#shaking them around affectionately like little ragdolls
homicidal-slvt · 7 months
"That character wouldn't say that!!!"
That's your opinion. However, I am fueled by the power of delusion and the need to fuck them. I do what I want and you can't stop me.
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colonelarr0w · 3 months
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Sypnosis - Read above request.
Warning(s) - This is, again, just straight fucking smut.
Note - Anon. You are so real for this.
Read the Soft Dom version here!
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!Aggressive Dom Gojo who seems to be a completely different person the moment that your bedroom door is shut. Calloused hands roam your body, fingers pinching almost meanly at your curves. In that moment, as his lips attack your own in a flurry of hungry kisses that leave you flustered and completely breathless.  
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who lifts you by your hips and all but throws you onto the sheets like a ragdoll — one shaped purely for his own pleasure. You could tell by the rapid rising and falling of his chest that you would likely not leave that bed for hours, not until Gojo was done with you of course.  
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who is just downright mean to you. His usually featherlight and affectionate kisses to your neck are replaced by rough suckling and bites that no doubt leave behind marks for you to find in the morning. Your little gasps and pants are caught quickly by Gojo’s lips, delivering yet another hungry kiss that has your head positively spinning. 
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who continues to leave bruises and bite marks against your skin as his lips trail downward, taking one of your tits into his mouth and swirling his tongue over your already hardened nipple. He sinks his teeth into the plush skin, lifting his head upward and smirking at the shocked moan that you let out, back arching off of the sheets.  
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who helps you shimmy out of your pants before running a thin finger over your clothed pussy, swirling the tip of his index finger over your clit and smirking to himself at the little jolts of your body — back lifting off of the bed with each little touch. He turns his wrist, thumb pressing against your clit and rubbing quickened circles against it, smirking at the desperate pants and whines that fall from your parted lips.  
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who only removes your panties when you’re a whining, drooling mess. A thin line of your own saliva is trickling down from the corner of your mouth, soft pants falling from your lips as you peer down at Gojo through lust-blown eyes. He stares back at you, mentally committing the sight to memory and smirking again, pressing his palm flat against your still-clothed pussy — that earns him another desperate little “Satoru!” 
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who finally…finally licks a stripe up your pussy, deciding to tease even further and avoid your clit. He’ll focus on swirling the tip of his tongue over your entrance, smirking as you whine and attempt to buck your hips up to get some kind of friction against the neglected bundle of nerves. He only wraps an arm over your hips, pushing you back down onto the bed and clicking his tongue at you. 
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who then eats you out with a hunger that — while not unusual — still felt just downright mean. His tongue bullies both your clit and your entrance, alternating between the two just when he feels your legs begin to shake against his head, thighs clamping around his ears as you try to push him away. But you don't win, and you won't ever win...not tonight anyway.  
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who continues to eat you out even as your fingers try to push him away and as desperate pleas of "too much" and "too sensitive" fall from your parted lips. Instead of listening to your pleas like he would any other night, Gojo only presses his palms against your legs, parting them further to allow himself better access to you, suckling on your clit and smirking at the way that your head falls back against the pillows.  
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who straight bullies your cunt once he bottoms out in you, hands gripping at your hips and no doubt leaving behind bruises for him to admire in the morning. His hips snap into your own, setting the rough pace and not letting up for even a single second – not that you mind, honestly.  
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who covers your mouth with his palm, silencing your moans and continuing to thrust into you at an unrelenting pace, his hips slapping against yours. Your back arches impossibly further off of the bed, body spasming as that familiar knot in your stomach begins to coil tighter and tighter.  
!Aggressive Dom Gojo who fucks you through your orgasm, reaching a hand down to rub your clit in quickened circles. His head bends down to whisper dirty nothings into your ears, referring to you as "his good girl" as your body continues to spasm with the shocks of your orgasm. Internally, he debates on continuing, bordering on overstimulating you but deciding against it as your moans morph into pathetic little whines – perhaps another time.  
We <3 any and all forms of Gojo in this house.  
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zoros-bandana · 2 years
hello!! ₍₍ ◝( ゚∀ ゚ )◟ ⁾⁾
How are you writer-sama?? (or do you prefer chan?)
I have a request for u! (ノ0)ノ💌
How do you think this introverts: Zoro, Law and Ace (kinda introv?) Would act with their s/o once they're "comfortable enough" with them? cuz I feel like their s/o would have some kind of "privileges" (?) and a somehow "different treatment"?? if you know what I mean (◕દ◕)
bc i think that at a certain point of the relationship they will already know and have already seen all of their different sides and aspects and so they accept them wholely (is that a word?) 😔 so they naturally feel more at ease and kind of lower more their defensive side with them.. 🥺
I hope it's clear 😭 and of course if you want to do it love! It can be a headcanon maybe?and preferably a fem!reader?
Sending love~💚
BYE BYE !! ⋋✿ ⁰ 0 ⁰ ✿⋌
Hello my darling-sama!!! I have been okay; I hope you are doing well and are staying safe. Sending my love to you 
I love this request sm I fricken love my boys <3
Introvert Relationship Headcanons
(Ft. Zoro, Law, and Ace)
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When he is first dating his S/o he is very blushy and nervous to be around them especially when it’s official and everyone knows about them. Isn’t quite used to showing or receiving affection so is a bit of a mess
Takes a while to be open with his S/o and not be so on guard all the time 
After becoming more comfortable with the idea that his s/o is actually his own, he will warm up and actually open up to them
Pre time skip he is happy to openly show small moments of affection such as letting his S/o have their hand on him while guiding him around or leaning in close and chatting to them with a big goofy smile on his face 
After the time skip he is much more stoic and serious than he used to be but when he is alone with his S/o he reverts back to his old goofy and funny self 
When he is alone with them it feels like a massive weight is off his shoulders and is able to relax 
He is very smiley and laughs/jokes with them - lets a really loud and body shaking laugh out like he used to
Secretly thrives on a mutual connection and communication - opens up a lot with his partner and wishes them to always discuss how they’re feeling so he can improve himself (his version of training his relationship)
Isn’t too affectionate but does like when his partner lies on his shoulder/lap or cuddles up to him
His love language is quality time
Drags his S/o everywhere with him like a little ragdoll that he can toss over his shoulder if they’re resisting
Will always make sure his partner is fast asleep before he is able to relax and sleep himself - this is the only time he is affectionate and allows his partner to sleep in his arms and snuggle into him
Is a lot more vulnerable and isn’t afraid to be “soft” (much like the simpy chef)
Always looking for his S/o and notices when something is wrong or they’re missing - which is huge for this airhead
In saying this, he will listen to them with direction and always knows where he is going if it includes his s/o (if he is with them or needs to get to them)
His S/o is the only person who he trusts to hold or handle his swords when he needs help or assistance in cleaning
His S/o is the only person who can make him smile easy. He just melts away the stubbornness around his S/o which baffles the rest of the crew as they’ve never seen him so happy before
Will give up training or napping to make his s/o happy - will stop everything to give them all his attention
Will only bathe if his s/o tells him to due to his bad stench (protests only if they join him)
His S/o will have to say “I love you” first unless Zoro is very drunk or very sleepy 
Won’t initiate the idea of dating unless either drunk or in a very cocky mood 
Once in the dating period though he will be more willing to be more involved in conversing that would otherwise be very unlike him with someone he didn’t know well
Looks like he isn’t listening to them but is always taking in what they say and remembers every little detail
Much like Zoro he will take a while to warm up to the idea of being a couple 
Once he is comfortable with it though he opens up to more of the affectionate side firstly 
Since he is always studying he enjoys having his S/o draped in his lap mindlessly chatting or napping 
Will always have one hand on his book and another on his partner either stroking their hair or showing some form of physical affection 
Even when comfortable he isn’t as talkative as Zoro or Ace are; is more of the silent type no matter who he is with
Although when he does talk with his S/o he is less resentful of over sharing or coming across as weak as talking to anyone else
His love language is quality time and acts of service
Since he is always busy sometimes he forgets to look after himself so the idea of his S/o bringing him onigiri or a blanket during the night melts him deep down
Will always return the favour - give his s/o his jacket when they’re cold, shares food with them, prioritises their health even if it is something minor
Is more smiley with his S/o but only does this privately behind closed doors - doesn’t want any else to see him “vulnerable”
Smiles at them when they laugh or talk about something they like or make some comment or joke
When his s/o is asleep he is very much into giving them a lot of affection - lots of nose and forehead kisses/back rubs/hair petting
Is a lot more cocky and makes smart ass comments around them to fluster or annoy them (a lot of dirty comments or jokes whispered to them in public)
Is probably into saying mean things jokingly (like “you’re such a pain”) but if anyone else said it about his S/o he won’t hesitate to cut into them (literally)
Acts tough but if his S/o asks him of anything it doesn’t take a lot of persuasion for him to say yes
Will be a lot more hesitant to say “I love you” so his S/o will probably be the first to say it - he will only really reciprocate with blushing or mumbling it back or if they’re asleep
Builds his relationship on trust with his S/o and will never hover over them 
Always encouraged them to speak up about their issues so he can guide them both to fix them
He acts so cocky around everyone else and maybe even still when he’s out with his S/o but once they’re alone he is all mush around them
He won’t need as much time as Zoro or Law to be open with his S/o as even before they’re a thing he will chat away to them almost as if he’s known them his whole life
Lots and lots of pet names that will range from very sweet and cheesy, inside jokes to even the most bizarre words he can string together
“Babe”/“baby”/“my love”/“princess”/“bubba”/“angel”/“my little soggy cereal“/“my lump of wet dirt”
Cannot physically keep his hands to himself - will always have his hands somewhere on his S/o’s body - hand around their shoulder/cuddling them close/hands under their shirt/having them sit in his lap/playing with their hair/holding their hand
Is very soft and “sub” a lot of the time with his words and actions - will literally do anything to please his partner and treat them with every inch of love in his body 
Always ALWAYS affectionate both in pubic and private
His love langue is physical touch, quality time and giving gifts 
His S/o will always be gifted with sweet items like flowers or little objects that remind him of them
Is the biggest weakling for kisses - every time they kiss this poor boy his legs will literally give out under him 
Hates to sleep alone and can only sleep with his partner curled up with him - either big or little spoon he doesn’t mind as long as they’re there 
Can and will chat about everything for hours if left to his own accord. And not just little small talk I mean like deep meaningful chats about his life and things he is passionate about and believes in
Will also open up a lot about the grey terminals and his past - even the touchy side with Roger 
Is the first person to say “I love you” in a relationship - will just sort of look over at his partner and admire whatever they’re doing no matter what it is and just smile to himself and say it casually 
From the beginning he will be open with “gross” behaviour as he would only be with someone he truely trusts not to judge - e. g., he doesn’t care if he burps/farts or anything in front of his S/o
Is very defensive of his S/o and will always standup for them even when they’re not around - the crew knows not to mess with them as Ace can get quiet snappy and aggressive when provoked 
A relationship with him is always fun but he can turn serious when it comes to respect and trust - expects his S/o to hold him to the same level as he holds his S/o
Feels very betrayed by people in his past so he will give his all with a relationship and expect it to last and reciprocate his overwhelming feelings
Always try to act happy and cocky in public but is relieved to settle down with his S/o when he is sad and just rest with them - his own safe space
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thorin-baby-bear · 1 year
Hello I was wondering if you'd be I interested in writing a ride the cyclone sickfic? :)) I ship nischa so if it was about them that would be cool but I'm desperate for anything at this point
Absolutely, Nischa is such a comfort ship for me hehe :333
Noel's Day In
A Ride The Cyclone agere fic :3
Characters: Little!Noel Gruber, Cg!Mischa Bachinski, Mrs. Gruber
CW: Noel is very miserable for a bit and is also really sick
“Noel,” Mischa murmured, bumping the sleeping boy’s shoulder gently, “time to wake up.” Noel’s eyes opened slowly, squinting against the low light of his bedroom as he started to sniffle. He reached up to wipe his nose and made a noise of disgust at the stream of snot he found there before waving his hand desperately against the stick. “Ick.” He groaned, his voice nasally . 
Mischa raised an eyebrow and placed a hand to Noel’s forehead, frowning at the heat. “Sick, I think.” He sighed. Noel shook his head. He absolutely hated being sick. “Nuh uh.” He said. Mischa tried to hide his smile, but by the way Noel was frowning at him he could tell he was probably failing. “Are you sure?” He asked, poking at Noel’s forehead. “This is very warm.” 
Noel sniffled, sighed, and decided to admit defeat. 
“ ‘s a lil icky…” He muttered, wrapping himself in his blanket. Mischa nodded and got up, hesitating when Noel made a distressed sound. “I will be right back, little one. I am just going to speak with your mother.” Noel’s mouth opened and closed like a fish for a moment before he just nodded and fell back in his bed. Mischa chuckled before heading through the door, on his way to make sure Noel would get the sleep he needed. 
It took much longer than Mischa expected to get back to Noel. After he explained the situation to Noel’s mom (and found out she was going to be working most of the day), he called his foster parents and let them know he would be staying home from school today and asked them to call the school office. They didn’t really care, which was the reaction Mischa had been expecting but it still stung a bit. After that, Noel’s mom had insisted they make Noel some soup and that had taken longer than even she expected, so needless to say Mischa was a bit worried as he approached Noel’s door with a bowl of soup. 
As he turned the doorknob, he heard what sounded like a high whistle, and peaked in to see Noel fully asleep, sprawled across the bed like a ragdoll. He huffed affectionately and walked in, setting the soup on the bedside table and shaking Noel awake (again). The sick boy made a quick squeak of annoyance that melted Mischa’s heart, and he smiled down at his little one. 
“Soup for you, my love.” He said. Noel’s eyes flashed with excitement and he reached over to the bedside table, prepared to inhale the food he had been brought, but a cough racked his body and he fell back again with a frustrated grunt. 
“Take it slow, Noel.” Mescha said, picking up the bowl. “I can help feed you, if that’s okay?”
Noel hesitated. He usually hated needing to have other people help him do easy things, but this was Mischa, and he was so very tired, so instead of shaking his head he nodded, looking up at Mischa expectantly. Mischa grinned and reached out to ruffle Noel’s hair, chuckling at his squeak of indignation. “Thank you, love. I am very proud of you.” Noel smiled tiredly back before opening his mouth as the spoon came towards his mouth. 
The rest of the day passed as happily as it could. Mischa carried Noel down to the living room around noon, and they spent the rest of the day reading, drawing, watching movies, and cuddling. Noel made his Papa picture after picture, so many that Mischa joked about starting a scrapbook just for them (which wasn’t really a joke, he was actually planning on doing it). Mischa read Noel all of his favorite stories, making sure to do the fun voices that Noel loved so much, especially his deep, booming dragon voice (“I’m going to… gobble you up!” He cried, lunging forward and tickling Noel’s tummy, which probably wasn’t the best idea with all the coughing fits, but it did make Noel smile). He also made a simple fort, something that could be easily taken apart and put back together so if Noel needed to move he could, but Noel didn’t need to move, in fact he stayed in the fort for the majority of the day. 
At the end of the day, Mischa was pretty sure he would be getting sick the next day, but he was too happy to care. He had spent the whole day caring for his little one, and he wouldn’t give that up even if he got all the flu in the world, not ever. The two fell asleep content, Noel’s nose having cleared up a bit and Mischa wrapped carefully around him, and when Noel’s mom got home she had the good grace not to wake them. Mischa fell asleep with his heart bursting, his eyes wet with happy tears. If only all days were like this, he sighed, wrapping tighter around Noel and drifting off into a gentle sleep…
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a yandere poly Hawks/Dabi/Reader scenario? Anything you like I just love the poly yanderes ❤️
Thanks for requesting! Just had a random idea for this, I hope you enjoy it ♥
»»———————— ♡ ————————«« 
“I’m home!” Hawks chipper voice flooded the halls of his apartment. There weren’t many amenities standing around, allowing the sound to echo against the walls and further into his home. Like a stirring announcement, or rather, an early warning.
By the time he finally managed to close the door behind him, Hawks couldn’t help but reflect on the long day he had. Being a hero was his whole life purpose. Still, it didn’t lessen how exhausting and long the days were, especially if some assholes decided to rob a bank.
Pushing off his shoes and letting his jacket fall to the ground carelessly, his feet made the parquet under them squeak while he walked in. The apartment was much too large for one person, absolutely irritatingly so, but now that he had company over, Hawks was actually glad over the extra rooms and bathrooms. Perhaps, he’d buy some decor some time soon.
At the far end of the hallway, the living room stretched out. Since he moved his bed out of there, it was now a relatively empty room, but Hawks believed that it was practical this way. “Home~” he declared again, having yet to get an answer back from the two occupants.
“Oi,” another male voice rang out. Ignoring the running TV, Keigo’s eyes immediately met with the stinging turquoise ones of his ‘partner’. “Welcome home,” Dabi smirked, the implications of this being a domestic greeting in Keigo’s household being laughable to him. Focus shifting to his lap again, Keigo heard the sound of a palm falling flat against clothes, and he made his way around the black leather couch to see better.
“You greet him too,” Dabi instructed, and Hawks couldn’t help but smile as he saw your form in Dabi’s arms, your eyes quick to find the hero’s. Because, in fact, he was your hero too. “Welcome--!” you squeaked excitedly before your voice suddenly broke, and you looked at Dabi with nothing short of fear in your eyes.
Was it still a secret how much you preferred Keigo over Dabi? By the roll of the villain’s eyes, followed by a smirk, probably not. “Welcome home...” you mumbled, this time soberly and while avoiding both pair of eyes respectfully. Keigo couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he took a seat next to his partner, holding out his arms for you.
If you wanted, you could be such a good little captive. First, you looked at Dabi for permission, which he neither denied nor granted, shrugging as if to say, “Do what you want.” Then you looked back at Hawks, who gave you the permission you sought. Immediately - and Keigo could only speculate how much you wanted to do that all day - you lifted yourself from Dabi’s lap and right over into Keigo’s.
“Hello, my Angel! Look at you being all excited to see me!” he cooed, pulling you close to his chest. His finger dug into the hair at the back of your neck, ruffling it affectionately. “Did you miss me? I missed you, too. Did you two have fun today?”
While technically, he was asking you, Keigo instead looked at Dabi, whose lips curled into a lopsided grin. Dabi merely shrugged again instead of answering. What kind of question was that anyway? Of course they had fun.
Letting his finger slide over your legs, Hawks counted the burn marks on them, knowing exactly how many it had been yesterday. He ignored your arms, locking behind his neck, face buried into his shoulder, knowing you were just doing what you had to do. Because when he finally found a new mark, he knew. “Seems like someone was a bit naughty today, huh?”
Immediately, you tensed in his arms, shaking your head.
“Someone was not happy with the food I cooked,” Dabi gave as an explanation, nonchalantly. As if your refusal truly justified such an injury. Both men waited for you to finally speak up, despite you being more than unwilling to do so. If you gave in and delivered an explanation, it was simply giving them more reason to act on it. After enduring Dabi’s version of ‘babysitting’, you simply didn’t want to know what Keigo would do. But it suddenly got so very quiet between you three, and the hand on your thigh, right above the new brandishing, gripped your flesh tighter and tighter until you winced.
“It was burned!” you whispered quietly.
“But is that a reason to be so unthankful, Angel?” Keigo reminded you, and as a victim of the two’s cruelty, you knew there was no talking yourself out of this one. “No...”
You felt Hawks chest rise and fall heavily as he sighed, turning his head to Dabi. If not for the fact that the two of them came to an agreement - or rather, arrangement - it would have been impossible for them to even sit next to each other like that. To gain this kind of dynamic even.
It was a typical bad cop, good cop dynamic, but it had worked on you, so no one complained. It might hurt Dabi just how much you clung to your savior while playing ragdoll in his arms, but at least he had all day with you, while Hawks only had the nights and earliest morning. In a way, they were helping each other out, and if you behaved, even Dabi was okay to be around. But you were learning, and establishing these roles took time.
“So you haven’t eaten yet,” Keigo asked, as a matter of fact, Dabi giving him a nod while they waited for you to confirm it. “Are you hungry then?” he encouraged you, his voice always so upbeat and happy, thanks to the fact that Keigo hadn’t left any marks on your body yet, making it easy to believe him.
This time you shuffled in his arms, sitting up to look at him while his hand wandered to your back, caressing it tenderly. “Not yet,” you finally confirmed, giving Dabi a shy glance. He clicked his tongue at you before standing up, stretching, knowing exactly what Hawks was about to do.
“How about we make some then? What are you feeling like? Pasta?”
As if in response, your stomach let out a growl, and your face lit up in a smile. Hawks let you off his lap while you darted towards the kitchen, only to hit the brakes before you speeded by Dabi. You really didn’t want to upset him again. Instead, you strolled next to the villain who eyed you suspiciously, glancing back at Keigo, who looked after you two, being the only one to notice the grin on Dabi’s face.
And Hawks agreed with his partner’s thoughts at that moment. You were so darn cute. It was only a matter of time they’d change their ways, confuse you to the point where you’d be happy to seek refuge in Dabi’s arms too. They’d make you love them equally, even if it was just because loving one of them at the moment would stop the other from punishing you. You were learning so quickly that soon, this would be the new reality you two were living in.
“Spoiled brat,” Dabi chuckled, patting your head while you flinched from his touch. “I’m a great cook,” he added loudly, making sure his partner could hear. Hawks merely chuckled to himself over the fact that Dabi was actually right, but you were the only one left unaware. After all, the end justified the means. If they had to starve you a little with burned food, so be it, it would allow all three of you to sit at the dinner table peacefully in the evening.
