#scott probably also belongs on the list
out of all the life series players, Cleo, gem, lizzie, and pearl get a disproportionate about of hate. I wonder why. it would be crazy if there was some type of common denominator between them. if only there was a pattern we could see. how silly would that be
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funky-fairy · 7 months
Lily, Remus and Pandora Headcanons (ridiculously long list)
they're my blorbos i would give my life for them. i project a lot onto remus and lily, so if anything is wildly out of character it's probably that
very kindhearted but also sarcasm queen
burnt out
Academic validation > real sense of self worth
needs external validation (no this is not healthy she's working on it)
better at potions than snivellus and he hates it hehehe
average at „regular“ magic (spells etc) but exceptional at „scienc-y magic“ (potions, arithmancy, astronomy, herbology etc) bc she's just that cool
plant mom (also green plants > flowers)
actually a rulebreaker, she’s just too smart to get caught
struggles to feel like she belongs: witch in the muggle world, muggle in the wizard world
study buddies to best friends with Remus
fav colours sage green and lavender
sorting hat couldn’t decide between gryffindor and ravenclaw at first
never involved in any drama but knows all about it
everyone is very surprised whenever she swears but she actually swears a lot
tells Pandora about the greek pandora myth and thinks that that's flirting
lotssssss of freckles
she is so sleep deprived
sneaks into the library at night (oh wherever could the sleep deprivation come from i have no idea)
loves christmas season (decorating, baking, cheesy movies, music, buying gifts for friends etc., not the christian part)
stress-bakes but can't even cook spaghetti without burning down the kitchen (baking is just different than cooking for her)
constantly apologizes for everything
smokes occasionally and always swears it's the last time (it’s not)
actually not that short but looks very short next to remus and pandora
abba fan (unironically) and always tries to get sirius to dress up as abba with her, remus and pandora (she already coerced persuaded them) for halloween
soft but wouldn't hesitate to kill for the ppl she loves
would love penelope scott if she was a modern teen bc i say so
first one to notice remus has a crush on sirius and vice versa
last one to notice she has a crush on pandora and vice versa
reminds others to drink/eat/sleep/dress warm enough but often doesn't herself bc she feels like she 'doesn't deserve it' :((
kind of a people-pleaser but remus is helping her to stop
so afraid of failure she sometimes doesn’t even try
doesn't cry (not on purpose he just suppressed his emotions for so long he literally can't cry anymore unless he has a full on mental breakdown)
caffeine addiction
won’t drink anything that isn't hot (eg coffee and tea, but also just hot water)
covers up his intense self hatred with jokes (not self deprecating but like joking about being perfect and stuff, idk how to explain it it's mostly me projecting bc i do that lmao)
very sarcastic and can come off as harsh
actually very nice and non-judgmental
chocolate >>>>>
never involved in any drama but wants to know all about it (Lily is his main source of information)
swears a lot
teachers think he’s very responsible but he just doesn’t get caught being irresponsible
smokes too much
thought the sorting head made a mistake by sorting him into gryffindor at first and still feels insecure about it all through his hogwarts years
patronus is a big black dog(sdfghjk)
very very tall but like kind of lanky
lots of scars obv
Sirius had to ask him out (and later propose to him sdfghjdfs) bc he had too much self doubt/hatred and thought Sirius would never want to be with him :(( (He did. Sirius very much wanted to be with him. Very much.)
top tier insomniac (lily makes sleep droughts for him tho)
lily taught him how to bake and now he loves it and is getting quite good at it
corrects people's grammar
knows every single abba lyric bc of lily
david bowie fan
constantly third-wheeling pandora and lily
hits/breaks things when angry, sometimes hits himself but never others
so afraid of rejection he ends up pushing ppl away (they can’t leave you if you don’t let them close in the first place) (his only close friends still are James, Sirius, Peter and Lily, but it took so long for him to let especially Lily close. Pandora still isn’t quite there even tho they are def very good friends)
very smart but only does anything at all if she likes the class/thinks it makes sense to have the class
only follows rules she thinks make sense and most teachers just gave up trying to do something about it
experiments with magic a lot
has scars from said experiments
also random bruises and scratches of unknown origin
wears large quantities of jewellery (piercings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, beads etc in her butterfly locs)
homemade jewellery >>>>>
cannot flirt to save her life
absolutely in love with lily’s brain
doesn’t drink caffeine
her maiden name is lovegood and both lily and her become lovegood-evans later bc in my brain they marry
just wanders around sometimes (excuses it with saying she sleepwalks if she gets caught past curfew)
t a l l
the sorting head barely touched her head before sorting her into ravenclaw
patronus is an octopus bc it's very intelligent but often seen as 'weird'
fav flower is the lily of the valley (sfdghjk)
knits (she knits sweaters and scarfs for lily <3)
is like the only one in this trio that actually feels pretty good about herself
although she does realize ppl tend to see her as 'weird' she just kind of accepted it? like, yeah, other ppl can be close-minded but she knows that and doesn't let it define her; as long as she's happy and doesn't hurt ppl it's all good for her
exclusively drinks sparkling water and jasmine tea
hates the feeling of brushing her teeth and is always working on spells/potions(with lily sdfghjdfs) that clean her teeth for her
would definitely also love penelope scott if she was a modern teen
loves pastries and other little baked goods
literally doesn't get cold
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
Wisteria Lodge pt 1
Definitely haven't read this one before. If there's a Granada version I will have watched it, but only once about five years ago, because that's when I bought the box set and just straight up watched them all. I don't remember the name even slightly. Wisteria is very pretty, though, so I've got a feeling I'd want to live in this lodge even if it does get a bit murdery.
Suddenly he turned upon me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “I suppose, Watson, we must look upon you as a man of letters,” said he. “How do you define the word ‘grotesque’?”
That is not what I was expecting him to say. Do you mean the adjective or the noun, Holmes?
“Strange—remarkable,” I suggested.
That's... not how I would define it either. Is that an evolution of the meaning in the last century? There's a definite meaning of ugliness or disgust these days, not just 'strange'. I'm not sure I'd call any of the cases grotesque, in fact, because it's really more a visual adjective to me than an experiential adjective. I guess The Five Orange Pips was fairly grotesque, given the subject matter involved, but even then... I assume the meaning has evolved slightly.
“Have just had most incredible and grotesque experience. May I consult you? — “Scott Eccles, “Post Office, Charing Cross.”
I know you had to pay by the word for telegrams, but that is the least descriptive telegram you could possibly have sent, Mr Eccles. Clearly you belong to the school of 'leave them asking questions'.
I'm a little confused by Watson thinking that the name Scott Eccles could have been a woman in 1892. Did Scott used to be a gender neutral name? But also, Holmes assertion that a woman would have come rather than just vague-telegramming at him makes me laugh. I feel like anyone else would have just turned up, or at the least sent a message that gave a smidge more information, y'know. Like a ballpark description, a hint of danger, or a location?
HIs name is going to give me a craving for eccles cakes, though.
“My dear Watson, you know how bored I have been since we locked up Colonel Carruthers. My mind is like a racing engine, tearing itself to pieces because it is not connected up with the work for which it was built. Life is commonplace, the papers are sterile; audacity and romance seem to have passed forever from the criminal world."
Who is Colonel Carruthers? So many colonels recently. Is colonel statistically the rank most likely to require the services of Sherlock Holmes? Although one of the colonels wasn't a colonel at all, and was also the villain of the piece, and the second colonel was the victim, so didn't really require Holmes' services so much personally.
Love Holmes waxing lyrical about how boring all the criminals are, though, and how they're just not as good anymore as the old criminals were. Woe! There is no light in the world with criminals going around being so prosaic and uninspired.
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His life history was written in his heavy features and pompous manner. From his spats to his gold-rimmed spectacles he was a Conservative, a churchman, a good citizen, orthodox and conventional to the last degree.
Alas. A tory.
Quite a restrained description from Watson here, though I have only quoted some of it. He's fairly restrained apart from the 'pompous' part. The rest of it is all rather 'ymmv'. I mean, personally I see that list of descriptors and wince, I'm genuinely not sure what Watson's own intention with them is. On the one hand, Watson's very much pro-establishment in so many ways, and his classism is entrenched, though often soaked deep in patriarchal condescension that he must feel is open minded (and probably was for the time). On the other hand, his best friend is Sherlock Holmes and he clearly enjoys unconventional things. So is Watson singing Mr Eccles' praises here or is he too wincing internally?
“I have had a most singular and unpleasant experience, Mr. Holmes,” said he. “Never in my life have I been placed in such a situation. It is most improper—most outrageous. I must insist upon some explanation.” He swelled and puffed in his anger.
Given the description, I'm now expecting this to be something along the lines of 'a man with the wrong accent said hello to me'. But I'm probably being unfair. That would not be worthy of a Holmes story.
"Private detectives are a class with whom I have absolutely no sympathy, but none the less, having heard your name—”
OK, reading this sentence, I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to be feeling very charitable towards him. You don't just walk into a place to ask for someone's professional assistance and insult their occupation. Firstly, that's an idiot move, secondly, it's incredibly rude. I put the idiot bit first because honestly the stupidity of it offends me more than the rudeness. You're asking to be overcharged or sent packing. Asshole tax is alive and well.
But his narrative was nipped in the bud. There was a bustle outside, and Mrs. Hudson opened the door to usher in two robust and official-looking individuals...
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Inspector Gregson does not get compared to an animal in his description! Instead he's called 'gallant'. I guess Watson likes him more than Lestrade.
OH, Scott Eccles is a two-part surname. That's why Watson thought it might be a woman. Right, Scott would have been a surname at this point in time. Everything makes sense now.
Well, not everything... but I feel like that's too much to ask of my dear friend Dr Watson.
