#sell good clothes are aren't mom clothes
strwberyhearts · 1 year
People who can't comprehend that sometimes you have to spend money on things are the worst people I have ever met. Especially the people who act like the massive amounts they spend on shein temu and amazon is the only way they can afford clothing.
#the way consumerism is taking over social media is so insufferable#the worst part is that everone falls for it#they go on tiktok and have to buy everything they see#some people gotta realize that its ok to not have the new thing#you don't need that cool thing you saw that tiktok uses use in one video#you dont need that sweater you saw someone wear#chances are that sweater is a poorly made knock off thats going to fall apart because you dont care enough to take care of a $17 sweater#“but i cant afford a $60 shirt!!”#listen man the i guarantee the money they have spent on shein temu amazon on things they dont need to break within the next month is more#than enough to afford good quality clothes#good clothes are ment to be expensive#the clothes off shein and temu and cheep for a reason and they aren't good ones#if you can spend money on cheep crap you can spend it on something else#this isnt about be being mean to poor people who dont want to buy a shirt of $60 its about taking accountability and realizing that your#actions have consequences#learning to save your money on good clothes and taking the time to care for them will be more rewarding#buy eco friendly places thrift clothes buy second hand there are so many options#i had an argument with someone because they thought that shein was the only place they could buy cute plus size clothing#if you just go to chrome and the search bar search “plus size brands reddit” i guarantee you will find posts of people finding brands that#sell good clothes are aren't mom clothes#that fact that people genuinely think that buying an entire wardrobe for cheep is good and sustainable#they always make so may excuses because they like the dopamine of feeling rich by buying 100 cheep material items becuase cosplaying the#wealthy is the only way lower class people can treat their insecurity issues#stop buying $100 bags#stop buying shein#i fucking hate consumerism i hate ads i hate consumerism i hate consumerism i hate money i hate life
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dulc3vida · 6 months
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girl next door, mom owns a bakery with heyward level success (doing alright, but not as successful as the wreck). her house was always the spot for the pogues growing up bc her mom always fed them and looked out for them. her mom is a curandera (folk healer) and always has someone in the house picking up some remedy she concocted or getting their stomach massaged to help digestion. during the summer, pup is on the beach with her lil cart selling cups of fruit and she also offers palm readings on the side.
john b is puppys best pairing bc they're both such lovers. like pup just oozes affection, its in her name. all of pups friends expect a hug, a kiss on the cheek, and a "i haven't seen you in sooooo long" when really its been a few hours. she greets john b with a million kisses all over his face and he eats that shit up every time. john b loves a lazy sunday with her where he can share the hammock with her head on his chest, listening to her read his palm.
"tell me again, whats that one mean?"
"that's your lifeline." she traces her finger over the line on his hand. "it's deep and long which means you're gonna live a long life." she unknowingly soothes john bs anxiety over an untimely death. (lets be real, that boy doesn't see himself making it to 30).
they also make a good match bc they balance each others energies. john b grew up around masculine energy so being around you was his only time to be soft and you didn't know your dad so you benefited from the stability of john bs friendship your whole life.
our resident woo woo girl is always going on and on about the power of the tongue. pope could be giving some real ass advice about the stupid shit they're gonna do and she disregards most of it because it's pessimistic.
"all i'm saying is that your positive affirmations aren't gonna keep the cops from recognizing our faces on cameras and arresting our asses. i mean we let jj plan this, he's gonna get himself shot." pope is looking at this mission from every angle, trying to cover everyones asses.
pup rolls her eyes. "and all I'M saying is that you're being really negative right now. if you keep speaking 'we're not gonna make it and jj is gonna get shot' into the universe, then we're not gonna make it and jj will get shot-"
"you speaking that shit into the universe pope? i thought we were friends what the fuck?" jjs offended voice came from the side of pope.
"we need to look at our solutions and not our problems." pup scurries into the chateau and comes back with a box of beanies she knitted for john b. "see, solutions. no one will see our faces."
"to find a solution you have to look at the- nevermind." pope shakes his head when he sees john b petting pups hair and kissing her forehead telling her how smart she is.
OH! and pup loves to knit and crochet. she makes a lot of her own clothes and stuff, even had a bikini unravel on her in the ocean which prompted a rescue mission and a stern (maybe a smidge condescending) talking to from john b.
"what did i tell you, huh?" john b is staring down at her wrapped up in his shirt, sitting in the sand not looking at him. he has his arms crossed and is staring down at her in that disappointed john b way.
"the top was gonna fall apart." pup pouted.
"and what happened?"
"it fell apart."
"you gonna listen to me the next time i say somethin's not ready?"
"mhm..." she looks up at him, unintentionally giving him puppy eyes because its just a natural response.
john b decides she had enough embarrassment for the day and takes a seat next to her, patting his thigh. "com'ere. not mad at ya. come to daddy." and pup crawls into his lap to watch the sunset.
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shojizbae · 2 days
Just take yourself back to 2006
Tom Kaulitz x Reader
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It's the later days of MySpace and the early days of YouTube, and Tokio Hotel is starting to take off. Fan girls are really beginning to amass, and the world getting very familiar with Tokio Hotel. One young German girl had since seen the band and their aesthetics and decided to change her appearance almost entirely. One walk down to the convenience store later, she locked herself in the bathroom for the night. She pulled an all-nighter, and when she emerged from her bedroom the following day, her mother jumped at the sight.
Gone was the good little Jewish girl she had raised. Drugstore eyeliner was coating your waterline. Different locks of your hair were bleached or had been dyed neon pink. Your once sensible collared shirts and khaki pants had been exchanged for a pair of low-rise bootcut jeans you accidentally bought when out with your great aunt. A lack of cool bras was exchanged for a leopard print bikini layered under a white camisole, which you had tied around your waist. You had taken a sharpie to your nails, and your lips were drenched in strawberry glaze lip gloss.
"Oh, good morning, liebe!" your mom quivers behind the batter bowl. "Do you want pancakes?"
"Nein, I'm going to the mall with some friends." you look disinterestedly at your pink razor. Just then, your mom notices that you're dragging a bag of clothes behind you
"What are you doing with those?"
"I'm not going to wear them anymore, so I will sell them to one of those charity shops. Yeah, and I think I will go to the music store, so can I have 50 euros?"
"Why don't you ask your father?"
"Ugh, fine." You sling the trash bag over your shoulder, and your mother is not happy when you return with a hundred euros in your hand. God dammit, you have your dad in your back pocket, your mom remembers. You walk into town, sell your old clothes, get another hundred euros, and then take your new look for a spin. The bus ticket only eats up two of your euros, and when you get to the mall, you instantly grab the attention of some emos.
They take you under their skinny wings and drag you around Hot Topic. You're dragged through Victoria's Secret, and the girls show you the most natural push-up bras in the subtlest shades of neon magenta and bedazzled turquoise. They show you the matching G-strings and outfit you with all the best.
All your brand new best friends take the bus home with you and show you all the best music. Your parents aren't home, so you drag four random kids to your apartment. Your parents were horrified when they got home. Sure, it was natural to experiment at your age, and sure, 15 was a little old to still have horse posters up in your bedroom, but this was a real change.
Posters of men in tight leather pants with piercings covered your bedroom walls. Your sensible synagogue clothes had been smushed in the back of your closet to make room for miniskirts and ripped-up band tees. Your father nearly passed out when he saw that not only was your tongue pierced but also your eyebrow on your precious face? When they asked you what spurred on this change, all they got was
“What? I’m not your little girl anymore.” Your new friend may have overstayed their welcome, playing loud, trashy metal and eating all your snacks, but it was with you when Jax, a tall, spindly emo with purple highlights, said he would teach you how to make out with someone. You were just barely getting to second base when your mom walked in with a plate of carrots and hummus and sharply kicked all the kids out.
The next few months were a living hell of wresting you out of baggy jeans so your parents wouldn’t be kicked out of Temple. For that, you would abide because you did enjoy faith and your relationship with god, but as soon as you got back to the apartment, you would smear makeup on and practice with your new shitty Yamaha.
Getting more immersed in alternatives styles and culture you started posting covers of Metallica and eventually Tokio Hotel. Your covers start gaining traction some for your musical finesse and others for your looks. Accidentally you get really famous in almost a few months. When you start making money off your live shows, your mom takes over as your manager. She didn't like her 9-5 anyway.
When your gigs start making enough money to pay the bills for your dad, he lightens up on his disdain for your art. Slowly, you begin jotting down poetry, posting short videos of you noodling on your old acoustic guitar. Slowly, you sign a one-album contract with Universal Music Germany. While you juggle school and micro-fame, you spend every weekend at their recording studio.
It's one warm May Saturday when you meet him. You're both reaching for the same bottle of Coca-Cola when you brush his hands.
"Oh, entschuldigung!' you chime and continue reaching for the glass bottle.
"Entschuldigung," his slightly deeper (although still mid-pubescent) voice echoes as he reaches for the bottle. Your hands wrap around the neck as you stand together. Twin eyes flick from the bottle to each other. You relinquish the bottle and take a step back.
"Oh, I just wanted some soda." You offer kind of weakly
"Yeah, it was getting hot in the recording booth." He replies
"Oh, you're an artist. I thought you were some spoiled singer kid." You bend over to look for a different soda in the refrigerator and find that all that's left is carbonated lemonade. You ignore the gut feeling that the boy with your soda is checking your ass out. "So, are you a soloist?" You crack off the lid and flick it into a nearby trashcan
"No," I'm the guitarist at Tokio Hotel." You choke on your drink. "You don't know who I am?"
"You're Tom Kaulitz?" Your voice cracks as you point at him. You give yourself a chance to study his face, the lip piercing, the dreads, the eyes. He looks more normal than his usual promotional photos.
"You've probably heard this before, but I'm a really big fan." His face shows a wash of emotions before he settles on a bit of a snide smile.
"Really?" He steps a little closer, turning up the charm
"So are you some rich spoiled little nepo-girl. Usually, they make pretty hot babies." with his soda at his waist, he lifts your chin to look him in the eyes. "I mean, you're pretty hot, so you must be." you lean against the wall and tilt your hips toward his.
"Nein, I'm an artist. You're not too bad looking yourself, Tom Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel." You slowly take the Coca-Cola from his hand and take a sip. He gulps at the sight of you holding eye contact as you swallow. Slightly, you hand him back the bottle and duck out of his hold. He watches in awe as you strut to your recording booth. Tom rakes a hand down his face as he watches your ass move, and his band members join him in the break room.
"Who's the babe?' Gustav slings an arm over his shoulder
"My future wife." Tom holds back from a whimper exiting his mouth
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pruneunfair · 28 days
MILAOWM does villainesses right.
My favorite characters in a lot of manhwa tend to be the white lotus villainesses, and as much as I'm glad to call them my favorites this doesn't look good on the author since their protagonists were either too boring or mary sueish to care about or the villainess was just the lesser of the two evils.
So when My in laws are obsessed with me brought in Dodolea and Pereshatis step mom and sister, I was impressed that I couldn't say I even liked them remotely.
