#sad twink hours
sacrificialmaiid · 2 years
@dimitresca liked for a starter 
Milena is thirty-eight years old today. It is her eighteenth year spent at the castle. At some point, the passage of the years does not seem to be quite as important as it once was; her body no longer shows it, so it is easy for her mind to disregard it as well. But on days like today - on birthdays and on fests - they tend to take a moment’s pause and observe. 
It is an unspoken tradition that something will happen to mark the occasion. Nothing as grand as her mistress’ celebrations, certainly, and nothing as personable as the birthdays that she’d had before in the village -- but something. The Lady won’t be seen not to spoil her little pet on today of all days. They take dinner together, sometimes, and share a toast late in the evening -- sweets provided, if Milena is lucky. She is given a sickeningly expensive gift, and they mark the night with private debauchery that would make the Marquis de Sade’s hair curl. This, of course, is all very pleasant -- but the most important part is that usually she can steal her mistress’ attention for just a little longer, be it some extra time in bed that morning to be smothered with kisses, or an early departure from work in the afternoon. However it is marked, the Lady Dimitrescu never forgets it. 
This morning had been a little strained. The Countess was called away early by Mother Miranda, so it had been all business to have her dressed and ready to go up until the moment she was out the door. But that was perfectly alright -- later then, Milena had thought, they would make up the time. 
Only - later had come, and later had gone, and there had been no sign of the Lady’s return. Milena had completed every menial task in the castle she could possibly find, had tidied everything away from the morning’s activity and arranged her mistress’ vanity table to perfection about three times already, and that had only brought her to nine o’clock. The rest of the staff, she imagines, would have been winding down for the night then as well, leaving no corner undusted. She sets out the wine and the tobacco, still, in preparation.
Finally, just before midnight, Milena accepts that the day is over. Defeated, she finally turns away from the clock on the mantlepiece, and sets her book aside, pulling her knees close to her on the armchair that she has spent so many nights curled up asleep on. Something heavy and terrible has settled upon her chest, the weight of her reality a disappointing one: She isn’t coming. 
She steels herself and gives a shaky little sigh. No matter what, she will not cry over this. In fact, she will not even look mildly upset the next time she sees the Countess. She has no reason to be upset, after all. She is a servant. She is owned, but not valued. These games that they play are just that -- they play at being wives like they are two children. None of it is real, and it would do Milena well in the long run to remember that. She is not a priority, she is not a friend. She is a pretty distraction and that is all. It is easy to get carried away in the heat of it and fall headfirst into the private little world that her mistress creates for the two of them behind closed doors, but when she is alone in the cold light of day, it all crumbles in on itself much too quickly. 
It is some time after midnight when she finally hears footsteps and the turn of the door handle. By that time, she has gotten a hold of herself and looks upwards with as bright a smile as she can muster, though there is a touch of sadness which still lingers around her eyes and her brow. She struggles for a moment, unsure of what to say, before eventually settling on; 
“Welcome home, my Lady.”
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i want someone to take us out lol
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evilminji · 2 months
Okay this is going to drive me INSANE. D:>
Dearly beloved, Phandom darlings...
I... I NEED to know. You don't UNDERSTAND!? Think about it. No, seriously. THINK about all those HIGHLY unrealistic, too good to be true, PERFECT looking meals. Animated shows n games etc where there are chefs who will "cook for Anybody!"
Now think about being 14 going 20. A teenager. A broke college student. Your fridge is empty and everything you touch? Comes back to LIFE. You're... you're just so hungry. Tired. Your bruises have bruises and you have a paper due tomorrow.
I kinda want to CRY.
Can only eat cup ramen so many times before you DO.
And this show? That commercial? Yonder cooking game?? Well... they did a REAL good job animating it. It looks so WARM. So FILLING and COMFORTING. You can practically SMELL it.
You look down at your sad, soggy, cheap but you can afford it, EZ Noodles and? Feel something BREAK inside. You... you KNOW you can travel inside technology. KNOW this. Have done it before. Why... why AREN'T you? You can't keep living like this.
You gotta TRY, right?
I? Wanna believe it TOTALLY works?? Because Ectoplasm is weird like that? And just shrugs? Says "actual food, the concept of food backed by electricity, what's the difference? Sure, we can fuck with this"? And so Danny? IMMEDIATELY fucking switches his diet.
Like? Dead stop screech, slam on the breaks, u-turn to take that last off-ramp. Type IMMEDIATE.
Grocery bill? No, no, you mistake him! No. NOW it's his "carefully researched for their cooking, games and shows" bill. Touch his collection and he'll FUCKING BITE.
They got sticky notes on the cases. Menus n lil fold out "grocery store" locations. He punched a dragon for this fruit. Mmmmm, home cooked meeeeeals~
Just? Weird Foodie Danny. Yes he DOES know what those steaks taste like. While YOU fuckers were staring at the cat girls bizangas, HE was eating granny cat lady's home made meatball stew! Ha! YOU FOOLS!
More then that? I want him to write reviews. Like "yeah, fight system was OKAY but- *5 hour glowing rant about the food, sounding like a food critic who'd actually fucking gone and loved it* " and people are like?? Who? Is this funky lil madman? This is hilarious?
I want it to be DPxDC JUST? So everyone slowly starts to play the game "Meta or Shtick?" Because no one REALLY knows who he is. This dude gets POPULAR though. For some reason can't be hacked (shame on you guys! Way to try and ruin the FUN!). And like? Eventually? Someone just fucking ASKS?
And Danny is like... " wouldn't YOU like to know, weatherboy?"
So everyone is like:
But hey... since they're already ASSUMING~? >:3c WHOOOOO wants to help him PAY RENT~? Let's VLOG this fucker! Wooooo! Say "hi" Catchef! *feline noises* like? It's like a let's play combined with a mukbang.
Teen Heros everywhere are FACINATED. Game developers are suddenly like? "If there's food. You BETTER make it look amazing. We want that weird YouTube twink to... whatever his powers are, our game! Free viral marketing!" Food channels? Rending their clothes, on their KNEES, please! PLEASE! Just ANSWER OUR EMAIL! Just ONE SHOW! A one off! Guest appearance!
We have MONEY!!!
All while Danny? Is finally happy with his life. Weird as hell. Harrasing the world. Good food on the regular. Gets to travel, kinda. Best of all? He's raising money from it! Can help people! Now... who wants salad?
@babbling-babull @hdgnj @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @dcxdpdabbles @the-witchhunter @lolottes
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usagifuyusummer · 1 month
Family Dinner Night!