“We wish a statement, Mr. Scott Eccles, as to the events which let up to the death last night of Mr. Aloysius Garcia, of Wisteria Lodge, near Esher.”
Aloysius is a name my brain never remembers how to pronounce unless I stop and stare at it for a minute. It just doesn't look how it sounds to me, y'know. Not that that's the relevant part here. The relevant part is he's dead. So Wisteria Lodge is looking a bit murdery. I bet it's pretty, though.
“Mr. Eccles was going to tell us about it when you entered the room. I think, Watson, a brandy and soda would do him no harm."
This story brought to you once again by the healing properties of brandy. Brandy, the cure for all ills.
"He was, I understood, of Spanish descent and connected in some way with the embassy. He spoke perfect English, was pleasing in his manners, and as good-looking a man as ever I saw in my life. “In some way we struck up quite a friendship, this young fellow and I. He seemed to take a fancy to me from the first, and within two days of our meeting he came to see me at Lee. One thing led to another, and it ended in his inviting me out to spend a few days at his house, Wisteria Lodge, between Esher and Oxshott. Yesterday evening I went to Esher to fulfil this engagement."
So Mr Scott Eccles met a hot young guy and they hit it off and one thing led to another. Hmm... *eyebrow waggle* and then he was invited to stay for a few days, hmmm? And he went to fulfil this engagement... HMMM?
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Likelihood of this being explicitly queer in a Victorian era short story: -1%. Likelihood that my brain will insist that these two were lovers, or at the very least flirted outrageously: 101%
My opinion of Mr Scott Eccles just went up a little bit because closeted Victorian gay is a better look than just straight up pompous Tory, but then he used the term 'half-breed' and he has sunk even lower. For two whole sentence I almost liked him.
"I remember that he remarked what a queer household it was to find in the heart of Surrey, and that I agreed with him, though it has proved a good deal queerer than I thought."
"It was an old, tumbledown building in a crazy state of disrepair."
So it's a fixer-upper... sure... I could fix it.
"I had doubts as to my wisdom in visiting a man whom I knew so slightly."
Victorian Grindr date gone wrong.
"About eleven I was glad to go to bed. Some time later Garcia looked in at my door—the room was dark at the time—and asked me if I had rung. I said that I had not. He apologized for having disturbed me so late, saying that it was nearly one o'clock."
Dude. This is no longer giving queer Victorian fling vibes, it's giving 'Mr Scott Eccles is oblivious to the fact he's on a date' vibes. Guy meets you once, invites you to his home, has a 'tête-à-tête' dinner and seems nervous. Then shows up in your room at one am asking if you rang...
Garcia wanted to get laid, Mr Scott Eccles. He's into the older, buttoned up, repressed gentleman look.
Clearly this is not the case, because Victorian literature. But my brain can see no other explanation.
Mr Scott Eccles was so busy being judgemental about the food he didn't realise he was being flirted with so hard.
"You can imagine my surprise when I found that there was no one there. I shouted in the hall. There was no answer. Then I ran from room to room. All were deserted."
Very ghost story. Once again the Gothic horror vibes. I suppose this is where the word 'grotesque' comes in. I feel like the word they were searching for was 'unsettling'. But yeah, waking up to find the house abandoned is creepy af. BUT
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"My host had shown me which was his bedroom the night before, so I knocked at the door."
So before he came into your room at one am to see if you rang for him, he showed you his room... I stg, I know this can't be what it looks like from a modern perspective, but it's so very blatant, I can't even.
Honestly, at this point it reads like a ghost story where Mr Scott Eccles made a narrow escape from a ghost who wanted to fuck him, and through that somehow either steal his life force or trap him forever in the creepy ghost netherworld with him.
Obviously that's not the real answer, but you could finish this story like that and it would be a perfectly valid ending.
I will forever find it hilarious that ACD is most well known for writing stories where things seem supernatural and then his main character proves everything is mundane, while he himself was a fervent believer in all things otherworldly. Just... amuses me.
Other than the obvious 'gay ghost wants to seduce the living to spend forever in limbo with him', the only reasoning behind this I can see is similar to The Red-Headed League and The Stockbroker's Clerk: For some reason a gang of people wanted Mr Scott Eccles to be away from his home for the night, then split once they had accomplished their illicit goal. Although that doesn't solve the murder, just the weirdness. I don't think there's any way to solve the murder at this point.
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almost-a-class-act · 8 months
Cocky motherfucker Haldane is so OOC but like 98% of fanfic is so why not have fun with it. He belongs on recruitment posters. He’s shirtless on the beach like Pam Am. He played football dontchaknow? Should I get a head wound scar? Should I write him a three page letter confessing my undying love and devotion? Should we all have some kind of joint therapy session discussing this company wide problem? Also omg hiii a mention of your post war haldane and his dashing scar. Bitches love head scars. Give him a kiss for me.
IK we all agree mr tussled locks gibson is literally the dilf of the series but him 10 years earlier + younger in Nuremberg makes me so fucking feral I use the 240p resolution upload on youtube as a test for ovulation because its more effective than Clearblue. He smokes. Hes tall and in uniform. He *smokes*. Im losing my last strand of sanity. Im begging for the shirtless fic. I could probs get you reference pics if you’d like. You know, for science.
I think a meth habit would be healthier than this - Hilldane anon
Hilldane anon, if I watch Nuremberg and Scott Gibson has like one line, I'm coming for you lmao. He is dead last on the cast list on Wikipedia. Will it motivate me to write several thousand unhinged words about shirtless Andy Haldane? Do you promise?
Good news - something I did watch today is the Pacific (all of it) so I am deep in my Andy and Eddie feelings. When Gunny gives Sledge the lighter, he had probably originally intended to give it to Hillbilly, maybe at the end of the war, right? And now there's no point in holding on to it? When Sledge is on the beach about to go in the water and he's rubbing the fabric of his shirt with his thumbs, do you think he's remembering Andy and the conversation about his dad making their uniforms and blankets? These are the things I cry an ocean of tears about.
Andy saying Eddie's name, twice, over his body like a prayer. (As it was pointed out to me by @aloraundomiel it's the only time we hear Eddie's real first name in the series.) No additional thoughts, just putting it out there because if I have to suffer, we all do. The way you can see on Andy's face how his brain is just turning over and over, trying to get traction. The pause before he gives the next order. (When having something to do, other people to be accountable before, is what grips the back of your shirt just enough to keep your head above water.)
Just wait until I write the Andy & Sledge fic while I listen to Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World over and over and over again in the background (So what would you think of me now? So lucky, so strong, so proud/I never said thank you for that; now I'll never have a chance). As soon as I write these fucking exams I am going to bury this fandom in Pacific fic.
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flakytartart · 11 months
Did ANYBODY save any of the DSMP "_____ kinnie playlist" videos?
 Help a brother out please, I am very serious and a little desperate.
...Okay, more than a little desperate.
If any of you had intense brainrot like me during the SMP you probably listened to a kinnie playlist for your favorite SMP member. I was wondering if anybody saved any of the (I don’t know if they were the first to do this but I’m gonna call them) original DSMP kinnie playlist videos? For whatever reason around late 2021/early 2022 they took down Technoblade’s playlist and I told myself to download the others...I never did (curse my laziness) and now I can’t find any of them. They’re all just...gone.
I’m specifically interested in the kinnie playlists for Technoblade, Badboyhalo, Jschlatt, Sapnap, Quackity, and Skeppy but would love to see/hear anything you have of these videos (song lists, screenshots, files/downloads, anything about the channel, links to the fanart used, etc.)
- Thumbnails were very similar to current playlist videos (solid color background, square in the middle with fanart)
- They had one for every member of the SMP and didn’t make specific playlists (no eggpire!BBH or exile!Tommy, just BBH and Tommy)
- Each playlist/video was ~20-30 minutes long
All the songs I can remember from my favorite playlists:
⭐ Technoblade: 
My Axe by Insane Clown Posse
The Other Side of Paradise by Glass Animals
Little Dark Age by MGMT
Evil Like Me from Descendants (slowed down)
⭐ Badboyhalo: 
I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters
Living Island by Pogo
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
Butch 4 Butch by Rio Romeo
⭐ Jschlatt:
Wanna Play? by The Prophet (edited so that Schlatt’s laugh plays in time with the track)
Hokus Pokus by Insane Clown Posse (edited so that Schaltt’s laugh plays in time with the track  - “hahahaha hahahaha, FUCK YOU!”)
People I Don’t Like by UPSAHL
Loved by FEiN*
MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) by Lil Nas X (slowed down)
WAA (Wet Ass Ass) by Brandon Rogers (edited so that the “Look at me, worship me” part is slowed down)
⭐ Sapnap:
Rebels by Call Me Karizma (slowed down - this one actually really surprised me because I listened to Sapnap’s playlist so often that the original sounded hella off)
Burning Pile by Mother Mother
⭐ Quackity:
Rät by Penelope Scott
Devil's Train by The Lab Rats
Moonsickness by Penelope Scott*
*I’m not sure if this song belongs to this playlist/was on anybody's playlist.
⭐ Wilbur had his song Saline Solution
⭐ Dream also had Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
⭐ Somebody had Safe and Sound by Capital Cities on their playlist, I just don’t remember who...maybe Dream or George?
So...yeah! These playlists mean a lot to me, hence the super long and detailed post. I got into Insane Clown Posse because of the Technoblade playlist and I’m just really sad everything is gone. Thank you so much for reading, I hope someone out there has anything on these vids.
BONUS ROUND BECAUSE I JUST REMEMBERED: Does anybody have that one song that sounds like Skeppy. It’s really flashy and there’s a verse in it that sounds EXACTLY like him, it was circulating on happytwt back in 2021 I think.
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bitofthisandthat · 5 months
Gonna give out three random numbers for the weirdly specific questions meme for Emma
39, 10, 53!
