#sasuke x daughter oc
sweetness-pop · 1 year
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Shoko Uchiha (うちは祥心)
If Sasuke and Sakura were to have a second child, making Sarada become an onee-chan in Boruto after all. (Their 2nd offspring also being their 2nd daughter)
Shoko-Chan's birthday is July 26, which is just 3 days after her Papa Sasuke's, July 23, like how Sarada-Nee-Chan's b'day, March 31 is 3 days after Mama Sakura's, March 28.
Spiky cherry blossom hair & black onyx eyes. Strongly resembles Sakura only with Sasuke's eyes.
She's like a mini-Sakura, which everyone would compliment to Sakura about.
It'd be so adorable to imagine Sasuke with just daughters, you know, him being a GIRL-DAD.
Born when Sarada was 14. Despite the big age gap, the Uchiha sisters have a really close and sweet relationship.
Her first name in the kanji, 祥心 means, "fortunate heart."
Shoko is 5 years old in the pic.
And one more thing,
Shoko: SHANNARO!!!
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naruhinaluvrx · 2 years
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Got a request to design Boruto as a Sasukarin son. They didn't say I had to draw his design a certain way,so I just had some fun with it. Course I had to make a Hima too ☺
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the12thnightproject · 3 months
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Chapter 40: Alternate View: When it comes to time travel, it’s good to have a moderately awesome ninja in your corner.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
As it turns out, it is not possible to grow penicillin in the kitchens of a feudal Japanese castle. Granted… I had no idea what I was doing, and as easily as things had molded over in my fridge in modern Japan, it is not as simple as leaving food in a warm place and hoping for the best.
“What are you trying to do, Kats… er, Kaya?” Yuki peered at the bowl of yuzu peel that … hadn’t developed any mold in the three days it had been sitting out.
“Ummm, hopefully something medicinal.” At Yuki’s expression of complete skepticism, I added, “It’s better than doing nothing.” By this point, Aki had been delirious for over a day, and prior to that had had little energy for much talking. The evening he and I had arrived, Katsuko had managed to claim his attention for one, long private meeting. As much as I knew she deserved her time to be with him, to rebuild whatever it was that made things awkward between them, I didn’t miss out on what might be his final days. I was the one who pulled him off that battlefield. I was his daughter too.
“I don’t know. When Shingen was still sick, some of the medicines he tried made him sicker.” He poked at the hardened peels. “Seems like a waste.”
“It’s not like anyone eats this part of them anyway.” Probably they just would have been tossed into the baths to make them smell pretty. “And don’t touch them. I’m trying to grow penicillin, not boy germs.”
“Peni… um, boy what?” He made a face. “You’re weird. You look like Katsu, but you don’t really act much like her.”
Well, we hadn’t been the same person for seven years. Or eleven, depending on which date we were using, and… “This whole situation is weird.”
He scraped his hands through his hair. “I’ll say. But you’re still weird.”
“Did you come in here just to poke at me, or was there an actual reason?” Although at least he was willing to talk to me, even if he was kind of rude. The way most people here at Tsutsujigasaki castle avoided me, I was beginning to feel like the Yokoi that my sort-of nephew had accused me of being. Even the servants, who thought I was Katsuko’s younger sister, did their best not to look at me.
“Oh. Yeah. I was right. Sasuke got here already.” And then, because I was already halfway across the kitchen, he yelled after me, “Does this mean I can throw these out?”
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By the time I caught up with Sasuke, he was just about to enter Aki’s room. “Greetings and salutations, Alternate-Katsuko.” His face was as impassive as the Sasuke from my timeline, but I was just happy to connect with someone who didn’t treat me like I was a demi-demon. “Katsuko-prime and Shingen have filled me in on the situation.”
“Um, hi, Alternate-Sasuke… um… do you have any idea how to make penicillin?” If anyone could, it would be Sasuke. Well, or Toshiie, but he wasn’t due back from China apparently for several weeks. Aki could not wait that long.
“Er… no, it’s not something I’ve thought to attempt. I have considered making a battery out of a potato, but it’s going to be another fifteen years before potatoes are cultivated here… so… hashtag time travel goals.” He glanced through the doorway where Aki was fitfully sleeping. “On a more serious note, I am happy to meet another Katsuko, even though it’s not under the greatest of circumstances. Has there been any improvement?”
I shook my head. Two days before, Shingen had fetched another healer – one who hadn’t fainted at the sight of Aki’s shoulder. She had packed the wound with some sort of poultice, which stabilized him somewhat, and the other-me had proven skilled at getting him to swallow willow bark tea, explaining that she had had a great deal of practice with that.
But now, even the effects of the poultice were gone, and no matter how much tea we forced down his throat, Aki’s fever still raged. “It feels like we’re running out of options… here.”
“I can hear you.” Apparently having one of his moments of lucidity, Aki signaled us to enter. “Hello Mister Mikumo.”
Sasuke greeted Aki formally, which was all the conversation that my father had energy for. Immediately he dropped off into sleep again.
“Ah. I see the need for antibiotics.” The smell of Aki’s wound permeated the room. "Although I am a theoretical physicist, not a doctor." The joke was stated with just a slight quirk at the side of his mouth to indicate the humor. "Have I made that joke to you before – your timeline’s alternate version of me?"
"No." I was not in the mood for humor. "What about modern medicine? I mean, I’m not a doctor either, but doctors in our time can cure infections, right? You can help me get him home, can’t you?”
After all that had happened, I refused to let Aki die.
"I've already checked." Sasuke pulled out what looked like a hand sewn notebook and flipped through it. It was full of numbers and calculations. "Honno-ji won’t open until the winter solstice – Togakushi a month later." He didn’t mention that Aki couldn’t wait that long, but the unspoken words hung in the air.
"So Shingen and Katsu didn’t tell you about the device?" A device, that during Aki’s lucid moments, he explained was a prototype. Maybe they’d forgotten (unlikely) or decided to leave that story up to me. “It… I’m not sure how, but it opened the wormhole that dumped me onto that battlefield.”
"Device?” He slapped his forehead. “I didn’t even think to question how you ended up here. But of course, if there had been wormhole activity, I would have known.”
“There was a wormhole, but before that, it wasn’t.” Once again I explained how I had ended up in 1586, this time to an audience who had scientific questions that were far beyond my patchwork high school attendance. After my third ‘I don’t know,’ I gave up and turned the device over to him.
“Fascinating.” Sasuke pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. He cautiously flipped the thing over in his hands, but it still just looked like a somewhat advanced version of a cell phone. He glanced at Aki. “He said it’s a prototype? That suggests that it’s still a beta. Do you have any objections to me studying it?”
“As long as you don’t zap us all into prehistoric Japan. I don’t think my heart could take the Jurassic period.” I paused, waiting for Aki to interject whether or not he had problem with Sasuke taking control of the device, but if he did, he wasn't saying. “This” I waved my hand to indicate my alternate’s home, “is already unsettling enough.”
"You mean the rare experience of meeting another version of yourself?" Sasuke seemed almost envious. "Have you noticed any unusual physical phenomena? Do you find yourself fading, or do you feel like you are losing parts of your memory?"
"No. In fact it feels like I'm instead gaining memories I've never had." I wasn't sure how to explain it further, although it had been a relief to confirm my theory that those odd moments of deja-vu-esque images were not my memories, but some kind of multiverse effect.
"Yes." Katsuko entered the room carrying another pot of tea. "Me too. Like the memory of a spider crawling down the front of a pink kimono - and I don’t even own one."
"I've not had that one, and I do have a pink kimono." Well, I did have one. I'd left it behind with Mitsuhide. "But a spider never crawled down the front of it." Just a kitsune. "Aki yelling at me for jumping out of a tree."
That one had been pretty vivid. Katsuko tapped her chest. "Actually happened. And then he abandoned me there." She sent Aki a look that was half anger, half exasperation. "It turned out to have been a con, but of course he didn’t warn me first."
"How very Mitsuhide of him." That dang kitsune. We’d been apart for over a week (not counting that one hour at Genba), but he was still hacking my brain.
The ninth thing I hate about Mitsuhide, even when I’m four years and an unknown number of timelines away, I can’t stop thinking about him.
She looked at me. "I have questions about that but-" She sighed. "It feels so surreal to talk to you."
Ah. That's why it had been so easy to avoid her. She'd been avoiding me, too. "I know. We're not twins, or clones. I've been trying to think of you as an older sister." Since this Katsu would have to be four years older than I am. Or maybe just three? Yuki had told me she'd been stuck in the wormhole (or a wormhole) and missed a year.
"Could you guys not talk over me?" Aki muttered, in another moment of lucidity. "I haven't departed this Earth yet." His eyes flicked over to Sasuke and greeted him as if he had not done so just twenty minutes before. "Hello Mister Mikumo. Still climbing things?"
Ok, not as lucid as all that then.
Sasuke bowed to him again, as if he had not done so before. "Professor."
“Katsu. I told you. Don’t bother me unless the world is ending. Don’t bother me then either.” He closed his eyes again.
"Not yet old man," Katsuko set the teapot down with a clonk, and poured a cup of willow bark tea. "Time for your medication." With Sasuke's help, she propped him into a sitting position and got him to swallow the tea, before he slumped back on the bed with a moan.
Again, I swallowed that feeling of envy that she, my other-self, had managed to get Aki to obey her. It wasn’t important. The important thing that was he had drunk it. That everyone was doing whatever we could to keep him alive until Sasuke could figure out how to get the device to open the wormhole.
Stand back! He’s trying science.
