonetheless knock and wait to be welcomed in, unlike when you just let yourself in. Before the door swings open, you hear shuffling behind it. "Hi," he says again, sheepishly. "Hey," you say, awkwardly smiling. "Can I come in?" you inquire. "Oh, yes. Of course, come in," he says, quickly moving out of the way to let you in. He reverts to his awkward stature from his adolescence.
"Listen, I'm sorry about last week," you say as you begin. “No, Y/N. You don't have to apologize,” he says. He leads you to the couch so you can sit and talk properly. “What I wanted to tell you, I shouldn't have even tried. Shouldn't have even considered it." You give him a puzzled look but allow him to continue uninterrupted. 
“It's obvious that things aren't mutual. I get that.” His voice cracks and tears well up in his eyes. “And I think it's time to move on, like you said, there's got to be somebody out there for me.” He breaks eye contact, allowing you to fail to notice the tears in his eyes. 
You reach for his hand, it nervously shakes it in your palm. You caress his skin with your thumb, and he looks up to see that your eyes are also filled with tears. 
"No, Roger..." You shake your head slowly. A tear falls down his cheek. "I'm in love with you. I've always loved you."
Your heart begins to beat dangerously fast, and you can feel Rogers' pulse matching it.
What he was hearing was unbelievable to him. No, everything was a lie. It's a simulation. Roger swallows hard as he attempts to process your words. "You... love me?" he wonders, and you nod. "I love you," you say. 
You can feel the tension between you growing. His grip on yours is a silent promise never to let go. You gradually lean in closer, his chest heaving as he realizes what you're doing. You kiss, and your lips fuse together, tears blending into a uniform mixture. His hands reach up to gently cup your cheeks, drawing you in closer to prolong the kiss. As the kiss deepens, he wipes away your tears. You slowly separate from his lips, gasping for air. "I love you, too..." Roger speaks in hushed tones. You shiver as you feel his breath on your lips.
Rogers' hands work their way down to your waist. His touch is gentle as if he's afraid of breaking you. He kisses you again, this time open-mouthed. Once you accept it, he lets his tongue slowly explore your mouth. You quickly hook a leg over his lap, securing yourself on top of him as your hands comb through his hair, tugging on his roots as he responds with a muffled whine. 
As you straddled his hips, his face turned bright red. He used every muscle in his body to prevent his natural desires, but a tent began to form in his trousers. You liked the fact that you turned him on. You desired nothing more than to have him inside you.
You quickly separate the deep kiss, kissing him gently with every other word. "Would you like to... take this to... your bedroom?" you manage to ask, fighting the urge to moan from his erection. He exhales a shaky breath. "Yes, fuck- Yes," he says as he quickly picks you up. As he carries you to his bedroom, he kisses you again, this time deeper. 
You fall onto the bed, hearing it creak as a result of your weight. Roger shifts positions, crawling on top of you while continuing to kiss you. He positions himself between your legs, causing your body to tremble with nervousness. You've been fantasizing about this for years.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this..." He whispers as he pulls his tongue away from your lips, leaving a trail down your neck. You let out a laugh. "It's as if you read my mind." he grins against your skin as he begins sucking hot welts onto your neck. You moan as a result. 
"Fuck," he says quietly. When he touched himself, he always imagined how you moaned. It sounded much better in person. "Fuck me, Roger," you begged. He whimpered in response to your words. "I'm going to fuck you, baby. Don't worry..." He quickly starts hacking at his trousers, eventually undoing the top button and loosening the zipper. You look between your legs, knowing that his erection is no longer constrained by the tension of his trousers, but is still clothed by his underpants. The untouched heat between your legs was becoming unbearable; you couldn't wait much longer.
As Roger takes off his t-shirt, you undo your top.  You'd seen him without a shirt before, but this time was different. He's taken aback by your breasts. Your bra is still securely cupping them, so you remove it. The sight below him makes his mouth water. He grabs them hesitantly, gently fondling the soft flesh in his palms. 
"Like them?" you ask, watching Roger play with your chest, his eyes sparkling like a kid in a candy store. "Love them," he states. His lips return to yours as his hands reach down to undo your jeans. As he struggles with your trousers, he curses under his breath. He manages to remove them and smirks in relief. His fingers ghost the band of your panties. 
“What are you waiting for?” you ask. “Hm? Oh. Sorry, just got distracted.” Did he seriously get distracted by your underwear? Apparently, he did. He removes them, seeing as your arousal stains the fabric. “Nice and wet for me,” he hums. He runs a finger through your folds, and you whimper as he grazes your clit. “Sensitive?” You nod.
“Can I taste you?” He asks. You practically burst at the seams at the thought of Roger eating you out. “Only if I get to suck you off,” you reply. He gives you a smirk, but inside his heart is throbbing as he imagines your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock. You were really just a couple of horny teenagers at heart.
Roger attaches his lips to your thigh, sucking a brand into your inner thigh. A brand only he would be allowed to see. You card your fingers through his hair, a silent beg to stop teasing. He lets out a chuckle. “Needy much?” he hums. “Shut it,” you mumbled. His lips slowly trail further between your legs; you can feel the smirk on his lips. You watch as he reaches your heat, sticking out his drilling tongue as he slowly dips it into your core. He drags it through your folds, humming as your arousal alerts every taste bud. 
