the-anonymous-banana · 10 months
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assiraphales · 2 months
“they fucked in the honda odyssey” well they KISSED outside the schwarma place right after deadpool told wolverine to wait & asked him to come home w him
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quidam-sirenae · 1 year
Hi! Today I discovered a new trigger, a pipe burst in my apartment, I set my oven on fire briefly, and my computer broke! I am trying to remain positive but it is very difficult!
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Of COURSE the one day I wanna go get some middle eastern food it's the day after Ramadan starts. Fuck!
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[Referencing this post!]
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He just… is 😭
A chuunibyou (in general) is defined by having grandiose delusions, desperately wanting to stand out, and being convinced that they have hidden knowledge/powers. They act like know-it-alls and constantly look down on others, believing themselves to be more special or deserving than their peers. A lot of this applies to Jamil’s behavior (albeit the “powers” part is more literal since TWST is a world with magic):
While it’s not outright stated that he has delusions of grandeur, it can be inferred from how Jamil is shown to frequently be inner monologuing or plotting revenge schemes in which he triumphs over others. (The schwarma plot in Beans Day, expositing that he would want to embarrass someone so hard they can never face the light of day again in his Platinum Jacket vignettes, book 4 itself, etc.)
He’s frustrated that he has to pretend to be mediocre and isn’t allowed to show his “true” power level. Jamil has this overall “humble brag” quality to him; he wants his abilities to be recognized, but feels held back from doing it because of his responsibilities to the Asim family, so he’s left in a position where he has to talk himself down and deny his skills.
In Jamil’s case, he is actually more talented than some of his peers (ie Kalim in grades, in singing, etc). The issue is that he also underestimates other peers. For example, in book 6, Jamil initially remarks that he thinks Leona is a spoiled prince who needs to rely on Jamil for protection (since Jamil is so used to Kalim needing him).
Again, in book 6, Leona points out to Jamil that he’s constantly looking down on others and thinking of himself as better than them. In actuality, Leona points out, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and can play those to their advantage. What Jamil is doing instead is just stewing about how he’s better than everyone and being mad at nothing instead of acknowledging those differences as diverse assets. It’s that narrow-mindedness and egocentrism that plays into the chuunibyou archetype.
Some of the lines Jamil says come from such an emotionally repressed place that they feel like silly extremes compared to his usual calm, rational persona. This gives dialogue like “WHOOPEE!!” and “phenomenal cosmic power” a chuuni quality to them. (Idia even calls him one in Jamil’s Platinum Jacket vignettes, although this is because Jamil is quoting a line from the Sorcerer of the Sands.)
This face alone says enough he’s cringe/j 🤡
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Give mr halo your go to treat and see how he reacts ?
Thanks for the prompt! Here's Chief and his Chieflings out in public. I got hungry writing this.
"Do you have that mobile order done yet?"
"The one that's four bags and tipped 30%? Of course I have it done." She calls over from the register where she's writing "Thank you" in curlicues and hearts on the brown paper bags.
The door chime lets her know someone has entered and she finishes drawing the last heart when she ends up double-taking at a group of off-duty marines and the tallest, most scarred person she's ever seen.
The group moves with the giant, floating in their orbit like remoras around a shark. The giant takes hesitating steps towards the pick-up counter and the marines shuffle closer in their PT gear.
She watches with wide eyes, pen forgotten, until the giant asks in a low voice. "Is the order for John ready?"
A second ticks by, the marines are holding their breath, the giant is a statue with the most piercing blue eyes. and then she smiles. "Yes, right here!"
With no small effort she lifts the bags up to the counter and lists off the contents. "We have the family platters of falafel, chicken schwarma, chicken schnitzel, and beef and lamb schwarma here." She huffs, "and the sides of hummus, fries, falafel, and pitas are in here with the canned drinks." She smiles brightly under the strain of the last two bags, "And here's the bags with the pita and wraps, we marked the foil with the filling's initials. The one without eggplant is labeled with a sticker as well. The last bag here has the bowls and desserts."
