#safe and sound kurapika x reader
bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
Safe and Sound
Pt 1
Yandere!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
pt 2
warnings: reader is kidnapped, she was drugged, Kurapika masturbates to the sound of reader sleeping in the next room
A/N: I’m not sure how long this series will because it’s purely for my own enjoyment, so… yeah. Also if you’d like to see sneak peeks or share your ideas for my series, come join the discord!!
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The sound of raindrops hitting the window was enough to wake (Name) from her nap. She stretched, her head and limbs feeling strangely heavy.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes, her free hand patting the nightstand next to her bed for her phone… but it wasn’t there. (Name) immediately sighed, thinking she may have fallen asleep watching a video and forgot to put in on charge. It would be annoying having to charge it at work, considering the only outlet was usually taken up by her creepy coworker.
“Damn it…”
She finally opened her eyes, only to blink a few times, her foggy mind trying to make sense of the strange layout of her room. All of the furniture was the same, her books and plushies were the same, but they were in different spots. The walls were pink, like they’d always been, but she didn’t remember having a window…
“So you’re awake.”
The door to her room was open, a familiar head of blonde hair peeking in. “Kurapika..? What are you… doing in my house? I thought you were out of town for work…”
She rubbed her eyes again, taking a look around the room again and finally realizing something. “This… this isn’t my room. Where… where am I?”
He didn’t speak for a moment, looking away from her questioning gaze. The blonde looked… conflicted, almost guilty. “This… this is your new home. I…”
He cleared his throat, his face returning to its normal calm, and collected state. “I decorated this room to… be as close to your old one as possible. I even found those stuffed animals you’ve been…”
Kurapika went quiet when she stared at him, still trying to process what he was getting at. “Wait… Kurapika, I don’t… what are you saying? Why- no, how did I get here?”
The door creaked open, Kurapika stepping in. He was wearing his usual blue tabard with the golden embroidery, though his hair was tied back in a ponytail. She had noticed his hair getting longer, it was usually a sign that he wasn’t taking care of himself again and putting his mission before his health.
“… that isn’t important, (Name). What is important is that you’re here, and you’re safe.”
He stood in front of her, his soft brown eyes gazing down at her with a feeling she couldn’t quite place. (Name) blinked when he pushed a piece of hair out of her face before pulling his hand away. “I know this… will be difficult to adjust to, but just know I have your best interests at heart. You… are very dear to me, and you already know I would never hurt you.”
She was incredibly confused, her eyes darting from his unreadable expression, to the room, then down to her leg…
“I… see you’ve noticed it.”
There was a chain keeping her secured to the bed by her ankle. She lifted her leg a little, eyes widening when she realized she barely had any slack in the chain to move. “Kurapika… why..?”
He patted his tabard, slipping his hand into his pocket and taking out a key. Kurapika kneeled in front of her, his eyes lingering on her plush thighs for a moment before his hand hovered over her ankle. “May I?”
Without much choice, (Name) nodded and held out her leg for him. Kurapika held her leg gently, his slender fingers grasping onto her ankle as he unlocked the cuff on her leg. “It was just a precaution, in case you woke up when I wasn’t around… and… freaked out.”
She didn’t respond, just lifting her leg to rub her ankle. (Name) didn’t even notice because she had barely been awake, but she hadn’t had a lot of movement in that leg, only just able to lay it on the bed.
He let out a soft sigh, placing the chain under her bed after locking it to make sure she couldn’t do anything with it. “… do you… have any questions? Any requests?”
“… did… did you kidnap me?”
It was a stupid question she already knew the answer to, but it was hard to wrap her mind around the possibility that the sweet boy she knew had the capacity to take her away from her home without her consent and lock her in chains. This wasn’t something she ever expected from him, someone she considered a friend.
He was quiet for a moment, as if in deep thought. Kurapika stood up, brushing off his tabard before answering. “Technically? Yes, I did, but please (Name), don’t be afraid. You aren’t a prisoner here. Your every need and want will be met, you’ll be taken care of properly. You’ll never want for anything, not food or drink-“
“What if I want to see my friends and family?”
Kurapika went quiet again, his eyes half lidded. “… with good behavior you can call them once a week. You haven’t just disappeared, I made sure to… inform all of your close friends and family that you moved to a new country to start a new life.”
She started to tremble, her eyes filling with tears. “I’ll… never get to see my family again?”
The way her voice cracked broke Kurapika’s heart, his shell of composure breaking for a second when his lip twitched down into a frown. “(Name)… I…”
He reached out to cup her cheek and wipe her tears away, but pulled back before he could reach her. Did he even deserve to touch her right now, after putting her through all of this?
‘She… probably needs space,’ Kurapika thought, turning around and heading towards the door.
“… please, familiarize yourself with your new room. You have plenty of books, a TV with access to cable television and sites for streaming, and art supplies. There’s also a few journals and pens, if… writing out your feelings may help you feel… better.”
Kurapika had attempted to gather all of her favorite things and decorate her room to look as close to her original one to make the move as seamless and stress free as possible, but he knew no matter what he did to make her as comfortable as possible, he was still keeping her there against her will.
He hesitated for a moment, considering giving her another dose of the drug he gave her to bring her there, take her home, and convince her it had all been a bad dream. She was home, her friend hadn’t kidnapped her, and their relationship didn’t have to change. Her hating him was one of the things he feared most after all.
But he feared her untimely demise even more. Steeling himself, Kurapika reminded himself why he did what he did. Above all else, her safety came first. Above her own free will, above her happiness, above his own selfish need to be the one she cared for most.
Kurapika was okay with becoming the villain, of killing potential threats and stealing her away if it meant she would live out the rest of her life in safety and comfort. Although her safety would always come first, he did want (Name) to be happy, he cared about her more than anything!
He paused in the doorway when she called out for him, turning his head slightly to look at her. She seemed so vulnerable and small on the soft bed he picked out for her. “Yes, (Name)?”
“… am I stuck here forever?”
His heart thumped against his chest. From the look on her face, she already knew the answer to that question, but he didn’t mind confirming it. “… yes. This is your new home, please… try to get used to it. If you need anything, I’ll… be downstairs. Just call for me and I’ll come. This room is yours, and I won’t come in without knocking unless I fear for your safety.”
She nodded, sinking into her bed and clinging to one of the stuffed animals he snatched from her home. It was a Cinnamoroll plush Kurapika had gotten for her a year ago for her birthday, along with some baked goods from the bakery she liked. He had always been so thoughtful and sweet, just looking around the room he meticulously prepared for her was evidence enough.
“… alright…”
(Name) was still tired and her body felt heavy. She wasn’t sure why, but it felt like she’d taken a muscle relaxer or something of the like. Kurapika watched to make sure she got into bed okay and was off to sleep before he gave the smallest of smiles and closed the door behind him.
When she woke up, there was a sandwich and a bag of her favorite chips sitting on her nightstand, along with a bottle of water. Parched and starving, she ate quickly, before noticing there was a note under her plate.
‘You’ve been asleep for nearly an entire day. When you wake up, eat this then come downstairs so I can show you around the cabin.’
(Name) finished her bag of chips before throwing the trash away in the strawberry shaped trash can by her bed. It was the same one she had at home, and she wondered how Kurapika was able to find a copy of it, considering she got hers in a garage sale.
She noticed there was another door in her room besides the one Kurapika came from. Feeling curious, she decided to check it out before wandering downstairs.
It was a small bathroom, with a shower, toilet, and sink. When she peeked behind the pink shower curtain, she saw all of the products she used when bathing, down to her favorite brand of shaving cream.
The tooth brush she liked and the flavor of toothpaste she preferred was set neatly by the sink, and when she checked the medicine cabinet she saw her prescriptions, though the bottles were mostly empty. ‘Probably to make sure I don’t… take them all at once.’
The thought was morbid, but she could understand why Kurapika would be cautious. Humans could get desperate when pushed into a corner, and if she broke, she might try and kill herself.
To test her theory, she looked around to see if there was a razor to shave with, but saw none. She wondered why he would give her shaving cream but no razor. Maybe he… was going to watch her when she shaved? That thought made her face heat up in embarrassment.
(Name) washed her face and brushed her teeth, trying to take solace in the mundane. She knew she wasn’t currently in any danger, so she tried her best to relax. Kurapika wouldn’t have gone through all that effort to make her happy and comfortable if he was going to brutally murder or assault her, and… she didn’t want to think the sweet friend she knew was capable of hurting her like that.
Though (Name) had her reasons to be cautious, he was an incredibly strong person with privilege and power due to being a hunter, she didn’t feel afraid, just… confused and a little betrayed. Sad as well, but what could she do? Right now, she couldn’t do anything, so she might as well relax while she could.
By the door to the hallway, there was a pair of pink bunny slippers. She remembered telling him that she wanted to get herself a pair of slippers because of how cold it was getting. It was strangely sweet to know how much he listened to her random tangents about things.
She put them on before opening the door and stepping out into the hallway. Kurapika had said something about being downstairs if she needed something, so she wasn’t surprised to see wooden railing 5ish feet from her door.
(Name) walked down the stairs, holding onto the railing. She could smell the familiar scent of vanilla in the air, mixed with a bit of cinnamon and pine. Kurapika must have snagged some of her favorite candles to make the cabin smell closer to home…
The living room was decorated sparsely, with just a maroon couch, an oak coffee table, and large flat screen TV. She wondered how long it took him to get this place set up and how long he had planned on taking her away.
She nearly jumped out of her bunny slippers when she heard Kurapika’s voice behind her. Thankfully he was able to catch her before she fell on her butt, the blonde surprisingly strong. He held onto her shoulders, steadying her before letting go.
“Sorry, I didn’t… I didn’t mean to scare you.”
She glanced at him, seeing the softness in his eyes as a sign he was telling the truth. “It’s alright, you’ve alway moved so quietly, even… before…”
Kurapika looked away, a frown on his face. “… now that you’re awake, I can show you around. This is your home now, you’ll need to know where everything is so you can fend for yourself while I’m gone.”
He walked past her, the blonde glancing back to signal for her to follow him.
(Name) was lead to the kitchen, where Kurapika stood awkwardly in the center. “You can look around. Open the cabinets, search through the drawers, just familiarize yourself with the place. I want you to be completely comfortable here.”
She didn’t say what she wanted, tht she would never be truly comfortable when she was trapped. (Name) couldn’t say it, not when she wasn’t completely sure she was safe. He may never physically harm her, but there were other ways to deal with people besides hurting their bodies.
Instead, (Name) did as told, opening the drawers. She blinked when she saw all the utensils were hard plastic, like the stuff you’d use for babies. The knives were understandable, but the spoons and forks?
“Why… is everything plastic?”
Kurapika peeked over your shoulder, his expression unreadable. “It’s safer.”
“Safer? How could I get hurt using a metal spoon?”
He didn’t answer, simply closing the drawer. “Just… keep looking around.”
She sent him a concerned look before continuing to look around. There was plenty of food in the pantries, and the dishes were also all hard plastic, with the plates being those plates with sectioned parts to put different sides of your meal.
Every dish was a soft pink, even the pots and pans. He had really gotten everything in her favorite color, and she almost wanted to laugh when she spotted a pink sponge by the sink.
Kurapika was hovering around (Name) again, his eyes looking over her face to see if she liked the kitchen he set up just for her. He went through great lengths to make sure everything was safe and pink, trying to please her.
“Well, everything is very pink.”
Kurapika waited, staring at her with those intense brown eyes of his. “And?”
“And… it’s nice, thank you.”
The blonde wasn’t expecting that, and before he could hide it his eyes widened slightly as a the lightest of pink graced his cheeks.
“I’m… glad you like it,” he said softly, watching her with adoring eyes as she looked in the fridge. It was hard not to stare when she was finally here, where no one but him could gaze at her.
After a thorough tour of the kitchen, he lead her to his room. Compared to hers, it was pretty empty and dull. The sheets were a plain gray color, the walls white. There was not a single decoration in sight, just an empty cup on his nightstand.
The only furniture in the barren room was his nightstand, bed, a dresser, and a small bookshelf tucked away in a far back corner. “If you need anything, just come to my room. Knock if the door is closed.”
He watched as she looked around, smiling a little when she peeked at his books. “There’s nothing you’d find of interest there, (Name). Just a few history books.”
She glanced at him. “Is this all you wanted to show me?”
He shook his head, offering her his hand. “There’s one more thing.”
It hurt a little to see the hesitant in her eyes, her hand trembling slightly as she reached out to take his. Kurapika made sure to keep his grip on her hand as gentle and tender as he could manage.
“I’m… not going to hurt you. You know that, right (Name)?”
She didn’t answer, looking away from him. He felt his stomach twist into knots. Kurapika didn’t want her to fear him, it hurt too much to bear. He would have to build up her trust all over again, if he could even get her to trust him at all after kidnapping her.
“… come on, we have one last stop.”
He guided her to the back of the cabin, taking a key from his pocket and opening the door. She watched nervously as a dark hallway was revealed, making her tremble in fear. Kurapika seemed to notice this, taking out his phone to use as a flashlight. “I… was planning on getting lights installed in this hallway before I brought you here, but…”
He went quiet, shaking his head. “Never mind, come on.”
As he took her hand, she jumped slightly when his thumb brushed against her palm, as if he was trying to comfort her. Before, the action would have made her blush and giggle, but now it only filled her with dread.
The irrational side of her feared he would take her down to a dark basement and leave her there to die, but she had to tell herself that if that’s what he wanted to do, then why would he try so hard to replicate her room and make her comfortable? For gods sake every dish and pan in the house was pink and the silverware was hard plastic, if he planned on keeping her in a basement, why go through all that effort?
But sometimes the brain doesn’t listen to reason. (Name) found herself shaking uncontrollably, audibly yelping when she was suddenly engulfed in a bright light.
The light hadn’t actually been that bright, her eyes had just adjusted to the darkness. She had to blink a few times to get used to the change in light, and when she did she was pleasantly surprised.
She stood in the middle of a lush garden, with flowers, vegetables, and trees bearing all kinds of fruit.
There was a bench, along with a table and chairs so she could rest and eat outside if she wanted to. The only think that made her a little uneasy was the fact that the garden was in a glass dome, the only thing connecting her to the outside world being little vents that allowed the outside air in.
“I… figured you wouldn’t be happy stuck inside at all hours of the day. Humans need sunlight and fresh air to be happy.”
She nodded slowly, letting go of his hand to investigate the garden. Kurapika watched, holding his breath to see if she would like it. “I thought you may like to take up gardening as a hobby. There are many varieties of plants here, meaning fresh vegetables and fruit. I had… a friend make sure these plants will produce all throughout the year, so you don’t have to worry about them going in and out of season.”
With a soft sigh, (Name) picked an apple from one of the trees, looking it over. It was a brilliant shade of red, probably the most beautiful apple she had ever seen. “You… really put a lot of effort into this…”
“I did. I wanted to make sure you were as happy here as you could possibly be.”
(Name) rubbed the apple on her sleeve before taking a bite. It was good, better than any store bought apple she’d eaten. “You… didn’t have to do this, you know. You didn’t have to kidnap me… I don’t… I don’t understand. I was perfectly fine, living a normal, happy life. Why… why, Kurapika?”
He didn’t seem angered by her question, not even surprised. Kurapika only sighed, not meeting her eyes. “I… can’t tell you everything, all I can say is that I did it for you. I’ve already told you how important you are to me. I can’t bear the thought of losing you.”
Silence overtook the garden, and (Name) took that as a sign that he was done talking. “Alright… you probably already know I’m not okay with this. I see no reason to fight with you, seeing as we both know who would come out as the winner.”
Kurapika stayed silent for a moment, knowing what she said was true. “… I will never hurt you. You don’t have to worry about that.”
(Name) let the half eaten apple fall the ground, her eyes fixed on the fruit. “… take me back to me room, please. I… want to be alone.”
Kurapika nodded slowly, letting her walk ahead of him. When she was looking, he picked up the fallen apple and dusted the dirt off. ‘I… don’t know if she’ll ever see me the same way again. Do I even deserve her love and trust? I…’
He stared at the fruit, his eyes and cheeks turning scarlet as he pressed a kiss into the bite mark she left.
‘I’m doing this for her. No one will ever harm her, not on my watch.’
As the blonde placed the apple in his pocket, he tried not to think about the more selfish, and immoral thoughts he had about her. The need for her touch, her love, her kiss… these were all things he wouldn’t allow himself to want.
But being pent up like that wouldn’t do him any favors in the future, especially not when he already had his own share of anger issues.
He never wanted to hurt her, never… but as he watched her walk up the stairs and to her room, he had the sickening thought of how much easier it would make keeping her hear if she had a broken leg.
These thoughts weren’t his own, he told himself. It was the result of anxiety and stress. Everyone had intrusive thoughts, he didn’t actually want to hurt her.
Despite knowing this, it still filled him with dread and self hatred every time his mind drifted to ways of keeping her complicit and obedient through fear and pain instead of love and care. It would be easier to hurt and scare her into behaving, he knew that, but he didn’t want to hurt or scare her. He wanted her to be as happy and comfortable as could be, and he wanted her to at least view him in a positive light.
How would he be any better than who he was trying to protect her from if he hurt and scared her? It wasn’t worth it, and just the thought of causing even the smallest wound to her pretty skin made him want to vomit.
This was part of the reason he didn’t want to touch her too much. When he did, his mind ran rampant with obsessive and irrational thoughts. Some were about wanting her to be his, to love him, and others were more on the naughty and immoral side.
It was no secret to the blonde that he had feelings for her of the sexual nature as well, but he pushed those feelings down with the bad thoughts as well, hoping they would go away. He didn’t even know if she would come to see him as a friend again, much less a sexual partner or lover. Kurapika didn’t want to get his hopes up.
But as he laid in bed that night, listening to her soft breathing in the room next to him, he couldn’t stop the hand that drifted below his belt, gently stroking his leaking cock. She was right there, sleeping just beyond the wall, and it made his entire body tingle with excitement. He knew that this was wrong, that it was only feeding into his desires, but he couldn’t help it.
When he came, the obsessive, nagging thought of filling her to the brim with his cum, impregnating her and continuing the Kurta clan through her womb made his brain fuzzy and his body warm.
He had to shake away the thought, hitting his head until the pain got too overwhelming. ‘Stop, stop it! No… I can’t think like that. She may never want that, and… and that’s okay. I did this for her safety, having her around me and being happy about that is only a side effect.’
Kurapika curled up under his blanket, his eyelids dropping. He had trouble sleeping ever since his clan was massacred, the nightmare making sleep almost impossible, but since he met (Name), her presence alone was enough to stave off his bad dreams.
The only problem was being away from her. Before he kidnapped her, when he had to go away for long missions, not only did he have nightmares about his clan’s massacre, he also dreamt of (Name) being brutally murdered or tortured. It was enough to leave him trembling, sometimes even vomiting after waking up.
