#seriously screamed irl in anger
blueskyheadleft010 · 2 years
Internet’s been crappy at night recently when I wanna play Warframe, so I just decided to switch it to solo and hunt for all the Kuria I’m missing.
I’m more than 3/4ths of the way now, and will probably have it complete by next week.
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three-o-clock-things · 2 months
what do you think it’d take to get the irls to they/them me consistently
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hadesoftheladies · 1 year
if you're a radfem (or feminist in general) chances are you're dealing with these: repressed anger and the effects of gaslighting
if you're exhausted a lot (without strenuous physical activity and lack of sleep), find yourself having outbursts of strong emotion, feeling desperate for a form of escape, fantasizing about drastic measures, anxious and "forgetful" about memories you have, nervous about speaking about your experiences . . .
here's some tricks on how i've been coping:
-boundaries. if you can cut off people (irl or online) that cause you to spiral into hate, frustration, anger at their ignorance/malice, do it. even if it's a musician whose one song you like. or your brother or dad. limit time as much as possible with them. the less access they have, the less relevant they become, the more energy you conserve.
-do art! create something, it doesn't matter what it is. express those emotions! make sure you're doing it in a judgement-free zone. it's important you don't become a critic at this time. do messy, honest art (sometimes i write short scenes of gay/lesbian characters to cope with the homophobia in my life, and it makes me feel MUCH better and less cynical, sometimes you need to create beauty to remember it exists in the world)
-get out! get out into nature, if you can. if you can't immerse yourself in some form of it. try watching a potted plant for a while or watch insects. take interest in the mundane aspects of life. see that leaf curl? that ant? you're part of that. when you see the clouds, remember they are part of the cycle. the earth grows into its beauty as you do. the moon is the sky's cycle tracker. you belong to this world. you belong in it. this is your home. revel in it.
-if you can, and if you want to, hang out with animals. animals are great companions with none of the misogyny, internalized or otherwise! they don't mind if you cry, either. seriously, if you need non-draining, non-complicated companionship, animals are a good option. it's also good to remember you're a simple animal sometimes, with simple needs. sometimes all you need is a nice belly rub and a little treat.
-cultivate female friendships where it's safe to rant and also not all about ranting. your friendships should be a comfort, not a chore. you need irl community. if you can access it at this time, if you can find a way to cultivate it, please do. it may save you
-it is okay to enoy things despite the evil in the world. you don't have to be an activist 24/7. go watch your favorite movie. listen to your favorite comedian. and let down your guard while you're enjoying that little something. it's important you don't fall into analyzing things.
-for the gaslighting, start having conversations where you make it explicitly clear that you want the other party to ONLY listen. also, JOURNAL, even if it's just a paragraph or two sentences. write down the small important facts of your day. you'll either build a more reliable memory or come to see how reliable your memory is. just don't hang out with people that are constantly testing you. that is not an environment where you develop healthy trust in yourself.
-fight back! these are some ways to heal from the bruising of the world, but honestly? you need to acknowledge how RIGHT and GOOD your anger is. and one of the best ways to do that is to fight back! do something that addresses part of the injustice your heart is screaming about. it doesn't have to be big, it just needs to help someone and address the situation. address the alarms in your brain telling you something isn't right and you have to do something about it. scratch that itch! do that something. you will feel really good
please feel free to add any other tips you guys may have for cultivating joy, hope and energy, because we don't have to be miserable while/for doing the right thing
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sketchyslushies · 10 months
Posting this here bc it’s the only place where ppl ik irl don’t follow me!!
Seabound fic!!! Kinda angst ig? It’s my first time writing a fic so don’t judge too bad ><
Kinda spoilers for Seabound!!! And mainly Jay and Kai w a bit of Cole (not shipping!)((ok maybe VERY MINOR lava coded)) (((like blink and you miss it)))
“She was my SISTER.”
Kai snapped, his eyes glaring straight at Jay. A silence fell over the ninja, none of them really knowing what to say. They’d never admit it, but they were useless without Nya. The team had struggled to stay civil in the beginning, and the cracks were starting to reform. It was only when Nya had become a ninja when they started realizing their groups potential. Kai’s stare stayed sharp on Jay, Jay looking back with his nervous yet persistent eyes. Kai just didn’t understand. He didn’t care. He didn’t know Nya like Jay did. He didn’t love her like Jay did. No one did. The others had gone back to normal life, albeit separated. But Jay, he stayed behind. He waited for her to come back. He knew that she would.
Jay would never know this, but Kai cared about Nya more than he cared about himself. If he really thought about it, he had practically raised Nya. She was his little sister, the reason he kept going when he had lost everything else. She was his light in the dark, the reason he even became a ninja in the first place. But he was too proud to say that, too arrogant to admit it.
“You didn’t even cry at her funeral.” Jay said, his electric eyes finally looking away from Kai’s. The other ninja all glanced at each other, stuck between interfering and letting Jay and Kai settle this themselves. It had only been a year since they all last saw each other, yet you’d assume they’d never met before. Tension spread throughout the room, thick enough to cut it with a knife. “It’s like you wanted her dead.”
“Jay, that’s enough.” Cole said, stepping in front of Kai to try to stop any more discourse. Jay was even dumber than everyone thought if he was purposefully egging Kai on. “We all miss Nya, and fighting about it won’t bring her back.” Jay looked away from Cole, scoffing, but backing off. Even he knew he was going too far.
“Whatever,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away. “I’m going back to the lighthouse, it’s not like we’re doing anything anyway.” Jay reached for the mechanical door’s button, a hot flame burning his hand. “Ow! What the hell?!” He turned around to see Kai, his aim still good as ever. “What was that for, asshole!?” Jay sneered, not noticing Kai’s obvious anger rising. He walked up to Kai, pushing Cole out of the way. His words came out in a jumbled mess. “I seriously don’t get your problem, Kai. You didn’t give a shit about her when she was alive, and you clearly don’t care now that she’s gone. You’re just upset someone’s finally pointing out the fact that you only care about yourse-“
“Do you ever just shut the fuck up?!” Red screamed, punching Blue in the face. Jay fell to the ground, unable to react quickly enough before Kai threw in a few more punches. “You have no idea,” he shouted, “no FUCKING idea how much I care about Nya! Shut your stupid ass up before you say something you don’t know anything about!” Kai’s stature towered over Jay. Sure, he was only a few inches taller, but he was stronger and Jay knew he wouldn’t be able to do much held down to the ground. The other ninja wanted to step in, but couldn’t help but feel like Jay deserved this a bit. They really did all miss Nya, they just didn’t mourn like Jay did. He just didn’t get that. Kai’s fist would meet Jay’s bloodied face just a few more times before Kai paused. Just as he was about to land another punch, he stopped himself. Something he’d never done before. Jay looked up at Kai, noticing a difference in his expression. His dark red eyes were watering. His face stuck between anger and sadness. Jay felt a droplet of water fall onto his face. Was Kai…crying? That can’t be right. Kai’s never cried before. Was there even enough water in his system to do so? The team kind of just assumed his body heat had been too hot to manage water, but never really questioned it. Jay quickly scurried away from under Kai, leaving him still stuck in a punching position. He wiped his eyes, but the tears wouldn’t stop coming. “I loved Nya more than anything in the world, Jay. I did. She was all I had for YEARS. Do you know how much it destroyed me when she left? How much it bothered me when everyone asked how YOU were doing? How YOU were handling her death? No one asked me how I was feeling with my sister dying,” he sniffled, rubbing his eyes and looking towards the ground. “I had to keep it together. If not the team, but for me. I was the face man, the cool one. A little loss wouldn’t do much to me, they said.” His voice warping in and out of a whisper and a sniffle. “I would do anything to get her back, Jay. You don’t even know how far I’d go for her.” Jay had never seen Kai like this. None of the ninja had. The fire ninja, the most dramatic of them all, looked so small in this moment. So vulnerable. His tear stained face was hardly visible to the team, yet everyone could tell exactly how he looked.
Jay stood up and stumbled towards Kai. His bruised body was staggering, struggling to keep upright. He kneeled by Kai, getting to his level. Cole and Zane carefully kept close, just in case Jay was about to get his revenge. Instead, he positioned Kai’s shoulders up to get him to sit upward. He got a really clear view of Kai’s face, his eyes and nose red, his tears smudging the dark eyeshadow he swore he didn’t have on. Jay wiped his tears away, before punching him back in the cheek. Cole practically ran up to Kai. After all, he did always have a soft spot for his firecracker. But, before he could stop Jay from hitting him again, the smaller boy pulled the bigger one into a hug. Blue’s arms wrapped around Red, a small voice muttering out a simple, “I’m sorry.”
Eyes wide open, Kai was surprised. Before he could say anything, he subconsciously tightened his grasp around the curly haired ninja, digging his face into his dark curls and letting his tears fall.
“I hate you.”
Hope it was an ok read!! Lmk how you liked it/id there’s anything I can work on!
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autumnapricot · 2 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞 because I love your fics <333
ohh, thank you 🥰🫶🏼
(warning: major yapping incoming. no seriously.)
[1] will o‘ the wisps
quite obviously, lol! this story just has a special place in my heart, for the fact that i‘ve had the ground idea for so long, all the details that went into it that for most part probably even went unnoticed to the readers but were so important for me personally, the planning of things, the way i had like a list of the details and easter eggs and everything. also, the name (not to toot my own horn) but i truly had the biggest *oooohhh!!!* moment when i found this title for the story and it just fit so so perfectly. the vibe when i wrote it. yeah, just a lot of love. also it‘s my most „hit“ fic i‘ve ever written and wow, i would have never ever imagined to get this reaction to my writing, ever. like i saw the fics from other brilliant amazing writers in the fandom that‘d get 1-3k kudos and i was like what the hell, that‘s crazy much. and then wotw hit +1k kudos and i was (still am) mindblown by that because imagine 1k people irl telling you they love what you wrote? insane. and all your guys comments and asks and i‘ve gotten some of the greatest comments eeeveron this fic, like, just wow. i write for myself because i just have these ideas and words and stories in my head that i need to get out and one day decided to upload because i thought maybe a few people would perhaps like it, have a little joy with it, but of course validation is always amazing and nice, so this reception is mindblowing for me. also i now kind of wish i could rewrite some parts of the story, do some plots more or different or just write differently, but i always hate kinda hate my fics after a while and think i could have done better. but still, so much love for this fic <3
[2] friday night; i‘m in love
just for the vibe of this fic, it‘s my second fave :)) i remember i had such a good time writing this—it was the first time i went to a park to write and i stayed in that park for hours and just…wrote. this fic. and the song makes up the whole vibe of that time of that summer when i wrote this, so. just vibey. reminds me of good times but also somehow bad times. i got a comment that said „so this is what loneliness feels like“ and for someone reason that has stuck with me a hell of a lot.
[3] shores of forgiveness
this is not f1 but motogp, which is a rather little fandom on ao3 and at times idk what possessed me to write this, but, for some reason i do like it? idek. i don‘t even ‚ship‘ rosquez because oh my god, what a fucking mess that „relationship“ or well, that whole..thing..is. but that‘s somehow exactly what i love about them because fuck me that shit hurts and i lived through the split of worlds!! 2015 sepang. the press conference before? marc’s face? i wanna crumple like a leaf in the wind and to be carried away by them so fast that not even any fleeting emotions would ever graze me again. the coldness of 2016. 2018 argentina?? bro what a time to be alive (not!!). you need to know the whole rosquez lore to understand because my god. it hurts too good. literally as of this week’s events…imagine your childhood idol and absolute hero and later friend and now arch-nemesis still going on podcasts t.e.n. years later and still shit-talking you into the ground about how you’re the worst person to have ever lived and the worst thing to happen to this sport and entire nations hate you and and and!! well, ANYWAY, back to it: i don‘t remember the whole thing anymore actually. but still third! byee (fun fact: i have a rosquez playlist that literally consists of songs to scream in the car in anger and heartbreak, and it‘s my kinda therapy oops. as you can see, i am very invested in them still)
[4] but if it ain‘t you (it‘s a lie)
idk. sometimes i forget about this fic oops. but i do like it, i like me some soft besotted absolutely gone in-love alpha charles and cutie-patootie omega max. i don‘t even like the smut of this. actually why am putting this on fourth?🤣 buuttt i also remember the car rides where i listened to the song and then just randomly sat down, wrote this in one sitting, done. i think i wrote this at work even. well well well
[5] now, i am become death
listen. liiisten. i don‘t even remember writing this whole thing. literally two weeks ago i randomly looked through my works, saw this, halted, and was like—who wrote this? me?? when, where??? when did these words ever spook my mind? i reread it and yk what, it‘s fifth. no clue what‘s going on but hey. swords and blood!
anyway waaay too many thoughts, i’m so sorry, thank you! 🩵🤍
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mikauhso · 8 months
Small fandom rant, feel free not to read.
I don’t really care what an artist has done as a person, unless they’re like literally hitler or someone who you’d punch in public for their crimes, I find it a bit sad and annoying how so many artists online are willing to tear down someone else’s art to say “I did it better.” It’s one thing to give constructive crit in good faith, and it’s another to make an OC-ified version of canon out of your love for something, but creating something out of spite will almost always ring hollow for me. I see so much good art duct taped to posts about how “here I fixed it” or “lol you can’t draw” and I think back to the time when I learned the phrase, “you’ll attract more flies with honey than vinegar.” It disheartens me to see artists and people I’d know to be kind and constructive not extend the same kind of care hey show irl to someone online based on their parasocial relation to them. It’s such a low-stakes game and people will act like a mid show having characters they enjoy is the end of the world, and in doing so will take personal snipes and make insults at the art instead of addressing the actual problem head on, because it’s easier to derail and funnel attention and love towards yourself instead of ask that others improve. I love redesigns born of love. I love rewrites that try to see an artist’s vision, but at a certain point I wonder if people even like what they’re making art about or if they’re slapping something recognizable over top of it in order to ride trends.
