#said by draco lucius malfoy at some point probably
starzionn · 4 months
harry james potter is the prettiest sassiest sweetest most earnest brattiest snarkiest bravest sexiest most endearing cutest boy in the whole word. thankd for coming to my ted talk
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zwolfgames · 8 months
Yandere Draco Malfoy x reader (Part 1)
Requested by: /
Warnings: None yet.
Not yandere yet, this is a part one.
parts: Part 2 , Part 3
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(3rd person POV)
Potions, always goddamm potions.
Yea, you hated the subject with a burning passion, as did many of your peers. Who could blame you when the teacher was such a greasy haired git.
You've had to suffer professor Snape's tyrany since you were eleven. But this, this is the last straw.
"Hello? Earth to who-ever you are. Atleast move."
Some annoying, grating voice whined in your ear.
Draco Malfoy, your potions partner for this year. He didn't seen happy with you either, as you're not one of his pure-blooded slaves.
"..Sorry." You sigh silently, did you want to punch him? Yes, but his dads Lucius Malfoy, so unless you wanted your parents to go bankrupt, you'd shut up.
Malfoy scoffs and pushes you aside so he can reach some random worm like ingredient.
You retreat back to your spot at the cutting board and cut up the root infront of you like the instructions said. As much as you hate the Slytherin you're working with, he knows what he's doing. Probably the only upside of this arrangement: good grades.
"Not that small. Gods you're useless." Malfoy grits his teeth and takes the knife away from you. He reminds you a bit of your friends' mean mother. So controlling and arrogant.
"They're as big as the instructions say." You almost scoff but you keep in a nasty scowl as to not anger mister blondie.
"The instructions are wrong. I've made this potion before, it's better if the roots are in bigger pieces." Malfoy lectures absentmindly and starts anew. At this point you'd just let him do everything since you do it wrong anyways.
But no, he'd tell you off and call you names. So what does he want you to do? You don't know. He doesn't want you to do anything but you also can't do nothing. At this point you should just drink the unfinished potion and see if thats alright for him.
The potions class ticks by incredibly slow. Due to not wanting to piss Malfoy off, you end up being the one who just has to hand him stuff and wash the used lab materials. Utterly boring, but oh well.
You don't think you're going to last a week more with him before you get mad and let loose all the damm insults you've carefully crafted.
But would it be worth it to endure years of bullying just to smack that smug grin off of his face? Yes. Yes it would.
But no! Don't doom yourself now, potions class is only for... Another hour. Okay yea, you're not making it trough this one.
"L/N, spoon." Malfoy orders and holds his pale hand out for a spoon you're supposed to hand him.
"It's next to you." You answer plainly. Not wanting your irritation to show.
"I didn't ask for words, I asked for the spoon." Malfoy snarls, as a 'last warning'.
"It's next to you."
You repeat calmly. This bossy Slytherin turns his head around in such a quick snap you almost feared he'd broken something.
You facial expression remains neutral, while on the inside, you're screaming at yourself to jump out of the window.
"The. Spoon." Malfoy hisses angrilly.
"It's. Next. To. You." You mimick him, done with this absolute shit.
"My father will-"
"Hear about this. We know Malfoy." The dude in the group next to you speaks. Neat, people who're not against you.
Malfoys eye twitches a bit before he glares at you with cold grey eyes.
He finally grabs the spoon himself and stirs the potion at a pace wich, to your knowladge, is way too fast for this potion.
A minute later, you were proven absolutly correct as the dark blue goo explodes and douses you, Malfoy and some neighbouring students under the hot slushie of grossness.
You hear multiple sounds of distaste around you, tough your vision is mostly obscured by the goo you refuse to let enter you eyes.
"Who did this?!" You hear a loud and angry voice... and theres the worst part of the day, Snape's wrath.
"Malfoy did!" Some brave student pipes up. Poor soul, thats the last you'd ever hear of her this class.
The blonde lets out an audible snarl of rage as he's tattletailed on. Hopefully he also has goo in his eyes, so that he won't be able to see who snitched.
"Malfoy, five points from Slytherin." Snape ends this quickly and sends all the damaged students off to the closest lavatorys to wash up.
You walk half blindly trough the hallways in search of a lavatory. A hand on the top of your back seems to be leading you, you haven't a clue who it is but you mumble a quick 'thank you'.
You reach a lavatory with the help of the mystery person and wash up. Tough when you're done washing the gunk out of your face alone, they're already gone... a shame.
As such, weeks go by of Hogwarts lessons. Malfoy's still a bitch, but that was expected, atleast it's only in potions class...
So it is to your dear surprise when the blonde himself comes up to you in the hall.
"L/N. When do you want to make that potions paper? I don't like making things last minute." Draco scoffs as he stands before you with his arms crossed.
You didn't have a problem with making things last minute. But bratty mac brat face did, ofcourse.
"I'm free now, if thats fine." You sigh and get mentally ready for this study session if he said yes.
"Great. Library." Draco organizes chastely and walks past you towards the library. Unfortunatly, trough a less popular part of the. Now, if he were to stick a wand up your nose you'd have no witnesses...
Tough, all goes well, Draco seems to actually just want to get this done. So you two silently walk to the slightly dark hallway.
You hear him sigh as you two walk, you're a bit on edge, yes. You've heard about Malfoy's urges to hex people.
Nothing happens... he just keeps walking.
That is untill you hear a creak from up above and a nasty metal sound.
You body reacted before you even knew.
You jumped at Draco like some kind of tiger and rolled onto the floor with him as the chandelier you two were under had crashed where he had just stood.
You blink rapidly to get the dust out of your eyes and stare at what could have been both of your dooms.
Draco coughs up some dust and focusses his gaze onto the chandelier just before he was about to insult you for pushing him.
"Did you do that-" You two asked in sinc.
Draco sighs as he realizes you have no clue either.
You get up and pull the blonde up with you. A lame 'thanks' comes out of his mouth as a mumble.
"So... You know, like who did that?" You look on at the chandelier in shock, your life had just flashed before your eyes.
"Maybe it was a coincidence?" Draco suggests. You side glare at him.
"Obviously not. Everyone hates you, someone must have tried killing you." You sneer now, realising you just risked your life to save him.
"Hate me? I'm the most popular boy in this school- outside of Potter- But my word still stands!" Draco protests. Glaring at you with cold grey eyes.
"You're a loud mouthed, insulting git. But sure, if thats how you wanna be know, do continue." You furrow your brows.
"Excuse me?! You could be a bit nicer after saving my life-" Draco stops mid sentance as he realises it himself.
"You... saved my life? Why?" Draco's voice gets quiter.
"Honestly, I don't know. I just did." You shrug, not wanting to make as big of a deal of it as it truly was.
"... Thank you. Y/N." Draco speaks, full on eye contact.
You've never heard him say your name... first name at that, in such a.. non mocking manner.
You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrasment.
"No problem... Let's go report this to a trusted adult." You brush off and start walking.
"Trusted adult? Really?" Draco snickers in amusement at your words and behavior. It's like your little life saving action opened his eyes.
You weren't incompetent anymore. No longer an annoyance. You were just.. Y/N L/N.
"Well I can't say teacher, theres a lot of teachers I ouldn't even trust to hold my pen." You scoff. Draco perks up in curiosity and walks next to you.
"Spill." He muses simply. Looking at you from the side.
"Obviously Filch. Snape, just because he seems to hate me. Umbridge, it explains itself. Dumbledore, don't ask, its a personal grudge." You roll your eyes and Draco nods, amused.
"Fair enough. So who are we telling?" He asks you as you two walk down the halls. Now on edge as the one trying to murder you both may be around.
"Uh... How about McGonnagall? Or maybe Sprout. I'm sure they'll care." You answer and keep walking. Draco nods along. Wow, this is the first time you two must have agreed on something.
You two end up finding proffesor Sprout's office first. Draco takes the lead in explaining the events and your houses both get five points... for not dying you suppose. Or maybe not being as stupid as Harry Potter and his squad and actually telling a teacher whats going on.
As you'd expected, the woman instructed you two to go to your dorms for the night, dinner would be in seperate houses as the school would be inspecting for the evening.
You and Draco parted ways, tough you could see the reluctance in the blonde's eyes as you were about to walk away.
So with a deep sigh you walked him to the Slytherin dungeons entrance and walked back on your own from there.
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This one shot was way too long for me to finish in one writing session, so it's getting split. Woops.
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
A Slytherin's Gryffindor
George Weasley x fem!Slytherin!reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Draco being an asshole (he breaks up with the reader, makes crude/cruel jokes at George and her), physical violence, slight insinuations to smut 
Author’s Note: HELLOO
If you remember this story you probably read Horrid Ex Boyfriends which I wrote in 2020 but I feel like I’ve grown a lot since then and wanted to take my hand at rewriting some old fics. I loved this one much more in its current form <;3 
The original request: by anon, Hello love, your pinned post made me all fluffy inside: I’ve dreamed of this story for so long!! Could you do a Draco Malfoy’s Slytherin ex-girlfriend hating the Weasley twins but amidst the break up, finds herself drawn to George and falling for him? Just so you know, I even read the stories about fanbase I do not know because your writing is A+ !!! ❤️
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Draco gave you a look you didn’t recognize. You knew his face by now. You knew his expressions better. Dating the Slytherin heir came with its perks but it also came with its downsides, like having to know exactly what he was feeling for the sake of yourself and everyone around you. 
But this look seemed unfamiliar. You sat together at the table in the Great Hall, across from Goyle and Crabbe. You didn’t particularly like either boy but you tolerated them for the sake of Draco. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked, gently, trying to coax out some sort of emotion. His face wiped of any disdain. 
“Nothing,” he snapped. You widened your eyes. 
“Alright.” You cleared your throat, putting down your fork. “Do you want me to meet you after the Quidditch game tonight?” 
“Don’t bother,” he said. “I have things to do.” 
“Oh? What kind of things?” you asked, defensively. 
“Nothing that concerns you.” 
“What is your problem Malfoy?” There was a loud bout of laughter coming from the Gryffindor table. Your eyes followed the noise, landing on the familiar group of redheads. George Weasley’s head was resting on the table. He was shaking from laughter. You found yourself longing to know what they were laughing at. They always seemed to be having more fun than you were. 
“Damn Weasley’s think they’re the only people in the world,” Draco grumbled. “Don’t they know we can all hear them?” 
“You didn’t answer my question,” you pointed out. 
“We’ll talk later,” he promised, voice sneering. He reminded you of his father then. You had the displeasure of meeting Lucius on multiple occasions and the more you watched Draco grow the more he became like him. Was that his goal all along? Did he strive to be the heir his father wanted him to be? Or did he want to be his own person, more like his mother? 
You got up from the table and grabbed your bag. If you could sit with the Gryffindors you would, if only to annoy your boyfriend. You left the Great Hall and Draco didn’t even bother to watch you go. 
George did, only because you caught his eye. Dinner wasn’t even halfway over. You had a determined look on your face that intrigued him. No matter how much your boyfriend attempted to put the Weasley’s down, you never were able to join him. You usually stood, a bystander, which implicated you only in your silence. 
George stood abruptly. 
“Where are you going?” Fred questioned, still laughing about the tail end of some other joke. 
“I’ll be right back,” he promised, the light hearted smile never leaving his face. He rushed to the doors, suddenly eager to follow you. 
The silence outside of the Great Hall was sometimes deafening. It always surprised you when the loud voices became muffled. You never felt more alone than when you were no longer part of Hogwarts student body. You were just a girl inside a large school, far too large for her own good. 
It was easy to hear that someone had followed you. The door opened, creaking, and the voices were loud once more for just a moment. You leaned between some pillars, against a stained glass window. You should get your books for your next class. Forget Draco entirely, focus on the schoolwork you knew you had to get done. 
You expected Draco to round the corner, a forgiving look on his face, knowing that you would mend things with him again. You were startled to see a gentle look and some red hair. You squinted, confused. 
“Miss Slytherin, what on Earth are you doing out here?” he questioned. He crossed his arms. He wasn’t here for some other reason, he had followed you. You glanced behind him, attempting to find Fred. Surely they were here to tease you mercilessly, just as Draco would’ve done to them. 
“Where’s your better half?” you asked, bitterly. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head. 
“He’s still eating, just as we both should be.” 
“Who’s stopping you from going back?” 
“A very solemn look on a very not solemn girl.” You hardened your face defensively. You looked down at your shoes, hoping not to reveal anything else to him. 
“I’m fine. Just getting some air, Weasley, don’t worry about me.” 
“I’m not worried. I’m curious. There’s a large difference.” You found yourself grateful for his care. Draco should’ve been the one to follow you but he never would've been inquisitive on your feelings. He would’ve told you his, begged you to forgive him, promise it would never happen again. 
“I’m fine,” you repeated but it sounded less true this time than it had the first time. 
“I can sniff out liars. It’s a skill I have, courtesy of Ron being best friends with the boy who lived and such.” You eyed him, guarded. “Alright, well you can’t say I didn’t try.” 
He started to back away. 
“It’s Draco. Though I suppose that gives you satisfaction doesn’t it?” 
“I can’t lie, it absolutely does.” He smiled slyly. “But you don’t deserve whatever that twat has dished out.” You looked back down at your shoes. 
“Thank you Weasley,” you said, quietly, like saying it any louder would mean you’d have to confront the situation. 
“Do you know which Weasley I am?” he questioned, hands in his pockets, a familiar trickster look on his face. 
“George,” you said, without missing a beat. “I’m not stupid.” The smile he gave you was genuine. It felt like he had handed you a small promise, a gentle secret. 
The doors to the Great Hall opened. Draco emerged, showing almost no reaction to you and George speaking. Almost. You knew his face and you knew the twitch in his lips and the anger boiling within his eyes. 
“Get lost Weasley,” he said, enunciating clearly. 
“Come to beg for forgiveness Malfoy?” George questioned. 
“I don’t need to tell you twice,” Draco promised, walking between the two of you. George put his hands up in surrender. 
“Not my circus, not my monkeys,” he joked. He sauntered away, throwing you a wink that only you caught. You tried not to smile. It wasn’t until he had returned to the Great Hall that Draco spoke. 
“We need to break up,” he said, clearly. The smile on your face fell into despair. What had you done to warrant this? The question seemed to be painted all over your face because he answered without you saying anything verbally. “We don’t work anymore. It’s nothing you’ve done.” 
Your face twisted. 
“Clearly it is.”
“It’s not. There’s no need to be emotional about this, we both knew it was coming.” You wished you could disagree with him. But you could tell he was distancing himself for this moment. You just thought you could play this game a little bit longer. 
“Alright,” you breathed. “Fine.” 
Draco showed nothing on his face other than awkwardness. He shoved his hands into his pockets. How long had he been wanting to do this? You crossed your arms and turned away, walking farther away from the Hall and back to the dorms. You weren’t going to class this morning. 
“You aren’t going to fight?” he questioned, annoyed.
“Why would I? Clearly you’ve given this a lot of thought. We’re better off without each other.” His jaw set. He wanted a spat. He wanted a fight. Draco and you did nothing better than fight. You two could fight like no one else, screaming, throwing things, kissing and making it all better. 
You wanted to fight him. You knew how it would end. But you also knew you were better off without it this time. 
“Fine,” he said. You were still walking away. Draco had been part of your identity here at Hogwarts. It would be an adjustment without him. 
“Fine,” you repeated and rushed away, turning a corner so you could allow your emotions to flow. 
The next morning you made it halfway to your potions class before giving up. Sitting in the hallway and fake studying seemed so much more appealing than sitting in a classroom with Snape and Draco. You had no energy to make your way to the common rooms or a library so you sat on the steps beside a window, a book in your lap that you weren’t reading. 
You could hear footsteps making their way towards you and you quickly searched for some sort of excuse to be on stairs instead of in class. You were pleasantly surprised to not find a teacher when the footsteps emerged. Fred and George Weasley gave you curious looks. 
“Oi! What are you doing over here?” Fred asked. He seemed a little annoyed that they had run into you. You couldn’t blame him. Draco was cruel to the Weasley family and you couldn’t say that you were any better. You at least, never stopped it. 
“Just ignoring potions,” you said truthfully. You wiped your eyes, just in case any stray tears from your small homework crying session had lingered. 
“What’s wrong?” George asked.  He seemed genuine but you didn’t want to give him the immediate satisfaction that Draco had broken up with you.
“I want to apologize. For being so rude to the two of you, it isn’t something I pride myself on,” you said changing the subject. It had been itching at you since yesterday and you were happy to finally get it out. 
“It’s alright,” George started.
“We rarely think such things personal,” Fred finished.
“I would personally blame the most of it on that horrid boyfriend of yours,” George said. You locked eyes with George. The sympathy on his face led you to believe he knew. He hadn’t been told. He had guessed. 
“Well I suppose you won’t have to worry about him influencing me any longer,” you promised, voice hard. You attempted to ignore the emotions that came with speaking it out loud. He wasn’t worth the tears, you tried to tell yourself. 
“He finally did himself in,” George observed. 
“After I spoke with you yesterday,” you explained. 
“Good to be rid of him then,” Fred said.
“You always did deserve better.” 
“Truly so.” 
All three of you heard footsteps coming down the hallway at the same time. A panicked look came across your face but they remained entirely calm. George grabbed the book off your lap and helped you up. You gazed at him, confused, as he led you to a hallway that hadn’t seemed to be there before. You gasped, looking around, somehow within the walls of Hogwarts. 
