#seeking rb
houndsharkk · 10 months
hey guys!! i don't normally advertise on here but my mom's birthday is next week and i need some money to buy her a birthday gift
art commissions are open, i have a couple open adopts, and i have some jewelry and stuff for sale on my etsy shop!
she really likes stuffed animals so i'm trying to get her a jellycat but those mfs are expensive 😭
comm prices: https://bastettprices.carrd.co/
open adopts/characters for sale: https://toyhou.se/bastettart/characters/folder:3292869
etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/bastettartshop
please reblog / share / etc if you can't purchase anything!!! if you have any interest in commissions or characters for sale, please dm me!!!
some art examples are below if anybody wants to see them :3
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spiderversegf · 4 months
i have started asking myself “how can i make this more fun?” in regards to the things i have to do and it is such a small difference but it brings me so much delight
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tranzjen · 1 year
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When you get dressed up for a pride event but end up not going bc parking was hell, so then you post pictures of the fit online with the hope that queers on your phone will give you attention 🥺🌈
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athenaevm · 3 months
hey cuties!
i noticed @headspace-hotel expressing surprise at how elementary and high school teachers are banning aave from schools under the pretense of "preventing gang activity", something that has bothered me for over a decade. personally, I have also heard teachers refer to it as "gibberish" or "incorrect" and uh ???? especially when the same students who used these words followed all of the "rules" in essays and presentations and even interactions with the teachers, only switching dialects with friends.
i was wondering, do any of you have experience with
1) an (english) dialect being erased or banned in an american school
2) an (english) dialect being erased/banned in an (english-speaking non-american) school
3) a (non-english) dialect/language being erased/banned in a (non-english-speaking) school or
4) a (non-english) dialect/language being erased/banned in an (english-speaking or american) school
this includes calques, loanwords, creoles, pidgins, etc.
ofc i do not mean curse words, which schools pretty universally ban.
some examples i have heard are aave, malayalam, and various indigenous languages from the americas.
these do not have to be your dialect or language, they can be any you have noticed. i do not speak aave, and am asian/white, but i have just noticed it in my schools until late high school.
please rb for sample size, cats and robots!!
do reblog or reply with experiences if you have em, i would like to hear, and will rb yours if you want!
this includes if you have no experience with this, why do you think you haven't?
if this happened to you, that is truly awful and i truly hope that that person or administration or government gets fired 🤭
love y'all! 💚
(side note: why would anybody ban "y'all" it is the most useful piece of nonacademic language ever istg)
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thecultoflove · 5 days
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hug it out
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english-mace · 10 days
so I was attempting to explain to my mother, in the family vidcall yesterday, that real life people like Harry Styles cannot 'queerbait' when she hit me with:
'oh. it's evil like rpf is?'
and i just
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bluegekk0 · 11 months
would you still love me if i was more annoying with self reblogs 🥺
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is-this-tf · 11 months
Is it TF?
TF, as in Transformation, is a concept that can mean quite a few things to many different people- and when depicted in art or media, usually consists of some sort of physical or psychological transformation of one thing into another, often including the contexts before or after such a change occurs. 
For the purposes of this blog, the assumed pretense that the TF or TF-adjacent content depicted in posts on this blog being nonsexual in this manner is considered the default, and will be treated or engaged with as such unless clarified otherwise, but there are plenty of ways those who engage in TF art can enjoy it! There are many who consider it a paraphilia for themselves and commonly enjoy it as a sexual theme (as explained and described very well in this comic here), but it is also quite common for people to enjoy it entirely nonsexually, as well- perhaps exploring it under a lens of gender, as a vessel or narrative device to communicate themes, or just liking it as an unrelated special interest... TF is fascinating and alluring concept in itself, regardless of the ways it can be enjoyed and explored.
I made this blog because I love it when I see people unintentionally making TF posts on tumblr. I feel like it happens a lot and I think it's really, really funny when it does, by accident or not. Feel free to tag me in posts or send in questions asking if something is TF, and I'll give my honest answer as an expert in the field myself. 
Don't forget, words to live by:
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Primary tags: #this is tf, #this is tf art, #unintentional tf, #intentional tf, #definitely intentional tf, #not tf
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lightningboltreader · 9 months
Hiiiii! I’ve recently started writing fanfics in this fandom. Unfortunately, none of my beta readers are connected or interested in our firefam :((
So I was wondering if you have any idea where we could find our lovely beta readers in this fandom?? I’m more than willing to return the favour, no strings.
Is there any forum when we could sample our works? Or just list out our fics and seek someone?
If you could let me know about it, or just point me to someone who can do that, it’d be greatly appreciated! Thank you xx
Hi and welcome to the community, I’m so glad you’re here!
We have a whole bunch of fantastic betas across the fandom and I bet we can use this post to connect you to one.
Are you a beta with availability? Please help! 💛
I am not aware of a general 911 Lone Star forum for writers, but if your work is Tarlos-centric and you’re 18+, I encourage you to check out the Tarlos Weekly Prompts Discord Server. This is @chaotictarlos’s community of writers and cheerleaders, and includes brainstorming, fic sharing and beta request channels.
You may also find a good beta match by seeking out those credited with beta reading others’ 911 LS fics, or asking the writers who they use.
But today I’m asking my mutuals who are interested to reblog or comment so that you can reach out to them directly.
Thanks for the ask and good luck!