The anxiety made it hard for him to function and focus on his work. He kidnapped her for her safety first of course, but also so he didn’t have to worry himself to death. Now that he had her to come home to, to protect, he would be much more careful and focused during his missions to collect the scarlet eyes and find the Phantom Troupe.
When he finally fell asleep, Kurapika dreamed of a happy, normal life with (Name), a life he could never give her.
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kiame-sama · 5 months
Scarlet Eyes- (Yandere!Alpha!Chrollo x Kurta!Omega!Reader)
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Warnings; My abo au (only 1000 or less omegas world wide), mention of kidnapping, mention of death, spoilers for the York New arc, gender neutral reader, reader is kurta so this means they have brown->red eyes as all kurta do, switching a few events around chronologically,
"I'm only going to ask you this once, where is my twin?"
Kurapika kept playing the conversation he had in the last moments of the burly spider's life. The sparse information he got from the conversation did little to soothe him or make him feel like he was any closer to finding his beloved twin. If anything, Kurapika worried that he was already too late to do anything.
He had been determined to get whatever information he could from the large man, but the man was near impossible to interrogate. The man only really spoke up when Kurapika mentioned his omega twin. There was little comfort however as the man gave a wolfish grin, bearing his teeth in a clear mocking sneer.
"Oh, the omega? Don't worry about them, Boss has already taken care of it."
The spider's words did nothing to make Kurapika feel better as it sounded like the worst has come to pass. In some ways, he had hoped that the spiders would be interested enough in finding an omega that they wouldn't hurt or sell his twin, but it seemed he was not so lucky. He would kill each and every one of those fuckers and make them pay for the pain they no doubt put his family through.
Kurapika had always hoped that he would be strong enough to protect his sibling- even from the spiders- but that was clearly not the case. It hurt his heart more than he cared to admit when he dwells too long on the fact that he failed his twin. He had dragged them away from home, put them through the gauntlet of the Hunter's exam, swore to protect them, and still he failed. Once he finished the damnable spiders off, he would begin the long journey of finding his twin.
No doubt it would be difficult and near impossible to find them, Omegas were a prized possession after all, but he was determined. Wherever they had taken you, whoever they sold you to, Kurapika would find you. He promises.
You felt an unusual chill run down your back, frowning and glancing towards the door to the abandoned church you were in. Chrollo sat next to you with one arm around you, hand resting on your hip possessively. Though you couldn't place what, something told you that a change had taken place. Perhaps it was nothing, perhaps it had something to do with the missing alpha, Uvogin.
Despite being in a group of very dangerous people, you felt rather safe. In part, it had to do with the fact your alpha was an apex alpha, and in part it was because of the respect your alpha commanded. The other spiders- minus Hisoka- respected the fact that their leader had claimed you and kept their distance from you. Hisoka was new to you and clearly you were the first omega he had ever actually encountered. He was determined to get close to you either to rile Chrollo or to get his hands on you, and Chrollo was not pleased with the jester's behavior.
You sometimes felt your mind wander away to thoughts of your twin, hoping he would never come for you but knowing that is all he would want to do. Since you both were young you watched out for each other, but it all changed when you began showing signs of being an omega. Where Kurapika had once been your equal he then became your protector and would loudly protest to you being paired with anyone or taken away from his protection. He would always be your protector and you knew it likely killed him inside to know you had been taken.
It did take time for you to settle the war within yourself that waged due to being mated to the apex alpha that exterminated your clan and kidnapped you. Part of you still hated the alpha, but another part of you adored him as your mate and that part of you was supported by your instincts. It didn't help that you once asked Chrollo why he killed everyone only for him to respond 'because I could' with a kiss to your forehead. Chrollo always seemed to know when he could bring up your scarlet eyes to control you or fluster you. Taking amusement in the simple mentioning of them being enough to quell any overly willful behavior.
For now you were at ease with the monster that claimed you, feeling rather bound to him regardless of the uneasy feeling he sometimes gave you. Chrollo was clearly content with it as well seeing as he held so securely to you and was rather indulgent of your behavior. He even used an ability that allowed him to bring your nest with you and set it up wherever you deemed appropriate. Few Troupe members were allowed near you simply for the fact that Chrollo didn't like others near his omega. Still, you could see how some members were drawn closer by your presence alone.
Beyond just being the mate of a truly monstrous apex alpha, you were getting used to others knowing you were an omega. With Kurapika you had to constantly cover your scent and hide your omega tendencies around others. You had mostly adjusted to behaving like a beta and also adjusted to others thinking you were a beta. It was odd to you that your Hunter's license- which you still thought was a joke- told others you were an omega. The secret you worked hard to keep was so readily shared with others now.
The sudden shift and movement of being pulled into Chrollo's lap made you yelp, startled by the rather abrupt motion. Chrollo seemed amused by your yelp, however. His lips slowly tracing over the mark on your neck as he let one hand brace around your waist, the other squishing your thigh appreciatively. You were confused as to why he would behave in such an open display of affection towards you, as you couldn't think of anything that would trigger this behavior.
"Chrollo, what- what are you doing?"
"Shh, my sweet (Y/n). Just indulge your alpha."
You felt compelled to obey the soft murmur against your shoulder, shivering but no longer struggling against your alpha's hold. Chrollo seemed rather content to focus on kissing your neck and shoulders, almost as if he were establishing dominance. His affectionate display was a show of dominance, reminding the Troupe that you were his exclusively and making it clear that he was still vastly interested in keeping things that way.
Unbeknownst to you and the rest of the Troupe, Hisoka was paying close attention and ensuring to gather what bit of information he could get. He would certainly share this information with the Kurta and see if he could gain you as his own omega in the process.
"I know about your twin and can tell you what you want to know about them."
The smooth words make Kurapika's eyes widen, feeling invigorated and even more determined to get whatever he could from the grinning jester. Hisoka already knew how he was going to portray this information and it excited him to think about the emotional response he would undoubtedly get.
"Tell me."
"So impatient~! Well, if you must know, they are alive and within the city limits. Don't relax too soon though, the lead spider Chrollo has taken them on as his mate and has already marked them. Killing Chrollo will kill (Y/n)."
Hisoka couldn't help the wolfish grin that pulled at his lips when Kurapika responded to his words with clear despair. Out of all of the terrifying things he had ever considered, Kurapika hadn't considered you being bound to his greatest enemy. Killing Chrollo suddenly became a dangerous option as he knew how omegas could die of sorrow if any harm befalls their mate. The last thing Kurapika wanted to do was hurt you.
"I'm sure you know that the only way you can kill Chrollo and not (Y/n) is if they have another mate by the time you kill him. I'm happy to volunteer as that replacement."
Despite how Kurapika didn't want to let Hisoka anywhere near you, he had to genuinely consider the proposition. If he killed Chrollo, he would kill you should you have no other mate to rely on. Kurapika knew how fragile omegas were and he knew how the well-being of an omega's mate could determine the well-being of the omega themselves. Either Kurapika needed to keep Chrollo alive- which was a detestable thought- or he needed to find and implement a replacement mate for you to survive losing Chrollo.
It was a lose-lose situation for Kurapika and he hated that the spiders put him and his twin through so much continued suffering. He would save you no matter what.
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brivinty · 1 year
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Featuring; SPY! Kurapika x SPY! Reader (female)
— Masterlist —
TW; implied that Kurapika is a little bit of a pervert, smut with somewhat plot, multiple orgasms (f), overstimulation, degradation, praise, mirror sex, and orgasm denial. Summary: You're an undercover spy that works for Kurapika to get The Kurta Clans Eyes from specific areas, though the outfits you wear are a little too much for Kurapika's liking.
| Reqs Open | (Bye I was gone for like a month, but I'm back so...)(Like I have so many drafts on my notes that I just refuse to finish...)
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You were in the passenger seat of the car suiting up, Kurapika was driving while giving you a rundown of today's mission. “Listen, this is gonna be difficult, I need you to hack into the second floor, no other floor, just the second floor,” Kurapika said looking at you from the corner of his eye watching the way your thighs spilled out your high-slit dress. “Why only the second floor?” You asked packing your guns underneath the covered part of the dress. “Because I said so,” Kurapika states sassily. “Jeez ok, no need to get snappy” you state pulling down the sun visor, and checking if your necklace is straight.
“Why are you always wearing that showy dress,” Kurapika asks stopping at the red light and leaning back in his seat. “Because I like it, and it matches with your suit!” You whine as he sighs chuckling to himself. “Ok I get it, but it’s just, don’t you ever feel cold?” He asked and you laugh at his question. “Can’t be cold when my blood is coursing through my veins.” You say before turning around and bending over the seat to get something out of the back of the car.
Kurapika almost let out a groan seeing your ass snug against the dress, he felt his dick spur underneath his slacks, and he quickly snapped his head the other way brushing a hand through his hair. Once you sat back down taking your heels from the back you looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. “You, ok? You look uneasy.” You ask clipping your heels onto your feet. “M’fine, someone just pissed me off.” He said and you shrugged at him before pulling your phone out. The rest of the ride was silent, the only thing heard were sounds coming from your phone.
Once you two made it there you threw your shawl over your shoulders, smiling seeing Kurapika open the car door for you. “Awh, how gentleman-like of you.” You tease making him roll his eyes at you. You two walked your hand locking around his, you could feel eyes on the two of you as you walked in. “So much for undercover.” You muttered under your breath. “What?” Kurapika whispered back at you as you two sat down at a table waiting for the speech to start. “Hisoka, over there.” You said and Kurapika didn’t make too much of a show but quickly flickered his eyes over to see Hisoka next to Illumi, and he gruffed seeing Hisoka eye him as well.
“Don’t think much of it, ignore it,” Kurapika said and you nodded. Once the speech was over you and Kurapika got up and saw the target, he pulled you by the small of your back pressing you up against him. You bit back a moan feeling his grip on you. He leaned down towards your ear. “Sorry, found the target, get to the second floor, don’t make it suspicious.” He whispered his breath fanning your ear. He fixed the top of your dress before slipping an earpiece into your ear and walking away from you. You let out a deep breath. ‘What the fuck was that about?!’ You thought to yourself, feeling your panties slowly dampen.
You made your way upstairs but were shocked to be met with a guard, you were quick to gun him down stepping on his earpiece before finally making it upstairs. You quickly hacked into the room, sighing contently when you found the eyes safely placed on the table. You quickly grabbed it but were shocked to feel a pair of hands wrap around your neck and cover your mouth. You struggled to escape until you heard a gunshot and the hands let go of you. You quickly turn to see Kurapika stuffing his gun back in his pocket.
“What would you do without me huh?” He said with a smirk before looking at the eyes and inspecting them. You rolled your eyes at him, too dazed to respond to him. He nodded before grabbing it and walking away. “Are you not gonna tell me thank you?” You sassed and he looked at you from over his shoulder and smiled. “Thanks.” He quickly said as you two made your way up the stairs. You two finally made it to the roof and he placed the eyes carefully into a bag, putting on his parachute. “There’s no way we’re flying down.” You state and he looks over at you questioning you with his look.
“Uh, yea?” Kurapika said grabbing you by the waist. “We’re not doing that, no way!” You argue trying to get him to let go, but he was quick to tighten his grip on you and jump off the roof, gliding on the way to the car. You yelled before quickly wrapping your legs around his waist and putting your hands around his neck. “I fucking hate you for this!” You squeal out your eyes squeezed shut. “You’ll get over it.” Kurapika was quick to reply rolling his eyes.
You two made it into the car and you let out a sigh, happy to be on land and not in the air. Kurapika started to drive and you both were startled when you heard a gunshot, bullets flying toward the car. You were quick to get up and stand on top of the center console, opening the sunroof and taking your gun out. You shot at them until you saw multiple people come into sight. “Drive! Fuck! Drive!!” You yelled at Kurapika and he started speeding away. You quickly sat back down into your seat panting trying to get a good look through the rearview mirror.
“Turn to a hotel or something!” You yelled and he makes a sharp turn swerving into a corner and you sighed when they drove past you two. Kurapika then drove to a hotel and you two got out taking the eyes and putting them in a briefcase to avoid suspicion. “Yes, a room for two please,” Kurapika said and the lady nodded giving them a key. “Please enjoy your stay, and don’t forget to check out after!” She told you two as you both walked to the elevator. “I’m gonna take a hot bath and a long nap.” You say and Kurapika chuckles. “Same here.”
And you rolled your eyes. “Don’t be a liar, you’ll shower, makes more mission plans, then read a book, then go to bed.” You say and he laughs. “You’re right, but I’m genuinely tired today,” Kurapika says, but that’s all just a lie, he’s not tired he’s just hiding his hard cock from being seen by you.
You two walked into the hotel room, but your jaws slacked when you saw that there was only one bed. “I call dibs” You were quick to say and Kurapika snapped his head towards you. “What?? I saved you today, so I should get it.” He retaliated. “Ok yea? But I saved our car from getting bullet fucked!” You yelled and he rolled his eyes. The two of you eyed each other, then the bed, then each other again. You both dashed to the bed pushing each other out of the way. “Ha!” You yelled your body on the bed before his and Kurapika groaned before pulling you off and slamming his body onto the bed before letting out a sigh of relief. “I relaxed on it first though.”
“That doesn't count!” You yelled before trying to pull him off the bed but you ending up tripping and landing on top of him your head in his chest and your hips and back slightly arched. Kurapika looked at you before groaning, this time not being able to bite it back. “F-fuck sorry!” You stuttered before getting up but landing on your ass, which made you land on his crotch, and you could feel his hard-on poke at your cunt. You moaned out and the two of you looked at each other eyes blown out wide. “A-are you gonna— fuck— get off..?” Kurapika asked trying his best not to move, because if he did he’d probably cum in his pants.
“Are you hard right now?” You asked and he groaned at you before rolling his eyes. “Did you get hard looking at one of the ladies’s during our mission..?” You teasingly said and he groaned giving you a disgusted look. “No, I barely even looked at anyone while I was there except for the target.” He said and you looked up thinking. “And the only person you talked to was me? Which means..? You’re hard for me?” You said giving him a seductive look, a hint of lust dusted in your eyes.
He looked away from your eyes sitting up but you quickly pushed him down. “You are hard for me, aren't you? Do I get you excited?” You asked leaning over to get next to his ear. “What do you want me to say y/n..?” He asked breathlessly his hand finding its way to your waist. If you were gonna tease, he might as well tease back. “I dunno, whatever you wanna say blondie.” You replied your breath hitched, feeling his hands travel around your lower area. “Yea, I got hard because of you.” He growled in your ear before placing a kiss on your cheek. “You and this damn outfit.” He muttered grabbing the plush of your ass and slapping it before kneading it.
You yelped your body jolting. You felt him rub your ass before traveling down to your thighs, gripping them. “I wish you could see what I was seeing, anytime you fucking bent over, I was so close to seeing -- fuck-- everything,” Kurapika said, and you moaned when his hand went to your inner thigh. “Don’t you think I’m a good boy for looking away?” He asked you, turning his head to look you in your eyes. “Tell me I’m good.” The blonde said his hand grabbing onto your throat, not too tight. “You’re such a good boy Blondie..” you muttered, your cheeks flushed red. You could feel his hands roaming around down to your clothed pussy and you shuttered when his hand skipped past it just barely.
“Fuck blondie… either you fuck me right now, or-“You didn’t get to finish your sentence because you were cut off by him kissing you roughly. “Tell me you want it, I won’t touch you anywhere unless you say it.” He said and you whined, trying to back your ass onto his hand annoyed when he moved it away. “I want it…” You whined out and groaned when you caught him smirking you. “Your so annoying.” You say and he laughs at you, his hand making its way to your waist. He swiftly spun you onto your back. Before littering kisses down your neck, you tilted your head to the side allowing him more access.
Suddenly you felt the cold spike, your nipples hardening at the sudden intrusion of the cold. Giggling when you felt him struggle to unclip your bra. “Instead of laughing, you could try helping me you know that?” He sassed making you smile as he grunted in frustration but immediately gasped when you heard the bra tear, and his lips connect to one of your nipples. “You better- buy me a new fucking bra blondie...” You say not angry in the slightest.
Your sighs turned into gasps as he pinched onto your other nipple. He pulled away before smiling at you enjoying the sight of you disheveled already. “Should see how pretty you look right now.” He said with a smile. “Take a photo, make it last longer.” You said with a smirk, but it dropped when he looked up in thought, making you laugh. “It was a- “you tried speaking but got cut off when Kurapika picked you up and moved the two of you to the bathroom pursuing your front against the counter, turning the lights on. “There you go, now I’m not the only one getting to see how pretty you look.” He said with a smile pressing his hard on against your ass.
You felt your knees weaken, the thought of him fucking you in front of a mirror was a little too much to handle. He led his hand up to your neck gripping onto it kissing your cheek then turning your head to press a kiss to your lips. You both started off slow, but then the eagerness from both of you seeped through. You moaned out when he bit onto your lip before pulling away from you and then turning your head to the mirror. He pushed his middle and ring finger into your mouth, and almost out of instinct you started to suck onto them.
You swirled your tongue around his finger, then he pressed his fingers down on your tongue before pulling it out of your mouth. The sight he was seeing from the mirror made him harder, and yet he still didn’t think that would be possible. You felt him rip your panties as well as sighed loudly. “I’ll buy you a new one, stop your damn whining.” He said annoyed and you could see him rolling his eye from the mirror. He slid his hand onto your pussy and hissed. “Fuck, how long have you been this soaked.” He grunted out, he could smell your arousal even from where he stood.
“Since we left the house..” you muttered. “You walked around all soaked like this? All hot and bothered the whole mission? Like a little slut huh..” he said making you moan out slightly embarrassed. “Yea, but I bet you were hard ever since you first told me about this mission." You sassed making him growl quietly annoyed by your tone. “Fucking brat.” He mumbled out, shoving two fingers into you. You gasped out at the sudden speed, your hand quickly going to hold onto the counter as you bent over. “Careful there, look at yourself, all wet.” He said and you whined looking anywhere but at the mirror, too embarrassed.
He let out a ‘tch’ sound before using his other hand to grip onto your cheeks turning your head to look at the mirror. You closed your eyes at the sight, your hair messed up, your lips slightly puffed and red, and his hand moving as fast as lightning from behind you. “See, now be a good girl, and make a fucking mess on my fingers, cum all over my fingers and the hotel floor like the nasty slut you are.” He said making your face flush red as your legs shook from his vicious pace you could feel your thighs clenching together, seconds away from your climax.
Not too long after you felt your release hit and you screamed out grateful for his hand that was quick to cover your mouth, knowing of the walls that might not be soundproof. He smiled at you from the mirror as you shook and writhed taking deep breaths. He licked his fingers clean before unbuckling his pants and you were shocked to see how big he was. “F-fuck, is that even gonna f-fit..?” You muttered and he smiled widely. “Of course, I will, and if I don’t, I’ll make it fit.” He says before bending you more over the counter lining his cock up with you. He slowly pushed himself into you and you sighed your head down on the counter as you whined loudly.
