#roger taylor is the man i need
anonymityisfunwriter · 3 months
I Can See You
"And I could see you being my addiction, you can see me as a secret mission..."
Summary: You and Bucky don't see eye to eye, everyone knows that. They don't know that you and Bucky once knew each other under very different names. And they most certainly don't know that when he looks at you, he can still every stolen moment, his jacket on the floor, notes saying meet him at midnight, you up against the wall with him. No, they don't see that at all. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Inspired By Taylor Swift Masterlist | Anon's 1K Celebration
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"I already told you, I'm only doing this because I owe you."
Six months - that was your promise.
Six months of your time and best efforts.
"And as a part of this favor, you promised to keep an open mind."
And an open mind, you begrudgingly recall. You promised you would keep an open mind about making this a more permanent placement.
Nick Fury was sure that you'd find a home here in the Avengers Compound.
You were fairly certain that you wouldn't - but you weren't going to tell him that.
You hated owing people. Nick Fury even more so. You could bide your time for six months to pay your debt to him. He didn't need to know you had no intention of becoming an Avenger. "Whatever you have to tell yourself, Nick."
"That doesn't sound like an open mind," he admonishes.
You smirk, enjoying the frantic hustle and bustle of the Avengers Compound with your duffle bag slung over your shoulder, "You know that I don't do well in teams. I don't play fair, Nick."
"Never heard that one before."
"But I bet you believe me, don't you?" you retort.
"Open mind."
You roll your eyes, waving him off, "Yeah, yeah, when exactly do I get to meet these self righteous assholes?"
"How does now sound?"
"Like my worst nightmare," you mutter under your breath.
If he heard you, he doesn't let it show. Nick flings the door to the conference room open, revealing two men standing beside each other poring over a case file.
It's not their impressive statures that catch your attention. In fact, the blonde one hardly catches your eye at all.
And if you weren't highly trained and disciplined, a gasp would've lodged itself in your throat at the sight of the brunette you never thought you'd see again.
"Ah, Nick told us we might be meeting you today." The sandy haired super soldier extends his hand out to you. It doesn't escape your attention that the brunette snaps the file shut the moment he sees you. "I'm Steve, Steve Rogers."
You return the gesture, still barely paying attention to the man. Your eyes flicker to Bucky. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was entirely unfazed by your sudden reappearance.
You're thankful you do know better. You know so much better. 
Bucky's eyes meet yours for a split second, they narrow slightly. It tells you everything that you need to know. You've caught him off guard.
Steve takes Bucky's silence as his cue to interject. He clears his throat, gesturing to his friend, "And this is Bucky Barnes. He's a, well, he's a man of few words."
Apparently, that hadn't changed since you knew him under an entirely different name.
"It's nice to meet you," you say to Steve. Your eyes flicker back to Bucky. His jaw ticks as a wide grin pulls at the corners of your mouth. He's worried that you'll give away his dirty little secret. Your eyes flash over to him, a mischievous gleam that Bucky doesn't miss, "The both of you."
Steve smiles at the change in your demeanor, "Nick filled me in about your little deal. Exactly how long is this trial run going to run?"
"Six months," you confidently reply, unabashedly staring at Bucky. "I'll be out of your hair in six months."
"But we're keeping an open mind, aren't we?" Nick urges you again.
You playfully roll your eyes, a beaming grin on your face, "Of course, Nick. You know, I don't know why, but suddenly, I get the sense that these next six months are going to be a hell of a lot of fun."
"That's an interesting take," Steve lilts.
"She's your problem now," Nick quips.
"Me? A problem?" you gasp in mock offense. You turn to Bucky, who's still yet to say a word. "Do I look like a problem, Bucky?"
Bucky's eyes narrow again. The muscle in his jaw ticks yet again. You swear you can almost hear the sound of his teeth grinding. It's almost enough to make you laugh.
The silence is palpable as Bucky glares at you. Steve nervously laughs, taking a step closer to you. He gestures to your duffle bag, "How about I show you were you can put your stuff down? We'll give you a chance to settle in and you'll meet the rest of the team first thing in the morning."
"Sounds like a plan, Captain."
"Just Steve is fine."
"See?" You call over your shoulder to Nick. "I'm already having so much fun."
You're not surprised that he came to find you minutes later. If you're right, he waited just long enough to make sure he wasn't being obvious. You don't even need to look over your shoulder to feel his lurking gaze far before you see him. "I can see you."
"Why did you lie?" Bucky furiously demands, standing in the doorway of your new bedroom.
You grin to yourself, still turned away from Bucky. "Nice to see you again, Soldat."
"Bucky," he firmly states, his hands curling into tight fists. "My name is Bucky."
"If I recall correctly, you liked when I called you Soldat." You turn on your heel, taking several steps toward Bucky. He knows he should stop you. He knows he should stay as far away from you as possible, as far away from your bedroom as possible. And yet, there's a side of him that wants nothing more than to feel you close to him all over again. He doesn't stop you. He doesn't push you away. Not even when you're close enough to touch him. "Or did it sound better when I whispered it in your ear?" You lean in, your voice dropping to a soft whisper in his ear, "My Soldat."
He does his very best to suppress the shudder that rolls through his entire body. It takes him a beat longer than it should to regain his senses and take a step away from you. He demands again, "Why did you lie?"
You chuckle, finally stepping away and allowing him his space, "Would you prefer I tell your team mates about your history of getting a little too close to your enemies?"
"What makes you think that they don't know?" Bucky challenges. 
You languidly shrug, "We'll call it a hunch."
"I'm not that person anymore." Bucky takes an angry step forward, desperate to convince you that he's a changed man. "I don't keep secrets anymore."
"So tell them," you offer. "What do I care?"
"You cared enough to lie," Bucky shoots back.
"If you want to let your team know that we used to fu-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence. I'm not that person anymore," he repeats himself. This time, he's not sure who he's trying to convince.
"Then we shouldn't have any problems, should we?" you rhetorically ask.
His eyes narrow, his gaze sharp and ready to kill, "What are you up to?"
"Me?" You gesture to yourself, resting your hand on your chest. "I'm not up to anything. Come on, Soldat, don't you trust me?"
"No, I don't because I know you, and you're always up to something," he bitterly accuses. "You've always got an angle."
"I assume you're talking about that day."
"You sold me out."
"You'll never see, will you?" You roll your eyes at him, waving him off, "I'm simply doing the favor that was asked of me."
"Six months?"
"Six months. And no one will ever have to know. Unless, of course, you can't help yourself."
He scoffs, "That won't be a problem."
"History has a tendency to repeat itself, Bucky," you state, putting an extra emphasis on his name.
"Not this time. Here's how this is going to go." He reaches out, snatching your wrist. His grip is tight enough to force you to pay attention, but not enough to actually hurt. "I'll stay away from you, and you're going to stay away from me. Got it? Let's just - let's keep this professional."
A grin spreads across your face. Your eyes flicker down to the burning grip on your wrist. You like that, even now, even after all these years, you still have an effect on the man you once called yours. "Don't worry, Bucky. I'm as reformed as you are."
That's exactly what worried him.
The months passed as quietly as Bucky could ever bring himself to hope.
Still, you never quite let it rest, never let him rest.
You always had a way of letting him know that you could see him. You could see how he was struggling to contain himself, struggling to suppress every flashback, struggling to simply keep his eyes off of you, struggling to contain all the feelings that he denied he felt for you.
He wondered if you knew that you kept him up all hours of the night. There were so many nights he spent sleep evaded, wondering what would happen if he just knocked on your door. Would you be up waiting for him? Would you smirk that smirk? The one he'd come to love and hate all at once. The one that was haunting him. The one he saw every time he close his eyes.
It wasn't just at night. It was every night. Every day. Every waking moment that you danced somewhere on the outskirts of his awareness. Every time you brushed past him in the hallway. You had to know you were driving him to the brink of madness. 
Sometimes, you barely acknowledged him. Sometimes, you gave him that infuriating smirk. Every single time, he saw it. Every single time, he saw you.
That part of his life was, for lack of a better word, scrambled. And still, he could never forget your touch. That part was crystal clear.
And he couldn't decide whether he loved or hated the fact that it might just be you doing that to him.
It ate at him.
It was a special gift you possessed, he had to admit. You could make him see whatever you wanted him to see, the power to ensnare his senses. The good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. You had the power to do it, to make him see whatever you wanted him to. He told himself that's what it was. It wasn't remembering a long lost love, it was you messing with his head all over again. 
He'd see flashes of the time you spent together once upon a time. His jacket on the floor. Up against the wall with you. Those old, crumpled notes telling him to meet you at midnight. He remembers every second of it. 
But most of all, you. He remembers every whispered sweet nothing. He remembers the anticipation he felt every time he saw you. And he remembers your touch. Your lips on his, trailing down his jawline. Your fingers running over the planes of his chest.
Deep down, he knew it wasn't your powers. It was you. There was no forgetting a touch like that. No forgetting a person like you.
It just another way you tormented him. So few ever escaped the Winter Soldier. Even fewer lived to tell the tale.
Not you. You not only lived to tell the tale, you taunted him with it. After that very first night, where he was, you were. He was never quite sure if it was glorious happenstance or your own doing.
Your very first encounter, you caught him totally off guard - something previously thought impossible. He didn't see you. He didn't hear you coming. He didn't feel you slip past him to reach your target before he ever could. All he remembered was hearing footsteps in the dark street. He knows for a fact you could've disappeared into the night without him ever knowing. He whirled around, searching for the culprit. He saw nothing, no one. 
It should've been quick, an easy kill. Instead, it was the first time he ever failed.
To this day, he swears that he heard your whispered laugh when he realized his target was gone, vanished into the night.
You showed yourself the second time. He was more prepared that time. Not ready for it, but more prepared. The first time his vision failed him, he sprayed the room with bullets.
"Uh, uh," you condescendingly tutted, allowing him to see you standing before him. "Can't get rid of me that easily, Soldat."
He saw you standing before him for a short moment, just enough to memorize your face. And then he lost all sight. You stroked his cheek, he remembers that. It was the first time you ever touched him. It was the most tender touch he'd felt in decades.
When he regained his senses, you were gone. Along with his target. 
The third time, he caught you - or you allowed him to catch you. He wasn't quite sure.
"Who are you?" he demanded, pinning you against the wall.
"Poor, Soldat," you cooed at him. It confused him. There was no fear in your voice. For some reason, he knew that if he released your arms from his iron grip, you wouldn't punch, scratch, or claw at him. You wouldn't fight back. You'd taunt him with your touch all over again. And for a reason that was more unknown to him, he really wanted you to. "They truly tell you nothing."
His sight was gone, but this time, he refused to let go. He gripped your wrists hard enough to leave bruises, pinning them over your head, "Let me see you."
"Say please." There it was that taunt that he knew would come. There was a lilt to your voice he'd never forget. In that moment he knew, he was powerless against you and your whims.
"Let me see you. Now."  He grips you even tighter. For a long moment, he still saw nothing. All he could feel was your body pinned against the wall, pinned against him. He softly exhales, his breath dusting over your lips, "Please."
He thought he memorized your face the first time you allowed him to see you, but he was wrong. There was so much he missed. He missed the slope of your nose. How soft and plush your lips looked. The mischievousness shining in your brilliant eyes.
He studied your face again. Over and over. Forcing himself to commit every detail to memory. Your smirk melted into the warmest smile he'd ever seen you wear.
You lean into him, as close as his grip will allow you to. So close that your lips linger a breath away from his. For a moment, he thinks you're going to kiss him. Instead, you speak softly, your breath skating across his lips, "I like you, Soldat. We're going to have fun."
His heart still stuttered. At the time, he didn't know what you meant.
He learned quickly after that.
It was the definition of a whirlwind romance - or as close to a romance as two assassins could possibly get. Long nights spent beside you. Jet setting across the globe for missions, just waiting with bated breath in the hopes that you'd be there. You never talked about what it meant, what you felt, all you had were those nights. Somewhere in those nights, he stopped being Soldat, and he started being your Soldat. 
So was it you? Were you the reason he could still see it?
Or was it him? Was it the fact that he could never really let those nights go?
He was a different person than the one you knew all those years ago. He was on the straight and narrow. He stayed out of trouble. You were the epitome of trouble. You sold him out the moment it was convenient for you. So why can't he let you go?
You caught him off guard when you showed up here. He was determined to make sure that didn't happen again. He just needed to be on his best behavior.
He knows you've been watching him - but he can see you, too.
You make a point to brush past him in the hallway on the way to the conference room. He thinks you can't see it, but you've been watching him closely.
You can see the waver of his Adam's apple, the way his eyes dart in your direction when you pass him, the way his jaw ticks shut as if he were doing his very best to contain himself.
Your days here on the Compound were dwindling down to your last few weeks. He still couldn't figure out why he couldn't let you go.
Even as he sits across the conference room table, you overwhelm each and every one of his senses. You pretend like you don't see him taking the seat directly across from you. Instead, you lean closer into Sam.
Sam grins at you. "So you can show me anything?"
"Anything," you promise, driving Bucky mad by using that torturous smirk on Sam. 
Bucky's not sure what Sam sees. It could be anything. A powder white beach on some far off coast. A meadow filled with fragrant, vibrant flowers dancing in the daylight. You could make him feel like he was plummeting to his death. You could make him feel loved for the first time in his life. You could let him know a betrayal like no other. 
He shakes away the runaway train of thought, focusing on the far off look in Sam's eye and the look of wonderment painting his face, "Whoa..."
"Bucky," Sam calls, his voice filled with laughter as you use your gift like a party trick. "Come try this! She's like a human VR."
"As tempting as that is," Bucky sarcastically remarks, crossing his arms over his chest, "I'd like to get this meeting over with."
"Alright, team," Tony calls out, beginning their latest team meeting. "Fury added another assignment to our docket. Black tie, intercepting a black market intel deal. You get in, you get out. Should be easy enough."
"Whatever you say," Bucky mutters under his breath.
"Barnes," Tony smirks. "I'm so glad you agree. You're up."
"What? Why?" Bucky demands. 
