zombiejette · 5 months
Hey there Non/Disney peeps! I know how much we all love to choose beloved characters that represent ourselves, whether its for personal or roleplay reasons, so I think it's time we expand this trend even further. I thought why not shake things up and combine this side of tumblr with my favorite form of self-insert...
you know y'all want to. So what are your Big Three signs represented by animated characters?? I will start with mine:
☀️ SUN: Aries ♈️ 🐏
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I know it's a bit on the nose, but I can't think of anyone more like the Ram than Merida. Stubborn, impulsive, firey, playful, passionate... it's all her baby. Even has the red-ass wildwoman hair. For me, she is most like how I behave on the surface, especially when I'm having a good time. She loves fiercely, plays recklessly, and isn't afraid of a bit of danger in the pursuit of living fully. Everything about her is loud, proud, and in your face- and just like the sun, you can't tone her down even for a second. Especially when she's angry. But that anger is a good thing too- it reminds us to stand up for ourselves, for the injustices we see, and to fight wholeheartedly for what's right. She shows us that our emotions are our greatest allies, and if you befriend them, they will help guide you towards your truest path. All this boldness and authenticity allows her to be a truly fearless leader, and one who isn't afraid of breaking traditions to do so.
🌙 MOON: Virgo ♍️🏺
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Helga, for me, is the epitome of my Moon sign. She's no-nonsense, likes things to be efficient and effective, and is constantly scanning for problems to fix. She can also be intimidatingly scary and judgmental when she's pushed into a corner, and then all of those analytical skills can easily turn into weapons of mass destruction. But the more healed way it usually manifests for me is through her tough-love Mommy energy. She has a "right way" in mind, and knows what works and what doesn't. It's not that she's trying to be cruel, or too abrasive, but she sees when someone needs that push and won't hesitate to give them it. She's often the best person for advice if you don't mind being torn to shreds in the process lol.
↗️ RISING: Cancer ♋️ 🦀
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Now if you were scared at all by the hard-headedness of my first two signs- fear not! My rising sign is here to make me less of a dick lol. Might be a controversial choice, but Genie is definitely a cancer rising. "You've never had a friend like me" is sort of an inside joke of mine, and it's because I truly seek to be the most authentic and loyal friend you've ever had. I'm not just here for a good time- I'm here to change your life! Emotional intimacy is the hallmark of this goal, and I love to really "see" someone, to bear witness to all their ugly and do away with the surface barriers society imposes upon us. I know how crushingly lonely it can be to feel like no one really understands you, or even tries to, and so my bleeding heart takes up arms against this strongly. The way Genie bends over backwards and selflessly grants wishes- even ones he didn't have to- and genuinely wants the best for Aladdin despite the sacrifices it costs him, is the heart and soul of what this sign is for me. Not that this is always a good thing- I've definitely given away way too much without proper boundaries and gotten burned by it- but the way I feel for someone's situation, and want to do everything in my power to make it all better for them, is what Genie and I have in common. The shackles around him often feel how this type of empathy feels too- knowing you care so much and so deeply about someone, trying your best to "poof" their problems away, but having to free yourself from helping them or else it will drag you down as well. It's a big lesson this sign often has to learn the hard way, and boy have I learned it. But still, when it's used correctly and for the right person- nothing feels better than knowing you helped someone feel a lot less alone in this crazy world, and made a positive impact on their soul.
So those are mine! Please reblog with yours, and let me know why you chose your characters! I love pop-psychology through animation, and just in general lol, but either way, it was super fun to do. 🥰✨
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vulpinesaint · 23 days
do i believe eddie brock is homosexual or even really into men. no. to be honest. however is he gay for that alien. one hundred fucking percent and it's canonical too
#at LEAST one time he has used he/him pronouns for the symbiote#and they are in love mike costa said so. that's his love. his darling.#so. man. hashtag homosexuality. gay stuff happening in there. can't attest to what's going on exactly but i know it's queer#eddie brock is into women and is also in a deep committed relationship with that slime from space#and when the space slime is around he really barely even looks at women. and the slime gets kinda peeved when he does#was gonna say 'looks at other women'. and you know what. yeah. when he looks at other women. except the symbiote is not a girl#my take on the symbiote is that it has No indentification with the human concept of gender. like i think it Gets it. it's picked it up#from living on earth all this time and seeing into people's heads. but it's like. not human.#same with curse words. it doesn't cuss usually. it knows the words and it could use them if it wants. but it doesn't really want#however. DISTINCT from that. i think the way that EDDIE BROCK sees/feels/interprets the symbiote is something more masculine#or at least more aligned with the male side of a gender binary.#partly because of self-identification with the thing that is literally a part of him. and partly cause he's gay for that thing#believer in. he/they/it symbiote. they/them for people who are speaking about it compassionately as if it's a being of its own.#it/its for people who do Not see it as its own person or whose perspective on it is heavily influenced by the fact that it's not human.#and he/him for eddie brock. for purposes not entirely clear to the rest of mankind but absolutely tied to something gay happening there#i have talked about the symbiote's pronouns so many times with so many people in different distinct conversations this week.#currently doing my job as the world's leading thinker on venom pronoun discourse (as in conversation and theorization. not argument)#venomposting#venom
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danhang · 8 months
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#DANHANG  : independent, literate & highly selective multi - muse roleplay blog ; features canon & oirignal characters from various media. canon + headcanon based. mature themes will be present & properly tagged.
as adored by cherry ( 25+, she / her, gmt + 1 ).  i only use the beta editor, so please do not use the legacy editor when writing with me. DNI : minors & personal blogs
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a gentle study on : the obstacles & beauty of adolescence, betrayal & trust, the    power of will & the desire to do good, heroic tendencies  /  heroic    foolishness, beautiful girls have sharp claws too, the desire of  self - indentification &  the perpetual need for validation.
lovingly affiliated with : @kazekamis
rules, muses & mains under the cut ( temporarily )
this blog is private meaning i will only interact with mutuals. and while i'm open to all fandoms and crossovers, i reserve the right to not follow back if i 1.) either don't see our muses interacting, 2.) your blog is full of picture posts, 3.) you don't tag your triggers. proper roleplay etiquette and human being sense is required when following me, aka don't be a douche, ableist, racist, homophobe, or proshipper.
i'm not affiliated with any of the fandoms i write.
regarding triggers, they will be appearing on this blog in form, but not limited to, angst, violence, depression, mentions of war, mental health and ilnessess. everything will be tagged accordingly. smut content will be found on this blog only with muses off age and rather scarcely.
i'm not a fast writer, nor do i have the time to reply daily. please don't rush me when it comes to writing because the more you rush me, the less i'm likely to actually reply to you. this is a hobby and i'll always treat it as such.