I'll Start with Dodolea, the princess who is obsessed with Therdeo to concerning degrees, she isn't much at first and it's easy to brush her off as just another evil woman to rival Pereshati, she's bratty and annoying when we meet her, right away you already see how different she is to Pereshati besides personality, because Dodolea shows up in a Gothic Lolita sort of look wheras Pereshati wore light spring dresses before becoming well integrated with the Lapileons. Which I interept as Dodoleas desperation to be Therdeos wife by wearing very dark and muted clothes which fail since they still stand out so much with all the accessories, revealing how much she tries too hard in her goals to be Therdeos one and only
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But after the tantrum that could only be rivaled by Veruca Salt herself, that bratty personality is replaced with something far more sinister, when she shows up multiple times there's something so uncanny about her especially when she's laying on barely veiled passive aggressivenes to Pereshati,
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but that all pales in comparison to what went down in chapters 64 and 66
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At first glance, you'd think "okay she's laughing at him, that's a dick move but it's not so bad" but it's the fact that she knows Therdeo is uncomfortable by her presence and yet she relished in it, she even receives a cup that is very reminiscent of the one revealed to be used to drug Therdeo.
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And in chapter 66, it's revealed she drugged him so she could assault him, which would have happened If Therdeo didn't wake up in time. So rereading chapter 64 is even more disturbing when you realize Dodolea is aware of her actions and how they affected Therdeo and yet she not only doesn't care but she LAUGHS! that's pure psychopath level behavior right there.
Dodolea even succeeds in aranging Pereshatis "death" after passing off Lapileon blood as medicine and if it werent for the whole time enigma, she would have succeeded with no ounce of remorse in those big ass green eyes.
Next are the step family, Reina and her mom Lilian who give a whole new meaning to Cinderellas evil step mom and sisters.
Lilian isn't just any evil step mother who mistreated Pereshati since day 1, she was actually very gentle with Pereshati growing up, to the point where I wonder if there was ever a point where she really did love Pereshati like a daughter
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She goes so far in her act it's eerily convincing even her expressions don't look obviously feigned, they look and feel real
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She even goes as far as letting her hand get burned by hot tea to really sell the act, let me repeat myself she INJURED herself to gaslight Pereshati and feign the role of the regretful stepmom
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With such dedication it's no wonder Pereshati started to self doubt and believe that she must've been crazy, and honestly, I was convinced for a second that they were on their way to redemption.
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And Reina, good god Reina! Even though I think she's the weakest out of the three on this list, she still pulls it off so well. Her emotions aren't all acts because some of them are real, the ones after the trial where her mother is being arrested and sent to a convent are so raw and real but even in her grief she's still trying to manipulate Pereshati, guilt tripping her while pleading with her to make everything better again
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There isn't much to say on Reina but for the few times she's on screen, she's putting on such a show.
But you know what all these women have in common? I actually hate them, I want to see their downfall. That's how it should be with villains, you want to see them fail, to get their comeuppance, anything to give them Karma! In the past that intention never succeeded because most other authors only want easy to hate villainesses without any effort, just the same cartoony twirly mustache villains with a low IQ stat so they can be easily defeated, but here, not only do I want to see them fail their karma feels so much more satisfying since they actually felt like an obstacle that needed effort to defeat. That is what a villain should be.
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cipheramnesia · 9 months
Greener Grass (2019) doesn't beg comparison to other films and filmmakers as much as demand it, and it does so in the way of many unique works of art - not so much because of being derivative, but more because it inspires the same sense of disquiet and upset, hits on the same dark touchstones, as others have. We want something to articulate what exactly this experience is like, and there are few enough artists working in the same sandbox that the first response is something like "it's John Waters meets David Lynch."
As comparisons go, it's no detrimental. The less you know going in, the better, but those two names together I think evoke the mixture of highly stylized, deep running dread that characterizes Greener Grass. It's also a movie which invites an inventory of all the surreal directions it goes, but that kind of list feels shallow. Lots of media is filled with strange events, but not very many works sell it quite the same. Still, the opening of the movie, much like the basic comparison, immediately tells you what to expect in tone. Suburban mom Jill, baby on her lap, perfect pink barbie clothes, watches her son fall on the soccer field. Her face twitches and struggles behind a wide, blank smile that will remain in place for the majority of the film as she watches him laying in the grass, moving his limbs sluggishly, as if she is staring at a dying fish. She turns to Lisa, next to her, in perfect blue barbie clothes, and asks if Lisa wants her baby. Neither woman deviates from the blank smile, they both speak almost like actors struggling to keep in character, their faces twitch, everything about them undercuts their dialog their expressions, the mood of the bright sunny scene and cheerful sitcom score, and Lisa decides she will take the baby.
Everything about the scene screams about something terrible being wrong, both in obvious and subtle ways, and that's much of the movie itself. Greener Grass on its surface is about the comfortable lie of the suburbs and the upper middle class of the USA, but deeper down, it's about the surface in general, not just about how hard and sad life is for rich white women. While the movie is utilizing that imagery and those tropes specifically, it's to a larger purpose speaking to isolation and privilege, masking and social roles we use, toxic masculinity and microaggressions. The plot, such as it is, may be one woman slowly falling apart, but the meaning of the movie is much broader and more intriguing - and most importantly speaks to the world beyond only what's pretty and expensive and empty. All the characters are in a barbie dreamland, in barbie dream houses, but no matter where they go the reality of people who aren't neurotypical or white or able bodied or wealthy or straight is inescapable. The strangeness and dread that lurks under blank smiles never lets the viewer relax into comfortable satire or simplistic center left reassurance of one Bad Oppressor and one Good Oppressed. It's a movie constantly screaming, through clenched teeth, how all of us are being forced into this performance, the pretty lie, that claims everything about the USA is perfect and happy. It's an amazing work of art, highly recommend checking it out while it's still free on Tubi, or anywhere good movies can be pirated.
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beelze-the-bubkiss · 7 months
Accidentally deleted my pervious post gonna attempt to summarize.
So basically my family is having a difficult time right now. We've been having car troubles for a few months now, we think we have that solved, but that's still a maybe and fixing a car is expensive. It's especially expensive to put a new to us but used motor in a car which is what the most recent mechanic visit was for. The rent for our current place has been raised, and what I didn't know previously is my mom was already struggling to make rent some months. Basically that means we have to move, and downsize. We will be selling the clothes we think will bring in some money, and donating some others.
We will be trying to find a new place while we pack, and will be pulling together all the money we have saved to see if it is possible to buy a house (which I don't think is likely). I will be looking for ways to make some cash on the side until I can find a job. I didn't have one previous as I'm still trying to graduate, and my mother wanted me to focus on school. If we cannot find a cheaper place we will have to move in with my grandmother, which would please her greatly, and displease me even more as we do not have a good relationship.
If anyone has some tips on some things I can do to make some side cash they would be greatly appreciated. If you can reblog this post so it can get yo people with some tips that would be greatly appreciated. If you do have some tips please leave them in my ask box.
Things aren't great right now, and I'm uncertain, but I'm sure things will work out eventually. Can y'all wish us some luck in the meantime please?
-Beelze 🐝
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dove-caverne · 6 months
The Black Sheep and The Silver Rabbit
Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy my Stardew Valley FanFic. Chapter two will be out this weekend. Sebastian x Reader
Elliott x Reader
A bit of a love triangle but not exactly
Bestfriends: Sam, Abby, Leah Warning: Swearing (A lot) and steamy 18+ content to come. Read it below or on Wattpad (linked below) https://www.wattpad.com/story/366629885-the-black-sheep-and-the-silver-rabbit Thank you for your support!
This is my first time writing something like this so please bear with me on any minor grammatical errors. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3 Chapter 1 - Raindrops
As you sit on the bus with a long ride ahead, you can't help but feel a sense of loneliness. All the things you are leaving behind in the big city, it was your hometown after all, the place you grew up, the place you knew best in the world. Since your mom passed away last year, things have been pretty quiet for you, you lost some of your light when she left you. You stopped partying and going out every weekend, you started to calm down and appreciate the people and things that mattered most to you. To think you'd be leaving so many things behind to start a brand-new life doing something you had not considered since you were a young child visiting your grandpa. However, despite that feeling of loneliness, you also felt like this would be an adventure worth fulfilling. This land you inherited was both precious to your mom and your grandfather, you could not go on every day having thrown it all away for selfish reasons. You know in your heart this is where you should be right now in your life, even if it is a hard decision to move away from your comforts.
The bus keeps moving on, slowly you see less and less houses and more and more trees. The bumpy roads are somewhat calming and you take a few deep breaths and remind yourself of the good times you had in the valley with your mom and grandfather. You feel content and a little tired as the bus shakes around. You close your eyes and relax as you know there are still a few hours before you will arrive.
You awaken to the sound of the bus brakes squealing to a stop. "Am I here?" you think to yourself.
"This is your stop, young lady" the bus driver announces. You get up and grab your multiple suitcases that are way overpacked. I mean you are moving your entire life to a new place what do they expect? As you unload your bags, you think about all the things you couldn't bring with you that you ended up selling. "Hopefully I will be able to get some new stuff once I save up some more cash" you think to yourself.
You step off the bus and see a 40ish year old ginger-haired women, she is quite pretty but seems to be wearing work clothes that are a bit dirty.
"Hi! You must be (Y/N)!" she exclaims "I'm Robin, I guess you could consider us neighbours! I live a short walk down the road with my family, I'm also the local carpenter, hence my clothes" she says giving a slight laugh.
"Hello, yes I am (Y/N), very nice to meet you Robin" I say in almost a whisper.
"You must be tired after your trip, let me show you the path to the farm in case you forgot the way! I know it's been many years since your last visit to the valley!
"Now don't be too alarmed the land itself is very overgrown and has seen better days that's for sure! But that is why you're here after all! To give it the love it needs to be a beautiful farm once again! And just so you know I am here to help you out, so come see me anytime" "Thank you, Robin" you say as you walk up to your new home. A small cabin, it looks in somewhat decent shape, despite it clearly needing some serious updates. Robin starts to head out and gives you a smile and a wave, almost bumping into an older gentleman.
"You aren't giving our newcomer trouble, are you Robin?" He chuckles as she storms by. "I'm Lewis, nice to meet you (Y/N). I'm the town mayor here in Pelican Town and I wanted to stop by with a little "starter pack" for you that a few of us chipped in on." You open it up to see some seeds and a few pre-packed meals and snacks and some worn out tools. "Thank you so much!" You exclaim with a sweet smile. They both seem so kind you thought yourself. "I won't keep you as you have certainly had a long trip, come by and have a chat with me once you're settled in." He says as he walks off. ______________
You open the door and let out a big sigh. "I made it" you say to yourself. You look around your small cabin. It's not much but you're going to do everything to make it your own.
You quickly get tucked into bed and fall asleep almost instantly. "I wonder what tomorrow will bring, I hope everyone is as nice as Robin and Lewis" you think to yourself as your eyes shut.