You grip his hair, and a similar whine from before comes from him. Maybe he has a hair-pulling kink, you thought. As his tongue reaches your clit, you let out a soft moan. He retracts his tongue, repeating the motion as your moans continue. You fantasized about his little blonde mop between your legs, working away furiously with his tongue, but you never imagined he would be this good. You moan Rogers name. That wasn’t the first time you moaned it. You always thought of him while pleasuring yourself, and now it felt even more pleasurable knowing that he was the one producing it.
“That's right… moan my name,” he praises. “Be a good girl and moan…” You grip his hair even tighter as the pleasure grows. Roger takes that as a sign to give you more. He slowly inserts a single finger. His fingers were thick and long. You whine at the first action of penetration, your moans continuing as he begins pumping the digit in and out. “M’gonna– Fuck. Gonna come,” you struggle to get out. 
Roger felt your walls flutter around his finger, your insides dancing with the pleasurable sensation as your orgasm reaches closer and closer. “Come for me, Baby. Let me taste how good you are,” he hums in a low voice as his mouth returns to your clit. Your thighs squeeze around his head; you were surprised his skull didn't explode. Your head was swimming in ecstasy and seeing stars. Roger does a move, a move nobody has done before. He curls his finger, pressing it hard up against your g-spot. That was just what you needed to fall over the edge. You wail in delight, strings of unholy words and Rogers’ name. 
Roger was pleased with himself; glad he was able to satisfy you to the point of screaming. He sucks up your juices, lapping up every single ounce he could. He hummed at the taste. He could come right there just by drinking your arousal. 
Spent, you lay on your back again, chest heaving dangerously. “Fuck– Roger. You’re amazing…” you whisper. He hovers over you again, giving you a kiss on the forehead and smiling. “There's way more where that came from,” he grins. You had completely forgotten that there was more.
“Lay down,” you tell him, but it was meant as a demand. “Yes, ma’am,” he smirks and promptly lays down. You begin to peel back his boxers; a wet spot had already formed from pre-come. His cock springs free from his underpants. Your mouth waters at the sight of his twitching length. You grasp his shaft, slowly pumping it in your palm. He watches with furrowed eyebrows and a worried gaze. His heart beats violently at the sight of your hand moving up and down his length. 
“Not gonna last too long, love–” he huffs. You smirk, running your thumb over his sensitive tip and he moans at the sensation. “Babe– fuck.” You kiss the crown, getting some of his pre-come on your lips. “Taste so good,” you hum, giving him a devious smile as his head falls back, letting out a masculine moan as you suck on his tip. 
He lets the pleasure go on for far too long. “Baby– babe. Stop, I’m gonna come,” he quickly spats out through moans. You stop; a sad expression on your face. You wanted to taste him. “Promise you’ll let me give you a proper blow job another time?” you ask, doe eyes heavily accentuated with the question. “Promise,” he replies. So there would be another time.
You reposition yourself, straddling Rogers’ hips once again. “Always imagined you ridin’ me,” he hums. “Well now you don't have to imagine,” you grin.
You lean down, gently kissing him, letting the taste of each other's mouths mix together. You run his tip through your folds; he whimpers. “Ready?” you ask. “I’ve been ready.” You slowly sink down onto his cock, a whine admitting from you as he stretches you out. “So tight for me, baby,” he mutters. “Just like that, good girl. Mm… Just like that,” he says as he talks you through it, slowly taking in his length inch by inch. 
Full of him, you moan as he reaches deep inside you. “Fuck– I didn't think you’d be… this big–” you say hesitantly out of fear of offending him, but all he does is smirk at your helpless expression. His hands roam up and down your sides, massaging the soft flesh of your body. “You’re beautiful, love,” he tells you. You blush at his words. “Never thought I’d be able to see you like this. All to myself.”
“You’re quite handsome, too,” you manage to say. You roll your hips; Roger moans as your walls move around him. “Always thought you were gorgeous,” you roll your hips again, a moan coming from you instead. “You’re the– fuck– gorgeous one,” he retorts. 
You lift your hips, removing most of Rogers’ length before dropping them down to his pelvis. You moan out in pleasure. “Just like that, babe,” he praises. You do it again, and again, and again, until you both are a couple of moaning messes. Roger digs his fingers into your skin, knuckles going white hot from his grip. 
“Don’t stop–” Roger begs. “I’ll never stop, Rog. Never…”
Your legs shake in desperation, pleasure and pain mixing together in harmony as you struggle to ride him. “M’gonna– gonna come… Baby– fuck!” you cry out. “Come for me, Love. Let go…” Roger whispers. “Be a good girl for me.” The last praise was just enough to send you over the edge. Your walls squeeze around him. Roger moans as you tighten. Your head gets thrown back violently, vision becomes blurred. Once again, you finally reach the edge, coming all over Rogers’ cock as you frantically scream his name.
“Where do you– where do you want it? My come?” he asks, breathless as he prolongs his high for as long as possible. “In– Inside!” Roger groans at the thought of filling you up with his seed. That was enough to make him scream. He bucks his hips, pushing deeper inside of you as he fills you up. 
