#save me digital manipulation
kame-dori · 9 months
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Night snow
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minxinq · 7 months
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[ OC ] gaia
a demon adept in mimicry who escaped from hell and slaughtered a magical girl. she wears her skin and uses dark magic to preserve the image of her host in order to trick unsuspecting victims.
age: 70000
mimic form: 5’1
true form: 12’0 (including horns)
species: mimic demon
sexuality: aroace lesbian
in her mimic form, she uses a variety of weapons to dispose of innocents she doesn’t deem “worthy” to inhabit. her favourite is the chainsaw due to its messy tendencies. being stuck in hell for hundreds of centuries and only now escaping to the surface, she is fascinated with man-made weaponry, and finds it satisfying to kill humans with their own creations.
in her true form, she has sharp misshapen teeth, sunken eyes, long thin hair, sharp horns and claws. she is not made to be comprehended by humans, so to mortals, her body is a thin, constantly altering and pulsing mass of black vines. this is used to disorient victims.
gaia’s mimicry can be identified by the blurry/muddied, almost glassy eyes of her hosts. she has yet to find a way to disguise eyes properly. this detail is almost unnoticeable to mortals, however to other demons and hunters from hell like lynne, its very easy to spot.
as gaia is a runaway sinner, she is actively being hunted by lynne. however, despite lynne’s orders, she seems to have formed a strange bond with gaia. whether it is genuine or simply a form of deceit to lure in and dispose of the mimic is unknown.
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guessilllive · 6 months
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Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
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everythingoesart · 5 months
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oleander-nin · 1 year
TMNT: Mutant Mayhem Yandere Headcanons
A/N, not important: Saw the movie the day it came out, then did this before I forgot everything. I'm going to be making both yan and non yan bots of them soon, so yay. Sorry if any of them are OOC, I'm going off of memory. I'll tweak them once I can see the movie again. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: kidnap mentions, dark themes, yanderes, manipulation, stalking, ai, Mutant Mayhem spoilers
Words: 2246
Summary: Mutant Mayhem Yandere Headcanons
Mikey would be a dependent yandere with protective and manipulative tendencies.
Mikey cares for those around him and bonds quickly, but you, you’re a human. You’re everything he’s ever wanted to be.
You’re human, you’re perfect, and you’re his.
He is constantly worried about you, almost like a mother hen. Once he realizes how the human body is more fragile and weaker than his own, he gets really protective about you.
He doesn’t go about it well though. Mikey wants to hang out with you the way he knows how, and that usually involves some sketchy or dangerous stunts. Despite his worry for your safety, he still drags you into unnecessarily dangerous areas because he wants to show off or play hero. He does get upset when you get hurt, and he tries to save you when something happens, but he doesn't stop bringing you into the situations in the first place.
He wants to impress you and keep you interested in him. He’s still paranoid that everyone might forget the good they’ve done and decide to cast them away, so he is in constant need of approval.
He treats you like royalty, to the best of his ability of course. You’re his first priority when it comes to most things. If anyone tries to harass you, he’s quick to step up and use his influence to shut it down. Or force if needed.
Mikey’s aloof and in constant need of your praise and attention. He just wants to be able to hang out with you, but he does understand you can’t do everything he can. Which is why he takes you along anyway so you can depend on him. He just wants you to see he’s needed. Love him so he can keep loving you.
Needs you around him constantly, his mental health relies on it. You’re everything to him, and he doesn’t even realize as he puts more and more of his burdens onto you. You’re his everything.
Uses the fact he never had much social interaction to brush off anything weird he does. Mind you, he completely knows he’s in the wrong, he just doesn’t care much. He slowly deteriorates your will until you depend on him too, making you think everything is normal. He just wants normal, but he realizes he’ll never truly have that. So, he makes his own.
Mikey also wouldn’t hurt you, or at least, not on purpose. You deserve the world, but sometimes the things he drags you into don’t go as well as he wants. In those cases, Mikey leaves with you in tow, fretting over you the entire time. He never wants to hurt you, he just wants you to be happy with him. He’s gotten really good at bandaging you over the time he’s known you.
Mikey would wait until you’re both older before kidnapping you. He knows it wouldn’t go well, plus he can’t keep you anywhere in the lair. He might try and figure out how to run away with you, but he loves his family too much to try. He’d wait it out with you, loving you to the best of his twisted ability.
In the meantime, he makes sure you’re with him every step of the way. He pulls you in with cheesy pickup lines and jokes, trying to make you forget all the bad that has happened with him. 
Donnie was harder to pinpoint, but I think he’d definitely be a more delusional and stalking yandere. Possibly even an isolating one.
As always, Donnie seems to be the tech nerd, with his little bed fort including all these computers and electronics and such. He’s almost always on his phone, and knows how to navigate the digital world quite well, so he uses that to his advantage in a lot of ways.
He’s always watching you, and has massed hundreds of pictures and videos of you on his phone. He likes to just look at them at night, making edits of you and collages of his favorites. He probably even taught himself how to hack into camera systems so he could find more film of you.
From all the audio clips he’s recorded of you, he developed a scarily accurate AI voice of you that he uses to talk to him. Whether it’s making it say sweet nothings to him, or to just have one way conversation type stuff, he’s hooked to it.
Eventually, he starts to believe the voice, and forgets the audio recordings he saved of the AI isn’t actually something you said. He starts to fully believe you’re just as in love with him as he is with you and that you’re just too shy to confess to him. Donnie gets really upset if anyone tries to break him out of his delusion by reminding him it isn’t real.
Is already convinced you’re both basically dating despite neither of you ever actually talking to each other.
I mean, he saved the world. Who wouldn’t want to date him. He’s obviously the coolest boyfriend you can possibly get.
In the back of Donnie’s mind, he knows what he’s doing isn’t right, but it’s as if he falls into quicksand with his delusion. Every time he tries to remind himself that something is wrong, he sinks deeper into his idea that this is just how your relationship works. You can’t always trust what you see online, after all. The movies and TV shows just aren’t depicting it right.
When he finally does ‘confess’ his feelings for you, it’s less of a confession of love and more of an assumption you already said yes. You barely get a word in before he’s telling the entire world about your relationship with him.
He never gets too violent, but he will push you around sometimes. Anytime you poke a hole in his perfect fantasy of how your relationship is, he freaks out and starts to whine until you give in.
Would one day just bring you home. Since in his mind what he’s doing is perfectly normal, he sees nothing wrong with taking you home and keeping you there. He doesn’t like having to share space with his brothers still, but that’s okay. He can make room for you in his bed area and you can just stay there! Until his dad or the other mutants let you leave of course.
This would devastated Donnie, and would probably be his snapping point for waking up and seeing it wasn’t as perfect as he made it. But, unlucky you, he only snapped out of the ‘everyone else sees this as normal too’ bit.
Next time, he just brings you to a whole new area of the sewer to live. Just you and him, together forever. Just as it was meant to be.
Raph would be an overprotective and a threatening kind of yandere.
Raph was always one of the first to suggest they do something and ran in head first into a problem. He was also always one of the first to dip when things started to go south. If someone tries to start something with you, he’s not afraid to remind them why people once considered him a monster.
Directs his need for a physical anger release at your friends/family instead of you. He doesn't want to hurt you, but he needs you to understand how you rejecting him is hurting him. So, he threatens your family and/or friends to get the message across. 
Oh, you don’t love him anymore? Well, guess you better start preparing those savings to pay off some medical bills.
He’s prone to violence and is very loud, but only the verbal side will ever be targeted at you. He’ll shout, cry, mock, or even belittle you if it means you won’t leave him for just one more minute. He’ll comfort you afterwards of course, but he panicked and it just spilled out. It’s your fault, really.
If you have something that makes you insecure, he might randomly bring it up to poke fun or mess with you if you’re being difficult. He tries to 
Would punch someone just for looking at you weird.
Doesn’t tolerate any flack from anyone when it comes to you. You’re his special someone, no ones getting in the way. He’d fight Superfly all over again if it meant you were safe and happy with him.
Loves to show off in front of you. If you ever go to watch one of his wrestling matches, he’s absolutely dominating the mat. And probably getting a lot of points off for illegal moves.
Loves to drag you around and make you do the stuff he wants to do. You’re his partner, you need to support him after all. He gets offended if you have other plans or just don’t want to hang out with him at any given time.
He’ll most likely try to sabotage your plans or make you feel guilty for not hanging out with him.
When it comes to kidnapping, it would definitely be harder for them to pull it off. Not only does he have his dad and brothers to worry about, but now there’s a whole plethora of other mutants living in the same sewer pipe as him. What he’d most likely do is try and find a secluded area in the sewers to keep you in.
He’d fix it up to the best of his ability and make sure it was a safe area to stay in, then he’d just take you and move you in.
He’d be baffled when you get mad at him for bringing you here. He promises to take care of you, he just thinks it’d be better for you to stay here. Where it’s safe. With him. And no one else to bother you.
He, of course, does not stay there, but always knowing where you are makes him happy. To him, it’s the thought that counts.
Leo shows signs of being a worshiping or obsessed yandere with hints of dependence.
Like how he did with April, he latches on to you, and he latches on fast.
This man never lets you go. Glued to your hip 24/7, 365. Anything you do, you’re doing it with him by your side.
He just constantly needs to be near you at all times. You are everything to him, and he needs to prove it to you. Have chores? He’s showing up at your house to lend a hand. Need to go somewhere? He can take you there, no problem. You never get a second to breathe from how much he stays near you.
He sees no wrong in anything you do. You’re a walking, talking, embodiment of perfection! Of course he’s going to vehemently defend no matter what. If you did it, it was the right thing to do, no matter the situation.
He’s constantly talking about you to anyone who’ll listen. Leatherhead asks him to play some games? He’s talking about your favorite game the whole time and how good you are at playing it. Everything is about you. No one knows how he does it, but he can divert any conversation into a love blind rant about you.
He gets all huffy when you don’t give him as much attention as he wants. You’re his everything, so why can’t you just treat him the same? It’s not like it takes a lot of effort, you just need to pay attention to him instead of whatever else you’re doing.
