#shattered wip
gregorygerwitz · 6 months
💯 <3
I got a good groove going with Shattered so I'm having fun
That fear was returning to the pit in his stomach where it made its home, armed now with memories of premature grief and a night just as cold.
[ for every 💯 i'll write 100 words and share my favorite part ]
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shattered-eagle · 4 months
Shattered Eagle: Fall of an Empire
Demo (216k WIP, 07/14/2024) | Forum
You are an advisor in a declining empire, beset by unrest, barbarians, and forces beyond your comprehension. Can you save the empire from doom?
Explore a fictional world inspired by the late Roman Empire.
Be male or female, cisgender or transgender, straight, gay, bisexual or asexual.
Serve the imperial family dutifully, or secure your own rise to power.
Choose from up to five careers, from a veteran of the legion to a shadowy spymaster.
Learn the secrets of sorcery or untangle the ancient mysteries behind the Empire.
Navigate the viper’s nest of imperial politics to find allies or paramours, including the empress herself, a cunning senator, a ruthless crime boss, a barbarian general, or a foreign prince.
Through over five centuries of conquest, the Iudian Empire has come to rule the Inner Sea, becoming the most powerful realm in the known world.
From the western hills of Ezperia, the northern forests of Hevernica, the sophisticated cities of Attika, the eastern deserts of Midyan, and the southern rivers of Seyet, all fell before what the world calls the Iudian Sorceresses, the women who wield fire itself against their enemies. For it is indeed women who rule in Iudia, as ordained by the mother goddess Gaia herself.
Yet, the Empire is not without troubles, and her glory days seem past her. Crippling civil wars, endemic corruption and ceaseless invasion have all contributed to the woes of the once great Empire.
Threats old and new rear their heads in times such as these. A resurgent Pharia, the Empire’s old eastern rival, threatens to seize the eastern provinces. Civil unrest has escalated in the capital of the capital, the flames fanned by an increasingly bold criminal underground.
The greatest danger may come from the north, however. Beyond the cold barbarian lands comes a enemy you have only heard rumor of, the Witch King of the Ongi. It is said the warrior rides at the head of a massive host, wielding great magic that has united all the tribes of the far steppe together out of fear of his power. He has called a holy war against the Empire, claiming it as a nation of demons to be cleansed from the earth.
Will you hold the Empire steady in her time of crisis, claw your way to power, or seek to solve ancient mysteries? The fate of Iudia is in your hands.
Empress Julia Vitallia Hevernica (48F)
A harsh woman who forced the Empire back together with blood and steel, Julia has reigned as Empress for a decade. She is a strong military leader and a pious woman, who frequently prays to the Goddess for guidance. She is cruel towards her enemies, but possesses a certain pragmatic streak, and has invested much of her authority in you so that you might govern the Empire while she wages war.
Consul Consentia Plinia Dorica (55F)
The leader of the now-sidelined Senate, the ancient legislature of grandiose aristocrats which once governed the Empire alone, Consentia is bent on advocating for what she sees as the fundamental rights of the public and restoring the power of the old Republic. She is a passionate orator and the wealthiest woman in the Empire, barring the Empress herself, and has struck a deal with the crime lord Ceto in order to gain the support of the masses for her reforms.
Tribune Ceto Vera (43F)
Coming up from the poorest slums of the capital, Ceto is the Empire’s most notorious crime lord, ruling the streets by both spreading out her ill-gotten gains to the people and making brutal examples out of those who refuse to acknowledge her authority. Lately, she has entered politics and become a staunch advocate for the rights of the common people, forming an uneasy alliance with the Consul to push back against the ever encroaching imperial autocracy.
Legate Antonius Lethungius/Amalrik Wulfhid (40M)
Born to an imperial mother who named him Antonius and a barbarian father who named him Amalrik, the Legate is a man caught between two bitterly opposed worlds. A skilled and charismatic general, he has won the steadfast loyalty of the Empire's barbarian auxiliaries with his victories on the field of battle, yet his true loyalties remain unknown. Is he a dutiful man of the Empire, or a proud, unbowed barbarian?
