#sayu sleeps on the job
sayu-official · 9 months
why are itto’s boobs so big
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Best Friends Forever (Platonic Yandere Death Note).
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Btw some of the timeline might not make sense but whatever.
The tiny little text popped up, a small 'ping' sound following. You groan as your bombarded with the blue light, picking it up to read the message.
"Another message from them." You thought.
They had no name. You didn't share your names with each other. You only knew him as Justice, which he told you to call him. Personally, you thought it was a corny name, but who were you to judge?
"Why are you up so late?" You're straight forward, too tired to entertain your online friend.
You watch as three dots appear before their response pops up. "I was bored." Before you could respond, another message appeared. "You're up too."
You let out another groan that was muffled by your pillow. You know you parents wouldn't like you being up so late, so you tried to stay as quiet as possible when talking to your companion. For some reason, they were always up so late, messaging you all throughout the night.
Your fingers glide across the screen as you answer, "I'm up because you woke me up." Your response displayed a clear sign of frustration. You through your phone down onto your bed and closed your eyes until the next response. You swear, that ping will haunt you forever.
"Have you been keeping up with Kira?" They ask. This wasn't the first time they've asked you questions regarding Kira. In fact, they ask you at least once a week if you've been keeping up with everything. It's almost comical at this point.
You role your eyes while typing, "Of course, Justice, why wouldn't I? Thats basically all we talk about."
His response comes quick, "I'm just making sure. You never know what's out there."
"Why would Kira want to kill me?"
"You never know." Their response was cryptic, ending the conversation as you drift off back to sleep.
(Y/N)? Wake up, sleepyhead." Your sister, Sayu, cheerfully yells. Your eyes snap open and you straighten up. Your eyes dart around your kitchen, you brother Light looking at you strangely.
"(Y/N), are you getting enough sleep?" Light asks, which gets a nod out of you. He looks unconvinced as he continues eating his breakfast.
"Well, you better get ready for school, we're leaving soon." He mentions as he stands up from his seat and grabs his bag from the back of his chair. You nod once again, thanking your mom for the breakfast. Before you can even sit up, your mother is bombarding you with questions, a worried expression written all over her face.
"Oh sweetheart, you look sick." She sighs. "Are you sure you want to go to school today?" She's feeling your face for any sign of sickness, which causes you to groan and push her away slightly.
"I'm fine mom." You grab your bag and stand next to Light. "See you after school."
The worried expression still doesn't leave her face as you and Light walk out the door. "Okay sweety. Light, take care of them, okay?" She shouts. Light nods absentmindedly.
"Of course, mom."
"So, why were you up so late?" Light asks randomly. You look at him confused, which only gets a smile from him.
"You're my sibling, it's my job to know what you're doing." His voice is too sweet. "And plus, I noticed the light coming from your room when I was heading to bed last night." He adds on.
"I was just talking to a friend." You answer quietly. Your response was short, not wanting to tell him the truth, since you knew he wouldn't really like you talking to some random stranger on the internet. You were also too distracted by the feeling of someone watching you to really pay attention to your brother.
You do hear him laugh however, which puts a pit in your stomach. You look over at him to see a hint of a cruel look on his face. "You don't have friends (Y/N)." He mocks, grinning at the embarrassment that washes over your face.
"You don't have friends either." You argue, your voice childish and whiny. A cool breeze comes up behind you, causing you to look back, and causing Lights face to become slightly annoyed. Before you can ask him about it though, he's quickly back to normal.
"At least I have a girlfriend." He speaks.
You huff, "A girlfriend who's supper annoying." Light doesn't seem to care that you just called Misa annoying, but he doesn't talk for the rest of the walk to school, something you very much appreciate.
There's your phone again. You're sitting outside eating lunch when you get another message from Justice.
You finish crewing your rice before answering. "Hey. What's up?" They usually never text you this early.
They don't respond for a while, you nearly forgetting that they were messaging you as you watched the people around you converse and eat, a blank expression on your face.
"What do you do for fun?" That was a weird question. You two had an unspoken agreement of not asking each other personal questions, so this question really threw you off guard.
You spent a while coming up with an answer, pondering what they could mean by it. Why do they suddenly want to know now?
"I don't really know. I usually just spend my time at home and school." You didn't mean to sound so sad, but it definitely came off that way.
"So, you don't have any friends?" Well, that's straight to the point. You frown and blow a piece of strayhair out of your face.
"Other than you, no." You answer quickly. You couldn't help the intense sadness that washed over you at your answer. You're in your second year of high school and your only friend is a random person on the internet.
You've never been good at making friends, mostly because your bother doesn't approve of anyone who you show a slight interest in. You wonder if you ever met Justice in person, would they actually like you? Would Light like them? You can't think for too long before you hear yet another ping from your phone. You look down at it to see that Justice has responded.
"That's good."
You spent your time after school studying at the local cafe.
You didn't exactly care too much about your grades. Light was the high achiever in your household, so you and your younger sister didn't have to worry too much about grades. Light however, didn't like you slacking off. So, he made you a studying schedule in order for you to achieve academic excellence. Usually, he would be here with you, but lately he's been too busy with something he claimed was "none of your business."
You didn't mind though, since the cafe was pretty dead today. The only people here were you, the workers, and someone sitting in the far corner of the room. You couldn't get a good look at him because of the way he was sitting, but he was weird enough to cause you to sit far away from him.
Your studies, unsurprisingly, was uneventful. You spend most of your time focusing on math, since that's what you struggled with the most. Throughout you could hear your phone buzz, since you put it on silent while studying. You assumed it was Light reminding you to come home on time since you usually lost track of time when you were by yourself.
"Buzz, buzz." You give a silent groan, rolling your eyes in the process. You push your phone away, hoping too silent it a little.
"Buzz, buzz." It didn't stop. Frustrated, you snatch your phone from the table, staring intensely at the contact who's been messaging you.
It's Justice.
Your expression changes, frustration melting into confusion. You had 5 messages from them.
"Please respond."
"I would like to talk."
"(Y/N). Respond."
You shake your head, shocked. Your fingers glided over the screen as you hurriedly typed a response.
"Sorry, Justice. I was studying."
"Please notify me beforehand next time."
'Why does it matter?' You thought. They've never been this overbearing before. Like they were reading your mind, you received another message instantly.
"I'm sorry for my behavior. I was worried." You couldn't help but feel warm, nobody other than your mother really worries for you.
"Why though?" You prod.
They took a while to answer and while you were waiting, you heard the strange man order another cake. You swear it's their tenth.
A few seconds after the strange man's cake comes, you get a notification.
"There's been a rise in deaths regarding the Kira case. I wouldn't want you to be one of them."
"Awww, you worry about me?" You jokingly ask. It wasn't even a second before they relied.
"Of course. You're my only friend after all."
You didn't exactly hate Misa; you just couldn't keep up with her.
Since you were closer in age with her, she tended to hang out with you often, claiming she wanted to learn more about Light's favorite sibling. You don't know what Light's been telling her, but your definitely not his favorite.
Once a week, you would meet up Misa at the cafe, the same cafe you study at. You confided in Justice that you really didn't want to hang out with your brother's girlfriend, being careful not to break your rule of mentioning anything too personal, like her name. They didn't give any great advice, just telling you to not go, which obviously wasn't an option.
"Soooooo...." Misa's drawled with a sing song tone. "You've been looking at your phone all day. You got a sweetheart."
You quickly look up from your phone, shutting it off the process. You shake your head, becoming shy by her giggles.
"Don't be shy, I won't tell light." She teases, playing with the cake on her plate. She smiles at you sweetly. "Come on, you can tell me."
You look away, embarrassed. "They're just a friend." Misa squealed at your answer, so excited she stretched over the table and grasped your hands.
"They're just a friend right now!" She pointed out, ignoring your discomfort. "How did you meet? Do you go to the same school? When can I meet them? Oh! Maybe we can go on a double date like in those romantic movies."
"Misa calm down, I promise you they're just a friend." Her mood shifted for excitement to disappointment in a flash. Pouting, she slumps back in her seat.
"Fine, but if it becomes anything more you promise to tell me?"
"I promise."
"Tell me more about your family, Yagami-kun."
"Why do you ask?" L doesn't move his eyes from the screens in front of him. But he can feel Yagami's gaze on him. It's hard and accusing, and he knows exactly why. He's protective of his children, that much is clear.
He hears Yagami sigh quietly and feels his gaze move back to the screen, focusing on the one displaying his family. L moves thumb to his mouth, toying with his lip.
"I don't know what exactly to say." He starts. "They somehow manage to keep up with my schedule, that means something right." He gives a small laugh.
L doesn't laugh though. He's too busy glaring camera, specifically the one displaying the Yagami household. Everyone was there. Everyone of course, except you.
Soichiro Yagami shakes his head while rubbing his forehead in contempt. "They're out with friends, it's always once a week."
The hand which isn't currently near his mouth grips his knee. He continues to glare at the camera, only shifting to look at the people moving around the house.
"Where." He shoves a piece of chocolate in his mouth.
Yagami thinks for a while before answering. "I believe the cafe near our neighborhood."
That makes sense, you're usually there. But with who? L stays silent for a while, pondering this mystery "friend."
He doesn't like that word when applied to someone that isn't him. It makes him sick. He grimaces, shoving a piece of candy in his mouth in the hope it calms him down.
It doesn't.
L didn't have any strong feeling regarding you at first, just a way to get to your brother. He saw how lonely you were, and used it, hoping to get some information out of you.
But you were smart. Not like your brother, but definitely more that he expected. You never shared with him any strong opinions regarding anything, remaining neutral on every topic of discussion. It became frustrating after a while.
But it also became fun.
He didn't know when it started, but slowly he started talking to you longer and longer. Observing you longer and longer. And he noticed how...protective Light was of you. Light was like him, he cared for people in weird ways. While Light chose to take a stricter approach, L chose to go the opposite route, gaining your trust by exploiting your loneliness and promising that he'll always be there for you. And while at the beginning it was nothing more than a lie, it slowly became the truth.
He craved your attention, he wanted to be the only thing you cared about. He couldn't stand you talking to anyone, Light included. Which is why he was so pissed about you being around someone else.
"Ryuzaki, your phone is ringing" Yagami notified. L slowly retrieved his phone, gripping it between his pointer finger and thumb, a small smile grazed his face when he saw the recipient.
"What is it?" Yagami questioned as L pocketed the phone.
"My friend."
A/n: I can't decide if I love or hate this.
