#sabrina spellman x y/n
frost-queen · 11 months
Witches hour (Reader x Ambrose Spellman)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are but a mortal friend of the Spellman's, working with Hilda in her shop as you become off interest to the Weird sisters and one wicked boy. They find it funny to scare you till it gets out of hand and you get hurt. Afraid and frightend you run to the Spellman's because you are too scared to be alone. Ambrose comforts you and considers to tell you magic is real and how he feels about you.
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“Ambrose.” – you called out as he was blocking your way in the small row between shelves. He chuckled leaning with his arm on top of the shelves. – “I’m just standing here.” – he answered smiley. – “Yes in my way.” – you laughed out picking a book from the few books you were carrying. With a small novel you hit Ambrose against his shoulder. It startled him making him flinch. – “You know how much your aunt hates you slouching against her books.” – you said teasingly. Ambrose smiled sheepishly, rubbing his arm as you moved past him. You went to the next row to set the books you were carrying away. Noticing Ambrose had followed you. – “Shouldn’t you be at home helping your aunt Zelda?” – you questioned.
Ambrose pulled his shoulders up. – “Maybe?” – he replied mischievous. – “Wait till your aunt Hilda sees you here.” – you joked out. – “Alright, alright you sure can pester one way.” – Ambrose answered bothered as it made you laugh loud. – “Now go.” – you said slapping another book playfully at him. Ambrose moved his hands up, backing out of the row. – “Go.” – you mouthed laughable to him, seeing him linger. Looking over your shoulder you looked to see if Hilda was coming out of the back door or not. Ambrose exited with a grand gesture making you laugh loud. You kept laughing till you heard Hilda’s footsteps. She had come out of the back area carrying a box.
“Was.. was that Ambrose?” – she questioned seeing the last of a shim disappear into the night. – “Sure not, Ambrose is at home as he is supposed to.” – you told her with a cheeky smile. Aunt Hilda quirked her eyebrow up but was gullible enough to believe you. – “I’m just going to set this box away and we can start locking up for tonight.” – Hilda spoke showing the box your way. You hummed loud in response. Hilda left as you continued to stock the few remaining books away in your hand. On top of a shelf laid pumpkin lights as you smiled upon them. You blinked confused seeing a pumpkin light flicker. It was so briefly you weren’t sure if it was a trick of the eye or true. The lights appearing normal now. Leaning in closer you stared at the pumpkin light.
From the corner of your eye, you saw another pumpkin light flicker. Turning your head you saw it flicker clear as day. More lights started to flicker making you be stunned at bit, not knowing what to do. Then the flickering stopped, all the lights turned off from itself. Curious and confused you leaned closer once more, pointing your finger out to tap the light. The moment your finger touched the light you saw a scarier face appear on the light. It had scared you so much you dropped the book in your hand, jumping back against the bookcase behind you.
“Everything alright Y/n?” – Hilda asked lifting her head up from across the shop near the window. Looking back at the lights, they were normal again. – “Yes… everything is alright.” – you answered to pick up the fallen book. You quickly put it away. Meeting up with Hilda, you said your goodbye’s. – “See you tomorrow Y/n.” – she spoke giving you a hug. – “Happy spooky season.” – you called back to her, waving your goodbyes, knowing how much Hilda loved the spooky season of October. Only a few days till it would Halloween.
A cold breeze would creep up on you once you were outside. Leaves dancing in circles on the ground carried by the wind’s orchestra. Looking up to the night sky you saw a crescent moon. You started walking home in the dark of night. The trees rustling as a breeze swept underneath your coat sending your scarf up. It caught you off guard making you turn a bit around as if someone had touched you without permission. Your eyes went slowly up seeing a figure stand at the end of the street. Lighted up by a streetlight. It came you the chills. A loud scream carried away by the wind made you cover up your ears and duck down. Looking back up the shadow was gone. Panting and frightened you turned around only to be met up with the shadow.
You screamed your lungs out, swaying your arms around and take a run for it. You started running for your life, wondering if you had seen too many scary movies last night with Sabrina, Theo, Harvie and Rosie. That must be it. Your mind was still thinking about the scary movies you had seen. A dog barked loud making you jump away, picking up more speed to hurry up home. Out of breath you reached your house, hurrying to get the keys. Panicking his much you dropped them.
Scrambling to get them, your hand shook as you tried to stick the key in the keyhole. With one last scream of feeling rushed, you opened the door jumping inside. Without looking back, you shut the door behind you. Locking it immediately. Switching on the lights you felt more at ease. You jumped out of your skin seeing three girls in your living room. One of them sitting down, the other two sitting each on a side. – “Well hello mortal.” – the one in the middle purred out while checking out her nails.
 “Who are you?” – you asked loudly. – “What are you doing in my house!” – The girl that sat clicked her tongue swaying her finger to the side. – “We’re but friends mortal.” – she slowly got up. – “Shall we play a game?” – she asked not expecting an answer from you. – “This one is called.” – the redhead on her left said. – “Hide and scream.” – the black-haired girl on her right filled in. With the snap of a finger went the power off. You squealed loud at the sudden darkness. – “Now run!” – A loud whisper filled your ears coming from behind. Lightning stuck all of the sudden, lighting up the room. You screamed loud seeing that the girl’s faces had become horrifying. Almost demonic. You started running for your life up the stairs. Hearing their loud giggling and cackling surround you.
You ran into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. – “Oh mortal let us in.” – one of them spoke, knocking gently on your door. Covering your mouth to silence your breathing, you backed away. – “We only want to play.” – one of the other spoke. You backed up against your bed as it startled you. A sudden grip around your ankle made your eyes widen. Before you could utter a scream you got pulled at your ankle.
Falling flat forwards, your face smacking hard against the ground. Looking over your shoulder you saw a boy hide underneath your bed. His face half caught by a shadow. His wicked smile reflecting against the darkness. You screamed it out, kicking your feet at him. What is going on? You thought. Rushing up to your feet, you wanted to run for your door, remembering in the last second that those three girls were just outside.
The boy came crawling from under your bed. Your eyes stood wide with fright, pressed against the door. He started to rise his hands as fire light up from your flooring. Forming a circle around you. You screamed it out as he could only laugh. What kind of witchcraft was this? Your head was spinning trying to process the magic just happening in your room while trying to deal with the fear. – “Leave me alone!” – you called out to him. He pouted his lips. – “But we were just making fun.” – he slashed his hand down as it made your head turn with a gasp. Feeling a sting on your cheek.
With trembling hands you went to touch it. Fingers stained with blood when you looked at them. He had left a cut on your cheek. – “You’re the devil!” – you called out. – “Oh honey I assure you I’m not. I am merely a child of night.” – he answered with a grin. Not wanting stay here with him, you jumped over the fires to the back of your room. – “Oh we got a runner.” – The boy called out swiping his hand across. A force picking you up as you got flung out of the window. Glass shattering as you crashed through it. You fell onto the lower roof part of your porch, rolling over it to drop to the ground, landing in a bush.
Groaning loud you got up seeing the cuts all over your arms and legs. You got up, running for your life. Limping at bit from the fall as you didn’t want to be home alone anymore. The boy was watching you run from up your room. The three girls coming to stand beside him. – “Great you’ve chased her away.” – Dorcas said slapping his arm. Agatha sighed loud. – “Ambrose would be furious if he finds out we scared his little mortal friend.” – she spoke making Prudence roll her eyes.
“I do not care one bit for that Spellman. He should know better than to mingle with lame mortals.” – Prudence chuckled deep. – “Shame I couldn’t make her bleed more.” – the boy said with a shrug of his shoulder. Dorcas and Agatha quirking their eyebrow at him. – “We don’t want her dead you moron! We just want her scared.” – Dorcas called out. The boy rolled with his eyes not caring much.
“Ambrose!” – you shouted loud. Huffing and puffing out of breath as you reached the Spellman’s house. – “Ambrose!” – you shouted again running up the porch. – “Ambrose! Ambrose please open up!” – you panicked banging loudly at their door. The door opened as you exhaled deep pushing yourself inside, not wanting to be one minute longer in the dark. – “Y/n what are you doing here?” – Sabrina asked as she had opened the door. – “I…I…” – you tried to speak. – “What happened?” – Sabrina wanted to know as Ambrose came down the stairs. – “Y/n?” – he said widening his eyes at the cuts on your body.
“What happened!” – Ambrose demanded to know, rushing up to you. – “I…I…I fell out of my window.” – you told him still catching your breath. – “What?” – Sabrina called out. Ambrose stared confused and slightly worried at you. Sabrina pulled her shoulders up as she had no clue as well. – “Come.” – Ambrose said wrapping his arm around you to lead you upstairs. Sabrina closed the door giving her cousin one last worried glance. Upstairs seated Ambrose you down on his bed. – “Now Y/n tell me what happened. How did you get these cuts?” – he spoke worriedly.
You looked frightened at him. – “There were these girls in my house.” – you told him. – “Girls?” – Ambrose repeated confused. – “Three of them. Demanding to play a game with me. All the lights went out!” – you panicked explaining your story to him. – “Then upstairs in my room was a boy, hiding under my bed. Fire! Ambrose there was fire!” – you grasped for his hand, startling him with your sudden loud voice. – “Fire?” – he questioned. – “Yes. Poof fire.” – you gestured out. – “It was like he created it out of thin air.” – you said as Ambrose’s eyes widened. – “He gave me this cut without touching me.” – you showed your cheek to Ambrose to show him.
“When I wanted to run I got thrown out of the window by a force. Leading to my appearance.” – Exhaling deep you felt yourself slowly come at ease. – “Darn witches.” – Ambrose mumbled under his breath. – “Huh?” – you said hearing a whiff of his words. Ambrose chuckled nervously. – “Have I gone crazy, or did they do magic?” – you asked to be certain you weren’t losing your mind. Ambrose slightly nodded, not wanting you to feel insane. He carefully watched your reaction trying to see if it was perhaps a good idea to tell you he was a witch as well. – “Okay…” – you replied neutral not sure how to react to it.
“Why… why would they taunt me? Is it because it is almost Halloween?” – you slapped Ambrose his hand out of pure over-reaction. Ambrose shook his head. – “It is because you are with me.” – he told you making you furrow your brows. – “Why would they do that?” – you wanted to know. Ambrose took a deep breath pulling you closer to him by your shoulders. – “Y/n I’m going to tell you something and I hope this doesn’t change anything… or at least maybe a bit.” -  he started.
“Ambrose you are scaring me a bit.” – you answered. – “Don’t be.” – he made sure. He took another deep breath before speaking. – “I am like them. I am also a witch, so is Sarbina and my aunties.” – your mouth fell open with shock. – “But I assure you we mean you no harm Y/n. We aren’t all bad, besides we adore you. Specially me… I…I…like…no love you Y/n. That… that is why the weird sisters, and that boy tormented you. It is because they can see I care for you, and I am so sorry for that.” – he finished.
You slowly smiled kissing Ambrose by surprise. Ambrose pulled startled away. – “I’m not scared anymore, knowing you won’t let anything happen to me.” – you told him. Ambrose nodded still trying to process the surprise kiss. – “Also I like…no love you too Ambrose. I just didn’t think you saw me in that way.” – Ambrose laughed loud, grabbing a hold of you to kiss you. This time longer and deeper. – “I promise you no harm will ever come to you.”
