#romantic betrayal prompts
calisources · 3 months
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All quotes are taken from different media about betrayal, heartbreak and future betrayal or the art of it. Some quotes include some foul language so please beware. Change names, pronouns, locations as you see fit for your muses.
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
The mistake was mine, for trusting you.
For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.
I used to advertise my loyalty and I suffered the consequences of it.
I used to open my heart easily, until you broke it.
Why did you despise me?
 You loved me - what right had you to leave me?
He would have killed me.
Then you should’ve died. Died rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you.
I think I realized that I would rather die because I betrayed them, than live because I betrayed you.
Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.
It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.
What was it that you wanted and why didn't you fight for it?
But... do you stop loving someone just because they betray you? 
That's what makes the betrayal hurt so much - pain, frustration, anger... and I still loved her. I still do.
 Maybe I was safe to you, and you needed to feel that.
I could never hurt him enough to make his betrayal stop hurting.
You are going to break your promise. I understand. 
When someone stabs you in the back and then apologizes, accept the apology, but don't give him the knife back to do it again.
I will forget you as soon as my head lays on someone else's arms. 
I would have taken a bullet for you. It just never crossed my mind that you would be the one to shoot.
Don't be nice. Be loyal. Nice can be faked. Loyalty can not.
You got betrayed because love turned you blind.
Don't punish yourself for trusting people and getting betrayed. It's not your fault.
What is more important, that Caesar is assassinated or that he is assassinated by his intimate friends?
It hurts to breathe. It hurts to live. I hate her, yet I do not think I can exist without her.
Was it all in my head?
You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.
Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light. 
Her only way home was to betray her friend.
I risked, and I lost, but the risk was still worth it.
Could a marriage be happy, standing on a shaky ground of adultery and a disregard for the wife’s feelings? 
When dealing with love and relationship. Hurting and betraying a great woman can lead you to a painful life of regret.
I once met a man who didn't have a heart. He told me he didn't have one.
Do not give your ears to snake they are legless to stand on their own.
Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it.
When you care about someone, you can’t just turn that off because you learn they betrayed you.
You believed me incapable of hurting you, and yet I did.
I would rather my enemy's sword pierce my heart then my friend's dagger stab me in the back.
Do you ever wonder, do you, why I loved you for such a long time, and still didn’t really know you?
False friends, like weeds, try very hard to appear genuine.
Some scars don't hurt. Some scars are numb. Some scars rid you of the capacity to feel anything ever again.
Whoever controls the king, controls the kingdom.
A man sleeps with another woman, he is praised for it, a woman does the same, she is labeled as a whore.
Innocence like yours attracts snakes, and all they want is a piece of you.
I didn’t know that you were ashamed of me.
My past. My mistake. My regret. My love.
The easiest way to steal something is for it to be given willingly.
I don't want to fall in love with you, because you will use it against me.
Cal betrayed me, and I betrayed him. And you betrayed both of us, in a thousand different ways.
Betrayal isn't ridiculous. It's the reason empires fall.
She is an able negotiator and a strong ally.
That is for what you did to me.
Not as the faceless lover. Not even for today when you made love to me... or perhaps we should call it 'fucking', since there was nothing loving about it, only manipulation
Do you know why he did what he did to you? Because he could.
You’re my prey tonight.
You should’ve paid attention. Princesses don’t trust the dragons, they fall pray of it.
A son for a son, heh. But that's a grandson...and he never was much use.
I can love what is broken.
She is intent on pleasing the men that frighten her.
I’ve given my loyalty before. Too many times now. Always works out the same.
You’ve been moving your lips, but I’ve not heard a word.
I would betray you a thousandfold for her.
A woman should not be trusted. Specially one with such beauty and doesn’t even realize they have.
Because you needed to know that not everything was a lie.
Did he touch you like this?
Yes, but that's how he always touches me. He would n-never…
Maven is his mother's son.
I gave him so much-parts of myself I didn't even know were there.
The only betrayal I ever did was being my mother’s child.
We made a bargain. I give you over, and he agrees to let my forces enter Prythian through his territory.
Having faith in your spouse does not lead to trust, truth does.
You may not have loved me,but I loved you, and my love was never a lie.
I hope I never meet the guy that did this to you.
If there is a marriage and your husband loves you, there is no other woman. 
From his vantage point on the deck, the commoners were ants.
I will never make the mistake of loving you ever again.
Why the hell would you save that motherfucker’s life?
The only one you protected was yourself.
Yes. I did protect myself. It was about damn time I learned to do that.
Betraying someone once can be a mistake. Betraying someone twice is a choice.
My brother needs to watch where he steps while doing so. And on whom he steps.
You ended one life, but I got another in me.
You think I betrayed you.
You're nothing but a bad habit.
Can’t have love without lust.
Be careful who you follow and treat everyone who come to you as if the have an agenda towards you.
Break his crown, break his throne, rip his monarchy apart.
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writing-to-survive · 5 months
"We're gonna die."
"Not we, love."
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soft-shuake · 1 year
I'm just thinking about if akira was able to pull akechi out when the doors closed in the engine room
they manage to get him out of shido's palace and he can't go back to his apartment, so akechi needs to stay in hiding in akira's room at leblanc
sojiro still has a soft spot for akechi, so of course he let's him stay. how could he say no when akechi is all alone, and looks like he was hit by a truck ("just what did you kids get yourselves into?")
they have takemi come over to check on him, and a couple of the others drop some things off for them
but now akira and akechi are confined to akira's room together and have to talk out their issues
bonus if they end up sharing akira's bed♡
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princessinnatower · 2 years
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‘You were never mine’
At that moment he was mine and I was his. Everything that has happened in our past dissipated in an instant. Just two brown eyes glimmering under a porch light. I dreamt of us being kids again. Talking about our hopes and fears again- 
I remember the sun’s kiss on his rosy cheeks. Thinking I knew what flying felt like as we rode our bikes down that one street. When all the cut-and-paste houses disappeared, it was just him and I. Secret walks to his house. Lingering stares on the school bus. Before we got older before we had to face what we felt. Back when there was peace. Holding his grief-stricken face in my palm I felt a part of myself break into a million pieces. This was the moment he could finally be mine for real. 
Then reality crept in, I knew it was wrong. Her face flashed in the back of my mind. My stomach twisted into knots and soon it was over. I Played it off like I was bored and there was no one else. I didn't say that it has always been him. I didn't say that what scared me most was losing him. Now that I could actually have him the fear grew to new lengths. Even when we weren't speaking he was there when I closed my eyes at night. Deep slumber couldn't even escape his gaze. I didn't say that every moment we shared alone, and in secret was cherished. I forgave and forgot the rest. I wanted to believe once more.
This is obviously heavily inspired by August By Taylor Swift but I also wrote this based on my own experiences.
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soulprompts · 9 months
with the help of some very talented and amazing friends, i present to you an unexpected, very spontaneous meme list based on the beautiful art of cupping someone's face! there's a mix of romantic and platonic here, and even a few that defy the boundaries of normal relationship dynamics! i hope you enjoy! as always; DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST NOR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN!
[KISS]: sender cups the receivers face in their hands before drawing them closer for a kiss.
[CHECK]: after an unexpectedly violent situation, sender frantically rushes to check if the receiver is okay, cupping their face to look closer.
[CLEAN]: sender affectionately wipes a smudge of sauce from the corner of the receiver's mouth, cupping their face in the process.
[LIFT]: sender gently cups the receiver's face and lifts their chin so the receiver is looking up at them.
[COMFORT]: sender cups a distressed receiver's face in their hands and steadies them by resting their foreheads together.
[ATTENTION]: during an important conversation, the sender takes the receiver's face in their hands and firmly directs their focus on them.
[MAKE-UP]: while applying make-up on the receiver's face, the sender cups their face in order to keep them still.
[PRIDE]: after the receiver succeeds in a remarkable achievement, the sender cups their face and tilts their foreheads together to express how proud they are of them.
[WHISPER]: in order to have a private, hushed conversation with the receiver, the sender cups their face and draws them close to make sure they can be heard.
[HAIR]: in the process of pushing the receiver's hair back from their face, the sender lets their hand rest against the receiver's cheek a moment longer.