Youre filled with a warm sensation as he comes. A sensation you never want to forget. His top twitches inside you, glands throbbing as he experiences his orgasm. You go still as a statue, unable to move as your body goes numb. You’ve never experienced such a thing before. 
Roger begins to go soft, and you manage to remove his length. You collapse on top of him, breathing in his sweat. 
“I love you…” you whisper. He presses a gentle kiss atop your head. “I love you, too…”
You lay together in silence while you catch your breath. Once Roger had regained his energy, he gets up, slid on his boxers and disappears for a moment. You slide on your panties and steal his t-shirt. He returns with a damp rag, offering to clean you up while smirking as he sees you in his shirt. You accept it, even if you were still a bit sensitive, returning the smile back to him.
You finally lay down, melting into Rogers’ embrace. “You’re the bestest friend I've ever had,” he smiles. You look up at him, doe-eyed yet again. “Am I more than a best friend?” you ask. This is what you feared the most. 
I love you, Y/N, but I met someone else – I love you, Y/N, but I can't be with you.
"If you're okay with it, I want to be more than friends," he says. "You know, like, boyfriend and girlfriend?" He sounds like a teenager all over again. "I like the sound of that," you hum before kissing him. "Roger, you'll always be my best friend. I love you." He laughs. "I love you, too, best friend." You laugh together before drifting off to sleep without the worry of being only a friend.
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teacherdespair · 8 months
Standard Student Behavioural Plan in 2023:
Thomas Syche (Version 66.6)
Thomas needs to be spoken to in a quiet, reassuring voice, especially when hiding under his desk in the corner and ignoring all attempts to contact him. Thomas needs 30 minutes of rest time for every 3 minutes of work he completes, as well as a further 10 minutes of time to crawl around the classroom in an upside-down wheel position while making seductive cat noises (as jointly approved by college principal, senior board members and Thomas’ guardians). Thomas is very shy and does not like attention, which is why he only responds to questions with shrieking sounds, an indication of his severe feelings of anxiety. These sounds are a genuine form of communication by Thomas and any answers he gives through this language should be recorded and marked by all teaching staff accordingly. Thomas is encouraged to provide his (optional) consent to participate in all group tasks and may wear his teacher-cancelling headphones throughout each lesson. His entire year group are reminded to carry on them at all times the Cat Communication Sounds For Beginners infographic provided by School Psychologist Number 18 (note: numbered in order of recent resignations), in order to best foster successful peer communication and good will. Thomas must be gently reminded (on an ongoing basis) that biting, throwing chairs and hurtful cat screams are not his most effective forms of group work. Thomas has been entrusted with carrying his medication upon his person at all times and should be strongly (yet gently) discouraged from selling it to the Year 3s, overdosing in the maintenance staff toilet, or melting the remaining tablets with the Science lab technician’s bunson burner from behind the bins at the back of the school near the roundabout across from the oval, like last time. Thomas is not allowed to use his mobile phone for any reason during school hours, other than communicating with his best middle-aged online gamer friends in Chechnya for emotional support during tests, as well as to snooze his fifty-seven alarm reminders to take his morning, mid-morning, breakfast, elevensies, afternoon tea, dinner, supper and dessert medications, for which he must be supervised at all times by an appointed staff member to take the exact medical dosage required - see Thomas’ personalised staffing roster for medication supervision (note: roster updated last minute, frequently - seek immediate legal advice if you miss your assigned time). Thomas is both strongly (and gently) discouraged from bringing his katanas, num-chuks and home-made wolverine cutlery claws to class, and has been recommended to keep such emotional support items in his locker, along with his emotional support mature minor medicinal marijuana, emotional support vape, and his emotional support Asus ROG Strix Scar 16 2023 high performance gaming laptop, to which he is legally entitled twelve hours of non-stop extra-curricular daily usage in order to further develop and extend his already significant hyperfocus and bladder retaining abilities (please note, if parental credit card bounces upon game purchase, immediately enact Lock Down Procedure Felidae Carnivora and bypass campus A and B ceiling sprinkler systems, like last time). For any questions or proposed alterations to this behavioural care plan for Thomas, please contact: Thomas himself, directly (and gently) from underneath his desk, exactly 58 minutes and seventeen seconds after his elevenses medication consumption. In communicating with Thomas, please refer to the approved staff copy of the Cat Communication Sounds For Beginners infographic.
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xdominiklivakovicx · 1 year
Okay so this is specifically made for @crimsonicarus :D
Ya all can ignore it if u want, this is just a translation of my WhatsApp stickers to her and other foreign Croatia NT fans!
So basically this sticker with Luka and Livi means: may the mother kiss you
The one with Perisic kissing Livi means: may the father kiss you
Sime: you can't
Rebic: is it?
Livi: God give me streinght
Strinic slapping Messi: get out of here
Livi: YAAAAYYY MISKO (I can't translate misko 😭)
Livi: why not?
Suba: come at me
Livi carrying Suba: well bye
Suba: I don't want to hear a word from you anymore
Livi ball mode on: good night
Pink Kalinic: don't make fun of me
Mandzo: gimme a kiss
Luka with bronze medal: well done my brother!
Livi lying on the floor: wake me up when this hell ends
Josko: serves you right
Luka with pyro: it's actually a Croatian song and idk how to translate songs 😭
Josko with his arms open: HUGGGGGG
Majer hugging Orsic: may the brother hug you
Krama is screaming ALE ALE
Angry Mandzo: what did you say-
Grbic carrying Budimir: opa cupa two of us together
Sime lying on the Croatian flag: undescribable!
