#setting a fanfic in the school era
Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era: the visual novel (a fan project)
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On a whim, I've decided to finally just publicly release this project that I've had laying around for two years at this point, for Dazai's birthday today. It was originally made for my very dear friend @letmereachforthestars , when I first introduced her to the series and wanted her to be able to read my favorite BSD light novel in an easier-to-read format. You need a computer to be able to play. The details and links are under the cut:
If you've never played a visual novel before, it's basically a novel in the form of a video game. Text will appear line by line, one a time on the screen, and it will be accompanied by relevant background visuals, music, and sound effects, to make the reading experience more immersive, and more stimulating than just reading from a book. Some visual novels have actual gameplay elements to them, and some are just books and nothing else (oftentimes dating sims/choose-your-own-adventure novels), the latter of which this is. If you've played the mobile game Bungou Tales/Mayoi, the story sections of that game are basically mini visual novels.
This game was made with screenshots and music from the anime, sound effects from the anime and Bungou Tales and free sound effect online sources, as well as graphics and fonts and other assets from Bungou Tales and other official BSD art (particularly the official anime soundtrack cd covers). The script is taken entirely from the official Yen Press translation of Dark Era, with the exception of about two or three iconic lines that I used different translations of because I felt like they had more impact. Additionally, at the very, very end, I added on the original ending scene from the Dark Era stage play and wrote a few fanfic lines of my own to accompany it you can tell because they are very cringe and don't match Asagiri's writing style.
Before playing the game, there are a few very important things to keep in mind; PLEASE read all this:
I am not a professional in the slightest. I took some coding classes in high school, and have some photoshop skills (when it comes to the design elements of the menus), but for the most part the former wasn't much help here; this was my very first time ever using the Renpy engine, and I made this entirely from scratch. I used my knowledge of playing other visual novels to emulate the kinds of effects and timing that is typical for these games, and I think it turned out pretty well all things considered, but it's still very amateur. This is most evident in the sound effects. The sound effects have no volume consistency between them, and some of them, particularly the gun/battle sfx, can come on very suddenly and be loud. I highly, HIGHLY encourage going into the settings and turning down the sound effects volume (the music should be fine), so that you're not startled by certain sounds when they happen, and for a lengthy time. I wouldn't blame you if you decide to turn the sfx off entirely if's too distracting, honestly 🫠 I am no expert in sound files equalizing and making sound files loop seamlessly, so this was by far the most tedious and frustrating part of the process of making this for me. Hopefully it doesn't ruin the game or break immersion too much if you decide to leave them on (I hope you do, for the rain and clock sounds at least, but again I wouldn't blame you if you can't).
Dark Era is the most faithful light novel adaptation in the anime, but there are still a handful of scenes, mostly fight scenes, that got shaved down significantly. Because of this, there are numerous occasions where I had to simply linger on a black screen or the same screenshot for a long period of time, while tons and tons of narration happens, because there's simply nothing I can show to accompany said narration. This is not ideal, but unfortunately I didn't have much else of a choice in those instances, so I hope it's not too distracting. There are also a few instances of straight-up inconsistencies between the novel and the anime (ex. the fight between Oda and Akutagawa happens in the woods in the novel, but in the anime it's still right outside the art museum), so sometimes what you're reading won't quite match the screenshots I use. Fortunately it's never anything major, but it does happen.
There will sometimes be long, unchanging black screens. Don't worry, the game isn't broken; just wait long enough and it will continue.
Sometimes, a character will get cut off when speaking, and when that happens the dialogue will auto-force to the next line. If you didn't get a chance to see what was said before, check the text backlog/history (in the menu or the H key).
Last but not least, this game was made with the default text speed in mind. Meaning, that when it comes to certain specific scenes, the mood/tone of them, made up of the timing of music, transitions, sound effects, etc, all of it was arranged around the speed at which things progress when using the default text speed. I completely understand if you can't, but if at all possible, please try not to change the text to go too much faster or slower, especially faster, because certain scenes will lose a lot of impact otherwise. If you already know Dark Era, you probably have an idea of some of the scenes I'm referring to. At the very least, during the more high-stakes/intense scenes, please try to play through those all at once without stopping, for the greatest impact based on how I designed the game, and only pause/quit during the slower scenes. There are specific moments that I'm really proud of how they came out, and I'd like for them to have the maximum impact that I intended :') (also note that if you make the text appear instantly, the cut-off dialogue mentioned above simply will not appear at all, and you won't even know to look back for them, so please refrain from making the text instant at the very least)
Ignore the cringe sappy final message
...I think that's everything. With all that out of the way, here are the links for both PC and Mac:
Download the PC version
Download the Mac version
This was a passion project for me for a good many months back in 2022. It started out just as a gift for my friend, but in the end I was really satisfied with how it turned out, despite how tedious and frustrating it was to work on. I've been hesitant to share it with the fandom for all this time because I kinda doubt anyone would really be interested in something like this especially since it's not stormbringer or beast, but someone on discord who tried it told me that I should share it, so here it is. I'm sharing it not just because I'm proud of my work, but because Dark Era is a truly amazing light novel — underrated, in my opinion (yes, I said what I said) — and far better than the anime adaptation, as good as that is, and I want more people to read it. If reading the books is hard for you and you've never read Dark Era before, if I can help just one more person to read it with this, I'll be happy, and consider my job done. 💖
I so desperately want to make more of these visual novels for the other light novels, but sadly, some of them simply aren't possible thanks to how many scenes are missing from the anime, like with Entrance Exam in particular. I've also been waiting with vain, thin hope that Bungou Tales will eventually reach seasons 3 and 4, so I can use their Fifteen and Untold Origins title screens like I did here, if those ever exist. However, I'm also held back thinking about certain scenes that would require some redrawing/drawing additional details to match what's written in the novels. If anyone has any ideas on things I could do to possibly get around these issues, or just thoughts in general about how the other light novels might be tackled, or if you're an artist who can recreate the anime's style and takes commissions/knows someone who does, I'd absolutely love to hear from you! As well as any advice/help on how I can smooth out/improve this project here!
Anyway, sorry for the long wall of text. Thank you for reading all this, if you did, and if you do try the game, please let me know your thoughts; I crave any and all feedback. 💙✨
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books · 24 days
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Writer Spotlight: Rose Sutherland
Rose Sutherland @rosesutherlandwrites is a Toronto-based writer who grew up a voracious reader with an overactive imagination in Nova Scotia (where she once fell off a roof trying to re-enact Anne of Green Gables!). She's been to theatre school in NYC, apprenticed at a pâtisserie in rural France, and currently moonlights as an usher and bartender—in between writing queer folktales, practicing yoga, dancing, singing, searching out amazing coffee and croissants, and making niche jokes about Victor Hugo on the internet. She's mildly obsessed with the idea of one day owning a large dog, several chickens, and maybe a goat. A Sweet Sting of Salt is her debut novel.
Keep reading for more about character arcs in A Sweet Sting of Salt, Rose's favorite fanfic tropes, and some excellent reading recs 👀
Can you tell us about A Sweet Sting of Salt and how you came to write it?
A Sweet Sting of Salt is a queer (f/f) historical reimagining of the classic folktale of the selkie wife, set in 1830’s Nova Scotia. I call it a “reimagining” because while it draws on the folktale, it’s not a retelling of that tale so much as a story playing out in relation to that mythology. I’d wanted to write something centering a love story between two women for a while, but the initial spark came from a Tumblr post! It suggested the idea of selkies testifying before the UN as victims of human trafficking, which reminded me of all the things I disliked about the original folktale and its inherent darkness that is generally glossed over, starting me down the rabbit hole toward finding my own story.
How did you approach research for A Sweet Sting of Salt, and what is a favorite historical fact you learned?
I joke that I did a lot of research by osmosis: I already had a lot of base knowledge about the location, having grown up in Nova Scotia, and then set the story in a period that I’ve been absorbing information about in a low-key way for ages—1832 is also the year of the student rebellion in Les Mis, so I’ve been gleaning tidbits about this era since I first got into the musical and book back in high school. However, I had to do more specific research into things like British divorce law, period midwifery, and animal husbandry. I also visited some small, hyper-local museums on the South Shore that gave me an invaluable glimpse into daily life. I also did some fun practical research into things like “How long does it take to walk from x to y?” and “How cold IS a plunge into this body of water in March?” (Spoiler: Very.) 
A fact that fascinated me but didn’t make it into the book was that some early European settlers in the area were granted lands by luck of the draw, pulling from a deck of playing cards: Each card was assigned to a specific 50-acre lot, and whatever you pulled, you were stuck with it.
When we meet them, Jean and Muirin are isolated for different reasons. What do you hope readers still searching for their people take away from A Sweet Sting of Salt?
That there’s always hope. It’s valuable and important to keep reaching out to the world around you, to be open, and not cut yourself off—the biggest reason for Jean’s loneliness at the beginning of this story is the way she has come to keep everyone around her at arm’s length, shutting herself away out of fear, and refusing to let anyone truly get to know her because she thinks that’s the best way to protect herself from being hurt again. Reaching out to others can take a real act of courage, especially if you’ve had bad experiences in the past, but “your people” will reach back to you.
Found family elements play a strong role throughout the novel, within supernatural and mundane settings and across species. Was this something you intended from the beginning, or did this grow out of writing the relationship between Jean and Muirin?
I always intended for Jean to have a found family of this type, which is something that a lot of queer people identify with, but those bonds also got stronger and more meaningful as I wrote, especially once Jean and Muirin began growing into their own family unit—their new relationship and the real danger that comes along with it put pressures on Jean’s other relationships that I hadn’t originally considered. Disagreements with Anneke and Laurie over Jean’s choices arise from their deep concern and love for her, and her own love and care for them, reflected in her responses, is a big part of what made them feel like a real family, for me. Jean and Laurie always having each other’s backs while also being the first to call one another out on their bullshit ended up being one of my favourite dynamics in the whole book.
The selkie myth carries an inherent element of transformation. What is a character transformation you most enjoyed writing, and why?
