#sam vs jesus
transwomansambeckett · 8 months
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wizzycore · 9 months
well, i finally read the novus qna.
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empydoc · 7 months
i wish i didn't have to articulate my thoughts everytime i have them because wdym i can't just make a post saying 'i think a majority of the boys have long/mid-length hair' and leave it at that
gotta make it real complicated. jesus.
anyway. long hair redacted boys hcs
vincent runs his hand through his hair a lot more than he realises- usually as a nervous habit than anything. whenever lovely does it, he visibly relaxes.
darlin sometimes holds sam's face in their hands and his hair frames his face so nicely that they wish they could look at him like that forever.
huxley's hair getting in his face vs damien always telling him to tie it back (he ends up doing it himself- something huxley doesn't complain about)
blake pulling at his hair when he's especially stressed + those grey hairs that peek out at him when he looks at his reflection.
freelancer playing idly with gavin's hair when they're in bed, especially after doing something together. he's recently started to lean his head towards them sometimes as a silent ask for them to play it.
avior insisting that his hair is fine until starlight starts helping him manage it and keep it little less all over the place. he now sits in front of them sometimes and asks if they can make sure his hair looks okay.
asher constantly begging babe about using their new expensive shampoo (they're a 50/50 in saying either yes or no).
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sunshine-theseus · 9 months
Put Your Head On My Shoulder | Jessie Fleming x Reader
Words: 4k Summary: you and jessie go through many ups and downs but things work out in the end Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of depression and taking medication for it, covid didn’t happen, pretending the game vs real madrid was at Stamford bridge not in Spain
Jessie Fleming and I met at the 2015 world cup, both freshly 17 and competing in our first big tournament. Despite the fact we didn’t play each other, I found myself stumbling into her on the sidelines of Canada’s game against The Netherlands. Words were exchanged but we didn’t see each other again until the next year.
We knew we were both on athletic scholarships for the Bruins at UCLA and promised to try and meet outside of training to keep in contact without sport. It was surprising however, when my box was knocked out of my hands as I crashed into the young Canadian, both of us trying to enter the same room. She was clearly struggling to see over her own stuff, stumbling over words as her cheeks flush a very familiar red, trying to apologise.
“J, if you say sorry one more time I’m asking for a new roommate. Which I had no idea we were until now.” I crouch to pick up my books and writing equipment that was in my box as Jessie tries to manoeuvre to her decided side of the room.
I give up and rush to help her when she stumbles over her own foot and nearly goes flying.
“Jessie! You’re going to break something before the season even starts Jesus Christ be careful!” my hands gripped her waist tightly to stop her from tilting forward, then I grab the top box so she can actually see. The same red blush covers her cheeks.
“Sorry, my mum just insisted I try to take all my stuff in as little trips as possible, which is proving to be difficult. I’m sorry about your books.” With her stuff firmly on the ground she finally looks as me.
“They put the Australian and the Canadian in the same room knowing we just basically kicked you out of the Olympics?”
“You did not!” the joke was rare coming from her. She was funny and kind but still rather serious and shy, preferring studying statistics and players over team bonding or spending time with people after a game.
I understood that, I felt that, and that’s how we worked. Us against the world. We trusted our team and confided in them, but we’d really only want each other in times of need. Obviously there were people like Sam or Christine, who were like our big sisters for our respective national teams, but Jessie and I were just drawn to each other.
After UCLA came Chelsea. Both of us were about to start our last year of uni when her offer came through, far before mine.
By this point we’d been inseparable for four years, so I worried we’d be split; her making the move to England and me stuck in our dorm. Except it’d be much emptier and lonely, or filled with some stranger’s things.
And it was just like that. Time zones caused issues with keeping in contact. Eventually that became other things. Study, because she still had to finish her course. Team bonding, practice. What would be a call once a day became once a week until it filtered out, and her texts would be answered in seconds while mine sat in wait for whenever she decided she was free.
My offer came in the January transfer window. Emma had been in contact with me for a couple months, clearly trying to convince me, and 6 months ago I wouldn’t have even thought about it. But when I stare at the ‘merry Christmas’ and ‘I got the offer’ messages left unread and think about seeing the girl I thought would never leave me, I take the time offered.
And a week later I find myself sliding into Sam’s spare room groaning into the pillow as she fusses over the Australian snacks I did manage to get through customs.
“What’s got you in a mood chickadee?” I feel the bed dip beside me and her hand rubs my back.
“J.” the older Australian lets out a hum before taking a moment to reply.
“She talks about you all the time. About how much she misses you and everything you got up to at uni. All of which I already know because I hear it every camp.” I can feel the joking eye roll despite not seeing it.
“She talks about me but doesn’t talk to me. That means nothing. And I know she’s busy but so was I. Just because I was captaining a university team instead a stupid professional team doesn’t mean I wasn’t busy or doing something important! And I still kept in contact!” by now I’ve rolled over onto my back and started fiddling with Sam’s tattooed fingers, trying to distract myself from the pit of loneliness and despair that’s been slowly eating my stomach.
I dare not mention to anyone the decline in my mental health or the required psychology sessions Emma was going to provide for me once every few weeks. Everyone knew I was sad and that’s all they needed to know. But once upon a time, Jessie would have known everything, holding my hand tightly the whole way.
“You should sleep, big first day tomorrow. I’ll make you breakfast. Alarm-”
“8:30, I know. Every day, same time. Thank you Sam, really.” She smiles and pats my head before leaving.
To say my first day didn’t go well would be somewhat of an understatement. At exactly 8:30 my alarm went off. At 8:32, the pill bottle rattling at the bottom of my bag was fished out and 1 was being washed down by water. At 8:43, Sam was banging on my door calling for breakfast and I was rushing to make sure the pill bottle was hidden after changing. No one needs to know I’m taking anti-depressants, including Sam.
When we pulled into Cobham, I started to feel sick, and I told Sam just that.
“I’ll catch a train home.”
“It’s just nerves, you’ll be fine.”
“You stay until at least lunch time, then we’ll see.” A pointed finger is shoved into my face, but I begin to stroll alongside her anyway.
I do almost book it for the nearest train station as soon as I enter the locker room. Sitting in the cubby next to mine, tying her shoelaces, is Jessie Fleming. During the chaos of the move and my first day, I manage to forget the way our numbers are right beside each other.
“You’ll be okay. You don’t even have to talk to her.” Sam whispers as she makes her way to her own cubby, greeting people on her way through.
So I try. Placing my bag in the nook and beginning to change into my training kit without the Canadian even looking up. It’s when I place down the same styled Tiempo Legend 8s I’ve been wearing since they released, that I can see her head turn from the corner of my eye. I don’t acknowledge it, continuing to slide the boots onto my feet and tie them up. But that doesn’t stop her.
“Oh my god! Hey!” there’s a lightness in her voice that I used to be so familiar with and it makes my heart clench.
I take a moment before deciding replying would be too rude for my liking.
“Hi.” Short and simple, and quite blunt.
“I didn’t know you signed, or that you even got the offe-” forget being nice.
“You would’ve known if you bothered to keep in contact with me.” With that I slide out of my seat beside her and make my way to Sam.
