#sagittarius 2024
astrosolutions · 9 months
Sagittarius Horoscope 2024 Astrological Predictions
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Sagittarius Horoscope 2024 is specially designed for those born in Sagittarius. This horoscope 2024 is prepared according to Vedic Astrology. Sagittarius will spend 2024 mixed with good and bad. There will be ups and downs in career, business, and financial situations. You will get the result of hard work. But along with this, some challenges have to be faced by the natives of this zodiac sign. Apart from this, you may face some problems in love, marriage, and family life. Find out more about health, career, etc. through Sagittarius annual horoscope.
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starsandsuch · 2 months
Astro Observations pt 7 📚
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Short & sweet , random thoughts i recently had. Both Vedic & Tropical observations!!!
1. Aries and Pisces are naturally great at fashion. A lot of the fashion “it” girlshave these signs in their big 3.
2. Sagittarius gain a lot of power in and life and accumulate a lot of wealth
3. 3rd house placements are usually end up having a lot of success in life, since the 3rd house is our courage and bravery, they never let setbacks block them for to long
4. Sagittarius naturally have great athletic ability
5. Gemini placements are just as “lucky” as Sag placements. Jupiter works in their favor a lot too
6. Benefic planets in the 7th house gives one a great reputation (Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Mercury)
7. Finding a long term relationship is harder for people who dont have Venusian influence on their 7th house at all.
8. Someone with Venus in the 7th, or Venus ruling the 7th thrive with partnership since that’s Venus’ desired position.
9. Jupiter is not great for monogamous relationships. Jupiter’s influence on the 7th house makes it so one always has options in love, making it hard to settle with one person.
10. Jyesthas and Ardras derive a lot of ego from being “hardworking” they often criticize others for being lazy or not working hard enough, which is kinda true. Their work ethic is unmatched.
11. The laziest nakshatra is Purva Phalguni. They’ll do anything to get out of doing work, including fake illnesses. They work hard only toward a their creative projects though.
12. Someone check on Jupiterians. They’re always taking care of everyone but usually don’t get that same energy back.
13. Which signs /nakshatras/planets are the most “s3xual” ? I think it could be the Lunarians or Mercurials.
14. Nodal people are usually attracted to other nodal people. The same way venusians are “cliquey” Rahuvians and Ketuvians can be too.
Previous Astro observations
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your-astro-mami · 6 months
Solar Eclipse 2024 and how it will affect YOU
Aries Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 1st house which could show major shifts in your approach to life. This is the time to take a new direction and start something you have wanted to do for a while. Main character energy - you are ready to gain more confidence in the things you do. This is a wonderful period to make changes connected to your personal presentation, self-image, how you appear.
Taurus Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 12th house so there could be drastic changes connected to your mental health and inner wellbeing. You may feel ready to overcome past struggles and focus on your healing journey. This is a good time to do activities that are more spiritual, meditate, visualize as it could be an intense and transformative time and help you find the inner strength needed to bring the change.
Gemini Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 11th house which will bring big changes connected to your friend circle, friendships, social life as well as your personal goals. If you want to receive support and attention for something you do, this is the time to put yourself out there and work towards your goals. There is an increase in opportunities so make sure to catch them.
Cancer Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 10th house so this time could bring big changes connected to your career and professional life. You may be more motivated to turns plans into action and pursue any future goals. This is the time to cultivate your image and make any changes in your image as they will be helpful in improving your reputation and other people's perception of you.
Leo Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 9th house so you are entering a more adventurous period of your life. You are ready to do activities that will push you to go out of your comfort zone and do something new and different. This is a good time to focus on education, personal development and gain more knowledge. Travel is highly recommended.
Virgo Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 8th house so this period could be deeply transformative and help you gain more inner strength, courage. Financially it could show a period of growth and bigger opportunities for a financial change. You may have deep motivation to do things that will help you gain recognition.
Libra Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 7th house so this could be a transformative time for your relationships. The people in your life could have a large impact on your approach to life. You could experience a positive shift in your personal and professional relationships. Networking is recommended.