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Heya, so we've had Sabrina Spellman x reader, right? How about the weird sisters x sorcerer supreme!male reader?
The weird sisters approach Y/N…
Agatha: hello o great Sorcerer
Y/N: hey
Dorcas: we live to serve you
Prudence: we could tell you of your great fortune
Agatha: or we could just enjoy this moment together. The four of us.
Y/N: I would prefer your company over your soothsaying
Dorcas: we were hoping you’d say that
Each of them lead Y/N off to somewhere more private
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morgandr · 9 months
Your dear friend, Ambrose being glad that you made it back safely from a mission because he really does care about you.
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(Ambrose Spellman X Reader)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 months
Fixed on creations
Male Reader Winchester x Sabrina Spellman
Request - Male Winchester Reader x Sabrina Spellman(CAOS) R is Dean’s son and the Winchesters go on a hunt to deal with a witch when they hit R with a spell, sending him into another world and he wakes up outside the Spellman mortuary
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You are on a hunt with your father and uncle, trying to stop witches. Chasing towards the woods, Sam thinks it's a bad idea.
“Dean, stop!” Sam yelled.
“What!?” Dean yelled.
“I don't think it's a good idea to follow them in the woods,” Sam said.
“Why?” You and your father said.
“I think it's a trap,” Sam said.
“So?” You said.
“I’m not scared and they are going to pay for what they did. You can stay here, but I’m going” Dean said.
“I’m going to, dad,” You said.
You are a hothead like your dad, you rather go guns blazing instead of going safe. To you, your dad is your hero and he showed you every rock band music he likes.
You follow your dad into the woods and Sam is mad. He calls for Cas and you keep following your dad.
“What’s the plan?” You asked.
“Try not to get hexed. And don't fall for their tricks” Dean said.
“Okay,” You said.
You and your dad saw the witch. You aim your gun at her and slowly move.
“There’s nowhere to go,” Dean said.
“Your guns are not going to stop us, Winchester,” She said.
“We have a special bullet just for you bitch” Dean said.
“You won't pull the trigger” She smirked.
“He will then I will pull the trigger,” You said.
“You two are idiots,” She said.
“Enough talking!” Dean yelled.
She throws a hex bag next to you then she starts to say a spell. You and your father pulled the trigger but she used her magic to slow down the bullets. Then a portal starts to open and your father sees you get sucked into the portal.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled.
The portal closed and Dean is feeling angry. She is laughing then he starts to shoot her but she uses her magic to throw Dean against the tree. Cas and Sam arrived too late but she used her magic to disappear. They ran towards Dean and helped him stand up.
“Where is Y/N?” Sam asked.
“The portal sucked him in. We have to find him now!” Dean yelled.
“I will try to find him. Sam go take Dean to the bunker then we will find Her” Sam said.
Dean started to tell them what happened. Sam called Rowena, but Dean doesn't want her help but he doesn't have a choice.
“He went through a portal that means he can be anywhere,” Rowena said.
“But where exactly,” Sam said.
“That’s the problem, he can in a different earth at a different time,” Rowena said.
“I don’t care what you have to do, Rowena. Just find my son or else” Dean said.
“Kill me then you won't find your son. No other witch will help you and Sam” Rowena said.
“She is right. Rowena, just do what you have to do” Sam said.
“Fine, I will get started after I gather some items,” Rowena said.
Sam followed Dean to the kitchen.
“It’s my fault, I should have listened to you,” Dean said.
“Don’t blame yourself, Dean. We always get into a big mess but we always find a way and we will find him” Sam said.
“I need a beer,” Dean said.
Cas is helping Rowena find the items she needs. Sam starts to look for books that involve portals.
Sabrina is in the woods and she sees someone lying on the ground. She walks towards the guy and bends down to check his pulse. Then she gently touches his face
“Wake up,” Sabrina said.
You start to wake up and you get scared, and you move away from her.
“Where am I!?” You asked.
“In the woods. You were passed out and I wanted to make sure that you weren't dead” Sabrina said.
She stood up then you stood up.
“Dad!” You yelled.
“You don't have to yell,” Sabrina asked.
“Did you see a guy with a red plaid shirt and a woman?” You asked.
“No. I didn't see anyone like that. You can use my cell phone and call your dad” Sabrina said.
“Thanks for helping me,” You said.
She gives you her cell phone and you start to dial. But the phone number is a business store then you dial another number and it's disconnected.
“Any luck?” Sabrina asked.
“No. Where am I exactly? Am I in Lebanon, Kansas?” You said
“Not even close. You are in Greendale” Sabrina said.
“It’s her fault” You mumbled
“Who?” Sabrina asked.
“It’s compilated. By any chance, can I use your laptop?” You said.
“Sure. I live close so we don't have to walk a lot. What’s your name? My name is Sabrina Spellman” Sabrina said.
“My name is Y/N Winchester,” You said.
You followed her to the house. You noticed a lady smoking her cigarette and she introduced you to her aunt Zelda.
“Make sure he doesn't track mud everywhere,” Zelda said.
“He won’t,” Sabrina said.
You go inside then you meet her cousin Ambrose. Sabrina let you use her laptop and you emailed your uncle but the email belongs to a business.
“What are you going to do?” Sabrina asked
“I don't know,” You said.
“I could take you to the police station,” Sabrina said.
“I don't think they will help,” You said.
You go by different names and you always carry fake IDs. Zelda called for Sabrina and you followed her. And you are speechless at who is at the door.
“Crowley!” You said out loud.
Zelda and Hilda are in shock because you know the name Crowley.
“You have the wrong person, young man. My name is Sean O'Neill” Sean said.
You start to stutter
“I’m sorry,” You said.
He went to take a box for Hilda and Zelda.
“Your supplies are here, as I promised,” Sean said.
“Thank you. Sabrina, take this downstairs” Zelda said.
“I will help,” You said.
Sean left then you picked up the heavy box, you followed Sabrina to the basement. She starts to tell you about the family business while Zelda and Hilda talk upstairs.
“I wonder how he knows the name Crowley,” Hilda said.
“I don't know. But there is something about that boy” Zelda said.
“What are you going to do?” Hilda asked.
“I’m not sure for now, but we will keep an eye on him. His last name is Winchester” Zelda said.
“Oh,” Hilda said.
Sabrina tells you where to put the box.
“Where did you hear the name Crowley?” Sabrina asked.
“I heard it in a Spiderman movie” You lied.
“Spiderman? What is that” Sabrina said
“You know, Spiderman played by Tom Holland,” You said.
“I have no idea who is Tom or what is a Spiderman,” Sabrina said.
“Spiderman is from Marvel, he is a superhero,” You said.
“What is Marvel?” Sabrina asked.
“Please tell me you know the show Game of Thrones,” You said.
“You are confusing. I’m not into video games” Sabrina said.
“Something is wrong. I need to use your laptop again, please” You said.
“Okay…” Sabrina said.
She did let you use her laptop. You start to type every pop culture that you can think of. Everything that you typed nothing showed up at all and you are freaking out. Then you typed in your father's name and he owns a juice bar with Sam.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Sabrina starts to follow you around town because you are spying on Crowley. She is confused as to why you are following him. You follow him to his house but you sneak into the backyard, then you look throw the window.
“Why are you spying on him?” Sabrina asked.
“Ahh!” You screamed.
But Crowley didn't hear you.
“Why did you scream?” Sabrina asked.
“Why are you here?” You asked.
“We can go back and forth of asking why we are here. Tell me Y/N, why are you here following him I want the truth” Sabrina said.
“If I told you, you won't believe me,” You said.
You have been following him for two days. He doesn't have powers and he doesn't do anything to hurt anyone, he is a married man with a family.
You and Sabrina leave and she keeps asking questions.
“If I told you then you won't believe me,” You said.
“Just tell me,” Sabrina said.
You go with Sabrina to Cerberus Books store.
“I don't think I’m from this earth, I'm from another earth,” You said.
“How is that possible?” Sabrina asked.
“Everything that I know doesn't exist. It's called the multiverse, meaning there are many Earths of us but living in a different life. I-I know this sounds very strange but I'm telling you the truth” You said.
“So, you are from another earth? Yeah, that sounds strange but I believe you” Sabrina said.
“Really? I thought it would take you a while to believe me” You said.
She put her hands on top of your hands.
“I don't think you are crazy. Those guys you looked up, do you know them?” Sabrina said.
“In my earth, they are my family. We hunt… umm, we hunt monsters who hurt people” You said in a low voice.
“Monsters?” Sabrina asked.
She has seen monsters before but she wants to see what you will say.
“Yeah, like werewolves, vampires, sirens, and witches,” You said.
“Not all witches hurt people,” Sabrina said.
“It's complicated,” You said.
Sabrina gets up and leaves and you start to follow her.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“I don't think I can help you, Y/N,” Sabrina said
“Why?” You asked.
You kept following her. But arriving at her house, Hilda and Zelda are fighting a monster. Then you watched Sabrina use her magic and you are in shock. The monster starts to run towards Sabrina, but you pull her out of the way. She falls on top of you
“You are a witch!?” You said too loud.
“I just met you a few days ago. But thanks for saving me” Sabrina said.
You and Sabrina stand up, and you grab the shovel. Again, she uses magic then you kill the monster but putting the shovel deep in the monster’s head.
“Is everyone okay?” You asked.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Hilda said.
“Now, he knows about us,” Zelda said.
“I won't tell anyone. You and your family helped me since I got here” You said.
“How did you know the name Crowley?” Zelda asked.
“On my earth, he is the king of hell,” You said.
“On your earth? What does that mean” Hilda said.
“I will explain,” Sabrina said.
Sabrina explained everything to her aunts about your situation. You did tell them that you are a hunter but you promised that you won't hurt them.
Rowena is still having a hard time finding you. Dean still blames himself for not listening to Sam or having a plan to save you. Dean is drinking a lot and Sam is worried.
“Any news on finding Y/N?” Sam asked.
“No,” Rowena said.
“Then what is the point of you using your magic!?” Dean yelled.
“Dean!” Sam yelled.
“Do you know how many magic spells can open a portal!?” Rowena yelled.
“I don't care just find my son!” Dean yelled.
“What if, we hunt down the witch and make her tell us which magic spell she used, would it help you find Y/N?” Sam asked.
“Yes, that could work,” Rowena said.
“Let’s go, Sam” Dean said.
She used her magic to track down the witch. Sam and Dean rushed to get the guns and left.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
You are sitting next to Sabrina on her bed. She is sitting really next to you, she likes talking to you. You and Sabrina are starting to open up to each other.
“Wow, I can't believe your dad is the devil. I met God, a total douchebag on my earth” You said.
“Do you miss home?” Sabrina asked.
“Yeah, I mainly miss my dad and uncle. My dad showed me how to hunt and he got me into old rock music. Do you get along with your dad?” You said.
“Not really. My aunts and my cousin are my family and I care for them. They teach me about magic” Sabrina said.
“My dad wears a lot of plaid shirts and so does my uncle. Were you born with magic?” You said.