[GROUND]: during a moment of intense emotional stress, the sender gently takes the receiver's face in their hands to ground them until they're calmer again.
[WONDER]: unable to comprehend how incredible the receiver is, the sender decides to simply cup their face in their hands and marvel at them instead.
[LAST LOOK]: before going into a situation that may result in their death, the sender takes a moment to cup the unaware receiver's face in their hand, just to take a final look of admiration at them before they go.
[SACRIFICE]: the sender cups the receiver's face tenderly to distract them, right before shoving them out of the way (to safety) and facing an attack alone in order to buy the receiver enough time to escape.
[BELIEF]: in a moment where the receiver is lacking in self-confidence, the sender cups their face tenderly and professes their faith in the receiver's abilities.
[DISBELIEF]: after the receiver has done something completely unexpected (and reckless) the stunned sender cups their face in their hands while trying to get them to explain why the hell they did it.
[BETRAYAL]: trying to keep the receiver calm before the big reveal, the sender cups their face gently to keep them steady, and then reveals that they're the villain.
[WOUND]: after the receiver has been wounded, the sender tries to keep them calm and conscious by cupping their face in their hands and talking to them to keep them focused.
[INJURY]: after having been badly wounded themselves, the sender tries to reassure the frantic receiver by cupping their face and comforting them.
[RAMSAY]: after the receiver commits a culinary crime, the sender presses two slices of bread against either side of their face, cupping their face to hold the bread in place, and calls them an idiot sandwich.
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writers-potion · 5 months
Daily Writerly Updates! | Open to post requests & questions My Writing Tea & Tips Community: @@writing-tea-tips
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For worldbuilding, vocab lists, weapons &fighting, and more: MASTERPOST PART 2>>
❤️ Romance Writing Prompts
Meet-Cute Ideas
Reponses to: "How Could You?"
Responses to: "Break my heart." 💔
How would you develop a relationship that’s been constantly one-sided?
Enemies-to-Lovers Dialogue Prompts
List of Relationship Tropes <3
Library Romance Prompts
Arranged Marriage Prompts
Responses to: "I love you"
Soulmates AU Prompts
"I love you but I don't" Prompts
Romance Novel Tropes & Subgenres: a comprehensive list
The Romantic Academic
Forbidden Love Dialogue Prompts
Angry Love Confessions
☕📜Writing Scenes
Scenes: The Basics🏕️
Structuring Your Fight Scene
Writing Funny (But Intense) Action Scenes
Ideas for Flashback Scenes
Writing The Perfect Kiss Scene
Fantasy Battle Scenes 101
✧𑁍.ೃPlot Tips & Tropes
A Very Brief Outline of the Three-Act Structure
Plot Type 1: "The Quest"
Writing Text Conversations - follower question
Fairy Murder Method Ideas 
Gossiping Scene Idea Prompts
Child Eating Fairies Ideas + The Mysterious Cave Trope - follower question
Writing Political Intrigue
Comforting a Fire Girl Scene - follower question
Energize a Sluggy Middle
2 Types of Deaths in Fiction
Literary vs. Commercial Plots
Fantasy Tropes that I Love
Writing the Perfect Betrayal 
Writing Strong Opening Lines
Plotting Tips for Romantasy
Dark Fantasy Tropes List
Dark Academic Plot Must-Haves 
✩₊˚.⋆☾ POV Related
1st vs. 3rd POV For Mad Characters
Emotionless Character POV
🧛🏻‍♀️Character Writing Tips
Redeeming The Bad Boy Character
How to Write Redemption Arcs 
Writing Diverse Characters - Things to Remember
Character Nickname Ideas
How to Write Liars Believably
Choosing the Right Character
Organizing Character Relationships
Writing 1st POV Character Fears 
Introducing Non-binary Characters
Teasing Sibling Dialogue Prompts
Writing A Drug Addict Character
No Redemption Villains
Emotions and humanity for the Non-Human Character - follower question
Writing Gangsters
Characterization: Unforgettable Characters
Human Feelings for the Non-Human Character
The Character Arc: 101
Emotional Mini BIO
Writing Autistic Characters
On Writing Blind Characters
Writing Homosexual Characters 
Establishing the MC-Reader Bond
Writing Child Characters Believably 
Toxic Parent Prompts
Writing Morally Gray Characters 
Writing the "Mean Girl" Character
Writing Introverted Characters
Strong Female Characters 
Fantastical Asian Monsters (Part I)
🕐List of Dirty Character Traits
Dark Backstory Ideas
Good Characer Traits to bad
A List of Toxic Traits for Your Character 
Character Names with Unfortunate Meanings
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oukabarsburgblr · 1 month
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"Why the fuck did you come along if you knew you were gonna get scared?"
Sousuke hissed, jabbing his finger into Daisuke's chest who swatted his hand away. "I can go wherever I want? Your house is the furthest from all of us, why the hell would you stay back so late?" The pair were arguing, the moonlight shining through the windows of the dark hallways.
(m/n) and Haru only groaned, as they walked in front of the two. It was already night and they had came back to the academic buildings of the high school they attended. The (h/c) had misplaced his phone in his other bookbag which was in his class, he dragged Haru, his childhood best friend, to accompany him to retrieve it and Sousuke heard and tagged along but Daisuke wasn't going to leave (m/n) and Sousuke alone in a scenario where romantic moments can occur.
Although it would be challenging for the ravenette.
Haru swiped his long blonde bangs back, his bleached eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. "They're so loud. We're going to get caught by the security guards..." He complained and (m/n) whined as he shook his best friend's arm. "We're almost there. Don't leave me with these two idiots."
"How did you even forgot your phone out of all things?" "I don't play my phone all the time. Unlike you-" (m/n) heaved as his chest was smacked by Haru, catching Sousuke's attention.
"Hey! Don't touch him!" Sousuke scowled at Haru who rolled his eyes at him. Daisuke was fussing over the groaning (h/c). This was the norm for the group of third years, doing stupid shit but tonight was a highlight since they were alone during scary hours in an empty school.
Daisuke clinged to (m/n), scared out of his wits as he buried his face into the latter's shoulder, effectively dragging him in their step. "Why is your class so far away?" His hand was trembling lightly as the (h/c) rubbed his arm for comfort but the ravenette was too heavy for him.
"Sousuke, hold him." He pushed the ravenette into the redhead's hold, Daisuke gasping in betrayal as he scrunched his nose at Sousuke. "How could you??" He creened in disgust as he shoved himself away from Sousuke. (m/n) entered his class, pulling Haru as well leaving the pair to stand in the dark halls. The redhead glaring at Daisuke.
"You're a pussy, Daisuke." "Fuck you?? WHAT THE HELL-" He screeched as he instinctively jumped up and grabbed onto Sousuke, the redhead unintentionally holding him as he staggered in surprise. Daisuke had seen something flew past him and under the light it was a huge ass moth.
It wasn't really any better as he screamed while squirming in Sousuke's arms, the latter yelling at him to quiet down, opting to just drop him. Haru and (m/n) exited the class, the latter with his phone in his hand and gazed at the two unimpressed.
"Are you two dating or something..." Haru muttered as he rolled his eyes, leaving the group and (m/n) followed suit, his eyebrows scrunched and his lips frowning and pouting.
"Wait! It's not what it looks like!" Sousuke dropped the ravenette onto the floor and ran after (m/n), blabbering that he had nothing to do with the ravenette. Daisuke cussed and chased after them, not wanting to be left behind and prompted to hit Sousuke in the head resulting in more arguments as they exited the building.
They did get caught by the security guard. (m/n) was not impressed with Daisuke and Sousuke. Haru doesn't want to be friends with them anymore. Sousuke just kept blaming Daisuke and the latter kept talking about a moth??
I feel better now. Friend group with daisuke (ravenette), Sousuke (redhead), Onaga Haru (blonde) and (m/n).
Their main story will be set in highschool. I got inspired seeing Kubz Scouts recent video haha
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
IM HERE AGAIN!! Anyways, can you do Yuji with your prompts 23 and 37 with a reader who keeps trying to escape?
I can try, sure! Doing an AU where you knew each other in Jujutsu High but once you graduated and grew older you went on to become advanced Sorcerers. It's unknown if Yuji still has Sukuna or not. Sorry if the plot isn't to your liking, I didn't have a lot to work with since Yuji is so tame on his own.
