#seriously he’s been such a comfort character since I started watching live during quarantine
mittysins · 6 months
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Uhhhhhh Essie enjoyers come get this wip ig?
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candymeowz · 3 years
Sentient!OM!Characters With An Mc Who Plays A Lot:
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@callmew1ll0w : I was thinking about this alot: Sentient!OM characters with an MC who plays alot because they're lonely (whether due to quarantine, a lack of friends, or other reasons) and talking to the OM characters makes them feel better!
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor
Tw: None that I know of.
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Mc plays Lucifer's game quite often, which is rather worrisome.
Don't they have a life?
Oh, there's a worldwide pandemic going on and they literally got nothing else to do?
And they haven't got a friend close enough to chat leisurely with either...
Of course he'd accompany you, Mc. He's also got nothing better to do, not that he'd admit it.
Lucifer may act indifferent, but really, he's extremely happy to be able to spend more time with Mc.
And the fact that he's the reason they feel better during this pandemic?
His pride went through the roof.
They'd always turn to him whenever they have thoughts to share, whether it be about the latest series they're invested in or a type of music they really like.
And they look so happy and cute chatting with him, too.
Humans really are creatures that can't live without social interactions, aren't they?
He's glad they visit him so often, since their smile is the only light in his dark world of codes.
But Mc, you shouldn't forget to do your tasks. And don't you dare make him wear that abomination of an outfit.
... No, he doesn't care if he'll look handsome wearing that...
He ends up wearing it in exchange for face taps and head rubs.
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Hey, Mc! Came to visit the great Mammon again, haven't ya?
N-no! What're ya talkin' 'bout? He's not blushing! Is he even able to blush?! Why did the developers make his blush so prominent?!
Wait, don't leave! Don't ya wanna talk to him?!
Mammon wouldn't notice Mc spends a lot of time with him.
In fact, he thinks it's not enough.
Mc should visit him 24 hours a day!
Mc's still a human who needs sleep, Mammoney... And the phone still needs to be charged.
Fine, he'll settle for this.
Mc likes to chat with him because it makes them feel better? Of course they would! This is the great Mammon we're talking about! The powerful Avatar of Greed!
No, but seriously though, Mc really thinks he's a good phone friend...?
"You are absolutely amazing at being a friend, Mams." Mc proceeds to rub his head. "I'm really glad to have you in my life."
"Wha- Human! Don't just suddenly do things like that!"
He didn't run away, instead heating up so furiously, yet ears straining to catch every word of their praises, contentment filling every centimetre of his soul.
He's glad to have Mc in his life, too.
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M-Mc, there's this 7 season anime series he found... Do you want to binge watch it with him?
Only if you want to, of course! He understands if you don't want to hang out with a disgusting otaku like him...
You- you do? That's a promise, okay?! You can't take it back!
And they're interested in TSL too?!
Sit down, normie! Professor Leviathan will teach you everything there is to know about the greatest and most popular literature in Devildom!
No he does not care Devildom is merely from his fictional memories and doesn't actually exist.
Alright, starting with the first book...
Nineteen hours later, Mc had fallen asleep while Leviathan was still rambling on about book 1 out of how many hundreds...
At least Mc knows they'll never have nothing to talk about!
And honestly, Leviathan doesn't even realize Mc plays his game quite a lot.
Isn't everyone on an electronic device for at least 12 hours a day?
"You know, Leviachan. I'm glad you're sentient. Makes me feel less lonely." Mc smiled.
He blinked. Then he blinked once more. Mc's... happy they can talk to him? They actually find comfort in him? Leviathan? The otaku third-born of the seven avatar of sins?
He fainted.
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Satan is curious on how stupid one species can be that a worldwide pandemic that could've been avoided by social distancing lasted for an entire year, and it's still on-going, too.
Honestly, might Mc explain what's going on in the human world?
Oh, they've given up on humanity? He scrolled through twitter and youtube comment sections before, so... it's no wonder they'd think that way.
He must say, he disagrees. If humanity doesn't exist, where's his source of entertainment going to come from?
Satan's a great conversationalist, having a vast amount of knowledge with strong opinions on the smallest of topics that Mc'll never be bored of him.
Ask him what's the worst colour and he'll give you a 7 hours presentation on why it's blue.
He should know, he spent decades researching on that.
He's also happy to be Mc's personal audio book, reading texts to Mc as they cook in the kitchen or work on a project.
It'd be considered domestic if not for the fact he lives in their phone.
Oh, and Mc feels happy talking to him is an added bonus. He always liked seeing Mc's smile, and for it to be caused by him?
The Avatar of Wrath found out he's capable of feeling a sense of peace and serenity.
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Asmodeus loves that Mc always visits him!
Of course they wouldn't be able to resist his beauty~ And Mc always gives him the physical touch he yearns for each time they play the game!
Arm taps, arm rubs, headpats... Their touch is very comforting to his soul.
Mc visits him quite often, actually, about... Oh, they've been chatting until 3 a.m.
He's a sentient character, so proper skincare isn't needed for him, but that's not good for you at all! Mc, you should take a proper night's rest! He knows he's stunning but you still need to take care of your health!
Now go to sleep! No, don't worry he won't be lonely. He'll still be here when you wake up, love.
And of course he stuck to his promise. It's not like he can go anywhere else, really...
He's definitely a great conversation partner. Always ready with the latest gossip and stories as he puts on a fashion show just for Mc.
And listening intently whenever Mc talks about their latest passion. They're adorable, especially when they're passionate!
Oh, and you've got yourself a fashion guru right here, always ready with his knowledge on make up and style.
Mc, he really loves you, you know? You and all your perfect imperfections.
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Mc doesn't have any friends?
And they want to tell someone about their latest project and ideas?
Sure, Beelzebub would love to listen to your ramblings, Mc.
And he's very happy about it, too.
Mc likes to tell him about nothing and everything, and Beelzebub would listen attentively as he munches on some snacks.
The snacks are quite bland if compared to someone's cooking or the food from his memories, but his programmed stomach is always growling and the avatar of gluttony doesn't exactly have a choice.
Mc would always prop up their phone on the table during mealtimes, talking idly with Beelzebub as they eat their food.
He really wants to try Mc's cooking, but unfortunately, the screen still seperates them from each other.
Watching movies is also a favourite pass time of theirs, and Beelzebub is always alert for more movies they can watch.
He prefers watching movies at the cinema, but again, he's merely a sentient character in a human's phone.
But the fact Mc feels better talking with him?
A wide smile is evident on his face. He feels better talking to them, too.
Please, never leave him alone. The world of codes is dark and lonely.
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The Obey Me app in Mc's phone is rarely ever closed since Mc really loved Belphegor's company, even though they were separated by an invisible wall.
They'd tell him about their day, their work, and anything that interests them at the time.
Though when they talk to him when he's sleepy, which is often since he is the avatar of sloth, he'll just let out hums of affirmation and letting their soothing voice lull him to sleep.
Mc would glance over at the phone when he doesn't respond and scoff when Belphie sleeps soundly, quiet snores coming from the speaker.
It's a good thing he's cute.
But they must admit, they're sometimes tempted to shake the phone and ruin his sleep...
Mc tried it once and Belphegor locked their phone from the inside.
"Belphie, I know you're in there, but if you don't let me use my phone, I'll buy a new one and get a new sentient character to talk with," Mc threatened.
"You don't even have the money to buy a new phone," came his reply.
Only when Mc promised to let him see their childhood pictures did he allow them to use their phone again
Belphegor always know just how to tease Mc with his responses to see the pout of theirs.
Hey, it's not his fault they're so cute.
Oh, and when he found out he's Mc's sole friend? He's glad he doesn't have to compete for Mc's time.
Perhaps there's a way to escape this land of codes so they could become his cuddle buddy too.
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A/N: I love this idea sm! Thus why I did all seven brothers. Although they are a lil' shorter than some of my other headcanons... Welp, hope you enjoyed these~
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Until You Fall Asleep
After moving in with the crew to help cure your quarantine boredom, you find a new way to deal with your insomnia.
Request: “Could you please do a Colson fanfic where you're a friend of the gang and you move into their house for quarantine so you're not alone. Colson finds out you have terrible insomnia and starts staying up to keep you company and you gradually start sleeping in his bed because it's the only place you seem to actually sleep. You start to get really close through these late night chats, watching films, sharing stuff and opening up to each other... Friendship starts to develop into something else. I need some fluff to see me through these sleepless nights! 🙏😘 Thanks!”
Colson X Reader
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 3487
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Living with your best friends during a nationwide quarantine seemed like a good idea when you agreed to it, but after the 5th night of wandering the huge house late at night because you couldn’t sleep, you were starting to think you should’ve stayed where you were. At least at your own place, you didn’t have to worry about sneaking around so as not to wake anyone up.
Luckily, no one seemed to notice that you woke up earlier than everyone else in the house or went to sleep later. Or if they did, no one said anything.
Day five
Tonight hadn’t been going so well. You had tried showering, you hadn’t eaten for at least a few hours before trying to sleep, you turned your lavender diffuser on, you’d even tried yoga. Nothing helped, and you were left staring at your ceiling.
Frustrated and uncomfortable, you rolled out of your bed, sock clad feet pattering across your room and slowly pulling your door open. You made your way through the house and out to the pool, letting the cool night air wash over you. A deep breath fell from your lips as you began to pace around the deck, hoping to tire yourself out enough to sleep.
After a few minutes, you heard the sliding glass door open, looking up and finding Colson stepping out with a blunt in his hand. He smiled tiredly at you, “you’re up early.”
You raised an eyebrow, “what time is it?” You figured it was 4, maybe 5 am.
“Almost 7,” he looked concerned, “you okay?”
You were trying to figure out how you managed to stay up until 7 am without a wink of sleep, “yeah, just couldn’t sleep. It’s cool though. Why are you up?”
Colson lit the blunt as he spoke, “couldn’t sleep either.”
Day eight
You found yourself curled up on the couch, reading a book at 5:30 in the morning after hours of trying to fall asleep. You swore if you stayed in your room a second longer, you’d break something, so you snuck out to the TV room with the most boring book you could find.
“Do you ever sleep?” Colson’s voice surprised you, making you jump lightly in your seat. The man chuckled at your reaction, taking a seat next to you.
You pouted at his glee, “I could ask you the same thing.”
He shrugged, “sleep is for the weak.”
A sarcastic chuckle fell from your lips, “oh yeah, I feel so strong and cool right now.”
The man laughed with you, but soon turned serious, “serious though, are you good? Both nights this week I haven’t slept you’ve been awake, and I know you don’t take naps.”
You sighed, “it’s just insomnia, I’ve been dealing with it on and off for a couple years now. It’s not a big deal.”
He cocked his head in curiosity and worry, “how much sleep have you been getting?”
You ducked your head in embarrassment, “I slept for an hour at like 3, hopefully I’ll fall asleep again at some point tonight.”
Colson frowned, “can I help at all?”
A small smile fell upon your face, “sometimes talking helps, but honestly not much else. It’s not that big of a problem, though. I’ve been dealing with this for a while, I’m used to it.”
He looked shocked, “dude, you sleep for a few hours every night! That’s a problem. I don’t even know how you’re still alive.”
“Like you’ve never gone a couple days in a row without sleeping,” you said sarcastically.
“No! I go to sleep late as fuck, but I sleep eventually most nights. You’re on a whole different level.” His tone was slightly defensive, if not concerned, “do I need to get you some pills or something? I can do that.”
Your eyes went wide, “Jesus, Kells, no. I have enough to deal with, I don’t need another addiction on my hands too.”
He chuckled, “I’m just saying it might help. I’m assuming weed does nothing?”
You sighed sadly, “it did for a while, but I think my body got used to it. I just have to wait it out until I inevitably pass out.”
“Well, guess I’ll just bother you until you fall asleep.” He relaxed further into the couch, throwing an arm around your shoulders.
“Colson, you really don’t have to-“
“You won’t let me get you drugs, so I’m gonna stay up with you. It’s the least I can do.” He smiled widely, knowing he would get his way.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that, right?”
Day Twelve
“You think that Captain America has the best character arc? Seriously?”
Your nightly chats with Colson had moved into his room after Baze was woken up by Colson’s loud laughter during a conversation about what type of dogs you’d both be. So, you were sat cross legged on his bed, facing each other in deep conversation.
The man tried to defend his stance to you, “okay, I know everyone loves Tony’s whole asshole to hero thing, but Captain America went from this goody two shoes to this badass criminal and he still got the girl in the end.”
You shook your head, “you’re just wrong in every way. I’m not even saying Iron Man had a better story, but literally every other character developed more than Steve. He wasn’t that badass in the end, and the fact that he went back to get the girl just proves he never really changed all that much. He was static.”
“So, you’re telling me, if we watched every single movie with Captain America in it, you wouldn’t be entertained?” He crossed his arms and leaned backwards, eyeing you challengingly.
You scoffed, “the movies are fine, I just think that Marvel has produced better superheroes with better plotlines.”
“New plan, we’re going to watch every marvel movie in order and then you can tell me that I’m right.” He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV across from his bed.
Rolling your eyes, you moved back to lean against the headrest, legs spread out in front of you, “you’re not right, but I’ll watch them just to see the look on your face when you realize you’re wrong.”
Colson flopped down on the bed next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you so that you were leaning into his side. A yawn escaped his mouth, “if you get tired, let me know.”
You giggled, “I’m always tired, I just can’t sleep. I won’t get offended if you fall asleep though.”
He pulled a face, “I’m not falling asleep.”
About an hour into the movie the slow rise and fall of his chest indicated differently. You chuckled to yourself once you realized he had fallen asleep, turning further into his chest, and allowing yourself to get more comfortable.
Somewhere between 4 and 5 am, you found your eyes finally closing of their own accord, unconsciousness washing over you.
Day 17
Since starting your marvel movie binges with Colson, you’d found yourself getting more sleep. You couldn’t tell if it was from the movies or from Colson, but either way something seemed to be working.
Tonight, however, even your new routine wouldn’t lull you to sleep. You tried every breathing exercise in the book, but nothing seemed to work. Colson had fallen asleep a while ago, his arm wrapped around you as per usual, so you couldn’t talk yourself to sleep.
So, you decided to take a stroll around the house, hoping the small form of physical activity would help. But in order to get out of bed, you would have to find a way out of Colson’s embrace without waking him up.
You slowly and gently grabbed his hand and removed it from your side, laying it on the bed next to you. Then, you sat up slowly, only to be pulled back into his chest, “where’re you going?”
His voice was deep and gravelly, sleepiness very evident. You responded with a whispered, “I can’t sleep, was gonna go walk around.”
He pulled you in closer to him, nuzzling his face into the crown of your head, “but you’re so warm.”
You chuckled, cuddling into the man, “fine, I’ll stay.” You tried to close your eyes and find sleep, but again, none came. Sighing, you accepted that you would be stuck in your current position, realizing there were worse things than being wrapped up in a beautiful boy’s arms.
Day 25
“I know aliens probably exist, but do you think they’d ever take one of us to study?”
Colson chuckled at your question, “like a human in general or, like, you and me?”
“Like you or me. Do you think we’re important enough to be studied?”
He squeezed your waist, “I think you are in desperate need of sleep.”
Laughing, you responded, “I’m serious! And I have been sleeping, thank you very much.”
“Okay, fine. I think if aliens ever came to Earth, they’d probably be more interested in, like, genius billionaires or really dumb people, like people from Florida.”
You slapped his arm, “don’t be mean to Florida.”
You could feel the vibrations from his laughter, making you giggle. “Fine, but my point is they wouldn’t be interested in us unless they’re really into music.”
“Darn,” you huffed.
He raised an eyebrow at you, “you want aliens to take you and study you?”
Balancing yourself on his chest, you lifted yourself up to look down at him, “yes! That would be so fucking cool.”
He shook his head with a laugh, “you’re crazy.”
“Think about it, who else would be able to say they got studied by aliens. And then you’d know that you were important to someone, even if it is just alien scientists.”
Rolling his eyes, Colson pulled you back down into him, your hands still resting on his chest, “I don’t need aliens to know I’m important.”
