#sabriel x reader
Going Back In Time
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Gabriel, Sabriel x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: ~400
Warnings: angst, implicit MCD
Request by anon: Hey darling! Can you do a headcanon where the reader is half angel half demon half witch girl (16 years) and was find in the road by the Winchester and Castiel and was rescued by them and they take her like a daughter because she lost her memories but in the end they find out that she was sent from the future to protect the Winchester and Castiel from dying and is Destiel or Sabriel future daughter? Sorry is long and from some reason the reader can look like Sabrina Spellman or Hope Mikaelson 
Summary: You were sent back in time by one of your dads to prevent something horrible from happening. This time, you won't let them die.
Square Filled: castiel (2023) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Your life before you were found is lost within your memories. It’s there but you can’t seem to find them no matter how hard you look
The earliest memory you have of yourself is wandering the streets late at night for whatever reason. Three men—Sam and Dean Winchester and Castiel—found you lost as they were on their way home from a hunt
You’re very young to be wandering on your own so they took you in to take care of you while they figured out who you are and where you came from
Even though you’re sixteen, you have powers beyond compare
It didn’t take long for the brothers and Castiel to figure out you have magical powers when you aided them on a hunt
You’re notorious for sneaking into places where you’re not supposed to be, and you snuck onto their hunt even when they told you to stay home
Not only do you have magic, but Castiel felt that you had a more powerful kind of magic inside your body. A quick search told him you’re a tribrid of a witch, demon, and angel--something so powerful that something like that doesn’t exist in this day and age
After a few months of hunting with them, you’re hit with magic that unlocks all of the suppressed memories from deep within your mind
You know exactly who you are and where you came from. You’re Y/N, the only tribrid in existence, and you’re here to protect Sam, Dean, and Castiel from something bad coming their way
Something so bad that it resulted in their deaths
You’re the daughter of Sam and Gabriel who adopted you when you were a baby. You lived with them for sixteen long years before tragedy struck your precious family. The only one to survive was Gabriel
He’s the one who sent you back in time to prevent their deaths. He couldn’t bear to live without Sam and needed this tragedy to never happen. With you on their side, they’ll have a fighting chance
Sam is already in a relationship with Gabriel who is away right now but you assure him Gabriel was never the one in danger
There’s nothing for you in the future for you anymore. Your dad is dead, both your uncles are dead, and your other dad got so depressed that he sent his only daughter back in time to prevent this from happening
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
“You and Dad are the best thing to ever happen to me, and I’m not gonna lose you a second time.”
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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theriddlersunderwear · 3 months
All of My Supernatural Related Playlists:
(Psst, Sunny is an OC from a fanfic I'm writing please ask about her before I explode autistically)
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supercap2319 · 5 months
Y/N: "I'm going to recite you a poem."
Gabriel: "Okay?"
Y/N: "Roses are red. Violet aren't blue. Flirt with Sammy again, and I'll cut you in two."
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 5 months
Seen a lot of posts about people unsure of commenting on fics, people if you have something nice to say please say it.
Would have given up on my fic a month ago, but instead thanks to so many nice and encouraging comments I’ve just hit over 30,000 words.
That is the longest fic I have written and it’s still going.
@samss-lost-shoe was kind enough to write an au for me as a birthday present, they admitted that they were going to give up on it but the day they went to tell me I basically told them it was one of my top fics this year. They are now still writing it.
Comments mean the absolute world to writers such as me and my friend, they are so sweet and leave me literally jumping off the fucking walls, I’m sure my friend would agree.
So please, write those comments, even if it’s just the word kudos because you have already left kudos on the fic. Even if the comment is illegible and is basically you just frothing at the mouth over how adorable the chapter is, the writer will absolutely love you for it.
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hoziernaturalevents · 2 years
Sign-Ups for the Hoziernatural Multi-Ship Bang are now open!!
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You can now sign up HERE as an author, artist, beta, or pinch-hitter!
All ships, gen fics, and x reader fics are all welcome! (We are including characters from the prequel, too, by the way! If they exist within the Supernatural universe, they're welcome. Wanna write that fic where Sam and Dean actually get to grow up with Carlos and Lata around? DO IT.)
