#self indulgent crossovers
kyokyeo · 7 months
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raggedyamas and teruette
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sneezingbabysloth · 1 year
Hellsing x Genshin WIP
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found this super old sketch and decided to rework some stuff and maybe finish it :3
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slugbugmug · 1 year
Sorry for the locked tomb posting when this has previously mostly been soul eater related. You know how it is.
There should really be more crossover fanart/fic between the two fandoms because the meister/weapon and necromancer/cavalier dynamics both have that particular vibe. They are both stories with over the top goth vibes to the point of being silly and focus on extremely devoted pairs of characters.
I feel like Maka as a necromancer with Soul as her cavalier and Harrow as a meister with Gideon as her weapon (obviously a big two hander sword) are pretty obvious and their dynamics could stay pretty much the same.
I wonder about the other characters though. Does Death the Kid have two cavaliers? Is Coronabeth secretly a weapon but pretends not to be? What sort of nonsense necromancer is BlackStar? How do I cope with the terrible realization that Palamedes and Camilla take the role of Ox and Harvar (academic rival to main character, big nerds, weapon/cav is a quiet and observant type)? Is Crona something like a lyctor? The association between lyctors and the whole black blood thing isn't direct but I think there is something there. I guess John == Lord Death (both 'gods' who are much darker and more mysterious than the persona they put forth would have you believe). What houses would the Soul Eater characters be from and what weapons would the Locked Tomb cavaliers be?
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qiinamii · 1 year
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You gave Xiao your heart.
He thought it was a spar invite.
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bogglle · 5 months
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banjo buddies!
+ sylvia & max
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two-ii-tango · 4 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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MDZS x ISAT part 1: In Stars and Necromancy.
(Part 2)
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lemonfroq · 1 year
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squids and peace!
+ bonus doodles of vash being an affectionate creature as usual (and credit to sol_rust and fresh8cto on twt for their zapfish!vash design inspos!)
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crowcalico · 6 days
Some more Dungeon Meshi x Genshin AU!
Here’s how I imagine the ragbros would look like as the Touden siblings. I am terrible at outfit design, so I just combined their normal outfits with Laios and Falin’s haha
I know Falin doesn’t have elf ears, but the urge to draw elf kaeya was too strong. Plus the elves have very long lifespans, so it’s kinda like the Khaenriahn curse of immortality (I’m just making excuses now)
Let me know if you’d like to see more of this AU! The brainrot is real guys
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months
Adventures In Gotham
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant Side Story
The first time Danny had ever been to Gotham, he swore it would be his last. He was twenty-two at the time.
In an effort to relax after finals had ended, he, Tucker, Sam, Val, Wes, and Dani had been playing a round of Truth or Dare after finishing a few movies. Sam had dared Danny to wander around Gotham without attracting attention to himself. The catch was that he wasn't allowed to use his powers except to fly there and back. His time limit was Sunday night.
They'd all been planning to stay the night at Sam's anyway, so no one would even notice he was gone. Though, the dare had seemed easy at the time, Danny should've realized his luck was not that good.
Regardless, he flew to the outskirts of Gotham City, dropped his transformation, and entered.
The first thing he noticed was that there was some kind of bubble around Gotham preventing the Shades and overall feel of death from leaving. It was overwhelming at first, but he got used to it pretty quickly. The next thing he noticed was that he had walked into somebody's haunt.
He made himself presentable and spoke to the night, "I apologise for trespassing," His voice echoed through the open area as though he was shouting in an empty room. Ghost Speak tended to do that. "I mean no hostile intentions. I simply wish to play a game with your protectors." With any luck, whoever this was would be playful or friendly, at the very least. He didn't hold his breath, though.
A lie. He was holding his breath, but that's only because he was nervous!
The night air stilled as though considering his words. Then, a breeze from behind pushed him further into the city. Flapping wings of bats and owls seemed to hide the whispers of "You may come in." and "Be careful." and "You will lose." and "Good luck.".
A vote of confidence from the City Spirit. "Thank you." He was going to be as quick as he could, but he couldn't draw attention to himself. Easier said than done. Batman seemed to know whenever anyone ever stepped foot into his city, especially if they've never been there before. So, he had to play hide and seek with Batman and Robin.
Again, easier said than done.
Danny knows very little about about Gotham and her heroes and villains. What he does know is that Robin is fairly knew to the scene, but also very serious in what he does. He's still a child, though, and he likes to play around a bit. Batman, on the other hand, has already become something of a cryptid, despite only showing himself a year or so ago. Either way, the two balance each other nicely and work well as a team.
Batman and Robin obviously know the entire city inside out, so Danny has to somehow keep an eye on where they are at all times while not drawing attention to himself. Which would be easy, except for the fact that Danny can only sense where non-living beings are. Batman and Robin are very much alive. He's pretty sure. Unless either of them have a shit ton of Shades attached to them, which is unlikely but not impossible, then he'll have to rely on finding them first and keeping them within his sight as he tours around their city.
Why the hell did he agree to this? He so deserves a reward if he succeeds.
'When', not 'if'. 'If' is pessimistic and implies that Batman might just drop him off a building and watch him fall. 'When' at least lets him continue with the illusion that he may get out of this no deader than when he arrived in Gotham.
All he had to do was basically tour the city, then he'll be done. It went well for the first hour, but then he spotted the shadows moving around him. It wouldn't normally be a problem, but one of those shadows was made out of bright colours. Seeing as his Ghost Sense didn't go off, Danny figured the he'd just run straight into Batman and Robin.
Shit. Fuck. Okay, play it cool, Danny.