"Dessert?" The giant frowns. The marines turn in tandem, eyes wide as if pleading for the giant not to ask.
"On the house! Almond cookies and baklava. Thanks for your order!"
The giant nods and scoops up the heaviest bags with no problem, nodding a thanks before turning to leave. The marines break out of their trance and grab the remaining bags with a quick thanks. She watches them quietly bicker about opening the bags now vs waiting to get back.
The giant turns and eyes them, their lined face dropping into a slight frown and a quirk of one eyebrow silencing the arguing marines. "Yes, Chief." They sigh and march quietly out the door, trailing the giant like ducklings down the sidewalk.
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the-reverse-mermaid · 8 months
The Ham Sandwich Effect
Definition: the phenomenon of fandom taking a singular food they've seen a fictional character/group of characters eat in canon and using it as said character's favorite food, a food that they must always want to eat at any given time.
Example: The Avengers eat Schwarma one time at the end of a movie. Consequently, thousands of fanfictions operate on the assumption that Schwarma is their favorite food to eat together.
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well im at the hotel now n its beautiful and im drinking. u can drink what u want in the hotel. and its cheap. and im gonna get a schwarma n some paneerrrrr
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hondafuckingodyssey · 1 month
Story structure of Deadpool and Wolverine
I haven't seen anybody else talking about how the story structure of Deadpool and Wolverine repeats itself in a really neat way?
I love it. How the second half of it is a perfect mirror of the first half of it. It's like they go on a journey, then make their way back home. I feel like I've heard of it before, but I don't remember what you call it. Maybe it's something that lots of movies do and I haven't noticed? Some things come out of order a little bit (Nicepool mostly) but otherwise it's almost a perfect mirror. If I had a little more talent I'd do that thing where you put two columns of gifs side by side.
The fight in the honda odyssey and the big cameos kind of sit in the middle. Then if you work your way back to the start and the end of the movie you get:
roadtrip in the odyssey/storming the lair in the odyssey Wade teasing about the wolverine suit/Logan opening up to Laura about the suit Deadpool and Wolverine in the diner/Pyro in the diner Nova invading Wade's mind/invading Logan's mind first and second times we see the Ant-man lair, Alioth, Juggernaut and Nova's cronies Deadpool gets beat up by a bunch of Wolverine variants/Wolverine beats up a bunch of Deadpool variants Mr. Paradox and Ralph in the TVA control room/ and in the subway station control room Wade declares himself Marvel Jesus/he decides to sacrifice himself as Marvel Jesus Wade trying to sell cars/landing back in the car lot Wade's birthday party/the party in the epilogue Happy Hogan and the Avengers/schwarma Peter, Blind Al, Vanessa and everybody else show up at the beginning and end digging up wolverines corpse/he is risen babygirl
Nicepool kind of messes up his timing, but you get to meet him and Dogpool two times.
And there's some stuff that isn't really a perfect mirror but still kind of balances thematically. Like we've got Johnny Storm, which feels like an mcu cameo because it's Evans, and Dr. Strange's sling ring. And the holding hands to Madonna could kind of be balanced out by the first time they fight, or maybe the part where Deadpool puts on the skeleton wolverine claws?
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docholligay · 7 months
My Dad decided he wanted to take the small goblin tonight, so I am going to take myself to a movie (my darling wife was like, 'no I am not going to a French movie about the inherent intimacy of cooking that's more than two hours long. I love you. No.') and go have schwarma at the new place that just opened. It has SUCH good chicken schwarma, love it.
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asgardsprotector · 1 month
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“ if it is a mighty feast you have summoned me for — I will never decline a feast with you! I'm assuming it is 'mexican' food as I've never tried that before, primarily tried 'schwarma' ”
@chingonaclaws liked for a starter!
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00shorrorfilm · 1 month
making chicken schwarma bowls for my love and i, in uniform as i found out i get more done in my work clothes?? gross but gotta use the momentum
sisters of mercy on too and picking her up soon. what bliss
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septembersung · 2 months
55 for the 30+ ask game.