Sighing, Hawks finally got up, following you two to the kitchen. There were so many things he wanted to do, but he was restricting himself too. The time would come, but until then, he’d simply enjoy having this little, fragile family of his.
Love was a dish best served to everyone, after all.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
Mentor Day
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Note : In This AU, Hawks is adopted by the todoroki Family, enji is a good dad and dabi is not a villain. And Todoroki's Mom is a Hero.
Pairings : Jealous! Hawks x Reader
Writing style: 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing
Word count : 3623
3rd Person's POV
" I'm so excited for Today! I can't wait to meet your Mentors! " Kirishima yelled with enthusiasm punching the air.
Everyone was gathered around Ground Beta for the sole reason that the Head of Agencies they were currently interning in were coming over to discuss the growth of the students, also because they chose U.A as the meeting Venue knowing that it's one of the places in Japan that is Highly guarded and secured and the School was Near the City so if anything were to happen they could always get there in a jeepy. There was another Reason but it wasn't disclosed to any of the students and nobody questioned it.
" Shut Up shitty Hair! " Bakugou snarled smacking Kirishima who seemed to be unaffected by Bakugou's ' affection ' towards him.
" Hey aren't You and Tokoyami Under Hawks's? The number 2 Pro Hero!? " Mina pointed out and suddenly everyone's attention was now settled on Y/n and Tokoyami.
Tokoyami had an unreadable expression but his face mostly showed that he was awkward and uncomfortable with the Topic. Not because of His Mentor... It's because of His Mentor's Interest.
Y/n on the other hand looked annoyed pissed, it was very obvious that neither of the two wanted to talk about it because of the lack of answer and their current expressions.
" So... What's it Like to be Under Pro Hero Hawks? " Momo began to press deeper onto the subject and was oblivious to her two classmate's look of disapproval. And it seems like she wasn't the only curious one.
" Well? " Jiro raised a brow when they didn't hear an answer. The two were very hesitant until y/n finally spoke up.
" Tokoyami-kun would I be breaking the law if I talk shit about him? "
" Eeehhhh!? " Everyone was confused as to why the sudden change of their classmate's personality took shift at a questionable rate.
" Technically there's no law about that and since he's not here to hear it... It's fine " Tokoyami answered with a straight face and his response got everyone questioning their experience even more.
" What the hell happened to you two while you were there? " Denki asked staring at the two. Tokoyami was hesitant but y/n just looked pissed and angry .
She showed irritation that could match Bakugou's.
" That's not something you should be asking me... You should be asking y/n that... I just had the unfortunate privilege to witness... That.... And I know a very dark secret I wish to unlearn " Tokoyami muttered at Everyone was fidgeting with curiosity while staring at y/n who looked like she was about to explode any minute now.
" Well if you Must know. On the first week I had to endure a bunch of whiny one night stand's Drama and Rage while trying to get them to go fuck themselves and trust me... Persuading a bunch of love struck delusional hoes to go home and keep silent for the rest of their lives isn't a very charming job. I had to suck in every single cheesy pick up lines that'll have anyone gagging, I had to endure being dragged around through the wonderful 'skies' like a ragdoll in the most unfortunate hour and I had to deal with Birdman's constant fuckery every single day so yeah... It wasn't that bad.... It was terrible. " Y/n's tone was forcefully dragged out and polite but her hostile expression got everyone shuddering.
Yes, Hawks was a flirt and he'd flirt with her with every chance he got, much to y/n's dismay. But knowing Hawks's reputation she brushed it off like it was one of his most common habits and got used to ignoring him, he was nice though and she felt like a sheltered child. Hawks never let's her go out to patrol on her own unless it's with Him and only Him. He constantly brings her gifts and snacks to which she is thankful and greatly flattered but she didn't like hearing Rumors about her with the Pro Hero himself. Overall she was thankful that she was being treated well but she didn't appreciate the special treatment.
Tokoyami on the other hand knew of his Mentor's love and affection for his Classmate, if he knew any better he found out that Hawks had imprinted on y/n like a new born chick. The reason Tokoyami knew that was because of the gifts, the flirting, Hawks's constant need to be around y/n, His possessiveness and Don't even get Tokoyami started on How much Hawks talks about y/n during patrol. Hell, Even when Hawks is literally stepping on a Villain's Face he'd still talk about How ' Perfect she was ' . At most of all, his Classmate was very unaware of Hawks's actual feelings and he's afraid he couldn't blame her simply because of Hawks's reputation as a 'playboy'.
" Wow.... I didn't think it would be like that.... Hawks's still pretty cool though " Sero muttered and that left y/n gawking at him because the least they could do was sympathize with her!.
" No shit " She grumbled sarcastically and she felt two hands grab hold of her shoulder behind her and speaking of the Devil, Hawks was already here.
" Hey there chicken nugget, what are you kids talking about? " Hawks asked leaning down , resting his chin on y/n's shoulder while both of his hands clamped down on each side of her shoulder blades protectively.
" Nothing Hawks, we were Talking about Nothing " Y/n who was already immune to the Touchiness of the male behind her was nonchalant on her reply and she sounded bored but her expression clearly showed ' Oh No, Not this Shit Again ' .
" Oh really? Well ok then baby bird but I have to say You look Perfect little dove but that is to be expected by my Epitome of beauty " Hawks grinned rubbing his cheeks against y/n's own in a very affectionate manner.
" Yeah, Yeah. Get off me Birdman you're getting that irritating Chicken stench on me " Y/n grumbled pushing him away from her to which she was successful with.
" Aww~ But you felt so soft " Hawks whined in an almost childish way.
Everyone was witnessing the very thing Tokoyami dreaded and they were choking on their own spit after seeing the interaction between the two.
They and so many questions yet so little answer and they knew they couldn't just bombard y/n with questions, not when Hawks was around.
" Uhh... You two seem.. Close" Denki commented to where he earned a proud grin from Hawks.
" No we're Not. He's just being A flirt, you'll Get used to it " Y/n snickered rolling her eyes at Hawks who was trying to hug her.
" You should have heard How much He talks about her at Home... He's like a broken Radio. Y/n this and that " Todoroki snorted and his comment got everyone gaping.
It didn't look that way to everyone else, it was clear that the Pro Hero liked her if throwing himself around her wasn't enough, the look in his eyes definitely spoke otherwise.
" So this is the little Lassy Hawks have been talking about? " Fatgum along with the rest of the pro Heroes Were slowly gathering towards them.
" This is Her? She's adorable in person . Keigo Never stops talking about her at home" Another voice came from a woman with white hair, and is almost identical to Shoto.
" .... Hah! You should hear what he has to say when he's asleep " Dabi murmured with a laugh.
" .... You Talk about me? " Y/n asked staring at Hawks who was nodding his head, a smirk plastered on his face.
" Ewww, Stop that. It's annoying and creepy " Y/n sighed shoving Hawks away.
" Isn't she lovely? " Rei mumbled a small chuckle escaping her lips as Dabi stared at her in bewilderment .
" So you're not gonna question their age gap?..... Really mom? " Dabi snorted and enji stood behind him, patting his back.
" You know how your mother is " Enji muttered staring down at his son.
" You have a point.... "
By now everyone was gathered around, some of them chatting with their mentors and some were meeting their classmate's other mentors.
Rei, Enji and Dabi were intently observing Keigo who looked so close to snapping, sure his face looked playful and relaxed but they knew him well enough to know that it was Keigo's facade.
On the other side was Y/n and Hawks talking to Fat gum, well it was only y/n showing enthusiasm about their conversation, Hawks had never left her side the whole time. Always trailing behind her like a lost puppy.
" That's really cool! I heard from Kirishima that you have two Forms? " Y/n's eyes gleamed with curiosity.
" Why yes little lady " Fat gum answered as he nervously glanced at Hawks. He could feel the raging intensity of Hawks's Jealousy radiating brighter than the sun's ray. To which y/n was oblivious of.
" Ya know buddy, you really have nothing to worry about when it's me " Fat gum stated his words directed towards Hawks who let out a sigh and gave him a genuine smile for once.
" Sorry, I couldn't help it when it comes to my little dove " Hawks chuckled slinging his arm around her shoulder and y/n immediately reacted by shoving his arm away without even glancing at him.
" Stop talking about me like I'm not here " Y/n muttered to which Hawks replied by doing it again and y/n shoved his arm again.
Fat gum was both entertained and a bit awkward with the situation until he spotted his side kick. Tamaki whom he had kindly asked to pick up something for him
" Anyways! That's enough you two, I'd like you to meet Tamaki Amajiki. He's my sidekick " Fat gum proudly introduced Tamaki who froze in his spot and began trembling nervously.
" Oh wow! I've heard so much about him! Our class was introduced to him before! But I never got to see his face clearly because he had his face on the wall the whole time! Let's start all over again. Hey I'm y/n l/n! Nice to meet you senpai... For the second time " Y/n grinned putting her hand out to shake his.
Tamaki who was nervous and flattered that someone remembered him shakily reached out his hand to shake hers but a look of pure shock flashed through his face when Another hand met his.
" Nice to meet you Buddy " Hawks grinned in an odd and threatening manner squeezing poor Tamaki's hand .
" U-u-uhh" Tamaki stuttered at y/n was annoyed at Hawks's actions.
" Hey! I was the-- you know what? Never mind. Anyway, senpai I heard stories about you from Kirishima-kun! And I think you're really cool! And you're cuter up close! " Y/n tried easing the nervous senior with compliments in order to atone the actions of Hawks. But Hawks took it in a different way.
Tamaki flushed red and Hawks let go of his hand with disdain, his eyes having a deadly glint and his smirk almost looked threatening and sadistic.
Fat gum who witnessed the scene knew he fucked up by calling Tamaki over, the Todoroki family were astonished to see how reactive Hawks could be when y/n was involved. At home he was really hard to read and when they thought they knew him Hawks suddenly surprises everyone by proving them wrong. But now his expression looks so raw and unmasked.
" Tsk, He doesn't Look much to Me " Hawks suddenly spat out in an irritated tone.
Y/n elbowed him after seeing Tamaki's expression.
" He doesn't mean that! He's just really insensitive... Aren't you Hawks? " Y/n glared at the man beside her and he scoffed looking away.
" You're actually really powerful Senpai! Trust me! Kirishima talks about you all the time it's adorable seeing him look up to someone who's equally as cute as Kirishima " Y/n tried covering the damage done by Hawks and Tamaki was conflicted. He didn't know who to believe anymore.
Another scoff was heard from Hawks and before he could make another comment y/n stepped on his feet making him wince.
" Ouch! " He grumbled looking down at y/n who was glaring at him threateningly.
Jealousy bubbled at the very core of Hawks, She called two men cute at the same time and she dared to do it in front of him! He praised men who aren't him. Sure they aren't official but isn't it clear that he was showing how much he could give her? He knows he's enough but it seems like his little dove was very dense. It's starting to irritate him. He didn't feel good inside and he really wanted to punch a bitch. Was she taunting him? Oh she definitely was. Just look at how she looks at them , it really makes him want to rip off someone's throat.
His wings began to bristle and rose intimidatingly the edges becoming sharp and ridged, jealousy was getting the best of him.
With a rough Tug, he dragged her away forcefully even with the harsh protest from the girl.
" Hey! Ok this is getting out of hand! " Y/n pulled her hand away and Hawks looked back at her with a gaze that could kill.
" Stop taunting me Y/n. I'm not handling it well " Hawks muttered but his voice was rough and demanding. Y/n shivered at how her name rolled out of his tongue. He never uses that tone or calls out her name like that unless she's in deep shit.
" Clearly, you're mad about shit I didn't do so go cool off or something " Y/n shot back her expression was out of sheer anger and Hawks responded by spreading his wings and he flew off without another word.
With a sigh y/n went back to her classmates, she was unaware if the stares that were thrown her way.
" A lovers quarrel? " Mt. Lady mumbled.
" Definitely a Lovers Quarrel " Fat gum confirmed.
" Is no one seriously questioning the fact about their age gap? " Dabi stated and Rei gave him a cold glare. Even shoto was seen glaring at him from his group.
" Ok fine jeez " Dabi shrugged shoving his hands into his pockets.
20 minutes had passes and Hawks was still gone, by that time everyone was gathered around, the class was seated on the ground as the Pros started giving out their opinions and deductions on hm their performance.
Rei began to feel worried about her adopted son that had raged out of the area. Enji tried reassuring her that Keigo was old enough to take care of himself.
And on cue Hawks had arrived holding a box in his hand, he looked calmer now and more relaxed.
" Keigo dear, are you ok? " Rei asked approaching the male.
" Yeah I'm fine... Just needed a little breather.... " He muttered, his eyes glued to y/n who was listening intently to the discussion. Rei noticed this and a smile graced her lips.
" Go get her dear " Rei encouraged the male and Hawks flashed her a grin.
" Oh I will. And I'm going to make sure you're going to have a daughter in law soon " Keigo smugly stated and Rei's eyes widened only to have the woman laugh.
Luckily the little lessons the Pro's were conducting had finished and everyone was free. As the students began to stand up. Y/n was pulled away immediately by Hawks. And once she was a few feet away a box was shoves towards her. She was caught off guard but managed to hold it in her hands as she lookes up at Hawks questioningly.
" What's this? " The girl asked suspiciously.
" You like that doughnut shop near our agency yeah? I was flying by and decided to buy some for you as a Sorry present.. I admit that I went overboard... " Hawks explained rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
" What!? I can't accept thi---"
" Eat it or Throw it. I'm giving it to you and that's final so do what you want with it... Although it would be a waste if you throw it away... I did go out of my way to buy that for you with my own money even though I was still angry---"
" Ok fine you don't have to guilt trip me! I'll accept it ok?.... But you did say I could do what I want with it so... I'm sharing this with everyone " Y/n smiled and Hawks snapped his head towards her his eyebrows furrowed.
" What? No. I bought that For YOU not for them " Hawks grumbled and the girl gave him a playful smirk.
" You did say it was mine and I could do whatever I want with it " She replied slyly and Hawks turned away stomping his way towards Rei, Enji and Dabi.
" Ooo... You got it Bad. She's denser than a--"
" Don't finish that Touya I swear " Hawks glared at Dabi who only laughed at his protectiveness.
" Just be patient Keigo, she is young and she probably still doesn't have Love on her mind yet " Rei assured Keigo while rubbing his back.
" Tsk. You better not give up. You're a Todoroki after all , and I already acknowledge her as a daughter in law... No crazy woman would stomp their feet on the number 2 hero like that " Enji nodded and Hawks should be delighted but his eyes were glued to the girl.
She was sharing the doughnuts he bought for her and the last straw came when she had fed Kirishima with a doughnut.
His fathers on his wings bristled and the ends began to sharpen, his eyes darkened at the sight and his teeth were gritted.
The girl took notice of this and approached him. God he was losing it. One wrong move and he might forget the fact that she's still a minor and just go straight up to breeding her if he had to. Fuck everything she does is turning him on . He is smitten.
" Hey what's wrong? "
" You have the guts to ask me ' What's wrong?' Oh why don't ask that to all the other guys you fed doughnuts to? The ones I bought for you! You're so oblivious it's starting to piss me off little dove. Was I not subtle enough? I fucking Like---mphf--" Hawks was cut off when a Doughnut was shoved in his mouth by the girl in front of him.
" Shut your worm Hole You stupid Birdman, I like you too ok? But please stop being so annoying. I'm also protecting your reputation as a Hero here. I can't have you all over the tabloids stating that you like a high schooler. You'd be seen as a pedophile you dumbass " The girl finished and was about to pull her hand away from his mouth when he grabbed hold of her wrist, he kissed her finger gingerly before licking and sucking on that very finger she held the doughnut .
She froze, Dabi Froze, Everyone froze.
" What the fuck? " Katsuki was she first to speak up.
" I second that ' What the fuck ' " Y/n muttered and Hawks gave her a look that could have her melt into a puddle. A smug and triumphant grin plastered on his face as his arms wrapped around her waist possessively.
" Awww~ it warms my heart to know that you're protecting me that way. For a moment there I thought you don't care and all that shitty jealousy was so worth it because you told me you like me in the end.... " Hawks cooed his face nearing hers and she immediately distanced her face away from him.
" Hawks get off me! " She yelled her face was flushed and he had the sudden urge to kiss her right now.
" You'll have to pay for making me jealous though. It was not a very pretty feeling " Hawks grinned before his wings spread open and gave one strong flap and he was already flying her away from the scene.
" Holy shit.... Dude " Denki muttered staring up at the sky.
" Enji! Do you think we should renovate the house? " Rei asked enthusiastically.
" I think we just might have to " Enji replied.
" .... I ship it though " Mina stated and the girls gave an unspoken agreement to her statement.
" So... How many chicks do you think they'll have? " Dabi asked and Rei smacked him.
" Touya! " Rei scolded making Dabi chuckle.
" Nah it's too early... He won't knock her up just yet... Or will he? " Dabi grinned and this time Rei had frozen him in place.
" Touya! Stop that! " Rei fumed.
Dabi shut up immediately fearing Rei's wrath after seeing her angry expression.
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tosikoarts · 4 years
SFW Alphabet | Usami Tokishige
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🎵 This may become a little brutal If I'm honest but It's any-anything for you my dear, I promise 🎶 You can figure our what I was listening to while writing this piece. Anyway, hope you’ll like it, anon!  You can check tosikowrites tag for more.  Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The fact that Usami fell in love and now can’t shut up about them is not that surprising since the soldiers of the 7th Division have already witnessed his unhealthy obsession with the First Lieutenant. The dangerous aura of infinite adoration he carries does not bother others as much as well, maybe, because now his cursed energy has more output options, you know? It is not concentrated on one person and seems not so intense. Seems.
No matter how wild his fantasy runs, Usami behaves himself in their presence. Of course, his nerves are as taut as a rope since if he loosens up his attention he may not contain his passion…Chooses words carefully so as not to push them away and comes across as a lovely bubbly young man with the cutest smile! Even sitting in silence together is special. Usami can’t quit staring at them, they are so majestic!
He wants to follow them everywhere. Eat together, go on morning walks together, sleep together. Usami is a human version of burdock that will either quite by accident bump into his crush every other day or shamelessly ask them if they will be in this specific place or if they want to go there with him.
Personal boundaries? Don’t know her. As soon as his loved one gives him green light, Usami’s hands are all over the place. If he isn’t pinching their pink cheeks then he is patting their head. If he isn’t patting their head, he might be squeezing their ass. Usami is all about physical affection in every possible way, and it is extremely important for him to touch his partner. He might even lose it when they put a hand on his knee or take him by the hand, leave alone anything spicier.
Usami will end anyone who steps between him and his loved one. For him this is a cut-throat axiom, it is as natural as breathing, and it should be obvious to the surrounding. Anyone who wants to separate them automatically signs their own death sentence that will be carried out immediately by Usami himself.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
To be friends with the rabid Superior Private, you have to be a mad lad with no moral compass (the questionable moral compass is ok too) just like him or be a literal angel with the patience of a sage and a heart of gold to deal with the chaos Usami brings into your life. Also, this person has to have impeccable reflexes just in case he decides to cut this friendship off. Takagi Tomoharu didn’t and where is he now?
With such a friend, nothing is scary. Friendship with Usami provides invulnerability in situations where an ordinary person would think twice. In addition to that, Tokishige doesn’t really look for troubles and prefers to spend time like a real hedonist: red-light district workers know his preferences very well, the owner in his favorite diner always meets him with a question “the usual?”, and Usami knows places to hang around in general. His friend gets to experience life delights with him as well.
He needs so much attention! If it was up to him, Usami would spend at least an hour every day with them even when they have already talked about every single thing in the world. Everyday chats about nothing are cool, mutual flattery is appreciated. These points lead to Usami being overly possessive: if his best friend suddenly starts spending more time with someone else, he will definitely take action against this stumbling block.
Demands that his friend to follow the “the enemy of my friend is my enemy” rule. They are obligated to get embittered at Ogata. No, Usami doesn’t explain why, they just have to.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Usami has restless ass syndrome. It’s like restless legs syndrome but with ass: he can’t sit still for more than 15 minutes. Cuddles do not last longer than that and often progress into steamy making out. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to cuddle though. Usami prefers to do it while leaving some space for moving so the leg hug is just perfect. Any other position including classical spooning feels like a rabbit trap.