The internet normalizes clout chasing to the point where I feel like we do it almost instinctively. That little insult or sly comment at the end of a post, that’ll sway people to your side. Saying why you don’t like some person despite not knowing them. It’s valid to have your opinions but I wish people would act like they would in the real world. You wouldn’t go around and scream at someone who you saw post this one thing one time. You wouldn’t punch someone based on a rumor, or verbally berate them in a restaurant. Yet people post so much shit online and it’s so normalized that we don’t even register it as a sign to log off anymore.
I feel like social media is something incredibly important for communication, but it’s currently designed in a way that centers ourselves and how much dopamine we can get, whether it’s at the expense of others, ourselves, etc. And we’re part of the problem too, we refuse to change and recognize that maybe internet points aren’t worth it and maybe it shouldn’t matter what people think of us. And maybe it’s an opinion I have but I shouldn’t judge someone based on what fraction they put out on the internet of themselves. Maybe I should cook myself a snack or go out for a walk or sit on the balcony or in the yard, talk to a friend face to face. Again, I love what the internet has done for accessibility but every accessible thing is locked behind a service designed to ignore vitriol and anger towards one another.
I guess I fall prey to this too, but I’ve seen this pattern happen again and again and again. There are people behind everything that’s made, and unless it’s ai or something stolen, an artist put their time and heart into it. It’s part of the game to have tough skin but I wish it didn’t have to be a necessity because of spiteful people.
I guess I should add an addendum, this is about a pattern I’ve seen in many a fandom. This isn’t about the morality of a show’s crew or whatever, that’s a conversation for another day that I’m not getting involved in because the personal lives of others are no business of mine. Hah, there I go again. But in all seriousness. I’ve seen it in Hazbin Hotel. I’ve seen it with High Guardian Spice. Velma. Steven universe. The owl house. Any new show I’ve seen come out where someone decides to have a moment and say “I will create out of spite and a need to be seen.” I wish artists didn’t feel the need to ride trends and that we’d value each others’ work as much as something put out by Disney. But that too, is a post for another day.
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 8 months
We need a Total Drama character who tries so hard to be a hipster, like with the whole “I liked them before they were cool” and “You don’t know this, it’s realllly underground” only for everything they like to be well-known. I mean like mainstream well-known. Everyone and their momma knows about it. And every time they get shown up or someone says “Oh, I love that thing!” they just get more and more frustrated until they get voted off, and as they’re being sent home, they roll their eyes and make a reference to something popular IRL, but in the show, nobody gets it, only for them to scream “REALLY?!” in exasperation and anger. “The one time I try to make a joke that everyone will get, no one gets it? Seriously??”
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starboy-acer · 6 months
“no grave could hold my body down. i’ll crawl home to her” [Jay Ferin x You!]
(this is the angsty one of my albatrio x you btw. i know you jay ferin fans. i know what you are. story is below the cut)
(and to my irl... if you read any of this and send me any lines from this, i will block you /slightly silly)
you wake up on the deck of the albatross. you're cold, soaking wet, and in pain. you attempt to pinpoint where the pain is coming from, but it's difficult to do. you try to push yourself up, but your ribs begin to scream in pain. you let yourself fall back down and stare up at the sky. then, you notice the loud, crowded voices of your captains.
"JAY, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" you hear chip's voice get to a level that you've never heard before. you've never heard this much anger from him. you could almost feel his emotions radiating off of him, sending waves through your body. "YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS SHIP KILLED. SERIOUSLY, WE TRUST YOU TO BE LOGICAL AND RESPONSIBLE, AND THAT WAS NEITHER."
you rack your mind for what he could possibly be referencing. you assume that your injuries have something to do with this. being a barbarian, you get hurt plenty, but it's always intentional and subsides soon after you heal up. this pain was different. you could gather that you, and the crew, were severely harmed in combat. obviously, you had been taken by surprise and immediately knocked out. if you were there for the battle, you definitely would've remembered it as you like to relish in your battles.
"EVEN THEY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SO RECKLESS, AND THAT'S LIKE, THEIR WHOLE THING." you could tell chip was talking to you and you felt jay's eyes on you. chip took a deep breath. you couldn't see what was happening, but you could tell from gillion's silence that he was comforting chip in some way.
"jay," gillion broke the tense silence. "i know that things get difficult when your family shows up, but-"
"but what, gillion?" jay interrupted, clearly sobbing from the tone of her voice. "but. what. what could you possibly say right now. i fucked up. i fucked up so bad that the literal tank of our crew got knocked out immediately. i fucked up so bad that the ship almost got completely wrecked. i fucked up SO BAD that i almost got you all KILLED. so what, gillion. but what."
you knew that jay needed someone in her corner right now. you could hear her sobbing and her voice breaking as she tried to speak. you knew that you needed to get up, push the pain aside, and be with her right now. so, you stood up. everyone looked to you as you winced loudly and grabbed the railing of the ship to keep yourself up. you looked down to where you were laying and saw a deep red puddle. you knew that was your blood, but that wasn't a new sight for you. you didn't care about how injured you were. you didn't care to seek medical aid first. you cared about jay.
"holy shit." chip said while looking at you. "you're alive?"
you looked at him and squinted in confusion. "yes, i'm alive. why would i not be alive?"
"you don't remember?" gillion asked as he walked over to try and help you stand upright. "i used the last of my healing magic just to keep you from dying. i apologize that you're still in pain."
"ah, you're fine, gill. it's not like i've never-" a searing pain rushed up your body from your ribs. they were clearly broken, shattered even. you winced and your knees buckled. gillion catches you and carefully helps you sit upright against the railing on the deck.
"dude, you need to rest. you can't do anything in this condition." chip said as he walked up and crouched beside you.
"resting won't make my ribs magically piece back together again overnight." you shoot back. you didn't want to rest, not when jay is under fire like this. "don't mind my injuries right now. i'm more focused on who the hell you think you're yelling at over here."
chip just looked back at you absolutely dumbfounded. "how long have you been laying there listening?"
"long enough to hear you screaming at jay."
jay was turned around and wiping the tears from her face. you could tell that she didn't want you to see her in this state, but you absolutely did not care. the sole reason you were even on this ship was jay ferin. you would always be in her corner. you had her back even against navy during training as kids. it was always you, kira, and jay ferin. the officers were always hard on her and her dad was the worst of them all. you earned plenty of harsh punishments over the years from standing up to the authority figures in your life when they would be anything negative to jay or kira. you were their protectors. you were the first person that jay went to when she was leaving and as soon as she said that she was leaving, you were already packed and walking out of the door with her. she is your best friend and your entire world and you would never let anyone harm her.
chip tried to explain himself before gillion interrupted and finally told you the whole story. what you remember is that while you were in allport- which is usually dangerous enough with your high bounties, but you needed supplies- jay saw kira again, and she was with faye and jayson ferin. by the time the crew found her, she was already too close to them. jayson was clearly saying something to her while kira had her hand on jay's shoulder and faye stood there listening. jayson immediately spotted the crew, but his eyes almost shot to you.
"kira, jay. your best friend is here." he said with frustration dripping off the words 'best friend'. kira's eyes widened as she stared you down. her hand dropped from jay's shoulder.
"you... you're alive?" kira said with genuine shock.
"what are you doing here, kira. what are you doing with... them." you said back, gesturing to the ferins.
"what do you MEAN what am i doing here? i'm navy. i've always been navy! you used to be navy too. you AND jay. before you just... left me."
"we didn't leave YOU. we left NAVY. and before i speak one more word, you need to decide between us and navy, ki." you used the old nickname you had for kira. as kids, jay had trouble pronouncing her 'r's, so you started calling kira by 'ki' and let jay catch on. eventually, jay's slight speech impediment went away and you did away with the nickname when you were teenagers as jayson ferin always said it sounded "childish".
kira shook her head and looked down. "don't make this hard, please. you guys could just come back and we could be us again and i wouldn't have to choose."
"choose." you stated. the words pierced kira's heart and you could tell.
"i choose navy. i've always chosen navy. it's my livelihood and i'm not going to leave it for you." kira held her head up and balled her hands into fists.
"then, i'm gonna need you to get away from jay. right now." you stepped towards jay before jayson held a hand up.
"step any further and i will not hesitate to hurt you or your crew."
"i am not scared of you. i never have been. you should know that very well, jayson."
"that is ADMIRAL ferin to you."
"hard to say that when there's so many already. navy is practically crawling with faye's spawn."
faye just looked over to you with a slight smirk. you haven't met jay's grandmother often, but when you did, you immediately got an awful vibe from her. your hatred for her has only grown over the years.
"jay, just come back over to us. you don't need to go with them!" chip called from behind you as he stepped up to stand with you.
"it's not your destiny to go with them! you're walking a better path than them." gillion stepped up beside chip.
jayson's eyes were locked on you. "you have one last chance to turn around and let me talk to MY DAUGHTER in peace. choose wisely."
you looked at chip and gillion as they nodded at you. you pulled out your battleaxe and felt your blood run hot as you entered a rage. a firey aura surrounded you and your eyes began to emit a slight glow. "i've never backed down from you, even when i was a child. and now, you're gonna feel what that old rage feels like now."
before you could even charge him, you felt a heavy weight fall on you that sent you to your knees. there was nothing above you, but it felt like a boulder was dropped on you. you heard your spine crack as pain shot up your back. then you fell to the ground.
"after you fell, we all kinda backed up. gillion wanted to fight, but i could tell that this wasn't a fight we were gonna win and told jay to come with us back to the ship. jay just... zoned out. her dad told her to attack us and she just... did. ollie picked you up and we had to fight to get jay. our crew against jay, jayson, faye, and kira was not a pretty fight at all. we nearly died, multiple times, and we only managed to get out because gillion did some mind trick on jay, picked her up, and we ran." chip said, helping gillion to bandage up your wounds. jay had already left to go have some time to herself. you wanted to go with her, but she told you to just stay there and she'll talk later.
"i cast suggestion and 'suggested' that she freeze and stop attacking." gillion added.
"yeah, that. but anyway, we ran to the ship, but they just chased us. they destroyed half of the port trying to attack our ship. they even got a couple of hits on the hull. it's not awful, but it's not good either. we have to hope that we don't run into anything before we get to edison kingdom. alphonze needs a repair too, so we're just gonna kill two birds with one stone."
"we are not killing birds." gillion shot chip a glare and you giggled slightly before wincing in pain again.
"gill, it's a metaphor. it means that we're doing two things at once."
"that makes so much more sense. i didn't want to believe that you were killing birds with stones."
after getting bandaged up, you went to the captains' quarters and took a nap to try and heal up a little, same with chip and gillion.
you woke up a good few hours later. chip and gillion seemed to have turned in for the night and were resting peacefully, but you didn't see jay. feeling significantly better, you walk onto the deck to see jay sitting against the mast. you walked to sit beside her and she stared off into the distance.
"are you okay, jaybird?" you called her by your special nickname for her. when you called her that, it basically meant 'i'm here for you, tell me anything'.
"i'm not, hawk." jay replied so quietly that it was almost a whisper. hawk was her nickname for you, similar to jaybird. she called you that because hawks are generally hostile to anything bigger than them, incredibly intelligent, strong, and they're loyal. you're just like a hawk. "i froze. i keep freezing. i shouldn't be on this ship. all i do is endanger the people on it. i keep putting everyone in danger."
"jaybird," you moved to face her head on and you grasped the sides of her face to force her to look at you. "you're not a danger. you are not the danger on this ship. we constantly get thrown into danger whether it's gillion and some weird sea creatures, chip with his whole black hole in the sea thing and trying to find his old crewmates, or it's you with the navy. or hell, US with the navy. the navy isn't fond of our crew for a hell of a lot of reasons, and you're not the main one."
"don't lie to me."
"i would never even dream of it."
jay paused for a moment. she knew that you were telling the truth, from your perspective anyway, but she didn't know what to believe. she looked down and started to cry again. you pulled her in close to you and she curled up in your lap, burying her head into your chest. you're the only person she's ever been so vulnerable with. you're the only person she can consistently trust, and she knows that.
you began to caress her hair, twirling strands around in your hands. you felt your heart squeeze, but it wasn't any pain. you had long pushed aside your feelings for jay because you believed that it would cause tensions or conflicts in your further adventures, but as you watched her sob into your arms with the moon beautifully highlighting her orange hair and her face glistening with tears, you knew you had to tell her.
"jaybird, i have to tell you something." you started and jay just slightly looked up at you. "i... fuck, i don't know how to say this. basically, i have some... feelings for you."
"wait, you do?" jay sat up, genuinely confused. "how?"
"what do you mean?"
"how could you like someone like me?"
you scoffed. "well, for starters, we've been friends for years and years. we grew up together. i've watched you go from a scared kid under navy's boots to an absolutely gorgeous, strong, powerful woman. you're a damn good shot and everytime i watch you fight, i just admire you even more. we've gone from me protecting you all the time to fighting together and protecting each other. you're also just so so gorgeous. i love how the color of your hair complements your skin tone and your blue eyes. when you fight, your hair gets all disheveled and falls in your face and it just makes you look intimidating and... i don't know, it just does something to me." you kind of laugh at that last part because you didn't intend to say that, it's just what you were thinking.
jay stares at you, jaw agape, as her eyes widened. you look back at her as your heart races. you don't know what she's going to say at all. except, she doesn't say anything. she just leans over and kisses you. instinctively, you wrap your arms around her waist as she sits in your lap. she runs her hands through your hair and pulls away.
