#send requests to the ask box!
hellscap3 · 13 days
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Well drawing I was thinking of his first time playing vs his 100th. You may notice in the top left one of these bullets is not like the other..
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rainandandy · 25 days
Hiii, could you do a rain carradine x reader fic where they both survived the events of romulus and are safely brought to yvaga but yn is badly injured so she was in a coma and rain had to wait for her to wake up?
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Warnings: Grief, Coma description, mentions of blood,
Word Count: 1883
Pairings: Rain Carradine x Fem!Reader
The cryopod’s hiss was the first sound that Rain heard as her consciousness slowly returned. Her limbs felt stiff, her mind foggy from the long sleep. As her senses sharpened, panic knotted her stomach— she remembered the dire circumstances they had left behind. The urgency to check on you and Andy propelled her from the pod. Rain’s heart pounded as she rushed to your side, her boots clanging against the metal floor of the Corbelan.
You were still unconscious, the dried blood on your forehead a stark contrast to your pale skin. Rain’s hands trembled as she traced the line of your jaw, whispering your name softly, her voice a fragile thread in the quiet of the medical bay. "Please, wake up," she murmured, each word laden with desperation. But you remained motionless, the steady beep of the heart monitors the only response in the sterile room.
After ensuring you were as comfortable as possible Rain then turned her attention to Andy, who was beginning to stir in his own cryopod. She quickly moved to his side, her movements practiced and efficient as she initiated the sequence to reset his chip. The familiar whir of circuits reactivating filled the air, a sound that brought a small measure of relief to Rain.
Andy’s optical sensors flickered to life, and he immediately fixated on Rain. "Is she okay?" he asked, his voice carrying an electronic tinge of concern.
Rain shook her head, fighting back a fresh wave of tears. "No, not yet, Andy. She’s still not awake." Her voice cracked on the last word, betraying her fear.
Andy sat up, scanning the medical equipment readings with rapid precision. "Systems analysis suggests significant trauma. Probability of recovery uncertain without further medical assessment," he reported, though his words were careful, calculated to avoid causing Rain more distress.
Rain nodded, absorbing his words with a heavy heart. "Just stay with me, Andy. Help me land us safely”
As Rain steered the Corbelan ship toward Yvaga, her focus was laser-sharp, every adjustment to the controls calculated and precise despite the emotional storm raging within her. The verdant hues of Yvaga loomed larger and brighter through the viewport, a stark contrast to the bleakness that had preceded this moment.
"We're almost there," Rain said softly, more to herself than to Andy, who was monitoring the ship's systems next to her.
Andy, always sensitive to her mood, replied, "It'll be okay, Rain. You've gotten us this far."
"I just need to know she'll be alright," Rain whispered, her voice carrying a weight that the vastness of space around them seemed to absorb.
As soon as the ship touched down on Yvaga's surface, Rain was a blur of motion, barely waiting for the landing sequence to complete before she was unbuckling and rushing toward the hatch. The ramp hadn’t fully deployed when she started shouting for help.
"Medical team! I need a medical team here now!" Her voice, usually so composed, cracked with urgency.
When the medical team finally burst through the ship's doors, their uniforms a blur of efficiency and urgency, Rain stepped back, allowing them to take charge. She watched with a mixture of fear and determination as they assessed your condition, their expressions giving away little as they worked swiftly and silently.
"Heart rate stable, but unresponsive," one of the doctors murmured, their voice a backdrop to the whirring of machines and the soft beeps of monitors. Another voice chimed in with medical jargon that Rain strained to understand, her gaze flickering between you and the medical staff.
"Will she be okay?" Rain finally managed to choke out the question that had been gnawing at her since they left Jackson's Star. Her voice was barely above a whisper, but the doctors seemed to hear her nonetheless.
"We're doing everything we can," one of them replied gently, their eyes meeting Rain's with a mixture of sympathy and professionalism. "She's stable for now. We'll keep you updated."