Guilt trips you A LOT. He doesn’t really mean to, but he definitely plays the ‘poor me, I’m a mutant and people think I’m a monster’ card anytime you show any hesitance with anything he does.
He’s your own personal knight. If you have any trouble, whether you got robbed, are being bullied, etcetera etcetera, he’s there to help. He still loves violence like his brothers, and he would never pass up the chance to fight. Especially if it was in your honor.
Doesn’t hurt you, but can get really frustrated if you resist him. He will play his woe is me routine, but if that doesn’t work, he’ll withdraw from you completely. He’s still watching you of course. He’d never actually leave. But you don’t know that. Just like you don’t know he’s the one who made sure you’d run into trouble the next night and only had Leo to call on. You need him, just as he needs you. He’ll forgive you of course, but he’ll hold it over your head for about a week, just to make sure you won’t try again for a while.
Doesn't kidnap you. He thinks about it a lot of course. Being able to be with you every second of the day, to make sure you’re safe and happy. But he logically knows he can’t. He even tried to convince you to run away with him a couple of times, but that didn’t go over well. Instead, he spends every waking moment by your side. Pushes for sleepovers, hangouts, dates, all the things. There’s never a time when he’s not near you.
And if you do say no or try to make other plans? Well he just ‘happens’ to be in the area and shows up.
He doesn't understand how you could ever be angry or upset and anything he does. After all, it’s all for you. You should be thanking him.
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uva124 · 7 months
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INTRODUCING THE MOST MANIPULATIVE KING IN HISTORY , MAGNIFICO!!! 🎇🎇🎇🎇(I hate him but he deserves a redesign lol).
For those who see this post for the first time, I introduce myself, Hi :D! I'm Aled and this is a collaboration with @ animación , author of the rewrite of Wish that is on her profile (read it, the story it's soooo good) and I am in charge of drawing the redesigns of her story.
Now, coming back to the main thing, I will show how we got to this result :)
-Honestly, I never thought that getting used to drawing Magnifico would be so difficult lmao, how in most of my procedures to make the designs, I start with sketches and studying the structure of the character's face, this was a little difficult because I'm not that I'm used to drawing people over 20, but with a few practices I was able to figure out how to draw him :D
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(I also did digital internships, but I didn't save most of them because I forgot lmao)
-Don't think that I chose a palette of yellow and gold colors just because I thought it was pretty (well, that's also another reason), what happened is that when I was searching through conceptual arts, I found some designs by Magnifico where They used a blue and yellow color palette
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I did a quick search and found this:
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-Tell me this doesn't remind you of Magnifico, then yes, that's why I chose a yellow color palette, also adding a golden tone to give it a royal vibe.
-I also applied this in the design of Queen Amaya, in the publication of her design I explained why I added details of a dark blue color in her costume and Magnifico's costumes
-From the beginning I always wanted to modify Magnifico's cape by adding a rose as a brooch, and searching through the conceptual arts I found quite a few interesting models, so it can be said that I combined everything I liked and that's how I got the cape for Magnifico, Also adding other details that occurred to me.
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-The author sent me several ideas for Magnifico (thank you by the way :D), one of them was associating Magnifico with the sun, I really liked the idea and that is why there are so many symbols of the sun in his suit, plus these It reminded me how in so many cultures the Sun is worshiped, just as the kingdom of roses worships Magnifico, there are also other reasons why the sun fits with Magnifico but I already mentioned that in the publication of Amaya's redesign.
-The truth is, I only drew the other details improvised, this time I just got carried away, but hey! The outfit didn't look bad at all :)
-Another important part of Magnifico's costume is the "M" on his badge, but in fact it is not an M 😅, it is the sign of Scorpio ♏, this idea was from Anny Mation
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-So yeah, I had to add the Scorpio symbol yes or yes, at first I thought about adding it to the back of the cape but I wasn't convinced by the idea, but then I thought: "Wait, why don't I add the sign on the gold plate ? that would look elegant."
-I'm proud of how this turned out, I feel like it does justice to a villain that commemorates 100 years of Disney :)
-Also, I think that those who have already seen the other redesigns know which character is next, right 👀✨? For Aster, I don't know how long it will take me to draw him, since the boy is literally a walking animation studio lmao.
That would be all for now, until next time :D!
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tightjeansjavi · 10 months
The Menu | Part 3
“a peggin’ a day keeps the doctor away”
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A/N: grumpy, guard dog men like Joel Miller sometimes just need a cock up their ass, okay? Besides, he loves it. He told me so himself ;)
~word count: 5.3k~
pairing | dark!joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel has a request just for you. He wants you to fuck him with a strap on.
Warnings: smut, smut with little plot, dom/sub vibes, fingering (f receiving), anal play, strap on sex, handjob, oral to a dildo, unprotected p in v, possession, degradation, humiliation, some manipulation tactics on both sides, praise kink, possession, orgasm denial (male and female) cockslut, pretty girl, pretty boy, flirting, denial of feelings, some fluff and angst?? Mentions of drugs and smoking, teasing, flirting, gaslighting, insecurities, age gap, Joel is in his 40’s and reader is in her late 20’s, reader has no physical descriptions such as skin color and body type, readers nickname is Angel, one minor mention of religion, +18, NSFW, minors dni!
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What was supposed to simply be a one-time fuck, turned into a normal routine for you and Joel Miller. In fact, you had completely lost track of how many times you showed up at his apartment searching for that vice that only he could supply you. Or the amount of times you’d give him a handy in a back alley, or allow him to finger you under the same table that he would conduct his business. There was something so thrilling about the possibility of being caught while his long, thick fingers scissored your tight hole, and his thumb simultaneously rubbed expertly tight circles against your neglected pulsing clit.
His freehand was occupied with divvying up a baggy of pills, while the FEDRA officer counted out a stack of ration cards and paid no mind to what was possibly taking place under the table just a few inches away.
“I’ll need the baggy back.” Joel spoke gruffly as the heel of his palm completely encaged your bare cunt. His fingers that were buried deep inside of you were dripping in your juices. It was a miracle that none had leaked down the side of his hand.
“Sure. Sure.” The FEDRA officer responded in a monotone voice as he stuffed the baggy of pills into his pocket.
Joel gave him a tight nod that sent the officer on his way. When the door to his apartment finally closed, Joel turned towards you as he curled his thick digits inwards.
“Was that the FEDRA fuck that you slept with before I split ya in two, Angel?” He inquired with a raise of his brow, and a smirk crawling up his lips.
“Mhm.” You nearly mewled and reached for his bare forearm. You sunk your nails into his skin while your other hand was clenched tightly around the side of the chair. “Can I please come now, sir?” You nearly begged him as you gnawed on your lower lip.
“Nope.” He chastised.
“Jooeel.” You whined out of frustration as you tighten your grip around his forearm. Your nails created little crescent moons indentations in his tanned skin.
“You can ‘Jooeel’ me all you want, Angel.” He mocked you, “But y’dont come till I say y’can. Y’know the rules.”
Your eyes narrowed into slits while his shit eating grin only seemed to grow bigger.
So, yeah, you and Joel fucked a lot. You saw his brooding stature everywhere you turned as if he was a lurking shadow covering your footsteps. More like gum stuck to your shoe.
The most irritating part of it all was that somehow, someway, Joel Miller was always there to save your ass. Hell, he was even saving you in your dreams.
And as the months droned by, you were beginning to spend more time in his shitty apartment then your own. A dead giveaway was your backpack that was filled with a change of clothes, toothbrush, and a spare pistol that Joel had personally lent you was inconspicuously placed alongside his bed.
“Y’plannin’ on movin’ in or somethin’, Angel?” He gestured causally to the backpack while he was undoing his belt.
“What are you talkin’ about, Joel? Why the hell would I—” your words were muffled as you tore your shirt over your head in a haste.
You swore you heard him snicker as his chin turned towards the direction of your backpack. “Mmkay. S’then what do you call that?” He tugged his jeans down his thighs and kicked them off to the side.
“Call what?” You played dumb as you felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Okay, so maybe you did place it there on purpose.
“Don’t play fuckin’ dumb with me, Angel. That wasn’t there the last time you were here.” He grumbled under his breath and reached for your own jeans. He looped his thumbs through your jeans as he yanked you towards his chest. “What’s in there anyway. Your secret diary?” He said teasingly as his fingers moved swiftly to pop the button on your jeans and yank down the zipper.
“My secret diary? Really, Joel? I ain’t a teenager.” You scoffed and reached for the hem of his shirt.
“Oh, that’s right. You’re just a bratty little—”
“Slut.” You deadpanned.
“Correct, but c’mon, whad’ya got in there?” He pressed with obvious curiosity as he tugged your jeans down over your hips.
“A change of clothes, toothbrush, and the pistol you lent me.” You responded casually while you slipped your hand beneath his tight briefs, grasping him firmly as your thumb swiped across the tip of his cock. “Y’got a problem with that, Miller?”
His breath caught in his throat as he lurched forward into the palm of your hand. His lower lip caught between his teeth as he suppressed a grunt from slipping past his lips. “Nope. S’not a problem at all.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You muttered under your breath just as you felt his fingers brush against your chin and tilt it upwards. His eyes narrowed, and his jaw ticked. Tension filled silence engulfed his unadorned bedroom. His eyes flickered down to your lips in contemplation.
Your hand stilled against his hardening length as you stared directly into his eyes. “I thought you don’t think about kissing bratty little sluts like me, Joel.”
“I don’t.” He scoffed before dragging his thumb across your lower lip. His nose scrunched under your scrutiny at the thought of kissing you. He wouldn’t. He’d never, so then why was he leaning in?
“Guess you do now, huh?” Your words were soft in comparison to the way that you were looking at him. Eyes hungry and twinged with curiosity to see if he actually would do it.
“Shuddup.” He grumbled low. His lips brushed yours before you found yourself reaching for his jaw to pull him in closer. Soon enough he was licking hungrily into your mouth with only one thought on his mind; asserting his dominance over you.