He groaned as he bottomed out. “You ready?” He asked and you nodded your head, as he smirked at the state you were in. He started slow, to let you adjust but couldn’t do it anymore and started to ram into you at a quick pace. “Look at that..!” He said grunting quietly. “Sucking me in real good, baby.” He said landing a slap to your ass, before pulling you closer by your hands holding them together from behind your back causing you to be forced to look at yourself.
You moaned out loudly, tears visible in your eyes while your jaw was slightly wet from saliva. “F-fuck! So good...!” You moaned out. “Harder!” You pleaded as you let him pound into you. You could feel the coil in your stomach close to snapping. “Don’t cum yet.” He said and you whined out tears now sliding down your face. “W-wait..! No I can’t..” you cried out, trying your best to hold it back as he rutted into you. “Fuck, yes you can, hold it for me.” He said as you moaned out louder when he lifted one of your legs, now pounding into you even harder.
“F-fuck..! Can’t! Can I p—please cum...?” You whined looking at him with glossy eyes from the mirror and he grunted before nodding his head. You almost screamed out loud when you finally got to let go, and Kurapika’s eyes darkened at the sight, letting you ride out your orgasm. You panted out thinking you were done but almost screamed when Kurapika started to pound into you again.
“..Fuck.. we’re not stopping until you’ve made a mess all over the floor and on me.”
Me after finally finishing smut: 😁💃
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Alright, first things first, I hope you are doing fine and stay positive for anything in your life, I don't know you but stay safe and healthy^^
I kinda feel bad bc I have already requested from you and I don't want to pressure you.
But I need more Kurapika context bc I have already read everything about him on here and I wanted some more
Okay, onto the actual thing now😅
I still remember that scene when Kurapika comes in the hotel with the scarlet eyes on gift package and that idk-remember-his-fucking-name rich dude which he punched later (or before?😅) started talking shit and then he said "Idc who I kill right now".
So like, what if the Reader, who has no moral compass or anything( like a Zoldyck), gets seriously enraged and starts punching and kicking him until Kurapika tells them to stop (I love the clueless with morals x no morals and entirely devoted to them)
Take your time, I don't mind, and stay safe and sound ^^
Love ya🦋
🌿~ hello, my lovely insect hashira! don’t feel bad for requesting again, you can send as many requests as you’d like. here’s your request, ily<33
☕️~ also sorry if some things aren’t totally accurate to the actual scene and stuff😭been a minute since i watched that particular arc
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ gender neutral reader (may be fem!leaning), mentions of violence and blood ahead
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It was a dark night- literally and figuratively. The sky was a deep shade of blue, and it was almost midnight. But Yorknew City was far from at peace. The notoriously terrifying and powerful group of thieves known as the Phantom Troupe, or the Spiders, had just unleashed a brutal attack on the city’s largest underground auction, resulting in the disappearances and the deaths of hundreds. The whole city was in a state of chaos and panic, and the mafia group you worked for’s job was to be in the center of it- despite the state the city was in, you still had a job to do, and against all odds you’d managed to pull it off- along with your colleague, Kurapika.
Regardless of the success of your particular task, the walk back to the hotel was silent, the mood between the two of you grim. You were shaken by the loss of several your coworkers and the carnage you’d witnessed, while Kurapika, walking beside you, carried the item you’d won at the auction close to his chest, his eyes not even visible behind the shadow cast over his face. Inside the small box he held were the Scarlet Eyes- one of the only pairs left following the massacre of his family, the Kurta Clan. Despite how you may have been feeling, you knew for a fact he felt worse, knowing he was carrying the eyes of a dead family member, their memory disrespected and tarnished by the greed of the mafia.
Neither of you said anything while you were walking, the mood so heavy it seemed to weigh down on your throat, preventing you from speaking. You wanted to say something to soothe Kurapika, but you knew that really, there wasn’t anything you could say to help him, and you felt very sad for him as you watched him with his head low and his aura despairing.
It was then, though, as you two were crossing a bridge, that you saw a silhouette in front of you. It was Zenji, the short, pudgy man with a big nose and glasses that had been pestering you and Kurapika earlier as Nostrade’s bodyguards, appearing over and over again just to criticize you two and mock your skills and how young you both were, calling you both incompetent. It wasn’t necessarily a surprise that he was there all of a sudden, but you knew that it was absolutely the wrong time for him to be here. You stole a glance over to Kurapika, wondering if he saw the man in front of him, but his dark demeanor didn’t change, and he simply continued to walk.
As you two got closer to Zenji, neither of you acknowledging the man’s presence, he lifted his beady eyes and fixed them right on Kurapika. “Bastard.” He scoffed, his eyes narrowed. “You think you can just walk away?”
You figured he was talking about Kurapika’s blatant dismissals of Zenji’s insults earlier, and how Kurapika had punched him after he got a little too cocky. You guessed Zenji’s ego (and nose) had been injured, and now the idiot was here to get even. But Kurapika just kept walking, still ignoring Zenji. You knew he was in somewhat of a catatonic state after gaining the Scarlet Eyes, and you didn’t want this guy to agitate Kurapika further. So you chose to not engage simply for Kurapika’s sake, even though every muscle in your body screamed to beat this man to the ground.
He turned his attention to you now. “You too. Neither of you are getting off easy tonight.”
It took everything to not reply to Zenji, but you knew more drama tonight wouldn’t be good for you or Kurapika. So you didn’t acknowledge him, either.
Zenji was clearly agitated by being ignored, his jaw clenching as he let out a growl. “Tsk…”
Still no response from either of you.
Zenji, reaching his limit, finally reached for a gun strapped into his belt and pointed it at Kurapika, then you, then back at Kurapika. “Stop before I blow your heads off!”
The sound of Kurapika’s voice seemed to startle both you and Zenji, both of you turning abruptly to look at Kurapika. His voice was low and ominous, sending a chill down your spine when you heard it.
Zenji’s eyes widened with fear and fury, and he cocked the gun at Kurapika. “Don’t be-“
“Just stop.” Kurapika spoke again. Just then, you noticed an odd light from the corner of your eye- and when you hesitantly turned your gaze to Kurapika, you felt your stomach turn at the sight. His eyes were glowing a menacingly deep red, his hair hanging in loose blonde strands over his shadowy face. There were no words to describe the raw fury in his expression, and Zenji stumbled backwards in surprise, letting out a fearful gurgle.
“I don’t care who I kill right now,” Kurapika intoned, the glowing of his eyes only getting brighter and brighter as his rage increased. “And it might as well… be you.”
Zenji’s whole body was shaking now from pure fear, the only thing leaving his mouth incoherent croaks. The aura Kurapika was radiating was so intensely foreboding and malevolent that, even if it wasn’t directed at you, you couldn’t help your blood from running ice-cold. But once the trepidation settled in your stomach, you felt the anger begin to bubble up in your own mind. For someone to drive Kurapika to want to kill without cause… to awaken his fury like this- as Kurapika moved closer and closer to Zenji, who was frozen in his place, you knew instantly that you couldn’t let Kurapika go down like this. Zenji simply was not worth it.
And before you knew it, you found yourself flying at Zenji, fists raining down onto the man like a merciless hailstorm and your feet slamming into his doughy body with as much force as you could manage. Both you and him crashed to the ground, Zenji grunting in pain with every hit you delivered to him. You didn’t even really know what your goal was; all you knew was that you wanted to hurt him, swinging at the most painful areas you knew of: pummeling at his mouth, eyes, nose, and kicking at his crotch. Blood and saliva flew from his mouth as you managed to knock out a tooth, and his already injured nose began gushing blood like a waterfall. You clawed at his clothes and shattered his glasses, everything but a blur in front of your eyes.
Then, abruptly, you felt someone grab you from behind and yank you harshly from Zenji’s battered body, but you were still swinging, not ready to let him go. Zenji scrambled backward on all fours, blood staining his face and tie and his suit full of rips.
You struggled violently against the hands that held you back, twisting and thrashing in every way possible to try and break free, falling to the ground and taking Kurapika with you. “Y/N! Y/N, stop!” Kurapika shouted, keeping his grip on you despite how much you fought him. “Stop it!”
For a moment the words didn’t register, the only thing on your mind being Zenji, but when your rage-clouded mind cleared you remembered Kurapika’s voice, finally stopping your struggling. Kurapika let out an exhausted sigh. “There you go. Y/N, it’s just me- restrain yourself, alright?”
When you finally looked up at Kurapika, breathing heavily and body still heated with fury, his expression had faded from his previously seething one to a more melancholy expression. The anger was still there, of course, his eyes still a luminescent scarlet- but as he looked at you, you didn’t feel the anger as you had felt it earlier. You allowed your body to relax, slumping over a bit with your head resting on his chest. You both were sitting in the middle of the street, Kurapika behind you.
“Why did you stop me?” you asked, sounding exhausted yourself. Your fists were bruised, achy, and stained with Zenji’s blood. “I thought- I thought you wanted to kill him.”
Kurapika exhaled again, breaking eye contact with you and staring straight ahead. “It was just a warning, really. I couldn’t kill him because the repercussions would get in the way of my goals for the future.”
“So why didn’t you let me do it?” you pressed, genuinely perplexed. “I have no such compunction. I could’ve just killed him.” Your jaw tightened. “God knows he deserved it.”
Kurapika looked back down at you, the storm in his eyes settling a bit. “I’m not letting you kill anybody, Y/N- and certainly not him. He isn’t worth it.”
“Well, I don’t care,” you protested. “I still could have killed him. He doesn’t have any right to do anything he’s done to you.”
Kurapika didn’t say anything for a while, but when he looked back down at you, he had a smile on his face. Not quite a happy one, but not quite unhappy. “If I let you go after everyone who’s ever caused me pain, you’d be dead. So… just don’t worry about me, alright? And don’t do that again.”
You frowned, but reluctantly nodded. “Fine...”
Kurapika sighed again and wrapped an arm around your shoulders from behind you, letting his arm rest there. He didn’t move, the box containing the Scarlet Eyes sitting beside you. You just let him rest his chin on the top of your head. It seemed to help.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Your Boy Friend
Hisoka Marrow X Sister!Reader Kurapika Kurta X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1298
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello! I don't know if you're taking requests currently for hunter x hunter cuz I'm new. I was wondering if you could make a overprotective Hisoka x little sister reader where the reader hooks up with kurapika and just hisoka's reaction to it?
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Hisoka only had you left and with the life that he had lived he knew that he had to protect you with everything that he had, he made sure that the only people that knew you were related to him were people that he trusted. He knew for the most part that you were strong enough to look after yourself so you weren’t joined at the hip but he always knew where you were and what you were doing that was why your secrecy threw him slightly. For a while he thought that it would pass but it only seemed to get worse.
You had literally no idea that your brother was on to you because for the most part you had no idea what was happening, you had been training with Kurapika and at first you didn’t seem to get along but the more time that you spent together to more you realised that you were very similar, some might even say you were luckier than he was considering you still had you brother. You don’t even know when what you had with Kurapika started and when you started hiding it from your brother. You ended up getting hired with Kurapika under the Nostrade family and travelled to York New City.
“So what’s the plan?” You asked as Kurapika paced the hallway. “I should kill him.” Kurapika said and you nodded, the anger rolling off of him was palpable. “So kill him.” You shrugged. “I can’t not when they are watching him so closely.” He answered. “You know they’ll be here to collect their lost member soon enough and he really doesn’t seem like the type to let things go, he’ll probably come to you.” You shrugged. “How do you know that?” Kurapika asked. “My brother taught me how to read people.” You shrugged “look just wait it out and if I’m wrong I’ll help you get the next one.” Kurapika was about to say something to you but his phone sounded and he looked down at it. “I have to go, I’ll be back.” “Yeah, yeah I’ll wait.” You waved him off as he turned to walk away, stopping to talk to Melody for a moment before disappearing down the stairs. Your phone rang moments later and you glanced down to see your brother’s name on the screen. “Hello?” “Little sister, I hear you have a job.” Hisoka said. “What do you need money?” You asked as you stuffed your hands in your pocket. “Are you offering?” He asked, you could imagine the smirk on his face as you rolled your eyes. “I’ve not been paid yet, try again in a month.” You suggested “what did you actually call for?” “I remember you saying you worked for the Nostrade family correct?” He asked. “Mmm.” You hummed. “Stay away from their prisoners will you?” He asked. “What’s going on?” You asked. “They’ll be coming for him soon.” He informed you and you nodded. “Well then it’s time I make myself scarce.” You mumbled as you left the hotel building to watch the carnage from the building across.
Hisoka sat on the merry-go-round as he watched Kurapika walked towards him, with the help of Illumi who happened to be in York New City, he’d found out what you had been hiding from him. “What do you plan to do, will you fight with me or do you plan to fight alone?” Hisoka asked as Kurapika got close enough. “I won’t be alone.” Kurapika informed him and Hisoka smirked. “Are you talking about your new girl friend?” He asked emphasis on the word friend. “How do you know about her?” Kurapika asked. “I have known about her for a while, she is my sister.” Hisoka smirked. “Sister?” Kurapika asked. “We both have a unique interest in keeping her safe so how about a deal, we become partners but not in the sense that we fight together just an exchange of information and should the deal cease to benefit us we have no obligation to continue.” He suggested Kurapika turned away from him “what do you say?” “I’ll be here at the same time tomorrow.” Kurapika said before walking away. “One more thing… Anything happens to her and I’ll let them find you.” Hisoka informed him.
After the meeting between the bodyguards left alive Kurapika came to look for you “you didn’t tell me your brother was Hisoka.” He said and you looked at him and frowned. “Well people often hate me when they meet him before they meet me.” You explained. “Mm.” He hummed. “Do you hate me now too?” You asked. “I never said that.” He answered. “You’ll be the first.” You mumbled. “You're the only person I’ve felt close to for a very long time. I have no intention of losing you.” He explained and you looked at him and frowned. “Huh?” You asked, he just gave a small smile and shook his head. “We still have yet to see if your plan worked, if it doesn’t you have a promise to keep.” He said softly.
You were supposed to be keeping watch but your brother could be very distracting “what do you want?” You asked. “I just wanted to ask about your boyfriend.” He answered. “I don’t have a boyfriend.” You rolled your eyes. “You may not have put a label on it but I can see the hearts in your eyes.” He teased and you narrowed your eyes. “Stop.” You mumbled “why are you distracting me?” “I’m not distracting you.” He smirked. “Yes you are.” You turned back to the hotel building. “You should trust people more often.” He said as he leaned down and poked your nose as you slapped his hand away. “I trust people, I don’t trust you.” You explained. “But I’m your brother.” He said his hand pressed to his chest and you nodded. “And all you’ve ever done is lie.” You reminded him. “To protect you.” He answered just quickly and you nodded. “I thank you for that but I’m old enough for you to just tell me what’s going on.” You argued. “That’s why I’m letting you have a boyfriend.” He answered. “Under normal circumstances I would have killed him where he stood.”You sighed. “Can I go now?” You asked. “Of course little sister, you know where to find me if you need me.” He smirked ruffling your hair before you could get away from him.
You walked into the hotel room and Melody was the first to approach you “Kurapika is gone.” He said and you looked at her and frowned. “Where?” You asked. “I don’t know.” She answered. “Then we’ll just have to wait.” You said.
You waited until late into the night, Kurapika came back at dawn “where were you?” You asked as you looked him over. “He came looking for me like you said.” He answered. “You killed him?” You asked, Kurapika nodded. “Are you hurt?” “Not really.” He answered but you dragged him over to patch him up anyway and as you both sat in silence you both realised how much you’d miss the other. Kurapika for a moment thought that he wasn’t coming back and he worried about you. From the moment that you found out he was missing you worried about him and you thought about what your brother said. “Thank you,” Kurapika said as you finished patching him up, you were about to talk when he leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. “We’ll need to be more careful from here out but your brother has agreed to help us.” “I promise that no matter what I’ll stick with you until your mission is done.” You promised. “I’d be glad to have you with me.” He smiled.
*Part 2*
Request Here!!
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thebigsimp · 3 years
Kurapika Kuruta  x reader - Dating headcanon
summary: basically how I see Kurapika dating someone 
content: relationship, soft and pure and the tiniest bit of nsfw (reserving that to a separated hcs) and a little bit dark as well
word count: 918
tw: Pain, thoughts of the death of a loved one, suggestive at some point 
notes:  I am in love with this men omfg 
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- Well well well ... 
- before dating he would be very careful, not because he didn’t enjoy your presence because he clearly thought you were cute but he thought that he wouldn’t be capable to maintain any relationship with anybody 
- he doesn't want random people to get hurt so he just distant himself from you like he just don’t want you to be involved with the all taking revenge on his clan because it’s too dangerous
- He knows that you are capable of fighting but he knows that you will be the first target if you start to be included
- but when he sees you talking to Killua and Gon during the exam, he felt bad and started to talk with you 
- what makes him interested in you? the reason you gave Killua for wanting to become a hunter, he saw how caring and kind you were and he just fell in love with you 
- he won’t ask you the specifics about your mission but will listen carefully when you gave informations about your childhood 
- when he feels the first form of attraction he will try to back off at first knowing that you probably didn’t have time for love 
- he will definitely try to tell himself that he got things to do and think about but eventually it just became to hard to hide 
- coming from him I feel like he will be totally prepared once he decided to confess 
- like this men knows an entire script that describe his feelings and what he wants to pursue with you 
- he’ll make sure to wait for the proper moment because he doesn't want to annoys you or make a fool of himself
- be ready for the cutest shit ever, this men will literally take you on a date before confessing I swear to god 
- “Hey y/n, you seem pretty tense let’s go somewhere nice” 
- he prepared a picnic near a lake, ask Leorio to set it properly “please I trust you” but it’s sounds more like a threat oops
- the date would be super calming for you, while for him it was a little bit stressful 
- tbh you clearly knew what was coming, because he was letting you some hints by fear of rejection 
- then like that he just tells you “ listen, I know you don’t want to risk a relationship with anyone but I'm willing to take that risk with you, so what do you think” 
- the rest of the date was full of admiration for you and the most caring gestures that a men could ever give you  
- he is in love with you and you can feel it 
- you guys didn’t say that you were dating at first, a decision you both took to protect each other, but was quickly retracted by Kurapika himself after seeing Hisoka flirting with you 
- he trusted you of course but hearing Hisoka talking to you in a such filthy way drove him crazy 
- after that he get more and more protective other you, clearly he don’t want to loose you, so he would do literally anything in order to keep you safe 
- he’d be the boyfriend who look at other guys like “touch her and you’ll know the true meaning of pain” 
- can get a little bit violent if someone is trying really hard 
- you get to be called “my love” “darling” “honey” 
- Kinda hesitant to let you hang out with the rest of the main four (Killua, Gon and Leorio) because they have an overwhelming energy when you there and he knows that you like to chill most of the time 
- like yes it’s fun to be around some fun and cool people like them but it’s emotionally, physically and mentally draining to hang out with those three - mostly Killua and Gon. Leorio can settled down when needed grumpy old men 
- but he cannot lie, he just love seeing how everyone loves you  
- when it’s time for you both to start your missions he gets kinda worried 
- his plan is pretty dangerous on it’s own but yours sounded like a nightmare 
- at one point he really thought you were dead he hated himself for a entire week for not protecting you when you needed him, turns out you had took the time to go visit your parents and completely forget to come back at the date that you guys settled 
- when you come back he just can’t keep his hands off you 
- kisses, cuddles, like this men nearly kills you with his affection 
- “ I thought you were dead, I'm sorry for not believing in you” 
- while you hate yourself for the lack of communication 
- he reassures you, and this is the moment where you really saw how deep is trauma was, making a promesse to never leaving him alone
- Because he lost so many people he loved, he really doesn’t need to loose you as well and so on you decided that your love for Kurapika was way stronger than a random mission that will probably kill you
- I feel like he will be the first to initiate more intimate things, like one night he just need to feel your presence but a cuddle isn’t enough 
- I  see him being the “let’s chill at the house and never talk to anybody for a week y/n” type guy
- You guys rarely have arguments but when you guys have you talk it out pretty easily
- basically he is perfect for you and he thinks that you are perfect for him 
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Is it too much or is it enough ? I don’t know I could talk about Kurapika for hours 
- 🐈‍⬛
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uvobreakmylegs · 4 years
On Golden Wings
Anonymous requested a Kurapika x reader story where Kurapika has a mythical element.