Your alarm sounds, waking you from a deep sleep. You wake up slightly confused about where you are, it takes you a couple of seconds to remember everything that happened. It almost felt like the entire trip here was a dream.
You crawl out of bed, and eat some breakfast. "What should I do today" you wonder. "I should probably go greet everyone and start clearing my yard," you sigh.
You grab your t-shirt overalls and boots and head out to your yard. Using the old tools the townsfolk so kindly gifted you, you begin swinging your scythe at the overgrown weeds. It takes you about three hours to finally clear out the weeds, sticks, and rocks leaving a nice open spot of your seeds. You look in your bag. "Heuh, turnip seeds? Not my favourite to be honest but maybe they're in season or something?" you think to yourself as you begin tilling the soil.
"All done! Look how adorable you all are, my little turnips, you better grow big and strong and make me some cash!" You laugh awkwardly at your embarrassing comment. "Yep, this is why I have no friends," you think to yourself.
Looking at the time, it's just after lunch and you've certainly earned a break. You quickly change your dirty clothes into a cute jeans and crop top combo that way you don't totally scare off all the townsfolk on the first day. You grab one of the pre-packed meals and head into town. You find a bench right near the town centre and decide to sit down and eat. The spring breeze catches your long hair as it now falls out of the braid you had made this morning. The air here in the valley was so fresh and clean that it actually felt different just to breathe. It was so freeing. For the first time since you were a kid, you didn't feel the stress and pressure of work or your social life. You had forgotten what it felt like to be peaceful. As you look around at the town centre some vague memories of visiting as a small child begin to return to you.
"Um hey" a kind voice breaks you from your daydreaming. You look up and see a tall blonde-haired boy who's probably close to your age. "Are you new here or just passing through?" he says staring at you with his big blue eyes. " Oh hi, um, I'm new here I just moved to the big farm right outside of town, my name is (Y/N)." You say in a shy voice. "Oh that's great!" He says with a big smile. "I'm Sam, nice to meet you (Y/N). I live here with my parents and my little brother Vincent, well right now it's just my mom and brother my dad's away...for a bit" he stutters. " Anyway, you should stop by the saloon tonight almost everyone comes by it would be a great way to meet everyone!" He smiles waiting for your answer. You look at him nervously not wanting to seem too eager as you have had trouble making friends in the past. "I mean no pressure if you are still settling in!" he says reassuringly. "I...would like that," you say as you smile back at him. "Great! We usually get there around 530 and stay a couple hours. I gotta go to Joja Mart to pick something up for my mom right now but I will catch ya later (Y/N)." You smile and wave to him as he walks off.
Sam's POV
"No fuckinggg wayy" he thinks to himself as he walks towards Joja mart. "What are the chances the cutest girl ever decides to leave the big city and move to this small ass town. This town just went up in standards." He laughed to himself as he walked with a huge stupid grin on his face. On the walk, he passes by the town sports boy Alex. He sees Sam with a stupid grin on his face and starts walking up to him. "What are you smiling at you weirdo?" Alex asks. "Duude have you seen the new girl in town?" he says as he stares him down holding both his shoulders as if this were the biggest news ever. "What new girl? You got some imaginary girlfriend now?" he replies in disbelief. "Naw man, you heard how that old farm was getting a new owner? Well, it's not some old retired couple looking for the quiet life... it's a 20 something year old beauty with long hair, sparkling eyes, and a perfect smile. I seriously could barely keep it together introducing myself. She seems kinda shy though but I at least convinced her to swing by the saloon tonight." he says still grinning like a loser. "Wait are you for real? That's actually so fucking lucky, Ill have to meet her... I bet Haley is gonna lose her mind if she sees me talking to any other girl though...she thinks I don't notice her watching me workout every day but shes way too obvious." he says sounding unsure of what to do. "I mean...who knows maybe they will become friends and get along? Don't worry so much it's not like you two are dating seriously. I gotta go tho Alex at least say hi to her!" Sam continues on his way to Joja thinking about how tonight at the saloon will go.
"She seems shy, hopefully, she likes Abby and Seb. I mean it's impossible for her and Abby not to get along, Abby is so down for new friends. Seb however, fuck, he's gonna be pissed I bet, I wonder if I should text him first. Ugh if I tell him he might ditch instead though." Sam groans to himself.
Farmer's POV
You sigh as you look at the time 5:37 PM. "Should I really go to that little town bar place Sam mentioned? What if everyone thinks I'm weird cause I'm a city girl? He was really nice though and I can't spend my entire time here not speaking to anyone. I guess he was actually pretty cute too... ugh FINE. I'll go... and just say hi because I said I would." You think to yourself. You fix up your hair, and makeup and switch to a tight black top and baggy jeans and head out.
"You gotta be kidding" you say out loud as it starts to rain on your walk into town. The breeze is cooler now that the sun has gone down, even though it's spring you can still feel the chill in the air as the wind blows through your soft nicely brushed hair. "I hope I get there before I'm soaked and my makeup is ruined." you think to yourself as you pick up the pace.
As you arrive you scan the room for any familiar faces and notice Robins's lovely red hair. She smiles as she notices you walk in. "Hey (Y/N), so nice of you to stop by, this is my husband Demetrius." She smiles as she pulls him closer. "Hi nice to meet you (Y/N), Robin was telling me all about you make sure you don't overwork yourself! Our daughter Maru is actually really looking forward to meeting you she couldn't come this evening as she works early at the clinic tomorrow but please stop by our place on the Mountain and I will introduce you! She is several years younger but she is very mature for her age." he says with a proud smile. "That would be great" I reply. "Were you looking for someone (Y/N)?" Robin says as she remembers your eyes searching the room when you first entered. "Um... well I met a boy named Sam today and he said to come here tonight so I could meet some friends our age." "Oh that's wonderful, Sam and the gang are usually in the pool room over there. Actually, my son Sebby...I mean Sebastian is there as well. He is pretty shy and might come off a bit standoffish but I promise you he's a good boy with a kind heart." She smiles motioning for you to go over. You smile back at both of them but notice Demetrius had left the conversation and went back to the bar when Robin brought up Sebastian..."strange" you thought to yourself.
You take a deep breath as you peek around the corner. You see Sam right away, he's laughing as he holds his pool stick. "Thank god he's actually here," you think to yourself. You continue to scan the pool room and notice some interesting decor, vintage arcade games, a Joja cola machine and some comfy couches. "Oh, who's that." you think as you notice a girl with lovely violet hair sitting on the couch. She seems very focused on the game...or is she just staring... as you follow her gaze you see a pale, dark-haired boy with gorgeous grey-blue eyes he's tall and slender and dressed in all black. "Ah, I see what she's looking at." You giggle to yourself out loud. Your giggle catches Sam's attention and he looks over with a massive grin on his face. "(Y/N)!" he exclaims. "Glad you actually came, come on over and have a drink with us!" He gestures to you to come over to the pool table and pours you a beer from the pitcher. "Over on the couch is Abby" She looks up from her Nintendo Switch and smiles at you. "Nice to meet you, Abby, I love your hair colour it's so pretty," you say softly. "Aw thank you!" she replies. You look back over at the boys and notice some tension. The dark-haired boy is glaring at Sam with some serious fire in his eyes. But it seems like Sam knew he would NOT be down for this little "new friend" meet-up. "Oh and this is Seb, he's not much of a talker I wouldn't waste your time on him but he's alright sometimes" Sam teases. Sebastian nods his head in disapproval and gives you a slight smirk with zero eye contact, immediately focusing back to the game.
"So that's Robin's son Sebastian she mentioned him earlier...he's actually... very handsome under that mop of luscious dark hair. His skin is so pale and his eyes although they look dark are a cool shade of blue, they glisten so nicely under the pool table light, you almost feel like your feet are sinking as you stare for a bit too long. "Ah makes sense now, he's certainly not Demetrius's son. From the way he acted I'm guessing there is some Step-Father x Step-Son tension going on... rough." you think to yourself.
You decide to go sit next to Abby as not to interrupt them mid-game. Just by the way she was staring at Sebastian, you can tell she's totally into him. "Makes sense they seem to have similar styles and they are clearly very close." You think to yourself.
"Let's go get a better drink, you don't have to drink that shit," she says as she takes the beer from my hand. You quickly walk up to the bar together and she orders some weird colourful drinks for the both of you. As you walk back to the sofa she starts up a conversation. So far she seems pretty cool you think to yourself her style is something else though, as you notice her massive knee-high black boots. "So what's it like in the big city? Are you gonna miss it?" Abby exclaims. "I will a bit, yes, but honestly it's really crowded, loud, and everyone is always in a rush. Don't get me wrong I will always want to go visit but it is chaotic." You say with a giggle. "Honestly I couldn't imagine that I have lived here my entire life and probably will, but the city seems so cool to a small-town girl like me. If I ever do go I will be sure to bring you as my tour guide." She smiles trying to imply she hopes to be friends.
"What kind of game are you playing." You ask as you point to her switch. "You like video games?" She says excitedly. "Hell ya, I actually worked for a company that designs them back when I was studying," you say. "No way that's so awesome I am so totally jealous, you must be so fucking smart," she exclaimed. "I mean I actually only designed the artwork for the video games I didn't really do the actual techy stuff." You continue to explain your past jobs and what your interests are and continue chatting with Abby for a while having several drinks that were wayyy too fucking strong for a lightweight like you.
As you sit on the sofas across the room from the boys you keep feeling eyes on you but you are too nervous to look up.
Seb's POV
"Wait who is that? What is going on right now." he thinks to himself as Sam starts smiling and welcoming some random girl as if he invited her. "No he fucking didn't. God why is he like this? Our friend group is perfect it's been this way for years and we don't need anyone else." he groans to himself not even looking at you twice, feeling already out of his comfort zone. His eyes focus on Sam and only on Sam. He can't just blurt out "Why the fuck is she here" so he will have to settle for the death glare.
"What the fuck did he just say? As he continues to glare at Sam "Whatever he's being so annoying and awkward I am so getting him back for this." he shrugs it off and decides to just focus on the game.
"3 more shots and Sam loses 4 games in a row," he thinks to himself.
The sound of the new girl's laughter catches his attention and he finally looks up from the table at this unwanted guest... His pupils widen and he takes a step back feeling his face get flushed. He can't seem to take his eyes off her. "Holy shit," he thinks to himself. "She's actually beautiful. Not good, not fucking good. There is no way on this fucking planet she's allowed in our friend group, no fucking way I can't talk to her, fuck me I can barely talk to ugly girls and he expects me to keep it together with her in our group. Ugh fuck she probably thinks I'm so rude and weird for not introducing myself... fuck why can't I just say hi like a normal human." He starts to panic as his eyes are glued to you looking you up and down clearly checking you out hard. "Her body is so sexy what the fuck, long legs, long hair and huge sparkling eyes. I am such a sucker for big eyes...Stop staring you weirdo stop it right now." Finally looking away at the sound of Sam's voice. "It's your shot dude... you alright you look pale, too much beer?." Sam smirks. "Fuck off Sam, I just need a smoke break, let's end this here tonight unless you want to lose 4 outta 4." He scoffs. "You're such a buzzkill dude...fine let's end it here."