my portrayal is primarily based on canon material from shows, games, mangas and visual novels, mixed with headcanons i've created for my muses. if you ever have any questions about my muses, feel free to approach me!
muses are multi-ship unless stated otherwise. i do accept mains and wish to be granted the same privilege if i were to accept you as mine. if we ship, i give and expect ship exclusivity. let's have fun. :')
credit icon border, post & blog banners @poetryrph
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CARD CAPTOR SAKURA. kinomoto sakura EIGHTY-SIX. shinei nouzen FINAL FANTASY. aymeric de borel, noctis lucis caelum, serah farron, snow villiers, yuffie kisaragi, yuna GENSHIN IMPACT. navia caspar, yae miko HAIKYUU. kageyama tobio, oikawa tooru HONKAI: STAR RAIL. gepard, kafka, robin JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE. higashikata josuke KINGDOM HEARTS. sora LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. alune, luxanna crownguard, zoe MORIARTY THE PATRIOT. sherlock holmes MYSTIC MESSENGER. choi saeyoung PERSONA. kujikawa rise, takamaki ann SAILOR MOON. aino minako TEARS OF THEMIS. marius von hagen
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ann: @halchron ( ryuji ; ship exclusive ) marius: @cauterisen ( ship exclusive ) noctis: @halchron ( prompto ; ship exclusive ) oikawa tooru: @kazekamis ( kuroo & sugawara ; ship exclusive ), @violevin, @cauterisen ( ship exclusive ) rise: @halchron ( yu ) sherlock holmes: @violevin snow villiers: @halchron ( hope ), @violevin, @kazekamis ( lightning ) sora: @kazekamis ( kairi ) yuna: @halchron ( tidus ; ship exclusive )
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92fs · 2 years
I like when headcanons make sense and allow for further digging into the story without throwing half of the plot out of the window. That’s why I love trans Mello. 
I love the very idea of transman Mello because it just would explain so much about his self-development. The way he was so excessively violent as a kid would resonate with a lot of transmen’s experiences of trying to fit in with a (usually very toxic) group of boys in school because a lot of us don’t tend to resonate much with the girls. Same goes for his excessive controlling behaviors towards a lot of women he interacts with in order to receive a “place” among other men.  Mello’s progressive development of a painfully masculine (for Japanese creators, it would be masculine) style of clothing while also making it flamboyant would resonate with how feminine transmen experience gender. His consistent usage of purely strong masculine-only pronouns for himself without ever switching proves to me his style isn’t gender-altering.  Mello’s struggle with intimacy and all the walls he built around himself to keep out Near (who I firmly believe him to like) would resonate with how a lot of us struggle with ego damage and rejection when our personal indentification is still vulnerable. 
I love transman Mello because he makes sense. It doesn’t just make him a way more interesting character (as it adds depth to him), but it also doesn’t contradict his story and presentation - and makes him such a pleasant example of representation. 
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toutmontbeliard-com · 7 months
Géraldine Grangier : agressions envers les professionnels de santé, propositions à la Ministre de la Santé
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Géraldine Grangier, Députée Rassemblement National de la 4ème circonscription du Doubs, a écrit à Catherine Vautrin, Ministre du Travail, de la Santé et des Solidarités : "(...) Après la violente agression physique subie par le Docteur Baris Cecen dans son cabinet d’Audincourt (Doubs), j’ai pu le 13 février dernier, vous adresser une question écrite relative aux violences dont les médecins et plus largement les professionnels de santé sont victimes. Au delà de la condamnation des actes et de l’indispensable soutien que nous devons à la victime, il nous appartient collectivement aujourd’hui de mettre en œuvre rapidement des mesures concrètes pour protéger celles et ceux qui font le choix de prendre soin des plus fragiles en exerçant une profession de santé. Pour cela, je souhaite vous partager et soutenir chacune des revendications que m’ont transmis les professionnels membres de l’association Permanence de soins du pays de Montbéliard (PSPM). Les mesures proposées ici sont nourries par leur expérience du terrain et peuvent selon moi être rapidement organisées avec votre soutien et celui d’interlocuteurs locaux (mairie, police, parquet de Montbéliard). Elles répondent toutes et de manière concrète à l’escalade intolérable de la violence : - pré-indentification des numéros des cabinets et des professionnels de santé lors d’appel aux forces de l’ordre pour un traitement rapide de l’appel - bouton d’appel d’urgence dans les maisons médicales de garde - conservation de l’éclairage publique aux abords des cabinets ou maisons médicales de garde concernées jusqu’à une heure après les horaires d’exercice de la permanence des soins - installation d’une caméra de surveillance vidéo aux abords des maisons médicales de garde ou structures inscrites dans la permanence des soins - facilitation d’autorisation d’installation de caméra sur le domaine publique pour garantir la sécurité des sorties de cabinet et éviter les guet-apens - formations au self défense, à comment réagir à une agression ou, gérer une situation de conflits, organiser sa sécurité et celle de son cabinet, prises en charge dans le cadre de la formation conventionnelle indemnisable - prise en charge ou réalisation par les pouvoirs publiques d’une expertise et conseil en matière de sécurité des locaux - facilitation des dépôts de plaintes sans déplacements pour les professionnels de santé - instruction et traitement pénale rapide des plaintes de professionnels de santé - extension du champ de la loi (art 222-13) à tous les personnels exerçant dans un établissement dispensant des soins (notamment pour notre personnel d’accueil) - appel de la population au respect des professionnels de santé notamment par des messages télévisés - informations des usagers sur les conséquences pénales encourues en cas de comportements inappropriés à l’encontre des professionnels de santé - facilitation de l’annulation à posteriori par simple appel ou signalement numérique, de prescriptions obtenues par la contrainte ou l’intimidation. Compte-tenu de la multiplication de ces agressions inadmissibles, l’heure n’est plus selon moi au constat et à la seule réflexion mais bien aux actions concrètes qui permettront de protéger efficacement les professionnels. Sur ce sujet, vous savez pouvoir compter sur moi Madame la ministre et connaissez ma capacité d’engagement en qualité de parlementaire pour porter l’initiative législative nécessaire pour modifier le code pénal afin de protéger efficacement les professionnels victimes et sanctionner les agresseurs de peines suffisamment importantes pour être dissuasives et empêcher toute réitération (...)". Read the full article
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 2.13
Agriculture Day (Canada)
Beer Magazine Day
Bertiillon Indentification System Day
Borrowed Days (Scottish Highlands)
Children’s Day (Myanmar)
Employee Legal Awareness Day
Exorbitant Price Day
Feast of the Dead (Elder Scrolls)
Ferris Wheel Day
Get A Different Name Day
Hare Day (French Republic)
International Epilepsy Day
International Natural Day
International Oral & Maxlliofacial Day
Internet Friends Day
I Value Our Friendship Day
Love Hornbills Day
National Black Enslaved People Burial Grounds Recognition Day
National Caffection Day
National Derrick Day
National Internet Friend Day
National Jamie Day
National Khaki Day
National Press Day (Chile)
National Shaving Day
Peter Gabriel Day
Remnant (Ostatki; Poland)
Richard Wagner Remembrance Day
Stamp Collectors Day
Swiftie Day
Trndez (a.k.a. Tearnandarach; Armenian Fire Celebration)
Use An Alternative Name Day
Valentine’s Eve [Day before Valentine’s Day] (a.k.a. ... 