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adventures-in-teyvat · 10 months
genshin on a minecraft smp
there was this prompt on reddit i saw asking what the characters would be like on an smp and this was what i came up with :) really silly and fun, i actually really enjoyed thinking about this
yoimiya is the redstone maniac, and she’d probably help klee build really complex tnt contraptions to grief the server
diluc is the mob farmer; builds the entire structure and spends literally all his time farming and enchanting. probably also enslaves the villagers
klee builds a zoo but the only thing inside of it is creeper exhibits
nahida’s the gardener, kaveh probably helps her build automatic farms and all the cool shit
bennett dies all the time—falling into lava after just having found diamonds, a bunch of creepers snuck up on him, etc etc. he can literally never progress in the game because he loses everything and anything he builds gets exploded by creepers (or klee)
xingqiu is just the little shit who steals stuff and does small bits of griefing. im also convinced that he and fischl would be writing a roleplay script for the server and forcing everyone else to comply
nilou is just sweet and happy, she just wants to build a pretty home and get along with everyone :) she’s the one who always helps others out no matter what, whether they need food, weapons, armor, or blocks, she almost always has something to help, and if she doesn’t then she’d be willing to help you get it.
wanderer grinds everything by himself and completely ignores everyone. might even try to beat the dragon by himself too. xingqiu and fischl explain him in the lore as the rude old man who no one ever sees, but occasionally he will grant luxurious gifts to anyone he deems mildly tolerable. the only people who have ever received such gifts are sayu and layla because they do jack shit and are afk most of the time, and he thinks it’s funny.
venti is the first one with elytra. cons yoimiya into giving him all her fireworks. farms music discs
albedo and sucrose are predictably the ones with all the potions. they’ve also scoured the nether; they know it better than anyone else, and they make all the ice bridges for quick nether travel.
layla and sayu are always the ones asking to sleep first—if he is online, there will be a following “fuck you” from diluc, as he is the server’s resident mob farmer and batman kinnie
alhaitham refuses to participate in the “lore” because ��fuck you” (fischl cries) (xingqiu demands a duel, for thou hast made his fair lady shed a tear) (alhaitham obliterates him and goes on with his day)
xiangling forces chongyun to share a house with her because the only thing she wants to do is make a farm and kill animals and throw food at everyone and thats literally it. she’s probably really frustrated there aren’t more elaborate meals to make. forces chongyun to build the house and mine and get armor and weapons and literally anything that doesn’t have to do with food (xingqiu visits sometimes to say hi to xiangling and then bully chongyun). she probably also mooches off of nahida and kaveh’s automatic farms
cyno is immediately elected chief of police in the “lore” (the only other people on this “police force” are xiao and heizou)
xiao is completely serious about his job, heizou is not. cyno is a mix of the two. basically all they do is show up occasionally and act really intimidating (or, in heizou’s case, flirt with everyone). yanfei (the judge in the lore) is sick of them for wrongfully incarcerating innocent people over and over again
tighnari and collei have an ACTUAL zoo that isn’t just full of creepers
diona lives with diluc and literally the only thing she does is breed cats, she has so many that it lags the server if you walk into the chunk, so the “police” have sometimes had to stop by and make her spread them out. she’ll comply but then the next day there will be even more cats because she does everything out of spite. also steals everyone’s nametags. she is a convicted felon, charged with multiple accounts of armed robbery, assault, and intentional failure to comply with the wishes of the server, which resulted in harm to one or more players or the entire server (it nearly becomes unplayable because of all the cats so they ban her)
zhongli terraforms the shit out of everything
dori creates a monopoly off of some resource by taking all of it in the vicinity and anywhere remotely nearby so that if someone didnt want to buy it from her they’d have to run thousands of blocks away
fischl builds the entire castle from last year’s summer event, crowns herself prinzessin, and appoints her knights (kaeya, mika, jean, bennett, razor) who start to have beef with the police and then there’s a war and then it gets resolved by klee and yoimiya blowing everything up
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degeneratehourss · 11 months
Lumine's Harem (If Aether allows it) -16. The Kamisato's
It's finally here! The new chapter of my series is up on my Patreon (Link in my bio)! I took some time but I think it's worth it considering it is 60 pages long and over 25K words. I worked super hard on it so if you'd like to read this early access chapter and support me, please check it out!
This chapter contains: Incest (Aelumi and Kamisatocest), Foursome, some girl on girl action, breeding kink, anal, spanking and butt plugs.
And here's a sneak peek for ya~
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“Ok, so,” Lumine said excitedly, plopping down on the couch as she sipped her cup of tea, getting comfortable, “you promised me a story!” 
Aether frowned as he looked at her in confusion, “what?” 
“Remember? Days before when we got interrupted by Kazuha?” Lumine recollected, mind going back to their friend who had just traveled back to Liyue the night before, “You were telling me about how you caught the Kamisato’s having sex~”
“Oh, right.” Aether said, remembering as he put down the book he was reading. Both of them were lounging in the fancy inn Ayato got them, relaxing after a long day of commissions, “It’s nothing super exciting. I only saw them for a few seconds before I ran out of there.” 
“Doesn’t matter.” Lumine said, waving away his excuse, “I still want to hear it!”
Aether sighed with a roll of the eyes, “Fine. Well, this was a few years ago.”
Lumine got comfortable on the couch, looking super adorable in her tank top and puffy sleep shorts as she immediately got invested in the story. 
“Ayato had asked me for a favor.” Aether explained, “He had heard rumors that a rival clan was planning to introduce a product into the Inazuman market knowing full well that it could hurt people- even potentially kill them.” 
Lumine took a sip of her tea, nodding. 
“So, he asked me to break into their mansion along with Sayu and retrieve the documents that would clearly show their intention to make a profit despite knowing that they were going to cause harm. We broke in, got the documents and broke out. Overall, a very successful operation.” 
He paused, taking a sip of water before he continued, “But I guess Ayato wasn’t expecting me to finish his task so quickly. It was dead of night and I managed to get into the Kamisato estate but the guards weren’t allowing me inside their home cause it was past visiting hours. So, I snuck around until I found the window to their room and…well…” 
“Ooohhh~” Lumine purred, eyes wide, “You saw them having sex! You peeping tom!”
Aether remembered the sight clearly. From his location on the window, he could see them from the side, getting a fairly explicit view of the situation despite peeking through a gap in the curtains. Ayaka was on her hands and knees, completely naked as her brother, just as naked, pounded into her from behind. Her ass clapped against his hips, her tits swinging back and forth as she was fucked, a flustered expression on her face. Aether couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he could see the way Ayaka’s face would turn into a bright shade of red everytime Ayato opened his mouth, her older brother no doubt spilling out filth like it was his job. Ayato himself had a smug expression on his face, a sly smirk as he clearly enjoyed degrading and teasing his sweet sister, smacking her ass as he pounded her mercilessly.
Not one to spy on a couple (that didn’t involve his sister anyway), Aether quickly left, blood rushing to his cheeks as he decided that the reports could wait till tomorrow. 
“Was it hot?” Lumine asked, curious.
“Wh- I don’t know!” Aether said, “I didn’t keep watching! I’m not interested in anyone but you.” 
Lumine let out a coo, her heart getting warm as she moved closer to her brother, placing a sweet kiss to his cheek before sitting on his lap, Aether holding her comfortably. 
 “You’re so cute, you know that?” Lumine teased, rubbing her nose against his lovingly, Aether letting out a scoff as a response, blushing slightly as she peppered his face with kisses. 
“I just got excited cause there’s another pair of siblings just like us!” Lumine explained, “Of all our centuries of life that’s still something very rare to see. I thought I found a girlfriend I can share stories with.” 
Regardless of all the friends she has and the number of men she slept with, Lumine still desired a girlfriend who she could gossip with about her love life. Aether had plenty of guy friends to share his stories with (most of whom wanted to/have fucked her) while Lumine didn’t feel comfortable talking to any of her girl friends about her escapades. But now, since Ayaka is also in an incestuous relationship, she was excited to think she’d finally found a friend who Lumine knew wouldn’t have an ounce of judgment and could relate to her feelings and experiences. And knowing Ayaka, she would also enjoy having a friend to share her thoughts with, the woman no doubt even more secretive than Lumine is. 
“Hmmm.” Aether hummed, hugging her tightly as he snuggled his face into her chest, moaning in content as he used her tits as a pillow, “You can try talking to Ayaka if you’d like. She might be more open with you since you’re both girls.” 
“That’s a nice idea.” Lumine said with a nod, “We’re meeting the siblings tomorrow anyway, maybe I can try then.” 
“Mhmm.” Aether hummed, nuzzling into her skin as a hand came up to grope a boob, squeezing her like a toy, “Ayaka said they have something important to tell us. I bet it relates to her relationship.” 
“Let’s see.” Lumine said, sipping her tea as she allowed her brother to continue to grope her, his touch not sexual in nature but more intimate- like he just wanted his hand on her. They continued to talk as he squeezed her tits, a cute moment of domesticity among the chaos that is their life. 
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haileyywrites · 10 months
hello, how are you? ^_^ if it's okay, may i please request qiqi, klee, diona, sayu, dori, nahida and yaoyao all spending a day together with a fem!reader?
maybe with the reader being the traveler, but not being aether nor lumine, but a reader!traveler or something?
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Summary: While travelling across the vast lands of Teyvat you decide to take a break and spend some time with your little friends by inviting them into your Serenitea Pot!
Pairing: Qiqi, Klee, Diona, Sayu, Nahida and Yaoyao x Gn-reader! (Platonic!)
Warnings: Paimon is included! Written with Fem-reader in mind! Reader is referred to as "you/she/her" or "Traveler" or "Honorary Knight"! It's long! Possible grammar errors as I'm lazy and this is long! (Sorry!)
Notes: Thank you so much for the request Anon! I hope I did a good job writing this; it was really fun! I couldn't find a way to include Dori - I'm sorry Anon! Feel free to request again if you specifically want her included and I'll make it happen! Also so sorry for taking so long to finish this!! <33
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Adventuring throughout Teyvat was extremely rewarding, yet exhausting. Lately it hadn't even been that rewarding, both you and Paimon were quite tired of searching each and every corner of Teyvat only to end up empty handed despite your best efforts... It was high time you took a small break from adventuring and had a relaxing vacation in the comfort of your Serenitea Pot!
You arrived swiftly inside and were greeted with the familiar sight of your house and all the things you had placed outside to make the place more homely! Your eyes roamed through it all as a proud smile rested on your lips. Soon your attention was caught by a particular quest of yours that stood under the shade of a tree, she stood there with some finches happily chirping by her side - one of them even settled on her head! With a smile you approached Qiqi, careful to not startle her or her bird friends.
“Hello, Qiqi!” You greeted her with Paimon following your example and doing the same.
“Hello, Traveler and Paimon...” She slowly greeted back.
Only after looking up did you notice you weren't alone, as Sayu was laying on one of the braches deep in sleep without a care in the world - though you couldn't help, but worry that she would fall down! But hearing the front door to your mansion open your attention was brought elsewhere as you turned around to see Yaoyao along with Diona rushing out with their hands filled with snacks and drinks.