"so... that's probably good, right?"
"yes, idiot." she smiled as she kissed you again. she kissed you like she had been waiting her entire life to do so. she kissed you with such desperation and passion that you were convinced she has had feelings for you for a very long time, maybe even longer than you have for her.
you both decide that it's time to get some real rest and head into the captains' quarters. gillion was asleep in his barrel while chip was asleep in his bed right beside the barrel. instead of going to your bed, you decide to curl up with jay in hers. you were both turned to face each other. you played with jay's hair, occasionally kissing all over her face, while she made sure she was as close to you as she possibly could be. it didn't take long for you both to fall asleep. you dreamed of her and, of course, she dreamed of you.
"wait, so," chip looked at jay with a confused face, clearly about to say something incredibly stupid. "anastasia. what's all that with her. like the romantic dancing and stuff."
you looked over at jay, feeding into the stupidity. "i was charmed! i also happened to be very nervous about asking you to dance!" she looked at you while she talked.
"hmm," chip and gillion looked at each other and nodded like they were agreeing with each other. chip finally spoke up. "me personally, i wouldn't take that. would you, gill?"
gillion shook his head "absolutely not!"
"okay well gillion, you don't like women. chip, women don't like you. i am not taking girlfriend advice from two men who don't get bitches."
chip and gillion dramatically clutched their chests as they pretended to be hurt before jay actually threw a stone at both of them, causing them to fall over.
"WE'RE NOT KILLING THE BIRDS WITH STONES, THE BIRDS ARE KILLING US!" gillion yelled out, referring to jay as 'the birds'.
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nomadmilk · 3 years
Your eyes tell me a story; your lips tell me a different one - Terushima Yuuji x F!Reader
A/N: 1-5. FIFTEEN DRAFTS. fck. Anyways, scumbag & fukbois 4 life. Not IRL cause' my heart can't take the pain, so 2D is the only acceptable option, really. Enjoy this one! Thank you for allowing me into this collab, and being patient with my slow writing ass, B0ba. Love you lots <3
Event: The Pink Tattoo Collab [MDNI]
Presented by: @b0ba-chan
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Rating: M/18+
"Sway = If a man within 10m of her fantasizes about molesting, groping or fucking her, she will feel his thoughts, and will share in the urge for this to take place..."
Warnings: Smut barely any plot, Slow Burn-ish, Dubcon, DC, Unbeta'd, Enemies to lovers fuckbuddies, Scummy Terushima, Dom/Sub-ish, Slight Brat taming, Petnames, Degradation and slut-shaming, Oral Sex (Male receiving), Semi-public sex, Classroom sex
Words: 2.6K
You awoke one morning, screaming with the tops of your lungs at the sight of it.
You had scrubbed it. Lathered with as much lotion and soap as you could before wiping it; your loofah not making a dent. It wouldn’t disappear. The ink still permanent on your skin, your lower abdomen decorated with curls and black lines. You wonder about the tattoo artist, and how he got so close to you. How intimate it must have been to place a pretty and bold design just above your pussy. It made you flustered just staring it, but the additional thought of some random person being up close that way was causing blood to pump onto your cheeks.
You’re not usually this spontaneous, not daring enough to do anything drastic whilst drunk. It was your first night out after a long period of studying, research and revision sessions... And you thought you’d be good last night, promising yourself you’d let loose, but not lose anything.
But you lost your memory. Lost your phone. Lost control over yourself.
So you regain balance, the world feeling off-kilter as your head keeps you steady. Getting ready for Monday classes as if nothing happened, as if there wasn’t a glaringly obvious tramp stamp etched onto your body. You try your best to be normal as possible, using the spare moments in between classes and breaks to clarify your previous movements; where you had been, what you had drank, what had possibly possessed you into getting a tattoo in the first place.
“The whole dorm could hear you, y’know?”
You scoff, shoving Tershima away with a side-step and an eye-roll hard enough to flicker your eyelashes. You didn’t need his opinion today; he’s the last person you wanted to interact with. He’d have a field day knowing that the resident good girl just happened to get herself the sluttiest mark known to man.
"Sounds like you had a fun morning-"
“No, I did not.” You tell him, finding it difficult to not blunder the response in anger.
You could feel his eyes linger on your back, his chuckle in the distance slithering on your spine - it was too much for your liking. Like he knew something. It was nauseating.
He never understood the meanings of seriousness, and stress. Going with the flow came easy to him, and he coasted through coursework and essays. He barely passed most exams, and attended seminars and lectures with tardiness and a playful attitude.
He's been in trouble several times. Yet, he was still able to win the favour of his peers as well as his professors, and always made time for a promptu house party-
People like him made you bitter, and you cursed the world - with it being such a big place, with billions of people - as to why he had to be with you in your university, in your dorms, in your course, in your classes. Avoiding him was near to impossible, no matter how many times you pushed him away.
“Sorry, just checkin' how little miss sunshine is doing today.” He keeps coming back, barging into your life like he always does with meaningless conversation; just to get a rile out of you. Oblivious to your tone of voice, to your hostile behaviour; that you’d rather stick pins in your eyes than have him breathe your air.
“M' fine. Now lay offa' me.” You warn him, the books in your hand a shield as you hug them close, dodging his body as it blocks you from speed-walking down the hallway. You needed to create some distance. “I don’t wanna’ deal with you right now.”
“That’s what you said yesterday - and the day before that.” He mentions, his smirk evident from the drawl in his tenor, “Why d'you gotta' be so uptight around me? Aren't you gettin' bored with bein' pissed off with me every day? M’ sure we’d have fun together - if you'd quit bein' such a sour puss.”
He's on your tail, not wanting to leave you alone. “Might be able to help you with somethin', though - You lose anythin’ last night?”
It’s like the heels of your feet dig into the ground by the words, the pocket of your jeans feeling empty, void of your phone. "What are you talking about?"
"Heard you lost somethin' important to you."
"Which was?"
"Y'know what it was. I just want you to ask me with a 'please' in that sweet voice of yours."
You huff. Conversations with Terushima were unbearably childish. Always resulting to taunts, to unnecessary arguments that take up minutes of your day, and burning your energy.
Even his gaze was tediously annoying; expectant, teasing. Beckoning you, and provoking you, all at the same time.
"You gonna' ask me?" He continues. "If it's not as polite as I want it, I'm gonna' get you to beg."
"Ugh, like I'd-"
You could feel something thump within your chest, causing you to back away a little from squaring up to him. You were always able to look him in the eyes, ready with a spiteful response, ammunition prepped within your tongue as you glance and glare up at him with as much antipathy as you can muster-
But something - you weren't sure what it was - it kept you staring for a second too long. A small whisper passing your trail of thoughts.
Your breaths become jagged, your skin feeling warm. "M' not begging for my phone back, Yuuji. I-I need it."
"Pfft- What was that?" He snorts. "Didn't know you had such a cute stutter."
Fuck you, you wanted to reply. But you squeak, swearing you heard his stupid voice saying something else. Someone as simple as Terushima was easy to read. You weren't expecting anything else from him besides a head full of nothing, and a few joking excuses to use the next time he missed out on a lesson. Maybe a few lines of crudeness that made you want to slap his face.
Instead, his presence felt strong against yours, feeling the heat of his body and quickly feeling flushed at the proximity. Your mind doing more than deciphering his body language, reacting to the light sensation rousing in your gut, making you tense and clutch your books till you felt your knuckles click, and causing the baby hairs on the back of your neck prickle-
He smells intoxicating; floral, woody scents, like cardamom and cedar.
You watch his pupils dilate.
God, I wanna' kiss her.
"Huh? I asked if you wanna' get your phone, or not." Terushima says, brows furrowing. "Your ears not workin' now, or somethin'?"
"N-no- you-you said-"
You're still focused on the way his gaze doesn't seem fixed.
Shit. She's lookin' good today - smells so good. Why does she always smell so sweet?...
You notice how deep his irises are, lush in hue like milk chocolate-
Bet her lips are as soft as they look too. Dunno' if I wanna' feel it against mine, or along my dick-
That'd definitely shut her up.
A wince escapes, and you gulp from humiliation of reacting so pathetically. You're trying to keep your composure, your white knuckles returning to their original pigment as your grasp on your diary and textbooks loosen, your dry mouth salivating. The mark on your abdomen feels awkward, like it was whining at you. You feel your jaw tremble slightly, stopping the moment your tongue darts to lick and wet your lower lip.
... Why's she so quiet?
Fuck. Why is she lookin' at me like that? She's really pushin' it...
"Hey - you're weirdin' me out..." He coughs lightly to capture your attention, despite your stare intense on his own. "You really don't wanna' get your phone back, do ya'?..."
He tries to laugh, but it fades quickly into a quiet pant the more he surveys your expression. He knew you just as much as you knew him, and he'd never seen you so doe-eyed, so feeble, unlike your usual, vehement and attentive self. Shoulders risen, and your elbows squeezing your chest together. Your irises full blown; hollow from anything else except for one thing.
If she begs to me to fuck her, I just might lose it.
You were glad there was no one else in the corridors. You could imagine the gossip once you had lunged forward to seal the gap between the two of you, your books ripped off your arms the instant he felt your tongue running along his. His was slick, and cold, swiftly thawing from the temperature of your own. But it was rushed, your breathing not in sync every time his mouth snatched yours. The tips of your fingers brushing against a bristly texture, to the softness of his coiffed hair, disheveled with how your fingers tangled within his roots-
Wanna'... Taste her more... So sweet. So cute...
Had he always been hiding these thoughts? Were they always there when the both of you spoke?
His thoughts became distinct; he needed to be much closer, so you allowed him to push you against any surface, so long as it got him to where he needed to be, where his body could feel every inch of yours. You let him claw at your clothes, hearing him groan when your tits were freed to be groped, and your nipples to be sucked and bitten till they were stiff and sore, his breath hot and your skin soothed by the silver ball pierced on his tongue.
You were almost sickened with yourself that you were enjoying it, taking pleasure with the way his hands handled you, pulling your darling whimpers out of your lungs so seamlessly-
"Mn'- T-Teru... Teru..." His name had never sounded so gentle, your voice cracking at the pitch.
His thoughts only seemed louder - more depraved - and you mewl from how overwhelming they all are, how you wanted to indulge him to cope with the perverse images swimming in your mind-
So. Fuckin'. Soft-
Shit. Shit. Shit. Get on your knees-
Fuck. Look so pretty down there. Open your mouth. Fuck, yes- Open your pretty mouth-
"Tongue out, baby..." He hisses, dragging two fingers on the ridges of your taste buds, testing how far down they can reach before you sputter.
Fuck - It's always the good girls...
He seemed pleased with how far you could take.
You suck his fingers clean, and you could sense his sex straining from being left untouched. With a tight bite of your lip, your eyes flit between his sinful face and to the waistband in front of you, pulling them, shuffling them down as slow and as tantalizing as he wanted it to be.
He hasn't seen your new tattoo yet, but it felt like it was singing to you. It had been aching, stinging against your skin at points where the design ended and began. How relieved it was when you had dropped to your knees for him. Your inner thighs damp from heat, and your cunt drooling as much as your mouth was for his thick cock as it sprung out.
Stay, baby, stay... Stay still f'me... Say "ah" like a good girl-
You didn't care how big it was - whether it would squeeze and fit down your tiny throat, or if you'd gag and spill tears from just a few inches in - you had never craved for anything as much as you did when he pushed his length past your pliant lips, never felt so satisfied with the draw of his dick and the savoury flavour it spread amongst your taste buds.
"Oh, fuuuck-"
You choke; hum to adjust to his girth. But you felt sated; so full, no longer so empty. No longer confused.
His forehead rests against the coolness of the wall, as he works himself with your mouth. You feel your scalp being pulled, stationing you at a particular angle, one that chose his fast pace. His scent now familiar to you as he rolls his hips, and the tip of your nose touches his pubic bone. You purse around him to feel every vein, but he doesn't give you the time to relish in it, too unhinged with making your face a wet mess beneath him.
His head is now blank, all his unfiltered thoughts now slipping out at the sight of your spit coating him, dribble leaking onto your lap-
"Didn't know... You were such a s-slut..." His gaze hadn't left you all this time - only squinting shut when it felt just too good to ignore. Your pussy throbs at how frantic his thrusts are, your thighs clasping together just to get some friction to relieve yourself, your hands latching on his legs for dear life. "Been wantin' this, huh?- Hah-ah, fuck, sweetheart... Never knew you could be a needy, little fuckdoll- "
Your throat was tight enough to feel his cock pulse, head pulling back before spitting and gasping.
"Never knew... You could be so desperate..."
He lets out a breathy chuckle.
His cock muffled your yelp, fucking your mouth mindlessly. Balls layered with spit and slapping against your chin. Your eyes cinched together once more, knowing what's coming. Knowing within a few more ruts of his hips, that he'd be creaming down your throat. Knowing that he'd spread his milky load and rub his tip against your cheeks. Knowing that he'd have that smug grin knowing that he won today.
Knowing that tingling sensation on your abdomen would stop, and leave you in such agony, but so fulfilled...
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"As promised."
You're sitting naked at the edge of his bed, the sheets disgruntled behind you.
