#same vibes as uhhhh that part in details
hyp-fixator · 2 months
art ask game: do you have a favorite color palette, have you done a lot of collabs, and whats your creative process?
Oooh fun fun
Some of my favourite colour palletes are ones that have warm tones or high contrast!! I love the palletes that are kind of like a neon sign too, ykwim? Black background with slowly growing colours to a fully saturated end product- THEY ALWAYS LOOK SO EDIBLE... I can never accurately pull it off though
I've done a few of collabs! Not a lot, but the main one I remember doing was a few years ago, a small group of people including me in a discord server decided to design a demon! I think I got the colouring stage? It was fun! Otherwise it was kinda like those "draw the gang" type collabs, nothing too serious/fully rendered
hmmmm my creative process...? I guess I can chat a little about how I figure out the designs for the P! Gang! (This'll be a long part so I'll put it under the cut!)
The first thing I do, almost always, is figure out the vibe of the character
I then correlate the vibe to an animal that gives the same vibe (Aka skate and a golden retriever)
If theres a theme or aesthetic the character goes along with I'll usually grab references from the web and perhaps doodle some ideas down (like I'll do with vinestaff and japanese kimonos)
If there's technology involved, expect me to have come across some cool tech that happened in real life before, and to see me add that into the design (like rocket's prosthetics/hyperlaser's helmet)
if I'm having a really tough time figuring out how to make a character look decent, I'll usually take a few minutes before I go to bed to sketch out some ideas- I did this for Boombox's jelly limbs and Slingshot
Afterwards I usually start drawing! Finding out a pose at first is a tough one, considering it has to show off the character while presenting the design as well- if their arm or something is hiding their chest, there's probably not a lot going on there/it's already shown somewhere else
The lines were a tough part to the process before I figured out the sizes I was gonna use- 3px for the main details, 2px for the inbetween, and 1px for the tiny details. (This is why I'm gonna go back to Subspace- his lines are totally out of whack compared to the rest of the gang!!)
My colouring process is hard to explain because I tend to just- do it. But I can try! Usually I start by placing out the flat colours and rendering it out one layer at a time. I try to get the colours down, they don't have to be perfect cause I'll end up tweaking them later. I render one colour at a time, (they're usually the same material,) and just go through that during the whole process! Depending on the material I also choose a lighting angle
After the colour I go in and edit them with overlays, colour the lines occasionally, and that's it!
Pop on the signature across the design, post it on the discord servers, tumblr, etc
After I post it I usually take a small hiatus from drawing to think and regain some inspiration, reblogging a bunch of stuff and then starting the process again!
I take my time with things like this, so itll be unlikely for me to post two at a time! Scythe and Ban were a special case because I forgot to put her into the poll and ban was the next guy I was gonna draw! (I personally can also see the effects of this on Scythes design cause I drew her second- I'm not as satisfied with her as I could be, which is why I'm also redoing her.)
Uhhhh yeah that should be it!
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How about 8, 18, and 28
8. Do you enjoy communicating with your parts? Would you like to share about an interaction you’ve recently had?
I like annoying the fuck out of my parts. /hj
Honestly I don't really think about it so much as a "like" or "dislike" so much as a thing of life tbh. I don't really have an option or benefit out of not talking to my parts, so its just The Way Things Are TM. That said, they're chill and good company but that really doesn't mean much cause even when I was in odds with all of them I still liked communicating with them since I was (and still can be from time to time) a fire starter and I just loved to cause chaos and piss everyone off and shit back then.
So I guess absolutely? I absolutely love communicating with my parts cause I need to be the center of attention and these loosers are trapped in a brain with me and are forced to give me it cause they can't leave. /half joking in NPD
And I would, but its an inside joke about cars and shit. So no, maybe since 8 was asked again and I'm leaving that for Riku, they might share one but for me? Nah.
18. Are there any reoccurring themes or symbolism in your system? Would you like to share about it?
Not too sure honestly. We used to have a unique existence of alters with white hair seemingly representing different forms of "absolute / true goodness" from childhood in the system, but then I showed up and that just really fucked up that trend and theme. I'm sure there are honestly a lot but tbh I'm not really the type that pays too much attention to the trends and internal dynamics or whatever cause I just camp the front and shit.
28. How long have you known about your parts? Comparing since then to now, what all’s changed?
Uhhhh fuck that's a difficult question. The Riku Subsystem TECHNICALLY knew since we became a thing back when we were 7 but didn't really know what this was. Then we kinda got closer to knowing we have other parts in a more solid manner when we were 14. Then we actually understood the whole DID manner of parts around age 17-18. Other parts have known from like... age 3 or 4 cause they were protectors and soothers and shit to other parts from back then.
So the answer is either 18+ years, 15~ years, 8~ years or 4-5 years. The first two are the same, most of the time we didn't really question or properly recognize it as anything more than "normal brain" and "an active imagination".
The whole 14 one we took a lot more like it was a fun "game" with brain friends and had a hard time taking it seriously cause the environment we heard about it didn't really frame it as such. It was more "fun" and "amusing" but it also lead us down a very dangerous spiral that ended up with shit blowing up and a "system shutdown" occuring in the sense that communication was massively severed and we retreated into heavy denial and repression.
And then the formal "knowing of parts" god I don't even remember the details but it was fucking rough. A lot of parts just trying to either disappear, take over, ruin eachother's plans and lives, parts being dependent on other parts to concerning levels... a lot of a hot mess.
At this point we just kinda vibe ngl. We just do what we do, do what we do best, and trust / ask other parts to handle what we can't. Usually me and Riku taking "shifts" through the day and if one of us is doing too bad the other can't easily slap them out of it or we are BOTH fucking dying, we just call one of our 40 moms and dads for advisory help
It's pretty chill ngl, super hella nice.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hey thanks besties @igarbagecannoteven and @redrattlers for tagging me :) this is a nice one also i like how it progressed from an ask chain to a tag game i much prefer it as the latter
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity
five things!! i can do that. let’s see
1. a band called all time low and all associated acts*, including but not limited to simple creatures, whohurtyou, crash test live, and the season 2 finale of full frontal that i just listened to, specifically the end where danny kurily tries to recite a recipe for cupcakes from memory while absolutely fucking shitfaced, i have not laughed that hard in a long time
*aviator nation not included in this
2. reading and writing fanfiction and having friends who read and write fanfiction with whom i can discuss said fanfiction
3. my friends !! my friends !! my friends !!!!!!! i love my friends !!! my friends make me happy !!!!!!!! making my friends happy makes me happy, i love to say nice things and tell them i love them and appreciate the work they do and the growth they experience and the things they enjoy
4. hearing a new song and immediately loving it (recent examples being everybodydies by the band camino and rumors by lizzo). in addition to this, having a song grow on you so that on your first listen you’re like it’s nothing special but then you hear it randomly some time later and you’re suddenly so in love with it (recent examples being godlight by noah kahan and i’m trying (not friends) by maisie peters)
5. compliments, can i say compliments? can i specifically say compliments on my writing? i’m a leo i like all compliments but writing is something i put a lot of time and love and sometimes energy into and it feels really nice to get some of that love back, especially since writing is a skill not an inborn trait and science has proven that being complimented on execution of a skill rather than possession of a trait fosters a growth mindset rather than a fixed one which is something i really need sorry to science brain this but psychology also makes me happy
as an unrelated note i think it’s weird that i keep saying i’m doing a science brain. i don’t feel like i have a science brain but also i kinda do this research methods class has really gotten to my head more than i expected lollll
ok so to tag, i know the thing says send to ten people but that’s from when it was an ask game so i’m just gonna tag some friends. i am quite certain some of you will have done this already but i don’t know who so just pretend it’s fine @tirednotflirting @reveriesofawriter @lifewasradical @burstingsunrise @kaleidoscopeminds​ @cringeycal @escapesos @calm-cake @curlytaurus @anxietycalling​ if yall wanna omg i didnt actually mean to end up with ten people but i did it anyway look at me go
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planet4546b · 2 years
hello i would like to hear more about technology in s/n. i know it’s primarily radio tech (?) but i want details. u know the drill
Ok hiiiiiiiiiii I literally completely rewrote this at least 5 times I <3 weird technology but it is SO hard to develop when you also have no idea how technology works. And once again this is crazy long but omg am I having fun
So the fun thing about technology in this world is that in the process of rebuilding technology and technological knowledge after the resonance, they were able to use both modern day, familiar technologies to us and completely new technologies from other worlds to base their knowledge off of. So like, someone’s taking apart an old rusted apart car engine to figure out how to rebuild an engine, and someone else 15 miles away is doing the same thing with a car that looks like it’s from the 1800’s and runs on hard light and is flotsam from another universe. So while a good chunk of technology looks relatively similar to sort of early/mid 1900’s technology, technology varies WILDLY from city to city, and some of it looks completely and utterly unrecognizable.
Backstay is probably the best example of this! Backstay is an entire city that was originally from another dimension and while it’s now completely integrated into this world, much of it is at it’s core sort of deeply weird. Backstay is ALSO (arguably) one of the most technologically advanced cities on the east coast (the cities on the west coast are Doing Some Shit. we’ll get there) - they’re very much an industrial city, with factory manufacturing and electric light and electric trollies and the early stages of computing, etc etc. They’re also powered by probability engines that create power through manipulating quantum uncertainty on large scales that are guarded by a religious order. So. That’s the general vibe of a lot of their technology - it looks like a lot of brick and steel and steampunk bullshit, but you peel back one layer of all of that and the underlying machinery is just bizarre. 
Backstay also is doing a lot of making this tech very available - their current sovereign is trying to make up for the previous sovereigns warmongering across the continent, and is like uhhhh here lemme build some power relays so you can have some of our power and also we’re gonna build the first train system. Do you want our lightbulb technology. Except most other places on the map have, pretty independently, worked out their own technologies (to various different degrees - Staple has a decent amount of space around them for larger scale architecture, so they may have farm equipment that uses engines while Oiler’s pass doesn’t particularly have engines but does have a more robust communication system, you know?). Electricity, the beginnings of digital technology, radio as the primary form of communication, intra-city transport of some kind (99% of inter-city travel is still just horses or by foot, it’s easiest with how travel works), food preservation, decent medical technology (important note: i dont know how medical stuff works, but i do know that part of the reason emily moved to staple is because hrt was available there. so), non-automatic firearms, and advanced building materials (concrete, steel, etc) are preeeetty common across the board, they just look slightly different in each place and are used in diff ways etc. Also, now that in the past 75ish years regular travel + communication between the cities has been established, technology is shared between them pretty reliably. While I can’t completely describe how the tech in each of the cities works 100%, I can give some vague sort of visual touchstones that I’m thinking about while designing tech from each city:
As previously mentioned, Backstay is a lot of steampunk, and…weird steampunk at that. Just bc I think it’s cool, I think the probability engines look like neutrino detectors in some way (as much as I <3 Kamiokande, I think it’s probably the Sudbury neutrino observatory)
Oiler’s pass has a focus on sort of trade knowledge + trade knowledge that’s passed on as oral traditions within families. Their tech is still mostly handmade, and is made to be easily repaired and a lot of it ends up looking kinda patchwork.
Loom actually has most/all of their tech imported, from Backstay and Oiler’s mostly. They have a similar focus on sort of trade knowledge in families, but tech made in Loom tends to be made of sort of weird materials (Girl How Did You Make A Circuitboard Out Of Wood.)
Stitch + Staple have an aesthetic that sort of combines the technological and the ritual - there’s a lot of ceramic and metal wires and little charms tied onto radio antennas - ESPECIALLY in the crossing across the suture (I thiiiink this crossing is in part managed by a religious group, but I haven’t decided yet). Some of yao yao’s older character designs were def on the mind for this style. 