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“I wondered where you were hiding.” I looked up from my failed experiment (Yuki had not thrown out the yuzu peel as threatened), to see my other self, my older self, who had returned to the kitchen with the empty teapot.
“Well, I figured it would just be easier if I stayed out of everyone’s way.” I sat back and watched her bustling about with some kind of wooden contraption, before I realized that it was a pulley system that retrieved fresh snow from outside without anyone needing to trek out into the weather to get it themselves. “That’s pretty cool.” I’d never seen anything like it before.
She smiled. “Shingen built it. He’s really good with his hands. Er… in an engineering kind of way.” The blush on her face suggested he was good with his hands in all kinds of ways.
“Of course he is.” Oh shit. I said that out loud. My sarcasm turned our moment into something seriously awkward.
“I’m jealous of you too,” Katsuko eventually said.
“Me? Why?” This version of myself seemed to have it all figured out.
“Because Aki told you he was our father. He didn’t leave you on the side of the road, feeling like everyone had abandoned her.” She slammed the now full of snow kettle on the brazier. “I mean, I know he did it to fool Shingen into taking me. I learned pretty soon after that he didn’t mean it. But it was cruel, and … he’s said a lot of hurtful things to me that he apparently never said to you.”
“Oh.” I reached in my kimono and pulled out Aki’s letter. It was the one thing I had on me when Iekane pulled us into the wormhole. “He didn’t tell me. He disappeared, left me holed up in an Inn for weeks and when I finally went in search of him, I found this letter at Francisco’s. I imagine, that if you were to go to Sakai, you might have this same letter waiting.”
I sat back on my heels, and watched her read the letter, noticing when she smiled – she must have hit the ‘cloud city moment’ line. Finally she folded it up and gave it back to me. “Thanks. I don’t know why it helps… but it does.”
“Well, good. I’d hate it if I hated me. Er, well… you know.” Yup. Still surreal.
“Yeah. I do.” She paused…. Then. “Um I sort of don’t want to know, but I also do want to know. What is up with Mitsuhide and you?”
Ugh, I can’t even pass the Bechdel test with myself! “It’s a long story that probably doesn’t even matter, because he’s in love with Mai. Unrequitedly, but it’s still not something I want to hang around to watch.”
She nodded. “Yeah. I kind of thought he was in this timeline too. But, I only met him for like two hours, during which he threatened to kill me, beat me at shogi, then turned around and gave me some really good advice.”
Well…. That’s on brand at least.
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It was another day before Sasuke emerged from the room where he was mad-sciencing it all.
Once again, we were gathered in Shingen’s private office, and again drinking tea that Yukimura had prepared and Katsuko had helped to distribute. Shingen also produced another basket of pastry that he claimed was from his private stash. Given that he always seemed to be able to produce a basket of pastry from somewhere, I suspected his ‘private stash’ was actually a sweatshop full of bakers kept prisoner somewhere on the castle grounds.
“First of all, some background on our wormholes. It isn't merely that the atmospheric conditions need to be correct, for the wormhole to actually form, there needs to be enough charged ions to, in layman's terms, shock it open." Sasuke took a moment to to gulp down some tea, and rubbed the corner of his eyes. "That’s what Iekane's device does, it concentrates a jolt that opens up a corridor to the closest wormhole."
It kind of sounded like something out of Back to the Future…
"A mini flux capacitor?" There went Katsuko, voicing aloud what was in my own brain. Aki aside, I needed to get out of this timeline for my sanity.
"Flock's capacity? You want to bring birds into this?" Yuki bypassed the pastry and glared a bit at the double serving on Shingen's tray. "What will that do?"
The others ignored him beyond giving him a fond smile.
Katsuko nodded to Sasuke. "Makes sense. Thunder-snow. Yuki, do you remember there was thunder and snow when we encountered Iekane at Togakushi? But our timeline’s Iekane didn’t have a device – or I suppose he didn’t need it. We were already expecting that wormhole to manifest."
"And unfortunately, we don’t have time to wait for the solstice. Therefore, I believe our best course of action would be to try to use the device to send Kaya and Aki to the future. Her timeline." Sasuke pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Theoretically, this timeline’s Iekane does not have the prototype, or one would think he would be using it often.”
Shingen looked at Sasuke and nodded. “I trust your best guess. That said, we don’t know where ended up after he and Katsu went into the wormhole, so my spies will keep searching for Iekane."
"As will mine." Katsuko grabbed a scroll and brush and jotted down a note.
“You have your own spies?" Not only does this timeline's Katsu have what appears to be a perfect partner, she gets her OWN spies?
"Birthday present," she murmured. Ok. That might blow Mitsuhide's gift of a lock pick set out of the water.
He also got you that pretty robe, and he played the flute for you when you were unconscious…
My inner voice was apparently feeling especially snarky today.
Sasuke brought out the device. "I've managed, theoretically, to override the device’s initial coding." Sasuke proceeded to go in to a technical explanation that was at its basis, a pretty sophisticated form of hacking. "So, Kaya, all that I need is your thumbprint and you can use it to take Aki into the future."
That’s all?
I was a bit nervous to have control over the device. "You don't want that honor for yourself?" After hearing about Katsuko’s terrifying experience, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be the pilot on this adventure.
"While I would, in fact be otherwise thrilled to do so," Sasuke exchanged glances with Katsu and Shingen. "I’m afraid I could set it off course."
Oh right. If Sasuke had control over it, we'd just end up going to his future - which would be fine for Aki, but would keep me in the wrong timeline. Although at least if that happened I would never have to run into the version of Mitsuhide who was in love with Mai (although apparently he loves her here too, so… I was kind of SOL no matter where I went).
The thought was brief, and somewhat selfish. Who knew what kind of chaos would come about if I continued to stay in the wrong timeline? And, I still needed to return to my timeline’s Sakai and follow up Aki's information on Toshiie.
“For a similar reason, I have come to the conclusion that I will be unable to accompany you on a journey to your own timeline.” With a slight attitude of reluctance, he set the device down on Shingen’s desk. "I would relish the opportunity to have a long discussion with another version of myself."
Was I imagining that everyone else seemed a bit scared of that idea?
He looked down at his paperwork. "However such a conversation could present a danger to the balance of the multiverse, and with no guarantee of returning to this particular timeline-" He gave a sideeye to Shingen, "although I am relatively certain between myself and I, I could figure it out- I have decided not to make the attempt."
Subtext: he had been planning to go anyway, and Shingen talked him out of it.
With Aki’s condition worsening by the hour, we decided not to waste any more time waiting. Shingen and Yuki helped carry Aki to a deserted area behind Tsutsujigasaki Castle. In the distance were some archery targets, so I figured that was what it was normally used for. Good plan to leave from here – the castle inhabitants would avoid this area when Katsuko was out here, to avoid getting hit by stray arrows.
Although, since she was me, there wouldn’t be any stray arrows. We’d both learned accuracy one stable wall repair at a time.
Sasuke handed me a packet containing his contact information and a letter I was to give to his other self. "I hope, that at some point, he will be able to figure out how to communicate with me – or however many versions of me there are."
Unlike me, Sasuke seemed not at all weirded out by the prospect of a multiplicity of selves.
While Katsuko took a private moment to say whatever she needed to say to our father, I gave my goodbyes and thanks to Lord Shingen and Yukimura. "It must have been strange for you two, thank you for putting up with me."
"Surrounded by another vision of my devil? Not strange at all." By now, I knew Shingen well enough to know that the flirting was second nature, as was a dry sense of humor, so I simply bowed to him again.
Yuki just grinned at me and punched me in the arm. "You’re not so bad, dummy." High praise from that one.
Katsuko left Aki’s side and I found myself in a long hug with my alternate… no this isn't weird at all. "Good luck. With everything." That was all she said. But maybe she figured I would know what she meant by 'everything,’ since she was me.
Then, per Sasuke's instructions, I put my arms around Aki, activated the device, and once again, hoped there wouldn’t be any dinosaurs.
There was that sharp buzzing noise, and the world dissolved into grey once again.
All sounds muffled, then faded out.
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @lyds323 @tele86 @akitsuneswife
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hardcore-lonewolf · 10 months
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I love the Naruto World so much that I wish I was in it, I want to be a female Senju princess who's a god child to Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.
I'll love to be the last child of Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya Ogata, be the Sixth Hokage after saving the Leaf with Naruto Uzumaki, and is the main romantic interest of Sasuke Uchiha, a former student of Orochimaru Yashagoro.
I want Naruto to have a sibling, so I chose Deidara cause Uchiha Clan heirs tend to be rivals with Uzumaki Clan members and I don't to replace Hanabi for somebody else, so Hinata got a big sister now...how about Yume for the name...yes.
My name should be Misako, have a big sister named Akira who's the main romantic interest of Itachi Uchiha, and is the Chosen One with elemental bending powers as the Light Avatar who must destroy the Dark Persona.
I shipped myself with Sasuke, NaruHina for life, NejiTen, ShikaTema, SaiIno, KibaTama, ShiShi, ChoKaru, LeeAma, KankuAka, SoraKae, GaaMatsu, AsuKure, KakaHana, JiraTsuna, MinaKushi, Orochimaru X OFC, Itachi X OC, MY AU!Deidara X OFC!Hinata's Big Sister, ToneShion, IruAya, SuiKari, Sakura X OMC, GaiKao, KoteAnko, KabuGure, HayaYuga, IzuShizu, YamaYuki, ObiRin, Rin and Obito will be still alive, my dad's not gonna die too, Asuma deserves to live for his daughter, Neji stays living, etc.