It gets worse when Emma splits us into pairs for dribbling drills, and she slides me toward Jessie.
“Of course.” I sigh but accept my fate as a ball rolls our way.
“What’s wrong?” a phrase that, coming from her mouth, used to have me spilling every small emotion I was feeling.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Come on Beans, tell me.” The nickname had been created in our first year of university. She learnt I loved green beans and I’m rather tall, so the name fit. But she didn’t feel like the same person who I let make the funny name.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
“What? Because I moved?”
“No! You left for Chelsea and I was happy for you, we had a plan to stay in contact until I followed along to somewhere in England. But you stopped trying. You stopped answering. You left me alone when I needed you the most. I would’ve done anything for you to have the career you deserved but you got it, without me. I just thought I’d still have my best friend when it happened.”
To say that training was tense from then on wasn’t a stretch. Emma never paired us up and any time one of us entered the locker room, everyone else would wait in silence for a burst similar to the one on the pitch. It never came.
It was after my first session with the psychologist that things began to change.
Because the psych was only here for me, Emma was kind to lend her office to us for the 50 minutes while she did other work around the grounds. I assume the girls were grateful to escape the tension for the moment.
“Same time, 2 weeks from now! It’s good you’re making progress!” The rather lovely lady shouts just as I’m closing the door, waving and smiling in thanks.
But as I turn around, I nearly bump into a small figure. A rather familiar one at that. Jessie begins to fall backwards but I grip her waist, holding her in place. It’s a familiar scenario, the feeling of my hands on her waist and her burning red cheeks are something I struggled to ever forget.
“T-thanks” her cheeks burn that same red.
“No worries.” I mumble in reply as I remove my hands, taking a step back.
“Who were you talking to? That didn’t sound like Emma. And what are you making progress on?” the questions don’t come rapidly but I still struggle to process them. Jessie’s smart, she can put two and two together, so I should tell her. But what if she laughs? There was a time where the thought wouldn’t have even crossed my mind, she’s not that type of girl. But things change.
“I- I-” Jessie places a gentle hand on my arm and nods, confirming it’s okay to take my time, but please continue. I sigh.
“She’s a psychologist.”
“A sport psychologist?”
“Well yes and no. I… I’ve been diagnosed with depression, and Emma wants me to have someone professional to talk to.” Her grip tightens but I know it’s in concern.
“When- when did you…”
“A couple months ago. Don’t worry, it wasn’t just because of you, a lot of things happened.”
“But it was partially because of me. I wasn’t there for you when I should’ve been. You’ve always been there for me and I got here and treated you like shit. Discarded you like you were nothing. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” tears well up in her whisky brown eyes, but I smile.
“J, if you say sorry one more time, I’m asking for a new roommate for the away match against Man City. Which I did know we are… for once.”
“You can’t just forgive me.”
“I’m not, it’ll take time, but I want my best friend back. Sprout.” Jessie charges forward and wraps her arms around my waist.
“I’d do anything.” Her voice is muffled as her head presses into my chest, but I smile.
Things changed once again a few months after that. The 2020 Olympics had been delayed due to natural disasters, but we still found ourselves milling around the Olympic village together in our very little spare time. I also found myself admiring her for every little thing, every detail. Eventually I had to admit to myself that I’d developed a crush on the girl.
“What’s going on in that busy brain of yours?” Jessie had been by my side every step of the way with my mental health after she found out, and this question wasn’t uncommon, but the answer would be.
“I know this could ruin things, I’m very aware of that, but I have to tell you now otherwise I don’t think I’ll ever have the courage to.” Gaging her reaction was difficult, Jessie was a very stoic person.
“I-, I’ve found myself growing feelings for you. Feelings that surpass best friends, or how I feel when you show up for me. I like you, a lot. And I need you to know that. Standing in the middle of a pathway surrounded by half naked athletes in Olympic Village, I like you.” I look her in the eyes. Those burnt umber eyes, so warm and comforting, that always draw me in.
“I really like you too. Everything about you. I want to care for you and be there when you need me. I want to wake up in your arms and be able to admire every feature as the sun beams down on you like the miracle you are. I would even go as far as saying I desperately want to be your girlfriend.” I barely let Jessie finish what she’s saying before I lean down, a significant way, and kiss her with everything in me.
2 and a half years later and Jessie hasn’t left my side since. Most of our quarrels are just that, silly fights that are solved by the end of the night. We moved in together after 3 months and were rarely been seen apart.
That included tough games.
Real Madrid was our first game of the Champion’s League season, and we knew it was going to be hard. They were physical most importantly, so we had to play to that. We knew that when we were up 2-1 in the 78th minute.
“Jessie Fleming challenges Athenea Del Castillo, barley missing the ball and clipping Athenea on the foot! Oh, and the ref is calling for a penalty. I’m certain first contact was outside the box.” Is what would be heard by anyone watching the match through a screen, but you didn’t need a commentator to know the ref made an unfair call.
The contact was clearly outside the box and yet we’re forced to line up and watch Olga Carmona take the wrongly rewarded shot, me grasping Jessie’s hand in my own as a way to reassure her.
It’s obvious the referees are against us when Niamh makes a shot on goal, the ball sliding in, but it’s claimed offside. Something to do with Sam supposedly messing with the defence, another false claim. There’s nothing we can do when the final whistle blows and we’re tied, all of us dropping to the ground in exhaustion and disappointment.
After shaking hands with the Madrid players and briefly talking with Hayley to catch up and talk about things that happened between our last camp and now, I travel toward Jessie.
My girlfriend stands solemnly with her head in her hands. I managed to pull them away momentarily to see the tears drifting down her cheeks, but she’s pulling her hands away and turning around before I can ask what’s wrong.
“Darl, it’s not you’re fault.” I don’t want to invade her space while she’s upset so I walk around her and simply stand, hoping she’ll reach for me.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Leave me alone Y/n.” not another word is uttered as she turns toward Fran and Niamh and walks away from me.
I similarly turn to Sam and Erin, with a shocked look, jaw hanging and rejected tears looming on my water line.
“She probably just needs to be alone.” As Erin tries to comfort me, we all turn to look at the subject of the conversation, only to see her being comforted by Fran, Niamh and Ashley, despite her effort to insist she’s fine.
“Maybe I didn’t push hard enough?”
“No you should never push when they clearly need space.” Sam places a reassuring hand on my shoulder
“But why is it only me she needs space from? I’m supposed to be the one she seeks comfort in. That’s what girlfriends do.”
“I don’t know chickadee.”
I expect Jessie to already be back at our apartment by the time Erin drops me off. Our shared car had been taken from the parking lot at the stadium and Jessie had disappeared, so those dots connected themselves. But our designated parking space is empty as I stroll along the bitumen.
There are no familiar white shoes next to the door in the same exact spot she puts them every day, no kit bag hanging on a hook, waiting to be washed tomorrow. No Canadian waiting in our bed, curled up in one of my already oversized shirts or hoodies and shorts, begging me to hold her.
