#shad minecraft diaries
shad from minecraft diaries is genderfluid (headcanon)
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sleakrl · 3 months
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Shad just wanted to be a father…
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But sometimes we can’t always have what we want.
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xyxofspades · 5 months
Laurence after the portal closed, probably
(Also yeah that's gene but I might change that design)
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dryya-doesnt · 11 days
Death of Shad
Birth of the Shadow Lord
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I hope you know I was looping "What Could Have Been" from the Arcane soundtrack the entirety of the time I was rendering this. haha
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so yeah, have the divine warriors of the second war of the magi!!
more deets n closeups under the cut :3
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aph!! i like to think that although the incarnations of the divine warriors r generally pretty similar, they do have some minor differences. for example, whereas the matron of the first war of the magi (irene) had one of the sets of wings on her head covering her eyes, the matron of the second war (mcd!aphmau) has both of them held back. this is bc whereas irene had lost her humanity (and therefore the ability to connect with mortals), aph hasn't - and, therefore, her eyes are open to the struggles of humanity. additionally, i took a lot of inspiration from honkai impact 3rd for these designs - in aph's case, i was inspired by elysia's herrscher of human: ego battlesuit and how it looks like a wedding dress (which a lot of folks have interpreted as an expression of her love for humanity, which is smth i want to convey w aph).
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i think my favourite part of aaron's destroyer form is his seal (the thingy behind his head like a halo). i wanted to rlly play into the whole destroyer/devourer aspect of his abilities and domains, and i thought a black hole would fit perfectly! it also sort of (unintentionally) plays into how i see the dynamic between the matron and the destroyer and how they're both mirrors of each other; whereas the destroyer, well, destroys (and his black hole devours everything in sight), the matron creates and nurtures (seen in how aph's seal is almost like a white hole). i also wanted his armour to look a lot like the armour that shadow knights wear, albeit without all the spikes and spines and whatnot given that he isn't a shadow knight himself (shad's destroyer form from the first war probably looks a lot more similar to traditional shadow knight armour).
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i'm lowkey suuper proud of how travis's keeper form turned out (even if i had to go back right at the end n fix it bc i forgot to add his tail 😭). i wanted this form to sort of be a mix between a high mage and a rogue: whereas the keeper embodies knowledge and magick, travis himself is a prankster who relies on cunning and trickery to gain the upper hand on his opponents. as a result, he's the only one who doesn't automatically manifest a weapon when he shifts into this form - instead, i feel like he chooses to rely more on magicks and witchcraft during combat.
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katelyn's design was lowkey the hardest to pin down. originally, i wanted to go for something that was suuuper inspired by roman armour and had a copper and teal/turquoise colour scheme, but it wound up feeling too magical girl-ish and i scrapped it. i've retained the roman inspirations, but i headcanon that her flames are so hot they burn blue, so i settled on a blue-and-white colour scheme w some purple elements. i think my favourite part is her gauntlets! i feel like she uses them as an extension of herself/another pair of hands to punch with. the blue elements also lean into menphia's association with the moon - in ashes, ashes, tu'la is based on the roman empire and, as a result, is where werewolves originate from, and with werewolves having such close ties to the moon.... yeah. i'll probably do a post on tu'la later on at some point.
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my blorbo
garroth's design is probably the one that's changed the least, but i'll still need to update his ref sheet anyway. i don't know if i conveyed it very well but the sort-of wing-things on his back are slabs of earth that can be shaped into a shield - originally i had him holding a shield but i wanted him to look a bit more divine warrior-ish so i retooled his design.
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the boy! i was tossing up between having vylad or dante fill the role of the wanderer, but i settled on dante as i feel like vylad fits better as a sort of weird guide sort of figure within the narrative. plus, i have a real soft spot for dante and wanted him to remain in the limelight a little bit - i love his dynamic with garroth and laurance and i wanted to explore that further. i sort of wanted to play into his whole red-and-blue colour scheme that we see in canon diaries, but bc kul'zak is a nature deity (specifically of the wilderness), i wanted to incorporate some greenery into his design. i hope i've done an okay-ish job here - overall i'm pretty happy tho, but i can't promise that there won't be any tweaks in the future.