There's ten tailed beasts from zero to nine; Satori the Reibi, Shukaku the Ichibi, Matatabi the Nibi, Isobu the Sanbi, Son Goku the Yonbi, Kokuo the Gobi, Saiken the Rokubi, Chomei the Nanabi, Gyuki the Hachibi, and Kurama the Kyuubi.
I want Team 02 [Yoruha - Hikaru, Nayumi, Migaku & Sakura], 03 [Gai - Neji, Tenten, Lee & Kaede], 07 [Kakashi - Naruto, Misako, Sasuke & Hinata], 08 [Kurenai - Kiba, Tamaki, Shino & Shiho], and 10 [Asuma - Choji, Ino, Shikamaru & Akane].
Sakura need to be shipped with somebody else rather than Sasuke, she was falling for him and broke her friendship with Ino for his heart.
If I was her, I'll choose my friend over my crush and keep my bond.
Misako got three childhood friends; Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke...it's that clear and simple.
Misa doesn't like fan boys at all like Sasuke don't like fan girls, they're from enemy clans and are best friends who's secretly betrothed to each other as a way to form peace to both family trees.
Watching all episodes and movies, I've learned many shocking plots and twists throughout my childhood.
Itachi's an amazing big brother, I wish Naruto has a brother and I gave him one...named Deidara rather than Menma cause I see that alternative future son of our ramen lover if he was married to Sasuke.
I want Naruto to have his first kiss with Hinata, which leads to this scenario...what if Misako was between both him and Sasuke during the episode where they were finding out their teams.
Misako will kiss Sasuke...again, here's the catch, they shared their first kiss at a young age cause they liked each other and can see their futures as a badass power couple.
Itachi had already predicted that his little brother was in love with Misako...like he was with Akira, Akira will prevent Itachi's death and tell Sasuke the real truth herself with her baby sister by her side.
I've read a fanfiction on Wattpad that has an original female character portraying as Nezuko Kamado, her name was Misa, I loved it and saw the major changes they've done...it was glorious...shout-out to the author.
I know one way to make Sasuke feel overprotective to Misako like she's understanding with him, I've made three characters we know as original characters named Hikaru, Nayumi, and Migaku.
Hikaru will portray from Toneri or Seimei, Nayumi will depict from Shion or Sawaii, and Migaku...I got something for him...Yoichi or Ren.
Misako and Akira, two sisters with their father's white hair, their mother's brown eyes, their father's red markings, and their mother's beautiful looks and gorgeous figure...I got their character portrayals...Heinrich Prinz (Akira) & Eugen Prinz (Misako).
Indra & Asura was in love with the Kishimoto Sisters named...Luna & Kira...
Kira will be the light that guides Asura to the Sun and into the Spirit World for a bright star.
Luna will be the shadow that escorts Indra to the Moon and get him away from the Phantom Zone for a dark cloud.
The sacred ancestry continues to Madara Uchiha's lover and Hashirama Senju's wife...Mito Uzumaki & Himiko Hyuga.
Years have passed, I want Misa to become the Light Avatar since the Dark Persona was her complete polar opposite...they're destined lovers.
I honestly want Misa to have two sons and daughters; Daisuke (OMC: Haruto Uchiha), Mikoto (OFC: Amara Senju), Yuta (OMC: Isamu Senju), and Sayuri (OFC: Kiyomi Uchiha).
I'm giving Naruto another son and daughter; Menma (OMC: Soha Uzumaki) & China (OFC: Naruko Uzumaki).
If you're confused with the names of the following OCs I've planted, search for their names on Google to get some clarification...it took me a few tries and I've finished.
Comment down below, reblog, anything you wanna do...go for it.
Do not report me, this is just my ideas...something I wanna do for my fanfics in the future.
Sayonara guys...believe it!
Also...who will win between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso?
If nobody wins and unexpected twists happen, who will return?
What if Damian Priest changes his mind and cash in on Roman, if not...on whoever wins between Seth and Finn?
Who will beat Dominik's ass and strip him from his title?
Will Santos dethrone Theory?
Can Ricochet take down a jackass?
Will Gunther stay undisputed?
Who will be Rhea's opponent?
Who will walk out as Women's Undisputed Champion?
Will Iyo win or lose her chance?
Will Shotzi get revenge on Bayley?
Can LA Knight conquer the Battle Royal?
Will Shayna kick this transphobic bitch's ass out of wrestling for good?
Will Solo join his brother?
Will Cody end Lesnar?
All these questions and more will be confirmed tomorrow night at Detroit...watch Peacock now, get your tickets, and get ready cause it's ride or die this year on 2023.
Let this tribal combat...commence.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Literacy: Semi-Lit, two to three paras in third person. Other: I mainly roleplay with females due to the request of my partner in irl. So, Due to this; I can be a switch for roles. Male or female. I am 25, so no one under the age of 18.
Fandom: Naruto or made-up.
Pair: FxM, OcxOc, CcxCc
Character(s): Sasuke, Sakura, or my Ocs
Ship(s): SasuSaku or our Ocs for rp.
Triggers: Rape, Incest, or etc that wouldn't be seen in roleplays.
Genres: Mediaeval, Romance, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Drama, and Gore.
Plot ideas: I have a list of made-up plots or we can do based off of fandom. If not, please choose an plot and dm me!
Demon x Human
2. Dark prince x Princess of Light
3. Hired Agent x Mayor's Daughter
4. Demon Protector x Goddesses Daughter
5. Prince of Argo's x Princess of Athens
6. Contracted Murderer x Witness Victim
7. An Vigilante x Journalist Writer
8. Forbidden Love
Where: I can roleplay through discord or through here. My Discord is:🌸𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔰𝔰𝔬𝔪🌸#3140
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akamikazae · 2 years
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Meet Akami—My Naruto OC!
She is Orochimaru’s daughter (much to her dismay) and her mother was from a branch of the Yuki clan that found refuge in the Hidden Leaf—changing their surname to ‘Ketsueki’ for protection.
You can read my long winded fic all about here her! [x]
‘Love me Mercilessly’
Akami Ketsueki is a Konohagakure Shinobi, an Anbu Black Op and Root Operative. She’d always been comfortable in the shadows. Praised for her vicious nature and cold heart, that is until itachi Uchiha slaughtered his clan. She makes the decision to throw away everything she knew to take in Sasuke. She's forced to reevaluate her life and priorities, now that she’s playing caretaker. How will she keep Sasuke from the darkness when she finds it so hard to live in the light?
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mistymuimui · 1 year
I have forgotten about Tumblr. But I am back!
My main fandoms now are: Demon Slayer, Spy x Family and Naruto.
I will update my fandom list to the new information
I am still Dawn 🌸🇫🇷
I am a French writer. So sorry if I do have mistakes in my English.
My ships in KNY are the canon ships. But I do like non-canon ships, long as they're not gross or nonsense.
My favorite KNY at the time is Yoriichi Tsugikuni.
I have OCs. Miyoshi, Suna and Kunjuro Tsugikuni, Yoriichi and Uta's children.
Mizu Todoroki who is Obanai and Mitsuri's adopted daughter and the rest of Mizu's little siblings.
Naruto favorite ships are NaruHina and SasuSaku 🍥☀️ 🍅🌸
I have my Naruto OCs ever since I was a teenager, Sasuke and Sakura's children, Ryusuke and Mio. Sarada is an older sister, she is the canon SasuSaku child, my OCs are her fanmade siblings.
I do draw some simple doodles. My OCs are always my favorite stuff to draw.
You can PM or ask me about my OCs anytime!
I also do roleplay!
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maddmuses · 1 year
Ship Wish List
(Not all Romantic, specifying when a dynamic I want isn’t)
Conner Kent -Young Justice Members (Friendship) -M’gann M’orzz -Cassandra Cain -Cassie Sandsmark -Teen Heroes in general to relate to -Clark Kent (My boy needs his father blz) -Lois Lane (he needs a mom in his life too) -Basically any Kent (family vibes, and to meet his daughter)
Martha Kent -Other kids of JL members (Just connections bls) -Witchy vibe gfs would be great in general please she is known magic strong-girl -Pretty much same on Superfam and Kentfam as Conner
Caroline Kent -Other next-gen Teen Titans plz (all kinds) -Pretty much same on Superfam and Kentfam as Conner
Cassandra Cain -Other Batfam Sibs (Family, please she needs these) -Bruce (Give this girl her dad dammit!!) -Conner Kent (#1 Boyfriend tbh) -Stephanie Brown -Rose Wilson (-confused bi noises-)
Peter Parker -Other Spider Folxs (Spider-Verse what what?) -MJ Watson -Felicia Hardy -Cindy Moon -Gwen Stacy -Kitty Pryde -Mayday Parker (I need him to be a dad or meet an alt-timeline version of the daughter he could have someday) -X-Men (I like this in general, I definitely like the idea of him being connected to other ostracized superhumans in general)
Rachel Summers -ATTENTION ALL MUTANTS (Here she is, right there) -Kitty Pryde -Mayday Parker (future timeline gfs ftw :3) -Laura Kinney  -Logan (I need surrogate dad vibes, lbr her current dad leaves things to be desired)
Gwenpool -If it’s chaotic I’d love to have it
Ty Lee -Fuck me up w/ your ATLA muses (Ty Lee needs interacts) -Also Azula ofc :3
Mina Ashido -Ochako Uraraka -Nejire Hado -Momo Yaoyorozu -Honestly I just want her to interact w/ other hero muses in general (Var.) -Could give her some adversaries in the form of villains too tho (Var.)