“How did you know this was here?” you questioned in awe. 
“Lucky guess,” George promised, hand still holding your arm. It was a tighter space than you had been in before. You heard whoever was walking go past. You remained where you were, looking up at him with curious eyes. 
“This wasn’t a guess. What do you two know?” 
“More than you,” Fred assured. You scoffed, though the laughter was pleasant. You moved away from George, leaning against the wall. 
“You Gryffindors act like Slytherins are the sneaky ones,” you mused. 
“To be fair, a Slytherin created the Chamber of Secrets didn’t he?” You shrugged at the observation. 
“Alright Weasley’s let me out of the walls.” 
It was unexpected, just how drawn you felt to the twins. Especially George. You had never bothered to give them the time of day when you were with Draco. George was easy going when you needed emotional attention. They were light hearted and funny. You needed light hearted and funny. 
The Hogsmeade trip was the highlight of everyone’s month. Getting to leave the school was exciting, even if your school was a literal castle. You had always gone with Draco, even before the two of you dated. Still you forced yourself to get ready, bundle up into a scarf and hat, promising yourself a good time. 
“Hey!” You turned to find George, a smile plastered on his face. He was cozied up for the cold as well, though he was without the twin that usually trailed behind him. 
“Well if it isn’t my favorite Gryfindor,” you mused. “Where’s Fred?” 
“Fred had to stay behind and make up a test for Snape. I offered to help him cheat but he’s already on the terribly bad side of that teacher and decided to fend for himself,” George explained. 
“Well better that than to end up having detention for the next month.” 
“Would you care to be my companion on this trip?” he asked, bowing dramatically and offering a hand. You laughed gently, shivering. It was starting to snow. You took his hand. 
“My red knight,” you teased. He threw his arm around you. You tried not to lean into him, or feel anything at all. You had just broken up with Draco. 
Well, Draco had just broken up with you. 
“Honeydukes?” he asked. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
You stopped in for some butter beer and walked around until you were too cold to be outside. By the time you entered Honeydukes you were full and George had a butterbeer foam mustache. You pointed at it, shivering from the new warmth of the shop. 
“I’ve been trying to grow one,” he admitted, not wiping it away. 
“It is a good look,” you admitted, laughing. 
“You think so? Perhaps I could draw one on with some make-up pencils.”
“They’ve got to have some fake mustaches around here somewhere.” George gravitated towards the candles which had some prank ones mixed within them. 
“Which should I bring back to Fred?” he questioned. “I was sorry he had to miss today.” 
“One of those,” you said, pointing at the ones that explode when you light them. “He’d love that.” 
“You’re absolutely right Miss Slytherin. I’m glad you’ve got to come along with me.” 
“Me too,” you said earnestly. You couldn’t remember the last time you had so much fun at Hogsmeade. Your smile lingered more now. George could almost swear you were glowing. It made him want to take you aside, keep you to himself. He refrained and offered you a candle to smell. You leaned in, a serene look going over your face as you breathed in. You made a twisted face. 
“What is that one?” “Firewood.”
“That’s an awful candle!” 
You were laughing when Draco saw you. It was odd, going to Hogsmeade without you. He found himself unable to figure out what he wanted to do. Usually you dragged him around the shops and he ended up buying something you didn’t need. 
Seeing you so happy made his stomach churn. With a Weasley no less. He had thought you would still be heartbroken. He would be lying if he still wasn’t a tad torn up himself.  But you looked immensely unaffected by the lack of him around. 
You looked happier. 
“Goyle, go see what they’re getting,” Draco spat. His friend nodded, eyeing him suspiciously before slinking through the crowd of people. 
“Smell this one,” you said, offering another disgusting one. “You should get this one for Fred, if you’re going to get him the chocolate frog like a good brother. It’s only…” you trailed off, feeling Draco’s gaze. You caught his eye. At the same time George saw Goyle, coming to do Malfoy’s dirty work. 
“Oh bloody hell,” George muttered. He gave you the things he was holding and turned to Goyle who looked like a deer caught in headlights. George grabbed him by the scarf, dragging him over to Draco. 
Draco had never noticed how tall George Weasley was. 
“Made your minion come and do your dirty work, did you?” George questioned. You rushed forward, leaving your things on the table where you were at. 
“What’s your end goal here Weasley? Have you gotten into her pants yet?” Draco questioned, voice like venom. George shoved Goyle at Draco, almost causing both of them to fall over. 
“Listen here Malfoy-” 
“George he isn’t worth it,” you promised, grabbing his shoulder.
“Oh no, let him speak.” Draco stepped up, sizing up the twin. “What, did she call my name instead of yours?” There was nothing you could have done to stop George. He was already throwing the punch before you could even register Draco’s words. 
Draco staggered, hand up to his nose. 
“Watch your tongue Malfoy,” George seethed. You had never seen him so worked up before. You weren’t even sure he knew how to get angry, let alone through a punch as good as that one. Draco’s nose was bleeding, dripping down his chin. Goyle turned to his friend, eyes wide in shock. Hexes were one thing. An actual assault was something completely different. 
“George come on,” you hissed, pulling him away. This time George listened, allowing you to drag him out of the shop. You didn’t speak until you had left the scene completely, landing on one of the hills just outside of Hogsmead. The snow had piled up. You could see the footsteps you took here.
George had calmed down, the red almost completely gone from his face. 
“God George,” you hissed, grabbing his wrist. You looked at his knuckles, now slightly bruised from the impact on Draco’s face. 
“I don’t regret it,” he promised. His general joy was back. 
“Why are you being so nice to me? After all Draco and I put you through, I didn’t deserve that,” you questioned. 
“Fred and I agree, it was always more Malfoy than you.” He paused, gazing down at you. “And I always did think you deserved better than him.” His voice was quieter now. 
“Like who?” you asked before you could even process his words. “You?” You meant for it to come out like a joke but your tone was too soft to have it be read as one. There was a moment of silence. You smiled at his stunned face. You had caught him off guard and he wasn’t sure how to answer. 
“Well yes. I suppose,” George said finally. You smiled. You could feel the cold on your face, making your movement slower than usual but the joy was there either way. 
“Good then.” 
“Good?” he asked. You were still holding his wrist, so close to his hand. 
“We’re in agreement.” He scoffed.
“Agreement then.” 
“Yes. Agreement.” 
“Love, I’m going to kiss you now.” The words sent shivers down your spine. 
“Alright,” you breathed. His lips were warmer than yours. He didn’t allow you to get away with just a peck. He said he would kiss you and he meant it. You were smiling against the kiss, too stunned to do much else than kiss him back. 
When you pulled away you noticed one of his hands were on your side and he had started to hold the one that was once holding his wrist. You could see your breath in the cold but you could see him more clearly. 
“Let’s go back to the school and get a bandage for your hand,” you said quietly. He nodded, keeping your hands intertwined. 
“Just a moment.” He took off his scarf, the red and gold one that signified his house colors. He took off yours, the Slytherin green and black. He wrapped his own scarf around your neck and you watched him with wonderstruck eyes. The scarf smelled like him. It was warm with his body heat. He lazily put yours over his neck. “Alright we can go now.” 
Fred was in the Gryffindor common room when you got back. The school was empty, sans the portraits, ghosts and a few stragglers. Everyone was still going about enjoying their day outside of the grounds. 
“What did you bring me?” Fred questioned, standing up from the couch beside the fire. You had started to shed your layers, taking off your gloves and hat. “You have a severe case of hat hair Slytherin,” he noted. 
“George punched Draco in the face,” you explained brightly. 
“Good for him.” He patted George on the back. “He had it coming.” 
“So we had to run away,” you explained. “Hence, the empty hands.” Fred rolled his eyes. 
“You could have stolen something but alas.” George gave his twin a gaze that caused Fred to pause. There was a beat of silence. “I think I left something in the dorms...” he said, slowly, eyes squinted. 
“Yes that sounds right.” 
Fred backed away, a cheeky smile on his face. 
“Faster Fred,” you said, smiling. You couldn’t remember the last time you had smiled this much. He took the hint and scurried up the stairs. George sat in front of the fire. You looked around for some bandages, finding a familiar box of supplies that you had in the Slytherin common room. You sat beside him, helping him take off his large jacket. 
“You can help take off the rest of my clothing if you would like Slytherin.” You flushed, unable to meet his eyes. 
“I’d like to wrap up your hand first.” 
“First implies a second thing,” he mused. 
“Yes, yes it does.” You finally looked up at his face. He was gazing at you with a look Draco had never even understood. George’s eyes had softened, the lines on the side of his face turned downward. His lips were parted expectantly. “Thank you for today,” you whispered. 
“I’d like to do it again, if you’re up for it.” 
“Punching Draco or kissing me?” 
“Honestly I wouldn’t mind doing both again. But I was talking about the kissing thing.” You giggled. You actually giggled. 
“I already promised that. Don’t be so eager George.”
“I will be as eager as I want to.” 
You gently joked at each other as you wrapped up his knuckles, getting warmer by the fire. He played with his scarf around your neck. He distracted you by trailing his fingers across your jaw. He promised to memorize your face. 
You promised to memorize his.
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OoTP, Chapter 4 - Choosing Sides
Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader
Warnings: vague hints at abusive parents (I mean it's Lucius Malfoy)
Word Count: 4291
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After Herbology, you tried to catch Draco on his way out.  He seemed preoccupied, and his friends trailed behind him, guffawing over some trinket they tossed back and forth, but he ignored them and you.  They turned away from the castle and you gave up; it wasn’t worth it being late to Potions.
Perhaps you could write him a letter and send it in the post, you thought, absentmindedly stirring the contents of your cauldron.  That should be discreet enough.  It still irked you that you couldn’t just talk to him like a person, but in all truth, you didn’t really want people knowing you were associating with each other either.  He had something of a reputation.
Though by the end of Double Potions you had formulated a plan, as you left the classroom you caught a glimpse of that unmistakable silver hair and green robes turning a corner down the corridor.  You pretended to have left your quill behind, and peeled off from your friends and the stream of students heading to lunch.  The soft pattering of your shoes on the cold stone floor must’ve given you away, for when you turned that same corner, Draco was leaning against the wall, arms folded, waiting for you.
“Why are you following me?”  He looked somewhat harried; his hair hung slightly awry, and the shirt under his sweater vest was uncharacteristically wrinkled.
You stopped, confused.  “I wanted to talk without having to send you a notarized letter.”  His eyes narrowed.  “I had just forgotten that this weekend was Hogsmeade, and I wondered if we could push our meeting to Sunday.”
“Oh.  Sure that’s fine.”  He paused, weighing his words.  “I actually, uh, I’ve changed my mind.  I’ve decided I’d like to work for the Ministry, so I won’t need Herbology after all, so don’t worry about it.”
“What are you talking about?  Is this because I want to reschedule?”
“Don’t be daft,” he snapped.  “I can’t really picture myself doing something so undignified, working for goblins.  The Ministry will be a much better fit for someone of my family’s standing.”
“I see,” you said quietly, taken aback by the venom in his words.
Draco continued quickly, “It’s just that I’ll have more important, more relevant things to focus on, and-and-and you probably do too.”
You nodded curtly, “We agreed we wouldn’t be friends.  You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”  You paused before turning on your heel, “Good luck.”
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Saturday morning came early, Wilbur purring on your chest with his wet nose sniffing at your closed eyes.
“Cat, one day you’re going to startle me so much I throw you off this bed, and it’ll be no one’s fault but yours.”  He sat up, tail curled regally around him, waiting.  “I can’t give you treats if you’re on top of me.  Yes, yes I know.”  You threw back the bed curtains and glanced at the enchanted windows.  It was still somehow before dawn; everyone else was still asleep.  You tsked at Wilbur, setting two treats beside him on your bed, and dressed quietly.  You eased your broom out from under your bed and slunk out of your dormitory, then through the round painting door.
Almost a full week into October, the pre-dawn air was bracing as it whipped around you and your broom.  The Quidditch pitch was deserted, thankfully, as it was the only area that allowed unsupervised flying on the whole grounds.  There was nothing you wanted more than to fly through the trees and over the lake, but if anyone caught you they’d confiscate the broom and dock enough points to earn side-eyes until Christmas.  So instead, you circled the pitch as fast as you could go, ignoring the stiff chill in your fingers as they gripped the broom handle. Patches of muddy ground spun by faster and faster until the whole world seemed brown.
“Y/N?”  Your concentration broken, you yelped and had to pull up hard to keep yourself from ramming into a tower.  On the ground, Yvette stood at the ready, broom in one hand and quaffle tucked neatly under the other arm.  She kicked off and met you in the air.  “Something you wanna talk about?”
“Not really.  You don’t get enough fly time during practice?”
She shrugged.  “I got into the habit, you know?  After, I’m awake, and I feel better.  You wanna run some passes with me?”
“Shoot, what time is it?”  You’d forgotten about Hogsmeade, and the Hog’s Head, and Harry Potter.  The sun was peeking over the trees, casting shadows with the tops of each tower on the pitch.
“Seven thirty, why?”
“I wanted to go to Hogsmeade today, but I can play for an hour.”
Yvette grinned and tossed you the quaffle.  For whatever reason, completing random passes and scoring against imaginary opponents did a much better job of settling your mind than speed-flying in circles, although it was clear from the onset Yvette’s talent far out paced your own.
“You’ve gotten good at this,” you remarked breathily, touching down.
She scoffed, “I was always good, I just got better.  So, no tutoring today?”
“Your Slytherin, you aren’t sneaking off to tutor them?”
You bit your lip, the secret, evidently, out.  “Donna told you?”
“You didn’t think she would?  She tells everyone everything.  Besides, three mornings in a row you don’t come to breakfast?  We were bound to know something was up.  So, you aren’t meeting them today?  Or are you meeting them in Hogsmeade?”
You snorted at the thought of being seen with Draco Malfoy anywhere but a classroom.  “No, no I’m just meeting up with Ginny and Luna.  Besides,” you stretched your arms up, thinking how to phrase it, “I’m not tutoring the Slytherin anymore, they didn’t need much help.”  She shot you a sidelong glance but didn’t press the issue.  
“What about you?  No Hogsmeade today?”
“Can’t, I’m behind on Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts and I do not want Umbridge or McGonagall cross with me.”
“Fair enough.  I’ll get you something from Honey Dukes?”
“Yes, please.”
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Filch was in an uncharacteristically chipper mood as he snatched permission forms from nervous third years, grinning maniacally all the while.  You couldn’t decide if it was better or worse than the alternative, and an uncomfortable thought crossed your mind.  What did willingly keeping on such a dour sadist, one seemingly convinced torture was a reasonable punishment for misbehaving children, say about Dumbledore?  An uncomfortable thought, no doubt.
Across the courtyard, Ginny was holding hands with her newest boyfriend, who laughed abruptly at something she said.  A twinge of jealousy spun in your gut.  Ginny was, in a word, cool.  Funny, talented, witty, and quite genuine, it was difficult not to like her.  There was certainly a reason she was popular.
You looked around for Luna.  She, on the other hand, often gave the impression that she could be perfectly content to never speak to another person ever again.  You’d asked her once, unsure, if your presence was wanted at all.  She’d assured you that she quite enjoyed the company in her typical lilting, ethereal tone.  Finally, you spotted her at the edge of the courtyard on a stone bench, sitting with impeccable posture and clearly thinking deeply about one thing or another. She rose smoothly when you approached, smiling faintly as that faraway look refocused on you.
“Hey Luna,” you began, “Do you mind if I join you for the morning?”  The crowd began to filter out and down the road to Hogsmeade.  
She nodded gently, “I’m headed to Gladrags - all of my socks are infested with wrackspurt eggs.”  She lifted her pant leg to show a sockless foot sitting loosely in a shoe.  “They are an endangered species, after all.”
“Sure, sure.  My mum loves those, I can get her an early Christmas gift.”  Luna’s penchant for rare and less-than-discovered creatures, while unusual, never phased you too much.  After all, if you ever met an umgubular slashkilter you’d know how to keep it from tearing your throat out, thanks to her.
The morning sun was bright and warm and, thankfully, at your backs as you marched down the road with your classmates.  Chimney smoke peeked over the hills in a haze, and before long the village was in sight.  You happily followed Luna into Gladrags Wizardwear, where she found a number of socks you knew she’d never wear as pairs, and you picked out a pair that changed patterns with the weather for your mother.  Afterwards, you still had an hour to kill so you opted for Honeydukes.  Acid pops for Yvette, a cauldron cake for Herbert, and a box of liquorice wands for Donna, and Luna sat with you outside as you split a pumpkin pastie.
It was finally warm, and a little uncomfortably so, most of the students that passed you had their coats off and tied around their waists.  A group of third years were gushing loudly about the shrieking shack, each walking with a varied spring in their step.  Across the cobbled street, the door to the hairdresser’s, Clifford’s Scissors, opened and the bell chimed brightly.  Out came Draco Malfoy.
Oh, come on.  Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice you, but Luna did.  
She followed your sour gaze and said, “I hear his father is visiting Hogwarts tomorrow.  It is curious why he should appear now of all times.”
You swallowed a mouthful of pumpkin pastie.  “What do you mean?”
“He works very closely with the Ministry.  No one ever invites him, he just announces his arrival.”
“Ah,” you said.  That certainly made some things clearer.
Luna glanced up at the sun.  “It’s almost noon.  Let’s go.”  You picked up the box of candy for your friends and followed her down the road.  Very far down the road.  Almost to the end of the road.  You would’ve thought it was a mistake if there weren’t so many other students you recognized.