Sign-ups will be open from now until March 31st. After that, participants will be matched based on the preferences (favorite Hozier songs, ships/characters, ratings, etc.) they list in the sign-up form, and mods will begin sending out Autor/Artist team assignments on April 2nd.
Our full Schedule and Info can be found here. If you have any questions, concerns, or need any clarification, please send us an ask any time.
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What's your favorite piece you've made and why?
Ooooh that's a freakin hard question to answer.
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These might be my favorite drawings Ive done. I finished suptober late one year so i was able to put a little bit more effort into them. I just love them.
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these are some honorable mentions
with fics...well thats even harder to pick. if i have to pick, im gonna go with Riding In Cars With Boys. its the one i always love to go back to. I think its just a great fic.
and just because it was just about the best day of my life, i got to have the absolute honor of having one of my fics MADE IN REAL LIFE!!!!!! Casey and Glenn, the wonderful team behind Driven, made it into a little movie and i cant believe that got to happen to me!
thanks for asking me 😚😚 I really appreciate the ask
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beardothebard · 4 months
The bard introduces himself
*background metal noises*
Welcome to my blog :D
I use this blog mainly to post the oneshots, prompts, etc. you requested me or some stuff (fanfics, memes, etc.) I just want to share with you guys.
Which leads us to the next part: Requests! I'd be delighted to get some! :D
In the following, you can find the fandoms, pairings, etc. I write about.
Tatort Münster
Lord of the Rings
Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton's movies)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Spn: Destiel, Sabriel, Benny x Dean, Dean x OC/reader, Sam x OC/reader, Bobby x Crowley, Bobby x OC/reader, Charlie x OC/reader, Ellen x OC/reader
Tatort Münster: Boerne x Thiel
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn x Legolas, Legolas x Gimli, Aragorn x Haldir, Aragorn x Boromir, Faramir x OC/reader, Elrond x Gandalf, Eowyn x OC/reader
Outlast: Eddie Gluskin x OC/reader, Chris Walker x OC/reader (only before the riots)
Alice in Wonderland: Tarrant x OC/reader, Tarrant x Time, Alice x OC/reader
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow x Norrington, Jack Sparrow x Barbossa, Jack Sparrow x Gibbs, Jack Sparrow x William Turner, Jack Sparrow x reader/OC, William Turner x reader/OC Tia Dalma x OC/reader, Elizabeth Swan x OC/reader
What I write:
only boyslove and girlslove (sorry, not sorry), please let me know what you want :)
dark themes (coping and struggling with mental health, PSTD, depression, drugs& addictions, etc.)
horror, hurt/comfort, fluff, minor smut, angst,
if you wish me to write an OC of yours, please give me a detailed description, so I can do my best and write them as authentic as possible :) I need to know how they look, what their character is like, what they like and don't like, the most important info on their past, their occupation and some hobbies :)
platonic and romantic stuff
What I don't write:
plain porn
straight pairings
toxic relationships (well, Outlast is the only exception here...)
smut including characters who are still minors (nope, just nope)
dub!con/non!con stuff
I've never done requests before so please be patient with me in case it takes longer until I've finished the work :) I have a busy private life and it's important to me that you're happy with what I come up with :) In case I'm not sure I got everything right or if I need some more information, I'll send you a message.
In case you have an idea for a request and it's not listed under what I don't write- feel free to send me an Ask :)
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aterimber · 1 year
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Start your weekend off with a bang with some kick-ass short stories!
I post new stories every 2 weeks and have 100+ already waiting for you!
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i-eat-younglings · 1 year
What I will write for!
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Any characters non romantically and any underaged characters aged up
No ships except canon
Will write oc x character if I am provided backstories
I will write one shots, angst, nsfw, and fluff
NO non con, r@pe, pedoph!lia, or underage
Requests are open
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Game of thrones
No incest
Will write ships except incestuous ones
No underage, r@pe, non con or pedoph!la
Will write what ifs
Will write one shots, angst, fluff and nsfw
Will do OCS if provided info
Req open
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No wincest
No self inserts
No cas x Sam or cas x meg
Will write sabriel and destiel or canon ships
Will not write charecter death
Same rules as the last two
Req open
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spncreatorsdaily · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/You Characters: Sam Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Andrea Barr, Lucas Barr, Castiel Additional Tags: Gabriel Monthly Challenge, Gardens & Gardening, Falling In Love, Domestic Fluff, Sabriel - Freeform, Songfic, One Shot Series: Part 3 of Gabriel Monthly Challenge Fics Summary:
Spring was in the air and a certain archangel's thoughts naturally turned to love. And gardening. He had found a nice spot, and now, with the help of Sam he would make it bloom. But the flowers weren‘t the only thing blossoming.