Isane Kotetsu -Kiyone Kotetsu (She needs to interact with her little sister!!!) -Other 4th Division Members -Rangiku (”>////////////////<” -- Isane Kotetsu (19XX-20XX)
Rukia Kuchiki -Ichigo Kurosaki (A variety of dynamics are desired but romantic too yes) -Renji (Frenemies but actually Frenemies) -Byakuya (She requires her older brother) -Orihime (Besties but also gfs???? 👀👀👀👀) -Tatsuki -Ask me about my Rukia ship tier list it’s p good -Gotei 13 (What if The Office, but it’s samurai ghosts????) -Her gf from when she was in the Shinigami academy
Byakuya Kuchiki -Same as Rukia reg. Gotei 13 (Just need coworkers tbh) -Renji (Obviously he needs his main subordinate to bully) -Kenpachi (Battle Boyfriends???? 👀👀👀) -Same as Rukia I have a ship tier list ask about it
Isshin Shiba-Kurosaki -Masaki Kurosaki -Basically any Kurosaki he needs his kids lbr -People he knew early in his time in the living world -Various Bleach muses for various reasons
Goku -Chi-Chi >:3 -His kids kindly (My Goku is still not best dad but he’s peak Goku-style dad) -ppl to fight???? -Also his besties/squad
Goba -Other Son family members -also ppl to fight -Time Patrollers to train with -also ppl to date -Hot Saiyan Girls™ 👀👀👀👀 Mun: *slaps Goba’s hands* OFF MY COMPUTER BRAT!!
Broly -Look I’m not picky here???? -Raditz might be nice -So would Cheelai tho
Itachi Uchiha (My main verse is him as Hokage) -Basically anyone from konoha should get to interact with this delight -Sasuke (he needs to make sure his brother doesn’t turn to the dark side) -Akatsuki members fs -idk about romantic ships but I’m down to clown -other Kage
Sakura Haruno -Naruto Uzumaki (besties) -Ino (😳) -Hinata -Karin -Temari -Tenten
Yuharu Kaiba -Honestly she’d love to interact with almost anyone from DM or GX, possibly even 5Ds
Toru Caushan -The Strawhats (though lbr they aren’t a crew he goes after hardcore) -Nami (I miss the old ship w/ him and missvvave but definitely open to exploring it w/ other Namis) -Kaido -other Mythical Zoan users -Any other Marine canons or OCs
Korosensei -Just give this man students plz? -Superman (I think they’d be wholesome) -Aguri Yukimura
Donovan Greyback -Lily Potter II (They’re besties your honor) -Era-dependent but honestly Donovan would love to interact w/ anyone
Hermione Granger -Other Golden Trio and GT-era Hogwarts characters -Ministry of Magic characters -Luna Lovegood (<3)
Sora -I picked him because he can interact w/ literally any verse -Could definitely go for other Destiny Island and FF chara tho
Roxas -Axel (Besties) -Xion (Also Besties) -Org XIII muses and just generally other Nobodies -Other Keybladers tbh
Vanitas -Just anyone for him to torment tbh -Wayfinder Trio -Other Villains -Disney characters who can possibly redeem him (🥺🥺🥺🥺)
Zack -Aerith -Cloud -Angeal (mentor pls) -Tifa -Basically any party member or SHINRA character
Cloud -Honestly I would like more variety but also will never say no to a Tifa or Aerith ship -Just like all kinds of ppl please
Tifa -Aerith -But also just give her gfs -Clouds are also likely ye from me -Patrons of her bar
Dante -Lady -Trish (But like, they’re brother-sister vibes) -Vergil (let him annoy his big bro) -Nero (also let him annoy his baby nephew) -Like just let me throw Dante at you
Ahri -She needs victims
Settrigh -Hey, does anyone want to work for a criminal? -Also could use interacts w/ his mum because he loves his mum
Luffy -Nakama (for crew-related reasons) -ShiraCrybabyhoshi (for shipping reasons)
Nami -Luffy (Her Ride and Die) -Usopp (Her Ride but not Die) -Zoro (lbr frenemies) -Sanji (GBFF) -Hina (Hot Marine GF) -Tashigi (Hot Marine GF The Sequel) -Just Hot Marines of both genders to date tbh -Boa Hancock (”Could be us baby”/Ship)
Ty Lee -Azula (Her First Love)(Toxic) -Suki (Her Second Love)(Wholesome) -Sokka (If I Had To Pick A Dude) -Mai (Eagle 2)
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ddoals · 4 years
HC for Orochimaru making Sasuke a daughter.
HC for Orochimaru making Sasuke a daughter.
Request:  Saw this on another blog and wanted to see your take on it. HC for Sasuke having a daughter created by Orochimaru.
A/N: I ended up making this a little too long ^^
I may or may not make more content on this prompt. Maybe a series. Maybe an OC. Be on the lookout!
-  Ok so in the anime Boruto it’s apparently been roughly 14-15 years since the fourth shinobi war. I imagine Orochimaru may have collected DNA samples far before the war had started, but didn’t bother using it until he realized that Sasuke would no longer be accessible to him and his experiments. That’s when he would use the genes to create an Uchiha. We’ve seen him create other creature’s with sharingan, but they're all weird and almost alien-like. I would like to think that he used other genetic samples from his library of genetic material and old experiments from before he left Konoha. This is why he’s able to make a proper human creation. Sasuke escapes Orochimaru’s grasp for the first time in shippuden. I’m not sure how long before the war that was, so I’m gonna go ahead and assume 3-4 ish years before making Sasuke’s daughter 17-18 ish.
- Because Orochimaru considered Sasuke to be an important asset, he would consider the child to be important as well and keep the child in his vicinity for as long as he can. Because of her constant exposure to his labs, she would be enchanted by science and focus on that more than the physical training Orochimaru would want her through. Eventually, he would give in and teach her about the fascinating world of science. Learning science may push her to pursue further education, if not in school then on her own through encyclopedias and other books she would somehow smuggle into the hideout. Eventually, the question of her biological origins would come up. She was able to figure out that Orochimaru was obviously not her biological parent and that she was either adopted or genetically created. After being pestered enough Orochimaru would tell her a little bit about Sasuke and how Orochimaru wanted to be able to get himself another just in case Sasuke would leave.
- Upon finding out that she was created as a replacement, Sasuke’s daughter would grow upset and leave. I like to think she would craft this fancy document, like a declaration of independence (an idea she got from one of her textbooks), just because. Despite not having her Sharingan unlocked and having neglected much of her physical training, Orochimaru wouldn't expect her to go far. However this girl is well educated (courtesy to her books) and smart. She covers her tracks well and makes herself almost untraceable. Having no other option, Orochimaru would go to Konoha for help. He’d assume that she went to look for Sasuke and at some point would end up in Konoha. Appalled and a little annoyed, Naruto would inform Sasuke about his daughter.
-  Sasuke would be shocked. He would be mad at Orochimaru for creating a person with his genes and not tell him for years, but he would also be a little curious about the girl. He’d feel guilty for not being there for his child and sorry for her having to be raised by Orochimaru, an absolute psychopath. Sasuke would be confused on what to do, but Sarada would step in.
- Turns out Boruto was spying on his dad trying to craft some scheme to grab the Hokage’s attention and Sarada was following him in an attempt to keep him out of trouble (This is a lie. She wanted to see Boruto make a fool of himself). Sarada had always wanted a sibling. This was her dream come true. She would push Sasuke to go find her older sister and bring her back. She would even volunteer herself into a search party, but Naruto would refuse, telling her this wasn’t something a genin should be concerned with. For the sake of making his younger daughter happy and to satiate his curiosity, Sasuke would tell Naruto to go ahead with his plans to find the kid.
- Naruto would send out search parties. Nobody would be able to find her, except of course Sasuke (parent intuition maybe). He finds her by a lake, all alone. Hesitant to approach her, he wouldn’t make a single move until Naruto would give him a little pep talk and a strong push. Before Sasuke could run back to his hiding place his daughter would turn around. It would take her less than a second to recognize him.
- We all know Sasuke is an awkward father and doesn’t know what to do most of the time. They would stare at each other before Naruto would not so quietly whisper, “Introduce yourself!”
- “I already know who you are,” she would state bluntly. Despite the poker face Sasuke and Naruto saw, Sasuke’s daughter would be extremely surprised and nervous. She never really expected to see her father. She had heard from Orochimaru that Sasuke had settled and started his own family. Why would he want some diluted clone?
- Sasuke, like his daughter, was nervous but also confused. What was he supposed to do in a situation like this? But before anyone else could say or do anything, Orochimaru would jump into the scene and thank Naruto and Sasuke for finding his experiment. He would turn to said creation and tell her that he was going to up his security and make it impossible for her to escape again. He would also tell her that the material she reads would be heavily censored and monitored by him.
- Obviously both shinobi would object to this. Orochimaru is a creep and nobody deserves to be his labrat. Naruto would threaten Orochimaru telling him that Sasuke’s daughter was a citizen of Konoha because of her ancestors making her off limits.. Not wanting to start another war, Orochimaru would back off. But before leaving he wouldn’t forget to mention that the child was his creation, therefore his property - and that he would be back.
- Upon his leave Sarada would jump out of the bushes along with Boruto, who would make a comment about how he couldn’t tell what Orochimaru’s gender was.
- Almost instantly Naruto and Sasuke would try to lecture their children about orders and how genin should stay in their line, but before the lecture could go anywhere Sarada would run past Sasuke and hug her older sister. Sarada’s older sister would freeze at first but then slowly place her hand on Sarada’s head. Sarada would then look up and ask her sister if she would come back with them to the village. Sarada’s older sister would be taken aback. She had never emotionally known what a family was. This was all new to her. Boruto would join in on Sarada’s plea and tell his teammate’s sister that she just had to come back with them and try a thunder burger. Something, he assumed, she had never tried. Sasuke would add on and say that he would love to get to know her and that it was better late than never. After all she was his daughter.