I try not to worry when I call her and she doesn’t pick up. Maybe she went the long way and there was traffic? So I call Niamh to ask her if she knows where Jessie went. She doesn’t have an answer. Then I try Fran, and Zecira, and even Emma.
I ask everyone to try and call her too, Sam offering to take Kristie and search every corner of London, Erin offering the same. It’s midnight by the time I give up trying to contact her, asking Aggie if I could borrow her car tomorrow to look around if she wasn’t back, her living down the road from us. The young forward is insistent on joining me if it comes to it.
When I wake up the next morning and find Jessie curled up against me, in one of my hoodies and shorts, relief washes over me. Her brown curls are messy, her soft pink lips cracked open to allow air into her lungs. The sun trickles in through the curtain and lights up her face, freckles looking like bursts of light against her skin. Her eyes are still puffy from last night and tears have dried upon her cheeks, and I can’t resist the urge to reach up and lightly wipe them away.
As my thumb drags across her tan skin, tracing her face, her eyes flutter open, and I remember how easy it is to get lost in them. So warm and inviting.
“Mornin’ honey.” I press a gentle kiss to her nose, her cheeks, her forehead and her eyelids.
“I’m sorry for last night. I just felt horrible, if only I didn’t make the tackle.”
“I know darl, but that’s what I’m here for. I love you, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you yeah? I was bloody worried though.” Jessie nestles her head into the crook of my neck and nods, pressing her own kisses on any skin she could reach.
I wrap my arms around her and pull her up until she’s laying on my chest instead. My cold hands sneak under her hoodie and she jumps from the shock, swatting at my hands beneath the fabric.
“I reckon I make us some tea and brekkie and then we can do whatever you want all day. How’s that sound?” I flip us over so Jessie can go back to sleep for a while, but she clings onto me, pulling me down aggressively by the front of my old Chelsea travel shirt. Her lips press against mine with energy and love and I get caught up in the feeling. A moan slips past someone’s lips, which of us I’m not quite sure, but I slowly pull away, trailing kisses down her neck until I reach her collar bone.
“Let’s save that energy for later yeah?” I swiftly wink as I finally roll off the bed.
I’m making scrambled eggs when I feel Jessie’s arms wrap around my waist. She presses soft kisses across my back as I sway us back and forth to the slow jazz song spewing from the record player.
The next song comes on and I abandon the meal completely, turning off the stove and twisting myself in Jessie’s hold so I can face her. I take one of her hands in mine and rest the other on her waist, her spare landing on my shoulder.
“Put your head on my shoulder; Hold me in your arms, baby” the lyrics continue as we follow along, her head resting against my chest, my chin balanced on top. We dance slowly through the kitchen, the music carrying throughout the house.
As the song finishes, I dip Jessie, leaning over her as her leg kicks out. My gaze flickers between her eyes and her lips and within seconds I’m kissing her again, still in the dip. When I pull her back up, she jumps into my arms and pulls my lips to meet hers for more, the force making me stumble back into the counter behind me.
“I want to slow dance with you around our house when we’re old and can barely kick a ball anymore. Our kids and grandkids playing around while it just feels like the two of us. Because it’s always been the two off us and I never want that to change.” Jessie whispers against my lips. My heart clenches with love as I take her in.
“Will you marry me?” The words escape both our lips almost in complete synchrony. I almost drop her, but my grip on her thighs upholds as I kiss her again, and again, until I can’t kiss her anymore.
“I stole this video from Y/n’s phone not long after Jessie and her broke the news of their engagement. Y/n had texted me that morning saying she wanted ideas for a ‘day in the life of a woman in love’ video she planned on making that very day, and I knew that she would have forgotten all about the phone while she and the love of her life shared a special memory together.” Sam takes a pause to look at Jessie and I, sitting side by side at the front of the room.
“What isn’t shown in the video, is the ring that was sitting in the pocket of Yn’s shorts, waiting to be place on the only hand it was made for. The ring went with her everywhere for at least a month before this cute dance proposal. Every day in training, Y/n would tell me a new plan she had come up with to ask Jessie to marry her, and I always told her ‘you should do it when the moment feels right. Don’t force it.’, as I clearly had experience with this sort of thing… And she told me that was a bunch of absolute bullshit.” Our friends and family laugh while my wife’s face drops in shock, her elbow lightly nudging my side. I let out a snicker and kiss her cheek, wiping off the lipstick residue that is left behind.
“Well it turns out I was right. As always. And I’m honoured to be standing here as a best woman in front of two of my best friends, the most amazing young players out there, two people who were made for each other; sculpted by the stars and the earth, to be in each other’s lives, celebrating that love. You’ve both overcome a lot, personally and as a couple, you deserve this love.” A tear escapes my eye as I stand to hug Sam.
“Now can the two nerds please make their way to the dance floor for their first dance?” I take Jessie’s hand in mine and pull her along.
Her suit coat is left on the back of my chair and her waistcoat is unbuttoned and she looks fucking good. Her hair rests on her shoulders and her slack pants fit perfectly around her thighs. Jessie holds part of my dress train, so we don’t trip as we hold each other in similar fashion to the day that led to this, the same song playing on the large speakers in each corner of the room.
“Put your head on my shoulder Whisper in my ear, baby Words I want to hear, tell me Tell me that you love me too”.
Jessie stands on her tippy toes, my heels not helping our height difference.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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batshitspnblrmail · 1 year
Fandom History: How a group of toxic Sam fans got Sam kicked out of a christ figure poll tournament
In April of 2023, a tumblr user created a sideblog called christ-figure-bracket for the purposes of running a poll tournament. Tumblrs could send in nominees from their favorite shows. Sam was one such nominee.
Christ-figure-bracket placed Sam against Aslan (literal lion Jesus) in the first round, with the caption, "This one is actually coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb and I'm not going to apologize for it."
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Some samfans were offended by the idea that OP had it out for Sam, while others thought it was funny and took it as a challenge: What if they could get a win for Sam against a literal Jesus stand in from a C.S. Lewis book?
Trouble began almost immediately in the notes of the post. Two screenshots were preserved by another Tumblr user before the OP blocked these accounts.
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Very quickly, the post also attracted wincest shippers and the OP expressed their discomfort in a joking manner.
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Most users found this response funny, but some wincest shippers were quite indignant about it, and decided to start reblogging the OPs posts and adding comments about wincest and wincest fan art in retaliation. These responses are difficult to find because OP blocked the accounts that made such responses so quickly, but here's one:
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The OP responded by threatening to remove Sam from the tournament if spnblr didn't clean up its act
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Five minutes later, OP posted the following:
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Wincest shippers then further bemoaned Sam's removal:
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Elsewhere across spnblr, disk horse about OP and Sam's validity as a christ figure was being hotly debated. Some blogs supposed OP had some other nefarious motives for removing Sam from the bracket, despite OP saying, when asked who they thought was the hydrogen bomb and who was the coughing baby, "Who's a lion and who's literally just some boy. Also I used to love Narnia and I've never seen supernatural so like".
God knows what OP's evil goal might have been in adding Sam to a poll only to remove him after being repeatedly sent incestuous media as a form of harassment for daring to express their discomfort.
