keepingitneutral · 11 months
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“Silence” by Jan Piecha,
Courtesy: 2023 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest
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onewhale · 1 year
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2018🔙 🇭🇷🥹 part 1
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masterandapprentice · 24 days
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World Championship Flag Football | Women's gold medal
Mexico - Silver medal 🇲🇽
Well done girls! ❤️
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poppet: oh, that's sweet af
coppernob: what does that mean, 'af'?
poppet: it stands for, umm.. 'as freight'
coppernob: but freight isn't sweet
poppet: maybe not the way you pulled it 😉
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spoilerbracket · 1 year
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Just when you thought you knew what the spoiler was, the game throws another curve ball! We still have the end of the losers' bracket, what you might call the winner of the losers! A throwdown for third place!
If you'd like to confirm who you're voting for, the characters' names are listed below the cut. At this point in the tournament, you know the drill. Spoilers ahoy.
Left/first option: K (both) from Zero Escape
Right/second option: Yomiel from Ghost Trick
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m39 · 1 year
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2005): Altar of Evil
Three days after the 413 reckoning.
You come out of your bunker with a shovel in your hands, and some random stray cat tied to your waist.
A- Are they gone?
You hear nothing.
Oh, thank God! They came back to their degenerate caves.
You come back to your room.
Now, let’s get back to work.
S2: Altar of Evil
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Main author(s): Ronald Lubbelinkhof (Dutch Devil)
Release date: March 8th, 2005 (original release)/ July 7th, 2005 (database upload, updated version)
Version played: Updated
Required port compatibility: ZDoom
Levels: 1 (MAP01 replacement)
Our second runner-up WAD (or rather map) from 2005 is Altar of Evil. And spoiler warning (because I don’t know what to say in this section): It’s better than For Whom to Bell Tolls; and no, the fact that it needs ZDoom doesn’t mean anything in that department.
So why won’t we take a look at this map, and see what works and what doesn’t?
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Altar of Evil looks really good. It tends to get repetitive due to how the texture pallet is almost the same in every room but somehow I didn’t feel like it constantly looked the same. Honestly, for me, this con sounds more like a nitpick due to how the author makes it all look incredible for the lack of better words.
What’s funny about this map, is that whenever you look through the window, there is nothing but emptiness; not even when you are looking at a place where the nearby room is; suggesting that the titular area is in some God-knows-where location.
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Sound effects from Doom 64 and the music from Doom I are almost always welcome for me when it comes to Doom II WADs/maps.
This map isn’t really that hard to understand, although it is kind of ridiculous when you have to press the door near the beginning to reveal a switch that will open the door you just pressed.
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As for more interesting stuff, the first key you acquire (the red one) is actually needed for the exit area, but you basically end up going around the map to actually reach the red door.
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Also, in one of the secret areas, there is a hidden switch that will open up an area across the secret, leading to an optional area where you can get Plasma Gun and Rocket Launcher earlier.
Altar of Evil is kind of challenging. Half of the time it’s rather fair with battles, but another half is basically you ending up surrounded by Imps that bombard you behind cages/bars. The fact that there are 361 Imps on Hurt Me Plenty doesn’t help. But to be fair, I’ve played levels that were more annoying and had more unfair difficulty. And knowing that Altar of Evil doesn’t have even one hitscanner is a blessing.
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This map also adds new enemies to the roster; and depending on which skill level you choose, you will fight either two new types of monsters, eight of these, or none at all.
On HMP you will encounter Flame Demon and Nightmare Spectre, both of which are just tougher variants of Pinky without any new abilities. It probably wouldn’t surprise me if the rest of the new monsters were like this but I might be wrong here.
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Also, five original enemies have a new look now.
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The new Imps’ look doesn’t help with fighting them.
The only bug I’ve encountered was with new Pinky variants having scuffed attack sound effect that actually plays when they manage to bite you.
