#sad excuse of A twilight fanfic
Blade the vampire
Naritor Blade did live A good life he was well off 5 roommates he was friends with and he even had A crush on one of his roommates. But one knight that would all change one knight A bat flow in and bite blade right on the neck wich would turn out bad the following week. Blade was getting ready to eat dinner it was A sauterday the sun was setting everything was perfect untill the sun set. Blade ow my head jester hey Blade you OK Blade I think I need to lay down. Naritor as Blade layed down the sun had completely set it was pitch black outside and Blade began to change. Jester hey guys I'm worried about Blade toothy look he really douse love Blade jester I don't love him I'm friends with him I'm going to go check on him. Jester hey Blade you OK woah Blade what's up with the fangs Blade ow nothing just A faze now um what's for dinner you jester um Blade your acting strange Blade once I'm done with you I'll eat every one else jester what are you saying blade. Naritor just then blade jumps at jester but jester escaped because he important for the plot. Jester guys something wrong with blade toothy you just figured that out jester he's trying to kill me Blade jester I'm going to eat you full moon I'm not trying to deal with that let get in the car Blade you can run but you can't hide. Tunaler how do we survive six shooter with our guns Tunaler oh yea the guns jester wait you guys have guns toothy yea what do you not have one jester no wait what's that noise Tunaler it's Blade he's caching up to us toothy don't worry I'll shoot him jester wait don't shoot him toothy he's about to cach us on foot this should slow him down jester just don't shoot him in any vidal organs toothy OK gun bang toothy detract hit jester you shot his eye toothy dame it he's still chasing us jester how. Full moon lm pulling in to this parking garage every one split up. Blade ow full moon were are you what's this dear blade I'm at kfc see you in 30 minutes bye blade OK I'll kill everyone else first then. Six shooter I hope we make it out alive crash what was that blade did you really think you could run six shooter oh shit. Tunaler what's that sound and where's full moon oh no is that blade oh shit AHHHHHHHHH!. Toothy jester why are you following me jester I'm scared blade found you 2 toothy bye jester where'd he go what's this dear jester I'm at kfc with full moon bye jester shit. Jester blade please don't kill me Blade hissssssss jester what yes its sun rise I'm saved blade oh shiiiiiiiite pow. Toothy hey jester were back so what we miss jester blade blow up full moon that sucks why were you even here any way jester I was going to invite blade to live with me toothy can you say that again all I heard was I kissed a boy and I liked it jester go fuck your self.
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anxiouspepper28 · 6 months
Random thoughts I had about Young royals season 3:
Best description of Wilmon this season would be young, dumb and full of cum.
I have read this is some fanfic already, did Lisa go through all of ao3?
Ok maybe time to finish series as it is getting harder to hide beards
On topic of beards. Edvin and Omar must have gotten mean beard rashes at some point with an amount of making out they had to do.
3x03 I mean I definitely have not watched particular part multiple times, no definitely not
Also, kudos to our brave solder Edvin Ryding for soldering trough those sounds.
The amount of times I said awwwww in the first two episodes
I need Wilmon to have a happy ending. I am sucker for angst and sad endings, but I need those to be left for fanfics and not cannon. I don't care for realism and ect, give me fucking fairy tale ending, any kind of happy ending.
I keep falling in and out of love with season 3 this whole week and I guess the last episode might be what determines if I loved it or not.
I have not been so obsessed with any media as I am with yr since twilight and that obsession was justified by me being 15/16. I am turning 30 this year, I have no such excuse now other than yr brings me joy.
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aquaburst3 · 5 months
I saw several posts and comments in the Helluva Boss tag saying something like, "Stolitz is toxic. Congrats, you get the point!🎉" in an extremely patronizing tone. Like, yeah. No fucking shit that is the Vivzie's intention. Anyone with a brain cell can figure that out. What pisses me off even more is that some even go as far too say that if you hate them, you're an idiot.
My issue isn't just that they're too "toxic". I like plenty of ships that come off as "toxic" to some. I enjoyed Chuck and Blair in Gossip Girl when I was younger. Same goes for Sam and Freddie on iCarly. Hell, I was raised on telenovelas and Twilight, and still have a love for reading yandere fanfics for fuck's sake! I'm the last person on Earth to say you can never like a toxic ship! Just with them it's both toxic AND super annoying.
Stolas is the textbook definition of a woobie. He's super manipulative. He forces Blitz into that deal when he damn well knew he was running for his life and has his business on the line, so he could never turn it down. He even did the same thing before at the party when he guilt trips Blitz into sex. He's also a self centred ass, who constantly makes everything about himself and prioritizes fucking his boy toy over more important shit in his life like his own daughter. He continues to ignore her, even after she told him how she feels constantly. He acts extremely patronizing towards Blitz, calling him stupid and condescending nicknames right in front of everyone, despite him clearly not liking them. On top of everything, he's also cheating on his wife.
Is this ever called out by the narrative? Nope. He's given a free pass, and the story treats like a uwu sad boy that we need to feel bad for. Sorry, but that won't cut it. I just want to yeet him into the sun, not see him get together with Blitz.
Yes, I think a large part of this is thanks to Vivzie pulling an Elsa and changing Stolas' personality to be more "positive" part way during season 1. Also, yes, Stolas is trying to find a way to give Blitz a way to get to the "Human World" without him. But that's still no excuse for him being this much of a woobie. Morally grey and messy characters should be always called out by the narrative. Actions have consequences. People can get hurt regardless of our past or intentions. Cheating is always wrong, even if your partner is a bitch. That even goes for characters like Stolas.
Even if that wasn't the case, I don't think that Stolas is a good match for Blitz. Blitz needs a partner who is supportive, understanding and level-headed, being there for him when he needs it. Not a guy with his own mountain of baggage of his own. Honestly, I think any relationship between them will result in a messy breakup if they were real.
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Just shower thoughts... For a long time I've been confused about why Meyer wrote the Jacob/Renesmee imprint. Most of the weird shit that happens in Twilight I can justify as leaning into the monsterfucker/Phantom of the Opera angle or worldbuilding fails. But the baby soulmate thing?? But And Then There Were None kickstarted a wire in my head that transmigrated me into Stephenie Meyer's head during my shower.
I'm Meyer writing New Moon. I want to set the groundwork to break the love triangle in Edward's favor. I need Jacob out of the way, preferably dating someone else. But I don't want Jacob to seem like he loved Bella less, or like the kind of guy who would treat a woman like she's his second choice. Solution? I apply my weird concept of true love to the problem. Bang, imprinting. He loved Bella as much as he could but was destined for someone else! For now, Jacob is un-imprinted for now since I want the love triangle to be central to the Eclipse plot.
However, writing Eclipse I get stuck. Jacob is Bella's best friend. If he imprints on someone else, it means that he can't go with Bella on her immortal voyage of true love. She'll be sad. Unacceptable. Ok, I say. Jacob imprints on a vampire. Then he and Bella can stay friends, forever, as the new vampire (RenesmeeLite) will prove vampires can be good people.
BUT I still have a problem. What if some Jacob/Bella fans don't buy the new ship after all the drama in Eclipse? What if they (rightly) argue imprinting is thralldom and hate it? What if they (god forbid) make postcanon Jacob/Bella fanfic where the imprint breaks and the old ship re-sails? I need to make it clear that a) Edward/Bella are in unbreakable true love and b) Jacob/Bella's connection was sincere but ultimately platonic.
For a) marriage and sex are pretty big commitments. Escalate. The biggest commitment? A baby. Half-vampire baby can never die and thus never be forgotten. Renesmee will complete my Edward/Bella endgame. For b) ... I realize... I've written RenesmeeLite. Renesmee solves the Jacob/Bella friendship problem as now not only does Jacob have to like vampires, he has an excuse to join the Cullens and officially follow Bella around for the rest of her life! Also, Jacob's relationship with Bella is retconned to imply that his great love for her was only due to her similarity to his true soulmate/the call of fate. The Cullens and wolves complete the alliance arc begun in Eclipse, which they will no doubt use to someday take down the terrible Volturi and potentially become vampire royalty themselves. Ignoring the implications of that, it's a good day to be Bella. As for now, I edit Eclipse to add foreshadowing to Jacob's destiny... sorry Claire and Quil, you'll have to be sacrifices.
What do you think? Do you buy it?
And Then There Were None a Halloween Twilight special by myself and @therealvinelle that readers caught us out on while we were still anonymous.
It's a delightful theory the trouble is that's not really what we do here on this blog. This is a blog to divest ourselves of authorial intent or to try and peer into the mind of Meyer and ask "why?" For one thing, it keeps the blog consistent, for another I genuinely have no idea.
Meyer is utterly incomprehensible to me. Not only are we different people but... I mean, look at Edward. Look, there's your normal Phantom of the Opera bad boy tragic love interest type, and then there's Edward and the shit he says. And it's unironic, we're supposed to genuinely like him, she thinks he's a dream boat as he says, "I'll eat your babies."
How does one even comprehend such a person?
In this case though I'll go on a limb and say that given Meyer having doubled down on imprinting in the first place as well as Edward...
I think it was the plan to start with and perhaps even the reason imprinting in the series exists at all.
We see way too much foreshadowing in New Moon with imprinting immediately brought up with Sam and Emily, it is already a significant plot point and one Jacob finds himself concerned about when he realizes he doesn't imprint on Bella.
Already we had Chekov's Gun: Jacob hasn't imprinted which means that it will always be a loose end until he does. At some point in the series he will imprint and it will not be on Bella.
And given all that build up to Jacob wanting it to be Bella so badly, as well as the Claire/Quil subplot, and everyone else imprinting...
I think it was always going to be Renesmee. He was always doomed to be tied into the family and for Meyer this was always the ideal dream solution like where you're playing dolls and all the dolls marry all the other dolls and now they're a big happy family and everyone's related.