“Something like that. There is a school for people like me” Sabrina said.
“That’s cool. My uncle homeschooled me because most of the time, we were hunting” You said.
You and Sabrina keep talking about family and other stuff. She kissed you on the lips and you started to kiss her back, you felt her hand on top of your hand.
“I wanted to kiss you, Y/N” Sabrina said.
“I want to kiss you again,” You said.
You kiss her again and she starts to smile. Some of her lipstick is on your lips then you start to smile.
The past few days, you have been spending more time with Sabrina. She is starting to smile more around you and she can talk to you about anything. You and Sabrina are on a picnic date after eating snacks, she lies down very close to you. Your fingers go between her fingers, and you and Sabrina are making each other laugh. Then she lies on her side and puts her head on your chest and you put your arm around her.
She took you to the school library after hours. She had to sneak you inside the school and she found a book about the multiverse. But there are pages missing on how to travel to different earths.
“Someone ripped the pages. Is there another book?” You said.
“I’m not sure. I will ask my aunts maybe they know someone who knows about this” Sabrina said.
You were about to say something, but you and Sabrina heard people talking. She got down then grabbed your hand pulled you down, and now you are hiding under the table with her.
“Shhh, don't say anything” Sabrina whispered
You nod. Someone did enter the library but didn't stay for long. The person left and she sighed in relief, you and Sabrina started to smile at each other. She moved closer to you and you did the same, you slowly leaned in and kissed her. She puts her hand behind your neck and she starts to kiss you back.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Zelda and Hilda are on the porch and they see you and Sabrina holding hands.
“I don't like that she has feelings for him,” Zelda said.
“Is it because he is a hunter? He isn't like the others, he had chances of hurting us but he didn't” Hilda said.
“It’s not right, a witch and a hunter dating. The boy will leave soon and we won't see him again” Zelda said.
“She seems happy, Zeds,” Hilda said.
“She should be with someone else, not him. Follow me” Zelda said.
Hilda followed Zelda inside the house.
Sam and Dean found the witch and made her tell them about the spell. Rowena managed to open the portal and then told them how to come back home. Sam and Dean go inside the portal and they are outside the Spellman mortuary. They take out their guns and Dean starts to scream your name.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled.
Zelda walks outside the house.
“Who are you? Get off my property” Zelda said.
“We are looking for my son his name is Y/N,” Dean said.
“Put down the gun now,” Zelda said.
“Or what?” Dean said.
“He is just like you,” Zelda said.
“Where is he!?” Dean yelled.
Zelda used her magic to make the guns leave their hands. Dean starts to run toward Zelda but she uses her magic to throw him onto the ground. You and Sabrina just came back from town and you see them.
“Dad!” You yelled.
You run towards them and your father hugs you.
“We found you,” Dean said.
“How?” You asked.
“Rowena helped us,” Sam said.
You hugged Sam and Sabrina is happy for you. Then you introduce them to Sabrina and Zelda, then she talks about what happened a little while ago. Sam and Dean put their guns away
“We have to go back home,” Dean said.
“I know. I have to say goodbye” You said.
“We don't have much time. Rowena left the portal open for a small amount of time” Sam said.
You went to Sabrina.
“Thank you. If it wasn't for you I would be lost” You said.
“You are smart, Y/N. I'm going to miss you, it was nice to talk about having magic with someone and other stuff” Sabrina said.
“Yeah, it did feel nice talking about stuff I used to hide from other people. I'm going to miss you, Sabrina Spellman” You said.
You kiss her on the lips and she holds your hand.
“Goodbye, Y/N Winchester” Sabrina said.
“Bye,” You said.
She watched you walk away and she is starting to feel sad. You go into the portal with your dad and uncle, now you are officially home. Sam told you how Rowena used her magic to find you and your dad is happy.
You are in your bedroom and your dad walks in.
“Who was that girl?” Dean asked.
“Her name is Sabrina Spellman, half-witch. Half mortal. I liked her. She was helping me find a way back home but someone ripped out the page of traveling to a different earth” You said.
“I don't like the idea, of her being a witch. But I’m glad she tried to help you, Y/N” Dean said.
“In her earth, you and Uncle Sam own a juice bar” You teased.
“No, that isn't true,” Dean said.
“It is. I bet you didn't eat bacon on that earth” You giggled.
“What kind of life is that? Tonight we are having bacon” Dean said.
You laughed and your dad left the room. Then you told your uncle what you told your dad.
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sireditsalot4 · 9 months
A cry for help
Summary: After witch hunters attack you, you find your way into the Spellman family.
Relationships: Zelda Spellman x Fem!Reader
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You don't know how long you've been running but you know you've gotten far from your attackers. "You're a witch! Witches should be burned!" The male hunter takes a swipe at you with his knife, and you duck out of the way. The female attacker joined and pretty soon both hunters have you cornered against a tree. You only had a second to think or it's all over-
without thinking, you kicked the guy in the family jewels. Bending over in pain, holding himself he yelled out loudly. "You stupid bitch! We'll find you. You won't get far!"
That must've been hours ago now.
You hug yourself trying to warm up from the cold but to no use. The sounds of wolves howling fill the woods and you jump, tears stain your cheeks. You know your mascara is smeared and look a hot mess. Laughing to yourself, you spot a good looking area to hang out for tonight and run to it. Making a hole not too deep in the ground, you gather little wood shards and place them in and rub your fingers together, “Incendio.” You say. The wood shards alight with fire and you let out a sigh of relief immediately putting your cold fingers over the fire. Over time the fire grew and your heart slowed. Fatigue and exhaustion taking over.
Tickle tickle.
You go to brush off the leaf that’s on your face and go back to sleep but immediately feel it again.
“What the-” you fully open your eyes and see a man there with his finger close to you.
“What the fuck! Who are you?” You start to back up.
“Wait-wait-hi! My name is Ambrose, I’m not going to hurt you,” Ambrose looks you over and you see sympathy in his eyes. “come with me. I’ll take you somewhere safe, away from them.”
Them? There is another question at hand.
“If you’re wondering, I am too a witch. Everyone is.” Ambrose gets closer and you flinch. He assures you he won’t hurt you and you let him grab you and bring you close to him. The both of you reach a road and across you see a giant mansion with what seems to have a cemetery. I’m going to die for sure.
“We’re almost there. You’re doing fine.” Making it to the house, he guides you up the stairs and grabs his keys from his pocket. Opening the door he lets you in and take a look around the giant house. “This is huge,” you look at the wallpaper and art on the walls and can tell an elderly woman lives here. Maybe a grandmother. “Thank you, my aunts have an eye don’t they?” Ambrose goes over to the stairs that open up into two. “Aunties! Sabrina!” You jump from his shouting and try to regain yourself. “Shit.”
Footsteps come from upstairs and seconds you see two older women, you assume to be the aunts and a young girl, maybe the girlfriend come down. “Aunts, Sabrina this is…what’s your name again?”
“Y/N, and she needs our help. She was attacked yesterday by witch hunters-”
“Oh! You poor thing. Are you okay?” The shorter woman came from behind the taller one and grabs your hands keeping eye contact. “Do you have family around here?” You shake your head. “She can stay here for as long as she needs,” You look at the older woman and was mesmerized. Her ginger hair was curled over her shoulders and the outfit she was wearing, a green blouse tucked inside a black ankle length skirt had you in a gaze.
“Oh shoot- we didn’t tell you our names! I’m Sabrina, his cousin, and these are our aunts. Aunt Zelda and aunt Hilda.” Hilda waved joyfully and Zelda gave you a pleasing look. You nervously wave.
“You poor thing. Come-let me show you to your room.”
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miela · 1 year
Shattered Memories • Chapter IV: What Friends Are For • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Idk tbh, some regular degular conversations between friends. Chapter Warnings: None (???) Masterlist
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↪ divider by firefly-graphics
A girlish scream came from the doorway of the restaurant and you winced knowing exactly who it was. You looked over to see Celina running towards you and hugging you tightly almost knocking the wind out of you and out of your seat at the bar. 
“Oh my god, (Y/N),” Celi exclaimed. “It’s so good to see you!”
Celina was wearing a black fitted cropped cardigan that had a sweetheart neckline and a dark purple, floral-lace, high-waisted mini skirt with a black belt. Her long, brown hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head and her bangs fell on her forehead and around the frame of her face. A tattoo choker and a velvet choker with a silver moon charm on it wrapped around her neck and she had silver moons hanging from her ears and various silver rings on her fingers. Her nails were black and her makeup was simple but bold with thick eyeliner and dark purple lips. She seemed a little taller but it was because of the ankle demonia boots she was wearing.
She reminded you of a character that would be in a film that was a cross between Sabrina Spellman from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and a character from The Craft which just happens to be two of her favorite things to watch. 
“Hey, Celi,” you smiled and hugged back. “It’s good to see you too.”
“Damn, Celina,” you heard a familiar voice chuckle, coming from behind her. “Don’t choke her to death.”
Ned was wearing a simple outfit that contrasted with Celina’s very detailed look. He wore a black tee shirt with a pair of denim jeans, a blue letterman jacket with white sleeves with MIT in red letters on it, and red classic vans. He wore a red beanie and a pair of black glasses. 
Celi pulled back and looked at him. “Darling, you and I both know that I don’t even have half of the capacity to choke her out,” she giggled.
Celina and Ned have been dating for 4 and a half years. Almost immediately after the day at the Statue of Liberty, she went to train with the sorcerers at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Six months later she was able to speak for the time in her life. You remember the first thing she did was confess her love to Ned just to find out that he felt the same way she did. They’ve been together ever since. 
And she was a chatterbox but all of you loved that about her. 
“Ned!” You exclaimed and got up and hugged him.
“Hey (Y/N)!” He matched your energy and tone and hugged you back. “It’s been, like, way too long since any of us have seen you.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” You apologized genuinely as you pulled away. 
You turn slightly to see another figure you haven’t seen in a while. She was wearing a plain white tee that was tucked into black, distressed mom jeans that were rolled up at the hem, an oversized denim jacket that was rolled up at the sleeves, and white Converse. Her hair was chin-length and curly and she had minimal makeup on. It contrasted your black leather jacket, black AC/DC Band tee, black distressed fitted jeans, and your black Doc Martens.
She gave you a blank expression. 
You looked back at her with the same expression. “Michelle.”
“(Y/N).” She responded and squinted at you.
You do the same as Ned and Celina looked at each of you silently. You two eyed each other for a good ten seconds before you cracked under the false tension and giggled. She snorted and did the same thing.
“Come here, you loser.” She smiled and held her arms open.
You quickly hugged your best friend as she hugged you back for a moment and rocked side to side. Ned and Celina let out a relieved sigh and laugh. 
“Nice to know you’re not a hologram,” she joked.
“I missed you too, MJ,” you chuckle as you pull back. 
You all sat down at a table and began catching up immediately. You found out that MJ had gotten into theater as a side gig and wanted to audition for something bi, Celina started a YouTube channel and began taking singing lessons and Ned was working on his Master’s Program at MIT. You told them about life as a CEO and how the first year is driving you crazy already and how Morgan is a pain in the ass but you love her nonetheless. You guys laughed and gossiped about the little things and talked about your future plans as you guys ate. You guys sat there for a while.
