#scary carol
frenchiefitzhere · 2 years
More Scary Carol
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“we need more complex female characters” the second women start showing a glimpse of emotion y’all call them over-sensitive or annoying. smh.
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Vincent Price and Carol Ohmart
House on Haunted Hill (1959) dir. William Castle
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y2ksnowglobe · 9 months
I always loved how Carol Wilson was immediately, this child...is going to therapy, and my husband and I are going to therapy. And I just am desperately hoping that the S2 spouses step up and do the same when all is said and done.
Give me Marco Li Wilson showing up with some excellent research and recommendations and pointing out that now the world is saved, Grant can't suspect these therapists of being mind-controlled or whatever. I want Rebecca insisting that the compromise of everybody going to the most intense therapy ever, and not therapy is at very least some family therapy because she suspects that this family might have some fucked up dynamics going on. I want Veronica introducing Scary to Samantha. I want Cassandra searching for any anime about therapy to convince Taylor that it's something totally cool heroes do.
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monarchofwings · 10 months
Twst A Christmas Carol event with the NRC boys but the whole event is just the boys screaming in terror as the Christmas spirits give them more trauma then any overblot ever would because the Christmas spirits are scary as hell
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scarriestmarlowe · 9 months
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your dndads fem presenter futch chart, my lieges
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confusionpng · 1 year
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nick fury's powerpuff girls
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pleeborp · 1 year
Dndads headcannons in celebration of a new episode (not related)
• Glenn Close HAD nipple piercings. He doesn’t wear them any more, but he will gladly show pictures if asked.
• Daryl Wilson got so fucking confused watching Top Gun the first time. The volleyball scene was his favorite part but if you asked him why he couldn’t explain it to you.
• Ron Stampler eats erasers.
• Henry Oak Garcia paints nude paintings of himself and his beautiful talented wife Mercedes. They’re ranged from abstract to insane realism. None of the realisms are actually fully done yet bc he insists Mercedes deserves perfection.
• Ron Stampler fucking loved Lazy Town the show.
• Paeden went on to be happy and never die. It’s canonical, Anthony Burch told me himself.
• where the fuck is Yeet Biggley
• Henry likes to take photos of random things to “appreciate the Beaty of all my surroundings” and he prints them off and places it on a large mosaic he’s creating.
• Lark and Sparrow call it his “stalker wall” or more affectionately, his “serial k!ller wall”
• Scary Marlowe reads Warrior Cats. I personally haven’t, and don’t plan to but she reads the vibe of my friends that have.
• Normal draws fanart of all his friends and quietly ships them together. He used to be a hardcore gothcleats guy but he’s seen the chemistry between swiftkicks. (Don’t ship real people btw but he’s a hs he don’t know no better) He stoutly refuses to ship KickWorthy.
• Samantha Stampler is still alive and she’s kicking ass as a therapist. She doesn’t know about Terry yet.
• Carol, Mercedes, and Samantha meet up for book club regularly. They don’t actually read books Tho they get together to eat food and talk shit.
• Ron Stampler ate my homework.
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theonlymadmanonmars · 4 months
Random Dndads Headcanons for all the main characters and as many side characters as I can think of!
Ron: Ron does not know what a Kiss is and thinks people are talking about the little chocolates. (Just like hugs he has been kissed he just doesn't know what tits called)
Dayrl: Daryl wears those "Free dad hugs" Shirts when he goes to pride with Grant. He always gets hugged multiple times and is just happy he looks approachable.
Henry: Henry gave Lark and Sparrow little Bear plushies to hold if they missed Him after the forgotten realms.
Glenn: Flirts with literally everyone but when he's around people he's interested in turns into a stuttering mess (IE Morgan)
Jodie: Has WILDLY inaccurate memories of his roll and the police force in general because none of the omega dads actually knew how the police force worked and couldn't be bothered to research it.
Walter: He does wheelies in his wheelchair to make Paden laugh.
Samantha: She adores amusement parks and always Drags Ron and Terry to them. They both just watch and eat Cotton Candy because they don't like the rides. This was incredibly awkward Before the forgotten realms but after became incredibly sweet bonding time for the family.