Congrats Peri(winkle) for finally getting the Godparenting license!!! 🥳🥳🥳 - from your loving parents and godbrother 💖💖💖
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More concept art and as usual my insane ramblings below.
I NEED TO GET THE CREATIVE URGES OUT OF MY HEAD!!! It has been bothering with my motivation to finish my gazillions of homeworks lmao. I have so many ideas I need to let out!!! It's suffocating. I hope this will satisfy my creative urges for a while... Or not I will yap about my FOP AU on a separate post (when I'm able).
I can't stop being sad thinking about this family lol. Timmy 😭😭😭
I am not kidding when I say that my head is just filled with so many things that I want to contribute in the FOP fanworks lol. There's a lot I want to do, but so little time...
For now, I've decided to practice my take on the FOP artstyle. I wanted to do something simple as drawing and coloring practice. That's why the coloring this time is flat with no shadings. I think the show doesn't focus on shaded colors too much (except on scenes where there's a heavy implication of day/night, for shock value, etc.).
Just wanted to draw something cute because I haven't been feeling so swell lately. Nothing too poetic or detailed this time.
Other than that, two of the outfits this time is actually inspired by @suki-na-kumo for Peri and an image I found floating around in Twitter/X (sorry I don't remember who shared it) for Timmy's design. Suki-na-kumo's FOP family redesigns are so cool and adorable! I like that they always include flowy attributes in Peri's outfits lol. It makes him look like a pampered brat (which he kinda is seeing how his family coddles him), an otherworldly prince and also a Twink TM (that is unavoidable lol). I kinda want to draw their other FOP redesigns, but I'll just go with Peri's first.
I am not sure where that 18 year old Timmy design is from, but it kinda can be his design for those who theorise him on becoming a lawyer as an adult. There's a lot of instances where Timmy is wearing a suit in the show, but this design is one of my favs due to the hairstyle change. My adult Timmy designs in the future will be influenced from this piece of official art. I wonder if there are more Timmy designs in the wild wild west out there that I haven't seen... It is certainly an interesting find (Teen AJ is also there, and his design also looks cool to me).
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Cosmo and Wanda's oufits are something that I cooked up. I don't think the coloring looks good... I just did this on a whim, and for about 13 hours. Damn, I am procrastinating on my work lmao.
Still, the context this time is, that they've had a family dinner to celebrate on Peri's achievement on finally obtaining his godparenting license!!! Good for him!!!
This is an AU if Timmy somehow was able to find a loophole in the "losing your memories of your fairy godparents after you become an adult" rule. Because of that, he continued his life as normal (as Timmy's chaotic life can be), but this time he is able to keep in contact with his fairy family even if they're not contractually obligated to stick together. Timmy does live with the Fairywinkle Cosma's around his college to early work years, but he eventually was able to move out and live on his own at where he works as a lawyer after a while in his adulthood. (His birth parents eventually went on a lifetime vacation without him or just went away for too long that Timmy just lives on his own a lot after he is 18 and above...)
Despite living on his own nowadays (In a New Wish context), Timmy does keep in contact with his fairy family and visits them when he's not busy with his job. Cosmo and Wanda still took a long vacation in this AU, first due to, yeah, Timmy is no easy feat as a godchild lol, and second, they actually want to take their time to raise BOTH of their children (even if Timmy is no longer a child/godchild) and guide them until they're stable adults. Timmy during college years actually only stays with the Fairywinkle Cosma's on holidays, so when Timmy's busy with college, that is when Cosmo and Wanda take their time relaxing lmao.
Sometimes when they really want to have some time alone or when Peri wants to see his bro, they will send Peri to Timmy's college for a day or more. Timmy babysits Peri so much during his college years lol. They both had fun though! With a lot of Peri newfound nuclear fairy power shenanigans at Timmy's college lmao. Studying law and taking the bar exam has never been more chaotic with babysitting a nuclear powered fairy child.
There's a lot more on this AU that I've been thinking, but I'll stop here for now. I need to gather my AU ideas in one post sometime later.
Also, Peri and Timmy are both adults here, Peri's around his 20's here and Timmy is on his early 30's I think. Cosmo, Wanda, and Peri are in their human disguises here, because they want to learn more about human culture (A New Wish context) while also having the desire to be more in Timmy's life.
I headcannon Timmy to be kinda short in his adulthood. This is also a nod to that episode when his fairy family used imperfect human disguises, even Poof/Peri was taller than Timmy in his human baby disguise lol. And also hey, wearing braces during his teen years paid off! (his big teeth are visible only when he opens his mouth lol)
As usual, here's some concept art and a png lineart pic if you want to use it to color it better than I did lmao. (that was a long yapping session... thanks for reading)
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star-dust-shark · 3 months
pjo incorrect quotes as things me and people I know have said on crack
Jason: these grapes are funky
Leo: these grapes are fucky
Leo: *drops sandwich, cries*
Nico: I will never forget the fact that Piper and I where sitting together with headphones on and she looked up only to see me playing air guitar and head banging to whats my age again
Solangelo: *kith*
Will: *walking away with a dorky grin*
Will: *almost gets hit by car*
Will: *gets home and screams into pillow for twenty minutes, then picks up diary and writes like five pages about Nico, then texts him for like an hour and a half and afterwards draydreams about him*
Will: hmm I think I might like Nico
Leo: imagine having sex and someone moans like a hentai girl lol
Percy: *moans* KyAAaaaAAHHHhhhhhh
Reyna: bro apologized like Colleen Ballinger
Reyna: like fuck off I hope you die
Percy: tOxiC GosSiP tRaiN
Jason: not a groomer
Leo: *hair flip* just a loser
Piper: Im horny- I mean horngry- I mean- *cries*
Nico: mentally I am a fifty year old man
Will: yeah totally not obvious mister motley crue
Leo: jason
Leo: I have something to tell you
Jason: yeah?
Leo: Im gay
Jason: WHAT
Annabeth: my wrist hurts
Percy: emooooooooooo
Annabeth: I literally sprained it wtf
Hazel: no you cant commit mass genocide Nico
Nico: its pride month this is homophobic
Reyna: okay how about we play the quiet game
Reyna: whoever wins gets my two dollars
Reyna: three, two, one, ghost town
Leo: *face red, fists clenched, rocking back and forth*
Everyone: *concerned looks*
Piper: your moms hot
Jason: lol what she ugly asf
Will: im concerned with your eating habits, Nico
Will: its very serious Im kinda scared
Nico: womp womp
Jason: would you suck my dick if-
Percy: yes
Jason: if there was poison in it and I would die if you didnt
Leo: ive learnt something interesting
Leo: my arm skin one day may be cut off and turned into a penis
Leo: therefore...