Scorpio Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 6th house so this is a good time to make any bigger changes in your lifestyle and start your health journey. You are more productive so this is a good time to focus on any important tasks and responsibilities. You may feel more motivated at work.
Sagittarius Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 5th house which could be positive for your inspiration and pursuing any creative projects. It could be a good time for socializing, expanding your circle and meeting more people. In your dating life it could be favorable for starting a new chapter.
Capricorn Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 4th house which could be a good time to make changes connected to your home, living location and environment. Take care of your emotional wellbeing and do activities that make you feel emotionally calmer. There could be big changes in your family and close relationships.
Aquarius Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 3rd house which could make this a wonderful time to make any major decisions and focus on plans. You may receive valuable information that will help you know what to do next. This is a good time for writing, journaling and sharing your thoughts with others.
Pisces Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 2nd house which could impact you financially and show a good time to seek new financial opportunities and sources of income. You may gain more confidence and security. You are likely to reevaluate your life and focus on what is important.
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moonastrogirl · 10 months
2024 Numerology
- Predictions/Tips
Credit @moonastrogirl
2024 is an 8 year. Karma will be served like no one has ever seen it. Power and money will be given to the right people who deserve it.
Number 8 is often associated with the infinity ♾️ symbol which means limitless, abundance but it’s wrong. It’s the symbol of the snake eating his own tail. It’s the symbol of karma which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on past actions and karma laws.
Number 0 is the true symbol of infinity. It’s wholeness. It’s love. It’s true bliss and abundance. It’s joy and surprise combined. Everything has to come in a full cercle. To receive abundance someone gotta give back too. That’s why lot of millionaires and billionaires donate to charity or do charity galas etc. They know to multiple their money and gains they have to give back and create the full cercle energy.
Those with a prominent Saturn or Saturn ruled placements in their chart/Saturn aspecting personal planets in their birth chart or with a prominent 8 energy in their numerology chart will understand what it truly means and how the smallest action can impact someone.
Power, connections and money will be taken away from abusive people who were using others, gossiping, spreading rumours, lying etc. Divine justice will be served. Honest , generous, loving people will receive their flowers and more.
The scales ⚖️ of divine justice are bringing back true equilibrium.
Those who went through it, true givers and generous people will receive if they are willing to receive. Takers will lose everything if they are not willing to give. People who were made fun of or put down by society for what they do even if they don’t harm anyone (prostitues for instance) will receive plenty and fast. Victims of circumstances, of violence, of abuse will also receive what they need.
Again it’s based on the willingness to receive and give back.
This energy is already being felt for weeks now : karma is here. She serves and delivers like no one. Already conspiring and bringing powerful people down (P Diddy - Cassie case).
Releasing bad karma, bad habits, lies (even white lies) is key 🔑 to receive blessings. It’s best to proactively go get yours blessings, they won’t just come to you. Work hard and smart.
Be willing to release and receive, give back and have faith.
Wishing you and myself peace, love, blessings and abundance for 2024 and may the scales of divine justice be in our favours 💫
Thank you for reading me and if this post resonates with you, please feel free to like, comment or reblog 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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imagineastrology · 2 months
What the Moon signs are best at! 🥇
To celebrate the beginning of the 2024 Paris Olympics! 🥇
Aries Moon: the best at putting yourself first, selective listening and ignoring your neighbour’s pleas when you blast heavy metal
Taurus Moon: the best at ALWAYS knowing what you want, organising, and ultimately having your shit together
Gemini Moon: the best at comedic timing, lightening the mood, and having a tremendous gift of the gab
Cancer Moon: the best at being passive-aggressive, positively reigniting the meaning of ‘home’, and being forthcoming with their thoughts
Leo Moon: the best at empowering others, standing your ground, channelling anger into art, and looking exquisite whilst dying inside
Virgo Moon: the best at the clean gal aesthetic, managing stress like it’s their profession, and staying true to their words and actions
Libra Moon: the best at mediating tense situations, critiquing art, considering and understanding all points of views
Scorpio Moon: the best at overcoming insane situations, living to your own definitions, and listening to your gut feelings
Sagittarius Moon: the best at adapting to anything, finding the silver lining in life, and helping others to find their own joy
Capricorn Moon: the best at working and playing hard, having tenacity to stay in positions of power as they have earned it, and living with humility
Aquarius Moon: the best at self-confidence, actively making a positive difference in the world, and giving others a subconscious boost to be themselves
Pisces Moon: the best at reminding us that sensitivity is a strength, being mindful, always knowing the best things to say, and living out the motto: “go with the flow”
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astrologanize · 1 month
i've talked about how the ascendants have been handling the energy for the past couple years here
and when it comes to sun signs...
