#see mom anime is good for you
dolugecat · 2 years
(Wholesome story)
I finally feel safe and happy. I just burst into tears randomly after a good day. I have a roommate who is extremely supportive of my autism and has never judged me no matter how embarrassing my meltdowns are to me. I got off some meds that were making me gain weight and I have been working out so I’m fit. Im far away from my abusers. Im in a racist-free environment; the weight of my race finally off my back. I’m finally comfortably and openly non-binary and gay (sapphic). I finally have a gf and she’s very kind. She on her own wanted to rewatch my favorite anime (favorite is understatement, it’s special interest) and she loves it. Season 3 of my fav anime is coming out this fall (mob psycho). I have a job being a parapro for the ASD classroom at a high school and feel so normal around them. This might seem like just a typical life but (TW: suicide mention)
Last fall I had a plan to kill my self, got rejected by my birth family, betrayed by the very friends I loved so much I was gonna give them my stuff when I ****, experienced significant maltreatment at two forced hospital stays, and was unemployed.
I’m alive, I’m actually finally living freely and happily. It’s possible guys. I didn’t expect to be here still. But I’m glad I am
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Repairing a stuffed animal is a very cathartic thing. Like:
you've been loved so dearly that part of you is beginning to fall apart, but I can put you back together. Your stitching won't be the same, but I can fix you, it might be a little lopsided but you're good as new and I can love you again.
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randomnameless · 6 months
Something that really bothers me about the rose coloured glasses vis a vis tellius and fe fans (ESPECIALLY from 3h fans who learned about tellius later) is that many like soren purely because of his main ship (i mean i like ikesoren too but come the fuck on) and jokingly characterise soren as a stereotypical nasty mean limp wristed sarcastic gay man instead of a deeply flawed branded angry at the world and definitely trauma bonded to ike, but micaiah is still absolutely getting raked over the coals over the blood pact and not being ike’s fangirl
Jokes often involve flanderisation, so Soren being flanderised to oblivion when people joke about him isn't something I really care about, but maybe that's because I'm not really fond of Soren to begin with lol
What annoys me more is when some people try to rationalise Soren's anger and backstory by either pointing at Almedha or Deghinsea being responsible for everything, and I'm like, what.the.fuck?
Almedha's just, idk, I won't call it sexism, but damn - that woman loves her son who is the only reason why she hasn't completely lost her mind over 1/losing her powers 2/being casted away like trash by her "BF" 3/being rejected by her dad 4/thinking her brother was tortured and abused to death because of her actions 5/being separated from her beloved child.
Deghinsea being "uwu bad bcs he's the reason why brandeds are rejected by both beorcs and laguz" is another take I really am not fond of, and iirc I wrote a post earlier this year about it? But to some people who buy the "Crusts BaD" as the reason why Fodlan sucks, I guess they need to have someone to name and pill all of the world's nonsense rather than, well, in Tellius' case, realise that the worldbulding and the lore really sucks, to the point where the duology touted as the most "against racism" of the franchise, is pretty much way more racist than anything Tru Piss can throw us (yes, because in Tru Piss we have characters rejecting coexistence, in Tellius, it's the world mechanics - whenever a Beorc and a Laguz coexist too much, the Laguz dies...).
As for Miccy,
Just like, imo, Soren gains some "new" attention and "uwu excuses for why he's being a snarky jerk at times", Miccy used to be bashed when FE10 was released (with all the Mary Sue accusation being thrown around!) because she was written to be a sort of foil/antagonist to Ike, and when the party reunited, she was demoted to a "soul-jar" role, let it be regarding the greater plot, or, even, her own backstory!
TBH, for people who didn't play FE10, if Ike is the bestest thing since melted cheese, Miccy, who opposes him, must be BaD and so you can pile everything you don't like on her, hoping to see it stick.