Your fingers tangled through the soft curls at the back of his neck as you pressed his back right up against the wall. Your teeth sunk down into the flesh of his lower lip as he shoved his hand between your thighs. You were a mess of symphonic moans by the time he redirected you to the bed.
He loved when you were pliant with his desires, and you loved the way he took what belonged to him.
Sweat tangled limbs, a hint of laughter when he accidentally pulled his hips back a bit too far and slipped out of your sopping cunt. He apologized with his face buried between your supple breasts as you grasped the base of his cock and pulled him right back in. Nothing was off limits on his menu. Doggystyle, missionary, reverse cowgirl, (one of his personal favorites) neither of you really had any complaints with any of the positions you partook in. Somehow, someway, Joel just knew how to fuck you stupid in all of them.
You thought that by now the older man would be fucked out as he lay panting on his back. Beads of sweat shine like polished diamonds on his skin. His eyes are closed, lips parted as puffs of air slip past them. You’ve made your mark on his body tonight. Long, red scratches raised on the scarred skin on his back. Teeth marks littered across his chest like constellations. A lovebite to his jaw, right between the patches in his beard. Another under his ear and at the base of his throat.
He hisses between his teeth when he feels your lips dance across his hip bone, teeth scraping the sweat soaked skin. Your tongue darts between your swollen lips as you soothe the bite mark with an open mouthed kiss.
He hums in satisfaction. His arm reaches lazily towards the nightstand as he plucks up one of the cigarettes he freshly rolled this morning and places it between his lips.
His eyes lazily drift down to your face where your cheek is now resting along one of his strong thighs and your fingers are lightly tracing across his stomach creating random patterns along his skin.
Joel would never consider himself to be an intimate man by any means, but whatever this was, he liked it more than he was willing to admit.
He reached his arm out once more, snatching up the rusted lighter before igniting the flame against the unlit end of the cigarette. He shifted slightly as he deeply inhaled the tobacco smoke before exhaling towards the ceiling. “C’mere.” He rasped low and deep.
Your body worked on autopilot as you pulled yourself up towards his chest. You flopped down beside him with your cheek pressed against his chest, right where you could feel his steady heartbeat. His arm dropped to his side before wrapping around your frame. Joel Miller did not hold hands, but his fingers laced through the top of yours. The sheer size of his hand encasing yours completely. He took another long drag from the cigarette as the familiar stench of tobacco smoke and post-sex filtered through the air.
Your lashes fluttered as your fingers subconsciously squeezed his own. Your thigh came to lazily rest across his hip as your foot gently brushed across his softened cock that laid against his thigh. He grunted low from the feeling before he offered you the cigarette.
“Still can’t break that nasty habit I see.” He broke through the silence as his eyes watched the way your lips wrapped around the tip of the cigarette.
You inhaled before exhaling to the side. “Mm. Nope. Picked up another nasty one along the way.” You murmured soft and sweet as your lashes fluttered shut once more.
You felt his chuckle rumble from his chest and up his throat. He knew exactly what that other nasty habit was.
After he finished what was left of the cigarette and doused butt-end of it into the ashtray on his nightstand, you felt his lips ghost across your forehead in an intimate sweep. “Got somethin’ I wanna show ya, Angel.”
Your immediate response is to groan because the mere thought of moving sounded godawful. “Joel, c’mon. Can it wait, please? I’m real comfy right now.”
“Y’dont gotta move, baby. Y’just gotta lay there and look nice and pretty for me, kay?” His freehand came to rest around your calf as he hiked your thigh up higher. “Or, I can just slip right back on into your little fucked out hole if y’dont wanna cooperate with me.”
God dammit.
“But, you’re my pillow.” You huffed out of annoyance.
“Gross.” He quipped back before gently releasing you from his grip. His fingers slipped out of your grip before he was sitting up and forcing you out of your comfortable position.
Despite your soft protests, he swung his legs over the side of the bed before standing up. You got a front row view of just how much you really shredded up his back, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. “Come back to bed, Jooel.” You grumbled into his pillow as your foot kicked out at his bare ass playfully.
Before you could even make contact, his hand grabbed your ankle firmly like the way a snake strikes at an unsuspecting mouse. “Watch it.” He warned with a glare.
“You’re no fun.” You pouted with mock disappointment
“And you’re annoying.” He scoffed before releasing your ankle from his grasp.
“Asshole.” You muttered before rolling over so your back was facing him.
You thought about reaching for your discarded panties from the floor as his footsteps faded down the hall. You never once spend the night for unspoken reasons. It was the apocalypse after all. What was the point of attachment if there was no guarantee of survival? Seemed like a waste of time and energy.
With a heavy sigh you dragged yourself to the edge of his mattress and scooped up your panties and shirt before sitting up along the comforter.
Joel’s footsteps paused in the doorway when he saw you slip your panties on over your ankles.
“Y’dont have to leave y’know.” He had his own backpack in his hand as he leaned against the doorjamb.
“No, but I should get out of your hair and go home.” Your back was still facing him as you slipped your shirt over your head with a sigh.
Yeah, but I don’t want you to leave.
“C’mon, Angel. Jus’ stay a little longer, alright? Still got somethin’ to show ya. Aren’t you a tad bit curious?”
“Alright, show me what it is that you gotta show me, Joel. And then I’m heading home.” You finally agreed before turning on the comforter to face him. Your legs were crossed like a pretzel as he joined you on the mattress once more.
“So, Tess and I went explorin’ the abandoned mall. Y’know, the one at the farthest part of the QZ?” He unzipped the backpack while he spoke.
“Yeah, the one that is all boarded up because y’know, you’re not supposed to go in there because it’s crawling with infected? What the hell were you—”
He cut you off with a stern warning look and a tight shake of his head. “It ain’t crawlin’ with infected. FEDRA pushed ‘em all out of the QZ years ago. Now, as I was sayin’, we were explorin’ the mall. Which, by the way, you’d be amazed to see how much shit was left behind.”
“Well, yeah. I mean I doubt people were grabbin’ dildos and lingerie at the end of the world, Joel.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny, Angel. Aren’t you just one smart cookie?” He snorted under his breath.
“The smartest. Joel, you didn’t fuckin’ get me lingerie, did you? I swear to god—”
“Fuck no. Y’think I wanna be seein’ you in that crap? No way.”
Now I know exactly what I’m not getting her next time.
“Well, you don’t need to go and be a dick about it.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Okay, so you went to the mall and got what exactly? Just spit it out, Joel.”
“Y’really ain’t have one single patient bone in your body, huh?” He shook his head with a tight grin before he reached into the back. “Close your eyes for me.” He requested.
“Are you serious? Ugh, fine.” You decided to play along mostly because he looked pretty eager to show you whatever the hell was in his backpack. There was no harm in playing along.
Once he was satisfied that you weren’t going to peek, he shuffled around in the bag before pulling out a few items. One of the stores that was not raided at the end of the world was The Body Shop. It was stacked full of soaps, shampoos, and lotions. Shit was expensive, too. Joel couldn’t believe the amount of money that people would spend on this crap.
Tess made fun of him, of course as she watched him stuff his backpack with the fragrant soaps. “The hell do y’need all of that for, Texas? Are you trying to smell like a baby prostitute?
He glared at his female counterpart as he zipped his bag up. “It ain’t for me, Tess.”
“Alright, you can open your eyes now, Angel.”
You peeked your eyes open slowly because you really had no idea what the hell Joel Miller was about to show you. You raised a brow at the spread of body care products laid out on the bed. The older man looked pretty pleased with himself as he awaited your reaction.
“Soap? Oh, because you stink! Like, really though. How many times do you shower a day, Joel? Because seriously, you stink.” He really didn’t smell all that bad. But any opportunity you had to tease him a little, you pounced on it like a cat.
He was less than impressed. His jaw ticked and clenched as his eyes narrowed in on you. “I. Do. Not. Smell.” He enunciated every syllable to get the point across. “And they’re not for me, you idiot. They’re for you.” He grumbled in annoyance.
“For me?! Are you tryin’ to tell me that I smell Joel—”
“NO! You don’t smell—goddammit. I jus’ I don’t know! Thought maybe you’d appreciate some sweet smellin’ things in this shit hole! Is that so hard to believe?! He threw his hands up in the air exasperatingly. Before the outbreak happened he made no time in his personal life to get to know someone romantically. Between Sarah, Tommy, and his job, his hands were pretty full. That didn’t erase the fact that Joel was a natural giver.
“So, you got me soap and body care stuff just because..you felt like it?” You finally met his gaze. The gesture was sweet, there was no denying that.
“Yeah. Just because I felt like it. Sure.” His response falls flat as his fingers twitch at his sides. Maybe this was stupid. Soap? Really, Joel? He can feel his anger begin to bubble and simmer in the pit of his stomach. He isn’t even really sure why he’s allowing your words to affect him this much. Who the fuck cares? You were nothing to him. Just a tight wet hole for him to occasionally stick his dick in.There was nothing else going on between you and him. It was strictly just sex.
So, if that were the case, why did it hurt?
“Joel, hey man, c’mon. I’m just fuckin’ with ya.” You lightly joke as a way to bring him back down to earth.
You try to peel back the layers of tension that are creeping in. This is exactly the reason why you were planning on leaving in the first place. You couldn’t handle the complications that came with sleeping with someone this frequently. Someone in the end would always get hurt inevitably.
“If you’re gonna ditch me, then just fuckin’ ditch me already. Don’t hold your breath, Angel. Jus’ do it.” He snaps under his breath. Feeling that bubble of anger begin to morph into something more.
“What the hell is your problem, Joel? You’re so hot and cold.” You fight the urge to scoff.
The muscles lining his back and shoulders clench. You can see them flexing under the lowlight from the table side lamp that occasionally flickers. His mouth quirks, but he doesn’t smile, he grimaces.
“And you ain’t?! It’s just me? Right, cause you’re so fuckin’ perfect.” He snarls, and you’ve had enough.
