#seamus finnigan oneshots
t1oui · 6 months
sometimes i get sad that my ocs aren’t canon bc it means only i know how cute lucy weasley-wood and henry thomas-finnigan are together and let me just say y’all are missing out
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justanoasisimagines · 3 months
Blurb #1
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Requests are open! Credt to @cafekitsune for the banner and the divider
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Seamus glanced down at the crib in utter awe. Ten fingers and toes, your beautiful eyes staring back with his nose. How have you both created something so perfect, so innocent?
Seamus grinned at his little girl. Wondering how it was possible. To think Seamus had been terrified to ask you to the Yule Ball. He'd been admiring you for a few months. Yet as a teenager, everything is so scary, so new. He'd never imagined his life would lead to this. You as his wife, in a home you brought together, married and now with a baby.
The road hadn't been easy, you two fought alongside each other in a war, battling one of the darkest Wizards of all time. You'd both experienced and endured so much loss and despair, yet neither of you ever stopped fighting.
"You mam and I love you so much. We're gonna tell you and show you every day. We're gonna have so much fun baby girl, sometimes you might get annoyed, but I promise we're gonna put you first, always."
He observed his little girl staring at him blankly. Too young to understand the magnitude of her father's words. One day she would, she'd understand and feel every ounce of love you two had for her.
There would be many first Seamus and you would see. Each one would be exciting and new. Challenging and rewarding. For now, Seamus was going to stare at his baby girl until tiredness forced him to sleep.Even then he'd wake the next day, wanting his baby girl to be one of the first faces he saw.
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s4turns-st4rs · 1 year
𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
🎧 ﹐ ♡﹒ 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵﹒ ᶻ ᶻ
𝐚/𝐧: just a cute lil oneshot
requests are always open!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 0.34k
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 - 𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘳
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softly, you ran the pencil along the page of your sketchbook, shading the petals of the gorgeous flower you’d seen in the greenhouse earlier that day. the only light coming from the fireplace in the common room, flickering across your page. 
“watcha doing lovely?” the voice of seamus finnigan stirred you from your focused drawing, as he entered the common room. 
“evening seamus” you said, smiling, still focused on your sketchbook. 
“oooh a drawing? i didn’t know you could draw.” he said, peering over your shoulder at your drawing. “merlin you’re good.” 
you looked up at him, “thanks pretty boy” 
his scruffy hair fell softly across his forehead, the flickering fire lighting his grinning face. 
he paused, suddenly deep in thought. “could you- would you draw me?” he blurted. 
you hesitated. “yeah i could try… now?” 
he nodded enthusiastically. he lay on the lounge opposite you, posing dramatically. “draw me like one of your french girls” he said, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead. 
you laughed, turned to a new page, and began sketching the outlines of his face. 
about 30 minutes later, you could tell he was starting to get restless. 
“you know you don’t need to stay there the whole time, seamus” you said, face still buried in your sketchbook. 
“well, yeah, but it’d be easier for you right?” his accent got stronger as he grew tired. 
“i do know what you look like, my love, you can move if you like.” you smiled. 
he nodded softly, pushing himself up to lean against the armrest of the lounge. 
another slightly less restless 20 minutes later, and you’d finished the sketch. 
“you can come look now, love.” you said as you looked up at your boyfriend. he lay on the lounge, fast asleep, his eyelashes brushing against his blushed face. 
you wished you could blame the warmth of the common room’s fireplace for the redness of your cheeks. 
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meloms-ao3 · 3 months
Two Kudos Tuesday II
Finally, it's Tuesday which means @mundrakan and I get to recommend the hidden gems we found! :) For today's TKT I present to you *drum roll* 🥁 Daughter of Mine 🎉 Daughter of Mine is a 3 chapter, 3.6k words long fanfic in the Harry Potter Universe. The author describes it as "A collection of vaguely connected oneshots" Pairings: Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan ; Dean Thomas/Luna Lovegood Characters: Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, OC-Child Trope: Kid-Fic I read all of it yesterday and really enjoyed it. It deals with heavy themes such as PTSD and Child Abandonment though, so be careful! Summary: People don't instantly heal from trauma. Sometimes they never heal. Sometimes people need others to get there.
If you also know a fanfic with 2 kudos or less that you want to see gain more traction, you can always post it yourself and use #two kudos tuesday to help smaller creators get noticed! (Tagging people to spread the word: @phoewithab @trantothestars @foxlove844 @daweirdweirdo @asha-the-confused-lolita)
See you next week! 💖
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Harry Potter masterlist
In an attempt to organize the blog and keep everything in order, masterlists are being made to join together into a masterlist of masterlists to make it easier for those on mobile. Thanks for being patient! 
Harry Potter
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Imagine living with Harry, and using muggle products to prank him.
Imagine taking Harry to study by the lake.
Imagine making Team Harry shirts before a big Quidditch game.
Imagine your life being intertwined with Harry Potter’s.
Imagine the Weasley twins framing your boyfriend Harry for a prank they pulled on you.    
Imagine being the person who makes sure Harry Potter doesn’t skip meals.
Imagine trying to explain to Harry that you’ve got a crush on him.
Imagine kissing Harry Potter and his wand sending up sparks.
Imagine being someone that Harry Potter opens up to.   
Ron Weasley
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Pay For It
Imagine being accustomed to wealth, and Ron being insecure when he brings you to his home for the first time.
Imagine your private moment with Ron getting interrupted. 
Imagine Ron Weasley introducing you to Butterbeer.
Imagine agreeing to go to Hogsmeade with Ron Weasley.
Imagine Ron Weasley jumping in the Black Lake to save you after an unfortunate incident with the Giant Squid.  
Hermione Granger
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Imagine always taking pictures of Hermione when she’s annoyed
Imagine comforting Hermione when she gets nightmares.
Imagine Hermione Granger always looking for you during her best moments.
Imagine Hermione Granger catching you drawing a portrait of her.
Imagine running late to meet Hermione, and having to find a way to make it up to her.
Imagine being Hermione’s study-buddy. 
Fred Weasley
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Imagine the Weasleys teasing you for enjoying Batman comic books.
Imagine Fred Weasley being the only one to remember your birthday.
Imagine the Weasley twins bringing you into the Forbidden Forest
Imagine inviting Fred out to dinner, and George automatically inviting himself.  
Imagine your cat always interrupting your time alone with Fred Weasley.
Imagine all of the Weasleys knowing Fred fancies you and inviting you over for breakfast. 
George Weasley
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Coming Your Way
Imagine the Weasleys teasing you for enjoying Batman comic books. 