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Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
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Emma will crash any party she was SUPPOSED to be invited to. She'd pull some dark-fairy-sleeping-beauty nonsense, but instead of curses, she'd act like she belonged there, and would allow herself to sample the champagne, the fancy atmosphere, and probably warp everyone's mind into doing something embarrassing or incriminating before she left...and get it all on record. ( whether she uses it or not is up for grabs ) Otherwise, she could care less if she wasn't invited to a party she didn't care about. She also rejects party invitations all the time. Emma has no rhyme or reason what she goes to versus rejects. It all depends on who else is on the guest list...someone she needs to get at, or has decided that they are her new play thing.
Who would / do they believe without question?
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Unfortunately, she can see into people's minds--and unless they are a powerful psychic like her, they can't tell when she's "poking about". So she sees and hears a lot of stuff she'd rather not...Sadly, this means she doesn't trust most people.
But she trusts Jean. And she knows she can trust Scott.
( #10 was answered )
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lost-decade · 10 months
Reading asks! Thank you to @verycoolwearsleather for the tag 😘
An estimate of how many physical books I own: Surprisingly not that many. I'd say around 100. I did have a lot more but took them all to the charity shop before I moved to London and haven't accumulated a very big collection since. Although I do have a weakness for big glossy photobooks.
Favourite author: Hmm, I wouldn't say I actually have one. My taste in reading is quite niche (ideally contemporary literary fiction but set in the early/mid 20th century, about real life rich beautiful people gallivanting around Europe falling in love with each other, blended with fictional characters and with a queer slant). Villa America by Liza Klaussmann certainly fit that brief. Big fan of Scott Fitzgerald also, surprising no one, and Donna Tartt. Love Garth Greenwell too.
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: I generally don't read popular books haha
A popular book I thought was just meh:
I wouldn't say it's a popular book anymore but I read the Godfather years ago and found it incredibly mediocre in comparison to the film
Longest book I own: I do have a copy of the Count of Monte Cristo somewhere but only made it a few chapters in and watched the miniseries instead.
Longest series I own all the books to: I think probably the Shadow of the Wind series by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, which I adored apart from the last book which I thought was never going to end.
Prettiest book I own: I have quite a few gorgeous coffee table books on photography, London history, architecture etc. And a couple that are full of cocks. For the beauty of the photos I'll say Collaboration, which is a collection of the photographs of Paul Camus, Jared French and Margaret French, which are stunning and surreal. They were artists and lovers who photographed each other and their friends on Fire Island in the late 1930s. Some of which can be seen here: https://www.pineshistory.org/the-archives/art-history-paul-cadmus-jared-amp-margaret-french
Also I treasure my copy of the Duran Duran World Book, which documents their 1988 world tour.
A book or series I wish more people knew about: What Belongs to You by Garth Greenwell, which is about an American teacher who falls in love with a Bulgarian sex worker he cruises in a public toilet in Sofia. Also, Cleanness by the same author, which is an interconnected short story collection.
Book I'm reading now: I've just finished The Destroyers but Christopher Bollen, which kept me guessing but ultimately ended a bit flat. I'm also reading All Down Darkness Wide by the poet Sean Hewitt, which is a memoir, but I know it's going to get depressing as hell so probably need to step away from that one for my mental health and read something a bit more cheerful.
Since watching the recent Interview with the Vampire series I've started reading the Anne Rice books too. Finished book 4 a month ago and taking a bit of a break from the series for now.
Book that's been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven't got around to it: I keep meaning to go back to The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles, which I attempted to read twice and couldn't get into. Also the Captive Prince series by CS Pacat.
Do you have any books in a language other than English: not that I can think of.
Paperback, hardcover, or ebook?: I prefer paperbacks and have been reading more physical books lately, but also use my kindle from time to time.
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avid-avian-lives · 7 months
rancher omens au development nov. 11
in addition to being one of the Them, Scott is going to make an appearance in the history section as a former friend/lover of Jimmy. currently, I'm looking into the best ways that he could fit in. details under the cut! this one has a few bulleted lists, so I'll save you the scroll :>
at the bottom of this post is a poll!! y'all can put in your two cents on my conundrum here
in all cases they'd probably stay together for about ten years before Jimmy decides to leave or Scott dies, depending
the first draft I made takes place in 1906, where Jimmy meets Scott (a flower seller) while moping over Tango (who he hasn't seen in fifty years.) after a while, he moves into Scott's flower field. but Jimmy feels an obligation to help in the face of WWI and fakes his own death since he can't tell Scott the truth or bring himself to lie and say he wants to leave.
Tango has to know about Scott, and he could find out during the 1941 minisode. that could be a really cute moment in which Scott (now much older) says something like "you look so much like someone I used to know"
I really struggled with finding a reason for Jimmy to leave Scott that didn't have them ending on a bad note, and I don't want it to end on a bad note. WWI works as a great excuse for this
poppies were a symbol of death during WWI, meaning that theoretically, a blessing from Jimmy on Scott's flowers could've caused that. that would mean that Scott sold thousands of poppies in the years following WWI in a beautiful gesture towards a man he lost long ago
I'm not totally sold on the idea that Jimmy would even entertain the idea of friendship with Scott while he's so miserable over Tango. I really caked on the angst during the 1854 scene, so Jimmy wouldn't just get over it (he only barely does so in 1967.)
something doesn't fit about Scott knowing about the tavern. if that's somewhere he regularly goes to sell flowers, even after Jimmy "died," then he should be able to recognize the exact same building that supposedly got sold to someone else many years ago.
currently, Scott just kinda... walks into the tavern?? talk about pushy salesman
my second idea was that they met somewhere between rome (41AD) and wessex (535AD). I'm not totally sure how that timeline would work and I haven't written anything for it lol
the main pro is that I think it would be reeeeeallly sweet if Jimmy named Scotland after Scott bc "it's his place, he belonged here"
it would also not interfere much with the overarching timeline bc there's a huuuuge expanse of time (~500 years) that is given no official content, so I have a lot of space to work with
it would be a lot goofier to write bc idk much about the era, but since it's such a wide era I could probably find something to work with
I have no idea how Tango would find out about Scott if it's been hundreds of years since Jimmy saw him. since there's isn't a way that it would end happily, (either Jimmy leaves or Scott dies or something) Jimmy would hardly be volunteering that information. but Tango has to find out somehow, and I want that to be established information somewhere
my third thought was sometime during the 70s with the hippie era
obviously the theme of "the flower human" (as Tango call him in 2008) fits in fairly well with Scott lol
Tango would be aware of Scott bc he probably met Scott. we could also see Tango get into Queen music which would be kinda funny
Scott and Tango being around at the same time would be weird. I'm not a huge fan of the idea
established hippie culture doesn't lend itself to two men living alone in a big flower field, so I'm not sure what exactly I'd do with that to work it out
I'd have to take out the line "I'm in love with him, aren't I?" from Jimmy referring to Tango in 1941 bc it wouldn't make much sense to establish that and then turn it around right away
my final thought was during the short stretch of time between Edinburgh (1820s) and St. James Park (1854).
Tango is missing during this time but comes back soon after
the increased angst potential of 1854 >:) I already increased the angst of this scene and would be all for doing it again
after edinburgh Jimmy would be in Scotland anyway, clearing the tavern problem from 1906
it's a little pushy in terms of the overarching timeline. both edinburgh and st james are reeeally important parts of the story (even if edinburgh doesn't appear in the history section), and I'm not sure putting another factor in there would be a good idea
I'm also not sure what exactly would happen between them. after a while, Jimmy would spend this time worried about Tango, since he's been missing for 30ish years. would Jimmy be as worried as I need him to be if he spent that time with someone else?
currently I only have work down for 1906, but I'll probably end up fleshing out all these ideas more and posting them as bonus content :>
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loganwritesprobably · 2 years
Teen Wolf x Harry Potter
Hello and welcome back to Logan is mentally ill and obsessed with Teen Wolf Today? Everyone is getting sorted into a Harry Potter house... probably. I’m indecisive so we will see! I’ll do this house by house, but first a reminder of the traits for each house Gryffindor - Courageous, brave, adventurous, daring, loyal and chivalrous. Ravenclaw - Intelligent, creative, clever, witty and knowledgeable Hufflepuff - Hard-working, dedicated, kind, patient, fair and loyal Slytherin - Ambitious, cunning, proud, resourceful, determined and values fraternity
I feel like this is the easiest house to start with given the nature of the show and some of these feel fairly obvious.
Scott McCall Personally, I could also argue for Scott in Hufflepuff but the True Alpha himself would undoubtably be a Gryffindor, he’s giving me a lot of Neville energy with his sorting. He would think that he didn’t belong in Gryffindor but by the end of the show, he knows that’s exactly where he’s supposed to be. Scott is the embodiment of bravery, so unwaveringly loyal even to those who may not deserve it, and nothing if he isn’t daring. A Gryffindor to the letter.
Liam Dunbar Beta to the True Alpha, constantly throwing himself into danger in that very Gryffindor way. He follows his Alpha’s lead but isn’t afraid to stand up to him if he feels that it’s necessary (see bringing back Theo and defending that choice successfully). Liam is brave, he’s daring, he’s loyal to his pack and he’s adventurous (which we see in Liam before he accepts what he is ‘where are we going?’ ‘what’s at midnight?’)
Derek Hale A lot of people put Derek into Slytherin, and I resent this. They do so because he’s dark and twisty, but that is not what makes a Slytherin. Derek is so incredibly brave, regularly puts his life on the line, returning to Beacon Hills in order to help Scott because he is loyal to a kid who isn’t even his Alpha. He tries to sacrifice his life for a random woman and refuses to kill his sister and a feral Beta. Chivalrous, brave, daring. Derek is a Gryffindor.