On a character level, the change in Jean’s worldview following a conversation with her childhood sweetheart meant a lot to me—it heals an old wound for her. I love how grounded and self-assured she is afterward, in spite of the daunting task still ahead of her. But my favourite transformation to write was the antagonist’s mask-off moment, where they directly threaten Jean for the first time. It’s so sly and coded so that only she will understand the menace behind it, a real dun-duh-dunnn moment, which was a lot of fun for me—I also enjoy the foreshadowing elements in that exchange.
This is your debut novel. Did anything surprise you about getting it from manuscript to published book?
Oh my gosh, how LONG it took! After I finished the original draft and decided it was worth attempting to publish, I spent over a year revising based on my own thoughts, input from beta readers, critique partners, and my mentor, Maureen Marshall (whom I connected with through the now defunct Author Mentor Match program, and whose book, The Paris Affair—about a young gay engineer attempting to help Gustave Eiffel secure the funding to build a certain celebrated Parisian landmark— is coming out in May). After that came a full year of querying agents and getting rejected. A lot. People loved Salty but weren’t quite sure what to do with her or where the book would fit in “the market,” which was hard to deal with at the time but is hilarious in retrospect: Salty was snapped up less than a month after she finally went out on submission! But that was back in 2022, and the book is only coming out now. Publishing can be painfully slow.
You’ve written fanfic in the past—do you have a favorite fanfic trope?
I’m not sure either of these counts as a trope, but I adore a character that’s “pure of heart, dumb of ass”, and love a truly unhinged Fanon Explanation For Canon Object. As a longtime Les Mis stan, I ship Tholomyes/Getting Punched. If you know, you know.
Do you have any favorite queer retellings of folktales you can recommend?
Right here on Tumblr, I’m a huge fan of @laurasimonsdaughter, who writes delightful riffs on classic folktales, truly inventive urban fantasy spins on old lore, and her own original folktales. 
I’m currently reading Spear, an amazing queer, gender-bent, Arthurian novella by Nicola Griffiths. Anna Burke’s books Thorn and Nottingham are up next on my TBR. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of brilliant queer historicals that aren’t retellings (I recently loved Suzette Meyr’s The Sleeping Car Porter and Heather O’Neil’s When We Lost Our Heads) and wonderful historical retellings that aren’t queer (I highly recommend Molly Greeley’s beautiful, heartbreaking Marvelous, about the real-life couple that inspired Beauty and the Beast). Queer, historical retellings aimed at adults seem to be considered quite niche, still, and can take some digging to find! So, throwing this out to Tumblr: Do you have recommendations for me?
Do you have a writing routine? Is there a place/state of being/playlist you find most conducive to your writing practice?
My routine is chaotic at best, but I find I do my best work earlier in the day, so I usually scribble in my journal while I have breakfast, and then progress to working on my current project as I drink my second cup of coffee. I’m lucky—my day job is an evening gig, which mostly allows me to write on my preferred schedule… but I’ve also been known to have a bolt of inspiration strike at 10pm and dash home to write until well past midnight on occasion. Nothing quite like the hyperfocus zone!
What’s next for you? Are you working on anything you can tell us about?
No official news yet, but I’m currently working on a story set in 18th-century provincial France based on a true unsolved mystery of the past. It has me delving into a very specific branch of French folklore, and I hope future readers will pick up on common threads with one popular fairytale in particular. I’m really excited about where this one is headed, but keeping the details close to my chest for now!
Thank you Rose for taking the time to answer our questions! If you love queer fantasy and old folktales, grab yourself a copy of A Sweet Sting of Salt, and be sure to share your queer folktale reading recs with Rose on @rosesutherlandwrites!
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Master List
What I've been working on lately. All works are 18+, minors DNI
Now accepting requests :)
A note on tipping (AKA please read before you tip!)
Joel Miller x Female Reader
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Bane of My Existence (QZ Smuggler!Joel Miller x Female Reader)
Undone (Dom!Joel Miller x Sub!Female Reader)
Homecoming (DBF!Joel x Female Reader)
Lavender No Outbreak AU Masterlist
Sick Leave (Joel Miller x Female Reader from Lavender)
Date Night (Joel Miller x Female Reader from Lavender)
Girl Dad (Joel Miller x Female Reader from Lavender)
Long Day (Joel Miller x Female Reader from Lavender AU)
Long Distance (DBF!Joel Miller x Female Reader from Homecoming)
Pick Me (Joel Miller x Female Reader)
Proof of Life (Darkish!Joel Miller x Female Reader, QZ era)
The Watch (Joel Miller x Female Reader, QZ era)
Fucksgiving 2K23: Gray Sweatpants
Game Time - A New in Town College Football One Shot
Wonderland - A Lavender No Outbreak AU One Shot
What Was Lost... - A Lavender One Shot set between chapters 8 and 9
...Can Be Found - A Lavender One Shot set between chapters 47 and 48
Expecting - A Lavender Drabble set between chapters 48 and 49
Undone - No Outbreak AU Joel Miller x Female Reader
After years of surviving in the wilds of Wyoming after the cordyceps outbreak, you find yourself in Jackson. It's a town filled with friendly faces and the kind of world you hardly remember, let alone can connect with or understand. But one man - Joel Miller, another loner, like you - makes you think that trying to find your place in society again might be worth it.
A slow burn friends-to-lovers fan fic.
When your life falls apart, you find yourself back in your hometown of Austin, Texas for the first time in more than a decade. Eager to make your own way after a rough divorce, you reconnect with your high school best friend Joel Miller - a man you never thought would be in your life again.
Things have changed since your falling out just before you left for college but friendship with Joel comes easy. His life isn't in any better shape than your own and the two of you make a vow to get your acts together - personal, professional and romantic - in the span of a year. But will your burgeoning connection make it so you can figure everything out or will your history together get in the way?
Stranger in a bar
You meet a stranger in a bar, one who is fun and sexy and makes you wonder if the single life is all it's cracked up to be. But there's one big problem: you probably shouldn't be fucking your dad's best friend.
Run Rabbit
It was just over a year after the world ended that you were captured by Joel and Tommy Miller. They’re harsh, they’re cold and they’re killers. But, as a nurse, you’re a valuable person to have around and they’re not the worst thing wandering the wasteland that was the United States. And there might be more to these men than meets the eye.
Holly Jolly
Joel Miller has never been a fan of Christmas. It's stressful, it's expensive and it's depressing. But a chance meeting in line to take his five-year-old daughter to see Santa might just change that.
New in Town
When you move to Austin for work, your best friend Sarah recommends that you hang out with her dad, Joel, to get to know the area. Sarah just never mentioned the fact that her dad is just your type.
Haunted House - A Halloween one shot
Manic Monday - A New in Town Drabble
An age-gap grumpy/sunshine friends-to-lovers (and eventually friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers) fanfic that starts pre-outbreak. Will be long running and updated regularly and run through the outbreak and at least season one of TLOU.
Lavender Masterlist
Lavender No Outbreak AU Masterlist
My casting of the OCs
Found Family - Fan Art
Joel & Doc - Fan Art
Family Portrait
Joel - Fan Art
The Mandalorian x Female Reader
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Excerpts and previews of Beskar Doll (found in total on AO3), an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers slow burn fic.
Tumblr Chapter Master List
Buycika - a Beskar Doll Drabble
Growing - A Beskar Doll Drabble
Overcome - Din Djarin x Female Reader
For You - A Collection of Requests Benefitting Palestine
Featuring Joel Miller, Oberyn Martell, Din Djarin
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
fandom social justice history anon here - aaah, thank you, early fandom being dominated by academics definitely connected the dots I was missing, thank you! Yeah, now looking at it with this in mind, it's pretty obvious how the tone of the meta essays from that era, while often snarky or even outraged, definitely sounds more like the tone of people who are used to passionately arguing in a setting that doesn't allow you to just throw whatever ad hominem accusation at your opponent's head. In contrast, tumblr's (and as a result, twitter's and tiktok's) style of fandom drama now reads to me even more blatantly like a catfight between high schoolers who have just recently learned some Big Words they only care to use as ammunition. I've read multiple older fans (including your invaluably informative blog) talking about how tumblr definitely reshaped fandom and brought in a TON of new people, and how slash was far from the "mainstream" of fandom even in the livejournal-ffn.net days, and I'm having a feeling that, for all the imperfections of this first tumblr generation of fans' activism ("let my gays marry" etc etc) the thing that got slash to be "mainstreamed" within fandom the way it currently is, also has to do with this pretty sizeable influx of new fans being mostly teenagers. As in specifically, overwhelmingly teenage girls who were having their first sparks of interest in romance during the height of the "I'm not like other girls" era + everyone shitting on twilight & "girly" musicians, because if you look at the posts from that period, they often contrast being a slash reader with being the slutty partying "other girl" or annoying hipster & at my school too slash kind of spread as a "not like the other girls" alternative to mainstream romance. Yes, not the healthiest attitude either, and it's good we've mostly grown past that, but like I said, there's a good chance that was what buffed up the numbers of slash fans to the point where today people are surprised fandom ever even was hostile to it, and at least in my environment, fandom activism, for all its flaws, was most people's first exposure to any sort of "-rights" activism at all. But (as is probably obvious) I did not experience most of even that era personally (I joined tumblr fandom in 2014). Anyways, excuse the rambling, if you feel like adding anything to confirm or deny my hypothesis, I greatly appreciate it, and I hope you have a nice day/evening!
M/M still isn't mainstream in plenty of fandom contexts, just not the ones I hang out in, and "not like the other girls" of the type you describe was already big in the 90s among people who'd heard of fanfic. It's just that fanfic was harder to stumble across overall.
I think the two biggest factors are the changing attitudes towards gayness in mainstream culture in a number of countries and... well... AO3 getting popular.
FFN was the big place in the past, though not for my crowd. Now, AO3 is taking a massive bite out of not only its market share but now, in the last few years, Wattpad's.
When the visible institution around which fanfic revolves puts filtering out het front and center, it sends a strong message that previous fandom platforms did not. You had your m/m-only archives and your f/f-only archives and your places that let you filter for those but that treated het as an unmarked default.
Look at early discussions of AO3. There's an undercurrent there that we all assumed it would be one of a number of archives and that we didn't expect it to get this big.
Nobody could have foreseen the Het-Is-Eternal-Default Wattpad crowd being forced by their own platform's suckitude to come camp on the thing built by slashers. Now, we are the admins and they are the also-tolerated. That never happened before.
