#ruby cruz fanfiction
rubycruzin4abruzin · 2 months
love, lies, and first times
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Summary: You were made to believe that your girlfriend, Hazel Callahan, lost her virginity to Stella-Rebecca some years ago. But when the truth is revealed during a game of truth or dare, your trust in her is shattered. What reason did she have to lie, and who did she actually lose her virginity to?
Pairing: loser!virgin!hazel x experienced!reader
Contains: mature language and content, lies, smut, fingering, oral, first time, kissing, drinking, tit play, both receiving, both giving, loser!hazel, sub!hazel, biblically!accurate!hazel, reader isn’t described as fem or masc
Word Count: 6k
A/N: soo one of my pet peeves when reading a hazel fic is when hazel keeps her rings on when fingering the reader and the reader likes it? Listen, I lost my virginity to someone who accidentally kept their rings on and it was painful. I had to ask them to take them off, highly unpleasant. I kinda make fun of that here, I hope some of y’all are ready to get called tf out ;)
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“Hazel, truth or dare?”
You squeezed your girlfriend’s hand as PJ sent her a wicked grin. The senior class of the Rockbridge Fight Club had just graduated high school, and the club leaders, PJ and Josie, had decided to celebrate by throwing a party—one last ‘hurrah’ for the founding members. Now, you all sat in a circle in Josie’s dim basement, sipping poorly mixed jungle juice from red solo cups while David Fincher movies played on a vintage television in the background. Truth or dare was, of course, PJ’s idea—perhaps in the hopes that someone would dare her to kiss Brittany.
Hazel returned your squeeze, the cool metal of her rings pressing against your warm skin. “Truth,” she answered.
PJ’s lips curled into such a shit-eating grin, you began to wonder if maybe she really did eat ‘literal shit.’ “Who did you lose your virginity to?”
You smiled, already knowing the answer. Early into dating, you and Hazel had exchanged ‘first-time’ stories: yours had been with some girl at summer camp when you were sixteen, and Hazel had confessed to experimenting with Stella-Rebecca freshman year. She stressed that it was nothing romantic, simply two friends getting their first times out of the way, and then swore you to secrecy for the sake of Stella-Rebecca’s privacy. However, Stella-Rebecca was sitting right there, and you doubted she would appreciate Hazel exposing their previous affair to the entire group.
Sure enough, Hazel’s eyes widened as a blush crept upon her cheeks. “Uhhh…”
Her hand seemed to stiffen within yours, tightening its hold as her rings indented your skin. You glanced across the circle at Stella-Rebecca, who stared at Hazel with an expectant (and somewhat oblivious) smile.
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” you murmured to Hazel in an attempt to calm her, but her grip only further constricted.
PJ rolled her eyes. “Come on, Hazel, I gave you an easy one. Everyone knows you probably lost it to her,” she gestured towards you.
It was your turn to blush. “Actually, uh…” you looked towards your girlfriend, who seemed to have lost her ability to speak. “We haven’t really, uh…”
PJ gasped as her eyes almost popped out of her head. “No way! You two haven’t jacked each other off yet?”
It was true, you and Hazel had yet to take your relationship to that level. Not like you didn’t try, you had been dating for months, but Hazel seemed to shy away every time you so much as slipped a hand up her shirt. You knew you shouldn’t pressure her, but you were beginning to feel a bit unattractive—after all, Hazel had lost her virginity to a model. How could you possibly compare to that?
Josie, ever the peacemaker, decided to chime in. “Ok PJ, let’s back off a little bit…”
Hazel seemed to relax a bit at Josie’s words. She eased her grip, and you heard her exhale a breath you didn’t know she was holding.
“I have to admit, I’m a little curious myself.” Stella-Rebecca interjected, taking you by surprise. “Hazel never talks about her sex life.”
Your face contorted in confusion. Hazel tensed up again, but your attention was focused on the girl sitting across from you. “What are you talking about?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, sometimes we’ll be hanging out and the topic of sex will come up, and I’ll share some hookup story and she’ll just kind of… change the subject or something.”
There it was again, that familiar burn of envy like acid in your veins. “Maybe she’s jealous,” you suggested, words unintentionally dripping with venom.
Stella-Rebecca furrowed her brow, her expression innocent. “I doubt Hazel would be jealous of my sex life… unfortunately, it has more men than I think either of us would prefer.”
”Well, you were her first.”
“What?!” Stella-Rebecca exclaimed, her jaw dropping in shock. PJ cackled maniacally, clearly having the time of her life.
Hazel’s hand was clamped so tightly around yours that her knuckles were white, but you barely noticed as you stayed fixated on Stella-Rebecca. “I mean… yeah… weren’t you?”
Stella-Rebecca furiously shook her head. “Hazel and I have known each other our whole lives, but never like that. Besides, I didn’t come out as a lesbian until after you two started dating. Why did you think it was me?”
You felt like a complete moron. “I don’t know…” you muttered, glaring at your girlfriend. She refused to meet your gaze, staring down at her lap while shades of crimson painted her features. Her hand was still clasped around yours, but you forcibly removed it, too hurt to want to be touched.
“Ok, so, Hazel’s a prude. Glad we got that out of the way.” PJ sneered.
Josie reached over and smacked her arm. “So are you, PJ. Hypocrite.”
“I am not a prude, I’m a virgin.” PJ corrected. “There’s a difference.”
The game continued once the tension died down. No one dared PJ to kiss Brittany, so when it was her turn again, she took it upon herself to dare Brittany to kiss her, which the poor girl blatantly refused. After that, PJ pretty much lost interest and the game dissipated, with everyone breaking the circle to go off and do their own things. Josie and Isabel were tucked away in a corner, failing to be discreet during a heated makeout session. PJ had joined Brittany on the couch, while Brittany sipped her drink and scrolled through her phone, trying to ignore Pj’s passes. The rest of the girls, including Hazel, huddled in front of the small television, chatting through the David Fincher movies. You, however, stayed back in an attempt to avoid your girlfriend.
“How could she lie to me like that?” You asked Brittany, plopping down on the couch between her and PJ. Rolling her eyes, PJ got up and left the basement, retreating upstairs for whatever reason.
Brittany seemed grateful for your company (and relieved at PJ’s disappearance). “I don’t know, babe,” she said, slinging her arm around you and pulling you close. “I’m sure she had a good reason.”
You groaned pathetically, resting your head on her shoulder. “I can’t think of any.”
Brittany leaned down and kissed the top of your head, sympathetic to your feelings. You glanced over to the television area and saw Hazel staring back at you, watching your interaction with Brittany. She looked sad, not jealous, just sad. Those big blue eyes that would look at you with so much love were now pained, filled with remorse. She sort of resembled a kicked puppy, and every instinct in your body told you to run over and hold her, comfort her, before you remembered why you were angry in the first place.
Before you could force yourself to break your shared gaze, PJ suddenly came bumbling down the stairs again, holding an empty beer bottle. “Look what I found in the kitchen trash!” She exclaimed, commanding the room’s attention.
Josie shook her head in disbelief. “Why were you in my trash?”
“Doesn’t matter! Now we can play ‘seven minutes in heaven!’” PJ declared, moving to the middle of the room and gesturing for everyone to get the circle back together.
Brittany groaned, all too aware that this was just another one of PJ’s stunts to try and get with her. It was your turn to be sympathetic.
“Don’t worry,” you whispered to her. “If the bottle starts to land on you during PJ’s turn, I’ll intercept it.”
Brittany mouthed a ‘thank you’ before taking your hand and walking with you to join the circle. This time, you sat directly across from Hazel, as far away from her as possible. You could feel her sad puppy-dog eyes boring into you, but you refused to meet her gaze.
“Alright,” PJ asserted, rubbing her hands together. “If there’s no volunteers to go first…”
“I think our host should spin first.” Isabel interrupted, looking towards Josie with what could only be described as ‘fuck-me’ eyes.
Josie giggled as she took the bottle from a reluctant PJ and spun it in the center. Everyone watched with anticipation as the bottle slowed, almost stopping in front of Annie before Isabel grabbed it and pointed it towards herself.
“Wow, what a coincidence!” Isabel exclaimed, much to Josie’s amusement.
The two held hands and disappeared into the small coat closet under the basement stairs. PJ rolled her eyes. “It’s no fun if you pick your partners!” She yelled after them.
One thing about 'seven minutes in heaven’ that no one talks about is what the rest of the group does during the seven minutes. Do you talk? Keep playing? Listen in? You certainly didn’t know, and apparently neither did anyone else—with the exception of PJ, who set her phone timer before sitting with her ear pressed to the door.
“So… what’s everyone’s summer plans?” Stella-Rebecca asked in an attempt to fill the silence.
Annie shrugged in response. “Mostly working as a counselor for Vacation Bible School and protesting outside Planned Parenthood. Same old, same old.”
“Would you guys shut up over there?” PJ hissed from across the room. “I’m trying to listen to them fuck!”
Eventually, seven agonizing minutes finished with the screech of PJ’s timer. “Times up, lovebirds!” She shouted, throwing open the door.
The ‘lovebirds’ stumbled out of the closet in a fit of giggles. Both of their clothes were wrinkled, hair disheveled, and Isabel’s lipstick was smeared all over Josie’s mouth. The couple was immediately met with cheers and jeers from the rest of the party as they made their way back to the circle.
“Wow, thanks for warming up the closet for us you two,” PJ snickered. “Now, as for who’s next…”
“Hazel, why don’t you spin?” Isabel suggested, seizing the bottle before PJ could and passing it to Hazel.
“Oh, come on!” PJ complained, having been cockblocked yet again.
The group all shared a chuckle at PJ’s dismay, especially Brittany who was laughing so hard tears began to form. PJ could do nothing but pout until the laughter died down and Hazel reached into the center, spinning the bottle.
Round and round the bottle spun, the group watching with bated breath. The hollow glass rotated, nozzle slowing, slowing until it finally stopped on no other than… you. All previously dissipated tension immediately resurfaced as the room seemed to still, everyone recalling the incident from earlier.
“Yeah, you guys! Go in there and give us absolutely nothing!” PJ sneered, earning another smack on the arm from Josie.
You stared at the bottle, nozzle pointing directly at you, no question about it. Through your peripheral vision, you could see Hazel nervously fidgeting with her rings, unsure of how to proceed.
“Maybe we could… play something else?” Brittany suggested gently.
PJ clapped her hands together. “Nope! Rules are rules. Get in there, you two.” She seized your hands and dragged you to the closet, throwing both of you in before slamming the door.
Hazel kept her gaze fixated on her fidgeting hands while you pretended to be very interested in a small tear on one of the hanging coats. After what felt like an eternity, you checked your watch. Only twelve seconds had passed. You let out a frustrated sigh. “Well, one of us has to say something.”
She glanced towards the door. “How much do you wanna bet PJ is listening in on us?”
You shot her a glare, not finding her joke funny.
“I’m sorry…” Hazel muttered, lowering her head again.
At that moment, all of the hurt, anger, and confusion you had kept bottled up to save face rose to the surface. “Why would you lie to me?” You demanded, using her own line against her.
Her face crumpled upon hearing the true betrayal behind your question. “I didn’t… I didn’t mean to…”
“Hazel, you lied about losing your virginity to Stella-Rebecca. That’s such an odd thing to lie about, it doesn’t make any sense…”
“Ok,” Hazel cut you off. “I didn’t have sex with Stella-Rebecca...”
“No shit,” you spat. “So what, you like, want to?”
“No!” Hazel insisted. “Stella and I are friends. I’ve never thought about her that way.”
“Then why have you had me believing you slept with her?” You hissed, a weak attempt to keep your voice down.
She was at it again, fiddling with those goddamned rings. “I don’t know, I just…” she swallowed, hesitating. “You told me about your first time… at summer camp… and you asked me about mine. We had just started dating. I didn’t want you to think I was inexperienced.”
“Hazel,” you sighed. “You are inexperienced.”
“I mean, like, I didn’t want you to see me as an immature little baby who didn’t know what she was doing, so I panicked and made something up. I shouldn’t have, I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to hurt you, I swear.”
The edges of your anger blurred as you realized fear had driven your girlfriend to a desperate lie. Poor Hazel, she looked shrunken, almost. She had drawn into herself, vulnerability exposed like a house of cards in the wind. You reached out and gently lifted her chin, forcing her to look up at you and taking her by surprise.
“Hazel,” you cooed. “It’s ok that you’ve never had sex before, I don’t care.”
“Really?” She asked.
You nodded. “Of course I don’t care. I just thought you’d been pushing me away because you didn’t find me that attractive, but…”
“What?!” Hazel’s exclamation took you aback, making you drop your hand. “That’s not it at all! Shit, I was just worried I’d mess up somehow, I’ve never been more attracted to anyone in my entire life! I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. No, really! Every time I look at you, I’m like ‘holy fuck, how did I get so lucky…’”
You cut her off by crashing your lips against hers. Her body initially tensed at the sudden contact, but soon melted into yours as it had done so many times before. Your hands found the nape of her neck as you drew her closer, pressing her up against you as much as possible. Lip-locks with Hazel were familiar to you, but never had one been so passionate, so rough and yet reassuring at the same time.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were gasping to catch your breath, realizing you had inadvertently chosen each other over oxygen. You gazed upon Hazel, studying her flushed cheeks, her lustrous lips, and the way her shirt collar sat askew atop her shoulders. With the way she stared back, you could tell you appeared just as rumpled.
“Well that’s good to know,” you giggled, reaching out to fix her collar. “Listen, Hazel, you’re a virgin. So what? I don’t care who you have or haven’t been with before. If you’re not ready yet, that’s perfectly fine, really. I would never pressure you into anything.”
Back at it again with those fucking rings. What the hell could you have possibly said this time?
“That’s the thing…” she began, her gaze fixated to the floor again. “I think I… I think…”
“Hazel…” you whispered her name, placing two fingers on her arm and making her shiver.
“I… I think I am ready. I’ve been ready. For a little while now.”
Your eyes widened at her confession. “Seriously?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I want you… uh, I mean… I want to do it… with you. I just… I don’t… I don’t know how to…” each sputter was paired with imperceptible hand gestures, desperate to communicate something she didn’t have the words to say.
“To… initiate it?” You asked.
“Yes! That!” She sighed, thankful you knew her well enough to understand her babbles. “I mean, should it be planned? Spontaneous? Do I just walk up to you and say ‘hey I wanna have sex?’ Where do I do it? How? Can I just blurt it out of nowhere or does something have to be happening first? If so, then what?”
“Hazel…” she was rambling again. You placed your hands on both sides of her head, smoothing her hair. “There’s no right way to initiate it, trust me. You can just do whatever you’re most comfortable with.”
She met your gaze again, head still caught between your palms. There was something different behind her eyes, though, something besides remorse or even vulnerability. Her brilliant blue’s seemed darker somehow, almost… hungry. You finally caught on when she snuck a glance at your lips, and closed the distance between you.
This kiss was different from the last: still passionate, but gentler, lighter, as if you were exploring for the first time. Her hands found your waist, loosely gripping the fabric of your top. You reciprocated, running your thumb over the hem of her tank top and accidentally brushing over a patch of bare skin. She flinched at the unfamiliarity, and you pulled away.
“Are you ok?” You whispered, forehead pressed against hers. She nodded, half-lidded eyes not leaving your lips. “Can I…?” Your fingers hesitated just under her tank top, barely grazing the skin of her stomach. She didn’t respond. She didn’t need to. For the first time in her life, she let her body do the talking as she pressed into you, capturing you in another kiss.
Slowly, surely, your fingers inched up the underside of her tank top. You took the time to trace little shapes into her skin, moving from her waist, to her stomach, to the underside of her rib cage. Her breath hitched with each new touch; Hazel had always been ticklish, but the way your fingertips danced along her torso made her shiver rather than squirm. As her comfortability levels grew, your hand traveled up, further, further…
“Holy shit, they were really gonna fuck!”
PJ’s grating voice startled you apart like an unwelcome infomercial in the dead of night. You glared at your intruder standing in the wide-open doorway, a wicked smirk plastered on her face. “Lose track of time?”
Hazel tugged at your wrists, and it wasn’t until that moment when you realized your hands were still under her tank top (much to PJ’s entertainment). With a mumbled apology, you detached yourself and helped her smooth out the fabric bunched around her ribs. Both of your faces were burning with a mixture of embarrassment and fluster.
“You could’ve knocked, you know…” Hazel muttered, watching the floor as she left the closet.
“I could’ve,” PJ admitted. “But where’s the fun in that?”
The rest of the party watched with amusement as you and Hazel exited the closet. Your flushed features and darting glances did not go unnoticed, prompting a series of snorts and stifled laughter. Forget David Fincher, you two were your own movie.
“So, I assume it’s safe to say you’ve made up?” Josie asked cheekily, squeezing Isabel’s hand, who bit the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing.
“We sure did,” you said with a sheepish grin.
Brittany couldn’t help but snicker. “Guess that explains your rosy cheeks.”
You exchanged looks with Hazel as an idea suddenly popped into your head. “Actually, Hazel’s cheeks are warm because she doesn’t feel too good.”
“I don’t?” Hazel asked.
“You don’t,” you repeated, shooting her a look. “In fact, oh my, I do feel warm! We must be coming down with something.”
“Wait, but I don’t feel…” Hazel seemed confused until she met your gaze and understood your plan. She raised her hand to her forehead, making a big show of collapsing into the basement wall. “Oh, woe is me! It is true! I seem to have fallen ill! Cough, cough, wheeze!”
You had to fight the corners of your mouth to keep from curling. Jesus, this girl couldn’t act for shit.
“Yes… anyway we need to leave. Right now. We don’t want to get any of you sick.”
“Oh, I’m sure that’s the reason,” Josie sent you a knowing smirk.
You grabbed Hazel’s hand and ran with her up the stairs and out of the basement, the partygoers calling after you with whoops, hollers, and exaggerated kissing sounds. As the basement door creaked shut behind you, the last thing you heard was PJ’s whiny complaint. “No fair! Hazel gets pussy before I do?”
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The two of you rushed hand-in-hand from Josie’s front door and piled into Hazel’s car, you in the passenger seat as usual.
She turned to you, keeping her free hand on the wheel. “Are your parents home?”
“They never are.”
Hazel had to release your hand to put her car in reverse, pulling out of the driveway like a madwoman. You anticipated her fingers intertwining with yours again, but instead, she reached over and rested her hand on your upper thigh. Her thumb gently brushed across the denim of your jeans, sending flutters through your stomach. Hazel was getting bold.
The drive back to your house was nothing but perilous. Hazel had always been a reckless driver, but the sharp turns and disregarded stop signs were wild even for her. Arriving at your house, she parked haphazardly, jumping out before rushing to throw open your door.
“Well that was fast,” you teased as Hazel helped you out of the car. “Looking forward to something?”
Words seemed to fail her as she silently took your face in her hands, kissing you with the desperation of a castaway grasping for a lifeline. She had you pressed into the passenger door, hips flush against yours. Your palms rested on her collarbone, feeling her rapid heartbeat.
