#science of scent
How Perfumery Transforms Natural Ingredients into Sophisticated Scents
Perfume is a testament to the incredible artistry and craftsmanship that goes into crafting scents that delight the senses. It is an olfactory journey that starts with raw ingredients and culminates in a beautifully designed bottle that holds the essence of an experience. This article explores the art of perfumery, from the selection of raw ingredients to the intricate process of creation and the…
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podcastgirlsweek · 2 years
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palfriendpatine66 · 8 months
In less than a week I will have the opportunity to sniff Ewan McGregor with my own nose, for science.
I will update final results with my real life assessment 🤣
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cosmicstarlatte · 11 months
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igcse-bioworld · 3 months
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Stay Hydrated!
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tabswrites · 6 months
Worldbuilding in 5 Tag
Tagged by @mysticstarlightduck here!
Gently tagging: @pheita @pandoras-comment-box @avrablake @acertainmoshke @space-writes @sarahlizziewrites @mister-writes and an open tag
Rules: post 3-5 images of a place in your world and tell us a bit about it!
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Ohhhh yeah, you know I have to talk about my pretty purple forest!! These are some of the images I’ve used previously to help me write some scenes in ToL:
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The Forest of Eternity
A magical place that exists parallel to the Ancestral Forest just outside the city of Rothar. This is where the majority of Tomb of Light takes place.
Literally everything is purple except for the water (which appears purple because of the river substrate). Plants, dirt, trees, you name it—make it purple. Only the creatures come in varied hues
It is a dying realm that was once home to many diverse species, but now is only home to a select few that you can read about here
The forest has a very sweet and fragrant smell similar to berries and vanilla
Some of the plants, like fey berries, possess magical qualities such as clairvoyance, and some like feuille de mort show signs of sentience.
Eternity is absolutely covered in silver and gemstones, specifically a mysterious pale purple stone that has been seen in weapons and architecture alike, as well as a secret third purpose.
If you would like to learn more about Eternity, check out my world-building notes here, shoot me an ask, or check out Tomb of Light 💜
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kingdrawcse · 1 year
Chemistry behind the aroma of the sea
🌊✨ The mesmerizing scent of the sea! That distinct salty and tangy aroma near the coastline comes from Dimethyl sulfide (DMS), the ocean's signature fragrance! It's produced by microscopic algae in the ocean and released when marine organisms decay. The crashing waves create aerosols, allowing us to experience this iconic "oceanic aroma." DMS is the primary volatile sulfur compound emitted by the ocean, accounting for 95% of marine sulfur emissions. It even plays a role in combating greenhouse effects, impacting Earth's climate. Dive into the enchanting scent of the sea! 🌊
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starboybutler · 5 months
would you guys be freaked out if i wrote armpit stuff
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Silly Game Time: Mothman and the Jersey Devil are about to fight (because JD called Bigfoot a bitch, and--in case you weren't aware--Bigfoot is MM's boyfriend ... they've actually gotten pretty serious, it's kinda sweet). AND YOU'VE GOT $5 TO BET ON WHO'LL WIN! SO PLACE YOUR WAGER!
Ooo, this is a tough one! MM has the motivation to start and end the fight as well as humanoid arms and legs. JD however has horns and the body (and strength) of a horse. That doesn't mean that the bf BF won't make a tool for MM to use against JD to.
They both have equalish skills in flight (MM I believe would have a slight advantage on the count of having smaller and more streamlined bodymass) however JD would definitely have the advantage on the ground. JD would theoretically be a chunkier flier while MM is said to be fast and graceful, however if we're going to compare them to bats (JD) and owls (MM) then MM would essentially be a glass cannon. One kick, ramming, or bite from JD to MM's wings and MM would have to land as bird bones, even at MM's size, wouldn't be strong enough to survive a kick from a horse.
However, that's where the speed and energy usage comes into play. MM, being a creature similar to birds, would naturally have the metabolism that would allow from prolonged flight times at varying altitudes and speeds. JD (ignoring the whole demon magic thing) would have that disadvantage of having to use a lot of energy for sustained aerial combat with an opponent more faster and agile.
JD would have the best bet of getting in one good hit, but if MM also has a similar endocrine system then they would be able to produce adrenaline. Humans can lift tones of weight under the right circumstances (highly not suggested if you like your muscles attached to your bones but if you're in a situation like that then lift that car above your head like you're Travis Scott at a concert) but MM would have an even more exaggerated reaction to adrenaline.