- Extra: Sakura would be more than happy for a  new addition to the family, - especially after seeing the happiness it brought Sarada.
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spiritamongdarkness · 4 years
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My Naruto Next Generation / Boruto Ocs. These are Sasuke and my Oc Akari’s children Issei, Moyasano, Takane, and Airashii Uchiha (from left to right)
Drawn by me
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naruhinaluvrx · 5 years
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So I found out that Sasuke x Shion was a thing,which is actually a really interesting couple and I hope I can find more art for it,and after experimenting with the concept of their relationship,I wanted to try making them a daughter.
Susumu did not inherit the Sharingan,but she is very skilled in Genjutsu and her typically kind is making her enemy see a fake vision of their death to scare them. She can actually see the death of people like Shion,but her visions have a 60/40% chance of actually happening and they get rarer the older she gets.
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artistminy · 6 years
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My Minori Uchiha ❤
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the12thnightproject · 3 months
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Chapter 43: Past Present - Katsu finally learns more about her parents, while an old video reveals someone has been watching her a long time.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
As if nothing had happened, the device sat on the table, acting innocent.
"I suggest that we move back a bit, in case Katsu's theory about a potential explosion is correct." Shingen already had his hand on my shoulder to pull me out of a potential blast zone.
We all scooted back about a meter, staring at the thing.
Nothing happened.
After about a minute when the only sound was our breathing, Sasuke cautiously approached it again. "I believe it sent a signal."
"E-T. Phone home?" Of course it wasn’t actually alien device (probably not?), but that was the closest analogy I could come up with.
"Indeed. Er... since we don't know who, or what may answer that call, would you be comfortable if I put this in my safe?" Sasuke gingerly picked up the device and nodded to a built in locker that appeared at first to be a simple cabinet.
"Go ahead." I watched him lock it away. "It's not like I'm going to be time travelling until Aki recovers."
"And if you plan to go back to Sengoku, Honno-ji wormhole will open the night of the winter solstice, or you could come with us when Togakushi manifests a few weeks after that. Lord Shingen has another six weeks of pulmonary therapy, so we were aiming for that."
As if to remind himself that his access to coffee had an expiration date, Sasuke went over to his espresso machine and made another cup.
"Thank you for the offer. It all depends on what happens with Aki, but I will keep this all in mind." Either way, it looked like I was going to be here for at least another month, if not longer.  Which meant there were some practicalities that should be taken care of. I glanced at the clock. It was still too early to go to the authorities to replace my identification, but I did need to do something about my clothing to avoid looking like a cosplay reject.
When I verbalized my intentions to the others, Sasuke replied "Katsu, it’s Sunday."
"Oh wow. I completely forgot about the concept of weekends.” Or seven day weeks, for that matter. In the Sengoku, weeks were ten days long. So, no official business or banking yet. “I can still shop right?" Before I left Tsutsujigasaki, Katsuko had given me some modern yen, as she and Shingen had a supply tucked away in case they ever went through the wormhole again. Plus I had some Sengoku era coinage that I likely could sell at an antique dealer for enough cash to tide me over until I could access Aki’s bank account. "Are there open stores within walking distance from here?"
One experience I was not eager to repeat was Sasuke's driving.
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Later that afternoon, attired in jeans, a t-shirt (Ironman, of course) and a hoodie, I returned to Aki's room in ICU. His condition was unchanged, and I was half frustrated, half grateful for the fact that I had no idea what all the medical monitoring devices he was hooked up to meant and what information they sent to his treatment team.
Ignoring the beeps and whirs of the machine, I closed my eyes and pretended I was back in Aki's private study, giving him one of the many scouting reports I had delivered over the past seven years, seven years in which I was an apprentice, an employee, not a daughter. As objectively as possible, I told him of what Mitsuhide and I had learned in Sakai, of Motonari’s return from the dead, and of the current plot between Yoshiaki and Iekane. And of course I again reassured him that Hiko was safely sheltered in Kasugayama.
He didn’t respond. I knew that he would stay unconscious until the hospital decided to wake him up. Could he hear my voice? "Aki… why didn’t you ever tell me that you were my father?"
It was a question that I hadn't had the courage to ask at Tsutsujigasaki, a question that the other Katsuko, safely confident in her place in that world, in her place with Shingen, had likely been able to ask during those times she was taking care of him and forcing willow bark tea down his throat.
Was it worth asking when he could not answer, probably could not hear me?
Francisco had said that Aki returned once, and my mother sent him away. Had he given up on us so easily? Or…
"Fourth?" Though I bowed and took my placement with outward humility, inside, I was a bundle of confusion and anger. My balance beam routine had been the most difficult of everyone's in the twelve and under group. Harder than half of the older girls too. Oh not at the level of the girls going to junior or senior Worlds. But I had hit every trick. What had I done wrong?
Still, I knew the rules. Smile. Bow. And if I seethed, I would do it inwardly. Complaining would give me the reputation as a sore loser. I wasn't sore... exactly. Just... confused, in a semi-annoyed way.
I was plotting how to politely ask the gym's coach to tell me how I could improve my placement in the future, when I realized that all the coaches were huddled together, looking out toward the bleachers. They seemed… tense. Worried.
Better wait until another time.
After politely congratulating the winners, all of whom would now advance to regional competitions, I threw on my clothing and met my brother out in front of the sports facility. Toshiie had been there to film the event on his phone for mom, since she was having one of her bad days and hadn’t come with.
"I was robbed," I said, once we were safely on the bus and out of hearing of anyone who had been to the competition.
Aware that his job as twin-who-knows-nothing-about-athletics, was to agree with whatever I said, Toshiie nodded solemnly. Then he spoiled it by saying, "I didn’t watch the whole event. Too busy watching the man get thrown out."
Huh? "What do you mean?" And thanks Tosh. I knew he didn’t care about sports, but I thought he'd be interested in supporting me.
"Some strange man was watching the meet. He said his kid was competing, but no one recognized him." Toshiie shrugged. "It was more interesting than gymnatistics. Sorry."
Huh. Again. Thanks bro.
My awareness returned to the present, with a hopeful thought. Maybe… maybe once my mother had sent him away, Aki had kept watch from a distance. Maybe he even had been the man at the gym?
I pulled out the temporary pre-paid phone I had picked up that afternoon. Fairly no frills, but since it was on Sasuke's account, I didn’t feel comfortable getting a lot of services. Once I got a new ID, I'd maybe invest in an android, but well anyway… this phone did have a browser so I navigated to the Youtube account that Toshiie and I had shared.
Easy enough to recall that my password had been Tony_Stark1610.
I video traveled through time, past all the freerunning videos that Toshiie I had filmed during the our final year in modern Japan. Then to random cat videos of Tony-Stark and hiking videos of Toshiie's, before locating the gymnastics competitions.
I'd rarely looked at them while I was still training, and once I quit, they drifted to the bottom of the date filter. I’d not had any interest in nostalgically revisiting what had never been ‘glory days,’ but everything was still up there. After a couple false starts, I found the competition in question. If Toshiie had thought the mystery man was more interesting, he would have filmed him.
With the sound turned very low, I skimmed through the meet, making sure to pinch zoom every time there was a crowd shot.
I saw no one familiar there.
Finally, I heard a voice in the background stating, "Of course I have every right to be here. My daughter is competing."
That had not been Aki's voice, unless he was disguising it.
Of course he had never watched me as a child. There had never been any distantly interested father figure making sure that we were ok.
Stupid to have thought otherwise.
I don't know why I felt as disappointed as I did. Whether Aki had been silently watching my childhood or not, made no difference. For over eighteen years, he had not been around when I needed him.
Then for seven, he had been everything.
I was just about to stop the recording, when the camera swung around as Toshiie filmed the speaker. A man who was obviously not Aki. A man who was not my father either. I understood why the other parents in the audience had been suspicious, for he was not Japanese. He was also… not a stranger.
Two months ago, or more specifically four hundred and fifty years ago, this man had tried to buy me at a slave auction in Sakai.
Father Slappy Hands.
He’d tried to purchase me.
He’d tried to kill Mitsuhide.
And he was a time traveler.
“Aki… what the hell is going on here?”
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Aki had been in a coma for a week when my new identification papers came through, thanks to Sasuke doing a little bit of hacking to move things along. Being able to access my money (a lot of money) made me at least feel more independent. "I should probably find a short term apartment and get out of you guys' hair," I said one morning as I folded up the sheets I had been sleeping on. Well, trying to. I never have been able to fold a duvet cover neatly.
Shingen took the sheet away from me, and re-folded it. Perfectly. "If you want to tangle in my hair, you are more than welcome to, Angel."
"I swear, I'm going to put out a flirting jar, and every time you break out one of your cheesy lines, it's going to cost you." Seriously. I hadn’t had enough tea to deal with him this early in the morning.
"Katsu, you are of course more than welcome to stay here as long as you need. But I suspect you want a bigger place to bring Professor Yamaoka to when he recovers." Sasuke, who was on his third cup of coffee, brought his tablet over to me. "As it happens, my parents need a house sitter while they travel to Portugal."
"Oh. That's actually." I glanced at the tablet, which contained photos of the house in question. "A good idea. I wonder if they have any photos of my mother."
Sasuke paused, with the coffee cup halfway to his mouth. "Is there any reason why they would?"
