#self awareness is a curse
tossershandbook · 7 months
am i such a hateful person because i’ve never been taught love? or am i just a hateful person?
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imightbeatomato · 11 months
New Self Awareness Unlocked!
I tend to wear a lot of long skirts when I'm depressed....
I like long skirts, so why is this?
Well I'm thinking it has to do with energy. Depressive episode means I'm even more tired than usual. When I'm wearing a skirt I feel like I have to move slower, act the part of someone who wears a skirt. Skirts aren't great for athletics so it's a signal to my brain that it's chill time. Also long skirt hides my legs, so at least half of me can be hiding when all of me wants to.
These are my preliminary theories anyhow
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sleepyiampleaseletmein · 11 months
it is fine and good to be dramatic Sometimes be edgy be cringe pee pee poo poo
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m1d-45 · 8 months
just a small idea since you said you had a lil writers block: since wushi (lion dance) is used for important events/occasions and to honor special guests, maybe you could write about how ga-ming does a lil performance for creator?
- curse anon
vanguard’s fortune
note: this is not what you asked ! i thank you so much though
word count: 1k
-> warnings : written prior to 4.4, lots of “if you know you know” spoilers for liyue archon, story, and hangout quests, but nothin big
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr || @ryuryuryuyurboat || @undrxtxd || @rainswept
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despite everything, ga ming knew he was lucky.
he certainly didn’t feel like he was. aside from his continued streak of bad luck at his performances, you never attended any of his shows and your vessels never gave him so much as a second glance. you’ve walked right by him on the street before—and yes, he knows you don’t ‘see’ most of liyue, but he was in the middle of a dance. he’s certain that word must have spread at least somewhat, but even when he put on a show during the last lantern rite, you didn’t attend. it was as if you didn’t even know he was there, skipping his meager stage to meet up with yun jin.
part of him wondered if you simply disliked liyue, but that was easily proven false. you took the time to accompany chongyun on his patrols, xiangling was more than happy to talk about when you’d helped her in a competition in mondstat, and you’d even fetched ingredients for the wangsheng consultant last year. it was the simple fact that you had nothing against liyue, and he was an outlier.
and yet, he was blessed. vision wielders were rare on their own, and only a thin sliver of them had constellations. he was incredibly lucky to be one of the few within your spotlight of attention, but he never felt the love that was supposed to come with it. yes, he had a vision, the lion carved on the back a figure he’s long memorized, but even the latest of liyuen rotations had a chance to exist by your side. though the others always tried to reassure him, their words fell flat. xingqiu had recieved his vision long before he became a vessel, but he had several turns in the sky to try. chongyun was largely ignored and ningguang was rarely missing from the jade palace, but that information didn’t help as much as they thought it did.
he didn’t care that he wasn’t a vessel (as much as one couldn’t care about such a thing) so much as he was ignored. you fought by ningguang’s side and helped yanfei out of the chasm, but he’d never even heard his name thrown your direction. it could be argued that he was being selfish or even egotistical, but he didn’t think so. sword and strongbox secure transport agency was a well-known name throughout liyue, and yet you’d never so much as heard a rumor. it didn’t affect his business—nor did he want your attention for business purposes—but with you helping a film show (at least now he knew you enjoyed theater) in fontaine, he may or may not have been hoping that yilong wharf’s name might have been passed your way.
it hadn’t been, though. his days went on and he continued his rounds as usual, doing his best to promote his dance and maybe getting a few mora thrown his way in return if he was lucky.
but that was fine. irritating, sure, but fine. liyue was in the tail end of preparations for this year’s lantern rite, and he was set on attending. as soon as the ministry of civil affairs opened applications for performers, he’d done his best to secure himself a stage. nobody had given him a secure word, though, saying that it was “up to divine guidance” as if your traveler hadn’t taken the transport up to the jade chamber last week. yes, you often found other things to do during lantern rite, digging into liyue’s past, but you still attended the scheduled events. you still walked the streets and saw the stalls, and there was no way that the entirety of the main road was already taken up when he’d made a point of asking early.
it was because they saw him as a guard first and a dancer second. most people did, and he was lucky they’d given him uncertainty over a guaranteed rejection. the only reason they did at all was because of the constellation etched into his vision, and he was lucky to have that too. he was lucky to have this chance when most street performers could only dream of performing at the lantern rite.