Tony nonchalantly shrugs, "Because I said so."
"Asshole," Bucky grumbles.
Tony's eyes flicker over to you next. In that moment, Bucky freezes. There's no way Tony know about the two of you, but it certainly feels like Tony's doing this just to punish him. "And you can take the human VR with you."
"No," Bucky sharply refutes, gripping the table so tightly he's sure Tony will have to get a new one. "I go, I go alone."
"Sorry, Barnes, we'll need more than brawn to get us into that gala."
Six months. Almost six months passed and he'd done everything in his power to avoid this. To avoid being alone with you. To avoid working in close proximity to you and the aura of temptation and betrayal that shrouded you.
The number of favors he now owed to his teammates was proof of it. He had no interest in testing the limit of his will power. "Then, I'll take Wanda."
Tony crosses his arms, shaking his head and looking far too pleased at Bucky's discomfort, "Nope, she's needed on a different assignment."
You smirk, tongue running over your teeth like a predator watching their prey fall into their trap. "Careful, Bucky, I'm starting to get the sense that you don't want to work with me."
Bucky's eyes dart to you, grimacing at you, "Whatever."
"Oh, I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun."
"Bucky," Steve starts, tightly gripping his shoulder as the room filters out. "What's the problem?"
Bucky glowers at you as you saunter out of the conference room. Of course, you're far too pleased with this outcome. You make a point to grin at him as rage rolls off of him. "I don't trust her."
"Why? She's never given us any reason not to."
"Because -" Bucky starts, faltering after only a word. He can't bring himself to say why. That was between you and him. A memory he buried long ago. "Forget about it."
But he remembers. All of it. He remembers the moment you betrayed him and broke his heart all too well. 
"My Soldat..."
He sighs in relief, he finally stops pacing the floor of your safe house. You asked to meet days ago and you had yet to show up. Weeks had passed without hearing from you. You'd never gone this long without making yourself known. Finally, here you were, back in his arms where you would always belong,"It's been too long. I was beginning to worry."
"Don't ever worry about me, my Soldat." Your words are sharper than he's ever heard from you, it shocks him. You caress his cheek, fingertips trailing down to his jawline, your words soften to a gentle whisper, "Don't ever worry about me."
He bends down and kisses the palm of your hand, "I will always worry. For you, I will worry for as long as I live."
You smile, resting your hand over his beating heart. That's why you were doing this. You made deals with people you hated, resigned yourself to a life always looking over your shoulder, and sealed your fate, all to keep his heart beating, all to give him the long, happy life he deserved.
"And for that, you'll always be my Soldat." You kiss him with everything you have left. Your last kiss. A goodbye kiss. Because if you loved something, you set it free. If they came back to you, they would always be yours. And now, you were setting him free. And he would never forgive you for this. He would never be yours again. "And that's why it had to end this way."
"What are you talking about?"
You back away from the window of your safe house, "I'm sorry."
And that's when the SHIELD agents swarmed.
It was a moment hard to forget. Yet it was equally hard to remember, to remember why he didn't trust you, to remember why he could never allow himself to let his guard down, not when you were so good at taunting him. He was sure you were taunting. He knew it from the very moment you stepped into the armory in a red dress that nearly stopped his heart.
You make it a point to saunter past him, tossing a laugh over your shoulder, "Don't worry, Soldat. I'll be on my best behavior."
"I won't hold my breath." Flashes of old memories race through his head. This time, he's sure it's you. His eyes snap up to you with a glower, "You said you were going to be behave."
"I said I was going to be on my best behavior," you correct, making a show of picking out your knives for the night. "This is pretty much as good as it gets."
"That's what I was worried about," Bucky sighs to himself.
"Lighten up, Soldier. It's my last night, I'd like to have just a little fun."
"Last night?"
"That was the deal."
Bucky's eyes dart away from you as you lift your leg up. The fabric of your dress slides up as you strap a small dagger to your holster. He knows you're doing it on purpose to rile him up. That's not what worries him. What worries him is if you're not doing it intentionally. If you're not trying to get his attention and he's just so viscerally aware of you that he can't stop thinking about you. That's what worries him. He doesn't trust himself enough to be this drawn to you. He clears his throat of the knot forming, "So you're not staying?"
"Why? You gonna miss me?" you tease. He remains silent, his eyes unflinchingly forward. "Let's not kid ourselves, Bucky. You didn't want me to stay. Too risky - I might ruin your squeaky clean reputation."
He's absolutely certain that you're the only person that's ever referred to his reputation as squeaky clean. "You're really leaving?"
"It's okay, Soldat."
"I told you not to call me that," Bucky snaps. He's aware that his self control is slipping minute by minute. Every second in your presence is a test of his restraint.
"Do you still remember? Can you still see it in your mind? Or do you need me to show you?"
"Stop." He barks the second a flash of the memory starts playing in his head. He can see himself tossing his jacket on the floor in a frenzy. "That's enough."
You smirk that damned smirk at him again. His fist clenches tightly, the knuckles of his flesh hand white with strain. "You're thinking about us right now, aren't you?"
He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to push the image out of his head, he frantically shakes his head, "Stop it."
"Do you want to know what I'm thinking about?"
"Not particularly," he rasps.
He clenches his jaw so tightly that he's worried he might break a tooth or two as he desperately tries to hold onto his last ounce of self control. He's fighting a losing battle. "I'm not a liar."
"So what would you do? If I touched you right now?" You rest your hand against his chest. "If I got just a little bit closer?"
He hopes you can't hear his heart stutter. "I - I wouldn't do anything."
"What if you knew they would never find out? If we were so quiet and we didn't make a sound?"
"It wouldn't change a thing."
"What if I told you I remember it all? Every night. Every mission. Every time you kissed me."
"I-" His voice falters. Now was his chance. This was it, whether he wanted you to stay or go. Would you stay if he admitted that he never stopped thinking about those stolen moments? Or would you betray him all over again and laugh in his face and smirk that damned smirk with pride at bringing him to his knees? He can't put his finger on it, but in this moment, he doesn't care. He'll take the chance. He swallows the knot in his throat, "I would tell you I remember all of it."
Your hand twitches against his chest. "What?"
"I remember every second. I'll never forget any of it. I could just never figure out: Was any of it real?"
"Can't you see, my Soldat?" Your hand skates past his collarbone, up his throat, coming to rest on his cheek. Your hand caresses him with a tenderness he thought he would never feel again. "It was always real. Every moment of it."
"Then why did you do it?" he softly exhales.
"I had my reasons."
He lunges forward, and in the blink of an eye, he's gripping your wrist and pinning it to the wall behind you, "Tell me."
You grin wildly. You've been here with him before. "Arrogant as ever, Soldat."
"If it was real, why did you do it?" he demands, flexing his grip.
You lick your lips, momentarily debating whether or not to give him the truth. It ate at you for years. From afar, you could live with the knowledge that he might always hate you for what you did. Watching the conflict warring in his eyes was an entirely different battle. You figure, of all the things you could give him, the truth would at least give him some sense of peace. "It wasn't safe."
He loosens his grip slightly, "I would've protected you."
"It wasn't safe for you."
His eyes flash open. "What?"
"You were my mission, Bucky," you finally confess. "There was never anything else - anyone else. It was you. Only you."
He lets go, the shock sending him staggering. Your hand skates down the wall, but he doesn't move back to allow you the space to move. "You were sent to kill me."
You tilt your head at him, "I clearly failed."
"That doesn't explain why you betrayed me."
"Someone found out about us."
He shakes his head, his eyes storming with anger, "No, we were careful."
"Someone knew. I got a nice gunshot in the back to prove it. They knew I wasn't going to complete my mission. They knew I was never going to kill you. I wasn't going to lead them right to you. I didn't know who was watching. I wasn't - I wasn't going to gamble your life until I was sure that they were all gone."
The realization dawns on Bucky almost immediately. Sure, you were one hell of an assassin. Sure, your powers were beyond belief and could take down even the most heinous villains. But not even you could singlehandedly take down the crime syndicate you used to work for. An organization almost as massive and pervasive as HYDRA was. That's why you put yourself in Nick Fury's debt. You did it for him. "That's why you owed Nick Fury. That's why you sold me out." 
"As twisted as it sounds, you were safer in SHIELD's custody. The moment I knew you were safe and in custody, I killed each and every one of them."
His voice is hoarse as he speaks, "You should've told me."
"I wasn't going to risk your life just so you wouldn't think badly of me."
"Then why did you come here?" he demands. "If you had no intention of telling me the truth, if you were going to pretend, why ask to come here?"
"I didn't ask to come here. I didn't know you were here. I stopped looking for you some time ago."
"I dug deep to finish what they started. And once I tore them down brick by brick, I needed to rebuild. I had nothing left. It took me a while to resurface."
"Oh." There's a tightness in Bucky's chest at your confession. He never looked for you. He though you betrayed him. Up until now, there was no reason to believe anything else. You rebuilt your life on your own. You had no one, nothing left. You were left all alone. He left you all alone. 
There's a strange look in Bucky's eye when you finally look up at him. There's a lightness you haven't scene in quite some time. "What?"
The corner of Bucky's mouth twitches up. You may not have known, but Nick Fury sure did. "Fury knew I was here. He knew where he was sending you. He knew about... us?"
"I assume he figured it out when I came to him, begging him to help me keep you safe."
A shaky exhale dances across your lips. Bucky closes the gap between the two of you, pressing you up against the wall with him. "It was real."
For the first time in a long time, you touch him. You rest your shaky hand against cheek, your fingers ghosting over his lips, "Finally, you see, it was real... my Soldat."
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Inspired By Taylor Swift Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes@beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a
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babygirl-diaz · 3 months
Better Man, Worse Breakup (Fanfic)
(Here is the fic that I wrote. I am not too happy with it but whatever)
The room looked like the end of some superhero brawl with tissues strewn about like superhero capes and Dad lying down on the couch looking like a defeated Steve Rogers after Thanos snapped his fingers and vanished half of the world’s population. If that wasn’t enough, “Better Man” by Taylor Swift was blasting through the speakers. 
Chris leaned against the door of his room and watched his dad on the couch with a confused look on his face. 
“My life is over. Marisol is gone forever. I will never find another woman like her,” Dad dramatically declared.  
Chris sighed and asked, “I mean, Dad, do you really want another person like her?” 
Dad abruptly sat up on the couch and frowned at his son. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing!” Chris declared, throwing his hands up. “Just that she was clearly wrong for you. She thought you were cheating on her with Buck and  then told Tommy which almost broke them up.”
Dad sniffled and shook his head. “She didn’t mean to. She just misunderstood.” 
Chris knew that deep down even Dad knew that that was not right. “She misunderstood a lot of things,” he mumbled under his breath. 
“She was the love of my life, Chris!” Dad dramatically proclaimed once again.
Chris narrowed his eyes at him, “I think my mom would beg to differ.” 
“Shit,” Dad hissed under his breath and then visibly cringed. “I’m sorry! I am such an awful person!” 
Chris rubbed his face and let out a frustrated groan. “Dad, that’s not-” He let out a deep breath to calm himself down before taking his phone out of his pocket. “I need to stage an intervention,” he mumbled to himself and texted Buck. -Buck, I love Taylor Swift as much as the next person but if I have to listen to Better Man another time, I will beat the speaker to death with something- 
Buck texted back not even a minute later. -Hey, whoa, what are you going on about?-
-DAD! He is wallowing after his break up and it’s getting on my nerves now- Chris texted back and glanced over his dad again. 
-Okay, we’ll be right there. Please don’t beat anything to death until we get there.- 
Chris heard the same song play all over again and groaned loudly, going back to his room and shutting the door behind him. -I can’t make any promises.- 
After thirty minutes, there was a knock on the door that resembled the knock from Frozen and Chris knew who it was. He went out to the front door and opened it to reveal Buck and Tommy, both of whom were grinning at him. 
“Buck! Tommy!” Chris said excitedly. “I’ve never been happier to see anyone in my entire life.” 
Buck pulled Chris into a tight hug and kissed the top of his head. “Hey, kiddo. How are you? Where’s our wounded warrior?”
Once Buck pulled away, Tommy gave Chris a one-armed hug as he was holding a bright teal-colored casserole dish in the other hand. “Don’t worry, Uncle Buck and Uncle Tommy are here. We’re gonna make everything better.” 
Chris wanted to correct Tommy that Buck was more than an uncle to him, but he didn’t. Instead, he hugged him back and then pulled away to say, “Thanks, guys. He’s asleep on the couch. Can one of you drop me off at Isaac’s place? He and I have to work on our science project.” 
“Sure thing, kiddo,” Tommy replied. “Let me just put this casserole dish in the kitchen and I’ll drop you off.” 
“Thanks, babe,” Buck kissed Tommy’s cheek and then let him go. 
Tommy navigated through the mess of food, clothes, and tissues on the floor like he was navigating through a minefield as he went to the kitchen. 
“I’ll go check on your dad,” Buck told Chris and then tripped over a sock as he went to the couch. Chris caught him cursing under his breath but said nothing. 
Buck got down on the floor, next to Eddie’s head and ran his fingers through his hair, “Hey, Eddie.” 
Tommy came back to find Evan on the floor next to Eddie. He was so gentle with him. There was a pang in Tommy’s heart but he buried it deep inside. Eddie’s eyes opened and he said something to Evan before flinging himself into his arms and taking Evan down with him. 
“Marisol left me, Buck. What am I going to do without her?” He said loud enough for Tommy to hear. 
He watched as Evan rubbed his back. “Well, for starters, you’re gonna take a shower. You reek, Eds.” 
That made Tommy smile and he shook his head before turning off the music. He made a disgusted face at what was on the coffee table. “Is this wasabi?” He asked before picking up a tub and sniffing it. The smell was so pungent, it made him gag. 
“No, pretty sure that was supposed to be mint chip ice cream,” Chris informed him. 
Tommy turned to give Chris a serious look, “I feel like social services will take you away if they see this”
“Let’s not tell social services then,” Chris shrugged. “Can we go now?” 