Black Love Day
Break-Up Day
Desperation Day (HIMYM)
Dream of Your Sweetheart Day
Dream Your Sweet Day
Galentine’s Day (Parks & Recreation)
International Condom Day
Kiss Day (India)
Madly in Love With Me Day
National Apology Day (Australia)
National Break Up With Your Carrier Day
National Mistress Day
National Self Love Day
National Shaving Day
National Wingman’s Day
National Women’s Day (India)
Palentine’s Day
Self-Love Day
Valiant Day
Wear Red Canada Day (Canada)
World Anemia Awareness Day
World Radio Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Pancake Day
National Cheddar Day
National Crab Rangoon Day
National Italian Food Day
National Singani Day
National Tortellini Day
National Tortoni Day
2nd Tuesday in February
Extraterrestrial Culture Day (New Mexico) [2nd Tuesday]
Extraterrestrial Visitor Day [2nd Tuesday]
Lucky Day for Making Journeys & Getting Married (Celtic Book of Days) [2nd Tuesday]
National AAP & APRP Recognition Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Sports Day (Qatar) [2nd Tuesday]
Wear Orange 4 Love Day (for Healthy Teen relationships) [2nd Tuesday]
Travel Light Tuesday (UK) [Tuesday of Go Green Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 13, 2024
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week [thru 2.18]
Random Acts of Kindness Week [thru 2.19]
Independence & Related Days
Calcont (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Great Kyberia (a.k.a. Emosia; Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Parañaque Foundation Day (Parañaque, Philippines)
Festivals Beginning February 13, 2024
Carnival (Angola; Ecuador)
Fat Tuesday Festival (Vilnius, Ukraine)
Food Processing Expo (Sacramento, California) [thru 2.14]
Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Expo (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 2.15]
International Pancake Day (Liberal, Kansas)
Minnesota Pork Congress (Mankato, Minnesota) [thru 2.14]
World Ag Expo (Tulare, California) [thru 2.15]
Feast Days
Absalom Jones (Episcopal Church (USA))
Anagantios (Stay at Home Time; Celtic Book of Days)
Beatrice of Ornacieux (Christian; Saint)
Castor of Karden (Christian; Saint)
Catherine de Ricci (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Day Sacred to Faunus and Jupiter (Ancient Rome)
Ermenilda of Ely (Christian; Saint)
Family Induced Stress Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Fulcran (Christian; Saint)
Georges Simenon (Writerism)
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (Artology)
Grant Wood (Artology)
Gregory II (Pope; Christian; Saint)
Idus Februarias (Ides of February; Ancient Rome)
Jordan of Saxony (Christian; Saint)
Lá Fhéile Bride, Calan Gaeaf (Julian Calendar Date; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Licinius, Bishop of Augers (Christian; Saint)
Lupercalia begins (Pagan pastoral festival)
Martinianus, Hermit of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Medomnoc, Bishop of Ossory (a.k.a. Dominic, Licinius, or Lesin; Christian; Saint))
Parentalia — Day of the Ancestors (Pagan)
Parentalia begins (a.k.a. dies parentales or ancestral days; 9-day Ancient Roman festival honoring family ancestors) [thru 2.21]
Philibert-Louis Debucourt (Artology)
Plautus (Positivist; Saint)
Polyeuctus (Roman Catholic Church)
Robert, Abbot of Elan in Champagne (Christian; Saint)
Sergio (Muppetism)
Shrove Tuesday [Day before Ash Wednesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Brose and Bannock Day (a.k.a. Bannocky Day; Scotland)
Bursting Day (Iceland, Ireland)
Carnival / Carnaval
Carnival Tuesday
Carriacou Carnival (Grenada)
Fasching (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Faschingsdienstag (Germany, Liechtenstein)
Fasnacht (Austria, Germany)
Fasten Day (Old England)
Fastelavens (Norway)
Fastelavn (Denmark)
Fastens-een or Fasten’s E’en (Scotland)
Fastnacht Day (Pennsylvania Dutch Country)
Fat Tuesday
Fettisdagen (Sweden)
IHOP National Pancake Day
International Pancake Day
Máirt Inide (Ireland)
Malasada Day (Hawaii)
Mardi Gras
Martes de Carnaval (Argentina, Spain)
Martedì Grasso (Italy)
Nickanan Night (Cornwall)
Pączki Day (Buffalo, Chicago and Hamtramck, Michigan)
Pancake Day (or Pancake Tuesday)
Read Lips Day
Sharp Tuesday
Shrovetide (Day 3 of 3)
Shuttlecock Day (Leicester, Yorkshire)
Sprengidagur (or Bursting Day; Iceland)
Terça-feira Gorda (or Carnival of Madeira; Madeira, Portugal)
Trndez (Feast of Purification; Armenia)
Užgavėnės (Lithuania)
Vastlapäev (Estonia)
Violet Tuesday
Snuffleupagus Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stephen of Rieti, Abbot in Italy (Christian; Saint)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Ta-asobi (Harvest Ceremony; Japan)
Tortellini Day (Pastafarian)
Tumpek Landed (Celebrating Iron Tools & Appliances; Bali)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (John Aubrey’s Day-Fatality; Ancient Rome)
All Eyez on Me, by Tupac Shakur (Album; 1996)
American Pop (Animated Film; 1981)
Autumn (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoons; 1930)
Bah Wilderness (MGM Cartoon; 1943)
Barnaby Rudge, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1841)
Black Sabbath, by Black Sabbath (Album; 1970)
Black Snake Moan (Film; 2006)
Blunder Below (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Boogie Woogies on the St. Louis Blues, recorded by Earl ‘Father’ Hines and His Orchestra (Song; 1940)
Cabaret (Film; 1972)
Defective Story or A Muffled Report (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 151; 1962)
Drunk on You, by Luke Bryan (Song; 2012)
Emma (Film; 2020)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
Feline Frame-Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
50 First Dates (Film; 2004)
Fifty Shades of Grey (Film; 2015)
Flip Flap (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1948)
Freewayphobia (Disney Cartoons; 1965)
Get Lost (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1956)
Hello, I’m Dolly, by Dolly Parton (Album; 1967)
Horse Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (Film; 2015)
Lay, Lady, Lay, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1969)
Leaky Lyrics or Bullwinkle Plugs a Song (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 152; 1962)
Lego DC Super Heroes: The Flash (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Mannequin (Film; 1987)
My Smurfy Valentine (Hanna-Barbera Animted TV Special; 1983)
Postcard, by Mary Hopkins (Album; 1969)
Penny Lane, by The Beatles (US Song; 1966)
Put Out More Flags, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1942)
The Rolling Stones, Now!, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1965)
Smurfily Ever After (Hanna-Barbera Animted TV Special; 1985)
Sphere (Film; 1998)
Strawberry Fields Forever, by The Beatles (US Song; 1966)
Swing Wedding (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
