#season 15/16
the-geeky-fangirl · 10 months
yes i know heartstopper is "cringe" and yes I know you think it's not that deep but you've endured years of cringe oversexualized shows about high schoolers where the gays are delegated to sub plots I'm sure a few hours of queer people being safe and happy and loved won't kill you so please shut the fuck up
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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ohhh hh you two wanna fight an oversized goop slug in the woods so bad....
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Lecture tips: Be naked and wet for the most convincing rhetoric.
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clicked on the article ONLY to see if they included spn
glad they did
i dont really agree with the Lisa and Ben part but everything else is damn right
burns me up
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superhusbands4ever · 2 months
Putting this out into the world now in case I end up being right: due to a myriad of reasons, the least of which being the random release schedule to make sure The Bad Batch is finished before May 4th, I’m like 99% sure the last episode will wrap up most loose ends but end on a vague cliffhanger so that Star Wars can announce a new follow up show about Rex/Echo/Wolffe/Gregor/the clone rebellion or whatever to replace The Bad Batch the way that The Bad Batch was announced when The Clone Wars ended.
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jjsinger · 3 months
No but if they do revive supernatural (and that's a big if), how are they gonna deal with destiel? If Misha isn't in it. We riot.
But also if he is, are they just gonna try and get away with the queer baiting again? I can't see that going down well.
But Jensen and Jared don't seem at all into that idea (destiel), so what are the options?
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smilesbag · 1 year
there's just something about "the gang carries a corpse up a hill." something about frank saying that you never leave behind the people that you love and the gang all immediately thinking of charlie, alone and crying and carrying the father who never loved him up a hill. something about this group of people hating each other, vowing to never see each other again, and still meeting up for drinks the next day. there's something about the way that they have been friends for decades and they'll always have each others backs, and even though they find each other frustrating and annoying and cruel and ridiculous, they love each other. against their better judgment, they love each other, and that is so special to me.
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icy-watch · 3 months
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Oh, you cuties
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echos-gal · 4 months
y'all know that if they don't bring back Tech by episode 15 (premiering on may 1st) and the series concludes with him "dead", i WILL be fully expecting a surprise bonus episode 16 epilogue releasing on may 4th showing him alive and how he survived and reuniting with his family and Phee. i am fully willing to don the clown face paint for this.
name a better may the fourth surprise. you can't.
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ananke-xiii · 5 months
sometimes I think about how the whole cast/production/writers/whatevs of Supernatural could've made the history of television, like the series, with all its faults, could've become as huge as The Sopranos in terms of cultural significance if they only got the effing ending right.
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turkwriter · 3 months
Burnie Burns: "We're retconning Seasons 15-17 as Epsilon simulations."
Red Team Fans Who Actually Got Fed Real Character Arcs for Simmons, Grif, DONUT, and (Honorary Red) Locus:
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fedora-lloyd · 2 years
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He needed more screen time
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soullessjack · 8 months
okay but like. cogs turning .. last holiday truthing cwt maxxing… the sheer difference in dialogue between the script and the episode is killing me. the deliberate choices made to change said dialogue and even the ending…
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like am I alone in thinking that this whole exchange in the dungeon was very oddly disjointed? very “nobody fucking talks like that” core. they just say shit but it doesn’t land with the other’s response.
and especially when you compare it to the draft:
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for some reason or another, the writers deliberately cut out jack’s lamentation that he is still dangerous, that mrs butters is right to be doing what she’s doing, and that nothing has been the same between him and the Winchesters since he’s come back. they deliberately cut out dean saying “you’re one of us, and you have a chance to make it right.”
there’s also the glaring difference between how sam and dean defend jack in the episode vs the draft. in the draft, they say this:
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D: “You said you didn’t want to destroy this family, but Jack is our family.”
S: “You hurt him, you hurt us.”
Mrs B: “No, he’s infected you. I have to keep you safe.”
D: “By trying to kill the people we care about?”
Mrs B: “No, he’s a monster!”
D: “Aren’t we all?”
not only do sam and dean say that jack is their family and someone they care about, but they also explicitly hold themselves on the same monster totem mrs butters holds jack to (much like what dean said in tombstone, “we’ve all done things, so if you’re a monster then we are too,”
…which all then gets cut and turned into “He can save the world.” no, don’t kill jack, he’s our family and we care about him and he is good despite his mistakes -> no, don’t kill jack, he can save the world.
the explicit choice to center jack’s worth on his usefulness rather than his inherent value as the winchesters’ family and even just as a person, rlly speaks so much to the way he’s essentially narratively doomed to be dehumanized as a tool/weapon/device.
and the fact that this is all eventually preceded by Cas saying “you never needed absolution from sam or dean or me. we don’t care about you because you’re useful or because you fit into some grand design. we care about you because you’re you,” (which in turn is preceded by jack fitting into a grand design and fucking off to the raindrops forever), makes it seem either a painful inconsistency or some weird twisted inside joke between the writers (cough season 16 cough cough puke).
I haven’t posted about it a lot but I truly think there’s some vast trapped-in-the-narrative horror working around jack constantly being dehumanized both within the show as a living weapon and by the writers themselves as a plot device.
shits wack I guess
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angrymac · 1 year
“Waiting for Big Mo” and how it was Mac’s turning point
season 15 macdennis drives me absolutely feral because it’s really all in the subtext. like, someone could watch it with absolutely no context and it would just look completely platonic (save a few scenes here and there).
but with the knowledge of Mac’s love for Dennis, and the way in which he completely shut down any external tell of his feelings after season 14, it’s insane.
I think the turning point for Mac was Dennis’ speech in “Waiting for Big Mo”.
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Yes, within the show they’re talking about laser tag, and it’s obviously a meta reference to Sunny itself, but look how Mac drops his head when Dennis says “What the hell does it matter if you’re not having fun?”
And then “if something deep inside of you is telling you to move on then maybe that’s what we should do.”
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And how Mac gently confirms, “Time to end the game?” And Dennis goes “Time to end the game.”
And yes this turns out to be a misdirect for the laser tag game and for Sunny, but I think this is when Mac finally makes the choice to move on from Dennis.
And you can SEE it, in every scene they have together in season 15, how Mac’s feelings are still there, but he has actively accepted that it won’t happen. He has let Dennis go.
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In season 15, Mac no longer touches Dennis at all, but Dennis is constantly initiating touch with him. When Dennis gets sick with covid, Mac is not taking care of him like he would have in season 14 or taking the opportunity to have Dennis depend on him.
He even makes a frustrated comment when Dennis is coughing in “The Gang’s Still in Ireland”, where he calls Dennis out for having covid. Season 15 Mac acts completely different with Dennis than Season 14 Mac.
And I truly believe that this is intentional in both the writing and in Rob’s acting, and Dennis is going to catch on and start to try to win Mac back in season 16 (even in the subtlest of ways).
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kennysaysthings · 11 months
Doesn’t it look like he was about to put his hand there
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But he just came short of doing it? Like he kept moving it closer to Mac’s arm
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And Dennis was touching him HERE. In the first gif it was “just let me” and in the second it was “listen to me” theres just something so similar to these scenes and it’s driving me crazy. The way that is is only 1 season apart.
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callisteios · 1 year
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bro... i.. i don't think it's normal to dream of your best friend's dead girlfriend taunting you about how he hates you now.. bro i think you might be. a homosexual
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