Terushima stands in front of you, your phone within his palm.
He glances at your tattoo. "Y'mind tellin' me how you got that?"
"I told you, I don't know." You answer, taking the phone and already scrolling through every social media feed and every digital photo album you owned. "I woke up. And there it was."
"So, that's why you screamed."
"You heard that?"
"The whole building did."
You shut your eyes, pinching your nose. "Shit..."
There were pictures of you at the club. Tagged photos of your night only consisted of group shots with your friends. You never went anywhere else. There was no recollection of any random ventures to a tattoo parlor. No images witnessing a needle against your stomach.
Terushima massages the side of his neck. "Y'know that gettin' a tattoo there is, uh... Well, how do I put it?"
"You're really trying to sugar-coat this?" You gesture to the inking on your stomach. To think that the guy that hated you back was now hedging his insults.
"I'm trying to be nice..." He shrugs, pausing in consideration. "... It's kinda' hot, really."
"You're such an ass."
"Hey, you're right. I figured, if you can read my thoughts, why should I hold back now?"
You weren't quite sure on the mark, now bewildered more than ever by its origin. You were shocked that a such a thing was able to shift your relationship with the guy you've butted heads with since the beginning of a college.
In all fairness, it really didn't take much to change it.
"Wait." You get onto your feet. "... Did you just say that I was right?"
He makes eye contact with you, beetroot red, attempting to keep his pride intact. "Don't get used to it..."
Maybe there were some perks with this tattoo after all.
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wthjillie · 3 years
KNB Imagine - Kagami unexpectedly leaves for America for 6 months (Part 4)
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a/n: heeeeey everyone!! Sorry I didn't get to finish Part 4 last night! I got sleepy and crashed after 1:00am hahah but here it is!!! I'm so happy with this imagine, I didn't think it would be so much fun to read and I also didn't think people would actually read it HAHA I'm definitely going to be doing this more, maybe with other KNB characters 🤗 I've rewatched KNB about 4-5 times at this point now and every time I watch I fall for someone new 😅 but honestly I feel like my one and only is Kagami, idk how to explain it but he's seems to be the type of guy that I would ACTUALLLYYY like and fall for irl!! Lol so here we goooo Part 4
All the lights flicker on but you can't seem to move your legs. You stay on the ground, kneeling while heavily breathing. You're too nervous to even look up
"Y/n, get up from there. Why are you still on the floor?" Kagami says
You're still speechless, trying to catch your breath. It was Kagami... he's here, he's back in Japan and you can't even look at him
"Y/n, please. Please stand up." Kagami offers his hand to help you but you decline the help and stand up yourself
You're standing in front of Kagami but you can't bare to look up at him, so instead you focus on his feet
The both of you stand there in silence for a moment before you can just barely whisper
"What are you doing here...?"
Kagami explains that he forgot about the time difference (go figures, remember what happened on the first day of Winter Cup?) and it wasn't until he was just about to land that he realized he was arriving today and not tomorrow
He sighs, "That probably means Kuroko and the guys told you the wrong time too.."
He finally walks away, going to the kitchen. Barely realizing that you cleaned up and put everything in its place
You started to feel the anger building up inside you. It's been 6 months and Kagami is acting as if he hadn't just ghosted you, his GIRLFRIEND, for the past 4 months
You finally look up and see your boyfriend for this first time in what seemed like forever and damn, he was just as beautiful and gorgeous as you remember
But something was missing
The genuine joy and happiness in his eyes, where'd that go?
You start crying, but the anger has also taken over. You finally muster out some words but they were much louder than you had anticipated
"Are you fucking serious, Taiga?!" Kagami's head shoots up, you never called him by his first name unless he was in trouble, you were mad, being serious, or needed him to seriously listen
"It's been 4 months! It's been 4 months since you last talked to me and you can't even muster up some sorry excuse as to why?! Up until now, no one knows why you even left Japan in the first place!!"
Kagami tries approaching you, attempting to grab your hands to calm you down but you can't even bare his gentle touch right now
You swat his hands away. "No, don't touch me, you IDIOT!" Kagami takes a step back and bows his head in shame
Your anger starts speaking for you
You step forward and back hand Kagami in the face. He looks up, shocked, but lowers his head again, knowing he well deserved that
His absence of any kind of reaction really starts bothering you, does he not feel any remorse?
You step forward again and continue slapping him and banging your fists into his chest, he doesn't stop you
"I waited for you, every single day!" You scream at him, in between punches to his chest. "But you just picked up your entire life here and left, and you couldn't even tell anyone why!"
You're nearly screaming at the top of your lungs now, and Kagami is doing his best to stop you from further lashing out
But to his expense, he's barely trying
"You didn't even give me a reason why you were leaving! I'm your girlfriend, Taiga. I deserved better!" You finally screamed, pushing him away
Kagami just softly whispers "I know, I know" while you catch your breath. Now he's the one who can't look at you
"You son of a bitch..." you trail off before the tears finally take over and you're choking on your own breath
Not being able to talk anymore, you grab your things and run out the door
You find a quiet spot next to a bus stop to sit down and try to calm down
Your heart is still racing and your eyes are still wet from tears. It's difficult for you to process what's happening
"Kagami is here... he's back.." is all you can think to yourself
After a bit, you can hear Kagami approaching you. You try not to let him see your tear stained eyes. You quickly dry them again just as he reaches your side
He hands you a can of coffee from the vending machine, you take it but don't open it
Kagami sighs, opens his can and takes a sip before sitting beside you
"Y/n.. I know I don't deserve it, but please give me a chance to explain.."
You open the can and take several sips, you glimpse over at your boyfriend and he's fiddling with his fingers
He looks up at you and you quickly look away, taking another sip from your can
He sighs again. "I had to leave because Dad got sick.."
All your walls suddenly fall apart. Just hearing those words, your anger instantly disappears
For awhile now, it's always just been Kagami and his Dad. They told each other everything and you knew how close they were and how important his Dad was to him
Your posture softens and you turn to Kagami, waiting for his explanation
He explains that his Dad had actually been really sick for a while now, but he hid it from Kagami
He didn't want Kagami to worry or to stray away from his dreams here in Japan. His Dad was so happy to hear how well Kagami was doing in Japan, making friends and playing basketball
But most importantly, his Dad was overjoyed that Kagami had met you. Someone who was able to ground him and take care of him
Kagami was forced to grow up too early, and his Dad would often blame himself for that. That's why he hid his sickness from his son, he didn't want Kagami to pick up and leave everything he had built
It wasn't until Kagami's Dad was finally hospitalized due to his sickness
He flew into America as soon as he heard, taking everything and anything that he could easily grab (which explains why his apartment was left in ruins, he literally got up and left)
He pauses, getting emotional and slightly overwhelmed
You obviously don't want to make it about you, your boyfriend is hurting and you can clearly see that. He might not realize it but you were always really good at seeing when Kagami needed you
"I didn't want to tell you because.. well-" Kagami starts choking on his words. You wrap an arm around him and rub his back as he falls apart
Once he's calmed down, he continues. "You've always been so strong and so independent. And I- I felt like I was always depending on you... and you constantly make sacrifices for me so I.. I just wanted to handle something by myself for once.."
You see the look in his eyes, it's been a while since you've seen Kagami this vulnerable, if ever
"I remember you telling me about when your Dad got sick, and I thought you handled it so gracefully and so maturely, and you were a child then! You were only 15 when it all happened and you were amazing..."
"And I'm this grown ass man and I couldn't even handle it... I didn't tell you because I didn't want to have to put you through that again with my Dad. So I thought it would just be better if I didn't tell you..."
You can sense the shame in your boyfriend's voice. But more importantly, you can hear how desperate he is for help. He needs you...
You finally wrap both your arms around him and give him a hug
"I had to take over Dad's company for a couple months, that's why I couldn't message or call you. And I know it's a lame ass excuse and nothing will ever fix it but- I just needed to feel like I was doing something for our future..."
You let go and give Kagami a confused look. Our future?
"Wait.. what do you mean?" You finally say
"Y/n, there's no doubt about it that you are going far in life. You're smart and beautiful and intelligent and have the kindest and biggest heart. You have so much to offer in this world, but me? The only thing I'm good at is basketball..."
You shake your head, if only this idiot knew how great he really was
Kagami goes on to explain that he drowned himself in training for his Dad's company as a product of his insecurity
Of course, his Plan A was to go on and play professional basketball but just like any other athlete, we're only human and there would come a day that his body wouldn't be able to handle it anymore
He didn't want to retire from basketball one day and have nothing else to offer
So he took advantage of temporarily taking over his Dad's company and used it as training for the future. He made sure he knew how to run that company, inside and out
Your heart is wide open, the anger and pain from the last several months have suddenly vanished
So this is what Kuroko was talking about... (BUT WAIT, how did Kuroko know but you didn't?!)
You gently place your hands on the side of Kagami's face and bring your foreheads together, a couple tears fall from his eyes
You take a deep breath in, cherishing the precious moment of finally having your boyfriend back
Kagami wraps his arms around you, burying his face into the nape of your neck
"I'm so sorry.." he whispers. "Please forgive me y/n, I know I've caused you so much pain... you must hate me.."
You stroke the back of his head and rub his back, instantly calming him down
"I never hated you, baby... I was just sad, I thought you had lost your way..."
Kagami squeezes you tighter, completely engulfing both of you in each other's bodies as you place a gentle kiss on his temple
"C'mon, let's go home."
a/n cont'd: GUYSSSS I'M CRYING 😭😭 this was so long but hopefully SO WORTH IT!! I hope you guys enjoyed haha I'm really proud of this so I hope you like it! Definitely stay tuned in the future for more imagines and headcanons (hopefully not as long 😅) thank you all for reading!! @cocobutterbaby
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the32ndbeat · 3 years
𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐣.𝐲𝐧 - [ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟛 ]
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pairing: stalker!jaehyun x fem!reader ( ft twice’s tzuyu, loona’s haseul )
word count: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, alcohol consumption, mentions of sexual harassment, mature themes, mentions of drugs, smoking, extreme views, misogyny, yandere themes
a/n: unedited! it’s been forever since I updated this but also considering if I should turn this into a tbz series at my tbz writing blog so we’ll see how this goes.
taglist: I don’t have one yet and I’m seeing how this does since I’m thinking whether I should convert it into a tbz series. Please do lemme know if you guys want to see this continued!
disclaimer: everything written here is FICTIONAL and I am in no way saying that the mentioned characters act like that irl!
(inspired by netflix’s you and the book of the same name by caroline kepnes)
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The first thing that registers in my mind is how fucking loud this place is. Seriously, what is it with college parties and their inherent need to blast music loud enough to wake the entire neighbourhood within a five mile radius? Before I even step within the premises or even make it to the front yard, the whole fraternity house seemed to shake from the loudness of the bass-boosted music when viewed from a distance away. I even had to squint as I approach, the strings of fluorescent party lights draped all over the place glowing so brightly it almost hurt to look straight.
A few drunk college frat boys stumble past me, their hair sticky and messy with sweat and their breaths reeking of cheap alcohol. Their steps are wobbly and I can even see drool and remnants of vomit hanging at the corner of their mouths. My heart clenches with pure disgust and I grit my teeth as I watch them laugh out loud over nothing, their brains a pink, unintelligent mush in their skulls, probably rotted by endless drinking and fucking. All part of the college frat experience.
I wonder if they enjoy being a complete waste of space while wasting mummy and daddy’s money to put them through college.
I look away and ignore the growing irritation in me. This is the sort of party your friends wanted you to go with them to? I thought your friends were bad influences but scratch that, they’re fucking horrible. They taint you, taint your innocence and put you at risk around such dangerous men who do not deserve to be even a mile within your presence. As I walk closer, the house looks even more hideous up close.
It’s decorated in the worst way I’ve seen a house decorated. It’s as if someone threw a bunch of random fairy lights bought in the brightest, blinding neon colours that simply do not go together over a sloppy looking house and the front yard is littered with empty, red plastic cups and is that a discarded bra I see over there?
I tiptoe over the trash laying around on the grass and try to avoid the gyrating bodies of college students who clearly have no sense of rhythm. My skin feels grimy within just a few minutes of being here and I can’t wait to leave but there is no way I’m leaving when I know that you will be here. The thought of you being surrounded by such vermins makes me sick to the stomach and I want to get you out of here. The only place you should rightfully be, is at my place where there are no revolting men who only love to drink cheap alcohol, party till sunrise, get high off smoking a blunt, yell ‘turn up!’ every few minutes as if it’s muscle memory in their tiny, almost non-existent brains and do anything but be a productive member of society.
As I push through the double doors, the nauseating smell containing a mixture of intoxicating alcohol, smoke and cheap cologne almost knocks me backwards. My hand grips tighter to the wooden door and I force myself in. Inside, the house is dim but bright at the same time with disco and laser lights. A massive boombox and a pair of equally large loudspeakers sit at the corner of the room and some hip hop tune is being played while people dance and drink and smoke to their hearts’ delight. You’d never believe these kids were supposed to be the future.
Oh, how disappointed their parents must be.
A girl in skimpy shorts and a tube top looks at me with unadulterated want and beckoning in her eyes while staring at the varsity jacket I’m wearing, no doubt replaying fantasies of fucking a college athlete in her mind and trying to guess which sport I supposedly play. I gaze blankly at them before turning away and I can see her shift from the corner of my eye, obviously bothered by the lack of attention. It’s like I can almost see the gears whirring in her brain. Did she not show enough cleavage? Is more skin needed to get my attention? Sometimes people are so predictable and readable that it’s almost pathetic.