Yandere! Yuji Itadori Prompts 23 + 37
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
"We should get married! It's been long enough, hasn't it?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Manipulation, Stalking, Isolation, Talks of marriage, Toxic themes, Clingy behavior, Slight starvation (You're choosing not to eat a lot), Implied mind break, Yuji is delusional yet a little lucid, Consensual turned forced relationship.
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Yuji Itadori has been your boyfriend since graduation. He had been hopelessly in love with you ever since you two started to dedicate yourselves more to your field and each other. Life's been good in your eyes, especially since Yuji has only ever been getting better when handling himself.
So how did things get so bad?
Nowadays instead of being a happy couple, you're trapped in your apartment. Yuji was adamant when you both graduated to move in together. You both shared the rent and took care of one another.
You didn't mind that...
Until Yuji kept trying to keep you in the apartment.
You wonder what went wrong. Yuji always seemed like such a kind and innocent boyfriend. Always easily excited and clingy with you. It was cute.
You wonder if things began to go wrong when Yuji had brought up marriage.
You still remember when he first brought up the question. You had been dating for around five years when he bounded up to you with a grin on his face. Before you could even ask him what he was so eager about, he held both of your hands tightly.
"We should get married! It's been long enough, hasn't it?"
It was cute how excited he sounded when he brought it up. In fact, if you were ready for it you might've even considered it. He looked so happy.
However, as a new graduate, you were too focused on improving as a Sorcerer to consider marriage with your high school sweetheart. Curses still ran rampant even after graduation. So at the time, you were focused on your career.
"I'm sorry, baby..." You had said, your heart nearly breaking at the look of betrayal on your boyfriend's face. "It just doesn't seem safe right now... we both have a career to keep up with."
"R-Right... I understand!" Yuji has responded with a saddened smile, embracing you tightly.
Back then... you thought that was that.
You wanted to consider marriage in the future. You two had been together for a long time now. Although... you just wanted to focus on more important things right now.
However... now six years in... you begin to wonder if you should've just... accepted or called off the relationship entirely.
"Baby..." Yuji frowns softly, looking at you on the bed. In only a year you looked so much different than the graduate you once were. You looked tired and much thinner now. Yuji had been feeding you, but you just... didn't want any food from him.
"Baby, please look at me..." Yuji tries again, inching closer to sit on the bed. He feels guilt creep into him when he sees you curled in on yourself. Part of him knew this was his fault... but hated the idea of acknowledging it.
Recently you've been escaping the apartment a lot. It had started with arguments, you wanting to continue being a Sorcerer while Yuji wanted you to stay at home so he could protect you. But... every couple has their quarrels, no?
That is until Yuji felt he should be more strict. He begged you not to leave, that he was worried about you and wanted you to stay home. At first, you complied and stayed home a few days to soothe your boyfriend's worries.
Then he stopped letting you out.
Each time you left the apartment by sabotaging locks or playing nice, Yuji would chase you down again. For months you kept trying to leave, both the relationship and apartment. Yet Yuji never relented.
In his eyes you are meant to be together...
Delusional just enough to ignore how you feel about the situation.
Right up until you were curled up in your room, refusing to leave because, well, why bother?
Yuji perks up when he sees your body shudder. A breathy noise akin to a sob leaves your mouth, making Yuji's heart clench. He acts fast, throwing himself on the bed and holding out his arms.
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away." Yuji's words are comforting, as though you're both still loving partners. His embrace feels hot and cagey against your skin. However, you lean in reluctantly.
Did you love him even now?
Yuji is careful to be caring despite all that's happened. He kisses the top of your head lovingly as you sob against him. Hearing you sad makes his grip tighten... a glare thrown towards the wall as he thinks to himself.
He hopes you get better, he really does. He wants to make you his cute little spouse that he can take care of. Although, Yuji is willing to wait until you're feeling... better before bringing it up again.
"Love you so much it hurts...." Yuji murmurs, squeezing you affectionately as he nuzzles into your hair. You say nothing, which is expected, you did recently go against his house rules again.
But... that's okay! Yuji is aware of how determined you are. He just... needs to be patient and protect you like he always has been.
You may be upset now... yet he knows that will change. With a little more waiting... you two can be happy again! When another sob rocks your body, Yuji just holds you tighter... oblivious to how crushing his embrace is.
Partners must stick by one another, right?
He'll stick by you until you're better... then you two can go back to normal and maybe even get engaged!
He's already picked out the ring....
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goingmerryfics · 2 months
Previously Betrayed/Cheated on w/ Killer, Zoro, & Mihawk
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Content: Gender neutral reader, SFW, mentions of past cheating/betrayal in another relationship
Notes* Added a few more characters here! Thanks for the great prompt @juinewasbonker !
Killer is very calm as you explain your past to him, even while you’re a mess as you do it.
Offers physical comfort; he’ll hug you or hold your hands while you talk, never interrupting you even for a second
His patience also knows no bounds- he will wait there while you half to calm yourself in-between sentences as the painful memories and feelings begin to surface. He helps you by guiding your breathing by example
The great thing about Killer is how stoic he is here. You know he would never turn it around and make you feel as if it were your fault like your narcissistic ex did- in fact, he’s the opposite, and when he does speak to you, it’s so validating.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that. You deserve so much better than someone who would betray your trust."
He pushes your hair out of your face and wipes your tears away so gently while going on and on about how it wasn’t your fault, and praising you for coming to him and letting him know so the two of you could become closer in your own relationship. He tells you that it's normal to feel hurt or distrustful after such an experience, and that he doesn’t take it seriously when you’re apprehensive about certain things with him.
Being who he is, he does get a little protective and asks if there is anything you need him to do. You know what he means by that, and it makes you laugh a little at the notion of him beating down your ex for something that had happened ages ago. He’s already a criminal, but you still shake your head at his offer and let him know you’ll keep it in mind, though.
"I promise to always be honest with you and to never do anything to hurt you. You mean everything to me, and I'll always be here to support you."
Zoro is very direct, even to the point of that being a bad thing sometimes. So as you explain your past to him, you search his face constantly for any hint of a reaction, as if you’re trying to prepare yourself for him to tell you that you must have done something to cause the betrayal- that you were too much of a prude, or maybe it’s the way you speak
But he doesn’t say anything like that at all. This isn’t the time for his problem solving, and he knows that. He hasn’t experienced a betrayal like you have, and that’s all the more reason why he knows that this is an active listening situation
When it is his turn to talk, he knows exactly what to say and doesn’t hesitate for a moment
“You're better off without someone who can't stay loyal. You deserve someone who respects you."
In this situation he would be talking about himself, but it comes out so fast that he forgets he’s your current boyfriend for a moment
The both of you share a bit of a laugh at that, and you let him know that you hope he can be patient with you while you learn how to trust your romantic partner again. He understands that you need some time for that, and he’s not worried about having to wait.
"You're not alone in this. I've got your back, always. If you need anything, just say the word."
He’s not big on initiating physical contact, but he gladly returns it when you pull him in for a hug and a kiss.
You let him know that you appreciate him, and the two of you go off for a nap to regain the energy from the exhausting reveal
His strong suit does not lie in handling big emotions, so this conversation takes a while. 
He keeps asking you what’s wrong, knowing from your actions that there’s something you want to tell him, but you keep mentioning that you don’t want to talk about it yet- and he doesn’t want to push you, but he’s getting worried
Finally, you two sit down to have this talk over a glass of wine. You keep yourself calm while you explain, and you talk about how the situation had destroyed your self confidence in the past and your ability to trust. He listens to every word, and even sets his glass down so you have his full attention.
"I admire your resilience in the face of adversity. Remember, you are not defined by the actions of others."
The way he leans forward to take your hands in his and kiss your palms is so romantic that you can’t help but to swoon and break into a smile. He can be so sweet very suddenly, and you were glad that this wasn’t something he would find as a waste of time, or a nuisance
He shares that he has gone through this before, too. He understands your feelings of hurt, and he understands the malice towards the person that destroyed you just as he felt to the person who destroyed him, too
He urges you that dwelling on that hurt will only keep you stuck in that time of pain, and even offers to guide you back into self-love in many ways. He asks if you’d like more insight into his life, like coming with him to warlord meetings, or if you simply would like more compliments, which he is always happy to do
Whatever it is, if anything, he commits to doing it for you if you say it will help you to feel better in your relationship with him
"Should you ever require guidance or assistance, know that I am here to offer what counsel I can.”