‘lucky.’ it was an accurate word, but one he was beginning to get tired of hearing.
it was fine, though. he was determined—his vision blazed as he left the ministry’s office, a constant warmth at his side—to prove himself, determined to perform for you. he didn’t know when his chance in the stars would be, or when he’d have his time by your side, but he would make the most of each day until then. when, not if, he did, he would do everything in his power to make the best impression possible.
he gave a few polite waves to various merchants as he walked through liyue, making the familiar trek over the bridge and past the gate. the millelith didn’t stop him, and he didn’t stop to say hello, only lingering long enough to acknowledge them with a quick nod. he knew liyue’s hills and they knew he did too, easily navigating to a quiet, flat space of plain. the threat of hillichurls was a constant outside the harbor, but he didn’t let that stop him, confident despite the growing twilight.
ga ming reached into his inventory and pulled on his mask, hands easily finding the controls for the massive puppet. he took a breath, then began to dance, his feet sweeping over the quiet grass.
he had no guarantee when or if he’d receive the chance to chance to win your favor. but if you chose to have him on your stage, he was determined to put on the best show you’d ever seen.
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kalechip247 · 4 months
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hlvrai doodles (aka mostly benrey) bc i’m bored at work 🫶🏻
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muffypollz · 3 days
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echo-stimmingrose · 2 months
Say it with me now: Thalia Grace turning the prophecy over to Percy by joining the hunters, was not her being selfish.
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jazzmasternot · 5 months
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In celebration of Amir Talai raising 35k for texas abortion fund I made a Alastor texas flag. The republic of alastor if you will.
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zeb-z · 5 months
Arthur Bennett was chemically made in a lab for me to go insane over I think. he’s got a guilt only an older sibling could have and a drive for vengeance that is half driven by his own self hatred. yet still he strives for peace. he’s desperate to cling to any humanity, any hope. he’s aware he’s fallible. it doesn’t save him
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rewritingcanon · 6 months
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scorbus but it’s interchangeable
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
Jasper as a character is so interesting because he ends up a Confederate because he can't actually empathise with the slaves and because he simply accepts cruelty around him, and then when he becomes a vampire he literally can't ignore others suffering because it hurts him, but even decades after he becomes a Vegetarian he still can't get a hang of it partially because he still can't see humans as *people*. Idk there's smth to be said about him becoming a vampire because of his own cruelty and then being eternally in horrific pain because of said cruelty that fucks.
Jasper's whole life is a curse & i love to see it
here we have a Confederate supposedly so empathetic that he acquired a "gift"... yet not so empathetic as to recognize he was fighting for the enslavement of an entire race. despite seeing the consequences of slavery literally every day. now, the man who spent his last human days denying the humanity in others is forced to spend his immortal life being slapped in the face with their emotions. forever. hueeueueueu-
yeah, i would call that "gift" a curse, actually.
if Twilight weren't a horror story, we might see a discussion between Jasper/Bella about how immortality forces you to confront the darker side of your nature (e.g. "there will come a day when the societal beliefs imbued unto you leaves you standing on the wrong side of history"), & Jasper's journey with finding love & humanity. OR, y'know, he could've just had ONE (1) line where he says "yeah i'm not proud of my service." simply, if Twilight weren't a horror, Jasper could see the error of his ways & change for the better.
HOWEVER. Twilight vampires are "mentally frozen" when they turn, so Jasper is likely still a racist who does not regret his service. no matter how many times he is confronted with his cruelty, he won't change. meaning whatever life he chooses, his gift dooms him.
wow! eternal curse!
we see evidence of this frozen mental state in his decision to go vegetarian. he doesn't switch bc he feels bad about killing humans:
"I could feel everything my prey was feeling. And I lived their emotions as I killed them. [...] You've experienced the way I can manipulate the emotions around myself, Bella, but I wonder if you realize how the feelings in a room affect me." (Eclipse, Ch 13)
note the dehumanizing term "prey" & the focus on himself. he laments not that the human lives he's taking have value but that their dying moments harsh his vibe.
the irony! trapped as an empath while never possessing the ability to be an empath! CURSE CURSE C-
herein lies a bigger, juicier curse: Jasper is, himself, (hot take) enslaved in the sense that he will never know freedom, philosophically speaking, due to the choices he made in life. the series tries to paint him as a master tactician & competent leader; fanon often paints him as a free-thinking amoral black sheep. in reality, he simply obeys the commands of higher authorities & abides by their worldview regardless of how toxic it is to himself or others.
in the beginning, he had María.
he entered the Southern Vampire Wars not by his own volition but stayed because he was content not having a choice. however one feels about María, the fact of the matter is 1) as a newborn he was stronger, bigger, & faster than her & could have run away or overpowered her, 2) had the "gift" to identify emotions & could KNOW when/if she was malicious or manipulating him, & 3) could have escaped by influencing her emotions to make her disinterested in him. at any time in the 100 years they were together, he could have left. he talks about never knowing a life outside the war & discovering "options I'd never dreamed I had." ok???? run 100 miles in any direction & you would have seen a life outside of war. BOI-
instead, he took comfort in being submissive & adopting someone else's ideology. not only did it remind him of his past, but it meant he had no need to reflect on his actions or beliefs. he prefers others dictate his worldview & order him around even if it means being unhappy. he only left because he was going to be assassinated, & even then, it wasn't until someone else told him another life was possible that he "realized" another life was possible.
notably, the period where he's most free— living with Peter & Charlotte— is his rock-bottom where "the depression got worse." but, again, not because he realized the value of human life: "I was so wearied by killing [...] even mere humans."
then he meets Alice.