Weathering the Storm, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S1, Eps. 39 & 40 1965)
The Wedding Singer (Film; 1998)
What We Do in the Shadows (Mockumentary; 2014)
Zootopia (Animated Disney Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Christina, Irmhild (Austria)
Evlogi (Bulgaria)
Božidarka, Kastor, Katarina, Kristina (Croatia)
Věnceslav (Czech Republic)
Benignus (Denmark)
Eke, Ike, Iko (Estonia)
Sulho, Sulo (Finland)
Béatrice (France)
Adolf, Christina, Gisela, Irmhild (Germany)
Priscilla (Greece)
Ella, Linda (Hungary)
Archelao, Bartolomeo, Maura (Italy)
Maira, Malda, Melita (Latvia)
Algaudas, Benignas, Kotryna, Ugnė (Lithuania)
Svanaug, Svanhild (Norway)
Benigna, Grzegorz, Jordan, Kastor, Katarzyna, Klemens, Toligniew (Poland)
Acvila, Evloghie, Martinian, Priscila (Romania)
Arpád (Slovakia)
Benigno, Jordán (Spain)
Agne, Ove (Sweden)
Zoe, Zoia (Ukraine)
Darcie, Darcy, Kia, Kiana, Kianna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 44 of 2024; 322 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 4 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 4 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 3 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 14 Grey; Sevenday [13 of 30]
Julian: 31 January 2024
Moon: 20%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Homer (2nd Month) [Plautus]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 55 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 23 of 28)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Holidays 2.13
Agriculture Day (Canada)
Beer Magazine Day
Bertiillon Indentification System Day
Borrowed Days (Scottish Highlands)
Children’s Day (Myanmar)
Employee Legal Awareness Day
Exorbitant Price Day
Feast of the Dead (Elder Scrolls)
Ferris Wheel Day
Get A Different Name Day
Hare Day (French Republic)
International Epilepsy Day
International Natural Day
International Oral & Maxlliofacial Day
Internet Friends Day
I Value Our Friendship Day
Love Hornbills Day
National Black Enslaved People Burial Grounds Recognition Day
National Caffection Day
National Derrick Day
National Internet Friend Day
National Jamie Day
National Khaki Day
National Press Day (Chile)
National Shaving Day
Peter Gabriel Day
Remnant (Ostatki; Poland)
Richard Wagner Remembrance Day
Stamp Collectors Day
Swiftie Day
Trndez (a.k.a. Tearnandarach; Armenian Fire Celebration)
Use An Alternative Name Day
Valentine’s Eve [Day before Valentine’s Day] (a.k.a. ... 
Black Love Day
Break-Up Day
Desperation Day (HIMYM)
Dream of Your Sweetheart Day
Dream Your Sweet Day
Galentine’s Day (Parks & Recreation)
International Condom Day
Kiss Day (India)
Madly in Love With Me Day
National Apology Day (Australia)
National Break Up With Your Carrier Day
National Mistress Day
National Self Love Day
National Shaving Day
National Wingman’s Day
National Women’s Day (India)
Palentine’s Day
Self-Love Day
Valiant Day
Wear Red Canada Day (Canada)
World Anemia Awareness Day
World Radio Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Pancake Day
National Cheddar Day
National Crab Rangoon Day
National Italian Food Day
National Singani Day
National Tortellini Day
National Tortoni Day
2nd Tuesday in February
Extraterrestrial Culture Day (New Mexico) [2nd Tuesday]
Extraterrestrial Visitor Day [2nd Tuesday]
Lucky Day for Making Journeys & Getting Married (Celtic Book of Days) [2nd Tuesday]
National AAP & APRP Recognition Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Sports Day (Qatar) [2nd Tuesday]
Wear Orange 4 Love Day (for Healthy Teen relationships) [2nd Tuesday]
Travel Light Tuesday (UK) [Tuesday of Go Green Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 13, 2024
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week [thru 2.18]
Random Acts of Kindness Week [thru 2.19]
Independence & Related Days
Calcont (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Great Kyberia (a.k.a. Emosia; Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Parañaque Foundation Day (Parañaque, Philippines)
Festivals Beginning February 13, 2024
Carnival (Angola; Ecuador)
Fat Tuesday Festival (Vilnius, Ukraine)
Food Processing Expo (Sacramento, California) [thru 2.14]
Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Expo (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 2.15]
International Pancake Day (Liberal, Kansas)
Minnesota Pork Congress (Mankato, Minnesota) [thru 2.14]
World Ag Expo (Tulare, California) [thru 2.15]
Feast Days
Absalom Jones (Episcopal Church (USA))
Anagantios (Stay at Home Time; Celtic Book of Days)
Beatrice of Ornacieux (Christian; Saint)
Castor of Karden (Christian; Saint)
Catherine de Ricci (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Day Sacred to Faunus and Jupiter (Ancient Rome)
Ermenilda of Ely (Christian; Saint)
Family Induced Stress Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Fulcran (Christian; Saint)
Georges Simenon (Writerism)
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (Artology)
Grant Wood (Artology)
Gregory II (Pope; Christian; Saint)
Idus Februarias (Ides of February; Ancient Rome)
Jordan of Saxony (Christian; Saint)
Lá Fhéile Bride, Calan Gaeaf (Julian Calendar Date; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Licinius, Bishop of Augers (Christian; Saint)
Lupercalia begins (Pagan pastoral festival)
Martinianus, Hermit of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Medomnoc, Bishop of Ossory (a.k.a. Dominic, Licinius, or Lesin; Christian; Saint))
Parentalia — Day of the Ancestors (Pagan)
Parentalia begins (a.k.a. dies parentales or ancestral days; 9-day Ancient Roman festival honoring family ancestors) [thru 2.21]
Philibert-Louis Debucourt (Artology)
Plautus (Positivist; Saint)
Polyeuctus (Roman Catholic Church)
Robert, Abbot of Elan in Champagne (Christian; Saint)
Sergio (Muppetism)
Shrove Tuesday [Day before Ash Wednesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Brose and Bannock Day (a.k.a. Bannocky Day; Scotland)
Bursting Day (Iceland, Ireland)
Carnival / Carnaval
Carnival Tuesday
Carriacou Carnival (Grenada)
Fasching (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Faschingsdienstag (Germany, Liechtenstein)
Fasnacht (Austria, Germany)
Fasten Day (Old England)
Fastelavens (Norway)
Fastelavn (Denmark)
Fastens-een or Fasten’s E’en (Scotland)
Fastnacht Day (Pennsylvania Dutch Country)
Fat Tuesday
Fettisdagen (Sweden)
IHOP National Pancake Day
International Pancake Day
Máirt Inide (Ireland)
Malasada Day (Hawaii)
Mardi Gras
Martes de Carnaval (Argentina, Spain)
Martedì Grasso (Italy)
Nickanan Night (Cornwall)
Pączki Day (Buffalo, Chicago and Hamtramck, Michigan)
Pancake Day (or Pancake Tuesday)
Read Lips Day
Sharp Tuesday
Shrovetide (Day 3 of 3)
Shuttlecock Day (Leicester, Yorkshire)
Sprengidagur (or Bursting Day; Iceland)
Terça-feira Gorda (or Carnival of Madeira; Madeira, Portugal)