Inside the Hog’s Head was… gross.  You wrinkled your nose reflexively.  You sat next to Luna and glanced around.  Harry Potter stood next to one of Ginny’s older brothers (was it Roland?) at the bar with Hermione Granger.  His expression seemed more and more morose with ever new student that came through the door.  You waved to a few Hufflepuffs as they came in, but the group was mostly Gryffindor.  Which, you supposed, made some amount of sense.  Two of Ginny’s other older brothers, whose names you knew because of how often Filch said them like a curse, went around handing everyone a butterbeer.  You took a mug from one of them, you couldn’t tell which, in exchange for two Sickles.  The group sat quietly, gingerly sipping butterbeer from cloudy mugs, waiting.
Finally, the trio sat down, and Hermione began speaking.  She covered essentially what Ginny had said in the hallway a few days ago, but you watched Harry’s face.  She finished with, “I want to be properly trained in Defense because… because Lord Voldemort’s back.”
A palpable shiver coursed through the room, one girl actually screamed a little, which you found rather dramatic.  Zacharias immediately asked for proof.  You leaned forward.  Although you wouldn’t have put it the way he did, you were still torn over who to believe.  Harry scowled, and his answer was unsatisfying, but he still didn’t seem to be lying.  In fact, he seemed quite humble even as Zacharias continued to prod him.  You understood, though he began to grate on your nerves as well.  In the end, you put your name on the list like everyone else, excited and nervous to actually learn something useful.  Before passing it on you glanced through the names discreetly.  Ron.  That’s his name.
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The next day was a long slog in the library, oscillating between Transfiguration and Arithmancy homework, and wondering whether Draco Malfoy’s father had arrived at the school yet.  And what his purpose was.  Could it be solely to dissuade his only son from a career deemed beneath him?  It occurred to you that the Malfoys were a step above simply rich - it wasn’t as if they were working for the Galleons.  You looked out the great stained glass windows flanking the door periodically, earning you some quizzical looks from Yvette.  Evening rolled around, with not a single sign of silver hair, and you found yourself in the common room, enjoying the enchanted breeze and the warm glow of the fire, surrounded by candy wrappers, as you watched Donna crush Yvette in Wizard’s Chess.  The round painting door swung open to allow a racket of overlapping voices to spill in, followed by Ernie and Hannah, Zacharias hot on their heels.  They made a bee line for the notice board and pinned something on it.
“What’s this about?” you asked, walking over.
Zacharias turned sharply, agitated, “The High Inquisitor of Hogwarts has disbanded all organizations, societies, teams, groups and clubs.”  You shared a look with the three of them, all having been present in the Hog’s Head, and remembered your friends’ presence.  He continued, “That means-”
“Quidditch,” you interrupted.
“Yes,” he said slowly, “Quidditch.  Which we will have to beg her to let us play otherwise we’ll be expelled.” Your mouth ran dry.
Yvette piped up, “What?!  She can’t be serious.”
“Can’t she?” Hannah said sourly.
“I’ll go to her office first thing in the morning,” Zacharias assured Yvette, “hopefully we haven’t done anything to upset her.”
That night, sleep did not come easy.  Learning practical skills was one thing, but being expelled for it was entirely another.  Although, if Voldemort really had returned as Harry and his friends believed, Ernie had been right when he said that this was more important than anything else you could do this year.  
You jumped a little, startled, when Wilbur’s furry mass appeared next to your head.  He settled himself at your feet, stepping heavily on your stomach as he went.  
If Voldemort really had returned, expulsion was a minor issue.  You thought of Donna and Yvette, both muggle born, and your dad.  If Voldemort really had returned someone was going to have to fight.  And it couldn’t just be Harry Potter.
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As it turned out, Umbridge was only interested in keeping the Gryffindor team in suspense, as you heard from Yvette that the Hufflepuff Quidditch team had been reinstated rather breezily when Zacharias asked.  The fate of Harry Potter’s ‘study group’ remained uncertain, however, and the week trudged on with no news.  
Herbology passed without incident, though you kept stealing glances at Draco to see how he was doing.  By the end of class, his face was red and his eyebrows drawn, but the fanged geranium sat in a pot littered with small, shiny buttons with its toothy maw hanging open, clearly pleased with the trade.  Your own geranium was resting comfortably as you made up limericks on the spot, its own jaw growing looser with every word.  
By the end of the week though, you noticed a number of students you recognized from the Hog’s Head, whispering amongst themselves at dinner.  You hung back when your friends left for the common room, claiming to still be hungry.  Almost immediately, Harry Potter and Ginny’s brother appeared next to the Hufflepuff table.
Ron began, speaking softly, “We’ve found a spot.”
“Oh, good, I was beginning to wonder,” you trailed off.
Harry glanced around, “Tonight, eight o’clock, seventh floor.  Opposite the tapestry of Barn-”
“Barnabas the Barmy.  Got it.”
They nodded conspiratorially and were on their way.  Great.  Now you’d just have to hope no one asked you where you had been all night, and that no one would ever ask you that again.   It wasn’t that you didn’t trust your friends, but none of you had exactly made it clear to the others what was believed about the whole thing.  And then you’d gone to the meeting, and then you’d put your name down, like joining a secret society.  Should you have included them?  It was risky, to them and to the rest, the more people that knew of the whole thing.  You’d just have to come up with something decent later.
By the time the meeting was over, it was past curfew.  You’d dueled for over an hour with Ernie Macmillan, who seemed more concerned with performing intimidating wand patterns than actually disarming you, so when the DA split up into small groups to go back to their common rooms you ended up with him.  Both prefects for each house represented were in attendance, so they sent out a small group, then a prefect, then a small group, then the other prefect - so that if any were caught, it would look like they’d simply been sent back to their dormitories by the correct authority.
You walked along the dark corridors, enthusing quietly about the whole thing.  Ernie had sustained a small bruise next to his left eye from one of the Creevey’s antics, but he matched your enthusiasm.
Ernie knocked on the great round wooden door, and it swung open quietly, the warm breezes of the common room greeting you.  
Donna looked up from the roll of parchment she stared at hopelessly by the fireplace to watch Ernie bid you a pontifical goodnight.  She waved you over.  “Where have you been?” she asked once you’d sat down.
“Just some studying.”
She gave you a suspicious once-over.  “You’d tell me if you were dating Ernie Macmillan, right?”
You chortled abruptly, the notion absurd and hilarious.  “I would tell you, but I wouldn’t date Ernie Macmillan.  I, uh, ran into him and we got to talking about Transfiguration and we lost track of time.”
“Uh huh,” she said, slowly.  It was unclear whether she fully believed your explanation, but she dropped the subject regardless.  “Well I’ve been sat here since supper working on the Pepperup Potion essay.  So now that you’re back from studying you could help me study.”
“OK, but you have to proofread my essay for Umbridge.”
“Hand it over.”  
There was an unspoken agreement between Draco and yourself to avoid each other indefinitely, broken only after a Herbology lesson on puffapods, during which Draco had forced a spore cloud from the poor thing so large that he and his two friends fainted immediately.  Professor Sprout conscripted you to revive them; a ground mixture of ginger soaked in spirits and petals from the offending puffapod did the trick.  The large boy on the left, you learned his name was Crabbe, startled awake red faced and ready for action.  He looked around sheepishly and shoved your mortar bowl away from his face.  The other one, Goyle, opened his eyes but continued to snore.
You had to shoo away some Slytherin girl who had begun shaking his shoulders, then you held the bowl under Draco’s nose, arm stretched to leave as much room between you as possible.  He looked uncharacteristically peaceful, aside from the green-brown dust that discolored his pale forehead.  His eyes fluttered open, and for a second you thought you could back away before he was truly lucid, but then his cold grey eyes focused on you and narrowed. 
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, getting to his feet in a hurry.  Crabbe and Goyle immediately began dusting off his robes.
You opened your mouth to speak, but Crabbe beat you to it.  “You fainted.  The bloody plant-”
“Get off me.”  He shooed away his lackeys, the rest of the class still staring, the Slytherin girl looking like she’d launch herself at him at her first opportunity.  “I’m fine.”  He did not ask about his friends.
Professor Sprout tried to continue the lesson, but between the constant thrum of quiet gossip and careless handling of the puffapods, it became clear that three people fainting had caused too much excitement.  She sighed and said, “Class dismissed.  I want a foot of parchment on the proper handling of puffapods due next lesson.  Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Malfoy.  If I could have your attention for a moment.  Misters Crabbe and Goyle, you can go.”  She put her hands on her hips and waited for you to approach her.  “Now, am I to understand that you are no longer being tutored, Mr. Malfoy?”  He shook his head, and she turned to you.  “Would you care to tell me why that is?”
Draco interrupted, “I’ve decided I’d rather work with the Ministry.  So I won’t need a Herbology OWL.”
A look of disappointment passed over her face.  “Even so, I can’t imagine you’re happy with such unsatisfactory work.”  Draco’s expression soured.  “Professor Snape has told me what a skilled brewer you are, but let me tell you something.  The best potions can only be brewed, not bought - and that requires the brewer to appraise high quality ingredients.  Which, can you guess, requires a good understanding of what we do in this class.”  Draco deflated a bit, and focused his gaze on his shoes.  “Y/N, that was quick thinking with the ginger - ten points to Hufflepuff.  Why did you have it on hand?”
“Oh, I, uh, I have Potions right after this.”
She gestured to you as if to say there, see what I’m saying?  Her posture softened; her fists uncurled and came to rest at her sides.  “I imagine you are still willing to tutor Mr. Malfoy?”  His gaze snapped to you, his expression unreadable.  
You only hesitated a moment, after all he wasn’t particularly pleasant, but you had improved significantly in Transfiguration all thanks to his brief instruction.  You nodded your head definitively.
Professor Sprout smiled, her cheeks turning rosy again.  “I can’t force you, Mr. Malfoy, but you should consider it.  Now, off you pop!”  She wrote you both notes in case you were late, which you knew you would be, and herded you out of the greenhouse into the cold October sun.
Draco resumed ignoring you, until you stepped into the castle and he said, still not looking at you, “Saturday?”
“Quidditch pitch?”
He nodded.  “I’ll bring the hedgehog.”
“I’ll bring some books,” you finished, and you parted ways in front of the massive fireplace.
Professor Snape was not happy when you arrived at Potions.  “Miss Y/L/N, late again?”
You held out the note.  “I am sorry, Professor.  I do have a note this time.”  He took it unceremoniously, his hooded eyes inspecting Professor Sprout’s signature.  He glanced at you appraisingly, then gestured for you to sit down so he could continue his lesson on Beautification Potion.
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Once again, you trudged down the path to the Quidditch pitch far too early on a Saturday.  Draco had already set up the Slytherin themed quilt and his portable fireplace, he was hastily drying some patches of melted frost around the edges of the space.  His back was to you, and hadn’t seemed to notice your arrival, so you set the stack of books you carried down gently and slid the box presumably containing McGonagall’s hedgehog towards you.  He remembered you, apparently, and didn’t protest when you scooped him up and sat him in your lap to wait for Draco to notice you.
“Sicco,” he muttered under his breath.  He checked the watch on his wrist and turned around.  You grinned, and he yelped when he saw you; his eyes narrowed.  “How long have you been sitting there?”
You scratched the hedgehog’s back lightly.  “Only a bit.  We had to get reacquainted.”
His eyebrows knit together.  “I saw you three days ago.”
“I was talking about the hedgehog.”
“Oh, well.  That does make more sense.”  He sat down across from you, apparently satisfied with his handiwork.  “I, uh, just wanted you to know that I-”
“You don’t have to apologize, and we don’t have to talk about it.”
“I was going to tell you not to apologize.”
“Me?  Apologize for what?”
“For humiliating me in front of an entire classroom, obviously!”
Your face turned hot.  “You fainted!  What was I supposed to do?”
He crossed his arms, his face equally inflamed.  “Well you didn’t have to come rushing into save me like I was some helpless child.”
“It’s not my fault you ignore Professor Sprout’s instructions.  Would you have preferred to be carried off to the hospital wing?  Your friends fainted too, you know, you could try caring about someone other than yourself.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
You gaped at him.  “Everything!  You and your friends fainted.  During class.  And you’re so concerned with appearances you can’t even acknowledge that someone might do something nice for you just for the sake of it.”  You stopped, surprised.  “That’s what this is about, isn’t it?  You think I’m going to want something from you.  Right?”  He shrugged.  “Bloody hell.”  You set the hedgehog down and stood up to pace.
Draco rolled his eyes.  “Look, I’m… I’m sorry.  Ok?  I keep forgetting I can’t treat you like them.”
You stopped to glare at him, refused to be appeased by what very well may have been the first time he’d apologized for anything in his life.  “Like who?”
“Crabbe and Goyle.”
“Why would you treat your friends like this anyway?”
“Well, they’re not really friends.  Our families go way back, so they’re more like colleagues.”
“That’s ridiculous.”  He shrugged.  You sat back down and pulled the hedgehog back into your lap.  “So, the Ministry, huh?  What would you be doing for them?”  He looked at you suspiciously.  “Fine, don’t tell me.  I just hope it was your idea, and not your dad’s.  We’ve got a lot of work to do.”  You dropped the stack of books you brought into his lap and pointed at the one on top.
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sailtomarina · 1 year
The Wounds of Time
Someone once said, “Time heals all wounds.” 
Draco wanted to find this unknown, probably a muggle who’d died long ago, and kill them again for good measure.
Well, maybe not kill. Hermione wouldn’t like that and it would look bad, a former Death Eater murdering some idiot muggle, no matter how justified the reasons.
Draco would point out to this stranger and anyone else who would listen that time does not heal all wounds. It does a fair job of dulling the memories and emotions, but by itself, time means nothing, True change requires a catalyst.
Exactly ten years ago today, the Second Wizarding War came to close. Celebrations had been had, vows made to change what needed to be changed for such a war to never happen again, and the villains of the war punished for their crimes. 
He’d lost his father to Azkaban and his mother to grief. Draco might have joined his father if not for the testimony of a trio who had zero reason to help him, but did so anyways. He should have been thankful. He should have blessed the second chance he’d been given.
Instead, he festered in his empty manor, alone except for the family elves. If not for Hermione, he might have never left. He’d have expired, leaving nothing behind but a tombstone: “Here lies Draco Malfoy, beloved son, terrible friend, and a failure everywhere that matters.”
It would have been true. Draco had given up. 
Then came Hermione with her team of eager workers and a handful of hex-happy aurors. Malfoy Manor was next on their list of properties up for inspection, one they’d saved close to the last because of its sheer size and famed collection of books and dark artifacts.
Their interactions started with single sentences.
“Take us to the library.”
“Show me Lucius’ study.”
“Hold this.”
At this point, she still wore her Ministry uniform, every button fastened, her riot of curls securely pinned behind her ears.
Then, over time, her questions became more personal, conversations lasted longer.
“Malfoy, what do you do when we’re not forcing you to host us?”
“You have an entire section of muggle children’s literature, did you know that? Did you read any of them?”
“Have you been sleeping? I also don’t think I’ve seen you eat anything in all this time we’ve spent at the manor.” 
By now, she’d traded out the dark robes for chunky jumpers and muggle jeans that showed every damnable curve. The hair that used to be the subject of his ridicule became a steady feature in his dreams. He could drown in those curls and die a happy man.
Their romance came slow at first, creeping up on Draco unawares until he realized he’d already fallen for the witch with her infuriating mouth, her ferocious hunger for knowledge. They danced around one another for months on end, words and eyes exchanged frequently as if in a constant duel.
And now, on the anniversary of the victory over Voldemort, Draco was alone in his manor once more. The work was done, his home declared curse free. There was no further reason for Hermione to visit—she had other projects lined up ready and waiting. 
He swirled the firewhiskey in his glass, liquid the color of her eyes. The vintage was too rare, going down too smooth and leaving behind a gentle smokiness. He needed something cheap to feel the burn. 
Then, he felt a ripple in the wards. Perhaps they’d left something behind.
“Draco?” Hermione’s voice came soft and unsure, so unlike the tone he associated with her.
“Granger? What are you doing here?” Like an idiot, all he could do was stare at where she stood in the arch of the library. He chose this room for the evening because it had been her favorite.
“I…” She walked forward to stand a mere arm’s length from where he sat in his armchair. “I wanted to check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
And he was. He was.
“You look beautiful.” He couldn’t not say the words. She could be wearing one of those hideous knitted creations, and he still would have meant them. Instead, she wore a gown, deep blue and sparkling like a night sky, the lines clinging to every line and curve.
“Thank you. Tonight’s the Commemoration Ball.”
“Ah.” Of course. Draco should have known, even though he was never expected to attend. He wouldn’t anyways. It wasn’t his place.
“I already did my speech and took photos with the boys,” she elaborated.
Draco could have made some joke about the cheap alcohol or food to explain why she’d shown up. Or, maybe asked if some fool had stepped on her foot in an embarrassing attempt to dance—probably one of her “boys”, or that git, McLaggen, who worked in her department.
He did neither of those things. He stared at her as she spoke on, describing the crowd, her speech, the incessant press. On and on.
He glanced down at her feet and noticed the way she kept shifting from one foot to the other. “Why don’t you kick off those heels and join me for a drink?”
“Oh! I don’t, I mean, I’m fine, you know how heels are—”
“Granger. Sit. Relax. You’re already here. You might as well make yourself comfortable.”