Tommy looked at Evan and Eddie, who were now on the couch with Eddie’s head on Evan’s shoulder. “Yeah, let’s go,” Tommy replied. “Buck, I’ll be right back.” 
Evan waved him off in return. 
“Tommy?” Chris said when they were in the car. 
“Yeah, kiddo?” Tommy asked. 
“Thank you for doing this,” Chris replied and offered Tommy a small smile. 
Tommy returned his smile and nodded, “For dropping you off? Of course, kiddo!”
 Chris shook his head, “No, not for that.” Tommy heard him audibly sigh before he said, “Actually for that too, but mostly for coming by to help take care of Dad. You didn’t have to do that. Especially not with you and Buck being so new to your relationship and probably needing more time with each other.” 
Tommy briefly looked over at Chris and gave him a gentle look. “It’s okay, kid. Buck and I are always here for you and Eddie. And Eddie is going through a tough time. We wouldn’t just abandon him.” 
“You’re awesome, Tommy,” Chris told him. “Buck is lucky to have you.”
Tommy’s smile got brighter at that. “Thank you, kiddo” He noticed Chris twiddling his thumbs and looking nervous, and wondered if something was wrong. “Is there something else?” 
“You know what Marisol said about Dad and Buck isn’t true, right? They aren’t cheating on you with each other” 
“Chris-” Tommy started to say but was interrupted. 
“No, hear me out. They’ve always been close friends and that’s all they are,” Chris tried to assure him. 
Tommy’s heart ached at that. Chris was just a kid. He didn’t need to be worrying about these things. “I know, Chris. I just- I can get a little jealous sometimes. Evan is such a great guy. I don’t wanna lose him.”
Chris nodded slowly. “That’s understandable. And you’re not going to lose him. I can promise you that.” 
Tommy smiled at that. “You’re an amazing kid, Chris. Your dad is lucky to have you,” he repeated what Chris told him. 
Tommy came back to Eddie’s house and knocked on the door. Evan opened it almost immediately and pulled Tommy in for a kiss. “I missed you”
Tommy chuckled at that. “I was only gone for like 10 minutes. Where’s Romeo?” 
Buck took Tommy’s hand and led him to the living room. “He’s in the shower.” 
Tommy stopped as he took in the sight in front of him of the messy room. “Yeah, I am not sitting until this mess is cleared out. Show me where the vacuum and rags are.”
Evan smirked and winked at him. “I could even show you where the sexy maid’s outfit is”
Tommy kissed him as he smirked and asked, “Does Eddie wear that?” 
“You would have to ask, Marisol,” Evan rolled his eyes. “Oh wait, you can’t. She’s gone.”
Tommy smacked Evan’s arm. “You’re so mean” 
“She tried breaking us up! Me being mean to her is the least of her worries,” Evan replied and pulled Tommy in for another kiss. 
Tommy heard sniffling behind them before Eddie’s voice said, “You two are disgustingly cute.” 
Evan immediately pulled away from Tommy. “Sorry, buddy.” 
Eddie shook his head and plopped down on the couch with his towel still hanging over his shoulders. “No, don’t be sorry. Just because I am pathetic doesn’t mean you two have to walk on eggshells around me.”
Evan and Tommy sat down on either side of Eddie. Tommy took the towel and started drying Eddie’s hair. “You’re not pathetic, man. You’re just hurting.”
Eddie put his head on Evan’s shoulder and started crying again. “I miss her. I just miss her so much.”
Evan pulled Eddie close and said, “I know, Eds, I know. But you’re going to get through this.” 
Tommy watched them and started to wonder again if something was going on between Evan and Eddie. 
Evan looked over at Tommy and a knowing look passed his face. “Hold your train of thought right there, Sherlock, Eddie cries like this on my shoulder during a romcom all the time. It’s nothing new.”
Eddie sniffled and looked between Evan and Tommy. “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing!” Evan and Tommy said at the same time. 
Eddie moved away from Evan and gave them a confused look. “Okay?” 
The tension between them could be cut through with a knife, so Tommy quickly said, “ I made casserole! You want some? Okay, scratch that. It’s not even a question. You’re eating that casserole. You look like you’ve been surviving on ice cream and frozen pizzas for a week.”
“That’s because he has,” Evan chimed in. “You get him the food. I’ll clean up in the meantime.”
When they got to the kitchen, Evan pulled Tommy in for another kiss. This time he was more insistent and he lingered for a while. When they pulled away, Evan took Tommy’s hands in his, “YOU are my boyfriend, okay? Not Eddie. I am just here supporting a friend.”
‘I know. I’m just- You two have so much history. I am feeling a little insecure I guess,” Tommy told him and looked down at their hands. 
“And that’s perfectly fine. That’s why I’m here to remind you that I like like you,” Evan winked at him. 
Tommy chuckled and shook his head. “I like like you too.” 
“Good,” Evan replied and kissed Tommy’s cheek. 
Evan went back to the living to clean while Tommy took the food to Eddie and gave it to him, sitting down beside him. 
Eddie stabbed at the casserole with his fork. 
“You’re supposed to eat that. Not murder it,” Tommy reminded him. 
“I don’t feel like eating,” Eddie declared. 
Tommy rolled his eyes at that. “Man, don’t make me do choo-choo trains to feed you. I don’t think either of us wants to see that.” 
“Oh, I definitely wanna see that,” Evan chimed in from where he was vacuuming the floor. 
 “Shush! You don’t get a say in this,” Tommy told him, cracking a small smile. 
“Don’t you shush me, Kinard!” 
“Get your pretty ass back to work, Buckley,” Tommy rolled his eyes
Evan shook his ass in their general direction before going back to vacuuming. 
Eddie sniffled as he said, “Marisol and I used to banter like that.” He put the food down and picked up his phone instead. He browsed through it before stopping on something. Tommy sneaked a peak to see it was a photo of Eddie and Marisol at Disneyland with Chris. “She laughed at jokes. Even the unfunny ones.”
“Your dad jokes? Seriously? That’s how you know she wasn’t a keeper. You don’t want fake people in your life, Eds,” Evan told him and Tommy threw him a horrified look and shook his head. 
Eddie burst into tears again. “She wasn’t fake!”
“Wasn’t she?” Evan asked. “Okay, maybe not fake, but definitely toxic. She thought you were cheating on her with me because she thought we were too close.” 
“But we are. I don’t blame her for misinterpreting that,” Eddie replied defensively. 
“Then how does Tommy not misinterpret that?” Evan asked
“I mean…” Tommy trailed off, trying to remind Evan that they were just talking about the same thing not even ten minutes ago. 
‘Your girlfriend isn’t worth all the telenovela-level drama you got going on here,” Evan told him, ignoring Tommy. 
Eddie glared at Evan in return and Tommy immediately stepped in, “Evan, I think you should stop.”
‘I think you should leave. Both of you,” Eddie told them. 
Evan threw the vacuum down on the floor and glared at Eddie in return, “You know what? We will! I’ll tell Chris not to worry about you because you’re clearly not worth it.”
“Buck-” Tommy softly started to say, trying to maintain peace.
“You have no right to do that. He’s my son,” Eddie informed him and Tommy noticed him tightening his fist. 
“He is my responsibility and if you’re not gonna act like a grown up then someone has to,” Evan threw back. 
Eddie stood up and pointed at the door, “I said get out of my house!” 
“Okay, both of you shut up!” Tommy yelled. “And sit down!” 
Eddie looked determined not to listen but then he huffed and sat back down. Evan sat down on the floor instead. 
“Not there, you idiot. Come here and sit beside Eddie,” Tommy told him. 
“No, thank you, I’m good,” Evan scoffed. 
“Who is acting like a child now?” Tommy asked. 
Evan stomped over to the couch and grudgingly took a seat beside Eddie. 
‘You guys are best friends and you’re just gonna let something as stupid as this tear you apart?” Tommy asked standing in front of them like some kind of motivational speaker. 
“He-” Evan interrupted. 
But Tommy immediately shut him down, “Babe, please shut up. You’re supposed to support your friend, not antagonize him. He’s going through something right now and it is your responsibility to have his back.” 
“Ha!” Eddie cheered triumphantly. 
“And you, you’re not any better,” Tommy turned his attention to Eddie. “You’re moping around like a 15-year-old whose boyfriend ended things with her and now she thinks it’s the end of the world. You have a kid, Eddie. A kid who loves you more than anything in this world. A kid who depends on you. He is not supposed to be the responsible one in this relationship. So yeah, cry, as much as you want, but then pull yourself up too.”
“I’m sorry,” Eddie told them ruefully and looked down at his hands. 
“Don’t be sorry, Eddie,” Evan gently told his friend. “He’s not saying that to put you down.”
Tommy put a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, which forced Eddie to look at him. “I’m really not.” 
Eddie closed his eyes and a tear slipped down his cheek. “I know. I just- you guys are so perfect together and I am feeling kinda jealous of that right now.” 
‘We are far from perfect, Eddie,” Evan assured him. “We’re still figuring each other out. This is the honeymoon phase you’re seeing us in.” 
‘Yeah, and once this passes let’s see where we stand,” Tommy replied. 
“Exactly!” Buck chimed in. 
“I’m gonna try to do better, you guys. Let’s get this place cleaned up,” Eddie said, getting up from the couch, looking far more determined. “By the way, do you guys think I should text Marisol?”
“NO!” Tommy and Buck yelled at the same time. 
Chris returned home after a few hours when Isaac’s mom dropped him off. He let himself inside and stopped at the scene in front of him. Buck, Dad, and Tommy were all fast asleep sitting upright on the couch, with Dad in between the two men. They both had a protective arm thrown over him. As Chris took in the sight, he knew that his dad was going to be okay and if he took a photo for possible blackmailing purposes then no one had to know. 
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rogertaylorshbb · 1 year
"poor thing" roger Taylor fanfic
sorry I haven't written in 10 days, just been busy with school!! i hope you enjoy this, it was inspired by a photo I saw on tumblr of roger pouring milk for a cat.
you sat down with your favorite magazine on a lazy Sunday. you finally got to relax after all the running around you did all week. you opened the magazine when you heard something. "meowww" a quiet meow called out from your left. you turned your head looking for the cat that was making the sound but your eyes saw nothing.
your head then slowly went down to your magazine, then again you heard the meow, you looked saw nothing, then again, then again, then again. the 6th time you heard the meow you snapped.
"where the fuck is that coming from" you whispered annoyingly shutting your magazine. you got up a glanced outside and that's when you saw the cat. the poor little cat had its paw stuck in a crack on the fence.
"awwww, poor little thing" you said walking over to the cat. you began to very slowly pull the cats paw out. it hissed but you eventually got it out. the cat must of had a good feel about you and started to purr at you.
"what's all that racket y/n!" roger called out walking outside. he looked at you and smiled, "y/n, before you ask, we are not keeping it"
you had a look of disappointment on your face, you were gonna ask him that but then again it probably wasn't a great idea. "roger is mean" you said in a baby voice to that cat "no mean roger" you laughed putting on a pout face. "shut up" he chuckled going back inside to watch television.
you picked up the cat and carried it inside, you then had a look at its paw, wasn't anything major, just a small scrap. you cleaned it up which the cat didn't at all like. you knew that cleaning it up still wasn't gonna heal it so you were gonna take it to the shelter.
you carried the cat in your arms over to were roger was sitting. "hey rog" you giggled with the cat in your arms.
roger rolled his eyes "I'm trying to watch the ascent of man, y/n please get that cat away" "meanie" you whispered to the cat.
"well I need to ask a big favor, I'm just gonna head out for 5 minutes-"
"y/n c'mon" he interrupted
"just listen, just 5 minutes, I need to get balloons for Freddie's birthday, john asked me, ill be back i promise, I need you to hold the cat, she's hurt" you explained.
he rolled his eyes and picked up the cat with a disgusting face, placing it down on his lap. you then grabbed your keys and ran out.
*20 minutes later*
you had taken longer then you expected, but picking out the color was hard, you felt as if you had to pick everyone, you eventually just went for the yellow. you opened the door and turned to rogers chair where he watched the tv. he wasn't there, so where else could he be. you then walked in to the kitchen to see something that made you giggle.
you witnessed roger patting and pouring milk into the bowl for the cat, smiling to himself. "roger" you said. he jumped. "uhhhhh, I'm just- I'm just- the cat was being annoying so I-" he stuttered
"just admit you like the cat rog" you chuckled throwing the balloons on the table coming to bend down next to him.
I know this a bit shorter then the ones i normally write, sorry, but I'm planning on writing a long one on Friday!! hope you like this cute short one.
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meidui · 4 months
What are the top 5 Taylor Swift lyrics you'd associate with Steve Rogers or various ships including him?
a man after my own heart <3 also this got way out of control and it's not at all a top 5 I'M SORRY
"it only hurts this much right now / was what i was thinking the whole time" because to me that's what goes through his head every time he's in a tremendous amount of pain but he won't let himself back down 😿💔
"soldier down on that icy ground / looked up at me with honour and truth / broken and blue / so i called off the troops" is about the stevebucky helicarrier fight and the stevetony siberian bunker fight!! case closed!!!! COURT IS ADJOURNED!!!!!!! it makes me insane because reading these lyrics into those scenes is like, even in the haze of the violence steve's face is enough to remind them what they all really stand for and ahhhh
"you're on your own, kid / you always have been" just. fuck
epiphany is a steve song but "keep your helmet / keep your life, son" HITS because i imagine it like some higher power speaking to him and being equal parts kind and cruel, telling him to keep his helmet (literally a soldier's helmet because he's not done serving or his cap helmet because the world still needs cap) and keep his life because he doesn't "get" to die yet and because he's too young to give it up like that
all of maroon makes me think of steve so much 😭 "the lips i used to call home, so scarlet it was maroon" is steve mourning peggy and "the rust that grew between telephones" is tony never calling and "i wake with your memory over me / that's a real fucking legacy / to leave" is sam living without steve, especially because i think that line can mean either 1) steve left a hell of a cap legacy to live up to or 2) the legacy that steve left for sam is just that he LEFT, as in "that's a real fucking legacy: to leave" 😭
the archer is a steve song too!! especially when it's only been a few years out of the ice and he wants to belong but he doesn't yet. "i'm ready for combat / i say i don't want that / but what if i do?" when he's struggling to live without a war like ultron said and "i've got a hundred thrown-out speeches i almost said to you" because of captain america's penchant for battle cries and pre-mission speeches but steve rogers doesn't talk very much and "i never grew up / it's getting so old" bECAUSE HE WOKE UP FROM HALF A CENTURY IN THE ICE AND HE HASN'T AGED A DAY AND HE FEELS SO YOUNG AND TOO OLD AT THE SAME TIME and i'm gonna cry i can't talk about this anymore
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 987
...The case took a wrong turn when charges were filed against a couple who stumbled upon the burglars when they came to the house to bring the murdered man a pecan pie.....