Pasalic stuck in the net: I'm a little stuck
Sosa: #borntoparty
Sad Livi: I want to laugh, but I also want to cry at the same time
Majer and the ball: I will crush you like a roach
Livaja making an :0 face: well good morning to you (context: you finally understood it)
Rebic: no Rebic no party
Gvardiol and another guy (idk sadly who he is) giving each other a high five: high five!
Brozo with pyro and sunglasses: Happy Birthday my bro!
Josko from Sparta: fight for your people! (famous sayings from Croatian fans)
Rakitic with open arms: thanks God!
Majer walking around: I turned out to be a dude because my name is Majer (eh it rhymes in Croatian but not in English)
Pasalic jumping on Livi: I feel super like super Mario Pasalic
The 3 guys: don't sit on the ball, it will become like an egg
Deki sitting on the chair: here I am chilling
Vida screaming: LET'S GOOOOOOOO
Livi pushing the Frenchie: come on wake up!
Livi in yellow jersey: don't
Livi lying on the floor: you sleep like an old cat
Sime on the phone: I am a bit busy
Alvarez fouling Livi: GIMME GIMME
Livi with prezents: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and good night
Angry Kova: I am a bit angry
Josko flying: Josko Gvardiol comes into save in last minute
Livi holding ball: positive made-up version of don't
Vida and the squad at the bus: another Croatian song
Heart on fire: another Cro song (heart made of fire)
Rakitic clapping: I am taking off my hat (I am very proud of you)
Kalinic lying on the floor: may god help me...
Deki waving: hello bro
Luka: I am sending you kisses!
Livi: finally break time!
Rog: *judges you in Croatian*
Livi eating chips: do not disturb me I have some other job to do (eating chips)
Sad Luka: I am a bit disappointed
Majer: well, catch up
Brozo: call me
Another dude that I don't remember his name: really?
Livi: PISS OFF! (like get tf outta here)
Deki and Sime: morning coffee
Sime: I LIKE (but us Croatians write it as AJ LAJK)
Livi lying on the grass again: school is killing me
Livi T-posing: domination
Deki grabbing Luka by his hair: where are u going?
Juranovic: Ew!
Rakitic with Domacica: do you want a Domacica?
Angry/sad Livi: WHYYYYYYY!?
Bored Livi: I'm bored bro
Livi rolling around: prepare me a burial
Livi and Rog posing together: chilly
Livi with his arms spread out: here comes the plane
Livi carrying his suitcase: don't disturb me I'ž going on vacation
Again Livi pointing at something: BULL'S EYE!
AND AGAIN LIVI: Happy Easter!
Livi holding a sign: burry me
Pink Livi: official pain
Okay so I hope I managed to clear things out for u all, so if you want more translating you can ask me ofc! <3
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violetmuses · 2 years
The Sweetest Taboo - Stephen Holder
TITLE: “The Sweetest Taboo” || Stephen Holder 
FANDOM: “The Killing” (AMC/Netflix Series)
CHARACTER: Homicide Detective Stephen Holder
MAIN PAIRING: Female Reader + Stephen Holder
MAIN STORYLINE: For Holder, just spending time with you means everything. 
Author’s Note: Hi! Feedback would be greatly appreciated and thanks so much for reading my work as always. Enjoy! - V. 💜
J Krew: @nerdysuperchick @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @lacontroller1991 @shadowkittybucky @loverhymeswith @justin-hammers @weallhaveadestiny @xoxabs88xox @katjnordstrom96   @mayhem24-7forever @fangirl0917 @skvatnavle @sociiallydiisoriiented @heresathreebee @alieninoklahoma @bewitchedignition @maddu-oliveira @reveluving @pirategamora @hodgepodge-of-rog @ijustthinkrickflagisprettyneat @11thstreetvigilante
Main Masterlist <3
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Seattle's famous raindrops continue falling on the roof one night.
Only seconds later, familiar keys jingle to open your front door. It isn’t long until you grin, hugging one throw pillow before Holder can even step inside first. 
“Hey,” Stephen whispers and smiles back towards you, but typical exhaustion has reached his face. “Didn’t have to stay up for me.”
“I wanted to.” You rise from the sofa and wrap both arms around his neck, not caring that the downpour outside soaked his hoodie. 
Comfortable silence falls as you kiss him deeply, smiling against his slight beard and mustache once Stephen dares to pull away. 
“What was that for?” Holder asks, chuckling playfully. 
“Sometimes, I’m just grateful that you’re home.” You offer truth, pressing your body near his as a sign of life. 
“Me too. Me too.” Holder nods and repeats himself for you, feeling just as thankful for the millionth occasion by now.  
“Where you going, huh?” That next morning, Holder turns on his side while facing you in bed and reaches out to caress your face, smiling once more.
 Last night, chatting together and listening to rain helped you both drift in or out of sleep, which led to cuddling underneath the warm covers. 
“Gotta go to work.” Your voice croaks, proof that you just woke up. 
“Um-um.” Stephen refuses, leaning inward to kiss you anyhow. 