Adding to this, the love triangle was one of those hilarious love triangles where you know who the author's going to pick immediately. Twilight, Bella dates Edward. New Moon, Bella's very sad over Edward and considers Jacob for 0.02 seconds before dumping him because Edward's back. Eclipse, Jacob asks Bella to dump Edward and she says no the entire novel then marries Edward. Breaking Dawn, Bella marries Edward.
Jacob was never made a competitive option for Bella and it was always clear, the entire time, I'm sorry guys but it was hilariously clear she was going to pick Edward. Always.
Which meant that while Jacob needed a clean exit from the love triangle I... also don't think he was in the love triangle for Meyer. Sort of, yes, but I honestly think that's the weird set up that Jacob later quotes in canon of "Oh, Bella, I was totally into you because I was going to imprint on your vampire baby in the future. This makes so much sense."
... Does it Jacob? Does it?
I think Renesmee and Renesmee/Jacob was always the plan and everything else was just set up to get there.
(Worth noting, though I don't know too much about it, is Forever Dawn which was the book Meyer pitched after Twilight to her publishers which is essentially the plot of Breaking Dawn with a few tweaks.
It should be taken with a bit of a grain of salt as it was never published and I'm personally dubious of whatever copies people say they have floating about or what concepts were leaked, but nevertheless we seem to have a lot of the same stuff.
Bella still gets pregnant and marries Edward. Jacob still imprints on Renesmee. The Volturi still show up as the big bad. Victoria is still a major player (though this time takes on the role of Irina the nark).
This, of course, points to Renesmee/Jacob always being the endgame rather than the solution Meyer happened upon for the love triangle problem.)
But at the end of the day, I'm guessing too, and the best I can really do is shrug and say who knows with that one.
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dj-of-the-coven · 2 years
how about kingdom hearts for the fandom ask game
Blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Riku. Ever since I started the series when I was fifteen (I played like a maniac and started with DDD bc I had no idea there was an order to the games. Sue me, I found my copy in a secondhand game store) Riku has always been my FAVORITE. He was just such a sarcastic little weirdo but also so cool!!! The fact that I started out being able to control him probably helped in cementing the dude as my fav, especially in the traverse town portion of the game. Traverse town has such a special place in my heart and I'll never forget what it was like wandering around there as Riku, oohing and aahing over the scenery and the music, having a blast seeing him interact with the world's characters, fighting the epic boss in the greenhouse, and playing with his little komory bat. Riku aaaaaaaaaall the way, baby.
not to diverge from the ask for too long, but I actually made a painting inspired by my fond memories of Riku's side of TravTown!! It's titled "distorted memory":
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kinda shit quality image but I think you get the idea.
Skrunkly (character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): I don't know why, I wish I could tell you, but it's Ventus. I'm one of the twelve people who really liked Birth By Sleep. Anyway, Ven was the second character I played after Aqua. I love him so much. He's just a funny little guy and yet he's imbued with so much goddamn trauma!!! The whole time I played as him I had an absolute blast, especially during his time in The Castle of Dreams and also that stupid cutscene where Ven hands the Disneytown tickets to Aqua and Terra. 10/10 best baby boy ancient murderer.
Scrimblo Bimblo (underappreciated fave): AQUA AQUA AQUA AQUA. I'm literally in love with her I'm not kidding. I'm a demiromantic (lesbian) ace, so I basically never get crushes on fictional characters, but Aqua was the first to break that streak since I was like 10 years old. I literally have a fancy canvas painting of her that I hang above my bed. When I was fifteen I wrote a 100,000+ word fanfic about her being an epic lesbian keyblade knight who saved Ventus from a dragon and fell in love with genderbent Terra. This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever admitted to. Nobody look at me
Glup Shitto (background fave): Before I got into twewy, the entire cameo cast was my glup shitto. I was so fucking hype to see them on replays of DDD (although yes, looking back on it, they didn't treat Shiki the way she deserved). Plus who could forget the SICKEST FUCKING JAMS that played any time they were on screen??? The thing that I find the funniest was that Beat was my favorite even when the most I knew about him was that he was loud and very sad about Rhyme being gone. I really am just predictable like that <3
Poor little meow meow ("unproblematic" fave): This is a tie between Roxas and Vanitas. Vanitas is obviously the harder to excuse, which makes him a better meow meow, but I happen to love Roxas' dumb little war crimes about as equally. The thing that skews me to Roxas' side is that I had SO much fun in Twilight Town playing as him in KH2. Even did yet another painting based on the experience:
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this one is a popup card called "view from twilight station".
I also have a full-scale model of his Oblivion keyblade hanging next to my bookshelf.
Horse Plinko (character I would torture for fun): Xigbar!! He's so funny lmao, I just love him whenever he's on screen. My brother and I have an inside joke about how he reminds us uncannily of our favorite uncle.
Eeby Deeby (character I would send to superhell): Donald fucking duck. Because I think it's where he belongs, personally. Donald duck in superhell. Yeah that's where he's supposed to be. Makes sense
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roselightfairy · 3 years
tagged by @hacash - thank you, I always love an excuse to do a little navel gazing and this was super fun!
2021 Year-End Fic Review
How many stories did you complete?
31 - mostly little things here and there, though there were one or two bigger projects! This mostly doesn’t include little ficlets I didn’t archive on AO3, but I don’t know how to track all of those down.
What is your total word count for the year?
200,783 is what my AO3 page says, but that’s including some cowritten stuff that I didn’t write all of, and the entire count of Ripples, much of which has been written in previous years. Though I suppose little ficlets and unposted stuff might bring it back up to keep it around there!
What fandoms did you write in this year?
LOTR mostly, but one ficlet each for Buffy and Firefly (at the beginning and end of the year, respectively!) I also poked a tiny bit at this Buffy/Twilight crossover fic that will probably never see the light of day, but it’s so much fun that I can’t help it.
Did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?
I honestly don’t know. I think in some ways this year’s writing has felt less consequential to me than previous years - 2018 I was constructing the backbone of Finding a Voice, 2019 I was working on Ever Changing, Ever Climbing for most of the year, and in 2020 there was the Velleverse. In contrast to those big projects, 2021′s writing has felt a little more slapdash and haphazard - but I guess all those little bits and pieces add up.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
This is hard to say! I think there are various stories that I love for different reasons: I really loved the collaboration process with @deheerkonijn for rebuild your seawall, brick by brick - it has been such an honor that she’s let me take such a large creative role in modverse, and doing our first fully-written collab was so much fun. I also have to give special mention to Satisfaction, because it is my first ever Gimli/Éomer (and like the 8th story in the tag or something) and I finally got to explore that! Landslide was another story that I was so happy to finally get to explore - a dive into an important OC component to my ‘verse, and a personal stretch in my ability to write things like interpersonal conflict. But I think probably my favorite story would have to be The Better Part of Valor. It’s a premise I’ve been wanting to explore for a long time, and I got to repurpose a piece of writing that had lain dormant for four years.
What is your most underappreciated story of the year?
I think this would probably be Three’s Company, a modverse collab with DHK. I understand why it didn’t get a lot of response, but it was so much fun and has so much juicy stuff in it, I wish more people had been willing to give it a chance - or that, if people did, they would let us know!
Biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2021?
I would have to say I’m a little disappointed in how little response your arms a winter windbreak got. Most fic that I post that doesn’t get a lot of response doesn’t surprise me, because it’s unpopular premises or involves OCs. But this one was a little piece I was proud of, part of a porn series, and I’m uncertain enough about that kind of writing that I was a little disappointed in the response.
Biggest fanfic-related surprise of 2021?
I don’t know that there was much super surprising this year, but maybe getting to have so much fun in modverse! like, comment, subscribe is a full series now and I’m happy to be a cocreator in that world! There was also not throwing away my shot, which is totally outside of anything I’ve written before. Or finally writing some Gimli/Éomer . . . or, oh! My Behind the Scenes series - I never expected to engage so much with the movies!
Something you’re looking forward to working on in 2022?
Oh man . . . between all the things I have going on in my life, I don’t really have hopes for 2022 to be a big fanfic year, which is really sad because of how much fun it is. But there are a couple projects in modverse that I’d really like to find some time to work on, and I have an ongoing WIP that I dream of making a longer story and I really hope I find some energy or motivation to work on that. I also have a fic I’d love to finish that is my Official Take on how Legolas and Gimli sail in the FAV universe, which feels like a lot of pressure but also I am excited about it and I hope I feel motivated and moved to work on it.
Tagging @unnamedelement, @deheerkonijn, @the-dwelf-ao3, @enide-s-dear, @katajainen, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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davidmann95 · 4 years
How about those JL storyboards?
In case you haven’t heard, Zack Snyder is putting on display the ‘storyboards’ - i.e. a rough plot summary accompanied by some Jim Lee sketches - for what would have been Justice League 2 and 3, or as this puts it 2 and ‘2A’. You can see them here (I imagine better-quality versions will soon be released), and read a transcript here. This is evidently a very early version: this was apparently pitched prior to the release of BvS and Justice League being rewritten in the wake of it, with numerous plot details that now don’t line up with what we know about the Snyder Cut, plus it outright mentions it builds on the originally planned versions of the Batman and Flash movies. But it’s a broad outline of what was gonna go down, and while I initially thought it was Snyder throwing in the towel, the timing - paired with the ambiguity left by the necessity for changes, including that this doesn’t factor whatever that “massive cliffhanger” at the end of the Cut is - says to me he’s hoping this’ll be a force multiplier behind efforts to will sequel/s into existence. He’s probably right.
I’ll be discussing spoilers below, but in short: with this Zack Snyder has finally lived up to Alan Moore, in that like Twilight of the Superheroes I wouldn’t believe this was real as opposed to a shockingly on-point parody if not for direct, irrefutable evidence.
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Doing some rapid-fire bullet points for this baby to kick us off:
* Folks who know the subject say a lot of this is a yet further continuation of Snyder doing Arthuriana fanfic with the League reskinned over those major players, and I’ll take their word for it.