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this is a redhead laurance propaganda spreading blog and i Refuse to apologise for it. i'd like to think that laurance's original colour scheme is similar to his justiciar form - lots of beautiful reds and golds and oranges to match the flames of his father's forge - but after he comes back from the nether with a Severe fear of fire he switches to the greens and browns that he's known for in canon. eventually he slowly begins to reclaim his fire and returns to the golds and oranges that he's introduced with (haha colour symbolism go brrrrrr).
but yeah. the special interest is special interesting. let me know if u have any questions!
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shadowqnights · 1 month
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PART ONE of a MCD headshot page collection - DIVINE WARRIORS & CO., AND MAIN CAST. for rewrite reference and also enjoyment :3
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goat-guy-tm · 3 months
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Wowie those Divine Warriors are pretty cool. Hope nothing bad happens to them-
Would you believe me if I told you I didn't touch this for months and then finished it in one go pulling an all nighter.
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aarmaudiaries · 5 months
it’s giving i think i’ve seen this film before and i didn’t like the ending vibes 😭😭😭
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stellisketches · 3 months
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The Destroyer
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darlinglledawn · 3 months
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i made them into keychains!!!
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I had more but I ran out of resin so I couldn’t do all of them.. these aren’t for sale btw I just thought it would be nice to make them for vidcon today :3
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relicuser · 1 month
As much as I enjoy the lore the later seasons of mystreet provide, I would have much rather Shad be the antagonist that came back, rather than Michael. I already feel like Shad is a way more interesting character (Having a fairly good reason why he is the way that he is.) and with his return, you could have access to the shadow knights, easily one of the coolest parts of MCD.
You don’t even have to use the same characters you used as Shadow knights in MCD. Like for example, what if Gene accidentally got Dante killed somehow and he came back as a shadow knight. That could be a really cool parallel to what happened in MCD.
Or maybe some of the immortal shadow knights could be brought to mystreet, like Vincent, and try to aid Aphmau and friends to defeat Shad.
You could also use this as a way to tell the audience what happened to Shads character and more of his backstory and motivations (considering that MCD s3 was cut short.)
There are so many ways you could take it, and I have so many ideas, I might make this it’s own au or something.
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mcdgarroth · 7 months
If Minecraft Diaries had Twitter
Part 8
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Part 1 Part 7 Part 9
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dryya-doesnt · 13 days
"We all want happy memories, Irene. But some of us are cursed to never have them."
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"You are a monster."
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"So says the Matron Irene."
Errr so how's life everyone I just really wanted to draw out this idea that I had pairing the emerald secret one :D
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divine warriors loredump!
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so yeah, the divine warriors! admittedly, i'm fascinated by them - i rlly rlly wish that we'd gotten to see more of them + their powers/domains/abilities in mcd, especially considering that they're a driving force behind the plot. so, i've gone ahead and done some redesigns for the sigils (above) and expanded on the domains and abilities of the divine warriors within the context of ashes, ashes.
more under the cut!
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irene retains her matron title. for her domains, i rlly wanted to lean into her being a deity of life and family; as such, her official domains are  life, light, healing, childbirth and parenthood, fertility, marriage, tradition, beauty, and romantic/familial/platonic love. menphia also has domains over aspects of love (namely over sexual/carnal/manic love), but i wanted them to sort of have an aphrodite ourania (irene) and aphrodite pandemos (menphia) sort of vibe. in terms of the abilites that her relic gives its wielders, its a lot of what's seen in canon mcd: lots of healing and light abilities, but also some dimensional manipulation and time manipulation stuff thrown in there for the shits and giggles.
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for shad, i rlly wanted to play into him being both a mirror and a foil for irene. where irene creates, he destroys; where irene brings life, he brings death. his official domains are that of death, darkness, chaos, the afterlife, change, rot and decay, the Nether, bloodshed, and madness. although he's also a war deity like menphia (and, to an extent, esmund and xavier), he's mostly associated with the worst bits of battle - the blood, the rot, the awful awful deaths, that sort of thing. his relic grants its wielders a lot of destruction-associated powers like disintegration and rot/plague/death stuff, but also some shadow and blood manipulation as well.