Alice, who has visions of being vegetarian & converts him so they can live with the Cullens. Alice, who dictates how her family should live their lives to the point where she manipulates them. Alice, who goes so far as to dress the Cullens, who orders Jasper to wait in the car while she & Bella go shopping, who Jasper refers to as "truly [...] one frightening little monster" because for all his experience she can still beat him in combat.
his eternal soulmate is authority.
despite being unhappy with his vegetarian life, as it makes him feel weak & coddled & a liability to everyone around him, he follows the lifestyle because Alice tells him to.
then there's the Volturi, another authoritative body. "We owe the Volturi for our present way of life," says acclaimed bootlicker Jasper Hale, who in the same moment shudders at the atrocities they committed, yet strangely sees no other way for a governing body to keep the peace... so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but, since Carlisle outranks the Volturi as an authoritative figure in that he more closely aligns with Jasper's new worldview, Jasper sees no problem deposing the vampiric governing body if it means his sister-in-law of like 2 months can keep her demonic spawn. so i guess we don't really owe the Volturi that much
to his credit, we see glimmers of him questioning his leaders: 1) his decision to leave Maria, 2) his considering switching diets to defeat Victoria, & 3) going against the Volturi. but, again, these decisions are all just a result of his self-preservation & submitting to the higher authority du jour.
in the end, he has the perfect storm of conditions that would allow him to escape the prison he's created, to find freedom & to love humanity unconditionally... but he won't. Jasper's ultimate curse is that regardless of whether he realizes the enslavement of his own self, he will never leave his cage because it's cozy & easy & allows him to never think for himself.
AAAANYWAY Jasper's life sucks & he's trapped in an eternal prison of his own making. lol
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vampirecatprince · 23 days
I have an idea for a Bill Gets Sent To Gravity Falls AU, but instead of him being sent directly there in a new human body, he ends up getting reincarnated as a human... But due to some time weirdness, he accidentally gets reincarnated BEFORE he actually dies?
And he's just a guy (that's very important) who has weird out of place memories and odd interests and impulses and he feels inexplicably drawn to Gravity Falls for reasons he can't explain. So he moves there as an adult because he kind of remembers Stanford? But when he arrives, bc of time shenanigans, he meets "Stanford" and can IMMEDIATELY tell after interacting with him this isn't the guy he remembers - but already committed to moving there so he's stuck there for a few years.
And then Weirdmageddon happens.
And he sees himself. (He can't explain how or why, but he knows.)
And suddenly he remembers everything.
And now there's this 30-ish y/o one eyed dude who's been living in town for years who suddenly starts acting more and more like the old Bill and is trying to reconcile his old and new life in his head. And now Stanford is back too and he recognizes him!!! This is the guy!!!! This is the right guy!!!! And... What do you mean you're immediately leaving- wait.. no! it's me, Sixer!
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cuntela · 26 days
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When I tell you that after seeing this i held my head in my hands for good 10 minutes
I need to throw him on the ground and shatter him like glass or go and catfish him as Ford
There's no third option
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xanadontit · 3 months
My mom: I don't blame my parents for anything! I definitely don't hold it against them that they sent the other kids to private school!
My mom .5 seconds later: Proceeds to absolutely blame them and express her disappointment that she did not attend private school.
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blessphemy · 13 days
man that last post is reminding me of this thought I’ve been percolating on about a cultural trend that is like… a squeamishness over the fundamental aspects of being a Living Human Being: i.e. the work the sacrifice the use of resources. the discord the disagreement the messiness and competing Processes. nature is a beautiful and brutal intricate system and we are part of it, leaving it purely untouched is not only impossible but chillingly cynical, because the only way to not touch it is to not exist — or to molecularly cut ourselves off from what we are part of and what we could give back to. telling me to abandon our world so that I don’t hurt it? abandon my heart who beats and all the creatures that I understand in ways they don’t understand, that I could be helping?
come to terms with the cycles of life and death!
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py6oto · 1 year
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for now before you're gone
i was originally gonna make another drawing like this from coomers view ... but its too late for that. and also i dont want to.
maaaybe i might make it tomorrow ... maybe !!!
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