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syoddeye · 6 months
Part one of my submission to @glitterypirateduck's O, Captain! Challenge. I rolled a d100 to select three prompts. Part one uses two:
42. The story spans over a period of 10 or more years
14. Opposites attract
~2k words, Price x f!Reader. Some liberties were taken with canon, obvs. Please enjoy!
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You meet John Price when you're fifteen years old. 
Being the new kid is never easy, but you have some practice. This is the fifth time your family has moved since you were born. Such is life when your mother's an ambassador. However, it is your first time attending an actual school, and it's miserable. It doesn't matter who your mother is when your peers are the children of millionaires, celebrities, and executives. Compared to them, you're a nobody, just easy pickings.
But compared to John, you might as well be a princess. 
The son of your mother's assistant, you see John almost every day. You do not attend the same school, of course. Despite the awfulness of its students, your school has standards, after all, but every day after the last bell, you and your security detail fetch John to rendezvous at your family's sprawling home. Since both sets of your parents work long and odd hours, you spend a great deal of time together. Usually, you study, eat dinner, maybe read or watch television, but you do not necessarily talk. He's as surly as an old man, unpleasant on good days and unbearable on bad ones.
You don't look at John when he slides into the car anymore. You're enthralled in Sabriel, too busy to acknowledge him, that is until you feel his eyes on you. 
"Didn't say anything."
"You're staring," You huff, lowering the book, only to almost drop it. "What happened to your face?!"
A purpling, inky black bruise covers John's swollen left eye. It's nasty, but he looks bored by the question.
"Scrapped. Some idiot ran his mouth."
"So you hit him? Then he hit you?"
"That's generally how it works," He says dismissively, crossing his arms and leaning into the seat to stare out the window.
You roll your eyes and return to the Abhorsen. "Your mom's gonna kill you."
He doesn't have a comeback for that. 
Predictably, his mom loses it when she arrives to pick him up. Throws a fit, her anger evenly split between John and his school. You watch from the top of the stairs as your mother consoles her friend and offers advice before they leave. John scowls, the expression deepening when he catches you listening in. You give a shit-eating grin before retreating to your room. Serves him right for fighting. Boys.
Of course, though, in a rotten turn of events, his mother leverages her position, and John enrolls in your school. Due to your relationship, you're naturally coupled together both in and outside of the classroom. It isn't for lack of trying on your peers' parts. You can grudgingly admit John's a good-looking boy. He has all the makings of a popular kid. Athletic, intelligent, and withdrawn, just enough to make people wonder in a good way. He's regularly asked out, the invitations often extended in your company. You don't miss how other girls look at him or glare at you.
Jokes on them, he's easily the most unpleasant person you've ever had the displeasure to know.
"What are you putting down on the careers interest form?" You ask one afternoon, sprawled on the couch while John sits with his back to it, reading.
"SAS. Enlisting next year."
"Military? How noble." You muse. "Your dad's not–"
"No," His head turns a fraction. "But my grandfather served. North Africa."
It's the first you've heard of it. John doesn't talk much about his family, nor do you make a habit of asking. You don't pay close attention to the adults' conversations either. "Well, you're pretty strong and clever, I guess," you temper the compliments, uneasy about doling them out to him. So you'll fair well, I bet."
He doesn't respond for a minute before a quiet "Thank you," ekes out. 
For whatever reason, your face heats. How embarrassing. You tap your pen against your blank form, grateful he faces away. Yet as a silence follows and stretches, irritation sidles alongside discomfiture. Honestly, this is what you'd like to show the girls at school. Prove that John's actually quite annoying. 
"Now's about the time another person would ask what I'm putting down."
John doesn't look up from his book. "I know what you're going to write."