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calisources · 3 months
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All sentences on this meme have been taking from different media and sources. They all touch on the topics of romance, difficult and forbidden love, mostly setting in the political schemes of war and peace and royal court. Change names, locations and nouns and you see fit. Some lines might have foul language.
Sometimes we hurt the ones we love, but hurting ourselves to avoid it doesn’t make it better.
Could someone treat you badly and still love you? 
Even so, in the midst of this complicated love, there is a holy union.
Love is complicated. It’s sticky. It’s bliss and it’s a mix of emotions. It’s not easy.
I hated him now because I has loved him then.
 I'm not like you. I can't afford to be reckless.
When have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you?
Are you so fucking self-absorbed as to think this is about you and whether or not I love you, rather than the fact I'm an heir to the fucking throne? 
You at least have the option to not choose a public life eventually, but I will live and die in these palaces and in this family.
She wears a crown that never should’ve been hers.
Your wish is my command, my queen.
You can always leave my service.
Don’t you see, Diana? If I did that, I’d break not one but two hearts. For I know you love me, though you haven’t said it yet.
You do know me. I love you so much, it sometimes terrifies me.
You are going to regret that, Your Magical Regalness.
Just because I am  a prince doesn’t make my life a fairy tale.
So kiss the others for all I care, but don’t hold back with me.
You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.
He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you.
I know I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king.
 I believe we are what we make ourselves, and as such, you, Crown Princess, are nothing.
You, what are you? The brat of lucky parents who were related to a childless king.
Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king.
There’s a fine line between gossip and history, when one is talking about kings.
You can't treat royalty like people with normal perverted desires.
We kings do develop a certain ability to recognize objects under our noses.
...alone is such a nebulous state when one is queen.
I respect you as my king, and I respect you as my father, but I do not respect you as a man.
You're the most important person I've ever met.  And I should have never met you at all.
Desires are what can most easily ruin us, lovely.
I find that happiness can always be recollected in tranquillity, Ma’am.
It's almost impossible for those who have had an intimate relationship to return to a formal one.
I question if within you is any magic.
You’re my princess, right? You were always going to be my princess, no matter what you were born.
The king is a saint and cannot rule, and his son is a devil and should not.
For kings, the world is extremely simplified: All men are subjects.
A king deserves reverence when being addressed.
Yes, she had abused her title and station before, but for minor stuff, not to steal a warship.
You are a king worthy of their allegiance . . . with a queen full of fire and promise.
When God calls you into His Kingdom, your way of life will reflect royalty if you serve Him with loyalty.
My royal status is both a shield that protects me and a sword that impales my heart.
You know, for a pampered princess, you have a certain gift for violence.
I have to be seen to be believed.
Kings needn’t raise their voices to be heard.
That is your very own myth. The idea that how you are born or the name you are given dictate the sort of person you really are.
I know that names have power. That is why I cannot let her forget hers. 
You’ll have to face it, Princess. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon enough. And you can’t be this scared when the time comes.
A bad king revels in his importance. A good one hates his office. 
Crowns belong to those that serve.
She was their witch queen, and they adored her.
Beatrice is going to be queen someday.
Kings are only kings because one ancestor was quicker than another to place a crown on his own head.
Queen, do not allow a commoner to dethrone you. Own that throne. You are royalty.
A throne won in blood will soon be drenched in it.
My mother once told me that everything is fuelled by either money or sex, because both lead to power.
Even when she's dethroned by hardship, she still wears the sun as a crown.
She holds a nation’s fate within her shaking hands. She wears a crown that never should’ve been hers.
My reign has been anything but traditional. Let’s not start now, shall we?
Oh honey, someday a real man is going to make you see stars and you won't even be looking at the sky.
Every girl thinks about growing up in a palace. Few ever ponder living in a cage.
Climb up the family tree of any of them high enough and you’ll find a commoner who dared to take a chance.
Am I forbidden to do what all may do?
My arrival saved the kingdom, while his only reiterated that his blood would fill the throne one day.
Slow down there, princess. How do you know what kind of first impression you gave me?
So none of the young men we encountered during our season gave you hot pants for them?
If stubborness were all that was needed to be a good queen, I'd rule the world.
I’d decided that I was going to stop dressing like a princess and start dressing like a queen.
Don’t touch me. Don’t tell me how beautiful my eyes are, how soft my hair is, how you love to hear my voice. Don’t. Don’t pretend you are falling in love with me. 
I know you are lying, and every word you say hurts even more. 
Before the wedding, and the bedding, when I will have to take you as my lord and husband?
I may not be a king or a queen, but I'll be damned if I'm not treated like royalty.
He is fragile, like a prince of ice, of glass.
It is natural that men are going to gather round me, hoping for a smile.
Men only treat women like princesses when they want to use them like prostitutes.
You can smile when your heart is breaking because you're a woman.
I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't do anything but think about him.
Anyone can attract a man. The trick is to keep him.
To save my son, I would plot with the devil himself.
Only fools wait when their enemies are coming, to see if they may prove to be friends.
When a man wants a mystery, it is generally better to leave him mystified. Nobody loves a clever woman.
I wanted the heat and the sweat and the passion of a man that I could love and trust.
I am a fool to own it, but I am in a fever for your touch.
And you are the sort of mistress a man doesn't bother to marry. Sons or no sons.
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lesinquietes · 6 months
Summary: It’s your turn to plan a second date. You choose to take him to the beach. As the sun sets and the tide shifts, so do your moods. You’re not the only one who thinks the temptation is torturous.
Adult!Bakugou x Forensic Detective!Reader
⚠️ mdni. fluff. katsuki is dominant. possessive behaviour. soft smut.
Previous l
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You decide that your second date will be an evening at the beach. You pack a picnic for the two of you, merely telling him that he better arrive hungry. His reply to your demand draws a gasp from your lips.
Katsuki: for what
You bite your lower lip. You want to flirt back. Should you? Being reserved will let him know you’re serious about dating him. Responding too loose might give him the idea that you’re easy. You don’t want to raise his expectations.
You: you’ll see :)
It’s innocent enough.
You meet him at six o’clock. You’re late a few minutes and you hope he doesn’t think you’re standing him up. Imagine, a pro hero as big a deal as Dynamight, getting soft rejected by an ordinary detective. The fangirls would lose their minds.
You park your car and hastily hop out of the driver’s seat. You scurry into the back, grabbing your knapsack, before slamming all doors and locking up tight. Your legs move faster than you can register, and you almost trip. Fortunately, you manage to collect yourself before you make a mockery of yourself. There are other people lingering around the park, having barbecues with family members or enjoying a romantic evening with their love. The last thing you need is to have that humiliation haunting the back of your mind the entire time.
You hustle up the grassy hill. When you get to the top, you scan the sandy plains. You don’t see him. Perhaps he’s running late, too.
The thought crosses you that he might be the one to stand you up. At least if that happens, no one will know but you. The betrayal will be hard, but you know a thing or two about how to cope with heartbreak. Better now than three or six months down the line, right? As your negative self-talk begins to escalate, you’re glad when the sight of him placates you.
He isn’t on the beach. He’s beside it, atop a bluff overlooking the water. You wave at him as you approach. He sees you from a distance and flashes you a salute. Standing in place by the bench, he waits for you to make the entire trek. You call out to him when you draw closer.
He opens his arms for a hug. Although a little surprised at the gesture, you don’t hesitate to receive his warmth. He pulls you close to his chest and holds you there for a few seconds. Your eyes nearly flutter shut. His cologne smells like woodsmoke, driving your senses up the wall with intrigue. Everything about him is so inviting.
When he releases you, there’s a small smile on your face. You can’t stifle it.
“What’s up?” He prompts you.
“Nothing,” you reply sheepishly. “Just happy to see you.”