“Well not all of us can be ubertalented rock stars with millions of fans,” you joked, a teasing smile on your face.
You glanced up to find his eyes trained on you, holding a softer look in them than you had expected, “I didn’t mean that.”
It took a few moments for his words to get processed by your brain, but you immediately dismissed the thought that he could be talking about you specifically. More than likely he was referencing his family in general, which you could be included in.
Day 31
To celebrate a full month in quarantine, the guys had decided to throw an in-house only party, which just meant that everyone had an excuse to drink together more than normal. You were staying mostly sober, knowing that otherwise the boys would most likely break something, most likely themselves.
You watched from your place on the kitchen counter as Rook, Baze, Slim, Dre, Irv, Dub, and Colson played a round of King’s cup.
“Y/N, you have to drink,” Rook called from across the room, “it’s a six.”
“If there’s no women playing then you just skip that card, Rookie.” You called but took a sip from your cup anyways.
Colson whined, “this is boring.” You chuckled as he moved away from the table to come stand by you, the rest of the guys continuing without him. He leaned against the counter next to your dangling leg, letting you run your fingers through his blond hair, “parties are boring now, Y/N.”
You could tell that he was gone, the alcohol having almost full control of him. “When we get out of quarantine, we’ll throw the biggest party ever, Kells,” you said, letting your hand fall to rest on his shoulder. The man grasped your hand in his and moved it back up to the top of his head, silently begging for you to continue. He turned into a cat, practically purring as he leaned into you, “hey, Kells, you tired?”
He shook his head, “no, ‘m gonna stay up with you, remember?”
You laughed softly, “it’s okay, Kells. You should get some sleep; I’ll be okay for a night.”
His arms wrapped around your middle, head burying into your stomach, “I’ll go to sleep if you do.”
“You gotta let me off this counter for that.” This was a side of Colson you rarely saw; the drunk, very cuddly version of Colson. Occasionally he’d cling on to you when he got really tired, but that was in the privacy of his room. Here he was hanging onto you in front of all his friends, though granted they were too drunk to notice anything unusual.
You hopped off the counter, taking on some of Colson’s body weight in order to get him up the stairs and to his room. Truthfully, you planned to leave him in his bed once you got him there, but he had other plans. As soon as you moved to walk away from the bed, he grabbed your arm sleepily, “why are you leaving?”
Running a hand along his jaw softly, you softly said, “I’m gonna go to my room.”
He whined, “you never sleep in your room, stay.”
You bit your lip, unsure how to respond to that, “Kells, you’re drunk, you need some sleep.”
“I can’t sleep without you.” His eyes were glazed over, making his pleading look even more appealing than normal.
Sighing, you muttered, “yes, you can. I’ll be right down the hall,” but he wasn’t taking no for an answer, hand still firmly around your wrist.
You rolled your eyes, climbing into the bed next to him, “I’m only doing this because you need to go to sleep.” He hummed in response to that, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tightly into him, leaving no room for you to escape even if you tried.
Day 37
Nights with Colson had slowly turned into every moment with Colson. You woke up together, ate breakfast together, spent time together. You were rarely separated for long, not that either of you minded.
At some point, the line between friends and whatever lied next had gotten blurred, but not fully crossed. You and Colson were touchy and cuddly during the day as well as at night, and everyone in the house was starting to notice it.
Part of you just wanted to kiss him and see what happened, but you knew messing with a situation like this could go very wrong very fast. So, you just left it up to him to figure out where this thing would go, knowing he probably wouldn’t make the first move either.
But as you laid in his arms, listening to his midnight ramblings, you couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if you took matters into your own hands. You watched his lips move as he spoke, wanting nothing more than to lean up and press your own against them. Of course, you would never actually do it, but it was nice to dream.
There was a lull in the conversation which was spent with your eyes dancing across each other’s face, trying to figure out what to say next. Suddenly, he blurted out, “can I get your advice on something?”
You nodded in response, a soft smile on your face. He continued, “this sounds so stupid, but there’s this girl I’ve been talking to recently and I can’t figure out if she ‘s into me or we’re just really good friends.”
You sat up slightly, perking an eyebrow up, “well what signs has she given you that she’s into you?” Your heart burned, hoping he was talking about you. It was a feeling that had been happening a lot recently whenever you were around him, which was almost all the time.
He sighed, “I mean, we talk like, all the time about everything. And I think she flirts with me, but I’m not completely sure if she’s flirting or she’s just being friendly.”
“Well, what signs say that she’s not into you?” You ask, biting your lip to hide the grin forming on your face.
Colson hesitated, “I mean, none, really. I’m just scared of messing up our friendship, you know?”
You nodded, “well, you’ll never know if you never ask her. I’m sure it’ll work out.”
He was quiet for a long time, clearly turning the advice over in his head, “I would but, with quarantine and everything, I just don’t think it’s the right time. We wouldn’t be able to actually, you know.”
Your heart fell, realizing that there was no possible way he was talking about you. It felt like every bone in your body turned to Jell-o at the realization, a lump forming in your throat. “Right, well, maybe you could invite her over to the house. Or do a cute facetime date or something.”
He nodded but stayed quiet. You fully sat up, swinging your legs off the bed. “Where are you going?” he asked softly.
Something inside of you was slowly crumbling, and you needed to get yourself out of his presence as soon as possible, “I just need to take a walk, I don’t think I’m tired enough to get any form of sleep.”
Colson let out a small “oh,” as you stood up and swiftly left the room, tears forming in your eyes.
You felt silly for letting yourself fall so easily and for thinking that he might have felt the same way. But you could’ve sworn there was something forming between you two.
And how had you never heard of this new girl? How long had that been going on?
So many thoughts swirled around in your head as you made your way downstairs and out to the empty pool deck, pacing the familiar space. You tried to convince yourself that your feelings weren’t as strong as they actually were so that this could somehow be easier, but you knew it wouldn’t work.
The sound of the door sliding open caught your attention, your eyes meeting those all too familiar blue ones. “You okay?” he asked, leaning against the wall of the house. You flashed him a fake smile with a nod. “This doesn’t have anything to do with what I just-”
“No, no,” you cut him off, “I’m just restless right now, needed to get some energy out.”
He nodded, watching you cautiously, “I’m actually super tired, so I’m gonna get some sleep. I’ll see you in a few?”
You nodded, knowing full well you had no intention of getting back into his bed, “yeah, goodnight.” You turned your head to the ground, studying the cement below your feet.
The door opened and shut, but when you looked back up, Colson was still standing outside, watching you. “I don’t know why I said that. There isn’t a girl in quarantine. Well, I mean, there is, but we wouldn’t not be able to see each other.”
Your head was spinning, trying to make sense of whatever he was saying. He kept talking, “I got nervous and chickened out and then you left and I felt like an idiot.” You looked up to him, confusion evident on your face as he continued on the borderline of rambling, “so I’m just gonna throw this out there and whatever happens, happens.”
You stared at him blankly, not fully processing his words or what was happening.
“Would you wanna go on a date with me? Or, like, whatever kind of date we can pull off here?”
Your eyes went wide in shock, the rollercoaster you had just been on emotionally twisting your mind. You didn’t speak for a few moments, making Colson nervous, but you finally got out a stuttered, “yes.”
He sighed in relief, “god I feel like such a teenager right now.”
You came back to your senses, narrowing your eyes at him, “do you realize the emotional turmoil you just put me through? I feel like I’m crazy!”
He chuckled, moving towards you, and wrapping his arms around your waist, “I know, I’m an asshole. But it was worth it, right?”
“I was literally rethinking my entire life out here,” you pouted, leaning into his touch.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
You rolled your eyes, “look who’s all Mr. confident now.”
The vibrations of his laugh shook your own body, “well, you said yes. This would be a completely different story if you had said no. Then I would be the one rethinking my entire life.”
You smirked teasingly, “I could always change my mind.”
He shook his head with a chuckle, “shut up.” His lips met yours, one hand reaching up to softly hold your jaw. You melted into the kiss, your arms moving to wrap around his neck loosely.
You pulled away slowly, a smile spread on your face, “this almost makes not being able to sleep worth it.”
Tag list:
@bakerkells​ @elviablo​​ @iambashfulperson​ @sunflowerbebe107​ @crystalbaby12​ @stormrider505​ @ticketstomydaydreams​ @mvrylee @daddyavesxx​​ @pettyvxbes​ @prettydreamboy​
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mysweetgirl2-love · 4 years
Livestream~ (corpse_husband x reader)
Alright, I’ve skipped ahead a few prompts because I’ve been just too excited to write out this idea and I was falling behind... so I will be going back, but I’ve skipped to my day 9 prompt. Slight (SLIGHT) exhibition. To reiterate the title, this is a oneshot about you and Corpse. I want to just say that this Corpse is him as a character and not him as a person. Think of a “fanon” version of some sorts. I know that the real Corpse is a very private person (obviously) and I would hate for him to be uncomfortable if he were to ever find this. I am really just writing this for comfort and the enjoyment of others. So, without further ado, enjoy!
Word Count: 5,958
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Day 9 - Exhibition (Implied)
“Yo! YO! It’s Corpse! It’s fucking Corpse, holy shit-“
“What? Literally how?”
“I- fucking- I saw you legit go into electrical with pewds, leave, for me to then go up and find his body right next to the vent.”
“He was doing the upload task, I think, cuz’ I left him there when he was alive. You definitely self-reported.”
“Toast, you gotta believe me, it’s fucking Corpse.”
The arguments while playing this game were some of the most frustrating and yet exciting conversations you’d had in ages. Especially when it came down to the final two. That was the jackpot.
“Ah… nah, Fable, you’ve been super sus this entire round. There’s no way you did card swipe that quickly-“
The two dings from your headset indicated that the remaining players had voted which only left you. Since Toast didn’t believe you, Corpse had this round in the bag. God. Damnit.
“Fucking- Fine. Thank god for your detective skills, Toast,” You grumbled bitterly, pouting on camera as you voted for the black avatar. Corpse’s avatar.
“You’re just mad that I figured you out..” The streamer teased, you rolling your eyes in response to his unmatched “knowledge.”
“Yeah, yeah, totally… Corpse is just too fucking good at this game, I swear to god,” You continued, definitely a little irritated that the match turned on you so fast.
It didn’t help when all you could do was helplessly watch from the other side of the screen as your purple avatar launched out into space. Oh well, it was over.
“Heh… I’m just glad you admit it,” The deep voice filled your headphones making you roll your eyes.
The screen suddenly darkened, a red gleam appearing as two characters stood next to one another. Spedicey and, who would’ve guessed, Corpse. Shocking.
“What?!” Toast exclaims.
“I can’t BELIEVE you didn’t think it was him!” Lily speaks up.
“You’re a fuckin’ idiot, Toast,” Felix almost groans, sounding slightly annoyed.
“Seriously…” You comment, smirking slightly at the groan of confusion from the man in question.
“What? Fable, you were so sus that entire round!” Toast stressed, your headphones filling with laughter as you clicked to play again.
“What do you mean?! I Iegit just scanned my card and you’re trying to call me on it! For NO good reason!” You retorted, wanting to facepalm so hard.
“I didn’t think you could do it that fast!” He yelled back, “I thought you were faking it, there was no way!”
“The only one who really struggles with card swipe here is Corpse,“ Jack cut in, you erupting in laughter at his words.
“What?- Uh- Come on, don’t do me like that…” He essentially growled into the mic, your arms erupting with goosebumps at the sound of him once again.
“That’s not true either! Jack, you know how hard card swipe is!” Valkarae stood up for the deep spoken imposter, “…but you guys both won anyway. So, whatever…”
You all simply laughed along with one another at that, the frustration fading as you mentally prepared yourself for another round of this thought-provoking game. Or… so you thought.
“Hey, can we actually hold off for a second? I need to use the bathroom-“ Lily asked, you smiling at how gentle her voice always was.
A stark contrast to the one that followed.
“Yeah, same here. Gamer bladder,” Corpse followed.
You shook your head at the later comment, clearing your throat as before leaning in towards your mic, “So, 5 minute break then?”
“Sounds good!”
“Sure, I’ll just be here.”
Felix, Rae, and Jack responded.
“…Sykunno?” You asked, having not heard his voice in awhile.
“He left to use the bathroom after he finished his tasks in the last round, texted me saying something about getting a snack,” Toast replied for him, you nodding to no one in particular but your chat.
“Got it,” You pressed the mute button for discord and turned to your face cam, “Guess I’ll run to the restroom as well, stay tuned!”
You clicked a few things to allow an ad to run across your stream, labeling it for around four minutes before reaching for your headphones. You placed them on your desk and sighed, leaning back in your chair.
You heard the door in the hallway open, smiling gently to yourself before standing from the chair. You turned towards your own closed door, taking the appropriate amount of steps to open it before peaking around the doorway.
“Hm…” You walked out slightly, turning towards the closed bathroom door and smirking before creeping out of your room and over to his.
Corpse’s room. Your boyfriend.
You and Corpse had started seeing each other a month or two into quarantine during the pandemic. Having known each other a year or two from both of your professions bringing you together under the circumstances, it seemed appropriate.
He was a real-life horror story teller, taking people’s information by email and anonymously telling their tales. You? You told mythologies of all kinds through your own renditions of the stories with art. You also managed to make the stories more light hearted and funny with a few jokes now and then, and people seemed to appreciate the humor you found in some of the topics.
Your channel name had always been Fantasized Fables, a little odd but it got your content across. Since your channel hit, your name was no secret but people liked calling you Fable.
You honestly thought it made you sound a lot more badass than you actually were.
Either way, somehow you got connect through a couple of friends and instantly clicked. Corpse was… well, Corpse. You didn’t know that you’d helped him so much when he actually told you what was going on. The endless nights where you would both be up at an ungodly hour and just dm-ing one another. It started after a few nights you both saw each other online, quickly progressing into something much bigger than that.
It got deep all the time. You both had so many thoughts about life and each other’s and your own… you felt so safe when telling this faceless internet friend all your deepest, darkest thoughts. But, you knew Corpse had more. He always told you more, you almost wanted more to comfort him over. The feelings started to fester and grow… there was no stopping how you felt about him.
The day you two actually met was never going to be forgotten, by either of you. It was unintentional, almost straight from a movie. You had, at this point, exchanged contact information and had been now calling for the majority of May. Not to mention, you both found out you lived in SoCal, only progressing  On this particular afternoon, you texted him that you were going on a coffee run to Starbucks… him saying he was going out for the first time as well.
Masked up and muffled, you of course could tell it was his voice from across the street. The slightly amplified “oh fuck” was the biggest giveaway you could’ve imagined. Your eyes looking up to find a man, dressed in complete black, chains and earrings, shaggy black hair- there was so doubt in your mind.
You called his name, his eyes looking up to find yours across the way… traffic laws weren’t going to stop the saint up to him and into his arms. A big, long, well-deserved embraced you knew the both of you needed. He had always been so kind… and gentle… him being physically there was just so… relieving.
The rest is history, and you honestly moved into his apartment as quickly as you could. You couldn’t stand him living alone like that anymore, and he obviously let you in without a second thought.
You both were extremely happy to have each other, and it just kept getting better from there.
You gently shut the door behind you, creeping over to his setup and sliding into his chair, humming softly as you watched the endless chat messages buildup along the screen and peering at the number of viewers he had now achieved.
JEEEZUS christ, 200k?! That’s insane! You thought, widening your eyes at the number on the screen.
Your streams only ever reached 90k, which was a lot more than you had expected. The number was slowly growing now, though… ever since Corpse blew up on tiktok for just posting videos of his hands.
You clicked through a few comments, watching super comments flash along the chat as well as mods trying to attempt to get slow chat to work. You couldn’t help but slightly laugh at the struggle, turning back towards the game as a few of the avatars began bouncing around with one another. People were getting back to the game.
You were about to shift around in his seat, reaching for the keyboard to type something in game when two larger hands came gently down on your shoulders. They pushed you gently down against the chair, causing it to lean back with your body. A face moved next to your ear, lips grazing against the skin.
“Whattup Baby?~” That low voice growled, you gently flinching at the rumbling next to your ear.