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Many users didn't seem to know about the harassment against the OP because it was deleted so fast, or chose to ignore it and rewrite history such that Sam was removed simply for wincest shippers quietly existing and not because of the continuous harassment OP was receiving from members of their community.
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Other samfans understood the OP's decision to remove Sam from the bracket as a result of the harassment OP received.
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One corner of sam fandom also fixated on at least one other user for daring to not agree about Sam as a christ figure and attempted to trash them behind their back. (I'm not sharing screenshots because I don't want the person who was being mocked to ever come across this post and be able to tell those screenshots were about them).
The poll continued on after being deleted by OP. Sam lost to Aslan, receiving 41.4% of 4,207 votes. Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog was the ultimate winner of the Christ Figure Bracket.
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aliusfrater · 2 months
thinking about the blood of jesus as communion vs sam winchester season four addicted to demon blood
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ananke-xiii · 6 months
There's a line from s11e20 "Don't call me Shurley" that got stuck into my little nogging and it's when Chuck tells Metatron "You were just the closest angel to the door when I walked into the room".
Now assuming that Chuck is a lying liar who lies I still like this line because it says way more about Chuck than about Metatron. Then Chuck goes on and delivers his cheap shot: "There's nothing special about you, Metatron. Not then… not now".
(Little aside: AND THEN Amara comes in a few episodes later and calls Metatron "The secretary"?! I mean, how can people not love her? Yes, she might have eaten a few souls so what? Sue her! He brother has eliminated WORLDS because Dean wouldn't bend the knee to him, who's the crazy sibling, huh? *insert a meta about Dean only willing to bend the knee to Cas in Purgatory and all the entendres intended*).
Anyway, for all his pettiness and shrewdness (Metatron is a great villain and I will die on this hill), Metatron replies with surprising grace:
"And I don't care if I was just the angel nearest the door. You picked me. Your light shined on me – Me! Oh, and the warmth. But then you left me. You left all of us."
My little fragile heart trembled a little to these words because... well, it's like the OG trauma, isn't it? To be chosen by your parents, to be loved unconditionally, to be somebody's favorite person... Oh, the warmth.
And so it hit me, I finally saw why I love SPN's angels so much. They are ALL (Cas included) a bunch of children screaming and kicking their feet because they want to be loved, thinking that if they follow their orders, if they fulfill their duties they will be loved.
They are all Lucifer minus the action and the mark.
These are Chuck's words to soothe Lucifer in "We Happy Few": I did. I was supposed to love all creation equally. I wasn’t supposed to have favorites. But you… You were mine. I gave you the Mark because I loved you the most, because I thought you were strong enough to bear it. And when I saw that I was wrong… When I watched my choice devour my most cherished son, I hated myself, and so I punished you. And I am so sorry."
Yes, Chuck is a lying liar who lies. Maybe he chose Lucifer because he was the one closest to the door. Who knows? Chuck doesn't care. Every angel's deepest desire is to be loved by God, to be the chosen one, to be his favorite. Which is both sad and... human? I guess it's a tragedy from the human perspective but maybe the human perspective is limited.
I don't really like the finale with Jack as God for a variety of reasons but, conceptually, the idea of a half-angel and half-human (Kelly Kline you will NOT be forgotten) becoming god is not that bad (Hello Jesus!). Especially if the half-angel part is theoretically (well in pratice too but I mean biology what amirite?)Lucifer's. Because, as Sam says in "We Happy Few": I-I can’t believe I’m actually about to say this, but… um. Lucifer is right.
At the end of the day, SPN as a narrative, did, in a very convoluted and maybe unintentional way, agree with Lucifer.
Like, Lucifer was right. And I know that if we put on our morality glasses Lucifer is evil incarnate etc but honestly? By the same lensens, the whole heavenly host is kinda evil. They ALL (Cas included) did a lot of pretty horrible stuff. All the horror and the pain for a God that doesn't care.
So I guess what should have been explored in Dabb's era was not so much nurture vs nature but more "what does it mean to be half-angel?" 'Cause really, ALL angels are a little bit like Lucifer. And if no angel really represents "good" what are we, humans, left with? Does the question "nurture vs nature" even make sense?
There's really nothing SPECIAL about any of us, humans, angels, demons, monsters. We ALL want to just be chosen and loved unconditionally. It turns out angels are not that different from humans, aren't they?
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justarandombrit · 5 months
I did the thing again. If you missed the livestream but want to know what happened, I wrote down some notes again. (Spoiler warning, obviously, as I will mention who won the death match)
. The Nightmare Time theme is so fucking good
. Xander murdered Grace last death match and won
. James and Matt like wrestling (not each other - the sport)
. BOTTLE IMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Lmao the backing music is Jane's A Car
. We are the Lords In Black
. Ted and Hidgens are a duo lmaoooooo
. Melissa and w o m a n
. Mariah really loved w o m a n
. CCRP set up a water filtration system that pissed people off
. Harmony and Barry are just so annoying that Paul and Emma want to fight them
. Paul is the first to die
. Coffee makes Barry stronger
. Jon is the only one who thought Paulkins would win
. Rip Harmony :(
. Paul throws spare change at Harmony and Barry, summoning the Homeless Man, who wins the fight for them
. Bill and Alice get an easybake oven stolen from them by Sherman
. Love Vs Crazy
. Frank and Bill get mistaken for eachother mid-fight
. Sherman is vicious
. Frank wants Sherman to die
. Alice eats Sherman's soul and becomes a little kid again
. Ruth has a crush on Hidgens
. Ted and Hidgens have a dead body???????
. The dead body is a Frankenstein amalgamation of all the Workin Boys
. Frankenruth?????????
. Ted and Hidgens win with help from the Workin Boy
. “w o m a n is here!”
“I'm fucking here, bitches”
. Shapiro + Bailey are looking for Roman
. Dog…
. Oh no
. Roman is the dog.
. Melissa and w o m a n die
. Bottle Imps was supposed to be between Forever and Always and Time Bastard
. Bill meets the founder of CCRP
. HOWIE?!?!?!?!?!?
. Bill's been at CCRP 13 years
. Coven’s Communication Research and Power
. Charles wants… ALL the money
. If it's actually Billted oh my god…
. Jane didn't die, but their dog did so she divorced him
. Everyone is cheating on each other
. Ethan used to bully Pete
. Pete and Steph don't tip
. Lex flips out
. Lex suddenly develops a gluten intolerance????
. Jason and Kyle save Steph and Pete
. Max breaks into Camp Idontwannabang, Grace reads him Bible stories, they're about to kiss, then Boy Jerry and Girl Jeri burst in to kill them
. Grace is so Jesus loving that Lumberaxe kills the Jerries
. Excorcism???
. “Christ’s in hell with your mother”
. Miss Holloway has a witch hat!!!!!
. Evil mask??