Or even worse, I've seen posts here and there comparing Miccy to Supreme Leader and how misunderstood uwu she is, which is the worst insult poor Miccy ever received since FE10 came out rofl
#2goldensnitches#do you want to kill me friend lol#once upon a time discussions about soren and miccy were very animated lol#anyways i still don't like how some part of the fandom tries to uwu him#he is a character with flaws that sure are never called out in the game and by the main character but#they exist#and to uwu them away is imo a disservice and not a good reading on him#'but his backstory sad uwus' Sephiran also has a crapton of sad uwus for his backstory#and yet the game chews him out about his plans to destroy the world because hey fuck off#it's not fair to condemn the world and everyone who lives in it for your suffering#It's sort of hilarious because sometimes I wonder if Miccy wasn't also written as a Soren foil#Miccy is the one who doesn't like when Beorc call Laguz names#she lives in racist land and knows she has to hide else she'll die too#but she still came to care about the people who live here#she gets to talk to Vika who feels weirded out by her being a branded and yet they agree to continue talking/being friends despite it#Miccy never insults Rafiel calling him a half beast#Soren follows Ike and his lead but Miccy has to take the lead despite wanting to follow Pelleas at first#tfw we know more about Soren's backstory even after being kicked away from Daein than Miccy's lol#granted I loved what FE10 with Almedha when you see that some of his worst traits/flaws are actually shared by his mom lol#tl;dr : a Soren raised by his mom would have been even more of a jerk than the one we got#i have a lot of feelings about how Miccy was treated in FE10 which in turn sort of explains the vitriol she received from the fandom#but that's for another post lol else it'll be too long#basically FE10 is more Ike v.2 than a game where Miccy is the Lord
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gynecologistmsfrizzle · 5 months
sorry but jaheira showing up and sitting by durge’s bed all night with her scimitars out, just watching you sleep in case you wake up and go feral? when you both know very well she might have to kill you before sunrise? the choice to trust her BECAUSE you know she could & she would in a heartbeat…. astarion’s selfishness or karlach’s empathy or gale’s hubris might make them flake or falter. but not jaheira! not when her kids are in this city! not when she knows better than anyone how dangerous you are!
a lot of people threaten durge in this game. hell, a lot of COMPANIONS threaten durge! but none of them do it like jaheira, baby! swearing to kill you and showing she means it is the kindest thing she knows how to do and the only thing anyone EVER said to my durge that made her confident she wouldn’t wake up with blood on her hands again. god BLESS that woman. character of all time for REAL.
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guinevereslancelot · 2 months
most fucked up thing at my new job is there's only zero calorie sweeteners at the coffee station in the break room. three different kinds of zero calorie sweetener but no regular sugar because the assumption is that literally everyone is on a diet?
#is this because its a job dominated by women in particular??? idk#that's so weird#like sorry i can taste the difference and i prefer naturally occurring sugar from nature how is that not even an option#drinking nasty bitter af coffee bc i am So Sleepy but i refuse to use artificial sweeteners#they Do taste different and they're not even good for you im not doing that lol#also they got mad at me for telling one of the parents that we took one of the kids temperature and it was 99 and he threw up a little#when his dad came to get him yesterday and all of the other teachers were nowhere to be found#they were like tou shouldnhave had colleen do that#ma'am colleen went home before that and so did you#i should have left already too but waited bc the ratio on the playground was bad#anyway i did NOT say he had a fever i said it was 99 and to talk to the teacher inside#but the dad didnt yalk to her clearly then went home and scared the mom that he had a fever and threw up so she texted my boss freaking out#i literally just said he threw up a little and we took his temperature and it was 99 and to talk to the other teacher#which was all true and there was no one else there to tell him#anyway#apparently the person who had my job before me was a wacko who scared the parents with fake medical information or something#but that is not my fault and nobody told me that or not to tell the parents anything medical until this morning#ugh#also my supervisor is kind of a weirdo#she wanted to show everyone ~cute~ pictures of animals she has killed while hunting???#and i said i didnt want to see#and she was like ~oh it's not dead yet in the picture~#like okay but its dead now???#she traps them first so its a cute little fox in a trap about to be killed 😭#like wtfff#i know trappong predators is a reality but why take pictures like ohhh so cute then kill it#THEN show everyone the cute pictures like yeah isnt he adorable i killed him btw <3#huh??????#she has a bobcat tail on her keychain too she was giving it to the teachers and kids to pet like ohhh its so soft <3
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getosugurusbangs · 5 months
every day i thank god that my mom is supportive of my design headcanons for characters because if i had to answer her questioning me about why i do it, i’d probably lose it
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twinvictim · 5 months
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@dancehallcrasher tagged me for 9 movies I first watched this year! I actually watched more movies than usual and loved all of these ones specifically I hope I get to watch more <3
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cowsaresushi-coral · 8 months
what's the point of netflix if i cannot watch bluey, adventure times (+ fionna and cake) and good omens?