fire suns (aries, leo, sagittarius): you guys have not been having the easiest time with all the grounding energy since you are the more head empty, act & live, types. you're experiencing a time of things getting 'worse' before they get better because most of you have let too much go unchecked within yourself & your life so it is catching up with you. of all the elements i do think y'all are taking the biggest step back and even regressing at times but it will get better eventually
earth suns (taurus, virgo, capricorn): kinda funny that the grounding energy has actually been forcing you to take a step back, take a chill pill, lessen what your life has been in ways, and realize that you are in fact not a machine. there have been things you were/are persisting with and holding onto tightly, whether it's situations, people, expectations, commitments, whatever. the universe is trying to pry your fingers off the notions of what you think you should be doing/what you think something should be. unclench yourself
air suns (gemini, libra, aquarius): y'all are still up in the air lol, such a strange transitional phase this has been and currently is for you guys but clarity is emerging. things have been on the cusp for a really long time in your life, sometimes you make real steps forward but other times you make major steps back. the word that comes to mind is 'exposed', you guys are getting exposed in ways that are enlightening to you or should be at least - truth hurts sometimes but at least you can make something of it
water suns (cancer, scorpio, pisces): there is a wholesomeness that is trying to get through to you but you guys do have a hard time leaving the messier side of life alone. you have been realizing your role in situations, the roles of others in situations, the way situations have influenced you - you've been going over a lot of 'cause & effect' in your life...like oh that happened and i started acting like this, oh this situation fell through and i ended up having to do this, oh this person did this to me and i did this to the them and it turned into this, etc etc. you're figuring out how to set yourself up for better things
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ezukll · 4 months
𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗚𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 🔮
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Gemini season is likely to bring about changes and exploration in areas related to communication, learning, and socialization. You may find yourself presented with opportunities for personal growth and development through interactions with others or new knowledge and skills.
During this time, you may feel a desire to express yourself and communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively. The focus may shift towards intellectual pursuits and a desire for mental stimulation. You may also find yourself more open to different perspectives and expanding your social circle.
As a Taurus, the 2024 Gemini season may bring a time of transformation and renewal in areas related to communication, learning and adaptation to changes. You may feel compelled to embrace new ideas and ways of thinking, and may find yourself engaging in conversations and learning experiences that help you grow and evolve.
During this period, you may find yourself focusing on improving your communication skills and expressing your thoughts and ideas more effectively. This may involve learning new languages or techniques for expressing yourself, as well as engaging in conversations with people who think differently than you do.
Gemini, the 2024 Gemini season is your season, and it likely brings about a time of celebration and recognition. You may find yourself receiving recognition for your accomplishments or being the center of attention during social gatherings. This is a time to bask in the limelight and enjoy the spotlight that is on you.
During this period, you may find yourself reflecting on your goals and achievements, and re-evaluating your priorities and how well you are living up to your potential. You may also have the opportunity to explore new creative endeavors or ideas that excite and inspire you :)
Cancer, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself being more sociable and outgoing than usual. You may find yourself drawn to social gatherings and events that involve intellectual exchanges and discussions. This is a good time to expand your social circle and engage in conversations with people who have different perspectives and viewpoints.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more introspective and reflective about your personal and emotional relationships. You may find yourself re-evaluating your emotional needs and seeking harmony and balance in your interactions with others.