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like a lot of other folks, i felt like enki was the best fit for a knowledge deity. he looks after scholars, librarians, witches, and inventors; officially, his domains are those of knowledge, air, magick, prophecy, the weather, winter, reason, and lightning. from here, you'll start to see pretty much all the warriors having some sort of like. elemental association? is the best way i can put it. i've sort of based it off of the minor arcana of the tarot; the suit of swords, which is associated with air, is the suit of knowledge and the mental realm, which i thought was fitting for enki. enki is also one of the four seasonal divine warriors (the others being esmund, menphia, and kul'zak); he gets winter, mostly because of his centre of worship being in gal'ruk. wielders of his relic get air and weather manipulation powers, as well as powers related to memory and access to witchcraft (if they aren't witches already). they also gain clairvoyance.
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esmund! again with the tarot symbolism; esmund is associated with the element of earth and the physical world, hence the mountain in his sigil. his domains are those of protection, earth, wealth, autumn, boundaries, earthquakes, guardhood, and the harvest. the domain over the harvest might seem a little left field but it makes sense i promise! i sort of saw esmund's association with the harvest not only being because of him being an earth deity, but also because i feel like being able to provide is a form of protection, and given the setting of mcd, i feel like being able to provide a good harvest is a part of that. this is also why he is associated with autumn. regarding the abilities that his relic provides, there's a lot of earth manipulation and barrier/force field creation stuff in there; his relic wielders are also freakishly stronger and more durable than those who wield other relics, sort of playing into esmund himself being a tank.
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i changed menphia's title to 'the conqueror' because i thought it'd be a bit more fitting for her, especially considering how i'm working tu'la in ashes, ashes (more on that later). i also changed her colour scheme to more of a blue/copper theme despite her being a fire goddess - i thought it was neat, considering that blue flames are those that burn the hottest. her domains are those of warfare (the glorious bits), fire, soldiers, political power, summer, passion and courage, festivals and celebrations, and sexual/carnal/manic love. i'm still not suuuper sure on the abilities that her relic gives its wielders, but there's definitely some pyrokinesis and emotion/heat manipulation, along with some combat-specific foresight in there. i'm open to suggestions!
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nothing much really changes regarding kul'zak. he's a nature deity and watches over journeymen and particularly sailors, given that he's a water/ocean deity; he's often worshipped by pirates. officially, his domains are travellers, water, animals, the wilderness, the cardinal directions and navigation, hunting, and spring. i really wanted to lean into him being a man of the wilderness and not really having a home in urban environments. as such, his relic grants its wielders a lot of wilderness-based abilities, like shapeshifting, water and plant manipulation, and camouflage, with a bit of teleportation in there for all your wandering needs.
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xavier is probably the divine warrior that i've changed the most. first off, he becomes a divine warrior in ashes, ashes where he isn't in canon mcd. i also really wanted to lean into him being the founder of the jury of nine, hence his title - the justiciar. he's associated with the domains of guardhood (along with esmund), loyalty, metal and metalworkers, justice, balance and order, peace, brotherhood, devotion, and artisans. where esmund looks after the more physical side of being a guard (being your lord's shield and spear, aka the protection side of things), xavier looks after the more emotional side of being a guard - the devotion to your lord and the comradery that you share with your fellows. his relic's abilities capitalise on that, with its wielders being able to both amplify and nullify the magick of the people they're fighting alongside/against. there's also a bit of metal manipulation and a lot of supportive magick in there too.
and, as a fun little tidbit - a lineup of the divine warriors! (the layout is inspired by @star-boi0720 - the way you lay out your drawings like this is mint as 🤩)
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i'm still not suuuper happy w kul'zak or irene's designs but i'll get there in the end i guess :)
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lucindasthighs · 7 months
Honestly the greatest tragedy for me from season 3 of mcd being canceled was not getting to see the rest of the shadow knight rebellion storyline.
Laurance, after seemingly resigning himself to his nature at the end of s2, is back swinging and with a whole group behind him. It only makes sense; he was Head Guard of Meteli after all.
Zenix has shakily settled himself into a role of right-hand man and has reigned himself in compared to when we last heard of him.
How did Zenix meet Laurance? Does he know who is? What he meant to the man who basically raised him? Does Laurance know what Zenix meant to his brother in arms?
Did Laurance ever wonder about Aphmau's unborn child? Did he ridicule himself for "pretending" to care after lashing out at her? Does he see the blazing fire and think of his beloved sister's hair?
What kind of Shadow Knights chose to stand behind them? What's their game plan in all this- To kill Shad? What happens after, if they can even do it? Have they even thought about it?
So many damn questions and we'll never know. Man 🐴
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