#seriously i hope i never ever find out who made him afraid like that
vaspider · 4 months
Every time Rumba has a nightmare and does that horrible high-pitched terrified wail in his sleep, three things happen right in a row:
I wake up, my heart pounding so fucking hard
Even before we're awake, both me and my wife are saying, "Rumba, you're okay, you're safe, it's okay, you're a good boy," and trying to find him and pet him or snuggle him
I'm so fucking angry at whatever human made him terrified of hoses and cry in fear like that in his sleep
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I don't know who they are, and I'm too Jewish to believe in Hell, but I hope whoever is responsible for making the softest, gentlest soul in the universe that afraid gets exactly what they deserve.
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fatecantstopme · 8 months
What I'd Give
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x plus size!reader
Summary: When Dean is gravely injured on a hunt, (Y/N) makes a deal to save him--a deal that might just cost her everything.
Warnings: canon violence, swearing, mentions of death/dying. SMUT, dom/sub vibes, choking kink, overstimulation, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V)
You screamed helplessly as you watched your best friend and fellow hunter be thrown from the window across the room. You'd just managed to stab the demon you were fighting a mere second before you heard the breaking of glass.
You yanked the angel blade out of the demon's chest and ran straight towards the demon who'd just tossed your friend out the window. You stabbed the demon in the back, bringing an end to the fight.
You looked out the window and saw the horrific scene three stories down. Your heart clenched in your chest as you raced to the stairs, making it outside in record time.
"Dean!" you cried as you reached his broken body. "No, no, no, no..."
You were almost afraid to touch him--afraid to search for a pulse and not find one. You exhaled sharply and pulled yourself together, placing a firm hand against his neck. You could feel a very weak pulse beneath your fingertips and you knew he was in trouble.
The fall had certainly broken some bones and he likely had internal injuries of some kind. The glass from the window had sliced his skin in a million places, and you were worried he would have severe head trauma as well.
Normally, you would call out to Castiel and he would come running to save Dean, but this wasn't a normal day. Cas had been missing in action for weeks, and neither you nor the Winchesters knew where he was.
Dean's safety--his survival--depended solely on you. The two of you had been hunting alone, while Sam was out helping Garth on a different hunt. You'd hunted together countless times, but neither of you had ever been this seriously injured.
You knew he was dying--as surely as if there was a neon sign screaming "death!" above his head. You couldn't stand the thought of losing him, so you made a decision that would change your life.
"Anyone who's listening, I need your help," you called out. "Please...I will do anything...just save him."
You waited in silence for a few moments, hoping against hope someone would hear your call and take pity on you. You weren't exactly on good terms with most angels, but you couldn't help but hope at least one of them would care.
You heard the soft flap of wings that always signaled the arrival of an angel and you looked up hopefully. You inhaled sharply when your eyes met the glowing red eyes of the man who had come to rescue you--or should you say, archangel.
"Well hello, (Y/N). It's nice to see you again."
"Lucifer," you hissed lowly.
"In the flesh!"
"What are you doing here?"
"I heard your call," he said simply. "And well, let's be honest, no one else is coming to help you."
"Did you come here to gloat?"
"Of course not. Even I'm not cruel enough to find joy in the death of Dean Winchester."
"Then why did you come?"
"To save him, obviously."
Surprise lit up your face. Out of all the responses you'd expected, that hadn't been on the list. "Pardon?"
Lucifer smiled darkly. "For a small fee, of course."
"Ahh," you acknowledged. "That sounds more like it. What do you want?"
"Nothing too extravagant."
"Lucifer..." you growled.
"As you can see, this vessel isn't doing so well." He gestured to himself and you had to admit, he looked like absolute shit. "In fact, it's dying...which means I'm in need of a new one."
"Absolutely not," you said instantly. "He would never say yes to you."
Lucifer smirked. "I wasn't referring to him."
Your eyes widened. "I'm not an archangel vessel," you whispered.
"No, but you are a vessel. And I think you're strong enough to contain me long enough to find me a better one."
You swallowed thickly. There was no way you were going to agree to this...you knew what being an archangel's vessel would do to you and you weren't exactly interested in being strapped to a nuclear bomb.
"No," you said firmly.
"Suit yourself," he said with a shrug. "But just remember, Dean's death will be on your hands now."
You exhaled in defeat as you looked down at the man in your arms. You knew he was close to death--no hospital would be able to save him. Lucifer was your only option.
"Save him first," you whispered.
Lucifer smirked, knowing he'd won. "I would, (Y/N), but this vessel is simply too weak. I would need your body in order to save him."
You looked up into his dark eyes and considered his words. "I don't trust you."
"You would be a fool to trust me after all we've been through. However, I need you...and I need Dean alive and well to help me find an archangel vessel. Possessing you is a good motivator for him."
You clenched your jaw as you thought about your options. It took you mere moments to realize you didn't have any. You would rather die than allow Dean to...so your decision was made in an instant.
"Fine," you murmured softly. You looked up at the monster standing before you and exhaled slowly. "Yes," you breathed.
Lucifer wasted no time--immediately exiting his vessel and entering your body, taking over in an instant.
It was painful, feeling his energy within you, and you knew with absolute certainty you wouldn't be surviving this--no way in hell.
To your surprise, you were fully aware of everything happening around you. You could still see and hear--but you had no control over your body in any way.
Lucifer--you--reached out to Dean and touched him. Your palms began to glow and you watched the various wounds on his body heal quickly. His bright green eyes slowly blinked open and he looked up at you in surprise and confusion.
"What happened?" he groaned.
"You got tossed out a window," your voice said, though it was not you speaking.
Dean sat up and rubbed at his head. He looked down at himself, clearly surprised by his lack of serious injuries. "I fell three stories down..."
You nodded.
"How am I not dead?"
You felt your lips curl into a smile--a slightly cruel smile you knew was not your own. "You're welcome."
Dean's eyes narrowed in confusion. "What?"
Unbeknownst to you, your eyes began to glow red, alerting Dean to the presence of someone else in your body--and there was only one creature you knew whose eyes glowed red.
"Lucifer?" Dean yelled angrily.
"The one and only," he replied.
"How the hell...why are you...where's (Y/N)?"
"Oh she's right here," he said with a smile, tapping the side of your head. "Watching and listening like a little creep."
"Well it is my head, you asshole," you mumbled.
"Doesn't mean it's not creepy," Lucifer's voice hissed inside your mind.
You didn't like the idea that Lucifer could hear your thoughts and speak to you like that...and it made you wonder what else he could see within your mind.
"Everything," he teased darkly.
"Get the hell out of her body," Dean growled.
"Not a chance, buck-o. (Y/N) was kind enough to invite me in, so I think I'll stay a while."
Dean pulled an angel blade out of his back pocket and pointed it at you. You knew he would never use it if it meant killing you too. It was an idle threat and Lucifer knew it.
Lucifer simply laughed. "You're not going to use that, so put it away."
"Get out of her and I won't have to."
"Oh please, you won't kill her."
Dean's expression remained impassive, but you could see his resolve waning. You knew him too well to miss the small tells. Unfortunately, that meant Lucifer knew him just as well.
"Let's make this easy on ourselves," he began. "Everything (Y/N) knows, I know. Every memory, every thought, every feeling, everything. So put the damn blade down before I have to break your arm."
You could see the anger on Dean's face, but he lowered the blade and slipped it back inside his jacket. "Why the hell did she invite you in?"
"You were about 5 minutes from death and she couldn't save you."
"So what, she called out to you?" Dean asked in disbelief.
"She called out to everyone...I'm just the only one who responded." You felt your eyes glance around in slight concern. "Speaking of, we should probably get out of here, just in case."
Dean nodded and lead the way to the Impala, which was parked a short distance away. You got into the passenger seat like usual and you saw Dean tense up at your proximity. He clearly didn't like the idea of the Devil riding shotgun.
"So why did you heal me?"
"I need your help," Lucifer admitted.
"What makes you think I'd ever help you?"
"I knew you wouldn't, which is why I convinced (Y/N) to let me have her body for a little while."
"I may have told her a little white lie--that my old vessel was too weak for me to save you. She didn't exactly offer herself up, but she didn't fight very hard when she realized I was her only option."
"You slimy son of a bitch," you growled.
"I'm the devil, (Y/N). What did you expect?"
"You son of a bitch," Dean mumbled, echoing your sentiments. "What exactly do you want from me?"
"I need to find an actual archangel vessel. I'm getting tired of jumping from vessel to vessel...they keep burning out. It's rather tiresome."
"Well you're not touching Sam, or me for that matter."
"I wouldn't dream of it," he insisted. "I know there are others out there, but I need someone with your connections to help me locate one."
Dean raised his eyebrows. "My connections?"
"Well, Bobby Singer's connections, really...but the best way to him is through you, and the best way to you is through her."
Dean exhaled angrily. You knew he was mad at you just as much as he was mad at Lucifer. You were surprised he hadn't given you an earful yet, even with Lucifer listening in.
"Fine," Dean grumbled. "But the moment we find you a vessel, I want you out of her body. Do you understand me?"
"Perfectly," Lucifer answered.
"Now just sit there quietly until we get to Bobby's, understand? I want absolute silence."
"Well that's boring--"
"I can't stand hearing you speak with her voice, okay? So shut up."
Lucifer smirked, but fell silent, deciding instead to annoy you.
"He's mad at you, isn't he?"
"I said yes to you...of course he's mad."
"Does he know?"
"Know what?"
"How you feel about him?"
"I would really like you to shut the hell up now, Lucifer," you hissed.
"But I'm so bored," he whined.
"I don't give a damn and neither does Dean. It's about 2 hours to Bobby's place...can you be silent for 2 hours?"
"Fine," he grumbled. "It'll give me more time to dig around in your brain anyway..."
You tried to shut him out of your mind as best as you could, but you could still feel him rooting around in your head...making himself at home and digging into memories and thoughts and feelings that were never meant to be shared with another soul.
"What an unsightly place," Lucifer grumbled as he--you--followed Dean up the stairs to Bobby's door.
Dean shot an annoyed glare in your direction, but didn't comment.
"Bobby!" he called as he entered the house.
Bobby came into view and offered you both a tired smile. "Hey you two. What brings you to Sioux Falls?"
"We were close by on a hunt and now we need your help," Dean answered.
"Sure. Come on in."
Neither you, nor Lucifer, had said a word of greeting to Bobby, which struck the older man as odd.
"You alright, (Y/N)?"
"Oh I'm just peachy," your voice answered.
Bobby's eyes narrowed at you, immediately noticing your voice was off. Besides, you didn't tend to talk to Bobby like that.
Before Bobby could question you, Dean spoke up. "We need to find an archangel vessel...as fast as possible."
Bobby stared at him for a moment. "Dean, you are an archangel vessel."
"Yeah, well I need one to house the devil--and it ain't gonna be me or Sam."
"Why the hell do you need a vessel for Lucifer?"
Your hand reached out and tapped Bobby on the shoulder. Judging by Bobby's shocked expression, you assumed your eyes were once again glowing red. Bobby quickly took a step back, looking between you and Dean in confusion.
"It's a long story," Dean muttered. "But I don't want him riding shotgun in (Y/N)'s head any longer than necessary, so we need to find him another vessel."
"Preferably before this current one starts to rot from the inside out," Lucifer added.
"Seriously, Lucifer?"
"Well that is essentially what happens, you know. I wouldn't want to damage such a pretty face."
"Oh fuck off," you grumbled.
"Why in god's name would she say yes to you?" Bobby asked angrily.
"To save my life, okay?" Dean snapped. "Look--we don't have time for this. I need your help to find another vessel. Please."
Bobby sighed and crossed the room to his desk, which was covered in books and papers--an organizational system only Bobby understood. He eyed you warily, but he didn't comment on the situation further.
"I assume you know how to find an archangel vessel," Lucifer commented.
"Perhaps you could enlighten me," Bobby responded.
Lucifer sighed and began to tell Bobby what he needed to look for. You ignored the words coming from our own mouth, instead focusing on Dean. You could see how upset he was and it made you feel incredibly foolish. You hated seeing him like this, but you didn't regret your decision. The mere fact he was alive to be angry made this whole thing worth it.
"How long do you think it'll take?" Dean asked, interrupting your thoughts.
"A week or two--maybe a little more," Bobby answered.
Dean looked in your direction, eyeing you with concern. "Will (Y/N) last that long?"
"Might wanna keep it closer to two weeks," Lucifer replied.
"You're lying, aren't you?" you asked quietly.
"Do you want me to tell them the truth?"
You sighed internally. "I think Dean deserves to know."
"A week would be even better," Lucifer said aloud.
Dean stared at you, worry deepening the lines on his face. His gaze traced your face, searching for any signs of deception--or maybe signs of damage.
"Well then," Bobby muttered. "Better get started."
You sat in the corner, feet up on another chair as you watched Dean and Bobby. You could tell both of them were extremely worried, but their focus was on finding another vessel. They didn't have time to dive into their fears for your life.
Lucifer, on the other hand, seemed to think he had all the time in the world. He was quite happy to torture you instead of providing the two hunters with any assistance.
"Why haven't you told Dean?" he asked for what had to be the 1,000th time.
"There's nothing to tell, Lucifer. Would you just back off?"
"You're really no fun, you know that?"
"Good. This isn't supposed to be fun for you."
"I can make it fun."
"I'd really rather you not."
"Too late!" he said gleefully.
You could feel him poking around inside your head again, searching for something he could use to hurt you with--or hurt Dean with. You tried to keep him away from your darkest secrets, from the things you'd never shared with another soul, not even Dean. But you noticed it was getting harder and harder to resist him. You weren't sure if it was because he was so strong or if you were becoming weaker. Either way, it was only a matter of time before Lucifer found something he shouldn't.
Unfortunately for you, that moment came much sooner than you'd anticipated.
"(Y/N)--fuck, I mean Lucifer...can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Dean asked suddenly, rising from his chair and heading outside without waiting for a reply.
"Well this should be fun," you mumbled internally.
"I assure you," Lucifer mocked. "It will be."
You felt your body moving, feet heading after Dean whether you wanted to or not.
Once outside, Dean turned to face you, eyes filled with a multitude of emotions you couldn't stand to see. "I want to talk to (Y/N)."
"Oh come now," Lucifer said. "You know that's not how it works."
"I know you can shut up and take a backseat. So that's what I want."
"Hmm..." Lucifer hummed thoughtfully. "You know, I'd rather not. Besides, (Y/N) doesn't really feel like talking to you right now."
"Fuck you, Lucifer. Let me talk to him!"
"Sorry, sweetheart. Ain't happening."
"Somehow I doubt that," Dean grumbled angrily.
"You can doubt it all you want, but I'm the one physically inside her head. I know what she's thinking and let me tell you, it's not very complimentary of you."
"What?" Dean asked in surprised confusion.
"You have no idea what she really thinks of you, do you?"
"Lucifer, what the hell are you doing?" you growled.
He ignored you, instead focusing on his conversation with Dean.
"She's my best friend," Dean responded. "What more do I need to know?"
Lucifer laughed cruelly. "I'm sorry, that's just too funny. You think she's your best friend?"
You could see the look of hurt cross Dean's face for a moment, but he quickly covered it up.
"Sorry," Lucifer said, laughter subsiding. "It's just hilarious that you think she cares about you that much."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"She's tired of you, Dean. She's tired of your stubbornness, your self-loathing, your reckless behavior. She's tired of everything to do with you. She doesn't care about you--not really, anyway. You annoy the shit out of her, but she puts up with you because she feels like she has to."
You fought with everything you had to overpower Lucifer and take control of your mind and body. Not a single word Lucifer was uttering was true and you desperately wanted to tell Dean the truth.
"Stop fighting, (Y/N). You can't win," Lucifer whispered.
"Stop lying to him and I'll stop fighting," you insisted.
"No. I'm simply having too much fun."
Dean's face was impassive to the average person, but you saw through the mask on his face, and so did Lucifer. "I don't believe you," Dean said softly.
"You don't have to believe me. They're not my words. I'm simply relaying (Y/N)'s thoughts," Lucifer said with a shrug. "Haven't you ever wondered how she puts up with all your shit? You're not exactly walking sunshine, Dean. You're one of the most damaged humans I've ever met."
Dean inhaled deeply. "If she hates me so much, why does she stay?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
Neither you nor Dean knew what Lucifer was going to say next...and his words cut deeper than you'd expected them to.
"She's in love with your brother," Lucifer sneered.
"Lucifer, no!" you screamed.
Dean's eyes widened and shock settled onto his face. He turned around, his back to you in an attempt to collect himself.
You fought even harder...you needed to get this son of a bitch out of your body. It felt like you were locked inside your own mind with no way out. Lucifer was too strong and the harder you fought, the weaker you became. You quickly realized the more energy you expended, the stronger he became...there was no use in fighting him.
"You're a monster," you whispered.
"They call me the devil for a reason.'"
You didn't bother responding to him. Your heart was aching for Dean and all you wanted was to comfort him. You knew exactly where his head would be at right now and it was killing you.
He'd always compared himself to Sam--at least as long as you'd known him. He seemed to think Sam was better than him in a lot of ways and certainly more lovable. The mere idea that you agreed with that sentiment...that you loved Sam...it would break him and you knew it.
"Sam is better than you in every way," Lucifer added, stoking the fire. "Why would anyone love you when they could have Sam? He's everything you're not...sure of himself, confident, open and honest. Sam is better for (Y/N) than you could ever be."
Dean turned back around, face a mask of impassiveness once again. "Let's find you a vessel so you can get the hell out of our lives," he said in a low voice. "Besides, I wouldn't want to get in the way of Sam and (Y/N)'s love."
If you'd been capable of crying, you knew the tears would be streaming down your face in that moment. Your heart ached in a way you were unfamiliar with and you hoped Lucifer could feel the pain the same way you did.
"Why?" you whispered.
"Why what?"
"Why'd you say that to him?"
Lucifer laughed. "Simple...I knew it would hurt both of you. You're in love with him and if his reaction was anything to go by, it looks like he feels the same."
"We're both helping you right now. Why can't you just be grateful for 10 fucking minutes?" you hissed.
"Where's the fun in that?"
You knew the question was rhetorical, so you didn't bother responding. Instead, you quietly watched Dean walk away and you knew he was going to lose his shit. You could feel it as clearly as your own emotions.
"Let's follow him," Lucifer said happily.
"Let him take his anger out without an audience," you snapped.
