#sexually transmitted demons
lizsaints · 2 months
My alter is covered in old ashes.
I haven’t entered the room to my alter in months. It feels like defeat.
I’m ashamed…. yet, I lack the drive to do something about it and fix it.
For a long time, years, I’ve fought the urge to do a cord cutting for myself. I’d do them for others. Never myself.
Idk what I’m hopeful for. Deep corners of my soul are filled with conviction that it’s over. It’s been over. But how can it be over if I find them in every life time?
If I cut you now, will I lose you in the next life?
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werecreature-addicted · 4 months
tell me im not alone in being absolutely enamored by the idea of lycanthropy being transmitted through sexual fluids.
i don't want to be like "stds are fine! fuck protection!" cause no! while they shouldn't be demonized and those with stds shouldn't be seen as inferior or looked down upon, they (the stds NOT those with them) can be dangerous especially without proper treatment. and some will live with you for life. protection is important. use it.
with that disclaimer out of the way through, yeah contracting lycanthropy through like some one-off hookup with some werewolf you met at a bar and not knowing until you begin getting hairier and taller and growing sharp canine teeth before eventually, during a full moon, undergoing the full werewolf transformation pushes me buttons perfectly.
Also if lycanthropy is typically transmitted through bites what about kissing? does the Saliva have to enter the bloodstream to work? or is just coming in contact with it enough? are you horny enough to risk it?
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novelcain · 2 years
Heyo, I have a bit of a prompt for ya. So I’ve seen the “Demon that wants to abduct and forcibly marry Reader,” post(s) and raise a “The local regent/king finds Reader attractive (in a way that he views her almost like a novelty than as a whole person) and offers her a position as a concubine/ ‘palace lady.’” This is a different kind of scenario because straight up murdering the king of the area is not exactly the option that’d let the journey continue smoothly and refusal could also be construed as an offense to the king, but Reader does not want to and needs to continue with them on the journey. All of the other disciples know this, and maybe can tell she’s uncomfortable (even if it’s before Wukong has really fallen for Reader, she is still someone he would consider to be his friend at the very least). How are they going to get out of this one? (Slightly inspired by the time Tripitaka was propositioned in the Kingdom of Women by the Empress.)
Ps: sorry if this is dumb, regardless, I hope you have a good day - 🌺 anon
King: So what do you say, girl? Will you become my concubine? I see no possible reason for you to say no! I can give you all you could ever ask for in exchange for serving my every whim! That seems like a wonderful deal for a woman like you that clearly comes from nothing.
Ao Lie:
Reader: Wha-What?
Tripitaka: N-Now wait just a minute, your Majesty. You c-can't simply expect her to drop everything and stay here-
King: Well of course I can! I am the king of these lands! In fact! I insist upon it! Woman, you shall stay here and serve your new king immediately as soon as you are cleaned.
Reader: *feeling a panic attack approaching as the room starts to spin*
Wukong: *holding back the urge to commit violent murder*
Sandy: *rethinking this whole "pacifism" thing*
Pigsy: *looking disgusted at the king*
Ao Lie: *wondering if anyone would notice if he turned back into a dragon and ate the king*
Tripitaka: *trying so hard to think of a peaceful solution while also trying not to cry over how much the king is objectifying Reader* Y-You can't just h-have her! She's a necessary part of our pilgrimage!
King: By the Heavens! She's just one woman how valuable could she be!? After all, she is just your maidservant is she not!?
Tripitaka: *remembering that is the disguise they came up with for her* Yes, b-but! Why must you have her, great King!?
King: Because I have never seen a woman like her before! She is a beautiful foreign flower that I simply must have for myself! Here! I shall be merciful and send you off with another servant!
King: *gestures to his guards to find a servant*
Wukong: *reaches toward his ear for his staff*
Sandy: *reaches for his spade*
Pigsy: *reaches for his rake*
Ao Lie: *gets ready to turn into a dragon*
Tripitaka: *frozen in shock*
Reader: *sees the carnage about to begin*
Everyone: *stops and turns to face her* HUH?!
Reader: I... have a disease.
King: *narrows eyes in suspension* And what is the name of this disease?
Reader: *sweats nervously as all knowledge of every disease she knows of decides to take a vacation from her brain at the one moment she needs it most*
Reader: In... junct... co... itis.... Injunctcoitis.
King: I have never heard of this Injunctcoitis. *turns to the court physician*
Court physician: Neither have I, your Majesty.
Reader: It's a northern disease! From the north! Where I'm from!
King: *looks at court physician*
Court physician: It is possible, your Majesty. *approaches Reader starts inspecting her* And what are the symptoms?
Reader: Oh, w-women don't have any symptoms. *takes a deep breath and composes herself* But for men it makes their dick fall off.
Everyone: IT WHAT!?!?!?!
Reader: Yep! After two months, yo dick just gonna... fall off. And it's a sexually transmitted disease.
King: I can't take any risk of that being true! Get them out of here before this disease spreads to the kingdom!