You turned to find Corpse grinning down at you, his hands easing up off your body and reaching for your face. His right hand came in contact with your cheek, gently squeezing against it as he slowly walked around the chair and crouched down. To be right beneath your eye level.
“Hi..” You hummed, leaning over to press your lips against his forehead before leaning back to look in his maroon-like eyes.
“Why’re you in my chair? You need to get back to your own stream, silly~” He hummed, beginning to stand as he reached for your arm to pull you out of the chair.
You grinned, your head falling back begrudgingly as he easily pulled you from the comfortable seat.
“Wait…! I just wanted to see you…” You lightly whined, him chuckling in response as you stood on your two feet. Him replacing the spot where you had sat.
“Uhuh… and why’s that?” He teased lightly, you couldn’t help but scoff gently while your heart rate increased. He always had that effect on you.
“Well, I mean… I wanted to both congratulate and bother you about your… fucking imposter round-“ He erupted in laughter, you grinning along with him with a simple eye roll, “hey! Let me finish, it was a good round, I’ll give you that… but you threw me under the bus while doing it…! For no reason!”
He raised his brow lightly, his laughter coming to a soft chuckle as he shrugged, “I mean, I gotta keep my title as ‘too fucking good at imposter.’ Sorry, princess…”
You playfully glared in his direction, a stupid smirk spreading across his face. Your lower lip jutted out from your upper one, crossing your arms as you simply pouted in response. He huffed in response, his smirk turning to more of a smile as he reached back out for you.
“C’mere…” He grumbled, his hand grabbing your arm as he pulled you back down to the chair.
“Wait- Ah!” You almost fell against him, barely able to catch yourself against the arm rests on his chair. You looked up, slightly panicked from the sudden fall, to find Corpse smirking right back.
“Wait for what? You’re not ready for affection?” He asked softly, his hand reaching up to push a few loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“N-No, that’s not it…” You mumbled, letting your gaze fall to his chest, seeing the definition of his body through his baggy sweater.
You felt fingers press against the underside of your chin, pushing your face up to look back towards him. You felt your face flush in embarrassment, smiling nervously as his smirk had never faltered.
“You don’t look very sure of yourself…” he whispered to you.
You gently bit at the inside cheek, shrugging quickly, “C-Cuz’ I’m not…”
He chuckled deeply, leaning in slightly as he grabbed you by the lips, gently humming against your mouth as his hands gripped your sides.
You whimpered softly against him, beginning to kiss back as you readjusted yourself in his lap. You quietly wrapped your arms around the back of his neck as you leaned against him.
He chuckled softly, moving his lips against yours as his hands gently slipped up beneath the sides of your shirt and lovingly stroked at your now exposed skin.
“God, you’re so beautiful…” he whispered against you, catching your lips quickly as he continued, “You’re too perfect, fuck… too fucking perfect…”
“Corpse, I-..” You kissed him again, one of your hands reaching up towards his head as you tangled your fingers into the back of his hair.
He hummed against your mouth, squeezing your sides gently as his smily broke out into a grin. The tip of his nose pressed against yours as he sighed, “Yes, princess?~”
“Careful, we need to get back to the game…” You whispered, growing a little nervous as he chuckled.
“They can wait…” He sighed, leaning back in to press his lips back to yours, kissing you deeply once again.
You squeaked lightly, timid as ever before you kissed back. You felt his teeth grazing against your lower lip, gently nipping at the skin. You couldn’t help but slightly moan, pulling away from your lips as he trailed light kisses down your chin and along your jaw.
He was going for your neck, getting there before you could express any protest. You sighed loudly as his lips connected to the skin right below your ear, gently growling against you as you felt a slight wet sensation lick against your earlobe. You shivered, the side of your face falling to the top of his head as he continued his attack on your neck.
“Fuck, Corpse~”
“God, you sound so beautiful baby… you keep acting like this and after the stream? I’ll have no choice but to-“
The desk behind you started vibrating in loud, long buzzes. Both of you freezing in your spots as you turned over your shoulder to find Corpse’s phone lighting up with a phone call.
You quirked your brow, “Who’d be calling you this early in the morning?”
It was 12 pm, you both had woken up at 10 am to actually get ready in time to stream. It wasn’t early for the world, but it was early for this apartment.
“I don’t know… weird,” He leaned forward in his chair, you holding tight against his chest as he grabbed the phone and brought it towards the two of you.
You both looked down at the contact name on the screen, your eyes widening at the name that read.
“Why- hm…” Corpse quickly swiped to answer the call, holding the speaker up to his ear, “Hey Rae, everything okay-“
He stopped suddenly mid sentence, his eyes widening as his cheeks lit up in a bright red. It had to have been the most embarrassed you’d ever seen him, his eyes falling to yours as you read the panic within them.
“R-Right- shit… s-sorry- I-I’ll turn it down now… bye,“ He quickly brought the phone away, immediately hanging up as his eyes flashed towards the chat function on his stream.
“Is… Is everything okay…?” You asked hesitantly, leaning over slightly to read for yourself what people had to say. Did something happen in chat while you guys were preoccupied?
Corpse didn’t respond, his eyes just scanned what the letters read on screen. You frowned, you confusion growing by the second. He hit a button on the keyboard, did he just unmute?
A strained laugh left his mouth, falling back in the chair with you still in his arms. His eyes found yours, his lips slowly turning to a grin before he laughed one of the hardest laughs you had yet to hear from him.
Your eyes widened, completely baffled at this point.
“Corpse, please- What happened?”
“We- We- AHA! We were unmuted!! That ENTIRE time!” He cackled, his hand landing on his chest to almost support him in some way.
You, on the other hand, went from complete befuddlement to absolute humiliation. There was no way THAT was just heard by hundreds upon thousands of people. No fucking way.
“Wh-What??” You began to panic, reaching for his broad shoulders and gently holding onto them, “Wh-What are you even t-talking about?!”
He gently gripped onto you in return, readjusting you against him as he held you there. His laughter died down before he leaned forward and pressed a kiss against your nose.
You both were open that you were in a relationship, people knew… but, that doesn’t mean you necessarily wanted them to hear..
“Hey, baby, don’t worry… it could’ve been a lot worse… We’re fine~” he reassured, your brow still tensed from your worry. You knew the worst had already happened when he blew up, but how would they use his voice in that kind of tone…
You didn’t want to think about it too much. Not jealous, more just… weirded out. Who knew how people would use your voice in that tone either? You didn’t dwell on it.
“Ah, o-okay… yeah, nothing we need to worry about now,” You nodded with him, his gentle features turning to a warm smile. He brought his hand up to your cheek, his thumb gently swiping across your skin as he hummed.
“Mhm, all is fine… I promise,” He mumbled to you, leaning in softly to press his lips back against your forehead.
You sighed, pausing against him for a moment before leaning away, “Well… p-probably shouldn’t keep them waiting m-much longer…”
Corpse raised his brow gently smiling sadly in agreement with a slight nod. He gently reached for your hips once again, holding them gently as he helped hoist you back onto your two feet. You yelped softly as you let yourself be lifted, extending your two legs to meet the floor.
You stood still for a moment, your eyes meeting his as you timidly smiled, “S-Sorry about the mic thing… I should’ve stayed in my stream.”
You nervously laughed, his smile never faltering as yours broke out into a grin. Your slight guilt written all over your features.
“No, no, you’re totally fine… don’t apologize,” He hummed, his thumbs gently pressing against your hips as he kept reassuring.
“Okay, haha… now we’ll never forget to check our mics,” You winked softly, your hands grabbing onto his larger ones and squeezing them gently in return.
“Haha… never,” He nodded softly, tilting his head gently to the side as he simply watched you.
You sighed, begrudgingly pulling his hands from your hips as you took a small step away. You gently bounced on the balls of your feet, awkwardly putting your hands together behind your back.
“Hm… well! I- uh… will see you in game…” You smiled, his body turning in his chair as he leaned his chin against two of his fingers that you had freshly reapplied black nail polish that night before.
His brow raised quizzically at you, the damn smirk playing at his lips once again. His fingers flexed slightly, his hands following the motion. You could see the veins running down his wrist from where you stood.
He briefly chuckled, “Yeah… I’ll see you there, baby…”
With that, he turned back towards his screen while you didn’t hesitate towards the door. You walked over and grabbed the handle, briefly turning back to the darkened man on the screen, clicking away at the bursts of notifications he was getting from discord.
“I love you-“ You flushed, his eyes pulling away from his screen to find you in the doorway. You could see the tint of pink along his cheeks in the darkness of the room.
“…I love you too. Hurry though, Rae is flipping out-“ He laughed, you not wasting a second more to close the door and bound back over to your recording room.
You shut the door behind you, looking up towards your brightened monitor and feeling your breath catch in your chest. You could see your chat blowing up from here, your phone lighting up with MULTIPLE notifications… God, what an unfortunate mistake for Corpse to have made.
You quicken your pace back to your chair, sliding in and putting your headphones back atop of your head. Your camera had come back on in the time you were gone, giving the device a nervous grin before turning towards the game.
“S-Sorry guys, didn’t mean to take that long- uhm…” Your eyes scanned over the chat, not surprised to find it full of caps-locked comments screaming about what happened on Corpse’s stream.
You sighed nervously, your eyes now finding your discord application notifying you that you had… almost fifty notifications?! You mentally had to roll your eyes, quickly turning back towards the camera with a sheepish smile.
“I- uh… I have to go for another minute- B-Be right back!” You laughed, turning on another ad before mentally cursing at yourself. God damnit- your eyes scanned over the viewers on your stream.
What the shit- when did I get 30k viewers?! What the hell?! Of course this is when your viewers decide to spike.
You groaned to yourself, your head falling to your hand as the other reached for your mouse. You clicked to your discord, slowly… but surely, un-deafened your mic.
“OH. MY. GOD. You FUCKING dumbass!” Rae yelled as soon as you unmuted, flinching at the pitch to her tone. It felt like you were being scolded.
“What?! I can’t show my girlfriend some love?!” Corpse replied, not yelling but a definite inflection in his tone.
“No! Nothing wrong with that! But CHECK your MIC next time!!” She laughed loudly. Oh my god.
“Jesus Christ, dude… or at least lower the sensitivity significantly…” Jack spoke up, almost sounding disappointed.
“Ey, welcome back, Fable-“ Felix spoke up, the cheeky grin evident in his tone.
What a fucking asshole-
“Oh my god-“
“You guys can’t wait til after stream?!”
“Wait, what am I joining into…?” A new voice intervened, interrupting Rae, Toast, and Lily.
Charlie, what a man, coming in at the worst time.
“H-Hey Charlie…” You spoke up in a greeting.
“Wha- Wait! Answer the question, Fable!” Lily squealed, a groan leaving your mouth as you fell towards your mic.
“I’m sorry! I-I really didn’t mean for it to happen! I had no clue-“
“Yeah, wait, this isn’t on Fable. She just went to go visit Corpse in the other room, guys, chill…” Felix actually stuck up for you, your face lifting in surprise as his words.
“Uh- yeah, actually, I guess that’s fair,” Jack commented, you nervously laughing in response.
“I… am so sorry to all of you,” You apologized softly, a gentle chorus of laughs following your meek apology.
“No, no, no, you’re so fine. You guys weren’t trying to broadcast whatever… that was…” Sykunno hummed awkwardly, you laughing lightly at his uncertainty.
“It was a poor mistake on my part, I’m sorry, Fable…” Corpse spoke up, you grinning at the sound of his voice.
“N-No worries… hey, we already went over this in person. Can we get back to the game?” You grumbled, another fit of laughter through the group at your excusing of the situation.
“Ahaha, yeah let’s get back into it,” Toast replied, the sound of his mouse clicking lightly being heard in the call.
You sighed, deafening yourself once again and turning back on your stream, “Hey everyone, yep… yep, everything’s fine. No worries, I promise, haha. We took a break for a little longer than expected, but we’re back!”
You un-deafened and were met with sound of a very very confused Charlie, “Wait… so… no one’s going to explain to me what happened?”
You all erupted into loud laughter, you falling back slightly in your chair as you cackled. The first voice to come back was Rae, shockingly.
“Don’t worry, Charlie… we’ll tell you later,” She snickered, you laughing along as you came back to your keyboard.
“So… we can start now, though?” Toast spoke up once again.
You began to give confirmations of “yes” with soft ‘yeah’s and ‘mhm’s. Lazy, but it got the point across.
“Cool, starting the next round…” He clicked play again and the countdown began.
“Alright, everyone, remember to MUTE your mics!” Jack spoke up, you rolling your eyes in response as Corpse’s laugh raised above the rest.
“Will do. Thanks,” He chuckled, a louder laugh sounding through the call once again from all mics.
Your screen turned dark, the red avatar of the Among Us character moving to shush you from the screen. You sighed, watching it turn dark again.
“Yeah- yeah, you’re welcome!” Jack played along, grinning softly at the joke as the screen began lighting up once against.
Your screen displayed your avatar next to Corpse’s, the bright red letters of “Imposter” reading across the computer. You raised your eyebrows, making sure you were completely muted on call before chuckling.
“Oh… Hell yeah. Let’s go…”
32 notes · View notes
milanosbitch · 4 years
rec list for endhawks gems
as usual during this quarantine, i went through a challenging quest, searched through every single fic on ao3 about a single ship and made a rec list, ended up with around 25 works out of 630. nearly all of them should be free of explicit, problematic and triggering content besides one or two in the mature content sense. and i’ll note those down separately but i always suggest reading the tags before starting a fic regardless the rating, just so you know what you’re diving into. furthermore, there’s this author note at the end of a fic that i’ve found which pretty much sums up my feelings about a mess that’s called todoroki friggin’ enji:
“ I love Hawks and Endeavor together. They're a great dynamic, whether it's platonic or not. I'm a pretty open guy when it comes to shipping, and me and a certain lilviathan love going back and forth with dumb ideas about them.
And that's kind of where the contradictory feelings for the Flaming Garbage Man that is Endeavor kind of come from? Because I really do think he's a very interesting and well-developed character, but I also have a very strong urge to stab him at any given time.
I want to make his life miserable and hurt him, but I also want someone to sit him down and tell him that while he owes his family an apology, they do not owe him forgiveness. I want to see him grow. I want to see him face the repercussions of his actions and move forward. ”
—by Canarianyellow on archiveofourown.org
last notes; starred ones are my personal favorites, and i'm adding to this list as i go,, so look out for updates!! you can find a better formatted version of this list here on google docs.
that being said, here are the gems i found on a yet another holy quest:
Walk Alone by adastrad*
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3.6K
Summary: You've lost your wings, you've lost your speed, and in the crowd ahead, you've lost him too. How do you know what name to call out when you don't even know what to call yourself?
as usual, kick-starting the list with one of the first fics i’ve read about them. we have some pretty good angst related to the latest manga chapters in our hands and a fascinating second person pov here. the ‘stream of consciousness’ style of wording kicks you right in the ribs, in a good way.
It's Cold, I Don't Want To Be Lonely
by onlyatitagain
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: When in the presence of Todoroki Enji, it was easy to feel warm and overwhelmed by heat in more ways than just physical. Hawks was very aware of the fire burning in his heart that roared to life whenever he was with his childhood hero, who was now his best friend. The relationship they had was special in the way of how close they had become, Hawks trusted the number one hero with his life and could always count on him no matter the circumstance.
What would happen if he said something and ruined that trust, the friendship they had built over months of knowing each other?
You should never play with fire, unless you want to get burned.
truly a beautiful hurt/comfort fic. enji’s characterization is gentle and might feel slightly OOC, but give it a chance. there is also some pretty cheesy couple stuff at the end and that might not be your cup of tea, just a heads up.
Fallen by copper_leaf**
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 7.3K
Summary: Hawks’ attempt to infiltrate the League goes wrong.
Enji is the one he turns to.
both its part one and part two, this series can take my soul. literally 7K of sheer hurt/comfort, and a caring enji. hawks’ eyeliner is probably ruined by now. can i say this is probably the best fic i’ve read about them softness-wise? i can.