“So, I have some news,” Celina smiled.
We all looked at her wondrously and she showed her hand with a beautiful diamond ring on it and a smug smile on her face. You and MJ had shocked expressions on your faces as you looked from each other to her to Ned who smiled at the two of you.
“We’re engaged,” he chimed.
You squealed and got up hugged them both and sang congratulations to them repeatedly. MJ also got up and hugged them. Once you guys settled back into your seats, Celina continued to tell you how they got engaged. It was something they started talking about and then one day at a dinner at his family’s house, he got on one knee and asked. She cried even though she knew it was going to happen at some point, but this doesn’t surprise you because Celina was always a softie at heart. 
“Enough about us,” Celina giggled. “What about you two? Any love interests.”
“Nah,” MJ said. “Been too busy with auditions and stuff. But I also don’t want anything right now.”
“Valid,” Celina responded and shifted her eyes to you. “And you?”
You instantly thought about Peter and debated on telling them about him or not. You opened your mouth and then closed it pressing your lips together before sighing and looking up and over at particularly nothing and you thought of what to say to them.
“Aht-Aht, Nuh-Uh,” MJ started. “You’re doing your I’m-About-To-Tell-A-Lie face.”
You looked at her with a defensive smile, “I am not!”
“You are,” Ned replied with a smirk. “Like you’re about to tell us a big lie.”
“I am not!”
“You can’t fool us,” Celina said crossing her arms over her chest and looking at you suspiciously. “We know you too well.”
You looked to each of your friends staring you down to hear your response before you sighed in defeat.
“Okay! Okay,” you started throwing your hands up in a defensive surrender. “There is someone but…”
How could you tell to them when even you don’t have all of the answers to whatever was going on between you and Peter and your unknown past? Plus, since Ned and MJ know him from the coffee shop you didn't want Michelle to grill him like she probably would.
“But?” Celina sang in encouragement for you to continue.
“It’s….complicated.” You stated. 
MJ's brows furrowed. "Complicated how?"
"Well," You hesitate to let out a deep breath. "I like him but there's a disconnection. It's like I know him but I don't know him at the same time. And I want to know him but… I dunno, it's like he's afraid of me knowing something."
"Wow," MJ nodded slowly. "That is complicated. And confusing." 
"Yeah," you responded. "Remember when I felt like I had that empty space? When I'm with him I feel …complete."
"Awww," Celina cooed with a soft baby animal look in her eye. "That's so cute!"
“Yeah, maybe in some romance book or movie,” you deadpanned. “But I just…I dunno.”
There was a silence that fell over you guys for a long moment before someone spoke again.
“Hey,” Ned smiled softly. “If you’re serious about this guy, I would just communicate with him a little better on how you feel.”
“Yeah and if he turns out to be a dudebro, I can vaporize him,” Celina added. 
“Dear fucking god, no,” you replied blinking your eyes in disbelief. “No vaporizing.”
“I was joking,” Celina sang. “I don’t even know how to vaporize people…yet.”
You all giggled softly.
“In all honesty, you can always turn to us when you need help,” MJ smiled at you.
“Thanks, you guys,” you smiled.
“Of course,” MJ replied. “What are friends for?”
Later on, you guys went in separate ways with Celina and Ned leaving together hand-in-hand, and MJ and you walked in the opposite direction. You two were in no rush to part so you walked at a slow pace.
“So,” she started. “Tell me what’s really going on with you and mystery man.”
You look at her. Damn it. “I can’t keep anything from you can I?” 
“Of course not,” She said in a tone that said ‘obviously’, “I’m the Michelle John Watson to your Sherstark Holmes. We’re partners, I know you more than you know yourself sometimes.”
You laughed at her statement. “Very true, very true.”
She smiled. “So tell me. What’s going on, girl.”
You let out a sigh and stopped walking, she took a few steps before she noticed that you stopped and followed suit and turned to look at you with a worried look on her face.
“You remember those dreams I told you about?”
“Yeah, faceless boy right?”
You nodded. “It’s him.”
Her eyes widened for a moment and then they squinted in thought, “So they really are memories…”
“Yeah,” you press your lips together. “And I think he knows it.”
“...Is it that guy you asked us about? Peter Parker.”
You looked at her silently. Fuck. Sometimes you forget how perceptive and observant MJ is. And her memory was always on point, especially when it came to attention to detail. 
“He knows us doesn’t he?” She added. 
You stayed silent.
“And we know him.” 
You hesitate a second before nodding. 
“But we don’t remember him.”
You nodded again. 
“Do you think it’s like some…premonition or something? Maybe Celina can help.”
You shake your head. “Not until I have enough information on it.”
She held her chin in between her fingers and she looked up in thought. “I could get it out of him for you.”
“No, Michelle,” you said sternly. “Please I am begging you don’t interrogate him. I did that already and if you do it he’ll nearly piss himself and probably leave the country. I’m not chasing him around the world.”
“Nah, you would,” She responded. “If it meant you being able to solve your migraine problem, you would.”
You would. You sighed. 
“Fine, I won’t grill him. I’ll leave it in your hands.” She raised her hands in surrender. “But you know where to find me if shit gets real.”
You smiled. “I know.”
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“Parker, are you still hungover or something?” 
Peter looked over at his blonde and blue-eyed friend, Gwen Stacy, who was tapping his shoulder and looking at him with her eyebrow lifted. 
Peter was sitting at a table in the food court area with his friends at Empire State University. It was a thing they did in between and after class. Across from him sat Gwen Stacy and next to him sat Harry Osborn. Next to Gwen was her boyfriend, Miles Morales, and next to Miles was Pavitr Prabhakar. Next to Harry sat Cindy Moon.  
These were the people Peter surrounded himself with. They were brilliant-minded people who came from different walks of life and Peter had learned so much from them honestly.
Gwen is the daughter of a police captain named George Stacy (who really did not like Spiderman) and she was studying Biochemistry. She had short blonde hair that had pink, purple, and blue dip-dyed tips, bright blue eyes, and light freckles that danced across her cheeks. She had a rocker style and played the drums. Peter knew that you two would get along well because of how similar you guys were. He often imagined what it would be like if you, MJ, and Gwen were best friends with each other. It would be the sarcasm olympics.
He let out a sigh. “No, I’m fine now. Just exhausted.”
And he was. Exhausted anyways. He partied hard Saturday night at Harry’s frat house. He probably went a little too hard. Both Harry and Gwen were concerned with how much he drank and how many edibles he ate that night. He didn’t exactly mean to get so wasted, but he couldn’t get his nerves to calm down.
He couldn’t stop his senses from craving you.
“Then why do you look so sad?” Harry asked from beside him.
Harry Osborn, is the son of Norman Osborn who is the founder, owner, and CEO of Oscorp, a robotics and chemical manufacturing company. He was going to school for business administration. Although Harry was a rich kid he was humble and didn’t really flaunt his financial privilege. His style looked expensive though and probably was.  He had dark blonde hair and blue eyes and was a really handsome guy. He was a really nice guy but Peter kept a close eye on his father since in another universe his dad was the green goblin. Harry was also a friend of yours from middle school, so when Peter became friends with him he knew a bit about him already.
“I’m not sad,” Peter defended with not much conviction in his tone. 
“Well, he did say you looked sad,” Miles added. “You don’t have to be sad to look sad. But I know you’re lying because your dumbass got what they call ‘white girl wasted’ the other night.”
Miles Morales is the son of Jefferson Davis, another police captain (who also isn’t fond of Spiderman) and former crime-fighting partner to George Stacy. He is married to Rio Morales, who has patched up Spiderman on numerous occasions when things were serious enough that he had to be rushed to the hospital immediately. If she knew his real identity, she never said anything, which he appreciated. Together they had Miles, who is just as much of a genius as you are. He went to MIT for Engineering but graduated with his degree within two years and is now going to ESU for an art degree. He was brilliant at Graffiti art and often did mural commissions for different buildings as a side gig. He had black hair with a fade undercut that had a thunderbolt-like design on the sides and back of his head and big brown eyes. Peter met him through Gwen.
“I did not get ‘white girl wasted’.” Peter defended again. “I got wasted but definitely not ‘white-girl wasted’.”
“Dude, seriously?” Pavitr added. “You were crying so hard at one point that you threw up all over the yard. I don’t think the grass needed your emotions all over them.”
Pavitr Prabhakar is from India and he came to New York when he was fourteen on a scholarship to Horizon High, a school for brilliant and genius minds. He had big brown eyes and the most luscious hair Peter had ever seen. He was almost jealous of it. Nobody believed him when he said that he only uses coconut oil in his hair. Pav also went to MIT and graduated early and was now going to ESU for an art degree. He is notably really good at doing yo-yo tricks and poi flow arts and often will show off his tricks at parties. He was also really good at doing stunts and he and Peter would often go to the gym and practice parkour moves there. 
“So, I had a little too much to drink,” Peter admitted. “And too much of everything else but I promise you I’m fine.”
Gwen hummed not believing a word he said.
“Then, tell us,” Cindy started. “Who’s the girl you were all upset about?”
Peter looked at her shocked. 
“You said her name at the party,” she added. “And she’s definitely not one of us.”
Cindy Moon is someone Peter knew from Midtown Tech. She was briefly friends with Celina when they were in the same Hallyu club together. Cindy had long black hair with wispy bangs and almond-shaped brown eyes. She was Gwen’s best friend. Peter didn’t know much about her family, mostly because she never liked to talk about it, but they bonded over their time at Midtown Tech and how they should have become friends sooner. Not that it would have mattered. She was going to school for a communications major. 
Peter looked at each of his friends one by one and they looked back at him suspiciously and expectantly. He then sighed and his shoulders dropped. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to even try to explain to them anything about this situation. It was already crazy enough for him to understand but then to try and explain it in the simplest way possible without sounding like he’s gone absolutely sideways, but he’d try. He was clever and smart so he could figure out a way. 
“Alright, fine I’ll tell you,” Peter started. “But don’t make it weird.”
Each of them threw out ‘okays’ and ‘promise’ before they all turned their undivided attention to Peter. 
“So…there’s this girl.”
“I knew it!” Gwen exclaimed. “Pay up, Osborn.”
Peter looked from one blonde to another with his face twisted in an expression of confusion and disbelief. Harry cursed under his breath and sighed as pulled out his wallet. Seriously?
“You guys bet on this?” Peter asked his tone one of disbelief.
“Yep,” Gwen smirked. “In levels. Depending on how this goes I might walk out of here with 20 bucks or one hundred.”
Peter blinked but smirked softly at the two of them curiosity filling his mind. “Okay, you weirdos, can I continue without your outbursts?”
“Sorry,” Gwen said, genuinely apologetic. “Go on.”
“Alright, so there’s this girl, and…she forgot who I am.” He explained sheepishly. 
“Oh?” Pav asked lifting an eyebrow.
“How?” Harry asked with furrowed brows. “Like…literally forgot who you are? Or like ‘left you in the dust for some other person’ kind of forgot?”
“Literally,” Peter nodded. “Kind of like Amnesia.”
“Jinjja?” Cindy exclaimed in her mother tongue of Korean. (translation: “Really?”)