. Riley's in hell smh
. “You basic bitch”
. Joey is Ted again
. Alice and Bill get pissed about Paulkins trash talking Mamma Mia
. Joey: “This is the future the libs want”
. General MacNamara drops in from a helicopter and shoots Bill and Alice in the head
. James will murder Paul and Emma himself if they survive again
. Ted accidentally confesses to murdering Ruth and Richie
. Joey: “Here's the thing, ACAB”
. Thrash murders Shapiro for being a cop lmaooooooo
. Sam’s a dick to Tim at Pizza Pete’s
. Hannah straight up murders Charlotte and Sam
. I have to go to bed :( (Stopped right before Holyghost v Lautity)
. I'm baaaa-aaaaaack! It's the next day, I have pancakes, and I'm just realising I accidentally wrote Lautity instead of Lautski… I just love them too much
. I haven't checked Tumblr cause I don't want to be spoiled for who wins
. I'm back on the livestream, I'll check that out later
. They're at Perky's Buds, Grace has dragged Max there for a protest, Steph dragged Pete there for weed
. Grace wants Steph to go to heaven
. Five minutes for A THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?!?!?
. Joey: “You horny little fucks”
. Max just murders Steph and Pete
. Max wouldn't want to hit a girl, Ziggs comes out, fails to land a single shot on them, but attracts the nighthawks which peck out Steph and Pete’s eyes
. Nicole Rodriguez is so fucking talented damnnnnnnnn, also I love Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)
. This song will always destroy me emotionally :(
. Why is Joey doing a British accent lmaoooo
. This isn't the next scene, but is after it chronologically
. BRENDA!!!!!!!!!!
. If only it was a real werewolf… Wayward Guide, anyone?
. “Shit-eating grin” is my favourite Americanism. It's so funny I love it
. I kinda love Tucker
. More skidoos???
. Kyle's in college?????????????? Damn
. Even Stacy's in college
. Miss Holloway: “Cause the 80’s were bitchin’ ”
. Oh nooooo :(
. Miss Holloway: “The intranet”
. Oh god
. Oh shit
. Oh fuck
. Even though I knew this was going to happen I'm still devastated
. Oh god :((((((((
. God we need NMT3
. Joey: “Is this a bad time to announce Curt and Kim are getting divorced?”
. VIRGINITY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Tedgens are stealing from CCRP, Paulkins are about to go on a date, they find them, and Hidgens goes all murder-crazy
. Corey: “Some of us are wrong and many of us are right”
. Joey: “Jon, Ted is gooning all over this office”
. Jon: “Great job everybody, all the food is gonna be poisoned next week”
. Goddamnit I just got spoiled for it :(
. Tedgens manage to find the Bastard's Box and trap Paul and Emma in it
. Hidgens hears Workin Boys coming from the box, but Ted stops him from touching it
. Tom and Becky want to buy the Waylon Place, and find Grace and Max burying Pete and Steph
. Tom coaches the Hatchetfield Nighthawks??????????
. Gen Z Vs Millennials
. Someone pulled $800 from the Kickstarter :(
. Will arrived literally as soon as Max died
. Grace and Max are ghosts now
. Meg Lloyd is also insanely talented
. Will loves Tom and Becky
. Sauce Saturday
. They're in the Starlight theatre, Wilbur is there for some reason
. “He was driving the car that killed your dog”
. LAUREN!!!!!
. Wilbur just straight up cheats so Tedgens win
. Ted always dies though :/
. A girl Miss Holloway saved has died
. Lore….
. Miss Holloway chops off her toes?????
. That's what that tune is called?
. Why do the Lords eat toes
. Blinky has a mouth???????
. Nibbly lmao
. Mariah: “Lauren, you're muted, baby”
Lauren (muted): “FUCK”
. Blinky, my love
. This is so fanfiction coded I love it
. Tinky likes Miss Holloway????? Duke really was right about everyone being in love with her
. Lmao Tinky
. Double calculators, and an abacus????
. Blinky (covering his ears): That's a bad word!
. Ted wins!!!
. Well.
. Nightmare Time Cover!!!!!!!! Needy Beast, my love
. Oh god that was amazing
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callalillywrites · 2 months
Callalilly's Main Masterlist
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About Me:
Callalilly (Calla or Callie is fine, too).
Over 35, Mama of 2 (plus fur baby).
Writer of Fanfic and occasionally original works
Current Fandoms and Favorites
Criminal Minds
CSI and CSI: Miami
Chris Evans' characters
Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick
I'm also working my way through Sebastian Stan and Henry Cavill movies/shows. So, they'll most likely be added as they inspire me as well as others I come across.
Blog Rules
While I don't necessarily write smut or particularly dark elements, I do read and reblog those types of stories. So, please be 18+ when interacting with my blog. I really don't want to play Mama, but I will if necessary.
None of my works should be copied, translated, or reposted on other sites. I'm not going to give such permission for any of these activities.
I also don't want my works fed into an AI machine, especially ongoing series. If I can wait years for other writers to finish their works, you can, too.
I do have an AO3 account, and I will be posting my works over there. They'll be available roughly a week after they're posted here if you'd like to read them there instead.
I'm agnostic, so I would prefer not seeing comments like "Jesus loves you" or the like on my works/posts. They make me uncomfortable, and I never know how to take them as anything but as though I've done something wrong. So, please don't.
Have questions? Please just ask me. My inbox and messages are open. Just don't be rude or demand updates, please. I'm doing my best, especially after dealing with some heavy burnout the past couple of years. Other than that, please ask away. I love to talk about my stories and characters.
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It Takes All Packs to Make It Work (A/B/O AU)
Part 1
Alpha!Jake Jensen x Beta!Pre-serum Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Part 2
Alpha!Frank Adler x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Curtis Everett x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Ari Levinison x Omega!Reader
Part 3
Alpha!Colin Shea x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Sam Wilson x Omega!Reader
Alpha!Dennis Baker x Omega!Reader
Cool Rider Barber Shop & Hair Salon (Grease/Grease 2 Themed AU)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Steve Rogers x Reader
Dennis Baker x Reader'
Jake Jensen x Reader
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To Repay a Debt (Enemies to Lovers AU) - Eventual Soft!Ransom Drysdale/Personal Assistant!Reader
Bucky's Best Friend (Modern AU/No Powers AU) - Pre-serum Steve Rogers x Reader
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Month Events
Flufftober 2024 - Will post Masterlist on 10/1/24
Cozytober 2024
Fluffcember 2024 - Will post Masterlist on 12/1/24
Challenge Responses
Surprising His Omega - Horny Hoes Hootenanny Challenge (Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader)
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Bucky's Best Man (Modern Day AU) - Pre-serum Steve/Reader
Best Grandpa Competition: Beast vs. Hades - Descendants 3 Beast, Belle, and Hades (Gen Fic - Grandparents babysitting)
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Steve's Choice (You Didn't by Brett Young) - Steve Rogers/Reader
Childhood Best Friend (You Didn't by Brett Young) - Steve Rogers/Reader
His Dream Come True (Marry Me by Thomas Rhett) - Jake Jensen/Reader
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Rodeo AU (multifandom)
Cinder-fella (pre-serum Steve Rogers Cinderella retelling)
Singles Cruise (MCU)
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fave-fight · 1 year
I’m keeping the order a surprise. :) I’ll update as each poll is posted.