The Pilgrim Gang: *gets escorted out of the kingdom*
Reader: *sniffles*
The boys: *hugs Reader*
P.S. this so wasn't dumb I had fun writing this 🤭
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cultofcreatures · 9 months
My Top 15 Vaporwave Horror Movies
I thought I would put together a list of vaporwave/dreamcore/liminal aesthetic horror movies that I find to feel outside of time and space. That's sort of my vibe here on tumblr, and I also like the mantra of "if there's something you want to see that no one has made yet, make it yourself." These are films that I personally love, and the list not meant to be definitive. Remember also that art is subjective. I hope someone out there finds at least one film they want to add to their watchlist! It's been a minute since I've seen some of them, so let me know if I need to correct something.
15. Mandy (2018)
I wish I could add pictures for all of these entries, but I can still only add 10 pictures to a post blah. It's such a shame because I wanted to show off that gorgeous aesthetics of all these films. Oh well. This is a revenge flick about a cult kidnapping Nick Cage's girlfriend and him losing his marbles about it. Definitely recommend if you're the mood for vibes and/or Nick Cage NickCageing.
TW: violence, blood, fire
14. Come True (2020)
This is a haunting, fantastic vibes movie. It feels so otherworldly. It's about a homeless young person participating in a sleep study to be able to safely get some sleep. It would be an almost perfect film if it weren't for the just garbage ending. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, just skip the last 5 minutes, and take it for what the rest of the film is: beautiful.
13. Braid (2018)
This film follows a couple of young drug dealers on the run from their supplier crashing at a mentally unwell friend's house. The catch is they have to play along with their host's unhinged "game" while they hide out. Not gonna lie, this film is trippy af and definitely not for everyone. I can guarantee that no matter what, it is a ride.
TW: heavy drug use, blood
12. Perfect Blue (1997)
A pop star retires to become a full-time actor, which angers some of her fans. Her sense of reality becomes warped when one obsessive fan begins to stalk her. I don't love some of the turns this movie takes when it comes to mental health, but it's hard to deny this film is classic that has stunning animation.
TW: negative depictions of mental disorders, violence, blood
11. Skinamarink (2022)
This controversial found footage movie is sort of hard to describe because it's so otherworldly. Basically, two kids wake up one night to find their dad and all of their doors and windows are missing. Everything about this nostalgic yet terrifying film is vibes and aesthetic: liminal, vaporwave, voidcore, dreamcore, you name it. It feels like a fever dream, and it's a nightmarish journey you won't soon forget, for better or worse.
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10. Vivarium (2019)
A couple are looking for a home to share. They follow a strange realtor to an even stranger labyrinthine neighborhood that seems to have no escape. If you're into liminal spaces, this film will definitely scratch that itch for you.
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9. Revenge (2017)
This is a r*pe revenge tale that has absolutely beautiful scenery and cinematography. I love the sweeping liminal landscapes and vibrant vaporwave colors. It's a standard plot as far as the genre goes, but it's directed by a woman, so it has a different angle that I find to be superior to most films of the genre.
TW: violence, gore, SA, blood
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8. Don't Worry Darling (2022)
A 1950s housewife begins to suspect that something about her utopian community is not what it seems. This film seems to be a bit controversial, too, for some reason. Whatever the case may be, I adore the liminality and dreamy feel of this film. You really get a sense that this world is outside of time and space.
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7. It Follows (2014)
This film is straight up about a sexually transmitted curse. Jay sleeps with her boyfriend for the first time, and then finds out she must outpace this demon that can take the shape of anyone forever lest it kill her, or she must pass the curse on to someone else. The shots in this film are to die for. Especially for connoisseurs of the liminal, vaporwave, and dreamcore. Highly recommend for the visuals and music alone.
TW: gore, blood
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6. House (1977)
Gorgeous decides to stay with her aunt to hopefully get closer with a group of six of her friends. The girls come to find her aunt's house is more than meets the eye. The visuals and absurdity are what make this movie. It's a classic for a reason.
TW: cartoon gore
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5. Akira (1988)
Tetsuo gains psychic abilities via a secret military project and becomes mad with power. It's up to his friends and a small group of psychics to stop him. This is another classic anime. Its 1980s futuristic mentality really lends itself to the vaporwave atmosphere of the cityscape. I highly recommend this classic if you haven't seen it.
TW: violence, body horror
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4. Censor (2021)
Enid is a serious film censor with a shrouded past that includes her long-missing sister. She watches a film that bears eerie resemblance to her vague childhood memories that begin to take hold of her as tries to piece them together. I don't think I'm totally clear on when this film takes place, which is what I love about it. It has a spooky surreal quality that will both draw you in and unsettle you.
TW: violence, blood
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3. She Dies Tomorrow (2020)
Amy is convinced she is going to die tomorrow. Her friend Jane comes by to comfort her, and then becomes consumed by the thought she will die tomorrow as well. This film is as strange as it is beautiful. It will either leave you in tears or confused af or both.
TW: blood
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2. The Neon Demon (2016)
Jesse is a very young, gifted model who is new in town (probably LA). She quickly signs with an agent and begins getting gigs, breeding the contempt of the established models around her. This is probably one of the most visually appealing films I've ever seen. The music is on point. The low key acting is a vibe. I just adore this film. 10/10, highly recommend.