I don’t talk about the cities on the west coast a lot because they’re 1. not plot relevant (except for in pepper’s ghost) and 2. WEIRDOS but talking about their technology is fun, so really quick update on them: the gloaming protectorate is originated in a group of people who lied about being from another world after finding tech from that world - their tech today is a lot of crystal, glass, and sandstone, and they have some weird fantasy vibes going so they’ve really merged the mythic and the technological. Triad has been living underground for centuries, so 99% of their technology hasn't changed too much since the resonance, but has been specialized in batshit ways (they also have a lot of really unique things the rest of the world doesnt particularly need, like hydroponics technology and water recycling and a sort of cobbled together wifi to send messages across the city). Decade (my friend and bestie decade) is focused on architecture to an absurd degree, so they have like, incredible building technologies, but not well developed agricultural tech or medicine or weapons etc. They also have what’s probably one of this world’s first computers - it’s a warehouse-sized construction made of etched glass that spits out architectural plans that only make like, some sense, and it can’t do anything else, but it’s still pretty sick.
One final note: Sam has a whole little arsenal of technology she carries around with her that’s all COMPLETELY handmade, most of it from bits of her spire station. She’s got advanced portable radios, a handful of recording devices, quantum detection gear, etc etc, and spends a lot of time sort of fiddling with it and fixing it in the background. A lot of the sort of detection/observation tech that Mel uses that’s more typical of travelers in this world is almost completely analog in fun ways, so to everyone else Sam essentially has like, a tricorder. Lmao.
Anyways WOW this took me forever but also holy shit thinking of this was so fun and its still rattling around in my head. I think I’m gonna do a bunch of tech concept sketches when I get around to it bc I have Ideas now so thank you ilu!!!! muah muah muah
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how about uhhhh... Cofagrigus?
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Cofagrigus!!!! The Coffin Pokemon!
Cofagrigus is another object-based pokemon, and like many Ghost-types, its status as an object-based pokemon is generally either tolerated or well-liked despite the general reputation of them. It’s based on an Egyptian sarcophagus combined with the general idea of mummy’s curses: the notion that trespassers in Egyptian tombs would later fall ill, become injured, or die. It evolves from Yamask, one of several Ghost-types that supposedly used to be human. Unlike Yamask however, Cofagrigus has apparently forgotten its human past.
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Cofagrigus notably has a lot of movable parts to its anatomy, which isn’t immediately obvious. The gold portions surrounding its face are actually capable of closing when the pokemon isn’t active, giving it the appearance of a regular sarcophagus. This gif also depicts Cofagrigus’s primary form of movement: using its four arms to crawl along the ground whilst the sarcophagus portion faces up. That’s an incredibly unsettling aesthetic, and I wish it was something we got to see more often! Its arms have a very distinct look in many depictions, with flat shading seemingly intended to appear two-dimensional like shadows. This unfortunately didn’t transfer to SwSh’s 3D model, though, despite the prior 3D games implementing it perfectly. Also notable is that the little mask on its forehead is the exact same mask that Yamask held in its tail, establishing some neat continuity between two otherwise very disparate designs.
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Anyways, despite looking like a sarcophogus, Cofagrigus apparently just pretends to be one to “teach lessons” to grave robbers. Little detail is given as to what these lessons entail, but it’s stated that those who get close to them are swallowed and turned into mummies. Somehow. There’s a few references to people eating pokemon in the franchise, but I think this might be the only known instance of a pokemon eating people? Besides people, it also eats gold nuggets, though I can’t imagine that’s a terribly sustainable food source. Considering it eats gold and is also made of gold, it’s rather surprising it isn’t part Steel-type, but I suppose pure-Ghost is actually a pretty rare type anyway so they may have wanted to leave it as such. Also uh. It used to be human and eats humans, and it’s made of gold and also eats gold? So it’s like. A double cannibal?????
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Cofagrigus’s ability to turn people into mummies is also represented by its signature ability, Mummy. Mummy’s effect is quite unique: when a pokemon uses an attack that makes contact on Cofagrigus, the attacker’s ability also becomes Mummy. The victim can then spread the ability to other pokemon that attack it as well, perhaps referencing the idea of zombie viruses. It’s one of the most creative abilities in the franchise, I feel.
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Cofagrigus has a marvellous shiny, swapping the gold for silver with lovely soft purple accents. It feels much less appropriate for a sarcophagus, but also looks far prettier. Definitely a great shiny. The arms even change from black to navy, which looks neat as well.
Cofagrigus is fantastic, and arguably one of the scariest pokemon in the franchise. Its toothy face, shadowy limbs, and the fact it eats people and turns them into mummies all combine to make something truly frightful. That said, I don’t personally vibe with it too much, but that’s alright! It’s a great pokemon regardless.
Look; don’t touch/10.
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cicadabooks · 3 years
Nitpicking on time passage in Psychonauts 2
Can someone explain how much time passed between events and people’s general age in the in-universe game? It’s throwing me off.
Ok so first the Psychic 7 were getting together and doing brain stuff, then some years pass, then Lucretia goes back to her homeland, then at some point she’s Maligula (after more years pass?), then Maligula is taken down and skip 20 years to present events. Or did I miss anything.
It looks like Raz’s father Augustus is... Going backwards in time, still a short little kid as depicted in the quilt level, when Lucy and him meet as “parent and child”. Let’s say 10-15yrs. Dion is... older than Raz, age unsure, I feel like I read 14yrs somewhere but wriggle room is fine. Ok, so let’s say August is 15yrs, and 6 years later at 21yrs, he has met Donatella and the two have baby Augustus. Kind of early to me but moving on. 14 years later, Augustus is 35 yrs old and has 10 yr old Raz and 14 yr old Dion? I guess?
More persnicky details, esp about Lucy. So she’s kind of the oldest looking member of the psychic 7 tbh. I mean, granted, she could have aged a lot, which would be fair. But that slight quiver and apparent forgetfulness, and delicate looking rendered old person’s skin (nice detail!).... I kind of vibe idk 70′s or 80′s? (I’m not very good at people’s age). So 20 yrs earlier, in her 50′s, she was reigning terror as Maligula? (Which ngl is kind of cool, narratively.)
(I’m being completely subjective in this part.) Although the game narrative mentions her being a young woman when she went back to Grulovia. IDK what “young woman” could be, but let’s be broad and call that uhhhh 20-35? 40? Although I kind of want to age her up when she met Ford and was doing Psychonauts stuff. (18-20 yrs old is baby to me, for that. Edit: belatedly, I forgot she lost a husband before meeting the early Psychonauts. So mid 20′s, 30′s or older in my mind.) Also, again, she seems like she might have been one of the older ones in the group, at least at the end when she appears with everyone else. Ok let’s say she went back to Grulovia at.... idk 30-35yrs. 15-20 ish yrs of Maligula work? Her Maligula career, if you will?
Look, otherwise there are some giant time leaps between “Young country woman” to “Nona the very old, quivering, forgetful adorable grandmother that is clearly same or older age as grey haired Ford” and 20 yrs is not enough for that. So I’m going to put some buffer time when she was in Grulovia, and also I’m headcannoning her as actually one of the older Psychic 7 members. Although Maybe Otto seems older tbh.
I can’t tell how old Ford is at any point, but tbh the “I was writing love letters!” era + his dark hair could be 25-50 and I’d believe it. The constraint of the dapper dark hair style of his stamp image (and other impressions from time vault images) would put him more in the middle of that age range? Otherwise, love letters are eternal and all ages imo.
Also Ford looked like he might have aged dramatically after the astrolathe (in the memory vault images), so again, ages are kind of out the window in this game. Maybe Lucy is actually like 50 or 60 in the game in current era, just really aged. Who knows.
Honestly Bob looks the most accurate vibes of “oh yeah he was idk 30′s or older and happily married with Helmut but worried about Lucy; cue Maligula fight around then; and then 20 yrs later he’s a bit of scraggly mess at 50′s or older with grey in his hair. He’ll clean up with a haircut.” Like the timeline flows fine with that character.
Also, what year is it in the psychonauts universe. Who knows. I read somewhere “hippie 1960′s + 20 yrs = 1980′s” but again there’s that buffer of Maligula years, and also the technology and time line of the universe is “?”. The computers do look a little retro. Apparently no one has cellphones. (Edit: except... Hollis’s phone?) Who knows.
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Hi I’m a menace and to remind y’all of that today I’ll be ranking the bnha boys by how likely they are to wash their hands after using the bathroom <3
Midoriya: yes but only bc his mom drilled it into his head that he has to (and because he saw a cheesy video about the importance of washing your hands that all might starred in, but mostly bc his mom told him to). Everyone say thank you to Inko. 9/10
Todoroki: yes. Every time. But mostly because endeavor doesn’t (& probably told him it’s gay to do so or smth which is why he knows this) so Todoroki decided that means he has to. Don’t know whether this one is a win or a loss, but the conclusion is don’t shake hands with the number two hero <3. 10/10
Iida: yes I don’t think he likes the concept of germs. 10/10
Kirishima: you know....I am so torn on this one. I really want to believe that he does but my brain is telling me that he doesn’t. Actually wait I subscribe to the headcanon that he has two moms so surely they would teach him the importance of washing your hands after using the bathroom. 8/10
Kaminari: not until his female friends find out and yell at him for his lack of hygiene (and even then he still doesn’t see the big deal). Gross. 2/10
Aoyama: yes absolutely. “How can I be the most sparkling if my hands don’t sparkle too?” 10/10
Shoji: yes. Takes a long time in the bathroom bc he washes All his hands meticulously. 10/10
Sero: most of the time. 7/10
Sato: ykw my brain’s telling me yes so we’re gonna go with that. He bakes so he probably takes washing his hands seriously. 8/10
Tokoyami: listen I have no earthly idea. Maybe Tokoyami stans have more input on this but to me his mysterious aura extends to his bathroom habits. ???/10
Ojirou: uh. Probably? 7/10
Koda: another brain telling me yes moment. 8/10
Bakugou: yes but only because of his quirk. He also has to wash them before he uses the bathroom for the same reason. 15/10
M*neta: oh you already know there’s no way in hell this bitch washes his hands like ever. He has sticky little child hands. This contributes to yet somehow manages not to be the main reason why nobody will willingly touch him. -17/10
Monoma: I’m gonna say yes and if he ever finds out anyone from 1a doesn’t he will make fun of them for it for months. 9/10
Awase: I think so...he has a touch activated quirk so I hope so. 7/10
Kaibara: ok so he’s one of the 1b students I know less about but I’m going to say yes as well just a slightly less confident yes. 6/10
Kamakiri: yes...? Since his quirk makes blades I’d say that his parents probably taught him it was very important to have clean hands in case he accidentally cut himself or someone else (he doesn’t want to cause infections). 8/10
Kuroiro: I don’t know? Based on vibes I’d say 7/10
Shishida: oh absolutely. He’s said to be intellectual and polite when not in beast form so yes. 10/10
Shoda: yes. He’s the class vice rep and seems responsible so 8/10
Tsuburaba: the vibes he gives off say no, sorry :/ 4/10
Tetsutetsu: he gives off the same “he might not” vibes as Kirishima but I don’t think he was raised by lesbians so 5/10
Fukidashi: I’m gonna say yes. 7/10
Honenuki: ok so yes he does wash his hands after going to the bathroom but I feel like due to the nature of his quirk he’s likely to have little pieces of earth and stuff he softened on him most of the time. However bc this isn’t a ranking of how clean they are, he still gets a 9/10
Bondo: yes. Sweet boy. I feel like he often has sticky hands bc of his quirk, but again that’s not related and I think he actually washes them a lot probably. 9/10
Rin: probably. 7/10
Shinsou: uhhhh I’m gonna say yes? He seems like a pretty reasonable guy. 8/10
Mirio: oh god uh. I’d really like to think so. However I am not sure so 6/10
Tamaki: yeah. 9/10
Shigaraki: yk everyone’s expecting me to say no & yeah that makes sense but because his skin is so dry I think that when he has the chance he over washes and showers so like...6/10??