Leo: *bumps arm into Jason*
Jason: WHAT
*talking on tumblr*
Hazel: wyd
Frank: jus on tumblr and talking to you
Hazel: lol nerd imagine
Hazel: *bats eyelashes* what does gyat mean
Frank: uhh It means generous young amazing t-
Rachel: Im so single
Will: skill issue? L ratio? no rizz? no game? no bitches?
Percy: I havent taken my meds
Annabeth: oh no good gods
Percy: so that means
Percy: I will either try to kill myself orrrrr
Percy: like violently fuck someone
Jason: I volunteer
Jason: I volunteer as tribute
Nico: hey girl *winks* r u a racoon
Nico: bc Im trash
Nico: *bursts into tears*
Annabeth: *walks into bathroom, sees spider*
Annabeth: *yelps* oh
Annabeth: hello mister spider
Annabeth: youre not so bad
Spider: *moves*
Jason: *hits knee* oh fuck- my knee-
Leo: okay
Jason: *scared* ur gonna fuck my knee????
Thalia: I am now a tree a tree I am a tree is me
Nico: im actually kinda insecure about my knees weirdly enough
Will: aww bb :(
Will: well I think you uh
Will: ...have beautiful knees???
Nico: *jokingly* I can read your mind
Will: oh no
Will: oh shit
Will: thats not good
Nico: it cant be that bad
Nico: are these thoughts about me, per chance?
Will: WHAAAAT NOOO *hangs up*
Leo: daddy hands, twig nerd bod
Leo: im confused why can girls call their friends girlfriends but whenever I call Jason my boytoy twink malewife manwhore someone gets pissed
Hazel: yeah, this guys really annoying me
Frank: ugh im gonna fist him
Hazel: ...
Frank: what
Frank: like beat him up?
Percy: my friend thinks youre cute
Annabeth: what? who?
Percy: me
Percy: Im the friend
Percy: I think ur cute
Nico: so weird when someone comforts you
Nico: like why
Nico: just lemme be a moody emo brooding sad angsty depressed boy for a bit
Leo: *in toad voice* BItCH i SaiD wHaT i sAiD iD rAthEr bE FaMoUs InsTeAd iD LeT aLL Of ThAt GeT To MY heAd I DonT cArE ILL pAinT tHe ToWn ReD
Nico: *crafting with scissors*
Percy: *walks in*
Percy: what are you doing
Nico: ...crafting?
Percy: oh okay I thought you where cutting yourself
Leo: *glares*
Frank: *glares back*
Frank and Leo: *glaring at eachother*
Leo: omg I just felt sparks
*sees gay porn*
Will: thats it im homophobic
Nico: so I wrote this song
Nico: *adjusts mic, positions guitar*
Nico: *deep breath*
Nico: *strums single chord* my whole family died
Nico: thank you, thank you
Nico: just realized the only physical contact Ive had in like a whole month was Leo dabbing me up
Jason: straights ask why theres no straight pride month but like
Jason: isnt there a toyota month or smth
Jason: id say that works
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okay so I made a sandman but i haven't watched/read it post and now i'm cursed apparently
i fucking slept for 16 hours and now i'm sleepy again
when i finally woke up i opened my laptop and realised the YT edit of dream (what? he's pretty ok) was open and i clicked it and he said
and blew sand into the fucking screen thanks bestie
can't believe i got cursed by yet another sad wet repressed cat of a twink
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yongvillage · 15 days
hihihi again slaterrr! i adored ur xiaojun work, u captured my vision so perfectly <3
https://x.com/ty_cherie/status/1832369494540612097?s=46 have u seen? he’s noticeably stronger, and the hat is doing so much too >_< husband!taeyong who sends u the prettiest vids of him playing with himself with those strong hands and big arms, and fucks u soooo good when he gets home
— 🩰
HII 🩰 ANON !!!!! im so happy to hear u liked the xiaojun work, i was a little afraid i took too much creative freedom w that LOL
also YES how could i not witness the death of twink taeyong. however i am not sad, and this is rather a celebration of life and rebirth . 😌😌
i love ur thoughts sm, lesgetit
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ⓘ husband!taeyong, explicit videos, one mention of name calling
taeyong knew how bored you were when he was gone at work, and he thinks he’s just having a little fun! helping you pass the time as you counted down the seconds until his shift ended.
and who’s to say he wasn’t thinking about you either? taeyong would quickly excuse himself from his cubicle, asking his fellow coworkers to cover for him as he hurried to the bathroom.
he’d lock the door, hurriedly pulling his pants and boxers down just enough so that his hard cock sprang out.
he opened up his camera app, leaving the camera front facing as he lowered it just below his crotch, his cock taking up nearly half the screen. he’d press record immediately, beginning to stroke himself. he tried to start slow, wanted to make the moment worthwhile, but he just couldn’t.
his hand picked up the pace, sticky sliding sounds and his strangled grunts being picked up by his phone’s microphone.
“f-fuck…” he’d mutter, his head tilting back until it bumped the tiled wall of the bathroom so that his angular jawline was on full display.
taeyong’s large arm tensed, the veins in his forearm straining against his own skin, threatening to bulge and explode from how fast his hand worked.
it wasn’t long until taeyong came, groaning at the thought of you watching this video and touching yourself to it while you whined setting him off. droplets of his white cum coated a bit of the camera. he chuckled weakly as his hand let go of his softening cock and wiped it away, the video ending with his smile.
taeyong didn’t hesitate for even a second to send it to you, before zipping up his pants, washing his hands, and making his way out of the bathroom.
he’d pack his things drastically faster than the rest of his coworkers, “just can’t wait to get home!” he’d reply when they asked what he was in such a hurry for.
taeyong wouldn’t make you wait as soon as he got home, he wasn’t that mean. you begged him to not prepare, letting him know that you’d spent hours fingering yourself in hopes of coming.
taeyong chuckled, unzipping his pants and freeing his cock as he ran his tip through your slit, “stupid girl, can’t even make herself cum without my help?”
you try to suppress the whine that escapes your lips, your eyes trained on the way taeyong’s thick arms held your thighs apart. he slid in slowly, causing you to let out a choked moan.
his hips pull back before slamming into you, and his brutal pace continues. you thought you’d almost lost the ability to breathe, his set rhythm knocking the wind out of you as your nails pressed into his shoulders.
even after you’d come though, taeyong wouldn’t stop, making sure to pull out every orgasm that you didn’t get to experience while he was away.
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@yongvillage | ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
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rvllybllply2014 · 2 months
It’s sad hours over here. Stupid 2 minutes of Bracken twink and crazy (affectionate) Blackwood. Also blaming asoiaf lore. Friends to lovers to haunted lovers.