Whoops. There was something I’d forgotten to tell this Sasuke (in fact, I had forgot to tell the other timeline’s Sasuke as well). "Apparently she was your nanny for a little while. That’s how she met Aki to begin with."
He tilted his head. “The Childhood Friends trope! I always wanted to be part of that one."
"If you stretch the definition of childhood friends to include in vitro, then I suppose so." Sasuke had likely been too young to even remember my mother, but... details.
He got up, rummaged in a cupboard and retrieved his go bag of Sengoku era belongings. From there, he pulled out a piece of paper that had a five by five grid and... "Wait. You're playing Trope Bingo with your Sengoku life?"
"It's more of a general bingo, but yes." I watched him check 'childhood friends! "I didn’t think I'd ever fill out this card. Now all I need is Ieyasu Tokugawa’s autograph for full bingo."
Good to know, Sheldon.
Returning to the original topic, I told Sasuke that I would indeed be interested in house sitting for his parents, and since I had no other plans for the moment, Sasuke and I headed over to their house, while Shingen left for the pulmonary rehab clinic.
Luckily for all involved (meaning myself, and any car or pedestrian who would otherwise encounter Sasuke when he was vehicularly armed), Sasuke's parents lived with walking distance of his apartment. True, to a ninja and a courier who had both roamed the length of Sengoku Japan, everywhere was walking distance, but it really was only about twenty minutes from his high rise.
The Mikumo house was tucked back in a quiet neighborhood, but conveniently still close to a teahouse, a noodle shop, and even a pizza place.
“What was it like, meeting another version of yourself?" Sasuke stopped in front of a historic townhouse, not, actually terribly different in architecture from the Sakai townhouse I'd shared with Mitsuhide, although of course this one had been built within the last century. At least one of their neighbors clearly celebrated Christmas, for they had twinkle lights shining from their window.
"It was weird... surreal, I guess. Possibly not any more surreal than the fact that I had this conversation with your other self too." I watched Sasuke fish a key ring from his pocket. "Yeah, um, anyway, I had to pretend she was an older sister. She said she had already met two other of me, um, us, so I guess she was a little more used to it."
"Fascinating." After jiggling the key in the lock for so long that I was tempted to put my lock picking skills to work, Sasuke finally got the door open, and gestured me inside.
The decor was a hodgepodge of classical Japanese art and artifacts, piles of books and journals, mismatched antiques, all of which barely made sense together, and I finally understood why Sasuke chose to live in a sleek modern apartment. "My apologies. My parents, as meticulous as they are in their studies, tend to be rather random about housework."
"Aki probably felt right at home here. He's the same way in his office." The rest of Aki’s manor, though, Fume's domain, was of course neat and clean at all times. "Um, so about that."
"Right. I imagine you'd like to see if they have any mementos of your mother." He beckoned me past a living area with a flat screened TV that felt a bit anachronistic, then into a large office. The office at least was slightly better organized. Sure, the paper clutter was a bit out of hand, but someone had put neat labels on all the file boxes, which were organized by year and topic. "If they do, it would be in here. Er, theoretically.”
“Would they be ok with me looking through this? Or… well, with me in general?” Daughter of their former nanny or not, it looked like they had a lot of expensive things here. Not a lot of people would be comfortable with someone they hadn’t met staying in their house.
Sasuke looked up from where he was multitasking on his phone. “I sent them an email telling them about you. Statistically speaking, it takes them a mean of three days to remember to open their email; but since the previous house sitter left without notice, I'm sure they won’t be upset if you go ahead and move in."
Oh. Well. Good. Except. It didn’t feel good. It felt… lonely.
Sasuke edged out of the office, and gestured to the stairs. "The bedroom is on the second floor." He looked back at me. I hadn’t moved from the office. “Is something wrong?"
"Nothing wrong. Not really. I guess I just got too used to being surround by people." First Mitsuhide, then Yoshimoto, the gang in 1586, and now Sasuke and Shingen. "Eh. I’m sure I'll be back to my hermit ways in no time."
He paused between the first and second floor. "Do you want to wait for Aki to be released first before you move in? I am more than happy to continue to host my childhood friend."
Perhaps I knew then already that Aki would never be coming home with me. Psychic flashes of the other timelines aside, I've never been particularly perceptive. Maybe I'm just used to Aki's ways. Maybe I'm just used to people leaving without saying goodbye.
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A few days after I moved into the Mikumo's house, I finally received an alert from the hospital that they were bringing Aki out of the coma. By this time, I had Sasuke’s parents’ vague assurance that they remembered my mother, and a rather (thankfully) less vague one that they would be fine if I searched through their archives for a memento or two. Archives was a rather odd way to describe their method of organization but... details.
I had at least managed to sift out a photograph of Aki and my mother smiling at each other and holding hands. It didn’t even look like they’d realized the photo had been taken. I put it in an inside pocket of my new messenger bag. Then, prepared with the photo, and a list of questions, not the least in which involved the Nanban priest and Francisco, I headed out to the hospital.
The late December clouds were thick and some hopeful weather forecasters were promising a “White Christmas for those who celebrate it.” I imagined that would make the Mikumos’ neighbors (who, I discovered were visiting American professors) very happy and I supposed their multicolored Christmas lights (which they never turned off) would look lovely against the snow. But given the warmer air that came with a light drizzle of rain, I doubted we would see any snow today at least. Dodging the raindrops, I hurried to the hospital arriving just as visiting hours began.
Even before I got to his room, I could hear Aki’s voice, patiently explaining to the police (yes, oh of course the hospital would have called them too) that he had no memory of being shot. His mind was a blank. "The last thing I recall was trying on an outfit for a costume party I had been invited to."
Eep. I hope he wouldn't be required to produce that invitation. Then again, maybe he had stuff like that set up in advance.
"Excuse me. Hello officers. May I be allowed to visit my father? "I bowed respectfully toward them.  "I've been very worried."
I summoned all the acting skills that Aki and Mitsuhide had taught me and put on an 'I'm innocent and naïve’ expression. After an unspoken conversation between the police, they both retreated to the hallway, where I'm sure they could both overhear us. With that in mind, I pitched my voice louder and said, "Dad! You're awake! I've been so scared!" It wasn't all acting, I realized. I had indeed been scared.
Aki took my hand, patted it gently. He didn’t smile, but that wasn’t a surprise. He wasn’t much of a smiler. I suppose that was something I inherited, or learned, from him. Or my mother. Hard to say which.
He crooked his finger, and I moved closer to him, knowing that he was about to import a great secret. Or as it turned out, ask a question. “Where is it?"
Confused, I looked around the room, then realized he was referring to the time traveling device. "Sasuke has it locked in his safe - where it will stay until further notice." I added the last part in case he was about to try to zap himself into another timeline.
All he did was nod approvingly, so maybe he was just making sure it was secure. "You are with young Mikumo then?" He made a move to sit up, but I pushed him back (on the non-injured shoulder).
“Careful, don’t strain.” He scowled at me, so I fiddled with the mechanics of the bed and raised the frame under his head he was sitting upright. "No. I'm house sitting for his parents. Whom… I believe you know.” I got out the photo of him with my mom. "What happened?" Vague question. It could have meant ‘how did you meet?’ or 'how did it end'?
But Aki would probably answer how he wanted anyway.
He took his time looking at the photo, and then he finally did smile. It was the smile of heartbreak.
"You know of course, that she was young Sasuke's caregiver. To be honest, I did not notice her at first, I was more interested in working with his parents to research the Sengoku." He paused. Coughed. "No, that's not correct. I tried not to notice her. She...she… had a way of moving that was like water. She danced while she walked. Even moving her hands… she flowed. But I would not have acted on that interest. As you may have guessed, or perhaps Francisco told you, I am not native to … “ He gestured to the hallway where the police were waiting, and broke off.
Native to this time. The meaning was clear. I nodded. Questions about his own time would need to wait until we were no longer in danger of being overheard. "One afternoon, I was to meet them for study, but there was a confusion. I thought the meeting was at their house. They thought it was to be at the library. When I arrived at the house, it was to a frantic Mayumi. Sasuke had disappeared."
"Kidnapped?" I threw my hand over my mouth, but thankfully even in my surprise, I hadn’t spoken loudly.
"No. He'd just wanted to touch the sky. Somehow he'd managed to climb onto the roof. Between the two of us, we got him down. The child was very pleased with himself and complete unaware of the scare he’d given us. We agreed not to tell his parents. After that intense bonding experience, she and I just gravitated to each other.” He coughed again, and I poured him a cup of water. “I knew it was inadvisable to get involved. Yet I could not stop."
“Toshiie and I are the result of an inadvisable relationship. Good to know." Although… hadn’t I already known that? Mom’s sadness and bitterness had imparted that lesson long ago. Was it really a surprise that Aki felt the same?
Aki winced. "That perhaps did not come out of my mouth the way it sounded in my head."
"Right, old man." I let him go with just the sarcasm. "Francisco said that the two of you had to leave very quickly and that you didn’t know about us before you left-"
"This is true." He took hold of my hand. “I would have done things differently otherwise.”
“Instead of ghosting her.” I took my hand back. Some things are impossible to forgive.
"I thought I would be able to control the time I returned. That would appear that I'd only been away a couple of hours. I’d been one month away in the… you know, then I came back here. The two of you were five. After contact for over five years, she honestly wanted nothing to do with me.  I did ask to be part of your lives, but Mayumi wanted a guarantee that I would be able to visit at set times. Which, now you know how impossible that would have been. She said you all would be better off without me, and honestly, I thought she was right. At the very least you would be safer."