Dabi: if he does it’s only bc he’s worried about infecting his wounds, but I’m still gonna say no (I’m sorry I swear I actually rlly like dabi but I can’t lie to myself). 3/10
Kurogiri: see based on his personality I’d say yes but based on a certain revelation about uhh. Why he’s Like That (iykyk) I’d say that it really depends (sorry I can’t go into more detail than that without having to tag this post as spoilers and I rlly don’t want to do that so that as many people see my awful takes as possible). 5/10
Mr. Compress: my irrational grudge against him (which literally doesn’t make sense bc he kidnapped bakugou, whom I dislike, and marbled ov*rhaul, whom I dislike, ‘s arm. There is NO reason for me to dislike this man but every time I see him my brain is like “bitch.” Sorry mr compress I literally have no justification for disliking you) says no but realistically I think he probably would. 8/10
Twice: yes. 9/10
Spinner: has a debate with himself on whether stain would wash his hands after using the bathroom and can’t come up with an answer. 5/10
Stain: on the one hand I want to say yes but on the other hand he will literally ingest anyone’s blood without worrying if it will give him diseases (and like maybe that’s part of his quirk but if it is it isn’t explained)...6/10
Gentle Criminal: ok so I hate this bitch too (sorry ik he’s not that bad but I think the British accent made me go rabid) but I think he probably would as part of his gentleman character? 8/10
Overhaul: I hate the bitch but he hates germs so he would. At least his victims can take comfort in the fact that when he kills them he has very clean hands. 10/10
All might: hm. I’m gonna say yes most of the time but only bc I can imagine him doing a cheesy promotion video about hygiene and because David Shield and Sir Nighteye would undoubtedly beat his ass if he didn’t. 7/10
Present mic: yes I think??? He must spend a lot of time on his hair so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he cares about personal hygiene. 8/10
Eraserhead: at first I was gonna be like “no <3” bc he gives off those vibes but then I thought that there’s a sink in the bathroom so he probably thinks it’s logical to use it. For that reason only aizawa stans are safe. 7/10
Kamui woods: ykw? No. If Mt. Lady ever finds this out she will clown on him for years probably. 3/10
Hawks: piss hands mc gee. 3/10
Gang orca: absolutely. King. He needs the water to hydrate anyways. 10/10
Tiger: yes. 10/10
Best jeanist: ...yes? Idk my brain says it would be funny if he claimed to be a fashion icon but then didn’t practice simple personal hygiene... 6/10
Gran Torino: no and every fact I learn about him makes me marvel at the fact that he isn’t dead yet (yes ik this isn’t an official fact but shhh). 1/10
Sir Nighteye: ok again based on his character I’d say yes, but how funny would it be if he didn’t. 7/10
Manual: yeah. 9/10
Endeavor: no. 0/10
Natsuo: Fuyumi would yell at him if he didn’t plus he’s in med school. 8/10
David Shield: this man is a globally respected scientist, and he has definitely made mistakes but not washing his hands after using the bathroom has never been one of them. 10/10
Can’t’cha-see-kun: yes and he’s DEVASTATED when he finds out that endeavor doesn’t (avsnsvsjwvjdbs yeah I only included this one as a joke) 9/10
Ok that’s not every bnha man but if I listed every bnha man this post would be way too long so I’m done for now <3
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i saw that you play genshin impact, so i’m kind of curious... what’d be the axis and allies’ vision and weapons?
Uh oh...now you got me started. Be warned, it’s a long one cause I have no self control
Some key terms for those who don’t play genshin impact and want to be included!!
Cryo -> ice, Hydro -> water, Dendro -> nature, Geo -> rock, Pyro -> fire, Electro -> lightning
Hilichurls: a common enemy found in the wild. Despite looking like hairy trolls, they have a district language as well as texts, art and song that they share together making them an advanced species!
Ruin guards: another enemy. Giant, scary robot...they scare me...
Knights of Favonious: an organization of knights within Mondstat that keep order and peace :) very nice guys and gals over there!!
Mondstat: modeled after Germany
Liyue: modeled after China
Alfred: pyro, claymore, Springvale Mondstat
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Alfred would be a super heavy hitter in battle but his drawbacks are that despite his energetic nature, he’s slower because of the weight of his weapon
He blows stuff up a lot and sets all of the grass around you on fire so if you fight with him...His teammates will take damage from him Jeez Louise!!!
Since we don’t have all of the nations of Teyvay unlocked, I don’t know where he’d be from! I’d have to explore to get a sense for it so for characters that don’t have a place on the map yet, I’ll mark them with an asterisk from now on! :)
Idk where he lives but I do know that he’d be a devoted member of the adventurers guild! He’s always willing to offer a helping hand to anyone in need! Wether it be helping Granny Ann make hash browns or taking comissions to go kill a huge ruin guard who’s terrorizing the town!! He’s always leaping into new jobs! He isn’t even in it for the money or rewards! He just loves helping out!
Arthur: Dendro, archer, Mondstat
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Artie is a beast in battle! Shooting vine Aries at enemies to tie them up or temporarily blind them??? Sick as fuck. Keep in mind, Genshin doesn’t have any Dendro characters that are playable yet so idk how they’d fight but I think I can guess :)
Artie is technically part of the knights of favonious because he works in their library. He translates books written in ancient texts into the standard language so historians and others can read what the old civilizations had to say
Instead of having normal eyes, they’re slit like snake eyes. And he has leaves instead of hair :)
He has a little seelie that floats around at his side. He talks to it but it doesn’t really do anything but provide company to a lonely guy :’) he needs more friends
Matthew: Anemo, catalyst, *
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It’s always good to have a catalyst on your team! Ningguang is a great example of an underestimated catalyst cause she can do INSANE damage man!! So I think Mattie would be the same way
Matt isn’t violent and doesn’t enjoy fighting so his in-game voice lines would say that lol
Mattie is an alchemist! Well...A student alchemist. He didn’t take up an interest in alchemy until like, 3 years ago so he’s got a lot to catch up on still! He’s doing his best!
He gets very annoyed with Alfred since Mattie is detail oriented and gentle...Alfred is not any of those things. But he still loves his brother and on rare occasions, he’ll assist him with his commissions
Ivan: Cryo, catalyst, Liyue(temporary)
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Ivan would be a support character for sure but he’d do a damn good job of doing it
He’s buff but he doesn’t do hand to hand combat, he’s mastered magic for a reason
Ivan spends most of his time studying hilichurls. He writes books about them, translates their texts and acts as a peace keeper when he can. He gets information from them about the Abyss Order in return for free reign of small portions of protected land where they can live without fear of being killed
Because he’s from Schneznya(spelling?) he’s kinda expected to be a bad guy but he left a long time ago. But he still sounds like he’s from there and...He’s super pale too so there really is no mistaking where he’s from
Ivan can’t stand how ignorant humans are towards hilichurls so he does everything he can to advocate for them. He’s covered in scars from when he first started engaging with the beasts. A huge scar runs down his face but he doesn’t mind it
He’s got big, sharp teeth!! So he doesn’t often smile cause he thinks he looks weird
Francis: Hyrdo, long sword, *
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Fran is underestimated when it comes to combat (like Kaeya...I see you slandering this man) but he has so much potential!
Since he’s a hydro, he is so useful for elemental reactions! If he’s paired with a cryo or pyro user, he’d totally boost them!!
Fran is a traveling entertainer, he goes between the 7 nations as a singer and actor for small stage plays. He has a crew of friends who travel with him, they’re one jolly bunch!
He always acts all nonchalant and stuff but once he’s in a battle, he’s wild. Especially if the abyss order holds up his crew on their way to their next tour destination “We need to be in Liyue Harbor in four hours you are NOT holding us back!” *tidal wave*
He’s a regular tavern hopper! A very recognizable face since he’s been banned from a handful for getting too rowdy
He can make not one, but 2 special dishes :0
Yao: Dendro, polearm, Liyue
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I just imagine him as a shorter, richer and cooler version of Zhongli
He’d do that kick move that Zhongli does with his polearm oh man that looks SICK dude!!!
Yao would shoot vines out and they’d strangle enemies for a few seconds before disintegrating but if he’s leveled up enough, they’ll totally strangle those stupid hillichurls lol
Yao sells rare gems and other miscellaneous items for very high prices in Liyue where he grew up. His shop is upstairs by the Fatui bank. Rich people enjoy looking at what his shop has to fifer and will argue prices with him. They’re getting scammed for sure. He’ll list a set of cor lapis earrings as $50,000 and the rich will be like ‘I’ll pay $25,000, no more than that’ and he’ll take it!!....Cause thise earrings are worth $5000 at most >:)
Hes close with a lot of the higher ups in Liyue and is often invited to fancy lunches or dinners where they discuss policy, contracts and vendor permits. He doesn’t really get a say in any of that but he benefits from listening
Kiku: Electro, claymore, *
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Kiku would be SUCH an awesome electo user are you KIDDING me??? I can see it now, him swinging that huge sword around, purple lightning bolts flying all around and he looks like a total badass? Amazing vibes
When paired with cryos???? He’d do an insane amount of damage fr
Kiku runs a small restaurant where he...runs the place...but doesn’t cook. His restaurant is extremely exclusive and people often throw fits when they can’t get in cause the wait list is over 5 years long. He’ll rest his hand on their shoulder and smile ‘is something wrong? I’d love to take a complaint if you have one’...No one has even dared to complain to his face lol
Behind the restaurant front he deals with the Fatui, buying and selling minerals or artifacts. That’s where his knowledge is at, not with food. He pays his staff to ignore what goes on behind the scenes and the locals are too busy enjoying the restaurant to question what goes on after dark
Gilbert: Pyro, long sword, Mondstat
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Gil would be one of the free characters given to you at the beginning of the game but hey, I’m not complaining
He’s highly destructive and very chaotic in battle, he can do that spin move even though that’s meant for claymore users
He’s Mondstat’s biggest trouble maker. He runs an underground gambling room that sits underneath a tavern. He isn’t really into gambling but he makes a lot of money by running it
The only knight who knows is Ludwig which is not good cause...Gil pretty much bribes his brother into not telling the knights of favonious (peace keepers of Mondstat)
Gil never got his gliding certificate cause he kept flying into buildings. He broke his nose doing that lol
Lovino: Pyro, catalyst, *
I can’t add anymore images so imagine a floating, red and black orb. Lovi doesn’t get a book catalyst cause he doesn’t read :) That’s the catalyst thing I’m talking about 😅😅
My guy has the angriest in game voice lines, he’s inconvenienced by every battle, every enemy is ugly and a fuckin disaster. He’s just. Angry.
He’d be a super weak character if he needed to rely on hand to hand combat but he learned magic for a reason babey
He owns a flower stand in his country and makes all kinds of beautiful flower arrangements. He even picks his own flowers in the fields when he can (but usually pays the town’s children to do it for him to ‘teach them the value of hard work’).
Everyone knows he’s a total hothead and will piss him off on purpose just cause it’s funny lmao. But then somehow...Their hair or clothes will just...catch on fire. So is it really worth it to tease him? :/
Feliciano: Hydro, archer, Mondstat(temporary)
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I feel like Feli would also be a free character, not cause he isn’t good or anything! But you always need an archer on your team!
Feli has healing properties for his team and doesn’t do an insane amount of damage but when given the right resources, he’d be a pretty sick healer
He moved to Mondstat to join the church there. He leads prayers in front of the church and sings in the choir inside.