Prince Darius of Pharia (33M)
Darius, third son of the great King of Kings, serves in the imperial capital as the ambassador and hostage from the eastern realm of Pharia, the Empire’s oldest and most powerful rival. Over the past decade and half, however, Darius has become more than a mere captive, having established great wealth and influence in the capital with his charm and wit, and is now a major power player in his own right.
These themes and depictions are present in the current demo, or are planned to be present in the final product.
Depictions of violence & warfare (including gore), references to torture, sexual references and themes, drug & alcohol abuse, physical & emotional abuse, sexism, suicide, slavery, homophobia, & transphobia.
04/14/2024: Chapter I (50k Words | 18k Playthrough) 05/07/2024: Chapter II (105k Words | 39k Playthrough) 06/05/2024: Chapter III (156k Words | 59k Playthrough) 07/14/2024: Chapter IV (216k Words | 73k Playthrough)
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galacii-gallery · 5 months
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Idol Shattered? Idol Shattered.
Made this because someone brought up the idea of Idol Shattered so why not make them,,,
He possibly sings stuff in the rock genre 👀
Anyways once this is fully done I’ll post it… possibly with a playlist?
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shatteredearth-if · 1 year
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Shattered Earth is an Interactive Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction about retreading old ground and working for your good ending. less formally, this is meant to go on my portfolio
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Five years ago, you watched the world split open, bore witness to what you could only refer to as "dragons" made manifest in scale, flesh and skin. You saw cities razed to the ground, asphalt streets shattered like ice. Fleets of dragons and foreign—almost alien—aircrafts alike seared across the skies, while towers of dirt and metal tore free from the landscape. The world has inexplicably, incomprehensibly changed, but you know this to be true: Earth never really stood a chance.
With your world now overrun by dragons and dangers alike, you've lived alone, hiding from the world you once called home, scrounging for scraps and surviving by the skin of your teeth. But when a chance encounter with a mercenary ship leaves you reeling with the realization that you're not the average-joe of a human that you thought you once were, you're forced into an ultimatum: enlist with the Seekers, or live out the rest of your life in a Human compound on Therius. But your horrors extend far beyond the threat of the dragons; your monsters are at home in your head, but they might just be the key to stopping all of this madness… if they don't take you out first.
The gears turn, the worlds spin inwards like ever-onwards like painted tops. You will undergo a journey of self-discovery, of potential romances and of incredible loss. And somehow, you can't shake the sensation that this has all happened before…
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A customizable protagonist: Customize your gender, your body type, your pronouns, and personality.
Five ROs to romantically pursue—some in the most conventional sense, others in… a not so conventional sense.
Engage in brief flings, one of which is... an RO's estranged divorced mother. (Your crewmates will disapprove.)
Train your body or your mind to perfection. Are you a frontline fighter, or do you prefer the aethereal arts?
Cute cat dog wolfboy…?
The female version of a himbo
There's no good way to put this: you remember things you shouldn't. The end of your story is not the end; something awaits you at the place where your endings converge. What is it? What are you?
There's an egotistical mind entity in your head, and the flags aren't just red; they're blood-crimson. Romanceable, but at a steep cost to your sanity. Or maybe…
Skippable, customizable NSFW content. My friends have advised me not to continue.
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Avett Ironsturm
Role: RO
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Kattish
Age: 20
Specialization: Arms specialist
Appearance: Avett is a Kattish man of average height. His complexion is fair. Perched upon his head are two swivelling cat-like ears, and at the base of his spine is a prehensile tail that is about the length of his arm—both are adorned with soft, black fur. His hair is black, hangs just below the shoulders, and he keeps most of it in a messy ponytail. Most of his frontal hair frames his boyish, youthful face. His irises are copper colored, his pupils slitted.
Personality: Avett is bristly, prickly, and very easy to anger if he's not trying to get into your pants. He's a flirt through and through, and knows how and when to be charming, just… not with his coworkers. Or you. Though if you can get him to let his guard around you, you might just find him a lot more bearable.