Lucifer ignored you and quietly followed after Dean, keeping a distance to avoid being noticed.
Once Dean was farther away from the house and seemingly alone, he grabbed a crowbar from a nearby bench and began to beat the ever-loving-shit out of a junker car.
If you'd wondered about Dean's feelings for you before (and you had), you didn't wonder anymore. It was clear he cared about you in the same way you cared about him and you hated seeing him in such pain.
You wanted nothing more than to go to him, but Lucifer was much happier standing to the side and watching Dean suffer alone.
"Please," you whispered.
"You can tell him I'm a lying bastard if you manage to survive this."
"You and I both know that's not likely," you sighed quietly. "I don't want him to suffer and I don't want to die with him thinking I hate him."
"Pity. Guess you should have told him sooner..."
"Oh fuck off, Lucifer," you growled.
Lucifer's laughter echoed in your head and you hated him in that moment more than you could even begin to express.
"You alright kid?" Bobby asked Dean when he returned to the house an hour or so later.
Lucifer, and therefore you, had returned shortly after watching Dean fall apart. When he'd dropped to his knees, tears streaming down his face, Lucifer had gotten bored and left.
"I'm fine," Dean lied. "Do you have any leads?"
"I've put out my feelers to every person I could think of. I'm sure someone will have something for me soon."
"Did you call Sam?"
Bobby shook his head. "I assumed you did."
"Call him and let him know what's going on. I'm going out."
"Where are you going?"
"Yeah, Dean," Lucifer chimed in, "where are you going?"
"The nearest bar. Don't wait up."
You tried to say his name, but your mouth refused to form the word.
As soon as Dean was out of earshot, Bobby turned his attention to you. "What the hell did you say to him?"
"Me?" Lucifer asked, feigning innocence. "Why would you think I did something?"
"Maybe because you're the devil?" Bobby answered sarcastically.
Lucifer smirked darkly. "I may have poked at all of his insecurities."
Bobby groaned. "You're a son of a bitch, you know that?"
"That's not a nice thing to say about my Father."
Bobby just glared at you and rolled his eyes. He got up and left the room and you assumed he was going to call Sam.
"I second Bobby's comment."
"I wear it like a badge of honor."
You knew exactly what Dean was going to do and it was killing you. He was going to drink until he couldn't feel a thing, pick up some random girl, and fuck her senseless--anything to feel something other than the ache in his chest. You knew him better than he knew himself...but in this moment, you desperately wished you didn't. You would give anything to not know what he was going to do.
Three days later, one of Bobby's sources had a lead on a potential archangel vessel.
Dean hadn't spoken to you or Lucifer unless he absolutely had to. It was too hard to even look at your face and hearing your voice was a thousand times worse.
Sam was still out on a hunt with Garth, but he promised to be there to help as soon as he could.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Bobby asked Dean as the two of you were preparing to leave.
"The less people involved, the better. Stay here in case we need more intel," Dean responded.
"I don't like the idea of you traveling alone with Lucifer."
"I'll be fine."
Bobby didn't believe him anymore than you did, but neither of you commented on it--not that you could have if you'd wanted to.
As you/Lucifer and Dean climbed into the Impala, Dean didn't spare a glance in your direction.
"Isn't this fun?" Lucifer asked. "I've always wanted to go on a roadtrip."
Dean groaned. "What are the chances you'll be quiet during this drive?"
"Slim to none," Lucifer said with a smirk.
The response almost made Dean smile. It sounded like something you would say and technically it was your voice. He had to remind himself you weren't really talking to him--every word out of your mouth was Lucifer.
Dean took off without another word and you silently prayed this lead would pan out. You were extremely tired and it had only been about four days since Lucifer had possessed you.
By this point, you were having a hard time focusing on what was happening in the real world. You were in pain and you could feel your body weakening...you were dying and you knew it. You just hoped Dean didn't notice.
By the time the three of you arrived at your destination, you were feeling terrible. You weren't even sure how much time had passed since you'd left Bobby's. In fact, you were pretty sure you'd fallen asleep very early on.
"It's been about 12 hours," Lucifer told you.
"I slept for 12 hours?"
"You're dying," he said nonchalantly. "So you're going to have a harder time staying awake."
"Great," you whispered sarcastically.
"Lucifer!" Dean growled. "You coming?"
"Of course."
Lucifer followed Dean into a building you assumed was an apartment complex. Sometime during the elevator ride, you must have fallen unconscious again, because when you opened your eyes again, you found yourself standing in a nice apartment.
Dean was talking calmly to a young man who looked moderately terrified.
"Is he the vessel?" you mumbled.
"Yes. I can feel it," Lucifer responded.
"Thank god..."
"I'm sorry, you want me to allow the literal devil to possess me?" the young man practically yelled at Dean. "That's assuming I even believe in the devil."
"Look man," Dean said with surprising calmness. "I know I sound insane, but it's all real. We need an archangel vessel and like it or not, that's you."
"What if I don't want to say yes?"
Dean grabbed him by his collar. "Then the woman he's currently wearing will die...and I will do anything to prevent that." His voice was low, barely above a growl.
The young man looked terrified, eyes wide with fear. "Are you threatening me?" he whispered.
Dean straightened out the guy's shirt and gave him a dark smile. "Of course not."
"So I have a choice?"
Lucifer chuckled. "Don't think for a moment he'll give you an option, kid."
The guy looked at you and you felt terrible for him. You understood his fear and apprehension...and it felt wrong to force Lucifer onto him. This kid didn't deserve it.
"We shouldn't be doing this," you mumbled.
"Too late, (Y/N). Dean knows he's an archangel vessel. There's no way he's going to leave without getting him to say yes."
You wanted to respond--to fight, but you couldn't. You were too weak...too tired. Everything hurt too much.
"What's it like?" the guy asked softly.
"Like being strapped to a rocket," Lucifer said snidely.
Dean shot him an annoyed glance. "You'll be fine. You were meant for this."
The guy's gaze remained fixated on you. "She looks like shit...am I going to look like that?"
Dean finally focused his gaze on your face and you saw the fear flash in his eyes. He could see you were dying. Your skin was pale, your eyes bloodshot, dark circles adorning them...your lips were cracked and there were slight lacerations appearing around your forehead and jawline.
"She wasn't meant to house the power of an archangel," Lucifer responded. "She's dying, but the same won't happen to you."
"Will she be okay if I say yes?"
"Yes," Lucifer lied smoothly.
The guy looked like he was contemplating what to do, so Dean spoke up again.
"Look, kid. She's important to me...more important to me than pretty much anyone else in this fucked up world. I would do anything to save her...she's--she's my brother's girl."
You wanted to tell him that wasn't true, but you knew it was fruitless to even try. Even still, your heart ached at his words.
"How long?" the guy asked, directing his question at Lucifer.
"As long as I want. You'll never age, never die, as long as I'm with you."
The guy nodded. "Alright. I'll do it." He stood up. "What do I need to do?"
"Just say 'yes'," Lucifer answered.
A bright white light filled the room and Dean had to shield his eyes. When the light faded, you were lying on the floor and Lucifer was now clearly possessing the young man they'd come to find.
"(Y/N)!" Dean yelled as he raced to your side.
Your pulse was faint and you looked even worse than you had moments before.
"Heal her," Dean demanded.
Lucifer's lips curled up in a cruel smile. "No."
"Excuse me?"
"I said no," he repeated. "I'm not interested in saving her."
"You wouldn't have a vessel without us. You owe her!"
"I'm the devil, Dean. What makes you think I give a damn about debts?"
Dean stared at him, anger and terror fighting for control in equal measure. He stood up and went to lunge at Lucifer, but the archangel simply disappeared, leaving you and Dean completely helpless and alone.
Dean had rushed you to the hospital and was currently sitting in the waiting room, hoping to hear something about your condition.
Sam rushed into the room, eyes scanning for his brother. When he saw him, Sam crossed the distance and wrapped Dean in a tight hug.
"How is she?" Sam asked.
"I don't know," Dean said quietly. "But it doesn't look good."
"She's strong, Dean."
"I don't think that matters...her body was never meant to house an archangel and she managed to do it for almost a week. She's dying, Sammy."
Sam's eyes filled with tears, but he blinked rapidly to keep them from falling.
Dean's heart ached, seeing his brother look so upset. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel a broken emptiness in his soul--a space you used to occupy. But he needed to push past his own pain for his brother's sake. After all...you weren't his.
"For (Y/N)?" a doctor called into the waiting room.
Dean and Sam practically ran in her direction. Dean's heart clenched in his chest as he took in the doctor's sad expression.
"Are you (Y/N)'s family?"
Both men nodded.
"Come with me, please," the doctor said quietly.
They followed her to a private waiting area and Dean's dread increased significantly. "What's going on?" he asked worriedly.
"Please have a seat," the doctor asked, gesturing toward the chairs against the wall. She closed the door before taking her seat across from them.
"My name's Dr. Murphy. I'm (Y/N)'s treating physician."
"I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean."
"There's no easy way to say this," Dr. Murphy said gently. "(Y/N)'s injuries are quite severe and she's in critical condition."
"But she's going to be okay, right?" Dean asked hopefully.
Dr. Murphy frowned and shook her head. "Her organs have begun to shut down...it's only a matter of time now. The best I can do is try to keep her comfortable."
"No," Dean whispered. "No, she can't--"
Sam placed a hand on Dean's shoulder, trying to comfort his brother.
"I'm very sorry," Dr. Murphy murmured.
Dean suddenly stood up. "I can't do this. I need--I need air."
He practically ran from the room and Sam got up to follow him, but Dr. Murphy placed a gentle hand on his arm. "I think it's best to give him a moment."
Sam nodded as he desperately tried to push his own emotions away. He adored you, but he knew exactly how much Dean loved you...so he knew how much pain his brother was in right now. It hurt him almost as much as losing you.
Once Dean was outside, he ran around to the side of the building, desperate to be alone for a moment. He collapsed onto the ground, back against the hard stone of the hospital exterior. All of the tears he'd been pushing back for days finally poured out.
He found himself falling apart in public--something he couldn't recall doing before. He couldn't bring himself to care. You were dying and it was killing him. It was all his fault. If he hadn't been so careless, he wouldn't have gotten injured and you never would have had to beg Lucifer to save him.
He knew it wasn't a rational way of thinking, but in that moment, it didn't matter. You were about to become just another name on a never ending list of people who died because of him. He couldn't take it--it was too much.
"I know I'm not exactly on good terms with any of you and I probably don't deserve your help, but I'm not asking for myself. (Y/N) is dying and I can't save her. I'm not normally the kind of man to beg, but I'm on my knees right now...begging for just one of you to find it in yourself to give a damn. She doesn't deserve this. She's the best person I've ever known...so please. Please someone answer me. Please..." His voice was broken by the end of his short speech.
He was desperate and there was nothing he wouldn't do to save her. If no angel would help him...he wasn't above making a deal with a demon. He'd been to hell once before, and he'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you could live.
"Hello, Dean Winchester," a soft female voice said from beside him.
He jumped up quickly, ready to fight if need be. He hadn't even heard the woman arrive, which meant she likely wasn't human.
"Don't worry," she said gently. "I'm not here to hurt you. My name is Aliraphael."
"Aliraphael?" Dean repeated. "I've never heard of you."
She smiled. "You don't need to know my name to know what I am."
Dean swallowed thickly. "Why did you come?"
"You prayed for help. I answered."
"But why? We don't know you...what would make you wanna help us?"
Aliraphael smiled. "You, your brother, and (Y/N) have sacrificed much for this world and all of the people in it. I think you deserve a miracle."
Normally Dean wouldn't believe her, but there was something in her eyes that made him feel safe. He was inclined to trust her, but he had to be sure. "What do you want in return?"
"Nothing. This is my gift to you."
"Nothing is free."
"I understand why you may be jaded, but sometimes a gift is simply a gift. This is one of those times."
Dean nodded. "I'm choosing to trust you, but just know if you betray me, I will kill you."
She smiled. "I would expect nothing less of the great Dean Winchester."
Dean led Aliraphael into the hospital and his eyes scanned the waiting area for Sam. He wasn't there, so Dean assumed he'd gone to your room.
"Excuse me. Can you tell me what room (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is in?" Dean asked the receptionist.
The woman typed on her computer without looking up and muttered, "Room 212."
"Thanks," Dean replied. He tried to walk slowly--normally--to room 212, but every instinct in his body was screaming for him to get to you as quickly as possible.
When Dean entered the room, he saw Sam standing beside your bed, his hand wrapped tightly around yours. He was speaking softly to you and Dean felt that ache in his chest intensify.
"Sam," Dean said softly.
Sam turned towards the door, eyes red from his tears. He looked between Dean and Aliraphael in confusion. "Who's she?"
"I am Aliraphael," the angel responded. "I am here to heal (Y/N)."
Sam cut Dean a look. "What did you do?"
Dean shrugged. "I prayed. She came."
"Okay, but what did you promise her in exchange?"
"Your brother has promised me nothing. I am doing this because I wish to. I have no ulterior motive."
Sam still looked worried, but he stepped back to allow Aliraphael access to your bed. Aliraphael gently placed her hand against your forehead and closed her eyes. A soft white glow began to envelop your body and your skin began to return to normal.
After several moments, Aliraphael dropped her hand from your head and turned to Sam and Dean. "It is finished."
You started to stir in the bed and Dean's heart beat faster.
"She will awaken in a moment," Aliraphael assured them.
"Thank you," Dean whispered, unable to take his eyes off your face.
Sam echoed his brother's statement and Aliraphael smiled.
"You are all very welcome." With that, the angel disappeared as if she had never been there.
You groaned softly and your eyes slowly opened. You blinked rapidly trying to clear them and focus on the room around you.
"I have to go," Dean muttered.
"What?" Sam asked in surprise, but Dean had already exited the room.
"Sam?" you asked softly, hearing the younger Winchester's voice.
"Hey, (Y/N/N)," he murmured. "I'm here."
Your bright (y/e/c) eyes focused on his face. "What happened?"
"What do you remember?"
You thought about it for a moment and the memories of the past few days came flooding back. "Lucifer..." you whispered.
Sam sighed and nodded. "Yeah."
"I was dying, Sam--I felt it. Why am I not dead?"
"Dean prayed...and some angel we'd never met before came to save you."
Your eyes widened. "Dean...where is he? I need to talk to him."
"He was just here, but when you started to wake up, he bolted."
"Shit," you murmured. "We need to go after him."
You started to sit up and tug at the IV in your arm, but Sam stopped you.
"Woah! Woah! Slow down, (Y/N). You were almost dead not even five minutes ago."
"And now I'm not, so we need to get the hell out of here Sam," you insisted.
Sam sighed. He knew better than to fight you, so he simply helped you remove your IV and untangle you from the web of other tubes and wires. He handed you your clothes and turned around so you could get dressed in privacy.
"Alright, let's go," you said as soon as you were dressed.
When Dean left the hospital, he'd taken the Impala and started the long drive back to Lawrence. He just wanted to get home before you and figure out what his next move was. If you and Sam were going to be together...he didn't want to be there to witness it. He couldn't.
Dean's phone had rang several times, but he hadn't answered. Most of the calls were from you and a few were from Sam, but he couldn't handle hearing your voice right now. Especially if you were going to tell him everything Lucifer had said was true.
"He's still not answering his damn phone," you muttered, throwing the phone onto the dash angrily.
"I just don't get why he'd leave like that," Sam said for the fifth time.
You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair. "Lucifer said some things to him, Sam...things that hurt him deeply. None of it was true, but Dean doesn't know that."
"What kind of things?"
"Things about me...about how I feel. And about you," you admitted quietly.
"(Y/N), just tell me."
"Lucifer told Dean I couldn't stand him and the only reason I hung around was because I'm in love with you."
Sam scoffed. "And Dean believed him?"
"You didn't see his face, Sam...he believed every word. I wanted to tell him the truth, but I couldn't overpower Lucifer."
"Shit," Sam mumbled. "He's a goddamn idiot if he thinks you love me more than him."
You laughed dryly. "Lucifer played on Dean's insecurities and unfortunately, it worked."
Sam sighed. "Where do you think he'd go?"
"I have to hope he went home."
"Then let's get there before he does." Sam sped up, flooring the stolen car like he'd--well, like he'd stolen it.
You were about five hours from Lawrence and Dean had a head start. You knew it was unlikely you'd get there first, but you had to hope you could get there before he left.
When Sam pulled into the Bunker's garage four and a half hours later, you were relieved to see the Impala parked where it should be. Dean would never leave without his beloved car, which meant he was still there.
Both you and Sam practically ran into the Bunker, calling Dean's name.
The green eyed hunter heard your voices, but he ignored both you and Sam. He couldn't face you...he just couldn't.
"Dean? Where are you?" you called again.
"Come on, Dean. We know you're here," Sam said in annoyance.
You headed into the kitchen and Sam went down towards Dean's bedroom. Both of you hoped to find him before he managed to sneak his way out.
Sam entered his brother's room without knocking and sighed in relief. "Dean. There you are."
"Sam," he said curtly.
"Why the hell did you leave? And why didn't you answer our calls?"
"I just needed to get out of there."
"What, before (Y/N) woke up?" Sam's tone made it clear exactly how stupid he thought his brother's actions were.
"Look man, I'm glad she's okay, but I can't face her. I don't want to have that conversation."
Sam decided to play dumb. "What conversation, Dean? The one where she thanks you for saving her life? Or where you yell at her for saying yes to Lucifer in the first place? Cuz trust me, we had that conversation already."
"That's not what I'm talking about, Sam," Dean said quietly as he started to pack his duffle. "But it doesn't matter. I'm leaving."
"Why the hell are you leaving?"
"I can't stay here. I can't--I can't see the two of you together," he whispered.
"Together?" Sam asked incredulously. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"It's fine, Sam. I know."
"There's nothing to know!"
Dean glared at his brother and shook his head. "I saw you at the hospital...you clearly feel the same as she does."
"Yeah I do!" Sam yelled. "She's my friend--she's family!"
Dean was about to snap back another retort, but Sam cut him off.
"Just talk to (Y/N), Dean. Let her explain...you owe her that much."
"I don't want to talk to her."
"I'm not going to give you a choice," you said from the bedroom doorway.
Both men turned to look at you in surprise. You crossed your arms and stood firm.
"I don't want to talk," Dean said quietly.
"Good. I don't want you to talk, Dean. I want you to listen." You turned your gaze to Sam and gestured with your head for him to leave the room.