“I couldn’t impose. I really just wanted to check on you and make sure you’re alright, you know—”
Sod it all.
In one swift move, Draco stood to crowd her space with his frame. Even in her heels, she barely came up to his chin. He took her elbows in hand, spun them around, and pushed her back into his chair. She had the distinct look of someone who’d been frozen.
As she continued to gape at him, Draco dropped to a knee and began removing her shoes.
“Malfoy!” Hermione’s senses returned and she attempted to kick at him. One firm hand on the calf of the offending limb put an immediate stop to her movements.
Taking advantage of her shock, he finished removing the last shoe and slid the hand holding her calf down in a kneading motion. Her skin was warm to the touch, the muscles beneath slender yet firm.
“I see they keep you active despite your position. Nice legs.” He couldn’t have held back the smirk at her whimper if he had tried.
Both thumbs pressed into the arch of her left foot, rubbing circles to ease the soreness.
“Mmmmm, M-M-Malfoy!” She nearly swooned in her ecstasy as she melted into the chair.
“You might as well call me ‘Draco’ now.”
She opened one eye to peer down at where he knelt. He moved onto the other foot and she sighed happily.
“You are a darling of a man. I’m convinced you can do no wrong.”
This could have been his segue to romancing Granger. Like the idiot he still was, he instead said, “I’m sure the others at the ball would disagree with you.”
Within moments, he grasped at nothing and found himself locked eye to eye with Hermione, his face cupped in her hands. If he glanced down, he probably would have been able to see down the neckline of her gown.
“I meant what I said, Draco. The man that you are now, the man I’ve come to know, would not do the wrongs of his past.”
He tried to pull away, but her nails dug in. “Granger, stop it—”
“No. You stop it. Stop wallowing in this dungeon you’ve created.”
“I don’t know how.” This time it was his voice that was quiet and full of doubt. It disgusted him to hear himself.
Rather than pull away, Hermione did the complete opposite. She relaxed her hold and in a move that felt magically slowed she leaned forward to wrap him in a hug. 
“So let me show you,” she whispered into his ear.
For once, Draco listened. He listened, and he learned, and he became a man whose wounds, while not fully healed, reminded him of the journey he had made, Hermione always at his side.
WC 1350
DHRMonth Prompt: Week 3 - Celebrations, September 18 - End of the War
Cross-posted to AO3
I know, I know! I'm a day late on this prompt, and today should be focused on Hermione's birthday! I somehow got the days mixed up, so now here we are. I still hope to get a little something out for our favorite curly-headed swot. In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoyed this!
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gryfferin-gaybies · 6 months
Backing the Wrong Horse
Harry came home with a split lip, bloody nose, cut on his brow, blood on his knuckles, and what were probably the tell-tale of signs of oncoming bruises. He tried to duck into the bathroom to clean himself up without being noticed, but failed.
He knew exactly what Draco would say before he even said it. "Harry! What were you thinking?" He caught his boyfriend in the hallway, exiting the bathroom just as Harry was about to enter.
"You don't even know what happened," Harry protested.
Draco held Harry's chin carefully to turn his head so he could get a better look at the damage done. "Clearly you got into a fight of some sort. I'm not an idiot."
Harry let Draco examine him. "Yeah, but you don't know that I started it." He stepped past Draco into the bathroom.
"So you didn't start it?" Draco asked, grabbing a wash cloth from the linen closet before following Harry into the bathroom.
Harry turned on the tap and scrubbed at his knuckles instead of answering.
That was answer enough for his boyfriend. "Harry!" Draco scolded. He wet the rag with warm water from the bathtub faucet, not making Harry share the small sink. "Sit down," he said with a sigh when Harry finished washing his hands.
Harry sat on the edge of the bathtub with his knees spread open. Draco stood between his boyfriend's legs and dabbed at the blood on his face. "He had it coming," Harry mumbled.
Draco sighed again. "Harry, you can't keep fighting everyone who speaks poorly of the Malfoys. We were Death Eaters who housed the Dark Lord. We were on the wrong side of a war that hurt thousands of people." Draco referenced the great evilness of his family's past as he used a featherlight gentleness to doctor his partner's injuries; the irony was not lost on Harry.
"You had no choice. Lucius made those decisions for your family, and he's still paying for those sins. Besides, the person they should be blaming is Voldemort, not you."
Draco tossed the bloodied cloth into a hamper, seemingly satisfied with his work. Then he pulled out his wand to heal Harry's cuts. "It doesn't matter. You're defending the wrong people, Harry—hold still." Once the skin had healed on his eyebrow and lip, Draco reset Harry's nose.
Harry's eyes watered. He moved his jaw and scrunched his nose a couple times. "Thank you." He took Draco's hands and pulled him in close. "You were a child. It's been more than a decade. You're a good person. You've done more than enough to make up for any mistakes you made back then. Between your charity work and job as a Healer, you're practically a saint. I'll always defend you."
Draco rested his hands on Harry's shoulders, looking down at him fondly. "I am far from a saint. You need to stop getting in fights over me. You're going to get in trouble or get seriously hurt."
"I'll stop getting in fights when people stop being assholes."
Draco snorted and rolled his eyes affectionately. It brought Harry relief to know that he wasn't angry with him. "That's never going to happen."
"Once people realize that I'd do anything for you, they'll stop. I've just got to punch enough people to get my point across." Harry stood up and wrapped his arms around Draco's waist, kissing him once on the mouth.
Draco let out a small chuckle. "You're a brute and an idiot."
"But I'm your brute," Harry said with a cheeky grin.
"And my idiot." Draco ruffled a hand through Harry's messy curls before pulling him in for another kiss.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @takearisk-ao3
Sirius rounded the corner, knocking into a tall blond. He staggered back, his wand raising to point it at the boy’s chest. The kid trembled like a leaf in the wind, his sweaty hair plastered against his pale face, and his gray eyes wide with fear. It didn’t take Sirius more than a few moments to work out who the boy was in his fancy and finely pressed robes. The boy who had taken pictures with his parents and Druella at the St. Mungo’s charity gala and auction over the summer. The kid who had probably bolted as soon as the fighting had started.
He looked like Narcissa with his thin face and expressive eyes. Narcissa may have inherited the blonde hair from the Rosier side of the family, but her facial features had been all Black. Sirius couldn’t help but feel like he was looking at a blond-haired Regulus.
“You’re Draco Malfoy,” Sirius said, keeping his wand steady.
From everything Sirius had ever heard about Draco from Harry and Ron, he had not been impressed. Except Sirius couldn’t help but look at him and think that he was in the same shitty position that Sirius had been at that age. But like Regulus, Draco was too weak to run like Sirius had.
Draco swallowed, his eyes searching Sirius’. “And I know who you are. Are you going to kill me now?”
Sirius’ eyes dropped to the kid’s right arm. In a swift motion, he reached out and ripped back the sleeve to see the Dark Mark shining up at him. Draco wrenched his arm away, taking a stumbling step back. Sirius let out a humorless chuckle, his eyes snapping up to look at Draco.
“Ah, so the rumors are true,” Sirius said in a flat tone. “I was told you were Marked and Harry suspected it was true as well.”
“Good for him,” Draco spat, though he sounded more frightened than angry. “Saint Potter figured it out.”
Sirius licked his bottom lip, his gaze snapping back up. “If you think your mother and Bellatrix can protect you, then you’re a fucking fool. Regulus trusted them too, and now he’s dead.”
Draco’s chest heaved, his trembling hand raising to point his wand at Sirius’ chest.
“Regulus was Narcissa’s favorite,” Sirius whispered, his body shaking with his own grief and rage at what his family had done to his brother. “She was his. He trusted her and she let him die.”
“I’m not him,” Draco whispered.
“You’re sixteen and were forced to take the Mark,” Sirius snapped, his head shaking. “So was he.”
Draco sucked in a breath, his wand shaking but he didn’t cast any spells. Sirius didn’t think he would unless someone showed up.
“Let me tell you a family secret, Draco,” Sirius said as he reached out to wrap his fingers around Draco’s wand, forcing it down. “The Black family always thought that they were untouchable because Walburga, my own mother, was fucking Voldemort on the side. But he didn’t care for her. He didn’t care for Regulus. He doesn’t care for Narcissa or Bellatrix or you. He doesn’t give a shit about the Blacks. He only cares about power and how to obtain it. So, Draco, if you think you’re safe from his wrath because of some odd affection he has for our family, you are sorely mistaken.”
Draco sniffed, his face pulling.
“Lucius won’t protect you either,” Sirius whispered. “He’s a fucking cunt who only cares about himself.”
Feel free to participate! No pressure though! I forgot to go back and participate half the time myself when I’m tagged. 😂😂😂 @bellmel @corneliaavenue-ao3 @curse-04 @gryffindorhealer
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queenofhearts7378 · 2 years
Constellations Ch. 5
Prev. Chapter - Next Chapter - First Chapter
Chapter Titles include: *Captain America PSA voice* So you've witnessed your first ghost attack, Baby's first battle, What literally everyone has been waiting for, Guess Who? Ghost Edition, and Sam Judo flips Draco. Buckle in this is a long one folks.
(Notes: Just a reminder that Danny spent a whole summer with the Malfoy’s before GoF. As such, I didn't think it felt right if all of Draco’s interactions in the book were exactly the same. So there were definitely some changes through the year, including him not being as big of a jerk.
Danny made him think about things.
….He was still a jerk though.)
A week after Danny left Malfoy Manor, Draco’s parents took him to the Quidditch World Cup. 
It was thrilling, as it always was. His father had made sure they had top box seats, as the Minister's personal guests even, with a sizable donation to St. Mungo's.
But all Draco could think of was that it would be a lot more fun if Danny had been with him.
He could have talked to Danny about the tactics and strategies they were using in the game. About the differences between school and professional games.
Danny probably would have laughed at the mascots brought out and told him another wild story from his hometown.
He hadn't even noticed Potter and his friends till the minister was showing him off like a prized owl. Draco rolled his eyes and ignored them.
Maybe it was better Danny hadn't come. He'd be insisting to meet Draco's "arch enemy". He found Draco’s hatred of the Gryffindors comical.
The match and the whole trip back to the luxury temporary house his parents had commissioned weeks before, were nothing but a whirlwind Draco didn't quite remember. It had been a relief to escape into the charmed house, where none of the partying outside could be heard.
The next thing Draco knew, his mother was pulling him out of bed.
"Get up Draco." She ordered. "Dress quickly and follow me."
His mother was waiting by the door by the time he made it down the stairs. It was only opened an inch, but Draco could hear the screams and spell fire coming from outside.
His mother looked at him, her hand on the door. "I'm going to get Lucius. Wait for us just inside the tree line."
Draco felt like a rock had suddenly dropped in his stomach. "Where's Father?"
"Don't worry about that," she said softly. She leaned forward to cup his face. "Wait for us, and stay out of the way."
And Draco did as she asked. He followed the crowd, till he made it to the forest. From there he wandered just in the tree line till he found a hidden clearing with a view to the camp grounds.
His back hit a tree and he grabbed his elbows, slowly sliding to the forest floor, for once not caring about the leaves and dirt that would get all over his expensive robes. All he could think about was "What if Danny had come with?"
He wasn't stupid, he knew what was happening as he saw flashes of red and green and a family of muggles spinning above pointed wands. He knew exactly who was out there. A dark head flopped forward and Draco felt his stomach twist into knots.
That could have been his brother.
There was a part of Draco that always….knew this was how muggles and squib were treated by some wixen. It was a mindset he had always known, this is how muggles were supposed to be treated. It was what he was raised on.
And Danny….Danny was such a muggle. He never hid his upbringing, always going on about the things he did and how different it was in the wizarding world. He gladly called himself a squib, a defiant look in his eyes as if he was taking the almost slur and reclaiming it as something to be proud of.
That could've been Danny. But he's safe.
He's safe.
For the first time in his life, Draco hated being a pureblood.
He's safe.
Draco sat there against the tree with the words thudding in ears as the sounds of the battle grew fainter and fainter. He was absolutely lost in his head till Weasley tripped over his big feet and landed in front of him.
And he couldn't stop himself from replying back, followed by Weasley swearing at him vulgarly.
Potter and Granger were right behind him. Granger had crossed her arms and frowned at him, while Potter seemed to gear up for a fight.
He's safe.
Normally, Draco would be all too willing to knock Potter’s ego down a couple of notches. But he was just….not feeling it that night.
(It had absolutely nothing to do with how-for a moment- Draco saw someone else standing in Potter’s place. And nothing to do with the fleeting thought that if Danny had been with him-)
He's safe.
He's safe.
He's safe.
"You should go, Potter." Draco muttered turning away from the stupid trio, "You wouldn't want to find out what they do to muggleborns."
They snipped at him some more before walking away, Weasley giving him one last unreadable look before they were out of sight.
(“Did either of you notice something….off about him?”
“Yeah. He didn’t insult us or try to fight Harry.”
“Well, yes but....he didn’t call me a Mudblood.”
“....Okay that is weird. Heh, who knows? Maybe he grew a conscious over the summer. That’d take a miracle though.”
“Who cares, it’s still Malfoy. He’s still a prat.”
“Oh yeah, definitely.”)
"He's safe." Draco reminded himself, as the last of the screaming faded from earshot.
Draco whipped around, wand already in his hand. Danny caught his wrist and shoved it down.
"Dude I thought you were trying to keep the wizard thing on the down low."
"What?!" Draco shrieked, "We're being attacked!"
"Yeah I know, we were just talking about this a second ago."
"I believe you called it an 'illogical paranoia'." Sam drawled.
"We just call that Monday!" Tucker added brightly.
"And any other day that ends in 'Y'." She said.
Tucker finger gunned and clicked his tongue in agreement. Draco looked at them in disbelief. And then he noticed everyone else.
During the Death Eater attack at the World Cup, everyone had been running and screaming. Either away from, or towards the chaos.
Draco could still hear smashing sounds, faint screams, and the occasional cackling coming from the other side of the block, but it was….muted, half-hearted.
Many of the others on the street seemed more annoyed than anything. Checking their phones and either turning in a different direction, or stopping on the side walks to complain about their way home being blocked off for the next hour and, "I've got laundry to do Kathy, my washing machine had better be fine or I'm gonna riot."
(There were maybe one or two others, seeming to experience about the same amount of scared/confused anxiety he was experiencing. They were either being laughed at or sent pitying glances and Draco suddenly remembered being called an outsider multiple times. He thinks he is finally starting to understand what they mean.
He does not like it.)
Sam dropped her backpack, pulled out a book, and settled on the curbside.
He gave a what-are-doing-and-why-are-we-not-running-away gesture that she luckily understood.
"If we freaked out about a ghost every time one attacked we'd never get anything done." Sam rolled her eyes, "People in the blast zone get out. We stay here, out of the way. Everyone else goes about their business and plans around the attack."
Draco turned to Danny to talk some sense into him, or forcibly drag him away from the concerning crashing sounds, and about had a heart attack when he couldn't see him anywhere.
Panicked, he turned back to Sam and asked, "Where's Danny?!"
She didn't even bother looking at him before deadpanning, "Bathroom."
He wasn't sure what kind of face he made at her, but she rolled her eyes at him and shut her book. "Relax Draco, this happens all the time."
He scowled at her, "I'm going to go find him."
"By the Ancients, you're as bad as Danny." She groaned into her book before leaping up and going after him. "Seriously Draco, you're not gonna find him. You're only going to get yourself hurt!"
She darted in front of him, spreading her arms out as if that would actually stop him. He tried to move her out of the way, she grabbed his wrist, and the next thing he knew he was on his back trying to get all the breath that had been knocked out of him back into his lungs. 
Sam leaned over him. "We need. To stay. Here. Where Danny and Tucker can find us when they get back. If I have to knock you out to keep you safe then I will. I promised Danny I'd look after you, despite how much I want to throw you to the wolves and leave you to fend for yourself."
"What is your problem?!" Draco spit out as he sat up.
"You." She said bluntly, "And everything you and your family stand for. You're everything I hate in a person. An elitist, classist, racist, bullying coward who'd rather run away or hide behind daddy's money than actually face his problems."
She squatted down to look him in the eye, "I have been surrounded by you old blood money types since before I was born. I know the type. I have walked those gilded paths, danced those marble halls, and been fed those silver spoons. I've been in your shoes before and I despised who I saw in the mirror."
Sam let out a breath, "But Danny vouches for you, and I trust Danny. He sees so much good in everyone, and I've seen people abuse that time and time again. Including rich assholes. Don't be the reason he gets hurt again or I'll do more than knock you out of breath."
She stood back up and held her hand out to help him up. He stared at her for a moment, before grimacing and accepting the hand. "I have no intention of hurting him."
"You'd be surprised at the amount of people that hurt him despite intentions." She muttered darkly. "You getting hurt would hurt Danny. Please stay away from ghost fights."
As soon as she said that, a black and white blur shot past them and crashed into a parked car. An audible groan echoed across the quickly clearing street.
You see, while Draco was distracted by Sam, Danny had dragged Tucker to the nearby alley and threw himself in the dumpster.
"There are so many ways I could make fun of you for this," Tucker said as a flash of light came from the cracks in the dumpster, "But I'm just too shocked at you showing even the slightest hint of caution regarding your secret identity."
Phantom phased his head out of the top, "What are you talking about? I'm always careful!"