Imagine the Weasley twins bringing you into the Forbidden Forest 
Imagine George Weasley thinking your pajamas are cute.
Imagine being George Weasley’s Nurse after his ear accident.  
Imagine your boyfriend George and his brother Fred lighting off fireworks for your birthday.
Draco Malfoy
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Without Love
Imagine comforting your favorite Slytherin
Imagine attending a quidditch match with Draco Malfoy. 
Imagine pillow talk with Draco Malfoy.
Imagine the moment that Draco realizes he loves how strong-willed you are.
Imagine Draco Malfoy standing up for you when a storekeeper is rude to you.
Imagine Draco Malfoy proudly watching your Quidditch tryout.
Imagine seducing Draco Malfoy to distract him from the DA.
Neville Longbottom
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Imagine Neville Longbottom saving a spider for you, rather than killing it.
Imagine going on a Herbology expedition with Neville Longbottom.
Imagine adopting an orphan of the war with Neville Longbottom.
Imagine Neville Longbottom seeing you in a dress for the first time. 
Imagine having an all nighter study session with Neville, and bringing along lots of sweets.
Imagine Neville reading about your capture by Voldemort.
Imagine studying with Neville Longbottom. 
Seamus Finnigan
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Imagine being Seamus Finnigan’s Potions’ Partner.
Imagine Seamus Finnigan wanting to take you to the Yule Ball.
Imagine being friends with Dean and fancying Seamus, and surprising them with a bottle of Firewhiskey.
Imagine Seamus Finnigan attempting to cook for you … and burning it. 
Remus Lupin
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Seen How Things Are Hard
Perfect Skin
Imagine surprising Remus Lupin with his favorite treats.
Imagine helping Remus Lupin get back on his feet after leaving his teaching position at Hogwarts. 
Imagine Remus Lupin dreaming about you before he meets you.
Imagine Remus Lupin always checking on you after a transformation.
Imagine being a new teacher at Hogwarts, and catching Remus Lupin following you to make sure you were okay.
Imagine hanging out with the Marauders. 
Imagine being a Hufflepuff, and dating Remus Lupin.
Sirius Black
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The Secret Place
The Secret Place Part 2
Empty Walls
Dance D’Amour
Imagine Harry Potter walking in on you, a Malfoy, kissing Sirius Black.
Imagine Sirius thinking that you were dead, and his reaction when you come back into his life.
Imagine being a Professor at Hogwarts, and bringing out food for Sirius Black.
Imagine being Sirius’s date to one of Molly’s family dinners.  
Imagine hanging out with the Marauders.   
Tom Riddle
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Shut Me Up
Imagine Tom Riddle moving in with you after Hogwarts.
Imagine sitting beside Tom Riddle when he learns of the Witch Trials.
Imagine being on stage, and catching Tom Riddle’s attention when the orphanage takes a trip to see the ballet.
Imagine being one of Voldemort’s first death eaters.
Imagine Tom Riddle finding out you’re a siren.
Imagine Tom Riddle finding out that you are a vampire.
Imagine getting Tom Riddle drunk.
Imagine helping Tom Riddle discover his sexuality.
Imagine moving in with Tom Riddle after graduating Hogwarts.        
Severus Snape
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Deal With My Pain (Barty Crouch Jr x Reader x Severus Snape)
Never Say Die
Imagine comforting your favorite Slytherin 
Imagine being Severus Snape’s only muggle friend.
Imagine asking Severus Snape to dance at the Yule Ball.
Imagine having a fetish for Severus Snape’s hands.
Imagine trying to convince Severus to wear a color other than black.
Imagine being the only one who makes Severus Snape feel confident, and you invite him over to Christmas.    
Imagine catching Professor Snape on the Marauder’s Map sneaking sweets from the kitchen.
Imagine Severus being in love with you, and seeing you with another man.
Albus Dumbledore
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Target Feeling
Blaise Zabini
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Imagine being the only person in Hogwarts that Blaise finds interesting.
Charlie Weasley
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Imagine Charlie Weasley realizing that he’s in trouble with you.
Imagine surprising Charlie Weasley in Romania. 
Cedric Diggory
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4 AM
Under the Stairs
Imagine Cedric Diggory helping you after catching you sneaking around drunk.
Imagine Cedric Diggory getting angry when he spots a foreign student getting handsy with you.
Oliver Wood
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I’m Not Afraid to Let Go
Imagine being in a fake relationship with Oliver Wood.
Imagine Oliver Wood trying to study but he can’t get you off his mind.
Imagine Oliver Wood having feelings for you despite the fact that you don’t care for Quidditch.
Imagine showing Oliver Wood the art you had done during the Summer.
Luna Lovegood
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Imagine living with Luna Lovegood.
Ginny Weasley
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Imagine telling Ginny you love her, before she has the chance to tell you.
Bill Weasley
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Imagine being Bill’s spouse, and getting hurt during the war.
Imagine being Bill Weasley’s wife, and giving him the silent treatment.
Imagine being Bill’s wife trying to tease the reason for Bill Weasley’s grumpiness out of him.
Percy Weasley
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Imagine Percy Weasley coming across your dying body during the Battle of Hogwarts.
Imagine pranking Percy Weasley with Howlers.
Nymphadora Tonks
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Imagine taking care of Tonks after the war.
Imagine trying to watch a movie but Nymphadora wants your attention.
Imagine Dining and Dashing with Tonks.
Cho Chang
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Fleur Delacour
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One Love
Imagine dreaming about Fleur since the day you first saw her.
Viktor Krum
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Post Red Chapter 1 Post Red Chapter 2
Teenage Queen
Happy Birthday
Imagine being amazed by Viktor Krum’s exercise schedule.
Imagine your boyfriend, Viktor Krum, finding out who has been sending you Secret Admirer letters.
Imagine being in love with Viktor and doing anything to make him shut up about Hermione.
Imagine trying to cheer up your boyfriend,Viktor Krum, after a tough match.
Narcissa Malfoy
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Imagine proving to Narcissa Black that she can fall in love after all.
Imagine Narcissa Malfoy realizing that you were the only one truly there for her. 
Imagine courting Narcissa Black.
Bellatrix Lestrange
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Lucius Malfoy
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Imagine comforting your favorite Slytherin
Imagine Lucius Malfoy becoming your sugar daddy.
Imagine being the maid that Lucius Malfoy hires after accidentally setting his house-elf free. 
Lily Evans
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Imagine Lily Evans going after any Slytherin who attempts to belittle you.