Farmer's POV
"Hey Abbs, (Y/N) we're heading out now." Sam exclaims. As you look over you see Sebastian already over next to Robin and he quickly walks out the door. "Don't get caught in the rain." Sam says to you as he leaves with Abby and waves.
You pack up your bag and start to head out. "Holy fuck did I really have that much to drink," you think to yourself as your head is a spinning mess walking out the door. The rain hits your skin, it's much colder now and you really regret wearing your cute top instead of a warmer one. You stumble along the path through town... "what's that weird feeling... it feels like someone is staring at me again."You turn around quickly and the fast movement gives you a headrush from all the alcohol. You stumble to the ground and are completely soaked in a puddle. "Fuck me" You say to yourself.
Seb's POV
He takes 10 steps out of the saloon and stands under the shelter from the roof of Abby's family store to light his cigarette. He leans up against the bulletin board just needing a moment to himself before he walks up the mountain in the rain back to his house. Honestly, he'd rather wait for his mom and Demetrius to head back and go to bed so he doesn't have to interact with them again tonight.
He sees you walking past clearly a little wobbly from all the drinks Abby was pressuring you to have. "Ugh Abby, just cause you can handle your alcohol doesn't mean most girls can drink like that," he thinks to himself feeling kinda bad you are clearly struggling. "She's really gonna walk home in that tiny shirt in this rain." he thinks as he rolls his eyes.
"Fuck me" he heard you splurt out. He laughs under his breath at your rage and your drunkenness...
"I guess I can't just leave her there," so he walks up to you.
Farmer's POV
As you sit in the cold wet puddle the only light coming from Pierre's shop blinds you as you are surrounded by pitch darkness on all other sides. Suddenly the light gets blocked and you look up to see someone... "are they trying to help me up." you wonder to yourself. "You need some help," a familiar voice says (not that he's actually spoken to you until now.) "C'mon," he says as he lifts you out of the puddle. "You must be freezing" he says noticing how cold your hands are. "It's okay I'm fucking stupid for not bringing a jacket," you mumble. "Nonsense" he says as he puts his jacket over your shoulders and props you up grabbing your waist. "Thank you, Sebastian," you say sincerely as he escorts you back to your cabin. He smiles at you genuinely and you can't help but feel butterflies in your stomach. "It's been so long since anyone has held me this closely, especially a boy." your face gets flushed as you think this to yourself. "Ah stop it (Y/N) he's just helping you it's not like he likes you. He literally just met you and blatantly ignored you all night on purpose and clearly has no interest at all stop being so horny." you giggle at your own embarrassing thoughts.
You arrive at your doorstep. Sebastian is looking around despite it being dark. He seems interested like he's never even been here before. "Thanks, Sebastian, you really didn't have to walk me all the way here, I owe you for helping a stranger," you say hoping he doesn't see you blushing. "No it was my choice to help you (Y/N), you don't owe me anything... You really did a lot of cleaning for only being here a day," he mentions trying to change the subject. "I guess I did, you should stop by when it's daylight and I'll show you around properly," you smile. "Sure I guess that would be fine, have a good night (Y/N)." He runs off the porch back into the rain before you can give him back his sweater. "That was really surprising, hopefully, Abby won't be mad at him for helping another girl?" You think as it is still unclear if they're together or not...
You walk inside, shut the door and flop on your bed, too tired to even take my clothes... or shoes off.
To be continued... I hope I can update you soon! <3
TYSM for reading. YES SLOW BURN. There will be some hot scenes in the future stay tuned.
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Her Song part 8
"Don't be, Momma. I was just about to tell Scarlett and Florence how you're a stripper!" Oh god.
Scarlett and Florence abruptly look at me wide-eyed, and I laugh nervously. "I'm not- she doesn't even know what a stripper is."
"Yes I do. A stripper is a person who acts or dances in a seductive manner and gradually removes their clothing piece by piece, especially to the accompaniment of music. I looked it up," Syd states with a shrug.
"Oh god," I mumble to myself. "I'm not a stripper. I just, um..." I look to Ash for help, but she looks like she's about to piss herself laughing.
"Syd just means that...yeah, I got nothing. Sorry boss," Ash fails to give an excuse.
Sighing, I say "I was a stripper. I am not anymore." They nod, and Florence briefly rakes her eyes down my body, raising an eyebrow and smirking slightly. What the fuck. "Not that there's any shame in being a stripper," I quickly add. Maybe a little too quickly.
It gets uncomfortably quiet very fast, but luckily Ash 'saves' it. "Yeah, it just means that Y/N is very good with a pole. And lap dances." I slap my hand against my face and pray for someone to please make it stop. "Actually, I'm sure she'd be willing to show you guys," Ash adds.
"No, no I wouldn't. I mean I wouldn't be opposed to it, but I- no I'm not going to show you," I ramble, making it so much worse.
"What a shame, I'm sure Flo would love a demonstration," Scarlett says, smirking.
Florence blushes vibrantly and stumbles over her words, quickly averting her eyes from mine.
"Momma, are you sure they aren't your girlfriends?"
"Sydney, I swear to god I am going to sell you if you don't stop," I warn her, feeling like I am going to cry from embarrassment.
"Aw, don't sell her. She brings in nice tips," Ash says.
"Yeah, Mom. I bring in nice tips," the demon child sasses, blowing a raspberry at me.
"As...interesting as this has been, we should really get going," Scarlett says, trying not to laugh.
"Yes, but I'll see you tomorrow," Florence adds, looking directly at me. I smile lightly and nod, waving goodbye as they get up and leave.
Once they're gone, I groan loudly and drop my head against the counter. Syd scooches across the counter and lays her head on top of mine, mumbling "Sorry, Momma. Didn't mean to upset you."
"You didn't upset me, baby. I'm just...some parts of my past are better kept private, okay?"
"That was funny as shit though," Ash snorts, bursting out in laughter.
"Ash said shit!" Syd yells.
"So did you!" I yell back.
Chaos. My life is chaos.
Later that night, around eight o'clock, Ash is long gone and Syd is asleep in front of the TV while I clean up. I don't expect to get anymore customers tonight, but the bell above the door rings. I look up, and Florence is walking in, briefly looking over to Syd before shooting me a crooked smile and asking "Can we talk?"
"Yeah, of course," I say with furrowed eyebrows, motioning for her to sit next to me at the counter. She sits down and I ask "What's up?"
"Um, I just wanna apologize for earlier. I know that it was none of our business, and you probably didn't want us to know all that-"
"Flo," I cut her off, laughing. "It doesn't bother me, really. Sometimes kids just talk a lot. It's no big deal. I mean, my past employment is not exactly something I advertise, but I'm not really ashamed of it, either. I did what I had to do to support my kid. And it got me here, so..."
"Do you mind me asking why, uh, why you-"
"Why I danced for horny men?" I finish for her. "Syd is...I love her with all my heart and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I didn't- I didn't exactly conceive her willingly. Then I was on my own at sixteen years old, so I moved here and worked at a small diner until she was about two months old. I just didn't have enough money, so I walked into a club and they hired me at seventeen. I did dance most of my childhood, so I guess it was just a good fit. I got better at it, and two years later I had enough money to quit and open this place up," I explain, gesturing to the shop around us.
"That's..." Florence swallows thickly and looks down at the counter. "I'm really sorry you had to deal with all that on your own."
"I'm not," I say with a smile, looking over at Syd. "I do the best I can, and I may not be the best mother, but I've done everything I can for that girl. I just want her to be happy, and I've gotten us to a good place."
"That's amazing, Y/N. Truly." I smile and blink away the tears that had misted over my eyes, holding eye contact with Florence. She looks down at my lips, her breath catching in her throat before she turns away from me.
"So you've made up with your dad since then?" she asks. I send her a questioning look and she says, "You were talking to him on the phone earlier."
"Oh...yeah, I guess," I answer shortly. As much as I like Florence, I don't know her well enough to get into all of that.
"Right, well, I should head home. It's getting late."
"Hey, wait, are you walking home?" I ask.
"Yes, why?"
"Let me give you a ride. It's not safe to walk alone at night."
"I can just call an Uber."
"Don't be ridiculous. We won't get any more customers tonight, anyway," I state, standing up to get Syd. She's sound asleep, and her face is scrunched up the way it does when she has a headache, so I just pick her up instead of waking her.
I carry her to the doors and gesture with my head for Florence to follow, turning out the lights and locking the doors. "It's the blue Subaru," I tell Florence, pointing to the 2018 WRX parked on the street. I buckle Syd up and hop in the front. Florence gives me directions as I drive, and we quickly arrive at her apartment complex.
"Thank you for driving me, Y/N. You're very sweet."
"Anytime, Florence."
She leans over, kissing my cheek before getting out of the car and walking inside the building. I can feel myself blushing and internally scold myself. Boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend. She. Has. A. Boyfriend.
"Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls comes on the radio and I scoff, glaring at the stereo system. "Don't mock me."
"And I'd give up forever to touch you 'cause I know that you'd feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't wanna go home right now."
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Captain Marvel: Part Nine
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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"Look what I got!" Monica says and races into the room with a box.
You and Carol walk over to Monica who is too eager to show her aunty the things she's saved for her. She begins with the pictures and explains them as she hands them over for Carol to look at.
"This is me and you on Halloween." The picture is of Monica and Carol with Monica dressed as a pilot and Carol in older clothing. "I'm Amelia Earhart and you're Janis Joplin." Monica takes out another picture of a young Carol standing next to her father. "Oh, this is you when you were little. You didn't get along with your parents so Mom said we became your real family." The third picture is of them at Christmas. "This is us on Christmas. I got more."
All the photos blend together and Monica's words fade into the back as Carol stares at herself through someone else's memories. Another picture is of Carol when she was little, and another when she graduated high school. This time, Carol lets the tears roll down her cheeks.
"How about we stop with the pictures, okay?" you ask gently.
"Okay," Monica takes them back. "Oh wait. I forgot, your jacket. Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it." 
Monica isn't here to shove things into Carol's hands, so Carol rummages through the box until she finds her old dog tags which had been burned in half.
"That was all that survived the crash, or so we thought," Maria explains.
"Are you okay?" you ask Carol and grab her hand.
"I don't know," she whispers. Someone knocks on the door and before Maria can get to it, Carol stops her. "Don't answer that."
"It's just my neighbor."
"They can change into anyone."
You, Carol, and Fury walk to the door carefully in case what's on the other side is a green alien pretending to be someone else. Carol opens the door and stares at a man who looks at her nervously.
"Hi, there."
"What do you want?" Carol asks with her eyes narrowed.
"Hey, Tom. This is my friend Carol and her girlfriend, Y/N," Maria introduces.
"Pleased to meet you." He holds out his hand, and when Carol grabs it, she sends a small wave of electricity through his body. "Yow! Static electricity out here's no joke. I noted that peculiar bird you got parked by the road, and I was just wondering if you'd mind if I bring the boys over to get a closer looksie?"