Kurapika is technically a seraph in this, but I added some elements of a griffin because I thought it was fun and Kurapika is extra so it fits
(sorry about the bad title it was the best I could come up with)
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Warnings: mentions of violence, kidnapping, threats of torture, implied death
Everywhere you looked, you could find golden-brown feathers strewn about the city. In the streets, sticking out of bushes, stuck within whatever cracks they could find or drifting across the pavement as the wind pushed them along. Even some children would pick them up and use them as accessories.
When they first began to appear people had noticed them quickly – they were hardly small, some that you had seen were longer than the entire length of your hand. Questions about them came just as fast, on where they had come from and what kind of bird this was, to be losing so many feathers at such a seemingly rapid pace. The local zoo and bird sanctuary claimed to know nothing, and no one of the upper class within the city admitted to having some sort of exotic pet that had escaped. And if all of those parties were telling the truth, it only meant that it was wild. And once again taking in the size, it was extremely likely that it was a bird of prey.
The fears began then. That there was a monster bird stalking the city, ready to maim and kill whatever it came across. Despite the fact that there was no evidence of any actual danger, once those ideas were planted fear was quick to make the majority of the public lose their minds. For a few weeks, at least. Once enough time had passed and there were no reports of anyone turning up dead, the public's sights shifted to a new fear to worry over, and the feathers that covered the city were accepted as a new norm with only a small handful of people still trying to find the feathers' origins.
You fell within the former category, content to accept that the feathers were there to stay and since it wasn't actually affecting anyone negatively, it wasn't anything to worry about. The feathers could get annoying, yes, but it was a nuisance that was easily taken care of so you could get on with your day.
Whether it was just an abnormally large bird or something that fell under the category of a magical beast, you had no desire to kick that particular hornet's nest just to sate your own curiosity. There were things in this world that were beyond your comprehension. You were happy to accept that fact and content to continue living your life not worrying about such things.
The feathers stayed, and you continued as normal.
Or at least, you would have had it not been for a chance encounter one night.
It was a late Sunday evening when your work shift finally ended. It had been a hectic, exhausting day as usual and you wanted nothing more than to return home and pass out on your bed.
The walk back towards your apartment was quiet, with virtually no one else on the street and only a few cars passing you by every once in a while. Though you usually did your best to keep yourself calm, there was always a part of your brain that worried about being out alone so late at night. Women getting snatched up and murdered was something you frequently saw in the murder documentaries you occasionally watched, and as much as you told yourself that it could never happen, it didn't hurt to keep your guard up, subtly glancing around the area every so often to make sure no would-be murderer was following you.
Checking around again, you sighed to yourself when you confirmed that there was in fact no one tailing you. Adjusting the grip you held on the paper bag holding the donut you'd grabbed before you left your work, you told yourself that at least there was no one there to see you acting like a paranoid idiot.
But even you were caught off-guard when you heard a commotion coming from the alleyway a few feet ahead of you, followed by a stray cat who ran out and down the street at full speed. You stood still for a few seconds, waiting to see if anything else would come out. Nothing did, but you could hear movement from within the alley. Along with.... Breathing? It was most likely a person, then, and who knew what they were doing in there.
Common sense told you that you should probably go to the other side of the street before going past the alley, or maybe even to turn around and find an alternate route home. As much as an inconvenience it was, you would have done just that had you not seen the flurry of feathers that came rushing out of the alley, followed by what sounded like the flapping of wings.
…. That didn't seem normal. Granted, none of this seemed very normal, but the sounds and things you saw coming from that alley were decidedly strange.
Maybe the thing that's been leaving those feathers was in there.
The thought popped into your head, and once it had, you had a hard time getting your legs to take you away from the area.
You didn't care what sort of creature was hanging around the city. That was what you had told yourself. So why were you slowly moving forward, straining your neck to try and get a glance at whatever was in that alley? You didn't care, and you weren't going to actually do anything with that information.
But just getting a quick glance at it wouldn't hurt, right?
You took a few small steps forward, and finally, you could see into that alley.
A young blonde man, most likely in his early twenties and wearing all white, stood before you, a hand holding a trash bin lid as he was very obviously rooting through the garbage. But those things weren't even what was most significant about him.
It was the four large wings that protruded from his back.
Even as he held them tightly to himself, the wings still brushed against the walls and ground of the alley, the natural grime of the ally dirtying the golden-brown feathers. There was also a tail that swayed from side to side, resembling that of a lion and of a similar color to that of the wings. And to top it off, you noticed that on his bare feet and his hands were long sharpened nails. Or perhaps they were claws. Either way they looked deadly, and you inhaled sharply when you noticed him freeze.
He slowly turned his head, looking over his shoulder to glare at you with sharp gray eyes.
The two of you stood there for some time, neither of you taking your eyes off of the other even when he turned to face you fully, tossing the metal lid to the ground with a clatter. His chest puffed up and his wings extended as he stood at his full height. It was a show of force, you realized. He saw you as a threat and was trying to scare you away by intimidating you.
Common sense was back, telling you that you had gotten what you had come for and that you should retreat while he still gave you the chance. He hadn't attacked you, so it was safe to assume he would leave you alone if you left now.
But even as you thought that, another look over his figure made you reconsider. His white clothes were muddied, covered in dirt and what looked like blood. The fabric was ripped in several places as well, the wounds that were beneath partially visible. On a closer inspection, his wings weren't faring much better: there were several spaces that were empty where feathers were clearly supposed to be, and quite a few of the ones that remained looked scruffy and unkempt. Like he had gotten into a fight with something and had lost. Then there was the fact that you had caught him literally digging through the trash. Taking another glance at the trash bin, you saw the remnants of rotting food sitting at the top.
He must be hungry.
The man continued to glare at you, and then tensed when you held out the paper bag that you had been holding.
“Do you want this?” you asked, offering it to him.
His eyes narrowed further, and he looked at the bag and then back to you.
“What is it?” he asked.
Relieved that he could understand you, you answered “a donut. Food.”
He stayed quiet as you continued to hold the bag out to him, his guard not letting down in the slightest. He was clearly trying to assess if you were plotting something and if this was some sort of trap. You tried not to be offended. You had never heard of people with wings before, but if you had, you were certain that the general public would have treated them as being some sort of magical beast to be gawked at or hunted. Based off of his actions, he must have good reason not to trust you, and you couldn't blame him for that.
“Toss it over to me,” he finally said.
You did as he told you, throwing the bag over which he caught with one hand.
He carefully opened the top, peering inside while his figure relaxed slightly. Once he had determined that there was nothing wrong with the bag, he tentatively reached inside to grab what would have been your late-night snack, letting the bag fall to the ground as he inspected the donut, turning it over and sniffing at it. It was the first time you had seen someone give such an accusatory look towards a simple donut.
He looked back at you briefly before taking a small bite, carefully chewing before he swallowed. You saw the tension in him dissipate further, and he took a few more bites as he leaned back against the alley wall, satisfied that you hadn't done anything to tamper with the food. He would periodically glance over at you as you smiled to yourself, happy that he seemed to like it.
“Can I come closer?” you asked.
He paused in between bites, once again looking you over.
“.... Not too close,” he finally answered.
Delighted, you took a few steps forward, stopping when he ordered you to stop with a swish of his tail.
“You're a strange one,” he commented as he continued to eat, “why did you do this?”
You shrugged.
“I wanted to help.”
“But why?”
“You were hungry.”
He didn't seem satisfied with your answer as his eyes narrowed at you once again, but he chose to continue eating instead of questioning you further. Within moments, the donut was gone, and he was licking the last remnants of it off of his fingers.
“That was hardly filling,” he said, “but your kindness is appreciated.”
Lifting off of the wall, he turned and began to walk away.
“Wait!” you called out.
He stopped, glancing back at you.
“What is it?”
“Can I help you with anything else? Is there anything you need?”
“What else could I need from you?”
“Maybe some bandages? You're hurt, aren't you?” you pressed.
One of his hands instinctively went to his stomach that had one of the many wounds on his body, covering it as he bit his lip. He turned away and began to walk again.
“If I decide that I require your assistance again, I will come to you,” he called out, “but do not count on such a thing happening.”
“... Okay,” you answered, feeling a bit dejected.
“Could you at least tell me your name?”
He ignored your question as he reached the other end of the alley, his wings spreading out and lifting him up with such a force that the backdraft he created caused the paper bag on the ground to fly up and hit you squarely in the face.
Despite what he had said you saw him the next day, peering at you through the thick foliage of a local park. He vanished the instant the two of you made eye contact, his golden head popping back down beneath the leaves.
He must have been confident that he would get your attention and not alert anyone else that was around, you mused.
Or he was just that desperate.
Taking it as an invitation, you made your way into the the thick bit of forest within the park, quickly coming upon a small clearing where he stood, arms crossed as he waited for you.
“Am I right in thinking that you wanted to see me?” you asked, grinning as he nodded.
“Yes,” he said, sighing, “I'm trusting that you didn't tell anybody about our meeting last night?”
“Who would I even tell? No one would believe me.”
“And you intend on keeping my existence a secret?”
“Again, no one would buy it.”
“Very well,” he responded. His gaze shifted to the ground next to him in an almost bashful way.
“Is that offer to help still on the table?”
He couldn't look at you, and he was clearly embarrassed that he needed to ask.
“Of course,” you said, smiling at him.
“I have nothing of value, and will not be able to compensate you in any way. Is that still acceptable?”
“I don't care about anything like that. Just tell me what you need,” you insisted.
“As long as you're certain,” he said, his wings lowering in defeat as he let out another small sigh.
“You were correct last night; bandages would be very useful. It's also been a while since I had a proper meal, so if you could bring me some more food, it would be appreciated.”
“Got it. Anything else?”
“Just that for now.”
Nodding at him, you hurried out of the park and to the nearest grocery store. One quick trip later and you had returned, holding a bag full of bandages, medical supplies and food that you hoped he would like.
He hummed as he looked through it, picking out the bandages and ripping the packaging open. He glanced over to you a few times as he did so, looking more embarrassed every time he looked away.
“... Do you want me to leave?” you asked.
“If that is alright with you,” he mumbled, “I don't wish to be rude after you've done me a favor, but the majority of my interactions with your kind have been largely.... Unpleasant. I would feel more comfortable if-”
“It's alright. I get it,” you said.
“Thank you,” he said, sighing in relief.
You made your way to the 'entrance' of the clearing, then stopped.
“Can I ask you one thing, though?”
He looked nervous again, but nodded slowly.
“Can you tell me your name?” you asked, smiling at him.
“..... Kurapika.”
“So what do you normally eat?” you asked, resting your chin on your knees.
“Before I came here I largely ate the animals that I could hunt down,” Kurapika answered, “but the majority of the animals in this city are domesticated, and I couldn't bring myself to hunt any of them.”
He glanced away, a slight pout on his face.
“Just thinking about killing someone's pet for food made me feel badly, even if I was desperate enough for that.”
Kurapika sat across from you in the clearing, taking bites out of the lunch you had brought him for the day. He had forbidden you from visiting him more than once per day, in the event that your behavior would stick out as being suspicious to anyone that was trying to hunt him. So you went once every day under the guise of eating lunch in the park, secretly taking him a big meal that could get him through until the next day.
You wanted to ask about his life before he had become a fugitive, but you knew that would only cut your visit short. Any question that was even vaguely related to where he had come from and how he had ended up in this situation would result in him clamming up. It was clearly something that still caused him immense amounts of pain, and you didn't want to add to it. So you did your best to steer your conversations to more mundane subjects that you hoped wouldn't upset him. It had taken a lot of effort and convincing him that you were on his side and that all you wanted was to help him, and you didn't want to ruin that by asking intrusive questions.
His wings were in slightly better shape (after he reluctantly allowed you to help him clean them) though a lot of them were still growing back in.
“How long did you say your molting period lasts again?”
“About two months,” said Kurapika, “I believe it's been a little over a month since I started, so it should be over soon. Then I'll be able to leave this area.”
“Do you think the people who hurt you will follow after?”
“Most likely. But when my molting has ended they won't have a trail of my feathers to hunt me down again,” he said.
“I really do have to thank you,” he continued, “you helping me like this means I don't need to go out and risk getting caught.”
“Happy to help,” you said, grinning.
“I think I'll be sad when you leave, though.”
“I can't remain here,” he said, finishing up the last of his meal.
“I know. But I'll miss being able to talk to you. I really like you.”
Kurapika paused, looking over you carefully before snapping his head away, another blush on his face.
“We barely know each other. Ridiculous.”
You just smiled in response.
Although he stopped mentioning it out loud, he was continually perplexed by your willingness to help him. There were many times during your visits with him that he would watch you carefully, or even watch the woods that surrounded the two of you as if anticipating an ambush. While he trusted you enough at this point to believe that you had no intentions of harming him, he didn't trust that you wouldn't be followed, and he emphasized to be on the lookout for anyone who seemed suspicious.
You weren't sure what exactly counted as suspicious until you happened across the two magic beast hunters.
Walking by a crowded plaza, it seemed quieter than was expected. Everyone there was speaking in hushed whispers and seemed nervous about something. The air around the plaza made you pause, and you looked around the area to see what exactly was causing people to behave in this way.
Then you saw the hunters, armed to the teeth with an array of gnarly looking weapons accosting some old man. One of them was tall with a stocky build, looking smug while his partner, a smaller scruffy-looking man with far more knives than was reasonable did the talking. You frequently saw the old man make an attempt to leave but the hunters wouldn't let him, the bigger one going as far as to grab him by the shoulder to keep him in place while the other continued to speak to him, waving one of Kurapika's feathers in his face.
Oh shit.
You wanted to just run out of there and get away from them as fast as you could, but that would have gotten their attention. It would be less suspicious if you followed the example of the others you saw in the plaza and quietly left. Surely they wouldn't notice you among the dozens of others hoping to leave without attracting their attention.
It was easier to breathe when you had made it to the side streets, and when you saw Kurapika that day you told him everything. When you had described them to him, his hand went back to the healing wound on his stomach.
“Those were the ones who attacked me. You're certain they didn't see you?” he asked.
“I'm sure of it. There were too many other people around for them to have noticed me.”
“Alright. But if you ever see them again, don't come that day. Right now I'm still too weak to fight them, so if they found me it'd be over.”
You nodded. He wasn't back to 100% yet, but he had been doing much better since you had begun to help him. Even so, you didn't want to let him go without food for a day, but it was better that he go hungry for a bit instead of being captured.
There was a tense air that stayed over the next few days, and you noticed a change in Kurapika. Dark circles were forming under his eyes and you asked if he hadn't been sleeping well. Instead of actually answering your question he told you not to worry about it.
That only made you worry more.
This particular day you had asked him if he was doing okay, and he said that he was fine, brushing away your concerns, his annoyance evident.
But not five minutes later he fell over.
Directly onto you.
It was almost panic-inducing when it happened, and the first thought that went through your mind was that he had literally dropped dead. But after a moment you could see that he was still breathing. Given the dark circles that were under his eyes, Kurapika seemed to have passed out due to sheer exhaustion.
'You can't stay with him. You have work in an hour,' you thought to yourself.
So why were you adjusting him so his head could rest comfortably on your lap?
He'd probably be mad at you if you stayed with him while he was completely vulnerable. If there was one thing you learned during your time with him, he hated to appear to be weak in front of others.
But the thought of just leaving him passed out on the forest floor left a bad taste in your mouth.
After a few minutes, you called your work to say that you were sick and couldn't come in. As expected, your manager was upset and berated you over the phone. At least that call only lasted a few minutes. The money you would lose today would hurt a little bit, especially with all of the spending you'd been doing on Kurapika, but when you looked back down at his sleeping form, you were confident that you'd made the right choice.
Kurapika slept soundly on your lap, his wings and tail twitching from time to time. You laid a hand on his head, slowly stroking his blonde hair. Your touch was light, and yet you heard him let out a soft sigh and saw his body relax further. How long had it been since he had received a kind touch from anyone? Likely just as long as the last time anyone had shown him any kindness. Your thoughts went again to the questions he wouldn't answer: what had happened to his friends and family? How had he ended up like this?
You thought of those questions, and yet you could make a pretty good guess as to the answers. He had been alone on the streets digging through the trash for food, covered in wounds and dirt, carrying no money and being chased by hunters. If his life was in danger like that, then it was clear that his loved ones weren't alive anymore.
Time passed, and the sun dipped lower into the sky while Kurapika continued to sleep. You let him stay as he was, even when it was becoming uncomfortable for you as your legs began to fall asleep.
There wasn't a lot you could do for him, and while it hurt to admit it, what you were able to do for him wouldn't be much in the long run. But even if it helped in even the slightest, you wanted to do whatever you could.
It was nearing evening when he finally stirred, his wings fluttering slightly as he blearily opened his eyes. He seemed to take a little bit to fully awaken and realize the situation, his eyes widening in surprise and looking up at you.
You were expecting him to become upset. To shoot up and ask what you were doing, or to just turn away from you and tell you to leave.
But instead he stayed as he was, head on your lap as he continued to look up at you.
The silence was becoming awkward for you, and you cleared your throat before explaining “sorry. You fell asleep and, uh, I didn't feel good just leaving you.”
He stared at you, unblinking.
“I don't remember falling asleep,” Kurapika finally said.
“You just fell over,” you explained, laughing a bit as you continued, “fell over right onto me, actually.”
“Did I hurt you?”
“Ah! No, I'm fine.”
“That's good,” he said.