"Me and Sam have a running bet on how long it takes before you blow your secret in front of Draco, Mister stands-on-top-of-the-nearest-available-surface-and-shouts-his-catchphrase."
Phantom crossed his arms as he floated out of the dumpster. "Okay there is no way I'm that bad."
Tucker gave him a flat look. "Just yesterday you threw yourself out of Vlad's office window, and transformed on the way down. Leapt off the picnic table at lunch, while shouting your catchphrase, in the middle of lunch. Oh also when we were just walking down the street and you jumped on a car, ran across it, and then threw yourself off with a fancy flip while transforming mid air."
Phantom floated there with a sheepish look.
"Yeah I'm honestly baffled you even have a secret identity still. You're as good at being discreet as you are dodging."
"I can dodge," Phantom muttered as he picked up Tucker and flew them through the building to get to the fight.
The universe decided to prove Tucker's point by sending several floppy disks directly into Phantom's face as soon as he appeared on the other side of the building.
They both yelped, Tucker throwing his arms and legs around Phantom before he could be dropped on the pavement several stories below.
"You suck!" Tucker hissed into Phantom's collarbone.
Phantom narrowed his eyes before abruptly turning intangible right above a car with a convenient mattress strapped to the top.
Tucker screamed at the sudden free fall, and then screamed obscenities at Phantom once he stopped bouncing.
Phantom cracked his knuckles, "All right now who's-oh great."
"I am TECHNUS! Maniacal master of the mechanical! Wizard of the interior circuitry, and RULER of the ELECTRICAL GRID!"
"Is that a new speech?" Tucker asked the ghost.
"It is! Thank you for noticing, Ghost Child's more technologically inclined friend!"
"It's an improvement! I liked the maniacal master part." Tucker gave Technus a thumbs up, before settling down on the car mattress to absolutely destroy him digitally. 
Technus had already made a three armed, three legged mech suit from what looked to be just desktop computers and their various accessories. Which was weird because he usually just ripped anything vaguely tech powered from the vicinity.
(Many college students with finals coming up were grabbing their weaponry to fight for their papers, or drowning their sorrows in the nearest, cheapest liquid. They all had backups upon backups stashed around Amity and Elmore of course, this wasn't the first time Technus attacked near finals. But it was the principal of the matter and they'd rather just beat a ghost for their laptop back, rather than go through the 20 step process of recovering their work.)
The monitors made up his main body, his digital face shining out of each individual one giving him a vaguely eldritch look with all the eyes and cackling mouths. The towers made up the bulk of the limbs, with those old Webcams making up the joints. The keyboards came together to form four pronged claws on the three arms and the whole thing was wrapped in the various cords and mouses to hold it together. It was 3 stories tall and crackling with electricity at the plug-in prongs.
"I see you've decided to go with the Electronics Section from Goodwill look!" Phantom quipped as he shot forward slamming his feet into one of the arm joints and knocking it to the ground. "So what's the evil plan for today, and can we hurry up? I have stuff to do."
"That stuff is meeting your demise!" Technus yelled as he caught Phantom and threw him into one of the buildings. "For I have a new secret weapon!" The cords reached out from the stump Phantom had just made and reattached the arm back in place.
Phantom shook his head free of rubble, before flying back up, fists glowing with ecto energy. "Oh I'm sure it's a blast!" He said, shooting ectoblasts at the various monitors.
He heard Tucker booing from the ground, "You need new jokes!"
Technus laughed wildly as he swiped at Phantom like a pesky bug, "Behold! I will control the social media platforms of the internet! I will be THE hippest thing since The Beatles!"
Phantom paused his attack to stare at him, "Dude how old are you?"
"IRRELEVANT!" Technus shouted as he slammed a hand down on Phantom, shoving him down into the road. "You cannot stop me, Ghost Child! Not once I use the power of MYSPACE!!"
Phantom grunted, legs and arms bracing against the cobbled together claw to keep the sparking plugs away from his face as they tried to zap him. "You have gotta be kidding me."
Tucker shook his head, "Dude you are so OUTDATED!" 
"WHAT?!?!" Technus screeched. Phantom used Tucker's distraction to go intangible into the ground, before popping back up next to a furiously typing Tucker.
"Not to sound ungrateful but could you hurry it up a little?" Phantom hissed.
"You could give me a hand. Oh wait, you stink at firewalls." Tucker shot back, eyes not leaving the screen. Phantom made a strangled sound and Tucker looked up to see him wrapped in various colored cords trying to choke him.
"Sor-ry," Phantom gasped, "L'il….tied up."
Technus yanked him back and twirled him like a lasso, before launching him through a house leaving Phantom shaped holes in the walls.
"Ouch." Tucker winced, "Don't think the pun deserved that."
Technus cackled his mad scientist cackle and took off in the direction he just yeeted Phantom.
Tucker slid off the car and started jogging after them. With his eyes on his PDA, he almost tripped over Sam and Draco when he made it to the other street.
Draco was staring open-mouthed at the Phantom shaped lump currently pulling himself out of a car.
"Dude, MY CAR!" A guy wailed from his apartment window.
Phantom floated upwards, rubbing the back of his head, an annoyed look on his face, "Bill it to the mayor."
Phantom dodged the floppy disks, and keyboard button projectiles Technus started shooting at him.
Tucker yelped and dived behind a mailbox to avoid the collateral. Sam pulled Draco to the ground behind one of the parked cars as Draco pulled out his wand and casted a quick protego. 
Sam didn't blink at the magic. Draco though, was definitely freaking out about whatever was happening.
"What are those things?!"
She gave him a look full of disbelief, "They're ghosts."
"Those are not ghosts!!!" Draco protested rather shrilly, giving a very good impression of Pamela Manson at the last PTA meeting.
Unfortunately, this impression also attracted the attention of Technus. "You must be new!"
The giant mech dropped down on the car Draco and Sam were hiding behind. Sam swore as glass scattered the ground, and tried tugging Draco away from the possessed tech. The mech leaned over the two teens, Draco’s wand shaking in his hands as he casted stupefy.
The magic bounced harmlessly off the tech and Technus let out a delighted laugh. "A little witchling! It's been ages since I've seen one of your kind! Wait-."
The mech leaned forward and Sam hissed, kicking the screens with her combat boots. She shoved Draco behind her and pulled up her fists in a fighting pose. “Back off you Matrix knockoff!”
All of Technus’s screens focused on Draco, sending a shiver down his spine as the red eyes shined through the glass. “Your new friend looks so familiar! Have they ever been on TV?”
“I don't even know what that is.” Draco said from behind Sam.
That apparently shocked the tech ghost enough that he physically reared back in surprise. This gave Phantom the opening needed to grab an arm and yank him further back, dragging the mech several meters across the street.
“Memory problems?” Phantom yanked him one more time, before launching himself towards the main screens, “Maybe you just need a reboot!”
Technus screeched as Phantom landed the hit, static warping his voice as several of the screens broke, sending more glass down onto the street. Draco cast another protego to keep the worst of it from them as Sam pulled him further down the street and away from the….creatures fighting. Sam grabbed her backpack as the two of them ran to where Tucker was huddled behind the blue mailbox, tapping furiously at his PDA.
Draco ripped his arm away from Sam’s grip, again, and kept his wand up as he watched the fight in disbelief. He yelled in shock as lightning struck the ground near to where they were.
There was a giant crash, more staticky screeching, and then a black and white blur shot towards them. A freezing arm wrapped around his and Sam’s waist, and Draco shrieked in terror as they were suddenly flying fast as a broomstick into the air. He didn’t have time to attack the creature before the two of them were dropped on a nearby rooftop.
Draco sat on the roof, eyes wide as he got a good look at the human looking creature claiming to be a ghost. 
He could feel the waves of cold pulsing from the slightly glowing figure, the only thing Draco could recognize as ghostly. A black and white suit made of unrecognizable material, snow white hair floated in a nonexistent breeze. Their eyes were as vibrant green as the killing curse and Draco’s mouth went dry.
This was not a ghost. It couldn't be.
“You’ll be safe here.” They said, legs no longer below the waist and just a silver wisp of a tail, whipping back and forth in agitation.
Then they were gone, leaving Draco sitting on a roof with shaky legs and a head full of questions.
Phantom shot towards Technus once again, eyes and fists glowing a furious ice blue, “Ever had your Windows freeze on you?” He froze the ground around the legs, the ice trapping Technus in that one spot.
Technus tried tugging the leg out, but the ice held. “Foolish child! This cannot stop me! Nothing will prevent me from taking over the MySpace!”
Tucker came running up to Phantom, something small clutched in his hands, “Danny! Catch!”
He chucked the small black rectangle towards the hero. Phantom swooped down and grabbed it. He held up the USB and grinned. “You’re the best Tuck. Go help Sam keep an eye on Drake.”
Tucker gave a two finger salute and took off towards the fire escape.
Technus pulsed with electricity, weakening the ice enough to break free, before charging at Phantom and swatting him into the road. Phantom grunted in pain, but shot at the joint of the claw with an ectoblast and wrenched it off. He twisted around the cords that shot out towards him before landing on the biggest screen, his fingers clutching onto the edge.
“You have any tissues?” Danny asked with a wide grin.
“What?" Technus sounded flabbergasted at the non sequitur, "Why would I need tissues?”
“Don’t you know?” Phantom held up the USB, “There’s a virus going around!”
And then he jammed it between Technus’s digital eyes.
The thing about Technus, is that when he possesses tech, it becomes ridiculously malleable. It’s why he’s able to surround himself with giant robot suits built entirely out of the useless junk from your garage. It also means that any new tech can just automatically absorb into the amalgamation, no need to search for usable ports.
Technus screeched that staticky screech once again, the noise suddenly turning to the dread inducing dial up noise as all the screen went blue one by one. As soon as the last screen went blue, all of the tech shut down. The mech suit collapsed into its original parts and Technus was forced out, spinning head over heels in the air.
Technus held his head, clearly dizzy, and sneezed three times in a row. Phantom uncapped the thermos and pointed it at him, “I recommend a few weeks of bed rest.” And then he sucked Technus in as the ghost sneezed his objections.
Phantom let out a sigh as he capped it, wincing at property damage left from this fight. “Vlad is going to take this out on me for sure.”
He caught sight of Sam, Tucker, and Draco on the fire escape of the building and panicked for a moment before diving into the adjacent dark alley and straight into the dumpster once again.
He was getting really good at recognizing familiar dumpsters.
Danny winced as the bruises started making themselves known, twinging with the movement of Danny throwing the lid open to crawl out. Looking up, he saw Draco’s perturbed face.
The two of them stared at each other for a moment.
“So!” Danny said, putting on his best Captain America PSA voice, “You witnessed your first ghost attack.”
“You’re in a dumpster.” Draco said in disgust.
Something squished underneath Danny’s shoes as he shifted his weight and he winced, “Uh, yeah.”
He gripped the lip of the dumpster and pulled himself up. His ribs immediately protested and he winced. This made his hand slip onto an unknown slippery substance, causing him to lose his grip and he flipped over and landed flat on the pavement.
“Ohhhh, that’s gonna bruise,” Danny wheezed to himself.
Tucker laughed at him. Sam rolled her eyes. Draco looked like he wanted to help Danny up, but he was not gonna touch Danny after being in the dumpster.
Draco pulled out his wand and casted the single cleaning spell he knew to rid Danny of any dumpster juices he acquired.
"Thanks Drake," Danny said as he stood up, "But aren't you gonna get in trouble for using so much magic around non-magicals?"
Draco narrowed his eyes, "I'm sure it could be excused after…..whatever that was. You said it was safe here." He accused him quietly.
Sam and Tucker suddenly looked like they'd rather be anywhere else but there.
Danny winced at them before dragging Draco deeper into the alley, Sam and Tucker taking up spots on the corners to play lookout and stay out of the twin's talk.
"It is safe here." Danny said.
"That was not safe!!!" Draco hissed, waving his arms much like Wes did when you got him going on a good rant. "That!? We were being attacked by those-those….those creatures!!"
"Ghosts." Danny snapped, "I've been telling you for over a year! And only one of them attacked us! Phantom was trying to stop him!"
"Ghosts don't look like that!" Draco stressed, "They're pale echoes leftover from life! They're grey and can't touch anything and they can't-they can't do things like grab me!"
Draco wasn't going to admit that that was what had scared him more than anything. Ghosts had always been non-threatening to him, save for whatever gossip they could overhear and their ability to spy through solid walls. But ultimately, they couldn't touch him, so they couldn't hurt him.
(Peeves did not count. He was an incorrigible prankster that manipulated his surroundings, rather than interacting directly with humans. A nuisance, much like getting some gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe.)
Danny huffed out a breath, "Drake, did it ever occur to you that there were different types of ghosts?"
Draco sneered at him, "I know that, probably better than whatever muggle nonsense has been shoved in your head."
Danny had to turn around and count to ten because he was pretty sure he would've flashed his eyes at Draco. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Ghosts are a wizard thing Danny." Draco said, less antagonistic.
"They're really not." Danny rolled his eyes and looked back at his brother. "Look, just because we don't have magic, doesn't mean we don't still see it."
"But wizards-"
"Can't erase everything magical. There's too many humans, too many animals, too much history to just….blank it out."
Danny blew out a breath. "Amity is….weird. It's always been weird, it's one of the reasons Mom and Dad settled here. From what they could find out, it's like ley line central and surrounded by crossroads and full of ambient ectoplasm, which makes it the perfect weak point for ghosts to cross between realms. And ever since they made that portal…."
Danny remembers growing up in Amity pre-Accident. Shadows were always darker than other places. Whispers in places no one was. The town library had an entire wing dedicated to rituals and summonings, and the constant urban legends that sprung up at the slightest hint of the paranormal.
(Sydney Pointdexter's haunted locker legend had been going for over 70 years. Danny didn't hear about it only because whenever he or Jazz heard the word 'haunted' they immediately tuned the person out. It was a side effect of years of being subjected to their parent's lectures on ghosts. He loves them but there's only so much he can take in at a time.)
Amity Park had always had its roots in the dark, creepy, and dead. The 'Nice Place to Live' sign had always been an inside joke to the town, which supported the highest number of abandoned warehouses, cults, and ghost sightings in America.
Opening the portal and solidifying the bridge between the two realms just allowed Amity Park to fully showcase just how weird they can get.
And get the tourist money for being weird.
"Look can you just-" Danny ran his hands through his hair. "Can you just trust that we know what we're doing? We've been dealing with the ghosts for over a year now. Wizards aren't here dealing with this, we are. Just cause we don't have magic doesn't mean we're helpless."
Draco stared at him, and Danny could see how tense he was. And Danny wondered yet again just what had happened while they were separated that was making Draco this scared.
Draco clenched his jaw as his eyes flitted around the alley. "You'll explain things to me. Properly." He demanded, rather than asked like a normal person would.
Danny looked at him, "If you do the same, yeah."
Draco nodded. "Yes. Fine."
"Alright, good."
The two of them stared at each other awkwardly for a moment. Danny finally let out a sigh, turning to walk out of the alley. "Okay, let's head home."
Tag list: @ladylynse @burningprincesssuit @raisa3ibex @random-shit-writing @home-of-renn @who-needs-braincells @connisk @thecatchat
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plotandburn · 1 year
Harry gets adopted by
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ok so, before anything starts let's get to the rules:
No reader-inserts, self-inserts or unhappy endings are allowed.
spanking, watersports, extremely underage ships or parent/child incest are only allowed if portrayed on a negative light.
Peter Petigrew and Dolores Umbridge must be bashed
Dumbledore must be gay and atracted to Grindewalt and Grindewalt alone.
poor grammar is not allowed (you don't need a beta but at least use grammarly some form of grammar corrector)
You are not allowed to bash Severus Snape, Sirius Black,Draco Malfoy or Remus Lupin.
8.Ok so...this will be divided into two sections: Gloria and Barbie. In the Gloria section you can adjust the timeline to fit Hp canon but the Barbie section must be written in the timeline of the movie only
9.since in the movie Barbie said that she does not love Ken you are must NEVER pair him with her!
10. Oh and you must get rid of Gloria's creepy underdevolped husband at some point,regardless of the prompt you pick (i don't care if you kill him,make him cheat, turn him into a pedo or...whatever just GET RID OF HIM).
11. Hagrid can only be paired with Madame Maxine and no one else
12. Mad Eye Moody and Amelia Bones can't be paired with anyone
13. Minerva Mcgonagal can only be paired with Poppy Pomfrey or anyone on the staff that she never taugh herself.
14. Crabbe and Goyle can only be paired with Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Milicent Bulstrode, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, each other or an Oc.
With that said, let's go:
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Ok so....in this version i'd imagine that, Gloria never donated Sasha's barbie's as...well...once Harry got to Hogwarts , he decided to use the barbies to help his mom visualize what happened on his school year, using the ken's and barbies that more resemble the people he meets at hogwarts. My suggestions:
Doctor Ken : Severus Snape (who is very pleased by that once he finds out)
Beauty and The Beast Ken: Lucius Malfoy
Wedding day Ken: Draco Malfoy
My first Ken (The black version): Blaise Zabini
Sky Fun Midge: Ginny Weasley
Cameraman Ken: Colin Creevy
Movie Star Ken: Cedric Digorry
Stereotipical Barbie: Fleur Delacour
Beach day Ken: Bill Weasley (for no other reason that he is Fleur's mate and beach day Ken was literally made for stereotypical Barbie)
Rock Star Ken: Sirius Black
Scottish Barbie: Hermione Granger
two identical Ken's of your choosing(one of them having been bought because Sasha tought she lost the first one): The Weasley Twins
and.......well....ypu figure out the rest.