You bristle. "Oh, do you? Enlighten me."
"Artist. Writer. Actress. Something useless."
In one fluid movement, you sit up and strike him across the crown with your notebook. "You're such an asshole!" You quickly create distance between his stupid, stunned face and yourself, stomping all the way to the stairs. Halfway up the steps, you crouch, pressing your face between the balusters. "You're not going to amount to anything!"
You don't speak to him after that—not entirely, of course. Your families are too intertwined to avoid him completely, but the incident strains your already tenuous relationship. It's awkward and tense, though neither of your families notices the shift. You sit in silence at joint dinners. You leave him alone in the den after school. You latch on to other singletons in class, avoiding him in the halls.
Months pass, and as John declared, he enlists the moment the school term ends. Freshly sixteen, and scheduled to ship out to basic. 
The morning he leaves, your mother drags you to his house. You stand speechless on the walk outside when he marches out with his rucksack. His head's shaved. He grew an inch and filled out some in the last few weeks when you weren't paying attention. Still a boy, but clearly on his way to becoming a man.
His mother all but shoves him at you to say goodbye. He stares down at you now, the twit. 
"Good luck." It's the nicest thing you can manage.
"Break a leg," He responds, hauling his bag over his shoulder. "Don't be useless."
You're too busy noticing how his eyes are the same color as the sky to feel even a twinge of irritation.
When he files into the waiting taxi, his mother bursts out into sobs. You watch the car until it disappears down the next street, trying to understand why your chest is so tight.
It’s a decade before you see him again.
"I told the Prices you'd pop by."
You nearly fumble your card, phone cradled between your shoulder and ear, and clumsily tap it against the scanner. Mouthing an apology to the disinterested cashier, you take your bag and find your words.
"Why would you do that?" You ask, unable to completely mask your disdain. "I told you I have plans for New Years." 
Your mother tsks. "Surely you can pencil in some of our oldest friends for an hour tomorrow."
The automatic doors open, and the wintry air envelops you instantly. The plastic bag taut in the crook of your arm, you flip the collar of your coat and start the return trek to your flatshare. "I haven't seen them since graduation, since we moved back to Virginia."
"And you moved back to London, what, eight months ago?" Her end muffles a moment while she says something to her aide. Her voice is sterner when she speaks again. "They've been asking about your job, how acting's going…" Her voice trails, leaving the works or not going unspoken.
You swallow, tucking your chin into your scarf to consider the remainder of the conversation. "Fine. I'll stop by tomorrow afternoon. But I'm not staying late. I have plans." You don't. You did have an invite to a party a week ago, but that was before Jeff decided Jane from work was 'more his speed'. More 'conventional'. Though you'd seen the breakup coming for weeks and the relationship only a measly six months old, it still stung. Since coming back to London, you've had more than enough rejection.
Dozens of auditions. Dozens more interviews. Zip, zilch, zero. No callbacks, no non-speaking roles. And while you are the favorite stage manager for several small local theaters and Yes Woman, you weren't any closer to the stage. Something your mother loves to remind you of. Between her rapid ascent up the career ladder and your decision to study theater, an uncrossable gulf cropped up between you. It grew with each passing day. Moreso, when you reject every offer of financial support or connection. Her support means control. Ownership. You won't have it.
The conversation drifts to other topics—Dad, mostly. He's still putting around after her, content in his retirement. They'll spend New Year's at the White House, of course. You're pushing through the door to your place when she drops the bomb.
"John'll be there, too."
This time, you drop your keys.
There is no excuse you can make to back out now. You wait on the top step of the Price's home. It's smaller than you remember. You hear people inside, music, and laughter. You hesitate. Given what you told your mother, they probably expected you far earlier than nine, but you barely mustered the courage to leave your room. You practically blacked out on the tube, leaving the station in a daze with your cheap bubbles. Taking a deep breath, you reach for the door. No time for stage fright.
The foyer is a time capsule, aside from the dozens of coats hanging on hooks and a coat rack. Framed photos of the Prices throughout the years line the short corridor leading further into the home. John's center stage for most of them. You hang your coat and slowly edge down memory lane, pausing when you see your own face looking back at you. Aged fifteen, the first day of school. You and John in different uniforms, sulking for different reasons. It was the last time you were the same height.