“I can’t keep skipping work.” You laugh between Holder’s kisses, barely able to form another sentence as he flirts. 
“Look at me. Look, I can make one phone call and we can both stay home again this weekend. Hmm?” Stephen makes eye contact with you, aiming those flawless hazels in your soul once more. 
“I need to get out of the house. Can I get some fresh air first?” You clip words just like Holder. Meanwhile, he pinches your chin between his capable fingers, teasing deliciously. 
“Pretty girl leaving me.” Stephen pouts innocently towards you, frowning like some kid who couldn’t eat candy before dinner.  
“Stop it. I’ll be back.” You chuckle once more, sitting up and finally throwing covers off, scooting away from this bed to reach the bathroom. 
Before you can even open that bathroom’s door, Holder takes out his wallet, almost slamming this band of hundreds onto the nightstand. 
“Oh, what are you doing?” You squint both eyes towards Stephen, almost humored and place both hands onto your hips. 
“Money for the nail salon. You’ve been meaning to go, right?” Holder smiles once more, ever so tempted to join you in that shower rather than heading to the precinct as usual. 
“Aw, thanks. You didn’t have to pay for me.” You clutch your heart, nearly blushes across from him. 
“It’s the least I can do. How about this? We go our separate ways for work, and then when you’re done at the salon, call me.” Stephen finally walks towards you, sly as he whispers against your lips. 
“What happens when I call you after my salon appointment?” You ask, intrigued by his layout of plans in one way or another. 
“I’ll pick you up, we came back here, and I’ll order food if restaurants are closed. Sound good, Baby Girl?” Holder continues speaking, but dares to kiss your neck between words. Now, you’re both caged feet away from the bathroom door. 
“Go to work before Linden kicks my ass.” You play back and tease him in return, gently moving away from Holder before this passion escalates. 
“Aight.” Stephen raises both hands, but then scopes you up or down as ink of darkened tattoos run along his perfect body. He’s sported another white tank top almost every night to sleep. 
“I love you.” You roll both eyes, but admit the truth, turning that bathroom’s door knob. 
“I love you, too!” Holder joyfully shouts about you from outside the bathroom, cheering to himself before you start that much-needed shower. 
He’s damn lucky to have you. 
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"I'm sorry, Rog. I can't come out tonight. I need to be on the phone with Jim for 3 hours straight!" - Freddie during the Magic Tour, probably
Lol at the very least, it seems like Freddie wasn’t up all hours of the night at clubs anymore when he had Jim with him, because that’s apparently one of the things Roger noticed.
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Hypoactive SDD Treatment: Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey
A sexual patient with low levels of sexual desire:
Are you suffering from Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)? In fact, you have no sexual desire, sexual fantasies, and no mood for sexual activity. At present you are 38 years old and after four years of marriage; this sexual disease happens in your life. Due to this low level of sexual drive, you are sad and depressed. Sometimes, you feel lower level of energy level and feel very tired.
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You have visited many medical shops and doctors' chamber but till now you have not been able to solve your sexual problem. Don’t worry; we can comprehend your sexual problem that's why; we are going to suggest you that once you should surely visit Dubey Clinic. This is Asia's No.1 Ayurveda and Sexology medical science clinic where more than 6.20 lakhs of sexual patients have got their permanent sexual solutions. The world famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey is world top-3 senior sexologist doctor who himself has treated more than four lakhs of sexual patients of India.
Specific Signs of Testosterone Deficiency:
Dr. Sunil Dubey is the most experienced and best sexologist in Patna, Bihar India says that generally, low levels of sexual desire occurs in men or women after a certain time. The average age of HSDD in men is after 60 years whereas women are 45 or 50. Before the oldness, sexual desire disorder occurs in persons due to their sexual hormone imbalances or other medical causes.
In today’s time, due to health-related issues, irregular daily life, depression, and medical causes; mostly people are affected with this sexual dysfunction. Here, people should always examine their testosterone level that is the prime cause of this low sexual drive. He said that notice the following signs of testosterone deficiency:-
The reduction in sexual drive or loss of libido
The erectile function of penile works improperly
Loss of body hair and less beard growth
Loss of lean muscles mass
Being overweight or obesity
Symptom of depression or anxiety
Feeling very tired all time being
Low level of energy in body
Weak bones and decreased muscles strength
Mental instability and restlessness
These are the above mentioned causes of hormonal imbalance in a person. Keeping all the above points in mind, a man may decide that his testosterone levels are down and this is the major cause of sexual desire disorder.
What to do to maintain testosterone level naturally?
Dr. Sunil Dubey is one of the best sexologists in Bihar who practices at Dubey Clinic per day. Generally, the sexual patients from all over India contact him over the phone to get their sexual treatment. Mostly sexual patients from Patna, Bihar, Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Siliguri, and other major cities in India come to Patna at Dubey Clinic.
This worldwide famous sexologist doctor says that the natural way of treatment and medication is the permanent solution for this sexual problem. He is the most successful Ayurvedic medicine discover who has researched on various sexual dysfunctions of men and women. He says that sexual patients can visit Dubey Clinic and get their treatment, medication, sexual counseling, and analysis of sexuality behavior.
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He provides sexual patients complete Ayurvedic medicines those are the combination of herbs, chemicals, bhasma, and traditional remedies. More than fifty sexual patients are availing of the treatment and medication of this world famous sexologist doctor.