* I don’t know whether I love or hate that in Justice League 2 the Justice League are only an extant thing for the first scene, and then it’s Snyder giving everybody their own mini-movies. It’s compressing the entire MCU “loosely interconnected solo stories leading to a single big movie later” strategy into a single movie!
*  Funniest line in the whole thing: "Even Lantern has heard of the Kryptonian, worried that he's under the control of Darkseid. He heard his spirit was unbreakable." Hal what fuckin' Superman movie did YOU watch? Second funniest being “IT WILL GIVE HIM POWER OVER ALL LIVING LIFE”
* 90% of the plot I have nothing to say about, it’s generic stage-setting crap. That to be clear is the ‘shocked it’s Snyder’ element, it feels so crassly commercial in a way I can’t believe is coming from the BvS guy.
* Most of what I have to say is unsurprisingly gonna be about a handful of characters but Cyborg’s happy ending being “he isn’t visibly disabled anymore!” is not great!
* The Goddess of War battle with Superman...never pays off? No clue why it’s there.
* What I’d originally heard was that the Codex in Superman’s blood was the last key to the Anti-Life Equation and that’s why Darkseid was coming to Earth. It’s not like all of this wouldn’t have already been averted by Kal-El’s pod smacking into an asteroid on the way to Earth so it’s not as if this makes it any more Superman’s fault, and it would have at least tied all this back to the beginning of the movies, but I suppose that was either fake or from a later draft.
* I have NO idea how this was reimagined without the ‘love triangle’, it’s the central character thing and the entire climax flows directly out of it!
* Darkseid’s kinda a chump in this, huh
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Anonymous said: So: Does Zack Snyder hate Superman?
Look: the hilarity of this when Cuck Kent has been a go-to Snyder cult insult towards ‘inferior’ takes on Superman for years cannot be understated, yet at the same time I can almost wrap my brain around where Snyder’s coming from with that as the end for his take on the character. He talked in that Variety piece on how his interest in Superman is informed by having adopted children himself, and Deborah Snyder is the stepmother to his kids by previous relationships, so I can see where he’d be coming from, and I can even imagine how he’d see this as ‘rhyming’ in the sense of “the series begins with Kal-El being adopted by Earth, it ends with him adopting a child of Earth!” In the same way as MARTHA, I can envision how he would put these pieces together in his head thematically without registering or caring what the end result would actually look like. In this case, Superman raising the kid of the man who beat the shit out of him who Batman had with Clark’s wife, who earlier told Bruce she was staying with Clark because he ‘needed her’, suggesting if inadvertently that this really honest to god was a “she’s only staying with Superman out of pity, she really loved Batman more” thing.
But Clark is nothing in this. He’s sad and existential because of coming back from the dead I guess, then he’s corrupted, then time’s undone and he woo-rah rallies the collective armies of the world (interesting angle for the ‘anti-military/anti-establishment’ Superman he’s talked up as) as his big heroic moment in the finale, and then he stops being sad because he’s adopting a kid. So his big much-ballyhooed, extremely necessary five-movie character arc towards truly becoming Superman was:
Sad weird kid -> sad weird kid learns he’s an alien, is still weird and sad, maybe he shouldn’t save people because things could go really wrong? -> his dad is so convinced it could go wrong he lets himself die -> ????? -> Clark is saving people anyway -> learns his origin, gets an inspiring speech about being a bridge between worlds and a costume -> becomes superman (not Superman, that’s later) to save the world, albeit a very property-damagey version, rejects his heritage he just learned about and space dad’s bridge idea -> folks hate him being superman and that sucks though at least he’s got a girlfriend now -> things go so wrong he considers not being superman but his ghost dad reminds him shit always goes wrong so he should be good anyway, which sorta feels like it contradicts his previous advice -> immediate renewed goodness is out the window as he’s blackmailed into having to try and kill a dude but the dude happens to coincidentally have some things in common so they don’t kill each other after all -> big monster now but superman keeps supermaning at it because he loves his girlfriend and he dies -> he’s brought back, wears black which apparently means now he likes Krypton again? -> he has work friends now but he’s still sad because he was dead -> evil now! -> wait nevermind time travel -> rallies the troops -> his wife’s having a kid so he’s not sad anymore -> Superman! Who gives way to more Batman.
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Do I think Zack Snyder is lying when he says he likes Superman? No. I think he sincerely finds much of the basic conceits and imagery engaging. But I don’t think he meaningfully gives shit about Clark as a character, just a vessel for Big Iconic Beats he wants to hit. Whereas while for instance he’s critical of Batman as an idea (at least up to a point), he’s much more passionately, directly enamored with him as a presence and personality. So while Superman may be the character whose ostensible myth cycle or arc or however it’s spun might be propelling a lot of events here, it’s a distant appreciation - of course the other guy takes over and subsumes him into his own narrative. Of course Batman is the savior, the past and the future (though if he’s supposed to be Batman’s kid raised by Superman there’s no excuse for him not to be Nightwing), the tragic martyr to our potential. Admittedly the implication here is also that Batman can apparently only REALLY with his whole heart be willing to sacrifice his life to save an innocent, for that matter apparently his great love, once said innocent is a receptacle for his Bat-brood, but he and Clark are both already irredeemable pieces of shit by the end of BvS so it’s not like this even registers by comparison.
Anonymous said: That “plan” Snyder had was utter dogshit. Picture proof that DC & WB hate Superman. Also I love how you’re like Jor-El: Every single idealistic take you had about Snyder, his fandom, and BvS was wrong. Snyder’s an edgy hack, his fanbase just wants to jerk off to their edgy self-insert Batgod as he screams FUCK while mowing people down with machine guns, and the idea that BvS said Superman was better than Bats was completely wrong. You know what comes next SuperMann: Either you die or I do.
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In the final analysis, beyond that mother of god is there sure no conceivable excuse for the treatment of Lois in this? The temptation is to join that anon and say as I originally tweeted that these were “built entirely to disabuse every single redemptive reading of the previous work and any notion of these movies as nuanced, artistic, self-reflective, or meaningful”.
...yeah, okay, that’s mostly right. Zack Snyder’s vision really was the vision of an edgelord idiot with bad ideas who was never going to build up to anything that would reframe it all as a sensible whole. He’s a sincere edgelord genuinely trying really hard with his bad ideas who put some of them together quite cleverly! But they’re fucking bad and the endgame was never anything more than ramping up into smashing the action figures together as big as he could, the political overtones and moral sketchiness of BvS while trying to say something in that movie reverberated through the grand scheme of his pentalogy in no way beyond giving his boys a big sad pit to rise out of so when they kicked ass later it’d rule harder, and all the gods among men questions and horror and trappings were only that: trappings. Apparently he’s really pleasant and well-meaning in person, but at his core his art as embodied in a couple weeks in his 4-hour R-rated Justice League movie meant to be seen in black-and-white all comes down to that time he yelled at someone on Twitter that he couldn’t appreciate Snyder’s work because it’s for grown-ups. He made half-clever, occasionally exciting shit cape movies for a bunch of corny pseudo-intellectual douchebags, folks latching onto and justifying blockbusters that at least acknowledge how horrifying the world is right now even if the superheroes are basically useless in the face of it if not outright part of the problem until a convenient alien invasion shows up to justify them, and a handful of non-asshole smart people who vibe with it but...well. ‘Suckered’ is a harsh word, and definitely doesn’t apply to all of them re: what they’ve gotten out of it up to this point and would (somehow) get out of this. But it doesn’t apply to none of them, either.
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orsumeuphoria · 3 years
Lucky Lectures. Gender politics in homosexual ships. 
Are you a consumer of fanfiction? Do you live in a society? 
There may be heteronormative patterns in your gay fanfiction! 
“But how?” you ask, “It’s two dudes!” 
Well, funny thing is, when you live in a patriarchal society that has worked hard to establish that submissive = female and dominant = male, it becomes very easy to transpose these traits onto any individuals ever and perpetuate heteronormativity and gender structures of power! 
Let me explain.
First, we must accept the reality that we do exist in a patriarchal society that has taught us that Man always comes out on top (pun perhaps intended) and Woman has three essential roles: be pretty, be submissive, and be quiet.
Of course, with the different waves of feminism, the portrayal of Woman in media has shifted and now we have Girlbosses and whatnot. Except, the root of the problem hasn’t yet been addressed and millions of people who grew up either before or during these periods of change were still influenced by patriarchal teachings, and that’s not something one can easily get rid of, especially when media and other cultural artifacts that help spread and reaffirm societal cues were (and are still) plagued by this “Man strong, Woman weak” mentality (that is of course far more nuanced than that but this is not a gender studies course).
Now, what does this have to do with homoerotic fanfiction?
Short answer: the people who write fanfiction exist in the same society you and I do, and literature like any other artform is inherently a mimicking of the real world. Anything we see in the real world will end up, whether by choice or not, in that which we create.
There’s more to this, though.
Romance specifically is a big point of interest for us if we’re going to be diving into this subject.
When you look at the population who’s creating fanfiction, a lot of them are, in fact, very young AFABs. Let the record show I’m not exerting criticism or opinion in these lines, merely stating a fact.
The thing with these very young AFABs is that they: a) grew up in a patriarchal society; b) were exposed to patriarchal media that portrayed a very specific type of “romance”; c) likely also read fanfiction written by other very young AFABs with little to no real-world experience to help diversify or add nuance to their writing, so they exist in an echo chamber of, “This is definitely what romance is.”
You may be inclined to disagree and point me toward examples of fanfics and/or fanfic writers who do not fall into this pattern, and I see you, I have my own exceptions too, but for the sake of argument, we have to look at the very broad patterns because they are the most worrisome; the minority, in this case, is actually the one with the advantage.
So, let’s look at some examples of my thesis. Specifically within heterosexual fanfiction.
Some prime examples of this would be After (2014), Twilight (2005), and 50 Shades of Gray (2011). Do you see the pattern yet? The main romance arc in these novels is not a great example of actual romance, right? In After we have an abusive main male character. Twilight leaves us with a main male character who’s mostly emotionally absent and who leads to the main female character to, quite literally, jump off a cliff to try and get his attention. 50 Shades is abuse disguised as kink, leaning heavily into the excuse of a D/s dynamic. And what do the female main characters in these three do? Continue to thirst after the main male character even while suffering at their hands.