James Potter
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Imagine breaking up with James Potter because he’s too in love with Lily Evans.
Barty Crouch Jr
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Deal With My Pain (Barty Crouch Jr x Reader x Severus Snape)
Wonderful and Weird
Imagine saving Barty Crouch Jr’s life.
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dhr-ao3 · 10 months
The Mirror
The Mirror https://ift.tt/0EQ3U7T by Marshmallow_BunnyAfterDark Cursebreaker Hermione Granger is working with the Auror Draco Malfoy on the Selwyn Estate project. A poltergeist does what it wants. Hermione finds a curious mirror that shows her something very interesting indeed. Carnality ensues. Words: 2560, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Seamus Finnigan Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: enchanted objects, The Author Abandons Good Sense, Hermione Granger Abandons Good Sense, Auror Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, Cursebreaker Hermione Granger, Oneshot, Meddling Poltergeists, All Hail Magical Mirror, Cunnilingus, The Author Hates French Baroque Architecture, Vaginal Sex, Coming Untouched, Draco Malfoy is Good at Sex, Feelings Later Sex Now, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Canon Divergent, Basically Porn in a Trenchcoat with a Plot Nametag, Unbeta'd, Inappropriate Use Of Legillimency, the author likes italics via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/JTCvD8y December 14, 2023 at 12:40PM
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thatravenpuffgirl · 2 years
✨ Requests are open✨
Hi everyone! I'm a new writer on Tumblr, but I wanted to let you guys know that I am taking requests for one-shots, headcanons, etc. Below are details on what characters & ships I'll write, what I will and won't write, request guidelines and stuff like that. Please read this before you request, and if you see one of my posts before this and want to make rest, I'll be linking this post to each of the other posts I make, but anyway, let's get to it.
Characters I'll write for (at the moment, I'll update this when I become more comfortable writing about other fandoms):
Harry Potter, Golden Era Characters:
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley Ginny Weasley, Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Billy Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones, Ernie Macmillan, Hannah Abbott, Padma Patil and Parvati Patil, Terry Boot, Colin Creevy, basically any other characters that I might have forgotten to list or minor characters.
Harry Potter, Maurders Era Characters:
young Remus lupin, young James potter, young Sirius black, young regulus black, young lily Evans, young Severus snape, young mary Macdonald, young Dorcas meadows, young Marlene Mckinnon, young pandora Lovegood, young Narissa Malfoy, young Bellatrix Lestrange, young Andromeda tonks, young molly Weasley, young Arthur Weasley, Fabien and Gideon Prewett, young Alice Longbottom, young Frank Longbottom, Fleamont Potter, Euphemia Potter, pretty much all of the Black family, and any other characters I might have again, forgotten.
Now, onto request guidelines:
I will write oneshots, headcanons (general or based on a specific prompt, like a character's hobby or relationship with another character) fluff, and angst. I can write some level of smut, but only something like making out, kissing, etc. Please don't be afraid to ask, but please don't be upset if I turn down the request, it's usually only because I'm not comfortable with writing it. I also won't write anything about rape, abuse, incest, anything that's racist, anything smutty that involves a minor and an adult, etc.
2. There are certain ships I will not write about as well, I won't list specific ones, but I will not write about ships that involve an adult and a minor, a student and a professor, polyamorous ships, etc. I get that everyone has their preferences, and that's fine, but I'm not comfortable writing those types of ships. Any other ships, though, are totally fine! I will also write platonic ships, not just romantic ships.
3. Be kind. if you don't like the request I've written, please be polite. Although I am by no means transphobic, racist, etc, I do not have much experience in writing characters that are part of the LGBTQIA+ community or characters with different cultures, and this may reflect on my writing. But, with that matter and just in general, I try my best, so I will not accept any hate on this blog, towards me or others.
4. Be patient. Please take this as a friendly remember that, like the rest of us, I do have a life, and while I'll try to get back to you on a request as soon as possible, I can not write 24/7. So please don't be offended if it takes a while for me to finish your request, I will try to finish it as quick as possible. And, please don't be offended if I choose not to write your request. There are a lot of things I really don't feel comfortable writing about, and that's okay. It's not my intention to offend you if I don't write your request, it's just my preference. And, sometimes it has nothing to do with the content of your request, but simply because I don't have the energy to write sometimes, and I just have to turn down some requests.
5. Please be detailed. This is very important! Please specify in your request, what character you want me to write about, the ship you want me to include if you just want it to be a character x y/n thing, or a nonshipping request, a clear summary of your idea, the type of writing you want it to be (headcanons, one shot, fluffy, angst etc), that type of thing. It doesn't have to be super long, just enough so I know what you actually want me to write. And please only submit your requests via my asks, not in the comments of my posts or anything like that.
And I think that's all! I really appreciate you taking the time to read this, and just an extra note, if you would like to submit anything via my asks, that's not a request, just a question or to share your own thoughts on Harry Potter, please feel free to do so! I would love to hear from you guys. Anyways, thank you again, and I look forward to you submitting any requests you might have!
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birdylion · 1 year
Fanfic tag game
Found a 2 year old tag game in my likes and I don't know if I ever replied! Thank you @hermitknut for tagging me all this time ago :D
AO3 name: birdylion on ao3, Wayfarer back on fanfiktion.de
Fandom(s): My first big fandom was HP. I wrote a little bit in German for Firefly and Discworld, and then in English for Green Rider, Rogue One, Good Omens, Mass Effect (trilogy + Andromeda), Rivers of London and The Memoirs of Lady Trent.
Number of fics: 23 on ao3. There are some, especially older HP stories on ff.de, that I haven't archived on ao3.
1. Fic you spent the most time on: I have a 70k unpublished (German) Minerva McGonagall/Pomona Sprout schoolgirl romance on my hard drive that would need a lot of reworking in order to be in a shape I would consider putting out there. I worked on that for a year on and off, and then for a summer intensely. From my published work: Probably my RoL one, Bintumani, because it's 12k and the words have to have come from somewhere. Also I spent a lot of time conversing with my beta reader and editing the fic.
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Sleepless Night, the 200 word Good Omens ficlet that I literally typed on my phone instead of sleeping.
3. Longest fic: Bintumani, my Rivers of London travel adventure with Elsie Winstanley and Mamusu Grant in the late 1970s in Sierra Leone which I wrote for yuletide last year.