If his partner is bigger than he is, Usami will definitely lie on their chest with legs wiggling up in the air. First of all, now he can see their lovable face, and second of all, he is on top which means being in control.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Eeeh. Does he want to settle down? No, not really. Let’s say, there was no reason for him to think about settling down but even if there was, Usami would aggressively shake his head in negation. He is, just like Koito, too young to plan a quiet family life, and, at the moment, living on the wheels without thinking up ahead seems much more exciting than being chained to one place with one person. In his head, things are kind of overexaggerated but the answer to the question is still no for the next 10 years for sure.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It is highly unlikely that Usami will break up with his partner in a proper manner. Self-deprecating comments and taking the blame for a failed relationship have no place in his explanation if he even decides to talk about it. Most likely Usami will leave them as spontaneously and unexpectedly as he popped up in their life in the first place: hops on a horse, gives them short indifferent look over the shoulder, and fades into the darkness of the night to never be seen again. Maybe, it’s for the better since Usami doesn’t have to face the fact he has nothing to say. Well, he chooses to be silent since crushing them with disinterest that makes the kid throw the old toy into the toybox doesn’t please him either. No check-ups, no letters, no “let’s stay friends”.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Avoids this question to the last minute because he is too young to commit and jump into family life. Usami reminds me of the type of person who wants to experiment in youth so that in old age he would not regret missing exciting opportunities. There is not a chance he will propose until he comes to the conclusion that he has already seen and experienced the most impressive stuff. So, maybe, from 7 to 10 years? Most definitely feels neutral about having an affair or two since he has a pretty lenient conscience.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally? Absolute emptiness with, perhaps, distorted memories of family love arising here and there. His feelings are strong, aggressive, filled with preceding excitement before the upcoming fun. Calm states of mind such as serenity, clarity, boundless love are too underwhelming for Usami. Wouldn’t call him gentle in the physical sense either: life is motion, and he has to move or do something, anything to feel alive, and impatience makes his moves rough and harsh. Even in a gentle embrace, it seems that he squeezes his loved one to their ribs cracking. He kisses them out until they want to slip out of his hands like a gasping fish. They may like it, they may not, but Usami doesn’t loosen his love grip and remains a (little) wild in the relationship.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Usami hugs them at the most unexpected moments, takes them by storm to squeeze the hell out of them. Perhaps these are his favorite ones, to pick them up high and spin, leaving their legs tingling in the air like a ragdoll.
His hands never stay in one place. Feeling their warm body under the fingertips is indescribable pleasure so Usami gives himself free rein to rub their back, squeeze their sides, press them to his chest, and nuzzle into their neck. He may bite them as well.
Can’t stand to be hugged when he is obviously busy to the point where Usami can kinda gently push them away but sees no problem when he does the same to his partner. Believes that everything can be forgiven for his big puppy eyes (and other particular qualities).
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Casually says it on like the second day of official dating over the cup of tea. Hard to say if he is for real so confident in his feelings or if he does it to check their reaction but nevertheless. Usami looks his loved one right in the eyes with undisguised beaming complacency, and his confession is short, definite, and unobjectionable. Propping his chin with his pale hands, he immediately returns to the casual conversation and keeps going joyfully about whatever on his mind like Usami didn’t just murmur how he is in love with them forever and for ever. After that, he is elated. Confession is a kind of seal of belonging to him, consent of another person is optional, it doesn't matter at all, all that does it that they are his and he is theirs.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This shit is scary for everybody involved. Usami doesn’t get jealous per se but he has a strong feeling of having his loved one in his possession. Should someone try to covet his partner as hell breaks loose: regardless of who exactly was the initiator, - his loved one or another person, - Usami immediately takes action. In his mind, his partner can’t be guilty of infidelity, they were simply coerced into foul play and have to be taught how to recognize such a thing, they are innocent. This awful other person is different though, they are the ones who need to be taught some manners.
To start a fight Usami needs one dirty look, one carelessly thrown word. This is just an excuse to allow himself to take out all the anger on the poor soul. If Koito likes to gab hours on end but secretly hoping to avoid getting physical, Usami sees talking as a waste of time. Of course, if one fight is not enough, then Usami can go in for murder.
After the accident, he acts a lot rougher with his partner forcing them deeper into submission. To maintain ego and control and to be sure that they know their place, Usami needs praise, persuasion, and tons of physical affection.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves the concept of kissing, loves to kiss, and to be kissed. Sees every kiss as a personal signature but also, on another level, rewarding pastime so Usami is all about steamy make-out sessions. He is eager and rough, oftentimes marks his partner in visible areas with not only bright hickeys but with straight out bites. The look of dark crescents from his teeth scattering on their delicate neck turns Usami on like nothing else.
Likes to be kissed all over the body, would prefer them to be as rough though since casual soft kisses don’t really set a mood for him. The same goes for them, Usami won’t leave a spot unkissed on their body. Has a thing for the neck, wrists, and insides of the thighs.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Don’t let him around kids because it seems like Usami is good at it but in reality, he just builds up an army of naughty children to throw eggs at the neighbor's door. He like a devil coerces the goody angel into a mini-revolution under the nose of parents without offering any candy. Give this man a free hand, remove Tsurumi from his life, and you’ll see Usami growing into a cult leader. So, yes, he is pretty good with children older than like 5-6 years old, can’t do shit with babies younger than that. Usami hasn’t thought about being a father himself because beyond pranks and fun he knows absolutely nothing, zero, nada about raising children.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Incredibly active and varied if Usami managed to fall asleep before midnight the day before. He unceremoniously wakes his partner up either covering their face with kisses or pulling the blanket off them or starting a pillow fight. Expects his loved one to rise and shine without spending an hour just sitting here with an empty stare in the void.
Even when Usami collapses in the bed at dawn, it is possible that he will accidentally wake them up with a sweeping elbow blow to the nose. During the cold season, his partner should be ready to wake up trembling without a blanket. This bastard steals it every other night.
It is rare to see Usami cooking or doing anything useful at all in the house in the morning. He prefers to wander around while his partner lays the table and talk out loud to himself.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Unpredictable. He may get lost for an evening, come back with no explanation (we all know he was up to no good), and crash next to them with a smug smile. Other nights Usami can’t leave them alone: it feels like it is vital for him to fiddle with their fingers, play with their hair, pull them into a tight hug. The maximum relaxation effect is achieved with a couple of bitter sake shots drunk before meals.
Sleeping. Nobody canceled messed up sleeping schedule (check out the last letter of the alphabet) so Usami may have to make up for it by going to bed as early as 8 p.m.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Opens up slowly but doesn't pay much attention to what exactly he is saying. Everything that has happened to the present moment is already history so Usami treats it as such. What once pleased or upset him does not evoke any strong emotions now and he easily reveals his past to the loved one. Usami, of course, avoids mentioning the murder of his friend but with a partner who very clearly shows their loyalty, he will not hesitate to describe how much it turned him inside out and changed him, opening doors to the darkest corners of his soul. In return, Usami asks his loved one tons of questions from favorite color to a relationship with their mother, feeling free to ask the most intrusive ones.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is in the state of the boiling kettle 24/7, ready to whistle for any given reason. Not that he is that angry, but definitely in an unstable state of mind. When he gets pissed off, Usami doesn't change in the face, except that his smile can get even wider baring sharp small teeth. In most cases, other people have to restrain his anger so the military does a good job at keeping Superior Private in check with an iron fist out of battles and letting him go wild when the situation requires it.
In the relationship, Usami teeters on the brink just like the outside of it but his reactions to upsetting situations are milder and are easily resolved by sublimating desire to destroy into intense workout, make out, etc. He is easy to blow out but he tries really hard to do not harm his loved one.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
There is a whole room in his mind palace to store volumes of information about the loved one. Usami thrives on discovering different aspects of his partner’s personality in deep conversations and in characteristic behavior that he enjoys so much to observe. Therefore, nothing goes unnoticed.
Perfectly navigates the tone of their voice: Usami knows exactly how their sadness sounds when they try to veil it with cheerful words and when to step back when they rise their voice in a fit of anger. Awfully useful with a person who has a hard time communicating and/or expects others to understand them just like that.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He doesn’t have a favorite one. All meaningful moments like the first meeting, first kiss, other first times occupy equally important places in his heart so if asked Usami will murmur how every second with them is unthinkably precious and he can’t pick just one!
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Ready to faithfully protect his partner in the most dangerous situations. It is obvious, isn’t it? Usami will cover them like a shield on the battlefield, but most of the time he prefers to eliminate the source of danger: thanks to a state of perpetual alert and intense adrenaline rush, he can ignore multiple injuries for hours while shooting off foes. Usami lacks the voice of reason so he tends to overreact when it is completely out of place.
Oh, Usami doesn’t let anybody touch his loved one. As soon as he sees a hand reaching to them, he reflexively grabs it if not twists it with excessive force. Strangers understand they should not mess with Usami from his piercing look but there is always a fool who tempts fate in vain.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Not that much. He doesn't bother planning dates and gifts but sometimes there are moments of enlightenment that make Usami sit down and think about how to impress his loved one in a good way. Most of the time he prefers spontaneity to foresight since in his mind whatever is fun to him will work for them too.
Anniversaries are the dates when Usami is all sweetness and light: he runs around his loved one ready to bend over backward for their enjoyment. Seriously, he is ready to be used as a footrest for the whole day if it’s what they want.
Slacks on everyday tasks though, he is great at avoiding daily chores under the stupidest pretext.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I won't even start talking about how unhinged he is, you should have had figured it out by now. I just have to mention again that this is an integral personality trait and Usami cannot physically change it. Take it or leave it. He is not forcing anybody to participate in his violent misadventures but he won’t tolerate attempts to stop them.
Control freak, Usami thinks he owns a person when in the relationship. He quite seriously believes that he is in control of their life and can decide whether they can or cannot do particular things. Of course, if they do not act in accordance with Usami’s wishes, they will be punished to prevent further misbehavior.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Usami’s skin is naturally silky and he likes to keep it this way despite the harsh weather conditions. Nobody knows if he is using any creams or other cosmetics but the fact remains: his face is almost baby-like soft. Also, running men tattoos fade quickly due to their location so Usami has to renew them quite often. He does it with enviable regularity and forbids everyone (except his partner and First Lieutenant) to touch his cheeks. His clothes are in fair condition as well as his shoes. Usami wears his clothes neatly, and never wears them off to the holes and patches.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
All attempts to break up with Usami end with his theatrical chuckle and short “good joke, darling”: they are not going anywhere until he allows them to do so. The more times his partner brings this dumb question up, the angrier he gets, barely hiding it behind biting his lips. By the time his patience bursts, Usami has already come up with a plan to keep them by his side, voluntarily or compulsorily. If they decide to leave him because they didn’t get enough attention and affection, Usami will try to fulfill their every whim. If they express their concerns regarding his behavior, Usami will learn how to hide unsightly features better. All in all, he is not going to let them go just because they want to. It seems that the risk of ending on the side of the road gives him even more fervor to fight for their love.
The only thing that remains for his loved one is to leave Usami with no farewell letter left behind. Otherwise, they risk gaining a stalker with military experience under his belt. Not the best combination if you ask me.
If they were killed, Usami one hundred percent will find their murderer and tear them apart. Literally. He snaps, he is not going to hold back any longer.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Must be an obvious one but Usami is a kinky bastard. He tries such things to which no adequate person would agree or if they did it is unlikely that they would tell anyone about it. This applies not only to sexual behavior, he is eccentric in general, he is not held back by social rules and limits of decency. Usami would set few things on fire just to see how long it takes each to burn to the crisps. Sucks fingers and toes. I don’t know, he does everything you are kind of uncomfortable to do. Might fuck around and start another war idk.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Can’t handle boring people. Looking at what he considers “boring” people tells that it includes people with no character, withdrawn from society and recent events, silly and predictable ones. First, most likely they would not interact with Usami considering how unhinged he is. He is more trouble than he is worth, you know. And secondly, Usami doesn’t notice them in the crowd. If his loved one happens to be too boring, he will leave them, sooner or later.
Anyone standing between him and First Lieutenant can forget about any relationship with Usami. It is impossible. The gears in his head are spinning like crazy to come up with a perfect plan and get away with their murder. No hard feelings, but Usami’s obsession with Tsurumi isn’t going anywhere, and the only scenario he can agree with is dating someone who if doesn’t support it then at least doesn’t try to ward him off of it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
His sleep schedule is an absolute mess with no hint of changing in the future. First of all, Usami sleeps 4-6 hours per day, can’t sleep during the day so he doesn’t take naps and doesn’t nodes off. At the same time, these short hours of sleep do not stick to night time only: sometimes Usami decides to go to bed at 3 a.m. still full of energy, other days he crawls under the blanket at 6 p.m. exhausted to the point of collapsing. He never complains about sleep, sees almost acid-trippy dreams a few times a month, and not even once had to take a pill to fall asleep.
Sleeps like a dead man with limbs entwined around his loved one. His lips break into a sweet smile as Usami throws a leg over their body and presses himself closer. He looks so peaceful you’d never think this man can bite your hand and throw you out of the window uwu.
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imjeralee · 4 years
Comfort in Despair: Chapter 18 - The Witch of Wedgehurst
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Leon x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Galar is rich in folklore and tales of the supernatural.
As a Pokemon Researcher who specialises in ghost types, this is a great opportunity for you to investigate and learn more about the paranormal.
Along the way, you meet Leon (in the most awkward way possible) who becomes embroiled in your adventures.
^ Basically this story is about ghosts :/
Rating: General/Teen
@marydragneell​ oh my goodness, I almost forgot to keep the tag list on my chapter updates. Sorry T_T
The Witch of Wedgehurst
["Oh please, say to me You'll let me be your man And please, say to me You'll let me hold your hand Now, let me hold your hand I want to hold your hand."
- I Want To Hold Your Hand, The Beatles]
In the laboratory, you are occupied with Leon’s flowers and Pokemon School is forgotten for now. You are keen to display them and intend to keep them for alive for as long as possible, and you grab a pair of scissors from Magnolia’s stationary tub and find a spare vase in the cupboard underneath the sink which you rinse out before you fill it with some water.
You’re not a professional at flower arranging in any manner whatsoever but you carefully unravel the cellophane and neatly take the flowers out one by one, placing them over the table until the bouquet rustles, and you suddenly hear a loud squeak.
“What was that?”
Looking up and around, the ghost pokemon haven’t seem to have noticed. Gengar and Runerigus are playing upstairs, shadow tag or something, whilst you have left Mimikyu on her own with pieces of blank paper and some felt-tip pens.
Perhaps you’d heard wrong.
With an inward shrug, you pull out another flower and the squeaking returns and it occurs to you it’s coming from within the bouquet so you gently pry some flowers apart and it’s then you see a tiny little yellow pokemon nestled within, blinking its massive, bright and wet eyes at you.
“Oh!” you exclaim, before you scoop the Sunkern out and hold it up in the base of your palms. “Oh my gosh, what are you doing here, little guy?”
It squeaks and jiggles up and down in your palm, shaking its two leaves happily.
“I wonder how long you were in there,” you murmur, before you gently place him over the surface of the table.
He ends up rolling around in a semi-circle and comes to a stop, lying on his back. Squeaking for you, he is unable to get up so you scoop him into your palms once more, inch a mug over and prop him up against the handle. He squeaks loudly with gratitude and you giggle.
“So cute…” you coo, as you reach over and pet him affectionately on the leaves. “You can stay right here with me.”
But he must be hungry and thirsty, you think, so you find Magnolia’s mini Phanpy watering can by one of the potted plants. It’s almost empty so you fill it in the sink and head over to your little Sunkern before you sprinkle some water over his leaves.
He blinks and looks up, then begins gulping some of the water and bounces up and down on the spot.
Pulling a seat out, you plop yourself down and pick up one of the flowers, snipping off an inch or so of the stem before you slip it into the awaiting vase.
The ghost pokemon eventually return to you, with Gengar slinking into one seat and Runerigus standing beside you and you smile at your pokemon as they gather around. Mimikyu pokes your arm with a claw and as you turn round, she's waving a piece of paper in the air; she wants to show you what she drew and you take the picture off her. It's a crude drawing of Mimikyu stabbing a Pikachu, complete with blood. Below, she has scribbled ‘Me Kill Pikachu’. You put the drawing down, then turn to Mimikyu who giggles and waves her tendrils around happily in the air.
“….I think I’m gonna keep an eye on you from now on,” you murmur but she merely snickers and climbs into a seat.
With a shadowy claw, she picks up a single flower before she's joined by Runerigus who copies her action, twirling the flower around in his fingers and Gengar does the same.
“Ohh, do you want to help me out?” you ask with a smile, and everyone nods. “Thank you, I would like that very much.”
The pokemon respond cheerfully and together, you work on preparing the bouquet which doesn't take long with your pokemon helping you. Mimikyu and Gengar pass you the flowers one by one and you snip the stems off carefully and pass it to Runerigus who slips it into the awaiting vase. You finish up in a few minutes or so, and Runerigus appears to have taken a liking to flower arrangement and his skills are impressive. He’s very careful and gentle with the flowers which you are grateful for and once the vase is full, you empty the packet of flower food supplied and pick the vase up.
“Now grow strong, my pretties,” you say with a cackle, and your pokemon join in, grinning and chortling by your side. “Alright, let’s go home.”
The pokemon cheer and Gengar leaps into your shadow whilst Mimikyu and Runerigus return to their capsules.
You want to display the vase in the house, somewhere in the conservatory where it can get as much sunlight as possible. Donning your jacket, you slip Sunkern into your pocket since he doesn't have a pokeball yet and when you ensure that he won't slip out, you smile as he squeaks and nestles himself into the small slot. He looks rather cosy and you proceed to switch off all the lights of the lab and inspect the space once more in case you forgot anything, then carefully scoop the vase up with one hand, close the door and lock it behind you.
As you pull the key out, a loud swoop penetrates the atmosphere along with an alarmed squeak from Sunkern; a dark shadow has appeared from literally out of nowhere and with claws out, it dives for your bouquet and proceeds to tear at the flowers before you can stop it.
The momentum knocks the vase out of your hands and it meets the concrete, shattering into various pieces.
You're staring wordlessly at the mess on the ground and so you don't even notice the trio of youngsters who jump out from the bushes by the lab with a loud battle cry and their arms are full of little pebbles, which they promptly begin to toss at your direction.
"Witch!" they yell, "take this, you evil witch!!"
Their voices are so far away, your gaze transfixed on the destroyed bouquet at your feet.
Making no effort to avoid the stones, one sharp pebble in particular smacks you in the side of the head and the edge tears at your skin.
Gengar immediately emerges from your shadow on the door, his eyes glowing a furious red as he holds his arms out. The stones stop in mid-air, surrounded by a dark purple glow, before they go shooting the opposite direction and towards the kids. He is joined by Runerigus who leaves his capsule in a burst of light. He guards you, preventing any loose stones from hitting you; they smack into his large and rocky body instead though the pebbles are akin to a piece of cork being thrown against a brick wall, and he roars as loudly as he can at the children.
They wail and scream as Gengar pelts them in return with their own stones, and they spin on their heel to make a hasty retreat only to be met with Mimikyu.
"Pick on someone your own size!!" Mimikyu growls, before her ragdoll disguise splits into two, unleashing many shadowy tendrils to smack them on their rears as they scrabble away. Spearow follows them, who is promptly returned to its pokeball by one of the kids.
She attempts to chase after them but you say, "Mimikyu, stop."
You shake your head and her ragdoll body pieces itself back together and she shuffles over to your side; you thank the pokemon for protecting you but the damage is done. Leon's flowers are ravaged and you gaze limply at the scattered pieces of the broken vase.
"...It's ruined," you mumble under your breath, before you emit a sigh and shake your head. "...I can't believe it."
You had them for less than fifteen minutes.
They were a gift to you.
From Leon.
Frustration claws its way into your system along with an overwhelming urge to mourn, and the corner of your eyes become prickled with tears; you dab at them hastily and Gengar pats you on the head whilst Mimikyu and Runerigus rub your back. You thank your pokemon again and lower yourself to a crouch, picking up the broken pieces. They join in, helping you tidy up the glass and the flowers silently, before Runerigus finds an intact white flower which survived the onslaught and he nudges it for your taking.
"Oh...Thank you, Runi."
His eye creases slightly before he plops his large hand atop your head and you smile at him as you hold the flower gingerly in hands. You will protect this flower at all costs.
"He says...it's going to be okay," Mimikyu pipes up and you nod.
"Thanks Mimi. Thanks everyone. C'mon...Let's go," you murmur.
With your pokemon by your side, the walk back home is a long one.
Sonia's not home yet and Magnolia and Yamper are still sleeping. It's just you on your own as usual. It's a typical night you suppose (aside from the stoning), and after you carefully put the salvaged flower into another vase in the conservatory, you lift Sunkern out from your pocket and settle him into one of the larger potted plants where he can sit in the soil and hopefully soak up all the nutrients he needs to grow healthy and strong. Sunkern glances around his new home and squeaks happily at you before burrowing inside, closing his eyes.
He's out for the night so you head upstairs to take a shower. Gengar, Mimikyu and Runerigus remain in the lounge, watching you plod upstairs with your head low.
"Let’s find those kids and kill them, mi mi," Mimikyu growls, curling one claw into a tight fist.
Gengar and Runerigus throw each other concerned glances before Gengar floats up and into the air, shaking his head.
"Then let's curse them, mi."
Gengar pauses, partially tempted, but shakes his head once more.
Killing or cursing children is not the answer so he iterates that they should focus on cheering up their trainer.
He suggests they should call Leon, perhaps.
"Call Leon, mi?"
He nods, and Runerigus seems happy to go along with this plan too.
"Yes, let's do that, mi," Mimikyu replies, clapping two tendrils together, "Rotom?"
There is a brief silence until your phone comes hovering towards the lounge, having been summoned.
"Yo wazzzup, what'zzzz the - Bzzzrt!! What???"
Mimikyu envelopes Rotom with her tendrils and reels him in to sit in front of her, tapping at the screen with her claws, going through the phonebook and finding Leon's contact number. You only have five contacts so it didn't take long at all and she spots Leon's name and hastily presses the button. Rotom switches to phone mode and it rings for a few seconds. The ghost pokemon wait with baited breath as they huddle in front of your phone, watching the screen.
The screen flickers on before Leon abruptly appears.
"Hi - oh, what's this?" he utters, shocked by what he's seeing.
"Mi hello."
"Yes, it is mi, Mimikyu."
"What's wrong?" Leon asks, before he asks for your whereabouts. Are you okay? Has something happened? Arceus, are you in trouble???