You gently pushed her away, almost swearing you heard the faintest whimper leave her lips. “Why don’t we take this inside?” You suggested, to which Hazel could only nod.
The two of you stumbled into your house, barely taking the time to break away from each other to see where you were going. When you eventually made it to your bedroom, you slammed the door behind you and Hazel thrust you against the white wood. You relaxed into her, expecting more kisses, but looked up to find her features filled with apprehension.
“Hazel…” you whispered, moving your hands to her shoulders. “Is everything ok?”
“Y-yeah…” she stuttered, her gaze dropping slightly. She had seized you by the hips, fingers hooked in your belt loops, hands beginning to tremble.
You gently lifted her jaw. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? It’s ok if you changed your mind…”
“No! No, please. I need you so bad you have no idea…” she cut you off, her confession making you blush. “I just… I don’t… I mean… I’ve watched some porn and read fanfiction but…”
“Hazel, sex isn’t anything like porn or fanfiction.”
“Oh fuck, it isn’t?” She asked in disbelief, her wide eyes making you chuckle.
“Why don’t you let me lead, then?” You suggested, calming her with a tender kiss on her jawline. “Go lay down for me, yeah?”
Hazel did as she was told and moved to lie down on your pale-blue bedspread, a favorite of yours because you thought it matched her eyes. You stayed behind, stripping down to a bra and panties as Hazel watched with unblinking eyes.
“Relax, my love,” you purred, climbing onto the bed and hovering over her. You shifted, hips brushing against hers momentarily, causing Hazel’s eyelids to flutter and a sigh to leave her lips. A smirk crossed your face. “Sensitive, are we?”
Hazel could barely speak through her pathetic little whines. “P-please…”
You planted a sweet kiss on her lips before trailing down to her neck, exploring her soft skin, discovering unknown sensitive spots: her earlobe, the nape of her jaw, along her collarbone. Your fingers flitted underneath the hem of her tank top, creeping up, up, until you felt the cool nylon of her sports bra against your palm. Hazel shuddered at the newfound sensation, and you pulled back.
“Still good?”
“Good,” she breathed. “Yes, good.”
You hooked your finger under the neck of her tank top, coaxing her to sit up slightly. Pinching her shirt collar, you slid it off her shoulders before lifting the bottom of her tank, stopping with it bunched under her armpits. She finished the job for you, and you tossed the shirts aside, not caring where they landed.
Now she was left in a sports bra the color of fog, her nipples erect and poking through the fabric. You slipped two fingers under her band, looking to her for approval. She nodded, letting you peel it off until her tits sprang free.
“Holy shit, Haze,” you muttered, practically drooling at the sight of her naked breasts. Underneath the compressive sports bras, hidden beneath layers of baggy clothing, Hazel had perfect tits: round, firm, with little pink buds sitting like cherries on top of two scoops of vanilla ice cream. “How could you keep these from me?”
Hazel let out a laugh that sounded more like a breath, not entirely sure how to respond. Leaning down, you took one of the swollen buds in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it while palming her other breast. Hazel threw her head back against the pillow, letting out cries of pleasure while her hands entangled themselves in your hair. You took your time, caressing, suckling, exploring every inch of her bare chest, memorizing each unique detail: a freckle on her décolletage, a vaguely mushroom-shaped birthmark hidden beneath her left breast.
She was, for lack of a better word, perfect. You had been so distracted, so deeply buried in her cleavage, that you hadn’t noticed time slipping away until you felt her pressing down on your head. Your name flew from her mouth in a desperate gasp. “I can’t… p-please… keep going…”
“So impatient,” you teased, mouth releasing her nipple with a pop. Hazel only whined in response, bucking against your stomach, hips urgently searching for some kind of release. You smirked, leaving her breasts and peppering kisses down her stomach, stopping when you reached the waistband of her gym shorts.
“Off?” You asked, though it was merely a formality at this point; you already knew the answer. She made a noise of approval, a mix between a groan and a squeak, and shifted her hips to allow you to slip them off her legs.
Now, there stood nothing between you two but the thin cotton of her slate-colored boxers. She was writhing, silently begging you to rip them off and have at her, but you couldn’t help but stop and admire the growing spot of wetness that had accumulated through the fabric. Her hips sputtered, shook, pairing with her pitiful whimpers to plead for attention. You, however, had other plans.
“What’s your rush, Haze? We’ve got all night, don’t we?” You were teasing her now, a wicked grin appearing as your fingertips danced along the elastic band of her boxers.
Her raised pelvis came crashing down onto the bedspread as she cried out in defeat. “Fuck… please… just take them off…”
You frowned, mocking her, using your thumb to gently encircle her clothed cunt. Her head sank further into the pillow, broken moans falling out of her mouth like beads from a shattered necklace.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Hazel. Do you always get this wet?” You asked in disbelief. Her boxers felt like a saturated sponge.
“I don’t know,” she sighed, fighting to keep her speech intelligible. “I don’t think so, maybe. I… I need you… really bad…”
“Need me?” You replied cheekily, wrapping your fingers around the elastic and slipping her boxers off in one quick motion.
Your girlfriend's naked body was now fully on display before you. You had to take a moment, admiring details of the areas she had never let you see before: a small mole on her outer thigh, or the way her hip bones protruded to form little ridges across her pelvis. Her chest heaved, lips parted ever so slightly as she awaited your next move.
“Are you ready?”
She took in a breath, blowing it out big. “More than anything.”
You positioned your head between her legs, leaving feather-light kisses up and down her inner thighs. Her head tossed from side-to-side, body struggling to keep still with your mouth so close to where she needed you. Testing the waters, you ghosted a kiss over her clit, watching as she shuddered upon contact.
God she was sensitive.
Finally taking mercy on her, you licked a long, broad stripe up the length of her cunt, tongue lingering on her clit perhaps a bit longer than necessary. The cries that erupted from her throat were enough to send shocks through your own body. You moved to straddle her leg, grinding against it while you ate her out—a shift not going unnoticed by Hazel, only spurring her forward.
“Ohmygod… Ohmygod fuck…” your name tumbled from her lips amidst her breathless moans. She squirmed under your touch—every lick, each roll against her shin setting her body ablaze. A smirk tugged at your lips as your mouth created a vortex around her clit, causing her eyes to roll back like a slot machine landing on the jackpot.
You didn’t get to do this for very long before her plush thighs enveloped your head. “W-what…? It feels… I think, I think I’m…”
“Breathe, baby girl,” you cooed, never taking your mouth off of her. “Just relax, cum for me. Fuck you’re doing so well…”
Her hands flew back to your scalp, legs shaking, guttural cries erupting from her throat as her orgasm consumed her. Fuck she sounded pretty. Her thighs kept you right where she needed you, only loosening once her breathing evened and she slowly came back to reality.
You lifted your head once her legs collapsed onto your bedspread, her bones feeling like jello. “Was that alright, Haze?” You asked, crawling back up to lay next to her.
“Wow,” she sighed, pupils dilated into big black buttons. “Just wow.” She laid there a moment, silently recovering, wearing a dazed, blissful expression. But then her face shifted into something sour, almost uneasy. “I don’t, I mean… I don’t know how…”
“It’s fine,” you ensured.
“It’s not,” she argued. “I mean, you were… and on my leg…”
“Hey, Hazel,” you brushed her hair back, letting your fingers fall. “We don’t have to do anything else. Tonight was about you.”
“No, no. Please, I wanna fuck you so bad, I’ve been daydreaming about it for so long.”
You couldn’t have blushed harder if you tried.
“I just… I haven’t… like you did with that girl from summer camp. What if I try and it isn’t anything like that?”
“Hazel…” you reached for her face, kissing her reassuringly. “It won’t be anything like it was with her.”
Her face fell. “It won’t?”
“Of course not,” you replied. “What I did with her, it was just sex. Nothing like this, this is completely different.”
You had to gather up the courage to say your next words. “Hazel… I’m in love with you.”
She finally faced you with wide eyes. “You’ve never said that before.”
“I know,” you said. “I’m saying it now.”
That blissful expression from earlier returned to her pretty face. “I love you too.”
You giggled, and she pulled you into another kiss. Her weight shifted until you were on your back, her body covering yours, legs on either side of your hips. She tried to emulate you, peppering kisses down your neck and chest until she reached the satin cusp of your bra.
“How do… uh… I only wear sports bras…”
You sat up, guiding her hands around to your back and helping her unhook your clasp. She slid it off your shoulders and tossed it aside without care, her attention fixated purely on the newly-exposed flesh in front of her. “Holy fuck,” she exclaimed on a sigh.
Another smirk crept across your face. “What? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think these were the first you’d ever seen!”
She shot you an unamused look before diving in, suckling at one of your breasts and pawing at the other. Her eyes stayed unblinking, watching you as your head relaxed further into the pillow and soft sounds spilled from your lips.
“Am I doing ok?” She asked in a whisper.
“More than,” your voice came out soft and sweet, causing the tips of your lover’s ears to tint pink.
Hazel trailed downward, her soft lips leaving kisses all the way down to your stomach, her tousled hair tickling your skin. She paused at your cotton panties, her thumb passing over the fabric with uncertainty.
“Need help taking those off too?” You quipped.
“Definitely not,” she replied, seizing the waistband and sliding them off your legs.
Hazel gazed upon your naked body as if she were an artist, and you her masterpiece. Her hands hesitated before resting on your ribs, fingernails gently scratching down the length of your sides. She bent down, planting kisses on your hip bones, reveling in your quiet whimpers.
“Hazel…” you purred, and she got the message. Her hand slipped between your legs, fingertips tracing your entrance before sliding inside.
“Ouch,” you hissed, sitting up in pain.
Startled, Hazel pulled her hand back. “W-what? What happened? Shit, did I hurt you?”
“Kinda…” you paused, trying to pinpoint the discomfort. It almost felt like she had unraveled a paperclip and impaled your core—an unpleasant sensation you couldn’t explain until you saw…
“Hazel,” you exclaimed with a laugh. “You kept your rings on!”
“Yeah…” she muttered, cradling the hand that burned you. “I thought you liked my rings.”
“I love your rings,” you assured. “Just not inside me.”
“But the characters in the fanfictions I’ve read keep their rings on, and the feedback is always positive!”
There was nothing you could do to stop yourself from giggling at her protest. “Hazel, those fanfictions are written by people who probably haven’t experienced the real thing. Trust me, rings up there? Uncomfortable at best.”
Hazel nodded, mumbling a sheepish apology and removing her rings before slipping two fingers back in. “Better?”
With her confidence temporarily shaken, Hazel began to move against you, slowly, steadily, studying your facial expressions. Each gasp, every subtle twitch helped her gauge what you wanted, what you needed from her. She may have gone in blind, but she was a gifted learner, and you her favorite subject.
Soon after Hazel regained her certainty, you started to feel that familiar ache within your core. “Hazel… doing so good… my pretty girl… I’m so…”
She perked up, still keeping her hands where you seemed to want them. “Really? You mean it? Should I do anything different?”
You were about to shake your head, but stopped when you got an idea. “Do this with your fingers,” you demonstrated by curling your own.
She followed suit, reveling in your little mewls when she scratched against your g-spot.
But you weren’t finished yet. “Fuck… Hazel… almost… now just move your palm…”
You didn’t even get to finish your sentence. Hazel curved her palm, stimulating your clit, and your orgasm crashed over you like a flash flood breaking through a dam. Your back arched, legs shaking, chest heaving as you rode out your climax. Hazel wouldn’t, couldn’t look away; a moment ago she had been naive, inexperienced, but now the prettiest girl she’d ever seen was creaming all over her fingers, and it was all her own doing.
Her movements halted at what she hoped was the right moment. She withdrew her fingers, curiosity overtaking her as she popped them into her mouth and moaned at the taste, instantly regretting not going down on you. Her mind swirled, flashbacks of what just happened mixing with the oblivion of what to do next.
“Hazel,” you said finally. “Come lay down.”
She crawled back up to you, laying her head on the pillow. “Did I do ok?”
You giggled. “You did perfect.”
A grin spread across her face, reaching from ear-to-ear. Her eyelids were already drooping. “I’m so tired.”
“Me too,” you rolled over, wrapping your arm around her waist and nuzzling into her hair. “Go to sleep, my love. You’ve had a big night.”
She snuggled up closer to you, muttering a barely-perceptible ‘I love you’ before drifting off to sleep.
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Tag List: @chloepricesgirl @k1ssm3m0re @joanvisitsrome @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess @09carriages @hazelvrr @ummlover @lovinglynny @lilyannez @at1nyzen @lovepity @camilleee222 @reiisstuff @sofi4v13 @pensoterios @everybodyhatesari @sapphicarribean @sam-cooperrr @gay4lanadelrey666 @nickeverdeen
499 notes · View notes
loser!virgin!hazel headcannons*
loser!virgin!hazel who can't help but blush everytime you talk to her because having your attention on her never fails to make her flustered
loser!virgin!hazel who constantly stutters and stumbles over her words when talking to you because you're so pretty she just can't think straight
loser!virgin!hazel who always stares at you in class and daydreams about being with you
loser!virgin!hazel who thought you were joking when you told her you liked her because no one's ever felt like that about her before
loser!virgin!hazel who tenses up every time you touch her because she's still not used to the dizzying feeling of your skin against hers
loser!virgin!hazel who almost blacks out when you kiss her for the first time because she's feeling so many things at once and it was overwhelming in the best way possible
loser!virgin!hazel who accidentally lets it slip that she's a virgin and you just can't stop teasing her about it (not that she minds in the slightest)
loser!virgin!hazel who practically short circuits the first time she sees your tits
loser!virgin!hazel who is so whiny and squirmy the first time you go down on her because it feels so good that she just can't control herself
loser!virgin!hazel who begs you to let her eat you out because she's been fantasizing about it for so long (and how could you ever say no to that?)
loser!virgin!hazel who accidentally overstimulates you when she goes down on your for the first time because you taste so good and she loves how you sound and just can't bring herself to stop
loser!virign!hazel who whines so pathetically when you finally manage to pull her out from between your legs
loser!virgin!hazel who is so obsessed with you and making you feel good that she doesn't care about whether or not she cums too
loser!virgin!hazel who lets you use her like a fucktoy after you've had a stressful day
loser!virgin!hazel who practically worships the ground you walk on because you're so beautiful and she still can't believe you're actually hers
loser!virgin!hazel who would let you do anything you want to her because she's too whipped to ever say no
722 notes · View notes
writerinloves-blog · 1 year
In the Gardens - Kit Tanthalos x Reader
Request? : Yes! I hope I've made justice to their request.
i was hoping you could write something with kit, like about her and the reader being in a secret relationship (bc of the times ofc) and queen sorsha finding out?
Word count: 5,015
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It all began with jealousy.
 When Jade started talking to Kit about a new friend she had made in the village, Kit couldn't admit it, but she felt a twinge of annoyance. Things took a turn for the worse when Jade started cutting short their training sessions to spend more time with this new girl. Jade was Kit's best friend, exclusively hers. Kit didn't even know this new girl, but she was convinced she must be annoying or something, although she couldn't pinpoint exactly what bothered her about her.
Kit was well aware that, as a princess, she had the power to make Jade train longer with her. However, she understood the moral implications of such an action, so she kept her feelings in check, quietly resenting this unknown girl without ever getting to know her.
Until one fateful day.
Kit found herself on the training grounds, waiting for Jade who was running late. Frustrated, Kit began practicing her moves on a wooden dummy. Lost in her training, she was jolted back to reality by a voice.
"Wow, you're really good," the voice remarked. Kit turned to see a stranger standing there, eyes filled with genuine admiration.
"Ah-ah- thank you," Kit managed to say, caught off guard. Her response elicited a warm smile from the stranger, a smile that Kit found genuinely sweet.
As Kit's mind slowly started working again, she realized she had never seen this person before. They stood there, in a silent understanding. Gathering her courage, Kit blurted out, "I'm Kit!" perhaps louder than she intended.
The stranger returned her smile, about to introduce themselves when a familiar voice interrupted them. Both Kit and the stranger turned to see Jade hurrying toward them, her face radiating excitement.
"You came!" Jade exclaimed, hugging the stranger tightly. Kit was utterly confused. "Do you guys know each other?" she asked, unable to hide her curiosity.
"Yeah, this is my new friend I was telling you about," Jade said, her smile wide, mirroring the one on the stranger's face.
Kit was most definitely not expecting that.
For two months, you attended almost every training session that Kit and Jade had. Despite Kit's initial attempts to deny it, she found herself enjoying your company, perhaps a little more than she should have. Knowing that you were observing her during training motivated her to push herself harder, and she felt a surge of pride every time you clapped for her victories over Jade.
When Jade's birthday finally arrived, the three of you had dinner in the castle, a request made by Kit. That night, at your suggestion, they all dressed semi-formally. Both Kit and Jade opted for semi-formal attire, eschewing dresses, a choice that made them burst into laughter when they saw each other
You arrived last, and upon seeing you, Kit froze in place. When you approached to greet her, after wishing Jade a happy birthday, Kit couldn't help but feel her heart racing. She was astounded by how beautiful you looked in your blue dress, adorned with ribbons in your hair. It was in that moment that Kit realized something had changed within her during this past month.
Throughout dinner, the three of you shared laughter and jokes, and every time you touched Kit's arm, she felt a jolt of electricity run through her. After the meal, you all decided to take a leisurely walk around the castle grounds to continue your conversation.
Sometime later, Ballentine approached Jade and asked for a moment, prompting Jade to bid her goodbyes and leave. This turn of events left Kit and you alone together.
"Maybe I should go too," you said in a soft tone.
"You could stay a little longer," Kit replied, her voice shy. You nodded with a sweet smile, and in that moment, as you continued your walk under the moonlit sky, Kit felt something stirring inside her, something that went beyond mere friendship.
You two fit perfectly. Eventually, you ended up in the garden, pausing to gaze at the stars. While you were awe-struck by the celestial display above, Kit's eyes were fixed solely on you. In her eyes, amidst the enchanting flowers and the moonlit night, you outshone everything else in the garden. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Kit could no longer contain her feelings.
"I think we have a problem," Kit blurted out hurriedly, causing worry to bubble inside you. "What? What is it?" you asked, concern etched on your face.
"Turns out that I don't hate you," Kit began, her words rushed. "At all... not one bit."
"I do not understand. What are you trying to say, Kit?" you replied in a hushed tone. Kit approached you, now standing directly in front of you.
"Turns out that I actually like you..." Kit confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I don't know what to do with all of this that I am feeling." With those words, she brushed her hand against yours, her touch tender. She then gently kissed your hand, leaving you both exhilarated and perplexed.
A whirlwind of emotions swirled inside you, rendering you momentarily speechless. Kit looked at you with anticipation, her brilliant blue eyes searching yours for a response. In that moment, you realized the depth of your feelings for the girl standing before you. Determination filled you, and you took a step closer, your hand caressing Kit's face. You wore a sweet smile, silently asking a question that hung between you.