Burning Embers by copper_leaf**
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 6K
Summary: Hawks wakes up, wingless, in Enji's arms.
the continuation of the fic above, here’s more content that will make you feel all mushy. a beautiful excerpt from it:
“It’s a flicker of light in the darkness, the last ember left in the heart that still has the power to bring all else to flame.”
The Bird Who Swallowed a Star*
by angyhawks (Soll)
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 4.5K
Summary: Endeavor remembers Hawks' small hands, how they didn't burn as he danced on his palms.
How Hawks had whispered sweet nothing into his flames, words not important as his lips moved and his voice chirped.
He remember Hawks finding him, small and spent, and gifting him a feather to feed on.
Endeavor wishes a feather had been his only offer.
//in which Endeavor is a fire demon, Hawks is once again tied to the ground, and wouldn't it be nice if they could kiss?
Light by Caahs*
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 2.1K
Summary: Since he was a boy, Hawks gathered an eternal distaste for darkness, which was preserved until his most recent days. However, the blazing figure of Endeavor always came up like his warm source of light, illuminating the most obscure paths and clarifying the most difficult decisions.
Emotions Are Hard, Love Even More So...
by aurora_whitlock
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 4.4K
Summary: Hawks and Endeavour at the end of a long week. Alone. Together. Its just some cute, fluffy bullshit basically. Warm your hurt little hearts.
Cuff me to the truth of failure
by Not_A_Valid_Opinion
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 3.4K
Summary: The kid’s eyes are so wide, Hawks can see the entire silhouette of his wings in their reflection. “I want to be you.”
“No, you don’t, kid,” he can’t help but promise, can’t stop the sadness in his eyes from flickering into view.
Hawks has dinner with Enji after a bad interview.
Look at what amounts from the jump
(and I'm never coming down) by
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3K
Summary: He stares at Endeavour with something close to regret, maybe closer to suspicion, but before Endeavour can catch the look it’s gone and replaced with a pursed lip and a glance at his phone. “I’ve gotta go. See you around, Enji.”
But the burly man stops him with his name. “Watch where you’re flying,” he says gruffly, though it’s different. It’s not an order. It’s not a request.
Whatever it is, Hawks takes it as a challenge.
Endeavour is worried about Hawks. Hawks doesn't know what to do with that information.
You mesmerise me in red and gold
by Arayne
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 4.2K
Summary: Enji has never gotten to tell Hawks what's on his mind so he tries, in several ways, to make it clear how he feels.
We've got a good thing going
by lehnsherry
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: Enji is watching Shouto, so he notices the way his eyes snap to the kitchen doorway just before he hears the soft footsteps and the rustling of wings, and his heart jumps into his throat. He turns in his seat just in time to see Hawks walk in, eyes still closed and a hand scratching at his messy hair.
“Mornin’, babe, do you know where my -” Hawks breaks into a huge yawn, and then opens his sleepy eyes, and freezes in the doorway like Shouto used his power on him.
Enji’s mouth makes an involuntary sound of embarrassment, and Hawks flushes all the way down to his chest.
As He Lived by uzumae*
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 2.3K
Summary: Hawks wants to imagine that he still has a place in a world he no longer belongs to.
future hearts by rire
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 1.2K
Summary: When the rest of Hawks is putting on airs, it’s his wings that give him away.
Break off a piece of your heart by kettleowl
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 890
Summary: The High-End incident, but they are actors who are too emotionally invested in their roles.
to take a fall by rire
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 2.3K
Summary: “What’s with that look, Endeavor-san?” Hawks smiles. It doesn't reach his eyes. “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I got what I wanted, didn’t I? Now I’ve got more free time than I know what to do with.”
A Thousand Flowers by adastrad*
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 440
Summary: "Let's hope the next time the cherry blossoms fall, we will all be smiling."
#fantheflames by adastrad
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 54.9K
Summary: Todoroki Shoto accidentally, on purpose, and with great regret helps make Hawks/Endeavor happen.
this is wholesome. one hundred percent cheff kiss. peak comedy with a dose of stan twitter. actually a shouto-centric fic and more like an outsider pov of slight endhawks.
This Gentle Earth by adastrad**
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 4.2K
Summary: Hawks buys a better excuse to keep visiting Musutafu, but damn it. Enji hadn't been looking to adopt.
guaranteed to melt your insides. enji ends up being a plant parent.
The Winner Takes it All by adastrad
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 25.2K
Summary: Endeavor's eye is gone. He may say his injuries are his own responsibility, but it's Hawks' fault, isn't it? He will give Enji everything he can. His top secret mission will take the rest.
slaps the roof of the fic this baby right here is a shortcut for a brain burn. with a complicated storytelling and equally complex characterizations, which results in a slow but satisfying reading if you’re looking for a detailed story!! there’s seriously so much pining that it keeps you on your tiptoes until the end of it.
Roasting the Roaster
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary:  Hawks gossips with the receptionist at Endeavor Hero Agency about what a dork the boss is, discusses Endeavor lookalike porn, and then ropes Shouto into lunch with Endeavor, whereupon Shouto just roasts his dad the whole time.
Can you roast a man who's already on fire? Apparently, yes. Yes you can.
(includes the hit single Did You Need Some Ice For That Sick Burn by Hawks, ft. Shouto Todoroki)
[Only tangentially related to the other fics in this series.]
slight crack fic for humor but it’s truly well-written. a shouto and hawks team up over endeavor was something i never deeply gave attention to yet it is gold and i need more of it. hawks writes a bop, endeavor’s whole agency thirst over the said man and everything leaves you with tears in your eyes from cackling at these dorks.
the fics listed below the cut are rated mature or
explicit by the authors, and therefore contain sexual content:
Penumbra by Nicolefrickle
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1.8K
Summary: Enji wants to touch Hawks' wings. Badly.
this one is rated mature but the theme is only minorly implied so i can say it is safe to read without worrying about the rating. more like a fluff fic with hawks being a happy birb.
An Imperfect Cage by Crandberrycrush
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 55.5K
Summary: Hawks is an orphan, brought up in a charity school and thrust into the world at eighteen to work as a governor for the Todoroki family, a family that has more secrets than he can hope to unravel.
*A gothic romance based heavily on the novel Jane Eyre*
Liquid Nitrogen by surveycorpsjean
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 23.8K
Summary: Enji can't figure out why the hell Hawks keeps sleeping in his office.
the plot? the writing? the characterization? everything is perfect. i’m normally uncomfortable with this much amount of smut and debated if i should put this on the list or not, since it might consist of triggering content for some. please read all the tags beforehand starting this piece.
Palindrome by Nicolefrickle
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 7.9K
Summary: Hawks doesn't realize just how much he needs Endeavor, or why it feels like he's still racing time.
A character study of Hawks with flashbacks and inner thoughts, heavy on the Endhawks, heavy on the hurt
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Req: I really loved the quarantine fic with exo kai, could you do another quarantine fic with kai where he and you get into an argument (maybe bc he is reckless going out with with friends during this pandemic time and you get worried) and you try to avoid each other which is hard in this situation bc you live together and afterwards you make up. Fluff with a spice of smut in the end please 
Pairing: Jongin x reader Genre: fluff, makeout, slight mentions of smut Words: 1699 A/N: I actually have a good reason for the delay with writing this one, the same day I got this req was when I yelled at my dad cause he’s being really reckless too and keeps going out despite all of us telling him not to (I don’t live with my parents, they’re countries away and i’m hella worried) so it took me a while to write this and I’m sorry for taking too long 😅  To the anon who requested it, I hope you liked it! You can see this as a prequel to the previous quarantine fic lol
“Jongin.” Your tone is accusatory enough by merely uttering his name that you hear him turn the faucet shut to listen to you from the bathroom as you ask, “Why is Wonshik texting you about getting malatang?”
“Ah, that's cause...,” You look up from his phone as he enters the bedroom quickly, eyes falling on your form seated on the bed with his phone in your hand.
“We made plans way before all this happened,” Jongin explains sheepishly, using his hands to make a sweeping gesture that indicated the four walls which was all both of you had seen for about a month now after the government had declared lockdown.
“It’s lockdown,” you state in a deadpan tone, cocking your head at him in confusion. “You can’t go outside for malatang.”
“Babe.” Jongin rolls his eyes, laughing slightly. “Relax. It's just me, Wonshik and two other guys.”
“The situation is unsafe right now,” you say in confusion, wondering why he was so nonchalant about it. “Cases have been increasing rapidly these days and eating out now is really risky.”
“Don't worry about it,” he waved off your concern, still unconvinced as he searched for a shirt inside his closet.
Your voice is firm and deadpan as you say, “Jongin.”
You see the way his shoulders tense and he slowly turns to you, eyebrow rising at the grave seriousness in your face.
“There is a virus making people literally drop dead right now,” you state. “Medical staff around the world are begging people to stay at home, governments have declared lockdown for your own safety and you want me to not worry about you getting malatang with your friends?”
You enunciate all the words slowly, as if he was a child—something that you know aggravated him but you couldn't help it when he was frustrating you with his stubbornness too.
“We made plans, Y/N,” Jongin said in a clipped tone that let you know he was suppressing his annoyance.
“So did the world,” you snort derisively. “Students wanted to graduate, people wanted to get married, idols wanted to go on tours. And you know what? They're still doing it—at home. Cause that's logical.”
“What the hell is your problem?” Jongin finally blurts, looking appalled as he glares at you.
“My problem?” You repeat in fury, standing up from the bed although it did little since your boyfriend was still taller than you, although you didn't have to crane your neck as much.
“My ‘problem’,” you mocked, eyes blazing as you narrow them at the insolent man in front of you, “is that you're being completely reckless. I like you alive, Jongin.”
“I’m not going to die,” he rolled his eyes.
“Said every person who died immediately right after those words.”
“Are you seriously—?”
“I am.” You meet his gaze heatedly. “I’m serious, Jongin. Just cancel your plans or order malatang home and have it together on a zoom call with them or something. I’ll swallow the keys to that front door if I have to but I’m not letting you out of this house. You want to act stupid, do it within these walls.”
You throw his phone back onto the bed and stomp past him, hitting his arm with your shoulder on the way out of the room.
That was almost six hours ago. It was evening now and you laid on the couch, watching a cheesy horror movie on the television as you tried to ignore Jongin sitting at the kitchen counter behind you.
Although you'd told him he could order the malatang online, he hadn't budged much except for sulking in a corner with the defiant spirit to not talk to you. You'd been proud too by deciding against asking him about it again but you did go ahead and order it yourself for both of you—which you felt deserved credit.
Sure, it wasn't verbal and yeah, it wasn't an apology either but it was something. You were trying.
You'd also felt apologetic and reconsidered being so harsh on him in the morning because you knew he was genuinely looking forward to meeting his friends after a long time due to his busy schedules.
Key word here: felt. All feelings of remorse left your body when the stubborn man-child you were dating crossed his arms and pouted, ignoring the bowl of hot malatang that you’d pointedly placed in front of him, insistent to continue his silent tantrum as an act of defiance to your scolding in the morning.
You rolled your eyes as you lowered the volume on the television as the female character screeched, feeling his gaze still on your back. The movie was a lot louder with the silence in the house that both of you were too stubborn to break.
He’d paced around the room and busied himself with his phone there for a while until boredom got the best of him, drawing him out into the living room where you were. You could feel his gaze burning holes into the back of your head but you ignored him, watching the screen although you weren't really paying attention.
The final jump-scare echoed through the speakers as the demon screeched on the screen, making you blink as you realised the movie had ended. You sat up from the couch as the ending credits rolled, stretching slightly and hearing the popping sound as you arched your back. You made a small noise at the back of your throat at the eased tension in your back from lying back on the couch in one position for couple hours now, closing your eyes as you stretched your arms.
You start to lean back into the couch and freeze when your body feels the warmth and hard planes of a familiar chest instead of the leather seat.
You don't turn your head even as his arms slowly circle around your waist, pulling you back further into him until you're comfortably nestled between his long legs that don't even fit fully on the couch.
Damn it. He knew how much you liked cuddling on the couch since both your bodies crowded the small space until you didn't know where he ended and you began.
Still, you held onto your resolve and didn't turn even as his hands came to rest on your stomach, sneaking under your shirt that had hiked up as you stretched.
“Babe.” He muttered into the nape of your neck, pressing a butterfly kiss on your shoulder. “I'm sorry.”
You close your eyes, immediately easing in his grip. Feeling you finally give in, his arms tighten around you as he moulds your body to his, pressing you completely to him and you prompt, “For?”
“Being reckless,” he replies, making a trail of kisses on the back of your shoulder before trailing softly, gently up the curve of your neck. A breathy sigh leaves your lips involuntarily at the feeling of those plush lips against your skin and you close your eyes as he whispers the words right into your ear, “For being annoyed at you when you were looking out for me.”
You wait, leaning your head against the headrest of the couch. When he doesn't continue, you open your eyes and push, “And?”
Jongin stops, pulling away from your neck. You turn to look at him then and he gives you a blank expression, saying, “And nothing.”
You narrow your eyes. “Jongin.”
“Reckless. Being stupid. That's it.”
“One more stupid thing, Kim Jongin.”
You can see the annoyance in his eyes at his internal conflict. He presses his lips together and you shake your head, narrowing your eyes at him in judgement and the universe sides with you as right then his stomach growls.
Not even fighting off the smirk, you raise an eyebrow at your boyfriend as he finally groans in frustration, admitting in defeat, “Fine! I'm sorry for not eating the malatang you bought for me as peace offering.”
You laugh as he covers his face with his hands, turning around in his lap until you're straddling him as you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him into you.
“Apology accepted,” you finally say with a smile, running your hands through his hair as you hug him. You pause before muttering, “You know I love you, right? I just want you to stay safe.”
Jongin pulls away then, looking at your face as he nods with an apologetic small smile that you can't help but give into.
“I know,” he says softly before teasing, “You like me alive.”
“Yes, I do,” you affirm, pressing your nose to his. Jongin's hand rises to cup your cheek, holding you in place to press his lips sweetly against yours.
“I love you too, Y/N,” he mutters and you kiss him back, tightening your arms around his shoulders.
Jongin grabs your hips then, kissing you heatedly and you feel the sudden urgency as his fingers dig into your sides, tongue shoving its way past your parted lips.
A low moan sounds at the back of your throat as Jongin quickly repositions both of you—pushing you down onto the couch with his body atop you and your fingers reach for the hem of his shirt, yanking it upwards when suddenly a loud growl interrupts the two of you.
You laugh loudly, unable to control yourself as Jongin hides his face in your neck and you remove your hands from beneath his shirt, pushing him off you.
“Let’s get some food in that growling stomach of yours first, you big baby,” you tease as he pouts, finally allowing you to pull away. “And maybe after that, I’ll give you some reason to enjoy lockdown.”
Jongin raises his eyebrow as you stand up and make your way to the kitchen, giving you a devilish smirk as he asks, “Food related or bedroom related?”
Your voice is slightly muffled as you bend over the fridge, searching for his malatang that you’d placed in the fridge earlier. “Ever considered eating food off of me in the bedroom?”
You hear Jongin curse loudly then as he jumps off the couch and follows you quickly into the kitchen.
A/N to everyone: even if y’all don’t have a Kai to keep you at home or the other way around, please stay safe at home and don’t be a risk to yourself/others! Higher chances of meeting Kai/your bias that way (alive)🙂
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hello, internet
I’m really about to expose myself here huh
anyway, this post is the brainchild of my quarantine. Beginning somewhere around April (what even is time) and ongoing to this day, I’ve written screenplays and fics, made pinterest boards and spotify playlists, dreamed up choreography, and plotted storylines, all as a product of both escapism from this insane world and yearning to be part of my favorite tv show in any capacity.
guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, buckle your seatbelts and allow me to introduce you to “Zoey’s Extraordinary Cousin”, Victoria Evelyn Clarke.