Trndez (Feast of Purification; Armenia)
Užgavėnės (Lithuania)
Vastlapäev (Estonia)
Violet Tuesday
Snuffleupagus Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stephen of Rieti, Abbot in Italy (Christian; Saint)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Ta-asobi (Harvest Ceremony; Japan)
Tortellini Day (Pastafarian)
Tumpek Landed (Celebrating Iron Tools & Appliances; Bali)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (John Aubrey’s Day-Fatality; Ancient Rome)
All Eyez on Me, by Tupac Shakur (Album; 1996)
American Pop (Animated Film; 1981)
Autumn (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoons; 1930)
Bah Wilderness (MGM Cartoon; 1943)
Barnaby Rudge, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1841)
Black Sabbath, by Black Sabbath (Album; 1970)
Black Snake Moan (Film; 2006)
Blunder Below (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Boogie Woogies on the St. Louis Blues, recorded by Earl ‘Father’ Hines and His Orchestra (Song; 1940)
Cabaret (Film; 1972)
Defective Story or A Muffled Report (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 151; 1962)
Drunk on You, by Luke Bryan (Song; 2012)
Emma (Film; 2020)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
Feline Frame-Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
50 First Dates (Film; 2004)
Fifty Shades of Grey (Film; 2015)
Flip Flap (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1948)
Freewayphobia (Disney Cartoons; 1965)
Get Lost (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1956)
Hello, I’m Dolly, by Dolly Parton (Album; 1967)
Horse Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (Film; 2015)
Lay, Lady, Lay, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1969)
Leaky Lyrics or Bullwinkle Plugs a Song (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 152; 1962)
Lego DC Super Heroes: The Flash (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Mannequin (Film; 1987)
My Smurfy Valentine (Hanna-Barbera Animted TV Special; 1983)
Postcard, by Mary Hopkins (Album; 1969)
Penny Lane, by The Beatles (US Song; 1966)
Put Out More Flags, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1942)
The Rolling Stones, Now!, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1965)
Smurfily Ever After (Hanna-Barbera Animted TV Special; 1985)
Sphere (Film; 1998)
Strawberry Fields Forever, by The Beatles (US Song; 1966)
Swing Wedding (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
Weathering the Storm, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S1, Eps. 39 & 40 1965)
The Wedding Singer (Film; 1998)
What We Do in the Shadows (Mockumentary; 2014)
Zootopia (Animated Disney Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Christina, Irmhild (Austria)
Evlogi (Bulgaria)
Božidarka, Kastor, Katarina, Kristina (Croatia)
Věnceslav (Czech Republic)
Benignus (Denmark)
Eke, Ike, Iko (Estonia)
Sulho, Sulo (Finland)
Béatrice (France)
Adolf, Christina, Gisela, Irmhild (Germany)
Priscilla (Greece)
Ella, Linda (Hungary)
Archelao, Bartolomeo, Maura (Italy)
Maira, Malda, Melita (Latvia)
Algaudas, Benignas, Kotryna, Ugnė (Lithuania)
Svanaug, Svanhild (Norway)
Benigna, Grzegorz, Jordan, Kastor, Katarzyna, Klemens, Toligniew (Poland)
Acvila, Evloghie, Martinian, Priscila (Romania)
Arpád (Slovakia)
Benigno, Jordán (Spain)
Agne, Ove (Sweden)
Zoe, Zoia (Ukraine)
Darcie, Darcy, Kia, Kiana, Kianna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 44 of 2024; 322 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 4 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 4 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 3 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 14 Grey; Sevenday [13 of 30]
Julian: 31 January 2024
Moon: 20%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Homer (2nd Month) [Plautus]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 55 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 23 of 28)
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taytay-the-gaybertooth · 10 months
Social Media Is Killing Mental Health Validity
I am not a medical expert. I am not a research and analytics expert. However, even I'm noticing that we're losing progress in the validation of people with mental illness. Most unfortunately, it seems this trend started right around the rise of self-diagnosis/"indentification" for mental illness. As someone who's been struggling with mental health problems since middle school (possibly sooner, but I won't risk being a hypocrite here), I've always found it tough to ever fit in. Now more than ever, however, I've noticed that not even circles that welcome those with mental illness are a safe space anymore. Again, this is due to the rise of people faking mental illness, self-diagnosing, or self-identifying. These people are problematic not just for those struggling with mental illness, but for themselves. In a time where we're finally making progress to stop stigmatizing mental illness, they make people question whether or not those they've grown to accept are actually valid, or else if they're just faking it for attention or to fit in. That last part is also something to take into account; another big problem is that some people who are faking mental illness do legitimately need help. They may have no one to talk to, may have a hard time functioning independently, or maybe even have a real mental illness that needs to be confronted. However, faking it not only makes people less likely to accept those with actual illness, but it makes people less likely to help people with actual mental illness. Anyone I know who's dealt with fakers tend to just assume everyone's just using their issues as a crutch, even folks who have mental health problems themselves, and it's destroying the progress we've made as a society in favor of those struggling with their mental health.
We as a society need to come together to help relieve this issue at the source. Not only do we need to continue accepting those with authentic mental illness. Not only do we need to fight for their rights, advocate for accessibility to affordable care and emergency mental health aid. We also need to help those that are faking it stop, not by telling them they're wrong and alienating them, but by confronting the issues that led them to fake mental illness, self-diagnose, or self-identify in the first place. They may be craving attention because they've always been an outcast. They may have an actual issue they're exaggerating. They may even just be following a trend because they want to fit in. I'm not saying they're right in doing what they're doing, but the issue isn't going to be solved by just banning them or harassing them. They need help as well, just like those in our communities with authentic mental illness, because in the end, they wouldn't be faking it without a reason.