Carol: She once paid over four hundred dollars to an Internet scam Promising to get her signed posters from the cast of primer. What arrived in the mail was a picture of Scam likely doing a peace sign That was signed "Signed posters from the cast of Primer" with a little heart.
Mercedes: She does commissions for paintings and has drawn worse than the most freaky stuff you can imagine. This singlehandedly bought the house they live in.
Morgan: She has Tattoos of skulls and various bones (Teeth, Jagged broken bones, Ect) On her collar bone because she thought it was funny. Jodie wasn't a huge fan but Glenn LOVES them.
Erin O'Neil: She really liked all of the kids even if she didn't show it. Sparrow and Grant where he favorites. Also she likes metal music Glenn introduced her to it.
Scam Likely: Post season 1 he helped out with some doodler stuff and Continuously randomly Blasts clown music while the dads are fighting. He also called Jodie his boyfriend long before they started dating.
Mark Likely: The most flirty cunty bitch you'll ever meet. I have no proof I just know. She likes parties and her and Glenn get along so so well.
Autumn Oak: Does not like knitting. She just desperately needed to stab something and that's not super possible in Oakvale. She takes up Taekwondo in the human realm and loves it.
Paden: Regularly got into Brawls with Lark and Sparrow when left alone with them. Always lost.
Terry Jr (S1): The most Goth kid to ever goth. Another parallel to Scary and he was great at eyeliner.
Grant (S1): Was the only kid nervous to come out to His parents. Was incredibly surprised when both of them immediately and loudly supported him.
Lark (S1): Hates birds. He has a very one sided rivalry with Birds Especially Larks because there can only be one.
Sparrow (S1): Henry taught them acoustic guitar from a young age and they are really good at it.
Nick Close (S1): Started playing guitar hero To impress Glenn. It became one of their favorite games to play together.
Nicholas Foster (S1): Buys hard into copaganda. His favorite show growing up is Brooklyn 99.
Willy Stampler: His hatred of cats carries over into adulthood. Hes killed a few druids because they were wild shaped into cats.
Barry Oak: He loves to be physically above other people. he sits on Large flowers above people's heads so they have to look up at him.
Bill Close: When he's sober (rare) he really hates Barry and Willy. Because of this Barry does everything in his power to keep him drugged up and manipulatable.
Scary: She and Link share clothes. She likes her Garfield T-shirts and sweatpants, Link likes Her Skirts and Old Sundresses. This is aided by Scary's magic because Neither of them fit each other's clothes.
Link: She has a Garfield Pillow that's twice her size. Scary is slightly jealous of it.
Normal: He made all of his friends matching teeny the teen figurines. Except Customized for the individuals. Scary's is Goth, Hermie's is Joker themed, Taylor's is in anime figure style, and Link's is a soccer player.
Taylor: Cosplayer! He cosplays! He cosplays any gender from any anime. He spends an ungodly amount of Cassandra's money on it but she's more than happy to accommodate.
Hermie: Can and Will perform every part of Holy Musical Batm@n! Normal is enthralled every time.
Terry Jr (S2): Does all the accounting and analytical stuff for daddies because he like reading and numbers.
Grant (S2): Firmly believes that he's not good enough for Marco and Link. So Marco texts him and calls him all the time with pictures of him and Link saying how much they love him.
Lark (S2): Has gotten scared by his own shadow multiple times and shoots it every time.
Sparrow (S2): Says I love you at the end of phone calls no matter who they're talking to. This has lead to many awkward conversations.
Nicky (S2): Has a cut here tattoo on his missing arm That Glenn did the day after it healed. It was the first thing to make Nicky smile after his arm got cut off.
Mae Hales: She doesn't actually do anything at the office but get coffee. Ron was the one that hired her and he called her Doug for years she never corrected him.
Veronica: She was goth at Scariest age. Her and Terry met at a concert.
Marco: He is the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He's also an amazing cook. Which makes up for Grant being an awful cook.
Rebecca: She is a little delulu. She believes her family is perfectly healthy and they all get along and love each other.