(most of this was written before s2 premiered, and I won’t always be changing her whole story as it would be required on this post, but I’ll continue to add fics which modify stuff to fit s2 canon)
general stuff
name: Victoria Evelyn Clarke (named after a song-first-and a friend-middle)
nickname: Tori
age: 23
height: 5′9″ (plenty of opportunity for the brogrammers to joke about how short Zoey is when compared to her younger cousin)
hair: auburn, medium length, wavy
eyes: hazel, she wears glasses
family: her father is Mitch’s brother, so Maggie and Mitch are her aunt and uncle, making Zoey and David her cousins
occupation: just graduated from a BFA musical theatre program; hired to play piano in the SPRQpoint lobby, stays there for most of the time that her story is shown and eventually books a role in the LA area, which causes her departure from the show (if she’s just a recurring character)
a few of her functions as a character
disclaimer: I’m fully aware that a lot of concepts I’ve come up with for her couldn’t actually happen on the show (especially if I played her, which of course is the ultimate dream), but I just wanted to put all of my ideas into one place
because she ends up working at SPRQpoint, Victoria serves as a bridge between Zoey’s work life and family life, making the story more cohesive
due to the blood relation and her empathetic nature, she can tell when people are singing to her. Zoey tells her about the power right away, and she provides insight, taking on a similar role to Mo but with the added bonus of already knowing her family and getting to know her coworkers better. A complication in the powers is always interesting, and it opens the door for many more possibilities
she’ll bring more musical theatre songs to the table and diversify the music genres discussed on the show; it would also be really interesting to have a character that plays an instrument and see how that might factor into heartsongs
she’d strengthen the theme of music bringing empathy through storytelling; through her insight and empathetic nature, she sees qualities in some characters that Zoey and the audience haven’t seen yet
she’s been the “therapist friend” all her life, and a big part of her arc is learning how to take care of herself and realizing that her own emotions are just as valid as those of the people she helps; this gives a contrast to Zoey’s initial awkwardness when it comes to emotions and helping people, and they help each other through everything
the fact that she quickly falls for Leif sends Zoey into a bit of a tailspin; she feels that she has to tell her what else he’s sung, which results in a question about the ethics of the power and privacy. This’ll give more depth to Leif (who we’ve barely heard from emotionally since mid-ep-11; there’s a lot behind “things change, people change” that I’m curious about) along with bringing out a protective side to Zoey and deepening the Clarke family dynamic
personality and characterization tidbits
hufflepuff through and through
sees the best in people
loves music and is really knowledgeable about it (see Zoey and Mo in the relationship section down below for the impact of this) and has escaped into it her whole life; this makes her almost a foil to Zoey as they balance each other out
just as awkward as Zoey; one can absolutely tell that they’re related if only by their speech patterns and appearance
has a playlist for every imaginable human emotion
bi and hopeless romantic, but has never really felt wanted
unashamed theatre kid
quick-thinking and witty, intelligent but idealistic, and sometimes comes across as naïve
passionate about activism and working for change
feels and cares very deeply
see pinterest board and spotify playlist below in the references section for more
relationships with other characters
Zoey Clarke: her cousin. After graduation, Victoria visits her family to be there for them after the funeral, and this begins her storyline. The extended Clarke family is tight-knit, and she and Zoey have been really close friends throughout their entire lives. They can read each other well, and the established relationship is really clear in their dialogue and the way that each is one of the few people that the other feels genuinely comfortable around. Partly because Zoey never had a younger sibling, she was always very protective of her younger cousin. This comes into play in a huge way during Victoria’s storyline, beginning with her second heartsong. One of Zoey’s internal conflicts throughout this situation is the decision of how much to share with Tori of what she knows due to earlier heartsongs; she feels it would be an invasion of privacy to tell too much, but she also feels at the start that Tori is being naïve and a bit too trusting and doesn’t want her to get hurt. This struggle deals with both Zoey’s personal relationships and the ethics of the power.
Leif Donnelly: the reason for the aforementioned internal conflict. Victoria falls hard and fast for him during her first tour of the fourth floor, leading to her second heartsong. When confronted by a dumbfounded Zoey about it, she denies it as nothing more than infatuation at first sight, but this gets harder to believe as time goes on and Zoey has to watch her cousin and sworn rival genuinely becoming friends. After a few weeks, she learns and has to accept that Victoria’s feelings are genuine. Reciprocation, though, is a whole different matter; they find this out by way of another heartsong, which is also how Victoria learns of her own addition to the power. Witnessing that song pushes Zoey over the edge, and similarly to s1e5, she eventually blurts out the truth about Leif’s previous heartsongs and relationship with Joan, which leads to Victoria’s very conflicted heartsong rendition of “Toxic” (because if no one sings it to him at some point in the series, that’s a seriously missed opportunity). We see their later conversation: Victoria isn’t sure how to bring it up, but she doesn’t have to, because the events of the end of s1 obviously did take a big toll on Leif and he wants to be honest with her about it (see chapter 7 of singin’ from a streetlight). It would be interesting if she had something to do with the way he eventually found out about the power; Victoria lives very much by her moral compass, and she would feel awful about knowing things that he doesn’t know that she knows. If I had to sum up the relationship in terms of how it serves the show, Victoria sees the parts of Leif that Zoey and the audience (for most of the season) don’t, and he’s one of the first people who’s ever made her feel wanted.
Mo Montgomery: these two get along splendidly. So splendidly, in fact, that Zoey sometimes even regrets introducing them, especially when she can’t sleep due to their late-night, belt-to-the-rafters karaoke sessions that can be heard through the apartment walls. Mo finally has someone in the building (Victoria is staying with Zoey through the duration of her arc on the show) who properly appreciates music, and the three of them (plus Max and whoever else learns about the power-Simon absolutely has to in season 2, come on) become a sort of ragtag let’s-figure-out-this-crazy-power group of friends.
David Clarke: I’ve always thought that the backstory revealed in ep 5 of David being a former theatre kid was really interesting. He and Victoria have bonded over this for a long time, and she feels betrayed when he leaves it behind due to the toxic masculinity explored in ep 5. I’d love an ep called “Zoey’s Extraordinary Brother” or something that goes deeper into that; Victoria definitely has a hand in helping David embrace that part of himself, and she’s almost as close with him as she is with Zoey.
Max Richman: she’s actually known him for quite a while, having done a bit of community theatre with him before he even met Zoey (because you cannot tell me that this man, who can canonically sing and dance and genuinely enjoys it, wasn’t one of the only boys in his high school theatre program and didn’t ever play Georg Novak at some point). He seemed to have gone through some Good Old Fashioned Character Development in ep 12, what with the “focus on yourself right now” and everything, but there’s still quite a lot to unpack that was revealed between 7 and 11. Honestly, I just want to see someone Talk Some Freakin Sense Into Him, and an old friend who’s been removed from the situation but knows both him and Zoey very well is a pretty good bet.
Simon Haynes: Victoria, along with Mo, acts as Zoey’s confidant for the central love triangle. She’s a bit put off by the idea of Simon’s cheating, but sympathizes with both him and Jessica after learning the whole story; upon meeting him, she thinks he’s wonderful. (he honestly gets some of my favorite dialogue on the show...who else can pull off all of those deep conversations along with “this is a classy affair, of course there’ll be pigs in a blanket”? in this house we appreciate JCS)
Tobin Batra: the first person she meets on her first tour of SPRQpoint, much to Zoey’s dismay. As the audience learns more about him (which I’m so freakin excited for, by the way), he and Victoria share quite a bit of banter while the season goes on. Tobin also thoroughly enjoys trying to push Leif and Victoria together, and there are a lot of fun scenes in which he has a blast acting as a wingman for his oldest and newest friends.
Mitch and Maggie Clarke: they mean absolutely everything to her. Victoria’s parents are usually supportive, but they often consider her career as an entity separate from her as a person and discuss it as if the decisions are up to them; she was always able to come to her aunt and uncle when she needed to, and she’ll always be grateful to them for it. As  previously mentioned, the extended Clarkes are really close, and Victoria deeply regrets not being able to make it to Mitch’s funeral. At the start of her arc, she believes that she doesn’t have as much right to grieve and that she has to “stay strong” for her family. Over the course of her storyline, she realizes that there are people that are there for her just as much as she’s there for them. This includes Leif, Zoey, and Mo; Maggie is one of the most important of these for her. Family is at the core of this show, and at the core of Victoria’s being.
Emily Kang: first of all, I’m still hoping she gets “Everything Changes” from Waitress in season 2. Victoria admires her wit and they enjoy each other’s company; when needed, she loves babysitting her second cousin.
Abigail: give her a last name gosh darnit. I hope she comes back as an intern in season 2; she and Tori would be SUCH good friends, and it might be neat if they had a duet of sorts, so that she’d be signing with the strings carrying on her part as Tori sang.
Aiden:  okay, I knew from the beginning they’d be best friends oh my god. She’s closer in age to him than she is to Zoey; she was often babysat by her cousins when she was little, and that’s how she got to know the kid next door, the kid who air-guitared along to the radio and made plans with her to travel the world when they got older. Naturally, she had the biggest crush on him, which Zoey thought was hilarious. They still support each other’s music and keep in touch to this day.
I’m not sure what’s going to happen in season 2 with new characters, etc, and whether characters such as Joan, Autumn, Howie, Eddie, Deb, Ava, Jessica, etc are coming back. My ideas for this character and her relationships will obviously change as the show progresses (I say as if anything will happen-it’s one of the only things I have left to hope for, okay, voice in my head, shut up) and I’m looking forward to seeing how the story continues to unfold.
some potential heartsongs
“Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” from The Phantom of the Opera: the first that the audience sees of her. After an episode of Zoey Going Through Some Stuff, she needs to talk to her dad, and realizes once she reaches the cemetery that she’s not the only one. It’s raining, much as it was when they tried to choose his plot. It’s just the beginning of the song; on “all that you dreamed I could”, Victoria’s voice cracks-she’s crying as she’s singing-and she trails off, then the instrumental continues while they talk. I mean, we’ve already had a song from an ALW musical...IT COULD WORK.
“Absolutely Smitten” by Dodie: after her first tour of the fourth floor, to an oblivious Leif. I’ve always wondered why they haven’t used the swings in the choreography yet, so I just decided to do it because Why Not. The vibes of this song would be perfect for the vibes of SPRQpoint, and it works for the scene as well; it’s vulnerable enough to be the beginning of real feelings, but cutesy enough for her to deny it to Zoey as nothing more than infatuation. If we can put the railing on the staircase back in from the pilot, it fits pretty well as a sliding-down-the-railing song, if that makes sense.
“Human” by Christina Perri: a visit to her parents. enough said. It serves as a major release for Victoria as well as the reveal that she’s far from the put-together person that she tries to be; I also feel like this kind of song would fit well into the show, and it’s more recognizable to the mainstream than most of the other songs on this list. This is also a wake-up call to Zoey that her cousin really is hurting, and the “help” that prevents the song from haunting her comes from the fact that she’s the first person to really understand Victoria’s relationship with her parents and be there for her.
“Strawberry Blond” by Mitski: the epitome of Yearning™. A few weeks have passed since “Absolutely Smitten”, and as much as Zoey would like to stay in denial about her cousin’s feelings, the universe isn’t going to let her; “I love everybody because I love you” is pretty difficult to twist out of context. This one is short and sweet, starting at the second verse and skipping to the repeated chorus. The choreo epitomizes the paradox of combined awkwardness and grace that lies at the heart of Tori’s character. She floats and spins, propelling herself around the office as if lifted from within by the music, never taking her eyes away from Leif. This is when Zoey realizes that she actually has to deal with it, prompting the swear guitar title card; this song and the next two are all part of the same episode.
“Victoria” by Jukebox the Ghost: this song is Leif’s; she accompanies it. Zoey comes downstairs to the lobby a few hours after the workday ends and hears the piano, but there’s no one playing it. It would be really interesting to see the way that instrumentals happen in heartsongs if there are actually instruments in the room; just something fun to play with in regards to the power. (yes, I named her after this song specifically for the purpose of this song, and I’m aware that if the full song is taken into its own context it doesn’t portray a particularly healthy relationship but the piano part is cool and the song just has this electric energy okay?!?!?!) The choreography is very La-La-Land-esque; it’s sweeping and explosive as they make their way across the lobby. At the second verse, she starts actually playing the piano; this cut of the song goes to the last chorus after the second verse. This is also another example of Tori’s being able to tell when she’s being sung to (the way that she finds this out is explained in jumpstarted (see below), but that wouldn’t work in this universe, so this song is how she finds out if she were actually a character). She’s in utterly joyful disbelief, going in between trading incredulous glances with Zoey and allowing herself to fall into the choreography. This song is the turning point for Zoey when it comes to the relationship she’s witnessing; while they’re on the piano bench, Leif smiles at Victoria in a similar way to the end of episode 7, and this sends Zoey’s protective-older-cousin-mode into overdrive. Feelings are one thing, but reciprocation is quite another, and this is when Zoey realizes that she has no choice but to tell Victoria the truth.
“In Case You Don’t Live Forever” by Ben Platt: let’s say that at the beginning of this episode, there was a dream that Zoey had about an old memory with Mitch in which she watches her younger self heartsing this to him, and she’s attempted for all of that time in between to remember the melody. A few days after “Victoria” takes place, Zoey is struggling to figure out how to bring up the needed conversation, and she tries to preface it by explaining how much Victoria means to her. She doesn’t get very far in her speech before she hears the music she heard in her dream; this song is Tori revealing how much she’s always looked up to Zoey, which brings her to tears and causes her to blurt out the last line of the episode: “I need to tell you something.”
“Toxic” by Britney Spears: tbh, this song once came on the radio and I thought “...wait a minute”. It’ll also be more recognizable compared to this list of showtunes and indie pop. This song takes place on the fourth floor during the next episode; Mo has come to pick up the cousins for their weekly lunch, and he and Tori are once again trying to give Zoey a crash course on musical pop culture. Today’s lesson is pop of the early 2000s, and Tori tries to give a demonstration by singing the first verse, almost unable to due to how hard the three of them are laughing. They walk past the conference room where a meeting is taking place, Leif sitting at the head of the table, and Zoey barely notices the instrumentals that have been building in the background until Tori stops short and the all-too-familiar riff (yknow, the daaaaada dadada) comes operatically from her throat rather than the invisible synth. Mo can tell by Zoey’s expression that the demonstration, which has stopped in the real world, has turned into a heartsong. As she sings, she makes her way into and around the conference room, spinning chairs and overdramatically throwing herself against walls, as if magnetically drawn to the subject of the song but trying to pull herself away. It’ll show how conflicted she is, but it’ll also be freakin’ hilarious.