Kit nodded in response, her own emotions mirrored in her eyes. You closed the gap between you, your lips meeting hers in a tender, electrifying kiss. The world around you seemed to fade away, and Kit responded by moving her hands to your face, pulling you closer. She couldn't believe what was transpiring, but in that moment, all she wanted was to feel you near.
After a few blissful seconds, you both pulled back, gasping for air, yet radiating joy. "I like you too, just in case you didn't get the memo," you teased, a playful tone in your voice.
Kit made an affirmative sound, a mix of contentment and amusement. "Good to know," she said before leaning in to kiss you once again, sealing the newfound connection between your hearts.
The next day, you didn't attend Kit and Jade's training session. However, Kit showed up wearing the ribbon that you had worn the previous night, wrapped around her wrist. Jade immediately noticed this, causing her to smile broadly.
"I thought you hated ribbons," Jade teased Kit.
Kit felt a wave of nervousness wash over her. "Yeah, I just thought this one was nice," she stammered, to which Jade playfully rolled her eyes.
"So, good to know that I'm officially the third wheel," Jade remarked, a smile on her face as she started preparing for the session.
This statement caught Kit off guard. "What? She told you?" Kit asked, excitement evident in her voice. Jade seized this moment of distraction to begin the session, leaving Kit caught off-guard.
"Of course she did," Jade replied, finishing her sentence. With one last dreamy smile, Kit started training too, the revelation of her newfound feelings adding an extra layer of motivation to her movements.
In the days that followed, a secret romance blossomed between you and Kit. It was a delicate dance of stolen glances and hidden touches, a love story meant to remain hidden from the world. Yet, the joy that radiated from both of you was undeniable.
Your clandestine meetings became precious moments, tucked away in the secluded corners of the castle gardens or in the quiet corridors of the palace. Every stolen kiss, every shared secret, felt like a treasure, something too beautiful and fragile to be exposed to the harsh light of day.
Despite the secrecy, your relationship was an anchor for both of you. In a world where duties and expectations weighed heavily on her shoulders, the love you shared became a sanctuary. Your laughter filled the empty spaces, and your whispered words of affection drowned out the noise of the world around you.
Kit was enraptured by the simple joy of stealing your ribbons whenever you wore one. To her, each ribbon became a tangible reminder of your presence, a way to feel connected even when you weren't near. When you questioned her about this habit, she looked into your eyes with sincerity.
"To feel you close when you aren't near," Kit confessed, her voice filled with vulnerability and affection. Those words hung in the air, encapsulating the depth of her feelings for you.
In the quiet nights when the moon bathed the castle grounds in its silvery glow, Kit often found herself marveling at the serendipity that had brought you into her life. She couldn't believe how fortunate she was to have you by her side, your laughter becoming the melody that filled her heart.
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Six months had passed since the beginning of your relationship, a secret love that had flourished behind the castle's stone walls. One day, with Jade's assistance, you managed to sneak into the castle and found your way into Kit's room. There, in the soft glow of candlelight, you sat on her lap, your lips dancing together in sweet kisses, punctuated by soft giggles.
You peppered Kit's face with kisses, causing her to laugh joyfully. As you drew near her ear, you whispered, "I am so lucky to have you." Your words sent a shiver down Kit's spine.
"You don't even know what you do to me," Kit replied, her voice filled with longing, as she gently caressed your face.
With a swift move, Kit took hold of your waist and shifted positions so that both of you were now sitting. She leaned in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, losing herself in the sweet taste of your affection.
Amidst the stolen moments of intimacy, you paused to share some news. "I've got a job," you revealed, your words met with a kiss on your cheek from Kit.
"What?" Kit asked in confusion, her heart sinking at the thought of potentially seeing you less. "Why?" She moved back slightly, her worry apparent.
"Well, my parents thought it was time for me to get a job, but don't worry," you reassured her, gently cupping her face to plant a tender kiss on her lips. "I'll be working here, in the castle. Yes, I'll have to cook meals, but I'll see you more often," you said with a warm smile.
"Really? Why would you do that? It's very hard work. I could have gone to see you wherever you were," Kit expressed, her hand finding yours.
"I did it for us," you replied, your eyes sparkling with determination.
Kit felt like her heart might burst with emotion. In that moment, every part of her longed to tell you what she already knew. She mustered up the courage to speak but was interrupted by Jade's voice from the other side of the door.
"Time's up, lovebirds," Jade called out, breaking the spell.
You shared a laugh, then planted a soft kiss on Kit's lips. "You'll tell me later, Kit," you said as you reached for your shoes, preparing to leave.
Before you could step away, Kit gently grabbed your hand, pulling you back towards her. In the dim light of her room, she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours in a lingering kiss, a silent promise of the words she couldn't quite voice yet. The moment hung between you, filled with unspoken emotions, before you finally pulled away, your heart echoing Kit's unspoken affection.
With a tender smile, you whispered, "Goodnight, Kit," before slipping out of her room, your heart brimming with the love that had grown between you both, even in the quiet secrecy of the castle's halls.
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You began working at the castle, and if Kit were being honest, she truly loved all the extra time she got to spend with you. Every stolen glance during meals, every gentle touch, and every moment your hands brushed against each other only deepened her affection. Kit cherished the nights when she showed you the secret spots in the castle, relishing every single second spent in your company. In those stolen moments, amidst the whispers of ancient stones, Kit found a happiness that felt like a treasure, one she wanted to hold onto for a lifetime.
This particular day, Kit woke up with an unusual sense of excitement. She and you had planned a little date night in the castle gardens, and Kit was determined to make everything perfect. She had even made arrangements to ask Jade for help in gathering candles and preparing food for the evening.
As Kit got ready for the day, her excitement grew. Breakfast time was always a bittersweet moment for her, as it was when you served her breakfast. Kit hated the fact that you needed to do that, but at the same time, she cherished the opportunity to brush her hand against yours and share secret smiles, hidden from her mother's watchful eyes.
Entering the breakfast room, Kit greeted her brother and her mother, but her attention was entirely consumed by thoughts of you. She couldn't help but admire how your hair looked that day, how the ribbon you wore matched the one she had chosen for her wrist. Every detail of your appearance seemed to captivate her, and she eagerly anticipated the moments they would share after breakfast.
"Kit! Were you listening to me?" her mother's voice broke through her thoughts.
"No, sorry, Mother," Kit replied, her gaze briefly shifting away from you. You returned from the kitchen with a fresh tray of food, wearing a small, warm smile that momentarily eased Kit's unease.
"I wanted to talk to you about something important," her mother continued.
Kit grabbed a muffin, taking a bite while trying to maintain her composure. "Okay, what is it?" she asked, noticing you making your way back to the kitchen with the tray.
"You are to be engaged to marry Prince Graydon of Galladoorn..." The sound of a tray clattering against the floor cut off the queen's words.
"Oh! I am so sorry, Your Majesty," you stammered, quickly kneeling down to clean the mess. Kit wished she could stand up and assist you, but she felt rooted to her seat, her breath catching in her throat. This couldn't be happening. She couldn't marry anyone else, especially when the person she truly wanted to be with was you. She turned her head to look at you and saw a tear streaming down your cheek.
Once you had retreated to the kitchen, Kit found her voice. "What? Mother, no. Please, I beg you!" she pleaded, desperation lacing her words.
"It is your duty to your kingdom, Kit!" her mother declared. "The meeting to sign the alliance is next week, and by then, I expect a change of attitude," she finished, rising from the table and leaving only Kit and her brother. Airk hurriedly approached Kit and embraced her tightly. In that moment, Kit finally allowed herself to cry. Her whole world seemed to be crumbling into pieces, and the weight of her responsibilities bore down on her shoulders like a crushing burden. The prospect of a future without you felt unbearable, and Kit clung to her brother, seeking solace in his comforting embrace as she wept for the love she feared she might lose.
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The rest of the day proved to be a torturous ordeal for Kit. She wandered aimlessly through the castle, desperately searching for you. She even ventured into the kitchens, hoping to find a trace of your presence. Instead, a blonde girl informed her that she hadn't seen you since breakfast. Disappointed and increasingly worried, Kit's optimism began to wane. Even though she hadn't been able to plan the date the way she had envisioned, a small glimmer of hope persisted. Perhaps you would still show up.
As the hours passed, that hope gradually ebbed away, replaced by a sinking feeling in Kit's chest. The first hour of waiting felt like an eternity, but as the second hour ticked by, her optimism turned into a painful realization. Yet, Kit made the decision to stay, clinging to the possibility that you might still come.
She waited in the gardens, her heart heavy with anticipation. The night passed, and Kit remained there, alone and deserted. You never appeared. Deep down, she understood why you hadn't come, yet that understanding did little to ease the ache in her breaking heart. The night seemed endless, each passing moment a testament to the love that had been left unfulfilled, leaving Kit alone in the shadows of the garden, shattered and inconsolable.
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For three agonizing days, Kit felt as if she couldn't breathe. The absence of your presence was like a suffocating weight on her chest, a relentless reminder of the love that had slipped through her fingers. Desperation gripped her heart, and she knew she had to do something about it.
"Jade, please, I need to talk to her, please," Kit pleaded, her eyes filled with raw emotion as she looked at her friend. They stood together in the training grounds, the weight of Kit's desperation heavy in the air.
"Kit, I know you do, trust me, I've tried," Jade replied, her voice filled with honesty and concern. "But she really doesn't want to see you right now."
Tears threatened to spill from Kit's eyes, her heart breaking a little more with each passing moment. "Please, I just want to tell her that I love her. She needs to know that I love her," Kit said, her voice trembling with the intensity of her feelings. She managed to contain her tears, but the pain in her eyes was unmistakable.
Jade fell into a thoughtful silence for a minute, her eyes searching Kit's face. "Go to the gardens tonight. I'll make up some excuse to get her there," Jade finally said, her voice softening with understanding.
Gratitude surged through Kit, and without a second thought, she enveloped Jade in a tight hug, a heartfelt thank you escaping her lips. There was a glimmer of hope in Kit's eyes, a fragile optimism that maybe, just maybe, she would have a chance to mend the shattered pieces of her heart.
That night, you arrived at the gardens, hoping to see Jade. She had promised to take you horseback riding, knowing that your days were occupied with work, leaving you with no time during the day for such leisure. As you spotted a figure in the garden, you called out, "Jade!" Your voice carried happiness, but as the figure turned around, you realized it wasn't her. Disappointment flooded your expression, and you turned away, ready to retreat.
"Please, wait!" Kit ran toward you, her voice carrying a tone of desperation. She grabbed your hand, her touch pleading with you to stay. "Please," she repeated, her eyes filled with an intensity that matched your own conflicting emotions.
Reluctantly, you turned around to face her. Kit looked exhausted, dark circles under her once bright eyes indicating the toll these past few days had taken on her. Yet, even in her weary state, you found her breathtaking. She reached out, gently touching your cheek, and you melted under her tender caress.
"We've got nothing to talk about, Kit," you said, your voice small, trying to push her away.
"Of course we do," she insisted, her touch soft and persuasive, inching closer to you.
"No, we don't," you replied, even as every fiber of your being yearned to kiss her, to hold her close and never let go.
"Let's just... talk," Kit suggested, moving closer, her determination etched on her face.
"Kit, you're getting married. What we had... it can't be anymore," you said, tears now freely streaming down your face.
"Don't, don't say that, please. We... we could find a way around it," Kit pleaded, her eyes searching yours for a glimmer of hope.
"We can't, Kit. It's your duty, and I understand. I knew what I was getting myself into," you whispered, pressing your forehead against hers. "And I still jumped headfirst into this... and I would do it a million times, just to have the time that we had."
It sounded like a goodbye, and Kit hated it. She knew what she wanted to say, but how could she, when it wouldn't change a thing? So, she did the only thing she could. She kissed you, savoring the bittersweet taste of your tears mingled with her own. In that moment, she tried to memorize every detail, every feeling, knowing it might be the last time.
The kiss broke, and you held each other, clinging to one another as if afraid the other might disappear. The moment was both heartbreaking and beautiful, a collision of love and loss. Kit hated the instant you let go of the hug.
"Goodbye, Kit," you said, your voice heavy with finality, and as you started to walk away, Kit didn't want to let go of your hand. But she had to. So, she watched you go, standing there in the darkness of the garden, her heart shattered and tears streaming down her face, aching for the love she was about to lose.
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On her way back to her chambers, Kit couldn't stop crying. All she wanted was to lie in bed and cry until she had no tears left. However, her misery was interrupted by a stern voice slicing through the darkness.
"So, she's the reason you don't want to comply with your duties?" Kit turned around to see her mother, Queen Sorsha, staring at her with a mix of disappointment and concern etched on her face.
"I don't want to talk about it, Mom," Kit replied, her voice cracking from the weight of her emotions.
But her mother wasn't ready to let it go. She grabbed Kit's wrist firmly, demanding an explanation. "No, we are going to talk about it now," she insisted, her tone firm and unyielding.
"Fine!" Kit answered, her voice sharp with frustration.
"Is she really the reason? This... maid?" Sorsha asked, her tone dismissive and condescending.
"Don't! Don't call her that, and don't look down on her!" Kit retorted, her voice laced with determination and protectiveness.
"That's what she is, Kit. A maid. You, on the other hand, are a princess. You have duties," Queen Sorsha said, her words cutting through the air like ice.
"Don't talk about her like that. She took the job for me!" Kit said, her voice rising with a fierce intensity.
"What do you mean by that?" Sorsha inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"She took the job as a kitchen maid to be closer to me," Kit confessed, her voice almost a whisper, laden with vulnerability and despair.
Sorsha paused, her eyes studying her daughter, taking in the signs of her heartache. "How long has this been going on?" she asked, her tone softening, sensing the depth of Kit's feelings.
Kit turned around to face her mother, her eyes swollen from crying. "For over seven months," she began, her voice breaking. "But you don't have to worry about it anymore. As of tonight, there's nothing left for you to worry about," she added, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Sorsha stood there, silently watching her daughter break down. A mixture of emotions crossed her face, a realization dawning upon her. "Does this girl really mean so much to you?" she asked cautiously, moving closer to Kit.
"I love her, Mom," Kit said, her voice filled with raw emotion, her love pouring out like a waterfall breaking free from its dam. "I love her so much that every day, when I wake up, all I want to do is see her, hold her, look into those beautiful eyes, and take her to the gardens to hear her talk about her favorite flowers. I want to cherish every moment with her. I was so lucky," Kit finished, her voice barely a whisper, as she sank to the ground, crumbling under the weight of her heartbreak, tears flowing quietly once again.
Sorsha looked at her daughter, her heart breaking for the pain she saw in Kit's eyes. Deciding to approach her differently, Sorsha knelt down, attempting to reach for Kit's hand “Kit, why didn’t you tell me?” but before she could touch her, Kit moved abruptly.
"When, Mom?" Kit's voice cracked as she screamed, her pain and anger bursting forth. "And even if I did tell you, you probably would have banished her to another realm, taking her away from me! And yet, you managed to rip her away from me!" Kit's voice wavered, her eyes filled with a mix of anguish and fury as she stood up, her body trembling. With that, she turned away, heading toward her chambers, leaving Sorsha standing there, alone.
As Sorsha stood in the corridor, she felt a profound sense of loss and regret. She realized she had never given her daughter the opportunity to confide in her, to trust her. Her intentions had always been to protect Kit, but now, she had lost that trust, and her daughter's happiness had been shattered before her eyes. Witnessing her brave, beautiful daughter break down made Sorsha vow to herself that she would do anything in her power to prevent that pain from ever consuming Kit again.
She didn't even know what Airk might be hiding from her. It was time to rearrange things, to reevaluate her decisions and actions. Kit's happiness was paramount, and Sorsha was determined to make amends. It was time to change the course of their lives.
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Kit dreaded waking up the next day, fully aware that everything with you was over. So she dismissed all the ladies' maids, seeking a moment of solitude. However, after a while, Kit heard her chamber door creak open again. Prepared to send the intruder away, she turned around and found her mother standing there.
"Wake up, Kit. You have a busy day ahead of you," Sorsha said with determination.
"Really? Why? Is my wedding today, and you didn't tell me?" Kit retorted sarcastically, although she complied and rose from her bed.
Her mother, seemingly unfazed by Kit's tone, observed her daughter with a knowing look. This made Kit uneasy.
"I am not getting married today, am I?" Kit asked cautiously
"No, you're not. You're going to train with the knights of Galladoorn," Sorsha informed her.
"What?" Kit asked, bewildered.
"Next month, you are set to begin your training with the knights. It will mark the first time a princess joins their ranks," Sorsha finished.
"Great, now I won't even be able to see her. I just know it!" Kit exclaimed, frustration growing within her. But Sorsha remained composed.
"With this new alliance, your engagement with Prince Graydon won't be necessary," Sorsha said, shocking Kit, who turned around to stare at her mother in disbelief.
"What? What are you trying to say, Mom?" Kit's voice quivered with hope.
"What I'm trying to say, Kit, is that you should get ready to go and tell that sweet girl, the girl who has captured my daughter's heart, that everything will be okay," Sorsha began walking toward Kit, who stood frozen in place. She reached out and gently took her daughter's hands, this time not facing rejection. "Everything will be okay because your mother loves you, Kit. And your mother is also the Queen. It might take time, but you go and tell that girl that you love her, and that I'm going to fight for you two," Sorsha concluded, and she felt Kit's arms enveloping her. It was a hug she hadn't received since Kit was a little girl.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Mom!" Kit said, practically running toward the door.
Everyone in the castle was surprised to see the princess running with a broad smile on her face, even giggling. Their shock intensified when she burst into the kitchens. But when Kit entered, she couldn't find you anywhere.
"She was sent to pick some flowers, at your mother's request," the blonde girl from last time informed her. The gardens. Of course, her mother would have sent her there.
Hope bubbled up inside her as she ran, and once she reached the gardens and saw you there, picking flowers, it felt as if she was looking at you for the first time. This time, she knew that nothing would ever come between you.
"I love you!" Kit screamed, startling you, your confusion evident.
"I don't understand, Kit," you said, your confusion clear.
"I've loved you for quite some time, and I am not losing you," she said, walking toward you. "I love you," she repeated, quieter this time.
"But you're supposed to be engaged?" you said, caution in your eyes.
"I am not engaged, and I won't be, unless it's with you," Kit said, reaching for your hand. She placed a kiss on it, sealing her promise.
"That's impossible, Kit," you said, your eyes still filled with caution.
"Not anymore. My mother is going to fight for us, for this... so if you would have me, I am all yours, and every beat of my heart belongs to you," Kit declared, determination shining in her eyes. You just kissed her; you knew you had kissed her yesterday, but that kiss had felt like a goodbye, while this kiss was a promise.
"I love you too, Kit, more than anything in this world," you said, and then you joined your lips once again.
You both stayed there, kissing in the gardens for some time, only breaking it to repeat the words "I love you." A new beginning; that's what this meant. Not just for the two of you, but for the whole realm. Everything was about to change, and you two were at the heart of it. Regardless, you had each other, and that was all you needed.