TW: gore, blood
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1. The Platform (2019)
A man wakes up in a prison that is an indescribable liminal pit where there are a seemingly never-ending number of levels. A platform full of food is lowered through each level once a day, and everyone on the lower levels must fight to survive. This film is just so utterly anticapitalist and gorgeous that I can't help but sing its praises. I think everyone should watch this movie at least once. It is horrifying yet eye-opening. Certainly one of my favorite films of all time.
TW: gore, violence, blood
Thank you for reading my list! Like I said, I wanted to make a list like this because I couldn't find one when I went looking. I hope you found something to add to your watchlist! I tried to include some of the big TWs for these movies, but they're far from complete lists. So please check websites like doesthedogdie.com for more complete TW lists if you have any concerns. Make decisions that are right for you. Thanks again, and have a happy and safe new year! xx
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imagination-mess · 8 months
I love theses headcanons about Demon!Deku, I recently finished an anime called "Kinsou No Vermeil", if I could give you an idea based on what I saw, (You had mentioned something that he could breed any humans) an idea got out of me about what happens if Demon!Deku runs out of Familiar energy as a demon and because to a rumor from the Academy, about the power of the soul can increase through affection/physical contact? (I recommend you to watch the mentioned serie, maybe it can give you an idea of ​​how things are going, it's very lascivious but it has funny moments xD)
I believe you are referring to this post by @viburnt with mentions of breeding. I watched a few clips of the anime. I wasn't sure how you wanted it to go. I can do another version of Demon! Izuku dating his witch and more details of that relationship of that nature. Here are my headcanons. I hope you like them.
WC: 700+
Warnings: Implied Sexual Activities
Demon! Izuku
He kept hearing these rumors going around campus. It is combined with the rumors of witches sleeping with their familiars or others' familiars. There are love affairs going on secretly.
He was curious about it, as much as he wanted to trust his friends. He has his doubts about it, to the point that he went to the library to reread the books on demon physiology, etc. It was softly implied but never brought up again. He knows it is possible for either demons or witches to give their power permanently, but at the cost of their souls. It kills the user who is giving their soul to the other.
He wanted to bring up this rumor to you, but he wanted to see if he could get an answer from books, and he didn’t want to ask around. If it was basic knowledge, he already knows he is late to find out these relate to being a demon and much more.
He knows you won’t judge him, despite being so patient with him. He has asked you numerous questions over time, and you have answered each one to the best of your ability. You would go out of your way to find out if you didn’t know the answer, which he appreciates.
It took awhile for you to answer him, "Yes, those rumors are true. There are a few demons around who actually need it in order to survive, such as Dabi. He has a special case for it. It is necessary for him."
You took the time to explain it to him for those who truly need it, like special cases such as Dabi; the others who don’t really need it just do it out of pleasure or intimacy. It won't cost their soul, but more of their aura's raw power. There is a technique that transfers the soul and power to whomever, at the cost of the user. You could already feel the question that was written all over his face. ‘Why haven’t I gotten that from you’
“Before you think negatively, I never offered it to you because your powers were latent. I didn’t want to suddenly trigger them when your body wouldn’t be able to handle it. It can be beneficial, but it can go wrong super fast if not done correctly."
Later on, he went around, asking his friends who had done it to explain to him how to do it correctly. That’s when he found out that it could be both ways. A witch can take or give energy from their familiar. The familiar can give or take energy from their witch.
When he worked up the courage to ask you if you could do it with him, you started off with the simplest affection, such as a hug. He already knew what to expect but didn’t expect that. You just laughed at him because his eyes were wide open. The energy he didn’t have for the past couple days was suddenly there. It was small, but noticeable.
When you move to kiss his freckled cheek, the energy starts to increase a bit more. It felt extremely nice. It felt cool, but it also had a warm sensation. It was as if he was dehydrated and was now getting the hydration he needed. You were putting more kisses on his skin, transmitting more energy to him, and keeping an eye on his expression to make sure everything was okay. He hugged you with a tighter grip subconsciously.
When it was his turn to try and practice with you, he was anxious. He was never taught to transfer energy, so he is learning, and you were his guinea pig. He is a quick learner. He was trying to follow your lead and going off his friend's advice. It was a lot of trial and error. Either he put too much at once or too little to none.
It became a weekly occurrence. He wanted to learn how to do it for emergencies.
Ever since, you have been openly affectionate with him outside of transferring energy. He also became affectionate with you.
Does he want to kiss you on the lips? Of course, he does.
He also knows there is a chance of you finding someone romantically involved. It is very painful to think about, since he has already earned feelings for you for a while. He would rather not cross that line because he thought of someone touching your lips if it wasn’t his once he got a taste of it. It wouldn't go well.
Now he understands why familiars fall in love with their witches at some point in their lifetime. It's evitable.