Relocated to the stark, white room of Yvaga customs, Rain's heart continued to pound, now out of sync with the buzzing fluorescents overhead. Officials moved her from station to station, conducting thorough scans and taking samples, ensuring she carried no pathogens that could threaten their pristine colony. Despite their politeness, their masked faces remained impassive, heightening Rain's sense of isolation and worry.
"And what about the synthetic?" one official inquired, glancing over a digital clipboard as he scrutinized Andy, who stood beside Rain, his usual stoic self.
"He's my brother," Rain asserted, her voice firm despite the undercurrent of fear that he might be taken from her. "I know your laws about synthetics..."
The officer looked up, a slight frown creasing his brow, then relaxed. "Miss, that regulation has been repealed years ago. Your... brother is welcome to stay as long as he abides by our rules, just like any other resident."
Relief washed over Rain, brief but profound, and she squeezed Andy's hand, smiling at him. "Did you hear that? You’re staying." Her voice wavered with emotion, a stark contrast to her usual composure.
Andy nodded, a flicker of what might have been relief passing through his eyes. "I am pleased to remain by your side, Rain."
But as the customs official handed her back her documents, including a new ID card for her life on Yvaga, Rain's thoughts were already racing back to you, lying in the medical bay, your condition unknown. "Thank you," she muttered distractedly, barely hearing the officer’s instructions on local guidelines and curfew times.
With every step towards the medical facility, her pace quickened, driven by a mix of dread and urgency. Upon arrival, she was met by a cool blast of air and the antiseptic smell of the hospital that did nothing to ease her nerves.
"I’m here to see my girlfriend," she told the receptionist, her voice steady but her hands clasped tightly in front of her.
The receptionist typed something into a computer, then looked up with a neutral expression. "You may go in, but please prepare yourself. She hasn’t regained consciousness yet."
Rain’s breath hitched, her feet carrying her down the fluorescent-lit hallway to the room where you lay. The door swung open quietly, and there you were, just as she’d left you, surrounded by beeping machines and IV lines, your breathing steady but unnatural.
She pulled up a chair beside your bed, her hand finding yours, cold and still. "Hey, it’s me," she whispered, her voice cracking as she spoke. "I need you to wake up, okay? Andy’s safe. We’re both here... waiting for you."
Hours turned into days, with Rain talking to you about everything and nothing—her hopes for their new life on Yvaga, the garden she imagined they might cultivate, the quiet evenings they could spend watching Yvaga’s twin suns set. Occasionally, she'd be silent, just watching your chest rise and fall, each breath a small reassurance that you were still with her.
One particularly quiet night, Rain leaned close, her whisper barely audible. "You have to come back to me," she said, her tone a mix of plea and command. "Remember all those plans we made? I can’t do this without you. I can’t lose anyone else."
She stayed there, her head resting beside your hand on the bed, her tears not quite spilling over but close. The weight of everything they’d been through, everything they’d lost and hoped to gain, pressed down on her.
"Please," she murmured as she felt the first tear escape, tracing a warm path down her cold cheek. "I need you. We’re supposed to start over here. Together."
The sterile hum of the medical bay was punctuated by the quiet beep of machines, a constant backdrop to Rain's vigil by your side. It was during one of these long nights, her head resting close to yours, her whispered stories floating through the dimly lit room, that a change occurred. A subtle shift in the rhythm of your breathing, a small furrow in your brow—signs of emerging consciousness that Rain almost didn't dare to hope for.
After what felt like an eternity immersed in silence and darkness, you finally sensed the veil of unconsciousness lifting. Your eyelids fluttered open, meeting the stark brightness of the medical bay on Yvaga. Disoriented, you turned your head slightly, finding Rain's face close to yours, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and relief.
Your eyelids fluttered, a slow, uncertain movement, and then opened. Rain, who had been lost in her thoughts, looked up sharply, her heart skipping a beat. "Baby?" she said softly, her voice a mix of hope and disbelief.
You blinked slowly, disoriented, the shapes and shadows of the room coalescing into forms you recognized but couldn't quite place. "Rain?" Your voice was hoarse, barely a whisper, and you struggled to sit up, confusion written across your face.