This tournament is Round Robin, which means EVERY CHARACTER WILL GO UP AGAINST EVERY OTHER CHARACTER! So, don’t worry when you’re voting. Your blorbo will be here for every round. You will get to vote against Elon Musk every round.
Master Post
Harry Du Bois vs Obi-Wan Kenobi
Cutting an onion vs Plato
Kirby vs George Costanza
Spiders Georg vs Medic
TBH autism creature vs fave-fight
Archibald vs Candace Flynn
Oliver vs Cecil Palmer
Diogenes the Cynic vs Kokichi Oma
Utatane Piko vs Jonathan Sims
Kaz Brekker vs Isabelle
V1 vs Jerma
Goose vs Arven
Magikarp vs Jesus Christ
Proinsias Cassidy vs You, the Voter
IT’S ME BOY IM THE PS5 vs a lot of spiders
Kanatsune Ame vs Nana Hiiragi
Elon Musk vs Groundskeeper Willie
Reigen Arataka vs Vi
Inigo Montoya vs Franziska von Karma
Little Mac vs Volo
Yuzuki Yukari vs Dick Grayson
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz vs Rainhaze
Elaine Benes vs Harley Quinn
Alejandro Burromuerto vs Stanley Pines
Wheatley vs johnsonofdonut
Dr. Coomer vs Floyd Leech
Your mom vs vFlower
Kiryu Kazuma vs Minamoto Tiara
Perry the Platypus vs Inej Ghafa
Jughead Jones vs Finfin
Alex Louis Armstrong vs Howard Hamlin
Apollo Justice vs Connecticut Clark
Cave Johnson vs Ea-Nasir
prinxe-with-no crown vs The Knight
Peridot vs Susie
Ace Trappola vs Kanade Yoisaki
Guzma vs Mr. Rogers
Kim Possible vs JJ McGermanotta
Gomez Addams vs Fukase
Half Light vs Miss Piggy
L Lawliet vs a horse
Peri Dubois vs Sam Vimes
Sakurai Haruka vs socks-wizard-money-gang
Chuuya Nakahara vs Kevin
David Xanatos vs Light Yagami
Odysseus vs Miette
Duck Newton vs Mei Dragon
Nino Lahiffe vs Goose
“Me” The Aspiring Anime Character Puncher vs Sunny
Conan Edogawa vs Domovoi Butler
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vimesbootstheory · 2 months
CK S6 Pt1 Thoughts
Do we still call this "the cut" or did we leave that behind on LJ? Anyway the thoughts are under the cut. I haven't looked at anyone else's thoughts yet, no idea whether this is echo chamber stuff or if I watched a different show than the rest of you.
Overall I honestly had a blast, I'm probably gonna talk more here about stuff I disliked but that's because positive stuff kept me glued to the screen while negative stuff sent me to vent in the notes doc I had open in another window lol
Eagle Fang was Johnny's thing, not an extension of Kreese's Cobra Kai, and I was so angry at the show for not understanding that that I burst into tears
I continue to think that the big cast is spreading character work too thin, such that most characters were either made much less interesting than they have been in previous seasons (e.g. Daniel, Miguel) or were given too little time with the character work they had (e.g. Robby, Kenny) or both.
Characters I made particular note of who are now boring: Daniel, Amanda, Sam, Hawk.
I was surprised in particular how Daniel was given virtually no character work other than this token Miyagi thing. I prefer when Daniel's a bitch. Daniel being The Reasonable One is incredibly boring.
We kinda got slutty gi back? In hallucination form? Briefly?
This was a hard realization: I don't think I ship Daniel/Johnny in these episodes. I'm still absolutely bonkers for them in previous seasons (1-4 mostly) and in the fandom sphere but honestly I wanted Johnny away from Daniel most of the time in s6e1-5. I found it really off-putting how much Daniel was trying to change Johnny into someone he's not.
Fave new character was Kwon. Enjoyably silly. I like his anime hair.
Delighted that Jarmen baby is a girl, even more delighted that the topic of the baby was pretty backgrounded, didn't spend a lot of time on it.
I am filled with incandescent rage that they neutered SamTory; it was weird rooting for Johnny's terrible strategies to make them frenemies instead of friends. But it looks like they're not quite done yet so I'm gonna cool my heels on this point.
Team Captain nepo babies lol. I would be so pissed if I were any of the other Miyagi-Do students.
Loved Johnny championing his female students. In an ideal world I would not have had a little voice at the back of my head wishing he'd spend the same kind of quality time with Robby (How about some Robby time? Robby? Robby now? Johnny and Robby?); nevertheless for what it was, I still really like Johnny supporting Devon and (to a lesser extent) Tory. Meanwhile Daniel over here in his sexist era I guess, ok. Like he really only wanted to send his daughter and no other girls.
Peyton List is the part-season's MVP, obviously obviously. She was so great. Kicked ass, kicked acting's ass. Tory was probably the meatiest character of the season, too, though that's not saying a ton.
My worst fears were not realized re: Johnny's character. He still isn't the fully-realized guy he was in early seasons, but relative to other characters, he's having a pretty OK season IMO. Knock on wood.
I was unexpectedly all riled up on Anthony's behalf. Why does he HAVE to get into karate? Why does he have to be Daniel 2.0? At least this was addressed textually.
So pissed on Kenny's behalf. Justice for Kenny. He deserved one of the top 6 spots. He got poo pants instead. Jesus Christ.
Loved the Lawrence vs Barnes fight, very metal, excellent choreo, love watching Zabka move. I would bet the cobros are lighting up at having an answer on that particular head-to-head.
This has been a running thing with Cobra Kai for a while, but I'm not even sure how I as an audience member was supposed to see Johnny's current teaching style? Honestly I loved his day of blended-style lessons. Obviously broken glass in the koi pond is not a great idea. But like. Jesus Christ, Daniel, katas HAVE STRIKES. WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT.
Did they really just write Chozen out without any goodbyes? :(((
Daniel's ego flare-up and "I'm the boss" moment, contender for only interesting aspect to his character in these five eps. Hell yea hell yea. Show some goddamn teeth Daniel LaRusso.
One thing I think CK excels at and has always excelled at is keeping the stakes up for tournament-style fights, such that more often than not, I can't tell just through narrative signposting who's going to win. Robby vs Miguel in particular was a nail-biter. I did a full-body arm-pump when Robby won. Though the stakes were weird because it's not as someone can't win in Barcelona if they're not a captain? That was confusing and makes me think it's going to be their way of doling out successes across the main four kids. Like Robby and Sam for the captains, and then Miguel will win, presumably Tory too when she flip-flops back to team good guys again.
Interesting acting/directing/writing (idk which) choice during Robby vs Miguel, Johnny visibly rooting for Robby.
I love that Johnny brought up losing his mum when Tory's mum died, but I really hope they get the chance to bond over it at some point.
The fuckin magic jewel bottle cap got me so bad. Resourceful DIY toys is poor person realness and it was so cute and heartbreaking.
It's weird that new!CK got into the tournament because it's clearly not really the same dojo, so they haven't really qualified.
I'm so pumped about Kreese being the main villain. That was true before the season began and I still feel that way.
I'm excited for part 2!