"It's an emergency, mi mi, the flowers. She is in trouble, mi. Come to the house."
"I'll come over right now!" He exclaims without a second to spare; he promptly hangs up and Mimikyu giggles, clasping her tendrils together.
Her work here is done.
"I can't fight it anymore. I ran away from you once. I can't do it again. Oh, I don't know what's right any longer. You'll have to think for both of us, for all of us."
"All right, I will. Here's looking at you, kid."
"I wish I didn't love you so much."
Sappy, romantic music plays from the TV as you watch the couple on screen embrace tightly.
"They make it look so easy," you mumble as you sit slouched low on the sofa, grabbing a handful of chips from the bowl and shoving them into your mouth and crunching on them noisily whilst Gengar and Runerigus sit beside you, sipping their tea.
Then the doorbell rings and there's someone pounding on the front door.
Who could that possibly be, and at this hour?
Did Sonia forget her key again?
You stop stuffing your face and emit an exhausted 'mrrgfhhh', before you drag yourself up and off the couch, yelling, "Sonnie, you're lucky I'm home tonight!" as you shuffle over. Once you're at the door, you peer through the peephole and gasp when you see who it is. "No way!" you exclaim under your breath.
You hastily unlock the front door and throw it open, revealing that it is none other than a flustered-looking Leon who stands in full Champion gear on your doorstep.
For a second or so, you both blink at each other before spluttering out simultaneously:
"Leon?!" "Are you okay?"
You blink whilst his face goes red.
"I'm okay." "Mimikyu called me and said you were in trouble!"
"Um. Y-you go first."
Leon subjects you to a look from head to toe; here you are barefoot with a large bag of original-flavoured chips in one hand. No trouble here.
You cringe, hoping he didn't hear you yelling about Sonia.
"I-I'm fine, Leon, there's no emergency," you toss a glance to the lounge where your Rotom phone and the rest of the Pokemon wave and waggle their fingers and claws at you. "Wait. You said Mimikyu called you?"
He nods and notices the cut on your forehead.
You quickly piece two and two together and cringe again. ".....Oh god, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Leon. It's a false alarm. I'll keep a closer eye on Mimikyu from now on. I'm fine. Really, I am."
He does not look entirely swayed so you nod vigorously to convince him.
"Um, do you want to come in?" you ask, holding the door open.
"Ah...I-I can't. The beauty pageant is tonight."
You blink cluelessly as you had absolutely no knowledge of this but you supposed it was due to your lack of interest in current affairs. However, Leon didn't mention it to you either and neither did anyone else; you can only presume no-one in your limited social circle is interested in the pageant and you're brought out of your reverie when Leon raises a hand to carefully brush away some hair from the side of your face and you freeze on the spot as his fingertips gently press against the small wound.
You wince under his touch and he murmurs, "What happened?"
"I got stoned. Literally," you grumble with a roll of your eyes.
"Mimikyu mentioned something about flowers."
Your face falls. "Oh. Right. Um....yeah, about that..." you give Leon an exasperated look and sigh, "...they're ruined."
You tell him about the kids.
Leon's expression softens before he pulls his hand away to wrap around your own. "I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you. Come with me."
He chuckles. "My house."
And Leon smiles reassuringly at you and so you nod and grab your coat. Returning your pokemon into their capsules, you slip into your shoes and fling a glance to the staircase. Magnolia hasn't woken up so you quietly lock the door behind you and join Leon on the stony path. He gives you a warm smile and you return his smile with a fond one of your own, pulling the lapels of your coat tighter to yourself.
"So, how long do you have before they notice you're gone?"
"Half hour or so."
"Yes, they think I'm in my dressing room."
"Oh, Leon."
He's snooping out to see you; this isn't like him at all, but you can't help but feel happy.
"When Mimikyu called, I was so worried. I had to see you," he utters.
You pause slightly in mid-step, your heart fluttering for the umpteenth time; Leon responds with a sheepish smile.
As you meander further down the path with him, you sigh and throw your glimpse to the night sky. It's getting colder and Leon sticks close to you which you are grateful for as he provides some extra warmth to you just by being close.
Your footsteps echo one another and your shoulders nudge together. On several periods, you'll carefully slide your glance to his direction and you will see him smiling to himself. You like that about him, how he's always wearing a kind smile no matter what.
With that thought in mind, your cheeks warm up all over again and your fingers suddenly brush together as Leon steps a little closer to you than necessary and the sides of your palm briefly come into contact.
You stiffen somewhat yet you do not retreat from his action so your hands linger millimetres apart in some kind of limbo before Leon ultimately takes charge and uses his pinky finger to hook around yours and pull you in just a little closer to him. It's a careful and calculated movement on his part to test the waters but it's enough to make you blush.
As Leon glances at you from the corner of his eyes to gauge your reaction, you weave your pinky finger around his in return and for a while as you're walking along the linear path from Wedgehurst to Postwick, you wish this tender moment you are sharing with the Champion would never end, though you inwardly hope there would be more.
As though reading your thoughts, Leon decides to step it up a notch and slinks his ring finger around yours.
He's becoming bold for good reason, and you encourage him further by mimicking his action and looping your middle finger around his and this continues until the rest of your fingers entwine together and the two of you are holding hands very firmly.
Neither of you say a word nor do you look at one another but your heart pounds and he clears his throat silently. You dare to sneak a peek at him again to see what he's up to, and you see he's got this goofy smile plastered on his handsome face and his cheeks are tickled pink.
His hand is much bigger than yours and also a lot warmer and the base of his palm is rather callused, probably from long and hard years of training with his Pokemon. Initially nothing else happens until Leon gives your hand a squeeze and you respond by rubbing your thumb over his and this sets off a brief fondling session where he slides his thumb over the smooth skin of your knuckles and you shiver somewhat before you squeeze his hand playfully in return.
This enjoyable moment does unfortunately comes to an end when you arrive at Leon's house and as if on cue, the front door opens and Leon's mother pokes her head outside, glancing at the two of you in surprise.
"Leo!?" she exclaims, before she sees your joined hands and her eyes actively pop out of her sockets. "Oh my."
"Hi mum."
She giggles and holds the door wide open; ecstatic to see you both, she proceeds to usher you inside. "This is such a lovely surprise! Come in, come in, my dear!"
"Thank you very much."
She's not alone. Hop emerges from the lounge, clutching Wooloo in his arms. "Lee???"
"Hi Hop."
He shouts with joy, diving for his older brother, "What are you doing here???"
"Unfortunately I can't stay for long," Leon replies, chuckling.
The grandparents are missing but you imagine they're most likely fast asleep. Leon sheepishly explains to his family why he's brought you over but his mother says no reason or explanation is necessary and she's extremely glad to have you over and see you again; you will need to catch up later, she says. She's smiling widely at you and you're not sure what's quite going on.
"What in the name of Arceus happened to you, dear?" Leon's mum asks; she has noticed the nasty cut on the side of your head and your bandaged arm.
"Ah....it's nothing. Just an accident."
"Oh dear, let's get that looked at ASAP," she hastily steers you to the kitchen where she seats you in a random chair and Leon follows, settling himself into the chair beside yours whilst Hop lingers at the doorway with Wooloo. Leon's mum bustles around the kitchen, locating the first-aid kit from a cupboard near the sink which she brings over; immediately, Leon begins sifting for the appropriate supplies.
"Mum, I can take it from here," he says, fishing out a cotton swab, some ointment and a clean plaster.
Surprised, Leon's mum nods and nudges the kit further for his taking. Then she hastily makes a swift exit, grabbing Hop and Wooloo along the way.
"Whoa!!" Hop exclaims, but she goes 'sshhhh, they need to be alone!' and then it grows silent.
You watch their retreating backs whilst Leon reaches over and dabs at your cut with the cotton, sweeping ointment over the wound.
"Tell me if I hurt you," he murmurs.
You sit still in the chair with your back straight as much as possible, head tilted to the ceiling slightly so Leon can brush the small cut with the ointment. He applies the plaster over your skin once the task is completed, smoothing it down with his fingers.
"There we go."
"Thanks Leon."
He grins, leaning forwards in his seat to grab and squeeze your hand affectionately. "...You can call me 'Lee'."
A smile worms its way across your face as your gazes meet and you're both smiling at each other; however, the moment is short-lived when Leon catches glimpse of the clock behind you on the wall and his smile drops.
"I should go."
"Okay," you say, with a sulk.
He chuckles and releases your hand, rising to stand and adjusting his cap and you follow him out of the kitchen and into the landing; mum and Hop return, keen to know what's going on and what's up between the two of you and whatnot. He exchanges some brief words with his family before they share a quick embrace; he needs to return to Wyndon. The beauty pageant is beginning in forty minutes and his presence cannot be missed.
"I'll see you guys soon," he promises as he exits the house and steps into the front yard. Mum and Hop follow him out and so do you, watching as he releases Charizard from his capsule. The flame pokemon lands on the ground and spreads his wings, glancing at Leon expectantly.
"Bye Lee!" Hop shouts, waving fiercely as Leon climbs over Charizard's awaiting back.
"Be safe, dear."
"I will!" Leon yells with a wide grin; he waves to his mother and brother before his eyes lands on you and his grin widens. Your cheeks heat up and you wave as the flame pokemon manoeuvres himself into position, stamping his large and bulky hind legs over the ground as he prepares for lift off. Leon pats the side of his neck and the pokemon huffs loudly. "Charizard, let's go!"
Emitting a loud roar, Charizard flaps his wings and in one massive swoop, he takes off to the sky, disappearing in a blink.
Leon is gone.
You linger with his family outside before they decide to retreat into their warm and toasty house.
"Why don't stay here for the time being, my dear?" says Leon's mum, nudging her head towards the direction of the living room.
"Yeah!! Let's watch the beauty pageant together!" Hop exclaims, and you nod.
"Thank you. That would be nice."
"I'll get the popcorn!" Hop yells, and he rushes past you and into the kitchen.
“And I’ll get the camera,” says mum, before she dashes to one of the cupboards near the mantelpiece, pulling it wide open and lifting out an old-fashioned camcorder which she hastily switches on. "I always record all of Leo's programs or shows."
You join her as she plops herself down on one of the plushy couches and Hop returns into the living room with a large bowl of popcorn. He climbs over the settee with Wooloo and switches the TV on, passing the popcorn to you, and the TV, switched to the Galar main broadcasting channel, is now playing the Miss Galar Beauty Pageant theme song with the logo slapped over the screen. Checking the clock on the wall, you think Sonia might be home by now...no doubt, she'd be watching the pageant too.
"Have you watched the Miss Galar pageants before?" Hop asks, and you shake your head. "It's a blast! Lee's been a judge for five years now!"
"Oh, r-really?"
He nods. "Yeah, and some girls get really attached to him after that."
"Oh," you say again.
You're not really surprised.
"I swear, every year some floozy decides to latch onto our Leo and obsessively call him 'hers'." huffs Leon's mum, who shakes her head as she stuffs some popcorn into her mouth.
The show begins and it's an impressive display; the stage is alit with loud modern music and bright lights, accompanied with dancers and pokemon in funky costumes who parade around onstage and you watch as two men and a woman in evening outfits along with a Clefable appear at the very end of the extravagant opening, excitedly introducing themselves as the presenters of the program; it's taking place at Wyndon stadium and the pitch has been converted from Pokemon battle arena to a stage ripe for a pageant, with a massive T-shaped catwalk, tonnes of spotlights and various tables and chairs for the judges. It's a full audience, too.
The judges are introduced; looks like Leon made it in time because he's sitting at his designated table and waving to the crowd once the spotlight is on him. The audience cheers at wildly for him as he smiles and waves. He is impeccable as always.
With camcorder in hand, Leon's mum flicks her gaze to you and directs the camera to your direction to record your reaction whilst Hop points and hoots excitedly.
"There he is, there he is!!! Lee!!!"
"Thank you," Leon on TV says, and your heart thuds terribly when you see his grinning face on screen.
The remaining judges are introduced but you're too busy gawking at Leon to pay attention to the other judges and when the camera returns to the Champion, Hop exclaims and jumps up and down in his seat all over again.
The pageant begins, curtains rising, and the contestants step onto the stage; the judges are strategically seated so they can get a good view. The contenders consist of tall and beautiful young women dressed in swimsuits with ribbons looped around their bodies detailing where they're from. There's Miss Postwick, Miss Wedgehurst, Miss Turrfield and so on.
Each and every single contestant proudly stride past the judges and Leon, waving cheerfully to the crowd with massive smiles on their faces. These ladies are extremely fit and slender, with lean bodies and not a single blemish on their body. Their high heels are a ridiculous height yet they have no difficulty as they perform the rehearsed routine with the dancers and Pokemon behind them.
It's a long show.
You plough through two gruelling hours with Hop and Leon's mum, going through three or so bags of popcorn altogether as each and every single contestant go through several montages; they are interviewed and questioned, receive the opportunity to show off their dresses and swimsuits, demonstrate their unique talents, talk about their goals and visions for Galar and soon it's time for the results, beginning with third place.
"Are you ready folks? It's time to reveal who our third runner up is!" exclaims one of the presenters and you are all on the edge of your seats as you await the result.
A red throne has been carried to the middle of the catwalk where the winner will sit. After the short drumroll, Miss Spikemuth is called out and the audience goes wild. A pale-skinned young woman with long and flowy jet black hair stalks over to the three-tiered podium where a man in a tuxedo with a ribbon and tiara is waiting for her. The camera shifts to Leon and the judges who clap for her.
"Congratulations, Miss Spikemuth! Now......second runner up....is-!!!"
"I hope it's Miss Ballonlea," you utter. "Her talent was very impressive."
"Yes, that flute recital was very enchanting," says Leon's mum.
"I hope she wins too," says Hop.
"Miss Ballonlea!!!"
You, Leon's mum and Hop whoop, then you all exchange a high five.
Miss Ballonlea, a blonde-haired woman, joins Miss Spikemuth on the opposite of the podium whilst crying incessantly.
"And finally, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for...WHO will be this year's Miss Galar????"
The drumroll intensifies.
And the living room is quiet until-
"Miss Postwick! Miss Postwick!" cheers Leon's mum, whilst you're secretly rooting for Miss Wedgehurst to win.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this year's Miss Galar Beauty Pageant IS.........."
The suspense is killing you all.
"....MISS HULBURY!!!!"
A small fraction of the crowd who hail from the city cheer wildly as an extremely attractive young woman steps forwards, clasping both hands over her mouth in shock. Confetti is tossed over her and a fanfare plays; Leon and the remaining judges move to stand, clapping as she glances around the stage, awestruck and numb. The unsuccessful contestants clap, though some look a little annoyed by the results.
"Give it up for Miss Hulbury!!! Congratulations, your city must be very proud of you!" the TV presenter roars wildly into the microphone and he beckons her to join the other two crowned contestants, though she briefly steps on the podium for a few seconds or so before all the winners leave.
They head for the red throne though Miss Hulbury seats herself down and soon, you see Leon leaving his seat and heading for the stage.
This is the first time you've watched a Miss Galar Beauty Pageant and you're not sure what he's doing, but a whole shebang of awards are presented to Miss Hulbury consisting of a glistening silver tiara, a silver sceptre with the symbol of Galar, a ribbon and a red velvet cape that...looks similar to Leon's????
The tiara is carefully fastened atop her head by the young man in a tux and she is handed the jewel-encrusted silver sceptre. The ribbon is also fixed around her torso and Leon arrives at her side as the cape is looped over her shoulders; she looks at him and smiles.
The newly crowned Miss Galar rises to stand and joins the Champion, who offers his arm to her.
As you watch the scene unfold, you lean forwards in your seat, your eyes glued to the screen. Hop and Leon's mum swerve their gazes to you.
Background music begins to play and Wyndon stadium is alit with cheering and applause.
"There she is, Miss Galar...there she is, your ideal....the dream of a million girls who are more than pretty can come true in Wyndon City ~ " one of the presenters begins to sing, joined with a Clefable, with his arm out as the beautiful young woman strolls down the catwalk with sceptre in hand and her arm looped around Leon's, her cape fluttering with his.
You gape as they stride to one side of the catwalk and back, and it feels like the walk of eternity until they return to the middle and Leon pulls his arm away gently so she can return to the throne; they shake hands and she reclaims her seat on the red velvet chair, smiling and waving for the camera.
She blows a kiss, and the screen fades to black.
It’s night-time.
She discovers she’s standing underneath an old and large, derelict tower for some reason, damp and cold.
There’s a single thought running through her mind right now and it is quite simple: I want to go home.
Where is home?
….Motostoke….Twenty three…Dorset… Road…
Where is she?
Glancing around, she has no recognition of where she is nor does she recognise her surroundings.
However, the loud crow of a bird pokemon along with a rather frantic and anxious yell of “Miss, are you okay?” grabs her attentions and she glances up to the dark sky to see a Corviknight taxi landing before her. The windscreen wipers are switched on, the rubber blades squeaking against the glass as they swipe away the heavy rain in hypnotic fashion.
The cabbie hops off the vehicle, heavy-duty boots crunching over the squelchy mud as he holds onto his woolly trapper hat which is threatening to blow away in the wind.
“Good heavens, Miss, a-are you alright?” he squawks in alarm as he looks at her from head to toe. Even Corviknight seems perturbed by her appearance, his red eyes widening thoroughly.
“....Home,” she merely says as she settles her limp gaze on the little man, “I want to go home.”
“Uh, Miss, I think I outta take you to the nearest hospital…”
“Home,” she says again, blinking through the raindrops that batter her bedraggled form and pelt her eyelashes. “I want to go home.”
“Okay, where do you live? I’ll give you a ride,” the cabbie replies and he dashes to his carriage, climbs the ladder and returns to his perch atop his large steed.
“Motostoke,” she says, “Twenty three…..Dorset Road…”
"Got it, hop in!"
The cabbie watches her slip inside the empty, awaiting carriage and close the door. She sits rigidly in the chair, staring limply ahead of her.
On the small control panel of the cab, he locks the door, grabs onto the reigns of Corviknight and instructs the large bird to take off to the skies despite the heavy rain. A thunderstorm is in the making and the wind is reported to be over eighty miles per hour but he is undaunted. The cabbie braves the fierce storm and avoids some dangerous-looking clouds; Corviknight, being a seasoned flier with over eighty thousand miles or so of experience, isn’t shaken by the random bouts of lightning and the loud, overhead boom of thunder as they traverse the miserable sky.
He’s not supposed to fly in these conditions, but it doesn’t help that he was trying to get out of the storm and the Wild Area as quickly as possible after depositing a customer near North Lake Miloch and happened to see a blood-stained girl on the ground looking rather lost and dazed near the ruins of the old Watchtower.
However, he can’t shake off the feeling that there is something wrong with her.
She’s drenched in blood, covered in bruises, donned in raggedy clothing…she’s clearly shocked and confused and needs help.
He should report this, and once Motostoke looms into view, he finds the address the girl had stated and presses down on a button that links to the intercom inside the cab.
“Miss? We’re here.”
Awaiting for a response, he is however, greeted with silence and the occasional crackling of static.
He shrugs inwardly and directs Corviknight to land in front of a two-storey detached house with red bricks and a white door and the cab lands safely on the ground, a low but steady grumble emitting from the earth upon arrival. Immobile, he unlocks the cabbie door, climbs off his steed and down the ladder whilst the bird stretches his wings and shakes himself, sending huge droplets of water into the air.
The cabbie goes up to the door of the cab, peers through the window and proceeds to gasp loudly.
The interior of the cab is empty.
He flings the door open and pokes his head inside.
“S-she’s gone?!!” he cries, before he tears off his goggles as though determined to ensure that his old eyes were not playing tricks on him.
Summoned by the commotion outside and a random Corviknight taxi, the front door to the house of twenty three Dorset Road opens and a middle-aged woman and a teenage girl with a Sylveon peek out.
“….Can we help you?” the woman asks.
The cabbie gawks at the woman and lass and points frantically at his own cab. “The girl!!! The passenger!!! She’s gone!!! She asked to be taken to Motostoke, twenty three Dorset Road!!! I swear she was inside and never got out, the doors are automatically locked and only I can unlock or lock and the door alarm never went off, I-“
The pair blink numbly as he babbles and flails uncontrollably over the missing hitchhiker.
“…A girl?” asks the woman, after he gives up on trying to explain and pants and groans heavily.
He nods and takes off his hat, fanning himself. “Yeah!!! She had dark hair and-and she was covered all over in blood, she was all bruised and battered all over!!!! Never mind. Forget it, I-I’m sorry to bother you, ma’am.”
Shaking his head, he wonders who will pay for the cabbie ride. Most likely, it will be deducted from his wages.
However, the woman promptly bursts into tears and rushes back inside the house. The muffled sound of a door slamming can be heard.
The cabbie gawks for a moment or so before the teenage girl with the Sylveon leaves the doorstep of her house and strides up to him.
“That was my sister,” she says, “you’re not the only one to bring her home. Thanks.”
The girl digs a hand into her pocket and pulls out her purse, pulling out some frayed notes which she plops into his hand. “This should cover the taxi fare.”
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bunnis-babes · 5 years
Something About the Stars Ch. 1: Ice Cream and Tears
You stare up at the ceiling blankly, not ready to get out of bed yet. It was somewhere around twelve, and you knew you needed to be somewhere, but you just weren’t ready to face the world yet. Despite that, you turned your head to the side to check the time, which read twelve-thirty. You could continue to lie in bed and get lost in your thoughts, but the commute from your new house to the river by Akaashi’s was about fifteen by foot, and you didn’t feel like delaying your news to your friends much longer.