55. Favorite high-effort meal that you make? I already answered this but I’m thinking about fall today and comfort foods and being able to turn on the oven without setting the house ablaze, so the meals on my mind are things like chicken and dumplings and chicken schwarma and soups where I have to dice ingredients for 45 minutes.
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I read the language and culture headcanons and a funny thought I couldn't get out of my head is if overseer reader speaks a language thats not in TWST, the characters will see it as some divine godly language or something haha!
[I'm assuming that this Anon is referencing this post (since that's the most recent one), but I've discussed language and culture in TWST borrowing from real world ones multiple times: here, here, and here are just a few examples!]
My thought is that 🤔 since Twisted Wonderland already uses so many words from various real life cultures and languages (ie Japanese takoyaki is Floyd’s favorite food, Rook speaks French, Kalim and Jamil talk about preparing Middle Eastern schwarma during Beans Day, Diasomnia dress as specifically eastern dragons/Chinese longs, etc.), all of them technically already exist in their world, but aren’t referred to by the same name. This is because places like Japan, France, the Middle East, and China don’t exist in Twisted Wonderland, so these languages and cultures would probably be under different names.
So... if Yuu started randomly speaking a language from their world (say, for example, French), it would probably get mistaken as a language from some part of Twisted Wonderland. They’d likely get a reaction like, “Hey, I thought you were from another world! How come you can speak [insert TWST equivalent of French here] so well? Are you from the City of Flowers/this region in the Shaftlands?”
Now that I think about it, it’s possible that Twisted Wonderland has a LOT more languages than in the world that Yuu’s from. (This is assuming that Twisted Wonderland has a language and a dialect equivalent to every language and dialect irl.) Like... TWST technically counts every animal as its own language, doesn’t it???? Because Azul is seen speaking to Lucius in meows, Silver can understand birds, and Ruggie knows how to speak to multiple different kinds of animals, including cats and rats. Then you have to also consider that some non-human races have languages of their own (such as the smaller fairies in Fairy Gala communicating to one another through a bell-like tinkling language) which don’t exist on Earth. I don’t know, I guess that’s just some food for thought?
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themculibrary · 8 months
PWP Masterlist 2
part one
Away from the Party (ao3) - badwrongprincess steve/sam E, 1k
Summary: Sam and Steve escape a boring event for a bit.
Celebration (ao3) - in_motu_proprio pepper/tony E, 3k
Summary: Tony comes home to Pepper with a bag of schwarma after he finishes eating with the Avengers. Pepper is very glad to see him alive and in one piece.
Meant to begin just after the Avengers have their post-battle snack.
Conversation (ao3) - in_motu_proprio steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: This takes place sometime during the party in Age of Ultron. I figure Tony would have slipped away at some point just to get some quiet and Steve might follow him. Total PWP.
Failing To Not Fall (ao3) - neverthelessthesun steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: Steve was failing to not fall in love with Tony Stark.
AKA the one where Steve thinks he's Friends-With-Benefits with Tony, and Tony thinks he's dating Steve.
I Like it Heavy (ao3) - cheshirccat frank/matt E, 2k
Summary: Frank likes to talk during sex. Tonight's different. Frank’s mouth is on his, and his tongue tastes like blood. He has a hand fisted in Matt’s hair before Matt has the chance to respond to the kiss. “What is going on with you tonight?” “Shut the fuck up and get on your hands and knees,” Frank growls, and Matt decides he can save the questions for later.
Imprison'd (ao3) - woodelf loki/sif E, 4k
Summary: Sif really shouldn't be quite so turned on by the very compromising position that she finds herself in.
love the one you’re with (ao3) - orphan_account bucky/howard E, 5k
Summary: Bucky and Howard have one thing in common: they both want to fuck Steve Rogers. Actually, they have two things in common: they both want to fuck Steve Rogers, and they both know it’s never going to happen.