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tranzjen · 1 year
Just broke up with my girlfriend, could use some attention from the girlies ;-;
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merp-blerp · 4 months
Hey, I just blocked my first hetlor! I can say that now...
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thecultoflove · 20 hours
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fire drill
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built a little diving spot, then immediately decided going SPLOOSH was nothing without the appropriate signage. i am nothing if not predictable.
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bushido-jack · 1 year
//my favorite thing lately has been scrubbing the internet for decades old samurai jack edits and amvs and watching them. there’s so much love for samurai jack in them, faith that he would be back to finish his tale one day, and it fits perfectly with the time it came out lol. the edits aren’t as great as they would be with technology nowadays and the music is often linkin park but there’s always an open love for Jack and the series in there. and there’s something about seeing people love Jack even when it’s not at it’s most angsty, when it’s just seasons 1-4, without the novelty, without anything else to focus on but what makes Jack Jack.
#『 out of robes 』#samurai jack#ok to rb#//I love season 5 but man. it’s so saturated it feels like people forget that’s not Jack’s natural state#//Jack isn’t John Wick. weirdly controversial statement lol#//jack at his core is an honorable gentle kind and good man. the gruff and sharp exterior was forged and is necessary#//but he doesn’t LIKE fighting. he wants peace. he seeks a peaceful solution before he fights#//he’s an extremely well trained and steely warrior don’t get me wrong. he kicks ass and he takes a measure of pride in his abilities#//but s5 is the furthest he is from himself. the show even acknowledges that. Jack loses himself (understandably)#//it’s hard to put into words idk I feel like I’m going in all directions here but like#//the essence is that there’s a difference in the way jack fights and survives in s1-4 and the fighting and survival of s5#//there’s a balance there. Jack hasn’t gotten rid of the kind young man underneath the warrior he fights USING that#//meanwhile in season 5 he thinks that’s lost forever and loses himself in being a weapon and brutal survival#//there’s something that significantly lessens the impact of s5 when all people focus on is Jack at his worst#//ignoring how he started#//bc the thing that’s significant to me about samurai jack ISNT the incredible fight scenes and badass moments#//it’s the quiet. it’s the gentleness. it’s the tenacity to do good no matter how much BAD is done to you.#//no matter how much you have to sacrifice. refusing to leave anyone behind#//there was truly nothing like the original samurai Jack series and there never will be again.#//a main character in an action series who is quiet gentle honorable respectful and kind and stubbornly hopeful no matter what#//the fact that Jack isn’t what you’d expect from someone in his position. that even when he stumbles even when he’s angry#//he refuses to let others get hurt. he can be grouchy and prickly and stoic but he’s still showing he cares through his actions.#//the thing that is most important in Jack’s story is always that he doesn’t stay broken. that every sacrifice he made#//every loss he felt and everytime he helped others at his own expense wasn’t for nothing#//that every single action he took sowed the seeds of hope that meant he would be lifted up in return#//as Jack’s father said ‘your castle is strong.’
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expressionless-fr · 7 months
my brain has officially cracked. you know how you endure such pain that your heart can't take it anymore, so your brain just... cracks?
it's like uninveitable death.
you see, like imagine a string of your scarf getting out, over time it gets worst and worst to the point of being unfixable.
that's what I'm talking about. the crack just gets bigger and bigger until you die.
no matter how much I try to take care of it, I don't know how to sew. I cannot not use it. I can move carefully, but that won't help much.
for how long I can keep it that way? one month, two months? one year? one day it fully breaks.
I never wanted to die.
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
It's not easy to be a guy with a weird gender and complicated relationships with its sexuality and romantic attraction and fat and autistic and traumatized to the bone but someone has to do it
#luly talks#i tried to rb a post but i hit post limit and i lost it LMAO but i find it interesting how my things overlap#bc as some of you might know i grew up as a fat little girl and you know the world fucking hates us#and on top of that autistic although i had the most neurodivergent ppl along w me#i still wasn't like my other friends tho i always was slightly more lonely slightly more disconnected#they were in on things i didn't seem to be in the social spectrum and i never understood that#and one of those things was indeed romance and dating and in my teen years sex too#like by default i was seen as undesirable. just by virtue of being fat and also kinda androgynous#and the autism just. kept me far away from any social circle or interaction that'd bring me closer to an encounter of any kind#and i always yearned lord knows i still dream of Ana but the thing is i...#i just. love romance in paper#i love the idea of romance. i love the yearning i love the feeling#i know the feeling bc i know euphoria! i know the euphoria that comes from love.#but to me that's a very short lived feeling specially when engaging directly with it#i think its part of a matter of being taught what romantic attraction is and how they paint it#it's similar to how you are taught X and Y is hot even before you understand why#like i remember my mother always joking w me about male mannequins' cocks and like sure i played along#bc i thought it was funny and if the adult i seeked approval from did it then i absolutely should too#but she also scolded me once (and btw i was like 15) bc idk i was acting. like a perv?#and it's so bizarre in retrospective bc it might have been before the age of 15 bc i really didn't care about such matters then#I've always been amaizing at masking i love understanding people and why they do what they do and replicating them#so me being positive to sex and romance is to be expected#but at the same time its weird bc i cannot bring myself to hating it but i also just. dont fucking feel it#but at least w sex comes the horror of having a body too like there's a lot man#but my point is that its funny how despite being seen as undesirable for society i was unaffected bc i was oblivious to it
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