#seriously I fucking lost it
passiveagressivepoet · 3 months
let me tell you the way i went absolutely feral reading about the misha boozy unhinged creation event at work
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sol-shines · 1 year
my favorite thing about revolutionary girl utena is that finishing it changes you fundamentally as a person and both you and the characters will be haunted by the narrative and its impact forever. my second favorite thing about revolutionary girl utena is that one episode where nanami nearly gets her shit rocked by a renegade boxing kangaroo on school property
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hazel2468 · 8 months
"UWU op defends Israel UWU"-
Have I not made it clear enough what I think of the Israeli government? Have I not made it clear enough that what infuriates me the MOST about all of this shit going on is that neither government gives a damn and civilians will CONTINUE to die because Hamas and Netanyahu are cranking that war machine for their own benefit? Have I not made it clear that I think what the Israeli government is doing is fucking horrific, a war crime, murder, a violation of human rights?
Why do I even need to MAKE that clear? Why is it that you can talk about LITERALLY anything else, any other country, and people don't rush to fucking accuse you of personally supporting the government when you discuss the wrongs committed against a people, but the SECOND you're a Jew you have to justify your stance about Israel?
Why is it that I cannot even be angry about the slaughter of MY FUCKING PEOPLE. Innocents. Civilians. Fucking CHILDREN. The slaughter of the Palestinian people. Innocents. Civilians. FUCKING CHILDREN.
Without one of you absolute fucking monsters deciding to slap some shit on an unrelated post about how "uwu op defends an apartheid state just ignore that"? Do you have to make it part of EVERYTHING I do? Do you consider everything I put out there tainted somehow because I don't support your joy, your cheering, your unrestrained GLEE at the murder of Jews? Do I need to publish a fucking thesis on my stance on Israel, Palestine, and their respective governments like a fucking disclaimer any time I want to talk about myself, my oppression, my experience as a Jew, or a disabled person, or a queer person, because you fuckers cannot for five seconds be NORMAL about Jews?
To decide to slap something about Israel and Palestine on a post I made about MY oppression, about how people will oppress you no matter who you actually are- it all depends who they think you are. It's a bit ironic, isn't it? Doesn't QUITE fit, but it's funny that someone would read that post, agree with it, and then think "Ah yes, THIS is the place to put some tags about how OP, a Jew who has been reeling for the last couple of weeks about the violence, who has been checking on their Israeli friends every day to make sure they aren't fucking dead, who is dealing with vicious antisemitism from people who they thought were friends, who watched as the people claiming to be progressive supporters of human rights on this hellsite and others OVERWHELMINGLY reply to the murder of their people with good they deserved it fuck you, is CLEARLY a defender of an apartheid state and that makes them a bad person because something something I don't know what nuance tastes like and I am a bigoted ass."
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localguy2 · 1 year
I find it highly amusing how in situations where the ninja are separated/it's just the OG four, Kai and Zane immediately assume control/start spearheading the team because apparently no one else is sane enough or in the right mind to do so.
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Your honour, they literally have one of the best dynamics in the show, with how they're probably the most protective people in the team. And it makes me mad how this is overlooked by the fandom and the show.
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venic-of-paper · 4 months
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Silly time
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lovestory · 1 year
i loved that taylor was very touched by the pictures of marjorie being held up and she was very very cute about it with her little speech but at the end of the day...it could have easily gone the other way? the people who did that just did it hoping they could make viral content out of it, without even stopping to consider why it crossed a boundary...just very weird vibes around it all, people are so desensitized
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anyway I went to starkid innit tonight and if I tell you the forgotten song graveyard medley was the funniest thing I've ever seen what would you do? hideous creatures, pays to be an animal, get in my mouth, land of the dicks, hermione can't draw, gotta find his dick all sung as incredibly sombre solos which were taken way too seriously is the only way to sing those songs ever again so sorry
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epic-sorcerer · 3 days
“Arthur can totally dress himself he’s just spoiled” why are you giving him that much credit
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onemoreattempt · 8 days
It amuses me that Shannon is posting Taylor Swift style vague hints for Unraveled, but we are far more invested and interested in figuring out who the tam-cam blog is (not even who they are irl; just what their main blog is)
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iite-cool · 28 days
someone needs to send simon to me RIGHT NOW. i am so sick of carrying my heavy shit around i want him to treat me like a princess and just like... think for me. he can make the decisions bc i'm done i'm tired i need a break
need him to chauffeur me around pls i don't have my license yet..... i'll give him kisses (everywhere).
this is a psa for simon riley: come find me!!!
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randomwriteronline · 5 months
Oh btw. Things that make me insane:
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this Entire Fucking Chapter never fails to have me going absolutely rabid with happiness but specifically i did distinctly remember that Kopaka smiled in this occasion - not smirked, smiled, which is something that i dont think he does often especially in the first few books. On my first read I wholly believed he would have turned around and thrown something directly at Pohatu's head while yelling at him but no, he hears his voice and his first reaction is Pure Unbridled Joy
He was so relieved he literally forgot that hes the cold distant one and actually expressed an uncompromisingly positive feeling of care. I choose to believe he smiled so honestly that he was literally radiant. Like looking directly at the sun. Blinded everybody in a twenty five km radius for one singular hot second.
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And then of course he went SHIT WAIT MY COOL DISTANT GUY PERSONA
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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jesus christ~🎃
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zerozerozio · 9 days
i was reading a fic where saavik was kirk and spock's daughter, but i haven't watched the film yet and i was curious how her voice sounded. i went to youtube to hear it so i could better imagine her in the story.
the scene that came up was her about to help spock with pon farr.
my immersion has been disrupted and now i feel sick 💔💔💔
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roi-des-aulnes · 1 year
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meduseld · 1 year
The cake plot in Wednesday thickens. Rewatched 1x06 and in the crypt Xavier says he designed the cake, but later Tyler says he picked the flavor and delivered it so actually, what I think happened is, given the Hyde description says they're artistic: Xavier sent in the design, but Tyler actually made the thing and the cake, with everyone assuming it was the bakery. But it was Tyler. At home with a froofy apron and flour on his face. 
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yagamimi-aka-mimi · 1 year
oh uhhh btw if any of you try to find my zelda stuff uhh link caught ligma and died, sorry
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