"A closer looksie?" you ask.
"To see the bird parked out by the road? You're really working overtime to sell this one, aren't you Talos?"
"I'm sorry. Tom, this isn't really a good time. I'll come by tomorrow. Okay?" Maria says and slowly closes the door.
"You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar."
The floorboards creak behind you and you turn to see Talos standing there in his true form with a shake in his hands. You and Carol hold up your hands in preparation for a fight, Fury aims his gun at Talos, and Maria stands there confused.
"Hang on a second, before you go swinging those jazz hands around and making a mess in your friend's house, hear me out."
"Oh, my God. What the hell?" Maria gasps.
You look out the window and see Monica outside with her mother, even though Maria is inside with you. The Skrull pretended to be her neighbor, then turned into Maria when it became relevant to him.
"No one's gonna hurt the girl. Just, don't kill me. It would really complicate the situation," Talos sighs.
"I'm about five seconds from complicating that wall with some ugly-ass Skrull brains," Fury threatens.
"I'm sorry I simmed your boss, but now I stand before you as my true self. Without deception."
"Who the hell is out there?" you ask.
"Okay, that's a fair point, but I'm sure that you understand, I had to take some precautions. I saw you two crush twenty of my best men with her hands bound. I just wanna talk."
"Last time we talked, we ended up hanging from our ankles."
"That was before I knew who you were. Before I knew what made you different from the others. I have an audio recording from Pegasus of your voice from a plane crash six years ago on a device I believe you call a 'black box'."
"They told me it was destroyed in the crash. How'd you get it?" Maria asks.
"Does she not understand? Young lady, I have a special skill that kinda allows me to get into places I'm not supposed to be in."
"Call me young lady again, and I'm gonna put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be," she glares.
"Am I supposed to guess where that is?"
"Your ass," you, Fury, and Carol say at the exact same time.
"Okay, I get it. We're all a little on edge here. Look, I just need your help decoding some coordinates. If you sit down and listen to this, I assure you, it'll be worth your while."
"Call your buddy back inside and I'll listen," Carol crosses her arms.
"Deal," he nods. Goose walks into the room and presses herself against Talos' legs. When he feels the small creature, he bounces back in fear. "Oh, my God! Get that thing away! How'd that get in here?"
Carol picks up the cat and holds her toward Talos. The more she walks to him, the more he steps back until he can't go any further.
"The cat? This isn't what you're afraid of, is it?"
"That's not a cat. That's a Flerken."
"A Flerken?" Fury laughs.
All heads turn to see Monica there with the Skrull behind her. The Skrull transforms back into his true self, and he shrugs knowing he was just following orders.
"Come here, baby." Monica runs into her mother's arms, and she kisses the top of her head. "I have somewhere we can listen to that thing, but it's not here."
Maria has a study out back that is secluded enough to have this kind of conversation. Monica waits outside wearing headphones so she doesn't hear what's being said. She's too young to understand, and she would only get in the way at this point. Maria grabs the tape from Talos and puts it into her computer. The computers that Howard Stark had back then world a bit faster than this, but it eventually loads, and the audio clip plays.
"Punch in the coordinates. 5229,. -47, 8.768, 0.2," Lawson said.
"Copy that. Where are we going Doc?" Carol's voice came next. 
"My laboratory."
"Your laboratory? What do you mean?"
"Oh, no."
"Is that...? Wait, what is that? It's not showing up on my radar!" 
Carol, the woman you love, is confused but angry for not remembering this. You take her hand and she holds it tightly.
"Go Carol. Fly!" Lawson urged. 
The sounds of planes rushing around and weapons being fired are all that can be heard until you hear Carol's voice. 
"That's no MIG, Lawson. Who the hell are they?"
"Those are the bad guys. Fly faster, now."
"Yes, ma'am. What do they want?"
"Me. My work. I never should have brought you along," Lawson said regretfully.
"Here come some G's."
You're not sure what's happening since there is no video involved, but you can assume that Carol and Lawson tried so hard to get whoever is chasing them off their tail. Something hits the plane, causing it to fall back down to Earth.
"Bail out! Bail out! Bail out! Stay with me, Lawson!"
There are sounds of a crash, then nothing until you hear faint voices being picked up from the recorder that is still playing.
"Danvers, do you copy?" Maria asked over comms.
"Yeah, I copy. On the ground," Carol assured. "Your blood... it's blue."
"Never mind that. How's my hair?" Lawson jokes. "Help me out." When she does, Lawson groaned in pain. "I have to destroy it before they get here."
"What? Lawson?"
"You remember what I said about our work here? What it's for?"
"To end wars?"
"Yeah, but the wars are bigger than you know. You should know my name is not Lawson. My real name is Mar-Vell and I come from a planet called Hala."
"I would say that your delusional but we just got shot down by a spaceship, and your blood is blue."
"Listen, I spent half my life fighting a shameful war. Now, skedaddle before you give me any more regrets. Just remember the coordinates, okay? You've got to save them without me."
"Save who? How?" Carol asked.
"I've got to blow this engine before they find it."
Someone fires their weapon, and based on how Carol cried out, it was Mar-Vell that got hit.
"We have no interest in hurting you," Yon-Rogg said.
"What the fuck?" you gasp.
He was involved since the beginning. You knew something was off about that man, and this proves it.
"No?! Because all the shooting kinda gave the wrong impression!" Carol yelled.
"Where is the energy core?"
"Pararescue's on the way. You have two minutes until you're surrounded," Carol gritted out.
"Then I see no reason to prolong this conversation," Yon-Rogg laughed.
"No, wait! Do you mean that energy core?" 
Some more silence follows her words. Then, a loud explosion happens; the same explosion that came from the energy core being shot at. If you had to guess what's happening is that when Carol blew up the engine, she absorbed the Tesseract's power, which gave her the powers she has today. 
That's how she ended up on Hala. Her life was stolen from her.
"Commander, she's still moving. Permission to fire?" Minn-Erva said. 
That bastard knew everything that happened.
"Hold your fire."
"There's nothing left. The core has been destroyed."
"She absorbed its power. She's coming with us," Yon-Rogg decided. 
The audio clip ends there, and Carol storms out of the barn to grab some air. You quickly follow with everyone else behind you.
"He fucking lied to me!" she yells as her hands glow bright orange.
"Carol! Look at me." You grab her hands to calm her down. "I need you to calm down if we're going to try and sort this out."
"He lied to me," she sniffles with tears in her eyes.
"I know, and trust me when I say this... I will make him pay."
"You were right. Everything that I knew was a lie."
"Now you understand," Talos says from behind.
"What? What do I understand now?" Carol shouts.
"Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. He killed her because she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war."
"No. Your people are terrorists that kill innocents. I saw the ruins on Torfa."
"Ruins that the Accusers are responsible for. My people lived as refugees on Torfa. We became homeless ever since we resisted the Kree rule, and they destroyed our planet. The handful of us that are left will be slaughtered next unless you help me finish what Mar-Vell started. The coordinates you found would've powered a lightspeed ship capable of carrying us to safety. A new home where the Kree can't reach us."
"They're not the bad ones, Carol. The Kree are. You know what they did to me before I met you. They haven't changed," you try to persuade her.
"Lawson always told us that her work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them," Maria adds.
"She wanted you to help us find the core."
"Well, apparently, I already destroyed it."
"No, you destroyed the engine. The core that powered it is in a remote location. If you help us decode those coordinates. We can find it."
"You'll use it to destroy us," she glares.
"We just want a home," Talos sighs. "You and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. Can't you see it now? You're not one of them. You never were."
"You don't know me. You have no idea who I am. I don't even know who I am!" she yells.
"You are Carol Danvers," Maria says and walks closer to her. "You are the woman on that black box risking her life to do the right thing. My best friend who supported me as a mother and a pilot when no one else did. You're smart, funny, and a huge pain in the ass. You are the most powerful person I know, way before you could shoot fire from your fists. Do you hear me?"
"We need to find that core and destroy the Kree once and for all. They haven't changed one bit," you back up Maria.
"I know I don't deserve your trust but you two are our only lead," Talos says. "We discovered that both of your energy signatures matched Mar-Vell's core. Now, we know why. If only you knew the importance of it to me. I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab."
"Those weren't coordinates. They're safe vectors," Carol explains. "Orbital positioning and velocity."
"You didn't find her lab on Earth, because it's not on Earth," you say.
"That was the location on the day of the crash six years ago. If we track its course, we'll find it in orbit right now."
"It's just basic physics."
"In orbit?" Talos looks at his friend who just shrugs. "Was that so difficult to figure out? I mean, you're my science guy, right?"
"Yon-Rogg will catch up to you soon. We've got to get the core before he does," Carol says.
"Let me stay down here. I'll kick his ass," you growl.
"I need you with me," Carol whispers to you. "I can't do this without you."
"I'll stay and simm Carol," the scientist states.
"Mmm. So, the rest of you are going to space? In what?"
"A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. I can handle the modifications," the scientist offers.
The plane you came here in is the one you're going to go to space in. Talos' science guy isn't too bright when it comes to figuring out where Mar-Vell's lab is, but he is damn good at modifying the plane to endure the height and possibly space. While they're doing that, you and Carol are talking to Maria and her daughter inside.
"Well, I could use a co-pilot. God knows she can't fly a plane," Carol jokes and nudges you in the ribs.
"I never needed to when I can fly," you brag.
You and Carol look at Maria who widens her eyes in realization.
"No. No, I... I can't. I can't leave Monica."
"Why? It's okay. I can stay with grandma and pop-pop."
"There's no way I'm going baby. It's too dangerous."
"Testing brand new aerospace tech is dangerous. Didn't you used to do that?"
"Your plan is to leave the atmosphere in a craft not designed for the journey, and you anticipate hostile encounters with a technologically superior foreign enemy. Correct?"
All she gets in return is a shrug from Carol.
"That's what I'm saying. You have to go."
"You have the chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions, and you're gonna give it up to sit on the couch and watch Fresh Prince with me? I just think that you should consider the kind of example you're setting for your daughter," she manipulates.
"I like her," you grin.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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m0nsterqzzz · 6 months
alr ima rant and it's genuinely gonna make me sound crazy.
so when i was 13, my mom told me if i got in one more fight, she'd throw me out on the streets. (she uses that a lot. don't ask) anyway, me being me, i said, "DO IT! I DARE YOU!".
that night, i came up with a plan.
this is my thought process at 13:
pack a big but not to big bag with clothes and other necessities. If i leave at like 2am, I'll be far gone by the time anyone notices.
we lived in a small town, and i knew a lot of people, which meant I knew several highschoolers willing to sell me burner phones for cheap. I will get only important numbers. as much as it hurts, my siblings aren't part of that. destroy my old phone because they easily track that.
we have a Amtrak 25 minutes away. I'll bike there. I'm athletic, so i can get there fast and not be too tired. It doesn't cost extra to take my bike on, so I'll take that with me.