Other times, I might have lowered my standards and settled for a casual fuck with someone like that but not today. Today, I’m a man on a mission. A mission to look out for you.
My eyes scan the room but it’s too dim to see anything within four feet in any direction. The flashing lights threaten to overwhelm me along with the stink of the place and booming music and I can feel my annoyance evolving into anger. I repress the urge to slap the shit out of a guy in a red bandana who screams ‘turn up’ all of sudden, practically effectively bursting my eardrums.
I almost bump into a couple eating each other’s faces out when someone yells out at me.
“Hey, you!”
The music is so loud that I almost don’t hear it. I whip around and sure enough, it’s tube top girl making her way over to me. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Not only do I have to find and save you from this sleazy place and have to squeeze in with a crowd of sweaty, brainless college kids who know nothing but party in a tiny, dirty, smelly frat house but now I also have tube top girl hot on my heels?
The things I do for you, y/n and we haven’t even properly gotten to know each other yet.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Tube top girl smiles and up close, I can see that her mascara is smudged and her hair is slicked back with an unholy amount of gel into a tight little bun which only makes her face look wider and her forehead exposed with a sheen of sweat covering it. Her lipstick is reapplied and I know for a fact that she has done it to impress me. Her top is also inched a little lower, as if that makes her anymore appealing.
I smile in a dismissive way, in a way that showed that I cared, but not really.
“Hey,” I reply flippantly.
“Crazy party huh?” She grins, satisfied that she’s got my attention now. Women.
I let my eyes drift to her breasts and look back up at her expectant, puppy dog eyes that are so eager to please it’s actually embarrassing.
“What’s your name? I’m Meg.”
“I’m Jaehyun.”
“You part of any sports team in school?” And just like that I know that tube top girl must have had fantasies of fucking a college athlete.
So predictable.
“Yeah, I’m on the swim team.” I say and her smile widens, a playfulness in her eyes as she leans her chest in closer in what was meant to be a sexy gesture.
“Oh, is that so? I’ve never really talked to a competitive swimmer before,” she replies in a sultry voice and I smirk.
“Well, here I am. Am I every bit of the guy you imagined a college swimmer to be?” I whisper in an equally sultry voice. Let her think she has me wrapped around her finger. It’s easier that way. Better for her to think I’m enthralled with her and her breasts than let her cling onto me the entire night.
“Mhm,” she says, “of course.”
I’m about to reply when something catches my eye. From the window, I see you and your friends stumbling and swaying down the sidewalk, away from the party. Internally, I feel my rage simmering again but not at anyone. At myself.
How was I so late that I didn’t manage to stop this from happening? How are you already drunk? How did this happen?
A million questions are racing through my mind and my vision almost blurs with white hot anger as I imagine a slimy frat guy placing his greasy hands on you while you sit there, drunk and uninhibited in that dress that seemed to accentuate your every single curve. You look simply gorgeous in that dress and I fucking hate to think that other guys in this whole house may have made a pass at you. Why was I so late? Would I have been just a little bit earlier if tube top Meg didn’t stop me? I should have left the moment she decided to strike up conversation. This is my karma for letting other temptations get in the way. I vow to myself that this will never happen again as I extricate myself away from Meg’s clutches (“Hey! Where are you going?” She calls out and I ignore her).
I shove people out of the way and do not care for their protests and yelps. Fuck them and fuck this entire shithole of a house. I scramble through the door and maintain my distance as I follow you and your friends down the pavement and past the buildings within the campus. I watch and cringe as you seem to crumple under the weight of your friends’ arm and quickly realise that you aren’t drunk. Your friends are. Stupidly drunk.
I feel my heart relax and my stomach unclench. Of course, you wouldn’t be. You are good. And smart. Too smart to get drunk in a place like that. You know what are the risks and you are above such parties. Your friends though, I couldn’t say the same. Which brings me back to why you need better friends but that’s besides the point. I can see a few guys hanging at the other side of the street who leer at the group of you, clearly getting their dick hard at the thought of a group of vulnerable girls roaming these empty streets at night.
It’s dangerous. But that’s what I’m here for. They see me next and they look away.
I will do what I can to protect you, y/n. Even if that means protecting your good for nothing friends in the process.
All of a sudden, I see you trip and it’s like everything is in slow motion. You fall forward and I take long strides over, my legs stretching out and rushing to help you. Before your knees can hit the rough ground, I have you in my arms, encircled around your waist as I hold you up. I have your other friend, Haseul upright with my other hand tugging at the collar of her jacket. Your friend Tzuyu is not so fortunate and falls flat but she barely notices it, smiling tipsily to herself instead.
You glance up at me with those large eyes and I could get lost in them right there and then. But as quickly as we have our moment, you move away and I see a hint of suspicion in your eyes. We separate and the moment you extract yourself from my arms, I already want you back. Your touch feels addictive already. What have you done to me?
“Thanks.” You say curtly and I admire the fact that you have boundaries, not like Meg. You are hard to get and that’s what makes you so appealing. You are to be earned and respected.
You help Tzuyu to her feet and as you turn to leave with your friends, I call out, “is there any way I can help?”
You regard me with caution and open your mouth to reject me but then suddenly, the tenseness in your eyes relax.
“Do I know you?”
You remember me. Halle-fucking-lujah! I want to wrap you in my arms again but I play it cool.
“I… don’t…?”
Your eyes grow wide and the recognition seeps in.
“Wait! You’re from that hardware store right? Jaehyun?”
I pretend to be surprised when I’m actually fucking overjoyed.
“Yeah, wait… You’re that girl with the rope right?”
You laugh and it’s the most melodious thing I’ve ever heard in forever.
“Yup, that’s me. Kind of mortified that’s how you remember me but sure,” you say and your eyes twinkle but then you continue with a more subdued tone, “what are you doing here?”
I pat my chest good-naturedly.
“Friend of mine is a student here. I just came over to visit and he gave me his varsity jacket so I could try feeling like a college student for once. Never been to college so… yeah. I thought I’d like to try it out for fun.” I reply and shoot you an awkward smile, the kind you do when you try to get someone to favour you and think of you as ‘adorable’.
It works and you smile gently.
“That’s pretty cool, you’ve got a good friend.”
And you haven’t, I think but don’t say.
I gesture towards you and your friends.
“Need any help?”
You look at your drunken friends and back at me and I sense you thinking. Finally, you decide that you do need my help and chuckle, “We live right at that block over there and I think I might die halfway there. I’m not fit enough to hold 2 people.”
That’s so like you. So compassionate over friends who clearly didn’t give a shit that you didn’t want to go to some god forsaken party, so caring over friends who get drunk and don’t take responsibility, so helpful to take care of friends who literally do not give a fuck about you. You are not beautiful on the outside but on the inside too and as I loop Tzuyu’s arm over my neck and hold her, I wish I was holding you instead.
We amble over to the front of your block and we part, you thank me and we say our goodbyes and it’s all too soon. I want to be with you for longer, I want us to talk and I want you to invite me to your room but reality is often much less exciting and more boring.
“I’ll see you!” You call out, smiling as I walk away and I wave back, my heart soaring.
Today is a good day, I think and as I round the corner to the next street, I slip the keycard out of my pocket and feel the hard plastic under my finger.
Wasn’t difficult honestly. Your friends should really learn to keep their valuables in safe places, not the back pocket of their jeans.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Stranger things is about mental health & trauma- deal with it!
I’ve seen a lot of people claim anyone who mentioned this topic immediately be gaslit and told they’re “just crazy” and “rudely projecting their own issues on to the characters.’ Like- no you don’t have to believe my  Will DID/Lonnie theory ( I could be wrong). But to claim one of the show’s central themes isn’t about mental health/trauma (screams either complete lack of lit comprehension or denial cause you have your own negative biases towards such people). So let’s just go into what’s literal text-not subtext/symbolism. Just the super blatant stuff.  RIGHT IN THE SHOW!
-We have El when she first appears on screen  asked by Benny if her parents starved and hurt her and if that’s why she ran away. Benny then calls CPS to say El “may have been ab*sed or something.” After this Lucas says there is “seriously something wrong with her-wrong in the head. She’s probably from the NUT-HOUSE in curly county.penthurst” We also see El  cannonically has PTSD-all of s1 she’ll see something benign (a cat, a coke commercial, a closet) and is triggered to see a traumatic flashback. That’s literally ptsd.  There’s also hints throughout the seasons she’s developmentally behind in both language, telling time etc (neglect like El’s irl can cause an intellectual disability-analysis on El/that subject here).The real pethurst in pensylvannia (not the one in stranger things/ Curly county)  closed in 1986-  it was a facility for people and mostly  kids with intellectual disabilities (it wasn’t technically a psych facility like the one in st)-but it was infamous for it’s abuse of these intellectually disabled patients kept there. We also have Brenner be a ab*sive psychiatrist.
- Hopper after suffering from the loss of his daughter. Is popping pills like candy, drinking and smoking constantly. He later says he used to hallucinate and forgot what was real -seeing and hearing sarah and says if he didn’t confront the pain he’d “fall down a black hole he couldn’t get out of.” NO... subtext here about what the void represents nope.
- Both mothers (Terry & Joyce) are dismissed as being mentally ill and simply grieving the loss of their kids . But both end up being right about the supernatural.
- “Terry pretends Jane is real. i mean it’s all make believe. you know the doctors all say it’s a coping mechanism.”
- While with Joyce the whole town pre s1 already questioned her mental health. Jonathan says “She used to have anxiety problems (pre s1).” And Jonathan, Hopper, and Lonnie all assume she’s hallucinating: talking to Will via lights, seeing a man without a face, saying Will’s body is fake -due to grief. Plus Lonnie mentions the fact Joyce’s aunt Darlene also used to hallucinate as a possible reason  (terry’s aunt also had mental health issues mentioned in s2 by Becky). Lonnie even says everything Joyce is seeing  is “all in her head.”  Hopper and Jon both say she needs to sleep and accept reality and Lonnie says she needs to see a “shrink”.  Hopper “i’m not saying that you’re crazy”. Joyce : “no, you are.” Joyce also says to Lonnie “Stop looking at me like that... like everyone else like i’m out of my damn mind.” Hopper also says about Joyce she’s “on the edge”. Callahan says in response , “she’s been on the edge for a while now” (referring to her mental health- even before Will’s dissappearance)”. While Lonnie says Jonathan is “feeding into her hallucinations ... you’re going to push her right over the edge.” In s2 Hopper says “ I think everyone is on edge- you, me, Will most of all. (when talking about Will’s ptsd/trauma)” 
- in s1 They claim Will just “fell” over the edge of the quarry’s cliff. Later the only other queer coded character (Mike) jumps off the quarry cliff (where Will’s body was found) cause the homophobic troy forced him too jump. Troy even says earlier dead-Will is “flying with all the other fairies all happy and gay” (to Mike). And Troy says to Hopper El made Mike “fly” after jumping off the cliff. Friendship saved him from jumping off the edge metaphorically ( and he’ll prob eventually be happy and gay too).
-Will is seeing a therapist . And we are told he has ptsd and will experience the anniversary effect, personality changes,nightmares, having episodes, etc. And things “will get worse before they get better”.  Mike also asks if what Will is seeing is “real or like the doctors say all in your head?” And Will continues to see hallucinations of the mf/upsidedown that only he can see initially.
-Hopper also agrees with owens mentioning how he knew guys with ptsd . joyce : “it’s not like he’s describing a nightmare. He talks about them like they’re real.” Hopper: “Yeah, because they’re not nightmares they’re flashbacks.I think he’s right about trauma.I think everyone is on edge (bringing that s1 ref back), Me you, Will, most of all.Nothing’s gonna go back to the way that it was. But it’ll get better.In time.”
-Nancy suffers from survivor’s guilt and drunkingly says she killed Barb. Jonathan says like Nancy he has “a weight that you that carry all the time . i feel it too.” (cough depression). He also says he tries to be there for Will but says about Will “he’s not the same. maybe things can’t go back to the way they were. (mirroring Hopper’s words earlier that season)”
-Jonathan said in s1 Joyce had “anxiety issues” than Nancy says in s3 “you really are your mother’s son... you worry too much.” Then we see him look worried after the comment.
- in s2, Axel & a scientist both call El and Will “schizos” because of their powers. In s3 mrs driscoll isn’t believed about the supernatural cause she’s schizophrenic-but like Joyce/Terry was right.
- Kali saves a woman named Dottie (a british slang term for crazy)  from a mental hospital and then compares herself and El to dottie. saying her non-powered gang is “Like us ...outsiders... society discarded them.”  In graphitti we even see the title “obedlam” a british poem about discarding the mentally ill and leaving them homeless.  El before this sees a mentally ill man screaming “we’re all dead!” Kali’s friend says to El, after this encounter they were “dead all of us” until kali “saved them here” (points to head) “and here” (points to heart). Pointing to the theme of love and friendship helping those with such issues. Similar to the cliff analogy.