LEO ♌︎
Leo, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more confident and self-assured. You may find yourself feeling more energized and motivated to pursue projects and ideas that excite and inspire you. This is a good time to express yourself and shine in social situations, as you may feel a stronger desire to be seen and recognized for your talents and achievements.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more spontaneous and adventurous, as you may be more willing to explore new ideas and ways of thinking. You may also find yourself feeling more creative and passionate about pursuits that ignite your imagination.
Virgo, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more intellectually stimulated and curious. You may find yourself feeling more excited about learning new things and exploring different perspectives and viewpoints. This is a good time to focus on intellectual pursuits and engage in conversations with people who think differently than you do.
During this period, you may find yourself reflecting on your routines and habits, and looking for ways to add more variety and novelty to your daily life. You may also find yourself feeling more motivated to work on personal development and self-improvement projects.
Libra, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more diplomatic and sociable than usual. You may find yourself engaging in discussions and intellectual exchanges with others, and finding ways to find common ground and compromise in situations where different perspectives may exist. This is a good time to focus on relationships and finding ways to build connections with others.
During this period, you may find yourself reflecting on your partnerships and collaborations and seeking ways to improve or strengthen them. You may also find yourself feeling more creative and inspired in your artistic pursuits.
Scorpio, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more curious and adventurous than usual. You may find yourself feeling more excited about exploring different ideas and perspectives, and finding innovative solutions to problems. This is a good time to focus on learning and development, and to expand your knowledge and understanding.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more courageous and willing to take calculated risks in your personal and professional life. You may also find yourself feeling more passionate and driven to pursue your goals and objectives.
Sagittarius, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more spontaneous and experimental than usual. You may find yourself feeling more motivated to try new ideas and activities, and to explore different perspectives and opportunities. This is a good time to focus on creative pursuits and self-expression, as you may feel more inspired and motivated to express your unique ideas and talents.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more adventurous and willing to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. You may also find yourself feeling more curious and open to new experiences and people.
Capricorn, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more focused on your goals and objectives. You may find yourself feeling more organized and disciplined, and more motivated to work towards your long-term goals. This is a good time to focus on your professional and career aspirations, and to take practical steps towards achieving them.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more confident and authoritative in your interactions with others, and being more willing to take charge and make decisions. You may also find yourself feeling more grounded and practical in your approach to problem-solving.
Aquarius, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more curious and innovative than usual. You may find yourself feeling more inspired to explore different ideas and ways of thinking, and to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. This is a good time to focus on your intellectual pursuits.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more open-minded and willing to consider different ideas and perspectives. You may also find yourself feeling more social and interactive, and having a desire to connect and engage in discussions.
Pisces, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more imaginative and creative than usual. You may find yourself experiencing bursts of inspiration and creativity, and feeling more motivated to express yourself through art, music, or other creative pursuits. This is a good time to focus on your emotional and spiritual well-being, and to tap into your intuition and use it to guide you in your decisions and actions.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more compassionate and empathetic towards others, and being more willing to offer emotional support and understanding.
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putschki1969 · 2 months
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KEIKO LIVE in the DARK -Sagittarius- LIVE
Today, Keiko held her two Planetarium shows. Here are some pics! Tweet by Keiko | Instagram post by Keiko | Tweet by Yas Nakajima Bless Keiko for tagging the designer of her pants in her latest Instagram post. I was so curious about them. It's the "Hak Pleats Pants Neu / light" by HATRA for ¥62,700.