“Unusual Way” from Nine: After the aforementioned much-needed conversation in the episode which “Toxic” appears in, Leiftoria (is that an unintentionally awesome ship name or what) is official. I’m not sure how long her story on the show would last, but this song marks the end of it; she books a role at a fantastic dinner theater in the Los Angeles area. In the scene of her last heartsong, Tori, Zoey, and Leif are sitting in an airport lobby. The ticket machines are down, and dozens of impatient passengers are waiting with them, listening to the drone of announcements and tinny pop music played over the loudspeakers that slowly morph into a melancholy arpeggio. If anyone reading this hasn’t listened to this piece, I highly recommend it, by the way-it’s utterly haunting and you’re definitely gonna cry. The cut starts at the second verse and skips the solo third verse to go right into the duet. There’s nothing extravagant about it; as in the musical itself, this song is carried by the sweeping, raw emotion behind it.
references or something-what do I call this one
spotify playlist: a living document (chronologically) of potential heartsongs, songs that fit her situations, and songs that just have her Vibes.
pinterest board: an ever-growing, ever-changing representation of her character. I’ve pinned everything twice so that there can be sections without disturbing the full aesthetic; each section is named after a lyric from a musical that represents that aspect of her character.
tiktoks: there are a few I’ve made about her, some actually in one or both of the universes I’ve written about (see below) and some just for The Vibes or other potential story ideas. @can.you.hear.it.echoing
jumpstarted: the first fic for anything that I’d written in years; it started out in my mind as three scenes and came out to 29 pages. This is an au in which she works at the karaoke bar; she couldn’t actually be on the show this way, but I just think it would be neat-it would only be canon compliant through the middle of s1e11 (there are a few time shifts), so here we are. (seriously though please read this one I’m very proud of it.) This story does share aspects with what she’d actually be able to become as a character, and these are further explored in my second fic.
singin’ from a streetlight: a collection of oneshots that goes through most of the potential heartsongs listed above, from Zoey’s pov. chapter 7 is an interlude, back in Tori’s pov, because Zoey doesn’t see her and Leif’s much-needed conversation on the evening of “Toxic”.
but i’ve never been quite alright: I thought of “Human” as a potential song for her after the entirety of “singin’ from a streetlight” had been published, so this is a seperate fic to explain that scene; it fits in both of the above universes.
scaffolding and christmas lights: cheesy fluffy office party holiday fic because why not. It’s fun to consider how other glitches in the power might manifest; in this one, anyone that Zoey makes eye contact with sings their heartsong to the world. this doesn’t really go with the timeline of either universe, but it’s an interesting idea that might be worked into either
with a little motivation, i’ll go far: she experiences her first heartsong, “California” by Ricky Montgomery, at the airport as she comes into San Francisco. I just this song fits her well at the beginning of her story-this was a really fun one.
it’s the terror of knowing what this world is about: taking the little bit of David’s canon backstory and RUNNING with it. he and Tori would have bonded so much over musical theatre when they were younger, and she must have felt so betrayed when he tried to abandon that part of himself; this fic explores that
‘cause i see every part of you, and i can tell you see me too: Leif shows Tori his sketchbook and Feelings Ensue. (I want to see more of him as an artist, it’s such a fascinating aspect of his character, please Austin please)
don't look too deep: I watched mamma mia 2 and this is the result. #laurengrahamfortanya2k21
have you been too much on your own: this came out of thinking about les mis too much for the thousandth time; it’s an au of chapter 2 of “singin’ from a streetlight” just because I thought it would be kind of hilarious
suddenly we all got young: the brolympics strike again. this came out a bit angstier than expected but it was so much fun to write; I’m really loving what I get to do with her in s2
just keep losing my beat: written during the midseason hiatus; finally found a way to fit her properly into s2 canon. quite proud of this one
perfection is so quick to bore: I fell so in love with the song “I Hear a Symphony” that I had to write something around it, so here this is. it’s very projection-y and rather cheesy but I tried to capture the emotion
screenplays: there are a few that I’m working on and this post will be updated as I finish and revise them
if you’ve read this far, thank you. I just wanted to get her out in the world before season 2 started so I could be as canon compliant as possible (and it happens to be Dec 21, both my birthday and the day that Planets Are Being Cool on the solstice so it’s a great day for manifesting). I would give anything to be part of this show in literally any capacity; from the beginning I loved the concept and by now, as cheesy as it sounds, it feels as if it’s almost knit to my soul. the entire cast, crew, and creative team are such wonderful people (at least from my limited view, but they seem to be very genuine) that I’d love to work with, and this idea has been a sort of a coping mechanism through everything going on in the world and in my life. This post will probably be updated as I come up with more content and the show develops during s2 and beyond. even if nothing comes of this, I love my Tori dearly, and I hope anyone reading this enjoyed learning about her as much as I’m enjoying creating her story.
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runner5ive · 4 years
😠!!! Grumpy apocalypse mom and our gremlin child, pretty please! 🥺
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Janine and Five!
If you'd like to request something please go here to see who’s who! I've had a few requests so far and I'm starting to work through them, but there's still plenty of characters available 💕
Apologies this ones longer than I expected 😅 I just have a lot of love for Janine.
The moment Five arrives in Abel, Janine is delighted at the thought of having an actual military trained recruit in her township.
And for a while, it's exactly as she'd hoped it'd be. Five stands and salutes her whenever she walks by (even if no one else does), they do whatever tasks are given to them without argument. Hell, her name sign is 'Boss' and she is thrilled.
She thinks, for a moment, that perhaps This new soldier would be good for Abel. Maybe they'll help... reign in the other runners a little. Bring a level of seriousness to the township.
But then she starts to see Five change. Five becomes sillier, bouncier, less like a soldier and more like... like someone their own age.
And at first Janine's put down. She blames Sam and Simon for corrupting her perfect little soldier. Uncertain what she's doing wrong, she asks Five what Mullins was like, hoping for an idea of how to reign in her own runners. And so Five tells her, and Janine realises just how broken and miserable Five actually was when they arrived.
So, she figures, she might not have the perfect little soldier, but at least she has herself a happy, loyal runner.
And Five is loyal.
They don't leap to their feet every time she walks by anymore, but they always, without fail, salute her. They still call her Boss. They still do everything she asks without question. They're just... happier.
When Five thinks they'll be going back to Mullins at some point, they mostly crash on Janine's couch in the farmhouse, refusing any permenant lodgings incase they get too cosy. The minute Five decides they're staying - they move out and get their own corner of a housing tent and the farmhouse seems a lot... emptier without them there every morning and night.
Janine refuses to admit she misses them. She carries on, business as usual, certain that Five wouldn't be too bothered about seeing her other than during missions. But Five surprises her. She'll be sat in her office, pouring over documents and trying to figure out how to fairly share out rations, or planning missions. And she won't even notice anyone come in until she notices the mug of coffee and a biscuit beside her.
When she falls asleep during her work, Five will usually be the one waking her gentle, smiling warmly and giving her a friendly salute before suggesting she went to bed.
Janine is a strong, but somewhat socially awkward too. Listening to her on runs always makes them smile.
Spoilers from S1M6 below the cut:
Season 1
S1M6 Janine feels awful after leading Five into an ambush. She almost can't believe it. She was so sure they could trust New Canton, and she was wrong. She's frustrated with herself and her own poor judgement, taking it out on Sam before storming off to bed.
S1M7 When Five returns that night, dehydrated, exhausted and a little battered, Janine goes to visit them in the quarantine hospital rooms. Five is asleep, unaware she's there, but Janine is comforted at that moment just by watching them breathe.
After that, Janine shows more concern for Five in her own subtle ways. Checking they have all their supplies for long missions, making sure they have enough warm clothes in winter. She always asks Maxine for updates on their health if they ever need to go to the infirmary. She pretends not to care... but Five knows. And Five cares too.
Season 2
S2M1 Whilst Five is staying at New Canton, their cat Simon Pawchlan Feline De Luca ends ups living with Janine. She pretends to hate it, but honestly he’s good company. Plus, he’s a good mouse catcher. Though she cant help but think that the combination of hers and Simon’s names is a not so subtle hint from Five. 
S2M4 The attack on Abel practically destroyed Five's bunk. Their friends were able to salvage most of their stuff, but the broken bed and the influx of those needing housing means that Five doesn't really have anywhere to stay when they return home from New Canton. Janine act frustrated that Sam had brought them back without checking with her first, especially since there's nowhere for them to stay, but she's secretly glad they're crashing on her couch again.
With the Major back at Abel, Janine can't help but notice the same stiffness return to Five when they take orders from this stranger, and it surprises her. Because this was the Major, the one in charge, and although Five had never met her before they must know she's trustworthy.
But Five warms slowly to this new person in charge. Not many others notice because they're all treading on eggshells now the Major is back, but for Five it's different. Janine is the one to realise that perhaps she reminds them of Mullins a little too much.
Janine is also surprised to see that any orders the Major gives them, Five's eyes would dart to Janine for confirmation. Five is a loyal runner, but only to those they know, and at that point they're loyal to Janine, not the Major.
Janine doesn't mention it to them, but she keeps an eye on Five, watching over the weeks as they gradually warm up to the Major. Still, there's not the same level of trust for the Major as there is for her.
S2M40 But then it turns out there's a traitor in Abel. And there's only so many people it can be. And Janine can't help but suspect Five. Because, let's be honest, Five hadn't really been there that long. Five arrived through rather suspicious circumstances. And Five still hadn't admitted who exactly they were before the apocalypse. Not even a name.
Five is hurt that Janine suspects them. It leaves them uneasy around her. But they still refuse to give her their name. When Janine demands an explanation why not, Five struggles to sign coherently. They're upset, but they manage to get the message across: they don't like who they were before and they're trying to forget. They're trying to be better. This of course only builds more suspicion.
S2M43 The day Simon is revealed to be the traitor, Janine is devestated. Because it can't be Simon. Not Simon. Not her stupid Simon. She listens as Jamie attacks him with the bat, stunned and horrified, but also hating herself for how she suspected Five more than anyone.
When Five gets back, they run straight up to Janine and throw their arms around her, stunning Janine, who is not a hugger. She's not sure if Five is trying to comfort her or looking for comfort themself. She awkwardly pats them on the back.
That day, Five gives Janine their birthname. It's hard to do, but they do it. They tell her that if she wants to look them up, she can. They're tired of secrets. Janine waits for them to leave before searching that name, and then deleting everything she can find on them, without reading a single thing. As far as the world is concerned, Five's life started at Abel.
Season 3
S3M5 The day Five accepts to become the Head of the Runners, Janine decides to make the role official. With the promotion, Five works a lot closer with her, planning mission and training regimes, and earning an official 'Head of Runners' bedroom in Janine's house. It was a downstairs pantry, but it's a decent size and already has lots of shelves and a nice view from the window. Everyone helps to do it up so it's nice and cosy, and Five can finally move off the couch and into their own space.
Five has no idea what to do with a bedroom of their own and is very overwhelmed. More hugs for Janine, even if she's more of a handshake kind of gal.
Five has an entire shelf dedicated to the people they've lost. Sara's sunglasses, photos of Simon.
Five is a lot more cautious about Janine's wellbeing than they've ever been. There are more instances than not where Five will physically drag Janine's in her chair from her desk, seizing her work and refusing to give it back until she went and had some food.
Janine's raised, frustrated voice can usually be heard from outside, and people ask Five how they cope, since all Janine seems to do is shout at them.
Five doesn't care. Because they know Janine cares too. With their additional duties, Five's often working late, and Janine is somewhat surprised by how seriously they're taking this role. Five just wants to do her proud, which is weird because they've never really done anything to make anyone proud before. When Five falls asleep in their work, they'll wake with a blanket over them.
Mornings are cosy. They both usually get up at a similar time. Whoever gets to the kitchen first usually makes the other a hot drink, and they usually sit in silence, reading the mornings memos together.
Five knows Janine's missing Simon, but neither of them can bare to talk about him. Still, on days Janine's feeling particularly low, Five can usually tell. They give her extra buscuits these days.
Season 4
S4M22 Five is a wreck after Sam gets bit. Like, a complete mess. Everyone tries to consolidate them when they get back to Abel, but they are in self-destructive mode. They run off, and hours later Jody finds them having raided one of Simon's old whisky stashes. They're rotten drunk and barely able to stand.
They DEMAND to be taken to Tom. Their shotgun is in their hands, and there is rage on their face. Everyone's panicking, but Janine doesn't say a word. She just marches up to five, punches them in the gut so hard they drop to their knees, and yank their shotgun from their hands.
Janine refuses to take them to the infirmary, saying they just needed to sleep it off, and drags them into the farmhouse to look after them herself. It's very much tough love. This includes forcing her fingers down their throat to get them to puke up as much booze as they can, forcing them into the shower so she can hose them down, and getting them ready for bed. Five asks if she misses him, and for a moment Janine thinks they mean Sam, until she realises she'd tossed Five one of Simon's old shirts to wear as pjs. That night they sit on Janine's bed talk properly about Simon, not really speaking just quietly signing between each other, and Five ends up falling into a drunken sleep against her shoulder. Janine has no idea what to do, so she doesn't disturb them and lets them sleep. Besides, at least this way she can make sure they don't choke on their own vomit in the night.
Thankfully, Five doesn't puke on her in their sleep. They do drool a lot though.
Five knows Janine is going through some stuff when they capture Tom, and although they want to help, she refuses. Still, they're there for her. They don't even care when she threatens to court marshal them again. They just keep telling her: whatever you need, I'm there.
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fics-of-my-mind · 4 years
Trust - Chapter IV.
'I mean...,' I bit my bottom lip, thinking about my next words. 'You definitely seem like someone who would lay a girl over your lap when something wasn't going your way.'
I could see him sharply inhale as an effect of my words. I was satisfied with the reaction.
'What else do you think I'd do to her?' he asked in a slightly rougher voice. He was keeping his cool, no expression on his face. I could feel my blush returning, but I didn't care anymore.
'Mark her skin.'
'Define.' It was more of an order than a request and I didn't even think about refusing to answer. I started feeling really hot between my legs and fidgeting wasn't helping anymore.
'Your palm prints would show on her ass. Love bites on her neck and collarbone. Maybe even your fingertips on her hips if you are rough enough,' I said slowly, weighing every word. As embarrassed as I felt minutes earlier, now excitement and desire took over my mind. Nick seemed entertained, only a smug smile playing on his lips.
'Would I also pleasure her?' he asked with a dark glance, still not moving his eyes and not shifting in his seat at all.
'Of course. She'd have no reason to be unsatisfied.'
Warnings: mature content, BDSM content Pairing: Nick Jonas / Other Female Character This fanfiction can also be found on Wattpad by fnntth
I don’t own Nick Jonas or any other recognizable characters. This fanfiction is completely fictional, its only purpose is entertainment.
Chapter IV. - Yeah tonight, I’m gonna fly
Nick’s texts are bold
Milla’s texts are italic
what are you doing?
It's Saturday
so Netflix? :D
Ever since the first time he texted me, about two or three weeks ago, we've been constantly texting. It was nice, having someone to talk to all the time. Due to the 9 hour time difference between us, we weren't in sync at all. Most of the times I was already working while he was asleep and when he went to bed at night, I was already up, ready to start my day.
It was weird, a little bit hard to get used to, but still worth it. During the weeks I got to know little things about him, like in fact, he ate an omelet with feta cheese and spinach almost every day, that he liked to work out in the mornings rather than in the evenings, that he talked to his brothers every few days and he sometimes spent long hours without getting out of his home studio.
We talked about everything. Our likes, dislikes, families, jobs, dogs, our favorite Netflix movies or series, food, drinks, plus every random thing we'd find on the internet. The only thing that never made it into the conversation was Priyanka, which bothered me less than it should've. I've been home for weeks now, completely alone, only leaving the apartment for dog walks and for going to grocery shopping. The Face Time and Teams calls, as good as they were, never made up for the lack of human contact.
Talking to Nick took my mind of it almost completely. He's called me a couple of times, usually from his home studio – I guess that was where his wife would never bother him -, and we've spent hours talking about everything and nothing. On our third talk I've realized that I couldn't refer to him anymore as a complete stranger – I've shared things with him that I wasn't even comfortable sharing with my best friends.
I felt so free talking to him, letting go of my inhibitions and of the fear of the conversation turning awkward. I never really felt like this about anyone, and honestly the thought of Nick being the person who knew about my thoughts on the deepest level made me feel like I was in some ridiculous fanfiction. Things like this didn't happen in real life. They just didn't.
Maybe the knowledge that probably we weren't ever going to see each other again made me open up to him. Maybe the fact that he was married and there was no chance for my teenage girl fantasies to come true, made me act naturally around him. Whatever it was, it took my thoughts off of the quarantine and the current situation and I couldn't be more grateful.
I usually had this fear of being too much for the people around me. When I liked someone – as a friend -, I really loved them. I was the kind of person, who only had a few close friends, but would do anything for them. When I was thinking about those few people closest to me, there was nothing I wouldn't have done for them. I wanted to know about their lives, hang out with them and not being involved in something usually made me sad. And I was always afraid that this quality of mine would throw some people off, they'd thing I'm just too much, that I'm trying too hard.
So, I tried to keep it cool with Nick. Usually he was the one calling me and we'd only start up a conversation when he'd send the first text. After that we'd keep texting constantly, but since he was, well, Nick Jonas and he was the married one, I was careful. I didn't want to text him at the wrong time or call him when Priyanka was around. I mean, who would be happy if their husband kept texting some unknown girl...
how 'bout a call tonight?
haven't heard your voice for days
When he said things like this, my heart would usually start to race. Even though my brain was aware that there was a 0.0001 chance of anything ever happening between us, he was still one of the first few guys in my life that'd write something like this. I didn't mind it. It's been a while since I've had a crush on anyone, and who would be more perfect for this role than Nick? I've had a crush on him for the greater part of my life anyway.
What time?
around 10ish?