“Oh, absolutely not. I am not going to get into a screaming match with you right now, Miller. You know how fuckin’ pointless that is?! For fuck sakes. Are we really about to do this right now?!” Your hands rest around your hips as you shoot daggers with your eyes at the side of his face. You’re unknowingly taking the bait that he constructively laid out for you.
His nostrils flare as he lets out a heavy exhale. “So, then put me in my fuckin’ place. C’mon. You have it in ya, don’t ya Angel?”
“What the fuck are you—”
He turned to face you. His grimace turned into his classic Joel Miller smirk. His brow cocked as he watched your brain process right before his eyes exactly what he was insinuating.
“Y’heard me, Angel. I want you to fuck me.”
The tension in the room was palpable. It was as if a thick fog of lust saturated itself into your skin. You visibly swallowed the nerves that were bubbling in your throat. Joel’s smirk didn’t falter, but his eyes drifted down to your lips just as they parted.
“You want me to put you in your place by..fucking you? Well, with what exactly? I know you’ve got your kinks and all, Joel. But I sure as hell am not shoving my fingers up your ass. Why don’t you ask Tess—”
His hand reached out suddenly, fingers grasping your chin in a tight grip. “I don’t want Tess to do it, Angel. I want you, my sweet, filthy girl. Don’tcha want to hold some power over me? C’mon. Ain’t that what you desire? To get back at me? To hold me at your mercy?”
You could feel the heat begin to rise in your cheeks as you struggled to tear your gaze away from his searing one. Sure, Joel could have easily gone to Tess to fill that itch he was feeling, but no. He wanted you to be the one to satiate his needs.
“O-okay, but like I said, I’m not sticking a fucking finger up your ass, Joel. That’s where I’m drawing my line.”
“My sweet, I never said anything about you havin’ to stick your fingers up my ass. Listenin’ ears, Angel. Use ‘em. Do you really think I risked my skin goin’ to that mall with Tess just for some measly soap products?” He questioned.
Ah, there he is again.
“Frankly, I still don’t understand why the hell you’d do something as fucking stupid as that.”
“Course you don’t, Angel. That’s ‘cause you ain’t me. Why would you think about upholding my own desires?” He tuts before reaching back into his backpack.
“Lucky for you, the mall has more than just perfumey soaps to offer. Conveniently, there was sex shop that was fully stacked. Guess people weren’t thinkin’ about needin’ lube and condoms durin’ an apocalypse, eh?”
“You didn’t.” Did he really bring home—
“Oh,” he chuckled, “but I did.”
Your eyes widened at the sight of Joel pulling out a strap-on with an extremely pink, sparkly silicone dildo on the end of it. The dildo itself was average in size, but you couldn’t help the pleasurable tingle rolling down your spine at mental images of Joel Miller on his hands and knees just for his Angel.
“Get on your knees.” Your thoughts were brazen, running wild as you yanked the strap-on from his grasp before discarding your flimsy panties in a haste. Joel Miller was about to become your little cockslut, and he had no idea.
“Now, hol’ on jus’ a minute there. Let’s not—”
You cut him off swiftly with a second demand. “On your knees now, Joel. Don’t make me ask a third time.”
His cock betrayed his grasping for control as it twitched against his thigh from your demanding words alone. He didn’t dare defy you as he slowly sank down from the comforter and onto his knees.
You never felt a power quite like this until you had Joel fucking Miller on his knees for you. You were going to drag this out for as long as possible, that was for damn sure.
“There’s lube in the—”
You shook your head to the side with a smirk crawling up your lips. Your entire body was vibrating with suspense. Excitement. The nerves had dissipated as you stood above him with the velcro straps now secure around your hips.
“Nuh-uh. We don’t need lube when you have a perfectly cable mouth for me to use. You’re gonna suck on my cock and get it all nice and wet for me, pretty boy.”
Joel nearly whimpered through his gritted teeth as the blood flow in his body trailed downwards. The second he heard you call him “pretty boy,” his tip weeped a bead of precum. Oh, he really wanted to be put in his place.
When he went to wrap his hand around the base of the silicone dildo, you slapped it away with a warning glare. “No hands. Just your mouth.”
He retracted, recoiling like a snake as he instinctively brought his arms behind his back.
“Yes ma’am.” He complied graciously.
“Good boy. Now, c’mon. Get to work, Joel. It ain’t gonna suck itself, remember?” You questioned as he scooted himself closer to situate himself between your thighs. You could feel his hot breath fanning your skin as his big brown eyes flitted upwards to meet your gaze. He had never looked more beautiful than he did right now. Even more so when he obediently wrapped his plush, pink lips around the head of the dildo.
His tongue dragged along the underside of the shaft as he blew out a puff of air through his nose. His actions had you thinking that maybe this wasn’t his first time.
He let out a tiny whimper of unabashed appreciation when your hand slid down to his hair, gripping the tendrils firmly, nails scratching his scalp.
“C’mon, pretty boy. Somethin’ tells me that you can take a bit more than that. I want to see you gag on it.” You crooned before yanking his head upwards with one swift tug.
A hum vibrated up his throat from the pleasure mixed with pain. He relaxed his jaw as a bit of drool ran down the side of his mouth. Tears soon brimmed his waterline and leaked down his cheekbones. His eyes never left yours as little gagged whimpers slipped out when the tip of the dildo hit the back of his throat.
“That’s it. That’s my good, pretty boy. Such a little cockslut you are, hm? So pretty, gagging on my cock like this.” You pressed your hips forward as his nose brushed against your pubic bone. He hollowed his cheeks, creating a vacuum with his lips as he bobbed his head.
You were soaked. Absolutely dripping between your thighs at the little sounds he was making. His whimpers, his tears in those big brown doe like eyes.
You slipped out suddenly, watching the string of saliva that connected from the tip of the cock to his wet, glistening lips.
You bent down to his level, grasping his chin between your fingers before you kissed him deeply, licking into his mouth as he let you have full control.
“On the bed, pretty boy.” You mumbled against his lips.
“Y’gonna fuck me now, Angel? Gonna fill me up with your cock?” He mumbled into the kiss. He wasn’t quite ready to detach from the embrace, but you left him with no choice in the matter as you pulled away. With a loving slap to his cheek you pointed in the direction of the bed.
He was like an obedient dog on a leash as he pulled himself up from the floor and sauntered over to the mattress.
“On all fours, pretty boy.”
He loved the feeling of humiliation just as much as he loved the carnal need to own you. He loved that he could openly explore his desires with someone who was just as filthy as he was. That’s why you were perfect for him, after all. Not just a sweet little Angel, but a devil between the sheets. He could see your two little red horns popping up from your brain cavity now to match his own. Hell had room for two more sinners.
You were kind enough to grab the bottle of lube from his backpack as he situated himself on all fours with his back slightly arched.
“M’ready for you, Angel.” He rasped deeply as he felt the mattress dip and faintly squeak from your knees pressing down on it.
He lurched forward from the familiar cooling sensation of the lube being poured over his puckering hole, followed by your warm fingers rubbing it in generously.
“Gonna fuck you now, pretty boy. You’re gonna take every inch of my cock like the good little cockslut that you are. I know you can be a good boy for me, Joel. You want to be good, right?”
“Mmhmmph.” He pushed his ass back towards your hips as he pressed his cheek into the scratchy fabric of his pillow. Someone was mighty impatient. “I wanna be a good boy for you, Angel. I wanna make you so proud.” His voice was muffled, but you could still make out every word.
“That’s right, pretty boy. All you want to do is be good and make me proud.” You squirted a bit more lube around the dildo and his tight hole.
The seconds seemed to tick by before he finally felt the familiar stretch that sent his heavy cock twitching between his thighs. As you sunk further into his warmth, the more Joel had begun to unfold.
“Fuuuck.” He whimpered pathetically into the pillow when you had completely bottomed out.
“Please move, Angel. Please. Please. Please.” He begged with a wanton moan as he wiggled his ass back against your hips. He was on the verge of desperation and you couldn’t get enough of it.
You pulled your hips back slightly, before thrusting them forward. His cheek was pressed deeper into the pillow with each heavy calculated thrust that you gave him.
He liked the feeling of your breasts pressed against his back and the way that you seemed to encase him the same way that he did. His moans were strangled as he chased after that high.
He hoped that all of his neighbors could hear just how good you were making him feel.
“Don’t you dare fuckin’ come without my say, pretty boy. You hold it in for as long as I tell you too, you got that?” Your lips were at the shell of his ear where you could literally feel his pulse point skyrocket.
“Angel, Please. Please. I’m so c-close! Please, let your pretty boy come!” He cried out.
“No.” He could feel your devious little smirk against his skin. The skin of his knuckles turned stark white the second you had slipped out. He could have pounded his fists into the mattress, but you were quicker than that as you grabbed ahold of his hands and forced him onto his back.
His skin was red hot, slick with sweat as his eyes locked on yours. His brows were furrowed tightly together. His cock was painfully hard and desperate for release.
“I want to see your face when you come, pretty boy. I wanna see all of it.”
Not one single shred of rational thought could be seen in his darkened irises as you grasped a hold of his strong thighs and bent them towards his chest before you slipped right back into his fucked out hole.
As you ground your hips forward into his ass, you spit into your hand before wrapping it around the base of his cock, giving it quick tugs as he threw his head back against the pillows. The prominent veins in his neck visibly protruded against his sweat stained skin. A mixture of slurs and profanities tumbled past his lips as he thrusted his hips into your hand.
white hot pleasure coursed through his veins as your freehand wrapped around his throat, pushing him further into the mattress.
You owned him entirely. More than he even had begun to realize.
“Come for me, pretty boy.” You demanded.
He crumbled in an instant as his thighs quivered and tensed followed by hot ropes of cum shooting from his tip. He painted his stomach in his release as you squeezed out every last drop he had to offer. Before he even had a chance to breathe, your mouth was around him in an instant, licking up the salty musky flavor along his skin.
His breaths came out in a labored wheeze as he went off into his own little post-orgasm world. His eyes fluttered shut as your warm mouth enveloped his softened cock deliciously.