The thing that makes people not report gay hand holding as evil porn that must be eradicated is simply AO3 putting its foot down.
Anyone who thinks that virulent slash hate is gone just hasn't looked at other spaces.
This is not about individual fans behaving better: it is about institutional power.
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
You know, regarding Lloyd's achievement in history and whether ordinary citizens know him or not made me crave post canon modern au.
Imagine seeing an in universe fanfic authors notes in ao3 or twitter crying about how they simply wanted to write a story set in Lloys time but they just keep diving into rabbit holes.
Kinda like
"So i was writing an historical au set in Alician era where the MC had a detour in Cremo and he was admiring a statue by the sea with a local explaining its history. Of course, I needed to do some research only to found out that Lloyd Frontera, YES, THAT Lloyd Frontera who made the Pantara railroad defeated some sea monster, nearly died and got statue for it"
Maybe someone from Beneto Kingdom being so confused because all he learned from history in school (Beneto history) is that Lloyd is just some brilliant engineer so he got specially confused on why in the movie he was watching set in Alician era is Lloyd fighting a goddamn bone dragon.
I'm interested on how scholars and political figures bemoan and analyse Lloyd's action and achievement but ordinary people's Internet discourse could be so much fun as well.
Javier and Lloyd getting the Alexander and Haphaestion treatment on whether they were lovers or not. The discourse would be so toxic lol.
oh my god forget changing the history of civil engineering forever, sparking the nastiest discourse ever on history/fandom internet forums is lloyd's true greatest achievement akshfksdg
he's the go to historical domain character used to set the time period for a historical movie/book/series. he's the guy writers insert to give their work a more period accurate vibe. everyone knows just enough about him to make really passionate history nerds very angry about all the inaccuracies and made up facts that are taken as common knowledge.
i'm thinking people of completely different online circles all knowing about lloyd in some capacity but regarding completely separate facets of his life and work and being so surprised when they accidentally find yet another whole field lloyd revolutionized. like.
a sword nerd who's really into the concept of the asrahan core technique and knows perfectly well that lloyd helped invent it getting gobsmacked about the fact that's the same guy that laid the ground for modern sewer systems.
a fan of historical romance stories who is used to seeing lloyd as a fun cameo in the background of stories set in the alician period being really confused when they open their book on thermodynamics and see there's a whole chapter dedicated to a method lloyd figured out to create ice without the need of magic.
a train enthusiast who is really fascinated by the rudimentary switchback system lloyd frontera implemented when the concept of a train wasn't even known in the empire being completely dumbfounded when their friends invite them to see a movie about that one time lloyd frontera and his knight defeated a knight of hell in namaran.
i think it's definitely a meme to post "so i was doing research for my asfahan au and went on a rabbit hole and guess who fucking built the qanat that's widely regarded as the only reason the kingdom didn't fall into civil war. take a wild fucking guess" "was it lloyd frontera" "IT WAS FUCKING LLOYD FRONTERA OF COURSE IT WAS"
i'm also certain there would be some guys who think he's overrated and people should really stop talking so much about him when there's so many other historical figures who are just as interesting and not as recognized 🙄. to which people immediately go "mad cause your history blorbo didn't defeat a bone dragon aren't you" at them
Javier and Lloyd getting the Alexander and Haphaestion treatment on whether they were lovers or not. The discourse would be so toxic lol.
they definitely get the alexander and hephaestion treatment you are so correct. they're also the achilles and patroclus of the modern magentano girlies. there's a bunch of 'queer retellings' of their lives. they're the go to example for homoerotic friendships. there's a bunch of edits that mix historical paintings of them with ship fanart with that 'history hates lovers' song playing over them. dudebros get really angry about it. llojavi truthers pull out their 20 pages long annotations that start with "they fucking slept in the same bedroom for years" and it only gets worse.
there's one poor person online who just really fucking wants to know how and why lloyd frontera changed faces one day out of the blue with no one ever explaining it. there's no official records. no member of the royal family ever made a statement about it. why is everyone acting like the frontera family didn't have one eldest son for 25-29 years and one day suddenly had a completely different one. what the fuck is going on.
so. yeah. i'm a little obsessed with this concept actually ajkshdksa
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sugawhaaa · 5 months
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☆-----------------pervert part. 4
☆---------------------------------dear diary
Warnings::gets a little suggestive at the end, vulgar language
Genre:: it's quite dramatic...enemies to lovers (if u squint) School era
A/N::this is my fav chapter...you have no idea how much I love this but your gonna have to read to find out why
Taglist:: @main-character0 @i-literally-cant-with-this @stayarmymoa-atiny
It had been about 3 weeks since you and Chifuyu started getting to really know each other. You were out with your friends and your parents were out for a business dinner across town. Meanwhile, Chifuyu was at your door. He knocked and rang the doorbell but there was no answer. He decided to crawl into your house through the window. He fell onto your desk and sent things flying. He picked everything up and set it back as normal as possible. He saw your diary but refused to look at it. He looked around the room. He couldn't believe he was in a girl's room. He saw all of your Skincare, haircare, and nail care and he got curious. He examined all the stuff and found some perfume. He sprayed it twice and it smelt just like you usually do. He blushed and put it back. He carefully sat on your bed and pondered what to do from there. He soaked in all the factors of your room and decided he'd leave in about 5 minutes if you didn't show up. 
His eyes fell upon your diary again and the urge to look through it became unbearable. He ended up looking through it a little but if he stumbled upon something too personal he wouldn't read on. He'd just let it be. He then saw his name. He continued to read on and found out the feelings you had about him. Every thought you had late at night when you thought about him. How every time you saw him your heart fluttered. He didn't know how to respond so he closed it and put it back. As for telling you about it? It was a future decision for him. He then heard you get home. He sat on your desk chair trying to play it cool. You walked in and dropped your bags.
"What are you doing here Chifuyu!?" You said surprised. He shrugged.
"I guess I just wanted to see you," he chuckled. You sighed and sat your bag on your bed. 
"You reorganized my desk?" You raised an eyebrow at him. 
"Y-Yeah, I came in through the…window," he blushed as he realized how weird that sounded. "I tried to put it back the way it was but I couldn't really remember," he chuckled awkwardly and you went over to your desk. Looking at where everything is now. 
"My diary…" you said as you looked at it, misplaced. "It's moved," you said without looking at him. 
"I-I didn't really mean to-" he started but all you could do was wonder if he saw what you said about him. 
"Did you see what I said about you?" You asked as you picked it up. Chifuyu hesitated.
"Y-yes," he blushed. You threw your book on your bed angrily. Chifuyu looked shocked and watched as you sat on your bed and covered your face. He didn't know what to say, how could he comfort you? "Y/N…it's okay," he sat next to you and you looked up at him with tears streaming down your face. Fuyu was shocked. He was surprised this was such a big deal to you and now he felt even more guilty. 
"I know it's stupid that I'm crying," your breath hitched as you wiped away your tears but they just kept coming.
"No! No, no, I-I'm sorry I really shouldn't have invaded your privacy," he rubbed your back. "You have every right to be mad or upset at me," he said as he held your cheek to look up at him. Your heart skipped a beat as his warm hand covered your cheek, his aqua eyes looking at you with a sparkle. "But I can…we can either pretend this never happened or talk it out. Whatever you want…" he sighed as the guilt came over him like a wave. Seeing you crying like this…again made him break. You shook your head.
"I want you to decide. I can move on and I can talk it out. It's up to you," you wipe away your tears again. 
"All I have to say is…I love you," he blushed and looked away. You looked up at him shocked.
"What?" You laughed in disbelief. He grabbed your shoulders.
"I. Love. You. I have for so damn long but I was so full of myself I couldn't bring myself to even approach you!" He slicked his hair back with his fingers. You sighed in relief. 
"You jerk! You could've started with that!" You said as you hit him playfully. He rubbed his arm as he frowned at you.
"You were going through a lot of emotions. I didn't want to overstimulate you or something," he blushed and you laid back on your bed. 
"Were you gonna tell me at some point?" You asked as he laid down next to you as well.
"Honestly, I don't know," he rolled over and looked at you. "I was planning on waiting quite a while before saying anything. I honestly thought Baji was gonna spoil it at some point," he chuckled and you giggled with him. You grabbed his hand softly and held it close to your chest. He blushed as he looked at his hand and back to your face. 
"When did you start liking me?" You asked softly as the sun started setting. 
"About a year ago I think," he said with tired eyes. Just then your phone started ringing. You sat up and answered the call. It was your mom on the other line. She told you that her and dad were going to be staying out of town for the night due to the bad weather down there. A lot of the streets had been closed off so it would be difficult to go home at this hour. You looked at Chifuyu with a grin. 
"Okay, mum!" You said before hanging up the phone. You lay on your stomach and kicked your feet as you tossed the phone away
"What was that about?" He smiled at you.
"My parents are staying out of town for the night!" You smiled at him and his face lit up. "So it's just me and you," you said as you pinched his cheek. "I wasn't really expecting guests tonight so I have a few things to do but other than that we can just hang out," you shrugged. Chifuyu nodded. 
"That's alright, I came here unannounced," he chuckled remembering how he climbed in through your window just to see you. 
"I'm going to get a shower, I wouldn't mind if you joined me," you sat up and took off your sweater. He blushed and looked shocked. "I mean like you talk to me in the bathroom. Not you in the shower with me," you sighed.
"R-Right! I knew that…" he blushed and looked away. 
☆—------------------------ later that evening
You were in the shower washing your hair as Chifuyu sat in the bathroom with a yo-yo. Doing tricks with it. 
"I didn't know you played with Yo-Yos," you chuckled as you washed the conditioner out of your hair. 
"Yeah I'm not allowed to bring them to school but I have a huge collection in my room," he smiled as he spun the yo-yo around his fingers. 
"You should teach me some tricks sometime," you smiled as you turned off the shower and prepared a bath. He blushed and smiled. 
"You really want to learn yoyo with me?" He asked with a surprised but happy voice.
"I mean yeah. That's what I just said wasn't it?" You chuckle.
"Also I know your whole house situation isn't the best but I really want to see it sometime. Especially Peke J," you giggled as you soaked in the warm water. 