"It's okay, take it slow," Rain soothed, her hands gentle on your shoulders, helping you adjust. "You're safe now. We're on Yvaga."
The name didn't mean much to you yet, not with your mind still grappling with the fog of long sleep and recovery. You looked around, trying to piece together the last fragments of memory—flashes of danger, of fear, of desperate actions. "What happened? The others—Kay, Tyler, Bjorn, Navarro... what happened to them?"
Rain's face fell, her eyes dimming with a grief she had held at bay. Taking a deep breath, she reached for your hand, squeezing it tightly. "There was an incident on the ship... there were these creatures" Her voice trembled, and she paused, gathering the strength to continue. "I managed to get you and Andy into cryopods. I... I dealt with it, but..." She swallowed hard, her other hand wiping away silent tears that began to stream down her face.
"The others weren't so lucky," she finished softly, the weight of the loss pressing down on her anew.
Your heart ached, both from your own physical weakness and the pain of the news. You remembered now—the fear, the chaos, the desperate rush to escape. And through it all, Rain, always protecting, always fighting. "You saved us," you whispered, your voice filled with a mix of sorrow for the lost and gratitude for the safety of those who remained.
Rain nodded, more tears falling as she tried to smile through them. "I did what I had to do. I couldn’t let anything happen to you or Andy." She took a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. "We're going to start over here, on Yvaga. Make it count, for them."
As you processed her words, the reality of your new beginning on this strange new world without some of your closest friends, you felt a profound sense of loss but also a deep, resolute determination. Rain was here, Andy was safe, and you were still together. In that, at least, there was some comfort.
"I'm glad you're here," you told her, squeezing her hand in return. "We'll make it count."
Rain nodded, a solemn promise shared between you two. As she settled back into the chair beside your bed, her vigilance unwavering, you knew that whatever challenges Yvaga might hold, you would face them together.
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ask-hsr-characters · 23 days
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General look, Yanqing grew up,,
Jing Yuan: “Awwww! Older Yanqing…he looks so cute! The day he actually gets that tall, I’m sure I’ll be a very proud fathe- um, I mean…General! A very proud general, hehe…”
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wanghyunjiin · 1 year
—movie night, bc.
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pairing — bf!Chan x afab!reader
plot— Chris gets needy, and the movie can wait.
word count - 1.2k
content - teasing, oral (f receiving), facesitting, petnames (baby, princess)
warnings — sexual content, 18+ ONLY
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Movie night was going about as well as you had thought it would.
You were in the kitchen making popcorn for the third time, your boyfriend still sprawled out on the couch. The first bowl had been devoured quickly, both of you opting to chow down on the salty snack rather than attempting to make dinner—which neither of you were very good at, so this seemed like the better idea—and the second had been flipped onto the floor when Chris fell victim to a jump scare.
You walked back into the room only to find he’d now gotten very comfortable and decided to take up the entire couch with his legs stretched out across the half you had previously been sitting on. You raised an eyebrow at the man in question, Chris now looking at you after hearing your footsteps.
“I’m glad you’re comfy, so where am I supposed to sit?” One hand resting on your hip, the other still holding the freshly popped snack.
Chris turned to lay flat on his back against the seat cushions, legs still taking up your seat. He laced his fingers behind his head and cocked an eyebrow, a small smirk now making an appearance.
“My face is pretty comfy, and this seat isn’t taken.”
He made a kissy face, and you couldn’t tell where the joke ended.
With a roll of your eyes, you walked over to the couch and tapped the side of his thigh with the back of your hand. “Very funny, move your legs so we can start the next movie.”
Sitting up now, Chris grabbed your wrist, stroking your soft skin in circles with his thumb.
“Who said I was joking?”
You froze for a second. Surely he didn’t-
Before you could finish that thought, Chris had pulled you towards him, sending the bowl of popcorn—that you still hadn’t set down for some reason—flying through the air. Now you were straddling his lap,  your hands resting on his shoulders to keep yourself upright while his had moved down to grip your waist.