He is the sweetest and has never committed a crime in his LIFE but he’s afraid of the knights lol he’s terrified that he’ll get in trouble and be kicked out of Mondstat forever! That would never happen but he’s a worry wart cause of his brother
Ludwig: Geo, long sword, Mondstat
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Lud is the only one that I could really think of as a Geo but Geos are awesome :)
He’s a hard hitter but has like...No shield so he’ll take damage fast if you don’t give him those artifacts with shield in them or whatever lol uhhhh I wouldn’t know anything about that cause I suck at building my teams ;-;
He’d totally be in with the knights of favonious! (I think that’s spelled right lol) but he’d take his duty as a knight very seriously!! He’s a familiar face around Mondstat, the elderly absolutely adore him and the local teenage girls swoon over him which he finds super embarrassing lol
He has to work hard to keep Gilbert in check cause even though Gil isn’t a knight, his actions reflect negatively back on Lud very often... :(
Please ignore the spelling errors and terrible photo cropping on my part lol this was so fun!!
By the time you’re seeing this, ive already made full outfit red sheets for everyone mentioned above!!!! :D
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podcastlimbo · 3 years
My honest honest opinion on second citadel season 3
Uhhhh... short answer? I didn’t like it much.
Okay wait before I go on to my long answer I need to say that this is all just my opinion and it’s all subjective. If you liked sc season 3 that’s awesome! I get why you do and I’m glad you enjoyed it!
But I really wasn’t a fan of where they went with it (even from episode 1), and I’m gonna go on a long rambly and repetitive rant about it.
I’m not gonna talk about the way the season ended and the setup for s4 because I haven’t fully formed my opinion about that - to form my opinion means to relisten to the season and i don’t really feel like doing that.
Anyways, these are my unfiltered 2am thoughts about the Rest Of It - maybe I’ll neaten it up later to make it more palatable but for now it’s wordy n messy and you can just. Not read it bc it’ll probably make you mad, or feel free to pick it apart and tell me I’m wrong, or unfollow me (and at least one person has already done so lmao) but like that won’t change the fact that I just wasn’t feeling s3 so uh. That said.
Long answer? I love the second citadel... at least the first two seasons
I love the world building, how the setting is such a unique, deliberate step away from eurocentric fantasy, how refreshing all that is! The Second Citadel (the place) is rich with culture and history from the brief glimpses we get of it (mostly in knight of the crown). Not to mention the monster society, with its own rules (or lack thereof) and environments and personalities.
I love the storytelling, how different mediums are woven into the way each episode is formatted. Rilla has her tape recorder, Damien his prayers, Caroline her letters, and each medium is so well suited to each character, and it truly lets us get a glimpse of what’s going on in their minds, and I find it utterly fascinating how a protagonist of one story could just as easily become an antagonist (or at least, an annoyance) in another
And the characters! Each one so compelling, with their own goals and motivations, their own intriguing backstories and potential.
Most importantly, the way these characters play off of each other is what makes second citadel amazing. Getting to see people with similar experiences but different world views clash (Caroline and Mira), people with fundamentally different beliefs reconcile and meet in the middle (rilla and arum), just, Kabert created so many interesting characters, and watching them bounce off one another is a joy.
And that’s what made season 2 so great for me. The exploration of each character, getting to see their good sides and bad, through either a medium tailored for them, or through interactions with others, as they explored a fascinating world.
The end of season 2 left me so satisfied, but still with so many questions and excitement about what was to come. I wanted to see Talfryn come into his own and step out of his brothers shadow. I wanted to see Damien, Arum and Rilla navigating their new relationship. I wanted to know more of the fate of Rilla’s parents, Damien’s past, the consequences Arum would surely face after defying the monster court. I wanted Marc to finally be recognized by his fellow knights, to watch as Caroline lead the journeymen knights, while learning to trust in others as she was beginning to do. I wanted Angelo continuing to unlearn the implicit biases that had been instilled in him as a result of his upbringing, or more details on Caroline and Quanyii’s relationship. I was also curious!! How would human and monster relations change after the events of the finale? And would we learn more of the past, when humans and monsters lived together in peace?
I was buzzing with excitement for season 3, and then.. it came, it aired, and then it went.
And I felt... meh?
Don’t get me wrong. There were moments that I liked. Some of what I hoped to see did happen (see the above paragraph lmao), getting a glimpse of the western wastes with its own culture a joy. The dynamics between Olala and some of the characters were really fun! And the direction the story took at the end was one I didn’t expect, but left me open to more.
That said,,, everything else about the season just. Didnt gel with me.
Everything I loved about second citadel pretty much wasn’t there??? Aside from Caroline, Angelo and Quanyii, all the characters they spent so much time introducing to us and fleshing out over 2 seasons were just relegated to the side??
I think my main problem with season 3 was that it felt like a completely different show. Characters introduced as part of an ensemble became side characters in (what was supposed to be) their own stories. Character arcs that got set up were dropped, and mysteries/backstories teased were forgotten. Heck, the monster court and senate wasn’t even brought up! The aftermath of the fear bugs attack ont the citadel went unexplored! It’s like nothing in the past season even happened!
And I’m sorry I gotta say this, but the problem is Olala.
I mean. Okay I don’t wanna be super mean- she’s perfectly fine as a character. We root for her, we cry when she cries, and we cheer when she wins the day.
But since all the episodes were centered around her, we didn’t get to see anyone else’s inner worlds. And like okay, yes, they did it for this season of Juno Steel too, where Juno, the previous POV a character for 2 seasons, became a part of an ensemble, and was a side character for many episodes. But this choice worked for Juno and not Second Citadel, because it was a natural progression for his story! We spent 2 seasons exploring Juno’s character, his backstory, his motivations, we saw him come to terms with his family history, grow and change as a person, and by the time he joined the Carte Blanche, we’d gotten to a point with Junos story where we’re okay to step away for a while, and see events through the lens of others.
But that just?? Doesn’t work in second citadel? Because unlike Juno, the characters introduced in s1-2 are virtually unexplored! There’s still so much about their stories we don’t know, and so many ways for them to progress.
But we didn’t get any of that! Stuff established in s1-2 barely got payoff in this season. Characters stagnated, and when previously it was amazing to watch them interact with each other? Having each episode throw different combinations of characters together and seeing how they clashed and came together? Yeah we didn’t get that, it was all the same characters bouncing off of Olala, which is fine at first, but honestly? After the first couple episodes, it got stale.
And remember how before, we would get to see the characters tell their story through a medium suited for them? Well I noticed that the format of this season was a lot moreee audio drama-y (basically a TV show but with no visuals) and while there’s nothing wrong with that, one of SC’s strengths was in using the medium in unique ways, presenting the episodes in unique formats depending on the POV character. And with the exception of a few moments, the season really lacked that!
I know there were episodes in s1-2, like caves of discord and the Janus beast which didnt follow that format, but I think it’s a fan consensus that the episodes that do (moonlit hermit, KOTC lots, lady of the lake) are favourites, because they fully embraced the advantages and limitations those framing devices offered, and were truly perfect for character exploration.
It’s like. Idk. Imagine wolf 359 s3 where the si5 were introduced, and there was like 1-2 episodes of them interacting with the rest of our cast, but then after that the rest of the season just completely focuses on Eiffel and the new characters, and everyone else just disappears n twiddles their thumbs and doesn’t even do anything during the finale. That’s what happened this season, and that’s the kinda weird vibe I’m talking about.
Since I’m already rambling, I might as well just say some more stuff. I was disappointed with the music this season. I can tell Ryan Vibert was trying to figure a way to make SC sound different from Juno, and he was getting there in s1-2! The pieces that stand out now are the soft, acoustic guitar pieces, like Rillas song, or the lone melody line of the guitar in the SC theme. I thought he was getting it with s3e1, when Marc fought the dinosaur while traditional Japanese instruments were playing!! But then for the rest of the season, it was just samey echoey ambient electric guitar, like how it is for Juno. There could’ve been so much potential to give this world its own musical identity, but in the end, that attempt was dropped (at least that’s how it come off to me), just like so many other elements introduced in s1-2!
I’ve gotten this far in my rant, and I haven’t even talked about the story. And the story is. Hmmmmm
Like. It’s completely serviceable? Kabert are good at what they do so the story is a okay I guess? But to be completely honest, the characters and story were so tied together in previous seasons, so much so that in this season, even though the plot was just fine, it stayed just that. Fine. it always felt like there was something missing because the characters were the story, and to have just. So many holes in that department meant that the story itself was fundamentally empty.
Anyways uh. All of this is to say that this all boils down to character. I had my nits to pick with other elements but the fact that Rilla, Arum, Damien, Marc and Talfryn got completely sidelined (Tal most of all) when so much of the previous seasons were spent setting them up- in favour of a completely new storyline featuring new characters and settings when there was still so! Much! Left! Unfinished! From unfulfilled arcs to dynamics left untapped, and creative potential lost, the essence of the show was watered down and it left me with the intense feeling of
Idk. Season 3 felt like a completely different show. I liked s1, I loved a2, but s3 just. isnt second citadel for me. I’ll probably still listen to the next season out of loyalty, but I don’t think I’ll ever feel as passionately about the shows future as I do it’s precious seasons, especially if they continue this way.
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Uhhhh hi. Could you do some headcanons of Shuichi with an s/o who’s interested in witchcraft? I love your blog so much!
Sorry! I kind of took this and ran with it and it turned into just straight up a thing where his s/o is a (secular) witch. I uh, tried to anyway
Let me know if there’s anything I can change. Hope you enjoy it anyway.
There is another round of heavy, exhausted sighing at the table in the break room as Saihara and his co-workers chat about the details of their latest case--one that's gone nowhere for longer than he's comfortable with. He feels the work days grinding on for longer, with little to show for it, and he knows after he finishes his coffee he'll have to go back out there and continue the search.
Even if it's a drag.
"I wouldn't normally suggest this, Saihara, but... You're dating a witch, aren't you?"
"I'm sorry?" Saihara's response comes off more offended than he actually feels. "--Yes, I am. What about it?"
Maybe just a little more offended.
His coworker, Takahashi, has his head hung in his hands. "Maybe you could ask her for a divination or something."
"Oh! Come to think of it, she does these readings--"
"Wait! I was kidding! As if a fortune teller could help where the forensics team couldn't."
"That's... Not a good thing to joke about."
"I'm at the end of my rope, can you blame me?"
Saihara can, but he stays quiet. Instead, he downs the rest of his coffee, and decides that the sooner he's over with his work day the sooner he can come home.
It is 9:37 when he returns, and BOY has it been a DAY. He uses up what little rentals of his energy driving home, and by the time he's climbing the stairs to his floor he's so exhausted he could pass out.
This isn't the first long day he's had since you started dating him, though, so he is infinitely thankful when you're at the door to give him a hug as soon as he steps through.
"Welcome home." You squeeze a little tighter. "Everything go okay today?"
"Haha, okay. I get that."
Saihara feels your hand rubbing soft, comforting circles into his back. It's like your touch is everything in the world to him at that moment, because his head is so fuzzy that it kind of is.
"Did you eat dinner?" He asks.
"Yeah, I ate some. How was dinner with your workmates?" You lead him to sit on the couch in your living room, where he well and truly melts into the cushions.
"Stressful. One of the guys I'm working with right now is kind of..."
"Kind of...?"
He doesn't want to say it, because a part of him left over from his teenage years still sticks, but--"He's kind of an asshole."
"Ooh. Yikes. What's the guy's name?"
"What are you gonna do with it?"
"Nothing major, I just wanna know."
"So you will do something..."
"Hey, if someone's being an asshole to you, I'm already going to send them bad vibes. I may as well know who exactly. Wouldn't you wanna do the same?"
"...Fair. But seriously, it's fine--thanks."
You hum thoughtfully. "If not that, then... Maybe you'll like this, instead!"
You hold up a milky-blue crystal; a leather string threaded through a hole drilled through the top.