"At some point, I can make it work," he chuckled before there was silence. "So about what happened earlier. Are you my girlfriend now?" He asked shyly.
"Of course. As long as you want me to be-"
"Yes!" He said eagerly. "I-I mean yeah…" you chuckled at his enthusiasm. 
After getting out of the bath and doing some laundry (which Chifuyu followed you doing) you got to sit down and talk to Chifuyu. You did what you usually do, talking, telling stupid stories, and having the odd cute moment. Then Chifuyu taught you a yoyo trick. He was going to teach you the simple rockabye baby trick but you were having some difficulty. He stood behind you and held your wrists gently. Showing you the motion but all you could think about was his body pressed against yours. 
"And then you flick it over this finger like this," he said as his veiny hands guided you through the motion. You blushed as you finally got it. "There you go! And then swing," he said as he swayed your body with him. You then lost your balance and fell on top of him. Your arms were next to his head as your hands were tied by the yoyo. The yoyo swung in his face as he looked up at you. His face was covered in blush as you laid on top of him. There wasn't a single sound to be heard other than his heavy breath and your pounding heart. 
"S-sorry…" you blushed and went to get up but Chifuyu grabbed your waist. He avoided looking at you as he blushed. 
"Can we stay like this for a while…it feels…" he paused and tried to look for the right word.
"Nice," you smiled and he looked at you shocked. "I'd just like my hands untied," you chuckled.
"R-Right," he blushed as he untied your fingers. He flicked the yoyo up and caught it all tied up. His hands and fingers were very coordinated and strong. You blushed as your mind went places. "You like my hands don't you?" He chuckled as he noticed your eyes glued to his hands.
"Y-Yeah," you blushed as you realized you got caught.
"The things I could do to you with them~" he smirked as he tucked your hair back.
To be continued...
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
How come Rooster Teeth's other shows do not get as much hate as RWBY does?
There are SEVEN Reasons why RWBY gets all this hate.
Hbomberguy lying. Prior to Hbomberguy's hate video? RWBY videos were ranking in tens and hundreds of thousands of views. Videos were mostly accurate. Then Hbomberguy made a 3-hour hate video that could be debunked with 5-10 minutes of google search. Everyone began hating RWBY because the bald neck-bearded man who made hate videos encouraged people to hate the writers and the show by spreading misinformation. And the people who did do the google searches were drowned out by mob mentality of ignorance, the mob ignorance that is hbomberguy's audience. And so that misinformation spread like wildfire. And from his hate video, others were inspired. MangaKamen was the next, who kept screaming that he was a victim of the RWBY Fandom and encouraged people to pay him to make anti-rwby hate videos in which he made his BS. As a result, anti-rwby videos swarmed youtube, drowning out the positivity. And hatred grows on Youtube and Twitter. And you don't want to wade through several tons of hate videos just to reach a good RWBY Video or channel. So Hbomberguy created an atmosphere of hate that drowns out positivity.
2. Money Hatred is a popular business. Just ask the various hate groups funded by JK Rowling's video game Hogwarts Legacy. Ask the GOP who fleece their constituents for money. Ask the youtubers who make hate video after video, not only pulling in youtube ad revenue, but also promoting a patreon so that their followers can pay them to hate further. Judgmental Critter has been called out by many for using RWBY over all her "other content" in making money. type in RWBY without using a channel blocker extension on your phone or youtube browser. All you'll see is that hate. Celtic Phoenix demanded money to make a fixit fanfic in which he promotes the patriarchy and toxic masculinity. Hate, lies money....all created through hating on RWBY.
3. Misogyny You knew this would be brought up. I will die on the hill that the reason so many neckbeards hate RWBY is because: It took a very fanservice concept (girls fighting monsters) and gave them stories, personalities, development, and Bechdel-passing relationships, while it took two male power fantasies (gritty edgelord who uses prolific violence and morally grey actions to pursue a noble goal, and tactical mastermind who makes difficult sacrifices for The Mission) and made them failures. It gave women the roles typically held by men. It eliminated mansplaining and made MEN, instead of women, the target of "Reason why you suck" speeches. It made women equal to men in brains and brawn. It took toxic masculinity and shat on it. Many men and women who defend the patriarchy and spit at feminism were furious at RWBY being a genuinely feminist show. So much so, they spread lies and attacked the writers and VAs. Vexed Viewer harassed Barbara Dunkelman. TheFloofArtist harassed both Barbara Dunkelman AND Arryn Zech, by spamming gore and snuff fanart towards the VAs. Judgmental Critter harassed Arryn Troche. Fatman Falling stalked and harassed a girl who talked on Twitter about liking RWBY. Hbomberguy repeatedly harassed miles and kerry. EruptionFang publicly lied and said that Miles and Kerry were bullied by fans into providing "crotch snot". Four female protagonists. The men are just side characters to serve the women's roles. When people say that their "fanfiction is better than the show" You won't see female protagonists by themselves. No, you'll see them as arm candy to a white male savior protagonist who tells women that they suck and saves the day with the power of toxic masculinity while straightwashing every woman in sight. White Male OCs....doesn't quite work well in the later volumes, which is why many people hate the post-beacon era, because the non-school setting focuses on women and takes away chances for the white straight male self-insert.
4. Being an asshole/Victim Complex For RWBY Haters, the ability to lie, hate, harm, and all the while claim they are victims. It brings out the worst in people online. The horrible pleasure people take in destroying what a small company has worked so hard to make. The desire to rant and complain and insult a show and its fandom while calling yourself a fan as some sort of shield to defend oneself from being called a hater in the same breath as telling people to stop watching RWBY or saying"rwby bad". The insistence that you cannot enjoy a show unless you tear it apart and refuse to give a fair respectful positive take. Look on youtube comments and you will see RWBY Critics harassing RWBY Fans. Look on Twitter, and see men and women attacking the animators and writers. Now putting words in dead man's mouth is nothing new, just ask GOP. But the RWBY Haters deify Monty because Hbomberguy used said dead man, who Hbomb insulted while alive, in order to be awful. That's why rwby haters use the word "toxic positivity". They want to make it seem that their victims are the evil ones, to silence them from speaking up. Its why "Valid criticism" is BS. Its an excuse used to spread hatred and call that hatred "criticism". MangaKamen makes yearly videos insulting RWBY. ONE PERSON insulted him...ONE. He screamed bloody murder and accused the entire fandom. The word "toxic positivity" means that anyone defending RWBY is unable to take criticism, and that anyone speaking up is toxic. While "valid criticism" means that the worst lies against RWBY and the fandom can be seen as legitimate, which again allows people to be their worst selves. Men and women alike have the power to be this inhumane. Worst part is that you don't even have to be conservative to be this evil. Vexed Viewer harassed Barbara Dunkelman. TheFloofArtist harassed both Barbara Dunkelman AND Arryn Zech, by spamming gore and snuff fanart towards the VAs. Judgmental Critter harassed Arryn Troche. Fatman Falling stalked and harassed a girl who talked on Twitter about liking RWBY. Have you noticed how much RWDE and R/RWBYCritics love to be "holier than thou" with their attitudes and act as if they are "saving others from RWBY" and its fandom?
5. Homophobia. Bumbleby is basically Korrasami but better. It introduces the interest in each other sooner. It has the women talk to each other and support each other. Both the writers and animators and even Voice Actresses all support Bumbleby. Its completely opposite from ATLA where the VAs supported the toxic ship that is Zutara. But? Two women can spend entire seasons together, people will call them "just friends" but a man expresses interest in a woman and talks to her for several minutes? "Its true love". Even better, Coeur Al Aran, who admits to never watching RWBY and makes fixit fanfics that replace women with men as protags and straightwashes everything? He saw adam cut off yang's arm, and decided to make an adam fanfic where adam sleeps with yang and blake is abusive to adam. The hatred of adam and jaune fanfic writers towards bumbleby is so toxic, those who write jaunexteam rwby or adam fanfics have mostly been found to be homophobic/misogynistic. Despite all of Yang and Blake's interactions, people insist that Sun is "entiteld" to Blake, and that Yang and Blake's relationship came out of nowhere...or is "woke and pandering". Also, if you've seen that hentai artists on twitter LOVE to make fanart of a male self-insert with lesbians.... Its a sick fetish of theirs, and its not just RWBY that suffers this, but Honkai Star Rail suffered that from HimeHingHoi or some artist who drew a white male self-insert knocking up two lesbians.
6. Headcanons- "Your show isn't doing what I imagined it to be doing, and since its not doing what I think its supposed to be doing, that makes it bad" Adam introduced trying to kill civilians in the black trailer and in season 2 tells Cinder that he will persuade the White Fang to keep dying for her cause. People are angry that in V3 he is an irredeemable mass murdering psycho. Ironwood introduced as a man who merges huntsmen system into his own private army, gets ozpin fired by going behind oz's back, and weaponizes the human soul into an android that he uses the vytal festival to test. And despite having two seats of power, does nothing to help others. People furious that he became a paranoid dictator. Ruby and Yang: Introduced as sisters, confirmed as half-sisters by monty. We see that Taiyang is the father of both. QrowxSummer shippers: Livid that the writers repeatedly state that Qrow is not and never will be Ruby's father, and so they pretend to be illiterate and not able to tell the difference between step-sisters and half-sisters because they're so delusionally obsessed that the writers should lie to them for a garbage theory and ship. Just because somebody watches the show, doesn't mean that the writers should do what they demand of them. Blacksun shippers love to claim that the writers were bullied into Bumbleby, but said writers and VAs said Bumbleby was planned from the start. RWBY Critics were bloodthirsty when Barbara basically put blacksun and jaunexblake and jaunexyang headcanons 6 feet under into the grave. Just because the show doesn't do what you think it should? Does not mean its bad. So many haters are ridiculously self-entitled.