“We were…dating and then she forgot about me and….now she’s back in my life because she knows that she knows me but she doesn’t remember me. And it’s been causing her to have these really bad migraines and honestly…I don’t know how to help her yet because whenever I’m close to her, her migraines get worse. She has a doctor that she works with but I dunno if she’s been actually going to them. And I can’t tell her ‘Hey, I’m your boyfriend from five years ago’ or some shit like that. That sounds so…so creepy and… manipulative.”
“No, it doesn’t,” Gwen replied. “Unless she was like super rich or something.”
Peter looked at Gwen and pressed his lips together with a look that told her that her statement was in fact true. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.
“So she’s a trust fund baby like Harrison over here!”
“It’s Harold,” Harry corrected. “And don’t call me that either.”
Peter took a deep breath. “I just don’t want to make this any more difficult for her than it already is and I don’t want her thinking that I’m only after her fortune. I couldn’t care less about how much money she has.” He leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Are you talking about (Y/N)?” Harry asked. 
Peter looked his way with a careful look. “Uhm…” He scratched the back of his head nervously. “Y-Yeah…it’s (Y/N).”
“Stark?!” Gwen exclaimed. “You were dating (Y/N) Stark.” It came out more like a statement rather than a question. “You almost had me there, Peter Parker.”
“You don’t believe me?” Peter asked raising an eyebrow.
“ I would believe you more if you told us that you’re Spiderman,” Miles added with a look of disbelief.
Peter nearly snorted. Man, if you knew.
“I believe you,” Cindy interjected and everyone looked at her confused. “We went to Midtown Tech with her. I didn’t know her personally, but we talked a few times. She’s really cool. It makes sense for them to be together. You seem like her type. She always talked about her study dates with a cute, nerdy guy with Michelle Jones-Watson.”
Peter smiled a little to himself and blushed lightly.
“Okay, so if this is true,” Gwen started again. “I understand your sentiment. But I still think you should tell her.”
Peter threw his head back and sighed. “But what if it makes things difficult? What if it makes her migraines worse? Or…what if she doesn’t feel the same way about me anymore…?” 
He had a hard time admitting that part out loud. Even though you both felt the pull and you clearly still felt something for him…or the idea of him anyway, five years is a long time and you both have grown to be different people than when you were seventeen, naive and in love. 
But Peter was still in love with you, and he was afraid that it was just because of the idea of you too.
“Well then don’t tell her,” Harry stated matter-of-factly. “Just slowly get to know each other again, and whatever comes up in her memory of you, just let it happen.” He gave him a lopsided grin and a friendly, nonchalant shrug. “Go with the flow, Parker.”
Peter thought about it for a moment. Go with the flow. As simple as it was, that was probably the best advice he could have gotten. 
“Yeah,” Cindy agreed. “Think of it as a way to start over and get to know each other in a new light.”
“Wait,” Miles said with a look of realization. “Did you say five years ago?”
“...Yep,” Peter replied, his voice higher than expected due to him having the fear to even confirm it. 
“What caused her to forget you?” Pav asked clicking a pen softly in his hand.
“...Concussion,” Peter said. “Head injury during a battle of Spiderman’s.” 
“Oh, that battle on the bridge, right?” Gwen asked. “With the Iron Spider Duo, right?” 
"Yeah," Peter nodded remembering how you both had almost gotten your asses handed to you during that battle. "That one."
“Damn…” Miles said softly. “That’s a long ass time, and that’s brutal. I hope she gets better soon. Concussions are no joke, man.”
Peter wished he could tell them the full extent of the story.
"Yeah, especially with her migraines, you know? When I'm around her they get worse. It's like she's trying to force me into her memory. And even though I am the missing piece, it's like trying to put two magnets together." 
Everyone went silent and everyone had a thoughtful look on their faces as the cogs in their neurons began turning. Peter realized he said something that resonated with their brain cells. He looked at each of his friends repeatedly.
“What?” Peter asked confused. 
“That's the problem,” Harry replied. “Putting two magnets together.”
“Yeah? What are you getting at?” Peter asked.
“You have to put yourself into new memories.” Harry continued.  “You're already in the old memories right? You're the magnet, her memories are the metal that the magnet attaches to,” He explained. “Since the you five years ago are already attached to those memories. What you need to do is attach yourself to new memories that can possibly replace the old memories."
"So like remaking those memories?"
"Exactly!" Harry smiled. “And it wouldn’t be manipulative, if anything it might help her remember both memories and she can appreciate both of them respectively.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works, Harry,” Cindy responded with an unsure tone in her voice.
“I mean, it’s worth a shot, no?” Harry glanced at her and shrugged before looking back to Peter. “If that doesn’t work then at least you can say that you tried right? And who knows, you might find out that you guys turn out to be great friends still.”
“Y’know for a frat bro, you’re kinda cool, Harry,” Gwen teased.
“Shut up,” He laughed as he squinted his eyes at her. 
Peter chuckled softly before sitting up straight in his chair, “Thanks, you guys,” he smiled at his friends endearingly. “I feel better.”
“Anytime!” Pav smiled. 
“But we better get updates on everything,” Gwen said with a serious look on her face but a not-so-serious tone in her voice. 
Peter chuckled, “Only if she’s okay with it.”
Tags: @riordanness @chrisevans-realwife @peterdarlingg @thecrystalclarity @brckenmemories @paleprincesssxo
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Going Back In Time
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Gabriel, Sabriel x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: ~400
Warnings: angst, implicit MCD
Request by anon: Hey darling! Can you do a headcanon where the reader is half angel half demon half witch girl (16 years) and was find in the road by the Winchester and Castiel and was rescued by them and they take her like a daughter because she lost her memories but in the end they find out that she was sent from the future to protect the Winchester and Castiel from dying and is Destiel or Sabriel future daughter? Sorry is long and from some reason the reader can look like Sabrina Spellman or Hope Mikaelson 
Summary: You were sent back in time by one of your dads to prevent something horrible from happening. This time, you won't let them die.
Square Filled: castiel (2023) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Your life before you were found is lost within your memories. It’s there but you can’t seem to find them no matter how hard you look
The earliest memory you have of yourself is wandering the streets late at night for whatever reason. Three men—Sam and Dean Winchester and Castiel—found you lost as they were on their way home from a hunt
You’re very young to be wandering on your own so they took you in to take care of you while they figured out who you are and where you came from
Even though you’re sixteen, you have powers beyond compare
It didn’t take long for the brothers and Castiel to figure out you have magical powers when you aided them on a hunt
You’re notorious for sneaking into places where you’re not supposed to be, and you snuck onto their hunt even when they told you to stay home
Not only do you have magic, but Castiel felt that you had a more powerful kind of magic inside your body. A quick search told him you’re a tribrid of a witch, demon, and angel--something so powerful that something like that doesn’t exist in this day and age
After a few months of hunting with them, you’re hit with magic that unlocks all of the suppressed memories from deep within your mind
You know exactly who you are and where you came from. You’re Y/N, the only tribrid in existence, and you’re here to protect Sam, Dean, and Castiel from something bad coming their way
Something so bad that it resulted in their deaths
You’re the daughter of Sam and Gabriel who adopted you when you were a baby. You lived with them for sixteen long years before tragedy struck your precious family. The only one to survive was Gabriel
He’s the one who sent you back in time to prevent their deaths. He couldn’t bear to live without Sam and needed this tragedy to never happen. With you on their side, they’ll have a fighting chance
Sam is already in a relationship with Gabriel who is away right now but you assure him Gabriel was never the one in danger
There’s nothing for you in the future for you anymore. Your dad is dead, both your uncles are dead, and your other dad got so depressed that he sent his only daughter back in time to prevent this from happening
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
“You and Dad are the best thing to ever happen to me, and I’m not gonna lose you a second time.”
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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potter-head-phanatic · 4 months
Upcoming Fics!
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a list of fics that I have been working on, in order! Sorry I havent really been active recently but I am done school for the summer so I will be writing a lot more for the next 3 and a half months! Particularly about Bridgerton because season 3 part 1 has me in my feels 😭
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Masterlist Bridgerton siblings x fem!Bridgerton Type of fic: One Shot Request: 8 times y/n was there for her siblings and the time they were there for her Requested by: me Ambrose Spellman x reader Type of fic: Song fic (Hurricane Drunk by Florence + The Machine) Request: Reader and Ambrose were together a long time ago. He fell out with her over something, idk over what? She still loves him all these years later. They're at the Spellman house as there's a party to celebrate the end of Ambrose's House imprisonment. Reader finds it hard to watch him dancing with someone else and being affectionate with them Requested by: Anon Jane Volturi x Autistic!Fem!Reader Type of fic: Headcannon Request: just jane and an autistic fem reader were they like jump and clap when happy and will refuse to wear velvet and talks about harry potter 24/7 because its there special interest Requested by: @bigirl49 Billy Marlin x Reader Type of fic: One Shot Request: they plot would be like i'm a witch and Billy liked it bc he see me in the mortal school whit Sabrina Requested by: Anon Colin Bridgerton x Fem!Reader Type of fic: One Shot Request: perhaps colin becomes obsessed with a girl who is lower class or not in society, but she doesn’t really want to get married. her parents are very forceful (it’s a chance for them to all finally have money) along with colin, as he will not take no for an answer and only wants reader. you can make it as dark as you’re comfortable with! i’d love to see colin forcing her to start a family with him and maybe she grows to love him after all. thank you & feel free to change any details! Requested by: @flowercrowns-goodvibes Paul Lahote x Fem!Human!Reader Type of fic: Song fic (Average Girl by Emily Osment) Request: Before Paul phased for the first time, he was in a long term relationship with you. Things were going great, until they weren't. He cheats on you, feeling like he wasn't good enough for you and that he would ruin you, wanting you to be away from him, until he imprints on you Requested by: me Emmett Cullen x Fem!Lahote!Reader Type of fic: One Shot Request: Y/N, the sister of resident hot head Paul Lahote finally convinces him to let her train with them to get ready to fight the new born army. Little did she know, she was going to learn more than just battle strategies. Requested by: me
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hannaswritingblog · 2 years
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Imagine: being a werewolf and hiding it from Sabrina Spellman, your crush
Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Requested by @perfectartisanwerewolf [x]
Initially meant to be a ficlet - transition to an imagine explained here. Thank you for understanding.
Hiding your true self can get hard. It's even harder when you have to hide it from the people important to you. You may wish to be completely honest with them, but it's not the greatest option when it most likely will scare them away.
That's why it's always been easier to just hide the fact you're a werewolf from Sabrina. No matter how tough it was to be on your own with what you are, it's better than risking losing her, especially since you realised you developed a crush on her.
It's another day when you know you're going to transform later on. Your plan is to just stay at your house and peacefully go through the process. You know from experience that it's going to hurt and maybe it'd be better to have someone trusted by your side, but you've gone through it on your own so many times already, you had a chance to get used to it.
What interrupts your plan for the night is... Sabrina asking you out.
'Hey, Y/N!' she approaches you when you see each other that day. 'Would you like to go out tonight? There's a new movie coming out, I thought you'd like to see it.'