Your impression: Once upon a time, you saw his old ID, stuffed in a cabinet along with his boxers and body spray, and you realized he was smiling in his photo. Not outwardly—they don't want you smiling on those cards, but behind those eyes was a laugh ready to bust out at any moment. That was four years ago. Now? All he does now is sulk and yell at people. Something happened in those four, long years, and those years have only been getting longer since.
Sexuality: Bisexual (woman-leaning)
Yuda Hellsbridge
Role: RO
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Half Gallian, Half Kattish
Age: Secret?
Specialization: Restrainer
Appearance: Yuda is a half-Gallian, half-Kattish woman of above average height. Her complexion is a pale, seafoam green—common for most Gallians. Her hair is white with blue undertones in the right lighting, and is short and choppy. If you look too closely into her metallic gray eyes, you will notice a swirling, foggy substance within her irises, as is common for all Gallians who are at least a bit adept in magic… which is to say, almost all of them. Yuda is extremely fit and exercises often, and as a result her build is stocky and muscular—very uncommon for a Gallian, though she claims that she's half Kattish.
Personality: Yuda is outwardly cheerful, loud, and brash—tact is not her forte. But behind every sunny smile is a shadow, and Yuda keeps her shadows well away from the spotlight.
Your impression: It's not trauma. It's not a blip in her personality. There is something genuinely terrifying hiding behind Yuda's eyes, and that's not including the fact that you don't know how old she is. Oh, she's nice, and she's got no ulterior motives, you'll give her that. But it's like she's wearing her own body like a shadow.
Sexuality: doesn't care for labels, but for clarity's sake she is pansexual.
Ysh'vanna O'Raal
Role: RO
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Draconian
Age: 26
Specialization: Captain/Pilot
Appearance: Ysh'vanna is a short girl with wispy, white hair that topples down to her waist—if she doesn't brush it out of her face, it has a tendency to smother her slight frame like an oversized scarf. Her irises are orange, with a ring of emerald green around her pupils. Trailing from her ears are two, small, green webs that resemble translucent dragon wings.
Personality: Everyone onboard the Seeker is a wreck, yes, but Ysh'vanna is always at least two crises away from a mental breakdown everyday. Sorting through admin, funds, Avett's shenanigans and the odd dragon attack has left her riddled with anxieties. She has difficulty forming bonds outside of work because of this, so her relationship with Avett isn't great. After any particularly grueling mission, she will often be found comatose in front of the navigation panels, staring off into the skyline. Otherwise, Ysh'vanna tries to be cheerful. Most of the time. Some of the time.
Your impression: She's probably by far the most average person on this ship. Every morning she takes her coffee with three sugars and a cupful of milk; every night she takes a nail-sized tablet along with a full glass of water. "For the anxiety," she says. She's incredibly open about most things... until it comes to her family. What's the deal?
Sexuality: bisexual (woman-leaning)
Auren Draksparrow
Role: Platonic Option
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Gallian
Age: According to Avett, "Like, a hundred or something." He looks about forty in Human years to you.
Specialization: Warder
Appearance: Auren is a Gallian man of above average height. His frame is gaunt, almost frail; his hair is platinum blond, and is secured in a low ponytail that reaches down to his waist. His complexion is seafoam green, and his eyes are a faint violet. Swimming in his irises is a fog, a trait most Gallians share. His facial features are long and soft, but his cheekbones sit high upon his face.
Personality: Auren is cold, aloof, and it can be difficult to discern what he's thinking from speech and body language alone. He is clear in mind, even during high-pressure situations, until his abilities as a caster fail him.
Your impression: Here's the deal about living past one hundred and one; you're going to mess up. You're going to mess up a lot more than the average person, and your book of guilt's going to be pushing a trilogy if you don't start forgiving yourself for some of those mess-ups. You know for a fact that Auren has never forgiven himself, not even once, because he's yet to save the Seekers. Because he's yet to, in his eyes, make himself useful. But you're his lucky break: he's the only one on the ship who can see that thing in your head for what it is, and he knows it's a threat.