Following are some important points that sexual patients can follow at home.
Maintain ideal body weight
Avoid developing diabetes
Avoid tobacco and drinking
Avoid antidepressants
Do exercise daily
Take sleep well
Take balance diet
Visit Dubey Clinic for permanent SD solution:
If you want to get permanent solution for your sexual problems, then visit Dubey Clinic. First of all, make an appointment with this clinic that is available over phone from 8 am to 8 pm every day. Visit the clinic in time and get treatment and report your recovery rate time to time under the clinic norms.
With best wishes:
Dubey Clinic
A certified clinic in India
Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist
B.A.M.S. (Ranchi) | M.R.S.H. (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)
Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112
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bloglone · 2 days
Android 15 güncellemesi alacak akıllı telefonlar
Android‘in geliştiricisi Google, bu sene Android 15 sürümünü yayınlamaya hazırlanıyor. Şu anda test aşamasında olan Android 15, gizlilik ve güvenlik bakımından önemli iyileştirmeler getirecek. Ayrıca daha da entegre edilmiş yapay zeka teknolojileri ile daha yüksek kullanıcı deneyimi sağlanacak. Yeni sürüm, daha fazla kişiselleştirme seçeneği ve daha yüksek performans da sunacak. Android 15 için beta test sürecinin Temmuz 2024’te tamamlanması ve kararlı sürümün ise ağustos ile ekim ayları arasında kullanıma sunulması bekleniyor.
Samsung Galaxy S21 Galaxy S21+ Galaxy S21 Ultra Galaxy S21 FE Galaxy S22 Galaxy S22+ Galaxy S22 Ultra Galaxy S23 Galaxy S23+ Galaxy S23 Ultra Galaxy S23 FE Galaxy S24 Galaxy S24+ Galaxy S24 Ultra Galaxy Z Flip 3 Galaxy Z Fold 3 Galaxy Z Flip 4 Galaxy Z Fold 4 Galaxy Z Flip 5 Galaxy Z Fold 5 Galaxy A14 Galaxy A15 Galaxy A23 Galaxy A24 Galaxy A25 Galaxy A33 Galaxy A34 Galaxy A35 Galaxy A53 Galaxy A54 Galaxy A55 Galaxy A73 Galaxy M14 Galaxy M15 Galaxy M33 Galaxy M34 Galaxy M53 Galaxy M54 Galaxy M55 Galaxy F14 Galaxy F15 Galaxy F34 Galaxy F54
Xiaomi Xiaomi 12 Xiaomi 12 Pro Xiaomi 12 Lite Xiaomi 12S Ultra Xiaomi 13 Xiaomi 13 Pro Xiaomi 13 Ultra Xiaomi 14 Xiaomi 14 Pro Xiaomi 14 Ultra Xiaomi Mix Fold 2 Xiaomi Mix Fold 3 Xiaomi 12T Xiaomi 12T Pro Xiaomi 13T Xiaomi 13T Pro
OPPO OPPO Find X5 OPPO Find X5 Pro OPPO Find X6 OPPO Find X6 Pro OPPO Find X7 OPPO Find X7 Ultra OPPO Find N2 OPPO Find N3 OPPO Find N2 Flip OPPO Find N3 Flip OPPO Reno 9 OPPO Reno 9 Pro OPPO Reno 9 Pro+ OPPO Reno 10 OPPO Reno 10 Pro OPPO Reno 11 OPPO Reno 11 Pro OPPO Reno 11F OPPO F25 Pro
vivo vivo X80 vivo X80 Pro vivo X90 vivo X90 Pro vivo X90 Pro+ vivo X90s vivo X100 vivo X100 Pro vivo X Fold vivo X Fold+ vivo X Fold 2 vivo X Flip vivo V27 vivo V27 Pro vivo V27e vivo V29 vivo V29 Pro vivo V29e vivo V30 vivo V30 Pro
Honor Honor Magic 5 Honor Magic 5 Pro Honor Magic 5 Lite Honor Magic 6 Honor Magic 6 Pro Honor Magic 6 Pro RSR Honor Magic Vs Honor Magic V2 Honor Magic V2 RSR Honor 90 Honor 90 Pro Honor 90 Lite Honor X50 Honor X50 Pro Honor X50 GT
Google Pixel 6 Pixel 6 Pro Pixel 6a Pixel 7 Pixel 7 Pro Pixel 7a Pixel 8 Pixel 8 Pro Pixel Fold Pixel Tablet
OnePlus OnePlus 10 Pro OnePlus 10T OnePlus 10R/10R 150W OnePlus 11 OnePlus 11R OnePlus 12 OnePlus 12R OnePlus Open OnePlus Nord 3 OnePlus Nord CE3 OnePlus Nord CE3 Lite
Nothing Nothing Phone 1 Nothing Phone 2 Nothing Phone 2a
Asus Asus ROG Phone 8 Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Asus ROG Phone 7 Asus ROG Phone 7 Ultimate Asus Zenfone 10 Asus Zenfone 11 Ultra
Motorola Motorola Edge 30 Ultra Motorola Edge 40 Motorola Edge 40 Neo Motorola Edge 40 Pro Motorola Edge 50 Fusion Motorola Edge 50 Pro Motorola Edge 50 Ultra Motorola Edge 2023 Motorola Edge+ 2023 Motorola Lenovo ThinkPhone Motorola Edge 50 Pro Motorola Razr 40 Motorola Razr 40 Ultra Motorola Moto G54 Motorola Moto G73 Motorola Moto G84 Motorola Moto G Power 2024 Motorola Moto G 2024
iQOO iQOO 9 Pro iQOO 10 iQOO 10 Pro iQOO 10T iQOO 11 iQOO 11 Pro iQOO 12 iQOO Neo 7 iQOO Neo 7 Pro iQOO Neo 8 iQOO Neo 8 Pro iQOO Neo 9 iQOO Neo 9 Pro iQOO Z7 iQOO Z7 Pro iQOO Z7s iQOO Z8x
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khaleejdeals · 12 days
أسعار الموبايلات المستعملة في الإمارات 2024