Your heart skips a beat when you realise this could be your chance with her, and another when it occurs to you this is the worst night possible for her to ask this question.
'Um... Sorry, but I can't.'
'Why?' she asks, sounding disappointed. 'Don't you want to go out with a friend?'
'Brina, I wish I could... I already have plans for tonight though.'
'Oh. Okay. Next time, then. But let me know if you're able to go, okay?'
You head back home, hurting from the idea of having to reject your crush. Why did she have to ask on this specific day? Even tomorrow would've been much, much better.
Once your transformation starts, the memory of talking to Sabrina slowly fades away as the physical pain starts to creep in. The last thing you can clearly remember is hearing someone knocking at your door and managing to escape through the back door, hoping not to hurt them.
Once you regain consciousness after the transformation, you realise you're in Sabrina's room. She's sitting next to you on her bed, holding your hand.
'What am I doing here?' you ask faintly, trying to sit up.
'Shhh, lay down,' she says. 'I brought you here when you started transforming back.'
'Did I hurt you?'
'No. But... I might've hurt you,' Sabrina admits, pointing at your arm wrapped in a bandage. 'I didn't think you could be a werewolf, I wanted to defend myself... and you. I'm sorry.'
'Don't be, you couldn't have known.'
'I would, if only you told me. Why didn't you?'
You decide to be honest with Sabrina as you start talking:
'I didn't want to scare you away. You've been such a good friend to me and... I must admit, I have a crush on you. I was afraid you wouldn't want to be associated with me if you knew I was a werewolf, let alone be interested in me.'
'Oh, Y/N, why would you say that?', she exclaims as she goes to hug you. 'Your condition isn't up to you, there's no way I would reject you based on just that.'
You want to respond, but your voice gets stuck in your throat. All you can do is hug her back, hoping it's enough to let her know how grateful you are for having her in your life.
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frost-queen · 7 months
Where angels fall (Reader x Caliban)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22,@elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are Sabrina's friend and brought down from the heavens. When you meet Caliban, he is very suspicious you might be more than a mortal. When Caliban and you grow closer and fall in love, you decide to tell him one day about how you are an angel. Caliban wanting nothing more but to have you all for himself, corrupts you into giving up your wings to be with him.
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The sky rumbled. Thick clouds covering up the clear sky. Another rumble thundered behind the clouds. Then a light lighting up some of the clouds. It got brighter as it made the clouds part. Creating a way as the light busted out, hitting the ground hard. For a moment it lighted the brightest till it dimmed out.
The light being swallowed back up. The clouds drawing closer again. On the ground a figure kneeling till it slowly rose. Taking a deep breath. Greendale. Your newly home for as long as he ordered you. The faint glow from around you dimmed out. You took your first step. Stumbling. The next one steadier. As you walked on earth for the first time. Being far away from home.
“Hey Y/n!” – Sabrina said when she entered the library. She approached you as you were seated down reading a book with much interest. – “Hey Sabrina.” – you replied glancing briefly up from your book when she came closer to your table. She smiled at you, resting her hand on the table as you suddenly heard another voice. One you didn’t knew. – “Sabrina!” – the voice called out as you noticed Sabrina rolling with her eyes.
Clearly she didn’t like this person this much. Glancing to the side you saw a young boy approach. Blonde and very attractive. – “I wasn’t done talking to you back in ...” – the boy said as Sabrina cleared her throat stopping the last of his words. She hinted with her head at you as the boy chuckled humorously.
“A memory wipe can be easy on your mortal friend Sabrina.” – he said all cocky. – “Caliban!” – Sabrina groaned out, clearly annoyed with him. – “Yet.” – Caliban continued approaching your table. You lowered your book when he set his hand by your side, coming to hover over your shoulder. He took a deep breath, taking in your smell. – “This mortal doesn’t smell mortal enough.”
You grabbed your book, lifted it up and slapped it up right in Caliban’s face. It startled him, making him stumble back and away from you. – “Personal space is a thing creep!” – you called out, shoving your chair back. Sabrina snickered silently as Caliban was touching his nose where you had hit him. You had gotten up, keeping the book under your armpit. Coming face to face with the creep that was sniffing you. Now you had a clear look of him. And he off you. – “Feisty that one is.” – he said to Sabrina.
Sabrina pulled her shoulders up with an innocent smile. You threw him a sarcastic smile to annoy him. – “So not so mortal, who are you?” – he wanted to know, dying with curiosity. There was something about you that was a mystery. There were some parts of you human, but not all. Something supernatural. When you remained silent went Caliban down in a bow. – “Caliban, prince of hell!” – he exaggerated with some flair.
Sabrina sighed loud with a roll of her eyes. – “Pleasure.” – you responded dull and unbothered. Caliban chuckled nervously when you didn’t seem impressed at all. – “And yours? Who are you?” – he asked taking a step closer to you. – “Wouldn’t you like to know.” – you answered witty taking your leave. Caliban stared stunned back at you. – “Sabrina?” – he asked, pleading with her for answers. Sabrina pulled her shoulders and hands up, not getting involved with it.
After a few classes you went up to your locker. Shutting the door, you were surprised by Caliban standing by your locker. A smug smile on his lips. – “So?” – he said leaning with his hand against the lockers. – “Must I guess or drag it out of you?” – he offered. You laughed at his eagerness. – “I’ll give you my name if you get on your knees and beg.” – you said just to tease him.
Caliban blinked surprised but then slowly went down to one knee, palms up as if bringing you a piece offering. – “Oh my!” – you said astonished that he was foolish enough to do so. You laughed loud, turning around and leaving before his other knee could touch the ground. – “But…” – Caliban muttered out, watching you leave.
“What are you doing?” – he turned his head seeing Sabrina stare confused at him. – “Nothing.” – Caliban replied bitsy, getting up quickly. Still snickering you clutched your books closer to your chest. It was kind of fun seeing the prince of hell throw himself at you like that. If only he knew you were his opposite. Pure and light.
A few days later you were at the library again. A hidden section in a corner at an hour most had gone home. You were reading informative when you heard a whish of flames burning. You immediately shut your book, sliding it down on your lap. For it could only be one person that appeared out of thin air like that. – “So here you are hiding, not so mortal.” – you heard Caliban speak as his footsteps approached from behind.
He set his hand down on the table again, coming to hover over your shoulder. He brought his head down against your ear. – “So you like playing games.” – he whispered as it felt intimate and fluttering. – “Only with you.” – you teased letting your head fall back to look at him. Caliban came hovering over your face with his, smiling flirtatious. – “For a name I shall get on my knees, I will go to hell and bring you the brightest jewel just to hear your name from your lips.” – he spoke making you smile.
“Please don’t.” – you chuckled out bringing your head back. You got up making Caliban move back to give you space. You went to a bookshelf, placing the book you had read back before Caliban could notice it. Caliban picked up another book, opening it uninterested. – “So what must I do?” – he asked. – “To hear that glorious name of yours.” – he added coming nearer.
You turned back to him, leaning against the bookcase. – “Why? Is the prince of hell interested in a mortal?” – you asked as he kept coming closer. He shut the book, dropping it on the table before he neared you. His arm he rested above your head against the bookshelf. – “Very.” – he spoke lowly. You felt yourself supress a squeal at how flirtatious that was of him.
“Not so mortal.” – he finished tilting your chin a bit back with his thumb. You took a deep breath, debating hard. Yet there was no harm in sharing a name. That still didn’t gave away what you truly were. One send from above, his sworn enemy. – “Y/n.” – you told him. Caliban’s smile widened. He was still touching your chin with his thumb. – “Y/n, a name for a princess.”
You punched him in the armpit for being so ridiculous. Caliban only chuckled as if not effected by the pain. You pushed him away returning to the table. From behind you, you could hear him mumble your name. Saying it like a mantra over and over. As if he thought he’d forget about it. It made you snicker quietly at how ridiculously cute it was. – “Caliban, saying my name three times isn’t going to summon me like bloody Mary!” – you called out to him.
Caliban smiled sheepishly, being caught by you. He hastened himself to your side, pulling a chair back to sit down with you. – “Maybe I like saying it. Y/n.” – he spoke leaning with his chin on his hand. You rolled your eyes at him. Caliban gawked in disbelieve at you. – “Don’t roll your eyes at me, not so mortal.” – he said grabbing your wrist and holding it down on the table.
His sense of immaturity only made you laugh louder. – “Don’t mock me not so mortal Y/n!” – he called out pulling at your wrist. You fell forwards coming face to face with him. Noses inches away from each other. Laughter had stopped as you could only remain still before pulling aware away. Hoping your cheeks weren’t too flushed.
Walking home that night, you gently tapped your hand against your forehead. – “Stop, stop, stop.” – you muttered out trying to knock some sense into you. – “Stop liking him.” – you slapped yourself hard, a bit too hard, making you rub the area with shame. Taking a deep breath you kept telling yourself to not fall for him. No good would come from it. The prince of hell with an angel from the heavens.
Not falling for Caliban was hard. Harder than any other task you had even been given. He wasn’t even school bound yet he kept appearing out of nowhere just to see you. His acts towards you were always full of flirts and charm. There had been a few close encounters where you had almost kissed him. The urge haven grown so desperate, you barely had any control over yourself.
Caliban was doing something to you and you couldn’t stop it. It was too late for that. There was no point in denying it that you liked Caliban and that he liked you in return. Perhaps telling him the truth about yourself wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You felt comfortable and loved enough around him to share your true self. You would do anything for him. That is how deep you had fallen for him. The prince of hell had you on your knees.
It was getting darker as Caliban was walking you home. Biting your lip, you took his hand, pulling him away from the main road over some grass fields. – “This isn’t your usual route home.” – he commented, blindly following you. – “I know.” – you answered going over a pumpkin patch, watching out carefully to not step on one. – “So where are we going Y/n?” – he asked nearly stepping on a pumpkin.
You remained silent walking over to a near small forest. You needed to be away from spying eyes if you were to reveal your true self to Caliban. Near an abandoned playground in the woods you came to a halt. – “Romantic.” – Caliban commented with a chuckle as you shushed him. – “Caliban, you were right, I’m not a mortal.” – you told him. – “I knew it!” – he called out with glory. – “I smelled it on you right away.” – you slapped him to stop interrupting you.
“Caliban listen!” – you made clear. You took a deep breath as Caliban could only stare at you. Was perhaps finally his burning desire off knowing going to be fulfilled? – “I’m going to show you who I truly am, but please don’t feel repulsed.” – you begged him. – “How can I be repulsed by you, princess?” – he answered brushing his fingers down your cheek.
You took his hands taking a step back. You closed your eyes. Caliban stared in awe at you when you started to glow. Light up with a soft bright light. Then with the sound of feathers appeared two white wings from your back. Opening briefly to its full length, before settling behind you. Caliban gawked in love at you. Going down on his knees for you as he bestowed upon your light. – “I am a child of the heavens.” – you told him after having opened your eyes once more.
“You are angelic Y/n.” – he complimented in wonder. He kissed your glowing hands making you smile flustered. Aware of your own self and Caliban’s nature, you looked saddened away. The heavens and the hell couldn’t be together. They never could. Caliban noticed the sadness on your face. He got back up stroking your cheek with his thumb. – “I want you so badly Y/n, but He and Lucifer will never allow us to be.” – Caliban spoke. – “I want you too.” – you answered bringing his hand down from your cheek to hold.