He gladly exited, not wanting to be a part of this particular conversation.
You closed the door behind him and continued to stand in front of it, afraid Dean would try to leave if you moved.
"Lucifer is a liar, Dean. I shouldn't even have to say that. He's the devil, for crying out loud. He's kinda known for his lies."
"But he's also been honest with us before," Dean countered.
"Only when it benefited him. Just like he lies when it benefits him. Hurting you? Hurting me? That shit brought him joy."
"Really? Did it hurt you to hear him tell me how you really feel about me?"
"No," you said angrily. "It hurt me to hear him lie to you about how I feel! The things he said were cruel and terrible, but more importantly, they weren't true!"
Dean stared at you silently, clearly not believing a word you said.
"Do you really think I'm capable of lying to you for years? Think of every moment we've spent together, Dean...do you really think I pretended to care about you? Pretended to enjoy spending time with you? Think about all the times we've laughed together, the times we've had each other's backs, the small glances, the whispers in the dark when one of us had a nightmare. Think about all of those moments and then look me in the eye and tell me it was all a lie."
Tears filled his beautiful green eyes and you knew the same expression was reflected in your own. You took a step towards him, desperately wanting to touch him, but afraid it be unwelcome.
"You're my favorite person in the world, Dean Winchester. You. Not Sam, not Bobby, not Jodi...you. You hold my whole heart in your hands...you always have. If you don't want it, then I understand, but don't for a second think I love anyone but you."
His lips parted in surprise. "But what about Sam?" he whispered.
You sighed loudly. "Weren't you listening? Sam is my friend, Dean, but nothing more than that. I love him like a brother." You took another step towards him. "He doesn't compare to you--he couldn't compare to you. I love you, Dean...and I don't mean like a brother."
Dean inhaled deeply. "I want to believe you, (Y/N/N)..."
"Then believe me," you begged him. "I love you."
Dean thought about what Lucifer had said and he realized why he'd believed it so easily. They were all things Dean was afraid of...he knew he wasn't good enough for you and he was terrified you knew it too.
"Talk to me, Dean," you whispered, taking a final step towards him.
He looked deep into your eyes and found nothing but love there. The same love he held in his soul for you. "I've always been afraid to tell you how I feel because I know I'm not good enough for you," he admitted. "That's why it was so easy for me to believe Lucifer's lies...it was almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I couldn't believe you'd ever want me, so it was easier to believe you wanted Sam. He's better for you in every way."
"Stop," you whispered, pressing a finger to his lips. "I decide who is best for me and I choose you. I will always choose you."
"(Y/N)," he whispered.
You pressed your lips against his, trying to infuse it with all of the love in your soul. Dean's arms wrapped around your thick waist, pulling you closer to him. He deepened the kiss, lips hungrily devouring yours.
You stayed locked in each other's embrace for what felt like an eternity. Your tongues fought for dominance and your hands caressed any part of each other they could reach.
When the kiss inevitably broke so the two of you could breathe, Dean laid his forehead against yours. "This might go without saying, but I love you too, (Y/N). So goddamn much."
You chuckled breathlessly. "After a kiss like that, I'd sure as hell hope so."
He grinned and tugged you even closer to him. His lips pressed against yours again and he found himself wanting to feel every part of your soft body. He needed it, just as much as needed air to breathe.
"Let me show you how much, baby," he whispered against your lips.
"Please," you moaned softly.
“Strip for me, pretty girl,” he commanded.
You gently pushed against his chest, forcing him back against the bed. He dropped down onto the mattress, eyes never leaving your body.
You slowly began to remove your clothing, taking much longer than you needed to. You were teasing him and he was eating it up.
You finally got down to just your bra and panties, nothing fancy as you obviously weren’t planning on this happening, but Dean didn’t seem to care. In fact, you were about to be very glad you didn’t wear anything nice.
“You are so damn beautiful, baby,” he whispered.
You offered him a warm smile, appreciative of the affection in his gaze. He thought you were a goddess among humans, a treasure to behold.
“I think you’re a bit overdressed, Dean,” you teased softly.
“You know, babe, I think you’re right.” He stood up and shed his layers significantly faster than you had. He was extremely impatient, as he was dying to get his hands on you.
You admired his broad chest, thick arms, and sculpted form. He looked incredible, scars and all. You felt the strong urge to kiss every single one of them, if he would allow you.
He now stood before you in nothing but his boxers, his large erection straining against the thin fabric.
“Let’s get this off you,” he muttered, reaching behind your back to unhook your bra.
The moment your breasts were exposed to his gaze, he let out a low groan. “Fuck, baby. These are even better than I’d imagined.”
“You imagined my—“ your question was cut off by the feeling of his lips wrapped around your nipple and his hands caressing your breasts gently.
The gentle movements quickly turned more intense, and he began to truly knead and nip at your flesh. You moaned softly and gently ran your fingers through his soft hair.
You pressed yourself even closer to him, feeling his bulge press against your abdomen. He lifted his head with a small smirk.
“Impatient, are we?”
You nodded quickly.
“Oh come on now, sweetheart. Use those words for me. Tell me what you want.”
“You,” you whimpered. “I want you.”
His smirk widened. “I figured that much out on my own, darlin'. I want you to tell me what you need.”
You weren’t exactly accustomed to expressing yourself verbally in the bedroom. To be honest, a lot of your past experiences weren’t that great anyway. A lot of one night stands with men who only cared about their own pleasure.
You found yourself feeling kind of excited at the prospect of a man listening to you and what you wanted…even more so because that man was Dean.
“I want you on your knees, handsome,” you said firmly.
Dean’s eyes widened slightly, but he dropped to his knees obediently. His normally bright green eyes were dark with lust as he locked eyes with you.
You loved the powerful feeling you had as you stood over him. The great Dean Winchester, on his knees for you.
You touched his face sweetly and he leaned into your palm, eyes fluttering closed for a moment. “Do you wanna eat my pussy, Dean?” you whispered.
His eyes shot back open, a hungry expression on his face. “Yes,” he breathed lowly.
“Then get to work,” you commanded softly.
Dean was used to being in charge in the bedroom and it wasn’t often he found himself submitting to a woman. You were different than any woman he’d ever been with before—after all, he loved you. If you told him to do a damn handstand naked, lick your feet, and call you “your majesty”, he would have done it in a heartbeat.
His calloused hands slowly slid up your thighs, squeezing the supple flesh. His mouth followed, leaving sloppy kisses as he worked his way closer to your core.
“Baby?” he asked softly, glancing up at you.
“Do you have any particular attachment to these panties?”
“No, why—Dean!” you gasped as he ripped your underwear in half, tossing the remains to the floor.
He grinned and made a happy little noise deep in his throat before kissing your mound. He grabbed your right leg and tugged it up over his shoulder, giving him better access to you.
“Lean on me for support, beautiful. I got you.”
The moment you laid a hand on his shoulder and he was sure you were stable, he dove into your pussy with a deep growl.
Your head fell back in ecstasy and a series of moans left your lips. The hand not holding onto his shoulder immediately wound itself in his hair, holding on for dear life.
“Dean—feels so good,” you moaned.
His hands dug into your ass cheeks in response, tugging you even closer to him. He never wanted to stop—hearing those sweet sounds you made mixed with the heady taste of your sweetness was more intoxicating than any drink he’d ever had.
Your legs had begun to tremble and Dean’s grip on you tightened. He wasn’t willing to stop his ministrations, but he wouldn’t let you fall either.
Your nails scraped against his scalp and his shoulder as you clung to him. The pleasure was almost too much and not enough all at once, and you felt your orgasm approaching.
“Dean,” you gasped. “I’m so close.”
He smiled against your core and shifted his focus more heavily to your clit. You cried out and cursed softly, and he knew he’d made the right move.
“I—oh god,” you cried as your orgasm washed over you.
Dean lapped up everything you had to offer, his grip on your body never loosening. As you began to come down from your high, he slipped his hands up to your hips to ensure he didn’t drop you.
He gave your pussy one last lick before allowing you to pull him up by his hair. To his surprise, you mashed your lips against his hungrily, not giving a damn that he tasted like you.
One hand tangled into your hair and the other held you tightly. “What do you want me to do now, sweetheart?” He murmured against your skin.
“Take control, Dean,” you begged. “Make my legs shake. Make me scream. I don’t wanna be able to move for hours.”
“Holy fuck,” he groaned. “Who taught you to talk like that, baby?”
You smirked. “It comes naturally with you.”
"Well it's the sexiest thing I've ever heard," he murmured.
His strong arms wrapped around your waist and gripped you tightly. He spun you both around so your back was to the bed. He pulled you up into his arms and tossed you onto the bed.
You gasped in surprise, not used to being manhandled in such a manner. You sat up slightly, resting on your elbows as you looked at the gorgeous man in front of you. You curled one finger and beckoned him towards you with a smirk.
He quickly discarded his boxers and dropped onto the bed, crawling slowly up your body. He dropped kisses onto your skin as he moved, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
When he reached your mouth, you reached up and grabbed the hair at the base of his neck, tugging him down to you. Your kiss was hungry and needy, leaving no question as to what you wanted.
As the kiss deepened, Dean shifted his body to touch your soft curves. In doing so, the tip of his cock brushed against your pussy, eliciting soft moans from both of you.
Dean's hands traced softly up and down your sides, relishing the feeling of your skin against his. "I love touching you," he murmured in your ear. "You're so damn soft."
You smiled and turned your head to nip at his jaw. He groaned and turned his attention back to your soft lips, sucking the bottom one between his teeth and biting down gently.
Much like Dean, you loved touching his body, but you reveled in the firmness of his body beneath your hands. Every time he moved, you could feel his muscles tense and shift. His body was powerful and beautiful--a vessel carrying the most incredible soul you'd ever known.
Dean shifted again, nudging your head to the side so he could suck at your neck, leaving love marks on the sensitive skin. You lifted your hips up slightly, seeking some kind of friction to relieve the ache between your legs. Once again, his cock brushed against your core and you gasped lightly. Dean, on the other hand, bit gently into your neck to suppress a loud moan.
"I can't wait any longer, baby," he groaned.
"Take me. I'm yours," you whispered.
He sighed softly, kissing you sweetly before pulling away. "Roll over for me, sweetness. Hands and knees."
Your eyes widened in surprise, but you rolled over immediately. You lowered your upper body to lay flat against the mattress, ass high in the air.
"Holy shit," Dean murmured as his hands grasped your large, round ass. "Who said you could have an ass this incredible? I can't wait to watch it jiggle while I fuck you senseless."
Before you could respond, he smacked your ass with an open palm, causing you to gasp slightly.
He seemed to realize belatedly that he should have asked if you were okay with that before doing it, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't imagined smacking your ass for years. "Is that okay, baby?"
"More, please," you begged softly.
He smacked your ass again with a grin. "You like that?"
"Harder, Dean," you moaned. "Like you mean it."
"Fuck," he groaned, hand coming down against your cheek again.
Each time you moaned loudly, reaffirming your enjoyment of the action. Your pussy clenched around nothing and you were beyond desperate for him to just fuck you already.
"Dean, I need you--please," you cried desperately.
"Where do you need me, baby?"
"Inside me," you whimpered.
Without warning, you felt one of Dean's thick fingers enter your pussy. "Like this?"
You shook your head rapidly.
"Words, babe," he said firmly.
"I want your cock, Dean."
"Yeah? Tell me where."
You turned your head to look at him as best as you could from your current position. "I want you to fuck my pussy with your big, thick cock...please," you pleaded softly.
Dean blinked rapidly and licked his lips. He pulled his finger out from inside of you and sucked your juices from it. "Yes ma'am," he murmured.
He leaned forward and kissed your cheek where he'd left a red mark from his slaps. You turned your head back around, forehead against the mattress, preparing yourself for what would come next.
Dean gripped his cock tightly, stroking it a few times before lining himself up with your entrance. He started to enter you and you gasped at the stretch. It was painful given his larger than average size.
"I've got you, baby," he whispered, running his hands up and down your back in a soothing manner. "Just relax for me."
You took a deep breath and tried to relax your body as much as you could. When he felt the tension leave you, he continued to push forward.
You'd never felt so full before and the pain had begun to subside into pleasure. "You're so big," you mumbled.
Dean smirked and chuckled softly. "I'm not all the way in yet, sweetheart."
"What?!" you gasped in surprise.
He pushed the rest of the way in, bottoming out so deep inside you, you swore you could feel him against your cervix. "Fuck!" you yelped.
Dean continued his soothing hand motions on your hips as he allowed you the time you needed to adjust to his size.
While you appreciated his gentleness, you desperately needed him to fuck you. Instead of telling him what you wanted, you moved your hips forward slightly before slamming back against him so your ass pressed firmly against his lower abdomen.
Dean's blunt nails dug into your hips and he growled lowly. "Fuck, baby."
His hips snapped forward and he held you in place by your hips. He set a brutal pace, unable to move slowly--it felt way too damn good.
Dean was completely mesmerized by your ass, watching it jiggle as he fucked into you forcefully. He slapped the opposite cheek from the one he'd hit earlier and you cried out in pleasure, pussy clenching around him.
"You feel so fuckin' good, sweetness," he moaned. "Tightest pussy I've ever had."
You couldn't formulate a good response to his words as you were already too far gone. His cock slammed into your g-spot with each thrust, making your legs shake and your head fog up.
"Made for me, weren't you baby?"
"Mhmm," you hummed.
Dean smiled, knowing you were overwhelmed with pleasure and unable to respond properly. He leaned forward and grabbed a handful of your hair at the base of your neck. He tugged back slightly--just enough to cause a little pain without truly hurting you.
His thrusts were almost violent, they were so fast and hard. He wanted to feel you come apart on his cock and he knew you were close.
"You gonna cum for me, baby?" he whispered.
You simply whined desperately.
"What do you need, sweetheart? Tell me what you need."
"More," you begged.
"Hmm," Dean hummed. He slipped an arm around your waist and tugged you back against him so you were sitting up as he continued to thrust into you.
One hand slid up to your neck, wrapping around your throat and applying just a tiny bit of pressure to gauge your reaction. His other hand moved slowly towards your core, seeking your clit for added stimulation.
"Dean!" you cried.
He bit into your shoulder. "I'm here, baby. I want you to fall apart for me."
He rubbed at your clit quickly, thrusts slower due to the new position, but nevertheless pleasurable.
You needed just a little more to push yourself over the edge, so you gripped his hand around your neck and put more pressure on it, indicating what you needed.
Dean got the hint and tightened his grip on your throat, just enough to push you over the edge. He didn't want to hurt you--he would never hurt you.
"Cum for me, sweet girl," he murmured in your ear.
You cried out as your second orgasm crashed against you and your pussy tightened almost painfully around Dean's cock. He helped you ride out your high before lowering you back to the bed and rolling you over onto your back.
He was immediately on top of you, thrusting into you more slowly. He put one arm on either side of your head to support himself, effectively trapping you beneath him.
He rolled his hips against you, the motion pressing his pelvis against your clit, causing you to whimper in pained pleasure. Your hands found purchase in his upper back, nails digging in as he repeated the action.
"I love your body, baby," he whispered. "So fucking perfect."
You smiled up at him, pulling him down for a heated kiss. "I like it too," you mumbled. "Yours isn't bad either."
He chuckled lightly, kissing you lovingly. "I wanna see you come apart for me, (Y/N). Can you give me one more?"
Your eyes widened. "I don't think I can..."
"I bet you can, sweetness." He grabbed your hips and pulled your legs up so your legs were wrapped around his waist. He began to thrust in earnest again and your head fell back, a moan escaping your lips.
Dean closed his eyes, focusing on pulling at least one more orgasm from you and keeping his own at bay. The way you were squeezing him made it a hell of a lot harder than he would like.
The harder his thrusts, the tighter you seemed to grip him, and the deeper your nails dug into his back. He knew he was going to have some serious gashes on his back, but he intended to wear them with pride.
"Come apart for me, baby. Let me feel you soak my cock," he begged.
"Dean," you groaned.
"Come on, my love--let go."
Your eyes fluttered closed and your body began to shake as waves of pleasure threatened to overwhelm you. You came for the third time that night, cries of pleasure mixing with Dean's moans of encouragement.
You started to come down from your high, body overly sensitive from the onslaught of pleasure that continued. "Dean, too much!" you gasped.
"Just one more," he begged.
"I can't!" you whimpered.
"Please baby--one more. Need it," he continued to beg.
You didn't think it was possible for you to cum again, but you began to feel a new sensation in your abdomen. It felt similar to the familiar tightening coil that signified an oncoming orgasm, but it was infinitely more intense. You weren't even sure if it was pleasure or pain--the feeling was simply too overwhelming to comprehend.
"Dean--I can't--" you gasped in confusion.
His hand slid between your bodies to gently massage your clit and you suddenly couldn't breathe. You began to writhe beneath him, hands gripping at the sheets to try and ground yourself.
Dean knew you were about to come undone again, so he didn't slow any of his motions. "Look at me, baby."
Your eyes met his for no more than a moment before your vision became blurry. You screamed his name as you came for a fourth and final time. The feeling was so incredible, you couldn't even begin to describe it.
Your vision began to return to normal as you desperately tried to catch your breath. You were practically limp beneath him as Dean began to chase his own orgasm.
He tucked his head into the crook of your neck and murmured soft words of praise against your skin. "Feels so good--squeezing me perfectly."
He kissed your neck as his thrusts became more erratic. "I'm gonna fill up this pretty little pussy, sweetness. Gonna cum for you."
You managed to press a kiss into his shoulder and wrap your arms around him, hands clutching his back. "Fill me up, Dean," you whispered encouragingly.
Dean groaned lowly. "This pussy is mine, baby. You hear me? Mine."
"Yours, Dean. Only yours."
"Oh--fuck--" he groaned. "(Y/N)!"
His hips began to stutter, thrusts faltering as he filled you up with his seed. He whispered your name like a prayer as his movements began to slow to a halt. You clung to him tightly as he came down from his high.
He finally collapsed on top of you, completely spent and breathless.
You rubbed his back soothingly, lips pressing gentle kisses to his shoulder and neck. As the two of you laid there quietly, you began to notice the bedding beneath you was particularly wet--more so than you had expected it to be.
"I love you so much," Dean whispered, lips pressed softly against your jaw.
"I love you too, baby," you said sweetly.
Dean began to lift himself up, each movement making you gasp--body too overstimulated to handle any motion.
"Sorry, sweetheart," he murmured softly.
