#ron weasley is bisexual
queer-dinos · 2 months
Bisexual Harry Potter who flirts with every single Weasley sibling just to piss of Ron.
“Y’know Ron? I love your sister and all, but I hope you know Bill was my bi awakening. I’d totally go there”
Fred and George flirting back shamelessly.
Percy pretends to be annoyed, but secretly enjoys watching Ron squirm. He stage-kisses Harry one afternoon when Ron was being particularly annoying.
Fleur laughing as Bill jokingly proposes to Harry at every family gathering
Charlie and Harry talking about adopting dragons together and calling them “our kids”
Harry and Ginny, who actually *are* dating, being obnoxiously lovey-dovey when Ron’s around.
Molly and Arthur going along with it and calling Harry their Seven Time Son-in-Law.
Molly knits Harry his own set of sweaters that are identical to those of her other children.
Harry comes downstairs wearing a different one every morning.
“I’ll fight you, Ronald”
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kind-hufflepuff · 10 days
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simsim54 · 10 months
Harry at age 11 sitting alone in the train compartment: I hope I’ll make a friend
Ron after taking one look at the boy wearing oversized clothes sitting alone: I’m going to be his friend
Harry at age 21 sitting in the middle of the Weasley dinner table holding Ron's hand: I hope I get to keep this forever
Ron sitting with the love of his life on his family dinner table while clutching the ring box he purchased just that morning in his coat pocket : I'm going to keep him forever
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The Yule Ball at Hogwarts was crazy tbh. I feel so bad for the Patil twins… because imagine. One of them managed to snatch Ron, who sat the whole night watching Hermione dance and being jealous of Viktor Krum who was dancing with her, but on the other hand he did look really hot in that outfit… so who was he really the most jealous of?
And one of the twins managed to snatch Harry, who sat the whole night watching Cho dance with Cedric Diggory, and Cho sure was pretty but when wasn’t she? Cedric, on the other hand, looked dazzling for the evening, so very handsome, he looked so fit in those robes… but did Harry understand what it was he was thinking and what it meant? Nah.
Did Ron? Nah.
Poor Padma and Parvati, stuck with the chaotic gays for the whole night :/
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them-bo-dacious · 7 months
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g3othermal3scapism · 8 months
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i miss these dorks
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as i slowly slip back into my harry potter phase im starting to ship ron and harry and its so strange to me that it isnt a bigger ship!? like with how popular best friends to lovers is you would Assume but? idk now i have strong urges to draw fanart and write fanfic bc the lack thereof. like the whole falling out in goblet of fire felt so ? idk and Ron is definitely bi and had a ceush on Victor Krum idk i will being that up as much as possible. also pisces men are not straight?? like they never are. sorry?
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c3dricsluv · 8 months
Harry Potter side headcanon
Hear me out, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones dated from 4th year to a year after the war, a year after their breakup, Hannah gets a job at hogwarts and meets Neville. Later on, (about 12 years later) Susan's child starts at hogwarts. Hannah watches the little girl get sorted into Hufflepuff, meet a certain blond haired girl, and fall in love with her. A few years after the two girls graduate from Hogwarts, Hannah receives a wedding invitation, Susan's daughter and Hannah's daughter are getting married to eachother after being together since they were 12 years old. Hannah watched her daughter and Susan's daughter do what they always wanted. Hannah got closure in knowing her and Susan weren't meant to be together, but their children were.
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50044w44s · 10 months
interviews with hp characters<3
today's question: short answers, no explanation, what's your sexuality?
Hermione: I'm pretty sure that straight...
Ron: Straight.
Ginny: Bi, I'd be a lesbian but sadly I like to fuck men, ew.
Neville: Uh- Straight.
Draco: Bi.
Rolf: I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual.
Harry: To define is to limit.
Astoria: I've never liked a girl romantically, so I am left to believe I'm straight.
Luna: well I don't really think about it, love is love, after all.
Hannah: anything honey, you name it. Luna said it, love is love.
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gingerlibrary-cat · 2 years
Ron: pansexual, torn between Harry and Hermione, barely gets a date to the Yule Ball
Harry: bisexual and aromantic, torn between Ron and Hermione, also barely gets a date to the Yule Ball
Hermione: absorbed in school work and gets a date with world-famous Viktor Krum
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kitchen-box · 2 years
You know when I said I would update on the dark sides reaction if Harry was pining on Voldemort.
Yeah, I only meant Snape.
Only to make things clear here
Harry has s crush on Voldemort in every form
Quirell? The most beautiful man EVER with a pretty sick turban too bad it hurts when he looks at it for too long
Diary Tom? That's basically canon
Ginny while possessed by diary Tom? Harry is veeery confused why he notices Ron's sister is pretty only sometimes
Snake Voldemort? I mean, I heard the Victorian era women used to want to have really white skin so they marinated it in powder. And he is OLD. So maybe he saw his mother put it on and he liked it so he decided to recreate the look??? Who cares?! It's the '90, for Merlin's saggy tits... Is Harry a monster fucker??
The rest of the horcruxes? They really are veeery pretty. Even more than that 100 karate necklace on the teli that aut Petunia was dropping hints to wanting
P.S.:'words' are thoughts ;'words' are Parseltongue also words are actions and gestures but you get that from context already
Anyways, to get back on track with Dark Side *coughs* Snape *coughs*
I want to make memes featuring Snape having meltdowns from to much stress from this bullshit.