“Hi, Traveler!” Yaoyao greeted you with a big smile.
“I'm sure she didn't ignore you on purpose.” You poked her side playfully.
“Hey! Paimon's here too you know!” Paimon crossed her arms, clearly offended.
“Hey! Do you plan on just standing there or are you going to help? My hands are full you know!” Diona huffed.
You quickly acted and took half of the drinks from her into your own hands - even for a bartender it was too many drinks for one person to carry, you weren't sure how she managed to carry them this far by herself! Diona let out a sigh of relief when freed from half of the glasses before greeting you like the others had previously.
“So are you guys having a picnic or what?” Paimon asked curiously.
“Yes we are! We were planning to just have a snack together, but then the others asked for some too!” Yaoyao explained.
“Others?” You and Paimon asked in unison.
“Oh, they haven't returned yet.” Yaoyao started to look around for someone.
“Klee went to look for a picnic blanket and Nahida said she'd clean up the kitchen before joining us.” Diona explained.
“I should go help her clean up!” Yaoyao offered.
“It's okay, I'll go help her.” You interjected.
“Then I'll go help Klee!” She smiled.
“You really can't sit still.” Paimon joked.
The three of you entered the mansion, but split up as Yaoyao went to seek out Klee and you headed for the kitchen with Paimon. There you found a very puzzled looking Nahida as she stared at the dirty dishes and left over materials that Diona and Yaoyao didn't yet put away.
“Hi, Nahida! Need some help?” You broke her train of thought.
“Traveler! It's been a while, how have you been?” She excitedly approached you.
“Just fine! Paimon and I decided to take a vacation for a while and came to help you clean up!” You explained.
“Oh, I see... I'm sorry Traveler, I haven't washed dishes before and I didn't want to mess up.” She slumped her shoulders.
“It's okay Nahida, Paimon doesn't know how either!” Paimon proudly declared.
“Right! We're happy to help.” You pat her head gently in reassurance.
With a nod of understanding from the young Archon you asked her to take care of putting things away while you would do the dishes; Paimon opted to help out Nahida instead of helping you wash the dirty things Diona and Yaoyao had used to prepare the feast you would soon be joining.
Time flew by as you caught up with Nahida; telling her about your recent adventures, in turn you asked her how she and Sumeru were doing lately. Doing the dishes might not be your favourite chore to do, but with good company it was akin to relaxing. Soon enough the kitchen was as good as new and the three of you were able to finally join the others outside!
“Miss Honorary Knight and Paimon!” Klee shouted as she ran towards you full speed.
You were barely able to react and catch her when she jumped into your arms, tightly holding onto you. Despite her young age and small size she hugged you with incredible strength! You hugged her back while trying your best to not pass out due to lack of air getting into your lungs.
“Uh, Klee? Paimon thinks you're suffocating her!” Paimon stated in worry.
“Oh - sorry!” She giggled and relented her grip.
“It's okay. Hello to you too Klee!” You greeted her while gasping for air.
“Can we get to it already?” Diona sighed.
“Yeah! Paimon wants to eat already!” Paimon begged.
“Okay, okay! Let's start with the blanket.” You calmly put down Klee before picking up said blanket.
Klee, Yaoyao and Diona were quick to come to your aid, each of them picked a corner of the blacket and helped you spread it out evenly on the grass. Everyone helped place the drinks and food on the blacket before sitting down together to enjoy - well everyone except you.
“Sayu! Sayu come down for some snacks!” You shouted gently to not startle her or hurt Diona's sensitive ears.
The little ninja stirred awake and yawned loudly while stretching, she skilfully and quickly got down from the tree while still quite sleepy. She rolled over right next to you with her head soon falling against your arm, poor thing was still waking up and could barely hold her own head up. You didn't mind in the slightest and tried your best to stay as still as you could to not disturb her if she wanted to continue sleeping.
After eating you all decided to play some hide and seek to release all the energy the little one's got from the sugary drinks and food! Paimon opted not to join the game and istead stayed to eat any left overs she could, she truly had an abnormal appetite... Some activity like this wouldn't be bad for her at all, but you didn't wish to force her to join against her will.
You were chosen to be the first seeker while everyone else hid, you were looking forward to their hiding spots! You had designed the teapot yourself which gave you an advantage over them, but you were certain that some like Sayu would make it quite a challenge for you. Soon you reached the count of thirty and the hunt began!
You only had to turn around to see Nahida peeking at you from behind a tree not too far away... You wanted to leave her be so she wouldn't lose so quickly on the first round, but it wouldn't be fair to the others to do so. With a heavy heart you approached her and told her to come out from hiding.
“I've never played this game before.” She laughed awkwardly.
“Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do better bext time!” You encouraged her.
She nodded and ran back to the picnic blanket to wait for the game to end. Your next target wasn't even hiding as Qiqi stood on the porch right next to Tubby looking starstruck. You probably should have expected that she might get distracted or even forget about the game all together, but like before you approached her and told her to go join Nahida.
This time it took you a bit longer to find someone, though you couldn't help but chuckle when you spotted a pair of cat ears peeking ever so slightly from a bush. Diona was disappointed from not winning, but she cheered up a bit after hearing she wasn't the first one to be found.
Once again it took you some time before you were able to find Klee, she was hiding behind a large structure and thus you were unable to see her before you went behind it - which you didn't think to do before since you wanted to check the obvious spots first; just in case!
Now the only one left was unsurprisingly, Sayu. You were expecting this of course, she is a ninja after all! It felt like you were looking for her forever... You had looked everywhere twice, every stone and tree - you just couldn't find her! You were ready to give up until you heard something, the sound of soft snoring that was coming from above - from the roof!
After an arduous clim you were able to safely retrieve the sleeping Sayu and bring her down from the roof to join the others... Seeing how exhausted everyone were after eating and playing you decided to take a nap power together.
Sayu was sleeping next to you already and despite how much energy Klee had, she was able to calm down enough to crawl next to you as well. Diona was happy enough near your feet where she could have her own space and Nahida was on the other side looking the most exited about the idea of dreaming. Yaoyao and Qiqi were on your left together and Paimon was on your right, next to Sayu.
You closed your eyes as the sun began setting in the distance making everything glow warm yellow, the air was warm with a gentle and cool wind brushing over you occasionally. The soft snores didn't bother you in the slightest with how relaxed and at peace you felt... You wished moments like these would last forever.
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p0ssywhippedcream · 2 years
Omg a cute L POV where reader is part of the Yagami family and there comes the time when the cameras are put in the house . So L is surveying reader and sees her secretly smoke at night and put on music and start dancing by herself . He finds it endearing and attractive and begins to like her .
I love how you write fluff ❤️
Thank you so much, lovely! This is adorable and I really want to do it justice so I hope you like it :)
Justice can get really boring. Being the world’s greatest detective may seem like an exhilarating and rewarding job but most of the time, it’s paperwork and surveillance and more paperwork.
Right now, L was bored out of his mind. Watching Light study and giggle to himself as he wrote down math answers orwatching Sayu squeal at grown idols on the TV was not very entertaining.
The only person in the Yagami household that was relatively interesting was Y/n Yagami, but half of the time she was out with her friends. When she was at the house, it was between the late hours of 10pm and 6am, and she would be sleeping like a normal person.
Tonight was a Thursday. Usually, you would be out at your friend’s house or seeing a film but you were tired of the drama in your friend group and decided to stay home. College was exhausting anyway, and listening to Kami rant about another failed date was not something you wanted to do.
So for a few hours, you’d read some of your favorite book series, rearranged your desk, took down posters, put the same posters up again and laid down on the floor. It was obvious you were nearly as bored as L was.
At about 1:37 in the morning, you pick up your phone and text someone. At about 2:04 in the morning, you slide out your window and grab something from a car that stopped outside. At about 2:16 in the morning, you’d changed into a T-shirt and boyshorts and propped open a window.
You lit and inhaled a poorly-rolled blunt, huffing out the window with a stupid smile. You turned to your old cd player that sat next to you on the window ledge and popped in your City to City Gerry Rafferty album. You skipped a couple songs and found Right Down the Line.
You unfold your legs, rising from your seat and swaying your hips as you hum. The music fills the small, quiet room, spilling out of corners and overflowing when it hits your roof. You tap the lit blunt on the edge of your window as you go, watching the ashes fall out like snow. They drift away like forgotten memories, stars that fade into the sidewalk and street.
The song reaches your favorite part and your lungs taste the distinctive warmth again as you inhale. You exhale in the form of the lyrics, raspy at first. It’s decently loud because of how low the music is playing, they flow out like water in a stream of smoke.
L watches entranced, his heart swells with every spin on your socked toes, every inhale on a smooth hand and every jut of your shoulders and hips. Your hair spills over your body as you move, and it’s not graceful, infact it’s jerky and unstable and you might fall at any moment.
But you look ethereal. Your eyes flicker closed and open through your dance, there’s a soft smile that plays on your lips who surround the blunt that’s now died to merely a stub. You notice a moments later, when your hands travel from your thighs to your torso and feel you up aimlessly.
Flicking it out the window, you run your fingers across your body one last time and collapse on your bed. You shirt comes up to right under your chest and you stare at your ceiling longingly. L’s heart skips a beat when your eyes meet a camera and narrow. He doesn’t want to be on the receiving end of your glare, even if he knows it’s not really directed at him.
Thankfully, you shake your head and let it fall to the duvet softly. Your hair spreads out around your head like a mermaid, and your stupid grin comes back. L thinks you look stunning.
When your hips continue to gently move against your mattress, L grows a smile to match yours. You look cute like that. Really cute. And he really wouldn’t mind seeing you in person.
He discards that thought but it lingers anyway, right next to your knowing eyes that shine when they catch the glint of a camera lens.
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beneathsakurashade · 10 days
ᴋɪᴛꜱᴜɴᴇ ʏᴏᴍᴇɪʀɪ - Tɯιʂƚҽԃ Wσɳԃҽɾʅαɳԃ x Gҽɳʂԋιɳ Rҽαԃҽɾ Chapter 3
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CH 1: CH 2: CH: 4
"That "End Roll" is fading…∞"
    You had many educations over the centuries, the first at the hands of your parents, your royal tutors, your sister.  Then you studied under the Great Guuji alongside Miko, then finally at the teachers from this world.  You sigh and fix your collar as you head to your first class of today, Alchemy…It shouldn’t be that hard, I usually don’t use potions but I suppose it is fine… you think.  Continuing on walking at a brisk pace.     Soon you find yourself on Main Street, the pride of Night Raven, a large concrete pathway decorated with large statues of the Great Seven on the both sides.  You pause and stare at the magic less student as they hold a bucket filled water and a broom in their hand.  With their bakeneko walking alongside them grumbling about how he should be ‘one of those students in the fancy shmancy uniforms walkin’ to class’.  Approaching the two you ask “So the Headmage set you two on janitorial duties?” Shion nods and replies “Yeah, it’s not the greatest job in the world, but it sure beats walking the streets of an unfamiliar world all by my lonesome” they pause and continue “Besides, I enjoy cleaning, the smell of lemon calms me” they smile cheerfully. You think I’ve met humans who enjoy the work traditionally left to servants.  Even though I suppose that I too have grown used to such work, my family would most likely scoff at me in shame.  Pausing and noting the handkerchief tied over their head, keeping their bangs out of their eyes, it smells faintly of lemon mixed with lavender.  Smiling back you respond “Well, I’ll be sure to scare the rest of the boys here into keeping this place as clean as they can.  Your first day at your new job in a new world should be as easy as possible”.  Shion laughs “I thank you for that”.  They wave to you and watch as you walk away waving back. 