“Chris! I’m not cleaning that up, you bette-“
He cut you off again, pressing his plush lips to yours firmly with a light chuckle. Thumbs now rubbing up and down over the soft skin of your hips, as his hands slid under your shirt, the warmth of them was always so comforting. Pulling you tighter against his chest, Chris deepened the kiss. His tongue trailed across your lower lip before biting it softly, earning a small moan from you. You brought your fingers up to card through his thick hair, pressing yourself against him.
Chris’ tongue pushed between your lips, taking dominance over your own. His hands slid down from your hips slowly, making their way around you and down over the soft curve of your ass. He squeezed firmly, moaning into your mouth at just how well he could feel the soft flesh through the thin sleep shorts you opted to wear—the ones that always leave him begging to fuck you—and lifted his right hand only to drop it back on your ass with a light smack.
Smirking against your mouth from the soft whimper he swallowed, Chris pulled his lips away from yours reluctantly. His eyes now dark, as they raked over your body hungrily.
“You liked that? You naughty girl.” He drawled, voice now even huskier, sending heat straight to your core.
You bit your lip, fighting the urge to quip back. Your fingers released their hold on his bleached locks and slid down over his shoulders to rest against his firm chest, curling around the soft fabric of his shirt. Rocking your hips lightly against him to relieve the ache in your core, you felt Chris growing hard beneath you, a groan parting his lips at the friction.
“Fuck baby, that feels so good…” He panted, his forehead resting against your shoulder for a moment before lifting and pressing his lips to the shell of your ear. “You wanna sit on my face, Princess? I haven’t tasted you in so long.”
Mind now clouded with lust, you nod eagerly. Eyes fixated on his now slightly swollen lips and the way his tongue poked out to drag across them, leaving them damp and glistening, your mind going straight into the gutter. You were lucky, one of Chris’ favourite things to do in bed was go down on you. He told you from the beginning that it turned him on so much just watching the way you writhed and begged for more, and you weren’t planning on turning it down any time soon.
Now with your approval, you were being pushed up towards your boyfriend’s face, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your ass as he brought your core to hover above him.
“You’re so wet for me baby… You soaked right through your shorts too.”
A soft chuckle escaped Chris’ lips as he dragged his nose along the damp patch between your thighs. You whimper in embarrassment at how needy you look and instinctively try to press your thighs together.
“Ah ah ahhh…” Chris tightens his grip on your thighs to hold them open for him “Don’t be shy Princess, do you want me to make you cum?”
“Y-yes, please…” You whispered, loud enough for him to just about hear you, and that was all Chris needed.
With two long, slender fingers, he pushed your shorts and panties to the side. His eyes take in your soaked pink lips hungrily, before licking a thick stripe up your slit, relishing in how sweet you tasted.
“Mmm, you taste so fucking good baby, and your pussy is so pretty.” He purrs, drinking in how fucked out you already look when he’s barely even touched you. You feel yourself getting even wetter—if it were possible—at the sight of your boyfriend under you, his plush lips already coated in your arousal.
His tongue is back against your pussy, now lapping at your swollen clit—sucking the sensitive bud between his lips—forcing a loud cry of pleasure to escape your parted lips in between heavy pants. You felt a finger join Chris’ tongue and drag through your folds, gathering your wetness to lubricate it before pushing inside you slowly.
“Shit- you’re so tight..” He mumbled, pulling his mouth away from you for a moment to take in the sight of his finger disappearing into your heat, another long digit joining the first after he felt you relax around it.
Bringing his mouth back to your sopping wet core, you felt his lips wrap around your sensitive bud once more—your eyes rolling back, and back arching with your fingers raked through his hair—as he sucked harshly, feeling you tighten around his fingers he knew you were close.
Curling his digits inside you, Chris flattened his tongue against your clit and shook his head from side to side. The new sensation brought up a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach, whispered curses leaving your lips- repeating like a mantra as your orgasm built up.
With a final curl of his fingers brushing just the right spot inside you, your mouth opened in a silent scream of ecstasy, pleasure washing over you as your thighs trembled. You heard Chris moan deliciously, tasting your release coating his tongue, your essence drenching his lips and a small trail escaping the corner of his mouth.