So I am going to make memes
First year
Harry *staring at Quirell*: singh's audibly
Snape, begining to feel uncomfortable: glares to establish dominance
Harry, startled, not knowing what else to do: waves awkwardly
Quirell, also startled: waves back
Harry, lovestruck: giggles and accidentally spills his drink over Ron
Ron, who has the emotional range of a spoon: annoyed gremlin noises
Snape, recognising that look anywhere: drops his fork
Dumbledore, literal genius, watching the whole time: confused headmaster noises
Second Year
Snape, bringing potions to the infirmary because Harry bloody Potter and co. decided to fight a basilisk and there are literal petrified children (in this day and age): 'How the fuck did I get here?'
Harry, who doesn't have glasses and is high af, seeing Snape walk past his bed: Wanna hear about the really pretty boy I killed??
Snape: stops walking and stares at Harry
Harry, still high on some kind of medical fairy dust: He had a really handsome face. It was too perfect now that I think about it. That should have been my first sign that he was Voldemort trapped in a diary
Snape having an urgent need to sit down: tears up from stress
Harry 'I one mistook Dumbledore for a snitch' Potter: Well not really Voldemort, 16 year old him, but it was Voldemort so I said Voldemort. Anyways you should have seen his eyes. They were really pretty. Like I would have joined him if he asked me to, just so I could look at his eyes forever...
Snape, sits down on the foot of Harry's bed: Shhh, shhhh. Oh, would you look at the time? It's time to shut the fuck up and go to bed.
Snape: tucks Harry into bed and pat's his cheek semi- lovingly
Snape: It's also time for a bottle of fire whiskey. Ruffles Harry's hair in hope he'll finally go to bed and not tell him how handsome the Dark Lord is
Harry, not really understanding what is going on but this man is nice even if he is blurry so he'll do as the nice man asks: okay
Harry: Can you also gime me a kiss?
Snape: Ask Albus
Harry: Okay, who's Albus??
Snape: ...
Snape: Just go to bed before anyone gets hurt
Harry: Who's gonna get hurt?
Snape, full bullshitting mode at this point: The pretty boy you killed
Harry: le gasp
Harry, very seriously: Plot twist
Snape, also very seriously, nodding in agreement: Fucking plot twist
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big-ronnev-fan · 2 years
My classmate just implied that Ron Weasley would be straight. I'm choosing to forgive her.
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velnias1 · 2 years
Men (characters) who own my soul In no particular order, a list:
1) Kent Fisher
2) Xavier Thorpe
3) Xavier Thorpe again
4) Ron Weasley
5) Guzma
6) Regulus Black
7) Harry Hook
8) Xavier Thorpe once more
9) Draco Malfoy
10) Blaise Zabini
11) George Weasley
12) Poe Dameron
13) Bucky Barnes
14) Dean Winchester
15) Jack Kline
16) Rodrick Heffley
17) Eddie Munson
18) Steve Harrington
19) Johnathan Byers
20) Xavier Thorpe 🖤
…what even is my type please tell me lol
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
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Slytherin Gang (Pt. II)
When Zabini gets a little too dramatic for the group, Nott and Celaena are often volunteered to lock him in an empty terrarium that holds the community snakes (they make sure it’s empty—they’re not that mean). He’s still dramatic in it, much to the amusement of the underclassmen.
There are several cracks in the boys’ dormitory due to Malfoy hitting his head whenever he thought about Harry. It got especially bad in fourth year when Nott, Zabini, and Celaena kept egging him on to ask Harry out to the Yule Ball (cause Harry was too oblivious to get anywhere).
Celaena has absolutely no chill when it comes to her friends’ well-being. Despite being raised as a lady, she is not above holding knives or daggers and smiling menacingly. The knives may or may not be supplied by the House Elves who also dislike anyone who hurts their students.
Crabbe & Goyle are two peas in a pod, and if their loyalty isn’t to Malfoy, it’s to each other. They also share a brain cell together, often finishing each other’s thoughts.
Zabini is shamelessly pansexual, and Malfoy is hidden so far in the closet that Nott has to deal with the two. He’s suffering. Celaena just laughs while patting his shoulder.
Harry is also so far in the closet about his bisexuality, but it’s Celaena & Hermione who deals with this. A well-placed smack with a textbook (courtesy of Hermione) gave him a revelation in fourth year much to the relief of the duo. 
Harry’s paranoia may be well-founded, but it doesn’t stop the rest of the gang from making fun of his conspiracy theories. It’s become a weekly thing where Harry just spills his thoughts as the gang does their hw or smth.
There is an underground betting going around about whether his theories do end up being true. This is how the Slytherin House knows a little too much about incidents than the other houses. Ron’s surprisingly very good at these predictions.
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relovaaa · 1 year
*Ron and Harry looking at a locked gate into a park* Ron: Aw :( Harry: You know what they say. Ron: Please don't- Harry: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate* Ron: Frick-
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darkcrowprincess · 3 days
Harry Potter:
The love for Harmione is still there(even though Drarry like has my whole heart. And yes to me Harry James Potter is so bisexual like his daddy before him. Potter men are just bisexuals) it's just when first reading the book series I was like they should end up together. They should end up together. But still drarry has my whole heart and I love platonic Harmione. But that does not mean I want Hermione ending up with Ron Weasley. Like nope, hell no. I rather Hermione just be single or just have tons of boyfriends while she becomes the minister of magic. Hermione deserves way better than Ron Weasley
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you!)
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