It was only when you moved your head back to slip him out, did his dominance return from the haze.
“Daddy’s tired, Angel. Why don’t you keep it in your mouth for me, baby. Keep it nice and warm for your good pretty boy.” He rasped.
Even through your glare at his request, you could see the lazy, relaxed smile grace his features when you reluctantly obeyed.
His hand reached down to gently hold your face in his palm. His thumb stroked against your cheekbone lovingly.
“That’s my good pretty girl.”
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sk3tch404 · 1 year
Yandere Silco HCs
CW: Intimidation, kidnapping, manipulation, guilt tripping, gaslighting, and whatnot. Somewhat proof read :P
A/n: Soft yandere Silco?? He's desperate for human connection. Not much to say. Silco brain damage XD
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Possessive, dominate, and manipulative
The smoothest manipulator you will ever encounter. He is brutal- Cruel with his ways of keeping you around his thin fingers. Just before you break, Silco knows exactly how to let you down easy with his iron grip.
"Aw, don't cry dear. You know I only do what is best for you. If you really think this is so bad, then go ahead and venture out into the lanes. Taint yourself in the thick air, polluted waters, the violence of whom i cannot control. I do think you rather not return to those conditions, no?"
Silco falls for you when you show your strengths and weaknesses. There's no facade or display when it comes to the thought of you. It's simply just the feeling your omit from your presence that softens his cold heart.
Would not dare to court you directly. Especially if you're from Zuan. He would show you his affections through messing with the stresses of your life. Money running thin? Oh why don't you look at that? An "old friend" sent you some cash. Job sucks? A business scout invites you to work at a larger company while you're doing errands.
If you're from Piltover, then he will try his best to fuck your life over. You seem to be pretty well off, so there isn't much fixing to do from afar. You will be stalked by his best, followed late at night, subtly threatened by a few strangers on the street, the ones close to you will leave and not say why, and so much more. Though, they will never be enough for you to take real legal action. Silco will chip away at you bit by bit, so when he finally has his grasp on you, it will be more of him "saving you" rather than kidnapping you.
Sometimes he visits your home and rummages through your stuff personally. Looks through photo albums, digital devices, inventory of food and whatnot, and clothing articles. His favorite thing to do is to lay in your bed- hug your messy blankets and lay in your scent. It's a drastic difference from his smoking habits. Cigars are so expensive, but intruding your home and melting in your presence is free.
Breaths in and out like he's on a machine. Like if he DOES NOT repeat the cycle of oxygen and carbon dioxide, he will fucking perish. Silco has been so deattached from love and physical touch, that this is his best replacement.
Would never admit doing this. He makes sure Sevika is guarding the front door at all times. One, to make sure you dont come home unexpectedly, and two, so that she doesn't know more than she needs to.
Bonus points if you can sway Jinx. Whether it be you talked her down during one of her fantastical massacres, or you happen to simply run into the time bomb of a girl- If she likes you, you're officially on his roster forever. No take backs.
When he takes you, it's slow and thorough. Most likely when you're peacefully asleep and somewhat unaware- a syringe is injected and you're relocated.
Silco keeps you in a select few locations in Zaun. Despite his access to luxury, he wants to remind you of what situation you're in. He will take care of you, but he will not coddle you.
Silco is an older man, so puppy love isn't much of a thing for him. By the way he creeps around your shit, you'd think he gets flustered just by the mention of your name, but no. He screams on the inside but is easily composed on the outside. Years of the undercity does that to a person you know?
But when he's angry? Oh when he's upset, he's goes off the rails. Usually, the origin of Silco's rages can be traced back to either your disrespect, or his thinning patience. He gets a bit physical and guilt trips the hell out of you. Grabs your face and pushes you down; Making you focus on how badly you fucked up.
"Do you think I enjoy you screaming at me? Through all those difficult times, I've been the one to have your back. From rent to keeping those who wanted nothing but to take advantage of you away- I've only cared for you. If it were up to them, they would've sold you out for just a vile of Shimmer! But me? No, no I would never would give you up for anything. Because I love you. I adore you Y/n. I do this not for my own gain, but because you deserve to be happy. Don't be fooled love..."
He would rather keep you away from his work. He wants to fall into your arms after a long day in the office and or running around trying to find Jinx. Silco doesn't need you to question his authority as future ruler of Zaun. He already deals with that from ungrateful underlings. He doesn't need that from you either.
Definition of touchy. Has a bad habit of invading your personal space out of nowhere and demanding your time of day. His favorite act of affection is holding and taking you in as you two stand. It's mighty awkward, but Silco thinks it's nice. Cuddling makes him feel too vulnerable and kind of childish, so this gives him somewhat of a limit.
Kiss him on the disfigured side of his face and he'll get sentimental. He won't cry much- maybe let a tear run down when you're not looking. He cherishes you so much despite his actions sometimes saying otherwise.
Silco doesn't feel ugly or extremely insecure because of the disfigurement. Rather he feels changed because of it. As he said, "I let a weak man die that day." Through years of living under the grime and corruption of Zaun, he's come to accept things as they are.
He does not give two shits what you do. As long as you don't die, run away, or mess with his plans, go at it. Obviously there is a limit to things, (Such as no explosives or Jinx-like foolery) but everything you used to do in your normal life is available. Other than being an independent person that is.
Silco doesn't stress too much if you run away. As long as you're in Zaun or Piltover, you will never really leave his grasp.
Being on the run in Zaun is some shoulder deep shit. He has eyes everywhere, so getting an update of your recapture isn't much but of an hour behind schedule.
If you somehow get to Piltover, he'll push everything and everyone out of the way to recapture you. Marcus better hope you're taken back soon. If not, Silco will have near impossible demands for him to carry out. Fuck the council, and fuck the citizens of Piltover. Silco cannot rest until you're dragged back down into the murky waters of Zaun and be drowned for your crimes against his heart.
But if you really aren't giving into things over a certain period of time, Silco will be forced to dispose of you. It's not you, it's him. He would crawl to the ends of the Earth for you, but the combination of his feelings and your blatant displeasure is just too much. He cannot falter- He will not wither because of something he foolishly called "love". So when he decides to get rid of you, he will come and do it personally. Cut off a weak part of him just as he did before.
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magentas-dystopia · 1 year
Something I really lament is the move towards digital media. Slowly we start to never own the things we like. Even if we "buy" a digital game, or movie or show. It's locked behind a certain platform or service. Once it shuts down we lose it forever.
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(me when big booby anime girl explosion Is taken off of Netflix)
I also feel like there's a certain charm to owning physical media, like things you can hold and the satisfaction from pressing a clicky button or putting a disc or cassette in and seeing it work.
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(oooh so classy so retro so.. expensive in the modern day)
More people should try to make copies of what they own digitally, or try to buy physical media before it's lost from streaming services and digital storefronts forever. Like the case with certain games like Godzilla 2014 and Transformers War for Cybertron. They don't exist digitally anymore. Only hard copies exist outside of emulation and at insane resell prices like... INSANE ones for a mediocre Godzilla game
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So yea. Buy some more CDs of those albums you have on replay! Buy a DVD of that niche obscure anime you like! And most importantly PLEASE PLEASE START MAKING HARD BACKUPS OF SHOWS YOU LIKE THAT YOU PIRATE!!! media preservation is important!
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(me downloading every episode of Daredevil onto my hard drive to burn to a DVD later so I can give it to all my friends)
This is now going to be a Comprehensive guide on how to rip a CD
Burning and Ripping Disc's❤️❤️💕💕🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
here are some I recommend!!!
i personally use this pioneer one :)))
DVD drives in general are relatively cheap from 30-20 smackeroos, but Blu-ray drives are around 80-100 bucks depending on the manufacturer but offer better support for copying HD video such as on a Blu-ray.
in this case its gonna be a CD!!
i really enjoy Vespertine by Bjork, but i wanna have it on my computer just in case anything happens to my CD. SO. ill open Windows Media Player
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(she hasn't changed since 2011 <3333 be urself girl)
ill insert the disc into the player. and it'll start playing!
Pause the disc and go into Rip settings
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NEXT!! select the format!
if you want to conserve space and don't mind sacrificing audio quality select MP3! if you want to hear the same level of audio quality as preserved on the CD, select a format labelled LOSSLESS. I recommend .WAV files as they'll work with most devices including an android phone or iTunes on PC (more on that later ;3 )
create a folder on whatever u wanna save ur music to! (u can call it whatever u want the world is your oyster bestie)
go into more options on the Rip Settings menu!
select ur folder and press Rip CD!!!!
the fun thing of this now, is that you can pull these files on your computer and put it onto your Android device so you can listen to your hearts content without lugging around your CD in a player at high quality without any subscription service with free reign of who you can give your download to!
But Magenta! what if i have an iPhone?
ohohoo fear not bestie because iTunes on PC has an even EASIER way to do it
because simply putting in a disc with iTunes downloaded prompts THIS
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(oooo so new age)
and if you have apple music on your iPhone this will sync to your phone if you logged into iTunes on PC!!
thank you for coming to my TED talk
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
headcanons behind fic: Chay's allowance and KimChay zero baht dates mentioned in long & short
Kim chokes trying not to laugh. “Seriously Angel?” Chay looks at him, lips pulled into a pouty moue like what? “You only take me out on zero baht dates, but you’ll pay people to draw us as cats?” Chay sniffs primly. “I only use my allowance for education and fine art,” he says, haughty.
Korn giving Porsche and Chay a large allowance comes up in a lot of my fics I think, because I see him giving all of his sons and his wards a large allowance. And for once, it's not actually a part of his usual manipulation and control tactics.
(Well. It's not not about manipulation and control, because everything Korn does involves manipulation and control. Korn absolutely monitors their accounts and purchases, not to mention he's absolutely the sort of person to always have a mental ledger of favors given and owed for everyone, especially family.)
However, he doesn't need to control any of the boys' finances to have control over them and he's so present over all of them that giving them access to their own money (vs having them request it from him directly) doesn't give him any more advantage over them or could even run counter to it.