Kira Yukimura Our first lady of the list, and an all-around gorgeous girl. Kira is so incredibly brave. At such a young age she just embraces what she is, fights an evil version of her friend, faces the potential of becoming evil with nothing but audacity and an understandable amount of anxiety. She proceeds to face against the skin walkers with great risk of losing her life as she knows it but when she’s needed, she dives right back into the action. If she isn’t a Gryffindor, I don’t know who is.
Lydia Martin Again, I feel like this is obvious here. Lydia is a lot of things and if she was attending Hogwarts, there is no doubt in my mind that she would thrive in any of the houses (though, season one Lydia would probably not do very well in Hufflepuff), each house perhaps addressing different elements of her personality. But Lydia Martin is nothing if not incredibly intelligent. She can read Latin. In canon. Our only canon bilingual character and she speaks a dead language. She’s intelligent, she’s knowledgeable, she’s clever and God is she witty.
Mason Hewitt Stiles, generation two edition. Mason takes on the role of Stiles to Liam’s Scott. He’s also very intelligent in his own right, emotionally as well as academically. He offers to help Corey with his lab work, partly because he’s incredibly gay (so valid) but also because he is comfortable with that work, clearly understanding it well. He’s intelligent, he’s clever, he’s also very quick to understand things which demonstrates another type of clever that he is.
Claudia Stilinski I know, I know, we never really see her in canon. However! Idk fuck Jeff Davis, I actually wrote Teen Wolf and I get to make shit up if I want to. Moving on. Stiles got his intelligence from somewhere, it does tend to be genetic in that way, and while his dad is an excellent officer and detective, he isn’t smart in the way that Stiles is. Enter his mother. In my mind, Claudia probably went to university. What did she study? Haven’t a jar of glue, but she’s academically intelligent. She probably also had that quick witty humour that Stiles is known for.
Isaac Lahey Isaac is an interesting character. I’ve seen him put in Hufflepuff before and a part of me thinks that’s because people aren’t sure where else to put him. If you don’t know where to put someone, you put them in Hufflepuff, but we don’t do that here. We overthink! Isaac is incredibly patient with Derek. Derek.. didn’t do a great job at being Alpha, we know that even if he was doing his best. But Isaac gave him his loyalty, being patient with him and dedicated to him until Derek stopped deserving it. Oh look at that, that’s three Hufflepuff traits in one sentence.
Vernon Boyd Boyd is, in my mind, a character we don’t know all that much about compared to other characters. I don’t know whether he was just a character I was personally less invested in, whether he appears less in fanon or just didn’t get as much screen time as others but I still have some pretty strong points. Boyd is so incredibly loyal. He accepts becoming a Werewolf in order to find family friends and he is loyal to each of them until the end. He refuses to leave Erica behind when they’re attacked by Allison, even defending her with his own body; he literally dies for Derek, refusing to let the Alphas get the upper hand and his last words are “it’s okay” because he is fair, knows that situation was out of Derek’s control. He was also in the Air Force ROTC program, as well as on several sports teams, suggesting just how hard-working he was.
Corey Bryant Corey is another character I feel didn’t get as much screen time as he deserved. A lot of his personality is comprised of ‘cowardice’ and being in love with Mason. But his relationship with Mason is representative of his dedication and loyalty. He tries to hide Mason from the dread doctors to save him from becoming a Chimera despite his fear of being killed again. He also sticks around, helping the pack, despite his fear because he wants to help his friends, showing more dedication. Corey is also a character that, if nothing else, is very kind.
Melissa McCall Do I really need to explain this one? Melissa is serving Cedric. She’s so awesome but that is directly a result of how hard-working she is, her fierce loyalty, her frankly impressive dedication and her kindness that she shows to even those who may not deserve it. She’s so patient with her son and his friends, never unfair in her punishments for her child and is so incredibly understanding of his life. Love Melissa.
Peter Hale
Peter is a character that is stereotypically categorised into Slytherin because he’s a villain and for once it isn’t wrong. Peter is exactly the traits identified for Slytherin in the same way that Derek embodies Gryffindor. His ambition for power outshines even Theo; he’s cunning, always plotting and making plans that the others don’t know about; he’s resourceful, taking advantage of whatever situation he finds himself in, or getting out; he’s determined to get what he wants by any means necessary and that involves murder; but he also clearly cares for fraternity. Once he knows Malia is his, he ventures to care for her in his own unique way, we see him caring for Cora while she’s in the hospital, despite his dislike for Stiles he is kind with him in the hunt and when Derek is dying outside the temple in season four, we see that he cares for his nephew. The people that he cares for are few and far between but that exactly is fraternity.
Jackson Whittemore
Jackson is another ‘villain’ that often finds himself correctly thrown into Slytherin, though perhaps with more care than Peter. We see in the first two seasons his struggles with his identity and desperately wanting to be enough for his parents, which shows his ambition and his determination. He wants to be the best and he will be, and he’s willing to work to get it to an extent but will also cheat his way to the top - resourceful (see him trying to find out where Scott is getting steroids, either to take them or take Scott out to eliminate the competition). And if there’s one word I’d pick to describe Jackson’s personality, proud would probably be high on the list.
Theo Raeken
Theo Raeken, another villain, I’m sensing a theme here. Have an original thought, Jeff. Theo reminds me a lot of Peter. He’s a Slytherin for a lot of the same reasons. He’s ambitious, he’s determined to get what he wants and thinks that he needs. We see his resourcefulness first hand. Can’t take a True Alpha’s power? No but his Beta can, and I can take it from his Beta. It’s something we don’t see a single other villain consider. We also see his pride in his refusal to seek help with being homeless and sleeping in his truck.
Malia Tate Our first protagonist in Slytherin, exciting, but like father like daughter. Malia was a character that I struggled to put anywhere. She has a lot of compelling traits, but none that particularly fit one house. She’s loyal, she’s witty, she’s resourceful and she’s brave. Ultimately here, I deferred to the lore of the Harry Potter universe which shows that children often are in the same house as their parents, and so here is Malia, in Slytherin.  Cora Hale Looks like Derek is the odd Hale out, huh? Cora could be a Gryffindor, I will give her that, but don’t you think green is more her colour? She’s an incredibly independent, strong-willed and sometimes rude character. At a young age she was orphaned and alone and she simply pulled herself up by her bootstraps and made it work, if that isn’t resourceful then I don’t know what is. She doesn’t care much for the pack, but she does care about her brother, and dislikes her uncle for killing her sister. Sounds like fraternity to me. She is also proud, willing to follow Derek into a fight they both know he won’t win, as long as he’s willing to die for a good cause. 
Stiles Stilinski
Now, I hear you. Where are you putting Stiles? I’m not. I refuse. Point blank. Here’s my argument for each house, you can place him where you wish. Gryffindor Stupid idiot charges into danger after his friends knowing how badly he could be hurt just because he needs to make sure his friends don’t also get hurt? Gryffindor. He’s loyal, he’s brave, he’s chivalrous, he’s adventurous (he went into the woods looking for a dead body). Stiles would be comfortable in Gryffindor, he’s a combination between Hermione and Ron.
Hufflepuff Hard-working? Hello, he stays up all night doing research to make sure people don’t die. Kind? Yes. So very much yes. He cares so deeply for his friends and is always kind with them (excluding a few tense moments with Scott that we can just ignore). Patient? He’s surrounded by idiots and barely loses his temper. Yes. Loyal? To a fault. He always goes back to his friends.
Ravenclaw He’s one of the smartest characters on the show, he’s academically intelligent, he’s clever (”you’ve always been the clever one”), he’s witty (sarcasm), he’s knowledgeable (literally figures out that Scott is a Werewolf), he’s creative (nicknames, quick humour). He’d thrive in Ravenclaw, surrounded by people just as chaotic and intelligent as him.
I think this is the weakest argument, but it doesn’t take away from my thoughts that Stiles in Slytherin would be interesting, seeing how it would change him based on who he was surrounded by. Stiles is very resourceful; he’s always finding ways to take out the next big bad and usually does so with just a baseball bat in hand. If Stiles isn’t determined, then I don’t know who is. While Stiles is less fraternal than other Slytherins I sorted, he’s also not as faultlessly loyal as Scott. He’s suspicious and cares first and foremost for those in the pack, but only those he considers worth it (while other pack members accepted Theo, Stiles didn’t, and while he’d take a bullet for any member of the pack normally, that wouldn’t be Theo in that timeframe. Fraternity).
Some characters I don’t feel I can justify or just don’t know much about, but I can absolutely sort them based on vibes so here we go. Danny Mahealani - Ravenclaw Allison Argent - Slytherin Ethan Steiner - Hufflepuff Aiden Steiner - Gryffindor Chris Argent - Gryffindor Noah Stilinski - Hufflepuff Brett Talbot - Slytherin Hayden Romero - Gryffindor Lori Rohr - Ravenclaw Nolan Holloway - Hufflepuff Tracy Stewart - Slytherin Erica Reyes - Slytherin Jordan Parrish - Gryffindor Deucalion Blackwood - Ravenclaw Please feel so incredibly free to agree or disagree, house sorting is one of my favourite topics to discuss.
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calswildflcwer · 2 years
Can I Kiss You?
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Pairing : Scott McCall x fem!oc.
Warnings : Foul language, mentions of death, character death, no comfort end, angst then fluff then no comfort.
Plot : Bluebell has made a list of rules that she lives by, she decides to break one of those rules and kisses the alpha, Scott McCall. However, things soon take a deathly turn.
Prompt : Can I kiss you? Or is that against the rules?” “Fuck the rules.”
Pronouns used : he/him for Scott, she/her for Bluebell.
Note : All oc’s belong to me, please do not copy or steal any of my oc’s details. Thanks.