Being forward isn’t usually your jam, but with Katsuki, it’s simpler to be honest. He seems to be transparent with you. The least you can do is afford him a modicum of trust. It’s not like he’s done anything for you to question his intentions.
Suddenly, you feel his fingers grasp your chin. You perk up. He’s gazing at you with a soft expression.
“Me too.” He confesses. “Been countin’ down the days. My buddy kept teasin’ me about it.”
Gratitude possess your soul. He told his friends about you. That’s more evidence to denote that he’s serious about this — about you.
He keeps you suspended in his grasp for a few seconds longer. You lick your lips. The tension between you is tight. It’s time he fixes that.
“S’it too early t’ kiss you?”
You shakes your head. Normally, yes; for him, no.
He folds his mouth against yours. The kiss is strong and domineering. He mashes his lips against yours and controls your rhythm. You have no choice but to conform. He doesn’t afford you any option but to obey him. You can’t lie; it makes you rub your thighs together.
When he breaks contact, his chest is rising and falling ferociously, as though he’s holding himself back from moving further. You glance behind you. He follows your gaze. You spy people in the distance, shrouded by trees — that’s it. If he wanted to, he could make his way up your neck, pressing his tongue on your pulse and holding it there are your heart throbs. It’s a shame that he can’t do that yet; he doesn’t have that sort of rapport with you. He settles for staring into your hazy irises.
He brushes his thumb over your lips. You smile beneath the digit. It’s a gesture that causes his heart to leap.
“How the hell d’you always manage t’ look so fuckin’ beautiful?” He mutters, starstruck. “I’m a lucky man.”
Katsuki doesn’t recall the last time he was fascinated by a woman. If he had to guess, it was one of his first girlfriends; though, he suspects that was because of his novelty to love. You’re different. The brand of interest he has in getting to know you is anchored by physical and emotional attraction. It’s not the result of a unique encounter, as much as it’s rooted in how well he receives your compelling nature.
“I-it’s really nice out here!” You exclaim, too shy to continue engaging with his flirtation. “I almost didn’t spot you!”
The hero grunts. He can tell that you’re dismissive of your worth. Whether it’s a trait you developed at a young age or something that was instilled upon you, he doesn’t like it. He’ll have to work on getting you to accept his reality.
“Yeah,” he says, releasing you to rub the back of his neck. “Did’j’ya bring a jacket? Gonna get cold when night falls.”
You nod. You packed a sweater at the bottom of your bag. It’s sweet of him to worry about you.
“Cool. I brought one f’r ya anyway.”
Your heart lights up as you thank him. It’s nice to have someone else looking out for you. It conveys a strong ethic of care on his part.
You shrug off your knapsack and reveal your plan to him. He spies a large quilt and several containers of food. You must have spent all morning preparing this meal. He feels bad he didn’t know to contribute. Next time, he’ll have Rikido teach him how to bake your favourite dessert to perfection, and then present it to you when he masters the recipe. You deserve to be spoiled.
He expands the blanket and sets it on the grassy cliff. You place the Tupperware containers on the fabric, along with their respective utensils. Finally, he produces two plates from your bag. Meal prep is complete.
“This looks fuckin’ amazing.” Katsuki marvel. “Didn’t know you knew how t’ cook.”
You laugh. Whenever you worked with him, you either didn’t find the time to eat or ordered fast food. When your life gets busy, you resort to an unhealthier routine. It’s a bad habit you’re trying to kick.
“Hope you enjoy it!”
He digs in. You watch as he takes some of your meal and plops it into his mouth. He hums approvingly.
“Not bad, princess.”
You beam at him.
As you eat, you talk about the days in between seeing each other. Eventually, the conversations shifts to what you want in life — your career goals, your aspirations. He reflects on yours before stating his. You’re fond of his ambition. He mentions being a hothead in his youth. You can’t imagine him being worse than he is today, though he assures you he was. He tells you he used to bully his now best friend. It took him years to come around to the idea that Izuku cares about him, that they’re both worthy of each others’ friendship regardless of past mistakes.
When he finishes his story, he’s gazing out at the ocean. The sun is setting. The waves are getting heavier as they crash against the cliff side. Enchanted, you watch with him as the earth’s cycle alters the ocean’s pattern. He cups your hand as you sit, squeezing it briefly. He doesn’t get to enjoy living in the moment very often. You make him face the present in ways he didn’t think were possible. It feels fresh and fundamental.
When the last of the sun dips beneath the horizon, the silence is killing you. Perhaps it’s your full stomach and satisfaction talking, but you want more of him. You give him a quick kiss on the mouth. He blinks; then, he frowns.
“The fuck was that?”
You smirk.
“A kiss.”
“Nah.” He insists. “Not good enough.”
He snatches your wrist and pulls you close. You land on top of him. He leans back to give you room. You don’t dare mount him; it’s too early for that. Instead, you hover over his body, lips mere centimetres from his. It’s a staring contest.
His hand strokes the length of your back. A shiver courses through you. Your nails dig into his bicep as you bend down to kiss him. He grabs a fistful of your hair and keeps you rooted in place, deepening the kiss. His tongue explores your mouth with a thirst for unfamiliarity. You let him. He loves how you taste. He can’t get enough.
You moan when he parts from your mouth, chest heaving and head spinning. He’s abducted the air from your lungs. He gives you a moment to stabilize before diving in for more. This time, he pulls you on top of him. You’re nervous that you’ll be too uncomfortable, but he has no qualms about you straddling him.
You press your crotch down on his. He twitches beneath his jeans. You gasp naively, as though you didn’t believe your actions would have consequences. He wants you. Scarily enough, you’re starting to want him, too.
You grind on his package as you kiss him, permitting him to suck and bite your lips, swelling them to his liking. He wishes he could feel your mouth elsewhere, but he’s not so foolish as to suggest such a thing. This is more enough on a second date.
“Oh fuck, babe,” he growls. “Makin’ me so fuckin’ hard.”
He needs you to know how he’s feeling. His dick is hard and his thoughts are obscured. You have a right to understand the effect your body and mind have on him.
“I don’t wanna have sex,” you pant between his fierce onslaught of kisses. “Please, Katsuki.”
He isn’t pressed that he freaked you out. The teenage version of him, who couldn’t comprehend people, let alone women, would have lost his shit. He would have huffed and puffed and externalized his insecurity. Now, he sees past the confusion and accepts your plea for what it is — to see if he can provide safety.
“I won’t fuck you if you don’t want me to, princess.” He reassures you, looking you in the eye. “Y’hear me?”
You do — in more ways than one. You trust him to stop if you ask him to. He wants you to rely on him, and he’s trying to prove he’s a good man. You decide to accept his answer at face value.
“Good. This okay?”
He lets you stroke yourself over his pants, occasionally glancing up to ensure no one is creeping. The last thing he wants is another scandal. Sure, you’re his woman — and he’s not ashamed of that — but he doesn’t want your debut to be a picture of you, soaked through your leggings, on display for all of Japan; moreover, something about others getting to witness you, in your rawest form, causes a bolt of fury to rise in his throat. He quells the impulsive anger and pours it into his movements. He helps you get off.
“Oh fuck,” you moan, gripping his bare shoulder with your nails. “Feels so fucking good.”
“Y’like this, sweetheart?” He croons, chuckling when he’s met with a desperate mewl. “Yeah, s’what I thought… keep goin’, baby.”
Vacantly, you ponder how this happened. First, you were enjoying a cute date together; now, you’re wordlessly begging for him in a deeply intimate way, praying he’ll lose control and just fucking slip it in.
But he doesn’t.
Dynamight doesn’t lose control.
You stop when you almost reach your peak. Rubbing your clothed clit along his erection beneath rugged fabric isn’t how you want to cum with him for the first time. Just like sex, you want it to be special. You can’t help but romanticize orgasms.
You yank yourself off him, breaking through his arm slung around your back. You feel him go limp, letting you rise. With his permission, you bolt upright, though don’t get off his lap. Your underwear is damp and you’re panting like a dog. You love how he made you feel. You sense a strong chemistry forming between the two of you — one you’re interested in exploring further. Before you dedicate to that aspiration, however, you have to make sure he’s on the same page.
“I don’t want this just to be sex,” you assert. “So if that’s what you’re looking for, we can’t go any further.”