I… was getting pretty tired of men thinking I would be safer without them. I got out my phone and found the video of the gymnastics meet. “Interesting you should say that. Because I encountered this man in Sakai. And it was not a pleasant encounter. Is he from… wherever you are from?”
Aki looked at the video, and I watched his face closely. And what I saw there for a moment was fear. “The video is too blurry." He blinked. “Or perhaps my eyes are tired.”
At that moment, I felt complete and total sympathy the Mitsuhide I had met in the forest at the beginning of the summer. “What aren’t you telling me?”
He closed his eyes. “I think the pain-killers just kicked in.”
Before I could call him on that, there was a rustling at the door, and the medical team bustled in to take his vitals and shoo me out.
"One more question, "I whispered it to Aki as I carefully hugged him goodbye. "Did you bring Toshiie I there on purpose, or was it all just a coincidence?”
In typical Aki fashion, he answered a question with question. "What do you think?"
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Liquid grey.
Well that weather forecast was wrong. I peered into the grey drizzle of late afternoon Kyoto and cursed the fact that I had yet to purchase an umbrella. December weather in this part of the country was just variable enough that I should have considered that "Sixty percent chance of a white Christmas for those who celebrate it," translated to one hundred percent of something wet falling from the sky.
As I huddled in the covered entry of the hospital, I debated ‘taxi’ versus ‘suck it up and run’.
A large black umbrella suddenly blocked out whatever light was left. "Need an escort, Angel? No, don't say no. At least brighten my day by walking with me."
"I'm not the one recovering from lung surgery." I fell in step next to Shingen anyway, knowing that he would probably argue with me until I agreed, and standing out in this weather wouldn't be good for him.
"My doctors and therapist all say exercise is the best thing for me." He put his arm around my waist. "Stay close, you're getting half wet."
"Haven't you already used up your flirtation stock on the hospital staff?" Knowing that in another timeline this man and an alternative-me were deeply in love had made hanging out with this Shingen awkward at first. But I had come to think of him as an older brother, even though he never could turn off the flirting.
Once he realized I didn’t take him seriously, we'd settled into an easy friendship. "The man who is tired of flirting is tired of life." Then, in a completely different tone of voice, he added, conversationally, "Join us for dinner?"
"Which of you is cooking?" A free meal with Sasuke and Shingen would put off my going home alone to sulk about Aki’s stubborn resistance to telling me what was going on, but it would depend on the meal.  Shingen randomly tossed things in a pan because he liked the ingredients separately, without any consideration to how they would taste together. Sometimes, that worked out. Often, it didn’t. He wasn't as awful a cook as Mitsuhide, but he'd had some pretty spectacular fails. Sasuke, at least, could and would, follow a recipe.
"Sasuke." Shingen answered my question easily. I figured he was aware of his own deficiencies as a chef. "I am to provide the ingredients. He texted me a list."
He paused to indicate the market across the street.
Hm. At the very least I should accompany him to make sure he bought the right ingredients and didn’t get distracted by sweets.
"How is Aki today?" Shingen asked as I subtly tried to detour him past a sweet shop. "At least let me buy dessert, Angel!"
"Get Sasuke's list first. Otherwise your dessert is going to be squished." I hip checked him toward the vegetable stand.
He frowned for a moment. "You have a rather strategic mind. Any consideration to working for me when we return to the Sengoku?" Obediently, he worked his way through the shopping list occasionally stopping to ask me to help translate Sasuke's text speak (for a scientist, he has a very colloquial vocabulary when it comes to texting).
"I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. It depends on Aki - who, to answer your previous question, is well enough to deflect any questions I throw at him about the whole-" I lowered my voice. "Time travel issue."
He took that opportunity to lean closer (because, Shingen). "When he's well enough to have a long conversation, I would very much like to have a long talk with him."
Wouldn't we all like that. My verbal response would have been just that, but at that moment, both of our cell phones buzzed a text alert from Sasuke: Houston. We have a problem.
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"Bad news or good news first," was Sasuke's greeting when Shingen and I hurried into the apartment. Given that the place looked like there'd been a battle - furniture was askew; pillows were on the floor; and … was that a ground spike in the corner?- I suspected I already knew the bad news. "Bad news."
He turned and pointed to the wall safe, where the door was still cracked open. "I walked in just as he opened it. They. There were two."
And Aki had just asked if it was secure.
"And your silver lining?" Shingen looked Sasuke over. The moderately awesome ninja didn’t look too banged up, he was limping slightly.
"I believe I've just met one of my alternates." He sounded half thrilled, half chagrined. "Theoretically. They were masked, but I ought to be able to recognize myself in a fight."
Double Shit. The implications of Aki asking about the device’s location hit me. He hadn’t wanted to confirm it was safe. He’d wanted to know where it was.
"There were two of them?" Shingen flipped the table back upright.
“Yes.” Sasuke pushed his glasses in place. "Without visual confirmation I cannot be certain, however I believe the other was a Katsu."
The news that I had an alternate who was a ninja would have to wait to be digested later. I was already halfway to the door. At Shingen's quizzical look, I threw the name Aki, over my shoulder, and after a startled moment, the two of them were close behind.
But even though I risked Sasuke’s speed demon driving to get back to the hospital as fast as possible, it didn’t matter. When we reached Aki’s room, it was empty of everyone aside from two very confused and angry police officers.
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@bestbryn @selenacosmic @lorei-writes @lyds323 @tele86 @akitsuneswife
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Italic = Drafted
Underlined/Bold = Done (with link)
Normal = Soon to be started
Little Nightmares - 2/2
The unwanted answer
Mono X Six - “Roles Reversed”
Naruto - 5/10
Kabuto X Shy! Reader - "Oppsites Attract"
Orochimaru X Innocent! Reader - "Flower Crown"
Kabuto and Child! Reader - "Shihaikigo"
Sasuke X Reader - "Sorry, Sakura"
Gaara X Innocent! Reader - "Hellfire"
Kakashi X Uchiha! Reader - "Just like Itachi"
Shikamaru X Tired! Reader - "You're worse than me"
Reader as friends with Oro and Kabuto headcannons
Yandere Itachi X Reader
Orochimaru X Reader “A Little piece of Heaven” Imagine
My Hero Academia - 5
Aizawa X Villain! Reader - "Oof"
Villain! Aizawa X Reader - "Mega Oof"
Present Mic X Reader - "I'm dying inside"
AOT AU, Reader X...: Aizawa, Bakubro, Kirishima, Denki, etc
Denki X Deaf! Blind! Reader
One Punch Man - 1/6
Saitama X Demon! Reader - "One Punch"
Saitama X Hero! Reader
Saitama X Sonic's sister! Reader
Genos X Cyborg! Reader
Genos X Saitama's sister! Reader - "If you hurt her, I'll kill you owo"
Saitama X Reader - "Hero"
Death Note - 3/3
Light X Reader - Betrayal: Part 1, Part 2
Light Comforting Reader
Hunter X Hunter - 1
Hisoka X Numb! Reader - "No fun :("
Disney - 4
Young! Claude Frollo X Reader - "Hellfire"
Humanoid! Scar X Reader - "Be Prepared"
Jafar X Reader
Shan Yu X Hun! Reader
Mortal Kombat - 17/23
Kano X Reader - "Unfaithful"
Hanzo Hisashi X Reader Imagines
Subzero and Child Reader, X Innocent Reader
Hanzo Hisashi X Innocent! Reader
Shang Tsung X Goddess! Reader - “Offering”
Quan Chi X Reader - “His Daughter’s Diary”
Fujin X Reader
MK Villain Imagines- Part 1, Part 2
Kabal X Reader
White Lotus X Angel Child! Reader
Reptile X Reader Angst
Kronika X GN Reader headcannons
Shitty Erron Black X Innocent! Reader headcannons
Kung Lao X Reader Prompt 23
Kitana X Reader Prompt 23
Baraka X Innocent! Reader
Quan Chi X Reader - Shitty Headcannons
Mortal Kombat Villians hearing/fighting their kid, opening scenes- Part 1,
Part 2 ^
Erron Black X Reader - “You’re gonna be a daddy”
Reptile X Reader
D’Vorah X Fem! Reader Headcannons
Raiden with S/O who died… :(
Quan Chi X Reader Imagine
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets - 2/4
Ticci Toby X Reader
Masky X Reader - "Suffocated"
Jeff the Killer X Reader - "Snowing"
Eye for an Eye, ‘Til the World goes Blind - Intro, Cha1, Cha 2, Cha 3, Cha 4, Cha 5, Cha
Slashers - 2/8
Michael Myers X Short! Reader: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Michael Myers X Nurse! Reader - "Addition"
Michael Myers X Murderer! Reader - "Card of Death": Part 1, Part 2
Michael Myers and Child Reader ANGST - Remastered
Jason X Child! Reader X Michael Myers - Remaster of PT1, Pt2
Predator reacting to his ooman with dyed hair and normal ripped clothes
Billy Loomis X Reader
Brahms X Reader
Happy Tree Friends - 2
Human! Flippy X Reader - "Wholesome Vibes"
Human! Fliqpy X Reader - "Not-so Wholesome Vibes"
Undertale - 2/8
Ink X Reader - "Another Unfinished Project"
Error X Reader - "Another Waste of Space"
Dust X Reader - "Defensive Fighting only"
Underfell Sans X Tired! Reader - "Boss is gonna kill me-"
Frisk X Genocidal! Reader - "Just as Bad"
Chara X Neutral! Reader - "Not so Bad"
Ariel X Genocidal! Reader - "I'm not your best friend"
Underfell Sans X Reader - "Brompton Cocktail"
Yandere Simulator - 4
Kaga X Reader
Umeji X Reader - "Two Sides of the Same Coin"
Gema X Weeb! Reader - "Why are you interupting me!"