Passing through Main Street, you’re led to a corridor, halting your steps as you notice a sleeping boy resting on one of the benches right next to the door of the classroom. Donning the usual Night Raven uniform, the green and black band around his shoulder displays his status at Diasomnia. Truth be told, you’re jealous of him, this fair stranger with glistening silver hair that reflects the sun’s rays, and an expression so placid you could think him a statue. “I suppose I must applaud you for being able to sleep there…” you whisper and mutter “How odd…” unsure of whether to awaken this student or let him rest. He reminds you of someone from Inazuma, a young ninja girl by the name of Sayu. You learned of her from Yae’s letters to you. Sayu said that sleep was the best way to grow taller, she always wanted to be taller, so perhaps she could take some advice from this stranger… Sayu too often fell victim to bouts of sleep at the most random of times, perhaps she and this boy had a similar condition. The student blinks his eyes open and stares at you, “Oh…did I fall asleep again?” He sighs softly and you shrug. “I suppose so, I simply saw you sleeping here” The student nods at your reply and holds out his hand “I must be heading to class now, but I appreciate you waking me up…I’m Silver by the way”. You shake his extended hand and introduce yourself, “I am Y/N L/N, Heartslabyul first year”. You watch as he stands up and walks away to his own classes talking to himself about how he’s hopefully not late to class.   
Soon you find yourself on Main Street, the pride of Night Raven, a large concrete pathway decorated with large statues of the Great Seven on the both sides.  You pause and stare at the magic less student as they hold a bucket filled with cleaning supplies and a broom in their hand.  With their bakeneko walking alongside them grumbling about how he should be ‘one of those students in the fancy shmancy uniforms walkin’ to class’.  Approaching the two you asktwo you ask “So the Headmage set you two on janitorial duties?” Shion nods and replies “Yeah, it’s not the greatest job in the world, but it sure beats walking the streets of an unfamiliar world all by my lonesome” they pause and continue “Besides, I enjoy cleaning, the smell of lemon calms me” they smile cheerfully. You think I don’t think I’ve met a human who enjoys the work traditionally left to servants, but to each their own, though I suppose that I too have grown used to such work. Pausing and noting the handkerchief tied over their head, keeping their bangs out of their eyes.  It smells faintly of lemon and lavender.  You smile back “Well, I’ll be sure to scare the rest of the boys here into keeping this place as clean as they can.  Your first day at your new job in a new world should be as easy as possible, but not so much that you become too comfortable!”.  Shion laughs “I thank you for that”. They wave to you and watch as you walk away waving back.
Passing through Main Street, you’re led to a corridor, halting your steps as you notice a sleeping boy resting on one of the benches right next to the door of the classroom.  Donning the usual Night Raven uniform, the green and black band around his shoulder displays his status at Diasomnia.  Truth be told, you’re jealous of him, this fair stranger with glistening silver hair that reflects the sun’s rays, and an expression so placid you could think him a statue.  “I suppose I must applaud you for being able to sleep there…” you whisper and mutter “How odd…” unsure of whether to awaken this student or let him rest. He reminds you of someone from Inazuma, a young ninja girl by the name of Sayu. You learned of her from Yae’s letters to you. Sayu said that sleep was the best way to grow taller, she always wanted to be taller, so perhaps she could take some advice from this stranger… Sayu too often fell victim to bouts of sleep at the most random of times, perhaps she and this boy had a similar condition. The student blinks his eyes open and stares at you, “Oh…did I fall asleep again?” He sighs softly and you shrug. “I suppose so, I simply saw you sleeping here” The student nods at your reply and holds out his hand “I must be heading to class now, but I appreciate you waking me up…I’m Silver by the way”. You shake his extended hand and introduce yourself, “I am Y/N L/N, Heartslabyul first year”. You watch as he stands up and walks away to his own classes talking to himself about how he’s hopefully not late to class.
Shion Yuukuro POV
    I watched as Y/N left to his classes.  I’m glad that he didn’t notice my obvious lack of sleep, ughh I shudder at the memories of my first night in this new world.  After I got dumped into that abandoned dorm, straight from a horror novel, I found out that I was indeed not alone.  Noooo, because I can’t have anything nice in this place.  There are ghosts in that dorm, albeit Disney level of scary, but still terrifying when you’re cold, nervous and damn tired.  I did not sign up to be chased at 3 am by ghosts that my cousin could draw.  Grim and I worked together using the power of friendship to make ghosts stop bothering us for whatever was left of the morning hours, (aka using Grim as a flamethrower and attempting to not burn down that place).  Thankfully I found a decent bed that definitely beat the musty couch in the living room.  Oh but I couldn’t sleep because every internet horror story that I stumbled upon as a child with unfiltered internet access came back to haunt me in the form of replaying in my mind.  That and I was legit terrified of bugs crawling over me while I slept… I still have no idea how or why Crowley thought that dorm would be safe for anyone, I’m pretty sure that even the sickest Victorian child wouldn’t step foot in that place.  They’d probably rather have the consumption take hold, because I know that place does not meet safety guidelines.  Crowley showed up outta nowhere in the morning and told Grim and I that since he was letting us live here for free and he wouldn't charge us rent that we would be cleaning the campus.  More specifically the front gates to the library.  He did say that we could eat food in the cafeteria though, so hopefully this fancy school has good food.
Enough about reliving that experience.  I think back to the present and look around, “Wait…why do these statues look familiar?” I blank and realize that this school has statues of Disney villains like they’re historical figures or something.  Grim’s blue eyes brighten up as he stares at the statues “Wow, Main Street is incredible! I didn’t get ta’ see it much yesterday.  What’s the deal with all these statues?” I shrug “Dunno, your guess is as good as mine”.  “This lady here seems like she’s got some reeeal anger management issues” Grim adds “No duh my guy, you’re staring at the Queen of Hearts”.   An unfamiliar students voices up behind you two “You don’t know the Queen of Hearts?” He smiles “I literally just said who the statue was.  Do you have selective hearing bro?” I say flatly.  Grim stares more confused “Is she a big deal?” As the student explains more about the queen from a movie that my Disney obsessed friend forced me to watch many many times as a child.  I ignore his yapping session to instead remember his features.  Average height, orangeish-red hair, fair skin, and for some reason, ruby-red eyes.  With a red heart painted over his left eye.  Wearing the Night Raven uniform with a red and black band around his left arm, showing him being at Heartslabyul.
After he finishes explaining to a fire breathing cat about a queen who lived in a garden of roses, prized order of all, and would take personal offense to a single off-colored rose. “None of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? ‘Cause the punishment for rule breaking was immediate decapitation!” He finishes his tale “Wah! That’s seriously messed up!” Grim remarks nervously. The student smirks “Pretty cool, right? I’m a big fan. I mean, who would bother with obeyin’ a queen who was nothing but nice all the time?” I deadpan “Riiight, because a tyrant has never caused a revolution. Can’t imagine wanting a ruler who wouldn’t kill my whole family for forgetting to wear pink on Wednesdays”. Grim nods in approval of Ace’s words and ignores my remarks “True. A leader needs to be strong! But puttin’ that aside…who’re you?” “Name’s Ace. First year, pleased to meetcha!” Grim extends a grey paw “I’m Grim! A prodigy who’s plannin’ on being like the greatest mage ever. Over there -he motions to me- is my super boring hench-human” I scoff “I never agreed to that! My name is Shion Yuukuro, first year uh…janitor. Nice to meet you, Ace”. Ace nods “Gotcha, Shion. It’s got an odd ring to it” I almost wince as he tests out pronouncing my name. Grim continues asking about the rest of the Disney vi-I mean the Great Seven, next on the explanation list is Scar. Or as Grim put him, ‘the lion witha scar in his eye’. Ace explains how great he was for earning his throne and declaring hyenas equal subjects, completely ignoring the whole killing his brother thing. Then he talks about ‘the lady with the octopus legs’ the great Sea Witch, aka Ursula, and how she devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk with whatever. After her was the ‘dude with the big hat’, Jafar the Sorcerer of the Sands, the sultan’s capable and smart advisor. Who exposed the thief pretending to be a prince to deceive the princess, man did Aladdin dirty. Ace explains the story of the ‘beauty over here’ the Evil Queen, who was famed to be the fairest in the land, who’d do anything to keep that title. He didn’t add that also meant wanting to kill her stepdaughter because the Mirror said ‘Snow White’ was fairer than her. It was by then that I noticed a pattern, Ace was only explaining the ‘good’ parts of the villains, and ignoring all the rest.
Ace finishes off his explanations by talking about the King of the Underworld, Hades, who single-handedly ruled a kingdom of spirits. Working a job that he never asked for. The last statue he covered was probably the most famous villain of all Disney, the ‘one with the horns’, the Thorn Fairy, Maleficent. Who cursed a baby to sleep forever once she reached 16, noble she commanded storms, and could turn herself into a dragon. Though the Thorn Fairy is a sick nickname imo. Grim turns excited “A dragon! What all monsters yearn to be!” Ace responds “Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel…”. The cat gasps in confusion while Ace laughs like he just told the greatest joke known to man. “I can’t hold it back anymore! C’mon, you’re the two who turned the orientation into a fiasco, right? The rando who was summoned by the Dark Mirror who can’t use any magic, and the monster whom no one summoned at all! Took me everything to not burst into laughter on the spot!”