"It's blue quartz," you inform him, a satisfied look in your face. "I know you've been stressed about whatever case you've been working on lately, and I thought this might help you calm down."
"You..." Saihara takes the crystal and gingerly turns it over in his hand, light bouncing off the smoothed surface. "Did you make this?"
"I drilled the hole and made it into the necklace, but the stone I found while I was out looking for supplies. Do you like it?"
He puts it around his neck, and tucks it under his dress shirt. It's flat and small, and it rests against his chest comfortably. "Is it okay with you if I wear it like this?"
"Of course it is. I figured it probably wouldn't fit your office's dress code anyway."
"I... I really love this." He puts his hand to his chest, feeling the quartz over the fabric of his shirt. He puts his other hand over yours, and smiles. "Thank you. This is really nice."
What is even nicer, he thinks, is the smile you give him in return, and feels warm and comfortable and loved all at once.
"I'm just happy you like it," you say, moving to rest your head in the crook of his neck.
And when he makes a breakthrough in his study the next day, it's a nice thought that it was thanks to the the love you put into making his new pendant. He chooses to believe it.
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n-ugg · 3 years
I didn't expect to get tagged but here we are. As you all will be able to tell in a bit, I am a massive Quackity fan
Thank you for tagging me @skeetlehands!
who is your favourite member on the smp?
Look, I love them all but these have a special place in my heart.
Quackity, Slimecicle (I am fully aware he just joined but I still love him), Schlatt, Tubbo, Eret, AweSamdude, and Ponk.
They're just great in and out of character and just have comforting vibes.
when did you first start watching the smp and what made you get into it?
I gotten in during the Pogtopia era since it took me a while to get access to the streams.
I mainly gotten in with the Sad-ist War animatics along with me trying to catch up on Quackity's VODS. Just someone that I was already familiar with being an easier shift into story and learning others through him
what is your favourite part about watching the smp?
Just watching everyone interact with other and just seeing the plot progress in real time. Its literally just dnd but with extra steps but I enjoy it so much
The improv that they all do is amazing and how everyone have different approaches to their characters makes my writer's side so happy with dissecting everything.
What piece of cursed lore is your favourite
That Wilbur canonically fucked a fish and Philza canonically fucked a Samasung fridge and just seeing the fanbase try to change into something that will at least make a bit more sense.
Im included in this, I basically joined the side that has Sally being a mermaid shapeshifting pirate. Mainly because of pirate Fundy
Who is your favorite duo on the smp
Slimecicle and Ranboo: They're the same person but in different fonts, you can convince me otherwise
Schlatt and Quackity: They managed to be super funny together with all of the jokes and balanced with making a very realistic abusive relationship work. It was always fun seeing them flirt with each other for a joke then get hit with whiplash when canon comes in to remind me that this isnt healthy
Tubbo and Tommy: They're two dumbasses who share the same braincell but then they constantly lose it and Tubbo mainly has custody of it
Wilbur and Schlatt: I just enjoy seeing Schlatt messing with Wilbur and occasionally flirts with him to get Wilbur more pissed off
Who are your comfort streamers
Quackity and Slimecicle are comfort streamers
Eret, Fundy, and AweSamdude are my comfort people (meaning I dont watch them as much but I find comfort in their presence. And the other two are also under this category)
Who is your favorite character
Quackity due to how complex his character is and yet how it looks so simple
Schlatt because is just a villian who knows how to play the game without getting caught
Tubbo, watching him trying to be hopeful with everything destroy around him and he just slowly become used to everything going wrong
AweSamdude because he is just trying his best to be a father figure others and I just got family issues
Who do you think the best actor(s) on the smp
Imma skip over the ones that we all already said and get into the ones that dont get enough praise
Quackity: Just how he managed to make his character seem so basic but in reality its really complex. And just seeing the shift from him being a chaotic force of nature to being a serious character that is trying his best to reach something that has been hanging over his head is just *chefs kiss* and he always delivers amazing lines on the spot.
BadBoyHalo: He is doing great right now, even though he is a bit rusty with starting he still manages to get into character and stay in character the entire time. When slowly easing in, you can tell its a bit forced but once he finds his footing, he knows how to deliver his lines.
AweSamdude: His entire bit where he was getting rescued from the egg fucking hurt. How he sounded weak from the entire thing and tired to where he just wanted to rest was so well. And I know he can act more energetic when he was accidentally dragged into playing a cop during Quackity's and Bad's date
Fundy: You guys need to give him more praise for his acting because he is fucking amazing at it. The little touches to how he voice when speaks is so good along with his body language in game. He knows what he's fucking doing and I love him for that. And when he snapped, it made complete sense if you payed attention to his character
I didnt add Ranboo because he's automatically at the top section due to him being a dnd player. Same goes to Slimecicle even though he hasnt acted yet. I dont make the rules. You play dnd, you know how to act
What are your favorite quotes
I dont have favorite quotes, just dialog heavy scenes.
Before Doomsday, Quackity going to take his horse far away from L'Manberg, it being the one thing he cares about. It was just so good
The entire Schlatt and Quackity argument in front of the white house
The meeting between Schlatt and Quackity with Schlatt yelling out to him in a taunting way to where Tommy and Quackity are trying to figure out what happened to the tnt. I constantly rewatch it to feel the adrinaline pumping to feel something
Wilbur's slow descend into insanity and talking to Tommy. Just showing his paranoia and fears consuming him, him projecting his fears into Tommy as an attempt of manipulation, and his hero complex shift into villian one
Schlatt's winning speech of him projecting it as something that was bound to happen no matter what. The amount of charisma and confidence that was in his voice as I was watching Tommy hiding underground in fear was just a perfect scene
Tommy's argument with Dream when everyone is protecting Tommy. Its the small details of Tommy taunting Dream to kill him, knowing he wont no matter what. Him telling everyone to protect Tubbo and everyone listening without hesitation.
The debate that Quackity and Dream had for like 11 or 14 minutes. All of that was completely unprompted unscripted, it was just so satisfying seeing someone stand up against Dream for the first time and actually beating him. Sure it was in a verble conflict but it still counts as a defeat
Be honest, who do you simp for? (Ayo if anyone says Tommy or Tubbo I will🗡)
Schlatt, Quackity, and Slimecicle
Its pretty obvious, I dont really try to hide it
Whats your favorite stream
Uhhhh I dont exactly have one so none I guess
Whats your least favorite streams
Im sorry, but all of the Jackbox stream. You need a specific group of people to play together in order to actually make it funny and keeping the energy throughout the entire thing.
After a bit later, everyone has a tendency of pandering to the audience and repeat jokes. They managed to beat jokes to the ground faster than Tiktok AND Twitter.
Dont get me started with DreamTeam being in there. They're funny in thier own rights but the shipping jokes get so unfunny so quick and they dont know how bounce off of others well. The only exception to this is when Quackity, Velvet, and Ant were playing with Sapnap and Dream. And thats because they decided to mess with the straight white guys into accidently saying offensive shit and seeing those two suffer with trying tiptoe around was so amusing
Whats something about the smp fandom thay makes you sad
This doesnt get me sad, just frustrated and its mostly towards dsmptok and dsmptwt but sometimes this fandom doesnt fucking know how to analyze characters. Like when everyone jumped on Tubbo on being the bad guy when he was a kid trying to use old tatics that knows that worked before and stand up for himself
How when one person decides to do something that they believe is right, everyone just throws the term villian arc around
When one person does one good thing the suddenly everyone accepts into them being good and not ever looking into it.
For fucks sakes, I saw people keep saying that Quackity was turning into Dream or Wilbur and I just sat there being confused on how they conntected those dots that were in different books.
Its so frustrating to read through. But here on dsmpblr, you guys actually understand character analysis, are able to critique them and able to love whoever you enjoy.
Another thing is how this fanbase really puts everyone on a pedestal or objectify them. Just completely forgetting that they're human and treat the streamer as a character. Like, yeah they're playing up a persona whenever they're making content but theres a difference and you shouldn't hold them up like that.
You cant use the argument of "They're young, they dont know any better", when I first entered my first fandom (I was like 11/12), I fully understood that theres a boundary between me and the creator. What they are on screen is a persona but they're still human and I should treat them as such. Its just something that bugs me and its unnerving to see whenever people start getting wierd about it
Final bit is just how the twitch chat acts. They all force the streamer to follow the 'main' plot of it being Tommy or Techno or whoever the fandom chooses to have a favorite, completely ignoring the fact that they are their own character. No one wants to meta game because where is the fun in that but the fucking chat gets so annoying when the streamer goes against fanfavorite of the week. It drains the fun of it being multiple pov's and different characters.
When Slimecicle was barely starting stream I saw so many people spam "Go with Ranboo" and not let him even get into lore first. I hated that I knew it was coming but it was still so fucking frustrating seeing them try to boss him around. Please just let people live outside of the 'main' plot, not everything revolves around your favorites. Now shut the fuck up and let them play
What about the smp fandom that makes you happy?
The people that create art, animatics, theories, playlist, or write oneshots
All of you creators are great and deserve so much more respect then what the fandom gives you because jesus fucking christ they're all so fucking rude. You guys are the ones that are carrying this fandom on your backs and I fucking respect yall for that
Time for da spead: @nixavia @dambette404 and @mocha-is-lost yall dont need to join.....unless😳😳😳
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ziracona · 4 years
Do you have any tips for people who want to start writing? Specifically dialogue or how to research thoroughly?
Sure! For starting writing in general, the best advice to start with is look at the stories you yourself love, and identify what you love most in them. Relationships of a certain kind, high-stakes fight scenes, murder mysteries and scenes where people have to choose under pressure who they’re going to trust, redemption arcs, someone ending up adopting a child more or less because the kid has no one else to look after them? If there are scenarios you daydream about writing stories in your head, what are the common themes? No matter how oddly specific that gets or how often or scarcely you see it in fiction, I garuntee you you’re not the only one who likes it, and it’s good to base writing ideas around whatever you want to see more of yourself. You’ll be happy writing it, and the other people who yearn for it too, once they find you, will be very happy to see some as well! For me, I’ve always really enjoyed stories where someone who has no connection to the action ends up choosing to do the right thing and gets pulled into dangerous scenarios, found family, hope punk, and scenes where someone is injured/sick/drugged/unconscious/trapped and ends up at the mercy of someone they expect to hurt them, but who chooses to do absolutely nothing bad to them and saves/helps/looks after them instead (to name a few of many, many faves, haha). Some of those are pretty broad and some are wildly specific, but I love writing them all, and I’m not the only person who enjoys reading them either, so it’s a great kind of springboard to work with. : ) —Ok, for the specific questions though—I’ll do them in two parts to go with the two questions.
For writing dialogue, the biggest thing is to establish distinctive voices for all your cast. That sounds a lot harder than it is. The first real step is just to have some idea who they are as a person. Now, I know you probably don’t have time to be Bleach and have a sidebar backstory that goes for eleven pages about every guard who gets knocked out (and tbh I wouldn’t recommend it either haha), but don’t worry—you don’t need to. A lot of the time, I know very little about characters who aren’t primary cast when I write them first, and only during writing really get to know them either. Think of it a little as improv acting. If you ever have like, done bits with your friends, you actually know how to do this whether you’ve acted a day in your life or not. Friend greeting you on the phone with a fake accent & pretending to be an interviewer & you responding in kind & being like “Well yes, in my best selling novel How to Kill your Ex-Boss” and just running with it totally counts. You have no idea who the person you’re pretending to be is. You don’t know their favorite food or where they went to school. But you do know what they’re going to say next, because you’ve tapped into the person you’re running, and that’s the only thing you need to know. Same if you have ever given yourself fake interviews in your head. You’re playing both interviewer, fiction self (for whom you are for SURE making up details on the fly) & anyone else involved in that scene simultaneously. Writing can be pretty similar. Now, I do this to a bigger extent then most people, because I method-write (which uhhhh, I cant completely recommend, as it is devestating on the emotions :’-] ), but it works used less extremely too.