Kurapika pushed himself up, switching to a sitting position in front of you. He glanced about the clearing and noted how late it was.
“Isn't it too late for you to be here? Didn't you have work?” he asked.
“It's fine. I called in.”
“Won't that be an issue?”
“Ah, well. My coworkers won't be happy with me, and I'll probably get bullied a bit by the manager tomorrow,” you explained, but you tried to change your tune when you noticed how his face fell.
“It's fine, though! It's not the end of the world because I called in one day of work.”
He didn't look convinced, but he seemed to concede as he sighed at you (just how often had he sighed at you at this point?).
“Shouldn't you head back to your home? In case someone goes there to check up on you?”
“There isn't going to be anybody coming to check on me,” you assured him.
“You should still head back; you've been out here too long,” he insisted.
“Okay. But, uh,” you began, scratching the back of your head, “could I wait a little bit? My legs are still asleep.”
“That's fine.”
The both of you stayed where you were, sitting in the clearing while you waited for the feeling to return to your legs and feet. Kurapika was still staring at you, a thoughtful look on his face. Just as you had been surprised earlier that he hadn't immediately retreated from you when he'd woken up, it was unusual that he stayed this close to you. He hadn't made any move to back away. It was a stark contrast to how things had been when you had first met.
“You don't have to keep an eye on me, you know?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I just mean, you don't have to wait on me until I leave. If you've got other things to do, you don't have to keep your attention on me. As soon as my legs feel better I'll be out of here.”
You weren't sure what other things he might need to do without you there, but you didn't want to assume that there was nothing. With the way he was staring at you, it felt as though you were inconveniencing him in some way.
“It's fine,” he said. You hummed an affirmative, and the silence fell back over you.
When you felt like you were able to safely walk again, he spoke.
“You remind me of someone I once knew.”
… This was new. Kurapika had never talked about anyone other than the beast hunters that were trying to track him down.
“In what way?” you asked.
“Going out of your way to look out for me. Taking care of me, even at your own expense,” he added wistfully. There was a distant look in his eyes as he appeared to recall his memories of this person.
“Were they.... Like you?” you asked, unsure if that was the best way to phrase the question.
“Yes. His name was Pairo, and he was part of our clan,” said Kurapika, “he died with the rest of them when a group of murderers found our home.”
“I'm sorry,” you said, “I can't imagine what you've been through.”
He hummed noncommittally, seemingly lost in his thoughts.
“Are they the one who're chasing you?” you asked.
Kurapika let out a harsh breath that resembled a laugh.
“If they were I wouldn't be talking to you,” he said, “they didn't seem to care that one of us happened to not be there. At this point, I wonder if they even remember about my people and what they did to them. No, the ones who are after me are petty bottom-feeders. Apparently they want to sell me off as being an exotic pet.”
“They're... Hunting you for that? But then why did they hurt you?” you asked, looking at his bandaged wounds.
“Doesn't seem like they're that good at taking something alive. I suppose I'm lucky that they're not trying to kill me,” he scoffed, “if I'm having such trouble with rabble like them, it's only a testament to how weak I really am, and how much stronger I'll need to become if I want revenge for Pairo and the others.”
You didn't know how to respond. You couldn't respond. There was nothing you could say to offer him any sort of comfort, and any sort of encouragement or guarantees that things would be fine would be insulting.
“I'm sorry,” you said again.
He didn't answer you.
You stood up on slightly shaking legs, giving him a short goodbye and promising to see him tomorrow. He nodded in response.
The next day he was gone.
The clearing was virtually empty with no signs that he had been there other than the feathers that you had grown so accustomed to. It was the first time since you started this that he was gone when you went to visit, and your first thought was that he needed to leave to take care of something....... In the middle of the day. While trying to lay low.
Yeah, maybe not.
Your next assumption was that he had been discovered and taken away. But surely there would be some evidence of a struggle, right? And there was nothing that indicated that Kurapika had left unwillingly. Then the next thought was that he had found a new hiding place. Maybe those hunters had come a bit too close for his liking and he felt like he needed to find someplace safer, and he just didn't have a way to find you and tell you where it was yet.
That last scenario somehow seemed less likely than the other two, and you were forced to reconcile with the idea that he had left.
It wasn't too unexpected. He'd been getting better, and his molting was almost finished so he'd be able to fly about safely.
You had just hoped that he would've told you so you could have given him a proper farewell.
Maybe what had happened the day before had upset him more than you had realized. That hadn't been your intention, but who knew what it had looked like to him.
But he had opened up to you a bit more, hadn't he?
It was confusing and you didn't understand, but the longer you stood in that empty clearing, you accepted that he was gone, and your chances of seeing him again were likely nothing.
You tried to be happy for him. It was a good thing that he was able to finally leave the area. Hopefully he could get to someplace safer, maybe not need to worry about those people hunting him down, or at least get far enough away that they would have a hard time finding him again.
But even then, you couldn't help but feel sad that he really was gone.
You set the bag of food meant to be his lunch in the middle, just in case he did come back and needed something. It seemed unlikely, but you felt better leaving it for him. As you weaved back through the trees that surrounded the space, you picked up one of his errant feathers that had been caught in a branch, running your fingers over it. A small memento; something to remember him by. It was the most you could ask for, and you told yourself to be happy that you were able to help the way you did.
With you being so caught up in these thoughts, you didn't notice one of the hunters from earlier standing at the edge of the park, or the way he watched you as you left.
It was another Sunday night after work: your feet hurt from standing too much, your back and arms hurt from the overwork, and if you needed to hear one more complaint from an entitled customer you'd probably stab your own ears just to get away from those shrill voices. The one consolation you had was that you weren't working the closing shift and didn't need to worry about taking care of customers while simultaneously trying to close up for the night. Once the end of your shift came around, all you needed to do was run to the break room, gather your things and escape.
One day you'd get a better job, you told yourself. Something that you actually enjoyed and wouldn't cause you ungodly amounts of stress. You just needed to figure out what that could be.
Your thoughts went back to Kurapika as you walked the familiar path back to your home. It wasn't all that long that he had been around, really, and yet the idea of not seeing him again felt strange to you.
You pulled out the feather that you stowed away in your bag, looking it over again. With how busy you had been throughout your shift, you had managed to take your thoughts away from him, but now that things were more quiet, he was all you could think about.
It wasn't too late yet, with some people walking along the same walkway as you, but that didn't stop the car that suddenly pulled up next to you.
Or the man who opened the door and pulled you inside.
The amount of force he had used to grab you almost broke your arm, and all you could do was scream as you were shoved against the seat as the man who had grabbed you yelled at the other to drive while he shut the door behind you, keeping his forearm on your throat to the point that you could hardly breathe.
A knife in your face and him yelling at you to “shut the fuck up” made you silent, and your fingers latched onto the seat beneath you, your nails tearing holes into the worn fabric.
The car sped along, almost hitting several other vehicles and pedestrians in the process. Doing your best to calm down, you realized that the men who had grabbed you were the hunters you had been avoiding; the bigger one in the driver's seat while the smaller one waved one of his knives around, nicking your face a few times when the car lurched him from side to side.
It finally stopped on an empty embankment by a river. The water that rushed through the canal was almost black and it was impossible to see to the bottom.
'They're going to kill me,' you thought. 'They're going to kill me and then dump my body in the water.'
Your heart was beating in your ears when the smaller hunter began speaking.
“Let's make this quick, okay? A lotta people saw our little stunt and the police'll probably be here soon,” he said.
“We really need to know where that bird boy went. Tell us everything you know, and you'll be able to get home safely. If not-”
He grabbed one of your hands and held it up to your face.
“- I'm gonna to cut off your fingers one by one 'til you talk, and then they'll need to fish your body out of the river when we're done with you. If you're smart, you'll pick the first option.”
You sat there in shock as this man spoke so matter-of-factly about brutally torturing and murdering you while the man behind him sat there grinning.
There was a lump in your throat, and you couldn't make any sort of sound.
“Listen you stupid bitch,” he hissed, grabbing your face and pulling you closer, “I'm not gonna lose any sleep over killing you. His life is valuable; yours isn't. So tell me where the fuck he is or-”
You spat in his face. There was barely any saliva with how dry your mouth was, but you managed it.
One of his blood veins popped and his lip quivered.
“That was the worst thing you coulda done, you stupid little bitch.”
He barked at the other man to come back and hold you down while his hand went back to your throat, mercilessly choking you to keep you in place. The other man was already stepping out of the car, and with what little you could see, you could tell he seemed excited about the prospect of torturing you.
You tried to pull the knife man's hand off of your throat as he waited for his partner to walk around the car.
And he waited.
And waited.
Black spots were beginning to appear at the edge of your vision when he finally loosened his grip, leaning forward over you to look for his partner through the car windows.
A loud crash from the front of the car startled you both. His hand left your throat completely, and while he turned his gaze to the front, you lurched to the side, desperately grabbing at the door handle.
He noticed your escape attempt with a sharp cry, and you felt something slice down your back as you opened the door and stumbled out.
There weren't any thoughts running through your head as you ran; you were going off of a pure primal instinct and a desire to get out of there and survive.
Noises sounded from behind you: the sound of something flapping and a scream. But you could barely acknowledge them, your eyes only focused on the lights on the road next to the embankment.
You could feel blood running down your back as you ran but you didn't stop. Even when you had put several blocks between you and that car you didn't stop. You needed to get to safety, and that could only be found with other people.
A figure dropped down from the sky in front of you and you ran right into them. They wrapped their arms around you and you screamed, bashing your fists against their chest while you struggled to get out of their grasp.
“Calm down,” a familiar voice said.
You stopped, slowly looking back up to see who was holding you.
In your adrenaline-fueled haze, you managed to not notice the wings the person hand.
You sobbed into his chest, your hands grabbing the fabric of his shirt while he soothed you. His hand ran down your back and you winced, the skin still tender from where you had been slashed.
“We need to get out of here,” he said.
“Th-those two-!”
“I took care of them. Now hold onto me.”
Kurapika picked you up bridal-style, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He lifted off the ground as his wings pulled him up, and within moments you were in the sky, miles above the buildings that littered the ground. The air was chillier up here, and as he flew, the wind stung your back-wound, making you bury your face into his neck.
You could vaguely make out him apologizing to you, and something about promising to fix you up. The wind made it hard to hear it, though.
It felt like only seconds had passed when he touched down on top of a large building, carefully lowering you to the ground while continuing to hold you, his wings folding over you to barricade you from the wind.
He ran his hand down your back, careful to avoid the cut while you took in huge gulps of air as you tried to calm down.
Half an hour passed before you could properly form a sentence. You pulled away from him slightly, your tears mostly dry now. There were a lot of questions running around in your mind, and you didn't know where to start.
“I thought you left,” you whispered.
“I did. But I got a bad feeling, so I came back. I'm so glad I did,” he said, a hand trailing down your cheek, “it would have been devastating if I found out that those two had killed you.”
For the first time, you noticed that his hands were covered in blood, but you didn't say anything.
“Thank you,” you whispered, “I- thank you.”
He didn't say anything for some time, and the two of you sat there on that roof. There was still pain coming from you back and you were about to ask that he take you somewhere to get that fixed when he spoke.
“Come with me.”
“I can't stay here, and therefore I can't be around to protect you,” he explained, “if those men told anyone else about you, your life is still in danger.
“I was wrong when I left you like that, because for the first time in a long time, I finally have someone who I can't bare to lose. It'll be hard, but I want to rebuild my clan together with you. Once I get my revenge, I want to spend the rest of my days with you. So please, say you'll come with me.”
Kurapika held you tightly against him, his tail wrapping around your ankle.
“Please, let me have this little bit of selfishness,” he breathed.
“..... Okay.”
He tilted your head up to meet your lips in a kiss, and you found yourself pushing up into it, closing your eyes while his wings remained caged around you.
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lavender-stuff · 3 years
Life Star Good || Kurapika X Reader Oneshots
~ℂ𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪~
You're a waitress in Cat Noir cafe, you took it as a part time job and excitedly, today is a Cat day.
Cat day was known as a day for every workers in the Cat Noir cafe have to get new cats for the cafe, after picking cats you can play with them while working. The old coworkers in the cafe comes out with the name and told you about it when you first get this job.
"Can't wait to play with the kittens." You said out loud with a bright smile as you tied your F/C apron.
"Y/N, hurry up. it's time to pick the cats." Your co-worker friend, Angela call you as she get into the changing room with arms folder, eyes gazed at you.
"Right." Hurriedly, you run pass her with an exciting smile meanwhile Angela sigh, follow from behind.
You open the back door, discover other co-workers already here waiting for a car that  send cats to this cafe. "How much longer when the car's here?" Ask Angela to Simon, he look at Angel and then his watch, saying "The car will arrive soon."
Not a second later, a white car appears Infront of them. When it stops, a guy get out from the front sit and open the back door of the car, grabbing something.
When he pull it out, it was a pet carrier and a white, fluffy cat is in it.
He handed it to Angela and then Simon, you and other workers. You guys walked in to the cafe and open the cat carries, letting the cats out.
You watch the cats slowly roaming around the cafe, making themselves comfortable with the new place. "Hey, Y/N. We're opening the cafe now, get ready." Simon call you up, fixing his glasses with a straight face.
You nod your head and standing in a line with the others waitress, waiting for customers to come in while Simon walk into the kitchen, preparing himself.
The shopkeeper doorbell ringing, showing a woman open the cafe door, waitress great her with a smile as the kittens meow with them as 'Hello'.
"Ah..." a sigh leave your mouth as you sit to one of the chair in the cafe after an exhausted day with Simon leaning back in the chair beside you.
Angela Is busy wipe the tables, as cats surrounding her and follow wherever she go. "It's hard to to do my job when the cats are around me, can you guys help me with the cats?" She requested, eyebrows and her mouth turn to a frown.
"Alright." You're unwillingly agree as you slowly stand up and make your way to a box, full with cat toys. You pick two cat stick with you.
You give one to Simon as you guys sit at the floor, calling the cats "Here Kitties." Simon stay quiet, eyes staring at the cats with a blink.
The cats perk up and eyes follow the toys movement, they run toward it and try to catch it.
Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell ringing can be heard from behind them.
They look behind them to see a pretty boy with a blond hair walking in with a phone on his ear. It didn't take you a long time to realize that person is Kurapika.
"Kurapika! Why are you here?" You stand up, approaching him with a confused face "my boss released me early. I thought I would visit your new job." He look at you with a gentle smile, glad he can see you.
You show him his table before you said "Well, my shift almost done but you're here... what do you like to order, Mr Kurapika?" You took out your note with a pen from your apron pocket.
He raised one of his eyebrows with a smile full of amusement, "can I get a recommendation, Miss?"
"Of course. I recommend you of our new dessert, F/D. And for our drinks, I think you will like lemon tea. It goes well with the dessert." You say with confidence.
He hummed before facing you, nodding "I will take that, please.".
"Alright." Writing the orders on your notebook before facing Kurapika with a smile, "I assure you, you'll be satisfied with this order." And walk away.
"We'll see." Kurapika whisper after you left, gaze at the window beside him.
You come back to Kurapika's table with his order, you stop walking when you're gaze stop at the scene in front of you.
Unknowingly cats seem to like Kurapika, consider all of them surrounded him. One of the cat is even take the sit Infront of him, staring at him with intense grey eyes as Kurapika let a white cat biting his hand at the table.
'omg, Kurapika's playing with a cats."
He saw you're slowly approach his table,  "Never thought you like cats, you seem more like a dog person to me." You watch the cat biting his hand.
"I'm okay with both but I don't think I want to take care of one." Kurapika said before stare at the grey eyes cat, "Why is this one staring at me like he's I'm bad?".
"Cinder?" You look at the grey eyes cat with a knowing smile "He's a very guarded cat, he didn't always approach a human and if do it's usually to make sure Nala safe." You informed him, hands in hips after put his order on the table.
Cinder and Nala is the first one to leave the table as Kurapika's nodding slowly, watching cats slowly go away from his table before ask you who's Nala.
"Nala is the one who bitten your hand early." You stared at him, grinning as you saw he already take a bite of his dessert.
"How's is it?"
"Good." He stop eating when he saw your pout, "it's like you're not really meant what you said, Kurapika."
He look at you for a second, before his smile appear, he chuckled before turn into a quite laugh. "W-why are you laughing?" Embarrassing of says something wrong, your face slowly turn red.
"Sorry, it just...your face is so cute." His hand at his mouth, trying to hold his laugh. He let out a couple of chuckles before calm himself down
You mumbling to yourself, avoiding eye contact with Kurapika as your blush become more visible. You didn't realize Kurapika hand reaching you and put his hand to your head, patting you gently.
You snapped out and look at Kurapika, processing why is your head turn heavy all of the sudden. ' ... Kurapika patting me. Why is he patting me?' your face is red with the realization.
With a affectionate smile, he said "the dessert is very delicious. Thank you for recommended it to me, Y/N."
The smile is to much for you, you're almost fainted because of it.
Stuttering to said something, you walked away from him while Kurapika continue eating with a satisfied smile.
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gothhisoka · 3 years
𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖞
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 18- 𝔞 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔢𝔡 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter
Ships: Chrollo x Reader, Leorio x Kurapika, Hisoka x Illumi
Genre: romance, dark academia, royalcore, university AU
Word count: 3k
Background: This is from my (gothhisoka) fanfic on Wattpad and AO3 called Hunter University. It is Chrollo x OC, but I decided to change it around for Tumblr. Both Chrollo and y/n are hiding things from each other but are both feeling the same attraction. A masquerade ball is held at your university. You don’t know if he even wants to dance with you, but apparently he does. He wants to do even more than that.
Tags: Fluff, first kiss, sfw
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The masquerade hall was astounding. The high stone walls were adorned with scarlet silk banners. Golden fabric streamers hung from every banister of the second-level balconies. As in the entrance, symbols of cherubs and mythical creatures were splashed across the ceiling in a dizzying array. The light was dim, for all the chandeliers were set low in the traditional style of Venetian masquerades. Candelabras were scattered on every table and upon every wall.
Symphonic music was emanating from the open stage in the front of the room. A live orchestra was playing a gentle concerto as the students poured in. It was only 7:10, so not many were on the floor. The true dancing would start in another couple of minutes.
It was a scene out of a fairytale. The hundreds of breathtakingly dressed students only added to the general fervor of it all.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Chrollo said as he looked towards you. It was unclear whether he was talking about the room or how you looked tonight. Your bright eyes shone out underneath a bronze mask, which was catching the candlelight within its shiny material.
Still entranced, you were led by Chrollo to the table they had reserved. The troupe followed behind, engrossed in their conversation while you both remained in your own little world. He put his hand on the small of your back, simply aching to touch you once again. The feeling was mutual.
On the table, there were glasses already set up accompanied by a lavish bouquet of flowers. Uvogin pulled out a couple of bottles of champagne he clearly swiped from the restaurant. Everyone dropped off their bags at the table.