Info : Info about Bluebell here! Also, Scott will probably be ooc but it’s a fic so that much is obvious I guess.
Word count : 1.9k words.
OC taglist : @fairchildflag - You’ve already read this on Insta lmao but I wanted to post it here too 💖
OC Masterlist here!
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Bluebell paced back and forth in her bedroom, going through the plan over and over in her head. What would she tell Scott? What would she even say?
“Scott, I’m so sorry I lied to you all this time. My name is actually Brooklyn Harris, I-I’m sure you recognise it-” she began to recite, quickly cutting herself off.
“Pfft! Of course he’ll recognise that name, you’ve tried killing him before.” Bluebell muttered to herself in the mirror, gripping the dressing table in front of her; her claws digging in and making scratch marks in the white painted oak. She took a deep breath, her claws slowly retracting back into her normal nails as she let out a deep sigh, grabbing a pen and piece of paper, deciding the best way to explain everything would be to write it down.
Dear Scott- “No, that’s wrong. It’s not a letter, Bluebell.” She groaned to herself, scribbling out what she had written.
She took a deep breath, slowly letting her hand glide across the paper; letting her words flow effortlessly. It didn’t take long for her to finish her note.
If you’re reading this, I’m probably either dead or I’ve just ran away… again.
Things weren’t supposed to end like this. You guys weren’t supposed to find out like this. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my past, one of them was becoming the biggest predator of the supernatural world, I was never meant to become a killer but with eyes as blue as mine- everybody already assumed the worst before even realising I wasn’t a werewolf, I’m a Werecoyote. I’m sure, by now, that Gerard has told you all the truth about me, a name I’m sure you’ll all recognise. My name is Brooklyn Harris, when I was ten, I was abandoned by my pack- made to survive this awful world alone. That’s when the hunters came. That’s when I became a killer, it started with just one of Gerard’s men, I didn’t care enough to remember his name. All I knew was that I had to survive, and with over ten guns pointed in my direction, there was no other option. Once I realised what I’d done, how dangerous I was, I ran… I ran and I didn’t stop, not for Derek, not for Argent’s men, not for Chris, and not even for you, Scott McCall. My choices were either fight or flight, I’d always been raised to claw my way out of any situation, so whenever I came across somebody I knew would try to stop me, somebody I didn’t trust, I would choose the latter and would fight and claw and scream and growl, I didn’t care what the outcome was, all I knew was that I needed to survive. This lifestyle earned me the title ‘the most dangerous of them all’, a title frequently used by Gerard Argent. I’m a predator, a dangerous and lethal predator who has so much blood on her hands. I thought I’d left that life behind, but it seems that no matter what I did or how much I changed my name or face- somebody out there would still recognise me. So this is my farewell, this is my goodbye, my departure note. I have to leave and I don’t think I’ll ever return. I broke rule number one; don’t fall in love with the alpha. Goodbye my love, my heart and my soul, Scott McCall,
Forever yours,
Brooklyn “Bluebell” Harris.
Bluebell left the note on her dresser before grabbing the duffel bag she had packed beforehand, she stopped at the front door; sparing one final glance over her shoulder before letting the safety door slam and sprinting away from the porch.
She stopped at the preserve, stepping over the chain and the do not enter sign. She placed a hand on the nearest tree to steady herself before glancing over her shoulder to make sure she wasn’t followed- she knew that Scott and the pack would be at her house by now.
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Scott ran in through the door of his girlfriend’s home, “BLUEBELL!!” He called out. Stiles, Derek, Lydia, Malia and Chris were all behind him, “BLUE!!” He called out again, glancing over his shoulder with a wide eyed fearful look which Stiles quickly caught on to. “If she isn’t here, if we don’t find her- if Gerard finds her before us…” Scott began, worry emanating from his voice.
“She’ll be dead before she hits the ground.” Chris put in, letting a sigh leave his mouth.
Stiles placed a hand on Scott’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, “Hey, we’ll find her, okay?” He reassured his best friend.
Scott sent an appreciative smile his way before turning towards the stairs, he sprinted up; Stiles, Derek and Chris were on his heel as Lydia and Malia searched downstairs. They searched around for a while before Stiles stood up straight, “Scott, Scott I got something.” He said, holding up the note.
Scott was by his side in seconds as he grabbed the note from Stiles’ hands, his eyes scanned back and forth, word after word. He let out a soft sigh, dropping the note to the floor, “Scott, what’s wrong?” Chris asked, worry evident in his voice.
“She’s gone. She’s run away.” Scott mumbled, his voice was low and tears were slowly rolling down his cheeks.
Stiles placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze as Derek spoke up, “Then we need to find her before Gerard does.” He said, throwing one of her scarfs towards Scott. “Track her scent.” He told him. Scott nodded, scrunching the scarf in his fists and pressing the garment to his nose, taking in her scent.
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The footsteps became louder and louder behind her. The red lasers were shining through the trees, closer and closer to where Bluebell was. She quickly slinked behind a large oak tree, pressing her back against the wood as her chest heaved up and down repeatedly, she placed a hand over her mouth as she heard the voices on the other side of the tree becoming louder, “She definitely went this way, boys. She can’t run for long.” It was the voice that could make milk curdle, the voice that could bring even the toughest man to his knees, the voice that made her blood boil and skin crawl, the voice that belonged to Gerard Argent.
She heard the footsteps disperse, slowly getting further and further away. She let out a sigh of relief she didn’t even realise she was holding, and closed her eyes slightly as her breathing slowly went back to its normal pace.
Bluebell pushed herself away from the tree and began walking the opposite way, she placed her hands in the pockets of her jeans as she continued to walk. She spared a glance over her shoulder, however, this made her bump into someone. Her eyes widened before she turned her head, fear evident in her eyes as she stared at the intruder. “S-Scott?” She asked, “H-how did you find me?” She questioned.
“I tracked your scent.” He responded, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Look, Bluebell- or Brooklyn, whatever name you go by…” He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck, “I don’t care about what you’ve done in the past. I don’t care that you’ve tried to kill me more than once, I don’t care about your past mistakes. I fell in love with the shy girl who always tried to stay at the back of the class, unnoticed, with a hoodie on even in one hundred degree weather. I fell in love with Bluebell Harris, I fell in love with the werecoyote, I fell in love with the blue glowing eyes, I fell in love with you, Bluebell. Your past, your mistakes, your old life- all of that, isn’t who you are. You? The real you? It isn’t the monster who did the horrible stuff, it’s the girl who was mortified by the horrible stuff she did. You are loved, you’re loved by me, you’re like a daughter to Chris, you’ve become good friends with Derek, you’re best friends with Lydia and Malia and Serenity would be so lost without you.” He told her, sitting her on a nearby log.
“I don’t know, Scott.” She sighed, placing her head in her hands. “No matter how far I run, no matter how much I change about myself, somebody will always recognise me and some people will never forgive the things I’ve done.”
“Don’t change anything about yourself, you’re perfect as you are.” He told her, resting his forehead against the side of her head, planting a soft kiss to the top of her ear.
She tilted her head, slowly turning it and staring at the alpha, “Didn’t you read rule number one in that note?” She asked, biting her lip slightly as she stared into his eyes.
“I did.” He grinned, licking his lips slightly as his eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips. “Exactly how many rules did you make?” He questioned.
“Ten.” She whispered softly, staring into his eyes.
“That’s a lot of rules, Blue.” He whispered back.
“They’re the rules I try to live by.” She whispered, her own eyes flickering back and forth between his eyes and lips. She lifted her hand, pressing it against his cheek, “But then you came around and you just…” She sighed slightly with a soft smile shining on her features, “You just changed my whole world.” She chuckled softly.
He watched her, a smile emanating from his own features as he leaned forward, “Can I kiss you? Or is that against the rules?” He asked, padding his thumb across her cheek.
She stared up at him through her lashes, a smile quickly spread across her features as her pupils were blown wide; biting her lips, the next words flowed freely, “Fuck the rules!” She whispered, letting him lean down and crash his lips against hers.
She kissed back just as passionately, her arms wrapping around him as her fingers became entangled in his hair whilst his hands gripped her waist.
That was until a shadow came over the pair of them, “Well well well, isn’t this sweet?” There it was again, that milk curdling voice.
The pair pulled away, Bluebell’s protective instinct slowly kicking in as she quickly rose to her feet and stood in front of her boyfriend, “Oh, you foolish child, I never wanted Scott. We only ever wanted you, Brooklyn.” He smirked, grabbing her roughly.
Her hands were bound above her as she was dangled from a tree. She stared at Scott, a fearful and apologetic look in her eyes as he was held back by a few of Gerard’s men. Her eyes widened as she watched Gerard pull out a long, steel sword. She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable impact that she knew was bound to come.
Scott watched in horror, trying to fight against the men who were holding him back but there were too many of them, “Gerard, no! Please!” Scott pleaded as Gerard lifted the sword; the tip glinted in the sunlight that was shining through the trees.
Gerard wore an evil grin as he swung the sword as hard as he could, cutting the young girl in half at the waist. Her body fell limp immediately as Scott fell to his knees, letting out an agonising and painful scream which soon turned into a roar. Tears rolled down his cheeks as Gerard signalled for his men to leave, Scott stared at the hanging body of his girlfriend. His tears quickly becoming a waterfall as he knelt on the ground and screamed out.
The others skidded to a halt behind him, Stiles placed a hand on Scott’s shoulder, trying to hold back his own tears as he stared at the scene in front of him, Scott’s painful screams echoed through the forest. They were too late. Far too late.
She was gone.