No, I see Korn giving all the boys a hefty allowance as a personal push back against the ghost of his father.
We don't know anything about grandpa Theerapanyakul beyond the fact that Gun invoked his name while yelling at Korn and the mere comparison of them rattled Korn more than the literal gun war happening in his own home. Of all the terrible fathers in this series, the grandpa takes the cake apparently!
Alongside Korn's deep-seated control issues, he also has this weird...thing where he really, really wants to be seen as a caretaker and good provider. He never outright denies his sons and is seemingly very supportive of them-- Khun was allowed to fall back and be taken care of, Kim was allowed to live separately to become a musician, he paid off judges in the name of Kinn's childhood dream, later he supports Kinn and Porsche's relationship-- and the whole fucked thing with Nampheung and the narrative he's constructed around him taking care of her. Even Korn's relationship with Gun is a little bit weird given how much he talks about competition. Like, he desperately wants to be seen as a good provider and caretaker, he just also can't stop being Korn and has that stupid-ass metaphor with the knife and the apple. It's a very crunchy contradiction.
Anyways, Korn's issues aside, I see Korn giving his sons and later wards personal allowances as a part of his personal image of himself as a good provider.
And Porsche and Chay hate it.
(Porsche reminds Chay they're very grateful. Chay mutters where was this help when Porsche took out an informal loan too young. Porsche hisses and whips his head around for any walls that are listening.)
Chay mostly just tries to ignore the supposed pile of money apparently just...sitting there, for him, and spend no differently than how he usually would (it doesn't feel real, digital money is never real to him). However, after so many years of Porsche sacrificing to save money for his needs and future, Chay can't bring himself to ignore the account completely when it comes to things like school or food. He never actually looks at his account, he mostly just squeezes his eyes shut whenever he uses his card for essentials and waits for the system to deny him, except it never does. That does not make Chay feel any better about the situation.
The only time Chay's close to breaking his "no treats" stance is shortly after he and Kim get together. Chay wants so badly to treat Kim to something really special, but. Money. He frets. He makes a pros and cons list. He paces. He has an entire argument with himself in the mirror. He angsts. He takes one look at Kim's happy face over a candlelight dinner and decides fuck it, that's a guy he's going to spoil to the moon and back, stupid blood money allowance be damned.
Except, as established, Chay's never looked at his actual account, so he goes to Cash the accountant to see what his options are for spoiling dates. Like, he's been paying his tuition and the card always goes through at the grocer or noodle house, and Korn does keep telling him his school allowance includes some extra spending money, but Chay wants to spoil Kim. A band they like will be on tour in Bangkok around Kim's birthday, Chay's gunning for special VIP tickets and some extra money for merch and dinner. Surely stupid rich mafia has plenty of money to spare for that.
Chay: would I, uh, be able to get a little extra money? tickets are 3000 but they're for a really special occasion and-
Cash, thinking about Kinn's 3000 dollar helicopter tickets: I don't care, let me just pull up your account details
Chay: thank you so much 🥺
Then Cash turns his screen around to ask Chay how much money he needs and. That is. A lot of money. So many digits. The decimal certainly in the wrong spot. Then Chay looks to the top of the corner and nearly screams because that's his name on the account, what the fuck?
Cash: Khun Korn said to have enough money to cover your tuition
Chay: [does not point out the initial balance was 3x his four year tuition]
Chay...leaves. He thinks. He doesn't know how he got from Cash's office to his room but his next stop is his bed to scream into his pillow until his throat hurts. Fucking rich people.
In protest, Chay takes Kim out the next evening on a zero baht date. They walk along whatever part of the river's nearest to their university to watch the sunset, have to jump a fence and duck two railings to even find a private sitting space away from any other river goers. The view's passable at best, at least free of most industry stuff thanks to the proximity to school but hardly the most inspiring. Chay spreads out his flannel for them to sit on, and feeds Kim dry packet ramen and stale shrimp chips he got free from a university event. He didn't even buy a drink, they survive off a mostly full bottle of grape soda Chay stole off a friend.
(It's a magical evening for Kim, obviously. Ferreting out little hidden spaces hand-in-hand with Chay, enjoying the nighttime air curled together, eating terrible cheap food that somehow tastes good? This is DOING things to him. He will be bringing a guitar and minimum two water bottles with him next time tho.)
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mspaesthetic · 1 year
Tidbit: The “Posterization” Effect of Panels Due to the Consequences of GIF Color Quantization (and Increased Contrast (And Also The Tangential Matter of Dithering))
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There’s this misconception that the color banding and patterned dithering found in panels is an entirely deliberate, calculated effect Hussie manipulated the image into looking with some specific filter, but this isn’t the case, exactly. It wasn’t so much a conscious decision he took but rather an unavoidable consequence of the medium he partook in: digital art in an age where bandwidth and storage was at a premium.
Not to delve too deeply into the history and technicalities of it, but the long and the short of it is back in the early nineties to late aughts (and even a bit further into the 10s), transferring and storing data over the web was not as fast, plentiful, and affordable as it is now. Filesize was a much more important consideration than the fidelity of an image when displaying it on the web. Especially so when you’re a hobbyist on a budget and paying for your own webhosting, or using a free service with a modest upload limit (even per file!). Besides, what good would it be to post your images online if it takes ages to load them over people's dial-up Internet? Don't even get me STARTED on the meager memory and power the average iGPU had to work with, too.
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The original comic strip's resolution was a little more than halved and saved as a GIF rather than a large PNG. That's about an 82.13% reduction in filesize!
So in the early days it was very common for people to take their scans, photographs, and digital drawings and scale them down and publish them as smaller lossily compressed JPEGs or lossless GIFs, the latter of which came at the cost of color range. But it had a wider range of browser support and the feature to be used for animations compared to its successor format, PNG ("PNG's not GIF").
You'd've been hard-pressed to find Hussie use any PNGs himself then. In fact, I think literally the only times he's ever personally employed them and not delegate the artwork to a member of the art team were some of the tiny shrunken down text of a character talking far in the distance and a few select little icons.
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PNGs support semi-transparency unlike GIFs, which is why Hussie used them to preserve the anti-aliasing on the text without having to add an opaque background color.
While PNGs can utilize over 16 million colors in a single image, GIFs have a hard limit of 256 colors per frame. For reference, this small image alone has 604 colors:
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For those who can't do the math, 256 is a pretty damn small number.
Smaller still were the palettes in a great deal of MSPA's panels early on in its run. Amazingly, a GIF such as this only uses 7 colors (8 if you count the alpha (which it is)).
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Not that they were always strictly so low; occasionally some in the later acts of Homestuck had pretty high counts. This panel uses all 256 spots available, in fact.
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If he had lowered the number any smaller, the quality would have been god-awful.
To the untrained eye, these bands of color below may seem to be the result of a posterization filter (an effect that reduces smooth areas of color into fewer harsh solid regions), but it's really because the image was exported as a GIF with no dithering applied.
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Dithering, to the uninitiated, is how these colors are arranged together to compensate for the paltry palette, producing illusory additional colors. There are three algorithms in Photoshop for this: Diffusion, Pattern, and Noise.
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Above is the original image and below is the image reduced to a completely binary 1-bit black and white color palette, to make the effect of each dithering algorithm more obvious.
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Diffusion seemingly displaces the pixels around randomly, but it uses error diffusion to calculate what color each pixel should be. In other words, math bullshit. The Floyd-Steinberg algorithm is one such implementation of it, and is usually what this type of error diffusion dithering is called in other software, or some misnomer-ed variation thereof.
The usage of Pattern may hearken back to retro video game graphics for you, as older consoles also suffered from color palette limitations. Sometimes called Ordered dithering because of the orderly patterns it produces. At least, I assumed so. Its etymological roots probably stem from more math bullshit again.
True to its name, Noise is noisy. It’s visually similar to Diffusion dithering, except much more random looking. At least, when binarized like this. Truth be told, I can’t tell the difference between the two at all when using a fuller color table on an image with a lot of detail. It was mainly intended to be used when exporting individual slices of an image that was to be “stitched” back together on a webpage, to mitigate visible seams in the dithering around the edges.
To sate your curiosity, here's how the image looks with no dithering at all:
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People easily confuse an undithered gif as being the result of posterization, and you couldn't fault them for thinking so. They look almost entirely the same!
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Although I was already aware of this fact when I was much younger, I'm guilty of posterizing myself while editing images back then. Figured I may as well reduce the color count beforehand to help keep the exported GIF looking as intended. I view this as a complete waste of time now, though, and amateurish. Takes away a bit of the authenticity of MSPA art, how the colors and details are so variable between panels. As for WHY they were so variable to begin with, choosing the settings to save the image as requires a judicious examination on a case-by-case basis. In other words, just playing around with the settings until it looks decent.
It's the process of striking a fine balance between an acceptable file size and a "meh, good enough" visual quality that I mentioned earlier. How many colors can you take away until it starts to look shit? Which dithering algorithm helps make it look not as shit while not totally ruining the compression efficacy?
Take, for example, this panel from Problem Sleuth. It has 16 colors, an average amount for the comic, and uses Diffusion dithering. Filesize: 34.5 KB.
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Then there's this panel right afterwards. It has 8 colors (again, technically 7 + alpha channel since it's an animated gif), and uses Noise dithering this time. Filesize: 34.0 KB.
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The more colors and animation frames there are, and the more complicated dithering there is, the bigger the file size is going to be. Despite the second panel having half the color count of the first, the heavily noisy dithering alone was enough to inflate the file size back up. On top of that, there's extra image information layered in for the animation, leaving only a mere 0.5 kilobyte difference between the two panels.
So why would Hussie pick the algorithm that compresses worse than the other? The answer: diffusion causes the dithering to jitter around between frames of animation. Recall its description from before, how it functions on nerd shit like math calculations. The way it calculates what each pixel's color will be is decided by the pixels' colors surrounding it, to put it simply. Any difference in the placement of pixels will cause these cascading changes in the dithering like the butterfly effect.