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With all of that in mind, I can definitely recommend Altar of Evil. As I said at the beginning, it is better than the previous WAD and its cons are more like nitpicks for me rather than actual problems.
And speaking about both runners-up, they get promoted to the Revenant Awards 2005 too (For Whom the Bell Tolls to the Pug-of-Pink section, and Altar of Evil to the Sole Survivor section).
Welp... Guess it’s time for me to take another two-day-long break (technically just a day of a break after uploading this post since I finished this review yesterday). But after that, we can finally take a look at the best ten WADs of 2005 (according to Doomworld).
I’ll see you then.
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rightnewshindi · 23 days
9 साल की श्रियोवी बनी 'वाइल्डलाइफ फोटोग्राफर ऑफ द ईयर' की रनरअप, 116 देशों के फोटोग्राफर्स को पछाड़ा
9 Year Old Indian Girl won Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: दिल्ली के पास फरीदाबाद में रहने वाली एक 9 साल की बच्ची ने अद्भुत कारनामा कर दिखाया है। इस बच्ची का नाम श्रियोवी मेहता है, जो अपने पिता के साथ नेशनल पार्क घूमने गई थी। श्रियोवी ने पार्क में एक ऐसी तस्वीर खींची, जिसे देखकर हर कोई हैरान रह गया। श्रियोवी मेहता को इस तस्वीर के लिए ‘वाइल्डलाइफ फोटोग्राफर ऑफ द ईयर’ का रनरअप चुना गया…
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twitchyglitchy · 22 days
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ditzybat · 3 months
i’m sick and tired of people calling jason a literature buff and then perceive him as only reading jane austen, because, yes he does canonically read austen avidly, but please let him read other books/authors that reflect him like; crime and punishment, metamorphosis, frankenstein, the art of war, the velveteen rabbit, the count of monte cristo, dante’s inferno, to kill a mockingbird etc— maybe i’m salty because i’m a book nerd and no one gets it right, but i want to see people take canon further and excel it rather than boiling down the one thing and beating it with a stick
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kyasunn · 10 months
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❗❗ NOT LAST, BABY...! ❗❗
Assorted session 6's drawn to the tune of chaos unfurling.
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Robert House watching The Courier rip all the copper wiring out the walls of the Lucky 38
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tendie-defender · 3 months
“Blade Runners” are cutting down carbon tracking cameras in London. They seem fed up with all those taxes.
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trashdorito · 11 months
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I swear they better not mess this up
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
Out of all the akuma-inspired outfits you made for the header of each episode, which was your favorite?
I can't really pick A Favorite, but I'll pick a favorite Per Season:
Season 1 -
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Something about designing leggings really gets me excited lol. It's not the most complicated look (and tumblr kept trying to take it down lol) but I love when an outfit looks good, looks like the akuma, AND looks like it fits the character.
Season 2 -
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I'm basic, okay? I like designing for cute girls and I like designing normal clothes themed after "heroes". Volpina let me cheat like that, and it's one of the few where I tried more than one look before deciding.
Season 3 -
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This one I broke from convention because I DON'T think Sabrina would normally wear this, but going for a High Fashion look AND designing it after my own personal akuma design with make me soft for it.
Season 4 -
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What'd I say about leggings? Plus I got to draw a buff girlie. I'd buy this outfit lol.
Season 5 -
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...Girls rule, okay? Pretty sure we can figure out why I like this one.
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m39 · 7 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2008): Remain 3
I wouldn’t be surprised if Eternal won two Mapper of the Year awards in a row if not for the fact that you can only win it once in your lifetime. As if having a WAD getting a Cacoward in 2007 was not enough, not only did he manage to do that again in 2008... but also filled both runner-up slots with the other two. Complete and utter madman!
Today, we will be taking a look at Eternal’s first out of three WADs from the 2008 roster.
S1: Remain 3
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Main author(s): Alexander S. (Eternal)
Release date: August 26th, 2008
Version(s) played: ???