Demon Izuku (Three Parts)
Demon Katsuki (Three Parts)
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dc-marvel-crossovers · 5 months
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The DC/Marvel Crossover server is proud to present our summer Pool Noodle Party! Celebrating the rarest crossover pairs, both platonic and romantic. Courtesy of this post about ships that are too small to count as ships:
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For our purposes, a “pool noodle” is a relationship tag that comes up with less than 30 hits on Ao3. Platonic (&) relationships count! Any and all crossover pairings with under 30 existing fics are welcome.
We have six themes. Each theme will have a week for posting creations and a week for celebrating — giving feedback and leaving comments. We’ll share everything that was created the previous week and try to spread the love, but also post rec lists of our favorite older fics that fit the theme.
For anybody who's interested in creating fanworks for existing fic, we'll be posting a list (soon) of fics whose authors have given permission for podfic, moodboards, art, and playlists inspired by their work!
Themes are relatively loose, so your ship might fit multiple themes — that’s fine! Entirely up to you when you post.
Check out the prompt lists! Keep in mind that fics do not have to fit a particular prompt, only the general theme for the week they're posted. These are just for inspiration.
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Hackers, Paleolithic weapons, interplanetary romance, etc.
Robin Hood AU 
Mia Dearden & Kate Bishop
Eddie and Venom work at the Daily Planet 
Tony and Roy in rehab
Venom finds a new host 
Kree identity shenanigans
“I’m a doctor, not a _” 
Oracle & Jarvis 
Clint and Dick knew each other in the circus 
Starfire meets the Marvels 
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Not necessarily femslash, but woman-centric!
Natasha Romanoff/Talia Al Ghul
Birds of Prey crossover 
Amanda Waller puts together an all-female team 
Captain Britain Peggy Carter
Powerpuff Girls AU 
Diana Prince in SHIELD 
Selina Kyle as a Widow  
Coulson recruits Cassandra Cain
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Blorbos who have been resurrected, who live in Daredevil territory, who deal with demonic shit, etc.
Lazarus Pit side effects
"I think they came back wrong."
Dumpster bros 
Buffy crossover 
Nelson & Murdock in Gotham
Orpheus and Eurydice retelling
Angels and demons AU 
Clint Barton/John Constantine 
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-powers, -heroes, -villains, -boys, -girls, and/or -soldiers!
Conner Kent gets adopted 
Powers/serum are sexually transmitted 
Loki joins the Legion of Doom
“Wait, I have powers in this universe?” 
Power swap 
Kryptonian biology quirks
Marvel character gets a Lantern ring
Supernatural crossover
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Murder as a love language, or at least as a career.
John Wick AU 
Ronin!Clint / RedHood!Jason 
Outlaws team-up 
Gun/knife play 
Wade & Slade Wilson are related 
Marvel character trains Jason during Lost Days
Someone kills the Joker
The other Winter Soldier
Frank adopts Jason
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Alternately, found family! Anything to do with relationships involving more than one person.
Band AU 
Team as family (or team as relationship)
Werewolf AU   
Biker gang AU 
“God help us if they ever join forces.” 
Teen Titans meet the Young Avengers 
Accidental alien planet multi-marriage
"Everybody lives in Clint's apartment building" civilian AU
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fitsofgloom · 1 month
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'Cause I Love You So, Demon Lover: The wicked transformations of "My Demon Lover." I saw this as a kid and caught up again with it recently, surprised to find that I liked it even more, its undercurrent of a possibly sexually-transmitted "curse" in 1980s Fear City opening up a whole new reading of the film for me. The various demon prosthetic designs by John Caglione, Jr. are also very impressive. There's enough here for five or six episodes of the anthology series "Monsters" that aired at the same time that this played theaters and VHS. Clive Barker's "Nightbreed" would be produced three years later, and I dare say that any or even all of these configurations would've been right at home in Midian.
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Seven '7ven' Blackwood McKinney
Voice Claim: (Jacob Elordi) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2r7wV5C9sg&ab_channel=WMagazine
Partner(s): None. Parents: Adrian Blackwood & Raven McKinney. Kids: Technically he has a bunch, but the only ones he really relates to is Sky & Imogen. Age: Immortal, but translates to mid-late 20's Birthday: 7th of January. Height: 185cm (6ft) Body type: Skinny, but with some muscle tone.     Eye color: Light blue-gray, with a tiny bit of brown around the iris. Classification: (Immortal) Demon. Known powers: Possession, shape shifting, Invisibility, healing by touch. Non-Corporeal Form/Ghostly form (being able to appear as a ghost) Evasion (The user can’t be tracked down, all the traces of their passing disappear or are ignored: fallen hair, blood, skin particles, etc. will dissipate into dust and no scent is given off, unless he wishes to. Telepaths find it extremely hard to find the Evader’s brainwaves.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.)