Anyway battle of burning mill, Aeron still dies Davos can’t save him but he can pray. Davos takes Aerons body to his family’s weirwood tree. He prays harder than he’s ever prayed in his entire life for the gods to give him his Aeron back. He makes promises that he can’t keep, he doesn’t know it at the time.
Just when Davos is ready to give up he hears a gasp from Aeron, the wound in his neck has closed. Davos cries in relief the gods gave him Aeron back. Aeron is confused, he was walking with the stranger when a winged raven pulled him away. Strangely enough the raven seemed to say to the stranger and Aeron that he’s coming with it.
But little do Aeron and Davos realize that neither one is whole. To get Aeron back the old gods gave the stranger a piece of Davos, Davos lost his will to fight and Aeron lost his need to protect others. Aeron also came back with a need to suck the essence, a part of their soul what makes them, them out of people. But neither one realizes it until the seventh day, the stranger comes whispering to Aeron that it’s time to drive his sword through a person and kiss them as they lay dying if he doesn’t then Aeron goes with the stranger.
Luckily enough the Brackens and Blackwoods are still fighting each other, unfortunately they are fighting each other. Aeron and Davos had agreed to never cross blades on the battle field, but that part of Aeron is gone. He seeks out Davos with the sole intent of killing him. As for Davos he doesn’t crave the violence of battle anymore, he just wants to take Aeron and run. When he sees Aeron stalking towards him on the battlefield with his sword ready to strike him down, Davos doesn’t fight him. In fact Davos tells him it’s okay he forgives him and he loves him. As Davos lays there dying, Aeron presses his warm lips to Davos’s cooling ones. He takes Davos’ soul and his love.
It’s only after the battle had ended and it’s a new day does Aeron realize what he’s done. Aeron is ready to kill himself, until he sees a shadowy figure in the distance who looks like Davos and speaks with Davos’ voice. He listens and agrees to live, but he can only kill on the battlefield and if there’s no battle then he must listen to the voice when it tells him to kill someone. Aeron can never die or be killed, because when Davos prayed for Aeron his prayers turned Aeron immortal, the need for a soul will always cause Aeron to kill.
So Aeron spends the rest of eternity listening to Davos on who to kill and where to live. Davos spends the rest of eternity avoiding the stranger and his old gods to be by Aerons side, to be Aerons voice of reason.
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wintergrofyuri · 4 months
i used to hate mithrun bc ppl just treated him like the newest white twink with a sad backstory to obsess over but then i saw the light. mithrun is not some sad elf twink. he is My disabled king on 5 different meds and vitamins who can barely get up from the couch without having to limp for a while. pattadol got him a cute little weekly pill container. ppl keep suggesting he shld just try yoga. he stays in bed for like 5 hours until he eventually has to get up to pee. he has noise cancelling headphones and a weighted blanket and has a bag of chips for breakfast.
mithrun forgets to eat until its suddenly 4 pm and hes like "oopsies" and then stands in the kitchen for a little bit before grabbing a box of cheez its. mithrun's vitamin d levels are like 5. hes the slowest eater known to man. he grunts when getting up from chairs. when he gets up from sitting on the floor his entire body protests against him and he sounds like a dying cow.
mithrun is not a mysterious elf twink fr ppl to sexualize. he is my oc, as a disabled person. my elfsona. also hes a lesbian. and autistic.
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Ohhh domestic control ily.
When dream finds hob he is just barely 18 and his parents died when he was young. So there hasn’t been anyone around to really teach him about life, you know?
But dream sees his potential right away. Hob is a beautiful young man, and one of the smartest in Dream’s class (yes, he’s a professor.) and Dream is divorced and horny and would like his own live-in slut to pamper, take care of and utterly own.
So Dream starts by inviting hob to office hours. They talk for hours about philosophy art and literature and hob starts opening up more and more.
That leads to talking about hob and how he’s struggling to make ends meet. Dream offers to take a look at his finances and even hires hob someone to help him start investing what he can.
Hob is so grateful he almost cries right there.
Then Dream gives hob his phone number for emergencies. That leads to texting hob to make sure he’s eating well and taking care of himself.
Dream takes hob to get his first tailored suit. Then he chooses some other clothes for him.
AND when hob’s landlord jacks up the rent Dream finally makes hob an offer.
Come live with Dream. He will have a lot of rules to obey.
Dream will pick his clothes, his meals, and control his orgasms. Hob will sleep in Dream’s bed and Dream has so many toys he wants to use to train his virgin hole.
And in return, he will help hob live and provide for him.
Hob is out there living the DREAM. For real.
He can feeling himself sliding slowly into the habit of relying on Dream for everything. All his financial decisions, which classes he should take, even what he should get for dinner. He finds himself glancing at Dream like a little lost puppy, and Dream always comes to his rescue. Hob leaves every encounter feeling calm and reassured. He knows that he's supposed to grow up, and he can technically fend for himself, but that doesn't mean he wants to. In his deepest fantasies, he just wants to be a happy pampered pet
Hob really is a good boy. So good in Dream’s bed, with his pretty arse pointing up and a nice big toy pressing on his prostate. So good at warming Dream’s cock with his mouth. Sitting in the kitchen when Dream comes home from work. Hob is always there with a genuine smile, wearing his prettiest outfit and naughtiest lingerie. He's a happier, softer version of the sad little twink Dream first encountered. Dream has domesticated him totally, made him totally reliant. Hob doesnt have to make a single decision - except to decide to be good. It's an utter privilege to take care of him.
These days he can't even cum without Dream telling him to, bless him. He's perfect - and Dream makes sure to tell him every single day <3
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Part 6- from the top of my lungs
Dp x DC AU: Regent!Jazz & Vigilante!Jazz
"I step out outside and I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream from the top of my lungs, 'What's going on?!'" - What's Up? by 4 Non Blondes
Masterlist Part 5
It was probably hypocritical of Danny to lecture Jazz about taking up a vigilante role around their new haunt when he himself couldn’t resist the instinctual urge to give the local breed of stupidity a beatdown. 
If anything, it was a good way to get back into shape.
(Danny’s not fooling anyone, he’s a twink.) (A ghouly goopy ghostly one, but still a twink.)
Danny argued that he had more experience with vigilantism than Jazz, when she’d taken up a support role even after training. Sure, her aim has gotten so much better with practice, but Jazz was only a liminal. 
(A highly ecto-contaminted liminal with a scary sword that can cut through reality to create portals that currently does his kingly paperwork for him.)