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jo6hny · 5 months
Guilty Pleasure - Hazel Callahan
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Pairing: College student! Hazel Callahan x College student! Reader 
Contains: fluff, kissing, something more than kissing, reader and hazel being referred to as a girl, drunk sylvie, reader and hazel are in a situationship (oh no), freddy fazbear and fnaf mention
Summary: Based on this request.
Word Count: 2.18K
A/N: long time no post omg. sorry, i got caught up with work :( !! but i’ll still be writing and fulfilling requests. it'll just be very slooooow. tysm for all the support!!
The sound of keys jingling breaks the silence of the once silent and unoccupied dorm room. 
“That was sooo fuckin’ crazy” Sylvie says. Her words are slurred as she continues to yap about the party her, Hazel, and you were previously at. After having one too many drinks, the both of you decided to let the drunk girl crash over at yours and Hazel’s shared dorm room. 
“Alright buddy, let’s get you tucked into bed.” Hazel says, letting her best friend crash on her bed on the left side of the room. The distinction between your side and hers was clear as day. No one would mistake one for the other. Hazel’s had different kinds of band posters on her wall, funko pops on her shelves, and five nights at Freddy’s plushies on her dark sheeted bed. You, on the other hand, liked keeping things clean and minimal with cream colored sheets and one rabbit plushie. 
Tension arises between the two of you once Sylvie is tucked into bed. It is here that you both realize that one of you is without a place to sleep. It’s not like you wouldn’t mind sharing with Hazel if it were any other day, but you weren’t exactly on the best of terms right now. 
The two of you had gotten into an argument at the party after Hazel wasn’t sure what to introduce you as to people she knew. She couldn’t settle between friend, roommate, or almost but not quite a girlfriend. It made you feel ashamed, if you were being honest. You didn’t want to be in this situation. Not knowing what stood between the two of you. Though, you did admit that the both of you were living in a bubble. A sweet, non committal and casual bubble. No one knows what goes on between the two of you except, well, the both of you. So a part of you understood her hesitancy when she introduced you, but a part of you also wanted her to take the reins and just shout out what she wanted you to be. 
“So…” The brunette mumbled, balancing herself between her toes and the balls of her feet. 
“It’s not like we have a choice.” You said, sighing. You’d stepped out of the way as a gesture for her to get in your bed. 
Hazel’s demeanor lightened. She must have thought that you were over the incident at the party (you were not). The brunette changes into sleepwear before making herself comfortable on your bed. She’s done this hundreds of times before so there’s no shame or second thoughts in her body as she takes up the space she believes is hers. The space that was next to you.
You do the same as her and change into something more comfortable before slipping into bed beside her. Your body betrays your soured feelings as it relaxes when your skin meets hers. It was automatic nowadays, the feeling of relief that washed over you whenever you were near Hazel. The brunette faces you and drapes her arm around you as she always does. 
“You looked really pretty tonight.” Hazel whispered, not risking waking Sylvie up. The brunette was anything but asleep and you could tell by the tone of her voice. She was gaging your reaction. 
“Just tonight?” You reply teasing her. 
A smile spreads across your lover’s dimly lit face. If it weren’t for Hazel’s night light, the room would have been pitch black. Thank god for Freddy Fazbear the night light. 
“Always.” She reassures, a dimple poking out of her cheek. Hazel looked charming under the dim lights. Her eyes sparkled and her hair ever so soft. It was no wonder that you fell for her charms. The charms which compel you to bare your heart out despite the disappointments you’ve suffered, that is. 
A visible frown forms on your face as you recall once again why you two were at odds. Hazel sees this and her eyebrows furrow in worry. She takes the arm that was draped around you and relocates her hand towards your face to caress it. 
“I’m sorry.” Hazel says apologetically. You knew that she meant it. Hazel was rarely malicious and even if she was, it was always in a teasing manner. She was the most pure hearted person you’ve ever met, which is why you felt bad about what you did next. 
“About what?” You asked, teasing. It was rare that your lover is the one apologizing, most of the time it was you. Taking on this rare opportunity, you decide to egg Hazel’s conscience further. 
“You know…” She trails off, avoiding eye contact but maintaining her hand on your cheek. Her thumb was caressing your cheek in a windshield like manner which signified that she was fidgeting. 
Fighting off a smile, you put on your best frown and puppy dog eyes. You wondered how long it would take the brunette to realize that you were joking. Most of the time, the jokes flew over her head. She had a knack of not detecting sarcasm and you found it endearing. 
“I don’t know, Hazel.” You sigh, slightly shrugging of the hand on your cheek. The blue eyed girl was visibly getting frustrated by the second. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her big blue eyes were the roundest it had ever been. 
“I’m sorry for not telling people what we are.” She admitted. You held in a gasp, you didn’t expect her to admit her fault outright. You were expecting a much whinier version of the woman beside you but right now you were faced with a visibly apologetic lover. The thought made your heart ache. 
“Hazel,” You sighed, taking the hand on your cheek with your own. “It’s okay.” 
She shakes her head in disagreement. A frown formed on her lips. She looked close to crying. 
“It’s not. I should’ve told them we were together.” She protested, squeezing your hand. 
“Are you sure?. I feel like you liked it when that sorority girl flirted with you.” Teasing, you interlock your fingers with her. No matter how guilty you felt, it was undeniably fun to tease your lover just a little bit. 
“I didn’t. I swear! I only like you.” She exclaimed, now holding both of your hands. The last part of her sentence was whispered but loud enough for you to catch on. 
A smile forms on your face and a warmth felt on your cheeks. You looked at your lover with much endearment and love.Hazel was nothing but pure. Her love for you had always shone and she’d never made you feel mad or sad or anything negative. Hazel’s was a love you’d never experienced with anyone else before. 
“I guess I only acted like that because I saw how Isabel looked at you.” Hazel said. Your heart drops at her revelation and you’re quick to dismiss her. Unbeknownst to you, Hazel was sporting a mischievous glint in her eyes. The same one she noticed that you had. She’d been able to notice whenever you were teasing nowadays. She noticed how your tone fluctuated, like it always does when you’re joking. And she noticed how you tried to stop yourself from smirking but the tips of your mouth would still turn upwards. All this she picked up because Hazel always took mental notes on you; observed you. 
“What? No-” You interjected, flailing your arms. “Isabel and I are just friends. Plus she has Josie, Haze!” 
“Are you sure? Because the hug you shared seemed a bit intimate.” She said, copying the tone you carried when you presented the same idea. She was toying with you and found it amusing how now you were the one who was panicking. 
“Hazel,” You grabbed her face gently to demand all her focus on you. “I would’ve kissed you in that sweaty house of people for everyone to see.” 
Now it was Hazel’s turn to blush. She could physically feel herself turning red, she imagined what she’d look like. Deciding to be brave and continue on flirting, Hazel encourages you further. 
“And why didn’t you?” She asked, her eyebrow raising. She looked at you with much anticipation, she wanted your lips on hers more than anything else. The desire to kiss and hold you is embedded in her person. Nothing else made her the happiest. 
“Because..I don’t know. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to.” You mutter, avoiding eye contact. 
“I want to. You can do it right now.” Hazel said quickly and without hesitancy. 
Smiles form from both of you which cascade into giggles. Hazel’s blue eyes turn into crescent moons as her smile reaches her eyes. You could slightly see her countenance being tinted red, signaling to you that she had been flustered with the exchange.
The laughter dies down and all there’s left is tension between the both of you.The silence between you was palpable, the tension thick. You didn’t know why you felt shy now. Too shy to steal a kiss from your lover's lips like you always did. Your hands were still on her face, gently stroking it with your thumb. You imagined that the two of you looked like a couple of rags after a wild night out and yet, Hazel looked ethereal. You reckon that her face could launch a thousand ships as Helen did. 
“You look really beautiful, Haze.” You whisper, trying to shake off the nerves that suddenly appeared. It felt like the time you two first kissed. How the air was so thick and it felt like you were suffocating. The only solution was to put your lips on hers and kiss like her being held oxygen. You remember how you fantasized about how you would finally kiss her, running through so many situations in your head to prepare you only for it to happen on a random afternoon. 
Hazel smiled, the dimple on her cheek appearing. 
“You look beautiful too.You really always do. I mean it.” 
“That’s the alcohol talking.” You retaliate. Compliments never came easy to you, especially not from someone you adored. 
“I didn’t even drink that much. I was too busy looking out for…” She trailed, her gaze landing upon the bed next to yours. 
You laugh at this, following Hazel’s gaze to see that Sylvie had her mouth open as she slept. She also somehow found one of Hazel’s plushies and was snuggling it which earned a look of disdain from her. 
“She’s gonna deform him.” She says with concern. This makes you smile wider than you already had. 
Stroking her face, you decide to kiss her. Your heart couldn’t handle it anymore and it felt like it would burst with all the love and adoration it was holding. Hazel’s lips were sweet, which told you that she drank one of those liquor the sorority sisters made that was full of candy. You made a mental note to point it out to her later. But now, you were focused on the task at hand and that was kissing Hazel so much til your head felt dizzy. 
One of your hands loosen from her face and find their way to her hair. Hazel groans at the action, putting her hands on your neck in return. After what felt like a sweet eternity of kissing, the brunette takes it further by disconnecting her lips from yours and planting it down on your neck. You whimper at the feeling of her lips on yours and grip her hair tighter. 
“Mmmh head hurts!” 
A groaning Sylvie makes the both of you jump, fully forgetting that you had another person in the room. A smile is shared between you and your lover. You’d both silently agreed that you should sleep instead of fucking in case Sylvie actually wakes up. 
Settling back into your bed, Hazel takes it upon herself to position her body on top of yours and bury her neck on your face. You could physically feel her sniffing you. 
“Are you done sniffing me or do you need a little bit more time there?” You ask, wrapping your arms around her. She laughs at your comment and lifts her head up. 
“Can’t I smell my girlfriend? Is that too much to ask?” She asks, feigning sadness in her voice. 
You raise one of your eyebrows at Hazel’s reply, taking note of what she just called you. 
“Girlfriend, huh?” 
“Yup.” She nods, giving you a smile. “Unless you don’t want to, which is totally cool.” 
You shake your head frantically, earning another laugh from your girlfriend. Hazel situates her face back onto the crook of your neck and plants a small kiss. Your heart flutters at the gesture. This was it. You were finally officially together and it happened because Sylvie was forced to sleep on her side of the bed because of poor alcoholic decisions. You had to thank her in the morning, surely. But for now, you’d tighten your hold on Hazel and relish in her body heat. 
“Goodnight, Haze.” 
tags: @academiareid <33
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gigi-loveless · 7 months
mini nsfw hazel blurbs, should i turn the last one into a full length fic? ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
reqs are open!!
nsfw under the cut
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listen to hazels spotify here ‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡🕸
❀ eating out gamer!hazel on your knees while she lounges her chair, nibbling on her bottom lip as she continues to absentmindedly play her game. after you get into a rhythm, she gets heated, her hands finding their way into your hair as she throws her head back, shaking her headset off.
❀ hazel having you touch yourself in front of her, her eyes wide in the chair across the room. just before you cum, she pounces in between your thighs and finishes you off herself.
❀ riding hazels face after she beat you in a fight at the club as punishment. her face adorned with your slick, practically choking on your clit as she services you just how you taught her.
❀ getting a new lingerie set, something lacy and dainty, red fabric adorning your curves perfectly. you wear it out to a nice dinner with hazel and your friends underneath your dress, and when you get home, ask hazel to unzip you with a knowing smirk of what’s to come.
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fictionalgap · 10 months
Roommate: Too Whipped (chapter 3)
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Pairing: Hazel Callahan x Reader
Summary: You can't get Hazel out of your head.
Warning: 18+ Themes
Warning: +18 themes, swearing, sexual themes
Other Chapters: Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5
Song Recommendation: I Want To Be With You - Chloe Moriondo
You had two classes today and you had a four hours break. Your only option was library. Hazel had swimming practice during your break. It was one hour. Unfortunately swimming team was always going to gym before the classes so It's three hours If you count the shower and etc. You knew PJ and Josie had classes during that time. Your classmates didn't take the class you had earlier so they usually don't show up before evening class starts.
You went to your favorite spot in the library, at the corner and next to the window where you recently had the knowledge that Hazel can see you from there. You didn't felt like studying so you picked up a book you've been wanting to read for a long time.
You didn't know how much time has passed until you felt someone tap on your shoulder.
You turned around to see Hazel, whose smile met her eyes.
"Hey." your bored mood vanished.
"Hi." She said as she sat on the chair next to you.
"What are you reading? " she whispered.
You showed her the cover of the book you've been reading.
"I didn't feel like studying. Wait- " You checked your watch.
"Aren't you supposed to be at practice? " you asked as you raised a brow.
"Someone suggested we separate gym and swimming hours. We only had swimming practice today.
" Oh... Is that good? "
"Yeah. It was pretty tiring to swim after gym."
"Oh than it's great." You nodded to her and smiled genuinely.
"Yeah." she smiled sweetly at you.
"And, and also we can study together, because I will be leaving early and-, I mean If that's what you want and If you don't have anyone to, to,to hang out and maybe-"
"Yeah, I'd love to, Hazel. Studying, hangout or whatever. "
"Yeah...okay. " you could see that she was nervous.
You squeezed her arm lightly with a soft smile to make her less nervous.
She looked relieved and stared in your eyes for a while.
"Yeah so, what do you want to do now? " you cleared your throat and pulled your hand from her arm.
"I don't know. What do you want to do? "
"Did you study earlier? "
"Nah. I mean a little but I think there are some things I need to look... "
"Cool. Okay I can review my notes too. Maybe for a while then we can go for a walk around campus. I have a class later. Or, or you can stay here and keep studying since it's hard to study at home." you pouted, remembering your evening class.
You hated evening classes. You were too tired to get anything in your head.
"That's alright... Maybe we can study now and then go for a walk. Later, you go to your class and I'll study here and maybe we'll go home together."
You blinked a few times.
"Yeah, I mean, If that's what you want. " you put a soft smile on your face.
"Yeah... " She said and opened her backpack and took a notebook out.
You took your book out of your backpack and started studying as Hazel did.
You went out of your class with your classmates, tired. You were all talking about the upcoming group project. You saw Hazel at the corner, waiting for you. You couldn't help but blush when see her there waiting, only for you. You said goodbye to your classmates and walked to her.
"Hey. You look overwhelmed."
"I am overwhelmed. It's an evening class and our professor gave us a group project. We have to speak in front of whole class. Who wants to speak in front of whole class."
"Wow... that's overwhelming."
"I know...and that's not the worst part!"
"What's the worst part? "
"I blush so much when I speak in front of a crowd. My cheeks look like tomatoes."
Hazel chuckled to your reply.
"What? It's not funny. I am going to look like a loser. "
"First, I personally love it when you blush. You look so cute. Second, you can't look like a loser cause you are not one."
Hazel called you cute. Hazel called you cute. Hazel called you cute. Hazel called you cute. Hazel call-
"You only say that cause you are my friend. "
"Best friend and no, I don't. It's my honest idea but I think, If that's the part you are afraid of, you know, the speaking in front of whole class part, you can practice with me and maybe that'll help with your fear and blushing."
'How could someone be so fucking nice?' you thought.
Only Hazel. She was so sweet, kind, caring, adorable and cute. She was like a marshmallow sweet, fluff, soft and yummy. You wanted to know what she taste like down th-
"Y/N? " she blinked at you.
"Hazel?" you started at her, confused.
"You kinda froze for minute. Are you okay? " she asked, worried.
'Fuck.' you cursed to yourself.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm just tired. Just want to go home that's all. " you tried to hide your blush with your folder.
"Okay." She said and you knew she was smiling from her tone of voice.
'Dammit. Did she think I thought of her?' You groaned mentally.
You went home to see PJ and Josie laying on the couch while watching a movie.
"And now you came home together, huh. Since both of you are the commitment type, I hear wedding bells. " She raised her brow, smirking.
"Josie, push a pillow on her face till she can't breathe for me, will you? "
"My pleasure. " Josie said cheerfully.
Next thing you now there was a serious pillow fight in your living room. It wasn't like cute sleepover pillow fight. It was kind of a eat shit kind of a pillow fight. Concussion is included kinda pillow fight.
You went straight to your room and changed into pajamas. Then you joined the pillow fight too. Then Hazel joined too.
After a while, you were pretty tired from fighting. Others seemed pretty tired too.
"Should we like... order pizza? " Hazel asked.
"Yes! "you three shouted.
You ate your pizzas and watched another movie. Eventually, you all went to bed.
You saw Hazel in your dream. You were in your living room and you felt her kiss you, her hands on your both cheeks. You even felt the cold metal of her rings. When she pulled she beamed at you. Then PJ came out of nowhere and clashing both pans in her hands with an annoying smile. Hazel vanished.
"What the fuck!"
"We are celebrating!"
"Celebrating what?"
"The fact that you're gonna make a fool of yourself in front of whole class! " she said and then started to laugh maniacally. Just like the villan in stories.
Then Josie came who was wearing a suit and sunglasses like in the movie 'Men In Black' and pulled a small box out of her denim's pocket and squeezed her into the box.
"Sorry for her. I try to keep her in the place but she gets out of my hands from time to time."
You couldn't say anything.
"Anyways, bye." She left just like that.
She didn't even use the machine to make you forget for seeing them...
"Okay... That's not weird at all."
"What's weird is... that you still don't go down on me, Y/N..." Hazel's voice came from behind.
You turned back to see Hazel standing, lust filled in her eyes.
'Fuck.' you thought.
'Yes. We should definitely do that. Fucking. ' She was smiling mischievously.
You froze to what she said. You only thought that.
"The thing about dreams Y/N..." She slowly make the gap between you smaller. You could feel your heart in your ears. "They are part of your thoughts so they know your other thoughts too and I know you want me." She took your hand and put it on her vagina and suddenly she was naked.
Oh my god. You never saw her naked. It was your mind's doing. You were touching her naked vagina while she was naked in front of you. Naked.
You gulped nervously.
"If you want to go down on me, go down on me Y/N. It's all yours. " she said and left you there only to lay down on the couch of the living room. She opened her legs as she was waiting for you.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You felt her eyes on you as you got closer to her. Her chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. You sat between her legs. You were about to look at her vagina, of course the dream fucking had to end here.
You were having a sex dream about going down on Hazel and It had to end here.
Well, at least she kissed you. Even If it's in a dream...
You got up from your bed, feeling horny but you didn't want to masturbate. You felt frustrated that you couldn't just have sex with the gorgeous woman just a couple steps away from you. Masturbating while thinking of her, would make you feel hopeless and lonely.
You got up from your bed, got dressed and made your bed. You took your phone with you and walked to the kitchen. You decided to make some chocolate chip cookies.
Cause why not? Right?
You tried to do the recipe you know like the back of your hand as quiet as you can be, to not wake up your roommates.
You put them in the oven and then cleaned all of the stuff. When there was nothing left to do, you sat down next to the oven, watching cookies.
You liked to watch whatever you made transform in the oven. It was just so satisfying to see them how they change.