“Those are awful examples, Luck!”
Yeah, well, I’m a hyperbolic motherfucker, sue me.
Seriously though, I don’t think they are bad examples. They may be the worst of the worst but that’s exactly why they serve perfectly to illustrate my points. The fact that these three do exist points towards an underlying issue wherein we see these pieces of media and, even when they’re awful, we let them happen. We let them become cultural phenomena. None of this would happen, theoretically, if it didn’t have space to exist, if the ground wasn’t primed with centuries of patriarchal brainwashing to permit, if not encourage, these representations of romance.
If people weren’t still consuming stories like these, where abuse and unhealthy interpersonal dynamics are thinly disguised as romance, they wouldn’t exist; but people do consume these stories because they subscribe to patriarchal thinking and that creates a market, blah blah blah, I’m not here to give you a lesson on supply and demand. I’m merely here to tell you that people, even in 2021, are misogynistic and openly enjoy consuming misogynistic media, because they don’t perceive it as misogynistic! They think it’s normal!
“What does this have to do with my sacred homoerotic fics, Luck?” you ask. To quote Siken (2005): “Shut up/ I’m getting to it.”
I ask you, what is the big difference between heterosexual fics and homosexual fics in their representation of romance?
I say, none, really.
I’ve read plenty of fic in many different fandoms, raging from anime, literature, TV shows, RPF, and I can tell you the fics that portray queer relationships with any sort of nuance are few and far in between.
And this is where I remind you that most fanfic writers are people who were socialized as girls, who haven’t experienced enough to portray romance much differently than how their main examples (the misogynistic media, as we established) do.
So we have a bunch of young AFABs whose vision of love has been heavily influenced by out-of-whack power dynamics and a lack of affective responsibility. And what do they often do?
They buy into yet another set of absurd ideals! Remember when gay relationships were stereotyped as being between a Dom Top and a Sub Bottom? I’m sad to inform that it’s a prevalent thing and a vehicle for heteronormative structures of power to be passed onto queer fiction. Because, what are Dom Tops if not Man and Sub Bottoms if not Woman?
These kids, because they are kids, will take one look at a pairing and call the big dominant one a top and the dainty quiet one the bottom. Sometimes, they’ll cling to these ideas with a vice and start arguments if you challenge their structure.
“Why is this a big deal?” you ask, and I appreciate your curiosity.
It’s harmful because it continues to perpetuate some awful ideas about relationships and it ends in the fetishizing of homosexuality, and that’s not even mentioning how inaccurate of a portrayal they are of real life. Impressionable kids can, and do, and will, interact with this content and grow up with a twisted perception of reality that they, too, might reinforce in their own immensely flawed works of fiction. It could harm them in their real life too, there’s studies going on right as I type this regarding porn addiction in young AFABs because they start consuming smut fiction at very early ages. Kids could grow up desensitized to abuse. Kids could get in harmful relationships and miss the warning signs because they were romanticized in their favorite fic.
And this isn’t to say that all the responsibility lies in the hands of the fanfic writer, because anyone who engages in fandom does it out of their own volition and because of that should do so carefully. But this is to say that if you are a fanfic writer, you need to look at your own biases and be a little more critical with yourself and your world view, lest you continue this cycle of patriarchal nonsense.
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anicocat · 4 years
At this point I not even mad anymore, I’m just sad and so fucking confused, like how can you be so incompetent? Okay,  they had been adapting the three Skam OG so far, but you surely can’t be this bad? As a writer and fanfic writer I could spend weeks revisiting one single chapter over and over until I know for sure that it makes sense and has a true purpose. I don’t “deliver” it until I’m 99.9% satisfied (the quality is another another story, idk about that lmao). I’ve noticed this is something a lot of writers do, put so much care in their stuff to do justice to the characters in whatever fandom. 
My point is that those are just fanfics, it’s free, a hobby, etc... Anyone would think a whole freaking production team would make sure that a script where they’re going to invest financial, material and human resources, in the middle of a pandemic, is at least decent. Decent. This is not decent, not even bad, it’s the next level of terrible. Which brings so many questions? Like wtFOCKdown. The pandemic blew up in early-march, but writers still managed to come up with wtFOCKdown by April 1st. That gave them three weeks to have general ideas I guess? Zoenne reconciliation, Sobbe cybersex, Sander’s walks and birthday party, Amber and Aaron couple dynamics, Jana’s departure, some Yasmina’s season hints, Milan hanging out with the guys, the Broerrrs talks, and more.
So what happened between may-july? It’s like the show entered the twilight zone. So far (for me) the only interesting thing that has happened in S4 was that collab with the Broerrrs LOL. They’ve put a particular focus in Moyo and Kato but unfortunately, they didn’t imagine everyone would hate it. Is this the best they come up with in three months!? 🤔Makes me think... They really wanted to go with Moyo’s season but the plan fell down. That left the team with very little time to come up with a good solution, a new character, a good shame and connect that with Moyo. They couldn’t handle it, plain simple, because they don’t truly understand SKAM, they didn’t consider they at least had todo some long, exhaustive research to get it right, and the easiest way out was focusing in the romantic relationship. I imagine smt like: But hey, we portray racism, white privilege, we show MOYO!!!, that’s what y’all wanted, right!!? Y’all should be happy with that!! Sigh....
Why not taking things more slowly, and start the season in october though? 🤔🤔 Two extra months to work. I wonder if they thought Kato starting the first day school with everyone else would be a smoother transition from og characters POV’s to the POV a new random girl 💀??? Maybe that was the decision that doomed this whole season. Maybe this is not the result of bad writing, this is the result of a rushed, panicked, thoughtless work. They didn’t even have the time to stop to think what they were truly doing. And no, I’m not excusing the bad decisions, I’m just trying to make a sense of this mystery. 
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imetyouonljpodcast · 4 years
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I’m V. Arrow (she/her), and I’ve been writing fanfiction my whole life, really, but I’ve been posting it online since 1998 (and it was the main thing that got me grounded between the ages of 12 and 18).
Thanks to fandom, I have also published The Panem Companion, a guidebook to The Hunger Games; an essay in Fic! Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World about RPF, looking mainly at One Direction; and an essay with infographics in Divergent Thinking, an anthology about the Divergent series. I’ve also gotten to speak at San Diego Comic-Con on a panel about fanfiction!
I like woman-focused narratives and analytical lenses, weird and thoughtful linguistic choices, rich worldbuilding, when the good guys (and especially gals) win, women written as full people with dignity and respect, men who adore the women in their lives, and healthy relationships after sad characters get the therapy they need.
I love fics that take a tiny corner of a huge canon universe and dive deep to flesh out a place or a character that canon doesn't give its due.
Some people think I’m angry all the time, but I’m actually a very bubblegum happy girl -- I’m just a Jewish feminist who loves yelling and sees spirited debate as a bonding activity (and I have high standards and no energy for excusing bad behavior just because a character's hot).
In the time that Maggie and I have known each other, I have written fanfic for the following pairings:
Rob Pattinson/Kristen Stewart (Twilight RPF)
Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark, Cinna/Finnick Odair, Finnick Odair/Annie Cresta, various other pairings (The Hunger Games)
Anna Oliphant/Étienne St. Clair, Lola Nolan/Cricket Bell (Anna and the French Kiss series)
Percy Jackson/Nico DiAngelo, Percy Jackson/Nico DiAngelo/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Annabeth Chase, various other pairings (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
Mia Thermopolis/Michael Moscovitz (The Princess Diaries book series)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson/Nick Grimshaw (One Direction)
Harry Styles/George Shelley, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson/George Shelley, George Shelley/Ella Henderson (Union J + One Direction)
Barclay Beales/Tom Mann (Stereo Kicks)
Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker, Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey Skywalker, Poe Dameron/Suralinda Javos, Poe Dameron/Ben Solo, Poe Dameron/Karé Kun, Poe Dameron/Muran, Poe Dameron/Leia Organa, Poe Dameron/Greer Sonnel, Cassian Andor/Shara Bey/Kes Dameron, Sabé/Padmé Amidala, Breha Organa/Bail Organa, various other pairings (Star Wars universe)
Nicky/Joe [Nicolò di Genova/Yusuf al-Kaysani], Andy/Quýnh [Andromache the Scythian/Quýnh] (The Old Guard)
And LOTS of drabbles for various YA and MG book pairings and other pairings of UK X-Factor contestants. And maybe some GBBO contestant drabbles? I honestly can’t remember!
Pairings I love desperately but have not written include:
Jack Dawson/Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic)
Emily Fitch/Naomi Campbell (Skins)
Everyone in Ocean’s Eight/Everyone Else in Ocean’s Eight
Eleanor Shellstrop/Chidi Anagonye, Jason Mendoza/Janet (The Good Place)
Steve/Bucky (Captain America)
Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau (Captain Marvel)
Cassel Sharpe/Lila Zacharov (The Curse Workers)
My Top Ten Albums of All Time
1989, Taylor Swift
Heroes & Thieves, Vanessa Carlton
Hotel Paper, Michelle Branch
Salute, Little Mix
Up All Night, One Direction
Replay, Play
A Little Bit Longer, The Jonas Brothers
Folie a Deux, Fall Out Boy
Chapter One, Ella Henderson
That Day, Greg Raposo (and more than that, all of his unreleased/limited release tracks)
Right Where You Want Me, Jesse McCartney
I’m currently @aimmyarrowshigh​​ on Tumblr and AO3, @aimmyarrowshigh_ on Instagram where I mostly post my mediocre crafts, and @aimmyarr0wshigh on Pinterest where I save up images to eventually make aesthetic graphics or moodboards.