Sexuality: he's not looking for a relationship right now, if ever. He's married to his tomes and the study of aether.
Liam Salazar
Role: RO
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human
Age: 24
Specialization: Researcher
Appearance: Liam is tall with an athletic frame and broad shoulders. He usually keeps his dark brown hair in a nest of curls atop his head. His skin is a deep umber, and his eyes are an even deeper shade of brown. He often wears a white lab coat over a simple sweater and dress shirt.
Personality: Quiet, but goofy; aloof, but sensitive. You sense that this boy would rather bury his head in a good book or some other complicated research than look you in the eye. That's not to say he's meek, though—come any threat, and he'll lash out swinging. You had to be a special kind of tough to have survived the Migration as a Human, and Liam is no exception.
Your impression: You didn't expect to make friends at the IRC training facility—most Humans there wanted your head on a stick for the cardinal sin of having a deal with a merc ship already. The Migration wore everyone's patience thin, but not Liam's. For a hot moment at that facility, you were two renegades against the hateful world. Until your training period finished up.
Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual, though initially he believes that he's straight.
The Entity
Role: RO
Gender: Customizable/it
Race: Something intangible. A voice in your head.
Age: It laughs when you ask this. "How old is a concept? The fear of death, the love of life? How old? Are you counting? Think about that."
Appearance: A dark wisp of smoke that occasionally shifts to form parts of a person.
Personality: Loves you, like an overbearing parent. Punishes you, like a torturer gleaning for answers. It maims you and calls it affection.
Your impression: When you're not talking to it, it's rummaging through your memories. Why? For fun. It knows about that time you did this and that in the locker room and almost got caught for it. It knows about that time you stopped someone from leaving after class just so you could hit on them, unsuccessfully, for ten minutes before they had to beg you to leave. It knows everything about you, all the bad, all the good—and it loves you anyway. That's the purest kind of love, isn't it?
Sexuality: Wouldn't you like to know.
With that all said, thank you for checking out this post, and DOUBLE thank you if you decide to try out Shattered Earth. 🙇🙇
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hippolotamus · 9 days
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tagged by the delightfully talented @tizniz @rewritetheending with some outstanding offerings (go check ‘em out if you haven’t) 💖
Today I’m offering some out of context mirrorball angst 🪩
“Anyway, thanks for that. Thanks for reminding me what I’m really good for.”
Any remnants of Eddie’s heart shatter in his chest. He steps forward, wanting to cling to Buck and comfort him, an instinct he isn’t sure will ever disappear. But Buck winces, shaking his head and putting more distance between them.
“Buck?” The hushed plea is useless, he knows it is. He knows he has no right, but he asks anyway.
np tagging @beyourownanchor6 @bucksbiawakening @bi-buckrights @spotsandsocks @stereopticons @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @bucksbignaturals @dangerpronebuddie @diazheartsbuckley @theotherbuckley @thekristen999 @loveyouanyway @eowon @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @a-noble-dragon @weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @shipperqueen6 @kitteneddiediaz @your-catfish-friend @filet-o-feelings @wikiangela @underwaterninja13 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @steadfastsaturnsrings @inell @jesuisici33 @freewayshark @dr-shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @dorkydiaz @elvensorceress @giddyupbuck @indestructibleheart @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @the-likesofus @watchyourbuck @wildlife4life and anyone else who wants to 😘
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spicyraeman · 10 months
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Im thinking that perhaps... lae'zel doesn't come back from the vlaakith crusade in one piece
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shatterthefragments · 12 days
Tagged by @ongreenergrasses for WIP Wednesday!!
rules: please share your last sentence; or, if you don’t have one, share a plot bunny or idea! (OR sketch for your artwork!)
(The thing I’m currently working on is part of a collaborative project and might be secret until I finish idk but I do have one I’m actually actively working on!!)