You saw Hazel with pjs coming to your direction. She kneeled on the floor next to oven, facing you.
"Cookies? This late?" she raised her brow with a side smile.
'You're the reason.' you wanted to say.
"Couldn't sleep."
"Oh... " She bit her lower lip.
You pulled your knees to your chest. Your back was facing the kitchen drawers.
"What about you?" You tilted your head to the side.
" I just woke up and smelled something amazing so, here I am." she smiled cheekily.
You grinned. "Flattery will get you nowhere."
She pouted to your answer.
"Are you saying you are not going to let me eat cookies?"
She looked at you with puppy eyes.
"Stop making that face... " you whisper-shouted.
"Or what?" she asked playfully.
This version of Hazel was one that got out of her sometimes. It was cocky and confident. You didn't see her showing this side of her to the others. Maybe the ones you don't know did know her this side. Maybe It was just for you.
It burned down there to know It was only for you.
You couldn't believe you were horny again. Just when you thought you could get rid off the feeling...
You couldn't answer to her question. Instead you looked at the oven and saw the cookies were about to burn If you wait another five minutes.
"Ow... " You stopped the oven and got up to take kitchen clothes for both of your hands to get the tray out of the oven without burning your hands.
"Can I help? " Hazel asked even though she knew the answer.
"I got it. " you said sweetly at her.
You put them on the counter and inhaled the magical smell.
"Can I have one? " Hazel stood next to you, her eyes wide and excited. Your arms were touching each other.
"It needs to cool down a little bit Hazel... then you can have as many as you'd like."
She grinned while looking at the cookies.
'Cookie Monster... ' you thought of her and smiled.
She was just so fucking adorable...You knew you would fight with everyone for her. Didn't matter If you got hurt or end up dead. You would do it for her. Knowing that she will keep smiling like that.
You took a cookie and broke it in half.
"Do we have milk? " you asked her.
Her eyes got wider at your question. " I think we do." she went to the fridge quickly and came back with milk box in her hand.
You took two glasses and placed them on the counter. She opened the milk and looked at you as she was asking what to do. You nodded and she poured down the white liquid.
You took the two halves of the cookie and dipped it in the milk and before you could put one in Hazel's mouth and she instinctively opened it wide for you. You were shocked how eager she was for cookie. You wondered If she could ever be eager for other things...
You ate the other half of the cookie. It was delicious. Also, cold milk made it eatable.
"Hmmm... I could eat this everyday. They are so delicious." she moaned while eating the cookie.
You wanted to kiss her cookie flavored mouth so bad right now. And cookie flavored other things...
Your head was filling with more dirty thoughts. As It wasn't dirty enough.
"It's not healthy to eat this every day but thank you. " you grinned quietly.
You wanted her. You wanted her lips. Her eyes on you. Her hands on you. Her breath on you. Her smell on you. Her voice in your ears. You wanted her to devour you. You wanted her to love you more than a friend. It was getting harder everyday. It hurt. It hurt wanting but not getting anything. Not knowing If she ever sees you in that way. Not knowing If she will ever love you in that way. More than a friend. You were longing for her love. She was giving it to you in most intimate ways that a friend ever can but you were greedy. You wanted more. More of her.
A wave of sadness came through and you didn't know you were crying until you saw Hazel's worried face and felt her hands on your arms.
"Y/N? What- what's wrong?"
"Hazel... " you managed to get out but you were sobbing and you hugged her without asking and of course she hugged you back tightly as you could fly away from her grasp.
"It's okay Y/N. Whatever it is, It's okay. We can figure out together, okay. Is-Is it t-the project, hm?" she tried to soothe you but you couldn't tell her. What If she didn't like you? What If she hated you after you confessed? Or what If she avoided you? What If she couldn't have feelings for you ever?
"You can talk to me Y/N. I-I don't want to pressure you but It seems like, whatever this is, makes you really upset and-and I want you to be okay."
You looked at her with teary eyes.
" What If I can't talk to you about it? "
"Well, uhm what about a professional? Maybe a psychologi-"
You couldn't stand this anymore. It felt too bad. Like life or death. It was now or never for you.
And you did it.
You kissed her cookie flavored mouth.
She stood there frozen for a minute, her hands in the air with an unreadable expression.
Your eyes began to tear up again and you looked down at your feet but you felt your chin being lifted up and a pair of hands covering your cheeks. Warm hands and cold rings, just like you imagined. Lastly, you felt her lips on your lips. Soft, sweet, plush and heavenly.
Her lips were everything at that moment.
You wanted more and craved more, immediately.
You tried to slide your tounge into her mouth and you felt her smile at what you were trying to do. She opened it for you eventually then you wasted no time to explore inside of her pretty mouth. There was no one trying to dominate the other. Just simply exploring and enjoying the feeling of tounges meeting each other.
Swirling, tasting and feeling.
Simply saying hi to each other.
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 8 months
ooh for hazel maybe a fic where hazel is fully oblivious to the fact that reader likes her and misses their very obvious flirting until someone makes a joke about the two of them
idk i feel like that’s something she would do lmao
Oh for sure, she is definitely very oblivious when it comes to someone flirting with her
Tags: Fem!Reader, Hazel is so oblivious, swearing, a smidge of angst and insecure!reader, use of y/n, slightly suggestive at the end but it's no big deal honestly, lightly proof read, girls kissing (giggling and kicking my feet)
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"Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way" - Hazel Callahan x Reader
“Maybe we could go hang out at your place? You could help me study for Mr.G’s final” You say, lightly grazing your fingertips on Hazel’s arm while batting your eyelashes up at her.
“Didn’t he literally give us the test answers as a study guide?” Hazel says, oblivious to your flirtation as always.
This was the billionth time it feels like that Hazel has shut you down, and honestly, you’re sick of it.
You decide to try a different tactic, gently grabbing her hand and admiring her rings, “I just love your rings” you rub your thumb across them and let your other hand rest on her thigh.
“Thanks! Most of them were gifts from friends, and this one was from a cool thrift shop downtown” Hazel rambles on while you sigh as she continues to ignore your obvious attempts at flirting with her.
You genuinely thought all hope was lost…until you heard PJ shout from across the gym.
“Jesus! Get a room you two, have some decency for the rest of us and go fuck in the janitor’s closet!” the girl shouts and your face heats up as a deep blush settles over your cheeks
Hazel scoffs, “What? We’re just friends PJ, don’t be a loser” she says while laughing nervously.
It took all of your willpower not to crumble right then and there.
You’ve had enough of this, you weren’t going to put in all this effort for someone who just sees you as a friend. Sniffling as tears start to form in your eyes from embarrassment, you quickly excuse yourself and practically run out of the gymnasium.
Your feet carry you to an abandoned classroom, where you let yourself finally let out the sobs you were holding in. Of course Hazel didn’t feel the same, why would she? She was amazing in every way and you were just some loser.
You’re so consumed in your thoughts that you don’t hear the door crack open and Hazel slowly walk inside.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” she says in a near whisper, but it still makes you jump and quickly look up at Hazel while wiping your tears.
“Hazel, what are you doing here? The club meeting is about to start, you know how PJ is with people being late” you try to speak in a confident voice, but it comes out shaky and thick from the lump of emotions in your throat and you look away from her so she can’t see your tears.
Hazel shakes her head and sits down beside you, “You’re more important than a stupid meeting” she says softly, “Josie told me about your feelings for me”
You groan at her words and put your head on your knees, looking back at her with a sniffle, “I’m so sorry Hazel, I get it if you don’t feel the same way and I won’t blame you-” your words are cut off by Hazel grabbing your face and hurriedly pressing her lips to yours in a bruising kiss.
You shriek in surprise at first, but quickly kiss back, shuddering as you feel her tongue enter your mouth.
Hazel pulls you onto her lap, your fingers threading into her soft hair as her hands rest on your hips. You both pull away after a moment, pupils blown, breaths heavy as the both of you just stare at each other for a moment.
Hazel is the first to speak up, “I’ve actually wanted to do that since the first time I saw you” she says breathlessly while moving a hand up to cradle your jaw and gently stroke your face with her thumb, “You are so beautiful y/n, I would be lucky to be able to call you mine” she says with a smile that makes your heart melt
“And I’m sorry for being such an idiot” she quickly adds which makes you laugh
You kiss her softly, pulling away just enough so your foreheads touch and you can just live in this tiny moment the both of you have created.
“As long as I can call you my idiot, then that’s all that matters” you say before the both of you dissolve into giggles.
an - meant to post more today, but got hit with a wicked migraine, so I hoped you enjoyed. Go drink water you girl kissers.
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sunflowerwinds · 27 days
this love [h.c] | chapter five
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summary: the news of your parents return caused your world to come crashing down. heart heavy and yearning for hazel, the blue eyed woman takes it into her hands to distract you from the world you live in and takes you to what could be your new reality.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: fluff to the max & time period homophobia
word count: 3.3k
a/n: OH MY GOD. hello everyone. it has been months since my last update. i kid you not i don’t know where this spark of energy to write for these two angels once again. also thank you guys for 2k followers! WHAT THE HELL. i love you all so so much to the bottom of my heart <3
‘this love’ masterlist
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To say you were infuriated was an understatement.
The second Isabel had informed you about your parents' early arrival, your skin lit aflame. Hazel had emerged from your bedroom with a worried expression, expecting you to be running down the halls after your friend. You turned to her with hot angry tears in your eyes and her own sharp blue ones softened.
“Princess—” Hazel spoke with a gentle tone but was interrupted by your hushed words.
“They said two months. Hazel, now we don’t even have two weeks.” Your voice wavered as you ran your hands over your face with a shaky breath. “My parents are on their ways back home.”
Hazel’s face broke you. For a split second, her entire face dropped, settling into a frown that you’ve never seen before. Genuine hurt and fear on her face.
It aches you to see her this way.
The next morning, Hazel woke up tangled in your sheets and practically clinging to you. You hadn’t slept for a single second that first night. Your eyes were wide and red-rimmed from both crying and due to lack of sleep.
She stirred in her sleep and you glanced at her relaxed figure. You knew the staff was going to be arriving within the next week to start preparing for the king and queen's arrival. You sit up from the bed, careful of Hazel’s sleeping figure.
You should’ve known better as Hazel woke up seconds after your body left the bed.
“Princess?” Her groggy voice called out.
You freeze in your tracks and blink back heavy tears. Your back was towards her, facing the door.
“Hazel, I’m alright. I’m going to read in the library.” You tell her shakily, hoping she would leave it alone.
The shuffling of the sheets causes you to turn around to face Hazel. Her hair was tossed and her eyes were slightly squinted at you. It made you feel a little better to see her so adorable in the morning. That she cared enough to get out of bed.
“You’re not alright. That’s okay, you know that?” Hazel comes up to you and gently takes your hands in hers.
You avoid her eye line, afraid she could see how afraid you were to lose this once your parents arrived back home.
“I know. I… I don’t want them back. I’ve finally found my happiness without them,” You admit softly, looking up at her for a moment before shyly looking away once again.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Hazel muttered before tugging you into her body and wrapping her arms around your tense figure.
You dropped the ache in your shoulders to wrap your arms around her midsection. You snuggled your face into the crook of her neck, wanting to crawl into her skin to stay there for the rest of your days. That way you wouldn't face the horrors of the reality of who you were.
People would harm you and Hazel for simply being together. For being a sapphic.
“I don’t want to lose you,” you sniffled as you clawed at the cotton undershirt clinging to her toned back.
Hazel releases a shaky breath, her heartbeat picking up in speed. She couldn’t believe you felt so strongly about her.
“You could never lose me,” Hazel whispered into your temple before placing a gentle kiss there.
“You can’t say that. I’m petrified of what my parents will do to you if they find out.” You shake your head, pulling your head out of the crook of her warm neck. “Isabel had told me about a brutal hanging of a man a few kingdoms north that was… a homosexual. They threw tomatoes at his dead body, shouting awful things about how he deserved it simply because he didn’t love a woman.”
Hazel’s stomach, admittedly, churned at the gruesome thought of that happening to either one of them.
“We can’t ever be open with our affections and it hurts me so much, it might kill me.” You sighed out, a frown etched onto your lips.
You never thought you would worry that much about your love life this much. Hazel changed everything.
“How about we go somewhere for a few days? Go and take a breath of fresh air and not waste time thinking about the bad that could come.” Hazel’s hands cup the sides of your hot cheeks, wiping away the few streaks of tears that had left your tired eyes.
“Where?” You ask.
“I wanted to wait until the first month was over but I think you deserve to know about this place.” Hazel grinned softly at you, leaning forward to capture your lips into a gentle kiss.
So, you made your way into the kitchen area to snatch a few fruits and breads for however long the journey could be. Hazel suggested that the two of you could spend three days there, even longer if you desired. You weren't sure what this secret location could contain but Hazel seemed to know a lot more about the kingdom than you.
Well, you guess that’s what came with the freedom of being able to leave your own home whenever you please.
You came back to your bedroom to find Hazel packing a few trousers and shirts into a leather suitcase. Her short hair beautifully fell over her sharp features, sending an electrifying feeling up your spine. The skin underneath your nightgown became warm, borderline hot to the touch.
Curse Hazel’s genetics.
“Princess? Is everything alright?” Hazel glanced up at you, noticing how you were lingering in your doorway instead of stepping into the room.
You were still gripping onto the basket filled with food, feet planted onto the cool floors.
“Yes. Sorry. I forget how distracting you can be,” you tease, a cheeky grin spreading onto your lips.
Hazel’s brows raised, shocked at your sudden bold statement. You took a few steps into the room, eyes widening with want. The hairs on the back of your stand as Hazel meets you in the middle to cup the sides of your face, kissing you with just as much want and desire as you were feeling in your chest.
You can’t help but smile against her gentle lips on yours, your mood skyrocketing. You pulled away after a few seconds of sinking into the kiss to examine her face.
“So you really won’t tell me?” You press once but Hazel merely smacks her lips and shakes her head.
“It’s a surprise. I promise you’ll love it.” Hazel insists as she pecks your lips once more.
She backs away from you to finish packing her clothes and yours. It only took you another half hour to be able to inform Isabel of you and Hazel’s absence. The honey-haired beauty was in her own quarters just an enormous hallway down from your grand room. You knocked on the door and patiently waited for her response.
“Come in!” She called from behind the heavy door.
You push on the wooden door and see her sewing a soft green dress, almost the exact shade as her eyes, with white frilly trimmings on the neckline, end of the skirt, and shoulder straps. She really did have a gift. Her ability to sew such perfect dresses was admirable.
“Oh, hi!” Isabel beamed at you, finishing up the last stitch on the dress before setting it aside on her bed. “Is everything alright?” Isabel’s captivating eyes widened when she noticed that you were stiff in posture.
You nod with a soft laugh. “I’m alright, Bel. I wanted to let you know that Hazel and I are going to be leaving for—”
“Leaving?” She jolts up onto her feet from the seat at the end of her bed with a slight panic in her voice. Her frizzy hair bounces from the sudden jolt in movement as she walks over to frantically take her hands into yours. “If it’s because of what I had told you last night, I’m so incredibly sorry. I didn’t think it would drive you out of the palace.”
Your eyes bulged out of your head at her reaction, nervously laughing at her anxious state.
“Isabel, no. She’s taking me somewhere for a few days to get away for a bit. Not forever.”
For some reason, that felt like a lie. Like it wasn’t a promise you should be making.
“Oh. Okay. Well, you two please be weary and safe. I couldn't bear to think that something could happen to the two of you.” Isabel rubbed her thumbs over your palms, seeming to pass her anxiety through her touch.
“We will. We’ll be back in three days at the very most.” You lie straight through your teeth and it aches at your gums.
Isabel seems to ease a bit once you’ve informed her of what you and Hazel’s plans were. You left her with a bone-crushing hug, waving goodbye as you sped to your bedroom once again. As you leaned against the doorway, you admired Hazel who was bent over, clasping the suitcase closed.
“Do you need any help?” You speak up, folding your hands across the wide space of your soft skirt.
Hazel stood up with a small grin at the sound of your voice, her consciousness at ease.
“I got it, princess. You could get the basket you prepared,” She tilts her head at you, eyes not leaving your own.
You blush at her gaze. She was a sorceress in disguise, you swore it.
“I can do that,” you stated as you made your way over to the woven basket.
Every glance the two of you shared ached every part of your heart. In the refined space of your high-ceiling bedroom, you were able to place lingering kisses and gentle touches on her body. After holding back every fiber of your being back from kissing her until your lips bled, the two of you were able to sneak past the few guards that were beginning to arrive for your parents’ arrival.
You peaked around every stone corner before silently walking to the doors that led to the gravel walkway to the gates. Hazel was rounding the corner of the stables with two fingers hooked onto the reins. You approached them in a hushed manner, whispering gentle words to Peanut as you brushed your hand over his beautiful mane. With a few more quick glances to scan your surrounding area, Hazel helped you up and followed your movements so that the two of you could make this mysterious tret.
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There in the clearing behind the beautiful lemon trees was a medium sized cabin with a straw roof and a surrounding fence that was smothered in vines and a variety of flowers that you were sure Hazel could identify. Your eyes widened in awe at the cozy home, your arms tightening around Hazel’s torso due to your growing excitement.
“Where are we?” You question breathlessly.
“My first home,” Hazel replied, equally out of breath.
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline at her words.
Her first home?
“My father technically owns this land and everything on it. The land is under his name. Lucky for us, it's my name as well,” Hazel cheekily responded, tugging back the reins so Peanut came to a halt just in front of the fence.
You let out a soft sigh, a content smile on your face as you continue to stare at the exterior. Hazel released the reins which caused you to let go of her waist as she was going to get down from her horse. Your eyes follow her lace up boot covered feet, grabbing the leather bit to lead Peanut to the fence to tie him too. You held yourself by the reins, eyes squinting as you peered through the surrounded forest. There hadn’t been people from what you could see; merely miles of green.
Hazel’s soft voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
You blink and look down at her, a smitten smile on your lips.
“Yes?” You question.
“I’d love to show you around the cabin and the garden in the back,” Hazel put out her hand for you to grasp onto.
You grin as you take her hand in yours, carefully stepping onto Peanut’s stirrups to then put your own booted feet on the fresh grass. Hazel held your waist to keep you steady as you adjusted the skirt portion of your dress. Peanut huffed a bit before Hazel muttered a few words, brushing a hand over his mane.
“He hasn’t been here in quite some time. I think he remembers it,” Hazel spoke up.
Your eyes soften at her words, running your own hand over his back. He seemed to calm down after a few gentle brushes of you and Hazel’s palms. After Hazel had made sure he was safely secure, she took your hand in hers without shame and practically dragged you to the front door of the cabin. You were bouncing on the soles of your boots with excitement to see what was inside such a domestic home.
From underneath her deep, rich blue shirt, she pulled out a key that was hanging on a thin rope around her neck. You watched her carefully slide in the key through the heavy door, listening for the click to signal the door was now unlocked. Almost immediately, you were hit by the faint stench of the old wood wafting into the clean air outside. Hazel lightly coughed as did you at the realization that the home had not been touched in a fairly long amount of time.