"I'm not complaining," you assured him.
He grinned slightly as he pulled himself up completely, softened member sliding out of your excessively wet pussy.
He looked down at the bed and his grin widened. "We made quite the mess, baby."
"Yeah, it feels a little...wetter than normal."
He chuckled softly. "That's probably because you squirted, (Y/N/N)."
You gasped, cheeks reddening in embarrassment. You realized that must have been the result of the most intense orgasm of your life. "I did?!"
Dean noticed your discomfort and immediately reassured you. "Yeah, sweetness--and it was the sexiest fucking thing I've ever seen."
You bit your lip and looked up at him. "Really?"
He grinned. "Really."
"I've--uh--well...I've never squirted before," you admitted.
His chest puffed up with pride. "I'm honored to have been the first--and the last." He added a wink for emphasis.
You smiled softly. "Maybe don't make it a regular thing...I literally can't move."
Dean laughed. "Don't worry, babe. I'll take care of you."
You watched the handsome man cross the room and go into the bathroom, emerging several minutes later with two washcloths. He gently picked you up, moving you to the other side of the bed where it was dry. From there, he very gently began to clean you up with the warm washcloths.
You were moved by the loving way he took care of you, making sure you were clean and comfortable before leaving the room in search of another set of sheets.
When he returned, you found you still couldn't move, but Dean didn't seem to mind. "I can change the sheets with you in them, (Y/N)."
"Hush," he insisted as he pressed a kiss to your lips.
He made quick work of removing the sheets on the other half of the bed and putting the clean sheets on that side. He then scooped you up again and moved you to the clean, crisp sheets. He removed the rest of the soiled sheets and finished making the bed.
As soon as he was finished, he crawled into the bed beside you. He reached out to grab your soft body and tugged you against his warm chest.
You nuzzled into him and sighed softly. "I could get used to this."
He smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I'll always take care of you, baby...so you might as well get used to it. I'm not going anywhere."
You smiled and pressed a soft kiss onto his chest. "I love you, Dean."
Dean tightened his grip on you and smiled. "I love you more, (Y/N/N). Always."
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Latency Lingering {F.W}
Chapter II - Cold Comfort
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Synopsis: after your run-in with Molly earlier in the afternoon, things come to a head when the very man you'd hoped to never see again shows up at your front door, breathless and demanding answers. And thus, your once so peaceful life comes to a sharp and grinding halt, rather likely for good.
When you looked back on it, your final happy evening with Fred was absolutely chock full of the kind of irony that could make a grown man weep.
It was something you'd scarcely considered prior to the birth of your children, the stinging pain of it all dulled by the persistent dread brought on by the promise of an unsupported birth and the overhanging threat of your ex finding out about the secrets you were keeping from him.
But, of course, that dread hadn't lasted forever, and mere weeks after the birth of your son and daughter you had found yourself suddenly consumed by the near hilarity of the tragedy that had befallen your love life, and the ever present sense of irony that hovered over it like a cloud.
After all, it had been on your last joyful evening with your former boyfriend that the then seemingly far off topic of pregnancy had come up, the weight of it manageable for what you had not then known would be the final time.
It had been a warm spring night, and although the weather had been pleasant enough as of late and the promise of your worst school year yet coming to a close never ceased to bring a sigh of relief to your lips, you couldn't help but feel completely miserable.
For weeks at that point, you had been dealing with utterly debilitating nausea (and the less than welcome side effects associated with it) all throughout your days, and though your love always did his best to support you, you could sense his hesitance and worry over your health as the date planned for he and his brother's conjoined escape drew nearer.
Thus, when you'd found yourself in the gryffindor common room pulled tight against his chest, you'd simply melted into him like a scoop of ice cream dropped upon sticky asphalt.
It always made you feel at least a little better, you'd found, to have him near, and you could tell that he was put at ease whenever he felt your familiar weight against him, a subtle reminder that you were alright even in spite of the illness that plagued you.
He would never admit it, and for you, he didn't have to, but Fred Weasley was a worrier, and a skilled one at that.
So, in order to stave off that worry in favor of spending his second to final evening with you at Hogwarts in better spirits than he otherwise might, he'd begun rattling off utterly ridiculous theories regarding the cause of your long term illness, the likes of which ranged from not having received enough kisses as of late, to bearing witness to Draco Malfoy's face each day.
Though, it was your darling's final theory that had truly managed to capture your attention.
"Ugh, don't even joke about that, Fred. It isn't nearly as funny as you think it is."
You'd huffed out with a light groan of semi-exaggerated despair, unable to stop yourself from rolling your eyes as your then boyfriend had laughed in response, tossing a lithe arm, strengthened in part by his history with quidditch, no doubt, across your shoulders.
"Who’s joking?"
He'd inquired with a feigned sincerity, his hand raising up to splay across his chest as if appalled.
"This is a matter of utmost seriousness, I'm afraid."
At that, you'd scoffed.
Fred Weasley, engage with a matter of "utmost seriousness"? Unlikely.
"It’d most certainly better not be. I am far from ready to have your child, Weasley."
Your boyfriend had hummed in response, the look of gleeful mischief in his eyes hard to miss.
You braced yourself for whatever ridiculous thing he was about to say.
He'd questioned as if truly baffled by your (sensible) admission.
"Well, you certainly could have fooled me the way that you- ack!"
Suddenly realizing exactly where he was going with that statement, you’d all but lunged to cover up his mouth before he could finish, not too keen on the idea of random passerbys hearing of your (admittedly rather active) sex life.
Still, Fred had dodged your "attack" quite easily, grinning wide as you'd fixed him with your most intimidating glare,
"I'm being serious, you git. You'd have to be mad to find something so disastrous amusing enough to joke about."
To that, Fred had simply shrugged, pulling you ever closer with the arm he'd kept wrapped around your now slightly tensed shoulders.
"I think we may just have different interpretations of what is disastrous, my dear."
He had teased, breaths tickling the baby hairs that grew atop your head,
"I have it all planned out, you know."
You'd hummed at that, eyes twinkling with curiosity as you turned your head to better see the man sitting beside you.
"Oh?" You'd asked, "Do tell."
Fred had chuckled, leaning his cheek against the top of your head as he spoke.
"First, we get the bloody hell out of here."
He'd teased, knowing full well just how much closer his impending absence was in comparison to your own.
"And then, as we'll doubtless be wealthy and well adjusted men by the time you graduate in a few weeks time, you'll move in with George and I, doing whatever job you please until I either convince you to work at our wildly successful shop, or you really do fall pregnant. Whichever comes first."
You'd burst out laughing and smacked your boyfriend's shoulder at that comment, noting with joy the way that he shook with his own laughter against you.
"A child before marriage, Mr. Weasley?" You'd teased once your amusement had been quelled enough to allow for speech, "I fear your mother would just about flay you for such a thing.”
The ginger had hummed in subtle confirmation at that, shrugging slightly as he replied,
"Perhaps, but I reckon she'd be utterly besotted with you for it, so you've not much to lose there besides your future husband."
"Future husband and the father of my child in this hypothetical scenario, I'll remind you." You'd teased, "I'd be rather cross with you if you fell to your mother and left me to raise Fred Jr. all by my lonesome."
Your love had grinned wide at that, raising a brow as he considered your words further,
"You think you'd give me a son first then?" He'd asked teasingly, "Because I have a feeling our first will be a girl."
You'd outright laughed again at that admission, baffled and highly amused by your boyfriend's utter certainty in regards to your future.
"Ah, my apologies. Fredette then."
The man sitting beside you scowled as if you'd said the most absurd thing he'd heard in weeks.
"I think not. Frederica perhaps."
To that, you'd groaned, shaking your head back and forth in utter exasperation.
"Absolutely not. If you'd have our daughter named after you then I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more creative than that."
"Oh, not to worry, love."
Fred had quipped back immediately,
"As I said before, I've got it all planned out."
You opened your mouth to question the man further, but already knowing what you were going to ask, your love had spoken up before you could,
"Winnie for a girl, and Augustine for a boy."
You'd all but gawked at that, shocked by the sincerity of the man's tone as you pulled away to see him already smiling down at you.
"Why Winnie?"
You'd asked gently, watching as the gryffindor sitting beside you shrugged his shoulders,
"It's a rather cute name, isn't it? I think it would fit an adorable little ginger girl splendidly. I can already hear you calling it out across our home, chasing her down to rub sunscreen on those doubtlessly freckled cheeks of hers as she fights tooth and nail for her right to roast in the afternoon sun."
Laughing, you nodded semi-exasperatedly at the rather vivid scene presented to you,
"If she's yours I'm sure I'll be doing that and many similar tasks quite often."
You'd paused for a moment to think further before speaking up again,
"And Augustine?"
Fred smiled softly,
"I've always rather liked the name, but have never heard it used much." He began before continuing almost hesitantly, "And it certainly helps that I fell for you in the month of August, as well."
Your eyes had widened slightly at that, brow raising alongside them as you'd urged Fred to elaborate.
"August?" You'd asked, "We didn't even have school in August, Freddie."
The man sitting beside you nodded in confirmation to your words.
"I know. It was summer, I was free of schoolwork and able to terrorize Ronald, Percy, and little Ginny as much as I well pleased, but even so, the only thing I could think about was you. Can you imagine, fourteen year old me desperate to get back to Hogwarts all because I wanted to see a girl? It was not an easy realization to come to terms with, I'm afraid."
You'd scoffed at that, hand reaching over to squeeze his own where it draped across your shoulder in spite of your seemingly nonplussed reaction as you considered the proposed names further.
"Winnie and Augustine." You had murmured aloud, tasting the two names together on your tongue for the very first time. "I quite like those."
And just as he'd begun to fiddle with the promise ring adorning the hand that rested gently atop his own, your love hummed softly in confirmation.
"I knew you would."
And then, smiling as you'd closed your eyes contentedly and leaned against him, you couldn't help but let out a pleased sigh.
In spite of all the stress you'd endured as of late with Umbridge's rule, your sudden and unexplained bouts of illness, and Fred and George's impending absence, the future, it seemed, was bright.
Until, that is, the very next day, when you'd learned alone in the girls bathroom that some aspects of it would be coming far sooner than you ever could have planned for or even imagined.
That night, just over twenty-four hours after your hopeful conversation, you had broken things off with Fred Weasley, and you hadn't seen him since.
That is, of course, until today.
Because even in spite of your insistence that she not tell him anything earlier that afternoon when she'd caught you on your way out of that accursed doctor's office, it seemed that Molly Weasley had paid your pleas little mind, for it was only a few hours after you'd arrived home that Fred had turned up at your front door.
And truthfully, you knew that it was partially your own fault that he had found you with such ease.
After all, you still lived in that same flat your aunt had rented out to you during your summers away from Hogwarts, the one she used to supplement her income as she persisted with her freelance photography abroad.
Your mother, her sister, hadn't spoken to her (at least to your knowledge), since she'd refused to kick you out of it after your graduation, but the woman in question had never seemed to mind.
In truth, you hadn't yet found it within yourself to miss your children's maternal grandmother much either.
But still, even in spite of your aunt's kindness, you couldn't help but wish you'd had the forethought to move elsewhere as you stared helplessly at the man standing on the other side of your door.
He looked positively frazzled, and utterly determined.
"Fred I-"
"Tell me that she's mistaken."
The young wizard half demanded, half plead, his hand coming to rest upon the inner lip of the door as if afraid you might close it on him at any moment.
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t considered it.
You swallowed thickly at his words, opening your mouth in search of a reply only to have him cut you off once more before you could even begin.
"Or better yet, tell me that she's lying and that this is all some utterly ridiculous ploy to get me to see you again after all these years. Tell me anything Y/n, just not that she's right."
Unsure of what to say, you cast your gaze downward toward the floor and away from Fred's prying eyes, and immediately he drew in a sharp breath and cursed above you, bringing his unoccupied hand to rub across his face.
The silence that descended upon the two of you afterward was thick and cloying, the absence of all sound so harsh that it nearly made you shudder, an urge you only held back because you refused to come across as weak to the man standing before you.
Which, as things went, happened to be rather difficult considering how absolutely terrified you felt.
He breathed out after several long seconds of nothing,
"All this time, and you were just never going to tell me?"
Slowly, and with a shameful certainty, you nodded at that, hands clasping in front of you as your fingers worried away at the spot on your finger where your promise ring had one sat.
Old habits died hard, you supposed.
"Fred, I..."
You trailed off for a few moments, desperately seeking out the right words, only to give up with a sigh when you realized they would likely never come.
There were no "right words" for you to say in this situation. There was only the truth, as ugly as it may have been.
"I didn't know what else to do."
At that, a short burst of harsh and humorless laughter that was jarringly similar to that which he'd let out on your final night together in the astronomy tower pushed passed your ex's lips, and despite your best efforts, you couldn't help but flinch back from it, a movement which he either didn't notice, or chose to ignore entirely.
"You didn't know what else to do besides dump me with no real explanation and hide my own children from me for nearly three years of their lives?"
He scoffed, looking down at you as if in utter disbelief,
"Does that seem like the most rational decision to you, Y/n?"
In response to his mocking tone and blatant disregard for your reasoning, you looked up to meet your former lover's eyes once more, glaring daggers into them as a hand came to rest upon your hip.
"Was it a rational decision for you to set off fireworks in a school, Fred? Or for you to drop out mere months before graduation?"
You snapped, taking a step closer to the man as you pointed an accusatory finger to his chest, the space between you decreased enough now that you could smell the familiar cologne he'd always worn, the very same one you'd described while smelling amortentia all those years ago in Snape's classroom.
Fred glared right back at you after a moment of what appeared to be surprise at your sudden displeasure, but before he could even think to open his mouth again, you continued.
"How about when you decided to fight in a war that from what I heard, very nearly killed you, huh? And let's not forget to mention this very moment here, where you've turned up to my aunt’s flat in search of your ex girlfriend while looking half a mad man instead of thinking to send an owl first to at least make sure that I even still live here. How rational does that seem, Fred?!"
Your voice was raised now, having been increasing in volume since you'd begun the second half of your rant, and while he had never been one for shouting, it seemed that Fred Weasley was far too concerned with not being outdone to care today.
"You're saying I should have sent an Owl?!" He asked incredulously, the laughter that left him just as barren of humor as the bout before it.
"Oh that's rich coming from you, love, because you could stand to learn a thing or two about sending important owls, it would seem!"
You scoffed, arms crossing atop your chest as you opened your mouth to reply once more, a no doubt biting remark already primed and ready to go at your lips.
As unfair as it was, after all, there was some long buried part of you that felt angry at the man standing before you.
Because even if it was entirely your own choice, you had endured nearly nine long months of pregnancy completely alone, before laboring just under two weeks early all by yourself, which of course had preceded you then raising both of your children all by your lonesome, exhausted and afraid of whatever it was that would come next, because as you'd soon discovered alongside the existence of your children, there was always something else looming on the horizon.
And it just wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair how desperately you yearned for the touch of a man now supposedly unknown to you as you laid in bed each night,
It wasn't fair how curiously your little ones asked about other children's fathers,
It wasn't fair how obviously and agonizingly they took after their dad,
It wasn't fair how you saw him briefly each time you looked into their beautiful little eyes or brushed your fingers through their soft ginger hair,
None of it was fair, not in the slightest.
But just as you were about to open your mouth and express these long buried and ignored feelings of yours, a small and painfully poorly timed voice called out from behind you.
And when you shifted your gaze to see your ex's face more clearly, all you saw expressed upon it was a deep and sorrowful dread as he stared just past you at the once empty door frame, which you hoped against all hope and sense was still bereft of life.
Of course though, you could already tell from Fred's face alone that this was not the case.
The young voice that you immediately identified as that of your son questioned curiously from behind you, and finally you swallowed your hopes and fears and turned around to face the music for what felt like the one millionth time in that day alone.
And of course, standing there, backlit by the slightly yellow glow of the bulbs from the kitchen that sat just inside, was your boy, your darling Augustine, looking the very picture of the man that stood just a few feet away from him.
His hair was an absolute mess from his clearly restless sleep, and he was rubbing at his eyes in a manner that made it nearly impossible to make out their color, but even so that inarguable likeness was there.
He looked every bit the quintessential Weasley child, and it made your heart flutter in your chest when you noticed the way that your former love seemed to take this in, as if it were a knife to the gut.
Clearing your throat to rid it of the sudden thickness that you found there, you were quick to reply.
"Yes, love?"
You murmured softly, reaching out gently to help guide the young boy to you when he began to fumble all but blindly in your direction, eyes still blurred by sleep.
"Can sissy and me sleep with you? We've had another bad dream."
At that, you frowned immediately, maternal instincts quick to take over in spite of your stressful situation.
For nearly a year now your twins had suffered from nightmares, often on the same nights, though thankfully from what they had shared with you, they at least seemed to be about differing things.
That said, it did cause you rather significant grief as a parent to see your children suffering so with something you could not even hope to control or change.
It made you feel weak, helpless, and above all else, afraid of your own potential errors or failures in raising your little one's to have something like this plague them for so very long.
Several nights a week you would awaken to the sounds of pattering feet on hardwood, petrified voices crying out your name from down the hall, or little fingers poking at your body to rouse you as one or both of your children sought out the comforts of their mother.
Most often during times like this though, you'd found that it was Winnie who came to get you, her brother (younger by a whopping nine minutes and twenty-three seconds), typically favoring bundling up beneath his covers until you went off to gather him up in your arms and carry him to your bedroom before cocooning him alongside his sister within the blanket that smelled soothingly of you and the detergent you used on it once weekly.
So, naturally, it worried you to note that it was August who sought you out on this particular evening.
Sympathetically, you cooed to the boy standing before you, reaching down to pick him up with ease before setting him familiarly upon your hip with a skill that was rather jarring to the nearly forgotten man standing with his back to the wall just opposite you and your son.
"Of course you can sleep with me, darling."
You assured him gently, rubbing his back with your still free hand as you allowed your voice to take on that soft and soothing tone that all mothers seemed to master at one point or another,
"Does sissy need me to go and get her tonight?"
Your son had just begun quietly shaking his head when the sound of small feet on tiled floors caught your attention, and you immediately turned to better see the source of it as your daughter came into view.
There, backlit in the very same way that her brother had been, stood your ever so brave and dreadfully witty Winnifred, whose hair was still up in messy pigtails from earlier that day due to her refusal to allow you to take them out at bedtime.