Tagging @bubacorn @elkkiel & @xticklemeemox ✨ (and anyone else bc I only felt like tagging three tonight :P)
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jexjoydex · 2 months
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💜megop❤️week day: 4 rolereversal
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aylish91 · 27 days
"Oh~ A beautiful thing like you should be flourishing in the light. Such a shame. Now it will be nothing but a dream~"
Shattered Leviathan Dream
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randomationality · 1 month
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working on Sir Soundwave's holoform rn (ignore the headshot thank you very much)
i do NOT know how to draw hair i am gonna fix it dont yall worry please
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dat-lil-shark · 5 months
Hello there, I just saw the Cinderella and shattered glass concept. When looking through it, I kept saying that this needs to become a real thing because this was so cool! I love it, also have a amazing day.
Wow I really DID NOT EXPECT this idea to be so popular!! Alright sure! Although I can't really make it a real thing BUT i can make t as real as it can be by making some animations out of it! Time to practice some animations skills anyway!!
However this probably will end up taking a week or two, but I will be posting WIPS in the meantime.
Heres some previews already!
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And a lot of yall also asked for them in dresses! So OF COURSE I WILL DO IT I WANT TO DO IT AS WELL SOOO GODDAMN BAD MAN!!!! HERE YOU GO!! EVERYONE in the Cinderella dresses! GO!!!
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Enjoy your food guys!
And have a wonderful day as well Anon!!!!!!!
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gregorygerwitz · 6 months
also i just saw this beauty in your WIP list (Shattered (Mouse-centric angst, past Mouse/OC, eventual cozy trio) and now I need it!!!!
Hello hello hello!
Shattered is such an old WIP now, and I really do love it and I want to finish it one day, but I haven't touched it in a while! I don't even think it made the transfer from Google Docs to Microsoft 365 when I switched last year. So it's just a 7k+ document I haven't touched in 9+ months. But! Like I said! It's a concept I really love!
It definitely is going to be very, very angsty. Which, I know most people aren't surprised by, when it comes to me, but this one will require more trigger warnings than even I usually put on my fics? Simply because there's two different timelines that I'm following - the first timeline is where the fic starts, with a 3am call made to Jay because Mouse got into a fight with his boyfriend and needs somewhere to stay for a night or two while things get fixed; the second timeline is told through flashbacks, and that relationship Mouse has had with his boyfriend over the last year, and how it started, and how it really fell apart and turned into something toxic and abusive. I get to play with Mouse's mommy issues and how they affect other parts of his life, and I'm really excited to explore that when I have time again!
This fic did start with me saying "for Mouse to initiate touch and/or allow physical comfort, I would have to completely shatter him." Hence the name of the document/in my WIP list. I just want him to be broken down so completely that he will let people hug him and actually comfort him in ways that he wouldn't normally allow. I'm giving him a happy ending, I promise. He gets to live with Jay and Hailey and recover and heal from a whole year of some really shitty treatment, and then yes, eventually, Mouse/Jay/Hailey my beloved polycule.
As a little treat, I'll include a little snippet of what I have so far! 💜
Hailey walked ahead of him to open the door to the back seat, and he tried to move quickly while not being rough. The head that had come to rest against his shoulder made him want to run, to use every ounce of his energy to get them to the hospital faster, as if that would be any better than using the truck. At least the truck had warm air and blankets, and it was safer with the potential for ice with the weather the way it was. But he still wanted to hurry, especially when a hand weaseled past the edge of the blanket to weakly grip the edge of his jacket.
Bad sign.
Worst sign.
Catastrophic sign.
"I'm sorry. I have to put you down so I can drive. The truck is warm, I promise."
The hand only held onto his jacket that much tighter, still weak but no less than absolutely determined. It wasn't going to be easy, getting him to let go so that they could get somewhere safe, and gentleness was the only tactic that Jay knew how to employ. Forcing the fingers clinging to him to let go would only cause more problems that they could easily avoid dealing with. He had to be gentle, or they risked being fought back against, and while his first desire when they arrived was to cause the biggest scene possible, he was more aware of the situation.