Anyway,because the Barbie's and Ken's are used as representations of other people, they sudenly start acquiring personality traits of those people and randomly quoting them. Some aren't all that bothered by it but some, like the Ken's chosen to represent Severus and Voldemort are really pissed by it, so they decide to go to the real world with stereotipical barbie to find out what's going on (you can chosse how many will acompany her).
At some point, Harry goes to Barbieland with Gloria,Sasha, Sirius and either Severus,Remus or the weasley's.
I imagine a Harry raised by Gloria would probably either be a griff or a puff 'cause while he would admire his cool, no nonsense older sister, he would be a major mamma's boy.
Recomended ships for Gloria: Barbie, Dora Tonks, Charlie, Bill,Sirius or Remus
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Ok so.....in this instance Harry would only come into Barbie's life once she choses to become a real human. I imagine this Harry would be a metrosexual with a foundness for pink but he would be more responsible than canonically since his mom adopts him not long after the end of the movie so she is still grasping what it truly means to be a human. I imagine he goes with his mom to Barbieland every now and then and views all the other dolls as extended family. This Harry would probably be a puff or a raven.
Recomended ships for Barbie: Gloria,Severus,Sirius,Nymphadora, Fleur or Remus.
Regardless of the prompt you pick, do try to ultilize the dolls that had few or no lines in the movie.Figure out their personlities and have fun.
oh,and if you want to write a more serious fict go ahead,sure this premise is perfect for crack but it does not have to be crack if you don't want it to.
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thindreamblog · 1 year
Draco admits his feelings
Walking into the Slytherin common room I see my best friend Pansy Parkinson. I had just finished potions class and wanted to go over some notes with her to study for our upcoming O.W.L.S. “Hey Love” I smile and give my best friend a warm hug. “Hey honey” she smiles and hugs back. “Shall we start?” I ask her. After about an hour of looking over and practicing some potions, we decide to kick back and relax by the fire. It’s a bit late, so it’s just us in the common room. My favorite thing in the world...Or at least one of my favorite things. I turn to Pansy. “So, how are things going with Blaise?” I ask her, wondering how things are holding up with her boyfriend who is also a part of our friend group. For reference, our friend group consists of me, Emi Grindelwald, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, who is Pansy’s lover, and Draco Malfoy. A.K.A the man that has had my heart since our first year. He just doesn’t seem to know it.... Pansy smiles “yea, we are doing good. He’s taking me on some surprise date for our anniversary” “Oooo you must tell me the details after” I giggle. She chuckles. “For sure...Soo anything new with Draco?” “How you always ask me this still baffles me. you know I don’t have the balls to tell him how I really feel. I don’t want to ruin our friendship” I say looking down. “He likes you Emi, everyone can see it except you” Pansy says. “You don’t know that Pans” I sigh. “well maybe nows your chance to find out” she says looking up to see Draco walking in the room. “See you in our dorm” she giggles and walks away “wait. don’t” I start but it is too late. She already walked down the stairs out of sight. “Hey Em, What are you doing out here so late” Draco asks sitting next to me. “I was studying with Pansy, but she left, now im just enjoying the peace and quiet” I say trying not to act nervous. “Yea, it is really nice when no one is here” he says in a soft sweet voice. Oh how I love him. “So Uhm- I-I have been meaning to tell you something” Draco said stuttering. Weird, I have never heard him stuttering before. He was always so confident. “sure, what’s up? are you okay?” I ask, concerned. “yea- I'm just gonna go out and say it” he takes a deep breath “I love you... as more than a friend. I think I have since our first year, It just took me a bit to realize. I was too scared to tell you because I was scared to ruin our friendship, but I just can’t hold it in any longer. I Draco Lucius Malfoy am in love with you Emi Aphrodite Grindelwald” He bursts out. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Draco, the boy I had been madly in love with since I first laid my eyes on him has just admitted his feelings towards me. I didn’t know what to say. I just sat there with wide eyes. “Please say something, anything” Draco says in a worried tone. I pull myself out of whatever shock I am currently in. “I’m sorry, I'm just in shock... Draco I feel the same way. I always have, since the day we meet.” I say still in complete shock from what he just admitted to me. My stomach in knots. This boy had full control over me at this point. Draco lets out a sigh of relief. “So, will you be mine?” he asks, still sounding a bit nervous. I smile. “Yes. yes of course” I say, more excited than I expected. He smiled a big smile. probably the biggest I have ever seen him smile. He then pulls me in and kisses my lips. Oh how I have longed for this. His lips feel even better than Imagined. so soft and gentle yet very masculine for his age. I felt if I could never get enough of it. suddenly we hear a few snickers and a “it's about damn time” coming from the corner. we turn around to see none other than Blaise and Pansy looking at us with huge stupid grins on their faces. “were you guys spying on us?” I ask letting out a laugh. “Well duh. we had to make sure you and Draco finally admitted your feelings for each other. it was getting exhausting watching you too secretly love each other” Blaise said as if it was obvious. “Yay, now we can go on double dates” Pansy said excitedly
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loving-lucissa · 3 years
Lucius and Narcissa telling their children about their wedding❤️
A/N: so I had good intentions to write this as requested, but it kind of got away from me. So please feel free to hate me if this wasn’t what you hoped it would be 🙈
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Lucius stood in the doorway of his son’s room, watching in amusement as Draco struggled with his bow tie. The poor boy had tried and failed numerous times at tying it so Lucius finally felt bad enough to step in and help.
“Here, let me,” he said, walking further into the room as Draco threw his hands down in defeat.
“Stupid thing won’t work,” Draco muttered under his breath as his father approached and turned him around to face him instead of the mirror.
“It takes some practice to get used to,” Lucius said, getting right to work until a wave of nostalgia washed over him. “You know, the last time I tied a tie in this room was the day of my wedding.”
“Oh yeah? How did that go?” Draco asked, still pretty annoyed that he couldn’t tie the stupid bow, himself.
“You getting nervous yet?” Rodolphus asked, appearing in the mirror behind Lucius, fully dressed in his finest formal robes.
Lucius fixed his tie for what felt like the millionth time before turning around and facing his best friend and soon to be brother-in-law, “I don’t get nervous.”
“Fantastic, because they've actually sent me in to tell you there’s been a slight hiccup. No one can seem to find Narcissa…apparently, she told Bella last night that she was having second thoughts.”
“What?!” Lucius breathed out, his eyes going wide and the anxiety he had been feeling all day had suddenly become very visible. He tried to make a dash past Rodolphus, “I have to find her. I have to–”
Rodolphus was quick to grab his arm and wretch him back into the room. “I’m just messing with you, Malfoy, but it’s good to know that you don’t get nervous,” he remarked with a laugh.
Lucius only glared in response before walking towards the window on the far side of the room. He subtly wiped the sweat from his palms on his pristine dress robes as he looked over the back gardens. There were still a few elves scurrying around, arranging things before guests started filing in. He pulled out his pocket watch to check the time, only an hour until he was a married man.
“Did you feel…different…after marrying Bellatrix?” Lucius asked softly, turning his head towards Rodolphus.
“Not really. I mean the only thing different was that Bella and I didn’t need to sneak around anymore,” Rodolphus answered with a smirk. He watched as Lucius gave a somber nod and turned back towards the window. With a small sigh, Rodolphus walked over to the blonde and slapped a hand on his shoulder, “Look, there’s still time. As your friend, I can do you one last favor and sneak you out of here and you could be gone before any of this starts. You’ll probably have to change your name, but–”
“I don’t want to leave,” Lucius sneered, moving his shoulder out from under his friend’s grasp.
“Then what’s the problem?” Rodolphus asked, standing his ground.
“I’m afraid!” Lucius let out in a frustrated yell as he turned around to face Rodolphus.
Rodolphus was shocked, to say the least. Lucius wasn’t the type to admit any sort of weakness, let alone admit fear. Thinking fast on his feet, he had two options, get to the bottom of this and try to help or tell him to man up and get over his stupid feelings.
Trying to shake the confused look from his face, he looked back at Lucius who was now looking at the ground but still visibly shaken, “What are you afraid of?”
Lucius glanced up and let out a sigh when he saw the sincere look on Rodolphus’ face, “After today, things are permanent…it won’t just be me anymore, it’ll always be me and Narcissa.”
“Are you afraid she won't be enough for you?”
Lucius shook his head, “No, I’m afraid I won’t be enough for her. I’m afraid that I might mess up at some point and she’ll get hurt because of it…I just want the best for her and I’m not completely sure that I’m what’s best.”
Rodolphus had just opened his mouth to respond when the sound of a soft knock at the door interrupted him. He quickly held up a finger at Lucius and moved to the door, opening a crack to see who the person was. There, on the other side of the door, was the bride herself, all ready in her beautiful white gown.
“Cissy?” Rodolphus gasped, causing Lucius to scramble to the side of the door, standing flat against the wall so he couldn’t see her, but still hear what she had to say, “What can I help you with?”
“Can I speak to Lucius, please?” She asked sweetly, waiting for the door to open more.
Rodolphus glanced over Lucius who was furiously shaking his head, “Uhh, I don’t think he wants to see you right now…you know, the whole bad luck thing.”
“Oh, that’s okay. We can just talk through the door, if you don’t mind leaving us, Rod.”
Rodolphus gave a slight nod and carefully stepped out of the room, making sure to keep Narcissa concealed as he exited, leaving it open just a crack for the couple to talk. Lucius moved to the door, making sure he kept his back to it as he heard Rodolphus whisper to Narcissa that she looked beautiful and a quiet “thank you” from Narcissa.
“Lucius?” He heard Narcissa say as Rodolphus' footsteps could barely be heard in the distance.
“Yes,” he answered almost shakily, his fears from earlier only enhancing due to his bride’s close proximity.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her manicured hand appear in the doorway holding a small black box, “I wanted to give this to you.”
He reached down and took the box from her, opening it to reveal two white gold cufflinks, both shaped like his house crest, the “M” in the centers were encrusted with tiny diamonds. They were beautiful!
“Do you like them?” He heard her whisper. She must have heard him open the box.
“I love them!” He said, eager to take off the plain ones he has been wearing to wear them. Once he successfully had them swapped, he reached his hand out the doorway, searching for hers to hold. “Thank you!”
“I just wanted to show you how grateful I am to be joining your family…” she began, her voice then got quieter and more unsure, “I promise I’ll be a good wife, Lucius.”
He squeezed her hand a little tighter, feeling some of his fears begin to melt away, “You don’t have to make any promises, Narcissa, because I already know you’ll be the perfect wife. You are so much more than I could have ever dreamed of and I promise you that I will wake up every day and try to be the best man I can be for you - from this day until my last. I love you…forever.”
“Forever,” she repeated as he brought her hand up and left a lingering kiss on the back of it.
“Dad?” Draco said, bringing Lucius back out of his thoughts.
“Oh…I’d say it went pretty well. I mean, you’re here, so it must have worked out.” Lucius teased with a small smirk, pulling the bow snug against his son’s neck.
Draco turned around and admired himself in the mirror. “Good thing it did work out. If you would have married someone else, I don’t think I would look this good,” he teased back, giving his own little smirk to his father in the mirror
Lucius couldn’t help but laugh and nod his head in agreement.
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metvmorqhoses · 2 years
I love your take on Delphini so I was wondering, how do you imagine her backstory?
It's very difficult to answer this question because I absolutely hate to contradict canon, but at the same time The Cursed Child is probably the most idiotic source material we could possibly get, so you understand my dilemma.
The only beautiful thing about that entire screenplay is without any doubt Delphi and her characterization. Still, her backstory just doesn't make any sense to me.
Allow me to leave aside all that drivel about Cedric Diggory, because I honestly cannot even consider it as worth discussing. It's just mediocre writing and bad fanfiction material all combined in one big mess. I was already not a big fan of the majority of the characterisations and reasonings behind the original saga, but the narrative expedient behind the screenplay is just painful to read. I will leave it at that.
That said, considering the rest of Delphi's origin story as canon, from the script we learn that 1) she was born before the Battle of Hogwarts at Malfoy Manor, 2) was entrusted to Euphemia Rowle (Rowle's wife or relative) by some unspecified person, 3) treated really badly all her childhood by the said Euphemia, who only kept her because abundantly remunerated (again, by whom?) 4) and only later in life instructed about her parentage and future by an escaped or released Rodolphus Lestrange, who very conveniently and just out of Azkaban knows for no apparent reason about a prophecy about her, only to just... disappear again?
All this of course I have no choice but to take as true (it's unlikely Delphi was lying about her childhood in that context), but from the start it all sounded to me as not very thought out and definitely not the way I would have written the backstory of such a character.
First of all, I cannot understand for the life of me why the converging point of a movement of thousands of religiously fanatic people, a 40 years-long political cause and at least two if not three of the most prominent, ancient and wealthy magical families of Britain, ended up mistreated, abused all her life and living alone and off expedients instead of being a very rich and eventually influential and secretly revered member of the dormant Wizarding elite.
I understand Voldemort is dead and Harry the fabled saviour, I understand the general morale of the defeated pureblood aristocracy must have dropped and the fear of being persecuted skyrocketed (let's just look at Draco's problems, even if I don't think he's a good example to the general DE situation, since he's basically the reason Harry is alive and his ultimate dream is being one of the golden trio), but we are talking about hundreds of people, with centuries of tradition behind themselves and a fanatic adoration for their defeated god. Am I to believe no one hoped for the Dark Lord's return? Am I to believe no one hoped for some sort of miracle, a chance of vengeance? I mean, logically speaking the situation should have been more or less the same as it was after Voldemort's first demise - a movement of embers, not of cinders.
You could kill Voldemort, but not an ideology that was literally born with Wizardkind. Voldemort did not invent the blood-purity obsession, but merely conveniently married and championed it to further his plans.
And don't get me wrong, I totally understand the need to keep Delphi as hidden as possible while growing up, even from sympathisers. I do agree very few must have known about her existence, but it's all the same absolutely implausible for Rodolphus to be the only one.
Delphi was born at Malfoy Manor, am I do believe that Narcissa didn't know about her own sister's pregnancy, happening under her own roof? So even Lucius at least must have known, possibly even Draco. I'm also positive they were the ones paying Rowle to keep the child hidden (since Rod was imprisoned), probably even choosing Rowle themselves, since I cannot believe that old woman to be a backup plan Vold or Bella designed for their child's future.
But if this is true, then why was Delphi alone and oblivious all her life? Why didn't Narcissa, if not Lucius and Draco, secretly visit her and assured at least her well-being? Why keep the secret about her so well, and perhaps even pay for her stay (for Bella's sake, since I'm positive the Malfoys at this point hated Vold), and then disregard her entirely in all the ways that truly mattered? Why not tell her she was Bella and Rod's child and allow her to have some sort of family at least in her mind and proper education? Was Delphi so remarkable even as a child that anyone upon looking at her would have immediately seen her father in her? Is that why she couldn't attend Hogwarts? Let's humour the terrible choice here, but Scorpius was rumoured to be Voldemort's son all his life and no one went for his head. He was allowed to go to school. All he got was a little bullying.
(Also why a rumour about a child of Voldemort's was even circulating in the first place? How is it possible that so many people believed in it while literally everyone perceived Vold as some sort of ethereal idea of evil? Was the rumour circulating because Delphi's existence wasn't that secret after all among the Wizarding elite?)
And even allowing as paramount for Delphi to spend her childhood hidden, still her isolation, abuse and neglect don't add up. They were unnecessary and could have been easily prevented. What I'm trying to say is, this characterisation is pretty bad and confusing, but it also feels very deliberate if we take it seriously.
The implication is honestly chilling. It would mean not only Narcissa was directly responsible for both the deaths of Delphi's parents, but that also her hatred for Voldemort and her sister (the same sister that worried about her and protected her family till the end) run so deep as to purposely condemn her niece (an innocent child) to a life of abuse and abandonment without a second thought. I doubt the Malfoys didn't know Rowle's character; and if they didn't know, Narcissa literally took her sister's child, abandoned her in all ways but economically in the hands of a stranger, and never spared her another thought. It cannot help but feel like hatred and retribution.
Also, why did Euphemia Rowle despise Delphi so? Rowle was a loyal Death Eater, so she must have shared his same ideology. If not, if she for some reason hated Voldemort (for the ideology or maybe because Rowle - her husband? Son? Brother? - died for nothing), she wasn't aware Delphi was the Dark Lord's daughter, so why torment a child for it? Out of mere pettiness and frustration? Because she was just despicable? No, probably because Delphi too had to be literarily destined to a childhood of abuse, just like Voldemort and Harry had been, to make once again Harry appear the saint, the hero so noble to the point of not being "morally" affected by pain and horror. And this really enrages me, in the very same way I'm always outraged at the thought of how Voldemort's childhood was treated in the original novels.
Also, why didn't Delphi inherit the immense wealth that was hers by birthright? Surely we cannot believe the entire fortune of Blacks and Lestranges was officially confiscated? It wasn't during the first war, when Bella, Rod and Rabastan had literally tortured to insanity two aurors? It wasn't when Sirius was sent to prison? Where did everything go? To Harry and Narcissa? So Narcissa stole even Delphi's inheritance, on top of everything else?