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Diffusion dithering, 16 colors. Filesize: 25.2 KB
This isn't the case with Noise or Pattern dithering, since their algorithms use either a texture or a definite array of numbers (more boring nerd shit).
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Noise dithering, 16 colors. Filesize: 31.9 KB
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Pattern dithering, 16 colors. Filesize: 23.1 KB
There's a lot more I'd like to talk about, like the different color reduction algorithms, which dither algorithms generally compress better in what cases, and the upward and downward trends of each one’s use over the course of a comic, but since this isn’t a deep dive on GIF optimization, I might save that for another time. This post is already reaching further past the original scope it was meant to cover, and less than 10 images can be uploaded before hitting the limit, which is NOWHERE near enough for me. I should really reevaluate my definition of the word “tidbit”… Anyway, just know that this post suffers from sample selection bias, so while the panels above came from an early section of Problem Sleuth that generally had static panels with diffusion dithering and animated panels with noise dithering, there certainly were animated panels with diffusion later on despite the dither-jittering.
Alright, time to shotgun through the rest of this post, screw segueing. Increasing the contrast almost entirely with “Use Legacy” enabled spreads the tones of the image out evenly, causing the shadows and highlights to clip into pure black and white. The midtones become purely saturated colors. Using the Levels adjustment filter instead, moving both shadow and highlight input level sliders towards the middle also accomplishes the same thing, because, you know, linear readjustment. I'm really resisting the urge to go off on another tangent about color channels and the RGB additive color model.
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Anyway, there aren't any examples in MSPA that are quite this extreme (at least in color, but I'll save that for a later post), but an image sufficiently high in contrast can be mistaken for being posterized at a glance. Hence the Guy Fieri banner. In preparation for this post, I was attempting to make a pixel-perfect recreation of that panel but hit a wall trying to figure out which and how many filters were used and what each one's settings were, so I sought the wisdom of those in the official Photoshop Discord server. The very first suggestion I got was a posterization filter, by someone who was a supposed senior professional and server moderator, no less. Fucking dipshit, there's too much detail preserved for it to be posterization. Dude totally dissed me and my efforts too, so fuck that moron. I spit on his name and curse his children, and his children's children. The philistines I have to put up with...
In the end, the bloody Guy Fieri recreation proved to be too much for me to get right. I got sort of close at times, but no cigar. These were some of the closest I could manage:
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You might be left befuddled after all this, struggling to remember what the point of the blogpost even was. I had meant for it to be a clarification of GIFs and an argument against using the posterization filter, thinking it was never used in MSPA, but while gathering reference images, I found a panel from the Felt intermission that actually WAS posterized! So I’ll eat crow on this one... Whatever, it’s literally the ONE TIME ever.
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I can tell it's posterization and not gif color quantization because of the pattern dithering and decently preserved details on the bomb and bull penis cane. There would have had to have been no dithering and way fewer colors than the 32, most of which were allotted to the bomb and cane. You can't really selectively choose what gets dithered or more colors like this otherwise.
Thank you for reading if you've gotten this far. That all might have been a lot to take in at once, so if you're still unclear about something, please don't hesitate to leave a question! And as always, here are the PSDs used in this post that are free to peruse.
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lfhh · 1 year
Yandere Optimus Prime x Human F. reader♡
Warning: Yandere, abduction (?), manipulation, abnormal love, theft, hints at 🔞
Author: I watched the movie and it's just something with something! Especially Optimus! He has such a character here! Sorry for the mistakes, I don't speak English.
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Who knew that the Leader of the Autobots, who did not like people, fell in love with one girl. And it was you. The older sister of Noah and Chris. When the Mirage brought you to the place where the Autobots were, then he saw you. Optimus.
You didn't really trust them, especially the Mirage that brought you to this place for no reason. Optimus didn't expect to fall in love with you, but you were so beautiful, not like other people. You were like an angel who would help them get away from this miserable planet.
When you agreed to go look for the key for them, Optimus was glad for some reason, he didn't understand why. You were also a human being, so why did he fall in love with you?
He saw you as a beautiful girl. His savior, who will give him the key. When Scorge attacked you with Noah and Elena, Optimus got all foggy, he wanted to destroy Scorge so that he wouldn't touch your beautiful skin with his dirty digits (fingers)!
When Scorge had the first part of the key, Optimus blamed only Noah, your younger brother.
Optimus: I knew it, you can't be relied on.
Noah: so now you blame me for all this!
[Name]: Don't you dare blame my brother for this! He did everything he could while you were sitting on your ass!
Optimus looked at you in shock. This is the first time you've been angry. And oh, how he liked it. You were such an unruly girl. When you were looking for the second part of the key together, you were sitting next to the Autobots on the plane. [Name]: I'm sorry I yelled at you that time..
Optimus: There's nothing to worry about.. This happens to each of us.
When you saved the earth from Unicron, you tried to help your brother and protect him as well. You stood in front of the Scorjam protecting Noah Saboy.
[Name]: Don't come any closer! Scorge: Or what? You're a little parasite who won't do anything to me.
Scorge pointed his blaster at you and was about to shoot when he was knocked down.
Optimus: Just try to touch her again! I will not tolerate anyone touching what belongs to me!
You stood in shock watching their battle. After the battle, you lived that they did not like not to return to their lady. Optimus was happy inside, because he wouldn't have to leave you. You are his and only his! No one will touch what belongs to HIM.
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I'm sorry it's so little! Do not copy or translate my work!
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sillyromance · 6 months
Hellooooooo yeah
What do you think of writing some vore stuff about tfp starscream?...😇⚡️🌌
Good day, dear anonymous!
Yes, of course! I remember I was asked about it before, but, unfortunately, at that time I had mental breakdown and couldn't come up with anything. I'm very sorry about that, and if you're the same anon who sent me the first ask, I sincerely apologise for the delay... However, now I finally made it up! Hope you'll enjoy!
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Rain. Through the monitor you looked at a wide grey valley disappearing inch by inch as “Nemesis” was flying north, farther and farther. There was something dreamy, nostalgic about that melancholic landscape; pale colors set numbing bitterness in your chest, but it didn’t mean there was no beauty in them… You could almost sense fresh, chilly air and cool heavy drops on your cheeks and neck – rain water has an amazing, unique bouquet combining wild, crazy variety of natural scents: grass, earth, field flowers, mushrooms... All living beings love summer rain – it fills them with peace and hope for the better times. And what an incredible view it is when the sun comes out and the water on tree leaves starts to sparkle like trillions of moon stones.
But it wasn’t the thought lingering in your head. Watching as a wall of piercing, needle-like streams were bombarding the ground beneath, you thought of your loved ones, people that you had to leave behind to be here. Of course, you kept in touch – you texted them every week and they did the same, even more often… But it was impossible to go back, at least any time soon. Conspiracy had to be strictly kept: your decepticon friends wouldn’t be glad to hear that even more people knew about them – it was literally luck that Megatron, their huge scary boss with more scars on his armor than hairs on your head agreed to let you join the crew and didn’t kill you as far as you showed up. After getting some experience you figured out that these big mechanical creatures were not very fond of humans. Well, most of them.
- Nasty weather, isn’t it? No matter what Megs says, I won’t go out until this nonsense stop!
You glanced back and saw a pair of familiar long wings twitching in annoyance and distaste.
- You think so, Starry? I rather find it relaxing.
- Well, you don’t need to worry about rust eating your joints if you get outside…
- Ha! You has a point…
The seeker seemed irritated, though you knew he wouldn’t be like that for long. He loved complaining – everyone has their bad habits, and grumpiness is an innocent sin. He saved your life, he gave you food and shelter – and he became your ally you could count on despite the fact that at first others wouldn’t give a tip of a finger (or a digit) for your partnership to last at least a month.
It had been two years already. And so, who wouldn’t bear some little disadvantages when there was so much to be grateful for?
Starscream stepped closer to you and, in spite of his exclamation, layed his gaze at the monitor, his manipulators clenching behind his back.
- Back at Cybotron, we didn’t have rains.
You lifted your head, now looking at his pointy face, two ruby-red optics flaming on it. They were unnaturally sad.
- Really?..
He nodded.
- And the skies had different hue, and our stars looked brighter and bigger. And the cities! Oh, you must have seen them in their golden days… I miss it. Those careless days.
The rain grew heavier; it turned into a solid white wall.
- Did you have a family?
- Hm?
- I mean… Someone who you would be close with, like… Parents? Siblings? Friends?.. Did you have such connections with someone back there?
Two pines far away looked like shaggy beasts standing in the fog – their hairy muzzles swayed back and forth as if they were arguing about something and biting each other’s long “fur”.
- Actually, we don’t have such concept as… family. But I did have friends. Some were very good ones. I still remember things we did when we were young. And there was one I would even call a brother… Though, all of them are gone by now. Killed, missing…
Something bubbled painfully in his chassis.
- Sometimes… Sometimes I think if I could choose: to become a leader of Decepticons or to make things like they were before - I would choose the latter. I’m not kidding! I… I really would. Even now, it’s so strange to get up in the mornings and realize that you are actually alone on another planet and your… home… is destroyed. Everything is dumb and alien: whatever I see or touch has nothing in common with me. At the same time, I’m afraid to remember… I’m grateful Knockout and you still pay attention to me – if you didn’t, I would most likely crush down on Earth.
He grimaced. His wings lowered. The more Starscream spoke, the less he looked like himself, but you knew – it was him. True him, hiding back in the shadows. Who can tell what he lost? Who can claim him to be heartless? If a vase is empty, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t full. If a man can’t love, it doesn’t mean it has always been so.
And if you fear to look back… It doesn’t mean that you stopped longing.
- I miss home too, Starry. My planet is in one piece, it blooms and lives – I can’t possibly compare your grief to mine. And still… I’m lonely here. I guess, you understand. Though, not that lonely. At least, I have you.
There was an unreadable expression on his faceplate for a minute or two, but then he smiled softly.
- At such moments you fleshy things hug each other, don’t you?