About: ~ Melancholic, Restless, Brooding, Lazy, Sarcastic, Emotional, Irresponsible, Anti-Social, Distracted, Imaginative, Observant, Reflective, Fearless, Honest, Reckless, Strange, Clumsy, Stubborn, Disorganized, And Mischievous. ~ Has big hands for his body ~ Sexuality Omnisexual (Attracted equally to all human beings (men, women, transexuals, etc.) … A person who can be sexually attracted to anyone and anything, from men/women/everything in … and also non-human animals and inanimate objects) ~ Has thick black hair ~ Has a few black tattoos on various body parts, also two fairly hidden. ~ Half Irish. ~ Has a bit of a British accent. ~ Can Shapeshift to a black fox. ~ Very Anti-Social, doesn't like meeting new people. ~ Does a lot of drugs. ~ Parties a lot. ~ People often call him grumpy, but he really isn't, he's just often stuck in his own world, and quite brooding. ~ Smells like Opium. ~ Dislikes modern pop music. ~ Terrible cook. ~ Likes to hang out with two of his sisters, the rest of his rather large sibling flock he barely stays in contact with. ~ Has an okay relationship to both his parents on the other hand. ~ Doesn't talk much. ~ Loves to stay at home, listening to loud music, not talking to anyone for days. ~ Sleeps a lot. ~ Plays a lot of video games, suck at it. ~ Has a scar on his lip, he got beaten up when he was a very young kid, by some bully, who lived to regret it. ~ Has several piercings in his ears. ~ Very much a rebel. Doesn’t like authorities. ~ Feels everything quite intense. ~ Loves night time, the moon, drugs, pancakes, black eyeshadow, kittens, being left alone, fluffy pillows, sleeping, pizza, minty food, strawberry marshmallows, cold mornings, Synth wave, fog and rain. ~ Always wears some sort of baggy clothes. ~ Really hard to read. Seven's tag Seven's house/home Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One song to describe him: Labyrinth - Still Don't Know My name
Personal play list: 1. Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit 2. Cream - White Room 3. Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now 4. The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Suppose They Give A War And No One Comes 5. Bronski Beat - Small Town Boy 6. MGMT - Little Dark Age 7. The Cure - Just Like Heaven 8. David Bowie - Ashes To Ashes 9. The Doors - End Of The Night 10. Tame Impala - New Person Same Old Mistakes 11. Pixies - Where Is My Mind 12. Kavinsky - Nightcall 13. Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart 14. The Cure - A Forest 15. Duran Duran - Save A Prayer
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deusexlachina · 3 months
Wannabe Warden Part 4 (Anders, Fenris and Isabela): Make good impressions by setting half my friends on fire
In which I exploit my police connections to safely recruit fugitives so I can get strong enough to convince a Grey Warden to come out of a retirement he wasn't allowed to have in the first place.
With Other Aveline in charge of the police and in my pocket, she gives me a bag of money and looks the other way to the numerous very illegal things I am about to do, all to get the muscle needed to get into the Deep Roads and become a Grey Warden. I take the money and tell her I look forward to working with her.
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I use the money to pay a visit to Xenon the Antiquarian, an apostate with eternal life but without eternal youth, so unfortunately he cannot help me in my quest. At least, he can't accompany me. In fact, he helps me tremendously. In exchange for Other Aveline's "thank you money" to fund anti-aging research so he can not be a husk, he sells me the Anderfels Cleaver, an axe that deals fire damage. I don't mean it has some bonus fire damage. I mean all of its damage is fire. That means it's not affected by armour. Conventional defences mean nothing to the Anderfels Cleaver. Best of all, mabari are immune to fire, so me and my obscenely large hurtbox can safely swing away without killing my own dog. (Nightmare Ultra mostly doesn't have friendly fire, except for allies - only your squad is safe!).
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I hear my mom's family home is now a front for Tevinter slavers, so I serve them an eviction notice in the form of the Anderfels Cleaver. Slavers are not immune to fire - in fact, they take extra damage, I guess because racist people can go burn in hell. All their heavy armour just serves as a shell to cook them in. Having cleared the slavers out of the family home, I scrounge up every penny, getting over 7 gold - a 140% return on the axe. This makes the Anderfels Cleaver a sounder investment than venturing into monster-infested tunnels and hoping to find treasure instead of monsters and diseases. But I'm not in this for the treasure. I'm in this to become a Grey Warden.
I invest the new gold into Maker's Sighs, a potion that resets all a character's skill choices so you can give them good ones instead of the literal garbage they were saddled with by default. I ditch Pommel Strike to get Cleave, a balanced skill that nearly doubles your damage for ten seconds on a twenty-five second cooldown. Bethany becomes a deadly ice mage. Other Aveline gets sick of tanking for me and goes offence by jumping on the Cleave bandwagon. Varric learns how to hit things when he shoots. My squad is an efficient fighting force, armed to the teeth and with Antivan Crow-level tactics. Unfortunately for Anders, he isn't part of my squad yet, so he hasn't learned to STAY OUT OF THE WAY OF THE MAGIC AXE THAT SETS PEOPLE ON FIRE. Anders Cannot Die Here because he is animated by a demonic version of Justice, which is good because otherwise I would have burnt him to a crisp several times over.
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Anders' boyfriend, Karl, was already made Tranquil, which is like a whimsical equivalent of the lobotomy. Anders' possession by Justice temporarily unlobotomizes Karl, suggesting that there may be a cure for Tranquility. However, Anders unilaterally decides that There Is No Choice But To Kill Him, and Karl agrees, because being Tranquil falls in that Thedas euthanasia threshold between a stomachache and immediate death.