The idea, really, is to give characters a voice in your head, and have that voice not be the same for any two characters. And I mean voice literally. What do they sound like. Do they talk fast, get excited & into topics easily? Always sound mildly done with everyone else? If it helps, pick the voice of an actor or a friend or different tones you can use yourself speaking outloud—just give them voices. A lot of it will start flowing pretty naturally once the character is created. Writing has a lot of overlap with acting, in that you really need to grasp and be able to kind of jump around in a lot of different types of peoples’ heads. Most people have significantly different ways of speaking, even if they don’t have different accents than your other characters. Some people cuss more, some never do, you get varried vocabulary sizes, and just word choice and tone. I’m probably making this sound a little hard and overwhelming, but trust me, it’s not so bad. Mostly it will come naturally once you get a mental idea of what your character is like, sounds like, and the vibes they give off.
From a more technical standpoint, a couple of really good suggestions are to run dialogue in your head before writing it, and to read your written dialogue out loud. No matter how well you write, you will think dialogue better most of the time. This is just how it goes, because writing is a different process. So something that helps is to mentally “play” a scene out, and jot down some of the dialogue as you hear it, or to pause in writing to run some of the scene mentally, then pick back up again. Another big one is that almost all people, when writing dialogue, will start out writing too formally. Now, that’s totally fine if your character actually just speaks very formally, but most people 80% of the time speak using contractions. Like, you’d probably say, “Hey! How’re you doing? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” and not “Hey! How are you doing? It has been a while, has it not?” (And obviously, most people aren’t going to actually write out “has it not,” but simpler ones like “How are” vs “How’re” or “It is” vs “It’s” are super common to write. Try to keep that in mind writing dialogue, and also try reading your dialogue out loud verbatim. A lot of the time, something will read totally normal to you, but the second you hear it out loud, you’ll go “Oh. Oh, no. No one speaks like this.” It is SUPER helpful, and kind of funny too. Also, don’t be afraid to use verbal interrupters like “Uh” or “Uhm” or substitues for them like “Well” and “Like” —people use ‘em when they speak. We also tend to interrupt our friends to agree when talking about stuff, because the way language is set up a lot of the time you know the end of a sentence before it is said.
Other things that govern how characters speak a lot are their comfort level in a scene and what they want, how open or closed off they are about themselves in general, and their personal ways of thinking in general. For example, Joey Harmin and Quentin Smith are extremely fun to write in scenes together for me, because they both follow fairly understandable and clear logical thought paths, but those paths are completely different. Like they could not be operating on less similar wavelengths half the time, which is hilarious. There’s an exchange I haven’t uploaded for New Dawn Fades where they’re talking for the first time, and Joey is operating nearly 100% on small-picture context (But since you woke up, I have been very nice to you. Why don’t you trust me?) and Quentin is operating at nearly 100% big-picture context (You have killed me before—I have literally no reason to think you won’t any second now once again. I have no idea why you have not already). And both thought lines make total sense for the character to be following, but they could not be more confused by each others’ response. People think super weirdly and super different from each other, and that’s amazing, and some times you legit wont totally get what wild shit your own character is on, but that’s fine. You don’t need to—you just need to know it makes sense to them, and be able to understand it on some logic level, even if you could never really get it emotionally or more really than ‘in theory’ on a personal level. Also, side note—sometimes people speak super differently when in a professional setting vs relaxed, or with different friends, and that’s totally fine. Also-also, you might notice that if some characters spend a lot of time together, they start to speak similarly—that’s super normal too—don’t worry. It’s not you doing a bad job. Friends tend to pick up each others’ mannerisms and speech to some extent, and this is wildly more apparent when they hang out together.
This was a very long and in-depth answer to writing dialogue, but really, don’t let it overwhelm you. The TLDR is more or less just give them different voices in your head, and listen to them, then write down what you hear. Read it out loud to make sure it sounds like them if you feel unsure about it. I personally get into character and try to really think as/become them a bit at least when writing, because I approach writing from a very acting-based standpoint becuase that’s just how I am wired, but even if that’s not how you vibe, just know them a little. Know once you’ve talked to someone for like, three minutes, you have some idea how they talk. The synonym they’d chose, if they’d agree, or disagree, or just give a judgy look, or stay quiet. Know them that well, and try to hear them in your head. Read everything you write for them in that voice, thinking that voice well you write, and it’ll do wonders.
Now, for research.
First up, research is FUN! It’s amazing. It’s so wild to learn things and dip into thousands of parts of human existence you had no idea about at all. Try to think of it as a plus, not a pain, because really, it should be. Now, to be fair, I lean heavy into research—I’ll do days of research to try to find something out if I have to, and I have. I’m learning some of how to write and conjugate an extremely dead language right now for a fanfic, I’ve done massive deep dives from everything to ancient cultures and religions, screen shotting films to zoom in on set detail to learn what artist or band a character is into, what they drink, what they own, to the appproximate timing from specific streets in New York I’ve never seen to each other by specific subway line, to a myriad of wounds and diseases, to mental illness, to historical events as insignificant as marsh draining in specific cities. But bro? It was fun. Sometimes it’s a lot, but the thrill of finding what you were looking for? It’s great.
Now, I’m not saying you need to be me if you don’t want to haha. But when it comes to researching whatever you want to research, here’s some tips: First up, if what you are researching has anything to do with a human experience? (Mental illness, physical illness or injury, sex, birthing, death, how it feels to shoot a gun, or fall from a great height, or have a PTSD episode, anything like that?) You really need to hear it from people, if at all possible. The good news? In this day and age? It super is, almost always! Even with death. You can find people describing death (body death, not complete brain death) experiences they went through, and it’s very cool. I definitely recommend discussion threads, like Reddit, and YouTube videos of people giving their personal accounts for this kind of thing. They’re amazing resources, and also usually surprisingly fast! This is especially important for stuff like neurodivergence, disorders, mental illness, drug experiences, or anything else that’s on a cognitive more than physical level, because if you look at just textbook explanations, they’re not only usually very incomplete, but sometimes even inaccurate. Listening to people can give the truth if it’s missing, and the majority of the time while that’s not the biggest issue—especially concerning like, wounds or freezing or a near drowning experience, etc—it gives it a completeness a medical account just can’t. Also, if you have got any personal experience to lean on? Go for it! I’ve never been electrocuted horribly really, but when researching for the torture sequence in Proven, I both looked up a ton of first-hand accounts and some science to better understand what was going on, and took my own experience of the electric shocks I have gotten as the first building block in making a mental picture of what it would feel like to go through that. Obviously, being shocked hard enough to be flung backwards from a cattle fence (my history) is a far cry from being subjected to parrilla torture, but having a small amount of basic knowledge of the kind of pain electricity causes was useful as a first block in translating the information I was reading into something I understood better.
For non human-experience based research, a lot of it is pretty easy to look up, even if you wouldn’t think so. For example, guessing at the time period for cars in Autohaven and searching different years + truck + brand names for American cars was actually a really short process for finding a match—same with the make of the metal gas cans, back when I was trying to determine when, exactly, Philip was from. Visual image searches are great when applicable, especially if you’re trying to figure out what something is, because chances are if you describe a plant you saw once as ‘Tall lake reed plant with hotdog bun looking top,’ someone else will have once used some of those words when searching for a cattail as well. Also, for non-human research, books and academic papers are great, but so are non-academic sources like videos and photos for locations or objects. Sometimes again though, human info will honestly be where it is at, like reading firsthand descriptions of specific places. For most things, just type what you’re looking for into a search engine honestly and start there. You can totally start on the Wikipedia page for a city or a Greek god or a type of bomb, and move on from there—people put references in wiki articles, and you can check the bottom of the page for the specific source too. You can go on from basic knowledge to add or subtract keywords and refine your search. It’s pretty simple once you get going. If you’re getting extraneous results because a film title shares the name of what you are looking for, or a song or whatever, try quotation marks for an exact match, or - and then quotation marks around what you see that you want gone from results. Pretty basic stuff. Tbh, a lot of the time, it’s all you’re gonna need. Want to write a Stranger Things fic, but you have no idea what movies or shows were popular in the US at the time and need to know what they’d be watching in a scene? Honestly, searching “1980s (or 1980whatever-more-specific year) popular shows” will probably get you what you need in like 4 minutes. Also, if you’ve got a parent who was alive at the time and lived in the place, or older friend (or younger, I don’t know you, maybe this one doesn’t apply to you because YOU were there, but you’d have to ask a teenager irl now what the kids are into for a 20teens story, haha), utilize that resource and just ask them. Discussion spaces again, a massively useful resource. You can find people talking about their shared experiences with almost anything, and hear it more or less first-hand.
If you’re trying to learn about culture or history, again, first-person accounts are where it’s at. If you can’t find any, go for the next best thing, which is descendants or historians with a personal connection/interest. If you really, really can’t find much of that (as sadly has been the case for some cultures or religions I’ve researched in past, considering the lack of documentation period and/or intentional culture erasure going on), then read what you do find on it with a grain of salt. Who wrote it, and when? What biases did they bring? Also, often an old document like that might be the only first source you can find, but taking whatever badly documented info they have and trying new searches with the specific language you learned from them can yield new and much better results. Just do your level best. ^u^ Really, that’s all anyone can do. Sometimes there will be things without much out there period, and you don’t have to like, put 97 hours of research in combing your local library for any thing you may have missed for the fic you’re on right now or something. Just do your best, do what you can, and care, and you’ll be okay. It can seem daunting, but doing your sincere best is what anyone who does know the answer—living or dead—would care about, and it’s an important thing /to/ do, and also a pretty informative and fun one. Also, I swear it’s not as intimidating as I might make it seem. Pretty much always you’ll be able to find some decent chunks of solid and very useful information eventually, on anything. And most things actually do not at all take that long to research. I’m a monster, who likes to down research more and more each morning like I’m building up a resistance to iocaine powder to someday win a battle of wits, but you really don’t have to be me, and if you want to be, chances are that means you also just really heckin love learning new facts, so you’re gonna love the wild deep insanity of creating It’s Always Sunny Meme level conspiracy walls trying to track down ancient evil trees in mythology to figure out what in the goddamn the Entity really IS and you’ll adore it all. If you’re not, trust me—that’s completely fine. Most research is gonna take between 20 minutes and a few hours, depending on the level of complexity, and once you learn it, you have all this cool new knowledge! Like that you can fake a death with tetrodotoxin so well someone with a high but not fatal does in them could die undergoing an autopsy! Or how much opium kills someone, how it actually feels to black out, how hard it actually is to chloroform someone, or that wolves have been known to hold funerals for loved ones, or how to stitch a wound. It’s like, amazing. Join me, and become that thing from Adventure Time going “I have approximate knowledge of many things” while rubbing its grimy hands together with glee.
Uhhh haha, I made this one more concise wildly, but the TLDR version is just ask people or read or watch what people who have undergone X thing say it is like (oh, and make sure to read more than one account—big one with accuracy). For non-human research, start with just a basic search. If you’re a student and have access to academic searches more easily, totally use that. If not, don’t worry. Lots of academic search compilation sites are still open to you, and honestly, you’re only going to need to turn academic for highly specific and wildly rare information period. Most of the time, hear it from people who know the answer. Discussion forums and YouTube journal-type videos are fantastic resources. For what living in rural Wisconsin in the early 1980s was like for Philip, I searched about living in the early 1980s in rurual Wisconsin, found specific names in an article for the kinds of cheap apartments common, adjusted my search, and found a ton of good resources by people documenting the struggles and mistreatment of life there at the time, and also found out Milwaukee is surprisingly one of the most dangerous and racist cities in America, then and now, on the way. For Kate experiencing being forced to drink bleach, I watched seven different people on YouTube talk about their experiences drinking bleach, and read up on the medical side to understand the science of what happens to you, plus a few text descriptions as well. But really, both of those were pretty fun and fascinating and quick research stints. Most are. I super recommend trying some deepish dives out, even just for fun and not with writing planned in mind at all!