7. Corruption and Revision- "I fell in love with what RWBY Could Have Been" People didn't want a show about female lgbt protagonists. They wanted a show where they can fetishize women being damsels in distress needing a straight white male character to guide them. RWBY gives a giant middle finger to the straight white male protagonist and to the patriarchy and to straight-shipping. So when they say "the fanfiction is better" or they promote a rewrite, or they say "the porn is better"... it all comes down to their straight white male OCs... it comes down to their revenge fantasies against female characters (one loser made a wrestler OC comic where his Male OC beat up women)... It comes down to their fixit-fanfics that put men on a pedestal and put women under the bootheel of the men they glorify. Their idea of "wasted potential" or "ruined potential" involves tearing apart what makes RWBY great, and remaking it in their sick twisted image. Just look to the GOP for real life example, or Galactic Empire for fictional example.
And here you have your answer. The Seven Reasons RWBY Haters exist.
Edit: Just had a chat with a nice lady on Reddit, and she gave me another way of thinking about things.
"Media that's come out of patriarchal societies (so, the overwhelming majority of all media) tends centers the perspective of males by default. Ditto cisheteronormativy, ethonationalism, ableism, etc., resulting in predominantly cisgender heterosexual neurotypical protagonists belonging to the ethnic majority.
And if you grow up as a cis straight white boy in America, you don't even notice.
And if you grow up as anyone else, then your options are either to learn how to empathize with characters who don't look like you, or, to pass on this whole "Media" thing altogether.
So while I can sit through 5 seasons of Better Call Saul and still call it some of the best television I've ever seen, a man who's never learned how to empathize with characters from backgrounds different from his own can't even approach something like She-Ra.
It's incredibly noticeable when boys- for instance- refuse to play TLOU2 after the inciting incident, or people angry at those who think Persona games should bring back female player characters.
The way forward is more representation, all the time, forever. And you can tell a lot about a person by how much the preceding sentence contorted their face into a contempting scowl"
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ok so i accidentally deleted the draft but a while back an anon asked me basically saying they had read Gone (are the Days) and wanted other good fanfic recs. and this was my response LMAO
hmm !! this may surprise you but i actually don’t consume that much fanfic. partially because i’m picky, partially bc i tend to consume content slowly or bounce around a lot, etc
i will say a general tip is to sort by bookmarks or kudos to get the good stuff and filter by specific tags as well! like i just read mage pride which is the top bookmarked item in the viravos tag and it was definitely worth the hype!!
if you enjoyed gone are the days,
you’d probably like the Professor Next Door by detectiphoenix (also a professor au but high school teachers!) besides that, here are some viravos fanfic i’ve enjoyed, off the top of my head:
(for context i’m not hyper into smut personally or try to find variety/creativity and i’m biased towards certain things lol but)
Mage Pride by luminiex - This is the top bookmarked fic in the viravos tag, and for good reason! While it is written after S2 and has more sympathetic Aaravos than in canon, it is still very well done in my opinion. I also love whatever it takes by them, it’s great if you don’t like smut too! Aaravos and Viren living together in this plane together lives rent free in my head 😭 I also love their fic where Aaravos gets to meet Viren’s family :)
Recidivism by indefensibleselfindulgence/ @iamalivenow - the viren characterization is everything, it takes place in s2 prison era, and it’s very humorous!
The Sound of His Voice by portmanteau_press - very very cool setup/worldbuilding concept i think
Constellation of the Heart by @yurayuramiharin - This fic is one of my absolute favorites and has inspired some of the art I’ve done as well! As someone who loves vintage & goth subculture & IS a baby bat in college I feel like I resonate with it really well! I love the taking of the worldbuilding of the dragon prince recontextualized in a college setting and the way Aaravos was actually an inspiration for Bowie & caused Viren to question his sexuality!! It’s so deliciously perfect but sadly unfinished, but I would say it’s still definitely worth the read! It doesn’t really end on a cliffhanger either, just one of the best burns ever 😁
Touch of a Star by @detectiphoenix - really unique take on what it’s like to touch Aaravos, I adore it sm and think about it everyday too. Fluffy S5 extrapolation/continuation
To Serve or Slaughter by beastlybrooke - viravos recontextualized as vampires like castlevania my other recent fixation? sign me up. it’s interesting how viren’s prejudice towards elves is recast as a prejudice towards vampires, and aaravos’s fight towards the elves and view towards humans i love it everything
honorary mention ficlets:
the stars they lie by rikku - this is short but i really like the way they incorporate virrow and mindgames, as well as enby aaravos :)
Checkmate by @thrandilf is also short and sweet but i adore it, i think about the alternate versions of the s5 trailer sm and even tried writing my own a few times but they never went that far but yeah i love it and they have other fics that are great too
respect his decision by @vestaldestroyer because aaravos didn’t have to revive viren s4 but he did and ughgghhghh while i don’t think he cares that much cause he might have just been using the revival as a way in with claudia and continuation of all that, there’s always that off chance and he doesn’t even realize how attached he is and love is just that huge when you’re that old and powerful, large enough to move mountains and yeah </3
i’d put my own can you stay by @self-spaghettification but that’d seem a bit unfair lol
there’s probably others i’ve yet to read or that are cool but i don’t remember or that have some good parts but are kind of iffy imo but those are the only ones i can think of off the top of my head i’m sorry </3
but i’ve also have been compiling a list of fic ratings on a google doc and uhh its not really sharable in any way, but a while ago I also had a website concept where people could share fic ratings like goodreads but for ao3 with some other site inspo in the mix that i spent a few hours sketching out the concept of but idk if i should share but yeah :)
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iamsosmaug · 1 year
Miraculous Fic Recs
Recently I've been complaining a lot on the internet how sucky the recent seasons of ML have been, and how much better the old fanfics are; I'm going to prove my point by sharing my tried-and-true rec list. Here we go.
Back To Us - Written in 2017, so some things are inaccurate. Basically Marinette, as Ladybug, kills Gabriel Agreste on accident by pushing him off the Eiffel Tower and Adrien moves to Milan. Seven years later Marinette is a rising fashion designer, her long-lost partner comes back seven years later but hot, and a new Hawkmoth shows up on the very day Adrien comes back. Suspicious. INCLUDES: Antihero!Chat. Alternate superhero names for Alya, Nino + there are only seven miraculouses which honestly I like a lot better than Ladybug just busting another one out whenever she feels like it. At one point, it was the longest fic in the fandom but now it's not even close. 446k. Requires an Ao3 account to read.
Second Chances- Again, written fairly early in the fandom. Adrien is a single dad and Alya volunteers Marinette to be his daughter's nanny - the premise sounds like it could turn out really weird but I promise it's not. Adorable adorable. INCLUDES: Past ChloexAdrien and MarinettexNathanael, and Adrien never went to school. Reverse best friends (Alya + Adrien, Mari + Nino). 105k.
Whose Woods These Are (I Think I Know) - Ladrien Cinderella AU. Super well-written in a kind of fairytale style. I honestly love this fic. 105k.
Spotty Connections - Adrienette texting fic (no miraculous AU, but does incorporate LadyNoir). Tikki & Plagg are M&A's cats. One of my favorites ever. 66k.
Film It - Adrien is a youtuber! Soon all of Twitter ships #adrienette. INCLUDES: Gabriel Agreste's A+ Parenting. Endgame Adrienette. Superheroes exist, but LB & CN aren't a huge part of this. Also worthy of note: #thatfoursome and a decent amount of Twitter formatting. This has pretty much everything I want in an Adrienette fic. 56k.
Chasing The C/h/atwalk - Project Runway AU. Marinette is a designer and Adrien... is her model. Shenanigans ensue. INCLUDES: Some LadyNoir, mostly after the identity reveal. #MarinetteInDenial. 100k. I love this fic.
Lucky Us - No Miraculous email AU. See Spotty Connections: LadyNoir incorporated without the actual superheroes. Fluff with a tiny bit of angst but still happy ending. 136k.
Secret Santa - fluff. Pure fluff; classic in the fandom. A bit cheesy and very outdated but very nice. Time for a reread. It has a sequel called New Year's Ball. 52k.
Être Majeur - horror, AU, fairly short, creepy and strange but really well-written. 24k. M for horror elements.
La Pucelle Et La Coccinelle - Absolute favorite. Explores Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc in this story) with the Ladybug Miraculous. INCLUDES: Actual historical references, lore for the miraculouses, and a flashforward to the future at the end with Marinette. 38k. I have it printed out, I love it so much.
Pray For the Children You Lost Along the Way - Silent Hill AU (Emilie Anderson from the arcade game is Adrien's mom). It has been on hiatus since 2019, but is still worth a read because so many things tie together in a satisfying way. 86k. Rated M b/c of Silent Hill-type things.
Under Lock and Key - Huge classic also published on Wattpad. Author/artist collab with Maerynn & EdenDaphne - Maerynn passed away while the fic was being written and ED finished it. Very nice art by ED. I view this fic as the quintessential 2017 era Adrienette fic. Very sweet and fluffy. 34k.
Tripped at Fencing - Gabriel hits Adrien. INCLUDES: Gabriel Agreste's A+ Parenting. Accidental identity reveal (Marinette finds out first). Only 5k but a classic.
The Butterfly and Her Brother series (Generations Past and Future) - written c. 2016. Gabriel is NOT Hawkmoth; Gabriel is not a villian in the least so technically OOC. First couple are set in the 1990s, then a couple in ~2016 and the latest in like 2044. I haven't read the last one in the series but WHATHGAWAATG (Europe gets taken over), featuring the next gen of Agrestes, is really good as well. Many things are outdated/false as this was written based off of s1, but I honestly like this interpretation of the Miraculous much better than how the show does it. Mama Agreste's name is Adele (again, s1) and I quite like her character. I freaking LOVE this series. I have it downloaded to my phone and I reread it when I'm feeling sad. 340k in total, but the longest work in the series is about 166k. SO many kudos.
a fight that you were born to lose - "Adrien finds out that Gabriel is Hawkmoth, and Gabriel gets to bring his long-waited plan into action." TW abuse, emotional manipulation, forced dieting. Gabriel Agreste's A+ Parenting. Fairly short for how well-rounded it is - 17k.
An Impromptu Proposal - what it says on the tin. Reverse love square kinda: Ladynoir requited love bc Adrien never went to school. Includes identity reveal and Hawkmoth!Lila takedown. 33k.
On The Prowl - Criminal CN. Also on ffn.net. Good story and TOTALLY a classic, but also uses 'ravenette' and 'sapphire orbs' unironically. The writing is okay if a little melodramatic. 53k.