4. Shortest fic: again Sleepless Night with 200 words :D
5. Most hits: For my English works: What we're made of, my trans Viktor Krum with Hermione at the yule ball HP fic that I wrote for the Trans Wizarding Tournament (a charity auction for trans organisations). But overall, if I count fanfiktion.de, it's Spürst du die Funken, my Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan getting together that I still want to translate into English. I have the half finished translation on my hard drive.
6. Most kudos: What we're made of.
7. Most comment: on ao3 Bintumani, on ff.de it's an old HP oneshot collection
8. Fave fic you wrote: hard to tell, and I'll just copy hermitknut's words: "normally whenever I’ve just finished something that one’s my favourite :)" but if I had to chose, I'd say my Lady Trent fic, Studying Dragons, if only because I love the books so much.
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: oh that's easy! I want to expand on To Serve the Sacred, my latest ME Andromeda fic. It's part of a big worldbuilding headcanon I have and I would love to put more of it into a story. Much of the worldbuilding (and the story I linked above) is about the game's Bad Guys, and a) I would need to make readers care about it and b) it would be more interesting to write it from the perspective of known characters. The worldbuilding reveals/twists that I want to do are very clear in my head, and I have a vague idea how to set it up in a story, but ... I need to work out the details, especially which characters I'd use as POV characters. Probably the other Ryder twin, but they'd need a team too, and the characters are only slowly starting to take shape. Also it's such a big project that I've put it on the backburner for now bc I don't have the time for writing plot / novel length fic in English.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: I'm only writing in German right now because that flows easier. My fandom of choice is that one German detective/crime show with the dysfunctional homoerotic dynamic between two of the leads that gets to no1 trending on tumblr once year when there's a new episode. This is now for a story about teenage queer self discovery: (Sorry I tried putting it through Google Translate to share an English version but the translation is terrible.)
Leo stellte sein Rad ab und setzte sich zu Adam auf den Felsen. Groß genug für zwei war der schließlich. Auch, wenn Leo sich damit halb an Adam lehnte. Das war okay. Machten sie ständig. Es war doch okay, oder?
Ein paar Tage nach Ferienbeginn hatte Caro ihm erzählt, dass sie auf dem Halberg Open Air gesehen hatte, wie sich zwei ihrer Klassenkameradinnen während Tokio Hotel geküsst hatten. ‚Cool, dass sie so dazu stehen‘, hatte sie gesagt. ‚Ganz schön mutig. Ich könnte das ja nicht.‘
Leo war nicht schwul, aber wenn er es wäre, dann wäre es Adam vielleicht nicht recht, wenn Leo ihm so nahe war. Wenn er es wäre, dann müsste Leo fairerweise aufhören, neben Adam zu sitzen.
I'm tagging @shakespearerants, @weatheredlaw, @the-moon-loves-the-sea and uh everyone else who follows me and writes fic. Seriously, tell me about it.
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sweet accents
sweet accents
by kozzieberks
Tom is aiming for Harry’s heart. Harry decides Tom has ill intentions. Chaos ensues.
Words: 2365, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan, Cho Chang
Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Additional Tags: tom riddle is such a sweetheart, harry doesn’t deserve this man, tom and harry both attend hogwarts, hermione and ron secretly root for tomarry, neville loves his flowers, my poor baby gets his heart broken, hufflepuff parties, Enemies to Lovers, but it’s one sided, Oneshot
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48912964
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l0velyblu3 · 1 year
Started: 06/24/23
Last updated: 06/29/23
Oneshot, imagines, reactions, fluff, angst
Richie Tozier Distant pt. 1 pt. 2 Beverly Marsh Eddie Kaspbrak Ben Hanscom Mike Hanlon Bill Denbrough Stanley Uris
Oneshot, imagines, reactions, fluff, angst
Seokjin Yoongi Hoseok Namjoon Jimin Taehyung Jungkook Date Night
Harry Potter
Oneshot, imagines, reactions, fluff, angst
Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley George Weasley Fred Weasley Neville Longbottom Ginny Weasley Draco Malfoy Cedric Diggory Oliver Wood Seamus Finnigan
Stranger Things
Oneshot, imagines, reactions, fluff, angst
Steve Harrington Robin Buckley Eleven Max Mayfield Dustin Henderson Lucas Sinclair Mike Wheeler Nancy Wheeler Jonathan Byers Will Byers Eddie Munson
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ao3feed-scorbus · 1 year
Oneshots - Marauders & Golden Trio Era (& Next Gen)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0HmCEae by MinaXmarauders I have various ideas for Fanfics and I cannot possibly write all nor do I have enough ideas for whole Fanfics. But I still wanted to share my ideas with you. I am mainly a marauders girlie so most OS will be marauders Era and the OS may vary a lot in length. So here a quick legend on what the chapters are about: ♥️romance 🔥smut 🫶🏼Friendship 🪦death or traumatic event 🎭Marauders 🏅Golden Trio 📱New Generation ⚠️I WILL GIVE TRIGGER WARNINGS ⚠️ If I forget to do so please remind me in the comments! ____________________________________ I will not always be accurate in time. I do see the Blacks as a french or french speaking family & I love the idea of James being spanish/latino. Since I speak spanish and some french keep your translator ready for some chapters. ____________________________________ English is not my first language so please forgive me if my grammar is not the best or if I keep using the same word over and over again. Feel free to suggest improvements in the comment section. Have fun reading! ~Mina🪄✨ Words: 1605, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi Characters: James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Dorcas Meadowes, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Pandora Lovegood, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Regulus Black & Barty Crouch Jr. & Pandora Lovegood & Evan Rosier, Mary Macdonald & Marlene McKinnon & Dorcas Meadowes & Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy & Albus Severus Potter, Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Narcissa Black Malfoy, Sirius Black & Lily Evans Potter, Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott & Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50528887
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ao3feed-rarry · 2 years
Truth Serum.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PDs8oVa
by krakensquill
Harry has had a massive crush on Ron since their fourth year, it's been kept a secret. But, when the new craze of drinking veritaserum starts, it's harder to keep secrets.
Please read. I am so bad at summaries.
Words: 2441, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Lavender Brown, Oliver Wood, Seamus Finnigan
Relationships: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley
Additional Tags: Veritaserum, Truth Serum, Oneshot, Rarry, No Sex, you filthy animals, this came to me in a dream, How Do I Tag, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Friendship, crackfic, Crack
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PDs8oVa
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wondernimbus · 4 years
quidditch world cup — seamus finnigan
pairing: seamus finnigan x female!reader
request: Would you write a Seamus Finnigan imagine during the Quidditch World Cup where his crush sits near them during the game and has a tent near the Finnigans (and Dean) and when the Death Eaters attack and he and his crush hide from the Death Eaters together?
a/n: i changed a few minor details about the original request but other than that, enjoy! 