Martin Cameron Bond, Utah inmate 211601, born 1989. incarceration intake in 2013 at age 25, sentenced to life
In March 2013, Martin Cameron Bond knew his sentence before he walked into American Fork's 4th District courthouse: life without the possibility of parole.
He had agreed to the sentence to escape the death penalty in the event a jury found him guilty of aggravated murder in the 2009 death of retired Brigham Young University professor Kay Mortensen. That jury verdict came on Jan. 18, 2013. 
But the stipulation didn't stop the 25-year-old from asking 4th District Judge Thomas Low to sentence him to 25 years to life, which offered the possibility of parole.
"I don't use drugs, I don't drink," said the shackled killer, dressed in a red jumpsuit. "I don't use tobacco products... I always thought Corrections was for rehabilitation."
Bond asked the judge to allow the parole board to determine whether he was "worthy of a second chance." But Low said his hands were tied and sentenced Bond to spend the rest of his life in the Utah State Prison.
"Fair enough, your honor," Bond said before being led back into a holding cell. "Thank you."
Prosecutors have said Bond and an accomplice, Benjamin David Rettig (Utah inmate 203136), killed Mortensen to get the cache of guns he kept in his Payson home. The professor was found kneeling over his bathtub, his throat cut, a stab wound in his neck.
The case initially took a wrong turn when charges were filed against Roger Mortensen and his wife, Pamela Mortensen, who stumbled upon the burglars when they came to the house to bring Mortensen a pecan pie.
The couple were tied up but eventually freed themselves and called for help when they found Mortensen's body. Police initially didn't believe their story, however, and the couple were held in jail for five months and indicted by a grand jury before Bond's ex-wife tipped police.
Rettig — who is serving 25 years to life in prison — pleaded guilty in 2011 to aggravated murder and aggravated kidnapping for his part in the slaying. Bond was found guilty of aggravated murder, three counts of aggravated kidnapping, and one count each of aggravated burglary and aggravated robbery.
Bond apologized to Mortensen's family, calling the murder "a horrible tragedy that shouldn't have occurred."
Emotions remain volatile among some of Pamela and Roger Mortensen's friends and family, who are still upset over the couple's arrest and say the grand jury system needs to be revamped. Donna Rissinger, Pamela Mortensen's mother, told media reporters that the couple has never received restitution for the wrongful arrests, although they had to pay for attorneys and their cars were repossessed.
Deputy Utah County Attorney Tim Taylor said the decision to arrest the couple was based on evidence they had at the time.
"When you go back three years ago, we thought we were making the right decision," Taylor said.
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theprogrockbstheorist · 11 months
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(meme credit to u/rtphokie on reddit)
In order to celebrate these wondrous occasions, I have compiled 70 reasons why I love Rush (especially Geddy):
70. They don't have any unlistenable albums. I can put on any Rush album and at the very least enjoy it, which is saying a lot!
69. ANDDDD they have 19 studio albums!!! 167 songs!!!
68. Alex's iconic Hall of Fame induction speech.
67. The movie I Love You, Man. The main plot of that is just two guys geeking out about Rush and then going to see them in concert.
66. The Bb5 in "Cygnus X-1 Book 1: The Voyage". For the record, the other famous Bb5 sung by a male singer in rock is the high note in "Bohemian Rhapsody", sung by Roger Taylor.
65. Geddy's range in general. Say what you will about his voice, but he had range.
64. Their pre-concert videos.
63. "Hey baby it's 7:45 and I need to go to bed soon, let's fuck"- In the Mood. The debut album was something else, man.
62. They wrote songs during soundcheck when they were on tour. This includes songs like "Tom Sawyer" and "Chemistry".
61. They went to a Yes concert while recording Caress of Steel, and almost quit making the album. I, for one, am very glad they didn't!
60. The "rap" in "Roll the Bones". Sit back, relax, get busy with the facts...
59. Gene Simmons thought they weren't into women because they didn't want to party with KISS. True story!
58. They listed their baseball positions in the liner notes for Signals.
57. Neil wrote lyrics to a song using only anagrams. The song is called "Anagram (For Mongo)", and is on the album Presto.
56. They thanked themselves in the liner notes for Hemispheres. Listed as Dirk, Lerxst, and Pratt, ofc!
55. They would challenge themselves to write last-minute songs. Results of this experiment include "Hand Over Fist" from Presto, and "Malignant Narcissism" from Snakes and Arrows.
54. The mere existence of "A Passage to Bangkok". I wonder what their thought process was to put a song about smoking weed around the world after a 20-minute long dystopian prog rock epic...
53. "La Villa Strangiato". Just... everything about it.
52. The kimonos. You know the ones!
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51. Their nicknames for each other!! (see above)
50. They had the second-longest stable line up in rock music! The only ones with a longer stable line up was ZZ Top.
49. They had a 40-year career! Even longer if you include pre-Neil and their adventures since the R40 tour.
48. The synth era. I unapologetically love 80s Rush, especially Grace Under Pressure and Power Windows.
47. "The Necromancer" basically being self-insert Tolkien fanfic. I wonder who the "three travelers" are supposed to be... OH WAIT!
46. They're giant nerds. All prog bands are, but they are especially nerdy.
45. Hugh Syme's awesome album covers. He did every single one from Caress of Steel onwards, barring the front cover for Snakes and Arrows.
44. The 7/8 section in "Tom Sawyer". That was my first intermediate bass line! Thanks, Geddy!
43. They're Canadian icons. Unironically, they're the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions "Canada" to me.
42. The horribly cheesy, terrible, but also really funny music video for "Time Stand Still". That song, btw, might be my favorite 80s Rush song, and is probably in my Top 5.
41. The triple-entendre pun of Moving Pictures. They're filming a movie (moving picture) of people moving paintings (moving pictures), while someone is getting moved by the scene (moving...pictures...).
40. They quote the 1812 Overture in the overture for "2112".
39. Geddy taught Les Claypool how to properly play "YYZ".
38. The Permanent Waves era glasses!
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37. The opening of "Xanadu".
36. The weird stuff Geddy would have on his side of stage after he stopped using amps. This includes rotisserie chickens, washing machines, dryers, and popcorn machines.
35. "Music by Lee and Lifeson, Lyrics by Peart" on almost every single Rush song.
34. The ending of "Spirit of Radio". OF SALESMEN!!!
33. Their inside jokes. Example: The Bag.
32. They took French classes together, and began announcing their songs in French in Quebec.
31. The progressiveness of Counterparts. What other 40-year old rockstars were talking about healthy relationship boundaries and openly supporting gay people in 1993?
30. Their vaults are practically empty because they scrapped songs that weren't up to their standards. This is why we have no sub-par Rush material!
29. Choosing to end their careers with grace.
28. Ending the last show of their career with "Working Man", the song that got everything started.
27. "Dreamline"--"Learning that we're only immortal / For a limited time".
26. Geddy and Alex inducting Yes into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2017.
25. Then, of course, Geddy playing "Roundabout" with Yes during their induction! (Unfortunately, he did not play his Rickenbacker :( )
24. No decisions were made regarding the band without it being unanimous.
23. "Closer to the Heart". To me, that song is like a musical representation of their friendship, and it always leaves me with a warm, fuzzy feeling after listening to it.
22. Neil's books. Ghost Rider, in particular helped me get through a rough time earlier this year.
21. Geddy's Big Beautiful Book of Bass. I love that thing, and I am looking forward to his memoir in November!!!
20. That incredible Rickenbacker. I know it hasn't been his main bass since the early 80s but...
19. All their other creative projects. Geddy and Alex have a solo album each, Alex is involved with Envy of None rn, and Neil had his blog.
18. All their other stage interactions.
16. They got me into prog. I wouldn't have this blog right now if it weren't for Rush.
15. The Lifeson chord. The F#7add11 voicing that you can hear in so many of their songs (it's the opening to "Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres").
14. Neil's drumming. They call him The Professor for a reason!
13. Geddy's bass playing. And his singing. And playing keys. And... yeah, we would be here all day!
12. The Dinner with Rush video. I make daily references to this that no one notices...
11. "The measure of a life / is a measure of love and respect"- "The Garden". The final song on their final album, and possibly the most amazing closer of all time.
10. Their charity work. IIRC, this includes giving away the aforementioned rotisserie chickens, as well as various fundraisers.
9. Their constant strive to improve themselves. Including Geddy working with a vocal coach, Neil working with Freddie Gruber, and of course, disavowing that Ayn Rand shit.
8. They give me something to strive towards, both as a musician and as a person. If I could make records half as good as Rush, and handle the fame with half the grace that they did, I would consider myself well-accomplished.
7. Neil's lyrics inspired me to get back into writing.
6. They inspired me to become a musician, and to pursue a career in music. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have stayed in choir or picked up bass, and I would've never considered a career in audio technology.
5. Their music helped me bond with my dad.
4. Geddy talking about his family's story of survival during the Holocaust. I think that's really important to talk about.
3. Other Rush fans. Well, okay, some of them like to brag about how many concerts they've been to, or tend to be a little gate-keep, but most of them are really chill people.
2. Their music helped me get through the toughest times in my life. Without getting too personal, I even credit them with saving my life on multiple occasions.
However, what I admire about Rush, above all else...
1. Their friendship with each other.
Once again, happy birthday Geddy! Your music has inspired me in so many ways, and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it.
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satansapostle6 · 5 months
Characters I Write For
Please message me with any ideas/requests! I need ideas(short fics or series)
Mostly write for fem!readers. I can write fluff, angst, smut, etc. If I’m not comfortable with something I can let you know
Character/Actor List
Favorite Characters/Actors To Write For
Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins
Jesse Pinkman
Paul Dano characters
Josh Hutcherson characters
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Damon Salvatore, Silas, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson
Rodrick Heffley
Bellamy Blake
Ezra Fitz(should probably make it clear I don’t condone)
Ian Duncan(Community)
Charlie(It’s Always Sunny)
Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
Finnick Odair
Tommy Shelby
Killian Hook
Paul Dano
Klitz(The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover(Little Miss Sunshine)
Edward Nashton(The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields(Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox(Fast Food Nation)
Joby Taylor(For Ellen)
Nick Flynn(Being Flynn)
Josh Hutcherson
Peeta Mellark(The Hunger Games)
Mike Schmidt(FNAF)
Josh Futturman(Future Man)
Devon Bostick
Rodrick Heffley(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Jasper Jordan(The 100)
Cillian Murphy
Tommy Shelby(Peaky Blinders)
Dr. Jonathan Crane(The Dark Knight)
Neil(Watching the Detectives)
Christian Bale
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne(The Dark Knight)
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Jane Margolis
Saul Goodman
Harry Potter(Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass
Adrian Pucey
Terence Higgs
Harry Potter(Marauders Era)
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Lily Potter
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
Harry Potter(Fantastic Beasts Era)
Newt Scamander
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Jason Grace
+ Gods
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Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
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Ellen Harvelle
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The Hunger Games
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Pretty Little Liars
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Octavia Blake
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Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Frank Gallagher
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The Bear
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Dee Reynolds
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Robert Chase
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April Ludgate
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MCU, Marvel
Steve Rogers
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Peter Parker(Holland, Garfield, Maguire)
Peter Quill
Scott Lang
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Jessica Jones
Wade Wilson
Oliver Queen
Barry Allen
Felicity Smoak
Laurel Lance
Sara Lance
Malcom Merlyn
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Leonard Snart
Ray Palmer
Caitlyn Snow
Julian Albert
Rip Hunter
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
New Girl
Jess Day
Nick Miller
Other Characters
Charlie Kelmeckis(Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
Jesse Eisenberg Characters
Dr. Who(10th Doctor)
Will Probably Add More
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twotitsjohndecaon · 2 years
Just A Kiss
Have a few things which I've written. Here ya go.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: alcohol consumption, a lil bit of angst, very soft though, swearing, and filthy times but nothing too bad but still 18+
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Roger Taylor was an insufferable little flirt. A devious, charming man, who countless women seemed to fall victim too. He was also your best friend, and roommate, and you prided yourself on not falling for him, or so you’d thought.
Nothing had happened, not really. 
Until one night where Roger, who had spent most of the day hungover, decided to take it easy and get pissed in the flat instead of the pub tonight. So that’s how the two of you ended up being drunk as all hell together, on the couch, playing silly games to entertain yourselves (because TV was too confusing at this point). The night went on, and the two of you got sleepier as the time ticked by and the night got darker. The two of you ended up closer together, in something resembling a cuddle, because you were too drunk to care otherwise and Roger was touchy anyways and it felt nice to be so close to someone. Your conversation died out naturally as it was too much to focus on anymore, and you sighed, leaning your head back into him and opening your eyes and smiling at him. He smiled back, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and that led his hand to your cheek, and then all he really had to do was lean in. 
He gave a very soft kiss, not too deep, not too little, just perfect. And his eyes were so blue and it felt so good you didn’t mind in the slightest, and kissed him back before you cuddled a little longer in silence and went to your separate rooms for the night. 
In the morning, you remembered the kiss clearly, but chalked it up to being drunk and figured Roger was as well. When he was his usual self in the morning, you made him a piece of toast to try to get over his now double-hangover and everything continued on like normal. 
The second time it happened you weren’t drunk, but he certainly was. 