After this harrowing ideal, I flirt with Anders, hoping that being a Grey Warden can be transmitted sexually. He's impressed that I'm brave enough to flirt with a demon-possessed mage who just killed his last partner.
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Unfortunately, he's not impressed enough to immediately induct me into the Grey Wardens, not least because he quit being a Grey Warden after they made him give up his cat.
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To be clear, you're not allowed to quit being a Grey Warden. You're so not allowed to quit that Duncan stabbed a guy to death when he backed out in the initiation. This doesn't stop Anders from quitting, just as it doesn't stop Alistair from quitting if you hire Loghain, who doesn't attempt to quit the Grey Wardens despite his being recruited at least partly out of sheer spite for previously trying to kill them all.
In any case, Salrokka! Anders is back in the game. And with a Grey Warden in the party, replacing currently-weak Varric, things are starting to go in our favour. I help Fenris, a fugitive from Tevinter who was enslaved until sometime after his master infused his skin with powerful lyrium enchantments that make him a living superweapon who is especially resistant to magic, because sensible people don't own slaves in the first place. To put it mildly, Fenris has had a hard life, so I give him some shiny dark armour like he has in Blue Wraith. It's the least I could do.
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With my help, and with Guard-Captain Other Aveline pointedly looking away, Fenris storms his old master's house to try and kill him. Unfortunately, instead of metaphorical monsters, all we find is literal monsters, who are not as cathartic to skewer. Because Fenris joined my squad, he is coordinated enough to stay out of the way of the friend-slaying Anderfels Cleaver. He is KO'd anyway because there's an Arcane Horror, but I save the day.
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With Fenris, my squad is even stronger. I meet Isabela, who, just as she did years ago, single-handedly defeats several armed men in a cutscene. This is a nod to how overpowered she is. Trained properly, she's extremely deadly but also difficult to hit. Just like Good Queen Morwen.
Isabela has more mods than any other companion, but in accordance with Sturgeon's Law most of them are for making her white, because they were made by the real-life equivalent of Tevinter. Fortunately, you don't mind digging for treasure through piles of literal garbage like Hawke & Friends, you can find some neat stuff for Bela. One of my personal favourite looks is a combo that makes her heavier and armoured instead of her default look with a corset and a buttflap. ("That's just silly," I say, one run after making yet another goth girl PC) I could be sly and argue it's to reflect her amazing potential as a tank, but honestly, I just think this look is rad as hell.
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Isabela is challenged to a duel by another pirate, but she expects him to cheat, so she hires me to protect her. This I sort of do. She is attacked, and I do engage her attackers, but she is not safe at all because I am using the Anderfels cleaver and repeatedly set Isabela on fire, with the Anderfels Cleaver, in the Chantry. I could make some laborious joke about Isabela being hot, or the fires of hell, but this is not a blog that makes cheap jokes. This is the caviar of Dragon Age 2 Let's Plays. You and me, we're refined people, and you deserve better. We don't laugh at cheap puns. We laugh at Isabela getting hit with a flaming axe and set on fire again and again and screaming and still not thinking to move away from the fire.
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Isabela is a jolly good sport about this, perhaps because she lives in a world with powerful healing magic, making full-body burns the equivalent of a sprained ankle. After discreetly leaving the mass grave with a roast pirate aroma the Chantry has become, Anders patches her up and, I assume, gives her a sympathetic "first time?" smile. Who's to say he doesn't? I'm telling this story, and I can embellish as much as I please. I see why Varric does it. It's addictive.
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wuxianxkexing · 1 year
So I have a theory about sex pollen. There's all of these fan fictions about sex pollen and I never thought much of it until I became a fan of Mu Qing. When it comes to fucking or dying I'm pretty sure Mu Qing would rather die than break his cultivation path, just because he's a stubborn brat like that. Plus while I love him I respect his decision to keep his virginity because he really hates to lose. So how could Mu Qing be saved from deadly sex pollen?
Well we know in the real world that any time our bodies are infected with viruses or bacteria that our immune system tries to kill it or get rid of it. Fever, throwing up, feeling dizzy, etc... are all signs of our immune system fighting it. Sex pollen makes you feverish and gives you the almost unresistable urge to mate. Now why would a pollen have this effect on our body? And why is the only known cure to have sex?
Now we could look to the animal kingdom. There are in fact certain species that will go into heat and die if they don't mate. Perhaps the sex pollen reactivates long dormant genes in the human genome, but I do not believe this to be the case because as far as I'm aware only females can die from going into heat without mating. The fact that both males and females can be killed by sex pollen rules this theory out.
Another theory could be that the sperm/vaginal discharge is a cure but I don't think this is the answer. It doesn't seem to matter who you have sex with, you don't have to have sex with the opposite gender and you possess at least one of the two naturally in your own body. It's not like you have to seek out a certain type of person either. Literally anyone will do, unlike with blood donations or fecal transplants were someone has to be specifically selected for the donation based off of criteria.
It also probably isn't the mix of chemicals your brain releases when you have sex either, or else you could masturbate it away but you can't.