A ticket cost about 50 dollars just to get on the train according to my cousin, and it's possible to get one just to get on and then ride it until i run out of money.
you need verification of identity to get on, so show them your military id. thats government verification. They'll ask questions about your age, but unlike the airport, they allow people over 13 to get on without parents.
so thats that. I'll set aside a certain amount of money, and once I'm out of that, I'll get off the train. Hopefully I'll be a bit away.
im trans (known since i was 11) so i would just go by my boy name (current name) CJ and tell everyone I was a boy. I'd cute my hair, and everyone will know me as CJ. it'll be harder for people in my old life to find me.
Homeless shelters ask for verification and won't give you help if you don't tell them your info or your parents info, so they can't help.
a hotel is the same way, but a motel is a lot less stern.
my druggie aunt used to stay at this trashy cheap one near the freeway, and according to my mom, it was about 35 a night. That's at least a few nights I can stay, and during those times, I'll find work.
Obviously, since I'm young, nobody will hire me, epically without parents around.
So a babysitter, gardener, or pet sitter is the choice. One of those. I have two dogs at home (this was the hardest part of the plan. i didn't wanna leave them, but you cant bring dogs that aren't service animals onto the train and i couldn't even pretend they were) so I'm good with dogs, and I'm just naturally good with kids.
though it's unknow, these actually pay quite a lot. About enough to pay for one night at the motel after every job and food from dollar tree. no need to be fancy.
I may have to spend a few nights on the street, but I will sit in a 24 hour Dennys until they kick me out and then I'll sleep outside it. There is always people in that, so they can probably protect me. If not, I've been taking karate since I was 3. I can defend myself, and truly just pray all goes well.
a few years later, I'll be 16, and it'll be easier to get a better job to afford a better life (probably a little hard because of no school but it's fine). I'll still live in the motel, but at least I won't be surviving off scraps and garbage. At that point, I may have sold my bike for extra money. if not, that's how I'll get around.
then, at 18, I'll have been saving up money for a few years and will probably have enough to splurge on a fancier motel thats less dangerous. By then, people will have hopefully stopped looking for me, and I can live in peace.
Me now:
and did you think about taxes kid?
so in conclusion, I know we all had a time when we walked down the street with a suitcase and stuffed animal and said we were running away. this was mine.
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years
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I started out as a Neptunia blog, but I quickly became a KNB blog after my absence of various years. To honor both, I made Tetsuna (genderbent Kuroko) the Green Sister, CPU candidate of Leanbox! Because Vert is the only one without a sibling, and basketball is an American sport.
(Leanbox is supposed to be a reference to the XBOX and Leanbox culture to American culture, with HDD forms being similar to magical girl transformations that can also change a character's colouring or even their age. CPUs are basically the leaders of their countries and CPU candidate is a title reserved for a CPU's younger sister for those who don't play Neptunia).
I pretty much copied Nepgear's character design pose, and combined elements of various CPU outfits to create a realistic looking HDD (my mom who knows the Neptunia games but isn't familiar enough to know who's who actually thought my Tetsuna design was a real Neptunia charactern in HDD form, so I feel like I did a good job). The backdrop is inspired by one of the game's dungeons. I also tried to keep in basketball elements, like the white stripes on her shoes and her hair ties resembling the lines on a basketball, and obviously the various orange circlular forms on her HDD costume. Her colouring changes only slightly, but it leans more towards Vert's colouring when she transforms into Green Heart for the sisterly resemblance.
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I hope the fanart is well-received, I ruined one of my favourite sweaters painting this because I'm an idiot who forgets they're wearing their nice clothes when painting.
I'm totally open for commissions, and I'd love to make HDD versions of non-CPU characters! If you've ever wondered how Compa, IF or even Histoire would look in HDD, please let me know! I'd love to make HDD fanart designs OwO
I personally prefer painting, and these are my prices for fan art paintings:
5 euros for an water color painting
20 euros for a canvas painting
The actual physical copy is also for sale for those who’d like that, but the price of those depends on shipping costs and the materials used (obviously, a painting that required me to buy some extra paint is going to cost more than a painting where I already had all the paints necessary in my home.)
*note: pornographic images aren't allowed to be shipped according to Dutch law, so whilst I do take NSFW requests, I won't sell their physical copies because that will get me into legal trouble (unless you're from my country and willing to come pick it up).
PS: Chinese laws about images are pretty strict, so if I have a Chinese fan on my blog interested in buying physical copies please do inform yourself whether my art won't get you, or me, into trouble because Chinese authorities deem the painting as offensive.
Warning I suppose? I do NOT ship physical copies to the following countries: I do not feel comfortable having things such as my address as the sender exposed in a country at war, so countries like Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan, etc, are a no-no for me. Sorry, but that's just out of my comfort zone.
(I don't know exactly how to receive money on Tumblr, so I would like some advice on how that Tumblr feature works, or if I should try a different method like DM-ing a person my PayPal, or something).
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emilythedog661 · 1 year
This is my take on my version on the finale of MLP G4 and G5
Firstly, Twilight has the the design of luna and cadence instead of being a celestia clone, she also has some of her rainbow form in her design mixed with a night sky look in her mane and tail, her friends are also still around and also have their rainbow design mixed into them, twilight has made it so her friends live as long as she does as she doesn't like the thought of letting them go so she did a spell that puts their souls into her so they have become the guardians of equestria.
spike has a design change and he looks like more of a dragon then a buff lizard thing, he is still twilight's friendship councillor and is always by twilight's side, he also got together with ember and had some little dragons together
with the mane 5, fluttershy still runs her animal resort with discord, still caring for animals and helping animals outside of ponyville, fluttershy also has a daughter called rosanna pink aka rose pink for short and she is a accident baby with her and pinkie pie after a student at twilight's school with special needs went a bit haywire (i might do a fanfic about this, also discord secretly ships pinkie and fluttershy so hard 😆) rose pink is a ballet slipper pink earth pony with a blush pink mane and tail, the mane and tail is long like fluttershy's but curly like pinkie's, she has the same eye colour as sunset shimmers and her eye shape is like a pinkie's mom's, lastly, her cutie mark is a pink paw print with a blue lollipop on the big pad, she'll grow up to make candy for animals.
pinkie pie is the party planner of equestria and with the help of her husband, cheese sandwich and their son, lil'cheese pie and pinkie's daughter, pink blush they spread party all over, lil'cheese pie looks the same as he does in the finale but his hair is light brown instead of pink, he also has a good bond with his half sister rose pink and he grows up to be a pie baker with his cutie mark being a pie.
rarity still runs her clothes boutique and she now has a shop all over equestria for each and every creature, she so successful that she's become a clothing celebrity like sapphire shores and photo finish, she's one out of the 2 mane 6 with no kids with the other one being twilight.
rainbow dash is now the captian of the wonder bolts and she like rarity has become a celebrity, she got a full fan base thanks to scootaloo and she has adopted scootaloo as her sister, she also has a relationship with applejack being married and have magic made son together called zap apple, zap apple is a navy blue pegasus pony with a short rainbow mane and tail like his mom's hair, he has dark blue eyes and his cutie mark is a zap apple with a lightning bolt coming off it, he loves his moms and he wants to be a wonderbolt like his rainbow mom but also loves helping on the farm with his apple mom.
lastly, applejack and she has taken over the farm after granny smith died, her brother big mac is the leader of the farm with his wife, sugar belle and 2 kids, big sugar and apple blossom, she with her son, zap apple help big mac on the farm as well as rainbow dash when she's not at the wonderbolt academy and they are making big money selling apples, carrots, pears and other fruits and vegetables, sugar belle also help pinkie pie, pound cake and pumpkin cake at the sugar cube corner.
the cutie mark crusaders help run the school and also run the cutie mark camp to help get fillies their cutie marks and it where big sugar, apple blossom, rose pink, lil'cheese pie and zap apple got their cutie marks, when they aren't helping at the school or doing the camp, applebloom helps on the farm with her siblings, nephew and niece, sweetie belle helps her sister out at the ponyville boutique and scoot also helps rainboe dash at the wonderbolt academy with pegasi that have flight issues like her.
at the crystal empire and flurry is the new ruler of the crystal empire while shining armour and cadence step down but not fully retire from their royal position, the couple have been renamed to the princess's mother and father and they do what they do before flurry became princess but with flurry have the big role while they step back a little.
at the friendship school and starlight and sunburst run the school together with trixie's help, the pair have a 2 kids together, a son called moonlight shine and a daughter called twinkle star, they are at cheerille's school and they haven't got their cutie marks yet but at the cutie mark camp trying to find their purpose, trixie meanwhile hasn't found a partner yet but has somehow became starlight and sunburst's 'daughter' as she seems to be acting like an older sister to their kids but a child to them which the pair find odd but let it slide.
luster dawn went off to do her own things after twilight helped her to see what friendship was about so she isn't twilight's student anymore but twilight doe have a new student that she's interested in, her name is rose gold which is a rose gold coloured pony with purple eyes, a short mane and tail in a goldenrod yellow and her cutie mark is the symbol of friendship but it looks like a rose.
the reason twilight is interested in rose gold is because she had a prediction dream about her with a magic alicorn power stopping another alicorn called nova, nova is a night sky purple alicorn but with bat wings with a brick pink and lollipop purple mane and tail, dark blue eyes and her cutie mark was a flame with bat wings on the sides, she was the evil older sister to luna and celestia that was locked away for millions of years after she became a threat to the ponies and to her sisters, she drained all the magic from her sisters the from the ponies, mind controlled the ponies to do her bidding to find more magic and it wasn't till starswirl came along, gave all the ponies their magic back and then drained nova of all her magic before banishing her far far away in a different dimension.
it seems though that nova has managed to find her way back to equestria after a long time and twilight need to train rose gold to make friends and unlock her alicorn magic to stop nova from taking over equestria again after a long time, nova also brings with her a sidekick named nibbler which is grubber from the mlp movie but he a lot different and a lot more aggressive
anyway, i hope you like my AU and i might do a fanfic on it at some point if i feel like it and if i have the time unless someone else can do it for me which i thank you in advance but yeah, you can also add some things in the comments to add to the au if you want 😁
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As always skip if uninterested.
Now they are saying she's "expensive" as if remodeling parts of their home to make room for her as well as him, is a bad thing. Lol
They site a necklace whose origin is unknown. It could be A for Askepot. We don't know. Or he could have gotten her the A for himself. Either way it's cute.
As if she wasn't provided with equipment or couldn't afford her own equipment for the podcast? How do you know he bought her anything other than the shoes he said he did? Why do these haters think only his wallet is involved? How sexist.