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achillessulks · 2 months
We would all like to know the top 25 books you’ve read this century please pleaseeeee 🙏🏽
OK, so the limitations I’m setting for myself are that these books must:
have been published some time after 1st January 2000 (in the edition I read them);
be good.
That’s it. The books are in alphabetical order by author’s surname, because there’s enough variety here that I wouldn’t feel comfortable (or rational) trying to rank each book objectively.
Bloodchild and Other Stories (2005) by Octavia E. Butler - The eponymous story is one of my favourite short stories of all time, and it counts within the time constraints because this is the second edition, with additional stories added. Butler’s commentary on her own works is always insightful.
Gone Girl (2012) by Gillian Flynn - Iconic story of an apex predator who wasn’t getting enough enrichment in her enclosure.
The Vegetarian [채식주의자] (2007) by Han Kang - Specifically the original version in Korean, not the translation.
Slave Play (2020) by Jeremy O. Harris - Very unsettling! The double (triple?) entendre in the title is a good summation of the play entire, I think.
OUT (2004) by Kirino Natsuo tr. Stephen Snyder - Often described as ‘feminist noir,’ Kirino’s writing explores the grimy underbelly of the daily lives of women and girls in modern Japan. Predictably, I have enjoyed all of her novels I’ve read.
The Sympathizer (2015) by Viet Thanh Nguyen - This novel is to me what Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ is as a poem to me. That will make sense if you’ve read both.
Theory of Bastards (2018) by Audrey Schulman - I adore every novel by Schulman I have read so far, but this one is definitely my favourite.
Impératrice (2003) by Shan Sa - I read this book as a teenager and was absolutely obsessed with it. Wu Zetian is boss.
Terminal Boredom (2021) by Suzuki Izumi tr. Polly Barton, Sam Bett, David Boyd, Daniel Joseph, Aiko Masubuchi, and Helen O’Horan - I also recommend the sequel collection by the same team, Hit Parade of Tears (2023).
Voices from Chernobyl (2005) by Svetlana Alexievich tr. Keith Gessen - Originally published in 1997, but I read the English translation first. I recommend everything Alexievich has ever written, honestly.
The Captive Woman’s Lament in Greek Tragedy (2006) by Casey Dué - You know when you read a book and it makes you feel like your entire body has been transferred to a different plane of existence? I love Dr. Dué’s writing about Euripides and Greek tragedy so freaking much.
Delusions of Gender (2010) by Cordelia Fine - If you’ve ever been trying to explain to a bigot that ‘basic biology’ is not as straightforward as ‘male brain’ vs. ‘female brain,’ this is the book for you. Dr. Fine is super knowledgeble, and the book is excellent at explaining the relevant neuroscience while debunking misogynistic and transphobic misconceptions about how the human brain functions.
How To Survive a Plague (2016) by David France - Really comprehensive book on the history of the AIDS epidemic and how it was solved.
The Landmark Herodotus: The Histories (2007) tr. Andrea Purvis ed. Robert Strassler - The entire Landmark series is excellent, and I highly recommend it. I chose the Herodotus because the maps really are invaluable, but the Thucydides and Arrian were close seconds.
People Love Dead Jews (2021) by Dara Horn - My favourite joke from this book is when Horn describes Anne Frank as ‘everyone’s second-favourite dead Jew... after, of course, Jesus.’
Arguments with Silence: Writing the History of Roman Women (2014) by Amy Richlin - Really I recommend everything Richlin has ever written, but I would like to specifically acknowledge her essay ‘Hijacking the Palladion’ (1992), which remains one of the best articles I’ve ever read on feminism and classics.
Appropriate: A Provocation (2021) by Paisley Rekdal - Really really interesting thinky book about cultural appropriation, appreciation, and interaction.
19 Ways of Looking at Wang Wei (with More Ways) (2016) by Eliot Weinberger - OK, this book is from 1987, but the expanded edition is eligible. This is a delightful and informative, albeit short, explanation of (some of) the difficulties inherent in translation.
The Collected Poems (2010) by Ai - This is also kind of cheating… Ai’s best poetry can be found in her Killing Floor (1973), which is included in this anthology.
The Iliad (2015) tr. Caroline Alexander - I enjoyed Emily Wilson’s translations of Homer as well, but Alexander’s translation of the Iliad is the first complete translation into English by a woman, ever. That’s really cool. Also, it’s a very good translation; I definitely prefer it to Wilson’s translation of the same. (I could go on for hours about the differences in translations of Homer.)
Phone Bells Keep Ringing for Me (2020) by Choe Seungja tr. Won-Chung Kim and Cathy Park Hong - My absolute favourite poetry by Choe Seungja can be found in her book ‘내 무덤, 푸르고’ (1993), some of which can be found in this collection of translated poetry.
Unfortunately, It Was Paradise (2003) by Mahmoud Darwish tr. Munir Akash and Carolyn Forché (with Sinan Antoon and Amira El-Zein) - This is cheating, somewhat, since I originally read most of Darwish’s poems in Arabic, and those versions were published mostly before the relevant time period. However, I do consider this translated collection of his works to be one of my favourite books, especially now that I have ‘edited’ it by hand-writing the Arabic versions of the poems in the margins. It counts.
Li Shang-yin (2018) tr. Chloe Garcia Roberts - Li Shangyin is one of my favourite Tang-dynasty poets, and this bilingual(!) edition of his poems is an excellent read.
Ilias und Odyssee (2008) tr. Johnn Heinrich Voß - Yes, another translation of Homer. Voß’s translation is from the late 18th century, but this particular edition has a bunch of specific appendices and stuff...! Anyway, this translation rocks.
Yi Sang: Selected Works (2020) tr. Jack Jung, Sawako Nakayasu, Don Mee Choi, and Joyelle McSweeney - Once again this is on the line, because I definitely prefer Yi Sang’s writing in the original Korean/Japanese... no translation adequately captures his style, in my opinion, but this one comes the closest.
Closing thoughts:
I do not usually read a lot of newer books (backlog, you know how it is), so I am extremely out of touch with the current literary zeitgeist. This is mostly by design. All of my favourite books in French, for example, were published before 1990, and my single favourite book (Les Misérables) was published in the mid-19th century.
Several of the books on this list I originally read in a different language (mostly French), but I’ve included the English version here if it’s the original OR if it’s the relevant edition for the timeframe.
This was incredibly difficult. Mostly because I had to flip through each book to see if it fit the requirements. I would be much better at curating a list of my favourite 100 books of the 20th century, I think. Or of the 19th century. Or even further back.
Everything about this list is subject to change 😅
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bromcommie · 7 months
He remembers a song first and then everything else follows, burying him below. Or, Bucky Barnes pieces a life back together with a few choice verses, some duct tape and seventy years worth of spite. Steve Rogers tries very hard to relearn there's a life to be lived in the first place.