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thequeertea · 7 years
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Ewa Partum, Self-Identification 08 (1980)
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syteara · 6 years
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wisedreamerreview · 3 years
December Second; If I Could Give a Gift, It Would Be...
December Second; If I Could Give a Gift, It Would Be…
Inclusion I remember to this day, all the times as a youth growing up, when I felt as if I were on the outside looking in. Even when I was in the same room with others, be it family, friends, classmates, coworkers, it seemed there was a glass wall separating me from them. There was something that kept me apart. What it was I didn’t know or understand, I just knew it was there. That too high to…
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To define oneself only by one’s job, or money, or sexuality, or skin color, or religion, etc., is an incomplete assertion of identity.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 3 years
I find exclusionists repulsive and I think asexuals and asexuality deserve to be treated better by the wider community, but I do think that asexuality opens up some thorny questions that probably have uncomfortable answers, particularly as regards the ubiquitous rule of thumb throughout queer theory that self-indentification reigns supreme. A significant portion of asexual discourse in practice is taken up by, err... p-asexuals, by analogy to p-zombies. People for whom the only evidence that they're asexual is that they claim that label, but all other experiences and feelings they report are entirely in line with being allosexual. While it completely makes sense that asexuality would be a spectrum, that might be too easy of an out; these people see that they're not like the central examples of asexuality, and go "oh, well, I'm just not as far down the spectrum as they are, but I'm still equally heccin cute and valid", until eventually you wind up with people who simply identify as asexual because they've gotten a skewed idea of how sexual the typical person is. It's very analogous to self-diagnosis turning serious mental disorders into trendy meme-based identities. The implications for other queer identities are many and troubling, but in short, an actual inherent objective condition is not the same thing as a professed meme label and people are really, really bad at grappling with that; map vs territory. t. a bisexual convinced that far more people are bisexual than are willing to admit it
I think my natural disposition is like a couple standard deviations past the mean along the allosexual direction so hearing people talk about how the broad asexual phenotype is actually perfectly normal always kinda floors me lol
Not in a position to assess yr argument in detail but it is good food for thought so thx :)
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
Hi!! Idk if you know plutos gate but I used one of his methods to figure out my true self concept of myself, but now idk how to change it :(
I realized that I have this internal thing where I don’t allow myself to have certain things, like lose weight or get into my desired sports varsity team. I’ve always had this limiting thing with me, and now everything is starting to make sense. The environment and people that I grew up with all influenced my core beliefs of myself. I always thought that certain things that seem too big were too good for me, and I would think that I wasn’t good enough and that only certain people get the good stuff.
I would think that I wasn’t skinny enough even though I am?? And that I wasn’t good enough to make it into varsity team even though I literally was. I would limit myself to never get first and to never get what I want. “You were so close” “you were second choice”
I am so lost now, idk what step to take next… I need to change my life but I can’t even think where to start.
hi :)) i do know caleb’s method, i think it’s great tbh.
so the thing about diving into your deep beliefs is that it gives you the key to a new door. when you truly know what deep stories you held onto, it becomes easier to look at them in the face and say “i no longer choose you” — that’s essentially what happens.
so it seems you kind of went in the other direction. you found out the old story was and you clung onto it, rather than began to let go of the indentification with it. but no biggie. all you have to do now is decide on the new story, and stick to that one. you are very clear on what the old story is now, so you will be prepared and aware when it tries to pop up. it’s okay, this is a good thing because now you can go “oh, i remember you. i don’t identify with you anymore.” and then remind yourself of the true you, your new identification, your new story. whatever you want to call it.
you can do this with any method but i like affirmations, not in a way where i repeat them but more like reminders. but yeah, this is essentially how it works. you sit with the old story when it pops up, and feel it out, but also remind yourself it’s not true/it’s not you anymore. don’t resist it, allow it and know that it is simply clearing out. as you get used to choosing the new story more and more.
i hope this helps 💓
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Jace Wayland-Strawberry
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Requested by @online-fangirl (I can tag you FINALLY THANK GOD) and an anon. Hope you like it! I had a lot of problems with the smut part, I’m so sorry I couldn’t do it. I just, there are some characters which are really difficult to write about for me, and I don’t feel confident enough about Jace to write about him. I hope you don’t mind, I’m sorry.
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Plot: two assholes feel the right to ruin your day, but Jace isn’t going to let that happen.
Warnings: due to the request, this reader is curvy/overweight. I don’t have problems with writting about this type of reader since I’m too, I’m sorry if you don’t feel indentificated with the type of body. All of us have to be proud of ours body, either if it’s thin, bigger or a fucking potato. Also, people being an asshole to the reader and ‘bullying’
You wiped the few tears that had stuck in your cheeks with the sleeve of your sweater, trying to spill the remainders of water that still made it difficult to breath. Jace was sitting beside you, leaning casually against the chair and with a smirk on his ridiculous handsome face. Your hand made contact with his arm and he whined loudly; as if you could ever hurt him, the brave and invincible shadowhunter. That was what people must had thought of him; for you, he was just your best friend. And the love of your life who didn’t know you had feelings for him, but that was another story.
“You okay there, berry?” he chuckled, placing a hand on your shoulder. You glared at him although you were trying to not laugh again, after the last attack that had you choking on air.
“Yeah” you wiped your mouth carefully with the napkin, soda all over your face. “I almost chocked to death on my drink thanks to you. Asshole.”
“It’s not my fault that you can’t control your laugher!” Jace teased, throwing his arms back.
When he winked at you, you swore your heart forgot how to beat. That happened every time the blonde man decided to wink, smile, look, talk and, lately, even breath near you. It wasn’t something new; you had been in love with Jace Wayland since you were ten, when he called you for the first time ‘berry’.
You get so red that you seem a strawberry
That was what Jace had said when he had told you that you looked pretty with your new dress. And the nickname had stuck.
“It is! It’s your fault and your stupid jokes” you argued, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Usually, that gesture would make you self-conscious, as it made your breasts look even bigger; still, Jace’s company was comfortable, and you had learnt to be yourself in front of him.
“Sorry, sorry” Jace said. “I won’t, I promise I won’t do it again”
“Sure” you rolled your eyes, not believing him.
Conversation came back to you when Jace commented something about Alec and Magnus, and soon you were both teasing your best friends. It was always like that; you and Jace together, you drooling over the man of your dreams and Jace spending a good time with his best friend.
The place you had chosen to spend the afternoon was lovely. You had been wanting to try it for months, and finally Jace had gotten the hint. You weren’t a shadowhunter, so your schedules were complicated. Not always you could meet, and you made sure to enjoy each second of it when you did.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt” Jace said suddenly, cutting you off. He was looking at you with those puppy eyes that could make you do anything.