It appeared as if not all of the troupe members would be dancing. Franklin was already seated with his arms crossed. You looked at him questioningly, after which he said, "I have to guard the stuff." It was clear by his tone that he actually meant "I don't like to dance."
You smiled placidly and nodded in understanding. He was an unusual sort of guy. She was beginning to like him already. In fact, the whole Phantom Troupe was becoming gradually more likable as the night progressed.
You looked for Kurapika to bid him one last warning before he got whisked away by Leorio. By the time she spotted him, it was already too late.
You watched as Kurapika scratched at the back of his head, suddenly unaware of what to do with his arms. He was apparently awestruck by his dance partner's appearance.
The two made their shy greetings. Kurapika reached for his hand as any chivalrous partner would do. 
Soon a waltz commenced, floating around the room. A subtle violin and cello duet beckoned people out onto the floor.
You watched as Kurapika led Leorio out, their suit jackets glimmering synchronously as the lights passed. They took position still near their group's table, but far enough to have room to dance.
The wide floor soon filled with numerous other couples. Hisoka led Illumi out alongside Uvogin and Nobunaga. Hisoka and Illumi were practically professional dancers from the very start, moving to an elaborate step that drew the attention of all the students. People nearly cleared the floor to make room for them. This annoyed Illumi to no end, while Hisoka displayed a wild grin. They twirled, dipped, and did intricate step sequences, unquestionably rehearsed to perfection.
The rest were not as remarkably polished. Still, they appeared to be equally enjoying themselves.
Leorio and Kurapika laughed as one of them accidentally stepped upon the other toes or missed a movement. While they lacked coordination, they surely didn't lack chemistry. This was a good sign.
You could see their mouths moving but the music drowned out their voices. Kurapika attempted to guide Leorio in the basic box step, turning him once in a while. 
Most ignored the cameramen or simply didn't notice them lurking in hidden spots. You had some otherworldly feeling that sensed them under the shadows in the balconies. 
"Are you done watching?" Chrollo asked, holding his hand out to you just as Kurapika had done with Leorio.
You hadn't realized you were still staring out towards the masked partners on the floor. The ball was entirely overwhelming; the sound, the rapid movements, and the room itself were causing your head to spin.
Nonetheless, you snapped out of it and processed what Chrollo had just said. You just got offered a dance. A dance with him. 
You knew his indicative gestures were leading somewhere. That somewhere was here, into his arms. 
In front of hundreds of students, not to mention journalists itching to get a photo of the boy who was so famous. Not to mention his dance partner, who was no more than a low-level hunter wannabe.
Now's not the time to get nervous. This is what you wanted. Isn't it?
You stared down at his hand as if to ask "for me?"
You peered up to see the most gentle face slowly becoming riddled with doubt.
"This is what you want, isn't it?"
Is it? 
Now that you are actually here, in the position that used to be visible only in your imagination, you feel immense pressure.
In these weeks past, you didn't even question what you were getting herself into. To be fair, you weren’t sure what this night would be, exactly. Would you be met with a closed-off boy whose coldness warded you away or the courteous man who would rather teach you nen lessons than see you fail?
Is it even safe to get this close?
Chrollo's personality had shifted in the span of the night. It became full of genuine interest rather than his usual impassive curiosity. He, as a person, was becoming all the more real.
Real was dangerous.
This stream of consciousness only took a second. It took one look into Chrollo's eyes to know what your answer would be.
"This is what I want."
It was the first step. No, rather it was your first leap off a skyscraper.
You were falling. Hard.
His grip was delicate, holding your hand as if it was made of glass. Chrollo felt strange, being so unsure. He was normally an expert at figuring out people– what they felt and why they acted the way they did. 
You, on the other hand, were a labyrinth. He had always been so hesitant for this reason. Chrollo needed to be able to figure out a person in order to get close to them. With you, there was something buried deeper than you let on. It was virtually impossible to uncover. You put up almost as good of a front as Chrollo.
Or perhaps it was Chrollo's own mind that was muddied at the thought of you. His intentions versus yours, his morals versus yours. It all began to matter very much. What would he think in the end, after he got out of your what he so desired?
Nevermind that now. For Chrollo was feeling a mutual enthusiasm that you were plainly exhibiting. He led you out to the floor.
The Phantom Troupe watched with apprehension. They weren't used to their boss being so amiable. He couldn't be swayed by a simple person, and yet here he was.
"Can you dance?" Chrollo turned to you, putting an arm upon your shoulder. You already almost melted under the single touch.
You had reached the middle of the floor, far from the troupe. Was he that confident in his own dancing? The center could be viewed from all sides and balconies. You were sure to stand out.
"Not well," you said candidly.
Chrollo began a light step, swaying from side to side. This newfound tenderness was surprising. He was treating you as if you were a queen. And you couldn't get enough of it.
Wanting to grasp for more of this certain side of him, you said, "I can do more than this."
"As you wish," Chrollo said with a gracious smile.
He immediately followed a more complicated step, falling in line with the other couples on the floor. You pretended to ignore their whispers.
Just as you thought. He is an incredible dancer.
Every time you struggled to keep up he would adjust his pace. You worked like hands on a clock, moving as if set to one another's rhythm. The music now was a quicker allegro beat.
Your attire fanned out as you turned: your right hand in his, your arm on his shoulder. 
Now it was the students' turn to stare at Chrollo and you. It was unclear if it was because they recognized the boy under the mask, or they were observing the electrifying chemistry.
You couldn't help but beam as you sailed across the floor. Chrollo did not break eye contact and you did your best to do the same. 
A feeling overcame you as you continued to hold his hand in yours. It couldn't be described as fireworks or sparks, as often depicted by the romance novels she's read. It was more of an awakening.
Despite the weather turning cold, you felt as if it was spring. A revival. Things were blossoming, the rain washed away the grey of winter.
He was your spring.
It was odd. For Chrollo could be explained more effectively as ominous and intimidating, unlike a bright spring day. He should've been cold stone walls, closed doors, secret passageways.
But no, he was warmth itself.
If only you would turn away for a second you would notice a coldness settle that hadn't been there before. 
The way he looked tonight in his dazzling suit and mask, the way he said all those uncharacteristically gracious words: these were the things you would have etched in your memory for a very, very long time. Now, without Chrollo it would feel as if something were missing.
You would not realize this yet, as you were still in a state of pure elation. It was only the beginning.
But this was the connection you felt. Having it defined opened up a world of possibilities. 
Who would've known, it all came into fruition at a masquerade ball.
After a couple more songs, you left the floor. Sweat prickled at your brow. You were left panting after a rapid final dance.
Several students couldn't help but clap. You hadn't even done a thing. You were sure it was Chrollo's dancing that gained all the attention.
"You're better than I expected," you said.
Chrollo brushed back his hair which had fallen in his face with all the movement.  "I would say the same to you, y/n." He smiled, sizing your up.
You didn't dispute his return of the compliment. He was right. 
At the group table, Kurapika and Leorio were sitting drinking glass after glass of the bootlegged champagne. It would've been inappropriate to bring alcohol to such a prestigious event if many other tables weren't doing the same. Apparently, the students here did know how to have a good time.
Chrollo went to talk to Franklin as you sat next to Leorio and Kurapika.
"You both were amazing!" Leorio exclaimed as you approached. 
You grinned, "Where have you two been?"
"We were on the floor too, didn't you see us?"
You tried to laugh it off, "No... I was a little distracted." 
To be fair, you didn't notice the cameras, the students, or the other dancers either. 
"Sooo are you two going back out?" Leorio asked, leaning on his hand. His words slurred slightly.
You looked over your shoulder at Chrollo. He looked serious as he talked to Franklin. "I'm not sure. Are you two?"
"Yes, we plan on trying the group dance. Just like we practiced," Kurapika said, giving you a knowing look.
The synchronized dance was the signature of the ball. All those who learned it were allowed to participate. It was the last dance, so they would still be sitting for a while. The time was now around 9:00 and the hall would be closed by 12:00 a.m.
Before they could converse any further, Chrollo gently put a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt, but I have something to show you, y/n."
He held his hand out again. This time you took it with no hesitation. 
"Ok," you leaped up, flattening out your dress.
You were all too willing to go wherever Chrollo pleased. There wasn't even a point where she needed to remind herself who this man was. His charm had influenced you too far already. There was no going back.
Kurapika gave you a warning look. You threw him back a smile. This did nothing to reassure him.
Chrollo interlaced his fingers slowly with yours, hesitating as you crossed under the balconies. You could've dissolved right then and there. It only further confirmed his gentlemanly attitude and respect towards you.
You couldn't even look at him. You felt your face growing hotter by the second. Thank god for a mask and several layers of foundation.
To your surprise, you were led far from the dance floor. You ended up at a small door in a quiet corner of the ballroom. The spot was underneath the alcoves and not a soul was in sight. Moonlight poured in from the tiny stained-glass windows.
"It's through here," Chrollo said, his voice barely audible over the orchestral music.
"Do I get to know where you're taking me?" You stopped in your tracks. You were thinking of what Kurapika would say. Even though you would follow him at the drop of a coin, you weren’t that stupid. He is a man, before all else. 
Something flashed in Chrollo's eyes. Was he hurt by your sudden distrust? 
"I'll show you. I promise you'll like it," Chrollo replied, creaking open the door.
There was nothing at first, only darkness. But stepping through the door bestowed an even more enchanting sight than the ballroom.
You gasped, "I didn't realize there was a courtyard out here."
Chrollo looked at you as if he were seeing you the first time tonight again. The profile of your face was highlighted by the moonlight. your jawline was your only feature that stood out, the rest of your was soft under the haze of darkness. The surrounding blue contrasted against your fading red lipstick. your hair had grown significantly more disheveled but it still looked utterly smooth. If Chrollo was bolder he would've run his hand through it and took you by your waist and done things he surely would regret for initiating too soon... he wanted to savor the moment when it inevitably came.
He smiled, despite himself. Neither of you noticed the cold, still warmed from dancing only moments ago. Chrollo watched as your eyes soaked in the scene before you.
It seemed as if the bushes and trees saved their last breaths for this space alone. Fall leaves hung over a gravel path. Ivy snaked up the surrounding structures, all encapsulating the tiny yard. A small table sat in the center of the path upon which a lantern was placed. He had come prepared.
The whole night: he had anticipated it all. He had realized your love, and, at this moment, you realized his. What he had yet to figure out was the depth of those feelings or where they came from. Or, most importantly, what was tucked underneath those feelings. That was what tonight was for.
The orchestra still echoed faintly through the ancient walls.
"Shall we dance? I never did like dancing in front of a crowd,"
You redirected your eyes to an equally beautiful scene. You were still in reverence. It was obvious now that he had planned it all.
Your heart swelled like an ocean wave, but all you could manage to get out was, "Are we supposed to be here?"
Chrollo looked at you dangerously, "To remind you, I'm not supposed to be anywhere." 
Before you could say another word, Chrollo stepped forward and lifted both his and your own mask off of your faces. 
Chrollo's undivided visage was in view now. The curve of his nose and tops of his cheekbones caught the light of the moon. His downcast eyelashes were full, framing his silver eyes.
As for Chrollos view, he simply needed to see your whole face to be sure that what you felt was really true. When he saw the arching of your lips and widened eyes, he knew it was.
He grasped your hand in preparation to waltz, deliberately intertwining his hand with yours. 
Timed perfectly, the music slowed. It was a couples' number. Inevitably, this had also somehow been planned by Chrollo.
This dancing was quite different than before. It was full of significance.
The song picked up with a violin. Chrollo pulled you close, your bodies almost touching. Your heat radiated off of one another. You felt almost giddy with attraction. What you wanted to do to him was far past your confidence, but you wanted it all the same.
His eyes didn't leave yours. A slight smile persisted on his lips. He hadn't enjoyed himself so much in years. And the last time he felt something like this, it wasn't nearly as genuine.
You swayed from side to side with only the moonlight and distant concerto guiding your steps. You made a move to rest your head on his shoulder. It was so that you could not look into his eyes as you spoke your next words. You snaked your arms behind his neck while he placed his around your hips. It felt good to be so close. You felt secure in his arms.
You really hoped this was going where she thought it was. But you needed to be certain.
"I want to know if this is true," you whispered, breaking the tranquil silence. Your breath was hot against his neck. It drove him absolutely mad. 
Unknowingly, you had echoed back the words Chrollo had been retracing in his head throughout the night. Is this true?
He feigned ignorance of the meaning behind your statement. "What's true?" Chrollo whispered back.
"Is all this premeditation for something else? Another scheme?"
Chrollo suddenly turned serious, "I will never do that to you again. This is for real."
You pulled back to look into his eyes, "But what is this?" 
Your face was lined with apprehension. After all that happened tonight, it still wasn't clear. Chrollo needed to change that.
He looked down at you, attempting to convey what you meant to him in his eyes. They overflowed with tenderness, admiration, and worship, even. 
You hadn't realized that he had these emotions in him. Now you understood. It was all because they were reserved for you.
His movement was swift. He lowered his face to yours, soaking in your divine scent. You didn't anticipate what was about to happen until his lips delicately brushed against your own, asking for an invitation. He clearly didn't need one, for your body responded immediately. Your hand trailed up to the side of his face. Chollo pulled your hips towards him. Your eyes fluttered shut.
And you kissed. 
It was intoxicating.
The taste of him nearly silenced your thoughts. It was a tang of wine and sweetness. You tried to let the feeling seep into your bones, agonizing over its ephemeral nature. 
Your surroundings dissolved into the inky night. You focused on how soft his mouth felt, how his hands upon your hips made you want to yield to all he could offer, and, in turn, all you could ever desire.
Seconds later, you unwillingly pulled apart. Your whole body tingled, edging for more. Both of your heartbeats were fluttering a rapid cadence. Remaining there for a moment– foreheads touching, breath tickling one another lips– you savored each other's presence. 
Your kiss was unlike anything either of you had experienced before. It was born out of lust but resulted in something deeper. Floating to the surface was an unbound attraction sparked by one mouth on another.
You both were left smiling with flushed cheeks. Goosebumps prickled on your arms.
"I hope that made it clear," Chrollo said pulling away at last.
The warmth disappeared and you were left in a state of longing. You could still feel the touch of his lips upon yours, a ghost of his sensitive movements.
You smiled lightly at him, "It did."
Chrollo held out an arm for you. "We best be getting back now."
You were frozen in place, coming to your senses. Holy shit.
The enormity of what that kiss meant came crashing down upon you. What would this mean moving forward? Everything had seemed so temporary with Chrollo, coming in and out of your life as he did in the past month. Was this temporary as well?
There was no time to dwell upon the future of their relationship. Although the promise of privacy in the courtyard tempted you to stay, there was still one more number to dance. 
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monomas-a-smug-bih · 4 years
unexpected comfort (kurapika x reader)
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Kurta eyes. The posh man was talking about Kurta eyes.
The bloody anger in Kurapika’s eyes began to seethe and brew again. You tried your best to stop it, though you weren’t sure there was much to do once he’d gotten like that.
You and Kurapika had landed a job together, you didn’t care much for the details since it wasn’t very dangerous for once, and it almost had seemed like a nice night out until now. You had come to be filled in for those you were hired by on the latest information they’d been concerned with, but were much too occupied to come receive it themselves apparently. Although you and Kurapika were both bodyguards, you arrived as a spoiled relative and he kept his position, but as your bodyguard.
“Aren’t they beautiful?”
The man’s voice that was practically selling the eyes of one of Kurapika’s ancestors had brought you back to crude reality of the situation. The bustling energy of the ballroom seemed to muffle as soon as the older man had revealed something of his he shouldn’t have. At least not in front of your “body guard.”
You gulped, wondering how you should answer. Staring over to Kurapika, you realized, yes his eyes were indeed beautiful. But to have them floating aimlessly in a jar? You cringed at the thought.
“Yes, they are quite beautiful.” You bit your cheek, not enjoying the words in your mouth, or his stare from behind you on your conscious. Before the snob could start his rambles on luxuries and riches, you cut him off. “So why are they in a jar?” You we’re trying to bite down your own anger now, understanding the reason for Kurapika’s constant fuel for his anger. It was these people.
“Well, sweetheart, the value doesn’t lay with the container, rather...”
“It’s not- when you see something beautiful, is your instinct really to kill it and shove it into a jar with a price tag?” You couldn’t help yourself, were these people really this blinded by something as trivial as jenny? “Shouldn’t it be left alone because it’s beautiful, because we fear of disturbing its grace? I...I don’t think beauty is something that should be locked up, do you?” You’d gotten too into this conversation, your true feelings shining through. The rich man before you and Kurapika both wearing varying shock on their faces.
You had to maintain the character you’d brought here, or your cover would be blown! You were a woman who liked to think of herself as respectful, but instead thought of something a bratty, spoiled girl would say and tried your best to act the part. You feigned hurt as if you’d personally taken offence, adding an obnoxious sniffle or two. “Why! D-didn’t you just call m-me beautiful?” Your bratty facade was working, he was probably used to working with pig-headed brats, the man flew to your aid.
“N-no milady! I didn’t mean anything like-“
“I’m hurt terribly Sir, truly, and going to the tables now.” You falsely crossed your arms in a pout, turning to Kurapika and winding your arm into his closest to you. Sure, you’d made a fool of yourself, but you smile at the fact that waiter might be fretting over your ‘hurt feelings’ all night. You turned to Kurapika, wondering how the silent boy was after that ordeal. Though his eyes had calmed, you still saw a ring of crimson, hiding subtly at the edges of his eyes. He was wearing contact lenses, but that didn’t stop a the thin sheen of blood red that peeked through when he was troubled. “Hey.” You rubbed his arm in an attempt of comfort, but to not much avail. After a squeeze, he finally looked your way, and he seemed to let his face thaw, his eyes slowly returning to a more true silver. Kurapika had seen you in action before, it was nearly amusing how harmless you could seem to strangers. You sighed in relief.
On your way to the buffet, you both turned into the kitchen you two knew would be empty, you were to await a call from you employers somewhere alone. “What’s your favourite food?” You leaned back on a counter, feeling the need to fill the silence after minutes had passed.
“...I don’t know.” Kurapika stood straight up, almost as if he was refusing rest. You’d always admired his soft almost angelic features, and equally soft and angelic looking blonde hair, but he always carried a heavy sense of either exhaustion or intimidation with him, his sleek black suit adding to the second. He gave off exhaustion only when he felt he could let his guard down, at least partially so, you assumed. From the way his muscles seemed to untense at the shoulders whenever it was just the two of you in a room together. For some reason, that gave you comfort around him.
“Ah, me neither really, though I do love dango. The ones with a lot of flavour...” You tried to focus more on the imaginary dango and less on Kurapika’s hard shell.
“What’s the point of this small talk?” He questioned, eyes on the ground for whatever reason, did even raising his eyes make him tired? Your heart sank a little, the look on his face hardened again.