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A palpable buzz of excitement still hangs in the air after the match has officially ended. Some of those rooting for Bulgaria trudge out of the stands looking glum, but most, although the team they had been rooting for lost, are just as excited as the Irish—or perhaps not as excited, but close to it. On her way back to the tents, [Y/N] spots no less than five fans of Ireland weeping tears of joy.
"You'd think they won a thousand galleons with how they were acting," [Y/N] points out with a laugh after coming across an Irish fan pounding his fists on the ground and bawling loudly.
Beside her, Dean Thomas snickers. "I bet a thousand galleons Seamus is somewhere going bonkers—oh, there he is."
[Y/N], with much difficulty, tears her gaze away from the bawling man and looks up. Sure enough, Seamus Finnigan is standing a couple feet away from them in front of his tent, wildly brandishing a pole on which hangs the flag of Ireland.
She can't help but laugh at the sight. "How long do you think before he starts crying?"
Dean nudges her. "I assume you'll be wiping his tears away when he does?"
"Oh, shut up."
Seamus catches sight of them when they draw closer. He stops waving his flag around and grins at the pair, looking the happiest [Y/N] has ever seen him. "We won, lads!" he yells, bounding towards them.
"Lads?" [Y/N] wrinkles her nose, fighting back a laugh. Seamus looks like a five-year-old on Christmas day who just got the toy broomstick he wanted.
"Don't mind his vocabulary, [Y/N]. He's half out of his mind," Dean says in a mock sympathetic voice, clasping Seamus's shoulder with one hand. "You good, mate? Sure you don't need to sit down?"
"Never been better!" Seamus answers breathlessly, eyes wide with mirth as he bounces slightly on his toes. "Never had any doubt Ireland would win—poor Bulgaria never had a chance!"
"Don't start crying on us now, Seamus," Dean sniggers. "Or at least if you do, do it on [Y/N]—"
"Seamus!" [Y/N] exclaims, cutting Dean off with a sideways glare. "The painting on your, um, cheek—it's gone a little messy. Would you like me to fix it for you?"
It's not a lie. The large four-leaf clover painted on Seamus's right cheek has gone smudged and looks more like a big blob of green than what it's actually supposed to be. He absentmindedly drags his hand across his cheek, making it even worse.
Dean snorts. "Oh, now you're just doing it on purpose—"
"Can't say no to that, [Y/N]!" grins Seamus. "Gotta show my Ireland pride. I've got a brush or two in my tent. Come on, you two!"
Dean gives [Y/N] a look. She smacks him on the shoulder and rolls her eyes. "What?" she whispers as they follow Seamus into his tent.
"You seem an awful lot like you're up to something," Dean grins, not bothering to lower his tone.
"Who's up to something?" Seamus asks, rummaging in his bag presumably in search for a paintbrush.
"No one," [Y/N] assures him, glowering at Dean. And then, in a hushed voice, "I am not up to something—I'm his friend, I'm just being nice."
Dean raises his eyebrows at her, obviously not convinced. Letting out an exasperated sigh, she turns to Seamus, who has successfully located a small paintbrush and bottles of green and white paint. "Here you go, [Y/N]—Dean, where are you going?"
[Y/N] looks back at Dean only to see that he's halfway out of the tent flaps, back hunched as though he'd been tip-toeing. He straightens up, trying very hard to mask the devious grin on his face, and shrugs. "I just remembered I had to, uh, meet with Lee," [Y/N] gapes at him in disbelief. "I'll see you two later!"
And then, with no more than a final annoying smirk at [Y/N], Dean leaves the pair of them alone in the tent. [Y/N] lets out a quick breath of incredulous laughter, shaking her head as her gaze skitters back to Seamus, who looks just as perplexed as she does.
"Do you—um—" for some reason, some of the glee in Seamus's eyes dies out and is replaced by a touch of awkwardness; [Y/N] can see it in how his gaze darts away from hers. "Do you still wanna—" he gestures to the paintbrush and paint he holds in his hands.
[Y/N] has never hated Dean in her life more than she does now. "Of course," she sniffs, letting out a laugh in an attempt to ease the sudden burst of awkwardness now hanging between them.
Seamus hands her the paintbrush and paint, scratching the back of his head. "You don't have to do it really well, it's alright—I'm washing it off before I sleep anyway—"
[Y/N] lets out a genuine snort of laughter. "Are you sure?" she asks, eyebrows raised. "You seem like the type to show Irish pride wherever and whenever, even when you're asleep."
Seamus ducks his head in shame. "You've got that one right," he grins toothily. "Those blokes were amazing up there, don't you think? Never had any doubt they were gonna win—and Troy was bloody spectacular, did you see his goals?"
"They were hard to miss," [Y/N] agrees, amused as she pries the paintbrush and paint off of Seamus's hands and beckons for him to sit down on the couch, which he does, still rambling on about Troy—Ireland's best Chaser.
"Knew right off the bat he was gonna end up scoring the first goal—he's been training the longest out of all of them, see, he got signed right after he left Hogwarts and he's been under the Irish National Quidditch Team's wing for a decade!"
[Y/N] nods along, a smile playing on her lips as she dips the brush into green paint.
"And that was a bit of a daft move by Krum, don't you think, catching the snitch when Ireland was more than a hundred and fifty points up? Kinda' feel bad for the bloke, I bet his teammates are having a go at him right n—"
Seamus stops talking when she leans in close and places a hand on his cheek.
He swallows.
"Why'd you stop?" [Y/N] asks, pulling back momentarily and laughing.
Seamus swallows again, blinking rapidly. "You just. Uh, caught me by surprise."
She narrows her eyes at him playfully, smiling despite the blush coating her cheeks that she hopes to Merlin Seamus doesn't notice. "I'll be sure to give you a warning next time," she assures him, eyes twinkling. "You good?"
He nods, fidgeting around in his seat as he mumbles something about the Irish team.
[Y/N] leans in for a second time, hovering over him with one hand on his cheek to keep his head steady and the other fixing the painting of the four-leaf clover.
Seamus sits as still as he can, barely even breathing as he glues his eyes to a random spot beyond [Y/N]'s shoulder so he doesn't have to look her in the eye. In a lame attempt at conversation, he asks, trying not to move his lips too much, "Who—who were you rooting for?"
With her tongue darting out of her lips in concentration, she mutters, "Bulgaria."