Walking into the home with your hand grasped onto Hazel’s slightly rough one, a small living room, no larger than your favorite room in the palace; the library. You were surprised for just a moment to see no family paintings hanging on the walls; something you despise more than anything other than a few other factors from the palace. Though, there was a specific painting that had caught your attention that hung right above the dining area that had collected a few specks of dust from the untouched spade. Hazel seemed to notice your wandering eyes, tugging your arm a bit to motion for you to follow her footsteps over to the painting. Stepping past the log-like footrest in front of the couch and a dining chair, the two of you plant your booted feet right in front of the painting.
”Is this…?” You tilt your head, eyes flickering to the strokes of paint sculpted beautifully on the canvas.
“The bridge.” She confirmed your thoughts. “I wasn’t lying earlier when I said my father would go there to think about my mother. She painted this after he took her there to ask her to be his wife,” Hazel hummed.
Your eyes cloud with guilt and beaded with tears as you remember what you did to that bridge. Something that was so memorable to Hazel’s father was damaged because of you.
“Oh, Hazel, I’m so sorry,” you sigh, a lump forming in your throat.
Hazel turned her neck to stare at your solemn face. She shook her head slowly as she took your free hand in hers.
“It’s okay. I meant that. We can… fix it together one day and make it ours.” Hazel hummed as she stared lovingly into your eyes.
“Ours?” You repeated back to her, loving the way the idea sounded on your tongue.
Hazel nodded to confirm, her smile widening. Her smile lines beautifully indented into her paler cheeks as she released both of your hands to cup the sides of your face. You knew your cheeks were as warm as the heat outside, flushed at Hazel’s touch and sweet promise.
“Everything here could be ours,” Hazel softly assured you.
You glanced at quilted pillows on the couch, the quite large rug that was tucked under the feet of the seating area. You had no idea what you were expecting when you first entered the sweet cottage but something in you felt safe here. Hazel’s thumbs ran over cheeks as she watched your eyes dart to every square inch of the living area.
The idea of being away from all of your troubles back home was inviting but you had no idea what the outcome of it could be; how enraged your father would be knowing you disappeared into the night. He might even be relieved as he saw you as such a burden to the kingdom as a whole. Blinking out of you crowded head, you focused your attention on the one person that did want you around.
“I believe I was promised the garden view,” you hum, your hands reaching to cup over her wrists.
Hazel chuckled at your words, reluctantly releasing the gentle surface of your skin. You follow her through the, just as the rest of the house, small kitchen to the back door. Twisting the knob to the chipping door, you were met with a fresh scent of a mix of florals and greens, reminding you of baths.
Vines of roses twirled around a wooden arch that led down a path of patches of different vegetables and fruit trees. Without realizing, you took a deep breath at the smell of the lemon and orange tree. The sight of every one of your favorite fruits; including some of which you’ve never seen before, had your mouth salivating.
“My father has a green thumb. Thankfully, it was passed down to me as well,” Hazel beamed at how less tense you were here.
“Where did he even get a hold of some of these?” You kneel down into the green grass, touching over the ripe blackberries.
“One of my father’s friends from when he was training to be a knight also works at the ports. They retrieve seeds from all over the world for a variety of fruits and vegetables. He would drop some off every few months. He stopped a year ago because no one had been living here for quite some time.”
“Then how are these so… fresh?” You question in confusion.
“Well, blackberries,” Hazel slightly grunted as she kneeled down right next to you, pointing at the fruit, “usually take two years to grow before they’re ripe and ready to eat. Most of the things in this garden take a few years to be fully grown.”
You feel embarrassment settle within your chest at your lack of knowledge.
“Sorry. I didn’t know,” you brush your flyaways out of your face, sighing to yourself.
Hazel merely placed a kiss on your temple from her crouched position next to you.
“There will be no more apologies from you. I will teach you everything I know,” she wrapped her arm across the length of your back, placing another kiss to your cheek and then the corner of your mouth.
Flushed in every place imaginable, you turn your neck to capture her lips in yours with need. You cup her jaw gently as your lips move against each other, the twittering of unknown birds and Peanut’s huffs making the scene feel all the more domestic. The consequence of getting caught never crossed your mind; Hazel’s gentle tone and touch clouded over the negativity.
“Everything?” You pull away, breathing against her lips.
“Cooking, gardening, building, archery, work on your combat skills as well,” Hazel teased as her nose rubbed against your own.
You crane your neck back to examine her face, jaw dropping in offense.
“You said I had a good punch.”
“While that is true, you need more than just a single punch, princess,” Hazel explains to you.
You hum in disagreement, standing back up onto your feet.
“Maybe combat isn’t meant for me. I’ll have you protect me instead,” you tease, tracing a finger over the underside of her jaw.
Hazel preened under your touch, blue eyes wide with anticipation. She stood up on her feet eagerly, placing her hands on the waist of your everyday dress. It was laughable how much you enjoyed having her hands on you.
“I’ll always protect you. I’m sworn to it.”
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tag-list: @hazelvrr @sc0ttstre3ted @vster0769 @angelsknifeprty @mih11 @em16cor @ahdbodhr @rubycruzin4abruzin @slut4els @lesbianknowitall @sam-cooperrr @athenalive @nomarksonelegance @crvptidgf @summerfillednights
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cherryflavoured7777 · 11 months
Fevered Affection {h.c}
summary: Hazel takes care of a very sick you.
Pure fluff.
(This is entirely self-indulgent as I have been sick the past week and need a Hazel to come take care of me)
pairing: Hazel Callahan x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
You wake up in your bed, a tight ball of pressure constricting your chest, as if something has been lodged in your lungs for days. You try to slowly untangle yourself from Hazel's body beside you and move her arm off of you. As you sit up, you find yourself gasping for air, a fit of coughing wracking your body and intensifying the pounding in your head. Leaning over the edge of the bed, you reach for your water bottle, the cool liquid soothing your dry throat and sticky skin. It’s completely dark in the room except for the soft orange glow of your salt lamp plugged in, casting a warm ambiance on your bedside table.
You pick up your phone and the light from your screensaver adds to the throbbing in your poor head. Glancing at the clock, you groan, it's 3:38 a.m. Apparently, you had dozed off early only to be rudely awakened by your lingering illness. Every inch of your body aches, and your chills have now transformed into a too-warm heat.
Beside you, your girlfriend stirs, a soft sound escaping her lips. Hazel quickly becomes alert, her brows furrowing in concern. "Honey, are you okay? What's wrong?"
You convinced your mom to let Hazel come over and take care of you. After spending days miserably locked up in your room, missing school, and yearning to see her, you needed her presence. Hazel had arrived earlier that evening, well-prepared with all the essentials. As soon as she received the green light to come over, she stopped by a nearby grocery store to gather cough drops, medicine, tea, soup, a heating pad, and even a new stuffed animal, all to make you feel better.
"I'm fine, Haze," you manage to say before having another coughing fit.
"You don't sound fine. You sound like you're about to hack up a lung," Hazel says, concern etched on her face as she grabs your shoulder and pulls you in for a closer look. You attempt to squirm away from her touch.
"Don't look at me. I'm sick and disgusting," you protest weakly. Hazel chuckles softly. "Yeah, you look super gross right now. So gross that I just need to kiss you so bad," she teases sarcastically, planting a quick peck on your lips.
"Shut up," you reply, though you know there's no real heat behind your words. Hazel is just as lovesick as you are, if not more.
"I'm gonna get you sick," you warn halfheartedly.
"Babe, do you think if I was worried about that, I would have slept next to you for the past seven hours?" she replies, lightly tugging your bare arm back down and placing her lips on your shoulder.
"Seriously," she mumbles against your skin, her kisses tracing a line from your shoulder to your neck. Your head falls to your other shoulder, allowing her access, and you let out a soft sigh.
Her mouth reaches your ear, and she whispers, "Plus, if I get sick too, then we're both stuck in bed together. How terrible." You shove her off playfully, unable to suppress a laugh.
You watch as she gets up off the bed searching for one of the items she bought for you: Vicks Vaporub. She returns to the bed and settles in front of you. You shift closer until you're sitting face to face.
"My body hurts," you say, your frustration becoming more noticeable.
"Shh. I know, baby. I'm gonna try and make it better for you, okay?" she reassures, gently moving your hair out of the way to apply the cool gel on your chest. She carefully pulls down the straps of your tank top, creating a clear working space.
"I promise this will help a little bit, honey."
She opens the jar, dips her fingers in, and applies the rub to your chest with care. The sensation is cold, but oddly comforting. The intense minty smell instantly burns your nose. You watch as she runs her hand from the center of your chest up to your shoulder, squeezing gently when she reaches the top. Her touch is gentle yet firm, sending shivers down your spine.
"This okay? I know it's kind of cold, sorry," she says, dipping her fingers back into the jar for more gel. You can't help but admire the way her ringed fingers dip into the substance. She repeats the same process on the other side of your chest, her fingers gliding slowly across your chest. creating a tingling sensation that spreads warmth beneath your skin.
"Yeah, it's fine. Feels good, actually."
Despite your discomfort, a warm feeling spreads through your stomach as you watch Hazel take care of you so tenderly. As she wipes the small excess of the substance off on her hoodie sleeve, her eyes meet yours, filled with compassion and affection, conveying a silent promise to take care of you.
"I think I'm just really good with my hands," she remarks playfully. You shove her in a half-hearted attempt at retaliation, then surrender and collapse into her, your head buried into her neck with your hands in her lap. Her cold hands grip your waist and start to move up, drawing gentle lines up and down your back with her fingers.
"Thank you for taking care of me," your voice croaks. You sniffle, feeling overwhelmed by gratitude and annoyance at your lingering sickness. Hazel, sensing your frustration, instinctively reaches up to gently wipe away the tears that escape your eyes. Her touch is tender, her eyes filled with love and concern as she softly brushes her thumb against your cheek.
"You don't have to thank me, my love," she whispers, her voice soothing. She wraps you in her arms again, holding you tightly as she maneuvers you both back to lying down. Face to face, you stare into her big blue eyes.
"I hate feeling this way," you admit, your voice laced with frustration. "I just want to get better and go back to normal." Hazel's eyes soften with understanding, and her fingers begin gently caressing through your hair.
"I know, honey.” She says. "I hate seeing you like this too. I promise, first thing tomorrow, I'll take you to the doctor if you want. We'll figure out what's going on, and you'll get the proper help you need."
You find solace in her words, a glimmer of hope in the midst of your frustration. "Thank you," you whisper, your voice cracking with emotion. Hazel smiles, her eyes reflecting unwavering determination.
"Of course," she replies, her fingers tenderly tracing circles on your back. "I'll be with you every step of the way, holding your hand.” In the quiet intimacy of the moment, you look into Hazel's eyes, your gaze filled with deep affection and sincerity.
"I love you," you say, your voice barely a whisper.
Hazel smiles, her eyes softening with the same depth of love mirrored in your own.
"I love you too, more than words can express," she replies, her hand moving down your body to rest on your hip, squeezing it gently.
"You mean the world to me, I literally only ever care about what you are doing or how you are feeling.” She adds.
You both laugh quietly, feeling thankful to have found someone who cares for you so deeply.
"I'm so lucky to have you," you confess, your heart swelling with gratitude. I don't know what I'd do without you." Hazel leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"And I'm lucky to have you too," she murmurs, her voice filled with unwavering devotion. "We're a team, you and I. I mean it.” You share a smile, your gazes locked.
“God we can be so cheesy sometimes,” you remark, letting out a soft laugh.
"Yeah, you love it." She shifts onto her back, pulling you closer and wrapping her arm around you, inviting you to rest your head on her chest.
"Do you feel comfy?" She asks softly.
"Mhm,” you murmur in contentment.
“I’m right here babe, I’m not leaving. I’ll stay with you as long as it takes for you to get better okay? I just want you to sleep well and get some rest now"
You let sleep begin to tug at you, completely content, wrapped in each other's arms, listening to the soft rhythm of Hazel's breathing slowing down.
a/n: Okay this was literally the first fic i have ever written so please forgive me if its god-awful. Also if you enjoyed this wanna send me a request I would seriously be so happy <3
also sorry the formatting on this is kinda weird
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Summary: Being a new student is already complicated. But when you end up developing an unwanted crush on a schoolmate, everything seems to get worse. This particular schoolmate is romantically involved with someone. And to make matters worse, the popular school quarterback starts to bother you.
Author's Note: This fanfic will be short and set in the universe of the movie Bottoms (2023), directed by Emma Seligman, using the characters from the film. The characters do not belong to me. The fanfic will not strictly follow all the situations from the movie. I hope you enjoy it. Initially, there will be no adult content. There will only be inappropriate language and scenes of violence.
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Justice really shouldn't exist. You defend yourself against an asshole who spread rumors that you were having an affair with your chemistry teacher and the following week you are forced to transfer schools.
"Get out of the way, nerd!" You hear a boy scream as you pass through the school entrance hall. Several other boys are carrying this boy on their arms, while shouting "Jeff, Jeff, Jeff".
"Education sends its regards, you idiot." You answer the boy. He immediately left the arms of the other boys. All dressed in football player clothes.
"Who are you?" The quarterback being carried asks in a rude manner. You close your eyes as you think about how to respond to the idiot in front of you.
"No one. But if you cross my path again, I could be your worst nightmare. And just so you know, the last quarterback that pissed me off ended up in the hospital." You say, getting close to him to look threatening. He looks a little scared, but when you turn around; and it creates trust.
"I have no interest in fucking you but thanks for the offer. Good luck surviving this school, nerd." His words shock you. You turn to look at him as you close your fist getting ready to hit him in the face.
"He's not worth it if that's what you think. I'm Josie, by the way." A girl approaches you as the players leave. You take a deep breath, still clenching your fists but thinking that your new schoolmate must be right. The consequences of hitting that shitty quarterback would be horrible.
"How do you put up with this?" You ask looking at Josie. She gives a somewhat awkward smile and then seems to think about how to respond.
"He's actually my girlfriend's asshole ex-boyfriend. Maybe this will make me put up with him more easily. But you'll get used to it. I can introduce you to my small group of people who can socialize in the midst of this hell." Josie speaks softly. You don't know if you'll be able to fit into anyone's friendship group in any way.
"How do you know I'm not an idiot?" You ask, walking to where your locker would be while Josie follows you. Just then, something hits you. Not something but someone. The person is running and basically passes halfway between you and Josie. Your body is thrown against your locker, making you fall to the ground.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry. I'm late for Mrs. Jones's class. I didn't even see you there." A girl says to you. You still have your face turned down but when you look up, to curse the girl, you are dazzled. She is probably one of the most beautiful girls you have ever seen. You are speechless while still on the floor. Josie seems worried about you, saying things you can't even hear. Your entire attention is directed to the pretty girl who made you fall to the ground.
"And that's an excuse to run over me? What's wrong with people around here." You speak feeling pain on your ankle. The girl who knocked you down holds out her hand for you to hold on to get up. You look at her feeling a confused feeling of irritation and lust.
"Don't take it personally. Let me help you up." The girl says to you, still waiting for you to take her hand. With no other way to do it, you take the girl's hand. She pulls you up. When you are back on your feet, you are very close to the girl. You look at each other, and you feel a bit embarrassed.
"What a strange way to introduce yourselves. New girl, this is Hazel. Hazel, this is the new student who arrived today. Poor thing, in less than twenty minutes she had to deal with Jeff and now got knocked down by Hazel here. Despite the way you met, new girl, know that Hazel is nice." Josie says, introducing you to Hazel. Hazel looks at you as if she's analyzing you, then gives a slight smile, as if she somehow approves of you.
"And doesn't the new girl have a name?" Hazel asks, looking at Josie and then at you. You hadn't even noticed that you hadn't introduced yourself to Josie until this moment.
"She does indeed. By the way, my name is Y/N." You respond, looking at Hazel with indifference. What if she notices your slight crush on her right away?
"I need to go now, but I'll see you at the break, Josie. And welcome, new girl. I hope you stick around. Our circle of friends is definitely the best you’ll find in this school," Hazel says as she runs off to a classroom.
"She seems a bit crazy, but she has a good heart. She and my best friend PJ have a special kind of friendship. I bet you'll like PJ too. How about you put your things in your locker and I show you around the school?" Josie proposes, and you nod. You're optimistic about this school transfer, just hoping you can control your attraction to Hazel. But this is only the first day of school; a lot can change.
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rubycruzin4abruzin · 4 months
Forbidden Crown - III
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Summary: Kit and Airk visit Azarenth to celebrate your fifteenth birthday, but when your mother delivers some earth-shattering news, your relationships with the twins crumble. After an ‘experiment’ gone wrong, you realize some things about yourself that could destroy your life, as well as those of the people around you.
Pairing: kit tanthalos x princess!reader
Contains: angst, boy-kissing, girl-kissing, implied vomiting (not graphic), half-smut, heavy petting, second base, forced marriage, nightmare
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: it’s getting steamy up in here
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The day you turned fifteen was a cause of celebration for all of Azarenth. Your parents held an elaborate banquet in your honor, complete with minstrels and jesters, and invited the entire kingdom to celebrate. All day long, you received birthday wishes and blessings from the townspeople, indulged in your favorite foods, and drowned in a seemingly endless sea of presents. Luxurious garments, precious jewelry, fine craftsmanship; you were gracious for every one, but none compared to the greatest gift of them all.
“Tomorrow morning, the twins from Tir Asleen will be riding in for a visit.” Your mother informed you later that evening, after all the party guests had gone home.
You froze in your tracks, the news leaving you momentarily speechless. “Really? They’re visiting here?”
“Well I’d prefer not to have Kit stay,” your mother scoffed. “But heaven forbid I take one without the other.”
Far too excited to acknowledge your mother’s snide remark, you rushed to wrap your arms around her, expressions of gratitude flying from your lips. She stiffened at your touch, only obliging with a reluctant pat on your back.
Just when you felt like you were on top of the world, everything came crashing down in a matter of seconds.
“I expect you to be on your best behavior while they’re here, please put in the extra effort to make Airk feel comfortable. In five years’ time, you will be his bride.”
You froze again, the last sentence hitting you like a sledgehammer to a stone wall. Slowly, you removed your arms from her torso, stepping back to meet her gaze. “Pardon?”
“Sorsha and I decided it was time to tell you both,” she explained calmly. “We’ve been arranging this marriage to unite our kingdoms since you were young.”
Confusion, anger, betrayal; a plethora of emotions swarmed you as you stood there, stunned. “You’re telling me this now?”
“Darling, you’re fifteen now, a woman. We didn’t want to scare you when you were children but it’s high time you start to think about the future of Azarenth.”
Realization hit you like a pound of bricks. “That’s why you always put so much emphasis on a relationship with Airk? You were preparing us for marriage?”
“Well I see no reason for such commotion! From what you’ve told me, you and Airk get along quite well. I’m sure you’ll make a fine couple.”