“What if we keep it secret?” – you asked. Caliban shook his head.  – “Yours and mine, would never let it pass. He will cut off your wings for loving a hell bound prince.” – he went on. – “He is forgiving.” – you told Caliban. – “He is not, not about this. We shouldn’t be.” – Caliban pushed your hand away, turning himself away. – “No!” – you called out as Caliban smirked half.
“I want to be with you. I want to be yours. I love you Caliban.” – you said desperately wanting him back. – “I love you too Y/n, but your wings prevent us from being together.” – he said saddened. – “Then I don’t want them!” – you shouted. Caliban smiled. His corruption working. – “Are you sure? There is no return Y/n.” – he had turned himself back to you. You nodded. – “I love you, I don’t want my wings if I can’t be yours.” – you told him clearly.
Caliban smiled cupping your cheek. – “Then be my princess.” – he whispered before kissing you. The moment your lips touched his, your wings started to disintegrate. The glow on you fading out to nothing. But a mortal appearance you had. Letting the change pass by you, you kept kissing Caliban. Now I have you for eternity Caliban thought.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Hi, Can you do a Male Mikaelson/Hope’s brother x Sabrina Spellman?
Y/N and Sabrina sway to the music…
Sabrina: I put a spell on you
Y/N: no I put one on you first
Sabrina: vampire warlocks can’t affect me
Y/N: so my charm did then
Sabrina giggles…
Hope: you two are too cute. Make it stop!!
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morgandr · 9 months
Ambrose comforting you and taking you out of everyone space as you been worked up for the past few days with stress and need to collect yourself. Ambrose truly does care for you, so once he notice your behavior and the energy change, he immediately try’s to de-escalate the situation.
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(Ambrose Spellman X Reader)
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armyangxls · 2 years
Halloween Sleepover
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Cindy Burman x Plus Size reader
Warning(s) : Swearing
Word Count : 2082
Summary : The reader and JSA have a Halloween sleepover, with some love confessions for certain anti-hero
You stood on the doorstep of Courtney’s house, ready for the Halloween sleepover.
You knock at Courtney’s door.
“Y/n! You look awesome! Amazing costume!” Courtney said, opening the door in cat ears, a black dress over a green long sleeved shirt.
“Thank you! Court you look awesome too!” You said, smiling.
“Thank you! And feel at home, sit on the couch, or whatever! I still have a few more things to get ready. Do you mind getting the door if I’m not down here? Also, Rick has to do something else tonight so just us five!” Courtney said, smiling with her blonde curls bouncing as she moved. “Okay! Yeah, of course!” You said as Courtney walked up the stairs. You walked over to the couch in the living room, sitting down, taking your backpack off, and putting it beside you.
Soon you heard a knock on the door, you practically jumped up, walking to the door, and opened it to Beth and Yolanda. Beth in a purple dress with iridescent fairy wings, and Yolanda in a goldish dress, and a blue cardigan with a crown on her head.
“Hii! You guys look amazing, gorgeous!” You said, smiling.
“Thank you! You look amazing, gorgeous too!” Beth said beaming, and bear hugged you.
“Yeah! You do! And Thank you y/n! Courtney and I picked out each other’s costumes!” Yolanda said, smiling, Beth pulled Yolanda into the hug.
“Ahhh I’m soo happy we’re doing this! I’ve been wanting to do this forever!” Beth said as you all pulled away from the hug, wrapping her arm with yours
“Me too!” You said.
“Umm, where’s Court?” Yolanda asked, smiling.
“Upstairs, she had a few more things to get ready!”
“Oh, I think I’ll go help her!” Yolanda said, pointing to the stairs.
“I’ll come with you! Are you coming with us, y/n/n?”
“I’m gonna wait for Cindy!” You said.
“You’re so nice!” Yolanda said, half joking.
“Thanks!” You said, laughing.
“I can stay down here with you!” Beth said,
“No, it’s fine! You can go!” You said, gently squeezing her hand.
Beth slowly pulled her arm back, then her and Yolanda walked upstairs.
You walked over to the stairs sitting on one of the steps.
The minutes passed slowly but oddly fast, probably your mind running left and right thinking of Cindy.
Cindy was the girl you slowly fell in love with as she got closer to the group and sure you swore you never fall for a popular weird jock but technically she wasn’t a bad weird, plus the jock you fully meant was a smelly probably homophobic football jock guy and she’s a lovely probably gay gorgeous cheerleader. You had shared so many stolen glances although you felt that she was gazing into the distance just in your direction, plus some small touches, weirdly flirty texts at least you thought they were, you've never been great at telling tones. You had been wanting and trying to ask her out for… a long time, maybe tonight would be the night you finally face your fears and get the words out. You were kicked out of your thoughts by a knock on the door. You jumped from your seat, stumbling over your own feet trying to straighten out your outfit while walking towards the door.
You swung open the door and there stood Cindy Burman in a white dress that was an exact replica of Jennifer’s dress from Jennifer’s Body with fake blood, and white gloves.
“Hey y/n!” Cindy said, smiling, her eyes shimmering in the moonlight. ”Oh gosh she’s so gorgeous!” you thought, your mind and heart racing as fast as a cheetah.
“Hi-i, Cindy!” You said, stuttering from nerves, moving out of the way so she could come in, she walked in, and you closed the door behind her.
“Sabrina Spellman?” She asked as you turned back to her.
“Y-yeah!” You said, smiling. She touched the side of your face, your heart skipping a beat.
“I love that show! And you look gorgeous!” She said smiling, looking at you like you were a painting made of gold.
“You do? That’s awesome! And T-thank you! Y-you look g-gorgeous too!“ You said.
“Jennifer’s body?” You asked, smiling.
“Yeah! A gay horror icon!” She said, smirking, Your heart skipped a beat at that.
“Sh-she really is!” You said, she nodded in agreement.
“Umm are you gay?” You said, staring at her. “Why did I say it like that?” You thought.
“Yeah, I’m a lesbian!” She said, softly smiling.
“C-cool! Cool!” You said. You both stared deeply into each other’s eyes daring one another to say something or do something.
“We’re done! Everything’s done!” Courtney said, breaking the silence, standing at the top of the stairs with Beth and Yolanda.
“Oh, hey Cindy!” Courtney said, smiling.
“Um. Hey!” Cindy responded, pulling her eyes from you to look at the rest of the group.
“You guys coming?” Beth asked.
“Yeah! After you.” Cindy said, holding an arm in front Insinuating for you to go ahead.
“No, after you!” You said, smiling.
“No! After you!” Cindy said, winking.
“O-okay! If you insist!” You said, awkwardly smiling, walking towards the stairs and up them, while forgetting how the heck a person walks.
“You okay? too much crushing on her?” Courtney whispered to you, as you got to the top of the steps,
You did the cut-it-out motion with your hand, then went back to smiling as Cindy was beside you.
You had told the whole group except Rick that you liked Cindy but Rick probably heard you rambling about it to Courtney, Yolanda, And Beth, Rick disliked any conversations about love except if it was with Beth or about Beth.
Courtney sat on the corner of her bed by the pillows, her back facing the wall with Yolanda beside her on the wall side, Cindy sat on the other side of Courtney by the pillows with you beside her, and Beth sat near the middle of the bed.
“How about we tell some spooky stories?” Courtney as you all got comfortable in your spots.
“Yeah, I would love that!” You said, wiggling your arms in excitement.
“Sounds cool!” Yolanda said.
“Sure!” Beth said.
”Yess!” “I have a great one to tell!” Cindy said, smirking, as thunder rumbled outside.
“It was a dark stormy night. A girl named Tara was home alone, her parents were out of town, She had just gone to a new Carnival in town that had a clown with the most terrifying stare which he had been staring at her the whole time she was there, weirdly somehow always near her everywhere she went.
She suddenly heard a knock on the door, she slowly walked to the window near the door, looking out there was no one. She walked to the door and there was no one, so she closed the door and locked it she went back to the living room, sitting down on the couch, and scrolled through her phone, suddenly an amber alert went off on her for an escaped murderer, she clicked the link, a picture showed up on the website with the clown from the carnival she gasped, her heart beating out of her chest. Creek! went a floorboard in the hallway to the kitchen, she snapped her head up seeing that very, terrifying killer clown.” Cindy told the story.
“That was sooo creepy!” Courtney said, shivering.
“I’m gonna have nightmares!” Beth said.
“Agreed and same! Cindy, you truly have some darkness in you!” Yolanda said,
“Thank you!” Cindy said, flipping her hair back behind her shoulder.
“I loved it! It was sooo creepy!” You said,
“You sure you’re not too scared?” Cindy asked, wiggling her fingers at you.
“Yes, I’m sure! I'm a horror fan!” You said smugly.
Suddenly you heard a knock at the door.
“Yeah?” Courtney wearily asked, the door slowly creaked open, you turned to look, your heart beating fast at the eerie sound, there stood a shadowy person standing there.
“AAAAAHHHHHH!” You, Beth, and Courtney screeched. You scooted super close to Cindy, your arms and legs touching making your body fire up and heartbeat go even faster. You leaned on her scared, she then wrapped her arm around you without you realizing.
“Whoa, My ears! What happened? Why are you guys screaming?” You heard Pat say, flipping the switch on the wall on. You all took a breath of relief seeing Pat standing there and not some killer clown or Eclipso.
“We were telling scary stories and then you scared us, Pat!” Courtney said, giggling.
“Yeah, super scared us!” You said, laughing.
“Not me though!” Cindy said, putting her head on your shoulder, your breath hitched in your throat, your body becoming hyper-aware of her touch, you then realized her arm was around you, and your heart started beating so fast you heard it banging in your ears.
“Okay well, I was just making sure you guys were doing okay.” Pat said,
“Yeah, we’re fine!” Courtney said, smiling.
“Alright.” He said, leaving the room and closing the door.
“Are you okay? You scared? Your heart is beating super fast.” Cindy asked,
“The story isn’t why it’s beating fast.” You said, looking in the complete opposite direction of her.
The rest of the group's ears perked up at that.
“Wanna go get some snacks?” Yolanda asked, wiggling her eyebrows
“But we already- oh yeah let’s go!” Beth started to point out that they already had some, then realized what she actually meant.
“Yeah! I’ll come too! Courtney said, scrambling off the bed as Beth and Yolanda got off the bed walking to the door.
”Good luck!” Courtney mouthed to you, as they all walked out of the room.
“What do you mean?” Cindy asked, moving to sit in front of you facing you.
You slowly took a deep breath.
“Umm I.. uhh I… it’s because I like you, really like you.” You said, looking down at your hands.
“Wait, you actually like me?” Cindy said, softly smiling,
“Yeah! Wait, you thought I didn’t like you?” You asked, looking back up at her.
“Well yeah, not many people actually like me, you know being a mean girl and villain? Antihero, I don’t know! And you being a sweet, loving, gorgeous… angel! I really like you too!” Cindy said, gently grabbing your hands.
“You’re amazing! And really?” You asked, squeezing her hands.