There are a lot of photographs of you in the hallway gallery. Ones you didn't know existed. You get stuck on a still of you and John from behind. It's from the London Zoo, from some ridiculous event your mother's work mandated you attend. The photo is simple, accidentally composed almost professionally. You and John lean against the rail overlooking the lion exhibit. You excitedly point at the pair lazing about in the shade, and John…John's focus is on you.
The sound of your name rips you away from the moment, and Mrs. Price beckons from the doorway to the living area.
The reunion between yourself and Prices is sweeter than you thought it would be. It's odd to see them older. As jarring as it is when you see your own parents, as sparingly as those visits are. Wrinkles, spots, graying hairs…But unlike your parents, none of the familiar warmth is missing from the Prices. They fuss, complimenting your secondhand dress and gushing over the bottom shelf champagne. They awkwardly introduce you to the closest guests, some claiming to have met you as a teenager. But you feel Mrs. Price's hand on your back, gently ushering and ushering, until you arrive at the threshold of the kitchen.
He's taller, tanner, and a hell of a lot broader than you remember him.
"John? Look who's here!"
You step into the kitchen with a gentle nudge from Mrs. Price, and the figure from many memories and more than a handful of confusing and mortifying dreams turns to face you.
Your name slips from his mouth in an arrogant purr, and the little tug of his lip into a smirk instantly pokes at your patience. He's literally only said your name, and already he's resurrected the same shade of vexation you felt ten years ago.
You're going to need something stronger than champagne.
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vaguesxrrow · 2 months
Hey, I already sent one request, so here's a second (your choice which you write first!)
Can I request a Dean Winchester x werewolf! Reader who can actually control when they turn? Like they could choose to turn to benefit a case whenever they want
The only downside of a full moon is that they turn like other werewolves, but atp reader is more annoyed than anything cuz they keep accidently ruining shirt with the claws or be unable to eat a regular midnight snack bc of the teeth
HII <33 i started with this one, because you definitely got me hooked on writing for dean and now im going through a phase LMAO
dean winchester / werewolf!reader
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a/n: do i rmb what werewolves from spn are like? no. did that stop me? also no. (resilience, guys!!)
cws: swearing, mild violence, injury, and blood
wc: 982
tags: gender neutral reader, humour, a splash of sabriel, reader during their full moon shift is me on my period minus the pain and crying
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"y'know, babe, this would be a really great time for you to wolf out," dean muttered, turning off the safety on his gun. both of you were hiding behind a stack of barrels, trying to avoid getting your asses handed to you again. your lower back was still sore from when you had been caught by surprise by a demon, and had been flung across the room like a rag doll.
you rolled your eyes at dean's suggestion, even as your pupils changed colour to a dark amber.
dean grinned at the sight, clapping you on the shoulder in glee. "hell yeah."
you bared your fangs at him.
"woah, my bad," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "save the rage for the demons we got coming."
"then let's go," you growled, fingers elongating into claws.
dean looked at you in awe as you stepped out, the slashing of flesh sounding immediately. "can't believe i'm dating them," he whispered. usually, it would be too quiet for you to hear, but now with your enhanced hearing, it was as if he was saying it right next to your ear. you smiled fondly as the first demon advanced.
dean joined you in taking down the remaining attackers, shooting the ones you couldn't take. soon enough, black smoke filled the air and the host bodies went limp, falling to the floor as the demons deserted them.
you shifted back, sharp claws and teeth retracting with minor pain. turning back and forth was easier now - you supposed it helped a great deal that you could actually control it, unlike the other werewolves you knew. practise made perfect, and you’d had many opportunities to practise, namely when saving dean (and sam) from getting killed. of course, you still shifted against your will every full moon, although even then you still had an impressive hold on your wolf.
"you good?" dean asked you, holding out a hand. you allowed him to tuck you underneath his arm as you made the walk back to the impala. you didn't miss the way his critical gaze scanned your body, looking for any injuries.
"back is killing me, but i'm fine,” you responded. “you?"
"busted lip that hurts like a motherfucker, but nothing worse."
"mm." you smiled. "does it hurt too much to give me a kiss?"