You often claimed that she didn't get such stubbornness from you whilst you were teasing her, but you knew deep down that such a statement was far from true.
She was, after all, just as much your daughter as she was Fred's, and it seemed that the apple did not fall far from the tree in that particular regard.
"There's my sweet girl,"
You began, squatting down to offer your unoccupied arm to her,
"Would you like a cuddle as well, then?"
And immediately, the elder of your two children all but launched herself into your arms, muttering softly of her nightmare and the fading details she recalled of it as she buried her face into your neck, relaxing herself with any and all familiaritites you carried about your person.
You shushed her gently, swaying your body back and forth with a practiced rhythm until all of the sudden, Fred's voice snapped you straight out of your reverie.
"They truly are real then."
He said softly, as if in utter disbelief of the sight unfolding before him.
Unsure of what to say, you simply nodded, avoiding his gaze to the very best of your ability as you prayed he didn't notice the quiver in your bottom lip upon hearing the hurt and confusion in his voice.
Seeming to choke a bit on his words, Fred faltered for a moment, floundering in place until finally, he simply shook his head and sighed.
"I should go."
Your eyes widened at that, and your head quickly snapped up as the man standing before you pulled a small pen and notepad set from his back pocket, the front of it clearly stained with ink and worn from use.
No doubt for his ideas, then, you realized idly before putting a stop to any familiarity you felt for the individual standing before you.
He was a different man now, a totally new person.
You had no right thinking of him as if you still knew who he was today.
Scribbling out a few lines of text in writing that you knew all too well, the ginger sighed before tearing the piece of paper he had been using out and handing it to you.
"That there is the address to mine and George's shop and our apartment just above it. If you don't find me there, I'm likely at Mum's or somewhere just down the road. Have someone let me know if you ever stop by while I'm not in."
Shocked, you nodded absently before finally finding it within yourself to speak up once more.
"So I'm guessing you'll be wanting me to come to you about all of this sooner rather than later?"
Shrugging in a manner that you would almost describe as hopeless, Fred looked to you briefly before quickly glancing away, as if pained by the mere sight of you alone.
"I would have wanted you to come to me about our children years ago, but better late than never I suppose."
Opening your mouth as if to argue with his statement, you found that nothing worth saying would come.
Once again, it seemed he was rather justified in how he felt.
Once again, it seemed you were the bad guy for doing what you had felt was right all those years ago.
What a mess.
Seeing your apparent speechlessness, Fred simply nodded in farewell before apparating out of your apartment complex without another word, leaving you to wonder how today could have begun so typically and ended in such a life altering manner.
Such was life with twins, you supposed.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 5 months
Mean Eddie series. Part one part two
Minors shoo. More angst I'm afraid, jealous Eddie but our boy won't admit it.
How you've managed to avoid Eddie for a full week is anyone's guess but between cheer practice, sleepovers with Chrissy and hanging out with Steve and Robin, it's like a soothing balm for your heartache.
Except at the dead of night when the ache from missing Eddie threatens to overwhelm you. The thing is you're stubborn and you highly doubt Eddie is missing you. Why would he?
Billy Hargrove has also been trying to catch your attention, he's been flirting for the entire week and he's not shy about doing it in front of others either.
It's not like Billy isn't handsome, he is. However you've heard far too many things about him dating multiple girls, being a player. You weren't interested in being another notch on his bedpost.
As your at your locker and attempting not to look Eddie's way, his locker is right across from yours and he's busy chatting to Gareth, discussing the new Hellfire campaign he's planning.
You'd been with Eddie once while he was knee deep in campaign planning, watched as his tongue poked out while he was writing and weaving a new story for the next Hellfire night. He looked so cute and it made you giggle, Eddie smirks amused at your giggles.
"Princess, I said no interruptions if you stayed, I may need to punish you for that" he kissed you then proceeded to tickle you until you were breathless and laughing, Eddie watching you with a soft smile on his face.
It was one of the moments with him where you thought the two of you could be more. Obviously you were wrong.
Billy brings you out of your reverie and you realise he's been standing talking to you for a full minute. Shit. What did he say?
"We could go to the party then somewhere more private babe?" He winks at you and you jump as you hear a locker slam. Eddie's.
Gareth is watching him confused as he gathers up his notes. "Dude, what's up with you?" you tear your eyes away from Eddie and back to an expectancy Billy.
"Sorry, I have other plans with Chrissy" Billy frowns but spots Eddie before he can say anything else.
"Hey man, you got any weed for me? Need some tonight" Eddie's gaze briefly drifts over to you and your heart skips a beat, then he looks away and disappointment curdles in your stomach.
"No, I don't have any for you and your girlfriend" he spits out the word and you freeze. What was up with him? Evidently Billy must be thinking the same thing.
"What's crawled up your ass Munson?" Billy snaps and Eddie's brown eyes meet his, they flash dangerously. He's never been intimidated by Billy and he isn't going to start now.
"Next time you two want to flirt can you do it out of the way of us peasants. You're bringing my lunch up dude" you freeze at Eddie's tone. Seriously what the fuck was up with him?
Before Billy can reply you do. "You're insufferable Eddie. Billy's not my boyfriend. Not that is any of your business" you can feel the anger clawing inside of you and just dare Eddie to say something stupid.
He shrugs and avoids your gaze. "Your love life isn't my concern" he murmurs and you swear you're this close to losing it. You take a deep breath and shake your head.
"Whatever Munson" you're tired of crying about someone who just doesn't care. You walk away but Eddie calls out to you.
"Wait" you wait with baited breath for him to say something, anything. Come on Eddie. But he doesn't, he just stays quiet and you feel another crack in your heart.
"Never mind" whatever he was about to say it's gone now and you curse yourself for daring to hope.
Fuck you Eddie.
Stop, you're losin' me
I can't find a pulse
Stop, you're losin' me
Stop, you're losin' me
My heart won't start anymore
For you
'Cause you're losin' me
Taylor swift- You're losing me.
I don't want you to lose me, you think through your anger but nothing will ever change so what was the point of hoping.
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Could would Lotor, Shiro, Keith and Zarkon (separately) react to finding out that the males of their boyfriend's (m!readers) species can get pregnant? M! reader's species is basically a cat-human hybrid. I don't care if it's smut or fluff.
(feel free to take off Keith or Shiro if there are to many characters)
Hey, Anon!
I'm sorry for taking this too long!
The characters are kinda ooc, but I hope it's acceptable!
I wanted to make this as fluff, but I put some spice in it. Don't worry, it's safe.
Although, I have to admit-
I'm a Lotor simp
×❢ About my work ❢×
ooc, fluff, smut, male reader, cat human hybrid reader, no pronouns used for the reader, no proofread
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Character(s): Takashi "Shiro" Shirogen, Keith Kogane, Prince Lotor, Emperor Zarkon, You| (Y/N) |The Reader
Ship(s): The characters x You| (Y/N) |The Reader
Form: Headcanons
𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨, 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐙𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
[Credit goes to the creators of the gifs!]
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogen
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• he is actually pretty surprised
• firstly, because you are a male and you're pregnant
• but don't worry, he traveled through the galaxy and he saw weirder stuff than this
• secondly, he didn't believe that the pregnancy test will be possitive and you guys made it!
• like you came up to him and told that the pregnancy test was possitive and he was like "What's that, hon?"
• BUT YOU GUYS MADE IT! And this is what matters. And ofc the baby's health too, but you get my point
• so it was kind of a good surprise for him
• he's not so crazy about it
• Actually, he never had a crazy, energetic personality, so that's normal from him.
• but he will do his best to keep you and the baby healthy
• he'll also sit down and just talk softer when he's around your belly
• he'll be ONE OF THE most cheesy ones
• also, he won't like it, when others are cursing around you bc of the baby
• HE'S SO DAD!! (I mean he's the dad of the Team Voltron, so what did u expect? -)
Keith Kogane
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• he'll just stand there and say "... What?"
• Even if he doesn't show any sign of excitment, you know that he's happy about it.
• You two WILL have serious conversations about he can be a good father, and yes, you know that you're two are ready for this child.
• will be more protective around you than ever
• he's afraid that the baby will get infected by Lance
• "Stop it, you'll make my child(ren) stupid."
"Oh, like you would be any smarter."
"I am."
• 3 months after you've revealed to him that you're pregnant, he have finally accepted that he is ready to be a great and ideal father to your child(ren). He placed your palm into his. "You know... I was thinking, (Y/N)... Maybe... Maybe you're right. I can be a good father to our child(ren)." he looked up at you with a determined sparkle in his eyes. "And I'm so ready for it."
• he's not a big crier, but this will be definitely bring his emotional side out. But just for you and your baby(s) only
Prince Lotor
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• ♪ he knows, he knows, and I know he knows ♪
• okay, but seriously, when you mentioned that the test was positive, he'll just stand there and smirk at you and say
• "I already know that, Darling."
• and he also knows that he's happy about it
• definitely that type of person, who already has a whole construction plan of the baby's room
• he'll probably kiss your belly at sex
• also, I think it would turn him onthat how sensitive you are
• "Oh my..." he laughs at your whimpers. He did nothing yet. All he did was just touching your chest with his cold fingertips. And you are already beneath the plesure as you begging him for more. "You're so sensitive for me, Dear."
• He tries to spend as much time with you and the baby as he can. He doesn't want to give your child the same parenthood, like his was. He wants to be better, than his father.
Emperor Zarkon
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(Mind if I do past Zarkon? As the Black Lion's paladin? I hope you don't mind it-)
• he could already sense that you're pregnant, so he wasn't so surprised
• though, he was still happy with you
• in the Garla Empire it's quite dangerous to have a child, don't you think so?
• but don't worry, he'll watch out for you
• IS the other cheesy one
• he'll just knee down and kiss your belly while asking "So, how's my babygirl / my big boy?"
• he had some doubt if he could be good father, but he swallowed it quickly
• i mean you chosed him. If he wasn't a good father figure for your beautiful child(ren), why would you choose him, right?
• i would say that he treats you like a prince —just like his son—, he does that everyday so-
• but after all, he's really greatful to have a child (or more) with you, and he's more than ready to be the father of your child(ren)!
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Congratulations on your 500 Followers!🎉 Hope you will grow more! I would like to choose the number 1 prompt, "Someone decides to ask you for your opinion about someone, and you decide to take advantage of your anonymity to admit your feelings. For some reason this flusters them."
For Jack, Sebek and Silver please
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1. Someone decides to ask you for your opinion about someone, and you decide to take advantage of your anonymity to admit your feelings. For some reason this flusters them.
Thank you very much friend! I really hope this is to your liking, and I really hope that you continue to find things that entertain you posted to this account.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, mutual pining, I find Jack really hard to write for because of his whole soulmate thing but please know he loves Yuu so fucking much he is in pain, Sebek thinks he's slick, and Silver is oblivious to a lot. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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There is a distressing lack of fluffy tails within your line of sight in the ballroom this evening. A feeling has been growing within you these past few months, similar to a crush but so intense it makes you want to fall over with the strength of your longing. You have no idea if Jack feels the same, he has continued to treat you with the same degree of feigned indifference he's held you at since the day you met.
And now he has left you all alone in the middle of a ballroom full of people that very much aren't him. Well that's how you feel it's not like you made any sort of concrete agreement to meet up beyond the typical first year friend group "hey let's all get together" texts that always populated your group chat when the school hosted events like this. You suppose your feet were always going to hurt at an event like this, but you had been hopeful that your heart wouldn't ache as well.
"Come here often?" A strange strangled voice asks, clearly trying to break the ice and not at all serious. You are both leaning against a pillar after all.
"Not really." Your stomach is still firmly in your throat, this person is massive and you see no sign of the comforting ears and tail of a wolf. "You?"
"Nope." And though neither of you make much a move to keep the conversation moving, you don't move to leave either despite the growing awkward aura around you both. You look out across the ballroom, eyes drawn towards Leona desperately searching for a sign. Your strange new friend takes note, he also seems to be looking at Leona. "Not afraid of staring are, you?"
"Is that what it looks like?" You ask slightly distressed.
"Most people just tuck tail and run when they see Savanaclaw." He almost sounds disgusted, but you can't quite tell with who. "I'm surprised you can stand to look."
"I've got good friends in Savanaclaw." You huff. Sure there's a chance this guy doesn't mean anything by what he's saying, but this is NRC. There is a much bigger chance that he does.
"Oh? Like who, Jack Howl?" This bitch-
"No." You cross your arms. "Friends don't make you want to explode."
"... I'm sorry?" The strange man apologizes, and it really does sound like he means it if the way he's scratching the back of his head is anything to go by. Unfortunately you have been sitting on these stupid feelings all night and really need them out in front of someone who isn't Grim, seven knows he doesn't care.
"Seriously like- wolf beastmen have only one soulmate? Forever? So it doesn't matter how I feel I just- never have a chance like ever. Ever ever ever, he's just always going to see me as some annoying hanger on- well maybe not annoying because I actually put in an effort you know?" The captive audience doesn't nod but that's ok, you just keep charging on. "And I know he appreciates that because his tail wags every time one of us do and it's so cute to watch."
"'m not cute."
"But that just doesn't matter he's got somebody already he just hasn't met them yet and I don't even know the right music to try and get rid of my feelings to. It's not like I can just ask him out and hope rejection will make the feelings go away because there is just no way he would be like in anyway nice about it-"
"What if you were that person though?" The stranger's voice is so strangled it's almost recognizable, and it successfully snaps you out of your stupor.
"But I'm not." You want to scream it, but it comes out so very quietly. "He was really clear about that, he'd just know."
"I'm stupid. I mean he is. Stupid. And you're human, maybe the feeling's different because there's a chance for rejection. It's not like humans always have soul mates." A dull silence falls over you both. Unease working it's pesky way back into both of your minds.
Not all humans have soul mates, but you most certainly do. Just... give him a moment, a ball is not his scene. But later when you're all alone, traipsing your way through the woods towards that lonely cottage there will be a wolf primed to strike. Just why did he ever worry Jack wonders, glad for the mask hiding his grin, he knew he only needed to be lucky once.
"Just what is your opinion on Malleus anyway?" Sebek tells himself he is asking you this for safety reasons. It's a question he has asked you before, just louder and with force enough to "blow down a barn door" to quote Epel, but this damn mask had a mockingly fitting enchantment that pitched his voice down and quieted it the more he tried yelling. He almost sounded like he was impersonating Jade, something that would likely deeply amuse the strange upperclassmen and seems to have a soothing effect on you. Not that he was jealous!
"Tsunotarou and I are bros." Yuu puts up what Master Lilia had told him was a "peace sign" and "extremely cute" but makes him seethe with rage and actual jealousy, not whatever that sickening feeling he'd had before was.
"You are not." The mask makes his dull roar sound like a middle aged mother gleefully scolding her friend for buying a particularly saucy pair of heels and not the justified rage of a royal retainer. "If you are bros just what does that make you to his retainers hmmmm?" That makes Yuu falter for some reason, mouth moving before the words are fully formed like they are considering hiding something.
That scares him. Because it compromises his lord's safety. Obviously.
"Well, I think Lilia's super cool." An objectively true statement human. A bit sparse on the praise but then what use would Master Lilia have for a human's praise? It would be better spent on him anyway. "He's really smart and happy to talk about what he knows, even if he lies about things sometimes, gotta have fun with yourself sometimes I guess. Silver is a bit dense, but he tries so hard you have to respect him for it." Again Sebek finds himself agreeing with Yuu, but the praise stings for some reason. It's minimal, but he supposes Yuu's avoidance of addressing the issue- not that they are he supposes, they may have stopped speaking but he doesn't think they intend to not give an opinion about him.
"And Sebek?" But he prods for it anyway because he wants it. He knows himself, he is not exactly ashamed of himself but Sebek knows you would never tell him the full truth of your opinion to his face. He can't even call Yuu by their name, why should they-
Sigh, like a besotted Princess in a fairy tale, play with the edges of their cape like a Prince questioning his propriety in voicing his desires but unable to swallow their emotion-
"He's really something else." You mean it, not that you are too sure why you feel like telling this stranger your deepest secret or why you chose to phrase it like a complaint. But the compliment suits Sebek like that you think. And the stranger doesn't stop you. "Knights are sort of out of fashion where I'm from but I've always liked them, and Sebek's the perfect image of one you know? I just wish there was some room in his heart for someone other than Malleus... not that I think his devotion's a bad thing y'know? I just- want to be treasured by a knight too."
"Just a knight?" The stranger asks. "Silver's there too I suppose."
"Nah he's not really my type." You shrug. "I like my guys a little pathetic. Look-" You barely notice the familiar way the stranger splutters as you bow to signal your exit. "I gotta go get Grim before he lights the place on fire, if you see Sebek tell him I'm looking for him? I want to dance with him at least once I just know he's good at it." And with that they're gone leaving an extremely competent and not at all pathetic thank you very much! Flustered mess of a man behind them.
"Oh hello Prefect." You have no idea who this student is but it is not unusual for people to know who you are given everything that's happened at this stupid school since you accidentally enrolled. "Nice to see you are enjoying yourself, the rolls are really good." And he is not judging you for the amount of bread you have in front of you so as far as you are concerned he can stay.
"They really are." You nod sagely, offering your new friend some of your hoard which he happily accepts as you both turn towards the ballroom to people watch. "I shouldn't be surprised at how good the food is, but somehow I always am." The stranger nods ruefully.
"I know what you mean. After eating so much of fa- Lillia's cooking you forget what things are supposed to taste like sometimes." Oh so this guy is in Diasomnia then? You'll have to compliment Tsunotarou later, this guy is super polite.
"Yeah I can see that, it makes feel bad for Silver sometimes what with how close those two are." You continue munch on your bread, too caught up in the fluffiness of it to notice how the "stranger" pauses, a thought forming in his mind he is sure to regret later but is unable to fully resist.
To long is human, which he is, painfully so.
"Do you think about Silver often?" He hopes he sounds playful, you fluster, looking the man up and down wondering if maybe Lilia has decided to alter his appearance to tease you some.
"More often than I should." Even if this is Lilia, it's not like anyone can really mock you for this can you? It's a Masquerade Ball, you're allowed to spill your guts to a stranger and reasonably expect nothing to come of it. Hell, just because this guy's in Diasomnia doesn't mean he'll say anything. "He's hard to ignore you know?"
"Not really." Silver picks at the bread, half hoping you will drop the topic, half agonizing about how to feel if you do. "He... doesn't have the best reputation in our dorm. People think he's too intense."