“I’m not asking for the waitress’ number” you stated, ignoring the pang of hurt that hit your chest. Jace didn’t have problems in flirting with other women in front of you, and it was what you should do to.
“No, none of that this time” he laughed, and you breathed relieved. You wouldn’t want to be in that situation ever again. “Why would I want any girl’s number when I have you?”
Quickly, your cheeks turned red and you looked away from his blue piercing eyes, finding the cold streets of that November very interesting. For the past few months, Jace had become used to compliment you every chance he got. You knew Isabelle was behind, knowing that you had self esteem issues and that you tended to put yourself down. She had tried to make you see yourself as the beautiful girl you were, yet it wasn’t until she got Jace to compliment you that she finally managed to raise it a little.
“Shut up” you mumbled, fidgeting with the can of soda in your hands.
“Aren’t you the cutest, berry” Jace said, and his hand searched for yours. “Going back to the main event. I do have something to ask you.”
“Do I have to listen to it?” you raised your brow, giving him a shy smile.
“Actually, yes. That’s what you get for being my best-friend, Y/N”
“If there is no other choice”
Jace’s next words were camouflaged with the bell’s door ringing. The place wasn’t awfully full, though it was nearly winter and people loved a hot chocolate with a good muffin. You turned your head to see who was entering and Jace looked over your shoulder; he saw nothing wrong, just a bunch of dudes, and you were glad you weren’t facing him.
As soon as you recognised them, your heart fell to your feet. You had been spending a good time with Jace, laughing and getting a huge boost of confidence; but you knew it was going to get cut short.
“Um, I…I’m going to the bathroom” you mumbled, looking down to your lap and picking up your purse. Your hands were starting to sweat as you felt their stares in your back.
Meanwhile, Jace frowned, not understanding the sudden change of behaviour. Was it something he had said? Maybe the compliment? His mind started working over the last few words that had left his mouth, trying to find something that might had hurt you. He found nothing, and you almost ran to the bathroom, the white door closing behind you.
Jace turned his head and looked to where you had disappeared, the question dying in his parted lips. He looked back to the desk, your soda and the cake you were sharing not so appetizing in that moment.
“Dude” someone said, and the blonde looked up to meet two boys, about his age, with expensive clothes and not so friendly smiles. “You’re Phant friend, right?”
He blinked confused, looking around to look for said person. Only a couple with one little kid and two teenagers were in the coffee, all of them minding his own business. The waitress was checking something behind the counter, and outside no one was looking at them. Jace scratched the back of his neck, not knowing who could they be talking about.
“Uh, sorry guys, don’t know any Phant” he explained.
“No, you know her!” the other guy snickered. “She was sitting here a few seconds ago.”
“I’m surprised the chair isn’t broken”
Ignoring the offensive remark, the frown returned to Jace’s face. The only person that had been sitting in front of him were you, and he knew that your name wasn’t Phant. His eyes narrowed when he finally linked your sudden need to go the bathroom with those douches’ appearance.
“That’s not her name”
The boys made that god awful sniggering sound, that to Jace seemed as if a pig was dying agonizingly, and glanced at each other. Jace felt the need to punch them unconscious, and he hadn’t even heard what they had in them.
“Well, you know. Phant, as Elephant. Are you part of her circus, gothic boy?” Jace’s expression remained blank as the boy talked, his fist tightening under the desk. “She-She’s fat dude. You understand, right? Fat. Elephant.”
“Maybe he only speaks demon’s language” the second guy, who was hiding behind the other one, joked.
Jace’s dark clothes didn’t bother him. The awful, and well too known joke, about his gothic appearance didn’t bother him; hell, he had joked with you thousands of times about how he would join a gothic band. Them implying that he talked with demons, didn’t bother him. What bother him was that he hadn’t known about the ‘Phant’ sooner.
“Where do you know her from?” Jace asked, not giving away his anger.
“We work with her, in the bakery. Check that she doesn’t ends with all those cakes, she has eaten enough for all her life.”
Suddenly, Jace was up and face to face with the guys, who took two steps backwards. They didn’t expect him to look so angry, to be so tall and so damn intimidating. Their eyes widened.
“Think you’re funny?” he glanced down to their clothes; even if they were expensive, they were still wearing the shirt of the bakery, that held their names in tags. Couldn’t be more stupid if they tried. “Douglas, what kind of name is that? Did your mother hate you or something, hm?”
“H-Hey man, we were joking. Don’t take it-“
“And Darren” Jace let out a soft laugh. “Honestly, I’ve never heard such a pathetic names. As pathetic as you. Do you like to mock someone’s weight? To lay out their insecurities?”
By then, the little kid was looking at them while the couple talked about their day, and one of the teenagers was sparing glances at the argument, with a small smile on her lips. Jace sucked in air through his teeth, taking advantage of his superior height; he was fuming.
“We didn’t-“
“Mean it? You didn’t mean it?” Jace laughed bitterly. “What’s the matter, no luck with the ladies so you have to mess with the one you can’t have?”
“No, it isn’t like that” Darren, the second one, answered, feeling protected by his mate’s body; who was shaking as a leaf.
“You lacking in a certain department so you need to feel more mainly?” Jace growled, and heard the teenager snickering behind him. Purposefully moving his arm so that his blade was touching the asshole’s crotch, Jace moved forwards. “Leave Y/N alone. Stop being assholes and fucking grow up. You’re going to look for another job, cause if I see you in her bakery, I’m ripping your lungs out, alright? With my hands.”
Douglas whimpered and Darren tried to find something to say, yet only came out as short and pathetic cries. Jace was ready to push the blade farther into the boy’s crotch when he felt the comforting smell of your shampoo behind him, and your comforting hand on his tensed bicep.
“Jace” you said, keeping your eyes on the ground. People around the coffee were starting to take interest in the scene, and you didn’t want Jace to be in trouble because of you. “Let’s go”
Jace cleared his throat, smiling at you and his dazzling blue eyes lost all the rage he had had moments ago. He placed the blade back into his waist with a swift movement, and place his arm on your shoulder.
“I was having a nice conversation with this guys” Jace’s smile didn’t drop, but when his eyes met the boys they darkened. “Talking about how difficult it might be to find a job this times, right?”
“Well, we better go berry” Jace turned you around and started walking towards the exit, leaving two bills on the counter and telling the waitress to keep the change.
The chill air greeted you when he opened the door, waiting until you were out to walk behind you. Loud voices, car horns and violin music made you feel disorientated for a second, and you pulled your jacket closer to your body. Hugging yourself, you looked towards Jace, who seemed to have something in his mind. Your teeth chattered and your cheeks soon were pink from the cold, the anxiety tears you had let out in that bathroom feeling frozen against your cheeks.
“Your place?” Jace asked, taking a step closer to you. He rubbed his hands up and down your arms, wanting you to feel calm and warm. Wanted you to know he was there for you.