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shattered-eagle · 2 months
Total Word Count: 253,671 (216,172 w/o code)
Average Playthrough Length: 73,763
By a funny coincidence, today is the three month anniversary of the first update, so happy birthday Shattered Eagle! I don't believe I ever thought I would have written over two hundred thousand words in three months when I first started, but here we are. I've seen plenty of excellent feedback, insightful questions, vigorous conversations, and interesting theorizing in the past month, so thank you all once again for your commentary! There will be much more to come.
Chapters I-III Changelog:
I have only made minor grammatical corrections and variable adjustments for the first three chapters.
Chapter IV Changelog:
It exists now! You might note that despite being longer than any one chapter I have posted before, the average playthrough is significantly lower. That's due to the larger amount of branching in this update, so depending on your choices this may be a chapter of mystery, murder and betrayal, or a much steadier and more stable episode of the Prefect's story. This is the penultimate chapter of Act I, so expect the next chapter to deliver an explosive conclusion to the first third of this book.
As always, please point out any errors, typos, odd spacing, bits that don’t work, bits you especially liked, that sort of thing. Thank you!
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galacii-gallery · 5 months
Can we have a Shattered reference sheet?
Soon... But for now have a in progress one.
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Still pretty much going to be his current reference! But with slight additions 👀
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kudzucataclysm · 2 months
poorly explained SE lore video drop 😼
and when i say “poorly explained” i mean it 😭 it’s just a very (BAD) quick summary of sorts
becuz he asked to be tagged: @vacantgodling
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hippolotamus · 5 months
Inspiration Saturday 🪩
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Tagged by the delightful @thekristen999 @daffi-990 @lemonzestywrites @bidisasterevankinard @wikiangela
@theotherbuckley for Fuck it Friday. Thank you darlin’s (tagging you back for today) mwah! 💖
Made a lil moodboard for today's snippet. I'm not in love with all the words but that's what editing is for. So, here's Buck visiting Eddie's workplace for the first time. Surprise (because I don't think I've mentioned this before???) Eddie's not a firefighter in this either. He's a mechanic who works with a bunch of homophobic jerks. But also with Hen! Buck knows Eddie isn't out to most people so this is an... enlightening moment for him. Some of it's under the cut to save your dash. masterlist of posts here and no I'm not writing this remotely in order
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“Oh, thank fuck,” he mumbles to himself when he pulls the door open and is greeted with a cool blast of air conditioning. 
Looking around the interior, he thinks it could pass for a museum. A snapshot in time, forever preserved exactly as it was. Gold framed articles about the 1973 grand re-opening hang on the wood-paneled walls alongside prints of hot rods and muscle cars. There are vintage metal signs mixed in for Shell, Texaco, Gulf, and some other brands he’s never heard of. 
“Do you have an appointment?” A gravelly voice asks from behind him.
Buck jerks around to the desk where a middle aged woman with auburn hair and green gray eyes glares at him with a mix of boredom and curiosity. Or maybe suspicion? He can't quite tell.
Her bronzed skin is littered with freckles and screams that she’s spent too much time outside with no sunscreen or other protection. A name plate, half hidden under papers and key rings, identifies her as Estelle. He’s heard a few stories about her from Eddie, but he’s not sure any of them did her intimidating demeanor justice.
“Uh, no?” He answers, not sure why it comes out as a question other than he’s not entirely convinced the five foot something couldn’t somehow manage to hurt him. 
It must take every ounce of strength to conceal the whole body sigh she wants to make as she looks down, licks her fingertip and begins flipping through a giant paper scheduling book. “If you don’t have an appointment I can maybe get you in next Thursday. Depending on what you need.”
“Actually, uh, I don’t need anything.” Estelle glances up, mouth slightly parted and eyes narrowed as if she’s about to ask what he’s doing standing in her lobby. He quickly adds, “Well, what I mean is, my car doesn’t need anything. I’m here to see Eddie? Uh, Eddie Diaz.”