At least he could comfort himself with the knowledge that Jazz was trained by the frightening and awe-inspring Pandora of the Infinite Realms Acropolis, bearing her own gifted Bracelets of Submission as a symbol of respect from one woman to another. 
(Jazz and Pandora sparring made the Boy King eternally grateful to be on the good side of both women.) 
(Scary was an understatement.) 
(No wonder Jazz and Sam got along so well.)
(Batman and Wonder Woman were supposedly friends, being founders of the Justice League and all.)
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Gotham was all kinds of batshit crazy when the sun went down.
(pun recognized and intended.)
A dumb statement for any Gothamite, but newcomers to the city never really got it until the were robbed at gunpoint within five minutes of sunset. 
That wasn’t really a concern for Danny, he’s gotten into the habit of phasing his important items into his body for safe keeping, but his increased need to do something made his late night walks morph into something that vaguely resembled his Witching Hours patrols back in Amity. Midnight to three am, strictly rooftops without too much barrier crossing into Hood’s territory were now fully integrated into the Halfa’s life- the purring of his core when he protected someone was healing something inside him he hadn’t realized was sick. 
Without the Red Hood to manage his Haunt, the Boy King and Regent had brute forced their way passed the boundary line to help the once-Revenant’s people until the one in question could do it himself. The habitants of Crime Alley were hesistant at first to accept more vigilantes into their midst, especially one that was obviously a meta with a concerning range of physical abilites, but with the Regent’s quiet strength and Phantom’s quirky attitude they were begrudgingly allowed to continue. 
(If Phantom also used his ice manipulation to help stablilize dilapidated buildings being used as shelter for the upcoming winter, then all the better.) 
The Regent had been caught in the Bat’s territory more recently, much to Danny’s worry. Jazz could no doubt break the furry over her knee, Danny had seen her do it to Skulker of all people, but drawing the ire of the big bat was the opposite of ideal. Batman’s Stabby Robin might even try to challenge Jazz for her Ecto-sword, which was both hilarious to imagine and panic-inducing, because stabby Robin was stabby. 
After the early morning chat with the Signal, Danny had come to a decision regarding the leather clad crime lord furry and his flock of birdies- step up as the Boy King and request Batman’s help in riding the Realms of the Anti-Ecto Acts. Jazz already did so much as his Regent, he could at least get the ball rolling on this. 
In order to begin, he had a sad trenchcoat man to call. 
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“Bloody Hell, Phantom!” 
The Phantom, in his original jumpsuit rather than the admittedly awesome Star King regalia, grinned with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Closer to a snarl, but whatever. 
“Sad trenchcoat man! Just the guy I wanted to see.” 
Danny knew the guy’s name, hard not to when he’d seen the three floor-to-ceiling filing cabinets in Jazz’s office dedicated to the Laughing Magician alone, but the halfa was nothing if not dedicated to the bit. 
When he’d sensed Constantine’s magic at work, he’d hijacked the summoning circle for his own use- suck it, a king trumps whatever entity Constantine was trying to get and Danny was less likely to want his soul in return for a favor. 
(Did it really count when he’d already gifted the glued together pieces of the guy’s soul to Jazz as a paperweight?) 
“Phantom, lad, why’re you here?”
The Ghost boy huffed a laugh, the building annoyance in the air just from his presence was fueling his life force. 
“What, can’t say hi to a friend now? After all the work I did to stop that demon from coming instead too.” 
(Lies.) (The summoning had been for an observant, but those bastard eyebags can eat a dick for all he cared.)
“Demon?” Constantine’s voice cracked with surprise, gaze flickering over the runes he’d lazily copied from a book. 
“Constantine.” A growl interrupted whatever comeback the Magician could have conjured, with the shadows of the darkened room parting to allow the Dark Knight himself to step through. “There is no time.” 
“Aye, Batsy.” The brit turned back to Phantom, an edge of desperation now coloring the annoyance the ghost had brought. “Phantom, I need a favor.” 
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Phantom blinked. 
“Uh, sure dude?” 
“Constantine.” Batman interrupted again, but the sad trenchcoat man waved him off.
“Your people been wreckin’ government buildings and the bloody USA is throwing a fit.” 
Government buildings? Phantom’s people? The GIW? 
Could his luck really be in his favor this time? After all, here was Batman, and the sad trenchcoat man who could verify that Phantom was a spirit of protection and not one of vengeance. 
(He left that to the Regent.)
“If that’s the case, then there is nothing I can do.” 
(He would be right there with his people. What’s a few more buildings destroyed to free the innocent ghosts trapped within?) 
Phantom crossed his arms, allowing gravity to bring him to the floor where he stood at his full height. Unintimidating was one word for it, but he couldn’t really care less at the moment. 
“The GIW have committed acts of War against the Infinite Realms, Constantine. It’s only thanks to the Regent and Future King that this Living Realm hasn’t been claimed by the Unquiet Dead.” 
It was true. Jazz was the best Regent Danny could’ve ever gotten. She was liminal enough to understand that the Denziens of the Realms were not inherently malicious, but human enough to realize that she too would be afraid of the ghosts if she hadn’t been raised around the dead and (un)dying.
It was only thanks to that fine line she walked that Phantom wasn’t to join the Unquiet Dead and Neverborn as they descended onto the Living with the fury of thousand suns. 
Danny, while a half-ghost, had died unlike his big sister. Sure he was brought back by Ectoplasm, but he had only returned halfway and that part of him was chomping at the bit to avenge those who were ended that he couldn’t protect. 
“Here.” Phantom shallowly intoned as he pulled a flash drive from his chest, thrown to the big bat. “That contains all collected information the Regent was comfortable sharing with the Living. Share it with your league and get the Acts demolished, Batman.” 
Phantom sighed heavily, shoulders drooping as he finished in a tired voice, “Please. I don’t want to fight. Please don’t make me go to war.” 
Was he trying to tug on the Bat’s heartstrings? Yes. Was he being honest in not wanting to got to war? Also yes. 
“Yeah, all denziens of the Realms would have to fight. We’re all effected by the Acts, even if we don’t want to hurt anyone we’d have to…for our right to exist.” Phantom replied lowly. “I’m a spirit of protection, I don’t want to hurt the innocent.” 
(It was a truth he had come to terms with, after his sister killed their parents.)
(He died wanting to be loved and protected by the adults who claimed to be his parents, but it had been Jazz that raised him.) 
(She avenged him twice over.)
(She gave him a grave.)
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A/N: No Hardcover/Anger Management ship content this time, just lore for this world I'm building.
And look, Sad trenchcoat man!