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morninkim · 1 year
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Green Ranger
The Power Rangers refuse to accept that killing her is the only way to free Tommy from Rita’s control, determined to find a way to end RIta without risking their friend.
One by one, over several battles with the Dark Green Ranger, the team are able to summon their Dino Zords, all inspired by a comment made by Billy when they first found the Power Coins. Once all five are summoned, they make a last stand, taking down Rita’s Dark Dragonzord with their newly formed Megazord, the Rangers fight on the ground, urging Tommy to fight her, don’t let her win!
Zack cries out, holding her back from the rest of the team, “Tommy! Don’t let her decide who you are! You decide that!”
Jason on her other side adds on, “You’re one of the strongest people I know! Fight her!”
Trini supports, disarming the Dragon Saber from Rita’s grip, “You have to be brave for us! For yourself!”
Billy, staff of the Power Lance pinning the Dark Green Ranger to his stronger teammates, “We’re not giving up on you! It doesn’t make sense for you too either!”
Kimberly rushes into Tommy with all her strength, wrapping her arms around her so tight that no power in the known universe could break her grip, face pressed into Tommy’s chest, “Please, you have to come back to us! You have to come back to me!”
From then on, Tommy officially joins the team as the Green Power Ranger.
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haven-gum-rockrose · 22 days
going through it lately. and by it? i mean absolutely nothing actually.
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hide-your-bugs-away · 2 months
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Thank you to the state of Ohio and English record producer Mickie Most for giving me a wonderful eclipse day, yesterday 🙏
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#maumee ohio thank you your dr pepper was good#seeing the eclipse was sOOOO COOL. SO COOL. I LOVE ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS I LOVE SPACE ROCKS.#brought the animals with me of course because i always bring them with me to ohio#I WANTED THEM TO SEE IT TOO!!!!!!#my mom and i went to an antique store as well and gOSH THE HAUL WAS GOOD!!!#got a couple of herman's hermits albums because Mickie Most Moment (thanks peter noone for talking about him in your shows)#and ANIMALS!!! OHHHH WHENEVER I FIND ANIMALS I CRY.#i didn't have the 'bury my body' ep yet or the '73 'best of the animals' album yet!!!!!!!!#love how barry doesn't play on a single one of those songs on the larger album b u t he's on the front picture 😔🙏#and i found..... 'take it easy/i'm crying'....... ooohhhh PRICE-BURDON HELP ME#i had to snatch it... i'm going to give it to my friend in england!!! 😭🙏 since i have two copies already aaa......#i also found a copy of 'o lucky man!' and i was sooo tempted b u t again#i own two copies already so ..... i left it so someone else can enjoy alan for the first time 😭😭😭😭💞 ALAN PRICE SAVED MY LIFE.#...going to listen to 'o lucky man!' as i finish his birthday drawing eeee......#almost got a donovan album too b u t all of the donovan albums i've been finidng recently are soooo expensive 😭😭 maybe later...#saving up for london part 2 and magazines.... also a convention next month#anyway. THANK YOU MICKIE MOST.#the seviper card too eeeee one of my favorite pokémon#FOUND A SHINY WIMPOD IN TOLEDO HASHTAG WIN#the animals#eclipse 2024#herman's hermits#things i said today
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"She's the most beautiful angel in all of heaven now."