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into-september · 4 years
So I’m doing Twilight now, #1
I always kind of intended to read the books, but let’s just say that my one serious attempt lasted until memetic dazzling and I just never picked it up after experiencing it myself. Me dropping a book I was reading ironically doesn’t necesarily say much about its quality except that it tangenitally wasn’t my thing. I was just-too-old for the books when they came out, and hung out in the feminist internet circles aside. I only got more sincerely curious about them years later, after discovering my completely unironic love of, uh,
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...by which I mean my completely unironic love of Alfred, mostly, idgaf about by the actual sexy vampire lord. My favourite fictional vampire is Maladict, which says everything that needs saying about my personal interest in sexy vampires. 
And so Twilight remained in my eternal pile of books to read so that I can throw them out to clear out shelf space, until the library was culling the audiobooks. 
Two weeks of driving to work, and I’m nearly halfway through the first novel. And these are my thoughts, in no particular order:
 - CDs and modems and landlines, oh my. You’re not old until you realise that the teenage literature was published in a world without the Iphone and that the heroine is researching vampires on Geocities. 
 - The actress reading does the voices, and Edward definitely comes across as one hell of a temptress
 - I belong to the people who refuse to use the concept of the Mary Sue about original fiction, given that its original meaning was very specifically about a very specific breed of original character in fanfic. But that said, the new girl in town who is instantly courted by the three hottest boys in school, including the one who has turned down every girl asking him out? The way her one flaw is being adorably clumsy? The bizarre interest in cars and the specific mention that the Cullen lot all drive sexy sport cars or something because they just ~love speed~? I’m not saying “Mary Sue”, but it’s definitely a closely related concept of wish fulfillment going on here. 
 - I’m vaguely familiar with a number of names from these books through osmosis, but Jessica is not one of them. Which honestly surprises me, given how prominent she’s been in the story this far. This, of course, begs the sad discussion about how Bella has no meaningful relationships to women. Her friendship with Jessica is so shallow that it mostly comes across as Bella being her friend because she’s the only one around. Every significant aquaintance Bella has made in this book so far has been to men - Edward, Mike, her father, Jacob (Tyler?). Jessica is just... there. But she’s there a lot. 
 - I’ll admit it: I was kind of on board the Bella-Edward romance until the point where they became something more than awkward classmates and oh yikes he more or less comes out and tells her that he stalked her on an outing with friends and was a hair’s breadth away from killing a man with his bare hands. There are bad boys and then there are feral dogs and I swear to god, I’m not here to cancel these books for whatever problematic they are. But Bella? HE’S KIND OF GOT A POINT IN TRYING TO CHASE YOU THE HELL AWAY. 
 - Is he going to continue telling her to eat. 
 - Related: Do we really need to know what Bella is cooking for dinner every night?
 - I’m sincerely curious if Bella being a trouble magnet will be a legit plot point in the future, or if it’s just an excuse for Edward to keep having to save her
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1001galaxies · 4 years
Commentary on Netflix’s Cursed: Episode 2
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Edited for language, because I have a few younger/more sensitive readers.
Well, DAYUM again. The monk meeting Squirrel is delicious. The LOOK in Daniel's eyes. The staging and lighting. A+
“Born in the dawn.” “To pass in the twilight.” I burst out laughing so hard. The cheesiness. But also. When it's DANIEL SHARMAN SAYING THE FIRST LINE, I mean. I M E A N.
Just watch, that’ll be the new 'may we meet again'.
Squirrel is a discount version of Blue from King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, but he's cute, so that makes up for a lot. And he does have some decent lines so far. “Do you hate them because they're so beautiful and you're so ugly.” “Even your horse is ugly.” “And I love horses.”
But, hang on, his line: “You're so ugly.” *looks at Daniel Sharman* *looks at Squirrel* *looks at Daniel* *blinks* Ah, kids.
Dang, they really do give Nimue every single flippin YA teen girl trope in the world, from both fanfic and traditional fic. Wow. That's impressive, even by my standards.
Joss: “Get up you murdering pig...tie him up...I think we've caught the big killer.” Me: You haven't caught anything, and if you think you have the upper hand with the MONK? Oh honey, you poor deluded fool.
Joss: “Ever been dragged by a horse with a hot coal up his bum?” Monk: “Not that I can recall.” Me: Dang, HIS VOICE. Me: Secondly, there are better ways to motivate horses than that, excuse you.
Monk: “I've got no interest in the boy. He's bait.” Joss: “Bait for what.” Me: Oh yeah, here we go, awriiiiiight. Monk: “For YOU.” *kicks Joss*
Who cares that Daniel is the bad guy, he's the only interesting one. Hot DANG, that roll over the horse. HE'S FIGHTING WITH HIS HANDS BOUND. Gives a new meaning to 'hands tied' Also dang. And WHAT DID I SAY, JOSS. You got owned.
Monk: *kills five or six people with //his hands bound//* Me: Now that's what I'm talkin’ about. Me: Wait, he just killed innocent people. Me: Eh, he’s still the best character so far.
How does Daniel manage to sound sexy saying “go.”
Every SINGLE time we come back to Nimue: Me: okay, booooooring.
Obviously, they’re going with the traditional representation of Bors as a brash lout. Eh. Why.
Can I have Bors played by Tom Hopper, please. He was a good Percival, but I'd like to see him play a surprisingly FUNNY and GENTLE and SMART Bors. Twist the traditional representation.
Ah yes. Cursed: LOOK AT US, WE'RE SO ENLIGHTENED AND SUBVERSIVE AND DIFFERENT that we're going to have the guy save the girl the same way 90% of all fantasy saves occur. Much impressed.
I mean, TELL her, Arthur, yes please. She didn't think, that's the problem. She just reacted with the sword. I get she’s a teen, but come ON, why must every single teenager ever—male or female—react with impulsive emotion. Not every single teen in the world always reacts with emotion first.
Well, this heroine rant is like every other YA fantasy heroine guilt-trip rant I’ve ever seen. I get being sad and emotional and being guilt-stricken because of how events have fallen out, but really on the wording? Really.
Arthur: “And I'm not a cutthroat.” And his head tilt. That's cute. Arthur is genuinely likeable so far, which is /good/. Also nice to see the guy taking care of the girl solicitously for once instead of the other way around. I do appreciate that.
And here we have the OH SO ORIGINAL trope where the heroine was bullied as a child and 'oh you made the village boys pay romantic attention to you with your magic' backstory. REALLY. REALLY NOW. I'm absolutely positive I've got YA fantasy heroine bingo at least twice over by now.
Nimue’s mum: “When you were five years old, you faced a dark god alone in the ironwood and survived.” Bingo again.
Let's play a game called: how many times can this show throw out a Game of Thrones reference/imitation?
IRONWOOD. REALLY? REALLY. Here's the thing. a) Game of Thrones did this already and called it the Godswood, and if you think people aren't going to see what you did there, you 100% have another think coming. and b) THE LAST TIME I CHECKED TRADITIONAL FAE LORE, iron KILLED and/or BURNED fae. But THAT is what you unironically* called your SACRED WOOD THAT PROTECTS YOU???? *Only being 2 episodes in, maybe I'll find out later that it was/is an ironic name, but it suuuuuuure doesn't seem like it so far.
Nimue’s mum: “You are not some fragile maid, you are a warrior..." Me: She's going to say 'and you are strong'. Nimue's mum: "And you are strong." Me: See, this isn't even fun. There's no challenge to this. Also, YA fantasy trope bingo again.
Arthur: "It's a rare blade, I'm not sure I've seen its like." AT LEAST THAT is a decent line. Normally, they say “I've never seen its like” with this awed tone, but he's just factually observing. Cool, cool.
ARTHUR WITH THE SWORD. I'm going to be an Arthurian geek for just a minute and revel in this. I know there's more to this story. Much of it is dead boring. But I'm just going to enjoy this minute because //Arthur with the sword//.
I really did not expect to like this Arthur. He's nothing extraordinary yet, but he's fun. Without being a copycat of BBC's Merlin or King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. He's just a young knight (possibly a prince somewhere along the line??) who is genuinely caring, not super arrogant, and just a DECENT AND FUN GUY. So far.
Arthur: “I've seen a lot of lives wasted fulfilling the dreams of the dead.” YES? FINALLY? SOMEONE SAID IT? I'm here for this. Call out that fantasy trope that is all well and good in some doses but is basically THE FOUNDATION OF EVERY SINGLE YA FANTASY ARC EVER, and it's so annoying. Give us some VARIETY now and then.
Nimue to Arthur: “Spoken like a true mercenary.” No, spoken like the only sensible person in the show so far, Nimue, you twit.
AW YEAH. YOU TELL HER, ARTHUR. She's shrugging off everything you say AFTER ASKING FOR YOUR HELP. Geeeeez. It’s so annoying when people do that.
Arthur: “Get an hour of sleep.” Implied: Everything looks better after sleep + you’ll need your strength. Me, who hates sleep: I feel so attacked right now. ...But he’s right.
Merlin is TOTALLY fantasy Haymitch.
Veiled Lady: “You told us the sword of the first kings was destroyed. You lied.” Okay, so MAYBE Merlin's getting mildly interesting...but are they going to do a good job with it? DOUBTFUL.
Veiled Lady: "This affects all of us, not just you. The fae are on the verge of extinction." Um, THEN WHY EXACTLY ARE YOU DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT? Is this another ‘we can’t bend the rules of heaven for mere earthlings’??
Veiled Lady: “If the church acquires the sword of power, then they will decide who wears the crown. Have you forgotten the words?” Merlin: “Forgotten them? I WROTE THEM.” Me: Okay, that's a good delivery. Merlin: “Whosoever wields the sword of power shall be the one true king.” Me: And a nice mocking accent on that, Oooh yeah, I like. Merlin: “But I'm wiser now. There IS no one true king.” Me: Huh. Now see, that's slightly interesting. Give me more of that.