Cassandra: A bad bitch with horrible taste in men. She has dated three other men after Nicky and before Willy. None of them ever met Taylor. He would've hurt them to the best of his ability.
Trudy: Can obviously read and write but pretends not to be able to at home for her husband's sake.
Kelsey: Had an Italian student once and her teacher heart was very conflicted. Also she's really bad at baking but loves pie and spends way too much money on it.
Tony: Sells dating advice at his dealership for the teenagers. His advice is only ever vaguely sexual innuendos as he is the world's worst flirt.
Francis: Has the highest grades in his school despite being held back. He is an incredibly book smart kid and has the street smarts of a toddler.
BB: Her parents died in an alleyway like batman. Her one true goal as a detective is to find her parents killer. This is why they're never on screen and no one mentioned them when she got kidnapped.
Tyrus: He has a crush on Tony. Them threatening each other is a very poor attempt at flirting. Also in my mind He's a Blasian business owner in the fifties so like good for him.
Timmy: This child is trans. He's a trans dark academia kid in the 50's. None of these things are supported by his parents.
Kamonwan: She is very into Studying the World Wars. Especially the mass atrocities committed in America against Japanese citizens.
Sticky Rick: He is into show tunes. His all time favorite is Damn Yankees because it makes him feel like he's into sports. Which he is not.
Carly: When she has to double straw malts she pretends to be a walrus it's incredibly dorky and Francis loves it.
That's it because this post is way too long. Hope you enjoyed <3 (I couldn't tag everyone lol)
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imaginingmoonlight · 1 month
After an intense dentist appointment (ashamed to say I'm one of those people scared of the dentists), it's time to go home and make myself a spicy chai with matcha and rewatch Carol
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biscuitfacegrey · 10 months
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Some redraws, some new stuff… ft. Doug design 🩵💙🧡🧡💚💙🤍🩵🩵💜
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queer-cartoons-quotes · 9 months
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As a child I was absolutely sure that this film was a Halloween film because it was so scary.
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maniacalmole · 9 months
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The Doctor may be retired, but that doesn't mean he can't do a few rounds with his old pal, Santa! Whose arms appear to be too long....
Plus the ghosts of Past, Present, and Future--well, that's only fitting.
Amazing Doctor doll made by the fantastic @sonnetnumber23 <3 Thank you my friend!
Merry Christmas, everyone!!!
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mummer · 10 months
a good man goes to war probably the Most doc who episode of all time. The epic highs and lows of moffat. it’s possible that trying to combine your screwball high flying funky star wars homage episode with your self serious very important character and plot development episode is stupid and does not work… or maybe it does? But of course combined with one of the most insanely dumb plot reveals of all time, to have ever happened on this earth. But also karen gillan acting down. But also… flesh baby. Look how they impregnated my girl literally probably the most fucked up and evil thing to happen to a companion like whatttt is this? BUT ALSO THE INTRO OF VASTRA AND JENNY AND STRAX. But also flesh baby…..Unless flesh baby is secretly awesome? im coming around to flesh baby. But also amy trapped in a well george lucas gave his girls more agency in the 70s moffat you freak. Is this episode legendarically terrible is it Really cool and awesome and ambitious and doing the most all the time are there themes. Can we unpack this. No. Like it’s literally all in service of some stupid bullshit really.. But what if it wasnt
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spectralpooch · 10 months
an underrated funny bit from a christmas carol is when the ghost of christmas future is taking scrooge around to see everyone's reactions to the death of this unnamed guy (later revealed to be himself ofc), and it turns out that pretty much no one cares. scrooge, increasingly distressed, is like, "can you please show me someone who feels any emotion about this person dying?"
so the spirit takes him to the home of this family. the husband walks up to his wife like, "babe. youre never gonna believe this. that old asshole who we owed an insane of money to just died" and theyre both like YAAAAAAY THIS IS GREAT!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
this bit is like. darkly funny but also so poignant:
[...] and it was a happier house for this man's death! The only emotion that the Ghost could show him, caused by the event, was one of pleasure.
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