Title: 『KEIKO LIVE in the DARK -Sagittarius- K019〜K020』 Date: 2024/7/26 1st stage|18:30 Start (18:00 Open) 2nd stage|20:30 Start (20:00 Open) Venue: Konica Minolta Planetarium “TENKU” in Tokyo Skytree Town® Event Homepage: https://planetarium.konicaminolta.jp/livedark/keiko2024/
Setlist (Source 1 & Source 2) (Everyone was pleasantly surprised by Te to and MnY. Keiko was also playing the guitar for MnY. Keiko also explained that she feels more comfortable singing Kalafina songs after learning to play the guitar. It has changed her approach to singing and it has given her more confidence)
・Alcohol ・Yūyami no Uta ・Kimi ga Nemuru Kara ・close to you ・Yoru no Uso to ・Burn in the Wind (different order in Source 1&2) ・Te to Te to Me to Me (Kalafina) ・Mune no Yukue (Kalafina) ・Kaze no Machi e (FJ KEIKO) ・Burn in the Wind (different order in Source 1&2) ・Latte (also performed according to Source 2) ・Inochi no Hana (1st) | Tōmei (2nd) ・Your
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More Photos of Keiko & Hikaru from 『Hikaru B-day LIVE 2024 -love Begets love-』
Hikaru has also been sharing a lot more photos from her birthday live. I added most of them to THIS POST here but I thought the latest ones needed a new post (especially since Keiko is featured in some of them.) My God, those two look amazing together.
Instagram post 1 | post 2 | post 3 by Hikaru
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hoodreader · 16 days
Sept. 9, 2024. Moon in Sagittarius, & the Grand Square of Sept. 10
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general transit reading. word count. ~900. disclaimer, all of my posts are theoretical. :p
keywords “meta angel” by FKA twigs (sag rising & moon). map. reminds me of page of wands as well as two of wands. voyager. thinking too much. in ur head. faith.
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the moon enters sagittarius on september 9th, 2024 @ 1:26 PM EST.
when the moon transits into sagittarius, there’s a nomadic energy to me. sagittarius rules things that are far-distanced and the moon is the home or things that are familiar, so combined, this gives the energy of someone who finds familiarity in the unfamiliar and brings it with them emotionally/sporutally as they go on in their journey. they no longer need to feel constant to feel safe.
as the moon exited the sign of constraint, it now enters the sign that represents liberation. which is great because saturn in pisces was just telling the scorpio moon to liberate itself.
but eventually, this trine will disappear to be replaced by a square (sometime around 9.10.24 evening EST) and cause tension between the two bodies. moon in sagittarius on go right now hoping to push a limit, but saturn in pisces not as active. sagittarius moon will thus try to push what represents boundaries (saturn) but lowkey… the boundary isn’t there (it’s in pisces and Rx). maybe this aspect says that by pushing against the boundary, u reinforce that it exists. even if ur trying to challenge it.
pisces saturn energy will just find another way and will be resourceful to its environment because there are again no boundaries. sagittarius moon is still bound by a few things, such as finding security in what is known, logical, or truthful. i don’t think that’s necessarily a bad security to have, it’s nice to know things materially. but pisces saturn Rx wants to question what u know and thus what makes u feel secure. and the moon’s eventual grand square (on september 10th) with the sun in virgo, saturn in pisces Rx, and jupiter in gemini furthers this point. it’s an anxious ass composition.
jupiter - being weakened by gemini - scatters the mind when it’s influencing the moon (a co-ruler of the mind). sagittarius is the archer so u can imagine that it has a ‘target’. the tip of the arrow is pointed and precise. but not gemini. gemini touches all bases.
gemini jupiter shows a struggle with faith because there’s a lack of conviction/commitment. and likewise, mercury shows anxiety. anxiety often comes from overthinking. when our mind attempts to be logical in turn, fuels a fear of our faith being misplaced. i think saturn — the planet of fears — being in Rx pisces is saying to understand that what manifests spiritually is not isolated from the reality. however, jupiter in gemini discourages that faith by being weakened and an overthinker. this brings insecurity and second-thoughts to the moon.
saturn in pisces Rx isn’t saying abandon boundaries. they exist regardless, as reality is filled with bounds. but it’s saying that the boundless spirit is the predecessor for the bounded reality. what is allowed in the unseen will come to light in the seen. what will u lay to be the foundation of ur reality?