As if remaking old clothes is somehow a "new" hobby of hers when they've been harping on the fact that she sold a bunch of her clothes before Paris 22, before they were officially together. Kinda like how Margrette (IMN) did last year as well, selling resown old clothes. *eyeroll* as if she, JM, didn't have these hobbies prior to ever meeting him. But She did have these hobbies prior to ever meeting him.  Maybe they're just fundamentally alike? They seem to go very well together. 💘
How is she manipulating his mom? That doesn't even make sense? His mom likes her, and she borrowed a book. Lol how is that manipulation? Haters make zero sense. At least they're not currently calling his mom a "pushy leech licking ass kisser" for the moment. Lol
Why shouldn't he make her a creative room for her hobbies? He has an office, why shouldn't she also have her own space inside of their home for creative works? I think that's very sweet! It's their home, meaning it's hers too. And why shouldn't they have a new kitchen? She likes to bake/cook, she's always been big on it. We don't know why they need a new kitchen, sometimes stoves break and need to be replaced. Personally it feels like when one appliance dies, two more will follow. It's happened to me too lol. As for bedroom, we've never heard anything like that but if so why not? Why not fix everything up now? Better to do it all at once and be done than drag it out. Gee Hirst is fixing up her place with her guy too.
Why is this in any way bad or that she's expensive? As if she can control the cost of any renovation or do they just want to act like she's costing too much money bc THEY are renovating THEIR space TOGETHER? As if it was just her decision and she's forcing him to do it? That's so ridiculous. 
If they're blessed with babies, then I'm sure they'll fix up a place for them as well in their home. Or maybe they've already started? 
All in all, sounds like a good boyfriend to me. And he's quite handy, helping fix the place up that's great imo! It's sweet that he's changing his space, more into their space. Bc it is her home now too. I mean this should be common sense stuff, but somehow haters act like normal things in a relationship aren't normal bc it's them. These haters make zero sense.
Haters are acting like Donald Trump when he makes baseless claims like "immigrants are eating pets." Lol only someone as equally ridiculous as him would believe such a claim.
Personally I'm glad he has a real, talented, beautiful, kind, successful woman as his partner. I think they're both lucky to have each other. 💕💕😊😊 I'm hoping lots of love, success and happiness for them both.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
April 2004
April 1, 2004
“hey heartbreaker, you'll never work in this town again”
I think someone is impersonating me online. Could be a joke. But if you talk to someone online and they say they are me, they aren't. I don't talk to anyone online. Texas is fun. We got some sick clandestine hoodies. They've got bats on the hoods and all. Sidenote: I love nickplan. Sorry my words don't have the same weight they usually have right now. Usually they feel stuck in my throat, today it feels okay inside my skin. Oh yeah chicagoland. We want to roadtest some of our new songs so we will be playing around unannounced on shows at really small venues in the next few months. If you snooze you lose. You never know what show we may play.
April 4, 2004
“we love life”
Texas was sex. Dallas being the most amazing. Its hot down here. We played with a band called DV8, this really young band (13-15). They were rad. The bassists bass was bigger than him. Me some rad kids in arkansas, they were starry-eyed and made me tongue-tied. I've been writing a lot lately. All my old charms and curses are back in full swing. I can't wait to get home. Well take these hearts and rename them dangerous and invincible. Well make them too hard to break.
April 7, 2004
“a man-made monster with every human emotion (clandestine explained 1)”
So a lot of people have been asking us about these hoodies and shirt with bats on them. It is not a clothing company. It is not a new band. When I was younger I had this same nightmare over and over again- so my friend tim biedron and I made a story of it (www.timbiedron.com to check out his art). The story is finished and we are waiting on some of the illustration. You may love it or hate it but its something that was stuck inside my head for a long time. We will be selling shirts and skatedecks online soon (www.clandestineindustries.com) and the story will be available this summer. Take the time to check it out if you get a chance.
Love peter
April 10, 2004
“ice age, heat wave cant complain”
i really like the new modest mouse cd. it's called good news for people who love bad news. purchase it.
April 11, 2004
“the moon has one third less gravity than your earth, i don't know if you can comprehend that”
im home. i love aqua teen hunger force. its hilarious. i wanted to let everyone know that if you haven't heard the point id suggest checking them out. a good mix of core and punk rock type stuff. i really really enjoy the hell out of them. www.thepointrock.com
still listening to modest mouse. still think you should get it. being home is nice. im full of food and really clean and im wearing my hood up. im way tired.
April 11, 2004
“I want to sleep on portraits painted as perfect as you”
Thanks for fun on tour. For the record for those in freeport- we had a little bit of fun with you. I will not ever drink. Its not my thing. So if you think there was more than water in that beer bottle, I have a bridge you might wanna buy too.
April 12, 2004
in response to a post on our messageboard, i want to say that i eat only cocoa crispies. i dont dig any other cereals.
April 14, 2004
“in case you're keeping score”
Being in a band is the ultimate friendship ruiner. Went to two shows tonight. In addition to all the smoke got to hang with: akas, beautiful mistake, dld, apo, senses fail and rufio. Being in a band is the best friendship maker. I am getting this awesome bass custom made, black with a red pick guard, no knobs, wired "on". I think it got me weird, so I dyed my hair red and black. Its sex or maybe not. I have 80 pages of lyrics to wade through. New songs soon. New love soon. Style update: I'm only gonna wear little polo tees with the collars up from now on. The clandestine webstore is almost up. I want to get "mom" tattoo for mothers day.
April 14, 2004
i just wanted to welcome the academy to the family. it's cool cause i've seen these guys go from the beginning and now we're here....
- petey
April 15, 2004
“who dares wins.”
i have been having such a rad time at home. but i must admit i haven't gotten used to sleeping with out hearing my friends breathing in hotel rooms. my bed doesn't feel the same. we leave again today. i am excited to see old friends. i am excited to see some bands too. the full clandestine website is going to launch on april 22 at www.clandestineindustries.com - we'll have some gear at the next couple of shows.
i was gonna post some pictures of my experiments with shaving and hair dye here. but i don't know how so go on over to: www.fueledbyramen.com/journal to see em.
love peterlewiskingstonwentz
i've found that liars always sing the loudest. heart in mouth, ego on sleeve. you've always got the right girl and the right line. i swear to god, take this mic and cross my heart and hope you die. i'm singing this one just flat of the key of love. liars always sing the loudest. the act is getting old but i'm sure all the fools will follow like vermin down the hole.
April 15, 2004
hey jerks. i got bored and dyed my hair red and black- oooh scary. when i am home i only wear sweatpants and don't shave. here's a look into the life of a loser:
make me say ugh nahnahnahnah
[image here]
there's that quarterback smile we all hate 
[image here]
born to lose 
[image here]
pretty emo bro, you could use this one to score on live journal 
[image here]
and here's the after shaved and ready to do some stagedives. new jersey or bust. 
[image here]
this may in fact be photo evidence that i am gay 
[image here]
now that we have that out of the way. the full clandestine site should launch on april 22. we'll be selling some gear at skateandsurf and at a couple of these shows on the way out. tour never ends. for real go and listen to my friend ben's band, it's called Not Enough Gold. they smoke. our tour this summer is gonna be called "believers never die" get into it. sorry for all the pictures, this ain't my space biatch, send me some.
1 2 3 L U V!
- petey
April 26, 2004
so much has been going on. my head has been moving too fast, i can't catch up. clandestineindustries.com is up.
i've got a picture from skate and surf in new jersey. we will have more soon, excuse the quality. you can see how insane this room was.
[image here]
- petey
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dhampiravidi · 3 months
grishaverse oc - skadi tenesch
form adapted from this template!
Name: Skathi Tenesch
Birthplace: the Petrazoi (Northern Ravka)
Birthday: Jan. 27, 33 BRCW (32 by Shadow and Bone)
Race: Fjerdan (partial Hedjut ancestry)
Sexuality: Demisexual/Pan
Grisha/Zowa?: yes.
Skathi appears to be a typical female in her 30s, who stands 6'2" (1.88 m), with a toned, muscular physique & light skin that tends to burn rather than tan. Her long, black hair is wavy & falls to her mid-back, but she braids it partially so it stops at her shoulders. She has icy blue eyes. Skathi wears a sleeveless, dark grey tunic over matching pants & black leather boots. A few pouches & weapons (knives + her bow & arrow) are strapped to her. Her coat is also dark grey, but it is also half-covered with an animal pelt. As is her tribe's custom, she uses white paint on part of her hair & on her face. She also thickly lines her eyes & paints the symbol for "good luck" in blue across her face.
FC: Olga Kurylenko's makeup (as Etain in Centurion) + Rhea Ripley (face & body minus the tattoos)
Skathi was born to a Fjerdan otkazat'sya mother & a Fjerdan (of Hedjut ancestry) Tidemaker father. Her parents met when her mother, a scholar, went to research the people called the Fjellbarn [Mountain Children], a nomadic group who live in the Petrazoi. Their society was started by Fjerdans who wanted to flee the strict culture of their homeland, as well as Ravkans who disliked the Lantsov regime. Their, Grisha/drusje could practice the Small Science freely. Skathi's mother left her newborn, ashamed that she'd had a child out of wedlock & among "wild people". So Skathi grew up learning about nature, singing, hunting & wrestling. All was fine until her father died in an accident when she was 15. Suddenly, it became clear to her that some of the group disliked her because of who she was related to (& they feared that Fjerda would come for them). So, she journeyed to Fjerda, looking for her mother. Her mom had started another family & refused to recognize her child. Skathi wouldn't hang around Fjerda without a reason, so she struck out alone. She ended up befriending a lone isenulf who she simply calls Wolf. They currently have a small place in Ulensk (Northern Ravka), which they stay in when they aren't hunting for meat, fur & other things to use or sell.
She’s one of those “hard outside, soft inside” people. Skathi’s been bullied a few times, but she was also raised with love, so she's learned to appreciate herself for who she is. She doesn’t trust others easily (assuming that there is always a trick hidden behind acts of kindness), but she does tend to have a soft spot for small children and animals.
She often takes injured animals (found during a hunt) back to her home for veterinary care. During her downtime, Skathi sews clothes, bakes, sings & reads about various cultures. She also is a decent leatherworker. Skathi possesses the ability to Summon, as she's a Tidemaker, but she only uses that ability to melt snow for water.
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borntoocry · 1 year
Loving Juniper
story synopsis: Loving Juniper is the story of Miami and Juniper falling in love and growing up with one another. After Juniper Lauder moves to Galena, Illinois from Rhinebeck, New York in the fall of 1998, she meets Miami Mejia, who instantly becomes her best friend.
wc: 2k
this story is on wattpad. where chapters will be primarily posted.
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝐭𝐡, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟖 •• Chapter 1
My mom hates me. It is four in the afternoon and she is yelling at me as if my windows aren't open and we don't have neighbors. Well, the neighbors wouldn't even be able to hear us as we have a backyard the size of Alaska and they've been living in Galena since the town was founded. But that doesn't matter. What does matter is that she is yelling at me with enough hatred in her chest to kill off the Grinch.
"Why are you so mad?" I ask her as I pick up my scattered boots and slip them onto my feet.
"Juniper!" she exclaims. "You were supposed to clean your room this morning! That is the one task I gave you: Make your room feel like home."
I roll my eyes behind her back and pick up my hoodie from the ball of clothes begging to be shoved into my new Ikea dressers. And I roll my eyes again at how white and pristine everything in my room is.