"Hmmm." You can see why, people who lack facial expressions often find themselves failing to express their intent. "That doesn't bother me." Oh he could practically soar, his whole body straightens in pride when you say that. "Silver is one of the few people I feel truly safe and... well sometimes I feel cherished around him. But I don't want to put pressure on him since we aren't even really friends I don't think."
"Why wouldn't you be?" He is deeply confused, he knows Lilia's advice is always coached in jokes but Silver didn't think the flowers he asked his animal friends to find would hinder his progress too badly. You were even wearing them tonight, it was how he found you, so it's not like you hated them... right? "I- He cares about you, I mean you know that right?"
"Maybe." Is all you say, eyes looking for someone in the crowd that's sat right next to you oh so painfully unaware- "But if I said I liked him would he even know what I meant? Would he still want to be friends... if..."
"Of course he would." Silver means it, but somehow he feels like he is missing something. The weight of your hand maybe, as you leave the "stranger" in search of... well he hopes "Silver" because if he knew you loved him, because he thinks that was what you meant maybe he wouldn't want to be just friends.
Best friends maybe? He'll have to ask Li- his father later.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
I just have this carnal craving for HoHE!Elysia!Reader content for some reason (I still miss my best girl so much even though I have her and her full kit asdfghjkl), but anyways, this whole idea in my brain just stems from her final fight with Mei during chapter 31, where the fight is really just more of a dance (I'm a sucker for these skjskjskjs).
May I humbly request Jing Yuan n Blade just having a spar with their s/o like that, and maybe it ends with just them just slow dancing (or holding each other and gently swaying together) in their s/o's little starry world/domain (I don't remember what it's called forgib moi)? (I just love HoHE!Elysia ult sm asdfghjkl I also love your works very much btw, you are doing fabulous, friendo)
A/N: Hello there Anon! So, I never got to this part of the story, because I couldn't get through that damned fight against Kalpas (I hate him) and decided to just quit the game there, before I experienced more heartbreak lmao- But either way, I absolutely love this idea and hope I can do it justice!<33
Content: Established relationship, mentions of reader and characters sparring, fluff, Elysia-like Reader, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Jing Yuan
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Jing Yuan was always very fascinated with your abilities. He could watch you use them all day, for hours on end, even if he has mountains of paperwork to complete. Your starry domain was his favourite part of your abilities. He was amazed by it, often finding himself zoning out whenever you fought enemies and forgetting what he was even there for.
So, on the rare days he wasn't working, you offered to spar with him. And who was he to ever deny you anything? He didn't have to go easy on you, even if he still did, as you were quite strong yourself and could easily defeat him if you tried. But you two didn't take it seriously and were playful instead.
Eventually, his strong hands caught your hips, pressing you close as he let out an airy, out of breath laugh. He gently swayed with you to a tune only you two could hear. Or was it the sound of your beating hearts? It didn't matter to him, as he pressed his head against yours and ended the sparring session with a dance under the stars.
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Blade was too prideful to ever admit how unbelievably fascinated he was by you and your abilities. They were unique, otherworldly, divine even. Only you could be worthy of such strength and only he could ever be allowed to have you as a lover. It just made sense to him.
However, he was hesitant to spar you at first. It's not that he thought that you were weak or anything, but he was secretly afraid to hurt you. That you'd leave him, if he did. And you knew of his fear, which is why after some reassurance and gentle affection, he finally agreed to it. The sparring session was light and a little serious due to Blade's nature. But the way you moved with eachother was akin to a dance, one only you two could replicate.
Eventually, the sparring session came to a stop, his hand grabbing onto your waist, as the other grabbed onto your hand. He gave your wrist a kiss, his eyes gleaming under the starry skies of your domain, before you slowly swayed with him to a hum from your lips. It was a rare moment of softness from him, one only you would ever witness. And that's how it always will be.
A/N: I hope this was alright! Thank you again for the wholesome request!<33
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hornyf0ckers · 2 years
how would obey me characters react when a usually blank faced , cold mc starts smiling and wanting to pet them when they transformed into their animal form
I hope you enjoy this anon!
Cold MC acting softly with the brothers animal form
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AN: I didn't know if you meant their animal outfits or their representive animal form so I chose the second option! I Hope you like it!
Warnings/Tags: slight spoiler warnings(Chapter 16) on Belphegor's part, GN MC, pronouns: you
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He was always a bit intrigued by your cold demeanor
He always thought you were just usually like that
But oh boy was he wrong
When you started smiling at him in his animal form, he was in total shock.
Did you just smile at him??
Your smile was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen
To qanyone else, he would never allow anyone to touch his ears but to you? It's different
How could he refuse when your smile captivated him like a curse?
He let you pet him, but only in private
He thought your smile was the best but your touch? It was to die for
Expect him to try to win you over with animals in the future
He would definitely introduce you to Cerberus, but for a price ofcourse
He may or may not show you his animal form from time to time if you behave
And if he craves for your attention
He would take good pride in showing off his feathers to you
Maybe trying to court you with them too
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He was over the moon
He always thought you despised him
But when you started petting him he was so surprised and flustered
Ofcourse you want to let him, he is the great Mammon after all
And as such he shall grand you the wish of petting him
Please just pet him, he is starved for your attention and affection
Would snuggle up to you and peck you from time to time if you don't give him enough attention
He would see you from another light now
Back then he was lowkey afraid of you but now he has the courage to get closer to you
He sends his crows to look after you if he isn't available in hopes they help to strengthen your relationship with him
What do you mean? He's not Mammon, thay is definitely just another crow of his and totally not Mammon trying to steal more pets from you
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Total shock
You!? petting him??
He was too overwhelmed
Much like Mammon, he always thought you hated him, which he could definitely understand. Who wouldn't hate a shut in Otaku like him??
When you petted him he thought you did it over pity
But after seeing your face filled with adoration he began to warm up to you
He starts to compare you to anime characters that are similar to you
He would shakily ask you to play games with him after that
And whenever he is too shy to ask for attention, he turns into his animal form and wraps himself around your arm
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Did he knew you were going to do it?
Was he still surprised
He could read you like a book
He knew you weren't as cold as you claimed to be
He even saw the way you act around the stray cats
So when you petted him he was kind of taken back but quickly gotten used to it
But don't think his unicorn form is cute
Many people forget how strong is form is
He now has an excuse to take you to cat cafe's
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Ofcourse you'd want to pet him
He is as gorgeous in his animal form as he is in his other forms
But seriously, you petting him meant alot to him
He was a bit insecure, since many people don't like scorpion's and think they are ugly
He would definitely cling to you
Don't worry he won't sting you
But he will try to sting his brothers if they try to take your precious time away from him
Please pet him more
He would try to get your soft side out more often
Definitely brags about this infront of his brothers
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He was taken back at first
He thought you were going to crush him
But when you offered him food he came closer
The little boops of your finger surprised him
He too though you hated him, which made him sad
He was relieved that you don't
It made him quite happy that you don't find him disgusting as a fly
He definitely sits on your shoulder a lot
He will try to talk to you more
Even offering food to you
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He was confused
He thought you hated him
Which you had a good reason to after all that has happened
Definitely falls asleep to you petting him
He uses this knowledge to his advantage
You ignoring him? Transform into his animal form
You spending too much time with his brothers? Animal form
You wanting to leave? Animal form
If it takes for him to turn into a cow/bull for you to give him affection, he will do it.
He places his head in your lap and sleeps for hours
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shelbgrey · 2 years
my ask is
can i get something like the reader is gabriel's girlfriend but She is also sam and dean's little sister?
first time i ask someone🥲
greetings from hungary!🇭🇺
Thanks for the request buddie, hope it's okay this is in Headcanon form and greetings from the US🇺🇸
The Winchester and the Trickster: Gabe Headcanons
Paring: Gabriel x Winchester!Reader
Summary: headcanons on what it's like to be the youngest winchester and dating Gabe
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Your guys story starts before you even knew it did.
Gabe is your guardian angel and knew who you were for a long time. His job as your Garudian Angel is the only thing he took seriously.
If you and choose to be together you might keep it a secret at first.
Not only are you a hunter your the youngest winchester, which means the brothers are extremely over protective of you.
It took a while for you to except gabes love but you don't regret it what so ever.
He may seem like a villan to everyone else but he treats you like a queen.
After a while you and him do get cought by Sam. Gabe decided to stay over at the bunker one night after the boys went on a hunt. You both were in the middle of a heated make out sessions when Sam walked in.
Dean didn't like it one bit. He didn't trust Gabe and he sure as hell didn't want gabe around you.
Sam on the other had was questionable about it but tried to see it your way.
After a while the boys got over it and even started getting along with him.
I think him and Dean would intentionally get on each other's nerves and constantly teas each other.
Sam and him get along okay but Sam gets tired of the sarcasm.
Gabe will help out on hunts as much as possible but he's mainly there to protect you. You'll come out of a hunt without a scratch with him, that's a promise.
He never fails to make you laugh and always has you smiling.
His kisses are rough and passionate. They're usually unexpected and he isn't afraid to kiss you in front of your brothers.
You love his wings. With the gaurdian angel connection your the only one who can see his golden wings.
Be prepared for candy wrappers and angel feathers every where. Mainly in your shared room in the bunker.
He'll watch whatever show you love at the time and will always try to enjoy the music you love.
You'll qoute movies and make movie reference together all the time.
He'll go under cover with you for a hunt all the time. His favorite FBI names to use is Agent Scully and Mulder.
He's the best cuddler. You never slept well with a the anxiety that comes with being a hunter but if he's there with his arms around you, you have enough peace and comfter to sleep well.
You'll help him prank your brothers all the time. No matter the consequence it's worth the laugh.
Castiel is your best friend so be prepared for some jealousy. That's gabes down fall.
He trusts and loves you but he's afraid you'll find someone better and leave him. There's always been a part of him that thinks he's too bad for you.
That's not true. You love every part of him but he had to stop hurting your brothers before you could continue to date him.
Speaking of which. During all his torture and pranks he's pulled you were never harmed. He knew how close you a Dean were so he made sure you didn't see or remember him dying at the mystery spot.
He'd ask you to marry him but since the world always seemes to be ending you'd nevr have a big fancy wedding but your brothers and Castile help make a tine wedding special.
When Jack comes around the both of you take him and become his aunt and uncle or parent figures.
I think after everything calms down in the world you'd end up adopting Jack.
Even though it started off Rocky but everything is okay now. As long as he's around no harm will come.
That's all for now buds
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ghostofthemost141 · 9 months
Chapter 6
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Ch.1. Ch.2. Ch.3. Ch.4. Ch.5.
Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish xF!Reader
Word Count: 2,334
About: You were on vacation to the beach and you think you're about to die when you're caught in a riptide until an unlikely hero, your now boyfriend, comes to your rescue. Precisely a Scottish man that bores a tail. And now, the secret is out. Kind of.
!Warnings!: Details of Past SA and Abuse
Italics means Third Person POV
Notes: Some more relationship building between you and Johnny. Hope y'all enjoy.
Taglist: @darling006
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The intense silence only made you more and more nauseous the longer it remained. Your Uncle Ale stood there, in visible shock at what he just saw. 
“W-What is this?” Ale asked, still in disbelief. 
“I'm sorry, Ale.” I softly mumbled, feeling so much guilt and I just knew he was disappointed in me. 
Alejandro remained in silence with his mouth agape open. He wasn't necessarily mad but he was quite shocked and surprised to find a guy who he has never met sucking on his niece's face. 
“Why didn’t you tell me that you had a boyfriend?” Ale asked me. 
“I just..I was afraid of how you would react.” 
“Why?” He asked. 
“Remember Craig?” 
Alejandro remembers him quite well. Craig was your first love and boyfriend. Upon first meeting him, Ale was sketched out by Craig. There was just something about him that didn't sit right with Ale. He could never place the feeling until you came home crying one night. You had planned to stay the night at Craig’s place and he didn't expect you home so when you came home late, he immediately came to your aid. Craig had forced himself onto you after you told him ‘no’ and ‘that you weren't ready.’ That didn't stop Craig unfortunately. You told Ale what had happened and it took everything in Ale to not go to his house and kill him. Your Uncle was tough and knew how to really hurt someone on account he used to be a Colonel. He didn't do that because he realized that you were more important to him. You needed him. He still got Craig taken care of, oddly enough to haven't seen him since he did that to you which was about two years ago, but you never questioned it. You were just happy he was out of your life. That odd feeling he had in his gut about Craig turned out to be real. But upon looking at this guy, who was sucking on niece’s face, he didn't get that feeling at all. Sure he had piercing blue eyes, but he didn't feel that same feeling he had about Craig. 
“Estrella, Craig was a horrible man. You know I would support you in whatever you do.” Ale reassured me. 
I still couldn't help but feel some guilt in my gut. I knew I should've told Alejandro about Johnny. I felt Johnny rub my back in comfort. 
“I'm Johnny.” Johnny introduced himself to Ale, sticking his hand out for a handshake. 
Ale willingly shook Johnny’s hand. 
Little did you know that Ale was appreciative of shaking his head, already indicating that he not only cared about you, but also your family and close friends. Craig never did that. 
“It's nice to meet you, Johnny.” 
Ale then turned to you, walking up to you and bending down to your level. 
“Cariña, I am not mad at you. Yes I wish you would've told me before I caught y’all sucking on each other’s faces.” Ale chuckled as he said that, making Johnny and I giggle, “But I can already tell he's a way better man than Craig ever was.” 
“I know Uncle Ale. Still I'm sorry.” I apologized. 
“It's okay, Dove.” Ale patted my leg in reassurance.
Alejandro stood up and faced Johnny. 
“This young lady here, my estrella, my niece, she is my whole world, got it?” Ale half jokingly, half seriously told Johnny. 
“Sí, señor. La protegeré y cuidaré.[Yes sir. I will protect and care for her].” Johnny spoke. 
Ale’s eyes went wide, like comically wide, as Johnny spoke perfect Spanish. 
“Ah, tu novio sabe español, Dove.[Ah, your boyfriend knows Spanish, Dove]” Ale said with a smirk. 
“Sí, señor.” Johnny said. 
I could tell Johnny was doing this to make a good impression on my Uncle and probably to make up for the fact that Ale caught us making out. 
“You kids better behave yourselves, está bien?” 
“Yes sir.” Johnny and I said in unison. 
“We might as well have dinner together then.” Ale announced. 
“Do you want me to help with that Mr?” Johnny paused, not recalling being told his last name. 
“It’s Vargas. But you can call me Alejandro, hermano.” Ale told him. 
That told you everything you needed to know. Your uncle already likes Johnny, but he was mostly relieved that you found someone that wasn’t like Craig. And he is happy that you are finding ways to cope with what happened. 
“Thank you, but you kids go out and do whatever. Just be back by seven pm, okay?” Alejandro told us. 
“Got it.” 
“Yes, sir.” Johnny followed with. 
With that, Alejandro smiled at both of y’all and left your room, leaving the two of you in there. 
“Holy fuck, I thought that was going to be much much worse.” I whispered to Johnny so Ale wouldn’t hear.
Johnny approached you and held you in his arms, squeezing you tightly. 
“I thought he was gonna focking kill meh. Those daggers.” Johnny mumbled, trying to refrain from laughing. 
“Oh yeah, he’s got that Papa Bear stare.” I agreed, making both of us giggle. 
Johnny then suddenly leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed back, as if I was hungry for him. I was hungry for that feeling we were feeling just moments ago. It’s something I have never felt before with a man. Johnny pulled away but remained close, his bright blue eyes staring into mine, sending chills down my spine. 
“You’re so bloody fucking pretty, Dove.” 
Oh Lord have mercy, what was this that I was feeling? Johnny then dragged a finger down my cheek, slowly. 
“So pretty.” 
“My uncle is here, Johnny.” I remind him. 
“I know.” Johnny smirked, making me chuckle. 
“I do really want to get to know you though.” Johnny said, giving me a genuine smile. 
“Where do you wanna go?” 
“I know a spot.” Johnny said. 
“So you’re telling me you have been to Lousianna before?” 
“Once or twice.” Johnny replied as we sat down at the park bench. 
The sun was slowly going down, slowly painting the skies a beautiful orange and yellow color. Johnny sat to the left of you, letting you sit as close as you wanted to him in which you were shoulder to shoulder. 
“I don’t think I have ever been to this park actually.” I mention. 
“Well I am honored to have taken you to it for the first time.” Johnny mentioned, pecking my temple. 
His lips were so soft. They were like heaven. 
Silence was met between the two of y’all, but it was a good silence and not an awkward nor bad one. You felt Johnny’s hand graze your thigh, as if he was nonverbally asking for permission. You trusted Johnny so you pushed your leg up against his. Johnny smiled at you as he placed his hand on your thigh but kept it still in place and never moving down. Instead he kept his hand still and rubbed circles onto your skin with his thumb. 
“So tell me,” Johnny started, “who are you?” 
“I am Dove Vargas, niece to an ex military colonel officer who lives with said uncle because my parents died in a very bad accident years ago who is also very traumatized by men other than my uncle and you.” I bluntly but briefly told Johnny. 
“That’s a lot.” Johnny jokes. 
You blush, feeling Johnny stare at you. It made you feel flustered, but in a good way. You liked feeling like you were important to someone other than your family. 
“I have always been wary of other men besides my Uncle. And it was cause of Craig but I know that you, Johnny, wouldn't do that to me.” I say. 
“Never. I never would, Dove.” Johnny firmly said, just enough to know he meant it. 
“I know, hence why I trust you.” 
“I trust you too, lass. I know you wouldn’t tell anyone about me secret.” 
Johnny felt reassured knowing he could trust you with his big secret that he was in fact half mermaid. Other women have reeked in disgust with Johnny and told all their friends about him. Even though no one believed them, he still felt hurt that they went and told on him basically. But you? He knew you wouldn’t say a damn word to anyone. You leaned onto Johnny’s shoulder, feeling how soft and comfy his broad shoulder was. Johnny smiled like a little kid, seeing you be comfortable on him. It warmed his heart. 
“Craig is why I am so afraid of what my professor will do.” I mumbled, not caring if Johnny heard me or not. 
Luckily for you, Johnny has super hearing, needed for the deep, deep ocean he swims in but it still works on land. Johnny then wrapped his arm around you, bringing you even closer to comfort you. 
“Aye, I understand, Dove. Honestly, you’re the first woman I have ever let meself get close with in a long time.” Johnny mentioned. 