You already feel yourself growing attached. You recognize the need to preserve yourself from the possibility of pain later. Expressing your needs has never come easy to you, but communication is the only way to make a relationship work.
Katsuki stares at you like you have two heads. He’s dumbfounded. He can’t fathom why you would think he isn’t interested in making you his woman. The only reason he hasn’t made a move yet is because he didn’t want to seem too eager. You’re an independent woman. You deserve to have the breathing room to do your own thing without pressure. But if you want to be tied down, he’s happy to seal the deal.
“You fuckin’ joking?” He growls. “Far as I’m concerned, you were my woman the second I laid eyes on your pretty ass.”
His hands spasm. An overwhelming urge to grab your asscheeks and rub your sweet pussy against his thick cock almost ruins his chances with you. He reigns himself in. He breathes a sigh of relief when you finally climb off him, sensing what your presence was doing to him. He can’t wait until he can do as he pleases with you — within reason, of course.
He sits up and dusts himself off. There’s only one thing on his mind. You can’t fault him; he’s merely a man and he can barely contain his budding lust for you. He’s learning to better admire you with each date. Besides, you make it easy when you wear outfits like that. It’s as though you know what turns him on.
“Interested in comin’ t’ my place next weekend?” The blonde asks boldly. “My shitty roommate’s goin’ away with his girl.”
“Sure.” You shrug. “Want me to bring anything?”
“Maybe an’ overnight bag.” He suggests casually. “If y’want.”
You do — and you will — but he doesn’t have to know that yet. You’re willing to trust him. If he betrays you, it’ll hurt. You’re not sure it’s a healthy relationship unless you’re both willing to make sacrifices and compromises, however; you hope he meets you halfway.
“I’ll text you when I get my work schedule.”
He isn’t phased by your dodge. He has a feeling you’ll show up to his place either a little duffel bag. Just in case, you’ll say adorably, and oh fuck, will he ever put you to work. He grins. Yeah. That thought’ll get him through the week.
“Sounds good.”
Together, you pack everything up. Lids are slapped onto Tupperware containers, and ziplock bags are secured. The quilt is scooped up and folded. When it’s all put away, you dust yourself off and get to your feet. Katsuki follows suit. It’s dark out now. Finding your way back might be a bit harder than anticipated. Fortunately, you have him to protect you. As if on cue, he slips an arm around your waist.
“Ready?” He asks.
You notice he has your knapsack slung lazily over your shoulder. You grab one of his idle hands and nod. You wish you could remain here forever, locked in this moment with him; it’s unfortunate that you have to leave. Mentally, you snap a photo of this moment.
“Let’s go.”
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thebellearchives · 1 year
HELLO and congrats on the followers milestone!! Yippeee!!! You probably saw this coming fdjhvjj there's so many good prompts to choose from aaaa but i think i'll go with "You're the best thing to have ever happened to me" with Solomon hehe thank you!! I love your works 🫶🫶
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~ solomon ; obey me
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : when Solomon’s staring at you you probably have no idea of the amount of things that go through his head
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!reader, fluff
‧₊˚ a / n : omg thank you sooo much Ven!! I really called upon my inner poet on this one, hope you enjoy! thanks for loving my writing i love you 🥹🫶🏻
prompt list
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Solomon’s gaze is fixed on you, and it has been for a while. He examines your pretty lashes, your smooth skin, alluring lips. He swears he’s engraved the curves that form every single one of your hair strands on the back of his mind. He’s been so absorbed in the sight of you that he can hear his heated up heartbeat drumming in his ears. Humanity’s strongest sorcerer has been bewitched by you.
The curse of immortality is a heavy one. He has lived a life that counts as many, he has stories for days, for months. His pupils have seen heaven and hell, he’s seen creatures that are believed to be fairy tales and some that don’t even exist anymore. His body has felt all kinds of emotions, fear, surprise, adoration, betrayal, grief. He’s been hurt and rejected, praised and admired.
And yet when you’re close to him it all ceases to exist. All the pain, the loneliness and despair make sense. All the marvelous experiences pale in comparison to being in your presence. All of the things that are encapsulated in his immortality are suddenly worth living again if it means he’ll get back to you in the end.
You raise your eyes and stare at him, the curiosity that shines in them each time you see him makes his stomach get tied in knots.
“What is it, Sol?”
And heavens he has never in his long life felt what he feels when you call him like that. For a short second his throat closes up, he’s not able to properly put into words what being privileged with your attention feels like.
“It’s just…” he isn’t even able to remember everything he’s been through, but he’s certain that he has never spoken truer words as the ones that stumbled out of his mouth in that moment “you’re the best thing to have ever happened to me.”
Shades of pink bloom across your cheeks, and he is almost certain he’s able to name every single one. Flustered, you blink repeatedly and look away.
“That’s so out of the blue” you’re terrible at receiving compliments and he loves it.
Telling you all sorts of flirty comments and romantic words just to see you blushing breathes life into every single one of his cells, it almost gives immortality a whole new meaning. Solomon is in love with you to the bone, and when you’re around he knows you’re the reason he’s lived all this years. He had never been cursed, he had been blessed.
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candyrockpop · 1 year
Prompt: Don't you dare throw that snowba-  Damnit!
Wally Darling X GN reader
Can be read as platonic/romantic
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Over your time living in home, you had never once seen it be anything other than sunshine with occasional rain.
But today? There was at least seven inches of beautiful snow decorating the neighborhood.
Once you woke up and saw the snow, you just had to get dressed in your winter clothes and go outside! Luckily you didn't have to drag anybody outside, though it seemed Julie was still trying to have some sort of picnic...
"Hey, Julie? I don't think you can have a picnic in this hold and this snow..." You told her softly. You didn't wanna break the poor girls heart!  She just loves picnics too much. She huffed and, still as excited as ever, blurted out, "Fine then. Snowball fight!" And made a snowball and threw it at you. It hit your chest.
You grinned and she shivered, "Oh Julie, you should know better, we can't have a snowball fight without more players!" She let out a breath and grinned back at you. Both of you started making a small mountain of snowballs. You and her smiled at each other mischievously, grabbing a snowball and preparing to launch them. As they flew through the air they hit their targets, yours hit Sally and Julie's hit Frank. Both turned Round just in time to get a second snowball to the face.
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That's how you managed to get nearly the whole neighborhood in a snowball fight. Eddie told you he didn't want to participate, so he was sitting nearby in a snow house you paused to make him for safety.
Just as you went to throw a snowball at Barnaby, you you heard a certain monotone laugh, "Ha, Ha, Ha. It's been awhile since snow fell." You turned, which was your own mistake, as you got hit in the back of the neck with a snowball, to see Wally standing just outside of the fort Eddie was in. You waved quickly and turned to throw a snowball at Howdy, who had all four arms raised to throw a snowball at Julie.
Then, you got an idea.
You turned back around, walking over to wally's side, hiding a snowball. "Hey, Wally! Nice to see you out and about on this beautiful day." Wally nodded, his smile seemingly widening at the sight of Barnaby getting hit in the snout. "I saw every neighbor having fun, and wanted to come out and watch," Wally looked up at you, looking sleepy as usual, "and I wanted to see you, neighbor." He had a small blush on his cheeks, and your cheeks heated up at his words. You almost didn't want to follow through with your plan...
You smiled warmly at him, a bit of a teasing tone to your voice, "Well, that's mighty sweet of you, though I can't help but think, why don't you join us?"
He looked at you, confused, before his eyes widened and he took a step back, "Neighbor, please. You don't have to do this..." He tried to put his hands up to protect himself as you giggled and followed him, "I know, Wally."
You threw the snowball at him. He let out a noise of surprise as it didn't nit his face. It hit his hair. You held back a laugh as his hair unraveled and fell into his face. He moved his hair and glared at you, crouching to get his own snowball, "Neighbor, Run."
You quickly turned tail, sprinting away from his as fast as you could. You could hear Julie and Sally egged him on, Barnaby laughing as snowballs started to fly past you, and Howdy and Eddie attempting to hold back a laugh. You laughed the entire time you were running.
That is, until you were tackled and knocked into the snow.