"never." he leaned in to give you a chaste peck, chuckling when he pulled away. "uh, you got a little blood-"
you licked it away, toothy grin emerging at dean's expression. "werewolf. i don't mind a little blood." you winked.
he shrugged in acceptance. "okay. hot."
you shoved him away, both of you laughing.
⌦ ----
as the sun set and the moon peeked over the horizon, you groaned, falling dramatically against the sofa cushions. sam and dean were already sat on the couch, fight club on the tv paused at the first frame, and they shot you sympathetic yet amused looks.
"i hate full moons," you complained, reaching for a piece of popcorn. "in a few hours, i won't even be able to eat this."
sam huffed. "honestly, i'm just glad that's the biggest of our problems whenever you shift. at least you don't go psycho on us."
you looked at him reproachfully, flashing your puppy dog eyes. "but popcorn."
he threw a piece at you.
"i'll feed you when you come looking for a midnight snack," dean supplied helpfully. you looked at him lovingly and 'aww'ed, blowing a kiss. he mimed catching it and pressed it to his lips, winking playfully.
sam fake gagged, standing up. "okay, this couple stuff is getting to me. call me when you actually start the movie!"
"as if you aren't as bad with gabriel!" dean yelled after him. you cackled as sam flipped the two of you off.
⌦ ---
you stumbled down the stairs, wincing as your claws scraped against the wood of the railing, undoubtedly leaving marks. your shirt was torn - a recurring accident that happened every full moon. you cursed aloud upon realising you had worn your most comfortable sleep shirt to bed.
once you reached your desired destination - your beloved kitchen - you stared reproachfully at the fridge, which was notably harder to open with your elongated nails.
"don't punch our fridge," a voice said sleepily.
you nearly jumped dean, arms raised, before realising it was him. "jesus effing christ," you hissed. "don't sneak up on me during full moons like that!"
dean merely yawned in response, opening the fridge door for you. he grabbed out various items, listing them as he went. "what're we feeling tonight? snickers, gummies.. aw, c'mon, sammy put pretzels in the fridge again?"
you snatched the pack of gummy bears from his hand, a single claw going right through the packet so it hung lamely from your finger. you sighed, sounding long-suffering and completely done. dean snorted, taking the bag back from you and ripping it properly.
"open," he instructed, throwing a gummy into your mouth. "loving the edgy, emo look, by the way." he gestured to your torn shirt.
"shut up, dean, you know this happens every time," you grumbled, chewing your snack more aggressively. suddenly, a fang pierced your lip, a small jolt of pain going through your body. "ow, shit." you brought your hand to your mouth.
"what happened?" dean asked in concern.
you showed him the blood on your fingers incredulously. "i split my lip with my fangs! are you kidding me right now?"
he visibly relaxed, relieved it wasn't serious. "more for me, i guess." he shrugged, obnoxiously chewing a piece. "mm, this is so good."
scowling, you dabbed the cut with your T-shirt, which was already ruined, so it didn’t matter. a smirk appeared on your face as you swatted dean, attempting to steal the bag from him. "dean, when i catch you-"
he dodged, fleeing to the living room. "nope!"
"oh, fucking hell-"
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Hiii Your WIP list is impressive o.o I would love to hear more about:
An Angel's Unexpected Companion, Sam Wesson x Gabriel, Falling in love with Angel, Tell Me No Lies, Two Men and the Virgin, annnnd The Virus
>.>" I feel like that's a lot for one ask but I am curious
Plot bunnies don’t escape me. My brain just comes up with ideas and I write them down thinking I’ll get back to it…eventually.
I have a ton of prompts and plot docs too. I even have a prompt list.
I guess it is a lot.
I’m impressed. You even asked about my two novels I’m working on. I’ll do it in order of your list.
An Angel’s Unexpected Companion.
This ideas was inspired by a few different fics. I know one was Hunters Throne by LadyKnightSkye. I love their work! Anyway, it’s about a woman who is a Nephilim (or was it an Elioud?) and prophesied to ending the war between Heaven, Purgstory, and Hell. The way this happens is she becomes an “Angel’s Companion” which is a human that is bonded to an angel (voluntarily) to increase their power and abilities. In this case, they are a second companion to an angel which is so rare. It’s a Cas/Dean with Dean as the first human companion. The woman actually being a Nephilim means they provide more power and a stronger bond. The whole thing is slowly brought to the attention of the archangels and Chuck himself (good dad) that eventually he does recognize her and knows that this is his grandchild. He already knew for he is God.