Song quotes are from the same songs on my Jazz/Jason playlist. Typically the song that started playing when I get ready to post this.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
Here’s my little tiny exploration of Luis’ character because it is my god-given duty to pull him apart and analyse him
• Ok so first off………. THE OPENING SCENE??????????? Oh my god there’s S O MUCH TO TALK ABT. Yes Luis dancing is hot as SHIT but also???????? He was about to get TORTURED and MURDERED and he STILL decided to have fun with it and do a lil dance?????? That’s so!!!!!!!!!! He wants to live out his fantasies right until the end!!!!! He truly does think his confidence can get him anywhere!!!!!!! And then when the dance ends he’s READY TO FISTFIGHT THE MONKS?????? NO WEAPONS HES FULLY ABIUT TO GO FISTFIGHT THEM???? He KNOWS it’s a loosing battle but he’s gonna fight tooth and nail to the very end!!!!!!!!!!!
• Also when he turns to face the person who was also dying in the cell and says “this next dance is for you brother” and we get a close up of his face……….. god it hurts to know that that was a person. Somebody who was beautiful in their own right and maybe even somebody who meant something to Luis. Even in the face of death Luis sees the beauty in it ARGHGAGWHSGSB
• Also also I’m sure SOMEBODY could find meaning behind the Flamenco (somebody more knowledgeable in Spanish culture than me) but I’ve heard some people say it symbolises capture and death???? CAPCOM HOW DARE YOU HURT ME SO
• I LOVE that we get to see a more relaxed side of Luis around Ada and less of his flirtiness and damn. It’s so obvious he and Leon are in Love. He’s trying soooooooo hard to impress Leon every time they talk by being super flirty with him and then whenever he’s with Ada he’s a total nerd he’s soooooooooooooo in love w that blonde twink
• GODDAMN THAT FIRE SCENE. WHAT I S N T THERE TO TALK ABOUT??????? First of all the paralells between his childhood where he watched his grandfather die in a fire?????? Also he FULLY RAN INTO A BURNING BUILDING AND ALMOST DIED J U S T TO GET LEON HIS MEDICINE????????????? HE CARES ABOUT LEON SM I WANNA RIP SOMETHING APART. He didint wanna see Leon die in the same way his Grandfather did because he couldn’t save his Grandfather back then!!!!!!!!!!! He wants to make things right!!!!!! HE WAS LITERALLY ON HIS HANDS AND LNEES CRYING I CANT I CANT
• godDAMN that scene where Luis heals Ada?????? I LOVE that we see him hesitate for a good solid few seconds on wether or not he should run away from her or stay,,, wether or not he should go back to his usual habits of running away from the people he loves or stay to help,,,, ANS HE STAYS TO HELP BECAUSE HE CARES ABY ADA AND ALSO??? ADA BEING LIKE “leave me here……… besides…… you’ve got a promise to keep……..” OOOOOOOUGGHHH SHE KNOWS,,,, SHE KNOWS HOW MUCH LEON MEANS TO HIM I CANNOG RN also that lil apothecary thing he had was sooooo gender of him
•OH MY GOD HIS DEATH SCENE WHERE HE CALLS HER?????????????? I don’t remember EXACTLY what he said and I’d have to comb through like hours of footage to find it again but,,,,,. THE FACT THAT HE CALLED HER TO SAY GOODBHE????? HE CARES ABOUT HER RIGHT UMTIL THE END?????? AND HE CALLS HIMSELF HER ‘Good Samaritan’ IN THE SAME WAY HE CALLS HIMSELF DON QUIXOTE TO LEON AOAOAISAUJSSOSISKS,,,,,, and then he’s like “sorry I’ve gotta go Leon needs my help ;)” OUGH,,,,, I’m gonna reference another post from my mutual but it’s so sad that Luis got to spend the rest of his life with Leon but not the other way round………………..
• I’m so glad we got to see more of Luis and more of his personality when he’s not tryna swoon the blonde twink he’s in love with BXNSBEHEJXIAIS he feels like such a deep and real human being especially whenever he interacts with Ada and I just,,,,,,,,,, sigh. He’s my favourite character for a reason. 10/10 no notes
• Edit: also the parallels between Luis calling himself Ada’s ‘Good Samaritan’ and Leon his Sancho like AAAAAAAAAA???? You could pick apart the meaning and argue abt how good samaritans are usually friends and Sancho is a code word for Gay Lover in a lot of old fashioned Spanish bars like how ‘friends of Dorothy’ was but ANSNWUENDUNXXUNDDHXN SHUT UP I can’t rn
•Also I’m SURE you could pull some symbolism from the bugs and from Luis having an apothecary as catholic self-exorcism and how ‘science is the roof of all evil’ and Luis is using it to help others etc etc etc……….
Also if anyone else finds anything abt luis lore wise like how you have to find a picture of his grandfather or of him with Umbrella in the original PLEEEEAAAAASSSWE SHOW ME I NEED MORE LUIS BACKSTORY I NEED IT IN MY VEINS
• ALSO ALSO EDIT: the fact that one of the ingredients for his cure are butterfly wings???? And butterflies symbolise CHANGE????? HIS ENTIRE ARC IS ABT CHANCE??????? I’m actually gonna be sick.
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idk if you went back to sleep bc u stopped replying on discord but im here to personally tell you guys that you do deserve to be loved. it sucks that nobody really shows you guys that but you do. i love you guys; you're the best friends a guy could ask for—you're not unlovable and i mean it. you're great people, and i promise that i mean every word of this
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thanks kei. ur sweet
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pinkchangelingdemon · 2 years
My landlord was an asshole. His name was Scott. Always complaining about doing the bare minimum. I froze for two whole months waiting for him to repair the heating, but hey! don't be late with the rent or he'll kick you out the next day!
One of my neighbours, Ms Everett, a charming old lady, told me that things weren't always like this.
-You see, Scott's mother owned the building. She was a lovely woman, always so helpful. She even organised "rooftop barbecues" from time to time for the tenants to mingle - she said with dreamy eyes.
-That sounds really nice, Miss Everett
Then her expression shifted.
-But two years ago, she got sick. Everyone visited her at the hospital, except his own son Scott.
-What a massive asshole.- I said, not really surprised.
She nodded.
-Sadly, I agree. After she passed, Scott inherited the building and her money. Some tenants couldn't stand him and left. I... can't leave... so it's always nice that good people like you coming to live here.
The way she said she couldn't leave was strange, but another thought came into my mind. I had to tell her.
-Scott... he's going to kick me out, Mis Everett... I lost my job and didn't pay the monthly fee...
-Oh child...
She got sad, but I could see in her eyes she was planning something. Maybe I was imagining it.
I was desperate. I couldn't go back to my hometown to live with my homophobic father. Not again.