-The cycle of ab*se. Max in s2 says she’s afraid of becoming like Billy (her ab*ser). We see Billy mimic his ab*ser neil and inflict pain on max. In s3 we see the roots of his behavior are linked to mimicking Neil- Neil in a flashback says  about baseball “what are you scared?”  “ did i raise a p*ssy for a son”. So young Billy later in a fight says to a boy “ what are you scared to fight me? fight me p*ssy. (as he beats the boy)” Deflecting his anger of his father on to someone else. In s3, We see as a kid he used to say to Neil “don’t hurt her” (his mom)-specifically after  Neil backhand slaps her -but we later see possessed Billy backhand slap Max (just like neil).  The resentment to his mother leaving - festered into how he views women and max negatively . And his attraction to mrs wheeler prob is linked to him subconsciously missing his mother. Max in s2 even says  he can’t take it out on her mother so he does so to her instead (we even have Billy hallucinate hurting mrs wheeler).We see in s2 the cycle of abuse is there- Billy mimics Neil, and then Max mimics Billy. Billy harrasses Max and yells “SAY IT!” (mimicking Neil).  Max like Billy later  yells “SAY IT” and uses a bat /violence to stand up for herself against Billy- which earlier she said she was trying to combat … explaining she can be angry like Billy sometimes but she never wants to be like him (her nickname symbolizing this: aka ‘mad max’).  Billy’s last dying words were an apology to Max- for becoming her neil. And we hopefully will see Max break this cycle.
- Will says his now memories (that he describes like dreams) are “growing “, “spreading “,and “killing”. While Kali says they need to face their father and (as Brenner) says El has to confront her “wound” or else it’ll “grow”, “spread” and “eventually it’ll kill her.” Kali says she used to be like El . She used to bottle her pain away and it “spread.” But she then says  “I confronted my pain and I finally began to heal (from those wounds).” We also see with jonathan and nancy when describing “shared trauma” zoom in onto the scars on their hands. The wound heeled into a scar so to speak.
both have Hopper do a speech that delves into dealing with trauma/depression but still finding good along the way.
-s2 Hopper outside the snowball: “how are you holding up? Yeah, that feeling never goes away. It is true what they say, you know. Everyday it does get easier.”
-s3 Hopper monolouge : “ Feelings jesus. For so long, i’d forgotten what those even were. I’ve been stuck in one place,in a cave you might say , a deep dark cave (cough s2 supernatural cave). For the first time in a long time, i started to feel things again. I started to feel happy. Life... yeah sometimes it’s painful .sometimes it’s sad, and sometimes it’s suprising... happy.. And when life hurts you, because it will .remember the hurt . The hurt is good. It means you’re out of that cave.”
BUT YES- St has nothing to do with mental health/trauma, we’re just “crazy” and “projecting”. It’s not like some of ya’ll  act pompous when you just have a bias and get pissy at the idea of relating to characters you “other” as “crazy” or “damaged” irl or anything (so attack people for pointing it out). Or (benefit of the doubt) you are just like.... oblivious... or just a kid who doesn’t know better XD
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*I wrote this days after the lesson was first posted and never bothered to go back and edit it so meaning there will be me theorizing about the next lesson as well
*I write a small para for each chapter and I write it immediately after finishing that chapter so there’ll be theorizing about the next chapter too
*I swear more than usual here
*Some of the dialogue is heavily plagiarized and a few is lifted directly from the story, the game is to figure which is which.
*Summaries and Discussions/theories for all the other lessons can be found on this blog under #obey me spoilers or #my theories or #my headcanons
OKAY! So first off the background for this is absolutely gorgeous and shows a real demon. You know the kind you’d imagine an actual demon to look like and everything’s dark (black, grey, brown) there’s a castle on a mountain like area with a narrow suspended pathway leading to it, there are crows flying around and a person in a robe pointing what looks like a lit wand at a snarling attacking demon, there are skulls and what looks like weapons on the ground and my favourite part: a person in a long robe, kneeling on the ground, covering the top of their face with their hands and wailing to the sky. It’s all tailor made to my taste and I love it! There’s one locked lesson.
It’s breakfast time and Asmo & Beel are heading to an all you can eat global sweet sampler, MC questions it and Asmo says you can get desserts from all over the world there and Asmo’s hoping to live stream it. Asmo invites MC but Mammon interjects asking them to come see “cute horsies” with him. “’Horsies.’ He’s so pretentious. Shut up, it’s the fucking horse race. ‘Horsies.’” Says Levi. Levi invites MC to a real life TSL themed escape room (that sounds really fun tbh), Satan invites them to come watch the sci-fi movie they were talking about, in their home theatre. (he’s actually watched it 3 times already but he read online theories about it and now he wants to see if he can catch the basis for those theories in the movie). They all start arguing about it (except Beel who’s just eating) when MC gets a text from Diavolo congratulating them on their 5th star and wishing them luck for the other 2 and inviting them to an amusement park date. Everyone – MC included – is kind of baffled by the one on one date with Diavolo. They ask any of the others if they want to tag along but they all refuse but Beel asks if MC can take Belphie along since he hasn’t really left the house in a while and Beel’s worried. MC texts asking if they can bring Belphie along too and Diavolo says the more the merrier and I just know this is gonna end in disaster like did Belphie ever even resolve all the problems he had with Diavolo back in S1?
Beel drags Asmo along to wake Belphie up because a.) he doesn’t want Asmo to leave to the sweets thing without him b.) they need all the help they can get to wake him up. MC suggests using force and Asmo happily volunteers to grab Belphie, turn him over and drop him on the ground, Beel says they can’t do this to poor Belphie cause Beel’s a sweetheart, and says the most force he’ll allow them to use is by tickling Belphie, which Asmo then does. It doesn’t work so Asmo says if they’re gonna use force they should do something like this right before he screams “ASMO DIIIIIIVE!!!” and jumps on top of Belphie as Beel protests and I love that despite what you’d assume from his aesthetic and despite what Asmo would like you to believe he’s a lot more rough and tumble and violent (I just really love the sweet with hidden edges trope as much as I love the jerk with a gooey centre trope). Belphie says ow and Asmo brightly and sweetly cheers that he woke up as if just seconds ago he hadn’t used a wrestling move on his sleeping baby brother. Beel says that though Belphie’s body is awake his mind isn’t (relatable), Beel fixes Belphie’s bedhead and Asmo complains that Belphie’s a stereotypical spoilt brat youngest child and says that Diavolo obviously would’ve wanted a one on one day with MC. Beel says he knows and it’s another reason he wanted Belphie to go. Asmo agrees saying that after everything if MC chooses their boss over any one of the seven guys MC actually lives with it’d feel wrong. Asmo tells Belphie to keep an eye on them and not let it turn into a “whirlwind romance”, Belphie just asks for his pillow and Asmo’s upset cause he doesn’t feel confident about the plan now. Poor Diavolo being constantly cockblocked
On the way Belphie complains about being forced to do this when his schedule is just as busy but MC says all he does is sleep and he says because naps are important to him and he takes them seriously. He wishes he could go back home and asks why of all the demons he had to be stuck with Diavolo (so guess those issues are still around good to know). MC asks if he still dislikes Diavolo cause of his fondness for humans and Belphie says he’s fully gotten over that whole human genocide phase which is great to have confirmed. They ask why he dislikes Diavolo – lots of reasons. He always thinks he’s right and expects to get his way about anything and everything and never listens to anyone’s opinions. He hadn’t bothered to listen to Belphie back when the exchange program had been proposed and Belphie was against it (and I mean to be fair back then Belphie was 100% okay with killing the entire human race for no reason other than the fact that he blamed them for Lilith’s death when really they had nothing to do with it and it was definitely the angels’ fault. I mean I don’t think I would have listened to him either and he really does have the spoilt youngest kid personality. I think out of all the brother’s Belphie’s the one who has the fondest memories of the Celestial Realm – probably helped by the fact that Lilith was still alive then – which is why he never blamed them for what happened and instead directed all his anger at the humans) Lucifer hadn’t let Belphie plead his case (what case Belphie!? That all humans should die!?) and that Diavolo’s surrounded by demons like Barbatos and Lucifer who shield him from criticism (and yeah I agree that this is true and that it’s a bad thing but Lucifer wasn’t shielding Diavolo from criticism when he refused to let Belphie plead his case, he was protecting Belphie cause if Diavolo found out Belphie wanted to kill humans he would have thrown him in jail like he did back at the end of S1 and MC you dumb fuck can you pls tell all this to Belphie) and that Diavolo doesn’t understand that he’s been saved from criticism and Belphie hates that about him and he shudders at the thought of spending the day with Diavolo. On the way they run into Simeon and tell him where they’re going, he says Luke’s been wanting to go there since he saw a ad for it and MC says they could take Luke along with them but he says Luke’s at a cooking class today but that he’d probably love to hear about it when he gets back. Simeon then takes off saying he has a meeting. Belphie goes to call after Simeon to tell him something and catches a glimpse of the person Simeon was supposed to meet. He’s surprised and says “Is that…” and when MC asks what’s wrong he said he must have just imagined it and that the person Simeon was meeting just looked really familiar and HOLY SHITTTTTTT GUYSSS rfhiefjoSJKWDLDADJSJ was I right are we really gonna get to see angels???? That’s the only explanation, right? It would have had to be Michael or even Raphael and there’s only a few lessons left and this and the next lesson are probably gonna focus on Diavolo and Belphie’s relationship and following the patter MC should get their 6th star next lesson, then the two lessons after that will be their final exam for the 7th star and then the last two lessons will focus on saying goodbye as the brothers go back to the Devildom and all that’s gonna have a lot going on but if they’re teasing the angels being here now could they manage to slip them in or will that be too much? I mean they’ll be introducing a whole new (or two whole new) character(s) and ahhh I’m rambling but pls I need the tension and angst between them and the brothers ok I’m done.
When they get there Belphie complains about how crowded it is and MC tries to look for Diavolo to which Belphie points to a group of fangirls surrounding Diavolo. Diavolo answers them sweetly and one of them says he’s even better looking irl and another shyly asks if he wants to walk around with them. Belphie cuts that short by barging in and asking Diavolo what’s going on, Diavolo happily greets Diavolo and one of the girls realises that Belphie called Diavolo ‘lord’. Diavolo apologises to them and said he’s already made plans with friends (and ugh he’s so sweet I love him just wanna give him a big hug I bet he gives great hugs), the girls are very understanding and sweet about it and they leave. Belphie’s a lil shit and says “Aww, too bad, Lord Diavolo. I’d hate to interrupt just as they were hitting on you…” and Diavolo laughs it off saying it wasn’t like that (and can Diavolo not understand sarcasm or does he just ignore it? Both seem highly likely) Belphie disagrees and says they were clearly hitting on him and Diavolo changes the subject and says he can’t believe Belphie actually came, MC explains why and Diavolo says it’s understandable that Beel was worried after Belphie hadn’t left the house in a week (Me, who hasn’t left the house in almost a year: :’) ) Belphie says he knows Diavolo wanted a date with MC but too bad cause now Belphie’s gonna third wheel them. Diavolo tells Belphie not to be ridiculous and that he’s happy that Belphie came (and the thing is other than a small twinge of disappointment this is probably the truth). Belphie says that it probably won’t be a good idea to go around calling him “Lord” Diavolo given the way the girls reacted, Diavolo says he can just call him by his name since he wouldn’t mind but Belphie says he himself would mind and anyway if Lucifer or Barbatos found out Belphie wasn’t using his proper title they’d kill him. So Belphie suggests a nickname which Diavolo’s really happy about and MC suggests DD (they can also suggest John or Cap’n), Diavolo adores it and asks them to call him it all the time hereafter (I want to give him a hug so badly). Diavolo then happily and with lots of exclamation points goes on to say that it’s time to let their hair down and that Barbatos had made minute to minute schedule for them to follow so that they could enjoy the park to the fullest and Belphie says he wants to go home
Diavolo keeps unsuccessfully trying to get Belphie to wear a themed headband and take a group photo, saying he also wants to wear the headband on a boat ride and the ferris wheel. Diavolo gives MC sad puppy dog eyes (which I’m sure he uses successfully on Lucifer regularly, but that don’t affect Barbatos at all) and MC can’t refuse, asking Belphie if there’s anything that’ll get him to change his mind. He says no but he’s not stopping the others from doing it, Diavolo says since they’re here as a group they all should do it, Belphie snaps saying he doesn’t like how Diavolo’s using MC as a tool to bend Belphie to his will and he says he’s going home. Diavolo tries to stop him but he marches off and Diavolo drags MC off to chase after Belphie. Diavolo grabs Belphie by the arm outside the park and begs for a chance to apologize, Belphie denies it and tries to free his arm. Diavolo refuses to let him go saying he should have listened to and considered Belphie’s opinions now as well as in the past, Belphie’s shocked and MC asks Belphie to just hear Diavolo out. He agrees but tells them not to have any expectations of what this’ll accomplish.
Belphie says he doesn’t want to wear the headband or take pics and that he’s only gonna ride what he wants to, Diavolo agrees with all that. He asks if Belphie will stay with them and Belphie agrees and Diavolo is just so brightly stupidly happy and I can completely understand how he was able to make Lucifer question his entire world view. Diavolo’s so happy he starts waving Belphie’s arm around unconsciously and then asks Belphie what rides he wants to go on as they make their way back inside, Belphie doesn’t answer instead he’s blushing and annoyed and asks Diavolo to let go of his hand. Belphie wants to ride ‘The Twisting Freefall of Death II’, MC & Diavolo would like to not freefall to their death thank you very much. Belphie quotes the ride as being, “the single most terrifying experience in the world where you’ll scream for mercy and receive none” Diavolo says, “Did you say scream for mercy…” Belphie happily agrees. Diavolo turns to his last hope, MC, and asks how they feel about this. I like to imagine that even MC has a line where their lacking self-preservation will kick in. Belphie just smiles saying it won’t actually kill them (this would have been more reassuring coming from someone who didn’t once murder MC but whatever.) They can also ask Diavolo how feels about it. After the ride Belphie’s cackling loudly and gushing about how great it was. He’s especially happy about the look on Diavolo’s face during the ride, saying he’s never seen it before (probably the look of a demon praying to God for mercy). MC can say that Belphie seemed to be having a lot of fun, cheer how the ride was the best or say they thought they were going to die. For the 3rd option Belphie very cheerfully says MC’s alive and ok. Belphie asks Diavolo how it was only to realise Diavolo’s missing. He fell off the ride at its highest peak. He’s dead.