We–no, my parents–decided it would be a good idea to start fresh before moving to Galena. And when I say fresh, I do not mean 'clean all of our belongings and spray the new house with holy water.' I mean fresh in the 'sell all of your furniture and spend a fortune on new furniture to replenish all of the 'harmful' memories stuck on our old shit' way. So, most of what inhabits our new home on the hill doesn't feel anything like home; it just feels like I walked into an open house.
I stand up as my mom is still demanding I clean my room and turn to see her eyeballs nearly popping out of her skull. I realize I have to leave, and fast, but I'm still fourteen and if I just leave, she'll lock all of the doors and windows and let me sleep on our porch. So I sigh and say, "It's just been hard... adjusting," because it isn't 100% false.
I had no attachment to Rhinebeck. I lived in New York State, not New York City. There were no blinding lights and ear-shattering commotion gluing my feet to the dirty pavement. Nor was there any person begging me to stay. I had no friends except for my parents and my pet chihuahua who died last spring. So... all there was holding me down to Rhinebeck was my room and its outdated furniture.
My mom sighs as well and places her hand on my shoulder. I place my hand atop hers, as if to comfort her, but all I'm really trying to do is pull her off me so I can walk through our personal forest in the backyard.
"I understand this is hard for you," she tells me, her once exploding eyes now sunken into her sockets and turning into a light shade of gray. "But I promise this town will do you some good. It's a fresh new start! You can make some friends and then we'll finally have more people to talk to."
I nod. I should just shut up and walk out into the patch of trees, but I want to suck out all of my moms reasonings for moving us out here before I do so. So I ask, "Why couldn't we have moved to New York City instead of Illinois? Like, I don't even know how to pronounce Illinois. Is the 'S' silent or not?"
She laughs and drags her hand off me. "Are you really mad that we moved here because you don't know how to pronounce Illinois? And yes, the 'S' is silent."
"No, that's not why, but it's good to know now. I just think that it would have been better for me to spend the last five years of my education in the city. It is an entirely different universe in New York City and it's only two hours away from Rhinebeck."
"It's too crowded in the city, you know that."
I scoff. I shouldn't hold as much attitude as I do because my mom is giving me her reasons. But somehow, they aren't enough.
"It's only the three of us, mom."
My mom looks around at my messy room before walking towards my door. She stares at my outfit: a wrinkled long sleeve under my wrinkled jean overalls and my pair of rusty boots. She disapproves, I know it, but she remains silent on the matter. Instead, she says, "I have a good feeling you'll do great here, so stop fighting me on it. Now go do whatever the hell you were going to do to get out of this mess. But you better be back in your room by six, or else you'll have to sleep on the porch."
"Yes ma'am," I say, saluting her and quickly marching out of my room. I run down the stairs, grab my satchel off the last step, and make my way to the forest.
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Galena is beautiful during the fall. The town stays true to the climate of the season: never exceeding 60 degrees nor falling below 27. The slight breeze that flows through the bright muddy trees strikes my body, nibbling on my skin to give me a taste of the winter. And I welcome it all because the scenery in which I am walking through is too beautiful for me not to.
The floor beneath me is damp. I can slip and slide if I don't correctly step over the tendrils of tree roots, so I make sure I watch where I'm walking.
Every step I take is another glance upwards at the tall trees. Then at the patch of rippling water only five to eight minutes away. I know stepping into water with it being 55 degrees is like committing suicide, but I imagine it as stepping into an ice bath–the kind athletes take to relieve pain and what-not. It'll relieve the pain in my ass from sitting in the car for sixteen hours and the sadness from selling all of my old furniture.
The idea of numbing or ridding all of the stress on my poor shoulders makes me walk somewhat faster. However, I do keep an eye on the ground because it's no longer tree roots that are my main concern, there are now rocks–big fat rocks that lead me to the creek. I mount some of them, hopping from one to the other with great balance.
But as I jump onto my fifth rock, I hear clanking. I jump off and find my footing before I slip down the slope in front of me. I look out into the opening of the creek and find a girl by a pile of rocks and tree trunks. She has sticks in her hands, smacking them against one another for what I assume is a fire.
She has brown skin that shines even in the cold. Her dark hair is pulled into a messy bun with curly strands poking out in every direction. She doesn't have on a bathing suit, rather a sports bra and humongous basketball shorts tied around her waist by the strings in the front. I can see her clearly even though the sun peeking through the trees is beginning to fade.
She's the first girl I've seen in Galena. Sure, I passed by the streets of Galena yesterday and saw girls, but this is the girl I can accurately make out.
I step down and try to keep my grasp on the rock beside me, but the ground is now muddy and I can't accurately walk down. I try to find my footing, but as I place my left foot down, I slip. I slide down a few feet and shout a few cuss words. I hope I fell gracefully, but no one looks good falling down a muddy slope, not even a French supermodel.
I sit up and look down at my dirty overalls and boots. Mud is piled up at the bottom of my Dr. Martens and if I stand, I'm sure I'll fall into the water and accidentally drown. So what I do is face my failure and watch the girl run over with a terrorized look on her face. Thankfully it isn't humor wrinkling it up.
She reaches out a hand once she's at my feet and I cautiously extend my own. "I'll slip again," I tell her.
She shakes her head. "You won't. I promise," she says as she eagerly shakes her hand out.
I tightly grab her hand and place my other hand on her forearm. She pulls me up and places my arm over her shoulder. Her left hand hovers over my waist and she slowly walks over to her original side of the creek.
"Are you hurt?" she asks as she sets me down on a rock.
I shake my legs and arms, trying to catch a sharp pain hiding in my body. But nothing comes out so I say, "No, I'm fine. Thank you for helping me."
She shrugs. "You could've hit your head. I had to make sure you didn't die on my watch."
I chuckle. The girl bends down and picks up her sticks. She slams them against one another and grumbles when she doesn't see a spark. I laugh again because she isn't even doing it right.
She looks at me with furrowed brows and spits out, "What?"
I lift up my hands in mock surrender and shake my head. "Nothing. You're just kind of... doing it wrong."
"How is it done then?" she asks, shoving the sticks into my hands.
I grab them and sit them on my lap. "I actually don't know," I tell her. "I've seen my dad do it but when men speak about building fires and living in the wilderness, I kind of tune them out. All I know is that you're supposed to rub a stick against another stick. Then there's the force of friction and ta-da, a fire."
"Hm," she hums. "Cool."
"Why are you trying to start a fire anyway?"
She sits down criss-cross in front of me and picks at the rocks, throwing some behind me at the pile of wood. "I get bored," she says. "And what are you doing here anyway?"
"Just moved in," I say and point up, way past the trees, at the peak of one of the mansions. "Up the hill."
The girl's eyes go wide. "Up the hill?"
I purse my lips and say, "Yeah... is that a bad thing?"
"No, it's just where all the rich people live. Are you rich?"
I shrug. I've never focused on exactly how much money my parents have, I just know that they have a lot. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Hmmm," she hums again, but this time it's an observant hum. She glances down at my outfit–the dirty Nirvana shirt and the worn out overalls with patches on the knees. She skips my boots; she already knows what they look like. "My name is Miami by the way."
"Miami?" I ask, stunned. I have never met anyone with the name 'Miami' before. I'd heard of Brooklyn, Paris, Austin, Texas, and Charlotte, but never Miami.
"Yeah," she says with a huge smile on her face. "I was born in Miami on a last minute trip. I know it's weird but a lot of Hispanic parents name their kids after some of the most random cities, states and countries. I had friends named America, Italia, and Pennsylvania."
"Oh. I get it." I nod and offer my understanding. "Also, my name is Juniper. Like Jupiter... but not. People call me June, so you can call me that."
Miami giddily rolls on the balls of her feet and smiles vibrantly. It's almost like the sun has decided to stay out to play a little longer. "Can I call you Junie?" she asks.
I violently shake my head and say, "Absolutely not. My dad used to call me that when I was little. It brings back embarrassment."
She cackles. "Well, worth a try." Then she turns around and begins walking alongside the water. She picks up a rock and throws it across the creek, and I watch it bounce off another rock and plop into the water. She must believe I'm following her, because she begins to speak.
I quickly jump off my pointy seat and scrape my boots against the gravel. I run up beside her and listen to her talking about how exciting the water is. It jumps around, bouncing off the rocks and tree trunks glued to the creek floor.
"Are you going to swim?" I question, even though I can feel her wet shorts that on their own, say, 'I've already gone on a swim.'
"Maybe," she says.
I run over to the water and place my hands into the stream. It bites my fingers and I quickly pull them back, stuffing them into my pockets. "How do you not get cold?"
She jumps into the light stream. She has no shoes on, which alarms me for a second before I realize she has done this many times before. "Sometimes I swim in December before it freezes over. And then I come to ice skate."
"And you don't get hypothermia?"
She shakes her head. "I just jump in and sit for a second. I go down for three seconds. I used to turn a little blue at first but I'm okay now."
"Oh," I grumble. I don't ask any more questions about the water. I just look around at the beautiful scenery and how the leaves have avoided the running stream. They land on our heads, land at our feet, but never into the water. It's as though they are forbidden by the stream. Somehow casted away by mother nature. Maybe she is preserving it for Miami.
We turn back around once the creek has turned into a small stream, and talk about how I am now her friend. "We can meet here after school. I get out at 3:00 and then I eat and change. I come down here at four." She rubs her shoulder against mine and asks, "What about you?"
"I get out at 3:00 too."
She thinks for a moment, piecing imaginary puzzle pieces in her head. I can tell she's trying to figure out where my new school is. "Are you going to Galena Middle School?"
I nod. "Yeah, I am. I could have told you if you asked. You didn't have to guess."
"Eh, I wanted to. What grade are you in?"
"Eighth," I say. "I'm fourteen."
"Cool," she exclaims. "Me too. Do you know your first period yet?"
I sigh. Not because I'm sad that I don't have this information yet, but because starting at a new school means being ogled at, and having to introduce myself to people that have no space for me in their groups anymore. Being new means catching up, and trying to understand dozens of materials I wasn't even taught at Rhinebeck. It's all too nerve-racking.
"No, I don't."
Miami squeals and leaps into the main portion of the creek. "I'll tell Principal Reeves to let me show you around then."
I nod. She jumps up again and again and then reaches out a hand. I can't grab it, I'm too far away, but I take a few steps to be closer to her. My boots touch the water and I shiver even though my toes are protected.
"C'mon. Jump in. You have to clean yourself up anyway."
"I can't, I'll get hypothermia."
She frowns and runs over to me. She pulls my hands from my sides and cups them with her insanely cold fingers. "Come. On. Please!"
I study her face for a moment. I look at her vivid white smile that cuts her lips each time she opens her mouth; the dip in her nose that projects the slight bulb of the tip. Her messy bun is becoming undone and her curls are slapping her face whenever the wind blows.
Miami might be mother nature, I think. There are many reasons why I think so, but the main reason is that she blends into the water and trees. But one concern is that I am already submerged in water and I have no idea how. I want to scream out a billion expletives, but I stick to the silence. It allows me to ask myself, 'Is mother nature convincing? Or did Miami just hypnotize me?'
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