Pretty sure they told Gustaf to model his Merlin on Starz Camelot's Merlin, “but make him fun and drunken.” He's got that whole Fiennes vibe going on, but also definitely fantasy Haymitch. (Someone else on tumblr said Jack Sparrow, and I could see that one too, thought not as much yet. Where I am, Merlin doesn’t seem super keen on adventuring for the sake of adventuring. He has the bitter past and cynicism of Haymitch right now. Maybe he’ll get more Jack Sparrow-y as this goes on.)
MERLIN HAS NO MAGIC BECAUSE HE GAVE IT TO THE SWORD, okay, that right there is a GOOD element, and chock full of potential. Especially his bitterness. And his insistence that he won't touch the sword again. Are they going to do a good job of using it? Dollars to donuts, NO. Ugh.
Veiled Lady: “I sense fear around the sword. But also great power.” And here we have our Galadriel imitator. Dang, I need TWO more bingo cards.
Veiled Lady: “The sword is finding its way to you, Merlin, but which end of the sword, the point or the pommel, is another question.” Me: *snorts* Cute.
Merlin: "The sword was forged in the fae fires, and to the fae fires it shall return. I shall melt it back to its origins."
Let's play another game called: how many times can this show imitate LOTR?
Veiled Lady: "You are aware the fae forges burned out a thousand years ago?" Yeah, cause Frodo and Sam destroyed Mount Doom, guys, go read your history.
Veiled Lady: “Oh dear.” Veiled Lady: “Tell me you're not planning to steal from him. Without your magic.” Merlin: “I still have my wits and my charm.” Veiled Lady: “I fear you overestimate both.” Ahem, the lady has a point.
- Arthur is still interesting. That could change super quickly, but so far, I like him.
- The Monk is beautiful, and I'm so here for upcoming stuff I won't talk about, but also for his arc period and more interactions with Squirrel.
- Squirrel is cute, but nothing above the average so far. Still, better than almost anyone else on the show.
- Merlin has the potential to be intriguing, if only they use it.
- Obviously, I'm going to keep watching.
I saw spoilers today about the Monk’s arc, and I'm HERE FOR IT, so here, so beyond here for it, GIVE ME THAT RIGHT THE HECK NOW. IT'S THE ONLY REASON I HAVE ANY EXCITEMENT FOR THIS SHOW RIGHT NOW.
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clonerightsagenda · 4 years
I was going through old TLC files doing some cleaning and stumbled across this bit that probably originated from a late night conversation of some kind. God knows how old it is, but I thought it’d be fun to post.
At some point the Betas get together for that oldest and noblest of friend/family traditions: getting up to speed on the embarrassing shit everyone's been up to.
JOHN: jade cries every time one of those animal commercials comes on. JOHN: you know, the ones with the sad dogs and over dramatic sarah mclaughlin music? JOHN: if you even hum it she'll start tearing up. JADE: thats not true JOHN: in the aaaarmms of an angel... JADE: shut up!!! JADE: davesprite plays with his gummie bears before he eats them DAVESPRITE: yeah and i had a whole dynasty going before you ate their grandparents DAVESPRITE: grandbearents DAVESPRITE: your stomachs a crime scene JADE: i wish those were the only murders on my conscience DAVESPRITE: anyway i caught john watching the bachelor once DAVESPRITE: but not just watching he was like DAVESPRITE: intent DAVESPRITE: it was creepy JOHN: i was trying to figure out how it worked!! JOHN: that's not weird. DAVE: kinda is dude JOHN: ok, smart guy, how did YOU embarrass yourself??? ROSE: He hides food in the air vents. DAVESPRITE: thats normal DAVE: THANK you DAVE: the only problem is it getting gunked up with clown residue JADE: that doesnt sound very hygienic ROSE: Terezi said she appreciated it, actually. ROSE: Many a time she'd been faced with emerging from her brooding due to lack of supplies only to come upon a fortuitous cache of Doritos. DAVE: so thats where they went ROSE: At night you'd hear crunching filtering through the ceiling panels and pray it was the roaches. DAVE: so in other news i found roses old twilight fanfic on the wayback machine ROSE: Excuse me? DAVE: yeah alice and rosemary get pretty frisky ROSE: It's Rosalie. DAVE: really DAVE: hang on lemme check
At this point the gossip session ended abruptly when Rose tackled Dave trying to get at his phone to wipe his cloud storage.
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norabrice1701 · 6 years
An Accidental Demon
A “Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them” AU fanfic
Pairing: Vet Student!Newt Scamander / Demon!Percival Graves 
Summary: All Newt wanted from IKEA was a bookshelf. Instead, he left with a demon that he accidentally summoned while trying to pronounce furniture names. Lovely. 
Rating: General  Audiences - nothing to fear here [full warnings on AO3 link at bottom of the post]
A/N: This was born from a post on a friend’s FB page, and I had to let it out. I might continue this?? It’s proving to be too much fun, but for now, it’s a one-shot. Also, the demonology here is pretty general.
Oh, dear. Shopping at IKEA should not be so stressful. As if assemble-it-yourself furniture wasn’t intimidating enough, there was also the indignity of trying to pronounce the furniture names.
But there was nothing for it. This was the third bookshelf that Dougal – his Great Pyrenees rescue – had taken out in as many months while chasing his sweet Niffler cat around. Honestly, one would think after a year of cohabitation, the dog and cat would be used to each other. But the sad, destroyed remains of Newt’s bookshelf told a different story.
That’s how he found himself back at IKEA. But this time, a simple replacement wouldn’t do. He needed something more robust. Hopefully, something that might be spared catastrophic damage during any future high speed chases. Maybe even something wall mounted? Perhaps those modular shelves that he could pick, arrange and mount well above Dougal’s sizable height? Hm, that might be just the ticket.
But now, as he wandered through the aisles, trying to match the product names from his internet search to the various tags of assembled, display furniture – maybe it would be simpler to just get what he got last time. Even if Dougal would likely destroy it a fourth time.
Newt ran a hand through his hair, biting his lip as he looked back down to his loopy handwriting. “No, not Ehk-t…Lix-hult. That looks familiar.” There was certainly a time and place to appreciate cultural and language differences, but navigating the aisles of IKEA was not it, in Newt’s opinion. He just wanted to buy shelves, go home, assemble them and change out of his fur covered scrubs. Yes, he loved his vet school clinical rotations but Dougal, Niffler and the others tended to be a little possessive when he was home.
He moved for the next row, holding up his paper to compare more names, mumbling under his breath. “Let’s see – oh, there’s Lix-hult, Li-xhult…err, Mos-torp. Sval-na. Um, Best-aa.”
A just barely-there puff of air brushed his cheek, carrying an odor. A rather…unpleasant, rotten odor. If Newt didn’t know better, he’d swear it was the smell of rotten eggs. But that was impossible in the middle of a furniture store. That’s when he noticed the dark shape in his peripheral. A dark shape that he distinctly didn’t recall before.
He turned, keeping his eyes down, but he couldn’t help but take in the man now standing next to him. Refined and polished, his sharp suit and shoes alone must have cost at least a year of Newt’s sad student job salary. And that was to say nothing about the sleek black overcoat that teased a luxurious white lining. The man’s dark eyes, thick brows, strong jaw, and dark hair streaked white at his temples, completed the unfairly attractive, imposing picture.
Newt – with uncombed hair, scrubs covered in all manner of animal fur, and a worn blue overcoat – felt like a downright slob by comparison to this man who looked fresh from a magazine cover. Newt blinked quickly, trying to quirk his lips in a polite smile. Small talk with strangers was always the most excruciating. Especially when the stranger was so handsome. “Um, hi…please, excuse me. If I’m in your way, that is.” He stepped back, not daring to meet the man’s gaze, feeling his cheeks flush. Curse his fair skin that betrayed him at every turn.
The dark-haired man said nothing, but Newt could feel the weight of his stare. It made him want to fidget even more than normal, and he chanced a lingering glance at the man’s face. The man studied him with an otherworldly intensity in those dark brown eyes. It reminded Newt of a predator studying a prey, learning their habits to plan a more effective kill. He wrenched a nervous swallow, suddenly wondering if he could outrun this man.
The man blinked, licking his lips quickly. “Hello, Mr. Scamander.”
The blood froze in Newt’s veins, every survival instinct kicking into gear. “H-how…do you know my name?” Sure, it was the obvious question, but it had to be asked. “We’ve never met before. And I certainly don’t know your name. Are you…have you been stalking me?” The words poured forth, more a nervous tic than anything. But still true. Newt would never have forgotten such a striking face.
“No,” mild astonishment and irritation colored the other man’s gaze, “I was quite content to mind my own business until you summoned me.”
“Summoned….I beg your pardon, summoned you?” Had Newt gone to IKEA or the Twilight Zone? Who just went up to strangers and said stuff like that? Newt blew an exasperated sigh, shaking his head. “Look, if you really have nothing better to do than prank defenseless people at IKEA, then I’m sorry for you. But truly, this has gone on long enough, and I’m genuinely not amused.”
The man raised a brow, affronted. “You’re genuinely not amused? I assure you, the feeling is quite mutual. So, let us conclude our deal here, and then I’ll gladly return to my previous business.”
“Deal?” Newt echoed, shaking his head. “We have no deal to conclude. I don’t even know you!”
“Your mistake if you spoke my incantation without knowing who I am. Which, I will confess – is rather reckless of you, Mr. Scamander. In fact, no protection charms, no summoning circle,” the man’s lips curled with a devilish air as he took a step forward, gazing down Newt’s body with a calculating assessment. “Mm, the fun I could have with you right here.”
The purred words should in no way race a tingling shiver of anticipation down Newt’s spine, but dammit, they did.
Newt licked his lips, holding his ground. “A summoning circle, protection…why should I need protection from you?”
“You really don’t know who I am? Or what you’ve done?”
“Well, you said I summoned you. But I didn’t…I was just…,” Newt shook the paper with the shelf names scrawled on it, “I was just trying to pronounce the names of these shelving units-.“
“And instead, you summoned a demon. Please stop wasting my time, Mr. Scamander.”