the last puzzle piece in this grand square is the sun in virgo, with the sun representing the ego. the virgo sun also prioritizes reality and what’s tangible because it’s easier to verify thus easier to have faith or confidence in. but the sun is opposing the saturn in pisces Rx. we just confront the part of our ego that desires control.
a grand square astrologically reminds me a lot of a standard table - there are four corners and four legs supporting the weight and the weight is distributed evenly to every corner. tension and gravity is what keeps the table standing and fortified.
now take away one leg. the table is severely weakened. it will lean. and the three remaining legs take on more tension to compensate the missing leg. it is still standing but it’s not functional. place any weighted item on the table and the table will fall. with even less legs, the table can’t even give the guise of stability.
a grand square is filled with tension just like that table. four squares and two oppositions. but the tension is what holds it together. think of the oppositions as the supporting beams running down the middle forming a cross, and the squares reinforcing the perimeter with the planets representing the legs. grand squares are filled with challenges, but supporting the strained connections between the planets better reinforces it.
this transit pulls us in 4 different corners of a map, which can make it difficult to hone in on an overall goal or lesson. there is so much to be distracted by.
we have sun in virgo desperately trying to ground us in reality, but the planet of reality opposing it and telling it the opposite.
we have moon in sagittarius seeking the truth, but the planet of truth playing tricks on it.
we have saturn and moon both in signs ruled by jupiter. but one is challenging boundaries while the other one doesn’t acknowledge there is a boundary at all.
we have jupiter and the sun both in signs ruled by mercury. but one wants something reliable and close to home while the other wants to explore every fleeting thought.
saturn and jupiter frustrate each other. saturn calls for quiet and patience. jupiter is active and playful.
and the sun and moon show a clash as the moon wants to reach past what has been established and the sun wants to stay near what is expected.
it’ll be a confusing transit for the moon, emotionally at a crossroads. but a mutable grand square means to focus so that u may support that directionless energy. instead, turn it into adaptability. so how will u allow that to happen? will u let the water flow? or will u spiral trying to contain what is incapable of being contained? :p
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$35 for moon transit x natal readings. includes transit readings centered on the transit moon & natal / transit aspects & timed predictions.
work of hoodreader blah blah no ai, no copy/paste, no plagiarism, no translations, copyright all rights reserve
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harmoonix · 10 months
Finally the last Mercury retrograde for this year!! Damn! 👀
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Remember the holy trinity of this retrogade: ⚠️
Ex: Blocked ✅
Friendzone: Activated ✅
Mental break: Yes ✅
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ajje-111 · 4 months
Zodiac Sign Mood Board for June
Happy Summer everyone! Be safe this season and I wish everyone to be well on their journey, xx
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callmebrycelee · 5 months
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Alan Michael Ritchson was born November 28, 1982 in Grand Forks, North Dakota. The 41-year-old actor is best known for portraying former U.S. Army military police major Jack Reacher in the Amazon Prime action crime series Reacher. Alan has had roles in the films Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Wedding Ringer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, and Fast X. His TV credits include Smallville, Blue Mountain State, CSI: Miami, 90210, Hawaii Five-0, New Girl, Workaholics, Black Mirror, Titans, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow. Alan is 6 feet and 3 inches tall.
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starsandsuch · 12 days
Astro Observations
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Part 10 I think ! I lost count 😂
1. You’ll notice many astrologers w Saturn prominent in the chart. Saturn represents time, and astrology is the keeping of time.
2. People obsessed w astrology have a strong connection w the 8th house in their chart. Especially Jupiter, rahu, ketu, saturn, mars or their Atmakaraka in the 8th house.
3. Krittika is connected to farming and agriculture , especially the Aries portion of it.
4. Opposition Nakshatras experience similar themes
5. For example Ashlesha opposes Dhanishta (Capricorn portion) they both deal with the perils of abuse in early life and the perils of fame too. Both have challenging connection w mother figure.