You heard a roar of “Y/N!” from your roommate as you entered the sleazy pub Queen was playing that night. He gave you a side hug, smelled like a liquor cabinet, and planted a peck directly on your lips, catching you off guard. Definitely not as graceful as the last time, or as nice. You rolled your eyes and have him a kiss on the cheek in response. 
“What happened to only three shots before each show?” you teased him. 
“Well, an hour ago wasn’t ‘before’ yet and then I had my usual. I got here too early!” he said in a whiny tone, slurring his speech a little. 
“As long as you can play, drummer boy,” said Freddie as he tapped his shoulder, signaling he had to go and heading backstage. 
“I can play,” he pouted in a way only he could, and left you without a second glance, too drunk to think about more than one thing at a time. He seemed to remember halfway through, though, and shouted a “s’ya, love!” halfway across the pub louder than he needed to. You smiled to yourself, and settled in for a great show, as always. And dammit, he most definitely still could play. 
Then there was the third time. You’d locked yourself in your room the second you came home, not even sparing a “hi,” and started to sob on your bed, your face in your hands. That’s how he knew something was wrong, so there he was, at your door, pushing it open softly, his heart breaking a little bit as he saw your tearful glare at him.
“You didn’t knock!” you scolded, misplacing your anger towards him. 
But he just gave a little “sorry, love,” and sat down next to you, and you didn’t think twice about leaning into him, and he didn’t think twice either about wrapping his arms around you so you could let it out. He smelled good, like smoke, which you always told him he should stop, but he hadn’t yet, but it still made him smell good, and he also smelled like Roger. When you eventually quieted down, he whispered softly to you, “what’s wrong?”
“It’s so stupid. I shouldn’t be this upset.”
“Tell me, sweetheart.”
“I was just driving back from the shop and I was being stupid and didn’t pay attention and I hit the guy in front of me. And I’m fine and he was fine but the car’s dented and it won’t even be too much but I just feel so terrible and I should have been paying better attention,” you cried. 
“That’s it?” he said.
“Roger!” you said, hitting him a little. He leant back onto your pillows and kept you with him in his arms.
“Ow! What I mean, is, that doesn’t mean you’re stupid, Y/N. Everyone gets distracted sometimes, and you didn’t mean to, and you’re not stupid and you’re not a bad driver. Just a little accident, that’s all,” he comforted. You calmed down more, but didn’t seem convinced.
“When I was 17, I got into a bad car smash once. Went through the window, practically, but somehow I was fine. Not one of my mates, though, he was worse off. And I wasn’t driving but I shouldn’t have gotten in the car with the idiot who was, and I knew that at the time but I did it anyways. That’s stupid,” he mumbled. You looked up to him and snuggled in close. 
“Roger, I’m so sorry.”
“No, love, it’s alright. I’m alright. 'Nd I didn’t tell you to take away from how you feel, but just to show you that you really aren’t a bad driver or stupid after all.”
“Thank you,” you mumbled softly into his neck, sending a little shiver down him. 
“Annoying, yeah, but definitely not stupid. You’re brilliant, Y/N,” he finished, and you looked at him scoldingly a bit and he smiled back mischievously, and you were so adorable to him in that moment that he just had to lean down and give you a kiss, just to make you feel better. You kissed back, and it was wonderful again, and you would’ve been worried it’d turn into something you didn’t want if you weren’t so distracted by the fender bender you’d done and cuddled right back into him until dinner. 
The fourth time wasn’t for a little while, but Roger was sick. Like, actually sick. And while normally you would’ve told him to fuck off and go throw up by himself, you could tell he actually felt like absolute shit and you took pity on him, his un-teased hair, and his pink little nose, rubbed raw from tissues all day. You’d taken as much care of him as you could in the morning, but you had a late shift at work, and didn’t get back till late. You found the flat dark and silent, but with some coughing and groaning coming from Roger’s room, so you quickly changed into your pajamas and washed your face before hopping into Roger’s bed. He seemed half asleep when you got under the cover, and pulled them up around him.
“Cold keeping you up?” you asked.
“Y/N,” he said appreciatively. “You don’t have to stay, don’t wanna get you sick,” he sniffled.
“Well if I get sick, then you can take care of me. You do owe me, after all,” you said as you pulled his head to your chest. You felt so soft, so comforting, and he already felt tons better.
“That I do,” he whispered raspily as he finally was able to stop aching for a moment and fall asleep. When he woke up in your arms, seeing your messy hair, he’d felt loads better, though still sick, but better than he had in about three days. He pretended to be asleep as you snuck out of bed and made sure he was well fed before you went off to work again. And the morning after that, when he finally felt good as new, once you came home he’d wrapped you in a hug and gave you another kiss, with a genuine Thanks, love, before telling you about all the mischief he and Fred had gotten up to at the stall that day. And you were freaking out a little now, because Roger had now kissed you sober more than once, and it was always fantastic, and you weren’t gonna be one of the millions of women he bagged, and you were roommates and friends and it’d make it all weird.
And you started to freak out even more when he started kissing you all the time. Never more than one kiss at a time, though. But now he was leaning over and giving you a little peck each time he came home, each time he was appreciative of something you did, each time before he went out, never in front of the boys, and each time he asked something from you. And you never said anything, because he’d always go to normal so quickly, and it shouldn’t matter anyways. But friends, roommates, didn’t kiss all the time like this, and you definitely weren’t friends with benefits, and it always felt so… domestic. And it never seemed like he particularly wanted to go beyond a small kiss either, and that confused you further, because was he secretly repulsed by you, but he couldn’t be because why would he kiss you in the first place then? Needless to say, you were growing more and more frustrated with each innocent little kiss he left you with. 
And you had reached your breaking point one night when you were watching some nature documentary on the BBC and Roger came out of his room, grabbed a beer for the both of you, and sat down next to you.
“What’cha watching?” he asked.
“Dunno. Something about the polar bears, I suppose,” you shrugged. Then he leaned over and gave you a little kiss before opening his bottle. And you froze, and you were very clearly upset suddenly, and Roger was confused. He tried to ignore it for a second, turning to the TV, but he couldn’t just let whatever was going on hang in the air. He was about to turn to ask you what was wrong, before you beat him to it. 
“Roger,” you started, very quietly. “Why don’t you kiss me more?” 
“Hm?” he asked, confused.
“I don’t mean more often. Just that… you kiss me all the time now and I don’t know why and I don’t know why you only want to kiss me and nothing else,” you asked eyes glued to the screen.
“Well… I like to kiss you,” he started, facing back towards the screen.
“That’s all you want to do with me?” you asked. Roger sighed.
“Of course not,” he shook his head. “God, Y/N, I wish I could do everything with you, but I can’t.”
“Why not?” you said, brows furrowed and faced towards him, tucking your knees up.
“Because… you deserve more than me,” he said. You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t give me that, Roger.”
“No, I mean it. I’m a piece of shit who smokes and drinks all the time. I’m never around and I bring girls right in front of your face and then I don’t call them the next day, and I don’t want to ever do that to you, so I can’t,” he started. “But I needed to do something, I s’pose. So limiting myself to just a… kiss, I guess was my way of having you without making any promises. Then I wouldn’t be able to hurt you.” “That’s not really fair to me, Roger,” you said. He turned to face you.
“I know. Sorry. Really.” You were silent for a second. “Well why do you think you’d do all of that shit to me?” you asked.
“Well I could never for you, love. That’s why we can’t.” “Well if you could never, then why is there a problem?”
“You know that’s not what I mean.”
“Why not?” you said, raising your voice a little. You both sighed. “What if… I want you to do more?”
“You would?” You nodded. “But what if I… I could never do that to you. What if… I’m not what you need?”
“What if you’re everything I need?”
“Roger, just kiss me! Please,” you slowed down. “Please, Roger, just kiss me for real, and give me more than just a plain kiss. Roger had no hesitation left, he could never around you, and grabbed your face and gave you a real, genuine kiss for once, one that lasted more than a second, and it told you everything you needed. He pulled away, opening his eyes slowly, and you smiled at him. 
“Still not convinced?” you asked. He smiled, but looked nervous. “Please Roger. I want to try. I want you,” you said. And that’s all you had to say before he gave you the sweetest smile.
“Want you too, Y/N, so much. All I ever wanted,” he told you, and you kissed again. Sweetly, after a little, he took you to his room, and loved you gently. He dressed you out of your pajamas slowly and you did the same, and he lowered his mouth to your lips, then your neck, then all the way down your body, and made you come twice on his tongue before he even thought about anything for himself. As he made his way back up, he entered you slowly, and never stopped kissing you, and you were both softly moaning into each other’s mouths through your highs before either of you knew it. After cleaning you up, and giving you a final little kiss on the knee, he pulled you close to him under the covers, and stroked your hair.
“I’m not too worried,” he said softly, kissing the top of your head.
“Hm?” You asked, confused.
“I’m not too worried about loving you. I think it’s the most sensible thing I’ve done, really,” he said. You kissed his chest.
“I’m not too worried either.” And he never let go the entire night. And in the morning when you woke up together, he gave you a kiss in the morning sunlight, a real kiss, and you never went back.
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Today, on 28th January, 2011
Q Magazine published with Queen 16-page exclusive - May & Taylor Speak! / 'The Unseen Freddie'
Roger Taylor interview (extract)
Who did you have most in common with when the band first got together?
Brian, really. We haven’t always got on but we’ve come to realise that we need one another. Brian is my enduring mate, but I was very close to Fred. I think we were the naughty ones.
You and Freddie were flatmates for a while in the very early days of Queen. Did you cook for each other?
Oh God! [Laughs]. One Christmas I was there with Fred and all we had was a packet of bread sauce that you make with water. We used to dream of a can of beans! We were very broke but we still managed to ponce about and appear rather grand.
You’d been a dentistry student. Did Freddie ever ask you for advice about his teeth?
Well, not really. His teeth were in strange places. I think he was very fearful, quite squeamish about having anything done because it would have involved fairly major surgery.
Queen released their first seven albums between 1973 and ’78. Not bad going…
No, I suppose it wasn’t. We were very painstaking making the albums, too. It was almost like a privilege to get in these studios which, at the time, cost what seemed like a fortune. Thirty quid for every hour! So we respected that and just grafted.
Did Bohemian Rhapsody seem like a peculiar song at all when Freddie first suggested it?
No, I loved it. The first bit that he played to me, was the verse. “Mama, just killed a man, dah-dah-la-dah-daah, gun against his…” All that. I thought, “That’s great, that’s a hit!” It was in my head, a simpler entity then; I didn’t know it was going to have a wall of mock Gilbert and Sullivan stuff, you know, some of which was written on the fly. Freddie would write these huge blocks of mass harmonies on the backs of phone books.
When Freddie would say thinks like “What’s a mortgage, darling?” in interviews, Brian and John didn’t seem to like it too much…
No, I don’t think they did.
What did you make of it?
I thought it was hilarious because it was always a complete wind-up. He knew that what would annoy people more than anything was assuming this sort of Marie Antoinette… “Let them eat cake!” That was him. You know, “F*** ‘em. If they don’t like me I’ll be even worse than they expect.
Did you ever accompany him on his legendary shopping sprees?
Oh yeah. We used to buy each other rugs occasionally. Freddie used to say, “Always buy the best, dear”, which is a great piece of advice. There’s no point in getting the Jag when you can have the Aston Martin.
Was that your philosophy?
In a way, although I didn’t take it anyway near as far as he did. We’ve been incredibly lucky, we’ve had a great career and I’ve never been one to hide it. We are what we are. At the same time we’ve done lot of quite good things. Maybe [laughs].
Queen’s parties were infamously wild…
It really was a very small part of what was going on. We just thought it was a laugh. If we could screw that much money out of the record company to have an almighty blowout then why not? It’s just become… the myth of the dwarf with the coke on his head [at the New Orleans launch party for their 1978 album Jazz] and all that. It never happened.
No. Well, I never saw it [laughs]. I’d tell you if I did. There were weird things going on but… [mildly weary] the parties and everything, people like to hear about all that but it’s sort of in the past now.
But you must appreciate why people love those stories.
Yeah, but I wouldn’t recommend a party with a hundred strippers as a great marketing tool.
In an interview back then you said, “I like strip clubs and strippers and wild parties with naked women.” Was that an accurate summary of your interests?
Ha! All true, of course.
Was cocaine ever your thing at all?
Well, everything was around then. We did a bit of this and that but I don’t think it ever really ruled us.
Everything in moderation.
[Laughs]. We were never for moderation.
As Queen became more successful, why did you travel around in separate limos?
That was the easiest way to do it. Limos are the stupidest cars. There’s really only room for two passengers and you’d usually have your girlfriend or wife or whatever, companion, or your assistant with you. We could afford four you know? It was nothing to do with not wanting to speak to one another.
What did you think when Freddie turned up one day with his new moustache?
I always said that he could have ridden naked down Oxford Street and got less publicity than he did by growing a f****ing moustache. One man grows moustache. Not a big deal. But it was, obviously, in his case. It represented this sort of gay clone scene at the time, so there was some sort of vibe off that. I mean, it didn’t bother us at all.
What misconceptions do you think people might hold about Freddie?
Well, he had a very shy side and a very forceful side as well. That was it, really. In the studio he was such a worker. That’s where he was completely at home, not shy at all. I never had a cross word with Freddie. He was the glue that kept us together, in a way. It’s difficult to describe. A complex man. In a social situation he might be quite shy, but then he could also enter the room with all the charisma turned up to 10 and take it over, but he’d have to psyche himself up for that.
As he would if he was going onstage?
Absolutely. The same thing, really.
Apparently on tour you and Freddie played a lot of Scrabble. Who was the best?
Fred and I used to love Scrabble. We all played, but it got a bit too serious so the other two would drop out. Freddie was brilliant because he could score more with fewer tiles. I was pretty much his match, I think. Brian got the most points I’ve ever seen with one word, which was 168. Can I remember what the word was? Yes, “Lacquers”. “Q” on the triple, all seven letters, triple word. Work it out. [Q Ed’s note: we’ve tried and failed – over to you, Scrabble nuts.]
When you knew that Freddie was dying was there any question of stopping?
No. He only asked two things. The first was let’s keep working. The other thing was when he was really sick, just come and visit me.