Chat Noir's White French Man Hit List For Feminist Purposes - pretty much what it says on the tin. Sentimonster!Adrien. 7.8k.
i think it's time i told you (i'm a fan of your universe) - ladynoir proposal. v v nice. Just 5k. Smidge of angst.
The Ladyblog Comment Section - what it says on the tin. 27k. Hilarity and crack.
spark - Tinder AU. Lots of Marichat. Angst with a happy ending. 49k. Slow burn w/ eventual identity reveal.
all dressed up and nowhere to go - No Miraculouses modern royalty AU - human Tikki and Plagg. Mostly DJWifi but a mild amount of adrienette and a smidge of chlogami. Includes arranged marriage Adrien x Alya but they don't end up together. "Twenty-five-year-old Marinette is a wedding dress designer, business blooming in her trusty shop, Ladybug Bridal. When the engagement of Prince Adrien Agreste and Ancient Princess Alya Césaire is announced, all she expects is an influx of work. What she gets instead is... a bit different." 35k.
tangled ribbons - Ao3. ballet/dance AU (no miraculous). Adrienette with some DJWifi and human Tikki & Plagg. "Marinette is a small studio dancer who wins a scholarship to a summer long ballet intensive. Adrien is a famous ballet dancer who would rather be at home than at said intensive. The end of the summer will bring about a showcase that could make Marinette's career, if she can ignore Chloé and focus on something other than Adrien." 82k. The slowest of burns.
Where timing is kind to us - Ao3. marichat discusses quantum physics. 4.3k. This is a beautiful one-shot with a one-sided reveal.
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athingofvikings · 11 months
Intro Post: Who I Am And What I Write
So this is overdue, but I figure that I should finally get around to it; I have an older, half-finished version... somewhere in my drafts on here, and well... I stopped looking for it and started over, just to give you an idea of how deep in there it's gotten.
Hi, I'm athingofvikings, aka Joe, aka The Evil Authorlord as dubbed by my readers. I've been in fandom for close to 20 years, and for the last seven or so, I've been primarily in the How To Train Your Dragon fandom. I was a substitute teacher in the US, and have since emigrated to Germany, as my spouse is a German national. These days, I'm studying German, trying to decide if I want to try to teach again in the German school system, and trying to get my own writing career off the ground.
As for fandom, my then-fiancee, now-spouse introduced me to the first HTTYD movie during the Parental Introduction Visit in 2016; my first comment after finishing the movie was, "Cute, but not historically accurate."
A month later, I was preparing for NaNoWriMo 2016 when the plot bunny bit down.
"But what if it was historically accurate?"
So that's the core plot concept for my eponymous fanfic, A Thing Of Vikings. I take the first HTTYD film, anachronisms and all, and drop it as a Real Life Event in our history, and proceed to write it as an Alternate History, with the movie being the point where the timelines diverge.
And boy do they diverge, because, in a time when the most advanced military tech on the planet is Greek Fire, a small Norse tribe up in the British Isles suddenly has a fire-breathing air-force.
I do my best to keep to historical accuracy, even as I also borrow judiciously from other fictional media to patch holes in the historical record and add to the narrative as I need them, and since I'm a Leftist and my primary fictional source material is a movie made for children, there's a distinct progressive bent to the story itself, and I make no apologies for that. And since I'm Jewish, I also have a Jewish subplot that has made many people very happy, and made a number of bigots absolutely furious to almost ludicrous extents, which I consider to be a positive on both ends. (There was a period where some reactionaries with a fondness for Alt-History were recommending my story to others of their ilk just to troll them, which, well...)
And, of course...
I explore what would happen if humans suddenly have access to the capabilities of dragons in the context of the medieval era--what flight, the ability to breath fire, shedding fireproof scales, and more--will do to human society... especially as one of the main characters is a certified technical and engineering genius. To say that I have fun with the Mundane Utility aspects is an understatement.
I hope that you're intrigued, and if you are, you can find the fic on AO3 here (currently on lockdown to registered users only; I don't fancy my work being scraped for AI training sets).
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synergysilhouette · 5 months
Guide to my Rewrites (and other content)
I post a lot of things, and some of those things are rewrites. As such, I thought this would be a nice guide for fans of my rewrites in particular. I'm still adding new things! Lemme know what you think.
Alternate Takes (Disney)
These are projects that have the same characters and settings (for the most part), but different plot points. These particular alternate takes suggest ideas that would've made me enjoy the movie more (or at all) and aren't a fanfic so much as bullet points with pictures.
The Princess and the Frog
Big Hero 6
Frozen 2
Raya and the Last Dragon
Strange World
Wish (Note: This is NOT the extensive rewrite I've been working on, entitled "Stargazer". For that, check out this temporary placeholder: Characters/Setting and Prologue/Opening Song)
I also did rewrites for two Dreamworks movies:
The Road to El Dorado
Reimagining Disney Movies
These are projects that take Disney's framework (ie a fairy tale) and create my own characters, plot, setting, and song titles for it.
The Snow Queen
Kingdom of the Sun
Reimagining Disney eras
These posts are designed based on what if Disney eras made different decisions (either based on my own ideas or rejected concepts) for their films. Note: I made the revival post before the renaissance and post-renaissance posts, so they kind of flow in different continuities. I also wanted to include future ideas for Disney's next era.
Reimagining the Renaissance
Reimagining the Post-renaissance
Reimagining the Revival era
Plotting out the Reinvention era
Not quite as detailed as my other rewrites, but I thought I'd include them.
Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness
Thor: Love and Thunder
Extensive rewrites
TV shows that I've remade episode-for--episode, perhaps removing and adding some as I see fit.
X-Men: Evolution--New roster, Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Roster (Timeskip), Season 4, and Season 5 (I did a poll months ago, and maybe I'll do a post brainstorming a Marauders spinoff).
Miraculous Ladybug--Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4 (currently working on Season 5; been dragging my feet with that!)
Wolverine & the X-Men--New Roster, Season 1
Anime as comic books
Yes, this is a topic. I remember when I was in this headspace, and it was really fun. I basically reimagined what if popular anime had been created as superhero comic books that golden or silver age.
Dragon Ball
Anime rewrites
Black Butler
Naruto: Part I
High Card: Season 1
Video Game Rewrites
These aren't quite as detailed as my usual rewrites.
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
Kingdom Hearts
My OCs
This section covers my original characters for a few fandoms.
The Arcana
Hogwarts Legacy
Baldur's Gate 3
Mood Boards
Just something I've made for fun to inspire others! Not an expert on making them, but it was still something I wanted to do.
My Wish rewrite (temporary)
Disney's Swan Lake
Disney's Hansel & Gretel
Disney's Rumpelstiltskin
Disney's Red Riding Hood
Sub-Saharan Disney musical
Disney Superhero Film
Japanese Disney musical
Actors who could play Disney villains
Choices: Stories You Play
REALLY into this game for a period--but it started to get awful when "Witness" came into play. Here's a list of reviews (which I've stopped doing) as well as concepts for new books (originally on Reddit before I got banned).
"Before I Say I Do"
"Celebrity Status"
"Summoned to Court"
"Fairy Godparent"
"Hierarchy: Scheming University"
"Willow Falls"
"Late at Night"
"America's Most Eligible" (Review)
"Desire & Decorum" (Review)
"High School Story" (Review)
"Rules of Engagement" (Review)
"The Freshman" (Review)
"Queen B" (Review)
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real-life-senshi · 3 months
May I ask for your headcanons of Reinako’s relationship after canon? Could be for manga or PGSM!
Hello friend! Thank you for dropping by and giving me a prompt to gush on Reinako even more! XD
First off, here are two sets of PGSM Reinako headcanons for those who haven't seen them before. They are all connected. XD
Reinako Headcanon 1
Reinako Headcanon 2
And thanks to this ask, here is a brain dump of more headcanon:
PGSM Reinako Headcanon Part 3:
Timeline/stages of life of the Reinako development:
Following directly after the Final Act, during the girls' 3rd year in middle school, Minako was a bit awkward about how to act casually around the Senshi team. Rei helped her out the most before the group dynamic fully settled - e.g. never stopped inviting Minako even if Minako often needed to miss out on group plans due to work without making Minako feel bad (not that the others intentionally make Minako feel guilty, but they just try too hard, versus Rei doesn't make a big deal about it); calling Minako out when Minako holds back on sharing her candid thoughts or feelings with the team for some silly reason or due to occupational hazard of being an idol; calling Makoto and Usagi out when they fangirl too hard and was making Minako feel awkward, making it a struggling for Minako to balance building a genuine friendship or treat them as fangirls. (Ami was also a bit shy with Minako at the start, so Rei had to run some interference there, but Usagi and Makoto were the troublemakers.)
I struggle to make up my mind on which is the better high school scenario: if Minako went to Juuban with Ami, Makoto and Usagi just like manga canon, or because of her fame and celebrity status she ended up going to T*A academy for high school with Rei (better security because of all the politician’s and big businessmen’s daughters in the school, etc), Regardless, high school period is when Rei and Minako really settled as best friends, getting to the point they practically know everything about each other and would be in contact almost everyday.
By the 3rd year of high school approaching graduation, Minako starts to realize she has romantic feelings for Rei. She suspects Rei might actually reciprocate her feelings, except Rei is too dense to realize or too scarred by his dad's abandonment of Rei and Rei's mom to consider exploring a romantic relationship. Knowing both Rei's and her own career trajectory would take them away from Tokyo with limited contact after graduation, Minako decided to not broach the topic.
Rei and Minako drifted apart a bit after high school graduation until the Special Act. After the kiss at the hospital (see Headcanon Part 1), and then UsaMamo's wedding, they both matured enough to face their feelings and started seriously considering starting a relationship. They had to do a lot of soul-searching and shared really candid conversations to get through all the emotional baggage, personal barriers and doubts they both carried, but they eventually got there.
And then they live happily ever after following what I described in Headcanon Part 2. haha (My actual headcanon of post-Special Act Reinako is drastically different from my fanfic, coz apparently I thrive most in writing angst and battle. LOL)
High school era PGSM Reinako:
While Rei took the lead in helping Minako find her place in the Senshi team dynamic and getting comfortable with just being a normal teenager during their middle-school period, Minako was the one that instigated most if not all the shenanigans that led to their deepened friendship in the 3 years of high school, elevating their relationship from just-friends to best friend status.