They’ve tried texting Diavolo but he doesn’t read them. Belphie wonders what kind of person actually gets lost in an amusement park unless they’re 5. Then he says “…is that what it is? Is he actually 5 yrs old?” He remembers that mammon got lost in a park once too and says the only thing the two of them have in common is that they’re both basically children, They then run into my favourite character in the entire game – the butcher (is2g this man needs to become a recurring side character) who is here with his wife and daughter. He asks them if the rest of the harem is here too and Belphie lets him know that unfortunately they’re here with a new inductee who got lost. The butcher offers to help and asks for a description. MC says he’s the owner of the corvo hotel chain and the butcher wonders who the fuck are these people in the first place to know someone like that and then because the butcher’s the sweetest person alive he too starts worrying about diavolo, scared that he might have gotten kidnapped. Belphie says “there’s no one in the human world oh shit I mean THE WORLD. THE NORMAL WORLD ALL US HUMANS - BECAUSE WE ALL ARE HUMANS - LIVE IN” the butcher now probably used to how weird this cult is (because they definitely are a satanic cult with their extremely obvious demon names, how weird and unused to normal life they are, 7 of them being obviously infatuated by the eighth one but the butcher’s not gonna bring this up cause with the amount of meat they buy from him he could keep his family afloat for years AND pay for his daughters college tuition) ignores this and says he hasn’t seen Diavolo but advices them to check the information desk and ask them to page Diavolo over the loudspeakers. They thank him and Belphie promises to stop by with Beel later, the butcher says he’ll see him then and tells them to take care (I love this man). Barbatos text MC asking how they’re doing and which itinerary of his they’re following cause yes apparently he made more than one and telling them he trusts them to take care of diavolo (and I can’t believe it took me this long to realise Barbatos is a helicopter parent). MC leaves him on read. Lucifer then texts them saying Satan told him where they’d gone and telling them that since the two of them are with Diavolo he assumes he’s okay but just to clarify make sure nothing happens to Diavolo. MC leaves him on read. Belphie says that Barbatos and Lucifer are way too overprotective. Barbatos and MC then realise how fucked they are if either of them find out that they’ve lost diavolo and so decide to skip the whole loudspeaker thing.
They can decide if they want to check by the lake, the ferris wheel or the last ride they went in. He’s not at the lake and they choose to take a boat across the lake to get to the ferris wheel cause it’s faster than going around it. Belphie actually enjoys the boat ride and asks if the two of them can just enjoy themselves together for a bit instead of looking for Diavolo, MC says “I’m worried about Diavolo also can you not remember how fucked we are if we don’t find him”. Belphie gets jealous that MC seems to care more about Diavolo than him (they’re just been practical! If the roles were reversed they’d have shut Diavolo down to look for you!) and says that even they have a real soft spot for Diavolo (He’s like a giant golden retriever!!).  There’s an announcement over the loudspeaker for MC and ‘Snoozy’ saying that DD’s waiting for them at the info desk. Belphie’s not happy about ‘snoozy’ (understandable)
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
ngl i appreciate being the taller one when it comes to kisaki… doesn’t happen too often irl but at least i have fictional characters 😭 the power man
saw this and immediately had to think of kisaki + daughter and hanma + son
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also ngl kisaki gives me the vibes of being heartbroken when his little girl no longer says “when i grow up i want to marry daddy” and i am here for dragging his ass as he deserves. the whole like “don’t date till you’re 40” thing where she at the beginning agreed to but later is like “you met mom before you were 40 though” and kisaki is offended and hurt at being sassed back, just wishing to be back when she was a baby and literally couldn’t physically sass him.
pfttt- kisaki letting his aspiring writer daughter use captives to read off her scripts… she later becomes a thriller and crime writer and always asks her daddy dearest how long it takes for a person to bleed out if hit by an ice pickle exactly 7 times in the chest and he tells her the next day with another missing person winding up somewhere <3 crime author daughter and her crime committing father, way to keep the family business going XD
koko and inui are sooo the rich gay uncles. they can’t act at all around kids and when they were forced to babysit for just a few moments, she started crying and koko just gave her a stash of money, which weirdly worked.
as much as kisaki doesn’t want to, he has to relay on his executives a little bit when it comes to his daughter, even if its just little things like asking to pick her up and bring her to school and they know better than to mess with boss’ kiddo
also 100% pretty face sanzu would be her childhood crush because he reminds her of a prince and sanzu is not on board with it at all
typically I'm the taller one (and I'm taller than my wife) Plus at most like they're 5'10 or 6' so only a couple inches taller than me and pretty much always eye level. But there's a feralness that fills me when I realize Hanma is almost a good foot taller than me. I simply don't know what to do. I mean- yeah- it's kinda sexy ig? I think? I dunno I'm honestly just gonna sit there like that cat with the flower on it's head frothing in my anger to bite his Achilles tendon 😬
THE WAY I KNOW HANMA'S SON IS GIGGLING LIKE A MANIAC BY BEING HUNG UPSIDE DOWN LIKE A GOD DAMN MONKEY...it's true. I cannot deny it. Real life footage of Hanma/Kisaki on the beach with the kids....Hanma's a heathen and made a mini heathen 😔
Tetta's princess sassing him?? I'm pulling up a chair and making popcorn as we speak?? Seriously- devastated when his daughter has her first crush. He thought he was gonna have his little girl clinging to him forever when a boy walked by because "they have cooties" and now Tetta's crumbling and the kids only like eight and she just off handedly said a boy at school was nice 😂 You casually remind Tetta that he is married. To you. And he's just sobbing into a pillow that his little girl isn't gonna be his little girl anymore. Oh and the attitude! Please preteen into the teen years? Tetta was ready for like the textbook stuff, even had the birds and the bees talk all mapped out but then his kid flippantly remarks she already knows about sex. And Tetta is hyperventilating how did his precious little girl even know what the word sex is?? God I am so here for mini Tetta giving her father daily heart attacks
Steven King ain't got nothing on Tetta's kiddos novels 💀 She's got first hand knowledge and no one can ever connect the dots in the family name
the entire premise of Toman having to deal with Tetta's child is sending me over the moon scream-
Koko constantly uses the excuse that the snot covered crying baby is why he never wants to have one. But Inui is like "It's cute, I kinda like it" but frankly makes Tetta's kid cry constantly. Koko takes over though bc he's tired of the crying and Inui not shutting up? Suddenly the kid is silent and very content in Uncle Koko's arms. Sits on his lap almost every time she comes to a meeting. Kicking her feet coloring and Koko is groaning bc she picked him and no one else 😂
and don't even get me started on the Sanzu thing! this four year old is head over heels for the pretty pink haired man who looks like a princess but carries a sword. Crush never goes away and constantly wants to play castle with Sanzu where he's the pretty pretty princess that rescues her. Sanzu is cringing and asking Tetta to keep that thing away from him. Tetta is genuinely trying to get his daughter to love any other coworker. At this point even Angry might do he swears. But his daughter is smitten with Sanzu. While she's begging Sanzu to play and Tetta is trying to explain who he can't play. Mikey's just eating like his third lunch and finally just commands Sanzu to play with the girl. Now it's Sanzu's job to be the prince to Tetta's kid bc Mikey got tired of listening to both men and made Sanzu do it 😂
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justsomefluff · 4 years
hello! i was wondering (if you’re taking requests) if you could do an atz reaction to their s/o walking out on them after they (atz) continuously make mistakes (like flirt with others etc),, i love your fluff, but your angst is also sO good!! hope you’re feeling well 🤍
I am BACK and feeling well, and I hope your holiday was lovely and healthy <3 Hope you enjoy <3 
PSA: this is purely for entertainment purposes and is purely fictional. no one is implying that any of the boys would act this way irl
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Honestly, with Hongjoong, when he’s finally went and done it he will know you’re finished
He’s one who can’t even fight back when you tell him how disappointed in him you are
“You never loved me did you?”
It’s really that painful
And he wants to scream at you like “I always loved you, how can you say that?!”
But he can’t because he knows that, with the way he had been acting throughout your entire relationship, there is no reason you should believe him
I think his mouth would betray him at some point though
He doesn’t want to hurt you more
In his head he’s like “just dont say anything it will only make it worse”
But he’ll kind of whisper “I’m sorry”
And you just scoff because I mean…seriously
“That’s it?”
Even though you know it would make you angry if he tried to justify his behavior, there’s a part of you that wishes he would
Because if he engaged in an argument with you then maybe, just maybe, that would prove to you that he really did care enough
Why isn’t he begging for forgiveness or trying to hold you or asking you to stay?
And as much as that hurts you, it hurts him even more to think that even if he did all those things, you would probably still leave
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Seonghwa is one who will project his guilt and anger with himself onto you
So he will be quiet for a while
But then he will absolutely explode
Says a lot of things he doesn’t mean
“If you loved me enough then I wouldn’t have to look elsewhere”
Likes to play the blame game because it will hurt him too much to accept full responsibility
Can’t allow himself to know that he has behaved as terribly as he has
But at the same time, he can’t believe anything coming out of his own mouth during the argument
When he sees you packing up some of your stuff to leave he goes quiet again
It’s finally hitting him how at fault he is and that this is probably something your relationship can’t come back from
Absolutely refuses to look at you
“Nothing to say?” 
And he’d just stay quiet because what could he say really?
It would hurt his pride to let you see him shatter
But when the door shuts behind you, the crack in his heart finally gives way to a bigger hole anyway
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He’s gonna be crying
Before you even say anything, he’s choking on tears
Absolutely overwhelmed with guilt and self-loathing
And the way you look at him? With such hatred and disdain?
That’s what kills him
But he knows he deserves it
And he knows that he would probably feel the same way if the roles were reversed
The shame doesn’t stop him from apologizing profusely and practically collapsing to his knees
Begging you to forgive him and pulling on your shirt sleeves as you’re grabbing your purse and keys
Honestly on the verge of screaming
It’s sinking in that this is most likely the end for the two of you and its hurting him pretty bad
And he’s looking at you in a way that makes you want to wipe his tears and kiss him and say everything’s okay
But you don’t and you can’t
Because if you forgive him he will only betray you again
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Does not say a single word to you
But he will watch you as you move quickly around your shared living space, packing most of what you own
Feels compelled to offer to leave himself and let you stay
But he knows you would never be able to be here without him
This was always your space as a couple, and since you were clearly no longer a couple, you would most likely never set foot in the space again
He knows that if it really is the end - he’s still trying to hold onto hope that there may be a chance after this (even when, in the back of his mind, he knows it’s over) - that you’ll come back inside
His eyes are really wide and watery as he watches you
Refuses to let any tears fall in front of you though
He knows that he doesn’t have the right to cry when he was the one who betrayed you
But if he was the one at fault, why is he in so much pain?
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So, so, so angry with himself
And he’s crying tears of frustration and just overall bitterness
He will apologize once and then leave you be
“Maybe they just need time. To be alone for a while?”
So he will abandon you in your shared bedroom and lock himself away in another room
Hears you rummaging around but he’s kind of still in denial about the severity of the situation
So he assumes that youre getting ready for bed or looking for your diary or something
But then he hears zippers and the oh-so-familiar clunk of a suitcase and he freezes
Holding his breath nearly until he turns blue
Peaks out from his hiding place to see you pulling on a sweater and tugging a suitcase to the front door
Watches as you pause, sigh, and with watery eyes gaze for what is likely the last time at all the things you two had once shared
During your short scan of the room, you lock eyes with San, still peeking from behind a door
You look away quickly, and march out the door
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Doesn’t realize how much he has hurt you at first
Figures it will just be like the other times and after a good night’s sleep you will feel better about it
But this time is different
As Mingi lazes around, watching TV or scrolling through his phone, you have never been busier
Collecting whatever you would need to spend the night elsewhere, only this time you would not be back
You could send for the rest of your things later
For now you just needed to get away from him and all the things that reminded you he was there
It only infuriated you more to see him sitting calmly on the couch as if nothing was wrong when you felt like your entire world was falling apart
He only looks up when he hears the jingling of keys
He looks at you, eyes slowly widening in realization
You scoff to yourself before spinning on your heel, leaving him alone with an open mouth and watering eyes
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Chases you around the house as you begin to gather your things
He has genuinely never been more afraid in his entire life
He is about to lose the biggest part of him and he knows it’s his own fault
It’s absolutely should crushing
He will try to stop you from taking certain things
Will yank shirts and skincare products, everything you touch, out of your hands and try to put them back in their place
In the place you share together
Maybe if your things stay, then you will too
But youre too tired to fight him anymore
So you let him take things from you
And once you finally have an outfit or two and a toothbrush you let him keep the rest
You can come back another time
Or maybe you will send someone else
Either way, it could way for another day when you were feeling less damaged
Realizing his efforts to keep you with him are failing, Wooyoung will literally drop to his knees in front of you
But you simply walk around him and look at him one last time before leaving for good
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Kind of just stands and watches you from the doorway of your shared bedroom as you pack up to leave him
Its like all the strength has left his body
When he senses you are almost done packing he flees to another part of your home
You hear things breaking and thunking around, only assuming he was having an absolute fit
In his violent attempt to rid his body of all the negative emotion he was feeling
He unknowingly scared you, only compelling you to leave him even quicker 
Finalizing all of your choices, you shoved the majority of your belongings into a suitcase and a backpack before knocking on the door to the room he had retreated into
“I’m going” you would say simply and firmly
The door would fling open and you would stare numbly at the tear-streaked face of a man you once trusted
“Bye, Jongho” you would whisper, your voice cracking as you said his name
Then you would turn on your heel and try to ignore that his fingers grazed your own as he reached for you for the last time
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne - Chapter 11
A/N: Something I want to address - Updates will be coming slowly because not only am I writing this fic as I go, I have other irl issues that need my full attention. Just wanted to let you guys know incase you see inconsistent updates in the future.Thank you for reading and understanding! <3
Day 11 of @biodad-bruce-month event!