With a groan, you stood up and stretched out, then picked up the outfit you’d set out the night before and get yourself ready for the day. You took a shower, changed, threw on a little makeup, and tossed your hair up in a messy bun. You checked yourself in the mirror, making sure you were presentable, and then headed downstairs.
You ran your hand along the wall as you walked down to the living room. You were still unsure of how you felt about this house, it was welcoming and warm, but it wasn’t your old house - it wasn’t your family's house. In this house, you felt like you could pretend things were alright with your family, but you didn’t have those memories as you did in the old one. Like you and your parents talking over a warm breakfast in the morning, and you’d send them off to work with a warm hug before heading off to be with your old school friends. Things weren’t like that here; they haven’t been like that for a while. Not since your mother left, after she walked out things just weren’t the same with you and your dad. They were tense, and you couldn’t stand the heaviness that hung in the air when you were alone with him.
That’s just how things were in your home, though, and you didn’t want to mess with it. You weren’t ready to mess with anything. So you would continue with your pretending, just like you would now as you finally made your way to the living room.
You pushed a half-full box of books out of your way - making a note to search through it for something to pass time later - and made your way to the dining room. Your father was already up eating lunch, which consisted of leftover pizza from last night and a slice of week-old apple pie. He sent you a jolly smile and referenced to the plate across from him that had the same contents. You sat across from him, sending a smile back at him.
The silence between both of you was comfortable for the most part - until your father broke it, that is.
“How was your nap, sleeping beauty.” he joked awkwardly. You gave a half-hearted chuckle and a small ‘good’, not able to find another way to respond.
This was how mornings - well technically afternoons - were with your father. He’d make an awkward joke or an attempt at conversation, and you would give an equally if not more uncomfortable response. Things didn’t flow right without your mom, especially since your father refused to acknowledge she even left in the first place. Arguments became common, especially over the whole soulmate subject, which you learned to avoid as much as possible.
After the long pause in the conversation, your father decided he would finally talk to you about the move. Of course, it was a bit too late for that, but you would humor him for both your sakes.
“Listen, I know this move is hard… but it’s for the best. This job is going to make a lot of money for us,” you sighed and frowned at him. He knew you didn’t care about the money at all. “and Nekoma is a fantastic school! It will give you better work opportunities, and a chance to make new friends who don’t fill your head with that ‘soulmate’ bullcrap.”
You scowled at him but decided to ignore his snide comment. Of course, he would bring that up, but you couldn’t change his mind, and you didn’t feel like arguing with him. You stood up with a frustrated sigh, not feeling hungry anymore
“Okay, let’s talk later. I gotta head out... meeting with some friends.” you turned quickly, hoping he would just let it lie; but of course he couldn’t.
He cleared his throat annoyedly, and you stopped respectfully without turning to look at him. You didn’t have to, to know what face he was making.
“Which friends?” he asked, trying to keep his voice level. You debated lying, but your father would be able to tell, and you didn’t feel like getting in even more trouble.
“Bokuto and Akaashi.” Obviously, who else did you hang out with?
He sighed, clearly annoyed “You know how I feel about those two, they fill your head with dumb ideas.”
You bit your tongue, lashing out wasn’t something you wanted to do “They’re not doing any harm. Just sharing some thoughts with me, it’s not wrong to have a little hope.”
“Kid, they’re giving you false hope, fake ideas! That soulmate shit is made up, and I don’t want you believing in something so… so… so asinine!”
You clench your fists so tightly you were sure you would draw blood, just keep yourself calm and things would be okay.
“Listen,” you said firmly, “I don’t care what you think about them or their beliefs, okay? I’m going to go see my friends, and nothing you say or do will stop me.”
You stood there for a few moments waiting for a response, almost scared he would lash out and you’d have to run before he stopped you. Luckily he stayed silent and still, so you walked away without even sparing him a glance.
“Just another day,” you whispered to yourself as you walked out the front door “just another life.”
You made your way to the river, about ten minutes before your friends did, which was fine with you. You’d always liked to come to this river to think, or just get away from your house. Something about it felt calming and friendly - which was strange, considering you were talking about a river for goodness sake - like you somehow knew it. Maybe in a past life, you had come here before, but it felt deeper than that like you had a literal connection with it.
You didn’t have much more time to mull over your thoughts, though, as you were suddenly picked up and swung around like a ragdoll by none other than Bokuto. Following close behind was his unimpressed boyfriend, Akaashi. He sent you the, ‘Do you need me to stop him’ look, to which you shake your head and melted into the hug to convince him you were okay.
You two hugged for a couple of seconds more before finally, you broke the hug - never the hugger Bokuto was. Bokuto let out a childish chuckle as he stepped away, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling as well.
The three of you caught up a bit, and you completely forgot about everything bad in your life at the time. Something about the two of them brought out the best in you, and you had no idea what you’d do without them.
“So, what’d you want to talk about?” Akaashi brought up, as your previous conversation died down.
Just like that, you were back in the real world. You were still in a different house; your mother was still gone, and you were still struggling with the fact you were about to lose your only good friends.
“Oh, that! I almost forgot,” you feigned surprise, clearly not convincing Akaashi “just, some things happened, and it’s… a lot.”
“Your dad, again?” Bokuto shot you a worried look as he asked that.
You shake your head with a sigh, smiling gently at his concern. He was incredibly oblivious sometimes, but you loved that about him you supposed... you would miss him and Akaashi both.
“Not exactly. You know how I told you I was moving?” you could feel tears form, but you didn’t want to cry in front of them.
Akaashi nodded and Bokuto placed a hand on your shoulder, “Yeah, but didn’t you already move to the new place?” he asked gently with a hint of confusion lacing his voice.
“I-I did, but… I’m not just moving houses,” you swallowed and looked up in a last-ditch attempt to stop the tears, it didn’t work “I’m also transferring schools. S-so I won’t be going to Fukurodanai anymore… I’m sorry.”
Now you were fully crying, and you had to thank yourself for not putting on any mascara this morning lest you be even more of a mess. The couple in front of you didn’t move for a long moment after your confession, and you were almost convinced they would walk away without another word, but then you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. They weren’t Bokuto’s, however, but Akaashi’s. You were stunned for a moment, since Akaashi was hardly even affectionate with his boyfriend, but hugged him back tightly. Bokuto joined the hug not long after, whispering little words of reassurance to you. All three of you were crying, and making fools of yourselves in public, but you couldn’t bring yourselves to care. Right now, all that mattered was you, Bokuto, and Akaashi.
You weren’t sure how long you three stood there hugging and crying, but you eventually separated and decided you would go and get some ice cream. In Bokuto’s words, “Ice cream is the ultimate soul healing food.” and you honestly had to agree. When things were rough, your mother would take you to get ice cream, and it never failed to make the world a little brighter.
The three of you ate your ice cream in a welcomed silence, talking seemed like too much of a strain at the moment. Instead, you focused on eating your ice cream and watching the couple in front of you. They weren’t talking or doing anything super romantic, but you could tell how in love they were just by the way they were holding onto each other. You smiled softly at the sight, you were so happy for the two of them. You couldn’t wait until you found your soulmate and could have that kind of relationship with them.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Bokuto chuckle at you. It was then that you realized you’d been staring for a very long time, and a blush crept up your cheeks. They both smiled at you, and Bokuto shook his head. He looked like he wanted to ask you something, so you sent him a skeptical look. It took him a moment, but it clicked in his head that you were allowing him to ask, and then he just went for it.
“So… we’re both going to miss you a lot this year, but…” he trailed off.
“But…?” you asked, a little curious about his thought process.
“But… I kind of want to know which school you’ll be going to instead, ‘cause if you go to certain ones we might be able to see you at the games and stuff!” he said excitedly.
Now that you think of it, he reminds you of a puppy - not the point.
“Uh… it’s Nekoma… you guys went up against them a couple of times, right?” you couldn’t remember if they did or not, but they way Bokuto’s face lit up after you said Nekoma was all the answer you needed.
“Yeah! Better yet, Kuroo goes there! I can get him to help you around, and I’ll put in a good word for you.” he winked at you.
You didn’t like it when Bokuto winked at you, because it meant he was going to do something stupid. You look over to Akaashi for help, only to find him smirking. What? He looked down at his phone to check the time and tugged on Bokuto’s arm. He let out a little groan of protest, as he was texting this ‘Kuroo’ friend of his.
“We have to go, practice is going to start soon.” he said in his usual tone of voice.
Bokuto let out an unhappy sigh and pocketed his phone before turning to you with a big smile.
“I promise we’ll keep in touch, just because you’re my rival now doesn’t mean I won’t talk to you,” he teased “and I promise I’ll make you look really good for my friend okay!”
He was shouting across the shop as Akaashi dragged him away, and you giggled with a little wave to both of them. Then they were gone, but you weren’t feeling sad and lonely like you thought you would be. No, you felt happy, hopeful even. Maybe things would be okay after all, but you had no way to tell.
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Have I mentioned my love for poly lately...because I really. REALLY love poly
Yukimura and Saizo’s collaborative entry on the 2019 YOS!
SLBP | Yukimura x Saizo x MC | Explicit
Yukimura and Saizo have known one another from childhood. In many respects they grew up together-a fact that Saizo frequently denies, for he was a teenager at their first meeting. Even so, that scrawny shinobi is worlds from the one that pilfers dango from the kitchens to the point that MC might never have guessed they were the same person.
Saizo and Yukimura share stories that MC has never heard; jokes that MC will never understand. She loves hearing tales of their antics, trying to imagine this version of them that she will never know.
Their affection for one another is infectious, and even after marrying Yukimura, MC divides her time between them both. She might never know the people they were, but it’s difficult to feel unhappy about it when she shares so much of their present. They are both handsome, both strong and noble, and MC often jokes that she might have married Yukimura, but feels married to them both. They come as a pair in all senses, after all.
Saizo is naturally flirtatious and Yukimura almost too easy to fluster. She doesn’t complain when caught in the middle of their banter, shamelessly flirting with Saizo and kissing away Yukimura’s blushes. It’s never serious, nor uncomfortable. Saizo is the only man alive Yukimura would allow to flirt with her and even then he respects what few boundaries there are.
Their playful teasing and innuendo feels natural, as did the first time Saizo ever kissed her on the lips. They were drinking at the time and, while she does not remember exactly how, conversation turned to drinking sake from a lover’s lips. Just the description left Yukimura stammering and so naturally Saizo offered to demonstrate.
MC is sure she will never forget the heat blossoming up inside of her; her cheeks flushing a bright red as he deftly cupped her face and put a sake cup to her lips, eyes questioning. She accepted the alcohol, heart fluttering so quickly when his lips touched hers that for a moment she feared she would faint. It was as overwhelming as it was wonderful; the sake dripping from her jawline to her collarbone; the warmth of Saizo’s body so close to hers; Yukimura taking in every movement and sigh with bated breath.
Until that night MC hadn’t realised exactly how much she had been holding back. Now that the floodgates are open, she scarcely recognises her life before. It grows harder and harder to relate to the version of herself who didn’t admire her own naked body and slip her fingers between her thighs to match her husband and lover’s moans of pleasure. She no longer remembers what it was like to make love to Yukimura with no one else present.
She is spoiled, so very spoiled, but makes no apologies for how greedy she has become.
She spreads her legs for Saizo and scrapes her nails through his hair the closer she comes. She sits astride Yukimura and takes as much of him in as is humanly possible, all while stroking her clit in the manner she learned from Saizo.
She will watch, fascinated, as Yukimura kisses his way down her body, long lashes fluttering in ways they never do outside of the bedroom.
She will motion for them to come closer, to touch her exactly where she wants. Sometimes they oblige her. Sometimes they don’t.
This night is slightly more forbidden than usual. It’s the middle of the night and she’s sitting on her knees, cheeks flush and night robes around her waist.
Before now, they’ve only ever met within the relatively safe confines of their bedroom. Tonight, though, they’re out in the open, tucked away in an outhouse left empty in the summer months. MC breaks out in goosebumps at the knowledge alone that they might be disturbed.
She trusts that even if Saizo doesn’t hear anyone approach, he will be able to think of a good excuse and watches affectionately as he and Yukimura loosen each other’s clothes, allowing them to fall to the floor. She’s seen them undress countless times, though never tires of it. There is always a new scar or freckle she hasn’t seen before, their bodies enough of an enigma to keep her returning for more.
She smoothes her hands across her lap, trying and failing to hide her anticipation. She wants to touch them so very badly; to lose herself until her throat is hoarse and her thighs sticky from both of them.
She reaches for their cocks without hesitation, squeezing her fingers around one and then the other as she glances up from the floor. Yukimura blushes even now, as if he has never seen her in any state of undress, much less undressed and reaching for his cock. She squeezes tighter,  pumping her fist from shaft to tip so slowly that it even leaves her desperate for more. She loves the sounds they make when she touches them; the way they buck their hips and whine.
She runs her tongue along the underside of Saizo’s dick, picking up the pace with her other hand and earning a groan of pleasure from Yukimura. Saizo sucks in a single deep breath, only releasing it to grin and call her ‘little lady’. He reaches for her hair, but she pulls away with a shake of her head before wrapping her lips around Yukimura’s.
She continues in this way for quite some time; the wet sound of her lips around them and their steady sounds of pleasure the only thing to break the silence. She makes sure to touch them exactly as they like to be touched and as fast as they prefer.
She does not, however, allow them to come. She slows down every time they get remotely close; every time one of them tries to take her by the hair. It’s unfair, after all, that they should get all of the fun.
She reaches down into her robes and strokes her clit, stroking her fingertip in time with her one handed thrusts. Perhaps it’s the knowledge that anyone might walk in, but even the gentlest sends ripples of pleasure through her body.
“Touch me,” she murmurs and they do not disappoint. Saizo lifts her up onto all fours and reaches out to caress her ass as she continues to suck at Yukimura. She gasps as Saizo takes hold of both of her arms and holds them behind her back, leaving her in a precarious position to say the least.
She turns to him, curious about what he intends to do next. She grinds against him, spotting the way he reaches to stroke himself and rubs the tip of his cock against her. He’s gentle when he pushes in and for good reason. The angling of her body leaves her aware of every inch of him.
It takes a few slow thrusts to fit inside of her completely, and she nods for him to go faster, crying out in a mixture of shock and pleasure when he does. Yukimura reaches out to card his fingers through her hair, guiding her back to his cock and stifling her helpless moans. She can’t think straight; can’t do anything else but moan and dig her nails into her hands. Every touch and new sensation leaves her seeing stars.
Her body tenses, every inch of her body focussed on the white heat at her core. She cries out, though no one hears, only Saizo aware of the pulses inside of her. He loosens his grip on her arms, leaving her to flop forward like a ragdoll,too caught up in her own afterglow to care about what happens next. Saizo turns her and rolls her over onto her back, and she smiles as Yukimura spreads her wide. She feels him slide into her, resting her legs over his shoulders to take her just as deeply as Saizo.
She bites down on her lip so hard that it breaks the skin, throwing her head back as he begins to pick up the pace with strangled moans of his own. She reaches down with one hand to stroke her clit and squeezes Saizo’s dick with the other. By now they are just as speechless as she is; each desperate to come and ride out the releases building inside of them for so long.
Yukimura’s thrusts grow so hard and fast that her entire body shakes from the impact. She knows she be sore tomorrow but can’t bring herself to care. She tries to pump at Saizo’s cock with the same amount of force, but even if her arms and legs didn’t feel so delightfully weightless, she doesn’t have nearly the same amount of strength in her arms as Yukimura.
She comes a second time, building swiftly from the first. By now she’s given up on moaning, instead closing her eyes and reaching out to hold onto her breasts, only for Yukimura to coax her hands away. His mouth drops open, slowing down his thrusts to an almost unbearable level. She watches, pink cheeked and satisfied, as the climax takes hold of him, leaving him to bury himself deep inside of her and fall so silent that for a second she’s concerned he’ll faint.
He groans, squeezing his eyes shut almost as tightly as he does her thighs. Under normal circumstances, she’d be worried about bruises there, but more lately she wears them as badges of pride.
She whines as he pulls out of her and takes a deep breath, dumbly glancing around the room as if it is new to him.
“MC,” he murmurs.
“Where’s Saizo?”
She had hold of him just a second ago, yet he isn’t there when she looks. Even his clothes are gone.
The slam of a sliding door shortly afterwards is all the explanation they need. Within seconds the room is flooded with lamplight, the cool night air sending shivers down her spine.
It’s difficult to tell who’s more embarrassed-Sasuke Sr, who presumably has come to investigate the strange noises, or Yukimura, who almost immediately shrinks back to cover her body with his clothes.
“S-s-s-Sasuke! I didn’t hear you-”
He drops his night robes over MC and hops to his feet, leaving her to wonder if he has forgotten his own state of undress.
“Of course you wouldn’t,” says Sasuke, though whether he refers to his own soft steps or their ragged moans MC can’t tell. “Not...you two at least.”
He gives them a wry grin and brief glance at the ceiling, seemingly unperturbed by his unintentional discovery. She follows his gaze towards the ceiling, past the rafters and towards the roof, just in time to see a shadowy figure escape through the the highest window.
She gasps, trying and failing to feign any sort of innocence.
"Goodness! Is there someone else in here with us?”
She’s grateful in more ways than one that Sasuke Sr-an experienced man in his own right- is the one to stumble upon their depravity. In all of Kai he is perhaps the one least likely to ask questions, second only to the man currently escaping across the roof, as silent and swift as a kunai in the dark.
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channy-mae · 6 years
BTS reaction to their S/O realizing leaving them was a mistake
*Note: This is part two to when S/O dumped them for another member*
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After breaking up with Yoongi you imagined that you would just hope right into a relationship with Jimin. But, it didn’t work out that way since Jimin was never interested in you in the first place. He wouldn’t date you because you at one point were with Yoongi. You and Jimin were in the dorm sitting on the couch when he asked you why Yoongi has been different. “Y/N, you don’t love me. Maybe you just wanted something a bit different than hyung, but you don’t really love me.” Jimin sighed after you explained why Yoongi has been acting colder and distant from everyone. You shake your head and open your mouth to protest when he cuts you off, “Also, you guys have been together for a year, you’re gonna tell me that you never once loved him?” Jimin runs a hand through his hair while saying this, before it would have made you swoon but you weren’t sure any more. “I.. I don’t know.” you mutter, but you did know. You knew that this was all just a ploy to see if Yoongi would try to win you back or cared about you. You tried to play a game and lost, and now it was time to stop. You stand up before Jimin can say anything else and go in search of Yoongi. You found him in his studio, just staring blankly at the his wall. Without a word you just toss yourself at him, surprising him out of his daze. “I’m so sorry! I just wanted to confirm if you loved me and would fight to keep me! I’m so stupid!” you rush out and hold him tighter. “Yeah, you’re pretty stupid.” Yoongi says with no emotion. You draw back tears in your eyes, before you can say anything his lips are on yours. Drawing back to catch a breathe you notice a smirk on his face, “Y/N we’ve been together for so long I can read you like a book. I knew you didn’t actually love Jimin, I just wasn’t playing into your hands.” 
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He was relentless in his quest to win back your affections, he wouldn’t just lay down and take you leaving him. Every day he brought roses to your workplace, texted you cute little messages, and other obnoxiously cute things that you hated but loved at the same time. You wanted to give your whole heart to Taehyung, cause that was you goal in the first place. But whenever Jin seemed to sneak roses onto your desk or send a goodnight text with a emoji, your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. Spending time with Taehyung just simply became a waiting for Jin to ‘nonchalantly’ walk pass the door every 5 minutes. You were in Taehyung’s room staring at the door, waiting for Jin to walk past again. “He’s at a recording studio today with Jungkook.” Taehyung said not bothering to look away from what he was doing. “Huh?” the word slips from your mouth in a daze, you were still facing the door. “Jin, he’s not gonna walk past today.” Taehyung says this time looking at your still figure. “You know, I don’t know why you two broke up and are playing this stupid cat and mouse type thing, but I think that you guys should just talk it out already.” Taehyung spins your chair so you’re facing him. “I can’t, I thought I wanted something else and in order to get it I had to leave Jin.” You look at your lap as you say this, unable to look Tae’s in the eyes. The guilt of everything weighing you down, “Did you get it?” “What?” you look up confused. “Did you get what you so stupidly left him for?” he repeats. “N..no, I made a mistake. I realized that but I can’t go back now.” you groan and place you face in your hands. He pats your shoulder in a sympathetic manner, “Tell him that then, I think that the two of you can save this.” Taehyung nudges you in the direction of the door an you head out to find Jin. After locating him alone in the break room you freeze, not knowing what to say. “Oh! Y/N! I’m glad I get to see you, I was going to-” you start crying before he could finish. “Jinnie I’m so sorry, I don’t know what was wrong with me! It was like I lost my mind momentarily!” You sob, hiccuping between words. You see Jin’s blurred figure walk up to you with his arms outstretched and you walk into them. The two of you embrace each other and you swore to never leave again.