Towards the end Freddie’s home was besieged by the press. That seems normal now but it was quite unusual at the time.
Yeah, his house was surrounded by vultures. They’d even be photographing his groceries as they were brought out of the car. It was horrific, actually.
Did you make your feelings known when you would go and visit him?
I did hit a photographer one night and I think I ran over another one’s foot. All those people, what are you going to say, you know? Just horrible dickheads.
Did you get to say goodbye to him?
Well, one time he was very, very sick. I was about 300 yards up the street on my way to see him when Peter [Freestone], his assistant, rang me and said, “Don’t come, he’s just gone.” That was a real blow, but… yeah, literally 300 yards away on Kensington High Street. [Pause, little smile] Next question.
No, that’s alright.
After the Freddie Mercury tribute concert in 1992 did you think, “Well, what do we now?”
Oh, definitely. There was a very empty period. It was, “What do we do now? Well, let’s give up. Yeah, let’s give up. That was good. That’s done.” Then, of course, after a while you’d feel, “Well, shall we finish that material?” Eventually we summoned up the strength to finish it and I think we made a good job of it [the resulting album was 1995’s Made In Heaven].
Can you understand why some fans think that the whole idea of the Queen musical We Will Rock You, is almost offensive?
Yeah, I do, and they’re welcome to think what they like because I hate musicals. The fact is we did our best to make it an enjoyable experience for those who might like that kind of thing. I make no excuses for it. If you get all purist about things… everybody wants everything to be kept in a jar like it always was and that’s not the way the world works.
Queen’s album sales are often given as being approximately 300 million. Do you have any idea what the actual figure is?
Honestly, I don’t know. Somewhere between two and three hundred, maybe. It’s a lot. [Pause] Great, isn’t it? [Laughs]
(➡️ source: brianmay.com website)
📸 Pic: 1986 - Freddie Mercury posing
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cable-knit-sweater · 1 year
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Checkmate, I couldn’t lose
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Rating: T
Word count: 1.1k
Tags: Modern AU, rich Steve Rogers, con man Bucky Barnes, idiots in love
Summary: Bucky is a con man, ready to steal all of Steve’s money so he’ll be set for life. Problem is…Steve’s onto him from the start, but plays along anyway.
Title from Mastermind by Taylor Swift
So I told you none of it was accidental And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork and then saw a wide smirk On your face, you knew the entire time You knew that I'm a mastermind And now you're mine Yeah, all you did was smile 'Cause I'm a mastermind
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Written for @allcapsbingo card: AC1005 | Adoptable: Inheritance
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Bucky does what he has to, to get by. He’d always been good at bullshitting his way out of things, but when he ended up on the streets as a teenager, he needed to step it up to survive. It started out with petty theft, distracting people so he could sneak a wallet or jewelry away from them to give him some cash to eat and to sleep somewhere. But he learned quickly, had some people teach him more skills, and now, in his mid twenties, he only did the petty stuff to get a little thrill. 
He’d pretended to be so many different people, pretended to have so many different jobs. He’d played some long cons and cashed in. But he was getting to a point where he wanted it to stop. His current funds would last him a couple of years, maybe. Bucky needed one big job to set him up for life. 
Finding the right mark took some time, but he’d finally found him. Steve Rogers was a well-known millionaire, coming from a prominent family. His parents had passed and had left him the bulk of his money in his inheritance, but he didn’t seem too attached to it, ending up in the society pages often enough wearing expensive clothes and accessories, driving expensive cars, stories of women who’d dated him that recounted extravagant dates and gifts. On top of that, he donated large amounts of money to charity each year. 
So, he was someone that spent his money easily, and loved a good sob story. He was perfect. It didn’t hurt that he was gorgeous too. Bucky knew just how to part him from a large chunk of that  inheritance. And it wouldn’t take much more than batting his eyelashes and crying a little on cue. This was gonna be it. He was going to be set for life once he was done, he was sure of that. 
He hadn’t been ready for Steve. He’d played it so cool, so perfectly, when they met and he could see the instant attraction in Steve’s eyes. It had seemed so simple then.
But nothing about Steve was simple. Bucky had to tell himself repeatedly why he was doing this, to not lose himself in the game and forget that this wasn’t real.
Steve made it so hard to remember that. He was kind, smart, wonderful. Bucky found himself imagining what it could be like, to actually be on Steve’s arm for real. But that was never going to happen. This Bucky, the Bucky Steve spent so much time on, listened to, laughed with, loved on - it was a character, not who he really was, even if he could feel himself slip sometimes.
Even if Steve could actually like him for who he was, that never was going to happen. Not if he knew why Bucky was here in the first place. He was so stupid. The first thing he’d learned was to not feel sorry for the mark, let alone feel this much for one.
The only thing he could hope for now, was that he got some results soon, so he could leave. So he could leave before it became impossible to do that without breaking his own heart.
Some nights, he felt like it was already too late for that.
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Bucky was different. It had taken Steve a moment to realize that, too distracted by a lean body and brilliant grey-blue eyes. Meeting him at the benefit for one of his many charities had felt like faith. Steve was done with dating around and ready to settle down, and at first Bucky seemed like he was interested in Steve for Steve, not his bank account. 
He knew how people saw him. As a rich, spoiled playboy. Pretty, but not the sharpest tool in the shed. He was fine with that, mostly, although it was always disappointing when people didn’t see through that or paid too little attention to him to get that far, too focused on what he could do for them rather than who he was.  
Bucky was different. He was focused on Steve.
There was only one problem. He was too focused on Steve. He knew too much about Steve, played too much into his weaknesses. He was too perfect. Once he’d noticed, he started paying attention to everything Bucky did. It didn’t take long to pick up on the fact that it was all an act. 
He was sure Bucky hadn’t noticed, but Steve saw him slip up a couple of times, things he said or did just not matching up with the picture he was trying to create. It had made Steve smile a little. Bucky was smart, good at what he did. Steve was just too used to people trying to get something out of him, that he could see right through it. But he liked Bucky, so he let him play his game, just to see what would happen.
There wasn’t much he had to lose here. If Bucky managed to con him out of his money, that was fine. He cared little for it, he’d find a way to live the rest of his life without it. If Bucky didn’t manage to win this little game, Steve at least could have some fun while spending time with him, before Bucky probably would give up and disappear as quickly as he’d turned up. 
He was sweet, funny, kind. Steve was more than willing to lose all of his money just for more time with that Bucky. He just hoped that Bucky felt the same. Steve was probably setting himself up for heartbreak. But he was having fun, playing along, and enjoyed every minute with Bucky when he was being himself. 
Steve tried to show Bucky what it could be like without the con, to show him that there could be something there between them. That it could be real, if he wanted to, if he wanted to give up on playing this little game. It was hard to find the balance between showing him that, and making Bucky too suspicious. If that happened before Bucky was ready, if Bucky figured out that Steve knew what he was doing, he’d probably run for the hills.
Maybe Bucky would never be ready, but a Steve had hope. Maybe Bucky would break his heart, maybe he’d con Steve out of everything. But Bucky was worth it, he thought. Two could play this game, and Steve wasn’t planning on losing.
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oktobersilver · 1 year
☆My Pretty Barbarella☆
john taylor x reader!!!!
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SUMMARY: Your childhood friend Simon introduces you to his band, but you can't peel your eyes away from one particular bassist, only to find out he can't either.
warnings: smut, oral sex
Y/N's good friend, Simon, was finally going to introduce you to his band that he'd always talk about. You were nervous about the fact you'd never met any of the members before, you hardly even knew their names, let alone how they'd treat you. But, you knew that if Simon liked them, they had to be good people. "Hey, Y/N, we're here!" Simon cheerfully announced, turning towards you from the driver's seat. "Are you really sure that they'll like me? I mean, this is your band, I wouldn't want to make a bad impression or anything" Y/N anxiously admitted, you couldn't stop worrying about making a good first impression for some reason.
Y/N and Simon walked into the studio, smiling brightly at the two men in the main room.
"Andy, Roger, this is Y/N! I've known her since primary school, we've been close ever since" Simon said, patting your back.
You smiled at the two, shaking their hands as they flashed a smile at Y/N.
"Nice to finally meet you, Y/N." Andy said, nudging at Roger to speak.
"It's very nice to meet you, Y/N, I'm glad Simon has someone close outside of the band" Roger said, clearing his throat.
Simon looked across the room as Nick & John walked out of the recording room, motioning for them to come over. Y/N looked up at the two men, instantly noticing one of them was really, really good-looking.
"John, Nick, meet Y/N! Andy & Roger already met her not too long ago"
Y/N gave the two men a bright smile, shaking their hands as well but you had to admit, John was really, well, he was gorgeous.
Y/N thought you caught him looking you up and down, but just figured it was your imagination, but what if it wasn't?
Simon and most of the guys went off to the recording room, Roger went outside for some fresh air, leaving Y/N & John in the main room.
After a minute or two, Y/N glanced at John, clearing your throat.
"So, what instrument do you play, John?" Y/N asked the man, as you leaned against the couch, slightly tilting your head in curiosity.
The tall man glanced at Y/N up and down, quickly before answering
"I play bass, but I started out playing just regular guitar at first." He said, fully turning his attention to Y/N.
"Do you play anything?" He asked politely. Y/N smiled at him, "I've always liked bass, I think it deserves more attention, and I used to play guitar in highschool, but I don't really play anymore now." Y/N answered, looking at John as you subtly bit your lower lip.
"So...what have you been up to?" Y/N asked him, crossing one leg over the other.
John quickly licked his upper lip before answering, "Nothing too much, I have been in need of something, it's been pretty tame for the past couple months". He said, walking just a bit closer.
Y/N grinned at him, crossing her arms as she looked at the man.
"And what exactly are you in need of? You're not being very specific, Mr. Taylor." You said teasingly, maybe he really had been looking at you like that, it's not like you were completely oblivious.
John leaned down close infront of you, his blonde fringe ever so slightly covering his eyes as he gazed upon Y/N.
"What do you think? I'm not stupid, I've noticed that look you've been giving me from the moment I entered the room, pretty girl." He murmured, the tone of his voice walloping throughout her chest.
"How about you show me then?" Y/N whispered, gently kissing the side of John's neck.
He peered down at her, taking her into a sharp, but dirty kiss, he couldn't help but revel in the feeling of their tongues sliding together.
A soft moan escaped from Y/N's mouth as John perched his leg between hers, trailing his hands beneath her shirt, grazing her hips.
"John.." Y/N murmured, looping her fingers through the belt loops of his trousers, tugging at it.
"Does that feel good sweetheart?" He hummed, taking her back into a deep, filthy kiss, making his way through her mouth with his tongue.
Y/N sat back on the couch, followed by a cry of pleasure, hardly breaking contact with John's mouth.
"Take this off for me, princess." He said, kissing down Y/N's neck as they both stripped of their clothes.
John trailed his hand down Y/N's waist, teasing at the start of her clit, increasing his pace.
"Please! John, please" Y/N cried out, "Please, please baby." Y/N moaned, slinging her arm across his back as he enveloped her tongue in a deep, passionate kiss.
"Are you already this desperate for me?" He teased, situating himself lower, lining his mouth up with her pussy.
Y/N could feel her orgasm beginning to pit in her stomach, John then left a drawn out lick across her pussy, feeling her thighs tense around his face as he continued eating her out.
She tugged at his hair, twisting her fingers through his blonde fringe as another whine escaped from between her lips, cursing profanities under her sharp breath as the man worked his mouth beneath her.
He could feel her legs tense around him, John lifted his face away from her pussy, leaning back up to Y/N as she cupped his face, running her thumb across his lips.
"You're beautiful like this, Y/N, I swear I'm gonna ruin you for anyone else." John muttered, gazing into her eyes before he lined himself up with her pussy.
"Please John, you already have, I'm yours to keep." Y/N whined out, still getting used to the feeling of her pitting orgasm.
John rocked into her, filling her pussy with the entire length of his cock, letting out a low moan, slowly but deeply rocking inside of her.
Y/N let out a cry of pleasure, arching her back as she dug her nails into the couch, rolling her eyes back as John picked up his pace.
"John, please, fuck me, please!" Y/N moaned out, John threw his head back in pleasure, hitting deeper and deeper inside of her as he leaned his body down closer to her, leaving her neck with deep, red and purple marks.
Y/N slung her arms around him, clawing at his back as he slammed inside of her, pushing her closer and closer to her climax.
John whimpered, feeling his orgasm curl inside of him as Y/N whined and moaned all for him, wrapping her legs around his hips, trying to get as close as possible.
His cock slammed throughout her, sending a shock of her upcoming orgasm through her spine, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
"I think I'm close, please! I need you, John, I need all of you." Y/N groaned out, bucking her hips up against the man.
His dick continued filling her walls, chasing the pleasure of his upcoming orgasm, heavily rocking inside of Y/N.
John leaned down towards her, attempting to kiss her, but only ended up panting inside of each other's mouths, spitting profanities & pornographic moans as they both hit their climax together as he came inside of Y/N, both riding out their highs.
"Are you okay?" John asked, wrapping his arms around Y/N.
She looked up and nodded, kissing him tenderly as he put his hand on the side of her neck.
John grinned, "Who ended up bruising my pretty baby this bad?" He huffed sarcastically, pressing a soft kiss to her skin as the pair cuddled up to eachother.
Y/N rolled her eyes as she nudged his chest, "I wonder who".
"Y'know, maybe you could convince Simon to bring you around here more often." John teased, kissing her temple.
⊰ End ⊰
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song isn't mentioned or anything, i js love it and think it might go w the fic?
Operation : Save Henry
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gif not mine, credits to owner
As a pirate and member of Hook's ship, how do you fight the irresistible urge to go back to help the savior from Storybrooke to get her son back?ㅤ | ㅤYou trying to convince Killian to turn the ship around to help Emma + dealing with it.
ㅤ Emma Swan × F!pirate!reader
It was what a mundane would call 'The ends of season 2', and Henry had been kidnapped. But Killian and you were pirates. Why should you care?