The air was knocked out of you as a seemingly, whole bucket of snow was dropped on your head. "How did you even catch me?" You groaned playfully. Wally let out another one of his laughs, carefully crawling off of you, "Julie threw me." You sat up and look at Julie with a look of betrayal. She smiled and shrugged.
You couldn't help but shrug and chuckle. Wally laughed too, at least until he got a snowball thrown into his mouth, courtesy of Barnaby.
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I hope it was pleasant to read, and I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. I wrote this on my new phone and I'm not used to typing in it yet. This is also my first work. I just wanted to have a little fun with my ideas and with some prompts so here we are! Have a good next 24 hours!
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scottappreciation · 2 months
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Scott McCall Appreciation Week 2024 is Coming!
Get ready for this year’s Scott McCall Appreciation Week, running June 16-22, 2024! To participate, simply make something about Scott and tag it with #ScottMcCallWeek24, or mention us @scottappreciation. Gen works, all Scott ships, and all types of content (fics, edits, art, playlists, gifs, etc.) are welcome. We have included some suggested prompts below, and look forward to enjoying everything you create!
All fics must be Scott-centric and Scott-positive. Scott does not need to be the POV character, but the primary focus of the fic should be Scott’s emotions/interests/needs/etc.
Day One - A Certain Potential: Anything set in or around 3a! What is Scott's summer like between s2 and 3a? How does Scott feel about his journey towards alpha? What effect does his attempt in Motel California have on him? Explore it all!
Day Two - I Haven't Been to Beacon Hills in a Long Time: In the movie, we discover Scott's moved to LA and hasn't been back to his hometown in awhile, but why? What led to him moving? What's his new life like? Use today to explore his life between 6b and the film!
Day Three - Find Your Anchor: How does Scott use his relationships with others to keep himself human? What motivates who he refuses to walk away from and who he shuts the door on? Use this prompt to investigate any relationship—romantic, platonic, or familial—in Scott's life!
Day Four - This isn't Just about the Game: How does being captain (or co-captain) of the lacrosse team play into Scott's life? Whether it's his relationship with Jackson, Coach, Isaac, Kira, or even Nolan, today is the day for discussing the main sport at Beacon Hills' High!
Day Five - Good Dreams, Or Bad: Whether it's nightmares, wishful thinking, or Scott's concrete goals, today is the day to explore the things that keep Scott up at night!
Day Six - Even When Justified: Mercy is one of Scott's central ideologies in the show, but why? What drives him to show mercy? How does it influence his decisions? What makes it hard, or worthwhile?
Day Seven - Dealer’s choice: Free day!
Day One: Emotions
Day Two: Quotes/Poetry/Lyric 
Day Three: Distance Shots 
Day Four: Faceless 
Day Five: Werewolf Powers 
Day Six: Belief
Day Seven: Dealer’s choice
The Person You Should Trust: Whether it’s enemies to friends/lovers, post s5 resolution, or the belief in hope in the face of betrayal, this prompt is for exploring Scott's relationship with trust!
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gem-pearl-week · 3 months
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Are you looking for more fics or art, or perhaps itching to create works for c!Gem and c!Pearl together?
Throughout the week 1st-7th July, we're hoping to bring together all shiny duo and gempearl enthusiasts alike to create and share fanworks centred around them!
Rules and Guidelines
The prompts for the week are as follows:
Day One: Duality
Day Two: Sail/Soar
Day Three: Flowers/Decay
Day Four: Godhood/Celestial
Day Five: Death/Reincarnation
Day Six: Devotion/Betrayal
Day Seven: Sparring/Dancing
The prompts will act as suggestions for all those that wish to create. No matter what smp, au or type of relationship (be it platonic, queerplatonic or romantic, etc.) you choose to depict: everything is welcome!
This week’s tag will be #gempearlweek2024, feel free to @ us in your post so we can find and reblog them during the posting week!
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All we hope to do is to encourage and promote more fan-content of shiny duo/gempearl, so the prompts act as just guides and suggestions for those wanting to create!
If you have any more questions, feel free to send them in our ask box or contact us privately at @queercode-my-minecraft and @ender1821
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heiznx · 26 days
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∗༝*◦✦ meeting him in shakkei pavilion.
BEFORE READING, this includes wanderer’s backstory, added scenes, removed scenes, and the timeline would be confusing.
|| NEXT▶ ||
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You were not a god.
You played the game and had your heart flutter, break, and be stolen by many characters; the lack of romantic content would send you to your fantasies filled with what-ifs and imaginations of how characters would act if you do this or do that.
At your first arrival, you were confused about where you were, so what if you played the game? The game was not realistic, it was a 3D game with drawn or modeled items, and when you saw everything, it wasn’t the same as the game.
The difference was huge and so was the troubled feeling in your heart.
Almost everything was handed to you when you started walking around the place; the river was incredibly clean to drink on, the trees always have something to give, and the abandoned places have fabrics to give you.
Still, it’s not that you can actually feel safe in this place, not when everything was not as ‘modern’ as your world was, and you never knew how you had come to transport in this kind of place in the first place.
It was only when you stumbled upon a domain at night, the marbled structure with a symbol of three pointed sides, glowing together with the nearby plants that you don’t recall the name of because it was the least of your worries.
Genshin Impact.
You read works like that fandom, can’t say that you were as dedicated as the rest were, but you knew a few, because you tried to study the characters due to their appearance or their interesting personalities.
Alternative universes, and you were transmigrated like that? Unbelievable. You don’t have the power that those alternative universes have in which you were the god, and you didn’t have anything special; you weren’t aether or lumine, you were just you.
Tired, you sat by the tree and hugged your knees to your chest while using the fabrics you found as a way to keep yourself warm; you didn’t feel hopeful. You had no information about where exactly in Teyvat you were, what year, or who were the trustworthy people currently alive.
Frustrated to be away from the place you were used to and comfortable, tears stung your eyes, prompting you to place your palms over them as if you’re trying to shove the liquid back in your eyes—it worked though.
You shed a few tears, only a few, and the glowing light was a comforting feeling to you; it’s only been a day and you can’t help but wish to see a few people that was known in the game so they could be your source of comfort or the reason for you to know where to start.
How could you rest in an unfamiliar place? You closed your eyes, your tears piling up again even if you thought that your mind no longer had thoughts. You pulled the fabrics closer to your body and you tried to rest.
It’s too cold.
The domain couldn’t be too dangerous, you assumed, because in the game you have to turn on the mechanic to summon the monsters, and you could use the warmth of the place—it was not like you were in Dragonspine after all.
You looked up and held on the domain doors, pushing it open to have yourself be comforted by the light, but dread filled your body when someone was actually in the domain; you never encountered anyone yet in your travels, animals, sure, but not humans or monsters.
The person had a purple cloak, white clothing, purple hair and—you recognize him; this was not a person, but the puppet of the Shogun. The character you cried over was just a few meters away from you.
It was canon that he was pretty, he was described to be.
Your heart clenched as you saw him, laying in the middle of the domain that looked like it was taken from a place in Inazuma and shut locked in the domain, like a garden inside a bottle—as far as you know, he had no idea it was a domain.
Even if the trees were pretty and the view was a sight for sore eyes, you can’t help but tear up again; out of all the people you had to see first, it had to be the character your heart broke for so many times.
You now know the year it took place and where you were, and it did not ease the pain in your heart to know he could’ve been here for who knows how long, but you had to wipe your tears.
You wanted to help him, but what can you do? Not even you were from the world, no one knows you here, and you weren’t any different from him. You also didn’t want to change his future, because what if he doesn’t meet Lessor Lord Kusinali?
“Scara—” you said but your mouth clammed.
He has no name yet.
The puppet, however, turned to you, his face of curiosity and yours teary but you smiled regardless. At least you can take him out of the domain earlier than a certain samurai would, but you never knew the details.
You held the worn out fabric close to yourself, the scenery inside the domain being warmer than outside. You’re not sure what to say as you hesitated to even come near him; you can’t just give him a hug out of nowhere no matter how your heart breaks at his innocent stare.
“I’m sorry…” you whispered. “I did not know you were here and it was just cold outside.”
Your cheeks felt warm, embarrassed, and you’re not even sure if the puppet right now can even talk to you or understand your words because he was someone that wasn’t given a name before he was discarded.