Anyway, I hope this helps! I wrote it at one in the morning & didn’t proof because I feel very bad and need to pass out to try and heal, so sorry if there are any errors that make this hard to read. Thanks for asking! This was fun to answer. Please feel free to ask any follow-ups if there’s something I didn’t seem to cover, or you want to know more about either of these or something else. I’m certainly not the world’s leading expert or something, but I got some fun methods and tips I’ve developed over the years I’m happy to share with a fellow writer (or bored or curious person just interested in the process, haha). Again, I gave long answers because I wanted to be thorough, but I promise neither dialogue nor research is a difficulty level reflected in the length of those answers—that’s just me being me. Don’t let it intimidate you! They’re both fun and actually not so hard things to do. You just kind of need to learn your starting off points and get your sea legs, and the rest mostly comes naturally and easily and is very fun. It’s super satisfying to read a line and be like “Only you, my dumb child” seeing the stupid crap they say, or “You’ve come so far” watching how they’re choosing to reach out to someone now vs as the story’s start; or to have needed a way to have a character pry open a wedged car door and find just exactly the perfect tool you could even have a logical reason for them to easily find in the scene and be able to sit back down thinking YES!!! I got it!! —it’s a rush, and very, very satisfying. I’m sure you can do it!! And I wish you the best of luck. I sadly made this on mobile because I forgot tumblr sucks and won’t let me retroactively add read mores on mobile now and it’s too late for me to change that, and I’m so sorry this is so long 😭😭😭, but I’m tagging it “long post” so hopefully tag blocks can still save people :’-] — anyway! Hope this helps and best of luck. Night! 💙
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
oh okay WELL! back in 2016 when the only musical i really knew was hamilton, i was strongly in favour of hamilton sweeping. but now with (1) a more diverse taste and (2) more appreciation for the other shows in that season as well as (3) a general loathing for the american theatre wing, i'm a little more reticent about the whole sweeping thing. just in general tbh. i feel like hamilton's sweeping win kind of kickstarted a thing with the ATW where they would just pick One Show that would win everything each season (deh the next season, and then band's visit) and i did not particularly care for that. not to say they didn't NECESSARILY deserve these wins but i certainly think they didn't deserve all of them (also i still harbor a grudge for the fact that falsettos won NOTHING. NOTHING. but that's a separate thing). so that's where i'm at lol
oh god favourite words... i have quite a lot (i keep a list sort of) but uhh here's a few: i like saying crisp. i like defensible. likewise. indefatigable. trounce. decimate. snazzy. intricate. vibrant. darling and sweetheart are also both good. i have weird Things about words if you can't tell
preferred writing utensil is a mechanical pencil!!! pens tend to smudge because i'm left handed and i like that you don't have to sharpen a mechanical pencil cos who the fuck has the time these days. in this economy? no
oh boy uhhhh okay i'm gonna say for me, maybe telepathy? slash mindreading? bc i think i'm good at communication as well as reading or getting a feel for people's emotions. so i think if that translated into a superpower it'd be that. not sure what my name would be! Ms. Communication maybe that'd be funny lmao but it's a little gimmicky and... third-grade-youtube-video-esque. must reflect further on this. i am open to suggestions. i feel like it's weird to choose your own superhero name anyway
also while i'm here i'd like to say that i understand all grievances with waitress, i have some problems with it as well (ogie... nope. not the vibe) but i did see waitress when it was on broadway (betsy wolfe!!! loml) and i really loved it overall. also i cried at the take it from an old man scene. a whole lot. some of the music is really nice. but i respect your opinion!! xoxo bella
yeah I have A Lot that could be said about why the atw is not good. I also have beef with sweeping like while a show may be good there are always Multiple good shows out there and the overall best musical might not have the best lighting or costumes or featured actor and it’s infuriating that lately one show has been getting all of the credit and recognition when so many others also deserve it.  when the band’s visit swept I believe mean girls and spongebob had 24 nominations between them and only one win, which is ridiculous. don’t get me wrong: I love band’s visit a lot and if one of the shows had to sweep I'm glad it was that one, but it shouldn’t have. this also could start a whole different conversation about commercialized musicals and the shift in the state of theatre and how the atw has reacted to that but I am attempting to be concise
those are pretty good words heck yeah! and mechanical pencils are really valid especially since you’re left handed like my mama. I used to hate writing with pens but tbh I was converted by a boy I liked :/ however I really only like these specific pens, otherwise I would take a mechanical pencil over other pens.
I think telepathy works for you. I almost feel like your name needs to have nothing to do with your power because tbh there’s not many good names that connect to telepathy that aren’t already taken in comics. however I have no suggestions for you lol
spoilers for waitress below! I'm going to talk in more detail about why I didn’t like it (which you don’t have to read if you don’t want)
okay so first off I just really struggle with infidelity plots and there was a lot of infidelity in this show. Jenna I could understand but the doctor? Becky? like there was just a lot and I have a hard time feeling sympathetic towards cheating characters, especially when there isn’t really any karma for them in the show. there were no consequences for those actions
everything with Ogie. yeah. no. big no. nope nope nope. he literally stalked Dawn and her friends were like “yeah he’s the guy for you :)” and this is written off as completely normal and fine! very creepy. 0/10.
bad idea (reprise) was very uncomfortable for me to watch. I actually just now looked up a bootleg to see if it was the same staging and it looks like it is but yeah I just really couldn’t do that scene and even my significantly more sex positive classmates were uncomfortable at the kind of sudden turn to "a sex romp.”  it really put me on edge for the rest of the show.
perhaps my opinion would’ve been changed if I had listened to the cast recording beforehand, but none of the songs really stuck with me except she used to be mine, which I had heard before. the issue it that you don’t get that song until near the end, so musically the show didn’t grip me for the majority of it. if I re-listened and re-familiarized myself with it I could probably find more songs I liked (it’s been a year since I saw it and I haven’t listened to any of the songs since), but in general I nothing really stood out to me or left a big impression
also this is a really picky thing but the set design had the horizontal line of death all the way across it which is has been drilled into me as being Bad and is generally uninteresting 
I will say that Joe was my favorite part of the show, hands down. I think I teared up too but I do that very easily so!
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello hello (ha see what i did there) i would like R, O, M, A for "latest nostalgia, or happily ever after", T, E for "i hope i never lose the bruises that you left behind", S, aaaand I for the fanfic ask game! love youuu -megs 💙
hahahaha hello hello how clever of you you are the most intelligent person in this dorm room. omg i see what you did with the letters you really ARE the most intelligent person in this dorm room. maybe i'll put a read more on this it's kind of long
fanfic ask games
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence? actually it's interesting i feel my answer for this has maybe changed a bit? obviously helen (miss @calumcest) was the Biggest Influence when i started writing and also was the reason i started writing and while i am sure in a subtle way she's had a lasting impact on how i write fic i think that i have diverged significantly from my days of being singularly helen-influenced.
i think @reveriesofawriter is an influence mostly in the sense that i think everything she writes is beautiful and fantastic and i strive to be that good with words. also meghna is really good at keeping a story lighthearted whereas i often get lost in the angsty realism weeds so to speak, and i would like more of her skill to focus in on the more entertaining parts of life. because you know. as some guy named Lee Ross once said: "The world can be a horrible, cruel place, and at the same time it can be wonderful and abundant. These are both truths. There is not a halfway point; there is only choosing which truth to put in your personal foreground.” i just spent so many minutes looking for that quote only to make the point that meghna is good at putting a lighter perspective in the foreground, though also packing a punch with a few words. if i want to pack a punch i usually spent many paragraphs doing it. sometimes i find myself describing a feeling or thought in great detail and then have to be like, am i using too many words to say something that can be said, perhaps more powerfully, in fewer words than this. and then i have to delete it and make it shorter. and meghna is good at putting a lot of meaning into a few words. the irony of me writing this long ass paragraph just to fuckin say that. can't help but be as bella as possible at all times. anyway.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters? uhhhh the plot i'm pretty sure. i'm pretty flexible about pairings and characters generally speaking so unless there's something character-specific that would force me to use one, like ashton with his younger siblings, i typically just go based on what i'm feelin.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share? well i mentioned one to team here but let me see if i have any others. hmm i had an idea for a 5+1 that's "five times alex makes tea for jack and one time the reverse" idk if or when i'll write it but it sounds cute. most of the other ones i can think of are ones i don't wanna give away.
A: How did you come up with the title to latest nostalgia, or happily ever after? well i will tell you! i kind of trapped myself with the spideyverse series by giving the first fic a title from heroes by all time low (basically) because i posted it kind of in a speedy rush and i didnt want to get stuck on it and i'm pretty sure i half intended to change it (in fact if you look at the notes of the lashton spideyverse fic it says:)
Tumblr media
so then for the malum parallel installment i was like i should take another lyric from heroes. but heroes is kind of a fuck you song so it's actually not tonally appropriate at all for spideyverse so i had limited options. i kind of like the title of that one though because it has that very ambiguous "this is just artistic enough to sound meaningful but if you look too closely the whole thing falls apart" vibe and i'm always striving for that.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? i will once again refuse to attempt to re-answer this since i already failed to do so here
E: If you wrote a sequel to i hope i never lose the bruises that you left behind, what would it be about? INTERESTING YOU SHOULD ASK, because i actually have a prompt from @werewolfashton sitting in my inbox waiting for me to eventually write a follow-up fic to this one. so hopefully one day i actually WILL write a sequel of sorts, although it'll probably be more like a one-shot check-in just to see how the characters are getting along. it would probably involve luke meeting ashton's housemates. i don't know what it would be "about" though it wouldn't be "about" anything it would just be some bants and some laughs and some new friendships i guess. also this is completely unrelated but finding the links for the two fics you asked me about made me realize my fic notes on ao3 used to be soooo short. a time before the club. wild.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? i think i answered this one here. ooh wait i like texting in fics though that's one i didn't mention like when they have a text conversation or a group chat i really can't resist that shit i love funny texting i feel like it's the earmark of a strong relationship
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? i said one already but let me see if i can come up with another. okay well in terms of writings i definitely have some guilty pleasures most of which involve giving characters my taste in music, snacks/foods/drinks (tea), tv shows, etc. also i like to overdescribe whenever a character plays guitar basically just to establish the fact that i know enough about guitar to talk about it with a moderate level of expertise, even though i know very well that literally no one gives a shit. and DEFINITELY talking about psych in fic. that jalex fic i wrote for peyton where jack is studying AP psych was the most self-indulgent bullshit ever. basically i try to make characters as much like me as possible <3
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Dinos at the Beach || Tap Texts
Summary: Party planning between Pip and Tad aka Pip asks Tad questions and makes 95% of the decisions 
Pip Seville:
okay hi
This might seem awk but i need like a detailed breakdown of all your allergies as i put together this birthday menuuuu
like most cakes have dairy in them but is that okay? or is like milk in batter fine? like once its cooked?
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
milk is just a no go in general my dude
Pip Seville:
right and eggs too right? is it all dairy
jesus u live like the saddest life
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
bro :(
Pip Seville:
I said it in solidarity!
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
I dont think its
I think it's the lactod thing
Pip Seville:
oh wow there's a difference? i had no idea
oh wow i googled ur right thats insane
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
yeah. Sucks :(
sometimes I still risk it all for ice cream my dude
but it sure hurts
Pip Seville:
i understand. i too would probably risk it sometimes
but this is great news! we dont have to worry about dairy free, just lactose free!