You ran away with the last magic bean, but there was something in the back of your head that told you to turn back and help 'the heroes'.
— Come on, Killian, we HAVE to help them. — You said while walking up to him, to which the other one shook his head.
‐ No, Y/N. Let's take this chance and run to another place. We don't need this... Storybrooke. ‐ He denied in a demanding tone.
He was the one to raise you, so he knew that you would just nod and walk away. But this time, something was different. The voice of Emma Swan kept sounding on your head, and you couldn't shut it, so you took a deep breath, ready to confront Hook for the first time.
— Killian, listen to me. — You started your lecture, and Hook frowned at the confrontation. — I know, okay? We've never been even close to 'heroes', but please, PLEASE, please, just this time. Turn around, let's help Emma. Please, let me help Emma. I promise I'll clean the Jolly Roger after. — You asked in your most pleading tone as you tried to keep Killian's attention in you instead of the ocean.
The man looked at the ocean one last time before letting out a deep sigh and turning around.
‐ If this doesn't end up in a good adventure, you're cleaning my ship TWICE, understood? ‐ You immediately nodded multiple times and smiled.
— Thank you, Killian, you're the best big brother. — You said softly and went to the sails of the ship to accommodate them in the direction they needed.
Said and done, some minutes later, the Jones duo were back to Storybrooke's port.
‐ Ahoy sweet mundanes! We saw you grieving for us on the docks, so we came to say hello. ‐ Killian exclaimed from the highest part of the ship.
— Killian, this is serious. — Yoy said after chuckling, trying to hold in some laughs.
‐ Come on, Y/NN! Let a pirate have fun! ‐ Hook complained as he came down to be beside you at the entry of the boat.
Back in the docks, the blonde Emma Swan was frowning. On one hand, because of the weird connection between, on the other, because you came back.
– What are you two doing here? – Emma asked after a few seconds as her and 'The Charmings' plus Regina and Gold got up the boat.
‐ Your good friend, Y/N Y/LN, talked me into coming back and helping you rescue your child. ‐ Killian answered while his gaze went from you, who had a small, proud smile on your face and the Swan-girl, who seemed surprised at the confession.
– Really? – Emma questioned in a low tone, surprised as her eyes shifted to the younger pirate.
You nodded proudly. — Well, don't look so surprised, blondie, I wouldn't let anything happen to the kid. — You said after regaining an egocentric composture.
Killian raised an eyebrow. Had you and Henry really built a bond within the curse? Curious. You weren't really one for kids.
The interaction ended with a small, polite smile from the three of them, and you and Killian went to the helm to direct the embarkation.
You decided to stay in the store of the Jolly Roger, thinking about going back to Neverland. Even though it was just to save Henry, this place had meant a lot to you once because it was the only place where you met so much people that could understand you, so it felt kind of weird to suddenly come back. Would all the kids that you once met be there? Is any of them gone?
The sound of the door startled you, taking you out of your toughts. You got up of the chair when you saw Emma getting in. She clearly didn't know that you were there because she stormed in in a way that made evident that she wanted to be alone. You thought you had heard some verbal fight out there, but since it didn't involve you, you decided to ignore it. But now it made sense. It was Emma fighting with her parents.
— Boo? — You said softly to let the blonde girl know that you were there.
Swan, who was clearly angry and in her own thoughts, got scared. – Oh! God, Y/LN! – She said as she reacted, and the pirate chuckled and smiled. – I didn't know you were here. Sorry. I'll just... Leave. – She said quickly and turned around. You walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. Emma turned around, confused.
You quickly took your hand off, afraid of passing any lines. You moved your hand to the back of your own neck nervously before speaking. — Don't. Don't worry. You're clearly not in the mood for people, and Killian probably needs help with the ship. Stay here, don't worry. – You said quickly and started walking towards the door again, but now, Emma stopped you. It was like neither of you wanted to let the other one leave, but you didn't want to admit it.
— Hey. — The blonde girl said as you turned around to face her again. – Thank you for convincing Hook to come back. – She said with a small smile.
You nodded softly as a way of saying 'you're welcome' and blushed a bit. Luckily for you, the Jolly Roger wasn't modernized enough to have lamps, so the Swan-girl wasn't able to see the color covering your cheeks. — We'll save him, I promise. — You said softly and walked out, her lips curving into a small smile as soon as you turned around.
However, the 'tennager-in-love' signs were noticed by the only person who knew you well enough, Killian. As soon as you walked over to him, he raised an eyebrow.
‐ Why do you look so flustered? ‐ He asked with a tiny, teasy smile and gave you a soft nudge in your arm. His baby was growing.
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The jacket [R. T]
Roger Taylor x fem!reader
Word count: 2k
summary: by chance you find just what you wanted at a stall in Kensington market… but some problems arise
A/N: I got a little (a lot) obsessed with the story of Queen and especially Roger, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Tell me if you like it!
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It was a cold, cloudy day, like most days in London, and you were walking in the direction of a sign posted on a building; Kensington market. You had earned a little extra money at work, so you planned to spend it all on quirky, colorful clothes like the ones they sold out there.
The place was huge so when you walked in you didn’t even know where to start. Each time you were filling more and more the backpack that you had carried with clothes of all kinds and you were happy to find cheap things that would work for you. 
You were walking down an aisle quite distracted with clothes hanging on top of the stalls and almost like a miracle your eyes found it. It was an absolutely gorgeous jacket, just like the one you’ve been wanting for months, so you practically rushed over to the booth to touch it with your hands. 
It was soft, brown in color, and with plush fabric that felt soft to the touch.
“Good morning, miss” you heard someone say in front of you. You had been so focused on the piece of clothing that you didn’t notice the man. 
You were silent for a second, taken aback by the way he looked: golden hair, bright blue eyes, and white skin that looked neat. His features were delicate and he was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt.
“Huh… hi,” you said, feeling shy all of a sudden. 
He was very handsome and that intimidated you, but the sweet smile he offered you afterward eliminated that feeling almost completely.
“Do you like that? It belonged to the countess from a distant country, she used to wear it to go out for a walk on cold mornings and it was her favorite, but one day she had a fight with her lover and he got rid of the garment out of spite. 
It is a unique piece of its kind” he told you. Your first instinct was to furrow your brows in confusion, wondering if he was really telling you the truth or just making you look like a fool, but then you thought it was just a story he had built up on the fly to make the deal more interesting. That made you smile a little. 
“How surprising. It must have cost a fortune if it belonged to royalty.”
“Oh, of course. But I can give you a special price and it will be yours for the ridiculous amount of 20 pounds” by this point it was obvious that he had made the story up, but you were surprised to hear the price. It was a little more expensive than what you had spent on other clothes, but you couldn’t deny that you were captivated from the beginning and it would be a crime not to take home that jacket “What do you say?” he asked noticing your silence. When your eyes met his, you felt nervous again.
“It’s more than I expected,” you said sincerely “But I admit that this is beautiful. So that’s fine, I’ll pay for it” you exclaimed as your eyes lit up.
“Smart girl,” he complimented you, smiling at you again. You could tell that he was a charismatic guy “I’m Roger, do you have a name?”
“Pretty name for a pretty girl,” he murmured and for the first time you burst out laughing.
“How original,” you said sarcastically. That was one of the most cliché phrases you had ever heard in your life, but even with that you couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m serious. It’s cute” he insisted. How old was that boy? He looked young, but the only thing that terrified you was that he was so much younger than you. You wondered if he sold clothes for a living or had a real job or if he was studying at some university or if he had a girlfriend. You weren’t attracted to all the men who passed before your eyes, but this one in particular had something that had captivated you a little. A bit embarrassed, you handed him a bill which he exchanged for the jacket. “Do you need a bag for that?”
“No, I’ll use it now” you answered and fulfilled what was said. He let out a low whistle.
“Looks Good. It was a great purchase,” he said. It was probably routine with all the customers so they would be satisfied with what they just bought, but you didn’t care.
“Thank you, have a nice day” you murmured as you took your things to continue with the walk.
“Have a wonderful day too. Whenever you want to come back, I’ll be waiting for you” he politely said goodbye. Again you thought that it was something he said to all the buyers and at this you showed him a grateful smile.
You thought that after walking through a few more stalls and not liking anything, it was best to go home. You could put on the TV for a while, make tea, and enjoy a lazy Sunday. 
You were wandering down the long corridor in thought until something interrupted your thoughts and made you let out a shriek.
It was that boy again.
“Hey” he exhaled agitatedly. He looked like he had run and his cheeks were flushed as he looked at you.
“Hello,” you said confused. His hand was on your bicep, but he only held it there for just a moment and then fell back to his side.
“Listen, I’m… I’m really embarrassed, but I need the jacket back,” he mumbled, but all he managed to do was deepen your frown, so he thought he’d better speak again “It wasn’t for sale, my partner left it there and that’s why I thought it was, but… it’s important and I’m probably going to end up dead if I don’t take it” he explained. You could have told him no and you would have every right, of course, since the mistake had been his, but he sounded so desperate and sincere that you felt bad for him. Maybe the universe was trying hard because you didn’t get it.
“I thought he belonged to a countess” you joked without much encouragement. He laughed nervously and was overjoyed when he saw that you had started to take it off.
“It’s more like a queen” he snorted and you instantly understood why his urge to get it back; it belonged to his girlfriend. You were going to give it to him when a doubt invaded you.
“You’re going to give me my money back, right?”
“Yes! Of course I will” he hastened to reply “And I’ll give you whatever you want from the position as compensation, I’m really sorry”
“Oh, it’s not necessary”
“I insist,” he said with determination “If you want you can accompany me for your money and so you choose something, does it sound good?” 
he asked with a smile. Either way you had to tag along for the money and you thought the idea of getting something for free sounded too tentative.
After you nodded your head, the two of you began to walk in silence, but it didn’t take you more than a few minutes to reach the place. 
You had expected to see a pretty girl, but in her place was a man with long hair and a furious expression.
“You are an idiot, Roger”
“I already told you I didn’t know! It’s your fault for just leaving it there” he defended himself. 
Apparently the opposite hadn’t noticed your presence and when he did his expression softened considerably.
“Sorry what my friend put you through, love,” he apologized, but you waved your hand dismissively. “But at least I have to admit you have good taste,” he continued, making you laugh.
“It’s a really beautiful jacket”
“We have some similar ones back here and there are also some dresses that I think would look perfect on you, what kind of clothes do you like to wear? Because an A-line skirt would really flatter you,” he started to say, pulling you inside and causing you to lose sight of the blonde. He had an impeccable fashion sense and for a moment you wondered if he was a... gay man. To be honest it wasn't something that bothered you, but many people considered it a mental disorder and a sin. Then you also wondered if the blond in front of the stall was that boy’s boyfriend “My name it’s Freddie, by the way”
“I’m Y/N”
“Nice to meet you. Usually it’s Roger who gets the attention of the nice girls, but now he’s too embarrassed with you to do anything” he sneered. You didn’t expect that and you were surprised, but with that sentence you had confirmed that the blond liked girls, with the possibility that you were one of them “Do you like this dress? It’s an antique, but if you pin it here and take off the sleeve it’ll look wonderful,” he continued. You weren’t planning on staying that long, but Freddie’s advice was great and you liked the view out there. At some point Roger joined the conversation, possibly getting over his embarrassment, and before long you were having a fantastic time. They were both very charming and friendly.
“Although I liked being with you, I have to go, I still need to buy a couple of things” you expressed embarrassed “But thanks for everything, the advice and that”
“It was a pleasure, you can come back any day you want, we’re here every weekend, right, Roger?” Freddie said gently.
“Sometimes only Freddie is there, I’m going to play”
“Like… in a band?” you asked, slightly interested, hoping not to be reckless.
“Yeah, in a band called Smile” he muttered happily “I play drums”
“Wow” you gestured “And it’s like… ballads and stuff?”
“It’s rock”
“Oh” you sighed again. You wouldn’t have guessed that he would do that, but now that you knew, his style seemed to fit very well. You could imagine him on stage banging on the drums.
“You should hear them one day” Freddie went ahead to say and you looked at him in surprise “You have a show at the Imperial next week, don’t you Rog?”
“Huh-uh,” he said, a little nervous. He didn’t expect Freddie to do that and he was going to make sure he charged him dearly.
“Well, I’ll have to go around there” you replied “If you don’t mind, of course”
“Not at all. The more the merrier, isn’t it?” he laughed. He sounded quite sincere and you eliminated the idea that he would have been made uncomfortable by the idea of you in one of his shows. 
“Well, it’s done” you smiled. You really had to go or you wouldn’t have enough time for the rest of the day “See you later”
“Saturday 8:00 PM at the Imperial, don’t forget it! Have a wonderful week, darling” 
“Goodbye,” said Freddie and Roger respectively. 
Both of them watched you walk down the hall until you were lost in the distance “Fred, may I know why the hell you did that?” Roger yelled, you were barely a safe distance away.
“C’mon! You were dying to invite her” he mocked his friend. Roger was so flushed that he looked like a ripe tomato “And I’ve never seen you be shy around women”
“But I sold him a jacket that I later took from him”
“And we gave her an item of clothing and my priceless fashion tips. I think that makes up for it” he continued, at his calmest for the matter “Besides you owe me this”
“Yeah, I don’t know when I’ll ever get a chance to embarrass you again for almost losing my precious, so I decided to do it now,” Freddie muttered, shrugging softly, as he arranged a few china figurines they were selling.
“You are the worst”
“When you’re making out with her behind your car, you’re going to thank me,” he assured him. Roger grunted and then laughed as he gently shook his head. As much as he wanted to deny it, he felt a little happy at the thought of seeing you again.