If you can’t be with the one you love, honey, love the one you’re with.
Moonlight Madness (ao3) - SmutConnoisseur steve/bucky E, 3k
Summary: As the night sky grew darker, the full moon began to rise, casting an eerie light over everything it touched. Steve knew what was coming - the transformation that he had experienced so many times before. His muscles began to ache as his body prepared for the change. It always made Steve feel like he was running out of time, as if the moon were a clock counting down the minutes until he would be human again.
Only one thing could slow time - the love and companionship of a kindred spirit. One cursed to live by the fall of night.
They played a dangerous game, but one that neither of them could resist.
No Vacancies (ao3) - darter_blue, the1918 steve/bucky E, 6k
Summary:Steve Rogers might have a pretty face, but fuck is he a pain in the ass.
In which Bucky and Steve have a sexually charged, warring relationship as co-workers, and the conference hotel has a double-booking problem.
Photograph (ao3) - Anonymous bucky/zemo E, 5k
Summary: Bucky flipped through the stack of photographs, searching for Zemo in each one. He started to pick out a small group within the images, a few faces that popped up in nearly every picture. They must have been Zemo’s team. Bucky stopped on a picture of a very young, nearly shirtless Zemo.
#ReadyAimFire (ao3) - JBMcDragon clint/laura/steve E, 14k
Summary: Everyone knows omegas can be dangerous. Once a cycle, in fact, when heat whispers at them to pick a fight and find the strongest alphas around to breed with. Stuck in Wakanda, a refugee from the USA and WSC, without access to the suppressants he's been using for years, Clint is a living, breathing weapon... who is far too dangerous to go around picking fights. While Clint's idea -- getting himself thrown in jail through his heat -- is stupid (what cell could hold him?), Laura's idea -- to send Steve to retrieve him -- is brilliant. Good thing Steve's up for it.
An excuse for a lot of ABO sex. I mean, a lot. No regrets.
Rebatch (ao3) - KidDynamite090 steve/bucky E, 7k
Summary: Steve tries to be thrifty by salvaging soap and successfully makes new bars. Bucky, after coming home not too happy with how one of his dates turned out, comes up with a very thoughtful way to thank Steve for his effort and put the soap to good use.
Rise or Fall (Give His All) (ao3) - neverthelessthesun steve/tony E, 7k
sSummary: Tony is self-conscious about his height. Steve tries to make him see it's not all that bad.
Ruining a Perfectly Good Wax Job (ao3) - in_motu_proprio pepper/tony E, 2k
Summary: This is 100% smut intended just to get me writing something. It's fluffy and they're very happy together.
Pepper is quite needy one day so she dresses up in some sexy lingerie and meets Tony in his garage. Car sex ensues. Meant to take place in the space between Homecoming and Infinity War.
Stark Bot (ao3) - Jersey pepper/tony E, 4k
Summary: After a gala benefit following the Battle of New York, Tony and Pepper discover something about her - that she secretly loves being dominated.
A DECIDEDLY shameless PWP. Do not look for character growth. Do not hope for anything deep. Just PWP. And some bondage.
The Sixth of July (ao3) - Sinope clint/phil/steve/tony E, 14k
Summary: Clint loves Phil; Phil has a Captain America kink; Tony likes sex. Omelets, Duck Hunt, power outages, and a very happy birthday ensue.
Ugh, Brats (ao3) - Suicide_Wolf yelena/kate E, 4k
Summary: Yelena is being a brat again. Good thing Kate is there to remind her of her place.
whatever you ask (ao3) - BlossomsintheMist steve/tony E, 19k
Summary: Sometimes Steve just wants to let go. Tony’s perfectly willing to help with that. The two of them try something Steve’s been wanting for a while. Basically PWP with added feelings, established relationship.
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snakech4rmer · 10 months
Shawarma rocks fr
also ur pretty bestiew
YES I LOVE SCHWARMA! I will go FEREL over a good schwarma <3
Thank you so much! If not too bad looking yourself ;)
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