-Maybe I have a solution for you - she finally said serious.
Hope at last.
-I'll accept whatever it...- I started to say before someone interrupted me.
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It was Scott.
I started to tremble.
-Scott... I... I...- I stuttered
I was scared, but at the same time, I was a little aroused. Scott was a douchebag, but he was hot. The image of him angry in his sweaty and revealing gym clothes was making it difficult to decide if I was scared or turned on.
Then, I stared at his bulge, visible through his gym shorts.
He saw me distracted, and followed my gaze.
Then I remembered we weren't alone. I din't want Miss Everett to be part of this.
I looked at my right, but she wasn't there. I breathed relieved. For an old lady, she really was sneaky.
Scott pushed me.
I wasn't able to keep my balance and I fell to the ground.
My head hurt. I didn't know if it was from the fall, but I was hearing a woman singing in a language I didn't understand. The voice was somehow familiar.
I yawned.
All the problems, Scott, my father, my head... seemed foreign to me. I was feeling very tired.
-The fu...- Scott tried to say sleepy.
He closed his eyes and was about to fall on top of my tired body. My body didn't respond. I saw him fell, but before the impact I lost consciouness.
I opened my eyes. I was in Miss Everett's house?
-The fuck...?
I panicked. That was Scott's voice, but I was the one who said that, right?
-Shh child, you need to rest - Miss Everett reasured me.
I breathed relieved, closed my eyes again and sleep.
A few hours later, I screamed.
-WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?- I yelled shocked staring at my now big and muscular arms.
Then I looked at the rest of my bigger body. Pillow pecs? abs? muscular legs? a beard?
In disbelief, I connected the dots. That wasn't my body and I was wearing Scott clothes. I was my asshole but hot landlord.
From the stress and the fall I must have finally lost my mind.
I massaged my pecs, they felt pretty real and amazing.
Then, I flexed my right arm and sniffed my armpit. That was my landlords smell, or... my smell?
The realization of being in my sweaty landlord body woke up my now bigger dick trying to get out of his shorts.
-OHHH FUCK!- I moaned.
In my previous twink body, that thick dick would have destroyed me for sure.
I moaned again at the thought of getting some action with this stallion.
My hands pulled down the gym shorts I was wearing. Of course, Scott's package matched in size with the rest of his body.
I began to stroke my borrowed dick, while my other hand started massaging my hairy sack to finally move to my hairier and probably virgin ass.
The masculine moans were louder, and hearing my landlord voice only made me more horny. After all, I was making the body I had been lusting moan without control.
I was so intoxicated by the power and pleasure of this body that I completely forgot I was masturbating and loudly moaning in my neighbours couch.
After a few minutes of exploring that sweaty hunk body, I felt my cock tensed up. With a primal but masculine moan my previous body could only dream to emit, I released load after load of my landlords cum.
My furry chest and the couch were a sticky mess.
I felt so euphoric and still so horny that I licked all of the cum I could. Savoring the taste of MY cum.
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While I was licking it, I heard footsteps approaching.
I stopped abruptly with drops of cum in my beard.
It was Miss Everett, but she looked younger?
-Well, well, dirty boy, I see you are enjoying your new life,uh?
Something was definitely wrong with her. She looked younger, her voice sounded somehow masculine? And her kind expression was now sharpened and smiled, but not like a sweet old lady. There was something evil in his gaze.
-Miss.. Miss... Everett.. I am so sorry- I said ashamed trying to cover the snake bouncing between my legs with a cushion.
She laughed but with an strange echo.
- Don't be, child. I am after all the one who made you look like this.
- Wait, what? - I yelled surprised.
- You are so naive, child. I like that in a man. - she smiled - You see, I'm a demon. I wasn't always like this - she said pointing at herself with disgust while getting older again- but someone trapped me here, inside of this building, in this female flesh a long time ago.
"A demon? Yeah, why not?" I thought.
If I somehow possessed my landlords body, demons being real wasn't really a big deal.
- But... I saw you outside the building many times.
She took a deep breath.
- This flesh can leave and she doesn't know for how long she has been alive, but me, a male demon, I am doomed to stay and wait for her return, only to be a passenger of her boring life.
-Oh, I see... - I tried to keep my cool- but why help me and not yourself?
She smiled rejuvenating again.
- I need your help, dummie.- she smiled again- Also maybe all of these years inside this woman made me a softie.
-A favor for a favor, I see...- I hesitated- What do you need Miss... demon?
-Oh just a drop of your blood and I need you to say "I free you, dude"- She said mocking Scott's voice.
I took a step back.
-My...my blood, why?
She shook her head.
-Not "your" blood, I need the blood of the asshole heir of the greatest son of a bitch who trapped me here.
She pointed at me to state the obvious. Scott's family was connected to the demon.
-You really need my help, uh? - I said with Scott cocky actitude- what if I don't help you "demon"?
The old lady sighed.
-Here we go again... First, demons aren't evil, well some of them are... I'm a lust demon. I only care for pleasure and sex, not harvesting souls and shit. - she explained annoyed, but then her expression shifted. She was deadly serious now - Second, if you don't help me... I'll make sure that Scott beats the shit out of you before you go back with your "dear" father. Don't fuck with me, child - her expression shifted again, now she weared Miss Everett charming smile like a mask- Third, don't forget if you help me you win this sweaty hunk and all his money, sweet child.
I looked at my pecs and muscular arms. Then, I thought of my shitty father waiting for me in my hometown.
-We have a deal.
She gave me a needle.
-Just one drop, dear.
I pricked one of my fingers.
-I free you, demon - I said solemn with my landlords voice.
Miss Everett licked with her old tongue my finger.
That was so gross. I looked away for an entire minute.
-It's done - said a masculine voice which sounded similar to Scott's.
I looked at the demon. He was an exact copy of my naked landlord body but with red eyes.
He massaged his dick while biting his lip.
-Oh fuck, how I missed having one of these.
I was so turned on looking at him enjoying himself that I massaged my identical dick enjoying the views.
The demon smiled seductively at me. Then he looked around him annoyed.
-Ugh, I can't stand another second in this fucking building.
He scratched his naked ass and a red card appeared in his hand. He gave it to me.
-Meet me here, and we'll have a good time - he winked at me while rubbing my crotch.
I closed my eyes while moaning.
When I opened them, the demon had already left.
I scratched my borrowed beard wondering what just happened. Not too much though, because Scott's dick... I mean... My dick was demanding attention.
I opened the door of my new apartment, removed my sweaty gym clothes, releasing my hard dick, ready for round two.
Part 2?