6. Saturn is metal, Saturnians have this robotic coldness ab them. With Saturnian nakshatras especially uttarabhadrapada and anuradha they can appear very still and controlled to others, where ppl find them a but off-putting bc of this.
7. The only ppl that loosen Saturnian’s coldness is the luminaries, sun and moon. Saturnians will be mean to everyone but have a soft spot for solarians and lunar influenced ppl.
8. Saturnians also love venusians since Saturn exalts in a Venusian sign
9. Then martians loosen mercurials. This is especially prominent with the tightly wound Ashlesha where they are loosened by mars naks especially Mrigashira and Dhanishta.
10. You’ll see that Mrigashira and Ashlesha is found in the charts of many couples.
11. The 5th house is “the king’s favorite” so for example if a boss, teacher, authority figure etc will have 5th house synastry with their “favorite” student, employee etc
12. This is why Leo’s are considered lucky. 5th house - is connected to Leo- it’s the 5th sign. Leo natives often experience luck in life bc they are favored by higher forces, which is connected to the 9th house , houses 1/5/9 form a trine. They are chosen as the “favorites” when it matters most.
13. Think about in Harry Potter, (the actor is a Leo IRL). In the movie he’s always chosen as the favorite, by hagrid , by Dumbledore , even though he had enemies, was in danger, and was in poverty at first, he was always protected and taken care of by otherworldly forces.
14. Same applies to dating, people date their 5th house sign bc out of all the suitors you attract , 5th house is the favorites out of everyone.
15. Houses 1/5/9 all are related to royalty , 1st house are like the princess (daughter of a king) the 5th house is the children of the princess, and 9th house is the king himself, or the grandfather.
16. Aries-1st house, Leo- 5th house , Sagittarius 9th house
17. That’s why Ketu Nakshatras -Ashwini(Aries) , Magha (Leo) , Mula (Sagittarius), are often seen in the charts of royalty IRL.
18. Princess Diana had Magha lagnesh and Rahu, her son Prince William has Mula Ascendant , Queen Elizabeth was Ashwini Sun.
19. Ppl think only Leo is royalty but it also extends to the Signs that trine Leo - Aries & Sag
20. Your 4th and 9th house are people who are genetically related to you. 4th house is mother, grandmother and female ancestors, 9th house is father, grandfather and male ancestors
21. 8th house is your in laws and how they receive you. 8th house in Leo, your in laws adore you, 8th house in aquarius they can reject you and not accept you at first. Etc
22. Sometimes 4th house synastry can create discomfort btwn ppl. Where 4th house is ur innermost self. So when’s someone’s personal planets are in ur 4th house , you feel like they can read your mind or know u too well.
23. Couples w 4th house synastry find it hard to break up permanently they usually always get back together.
-starsandsuch ✌️💕
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prettyaddict14 · 6 months
Glow up tips for each rising signs part 2 💋
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moonastrogirl · 9 months
Escape the matrix month by month with astrology
Credit @moonastrogirl
Escaping the matrix is still working, paying bills and being a normal citizen. Escaping the matrix is having money to fulfil our needs and desires plus taking accountability for our actions and decisions. It’s not living in delulu land. Escaping the matrix is an inner job. It’s raising our authenticity and our frequency so that others do the same around us.
Escaping the matrix is easy. Just avoid doing what everybody is doing at the same time.
For instance : when the time for sales arrives, do not buy anything. Do the opposite. Give to others. Society wants us to buy stuff, clothes and get distracted at the beginning of the year. Why ? Because we must not. We must focus our energy into ourselves and not get distracted. Same goes for the Black Friday.
-> Where attention goes, energy flows.
In January Aquarius’s energy urge you to look at yourself and ask : What kind of person are you ? Who are you ? Who do you want to be ?Know yourself and heal yourself in January.
What does Aquariuses do best ? Think outside-of-the-box. They are knowledgeable and innovative people who improve the world. So that exactly what everybody should be doing.