He slowly pulled his fingers from you, a whimper leaving your lips at the sudden emptiness. Chris left a soft, wet kiss on your inner thigh before releasing you from his grip.
Panting softly, you looked around.
“Fuck, there’s popcorn everywhere.”
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jugheadthelesbian · 9 days
erm just saw deadpool and wolverine, if yall don’t send me some poolverine fic requests i swearrrrrr its over
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daily-tma · 8 months
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Daily TMA 111 - Mondays are for Melanie King
Hi all, I’m Mod Cedar, one of the two new mods here! Super excited to be part of this blog! <3
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another-delta-lover · 5 months
Draw Blue medic and Emesis Blu Heavy just staring each other down with their big ol eyes because they're both non verbal and don't know how to speak with each other
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they lov eachother i swear
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yoshis-island420 · 14 days
D'aww I live for ur oc x Canon as much I wish I’d want to see more buttt
Since Vendel is so goatpa n amazingly good in ur style,,, could u dooooomayb Kanjigar? Or Araknak! (I love them very much <3)
—🏍️ Anon
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Although he’s not exactly my favorite, I like Kanjigar! He’s a really cool character and I really like his VA. I’m gonna be drawing Araknak as well! But probably after work lol I’m gonna be drawing more of Kanjigar though, he’s surprisingly very fun to draw and experiment with!
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randomperson0k · 2 months
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i dont think ive shared my design of drag queen tgs jekyll on here yet so huzzah. doodle be upon ye
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Nobody Hurts You
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Request from @bvbwestfall Reader is friends with the Salvatore Brothers mostly Stefan so when Klaus takes Stefan he also takes you but one of his hybrids hurts you. Klaus notices something is off about you and Klaus kills them right on the spot and heals you @rosie-posie08 @colbysbrocks
Everyone else said going with Klaus and Stefan was a bad idea. That he would just kill me shortly without a thought but I have become a close friend to Stefan. So if he goes so will I. Walking through the woods near the compound I just needed some air away from the vampires blood. I stopped in my tracks feeling someone watching me I drew a small stake from inside my boot that Alaric had given me. Next thing I knew a hybrid shoved me against a tree about to bite me until I shoved the weapon into his chest. Giving me the opportunity to run buy he grabbed me by the arm throwing me into the dirt where my ankle popped. He hovered above me about to bite my neck until footsteps approached then he vamped away in an instant.
The next morning I gripped the railing stumbling down the stairs creating more noise then I usually would where Klaus vamped at the bottom seeing ne about to trip. "Y/n, ugh. I've got ya. Something's wrong you're normally good on your feet." He replied catching me bridal style where my arms wrapped around his neck. My hair falling over my shoulders with me looking up into his blue eyes. "I'm fine, Klaus. Just tripped is all. Put me down now." He did as I said where I attempt to take another step but dropped on my knees. He vamped forward moving hair out away from my face. "Tell me what happened, love. You can barely walk. Did someone hurt you or something. If so I will slaughter them if you wish." I could hear the concern in his voice which makes no sense to me. According to my friends he only cares about himself.
"Why do you care about me?" I asked locking gazes with him before he bites into his wrist offering it to me so I would heal. Wrapping my hand around I took as much as I needed feeling the pain in my ankle go away quickly. He brushes his hand resting it against my cheek making me look him in the eye. "I care about you, Y/n. I know that it's seems impossible. But there is a light in you that has found its way into my heart." I blushed at his words being reckless more than ever by pressing my lips onto his. He immediately kissed back helping me to stand then cupping the other side of my face never breaking the kiss until I needed air being human. "Now who has hurt you my love?" He whispered waiting for an answer lifting my chin up gently. Gripping the fabric of his grey shirt in my hands lightly I replied knowing what he would do. "One of your hybrids...he tried to kill me." He kisses my forehead replying sternly sweeping me off my feet even though my ankle was better. "Then I'll take care of him because nobody hurts my girl."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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rainandandy · 25 days
could you pls do some rainxfem!reader pls?? There is a serious lack of rain fics on this app and I need more😭😭 just some HC’s, fluff, angst, nsfw, love it all. Take it and bby😘
(btw LOVE your work, ur keeping me alive rn)
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Thank you for the ask!😘 I will have more Rain Carradine X FemReader coming! Hope you like this
Pairings: Rain Carradine X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealous Reader
Word Count: 1027
Life on Jackson's Star was a gritty mix of endless work and fleeting moments of reprieve, where the dusty, metallic corridors echoed with the clanking of machinery and the chatter of miners. Amidst this stark backdrop, your relationship with Rain Carradine blossomed into something that felt almost out of place with its warmth and genuineness.