Budo Masuta X Delinquent! Reader
Obey Me! - 3
Mammon X Reader
Asmodues X Reader
Beezelbub X Reader
Potential Series' - 4
AU where Itachi and Sasuke switch roles, and Sasuke abandons Sarada for Itachi to raise as he's going blind
Kabuto, Reader, and Orochimaru as friends going on multiple fights
Reader is thrown into a cliche fanfiction about her favorite anime and only speaks English, so she has to learn Japanese while trying to survive basically on her own
My OCs X CCs...Shang Tsung, Kabuto, and Aizawa are best bois....
Oneshots that don't fit into a category (or isn't an X Reader) - 4
L u n a X S o m b r a
Golden Freddy X Marionette
Foxy X Toy Chica (fight me)
Shadow Freddy X Marionette
369 notes · View notes
Ikigai AU overview
Hi. Just a little masterpost with stuff from my own AU version so I can link it if necessary.
You can find links to all my oc’s character bios by clicking on them. At the end there will be a list of oc’s I stole borrowed from others.
Detailed timeline can be found here [x]
Clan‘s / Families
(Ages are all at the beginning of Boruto’s canon story. Please note that I changed the age in which the Konoha 12 have children from 19 to 24. If a person is crossed out they died. If last name is crossed out, they married. I have not named everybody yet but it will fill up.)
The Hatake Clan
Hatake Sakumo | (Inuzuka) Hatake Aina* | Hatake Kakashi
Hatake Kakashi (49) | (Uchiha) Hatake Sayuri (48) | Hatake Tsuki (21) | Hatake Obito (19) | Hatake Miu (11)
The Sarutobi Clan
Sarutobi Sasuke| Unnamed mother | Sarutobi Hiruzen | Sarutobi Shouta (70)
Sarutobi Hiruzen | Sarutobi Biwako | Sarutobi Akira (57) | Sarutobi Asuma
Sarutobi Shouta (70) | (//) Sarutobi Fumiko (68) | Sarutobi Sora (45)
Sarutobi Akira (54) | (//) Sarutobi Hina (53) | Sarutobi Konohamaru (31)
Sarutobi Asuma | Yuuhi Kurenai (50) | Sarutobi Mirai (20)
Sarutobi Yamato (45) | Sarutobi Sora | Sarutobi Aiko (14)
The Uchiha Clan
Unnamed Father | Unnamed mother | Uchiha Obito
Uchiha Kouki | Uchiha Kimiko | (Uchiha) Hatake Sayuri (48)
Uchiha Fugaku | Uchiha Mikoto | Uchiha Itachi (42) | Uchiha Sasuke (35)
Uchiha Itachi (42) | (Nohara) Uchiha Haruka* (42) | Uchiha Shisui (15) | Uchiha Mikoto (13)
Uchiha Sasuke (35) | (Haruno) Uchiha Sakura (35) | Uchiha Ren & Uchiha Takeshi* (14) | Uchiha Sarada (12)
The Hyuuga Clan
Unnamed Father | Unnamed mother | Hyuuga Hiashi| Hyuuga Hizashi
Hyuuga Hizashi | Unnamed mother | Hyuuga Neji (36)
Hyuuga Hiashi | Unnamed mother | (Hyuuga) Uzumaki Hinata (35) | Hyuuga Hanabi (30)
Hyuuga Neji (36) | (//) Hyuuga Tenten (36) | Hyuuga Momohiko & Hyuuga Ringo & Hyuuga Mikan (13)*
Other things of note:
Gaara of Sand (35) & Rock Lee (36) live together and raise their sons Shinki (12) and Metal Lee (12) together.
Umino Iruka (45) & Morita Umino Aori* (45) are married and have a son called Umino Aoki (19) & a daughter called Umino Aome (11)
Might Gai (50) & Aiuchi Might Kaiya* (48) are married and have a daughter called Might Mai (19)
The rest are just your usual families. Boruto compliant. If I change anything up (like adding a kid or whatever), I’ll update.
* Other people’s oc’s
Hatake Aina is Jules’ OC (@/uchihashisuii)
Nohara Haruka is Jess’ OC (@/uchiharomance)
Ren & Takeshi are Cara’s OC (@/queen_tabris)
Momohiko & Ringo & Mikan are Des’ OC’s (@/chojuuro)
Kaiya is Kali’s OC (@/foolishkali)
Aori is KPZ’s OC (@/kankuroplease)
Not mentioned in the clan list, but still in my AU:
Nara Yasumi - OC of @/foolishkali
Tsubaki Saya - OC of [insert name]
Yamanaka Minoru - OC of @/chojuuro
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hatake-no-sharingan · 3 years
Okay so I haven’t posted a lot since my blog is new, but believe me, I will. I’ll be updating the masterlist as I keep on posting.  Don’t forget you can also ask for stuff you’d like to read, I love hearing from you :) Check out the rules and guidelines in my Welcome Post.
Here’s what I have so far:
Getting a dog with their S/O Naruto, Kiba & Gaara
Quarantine 2020 Itachi x Reader
Ino is a ballerina (InoSaku)
Say it again Kakashi x Reader
Quarantine 2020 Minato x Reader
Proposal to their S/O (Sasuke // Shikamaru)
Proposal to their S/O (Neji x Reader)
Random Neji Headcanons (Neji x Reader)
Celebrating your birthday (Kakashi x reader) 
Celebrating your birthday (Minato x Reader)
Naruto with a Royal/Rich Male S/O (Naruto x Reader)
Shisui’s last message (Shisui x Reader)
Pj party with Obito Rin and Kakashi (Reader insert)
In love with a member of his ANBU team (kakashi x reader)
A new team member (Team Minato reader insert)
The Hanare Incident: Kakashi comforts his jealous S/O (Kakashi x reader)
Hunting the jinchuuriki (Itachi x Reader) (Shisui x Reader)
An impossible reunion (Kakashi x Reader)
Being on a team with Shisui and Iruka (shisui x reader)
Kakashi with a scientist S/O who’s kinda pervy (kakashi x reader)
Valentine’s HCs (Naruto, Sasuke, Neji)
Legendary Sannin with an adopted daughter
General Iruka HCs (Iruka x Reader) (bonus shikamaru at the bottom)
A secret jinchuuriki joins the team (team minato x reader)
How they discover they have a crush (rock lee // gaara x reader)
Winning Shino’s heart (Shino x reader)
Prompted romantic hcs (Kakashi x Reader)
Finding his family (Kakashi x Reader)
Prompted romantic hcs (shikamaru x reader)
Meeting Shinki (Gaara x reader)
Stressed out college S/O (deidara / itachi / hidan / kisame / obito / x reader)
Uncle Yamato! (kakashi x reader, focused on reader x yamato friendship)
Deidara degradation kink (Deidara x reader)
Growing a forest (yamato x reader)
How do you sleep when you lie to me (fic)
Oblivious dating (hcs)
Rock Lee:
I’ll pick up your pieces (Rock Lee x Reader)
The other side (Rock Lee x Reader)
The mistake (Rock Lee x Reader)
I’ll teach you something better (Sasuke x Female Reader) NSF-W
Stop looking so beautiful (Sasuke x reader)
Parenting with Minato (Minato x Reader)
Time Travel AU Part 1 The lady with the flowers (Minato x Reader)
Time Travel AU Part 2 Minato’s Promise (Minato x Reader)
Time Travel AU Part 3 Live for me (Minato x Reader)
The Jinchuuriki (Minato x Reader)
Birthday scenario (Minato x Reader)
A promise well kept (Itachi x Reader)
Maybe in another life (Itachi x Reader)
A big mistake (Deidara x reader // itachi x reader)
Hcs based on A Big Mistake (itachi x reader)
A Well Loved Copy Part 1 Magical Places (Kakashi x Reader)
A Well Loved Copy Part 2 Pieces of you
A Well Loved Copy Part 3 Darkness swallows us
A Well Loved Copy Part 4 A pleasant surprise
Birthday scenario (Kakashi x reader)
I am flirting with you (Kakashi x reader)
Flowers for Kakashi (Kakashi x reader)
Awakening something (Kakshi x reader)
Tension between them (Kakashi x Reader)
The carpet matches the drapes 😉 (kakashi x reader)
Neji’s first time (Neji x Reader) NSF-W
Your clothes in my room (Neji x Reader) NSF-Wish
A pleasurable matter of pride (Neji x Reader) NSF-W (your clothes in my room pt 2)
I’m what you need (Neji x Reader)
Shy S/O asking for rough kinky s*x (neji x reader)
Comforting his Trans!S/O (Yamato x Reader)
An awkward? Moment (Iruka x Reader)
Under the Willow Tree PART 1
Under the Willow Tree PART 2
Trans!Naruto thinks about coming out to Sasuke (Fluff)
A big mistake (Deidara x reader // Itachi x reader)
Careful what you wish for (deidara x reader)
I’ll keep it alive (Gaara x reader)
Moden!AU Biker Hidan (Nsf-w hidan x reader)
Realizing they love each other 
Flowers for kakashi (young InoSaku working at the flower shop)
Short drabble 
Maito Kana (My OC @youthful-kana ) :
Kana and Gai’s story
A sad and short Kana story
Other OCs:
(disclaimer/ they’re not mine)
Short drabble for KibaMizu
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