My time or your time?
your night, my afternoon :)
Okay. :)
At the first time, I was so nervous when he has announced that he was going to call me. You see, I was someone who always found something to worry about. I was a mess. Then, into a few minutes of the conversation all of my concerns were gone. He's just had that effect on me, his voice was like a sedative for my nerves.
When I shared this with him, he's gotten used to calling me unannounced, not leaving lime for me to worry. It was better, and I've started truly appreciating it just now when my mind was all around the place again. He's left me about three hours to worry about nothing.
I tried calming my nerves with some series binge-watching, and the turning to my all-time favorite relaxing activity, my face care routine. I've cleaned, scrubbed, moisturized my face and the I threw up a face mask. It wasn't very effective, didn't make me any calmer but at least my skin looked flawless.
By 10 PM I was sitting on my couch, wearing some black yoga pants and a black top with only some sports bra. My hair was still slightly wet from my shower and I was wrapping myself up in my Harry Potter blanket when Nick called. On FaceTime.
Now, I was worried about all of the things that could go wrong during our call, like Priyanka walking on, or me saying something I shouldn't have said. Never has it ever cross my mind that Nick would just casually FaceTime me.
On normal days, I was wearing makeup. I was working for a beauty company, on a makeup brand, so any time my face was natural, I felt like something was missing, therefore I wasn't as confident as otherwise. Now there was nothing on my skin, except for some lip balm and I felt like panicking.
Not that the fact that Nick was FaceTiming me wasn't enough reason for panicking. I haven't seen his face for more than a month now – well, except on YouTube videos and on Instagram – and as much as I was looking forward to it, I was also anxious.
just answer it!
don't overthink it please
I looked at his text, and kind of hated the fact that he got to know me so well in mere weeks that he knew what was going on in my head. I so wanted to decline and call him back in a regular call, but somehow I could feel the authority in his text and decided that it wouldn't lead anywhere, he'd just call me back on FaceTime. After a deep breath hit the 'accept' button on my MacBook.
'You didn't mention anything about FaceTime,' I said with displeasure as soon as his handsome face showed up on my screen. God, I've missed seeing it.
'Thought I'd surprise you,' he shrugged, but there was a smug smile on his face. 'Hello Beautiful.'
'I don't like surprises,' I rolled my eyes. I didn't feel beautiful, not without makeup and in my home clothes, but Nick didn't seem to mind my outfit as he examined my face.
'Sush, you love them. Especially if the surprise includes me,' he said, all cheeky.
'I just thought,' he started a bit more seriously. 'That we haven't been face to face since we've met. And it was time.' His face was honest, like he really wanted to see me. I bit my lips, thinking of a proper answer. 'I just love seeing your reactions,' he added, which made me roll my eyes again and earn another chuckle from him.
'Aren't you afraid that your wife will walk in and see you FaceTime another woman?' I asked the question, making his face lose the smile and the ease. I didn't want to ruin his mood, I was just worried. It wouldn't lead to anything good if Priyanka walked in the room and realized that Nick was talking to someone.
He pressed his lips together in a thin line and frowned. For a few seconds he didn't say anything, which made the anxiety in me rise.
'No,' he said slowly, wetting his lips with his tongue, which made me feel funny in my stomach. My reactions to him were ridiculous. 'Pri isn't home, she went to see a friend.'
'And what if she comes home?'
'I don't want to talk about her, Milla' he replied, putting the emphasis on my name. I didn't want to let it go, I knew that I couldn't let the worry go away completely if he wasn't a 100% sure that he was alone. He wasn't even in his music studio like when we usually talked, but somewhere which seemed like a living room. I opened my mouth, but he shot me up before I could say anything else. 'Milla.' My name sounded like a warning from his mouth and I couldn't help but nod.
Nobody has ever had an effect like this on me. I couldn't quite place it. Usually I was independent and stubborn, and wouldn't drop something that I wanted to talk about like this. But when Nick said, no, commanded that I let it go, I – almost – instantly obliged. It was honestly scary and it wasn't just about me being afraid that he will get tired of me. It was something else.
'Okay,' I agreed to his request, for whatever reason trusting that he knew when his wife would be home and trying to let go of the fear of her walking in. It wasn't a good feeling, I felt like a dirty little secret, even when we weren't doing more than talking.
'Good,' he nodded, satisfied with my answer. 'So I have a new neighbor.'
'Really?' I rolled my eyes. 'Of course, in Hollywood what would be a better program during quarantine than real-estate buying?' I said with much irony.
Sometimes Nick told me stories about the rich and famous acquaintances he had, and most of the times he'd laugh with me about the craziness. As rich as he himself was, he could still laugh at the crazy rich, like the Kardashians. It was surreal, hearing real life stories about people that I've only known before from Instagram and the celebrity news websites.
'You can laugh all you want, but people have time now to actually see some offers for real, and not just buy something that their agent recommends' he said.
'You're also buying a new house, aren't you?' I asked, suspicious about his answer. He ran his hand through the hair on the back of his head.
'I've been looking at some listings. Real-estate is always a great investment,' he shrugged. 'By the way, it's Encino, not Hollywood,' he corrected.
'Well, it's still LA, isn't it?'
'Yeah,' Nick nodded. 'So aren't you curious about my new neighbor?'
'Should I?' I asked, amused about his irritation for my lack of curiosity. Of course, I was curious, especially if he thought it'd be interesting. 'Who is it?'
'It's the guy who played in Fifty Shades of Grey,' he announced.
'Mr. Grey? Oh my God,' I grinned. I loved him probably much more than I loved the movie, since it was awful. When I first read the books, they weren't too bad though.
'Well, he usually goes by Jamie, but sure,' he chuckled.
'And will he move in, or is it just an investment?'
'I ran into him yesterday, he said he'll keep it as a holiday home.'
'I wonder if there is an RROP in it,' I said, only realizing what had just slipped my mouth when it was already out. I instantly covered my mouth, trying to take it back, even though it was only meant as a joke. Nick looked at me with a confused expression on his face.
'RROP?' he asked, and the tingling in my stomach has gotten worse instantly. Hearing him say the letters made me want to crawl out of my skin. I instantly regretted that Fifty Shades used to be a thing that I've fangirled about. 'What is that short for?'
'Nothing,' I replied quickly. I could feel the heat crawling up to my face.
'It's clearly not nothing. You're blushing,' he stated, and I had to run my palm through my face in embarrassment. Truth is, he was pretty good at making me blush, though he's never seen it through the phone. Now he could see everything on my face. 'C'mon, Milla.'
'Will you just drop it, please?' I asked in a small voice. I really felt embarrassed and he really enjoyed it, as the smirk on his face revealed.
'Nope,' he said, popping the 'P'. I groaned in frustration and covered my face in my palms.
'RROP stands for Red Room of Pain.'
After I said the words, it was quiet for way too long. I didn't dare to look up into the camera, and even if I was dying to see his expression and try to get a read on his face, I was way too embarrassed. This wasn't something you'd just bring up in a conversation like this, and even if we could've just let this topic go, I had a feeling that Nick had something else on his mind.
It both scared and excited me.
We've already touched on this topic, when back in Barcelona I called him dominant. He neither refused nor confirm it back then, but ever since we've been talking, he had some tells. I was quite sure now that he was, in fact dominating, just as I was sure that he knew what a Red Room of Pain was and I didn't have to go into details. Hell, maybe he's already been in one. Maybe he had his own in that mansion he was living in.
'Now why couldn't you tell me that?' he asked eventually, making me let my arms drop and looking back at the screen. He looked at me with an expressionless face, but I could sense the intrigue radiating off him, even through the screen.
'Well,' I started, licking my bottom lip. 'Because it's embarrassing.'
'Thinking about things that interest you?' he asked in his deep voice. 'I mean, from that heated reaction it's quite obvious that you're interested,' he added.
Honestly, I was interested in this. I think Fifty Shades was the thing that made me dive deeper into the BDSM world, to read about it, learn about it. It excited me, and even though I've never tried anything, it was a constantly part of my daydreams. Well, my daydreams in connection with sex.
'No, not thinking about them,' I shook my head. It was easy to open up to Nick about a lot of things, but this was different. This was something that I've only had a real conversation about in my mind. 'Talking about them is different though.'
'I want you to feel free to talk about anything with me. I thought we are over this,' he said frowning. He wasn't happy with my answer, I could tell. There was something in his eyes that I couldn't identify.
'We are, but this... It's not something I feel comfortable talking about with anyone,' I sighed, quite frustrated with this topic. I never expected the conversation to turn like this, but I could only blame myself. Well, and Nick for not letting it go.
'What? Sex?' he asked, raising his eyebrows, and as he said the word 'sex', I shifted in my position, feeling uncomfortable.
'Yes. It's just not something I go around talking about with everyone,' I shrugged. Nick looked at me for a long minute, with a gaze so deep as if he could see into my soul. I fidgeted again.
'No,' he shook his head. 'You don't talk about this with anyone. You've never talked about sex with anyone,' he said slowly, still shaking his head. I hated when he analyzed me.
'I know you never had a long-term boyfriend, but not even with your sexual partners? Friends? No one?' he asked, and suddenly I was feeling like he was judging me. I didn't like this.
'I'm not a prude, Nick,' I said. I really wasn't. I mean, I don't really think any prude would be interested in BDSM.
'I know that,' he nodded, raising his hand apologetically. 'I didn't mean to be insensitive.'
I sighed. I know he didn't mean it, but this whole conversation was making me uncomfortable, yet excited. This was probably the first thing I felt weird talking about with him, but then again, it would've been uncomfortable with anyone else. Probably even more so...
'Of course I talked about sex with my friends,' I said eventually, giving in. His face was way too remorseful, and I didn't want him to feel sorry about bringing up a topic which was natural. Especially since I am the one that accidentally brought it up. 'But not about my deepest interests. We aren't that kind of friends that just share these things.'
'Do you think we can be the kind of friends that do share these things?' he asked with genuine interest on his face.
'Why do you want to talk about this so much?' I asked, wanting to understand his motives. It's one thing that I've had no one to talk about it with, but him... He was married for God's sake.
'Because I'm interested in whatever is going on in your head.'
'You fascinate me,' he shrugged. I looked at him with my mouth open. Fascinate. I don't think that was a word that anyone has ever said about me. Especially not to my face. 'Your reactions are really something else.'
I hummed, trying to process his honesty. I had no idea what we were doing, where this was heading to. But seeing the look on his face, I didn't want to shot him down, I didn't want to disappoint him.
'Okay, it interests me,' I admitted, jumping back to the original topic.
'Sex, or...?' he asked hesitantly, clearly not wanting to push me.
'See, that wasn't so hard, was it?' he chuckled smugly.
'But I think, it also interests you,' I added. I just hoped that I was in fact right and wasn't heading towards another great embarrassment.
'What makes you think that?' he asked, raising his eyebrows, but there was a smirk on his lips.
'I already told you Nick, you're a dominant little fuck. It shows,' I shrugged, with a smile in the corner of my mouth.
'Am I really?' He was smug, never moving his gaze from mine. It was a dangerous game, guessing. Somehow I felt like I was right. I also felt like he wasn't just going to admit it, but suddenly, talking about this with him, I had to know. So I had to find another way.
'I mean...,' I bit my bottom lip, thinking about my next words. 'You definitely seem like someone who would lay a girl over your lap when something wasn't going your way.'
I could see him sharply inhale as an effect of my words. I was satisfied with the reaction.
'What else do you think I'd do to her?' he asked in a slightly rougher voice. He was keeping his cool, no expression on his face. I could feel my blush returning, but I didn't care anymore.
'Mark her skin.'
'Define.' It was more of an order than a request and I didn't even think about refusing to answer. I started feeling really hot between my legs and fidgeting wasn't helping anymore.
'Your palm prints would show on her ass. Love bites on her neck and collarbone. Maybe even your fingertips on her hips if you are rough enough,' I said slowly, weighing every word. As embarrassed as I felt minutes earlier, now excitement and desire took over my mind. Nick seemed entertained, only a smug smile playing on his lips.
'Would I also pleasure her?' he asked with a dark glance, still not moving his eyes and not shifting in his seat at all.
'Of course. She'd have no reason to be unsatisfied.'
'Elaborate.' Came the next command. I rolled my eyes. 'Don't roll your eyes at me!' His voice was still calm but it had a hidden edge that made me quail.
'Sorry,' I said, wetting my lips. His glance moved to my lips, then back to my eyes. 'I think you'd make her wait, torture her, refusing to kiss her where she wants you the most.'
'Where is that?' he asked, and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at him again. Of course, he was going to make me say it out loud.
'On her clit.'
'Would I only use my tongue?'
'At first,' I nodded, feeling very hot in my clothes. I'm sure that my panties were already soaked with my wetness. 'Then you'd add a finger. Then one more. Probably a third one.'
'Would I also pay attention to her breasts?'
'I guess,' I shrugged. Honestly, I have no idea. Boobs have never really been a big turn on for me, but I guess for some people they are. 'And she would also pleasure you.'
'How so?'
'She quite likes to give blowjobs. She would lick you, then try to swallow you.'
'Do you think she can fit me into her mouth?' he asked smugly.
'No way,' I chuckled. 'We've all seen that photoshoot, Nicholas.'
'Would she want me to help?' Came the next question. I needed friction, I needed to move my hand closer to my heat, but I couldn't risk him noticing. We were just talking after all, it would've been super weird.
'Would she want you to fuck her mouth?' I asked with a dry mouth. We were talking about 'her', but we both knew we were talking about me. He nodded, swallowing. 'Yes.'
'How do you think I'd take her?' he asked, his voice now even deeper and slightly hoarse. It made me feel even hotter.
'Up against the wall,' I bit my lip hard as I closed my eyes and imagined the scene before me. This, I was good at, daydreaming, imagining scenes that haven't happened. 'Then however you can access her the best.'
'Would I be rough?' I swallowed at his question.
'Yes. She'd want you not to hold back.'
'Then she doesn't know what she's up against,' he said in his deep voice. 'Eyes on me, Milla.' I opened my eyes, only to see him leaning closer to the monitor. I couldn't see him past his chest region, but there was no way he didn't have a reaction. 'Do you think I'd let her be on top?'
'Perhaps,' I said, biting my lip. 'So she could sink down on you and you can completely fill her up.' I knew my face was red like a tomato, but I didn't care. 'But you'd still have all the control.'
'How would I make her come?' he asked, now breathing a little bit heavier.
'You'd make her come multiple times. With you inside of her, so you could feel her walls pulsating.' Thank God for all of those smutty fanfictions I've read, which provided me with the vocabulary, so I could perfectly express my thoughts to him. 'You'd pull her hair and play with her clit, you'd bite on her shoulder, slap her ass creating friction.'
'Would she be able to come with me?'
'If you get her on edge again, sure.' I resisted the urge to close my eyes again, rather I concentrated on the man on my screen. 'So am I right?' I asked.
'About what?'
'About you being dominant.' He licked his lips before answering, and I really really wanted to touch myself at that.
'I do like control,' he nodded. I was right, wow. I grinned at him and he ran his hand through his stubble. 'How wet are you right now?'
'Nick!' I gasped. This was something I didn't expect. We have been talking about an imaginative 'she' up until now after all.
'How wet?' he repeated, not seeming amused about my modesty anymore. He expected an answer and I've never felt this embarrassed in my life. 'Milla,' he said my name impatiently.
'Wet,' I said, dropping my glance to my lap. I couldn't help it, I just wasn't this confident person who felt comfortable talking about this face to face.
'Are your panties dripping?' he asked, and I looked up at him with shock on my face. 'I want you to check.' Our gazes connected and as much as I wanted to deny his order, something in me didn't let me. I dipped between my legs.
'I can feel my wetness through my yoga pants,' I said quietly, almost whispering.
'Good,' he replied smugly. 'I want you to think about the scene we've just played through when you touch yourself tonight,' he said.
Before I could reply anything in my shock, he disconnected the call.
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sandalaris · 4 years
10 for 10 for 10
I’ve been tagged by @yossariandawn Thanks for thinking of me! and for all the great questions! (and sorry it took so long. I had a hard time thinking of 10 questions of my own.)