He ran. He ran as fast as he could without using his powers. When he was sure he'd lost the two vigilanties, he allowed himself to stop in an alley somewhere in the Narrows. (The map he looked at was coming in very handy all of a sudden)
"Could be worse," he said to himself, backing into a corner.
The sound of shattering glass and the scurrying of mice and rats gave the impression of laughter and taunting. Which, rude, but fair.
"Your Knights, my lady," he spoke into the darkness, "are terrifying."
"Who you talking to?"
Danny did not jump. He didn't! Liar.
The kid, about twelve years old, was in bright green, red, and yellow. His hair windswept and he didn't seem even the slightest bit out of breath, let alone tired. Shouldn't he be in bed? Did he have a bedtime? He should have a bedtime, in Danny's expert opinion.
"Did you know that humans are endurance hunters?" Robin had been smiling since he dropped down in front of Danny. And if that wasn't a scary ass line to hear from a twelve year old up way past his bedtime-
No, he's not intimidated. "It's, um, a good thing I'm not completely human then, huh?" Stupid, stupid, stupid! Shut up, Danny! Stop talking! Right now!
This made Robin frown and the shadows started to move again, Batman taking his place just behind the boy. "What do you mean?"
Damn, he's scary! Danny's a sucker for a deep voice with a growl, damn.
"I, um," Intelligent response, Danny. King of the Realm Between Realms of Infinity. Keeper of Balance, Timeless Protector of the Dead and Living, and he can't even form a proper sentence.
Batman and Robin's stares were uncomfortably similar, even as Robin tilted his head ever so slightly to the right.
For all his wisdom, Danny couldn't see how he could manage to get out of this without using his powers. So, "Gottagobye!" he let intangibility and invisibility wash over him and he slipped through the wall behind him. From there, he let the rings of light cover him and he flew away.
He'll take the L. That was scary as hell!
The night wind brushed against him, the sound of breaking bones and cackling telling him to come by to play again some time. Had Gotham's City Spirit lead her Knight and his child to Danny? Probably. She seemed like the type. At least she seems to like him? Silver linings.
"I'm never going there again," he muttered halfway to Illinois.
Tag List:
@zaiothe4th @someonebored0100 @wolfeyedwitch @angelheartgamer @nymanders @princessbelix @luminanightfall @kgne-k @bianca-hooks123 @reigning-catsanddogs @sassywombatranchhorse @dontfightmecauseillcry @soul-lime @anarinette @serasvictoria02 @the-chaos-goblin-child @confusedshades @caicie @fantasticstoryteller @randomshtickidk @itsberrydreemurstuff @blueliac @i-love-mangoes @nymanders @highimpactemotions @anarinette @sleepingdead96 @orbr @tkiesai @atomicsheepscientist @8000fangirl @shower-phantom-ideas @blep-23
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yayee-pspsps · 1 year
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akim09 · 3 months
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Hyperfixation crossover - the parallels are haunting me. (a highly specific scene of knives and Doflamingo in elegant robes chatting over wine)
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bitter--boxx · 1 month
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eah x splatoon crossover ❤💜 ... royals vs rebels splatfest idea i had in my mind for a while,,,
some extra stuff below ~
i had this idea since like 2 years ago, but never got around to do much of it aside from these 2 doodles:
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blessyo4 · 1 year
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sysig · 6 months
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Two big softies(?) (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Flowey#Flowey is still my favourite UT character so honestly a lot of this was just self-indulgent doodles lol#But then - as always - it did turn into Thinking A Lot about [thing] lol#Starting with the classic tho! Flowey friendly-like coiled around whoever he's talking to ♪ It's too fun hehe#I love Flowey getting just a liiiiittle too close and personal to a discomfort degree ♫ He's just being friendly! It's a hug! A snuggle!#He's your best friend so you don't mind right? :) Why would Fellplates!Gaster mind ♪#He's always posed to stage right when I draw him haha - I'm still fond of the one Gravity Falls/Undertale crossover piece I made with him#Anyhow lol - yet more fluffy wings! It's just fun if they're expressive I want real feathers lol#Gaster's face completely neutral but his wings all puffed up and freaked out hehe#Flowey would definitely be able to tell if those are when he chose to wrap around!#If they were just the decorative version he'd fall right off from his own weight pulling them loose lol#Absolutely thinking of the one of Gaster screaming while being vine-wrapped by Flowey haha - he's totally innocent here! ♥#And then a little idea of how each of them react to humans - UkaGaster talks a lot about his general positive feelings for humans#And Fell!Flowey is.....well I have my own thoughts about how he might react to humans now that he's been...himself for a while#There have been Fallen Humans in the time between being locked in the Underground and [now] even in Underfell hasn't there?#I guess none of them would've made it as far as meeting up with Gaster - bit of a dark thought heh - but Flowey would know#Is it selfish? To wish for humans or to keep them a secret from the rest of the Underground? What might happen?#It's interesting to think about! If there were humans then surely Gaster must be aware of the Souls?#But even if not - even if this could be before all that - Flowey would still know about human Determination to an extent - being what he is#It wouldn't turn out well for anyone :) That's what makes it interesting ♪
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miss-needlemouse · 6 days
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Happy Ghost Swap week! Here's what I've been cooking, for the anonymous prompt "Your most self-indulgent crossover."
Couldn't think of anything clever for the Banana Man, especially since I kinda wanted to avoid making him a cat as it seemed too obvious, so Hedgehog it is. As for Lynne... Well, she keeps dying and reviving, so what could fit better than a Phoenix? Well, honestly she ended up looking more parrot but eh, also works. Her hair also landed itself really well into a bird's crest, so doubly good there!
Honestly I wanted to draw a bit more, use these designs for a scenario or something, but work has kept me busy so I don't think I could finish that before Ghost Swap was over... Perhaps some other time I'll get to that.
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