This directly leads to the most important of all these points: am I to believe that Voldemort and Bellatrix, I repeat Voldemort and Bellatrix, political leader/mastermind and general in times of war, didn't have an emergency plan in place for the well-being and future of their child in case something went wrong? Am I to believe that plan was a hateful old woman and a life of abandonment and neglect? Am I to believe Bella and Rod didn't think of a way to be sure their wealth would have gone to Delphi, officially or not?
And talking about Rodolphus, how could he know the new prophecy? And why didn't he help Delphi fulfil it? Where was he? Did he deliver this bomb only to drop dead at her feet? Also, why was the cause not secretly restored around Delphi? Why was she left so alone, even politically?
All this makes very little sense to me. Since I have to accept all of this as canon, I can only go this far with logic. Still, it's beyond unsatisfying, isn't it?
In a more plausible world, Delphi would have grown up with some Black or Lestrange distant relative, maybe in France or somewhere else in Europe, a spoiled child with the sensation of a great future ahead and a huge secret looming somewhere behind her, but that no one wanted to confess, until her stubbornness would have brought her to eventually find everything out by her own and made her venture to fulfil the destiny she knew was she was born to embody.
But sadly, we have The Cursed Child instead.
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snucius · 2 years
(Please excuse my poor English!)
Okay, hear me out! Everyone always saying Draco is dragged into darkside, it was because of his family, he just want to please his father, he was just obeying Lucius and things like that, right? And of course I don't refuse any of them, he was a poor victim of war just like Harry and all the other kids. He was just a boy 🥺.
But how did Lucius get involved in this mess? You know there is little official information about Malfoy Family so what i'm going to say will be just assumptions and they are not going to change anything, but i like to think of Lucius this way.
I don't think Lucius got the Dark Mark just because he wanted it. Let me tell you about what's keeps bugging me for a while now.
Firstly, I would like to start by stating the obvious: Lucius and Voldemort have a huge age difference (we'll come to this in a min). Lucius was working in the Ministry after Hogwarts but probably he became a Death Eater way before Voldemort could even laid a hand on Ministry. Even though he can be considered as one of his early followers (as far as we can tell from Sisters of Black House fan movie) Lucius was scared of Voldemort to the death. And being around him clearly and noticeably affected his health both mentally and physically. (I know Azkaban did the magic trick but his fear always looked beyond normal to me)
(Again, I'm not saying these are proving anything or they are the truth, facts, canon, whatever)
On the other hand, Abraxas Malfoy was presumably born before 1936 (actually he must have been born much before if we consider Lucius was born in 1953-1954. He might even have studied at Hogwarts around the same time with Tom Riddle. I'm not saying the same year but they may have lived in the castle without knowing each other, due to class differences) so naturally there is no significant age difference between them, they even might be peers. And soon afterwards Voldemort's return from his disappearance in 1967, "Abraxas Malfoy was widely believed to have been part of the shady plot that forced Nobby Leach, the first Muggle-Born Minister Of Magic, to leave his post prematurely, in 1968" (Quoted this from Fandom Wiki) Coincidence? Might be, but I don't think so.
I'm going to give an example based on Sisters of House Black, again. It's up to you evaluating these or not.
During the scene transitions Lucius says "You could join us" to Narcissa (15:12). And in the same scene, just a few seconds before his line, a news reporter from radio saying the date is 1972. Meaning, he already was a Death Eater at the age of 18 (approx).
In the next scene, Bellatrix is trying to convince her parents to open their house, the Black Manor, for Voldemort's Death Eater meetings. Andromeda disagrees (for obvious reasons), Narcissa sides with Bellatrix by saying "So many influential people are following him now, including the Malfoys" (See that, not just Lucius but Malfoys, plural).
And after Narcissa said that, Lucius is joining the conversation with "It truly is a shame that too many Ministry officials come by our Manor" (What I understand from here is that someone already considered hosting Death Eater meetings at Malfoy Manor but didn't think it's qualified because of Ministry visits. Now, this someone could've been Lucius but I don't think an eighteen-year-old Lucius would have a say over the Manor, especially about something this important)
Before I come to my point, I would like to clarify that I'm not trying to acquit Lucius' actions.
He was a bad guy, he did bad things, probably killed and tortured some Muggles/Muggle-Borns, he was a Pureblood supremacist, he was supercilious and Death Eater or not, he wouldn't have been a nicer person anyway. (Arrogance suits him ngl)
But do you think he might be just his father's Draco? Dragged into darkside, because of his family, always wanted to please his father and just obeyed Abraxas? Become a Death Eater because his father was one? Sounds familiar, isn't it?
He might have embraced things way more willingly and gladly than his son ever could because he has been taught about the pureblood supremacy since the day he was born and unlike Draco, he believed in them wholeheartedly.
And he might have enjoyed (or thought he was enjoying) at first, thinking that Voldemort is sharing the same interests with him (more precisely with his father) and The Dark Lord looking like a invincible symbol of victory (while he was just a unstable mutt) but still I think he was quite young and vulnerable to manipulations when Voldemort began to rise.
I can't think of him as a boy around the age of 17-18 saying "yo let me get that tattoo and join this higly illegal cult" without someone else's influence. I know there was no proof that Abraxas was a Death Eater but still.
What I'm trying to say is, in my opinion Lucius was a product of his father too, just like Draco.
Pureblood families are sad, really 😪.
What do you think?
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sofoulandfairaday · 2 years
How do you think Delphi felt about Narcissa?
I think she could possibly be the only person she could hate more than Harry
Dear Anon, I fear I cannot really answer this question with lots of stone-cold canon facts, simply because Delphi's characterization is so lacking. It makes so little sense it gives me a headache just thinking about it.
First of all, people have to understand that Delphi is a minor character in a play. This in itself means that she would have little psychological complexity, even if the play were the best written ever (which it is certainly not). The play would have had to be entirely about her to do her justice, especially since she is a new character in a world of extremely complex ones, and has to be built from the ground up.
With this being said, if we were to take at face value what is written on the page, and how she is characterized there, yes, Narcissa probably would qualify as the person she hated the most. I've read CC a long time ago, but I seem to recall that Delphi only seems obsessed with her father, only naming her mother once. We don't know how she would have felt about her (and some explicitly characterize Delphi with a big Oedipus complex in fanfiction, or in open competition with her mother as the Dark Lord's "favourite", which I cannot really judge as unrealistic because, again, we don't know anything about her) so I will not presume that she would punish Narcissa for betraying Bellatrix.
What seems absurd to me is that during the play we are never informed of Lucius and Narcissa's death in extremely suspicious circumstances. We know she was powerful, we know she can be sneaky, Lucius and Cissy aren't in their prime... I don't know why she wouldn't exact revenge on them for betraying her father and causing his death. We know that she was born at Malfoy Manor "shortly before the Battle of Hogwarts", whatever that means, and Euphemia Rowle only took her in because she was offered gold. Whose gold?! Rodolphus'? There is no way minister Shacklebolt didn't seize the assets of the Lestrange family after the second fall of the Dark Lord seeing as, this time around, He had made enemies of the goblins as well. So it had to be the Malfoys'. Draco was also home for the Easter holidays in 1998 and I have no idea how they hid his baby cousin from him but whatever. But Lucius and Narcissa must have known.
This raises some very chilling questions. Narcissa might have hated Bellatrix at this point, Lucius and Draco felt even less love for her, and all three loathed the Dark Lord - but would they go as far as to abandon an innocent child? Maybe. It shocks me, seeing how protective they are of each other, but maybe that's just for immediate family. Just imagine how Lucius and Narcissa's trial at the end of the war would have gone if they had been found harbouring the Dark Lord's child. Also, all three of them were present at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts and I doubt they just allowed them to leave. The one that did disapparate away was Rodolphus (since most Death Eaters fled) and at this point, it seems reasonable he kidnapped the baby and brought her to Rowle for her own protection. Alright, fine. But did Narcissa really never visit her? Assure herself that the girl was happy and healthy? No, she just threw money at her and kept her out of her mind. That is cause for resentment enough for me, and I wish that it had been highlighted more in the actual play.
You see, the thing that I hated most about Delphi wasn't that she was evil. It was that she was evil for no reason at all. It says on her wiki that she inherited traits from her parents and that she was "cruel, sadistic, violent, manipulative, dominant, obsessive and cunning (it can also be said that she was talented and intelligent.) However, she had also inherited both her parents' explosive temper, blowing up whenever things didn't go her way." - First of all, already the fact that her only positive traits are in parentheses irritates me because it truly shows the black and white approach this play had to all its characters, coming from an author who had previously written that "the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters, we all have both light and dark inside of ourselves, what matters is the part we choose to act on". This play basically tells us: "Delphi is evil because her parents were Voldemort and Bellatrix, who were evil". Now. I call bullshit on this. Science is still divided on this, but most of the time we inherit traits from our parents because of nurture, not nature. Evil isn't always born, it's made. And even when it is born, we always have the capacity to choose something different.
Delphi never knew her parents. How is it possible that she was so much like them? Was it because she grew up allegedly abuse and, in any case, loveless? Fine, but say it. Why does Harry mock her in the end? Why, when confronted with a young woman crying and desperate because she just wanted to meet her father and be with him, does he tell her off cruelly and basically say "you'll rot in Azkaban"? Where is the understanding, the compassion? Even before knowing that she's killed someone Harry's reaction to Voldemort having a daughter is "no, no, no". But why??? Voldemort's not around to teach her. And by the way, even though researching your parents and your origin is natural, she has nothing of Voldemort. She never met him. She doesn't know him. Who told her tales of his greatness? Euphemia? Rodolphus? It surely wasn't fucking Narcissa.
And by the way, what was Narcissa even thinking? If Rodolphus knew about the prophecy, why didn't she? (And don't even get me started on that joke of a prophecy itself). And if she did, why didn't she inform anyone? She certainly didn't want the return of the Dark Lord. Why didn't she raise her sister's child, teaching her love and morals, while telling her that yes, she did betray her parents, but only because they were bad people and murderers? FUCKING LIE, CISSY, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. Tell her that stupid lie that everyone believes, that Voldemort couldn't love and so he wouldn't love her. That Bellatrix never showed interest in her. When Rodolphus shows up, she's more likely to think he's mad. Or better yet, do the right thing and tell her the truth. And apologise. Pretend you're sad you orphaned this child, but that you did it for a greater cause.
But the thing is, the Malfoys didn't have a good cause. They never stopped believing in blood supremacy and they disliked Astoria because she taught Scorpius that Muggle-borns and purebloods weren't different. They didn't betray Voldemort because he was a psychopath, they did it to save their own skin. Which of course wouldn't bode well with Delphi.
Maybe the play should have emphasized that by allowing another child to grow up loveless and estranged, lonely and scorned by everyone, just as Tom Riddle had, they created another monster.
((Also, just an additional note but since the only thing that changed in the alternate timeline was Cedric killing Neville, who then couldn't kill Nagini in the Battle of Hogwarts, it stands to reason that they still betrayed Voldemort. So why is fucking Draco Head of Magical Law Enforcement? Voldemort would have killed him in front of Lucius and Narcissa to make them pay. Whatever.))
They treat her with contempt, all of them, and it's not just because she's a murderer. Harry and the gang hate her for being Voldemort's child, which is incredibly out of character for all of them. She kills an irrelevant character to give them enough justification to throw her into Azkaban, which makes no sense. Why didn't she stun him? "Well, because she thought she was going to permanently change the timeline anyway". That's no excuse! Another thing this play gets horribly wrong (not just with Delphi, but also Albus and Scorpius) is that, just because the deaths the characters cause get undone, doesn't mean they're not real. Those were real people. And killing a person in real life is not that easy. If that was Delphi's first murder (since there's no suggestion that it wasn't), it could have not been that easy. And Delphi was not a psychopath, so it doesn't make sense as to why she would do it so nonchalantly. She shows empathy during the play. She loves her father (maybe? or maybe is just obsessed by what he represents and by the life she could have lived? do you know? I DON'T BECAUSE SHE'S SO BADLY WRITTEN).
Anyways, I just realized that I wrote a horribly long post ranting about stuff you didn't even ask me about, so I'll just end it here. What I'll say is that we better take Delphi as a cookie-cut cartoon villain, whose parents are who they are because it adds to the shock value. Because if we start poking at the inconsistencies in her character and that of those surrounding her the extremely fragile logic on which The Cursed Child stands on starts crumbling. If we were to analyse her more deeply, we'd find that this is a poor girl whose only fault was being born in the wrong family and that her aunt Narcissa is the one who ruined her life, carelessly abandoning her and leaving her to a lonely childhood, possibly prey of wronged death eater's delusions of grandeur and "what-could-have-been-if"s. All because she couldn't love a child she made an orphan.
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ghostdrew22 · 4 years
More || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No Pairing: post-war Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: Pregnancy, miscarriage, some swearing, a bit of angst and so much flufffff
WORDS : 2786
Song - More by Halsey
“A couple years of waiting rooms“
“They told me it's useless, there's no hope in store But somehow I just want you more“
“I sit and I stare at your clothes in the drawer I cry and my knuckles get sore 'Cause I still believe it won't be like before“
“And nothing could stop me from giving a try I've loved you for all of my life“
“I’m sorry to tell you this but, you’ve lost the baby.” Dean Thomas- Head Healer in the pediatric and maternal division of St Mungo’s- says to Y/N and Draco Malfoy as they both sit in silence in his office.
“Do you know why this keeps happening?” You ask- barely able to blurt the words out without sobbing.
“I’m afraid not- Y/N, you just might not be able to have children.”
Draco tenses and draws in a breath- “That’s outrageous, isn’t there something you can do?”
You notice his frustration and place your hand on his thigh to calm him down- even though a sea of rage and grief is currently flowing through you as well. You’d always thought that you’d be a mother by now- your own having easily given birth to three children by age 32- and yet here you are, eight tries and four miscarriages later.
“We’ve tried everything…” Healer Thomas sighs and offers you both a solemn look. “It’s beyond our control.”
“So now what?” You rasp- tears tugging at your throat with every word.
“Honestly? Just keep trying.”
“You said that to us a year and a half ago.” Draco grits out.
“That was when I thought I could help- it seems that I overestimated my own abilities.”
“That’s unprofessional.”
“I know, I apologise.” Healer Thomas sits up in his chair, “Cases like this are so rare- I didn’t think it was this serious.”
“That was your fault then.”
“It was, I know… Look, adoption is always an option if Y/N can’t-“
“There’s nothing wrong with my wife, so don’t phrase that sentence like there is.”

“I’m not, I’m jus-“
“You don’t think she’s having a hard enough time without your two cents?”
“Draco, it’s oka-“ You start- wanting to calm him down but he’s already fuming and there’s nothing you can say that will help.
“No Y/N, it isn’t- he can’t condemn you for something that you can’t help, especially when it’s his job to find a way to make this easier for you.” Draco gets out of his chair and pulls you out of yours as well before turning to Healer Thomas once more. “You’re a right knob, you know that?”
You send Healer Thomas an apologetic eye as your husband turns on his heels and walks you both out of the office. Once you’re back in the busy hospital hallway you turn to face him with a huff- ready to have a go at him for being so rude- but before you know it he’s pulled you into his chest and you’re sighing into his arms.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Draco…” You whisper into his chest and start to pull away slowly, “But-“
“Don’t ask me to apologise, I won’t do it.” He says adamantly as he crosses his arms like an angry toddler. “He was being an arsehole and he let us down- after months and hundreds of galleons.”
“So you’re angry about the money?” You raise your eyebrows at your husband who rolls his eyes and lowers his arms so that he can grasp your hands in his own.
“You know that I don’t give a shit about the money- I only care about you and you’ve been crying yourself to sleep over this crap for months, I’m sick and tired of having to watch you blame and hate yourself for something that isn’t your fault. I understand what he was saying but he should’ve picked his words better, there’s nothing wrong with you and I don’t want you to continuously feel like there is.”
“But then why-“
“I don’t know why Y/N. I’d do anything to find an answer for you- I’d do anything for us to start our family right now and you know that. But we clearly have a mountain ahead of us and I need you to believe in yourself if we’re going to climb it, yeah?”
“…” You look up at your husband in silence for a second- observing the look of hope consuming his features- “Yeah.”
“Good. Now we’re going to go home-“
“We have dinner at Harry’s-“
“We’re going to go home.” He repeats- indicating that it isn’t up for discussion and you nod slowly in agreement. “I’ll run you a bath and while you enjoy it, I’ll cook your favourite. Then after dinner we cuddle on the couch and eat ice cream.”
“And Harry’s?”
“I’ll owl him and let him know that we can’t make it this week cause we’re sick.”
You sigh and nod. Draco grabs your hand in his and pulls out his wand to apparate you back home. He fulfills his promises and cancels dinner with the Potter’s- deciding that it would be too difficult to sit through dinner while mini Harry and Ginny’s crawl around the floor. You snuggle into the couch instead to watch Disney movies in silence- trying not to think about how empty your house on the cul-de-sac is without the sound of tiny feet scraping against the floor.
“Well?” You raise your eyes to your husband as he eyes the muggle pregnancy test in his hands.
He sighs and shakes his head- turning behind him to drop the contraption into the bin and wash his hands.
“I’m broken.” You mumble and drop your head into your hands as you sit on the closed toilet- cursing yourself for thinking that it would be different this time.
“You’re not broken Y/N.” Draco chuckles and makes his way onto his knees so that he can look up at you. “It’s hard getting pregnant.”