Answer 10 questions, ask 10 questions, tag 10 people.
1. If you could learn a new skill instantly, what would you choose? I’m not sure. I think that if it’s a skill you really enjoy than taking the time to learn becomes part of the enjoyment, so it’d have to be a skill I either only kind of wanted or that I felt was a need over a want. Oo, MMA, good exercise and the ability to defend myself or someone else if I ever need to, and it’s not something I feel really passionately about going through the process of learning.
2. What part of the world (that you’ve never been to) would you choose to live in for a month? Hyère, France. Don’t even have to think about it. About eight years ago I was planning a move and it was on the short list of places I was considering going to. The climate seemed the most ideal to what I wanted to live in and all the pictures were beautiful. 
3. Favorite kind of sandwich or wrap? Grilled cheese? I don’t like sandwiches (or wraps) typically.
4. Show swap! Bring back 3 shows you love, but you also have to choose 3 you like to cancel instead. Oo, gotta think about this one. I don’t want to bring back a show that was already past its peak and I don’t want to say to cancel a show that isn’t ready to end.
Cancel: (I stuck only with shows that I watch and enjoy so I’m not digging at any show just because it’s not my personal preference)
NCIS – I love the show, seen every last episode and will continue watching it until the end, but it’s time for it to wrap up. It well past its prime.
Lucifer – Listen, I love this show, and there’s a ton of great characters and material here to make a long running series, but they have started going in circles with it and that’s making it feel old. How many times can the same characters learn the same lessons before it just feels like the writers are just forcing things back into the same ol’ mold? Let the story grow or move on.
Shameless – It’s a stretch because the finale season has already been declared, but it’s a show that I don’t really need that finale season, even if I will watch and enjoy it, because it’s reached its natural end.
Bring back:
From Dusk till Dawn: the series – I debated on this one. It wrapped everything up so nicely and I’m quite happy with how it ended, but at the same time the writers had plans for the next season and it was never officially cancelled and there’s so much more story that could be told.
Firefly – Although it’s been enough time that it might have to be more of a reboot maybe? Or are we doing the impossible and it’s coming back shortly after it was canceled? Either way, that show was cancelled way too soon.
The Gifted – Yes, it was a bit cheesy but it’s just as good, if not better than, a lot of the comicbook shows still going AND it ended on a cliffhanger. It needed to continue
5. What fandom would you want to get into, but haven’t yet? I don’t know. I feel like I don’t exactly pick my fandoms. I start watching a show or go see a movie or read a book and then if I feel like looking up fandom stuff after I do.  
6. What show or movie do you watch to cheer you up? Probably Community. It’s a good show that has that nice balance of being a ridiculous comedy, but not too silly at the same time. And it hits so many of my favorite tropes. (Leverage could also count.)
7. Favorite condiments? ….salt? That’s technically a seasoning, but I am not a condiment fan. They are mostly gross and just cover up the flavor the food with their grossness.
8. What characters (from different universes) do you think would love hanging out together? Pick as many as you want. I wrote for fun a Kisa (FDtD) and Troy (Community) scene and discovered I really like them interacting (there was other people in the scene, but they stole all my attention in a matter of moments). They connected in a weird way and I loved writing Kisa’s bizarre and confused reactions to Troy. Britta (Community) and Richie (FDtD) would get along well I think. They’d click in that odd way that Richie has with random people and Britta would be a little too oblivious to Richie’s more social flaws/creepy nature, as is her way when it comes to guys with even the tiniest bit of charm and intelligence. Not gonna lie, I kind of ship them now.
I would also put Shawn from Psych with the entire Leverage crew. Sophie is the only one I feel would find him a bit much at times, mainly because she can spot a grift a mile away and Shawn’s kind of always “on” and think it would mess with her trust issues too much for her to be entirely comfortable around him. Nate sees his potential, especially if Shawn’s been brought in to help on a job, and the guy is ultimately one of the Good Guys, and he would go a long way to helping put Sophie at ease. Because Nate’s too smart to be taken in by someone like Shawn and Sophie wouldn’t feel like she’s the only one who sees him for the conartist he is. Eliot would groan and grumble for show, but in the end Shawn’s like a combination of  his two favorite people in the world; Parker and Hardison. Plus, I headcanon Shawn and Eliot as cousins. I think Hardison might find Shawn a little too like himself to ever be best buddies with the guy, but overall they’d get along just fine. As for Parker... I feel like they’d be almost like two kids on the playground who both found out they like the same obscure cartoon none of the other kids have seen. 
I have a little headcanon about Parker (Leverage) and Clint Barton (MCU) having been in the same foster home as kids and having this kind of a past-sibling-esque connection. I like to think that with both their careers they don’t meet up often, but whenever they realize they are in the same place at the same time, it’s a given that they’ll hang out while there.
My roommate keeps yelling over my shoulder Starlord and Micheal (from the movie starring John Travolta) until I agreed to put them. They would get along in a weird sort of fun way that would be fun to watch but hard to be a part of, but since I haven’t see that movie since I was a kid it’s not one I think of.
9. What’s the most underrated show or movie or book or artist that you love and people should really check out?
Ilona Andrews is an amazing author and more people should check their works out. But the most underrated show I think I’ve ever gotten into… honestly would probably be From Dusk till Dawn. I feel like most of my followers are at least aware of it though because I post enough about it, but it was just really good and sort of cut off before its time. A really close second would be Leverage. It’s still the number one show I recommend when people ask me and I just adore it to pieces.
10. What were you obsessed with as a kid?
So many things, but probably Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin the most. Pretty sure I named more than one stuffed animal after her.
My questions:
1.      What was your first fandom? Are you still a part of it?
2.      Current self care method(s)?
3.      What are three (3) shows you keep meaning to binge watch but haven’t yet?
4.      Do you stay active in fandoms after a new one catches your eye, or are you more a one at a time person?
5.      What was the last movie you saw with someone else? What would you rate it?
6.      Favorite guilty pleasure?
7.      What’s a highly underrated show/movie/book series that you would recommend?
8.      Any new hobbies you’ve started during quarantine? Any you want to start?
9.      What meme do you wish would just die already?
10.  Spread the love to your followers and post at least one link to a fic you’re reading/have read/wish to read/you’ve written yourself/etc. 
I tag: @shyesplease @valeskaj @ithoughtiwasflying @c-sand @mygutsforgarters @bethanyactually @crystallinee-waters @evanberries @nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather @katwithlove and anyone else who wants to do answer! Seriously, I love having people respond even if I didn’t tag someone. 
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minyoukyung · 4 years
BTS Imagine #14: Quarantine (Part 3)
Word count: 1,904
Members featured: All
Description: What better people to be quarantined with than BTS? The eight of us have a sleepover in the living room, watch movies, and talk about what we want to do once the quarantine has been lifted.
"Noona! There's something here for you!"
I looked towards my door, hearing the faint sound of Jimin's voice calling me from the living room.
I looked back down at the lesson plan I was working on. It wasn't going to finish itself but after being stuck for the past hour and a half, a break wouldn't hurt.
"Noona, noona, noona!" Jimin gushed, practically bouncing with excitement.
"What is it?" I asked him, tilting my head to one side in confusion.
Taehyung was holding a box in his arms, which he was holding out to me. Jungkook handed me a pair of scissors to slice through the masking tape. While Taehyung kept a secure grip on the box, I cut it open, the contents revealing themselves as a pair of brand new BT21 pajamas with all eight characters on them.
I took the pajamas out of the box, holding them up to get a better look at them.
"Those haven't been released yet," Namjoon informed me.
I looked away from the pajamas at the sound of his voice, now noticing that all seven members had gathered in the living room to watch me open the package.
"They're part of the new home collection that's supposed to drop next month," Hoseok added. "We thought you should test them out before everyone else."
"I know you said you wanted to get Van pajamas to be fair to everyone," Jungkook said, doe eyes twinkling. "But since you're our friend, we thought you should have some with all of the characters, so that you have a small piece of each of us with you when you wear them."
"Kookie," I whispered, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. "Why would you say something like that?"
"Ah, noona's crying!" Jimin exclaimed, running up to me and throwing his arms around me.
I immediately found myself in the middle of a maknae line plus Hoseok group hug.
“You know what this means, right?” Jungkook told me, his voice muffled thanks to the surrounding bodies. “This means you’re ours, noona! No one else can have you!”
"What it means is that now we can have our sleepover!" Taehyung said cheerfully. "Let's go shopping for snacks!"
I wiped my eyes with my free hand, the other still holding onto the pajamas.
"Okay," I started, sniffling slightly. "Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jimin will go get snacks. Seokjin and Hoseok will set up the living room. Yoongi and Jungkook will pick the movies. I'm going to go finish this lesson plan and then we'll all meet back here in an hour, alright?"
Everyone made noises of agreement and Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jimin left at once to stock up on snacks for the night. Jin and Hoseok started searching the dorms for all the pillows and blankets they could get their hands on to make the living room extra comfortable. Jungkook immediately started poring over the collection of DVDs that were kept on the shelves by the TV.
Yoongi leaned in to whisper in my ear.
"I got you Shooky slippers to go with that," he admitted, referring to the pajamas. "Just so everyone knows where your loyalties lie."
I covered my face with my hands, knowing that I would now wear nothing else around the dorms except those slippers.
An hour later, the eight of us met back up in the living room, all wearing our BT21 pajamas.
"Why are you wearing those?" Seokjin demanded at once, pointing at my Shooky slippers.
"Yoongi got them for me," I replied defensively.
"Hyung! That's cheating!" Jimin whined, his lips puckered in full pout mode.
Yoongi shrugged.
"I did nothing wrong."
"You did nothing wrong?" Seokjin repeated, dumbfounded. "The whole point of us getting Youkyung pajamas with all of the characters was so that we are all equally represented and you just--"
"Okay, which movie are we going to watch first?" I asked hastily, grabbing Yoongi's hand and dragging him over to one of the sofas and away from Jin's murderous glare.
Namjoon went to fetch the bags of snacks and drinks that he, Taehyung, and Jimin had bought at the nearest convenience store, dumping the contents on the floor so everyone could view the selection. Taehyung immediately tossed me some of my favorites, as well as some of Yoongi's.
"Mmm, banana milk," Jungkook sighed happily, the plastic straw already between his lips as he put the first movie into the DVD player.
"Wh-whose idea w-was it t-to watch The L-L-Lion King?" Hoseok spluttered, tears streaming down his face twenty minutes later.
Yoongi pointed a finger at Jungkook at once, not willing to take an ounce of blame for Hoseok's distraught condition.
After finishing The Lion King, we took a break to play some casual ice breakers and really dig into the snacks and drinks.
"Would you rather..." Seokjin paused for dramatic effect, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously. "Never be able to walk again or... never be able to hear again?"
"Never be able to walk again," Yoongi replied predictably. "If I have use of my ears, I can still write and produce music."
"I would miss going places," Jimin said thoughtfully, "but if I couldn't hear, I would never get to enjoy the sounds of the members’ laughter."
"Cheesy," I teased him.
"What about you, noona?" Taehyung asked me.
"I'd rather be able to hear," I answered honestly. "I would die if I couldn't listen to music anymore. Besides, Yoongi can just push me around in my wheelchair."
"Good luck with that," Hoseok snickered. "What if his legs are broken, too?"
"Then Jungkook and Namjoon can push us," Yoongi decided. "They have the most muscular arms."
"You know I would push your wheelchair, hyung," Namjoon said seriously.
"I would push noona's wheelchair everywhere! Wherever she wanted to go!" Jungkook declared, sticking his chest out proudly.
"Don't make promises you can't keep," I teased him. "I'm very demanding."
"Well, I would do it!" he insisted.
"Cute," I told him, reaching out and pinching his cheek affectionately.
"Okay, I have one," Taehyung said, eyes lighting up. "What's the first thing you want to do once quarantine's over?"
"Concert!" Jimin shouted immediately, raising his tiny fists high. "Tour! Meet ARMYs!"
"Travel," Namjoon replied thoughtfully.
"Mhm, travel," Hoseok agreed.
"Fishing!" Seokjin added. "In another country! I never thought I would say this but I'm tired of playing games at home."
I let out an exaggerated gasp, placing a hand over my heart dramatically.
"Kim Seokjin? Tired of playing games?"
"I know, I can't believe it, either," he said with a sigh. "Yoongi-ah, go fishing with me in Norway."
"Ah, why me?" Yoongi complained.
"Because you like fishing," I answered for Jin, poking Yoongi in the ribs playfully. "And you like fishing with your hyung."
"Wow, look at noona exposing hyung like that and he doesn't even blink," Jungkook pointed out.
Yoongi ignored them, his cheeks tinged with pink. I grabbed his hand, squeezing it to help alleviate some of his embarrassment.
"I want to go to Paris," I told the others. "I want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower at night and look at the stars."
"I want to go back to all the places we visited during our last tour," Taehyung said. "It would be nice to spend more time there."
"You haven't told us what you want to do, Yoonie," I reminded Yoongi, squeezing his hand for emphasis.
He pursed his lips thoughtfully, thinking for a few moments before he said, "I want to go to another Dodgers game."
"Hmm, all of our answers involve travel in some form," Namjoon commented, taking a sip from his Yakult. "I guess I'm not really surprised. Travel is the foundation of experience, to a certain extent."
"Eloquent as always, Joonie," I said, touching my Yakult to his. "Cheers!"
After sharing our thoughts with each other, we started another movie, the first Iron Man film--and another Jungkook selection, without a doubt.
"You let him pick all the movies, didn't you?" I muttered to Yoongi so that only he could hear.
He shrugged, his expression slightly sheepish.
"He looked so happy picking out the movies," he replied defensively. "I didn't have the heart to veto any of his choices."
A second later--
“Did Jungkook pick all the movies?” Jimin demanded.
“Bingo,” Namjoon answered. “You know Yoongi lets Jungkook do whatever he wants.”
Yoongi shrugged, unaffected by their accusations even though he had been embarrassed when I had posed the same question only moments ago.
We managed to get through another round of games and another movie before Jimin had started falling asleep against Taehyung’s shoulder and Namjoon had started snoring, his head back. Hoseok was cuddled up next to Jimin, fighting the urge to fall asleep; and Yoongi was laying across the couch, his head in my lap and his eyes half open as I combed my fingers through his hair. Seokjin and Jungkook, both of whom had extensive experience staying up late to play games, were the only ones still mostly alert.
Jin and Hoseok had moved the couches around so that there was plenty of room for all of us to sleep on the floor, which was piled high with various blankets and pillows.
“I think it’s time to hit the lights, kids,” I said, taking in the varying states of drowsiness around the room.
Everyone started to arrange themselves in their sleeping positions for the night, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok making up the biggest cuddle party in one area of the room. Namjoon and Seokjin each claimed their own spot; and Yoongi and I moved to a spot on the other side of the room from them. Yoongi had grabbed all the pillows he could get his hands on, knowing that I needed to have my head propped up to keep from coughing while I was asleep.
Before I could reach over to the nearest light switch to turn off the living room lights, Seokjin had darted forward with surprising speed and agility, snatching the Shooky slippers that were dangling off my feet. In the split second before my finger flipped the light switch, he had tossed them towards the kitchen.
At first, there was darkness and silence as everyone held their breath.
And then--
“Kim Seokjin!”
When the lights came back on, Yoongi was sitting upright, his expression stony as he glared daggers at Jin, who stared back at him innocently from across the room. The younger ones all watched with wide eyes and open mouths while Namjoon and Hoseok exchanged glances of discomfort. I couldn’t even look at the fiend as I ran to the kitchen to fetch my slippers, cradling them in my arms as I took them back to my room to protect them from Jin.
“Let’s go to sleep,” I huffed when I returned, turning the lights off again.
Even in the dark, I could tell that Yoongi was still sitting up. I reached out for his arm in the darkness, tugging on his pajama sleeve. Feeling the tugging sensation, he laid down and we shifted until we were both on our sides facing each other. I could barely make out his features in the dark, so I reached out and took one of his hands, squeezing it reassuringly.
“It’s okay,” he whispered to me. “I’m going to get you a Shooky sleep mask, too.”
“Min Yoongi, don’t you dare!”
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