Newt registered nothing of the man’s bored tone, stunned at the admission. At the possibility. A demon? A real, live demon?! Weren’t they just supernatural make-believe? But this man before him, pulling a silver pocket watch from his suit vest and flipping the cover back with an irritated gesture, was so very real. Newt’s eyes lit with possibility. “A demon. Truly? That’s what you are?”
“Yes,” the self-professed demon huffed mildly, “now, please, to the business at hand?”
A grin cracked Newt’s face. “I don’t even know what the business at hand is. But a real demon. My goodness.” This was far better than any Christmas morning. A chance to learn about a whole new species - a whole new creature. A supernatural creature! If everything the man said was true, then Newt wanted to learn everything there was to learn. His wild curiosity begged for so much more. Where did the demon come from? Did he have powers? What was his purpose here? “I-I have so many questions.”
“None of which I’m inclined to answer. Especially not here.” The dark eyes glanced around shrewdly, taking in the movements of other unsuspecting shoppers.
Something in the man’s - demon’s - assessment suddenly made Newt self-conscious, glancing around with a nervous edge. Goodness, what a picture he must make standing next to this man. This man, dressed to the nines, clearly many years older than Newt - supernatural implications notwithstanding - who could at best pass as Newt’s friend, and at worst a sugar daddy. Heat flamed unbidden in Newt’s cheeks at the thought.
He shook his head, physically trying to shake the thought away. “Yes, yes, of course. We should probably leave. Well, that is, assuming you’re bound or stuck to me, or something...until whatever brought you here is concluded.”
Irritation flashed in the demon’s eyes, staring back at Newt as if trying to convince himself that Newt was actually real.
Newt waited for the demon to respond, shifting his weight on his feet. Anything to lessen his discomfort under the scrutiny of those intense eyes. Annoyance bubbled as the older man said nothing and Newt puffed a sigh. “Alright, very well. If you’re coming, that’s fine - if not, then...then, good day.”
He’d been plainly aware since his arrival in New York for veterinary school that his accent and manners didn’t fit with the vibrant American hustle and bustle. But they were something he hadn’t wanted to lose. There was no cause to bring more ugliness to the world, and everyone deserved well-mannered treatment. Demon or not.
Even if the man had interrupted his bookshelf buying outing. 
But if Newt did indeed now have a demon to contend with, perhaps replacing a damaged bookshelf was now the least of his worries.
The well-dressed man fell into step beside him as Newt turned to thread his way through the rest of the labyrinth store. It...this was just too absurd. And certainly not what Newt had planned for his Thursday night after clinicals. He cast a sideways glance, surprised to note that the demon was actually a couple inches shorter than he was. Something about that amused him, and a lopsided grin lifted his mouth. “You know, we haven’t properly met yet. It sounds like you already know, but I’m Newton Scamander. Newt, though, if you please.”
The man nodded almost imperceptibly. “You may call me Graves.”
Newt’s brow furrowed. “Just Graves?”
“Mr. Graves, if you prefer.”
“Don’t...don’t you have a first name or something less...severe?” The demon stared over at him, blank and hard. “Right, Mr. Graves it is. I...I take it that’s not your real name?” The smell of the cinnamon rolls and other food from the eatery reached his nose as, thankfully, they neared the exit.
“I’ve had many names over the millennia. Street. Dandridge. Clayton. Each served a purpose, just as Graves does now. And if you don’t already know my true name, then me telling you is certainly not advantageous.” Graves’ coat flared in the cool, late afternoon air as they exited into the fading sunlight. He looked completely unbothered by the transition from inside to outside, paying Newt no mind while Newt fumbled with the buttons on his coat. They were in for a chilly subway ride, after all.
Newt glanced over to Graves, intrigued. “Does... the cold not bother you? Or...or the sunlight?”
Graves’ face pinched with obvious irritation, even bewilderment. “I’m not a vampire.”
Newt’s eyes widened, excited. “Do those exist, too?”
Graves’ hand clenched at his side under the flared sleeve of his overcoat, a condescending disapproval hardening his gaze. It was impressively intimidating. Especially considering the man stood shorter than Newt. Without a word, Graves turned with a sweep of black and white fabric, and stepped forward on the curb, raising a hand at the passing line of taxis.
“No, no,” Newt moved after him with an obvious air of panic, “we’ll do better to take the subway. See, I don’t exactly live all that close. And with traffic at this time of day, well - a taxi won’t be cost effective. I don’t...I don’t know if you understand about money-”
“I understand plenty, Mr. Scamander.” The words were snarled with a coiled frustration that froze Newt in place. “I understand that you ripped me from my previous business without a purpose. I understand that you’ve initiated a contract that you don’t know the first thing about. And I understand that if I must endure New York City until our business is concluded, I will never set foot on the subway.”
A yellow cab stopped at the curb and Graves stepped up to it without waiting for Newt to respond.
Oh dear. Newt worked a hard swallow down his throat as he debated following the demon or just bolting for the subway station. Would that make things worse? Could things get worse?
The cab door stayed open behind Graves as he settled against the black interior, glancing back at Newt. The silent command on the demon’s face was unmistakable.
With another nervous swallow, Newt stepped forward and climbed into the taxi.
Full fic link to AO3! 
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butterfly--empress · 6 years
Fix it Headcanons...
After sitting here writing a really tldr post to get things off my chest, I felt like it just wasn’t worth the post because a lot of you are already saying things that I totally agree with and yeah...it’s not worth it so I’m just going to move on and conjure up headcanons because I need to cope with that ending. 
So instead, I will in tumblr traditon make a reaction gif post on my feelings with some commentary about the characters. 
The New Organization XIII
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I wish a bit more was done with you guys??? I’m half and half on their role in this game, *shrugs* Also I am assuming Nomura pretty much confirms that Demyx is also from the past and now I’m wondering if we will get a story update for him in KHUX. 
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if all the story content we need before KH4 is going to be handled through the mobile game...eh...great..........just...fucking swell.
Can we petition for the Kingdom Hearts manga to continue? I think I rather have a physical boxset collection of the Kingdom Hearts manga, because at LEAST in the manga, characters actually get some goddamn growth......I’m not going to rant about Kairi just yet...
Disney Worlds and Characters
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Nothing like Nostalgia and good old fashion pandering with a dash of Disney films having a consistent foreshadowing theme of love, hope, loss, pain and SACRIFICE TO GET THE BLOOD PUMPING!
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What do you mean I’m bitter, I told you, I’m not! 
Wayfinder Trio
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I have nothing awful to say about these three to be perfectly honest. I saw nothing wrong with Aqua and Ven getting bodied like some were because as much as I love Aqua and know she’s OP my girl was doing nothing but fighting in the realm of darkness and really had no time to recover, and then girlfriend fights my delightful little shit of a son,  and then girlfriend is STILL FIGHTING! I’ll let her being one-shotted by Terranort slide...
I will also let her running in front of Ven to shield Vanitas’ blast from hurting him go, because, honestly one could argue she probably was still exhausted and didn’t have time to react to put up another shield??? 
Ehh, this argument can go either way, really but I didn’t have a problem with any of it. 
I just really loved everything about these three, they acted like friends/family who missed each other for YEARS...they hugged and cried together and then despite the fuckery of their Master/Father figure, I think they forgave him for his apology and I just started bawling my eyes out....AGAIN. 
I really am not exaggerating and I wish I was but from the Aqua/Ventus reunion to the secret ending, I cried so hard. 
I didn’t cry for him or his bald boyfriend...*twitches eye* I cried because those three children didn’t deserve any of this! None of these children deserved any of this! TT_TT That reunion was all I wanted.
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My poor fledging child, I knew your ultimate demise was nigh so I tried not to be too sad about it. Not gonna lie, Sully dragging your ass through that door and then multiple doors and then shredding that door was hella funny! 
It can be confirmed tomorrow that you dead and I would resurrect you and all your glorious edginess and tsundere tendencies in my fanfics because if you don’t come back to be your own person, a sass master and the anti-hero that likes to stir trouble cause he can, to help get Sora back, while gloating about it in the same breath, than I don’t know what even is the fucking point of another game. 
I do wish a bit more something meaningful was done with your supposed ‘redemption arc’??? I guess I’m suppose to assume that was a redemption arc...but it was handled so choppy I don’t know what to really make of it tbh...
Eraqus and Xehanort
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People think ya’ll going to heaven...nahh bruh you two fucked up! And I refuse to believe anything else. Yeah you two was real cute in the past before I’m assuming things went to complete shit but you two FUCKED UP! 
I don’t know what the fuck Xehanort did to make Eraqus so jaded but because Eraqus felt jaded he indirectly dismisses Terra because ‘darkness’....BOI! 
We already know Xehanort’s rep sheet we don’t even have to review it. 
I don’t have any sadness for you two. Eraqus gives me mixed feelings I don’t like how he was the cause of Terra being norted, Aqua being lost in the realm of darkness and Ventus falling into a ten year magic coma but at least he didn’t rip a child’s soul in half to create some damn keyblade and control Kingdom Hearts so i guess he gets kudos???
I don’t care about Xehanort, NOT ONE CARE! 
I’m glad that motherfucker is gone! Buh bye!
The Sea Salt Trio
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Axel/Xion/Roxas...you three did NOTHING WRONG! 
That’s it, I sobbed and they reunited and they hugged and then they hugged Saix and then Saix is good again, they cried and shared Ice Cream with the Twilight Town Trio and it was great. It was all I asked for.
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You’re a precious delight, i wished we had more screen time of you in the game but c’est la vie. At least your character wasn’t ruined like someone’s I know. 
The obvious Riku/Namine ship still surprises me but I totally dig it...still side-eyeing my green-eyed white haired son for some of his fuckery...but we about to get into that in a bit...
The Destiny Trio...BOI I am about to lose my fucking shit because really WTF WAS THAT?! You did everyone else right...except for these three?! the same three you started this glorious shitshow with?!