She dismissed you with a wave of her hand before retreating to her bedchamber for the night, leaving you standing there in a puddle of conflicting feelings. On one hand, Airk was pleasant company, and he could make a fine ruler one day. On the other hand, your heart didn’t long for him, and just the thought of you two being expected to produce heirs made you feel ill.
In five years, in five short years, you would be Princess Airk Tanthalos. You closed your eyes, testing out the name once on your lips before running outside and dropping to your knees, emptying your stomach's contents into the street.
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That night was spent tossing and turning in bed, fighting off images of a marriage to Airk before they overpowered you, transforming into a nightmare as you slipped into slumber.
You were walking through the Tir Asleen gardens with Kit, picking bouquets of flowers and laughing at nothing but your own contagious joy. Just when you were almost done arranging your flowers, she seized your hand without warning, forcing you to drop your bouquet and pulling you away from the garden.
“Kit! Where are we going?” You chuckled, but never received an answer.
Instead, she pulled you into the doors of the castle and led you through every room. Each room seemed to stretch on forever, the exit nothing more than an optical illusion. With every new step, Kit moved faster until you were practically chasing after her, each breath coming in ragged gasps as your feet slapped against the cold stone floor.
Finally, Kit led you back outside, where you seemed to have spent so long in the castle that the sky was now a dark black with no moon in sight. She continued to pull you until you stood in front of the garden once again, where she slowed her pace before pausing at the entrance. This time, instead of the garden being filled with fragrant flowers and low-hanging trees, it was furnished to look like a wedding ceremony, with Airk standing at the end of the aisle. All of the guests turned in their chairs, staring at you with stone-like expressions.
You looked down and found that your everyday clothing had been replaced with an extravagant wedding gown. “Kit,” you whispered, squeezing her hand. “Why have you brought me here?”
Kit turned to look at you, leaving you horrified as her face morphed into that of your mother’s. Her demeanor remained still and frosty as she dropped your hand like a forgotten promise.
“The future is upon us, Princess Airk Tanthalos.”
You shot up in bed, gasping for breath as your heart raced. Pressing a hand to your chest, you inhaled deeply, forcing yourself to calm down. The window facing outside showed the sky still an impenetrable black, clear and streaked with twinkling stars. You groaned, flopping back onto your mattress as you reluctantly prepared for the remainder of a restless night.
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You practically sleepwalked through the next morning, the dark circles under your eyes hanging like crescent moons in the night sky. After grunting a barely perceptible greeting to your parents, you took your seat at the breakfast table and started on the meal the chefs had prepared for you. Each bite tasted like gray mush. You chewed mechanically, feeling as if your emotions were so dulled that even your taste buds were affected.
Silence filled the breakfast table as everyone noticed you weren’t your usual chipper self. Even your father noticed something was off and attempted to speak before your mother shot him an icy glare, placing her hand over his as an unspoken warning.
Before you even had time to pass out onto your plate, the familiar clip-clop of a horse-drawn carriage sounded from outside, signaling the twins' arrival. You stood up, trailing behind your parents as you stepped outside to greet your guests.
A creamy white horse stood just outside the castle entrance, attached to a rugged coachman steering a wooden carriage. Airk was the first to step out, shaking out his chestnut curls and smoothing the fabric of his thin tunic. The morning sun reflected off his green eyes, making them look like two polished emeralds.
Although you weren’t attracted to him, you had to admit, he had grown into a handsome lad. You began to wonder if there was a chance that marrying him wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, that maybe you could make it work, and learn to live somewhat content.
But then Kit stepped out of the carriage, and the very thought of marrying her brother became distasteful again. She was pale, and the dark circles under her eyes only accentuated her lack of color. Her clothing was loose, wrinkly, and her barely chin-length tresses were dyed black with an indigo plant.
To anyone else, she appeared as a tired mess, a pathetic excuse for a princess. But when you gazed upon her, all you saw was Kit. Your Kit. The girl you grew up with and simultaneously never saw, the one person who meant more to you than anyone else.
Your mother rushed to meet Airk, presenting a perfect curtsy and gushing over how handsome he’d gotten. To Kit, she offered nothing more than a brief nod and a stiff grin.
“Welcome to Azarenth, you two,” she greeted. “I trust you’ll feel right at home here.”
With that, she turned on her heel, marching back into the castle and leaving you to attend to your guests. You never really liked having your mother around; her chilly demeanor often irritating you to the point of submerging yourself into daydreams where you could run away, free from her parental confines. But now, as she walked away and you watched her figure grow smaller, you wanted nothing more than for her to return. Even if it was to make a snide comment, you would take anything to alleviate the tension that now floated between you and the twins.
Airk took a step towards you, clearing his throat and hiding his hands behind his back. “Happy birthday, Princess.”
You smiled in return, curtsying politely. The two of you stood there, silently staring at each other, the weight of what you both now knew settling between you.
“Yes, happy birthday, Princess.” Kit sneered, stomping over and offering an exaggerated curtsy.
Your smile faltered. “No need to be so formal.”
Kit scowled at you, her blue eyes, once bright oceans now beady cesspools filled with contempt. “Oh forgive me, your highness! I had no intention of offending her majesty, the future ruler of Tir Asleen!”
She scoffed, shaking her head and storming past you into the castle doors. Airk mumbled a quick apology on her behalf before following after her, leaving you outside, alone, caught in a whirlpool of heartache.
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The rest of the day remained as tense as how it started. Kit had holed herself up in her designated guest room, so you were stuck with Airk. For the most part, you tried to avoid each other, save for occasionally crossing paths in the hallways and stuttering immediate apologies. When the kitchen maid rang the dinner bell, you reluctantly trudged to the dining room, dragging your feet all the way there to postpone interaction as much as possible.
Your mother eyed you critically as you were the last to take your seat at the table. “How kind of you to grace us with your presence.”
Pursing your lips out of disdain, you glanced over at Airk. He met your gaze, making accidental eye contact for a brief second before looking down and pretending to be transfixed by his supper. Your eyes traveled across the table to a seat left empty, Kit’s noticeable absence leaving a pang in your chest.
Sounds of silverware scratching against ceramic dishes filled the room as the four of you ate in silence. You and Airk kept your heads down, refusing to look up from your plates while your parents exchanged glances from across the table. Once finished, you pushed your plate away and requested to be excused, leaving without waiting for a response.
Grabbing your shawl off a nearby hook, you walked briskly out of the castle. The cold December air pricked against your skin as you hugged your shawl closer to you. Azarenth typically had a warmer climate with very few opportunities for cold weather, but something about this night felt especially frosty, enough for a handful of snowflakes to lazily drift down from the night sky.
You retreated to a small courtyard away from the main thoroughfares, a secluded area complete with a center fountain you often used as a refuge. Taking a seat on the edge of the fountain, you stared at your reflection in the water, your mirrored image looking just as tired and stressed as it had that morning. You groaned, splashing away your likeness before immediately pulling your hand back, shocked by the iciness of the water.
As you sat alone with your thoughts, the sound of footsteps approached. You turned your head to see Airk at the entrance, pausing as soon as you met his gaze. He looked sheepish, his hands hiding behind his back as he nervously shuffled his feet.
“Your father told me I might find you here,” he spoke softly, answering the question you never asked.
You didn’t respond, so he moved towards you, taking a seat beside you on the edge of the fountain. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, staring at your feet while you listened to the gentle roar of the water behind you.
“Your parents informed you of the arrangement, I imagine.” He said in a low voice, addressing the elephant in the room.
You sighed deeply, nodding your head in response. “I feel so betrayed.”
Airk raised his eyebrows.
“Not because you’d make a terrible spouse!” You quickly backtracked. “I just… I feel so…”
“Caught off guard?” Airk interrupted.
You nodded. His assumption was only half-true, but true nonetheless.
Airk puffed out his cheeks, taking a moment to choose his next words carefully. “Well, perhaps we could… test it out? See what it’s like?”
You eyed him with furrowed brows. “What do you mean?”
“Married life,” he clarified. “Perhaps we could… try some of the things married people do? Just to see how it feels?”
Your eyes widened as you leaned back in shock. “I’m not doing that!” You crossed your arms over your chest and drew inward, suddenly feeling very exposed despite being fully dressed.
“No, no! I would never ask you to do that!” Airk sputtered, vigorously shaking his head.
You sighed in relief. Airk laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to calm his nerves.
“No, certainly not. I…” he cleared his throat. “…was truly suggesting we… try a kiss? Surely, married couples kiss. Perhaps we could just see how it feels?”
You glanced at his lips and contemplated his proposal. He had a point. “Yes.”
“Are you certain?” Airk’s eyes widened in surprise.
You nodded. “Well, we’ll be expected to kiss at our wedding anyway. May be convenient to remove the element of surprise.”
Airk positioned himself to face you. “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
“I haven’t either,” you lied, thinking back to the innocent kisses you shared with Kit as children. Despite her spicy personality, she had always tasted so sweet. You wondered if Airk would taste just as sweet.
Before you knew it, Airk had leaned in and connected his mouth to yours. His lips were wet, soaked with spit, and his coarse stubble scratched at your chin. He didn’t taste sweet; he barely tasted like anything at all. There was no buzzing in your ears, nor bursts of warmth in your chest, just two mouths collided in a dispassionate exchange.
When Airk pulled away, you felt like crying. He stared at you expectantly. “Was that alright?”
You stared back at him, trying to suppress the nauseous feeling in your stomach. As he waited for your response, all you could think about was how different it was from kissing Kit, how you had never longed for him in the same way, and if you were arranged to marry his sister instead of him, would you be as upset?
Your mind raced with memories of Kit: stolen kisses behind trees, late night sneakaways, sharing secrets under covers. You thought back to when Kit introduced you to lewd literature, remembering how those pictures of women made you feel. Realization hit you like a punch in the gut, causing you to clutch your stomach and audibly gag.
Airk frowned. “Was it not?”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “I have to go.”
You stood up and practically fled from the courtyard, leaving Airk to sit alone, his face crumpled with hurt and immersed in a flood of confusion.
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Frigid winds whipped your tear-stained face as you dashed through the outskirts of the castle, your footsteps echoing against the pavement. Your mind raced, a mixture of flashbacks and fear swarming this newfound epiphany. When you reached the castle entrance, you burst through the doors, darting past your parents and ignoring the questions they fired at you.
You had to find her. You needed to speak with her.
Rushing up the stairs, you ran through the corridors, past your own bedchamber, and paused in front of another. You doubled over, resting your hands on your knees in an attempt to catch your breath, heart pounding like a stampede of wild horses.
Finally somewhat calm, you stood straight, gazing not at the door, but at the nothingness that stood between you and it. With a deep breath, you disregarded all knowledge of basic etiquette and threw open the door, not bothering to knock.
“Kit!” You cried.
Startled, Kit whipped around to face the door, not expecting visitors. Upon seeing you, her face darkened. “Oh, you again. What have you come here for?”
“Kit, please, I need to talk to you…”
“Why?” Kit interrupted. “Because you need help planning your wedding? Are you here to boast about marrying my brother? How you’re going to live happily-ever-after and have hundreds of children? Would you like name suggestions?”
“You don’t understand…” you tried to swallow the lump growing in your throat. “I can’t marry Airk.”
Kit seemed taken aback by your admittance, but her demeanor quickly hardened again. “I hadn’t realized the Tanthalos blood wasn’t good enough for you.”
“That is not the reason…”
“My apologies, your highness!” Kit exclaimed, each word dripping with venom. “I shouldn’t have assumed you would want to be the future Queen of Tir Asleen! Our lowly kingdom must not meet your impossibly high standards!”
“Would you listen to me?!” You smacked her arm, unable to stop angry tears from streaming down your face. “You have no idea what you’re talking about!”
Kit flinched upon contact, but her hostility remained unyielding. Still, she crossed her arms over her chest and squinted, waiting for your explanation.
You sniffed, choking back a sob. “Airk kissed me.”
Kit’s expression barely shifted, but her eyes momentarily flickered with confusion. “Your fiancé kissed you? How distressing.”
“You don’t understand…” you drew inward as you stared at the floor, avoiding her piercing stare. “I hated it.”
You saw Kit’s arms drop to her sides out of your peripheral vision, body language softening slightly. She took a step towards you, and you squeezed your eyes tight.
“What are you saying?”
“I don’t want to marry Airk,” you repeated, finally looking up at her. “I don’t think I want to marry any prince.”
You took a seat on the edge of her bed and wiped your tear-stricken face. Kit stood stunned for a moment before moving to your side, placing a comforting arm around your shoulders.
“Do you think you might be a…?”
The word you’d both been raised to believe was dirty sat unspoken on her lips: sapphic.
You nodded, ashamed. The idea of a woman being attracted to other women was extremely frowned upon, especially for someone of nobility like yourself. But as you sank into Kit’s touch, societal expectations no longer seemed so scary. She always did make you feel safe.
“What am I going to do?” You wondered out loud, not exactly expecting an answer. Kit pulled you in closer, staring at you with unblinking eyes. You met her gaze.
“Kit, I…”
And suddenly her mouth was on yours, taking you by surprise and making you jump. She pulled back in fear, searching your face for any sign of resistance.
“I… I’m sorry…” she sputtered. “I must have misread something…”
Not wanting her to finish that sentence, you grabbed her face and kissed her ferociously, this time taking her by surprise. She gasped against your mouth, but soon returned the kiss with as much passion as you had given.
Kissing Kit was nothing like kissing Airk. Her lips weren’t wet; they were perfectly moist, and her skin was smooth against yours. That familiar grape-juice taste from when you were kids had aged gracefully along with her, now bursting with the flavors of sweet wine. Neither of you were very experienced kissers, but it wasn’t awkward like it was with Airk; there was no clumsy collision, just two mouths exploring each other in an act of tender intimacy.
Kit picked up her movements, kissing you hungrily with a passion that almost bordered on desperation. She grabbed at your waist, pushing you down on the bed until she hovered over you. You moaned at the unexpected feeling of your head against the soft mattress, and that was all the reassurance Kit needed to keep going. She placed a hand on your stomach and started to untie the laces of your corset, moving at a snail's pace in case you were to oppose. When you didn't, she removed the restrictive garment and inched her fingers up your blouse. You gasped at the feeling of her skin against yours, but when she pulled away to check in, you immediately brought her back to you, not wanting her to stop for anything.
You writhed underneath her as she explored the skin underneath your blouse. Longing coursed through your veins, each brush of her fingertips feeling like the warmth of a thousand suns. When she grazed her thumb across a particularly sensitive area, you moaned into her mouth, lifting your hips and pressing your core into her body. She shivered under the newfound contact, pulling away and looking down at you with apprehension.
“I’ve never really done anything like this before,” she admitted.
“P-pardon?” You sputtered through labored breaths, your body craving her in a way it had never craved anyone before.
“This…” she gestured at both of your bodies. “…is all new to me.”
“Likewise,” you whispered before leaning in to reassure her with a gentle kiss. “We don’t have to do anything more than this tonight. I promise I’m enjoying myself.”
Kit seemed to relax. “Would that be alright?”
“Truly,” you replied, because it was. It was more than alright. It was perfect.
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Tag List: @chloepricesgirl @canmargesimpson @yourelliewillms @valenftcrush @camilleee222 @prettygirlfemme @slaytillieswooo @love4lyn @joanvisitsrome @athenalive @mih11 @j-pacifica @everybodyhatesari @vii-ofswords @sophi4v13
229 notes · View notes
Wet // Hazel Callahan*
request: none!
propmts: none!
summary: hazel thought it'd be a fun idea to tease you right before your friends came over for a pool party, wanting to just rile you up and make you wait, knowing that there was nothing you could about it. right? wrong.
warnings: smut, public sex, fingering, slight degradtion, dom!reader, sub!hazel, language, getting caught, edging, pj being an ass
word count: 1.5k
a/n: gn!reader, reader wearing a bikini but there’s no physical description of reader
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It was finally summer break. And after a very long and very complicated senior year, you and the rest of the fight club wanted nothing more than to just relax. Luckily for you, your girlfriend Hazel just so happened to have a pool in her backyard. What better way to kick off the summer than with a pool party with your girlfriend and all of your best friends? 
“How long until everyone else gets here?” you asked, laying on your stomach on Hazel’s bed in your brand new red bikini. Hazel’s eyes practically popped out of her head when she first saw you in it, the skimpy fabric leaving very little to the imagination.
“They were supposed to get here ten minutes ago, but knowing them, probably another hour,” she replied from the bathroom, where she was currently getting changed.
You huffed and rolled onto your back, your head hanging over the edge of the bed. “Why are you even getting changed in there? It’s not like I haven’t already seen everything.”
Hazel giggled, the sound making your stomach do flips. “Because I don’t want you getting any ideas. We’re supposed to have company any minute now and I would rather we don’t get walked in on humping each other.”
You scoffed, “Oh please, we would not be humping each other. If anything we would be-,”
“Hazel! Your friends are here!” Mrs. Callahan called from downstairs, interrupting you right before you could tell Hazel all the things you wanted to do to her. 
“Hold that thought, baby. I don’t think our friends are gonna appreciate hearing all that,” Hazel said, walking out of her bathroom in a dark green bikini that you were practically drooling over. You roll back onto your stomach to get a better look, shamelessly checking out your girlfriend. “I’d love to hear it later though,” Hazel said, leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss before pulling away and winking at you before walking out of her room to meet everyone else, leaving you a flustered and slightly horny mess. 
You grumbled to yourself before reluctantly getting up and following her, when an idea formed in your head. If Hazel wanted to tease you like that, then you’d just have to do the same. So what if you had company?
You had spent the past hour, just biding your time, waiting for the perfect moment to enact your revenge. By now Hazel had completely forgotten about the moment you shared in her bedroom, her mind currently only focused on beating PJ in a chicken fight, which you were more than happy to watch. Sitting on a bench in the deep end of the pool, you watched as Hazel pushed PJ off of Josie’s shoulders, sending the two of them toppling into the water. You smiled at her as she got off of Slyvie’s shoulders and swam over to you.
“Hey! What’re you doing sitting all the way over here?” she asked, taking a seat beside you.
You moved your body slightly to block her from everyone’s view before leaning in closer to her, your hand slowly moving up her thigh as your lips meet her ear.
“Don’t think I forgot about earlier,” you whispered, a sultry tone to your voice.
Hazel looked confused for a moment, having forgotten about what had happened entirely, before it dawned on her. “Oh right. That,” she said, an amused grin on her face. “Hope you’re not too mad at me.”
You smirked, pulling back to look at her again. “Oh, not at all. But you didn’t think I was just gonna let you get away with it, did you?”
A shiver ran down Hazel’s spine at your words, a teasing smile growing on her face. “Of course not. I l know I’m in for it later.”
You laughed softly, causing Hazel to scrunch up her face in confusion. “What’s so funny?”
“Poor dumb baby. I’m not waiting til later. I wanna play with you right now…”
You dragged your nails down her stomach, pulling a soft whimper from Hazel. Her eyes widened in panic as your hands kept moving lower. Hazel reached down and tried to pull your hands away. 
“What’re you doing?! Our friends are right over there!” Hazel whisper-yelled. 