You crane your neck to look up at him. 
“What do you mean?” I ask. 
Johnny gently ran his fingers through your hair, trying to figure out the words on what to say. Johnny felt like he could trust you with this information. 
“The last lass I was seeing, I had warned ‘er about how I looked. And when it came to the hanky panky, she saw my, you know, and well she grew disgusted. She was the last lass I trusted with me secret and despite knowing what I was, she just grew disgusted and then started laughing at me. Laughin’ at me for how gross I looked! I can’t help it ya know?” Johnny explained with frustration in his tone. 
I held Johnny as he confessed to me what happened. I swear to God I will find out where this bitch lives. 
Little did you know, Johnny felt the same way about Craig. 
“I am so sorry, Johnny.” I apologized. 
“It ain’t your bloody fault, hen. It’s just..even after all of that, all of that trust built and she tore it down within a second of seeing me skin for the first time. That ain’t even the worst part about it.” 
I could feel the blood boiling in my blood as he said that. I rose up and stood up straight to face Johnny. 
“What did she do to you, Johnny?” I ask. 
“After she got done laughin’ at me, she stuck her fingers into my gills to ‘feel them’ and well it focking hurt! It’s like someone stubbing your organs you know? And when I groaned in pain, she just kept doin’ it and laughin’ at me. Like me being in pain was funny to ‘er.” 
You held Johnny tightly, hearing his assault. It shouldn’t have happened, regardless of whether he was human or not. 
“I am so sorry Johnny.” I apologized, holding him tightly. 
“Eh, it’s okay, Dove. I’m okay. Now that I have you.” Johnny smiled as he said this, making my heart race. 
You smile as Johnny leans down to kiss your head. 
“Yeah um,” I hesitated, trying to collect the words to say, “it’s kind of what happened with Craig.” 
Johnny turns to you, giving you his full undivided attention. 
“I wasn’t..ready to do the deed. But he was very well ready. And well he invited me to go over to his place and stay the night. Sounded innocent enough, so I went. Well, I ended up banging on the door to my uncle’s place at like three in the morning cause I managed to drive back home in hysterics without wrecking.” I explained, feeling Johnny’s comfort grow more and more. 
“What did he do to you, Dove?” 
You could hear a sense of anger but also protectiveness in his tone. Like he was ready to pounce but not on you. 
“He..forced himself in me. I fought, kicked, scratched, bit, until he finally let me go and I managed to grab my clothes, scramble to my car and I drove home naked. I only managed to get my clothes on until I parked at my uncle’s place. I put my clothes on, got in and told him what happened. He wanted to send his former second in command to ‘teach him a lesson’ a.k.a the person who took over his position in the military.” I explain some more. 
“Dove..I am so sorry. I swear if I ever see him-” 
“You won’t have to worry about that, trust me. Rudy, Ale’s former second in command, just threatened him and he was gone in a flash. All it took was a verbal threat, how about that?” I half joked. 
Johnny rubbed your back in comfort, feeling all that you were feeling. It was how he felt when his assault happened. 
“I am here for you, Dove. No matter what, I will always be here.” Johnny told me. 
I turned to find him leaning in close to me. 
“I know. And I will always be there for you too, Johnny.” 
You closed the gap first, placing your lips onto Johnny’s, feeling your slightly chapped lips onto his impeccable soft ones. That same feeling came back again. The same warm, craving feeling you get with Johnny. You wanted him. You wanted him so damn badly. 
You moaning his name went straight to his core. He could feel the same warm, craving feeling you were feeling. You could feel Johnny graze his tongue over your lips and you opened your mouth, letting him have access to you. Johnny’s tongue explored your mouth as your hands landed on his shoulders and his hands landed on your hips, pulling you closer to him. This was everything you wanted in life, to be free from Craig’s demise, to be your own person again, to be free from his being, to be free from-
“Now what do we have here?” 
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hey bestie could you do the boyfriend hc's for Marko and David PLEEEASSEEEEEEE!!!!!!????!!!!!
Ask and you shall receive, I wanted to make a singular post just for Marko and David will have his own which will be coming up soon! I hope you like this, bestie!
Marko As Your Boyfriend HCs
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Congratulations, you’re basically dating a vampiric gremlin!
Being in a relationship with Marko is always chaotic with a wicked sense of humor. Your days with him are never dull and you always run into trouble when you’re together. 
In a nutshell, your relationship is like those couple youtubers that live on pranking each other but show deep amounts of love for one another. You both can never get even and the pranks get more and more creative. 
His love language is gift giving and quality time. Marko is basically a bird in the body of a vampire. Whenever he finds something relatively shiny or pretty, he will take it and present it to you. It sends the message that he thinks about you when he collects them and wants you to have a physical representation of his love for you. For quality time, he just loves spending time with you. Spending time with the boys for all those years rubbed off on him so he’ll want to be around you a lot! 
Speaking of finding things to give to you, they are a million percent stolen.
You: “How did you even get this?”
Marko: "What do you mean, dove?"
You: “This is very expensive and I know you don’t have money, so how did you get it?”
Marko: “Five finger discount, babe! :D”
He can be very clingy, it’s essentially part of his vampire nature and you being his mate but he would be the clingiest out of the four boys. If you wanted to go somewhere on the boardwalk, he would go with you. 
He’s an adrenaline junkie, therefore you are going on every roller coaster on the boardwalk with him. He’s the type that would be laughing during the entire ride. 
He would make up corny nicknames for you when he wants to mess with you. The type of corny petnames that make you cringe. Ex: Honeybun, cupcake, sugarplum. Your reaction would make him do it more. 
However, his genuine petnames for you include; dove, baby, and babe. Dove being his favorite because he thinks you’re the only pure thing that has ever happened in his whole life, alive and undead.
The type of boyfriend who wouldn’t tolerate someone disrespecting you. He’s not the type of boyfriend that would just stand there and not do anything while his S/O is getting bothered by someone. 
He may be smaller than the boys, but he can be fucking mean when he wants to be. It’s like poking a pissed off raccoon and getting your shit rocked by it. He’s not afraid to fight someone bigger than him or outnumber him. He’s a vampire, not like he can get seriously hurt!
He is an artist. He loves all types of art including; painting, drawing, sculpting. He doesn’t sculpt often but he loves to draw and paint. 
He has an artbook that has hundreds of drawings dedicated to you on the pages. You’re his muse and he is literally obsessed with capturing your image on paper. Whenever you feel insecure, he would show his drawings to you to show how beautiful you actually are.
He made his jacket and he isn’t opposed to making one similar for you to wear. He would help you make it and add your own little patches, buttons, and accessories. He would even make you a matching one if you asked. Matching couple.  
Similar to Paul, he is very affectionate, especially when it comes to kisses. He can’t help but want to kiss you all the time. Careful, he nips. 
Speaking of Paul, he is also your automatic best friend. Like in Paul’s headcanons, Marko and him are best friends and spend a lot of time together. Trust me, being best friends with Paul is hilarious. 
Marko would spend more time with you though after dating you, he just can’t help wanting to spend time with his mate. 
Dates with him consist of going on safe rides on his motorcycle and racing down the beach. He loves when you tighten your grip around his waist and scream from how fast he’s going.
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pluttskutt · 2 years
Okay, so, here’s the thing. Eddie knows trans people. Wait, that sounds bigoted. He has friends who are trans. Queer. Not queer because they are trans but because they identify as trans and queer. Off-topic, doesn’t matter, okay. The point is that Eddie is rollin’ with the LGBT. Not just rollin’ but identifies as gay. A homosexual. Throughout his life he’s had many identifiers—some granted to him by others such as freak—and he’s proud to be who is, which also happens to be gay so he’s proud and out. Always has been. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s always successful in his pursuits of finding true love or whatever the kids are calling it but he’s out there and he’s doing it.
Except for those rare times he falls so hard for someone it makes him a blabbering idiot and he loses every ounce of self-respect in futile attempts at making them see him because honestly, he’s pretty invisible to the guys he falls for. It sucks, but he can’t change his type and during those times he’s not doing much of anything except pining like a lovestruck puppy.
So, Eddie knows guys. The T and the B and the P and the Q and even the A. You’d think he’s golden then, right? He’s been with guys and others so he knows his way around the letter mafia. Maybe he would be golden if it just wasn’t for that pesky little detail of acting like a fool at any given moment. Like being caught staring at Steve’s chest when he’s wearing a hoodie because he’s not binding and Eddie can’t decide if it’s curiosity or horniness that makes him stare.
(This is a lie. He knows he wants to grab Steve by the counter and do things friends shouldn’t be thinking about doing to each other. Or have Steve do it to him. He’s flexible.)
Robin elbows him in the side whenever he stares, sending him a stare so cold it sends chills down his spine. “Stop being so weird around him or I’m banning you from our game nights. Man, seriously, what’s wrong with you?”
A lot, he wants to reply, but also nothing. So he stays silent, and he thanks Steve for his hospitality and food, and he wrecks them both in Mario Kart because they suck, which is astonishing because they’ve been having game nights since before he got invited.
It’s over too quickly. The match, snacks, the drinks, the night, and he has to leave with Robin because she can’t drive and they won’t let her walk home alone when it’s dark out. He helps clean up while she vanishes into the bathroom and hopes that maybe this is the night he has the guts to ask Steve if they can meet just the two of them and hang out (go on a date) but it never is and he beats himself up over it and tells himself that next time, for sure, but he doesn’t ask and doubts he ever will.
What Eddie knows, he knows well.
But Eddie hasn’t ever asked out an autistic guy before and he’s honestly afraid to do so. Sensory issues are a big part of what’s difficult for autistic people, he knows that much, and he also knows he’s a lot. He’s been told as much by guys he’s dated in the past and most of the time, his a lot is what made them end it. Talking, drama, clinginess, just too much.
“Thanks for the help,” Steve says, not looking at him but at the dishes he’s washing in the sink.
He’s so quiet it’s driving Eddie insane, which is why he can’t ask him out because he’d talk his ear off and cause him to have a meltdown because of sensory overload. Yes, Eddie read up about those. “I heard Robin won’t be here next weekend,” he says, a futile attempt at conversing. As soon as the game vanishes so does their topic of conversation.
“Mmh,” Steve grunts.
Eddie wants to scream. He’s begging the hamster doing all the legwork in his brain on that spinning wheel to think of anything to talk about but he comes up empty.
“She’s visiting her parents and I think she said she’ll be gone a week,” Steve says, just as the silence had taken over the room. He wipes his hand on the kitchen towel, lips narrowed and a scowl on his face like he’s thinking about something bothersome.
“Mhm.” Eddie pushes his hair away from his face and sticks it behind an ear, crossing his arms over his chest. He looks at Steve, watching him as he puts away the garbage from their night. “I’ll take-“
“Do you want-“
They both stop talking, watching the other. Steve smiles and brushes a hand through his hair, which he really shouldn’t have since he just tied a knot on the garbage bag. “You go first,” he says when it’s obvious neither of them dares to go first in case they cut the other off again.
Eddie takes a step closer and grabs the bag. “I’ll take that.” He walks over to the front door because the water is running in the bathroom and Robin’s one second away from joining them and wanting to leave before she falls asleep on the sofa. It’s happened once or twice. He’s pretty sure game nights turned into sleepovers regularly before he joined them.
He looks at Steve and catches his eyes before he averts them. They’re pretty to look at, but Eddie doesn’t get the chance to look into them a lot. Eye contact is difficult for Steve and he doesn’t want to push it. “You up for grabbing lunch then? I know it’s not game night but it can still be fun.”
“Yes,” Steve answers, voice certain and tone steady. He’s nodding with a smile, and Eddie wants to believe he wanted him to ask.
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kory-dany · 2 years
I have seen a couple posts defending Dick's response of 'I don't know' and his reasons for not telling Kory about his vision. I completely agree with all of those posts. However, I am posting this to highlight Kory's reaction and why I believe the dickkory scene in 4x06 might be one of her most vulnerable.
I disagree with people who don't like the scene. I think it represents dickkory really well and demonstrates this frustrating, at times, dynamic they've had since season 1.
Kory has always been the more emotionally intelligent one between them both. However, I think there are two topics Kory finds hard to talk about and deal with in her usual straightforward way; her powers and her relationship with Dick.
In season 1, Kory made it her mission to get Dick to open up to her. Partially for her own amusement and partly because she was curious about him. She has never been afraid to call him out on his shit and push him to recognise his emotions. In a way, she has been this emotional beacon for Dick since the beginning. However, Kory only ever guides Dick when the feelings he is figuring out are about himself, his past, or whatever trouble the team is in. She has never tried to push him to express how he feels about them as something more.
I think this is because even though Kory is strong and self-assured, just like Dick clearly has these insecurities about whether Kory would even want to try again. So too, Kory is scared about whether he wants a romantic future with her. And if I am being honest, I can't blame her. So many people don't recognise just how much bullshit Kory has had to put up with because she cares about Dick.
I am not blaming Dick for the state of their relationship; they've had so much to deal with, and I understand why neither of them has tried to pursue anything. However, Kory has had to deal with Richard's dismissiveness in Gotham, his regression into his past self, and his rekindling with Barbra. With everything Kory had to witness in Gotham, it's fair to say that she probably lost some hope of them rekindling.
But now, fast forward to season 4, Dick is better. He is more involved with the team, attentive, and co-leading with Kory. He's a better Dick than when he was in Gotham. However, He is still hardheaded Dick Grayson, and even after everything, he still doesn't "believe" in prophecies, visions, and destiny.
All things Kory does believe. But now imagine being Kory and listening to Dick continuously go on about how none of it is real. How all of it is bullshit and how they shouldn't take the book and everything else seriously. Only for her to have a vision, a vision of their future, a vision Zadira is saying is her destiny. Any hope Kory might have lost came back at that moment because she does believe, no matter Dick's cynicism. And because it is a future that she knows deep down, she wants.
But then Rachel tells her that Dick also had the same vision, that he also saw their little girl. This whole situation isn't heartbreaking for Kory just because he didn't tell her. It's painful because she has had to listen to Dick dismiss any chance of visions and destiny being real all week. But now she knows he has been saying all of this after experiencing and seeing the same thing she did.
Now onto the conversation they had this episode. I don't think Kory wanted to speak to Dick; like I stated earlier, how Kory handles her relationship with Dick differs significantly from how she handles other aspects of her life. I think some of the reasons why Kory hasn't initiated a conversation with Dick about them and the status of their relationship is that she doesn't want to push him when he's not ready. Additionally, I think she wants him to do it. She doesn't want to be his emotional guide when it comes to them; I think she wants to be fought for and chosen.
But she had to initiate the conversation this episode because if she didn't, Richard never would. Although he is far better than season 3 Dick, he is still emotionally constipated and scared of what it all means. However, how the conversation goes fits them very well. Kory doesn't go in with an antagonistic attitude (not that I expected her to), nor does she actually express her thoughts on it. Although she initiated the conversation, she seemed to want Dick to lead it (again, she is guiding him). Even during their discussion, Dick dismisses destiny. And where most people would probably feel defeated by this continuous dismissal and not say anything. Kory still tells dick about her vision of Mar'i. I think she still decided to tell him because she is an optimist, and I think she still had hope that no matter his beliefs in destiny, Dick believes in their vision and that he possibly wants it.
However, Dick doesn't react the way she wants him to. Even though his response might be honest, it reaffirms why she never wanted to be the one who started a discussion like this. (This discussion about Mar'i is more than just 'oh, we had a shared vision.' It is literally everything they have been avoiding bubbling over). I think to Kory; Dick's response, coupled with him saying destiny isn't real, is the final thing that makes her give up. This is why she finished the conversation spitting his words back in his face. I think unintentionally, Dick confirms to Kory that he doesn't want them to try again.
This scene is heartbreaking because Kory doesn't precisely speak her mind on the situation. But it is so evident that she is asking Dick to reassure her, to tell her that this thing she has been sitting patiently for (the two of them together) will happen. That he wants it to happen. This is one of the most vulnerable scenes she has had. And even though the scene isn't that long and the dialogue isn't that heavy, it says and expresses so much. This is why I can't understand the dislike for this scene; within such a short conversation, both Dick and Kory are emotionally exposed to each other and to us; Kory is left seeing Dicks shame and uncertainty. While Dick has to witness Kory's anger and hurt.
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quizzievivicalavellan · 4 months
Something More
In which a secret is revealed, and Gale and Aster get to know each other better. This scene occurs before the Weave scene in this fic.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53341882/chapters/138776932
“Here. Place your hand over my heart. Let me show you.”
Gale knelt down in front of the gnome druid so she could reach his heart, his hand outstretched toward her. Aster gently placed her hand over the circular mark on his chest. He clasped his hands over hers and she felt her tadpole squirming, connecting with Gale’s as he let her into his mind, into his memories, into the dark. She saw a book fly open and a swirling mass of blackest weave pounced toward her. Its unending black void pulled at her, deeper and deeper into the darkness, and left her feeling an emptiness, a hunger, like nothing she had ever felt. It gnawed at her insides with teeth like daggers, twisting, lurching, craving. Sweat beaded on her forehead and her heart thundered louder than a war drum. Instinctively, she pulled her hand away and tried to close her mind to the insatiable hunger.
“How are you still alive?” she asked, a mixture of horror and pity in her voice.
“Thankfully the moment I absorbed the fragment wasn’t enough to kill me outright. It was only the beginning.” Gale got back up on his feet, “As long as I absorb traces of the Weave from powerful enough sources, it remains quiet. Were it to fully destabilize however… I will erupt. Even the small fragment I carry would be enough to level a city the size of Waterdeep.”
Aster inhaled sharply, trying to process the news and its implications. What if they don’t find more magical artifacts in time? What if she had held on to the artifacts she had found already, not satisfied with the lack of answers? It made her sick to think she could have doomed him, and everyone else, by accident. “You should have told me sooner.”  
“I know. All of this… it must feel like a betrayal. Say the word, and we’ll part ways.” He looked away, as if afraid to hear her answer. He was genuinely worried that she would tell him to leave, just like that. Aster’s hurt that he hadn’t confided in her earlier melted away.
“Of course not. We’re in this together.” Aster patted him softly on the arm, a bit of an awkward gesture given her short stature.
“That is – a great relief. Oh, a great relief indeed!”
“Besides, everyone here has something dangerous inside of them now,” Aster replied with a smirk, twirling her finger beside her temple in reference to the unwelcome passenger in her brain. “It would be hypocritical of me to turn you away, no?”