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Henloooo! Welcome back to another oc fic! 🤪 The og Teen Wolf characters are probably very much poc but I mean, it’s a Fic so that’s bound to happen, please do lemme know what y’all think tho angels! 😘 Stay hydrated, make sure you’ve eaten today, remember you’re loved more than you’ll ever know and stay safe. Mwaaaah! 💖
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thevaudevilledemon · 1 month
1001 Comics Project
So… I decided to do something crazy, because I am just that kind of weirdo who likes having big projects. Being someone who used to find comics a… fairly esoteric medium, it's only fitting that I decided to go through the 1001 Comics you Must Read before You Die book and read each comic. Why? Well, it does harken back to me finding comics an esoteric medium, and I think going through this would not only be great for me to be more acquainted with comics, but also give me a good understanding of the history of comics. Media history is one of the things I love, so getting the chance to read these comics would really give me a glimpse into the history of it all.
And I figured, let's really make this interesting. Every few comics or so, I will share my progress here, and whether or not the comics really belong on the 1001 Comics list. Why? Because I like to talk about these things. On top of that, sprinkled around every now and then, I'm gonna read a couple extra comics that… aren't in the book, but may still be worth checking out.
So, let's begin this journey into comics, graphic novels, manga, manhwa, newspaper comics and the comix underground.
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Entry Number: 316 (No I'm not gonna do this by the book) Title: Mickey Mouse Meets the Air Pirates Funnies Writers and Artists: Dan O'Neill, Bobby London, Gary Hallgreen, and Ted Richards Year: 1971 Genre: Underground, Adult, Parody Type: 2-Issue Comic Series Read: 2024-04-30
Verdict: Yes I can't quite say this is a "Must Read" comic, but it is definitely something that many art loving punks have probably always wanted to do, but never had a the balls, guts or courage to try and get away with; fucking with Mickey Mouse. Disney characters swear, and commit acts of coitis. This is the kind of thing many in the underground would salivate over, so if you enjoy seeing The Mouse (TM) get beaten, cussed at, fucked and all around mistreated, this two-issue comic series may be for you.
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Entry Number: 212 Title: Spy Vs. Spy Writers and Artists: Antonio Prohías (And others) Year: 1961 Genre: Humour, Silent Comics Type: Magazine Comic Read: 2024-04-30 to 2024-05-01
Verdict: Yes I wasn't even half-way through Spy vs. Spy The Complete Casefiles before I made my decision. The humour, often simplistic, is marvelously crafted with zero dialogue. It is the classic essence of a good old fashioned slapstick cartoon put to paper, and unlike Tom and Jerry or Road Runner and Coyote, both spies get bamboozled, and the best part is, it isn't always to the death, sometimes one spy just gets the better of the other, but it's always in a clever, unique, and sometimes just goofy way that compliments the absurdity of cartoons and comics. I will say I am not as much a fan of the Peter Kuper comics, the artstyle and gag writing just doesn't feel right, and when the comic is in colour, frankly that just kills the whole thing, still these are fun comics and absolutely should be checked out.
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Entry Number: 627 Title: Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art Writers and Artists: Scott McCloud Year: 1993 Genre: Reference, Analysis Type: Analysis Material, Graphic Novel Read: 2024-05-01 to 2024-05-02
Verdict: Yes I think ultimately, Under Standing comics may be a good reference to look at while learning how comics work, what makes them tick, so to speak. Scott McCloud does kind of go overboard, I think, over explaining, and ultimately making the issue at hand a bit more complicated that it needed to be, or maybe I'm just not very intelligent. All in all, for what this book is, I do think that yes, it does belong on this list, but if there is another comic about explaining comics, than they may also be worth looking into just as much.
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Entry Number: 709 Title: 300 Writers and Artists: Frank Miller and Lynn Varley Year: 1998 Genre: History, War, Action Type: Five-Issue Comic Series Read: 2024-05-03
Verdict: Yes What really made me enjoy this book more than I thought I would, was the dry wit and sarcasm from King Leonidas, Frank Miller knew how to write the perfect response to come from the Spartan King's mouth. On top of that, the artstyle was fantastic, full page illustrations with Lynn Varley's colouring were incredible, and when something needed to be grotesque, it was pretty grotesque. I think ultimately, even if you don't find yourself really into the art or writing, it's only five chapters long, and it could be read in about an hour or so. I enjoyed it for what it was, and I can definitely recommend it. Plus, if you're familair with the 2006 movie adaptation, some, if not all of your favourite lines from the movie are in the book.
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Entry Number: 106 Title: The Adventures of Tintin: The Seven Crystal Balls Writers and Artists: "Hergé" Year: 1943 Genre: Adventure, Mystery Type: Comic Book Read: 2024-05-03 (I was eager to read a Tintin comic)
Verdict: Yes If I had to pick only a couple Tintin comics to include in this book, The Seven Crystal Balls is absolutely one of the books I'd select. The Tintin comics were often enjoyable mysteries and fun adventures and The Seven Crystal Balls is one of the best mysteries of the series. There is just one concern here, and that is that for whatever reason "Prisoners of the Sun" is not included in this book at all, not as an entry, not even part of a shared entry with this one. Since The Seven Crystal Balls directly leads into Prisoners of the Sun, I say that you can't have one without the other. So take this as sort of a double recommendation, though after all this, I will be doing Prisoners of the Sun as a separate entry.
And as a bonus, a comic that isn't on the list, but I read anyway
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Title: The Intertidal Zone Writers and Artists: Stephen Hillenburg Year: 1989 (Some sources say 1984 but the comic available on the Internet Archive is dated 1989) Genre: Educational, Humour Type: Educational Comic Book Read: 2024-05-05
Verdict: Should be on the list The amazing characterization and art of Stephen Hillenburg is displayed in not only a humorous comic, but also a cute and fun way to learn about some sea life. I could imagine an entire comic series of this, and I can also see some seeds planted that would eventually become a little TV show that changed animation, I'm not talking about Bob the Sponge, I'm talking about SpongeBob SqaurePants!
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lawyerserving456 · 1 year
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This signifies that we embrace mediation and arbitration services that can help you resolve your matter exterior of court docket, assuaging the need for often lengthy courtroom hearings by which a choose will resolve the end result. Radley Family Law is a leading Ontario family law firm family law rules with experience in a wide variety of family disputes and legal issues, including divorce, spousal assist, and youngster custody, entry, and protection. Legal proceedings such as divorce and separation can take a toll on you and your loved ones, however we may help alleviate the emotional stress and nervousness of these circumstances.
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picsinhead-blog · 1 year
Tim’s Favorite Movie Project: Critters 2: The Main Course
Critters 2: The Main Course (1988)
Directed by Mick Garris
Starring Scott Grimes, Liane Curtis, Don Opper, Terrence Mann, Barry Corbin, Roxanne Kernohan
Released April 29, 1988
Plot: Two years after the events of Critters, the citizens of Grover’s Bend have resumed a normal, Krite-free existence. The peace is shattered when Krite eggs are discovered, mistaken for some kind of antiques (?!) and begin to hatch. Soon after, shape shifting alien bounty hunters Ug and Lee return to join the citizens in an epic battle for Grover’s Bend – and Earth itself!
One of my favorites because: Critters 2 is an oddity in so many ways. On the surface, it’s a pretty basic sequel – it gathers all the survivors of the first film (well – those who were willing to return), and more or less repeats the premise. But Critters 2 is a gratuitous sequel that’s self-conscious about being a gratuitous sequel. Critters 2 is a PG-13 rated film that raises the level graphic gore from the first film, and features 80’s action movie levels of nudity (working in a brilliant Airplane! level sight gag). It’s a film that doesn’t seem to have any artistic reason to exist, and it capitalizes on that by featuring main characters struggling to find their place in the world: Brad tries to hide his identity because of his association with the events of Critters, and Charlie is reluctant to return to Earth for fear of being shoehorned back into his old role. The shapeshifting Lee spends the whole film restlessly trying to find what shape it belongs in; Sheriff Harv is now played by a different actor and doesn’t want to be a part of this at all. But what really makes Critters 2 memorable, and what earns it a place (at least for now) on this favorites list, is the strength and novelty of its Easter imagery. The Krite eggs are mistaken for God knows what, decorated, and used in an Easter egg hunt, which is all well and good, but can’t compete with the most memorable sequence in the film in which a man dressed as the Easter Bunny gets his suit filled with hungry Critters and crashes as a bloody mess through a church window. Exceptional. There are so many Christmas horror movies, but it’s somewhat harder to find any that exploit the bright colors and silly imagery of Easter – and maybe that’s because it’ll never get any better than this.  
My relationship to this movie: When I was little, my grandparents had a side room where grandpa had a little 8” or 10” color television set up. When we were at their house, us kids would hang in that room and watch whatever was on – usually movies on TBS or Channel 11. This meant very little adult interference, but also zero control over what was on or what parts of it we saw. That is where I saw the Easter Bunny sequence for the first time. (This is the first but definitely not the last time a movie I saw on that TV will make this list.) That experience, probably in 1989, represented the sum total of my direct knowledge of the Critters franchise until 2019. I would have movie nights with my friend in Buffalo by syncing our starts and texting throughout the movie; she picked Critters (and for some reason, Critters Attack!) in late fall 2019, and was disappointed that the scene I was waiting for was not in that movie. Then, in late summer 2020, I got into the rest of the series via Scream! Factory’s loaded Blu-ray box set. Revisiting Critters 2 for this writing was the fourth time I’ve watched the movie in its entirety.  
My favorite _________: Critters 2 is my favorite Easter movie. List Position at Debut:Critters 2 is the twelfth entry in this project and starts at number twelve.
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
Draco X older reader but like only by a year or two where dracos been crushing on her all of his hogwarts years
All writing will be #writing-wh0re-requests.
Draco x Reader.
Words: 1,128.
Warnings: Smut18+, Fingering, Slight Dom Draco, Swearing, Walked In On.