Ok, now I know that bro wants to get beat I think while Grim pouts “H-hey! You don’t gotta be a jerk!” And Ace ignores him and continues “In the end, neither of ya got admitted, now you’re just a couple of janitors.  That’s the definition of lame!” I interject “What makes you so great then Ace?” He smiles “well for one, I know all about the Great Seven.  Unlike some people here! Maybe try takin’ a second crack at kindergarten before trying to get into the academy”.  Grim growls and I put down my bucket “Don’t beat up the annoying ginger Shion, don’t beat up the annoying ginger…” I mutter.  “I thought I’d tease you a bit, I’m glad I did.  It’s been a blast! Unlike you two, I actually have classes to attend, enjoy picking up trash”.  Ace sighs and starts walking away before Grim yells at him “Myuh-uh! You ain’t walkin’ away from this just like that!” He spews a fireball at Ace while his target swiftly dodges, “What’s your prob dude?!” I sigh “Are you serious? You just insulted us to our faces and expect us not to get mad? Oooh you do not know me” Ace whips around “Oh so you two wanna thrown down? Let’s throw down then!” Grim takes the challenge and starts throwing fire at Ace.  “Your aim sucks!” He cries and I roll up my sleeves “But mine doesn’t!” I shout back and douse him with water from my bucket “Don’t mess with the janitors, especially me as a janitor, I will dump crap filled water over your head”.     The three of us fight back and forth, Grim throwing fire at Ace and him deflecting it with his wind magic, and myself beating him with my broom.  Until something happens and uh…a statue gets involved and so does Crowley…yea we’re cooked.    
Kitsune Hime POV
     You enter the classroom a few minutes before class starts and take your seat next to that lavender-haired boy who’s name you learned from the Ceremony was Epel Felmier.  Your eyes move down to the red and purple band with the icon of Pomefiore attached around his arm, “It appears to me Felmier, that you were sent to perish in the so called dorm for sissies you were so adamant about not being in”.  He pouts and whispers back “Ya’ think I wanna be ‘ere? Nah, but I guess that ol’ mirrors broken, must’ve gotten too much dust in it’s eyes ta’ see that I’m supposed ‘ta be in Savanaclaw.  Pomefiore ain’t manly at ‘all. -He pauses- I mean that I don’t want to be in Pomefiore, I’m much more fit for Savanaclaw” You smile back “Poor thing, I’ll be sure to attend your masculinity’s funeral.  Oh and I don’t mind your dialect, do continue.  It’s been a long while since I’ve heard the words of one born in the countrysides.  Usually, my mother would punish me severely for conversing with a mere commoner, but she isn’t here so”.  Epel whispers “Whaddya’ mean a ‘commoner’? I ain’t no commoner, are ya’ sum sorta celebrity like mah Housewarden?” You shrug “I was once, back home, but something happened and my family and I fell from grace.  I suppose that I haven’t introduced myself though, my name is Y/N L/N”.  He nods “Yea, I guess that y’know me from Orientation.  Nice to meetcha Y/N”.    
Epel smiles remembering you mentioning being fine with his accent. “Do ya’ really mean that? Whatcha’ said ‘bout mah accent?” You nod in response “It’s rather charming, dearest Felmier” You sigh “Alas, we’re in the same boat, I was sorted into Heartslabyul when I desired to be in Diasomnia” he nods “Well do ya’ wanna throw stones in the lake with me?” You stare confused at his question and open your mouth to answer but your alchemy professor announces that class is starting. “My name is Divus Crewel. For your first day this will be mostly a team project, you pups will separate into groups of two and hopefully both of you will come back to your seats intact. Though don’t come crying to me if you and your friend are too busy wasting time rather than actually participating in class.” You notice Crewel's attire, he wears a (hopefully) faux fur coat of black and white, with striking red gloves. Smokey makeup and two toned hair, one side white and the other black. You shudder slightly at the thought of your professor wearing an actually animal’s fur as a coat. As the professor hands out worksheets to fill, you turn to face Epel and suggest “Do you wish to partner with me for this class Felmier?” He shrugs back and nods “Sure, I ain’t got ‘nobody else ‘round me”. You both rise from your seats and start scanning the shelves for the required ingredients. Grabbing the small vial labeled Lobelia seeds, which was thankfully close to the second ingredient on your list, Starflower petals, stored in a round glass vial. Though you two would need to look for Lisianthus and a toxic plant known as Midnight Mystic. Epel and you finished your potion right before class ended.
After Alchemy, your next class is to be History.  Led/ by an elder man dressed in red robes carrying in his arms a fluffly grey cat.  He waits for you all to take your seats before announcing “Hello students, welcome to History of Magic.  My name is Mozus Trein, and my cat is Lucius.  Unfortunately, we are missing a student, due to unforeseen circumstances”.  He pauses and watches as some students raise their hands to ask “I recently learned of this, but one of the freshman has caused a ruckus on Main Street, measures will be taken to ensure that the instigating party will be punished accordingly.  No more questions please”.  The class groans in boredom, but stays silent.  The class covers the very beginning of magic in Twisted Wonderland’s history.  Fascinating, but you enjoyed the history of Teyvat more, also you were too busy paying attending to what Lucius did.  Then came P.E which is right before lunch in your schedule.  The P.E teacher is an overly enthusiastic and muscular man named Ashton Vargas.  I forgot about the physical part of education… you sigh and run laps like you were instructed to.  After running laps you had to practice flying, flying was something that you were averse to, due to your mother projecting her fear of heights onto you as a child.  Apparently heights had something to do with an accident during your grandparents reign, though you never learned what said accident was… Nonetheless, you completed your assignments well, in your opinion, unlike Ashengrotto who was inches away from the floor the entire time.  It was quite amusing to see him struggle, even his Vice Housewarden Jade Leech couldn’t contain his amusement.
Once P.E ended, you, like the other students rushed to the cafeteria for lunch. You decided on a random sandwich, with a side of tapioca pudding, and sparkling water. Taking a seat at an empty table in the corner of the cafeteria, you enjoy your meal while scrolling through Magical on your phone. Looking away from your screen to face a student with fluffy dirty blonde hair and grey blue eyes. Though instead of regular ears he has brown hyena ears atop his head. “Hey, are any of these seats taken?” Comes the question “No, go ahead” you respond and continue scrolling. He sits down across from you, and eats his own lunch quietly, “You’re from Savanaclaw correct?” You attempt to converse, to which he nods. "Name's Ruggie Bucchi, don't tell Leona that I'm hiding from him" You shrug "I don't spill secrets, those who spill secrets are poisoned by their contents" you introduce yourself after your remark. The two of you sit opposite together in silence, but you notice him eyeing your dessert. So you scoot it to his side of the table, “Take it, you’ve practically finished it in your imagination…” you sigh. Ruggie grabs it eagerly and mutters a 'thank you'. You share numbers with each other and take your separate ways, off to finish the rest of your classes.
┏━━━゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚━━━┓ Fun Facts
Y/N’s excuse (if she has a traditionally feminine name) is that her parents picked out her name, and she hasn’t bothered to change it.
Y/N only calls certain students by their first names, everyone else she refers to as their last names
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calqlate · 1 year
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aether: my mom said she adopted me from under a bridge
albedo, regarding cyrus' speech: i learned a lot about the adventurers' guild and you were very kind to me. thank you so much. today's talk was really boring.
al-haitham: your mouth... delete
amber, trying to speak snezhnayan to collei for the first time: why sad? give up!
arataki itto, to kuki shinobu: i am a king! you are a... woman king!
baizhu: drink water, not alcohol
barbara, to rosaria: when you struggle to answer a question, remember barbatos is always the answer
beidou: i like girls... generation
bennett: i can't ever get married because i'm scared of having a son like me
candace: in my village, we kiss instead of shaking hands
childe: stay still, before i stab you with my tailbone
chongyun, playing the game about penguins on ice: sad, it's a sad game. it makes me think of global warming.
collei: i like the school gate the most. it feels so nice when i leave school.
cyno: i feel like, the possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just another possibility that could possibly happen
dehya: i should microwave these strawberries
diluc: drive sober or get a bus pass
diona: can i hit master diluc with this? [raises spoon]
dottore: if you play a trick again, i'm going to destroy your hands
eula: water from the knights' headquarters tastes like water
faruzan: i'm a scholar, it's not my job to act cute
fischl: you ugly things
ganyu: this is a little different from the hell i know
gorou: if someone bullies you, tell me and i'll take a shit in front of their house
hu tao: all aboard the trip to hell bus!
jean: people might not know that we are knights at first glance, but yes, we are knights
kaedehara kazuha, to someone (probably) before he fled from inazuma during the vision hunt decree: if anyone asks about me, tell them that i'm dead
kaeya, about the knights: we have amazing teamwork, we can even kiss each other
kamisato ayaka: that's outside of my abilities... good luck!
kamisato ayato: maybe you should eat make-up so you can be pretty on the inside too
kaveh: you know what else is big? my feet!
keqing, being asked to speak english: a b c d e d g...
kirara: unfortunately, in the morning, i couldn't say goodbye to my goose friend. i took a walk but it was too far away. i need to make a new [animal] friend in fontaine.
klee: thank you, god of wind!
kujou sara, to arataki itto: your behaviour is so... ugh
kuki shinobu, responding to the question "when are the arataki gang going to be on any shows?": our life is already an entertainment show
la signora: here, this is poison. die.
lisa: tomorrow exists so you can put off what you can do today
lumine, to zhongli about azhdaha: your dragon speaks teyvatian?
mika: if you can't be the best, be the worst
mona: i want to fall in love but i want to make money
nahida, reading the lyrics to bruno mars' versace on the floor: it seems romantic though?
nilou: everyone except for those who are driving, put your hands up!
ningguang: beidou's birthday present... i was planning on giving her a big slap on her face
noelle: [sniffs the air] it smells like a nose!
pantalone: it's not my phone. go ahead and lick your screen.
qiqi: are there any cats in liyue? ...yeah, there are cats in liyue.
raiden (ei): the fridge is my wife
raiden (shougun): my blood type is AB. that blood type is common among psychopaths.
razor: and i said, "bennett, you look sexy like a worm"
rosaria: my favourite colour is barbatos
sangonomiya kokomi: puppies are agents of capitalism, too. they only go after treats.
sayu: all i care about is sleeping
scaramouche: they all look like fools though
shenhe: that looks like it came from hell
shikanoin heizou: do what you want, do what you love. and if your love is me, well—
sucrose: he's not dead, right?
thoma: taromarou is so cute, you could die. really.
tighnari: there's nothing wrong with being a little dumb
venti: so, green grapes are green?
xiangling: the higher the calories, the better
xingqiu: we might get into trouble, but honestly, i don't kinda care
xinyan, responding to the question "how is it like being in the forest?": it was an honour meeting so many bugs
yelan: choose your words wisely
yae miko: my body is so hot, 'cause i'm so hot!
yanfei: kidney function is not a right, it's a privilege
yaoyao, talking about rudolph the red-nosed reindeer: maybe it was not a round nose at first, but it's swollen because santa hit it
yoimiya: this is my friend that we use a lot. say hello to the trampoline.
yunjin: being an otaku is not a sin!
zhongli, talking about his relationship with childe: we say we are brothers but what binds us is a legal contract
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Yelan: (yawns) Finally, I can get some shut-eye-
Sayu: (bundled in blankets and covers, snoring)
Yelan: (lifts the bundle, moves it to the side of the mattress, then proceeds to collapse)
Sayu: (asleep)
Ayato: (working on papers) Is it just me, or is one of my boba sleeves heavier than usual? (pulls Sayu out)
Sayu: (still dead asleep)
Ayato: (sets her down onto a pillow)
Diluc: Why is my vase snoring?