Rain was strong, capable, and fiercely protective, not just of her synthetic brother Andy but of you as well. Her friendship with Tyler, her former partner and a prominent figure in the mining crew, had initially seemed unremarkable to you. However, as time went on, their easy camaraderie began to gnaw at you, the seeds of jealousy sprouting unchecked.
You'd watch them during breaks, sharing jokes and reminiscing about past missions, their laughter a stark contrast to the usual din of the miners’ mess hall. The more you observed, the more your imagination painted pictures of a past perhaps better left behind, stirring a restlessness within you that you couldn't shake off.
One evening, compelled by a mix of curiosity and unsettling thoughts, you approached Andy. Despite his challenges with speech and the obvious difficulties his synthetic nature sometimes posed in social settings, Andy had a way of understanding human emotions, perhaps better than most humans themselves.
"Andy," you started, hesitating as you chose your words carefully, "did Rain and Tyler... were they together? Like, before?"
Andy's eyes, always so expressive despite the rest of his face remaining eerily impassive, flickered with something that might have been discomfort. "Yes," he stuttered, his voice mechanical yet tinged with a hint of warmth. "But it was a long time ago. Things change."
His confirmation hit harder than expected. You tried to laugh it off, to dismiss the tightening in your chest as just a silly overreaction. "Thanks, Andy. Just curious, you know?"
But curiosity wasn't easily sated. At the next community gathering in the recreation hall—a rare moment of leisure on the harsh mining planet—you spotted Kay, Tyler's vivacious sister, and decided on a reckless course of action. Flirting with Kay, you hoped, might just give you the answers you needed, or at least draw some kind of reaction out of Rain.
Kay, with her easy smile and flirtatious demeanor, was a willing participant in your charade. You laughed at her jokes, touched her arm lightly, and played the part of someone smitten. From the corner of your eye, you could see Rain watching, her expression unreadable.
Later, as you and Rain walked back to your quarters along the dimly lit paths of the colony, she broke the silence. "Seems like you and Kay were getting along well tonight," she said, her tone light but with an undercurrent of something else—was it amusement? Concern?
You bristled, defensive and still wound up from your own concocted drama. "What about you and Tyler? Seems like old times, huh?"
Rain stopped walking, turning to face you under the faint glow of the overhead lamps. Her laugh, when it came, was genuine and full of warmth. "Are you jealous?" she asked, stepping closer, her eyes searching yours.
As Rain's question hung in the air between you, a cool breeze whistled through the narrow passages of Jackson's Star, stirring the dust around your feet. "Are you jealous?" she repeated, her voice a gentle tease that echoed slightly off the metal walls surrounding you.
Caught off guard by her directness and the earnest look in her eyes, your initial reaction was to deflect, but the sincerity in her gaze held you in place. Before you could respond, Rain stepped closer, closing the small gap that the conversation had widened between you. Her hands reached up, resting lightly on your cheeks, her touch sending a familiar warmth through you that contrasted sharply with the chill of the evening.
With a tenderness that always seemed at odds with the harsh environment of the mining colony, Rain leaned in. Her lips met yours in a kiss that was soft at first, hesitant, as if giving you room to pull away. But you didn’t. Instead, you found yourself leaning into the kiss, deepening it, your hands moving to encircle her waist and pull her closer.
Rain responded in kind, her movements confident, her lips pressing more firmly against yours. The kiss grew from tender to fervent, a mingling of relief and passion. It was the kind of kiss that spoke of deep connections and unspoken promises, a reassurance of her feelings amid the whirlwind of doubts that had clouded your mind.