A/n: I love and appreciate all of you - Thank you for supporting me x
I had noticed his eyes lingering on me for months now, quickly looking away before our gaze could lock. I wasn’t the only one who picked up on the silver haired boy’s glances.
Fred and George had noticed a few months back. A small smile dances across my lips as I day dream back to the day they had finally picked up on it.
I was sitting in the library, trying to focus on my textbook while the twins talked to each other about new products to sell to the first years.
“Is that Malfoy?”
The second his name floated through the air my eyes were scanning the room.
Although I wouldn’t admit it to the twins, the younger boy had my stomach fluttering with butterflies. He was definitely the first to look my way but that didn’t stop me from trailing over his toned body, especially during Quidditch. Fuck, Quidditch, the way his biceps would flex when holding the broom. A rush of goosebumps took over my skin, my panties dampening at the thought of Draco cladded in his uniform.
“Last person I expected to see here.” George mumbles causing Fred to chuckle in response.
“People probably feel the same about you.”
I attempt to hide my smirk at the shocked expressions of the twins. My eyes quickly linger between their faces, Draco’s eyes locking with mine, causing heat to fill my cheeks.
Regretfully, my eyes don’t dart away fast enough, the twins following my gaze and noticing the state of my blush filled cheeks.
From that moment, the twins would give me shit for my little crush on Draco. They had also noticed Draco’s wandering eyes, which caused their stirring to start.
The moment Draco and I were in the same room Fred or George would flirt with me. Sometimes even both, grabbing more than just Draco’s attention.
They would place their hands on my exposed knee, whispering in my ear, nothing of importance, but anything to rile Draco up.
“Earth to Y/n.”
I softly shake my head, blinking a few times as I pull myself from my day dream.
“What are you thinking about?” Nova asks, placing a small amount of pie in her mouth.
“Probably little lover boy.”
I roll my eyes at Fred, his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side.
“Someone doesn’t seem happy.” Fred whispers, his warm breath fanning against my neck.
Draco’s eyes lock onto mine. My breath hitches in my throat, his tongue dragging across his bottom lip. A shuddering breath escapes me, my mind filled with unspeakable thoughts. I shove Fred away, a little aggressively before standing up.
“Excuse me.”
I rushed out of the grand dining hall. My legs carrying me to the bathroom, hoping a splash of cold water will calm me down.
My fingers grip the porcelain sink as I look over my reflection. Quickly darting my eyes away at the sound of the door opening, not wanting to come across as vain or be caught with flushed cheeks.
“What did he do?”
My neck snaps up to the mirror, our eyes meeting in the reflection.
“N-nothing, he didn’t do anything.”
I spin around to face Draco, his body less than a meter from mine.
“He didn’t offend you?”
I smile, shaking my head, wanting to test the waters a bit.
“Why would you care if Fred offended me?”
Draco tuts, rolling his eyes at me before closing the gap between us, taking my chin between his thumb and index finger.
“Don’t play dumb.”
I bite my lip, Draco’s eyes wandering over my face. His hand moves from my chin to cup my face, the warmth of his hand causing butterflies to flutter inside of me.
“Took you long enough to make a move.”
His hand moves from my cheek to the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him, our lips inches away. I feel my heartbeat pick up, our breath mixing together.
‘Fuck it.’
I close the gap between us, his lips molding against mine perfectly. I place my hands on his chest, my fingers gripping the fabric as I pull him closer to me. Draco backs me against the sink. His hands on my hips, his thumbs rubbing small circles on the skin just above my skirt.
Our kiss breaks apart when Draco places me beside the sink, his lips swollen, pupils dilated and cheeks flushed.
“I have waited so long for you to do that.”
Draco smirks at my words, his hands moving under my skirt, goosebumps littering my skin as his nails trace up and down my thighs.
“Princess, I have dreamed of this.”
A shiver runs up my spine, his fingertips dancing over my lace covered pussy. Draco’s eyes search mine for any objection. I softly nod, my chest rising and falling faster. His low chuckle only dampens my panties more.
I gasp at the contact, his index finger bumping against my clit. I place my hand behind his neck, pulling our lips together, muffling my moans as he picks up his speed.
“Fuck, that feels good.”
Draco places kisses along my jaw, leading down my neck, sucking and licking the skin.
My fingers trace through his hair, pulling at the strands causing a groan to fall from his lips, vibrating against my skin.
“You’re mine.”
I whimper at his statement, gasping as his fingers slide deep inside of me.
“Look at me.”
My eyes flutter open, locking onto his.
“Mine, tell me who you belong to.” Draco’s dominant tone caused my pussy to clench around his fingers.
“Yours, Draco.” He smirks at my words, the wetness of my pussy filling the air, his fingers curling in and out of me.
I feel my body rush hot, resting my forehead against his, Dracos fingers brushing against my walls perfectly.
“Y/n, I hope you’re in here- Holy fuck!” Nova’s voice breaks through the air, a squeal leaving my lips in surprise.
I wiggle my skirt down my thighs, Draco’s hand moving from under my uniform.
Draco keeps his back to Nova, his eyes studying my face a cocky smirk on his swollen lips.
“Nova, if you love me, leave.”
“It’s the girls fucking bathroom, horny shits.”
I shake my head at Nova’s disappearing voice, the door slamming shut behind her, definitely on purpose to make her statement.
“My dorm, nine o’clock.” Draco whispers, kissing my lips quickly. “And no panties.”
I giggle in response, nodding softly as Draco walks backwards out of the bathroom, his eyes lingering on me as he takes his fingers between his lips, sucking them clean.
“Holy fuck.” I whisper, running a hand through my hair, looking over my shoulder at the mirror, my neck littered with pink and purple hickies.
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Yours, Mine, Ours: Epilogue
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Single-Dad!Chris Evans X Single-Mom!Reader
Series MasterList
List of OCs for this series
Series Summary: Your husband Caspian Richardson Senior died while serving in the military, so you move your three sons to Boston, MA. Where you meet an actor and his sweet daughter.
Series Warnings: Death of a spouse/parent, divorce of parents,
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You and Chris got married on July 7th, 2026. While engaged, you bought a house together. 7 bed, 4 bath with a large yard, also with a pool like Jace wanted. Caspian had the smallest room since he wasn't technically living with you guys and really it was just going to be there to hold his belongings. Okay, let's talk about the wedding! It wasn't small but it wasn't huge either, since you both were married before. It had family and friends at it. Chris chose Scott as his best man, then his groomsmen were Anthony, Sebastian, Caspian, Jace, Connor, and Benjamin. A lot of the marvel cast was also invited but weren't a part of the wedding party. You chose, Maya as your maid of honor obviously, then, Shanna, Carly, and four of your other friends. Most are also wives of soldiers that you met before Caspian's death, but one was a woman who served with him who you became friends with. Now you may be wondering if the boys are groomsmen what was June? She was the cutest flower girl ever with Chris' niece, Stella. Then his nephews were the ring bearers. You guys also invited Senior's family to the wedding since they are also your family. They showed up of course to support you but you knew it was hard for them. You changed your name from Y/n L/n-Richardson to Richardson-Evans. So you could have the same last name as all four of your kids, June included. Chris could've cared less if you changed your name as long as you are happy. You two didn't plan on having any more kids, deciding four kids were enough especially since your oldest already moved out and the other three were all in school and everything. But you ended up getting pregnant a year after you got married and had another boy, named August. You quit the job you hated to be a stay-at-home mom again. If it was a job you liked you probably would've kept it despite your husband being rich. But you wanted to be a stay at mom for June and August like you were for your oldest three while they're young. Also you despised that job. Anyway onto the kids!
Caspian ended up proposing to his girlfriend, Kelly after dating her for a year and a half. Her brother, his basic training buddy was both excited and pissed. Caspian and Kelly had three kids together, Gregory, Milly, Jackie, and Luca. Gregory was named after him, his dad, and his grandpa. Since his and his dad's middle name is Gregory after his grandpa. Gregory was also named after your dad, with his middle name being Robert. Now, Milly, she's named after you, while Jackie is named after Kelly's family. Luca was named after Chris though, his name being Luca Christopher Richardson. Chris was ecstatic, he couldn't believe that Caspian would want to name his son after him. He cried, it's on video. Okay on to other things, Caspian retired from the army at 40 as a Sergeant Major. He then moved back to Boston with his family. After retirement, he started working for a construction company after a few years of being a stay-at-home dad for his kids.
Now let's talk about Jace! So he continued playing baseball during middle school and high school before getting a full-ride scholarship to play baseball for Mississippi State. He then went on to play for the major leagues. The teams he played for are, Tampa bay rays, Toronto blue jays, Chicago Cubs, New York Mets, and finally the Boston red sox. He was super excited when he got traded to the red sox since her be close to you and Chris, and his siblings. Now as for his family life outside of you and Chris. He married a girl his college girlfriend, Michelle.. They adopted three kids they're a sibling group so they're all biological siblings, their names are Dion, Josephina, and Esme. They continued to foster but didn't adopt again after that. Okay anyway, Jace is pretty famous. Mostly in the sports world, but some people not into sports know his name. Some claim it's only cause he's Chris' step-son. Also in interviews that either of them may have. If they're asked about each other. Chris always expresses how proud he is of Jace and how he loves going to his games. Not just cause he gets to sit in the box. Okay, that's one of the reasons. Jace always says that he loves having Chris as a step-dad and he tells some random story about something that Chris did when Jace was in high school at one of his games.