Sayu: (asleep in the vase)
Diluc: Adelinde, please prepare a spare room. (sighs as he walks over and gently pulls Sayu out) That is going to be terrible for her neck and back later . . .
Cloud Retainer: One must ask of you this question: When did you acquire a child?
Shenhe: (simply) Sayu was tired.
Sayu: (asleep in her arms)
In my opinion, Sayu is underrated and very relatable as she was essentially abandoned by her mentor figure and used sleeping to cope with the loss and emptiness it left behind.
I just think that Sayu deserves to have people who will look after her and make her feel safe, maybe to the point where they could slowly start coaxing her out of her excessive sleep.
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I'll be honest I built Sayu originally just because all my favorite characters had reached max friendship. So I started building a character I neglected. And, honestly I ended up really liking her. Specially after the Itadori Festival.
I think she's one of the few who gets to see Ayato's softer side. As he has a lot of respect for how she's so good at her job. But she's good so she can sleep more. He finds it a little endearing So he is happy to let her be.
Of course, Diluc has a big soft spot for kids, so he more than happily treats her well and adds her to his collection of Children he mentors but is defiantly not a paternal figure.
Shenhe is a face-value person, so She sees Ayato and DIluc caring for a tired kid. She just accepts it. The kid needs sleep, and she doesn't mind holding the kid while she naps.
Yelan, like Ayato really respects Sayu's work. But Yelan also has a lot of sympathy cause... She's a kid. and Their line of work can be very demanding. So She make sure to take naps with Sayu herself.
The whole brigade is very good with Sayu (who is like a sort of unofficial member just because she does work for Ayato) and defiantly would let her join in on their group naps.
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m0onbunnie · 1 year
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finally finished those concepts! hope one day i can make actual refs
very important to say that Haru, Reika, Zack, Horns and Sayu are my friends ocs that she gave me permission to redesign!
now let me ramble about them
Haru is Hazel's cousin that moved from the Mu state to Beta (the state where Sf story takes place in), she's a honey nymph that is now in music collage because she dreams of becoming a profissional violinist, to earn an extra money, she's a stripper during the night at the same bar that Amai and Ernest work. Pretty close to her cousin, is Umi's bestie and has a crush on Zack :3
Reika is a little cute ferret who loves snow, she has a "little ice"(basically an alive snowman) named Olaf and they have been together since an infamous night that lead her to the caffeine family. She's an adorable baby who spends most of her time with Cream, playing with Olaf or being very clingy to her dad.
Rubi (or Ruby) is Reika's Classmate from the kindergarden, she's a very popular girl there because of her looks, she's also Reika's crush... and she still needs to be more developed
Zack works at the hospital, specifically on the pharmaceutical sector of the hospital, which most people there don't know whats actually happening in below levels. in general, he has a interest in animals
Judith is a fallen angel that born as a normal angel, but decided to get away from heaven due to some... problems, with the other princess, now she's living her best life in rose sapphire with her boyfriend and friends
Horns is the prince of the capital of sloth, he decided to get away from hell with his little brother because their dad is not the best person to take care of children. He's good friends with Amai and Marmelade, is Judith's boyfriend and likes to sleep
Samuel is the fucking Tasmanian Devil from loony tunes, ultra hyperactive with little pacience, with his sharp teeth, he can be a very VERY dangerous... but he gets calm by music and "cute stuff"
Sayuri is a ferret who lives near the PRISMS house, they're looking for a job so if anyone wants to employ them pleas- anyways, they're good friends with Clementine and Hideki and ALSO NEEDS TO BE DEVELOPED BRAIN PLEASE WORK
thats it!
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unknown-lifeform · 2 years
So I’ve been thinking about Genshin Impact and Visions and basically I present you, my theories on what qualities people need to be given Visions of a certain element. Now some characters will fit better into any theory than others, I definitely may be wrong about a bunch of things, but this is my best guess. Feel free to let me know if you have any thoughts!
Disclaimer that I don’t have any Dendro theory yet due to low sample size and the fact half of the current Dendro characters are shady as fuck
Anemo: Anemo is the element of freedom, and in a sense freedom does play a role in my theory, but it’s not just freedom. Rather, people with Anemo Visions are all people who go through their lives or jobs in the way they personally want, without abiding to external opinions too much, just setting their own personal way to live. This can mean doing their work in a very specific way, ignoring other people’s rules, or just being peculiar in general.
Jean seems arguably one of the least free characters in the game, being a workaholic and all, but her character stories show that she has very firm opinions on how to do her job and won’t compromise on that. Sucrose basically lives for her experiments alone and pursues them even if anyone else would see no need to follow whatever whim she has.
Xiao is dead set on protecting Liyue the way he thinks is best, and after the Chasm storylines we know he was different from the other Yakshas in that he was the only one who couldn’t imagine having a normal life.
Kazuha left everything behind to roam and live his life how he pleases. Sayu is the only ninja left of her specific training, and she constantly runs from the shrine maidens to be able to sleep and grow taller. Heizou’s entire deal is being a weirdo
Cryo: in short, Cryo would be the element of loss. There isn’t much more to say about it. Basically all Cryo characters feature loss in their backstory in some form
Examples: Kaeya’s backstory is full of questions, but even admitting he doesn’t feel abandoned by his biological father he did lose his foster father and also whatever relationship he had with Diluc. Rosaria’s parents were murdered when she was a child. Eula’s family is alive, but she effectively lost them when she joined the Knights of Favonious. Diona has the least amount of loss, in a sense, but her motivations also stem from her losing the trust she had for her father seeing how he gets when he’s drunk.
Shenhe was turned into a child sacrifice by her own father. Chongyun’s pure yang energy means he can never achieve his goal to be an exorcist in the traditional manner, and also has to deprive himself of a lot of things to cool himself down. Ganyu’s story doesn’t talk of loss specifically, but she is an immortal being surrounded by mortal humans, and she does feel very out of place around humans, so loss has to be a constant in her life. Qiqi lost her life, in every sense of the word, because she can’t even remember her old life
Ayaka was strongly influenced by the loss of her parents and her character story revolves around trying to reconnect with her mother.
Electro: Electro is all about duplicity, starting with the Ei/Makoto and Ei/Shogun pairs. All Electro characters are people who have contradicting personality traits, conflicting beliefs, or have to bridge different and apparently opposite sides of their story and heritage.
Lisa is both apparently lazy and laid back, and also scaringly efficient. Fischl, as highlighted in the recent Golden Apple Arcipelago event, has had to reconcile her fantasies of being Prinzessin Fischl with her real life. Razor is a boy who was raised by wolves and doesn’t quite fit as either.
Keqing’s job involves - well, involved - working in relatively close contact with Rex Lapis, yet she was the biggest skeptic of his work, and her skepticism extends to Visions themselves, I mean she even tried to destroy her own Vision. Beidou is apparently a very friendly and approachable person, but she does have a more closed off side, and is even the only character who starts their own hangout event without the maximum amount of hearts.
Miko presents an aloof, mysterious persona to everyone, but she is actually mischievous and petty, and never shows anyone all the cards she has. Shinobu works for the Arataki Gang despite being the most qualified person in all of Inazuma. Sara is a tengu who was raised by humans, and has to deal with what that means to her.
Geo: Geo is the element that has the most solid theory behind it. Basically, Geo is the element of people who will continue fighting for whatever goal they have no matter the cost. This doesn’t mean that they necessarily have to be successful, or even just good at what they do, just that they will never give up their own goals.
Noelle has repeated the exam to become a Knight of Favonious multiple times, and she is determined to make it despite all the failures. Albedo will research anything and everything without breaks.
Ningguang was a poor woman who climbed all the way to the rank of Tianquan, and didn’t hesitate to destroy her own Jade Chamber when it was necessary. Yun Jin worked incredibly hard to get to her position, and she will regularly sneak around her troupe’s wishes to do what she prefers.
Gorou was the general of an army that would have undoubtedly lost the war on the long run, and yet he always stayed firm. Itto doesn’t exactly vibe as a self disciplined man, but stubborness is one of his defining traits, and he absolutely determined to one day win a damn Onikabuto battle.
Hydro: while I do see a pattern with Hydro, it’s hard to put into words exactly what I see. Hydro characters in general are authority figures within their own fields or organizations, but they are also often in some way second place, second best, or otherwise not as influential as one might expect. However, they also don’t seem usually pained by their own position. I’m not exactly sure what quality this would be, but the pattern is there.
Barbara is the Deaconess of the Church of Barbatos, and also an idol, but she spent most of her early life feeling second place to Jean. Mona is an incredibly talent astrologist, but also poor and underappreciated.
Yelan is an incredibly powerful and skilled woman, but she is also happy with working in the shadows, avoiding drawing too much attention to herself. Xingqiu is the second son to the Feyun Commerce Guild, and hates that his older brother isn’t all that competent, because he doesn’t want to be forced to be the one doing all the work.
Ayato did bring the Kamisato Clan back to its glory after taking control of it, but he’s also a man who doesn’t like to make public appearances and do his job behind the shadows. Kokomi is the head priestess of a dead god.
Childe is one of the Fatui Harbingers, but he’s also very low rank within the Harbingers themselves.
Pyro: Pyro characters seem to be people who are very loyal to a goal or an organization and will pursue it at all costs. They can be personally ambitious, but overall they are more concerned with the success of what they are interested in than in personal recognition, and are generally selfless in nature.
Diluc wants to protect Monstadt at all costs, and does so while presenting himself as just some mysterious vigilante. Amber is also very loyal to Monstadt, and very invested in restoring the good name of the Outriders. Bennet feels strong loyalty towards the Adventurer’s Guild, due to how he was brought up by them. Klee’s motives are child-like in nature, but she ultimately just wants to be like her mom and make her proud, which is a reasonable meaning of loyalty for a child.
Hu Tao’s whole family has been in the funeral business for generations, and she is extremely devoted to the business and to ensuring all souls can rest in peace. Xiangling is very determined to make anything not actively deadly into a good meal. Xinyan wants to spread rock and roll, not for her own sake but more for the sake of the music itself. Yanfei is the most steadfast upholder of the law there is.
Yoimiya wants to make everyone happy with her fireworks. Thoma’s entire life is dedicated to serving the Kamisatos.
And while it’s hard to draw conclusions on most Sumeru characters yet, Dehya also seems to follow this pattern of firm loyalty towards her employers.