Required port compatibility: GZDoom
Levels: 13
Remain 3 is the only WAD on the roster that requires a specific source port rather than just a limit-removing one. It took over a year of work to be created (it started in 2005 but there were breaks in between), and I’ve run out of interesting things to say in this section, so let’s just jump straight into this WAD, shall we?
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For something out of 2008, Remain 3 doesn’t have the rights to look this good. Even with the knowledge that some of the maps were made back in 2005, and might look basic, this WAD makes up with the atmosphere for the lack of better words. From different kinds of tech bases/labs (both in grassy or desert areas), to the cities and more unusual places like the rocket silo and the meat factory. The further you go, the WAD gets prettier and prettier.
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The WAD’s soundtrack consists of classics from the older WADs like Icarus, HRII, STRAIN, and others (one of the tracks feels like it was out of Batman WAD, but I’m not entirely sure). Hell, even the stocks used in MAP06 and 09 fit like gloves (I’ll tell you why later). The track from Wrongday could be something different in my opinion, but asides from that, the soundtrack is pretty damn great, not gonna lie.
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Remain 3 isn’t a complicated WAD to finish. There were some annoying moments for sure, but these were relatively rare.
What I noticed about this WAD is that it feels like it is structurally split between at least two types of maps.
Maps from Wrongday to the Bridge of Death feel the most original, with the original concept as a foundation like infiltrating the base or crossing the titular bridge.
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The Crusher to the Pits are more like an homage to the maps from the original Doom II, with maps 08 and 09 actually being almost the same as the original ones but with slight changes, additional areas for a more organic transition from one map to another (this is with every map in this WAD), and tougher enemies.
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Refueling Base to Downtown meanwhile, while still taking a concept of their original variants, make something completely fresh out of them.
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To describe some of the maps this WAD offers, in Base-Court you visit some kind of village that might be populated by cannibals, with a food line near the butchery, and a hangman nearby.
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Circle of Death focuses on stealing a rocket that takes you to the Meat Factory, in which you kick it back online to unlock a passage to the Downtown.
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The last map is full of interesting landmarks, having a hotel with broken elevators, a bar next to the supermarket with a freezer room, some slums with hobos standing around, a construction site occupied by Imps, a playground near a park, a water pool area, etc. it looks incredible.
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I don’t think this WAD is hard. Sure, there are cheap moments here and there occasionally, but it wasn’t going too far in my opinion.
It would be better if there were no stealth enemies in the last two maps (sigh) but at least it’s like one/two enemies per map.
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The new enemies definitely spice up the roster, being used already in the older WADs/maps although without the KDiZD makeup this time. It has typical stuff like tougher variants for Imps and Nobles (along there are other ones too) and a bunch of old new zombies like rocketeers and rapid-firing blondies, but it tends to offer more unique variants like super-shotgun zombies, marine zombies (sucks due to no attack windup), half invisible orange pinkies that breath fire and spit out lost soul after death (like they were possessed), Cyberdemon with spiderdemon’s legs, tortured soul as a miniboss of MAP11, bouncing skulls from Happy Time Circus (slightly less annoying now), and Tornado Demons who are basically arch-viles but with wind powers and teleporting around. Hell, you even get attacked by a helicopter in MAP10 (basically a flying spiderdemon), not to mention barrels with napalm in the last two maps (even if they don't technically count as enemies).
The only bug I’ve encountered was with enemy bats playing helicopter crashing instead of their screeching. That was weird.
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Remain 3 is another great WAD from Eternal. Fitting in almost every place perfectly. Not to mention using GZDoom in a way that is not a script galore (done badly). Full recommendation; go play it, folks.
But as you might already guessed, we are not done with Mr. Eternal. Tune in next time, as we will take a look at the second runner-up of 2008.
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iamacolor · 4 months
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Casual touches between Sol and Sunjae 💛
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