That’s as far as I got with the story. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. It’s a lot of background to keep up with.
Sam Wesson x Gabriel
This is a request for me to retell 4x17 It’s a Terrible Life from Sam Wesson’s perspective with an interfering Gabriel. This does eventually lead to Sabriel.
Falling in love with Angel
This is an urban fantasy romance novel I am working on where a devout psychic woman runs into a fallen angel who has lost faith in God and his mission. Through her he learns that there are many paths to God and they fall in love in the process. It wasn’t supposed to be a religious story but it sort of became that way with my thinking.
I want to get this one published.
Tell Me No Lies
It’s an AU-Canon Divergence fic where the OFC, Ember, is hit with a spell that prevents her from telling a lie. She’s a hunter who reveals she a witch and eventually leads to complications of the heart. This story leads to a triad relationship.
The reason there are two versions is because I tried a different way. The Nightingale Witch version is she’s a special witch where she sings her magic through song—any song because singing evokes and enhances magic from her soul. She’s still get hits with the truth telling spell but the story goes different when it comes to complications of the heart. This story is more of a polycule relationship.
I still haven’t decided which way I wanna go.
Two Men and a Virgin
This a Destiel x Virgin!F!Reader fic. The Reader is a hopeless romantic and wants to save herself for love. She’s just never fallen in love; however, she has moved in next to Cas and Dean, married husband that have become best friends. She, of course, has fallen in love with them and has tried to get over it without success. The Reader has made assumptions that they’re a gay married couple when in fact they’re a pansexual couple and find this out (after five years of knowing them) one drunken night where they all kind of end up making out that leads to sex. It’s indulgent.
There are few real poly fics in the Supernatural fandom and I love Destiel, so yeah.
The Virus
This is an urban fantasy/scifi novel I am trying to write. It’s the omegaverse or a/b/o trope from the very beginning in how it came to be and follows it through humanity witnessing changes into packs and relationship dynamics and the change of laws.
Omegaverse (a/b/o) is my favorite trope.
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spnfanficpond · 9 months
New Member Spotlight - December 2023
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@mayalaen -
Other SM names? - Mayalaen on AO3, Discord, Twitter, Bluesky, LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, etc.
OTP? - I'm a multishipper so no true OTP.
Other fandoms? - Mostly Stranger Things, OFMD, Stargate SGA/SG1, Star Trek, X-FIles, and Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I'm interested in a lot of fandoms.
Looking for in the Pond? - I like to encourage people to write and create and I like to make friends in fandom. I was referred to the Pond for that by some members.
Something to signal boost? - I run a monthly writing/art challenge on AO3 called SPNColdestHits that you guys have already been boosting (THANK YOU!!). It's multifandom now and accepts art and original fic, not just fanfic. This is the AO3 collection link and of course, we're @spncoldesthits here on Tumblr, but we're also on Discord, Twitter, Bluesky, and Pillowfort.
Pairings you read? - I'll read pretty much any pairing, poly or otherwise. I'm not interested in reader insert, but I've read some.
Genres you read? - I prefer darkfic and/or kink, but I read anything.
Favorite writer(s)? - Xanthe Walter, but they haven't been active in fandom for about 2 years now.
What do you like to write? - My favorite is darkfic, D/S AU, and kink, but I also love writing crack and all other genres.
Most underappreciated fic? - It's newer but it has the least amount of hits from the list of non-crack/non-gift fics and is an SPN/Blacklist crossover. Caging the Mongoose.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I really would like to write some SPN/HDM fusions. I keep toying with the idea, but have never posted any of them. I always work better when I have prompts or ideas from others to spur me on.
.@leatafandom -
Other SM names? - @leatawrites, Leata (AO3 and Discord)
OTP? - Sabriel
Other fandoms? - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Marvel, BBC Merlin, Star Trek, Doctor Who
Looking for in the Pond? - I could use some help with tags and challenging myself to write different things.