Chapter 11: The “Talk”
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @vixen-uchiha @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords @fantasiame @corabeth11 @anonymously-odd @alexandriamw @officiallydarkgeek
The weekend ended up uneventful (in terms of akuma attacks), allowing Amira to catch up with Dick and Wally. 
The three went to the arcade the following day, Dick smiling the entire time as he watched Amira enjoy herself. 
He watched as she went from arcade machine to arcade machine, pulling Wally along. He watched as she cursed out claw machines but shouted in victory at the pinball machines. 
He watched as Wally showed her how the ring toss worked, Amira easily nailing it after watching Wally miss his second and fourth shot. 
Dick watched as the two ventured around the arcade, Amira racking up the tickets as time went on. In the end, she was able to get herself the most expensive prize there. 
“Did you seriously just spend all day trying to get that?” Wally asked her, earning a huff. “And wait, where’s the other one?”
Wally looked as Amira swung around the lit up dagger, watching as she twirled it around with ease. The soft lavender glow came to a halt when Amira placed it on her holster that would usually carry an actual dagger.
“I can protect myself with just one.” Amira tried to brush off, only to confess when she saw Dick raise a brow. “I gave my other one to the girl that was beside me at the prize area. Every girl deserves to have a weapon.”  That caused the two boys to laugh, causing Amira to pout.
“Whatever you say, Mimi.”
“Shouldn’t we start heading back home? Looks like it's about to rain.” Wally pointed out. 
Looking at the darkening skies, the trio agreed to call it a day.
Amira had a bounce to her step as she entered the apartment, bouncing onto the sofa and grabbing the remote to see what was on the news.
Much to her disappointment, it was some news coverage about Batgirl’s latest appearance. 
“-amateur footage of the vigilante taking down-”
Amira quickly flipped to another channel, a frown now on her face.
“If you keep doing that, you’re going to end up with scowl lines for life.” Dick commented, taking out some ingredients to cook.
“Did you know about Drake replacing Jason?” Amira asked out of the blue, causing Dick to almost drop the cabbage in his hands. “Or what about Barbara being Batgirl?
“I...I didn’t know about Tim being the new Robin.” Dick stuttered, placing down carrots and potatoes on the table. He didn’t want this day to come. But he knew he was going to have to eventually tell Amira the truth. “I recently found out about it when I went to the Cave to retrieve some data. As for Barbara being Batgirl…”
He could feel Amira’s eyes on him, analyzing his every move. Taking a deep breath, Dick continued. “I was the one who gave her the mantle.”
Amira dropped the remote in her hands, staring at Dick with wide eyes. 
“You?” Amira whispered. “You asked her to become Batgirl?” Amira felt her chest begin to twist. 
“Amira, Bruce needed-“
“Why did you drag Babs-”
“I didn’t- she, ugh.” Dick ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t drag her into this. She already knew about us.” Dick defended. “I simply-“
“Then why did you let her! Why did you encourage her?” Amira screamed. “She didn’t need to be roped into our messed up family-”
“Gotham needed him back.” Dick cut off. “Gotham needed Batman back. And we both knew that. We understood that. With his head still in the gutter-”
“Then why didn’t you stay there with him?” Amira cried, hating that she was having trouble breathing. “Why didn’t you-”
“Because I couldn’t forgive him with what he did to you!” Dick shouted, Amira watching him look down at his feet despite his head being held up high. “He shouldn’t have sent you to Paris when we were all mourning Jason!  He should’ve let you go to the funeral, to visit him one last time before forcing you out of the country! He didn’t have to push you away just because he was mourning!” Duck didn’t care if his shoulder shook or if his voice warbled a bit. 
This was Amira. He could trust her. She was his sister. 
Amira watched as Dick walked up to the couch and plopped next to her. “We both know he’s still in mourning, hell all of us are. But that doesn’t excuse him for doing the shit he did!” Dick growled out before letting out a deep sigh. “Did you know he almost sent me to Germany?”
“Alfred told me after I fled here.” Dick threw himself back, looking up at the ceiling fan. “To think he would try to pull that on me as well.”
“I...I didn’t know.” Amira said, pulling her legs to her chest and resting her forehead on her knees. All this time, she was venting towards Dick and she never asked how he was dealing with all this. He had to deal with all of his emotions on his own, storing them inside while he played peacekeeper. 
How selfish she was. How stupid and blind did she have to be to not notice her brother’s suffering? 
“Where are you going?” Dick asked her as she got up and started to storm towards the window. She whispered ‘Spots On’, watching as a soft red glow engulfed her. “Amira!” She heard Dick yell, but she didn’t turn back.
The sun was beginning to set, but she didn’t care. She was Ladybird. She can handle a few Gothamite thugs. With that in mind, Amira got on the railing before dropping from it and swinging herself towards Gotham.
If there was one thing any villain in Gotham hated, it was newbies waltzing into their terf. 
As for Selina, the moment she noticed this newbie, she knew something was up. After all, no one survived longer than ten minutes while on enemy turf. 
“I’ve never seen you around here before.” Selina looked at the girl from top to bottom, critiquing the girl’s choice of red and black. “New to the game, aren’t you?” She asked, noticing a dagger hidden within the shadows cast by her skirt. “Tell me, what brings you to these parts of Gotham?”
Selina watched as the cloaked girl continued to analyze her, trying to circle around her. 
“Okay then, would you like to tell me your name, kitten?”
“Marienkäfer.” The girl spoke, glaring at her with an ever so familiar glare through her red domino mask. 
So she spoke German. Great. To be honest, she wished the kid spoke Mandarin just like- “Wie heißt du?“ The girl asked her, or at least Selina judged from the way her brows furrowed a bit. She huffed, knowing this is going to go nowhere without help. 
Pressing her comm, Selina awaited for the other end to pick up. 
“Hey. Got a kid here who only speaks German. No, she doesn’t seem- yea. Yes she’s wearing- wait hold on. What do you mean-“ a frustrated sigh left Selina. 
What did he mean by he knew her? 
Selina kept watching over the girl, deciding to watch her as the girl started to make her way towards her. 
Her hooded cape flew back from the autumn breeze, exposing the girl’s midnight hair. 
Selina watched as the girl stood mere feet away from her, her green eyes holding a curious twinkle in them. She saw how the girl approached her before quickly falling back, her hand hovering over something at her side. Was that a yo-yo?
“Is this the girl you were talking about?” Bruce’s voice trickled down Selina’s back. 
“Why do you always have the need to do that?” Selina hissed, but Bruce remained silent. “Anyways, how do you know her?” She frowned when he ignored her. 
“Amira.” Bruce called out, Selina watching as the girl didn’t budge. “Amira, what-”
“She smells like you.” The girl -no- Amira said, Selina watching her scowl. So she knew English, so why did she act as if she didn’t know it? 
Or did she do it on purpose? Was it just a ploy?
“Your cologne...it’s all over her...the cologne I gave you for your birthday two years ago.” Amira growled. “That could only mean one thing. When were you going to introduce us to each other, Father?”
Selina looked at Amira and then at Bruce for some type of explanation. She was his daughter? Why is she learning about this now? As far as she knew, he only had Dick and Jason...and currently Tim.
“Bats, explain.” Selina demanded, Bruce feeling a headache starting to form.
“Fine. But not here.”
Selina felt as Amira continued to glare at her, Selina starting to hate the attention from the younger Wayne.
They finally arrived at the manor, currently walking towards Bruce’s study. Of course, Amira didn’t change out of her costume yet, walking in the red and black suit.
“So Amira, how come I haven’t heard about you?” Selina decided to ask.
“I wonder.” Amira spat with venom, causing a brow to raise. “It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with my father-”
“Amira.” Bruce cut off, prompting Amira to frown. “I meant to say this earlier, but welcome back home.”
“Home?” Amira let out a dry laugh. “Last I recall, the apartment back in Paris is my home. Not this place despite having been raised here for 13 years.”
“I didn’t come back here to see you. I didn’t even plan on seeing you, yet you always seem to find a way to find me.”
“Amira, you said you used to live here for 13 years. So tell me, how old are you?” Selina asked, hoping to ease the suffocating tension. 
“Turning 14 in July. And you don’t have to worry about having to see me for the rest of the year. I’m going back to Paris in a few hours. After that, I won’t be back in Gotham for another half year or year.” Amira looked at Selina, her eyes dull and void of the anger from earlier. “Father’s never let me attend any gala or any event that requires showing my face, so coming back to Gotham would be pointless for me.”
Selina stopped herself from coming to a halt, absorbing Amira’s words. 
She was 14, living in Paris by herself while her family lived in Gotham...not only that, but she seemed so distant to Bruce despite loving -no- adoring Gotham... 
“Bruce, did you really send her to Paris...by herself?”
“What if I did?” Selina let out a scoff.
“Are you being serious right now? Bruce, she’s 14!”
“She’s still a child.”
“And yet you still thought of doing the same thing to Dick and he was 17 at the time, turning 18.” Amira interjected. “
She didn’t know what overcame her, she really didn’t.
“I’m going to Paris with Amira.” She never saw Bruce turn around so quickly before, noticing Amira had the same reaction as him when she said that.
“Selina. You-”
“I’m only going to be there for a week, make sure Amira is doing well and from there, I’ll come back.” Selina walked up to Bruce, sinking her nails into his arm. “After that, you and I are going to have a talk.” She whispered, letting go of Bruce. “So Amira, where are your things?”
Selina waited for a few minutes before getting a response from the girl.
“A-At Dick’s. I didn’t think I was going to be here for that long. I just wanted to talk to my father before heading back, although it seems like there will be a change of plans.”
“You wanted to speak to me?” Bruce asked, wondering what exactly Amira wanted.
“Yes. But of course, in your office.”
Selina had gone to pick up Amira’s things from Dick’s apartment, leaving father and daughter by themselves.
“So, what was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Is it true you wanted to send Dick to Germany?” Amira threw out the first thing in her mind, watching as her father tensed. “You could’ve just sent him to France with me. The two of us would’ve kept each other company, be safe with each other. But no. You thought it was best to separate us, to keep us isolated from each other because-”
“I...I didn’t actually want to send him to Germany.” Bruce confessed. “I...I also didn’t want to send you to Paris either, but I knew that if I didn’t, the two of you ran the risk-”
“But isn’t that why you fight? Wasn’t becoming Batman the solution to your worries?” 
“I can only do so much. I can only guide the villains towards redemption, I can’t force them to-“
“Then why? Why didn’t you simply kill them off?” Amira asked. “Why don't you just get rid of them...or rather, him? Of Joker? Of the bastard clown that took Jason away from us! Why didn’t you-”
“You don’t understand, Amira. Getting rid of Joker isn’t the solution nor is getting rid of anyone for that matter. Killing isn’t-“
“Don’t you realize it? He’s the main problem. He’s the one racking up the deaths in Gotham. The reason why we have to keep constructing new cemeteries. The madman behind the cruelest tortures. The one who-“
“Killing Joker won’t do anything!” Bruce yelled. “It won’t bring Jason back and it definitely-”
“I never said it would bring Jason back. I said it because if you did kill him, it would bring you peace of mind. It would make Gotham safer for me...and countless other children.”
“Amira, I don’t think you understand. I don’t think you nor Jason understood.” Jason had told Bruce this before? “Killing only brings out the worst of people.” Amira watched as Bruce walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “If I were to kill anyone, I won’t be able to get back from there. My hands will no longer withhold the justice I claim to uphold...I also don’t want my children to have a murderer for a father.”
Amira watched as her father shook, but she didn’t care.
“You always said you wanted to be someone we could be proud of. A father whom we adored...but in your mission to become that, you’ve become a stranger to me.” Amira said, pushing Bruce off her. “I claim you my father, but...I don’t know much about you. 
I have a stranger for a father instead of a respected man. 
I found out about your girlfriend-no...fiance around a day ago, only to find out you’ve known her for longer. Did you really think I wouldn’t notice the inconsistencies in her files?” Amira brought up.
“You looked at her files? When? Why?”
“Why wouldn’t I? Despite not being in Gotham, I like being up to date with the news. As for how, I was downloading information from the computer to take back with me to Paris. Got bored and started to look at the criminal files you had there. That’s how I landed on Selina’s file.
To think you’re engaged, nonetheless to a thieve.” Amira glared at her father. “Then again, why am I surprised at you for hiding things from me? You’ve always hid me away from anyone else. Just like how you hid Barbara and Drake from me.”
“I never hid that from-” Amira raised her hand and shook her head.
“I don’t care about that. I don’t care about what the hell you do anymore. But just know this. I will never forgive that bastard from taking Jason away from us. Now, I better get going. I have a plane to catch.”
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