“It brings me comfort, most of the time others too. I don’t like it much either, but it helps the silence.” He seemed to ponder on that, sliding down to take a seat in the floor himself with a meek sigh, his hands pale against the sleek gray floor.
After no call for another few minutes, you’d figured the two of you had been early, or perhaps your employers had their hands full with something. Kurapika’s thin yet smooth voice surprised you, breaking the silence. “Talking to that man, were you being honest?” Kurapika had been wondering about that conversation ever since it happened. It was the most assertive you’d ever done from what he’s seen, that is before you backed off and sauntered away with him, safely so to his relief. But he still couldn’t help but think whether honesty or fear made those words form in your mouth. Did you say that because you believed it, or because you feared being on anyone’s bad side? To him you were an enigma, a tricky one at that. Kurapika never put much effort into reading other people unless they were his opponent, yet you’re usually unknown and unspoken thoughts had always peaked his interest.
“I was.” You declared.
“Really?” He sounded sceptical, or maybe just indifferent.
“Really, so honest I almost busted our cover.” You sent a smile his way, and Kurapika wasn’t sure what to make of it. You could tell he wasn’t fully convinced.
Later, after waiting for what felt like hours, you reached under a cart nearby, hands landing on small bowls. Rice! You’d be lying if your stomach wasn’t writhing this entire time, you hadn’t eaten for most of the day now. Placing them on top of the cart, you searched for cutlery, eventually finding a couple sets of chopsticks.
“I’ve been starving. How about you, Kurapika?” You asked gingerly. The stoic boy simply looked up at you, leaving no reply. You frowned and slid a bowl over to him anyway, hoping it would brighten his mood a little. Feasting on plain rice, you enjoyed every grain, finally fueled up again for any fighting you may encounter. Kurapika’s eyes seemed to catch something on your face, though you weren’t clueing in at all. He closed his eyes and sighed, stretching his long legs and striding over to you, who was still perched on the counter. He approached so he was standing between your bent knees, you fought your surprise when he swept his thumb across your cheek, a sticky grain of rice falling off as a result. His face was close to yours, and you couldn’t help but be lost in those marble eyes, light glinted against the red earrings beside them. You murmured something too muffled to hear. He hummed for you to respond. “...I wasn’t lying.” You managed, the only way he’d really believe you, might be face-to-face. You wondered if through your eyes he could see your thoughts with his own colourless ones. “You’re eyes...they really are beautiful, even just like this.” Actually, you decided, you preferred them like this. The lack of striking red meant Kurapika’s was a little more at ease, you preferred him in his less troubled state, no matter how stunning his scarlet eyes were. The boy was taken aback, but your hands landed softly onto his cheeks, so he remained as close to you as he was, so he couldn’t back away. “They don’t deserve anything like that.” You finished sternly with your eyes on his, you heart practically pounding, the tone of the room quite saddened. Surprisingly, when Kurapika’s hands travelled hesitantly up your arms to the hands on his face, it wasn’t to yank them off. His hands were on top of your own, and he shut his eyes, a shaky breath escaping his lips, seeming to relish in the rarest feeling in his life:
You were shocked by the allowed closeness, Kurapika’s lithe form leaning into your own. It seemed he’d finally broken down a little at that, though no noise of defeat came from him. Silently and carefully, his head of blonde hair had descended onto your shoulder, and you felt his weight sink into your arms. Your fingers combed through his light hair as you leaned back slightly onto the counter, allowing him to relax into your embrace. It was peaceful, so peaceful.
You prayed the phone wouldn’t ring, at least not for a while...
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ummmmm hiiiiii ummmmmm I wrote a bit of this a while ago but just finished it up and it is 11 pm on a school night hehe haha hoho, hope someone enjoys this rando piece of writing, also don’t ding me if it’s not accurate to the manga I made half this up, is he still a bodyguard? Mafia boss? Who knows? I don’t 😳 anyways he needs hugs
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the-caffeine-hero · 4 years
More Than Enough
Kurapika x Reader - Angst with a (sorta?) happy ending? - Crossposted on AO3!
It was late, the night air piercingly quiet as it always seemed to be on the nights you spent alone. It was to be expected, of course, when you stopped to consider who you shared your living space with. You have known Kurapika for what seemed like a lifetime yet it had only been a short two years. Although, the young man you had met those two years ago was not the same man you now know. While you have heard the whispers between friends that he had grown to be more handsome and intriguing, and I suppose you wouldn’t disagree on the handsome thing but you missed the boy you originally knew. You never failed to notice the markings of overworking and stress that painted the blondes face. You would consider yourself an expert on the said face, you hesitate to admit it but you spend more time that anyone should staring at his face. Some would say that you harbored a small (immensely large) crush on the Kurta but you tried your best to not think about it too much. It wasn't as if you were shy or would rather that he make the first move, rather you had a very early realization of the slim chances of a relationship with him. The possible romantic relationship seemed to be a disaster waiting to happen so you held your tongue. That thought aside, you loved him despite his, unfortunately, self-destructive tendencies and dedicated revenge plans. You were just as happy to spend what little moments you could with him. That was more than enough.
If almost like waking up from a deep sleep, you were pulled away from your thoughts by the clicks and twists of the front door unlocking. Kurapika trudged up the stairs at an almost snail pace. He gave you a small smile as the two of you made eye contact, then retreating into his bedroom. You let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in once the blonde had passed you. Your heart ached for Kurapika. This wasn’t the first time he had come home this way. It wasn’t always this way, but recently it had only become worse. More late returns home, fewer hours of sleep, and one-word conversations. Your lips pursed as your head fell back against the couch. Were you wrong to be worried? Against your better judgment, you moved to follow him. While you knew there were no romantic ties, you still were one of his friends. You had a right to be at least a little concerned. His bedroom door was closed which was unsurprising. Even at the best of times, Kurapika was a very private man. Your fingers lingered centimeters from the door, your next steps uncertain. While your worries seemed valid to you, you still felt an invisible roadblock stopping you from knocking on the door. It was quite possible that Kurapika would welcome the company but he also could very well want some time alone. You took a breath, grounding yourself as you let your hand connect with his bedroom door, your knuckles making a soft rap on the door. You had no idea what you expected but it wasn’t to find yourself coming face to face with the blonde man.
“Should you not already be in bed?” Kurapika asked as he leaned his head against the doorframe. You smiled softly at him as your eyes met.
“I could say the same about you. I’m not keeping you am I?” You asked, your fingers twiddling with the hem of your shirt. He gives you another small smile, just like the one from before.
“No, you’re never a bother.” He stated almost matter-of-factly. This left a quick yet somehow agonizingly slow silence between the two of you.
“Can I come in?” You asked, breaking the stark silence. He nodded at your request, moving away from the door, allowing you to enter. Every time you saw his room you felt a tang of disappointment. It was barren save for a bed, a closet, and a bookshelf. You knew that Kurapika was not a materialistic man by any means as well as his stay not being 100% permanent, yet you still hoped to see him settle in just a little bit. Kurapika sat down on the bed, his eyes trailing your own as you looked around the room. As your eyes locked, he opened his mouth to speak. You were quick to cut him off before even a single sound could escape his lips.
“Kurapika, I am worried about you.” You stated abruptly. The blonde gazes at you with knowing eyes as he sinks deeper into the mattress.
“There is no reason for alarm. I am quite alright.” He responded with the words he knew youtube wanted to hear. You feel your lips press tightly together before you speak again.
“I don’t believe you, Kurapika. You’ve been overworking yourself and pushing everyone away recently. I know that not everything is okay.” You responded, your words flowing steadily like a waterfall. You take a seat next to Kurapika on the bed, your hands reaching to capture his. You feel a slight blush crawl it's way up your neck at the action.
“I’m not trying to say that you have to stop. In fact, I admire your dedication more than words could ever describe but don’t you think that you deserve a chance to feel good and for once not weighed down by such a heavy responsibility?” You ask, your mind running a million miles a minute, Anyone close to Kurapika knew that his mission was a sensitive topic and you couldn’t help but pray that he knew and understood that you didn’t mean for your words to come across as unsupportive. Granted, you would not call yourself supportive as you couldn’t help but notice the negative effects that that revenge had on the blonde. You could never fully understand the pain he felt but you understood why he had such an immense desire to fulfill his plans. Who wouldn’t want an answer for such terrible actions? You could feel the blondes fists clench at your words. The stark feel of the flexing of each finger against your own caused your heart to jump.
“Weighed down?” He said, the words almost hissing from his lips. “You have no idea what being weighed down is like. The atrocities that I have seen.” He continues, his voice rising slightly as he averts his eyes from yours. You felt the tips of your fingers being to resemble static while you try to gently hold the young man’s hand. The two of you had always had a mutual understanding of each other's emotional boundaries. You tended to wear your heart on your sleeve in most situations, and for what may seem surprising to some, Kurapika was an excellent listener. He on the other hand was the expert in bottling up each and every emotion. While you undoubtedly respected that but you also knew the immense damage that could cause in someone.
“You know that I would never try to stop you or stand in your way. I never want to downplay how hard every single day is for you or am I trying to pretend to be able to understand the pain or challenges you go through. I just…” You pause, your hands moving to caress his face, your thumbs shaking as they swipe across his cheeks. “I don’t want to see you throw your life away. The path you're on isn’t a safe one. What good is revenge if you die?” You stammer out, your hands falling from his face to a resting position in your lap. You hesitated to make eye contact with Kurapika as you could already see the faint rim of red in his irises from the corner of your vision. Before you could speak again, Kurapika let out a sigh and stood up, softly walking to the door, opening it without a word. You tensed up at this action, that static feeling traveling from your fingertips to all over your body. You stood up, your legs slightly shaking as you walked towards the door. You couldn’t work up the courage to look him in the face as you walked through the doorway. The moment you passed through, the door shut behind you softly. For a moment you were dazed. What did this mean? Was he angry with you? While Kurapika had been known to be a hot head sometimes, his friends generally were not the subjects of it. Your body shivered at the thought of being on the receiving end of that temper. You steeled yourself, shoving the thought from your mind as you disappeared into your own bedroom.
As you fell back into your bed, you couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that rattled through your mind. Was something wrong? Everything seemed bad, but could things be worse? Your thoughts traveled to what life was like without Kurapika’s presence in your home. It was a temporary arrangement when your roommate moved out. He needed a place to stay while he took care of business in the city and you happily offered the spare room. You would have been overjoyed to have him stay forever. You knew that was impossible but it never stopped you from thinking it. You shifted in your bed, the sheets wrinkling around you. Perhaps you were overthinking? Was it better to be safe than sorry? Against your better judgment, you slipped off of your bed to return to the blonde's side. You didn’t necessarily feel any guilt but you swallowed your pride and opted to apologize for the press on such a sensitive subject. Kurapika’s door was slightly ajar when you returned to it which was a cause for concern. You gently pushed the door open to see what little evidence of Kurapika in the room was gone. Not even the few books that normally say upon the bookshelf were there. They were gone as if the man was never there. You quickly slipped your way down the hall, nearly tripping down the small staircase that led to the front door. As if this moment was scripted in a film you saw Kurapika. He had one hand on the doorknob and another holding a suitcase. Your eyes widened as the two of you made eye contact. The blonde looked the same as he did when he first arrived home. There was not a single trace of anything other than those familiar overworked eyes.
“Where are you going?” You asked with hushed breath. The blonde only could look at you. The world was once again that familiar and lonely quiet. “Kurapika, please. I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just worried.” You began to ramble out, the words as shaky and unsteady as an earthquake. “You know I love you. I just want to see you happy and I know you won't truly be until you complete your mission but I am scared you won't live to see the end of it.” You continued, rattling off every thought your mind could produce. Your brain felt the pull of a sort of fight or flight mode. The static had once again returned to your body, your teeth chattering as you felt thick tears roll down your cheeks. Your gaze fell to the floor as you felt your hands clasp tightening together. You feared the blonde had already walked out the door when you heard the thunk of the suitcase on the floor. Your head snapped to look at Kurapika. His face had not changed, not a single muscle had moved. “Are we not friends anymore? I promise I’ll never bring it up again.” You say, a slight hiccup in your voice. The blonde stiffened at the question.
“It is not as if we are no longer friends. I fear that I cause you distress. I am not suitable to be sharing this space with you.” Kurapika explained, his voice oh so calm. You blinked, the remaining tears escaping your eyes. Had he not been upset with you? Granted, you had thought that it wouldn’t be the case but his actions up until this point seemed to say otherwise. “I greatly appreciate your support to me but I believe that it would be best for you if I took my leave.” Kurapika continued, not hesitating to also add on that he would transfer you some Jenny to cover his portion of the rent until you were able to find a replacement. You gazed at him, your eyes still wet from the sudden wave of tears. The blonde went to pick up his suitcase but you quickly grabbed his hand with your own. Your eyes met and you wondered if yours reflected the same look of loss that his did.
“Please don’t go. I don’t want you to go.” You whispered, your voice hoarse. You felt his thumb gently move across the top of your hand. Normally, a soft action like this directed at you would cause an immeasurably large grin but now it seemed to just live to taunt you as his thumb left your skin feeling like pinpricks.
“I grew angry at you for worrying for me. You do not deserve such a cruel action, especially in your own home. I apologize but this is for your best interest.” He repeated again. You felt as if your head was caught in a whirlpool, your hand still tight around his. How could you possibly imagine a life without him in it? Your mind flipped through each happy memory that the two of you shared. What was your favorite? Perhaps it was the time you first dragged him out to a new and popular restaurant that had just opened downtown? You had told him that maybe some high profile guests would be there and how it couldn’t possibly hurt to check it out. The two of you never did find anyone of interest other than each other. A three-hour meal with Kurapika felt like a blur as you became enchanted by every word that escaped his lips. Maybe you favored the time you caught him reading a very old and weathered copy of Dino-Hunter? He had offered to let you borrow the book if you were interested but you opted to sit by his side and read along with him. There were small notes in the margins written in Kurta and he explained what each one said, you even learned a couple of words by the end of the night. There were plenty of wonderful moments just like those that meant more to you than anything. His presence in your home was what allowed you such treasured interactions. Only you could say you experienced such things with him. Maybe it was selfish but you weren’t ready to give up the chance at more. You took a deep breath before you directed your eyes to stare deeply into his own.
“Kurapika, I love you. I love you more than a friend. There is nothing that you could do that would make me not love you. You being in my life is the thing I am the most thankful for every single day. I just want to continue spending my days with you at my side. I understand if you do not reciprocate my romantic feelings towards you, I know that you have a lot on your plate but as a friend, could you please stay?” You asked, your voice sturdy. It was now or never. You never imagined that you would confess these feelings to him in a situation like this. For once, the lapse in conversation was not quiet, rather you could hear your heartbeat as it thumped strongly against your chest. You didn’t fail to notice the look of shock that took over the blonde's face. If you weren’t in such a heated moment, you may have wondered how he didn’t pick up on these feelings earlier.
“I was not aware that you had such feelings for me.” He stated, the shock laced in his voice. You could only stare back at him, your breath caught in your throat as you waited for his answer. “I apologize but I still do not believe my presence in your life is good for you. You said it yourself, the path I am following is not safe, meaning that I would not want to wrap you up in it.” He explained, the false calm clear in his voice. You took a deep breath before speaking again.
“Kurapika, I don’t care what path you’re on. I just want to walk that path with you. Would I prefer you not to die? Yes! That doesn’t mean that I would just give up on my feelings for you. I have fallen in love with you despite your flaws. Please...just tell me yes or no.” You responded, your exhaustion apparent in your voice. How much more did you need to do so that he would understand your love for him? You could see him shift in his spot and you wondered if it was nerves. Did Kurapika ever become nervous? “You don’t need to reciprocate but I only want to know if you will stay with me. Even as a friend I would be more than happy. I promise I will throw the romantic love I have out the door. It won’t be awkward for either of us.” You reassured, hoping to pull his answer out. Without a word, Kurapika picked up the suitcase once again. Your breath hitched in your throat. Was he going to leave? Much to your surprise, the blonde retreated up the stairs. You hesitantly followed him up as the two of you returned to the bedroom that you, not less than an hour ago, had exchanged your intense words. He sat down in the exact same spot he had before, and you followed suit. It was like a strange dance the way you responded to each of his movements. He turned his body to look at you and you couldn't help but wonder if this action was his version of an answer. Before you could speak up, the blonde quickly tugged you into an embrace, his face pressed into the crook of your neck. At this moment you inhaled sharply, your hands slowly moving to wrap around his body. If you weren’t paying attention you would have missed the words that slipped from his mouth, muffled by the contact of your skin.
“Thank you.” He muttered, his lips grazing your neck. You couldn’t help but feel confused but you didn’t dare to interrupt this moment. You pulled your body away from his, catching his eyes for a moment where you couldn’t help but notice the red that spilled into the whites of his eyes. For once, the red was not from being a Kurta, rather it was from the tears that now made a home on the shoulder of your shirt. You shuffled yourself under the covers as you gestured to him to do the same. He compiled without a word as he slipped under the covers and back into your arms. Perhaps you would talk more in the morning but for now, you held him close to you as you patiently allowed the tears to fall from his eyes. The two of you were as close as two separate people could be as your legs intertwined with each other and your arms tightly wrapped around the other's sides. You felt his head lay against your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair, noting that it had gotten longer than normal. You pressed your lips against his forehead, pressing a kiss to it gently. Your lips ghosted the skin before whispering to him a soft goodnight before closing your eyes, assuming that he would do the same. The two of you drifted off to sleep listening to the rhythmic beat of your hearts intertwining. You would ask him in the morning more, but for now, this was more than enough.
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bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
Safe and Sound
Yandere!Kurapika x Fem!Reder
warnings: This series will contain obsessive and possessive behavior from Kurapika, along with sexual content. Kurapika has anger issues and severe trauma, remember that before reading. Chapters will have individual warnings.
summary: After waking up in a room that was made to match her own, (Name) finds out that her best friend, Kurapika Kurta, kidnapped her. Kurapika wants to keep her safe, but can he when he has anger issues and problems of his own? Will she escape, or is Kurapika really right when he says she’s better off with him?
status: ongoing
word count: 4k
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part 1
part 2
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💋 Seductive Trickery (Kurapika) #0 ~ P r o l o g u e
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📑 Table of Contents
Pairing: Female Reader x Kurapika ☁
World: Hunter x Hunter ☁
WARNING: This series contains highly suggestive sexual content that is not suitable for those under the age of eighteen.
You sat slouched on the soft couch that sat in the hotel lobby. Your head leaned back on the back of the powder blue couch, eyes staring boredly up at the high ceiling. Your hands were stuffed into the pockets of the lose black hoodie that you wore. Despite the room being filled with the chatter of the other guests and the hotel staff, none of it reached you. You weren’t even aware that there were other people in the lobby.
Normally, you were very attentive and aware of your surroundings, but your mind was too clouded to process much of anything at the moment. You needed time to sort out those thoughts so she had left the room the group shared and retreated to the brightly lit lobby. The pounding rain outside could be heard over the chattering guests as it pelted the glass door, soaking any and everything that dared to go out into it. The sound echoed in the back of your mind, helping to calm your nerves.