- Yeap! We do. But it would be quite complicated now.
- Agreed. However, not for us, don’t you think?
You lips stretched in a mischievous grin.
- Ha! You think about the same thing I do?
The seeker bent to you and turned his head on a side, examining your artificially-naughty face with only one optic – at that moment he reminded you of a big carnivorous bird.
- Well, tell me, little one… - He murmured, his endless claws suddenly appearing just beside you...
… Sitting in a comparably spacious, slimy pouch of Starscream fueltank, you listened to the quiet noises of his huge body, your heart beating slowly and thoughts lazily crawling around your tired mind. Your muscles still could recall the tenderness of your friend’s long throat and esophagus, gentle licks of the glossa trying to sneak under your shirt and reach the bare skin – and so making you squelch in surprise while your cheeks were getting much, much hotter from slight embarrassment and annoyance; by the way, you and his tongue had quite an impressive fighting session (which he almost lost) before you, content and completely exhausted, let your limp wet body helplessly slide down, in the comforting confines of the warm stomach. At that moment even you couldn’t believe you was able laugh that hard!..
Greyish cobalt walls kneaded you, squeezing your tiny frame in strong, affectionate embrace. Hints of red and blue lights ran across them like shooting stars in August. Forgetting about your miserable weight, you floated in your personal small piece of cosmos, rubbing it gently and receiving low, pleasured purr from above, vibrating in your bones.
Rain. It doesn’t rain, but pours. But it’ll be better one day, if you stay strong.
If you stay together.
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Cheese's 100 follower special part 1
(Thank you all for following me and sticking around to see what contents I post!!! For hitting triple digits I'm doing special posts. This one is all about the cut and unused content ideas/plans for RPs.)
(For the people who wanted to be tagged: @ilovefukuchi @myluckymoon @caffeiiine )
Each unplanned idea will be in character order of when I first created them.
There's a lot with Levi when I first made him. At first there wasn't a proper backstory for him other than that he was a traumatized guy.
Levi was already arrested in his backstory before, so my whole goal with him was to get him arrested again and sent back to prison.
This would have triggered a rescue mission, or a prison escape (in my head I made Sayaka and Oscar go save him)
On the same topic of rescuing Levi, I have this old idea I played in my head where Levi was supposed to be kidnapped by this ability user that had the power to trap people in this video game. Bro Levi would have been in a little cage like Princess Peach.
If Levi was ever brought back to prison I would have created a little headspace segment for him (kinda like omori)
At first, Ross wasn't supposed to be a military captain. Instead, he was going to be some doctor to kidnap Levi back for experiments. This was changed to fit the backstory more.
Ross and Levi were supposed to have this big fight at one point.
And Ross was supposed to die by Levi finally killing him but in a bitter sweet goodbye.
Dr. Ikari
He was supposed to be the more cold doctor, but instead, he gave a more "I don't give a crap attitude."
He was going to help capture Levi, only to calm him down.
Nothing much about him other than a potential death.
Oh boy, there is so much for Cooper.
At first, Cooper wasn't going to be brought back entirely. All because the og Cooper was dead and it would have ruined some of Levi's character development. So instead, I made this Cooper from a different universe.
At first, I was going to have him wander around and ask multiple people, "Are you my master?" But on the first one with Shibusawa, I had him settle with him for a long time.
He was almost gay or bi, but I gave him a female love interest. (Also his "love" for Shibusawa was more so a obsession than actual love.)
Big one‼️ Cooper at one point before he killed X, was going to go back to X. Either through by getting fired or just plain manipulation.
There were going to be multiple times in which he got kidnapped but those never happened.
At one point, he was going to snap, but that never happened as well.
Richard Connell
He was going to be more of an evil, bad guy with a god complex. Now he silly.
Fiona Delgado
She was created to flirt with an older version of Shibusawa. That never happened.
She was supposed to work at a normal boring job but I changed it to be the Port Mafia.
Was going to die, never happened.
He was going to be a cool priest, but now he works for the Special Operations Division.
Dr. Paul
Was supposed to hunt down every vampire and try to kill then all.
Perhaps give him a potential love interest in which the irony of it is that the love interest is a vampire.
He was supposed to be more angry and charming, but he's just some goofy guy who yells at his rival and is actually a lot more friendly.
He was supposed to be ability-less but him having a cool sword as his ability sounded cool.
At one point, Lance (from Prime Softwares) was going to change Felix's "programming" and make him go on a murder rampage. Possibly a really intense boss fight with X.
Prime Softwares
Lance was supposed to die (he's barely alive but he's alive)
Lance and Grian were supposed to have this discussion and Lance would have threaten to deactivate Grian.
At one point, Grian would have completed a mission, but Lance would deactivate him anyways for a more new and improved model.
So Grian was almost a box of scraps for anyone to take.
The whole thing with the androids was to learn how to fuse ability user's blood into androids so androids could have said ability from the user. Basically weapons.
Because Lance wanted to take over the world with these androids.
At one point Grian was going to turn on Lance and attack Lance instead.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Hear me out on this please
TADC crew x itward like reader
If you want to ignore this request you can I totally understand lol
TADC cast x itward type! Reader
Imma be so real with you anon originally I was gonna save this request for later since I have ZERO ideas (funny since fran bow as a game has had a choke hold on me since it released) but then I realized I can be evil and introduce people to the game
Anyways guys go play fran bow! Or better yet theres a full fandub, as well as several lets plays on YouTube!! I also recommend little misfortune as it's made by the same creators and takes place in the same universe!
Kind of wrote this as their general thoughts and dynamic with you since I struggled a lot with thinking of romantic stuff with them, especially with characters that I dont think would like. Be interested in characters like itward
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You guys. Can talk up a storm, I think. Literally it's just you two "interrogating" one another and learning more about each other. As scared as you are of the current situation at hand, you can't help but be intrigued by everything, including the self proclaimed ring master!
Curiosity is damned, damn you curiosity/ref
Your curiosity ends up with you learning as nearly as much caine is willing to let on about the digital world...
Two well dressed fellows, as well.. bonus if you have a red suit like itward so you kinda match with Caine
Caine loves watching you build your little machines, too, usually hovers over your shoulder
Sure you might not be able to fly away in a flying ship and return to the real world, but who's to say you cant make your own exit..? Possibly manipulate the code or something...! Sure you're main thing is machinery and technology, but theres usually some level of coding in there... so you and pomni team up to try to come up with a plan... honestly you probably lightly scold her when you find out she tried to leave, knowing ragatha needed help. On one hand you cant bring yourself to fully blame her, but on the other you would rather try to escape with everyone, you know? Pomni is sometimes put off by your odd nature, though... not enough to push her away from working with you though!!
You guys bond over your shared interested in sewing! You both make plushes! For you it's more so for gift giving, and for ragatha she does it to pass time! I like to think you guys both have nights where you just hang out, either in her room or yours, and just. Chat and sew! Probably finds your weirdness a little endearing in it's own way; afterall never once were you malicious, in fact you're quite kind to everyone around you and are more than willing to offer second chances even to those who dont deserve it. You and ragatha would be really good friends, I think!
Finds your weirdness a little annoying and he probably asks you a ton of stupid questions on purpose. Probably asks a stream of dumb ones before asking one he knows will peak your interest, but insist he needs to go do something when you start answering. That aside he has probably asked if you could build him a funky little gadget (that he totally wont use for mischief).. probably tries to get all buddybuddy with you because he knows you wont give it to him for the...actual reason he wants
You personally dont hate him, but theres no real solid friendship there I think
Ah, the two strange father figures! Both with funky interests; kingers is bugs and yours is forks! ....okay well it's hard to combine those two interest so I guess we can use a different one, mechanics! You've definitely made kinger wind up robotic bugs before, and the fact it made him happy makes you happy! You guys both have a habit of spacing out, though on different levels and for different reasons...you both mutually keep an eye on one another, though!
You've probably dreamed of building a flying machine and escaping this place at least once, leaving with kinger. Too bad the reality isnt going to be that simple.. besides you'd bring everyone with you anyways
honestly they get annoyed how sometimes you dont give direct answers and be vague when you're asked for a solution. It's not that you're trying to be malicious or incompetent, youre just trying to push for everyone to get creative and explore the world around them themselves, you know? Finds it a little off how you sometimes zone out, as if youre thinking about a dozen things at once... but nonetheless, zooble cant bring themselves to hate you. In fact you have this weird comforting aura around you.
Youre so so nice with her and always trying to build her up. And honestly I think that's so sweet. Hugs. Give hugs! Side note I bet itward gives the most comforting hugs so by extension the reader gives the most comforting hugs!! You're always there to stand up for her, too, when people *cough cough jax* are mean to her. You probably also try to helo her make a new mask... not like "oh you help her fix her masks" no I mean like you try to make her a mask that's made of a stronger material so it's harder to break
Honestly I cant see a romantic relationship between a reader like this and gangle, I personally see it more as close friends or even found family
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tonysaintborgi · 4 months
seen some posts that boil down to "it's very mean to milk james somerton's downfall" which i would be more compelled to agree with if it was just him having done something socially unacceptable and people aren't letting him live it down. but that's not what's happening. he's a chronic thief, a fraud, a misogynist, and recall the time he weaponized his minority status to silence someone gently taking issues with him stealing and making tons of money from (primarily queer) writers by saying THIS PERSON IS HOMOPHOBIC AND SENT ME DEATH THREATS and sic'd his whole fan base on them.
"but what if this all happened to someone who doesn't deserve it!" that would suck, because they probably didn't make six digits stealing other people's work and then weaponized their minority status to harass others into unexistence. sorry you got a bleeding heart for victims of the kiwifarms, but this ain't that. this is a slimy businessman who's doing everything he can to avoid the consequences of his actions. he pretended to put himself to sleep with the fishes to avoid the consequences of his actions, then posted himself on a known alt. like. we're allowed to say "that's stupid."
save your sympathy for people who are trying to change, not for manipulative businessmen. if you're tired of hearing about him, I'd get that. don't try to moralize it.
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