She nods with something like understanding. At least he hopes that’s what it is as she picks up the phone receiver and punches in a few numbers.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Hey, is Diaz around? Someone here asking about him.” 
“No, it’s not the cops! What’s the matter with you? I don’t know. Just some guy here looking for Eddie.”
Estelle huffs an exasperated sigh and looks toward the ceiling like it’ll give her strength. “Jay, I don’t have time for twenty questions and, quite frankly, I don’t care.”
“About time you quit screwin’ around. Send him out.” She hangs up the receiver and mutters something about not caring that he’s a relative. 
“He’ll be a few minutes. Take a seat.” She gestures to a line of metal chairs with sticky looking vinyl cushions without so much as glancing in Buck’s direction. 
He momentarily gets excited when he spots a gumball machine in the corner until he realizes it would require actual coins that he definitely doesn’t have. And he’s not about to ask Estelle if she’s got change for a twenty just so he can satisfy his sweet tooth. 
“Buck?” Eddie appears from a side door, wiping his hands on a rag. His hair is sweaty and mussed, likely from pushing it out of his face. His gorgeous, kissable face that Buck very much wants to kiss even more right now despite the streaks and smudges of god knows what decorating it. The corner of Eddie’s mouth twitches like he knows what Buck is thinking, but he clears his throat and schools it just as quickly when Estelle grunts, reminding them they’re at his workplace. 
“Uh, Buck. Hi. What can I do for you?” Eddie tilts his chin in the direction of the parking lot. “Everything okay with the jeep?”  
“Hi,” Buck answers, a little too breathy for their current situation. He can’t seem to help himself. Eddie’s always cleaned up when they meet, whether it’s at the club, a date out somewhere or an evening in. He’s never seen him marked up from his job, in his grimy army green coveralls. 
“Uh, yeah. Jeep’s fine. Just, you know, was nearby and thought I’d stop in.” Buck tracks the movement as Eddie’s tongue darts out, wetting his lips, before sneaking him a flirty, amused smirk. 
“Glad you did.” Eddie chances a look at Estelle who still has her head down, shuffling some papers that probably don’t need it. He takes a step closer and lowers his voice. “I haven’t taken my lunch yet. Give me five and we can get out of here?”
Buck nods, not knowing how to respond without giving anything away. 
Eddie puts more distance between them again, sticking his hand out. Buck takes it, thrown by the familiarity of his boyfriend mixed with the very conventional, socially acceptable handshake. “Great to see you again, Buck. Check that place on Viscount Boulevard. I think you’ll find what you’re looking for.”
“Uh, yeah. Thanks,” Buck answers, reluctantly letting their palms slide apart. But he gets it. Eddie’s coworkers are all a bunch of ignorant, homophobic assholes. Well, except for Hen apparently. Regardless, Eddie can’t be risking his job and livelihood when he has Chris to think about. “I’ll go check it out. You said it’s about... ten minutes from here?”
“About that, yeah. Maybe fifteen.”
A warm, fluttering feeling washes over him as Eddie winks and smiles, seeming pleased that Buck caught on to his little game. He has to force himself to turn around and leave instead of watching his boyfriend walk away. 
“Have a nice day,” Estelle says as he opens the door, setting off a chime. It’s enough to snap him out of his haze, offering a weak ‘you too’ as he hurries back to his jeep.
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @loveyouanyway @a-noble-dragon @tizniz
@mountedeverest @fortheloveofbuddie @weewootruck @saybiwithme @shipperqueen6
@ramonaflow @taketheplanspinitsideways @spotsandsocks @dangerpronebuddie @stereopticons
@kitteneddiediaz @mrs-f-darcy @drowsy-quill @your-catfish-friend @filet-o-feelings
@underwaterninja13 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @queenmabcreates
@inell @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @shortsighted-owl @queerbuckleys
@bi-buckrights @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck
@indestructibleheart @ladydorian05 @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @welcometololaland @wildlife4life and anyone else who wants to 😘
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