I always imagined Minako pranked Rei by surprising her on a school visit at T*A to "check out options for a new high school". Minako and her manager Saitou Sugao are being led on a school tour by a nun, and when they spot Rei, Sugao (who is of course in on the prank with Minako) makes a whole scene of barging into the classroom trying to scout Rei into stardom in front of all of Rei's peers as if it's his first time meeting Rei and exclaiming he has found the next shining star of Japan, after Minako of course! Rei was absolutely mortified, though the Senshi team had a great laugh when Minako shared the story in their next hangout. Rei was not pleased.
Following the above headcanon, I headcanon that Rei achieves the same intra-school celebrity status by the time she enters her high school division, similar to how Rei is a school celebrity in T*A in the manga. The drastic change from live-action canon was first prompted by the whole stardom scouting fiasco Minako and Sugao caused. Secondly, Minako learned by chance that Rei was bullied at school throughout middle school through Usagi describing how she met Rei. When Minako confronted Rei about it, Rei just shrugged and brushed it off coz she was used to it and the bullies are practically harmless with more bark than bite, but Minako was still so upset about it that she went to post on her public blog (equivalent to celebrity Twitter/Insta nowadays) about how Rei's her best friend and the coolest, kindest person who helped her get through her illness and recovery, etc. She wrote a whole sob story narrative about how thankful she is for having Rei in her life and how Rei was a source of inspiration and a role model to her, etc. etc. and posted some photos she had taken with Rei. Suddenly all of Rei's peers see Rei in a new light and think she's the coolest and want to befriend her for a chance to also meet Minako. The teachers started actually addressing and punishing the bullies and the school atmosphere was changed anew. The whole deal freaked Rei out, while Minako felt very pleased with herself.
Once Rei joined the archery club in T*A's high school division, she gained even more fame from winning archery competitions at the district and then national level. Her achievement adds to the furor Minako caused, and the lowerclassmen in T*A practically fawn over Rei and founded a fan club with merch. Minako loves teasing Rei about it and secretly becomes a fan club member with platinum status from buying all the merch.
^ The fan club is how Minako knows Rei's archery competition schedule, coz Rei is too humble to ever mention it, and also because every time she gets way too embarrassed by how loud the Senshi team is when they cheer for her, because Minako makes sure the whole Senshi team is decked out with inflated thunder sticks and signs whenever they go cheer for Rei at competitions.
Other misc PGSM Reinako headcanon:
Rei's the one who always remembers and is mindful of Minako's distaste for whipped cream, and stops Usagi's rampage on getting strawberry shortcake for every Christmas because Usagi always reminisces on the cake she and Minako had on the Ferris wheel and forgets Minako’s actual food preference. Rei knew coz she actually paid attention to the lyrics in Sayonara ~Sweet Days.
It's very often Usagi and Makoto would drag the girls around town to try out a new cafe or shop that's selling some new sweet drink, pastry or snack (shaved ice, ice cream, crepe, cake, etc. the stuff you'd see people post on foodie social media). If Minako ever bows out of getting something for herself, Rei will make sure to buy something she knows Minako will likely enjoy so Minako can share some of hers (usually strawberry-flavoured coz that's Minako's favourite), and without fail Minako would take some of Rei’s 'just for a taste because she’s curious', and then inevitably eating half of Rei’s. lol And if Rei is buying something for Minako or knows Minako will inevitably take some from her, Rei would always also buy a bottle of water to accompany whatever crazy sweet things Usagi makes them eat/drink - and it has to be room temperature only, for Minako because Minako needs to be very careful with maintaining her vocal cords for singing.
Whenever Minako and Rei get into a serious fight but both struggle to reconcile, they both would separately go to Artemis and poor Artemis can usually help them sort it out after. But if things get really bad and they notice Artemis is feeling caught in the crossfire, Minako would then go to Makoto, and Rei would go to Ami to process their thoughts... or vent. Makoto and Ami's involvement becomes a yardstick of whether "shit's-hitting-the-fan" or not.
Manga Reinako Headcanon...?
I've not thought as much about the manga Reinako headcanon because I perpetually live in PGSM brainrot. But I do think manga Reinako eventually established a partners-for-life relationship in the manga universe as well.
Different from how I think PGSM Reinako eventually enters an openly romantic, crazy-in-love-for-each-other relationship (once they get over their personal crap), I see manga Reinako has a more subtle and delicate soulmate relationship that is built on deep partnership and mutual understanding in life and duty, especially considering their near immortality and role in Crystal Tokyo. Their relationship dances back and forth on the line of being romantic involved in their personal life, and being a kind of kindred spirit in their view and attitude towards their duty. They've dated, and fallen in love with each other, but across the years also realize sometimes they need space from each other to maintain healthy boundaries between private life and their duty. When they enter a break from each other, it's nothing bad and always with mutual understanding, done amicably - stepping away so they don't get "sick of each other" since eternity is a damn long time! But if one of them is ever feeling down or struggling with something, they are each other's default go-to person, their safe place, and they can discard their masks and break when they need it, especially when they start outliving their non-Senshi family and friends while the world they know of slowly changing and morphing into Crystal Tokyo.
Once they stopped aging, Minako would still try to find opportunities to enjoy life as a human when it's possible, while Rei was more comfortable just accepting fate and being Sailor Mars for life. When there's no crisis to deal with, Minako makes Rei de-transform and drags Rei out of the palace for a girls' night with her in the city.
I see manga MakoAmi to have a similar partnership as well. Though their way of showing affection for their partner is a bit more overt and less complicated than Reinako's. Rei and Minako are so interesting to me because I feel they are more polar opposites in some ways, yet both are so similar in how deeply layered their personality and backstories are that it complicates their relationship but also strengthens them.
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calumhoodgoss · 2 months
horror story of a teenage 5sos blogger
let me set the scene - its the mid 2010s, I'm 17, in the height of my 5sos fan career, im watching keek compilations all day and scrolling tumblr all night. Life is good.
Fast forward a few months and I start talking to this cute boy at school. we start going on dates, having first kisses - and first everything elses. we're falling madly in love. it's intense (and so cringy to look back at as an adult) but again, life is good! not a worry in the world!!
eventually.. it somehow comes up that my boyfriend and i both have tumblrs (of VERY different nature's mind you). we wanted to show eachother things we'd found online but we were both adamant we didn't want to see eachothers blogs (FOR OBVIOUS REASONS). instead of following each other, we would send each other screenshots of funny textposts, pictures, etc. - blacking out our respective blog names and url's to protect our online anonymity. life is good!
now by day, I'm spending all hours messaging my totally hot boyfriend but by night... by night, I'm reblogging hot gifs of calum hood, smut fanfics, imagines, general gifs of hot couples making out (ifykyk). it's the HEIGHT of tumblr fanfiction and imagine culture and I could not get enough. i was exploring things in real life with my boyfriend while also exploring online through fics. reblogging every single thing along the way. i was having my cake and eating it too and it was a fucking good time to be alive. life is so good!
of course, like any normal person, I was using my tags as a stream of consciousness. a way to get out my feelings about cal, about my boyfriend, about being a teenager, about LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Unfiltered, hormonal, teenage girl writing about the boys she likes. every. damn. night. life! is! good!
until.. all until.. my boyfriend and i were lying together in a park, under a tree, light filtering down on us as we talk and laugh and kiss - a perfect afternoon UNTIL he says there's something he has to tell me. 'what does *name of my blog* mean?'
TURNS OUT, the very first time I sent him a screenshot of something, I didn't black out my url properly and he had been SECRETLY STALKING MY BLOG FOR MONTHHHSSSS.
Literally just months worth of calum hood smut, so.much.smut, smut requests too!!!, soft porn gifs WITH TAGS LITERALLY EXPLICITLY ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND, countless text posts about our dates and whatever the fuck I was thinking or feeling that day, 5sos drama, EVERYTHING. EVERYTHINGGGGG. ABSOLUTELY EV ER Y THIN G
needless to say that blog was immediately scorched from the surface of the earth. and since then, I virtually haven't been on 5sos tumblr - until now. I was so mortified that I wasn't just throwing my thoughts into the void, I was literally scarred.
we're still together though lol I guess he some how liked me enough to look past the 5sos blog HAHA. he's a much stronger person than I because if the roles were reversed and he had some obsessed teenage fan blog, I think i would have gotten the ick straight away. Especially since I literally NEVER talked about 5sos with him because I was soooo embarrassed that I was obsessed with them (this was album one era guys HAHA and my boyfriend was way cooler than me in highschool). now I don't care, I play them in the shower all the time - he can deal with it hahaha
moral of the story is, idk don't tell your teenage boyfriend you have tumblr cause he will find your blog
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
Byler fanfic recs (bc we need it)
A Dream Always the Same - @sevensided
Complete || 99k
If you're on byler tumblr, and you haven't read this fic, this is a requirement. So well written, and gives us a perfect characterization of Mike (looking at you, vol 2).
Can't Hold Out Forever - scorchstorm
Complete || 18k
The fics that go through the years of Mike and Will knowing each other since kindergarten just hit different, ok? This one's no exception.
Crazy Together - imyoursandthatsitwhatever
Incomplete || 18k
A S2-era fic about Mike and Will sharing emotions, having sleepovers, and overcoming trauma. What's not to love?
Darling, You Got to Let Me Know (Should I Stay Or Should I Go?) - andiwriteordie
Complete || 11k
Mike gets vecna'd. Need I say more?
Filling the Gaps - nfna118
Complete || 119k
A series of works about Mike and Will starting in kindergarten and going through the seasons. From multiple povs. This is one of my favorite works ever; the characterizations are spot on!
Geography Notes and Doodles - midnighteverlark
Complete || 4k
Mike accidentally takes home Will's sketchbook instead of his geography notes. This one is so adorable omg.
I Never Find Out 'Til I'm Head Over Heels - orphan_account
Complete || 12k
Mike asks Will to the school dance every year, but Will thinks he's just being nice. Mike is trying so hard but he's not quite there yet.