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hauntingblue · 3 months
I ❤️
#shanks!!!!!! always wonder what is wrong with him to be an emperor..... bc big mom is severely strong and powerful and insane since birth#kaido can't even kill himself so same thing. blackbeard has the end all be all of devil fruits and then shanks is just there.#something smells fishy#they spent all the budget on the musical now we are back with this animation ajdhak#well baby luffy cameo.... always thinking about luffy being a good swimmer.... the anchor t shirt is a foreshadowing ajdhskdjks#yasopp talking about his son.... WELL WHERE IS HE????#maybe shanks power is being an alcoholic..... who knows....#luffy calling shanks pathetic is so funny this kid has anger issues.... his powers reveal is so funny ajdkajak to this day....#i was gonna be pissed about the flashbacks but little luffy is too good#this is my fucked up theory about shanks is that he gives up his arm and his hat when luffy eats the fruit.... idk why yet ill figure it ou#lmao but HOW do you leave a kid with a devil fruit just there.... he must have known who his grandpa is or smth.... like garp muat have wen#after him for an explainatiom or smth#shanks doing two 180 spims before putting the hat on luffy... the pizzazz.... the drama.....#well what was i saying.... evil shanks or smth... hidden intentions idk.... why isnt shanks pirate king yet... suspicious....#MAKINO HAS A BABY... and back to ad breaks... another asexual reproduction specimen see.... i know i am right#REIJU GAVE LUFFY A RAID SUIT FOR SANJI AKDHAKDJKS#him wearing black clothes..... like shirt and everything....#sanji saying they already have franky to be weird akdhaks#NAMI KEPT ZEUS!!!!!!!!! FIRST SLAVE AND SANJI IS JEALOUS AKDHAKDHSKSJ 'I WAS THE FIRST SIMP!!'#but with part of her soul being away form big mom.... how.... she is coming back for that#luffy planned everytjing HAHAHAHHAHA oof bonneh on the sidelines of the paper... i know i know....#sanji realising his rep went up bc of germa ajsjahdj where is namis bounty??? and luffys????#back to the reverie.....SHIRAHOSHI IS GOING YEAAAAHHHH (bc luffy might call her weak again no other reason)#crocodile smiling at the paper... i see you#cavendish and barto spreading gossip ajdhak garp must be fuming!!!!#LUFFY IS THE FIFTH YONKOU??? ALREADY!!???? i said he has no territories....but maybe gyojin island counts#just saw a comment saying makinos child is shanks b plan in case luffy fails akdhaksjk#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 878
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healingheartdogs · 1 year
Gotta wash your face and hands after eating
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floral-hex · 6 months
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my mom got a liver transplant. so that’s kinda cool.
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matoitech · 2 years
awakened the beast of terrible things i saw more commonly abt promare when it first came out that i forgot till now but all i can say to that is well at least i dont see that shit around anymore bcuz the fandom ppl you’d expect 2 rub their homophobic fucked up little hands over new canon gay anime men of the month moved on to more recent things and thank GOD. galo and lio need a fucking break. and me too as a real life person
#im someone who intentionally stayed VERY far away from Promare Fandom stuff too#for many reasons but the main one was i liked it too much to want to see what the voltron fandom moms hot takes were#i read that shit from a mile away movie w gay anime guys gets popular and u r a gay real life guy u do not get near the fandom#u find ur own little group of guys and hang out and do not look over there#and i still saw so much. and i was trying very hard 2 not know what was going on#i stayed away from fandom stuff anyway but w prmare was like my final im not even going to look up fanfiction 4 this one#LIKE I DO GENUINELY RLY LOVE SEEING FAN CONTENT WHEN ITS NORMAL JUST. IT WAS ONE OF THOSE THINGS#U JUST KNEW PPL WERENT GOING TO BE NORMAL ABOUT.#and they were not. read correctly unfortunately. with my bi guy autistic transgender etc senses#AND THIS IS JUST HOMOPHOBIA THIS ISNT EVERYTHING FUCKING ELSE LIKE. GALO BEING AN CANON AUTIST. GOOD FUCKING LORD#THE ABLEISM WAS AT THE SAME LEVEL IF NOT WORSE THAN THE HOMOPHOBIA#esp bcuz it was coming from like allistic lgbt ppl so like#there was the factor of even the self proclaimed 'normal' ppl not even REMOTELY being normal abt THAT part of galos character#there was a lot of lower level stuff but there was also some of the most upsetting completely fucking insane bullshit#you have literallyy ever seen#like u were just seeing allistics just blatantly share their evil little thoughts w the world and project them on2 lio#and u thought oh so thats how u justify how u treat us to urself
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