Alright moving on to Connor! He continued playing soccer all through middle and high school but unlike Jace, he didn't go pro, instead, he became an officer in the army. Caspian was a little salty cause his brother outranked him right when he joined. But he was proud since he knows Connor had to work twice as hard to become an officer over just enlisting as he did. Okay so Connor married a fellow army officer, Camilla Diaz, they had two daughters, Elana and Luna. If both Camilla and Connor got deployed the girls would either stay with you and Chris or Camilla's sister depending on who would be better available to take them for however long until one of them came home. Most of the time it was you and Chris since you were a stay-at-home mom for August anyway while Camilla's sister was working and didn't have the time to care for them especially when they were super young. Anyways Connor retired at 46. His wife retired at 40 though. Anyway, they decided to move back to Boston and they opened a sandwich/hoagie shop. It's called War-Subs, it's really popular. Especially for veterans, and active duty since they offer a discount. Obviously, since it's veteran run, anyway both Jace and Chris have slightly advertised it. Like when they opened Chris posted photos and stuff about opening day, and while Jace couldn't be there he reposted his brothers' story on his saying he couldn't wait to try it. So yes some of its popularity comes from his famous family but they didn't post much about it after. Though people could often find Chris there hanging out with his grandkids or having lunch with you. Also, Connor hired his nieces, nephews, daughters, and August to work there during high school/ college. It's a family-owned and run business.
Okay, let's pause before we talk about June. The boys started a non-profit. It's called Families in war. Its whole purpose is to help widows/widowers of soldiers rebuild their lives, get jobs, finding housing, childcare, schools. All the things that probably would've helped you so much those first few months. They also help veterans, with the same things, it's helped lower the veteran homelessness rate. Now the charity is obviously for Americans but they did once work with the brothers trust and put 50% of profits towards paying for Christmas presents and food for the veterans/widows and widowers of American soldiers and the other 50% was to do the same but for UK soldiers. It worked perfectly since the big prize thing was a dinner with Chris Evans, you, the Hollands, Jace, Caspian, Connor, and June, as well as their spouses. Not August cause he was a teen and really didnt want to go. Also, you'll find out why June went now!
Before we get into that though. You adopted June when she was 10, her mom tried objecting but since she skipped town when she was 2 the judge didn't pay any mind to her. Now for the good part, she joined tackle football in 4th grade, it was a boys team because they could find a girls team and thought it would be fine. She started as a kicker but eventually got moved to running back which was the position she stayed in. Well, she went on playing football, on an all-boys team until college where she got a free ride scholarship to play football for the Oklahoma state cowboys. She then went on to be drafted to play for the NFL like a fucking girl boss. Anywho the teams she played for are Pittsburgh Steelers, then the Philadelphia Eagles, and the Kansas City Chiefs. She went to two super bowls while on the Kansas City Chiefs but only won one. She never played for the Patriots though but she was really hoping she would. Also, she's famous, like super famous and a ton of young girls look up to her! That's why she went to the dinner since she too was famous it was a big deal cause the winner and 2 of their friends could have dinner with four famous actors/ athletes and their families. Now I do think she retires earlier than most players do. Just cause she is playing a male-dominated sport so she was playing against a lot of people who were either bigger or stronger than herself. Now onto other things like love! Who did she marry? Matthew butler. Her childhood best friend, and obviously your best friend's oldest son. Maya and Butler ended up having another baby the same year you had August. But we're not talking about them we're talking about June and Matty. Now of course he stopped going by Matty in middle school, he started going by Matt to everyone except family. Your family obviously included in that. Her and Matt had a son and daughter, Griffin and Violet. Both are very athletic, like there parents. Matt played football with her in middle and high school but enlisted in the army for four years before going to college for engineering.
And I don't have a personality for August yet so there's nothing for him. PLEASE READ MY A/N IT GIVES YOU ALL THE SEQUEL INFO THANK YOU
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Taglist: @anacrcarvalho @traceyaudette @deputy-videogamer @stillthatbetch @queenofthepouges @dontbescaredtosingalong @hauntedmuffinpersonarascal @food8me @cedricdiggorysimpp @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @selluequestrian @killerqueenfan @lharrietg @liecastillo @denisemarieangelina @wisepeanutlady @unicornblueberry @stitchattacks @milacolibri @spooky-stoner @marvelmenwhore @saahmi @boldlypessimistic @freakyevanss @asuni921 @srhxpci @supriseeshawtyy @nova10711 @nik2write @blueeyeddemon1016 @happinessinthebeing @winterberryfox @sunwardsss @ellerosie2332 @tanyaherondale @hollzo-03 @xuxszx @patzammit @dakotazzzzz @scarletmeii @janaev4ns @channiechanchan @hibernocaledonian
A/n: Hi, you may be wondering, will there be a sequel. No, I honestly think it would be forced and not that good since I don't have a place to pick the series back up at. But good news! Once I open my requests you can request headcanons, side chapters, and just talk to me about the series if you would like. It's up to all of you whether or not the series ends completely, but I do have some ideas so the first few side chapters probably won't be requests. Also if you just want to talk about the series you don't need to wait until my requests are opened.
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marbleheavy · 3 years
here are some of my Nico headcanons that nobody asked for!!
He collects things. Not just Mythomagic stuff like he did as a kid, but cool shells, and rocks, and weird glass figurines that everyone else thinks are terrifying, and books. He’s got them in jars or lined up on shelves and he just has so many things (Because for so long he had so few things that actually belonged to him that didn’t have to serve a very clear purpose, so now he just wants to keep whatever he’d like)
He reads SO much as an adult. A lot of it is nonfiction because he’s trying to catch up on what happened in the world while he was pulled out of it, but a lot of fiction too (not really fantasy though, that’s too close to home) and a lot of poetry. He can recite poems from memory and will just randomly quote them sometimes and it should be pretentious but it isn’t and his friends think it’s amazing (cue dramatically saying "till love and fame to nothingness do sink" anytime he's told he has to wait) (Also, he will rant about why Ted Hughes sucks at any point in time)
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again!! He is a Dungeon Master! He’s got a binder for all the notes for his current campaign and a notebook for ideas and special highlighters and pens that he only uses for D&D. Also, dice are definitely one of the things he collects and he keeps them in those clear, plastic bead containers with dividers and they’re sorted by number of faces and also ~vibes~ (for example, do a backflip D20 and life or death D20)
leather jacket Nico di Angelo? seen, respected, and appreciated. CARDIGAN Nico di Angelo? underrated! He has a couple oversized cardigans with buttons and big pockets that he adores. The first one he ever had he definitely stole from Will but now, whenever he comes across another similar one, he buys it. The pockets are filled with rocks and worn, mass-market paperbacks and pens. (Basically, I’m leaning hard into English Major Nico with his annotated books and glasses and cardigans) (Also, cardigan Nico and flannel Will but sometimes they swap)
He definitely cuts his own hair in the bathroom and he's gotten very good at it. He's had a range of haircuts, from long hair to a mullet to the shaved sides and fluffy top, but he always ends up back with a shaggy mop that Hazel likes to put little braids in (or sometimes pull the very back of it into two little pigtails) and with bangs that always end up in his eyes.
Sorry to reiterate the same point that's been made forever, but his wardrobe is pretty dark-toned. Obviously black, but he does like a good jewel tone, perhaps a maroon or an emerald. Anything really bright was either a gift or belongs to Will someone else. Also, gendered clothing means nothing to him. He wears what he wants to wear and he thinks it's cool as hell when he's wearing a skirt while sparring and it flares out dramatically as he twirls.
He's kind of picked up modern slang but he also uses a lot of slang from pretty much every decade he missed. It's also a 50/50 chance he's using it incorrectly. (examples include: 1) Leo says something that is definitely supposed to be funny and Nico stares at him, utterly emotionless, and says "Gag me with a spoon" in an alarmingly monotone voice, and 2) Anytime he says something snarky to Jason or Percy he starts it with "hey bestie..." and honestly, they're both just touched Nico called them "bestie" at all)
He adores Studio Ghibli movies and can be found humming the Ponyo theme song anytime he goes swimming (Will standing on the shore, looking around for Nico and he eventually spots him in the water. He wades out to Nico, all sunglasses that shouldn't look so cool and golden hair and chest, and just greets him with "Hey there, Neeks, how's my fishie in the sea?" and Nico can't decide if he wants to drown himself or kiss Will on his stupid mouth)
Speaking of movies, shortly after the Giant War, all of his friends (the Seven, Reyna, Will, probably Lou Ellen and Cecil, too) showed up at his cabin with blankets and snacks. They each brought their favorite movie or movies they think he needs to see to catch him up on the modern age. At first, he acts disgruntled that they're all there but he very quickly settles into the blanket fort Annabeth constructs and is quietly very grateful and excited that they cared enough to do this for him. They're all holed up in his cabin for a full day until they've finished every movie. (Percy brought Finding Nemo, Annabeth brought Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Piper brought Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Jason brought Captain America: The First Avenger (and Nico definitely says "that's gay" when Steve and Bucky say there "Until the end of the line" shit and everybody absolutely loses their minds), Hazel also is behind on movies but she brought either a very scary movie or Moana, Frank brought A New Hope (though he considered Brother Bear), Will brought Spirited Away, Cecil brought Back to the Future, and Lou Ellen brought The Princess Bride)
He can play the piano! He gets a piano for the Hades cabin and on nights where he can't sleep and the nightmares are really bad, he plays piano.
He will cry if he hears I Will by Mitski or Wasteland, Baby by Hozier, for different reasons but also kind of not (he wants to be loved)
Also, Nico and Dionysus being buddies! Nico jokingly says he'll host a bacchanal if Dionysus excuses him from certain camp activities and that's how Nico and friends end up wearing togas around a campfire, all very hesitantly holding cups of wine they aren't actually going to drink. It is definitely not a bacchanal, it's just a bad toga party (barely) but Dionysus accepts it and decides Nico is a Good One.
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(Yes I did very badly make this stupid meme that somebody has definitely made a variation of before)
This is definitely not a complete list of headcanons but it's what I've got so far!
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