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sayu-official · 7 months
please answer, very important
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teuffels · 1 year
Get to know me
thanks for the tag @reeeeko​ !!
nickname: han / sve
age: 25+
height: over 5ft
sign: aries
last google search: “sayu er requirement”
last song stuck in my brain: golden hour serafina cover
sleep: 6hrs
dream job: a bum
wearing: cable-knit sweater and sweatpants, the ultimate comfort
fav band/group: bts
aesthetic: cozy with embroidery
fav color: teal
fav author: writingerror (fanfic)
last song:  スーサイドパレヱド -  ユリイ・カノン
last series: witch hat atelier
random: i have a huge papercut on my pointer finger and idk how i got it
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aotaku12 · 2 years
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝚩𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐤𝐲
✧ Summary | Two girls meet up to go to the festival only for their fate to take a turn for the worse.
✧ Warning | Major Character Death (via Firework Accident, Drowning, Fire Accident, Shooting)
✧ Additional Tags/Notes | Modern!AU (No Vision), KagePro!AU, Possible OOC, Time loop
✧ Inspiration | Kagerou Daze by Jin
✧ Word Count | 2k+
✧ Author’s Notes | I made a Kagerou×Genshin AU where Genshin Characters are taking place of the Mekakushi Dan. This is not the first chapter but more of a one-shot related to it. This is my first time writing Sayu and Yoimiya so hopefully they're not too OOC....
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A little girl yawns as she walks her way home from her part-time job. Despite being the same age as her peers, Sayu has the appearance of a child thus making it difficult for her to live on her own ever since her Sensei left.
She doesn't know why, but she keeps convincing herself that Sensei is training or learning new techniques as one of the last ninja remaining in modern times and that they'll come back to teach her more.
Of course, that was only wishful thinking...they haven't come back in so long, and didn't even leave with a message. The last thing Sayu has from them, are the teachings he gave and a customized hoodie based on a Mujina, designed in her favorite colors. Even though she was still a novice with her ninjutsu skills, she keeps those lessons to heart.
She always wore it all the time...unfortunately, it was very hot today despite the time being in the late afternoon, the sun setting for night to come.
"Ugh why is it so hot...???" Sayu groaned. She was quite known to seem down all the time, and the heat was just making her seem even more in a sour mood.
"Ah! Hey, little Tanuki!" A familiar, cheerful voice calls out to her. A girl with a messy ponytail, a crop-top, denim shorts and a orange cardigan, an outfit very fitting for the summer heat, runs over to her. The sounds of her sandals clacking with every step.
"I'm not a Tanuki, I'm Sayu." Sayu pouts. Yoimiya ignores her, "Do you wanna hang out at the festival today? The fireworks show is gonna start soon so I would really love it if you would join me!"
Sayu lets out a tired sigh, "Firstly, I don't wanna go to the festival. Its so hot today and the festival area's gonna be crowded. Secondly, I just came back from my part-time job. I wanna go home and sleep. Thirdly, you're gonna ask me to do a ninjutsu trick during the show...again. I'm still learning and I'm not that good at it yet."
"Oh come on, please! I promise I won't ask you to do ninjutsu, but could you at least come with me to watch the fireworks?" Yoimiya pleads. "I can just watch it from my apartment" Sayu mutters. "But seeing fireworks up-close is different from that! You've been declining my invites all the time...you'll never know when we can see the fireworks together." Yoimiya stated. Sayu thinks for a bit and ultimately decides to give up on arguing, "Okay, I guess I'll go."
Yoimiya claps her hands in excitement, letting out a squeal before grabbing Sayu's hand and running off to the festival.
The warm yellow-orange lights from the paper lanterns would've made Sayu fall asleep, if it wasn't from the chatter from other visitors and the kids running around playing. Currently, they were looking for a spot where they can watch the fireworks in a clear view.
"Huh, looks like that spot's pretty crowded." Yoimiya says, making Sayu turn her head over to the area out of curiosity. "Don't worry, I know all the best spots to see the fireworks. They don't call me the Queen of Summer Festivals for nothing!" Yoimiya says with a smile.
The two walk around a bit more, Sayu being dragged along by the strawberry-blonde girl. Yoimiya suddenly stops in her tracks, making the little girl bump into her. "Ow..." She mutters, rubbing her forehead before turning to look at what Yoimiya was staring at.
It was a lit sparkler next to the box of fireworks that was supposed to be used for the show. "Yoimiya I think we should leave—" "I'm just gonna pick this up and throw it into the river."
Sayu had a bad feeling about this.... "Yoimiya, wait—!" But it was too late...the sparklers lit the fireworks.
And as if time froze or slowed down itself, the deafening sounds of fireworks popping along with a muffled scream that came out of her mouth, the two of them were swallowed by a snake that would only let them relive this tragedy time and time again.
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Letting out a tired yawn, Sayu realizes she must've slept while she was walking. 'I should've been more careful...' She thought as she looks up to the sky, using her hand to shield her eyes from the setting sun.
Goldfish swim across the sea of orange, now turning into a sea of stars. "What a pretty sight..." She says in awe. "Hey, little Tanuki!!!" A familiar voice calls out to her. "I'm not a tanuki, I'm Sayu!" She says as she puffs her cheeks.
Yoimiya lets out a giggle, "I know. Hey, wanna go to the Festival with me?" she asks. "Eh...? But I'm on my way home to sleep." Sayu said. "C'mon, please!!!" Yoimiya pleaded, clasping her hands together in desperation. "Mngh...okay, just this once." Sayu mutters. "Yay!! Let's go catch some goldfish and watch the fireworks okay?"
When they arrived, it seemed that almost no one was around. Sayu lets out a relieved sigh, "I'm glad there's less people here...it's so hot."
"Mmm yeah, but wouldn't that mean that only we would see the fireworks? Not that I would mind..." Yoimiya mutters the last part. Sayu looked around, before pointing to the goldfish scooping stand. "Ah perfect! Let's see how many we can catch!" Yoimiya exclaims.
The two spent their time enjoying the festival until night came, Sayu was unlucky and couldn't catch any goldfish while Yoimiya managed to catch two. One for herself and one for one of the kids she babysat. "Why don't we watch the fireworks by the riverbank? The view's pretty nice, plus we can look at the entire festival while watching!" Yoimiya exclaimed. "Mkay." Sayu gave a curt nod.
When they found a good spot, the both took off their shoes so that they can let their feet hang off the concrete ledge without worry. Sayu takes a sip of her juice, waiting for the fireworks to start. "You can rest your head on my shoulder if you want to. I don't mind." Yoimiya says with a smile. Sayu immediately plops her head onto her shoulder.
She was about to close her eyes and take a nap until suddenly, the boom of the fireworks startled her. "Look, Sayu! The fireworks are starting! Ah-!" As Yoimiya points to the sky the string of her goldfish bag broke off and fell into the water. "Oh no...I'm gonna try and catch one of them real quick. It would be a waste if I couldn't at least bring one to Iwao..."
"Ah wait...!" Before Sayu could process what just happened, Yoimiya was already in the water. Worry and Panic filled Sayu's face when she looked around and found a sign that says no swimming. "Yoimiya wait!!!" Sayu discards her drink off to the side and canonballs into the water.
It was deeper than she thought....way too deep for her short stature. She opens her eyes and tries her best to look around in the murky water, there she finds her friend's foot tied to a seaweed, not breathing. Sayu panics and tries to save her...only for her time to be up.
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Sayu wakes up with a jolt, sweat on the brim on her forehead. "Hey, are you okay?" Yoimiya's voice sends a chill down her spine. 'Isn't she dead...?' She thought as her face pales. "Hello? Sayu? Are you okay?" The summer girl asks again. "I-I'm fine! Just had a bad dream..." Sayu says in reassurance, though it felt like she was trying to convince herself more than anything.
"You sure? 'Cause I was about to invite you to the festival but I found you shaking over here." Yoimiya stated. "Um...I'll be fine. Let's just go to the festival." "Hm...alright. I'm still worried about you so let's take this easy since this is our first time going together!" Yoimiya says with a carefree smile.
'Everything's exactly the same...' Sayu thought as they entered the festival. All they did was play some stall games and eat some food. "Hey, I think I should go home now..." She says. Yoimiya lets out a sigh, "Alright then. It's a shame we couldn't watch the fireworks together." "I could just watch them from the window..." "It's not the same!!"
Unbeknownst to them, one of the paper lanterns fell off it's string due to the wind and it was currently causing a fire. "Hey, do you smell that?" Yoimiya asks. Sayu sniffs the air before seeing a fire nearby, "Fire!"
"Oh no! We have to get out of here!!! Hey, can you do your Ninjutsu trick?" Yoimiya asks. "I only use it for stealth! I don't know how would it help us in a fire!!!" Sayu exclaims. "We can swim through the river-" "NO!!!"
Yoimiya became stunned speechless when she heard that yell from the usually soft-spoken girl. "It's too dangerous. We don't know how deep it is! O-or how strong the current is!" Sayu added. "Well, then I guess we have to go back the normal way." Yoimiya tightly grasps Sayu's hand as they both cover their nose and mouth with part of their clothes.
But no matter where they went, there was fire all around them with no point of escape. "Sayu look out!" Yoimiya pushes Sayu aside, only for the both to be crushed by a burning tree.
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Sayu wakes up again. Yoimiya looks at her with worry but invites her to the festival. Sayu gets dragged around and watches the Queen of Summer Festivals over and over again...to the point she has lost track of time and is wondering what's the point of this.
She looks up to the sky filled with goldfish and glares at it, what she once called "a pretty sight" now feels like it's mocking her. As if saying Yoimiya is out of reach and will never be saved.
"Hey Sayu. What's got you in a bad mood?" Yoimiya asks, with concern. "You won't understand..." Sayu pouts, curling herself up into a ball and uses her ninjutsu to turn into a mujina daruma. Yoimiya lends her a hand, "Hey...don't be so down. Let's walk to the festival together."
Sayu desperately wants to yell at her that, "No, I don't want to go to the festival! We'll just die again!" but it was not like she knew any other way out of this. This world only has a road leading to the festival, and yet there was never a car passing by. All the buildings are just like cardboard cut-outs made for a stage play.
Letting out a sigh, she reluctantly changes back and takes Yoimiya's hand. They play mindless games and eat food again, not that it felt filling for Sayu. Though...maybe just this once she can pretend that nothing is wrong.
"It seems pretty crowded over there...Hey, I know a good spot to watch the fireworks! C'mon!" Yoimiya grabs Sayu's hand as they run off to the direction of the riverbank. However, they stop.
"Ah geez, someone left their sparkler! Don't they know that this can cause a fire hazard?" Yoimiya approaches the sparkler like the first time. "Yoimiya! The fireworks!!!" Sayu cried out. "Hm?"