أسعار الموبايلات المستعملة في الإمارات 2024 نظرًا للغلاء الذي يجتاح البلاد فإن الكثير من الأشخاص يلجأون إلى البحث عن أسعار الموبايلات المستعملة في الإمارات 2024، خاصةً الأجهزة التي تتمتع بحالة جيدة ويُرفق معها مشتملاتها، لذلك نوضح لكم فيما يلي أسعار الهواتف المتوفرة في سوق الإمارات. أسعار الموبايلات المستعملة في الإمارات 2024 تتفاوت الأسعار بالنسبة للهواتف المستعملة نتيجة الإمكانيات التي يحملها كل جهاز بالإضافة إلى سعة التخزين، حيث جاءت كالآتي: هاتف ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro تيرابايت، 24 جيجابايت رام، مرفق به العلبة والشاحن ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي 12 جيجا بايت، بسعر 5,300 درهم. أيضًا هاتف Huawei Mate X3 مع ضمان ضد التلف العرضي وغطاء قابل للطي. سعة التخزين 512 جيجا بايت، بسعر 4,500 درهم إماراتي. كذلك فإن هاتف INFINIX hot 40 PRO المعبأ بـ PTA مرفق به العلبة، الشاحن، السماعة، لا توجد أية أعطال في الجهاز. سعة تخزين 256 جيجا، ذاكرة وصول 12 جيجا، بسعر 260 درهم. موبايل فيفو اكس فولد 3 برو 512/16 جيجا، ذاكرة وصول عشوائي 12 جيجا، سعة تخزين 512 جيجا، بسعر 7,800 درهم. هاتف أوبو لا يوجد به أعطال، مرفق معه الشاحن والعلبة، ذاكرة وصول عشوائي 12 جيجا بايت. سعة تخزين تزيد عن 1 تيرابايت، بسعر 5,500 درهم. هاتف جوجل بيكسل 8 برو 12 جيجا 256 جيجا، لا يوجد به أعطال، مرفق به العلبة، عمر الهاتف عام، بسعر 3,200 درهم إماراتي. أسعار هواتف آيفون المستعملة في الامارات هاتف آيفون واحد من الموبايلات التي يسعى الكثيرون لاقتنائه لما يمتلكه من مزايا متعددة للمستخدمين، ولأن أسعار الأجهزة الحديثة مرتفعة يفكر البعض في شرائه مستعملًا، وجاءت الأسعار كالآتي: هاتف آيفون 13 برو 128 جيجا سعة البطارية 100%، لا يوجد في الجهاز أعطال، مُرفق معه الشاحن والعلبة. ذاكرة عشوائية 12 جيجا، سعة تخزين 128 جيجا، بسعر 2,000 درهم. ايفون 14 لا يوجد بالجهاز أعطال بحالة جيدة، ذاكرة عشوائية 6 جيجا، سعة تخزين 512 جيجا بايت، بسعر 2,900 درهم إماراتي. آيفون 13 برو ماكس 256 جيجا بدون خدش واضح لا توجد أعطال في الجهاز مرفق معه علبة، شاحن عمر سنتين. ذاكرة الوصول 6 جيجابايت، التخزين 256 جيجا بسعر 2,650 درهم. ايفون 11 حالة ممتازة لا توجد به أعطال، العمر 3 سنوات، حجم ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي 2 جيجابايت. سعة التخزين 64 جيجابايت، بسعر 1,400 درهم. هاتف Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max سعة 256 جيجا، بحالة ممتازة، سعة الرام 6 جيجابايت، بسعر 2,800 درهم إماراتي. آيفون 13 سعة تخزين 128 جيجا بملحقاته، حجم ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي 12 جيجا أو أكثر، رام 12 جيجابايت بسعر 1,690 درهم. ايفون 14 برو 256 جيجا العمر سنة، حجم ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي و8 جيجابايت، بسعر 3.600 درهم. تعرف أيضًا على: أسعار الايفون في الإمارات 2024 أسعار موبايلات سامسونج المستعملة  يلجأ الكثير إلى شراء هاتف مستعمل توفيرًا للأموال بالإضافة إلى أنهم يحصلون على مميزات عالية بالنسبة للقيمة المالية المدفوعة فيه، لذلك نوفر في الآتي اسعار جهاز سامسونج: سامسونج Galaxy Z Fold زد فولد 5، خالٍ من الأعطال، بعمر سنة ذاكرة الوصول 12 جيجا. سعة التخزين 256 جيجا، بسعر 3,600 درهم. بالإضافة إلى هاتف سامسونج جالاكسي S 22 بلس فانتوم، كما أنه ثنائي شريحة الاتصال، ذاكرة 128 جيجابايت وصول عشوائي 8 جيجابايت. علاوة على ذك فإن الجهاز بدون اعطال، سعر 1,500 درهم إماراتي. الجدير بالذكر أن سعر موبايل سامسونج S23 ألترا 1 تيرابايت ثنائي الشريحة، مثل الجديد رام 12 جيجا. كما أنه لا توجد في الجهاز اعطال، يبلغ نحو 3,300 درهم. أيضًا موبايل سامسونج جالاكسي نوت 10 256 جيجابايت/ 4G، عمر 3 سنوات، لا توجد به أعطال، بسعر 700 درهم إماراتي. أخيرًا هاتف سامسونج S24 Ultra - 512 جيجا / 6 شهور مع علبة وشاحن، خالي من الأعطال، العمر سنة. أيضًا به ذاكرة عشوائية 12 جيجا، بسعر 4,300 درهم. Read the full article
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phonemantra-blog · 27 days
Looking to upgrade your phone and curious about the latest processing power? The highly anticipated AnTuTu benchmark results for March 2024 are finally here, offering valuable insights into the performance of flagship and mid-range chipsets. Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Reigns Supreme in Flagship Category The AnTuTu benchmark is a popular tool used by tech enthusiasts and manufacturers alike to gauge a smartphone's overall performance. This month's results showcase the dominance of Qualcomm's latest flagship chipset, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Tops AnTuTu The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro, equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, smashed the competition with a staggering average score of 2,141,448. Hot on its heels is the Oppo Find X7, powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9300, achieving a score of 2,138,119. These scores indicate an incredibly close race between the two chip giants, with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 edging out the competition by a narrow margin. This dominance extends beyond the top two contenders. Other notable mentions in the flagship category include the iQOO 12, Red Magic 9 Pro+, and vivo X100 Pro, all boasting the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. Interestingly, Xiaomi devices are noticeably absent from the top 10 this month. Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 Leads the Mid-Range Charge The mid-range segment also witnessed a battle of titans between Qualcomm and MediaTek. The Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 emerges victorious, with the OnePlus Ace 3V securing the top spot with an average score of 1,466,728. This highlights the significant performance leap offered by the 7+ Gen 3 compared to its predecessor. Following closely behind are the Redmi K70E (powered by the Dimensity 8300-Ultra) and Realme GT Neo5 SE (equipped with the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2). These strong contenders showcase the ongoing rivalry between Qualcomm and MediaTek in the mid-range market, offering consumers a wider range of options with impressive capabilities. It's worth noting a significant performance gap between the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 and the standard Snapdragon 7 Gen 3. The 7+ Gen 3 dominates the top spot, while the base 7 Gen 3 falls within the lower ranks. This emphasizes the importance of differentiating between these two chipsets when researching potential phone purchases. Beyond the Numbers: A Look at Benchmark Limitations While AnTuTu benchmarks provide valuable insights into a chipset's raw processing power, it's crucial to remember that these scores are just one piece of the puzzle. Real-world user experience can be significantly influenced by factors like: Battery Efficiency: A powerful chipset can drain battery life faster. Understanding a phone's battery optimization techniques is essential. Software Optimization: How well the software is optimized for the specific chipset plays a crucial role in smooth performance. Real-World Usage Scenarios: Benchmark scores may not always translate perfectly to everyday tasks like gaming, multitasking, or camera performance. Additionally, it's important to consider the methodology behind the AnTuTu benchmark. The results are based on devices with over 1,000 benchmark runs within the month and solely focus on tests conducted in China. This might not be entirely representative of the global market and the specific phone models available in your region. How to Leverage Benchmark Scores for Informed Decisions Despite these limitations, AnTuTu benchmark results offer a general indication of a chipset's capabilities. When combined with other crucial factors like: User Reviews: Reading user reviews can provide valuable insights into real-world performance, battery life, and user satisfaction. Camera Performance: Research camera specifications and image samples to assess a phone's photographic capabilities. Battery Life: Look for phones with large battery capacities and efficient software optimization for extended use. By considering all these factors alongside benchmark scores, you can make a more informed decision when choosing your next smartphone. FAQs Q: Which smartphone has the highest AnTuTu score in March 2024? A: The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro, powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, achieved the highest average score (2,141,448) in the March 2024 AnTuTu benchmark. Q: How accurate are AnTuTu benchmark scores in evaluating smartphone performance? A: While AnTuTu benchmarks provide valuable insights, they should be considered alongside real-world usage scenarios and other factors like battery efficiency and software optimization. Q: What factors should consumers consider when interpreting benchmark scores? A: Consumers should supplement benchmark scores with considerations such as device optimizations, user experience, and reviews from reputable sources to make informed purchasing decisions. Q: How do chipset manufacturers like Qualcomm and MediaTek contribute to smartphone innovation? A: Qualcomm and MediaTek continually innovate and refine their chipset offerings, driving competition and leading to better-performing smartphones across all price segments.
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