“Not for everyone else.” You say exasperatedly and bring your head up to look him in the eyes as he kneels below you. “Ginny and Hermione and Luna are popping out children like it’s a bloody competition.”
“You’re not any of them.” He cups your face in his hands, “And the Weasley’s have genes like rabbits- don’t compare yourself to them.”
“I’d like to have genes like that.” You mumble and pout at him which makes him roll his eyes.
“You want to have genes like that? Then what- you produce the next era of the Weasley clan?”
You giggle and shake your head at him.
“Exactly love.” He plops a kiss on your forehead and releases your face to stand up.
“You know what sucks?” He hums in response as an indication for you to continue, “I keep thinking that it’ll be different next time. We order new clothes, we make plans for the nursery, we start to plan our lives around this baby that we’re so sure that we’re going to have and then every time it doesn’t work out. And every time, I love this baby that we don’t have, even more.”
“I know, it’s like the yearning just makes your heart bigger to hold more love for them.”
“Yes, exactly!” You exclaim with a sigh, “What are we going to do?”
“I was thinking…” Draco starts nervously- fiddling with his fingers- “Maybe we should expand our horizons beyond St Mungo’s.”
You look up as he towers above you and raise your eyebrows at him in questioning, “Expand them to what?”
“Muggles- gynecologists.”
You draw in a breath and observe the look on his face- taking note of how serious and thoughtful he appears to be. “I don’t kn-“
“Look, I’ve already found a few that are willing to meet with us.” He puts his hand out for you to grab, “Let’s just have a sit down with them, hear what they have to say and decide whether or not it’s worth a try afterwards. Yeah?” He asks you with his eyebrows raised.
You process his words and nod slowly- agreeing with reluctance- as you clasps his hand in your own and hoist yourself up off the toilet. “We can hear them out.”
“Thank you love.” He whispers and brings you into him for a kiss.
“We’ve met with some muggle doctors that say they can help us.” Draco replies to parents as he takes your hand and smiles nervously- worried about how his parents will take the news.
“But we’re probably not going to do it.” You whisper in addition quickly and look down at your plate of food- much to Draco’s dismay as he sends you a disappointed look.
“Why not?” Narcissa furrows her eyebrows in confusion, “Don’t you want children?”
“Yes…” You mumble and look up to glance at your in-laws, “But I don’t know if muggle medicine is the best option.”
“No one said it was the best option,” Narcissa starts as she offers you a smile, “But it’s an option.”
“Which is better than nothing, Y/N.” Lucius finishes for his wife and gives you a soft look of encouragement.
“That’s what I’ve been saying.” Draco responds quietly- squeezing your hand in an effort to comfort your nerves.
“But what’s the likelihood of muggle doctors fixing the problem when our own best and brightest, can’t?” You choke out- tears starting to claw their way up your throat.
Lucius begins with a sigh, “A muggles perspective might grant some clarity.”
“Look, how about you give it a try, and if it doesn’t work then you keep looking?” Narcissa beams and you feel a wave of relief wash over you at the overwhelming support of your husband and his parents.
If this had been your own parents they would’ve ridiculed you for being unable to naturally produce a child and completely shunned the idea of using medical assistance- let alone muggle medicine- to get pregnant.
“Okay.” You sigh and smile- your hand squeezing Draco’s back and dragging a smile from him. “We’ll try it.”
“Well?” You asks Draco as you sit on the closed toilet. It’s been three months since that night at the Malfoy Manor when you agreed to use muggle medicine- the very next morning you went back to meet doctor Kiran who got you started on a treatment plan immediately- and this is the first test you’ve taken since.
“I’d like to point out that these are a bit dehumanising- is there no better way than to piss on a stick?” Draco mumbles as he pulls the test out of the container he’d dropped it into after you’d taken it.
“Hmm?” He looks back at you.
“Oh! Yeah.” He chuckles nervously and brings up the test so that he can read the results. “Y/N…” He starts solemnly and you look down at the ground and sigh immediately in disappointment.
“This is bullshit.”

“It really is.” Draco breathes out as a smile creeps out onto his face, “I don’t think seven months is nearly enough time to come up with the perfect dad joke.”
“What?” You look up at him suddenly- hope glistening in your eyes- and see that he’s got the brightest smile on his face.
“You’re two months along Y/N.”
“Don’t fuck with me.” You respond with a smile- unable to contain the excitement you’re feeling.
“On my life- both tests are positive.” He says as he hands them both to you so that you can see the ‘+’ and ‘2’ written in bright red on the sticks. “We’re going to have a baby.” He breathes out.
“We’re going to have a baby!” You exclaim as you jump off the seat and into your husband’s arms.
“I’m delighted to introduce you to your daughter.” Dean Thomas exclaims in excitement as he brings the new addition to the Malfoy family in to the room after she’s been cleaned up. “You did really well Y/N, a true champ.” He pats your shoulders as the nurses hand you your daughter.
“That’s my wife.” Draco watches you endearingly as you hold your newborn.
“I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be more help before.”
“Don’t worry about it- we figured it out.” Draco says with a smile on his face.
“I’m really happy for you both- you deserve this.” Dean utters as he pats Draco on the back.
“Thank you… for everything.” Dean nods at Draco.
“I’ll leave you to it then.” Dean says as he makes his way out of the hospital room so that you can be alone.
“Come look at her, Dray.” You rasp out- your voice still raw from all the yelling you were doing only hours before during the delivery- and Draco swiftly makes his way to your side so that he can pick up his daughter.
“Ew, we’re crying.” You say in mock disgust as you note that tears are falling from both you and your husband’s faces.
“This is disgustingly cheesy.” Draco chuckles as he lifts one hand from underneath the baby to wipe the tears off of your face.
Weeks of long nights spent in muggle hospital rooms and copious amounts of medication finally paid off- you have your beautiful daughter, to hold and to love, right in front of you. It almost feels too good to be true.
“Can we please meet our grandchild now?” Narcissa asks excitedly as her and Lucius walk in beaming. Draco nods at them with a laugh and brings his daughter toward his parents for them to hold her.
“Here’s your granddaughter.”
“She’s perfect.” Lucius chokes out as he stares down at the bundle of blankets in his arms- feeling a wave of happiness wash over him that is similar to the one he felt at his own son’s birth. “She has Y/N’s eyes.”
“And Draco’s face.” Narcissa whispers with adoration- love washing over her features completely. “Congratulations my love.” She utters as she moves away from the baby and goes to catch her son in a hug- who still has a few tears running down his face.
“Thank you mother.” He whispers into her shoulder.
“And Y/N.” Narcissa walks toward you with a smile so bright it could blind the heavens, “I’m so happy for you darling.”
“Thank you Narcissa- for everything.” You breathe out with a smile as you melt into the warmth and affection of Narcissa’s arms. “We wouldn’t have been able to go through with it if it wasn’t for your support.”
“What is family for?” Lucius perks up from his spot next to Draco with a chuckle- handing the baby back to his son so that he can also hug you. “You did good.”
“I tried.” You chuckle back into his embrace.
“You succeeded, exceptionally.”
“Will there be any more?” Narcissa asks with a smile as she cooes at her granddaughter that she’s holding in her arms- already imaging all of the ways in which she can spoil the child rotten and clasp her love as the favourite grandparent.
You and Draco catch each other’s eyes and smile- already knowing the answer.
“You’ll never catch me alive!” A small voice says before a body jumps onto the bed and lands above the blankets beside you- startling you awake suddenly.
You shuffle about in the bed- feeling that something above the covers is weighing them down and making it difficult for you to shift them around- and finally peer your head out of the blankets in defeat.
“Oh look, it’s my little chocolate frog.” You exclaim once the fog of sleep wears off and you can see your daughter peering down at you with a bright smile.
“Hi mum.” She giggles out as she moves to climb beneath the covers with you.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m running away from dad.”
“I thought we agreed that we’re letting mum sleep, peanut?” Draco cuts you off as he stands in the doorway and questions his daughter with furrowed eyebrows- his toddler son trailing on all fours behind him.
“That deal was cancelled.”
“You know what you did.” She mumbles menacingly as she glares softly at her father.
“What did you do, Draco?” You asks from the bed with a laugh.
“I tried to give her a bath.” He deadpans in amusement and you laugh back.
“I’m beyond cleanliness!” Your daughter exclaims in response, “Besides, I thought mum could use some cuddles.”
“I do love cuddles, Dray.” You replies very seriously- even though there’s a huge smile plastered on your lips.
“Well, might as well give her what she wants.” Draco chuckles as he reaches down to carry your 14 month old son off the ground and walks toward the bed to join his two favourite girls. “Happy mother’s day, Y/N.”
Draco settles into the bed- putting his son in first so that both children are sandwiched inbetween you two- and leans over the kids to place a kiss on your lips. Your little display of affection earns a disgusted groan from your daughter and you both pull away with amused expressions.
“Mommy!” Your son exclaims in excitement as he climbs over his sister and lands on your lap.
“Hi bubba.” You giggle and place a kiss on his forehead. He smiles cheekily and tries to recite the words he’d been rehearsing with Draco only minutes before.
“Happy mommy day.”
“Thank you, bubba.”
“I hope you love us because we’re the reason it’s your day.” Your daughter adds in a matter-of-fact tone that has both you and Draco laughing.
“Oh angel,” You finally breathe out with a smile, “I’ve loved you for all of my life.”
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queenofhearts7378 · 2 years
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I posted 6,765 times in 2022
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Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 678 of my posts in 2022
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#danny phantom - 31 posts
#ask thy queen - 18 posts
#queen will write - 15 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i have 9 pillows and 3 blankets and 2 baskets of laundry and my laptop and purse and a stack of book and i still have room to sprawl asleep
My Top Posts in 2022:
Constellations Ch. 5
Prev. Chapter - Next Chapter - First Chapter
Chapter Titles include: *Captain America PSA voice* So you've witnessed your first ghost attack, Baby's first battle, What literally everyone has been waiting for, Guess Who? Ghost Edition, and Sam Judo flips Draco. Buckle in this is a long one folks.
(Notes: Just a reminder that Danny spent a whole summer with the Malfoy’s before GoF. As such, I didn't think it felt right if all of Draco’s interactions in the book were exactly the same. So there were definitely some changes through the year, including him not being as big of a jerk.
Danny made him think about things.
….He was still a jerk though.)
A week after Danny left Malfoy Manor, Draco’s parents took him to the Quidditch World Cup. 
It was thrilling, as it always was. His father had made sure they had top box seats, as the Minister's personal guests even, with a sizable donation to St. Mungo's.
But all Draco could think of was that it would be a lot more fun if Danny had been with him.
He could have talked to Danny about the tactics and strategies they were using in the game. About the differences between school and professional games.
Danny probably would have laughed at the mascots brought out and told him another wild story from his hometown.
He hadn't even noticed Potter and his friends till the minister was showing him off like a prized owl. Draco rolled his eyes and ignored them.
Maybe it was better Danny hadn't come. He'd be insisting to meet Draco's "arch enemy". He found Draco’s hatred of the Gryffindors comical.
The match and the whole trip back to the luxury temporary house his parents had commissioned weeks before, were nothing but a whirlwind Draco didn't quite remember. It had been a relief to escape into the charmed house, where none of the partying outside could be heard.
The next thing Draco knew, his mother was pulling him out of bed.
"Get up Draco." She ordered. "Dress quickly and follow me."
His mother was waiting by the door by the time he made it down the stairs. It was only opened an inch, but Draco could hear the screams and spell fire coming from outside.
His mother looked at him, her hand on the door. "I'm going to get Lucius. Wait for us just inside the tree line."
Draco felt like a rock had suddenly dropped in his stomach. "Where's Father?"
"Don't worry about that," she said softly. She leaned forward to cup his face. "Wait for us, and stay out of the way."
And Draco did as she asked. He followed the crowd, till he made it to the forest. From there he wandered just in the tree line till he found a hidden clearing with a view to the camp grounds.
His back hit a tree and he grabbed his elbows, slowly sliding to the forest floor, for once not caring about the leaves and dirt that would get all over his expensive robes. All he could think about was "What if Danny had come with?"
He wasn't stupid, he knew what was happening as he saw flashes of red and green and a family of muggles spinning above pointed wands. He knew exactly who was out there. A dark head flopped forward and Draco felt his stomach twist into knots.
That could have been his brother.
There was a part of Draco that always….knew this was how muggles and squib were treated by some wixen. It was a mindset he had always known, this is how muggles were supposed to be treated. It was what he was raised on.
And Danny….Danny was such a muggle. He never hid his upbringing, always going on about the things he did and how different it was in the wizarding world. He gladly called himself a squib, a defiant look in his eyes as if he was taking the almost slur and reclaiming it as something to be proud of.
That could've been Danny. But he's safe.
He's safe.
For the first time in his life, Draco hated being a pureblood.
See the full post
50 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Look what I'm working ;)
"Sam, what are you planning?" Danny leaned over her shoulder to see what she was writing. "Oh….I don't see how any of that will help."
"What are you planning to force on me?" Draco asked.
Sam smirked at him and started counting on her fingers, "The Craft, Blair Witch Project, Hocus Pocus-"
"One of those is not like the other Sam." Tucker said.
"Hush. Hansel and Gretel-"
"Maybe not that one!" Danny hissed.
Tucker snorted, "Isn't that the one with the guy that plays Hawkeye? Also the one that-"
"Yes," Danny interrupted, shoving his hand in Tucker's face, "What about Lord of the Rings? Mary Poppins, Nanny McPhee, Narnia?"
"Sleepy Hollow, Elvira, The Crucible." Sam continued.
Danny paused, "Maybe The Crucible, if only because it's on the study guide. He's staying for the entire summer, I'd rather not traumatize him. Please. I am begging you."
She looked at him flatly, "Then beg."
53 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Broke: Isabela Madrigal is lesbian and that's why she doesn't want to marry
Woke: Isabela Madrigal is asexual and she's not interested in marriage at all
Bespoke: Isabela Madrigal is an asexual lesbian in the way that she thinks girls are pretty but keeps getting distracted by carnivorous plants, throwing cacti around, and dyeing her hair and dress different colors
128 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
People always make like....Dan or some eldircth being or Vlad the opposition when writing King Danny but yall are sleeping on a great potential villain:
132 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Constellations Ch. 4
[Alternatively titled: Draco's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
And, I just want to say, I love you guys :^) ]
Prev. Chapter - Next Chapter - First Chapter
Homeroom/English Literature
Wes came back with a scowl and refused to look in Danny or Draco's direction. Danny considered that a win for today. Mr. Lancer considered phoning Walter Weston about taking Wes out of school for the day.
"Semester tests are in two weeks," Mr. Lancer said, "The tests will take place on the last few days of school, and are optional for students that meet the proper requirements. For those of you who didn't quite make the grade, or didn't make it to class, " He shot a pointed look to Danny, "You will have to take them. I'll pass out the study guide, and we will spend this week going over it and reviewing the test material. For those of you opting out of the test, consider this a free period so long as you remain quiet and unobtrusive to those studying."
He started passing out the thick sheets of paper. Dash groaned when he got his, "Mr. Lancer this is, like, 50 pages long!"
"Front and back." Valerie muttered, flicking through the pages.
"It's only twelve pages, but if you don't think it's enough-"
He was immediately met with protests from around the room, insisting 'No, it's fine! We don't need anymore!'. He smirked.
Handing a packet to Danny's recent tag-a-long, he said, "Even though you won't be taking any tests, perhaps you could help Mr. Fenton study his. It would at least give you something to do in class."
Draco took the plain sheets of paper with furrowed brows and Mr. Lancer continued down the aisle. Quickly scanning over the paper, he leaned over and asked, "Danny what is 'Shakespeare'?"
Danny stared at him. He turned to Sam, "You are helping me study."
Mr. Lancer finished passing out the papers, and proceeded up front to go over them. Half the class was playing on their phones underneath their desks. (Or in Paulina's case, just holding it up in front of her face.)
The other half was at least attempting to take notes. Wes muttered furiously under his breath and Valerie was viciously scribbling down everything she could. Tucker jotted down schematic notes between questions as he thought about different improvements he could make to his tech and the Fenton's. Sam was reading something covered in black leather and dust underneath the table. Danny started out taking notes but then got distracted trying to explain….pretty much everything on the study guide to Draco.
Tucker leaned over, "Do you guys not have English Lit where you're from?"
Draco gave him a scathing look. "We have practical classes, on subjects we use in our daily lives. Why on Earth would you need to know-" he squinted at the paper, "'Who seems less impulsive and more realistic- Romeo or Juliet?' What use is that?"
Sam made a hm noise and pulled out a paper.
"Sam, what are you planning?" Danny leaned over her shoulder to see what she was writing. "Oh….I don't see how any of that will help."
"What are you planning to force on me?" Draco asked.
Sam smirked at him and started counting on her fingers, "The Craft, Blair Witch Project, Hocus Pocus-"
"One of those is not like the other Sam." Tucker said.
"Hush. Hansel and Gretel-"
"Maybe not that one!" Danny hissed.
Tucker snorted, "Isn't that the one with the guy that plays Hawkeye? Also the one that-"
"Yes," Danny interrupted, shoving his hand in Tucker's face, "What about Lord of the Rings? Mary Poppins, Nanny McPhee, Narnia?"
"Sleepy Hollow, Elvira, The Crucible." Sam continued.
Danny paused, "Maybe The Crucible, if only because it's on the study guide. He's staying for the entire summer, I'd rather not traumatize him. Please. I am begging you."
See the full post
139 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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