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So You Could Sit There In This Hurt
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51732280 by ManyGayUmbrellas “I’m sorry.” He whispers, wondering why he doesn't say I love you, wondering why he doesn't say the thing he needs to, the thing he will never get to say. It’s easier to pretend you didn't love them.   Whumptober day thirteen-"I don't feel so good" Words: 1626, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 12 of Fill My Veins With Terror (Whumptober 2023) Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Thanos (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Stephen Strange, Thor (Marvel), Other Avengers Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Blood, Blood and Gore, peter kills someone, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Blipped | Dusted Peter Parker, Peter Parker Whump, Teen Peter Parker, Peter Parker Can Wield Mjolnir, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Parent Tony Stark, Grief/Mourning, Crying, peter kills thanos, I love that trope quite a bit so now y'all have to suffer with it, Whumptober 2023, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, specifically, Song: champagne problems (Taylor Swift) read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51732280
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lady-maracas · 2 years
Make me yours
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Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader
Word count: 2,7k
Warnings: None, just fluff. Some swearing. I wrote this in first person. Also, story takes place in 1967. Love xxx.
I probably have the best friend in the whole world, you can't change my mind. And 'why?' you would ask? The answer is easy. He takes care of me, puts his happiness before mine (even though I tell him not to) and he's always been there for me, in my worst and best moments.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.
We met when we were kids. Both of us were alone on the first school day. As soon as we met each other's eye, we knew we would become the bestest of friends. He was the golden retreiver and I was the black cat. He was ready to play and go outside at anytime of the day. And me? I'd rather stay at home and just stand there. But the huge contrast between our personalities is what brought us together. Since that day, we were inseparable. Even though we've had some pretty bad arguments, awful even, we always found each other back. He was there for me and I was there for him. Attached at the hip.
Today, I turned 18. He promised he'd take me down to the pub for my first (legal) drink. Honestly, I would've much prefered if we'd stayed home and had a quiet night but, what's wrong with having a little fun once in a while? I kicked myself to take a shower and finally started to get ready. I chose the most comfortable (but still cute) outfit I had, because if I get wasted, might as well be comfortable because it's going to be one hell of a night.
As soon as I was ready, I heard a soft knocking on my front door. I ran (literally) to unlock the door for him. I didn't even have time to open it completely, he smiled as soon as he saw me.
"Hey, birthday girl!" I don't know where he found all this energy, especially when it's that late at night. But the smile he gave me was adorable.
"Hi, I'm ready in just a second!" I left the door open for him to step in the house. Lucky him, my parents weren't there, because they'd probably have started one of their endless conversations with him. They just loved him, to which I'm not complaining. But, usually, as soon as he enters the house, they start asking him millions of questions. I pity him.
I took a final look at myself in the full-length mirror in the hall and turned back to him.
"You're going out wearing that?" He eyed me up and down and pointed at my outfit. I normally would've laughed in his face, but now I only wanted to jump at him.
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I snapped at him. The small comment didn't make me laugh at all. In fact, it felt more like an insult. I looked down at my sleeveless top and long skirt, I didn't see what was the problem with it.
He raised his hands up in surrender, probably realizing just now that his comment wasn't appreciated. "Sorry, no harm intended, but if you wanted to get yourself a date tonight, might consider changing into something a little more...". I didn't let him finish his sentence.
"I don't need a man, Rog. Don't you know me at all?" I walked past him. I bumped his shoulder (maybe on purpose...) and headed straight out of my house. It's when I reached outside that I realized he did not follow me. When I turned back to him, I saw him staring back at me. "Are you coming or what? The drinks aren't gonna drink themselves." To that, I made my way to his old van.
The place was packed. I think the entire town was here. Lucky for me, that meant I’d meet a lot of people. But it also meant I had to make conversation to meet said people. That I was less excited about. Roger and I found a vacant place at the bar and both took a seat.
“What can I get you two?” The bartender immediately asked us. The service was amazing. We both got our drinks and started sipping (I personally drank in one go) and looked around. Everyone was talking loud, dancing, drinking, throwing up. Ew. I made a face and turned to my best friend.
“Did you see that? It’s disgusting! Please, if I get drunk tonight, stop me before I go that far.” I leaned into him. I spoke loudly to make sure he heard me over the sound of those miserable souls.
“You can count on me.” He gave me a quick wink, in return, I scrunched up my nose at him.
I spotted a young man, about a year or two older than me, from his spot at the other end of the bar. I wasn't close enough, but he was gorgeous. His raven black hair stood out in the crowd and I felt crushed under his gaze. He smiled slightly at me, and I did the same. I was tempted to walk his way, I completely forgot I was socially awkward. But I stopped myself.
"There's a guy looking at me." I mumbled to Roger who, surprisingly, was more focused on his drink than the older girls making eyes at him.
"Who?" He snapped his head up, looking around to find out who I was talking about. "That guy over there?" He pointed over his shoulder at the man himself.
"Yes, the guy over there! Now stop pointing at him!" I pushed his shoulder, and he, stumbled back dramaticly.
"He seems like an asshole, Y/N." He took a last glance at him and turned back to me, grabbing my shoulders.
"Should I go talk to him? Get his number?" I completely ignored him and kept staring at the man.
"No!" My best friend said, a little too loudly. I don't know why he was suddenly so protective, because back home, he seemed okay with me finding someone tonight. Apparently he changed his mind.
"M-okay..." I don't think I had the energy to go talk to him. 'What would I even say?'. I decided it was best if I didn't, so I turned back to my drink.
"It's your first night here, Y/N. You'll meet a lot of other men here. Just take it easy and enjoy your first night at a pub. Wouldn't want a wanker to ruin it for you, huh?" Roger asked me. He was right. I didn't think about this but, this is my first time here. There will be plenty of other times.
"I need to go to the bathroom, watch the drinks and don't get into any trouble." He looked me in the eye as if he didn't trust me.
"Yes, relax! I'll just stay here, dying of boredom." I rolled my eyes when he left.
I didn't have time to think about my next move, because I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I quickly turned around to be met with the man. He had the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen in my entire life. He was really pretty.
"Hi, sorry for bothering you but, I saw you staring at me and...well I wanted to know if I could buy you a drink?" He shyly said. Adorable.
"Sure!" I beamed at him. At least tried to, I wansn't used to make conversation with strangers.
"I wasn't sure if you'd agree. But then I saw your boyfriend left, so..." He called the bartender over so we could both order our drinks.
"No need to worry, he's not my boyfriend. At times I don't even want to call him a friend." Bullshit, I know. I had a few drinks in me, and I was extremely nervous around the stranger. I definitely didn't mean what I said.
After making small talk over our drinks. I started to worry because it had been a couple minutes Roger had left. But then I saw him taking a smoke outside, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to join him right now. When I turned around, I was nose to nose with the stranger. I gasped a little and stared into his green eyes.
"Come with me." He said and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of my seat.
"What? Where." I looked around for help because the shy man I had met a couple minutes ago was totally gone. The only thing that was left was a scary man that squeezed my arm tightly.
"To the bathroom." He led me on.
"No! I don't want to. Let me go!" I tried my best to get out of his grip. I could've twisted and turned my arm, but nothing worked. He still kept walking.
"Stop screaming or I'll give you a real reason to scream." He whipped his head back at me.
"What don't you understand in 'let me go' you wanker?" Oh, finally.
"Mind your own buisness, asshole!" The stranger yelled.
The only thing I heard was Roger chuckling because a second later, he was jumping at the man (literally). He didn't let him escape, he threw him to the floor and started throwing punches his way. Needless to say a crowd had formed around the two. Some were spurring them on, others gasped each time Rogers fist collided with the mans face.
"Roger, for the love of god stop it!" I told him. And he stopped. He looked at me, pupils blown, and his fist up in the air, ready to throw another punch.
"Just stop! Oh my god!" I took his arm to help him off the guy and lead him outside the pub.
"What is wrong with you!?" I snapped at him as soon as I felt the cold evening air hit my face.
"What is wrong with me? I told you to be careful! I was just trying to help!" He spat. "The guy was about to rape you and you think I would've let it happen?!"
"No! Of course not but there was a hundred of other ways you could've stopped him." My voice became a little softer.
"I knew taking you out was a bad idea. I just wanted to make you happy, you know?" He ran one of his bloody hands through his hair.
"Well you didn't!" I let out, a little too quickly. I was really glad he took me out for my birthday.
"Ouch," He mumbled.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"Do you know how much it hurts to see you so oblivious? It's not like I'm trying to hide it!" He kept yelling at me. I haven't seen him this angry in a long time.
"Oblivious to what?" I asked softly.
"You really gave me no choice, huh?" He added.
"No choice? I don't understang Rog-" I cried out.
"I didn't want to fall in love with you, but I did."
He what? Since when? Why didn't I know? Does that mean all of our friendship was fake? Did he stay only because he was in love with me? A hundred questions went through my head but no words came out. There was a heavy silence between us. He was panting, and I was barely breathing.
"Why?" I simply said.
"Why what?"
"Why me? You could've chosen anybody in the world, why did you choose me, your best friend since I can't even remember?"
"Because, you're you! You're beautiful and kind, and you have one of the best personalities in the world! I would be ready to give anything for you to say yes, but I don't want to ruin what we have. Tonight, I saw the man hurting you, and I knew you were scared. It angered me so much to see someone treat you this badly, when I know I could give you the whole world." He softly said, tears in his eyes.
"Roger, I'm sorry. I can't deal with this right now, okay?" I nervously shook my hands and tried taking slow breaths. "Please just take me back home."
"Please." I asked again.
The ride home was dead silent. Me and Roger had argued multiple times. But this, I didn't know how to deal with this. It wasn't stupid friends arguments, no, this was way bigger. It changed our relationship completely. I couldn't think straight. To me, there was no way, ever, that one of us would catch feelings. Apparently I was wrong.
When I got out of the car, I turned back to him.
"You should come inside. I'll check your hands." I said shortly.
"You don't have to-"
"I said come in!" I snapped. I heard him sigh and turn off the engine of the van.
Once inside, we both took off our coats, shoes and I lead him into the bathroom.
"Sit." I pointed the the closed lid of the toilet. He immediately did so.
I took out some gauze pads and a bottle of saline solution. When I looked at him, he gave me a suspicious glance, he didn't trust me, again.
"I know what I'm doing." I mumbled.
"Sure," he gave me his right hand first. Although I hated him at the moment, I took his hand gently, not wanting to hurt him more than he already was. I gently patted the small cuts on his knuckles with the gauze soaked in saline solution, to which he hissed and let out small 'ow's.
"I told you, I know what I'm doing."
"Somehow, I don't believe you." He joked so I hit his shoulder.
"Ouch! I'm already hurt, be careful with me!" He smiled and giggled.
I gave him a small smile, which turned into a frown as soon as I remembered I was supposed to be mad at him. I saw a cut on the side of his left eyebrow, the man hit him back.
"Stay here, I'll get you some ice." I left the bathroom to look into my freezer. I didn't find any ice, but a bag of frozen peas could do the job. When I got back, he was looking around my bathroom, analysing every little detail. I told him he could get up. I headed to the living room, trying to think about anything else than the fight we had. But when I turned around, he was staring at me. Bag of peas no longer on his wound but in both his hands. He had the most adorable puppy dog eyes in the whole world. I could see tears in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I never wanted to hurt you, or scare you but I just had to tell you the truth. And you might say you hate me, or want me out of your life, but I'm not leaving, Y/N! Not until you tell me why you don't want to do this. Give me a good reason and I'll leave, but please, don't push me away." Tears were now painting his cheeks. "Is it because I'm not good enough for you? Because I can change! Whatever it is, just tell me!"
"No, it's not that, Rog. It's just..." I don't know.
"Just what?"
"I don't want to be hurt." I whispered, fighting back my own tears.
"I would never hurt you! I'd rather die than to see you hurt. I want to give you the whole world, I'd do anything."
"Please tell me something-" I asked.
"If I was yours, and you were mine, would it always be like this?"
"Like what?" He seemed confused.
"Would you take care of me, and tell me beautiful things. Would you protect me and love me. Would you show me that you actually care?" I let out all at once
"Y/N, if you were mine, I'd consider myself the luckiest guy on Earth." He said softly.
A thousand thoughts went through my head. But in spite of this, I didn't feel regret, none at all. I reacted badly earlier, because I had been surprised. But now, the more I thought about it, the idea of us together didn't scare me. At all.
"Then make me yours." I cried.
He almost ran my way. And I stumbled back when he crashed his lips against mine. He took my breath away in a second. I kissed him back, with all my might. I didn't want him to leave. I needed him, and he needed me. We've been here for each other since day 1. I knew this wouldn't change anything at all. Only good could come out of this and I was glad I had him. He smiled through the kiss and pulled away gently for both of us the breathe some air.
"I love you so much." He smiled through his tears. "I love you more than anyone in this world."
"I love you too, Rog" I laughed.
He kissed me again, softly. I never wanted to let him go.
I would never let him go.
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bellsnuit · 2 years
Story List (Updated with each new story)
Tumblr media
Andy Barber, Defending Jacob.
Unexpected Future (A series) 7/8/22
Love is alive from the dead (Serie) 18/8/22
Lloyd Hansen, The gray man.
Behave (Public sex, vaginal sex, riding) 4/8
Making daddy proud (sexting, rubbing, sextoys, daddy kink, sexvideo) 1/8
Attention (Rough sex, punishment, dom!Lloyd) 31/7/22
Kill em with kindness (Fluff) 16/8
Frank Adler, Gifted
Another Bedroom (fluffy, pregnancy) 6/8/22
Steve Rogers, Captain America
Speak now (Fluffy, Taylor's song inspired, Bucky as bro) 8/7/22
Beats (Fluff) 22/8/22
Romanogers (Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff), Marvel.
Time Travel: The end of the world (1/3) 11/8/22
Ari Levinson, The Red Sea Diving Resort.
Daddy is Back (Pregnancy sex) 7/8/22
Wanda Maximoff, Marvel.
Taking my mind control, soft Wanda (Sex, facefucking, vaginal fingering) 31/7/22
Natasha Romanoff, Marvel
Short series Dark!Natasha (dubious, noncon, pregnancy, mommy kink, drugs, lot types of sex)
Part 1) Your body language: 2/8/22
Part 2) Make you cry like a baby girl: 2/8/22
Part 3) Rainbow: 2/8/22
Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Marvel
Baby needs love (smut, sex, mommy kink) 8/08/22
If you like, I would be so grateful if you reblog or comments to interact ( I love share your thoughts)
Posting more soon!
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