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
!!!! :grinning:
Pip Seville:
any other allergies i should know about here
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
uhhh dont think so
Pip Seville:
great! okay so my og question: cake vs. cupcakes
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
cake. More to eat! :laughing:
Pip Seville:
well i mean technically we can probably make twice as many cupcakes for the same amount as a cake but cakes are a classic
considering your guest list which is very long i would actually recommend cupcakes...
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
I'm confused
Pip Seville:
which part was confusing
its just that people can have like two cupcakes if we do cupcakes but if we do one cake then it might actually be less cake
per person
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
just like if youre vibing with one why give me the choice my dude
Pip Seville:
i am giving you all the details! its your choice though, if you want a cake we can do a cake
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
Pip Seville:
and you said you wanted more cake. so despite the fact that cupcakes are little cakes, you can have more of them
sorry if this is too complicated we can totally do a big big cake
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
nah it's cool bro
cupcakes n stuff
Pip Seville:
so thats a go on cupcakes
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
sure thing bro
Pip Seville:
great! so what about flavor of cake and frosting?
i think chocolate has more lactose, we can still get like a lactose free chocolate option but it might not taste as good idk
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
awww man 🤔
Pip Seville:
its possible! my aunt knows a lot about this stuff (she's going to make it) so if you want chocolate we can find a way to make it happen
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
wait ur serious? Broooo 😃
will others think its gross?
Pip Seville:
um idk i have not tried it because we have not made it yet lol
id say doing a vanilla or something might be safer if you're concerned
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
bro what if like
we did that thing where you like
test the vibe
Pip Seville:
a taste test? i mean we could
the only thing is my aunt is pretty busy soooo i would probalby have to follow her recipe and hopefully not fuck it up if we do a test batch
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
could try at my place my dude. Gilly's kinda good at this stuff
Pip Seville:
yeah okay i'll ask amy to make a recipe. so chocolate cake. do u want chocolate icing too?
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
yeah dude!!!!
Pip Seville:
got it, double chocolate
ok for drinks i was thinking we could do virgin pina coladas and margs and and then a sangria, plus like, we can buy a bunch of sodas does that sound good
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
does the UK have Dr. Pepper?
Pip Seville:
yes we do
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
duuuude yes
Pip Seville:
okay i will write down dr pepper lolol. any other drink requests
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
nah bro that's pretty good for me
Pip Seville:
great! what about snacks?
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
uhhhh chips?
Pip Seville:
you mean potato chips right
of course you do
okay! i was also thinking we could do like cute little pigs in a blanket (but they'd be like pigs-in-a-towel lol, beach theme), and then fruit-kabobs for a vegetarian option
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
yeah bro
not vibing with the piggies though
Pip Seville:
why not?
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
dont really like the hot dogs
Pip Seville:
do you like chicken fingers?
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
yo yessss
does this place do those dino ones? Those are hilarious
Pip Seville:
we could get dino ones but i was actually thinking starfish
staying on theme haha lol
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
Pip Seville:
Ooooor we could do 
dinos at the beach
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
😂 duuuude yessss
Pip Seville:
okay any other must-have snacks? do you like goldfish?
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
who doesn't like goldfish my dude? They got milk in them tho bro
Pip Seville:
wow really
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
yeah  😞
Pip Seville:
oh cheese DUH
okay here was another idea i had which idk about lactose options here but i mean they HAVE to make lactose free marshmallows and stuff right bc like
bonfires are very popular
i was thinking we could build one in your garden if your parents are okay with it
toward the end, you know? people can sit around and talk, roast marshmallows
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
ooo. Well you know we could do the regular mallows bro. I don't have to eat that stuff
Pip Seville:
are you sure? i mean i can get some
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
there are other kinds?
Pip Seville:
i dunno? i was just saying if there is a lactose free marshmallow, i can get you a bag and then we can get regular marshmallows for everyone else
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
if they exist my dude then yeah!
Pip Seville:
okay! do you think your parents will be ok with a bonfire?
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
hang on I'll go ask
[5 minutes later] yoooo we're good
Pip Seville:
okay i will send you a list of all the items i have to purchase for this party, without cake stuff (that will be part of my present to you) so your parents can approve bc like i cannot afford all this myself lmfao
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
yeah that sounds good my dude. Thanks
Pip Seville:
my pleasure  😉 if you have any ideas yourself or other requests just text me
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
oh oh
so bonfires nice n all but uh I noticed it's still kinda
cold outside bro
Pip Seville:
well thats why we do the bonfire
it wont be cold around it
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
yeah. Could also like vibe with some extra blankets
Pip Seville:
yes, exactly! i was thinking we could do beach chairs and stuff but people could also brnig towels and blankets to sit on
this is as close as i can do for a beach in january lmao
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
duuuude youre so awesomeeee
Pip Seville:
i know 😎
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
  😂 its gonna be so lit!
Pip Seville:
okay im sending you the playlist to approve too
and the draft of the new invite
we should probably arrange a time for the taste test sometime this weekend
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
u got it
Pip Seville:
i'll text u my availability i have to get my new schedule
Samwise Theodore Tad Fiske:
sweet. Just let me know bro
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warzofstarz · 4 years
star wars Thoughts at 4 am
ok so rise of skywalker happened,,, and i have mixed feelings. i didn’t hate it but i didn’t love it either (and i usually love star wars movies), so i am in desperate need of a little rant about both the good and the bad in the conclusion of the saga
1. JJ ABRAMS DISREGARDING ALL OF THE DEVELOPMENT WE EXPERIENCED DURING LAST JEDI. this is what i am most upset about. you don’t have to like tlj, but you can’t pretend it never happened. it’s like he was trying to completely backtrack on everything that happened in tlj bc it was ~his~ vision for the franchise. i think that is disrespectful to not only rian, but to fans who grew attached to the development of the characters. we see finn revert back to first movie finn (lovesick puppy lowkey), rey become an invincible child of the sith, the end of the skywalker family line, complete abandonment of rose, and a total shift in the message of the trilogy. all jammed last second into the film. the next few points all have to do w this
2. the fact that in tlj it is revealed that rey is truly nobody- she’s not some all-powerful descendant or some with royal blood- and tros completely ignores this and makes her a palpatine. the whole point before was that she’s normal, but that doesn’t make her any less powerful, smart, or strong. the message from the first two movies was that you don’t have to be in these elite categories to be special and powerful, which is an important message to every single child and adult watching. it empowers us as viewers to believe that we have the capability to be great, no matter our status, birth name, ethnicity, class, or where we are from. you can find family when you have none. you have the power to change your life. when jj decide LAST SECOND to make her a palpatine, with no clues thrown into the first two movies to lead us to believe this, it feels like a joke. the rey we had come to sympathize with is suddenly an all-powerful sith, seeming stronger than even anakin and yoda, even though she had never even completed training. this reveal is not emotional and literally loses respect rather than gaining any from the audience. a cop out. i felt less emotionally attached to rey than in the previous two films bc of her sheer perfect power
3. rose being 100% sidelined even though her character was incredible in last jedi. her arc was one that i truly couldn’t wait to see finish and sadly we never got it because she was completely abandoned so it could just be a trio once more. i love her. the disrespect.
4. the sudden introduction of zorri just so that poe has someone to flirt with??? like if you wanted to prove he was heterosexual make him flirt w someone he has actual on screen history and chemistry with, like uhhhh idk? rey?????? dont get me wrong tho she is a badass and i love how she shuts poe down!! queen
5. how they throw it in there that finn is force sensitive but don’t fully explain it?? and he never even tells rey??? this is SUCH a cool concept yet it’s never even hinted at until the third movie and its not further developed as to why. likewise i wish we saw the stormtroopers before they left the first order. see what they dealt with and the abuse they endured bc it’s such an important facet of the trilogy and literally drives finns character
6. how we never touch on why poe felt it when rey was tortured?
7. i wish leia hadn’t died and she rallied support w lando
8. if they are a dyad why didn’t rey and ben fight palpatine together?? then no one would have died??
9. i’m just really sad that they chose to kill ben because even though rey takes their name, the skywalker bloodline is gone, while a palpatine lives on. the entire purpose of the first six movies is anakin bringing balance by defeating palpatine. somehow, palpatine survived this (never explained!!!!), which completely defeated the purpose of the first six films and strips anakins chosen one status and ultimate sacrifice of any true importance. in the end of tros, the palpatine bloodline lives on while the skywalker bloodline is gone, and i can’t help but to feel like that contradicts the theme of the original saga in which the skywalkers defeat palpatine and hope lives on.
10. lastly, i just don’t think george lucas would have wanted ben to die. when people kill off main characters to make the movie more emotional, he has literally said “i don’t like that and i don’t believe that” he goes on to say that he hates when main characters are killed, stating “the whole point of the film, the whole emotion that i am trying to get at the end of the film, is for you to be real uplifted, emotionally and spiritually, and feel absolutely good about life. that is the greatest thing we could ever possibly do.” so, i’m sure some of you could see why i have a little issue with killing someone who has finally recognized the error of their ways and wants to be better. yes, he has done awful things that cannot be separated from his new identity as ben, but i think that it would have been even more impactful to make him live with the crimes he has committed and still make him keep fighting his demons to join his legacy on the light side. overall, bens death left a sour taste in my mouth, and for that reason i don’t walk out feeling uplifted. i just wish i knew what george lucas is thinking right now.
1. ben solo’s arc and han. now, before some of you pop off at me, i still think he was awful and horrible and didn’t deserve instant forgiveness, but i also think that someone who has grown up his entire life being treated like the spawn of satan by all adults who are supposed to love him would fuck him up majorly, like it would to anyone else in that situation. i think that he deserved another chance at experiencing love and happiness, and i absolutely adored the scene with him and han solo. it was honestly one of the best parts of the whole movie. thank you harrison ford. the whole “i don’t think i’m strong enough” and him tearing up to his dad CUT DEEP. AND THE “dad-“ “i know” LIKE LITERALLY MY HEART. bringing back the “i love you” “i know” so they are LITERALLY TELLING EACH OTHER THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! i’m at peace. adam driver’s acting was absolutely phenomenal. so much respect for him. truly incredible.
2. i loved poe and rey’s bickering. lowkey thought it built some chemistry between them. and how poe seemed quite jealous that finn knew stuff about rey that he didn’t, literally asking him more than once (1nce) about it, like???? han leia vibes. tea. but also poe and finn
3. i really liked jannah SOOO much (and i usually am not one for introducing a character so late) but, like i explained in detail above, i wish they had built that backstory better and introduced her a little bit sooner with more screen time. but i loved her and finns connection and understanding of their trauma.
4. FINN AND POE BEING THE CUTEST HUMANS EVER. that’s all. i just love how they care so very much about each other like stop. cogenerals.
6. i honestly think that’s all. i don’t have anything more
7. OH WAIT HUX BEING THE SPY. i ate that shit up. yes. we stan. AND the hint that he was going along w poe’s phone call in tlj so that the resistance could escape (that’s how poe KNEW it) like YES
8. the animation of young luke and leia made my heart weep
9. that lil sketchy bitch babu and the new cone droid that talks,, mmm
11. this is so sad that i am putting this in my “like” parts but the fact that they didn’t kill chewie and that they showed him being so torn up about leias death
13. rey burying the skywalker lightsabers and looking into the sunset, perfectly tying back to luke doing the same 42 years ago
overall, if i don’t think too hard, i did like it and felt kind of at peace. BUT it could’ve been much better @ JJ :/ i feel like it didn’t do the saga justice as the “conclusion of the saga” bc there is still so much left unanswered. but, like i said, i did enjoy it a lot and have so much love for this world. rant over. i love u star wars. thank u for everything. <3
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