With a creature built for flight I wouldn't doubt that MM is stronger than a human on principle alone. Also, I think I'm getting a bit to much into this and I have bias from writing Mothman so I'll go with Mothman winning 😁
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Ignoring how science works
That “smell” that Vulcans refer to about humans having is actually just faint pheromones we give out that humans themselves just can’t smell
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kaylamlyrae · 2 years
Âme: soul. The French word âme translates the Latin anima which, in turn, translates the Greek anemos, meaning wind. The wandering soul comes from where the wind comes from. The wind. The movement of the light, subtle, vaporous, turbulent air, rhythmic, almost periodic, chaotic; mixture and carrier of mixtures, confused, the medium of every signal that reaches our senses, penetrating body, nose, mouth, ears, throat and lungs, surrounding the skin. Base line of the senses, carrier to all of them. Having begun in the air, the circuit of odours returns there; rising through emanations, descending towards love, death and knowledge, rising again. Having begun in the wind, in the soul, the circuit returns to the soul, on the breath of the wind. Soul: base line of the senses, carrier to all of them. I love your light, subtle, vaporous, turbulent, chaotic soul, I love that it penetrates your skin, your ears, that it reigns over your skin. Tell me the difference between soul and wind. - The Five Senses, A Philosophy Of Mingled Bodies
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sapphire-wine · 10 months
Steel (obviously), raspberry, forest and sapphire <3
Stupidest motherfucker alive... Under a microscope.... We are SO back
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peligin-eyed · 9 months
Oolong, lapsang souchong, rooibos? ( - the-insouciant-scientist)
(I’ve got doubles of a couple prompts, so I’ll answer half here and half later)
Oolong: How does your OC decorate their space?
Ambrose loves luxury, shiny things, and he’s a bit of a hoarder collector. His decor style is pretty maximalist and the only reason his space isn’t overly cluttered is because he employs a very organized housekeeper. There are a lot of bookshelves, some filled with books and some filled with random trinkets and treasures. He has a nice china cabinet for his T8 item collection (also holding some of his husband’s more valuable stolen prizes). In between the shelves, he’s hung up artwork he bought from various artist friends. There’s also a framed collection of newspaper clippings featuring him or his accomplishments. He likes velvet upholstery, imported rugs, and silk sheets and curtains.
Emery is more concerned with functionality than decoration. Their wife handles most of the decor for their London home, though they have a little study where they have a couple shelves to display their collection of ships-in-bottles and some of their hunting trophies mounted on the wall. The Vake head is positioned so that it is directly above their head when they’re sitting at the desk, staring at anyone sitting across from them. In their shipboard cabin, they have maps and notes tacked up all over the walls, weapons and supplies half-in and half-out of a big sea chest, and extra blankets draped on the bed.
Robin doesn’t like to put too much stuff up on the walls, just in case they need to leave in a hurry. They keep a handful of meaningful notes, photos, and letters in a leather wrap under their pillow. If they put up anything, it’s drawings they get from the urchins they sometimes spend time with. If glow-in-the-dark stars existed in flondon, though, they’d put those on the ceiling above their bed. When choosing stuff like furniture, they like sturdy pieces with soft fabrics and warm colors.
Lapsang Souchong: If your OC was a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Ambrose: black currant, absinthe, vanilla
Emery: sea breeze, leather, musk
Robin: spiced honey, cinnamon, smoky amber
Henry: teakwood, petrichor, lavender
Liam: bergamot, sandalwood, moss
Charlie: caramel, coffee, sweet tobacco
Rooibos: What kind of lighting does your OC prefer? Dim, bright, moody, secret fourth thing?
Ambrose enjoys some nice mood lighting- strategically placed candles, tinted lampshades, lightweight cloth tossed over a lamp. He’ll keep it bright enough to see easily when he’s working/writing/reading, though. He’d love those color changing lights or, like, lava lamps.
Emery doesn’t have strong lighting preferences, they’ll make do with whatever the environment provides. Left to their own devices, they keep it moderately bright.
Robin definitely prefers dimmer light or even darkness. They feel uncomfortable and exposed when it’s too bright. Parabola is an exception though, they actually love the glow of the cosmogone sun.
Tea asks
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dramatic-shitpost-poet · 11 months
Oh random fun fact about me that I just got reminded of?
I can smell sickness.
Like if someone has contracted a stomach virus or flu for example. Chronic stuff I can't point out but bacteria and viruses and more temporary illnesses I can smell easily on people and myself. It smells sickly sweet to me with sweat, vomit, and gardenia flowers I think. That's what I smell when I smell sick.
And always, whenever I smell that on someone, they always call out the next day from puking or coughing out their lungs. Little talent I have, I suppose.
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haley-harrison · 1 year
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telling on myself for entertainment purposes 🙃
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starlightkun · 1 year
reading scientific articles on human scent glands to write one scene of a fic. sigh. guess what fic this is for.........
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