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“I broke up with Hoseok.” Jungkook chokes on his soda. “You did what?!” he coughs/yells out at your confession. You quickly go to aid him and he just brushes you away his eyes demanding answers as he calmed his coughing fit. “I wasn’t truly happy with him, plus I wasn’t with him for the proper reason anyway. Instead of making myself even more miserable I ended things.” you shrug, but admitting it out loud made your heart clench. Jungkook shakes his head i disbelief still not quite grasping why you’d break up with someone you were so happy with. “How did Hoseok-hyung take it?” you look away, the memory of Hoseok breaking down in front of you hurting more than ever. “He wasn’t happy, but he took it better than I thought he would.” You lie. “That’s surprising.” Jungkook retorts, the way he sounded made you think he didn’t believe you. You shrug again not saying anything, simply twirling your straw around the cup. “Y/N, if hyung took it so well why did he text me not to meet up with you after you called me?” You look at him, eyes wide with surprise at that, how did Hoseok know you were meeting with jungkook. Worse, what if he knew why you were meeting with him? You couldn’t understand why this was affecting you so much, you already broke up with him to go after someone you did like. You think back to how Hoseok made you feel, the laughter and bright moments he gave you all the time. How he always supported you and made time for you even in his busy idol life and you understood. You shoot up out of your seat surprising Jungkook who was talking to you, but you weren’t listening. The only thing on your mind being find Hoseok and do some begging of your own. Hoseok was still in the practice room where you left him hours before earlier in the day, he looked like he didn’t move an inch from his original spot. If nothing else in the world never made your heart break, this did. “Hoseok…” you whisper standing a couple feet back from him. “Hoseok, I’m so sorry.” you rush over and collapse next to him, drawing him into your arms. He just sits there unmoving, like a limp ragdoll. “I’m so so sorry, I was scared of loving you too much, I felt like you’d get sick of the normalcy of everything.” you hold him tighter. “Please-” he rasps out, “Please don’t leave me again, don’t do this just to make next time worse.” You start to kiss all over his face, “I’ll never do this again, I love you.”
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Namjoon knew he should have fought for you, or just never brought up the fact that you could leave him. He was starting to quickly regret that when he walked into the livingroom and spotted you and Hoseok leaning over something giggling. Not wanted to cause a scene or be seen by the two of you, he started to make his way to his room. “He is just so adorable when he’s asleep.” you giggle out a bit louder than you meant to be. “Yeah, who knew he’s look so gentle sleeping” Hoseok to loudly giggles nack. Curiosity gets the best of namjoon and he stops not moving out of earshot from you both. “Oh! Oh! This is a picture of Joonie when he was composing music, the way he focuses is just to cute!” you exclaim enlarging the picture to namjoon’s face tapping it affectionately. “What are the two of you doing?” Namjoon walks up to you both trying to peer over your shoulders. You quickly lock the phone and don’t bother answering him, crossing your arms and looking forward. Hoseok looks from you to namjoon and stands up. “Y/N, I think I should go and let the two of you talk.” before you could object he was already out the front door. “Y/N…” Namjoon starts. You shake your head and stand up to face him, “You were right, I did have feelings for someone else. But, they weren’t the feelings I have for you and never will be. Of course I waivered it’s human nature! But I wouldn't leave you. I love you.” You turn around aiming to leave and let him think on what you said when you hear and heavy thud behind you. You turn around to see Namjoon hanging off the couch on the ground, before you know it you’re laughing super hard. So hard you end up on the floor right next to him. “How-” you begin before breaking into more laughter, Namjoon sits up and starts laughing with you. Pulling himself together long enough to look at you and say he loves you back.
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You couldn’t believe what just happened, your entire being numb with the reality of the situation. You moaned out another man’s name while you were with your boyfriend. Now Taehyung was gonna know that you and Namjoon were together behind his back, or at least that you liked him. Not knowing what else to do you call Namjoon to help you out. “Joon, I fucked up bad.” you whisper into your phone after he picks up. “Yeah, I know I heard along with everyone else, you two are loud.” Namjoon yawns back, not caring. “Wha- why aren’t you freaking out more? He’ll know the two of us-” he cuts you off. “No, he won’t know anything, plus I never told you to stay with me after you started dating Taehyung.” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, the heart breaking at the words he was saying. “Also, you’re the one who fucked up so I don’t know what you expect me to do, this isn’t my problem.” with that Namjoon hung up. Leaving you to stand there and stare at your phone, unsure what to do. You knew you really messed up, not only did you most definitely ruin all chances with Taehyung but you never had any chance with Namjoon as more than a fuck buddy in the first place. Taking a deep breathe you decide that it was all or nothing, giving up what you had with taehyung, where you were happy emotionally wasn’t worth anything. You turn around back into the building and head up to where their dorm is. Carefully knocking on the door you wait until someone answers, you knew for a fact that everyone must be up after what happened. It wasn’t long before An exhausted looking Jimin opened the door and stepped aside to let you in, he didn’t even ask you any questions. Just nodded towards Tae’s room and went to to his own shaking his head. You slowly make your way back thinking of ways to softly bring up the fact that you cheated on him but you did love him after all. You open the door to find him sitting on his bed staring down at is dick, he never bothered getting dressed after you ran out. “Taehyung…” you walk over and sit on the bed. “I..I saw Namjoon walk past the door and sorta freaked out cause we made eye contact and I’m sure he saw us.” the lie came out of your mouth before you had a chance to stop it. Taehyung looks up at you, his eyebrows knitted together. “You know I love you babe, and wouldn’t dream of being with anyone else ever. I shouldn’t have run out, I was just shook I guess.” you try to say it as calmly as you could to not rouse suspicion after all for the most part it was the truth. His face relaxes and he smiles at you, “You should have said something before hopping out like you were on fire. I thought I was-” you stop him by quickly kissing him. Deepening the kiss and moaning into his mouth. He pulls back, “I love you Y/N.” you hugs and you you mumble it back, meaning it.
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The next morning you woke up with an awful headache and no memory of the night before. Groaning you sit up and go for your phone to call Jimin, opening it to find a call made to Yoongi. Panic shoots through your entire being at what you could have said the night before to him, you didn’t want to let him know how you felt, you didn’t want to hurt Jimin like that ever. Quickly dialing your boyfriend’s number you were sent to voicemail, after doing that 3 more times and getting the same results you give up. Your headache growing stronger with your frustrations with yourself. You knew that you had to have done something big to make Jimin ignore you, he always answered your calls at the first ring. Determination filling you you get up, get ready, and make your way to the dorms. Knocking on the door, Yoongi answers it seeming taken back by your appearance. “Is Jimin in?” you ask looking around him into the dorm. Yoongi moves his body over to block your view, “No, he isn’t why came to ‘suck my dick’ Y/N?” sarcasm and venom laced his words as he said them. “Came to suck your what?!” you were confused and your face clearly expressed that. Yoongi soften at this and sighed, “You don’t remember last night?” he inquires. You simply shake your head, he moves aside and gestures for you to enter. Yoongi tells you what happened when you called him and how Jimin was when he came back from dropping you off. This was the exact thing you wanted to avoid, “No, Yoongi I don’t like you! I lusted after you for a short while, but I swear I don’t anymore” you quickly say to clear your name. “I only have eyes for Jimin!” you hear a door slam and you hop away from Yoongi. Jimin was standing there eyes trained on you, silent. “Do you mean that?” he whispers. You run up to him and take his hands in your own, “Of course I do, I love you and only you Park Jimin.” you whisper back.
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You knew Jungkook read your diary, he’s always been bad at hiding his feelings from you, as well as the fact that he didn’t put it where you had it correctly. You knew he now knows about how you felt for Jin, so you made a plan. “Jin!” you exclaim wrapping your arms around him, littering his broad back with kisses. “Whoa, Y/N, what are you doing.” he tries to squirm away from you but you refuse to let him go. “Jinnie I know you like me as much as I like you.” you start, letting him go you take a step back so he can turn and face you. He starts to make excuses but you stop him by raising your hand. “No, now there’s no need to lie to me, I know what you’re think. “What about Jungkook?” and my answer to that is a three person relationship can be a thing.” you finish nodding too yourself at the sense of it all. “You’re saying polygamy?” Jin slowly askes. You nod your head confirming that you meant exactly that. “I love you both, and I don’t want to have to choose, plus since you like me and I see the looks you sneak jungkook, I know you shouldn’t have any issue agreeing.” the smug look on your face shows Jin ow confident you were with this. He gulps and nods his head. You squeal and clap your hands, ��Perfect!” at that moment jungkook walks into the kitchen not having heard any of what just took place. He sees the two of you and turns around without a word. “Wait,” you reach and grab him before he can leave. “Kookie, I love you. I love you more than there are stars in the sky, yes I also love Jin. I know you know since you snooped in my stuff.” Hearing this jungkook blushed and looked down. “So what?” he grumbles under his breath. “Why don’t we let Jin in our relationship?” you accompany the question with kisses to his neck. He starts breathing a bit faster at this, “What, what do you mean.” he stutters. “Let’s show you.” you giggle and drag Jungkook to his room, gesturing Jin to follow.
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spelviin · 6 years
Read on AO3
In his dreams, the tether slips from his grasp.
He sees a flash of blue, of fear, behind a panic-fogged visor, and hears his own scream echoing in his ears as his world is torn from him, tossed about like a ragdoll by the merciless force of gravity before vanishing, swallowed in bright blue light.
Blue like his eyes, those eyes that had held such terror in those final moments. Those eyes that he will never see again.
In his dreams, he screams and screams and screams and screams, until his agonized wails are reduced to nothing but voiceless whimpers and then, and then-
He wakes, sobbing into his pillow in an empty bed.
Yuuri misses the days when waking from a nightmare brought a sense of relief. When he was able to catch his breath upon waking from whatever horrors his subconscious mind had shown him and realize, it’s not real, it was just a dream, none of it happened, everything is okay.
He misses the days when he didn’t have to calm himself down after nightmares, when there were arms around him the moment he opened his eyes, arms pulling him close, a warm body holding him, the softest voice in his ear reassuring him, telling him he was safe and loved. He misses that most of all.
But those days are over now. There are no arms around him, there is no sense of relief, no escape from the nightmare that plays in his head, over and over every night.
Because it wasn’t just a dream.
Victor is gone, really gone, truly gone, and he can’t wake up from this reality he’s living in, this reality where the man he loves was torn from his grasp, ripped violently out of the known universe, lost to him, probably forever. He can’t escape the pain, the constant dull ache in his chest in the shape of his husband. He can’t tell himself it’s okay, because it’s not, because it will likely never be okay again.
There’s no escape, no denial.
The nightmare he’s living is real, and worst of all… it’s all his fault.
In his dreams, he sees the man with the silver hair.
It isn’t every night. Some nights, his mama tucks him into bed with a kiss and he dreams of other things, like dinosaurs or flying puppies or big scary monsters chasing him. Other nights, he dreams of nothing at all. But the man always comes back eventually.
The man looks strange, but not in a scary way. Just different. Like the people who come to visit the onsen sometimes, the ones his papa calls foreigners. The foreigners are often loud, drinking too much and making demands in broken Japanese, or not bothering to use Japanese at all. Many of them have unpleasant looks about them, causing Yuuri to hide behind his mama’s legs when they come to coo over him.
The silver-haired man is not unpleasant, or loud. When he speaks, his Japanese is perfect, if strangely accented, and his voice is soft and kind. He doesn’t make demands. He only ever talks, asks Yuuri about his day, plays games with him if Yuuri asks.
Yuuri is happy when he dreams about the silver-haired man. But sometimes the man looks so sad. One night, Yuuri is telling him about his first ballet class with Minako-sensei when he notices a single tear slide down his cheek. Yuuri falls silent at the sight; he’s never seen a grown-up cry before.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, and the man looks startled for a moment, his hand flying to his cheek before he even seems to realize he was crying in the first place.
“Oh,” he says, smiling a strange smile as he wipes the tear away. “I’m sorry. I’m fine, Yuuri, really. You were telling me about Minako-san’s studio…?”
Yuuri feels troubled, reminded of Mari when she gets sad but doesn’t want to say why. “My papa always says you should talk about it if you’re sad.”
The man laughs. “Your papa is a wise man.” His smile falls, and he draws his knees into his chest, looking sadder than ever. “I really am fine, Yuuri. I just get a bit lonely sometimes.”
“... Lonely?” Yuuri had never considered that dream-people could be lonely. “Don’t you have a family? Or friends?”
“I do,” the man says quietly. “But they all live very far away, somewhere I can’t see them.”
The man tilts his head down, and Yuuri can no longer see his face behind a curtain of silver fringe. He wishes he could do something to help. His mama gives him hugs when he gets sad, but Yuuri knows from several failed games of tag that you can’t touch dream-people. So instead, he sits down next to the man and gathers up all his courage.
“Then I will be your friend!”
The man looks up, surprised. Bolstered by the temporary absence of sadness in his eyes, Yuuri continues.
“Yuuko-chan is my friend! And Minako-sensei is my friend, even though she’s my teacher now! And she’s even older than you, which means that you can be my friend too!”
To Yuuri’s delight, the man actually laughs, a small, affectionate smile playing across his features.
“So? Can we be friends?”
“Of course we can, Yuuri,” he says. “I’d like that a lot.”
When he wakes the next morning, he realizes he does not know his new friend’s name, or even if dream-people have names. He asks his mama and papa at breakfast, but they just smile and ruffle his hair affectionately. Mari calls him a weirdo and tells him to name his own imaginary friend.
Yuuri thinks it would be quite rude to do that, so he decides to simply wait and ask the man the next time he sees him. For three nights, Yuuri sleeps dreamlessly, but on the fourth, the man appears again, looking far happier than he had before.
Not wanting to forget again, Yuuri makes sure to ask his name as soon as he appears.
“Victor,” the man smiles. “My name is Victor.”
“Victor,” Yuuri repeats, the syllables sounding slightly different on his tongue, but the man keeps smiling anyways, and they spend the rest of the dream talking and playing like they always do.
When Yuuri wakes, he feels happy. His friend does have a name, after all.
“Victor,” he tries again, still half-asleep but content. “Victor.”
“Victor!” Yuuri screams, sitting bolt upright in bed, tears streaming down his face.
His hand is still outstretched, as it had been in the dream, as it had been the day he lost him. He can still feel Victor’s tether in his grip like a phantom pain, feel it slipping out of his grasp, feel his utter helplessness in the face of the Aurora’s pull.
If he’d only been stronger, if he’d only held on for a few more seconds, they could have saved him. Mere seconds after Yuuri’s grip had faltered, the Aria’s engines had come back online, pushing them back out of the Aurora’s gravitational field.
Just a few seconds longer, and they could have pulled him back to safety. Just a few seconds longer, and Victor would still be here with him. But he’d failed. The tether had slipped away, and Victor with it, lost to the void, possibly forever.
Just a few seconds longer.
Yuuri lets his outstretched hand drop down to the mattress, buries his head in his knees, and cries.
“Victor,” he sobs, curling up as if making himself smaller will ease the terrible ache of guilt in his chest. “Victor, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
For a long while, the only sound to be heard in the bedroom is Yuuri’s weeping, interspersed every so often with sobbed-out apologies to a man who can no longer hear them. Then, there is a creak, and the familiar tingling of tags, before something cold and wet touches the inside of Yuuri’s elbow.
He sits up and sniffles, blinking his tears away to see two pairs of big brown eyes looking up at him. Makkachin stands on her hind legs, front paws resting against Yuuri’s side of the mattress, whining softly as she nudges him again.
“Hey, girl,” Yuuri murmurs, giving her a quick pat on the head. “It’s okay, you can come up.”
She does so immediately, hopping up onto the bed and immediately curling up on Victor’s- on the empty side.
“You too,” Yuuri says to the smaller dog, still on the floor. His front paws rest against the base of the bed, and he whines in frustration, too small to hop up on his own.
Yuuri bends down to pick him up, cradling his tiny, fluffy form close to his chest. “Morning, Vicchan,” he tells the little poodle, his voice shaking only slightly.
He gives the dog a kiss on the forehead, and in turn, Vicchan stretches up as far as he can to lick some of the tears off Yuuri’s cheeks. Yuuri lets out a giggle that sounds just a little too close to a sob as he hugs his dog.
He isn’t the Victor Yuuri needs right now, to kiss away his tears and reassure him that everything will be alright, but he’ll do.
Yuuri is so excited the night of his thirteenth birthday that he doesn’t think he’ll be able to sleep. A soft snoring from across the room emanates from the dog bed his parents had put in, and the sound is so cute he’s half-tempted to get out of bed and cuddle the tiny creature within to kingdom come, but he forces himself to stay put.
The puppy needs his sleep, after all, and so does Yuuri. There’s someone important he needs to share his good news with.
It takes him a while to calm himself enough to properly drift off, but soon enough his eyes slip shut and he finds himself in a familiar place.
His dreams always begin here, in an empty white space, surrounded by a dense fog. He takes a step forward, then another, then another. It never seems to matter which direction he goes; as long as he keeps walking, he always manages to find what - or rather, who - he’s looking for.
Tonight, it only takes a little bit of searching before a familiar shape becomes visible through the fog. A smile spreads across Yuuri’s face and he picks up the pace, jogging the final few steps between him and his friend.
“Victor! Victor, guess what!”
As soon as Victor comes into view, the smile falls from Yuuri’s face. It’s a bad day. Victor is huddled on the floor, staring dead-eyed into the whiteness that surrounds him.
This isn’t the first time Yuuri has found him like this. It isn’t a common occurrence, but every so often the Victor who Yuuri encounters in his dreams isn’t his usual chipper self. He seems distant, sad, afraid, any number of things before he notices Yuuri’s presence, only to immediately snap out of it when he realizes he’s not alone.
Today is no exception. As soon as he catches sight of Yuuri, the empty look leaves his eyes to be replaced by a brilliant, heart-shaped smile.
“Yuuri!”  He uncurls from his position on the floor, stands, and waves as Yuuri approaches. Despite his smile, Yuuri can just make out a flicker of something terribly sad in those bright blue eyes.
“Are you okay?” he asks, slowing down as he approaches.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Victor insists, as he always does when Yuuri plucks up the courage to ask. “Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?”
Yuuri’s concern for his friend vanishes in a moment, eclipsed by his excitement. “My parents got me a puppy!”
His smile brightens, seeming more genuine now. “Oh, Yuuri, that’s wonderful! Happy birthday!”
Yuuri feels his brow furrow. “How did you know it was my-”
“So, tell me all about it!” Victor plows over his question in a burst of exuberance, sitting down cross-legged on the floor and patting the ground for Yuuri to sit, too. “What’s its name? What breed is it?”
“He’s… he’s a miniature poodle.” Yuuri says, feeling his cheeks flush preemptively to his next words. “I named him, uh… well, I named him Victor. After you.”
The heat in his cheeks spreads to his whole face as soon as the words leave his lips, and he looks at the white floor beneath them. God, what an embarrassing thing to say! It’s the truth, of course, but still, what on earth had possessed him to admit it right to Victor’s face?
Mari had been the first to make the connection when Yuuri had announced the puppy’s name at breakfast the day before.
“Victor?” she’d asked, not unkindly. “Wasn’t that the name of your imaginary friend when you were little?”
He had learned long ago that dream-people were not a normal occurrence, that not everyone had a stranger who spoke to them in their sleep on a regular basis. He had also learned that repeatedly talking about dream-people seemed to lead those around him to believe he had an overactive imagination, or worse.
So, Yuuri had feigned ignorance. “What imaginary friend?” he had scoffed. “I just like the name, is all.”
Mari had raised her eyebrows, but had otherwise kept her skepticism to herself - to Yuuri’s immense relief- and the subject had been dropped as Vicchan the poodle rolled adorably on his back to beg for belly rubs.
The thought strikes Yuuri now that he really should have said the same to Victor. Claimed that he just liked the name, or that that was the name the shelter had given him already, or just made up a different name to tell Victor entirely. Any of that would be less embarrassing than admitting he’d named his dog after the man!
He’s still flushed red and looking determinedly at the floor, willing himself to wake up so that he can get out of this awkward situation, when Victor finally speaks.
“After me, huh?” This is not the response Yuuri had been expecting, prompting him to finally remove his gaze from the floor and back to the man sitting across from him. His eyes are distant again, something strange flickering behind them. It’s not sadness like it was before, it’s… something else. Curiosity, perhaps? Suspicion? “I’d always assumed it was a coincidence…”
Before Yuuri can ask what he means by that, Victor snaps out of whatever stupor he had been in, that same wide smile on his face. “Sorry, Yuuri! I don’t know what came over me, there.”
“What do you mean by-?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he insists, waving a hand in the air dismissively. “Just me being silly. Victor is an excellent name for a poodle, Yuuri. Does he know any tricks yet?”
Yuuri can’t help but feel like there’s something Victor isn’t telling him, but he’s too excited to talk about his new puppy to pursue it any further. Instead, he spends the rest of the night telling Victor about every facet of his new puppy’s existence, from the early struggles of housetraining to all the tricks he wants his Vicchan to learn.
Victor seems only too content to talk about dogs, his face growing sad only when he peppers in anecdotes about training his own dog, Makkachin. But as the morning approaches, and Yuuri starts to feel the telltale tug of wakefulness pulling at him, Victor grows serious again.  
“Yuuri,” he begins with uncertainty, face half-hidden behind his bangs. “Can I ask you something?”
“You said you named your new puppy after me” Yuuri nods, flushing again involuntarily. But his embarrassment is cut short by what Victor asks next. “Does that mean… do you remember this, when you wake up? Remember me?”
The look on Victor’s face is as raw as it is inscrutable. The mist is filling his vision again, but Yuuri tries to read him anyways. Is he angry? Disappointed? Shocked? Before he has time to figure it out, Victor is completely shrouded in grey once more.
Yuuri can hear something distantly, the faint beep of his alarm clock pulling him back to the real world. It nearly drowns out the last words Victor says before he wakes.