Even your reason felt stupid, you sounded like you were invading someone’s home when it was a domain that anyone can walk in and walk out of—or can they?
You looked back and didn’t see the domain door and your heart dropped. This was the kind of domain without exit until you finish what is at the end of the domain, and you don’t remember what was inside this domain because it has been so long.
“Are you okay?”
Your heart nearly fluttered because this was someone who was now a blunt and not really soft-spoken person in the game, so hearing this tone on the character felt different, uncomfortably different.
“Oh, yes, uhm…” you said, stuttering your words a little before you hesitantly approached. “I… I’m sorry, but do you know what’s inside this place?”
To your observation though, he looked interested and flustered at the same time; you felt bad, because it was most likely because you were the first person he talked to ever since Ei left him there.
You nodded and then he replied, “Nothing…”
“Nothing?” your anxiety paused for a moment because you were bewildered, and he just nodded at you.
If there was nothing inside, then why was he still here? He could’ve gotten out on his own—unless he didn’t know how to get out in the first place or did he not know it was even possible?
“I… I see,” you muttered. “Hey… uhm… I’ll trust you since you said there was nothing…”
What else are you supposed to say? You can’t reveal anything from the game because it could affect the future, you thought of it like that as if you didn’t change the future by being the first person to meet him, and now you were going to attempt exiting the domain.
You felt a little stiff as you smiled at him and waved, the redness of the spot beneath your eyes and nose worrying him for some reason, because he never saw a human before, a human like you, at least.
He followed you, and you didn’t feel uncomfortable with him following you, except for the fact that he was following you—makes sense?
If you did find the exit, he would leave early too and you’ll destroy the timeline hours after you just arrived in Teyvat. You weren’t confident that you could give him a better life than what was ahead of him because you did not pay attention to details.
However, you do know that you can teach him to properly deal with his pain and emotions when the time comes, but you weren’t someone who graduated at psychology or anything that involves mental health; you’re just someone who observes.
“What are you doing?”
You can never get used to his tone, but he watches you slide the doors to the side or push them open in an attempt to find the exit, and he even follows you down the ladders and such.
“Investigating…?” you said but it sounded like a question, even the puppet was confused about your words, and you felt like you were going to flush again. “I’m just looking.”
You didn’t want to say you wanted to leave, because you didn’t want to hurt his feelings, you were probably—are—the first person he had ever met, and if you feel like if you found the exit, you wouldn’t be able to leave him without the shame and guilt building over you.
“I’ll go investigate with you,” he said and you felt something punch you in the gut by how innocent and soft-spoken he was. “I’ll help you.”
You smiled a little and then you turned around to continue walking.
In just a minute, you realized the puppet had no idea what investigating actually was and he was pushing and sliding doors open as you were earlier, in a way, what he was doing was right, but he looked endearing like that.
Endearing—the thought made your heart break again for the nth time. This person near you was someone who made you cry for days because you hoped his life would be better, because you felt like you understood his pain even if you hadn’t experienced it in the way he did.
You helped look around for exits, and you often look at drawers as well. You found a few mora and then when he noticed you were keeping circular gold coins, he started giving you the same looking coins whenever he sees one; it felt like you were robbing the place.
“Thank you, Kabu—” you clammed your mouth again. “Just… thank you.”
Clearly, as someone who never really had a social life, the puppet didn’t know how to respond to you, and your heart softened immensely. You continued, “The response usually is… ‘you are welcome’ or ‘you’re welcome’... It also can be ‘no problem’ if you weren’t burdened by what you were doing or ‘I’m happy to help’.”
“You’re welcome.”
Your heart warmed up, but then you realized that the reason why the puppet responded that way is because he probably can’t distinguish his own feelings right now; he had no lessons about his feelings and most likely didn’t know if he felt burdened by helping you or if he was happy to help.
You felt like going on your knees, crying and groveling in pain, because you messed up with him each time you opened your mouth to say something.
In the end, the last place you two checked just had to be the exit; you never tried to open it but it was the last door there, so it could be it for real, but you can’t find yourself to open it with the puppet in your presence.
“I realized you were looking for doors,” the puppet says. “Are you leaving?”
You don’t understand why he said leaving as if he didn’t plan to leave himself. You looked at him and whispered, “I really liked your company, even if I want you to come with me, I can’t do anything for you out there… I don’t know what will be out there, and I can’t help you…”
It was painful that you had to make the decision for the both of you, because you can’t trust the puppet, who barely had any interactions or say at the start of his life, make a decision; it was like he was a child in your eyes.
“You don’t know what’s out there?” he asked, his head tilting to look at you and your expression; he noticed that the redness of your eyes and nose disappeared. “How did you find me?”
“I wasn’t really looking for you, I was looking for a place to stay because it’s cold outside,” you said before you realized that barely hours had passed so it could still be cold outside. “I… you won't happen to be bothered if I stay, do you?”
“Can I… know more about you?”
He is so cute, once again, you want to grovel and cry about what he was going to go through and the fact you could do something about it but you didn’t want to because you weren’t confident enough to give him a better life.
You nodded before you sat down near the exit, leaning your back on the wall. You smiled at him and then pats the space beside you, at least, you want to try being beside a character you deeply adored.
Perhaps he felt some connection with you.
The puppet asked about your life and the basic information you know about Teyvat; he felt something he couldn’t point out when you told him that you don’t know anyone outside, it’s as if you two are new to the world, but you were human, no?
He doesn’t understand how you don’t know anyone and no one knows you, certainly, you’ve been outside longer than he was.
You had to pretend that you’ve been sheltered and it’s your first time going outside, which was, in a way in your modern life, true; you were quite introverted. He sensed a connection there.
He suddenly claims that he wants to go outside with you; he wants to experience what it is like outside too, with you, who he felt a connection with—someone he could relate to—someone he thinks he can trust, even if he wasn’t familiar with that concept yet.
You tried to explain to him that it won’t be easy, but he still wants to be with you still, you two are exploring the world for the first time, and he likes that thought.
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You didn’t try to give him a name, even as he held your hand when you two left the domain after you took a nap to see that the sun was rising.
It wasn’t inevitable, when you entered that domain, you could’ve steeled your heart to go through everything and then leave him, but you couldn’t just ignore him, because for you, he was human.
He wanders around a lot, had you not been holding his hand, you would’ve lost him already, but you did let go of his hand and let him explore, just hoping he would scream if he ever encountered anything—not that you can save him though, but will save him.
You looked at the domain, trying to remember where Tatarasuna was. Maybe, just maybe, if he’s not too attached, you can safely leave him with the first person that ever found him: Kisaragi.
Tatarasuna was near a domain, but this domain, what domain is it? You don’t even remember. If Kisaragi found the puppet, then Tatarasuna must be nearby, no?
You look back to see that if you squint, you can see Seirai Island. You really must be near Tatarasuna, if you keep walking, you’re bound to find it—or if you wait Kisaragi might come by the domain and find you two.
You kneel away from the water and drop all the currency from the pouch; Mora was something you had a lot of in the game before you started leveling up a lot of characters just because you like them.
It can barely be used for food. You barely had 50 Mora with you.
The puppet watches you curiously and he comes back and kneels down beside you, wondering about your expression as your finger circles around the coin, refusing to acknowledge that you barely have money to go on.
You look at the puppet, prompting him to look at you. He’s so pretty and so carefree since he barely knows anything yet, and you didn’t want to teach him about poverty so early.
“Did you finish looking around?” you ask as you gather the coins and put them back in the pouch, and the pouch didn’t have some sort of void so you can feel its weight.
He nodded and you smiled at him; it won’t be easy to decide his future. You didn’t want to change his life in the game you were in, but you also didn’t want him to go down the road he did.
“Come on…” you stood up and offered your hand to him, hopefully, you would spot chests or eggs to cook. “Let’s look for a place to stay, but if we can’t… we might have to go back here and then look around again.”
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THIS IS HEIZNX, IF YOU NEED TO BE MEAN BE MEAN TO ME :((( this is spoiler for the future chapters, ngl i want to put them in one but for some reason i limit myself to 2-3k words per post. im so not over his backstory even though i havent played it yet like i dont wanna break my heart
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