-> Aquarius is also the humanitarian of the signs. The best thing to do is charity work and donate clothes in January. It’s cold outside and homeless people have it worse when everyone is outside spending their money on sales and not looking in their direction. Look at them and show empathy. Help them if you can.
In February do you really need to buy or receive flowers and go on an expensive dinner date to show love to your lover or you can simply just do it all year long ? Again don’t buy anything.
-> Do not participate in traditions which are designed to distract you from what you need to do.
February is Pisces season and Pisces are amazing at anything they do once they believe in what they do. They are not delusional, they just believe wholeheartedly in what they want to do, have and achieve. Like Pisces believe in yourself in February. Only do what you believe it’s best for you and you only.
In March like Aries, be your authentic self and become yourself. Take action on yourself and your authenticity like Aries be assertive in who you are. Like Aries be your true self. Show up as your true self and be authentic in every room you are in. Be the definition of what you see is what you get. People must see through your actions and your presence who you truly are.
In April do not be part of April’s fool. Just completely ignore it. Forget about it and go on with your life as if it doesn’t even exist. If people try jokes on you, ignore them. April is Taurus season. Tauruses are stubborn, grounded, strong willed and they know how to stay in their lane. Do the same.
In May the intellectual and stimulating Gemini’s energy urges us to think by ourselves and for ourselves. Think critically for yourself. Do not be influenced by other’s opinions and thoughts on someone or something, think about it yourself for yourself.
In June the sweet and caring Cancer’s energy asks us to feel. Feel your feelings and how you feel about yourself, your surroundings and people you meet. Ask yourself : what am I feeling right now ? Do not suppress your feelings or your emotions because they are compass guiding you.
In July Leo’s energy is here to make us focus on self love. Love yourself even when you don’t feel like loving yourself, even if you are alone, even if you don’t feel beautiful. Love yourself no matter what.
-> Again July is the time of sales and you know what it means : do not buy anything. There is a reason why sales take place in January and July. Those two months are important ones where we should be focusing on ourselves.
-> Self love has little to do with how much you can spend. Self love has everything to do with you, who you are, how you express who you are and what you love most. Self love is rooted in joy. The joy of being yourself.
In August Virgo’s energy asks us to examine, analyse and assess ourselves. Did we do what we needed to do to get here ? What else need to be done ? Abundance comes from analysing ourselves. It’s the month of harvest number 8 in numerology. The karmic month. We reap what we have sow the past months of the year.
In September Libra’s energy ask us to balance ourselves. Work on your confidence and find balance within yourself. Do not overdo, do not underdo. Balance yourself to balance your life.
In October Scorpio’s energy ask us to desire ourselves. Are we attracted to ourselves ? How is our sex life ? Do we please ourselves or please others ? People pleasers don’t see themselves as sexy and attractive.
In November Sagittarius’s energy is made for us to think big, to expand and have the vision to create our dream life. Sagittarius is optimistic and see the bigger picture. Expand your vision in November and see clearly.
In December Capricorn’s energy urge us to do things, to work and to use ourselves to make things happen in our life. After the vision Sagittarius gives us. Capricorn is the execution part. Do not get caught up in the Black Friday bs it’s a distraction once again from fully embracing the energy coming our way. Do not use yourself to benefit others. Use yourself to benefit yourself.
If you resonates with this post and you find it useful, please like, leave a comment or reblog it. It needs to be seen by as many people as possible to raise our collective frequency this year. Thank you for reading me 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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bxtxnx · 6 months
[♂☌♄] you better work.
Tomorrow, April 10, Mars is conjoining Saturn, so it's time for you to do something about your income.
If you've been trying to earn money via art, this is the day to open your comissions or to sell a piece.
Do something behind the scenes or take a non-traditional course of action. The conjunction happening in the sign of Pisces will make those of you working in the arts or doing anything which isn't seen by the general public earn money thanks to the aspect happening at the 14th degree, ruled by Taurus, the sign where the $$$ is.
As Britney said it - you better work bitch. ☽
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