Seamus's eyes widen almost comically. "You—what—" he blubbers, looking as though he wants to flail around in his seat. "Bulgaria?"
[Y/N] nods, jokingly scowling at him as she drags the brush across his cheek. "What, you don't want my filthy Bulgaria-loving hands on you?"
He opens and closes his mouth, looking at a complete loss for words. All he manages to get out is "Bulgaria?" in the same incredulous tone.
"Yes," [Y/N] laughs, drawing back to look at her creation. She places both hands on her hips as she tilts her head at him, eyes surveying the slightly better-looking four-leaf clover. "I think you're ready to go—unless you want to wash it off, since a Bulgaria fan drew it for you."
Seamus sits there, looking deeply offended at the notion of her supporting his favorite team's opponent. "I," he inhales, "am disappointed."
[Y/N] rolls her eyes, giggling in amusement as she sets down the paint and paintbrush on the table. "Cry me a river, Finnigan. Your team won, anyway—I don't see why you're so upset."
He rises to his feet, massaging his temples as though he's sporting a massive headache. "I'm very disappointed, [Y/N]," he admits, and she can't quite tell whether or not he's being serious. "You have everything—you're nice and you've got good humor and you're downright bloody gorgeous but you support Bulgaria?"
[Y/N] stares at him, the amused grin on her face slowly drooping as she registers his words.
"Bloody.. gorgeous?" she repeats, blinking.
Seamus's body turns rigid. He blinks rapidly, eyes wide like he's been caught in the act. "I didn't—"
Suddenly, a shrill, ear-deafening scream cuts through the air, louder than the celebratory hoots and whistles of the Irish. This one is filled with terror and fear and pain—the stuff of nightmares.
[Y/N] doesn't hesitate; she rushes to the tent entrance, dread blossoming in her stomach with every step she takes.
Everyone has stopped celebrating. The whole field seems to be at a standstill; smiles have fallen, the thrill of the Quidditch match forgotten as everyone stares up at the sky, where four people are being tossed about in mid-air.
"Are those—are those Muggles?" gasps [Y/N], horrified.
Another scream interrupts the deadly silence. And then another. And then another, until everyone starts screaming and running and the sounds of panic build up into a horrifying crescendo. Seamus tugs on [Y/N]'s arm—she hadn't realized she'd been frozen, transfixed at the horrendous sight above her.
"Come on, we gotta go—" Seamus is saying, dragging her by the arm. "[Y/N]!"
[Y/N] snaps herself out of her reverie. The tents are on fire. People are trampling over each other in desperation to flee to the forests. Her brain tells her to start running, so she does, Seamus clutching her hand beside her in a vice-like grip as witches and wizards alike push past them, shoulders ramming into theirs.
"Just keep running, we have to make it to the woods!" Seamus yells above the noise of panic; one of the Muggles in the air have started screaming—a woman—and loud, boisterous laughter ensues.
"Seamus, who are those people?" [Y/N] gasps, eyes catching onto the crowd of masked wizards standing beneath the Muggles. They're standing just several feet away from them, wands drawn as they march closer, huddled together in a pack. "Are those—"
"Don't look, [Y/N]—come on—"
Just before [Y/N] averts her shocked gaze, one of the wizards points his wand in her direction and a jet of green light rushes straight towards her—and it would have hit her right in the back if Seamus hadn't pulled her down at the last second.
Eyes wide with panic and her chest pumping with the adrenaline of nearly having been cursed, [Y/N] scrambles to her feet and lets Seamus drag her into a random nearby tent. "Stay quiet—don't move," he hisses once they've made it behind the tent flaps, crouching just behind the entrance.
"Seamus—were those—"
"Death Eaters, I think," he confirms her suspicions, gritting his teeth. "And they nearly damn cursed you."
[Y/N]'s grip on Seamus's hand tightens as she clamps her mouth shut, willing herself to stay as still and silent as possible. The woman's screaming intensifies and [Y/N]'s heart skips several beats when she hears it get closer and closer to where she and Seamus are hiding.
"Can't we just kill her already? Her screams disgust me almost as much as her blood does."
The voice is coming from right outside the tent. [Y/N]'s breathing gets quicker and she quickly covers her mouth with the hand that's not holding on to Seamus's.
"We are not here to kill—we are here to demonstrate," drawls another voice. "Let everyone see the powerlessness of these filthy, useless Muggles. It disappoints me how we have to resort to such means to prove an obvious point."
Seamus meets [Y/N]'s gaze; she sees her own fear reflected in his eyes. But even then, he gives her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand in his as he mouths, "It's gonna be okay."
Slowly, she nods.
But then one of the wizards—one of the Death Eaters, her brain supplies not very helpfully—says, "Oi, do you see that?"
"See what?"
"That shadow. There's someone inside the tent—"
"Leave it. We are not here to harm magical blood."
"Shut up—who knows, we might get lucky and find ourselves a Mudblood!" Footsteps draw closer to their tent. Seamus and [Y/N] can do no more but crouch behind the entrance, eyes wide in mutual panic. "Come out, you!"
The tent flaps rustle. A hand pokes out—but then several screams cut through the air, and a sound like a powerful spell being cast echoes across the field.
"It's the Dark Mark!"
Several loud popping noises ensue. [Y/N] knows that sound; it's that of someone—or in this case, several people—apparating away. And then she hears four loud thuds outside, as though heavy bodies are dropping to the ground.
"I think they're gone," Seamus says, but his tone is still hushed.
[Y/N] doesn't pause to check. She unleashes her grasp from Seamus's and darts out of the tent, Seamus yelling behind her, and sure enough, the four Muggles who had been suspended in mid-air just moments before are now lying on the ground, eyes wide in terror except for the two young children who have fainted.
"Oh my God—"
"[Y/N]!" Someone—Seamus—catches her from behind as her knees buckle underneath her and her lungs seize up in her chest.
"Seamus—they—we have to help them—"
"[Y/N], calm down—"
She wrenches herself out of Seamus's hold and rushes to kneel down next to the Muggle woman, whose eyes have gone hazy, staring off into blank space. She doesn't even seem to have noticed [Y/N], who hovers over her, hands trembling, unsure of what to do.
Shaking, she takes the woman's hand in hers and squeezes, repeatedly saying something along the lines of "everything's fine, they're gone now" as Seamus stands back helplessly, wand in his hand as his eyes dart around the seemingly empty field of tents.