“Really!” She said, smiling, letting your hands go, putting her hands on your cheeks.
“You only kill boys right?” You said, laughing.
“Yeah, and I fall in love with girls!” She said, smiling and laughing. She leaned closer to you, and your lips met hers they were soft as mashmellow, the feeling of anxiousness and fear washed away, and a calm and loving peacefulness replaced it. You both pulled apart from the kiss, staring into each other’s eyes in love despite you always hating eye contact with it being so overwhelming, sharing eye contact with her felt peaceful and calm.
Beth, Yolanda, and Courtney walked through the door holding a bowl of popcorn.
“Finally!” They all said at the same time cheering.
“Oh hush!” You said, laughing. Cindy moved to sit beside you again, wrapping her around your plush waist.
“Well congrats!” Courtney said, smiling sitting where she was before.
“Yeah!” Beth and Yolanda said at the same time, As they sat down on the bed.
“Wanna watch Halloween?” Cindy asked, smirking.
“Yes! It wouldn’t be Halloween without Michael Myers.” You said, smiling.
“Yesss! Literally!” Yolanda said, smiling.
“But I need to change first, I need to be super comfy!” Beth said, pushing up her glasses up her nose.
“Me too!” You, Courtney, Yolanda, and Cindy weirdly said at the same time, laughing.
“And I need to get the air mattresses ready!” Courtney said.
You and the rest of the group had changed into comfy clothes, Courtney got air mattresses ready with a twin mattress and queen air mattress, Courtney and Yolanda laid down in Courtney’s bed, and Beth laid on the twin bed with flower sheets on them.
You and Cindy laid down on the queen air mattress with purple sheets, Cindy wrapped her arm around your plush waist, and you rested your head on Cindy's chest messing with her hair, with Halloween intro playing, and thunder rumbled outside.
“Happy Halloween Cindy!” You said, looking at her as rain gently hit the window.
“Happy Halloween love!” She said, kissing the top of your head.
Note(s) : Happy Halloween!! Sorry for the late fanfic! I hope you guys like it!!
Taglist : @legaciesedits3 @miszswan @thenorserose
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cuntrygirlcallista · 3 years
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sabrina x salem | sabrina the teenage witch 7x 02
“yeah, yeah no more sleeping in bras”
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sireditsalot4 · 9 months
A cry for help CH 3
Summary: It’s a boring day at the mortuary.
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Zelda Spellman x Fem!Reader
A/N: Again, if any grammar mistakes I apologize.
Looking out the kitchen window, you watch Sabrina and her friends along with a couple of academy students hang about talking and catching up on their lives. After all it was a Friday, but for you it was just a regular day. Boring day, at that fact.
“Why don’t you go out there, love?” Hilda asks. “Make some new friends.” You shrug, still looking out. “I don’t know, it’s just I’m not a part of them so it’ll feel weird…forget it.” Turning away from the window, you look at what Hilda is doing and see her grabbing fresh lemons, “Need help?” You start to grab the lemons and grab the cutting board. “Oh, thank you dear. Nice slices,” She instructions. You hear high heels coming towards the kitchen and a second later Zelda appears in view.
“What are you two up to?”
“Making lemonade for the kids. Want to help?” Hilda holds up a lemon to Zelda, who makes a face in return. “I’ll pass. I actually want to talk to Y/N for a second. Do you have a second?” You stop what you’re doing and look up. “Oh, okay.” Grabbing the lemon and knife from you, Hilda waves you off towards Zelda. “Off you go, dear.”
Following Zelda into the living room you watch her grab two brandy glasses from her stash she has in the middle of the hallway and pour herself and you a drink. Walking back to you she holds out the now half full glass. “Come. Sit.” You follow and sit across from her in the chair. She sits down and places her feet on the little foot rest she has. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
“I actually want to tell you that I admire you, you came a long way in such a short time. I knew witches who went through what you did and they would keep it with them for weeks, sometimes years, but you-you are different,” You feel a blush spread across your cheeks. Zelda raises her glass to her lips and takes a sip and you do the same before looking at the fire that is behind you. From the corner of your eye you see Zelda lean forward towards you which brings your attention back to her and she leans in with a look in her eyes.
“You are a remarkable woman, Y/n. Truly,” This time you didn’t break eye contact with her. You glance down at her lips that part slightly and your mouth goes dry-
Sabrina’s voice sounds from the entrance, along with her friends. Quickly pulling apart and standing, you place your glass down and Zelda stays sitting, calm. Hilda comes out of the kitchen with fresh lemonade and the teens run up and each take one. “I should go wash up for work tomorrow. It was nice talking to you Zelda. Maybe we should…do it again sometime?” The ginger nods. “Anytime.” With that you wave at Sabrina and everyone and make your exit to your room.
“What were you and Y/N talking about?” Hilda asks handing out cups.
“Nothing of importance to you, sister,” Zelda responds, getting up, annoyance in her voice. She walks past Hilda and grabs a cup for herself.
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spellman-secrets · 5 years
Pt. 2; Don’t kid yourself, love. ~Ambrose Spellman x Vampire!Reader~
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Summary: An argument between Ambrose and Y/n sparks Sabrina’s interest in their pasts together, and what exactly brought them to be how they are now.
A/n: So a lot of people really wanted another part to this story, I think there might be one last part to this story after this. I’m so sorry it took so long for me to post a pt. 2, like over a year 💀💀 but I promise the next one will come much faster. Also the spacing is like really weird in this and I have no idea why?? Or how to fix it. Sorry about that! If you’d like to be tagged in the next part, please feel free to tell me, and thank you for any support! ❤️
W/c: 1269
Tags: @claire-loves-music
Sabrina is woken up by violent yelling, she rubs her eyes and looks over to her door confused. She throws her blankets off of herself and checks the clock. 03:00.
Of course, witching hour. Sabrina rolls her eyes and walks towards the door to check what all the calamity was about.
"5 MINUTES?!" Ambrose's voice booms through the house.
Sabrina stops in her tracks, she's looking into the kitchen, she see's Auntie Zee roll her eyes, and take a sip from her usual tea cup. Aunt Hilda has both her elbows on the table and is rubbing her temples while closing her eyes. Behind them Ambrose and you stand yelling at each other. But the words that just escaped you're mouth are what has put Sabrina into shock.
“What?" She almost whispers, looking up at all the adults in front of her. Everyone's heads snap towards her.
"Look what you two have done now!" Zelda exclaims, looking behind her shoulder to you and Ambrose.
"Nothing, dear, you're cousin and y/n are just having a bit of an argument," Hilda coo's, walking over to Sabrina and trying to guide her back to her room.
"No! Y/n, you were with Ambrose when he tried to blow the Vatican up?" Sabrina asks, confusing sketched upon her face.
"Well he did it, and got caught too, so clearly I wasn't there,” You roll your eyes, looking over to Ambrose daringly.
"Sabrina, go to sleep," Ambrose hissed, his tone wasn't directed towards Sabrina, more towards you as he glared at you.
"You guys can't just scream about this, without telling me the context of things!" Sabrina snaps rebelliously.
“Dear, must you leave?” Ambrose whines, while hugging you from behind as you pack.
“Ambrose, you know I can’t stay here any longer, I’ll be back in 6 months” You turn around to the warlock in front of you, and give him a hug.
“Why?” He groans and pouts.
“If I’m being honest with you love, I don’t even know why, some vampire things I’ve been called for, I’ll know when I’m there,” Ambrose rolls his eyes and turns to sit on the bed, he falls back on the bed.
“So vampire business, that you don’t even know what it is, is more important then me?”
You let out a chuckle, and go to sit on top of Ambrose’s torso, you play with the top hem of his shirt.
“Of course not silly, if it’s something stupid I’m be back before you can even say fangs,” You assure.
“Hm” Ambrose muses while looking away from you, he then swiftly flips the both of you so that you are under him and he is between your legs.
“What if your urge for me is just to strong, and you just come back in, let’s say a week?” Ambrose asks, his motives clear.
“In our case, that might just be a possibility,” you giggle, and then pulling him down, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Don’t worry love, I’ll make sure it is” Ambrose assures while kissing down your neck, you let out a soft giggle and nod.
"Sabrina!" Ambrose’s voice booms, he was not in the mood to argue with her as well. Sabrina seems a bit taken back by his tone.
“You know what? I think I’ll take her up to her room,” You roll your eyes, wanting a break from Ambrose. You walk over to Sabrina and gently guide her out of the kitchen, hesitantly, she follows you.
You two walk through the house to her room, and once you close the door to Sabrina’s room, questions bombard you.
“What happened with the Vatican?”
“Why were you with him?”
“Could you have really stopped him?”
“Sabrina! Stop!” You snap, looking out of her window, silence fills the room. You take a deep breath and look back towards her, she looks a bit distraught.
“I’m sorry for yelling Sab, it’s just...” You sigh loudly and sit onto her bed, you tuck a stray hair behind her ear. There is a moment go silence.
“Go back to sleep Sabrina, Ambrose and I will be quiet, I promise,” You assure, while gesturing for the young witch to slip into her bed. Once she does, you help tuck her in and kiss the top of her head, and begin walking out of the room.
“But-“ Sabrina starts just before you step out of the room.
“You’ll find out soon, I promise,” and with that you close the door to her room. You take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Ambrose?!” Panic strikes in your body. Please dear Satan, let him be here.
“Ambrose!” You shout once more, this time a bit more frantically. You start to search from him around the apartment that you two lived in.
The vampire business ended up being something quite stupid, and you didn’t even understand why you were called. You ended up being the only vampire who showed up and even the higher vampire council was confused to your presents. They said it was a strange predicament, that no one was even supposed to be called, and that your invitation must have been a mistake. They invited you to stay for a while though, to make up for the inconvenience.
You did end up staying, but not for long. As of just a few hours ago, there had been news of a warlock trying to blow up the Vatican. Upon finding out, your body was struck with worry and you came to find Ambrose as fast as possible.
You knew he wasn’t stupid enough to try something like this, but you just wanted to be sure he was alright, you had started missing him either way.
But him not answering to his name was beginning to make you doubt yourself. Could this have really been him? Trying to blow the Vatican up?
“Ambrose! For the love of all things evil, answer me!” You shout.
“We’re afraid he’s not here,” A grand voice calls through your home. You quickly turn around and see, what you could only presume, was the grand witch council.
“W-where is he?” You are almost afraid to ask, you had an idea to where this was going, but you prayed you were wrong. Ambrose and you were still young, and Ambrose, while under pressure, could easily be manipulated. He often used you to fall back on when it came to this trait, as you usually helped bring his senses back, among other things.
“Ambrose, has made a grave mistake-” and before this member of the council could finish their sentences a sob wracked through your body. What would they do to him?
“-He has attempted to blow the Vatican up,”
“Please let me speak to him,” you urge, whipping off a tear that had escaped your eyes.
“We can not-“
“I know he wouldn’t do this, just let me speak to him, please!” You beg, cutting of their sentences.
“We are afraid that that is not a possibility,” The council tells you, your breathing becomes heavy as a flash of anger runs through you.
You lean against a near by wall and slide down it, trying to calm down.
“Please don’t hurt him,” Are your last words to the council before they disappear, almost into thin air.
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