“True enough. Who knows which clock ticking down to my doom will run out first? Hmm, explode or turn into a mind flayer…? Now that is a question I never thought would move beyond the realm of the hypothetical,” he said, his features forming a humorously exaggerated expression of deep thought.
“Let’s hope neither is still on the table,” Aster chuckled. Gale always had a way of making her laugh, despite the bleakness of their circumstances. Her face fell as her mind returned to Gale’s own dire circumstances. Gods, he must be suffering so much, and yet he was always ready with a joke and smile. At least she had managed to procure a decent number of artifacts so far, and now she was committed to redoubling her efforts to find more.
“In all seriousness, though, please tell me right away whenever you are in need of an artifact. When we were connected, I felt how painful the orb’s hunger can be.”
Gale smiled and placed his hand on Aster’s shoulder. “I can’t thank you enough for your generosity, for being willing to aid me without questioning, and now for your continued kindness, knowing what I’ve done.”
“Oh, it was a reckless and ill-advised thing to do, certainly,” Aster replied, shaking her head with teasing judgement, “but I think I understand why you did. I can understand the desire to be… more than yourself, to know and experience the world in wholly new ways.”
“Yes! To know the totality of the Weave, everything that magic has to offer. To think what I could have been able to learn, the magic I might have wielded, it would have been wonderous…” He looks off sadly to the horizon, swept away in thoughts of what might have been. “Alas, Mystra did not find me fit to understand the whole of her domain, and, given my folly, I can’t say I blame her,” he sighed. He turned his gaze back to Aster, one eyebrow raised questioningly “But what did you mean by ‘more than yourself?’”
A small puff of air escaped Aster’s nostrils, something between a laugh and a sigh. “Back when I was a child living in Baldur’s Gate, I was the only gnome at the orphanage. The-”
“Wait, the orphanage?” Gale interjected, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know… what happened to your parents, if you don’t mind my asking?” Aster looked away, not able to keep looking into his sad brown eyes. It was sweet how much he cared, but Aster didn’t want him to feel sorry for her. 
“It’s alright,” Aster said with a dismissive wave of her hand, though there was a clear sadness in her eyes. “I never knew them, so it’s not like I can miss them, really.”
She had hoped she might assuage some of his pity, but the concerned furrow of his brow only deepened.  “That’s almost even worse. You never had someone to read you a bedtime story, or to make you a home-cooked meal. Tell you what, if by some chance we make it out of this mess and you ever find yourself in Waterdeep, come over to my mother’s house and she’ll make you a meal you won’t soon forget.”
“That sounds lovely.” Aster replied, amused and slightly embarrassed at the unintended romantic implications of being invited to meet Gale’s mother.
“She’s the one who taught me how to cook, though I would caution you not to judge the quality of her cooking by whatever I manage to whip up from our rather limited variety of ingredients. There is only so much even the most talented of chefs can do with only apples, potatoes, and salami.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for ingredients on our travels. Perhaps I can scrounge up a carrot or two,” Aster said with a playful smirk, earning her a delightfully withering look from Gale. “But anyway, as I was saying…”
“My apologies for the interruption,” Gale said, raising his hands apologetically. “You know my mouth has a tendency to run away from me at times. Please, continue.”
“The other children at the orphanage, they looked down on me, in both meanings of the phrase. Even compared to them I was tiny and weak, and they saw me as someone to push around or as some cute little pet for their entertainment,” Aster said with a scowl, recalling the times other children had pushed her down and stolen her day’s meal, or subjected her to their cruel pranks, or had wanted to see the silly little gnome dance and sing as they laughed at her.
“When the druids took me in after I ran away from the city, they opened up a new world to me. I started to study their magic, particularly how to wild shape. It was invigorating and empowering to shed my gnomish form and become something new. A raven, able to soar across the sky, or a large and powerful bear, or a wolf, running free through the night forest, the world ablaze with smells. As a druid, I finally had power and purpose. That’s what I meant by the allure of becoming more than you are.”
Gale nodded, considering her response for a moment before speaking. “While it is certainly impressive to watch you transform into a bear and eviscerate some gnolls, you’re impressive as you are, too, you know. You brought us all together, defeated goblins, hags, harpies, you name it, and rescued… how many people now? You uncovered Kagha’s plot and convinced her to stop the ritual and see the error in her ways. You know what they say, great things come in small packages.” As he spoke the last sentence, he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before letting go.
Aster looked away toward the ground with a flush in her cheeks and a small smile on her lips, her hands clasped shyly behind her back. He was so sweet, and she wished desperately that his kind words came from feelings as strong as her own, but she was sure he was simply trying to cheer up a friend. The few people she had ever held similar feelings for had never returned them, and she had little reason to think things would change now. “Thank you. But you are, um… all of you, are so strong, after everything you’ve been through, and so capable and brave. I couldn’t have done any of it without you.”
“Oh, I think you could have,” Gale contradicts, raising an index finger to emphasize his point, “but I am glad to have been of some help, nonetheless. Had to give you some reason to keep me around besides my sharp wit and magical proficiency.”
“I’m happy you’re here, for all sorts of reasons. While I would have preferred we had not been abducted by mind flayers, I am glad to have had the chance to meet you.” Aster needed him to know that she enjoyed his company, though perhaps not just how much she enjoyed it.
“And I am glad to have met you as well,” Gale said with a smile, looking down into Aster’s emerald green eyes. The two stood looking at each other for a moment in awkward silence before both turning away, a flush of embarrassment returning to Aster’s cheeks.
“So, ahem,” Gale started, clearing his throat. Aster noticed his cheeks looked a bit pink as well, though perhaps it was just a trick of the light from the setting sun. “I suppose it is time for some dinner. Ready for some delicious apple-potato-salami stew?” he said, nudging Aster playfully with his elbow.
“Oh, I can’t wait,” Aster replied with sarcastic enthusiasm. They walked over at sat down beside the fire pit. Gale hung the cooking pot over the fire and started adding ingredients for the evening’s meal. Aster took advantage of his distraction to observe the handsome wizard in the glow of the fire. The orange light made his dark eyes glow with warmth, and it danced across the grey streaks in his hair as he carefully stirred the stew, occasionally tasting it and throwing in more spices.
“Enjoying the view?” purred Astarion, appearing behind Aster with a smirk. Aster startled at his surprise entrance, then turned to glare at him with a look that she hoped screamed “Shut up!”
Luckily, Gale seemed not to have noticed, “Ah, Astarion, dinner is just about finished. Well, our dinner, anyway. Sorry to say I did not add any blood to this evening’s meal.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I could just snack on you,” Astarion replied and licked his lips, clearly amused by the annoyed look on Gale’s face.
The others started approaching the fire as well, drawn over by the wafting smell of the stew. Aster was sorry her moment alone with Gale was over, but she was also happy for the company of her traveling companions, her new friends, despite their short time together. Her friends made this whole horrible experience not just bearable, but on occasion actually fun. Especially one friend in particular. And maybe, one day, she and Gale might just be something more.
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plotwholls · 1 year
“I hope you… I hope you never learn my real name,” Phantom spits, but it doesn’t sound angry, it sounds pained, as it clutches where its ribs should be. Valerie just snarls at him. “‘Real name’?!”
Phantom gave her a look. “Do you seriously think my name is Phantom? I was alive, Red.”
Valerie felt… confused. She didn’t lower her aim though. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Phantom looked… tired. Pained. Bitter. Valerie didn’t like it. It made her feel Bad. “It means I hope you never find out my real name.”
Something in the pit of her stomach rolls, and Valerie hoists her weapons higher. Her face twisted, as if she wasn’t feeling conflicted. “Well, I ho—”
“I’m so tired,” His voice was so soft, she nearly didn’t hear it. “I just want to rest.”
She’s pretty sure her jaw dropped. “Then rest in your grave!”
She had never seen Phantom snap into something so feral. For the first time, she felt afraid of Phantom. Then, barely a moment later, the terrifying, unexplainable vision folded and forced its way back into little Phantom. His face had dropped even more, and something in Valerie’s throat dropped with it. Then he spoke and ripped the floor out from under her (metaphorically), “…I don’t have a grave. No one even knows I’m dead.”
The next day, Valerie still couldn’t get it out of her head. No grave? Not even anyone to mourn him?
It had to be some kind of trick— it had to be. …Right?
Valerie shook the thoughts from her mind. She had better things to do than think about ghosts.
Three hours later, Valerie concluded that, no, no she did not have better things to do, even as she stared down at her English test.
She couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Not even a grave.
“I want to lay your body to rest,” She declares the next time she catches up to him. “Or at least make you a grave marker for you to put over your body.”
His jaw dropped, just a tad more than should be possible, like it was half unhinged. He shook his head, and his jaw snapped back into place. “Wh-what? You would do that?!”
Something twisted in her gut, and she glared. “Manipulation or not, everyone deserves proper rites! Tell me yours, I’ll do them!”
He looked at her with big, glassy eyes, then gasped, “Yeah, sure, just— I— there’s no body.”
She frowned. That complicated things, but changed nothing at all. “And? Tell me how to lay you to rest!”
Ectoplasm started to leak from his eyes like tears, and Valerie felt panic rise up, remembering the littler Phantom, but he spoke quickly. “Just a grave marker. I don’t care what it looks like or is made of. Construction paper and crayons, for all I care. I— thank you—”
“You don’t— don’t thank me,” Valerie tells him, something hard working up the back of her throat. “You don’t need to thank me.”
He grins, and it’s stained by ectoplasm, but Valerie faintly realizes this is the happiest she’s ever seen him. “What do you want me to write on it?”
Valerie didn’t go out as Red Huntress again until she had the marker in-hand, which took three months— two to work up the pay for it, one to order and get it delivered.
She presented it to Phantom as casually as she dared (which, given how reverent he was being of a FedEx-plastic-wrapped package, was not casual at all).
“Can I see it?” He gasped out, and suddenly Valerie remembered that the Drs. Fenton were pretty sure a ghost touching their own grave could permanently disappear them. Slowly, gently, Valerie kneels down, and rests the package on her knees. Carefully, she cuts it open, and peels back the plastic, revealing her carefully-chosen, white stone plaque, with stark black lettering:
friend, brother, & sometimes a son
Valerie stared at the writing again, and looked back up at Danny Phantom, who was once again crying, probably at the fact she’d paid extra to have a moon and the Cassiopeia constellation engraved above all of it.
She wondered if her Danny felt like that— only sometimes a son.
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ok sab season 3 theory time!
It's really more of an au; I'm calling it a theory because it's based off how they left season two and what they have potential to do with the story but I don't think it'll happen
David is going to be on parem
ok I know it's a long shot but hear me out. It's based off four points they ended season two with.
We didn't see his body so by film rules he's still alive. And no one ever says he's dead either. All Genya says is, "I can't feel his heartbeat," and they leave it at that. That doesn't 100% mean he's dead, it could just mean he's not nearby; especially because she wasn't amplified like she was the first time she found his heartbeat
They introduced Saint Neyar, the Durast. Of course, this was for Jesper's character arc but it showed the audience how powerful and deadly Fabricators can be even though they're the Grisha order used in the war the least
They introduced parem and how it affects Grisha. In that one coronation scene, it showed the physical toll it has on Grisha and addictive it is, how it amplifies their abilities to insane levels, and how Fjerda has access to it and is using it on Grisha
They're only loosely basing their plots off the books and they changed how David dies so why not change the rest of his story too
Now back to the theory/au. David isn't stupid. Even though he stayed to protect Genya, he knows there's nothing he can do against a being made of shadow. He pretty much just doomed himself. He's got too much to live for -he was going to propose for Saint's sake!- so there's no way he's going to stand there and die or try to futilely fight it. He was never a fighter anyway, so he runs. Maybe out a window, maybe out the door, idk but he makes it out. He does get seriously injured though; hence the giant blood splatter Genya saw later.
He doesn't have time to check the elevator for Genya; he's being chased, the fold is expanding, he's bleeding, he needs to get out of there and hope she did the same. He'll come back and find her later he decides. He runs through the woods for a while until he can't take another step and collapses. Eventually he gets found by a Fjerdan scout. They take him back to their camp where a few other Grisha they found fleeing are also being held.
Flashforward a little while: Nikolai is the king, Alina is struggling with her new powers and public backlash, and the newest threat to the barely stable country is parem attacks. They've only increased since the first one at the coronation and everyone's afraid. Grisha are going missing left and right only to return fatally hooked to the drug and Otkazat'sya are calling upon their king to end the new bloodshed by Grisha against them. Tensions between Grisha and Otkazat'sya are running high again and there have been many fights have broken out from it.
Nikolia, Alina, and probably The Crows too get roped into trying to stop the murder of civilians while figuring out a cure for the drug. Along the way, they hear whispers of the most fearsome parem warrior of all. Not the inferni who can destroy ten houses with one shot, not the tidemaker who can pull people's blood out straight through their skin, not even the heartrender who can kill fifty people with one flick of their wrist. No, it's a fabricator. He can level whole buildings with one look and is untouchable by any weapons. He'll strangle you with your own clothes and even the out-of-the-box thinkers who tried to take him on naked got horribly mutilated. It turns out bones are just calcium and blood is just iron.
Our team of protagonists get ready to stop them but when they get there, they see something that stops them in their tracks. It's David. He's the one all the whispered rumors are about. He's alive but looks only just, like a moving corpse. This wasn't something they planned for and are completely thrown off. While they try to regroup and come up with a new plan, Genya steps out. They lock eyes and for a second Genya thinks he recognizes her until she feels her necklace digging into her throat. She's choking and gagging but doesn't stop looking in his eyes as she scratches at the metal. Just as her vision begins to fade to black around the edges, his eyes grow wide. That ruby... he knows that ruby. He was going to use it for... something, he doesn't remember what, but it was important. And if this woman has it than she must be... David holds his hands up placatingly and Genya falls to her knees coughing and gasping for air.
David doesn’t do anything for the rest of the battle which gives our protagonists a slight advantage. It’s still a strenuous fight and Alina has to use her new shadow powers to win, which she was very conflicted abt, but they beat them. Some of the grisha get killed, they can’t help it, but Nikolai made it very clear when these attacks started that they’re going to try and take everyone alive and see if they can help them first. There's a bit here about Alina being harassed by the public for her shadow powers even though she was saving them. Right as another fight is about to break out, Nikolai decides it's time to leave.
Genya’s mind is racing the whole trip back to the palace. She wants to talk to David so bad and kiss and hug him, but she doesn’t know how much he remembers. He stopped just short of killing her before and she doesn’t want to push it. David’s thoughts are racing too. He knows that woman, he loves that woman, but his brain is too foggy to recall where he met her or what her name is. As the drug slowly wears off, he can piece together more and more until he finally remembers the last time he saw her. Genya.
By the time they make it to the Palace, all the remaining Grisha have come off their high and are begging for another hit. Their eyes are even more sunken than before and they’re shaking so bad they need help getting out of the wagon. When it comes to David’s turn, he looks at Genya and whispers her name. She instantly bursts into tears because he remembers. Shaking like a leaf in the wind, he reaches out as best as the restraints they put on his hands will let him and puts his hand on the side of her face. Everyone else is standing at the ready, weapons drawn, in case he attacks but Genya stands there and lets him do it. She bites her lip to stifle a sob and squeezes her eyes shut, hot tears spilling down her cheeks. He remembered. He still loved her. He was alive. And yes, they were a long way from ok but in this moment, but she has hope that they could get there some day.
The rest of the season goes on to deal with Alina's shadow powers and Nikolia sends The Crows to the Ice Court to see if they can find out where the Fjerdans are getting the parem or how they're making it. The captured Grisha are being kept in cells until they are over their addictions and it's a painful sight to see. Even though they're being fed, they're morbidly skinny. Even though they're warm, they tremble with each breath. Even though they moved beds into the cells, the bags around their eyes look like they haven't slept in years. They cry and beg and curse and yell; trying anything to get even the smallest amount of parem.
David offers to help in the effort to find an anecdote and tell them everything he knows, which Nikolai agrees to but refuses to let him experiment with any actual parem. Genya has never seen David react like that to anything before. The way he was pressed up against the bars innocently, politely offering his help to the king, listing his years of experience and qualifications then suddenly having the mask drop off his face revealing what he truly felt, rage. He paced his cell and threw a chair into the wall, yelling that they would never figure it out without him, they needed his help, and he only needed a little bit of parem, just a little bit. He scared her.
The cells are not fabricator proof, especially for one that has been affected by parem, and every night he bends the bars and goes out looking for where Nikolai is keeping his tiny experimenting stash. The whole palace can hear him tripping over things in the dark, opening and closing doors, emptying drawers onto the ground. It gets brought up in a meeting one morning. Alina wants to station more guards around the palace to stop him, but Genya argues that David hasn't hurt anyone, taken anything, and always returns to his cell in the morning so adding more guards is unnecessary. Nikolai says that his parem isn't in the Palace at all, it's in a secret outside workshop he's commissioning exactly in case something like this happened. Genya continues to press her point off of that saying that maybe this is something that David needs to do to recover. If he searches the whole Palace and sees that there is no parem there, he might be more inclined to cooperate when they say that they're not giving him any. Much to Alina's outrage, Nikolai takes Genya's side. Alina's powers start acting up and she has to step out and deal with that and the main plot.
That night is the last night David searches. In the very early hours of the morning, he ends up in Genya's room, hovering at the foot of her bed like a phantom. She could feel him coming down the hallway and is wide awake, but she still has her eyes closed and is forcing her pounding heart to slow. "Genya?" he whispers. "Genya? I know you have it. Please, Genya, I just want a little bit, just a little bit." She doesn't respond, trying to keep her face as neutral as possible and not respond to how desperate he sounds. The silence is so long she wonders if he fell asleep standing up. Suddenly he speaks again, voice cracking with emotion, "Saints, Genya... you're killing me." It takes everything in her not to sit up and tell him everything right then. Tell him where the workshop is, how to get in, and to please forgive her, she's only doing this because she loves him. He shuffles down the hallway and Genya cries. He doesn't leave his cell at night after that.
The season ends with all the addicted Grisha either receiving an anecdote, The Crows probably find something at the Ice Court, or getting over it from going cold turkey. Except now the problem is all these people's powers have drastically changed (think like Nina's powers after she recovered from parem). So now they've got this population of Grisha who have all new powers that have never been seen before and that sets up season four. David proposes to Genya for real and they finally get their happy ending and nothing bad ever happens to them ever again.
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