“...Why didn’t you stop me?”
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galvatronsthighs · 6 years
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Here he is! Story under cut!
Cyclonus was one of many seekers who found themselves drawn in by the fancy speeches and bold moves made by a fellow gladiator.
As a member of the ‘younger leagues’ of a gang of flying gladiators engaging in aerial battles, he knew where Megatron was coming from and was more than willing to follow this up and coming, new leader. As such he often made flights around the ‘base’ of this building revolution, accepted into the ranks and made a part of the flying division, size and physical strength putting him in the high ranks immediately. Not only that he was very loyal and also had a strong sense of commitment that made him a mech of interest to Megatron.
It was during one of these flights near the headquarters that Cyclonus saw something bright purple falling from the sky!
Realising someone had managed to fall from the higher levels the Seeker dove forwards grabbing the mech mid-air and holding him tight until he calmed down enough to be moved. Slowly Cyclonus lowered the now calmer mech to the floor. He was surprised when the fellow thanked him with the biggest hug he’d ever had since he moved from his caretaker units house! The duo introduced themselves and Cyclonus learnt this clumsy, affectionate guy was named Galvatron. Without a moment’s hesitation, Cyclonus found himself invited to hang out with Galvatron’s friends at MacCadam’s where he met Galvatron’s other friends, Like Bumblebee. It seemed great! Being around Galvatron was like a welcome breath of fresh air from the stuffy Seeker trainees he was usually around. Even Bumblebee hit it off with him, jokingly calling each other “The Horn bro’s”, even then he still wound up talking to Galvatron more.
He always seemed to like making him laugh and when Cyclonus laughed, everyone knew about it, but Galvatron seemed to giggle and immediately try making him laugh again.
Megatron’s training regime got more and more strict and harsher, Cyclonus could hardly find time to hang with his friends so much anymore. Though that changed when he found Galvatron at the barracks window tapping for him to come outside, he and Bumblebee had snuck in to hang out with him, it had been Bumblebee’s idea but only prompted because he claimed Galvatron was worse than a wet cyber-cat without him around. It warmed his Spark to know they still cared for him. Trying to find some way they could spend more time together Cyclonus invited them to his practices, it became easier to slip out with them and hang out. Galvatron started greeting him with a hug each time. He saw MacCadam’s more and more as they hung out, even if Maccadam himself was saying more and more strange things about him. So what if Galvatron smiling made him smile? You’re always happy when a friend’s happy, duh. Although… Galvatron was getting more withdrawn and quiet it… hurt in a way Cyclonus hadn’t felt before. During one particularly intense bout of training; Cyclonus was part of a devastating crash, his wing was broken and practically hanging off. He’d lose it if something wasn’t done quickly. Bumblebee and the field medic rushed off to get a stretcher to take him away but Galvatron stayed by making a distressed warbling sound as he fussed over him. It was at that point Galvatron turned green. Cyclonus was shocked as the light bathed over him and the returning medic and yellow scout looked on as Galvatron’s new energy wrapped it’s way around his wing and through his body. The energy surged through Cyclonus’s self-repair circuitry making them feel a thousand times stronger, his wing snapped and twisted in on itself, new filaments, wires and joints spread out. Just like that Cyclonus’s wing was good as new. He was too distracted at the pristine wing jutting from his back that he didn’t notice the warmth spreading through his chassis as a tired but happy Galvatron flopped over him in a big hug. It was certainly strange but Cyclonus tried to push it out of his processor, it wasn’t until a couple cycles later when Bumblebee cornered him that he started to make sense out of the myriad of strange thoughts bustling through his processor. The little yellow scout showed off a video on his device, Galvatron was hugging him after healing him and Cyclonus could see his own cheek plates brimming with a tinge of colour. Bumblebee had a smug look on his face that only grew in intensity as Cyclonus desperately tried to deny the video evidence but it was no use the little scout was not leaving and was not going to let this go. He fumbled shyly with his digits still trying to sidestep the issue when Bumblebee grabbed his arm and physically dragged him (to the best of his abilities) along, pushing him in front of a very confused Galvatron. “I… date….. Us… me?” Came the eventual stunning question after Cyclonus spent forever umming and ahhing. Bumblebee thankfully cleared it up when Galvatron had no idea what he was talking about. Galvatron seemed just as shy as Cyclonus when he finally nodded a ‘yes’ in response. What followed was what Bumblebee called “The most adorably awkward hug I’m surprised Primus himself didn’t rise up to yell at you two to kiss already”. Everyone seemed to ‘aww’ at their relationship, they blushed when they held hands, which really was something as they held them constantly. Maccadam cheered and gave everyone a free drink. Bumblebee (badly) sang them a love song as they went out for a meal together (he managed to sneak in with an instrument just to play at their tableside) before being chased out by staff. Even Soundwave seemed to quietly drop by and give them tickets to a Rosanna concert. They hardly left each other's side and it filled Cyclonus’s spark to the brim with a warmth he hadn’t felt before. Although, Galvatron seemed distant, there were days when Cyclonus wouldn’t find him where they agreed to meet, he’d just get a short message saying Megatron had made plans for the day. That was fair, he was their leader so no big deal right? Then Megatron showed up more taking Galvatron away mid-date and crashing their nights. Tired of this Cyclonus waited in Galvatron’s room one night, waited for him to return. When he did Cyclonus saw him covered in freshly welded gashes, his optics strained to the point of leaking and his own stabilizers so shot he was shaking like a leaf. He hardly had the energy to deny Cyclonus when he bounded forth and wrapped him up in a hug. It was at this point Galvatron broke down and sobbed. Megatron was hurting him, experimenting on him. Tearing bits of him open and jamming energy rods inside, monitoring him, his energy, his power running haywire everytime it happened, how it hurt and burned. How Megatron furiously snapped and threw him around like a ragdoll when they were alone, how… How he only saw darkness in the grey leaders spark whenever he touched him. Cyclonus was dumbfounded, left to hug his boyfriend as he cried. He didn’t want to believe that Megatron, for all his promises of a great Cybertron, his promises of a better, united world, would do all this. But the scars and wounds didn’t lie. He could not in good conscience allow the one who brought light to his life to suffer so, he wiped away his tears and promised him, as long as he functioned he will rescue him from this torment.
They shared a poignant kiss vowing to be free of the torture, to run away and be free together, but it would be difficult. He knew there were rising tensions between the rising factions, the only way to fix this would be to crawl to the Autobots. Knowing which side he stood on Cyclonus met up with Bumblebee and told him he had to get Galvatron out of there. He was shocked and a little nervous when Optimus Prime appeared alongside the scout. Bumblebee had picked up on his odd behaviour and the not-always-well-hidden scars on his friend and had passed on this information. Optimus had agreed that it combined with certain qualities displayed by Galvatron lead him to be very concerned at the young mech staying in Megatron's care. But Megatron was no fool, he noted his ‘weapons’ little friend acting concerned and knew that he had befriended those who sided with Optimus. As the tensions got higher the guards around Galvatron increased and as much as Cyclonus tried to argue, he was moved further and further away hardly able to see him at all. He could only dread the things that were happening to Galvatron but knew he wouldn’t be able to get to him like this. It was a awful time but he pretended to be loyal to Megatron, doing anything and everything he said no matter how degrading. Hope came to him when he saw a little yellow ally rushing about the base, but it was short lived, the Autobots were raiding the base and Cyclonus knew why, but the fighting was not enough to cover up the screams. Pitifully Cyclonus made weak attempts to shoot at Bumblebee his shots arcing wide and always missing, he pinned the blame on the attack happening before his weekly calibrations and his aiming system had not been tuned up properly. When the base near exploded in a flush of energy he took his escape, slipping away in the confusion he easily spotted Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. It broke his spark like a thousand raging Predacons to see the state Galvatron was in, pale, broken, tortured. Little chunks of energon practically growing through his armour. Bumblebee gave Cyclonus a pat on the shoulder, the seeker had ignored him and grabbed Galvatron’s hand. “Come with us” Bumblebee urged, “they’ll know” “Yes, in light of everything that’s happened you are fully welcome to our team” Optimus concurred. He couldn’t he knew he couldn’t. Cyclonus squeezed Galvatrons hand looking him in the optics once more before turning to Optimus. “I can’t and you know it, they’ll send everyone after him, I know not what they were doing to him but they will not let you take him. They will find you and your Ark and you will be destroyed.” Galvatron whined trying to get him to stay but Cyclonus squeezed his optics shut, knowing that if he looked into those pleading eyes he would crack. “They think I’m loyal again, I must go back, I must tell them false information, claim you went the opposite way. It won’t be much but it’ll give you time!” Galvatron struggled and weakly whined in Optimus’s arms he begged for Cyclonus to stay, the look on Optimus and Bee’s face told the same but they conceded they probably wouldn’t make it otherwise. Galvatron still tugged on Cyclonus’s hand, his broken vocal unit had been buzzing constantly with pleas this whole time. Cyclonus tried to pretend he wasn’t crying. He cupped Galvatrons helm and pressed their foreheads together. “Do not worry for me, I will find you again, nothing will stop me, I will flee as soon as I’ve lead them astray. We will be together again no matter what happens, nothing will stop me… because I love you” Unable to take looking at him one more time lest he fail, Optimus told him the location of the Ark’s launch site and Cyclonus flew away. He wiped his face and circled back to the base, he found a running group of cons and yelled to them that he saw a red figure moving off to the west and came for immediate back-up. Almost instantly everyone was flocking to the west side desperately searching for the fleeing Autobots but came back empty handed. It was not fun listening to Megatron’s wrath at losing his most “prized possession”. It made Cyclonus sick to hear those words used to describe another living being. He took part in the repair efforts and kept his head down, he had to wait for the perfect time to slip away. Except he didn’t, there was a sharp pain and then his systems went offline. Drugged up and chained up was all Cyclonus could comprehend the few vague moments of consciousness he managed told him as such. Blurred figures stood nearby, he could make out colours. Megatron and Shockwave were shuffling about. Words were distant too. “Drone… Spotted… Nowhere… Lied…” “Traitor…” “Location… Ark…” “Tell… NOW...” “Refused… “Cortical… Patch…” “Failure?…” “Emergency… memory… gone…” If he thought hard enough he could almost think of what they were saying but his vision was suddenly taken up by what looked like darkness. A blurry light began to shine and he realised Megatron had his cannon aimed point blank at his face. He registered a moment of pain before going offline again. When Cyclonus awoke again he was stood up and fully operational, sans one optic, but that didn’t matter, not like he always had two, did he? Cyclonus was his name right?. “Cyclonus” Megatron strode in front of him and memories seemed to click into place, he thought. “Yes my lord” He saluted in return to his glorious leader and master, yes this was right. “Ah good, how wonderful to see you’re… back online after the Autobots attacked” He mused, “I have a task for you, just to… check, you’re still in ‘the right frame of mind’” Megatron snapped his fingers and two nameless seekers brought a pair of femme’s in and threw them to the floor. One was small and had little horns on their head the other was tall and held her emotions better. Upon seeing him both of them seemed shocked and tears were falling down both their faces. “Cyclonus!?” Their voices echoed deep within Cyclonus’s core but he didn’t know why. “These two are traitors and are responsible for letting the Autobots in to our base” Megatron continued, ignoring protests from the two femmes, he then handed a gun to Cyclonus “You know what we do with traitors right? Execute them.” Cyclonus cocked the gun, and looked at the two kneeling prisoners. Traitors right? Execution? Not like he actually knew these two anyway. BLAM BLAM Energon was smeared up the walls as two quick shots took the femme’s out. Megatron was delighted and seemed ecstatic with the outcome. “Excellent! Excellent!” He praised rubbing his hands together, “You always were such a loyal and dependable soldier Cyclonus” Cyclonus merely nodded in gratitude at his leader’s praise. He was allowed to leave to his barracks, though he didn’t understand why Soundwave told Megatron his actions were “sick”. It was all alright. He excelled as a brutal and devastating force upon the Decepticon ranks and was soon allowed to head off to Earth in search of a vessel full of Autobots to be destroyed. Notes/Extras:
In reference to his Armada-self, Cyclonus has a loud distinctive cackle and is often unable to stop himself from laughing for a long time.
He is physically a tank, he’s exceptionally strong and can take many a hit that’d be dangerous for a normal bot. His engines are even strong enough to break out of a planet's atmosphere if enough energy is available. However, while he can build up an impressive speed it takes a while for him to get going and he traded maneuverability for it.
One of Shockwave’s drone’s saw that Cyclonus was never in the direction he claimed the Autobots to have gone and as such was giving false information.
When torture methods didn’t work in getting Cyclonus to spill the information he knew of they tried a cortical psychic patch to get to his memories but Cyclonus deleted and destroyed the memory of the Ark’s location in a desperate attempt to prevent them from knowing.
Megatron shot his eye out and his horns were clipped more for ‘symbolic’ reasons.
His entire memory was wiped, all he remembers is being a aerial gladiator and following Megatron, he knows nothing else.
He isn’t aware of it yet but Megatron made him kill his own parental/caretaker units as a test of loyalty.
When he finds Bumblebee on Earth his distinctive appearance triggers a memory in the Autobot scout who immediately calls him his “Horn bro”.
This is enough to give Cyclonus a tiny fragment of his old self back, enough to know that this little Autobot has/knows something important and needs to be kept alive/away from the rest of the Decepticons.
He follows Bumblebee and Windblade at a distance too nervous to go near; Windblade calls him “Bumblebee’s amnesiac puppy” for his odd behaviour.
Unfortunately Bumblebee doesn’t remember enough to be of more help other than knows he does trust this guy, for some reason, and there’s something important he’s forgetting.
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"Listen, I really don’t like you, but you have kittens, so I’m going to be over a lot.” au - pretty please?☺️
This is more pre-slash than anything, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! (also on ao3!)
Stiles' next door neighbor was an asshole.
A complete and utter asshole. An asshole of giant proportions.
He was the kind of asshole who left passive aggressive post-it notes on Stiles' front door nearly every morning. Always about the most insignificant shit, too.
Notes telling Stiles to keep his music down even though he had only been playing it at medium volume. How his neighbor could hear it over his shower would forever be a mystery. Dude must have superhuman hearing.
Notes asking Stiles to do his laundry at another time so the noise wouldn't disturb his neighbor's sleep. Why that would matter considering the fact that Stiles usually did his laundry in the middle of the afternoon escaped him.
Notes informing Stiles that he needed to take out his garbage, claiming that it was starting to smell. And, yes, his asshole neighbor may have had a point there but how in the hell did he know? It wasn't like he could smell it, right?
Then there were notes requesting that Stiles stop using so much garlic in his cooking. How that was any of his neighbor's business was way beyond him.
But even that wasn't enough for Stiles to draw the line. No, that came when his neighbor started leaving notes complaining about Stiles' cat.
Stiles had adopted his cat, a lovable little brown tabby tomcat that he had named Hurley, just a few weeks after moving into his apartment. It was his first time living on his own, having shared a dorm with his friend while attending Stanford, and he had found himself in need of some company.
Sure, his dad just lived on the other side of town, but even that wasn't enough. Stiles was too prone to loneliness to go without a roommate, even if said roommate had four legs and whiskers.
And Hurley was paws down the best roommate Stiles had ever had.
He was clean and pretty quiet for the most part. The only time he ever made much noise was when he felt like he wasn't getting enough attention or his food bowl was empty.
For the most part, he was content to just run around the apartment playing with his cat toys. And beyond that, he liked to doze in the sun or on Stiles' lap, stoned out of his mind on catnip.
The best thing about owning a cat rather than a dog was how independent they were. Hurley could entertain himself for hours while Stiles was at work, usually alternating between sleeping and gorging himself on cat food.
Good thing he did all that running around. Otherwise, he would probably be overweight. Not that Stiles would love him any less.
Hurley was the perfect mix of independent and cuddly. He was almost always willing to curl up on the couch with Stiles while he watched TV after his shift at the station yet there were times when he would rather nap alone.
He greeted Stiles every morning with a happy little trill and welcomed him home from work with the sound of his paws on the hardwood floor as he raced to the front door. He was the perfect companion.
So when Stiles' neighbor started leaving notes complaining about Hurley, he lost his temper a little bit.
After the first note complaining about the sound of the bell on Hurley's collar, Stiles had intentionally played his music twice as loud every time he showered for the next two weeks. He had gotten a note about that too.
The only notes that had any credence to them, were the ones informing Stiles that Hurley had managed to slip out into the balcony again. Somehow the little sneak kept figuring out how to open the sliding glass door.
While that wouldn't be a problem if Stiles had his own balcony, that wasn't the case. He just so happened to share a balcony with his asshole neighbor, divided only by a metal railing.
Hurley could slip right through the bars and venture over into Asshole Neighbor's balcony. And from there? Right into sand neighbor's apartment.
Which is precisely why Stiles was standing in front of his neighbor's door with a gift bag full of cat toys in his hand.
"C'mon, dude!" He called, lifting his free hand to knock on his neighbor's door again. Groaning in annoyance, he raised his voice to plead "Let me in! I want my time with the babies!"
"They're not babies, they're kittens," a gruff, now familiar voice barked as the front door was yanked open to reveal Stiles' asshole neighbor. Better known as one Derek Hale.
Stiles smiled innocently at his neighbor, forcing himself to ignore the swarm of butterflies that took flight in his stomach at the mere sight of the veritable god come to earth that was his neighbor. Brandishing the bag in his hand, he beamed at Derek, announcing, "I come bearing gifts. For the babies."
Derek rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his broad chest. He leaned over to rest against the door jamb, blocking Stiles from entering his apartment.
His dark red Henley was stretched tight across his chest, snug around his muscular biceps. Stiles tried not to notice how nice it looked on Derek, suddenly feeling woefully inadequate in his threadbare flannel and ripped jeans.
"Oh, c'mon, Derek!"' Stiles whined when the other man didn't budge, an immovable statue standing in the doorway. Slumping his shoulders and dropping his head back, he griped, "We need to get along now. We're practically in-laws, dude!"
"Don't call me dude," Derek grumbled, moving aside enough to let Stiles into his apartment. Stiles strode inside with a self-satisfied smile that dropped off his face like a dead fly when Derek spoke again, grousing, "And we're not in-laws. Your cat got mine pregnant."
Stiles winced. Because, yeah, that was pretty much the long and short of it.
Apparently, all those times Hurley was so desperate to get out onto the balcony and into Derek's apartment was because he had a lady friend waiting for him. A lady friend who just so happened to be in heat.
So much for the local animal shelter's guarantee that every cat they adopted out was spayed or neutered.
Around two weeks after one of Hurley's longer visits, Stiles woke up to find the most urgent note to date. His neighbor's typically neat handwriting had been somewhat sloppy as it spelled out the message: We need to talk.
Stiles had just rolled his eyes when he had found the note stuck to his front door, letting out a groan. Getting chewed out by his neighbor for whatever he had done that time had not ranked high on his list of things to do on his day off.
His day had been slightly brightened by the discovery of the fact that his grumpy neighbor was drop dead gorgeous with his dark stubble, beautiful hazel eyes, and god-like physique. If he had known he was living next door to a fucking Calvin Klein model he might have been a little more neighborly.
His good mood had been significantly dampened when his neighbor had glared at him and announced that his cat was pregnant. And since there weren't any other cats on their floor and she hadn't yet been introduced to the cat she was supposed to be breeding with, Hurley was most definitely the father.
A little under two months later, Derek had knocked on his door to inform him that Hurley was officially the father of five newborn kittens. That had only been a few days ago and Stiles had made it his personal mission to visit every day since to visit his grand-kittens.
Derek had only begrudgingly allowed him into his apartment to see the kittens, constantly rolling his eyes as Stiles baby talked the kittens. His cat, Willow, was much more welcoming, licking Stiles' hand whenever he reached over to pet her.
She was a beautiful cat, a purebred blue point ragdoll with fur as fluffy as a cloud and eyes so blue they were more periwinkle than anything. Living up to her breed's reputation, she was extremely calm and affectionate, with both her kittens and the humans who kept fussing over them.
Bag of toys in hand, Stiles waited for Derek to close the front door before following him further into his apartment. He led Stiles deeper into the living room, over to the large cat bed where Willow was curled up with her kittens.
"Aww... Hey, babies," Stiles greeted, keeping his voice soft as he sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the cat bed. The area rug Derek had spread out on the hardwood floor was soft and plush, much more comfortable than sitting on the hard floor itself.
Willow glanced up at him with a lazy blink, letting out a deep purr. Stiles smiled to himself as he set down his bag, running his eyes over the tiny shapes of the kittens.
Derek had already taken the liberty of naming them. The two blue points girls were named Lily and Camellia. The two blue tabby points were Bella and Beau.
He had left the name of the remaining kitten, a brown tabby who looked almost identical to Hurley, up to Stiles. He had finally decided on Claude after a couple days of deliberation. Derek had seemed to approve.
Reaching into his bag as Derek took a seat on the floor beside him, Stiles rifled around for a toy. He pulled out a blue and orange crinkle ball, Willow looking up at the sound.
"I know, right?" Stiles cooed, setting the crinkle ball down on the floor. Beaming at Willow, he remarked, "Orange and blue. Best color combination there is."
"Of course you're a Mets fan," Derek scoffed, shaking his head. Stiles just stuck his tongue out at him before grabbing another toy out of the bag, a small yellow ball with a bell inside.
Derek rolled his eyes again. As Stiles set down the noisy ball beside the first one, Derek reminded him, "Their eyes aren't even open yet."