“I guess you’ll just have to be quiet then, won’t you?” you asked, your fingers playing with the waistband of her swimsuit bottoms. 
You looked into her eyes, waiting to see if she would try to protest again, but Hazel only nodded in agreement. 
“Good girl…” you drawled, finally slipping your hand beneath the material and just barely ghosting your fingers over her clit. 
Hazel whined softly, her hips eagerly bucking forward into your touch, causing you to laugh under your breath.
“Looks like someone’s needy. You really needed this, didn’t you, baby?” you cooed softly, finally applying more pressure on her aching clit. “Yeah, I bet you did.”
Hazel’s face flushed at your words, and she hid her face in your neck, her teeth sinking into your skin as she tried to quiet her pathetic little whimpers.
“Such a good girl for me,” you whispered, your breath hitching from the pleasurable pain in your neck. Slowly, you moved your hand further down and dragged your fingers over her needy pussy, eliciting a whine from her. 
“Please…” Hazel whimpered softly, her hips desperately moving against your hand as she tried to get the friction she oh so desperately wanted. 
“Please what? What is it, baby?” you say mockingly, knowing full well what she wanted and making sure you moved just slow enough to keep it from her. 
“Want-,” Hazel stutters in embarrassment, her voice becoming a pathetic whine, “want your fingers. Please. Need them inside of me.”
You smiled at her words, loving how embarrassed she got every single time she tried to tell you what she wanted. Wrapping your other arm around her waist, you pulled her closer to you before slipping two fingers into her dripping pussy, the water you were both in proving to be an excellent lubricant. 
Not expecting the sudden stretch, Hazel couldn’t help the moan that fell from her lips, unable to silence herself in time. You had hoped no one heard, since all of your friends were being pretty noisy, but PJ, being annoying and nosy as per usual, took notice. 
“What was that? You guys fucking over there?” PJ called over with a smug grin on her face, alerting the rest of the club of your intimate moment with Hazel. 
Not bothering to cease your movements, you continue to finger Hazel as you look over to PJ. “You wish, I’d bet your perverted ass would love to watch. Hazel just has cramps, that's all, right baby?” 
You turn back to Hazel, angling your fingers just right to continually abuse her g-spot while your palm rubs against her clit, hurtling her closer and closer to the edge. She knew it was wrong, she shouldn’t have still been so turned on after getting caught, but the feeling of doing something so naughty only made the pleasure building up inside of her grow.
“Uhh… y-yep! J-just cramps. That’s all,” she stuttered out, desperately trying to keep her moans in, feeling her climax building. 
“I think we’re gonna go back inside so she can lay down. See you guys in a bit!” you said cheerfully, shutting down any more of PJ’s attempts to annoy you, before pulling your hand away mere seconds before Hazel’s orgasm, leaving her even more desperate for you than she was before. 
Hazel whined softly at the sudden loss of contact, her nails digging into your arm and trying to pull you back. But you wouldn’t budge. Instead you stood up on the bench you were hiding on and climbed out of the pool, waiting for Hazel to follow. Which she did, but not without a pout on her face. 
“You’re so adorable when you’re pouting, baby,” you whispered to her, giggling as you draped a towel over her shoulders before grabbing one for yourself. 
Taking her hand, the two of you walked back inside her house and up to her room. Once her bedroom was shut behind you, you turned to hazel and all but dragged her to her bed before pushing her back onto it. 
“Such a pretty girl…” You smirked down at her as you climbed over her, straddling her hips and pinning her to the bed.
“Please… I was so close. Why’d you stop?” Hazel whined, wanting nothing more than for you to touch her again. 
“You didn’t forget how you got yourself into this predicament in the first place, did you? You didn’t think I was actually gonna let you cum, right?”
Hazel’s eyes widened slightly, the threat of being left unsatisfied only making her even more desperate for you. “Uhm…”
You smiled and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “My poor dumb baby. You’re in for a long night.”
tags: @hazelvrr @ohnomywenis @fictionalgap @ihyperfixatetoomuch @usuck @mxqdii @girlsarecool @thestarkinternship @bluerazberrystarz @riverrivrio @cannibalsclass @lesbodietcoke
join my taglist!
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s0ftb1tch12 · 11 months
i may not be able to write out actual fanfic but i can put out ideas that scratch my brain and make me scream into the void
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being hazel callahan’s passenger princess and going on night drives when you both can’t sleep
going to zoos and aquariums where she rambles out fun facts on her favourite animals
staring at the chains around her neck so often she notices and buys you matching ones (same thing with rings, even better if they’re from brittany’s jewelry business)
movie marathon dates under a blanket fort complete with fairy lights, fluffy blankets, and snacks
fidgeting with each other’s hands while having long talks about whatever
i’m a FIRM believer in cocky!hazel after a few months of dating. once she knows you’ll stick with her for the long run, she’s not as nervous and acts more flirty (lingering touches, cheesier words, etc)
she may not be able to cook but she’ll surely try and learn your favorite foods (i think she’s more of a baker since baking is kinda like chemistry and we all know how she feels about explosive reactions)
on that note, i do believe she’s top of her class in chemistry or physics (thinking about her tutoring you in those subjects but those study dates eventually lead to makeout sessions)
that kiss scene towards the end of the movie and the fact that she wears rings really inspired me,,, y’all know where this is going probably (i NEED someone to write this desperately because i ain’t seen it anywhere and i’m down BAD)
literally any member of band!gf x loser!gf (i’m talking bassists, guitarists, drummers, lead singers)
those fics with cheerleader gf x loser gf !!! smth i haven’t seen with this trope yet is cheerleader gf surprising her with her strength, carrying her princess style
goth!gf x nerd!gf: her letting you do her eyeliner like yours, sitting in her lap as she lies down (like this 😩)
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bimbo!gf x loser!gf: your average oblivious hyperfem with her awkward masc relationship, even better if bimbo!gf wears heels often so she’s taller than hazel who is at perfect height for forehead kisses (usually leaving lipstick marks that she doesn’t notice until pj basically screams and points at it)
hazel carrying a bunch of chapstick or hair ties in her backpack in case her gf forgets hers
thrifting dates because slow fashion is important
as a sanrio girlie, i think hazel would love pompompurin and his little hat
hazel acts kinda like a little golden retriever so she would definitely get along will with dogs but i like to think she’s a cat person, cats fucking LOVE her and she is always feeding the strays on her block
hazel is a tea girlie and yes she does have fun facts about them (chamomile became v important after her parents divorce)
hazel likes simulation games like stardew valley and role playing games like baldur’s gate (she spends hours making her character) (yes this is self indulgent because i love bg3)
she loves handmade gifts; make this baby a mug, crochet her a sweater, paint her a picture and she will melt
soooooo many trinkets on her shelves (god i wish we saw her room in the movie)
she def has a less common pet (reptiles, bugs, rodents [like ferrets])
a bird would be nice for hazel if i’m being honest, she talks to it everyday but especially after a bad day (like when pj dismisses whatever cool thing she wants to talk about at lunch and changes the topic by talking over her)
idk what else to say rn but best believe that my brain will rot again because the gay shit will not be going away any time soon
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jo6hny · 6 months
 She got my heartbeat. Skipping down 16th Avenue - Hazel Callahan
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Pairing: College student! Hazel Callahan x College student! Reader 
Contains: fluff, hazel being woozy from meds, mentions of beating PJ up (i love her this was for the plot), somewhat idiots very in love, kissing!!!  
Summary: Based on this request.
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: yay i managed to post this week! Onto the next request. Also, let me know if you’d like to be tagged onto future Hazel oneshots :) ! 
“What the fuck happened?!” You exclaimed, barging into Hazel’s hospital room. 
Sylvie and the rest of the girls were there by her bedside, earnestly looking after the injured girl. They give you a look of pity and guilt. Everyone knew how protective you could get of your best friend. 
“Pretty girl, hello!” Hazel slurred, jolting upwards into a sitting position. Her heart rate monitor was spiking. She had taken several medications for her injuries and it made her loopy and out of her mind most of the time. 
Sylvie gently pushes her back down and interrupts Hazel. “Hey, she kind of got into a fight.” 
“Kind of?” You interject, your arms flailing in panic. Hazel looked like shit. Her lip was busted and her eye swollen. To add to this, her face had been colored purple and blue from several bruises around her face. The sight of her made your heartache and made you want to coddle the brunette. 
“We’re sorry this happened,” Isabel started, making her way to you. “It’s just that PJ and Josie tricked all of us into the fight club and Hazel had to fight the big guy. It’s a super long story.” 
“I’m gonna fucking kill PJ.” You muttered, feeling your eye twitch and your blood boil. You had never liked her, she had always left a bad taste in your mouth. It baffled you why Hazel always spoke so highly of her. Josie, you could get it. She was nice albeit awkward but she was never mean spirited like PJ was. 
“Noo not good, pretty. Bad.” Hazel interrupted. Even in her disheveled state she was defending PJ. It stung and you felt a sense of dejection. But you pushed it aside as you realize that you needed to step up and take care of her because no one else will. Hazel’s mom was vacationing god knows where and her dad was out of the picture a long time ago. She only had you. 
Making your way to her, the girls parted and offered you a seat beside her hospital bed. You had noticed that her heart rate monitor was incredibly high but figured that it was the leftover adrenaline from what ensued. 
“Hey Haze,” You whisper, voice cracking. “I’m gonna get you home, okay?” 
“Pretty girl going to take care ‘me?” She asked, she was slurring her words and it came out kind of whiny. 
A shy smile spread across your face. She had never called you pretty girl before. Sure, she was never shy of compliments but never outright like this. It made you wonder if there were truth to her words. 
You nodded, taking her hand. “Of course, Haze.” 
“Dude your heart rate keeps going up, I’m gonna call a nurse.” Sylvie observed, taking Isabel with her to get someone. She was genuinely concerned for Hazel, her heart rate kept going up especially when you came around which she found weird. 
“‘M face hurts.” Hazel said. Her breathing was shallow and she could barely open one eye. 
“I’m so sorry this happened to you, Haze.” You replied, rubbing her hand with your thumb. This was something you often did whenever you were nervous or apologetic. In return, Hazel would squeeze yours back three times as if to say it’s okay. At least that’s what you thought. 
The girls came back to the room with the nurse they found to assist Hazel. She was tall and looked kind. Almost reminiscent of Hazel’s mom without the flashy jewelry and short hair. 
“You say her heart rate was spiking?” The nurse asked, closely looking at her heart rate monitor. 
Sylvie nodded and pointed to you. “Yeah it started going up when she arrived.” 
The nurse looked at you with curiosity in her eyes and then she spotted your interlocked hands. The tips of her mouth perked up and her gaze glinted with mischief. 
“Huh,” She started, looking at you with a teasing gaze. “Must be leftover adrenaline from the fight.” 
“That’s what I thought so too.” You replied, feeling confident in your answer. It didn’t cross your mind to think that she might be hinting at something else. Why would she? She was a stranger and friends held hands all the time. Though, your heart rate definitely didn’t feel fast whenever you're holding other people’s hands, only with Hazel. 
“Sure.” The nurse said, turning her back from you. Her tone was sarcastic and it baffled you. But you brushed it aside, choosing to put your attention to Hazel instead. 
After some more checking, the nurse ruled out anything dangerous but told Hazel to be careful. And as her primary caretaker, you took it upon yourself to talk to the Nurse too. Just to find out what to do and when you could take your bestfriend home. The lady was nice enough to supply all the correct answers but not without sly remarks about “taking good care of your girlfriend”. Whatever that meant. Finally, she told you that Hazel would be able to go home tomorrow which gave you relief. It was gonna be hard work but you weren’t complaining as it was Hazel you were pouring your care onto. 
Back at your dorm, Hazel occupies her side of the room and is slumped against her bed. Despite her wounds healing, she hadn’t been quite active; not like herself at all. You’d blamed the meds that the doctor prescribed, as well as the bruise the altercation might have left on her ego. 
“You look really pretty today.” Hazel said, complimenting you. This was her 10th compliment of the day and she didn’t show any signs of stopping. Again, something you blamed the meds on. She was all loopy and hallucinating. You didn’t look pretty at all today, body adorned with just a regular hoodie and sweatpants. 
“Mhm, sure Haze. Thank you.” You reply, sitting on her bed and taking out the supplies needed to tend to her wounds. 
Facing her, you inch closer towards your best friend and take a good look before reaching for her bruise medication. Her face still looked splotchy because of the bruises, but certainly better. 
“Thank you for taking care of me, I owe you a lot, pretty.” she mumbled, her one non swollen eye looking at you with affection. Hazel might have been on medication but she meant every compliment that came out of her mouth. In a way she was glad for it because it enables her to voice out her thoughts about you. 
“It’s okay. I would take care of you any day.” You reassure her, giving her a smile. It still breaks your heart whenever you recall what happened to her. She deserved so much better, especially after you learned about the argument her and PJ had prior to the fight. You wanted to beat the shit out of PJ so bad but restrained yourself because you knew that Hazel wouldn’t forgive you. But still, you can’t help but glare and stick your middle finger up at her whenever you pass each other by at the halls. 
“I’m gonna beat PJ up as payback for what happened to you, I swear to god.” You added, your voice was shaky. 
“Don’t.” Hazel replied, taking your hand in hers. She did it again, squeezed your hand thrice. It made your heart flutter. But at the same time, it saddened you how much she defended PJ. 
“Don’t defend her, Haze. She’s the reason you got hurt.” You reply defensively, intertwining your hand with hers. If you had a heart rate monitor at home, Hazel’s would have skyrocketed right now. She was praying that her pulse didn’t give anything away but you seemed to be distracted by the hate you had for her friend. 
“I’m not,” She started, staring her one eye at you. “It’s just that you’re too good for that, beautiful.” 
“Stop that.” You whisper, avoiding eye contact. You decide to distract yourself by opening up the treatment for her bruises and applying it onto her. 
“Stop what?” 
“You know, complimenting me. You’re too loopy from the meds.”
Hazel shakes her head, interrupting you from treating her wound. “That’s not true.” 
“Yes it is. I mean, you have been doing the same since the hospital.” You retort, trying to evade Hazel’s attempt at knocking at your heart. It wasn’t working, of course. Her admittance of her affection for you made you feel loopy. 
“It might have started at the hospital but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. I do think you’re beautiful and kind and gorgeous and the best person in the world.” She rambled on, listing positive things about you. 
The brunette’s confession shocked you, leading you to push down a bit harder on her bruise as you applied her medication. 
“Ow!” Hazel exclaimed, it felt like her bruise would resurface with the pressure you put on her face. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You reply, frantically caressing her face as to apologize for accidentally hurting her. 
“It’s okay.” Hazel mumbled, bringing a hand up to her cheek. “Kinda hurts though.” 
“I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.” 
Hazel’s eyebrows perk up at your offer. The cogs in her mind were working overtime and she was going to take a leap at what she was going to do but it would all be worth it. 
“I know how you can make it up to me.” She led on, a small smirk displayed on her face. She couldn’t quite smile as there were cuts on her lips that disabled her from doing so. 
“How?” You cocked your head to the side, curious to what her demands were. You felt really bad. To be fair, Hazel surprised you and she couldn’t just do that so suddenly, not when your hands were on her face. She knew how reactive you could get. 
“A kiss.” She beamed, proud of herself. 
You stare at her, bewildered. 
“We need to get you off those meds.” You mumble, putting away her ointment. This was you trying to hide your face that was sporting a blush. You could feel the warmth spread past your countenance and through your body. 
“I’m serious!” Hazel flailed, sitting upright. She had never been more serious in her entire life. She could come off as goofy most of the time but never with you. She had always tried her best whenever she was with you. You deserve the best things in life and she knew this. 
“Alright okay.” You caved, positioning yourself closer to her so that it was easier for your lips to attach themselves to her wounds. 
“Really?” The blue eyed girl questioned. She didn’t think she’d get this far. 
You hummed in response and made your way forwards, pressing a chaste kiss on the apple of her cheek right where the bruise was starting to shift colors. And then you planted another towards her swollen eye, careful not to put any pressure. Then, your lips found its ways towards hers. You hover over her lips, not quite sure if you should continue. 
“Please kiss me.” Hazel whispered, feeling a bit pathetic at her plea. But then again, this was all she ever wanted. To be near you and feel you. And if she were honest, she’d get beat up a thousand times again if it meant being under your tender care. 
At this, you press your lips onto hers. You were careful not to press too hard as you minded the cuts she obtained from the fight. But still, you kissed her with much love and yearning. With all of the pent up feelings you had for your best friend. She tasted like skittles. The only thing she’d enthusiastically eat during these past few days that she’d rested. 
“Do you feel better now?” You ask, parting your lips from hers. The beating of your heart was loud and you could physically feel your heart thump against your chest. 
“Well,” She said, as if in deep thought. “I think you need to kiss me more, to be honest. I don’t feel too well.” 
You laugh at her attempt to convince you to kiss her again. It worked, though. Obviously. But it was just so…Hazel. So authentically her. 
“Oh no!” You feigned worry, playing along. “We wouldn’t want that.” 
“No. Not at all.” Hazel shook her head. She took her spare hand and wrapped it around your waist. 
Leaning in once again, you take a moment to examine her features. The contrast of her sharp features against the violent splotches of purple and green and beige. She looked beautiful. Right then and there you swore that you’d protect her. Never let anything like this happen again. Protect her against the stupid football guy, PJ, anyone. 
“What are you thinking of?” Hazel asked, breaking you out of your trance. 
“How good you look. And how I’m totally gonna kick that football guy and PJ’s ass.” You reply, earning a groan from your best friend. 
“More kissing, less kicking ass, please.” She pleaded. 
“Alright okay.” You laughed, connecting your lips to hers again. You weren’t sure where this left the both of you. If it meant that you two were together now. You made a mental note to bring this up to her once you two finish making out. 
Hazel on the other hand, was elated. She had to personally thank her nurse and doctor for prescribing her meds that made her more loopy as hell but confident. She couldn’t believe it! She was kissing her best friend and long time crush all because of some stupid meds that got rid of her shyness. Hazel was going to enjoy this, she thought. And she also thought about how she was going to scream everything out into the world. How she finally got her girl and how lucky she felt. 
tags: @academiareid <3
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gigi-loveless · 8 months
reqs are open!
18+ under the cut
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listen to hazels spotify here 🎧..⁺‧₊♡₊‧⁺
fingering gamer!hazel while she’s in the middle of a match, her fingers trembling against the controller as she whimpers. her back is pressed up against your tits, allowing your hand that isn’t occupied in her boxers to roam up to her mouth and stuff your fingers in to keep her quiet.
“keep playing, baby. doing so good.”
she attempts to be obedient and focus on the screen, but to no avail. finally snapping, she sheds her headset and tosses it across the room, leaving her teammates stranded to ride your fingers until she creams all over them.
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fictionalgap · 5 months
Watch Bottoms or Willow again. Obsess over Ruby Cruz. It's healthy. Pinky promise. 😂
Don't let Hazel Callahan x Reader tag die.
I can't be the only one obsessing over her. It's been so lonely.
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