I Want to Know What Love Is (I Want You to Show Me) - reitvelds
Complete || 2k
The snowball, where Mike and Will finally get their slow dance. S2 my beloved <3
In The Haze of Hesitation - sylvianightshade
Incomplete || 39k
Byler and elmax, ft. an oblivious Dustin and Lucas. Set post-S3 and currently in progress.
It's Dangerous to Go Alone! - @byeler
Complete || 12k
Will has trouble sleeping, so of course Mike sleeps over. Late night talks and movie watching, it's adorable.
Jealousy (Turning Saints Into the Sea) - wasabi8000
Complete || 11k
Set post vol 1, Mike is jealous when a cute guy hits on Will at a gas station. Mike pretends he isn't jealous, but his excuses are getting out of hand. This is hands down the funniest fic I've ever read, it will have you smiling the whole time.
Laughing Matters - empressoftears
Complete || 5k
Will gets his wisdom teeth out, and the medicine causes him to say some things to Mike he normally wouldn't. This one is hilarious, I'm never not thinking about "how am I supposed to kiss Mike if I don't have any lips?!"
Neither Of Us Ready to Let Go - dirtyvalentines
Complete || 4k
A different take on the S3 fight in the rain, filled with angst, fluff, and lotr references.
Over a Bridge Of Time - @sevensided
Complete || 23k
The amazing sequel to "A dream always the same." So cute (that ending though!), and I am constantly thinking about the picture of Mike and Will hanging on the Byers' wall of family pictures. So adorable <3
The Red Envelope - midnighteverlark
Complete || 45k
Another classic for byler tumblr--if you haven't read this, where have you been? Will writes down his feelings for Mike in a letter, which Mike accidentally takes home with him. Cue angst.
Thirteen - arlathahn
Complete || 21k
Mike and Will through the seasons, if El left to be with Kali after S2. Also, Will has powers.
Together Forever - orphan_account
Incomplete || 17k
From kindergarten onwards; Mike and Will's development in their feelings for each other. They're kids and maybe don't understand everything quite yet.
Undertow - @byeler
Complete || 11k
Yet another classic fic for byler tumblr. In which Will hasn't had his first kiss yet and Mike offers to help him practice. Featuring Max as the best guide to sorting out feelings ever <3
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hummingbirdspark · 6 months
Feel free to use these ideas if you want! You do not need to credit me, but just let me know you did so I can read it.
Details for the story ideas under the cut
Kidnapped and forced to do maths
Pretty self-explanatory, they get locked in cells equipped with digital blackboards and stuff and can’t leave until they answer enough questions right. Penalties for wrong answers is death. Perhaps opportunities for teamwork?
Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts au
Might not make sense if you haven’t seen Kipo but Carmilla uses megamute dna to try and make humans able to live on the surface, but after getting kicked out of her burrow, she has to wander the surface, looking for humans desperate enough to accept her ‘help’. I already have a bulletfic for how each of them gets found and mutated
Steven Universe au
Mechanisms as the Off-Colors. Gems thst either rebelled against or were thrown out by the diamonds. They wander the galaxy, and sometimes assist gem rebellions. The moon war was fought over earth’s moon base, between the crystal gems and those loyal to the Diamonds.
Doctor who TMA au
Jon and Jonny were brothers on Gallifrey, and while Jon excelled in timelord school and became The Archivist, Jonny was distracted by paying off his father’s debts and failed, never to receive the title of “the Captain” or 12 regenerations. He didn’t stay mortal for long, as Carmilla found him like in cannon and mechanized both of his hearts. They stole a TARDIS called Aurora and fled to the stars. Many many years later, The Archivist finds his long lost brother when taking his companions, Martin, Tim, and Sasha to the Steamworld Intergalactic Music Festival
False domestic psychological prison
An enterprising young member of an intergalactic authority comes up with a new idea for these immortal criminals’ containment: the only prison the Mechanisms can’t escape is the one they don’t know they’re in. They capture the mechanisms and through a combination of the sedative effects of the Lotus, and some memory altering microchips, they get the Mechanisms to think they are just (mostly) normal people on a normal planet. To make them less likely to escape, they gave them something they never could have had before. Jonny gets respect as the owner of a tailor shop, with workers who call him sir, and trust and obey his judgement. Brian, as a priest is listened to in all his advice and praised for his wise moral decisions. Will they realize it’s a trick? Or stay living this lie forever?
Spaceteam fic
The Aurora gets stuck in a strange wormhole (bifrost?) and she can’t operate anything but basic piloting. Suddenly strange new controls are on the bridge, as well as whole other consoles of controls. Instructions for what to do are provided on screens, but they don’t match the control each mechanism sees on their console. Luckily they’re all within shouting distance, but they will have to learn to work together… as a spaceteam. Set Sigmaclapper to 5! Soak Ferrous Holospectrum! Baste the Emergency Whittler!
Summer Camp Councilors
Human au where the mechanisms are councilors at Camp Cosmo, with wacky hijinks, camp names, and songs. Several units of cabins inspired by the 4 story albums, a great spot on a canal with sea kayaking, regular kayaking, sailing, and canoeing. A high ropes and low ropes course, an archery range, and an arts and crafts area are also present for those who aren’t water crazy. Pack up your sense of adventure and extra flashlight batteries! Hopefully the campers won’t get into any drama…
Kofi rat from Small Saga meets Marius
This is for the KofiAssam fans out there! Our very own rat-tailed rover finds themself on a massive metal god dwelling and encounters The Metal Armed God!
Marius Von Raum finds a rat wearing clothing that seems to be able to play the mandolin. Good thing he learned to speak rat when he and Toy Soldier went to that candy planet where Toy Soldier somehow became a prince…
Steam Powered Giraffe roleswap
What if Doctor Carmilla lived on earth and created nine singing automatons that could self repair?
What if Colonel P. A. Walter mechanized 6 humans with blue matter to create a force of galactic heroes, that then forgot their original names?
1920s American speakeasy
Probably heavily based on Lackadaisy. Carmilla’s Speakeasy is a great place to get illegal alcohol, and its secret entrance is inside the Cafe Aurora. The owner, Carmilla herself is illusive at best, and her seeming to only show her face at night has lead to rumors of her being a vampire or witch. Rumors that are only worsened when she gave each of her employees a strange new gift: pins, that she insists are a new part of their uniform to be worn at all times. The purpose of the pins is made clear when Jonny is shot by a rival rumrunner while on a job and comes back from the dead.
SCP contains Brian and Toy Soldier
Brian was on MJE and Toy Soldier was under direct orders from a researcher to not escape. The only question is would Doctor Bright be an expert on immortality, or would letting him know about The Mechanisms be a terrible idea?
Marius backstory oneshot based on the christmas armistice
There are many things Byron Marius expected to hear in the middle of a war. The pound of bullets, the screams of other soldiers, and crash of giant robot mechas overhead. What he didn’t expect to hear was singing.
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
That’s all, folks
I have way too many ideas.
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ronsharry · 7 months
1. What is your favourite HP ship and why?
2. If you like fanfic, which HP one is your favourite?
3. Out of all the potential paternal figures for Harry, which one is our favourite and why?
(4. Do you have any ronarry fluff fics? All I can find are abandoned or not ronarry fics)
ohhh i love these questions!! tysm for asking :))
1. i’ve shipped many ships in many eras and the one i always go back to is ronarry!! they’re so special to me and i know it’s like a popular trope that people find annoying but i really love the bestfriend to lovers trope it’s so sweet :)) and not to mention that they are both in my top 3 😭
2. i definitely read fanfic (i have an ao3 acc 6amflwrr) I’ve been reading it for years 😭😭 ahh this is such a hard one but out of the hundreds of fanfics i’ve read there’s a few that i always think of or go back to:
‘honey honey by aeoneskova’ — marlene lives and takes harry from the dursleys!! harry is in muggle primary school in this and it’s soo realistic !! really sad too harry literally fainted in p.e bc he was so starved ITS SO SAD
‘Hermione Grangers Hogwarts Cranmer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi’ — i suprisingly loved one sm i went through a phase of hardcore shipping drarry and i met this gem through it!! idk if i ship them anymore but im not like against them either idk anyway this one harry doesn’t know he’s a wizard until they recruit him 💀 and sirius is alive also <3
‘An Hour of Wolves by solvskrift’ — one of the first fics i ever read so that’s probably a reason but this one’s dark and it shows harry’s ptsd really well and also check tags for this one!!
3. oooo i love this question sm i love all dynamics between harry and parental figures bc they’re so interesting but my favourite is sirius and harry by far!! they get each other so well, sirius would do absolutely anything for him and he is the only adult harry fully trusted like harry loved him sm :(( they had their flaws and while i don’t think sirius was the healthiest (something that i don’t blame him for at all i think he did amazingly given the circumstances) he definitely was the best choice and i think that makes it even sadder actually 😭
4. oh i definitely have fics!!! here are some of my favs:
‘perspective by malapropism’ — In which Ron realizes that maybe, just maybe, you aren't supposed to feel this way about your best mate. But only after a dance at the Yule Ball, months of being busy with other things, Cedric Diggory's death, the return of Voldemort, and a quiet knock at his door. (i love this one sm and gof and ootp!rarry is my fav <33)
‘Foolish hearts by iwantacoolassname & orbithastnt’ — this is set in hbp and sirius lives !!!!! the only thing is that it’s ongoing but i don’t think it’s been discontinued :)
‘sacrifice by sim54’ — i love this one sm
‘Somber Skies and Bruised Bodies by ManyGayUmbrellas’ — i love this one too it’s so sad but happy ending!! more of a character study but yeah it’s good :)
‘i’ll hold you when things go wrong by cloudlesslysky’ — Ron has always struggled with insecurity and jealousy since he was a child. However, Ron has grown up. And while he loves his mother, if she's making him choose between her and Harry...Well, Ron knows where he stands. (this is probably my favourite even tho it’s not actually ronarry but they are very close and it’s definitely worth the read and uncle harry & rose AHH)
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by IamShadow21’ — one of my favourites too!! this one got me into ronarry in the first place :)
‘merry christmas, war is over by dykesiriusblack’ — wolfstar&ronarry and i loved this one sm!! definitely recommend:))
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