"I know," Stiles dismissed, grabbing a handful of toys out of his bag. He had picked up a wide assortment from the local pet store, everything from feather lures to plush mice stuffed full of catnip. "But you're never too young for presents. Isn't that right, Willow?"
Leaning back, he shrugged and conceded, "Besides, it's my fault we're in this mess. I should've double checked with the shelter. Should've made sure Hurley couldn't keep getting out."
Derek didn't say anything. Biting the inside of his lip, Stiles nodded at the kittens and ventured, "You decided what you're gonna do with them yet?"
"One of my sisters is thinking about taking one," Derek murmured, reaching out to very gently run the pad of his finger down Lily's back. Smiling softly, he admitted, "But other than that, I have no idea. I'm getting pretty attached to them."
Stiles found himself smiling at that, too. His neighbor may seem like a big bad wolf but he was just a big puppy dog at heart.
As he tipped his head to the side, watching Derek check on the kittens, Stiles conceded that maybe his neighbor wasn't as much of an asshole as he thought.
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ask-fraustria · 7 years
headcanon collection;
i realised i don't have a lot of information or headcanon about my dear princess on this blog, so i put together a random list! all under the cut, and please note some of it is NSFW! if you’d ever like to ask me about my headcanon, send me an ask any time!
physical appearance;
if i had to describe her succinctly, i'd say she looks a bit like a european movie star circa 1930s, with her dark hair, sharp eyebrows, intense eyes and full lips. she's an old-fashioned beauty.
her eyes could be described as blue, but they're an unusual shade that doesn't really occur in ordinary humans, kind of violet-tinted. i usually compare them to lavender, forget-me-nots, cornflowers, hydrangeas etc.
she wears makeup, but being old-fashioned (like, 1800s old-fashioned), her main products are pale face powder, rosy blush (which she still calls rouge, or the german equivalent thereof), mascara, and maybe a little black kohl. the one thing she shakes it up with is lipstick, she has a lot of colours, from bright red to dark plum to soft peach. for events she'll break out a more complete routine, shiny eyeshadow and such, but she usually looks similar day to day.
she grows and paints her fingernails but files them down after a while so they don't disrupt her when she plays instruments. i think her skill level is high enough after centuries that it's not the bother it might be to a human, though- at least on piano.
she has moles everywhere. just the one on her face, but quite a few scattered all over her body. i forget where i place them all, but i usually put one near her collar bone, a few in her cleavage or over her breasts, some on her hips or near her belly button, near her wrists or the heel of her hand, her elbows, and scattered over her thighs and back. she even has some super secret...intimate ones?! she doesn't really have freckles, though.
for someone with dark hair and light skin, she's not especially cursed with body hair, though since she covers up often, she also isn't necessarily vigilant about removing it all the time. even if she's smooth everywhere else, one particular...place is generally...bushy. she feels naked without it...more naked. her eyebrows are pretty strong but very nicely arched.
she's quite short, 5'5'' at most. her legs are on the longer side.
she has a petite frame, but she carries a certain amount of pudge on it. she's pear-shaped with an impressive posterior, hips and thighs, a more slender waist but a little chubby around the midsection, and a soft, full bosom, but not really bigger than average.
her wardrobe is fairly extensive. a lot of her clothes are vintage, since she takes very good care of them, but they can't last forever, so she does update. she especially likes other people to take her shopping.
that said, she sort of stopped modernising her style in the 1960s or so. fortunately, a lot of the old styles she likes have become enduring trends. she manages to make most of her fairly modest, old-fashioned outfits look rather stylish.
a big part of style is cut, though. she's not walking around in shapeless long skirts and jackets like an elderly lady. she knows tailoring and with her generous figure, a modest outfit is still appealing.
and she's not entirely opposed to sex appeal. she reserves it mostly for evening gowns and so on, but some of her dresses are quite tight, flashing cleavage or leg- not both, though, heaven forbid! well...maybe for a special occasion.
she's fond of business dress or business casual at least. she doesn't wear very casual clothes. she doesn't even wear trousers if she can at all avoid it. she's very much a skirt/dress person.
to bed, she either wears nothing, some kind of babydoll or negligee, or if it's cold, an old-fashioned long thermal nightgown. she has commandeered someone else's shirt or pyjamas on occasion...
she likes underwear, it's like her passion or something. she has an extensive collection of frilly things and she still likes a really nice corset and a pair of stockings. but you never saw any battered granny panties.
at first blush, she comes off either uptight and cold, or elegant and delicate. neither of those is exactly wrong, but her truest self is...eccentric.
she's highly critical, in an incredibly annoying, persnickety way that can just drive a person mad. but she's rather easily placated, or distracted.
her priorities are often skewed towards small details. everyone else might be running around in crisis, but she'll be complaining that the coffee is bad.
on the other hand, she often cuts through the nonsense of other people's situations and gets right to the point, so she's not a bad person to ask for advice. it's just that she might go off on a tangent and advise something...strange. why not get married? why not crash a battleship into it?
she's far from quiet, much more social and talkative than first appearances would suggest. it's just that most of that talking is complaining, or droning on about something no one else cares about. that said, engage her, and she's a witty conversationalist.
she has a wider circle of friends than even she realises. sure, most of them have been enemies too...but as a person, despite some annoying traits, she's quite charismatic and manages to be on good terms with a lot of people.
she's dominant overall in virtually every aspect of her life- she's even somewhat bold and passive-aggressive with her bosses. it's a prim, uppity sort of dominance, of course. things tend to go her way and if they don't, she'll pout. that said, she's amiable enough to let someone else lead if she's kept happy.
in the past, she was more apt to give a foolish boss a stern talking to, but she cooperates more peacefully nowadays.
sex and relationships;
she just plain prefers to be in a relationship. she won't necessarily admit it, but it's true.
even though she knows it would be a bad idea, a part of her would still like to marry again.
i won't call her exactly monogamous...but close to it, for a nation. she has her own weird sense of fidelity. she's a bit jealous, but not overly so.
on the other hand, she has had more lovers in her lifetime than the average nation, and she's sentimental. she seems to retain a nostalgic feeling about several of them.
on that note, she’s interested in both men and women with no specific preference in that way, but she does prefer her partner to be more “masculine” (not difficult).
she likes the other party to do any heavy lifting in the relationship- literally and metaphorically- but she likes to be in control, in a quiet (or not so quiet) sort of way. sexually, i'd describe her as mentally dominant and physically...lazy.
princess in the streets. also a princess in the sheets (don't touch her she's royalty). but you need to understand the subtle difference in uses of the word 'princess'... she usually won't allow PDA outside of a peck or gentle arm contact, but she's quite affectionate in private, though she likes the other person to initiate.
she has a reasonably high sex drive and enjoys it a lot, she's just high-maintenance in the way she goes about it. she likes to be given a lot of attention and care- on her terms.
in bed, she's cuddly to the point of being clingy. she's actually a pain in the ass when she's asleep, wriggling around and clamping on like a boa constrictor, but if you squeeze her tight, she might settle down. by herself, she's been known to fall out of bed!
as far as BDSM goes, she mostly likes impact play and discipline. she'll give out spankings and canings like a professional. but aside from that, she prefers lower-effort enjoyment, leading her to usually lie back and relax, so to speak. she'll even take a spanking when the mood is right (she has a perfect backside for it).
there was a point when she was young and just reaching adulthood that she really had an appetite, and had a number of flirtations, shall we say. around that time she got a lot of...fresh air and grass stains, and she has a lingering affection for risky locations. of course she's too responsible now to give in to that. honest.
she likes jewellery. she wears a plain cross fairly often, her favourite earring type is large studs, and she's in the habit of wearing a ring, just...because. but with different outfits, she pairs different pieces, often slightly ostentatious jewelled things. she likes rhinestones (like Swarovski), of course.
she officially gave up smoking, but she unofficially keeps cigarettes in her cookie jar and her bedside drawer. she has novelty lighters in the shape of violins and she prefers to use a long cigarette holder. unofficially. don't tell Germany.
can't wear heels higher than an inch or two. she's clumsy enough as it is. mornings are the absolute worst. she will fall over. no shoes necessary.
speaking of, she doesn't really care to get up before lunch. no one seems to want to accommodate that preference.
she likes a big lunch or brunch cooked at home and haute cuisine eaten out in the evening. she's really a gourmet, dessert always being her priority.
she's fond of animals, though not their mess. she likes cats, most dogs but especially lapdogs, pretty birds, squirrels (honestly) and most soft delicate things, like calves and fawns.
she's not the best pet owner, though, she spoils animals. she only has one cat at the moment. i would personally like it to be a Himalayan or a Ragdoll (for the colouration), but i can also see it being a Turkish Angora.
she carries a kind of big handbag with too many things in it. you never know what you might need.
she only cuts her hair to keep it manageable and styled, it's rather long and always has been. it's nice, thick, shiny hair.
a heavy sleeper despite consuming a troubling amount of caffeine and sugar. her biology is a mystery.
she has a very lovely speaking voice, and quite a lovely singing voice, too, if you're honoured enough to hear it. genuine laughter from her is incredibly rare, but when she does, it sounds like, as someone put it, 'a thousand Christmas bells'.
but when she's screechy yelling at you it's terrible.
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amourete-blog1 · 7 years
(( late but. sleepy nerds talkin about stuff with Hellen
tagging: @roseredmutant @hereticalsym69ls
begin log:
aberrantcadenza Tonight you don't go out with Xanthe when he goes for a run in the early evening. Normally you would... Instead you opt to stay cuddled up to Lil, sapping his heat and repaying him in soft kisses every now and then, to the face and pressed into his hair.
roseredmutant Cool lips press themselves to you and you nuzzle closer to the affectionate olive, sighing and wrapping your arms lazily around her. It brings back a time before this; camp fires, fussy trolls trying to stir you awake and long treks to no where in particular.
Eventually you open your eyes, only to yawn before closing them. For once your body is trying to wake up early. Perhaps because Xanthe had gone? Not that this is news to you, he'd done these runs for months now.
"G'venin'." Your words, usually punctuated and sharp, slur lazily passed your lips. "Hun'ry?"
aberrantcadenza Purring amplifies in volume when he snuggles closer to you. Volume is directly proportionate to proximity of the little red troll - so, naturally, you pull him close to you like a cat and hug him tight.
"Yeah, but you aren't awake enough to do anything about that." Kiss kiss. "I can get something to snack on when I pawther getting up. You can sleep more, it's okay..." And you're torn because half of you wants him to stay sleepy and snuggly, and the other half wants to kiss him ways he'd have to be awake for.
roseredmutant A sleepy, soft groan rumbles in your throat. You nod. Then shake your head and seem to give up in the middle of seeming to make a decision.
"I'll get up soon then." It takes forever for you to actually crawl out of bed and get dressed. Hopefully Felide won't mind.
aberrantcadenza Not at all. In the meantime you will continue to hug and be affectionate, being completely and entirely counter-productive.
"Alright," you concede with one more kiss. Yawn. "I do need to ask you something though. Just so one of us remembpurrs..."
roseredmutant "Mm hm." You nod and almost immediately start to drift off again. You are a completely useless troll like this.
aberrantcadenza Ragdoll troll mode: initiate.
You laze about with him a little more, but at some point you do actually get hungry. You regretfully leave the comfortable bed to go downstairs and get jerky to munch on. For a brief moment you consider being cruel and involving ice in waking up Kankri. Brief.
roseredmutant In bed a little longer, you stretch and start to wake again. You force yourself up, half roll out of the bed and groan when the landing isn't as soft as you'd hoped.
It's fine. You needed motivation to stand anyway.
So you do, and after taking a moment to steal one of Xanthe's dirty shirts you make your way to the kitchen. It doesn't matter if you're a mess, just that you're hunger and she's hungry and Xanthe will likely be hungry coming back.
As you get to work in the kitchen (a surprisingly natural feeling thing by now), you visibly become more awake and aware. A glass of water and some nibbles of food and you're at least aware you were supposed to talk to Felide about something.
"I think you wanted to ask me something?"
aberrantcadenza "Mm." You perch on the table, in the most unladylike manner there is. Fuck manners, Porrim isn't up yet to scold you. "Yeah... but I don't know if you want to hear it this early."
Your hands rest behind you, arms locked out to hold you up, and you watch him work for a quiet moment.
"It's about uh. Hellen. And Xanthe. Xanthe with left Hellen."
roseredmutant You blink, turning the heat on the cooking food low while your tired mind tries to understand what she'd just said.
It's a meme. A meme referencing flavor disks. It takes a while of over thinking for you to realize it's a question largely about Xanthe and less about "Hellen".
"Oh." You're not sure what she could be asking you about, but you decide it can't be anything horrible, or she'd be much more tense about it.
"If you want to ask, you can. I don't mind."
aberrantcadenza You spend a few more moments kicking your feet like a wriggler before you actually start your thought, because you kind of don't want to talk about this. At the same time... You know Lil better than that. But then, you don't think Sugary was lying... would she lie? What would make her want to do that?
For a brief moment, you consider the possibility of her having an interest in Lil. You make a face.
"So um. ... Condy told me that you and she were with Xanthe. Like... after he got out of. Wherever she was."
The details are really fuzzy for you, who knew Nothing until quite recently.
roseredmutant "... Oh."
It's about THAT time. You take a deep breath and, after lowering the temperature a little more, go over to sit next to Felide. On a chair. Like a good boy.
"Well... there's a lot to say about that time."
You pause and push down the knotting feeling in your gut.
"What exactly did you want to know?"
aberrantcadenza Is he trying to show you up? Just to spite him, you also sit in a chair. You have no other motives for chair-sitting, obviously, nothing like "being on the same level for potentially stressful situations."
"She told me you wanted to leave Xanthe."
You decide to just say it straight-up. Your hand rests on the table. "If I'm going to know one side of this, I want to know the other too."
roseredmutant Oh. That.
"It wasn't exactly like that, no." You paused. "Xanthe asked the same when she told him, but I think the tone she states this in suggests something that wasn't..."
You pause again. Stop and think, Kankri, god damn.
"She... she words it in such a way that makes it sound much more.. intimate in nature, I suppose. I had no intention of leaving Xanthe romantically. But at the time he was very... He was still mentally recovering from the brunt of it. If that makes sense?"
You pause again and fiddle with his shirt. It still smells like him.
"I didn't want to make things more difficult for him. I didn't, and still don't, largely, know how to deal with trauma in others. I feared my inexperience and ignorance would only hurt him more while he was still in the process of recovery."
"... I wasn't entirely wrong in that... I'd done things that I'm sure were more hurtful than not."
aberrantcadenza You listen to him quietly, taking in this information. He seems nervous - you offer your hand for him to hold if he wants to, palm-up on the table.
"So you were considering distancing yourself for the time. 'If you can't do good, don't do anything at all'?"
roseredmutant "Yeah." You hand kind of naturally goes to her palm. "I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to make recovery harder for him. It made sense. Sugary had access to doctors of all sorts, had other trolls who could monitor him and report anything wrong to her... It made sense to leave him in her care til he was more capable of dealing with me and how I can be."
aberrantcadenza "This is really scary." Your thumb runs over the back of his hand. "Just... all of that, seeing him that way... and I've only known for a short time. If he was *worse* before, I don't blame you at all for being apprehensive." It's scary to have the ability to hurt people. You don't say it, but the thought is there - he knows, you know, he knows you know, you know he knows, he "... But you didn't? She said you changed your mind."
roseredmutant "No thanks to her, yeah."
Oops. Tone down that bitterness.
"... He said he wanted me around."
aberrantcadenza You actually laugh at that. It's more of a snicker with a purr underneath, but it's a laugh all the same.
"I know you better than to think you would just... up and leave someone in a situation of need. Especially someone like Xanthe, which is why I wanted to ask. I know, too, some of the things you struggle with - with feeling like you aren't wanted or your presence won't help."
You kiss the back of his hand - delicate, soft, and only for a brief moment.
"I hope you know you're wanted here."
roseredmutant You smile, though now it's a little sad. You hate having to tell Felide about this. You hate having to remember. She should've died sooner, after all "Hellen" did to Xanthe.
It takes a moment for you to reel back from that brief thought. That's not like you. But this circumstance is exceptional, isn't it? No? Maybe...
"I know." You sigh. "I forget, admittedly, but you two always know how to remind me."
aberrantcadenza "Then I guess I'll just have to remind you more often, huh?" You grin, and lean in to kiss the tip of his nose. "Maybe I'll even get creative about how. Keep on your walkstubs, mon cerise. You might just get overwhelmed by sap."
roseredmutant "Ha. Jokes on you, I can't be overwhelmed with sap."
That's a lie, but you don't think it needs to be clarified.
You sniff the air, kiss Felide's cheek and stand to go back to tend to the breakfast you were making.
"Thank you, though."
aberrantcadenza You hold onto his hand just a second longer before you let him go. Somewhere in the distance the Titanic theme plays.
"Hey. Hey Kankri." You follow him, loitering by the counter. Your face is a reminiscent of the :3c emoji. "Psst. Kankri."
roseredmutant Oh no. What's with that tone in her voice. You look to her, raising a suspicious brow at her and squinting your wide, flickering eyes.
"Yes, Felide?"
aberrantcadenza "I looooove you."
It's sincere, but the way you say it is exactly the kind of tone that says you plan mischief later today.
roseredmutant Squint! But you smile and chuckle, stepping from the food a moment to give her a quick peck on the lips.
"I love you, too."
aberrantcadenza *PRRRRRR.* You steal another kiss from him before he darts out of reach, then settle for purring contentedly while you watch him. The :3c face remains.
In fact, you go to turn on the kettle for tea, then duck outside for a moment. Part one of your plans - plural.
roseredmutant What is she doing? Suspicious lover with her suspicious smile. You watch her briefly before turning back to your first meal, finishing it and plating it before taking all three plates to the table.
You lean forward and blink, raising your brows as you look towards the direction she headed in. It's still hard to see, even with the bright moonlight, but...
Where did she go?
aberrantcadenza You return several minutes later with... Nothing? You beam at him innocently from the sliding glass door, which naturally means you are the furthest thing from innocent and are completely plotting his demise.
"What, is there something on my face?"
roseredmutant "That smirk, for one." You push a plate towards her. "Come on and eat before it gets cold." For now, you don't question it. There's a big plate of meats, eggs and some other yummy things piled on that need to be eaten.
aberrantcadenza An important responsibility indeed. You happily take a seat at the table to his side, and kiss him on the cheek in thanks before you eat.
"I'd make fun of you fur wearing his shirt, but one, I can't talk - two, you look adorable."
roseredmutant Stick your tongue out. "I know you can't talk." You're not about to say you're cute. You're not. But you like feeling like you could be.
"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
aberrantcadenza You chew thoughtfully for a few more seconds, then swallow.
"What are you favfurite flowers?"
roseredmutant "Flowers?" You pause. "I don't really have a favorite. They're just kind of nice to look at sometimes."
Giving a little shrug, you take a big bite and chew thoughtfully, unintentionally mimicking Felide's own chew.
"... Then again, I don't know much about flowers to begin with."
aberrantcadenza "Then do you have favorite colors of flowers, or favfurite colors at all?" You're trying not to sound like you're trying to glean information for Nefarious Purposes(tm) - with limited success.
roseredmutant Humming around your food, you stare at her for a minute before shrugging again.
"I'm fairly fond of green and yellow hues." This should come as no surprise. "Maybe purples and violets, too?"
aberrantcadenza It doesn't, no - but it does illicit more of a purr from you. You're pleased.
"Fair," you say, which isn't mysterious at all. Not one bit. In your head you're reviewing your various plans. When the kettle whistles, you excuse yourself from the table to go and start tea steeping, lingering to fiddle with something on the counter surface while you wait.
roseredmutant You could turn to look at what she's doing... but you decide not to. No peeking. If she's going through the trouble of hiding whatever she's got going, it's not something you're supposed to see, yet.
"Do you think Xanthe will be back soon? His food will get cold."
aberrantcadenza "I think so! He normally doesn't stay out this long. Maybe he's taking a different route." You say this mostly to convince yourself not to worry, now that the thought has come into your mind. "Either that, or he's thinking of some purrticularly awful pun to pitch at us when he gets back."
Instead, you occupy yourself with your little project... Until you find yourself satisfied with your work, and go to return to the table.
You put something light on his head, barely noticable, when you pass the back of his chair on your way to your seat. It's a crown of multicolored primroses, in the colors of his current quadmates. Sometimes it pays to keep a garden.
"Either way, he's missing out on the real joy here - you made a delicious breakfast."
roseredmutant "I say we eat his share," you tease, poking at his plate. "It's not like he can't cook his own food, anyway." You have no real intention of touching his plate. Still, you hate to think it might go cold soon.
You take a moment to carefully feel around the small thing Felide put on your head. The soft flower petals brush against your finger tips and it's almost immediately recognizable what she's put on your head.
You let out a small coo of curious fascination before taking out your phone and turning on your camera.
A flower crown! It looks so cute!
aberrantcadenza You purr happily at his acceptance of the gift, and return to your meal.
"If he doesn't come back by the time we're done, we can go out and see if we can't find him. Deal?"
roseredmutant "Yeah, alright." It's not terribly concerning. You'd sense if he felt he was in danger. And you can all but find him if you need to. It's just... well. You like eating with him.
"We could also call him. Interrupt his thoughts and be pests."
aberrantcadenza If you knew, you'd agree. Instead you just smile.
"Best idea yet." And you get out your palmhusk to set it on the table, so the two of you can successfully badger your mate as soon as possible.
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