You blinked quickly and sniffled through your nose, nodding. The way to your apartment was printed in Jace’s mind; all those times where he had appeared in the middle of the night with injuries and nasty bruises. Movie weekends where you would do nothing more than eating junk food.
Without another word, Jace placed his arm back in your shoulders and started walking, both of you deep in your thoughts.
Soft Christmas music was heard through the speakers, and Jace clumsy steps in your kitchen. As soon as you had crossed that door, Jace had forced you to sit in the couch; he had helped you change in your favourite pyjamas, enveloped you with blankets and was preparing hot chocolate for you. You heard him curse under his breath each time he burnt himself, and you smiled little by little.
The tears had disappeared from your cheeks, replaced by a warm and fluffy feeling in your chest. Having Jace with you and knowing that he had faced the people who made fun of you made your day better. You wouldn’t have to see those assholes again, hear how they call you ‘Phant’ and accuse you from eating all the sweets in the bakery. Sun was shinning on you and a sudden rush of confidence hit you.
“Jace?” you called him, and watched as his face appeared in the doorframe. He had his hair pulled back in a bun, his face was strained with chocolate and held his hands up, trying not to touch anything.
He made some humming noise and gave you a smile, encouraging you to say whatever you had in your mind. Problem was that you forgot to ask him how long until the chocolate was done, and let your heart speak for you.
“God, I love you”
The silly smile you had in your face disappeared when his eyes widened, and you opened your mouth in surprise. It was supposed to be a private thought, not something that could escape your mouth. The music became distant and you felt your whole face turn red, your breathing picking up.
“D-Did I say that out loud?”
Jace nodded slowly, your words taking him by surprise. He didn’t expect them at all, used to the shy girl who couldn’t even tell him if he had drawn the rune correctly. It wasn’t as if he didn’t like them, he loved them. But he couldn’t bring himself to react.
“What are you looking at?!” you spat at him hiding your face between your hands and trying to disappear in a ball of embarrassment.
It was not easy to love Jace, not when you weren’t as thin as Isabelle or as pretty as Clary. Even if you liked to fool yourself in your dreams, you knew someone like him, blond, blue eyed and handsome, couldn’t end up like someone like you, plain, boring, fat. Thighs touching each other, bigger chest than most girls and rolls in your tummy that made you shy of show yourself.
You thought back about all those times where someone had told you not to eat that, because you’ve already eaten enough. Or don’t you want to go to the gym? It will be good for you. Boys rejecting you because of your weight, not being able to go to the beach because of your big size, hiding under wide clothes and having difficulties to find them. Small tears pooled in your eyes, and the familiar lump in your throat appeared.
A warm hand raised your chin slowly, and you came face to face with Jace, who had a comforting smile on his face.
“I’m looking at you, berry” he whispered, almost afraid of breaking the peace of the moment. “I’m looking at you because you’re so goddamn gorgeous that you make me believe in angels.”
“Don’t lie to my face” you muttered.
He was used to that answer; when he gave you a compliment, he always got the same, fake anger of sass. Although that time your voice was weaker, and you were looking at him in the eyes. As if you wanted to find out if he really meant his words. If he really reciprocated yours.
“I’m not lying” he chuckled, and placed a hand on your knee. Slowly, he made his way between them, and you noses were touching. “I do think you’re the most gorgeous woman in this world. And I’m dying to prove you, if you let me”
There was no malice in his voice, not hint of joke, as you have heard so many times in people that had ‘wanted’ to meet you. You bit your bottom lip and crossed your arms in front of you to provide much needed comfort. This was the moment where you had to tell him everything, that you had practise with Isabelle so many times. Yet, how do you tell someone that you love him, yet you don’t think you’re worthy of him?
“I, uh, I have feeling for you, Jace. For so long, so long” you chuckled, looking at his eyes shyly. Remembering how your heart sped up every time he was in the room. “B-But I don’t think I’m enough. I’ve never been with anyone, kissed anyone. I’m no-Jace, I’m fat! I’m not Clary, or the thins girls you like! Y-You don’t want me and I don’t enjoy you teasing me.”
You finished your small speech with a sigh, returning your eyes to your lap. You couldn’t bear the realisation of not wanting you in his eyes. Tears that you had tried to keep away dropped down your cheeks, and you tried to clean them with your sleeve.
Jace caught your wrist and searched for you eyes. Once he made sure you were looking at him and not drowning in your thoughts and insecurities, he talked.
“All I’ve ever wanted was you. You’re too blinded with your insecurities to realised that you’re beautiful, berry” he explained, and placed your hand back on your thigh; when he gripped it. “I like you, and I want you to let me show you how much.”
His hot breath was hitting your mouth, and you were tempted to close your eyes, and enjoy the dream. Because you were sure it couldn’t be anything unless that, a dream were the boy you loved was telling you those sweet things. Jace’s nose touched yours and he smiled, admiring every inch of your face. How the unshed tears made your eyes brighter. The small imperfections that made your cheeks even prettier. Your lips trying to fight back a smile, and your nose as red as a strawberry.
Jace adjusted his head and pressed his mouth against yours, making you forget about every insecurity you had. As he moulded his lips with yours, you closed your eyes slowly, bringing one hand to his blonde hair, fearful of doing something wrong. He pushed you a bit backwards and his hand found its place on the back of your neck.
You kissed until you couldn’t breathe, he kissed you until you were giggling between his arms, and that night he worshiped you as the goddess you were in his eyes.
Because his strawberry deserved all of that and more.
“D-Did I say that out loud?” & “All I wanted was you” From my prompt list  Fluff
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hello !! <3 (pinned post: byf, 'dni', about)
my name is ariadne!! if we are close, you can call me ari :D
my "dni" boils down to two main things:
please do not interact with me if doing so would be a violation of your own dni list !!
please do not interact with me purely in bad faith (ie to harass me, or to engage in discussion with no intent to listen!)
you can find my pronouns and language preferences at my pronouns.page <3
i am an autistic plural bisexual non-binary woman, and take pride in each of these labels!!
i support all good-faith self-indentification!! i am a radical queer inclusionist. i also support systems and plurals of all origins, expressions and types, and consider myself pluralpunk!!
to be clear, i do not support pedophiles, MAPs, or whatever they have chosen to call themselves.
i am supportive of informed self-diagnosis !!
i am a minor. i am not comfortable interacting with nsfw content, but i understand that it's my job to police that!! i am comfortable interacting with adults, so long as they are comfortable interacting with someone under 18 - and if they aren't, i'll respect that <3
i will never support harrassing, doxxing, suicide baiting, or anonymously threatening someone over the internet. people who do this will be blocked, regardless of justification, intention or belief.
the rest is just userboxes! no need to read them all lol
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