The world around you seemed to quiet, the usual hum of the colony fading into a distant backdrop to the intensity of the moment. Rain's kiss chased away the shadows of jealousy, filling the spaces with an affirming warmth that seeped deep into your bones.
When you finally broke apart, breathless and a little dazed, Rain’s smile was radiant under the sparse light of the colony’s lamps. "I mean it," she said, her forehead resting against yours as she caught her breath. "It’s always been you."
In that moment, with Rain’s affirmation still tingling on your lips, the earlier tension dissolved, leaving a clarity that brightened the dark paths of Jackson's Star. Her laughter, light and freeing, bubbled up between you, and you couldn't help but laugh with her, the sound mingling with the night air.
The path back to your quarters was filled with a comfortable silence, the type that comes when no words are necessary to fill the space between two people. Rain’s hand in yours felt like a vow, a silent promise that no misunderstanding could break the bond you shared.
As Andy turned to give you both a subtle thumbs up before heading off to give you some privacy, you realized how deeply integrated into your life Rain had become. Her presence was a constant source of strength and comfort, just as you hoped to be for her.
Your journey together on Jackson's Star might be filled with challenges, but moments like these, stolen under the artificial stars of the colony, reminded you that as long as you were together, there was nothing you couldn’t face.
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snazzydwarf · 8 months
Hello hello! I am here to spread my moss etho arctic bdubs propaganda for the fanon swap :> also your art looks rlly pretty!
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Your request has been answered!!
I'm in a huge Etho wave rn, so anything with him in up my alley lol Apologies for the long wait! Didn't see the ask rip :/
And thank you!!! :D
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kyomaakuma7 · 1 year
hi! I would love if you drew my oc chai if u want to! :D
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Here’s a few photos for red hehe
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Chai is adorable!! Couldn’t help but to draw them >w< !! I hope you like it!
I actually enjoyed making this quite a lot and I thought the colors worked very well!
Feel free to request anything including spoilers and ships!!
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ask-hsr-characters · 13 days
jing yuan w his cats n the birds on him, ur so snow white disney princess
Jing Yuan: “Snow white…disney princess? What does that mean…? Heh, it sounds like a compliment, though, so thank you~”
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
hi! quick tip: if you’re on mobile type ‘:readmore:’ then hit enter! i dunno if you’ve been told but. yeah :)
also, your recent piece on apd was incredible!! very nice to see representation!! keep up the excellent work <3 it did get me thinking though: reader with vocal stims, cementing it in the acolytes’ minds that you don’t speak the language of teyvat, and then you’re all just stuck in this loop of “oh man they don’t speak the same language of me” but they DO
if asks are closed or this is outside of your comfort zone then feel free to delete! have a lovely day <3
A cookie for thee, and also extra for telling me how to do Expand thingy on mobile ilysm 🤲🍩🍪✨️ (pspspsps all askers,, u get cookies,,cometothedarksidepspspspspsss)
I was so worried bc it wasnt like super all the aspects of Apd issues, and it was very based on my personal experience w/ similar symptoms + other bits of ppl's experience so i was hoping it still felt somewhat recognizable for ppl w/APD!! Tysm for the feedback :D
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So i think ive experienced verbal stims, so this is a combination of others shared experiences + personal experience, and while everybody experiences things individually/their own way, please let me know if there is something obviously inaccurate/maybe even offensive.
You will definitely not make me mad or otherwise offended, I really want to hear that kind of feedback from others who vocal stim!
Thank you so much for reading! :)
So lets just say that ur vocal stims r pretty non-verbal or non-sensical ("her sister was a WITCH BRO-" like memes that dont make sense to them)
Or like, u have verbal stims that r actual language but they dont hang around long enough to hear it maybe ??
So like, this ends up happening
Chongyun was exploring near Qingce village for supernatural stuff as usual
And U were just vibin, chillin near Qingce village livin ur best Creator god cottagecore life
And ur like planting a new seedbed, Jueyun Chilis :) (bc jfc however bad it was to collect them in game, its 10x worse in person, ur tired of running around town getting chilis, Qingce isnt exactly flat 💀)
And every seed u put in the dirt ur like "boop!"