"[Y/N], we can't stay out here, they might come b—"
"What about them, Seamus?" [Y/N] cuts him off, gesturing wildly to the Muggles. "What are they going to do if the Death Eaters do come back? We can't just leave them here—"
Another loud, popping noise erupts through the air. All around them, familiar faces have appeared—ministry wizards. Seamus tugs on her arm and pulls her back to her feet, watching as the group of frazzled-looking wizards fuss over the Muggles.
"This is madness!" one of them exclaims, shaking his head in disbelief. Then his eyes meet Seamus and [Y/N]'s, and he immediately advances towards them, wand drawn.
"Calm down, Amos," another wizard says, stopping him in his tracks. "They're just children." And then, turning to the shaken pair, he nods. "Go back to your tents, you two. Everything's been taken care of."
"But—" [Y/N] begins, a thousand questions teetering just behind her lips, but Seamus mutters "let's go" next to her and tugs her along.
[Y/N] can't sleep at all that night.
She lies awake in her bed in her tent, the rest of her family already asleep. They'd been incredibly worried when she'd turned up outside of their tent after things had started to calm down. Seamus had insisted on walking her back, but [Y/N] had known that his mother must have been out of her mind with worry as well, so she'd told him it was okay.
Now, she stares up at the ceiling. Her hands haven't quite stopped shaking yet. Traces of the fear she'd felt before remain in her heart like an itch that just won't go away. She can't quite rid herself of it; the pure and utter terror she'd felt when she first saw the family of Muggles being tossed to-and-fro in mid-air.. the panic that tore at her heart when the Death Eater approached the tent she and Seamus had been hiding in..
She remembers being pulled to the ground as a curse hurtled through the air that had been aimed for her. She remembers the screaming. The vacant, unfocused looks on the Muggles' faces when the Death Eaters disappeared.
Suddenly, the tent feels too stuffy. She gets up out of bed and sneaks to the entrance, wanting to rid herself of the suffocating feeling in her chest with a bout of fresh air. She can't get out of there fast enough—she nearly trips over her own feet in desperation, and when she does tear past the tent flaps, she lets out a tiny scream.
Clutching her chest in surprise, she takes a step back.
Seamus is standing there, eyes wide like a deer in headlights before he drops his gaze bashfully and scratches the back of his head. "Hey," he says, raising a hand in greeting, but then he seems to remember that they're literally only three feet apart and drops his hand back to his side.
"Hey," [Y/N] says breathlessly. "What are you—what are you doing here?"
Seamus shoves one hand into his pocket, shifting a little on his feet. Quietly, he tells her, "I wanted to check if you were okay."
[Y/N] stares at him for a moment, unsure of what to say or how to react. The "I'm okay" rests on the tip of her tongue, but she doesn't have the energy to lie, so she just shakes her head and hopes to leave it at that.
Slowly—hesitantly, Seamus moves his gaze back to hers. "I'm not, either," he admits with a painful grin, fidgeting where he stands. "Can't really sleep. Too much thinking. Death Eaters and Muggles being tortured and.."
He inhales sharply, shaking his head. "You almost got cursed," he says quietly. "If I hadn't been there—"
"Can I hug you, Seamus?" [Y/N] cuts him off, and her voice sounds oddly pained. Like she's holding herself back from crying.
Seamus blinks, surprised.
"I'm sorry, I just—"
"Sure," he exhales, letting out a long breath he didn't know he was holding. "Sure, [Y/N]. Of course."
[Y/N] doesn't wait; she walks forward and throws her arms around him, gripping much too tight. She needs this. She needs something to ground her back to reality—something to pull her away from the dark part of her brain teeming with thoughts of death and torture.
It takes him a few seconds, but Seamus hugs her back. He may not know it, but when he wraps his arms around her and pats her back albeit a little awkwardly, he's bringing her back from the nightmarish part of her head.
They stay like that for quite some time. When [Y/N] pulls away, she wipes at her cheeks hurriedly and steps away, clearing her throat. "Sorry," she winces, trying for a small laugh. "It's just.. been a little much, is all."
Seamus nods, pressing his lips together. "Bit weird how just a few hours ago we'd all been losing our heads over Ireland winning, innit?" and it's a measly attempt to cheer her up, but [Y/N] looks up at him and smiles anyway. It's a little sad—a little off—but it's a smile nonetheless.
"I'm pretty sure that was just you," she tells him quietly, that same tiny smile on her face.
"Yeah, well at least Ireland won," Seamus retorts defensively, the same passion he'd been sporting a few hours ago making itself known again. And then he seems to remember that this isn't the time to be arguing about Quidditch; "Nevermind. Sorry."
"It's fine," [Y/N] assures him, a genuine smile breaking out on her face. "It's fine, Seamus. While we're at it.. you didn't finish telling me about Troy earlier."
[Y/N] needs to stop thinking about everything that happened, and she knows Seamus does too.
What better way to do that than with Seamus's passionate opinions on Ireland?
He seems to consider this for a moment. And then he folds his arms over his chest and begins in a theatrical, haughty tone, "You wouldn't know since you're a Bulgaria fan yourself," he says with feigned spite (or what she hopes is feigned), "But Troy is one of the best Chasers the Quidditch League has ever seen—he learned to fly a broom before he could even walk!"
"Somehow I find that hard to believe."
"Yeah, well, believe it. Anyways, Troy—unlike Krum—is plenty talented.."