You blinked as the familiar voice pulled you from your racing thoughts. Your eyes shifted to the tall suit-wearing male who had just walked up to you. One hand was tucked safely in his pants pocket, while the other was held up in greeting.
“Gon was worried and asked me to come and check on you,” he answered your unasked question before shuffling around and plopping down on your left. His arms slung around the back of the couch and he let out an exasperated sigh.
“Che. He worries too much for a little kid,” you scoffed, shifting so that you could prop your feet up on the wooden coffee table that sat in front of the sofa.
Leorio chuckled in agreement before turning serious, his eyes burning with determination. This set you on high alert; whatever he was about to tell you, it couldn’t be good. “Listen, Y/N. I know why you’ve been zoning out so much lately. It’s because of Kurapika, right?”
“You don’t have to admit it, I know you have deep feelings for him but he’s been thinkin’ a lot about Ryodan and his clan lately… he’s been completely ignoring you. I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose, though.”
You shrugged, looking away from the loud-mouthed male. Leorio was right, of course, but what could you do? You knew how stressed out Kurapika has been; he was both mentally and physically exhausted. You had no right to complain about him spending all his time lost in thought about his slaughtered clan and the murderers who did it. The last thing you wanted was to upset or stress him out more than he already was.
“But that’s all over now, and it’s about damn time he started paying attention to you!” Leorio exclaimed, his hands balled into fists that just screamed determination.
Your brow rose, “It’s not a big deal, Leo – ”
“It is a big deal! He can’t seriously be that oblivious to your feelings!”
“He’s been busy,”
“Well, we’re gonna change that.” He grinned, reaching into his suit and pulling out a crumpled piece of paper. He then grabbed your hand and placed it into your palm. “This is a full-proof plan that’s going to catch him!”
“Heh?” You blinked in confusion, staring at him with suspicious eyes before staring curiously at the piece of paper. For some reason, you felt a sense of impending doom in the back of your mind but your curiosity was too great to brush it off.
You slowly unfolded the paper and swallowed hard, eyes widening in shock. Did he really expect you to do these things? There was no way! You were just a simple tomboy with no relationship experience. You weren’t sexy nor seductive and the things written on that paper were just too much. It wasn’t you… there was no way you could pull it off! If anything, you’d turn him off, not on.
“Trust me!” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and winked. “It’s full proof! Do these steps in order and he won’t be able to resist you!”
You shook your head and stood up. “No way, not gonna happen.”
Before you could walk away, Leorio grabbed your wrist. “Just give it a try. You want his attention, right? You want him to look at you as more than just a friend, right?”
“Well… yeah, but…”
“I promise you, this will work, Y/N. Just think about it, okay?” He patted you on the shoulder before walking away to the elevator.
You really did not want to do this, but… at the same time, you really wanted Kurapika’s attention. How much longer could you keep those feelings hidden before they became too much to handle? At some point, it would become difficult just to be around him. And so, you were left with only two choices.
You could just confess your feelings to him.
Or you could place your trust in Leorio and do things you never imagined you would.
The first option was direct. There would be no turning back and the chance of being rejected was high, especially with him in the state he was currently in. Not to mention the chance of it ruining the friendship.
The second option, however, was indirect and called for him to make a move. You wouldn’t actually have to let him know how you felt so you couldn’t technically be rejected. It was the safest road for both you and Kurapika.
Taking a deep breath, your hand clenched around the paper. Your mind was made up. You were going to trust in Leorio, even if it would put you through hell with a low success rate…
Suddenly, the second option really wasn’t looking too hopeful, after all.
▸Next Chapter
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
I used to hate yandere Au.
BUT YOU WRITE IT SO GOOD!! Really with any of your fics lol. They always grab my attention!! Mainly fixer upper!! All your chapters are always so detailed and interesting to read. I wanted to also say thank you for taking time out of your day to constantly post and share new things!!! I want you to know that your apprecaited and to have a great rest of your holiday xx
Aww thank you! I plan on trying to get part 29.5 of Fixer Upper out today!! It’s a little treat before we get into the super angsty Chimera Ant Arc…
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
Vampire kurapika being addicted to the warmth that human reader has. He cant help but think of how warm and happy their children will be growing in her tummy. I would like to see this pls!
Vampire!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
warnings: creampie, Kurapika takes your virginity
(vampire and werewolf!Kurapika requests are open 👁️👁️)
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If there’s one thing vampires lack, it’s warmth. They are no longer living, undead creatures that hearts beat no more.
Usually, they seek out the warmth they lack by killing humans and devouring their blood. For a moment, it makes them feel whole again. Human.
But Kurapika isn’t your usual vampire.
Sure, he drinks blood, lives in a dark mansion in a deep forest, but he’s no murderer. He only drinks enough blood to keep him sustained, and never takes more than he needs.
Unfortunately, a side affect to this is that he is always cold. Even when sitting by the large fireplace in his home, he feels nothing but the chill in his skin.
It can almost drive a man to insanity, that awful lack of warmth. Imagine living for centuries, never able to feel warm again.
Well, that all changed when he met you.
You’d gotten yourself lost in the expansive forest surrounding his mansion. He spotted you sitting all alone, sniffling as you tried to call someone with no luck.
Usually when someone got lost in his forest, he’d gently lead them back to the forests edge before wiping their memory of him, but for some reason he didn’t want to do that.
You were wearing a hoodie and skirt, something not fit for the winter weather. A breeze passed by, causing you to shiver and your sniffles to turn into cries.
Kurapika did not like seeing girls cry, he was a gentleman. He leaped down from his place on a hill, appearing behind you without a sound.
“Are you lost?”
You jump at the sound, quickly turning to see a blonde haired man standing behind you. He was incredibly handsome, giving you a patient smile when you struggled to respond. “It’s alright, take your time.”
You wiped your face, the blonde finding the way the warm salty tears rolled down your cheeks quite… cute.
He offered his hand. “Come, my home is nearby. A blizzard will be here soon.”
Your lip quivered, and instead of taking his hand you jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly.
He was barely able to make out your blubbering, his head going fuzzy from the warmth sinking into his skin. Even though your body was also cold from the winter weather, you were still much warmer than he was.
“W-was so scared!” you say, crying into his chest. “C-couldn’t find my way home!”
Kurapika was not used to comforting people, but wanted you to continue holding him, so he gently ran his hand over your hair, cooing. “Shh, it’s alright. You’re safe now.”
He felt your legs tremble then buckle. “Oh dear…”
Kurapika was quick to pull you into his arms. “It seems I’ll need to carry you.”
You snuggled your head into his chest, your warmth slowly spreading across his upper half.
He could get used to this.
It’s been around three days since Kurapika invited you into his home, and you’ve noticed he’s a bit… strange.
As the blizzard raged outside, Kurapika seemed to follow you around everywhere. He never did anything to make you think he had ulterior motives, just brushed against you occasionally, his touch lingering.
You knew that he wasn’t… normal. He had red eyes for Christ’s sake, but you didn’t want to assume the worst. After all, he’d taken you in and had been nothing but kind.
He didn’t have any food, but did have working appliances. When he set you by the fire to warm yourself the first night, he apologized.
“Sorry my dear, I have nothing to offer you besides this fire, but that will change. For now, rest.”
He pulled a blanket over your form before he left, leaving you to doze by the fire.
When you woke up, it was to the smell of something soft and sweet. There was a cup of warm tea waiting on the table near you.
It helped warm your tummy, and once you finished it, you wandered around the house. Kurapika was waiting in the kitchen, putting away groceries. “Ah, you’re awake. I apologize for not knowing your preferences, but I gathered enough good to last you until the blizzard has ceased.”
He watched you, red eyes following your form as you peeked into the refrigerator.
“Oh wow, thank you… um…”
He smiled, leaning against the counter. “It’s Kurapika. And you?”
Since that day, your savior had kept quiet, lingering near you. At one point, he sat right next to you as you basked in the warm light of the fire. “Are you cold, (Name)?”
You shook your head. “No, I’m actually pretty warm!”
His red eyes seemed yo bore into yours, his hand reaching out to gently brush against your cheek. “Indeed you are.”
His touch lingered, seemingly soaking up your warmth before he pulled away.
He hummed, glancing at you. “Why are you so cold? You’re freezing.”
He doesn’t answer, watching as you hesitantly react towards him. “May I..?”
You gesture to him, and he nods. “Please.”
You grab his hands, blowing on them to try and warm them up. “Come closer, I don’t want you to get sick…”
He does so, eyes closing in contentment as you pull the blanket you’d been cuddled under over the two of you, nuzzling into his cold chest in an attempt to keep him warm. He can’t help but wrap his arms around you, fangs brushing against your neck before he stops himself.
Kurapika pulls away, placing a hand on your cheek. He enjoys how soft you are, how kind. You, a stranger, offering your body heat to a strange man after you noticed you he was cold. He didn’t often receive such kindness from humans.
“Kurapika… are you… human?”
He doesn’t answer immediately, continuing to stare longingly into your eyes. “That… is of no concern to you. After the blizzard has passed, you will leave and forget about me.”
He stands up, shivering as the warmth begins to leave his body. You look up at him, all cozy in your soft blanket, and he can’t help but find you… cute.
You huff, but are too sleepy to argue with him. The fire is too warm, to inviting, so you curl up on the couch and fall asleep as the blonde watches over you.
The blizzard ends, and as Kurapika wraps you in a coat he’d brought home for you, you can’t help but hold onto his hands.
Through your stay, Kurapika had been nothing but kind to you. Besides being a little strange, and awful at hiding the fact he wasn’t human, he had done nothing to make you cautious of him.
He glances down at you. “Yes, (Name)?”
You puff out your cheeks a little, which has the vampire in front of you melting a bit. “I don’t wanna forget you.”
He pauses, pushing a piece of your hair out of your face. “It’s for both of our benefit, little one. You won’t care once you’ve forgotten.”
“But I don’t want to!”
You grab his hand, the beginning of tears starting to bead at your eyes. He doesn’t seem to like the sight of your tears, his eyes softening.
“I know it has to be lonely up here, all by yourself. You’re so nice, and I want to get to know you better! I don’t want you to be alone anymore, Kurapika, so please…”
Your lip quivers, and he comes undone. “Don’t cry, dear. Shh, shh, I…”
He swipes at your eyes, sighing. If his heart could beat, it would be thumping wildly against his chest at your kind words.
“If… you can promise not to tell anyone, I can allow you to keep your memory.”
You perk up, scrunching your nose a little when he cups your chubby cheeks. “You may see me again, but… wait until the winter weather has subsided. I don’t want you… getting hurt.”
You nod, giving him that pretty smile. “Haha, okay. I’ll give you my address and number, so you can come see me if you want to!”
He blinks. “You… you would give me such things? You… I am not human, correct?”
“Yeah, but I trust you. If you were going to hurt me, you would have done it already.”
He sighs, letting you go. “You shouldn’t trust others so easily, (Name). What if I was just waiting for you to drop your guard?”
You roll your eyes, putting your hand on your hips. “I was asleep here several times!”
Kurapika huffed at that, walking off then returning with a piece of paper and a pen. “Write down your information here.”
You do so, and once you give him a hug, Kurapika leads you to the edge of the forest. The sun would be coming up soon, so he leaves.
‘I guess I’ll need to buy a phone…’
The man gasps when you jump into his arms, laughing. “(N-Name)!”
It had been nearly two months since he’d said goodbye to you, and it was finally spring. After getting a phone number, he called you for the first time. His days, which were usually spent reading and sleeping, were now lit up with your presence.
You had asked him several times if you could come visit him, the Kurapika being incredibly strict when saying no. He didn’t want you getting caught up in another blizzard!
But as the snow melted and the flowers began to bloom, not only did he not have an excuse to not see you anymore, he couldn’t bare it any longer.
“I missed you…” you say, head resting against his shoulder. He’s soft, smelling like vanilla, cinnamon, and dust.
He hugs you back, breathing in your scent, letting your warmth settle into his skin. “I missed you too, little one.”
You pull away, pushing a basket into his chest. “Oh, what is this?”
“A gift! I know you don’t eat judging by the fact you had no food when I first showed up, so I got you some cool stuff!”
As he gestured for her to come inside, he looked over the basket, tilting his head.
Inside were books, hand warmers, fuzzy socks, a few candles, and some self care items. “…”
His eyes softened. ‘She’s worried that I’m too cold…’
Unfortunately, the only way he could feel warmth was through contact with her, or drinking blood, but the gesture in and of itself was sweet enough to have him swooning.
You made yourself busy putting up the bag of groceries you brought over. “Kurapika, I brought my tablet, so we can watch some movies together!”
He poked his head into his kitchen, watching you with curious eyes. ‘She’s acting like it’s her kitchen.’ He thought, amused.
After you finished, you turned to him, giving him that pretty smile that gave him butterflies. “Let’s cuddle!”
Kurapika couldn’t argue, he didn’t even want to. As you dragged him to the couch and pulled out your tablet to watch a movie with him, he couldn’t help but pull you closer, sighing into your shoulder.
“Warm…” he muttered against your neck, nuzzling you softly.
“Hehe, I’ll keep you warm, Kurapika. Don’t worry.”
You looked at him for a second before leaning forward and placing a kiss on his cheek. This caused the blonde to blush, his eyes going wide as he stared at you. “(Name)…”
You were quick to blush as well. “Did you not like it?”
“No! No I… I liked it. Very much. Could you…”
He leaned closer, nuzzling his cheek against yours. “Could you do it again?”
You giggled at that, cupping his cheeks and placing kisses all over his face until your lips hovered over his.
Kurapika couldn’t take it anymore, he leaned forward, closing the distance between the two. He pulled you into his lap, hands gripping at your plush thighs.
You could feel something poking into your crotch, yelping slightly when his cold hand traveled up your shirt. “I’ve… I’ve never felt this way before, (Name). I want you, so badly. My body craves you.”
You kiss him, so sweet and tender, and he just can’t take it. He picks you up, carrying you to his bedroom as you squeak. “K-Kurapika, what are you-“
He pins you to the bed, those piercing red eyes staring into yours as he hovers above you. “May I have you, (Name)? Would you be okay with being mine?”
You nod, lip quivering slightly. “Please. Please Kurapika, I need you!”
He shivers at your words, making quick work of undressing you. The puff that emits from his throat sends shivers down your spine. “Mmm… so pretty. My darling, I’ll need to explore you thoroughly later, but now…”
His eyes were hazy with lust as he pulled down your panties, nipping at your thigh. “I need to be inside you, little one. Shhh…”
He pecks your cheek as you whine, rubbing circles into your clit. “I know, I know. You’ll get what you want soon enough, angel.”
“Pika, please…”
He perks up at the nickname. “Well, can’t leave a lady waiting, can I?”
He positions himself at your entrance, suddenly a bit hesitant. “Are you sure this is what you want, little one? Sleeping with a creature such as myself… you may be shunned for it.”
You cup his cheek, and he leans into your touch without thinking. “I want you, Pika. Please, please give yourself to me. I love you.”
With that, you could only gasp when he sank into your cunt, his lips kissing up your neck. “God, (Name)… I… I love you too.”
He coos, nuzzling his cheek against yours as you whine. “Shh, shh, I know, I know it hurts little one. I’ll be gentle, okay?”
And he was, chest pressed against yours as he pushed in and out slowly, cooing into your ear. “Doing so good, angel. Taking me so well.”
“Hnn, Pika… please…”
“Please what, little one? What is it your heart desires?”
He tenderly kisses your thigh as he pushes it into your chest, beginning to pound into you. “P-please… please fill me up, Pika!”
Something flipped in his mind, the thought of cumming inside of you, the thought of how warm you would keep his children made him go feral.
“Fuck, angel, anything for you. Anything…”
You mewled when he hit that special spot, the man purring at the pretty sound you made. “Keep making those sounds, little one. So… so close!”
He kept hitting that spot, making you cry out. “G-gonna-!”
You both came at the same time, the man above you panting. He stayed inside you for a good bit, kissing your neck and leaving little love bites. He restrained himself from sinking his fangs in too deep, but only barely.
You had planned on watching a movie with him and confessing your feelings, but you were okay with how things went, ecstatic even. He felt the same, and had taken your virginity!
“Oh, little one…”
Kurapika swiped his finger at your folds, revealing a few droplets of blood. He lapped it up, humming in satisfaction. “You taste lovely.”
Kurapika pulled out before lying down next to you, cuddling into your tummy. “You’ll be a lovely mother, darling.”
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
I thought of this like literally right now BUT like sex w kurapika obvi but the reader says the safeword for whatev reason
Safe word
Kurapika x Fem!Reader
warnings: bondage using Kurapika’s chains, use of safe word, sex, pet names(love, beloved, angel)
taglist: @desiray562
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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“Are you sure, my love?” Kurapika asks, summoning his chains to dangle from his hand. “We can stop whenever you want.”
You lean into the hand he has cupping your cheek, smiling softly. “I’m sure, it doesn’t hurt to try!”
He blushes, his cock twitching at the thought of wrapping you in his chains. “As you wish, my beloved.”
As his cock enters you, his chains wrap around your arms, keeping them pinned above you. He purrs at the sight, moving slowly as you whimper beneath him.
At first the feeling of his cool chains against your skin feels nice, erotic yet comforting in a way. They are made of his nen, and they gently rub against your palm, like a dog nuzzling it’s nose into your hand. His love for you can be felt through them, and it is obvious he loves you a lot.
But when you try to move, panic fills your chest. Your thighs squish Kurapika’s waist, and he’s slowing down his thrusting before you even have a chance to say your safe word.
Kurapika pulls out, going soft immediately at the sight of tears running down your panicked face. His chains retract, allowing your hands to be freed from their grasp.
“My angel, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
He’s still catching his breath, hands reaching up to brush away your tears. You sniffle, and his heart breaks to see you look so afraid. “No, no it didn’t hurt I just…”
You tug at his arm, and he pulls you into his lap, kissing your forehead, rubbing soothing circles into your back. He waits for you to talk, his touch gentle and his eyes concerned. Kurapika wants nothing more than to ease your fears.
“I… I was scared when I couldn’t move. My body froze up, and I began to panic. I’m so sorry I ruined this moment, I know you were stressed and just wanted t-“
He pulls away, looking you in the eyes. “(Name), never apologize for something like this. I would never want to do something that frightened or pained you, especially during sex. Your happiness and comfort is my biggest concern. Never feel like you owe me sex because I am stressed.”
Kurapika gives you a soft kiss, nuzzling his cheek against yours. “Would you like to rest? We can watch a movie and cuddle.”
You nod, sniffling. “Yeah, yeah that sounds nice…”
If you are sure of anything, you are sure Kurapika loves you more than anything. He helps dress you in comfortable pajamas before cuddling with you on the couch, watching movies until you fall asleep in each others arms.
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