And Chongyun comes by, bc u at edge of town, and the villagers mentioned a strange new traveler settling here
He immediately feels a wave of that same feeling he used to feel when the Creator god had their eyes on him, or would assist him in battles
So poor boy almost overheats trying to climb up the hill to ur house
And is like "??...Creator??"
Then kinda stops bc ur just like-
"Boop!" "Boop!" "Boop!" ☺️ LMAO
And then u finish planting seeds, get the watering can,,
And everytime u pour it just-
... "EJACK! Come, water!"
(Ur saying it so fast too, and he's still somewhat farther away, so he cant rlly hear that well too)
And its just so incomprehensible to Chongyun he's deadass like "A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE??!"
So of course,
He waves, 👋
And ur like omg icy boy!! :D 🧊💙
But u dont say anything yet, and then he starts,, miming?? He points at u? Then like?? Points up? The sky?? Then like, mimes swinging his claymore???
U look up, very confused 🧐
He seemes frustrated.
Then he just kinda, bows and leaves?
...oh no.
Do Teyvat people speak that crazy language that u saw in game?
Instead of English??
.... U havent rlly talked to anyone in Qingce yet since u just got here in Teyvat like a week ago
And found this abandoned house
It just gets worse 😭
Bc slowly, one by one,
Each playable character in Liyue comes to attempt to talk to you
(And since u have a farm, and they keep giving u food/goods? For some reason?? U still dont need to go into town)
At one point, even Zhongli shows up
And thru complex miming and hand motions u think he means dont worry abt him? Like just go back to what u were doing?? Okay??
U guess he's just gonna chill here for now?
...Zhongli just kinda,, squints, and puts his hand on his chin in his classic "thinking very hard" face
So ur tending to the garden saying,
" FREDDY! You're supposed to be on lockdown!Vanessa...I'm... a Material Gworl✨️"💀
...Just, on an endless loop LMAO-
(Hes trying to see if he recognizes any part of ur language, poor old man 🤔🤔😭)
And it just snowballs even more, and now,
None of you have even tried to say a word to each other. 🤡
(Other than ur vocal stims)
Keqing: "Perhaps, it's similar to Fontaine's native language?"
You, in the background: "🎵 dUdE,,, sHe'S jUsT nOt InTo YoU 🎵" (mimicking the autotune and everything)
Ganyu & Keqing: "..."
You: " 🎵 gOtTa MoVe On, mOvE oN-🎵 Hurricane Katrina?? More like Hurricane Tortilla!"
Ganyu & Keqing: "...Can't be,"
"what else do we got? Should we call Yunjin to better mime for us??"
Xiao's the first one to even get close to knowing u can actually talk to each other, bc he's always checking in on u most often <3
And he only heard u bc u swore u heard a monster outside ur house one night and came out ur house with a pitchfork, very nervous,
"...Hey there demons.. it's me.. ya boy."
(And u just keep stimming that out of nervousness to make urself feel better as u check around ur house lol)
Xiao: "??? Demons???!! WAIT-"
By then, it literally took like 6 months for yall to finally have a real conversation 💀💀
(Chongyun got so embarassed bc he was one of the first few to misunderstand he overheated rip🙏)
Im. So. Sorry. This. Is. ✨️Ass✨️
Twas the best scenario i could come up with, im telling yall, im not as funny as the ppl who send in these asks 😔
Keep in mind, I never claimed i was funny or a good writer, u cant hold it against me lol /lh
Lower ur expectations LMAO
Well i hope u got sm enjoyment outta this anon, sorry abt the quality!! :)
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evillious-renders · 3 months
hi!!! could you maybe do a full body of sleep princess from master of the heavenly yard at the "not eve" section? the half body would be great too but its your call! <3
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I couldn’t find a decent resolution of the full-body so I did the half-body!!
Half-body render of the Sleep Princess/“Margarita”/Michelle Marlon from the Master of the Heavenly Yard PV!!
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