WIP Rating: M Chapters: 1/? Word count: 5,749/??? Relationship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Howling Commandos Tags: Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: The First Avenger, Then and Now, Music References Out the Wazoo, The Great All-American Revenge Roadtrip, Many many dream sequences, Unreliable Narrator, World War II, Cold War Drama, Red Room Horrors, Identity Issues, Bucky Barnes Remembers, Steve Rogers Needs So Much Therapy, Steve Rogers vs. Politicians, Natasha Romanov Is Not A Robot, Sam Wilson Is Trying His Best but Jesus Fucking Christ, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers the Lapsed Catholic, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Pretentious overuse of poetry, Attempted Historical Accuracy but Dear God At What Cost
*** So, I lied. I underestimated so bad - posting that last ficlet was nothing. This is my actual child. My very grown, still underdeveloped and very scattered child I have an anxious attachment to.
Thanks, @padey12, for tolerating me flinging bits and pieces of this thing at you for over a year and a half now. It will happen again. (threat)
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cassierobinsons · 9 months
the anger and outrage surrounding the Aslan vs sam christ figure poll was soooooo funny because how do you at your big age not know that aslan is kitty jesus. i mean did EYE know when i first read/watched Narnia? no, but i was also a tween from a muslim family who did not know shit about xtianity. if you know enough about xtianity to feel strongly about sam winchester being jesuscoded and you didn't pick up on aslan being jesuscoded there's truly no hope for you
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burningexeter · 5 months
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The Tarantinoverse and the Schneiderverse are both set in the same universe as each other.
Even though Tarantino is thankfully not a raging, horrible and highly questionable asshole like Schneider is to where I'm 100% sure that Tarantino would be like "Jesus Christ, I've already dealt with Harvey Weinstein. I don't need to deal with another asshole like him", the two of them interestingly have a lot in common when you look at their work:
• They cast reoccurring actors and actresses in their work always but have them play completely different characters.
• They have their own fictional products that appear and pop up in almost all of their work.
• There's PLENTY of dark humor and comedic sociopathy left and right in all of their work as well.
• Their characters are all larger-than-life and for the most part are obsessed with pop culture.
However, there's one major connection that ties the two of them that I've come up with on my own —
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Victor "Vic" Vega (Michael Madsen) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) are the (obviously long deceased) uncles of Tori (Victoria Justice) and Trina Vega (Daniella Monet) with their father David (Jim Pirri) or their mother Holly Vega (Jennifer Carta) being their younger sibling with Tori having inherited her talent from her uncles' side only instead of dancing, it's singing.
The whole universe now in chronological order:
• Django Unchained
• The Hateful Eight
• Inglourious Basterds
• Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
• Reservoir Dogs
• True Romance
• Natural Born Killers
• Pulp Fiction
• Jackie Brown
• Kill Bill Duology
• Drake & Josh
• Unfabulous
• Zoey 101
• iCarly
• Victorious
• Sam & Cat
• iCarly (Paramount+ sequel)
and last but not least,
• Zoey 102
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Where it started vs. Where it ended (for now that is but after Quiet On Set, I HIGHLY doubt it)
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pinkeoni · 2 years
Okay I'll make a masterpost
Orange=Major Theory Red=Trigger Warning
Will Byers is Jesus Christ and Other Biblical Stuff
What Exactly Do I Mean When I Say Will is Jesus Christ? (read first)
Christ Figure Will OG Post
Christ Figure Will Part II ft. Mike & Judas
Will as Jesus Actual OG Post?
Will's Cleric Robes
Is Will Actually God?
Will/Jesus Shot-Reverse-Shot
Is Henry the Antichrist?
Hawkins & Sodom & Gomorrah
The Sacred Heart of Will Byers
Will-El-Vecna Christ Figure Triad
The Red Dragon and the Beast From the Sea
Revelations 1:8
Will as a Vessel for God/One
Will Byers Has Powers
Will's Creation Powers: A Man, His Dog, and a Baseball Bat (TW)
Will Can't Remember His Childhood Very Well (TW)
The Upside Down is Will's Original Hiding Spot (TW)
Will’s Birthday: Clowns, Fathers, Baseball & Powers (TW) Part 2
The Dragon Represents Wills Self Harm (TW)
Is It Too Late to Reveal Will's Powers?
Will the Wise Weirdness
Vecna Creates Flesh From Flesh; Will Creates Flesh From Dust
Will as the Creature With a Gaping Mouth
Hinting at Will's Powers Through Dialogue
Will as a Source of Energy
Puzzle Game Powers Hints
White-Haired Will
Was Will a Mistake By the Lab?
Does Will Have Soteria in Him?
When Did Will and Vecna Create a Connection?
Why Did it Take Two Extra Days For Particles to Come Through?
El's Arc vs Will's Arc
Peter Pan: Is the Upside Down Neverland? Part 2
Will's Shadow Walking and Joyce's Vision
Will's Powers Could Be Activated With Drugs
Will Cloned Himself in the Upside Down
Will Transformation Theory
Lonnie Byers Your Days Are Numbered
Figuring Out Lonnie’s Deal
How Much Does Joyce and Jonathan Know About Lonnie's Abuse?
The Importance of Lonnie Byers in Season 5
Will Probably Misses His Dad
Lonnie Phone Weirdness
Lonnie/Lab Hypothetical
Lonnie & Editing
Lonnie/Chester/Bat Demomonsters
Will Might Kill His Dad?
Will's Fear of Clowns is Related to His Dad
Lonnie Byers is Bones
Was Lonnie an MK ULTRA Test Subject?
Larry the LEGO Man Analysis
Lonnie Wants a Family Just Not Will
Stranger Things x Twin Peaks
Will Byers & Laura Palmer Part I Part II
Joyce Byers & Sarah Palmer
Will & Laura Dancing on Video
Joyce & Sarah Hallucinations
Episode One Similarities
The Secret Diary of Will Byers
S2 & FWWM Similarities
Will & Laura Visual Parallels
"I held a mirror up to them"
Character Analyses
Mike & the Word "Girl"
Dustin's Absent Father and the Effects on His Character
El's Dresses
Has Mike and El Ever Had a Mutual... Anything?
El's Monster/Superhero Dichotomy
Mike Wheeler and Audience Perception
Will Byer’s Coming of Age Horror Story
Sam Owens: Playing Devil’s Advocate
The Effect NINA Actually Had on El
Willel Narrative Duality— With Charts!
Willel Narrative Mirroring: Presenting Themes of Sexuality (TW)
“And yet you still have a C in Spanish.”
Max is El's Mentor
Other Theories
Vecna the LEGO Man
Will Vecna Try to "Combine" With Will?
Reagan/Bush '84 and the Looming Danger of Homophobia
No Longer Will
The OTS Shot
"It Was a Seven" & The Seventh Seal
Will's Missing Left Hand
Will "Creature With a Gaping Mouth" Visuals
Is Vecna Absorbing Will's Memories For Strength? (Birthdaygate)
Will & Hopper Parallels
Color Stuff
"Love, Mike"
Collar Theory
Max Could Activate the Doomsday Clock
Thoughts on Will's Scrapped Letterman Jacket
Sam Owens Fishiness
Henry as Will's "Good Angel"
Mike and El Confession Parallels
Mike & El + Steve & Robin Parallels
On Character Biases and Parallel Storylines
Is the Upside Down a Living Thing?
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