However everything in nature/the Supernatural exists for a reason. What is the purpose of a sex pollen ever coming into creation in the first place? Why is it not sexually transmissible? This question is what lead me to my theory. It was created to throw your spiritual energy out of balance and make the host weaker to drain their spiritual power more easily. The pollen itself is very aggressive and fast acting, it will weaken your spiritual power and demons can take your spiritual power like stealing candy from a baby. We don't really know where or how these sex pollen creatures come from so what if after absorbing all of the spiritual power from their victim they just grow from their corpse? That would make sense from a natural perspective since some fungi do the same thing to ants. They'll sprout from the body of their victim and release spores that the wind will carry away so the babies can grow and carry out the rest of their life cycle elsewhere. This would explain the motivation behind attacking humans in the first place. Humans probably have the most spiritual power out of any living creature and they need that spiritual power to procreate.
The cure for it is sex but only because sex is the fastest way to transmit spiritual power. Your body will naturally do whatever it takes to try to fight off invaders, and in this case your body knows that it is in so much trouble that it needs more spiritual power or else it's game over. There are two possibilities here. Either the other person's spiritual power keeps you alive long enough for your own spiritual power to recover after being so badly depleted so you don't die or the other person's spiritual power will help your own spiritual power fight off the sex pollen that it wasn't strong enough to handle on its own or maybe both?
So how could Mu Qing beat this without having sex? Well in the modern world I think a blood transfusion would work (though the amount of blood needed would have to be found out). You are literally putting someone else's spiritual power inside the effected body so it can use the spiritual power immediately. But Mu Qing isn't in the modern world. However a strong and skilled cultivator might be able to do this. Cut a deep wound on their hand and the hand of the effected. While holding hands the cultivator could send every bit of spiritual power they have to spare into the other person. This should in theory give the victim the boost that they need in order to fight off the sex pollen because the skin barrier has been removed and similar to sex the spiritual power is able to immediately go to work since it's inside the body. We have skin to keep things out of our body that aren't supposed to be there so I do not believe that basic touch alone would be enough, especially not for the average person. The spiritual power would decrease too much trying to fight its way inside to help. I do think that you could probably kiss your way out of it too, but because sex pollen causes the body to crave sex because it wants to get rid of the sex pollen ASAP it would be a risky move for Mu Qing because he might end up accidentally having sex and ruining his cultivation. So for Mu Qing the blood route is pretty much the only way to go.
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rockofeye · 24 days
The belief in soul ties and sexually transmitted demons or spirits. Is that a part of the Vodou faith? Assuming it is, my next question is: if someone was intimate with a person with a lot of spiritual power or someone who had a lot of good things in their life, would or could they gain some of that through the act of intimacy?
In cases of rape, would the victim also have to worry about catching something negative spiritually? Could the perpetrator take away blessings from the victim through the act? Thank you for answering my questions.
No, soul ties and sexually transmitted spirits and demons are not a thing in Haitian Vodou. Sex is something that is outside the purview of the lwa and other spirits, as it is not something that would be done as part of any ceremony or devotional practice. Sex and sexual activity is held as a spiritually impure activity, so we don't bring the lwa into that and the lwa wouldn’t show up there.
Power, luck, spiritual talent, and similar are not things folks gain by sexual activity with someone who is blessed in those areas. Those things are not transmissible in those ways, and Western ideas of sex magic don't exist within a Haitian Vodou cultural context.
I find the question about rape to be a bit unsettling, to be quite honest. Under the gaze of Haitian Vodou, no one who is a victim of sexual assault could take on anything spiritual from the rapist, nor could the rapist take anything from them. No lwa would welcome anyone who attempted to take power from another in that way and, to be honest, even the spirits in the rites outside of Ginen have morals...that kind of stuff is a non-starter.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Ok but since Lust demons sleep around all the time how do they not constantly have some kind of STD?
Sexually Transmitted Demons.
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digitalcockroach · 3 months
now im gonna rewatch It Follows for like the 4th time bc here's the thing. i SHOULD like it bc i love the main guy who did the soundtrack and i love what it does with like color design. however every time i havent been able to take it seriously it makes me cringe and eye roll because well you see. it's literally about Sexually Transmitted Demons.
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papirouge · 28 days
I hate it when people make the abstinence discussion a sex education debate. You never made it about sex Ed!!! Some context: I’m waiting for marriage, I’m a virgin, and I actually think we should have really comprehensive sex education. I was very vulnerable to grooming as a teen because I didn’t know what words meant or which actions were sinful outside of standard sex. Fortunately I’m fine but like, it could have been really bad. You can still teach teens about birth control and condoms and other sexual activities and still encourage them to wait, it’s so weird when people on both sides act like you can’t. Tbh, learning about how dangerous sex is for women SHOULD encourage you to wait lol
That's because they CANNOT handle the fact that us choosing is an INFORMED choice and therefore pull out the condescending"ohhh they just don't know" card whenever they hear about abstinence. I got sex ed back in primary school and then middle school and highschool. I think I'm pretty informed about contraceptives (and how none of them is entirely safe which seems to still stun the so call messiah of "sex ed will fix everything").