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Part 2:
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bengiyo · 1 year
Alright, new question, I know how much you enjoy your Sad Gay Boy Hours. What shows, besides Until We Meet Again, because I know how much you love it, satisfy your Sad Gay Boy needs?
The Boys Who Suffered
The big thing about The Knowing is The Suffering. There is a melancholy that seeps into you and makes you think you aren't enough. These characters are hard to watch. I know you asked about shows, but I'm doing some movies as well because I've been thinking about genre history lately. For this it's about whether or not the quiet sadness in me connected to the quiet sadness I perceived in a character in this show.
Moonlight (2016)
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He is the saddest boy in my heart. This is the moment that breaks him forever.
For The Boys
Jamal, Syed, and Anthony have suffered for being who they are, and they are hurting. They cling to each other and it's often too hard.
Weekend (2011)
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This man is so lonely even if people love him. I feel melancholy for days any time I watch this film.
Big Eden (2000)
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I don't know who taught him shame, but there's this sense of surrender in Henry that has haunted me for fifteen years.
A Single Man (2009)
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Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci play some of the saddest gay men who have ever existed. This entire project is about grief.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
Inthawut is the saddest man in BL.
Given (2019)
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The reveals about the depths of sadness in this boy are really some of the best I've experienced.
Eternal Yesterday (2022)
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He was suffering even before Koichi died, and it saddens me so much that the world bent to let him say goodbye to help him grieve.
The Pornographer Series
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I just knew there was something fundamentally off about Kijima and the rest of these men.
The Day I Loved You (2023)
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I keep meaning to write something about this show, but there's something special about going into a relationship you know won't be forever because of external factors, and also choosing to make that time as special as possible.
Tokyo in April is...
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Ren suffering for Kazuma gets me every time.
Like in the Movies (2020)
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I'm never getting over Karl and Vlad. I'm sad we'll likely never see them again because in so many ways the specific pieces of melancholy in each of them are why they didn't walk away together.
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories
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These two were not left at HEA and they didn't end there this time, either. Both of these two are carrying some heavy shit in their hearts, and I find comfort in seeing them stumble and keep trying.
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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Shiro makes me so sad sometimes, and I'm so glad he found Kenji.
The Eclipse
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Every boy in this show is a sad mess.
The Eighth Sense
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I'm glad Jae Won found Ji Hyun, because that country twink won't give up on him.
Kabe-Koji Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized
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I recently rewatched this and feel so much about Mamoru and Issei.
Our Dating Sim
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Lee Wan was wrong, but I get him.
We Best Love
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"Yes, I'm in love with you, but that's none of your business."
Stuck On You
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The Philippines crushed the pandemic. This is quietly one of the better ones about people who were already suffering.
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Hwang Da Seul's oeuvre always seems to hit my sad boy core.
Sing My Crush
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Every time Han Baram says Im Hantae's name I lose it.
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Live-read: The Wheel of Destiny #1, Atcham.
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You can find this article on the Dofus MMO’s site, by simply googling it.
Before I begin this post I want to acknowledge multiple things:
On the hierarchy of canonical media, web articles are like... the bottom of the barrel. I already suspected this, but season 4 fully retconning Eva's parents from the lore articles sealed the deal. For this reason, take these as nothing but the sort of canon that will get retconned at the first available opportunity.
I recently found out that the Wheel of Destiny 8, the one about Kerubim, seems to use stolen fanart by Flowerimh, which is sad. I don't know where else to put this, because I don't want to make a separate post about this. Flowerimh isn't even active anymore...
Despite these two things, let us proceed to read this article together:
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So, this article happens anywhere from one year to a decade before Joris was born, and at this time, Atcham and Julith were already acquainted and spending free time together.
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Spoiler alert: They are searching for Kerubim.
Keke getting called a "precious runt" is on par with the shit Joris gets called. Wonderful. I do wonder why they would search for him in Brakmar. Someone confused him for Atcham? Maybe they asked Kerubim himself, and he didn't want to deal with them, and so, sent them to Brakmar on a wild goose chase?
I will not be asking "what did he do" because, like, Fifi Pretty Calves exists. He has enough enemies to have a price on his head.
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I am literally in love with him, and every single way he is described in this part of the text.
"He had a preference for sibilant sounds", "Aw, poor little puppy", "the only reason he hadn't robbed them blind is because he wanted to know more".
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He was so excited.... he thought they wanted him (not carnally).... 😢
He takes a lot of pride in his work and insane behaviours.
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Atcham considers himself an extraordinary adventurer and a valiant fighter. AND HE ISSSSSS. But it is interesting that besides being a killer for hire, he probably also adventures.
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[Taps this meme I made about Kerubim and Atcham once again]
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He was so ready to be the one people wanted to kill just once, and they ruined his whole fucking evening.
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Imagine this being your day-to-day life, for decades. Just people laughing at you, laughing because you still hadn't caught on that you're the joke, and laughing when you finally understand that, and get upset.
Laughing about you behind your back, to some random stranger, too. Because they still hadn't realized they're literally talking about him.
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I think this is a good time to say that I headcanon Atcham as autistic. It is simply a headcanon, but one rooted in the themes of his character. I think it is a fitting conclusion, (albeit, just like my hcs of Joris having ADHD and OCD and Kerubim having comorbid BPD and HPD, very accidental one, on part of the writers).
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I could talk for hours on the way neurodivergence, disability, body issues, and violence-as-response-to-abuse intersect in Atcham's character, — or the way he hates everyone preemptively, because he knows that they will probably hurt him, yet still tries to be at least a bit kind and fair to others (....who aren't Kerubim).
I am probably not autistic, — however, I am neurodivergent, and I love & relate to him, so yeah. Always rotating this bingus in my brain.
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Imagine this being your whole life.
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I read descriptions of Atcham being cool and fast, and all the analysis leaves my brain as I say "awooga hummina hummina".
The fact that nobody ever wed him is literally so unrealistic, like WHAT DO YOU MEAN you don't want the weird, mentally ill, neurodivergent twink.
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We never see Atcham's home in Brakmar, but from the description of "tattered", and the way his bed looks in the comic panel I inserted earlier in the post, it is safe to say his home is the definition of "girlrotting". It probably smells. Bad.
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Says the woman whose kindness will also be the death of her, — and her ruthlessness too.
Because of her visiting his home so nonchalantly, and their interactions as a whole, I like to view Atcham and Julith as somewhat close friends, — as close as two very emotionally repressed people, who have a huge age difference, and don't like to admit that they feel anything positive, can be.
He probably didn't mourn her, — not after she was presumed dead for ten years, and not after she died for real.
But he probably still thinks about her, once in a while.
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