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heliads · 3 years
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Draco Malfoy Masterlist
Fred Weasley Masterlist
George Weasley Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
James Potter Masterlist
Lorenzo Berkshire
Like Nobody Else - Based on this request: “lorenzo berkshire x reader? where it is fluffy and both of them are hopeless romantics and the slytherin gang is getting annoyed with how much they are pining?” Imagine
Oliver Wood
Up With You - Based on this request: “Oliver Wood x reader where Oliver’s starting out as a player on Puddlemere United. reader is a star player for an opposing team? He’s a keeper, and reader’s a seeker, and as they whiz past each other there’s some fun snarky banter? And at the end of one match Oliver asks reader if they can hang out sometimes?” Imagine
Regulus Black
Dark and Dangerous - Based on this request: “Regulus Black x fem Potter reader where they fake their deaths to hide from Voldemort and destroy all his horcruxes in secret.” Imagine
Remus Lupin Masterlist
Ron Weasley
Sea Glass - Drabble
Seamus Finnigan
A Purr-fect Mixup - Based on this request: “Seamus Finnigan x Reader where the reader gets turned into a cat and Seamus has to help get them back to normal! Maybe with a lot of fluff and some angst about being worried that the reader won’t be able to turn back?” Imagine
Sirius Black Masterlist
Theodore Nott
Like You - Based on this request: “req with Theodore Nott where he's grumpy with everyone but seems to be very humorous around the reader? like teasing her or doing something to get her attention bc they’re rival academics?” Imagine
General Fantastic Beasts
Comrades-In-Arms - Based on this request for my 3k celebration: “a personalized drabble for a female reader who appears quite serious, but around those in her inner circle is also sarcastic and talkative. She’s a fiercely loyal friend (easier to lose her trust than gain it 😬) who will always have your back. She enjoys traveling and reading. I was wondering if this could be in the Fantastic Beasts universe? Drabble
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Paper Cranes
Paper Cranes https://ift.tt/6e9pt0w by Eyuvia Hermione, who was devastated by Ron's betrayal, spent a night at the Astronomy tower in isolation. Suddenly a paper crane suddenly flew over her. Curious, Hermione grabbed it. "What are you crying about?" the note says. She took a quill from her bag and scribbled "Someone broke my heart" in an attempt to find someone to talk to. Barely a minute later, another paper crane appeared, and she enthusiastically accepted it, her eyes scanning the note. "Hex him then," she wrote back, chuckling. Overtime, her exchange with the mysterious sender has become a daily occurrence and Hermione found herself anticipating for more. Words: 6122, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Horace Slughorn, Ron Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley Additional Tags: dramione - Freeform, Oneshot (dramione), Past Relationship(s), breakup ronmione, Fluff, Letters, Romance, Happy Ending, Ron Weasley Bashing, Good Draco Malfoy, POV Third Person via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/LvfS28C September 06, 2023 at 03:13PM
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clarrissanewt · 3 years
Hi! Can you please do a one-shot where the reader is an animagus, like a lynx, and is found wandering near the Forbidden Forest by Seamus Finnigan who starts to talk or maybe vent to them? Maybe he starts coming back every day and the reader starts meeting him there, but one day the reader in question gets hurt and Seamus takes care of them while they heal and after a bit the reader reveals themselves as an animagus? Lots of fluff, if you can!
Pairing: Seamus Finnigan x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of blood
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GIF not mine! Credits go to the original creator!
A/n: There might be some changes in the plot. Nonetheless, enjoy!
The Forbidden Forest, Seamus could say, had the potential to house all the deadly creatures, but seeing a lynx roaming or rather fiercely staring at him was never on his cards. And what if this lynx did dare to feast on him?
He could die.
Oh hell, he was definitely going to die.
As the serene cream-colored feline mottled with brown spots (how much his description contradicted his toe-biting fear) advanced towards him in lethargic steps, he couldn’t help but gulp and glue himself to the nearest tree.
“Look...dear, lynx-” he whimpered and sank onto his knees as the proximity of his (literal) disarmament neared.
Instead, he met the cushiony paw on his chest as the tufted ears swayed as if showing readiness for making peace.
Unimaginable but brilliant.
Umbridge slanders were the most obvious thing he did with the sleepy creature even though the lynx looked totally oblivious to his words. Or so he thought.
She ran through the corridor, out of breath, as the familiar brown-haired boy sprinted out of the corridor. She wasn’t sure if he was heading towards the Forbidden Forest (Merlin knows what made her think so), but what if…
“Y/n, you are kind of deviating from the way-”
She yelped as she nearly hit the scowling figure of Filch- his cat eyeing her disdainfully.
Oh, how much she wished to transform and scare the misconception of being fierce for this cat.
But they went away.
Good. She wasn’t even in a mood for detention with the pink toad.
“Hey, do me a small favor,” she eked out the most innocently smiling face at her friend, who just rolled her eyes at her ‘I’ve always been good’ card game. “Drop my bag at the dorms before you head for dinner!”
And she was again surrounded by the dimly lit path towards the forbidden forest- not sure if she should make her way into the dark forest or double back to the dinner.
But maybe bad decisions were meant to tag along with her...what else did she learn from being in the same year with Harry Potter?
Jokes apart, she was going for it.
Three weeks to...solicitude? Maybe, yes. Solicitude for someone she never saw in the light she does now; for someone who returns every night to the forest just to make sure that this pretty lynx is alright.
Many people would deem him cracked about this thoughtfulness towards a lynx, but he wasn’t going to take it all. He had jokingly even said that he found her better than the people at Hogwarts.
And she just wished he knew.
Or never mind. She currently wishes not to see him in the forest.
As the light mane sodded with blood and dirt, her animagus figure warped into a ball of fur at the excruciating pain.
Since when were unicorns so hostile in the forest? Maybe this was the first time.
As her glassy eyes rolled into the sockets, the coned ears waved towards the gleeful footsteps that rang within the bubble of her torment.
And this was the last thing she wanted.
“Oh my-” the Gryffindor dropped to his knees, nervously examining the slashed hide and the blood trickling. “Are you alright? Heck, why am I even asking?”
As he progressed to scoop the spasmed lynx, he was obstructed- as if she only didn’t want this to happen. And while he stood there in the slightly cold night of October, scrutinizing how not to let the lynx bleed to death, he swore he almost died.
There was a faint shudder and the feline started changing it’s form. Was it a shapeshifter?
Darn it, he made a mental note to read less of muggle books at this thought.
And what poleaxed him the most was that it was an animagus (oh well, that should have been his first thought being a wizard, but he would ignore that blunder).
“Move back, Seamus,” the girl hissed from the ground, provided that her legs were warped in a really uncomfortable position.
“Uh- yeah,” Seamus scrambled back, his eyes not leaving her. “You are Y/n, ain’t you?”
“Nice time to ask,” Y/n smiled sardonically as she weakly waved her hand. “Yeah, I am.”
“Can I sit?”
“No! Take out your wand.”
And he smacked himself mentally at this, not understanding why he didn’t think of this before.
For the next half an hour, every split skin was sealed, every drop of blood wiped out magically, and maybe, both the hearts mingled into each other’s comfort. And that was better than the hell ride of Hogwarts.
“You might find this funny,” Seamus leaned back on the tree at last, his knees closely glued to his chest, “but I almost had a crush on a lynx.”
Y/n eyed him softly in the murky night, her cheeks growing hot in spite of wind.
“Come on, just admit you had one.”
Seamus bopped her playfully, careful enough not to let blood regain its flow.
After a few minutes, the light laughs had subsided, the teasing also, only soft breaths fluttered back and forth.
“So I’m not forbidden from returning again?”
She smiled at his question and leaned into his embrace- she couldn’t describe the soothing scent perfectly but it felt like autumn air and soot. “Not forbidden.”
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