What they also don't teach you about sex ed is the spiritually transmitted demons, emotional attachment, etc. That's why many the people who started sex early come off (emotionally) washed out and (sexually or emotionally) dependent. Everyday I'm count my blessings of never let myself be touched by a moid.
And I'm so sick of the "abstinence doesn't work" bs. Abstinence DOES work. Not a single person on this planet has a chance to get pregnant if they don't have sex. Mary took that spot. Abstinence "fails" because of people who cannot remain abstinent - therefore the problem doesn't rely on abstinence itself.
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Atlantian Cataclysm, the Dark Age
Approximately 50,000 years ago, the NAA began the genocidal agenda to eradicate Celtic Kings Grail DNA and Melchizedek Christ Teachings from Atlantis, with RH Negative tracking, spreading disinformation, and destroying the records of humanity’s star origin and historical artifacts. See Historical Timeline Trigger Events and Ascension Timeline Rebellion.
During the Atlantian Cataclysm cycle, after they conquered Solar Dragon Queen Merida and stole the 11D Emerald Founder Records that were entrusted in her Guardian protectorate, this was the last stand of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek’s that embodied the Blue Staff of Mu’a. The 11D Arthurian Grail lines are the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines that reside within Ireland and Scotland, which has the highest percentage of people with naturally red hair. Thus, sadly the ongoing covert genocidal agendas to eradicate these lineages that hold the genetic records of the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines have a long history of repeated campaigns known as the Celtic Massacres and Druid sacrifices.
The Dracs went to the Lemurian continent to finish off the genocidal massacres in Kauai some 22,000 years ago, in order to kill off all the remaining tribes of Solar Female Melchizedek’s that were also Mu’a staff holders. This was to prepare for a completely patriarchal society on Earth as run by the invaders which formed into the Atlantian Brotherhood of the Snake containing; Nibiruians, Thothian Leviathans and those connected to the Orion Group who later formed the Luciferian Covenant. This was the final genocide of the matriarchal society lineage of Solar Female Melchizedeks running civilizations on the Earth surface, that was aided by the Annunaki negotiations and agreements, and was the last stage of the Lemurian Holocaust and the end of the Atlantian Golden Age.
After the utter destruction during the Atlantian Cataclysm, the NAA brought in the Moon craft which generated the dreaded lunar female principle, enabling the Moon Chain parasitic infiltration with Sexual Misery programming and the rapidly growing satanic force infection that resulted over the next thousands of years. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part through dragging in the Moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation and Mind Control programs on NAA’s Prison Planet. Over generations, this digressed the human female principle through merkaba magnetic spin damage, molecular compaction, and associated reproductive distortions as lunar forces filled up the breath channel, sacral energy center and womb.
Most women on the planet lost control over their conscious choice to have sex, their higher participation in when to reproduce and bear children, and thus became enslaved through the NAA’s assorted Genetic Modifications for Breeding Programs and Alien Hybridization agendas, with their violent rape and misogynistic mindset being instilled into the population. Patriarchal organized religions, spiritual leaders or shamans started to crop up with narratives that women were infiltrated with unclean spirits, menstruation and black holes existing inside their wombs, making them prone to demonic Possession and committing evil deeds. Thus, it was commonly thought that women were not to be trusted, were less than men, committed the original sin by disobeying God, and could not become enlightened or spiritually developed, thus they had to be owned and dominated by male brute strength. The Solar Feminine Melchizedeks who were commonly holding powerful roles supporting their community as legitimate Mother of Dragons and as the High Priestesses intermediating between the earthly kingdoms and Mother- Father God, were targeted for extermination.
Such are the many histories across the globe that ensued with the stories of female witch hunts and erupted hysterias of false accusations made of women supposedly doing the devils work, through which to effectively persecute and kill off the solar female with embodied sophianic wisdom, not unlike the misogynistic targeting that still persists even today.
This twisted NAA misogynistic narrative sourced in regard to this horrible history of lunar infection, of SRA human Blood Sacrifice and Moloch tanks that corrupted the planet, was indeed very damaging to the inner female principle existing within both the male and female biology. It is accurate to say in some cases, that the heavy distortions of human race Miasma and the lunar magnetic spin in the lower section of the female reproductive organs made sacral solarization and lunar Transfiguration of the breath channel much harder to achieve for women, unless they were holding Solar Feminine Melchizedek genetic records within their Lightbody.
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1solone · 3 months
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Here's a different perspective on STDs.
Sexually transmitted demons. If you could see inside someone's soul, you'd be very selective about the partners you choose to engage with intimately. Some describe these energies as demons or evil spirits, while others refer to them as negative or low vibrational energies. Regardless of the protection you use, they will still affect you.
Have you ever felt amazing one day, filled with excitement and love for life, only to feel completely down, depressed, or anxious the next, without understanding why? Sexual intercourse is one of the quickest ways to exchange energies, meaning you could absorb whatever emotional or energetic state the other person is experiencing.
If you could see the demons you're exposing yourself to, would you still sleep with them?
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