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Sora: I have no issues with my baby here, if Nomura got one thing right, it was Sora. I still don’t like what you did to him and Kairi but as for as the writing for his character, that shit was on point so you get kudos Nomura...you get the fucking kudos!
Riku: ....What the fuck happened to the very close friendship between he and Kairi??? Like WTF?! I’m confused how we went from KH1 Riku giving into the darkness because he thought it would save Kairi to KH2 Riku looking out for Kairi and encouraging her to fight by giving her destiny’s embrace and crying when she recognized it was him, despite he looked like Ansem, to KH2.8 Riku having playful banter with her before he left off on his mission with Mickey to KH3 Riku who, outside of anyone not Sora, Mickey, Namine (because suddenly Nomura wants that to be canon obviously...) and to an extent, Aqua being this distant stoic character...
EXCUSE ME...but where was Riku’s usual anger and sadness when Kairi was taken by Xemnas and just outright killed?! IN FRONT OF HIM?!!
Say what you want about SoKai becoming canon, a close friend is still a close friend! 
There was no reason to make Riku distant at all, like I don’t mind the SoKai sharing the paopu fruit scene but I still feel like that scene should have included all three of them. That should have been a call back to them having a bit of reprieve together like the ending of KH2. It would not have taken any time to have Riku have a moment with Repliku and have Kairi call him over after Sora asked ‘why he’s over there?’
I mean, damn! Even Sora was like, our group dynamic is off by -1???
Kairi: First of all, I am going to put it out there that, Kairi did not need to be overly super strong. Not for a girl that just started training to fight in the final battle and for what we did get, it was more than I had expected at all. I mean for a novice, girl did pretty damn decent with keeping up with berserker!Xion.
No, my annoyance is not at the lack of Kairi fighting, it’s being used as an unfortunate plot device and feeling like nobody except Sora cared enough about her. At times it did feel like my girl was treated as a burden that nobody wanted there because she was such an easy target to distract Sora....
And boi! When she got taken and then obliterated in front of Sora and the others I was both angry and sad, at this point I was already sobbing because Sora was sobbing and I felt that and my hate for Xemnas went from 100 to 1000 real fucking quick. 
But like I already said, I started to get frustrated because Riku continued to seem like he was suddenly emotionally stunted when it came to Kairi, like my dude! YOUR FRIEND JUST DIED?! WHY AM I MORE ANGRIER THAN YOU?!? DO SOMETHING!! GO WITH SORA TO BRING HER BACK THAT’S YOUR FRIEND..YOU’RE NOT THE RIKU I REMEMBER WTF!?
Just jadlkfjflkajdjakdjk! *inhales than slowly exhales* Nomura, Nomura my dude, my pal, my senpai! There were a lot of ways you could have made SoKai canon that did not include sacrificing the deep, close 12yr bond that was Kairi’s and Riku’s friendship. The wasted potential...
You mean to tell me i waited for a DECADE, a freaking DECADE hoping that to have some real friendship bonding between Riku and Kairi and see nothing done with it!?
And speaking of SoKai...I know some people find it lackluster because unfortunately, Nomura never gave Kairi satisfying character growth that didn’t make it seem like she satellites around Sora and nothing else. But I more or less was never really bothered by how it developed, yea it could have used more work but I’m on very neutral ground. My only complaint is that I don’t like how at times it can seem a bit forced or rushed in 3 and I don’t like that Nomura thought it was a cool idea to make it seem like Kairi and Riku were never friends or that Riku never cared about Kairi. 
I...I guess Nomura wants to fuel the ridiculous SoKai vs Soriku shipwars??? Because that is what your doing and those dumbass wars don’t need unfortunate implications from the actual game for people who didn’t get their ship canon to further hate Kairi because you decided that Riku needed to be ‘distant’...with HER, poor girl can’t catch a break because you promised character growth but you take one step forward, two steps back and she can’t break the damsel in distress trope. My poor baby. 
I knew once I went to the Tangled world I knew KH was dealing with the consistent theme of Love, Pain, Hope, Loss and Sacrifice. This became more apparent when you get to PotC and I knew deep down that Kairi and Sora were bound to end up doing something to sacrifice their own lives for one another and yet, they have done this before and it turned out alright. 
I hoped it would have been akin to KH1 but fuck me, how goddamn naive was I, amirite?! Nomura goes and does EXACTLY what I was wishing he wouldn’t do and he did it anyway, and I was no more good after that.
And then, AND THEN TO HAVE THE BALLS to make it look like Sora was there after all at the very end only to have him fade away. A part of my heart still aches from that and I’m surprised I didn’t wake up my household at 8am because I was sobbing that loud!
Yes I know Sora is alive but again, my heart and mind are in conflict. My mind wants to let go and update and reboot the phone but my heart is still stuck on a refresh/poor battery loop...
...............................................If Kairi is not out there with Riku to go find and save Sora in KH4 someone is going to feel my motherfucking wrath!
No, I’m serious! No more of this shafting Kairi bullshit! This is the perfect setup for a full on Kairi character growth arc. If I have to play that shit on a handheld or mobile well fucker bring it on! 
Nomura, you have the story, Kairi could start out feeling loss and regret and guilt, blaming herself and thinking the other’s blame her for Sora not being there with them. And then she goes on a journey, hell she and Riku go on a journey together to reconnect and Riku, being a Keyblade Master could mentor Kairi in her training and she has some self discovery as she’s getting stronger and confident again in herself and it would be great because she’s finally getting to save Sora like she’s always wanted too!
You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT??!
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Because Nomura will never give me this and I will not hope for anything concerning Kairi’s character growth. 
So I guess I have to fanfiction that shit my damn self...I think I will...
At least the gameplay for fucking fantastic and Yoko-san delievered with the music, when is that KH3 OST dropping again? 
I need to eargasm to Anti-Aqua battle theme and the other promise/vector to the heavens one million times. 
Also I’m legit done ranting, I got this off my chest so I can move on. 
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fatui-harbingers · 6 years
I really don't get why people would even want to leave a rude comment on a fic. And I don't know how people get past it! Rude comments are one reason I'm waiting until I feel my writing is good enough at the very least before posting anything (my sister thinks I should but my writing is crap right now, which I know bc I used to be really good). Like, it would crush me and I probably wouldn't post anything for a very long time if someone was rude bc I would be so scared to get another nasty comment. I could have a thousand positive comments and get one rude comment and it would ruin my day.
It would probably ruin a whole month bc I don't forget stuff like that easily due to having really bad anxiety. That's why it drives me crazy to see people say ”why are you so upset? It was just a comment, move on!” bc not everyone can move on as easily as you. Some people have anxiety and some people are new at writing and are still figuring everything out.
I used to be a pretty good writer but then I had a bad depressive episode and I didn't write for about a year. I still don't write often enough to get back to the writer I was and part of the problem is my anxiety (bc my mind is everywhere worrying about everything now).
I really enjoy writing even though I'm not as good as I would like atm but I still wouldn't post anything until I felt I wrote a good story. I've used writing fanfics instead of writing a diary (it just feels better, I guess bc I focus on everything but my real-world problems) so I didn't put enough effort into making it something for others to read since I didn't plan on ever sharing it.
My cousin just started writing and she had asked to send me her character descriptions to see what I thought and if she needed to work on something specific. She (thankfully) knew she could come to me for tips and necessary info to write characters that aren't like her at all. I told her beforehand that nothing I said would ever be rude and I was just there to assist if she wanted my help, nothing else. She should write her way and if she's unsure about something, needs some info or just someone's opinion, she knows I'm there. It was especially nice bc I've been feeling pretty bad about my writing skills lately so when she texted me and said ”yeah, I came to you bc you've been writing for like, years so I knew you could help”.
I do my best writing after reading books. I did my best while I was reading Twilight and Divergent. It's a lot easier than reading a book about how to write since you have interesting ”examples” right in front of you and a whole story to enjoy while learning!
It's really fun to write even though it's tiring and stressful. It can really help you get in touch with your emotions! I write in the first person so that makes it worse when writing sad stuff (sad stuff gets to me the most for some reason). I will literally cry if I think about something sad I want to write long enough (which is one of many reasons I felt acting was for me. Gotta be able to get into the mind of the character!).
Another reason I don't want to post anything (not that I really have anything I would post anyway) is bc I cannot write smut. I mean, I could try but it wouldn't be right bc I have zero sexual experience (well, not zero. I take care of myself, if you know what I mean) so I don't feel I could adequately write such scenes and make you squirm while you read! I know it's wrong but if I were to write smut, I would want you getting hot and bothered and squirming around bc I wrote it well enough to make you feel that way (I know, I'm horrible)! It seems you have to write smut to get noticed but I already knew that bc of the whole sex sells (not literally in this case) thing.
So, with my insecurities laid out on the internet, you could see why a negative comment would hurt someone. Some of us are plagued by terrible anxiety and some of us have both depression AND anxiety, which plenty of people know are a terrible mix.
If I got a rude comment, I would probably cry when everyone else was asleep so I could just get it all out. And I would do that for a few nights and then end up thinking about it for a month or so before I finally had something good enough happen to keep me from constantly thinking about it.
I really don't understand why anyone would even want to leave any kind of negative comment. It just doesn't make sense to me! It's not that hard to just move on to a fic you like. Someone really enjoyed writing their story and decided to share it with the world FREE OF CHARGE and leaving a nasty comment could ruin that for them. Why would you want to do that?
You could keep someone from ever posting again. They could just stop writing altogether bc of your nastiness! Why would anyone want to do that to another person? And, saying things like ”this is the internet, what did you expect? Get used to it” doesn't excuse being a crappy person. Just bc you're behind a screen rather than face to face with the author doesn't give you the excuse to be horrible.
You still should be a decent human being whether you're online or with other living creatures. I don't know why it's so hard for people to be kind until given a good reason not to be. This is just crazy y'all. I can't believe we have to tell people they should be nice to others!
This was much longer than I had intended but whatever. My blog anyways. And since when do text posts even get that much attention? Lol, I think I'm good now. Just needed to vent again I guess!
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