Pairings you read? - Ships, Gens, Poly fics
Genres you read? - Angst is my favorite but fluff and smut are always wonderful
Favorite writer(s)? - Yes, @idabbleincrazy on Tumblr or Gabriel_is_my_guardian_angel89 on Ao3
What do you like to write? - Angst, Horror, Smut, Bittersweet/Sad Things
Most underappreciated fic? - My most underappreciated story is probably one of my original horror short stories. My most underappreciated fanfic is probably Becoming One,Two, and One Again.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -I really would like to write more horror however I feel like I struggle with expressing fear, scenery/detail descriptions, and word choice
@oganizediguana -
Other SM names? - Oganizediguana on Discord
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - I tiptoe through many fandoms, but SPN is my home. Good Omens
Looking for in the Pond? - I’d love to get encouragement for writing and the confidence to share my work. But I’d also love to just meet interesting people.
Pairings you read? - 99% destiel
Genres you read? - I read it all, but mutual pining slow burn is what makes me feel all the things. I love a good canon-compliant AU. I’m happy with anything that ends happily. Or at least hopefully.
Favorite writer(s)? - On AO3: NorthernSparrow, tenoko1, saltnhalo, there are so many amazing authors in this fandom!
What do you like to write? - Everything seems to turn into angst.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I’d like the confidence to share what I have written.
@dragonslayer-5fanfiction -
Other SM names? - Ao3- Dragonslayer5
Other fandoms? - haikyuu, daria, lotr/the hobbit, tmnt
Looking for in the Pond? - I just want to make friends and read good fanfic. I like to beta read. Maybe write some fanfic, but I have writer's block rn.
Pairings you read? - Reader insert
Genres you read? - Fluff, crack. One bed, and arranged marriage forced proximity tropes.
What do you like to write? - Reader inserts. Fluff.
Masterlist! AO3 Works list
Most underappreciated fic? - Do You Think About Me? (not SPN)
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -Honestly, writing two characters from the Fandom. I typically stick to reader insert, and I'm a little scared I won't get the characteristics right or the dynamic.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore and @heavenssexiestangel!
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samlacy · 7 months
Masterlist & Intro
HELLO!! My name is ila (for short, ilan also works idc tbh^^)
I am a HUGE reader and part time writer :)
I highly suggest to check the tags before reading my fics because I mostly write angst with a side of smut
Im multifandom, which means I write about marvel, supernatural, csm, etc.!!
I write ships AND x readers, just request!!
Okay enough about me, here is the masterlist
- Hobie Brown
• Sunsets at the beach (red dots I fell inlove with)
Angst & Hurt no comfort / x reader
• Your Only Flaw Is That You‘re Flawless
Angst & Hurt no comfort / x reader
• False pleasure (I will be good for you)
Semi-Angst & Smut/ x reader
• Hot Man
Drabble / x reader
• Apron
Fluff / x reader
- Steve Rogers
• Love Me, Touch me (be the first who ever did)
Smut / Virgin!Reader
• Tall Baby
Smut / x reader
• Thighs
Smut / x reader
- Tony Stark
• …
- MLM (men love men)
• Don’t Leave Me Here (Shivering In The Disappearance Of Your Warmth)
Angst / slight smut
- Castiel
• Let me go, I’m starving
Sastiel (SamxCastiel) / Smut & Angst
- Sam Winchester
• Let me go, I’m starving
Sastiel (SamxCastiel) / Smut & Angst
• One Last Time
Sabriel (GabrielxSam) / Smut
- Dean Winchester
• …
- Gabriel
• One Last Time
Sabriel (GabrielxSam) / Smut
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mpregspn · 1 year
I once made a spreadsheet about something similar, there are barely any Cas fanfics not about destiel, and even fewer about no ships at all (the 2nd most popular being sastiel and the 3rd x reader). Sam's 2nd most popular ship is with Gabriel, but it only made up 8,9% of his tag at the time of me making the spreadsheet. So really sabriel is not that popular, at least with writers who write about/ tag Sam in fanfiction.
YEAH it's just such a pair the spares ship that makes no sense at all and only got traction bc people were like oh we love sam see he's
over there
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