Instead of the crackle and boom of fireworks like she expected, Sayu heard gunshots coming from the crowded area. "What the—!?" Before Yoimiya could react, Sayu slapped the sparkler out of her hand, tossing it into the river and making a break for it.
"We need to leave!" Sayu said, as this time she was dragging Yoimiya around to find an exit. Unfortunately it seemed that they were surrounded. "Sayu, I need you to do your ninjutsu and hide yourself. While I distract them." Yoimiya stated. "Wh–!? I'm not leaving you!" Sayu exclaimed. "I know...but I promise I'll be back. Just wait okay?" Yoimiya says with a smile that doesn't seem to reach her eyes. Sayu reluctantly nods and hides by a nearby stall as her Mujina Daruma.
She tries to keep herself from crying or screaming when she heard more gunshots and screams of pain, resorting to covering her ears. But suddenly...it just stopped. All she heard were cicadas and the wind breeze.
She slowly opens her eyes, and looks around. She was surrounded by burnt debris coming from the first accident, caution tape surrounding the area. Sayu gets up and finds a rope bracelet that once belonged to Yoimiya. Shocked, she picks it up and walks outside hoping to ask anyone if they've seen her.
"Excuse me?" Sayu asks the group, but they didn't seem  to notice.
"Apparently there were 2 girls missing. Like they just vanished." "Do you think it's a ghost?" "Nah that wouldn't make sense. People saw them in the festival."
"H-Hello...?" She asks again.
"It's a good thing we didn't go...lots of people were injured." "Hey, can we change the topic? It feels so gloomy, especially the fact we passed by the venue."
"E-Excuse me!" Sayu tugs on one of their shirts. The group turns to her, faces filled with shock. "Have you seen my friend? She dropped her bracelet." She asks, showing it in her palms.
"Y-You're...one of the missing girls...H-How...!?" "I'm telling you she's a ghost!" "C'mon let's just go."
"Ah, w-wait!" Sayu tries calling out to them but they ignore her. She looks down onto the sidewalk, upset. 'Yoimiya...' Tears slowly fill her eyes but then she notices her hand disappearing. "WAUGH!!! Wh-what's happening!?!" She says in a panic. Her deep magenta eyes, now a vibrant red, are welled up with tears.
"I don't wanna be a ghost! I just wanna find Yoimiya!!!" She cried out in desperation. "Hey." A hand taps on her shoulder. Sayu turns around seeing a blonde haired girl, dressed in white and pale blue. "Are you okay...?" The girl asks. Sayu sniffs and shakes her head. "What's your name?" "S..Sayu..." "Sayu, well...My name is Lumine. Could you tell me what happened?"
Sayu would normally dismiss the girl but after being stuck in a time loop of death happening on the same day, she just let out everything...even though it sounds absurd. But to her surprise, Lumine doesn't care and just listens.
"I understand, you're just like one of us..." Lumine says with a smile. "One...of us...?" Sayu asks in confusion. "Have you heard of The Legend of the Medusa?"
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tahdashi · 2 years
sayu baby! i’m here with a 🍋 (+ either kuroo / samu) and an armful of blankets and hot teas for your cramps ☹️ now do u want to be cuddled to sleep or do u just want back rubs. also i got us matching pyjamas
samu & the "woah, you suck at this" trope (coworkers to lovers & best friends to lovers in disguise) (mentions of cooking with a knife, cutting veggies, etc.)
when you decided to help samu out at work, you thought he'd still treat you like his best friend, which meant he'd do most of the work and let you choose the playlist. but here you were, chopping vegetables into thin slices on a saturday morning, wearing an onigiri miya apron and hat that he threw onto your head. "i said cut in straight lines," he says as he passes by you with a bag of rice on his shoulder. "i'm trying! this knife isn't doing its job properly," you quip. "yeah, sure, it's the knife's fault," he says as he comes back to see your progress. "woah, ya suck at this. go clean the tables outside again or somethin'," he laughs, but he takes off his cap and stands behind you. his hands dance over yours, the warmth causing a spark to shoot down your spine. "i'll show ya," he says, his voice deep and nonchalant in your ear. he places the knife in your hand, his hand over yours, and slowly guides your movements. "see, all ya needed was some of my expertise," he says lowly. yeah... perhaps, you'll be needing more of his help again soon.
moots, send me a 🍋 for a trope that would suit you!
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peachiekeeeen · 2 years
inazuma girls + university au hcs
sleeps through almost all lectures but still manages to make good grades
way shorter than average, has to strike a balance between sitting up front so she can see and sitting in the back so she can nap
has been doing martial arts since she was a kid
big fan of ninja stories; favorite anime is naruto
outside of class, she can usually be found up a tree, napping or studying
her favorite animal is badgers, she saw one on the quad one time and almost cried
brings a badger stuffed animal everywhere with her for comfort
the salad from the salad bar in the dining hall is the bane of her existence
she’s surprisingly strong for her height, which people discovered when a professor enlisted her to help move a filing cabinet
senses are easily overwhelmed, so she stays away from the dining hall and the common areas when she can
teases anyone and everyone good-naturedly
didn’t have a lot of friends growing up and struggles to keep up friendships even now
her academic advisor is absolutely devastated by her slacking
constantly munching on onigiri
tries to do yoga in the mornings, but she oversleeps and forgets a lot of the time
has this uncanny ability not to startle animals, which makes her a favorite with photographers on campus
got fired from her job at the university library for ditching
in case of a real crisis (such as when her dorm caught fire), she can often be seen running across campus as fast as her tiny legs can carry her
kamisato ayaka
majoring in politics and minoring in dance
collects ornate paper fans
loves floral foods, particularly sweets, and has a soft spot for mochi
works at the campus coffee shop
absolutely loves tea and will try any variety of it that she comes across
got a book on reading tea leaves to see her fortune when she was in high school, and she secretly applies its techniques when she drinks tea
comes from a rich old family
not very good at making friends
favorite colors are royal blue and gold
affectionately nicknamed “princess” by her classmates
uses the kitchens in her dorm late at night to make snacks when she can’t sleep, and offers it to other sleepless students if she sees them
had some of her poetry displayed in the student newspaper after winning a poetry contest
is considered a talented fencer, and is a member of the university’s fencing club
favorite animals are cranes, herons, and egrets, and can often be seen feeding them near the lake
practices calligraphy in her spare time
enjoys studying during thunderstorms
stops by the chess club for a game sometimes
gets embarrassed if someone catches her swimming in the pool or just coming out of the showers
enjoys going to kabuki dance performances, and has dabbled in it herself
grows camellias in her garden at home, and wears camellia perfume
kuki shinobu
was supposed to study religion, but it didn’t appeal to her and so she’s taking classes in everything but that (and is annoyingly good at everything she tries)
leaning towards studying law, but wants to try everything so she can be sure
diy-s omurice from the dining hall whenever possible
doesn’t talk to her parents much; most of her tuition comes from scholarships and money she earned on her own
widely known as the only normal one in her friend group
tends to wear a face mask off-campus to keep from getting sick
mistrustful of recognition technology, never allows fingerprint or face id on her phone and types her password in every time
spent a couple semesters abroad before returning to campus
certified as an emergency medical technician
once knocked out someone who tried to pick her pockets in the convenience store
can easily be hired to do small jobs on campus for a minor fee--just don’t ask her to go near the chapel
has never gotten less than an A on an exam
keeps a couple of potted plants with medicinal properties in her dorm room
has a dozen part-time jobs on and around campus, which makes people wonder how she manages to do that and keep up her grades at the same time (she’s prone to burnout)
her library checkout history has books on every topic imaginable
has abstract tattoos on her back
keeps a swiss army knife and a switchblade in her bag in case of emergencies
sangonomiya kokomi
majoring in military history, though she is expected to go into religion
gets egg sushi whenever she can
has a mermaid-like aesthetic
has a jellyfish stuffed animal and a dragon stuffed animal that she keeps on her bed
tends to suffer from burnout and keep the effects hidden from her friends and classmates
enjoys free diving in her spare time (which isn’t much)
has read sun tzu’s art of war many times, but also enjoys science fiction and fantasy novels
operates using the spoon theory to manage her energy and time
known to be over-prepared and turn her assignments in several days or weeks early
wears pearl earrings on special occasions
suspects she’s autistic but doesn’t want to bother with getting a diagnosis
not vegetarian, but avoids eating seafood
has a sizable fish tank with tropical fish in her dorm room
majoring in chemistry
likes to make dango in the dorm kitchen for herself and her friends
got permission from the university to set up fireworks displays over the lake for holidays and festivals
has adhd
covered in burn scars and bandages from her experiments in the lab and outside it
favorite animal is goldfish; she has a tattoo of one
sleeps in weird places on campus; people are liable to trip over her
spends much of her time in the lab or the workshop tinkering with just about everything
keeps shiny rocks and lost pieces of metal on her desk
carries around a bag of candy in her bag, which she’ll share with her friends and classmates
doesn’t have much of a sense of modesty, and wears a bikini to swim in the lake or the pool
very good at doing impressions of people, though she has a hard time covering up her accent
reads lots of romance novels
lactose intolerant
almost never eats full meals, prefers to eat small things on the go
volunteers at the daycare near the campus when she can
organizes trips to the hot springs with her friends during vacations
sometimes holds eating competitions in the dining hall, with her friends cheering her on
already starting to lose her hearing, although it’s not particularly noticable
kujou sara
has no idea what she's going to major in yet
enjoys sweet egg rolls, which are the only sweet thing that she eats
was adopted as a child
some sort of neurodivergence, possibly ocd or autism, but she's not sure yet
secretly collects figurines and has a vast collection, but no one has been allowed to see it yet
carries a folding fan with her wherever she goes because she overheats easily
five is her lucky number
archery club
raiden shogun
also has no idea what she's going to major in
cannot cook without setting off the smoke alarm
became a shut-in after the death of her twin sister, and has only just started coming out into the world again
older than traditional college age
developed a neutral and emotionless persona as a coping mechanism
terrified of change and struggles with transitions
keeps in shape by working out, boxing, and practicing other martial arts
loves sweets
has never had a cavity in her life
kunikuzushi is makoto's son, who ei adopted after her death but was unable to take care of due to her depression
has a habit of feeding the birds on campus, carries birdseed with her
yae miko
majoring in literature, minoring in religion
her specialty is making the udon from the dining hall actually taste good
loves fried tofu
absolutely loves reading, always has a book in her hand
can be a bit obsessive about money
enjoys playing tricks and pranks on her friends
has a pink fox stuffed animal tucked into a corner on her bookcase
gets bored very easily, always looking for something to entertain her
pink is her favorite color
thinks puppets are creepy
was a gullible crybaby as a kid, but grew more cynical as she got older
childhood friend of ei and makoto
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